diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index fe4b80c05da02fcf4ce3b1690dd5df48cc8a3a47..4c9a66bcddbcfd09a94bc7d5f05105253f8daa22 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 * Resolve performance degradation issue reported by stassats and fe[nl]ix
 ** Is it the warnings feature taking too much resources?
 ** Is output-files and/or input-files being called too much? Cache it!
-* fix upgrade on (abcl, clisp, cmucl)
+* fix upgrade on clisp
 ** Extract minimal test case
 * Bug found by fe[nl]ix: infinite loop if the definitions in an asd file
   are not in strict defsystem-depends-on dependency order. Document the issue.
diff --git a/asdf-driver.asd b/asdf-driver.asd
index 6a393912dd7bf7f9464e107368cab715b5e12b47..c718618ed9024f1144e0a71dd532b220c0ce423e 100644
--- a/asdf-driver.asd
+++ b/asdf-driver.asd
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ that you can't portably construct a complete program without using them."
    (:file "common-lisp" :depends-on ("package"))
    (:file "utility" :depends-on ("common-lisp"))
    (:file "os" :depends-on ("utility"))
-   (:file "pathname" :depends-on ("utility"))
+   (:file "pathname" :depends-on ("utility" "os"))
    (:file "filesystem" :depends-on ("os" "pathname"))
    (:file "stream" :depends-on ("filesystem"))
    (:file "image" :depends-on ("stream"))
diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index d6b610d78b615ebf593c445c63a87cc47cdc63ef..c34cbda8487413a13b2a32a6df71465ce501a6e4 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "Another System Definition Facility"
   :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems."
-  :version "2.26.163" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version
+  :version "2.26.164" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version
   :depends-on ()
   #+asdf3 :encoding #+asdf3 :utf-8
   ;; For most purposes, asdf itself specially counts as a builtin system.
diff --git a/component.lisp b/component.lisp
index 81b1755d15819a261fc914814fd178ac66914556..929b46d9ec79b3b5eea47a71d4635c8b9bb8543e 100644
--- a/component.lisp
+++ b/component.lisp
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ another pathname in a degenerate way."))
       (compute-children-by-name m))))
 (defclass module (child-component parent-component)
-  ())
+  (#+clisp (components))) ;; backward compatibility during upgrade only
 ;;;; component pathnames
diff --git a/filesystem.lisp b/filesystem.lisp
index fd8cf7de3ba08048ec1729e1d70abcc14a837a1b..cfe91494c7f7a56d3990242da7cd2d7431d61f9b 100644
--- a/filesystem.lisp
+++ b/filesystem.lisp
@@ -19,7 +19,11 @@
    #:inter-directory-separator #:split-native-pathnames-string
    #:getenv-pathname #:getenv-pathnames
    #:getenv-absolute-directory #:getenv-absolute-directories
-   #:lisp-implementation-directory #:lisp-implementation-pathname-p))
+   #:lisp-implementation-directory #:lisp-implementation-pathname-p
+   ;; Simple filesystem operations
+   #:ensure-all-directories-exist
+   #:rename-file-overwriting-target
+   #:delete-file-if-exists))
 (in-package :asdf/filesystem)
 ;;; Native namestrings, as seen by the operating system calls rather than Lisp
@@ -446,3 +450,19 @@ TRUENAMIZE uses TRUENAMIZE to resolve as many symlinks as possible."
+;;; Simple filesystem operations
+(defun* ensure-all-directories-exist (pathnames)
+   (dolist (pathname pathnames)
+     (ensure-directories-exist (translate-logical-pathname pathname))))
+(defun* rename-file-overwriting-target (source target)
+  #+clisp ;; But for a bug in CLISP 2.48, we should use :if-exists :overwrite and be atomic
+  (posix:copy-file source target :method :rename)
+  #-clisp
+  (rename-file source target
+               #+clozure :if-exists #+clozure :rename-and-delete))
+(defun* delete-file-if-exists (x)
+  (handler-case (delete-file x) (file-error () nil)))
diff --git a/header.lisp b/header.lisp
index e7fd30f6fb0b20a7c7389519b8c91cbd4fe80e7f..ad8c49bcab9f38b111dab6cd23a13e25fa2b977d 100644
--- a/header.lisp
+++ b/header.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.26.163: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.26.164: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   (declaim (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 3)))
   (setf ext:*gc-verbose* nil))
-#+(or abcl clisp) ;; cmu
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
   (unless (member :asdf3 *features*)
     (let* ((existing-version
diff --git a/image.lisp b/image.lisp
index 3c09319d52e2dd82edc3aee84392e81c44c3e86c..9a6765dd4b5e856e1456453be797f1573b35f322 100644
--- a/image.lisp
+++ b/image.lisp
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ This is designed to abstract away the implementation specific quit forms."
 (defun* raw-print-backtrace (&key (stream *debug-io*) count)
   "Print a backtrace, directly accessing the implementation"
   (declare (ignorable stream count))
+  #+abcl
+  (let ((*debug-io* stream)) (top-level::backtrace-command count))
   (let ((*terminal-io* stream)
         (*standard-output* stream)
diff --git a/lisp-action.lisp b/lisp-action.lisp
index 899da73752f20fa7b05310de9c4ac5f3efb0eae9..80f8b18de9c712eaa3cf85d2addc90adbe766c42 100644
--- a/lisp-action.lisp
+++ b/lisp-action.lisp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
    #:basic-load-op #:basic-compile-op #:compile-op-flags #:compile-op-proclamations
    #:load-op #:prepare-op #:compile-op #:test-op #:load-source-op #:prepare-source-op
-   #:perform-lisp-compilation #:perform-lisp-load-fasl #:perform-lisp-load-source))
+   #:perform-lisp-compilation #:perform-lisp-load-fasl #:perform-lisp-load-source #:flags))
 (in-package :asdf/lisp-action)
diff --git a/lisp-build.lisp b/lisp-build.lisp
index 698841266fccc331a2bdf2e87e971db6ca2ae716..6f77e2712e14be0e3ee92c362ce3bddc1785d936 100644
--- a/lisp-build.lisp
+++ b/lisp-build.lisp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/lisp-build
   (:recycle :asdf/interface :asdf :asdf/lisp-build)
   (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility
-        :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os :asdf/image)
+   :asdf/os :asdf/pathname :asdf/filesystem :asdf/stream :asdf/image)
    ;; Variables
    #:*compile-file-warnings-behaviour* #:*compile-file-failure-behaviour*
diff --git a/pathname.lisp b/pathname.lisp
index 7037d4a415e58a9d10b6246682d2da455de1a000..2164caf0402dd644c80948b349e4dfa867f3dbf6 100644
--- a/pathname.lisp
+++ b/pathname.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/pathname
   (:recycle :asdf/pathname :asdf)
-  (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility)
+  (:use :asdf/common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/os)
    ;; Making and merging pathnames, portably
    #:normalize-pathname-directory-component #:denormalize-pathname-directory-component
diff --git a/stream.lisp b/stream.lisp
index 082667ec0339e7c8e9f5794d90afd12995129b1b..b6fe78b998c0f6a832024df9160f32a4a2e9cf1f 100644
--- a/stream.lisp
+++ b/stream.lisp
@@ -19,9 +19,7 @@
    #:detect-encoding #:*encoding-detection-hook* #:always-default-encoding
    #:encoding-external-format #:*encoding-external-format-hook* #:default-encoding-external-format
    #:*default-encoding* #:*utf-8-external-format*
-   #:ensure-all-directories-exist
-   #:rename-file-overwriting-target
-   #:delete-file-if-exists
+   ;; Temporary files
    #:*temporary-directory* #:temporary-directory #:default-temporary-directory
    #:call-with-temporary-file #:with-temporary-file
@@ -339,7 +337,7 @@ hopefully, if done consistently, that won't affect program behavior too much.")
   "Hook for an extension to define a function to automatically detect a file's encoding")
 (defun* detect-encoding (pathname)
-  (if (and pathname (not (directory-pathname-p pathname)) (probe-file pathname))
+  (if (and pathname (not (directory-pathname-p pathname)) (probe-file* pathname))
       (funcall *encoding-detection-hook* pathname)
@@ -360,22 +358,6 @@ and implementation-defined external-format's")
   (funcall *encoding-external-format-hook* encoding))
-;;; Simple filesystem operations
-(defun* ensure-all-directories-exist (pathnames)
-   (dolist (pathname pathnames)
-     (ensure-directories-exist (translate-logical-pathname pathname))))
-(defun* rename-file-overwriting-target (source target)
-  #+clisp ;; But for a bug in CLISP 2.48, we should use :if-exists :overwrite and be atomic
-  (posix:copy-file source target :method :rename)
-  #-clisp
-  (rename-file source target
-               #+clozure :if-exists #+clozure :rename-and-delete))
-(defun* delete-file-if-exists (x)
-  (handler-case (delete-file x) (file-error () nil)))
 ;;; Using temporary files
 (defun* default-temporary-directory ()
@@ -409,7 +391,7 @@ and implementation-defined external-format's")
     :for pathname = (pathname (format nil "~A~36R" prefix counter)) :do
      ;; TODO: on Unix, do something about umask
      ;; TODO: on Unix, audit the code so we make sure it uses O_CREAT|O_EXCL
-     ;; TODO: on Unix, use CFFI and mkstemp -- but the master is precisely meant to not depend on CFFI or on anything! Grrrr.
+     ;; TODO: on Unix, use CFFI and mkstemp -- but asdf/driver is precisely meant to not depend on CFFI or on anything! Grrrr.
     (with-open-file (stream pathname
                             :direction direction
                             :element-type element-type
diff --git a/test/run-tests.sh b/test/run-tests.sh
index 6aea13f2dded2b6b0378fb854f62124f93fd0b6c..79650bd4fdadb801ebd3eac2ce945ffec1d8e582 100755
--- a/test/run-tests.sh
+++ b/test/run-tests.sh
@@ -282,8 +282,8 @@ extract_tagged_asdf () {
 valid_upgrade_test_p () {
     case "${1}:${2}:${3}" in
-        abcl:2.0[01][1-9]:*|abcl:2.2[1-2]:*)
-            : Skip, because it is so damn slow ;;
+        abcl:1.*|abcl:2.00[0-9]:*|abcl:201[0-7]:*)
+            : "Skip, because it is so slow." ;;
             : Skip, because ccl broke old asdf ;;
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index eb432522876d0a0ff7e95f363867c578120b81d4..fd8fcf7bcd1b3105845ea34bebaed7db33a1237f 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -430,9 +430,9 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
             (cons (format nil "~{~D~^.~}" ver))
             (null "1.0"))))))
 (defun test-upgrade (old-method new-method tag) ;; called by run-test
   (with-test ()
+    (verbose t nil)
     (when old-method
         ((string-equal tag "REQUIRE")
@@ -444,6 +444,8 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
          (format t "Loading old asdf ~A via ~A~%" tag old-method)
          (funcall old-method tag))))
+    (setf (asymval :*asdf-verbose*) t)
+    (setf (asymval :*verbose-out*) *standard-output*)
     (format t "Now loading new asdf via method ~A~%" new-method)
     (funcall new-method)
     (format t "Testing it~%")
diff --git a/upgrade.lisp b/upgrade.lisp
index c6718aca6533837ad248b48a82d1bceba77b6229..e2d6a5b917ef361641007654ac8ae9292134684b 100644
--- a/upgrade.lisp
+++ b/upgrade.lisp
@@ -54,15 +54,22 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.: (ASDF:VERSION-SATISFIES (ASDF:ASDF-VERSIO
          ;; "" would be a development version in the official upstream of 3.4.5.
          ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of official release 3.4.5
          ;; "" would be your eighth local modification of development version
-         (asdf-version "2.26.163")
+         (asdf-version "2.26.164")
          (existing-version (asdf-version)))
+    (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)
     (when (and existing-version (not (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
       (push existing-version *previous-asdf-versions*)
       (when *asdf-verbose*
         (format *trace-output*
                 (compatfmt "~&~@<; ~@;Upgrading ASDF ~@[from version ~A ~]to version ~A~@:>~%")
-                existing-version asdf-version)))
-    (setf *asdf-version* asdf-version)))
+                existing-version asdf-version))
+      ;; Punt when upgrading from too old a version of ASDF
+      #+(or abcl clisp cmu)
+      (when (version< existing-version #+abcl "2.25" #+cmu "2.018" #+clisp "2.27")
+        (let ((away (format nil "~A-~A" :asdf existing-version)))
+          (rename-package :asdf away)
+          (when (or *load-verbose* *asdf-verbose*)
+            (format *trace-output* "; Renamed package ~A away to ~A~%" :asdf away)))))))
 (when-upgrading ()
   (let ((redefined-functions ;; gf signature and/or semantics changed incompatibly. Oops.
@@ -87,12 +94,12 @@ You can compare this string with e.g.: (ASDF:VERSION-SATISFIES (ASDF:ASDF-VERSIO
              #:resolve-relative-location-component #:resolve-absolute-location-component
              #:output-files-for-system-and-operation))) ; obsolete ASDF-BINARY-LOCATION function
     (declare (ignorable redefined-functions uninterned-symbols))
-    (loop :for name :in (append #-(or clisp ecl) redefined-functions)
+    (loop :for name :in (append #-(or ecl) redefined-functions)
           :for sym = (find-symbol* name :asdf nil) :do
             (when sym
               (fmakunbound sym)))
     (loop :with asdf = (find-package :asdf)
-          :for name :in (append #+(or clisp ecl) redefined-functions uninterned-symbols) ;XXX
+          :for name :in (append #+(or ecl) redefined-functions uninterned-symbols) ;XXX
           :for sym = (find-symbol* name :asdf nil)
           :for base-pkg = (and sym (symbol-package sym)) :do
             (when sym
diff --git a/utility.lisp b/utility.lisp
index 370ece0f51381cb3d602d0e136d9c0627af6dd4c..ce3fc62f5ee9fd10b62402d48fa36113d66fff31 100644
--- a/utility.lisp
+++ b/utility.lisp
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
    #:match-condition-p #:match-any-condition-p ;; conditions
    #:call-with-muffled-conditions #:with-muffled-conditions
    #:load-string #:load-stream
-   #:parse-version #:unparse-version #:version-compatible-p)) ;; version
+   #:lexicographic< #:lexicographic<=
+   #:parse-version #:unparse-version #:version< #:version<= #:version-compatible-p)) ;; version
 (in-package :asdf/utility)
 ;;;; Defining functions in a way compatible with hot-upgrade:
@@ -314,6 +315,7 @@ instead of a list."
 ;;; Version handling
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
 (defun* unparse-version (version-list)
   (format nil "~{~D~^.~}" version-list))
@@ -344,6 +346,23 @@ in that it doesn't print back to itself, but the list is returned anyway."
        (call-function on-error "~S: ~S contains leading zeros" 'parse-version version-string))
+(defun* lexicographic< (< x y)
+  (cond ((null y) nil)
+        ((null x) t)
+        ((funcall < (car x) (car y)) t)
+        ((funcall < (car y) (car x)) nil)
+        (t (lexicographic< < (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
+(defun* lexicographic<= (< x y)
+  (not (lexicographic< < y x)))
+(defun* version< (version1 version2)
+  (let ((v1 (parse-version version1 nil))
+        (v2 (parse-version version2 nil)))
+    (lexicographic< '< v1 v2)))
+(defun* version<= (version1 version2)
+  (not (version< version2 version1)))
 (defun* version-compatible-p (provided-version required-version)
   "Is the provided version a compatible substitution for the required-version?
@@ -352,14 +371,8 @@ If they are equal, then any later version is compatible,
 with later being determined by a lexicographical comparison of minor numbers."
   (let ((x (parse-version provided-version nil))
         (y (parse-version required-version nil)))
-    (labels ((bigger (x y)
-               (cond ((not y) t)
-                     ((not x) nil)
-                     ((> (car x) (car y)) t)
-                     ((= (car x) (car y))
-                      (bigger (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
-      (and x y (= (car x) (car y))
-           (or (not (cdr y)) (bigger (cdr x) (cdr y)))))))
+    (and x y (= (car x) (car y)) (lexicographic<= '< (cdr y) (cdr x)))))
+); eval-when for version support
 ;;; Condition control
diff --git a/version.lisp-expr b/version.lisp-expr
index 18c633691214f85c6f474fce8936944b1eda1179..c4c256ece4119c076036fed7bd2553e8ed7772b4 100644
--- a/version.lisp-expr
+++ b/version.lisp-expr
@@ -1 +1 @@