;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Generic support for configuration files (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/configuration (:recycle :asdf/configuration :asdf) (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os :asdf/image) (:export #:get-folder-path #:user-configuration-directories #:system-configuration-directories #:in-first-directory #:in-user-configuration-directory #:in-system-configuration-directory #:validate-configuration-form #:validate-configuration-file #:validate-configuration-directory #:configuration-inheritance-directive-p #:report-invalid-form #:invalid-configuration #:*ignored-configuration-form* #:*clear-configuration-hook* #:clear-configuration #:register-clear-configuration-hook #:resolve-location #:location-designator-p #:location-function-p #:*here-directory* #:resolve-relative-location-component #:resolve-absolute-location-component)) (in-package :asdf/configuration) (define-condition invalid-configuration () ((form :reader condition-form :initarg :form) (location :reader condition-location :initarg :location) (format :reader condition-format :initarg :format) (arguments :reader condition-arguments :initarg :arguments :initform nil)) (:report (lambda (c s) (format s (compatfmt "~@<~? (will be skipped)~@:>") (condition-format c) (list* (condition-form c) (condition-location c) (condition-arguments c)))))) (defun* get-folder-path (folder) (or ;; this semi-portably implements a subset of the functionality of lispworks' sys:get-folder-path #+(and lispworks mswindows) (sys:get-folder-path folder) ;; read-windows-registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\AppData (ecase folder (:local-appdata (getenv-absolute-directory "LOCALAPPDATA")) (:appdata (getenv-absolute-directory "APPDATA")) (:common-appdata (or (getenv-absolute-directory "ALLUSERSAPPDATA") (subpathname* (getenv-absolute-directory "ALLUSERSPROFILE") "Application Data/")))))) (defun* user-configuration-directories () (let ((dirs `(,@(when (os-unix-p) (cons (subpathname* (getenv-absolute-directory "XDG_CONFIG_HOME") "common-lisp/") (loop :for dir :in (getenv-absolute-directories "XDG_CONFIG_DIRS") :collect (subpathname* dir "common-lisp/")))) ,@(when (os-windows-p) `(,(subpathname* (get-folder-path :local-appdata) "common-lisp/config/") ,(subpathname* (get-folder-path :appdata) "common-lisp/config/"))) ,(subpathname (user-homedir) ".config/common-lisp/")))) (remove-duplicates (remove-if-not #'absolute-pathname-p dirs) :from-end t :test 'equal))) (defun* system-configuration-directories () (cond ((os-unix-p) '(#p"/etc/common-lisp/")) ((os-windows-p) (if-let (it (subpathname* (get-folder-path :common-appdata) "common-lisp/config/")) (list it))))) (defun* in-first-directory (dirs x &key (direction :input)) (loop :with fun = (ecase direction ((nil :input :probe) 'probe-file*) ((:output :io) 'identity)) :for dir :in dirs :thereis (and dir (funcall fun (merge-pathnames* x (ensure-directory-pathname dir)))))) (defun* in-user-configuration-directory (x &key (direction :input)) (in-first-directory (user-configuration-directories) x :direction direction)) (defun* in-system-configuration-directory (x &key (direction :input)) (in-first-directory (system-configuration-directories) x :direction direction)) (defun* configuration-inheritance-directive-p (x) (let ((kw '(:inherit-configuration :ignore-inherited-configuration))) (or (member x kw) (and (length=n-p x 1) (member (car x) kw))))) (defun* report-invalid-form (reporter &rest args) (etypecase reporter (null (apply 'error 'invalid-configuration args)) (function (apply reporter args)) ((or symbol string) (apply 'error reporter args)) (cons (apply 'apply (append reporter args))))) (defvar *ignored-configuration-form* nil) (defun* validate-configuration-form (form tag directive-validator &key location invalid-form-reporter) (unless (and (consp form) (eq (car form) tag)) (setf *ignored-configuration-form* t) (report-invalid-form invalid-form-reporter :form form :location location) (return-from validate-configuration-form nil)) (loop :with inherit = 0 :with ignore-invalid-p = nil :with x = (list tag) :for directive :in (cdr form) :when (cond ((configuration-inheritance-directive-p directive) (incf inherit) t) ((eq directive :ignore-invalid-entries) (setf ignore-invalid-p t) t) ((funcall directive-validator directive) t) (ignore-invalid-p nil) (t (setf *ignored-configuration-form* t) (report-invalid-form invalid-form-reporter :form directive :location location) nil)) :do (push directive x) :finally (unless (= inherit 1) (report-invalid-form invalid-form-reporter :arguments (list (compatfmt "~@<One and only one of ~S or ~S is required.~@:>") :inherit-configuration :ignore-inherited-configuration))) (return (nreverse x)))) (defun* validate-configuration-file (file validator &key description) (let ((forms (read-file-forms file))) (unless (length=n-p forms 1) (error (compatfmt "~@<One and only one form allowed for ~A. Got: ~3i~_~S~@:>~%") description forms)) (funcall validator (car forms) :location file))) (defun* validate-configuration-directory (directory tag validator &key invalid-form-reporter) "Map the VALIDATOR across the .conf files in DIRECTORY, the TAG will be applied to the results to yield a configuration form. Current values of TAG include :source-registry and :output-translations." (let ((files (sort (ignore-errors (remove-if 'hidden-pathname-p (directory* (make-pathname :name *wild* :type "conf" :defaults directory)))) #'string< :key #'namestring))) `(,tag ,@(loop :for file :in files :append (loop :with ignore-invalid-p = nil :for form :in (read-file-forms file) :when (eq form :ignore-invalid-entries) :do (setf ignore-invalid-p t) :else :when (funcall validator form) :collect form :else :when ignore-invalid-p :do (setf *ignored-configuration-form* t) :else :do (report-invalid-form invalid-form-reporter :form form :location file))) :inherit-configuration))) (defun* resolve-relative-location-component (x &key ensure-directory wilden) (ensure-pathname (etypecase x (pathname x) (string (parse-unix-namestring x :ensure-directory ensure-directory)) (cons (if (null (cdr x)) (resolve-relative-location-component (car x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden) (let* ((car (resolve-relative-location-component (car x) :ensure-directory t :wilden nil))) (merge-pathnames* (resolve-relative-location-component (cdr x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden) car)))) ((eql :*/) *wild-directory*) ((eql :**/) *wild-inferiors*) ((eql :*.*.*) *wild-file*) ((eql :implementation) (parse-unix-namestring (implementation-identifier) :ensure-directory t)) ((eql :implementation-type) (parse-unix-namestring (string-downcase (implementation-type)) :ensure-directory t)) ((eql :hostname) (parse-unix-namestring (hostname) :ensure-directory t))) :wilden (and wilden (not (pathnamep x)) (not (member x '(:*/ :**/ :*.*.*)))) :want-relative t)) (defvar *here-directory* nil "This special variable is bound to the currect directory during calls to PROCESS-SOURCE-REGISTRY in order that we be able to interpret the :here directive.") (defvar *user-cache* nil "A specification as per RESOLVE-LOCATION of where the user keeps his FASL cache") (defun compute-user-cache () (setf *user-cache* (flet ((try (x &rest sub) (and x `(,x ,@sub)))) (or (try (getenv-absolute-directory "XDG_CACHE_HOME") "common-lisp" :implementation) (when (os-windows-p) (try (or (get-folder-path :local-appdata) (get-folder-path :appdata)) "common-lisp" "cache" :implementation)) '(:home ".cache" "common-lisp" :implementation))))) (register-image-restore-hook 'compute-user-cache) (defun* resolve-absolute-location-component (x &key ensure-directory wilden) (ensure-pathname (etypecase x (pathname x) (string (let ((p #-mcl (parse-namestring x) #+mcl (probe-posix x))) #+mcl (unless p (error "POSIX pathname ~S does not exist" x)) (if ensure-directory (ensure-directory-pathname p) p))) (cons (return-from resolve-absolute-location-component (if (null (cdr x)) (resolve-absolute-location-component (car x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden) (merge-pathnames* (resolve-relative-location-component (cdr x) :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden) (resolve-absolute-location-component (car x) :ensure-directory t :wilden nil))))) ((eql :root) ;; special magic! we return a relative pathname, ;; but what it means to the output-translations is ;; "relative to the root of the source pathname's host and device". (return-from resolve-absolute-location-component (let ((p (make-pathname* :directory '(:relative)))) (if wilden (wilden p) p)))) ((eql :home) (user-homedir)) ((eql :here) (resolve-absolute-location-component *here-directory* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil)) ((eql :user-cache) (resolve-absolute-location-component *user-cache* :ensure-directory t :wilden nil))) :wilden (and wilden (not (pathnamep x))) :want-absolute t)) (defun* resolve-location (x &key ensure-directory wilden directory) (when directory (setf ensure-directory t)) ;; :directory backward compatibility, until 2014-01-16. (if (atom x) (resolve-absolute-location-component x :ensure-directory ensure-directory :wilden wilden) (loop :with path = (resolve-absolute-location-component (car x) :ensure-directory (and (or ensure-directory (cdr x)) t) :wilden (and wilden (null (cdr x)))) :for (component . morep) :on (cdr x) :for dir = (and (or morep ensure-directory) t) :for wild = (and wilden (not morep)) :do (setf path (merge-pathnames* (resolve-relative-location-component component :ensure-directory dir :wilden wild) path)) :finally (return path)))) (defun* location-designator-p (x) (flet ((absolute-component-p (c) (typep c '(or string pathname (member :root :home :here :user-cache)))) (relative-component-p (c) (typep c '(or string pathname (member :*/ :**/ :*.*.* :implementation :implementation-type))))) (or (typep x 'boolean) (absolute-component-p x) (and (consp x) (absolute-component-p (first x)) (every #'relative-component-p (rest x)))))) (defun* location-function-p (x) (and (length=n-p x 2) (eq (car x) :function) (or (symbolp (cadr x)) (and (consp (cadr x)) (eq (caadr x) 'lambda) (length=n-p (cadadr x) 2))))) (defvar *clear-configuration-hook* '()) (defun* register-clear-configuration-hook (hook-function &optional call-now-p) (register-hook-function '*clear-configuration-hook* hook-function call-now-p)) (defun* clear-configuration () (call-functions *clear-configuration-hook*)) (register-image-dump-hook 'clear-configuration)