;;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;;;; Utilities related to streams (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/stream (:recycle :asdf/stream) (:use :cl :asdf/package :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname) #+gcl<2.7 (:shadowing-import-from :asdf/compatibility #:with-standard-io-syntax) (:export #:*default-stream-element-type* #:*stderr* #:setup-stderr #:with-safe-io-syntax #:call-with-safe-io-syntax #:with-output #:output-string #:with-input #:with-input-file #:call-with-input-file #:finish-outputs #:format! #:safe-format! #:copy-stream-to-stream #:concatenate-files #:copy-stream-to-stream-line-by-line #:slurp-stream-string #:slurp-stream-lines #:slurp-stream-forms #:slurp-stream-form #:read-file-string #:read-file-lines #:read-file-forms #:read-file-form #:safe-read-file-form #:eval-input #:eval-thunk #:standard-eval-thunk #:detect-encoding #:*encoding-detection-hook* #:always-default-encoding #:encoding-external-format #:*encoding-external-format-hook* #:default-encoding-external-format #:*default-encoding* #:*utf-8-external-format*)) (in-package :asdf/stream) (defvar *default-stream-element-type* (or #+(or abcl cmu cormanlisp scl xcl) 'character :default) "default element-type for open (depends on the current CL implementation)") (defvar *stderr* *error-output* "the original error output stream at startup") (defun setup-stderr () (setf *stderr* #+allegro excl::*stderr* #+clozure ccl::*stderr* #-(or allegro clozure) *error-output*)) (setup-stderr) ;;; Safe syntax (defvar *standard-readtable* (copy-readtable nil)) (defmacro with-safe-io-syntax ((&key (package :cl)) &body body) "Establish safe CL reader options around the evaluation of BODY" `(call-with-safe-io-syntax #'(lambda () (let ((*package* (find-package ,package))) ,@body)))) (defun* call-with-safe-io-syntax (thunk &key (package :cl)) (with-standard-io-syntax () (let ((*package* (find-package package)) (*readtable* *standard-readtable*) (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float) (*print-readably* nil) (*read-eval* nil)) (funcall thunk)))) ;;; Output to a stream or string, FORMAT-style (defun* call-with-output (output function) "Calls FUNCTION with an actual stream argument, behaving like FORMAT with respect to how stream designators are interpreted: If OUTPUT is a stream, use it as the stream. If OUTPUT is NIL, use a STRING-OUTPUT-STREAM as the stream, and return the resulting string. If OUTPUT is T, use *STANDARD-OUTPUT* as the stream. If OUTPUT is a string with a fill-pointer, use it as a string-output-stream. Otherwise, signal an error." (etypecase output (null (with-output-to-string (stream) (funcall function stream))) ((eql t) (funcall function *standard-output*)) (stream (funcall function output)) (string (assert (fill-pointer output)) (with-output-to-string (stream output) (funcall function stream))))) (defmacro with-output ((output-var &optional (value output-var)) &body body) "Bind OUTPUT-VAR to an output stream, coercing VALUE (default: previous binding of OUTPUT-VAR) as per FORMAT, and evaluate BODY within the scope of this binding." `(call-with-output ,value #'(lambda (,output-var) ,@body))) (defun* output-string (string &optional output) "If the desired OUTPUT is not NIL, print the string to the output; otherwise return the string" (if output (with-output (output) (princ string output)) string)) ;;; Input helpers (defun* call-with-input (input function) "Calls FUNCTION with an actual stream argument, interpreting stream designators like READ, but also coercing strings to STRING-INPUT-STREAM. If INPUT is a STREAM, use it as the stream. If INPUT is NIL, use a *STANDARD-INPUT* as the stream. If INPUT is T, use *TERMINAL-IO* as the stream. As an extension, if INPUT is a string, use it as a string-input-stream. Otherwise, signal an error." (etypecase input (null (funcall function *standard-input*)) ((eql t) (funcall function *terminal-io*)) (stream (funcall function input)) (string (with-input-from-string (stream input) (funcall function stream))))) (defmacro with-input ((input-var &optional (value input-var)) &body body) "Bind INPUT-VAR to an input stream, coercing VALUE (default: previous binding of INPUT-VAR) as per CALL-WITH-INPUT, and evaluate BODY within the scope of this binding." `(call-with-input ,value #'(lambda (,input-var) ,@body))) (defun* call-with-input-file (pathname thunk &key (element-type *default-stream-element-type*) (external-format :default) (if-does-not-exist :error)) "Open FILE for input with given recognizes options, call THUNK with the resulting stream. Other keys are accepted but discarded." #+gcl<2.7 (declare (ignore external-format)) (with-open-file (s pathname :direction :input :element-type element-type #-gcl<2.7 :external-format #-gcl<2.7 external-format :if-does-not-exist if-does-not-exist) (funcall thunk s))) (defmacro with-input-file ((var pathname &rest keys &key element-type external-format) &body body) (declare (ignore element-type external-format)) `(call-with-input-file ,pathname #'(lambda (,var) ,@body) ,@keys)) ;;; Ensure output buffers are flushed (defun* finish-outputs (&rest streams) "Finish output on the main output streams as well as any specified one. Useful for portably flushing I/O before user input or program exit." ;; CCL notably buffers its stream output by default. (dolist (s (append streams (list *stderr* *error-output* *standard-output* *trace-output* *debug-io* *terminal-io* *debug-io* *query-io*))) (ignore-errors (finish-output s))) (values)) (defun* format! (stream format &rest args) "Just like format, but call finish-outputs before and after the output." (finish-outputs stream) (apply 'format stream format args) (finish-output stream)) (defun* safe-format! (stream format &rest args) (with-safe-io-syntax () (ignore-errors (apply 'format! stream format args)) (finish-outputs stream))) ; just in case format failed ;;; Simple Whole-Stream processing (defun* copy-stream-to-stream (input output &key (element-type 'character) (buffer-size 8192)) "Copy the contents of the INPUT stream into the OUTPUT stream, using WRITE-SEQUENCE and a sensibly sized buffer." (with-open-stream (input input) (loop :for buffer = (make-array (list buffer-size) :element-type element-type) :for end = (read-sequence buffer input) :until (zerop end) :do (write-sequence buffer output :end end) (when (< end buffer-size) (return))))) (defun* concatenate-files (inputs output) (with-open-file (o output :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :direction :output :if-exists :rename-and-delete) (dolist (input inputs) (with-open-file (i input :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8) :direction :input :if-does-not-exist :error) (copy-stream-to-stream i o :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))))) (defun* copy-stream-to-stream-line-by-line (input output &key prefix) "Copy the contents of the INPUT stream into the OUTPUT stream, reading contents line by line." (with-open-stream (input input) (loop :for (line eof) = (multiple-value-list (read-line input nil nil)) :while line :do (when prefix (princ prefix output)) (princ line output) (unless eof (terpri output)) (finish-output output) (when eof (return))))) (defun* slurp-stream-string (input &key (element-type 'character)) "Read the contents of the INPUT stream as a string" (with-open-stream (input input) (with-output-to-string (output) (copy-stream-to-stream input output :element-type element-type)))) (defun* slurp-stream-lines (input) "Read the contents of the INPUT stream as a list of lines" (with-open-stream (input input) (loop :for l = (read-line input nil nil) :while l :collect l))) (defun* slurp-stream-forms (input &key count) "Read the contents of the INPUT stream as a list of forms, and return those forms. If COUNT is null, read to the end of the stream; if COUNT is an integer, stop after COUNT forms were read. BEWARE: be sure to use WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, or some variant thereof" (check-type count (or null integer)) (loop :with eof = '#:eof :for n :from 0 :for form = (if (and count (>= n count)) eof (read-preserving-whitespace input nil eof)) :until (eq form eof) :collect form)) (defun* slurp-stream-form (input &key (path 0)) "Read the contents of the INPUT stream as a list of forms, then return the SUB-OBJECT of these forms following the PATH. PATH defaults to 0, i.e. return the first form. PATH is typically a list of integers. If PATH is NIL, it will return all the forms in the file. The stream will not be read beyond the Nth form, where N is the index specified by path, if path is either an integer or a list that starts with an integer. BEWARE: be sure to use WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, or some variant thereof" (let* ((count (cond ((integerp path) (1+ path)) ((and (consp path) (integerp (first path))) (1+ (first path))))) (forms (slurp-stream-forms input :count count))) (sub-object forms path))) (defun* read-file-string (file &rest keys) "Open FILE with option KEYS, read its contents as a string" (apply 'call-with-input-file file 'slurp-stream-string keys)) (defun* read-file-lines (file &rest keys) "Open FILE with option KEYS, read its contents as a list of lines BEWARE: be sure to use WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, or some variant thereof" (apply 'call-with-input-file file 'slurp-stream-lines keys)) (defun* read-file-forms (file &rest keys &key count &allow-other-keys) "Open input FILE with option KEYS (except COUNT), and read its contents as per SLURP-STREAM-FORMS with given COUNT. BEWARE: be sure to use WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, or some variant thereof" (apply 'call-with-input-file file #'(lambda (input) (slurp-stream-forms input :count count)) (remove-key :count keys))) (defun* read-file-form (file &rest keys &key (path 0) &allow-other-keys) "Open input FILE with option KEYS (except path), and read its contents as per SLURP-STREAM-FORM with given PATH. BEWARE: be sure to use WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX, or some variant thereof" (apply 'call-with-input-file file #'(lambda (input) (slurp-stream-form input :path path)) (remove-key :path keys))) (defun* safe-read-file-form (pathname &rest keys &key (package :cl) &allow-other-keys) "Reads the specified form from the top of a file using a safe standardized syntax. Extracts the form using READ-FILE-FORM, within an WITH-SAFE-IO-SYNTAX using the specified PACKAGE." (with-safe-io-syntax (:package package) (apply 'read-file-form pathname (remove-key :package keys)))) (defun* eval-input (input) "Portably read and evaluate forms from INPUT, return the last values." (with-input (input) (loop :with results :with eof ='#:eof :for form = (read input nil eof) :until (eq form eof) :do (setf results (multiple-value-list (eval form))) :finally (return (apply 'values results))))) (defun* eval-thunk (thunk) "Evaluate a THUNK of code: If a function, FUNCALL it without arguments. If a constant literal and not a sequence, return it. If a cons or a symbol, EVAL it. If a string, repeatedly read and evaluate from it, returning the last values." (etypecase thunk ((or boolean keyword number character pathname) thunk) ((or cons symbol) (eval thunk)) (function (funcall thunk)) (string (eval-input thunk)))) (defun* standard-eval-thunk (thunk &key (package :cl)) "Like EVAL-THUNK, but in a more standardized evaluation context." ;; Note: it's "standard-" not "safe-", because evaluation is never safe. (when thunk (with-safe-io-syntax (:package package) (let ((*read-eval* t)) (eval-thunk thunk))))) ;;; Encodings (defvar *default-encoding* :default "Default encoding for source files. The default value :default preserves the legacy behavior. A future default might be :utf-8 or :autodetect reading emacs-style -*- coding: utf-8 -*- specifications, and falling back to utf-8 or latin1 if nothing is specified.") (defparameter *utf-8-external-format* #+(and asdf-unicode (not clisp)) :utf-8 #+(and asdf-unicode clisp) charset:utf-8 #-asdf-unicode :default "Default :external-format argument to pass to CL:OPEN and also CL:LOAD or CL:COMPILE-FILE to best process a UTF-8 encoded file. On modern implementations, this will decode UTF-8 code points as CL characters. On legacy implementations, it may fall back on some 8-bit encoding, with non-ASCII code points being read as several CL characters; hopefully, if done consistently, that won't affect program behavior too much.") (defun* always-default-encoding (pathname) (declare (ignore pathname)) *default-encoding*) (defvar *encoding-detection-hook* #'always-default-encoding "Hook for an extension to define a function to automatically detect a file's encoding") (defun* detect-encoding (pathname) (if (and pathname (not (directory-pathname-p pathname)) (probe-file pathname)) (funcall *encoding-detection-hook* pathname) *default-encoding*)) (defun* default-encoding-external-format (encoding) (case encoding (:default :default) ;; for backward-compatibility only. Explicit usage discouraged. (:utf-8 *utf-8-external-format*) (otherwise (cerror "Continue using :external-format :default" (compatfmt "~@<Your ASDF component is using encoding ~S but it isn't recognized. Your system should :defsystem-depends-on (:asdf-encodings).~:>") encoding) :default))) (defvar *encoding-external-format-hook* #'default-encoding-external-format "Hook for an extension to define a mapping between non-default encodings and implementation-defined external-format's") (defun* encoding-external-format (encoding) (funcall *encoding-external-format-hook* encoding))