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  • Raymond Toy's avatar
    Remove scavenging of read-only space. · 6af2ad8b
    Raymond Toy authored
    `*SCAVENGE-READ-ONLY-SPACE*` is always set to `NIL`, and it's highly
    unlikely any one ever sets it. I (rtoy) haven't done that in decades
    at least.
    So, remove this static symbol, and remove the C code that tests for
    this to determine if the read-only space should be scavenged.
    This requires a very simple cross-compile to remove the symbol.  See
    boot-2020-04-1.lisp for very simple instructions.  We currently on do
    this for x86 since we can't test on sparc right now.
    Update CI to do a cross-compile.
    Addresses #89
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