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  • pfdietz's avatar
    Fixed seven busted tests, spotted by Alexey Dejneka: · c7a2b009
    pfdietz authored
    Thank you for your tests. They have shown two new bugs in the SBCL
    compiler (in addition to >160 failed tests).
    I think the following tests are wrong:
    map-string.30: (SIMPLE-VECTOR size), not (SIMPLE-VECTOR type)
    map-array.7: ARRAY is not a subtype of SEQUENCE
    map-array.8: SIMPLE-ARRAY is not a subtype of SEQUENCE
    map-string.31: --"--
    map-string.32: (SIMPLE-ARRAY CHARACTER 5) is a 5-dimensional array
    find-error.4, position-error.4: see CLHS 1.4.2 for 'should be prepared
    to signal an error'
    -- Regards, Alexey Dejneka