diff --git a/ansi-tests/README b/ansi-tests/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d317ef74a5dfe159155ccda3fb03873c305f9b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/README
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+This directory contains a partial Common Lisp standards compliance
+test suite.
+To load, edit load.lsp and load it.  To run, do this:
+	(in-package :cl-test)
+	(do-tests)
+From GCL, instead just load gclload.lsp.  This will automatically
+run the tests.
+Individual tests may be run by (do-test '<test name>).
+The tests here cover the CONSes, SYMBOLs and PACKAGEs section of the
+hyperspec, as well as fragments of other parts (sequences, types,
+lists, arrays, structures, the reader).  I intend to add tests for the
+other parts of the standard.  The package tests are currently disabled
+in GCL because of a bug in DEFPACKAGE.
+When I run this I have a copy of the MK defsystem in the ../defsys30
+directory.  The .system files use the MK forms (not the defsystem from
+ACL).  (Note: when gclload.lsp is loaded the defsystem is not used.)
+The tar file contains a modified version of the Waters RT regression
+test package, which gets installed in subdirectory rt/.
+Please tell me when you find incorrect test cases.
+There are five test cases that cause very long loops on ACL (ELT-*
+tests on type-bogus inputs; I think the system is considering the
+pointers to be very large unsigned integers.)
+	Paul Dietz
+	dietz@dls.net
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp b/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..130e0ff46dd489d4b7aaae81a13bf2d07d537844
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(setf x
+  (loop
+    for tp in '(CONDITION
+      collect (list tp (multiple-value-list (subtypep tp 'atom)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/aux.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff37580ae56c3c3ebde49493815ed0ef665bbd59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/aux.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 17:10:18 1998
+;;;; Contains: Aux. functions for CL-TEST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun make-int-list (n)
+  (loop for i from 0 to (1- n) collect i))
+(declaim (special *universe*))
+(defun check-type-predicate (P TYPE)
+  "Check that a predicate P is the same as #'(lambda (x) (typep x TYPE))
+   by applying both to all elements of *UNIVERSE*.  Print message
+   when a mismatch is found, and return number of mistakes."
+  (loop
+      for x in *universe* count
+	(block failed
+	  (let ((p1 (handler-case
+			(funcall P x)
+		      (error () (format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) failed~%"
+					P x)
+			(return-from failed t))))
+		(p2 (handler-case
+			(typep x TYPE)
+		      (error () (format t "(TYPEP ~S '~S) failed~%"
+					x TYPE)
+			(return-from failed t)))))
+	      (when (or (and p1 (not p2))
+			(and (not p1) p2))
+		(format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) = ~S, (TYPEP ~S '~S) = ~S~%"
+			P x p1 x TYPE p2)
+		t)))))
+(declaim (special *catch-error-type*))
+(defun catch-continue-debugger-hook (condition dbh)
+  "Function that when used as *debugger-hook*, causes
+   continuable errors to be continued without user intervention."
+  (declare (ignore dbh))
+  (let ((r (find-restart 'continue condition)))
+    (cond
+     ((and *catch-error-type*
+	   (not (typep condition *catch-error-type*)))
+      (format t "Condition ~S is not a ~A~%" condition *catch-error-type*)
+      (cond (r (format t "Its continue restart is ~S~%" r))
+	    (t (format t "It has no continue restart~%")))
+      (throw 'continue-failed nil))
+     (r (invoke-restart r))
+     (t (throw 'continue-failed nil)))))
+(defun safe (fn &rest args)
+  "Apply fn to args, trapping errors.  Convert type-errors to the
+   symbol type-error."
+  (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+  (handler-case
+   (apply fn args)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c)))
+;; Use the next macro in place of SAFE
+(defmacro catch-type-error (form)
+"Evaluate form in safe mode, returning its value if there is no error.
+If an error does occur, return type-error on TYPE-ERRORs, or the error
+condition itself on other errors."
+`(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+  (handler-case ,form
+     (type-error () 'type-error)
+     (error (c) c))))
+;; A scaffold is a structure that is used to remember the object
+;; identities of the cons cells in a (noncircular) data structure.
+;; This lets us check if the data structure has been changed by
+;; an operation.
+(defstruct scaffold
+  node
+  car
+  cdr)
+(defun make-scaffold-copy (x)
+  "Make a tree that will be used to check if a tree has been changed."
+  (if
+      (consp x)
+      (make-scaffold :node x
+		     :car (make-scaffold-copy (car x))
+		     :cdr (make-scaffold-copy (cdr x)))
+    (make-scaffold :node x
+		   :car nil
+		   :cdr nil)))
+(defun check-scaffold-copy (x xcopy)
+  "Return t if xcopy were produced from x by make-scaffold-copy,
+   and none of the cons cells in the tree rooted at x have been
+   changed."
+  (and (eq x (scaffold-node xcopy))
+       (or
+	(not (consp x))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy (car x) (scaffold-car xcopy))
+	 (check-scaffold-copy (cdr x) (scaffold-cdr xcopy))))))
+;; The function SUBTYPEP returns two generalized booleans.
+;; This auxiliary function returns two booleans instead
+;; (which makes it easier to write tests).
+(defun subtypep* (obj type)
+  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
+      (subtypep obj type)
+    (values (not (not result))
+	    (not (not good)))))
+(eval-when (load eval compile)
+  (unless (fboundp 'complement)
+    (defun complement (fn)
+      #'(lambda (&rest args) (not (apply fn args))))))
+(defun compose (&rest fns)
+  (let ((rfns (reverse fns)))
+    #'(lambda (x) (loop for f in rfns do (setf x (funcall f x))) x)))
+(defun evendigitp (c)
+  (not (not (find c "02468"))))
+(defun odddigitp (c)
+  (not (not (find c "13579"))))
+(defun nextdigit (c)
+  (cadr (member c '(#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))))
+(defun is-eq-p (x) #'(lambda (y) (eq x y)))
+(defun is-not-eq-p (x) #'(lambda (y) (not (eq x y))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-arrays.lsp b/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-arrays.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..040e5131d4737f4a0c34b35bf8d8c314fca33162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-arrays.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,642 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 14 09:48:24 1998
+;;;; Contains: Test cases for CL, section 17.1
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; elt on ordinary vectors
+(defun make-int-array (n &optional (fn #'make-array))
+  (let ((a (funcall fn n)))
+    (loop
+	for i from 0 to (1- n) do
+	  (setf (aref a i) i))
+    a))
+(deftest elt-v-1
+  (handler-case
+   (elt (make-array '(0)) 0)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+;; (deftest elt-v-2 (elt (make-array '(1)) 0) nil)  ;; actually undefined
+(deftest elt-v-3 (elt (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 0)
+  a)
+(deftest elt-v-4 (elt (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 2)
+  c)
+(deftest elt-v-5 (elt (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 4)
+  e)
+(defun elt-v-6-body ()
+  (let ((x (make-int-list 1000)))
+    (let ((a (make-array '(1000) :initial-contents x)))
+      (loop
+	  for i from 0 to 999 do
+	    (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
+	  finally (return t)))))
+(deftest elt-v-6
+    (elt-v-6-body)
+  t)
+(deftest elt-v-7
+  (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (e b c d e))
+(deftest elt-v-8
+  (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (a e c d e))
+(deftest elt-v-9
+  (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (a b c e e))
+(deftest elt-v-10
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x (make-array '(3) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+     (setf (elt x 4) 'd))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-v-11
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x (make-array '(3) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+     (setf (elt x -100) 'd))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-v-12
+    (let ((x (make-int-array 100000)))
+      (elt x 90000))
+  90000)
+(deftest elt-v-13
+  (let ((x (make-int-array 100000)))
+    (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
+    (list (elt x 79999)
+	  (elt x 80000)
+	  (elt x 80001)))
+  (79999 foo 80001))
+;;;  Adjustable arrays
+(defun make-adj-array (n &key initial-contents)
+  (if initial-contents
+      (make-array n :adjustable t :initial-contents initial-contents)
+    (make-array n :adjustable t)))
+(deftest elt-adj-array-1
+  (handler-case
+   (elt (make-adj-array '(0)) 0)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+;; (deftest elt-adj-array-2 (elt (make-adj-array '(1)) 0) nil) ;; actually undefined 
+(deftest elt-adj-array-3 (elt (make-adj-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 0)
+  a)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-4 (elt (make-adj-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 2)
+  c)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-5 (elt (make-adj-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 4)
+  e)
+(defun elt-adj-array-6-body ()
+  (let ((x (make-int-list 1000)))
+    (let ((a (make-adj-array '(1000) :initial-contents x)))
+      (loop
+	  for i from 0 to 999 do
+	    (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
+	  finally (return t)))))
+(deftest elt-adj-array-6
+    (elt-adj-array-6-body)
+  t)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-7
+  (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (e b c d e))
+(deftest elt-adj-array-8
+  (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (a e c d e))
+(deftest elt-adj-array-9
+  (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+    (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
+  (a b c e e))
+(deftest elt-adj-array-10
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x (make-adj-array '(3) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+     (setf (elt x 4) 'd))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-11
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x (make-adj-array '(3) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+     (setf (elt x -100) 'd))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-12
+    (let ((x (make-int-array 100000 #'make-adj-array)))
+      (elt x 90000))
+  90000)
+(deftest elt-adj-array-13
+    (let ((x (make-int-array 100000 #'make-adj-array)))
+    (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
+    (list (elt x 79999)
+	  (elt x 80000)
+	  (elt x 80001)))
+  (79999 foo 80001))
+;; displaced arrays
+(defvar *displaced* nil)
+(setf *displaced* (make-int-array 100000))
+(defun make-displaced-array (n displacement)
+  (make-array n :displaced-to *displaced*
+	      :displaced-index-offset displacement))
+(deftest elt-displaced-array-1 
+  (handler-case
+   (elt (make-displaced-array '(0) 100) 0)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-displaced-array-2
+  (elt (make-displaced-array '(1) 100) 0)
+  100)
+(deftest elt-displaced-array-3
+  (elt (make-displaced-array '(5) 100) 4)
+  104)
+(deftest elt-displaced-array-4
+  (handler-case
+   (make-displaced-array '(100) 100000)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-displaced-array-5
+  (handler-case
+   (make-displaced-array '(100) (- 100000 50))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+;; subseq vectors
+(defun subseq-vector-1-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence 'vector 10 :initial-element 'a))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eq e 'a)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eq e 'a)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 'b))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eq e 'a)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 'c))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (eq e 'b)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-1
+    (subseq-vector-1-body)
+  t) 
+(defun subseq-vector-2-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector fixnum) 10 :initial-element 1))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eql e 1)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eql e 1)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 2))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eql e 1)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 3))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (eql e 2)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-2
+    (subseq-vector-2-body)
+  t) 
+(defun subseq-vector-3-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector single-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 2.0))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 3.0))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 2.0)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-3
+    (subseq-vector-3-body)
+  t) 
+(defun subseq-vector-4-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector double-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0d0))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 2.0d0))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 3.0d0))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 2.0)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-4
+    (subseq-vector-4-body)
+  t) 
+(defun subseq-vector-5-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector short-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0s0))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 2.0s0))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 3.0s0))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 2.0)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-5
+    (subseq-vector-5-body)
+  t) 
+(defun subseq-vector-6-body ()
+  (block nil
+  (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector long-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0l0))
+	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
+      (return 1))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 2))
+    (unless (eql (length x) 10) (return 3))
+    (unless (eql (length y) 4)  (return 4))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 9 do (setf (aref x i) 2.0l0))
+    (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
+      (return 5))
+    (loop for i from 0 to 3 do (setf (aref y i) 3.0l0))
+    (or
+     (not (not (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 2.0)) x)))
+     6))))
+(deftest subseq-vector-6
+    (subseq-vector-6-body)
+  t)
+(deftest copy-seq-vector-1
+    (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (equal-array x y))
+  t)
+(deftest subseq-vector-7
+    (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
+	   (y (subseq x 2 8)))
+      (equal-array y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(c d e f g h))))
+  t)
+(deftest subseq-vector-8
+    (let* ((x (make-array '(200) :initial-element 107
+			  :element-type 'fixnum))
+	   (y (subseq x 17 95)))
+      (and (eql (length y) (- 95 17))
+	   (equal-array y
+			(make-array (list (- 95 17))
+				    :initial-element 107
+				    :element-type 'fixnum))))
+  t)
+(deftest subseq-vector-9
+    (let* ((x (make-array '(1000) :initial-element 17.6e-1
+			  :element-type 'single-float))
+	   (lo 164)
+	   (hi 873)
+	   (y (subseq x lo hi)))
+      (and (eql (length y) (- hi lo))
+	   (equal-array y
+			(make-array (list (- hi lo))
+				    :initial-element 17.6e-1
+				    :element-type 'single-float))))
+  t)
+(deftest subseq-vector-10
+    (let* ((x (make-array '(2000) :initial-element 3.1415927d4
+			  :element-type 'double-float))
+	   (lo 731)
+	   (hi 1942)
+	   (y (subseq x lo hi)))
+      (and (eql (length y) (- hi lo))
+	   (equal-array y
+			(make-array (list (- hi lo))
+				    :initial-element  3.1415927d4
+				    :element-type 'double-float))))
+  t)
+;; array reversal
+(defun equal-array (a1 a2)
+  (and (typep a1 'array)
+       (typep a2 'array)
+       (= (array-rank a1) (array-rank a2))
+       (let ((ad (array-dimensions a1)))
+	 (and (equal ad (array-dimensions a2))
+	      (let ((as (array-total-size a1)))
+		(and (= as (array-total-size a2))
+		     (loop
+			 for i from 0 to (1- as) do
+			   (unless (equal (row-major-aref a1 i)
+					  (row-major-aref a2 i))
+			     (return nil))
+			   finally (return t))))))))
+;; array length
+(deftest array-length-1
+    (length (make-array '(20)))
+  20)
+(deftest array-length-2
+    (length (make-array '(100001)))
+  100001)
+(deftest array-length-3
+    (length (make-array '(0)))
+  0)
+(deftest array-length-4
+    (let ((x (make-array '(100) :fill-pointer 10)))
+      (length x))
+  10)
+(deftest array-length-5
+    (let ((x (make-array '(100) :fill-pointer 10)))
+      (setf (fill-pointer x) 20)
+      (length x))
+  20)
+;;; Fill on arrays
+(deftest array-fill-1
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (x x x x x))
+(deftest array-fill-2
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x :start 2)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (a b x x x))
+(deftest array-fill-3
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x :end 2)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (x x c d e))
+(deftest array-fill-4
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end 3)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (a x x x e))
+(deftest array-fill-5
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end nil)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (a x x x x))
+(deftest array-fill-6
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+	 (b (fill a 'x :end nil)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (x x x x x))
+(deftest array-fill-7
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5))))
+    (handler-case (fill a 'x :start -1)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fill-8
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5))))
+    (handler-case (fill a 'x :start 'a)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fill-9
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5))))
+    (handler-case (fill a 'x :end -1)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fill-10
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5))))
+    (handler-case (fill a 'x :end 'a)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+;;; fill on arrays of fixnums
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-1
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a 6)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (6 6 6 6 6))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-2
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a 6 :start 2)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (1 2 6 6 6))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-3
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a 7 :end 2)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (7 7 3 4 5))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-4
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a 8 :start 1 :end 3)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (1 8 8 4 5))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-5
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a 0 :start 1 :end nil)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (1 0 0 0 0))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-6
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (fill a -1 :end nil)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+  t (-1 -1 -1 -1 -1))
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-7
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+    (handler-case (fill a 10 :start -1)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-8
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+    (handler-case (fill a 100 :start 'a)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-9
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+    (handler-case (fill a -5 :end -1)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-fixnum-fill-10
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+    (handler-case (fill a 17 :end 'a)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c)))
+  type-error)
+;;; fill on arrays of unsigned eight bit bytes
+(defun array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn (byte-size &rest fill-args)
+  (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type (list 'unsigned-byte byte-size)
+			:initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (b (apply #'fill a fill-args)))
+    (values (eq a b)
+	    (map 'list #'identity a))))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-1
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 6)
+  t (6 6 6 6 6))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-2
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 6 :start 2)
+  t (1 2 6 6 6))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-3
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 7 :end 2)
+  t (7 7 3 4 5))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-4
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 8 :start 1 :end 3)
+  t (1 8 8 4 5))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-5
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 9 :start 1 :end nil)
+  t (1 9 9 9 9))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-6
+  (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 0 :end nil)
+  t (0 0 0 0 0))
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-7
+  (handler-case (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 0 :start -1)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-8
+    (handler-case (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 100 :start 'a)
+		  (type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		  (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-9
+  (handler-case (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 19 :end -1)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-10
+  (handler-case (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 17 :end 'a)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..47eaaa04658804abd525768923e2e1b019de1c73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cases-14-1-list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  8 20:05:24 1998
+;;;; Contains: Test cases for CL, section 14.1 of CLtL2, Lists as Sequences
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun safe-elt (x n)
+  (handler-case
+   (elt x n)
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c)))
+;; elt on lists
+(deftest elt-1 (safe-elt nil 0) type-error)
+(deftest elt-1a (safe-elt nil -10) type-error)
+(deftest elt-2 (safe-elt nil 1000000) type-error)
+(deftest elt-3 (safe-elt '(a b c d e) 0) a)
+(deftest elt-4 (safe-elt '(a b c d e) 2) c)
+(deftest elt-5 (safe-elt '(a b c d e) 4) e)
+(deftest elt-5a (safe-elt '(a b c d e) -4) type-error)
+(deftest elt-6
+  (let ((x (make-int-list 1000)))
+    (not (not
+	  (every
+	   #'(lambda (i)
+	       (eql i (safe-elt x i)))
+	   x))))
+  t)
+(deftest elt-7
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+    (list x y))
+  ((e b c d) e))
+(deftest elt-8
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+    (list x y))
+  ((a e c d) e))
+(deftest elt-9
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+    (list x y))
+  ((a b c e) e))
+(deftest elt-10
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+     (setf (elt x 4) 'd))
+   (type-error () 'type-error)
+   (error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-11
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+    (let ((y (loop for c on x collect c)))
+      (setf (elt x 2) 'f)
+      (not
+       (not
+	(every #'eq
+	       y
+	       (loop for c on x collect c))))))
+  t)
+(deftest elt-12
+  (let ((x (make-int-list 100000)))
+    (safe-elt x 90000))
+  90000)
+(deftest elt-13
+  (let ((x (make-int-list 100000)))
+    (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
+    (list (safe-elt x 79999)
+	  (safe-elt x 80000)
+	  (safe-elt x 80001)))
+  (79999 foo 80001))
+;; Special case to test error handling as dictated by new
+;; CL standard
+(deftest elt-14
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-15
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-16
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x 10.0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-17
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x -1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-18
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x -100000000000000000))
+  type-error)
+(deftest elt-19
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (safe-elt x #\w))
+  type-error)
+;;; subseq, on lists
+(deftest subseq-list-1
+    (subseq '(a b c d e) 0 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest subseq-list-2
+    (subseq '(a b c) 0)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest subseq-list-3
+    (subseq '(a b c) 1)
+  (b c))
+(defun subseq-list-4-body ()
+    (block done
+      (let ((x (loop for i from 0 to 19 collect i)))
+	(loop
+	    for i from 0 to 20 do
+	      (loop
+		  for j from i to 20 do
+		    (let ((y (subseq x i j)))
+		      (loop
+			  for e in y and k from i to (1- j) do
+			    (unless (eql e k) (return-from done nil)))))))
+      t))
+(deftest subseq-list-4
+    (subseq-list-4-body)
+  t)
+(defun subseq-list-5-body ()
+    (block done
+      (let ((x (loop for i from 0 to 29 collect i)))
+	(loop
+	    for i from 0 to 30 do
+	      (unless (equal (subseq x i)
+			     (loop for j from i to 29 collect j))
+		(return-from done nil))))
+      t))
+(deftest subseq-list-5
+    (subseq-list-5-body)
+  t)
+(defun subseq-list-6-body ()
+    (let* ((x (make-list 100))
+	   (z (loop for e on x collect e))
+	   (y (subseq x 0)))
+      (loop
+	  for e on x
+	  and f on y
+	  and g in z do
+	    (when (or (not (eq g e))
+		      (not (eql (car e) (car f)))
+		      (car e)
+		      (eq e f))
+	      (return nil))
+	  finally (return t))))
+(deftest subseq-list-6    ;; check that no structure is shared
+    (subseq-list-6-body)
+  t)
+(deftest subseq-list-7
+    (let ((x (loop for i from 0 to 9 collect i)))
+      (setf (subseq x 0 3) (list 'a 'b 'c))
+      x)
+  (a b c 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest subseq-list-8
+    (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (setf (subseq y 0) '(f g h))
+      (list x y))
+  ((a b c d e) (f g h d e)))
+(deftest subseq-list-9
+    (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (setf (subseq y 1 3) '(1 2 3 4 5))
+      (list x y))
+  ((a b c d e) (a 1 2 d e)))
+(deftest subseq-list-10
+    (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (setf (subseq y 5) '(1 2 3 4 5))
+      (list x y))
+  ((a b c d e) (a b c d e)))
+(deftest subseq-list-11
+    (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (setf (subseq y 2 5) '(1))
+      (list x y))
+  ((a b c d e) (a b 1 d e)))
+(deftest subseq-list-12
+    (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
+	   (y (copy-seq x)))
+      (setf (subseq y 0 0) '(1 2))
+      (list x y))
+  ((a b c d e) (a b c d e)))
+;; length of lists
+(deftest length-list-1
+    (length ())
+  0)
+(deftest length-list-2
+    (length '(a b c d e f g))
+  7)
+(deftest length-list-3
+    (length (make-list 200000))
+  200000)
+(defun length-list-4-body ()
+    (let ((x ()))
+      (loop
+	  for i from 0 to 999 do
+	    (progn
+	      (unless (eql (length x) i) (return nil))
+	      (push i x))
+	  finally (return t))))
+(deftest length-list-4
+    (length-list-4-body)
+  t)
+;; reverse of lists
+(deftest reverse-list-1
+    (reverse ())
+  ())
+(deftest reverse-list-2
+    (reverse '(a b c d e f))
+  (f e d c b a))
+(defun reverse-list-3-body ()
+    (let* ((x (loop for i from 0 to 999 collect i))
+	   (z (loop for e on x collect e))
+	   (y (reverse x)))
+      (and
+       (loop
+	   for e on x and f in z do
+	     (unless (eq e f) (return nil))
+	   finally (return t))
+       (every #'eql
+	      y
+	      (loop for i from 999 downto 0 collect i)))))
+(deftest reverse-list-3
+    (reverse-list-3-body)
+  t)
+(deftest nreverse-list-1
+    (nreverse nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nreverse-list-2
+    (nreverse (list 'a))
+  (a))
+(deftest nreverse-list-3
+    (nreverse (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+  (d c b a))
+(defun nreverse-list-4-body ()
+  (let* ((x (loop for i from 0 to 100000 collect i))
+	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+    (equal y (nreverse (nreverse x)))))
+(deftest nreverse-list-4
+    (nreverse-list-4-body)
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence-list-1
+    (make-sequence 'list 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-sequence-list-2
+    (make-sequence 'list 5 :initial-element 'g)
+  (g g g g g))
+(deftest make-sequence-list-3
+    (length (make-sequence 'list 100))
+  100)
+(deftest make-sequence-list-4
+    (length (make-sequence 'list 123456))
+  123456)
+(deftest make-sequence-list-5
+    (let ((x (make-sequence 'list 1000)))
+      (every #'(lambda (e) (eq (car x) e)) (cdr x)))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a5261bb44e6969a17ee7a7983d99e35b7d302250
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,1318 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Mar 15 13:19:57 1998
+;;;; Contains: Test presence of symbols in the CL package,
+;;;;           and symbol-related functions
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun test-if-not-in-cl-package (str)
+  (multiple-value-bind (sym status)
+      (find-symbol (string-upcase str) 'common-lisp)
+      (declare (ignore sym))
+    (not status)))
+;; Test for the presence of every darned symbol
+;; the standard says should be in the CL package.
+(deftest symbol-&allow-other-keys (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&allow-other-keys") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&aux (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&aux") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&body (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&body") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&environment (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&environment") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&key (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&key") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&optional (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&optional") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&rest (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&rest") nil)
+(deftest symbol-&whole (test-if-not-in-cl-package "&whole") nil)
+(deftest symbol-* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-** (test-if-not-in-cl-package "**") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*** (test-if-not-in-cl-package "***") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*break-on-signals* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*break-on-signals*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*compile-file-pathname* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*compile-file-pathname*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*compile-file-truename* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*compile-file-truename*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*compile-print* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*compile-print*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*compile-verbose* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*compile-verbose*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*debug-io* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*debug-io*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*debugger-hook* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*debugger-hook*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*default-pathname-defaults* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*default-pathname-defaults*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*error-output* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*error-output*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*features* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*features*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*gensym-counter* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*gensym-counter*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*load-pathname* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*load-pathname*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*load-print* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*load-print*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*load-truename* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*load-truename*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*load-verbose* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*load-verbose*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*macroexpand-hook* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*macroexpand-hook*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*modules* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*modules*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*package* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*package*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-array* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-array*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-base* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-base*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-case* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-case*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-circle* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-circle*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-escape* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-escape*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-gensym* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-gensym*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-length* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-length*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-level* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-level*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-lines* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-lines*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-miser-width* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-miser-width*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-pprint-dispatch* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-pprint-dispatch*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-pretty* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-pretty*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-radix* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-radix*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-readably* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-readably*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*print-right-margin* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*print-right-margin*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*query-io* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*query-io*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*random-state* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*random-state*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*read-base* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*read-base*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*read-default-float-format* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*read-default-float-format*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*read-eval* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*read-eval*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*read-suppress* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*read-suppress*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*readtable* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*readtable*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*standard-input* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*standard-input*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*standard-output* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*standard-output*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*terminal-io* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*terminal-io*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-*trace-output* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "*trace-output*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-+ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "+") nil)
+(deftest symbol-++ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "++") nil)
+(deftest symbol-+++ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "+++") nil)
+(deftest symbol-- (test-if-not-in-cl-package "-") nil)
+(deftest symbol-/ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "/") nil)
+(deftest symbol-// (test-if-not-in-cl-package "//") nil)
+(deftest symbol-/// (test-if-not-in-cl-package "///") nil)
+(deftest symbol-/= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "/=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-1+ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "1+") nil)
+(deftest symbol-1- (test-if-not-in-cl-package "1-") nil)
+(deftest symbol-< (test-if-not-in-cl-package "<") nil)
+(deftest symbol-<= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "<=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-> (test-if-not-in-cl-package ">") nil)
+(deftest symbol->= (test-if-not-in-cl-package ">=") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-acos (test-if-not-in-cl-package "acos") nil)
+(deftest symbol-acosh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "acosh") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-adjustable-array-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "adjustable-array-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-allocate-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "allocate-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-alpha-char-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "alpha-char-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-alphanumericp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "alphanumericp") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-apply (test-if-not-in-cl-package "apply") nil)
+(deftest symbol-apropos (test-if-not-in-cl-package "apropos") nil)
+(deftest symbol-apropos-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "apropos-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-aref (test-if-not-in-cl-package "aref") nil)
+(deftest symbol-arithmetic-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "arithmetic-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-arithmetic-error-operands (test-if-not-in-cl-package "arithmetic-error-operands") nil)
+(deftest symbol-arithmetic-error-operation (test-if-not-in-cl-package "arithmetic-error-operation") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-array-dimension (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-dimension") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-dimension-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-dimension-limit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-dimensions (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-dimensions") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-displacement (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-displacement") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-element-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-element-type") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-array-rank (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-rank") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-rank-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-rank-limit") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-array-total-size (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-total-size") nil)
+(deftest symbol-array-total-size-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "array-total-size-limit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-arrayp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "arrayp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-asin (test-if-not-in-cl-package "asin") nil)
+(deftest symbol-asinh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "asinh") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-assoc-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "assoc-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-assoc-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "assoc-if-not") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-atanh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "atanh") nil)
+(deftest symbol-atom (test-if-not-in-cl-package "atom") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-base-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "base-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bignum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bignum") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-bit-and (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-and") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-andc1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-andc1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-andc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-andc2") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-bit-nand (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-nand") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-nor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-nor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-not") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-bit-orc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-orc2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-vector (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-vector") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-vector-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-vector-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-bit-xor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "bit-xor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-block (test-if-not-in-cl-package "block") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-boole-1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-and (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-and") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-andc1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-andc1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-andc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-andc2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-c1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-c1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-c2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-c2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-clr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-clr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-eqv (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-eqv") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-boole-nand (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-nand") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-nor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-nor") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-boole-orc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-orc2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-set (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-set") nil)
+(deftest symbol-boole-xor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "boole-xor") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-broadcast-stream-streams (test-if-not-in-cl-package "broadcast-stream-streams") nil)
+(deftest symbol-built-in-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "built-in-class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-butlast (test-if-not-in-cl-package "butlast") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-byte-position (test-if-not-in-cl-package "byte-position") nil)
+(deftest symbol-byte-size (test-if-not-in-cl-package "byte-size") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-caaadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "caaadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-caaar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "caaar") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-caadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "caadr") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-cadadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cadadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cadar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cadar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-caddar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "caddar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cadddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cadddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-caddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "caddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-call-arguments-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "call-arguments-limit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-call-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "call-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-call-next-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "call-next-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-car (test-if-not-in-cl-package "car") nil)
+(deftest symbol-case (test-if-not-in-cl-package "case") nil)
+(deftest symbol-catch (test-if-not-in-cl-package "catch") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ccase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ccase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdaaar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdaaar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdaadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdaadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdaar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdaar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdadar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdadar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdaddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdaddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cddaar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cddaar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cddadr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cddadr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cddar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cddar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdddar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdddar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cddddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cddddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cddr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cddr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cdr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cdr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ceiling (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ceiling") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cell-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cell-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cell-error-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cell-error-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cerror (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cerror") nil)
+(deftest symbol-change-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "change-class") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-char-code (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-code") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-code-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-code-limit") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-char-lessp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-lessp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-not-equal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-not-equal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-not-greaterp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-not-greaterp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-not-lessp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-not-lessp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char-upcase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char-upcase") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-char<= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char<=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char> (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char>") nil)
+(deftest symbol-char>= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "char>=") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-characterp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "characterp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-check-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "check-type") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-class-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "class-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-class-of (test-if-not-in-cl-package "class-of") nil)
+(deftest symbol-clear-input (test-if-not-in-cl-package "clear-input") nil)
+(deftest symbol-clear-output (test-if-not-in-cl-package "clear-output") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-clrhash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "clrhash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-code-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "code-char") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-compilation-speed (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compilation-speed") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compile (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compile") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compile-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compile-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compile-file-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compile-file-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compiled-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compiled-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compiled-function-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compiled-function-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compiler-macro (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compiler-macro") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compiler-macro-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compiler-macro-function") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-complex (test-if-not-in-cl-package "complex") nil)
+(deftest symbol-complexp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "complexp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compute-applicable-methods (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compute-applicable-methods") nil)
+(deftest symbol-compute-restarts (test-if-not-in-cl-package "compute-restarts") nil)
+(deftest symbol-concatenate (test-if-not-in-cl-package "concatenate") nil)
+(deftest symbol-concatenated-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "concatenated-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-concatenated-stream-streams (test-if-not-in-cl-package "concatenated-stream-streams") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-condition (test-if-not-in-cl-package "condition") nil)
+(deftest symbol-conjugate (test-if-not-in-cl-package "conjugate") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-consp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "consp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-constantly (test-if-not-in-cl-package "constantly") nil)
+(deftest symbol-constantp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "constantp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-continue (test-if-not-in-cl-package "continue") nil)
+(deftest symbol-control-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "control-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-alist (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-alist") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-pprint-dispatch (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-pprint-dispatch") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-readtable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-readtable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-seq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-seq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-structure (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-structure") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-symbol (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-symbol") nil)
+(deftest symbol-copy-tree (test-if-not-in-cl-package "copy-tree") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cos (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cos") nil)
+(deftest symbol-cosh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "cosh") nil)
+(deftest symbol-count (test-if-not-in-cl-package "count") nil)
+(deftest symbol-count-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "count-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-count-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "count-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ctypecase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ctypecase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-debug (test-if-not-in-cl-package "debug") nil)
+(deftest symbol-decf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "decf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-declaim (test-if-not-in-cl-package "declaim") nil)
+(deftest symbol-declaration (test-if-not-in-cl-package "declaration") nil)
+(deftest symbol-declare (test-if-not-in-cl-package "declare") nil)
+(deftest symbol-decode-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "decode-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-decode-universal-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "decode-universal-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defclass (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defclass") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defconstant (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defconstant") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defgeneric (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defgeneric") nil)
+(deftest symbol-define-compiler-macro (test-if-not-in-cl-package "define-compiler-macro") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-define-method-combination (test-if-not-in-cl-package "define-method-combination") nil)
+(deftest symbol-define-modify-macro (test-if-not-in-cl-package "define-modify-macro") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-define-symbol-macro (test-if-not-in-cl-package "define-symbol-macro") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defmacro (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defmacro") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defmethod (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defmethod") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defpackage (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defpackage") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defparameter (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defparameter") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defsetf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defsetf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-defstruct (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defstruct") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-defvar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "defvar") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-delete-duplicates (test-if-not-in-cl-package "delete-duplicates") nil)
+(deftest symbol-delete-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "delete-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-delete-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "delete-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-delete-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "delete-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-delete-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "delete-package") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-digit-char-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "digit-char-p") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-directory-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "directory-namestring") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-dpb (test-if-not-in-cl-package "dpb") nil)
+(deftest symbol-dribble (test-if-not-in-cl-package "dribble") nil)
+(deftest symbol-dynamic-extent (test-if-not-in-cl-package "dynamic-extent") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ecase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ecase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-echo-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "echo-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-echo-stream-input-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "echo-stream-input-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-echo-stream-output-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "echo-stream-output-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ed (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ed") nil)
+(deftest symbol-eighth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "eighth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-elt (test-if-not-in-cl-package "elt") nil)
+(deftest symbol-encode-universal-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "encode-universal-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-end-of-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "end-of-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-endp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "endp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-enough-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "enough-namestring") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ensure-directories-exist (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ensure-directories-exist") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ensure-generic-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ensure-generic-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-eq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "eq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-eql (test-if-not-in-cl-package "eql") nil)
+(deftest symbol-equal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "equal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-equalp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "equalp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-etypecase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "etypecase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-eval (test-if-not-in-cl-package "eval") nil)
+(deftest symbol-eval-when (test-if-not-in-cl-package "eval-when") nil)
+(deftest symbol-evenp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "evenp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-every (test-if-not-in-cl-package "every") nil)
+(deftest symbol-exp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "exp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-export (test-if-not-in-cl-package "export") nil)
+(deftest symbol-expt (test-if-not-in-cl-package "expt") nil)
+(deftest symbol-extended-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "extended-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fboundp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fboundp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fceiling (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fceiling") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fdefinition (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fdefinition") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ffloor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ffloor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fifth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fifth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-author (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-author") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-error-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-error-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-length (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-length") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-namestring") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-position (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-position") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-string-length (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-string-length") nil)
+(deftest symbol-file-write-date (test-if-not-in-cl-package "file-write-date") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fill (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fill") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fill-pointer (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fill-pointer") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-all-symbols (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-all-symbols") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-restart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-restart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-find-symbol (test-if-not-in-cl-package "find-symbol") nil)
+(deftest symbol-finish-output (test-if-not-in-cl-package "finish-output") nil)
+(deftest symbol-first (test-if-not-in-cl-package "first") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fixnum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fixnum") nil)
+(deftest symbol-flet (test-if-not-in-cl-package "flet") nil)
+(deftest symbol-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-float-digits (test-if-not-in-cl-package "float-digits") nil)
+(deftest symbol-float-precision (test-if-not-in-cl-package "float-precision") nil)
+(deftest symbol-float-radix (test-if-not-in-cl-package "float-radix") nil)
+(deftest symbol-float-sign (test-if-not-in-cl-package "float-sign") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floating-point-inexact (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floating-point-inexact") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floating-point-invalid-operation (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floating-point-invalid-operation") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floating-point-overflow (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floating-point-overflow") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floating-point-underflow (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floating-point-underflow") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floatp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floatp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-floor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "floor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fmakunbound (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fmakunbound") nil)
+(deftest symbol-force-output (test-if-not-in-cl-package "force-output") nil)
+(deftest symbol-format (test-if-not-in-cl-package "format") nil)
+(deftest symbol-formatter (test-if-not-in-cl-package "formatter") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fourth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fourth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fresh-line (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fresh-line") nil)
+(deftest symbol-fround (test-if-not-in-cl-package "fround") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ftruncate (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ftruncate") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ftype (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ftype") nil)
+(deftest symbol-funcall (test-if-not-in-cl-package "funcall") nil)
+(deftest symbol-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-function-keywords (test-if-not-in-cl-package "function-keywords") nil)
+(deftest symbol-function-lambda-expression (test-if-not-in-cl-package "function-lambda-expression") nil)
+(deftest symbol-functionp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "functionp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-gcd (test-if-not-in-cl-package "gcd") nil)
+(deftest symbol-generic-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "generic-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-gensym (test-if-not-in-cl-package "gensym") nil)
+(deftest symbol-gentemp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "gentemp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-decoded-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-decoded-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-dispatch-macro-character (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-dispatch-macro-character") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-internal-real-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-internal-real-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-internal-run-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-internal-run-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-macro-character (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-macro-character") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-output-stream-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-output-stream-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-properties (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-properties") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-setf-expansion (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-setf-expansion") nil)
+(deftest symbol-get-universal-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "get-universal-time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-getf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "getf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-gethash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "gethash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-go (test-if-not-in-cl-package "go") nil)
+(deftest symbol-graphic-char-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "graphic-char-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-handler-bind (test-if-not-in-cl-package "handler-bind") nil)
+(deftest symbol-handler-case (test-if-not-in-cl-package "handler-case") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-count (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-count") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-rehash-size (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-rehash-size") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-rehash-threshold (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-rehash-threshold") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-size (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-size") nil)
+(deftest symbol-hash-table-test (test-if-not-in-cl-package "hash-table-test") nil)
+(deftest symbol-host-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "host-namestring") nil)
+(deftest symbol-identity (test-if-not-in-cl-package "identity") nil)
+(deftest symbol-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ignorable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ignorable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ignore (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ignore") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ignore-errors (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ignore-errors") nil)
+(deftest symbol-imagpart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "imagpart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-import (test-if-not-in-cl-package "import") nil)
+(deftest symbol-in-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "in-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-incf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "incf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-initialize-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "initialize-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-inline (test-if-not-in-cl-package "inline") nil)
+(deftest symbol-input-stream-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "input-stream-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-inspect (test-if-not-in-cl-package "inspect") nil)
+(deftest symbol-integer (test-if-not-in-cl-package "integer") nil)
+(deftest symbol-integer-decode-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "integer-decode-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-integer-length (test-if-not-in-cl-package "integer-length") nil)
+(deftest symbol-integerp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "integerp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-interactive-stream-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "interactive-stream-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-intern (test-if-not-in-cl-package "intern") nil)
+(deftest symbol-internal-time-units-per-second (test-if-not-in-cl-package "internal-time-units-per-second") nil)
+(deftest symbol-intersection (test-if-not-in-cl-package "intersection") nil)
+(deftest symbol-invalid-method-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "invalid-method-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-invoke-debugger (test-if-not-in-cl-package "invoke-debugger") nil)
+(deftest symbol-invoke-restart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "invoke-restart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-invoke-restart-interactively (test-if-not-in-cl-package "invoke-restart-interactively") nil)
+(deftest symbol-isqrt (test-if-not-in-cl-package "isqrt") nil)
+(deftest symbol-keyword (test-if-not-in-cl-package "keyword") nil)
+(deftest symbol-keywordp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "keywordp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-labels (test-if-not-in-cl-package "labels") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lambda (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lambda") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lambda-list-keywords (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lambda-list-keywords") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lambda-parameters-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lambda-parameters-limit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-last (test-if-not-in-cl-package "last") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lcm (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lcm") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ldb (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ldb") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ldb-test (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ldb-test") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ldiff (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ldiff") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-least-negative-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-normalized-double-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-normalized-double-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-normalized-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-normalized-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-normalized-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-normalized-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-normalized-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-normalized-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-negative-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-negative-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-double-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-double-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-normalized-double-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-normalized-double-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-normalized-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-normalized-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-normalized-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-normalized-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-normalized-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-normalized-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-least-positive-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "least-positive-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-length (test-if-not-in-cl-package "length") nil)
+(deftest symbol-let (test-if-not-in-cl-package "let") nil)
+(deftest symbol-let* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "let*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lisp-implementation-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lisp-implementation-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lisp-implementation-version (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lisp-implementation-version") nil)
+(deftest symbol-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-list* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "list*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-list-all-packages (test-if-not-in-cl-package "list-all-packages") nil)
+(deftest symbol-list-length (test-if-not-in-cl-package "list-length") nil)
+(deftest symbol-listen (test-if-not-in-cl-package "listen") nil)
+(deftest symbol-listp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "listp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-load (test-if-not-in-cl-package "load") nil)
+(deftest symbol-load-logical-pathname-translations (test-if-not-in-cl-package "load-logical-pathname-translations") nil)
+(deftest symbol-load-time-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "load-time-value") nil)
+(deftest symbol-locally (test-if-not-in-cl-package "locally") nil)
+(deftest symbol-log (test-if-not-in-cl-package "log") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logand (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logand") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logandc1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logandc1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logandc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logandc2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logbitp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logbitp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logcount (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logcount") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logeqv (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logeqv") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logical-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logical-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logical-pathname-translations (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logical-pathname-translations") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logior (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logior") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lognand (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lognand") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lognor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lognor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lognot (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lognot") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logorc1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logorc1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logorc2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logorc2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logtest (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logtest") nil)
+(deftest symbol-logxor (test-if-not-in-cl-package "logxor") nil)
+(deftest symbol-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-long-float-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "long-float-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-long-float-negative-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "long-float-negative-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-long-site-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "long-site-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-loop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "loop") nil)
+(deftest symbol-loop-finish (test-if-not-in-cl-package "loop-finish") nil)
+(deftest symbol-lower-case-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "lower-case-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-machine-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "machine-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-machine-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "machine-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-machine-version (test-if-not-in-cl-package "machine-version") nil)
+(deftest symbol-macro-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "macro-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-macroexpand (test-if-not-in-cl-package "macroexpand") nil)
+(deftest symbol-macroexpand-1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "macroexpand-1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-macrolet (test-if-not-in-cl-package "macrolet") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-array (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-array") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-make-concatenated-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-concatenated-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-condition (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-condition") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-dispatch-macro-character (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-dispatch-macro-character") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-echo-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-echo-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-hash-table (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-hash-table") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-instances-obsolete (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-instances-obsolete") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-load-form (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-load-form") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-load-form-saving-slots (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-load-form-saving-slots") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-random-state (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-random-state") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-sequence (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-sequence") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-string") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-make-string-output-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-string-output-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-symbol (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-symbol") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-synonym-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-synonym-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-make-two-way-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "make-two-way-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-makunbound (test-if-not-in-cl-package "makunbound") nil)
+(deftest symbol-map (test-if-not-in-cl-package "map") nil)
+(deftest symbol-map-into (test-if-not-in-cl-package "map-into") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mapc (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mapc") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mapcan (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mapcan") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mapcar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mapcar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mapcon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mapcon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-maphash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "maphash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mapl (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mapl") nil)
+(deftest symbol-maplist (test-if-not-in-cl-package "maplist") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mask-field (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mask-field") nil)
+(deftest symbol-max (test-if-not-in-cl-package "max") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-member-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "member-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-member-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "member-if-not") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-merge-pathnames (test-if-not-in-cl-package "merge-pathnames") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-method-combination (test-if-not-in-cl-package "method-combination") nil)
+(deftest symbol-method-combination-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "method-combination-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-method-qualifiers (test-if-not-in-cl-package "method-qualifiers") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-minusp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "minusp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mismatch (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mismatch") nil)
+(deftest symbol-mod (test-if-not-in-cl-package "mod") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-negative-double-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-negative-double-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-negative-fixnum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-negative-fixnum") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-negative-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-negative-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-negative-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-negative-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-negative-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-negative-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-positive-double-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-positive-double-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-positive-fixnum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-positive-fixnum") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-positive-long-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-positive-long-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-positive-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-positive-short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-most-positive-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "most-positive-single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-muffle-warning (test-if-not-in-cl-package "muffle-warning") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-value-bind (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-value-bind") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-value-call (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-value-call") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-value-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-value-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-value-prog1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-value-prog1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-value-setq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-value-setq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-multiple-values-limit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "multiple-values-limit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-name-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "name-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "namestring") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nbutlast (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nbutlast") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nconc (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nconc") nil)
+(deftest symbol-next-method-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "next-method-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nil (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nil") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nintersection (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nintersection") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ninth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ninth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-no-applicable-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "no-applicable-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-no-next-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "no-next-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-notany (test-if-not-in-cl-package "notany") nil)
+(deftest symbol-notevery (test-if-not-in-cl-package "notevery") nil)
+(deftest symbol-notinline (test-if-not-in-cl-package "notinline") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nreconc (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nreconc") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nreverse (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nreverse") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nset-difference (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nset-difference") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nset-exclusive-or (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nset-exclusive-or") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nstring-capitalize (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nstring-capitalize") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nstring-downcase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nstring-downcase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nstring-upcase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nstring-upcase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsublis (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsublis") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubst (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubst") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubst-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubst-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubst-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubst-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubstitute (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubstitute") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubstitute-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubstitute-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nsubstitute-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nsubstitute-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nth-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nth-value") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nthcdr (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nthcdr") nil)
+(deftest symbol-null (test-if-not-in-cl-package "null") nil)
+(deftest symbol-number (test-if-not-in-cl-package "number") nil)
+(deftest symbol-numberp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "numberp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-numerator (test-if-not-in-cl-package "numerator") nil)
+(deftest symbol-nunion (test-if-not-in-cl-package "nunion") nil)
+(deftest symbol-oddp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "oddp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-open (test-if-not-in-cl-package "open") nil)
+(deftest symbol-open-stream-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "open-stream-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-optimize (test-if-not-in-cl-package "optimize") nil)
+(deftest symbol-or (test-if-not-in-cl-package "or") nil)
+(deftest symbol-otherwise (test-if-not-in-cl-package "otherwise") nil)
+(deftest symbol-output-stream-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "output-stream-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-error-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-error-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-nicknames (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-nicknames") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-shadowing-symbols (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-shadowing-symbols") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-use-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-use-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-package-used-by-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "package-used-by-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-packagep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "packagep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pairlis (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pairlis") nil)
+(deftest symbol-parse-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "parse-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-parse-integer (test-if-not-in-cl-package "parse-integer") nil)
+(deftest symbol-parse-namestring (test-if-not-in-cl-package "parse-namestring") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-device (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-device") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-directory (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-directory") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-host (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-host") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-match-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-match-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathname-version (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathname-version") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pathnamep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pathnamep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-peek-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "peek-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-phase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "phase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pi (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pi") nil)
+(deftest symbol-plusp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "plusp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pop") nil)
+(deftest symbol-position (test-if-not-in-cl-package "position") nil)
+(deftest symbol-position-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "position-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-position-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "position-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-dispatch (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-dispatch") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-fill (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-fill") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-indent (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-indent") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-linear (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-linear") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-logical-block (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-logical-block") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-newline (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-newline") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-pop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-pop") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-tab (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-tab") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pprint-tabular (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pprint-tabular") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prin1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prin1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prin1-to-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prin1-to-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-princ (test-if-not-in-cl-package "princ") nil)
+(deftest symbol-princ-to-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "princ-to-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-print (test-if-not-in-cl-package "print") nil)
+(deftest symbol-print-not-readable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "print-not-readable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-print-not-readable-object (test-if-not-in-cl-package "print-not-readable-object") nil)
+(deftest symbol-print-object (test-if-not-in-cl-package "print-object") nil)
+(deftest symbol-print-unreadable-object (test-if-not-in-cl-package "print-unreadable-object") nil)
+(deftest symbol-probe-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "probe-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-proclaim (test-if-not-in-cl-package "proclaim") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prog (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prog") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prog* (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prog*") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prog1 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prog1") nil)
+(deftest symbol-prog2 (test-if-not-in-cl-package "prog2") nil)
+(deftest symbol-progn (test-if-not-in-cl-package "progn") nil)
+(deftest symbol-program-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "program-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-progv (test-if-not-in-cl-package "progv") nil)
+(deftest symbol-provide (test-if-not-in-cl-package "provide") nil)
+(deftest symbol-psetf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "psetf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-psetq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "psetq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-push (test-if-not-in-cl-package "push") nil)
+(deftest symbol-pushnew (test-if-not-in-cl-package "pushnew") nil)
+(deftest symbol-quote (test-if-not-in-cl-package "quote") nil)
+(deftest symbol-random (test-if-not-in-cl-package "random") nil)
+(deftest symbol-random-state (test-if-not-in-cl-package "random-state") nil)
+(deftest symbol-random-state-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "random-state-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rassoc (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rassoc") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rassoc-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rassoc-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rassoc-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rassoc-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-ratio (test-if-not-in-cl-package "ratio") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rational (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rational") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rationalize (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rationalize") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rationalp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rationalp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-byte (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-byte") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-char-no-hang (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-char-no-hang") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-delimited-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-delimited-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-from-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-from-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-line (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-line") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-preserving-whitespace (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-preserving-whitespace") nil)
+(deftest symbol-read-sequence (test-if-not-in-cl-package "read-sequence") nil)
+(deftest symbol-reader-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "reader-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-readtable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "readtable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-readtable-case (test-if-not-in-cl-package "readtable-case") nil)
+(deftest symbol-readtablep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "readtablep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-real (test-if-not-in-cl-package "real") nil)
+(deftest symbol-realp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "realp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-realpart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "realpart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-reduce (test-if-not-in-cl-package "reduce") nil)
+(deftest symbol-reinitialize-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "reinitialize-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rem (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rem") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remhash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remhash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remove (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remove") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remove-duplicates (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remove-duplicates") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remove-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remove-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remove-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remove-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remove-method (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remove-method") nil)
+(deftest symbol-remprop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "remprop") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rename-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rename-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rename-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rename-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-replace (test-if-not-in-cl-package "replace") nil)
+(deftest symbol-require (test-if-not-in-cl-package "require") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rest (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rest") nil)
+(deftest symbol-restart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "restart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-restart-bind (test-if-not-in-cl-package "restart-bind") nil)
+(deftest symbol-restart-case (test-if-not-in-cl-package "restart-case") nil)
+(deftest symbol-restart-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "restart-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-return (test-if-not-in-cl-package "return") nil)
+(deftest symbol-return-from (test-if-not-in-cl-package "return-from") nil)
+(deftest symbol-revappend (test-if-not-in-cl-package "revappend") nil)
+(deftest symbol-reverse (test-if-not-in-cl-package "reverse") nil)
+(deftest symbol-room (test-if-not-in-cl-package "room") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rotatef (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rotatef") nil)
+(deftest symbol-round (test-if-not-in-cl-package "round") nil)
+(deftest symbol-row-major-aref (test-if-not-in-cl-package "row-major-aref") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rplaca (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rplaca") nil)
+(deftest symbol-rplacd (test-if-not-in-cl-package "rplacd") nil)
+(deftest symbol-safety (test-if-not-in-cl-package "safety") nil)
+(deftest symbol-satisfies (test-if-not-in-cl-package "satisfies") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sbit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sbit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-scale-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "scale-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-schar (test-if-not-in-cl-package "schar") nil)
+(deftest symbol-search (test-if-not-in-cl-package "search") nil)
+(deftest symbol-second (test-if-not-in-cl-package "second") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sequence (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sequence") nil)
+(deftest symbol-serious-condition (test-if-not-in-cl-package "serious-condition") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-difference (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-difference") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-dispatch-macro-character (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-dispatch-macro-character") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-exclusive-or (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-exclusive-or") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-macro-character (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-macro-character") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-pprint-dispatch (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-pprint-dispatch") nil)
+(deftest symbol-set-syntax-from-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "set-syntax-from-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-setf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "setf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-setq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "setq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-seventh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "seventh") nil)
+(deftest symbol-shadow (test-if-not-in-cl-package "shadow") nil)
+(deftest symbol-shadowing-import (test-if-not-in-cl-package "shadowing-import") nil)
+(deftest symbol-shared-initialize (test-if-not-in-cl-package "shared-initialize") nil)
+(deftest symbol-shiftf (test-if-not-in-cl-package "shiftf") nil)
+(deftest symbol-short-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "short-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-short-float-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "short-float-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-short-float-negative-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "short-float-negative-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-short-site-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "short-site-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-signal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "signal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-signed-byte (test-if-not-in-cl-package "signed-byte") nil)
+(deftest symbol-signum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "signum") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-array (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-array") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-base-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-base-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-bit-vector (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-bit-vector") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-bit-vector-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-bit-vector-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-condition (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-condition") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-condition-format-arguments (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-condition-format-arguments") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-condition-format-control (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-condition-format-control") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-string-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-string-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-type-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-type-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-vector (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-vector") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-vector-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-vector-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-simple-warning (test-if-not-in-cl-package "simple-warning") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sin (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sin") nil)
+(deftest symbol-single-float (test-if-not-in-cl-package "single-float") nil)
+(deftest symbol-single-float-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "single-float-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-single-float-negative-epsilon (test-if-not-in-cl-package "single-float-negative-epsilon") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sinh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sinh") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sixth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sixth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sleep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sleep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-boundp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-boundp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-exists-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-exists-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-makunbound (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-makunbound") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-missing (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-missing") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-unbound (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-unbound") nil)
+(deftest symbol-slot-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "slot-value") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-software-version (test-if-not-in-cl-package "software-version") nil)
+(deftest symbol-some (test-if-not-in-cl-package "some") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sort (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sort") nil)
+(deftest symbol-space (test-if-not-in-cl-package "space") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-special-operator-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "special-operator-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-speed (test-if-not-in-cl-package "speed") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sqrt (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sqrt") nil)
+(deftest symbol-stable-sort (test-if-not-in-cl-package "stable-sort") nil)
+(deftest symbol-standard (test-if-not-in-cl-package "standard") nil)
+(deftest symbol-standard-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "standard-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-standard-char-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "standard-char-p") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-standard-object (test-if-not-in-cl-package "standard-object") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-store-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "store-value") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-stream-element-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "stream-element-type") nil)
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+(deftest symbol-stream-error-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "stream-error-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-stream-external-format (test-if-not-in-cl-package "stream-external-format") nil)
+(deftest symbol-streamp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "streamp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-capitalize (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-capitalize") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-downcase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-downcase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-equal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-equal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-greaterp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-greaterp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-left-trim (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-left-trim") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-lessp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-lessp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-not-equal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-not-equal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-not-greaterp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-not-greaterp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-not-lessp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-not-lessp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-right-trim (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-right-trim") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-trim (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-trim") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string-upcase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string-upcase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string/= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string/=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string< (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string<") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string<= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string<=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string> (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string>") nil)
+(deftest symbol-string>= (test-if-not-in-cl-package "string>=") nil)
+(deftest symbol-stringp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "stringp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-structure (test-if-not-in-cl-package "structure") nil)
+(deftest symbol-structure-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "structure-class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-structure-object (test-if-not-in-cl-package "structure-object") nil)
+(deftest symbol-style-warning (test-if-not-in-cl-package "style-warning") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sublis (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sublis") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subseq (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subseq") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subsetp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subsetp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subst (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subst") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subst-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subst-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subst-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subst-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-substitute (test-if-not-in-cl-package "substitute") nil)
+(deftest symbol-substitute-if (test-if-not-in-cl-package "substitute-if") nil)
+(deftest symbol-substitute-if-not (test-if-not-in-cl-package "substitute-if-not") nil)
+(deftest symbol-subtypep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "subtypep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-svref (test-if-not-in-cl-package "svref") nil)
+(deftest symbol-sxhash (test-if-not-in-cl-package "sxhash") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-macrolet (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-macrolet") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-name (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-name") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-plist (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-plist") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbol-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbol-value") nil)
+(deftest symbol-symbolp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "symbolp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-synonym-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "synonym-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-synonym-stream-symbol (test-if-not-in-cl-package "synonym-stream-symbol") nil)
+(deftest symbol-t (test-if-not-in-cl-package "t") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tagbody (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tagbody") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tailp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tailp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tan (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tan") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tanh (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tanh") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tenth (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tenth") nil)
+(deftest symbol-terpri (test-if-not-in-cl-package "terpri") nil)
+(deftest symbol-the (test-if-not-in-cl-package "the") nil)
+(deftest symbol-third (test-if-not-in-cl-package "third") nil)
+(deftest symbol-throw (test-if-not-in-cl-package "throw") nil)
+(deftest symbol-time (test-if-not-in-cl-package "time") nil)
+(deftest symbol-trace (test-if-not-in-cl-package "trace") nil)
+(deftest symbol-translate-logical-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "translate-logical-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-translate-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "translate-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-tree-equal (test-if-not-in-cl-package "tree-equal") nil)
+(deftest symbol-truename (test-if-not-in-cl-package "truename") nil)
+(deftest symbol-truncate (test-if-not-in-cl-package "truncate") nil)
+(deftest symbol-two-way-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "two-way-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-two-way-stream-input-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "two-way-stream-input-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-two-way-stream-output-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "two-way-stream-output-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-type-error (test-if-not-in-cl-package "type-error") nil)
+(deftest symbol-type-error-datum (test-if-not-in-cl-package "type-error-datum") nil)
+(deftest symbol-type-error-expected-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "type-error-expected-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-type-of (test-if-not-in-cl-package "type-of") nil)
+(deftest symbol-typecase (test-if-not-in-cl-package "typecase") nil)
+(deftest symbol-typep (test-if-not-in-cl-package "typep") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unbound-slot (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unbound-slot") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unbound-slot-instance (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unbound-slot-instance") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unbound-variable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unbound-variable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-undefined-function (test-if-not-in-cl-package "undefined-function") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unexport (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unexport") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unintern (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unintern") nil)
+(deftest symbol-union (test-if-not-in-cl-package "union") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unless (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unless") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unread-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unread-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unsigned-byte (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unsigned-byte") nil)
+(deftest symbol-untrace (test-if-not-in-cl-package "untrace") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unuse-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unuse-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-unwind-protect (test-if-not-in-cl-package "unwind-protect") nil)
+(deftest symbol-update-instance-for-different-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "update-instance-for-different-class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-update-instance-for-redefined-class (test-if-not-in-cl-package "update-instance-for-redefined-class") nil)
+(deftest symbol-upgraded-array-element-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "upgraded-array-element-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-upgraded-complex-part-type (test-if-not-in-cl-package "upgraded-complex-part-type") nil)
+(deftest symbol-upper-case-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "upper-case-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-use-package (test-if-not-in-cl-package "use-package") nil)
+(deftest symbol-use-value (test-if-not-in-cl-package "use-value") nil)
+(deftest symbol-user-homedir-pathname (test-if-not-in-cl-package "user-homedir-pathname") nil)
+(deftest symbol-values (test-if-not-in-cl-package "values") nil)
+(deftest symbol-values-list (test-if-not-in-cl-package "values-list") nil)
+(deftest symbol-variable (test-if-not-in-cl-package "variable") nil)
+(deftest symbol-vector (test-if-not-in-cl-package "vector") nil)
+(deftest symbol-vector-pop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "vector-pop") nil)
+(deftest symbol-vector-push (test-if-not-in-cl-package "vector-push") nil)
+(deftest symbol-vector-push-extend (test-if-not-in-cl-package "vector-push-extend") nil)
+(deftest symbol-vectorp (test-if-not-in-cl-package "vectorp") nil)
+(deftest symbol-warn (test-if-not-in-cl-package "warn") nil)
+(deftest symbol-warning (test-if-not-in-cl-package "warning") nil)
+(deftest symbol-when (test-if-not-in-cl-package "when") nil)
+(deftest symbol-wild-pathname-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "wild-pathname-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-accessors (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-accessors") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-compilation-unit (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-compilation-unit") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-condition-restarts (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-condition-restarts") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-hash-table-iterator (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-hash-table-iterator") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-input-from-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-input-from-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-open-file (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-open-file") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-open-stream (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-open-stream") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-output-to-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-output-to-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-package-iterator (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-package-iterator") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-simple-restart (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-simple-restart") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-slots (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-slots") nil)
+(deftest symbol-with-standard-io-syntax (test-if-not-in-cl-package "with-standard-io-syntax") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-byte (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-byte") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-char (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-char") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-line (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-line") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-sequence (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-sequence") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-write-to-string (test-if-not-in-cl-package "write-to-string") nil)
+(deftest symbol-y-or-n-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "y-or-n-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-yes-or-no-p (test-if-not-in-cl-package "yes-or-no-p") nil)
+(deftest symbol-zerop (test-if-not-in-cl-package "zerop") nil)
+;;; keywordp
+(deftest keywordp-1 (keywordp 'hefalump)   nil)
+(deftest keywordp-2 (keywordp 17)          nil)
+(deftest keywordp-3 (not (not (keywordp :stream)))         t)
+(deftest keywordp-4 (not (not (keywordp ':stream)))        t)
+(deftest keywordp-5 (keywordp nil)         nil)
+(deftest keywordp-6 (not (not (keywordp :nil)))          t)
+(deftest keywordp-7 (keywordp '(:stream))    nil)
+(deftest keywordp-8 (keywordp "rest")     nil)
+(deftest keywordp-9 (keywordp ":rest")    nil)
+(deftest keywordp-10 (keywordp '&body) nil)
+(deftest keywordp-11 (not (not (keywordp ::foo)))       t)
+(deftest keywordp-12 (keywordp t)          nil)
+;;; symbol-name
+(defun safe-symbol-name (sym)
+  (catch-type-error (symbol-name sym)))
+(deftest symbol-name-1
+  (safe-symbol-name '|ABCD|)
+  "ABCD")
+(deftest symbol-name-2
+  (safe-symbol-name '|1234abcdABCD|)
+  "1234abcdABCD")
+(deftest symbol-name-3
+  (safe-symbol-name 1)
+  type-error)
+(deftest symbol-name-4
+  (safe-symbol-name '(a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest symbol-name-5
+  (safe-symbol-name "ABCDE")
+  type-error)
+(deftest symbol-name-6
+  (safe-symbol-name 12913.0213)
+  type-error)
+(deftest symbol-name-7
+  (symbol-name :|abcdefg|)
+  "abcdefg")
+;;; make-symbol
+(deftest make-symbol-1
+  (not (not (symbolp (make-symbol "FOO"))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-symbol-2
+  (symbol-package (make-symbol "BAR"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-3
+  (symbol-package (make-symbol "CL::FOO"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-4
+  (symbol-package (make-symbol "CL:FOO"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-5
+  (symbol-name (make-symbol "xyz"))
+  "xyz")
+(deftest make-symbol-6
+    (eq (make-symbol "A")
+	(make-symbol "A"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-7
+  (boundp (make-symbol "B"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-8
+  (symbol-plist (make-symbol "C"))
+  nil)
+(defun safe-make-symbol (name)
+  (catch-type-error (make-symbol name)))
+(deftest make-symbol-9
+  (safe-make-symbol nil)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-10
+  (safe-make-symbol 'a)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-11
+  (safe-make-symbol 1)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-12
+  (safe-make-symbol -1)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-13
+  (safe-make-symbol 1.213)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-14
+  (safe-make-symbol -1312.2)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-15
+  (safe-make-symbol #\w)
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-16
+  (safe-make-symbol '(a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-symbol-17
+  (fboundp (make-symbol "D"))
+  nil)
+(deftest make-symbol-18
+    (symbol-name (safe-make-symbol ""))
+  "")
+;;; copy-symbol
+(deftest copy-symbol-1
+  (not (not
+	(every
+	 #'(lambda (x)
+	     (let ((y (copy-symbol x)))
+	       (and (symbolp y)
+		    (not (boundp y))
+		    (not (fboundp y))
+		    (null (symbol-package y))
+		    (equal (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+		    (null (symbol-plist y))
+		    (symbolp (copy-symbol y))
+			)))
+	 '(nil t a b |a| |123|))))
+  t)
+(deftest copy-symbol-2
+  (handler-case
+   (progn
+     (setf (symbol-plist '|foo|) '(a b c d))
+     (makunbound '|foo|)
+     (not (not
+	   (every
+	    #'(lambda (x)
+		(let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
+		  (and (symbolp y)
+		       (if (boundp x)
+			   (boundp y)
+			 (not (boundp y)))
+		       (not (fboundp y))
+		       (null (symbol-package y))
+		       (equal (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+		       (equal (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
+		       )))
+	    '(nil t a b |foo| |a| |123|)))))
+   (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest copy-symbol-3
+  (handler-case
+   (progn
+     (setf (symbol-plist '|foo|) '(a b c d))
+     (setf (symbol-value '|a|) 12345)
+     (not (not
+	   (every
+	    #'(lambda (x)
+		(let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
+		  (and (symbolp y)
+		       (if (boundp x)
+			   (eq (symbol-value x)
+			       (symbol-value y))
+			 (not (boundp y)))
+		       (not (fboundp y))
+		       (null (symbol-package y))
+		       (equal (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+		       (eql (length (symbol-plist x))
+			    (length (symbol-plist y)))
+		       (every #'eq (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
+		       )))
+	    '(nil t a b |foo| |a| |123|)))))
+   (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest copy-symbol-4
+  (eq (copy-symbol 'a) (copy-symbol 'a))
+  nil)
+;;; gensym
+;; Gensym returns unique symbols
+(deftest gensym-1
+    (equal (gensym) (gensym))
+  nil)
+;; Gensym returns symbols with distinct print names
+(deftest gensym-2
+    (equal (symbol-name (gensym))
+	   (symbol-name (gensym)))
+  nil)
+;; Gensym uses the *gensym-counter* special variable,
+;; but does not increment it until after the symbol
+;; has been created.
+(deftest gensym-3
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 1))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+     (symbol-name (gensym)))
+  "G1")
+;; Gensym uses the string argument instead of the default
+(deftest gensym-4
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 1327))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (symbol-name (gensym "FOO")))
+  "FOO1327")
+;; The symbol returned by gensym should be unbound
+(deftest gensym-5
+    (boundp (gensym))
+  nil)
+;; The symbol returned by gensym should have no function binding
+(deftest gensym-6
+    (fboundp (gensym))
+  nil)
+;; The symbol returned by gensym should have no property list
+(deftest gensym-7
+    (symbol-plist (gensym))
+  nil)
+;; The symbol returned by gensym should be uninterned
+(deftest gensym-8
+    (symbol-package (gensym))
+  nil)
+;; *gensym-counter* is incremented by gensym
+(deftest gensym-9
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 12345))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (gensym)
+    *gensym-counter*)
+  12346)
+;; Gensym works when *gensym-counter* is Really Big
+;; (and does not increment the counter until after creating
+;; the symbol.)
+(deftest gensym-10
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 1234567890123456789012345678901234567890))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (symbol-name (gensym)))
+  "G1234567890123456789012345678901234567890")
+;; gensym increments Really Big values of *gensym-counter*
+(deftest gensym-11
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (gensym)
+    *gensym-counter*)
+  12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567891)
+;; Gensym uses an integer argument instead of the counter
+(deftest gensym-12
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 10))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (symbol-name (gensym 123)))
+  "G123")
+;; When given an integer argument, gensym does not increment the
+;; *gensym-counter*
+(deftest gensym-13
+  (let ((*gensym-counter* 10))
+    (declare (special *gensym-counter*))
+    (gensym 123)
+    *gensym-counter*)
+  10)
+;; Check response to erroneous arguments
+;; Note! NIL is not the same as no argument
+;; gensym should be implemented so that its only
+;; argument defaults to "G", with NIL causing an error.
+(deftest gensym-14
+    (catch-type-error (gensym 'aaa))
+  type-error)
+(deftest gensym-15
+    (catch-type-error (gensym 12.3))
+  type-error)
+(deftest gensym-16
+    (catch-type-error (gensym t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest gensym-17
+    (catch-type-error (gensym nil))
+  type-error) ;; NIL /= no argument!
+(deftest gensym-18
+    (catch-type-error (gensym '(a)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest gensym-19
+    (catch-type-error (gensym #\x))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7b7369460157e36ba2aa6924cfcb04c0e167b3ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 14 10:13:21 1998
+;;;; Contains: CL test case package definition
+(defpackage :cl-test
+  (:use :cl :rt)
+  #+gcl (:use defpackage)
+  (:nicknames)
+  (:export))
+#+cmu (import 'cl::quit :cl-test)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cltest.system b/ansi-tests/cltest.system
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5cf027096b45dcb4fe546e73cce032f0707ef5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cltest.system
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Mar 27 09:57:28 1998
+;;;; Contains: MK portable system file for CL test suite
+(mk::defsystem "cltest"
+  :source-pathname #.(directory-namestring *LOAD-TRUENAME*)
+  :source-extension "lsp"
+  :binary-pathname #.(mk::append-directories
+	(directory-namestring *LOAD-TRUENAME*)
+	"binary/")
+  :binary-extension
+	#+ALLEGRO "fasl"
+	#+(OR AKCL GCL) "o"
+  :initially-do (progn (load "rt/rt.system")
+		       (mk::compile-system "rt"))
+  :components
+  ("cl-test-package"
+   (:subsystem "cl-test-code"
+    :source-pathname ""
+    :binary-pathname ""
+    :depends-on ("cl-test-package")
+    :components
+    (
+     "aux"
+     "universe"
+     "cons-test-01"
+     "cons-test-02"
+     "cons-test-03"
+     "cons-test-04"
+     "cons-test-05"
+     "cons-test-06"
+     "cons-test-07"
+     "cons-test-08"
+     "cons-test-09"
+     "cons-test-10"
+     "cons-test-11"
+     "cons-test-12"
+     "cons-test-13"
+     "cons-test-14"
+     "cons-test-15"
+     "cons-test-16"
+     "cons-test-17"
+     "cons-test-18"
+     "cons-test-19"
+     "cons-test-20"
+     "cons-test-21"
+     "cons-test-22"
+     "cons-test-23"
+     "cons-test-24"
+     "types-and-class"
+     "cl-symbols"
+     "cases-14-1-arrays"
+     "cases-14-1-list"
+     "reader-test"
+     "packages-00"
+     "packages-01"
+     "packages-02"
+     "packages-03"
+     "packages-04"
+     "packages-05"
+     "packages-06"
+     "packages-07"
+     "packages-08"
+     "packages-09"
+     "packages-10"
+     "packages-11"
+     "packages-12"
+     "packages-13"
+     "packages-14"
+     "packages-15"
+     "packages-16"
+     "packages-17"
+     "packages-18"
+     "fill-strings"
+     "make-sequence"
+     "map"
+     "map-into"
+     "reduce"
+     "count"
+     "count-if"
+     "count-if-not"
+     "reverse"
+     "nreverse"
+     "sort"
+     "find"
+     "find-if"
+     "find-if-not"
+     "position"
+     "search-aux"
+     "search-list"
+     "search-vector"
+     "search-bitvector"
+     "search-string"
+     "mismatch"
+     "replace"
+     "substitute"
+     "substitute-if"
+     "substitute-if-not"
+     "nsubstitute"
+     "nsubstitute-if"
+     "nsubstitute-if-not"
+     "concatenate"
+     "merge"
+     "remove"  ;; need to extend these tests
+     "structure-00"
+     "structures-01"
+     "structures-02"
+     ))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp b/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fc4dfa9ac9349a99597b9e8d9203f7d9bb8f2232
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(in-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")
+(eval-when (load eval compile)
+  (unless (fboundp 'compile-file-pathname)
+    (defun compile-file-pathname (pathname)
+      (make-pathname :defaults pathname :type "o"))))
+(defun compile-and-load (pathspec)
+  "Find the file indicated by PATHSPEC, compiling it first if
+   the associated compiled file is out of date."
+  (let* ((pathname (pathname pathspec))
+	 (compile-pathname (compile-file-pathname pathname))
+	 (source-write-time (file-write-date pathname))
+	 (target-write-time (and (probe-file compile-pathname)
+				 (file-write-date compile-pathname))))
+    (when (or (not target-write-time)
+	      (<= target-write-time source-write-time))
+      (compile-file pathname))
+    (load compile-pathname)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp b/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9d40b930437bc245446314c97c1fe1e33a6ea183
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Sep  4 22:53:51 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for CONCATENATE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest concatenate.1
+  (concatenate 'list)
+  nil)
+(deftest concatenate.2
+  (let* ((orig (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+	 (copy (concatenate 'list orig)))
+    (values
+     copy
+     (intersection (loop for e on orig collect e)
+		   (loop for e on copy collect e)
+		   :test #'eq)))
+  (a b c d e)
+  nil)
+(deftest concatenate.3
+  (concatenate 'list "")
+  nil)
+(deftest concatenate.4
+  (concatenate 'list "abcd" '(x y z) nil #*1101 #())
+  (#\a #\b #\c #\d x y z 1 1 0 1))
+(deftest concatenate.5
+  (concatenate 'vector)
+  #())
+(deftest concatenate.6
+  (concatenate 'vector nil "abcd" '(x y z) nil #*1101 #())
+  #(#\a #\b #\c #\d x y z 1 1 0 1))
+(deftest concatenate.7
+  (let* ((orig (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+	 (copy (concatenate 'vector orig)))
+    (values
+     copy
+     (eq copy orig)))
+  #(a b c d e)
+  nil)
+(deftest concatenate.8
+  (concatenate 'simple-vector '(a b c) #(1 2 3))
+  #(a b c 1 2 3))
+(deftest concatenate.9
+  (concatenate 'simple-vector)
+  #())
+(deftest concatenate.10
+  (concatenate 'bit-vector nil)
+  #*)
+(deftest concatenate.11
+  (concatenate 'bit-vector)
+  #*)
+(deftest concatenate.12
+  (concatenate 'bit-vector '(0 1 1) nil #(1 0 1) #())
+  #*011101)
+(deftest concatenate.13
+  (concatenate 'simple-bit-vector nil)
+  #*)
+(deftest concatenate.14
+  (concatenate 'simple-bit-vector)
+  #*)
+(deftest concatenate.15
+  (concatenate 'simple-bit-vector '(0 1 1) nil #(1 0 1) #())
+  #*011101)
+(deftest concatenate.16
+  (concatenate 'string "abc" '(#\d #\e) nil #() "fg")
+  "abcdefg")
+(deftest concatenate.17
+  (concatenate 'simple-string "abc" '(#\d #\e) nil #() "fg")
+  "abcdefg")
+(deftest concatenate.18
+  (concatenate '(vector * *) '(a b c) '(d e f) #(g h))
+  #(a b c d e f g h))
+(deftest concatenate.19
+  (concatenate '(vector * 8) '(a b c) '(d e f) #(g h))
+  #(a b c d e f g h))
+(deftest concatenate.20
+  (concatenate '(vector symbol 8) '(a b c) '(d e f) #(g h))
+  #(a b c d e f g h))
+(deftest concatenate.21
+  (concatenate '(vector symbol) '(a b c) '(d e f) #(g h))
+  #(a b c d e f g h))
+(deftest concatenate.22
+  (concatenate '(vector symbol *) '(a b c) '(d e f) #(g h))
+  #(a b c d e f g h))
+(deftest concatenate.23
+  (concatenate 'cons '(a b c) '(d e f))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest concatenate.24
+  (concatenate 'null nil nil)
+  nil)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest concatenate-error.1
+  (handler-case
+   (concatenate 'sequence '(a b c))
+   (error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest concatenate-error.2
+  (handler-case  (concatenate 'fixnum '(a b c d e))
+		 (error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest concatenate-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (concatenate '(vector * 3) '(a b c d e)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d74f107c980cbf46b75964e99518f2d9f9e986e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:29:48 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 1
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Test the subtype relationships between null, list, cons and atom
+(deftest subtypep-null-list
+    (subtypep* 'null 'list)
+  t t)
+(deftest subtypep-cons-list
+    (subtypep* 'cons 'list)
+  t t)
+(deftest subtypep-null-cons
+   (subtypep* 'null 'cons)
+  nil t)
+(deftest subtypep-cons-null
+    (subtypep* 'cons 'null)
+  nil t)
+(deftest subtypep-null-atom
+    (subtypep* 'null 'atom)
+  t t)
+(deftest subtypep-cons-atom
+    (subtypep* 'cons 'atom)
+  nil t)
+(deftest subtypep-atom-cons
+    (subtypep* 'atom 'cons)
+  nil t)
+(deftest subtypep-atom-list
+    (subtypep* 'atom 'list)
+  nil t)
+(deftest subtypep-list-atom
+    (subtypep* 'list 'atom)
+  nil t)
+;; Check that the elements of *universe* in type null
+;; are those for which the null predice is true.
+(deftest null-null-universe
+    (check-type-predicate 'null 'null)
+  0)
+(defvar *cons-fns*
+    (list 'cons 'consp 'atom 'rplaca 'rplacd
+		 'car 'cdr 'caar 'cadr 'cdar 'cddr
+		 'caaar 'caadr 'cadar 'caddr
+		 'cdaar 'cdadr 'cddar 'cdddr
+		 'caaaar 'caaadr 'caadar 'caaddr
+		 'cadaar 'cadadr 'caddar 'cadddr
+		 'cdaaar 'cdaadr 'cdadar 'cdaddr
+		 'cddaar 'cddadr 'cdddar 'cddddr
+		 'copy-tree 'sublis 'nsublis
+		 'subst 'subst-if 'subst-if-not
+		 'nsubst 'nsubst-if 'nsubst-if-not
+		 'tree-equal
+		 'copy-list
+		 'list
+		 'list*
+		 'list-length
+		 'listp
+		 'make-list
+		 'first 'second 'third 'fourth
+		 'fifth 'sixth 'seventh 'eighth 'ninth 'tenth
+		 'nth
+		 'endp
+		 'null
+		 'nconc
+		 'append
+		 'revappend 'nreconc
+		 'butlast 'nbutlast
+		 'last 'ldiff 'tailp
+		 'nthcdr 'rest
+		 'member 'member-if 'member-if-not
+		 'mapc 'mapcar 'mapcan 'mapl 'maplist 'mapcon
+		 'acons
+		 'assoc 'assoc-if 'assoc-if-not
+		 'copy-alist
+		 'pairlis
+		 'rassoc 'rassoc-if 'rassoc-if-not
+		 'get-properties
+		 'getf
+		 'intersection
+		 'nintersection
+		 'adjoin
+		 'set-difference 'nset-difference
+		 'set-exclusive-or 'nset-exclusive-or
+		 'subsetp
+		 'union 'nunion
+		 ))
+;; All the cons functions have a fnuction binding
+(deftest function-bound-cons-fns
+  (loop
+   for x in *cons-fns* count
+   (when (or (not (fboundp x))
+	     (not (functionp (symbol-function x))))
+	 (format t "~%~S not bound to a function" x)
+	 t))
+  0)
+;; All the cons-related macros have a macro binding
+(deftest macro-bound-cons-macros
+    (not (every #'macro-function
+		      (list 'push 'pop 'pushnew 'remf)))
+  nil)
+;; None of the cons-related functions have macro bindings
+(deftest no-cons-fns-are-macros
+    (some #'macro-function *cons-fns*)
+  nil)
+;; Various easy tests of cons
+(deftest cons-of-symbols
+    (cons 'a 'b)
+  (a . b))
+(deftest cons-with-nil
+    (cons 'a nil)
+  (a))
+;; successive calls to cons produces results that are equal, but not eq
+(deftest cons-eq-equal
+    (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
+	  (y (cons 'a 'b)))
+      (and (not (eq x y))
+	   (equal x y)
+	   t))
+  t)
+;; list can be expressed as a bunch of conses (with nil)
+(deftest cons-equal-list
+    (equal (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil)))
+	   (list 'a 'b 'c))
+  t)
+;; Lists satisfy consp
+(deftest consp-list
+    (not (not (consp '(a))))
+  t)
+;; cons satisfies consp
+(deftest consp-cons
+    (not (not (consp (cons nil nil))))
+  t)
+;; nil is not a consp
+(deftest consp-nil
+    (consp nil)
+  nil)
+;; The empty list is not a cons
+(deftest consp-empty-list
+    (consp (list))
+  nil)
+;; A single element list is a cons
+(deftest consp-single-element-list
+    (not (not (consp (list 'a))))
+  t)
+;; For everything in *universe*, it is either an atom, or satisfies
+;; consp, but not both
+(deftest consp-xor-atom-universe
+    (not (not
+	  (every #'(lambda (x) (or (and (consp x) (not (atom x)))
+				   (and (not (consp x)) (atom x))))
+		 *universe*)))
+  t)
+;; Everything in type cons satisfies consp, and vice versa
+(deftest consp-cons-universe
+    (check-type-predicate 'consp 'cons)
+  0)
+;; Tests of car, cdr and compound forms
+(deftest cons-23
+    (car '(a))
+  a)
+(deftest cons-24
+    (cdr '(a . b))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-25
+    (caar '((a)))
+  a)
+(deftest cons-26
+    (cdar '((a . b)))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-27
+    (cadr '(a b))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-28
+    (cddr '(a b . c))
+  c)
+(deftest cons-29
+    (caaar '(((a))))
+  a)
+(deftest cons-30
+    (cdaar '(((a . b))))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-31
+    (cadar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-32
+    (cddar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
+  c)
+(deftest cons-33
+    (caadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
+  b)
+(deftest cons-34
+    (caddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
+  c)
+(deftest cons-36
+    (cdadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
+  c)
+(deftest cons-37
+    (cdddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
+  d)
+(defvar *cons-test-4*
+    (cons (cons (cons (cons 'a 'b)
+		      (cons 'c 'd))
+		(cons (cons 'e 'f)
+		      (cons 'g 'h)))
+	  (cons (cons (cons 'i 'j)
+		      (cons 'k 'l))
+		(cons (cons 'm 'n)
+		      (cons 'o 'p)))))
+(deftest cons-38
+    (caaaar *cons-test-4*)
+  a)
+(deftest cons-39
+    (cdaaar *cons-test-4*)
+  b)
+(deftest cons-40
+    (cadaar *cons-test-4*)
+  c)
+(deftest cons-41
+    (cddaar *cons-test-4*)
+  d)
+(deftest cons-42
+    (caadar *cons-test-4*)
+  e)
+(deftest cons-43
+    (cdadar *cons-test-4*)
+  f)
+(deftest cons-44
+    (caddar *cons-test-4*)
+  g)
+(deftest cons-45
+    (cdddar *cons-test-4*)
+  h)
+(deftest cons-46
+    (caaadr *cons-test-4*)
+  i)
+(deftest cons-47
+    (cdaadr *cons-test-4*)
+  j)
+(deftest cons-48
+    (cadadr *cons-test-4*)
+  k)
+(deftest cons-49
+    (cddadr *cons-test-4*)
+  l)
+(deftest cons-50
+    (caaddr *cons-test-4*)
+  m)
+(deftest cons-51
+    (cdaddr *cons-test-4*)
+  n)
+(deftest cons-52
+    (cadddr *cons-test-4*)
+  o)
+(deftest cons-53
+    (cddddr *cons-test-4*)
+  p)
+;; Test rplaca, rplacd
+(deftest rplaca-1
+    (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+      (let ((y x))
+	(and (eq (rplaca x 'c) y)
+	     (eq x y)
+	     (eq (car x) 'c)
+	     (eq (cdr x) 'b)
+	     t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rplacd-1
+    (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+      (let ((y x))
+	(and (eq (rplacd x 'd) y)
+	     (eq x y)
+	     (eq (car x) 'a)
+	     (eq (cdr x) 'd)
+	     t)))
+  t)
+;; rplaca on a fixnum is a type error
+(deftest rplaca-error-1
+    (let ((x 12340131))
+      (catch-type-error (rplaca x 1)))
+  type-error)
+;; rplacd on a fixnum is a type error
+(deftest rplacd-error-1
+    (let ((x 12340132))
+      (catch-type-error (rplacd x 1)))
+  type-error)
+;; To do: add tests for other invalid arguments
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f53fe3331e5dce3727f8cd2916dc2a84ca4ac7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:30:50 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 2
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; copy-tree
+(defun check-cons-copy (x y)
+  "Check that the tree x is a copy of the tree y,
+   returning t iff it is."
+  (cond
+   ((consp x)
+    (and (consp y)
+	 (not (eq x y))
+	 (check-cons-copy (car x) (car y))
+	 (check-cons-copy (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+   ((eq x y) t)
+   (t nil)))
+;; Try copy-tree on a tree containing elements of various kinds
+(deftest copy-tree-1
+    (let ((x (cons 'a (list (cons 'b 'c)
+			    (cons 1 1.2)
+			    (list (list "abcde"
+					(make-array '(10) :initial-element (cons 'e 'f)))
+				  'g)))))
+      (let ((y (copy-tree x)))
+	(check-cons-copy x y)))
+  t)
+;; Try copy-tree on *universe*
+(deftest copy-tree-2
+    (let ((x (copy-list *universe*)))
+      (let ((y (copy-tree x)))
+	(check-cons-copy x y)))
+  t)
+;; Check sublis
+(defun check-sublis (a al &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
+  "Apply sublis al a with various keys.  Check that
+   the arguments are not themselves changed.  Return nil
+   if the arguments do get changed."
+  (setf a (copy-tree a))
+  (setf al (copy-tree al))
+  (let ((acopy (make-scaffold-copy a))
+	(alcopy (make-scaffold-copy al)))
+    (let ((as
+	   (apply #'sublis al a
+		  `(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
+		    ,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy a acopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy al alcopy)
+       as))))
+(deftest sublis-1
+    (check-sublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
+		  '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
+(deftest sublis-2
+    (check-sublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
+		  '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+		  :test #'equal)
+  (F6 10 (F4 (F3 (F2 A B) (F1 A P)) (F1 A B))))
+(deftest sublis-3
+    (check-sublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
+		  '((30 . "foo")))
+  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
+(deftest sublis-4
+    (check-sublis (sublis
+		   (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
+		   (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+		  '((t . "yes"))
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
+					  (evenp x))))
+  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
+(deftest sublis-5
+    (check-sublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
+		    fie ("fee" "fie"))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
+(deftest sublis-6
+    (check-sublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
+		    ("fee" "fie"))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+		  :test 'equal)
+  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
+(deftest sublis-7
+    (check-sublis '(("aa" a b)
+		    (z "bb" d)
+		    ((x . "aa")))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+		    (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+		  :test 'equal
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+				       '*not-present*)))
+  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
+;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
+(deftest sublis-8
+  (handler-case
+      (check-sublis 
+       '(1 2 a b)
+       '((1 . 2) (a . b))
+       :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (2 2 b b))
+;; nsublis
+(defun check-nsublis (a al &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
+  "Apply nsublis al a, copying these arguments first."
+  (setf a (copy-tree a))
+  (setf al (copy-tree al))
+  (let ((as
+	 (apply #'sublis (copy-tree al) (copy-tree a)
+		`(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
+		    ,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
+    as))
+(deftest nsublis-1
+    (check-nsublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
+		  '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
+(deftest nsublis-2
+    (check-nsublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
+		  '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+		  :test #'equal)
+  (F6 10 (F4 (F3 (F2 A B) (F1 A P)) (F1 A B))))
+(deftest nsublis-3
+    (check-nsublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
+		  '((30 . "foo")))
+  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
+(deftest nsublis-4
+    (check-nsublis
+		  (nsublis (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
+			   (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+		  '((t . "yes"))
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
+					  (evenp x))))
+  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
+(deftest nsublis-5
+    (check-nsublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
+		    fie ("fee" "fie"))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
+(deftest nsublis-6
+    (check-nsublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
+		    ("fee" "fie"))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+		  :test 'equal)
+  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
+(deftest nsublis-7
+    (check-nsublis '(("aa" a b)
+		    (z "bb" d)
+		    ((x . "aa")))
+		  `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+		    (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+		  :test 'equal
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+				       '*not-present*)))
+  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
+;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
+(deftest nsublis-8
+  (handler-case
+      (check-nsublis 
+       '(1 2 a b)
+       '((1 . 2) (a . b))
+       :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (2 2 b b))
+(deftest sublis-shared
+    (let* ((shared-piece (list 'a 'b))
+	   (a (list shared-piece shared-piece)))
+      (check-sublis a '((a . b) (b . a))))
+  ((b a) (b a)))
+;;; Check subst
+(defun check-subst (new old tree &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
+  "Call subst new old tree, with keyword arguments if present.
+   Check that the arguments are not changed."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf old (copy-tree old))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
+	(oldcopy (make-scaffold-copy old))
+	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (apply #'subst new old tree
+		  `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+		    ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy old oldcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+	   result))))
+(defvar *subst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest subst-1
+    (check-subst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
+  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
+(deftest subst-2
+    (check-subst "A" 0 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
+  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest subst-3
+    (check-subst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
+  "Z")
+(deftest subst-4
+    (check-subst 'grape 'dick
+		 '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+(deftest subst-5
+    (check-subst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+(deftest subst-6
+    (check-subst
+     '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
+     '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
+     :test #'equal)
+  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
+(deftest subst-7
+    (check-subst
+     'foo "aaa"
+     '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+     :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			    "aaa"
+			  nil))
+     :test #'string=)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest subst-8
+    (check-subst
+     'foo nil
+     '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+     :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			    (copy-seq "aaa")
+			  nil))
+     :test-not #'equal)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest subst-9
+  (handler-case
+   (check-subst 'a 'b
+		(copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+		:key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (a a c d a a))
+;;; Check subst-if, subst-if-not
+(defun check-subst-if (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
+  "Call subst-if new pred tree, with various keyword arguments
+   if present.  Check that the arguments are not changed."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
+	(predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
+	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (apply #'subst-if new pred tree
+		  (unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+	   result))))
+(defun check-subst-if-not (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
+  "Call subst-if-not new pred tree, with various keyword arguments
+   if present.  Check that the arguments are not changed."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
+	(predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
+	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (apply #'subst-if-not new pred tree
+		  (unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+	   result))))
+(deftest subst-if-1
+    (check-subst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  A)
+(deftest subst-if-not-1
+    (check-subst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
+  ((X)
+   ((X) (X) X)
+   ((X) (X) (X) X)
+   ((X) (X) (X) (X) X)
+   X))
+(deftest subst-if-2
+    (check-subst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
+  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
+(deftest subst-if-3
+    (check-subst-if '(z)
+		    (complement #'consp)
+		    '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+  ((Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) (Z) Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) Z)
+   Z))
+(deftest subst-if-not-2
+    (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
+			'((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  A)
+(deftest subst-if-4
+    (check-subst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		    :key #'listp)
+  B)
+(deftest subst-if-not-3
+    (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity
+			'((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+			:key (complement #'listp))
+  C)
+(deftest subst-if-5
+    (check-subst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
+		    '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+		    :key #'(lambda (x)
+			     (and (consp x)
+				  (car x))))
+  (4 4 4 4))
+(deftest subst-if-not-4
+    (check-subst-if-not
+     40
+     #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
+     '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
+     :key #'(lambda (x)
+	      (and (consp x)
+		   (car x))))
+  (40 40 40 40))
+(deftest subst-if-6
+  (handler-case
+   (check-subst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
+		   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		   :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest subst-if-not-5
+  (handler-case
+   (check-subst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
+		       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		       :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+;;; Check nsubst
+(defun check-nsubst (new old tree &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
+  "Call nsubst new old tree, with keyword arguments if present."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf old (copy-tree old))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (apply #'nsubst new old tree
+	 `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+(defvar *nsubst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest nsubst-1
+    (check-nsubst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
+  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
+(deftest nsubst-2
+    (check-nsubst "A" 0 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
+  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest nsubst-3
+    (check-nsubst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
+  "Z")
+(deftest nsubst-4
+    (check-nsubst 'grape 'dick
+		 '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+(deftest nsubst-5
+    (check-nsubst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+(deftest nsubst-6
+    (check-nsubst
+     '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
+     '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
+     :test #'equal)
+  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
+(deftest nsubst-7
+    (check-nsubst
+     'foo "aaa"
+     '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+     :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			    "aaa"
+			  nil))
+     :test #'string=)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest nsubst-8
+    (check-nsubst
+     'foo nil
+     '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+     :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			    (copy-seq "aaa")
+			  nil))
+     :test-not #'equal)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest nsubst-9
+  (handler-case
+   (check-nsubst 'a 'b
+		(copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+		:key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (a a c d a a))
+;;; Check nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
+(defun check-nsubst-if (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
+  "Call nsubst-if new pred tree, with keyword arguments if present."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (apply #'nsubst-if new pred tree
+	 (unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
+(defun check-nsubst-if-not (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
+  "Call nsubst-if-not new pred tree, with keyword arguments if present."
+  (setf new (copy-tree new))
+  (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
+  (apply #'nsubst-if-not new pred tree
+		  (unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
+(deftest nsubst-if-1
+    (check-nsubst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  A)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not-1
+    (check-nsubst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
+  ((X)
+   ((X) (X) X)
+   ((X) (X) (X) X)
+   ((X) (X) (X) (X) X)
+   X))
+(deftest nsubst-if-2
+    (check-nsubst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
+  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
+(deftest nsubst-if-3
+    (check-nsubst-if '(z)
+		    (complement #'consp)
+		    '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+  ((Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) (Z) Z)
+   ((Z) (Z) (Z) (Z) Z)
+   Z))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not-2
+    (check-nsubst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
+			'((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  A)
+(deftest nsubst-if-4
+    (check-nsubst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		    :key #'listp)
+  B)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not-3
+    (check-nsubst-if-not 'c #'identity
+			'((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+			:key (complement #'listp))
+  C)
+(deftest nsubst-if-5
+    (check-nsubst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
+		    '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+		    :key #'(lambda (x)
+			     (and (consp x)
+				  (car x))))
+  (4 4 4 4))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not-4
+    (check-nsubst-if-not
+     40
+     #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
+     '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
+     :key #'(lambda (x)
+	      (and (consp x)
+		   (car x))))
+  (40 40 40 40))
+(deftest nsubst-if-6
+  (handler-case
+   (check-nsubst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
+		   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		   :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not-5
+  (handler-case
+   (check-nsubst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
+		       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		       :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+((a) (a) (c) (d)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f83dc34f44193efc3863763ed0bfba219a0e7a3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:32:20 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 3
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; copy-list
+(defun check-copy-list-copy (x y)
+  "Check that y is a copy of the list x."
+  (if
+      (consp x)
+      (and (consp y)
+	   (not (eq x y))
+	   (eq (car x) (car y))
+	   (check-copy-list-copy (cdr x) (cdr y)))
+    (and (eq x y) t)))
+(defun check-copy-list (x)
+  "Apply copy-list, checking that it properly copies,
+   and checking that it does not change its argument."
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((y (copy-list x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-copy-list-copy x y)
+       y))))
+(deftest copy-list-1
+    (check-copy-list '(a b c d))
+  (a b c d))
+;; Check that copy-list works on dotted lists
+(deftest copy-list-2
+    (check-copy-list '(a . b))
+ (a . b))
+(deftest copy-list-3
+    (check-copy-list '(a b c . d))
+  (a b c . d))
+;;; list, list*
+(deftest list-1
+    (list 'a 'b 'c)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest list-2
+    (list)
+  nil)
+(deftest list*-1
+    (list* 1 2 3)
+  (1 2 . 3))
+(deftest list*-2
+    (list* 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest list-list*-1
+    (list* 'a 'b 'c (list 'd 'e 'f))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest list*-3
+    (list* 1)
+  1)
+;;; list-length
+(deftest list-length-nil
+    (list-length nil)
+  0)
+(deftest list-length-list
+    (list-length '(a b c d e f))
+  6)
+;; check that list-length returns nil
+;; on a circular list
+(deftest list-length-circular-list
+    (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
+      (let ((y (list* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x)))
+	(setf (cdr x) y)
+	(let ((z (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e y)))
+	  (list-length z))))
+  nil)
+;; Check that list-length produces a type-error
+;; on arguments that are not proper lists or circular lists
+(deftest list-length-error
+    (loop
+	for x in (list 'a 1 1.0 #\w (make-array '(10))
+		       '(a b . c) (symbol-package 'cons))
+	count (not (eq (catch-type-error (list-length x))
+		       'type-error)))
+  0)
+;;; listp
+;; Check listp against various simple cases
+(deftest listp-nil
+    (not (not (listp nil)))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-symbol
+    (listp 'a)
+  nil)
+(deftest listp-singleton-list
+    (not (not (listp '(a))))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-circular-list
+    (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
+      (setf (cdr x) x)
+      (not (not (listp x))))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-longer-list
+    (not (not (listp '(a b c d e f g h))))
+  t)
+;; Check that (listp x) == (typep x 'list)
+(deftest listp-universe
+    (check-type-predicate 'listp 'list)
+  0)
+;;; (typep <obj> 'list)
+;; These tests are now somewhat redundant
+(deftest typep-nil-list
+    (not (not (typep nil 'list)))
+  t)
+(deftest typep-symbol-list
+    (typep 'a 'list)
+  nil)
+(deftest typep-singleton-list-list
+    (not (not (typep '(a) 'list)))
+  t)
+(deftest typep-circular-list-list
+    (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
+      (setf (cdr x) x)
+      (not (not (typep x 'list))))
+  t)
+(deftest typep-longer-list-list
+    (not (not (typep '(a b c d e f g h) 'list)))
+  t)
+;;; make-list
+(deftest make-list-empty-1
+    (make-list 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-list-empty-2
+    (make-list 0 :initial-element 'a)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-list-no-initial-element
+    (make-list 6)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list-with-initial-element
+    (make-list 6 :initial-element 'a)
+  (a a a a a a))
+(deftest make-list-type-error-1
+    (catch-type-error (make-list -1))
+  type-error)
+;; This next test causes ACL 4.3 (Linux) to loop
+(deftest make-list-type-error-2
+    (catch-type-error (make-list 'a))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..01f070939d017a22a2cdb6cccaaf372ef11ffded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:33:20 1998
+;;;; Contains:  Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 4
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; push
+;;;  There will be a separate test suite
+;;;    for ACCESSORS x SETF-like macros
+(deftest push-1
+    (let ((x nil))
+      (push 'a x))
+  (a))
+(deftest push-2
+    (let ((x 'b))
+      (push 'a x)
+      (push 'c x))
+  (c a . b))
+(deftest push-3
+    (let ((x (copy-tree '(a))))
+      (push x x)
+      (and
+       (eq (car x) (cdr x))
+       x))
+  ((a) a))
+;;; pop
+(deftest pop-1
+    (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c))))
+      (let ((y (pop x)))
+	(list x y)))
+  ((b c) a))
+(deftest pop-2
+    (let ((x nil))
+      (let ((y (pop x)))
+	(list x y)))
+  (nil nil))
+(deftest push-and-pop
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b)))
+	  (y x))
+      (push 'c x)
+      (and
+       (eq (cdr x) y)
+       (pop x)))
+  c)
+;;; pushnew
+(deftest pushnew-1
+    (let ((x nil))
+      (let ((y (pushnew 'a x)))
+	(and
+	 (eq x y)
+	 (equal x '(a))
+	 t)))
+  t)
+(deftest pushnew-2
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(b c d a k f q)))
+	   (y (pushnew 'a x)))
+      (and
+       (eq x y)
+       x))
+  (b c d a k f q))
+(deftest pushnew-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+	   (y (pushnew 7 x)))
+      (and
+       (eq x y)
+       x))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+(deftest pushnew-4
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(c d)) x
+		       :test 'equal)))
+      (and (eq x y)
+	   x))
+  ((c d) (a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+(deftest pushnew-5
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+		       :test 'equal)))
+      (and
+       (eq x y)
+       x))
+  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+(deftest pushnew-6
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c e) (d f) (g h))))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(d i)) x :key #'car))
+	   (z (pushnew (copy-tree '(z 10)) x :key #'car)))
+      (and (eq y (cdr z))
+	   (eq z x)
+	   x))
+  ((z 10) (a b) (c e) (d f) (g h)))
+(deftest pushnew-7
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		       :key #'car :test #'string=))
+	   (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10))
+		       x
+		       :key #'car :test #'string=)))
+      (and
+       (eq y (cdr x))
+       (eq x z)
+       x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+(deftest pushnew-8
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		       :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+	   (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+		       :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+      (and
+       (eq y (cdr x))
+       (eq x z)
+       x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+(deftest pushnew-9
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		       :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+	   (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+		       :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+      (and
+       (eq y (cdr x))
+       (eq x z)
+       x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest pushnew-10
+  (handler-case
+   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	  (result (pushnew 'z x :key nil)))
+      result)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (z a b c d))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest pushnew-11
+  (handler-case
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	   (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+		       :test 'equal :key nil)))
+      (and
+       (eq x y)
+       x))
+    (error (c) c))
+  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+;;; adjoin
+(deftest adjoin-1
+  (adjoin 'a nil)
+(deftest adjoin-2
+  (adjoin nil nil)
+(deftest adjoin-3
+  (adjoin 'a '(a))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest adjoin-4
+  (handler-case
+   (adjoin 'a '(a) :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin-5
+  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key #'identity)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin-6
+  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key 'identity)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin-7
+  (adjoin (1+ 11) '(4 3 12 2 1))
+(4 3 12 2 1))
+;; Check that the test is EQL, not EQ (by adjoining a bignum)
+(deftest adjoin-8
+  (adjoin (1+ 999999999999) '(4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
+  (4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
+(deftest adjoin-9
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+("aaa" aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin-10
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test #'equal)
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin-11
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test 'equal)
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin-12
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin-14
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test #'equal :key #'identity)
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin-15
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test 'equal :key #'identity)
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin-16
+  (handler-case
+   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	   :test #'equal :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin-17
+  (handler-case
+   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	   :test 'equal :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin-18
+  (handler-case
+   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal) :key nil)
+   (error (c) c))
+(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1764c0dc0e6f7cadf83a2960a048fb6193b075cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:34:08 1998
+;;;; Contains:  Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 5
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; first, ..., tenth
+(deftest first-etc-1
+    (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to 20 collect i)))
+      (list (first x)
+	    (second x)
+	    (third x)
+	    (fourth x)
+	    (fifth x)
+	    (sixth x)
+	    (seventh x)
+	    (eighth x)
+	    (ninth x)
+	    (tenth x)))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
+(deftest first-etc-2
+    (let ((x (make-list 15 :initial-element 'a)))
+      (and
+       (eql (setf (first x) 1) 1)
+       (eql (setf (second x) 2) 2)
+       (eql (setf (third x) 3) 3)
+       (eql (setf (fourth x) 4) 4)
+       (eql (setf (fifth x) 5) 5)
+       (eql (setf (sixth x) 6) 6)
+       (eql (setf (seventh x) 7) 7)
+       (eql (setf (eighth x) 8) 8)
+       (eql (setf (ninth x) 9) 9)
+       (eql (setf (tenth x) 10) 10)
+       x))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a a a a a))
+(deftest rest-set-1
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+      (and
+       (eq (setf (rest x) 'd) 'd)
+       x))
+  (a . d))
+;;; setting of C*R accessors
+(defun create-c*r-test (n)
+  (cond
+   ((<= n 0) 'none)
+   (t
+    (cons (create-c*r-test (1- n))
+	  (create-c*r-test (1- n))))))
+    for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
+		caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+		caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+		cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
+    do
+      (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
+	(eval `(deftest ,(intern
+			  (concatenate 'string
+			    (symbol-name fn)
+			    "-SET")
+			  :cl-test)
+		   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
+		     (and
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
+		      (equal x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+		      ))
+		 t))))
+    for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
+		      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
+		      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
+    do
+      (eval
+       `(deftest ,(intern
+		   (concatenate 'string
+		     (symbol-name fn)
+		     "-SET")
+		   :cl-test)
+	    (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
+	      (and
+	       (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (loop
+		   for i from 1 to 20
+		   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+				 (nth (1- i) x))
+			(return nil))
+		   finally (return t))
+	       (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (nth ,(1- len) x)))
+	  a)))
+;;; nth
+(defun nth-1-body (x)
+  (loop
+      for e in x
+       and i from 0
+       count (not (eq e (nth i x)))))
+(deftest nth-1
+    (nth-1-body (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect (* 4 i)))
+  0)
+(deftest nth-2
+  (handler-case
+    (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect i)))
+      (loop
+	  for i from 0 to 1999 do
+	    (setf (nth i x) (- 1999 i)))
+      (equal x (loop for i from 1999 downto 0 collect i)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest nth-3
+  (catch-type-error (nth -1 (copy-tree '(a b c))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nth-4
+  (catch-type-error (nth 'a (copy-tree '(a b c))))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..be286ac7b715666635613f2f8a42c79a37f107ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:34:40 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 6
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; endp
+(deftest endp-nil
+    (not (not (endp nil)))
+  t)
+(deftest endp-cons
+    (endp (cons 'a 'a))
+  nil)
+(deftest endp-singleton-list
+    (endp '(a))
+  nil)
+(deftest endp-symbol-error
+    (catch-type-error (endp 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest endp-fixnum-error
+    (catch-type-error (endp 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest endp-float-error
+    (catch-type-error (endp 0.9212d4))
+  type-error)
+;;; null
+(deftest null-1
+    (null nil)
+  t)
+(deftest null-2
+    (not (some #'null
+	       `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
+		   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
+  t)
+(deftest not-1
+    (not nil)
+  t)
+(deftest not-2
+    (not (some #'not
+	       `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
+		   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
+  t)
+(deftest typep-nil-null
+    (not (not (typep nil 'null)))
+  t)
+(deftest typep-t-null
+    (typep t 'null)
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e4170a1959aa6b4501c728059911a97a8f7f429c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:35:15 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 7
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; nconc
+(deftest nconc-1
+    (nconc)
+  nil)
+(deftest nconc-2
+    (nconc (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest nconc-3
+    (nconc 1)
+  1)
+(deftest nconc-4
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	  (y (list 'd 'e 'f)))
+      (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+	(let ((result (nconc x y)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	   (eq (cdddr x) y)
+	   result))))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest nconc-5
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+      (nconc x x)
+      (and
+       (eq (cdddr x) x)
+       (null (list-length x))))
+  t)
+(deftest nconc-6
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	  (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
+	  (z (list 'i 'j 'k)))
+      (let ((result (nconc x y z 'foo)))
+	(and
+	 (eq (nthcdr 3 x) y)
+	 (eq (nthcdr 5 y) z)
+	 (eq (nthcdr 3 z) 'foo)
+	 result)))
+  (a b c d e f g h i j k . foo))
+;;; append
+(deftest append-1
+    (append)
+  nil)
+(deftest append-2
+    (append 'x)
+  x)
+(deftest append-3
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	  (y (list 'e 'f 'g)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	    (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+	(let ((result (append x y)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	   result))))
+  (a b c d e f g))
+(deftest append-4
+    (append (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c)
+	    (list 'd) (list 'e) (list 'f)
+	    (list 'g) 'h)
+  (a b c d e f g . h))
+(deftest append-5
+    (append nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 'a)
+  a)
+(defun append-6-body ()
+  (let ((step (max 1 (min 256 (floor (/ call-arguments-limit 64))))))
+    (loop
+	for n from 0
+	to call-arguments-limit
+	by step
+	count
+	  (not
+	   (equal
+	    (apply #'append (loop for i from 1 to n
+				collect '(a)))
+	    (make-list n :initial-element 'a))))))
+(deftest append-6
+    (cons-178-body)
+  0)
+;;; revappend
+(deftest revappend-1
+    (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	   (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   )
+      (let ((result (revappend x y)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	 (eq (cdddr result) y)
+	 result)))
+  (c b a d e f))
+(deftest revappend-2
+    (revappend (copy-tree '(a b c d e)) 10)
+  (e d c b a . 10))
+(deftest revappend-3
+    (revappend nil 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest revappend-4
+    (revappend (copy-tree '(a (b c) d)) nil)
+  (d (b c) a))
+;;; nreconc
+(deftest nreconc-1
+    (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	   (y (nreverse (loop for e on x collect e))))
+      (setf x (nreconc x (copy-tree '(d e f))))
+      (and (eq x (car y))
+	   (eq (cdr x) (cadr y))
+	   (eq (cddr x) (caddr y))
+	   x))
+  (c b a d e f))
+(deftest nreconc-2
+  (handler-case
+    (nreconc nil 'a)
+    (error (c) c))
+  a)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8d83eb9a2bed66511dc88a8bbc9afb605d11d36b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:36:01 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 8
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; Error checking car, cdr, list-length
+(deftest car-1
+    (catch-type-error (car '(a)))
+  a)
+(deftest car-nil
+    (catch-type-error (car nil))
+  nil)
+(deftest car-symbol-error
+    (catch-type-error (car 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest cdr-1
+    (catch-type-error (cdr '(a b)))
+  (b))
+(deftest cdr-nil
+    (catch-type-error (cdr ()))
+  nil)
+(deftest cdr-symbol-error
+    (catch-type-error (cdr 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest list-length-4
+    (catch-type-error (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c))))
+  3)
+(deftest list-length-symbol
+    (catch-type-error (list-length 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest list-length-dotted-list
+    (catch-type-error (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fdd50320f2a950aa5bf2ea00ad9eec886e3f6d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:36:30 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 9
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; butlast, nbutlast
+(deftest butlast-1
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+	(let ((result (butlast x 2)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result))))
+  (a b c))
+(deftest butlast-2
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+	(let ((result (butlast x 0)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result))))
+  (a b c d e))
+(deftest butlast-3
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+	(let ((result (butlast x 5)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result))))
+  nil)
+(deftest butlast-4
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+	(let ((result (butlast x 6)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result))))
+  nil)
+(deftest butlast-5
+    (catch-type-error (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c . d)) 1))
+  (a b))
+(deftest butlast-6
+    (catch-type-error (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest butlast-7
+    (catch-type-error (butlast 'a 0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-1
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((y (cdr x))
+	    (z (cddr x)))
+	(let ((result (nbutlast x 2)))
+	  (and (eq x result)
+	       (eq (cdr x) y)
+	       (eq (cddr x) z)
+	       result))))
+  (a b c))
+(deftest nbutlast-2
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((result (nbutlast x 5)))
+	(list x result)))
+  ((a b c d e) nil))
+(deftest nbutlast-3
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+      (let ((result (nbutlast x 500)))
+	(list x result)))
+  ((a b c d e) nil))
+(deftest nbutlast-4
+    (let ((x (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+      (let ((result (catch-type-error (nbutlast x 1))))
+	(and (eq result x)
+	     result)))
+  (a b))
+(deftest nbutlast-5
+    (let ((x (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+      (let ((result (catch-type-error (nbutlast x 'a))))
+	result))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-6
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast 'a 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-7
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast 2 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-8
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast #\w 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-9
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast (list 'a 'b 'c 'd) -3))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-10
+    (nbutlast nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nbutlast-11
+    (nbutlast (list 'a))
+  nil)
+(deftest nbutlast-12
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast (list 'a) 20.0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nbutlast-13
+    (catch-type-error (nbutlast (list 'a) -100.0))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5acbc1a9a42971a2b396d6d7ed94ec36a19db982
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:37:21 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 10
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; last
+(deftest last-1
+    (last nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest last-2
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b)))
+  (b))
+(deftest last-3
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b . c)))
+  (b . c))
+(deftest last-4
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest last-5
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 1)
+  (d))
+(deftest last-6
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 2)
+  (c d))
+(deftest last-7
+    (last (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 5)
+  (a b c d))
+(deftest last-8
+    (last (cons 'a 'b) 0)
+  b)
+(deftest last-9
+    (last (cons 'a 'b) 1)
+  (a . b))
+(deftest last-10
+    (last (cons 'a 'b) 2)
+  (a . b))
+(deftest last-11
+    (catch-type-error (last (list 'a 'b 'c) -1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest last-12
+    (catch-type-error (last (list 'a 'b 'c) 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest last-13
+    (catch-type-error (last (list 'a 'b 'c) 10.0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest last-14
+    (catch-type-error (last (list 'a 'b 'c) -10.0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest last-15
+    (catch-type-error (last (list 'a 'b 'c) #\w))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6e536d718ca57ffcec575991ff4725e6f555537f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:37:56 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 11
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; ldiff, tailp
+(deftest ldiff-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (ldiff x (cdddr x))))
+	(and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	     result)))
+  (a b c))
+(deftest ldiff-2
+  (handler-case
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (ldiff x 'a)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (zerop
+	  (loop
+	      for a on x and b on result count
+		(eq a b)))
+	 result)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  (a b c d e f))
+;; Works when the end of the dotted list is a symbol
+(deftest ldiff-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e . f)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (catch-type-error (ldiff x 'a))))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result)))
+  (a b c d e . f))
+;; Works when the end of the dotted list is a fixnum
+(deftest ldiff-4
+  (let* ((n 18)
+	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c 18))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (catch-type-error (ldiff x n))))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       result)))
+  (a b c))
+;; Works when the end of the dotted list is a larger
+;; integer (that is eql, but probably not eq).
+(deftest ldiff-5
+  (let* ((n 18000000000000)
+	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c (1- 18000000000001)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (catch-type-error (ldiff x n))))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       result)))
+  (a b c))
+;; Test works when the end of a dotted list is a string
+(deftest ldiff-6
+  (let* ((n (copy-seq "abcde"))
+	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (catch-type-error (ldiff x n))))
+      (if (equal result (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	  (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	result)))
+  t)
+;; Check that having the cdr of a dotted list be string-equal, but
+;; not eql, does not result in success
+(deftest ldiff-6b
+  (let* ((n (copy-seq "abcde"))
+	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (catch-type-error (ldiff x (copy-seq n)))))
+      (if (equal result x)
+	  (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	result)))
+  t)
+;; Check that on failure, the list returned by ldiff is
+;; a copy of the list, not the list itself.
+(deftest ldiff-6a
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+      (let ((result (ldiff x '(e))))
+	(and (equal x result)
+	     (loop
+		 for c1 on x
+		 for c2 on result
+		 count (eq c1 c2)))))
+  0)
+;; Error checking
+(deftest ldiff-7
+    (catch-type-error (ldiff 10 'a))
+  type-error)
+;; Single atoms are not dotted lists, so the next
+;; case should be a type-error
+(deftest ldiff-8
+    (catch-type-error (ldiff 'a 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest ldiff-9
+    (catch-type-error (ldiff (make-array '(10) :initial-element 'a) '(a)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest ldiff-10
+    (catch-type-error (ldiff 1.23 t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest ldiff-11
+    (catch-type-error (ldiff #\w 'a))
+  type-error)
+;; Note!  The spec is ambiguous on whether this next test
+;; is correct.  The spec says that ldiff should be prepared
+;; to signal an error if the list argument is not a proper
+;; list or dotted list.  If listp is false, the list argument
+;; is neither (atoms are not dotted lists).
+;; However, the sample implementation *does* work even if
+;; the list argument is an atom.
+(defun ldiff-12-body ()
+    (loop
+	for x in *universe*
+	count (and (not (listp x))
+		   (not (eq 'type-error
+			    (catch-type-error (ldiff x x)))))))
+(deftest ldiff-12
+    (ldiff-12-body)
+  0)
+;;; tailp
+(deftest tailp-1
+    (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e . f))))
+      (and
+       (tailp x x)
+       (tailp (cdr x) x)
+       (tailp (cddr x) x)
+       (tailp (cdddr x) x)
+       (tailp (cddddr x) x)
+       t))
+  t)
+;; The next four tests test that tailp handles dotted lists.  See
+;; TAILP-NIL:T in the X3J13 documentation.
+(deftest tailp-2
+    (catch-type-error (not (not (tailp 'e (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))))
+  t)
+(deftest tailp-3
+    (catch-type-error (tailp 'z (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
+  nil)
+(deftest tailp-4
+  (catch-type-error (not (not (tailp 10203040506070
+	(list* 'a 'b (1- 10203040506071))))))
+  t)
+(deftest tailp-5
+  (let ((x "abcde"))
+    (catch-type-error (tailp x
+	  (list* 'a 'b (copy-seq x)))))
+  nil)
+;; Test that tailp does not modify its arguments
+(deftest tailp-6
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (y (cddr x)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	    (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+	(and
+	 (tailp y x)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))))
+  t)
+;; Error checking
+;; Note!  The spec is ambiguous on whether this next test
+;; is correct.  The spec says that tailp should be prepared
+;; to signal an error if the list argument is not a proper
+;; list or dotted list.  If listp is false, the list argument
+;; is neither (atoms are not dotted lists).
+;; However, the sample implementation *does* work even if
+;; the list argument is an atom.
+(defun tailp-7-body ()
+  (loop
+      for x in *universe*
+      count (and (not (listp x))
+		 (eq 'type-error
+		     (catch-type-error (tailp x x))))))
+(deftest tailp-7
+    (tailp-7-body)
+  0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f96150ae5b94d28b6781eab9739a9a85a88b7b6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:38:26 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 12
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; nthcdr
+(deftest nthcdr-1
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr nil (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-2
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr 'a (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-3
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr 0.1 (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-4
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr #\A (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-5
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr '(a) (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-6
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr -10 (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nthcdr-7
+    (nthcdr 0 (copy-tree '(a b c d . e)))
+  (a b c d . e))
+(deftest nthcdr-8
+    (nthcdr 1 (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+  (b c d))
+(deftest nthcdr-9
+    (nthcdr 10 nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nthcdr-10
+    (nthcdr 4 (list 'a 'b 'c))
+  nil)
+(deftest nthcdr-11
+    (nthcdr 1 (cons 'a 'b))
+  b)
+(deftest nthcdr-12
+    (catch-type-error (nthcdr 3 (cons 'a 'b)))
+  type-error)
+;;; rest
+(deftest rest-1
+    (rest (list 'a 'b 'c))
+  (b c))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..58b7ebef2a65b4bb7638e394261705a9d07707a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:38:57 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 13
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; member
+(deftest member-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'c x)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cddr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-2
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'e x)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cddddr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 4 x)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdddr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-4
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '(2 4 6 8 10 12)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 9 x :key #'1+)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdddr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-5
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member '(c d) x :test #'equal)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-6
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'c x :key #'car)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-7
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eq)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-8
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test-not (complement #'eq))))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-9
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eql)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-10
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (member (list 'd) x :key #'cdr :test #'equal)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (cdr x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-11
+    (member (copy-seq "cc") (copy-tree '("aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "ee")))
+  nil)
+(deftest member-12
+    (member 1 (copy-tree '(3 4 1 31 423)))
+  (1 31 423))
+(deftest member-13
+    (member (copy-seq "cc") (copy-tree '("aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "ee"))
+	    :test #'equal)
+  ("cc" "dd" "ee"))
+(deftest member-14
+  (member 'a nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-15
+  (member nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-16
+  (member nil nil :test #'equal)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-16-a
+  (member nil nil :test #'(lambda (x y) (error "Should not call this function")))
+  nil)
+(deftest member-17
+  (member 'a nil :test #'(lambda (x y) (error "Should not call this function")))
+  nil)
+(deftest member-18
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a 'b))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-19
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a 1.3))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-20
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-21
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a 0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-22
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a "abcde"))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-23
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a #\w))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-24
+  (catch-type-error (member 'a t))
+  type-error)
+;; Check that a null key argument is ignored
+(deftest member-25
+    (handler-case
+	(member 'a '(c d a b e) :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  (a b e))
+(deftest member-26
+    (handler-case
+	(member 'z '(a b c d) :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7ffb326c7cff16efc9c07f9f04709eb231fda4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:39:29 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 14
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; member-if
+(deftest member-if-1
+  (member-if #'listp nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-if-2
+  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a)) '(1 2 a 3 4))
+  (a 3 4))
+(deftest member-if-3
+  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x 12)) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
+  (11 73 11))
+(deftest member-if-4
+  (let ((test-inputs
+	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+	     (a b c . d)
+	     ,(make-array '(10))
+	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+    (not (every
+	  #'(lambda (x)
+	      (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if #'listp x))))
+		(or (eq result 'type-error)
+		    (progn
+		      (format t "~%On ~S: returned ~%~S" x result)
+		      nil))))
+	  test-inputs)))
+  nil)
+;;; member-if-not
+(deftest member-if-not-1
+  (member-if-not #'listp nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-if-not-2
+  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a)) '(a 1 2 a 3 4))
+  (1 2 a 3 4))
+(deftest member-if-not-3
+  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 12))) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
+  (11 73 11))
+(deftest member-if-not-4
+  (let ((test-inputs
+	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+	     ((a) (b) (c) . d)
+	     ,(make-array '(10))
+	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+    (not (every
+	  #'(lambda (x)
+	      (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if-not #'listp x))))
+		(or (eq result 'type-error)
+		    (progn
+		      (format t "~%On x = ~S, returns: ~%~S" x result)
+		      nil))))
+	  test-inputs)))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ace94fb187c67aad147712e6c1a940c61a89141
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:40:12 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 15
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; mapc
+(deftest mapc-1
+  (mapc #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapc-2
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (let ((result
+	   (mapc #'(lambda (y) (incf x y))
+		 '(1 2 3 4))))
+      (list result x)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 10))
+(deftest mapc-3
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 5 ))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 5))
+(deftest mapc-4
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 10))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 5))
+(deftest mapc-5
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 3))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 3))
+(defvar *mapc-6-var* nil)
+(defun mapc-6-fun (x)
+  (push x *mapc-6-var*)
+  x)
+(deftest mapc-6
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (setf *mapc-6-var* nil)
+    (let ((result (mapc 'mapc-6-fun x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eq result x)
+	   *mapc-6-var*)))
+  (h g f e d c b a))
+(deftest mapc-7
+  (handler-case
+   (mapc (gensym) '(a b c))
+   (error () 'error))
+  error)
+;;; mapcar
+(deftest mapcar-1
+  (mapcar #'1+ nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcar-2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (mapcar #'1+ x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result)))
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest mapcar-3
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) (incf n))
+		   x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result)))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest mapcar-4
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+		  x x2)))
+    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+	 (list result n)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
+(deftest mapcar-5
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+		  x2 x)))
+    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+	 (list result n)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
+(deftest mapcar-6
+ (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (setf *mapc-6-var* nil)
+    (let ((result (mapcar 'mapc-6-fun x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (list *mapc-6-var* result))))
+ ((h g f e d c b a) (a b c d e f g h)))
+(deftest mapcar-7
+    (handler-case
+	(mapcar (gensym) '(a b c))
+      (error () 'error))
+  error)
+;;; mapcan
+(deftest mapcan-1
+    (mapcan #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcan-2
+    (mapcan #'list (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest mapcan-3
+    (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (mapcan #'list x)))
+      (and
+       (= (length x) (length result))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (loop
+	 for e1 on x
+	 and e2 on result
+	    count (or (eq e1 e2) (not (eql (car e1) (car e2)))))))
+  0)
+(deftest mapcan-4
+    (mapcan #'list
+	    (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+	    (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+  (1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d))
+(deftest mapcan-5
+    (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	    (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	    (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(defvar *mapcan-6-var* nil)
+(defun mapcan-6-fun (x)
+  (push x *mapcan-6-var*)
+  (copy-list *mapcan-6-var*))
+(deftest mapcan-6
+    (progn
+      (setf *mapcan-6-var* nil)
+      (mapcan 'mapcan-6-fun (copy-list '(a b c d))))
+  (a b a c b a d c b a))
+(deftest mapcan-7
+    (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	    (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	    (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(deftest mapcan-8
+    (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	    (copy-list '(a b c d e f))
+	    (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(deftest mapcan-9
+    (mapcan #'list
+	    (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	    (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+	    nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcan-10
+    (handler-case
+	(mapcan (gensym) (copy-list '(a b c)))
+      (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest mapcan-11
+    (handler-case
+	(mapcan 1 (copy-list '(a b c)))
+      (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest mapcan-12
+    (handler-case
+	(mapcan 1.234 (copy-list '(a b c)))
+      (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest mapcan-13
+    (handler-case
+	(mapcan "foo" (copy-list '(a b c)))
+      (error () 'error))
+  error)
+;;; mapl
+(deftest mapl-1
+    (mapl #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapl-2
+    (let* ((a nil)
+	   (x (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result
+	    (mapl #'(lambda (y) (push y a))
+		  x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result x)
+       a))
+   ((c) (b c) (a b c)))
+(deftest mapl-3
+   (let* ((a nil)
+	  (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		     (setf a
+		       (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+			       a)))
+		 x y)))
+      (and
+       (eq result x)
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+	 (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+(deftest mapl-4
+   (let* ((a nil)
+	  (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		     (setf a
+		       (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+			       a)))
+		 x y)))
+      (and
+       (eq result x)
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+	 (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+(deftest mapl-5
+   (let* ((a nil)
+	  (x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		     (setf a
+		       (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+			       a)))
+		 x y)))
+      (and
+       (eq result x)
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+	 (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+;;; maplist
+(deftest maplist-1
+    (maplist #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest maplist-2
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (maplist #'identity x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result))
+  ((a b c) (b c) (c)))
+(deftest maplist-3
+   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (maplist #'append x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       result))
+  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4)
+   (b c d 2 3 4)
+   (c d 3 4)
+   (d 4)))
+(deftest maplist-4
+   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (maplist #'append x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       result))
+  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4 5)
+   (b c d 2 3 4 5)
+   (c d 3 4 5)
+   (d 4 5)))
+(deftest maplist-5
+   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	  (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	  (result
+	   (maplist #'append x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       result))
+  ((a b c d e 1 2 3 4)
+   (b c d e 2 3 4)
+   (c d e 3 4)
+   (d e 4)))
+(deftest maplist-6
+    (maplist 'append '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
+  ((a b c 1 2 3) (b c 2 3) (c 3)))
+(deftest maplist-7
+  (maplist #'(lambda (x y) (nth (car x) y))
+	   '(0 1 0 1 0 1 0)
+	   '(a b c d e f g)
+	   )
+  (a c c e e g g))
+(deftest maplist-8
+  (handler-case
+   (maplist #'identity 'a)
+   (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest maplist-9
+  (handler-case
+   (maplist #'identity 1)
+   (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest maplist-10
+  (handler-case
+   (maplist #'identity 1.1323)
+   (error () 'error))
+  error)
+(deftest maplist-11
+  (handler-case
+   (maplist #'identity "abcde")
+   (error () 'error))
+  error)
+;;; mapcan
+(deftest mapcon-1
+    (mapcon #'(lambda (x) (append '(a) x nil)) nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcon-2
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result
+	    (mapcon #'(lambda (y) (append '(a) y nil)) x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       result))
+  (a 1 2 3 4 a 2 3 4 a 3 4 a 4))
+(deftest mapcon-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(4 2 3 2 2)))
+	   (y (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h i j k l)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (result
+	    (mapcon #'(lambda (xt yt)
+			(subseq yt 0 (car xt)))
+		    x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       result))
+  (a b c d b c c d e d e e f))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ff59832ef09697f07d84ab647731dafae805ec2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:41:13 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 16
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; acons
+(deftest acons-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((c . d) (e . f))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (acons 'a 'b x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq (cdr result) x)
+       result))
+  ((a . b) (c . d) (e . f)))
+(deftest acons-2
+    (acons 'a 'b nil)
+  ((a . b)))
+(deftest acons-3
+    (acons 'a 'b 'c)
+  ((a . b) . c))
+(deftest acons-4
+    (acons '((a b)) '(((c d) e) f) '((1 . 2)))
+  (( ((a b)) . (((c d) e) f)) (1 . 2)))
+(deftest acons-5
+    (acons "ancd" 1.143 nil)
+  (("ancd" . 1.143)))
+(deftest acons-6
+    (acons #\R :foo :bar)
+  ((#\R . :foo) . :bar))
+;;; assoc
+(deftest assoc-1
+    (assoc nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc-2
+    (assoc nil '(nil))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc-3
+    (assoc nil '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b)))
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-4
+    (assoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc-5
+    (assoc 'a '((a . b)))
+  (a . b))
+(deftest assoc-6
+    (assoc 'a '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f)))
+  (a . d))
+(deftest assoc-7
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc 'b x)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (second x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest assoc-8
+    (assoc 1 '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c)))
+  (1 . b))
+(deftest assoc-9
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3)))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc-10
+    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc-11
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (assoc x `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1))))
+  ((a b) . d))
+(deftest assoc-12
+    (assoc #\e '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
+  ("aevgd" . 2))
+(deftest assoc-13
+    (assoc nil '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))
+	   :key #'car)
+  (nil . c))
+(deftest assoc-14
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc-15
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test #'equalp)
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc-16
+    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ((a) b))
+(deftest assoc-17
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc-18
+    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test-not #'eq)
+  (b . c))
+(deftest assoc-19
+    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test (complement #'eq))
+  (b . c))
+(deftest assoc-20
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("A" . 6))
+(deftest assoc-21
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("a" . 3))
+(deftest assoc-22
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  ("A" . 6))
+(deftest assoc-23
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  ("a" . 3))
+;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
+;; other than T
+(deftest assoc-24
+    (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))
+	   :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eq x y) 'matched)))
+  (a . 2))
+;; Check that the order of the arguments to test is correct
+(deftest assoc-25
+    (block fail
+      (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (c . 2) (a . 3))
+	     :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		       (unless (eq x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		       (eq x y))))
+  (A . 3))
+;;; assoc-if
+(deftest assoc-if-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (third x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-2
+    (handler-case
+	(let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	       (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	       (result (assoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eq result (third x))
+	   result))
+      (program-error (c) c))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-4
+    (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
+  (nil . e))
+;;; assoc-if-not
+(deftest assoc-if-not-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (third x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not-2
+    (handler-case
+	(let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	       (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	       (result (assoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eq result (third x))
+	   result))
+      (program-error (c) c))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not-4
+    (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
+  (nil . e))
+;;; copy-alist
+(deftest copy-alist-1
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (c . d) nil (e f) ((x) ((y z)) w)
+			   ("foo" . "bar") (#\w . 1.234)
+			   (1/3 . 4123.4d5))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (copy-alist x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (= (length x) (length result))
+       (every #'(lambda (p1 p2)
+		  (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
+		      (and (not (eq p1 p2))
+			   (eq (car p1) (car p2))
+			   (eq (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))
+	      x result)
+       t))
+  t)
+;;; pairlis
+;; Pairlis has two legal behaviors: the pairs
+;; can be prepended in the same order, or in the
+;; reverse order, that they appear in the first
+;; two arguments
+(defun my-pairlis (x y &optional alist)
+  (if (null x)
+      alist
+    (acons (car x) (car y)
+	   (my-pairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) alist))))
+(deftest pairlis-1
+    (pairlis nil nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest pairlis-2
+    (pairlis '(a) '(b) nil)
+  ((a . b)))
+(deftest pairlis-3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (result (pairlis x y))
+	   (expected (my-pairlis x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (or
+	(equal result expected)
+	(equal result (reverse expected)))
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest pairlis-4
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (z '((x . 10) (y . 20)))
+	   (zcopy (make-scaffold-copy z))
+	   (result (pairlis x y z))
+	   (expected (my-pairlis x y z)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy z zcopy)
+       (eq (cdr (cddr (cddr result))) z)
+       (or
+	(equal result expected)
+	(equal result (append (reverse (subseq expected 0 5))
+			      (subseq expected 5))))
+       t))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..394e1a70e569da60d4482a5499e56d7662f3c678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 09:45:22 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 17
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun rev-assoc-list (x)
+  (cond
+   ((null x) nil)
+   ((null (car x))
+    (cons nil (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))
+   (t
+    (acons (cdar x) (caar x) (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))))
+;;; assoc
+(deftest rassoc-1
+    (rassoc nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc-2
+    (rassoc nil '(nil))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc-3
+    (rassoc nil (rev-assoc-list '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b))))
+  (2 . nil))
+(deftest rassoc-4
+    (rassoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc-5
+    (rassoc 'a '((b . a)))
+  (b . a))
+(deftest rassoc-6
+    (rassoc 'a (rev-assoc-list '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f))))
+  (d . a))
+(deftest rassoc-7
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d)))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc 'b x)))
+      (and
+       (eq result (second x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest rassoc-8
+    (rassoc 1 (rev-assoc-list '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c))))
+  (b . 1))
+(deftest rassoc-9
+    (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   (rev-assoc-list '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc-10
+    (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
+	    (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc-11
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (rassoc x
+	       (rev-assoc-list `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1)))))
+  (d a b))
+(deftest rassoc-12
+    (rassoc #\e
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
+  (2 . "aevgd"))
+(deftest rassoc-13
+    (rassoc nil
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))))
+	   :key #'car)
+  (c))
+(deftest rassoc-14
+    (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc-15
+    (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	   :test #'equalp)
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc-16
+    (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ((b) a))
+(deftest rassoc-17
+    (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc-18
+    (rassoc 'a 
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((a . d)(b . c))))
+	    :test-not #'eq)
+  (c . b))
+(deftest rassoc-19
+    (rassoc 'a
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((a . d)(b . c))))
+	    :test (complement #'eq))
+  (c . b))
+(deftest rassoc-20
+    (rassoc "a"
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  (6 . "A"))
+(deftest rassoc-21
+    (rassoc "a"
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  (3 . "a"))
+(deftest rassoc-22
+    (rassoc "a"
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  (6 . "A"))
+(deftest rassoc-23
+    (rassoc "a"
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  (3 . "a"))
+;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
+;; other than T
+(deftest rassoc-24
+    (rassoc 'a
+	    (copy-tree
+	     (rev-assoc-list
+	      '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))))
+	   :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eq x y) 'matched)))
+  (2 . a))
+;; Check that the order of the arguments to :test is correct
+(deftest rassoc-25
+    (block fail
+      (rassoc 'a '((1 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a))
+	     :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		       (unless (eq x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		       (eq x y))))
+  (3 . A))
+;;; rassoc-if
+(deftest rassoc-if-1
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (third x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-2
+    (handler-case
+	(let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	       (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	       (result (rassoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eq result (third x))
+	   result))
+      (program-error (c) c))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-3
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-4
+    (rassoc-if #'null
+	       (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+  (e))
+;;; rassoc-if-not
+(deftest rassoc-if-not-1
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (third x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not-2
+    (handler-case
+	(let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	       (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	       (result (rassoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+	  (and
+	   (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eq result (third x))
+	   result))
+      (program-error (c) c))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not-3
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eq result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not-4
+    (rassoc-if-not #'identity 
+		   (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+  (e))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..963ba8af8c74c29eb35a092f4ffcae8d2c844955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 10:23:31 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 18
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; get-properties
+(deftest get-properties-1
+    (get-properties nil nil)
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties-2
+    (get-properties '(a b) nil)
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties-3
+    (get-properties '(a b c d) '(a))
+  a b (a b c d))
+(deftest get-properties-4
+    (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c))
+  c d (c d))
+(deftest get-properties-5
+    (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c a))
+  a b (a b c d))
+(deftest get-properties-6
+    (get-properties '(a b c d) '(b))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties-7
+    (get-properties '("aa" b c d) (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties-8
+    (get-properties '(1000000000000 b c d) (list (1+ 999999999999)))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties-9
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h a c)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(x y f g)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+      (multiple-value-bind
+	  (indicator value tail)
+	  (get-properties x y)
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	 (eq tail (nthcdr 6 x))
+	 (values indicator value tail))))
+  g h (g h a c))
+;;; getf
+(deftest getf-1
+    (getf nil 'a)
+  nil)
+(deftest getf-2
+    (getf nil 'a 'b)
+  b)
+(deftest getf-3
+    (getf '(a b) 'a)
+  b)
+(deftest getf-4
+    (getf '(a b) 'a 'c)
+  b)
+(deftest getf-5
+    (let ((x 0))
+      (values
+       (getf '(a b) 'a (incf x))
+       x))
+  b 1)
+(deftest setf-getf-1
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (setf (getf p 'c) 3)
+      ;; Must check that only a, b, c have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 1)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql (getf p 'c) 3)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest setf-getf-2
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (setf (getf p 'a) 3)
+      ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 3)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)    
+(deftest setf-getf-3
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (setf (getf p 'c 17) 3)
+      ;; Must check that only a, b, c have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 1)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql (getf p 'c) 3)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest setf-getf-4
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (setf (getf p 'a 17) 3)
+      ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 3)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest setf-getf-5
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2)))
+	  (foo nil))
+      (setf (getf p 'a (progn (setf foo t) 0)) 3)
+      ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 3)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b))))
+	0)
+       foo))
+  t)
+(deftest incf-getf-1
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (incf (getf p 'b))
+      ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 1)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 3)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest incf-getf-2
+    (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
+      (incf (getf p 'c 19))
+      ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
+      (and
+       (eql (getf p 'a) 1)
+       (eql (getf p 'b) 2)
+       (eql (getf p 'c) 20)
+       (eql
+	(loop
+	    for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+	      (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))
+	0)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest push-getf-1
+    (let ((p nil))
+      (values
+       (push 'x (getf p 'a))
+       p))
+  (x) (a (x)))
+;;; remf
+(deftest remf-1
+    (let ((x nil))
+      (values (remf x 'a) x))
+  nil ())
+(deftest remf-2
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
+  t ())
+(deftest remf-3
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'a 'c)))
+      (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
+  t (a c))
+(deftest remf-4
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+      (values
+       (and (remf x 'c) t)
+       (loop
+	   for ptr on x by #'cddr count
+	     (not (eq (car ptr) 'a)))))
+  t 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..841e959a74b513539c252abf56ff3bed8c1a34d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 11:53:33 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 19
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; intersection
+(defun is-intersection (x y z)
+  "Check that z is the intersection of x and y."
+  (and
+   (every #'(lambda (e)
+	      (or (not (member e y))
+		  (member e z)))
+	  x)
+   (every #'(lambda (e)
+	      (or (not (member e x))
+		  (member e z)))
+	  y)
+   (every #'(lambda (e)
+	      (and (member e x) (member e y)))
+	  z)))
+(defun shuffle (x)
+  (cond
+   ((null x) nil)
+   ((null (cdr x)) x)
+   (t
+    (multiple-value-bind
+	(y z)
+	(split-list x)
+      (append (shuffle y) (shuffle z))))))
+(defun split-list (x)
+  (cond
+   ((null x) (values nil nil))
+   ((null (cdr x)) (values x nil))
+   (t
+    (multiple-value-bind
+	(y z)
+	(split-list (cddr x))
+      (values (cons (car x) y) (cons (cadr x) z))))))
+(deftest intersection-1
+    (intersection nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest intersection-2
+    (intersection (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i) nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest intersection-3
+    (intersection nil (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i))
+  nil)
+(deftest intersection-4
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (result (intersection x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (+
+	(loop
+	    for e in x count
+	      (and (member e y)
+		   (not (member e result))))
+	(loop
+	    for e in result count
+	      (or (not (member e x))
+		  (not (member e y))))
+	(loop
+	    for hd on result count
+	      (and (consp hd)
+		   (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
+  0)
+(deftest intersection-5
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (result (intersection x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (member 'a result)
+       (not (member 'b result))))
+  t)
+(deftest intersection-6
+    (intersection (list 1000000000000 'a 'b 'c)
+		  (list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
+  (1000000000000))
+(deftest intersection-7
+    (intersection (list 'a 10 'b 17)
+		  (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
+  (10))
+(deftest intersection-8
+    (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+		  (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
+  nil)
+(deftest intersection-9
+    (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+		  (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+		  :test #'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+;; Same as 9, but with a symbol function designator for :test
+(deftest intersection-9-a
+    (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+		  (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+		  :test 'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest intersection-9-b
+    (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+		  (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+		  :test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest intersection-10
+    (not (not
+	  (equal
+	   (sort
+	    (intersection (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 1000 by 3
+			      collect i)
+			  (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 1000 by 7
+			      collect i))
+	    #'<)
+	   (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))))
+  t)
+(deftest intersection-11
+    (not (not
+	  (equal
+	   (sort
+	    (intersection (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 999 by 5
+			      collect i)
+			  (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 999 by 7
+			      collect i)
+			  :test #'(lambda (a b)
+				    (and (eql a b)
+					 (= (mod a 3) 0))))
+	    #'<)
+	   (loop
+	       for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))))
+  t)
+(deftest intersection-11-a
+    (not (not
+	  (equal
+	   (sort
+	    (intersection (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 999 by 5
+			      collect i)
+			  (loop
+			      for i from 0 to 999 by 7
+			      collect i)
+			  :test-not
+			  #'(lambda (a b)
+			      (not (and (eql a b)
+					(= (mod a 3) 0)))))
+	    #'<)
+	   (loop
+	       for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7)
+	       collect i))))
+  t)
+;; Do large numbers of random intersection tests
+(deftest intersection-12
+    (intersection-12-body 100 100)
+  nil)
+(defun intersection-12-body (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+  (loop
+   for i from 1 to niters do
+    (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect (random maxelem state))))
+	  (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect (random maxelem state)))))
+      (let ((z (intersection x y)))
+	(let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
+	  (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+  nil))
+;; :key argument
+(deftest intersection-13
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(0 5 8 13 31 42)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+      (not (not
+	    (equal
+	     (sort (copy-list (intersection x y)) #'<)
+	     (sort (copy-list (intersection x y :key #'1+)) #'<)))))
+  t)
+;; Same as 13, but with a symbol function designator for :key
+(deftest intersection-13-a
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(0 5 8 13 31 42)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+      (not (not
+	    (equal
+	     (sort (copy-list (intersection x y)) #'<)
+	     (sort (copy-list (intersection x y :key '1+)) #'<)))))
+  t)
+;; Test that a nil key argument is ignored
+(deftest intersection-14
+    (handler-case
+	(let
+	    ((result (intersection (copy-list '(a b c d))
+				   (copy-list '(e c f b g))
+				   :key nil)))
+	  (and
+	   (member 'b result)
+	   (member 'c result)
+	   (every #'(lambda (x) (member x '(b c))) result)
+	   t))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Test that intersection preserves the order of arguments to :test, :test-not
+(deftest intersection-15
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(intersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :test
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest intersection-16
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(intersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :key #'identity
+	 :test
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest intersection-17
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(intersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :test-not
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
+(deftest intersection-18
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(intersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :key #'identity
+	 :test-not
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
+;;; nintersection
+(defun nintersection-with-check (x y &key test)
+  (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result (if test
+		      (nintersection x y :test test)
+		    (nintersection x y))))
+      (if (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	  result
+	'failed))))
+(deftest nintersection-1
+    (nintersection nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection-2
+    (nintersection (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i) nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection-3
+    (nintersection-with-check nil (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection-4
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
+	   (xc (copy-list x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
+	   (result (nintersection-with-check xc y)))
+      (and
+       (not (eq result 'failed))
+       (+
+	(loop
+	    for e in x count
+	      (and (member e y)
+		   (not (member e result))))
+	(loop
+	    for e in result count
+	      (or (not (member e x))
+		  (not (member e y))))
+	(loop
+	    for hd on result count
+	      (and (consp hd)
+		   (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
+  0)
+(deftest nintersection-5
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
+	   (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
+	   (result (nintersection-with-check x y)))
+      (and
+       (not (eq result 'failed))
+       (member 'a result)
+       (not (member 'b result))))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection-6
+    (nintersection-with-check
+     (list 1000000000000 'a 'b 'c)
+     (list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
+  (1000000000000))
+(deftest nintersection-7
+    (nintersection-with-check (list 'a 10 'b 17)
+			      (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
+  (10))
+(deftest nintersection-8
+    (nintersection-with-check
+     (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+     (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection-9
+    (nintersection-with-check
+     (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+     (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+     :test #'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection-9-a
+    (nintersection-with-check
+     (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+     (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+     :test 'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection-9-b
+    (nintersection
+     (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+     (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+     :test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection-10
+    (not (not
+    (equal
+     (sort
+      (let ((result
+	     (nintersection-with-check
+	      (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 3 collect i)
+	      (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 7 collect i))))
+	(if (eq result 'failed) () result))
+      #'<)
+     (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection-11
+    (not (not
+    (equal
+     (sort
+      (let ((result
+	     (nintersection-with-check
+	      (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 5 collect i)
+	      (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 7 collect i)
+	      :test #'(lambda (a b)
+			(and (eql a b)
+			     (= (mod a 3) 0))))))
+	(if (eq result 'failed) () result))
+      #'<)
+     (loop
+	 for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection-12
+    (nintersection-12-body 100 100)
+  nil)
+(defun nintersection-12-body (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state t)))
+  (loop
+   for i from 1 to niters do
+    (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect (random maxelem state))))
+	  (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect (random maxelem state)))))
+      (let ((z (nintersection-with-check (copy-list x) y)))
+	(when (eq z 'failed) (return (values x y z)))
+	(let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
+	  (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+  nil))
+;; Key argument
+(deftest nintersection-13
+    (let ((x '(0 5 8 13 31 42))
+	  (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+      (not (not
+	    (equal
+	     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
+			       (copy-list x) y)) #'<)
+	     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
+			       (copy-list x) y :key #'1+)) #'<)))))
+  t)
+;; Check that a nil key argument is ignored
+(deftest nintersection-14
+    (handler-case
+	(let
+	    ((result (nintersection
+		      (copy-list '(a b c d))
+		      (copy-list '(e c f b g))
+		      :key nil)))
+	  (and
+	   (member 'b result)
+	   (member 'c result)
+	   (every #'(lambda (x) (member x '(b c))) result)
+	   t))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t) 
+;; Test that nintersection preserves the order of arguments to :test, :test-not
+(deftest nintersection-15
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(nintersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :test
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection-16
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(nintersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :key #'identity
+	 :test
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection-17
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(nintersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :test-not
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection-18
+    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	  (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+      (block fail
+	(nintersection
+	 list1 list2
+	 :key #'identity
+	 :test-not
+	 #'(lambda (x y)
+	     (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	     (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ecd34d7585a40de66bbb60cf3066c2e3a08119c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,317 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 22:11:27 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 20
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; union
+(defun union-with-check (x y &key test test-not)
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result (cond
+		   (test (union x y :test test))
+		   (test-not (union x y :test-not test-not))
+		   (t (union x y)))))
+      (if
+	  (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+	  result
+	'failed))))
+(defun union-with-check-and-key (x y key &key test test-not)
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result  (cond
+		   (test (union x y :key key :test test))
+		   (test-not (union x y :key key :test-not test-not))
+		   (t (union x y :key key)))))
+      (if
+	  (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+	  result
+	'failed))))
+(defun check-union (x y z)
+  (and (listp x)
+       (listp y)
+       (listp z)
+       (every #'(lambda (e) (or (member e x)
+				(member e y)))
+	      z)
+       (every #'(lambda (e) (member e z)) x)
+       (every #'(lambda (e) (member e z)) y)
+       t))
+(deftest union-1
+    (union nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest union-2
+    (union-with-check (list 'a) nil)
+  (a))
+(deftest union-3
+    (union-with-check (list 'a) (list 'a))
+  (a))
+(deftest union-4
+    (union-with-check (list 1) (list 1))
+  (1))
+(deftest union-5
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (union-with-check (list x) (list x)))
+  ((a b)))
+(deftest union-6
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-6-a
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eq)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-7
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-8
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-9
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'eql))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-10
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-11
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'eq))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-12
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-13
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-14
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-15
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-16
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement  #'eql))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-17
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-18
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-19
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-20
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+
+					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-21
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+
+					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest union-22
+  (handler-case
+    (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	  (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+      (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y nil)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest union-23
+  (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
+	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+    (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y '1+)))
+      (check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+;; Do large numbers of random units
+(defun do-random-unions (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (union x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest union-24
+  (do-random-unions 100 100 200)
+  nil)
+(deftest union-25
+  (let ((x (shuffle '(1 4 6 10 45 101)))
+	(y (copy-list '(102 5 2 11 44 6))))
+    (let ((result (union-with-check x y
+				    :test #'(lambda (a b)
+						    (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
+      (and
+       (not (eq result 'failed))
+       (sort
+	(sublis
+	 '((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
+	 (copy-list result))
+	#'<))))
+  (1 4 6 10 44 101))
+;; Check that union uses eql, not equal or eq
+(deftest union-26
+  (let ((x 1000)
+	(y 1000))
+    (loop
+     while (not (typep x 'bignum))
+     do (progn
+	  (setf x (* x x))
+	  (setf y (* y y))))
+    (not (not
+	  (or
+	   (eq x y)  ;; if bignums are eq, the test is worthless
+	   (eql (length
+		 (union-with-check
+		  (list x) (list x)))
+		1)))))
+  t)
+(deftest union-27
+  (union-with-check (list (copy-seq "aa"))
+		    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+  ("aa" "aa"))
+;; Check that union does not reverse the arguments to :test, :test-not
+(deftest union-28
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (union-with-check
+	(list 1 2 3)
+	(list 4 5 6)
+	:test #'(lambda (x y)
+		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		  (eql x y)))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest union-29
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (union-with-check-and-key
+	(list 1 2 3)
+	(list 4 5 6)
+	#'identity
+	:test #'(lambda (x y)
+		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		  (eql x y)))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest union-30
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (union-with-check
+	(list 1 2 3)
+	(list 4 5 6)
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (x y)
+	    (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	    (not (eql x y))))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest union-31
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (union-with-check-and-key
+	(list 1 2 3)
+	(list 4 5 6)
+	#'identity
+	:test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+		      (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		      (not (eql x y))))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..71bba875eefb5ece0805e050e6d357baf96c3ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 22:11:27 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 21
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; nunion
+(defun nunion-with-copy (x y &key test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (cond
+   (test (nunion x y :test test))
+   (test-not (nunion x y :test-not test-not))
+   (t (nunion x y))))
+(defun nunion-with-copy-and-key (x y key &key test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (cond
+   (test (nunion x y :key key :test test))
+   (test-not (nunion x y :key key :test-not test-not))
+   (t (nunion x y :key key))))
+(deftest nunion-1
+    (nunion nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nunion-2
+    (nunion-with-copy (list 'a) nil)
+  (a))
+(deftest nunion-3
+    (nunion-with-copy (list 'a) (list 'a))
+  (a))
+(deftest nunion-4
+    (nunion-with-copy (list 1) (list 1))
+  (1))
+(deftest nunion-5
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (nunion-with-copy (list x) (list x)))
+  ((a b)))
+(deftest nunion-6
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-6-a
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eq)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-7
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-8
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-9
+    (let ((x  '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y  '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'eql))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-10
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-11
+    (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
+	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'eq))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-12
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-13
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-14
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-15
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-16
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement  #'eql))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-17
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-18
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'equal)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-19
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'eql)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-20
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+
+					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-21
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+
+					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-22
+  (handler-case
+    (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+      (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y nil)))
+	(check-union x y result)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-23
+  (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+	(y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+    (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y '1+)))
+      (check-union x y result)))
+  t)
+;; Do large numbers of random units
+(defun do-random-nunions (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (nunion-with-copy x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest nunion-24
+  (do-random-nunions 100 100 200)
+  nil)
+(deftest nunion-25
+  (let ((x (shuffle '(1 4 6 10 45 101)))
+	(y '(102 5 2 11 44 6)))
+    (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y
+				    :test #'(lambda (a b)
+					      (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
+      (sort
+       (sublis
+	'((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
+	(copy-list result))
+       #'<)))
+  (1 4 6 10 44 101))
+;; Check that nunion uses eql, not equal or eq
+(deftest nunion-26
+  (let ((x 1000)
+	(y 1000))
+    (loop
+     while (not (typep x 'bignum))
+     do (progn
+	  (setf x (* x x))
+	  (setf y (* y y))))
+    (not (not
+	  (or
+	   (eq x y)  ;; if bignums are eq, the test is worthless
+	   (eql (length
+		 (nunion-with-copy (list x) (list x)))
+		1)))))
+  t)
+(deftest nunion-27
+  (nunion-with-copy (list (copy-seq "aa"))
+		    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+  ("aa" "aa"))
+;; Check that nunion does not reverse the arguments to :test, :test-not
+(deftest nunion-28
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (nunion-with-copy
+	'(1 2 3)
+	'(4 5 6)
+	:test #'(lambda (x y)
+		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		  (eql x y)))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest nunion-29
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (nunion-with-copy-and-key
+	'(1 2 3)
+	'(4 5 6)
+	#'identity
+	:test #'(lambda (x y)
+		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		  (eql x y)))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest nunion-30
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (nunion-with-copy
+	'(1 2 3)
+	'(4 5 6)
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (x y)
+	    (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	    (not (eql x y))))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest nunion-31
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+       (nunion-with-copy-and-key
+	'(1 2 3)
+	'(4 5 6)
+	#'identity
+	:test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+		      (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		      (not (eql x y))))
+       #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ad77a6453bb8d5b395185c6f4bb113d1a88902f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Mar 30 22:10:34 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 22
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; set-difference
+(defun set-difference-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
+					   test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result (apply #'set-difference
+			 x y
+			 `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+			   ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+			   ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))  
+      (cond
+       ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+	result)
+       (t
+	'failed)))))
+(defun check-set-difference (x y z &key (key #'identity)
+					(test #'eql))
+  (and
+   (not (eq 'failed z))
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (member e x :key key :test test)) z)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (or (member e y :key key :test test)
+			    (member e z :key key :test test))) x)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (not (member e z :key key :test test))) y)
+   t))
+(deftest set-difference-1
+    (set-difference nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference-2
+    (let ((result
+	   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+      (check-set-difference '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-difference-3
+    (let ((result
+	   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+      (check-set-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-difference-4
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+     #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8))
+(deftest set-difference-5
+    (set-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference-6
+    (handler-case
+	(set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				   :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-7
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-8
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-9
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-10
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-11
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference-12
+    (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(defun do-random-set-differences (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (set-difference-with-check x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-set-difference x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest set-difference-13
+    (do-random-set-differences 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference-14
+    (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			       :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-difference-15
+    (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			       :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
+;; in the correct order
+(deftest set-difference-16
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (set-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(eq x y))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference-17
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (set-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :key #'identity
+	      :test #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(eq x y))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference-18
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (set-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test-not
+	      #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(not (eq x y)))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference-19
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (set-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test-not
+	      #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(not (eq x y)))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+;;; nset-difference
+(defun nset-difference-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
+					   test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (apply #'nset-difference
+	 x y
+	 `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+(defun check-nset-difference (x y z &key (key #'identity)
+					(test #'eql))
+  (and
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (member e x :key key :test test)) z)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (or (member e y :key key :test test)
+			    (member e z :key key :test test))) x)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (not (member e z :key key :test test))) y)))
+(deftest nset-difference-1
+    (nset-difference nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference-2
+    (let ((result
+	   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+      (check-nset-difference '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-difference-3
+    (let ((result
+	   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+      (check-nset-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-difference-4
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (nset-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+     #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8))
+(deftest nset-difference-5
+    (nset-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference-6
+    (handler-case
+	(nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				    :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-7
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-8
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-9
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-10
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-11
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference-12
+    (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(defun do-random-nset-differences (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (nset-difference-with-check x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-nset-difference x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest nset-difference-13
+    (do-random-nset-differences 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference-14
+    (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			       :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-difference-15
+    (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			       :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
+;; in the correct order
+(deftest nset-difference-16
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (nset-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(eq x y))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference-17
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (nset-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :key #'identity
+	      :test #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(eq x y))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference-18
+    (block fail
+      (sort
+	    (copy-list
+	     (nset-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test-not
+	      #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(not (eq x y)))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference-19
+    (block fail
+      (sort (copy-list
+	     (nset-difference-with-check
+	      '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	      :test-not
+	      #'(lambda (x y)
+			(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+				  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+			  (return-from fail 'fail))
+			(not (eq x y)))))
+	    #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..95b0f7ffcc2920fd702f6deae9c2c70b700a09e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  1 21:49:43 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 23
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; set-exclusive-or
+(defun set-exclusive-or-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
+					   test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result (apply #'set-exclusive-or
+			 x y
+			 `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+			   ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+			   ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))  
+      (cond
+       ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+	result)
+       (t
+	'failed)))))
+(defun check-set-exclusive-or (x y z &key (key #'identity)
+					(test #'eql))
+  (and
+   (not (eq 'failed z))
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (or (member e x :key key :test test)
+		            (member e y :key key :test test)))
+	  z)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (if (member e y :key key :test test)
+			    (not (member e z :key key :test test))
+			  (member e z :key key :test test)))
+	  x)
+   (every #'(lambda (e) (if (member e x :key key :test test)
+			    (not (member e z :key key :test test))
+			  (member e z :key key :test test)))
+	  y)
+   t))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-1
+    (set-exclusive-or nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-2
+    (let ((result
+	   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-3
+    (let ((result
+	   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-4
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+     #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-5
+    (check-set-exclusive-or
+     nil
+     '(a b c d e f g h)
+     (set-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-6
+    (handler-case
+	(set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				   :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-7
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-7-a
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-8
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-8-a
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-8-b
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				 :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-9
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-10
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-11
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-12
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(defun do-random-set-exclusive-ors (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (set-exclusive-or-with-check x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-13
+    (do-random-set-exclusive-ors 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-14
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
+			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
+			       :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-15
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-16
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car
+			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Check that set-exclusive-or does not invert
+;; the order of the arguments to the test function
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-17
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-17-a
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :key #'identity
+	       :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-18
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :test-not
+	       #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))
+			 t))))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or-18-a
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :key #'identity
+	       :test-not
+	       #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))
+			 t))))))
+  t)
+;;; nset-exclusive-or
+(defun nset-exclusive-or-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
+					   test test-not)
+  (setf x (copy-list x))
+  (setf y (copy-list y))
+  (apply #'nset-exclusive-or
+	 x y
+	 `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-1
+    (nset-exclusive-or nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-2
+    (let ((result
+	   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-3
+    (let ((result
+	   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-4
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+     #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-5
+    (check-set-exclusive-or
+     nil
+     '(a b c d e f g h)
+     (nset-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-6
+    (handler-case
+	(nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				   :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-7
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-7-a
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-8
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-8-a
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-8-b
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				  :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-9
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-10
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-11
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-12
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(defun do-random-nset-exclusive-ors (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
+  (let ((state (make-random-state)))
+    (loop
+       for i from 1 to niters do
+	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state))))
+		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+				  (random maxelem state)))))
+	    (let ((z (nset-exclusive-or-with-check x y)))
+	      (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
+		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+    nil))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-13
+    (do-random-nset-exclusive-ors 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-14
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
+			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
+			       :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-15
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-16
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car
+			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Check that nset-exclusive-or does not invert
+;; the order of the arguments to the test function
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-17
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-17-a
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :key #'identity
+	       :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-18
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :test-not
+	       #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))
+			 t))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or-18-a
+    (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	  (list2 '(e f g h)))
+      (block fail
+	(not (not
+	      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	       list1 list2
+	       :key #'identity
+	       :test-not
+	       #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+			 (when (or (member s1 list2)
+				   (member s2 list1))
+			   (return-from fail 'failed))
+			 t))))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..31dbf09c989f94347d15c05047aadc5a30582faa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  1 22:10:54 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 24
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; subsetp
+(defvar cons-test-24-var '(78 "z" (8 9)))
+(defun subsetp-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
+  (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (apply #'subsetp x y
+		  `(,@(unless (eq key 'no-key)
+			`(:key ,key))
+		    ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
+      (cond
+       ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+	(not (not result)))
+       (t 'failed)))))
+(deftest subsetp-1
+    (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '(78)) cons-test-24-var)
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-2
+    (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '((8 9))) cons-test-24-var)
+  nil)
+(deftest subsetp-3
+    (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '((8 9)))
+			cons-test-24-var :test 'equal)
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-4
+    (subsetp-with-check (list 78 (copy-seq "Z")) cons-test-24-var
+			:test #'equalp)
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-5
+    (subsetp-with-check (list 1) (list 0 2 3 4)
+			:key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-6
+    (subsetp-with-check (list 1 6) (list 0 2 3 4)
+			:key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
+  nil)
+(deftest subsetp-7
+    (subsetp-with-check (list '(a . 10) '(b . 20) '(c . 30))
+			(list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+			      '(c . foo))
+			:key #'car)
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-8
+    (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '((a . 10) (b . 20) (c . 30)))
+			(copy-tree '((z . c) (a . y) (b . 100) (e . f)
+			      (c . foo)))
+			:key 'car)
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-9
+    (subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
+			(copy-tree
+			 (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+			      '(c . foo)))
+			:test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+				   (eq e1 (car e2))))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-10
+    (handler-case
+	(subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
+			    (copy-tree
+			     (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+				  '(c . foo)))
+			    :test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+				      (eq e1 (car e2)))
+			    :key nil)
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-11
+    (subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
+			(copy-tree
+			 (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+			       '(c . foo)))
+			:test-not  #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+				       (not (eq e1 (car e2)))))
+  t)
+;; Check that it maintains order of arguments
+(deftest subsetp-12
+    (block fail
+      (subsetp-with-check
+       (list 1 2 3)
+       (list 4 5 6)
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 t)))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-13
+    (block fail
+      (subsetp-with-check
+       (list 1 2 3)
+       (list 4 5 6)
+       :key #'identity
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 t)))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-14
+    (block fail
+      (subsetp-with-check
+       (list 1 2 3)
+       (list 4 5 6)
+       :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 nil)))
+  t)
+(deftest subsetp-15
+    (block fail
+      (subsetp-with-check
+       (list 1 2 3)
+       (list 4 5 6)
+       :key #'identity
+       :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 nil)))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..07c5c11cd6640f16febc5d4f05149a2bbc8415fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr  5 22:26:59 1998
+;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 25
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; setting of C*R accessors
+(defun create-c*r-test (n)
+  (cond
+   ((<= n 0) 'none)
+   (t
+    (cons (create-c*r-test (1- n))
+	  (create-c*r-test (1- n))))))
+    for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
+		caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+		caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+		cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
+    do
+      (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
+	(eval `(deftest ,(intern
+			  (concatenate 'string
+			    (symbol-name fn)
+			    "-SET")
+			  :cl-test)
+		   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
+		     (and
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
+		      (equal x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+		      ))
+		 t))))
+    for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
+		      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
+		      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
+    do
+      (eval
+       `(deftest ,(intern
+		   (concatenate 'string
+		     (symbol-name fn)
+		     "-SET")
+		   :cl-test)
+	    (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
+	      (and
+	       (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (loop
+		   for i from 1 to 20
+		   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+				 (nth (1- i) x))
+			(return nil))
+		   finally (return t))
+	       (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (nth ,(1- len) x)))
+	  a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c6b1025aa08414c5437f0d87c512fada49eddc4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue Aug 20 22:42:35 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for COUNT-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.1
+  (count-if-not #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.2
+  (count-if-not #'not '(a b nil c d nil e))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.3
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) nil)
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.4
+  (count-if-not #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.5
+  (count-if-not 'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.6
+  (count-if-not #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'identity)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.8
+  (count-if-not #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'not)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.9
+  (count-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.10
+  (count-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.13
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.14
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.15
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-not-list.16
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; tests on vectors
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.1
+  (count-if-not #'identity #(a b nil c d nil e))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.2
+  (count-if-not #'not #(a b nil c d nil e))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.3
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) #())
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.4
+  (count-if-not #'not #(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.5
+  (count-if-not 'not #(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.6
+  (count-if-not #'not #(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.8
+  (count-if-not #'not #(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'not)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.9
+  (count-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.10
+  (count-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp #(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.13
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.14
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.15
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-not-vector.16
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; Non-simple vectors
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.1
+  (count-if-not #'identity (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+				       :fill-pointer t
+				       :adjustable t))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.2
+  (count-if-not #'not (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+				  :fill-pointer t
+				  :adjustable t))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.3
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) (make-array 0
+						   :fill-pointer t
+						   :adjustable t))
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.4
+  (count-if-not #'not
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.5
+  (count-if-not 'not
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.6
+  (count-if-not #'not
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.8
+  (count-if-not #'not
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key 'not)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.9
+  (count-if-not #'oddp (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+				:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.10
+  (count-if-not #'oddp
+	    (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp
+	      (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp
+	      (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.13
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.14
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.15
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7 :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.16
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eq x 'a)))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; tests on bitstrings
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.1
+  (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.2
+  (count-if-not #'identity #*001011101101)
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.3
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) #*)
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.4
+  (count-if-not #'identity #*001011101101 :key #'zerop)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.5
+  (count-if-not 'not #*001011101101 :key #'zerop)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.6
+  (count-if-not #'not #*001011101101 :key 'zerop)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.8
+  (count-if-not #'identity #*001011101101 :key 'oddp)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.10
+  (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101 :key #'1+)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.13
+  (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :start 2)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.14
+  (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.15
+  (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-bitstring.16
+  (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  4)
+;;; tests on strings
+(deftest count-if-not-string.1
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "001011101101")
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.2
+  (count-if-not #'identity "001011101101")
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.3
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) "")
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.4
+  (count-if-not #'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.5
+  (count-if-not 'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.6
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "001011101101" :key 'identity)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.8
+  (count-if-not #'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\1)))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp "001011101101"
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if-not #'oddp "001011101101"
+		  :from-end t
+		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.13
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :start 2)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.14
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.15
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-not-string.16
+  (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0))
+		"0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  4)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest count-if-not-error.1
+  (catch-type-error (count-if-not #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-if-not-error.2
+  (catch-type-error (count-if-not #'identity 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-if-not-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (count-if-not #'identity #\a))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..357cf80920cc537bfffcac37b3db983bcf7949e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue Aug 20 08:01:30 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for COUNT-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest count-if-list.1
+  (count-if #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-list.2
+  (count-if #'not '(a b nil c d nil e))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-list.3
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) nil)
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-list.4
+  (count-if #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-list.5
+  (count-if 'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-list.6
+  (count-if #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-list.8
+  (count-if #'identity '(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'not)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-list.9
+  (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-list.10
+  (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-list.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-list.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-list.13
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-list.14
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-list.15
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-list.16
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; tests on vectors
+(deftest count-if-vector.1
+  (count-if #'identity #(a b nil c d nil e))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-vector.2
+  (count-if #'not #(a b nil c d nil e))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-vector.3
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) #())
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-vector.4
+  (count-if #'identity #(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-vector.5
+  (count-if 'identity #(a b nil c d nil e) :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-vector.6
+  (count-if #'identity #(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-vector.8
+  (count-if #'identity #(a b nil c d nil e) :key 'not)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-vector.9
+  (count-if #'evenp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-vector.10
+  (count-if #'evenp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-vector.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-vector.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp #(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-vector.13
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-vector.14
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-vector.15
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-vector.16
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; Non-simple vectors
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.1
+  (count-if #'identity (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+				   :fill-pointer t
+				   :adjustable t))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.2
+  (count-if #'not (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+				   :fill-pointer t
+				   :adjustable t))
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.3
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) (make-array 0
+				   :fill-pointer t
+				   :adjustable t))
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.4
+  (count-if #'identity
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.5
+  (count-if 'identity
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key #'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.6
+  (count-if #'identity
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.8
+  (count-if #'identity
+	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+			:fill-pointer t
+			:adjustable t)
+	    :key 'not)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.9
+  (count-if #'evenp (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+				:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.10
+  (count-if #'evenp
+	    (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp
+	      (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  6)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp
+	      (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  8)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.13
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.14
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.15
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7 :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.16
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eq x 'a))
+	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+	    :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; tests on bitstrings
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.1
+  (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.2
+  (count-if #'identity #*001011101101)
+  12)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.3
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) #*)
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.4
+  (count-if #'identity #*001011101101 :key #'zerop)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.5
+  (count-if 'identity #*001011101101 :key #'zerop)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.6
+  (count-if #'identity #*001011101101 :key 'zerop)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.8
+  (count-if #'identity #*001011101101 :key 'oddp)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.10
+  (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101 :key #'1+)
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.13
+  (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.14
+  (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.15
+  (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-bitstring.16
+  (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; tests on strings
+(deftest count-if-string.1
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "001011101101")
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-string.2
+  (count-if #'identity "001011101101")
+  12)
+(deftest count-if-string.3
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) "")
+  0)
+(deftest count-if-string.4
+  (count-if #'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-string.5
+  (count-if 'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-string.6
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "001011101101" :key 'identity)
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-string.8
+  (count-if #'identity "001011101101" :key #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\1)))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-string.11
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp "001011101101"
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+  7)
+(deftest count-if-string.12
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count-if #'evenp "001011101101"
+	      :from-end t
+	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+  5)
+(deftest count-if-string.13
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :start 2)
+  4)
+(deftest count-if-string.14
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7)
+  2)
+(deftest count-if-string.15
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest count-if-string.16
+  (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0))
+	    "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest count-if-error.1
+  (catch-type-error (count-if #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-if-error.2
+  (catch-type-error (count-if #'identity 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-if-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (count-if #'identity #\a))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count.lsp b/ansi-tests/count.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..73e0054f14eb664589b02859f450bd9dbc61fd0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/count.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Aug 19 07:31:55 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for COUNT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest count-list.1
+  (count 'a '(a b c d e a e f))
+  2)
+(deftest count-list.2
+  (count 'a '(a b c d e a e f) :test #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-list.3
+  (count 'a '(a b c d e a e f) :test 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-list.4
+  (count 1 '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key #'1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-list.5
+  (count 1 '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key '1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-list.6
+  (count 1 '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key #'1- :test #'equal)
+  5)
+(deftest count-list.7
+  (count 1 '(2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8) :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest count-list.8
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 '(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  4)
+(deftest count-list.9
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 '(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
+	   :from-end t
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  3)
+(deftest count-list.10
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest count-list.11
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :end 6)
+  5)
+(deftest count-list.12
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7)
+  4)
+(deftest count-list.13
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 3 :end nil)
+  4)
+(deftest count-list.14
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)  :end nil)
+  7)
+(deftest count-list.15
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)  :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest count-list.16
+  (count 1 '(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7
+	 :test #'(lambda (x y) t))
+  5)
+;;; On vectors
+(deftest count-vector.1
+  (count 'a #(a b c d e a e f))
+  2)
+(deftest count-vector.2
+  (count 'a #(a b c d e a e f) :test #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-vector.3
+  (count 'a #(a b c d e a e f) :test 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-vector.4
+  (count 1 #(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key #'1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-vector.5
+  (count 1 #(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key '1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-vector.6
+  (count 1 #(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4) :key #'1- :test #'equal)
+  5)
+(deftest count-vector.7
+  (count 1 #(2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8) :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest count-vector.8
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 #(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  4)
+(deftest count-vector.9
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 #(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
+	   :from-end t
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  3)
+(deftest count-vector.10
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest count-vector.11
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :end 6)
+  5)
+(deftest count-vector.12
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7)
+  4)
+(deftest count-vector.13
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1) :start 3 :end nil)
+  4)
+(deftest count-vector.14
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)  :end nil)
+  7)
+(deftest count-vector.15
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)  :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest count-vector16
+  (count 1 #(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7
+	 :test #'(lambda (x y) t))
+  5)
+;;; Non-simple vectors
+(deftest count-filled-vector.1
+  (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
+			:fill-pointer t))
+  2)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.2
+  (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
+			:fill-pointer t)
+	 :test #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.3
+  (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
+			:fill-pointer t)
+	 :test 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.4
+  (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :key #'1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.5
+  (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :key '1-)
+  5)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.6
+  (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :key #'1- :test #'equal)
+  5)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.7
+  (count 1 (make-array 12 :initial-contents '(2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.8
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
+			 :fill-pointer t)
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  4)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.9
+  (let ((c 0))
+    (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
+			 :fill-pointer t)
+	   :from-end t
+	   :key #'(lambda (x)
+		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+  3)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.10
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.11
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :end 6)
+  5)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.12
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :start 2 :end 7)
+  4)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.13
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :start 3 :end nil)
+  4)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.14
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :end nil)
+  7)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.15
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest count-filled-vector.16
+  (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1)
+		       :fill-pointer t)
+	 :start 2 :end 7
+	 :test #'(lambda (x y) t))
+  5)
+;;; Tests on bit vectors
+(deftest count-bit-vector.1
+  (count 1 #*00101100011011000)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.2
+  (count 1 #*00101100011011000 :test #'eq)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.3
+  (count 1 #*00101100011011000 :test 'eq)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.4
+  (count 1 #*00101100011011000 :key #'1+)
+  10)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.5
+  (count 0 #*00101100011011000 :key '1-)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.6
+  (count 0 #*00101100011011000 :key #'1- :test #'equal)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.7
+  (count 1 #*00101100011011000 :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.8
+  (let ((c 1))
+    (count 0 #*0000110101001
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
+  2)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.9
+  (let ((c 1))
+    (count 0 #*0000011010101
+	   :from-end t
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
+  4)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.10
+  (count 1 #*11000110110 :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.11
+  (count 1 '#*110111110111 :end 6)
+  5)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.12
+  (count 1 #*11111011 :start 2 :end 7)
+  4)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.13
+  (count 1 #*11111011 :start 3 :end nil)
+  4)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.14
+  (count 1 #*11111011 :end nil)
+  7)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.15
+  (count 1 #*11111011  :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest count-bit-vector.16
+  (count 1 #*11101101 :start 2 :end 7
+	 :test #'(lambda (x y) t))
+  5)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest count-string.1
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000")
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.2
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :test #'eq)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.3
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :test 'eq)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.4
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :key #'(lambda (x) (if (eq x #\0) #\1 #\2)))
+  10)
+(deftest count-string.5
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :key 'identity)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.6
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :key #'identity :test #'equal)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.7
+  (count #\1 "00101100011011000" :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.8
+  (let ((c nil))
+    (count #\0 "0000110101001"
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
+		    (and c x))))
+  5)
+(deftest count-string.9
+  (let ((c nil))
+    (count #\0 "0000011010101"
+	   :from-end t
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
+		    (and c x))))
+  3)
+(deftest count-string.10
+  (count #\1 "11000110110" :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest count-string.11
+  (count #\1 '"110111110111" :end 6)
+  5)
+(deftest count-string.12
+  (count #\1 "11111011" :start 2 :end 7)
+  4)
+(deftest count-string.13
+  (count #\1 "11111011" :start 3 :end nil)
+  4)
+(deftest count-string.14
+  (count #\1 "11111011" :end nil)
+  7)
+(deftest count-string.15
+  (count #\1 "11111011"  :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest count-string.16
+  (count #\1 "11101101" :start 2 :end 7
+	 :test #'(lambda (x y) t))
+  5)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest count-error.1
+  (catch-type-error (count 'a 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-error.2
+  (catch-type-error (count 'a 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest count-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (count 'a #\a))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fill-strings.lsp b/ansi-tests/fill-strings.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..cb64cbe2b3caecd5370cd9c5ae2c4262d556aed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/fill-strings.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 17 08:04:27 2002
+;;;; Contains: Test cases for FILL on strings
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defun array-string-fill-test-fn (a &rest fill-args)
+  (setq a (copy-seq a))
+  (let ((b (apply #'fill a fill-args)))
+    (values (eq a b) b)))
+(deftest array-string-fill-1
+  (array-string-fill-test-fn "abcde" #\Z)
+  t "ZZZZZ")
+(deftest array-string-fill-2
+  (array-string-fill-test-fn "abcde" #\Z :start 2)
+  t "abZZZ")
+(deftest array-string-fill-3
+  (array-string-fill-test-fn "abcde" #\Z :end 3)
+  t "ZZZde")
+(deftest array-string-fill-4
+  (array-string-fill-test-fn "abcde" #\Z :start 1 :end 4)
+  t "aZZZe")
+(deftest array-string-fill-5
+  (array-string-fill-test-fn "abcde" #\Z :start 2 :end 3)
+  t "abZde")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eba61ed666939703644c4a4bfbc031f1f668534d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 28 20:53:24 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for FIND-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.1
+  (find-if-not #'identity ())
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.2
+  (find-if-not #'null '(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.2a
+  (find-if-not 'null '(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.3
+  (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7))
+  2)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.4
+  (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest find-if-not-list.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+  (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+  (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+  (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+  (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-list.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+;;; tests for vectors
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.1
+  (find-if-not #'identity #())
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.2
+  (find-if-not #'not #(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.2a
+  (find-if-not 'null #(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.3
+  (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7))
+  2)
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.4
+  (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+  (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+  (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+  (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+  (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-vector.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Tests for bit vectors
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.1
+  (find-if-not #'identity #*)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.2
+  (find-if-not #'null #*1)
+  1)
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.3
+  (find-if-not #'not #*0)
+  0)
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :key '1-)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+;;; Tests for strings
+(deftest find-if-not-string.1
+  (find-if-not #'identity "")
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.2
+  (find-if-not #'null "a")
+  #\a)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.2a
+  (find-if-not 'null "a")
+  #\a)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.3
+  (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167")
+  #\2)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.3a
+  (find-if-not #'oddp "12483167" :key #'(lambda (c) (read-from-string (string c))))
+  #\2)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.4
+  (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :from-end t)
+  #\6)
+(deftest find-if-not-string.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i))
+  (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
+  (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i))
+  (nil nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
+   (#\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil nil #\6 #\6)
+   (nil #\6 #\6)
+   (#\6 #\6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (nil nil #\6 #\6)
+   (nil #\6 #\6)
+   (#\6 #\6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start i))
+  (#\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start i :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :end i))
+  (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-not-string.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil #\6)
+   (#\6)))  
+(deftest find-if-not-string.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+	      (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start j :end i
+		 :from-end t)))
+  ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil #\6)
+   (#\6)))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest find-if-not-error.1
+  (handler-case (find-if-not #'null 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-not-error.2
+  (handler-case (find-if-not #'identity 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-not-error.3
+  (handler-case (find-if-not '1+ 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-not-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (find-if-not 'identity '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)))
+  :type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1fd54a17caeaabe9d1e8aac93970bec85bb1041d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 28 18:37:52 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for FIND-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest find-if-list.1
+  (find-if #'identity ())
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-list.2
+  (find-if #'identity '(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-list.2a
+  (find-if 'identity '(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-list.3
+  (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7))
+  2)
+(deftest find-if-list.4
+  (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest find-if-list.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+  (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
+(deftest find-if-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
+(deftest find-if-list.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-list.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-list.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+  (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+  (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+  (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest find-if-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
+(deftest find-if-list.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-list.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+;;; tests for vectors
+(deftest find-if-vector.1
+  (find-if #'identity #())
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-vector.2
+  (find-if #'identity #(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-vector.2a
+  (find-if 'identity #(a))
+  a)
+(deftest find-if-vector.3
+  (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7))
+  2)
+(deftest find-if-vector.4
+  (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest find-if-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+  (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
+(deftest find-if-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
+(deftest find-if-vector.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-vector.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-vector.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+  (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+  (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
+(deftest find-if-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+  (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest find-if-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
+(deftest find-if-vector.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+  ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (4 4 4 4 4 4)
+   (8 8 8 8 8)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-vector.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (4 8 8 8 6 6)
+   (8 8 8 6 6)
+   (nil nil 6 6)
+   (nil 6 6)
+   (6 6)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Tests for bit vectors
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.1
+  (find-if #'identity #*)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.2
+  (find-if #'identity #*1)
+  1)
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.3
+  (find-if #'identity #*0)
+  0)
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+(deftest find-if-bit-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect (loop for j from i to 7
+		      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+				       :key '1-)))
+  ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil 0 0 0 0)
+   (nil nil nil 0)
+   (nil nil 0)
+   (nil 0)))
+;;; Tests for strings
+(deftest find-if-string.1
+  (find-if #'identity "")
+  nil)
+(deftest find-if-string.2
+  (find-if #'identity "a")
+  #\a)
+(deftest find-if-string.2a
+  (find-if 'identity "a")
+  #\a)
+(deftest find-if-string.3
+  (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167")
+  #\2)
+(deftest find-if-string.3a
+  (find-if #'evenp "12483167" :key #'(lambda (c) (read-from-string (string c))))
+  #\2)
+(deftest find-if-string.4
+  (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :from-end t)
+  #\6)
+(deftest find-if-string.5
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i))
+  (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-string.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
+  (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-string.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-string.8
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
+(deftest find-if-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i))
+  (nil nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2))
+(deftest find-if-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
+	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-string.11
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
+   (#\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil nil #\6 #\6)
+   (nil #\6 #\6)
+   (#\6 #\6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-string.12
+  (loop for j from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+	      (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
+		       :from-end t)))
+  ((nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
+   (nil nil #\6 #\6)
+   (nil #\6 #\6)
+   (#\6 #\6)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-if-string.13
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start i))
+  (#\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-string.14
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start i :from-end t))
+  (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :end i))
+  (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4))
+(deftest find-if-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7
+	collect
+	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :end i :from-end t))
+  (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6))
+(deftest find-if-string.17
+  (loop for j from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start j :end i)))
+  ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
+   (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\8)
+   (nil #\6)
+   (#\6)))  
+(deftest find-if-string.18
+  (loop for j from 0 to 6
+	collect
+	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+	      (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+		 :start j :end i
+		 :from-end t)))
+  ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (#\8 #\8 #\6)
+   (nil #\6)
+   (#\6)))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest find-if-error.1
+  (handler-case (find-if #'null 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-error.2
+  (handler-case (find-if #'identity 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-error.3
+  (handler-case (find-if '1+ 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-if-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (find-if 'null '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)))
+  :type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find.lsp b/ansi-tests/find.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7903e9f905439882fb54f83380049726151ef437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/find.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,726 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Aug 23 07:49:49 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for FIND
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest find-list.1
+  (find 'c '(a b c d e c a))
+  c)
+(deftest find-list.2
+  (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :from-end t)
+  c)
+(deftest find-list.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+  (c c c c c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil c c c c c)
+   (nil c c c c c)
+   (c c c c c)
+   (nil nil c c)
+   (nil c c)
+   (c c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil c c c c c)
+   (nil c c c c c)
+   (c c c c c)
+   (nil nil c c)
+   (nil c c)
+   (c c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-list.11
+  (find 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest find-list.12
+  (find 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key '1+)
+  4)
+(deftest find-list.13
+  (find 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  4)
+(deftest find-list.14
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq))
+  b)
+(deftest find-list.15
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-list.16
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-list.17
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-list.18
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-list.19
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-list.20
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-list.21
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  a)
+(deftest find-list.22
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  a)
+(deftest find-list.23
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  b)
+(deftest find-list.24
+  (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  c)
+(deftest find-list.25
+  (find "ab" '("a" #(#\b #\a) #(#\a #\b #\c) #(#\a #\b) #(#\d #\e) f) :test #'equalp)
+  #(#\a #\b))
+(deftest find-list.26
+  (find 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest find-list.27
+  (find 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
+	    :start 3)
+  (a b))
+(deftest find-list.28
+  (find 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  (a b))
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest find-vector.1
+  (find 'c #(a b c d e c a))
+  c)
+(deftest find-vector.1a
+  (find 'z #(a b c d e c a))
+  nil)
+(deftest find-vector.2
+  (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :from-end t)
+  c)
+(deftest find-vector.2a
+  (find 'z #(a b c d e c a) :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-vector.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+  (c c c c c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c c nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+  (c c c c c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil c c c c c)
+   (nil c c c c c)
+   (c c c c c)
+   (nil nil c c)
+   (nil c c)
+   (c c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil c c c c c)
+   (nil c c c c c)
+   (c c c c c)
+   (nil nil c c)
+   (nil c c)
+   (c c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-vector.11
+  (find 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+)
+  4)
+(deftest find-vector.12
+  (find 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key '1+)
+  4)
+(deftest find-vector.13
+  (find 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  4)
+(deftest find-vector.14
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq))
+  b)
+(deftest find-vector.15
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-vector.16
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-vector.17
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-vector.18
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-vector.19
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  f)
+(deftest find-vector.20
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  b)
+(deftest find-vector.21
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  a)
+(deftest find-vector.22
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  a)
+(deftest find-vector.23
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  b)
+(deftest find-vector.24
+  (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  c)
+(deftest find-vector.25
+  (find "ab" #("a" #(#\b #\a) #(#\a #\b #\c) #(#\a #\b) #(#\d #\e) f) :test #'equalp)
+  #(#\a #\b))
+(deftest find-vector.26
+  (find 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest find-vector.27
+  (find 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
+	    :start 3)
+  (a b))
+(deftest find-vector.28
+  (find 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  (a b))
+;;; tests on bit vectors
+(deftest find-bit-vector.1
+  (find 1 #*001001010100)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.1a
+  (find 0 #*001001010100)
+  0)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.1b
+  (find 2 #*001001010100)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.1c
+  (find 'a #*001001010100)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.1d
+  (find 1 #*000000)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2
+  (find 1 #*001001010100 :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2a
+  (find 1 #*00000 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2b
+  (find 0 #*00000 :from-end t)
+  0)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2c
+  (find 0 #*11111 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2d
+  (find 2 #*11111 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.2e
+  (find 'a #*11111 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i))
+  (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
+  (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 1 #*0010010 :end i))
+  (1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
+  (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (0 0 0 0 0 0 nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
+  (0 0 0 0 0 nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil 1 1 1 1 1)
+   (nil 1 1 1 1 1)
+   (1 1 1 1 1)
+   (nil nil 1 1)
+   (nil 1 1)
+   (1 1)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil 1 1 1 1 1)
+   (nil 1 1 1 1 1)
+   (1 1 1 1 1)
+   (nil nil 1 1)
+   (nil 1 1)
+   (1 1)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-bit-vector.11
+  (find 2 #*00010001010 :key #'1+)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.12
+  (find 2 #*00010001010 :key '1+)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.13
+  (find 2 #*0010001000 :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.14
+  (find 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eq))
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.15
+  (find 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.16
+  (find 0 #*0010111010 :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.16a
+  (find 1 #*111111111111 :test-not #'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.16b
+  (find 0 #*0000000 :test-not #'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.17
+  (find 0 #*001011101 :test-not 'eq
+	:from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.17a
+  (find 0 #*0000000 :test-not 'eq
+	:from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.17b
+  (find 1 #*111111111111 :test-not 'eq
+	:from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.18
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not 'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.18a
+  (find 0 #*00000000 :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.19
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.19a
+  (find 0 #*00000000 :test-not #'eq
+	:from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.20
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.21
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test #'eq
+	:start 2)
+  0)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.21a
+  (find 0 #*00111111 :test #'eq
+	:start 2)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.21b
+  (find 1 #*00111111 :test #'eq
+	:start 2)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.22
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test #'eq
+	:start 2 :end nil)
+  0)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.22a
+  (find 0 #*001111111 :test #'eq
+	:start 2 :end nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.22b
+  (find 1 #*001111111 :test #'eq
+	:start 2 :end nil)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.23
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	:start 0 :end 5)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.23a
+  (find 0 #*00000111 :test-not #'eq
+	:start 0 :end 5)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.23b
+  (find 0 #*00001000 :test-not #'eq
+	:start 0 :end 5)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.24
+  (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.24a
+  (find 0 #*0000001111 :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.24b
+  (find 0 #*0000100 :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.25
+  (find 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
+	    :start 3)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.26
+  (find 2 #*11100000 :key #'1+
+	    :start 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.26a
+  (find 2 #*11110000 :key #'1+
+	    :start 3)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.27
+  (find 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  1)
+(deftest find-bit-vector.28
+  (find 2 #*1100000000 :key #'1+
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  nil)
+;;; strings
+(deftest find-string.1
+  (find #\c "abcdeca")
+  #\c)
+(deftest find-string.1a
+  (find #\c "abCa")
+  nil)
+(deftest find-string.2
+  (find #\c "abcdeca" :from-end t)
+  #\c)
+(deftest find-string.2a
+  (find #\c "abCCCa" :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest find-string.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(find #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
+  (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil nil))
+(deftest find-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (nil nil #\c #\c)
+   (nil #\c #\c)
+   (#\c #\c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
+   (nil nil #\c #\c)
+   (nil #\c #\c)
+   (#\c #\c)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest find-string.11
+  (find 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
+			      (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
+  #\4)
+(deftest find-string.13
+  (find 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
+				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
+	    :from-end t)
+  #\4)
+(deftest find-string.14
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eq))
+  #\b)
+(deftest find-string.15
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  #\f)
+(deftest find-string.16
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq)
+  #\b)
+(deftest find-string.17
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  #\f)
+(deftest find-string.18
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eq)
+  #\b)
+(deftest find-string.19
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  #\f)
+(deftest find-string.20
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq)
+  #\b)
+(deftest find-string.21
+  (find #\a "aabAcedafa" :test #'char-equal
+	:start 2)
+  #\A)
+(deftest find-string.22
+  (find #\a "aabAcedafa" :test #'char-equal
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  #\A)
+(deftest find-string.23
+  (find #\a "aAbAcedafa" :test-not #'char-equal
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  #\b)
+(deftest find-string.24
+  (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'char-equal
+	:start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  #\c)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest find-error.1
+  (handler-case (find 'a 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-error.2
+  (handler-case (find 'a 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-error.3
+  (handler-case (find 'a 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest find-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (find 'a '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)
+			 (error (c) c)))
+  :type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gclload.lsp b/ansi-tests/gclload.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..678b61de86c388585332acc31f2cc2c3d244324e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/gclload.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+(load "gclload1.lsp")
+(load "gclload2.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gclload1.lsp b/ansi-tests/gclload1.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b421a2ae02b74131bb26dc6938a051325d4d5c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/gclload1.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+(load "compile-and-load.lsp")
+(load "rt/rt-package.lsp")
+(compile-and-load "rt/rt.lsp")
+;;; (unless (probe-file "rt/rt.o") (compile-file "rt/rt.lsp"))
+;;; (load "rt/rt.o")
+(load "cl-test-package.lsp")
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(compile-and-load "aux.lsp")
+;;; (unless (probe-file "aux.o") (compile-file "aux.lsp"))
+;;; (load "aux.o")
+(load "universe.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gclload2.lsp b/ansi-tests/gclload2.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34a7538492e9afef49889fe44f0772a63a5c0de8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/gclload2.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+;;; Load individual test files
+;;; Tests of conses
+(load "cons-test-01.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-02.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-03.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-04.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-05.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-06.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-07.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-08.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-09.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-10.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-11.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-12.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-13.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-14.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-15.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-16.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-17.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-18.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-19.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-20.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-21.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-22.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-23.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-24.lsp")
+(load "cons-test-25.lsp")
+;;; Tests of packages
+(compile-file "packages-00.lsp")
+(load "packages-00.o")
+(load "packages-01.lsp")
+(load "packages-02.lsp")
+(load "packages-03.lsp")
+(load "packages-04.lsp")
+(load "packages-05.lsp")
+(load "packages-06.lsp")
+(load "packages-07.lsp")
+(load "packages-08.lsp")
+(load "packages-09.lsp")
+(load "packages-10.lsp")
+(load "packages-11.lsp")
+(load "packages-12.lsp")
+(load "packages-13.lsp")
+(load "packages-14.lsp")
+(load "packages-15.lsp")
+(load "packages-16.lsp")
+(load "packages-17.lsp")
+(load "packages-18.lsp")
+(load "packages-19.lsp")
+;;; Tests of sequences
+;;; (load "copy-seq.lsp")
+;;; (load "elt.lsp")
+;;; (load "fill.lsp")
+(load "fill-strings.lsp")
+(load "make-sequence.lsp")
+;;; (load "subseq.lsp")
+(load "map.lsp")
+(load "map-into.lsp")
+(load "reduce.lsp")
+(load "count.lsp")
+(load "count-if.lsp")
+(load "count-if-not.lsp")
+(load "reverse.lsp")
+(load "nreverse.lsp")
+(load "sort.lsp")
+(load "find.lsp")
+(load "find-if.lsp")
+(load "find-if-not.lsp")
+(load "position.lsp")
+(compile-file "search-aux.lsp")
+(load "search-aux.o")
+(load "search-list.lsp")
+(load "search-vector.lsp")
+(load "search-bitvector.lsp")
+(load "search-string.lsp")
+(load "mismatch.lsp")
+(load "replace.lsp")
+(load "substitute.lsp")
+(load "substitute-if.lsp")
+(load "substitute-if-not.lsp")
+(load "nsubstitute.lsp")
+(load "nsubstitute-if.lsp")
+(load "nsubstitute-if-not.lsp")
+(load "concatenate.lsp")
+(load "merge.lsp")
+(compile-and-load "remove-aux.lsp")
+(load "remove.lsp")  ;; need to extend these tests
+;;; Need to add tests for REMOVE-IF, REMOVE-IF-NOT, DELETE,
+;;; Tests of structures
+(load "structure-00.lsp")
+(load "structures-01.lsp")
+(load "structures-02.lsp")
+;;; Tests of types and classes
+(load "types-and-class.lsp")
+;;; Tests of the reader
+(load "reader-test.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/length.lsp b/ansi-tests/length.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1b20df86b8dc7e6bdaf38d47a0b5168515d30bc
Binary files /dev/null and b/ansi-tests/length.lsp differ
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load.lsp b/ansi-tests/load.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..af6f617782ff8fbbaacaded9b56c5ef1b023f5ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/load.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+;; Get the MK package
+;; I've hardwired a path here; fix for your system
+;; I assume the package is already compiled.
+(unless (find-package "MK")
+  (load #.(concatenate 'string "../defsys30/defsystem."
+		     #+allegro "fasl"
+		     #+(or akcl gcl) "o")))
+(load "rt/rt.system")
+(mk::load-system "rt")
+(mk::compile-system "cltest")
+(in-package :cl-test)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f71ff6f523799266a33157282bbc4c6afe18d47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Sep 20 06:47:37 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for MAKE-ARRAY
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defun make-array-check-upgrading (type)
+  (subtypep type (array-element-type (make-array 0 :element-type type))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fff9751679ca91c9ad01a5006229c5da12c100ee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Sep 14 09:58:47 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for MAKE-SEQUENCE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest make-sequence.1
+  (let ((x (make-sequence 'list 4)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 4)
+	 (listp x)
+	 (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.2
+  (make-sequence 'list 4 :initial-element 'a)
+  (a a a a))
+(deftest make-sequence.3
+  (let ((x (make-sequence 'cons 4)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 4)
+	 (listp x)
+	 (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.4
+  (make-sequence 'cons 4 :initial-element 'a)
+  (a a a a))
+(deftest make-sequence.5
+  (make-sequence 'string 10 :initial-element #\a)
+  "aaaaaaaaaa")
+(deftest make-sequence.6
+  (let ((s (make-sequence 'string 10)))
+    (and (eql (length s) 10)
+	 (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.7
+  (make-sequence 'simple-string 10 :initial-element #\a)
+  "aaaaaaaaaa")
+(deftest make-sequence.8
+  (let ((s (make-sequence 'simple-string 10)))
+    (and (eql (length s) 10)
+	 (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.9
+  (make-sequence 'null 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-sequence.10
+  (let ((x (make-sequence 'vector 10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.11
+  (let* ((u (list 'a))
+	 (x (make-sequence 'vector 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.12
+  (let ((x (make-sequence 'simple-vector 10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.13
+  (let* ((u (list 'a))
+	 (x (make-sequence 'simple-vector 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.14
+  (let ((x (make-sequence '(vector *) 10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.15
+  (let* ((u (list 'a))
+	 (x (make-sequence '(vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.16
+  (let ((x (make-sequence '(simple-vector *)  10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.17
+  (let* ((u (list 'a))
+	 (x (make-sequence '(simple-vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.18
+  (let ((x (make-sequence '(string *) 10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.19
+  (let* ((u #\a)
+	 (x (make-sequence '(string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.20
+  (let ((x (make-sequence '(simple-string *)  10)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.21
+  (let* ((u #\a)
+	 (x (make-sequence '(simple-string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+    (and (eql (length x) 10)
+	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+	 t))
+  t)
+(deftest make-sequence.22
+  (make-sequence '(vector * 5) 5 :initial-element 'a)
+  #(a a a a a))
+(deftest make-sequence.23
+  (make-sequence '(vector fixnum 5) 5 :initial-element 1)
+  #(1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest make-sequence.24
+  (make-sequence '(vector (integer 0 255) 5) 5 :initial-element 17)
+  #(17 17 17 17 17))
+(deftest make-sequence.25
+  (make-sequence '(simple-vector 5) 5 :initial-element 'a)
+  #(a a a a a))
+(deftest make-sequence.26
+  (equalp (make-sequence 'string 5) (make-string 5))
+  t)
+;;; Tests for errors
+(deftest make-sequence-error.1
+  (handler-case (make-sequence 'symbol 10)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.2
+  (handler-case (make-sequence 'null 1)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.3
+  (handler-case (make-sequence '(vector * 4) 3)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.4
+  (handler-case (make-sequence '(vector * 2) 3)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.5
+  (handler-case (make-sequence '(string 4) 3)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.6
+  (handler-case (make-sequence '(simple-string 2) 3)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest make-sequence-error.7
+  (handler-case (make-sequence 'cons 0)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-tar b/ansi-tests/make-tar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1bf93a1ab1c91e9ba2b4bb992e16cfd188e79ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-tar
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+rm -f binary/* rt/binary/*
+tar cvf cltest.tar README *.system *.lsp make-tar binary/ rt/*.system rt/*.lsp rt/*.txt rt/binary/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp b/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4a5a634f64d8dc845c6add7026147b69faa53f69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Aug 18 10:10:04 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for the MAP-INTO function
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest map-into-list.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
+	(b nil))
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x)  '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6)
+  (6 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-list.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g))))
+    (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3))
+    a)
+  (1 2 3 d e f g))
+(deftest map-into-list.3
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c))))
+    (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    a)
+  (1 2 3))
+(deftest map-into-list.4
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
+	(b nil))
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x y) (let ((z (+ x y))) (push z b) z))
+	      '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+	      '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
+    (values a b))
+  (11 13 15 17 19 21)
+  (21 19 17 15 13 11))
+(deftest map-into-list.5
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f))))
+    (map-into a 'identity '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    a)
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest map-into-list.6
+  (let ((b nil))
+    (values
+     (map-into nil #'(lambda (x y) (let ((z (+ x y))) (push z b) z))
+	       '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+	       '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
+     b))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest map-into-list.7
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f))))
+    (map-into a #'(lambda () 1))
+    a)
+  (1 1 1 1 1 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+  (6 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g h)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 g h)
+  (6 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.3
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4)
+  (4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.4
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+  (6 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.5
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g h)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 g h)
+  (6 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest map-into-array.6
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d)))
+	b)
+    (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+    (values a b))
+  #(1 2 3 4)
+  (4 3 2 1))
+;;; Tests of mapping into arrays with fill pointers
+(deftest map-into-array.7
+  (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
+		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+    (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3))
+    a)
+  #(1 2 3))
+(deftest map-into-array.8
+  (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
+		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+    (map-into a #'identity '(1 2))
+    a)
+  #(1 2))
+(deftest map-into-array.9
+  (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
+		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+    (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5))
+    a)
+  #(1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest map-into-array.10
+  (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
+		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+    (map-into a #'(lambda () 'y))
+    a)
+  #(y y y y y y))
+;;; mapping into strings
+(deftest map-into-string.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "abcdef")))
+    (map-into a #'identity "123456")
+    (values (not (not (stringp a))) a))
+  t
+  "123456")
+(deftest map-into-string.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "abcdef")))
+    (map-into a #'identity "1234")
+    (values (not (not (stringp a))) a))
+  t
+  "1234ef")
+(deftest map-into-string.3
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "abcd")))
+    (map-into a #'identity "123456")
+    (values (not (not (stringp a))) a))
+  t
+  "1234")
+(deftest map-into-error.1
+  (handler-case (map-into 'a #'(lambda () nil))
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest map-into-error.2
+  (handler-case (map-into nil #'identity 'a)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest map-into-error.3
+  (handler-case (map-into (copy-seq '(a b c)) #'cons '(d e f) 100)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/map.lsp b/ansi-tests/map.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3b5be5470df2c3b0bafcc85f1b71b6675cad5c52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/map.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 17 20:54:48 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for the MAP function
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest map-array.1
+  (map 'list #'1+ #(1 2 3 4))
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest map-array.2
+  (map 'vector #'+ #(1 2 3 4) #(6 6 6 6))
+  #(7 8 9 10))
+(deftest map-array.3
+  (map 'vector #'+ #(1 2 3 4 5) #(6 6 6 6))
+  #(7 8 9 10))
+(deftest map-array.4
+  (map 'vector #'+ #(1 2 3 4) #(6 6 6 6 6))
+  #(7 8 9 10))
+(deftest map-array.5
+  (map '(vector *) #'+ #(1 2 3 4) #(6 6 6 6))
+  #(7 8 9 10))
+(deftest map-array.6
+  (map '(vector * 4) #'+ #(1 2 3 4) #(6 6 6 6))
+  #(7 8 9 10))
+(deftest map-array.7
+  (map 'array #'identity '(a b c d e f))
+  #(a b c d e f))
+(deftest map-array.8
+  (map 'simple-array #'identity '(a b c d e f))
+  #(a b c d e f))
+(deftest map-array.9
+  (map 'simple-vector #'identity '(a b c d e f))
+  #(a b c d e f))
+(deftest map-array.10
+  (map 'simple-vector #'cons '(a b c d e f) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+  #((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4) (e . 5) (f . 6)))
+(deftest map-array.11
+  (map 'vector #'identity '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+  #(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+(deftest map-array.12
+  (map 'vector #'identity "abcde")
+  #(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+(deftest map-array.13
+  (map 'vector #'identity #*000001)
+  #(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+(deftest map-array.14
+  (map 'list #'identity #*000001)
+  (0 0 0 0 0 1))
+(deftest map-bit-vector.15
+  (map 'bit-vector #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.16
+  (map 'simple-bit-vector #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.17
+  (map '(vector bit) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.18
+  (map '(simple-vector *) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.19
+  (map '(bit-vector 6) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.20
+  (map '(bit-vector *) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.21
+  (map '(simple-bit-vector 6) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.22
+  (map '(simple-bit-vector *) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.23
+  (map '(vector bit 6) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.24
+  (map '(vector bit *) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-bit-vector.25
+  (map '(simple-vector 6) #'identity '(0 0 0 0 0 1))
+  #*000001)
+(deftest map-string.26
+  (map 'string #'identity '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.27
+  (map 'string #'identity "abcde")
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.28
+  (map '(vector character) #'identity '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.29
+  (map '(vector character 5) #'identity '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.30
+  (map '(simple-vector character) #'identity '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e))
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.31
+  (map '(simple-array character *) #'identity "abcde")
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-string.32
+  (map '(simple-array character * 5) #'identity "abcde")
+  "abcde")
+(deftest map-nil.33
+  (let ((a nil))
+    (values (map nil #'(lambda (x) (push x a)) "abcdef") a))
+  nil (#\f #\e #\d #\c #\b #\a))
+(deftest map-nil.34
+  (let ((a nil))
+    (values (map nil #'(lambda (x) (push x a)) '(a b c d e)) a))
+  nil (e d c b a))
+(deftest map-nil.35
+  (let ((a nil))
+    (values (map nil #'(lambda (x) (push x a)) #(a b c d e)) a))
+  nil (e d c b a))
+(deftest map-nil.36
+  (let ((a nil))
+    (values (map nil #'(lambda (x) (push x a)) #*001011110) a))
+  nil (0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0))
+(deftest map-null.1
+  (map 'null #'identity nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest map-cons.1
+  (map 'cons #'identity '(a b c))
+  (a b c))
+(deftest map-error.1
+  (handler-case (map 'symbol #'identity '(a b c))
+		(error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest map-error.2
+  (handler-case (map '(vector * 8) #'identity '(a b c))
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest map-error.3
+  (handler-case (map 'list #'identity '(a b . c))
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/merge.lsp b/ansi-tests/merge.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dacd27035b2d6b4ace2cbf7e6d842259652084f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/merge.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Sep  6 07:24:17 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for MERGE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest merge-list.1
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.2
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (2 4 5 8 11))
+(deftest merge-list.3
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list y x #'<))
+  (2 4 5 8 11))
+(deftest merge-list.4
+  (merge 'list nil nil #'<)
+  nil)
+(deftest merge-list.5
+  (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.6
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.7
+  (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.8
+  (let ((x (sort (list 1 3 7 8 10) #'>))
+	(y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'< :key #'-))
+  (11 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest merge-list.9
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'< :key nil))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.10
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'list x y '<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-list.11
+  (let ((x (vector)) (y (vector)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  nil)
+(deftest merge-list.12
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-list.13
+  (let ((x #()) (y (list 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'list x y #'<))
+  (1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-list.14
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'list y x #'<))
+  (1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-list.15
+  (let ((x #()) (y (list 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'list y x #'<))
+  (1 2 3))
+;;; Tests yielding vectors
+(deftest merge-vector.1
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.2
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(2 4 5 8 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.3
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector y x #'<))
+  #(2 4 5 8 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.4
+  (merge 'vector nil nil #'<)
+  #())
+(deftest merge-vector.5
+  (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.6
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.7
+  (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.8
+  (let ((x (sort (list 1 3 7 8 10) #'>))
+	(y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'< :key #'-))
+  #(11 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest merge-vector.9
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'< :key nil))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.10
+  (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
+	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+    (merge 'vector x y '<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
+(deftest merge-vector.11
+  (let ((x (vector)) (y (vector)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #())
+(deftest merge-vector.12
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-vector.13
+  (let ((x #()) (y (list 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'vector x y #'<))
+  #(1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-vector.14
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'vector y x #'<))
+  #(1 2 3))
+(deftest merge-vector.15
+  (let ((x #()) (y (list 1 2 3)))
+    (merge 'vector y x #'<))
+  #(1 2 3))
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest merge-string.1
+  (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
+	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.1a
+  (let ((x "1378")
+	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.1b
+  (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
+	(y "2459"))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.1c
+  (let ((x "1378")
+	(y "2459"))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.1d
+  (let ((x "1378")
+	(y "2459"))
+    (merge 'string y x #'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.2
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "2459")
+(deftest merge-string.3
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string y x #'char<))
+  "2459")
+(deftest merge-string.4
+  (merge 'string nil nil #'char<)
+  "")
+(deftest merge-string.8
+  (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
+	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char< :key #'nextdigit))
+  "1234578")
+(deftest merge-string.9
+  (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
+	(y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char< :key nil))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.10
+  (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
+	(y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+    (merge 'string x y 'char<))
+  "12345789")
+(deftest merge-string.11
+  (let ((x (vector)) (y (vector)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "")
+(deftest merge-string.12
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector #\1 #\2 #\3)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "123")
+(deftest merge-string.13
+  (let ((x #()) (y (list #\1 #\2 #\3)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "123")
+(deftest merge-string.13a
+  (let ((x "") (y (list #\1 #\2 #\3)))
+    (merge 'string x y #'char<))
+  "123")
+(deftest merge-string.14
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector #\1 #\2 #\3)))
+    (merge 'string y x #'char<))
+  "123")
+(deftest merge-string.14a
+  (let ((x "") (y (vector #\1 #\2 #\3)))
+    (merge 'string y x #'char<))
+  "123")
+;;; Tests for bit vectors
+(deftest merge-bitvector.1
+  (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.2
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*00011)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.3
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
+  #*00011)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.4
+  (merge 'bit-vector nil nil #'<)
+  #*)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5
+  (let ((x (vector 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5a
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*00111))
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5b
+  (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (copy-seq #*00011)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5c
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*00111))
+	(y (copy-seq #*00011)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5d
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*11111))
+	(y (copy-seq #*00000)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.5e
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*11111))
+	(y (copy-seq #*00000)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.6
+  (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.7
+  (let ((x (vector 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.8
+  (let ((x (list 1 1 1 0 0))
+	(y (list 1 1 0 0 0)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'< :key #'-))
+  #*1111100000)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.9
+  (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'< :key nil))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.10
+  (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
+	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y '<))
+  #*0000011111)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (copy-seq #*)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (copy-seq #*011)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*011)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (list 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
+  #*011)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.14
+  (let ((x nil) (y (vector 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
+  #*011)
+(deftest merge-bitvector.15
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (list 0 1 1)))
+    (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
+  #*011)
+;;; Cons (which is a recognizable subtype of list)
+(deftest merge-cons.1
+  (merge 'cons (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6))
+;;; Null, which is a recognizable subtype of list
+(deftest merge-null.1
+  (merge 'null nil nil #'<)
+  nil)
+;;; Vectors with length
+(deftest merge-vector-length.1
+  (merge '(vector * 6) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
+(deftest merge-bit-vector-length.1
+  (merge '(bit-vector  6) (list 0 1 1) (list 0 0 1) #'<)
+  #*000111)
+;;; Tests of error situations
+(deftest merge-error.1
+  (handler-case  (merge 'symbol (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+		 (error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest merge-error.2
+  (handler-case  (merge '(vector * 3) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+		 (type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest merge-error.3
+  (handler-case  (merge '(bit-vector 3) (list 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1) #'<)
+		 (type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest merge-error.4
+  (handler-case  (merge '(vector * 7) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+		 (type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest merge-error.5
+  (handler-case  (merge '(bit-vector 7) (list 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1) #'<)
+		 (type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
+(deftest merge-error.6
+  (handler-case (merge 'null (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+		(type-error () :caught))
+  :caught)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp b/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..54f221d3306fc67593bb51178c4a8117775fb0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Aug 26 23:55:29 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for MISMATCH
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mismatch-list.1
+  (mismatch '() '(a b c))
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-list.2
+  (mismatch '(a b c d) '())
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-list.3
+  (mismatch '(a b c) '(a b c))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.4
+  (mismatch '(a b c) '(a b d))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-list.5
+  (mismatch '(a b c) '(b c) :start1 1)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.6
+  (mismatch '(a b c d) '(z b c e) :start1 1 :start2 1)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-list.7
+  (mismatch '(a b c d) '(z b c e) :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.8
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.9
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 17 8) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-list.10
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(10 11 7 123) :test-not #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-list.11
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 17 8) :key #'evenp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.12
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 12 8) :key 'oddp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-list.13
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(1 2 3 4) :test 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.14
+  (mismatch '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8) :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-list.15
+  (mismatch '(a b c d e f g h i j k) '(a b c c e f g h z j k))
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-list.16
+  (mismatch '(a b c d e f g h i j k) '(a b c c y f g h z j k) :from-end t)
+  9)
+(deftest mismatch-list.17
+  (mismatch '(a b c) '(a b c a b c d) :from-end t)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-list.18
+  (mismatch '(a b c a b c d) '(a b c) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest mismatch-list.19
+  (mismatch '(1 1 1) '(2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2) :from-end t :test-not 'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-list.20
+  (mismatch '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1) '(2 3 3) :from-end t :key #'evenp)
+  5)
+(deftest mismatch-list.21
+  (mismatch '(1 1 1) '(2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2) :from-end t :test-not #'equal)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-list.22
+  (mismatch '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1) '(2 3 3) :from-end t :key 'evenp)
+  5)
+;;; tests on vectors
+(deftest mismatch-vector.1
+  (mismatch #() #(a b c))
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.2
+  (mismatch #(a b c d) #())
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.3
+  (mismatch #(a b c) #(a b c))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.4
+  (mismatch #(a b c) #(a b d))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.5
+  (mismatch #(a b c) #(b c) :start1 1)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.6
+  (mismatch #(a b c d) #(z b c e) :start1 1 :start2 1)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.7
+  (mismatch #(a b c d) #(z b c e) :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.8
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 7 8) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.9
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 17 8) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.10
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(10 11 7 123) :test-not #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.11
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 17 8) :key #'evenp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.12
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 12 8) :key 'oddp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.13
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(1 2 3 4) :test 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.14
+  (mismatch #(1 2 3 4) #(5 6 7 8) :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.15
+  (mismatch #(a b c d e f g h i j k) #(a b c c e f g h z j k))
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.16
+  (mismatch #(a b c d e f g h i j k) #(a b c c y f g h z j k) :from-end t)
+  9)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.17
+  (mismatch #(a b c) #(a b c a b c d) :from-end t)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.18
+  (mismatch #(a b c a b c d) #(a b c) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.19
+  (mismatch #(1 1 1) #(2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2) :from-end t :test-not 'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.20
+  (mismatch #(1 1 1 1 1 1 1) #(2 3 3) :from-end t :key #'evenp)
+  5)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.21
+  (mismatch #(1 1 1) #(2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2) :from-end t :test-not #'equal)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-vector.22
+  (mismatch #(1 1 1 1 1 1 1) #(2 3 3) :from-end t :key 'evenp)
+  5)
+;;; tests on bit vectors
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.1
+  (mismatch "" #*111)
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.1a
+  (mismatch '() #*111)
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.1b
+  (mismatch "" '(1 1 1))
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.2
+  (mismatch #*1010 #*)
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.2a
+  (mismatch #*1010 '())
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.2b
+  (mismatch '(1 0 1 0) #*)
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.3
+  (mismatch #*101 #*101)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.4
+  (mismatch #*101 #*100)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.5
+  (mismatch #*101  #*01 :start1 1)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.6
+  (mismatch #*0110 #*0111 :start1 1 :start2 1)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.7
+  (mismatch #*0110 #*0111 :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.7a
+  (mismatch '(0 1 1 0) #*0111 :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.7b
+  (mismatch #*0110 '(0 1 1 1) :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.8
+  (mismatch #*1001 #*0110 :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- 1 y))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.8a
+  (mismatch #*1001 '(5 4 4 5) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.9
+  (mismatch #*1001 '(5 4 17 5) :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.9a
+  (mismatch '(5 4 17 5) #*1001 :test #'(lambda (x y) (= y (- x 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.9b
+  (mismatch #*0100 #*1001 :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- 1 y))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.10
+  (mismatch #*1001 '(10 11 4 123) :test-not #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.10a
+  (mismatch #*1001 '(10 11 100 123) :test-not #'(lambda (x y) (= x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.11
+  (mismatch #*1010 '(5 6 17 8) :key #'evenp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.11a
+  (mismatch '(5 6 17 8) #*1010 :key #'evenp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.11b
+  (mismatch #*0101 #*1010 :key #'evenp :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.11c
+  (mismatch '(5 6 17 8) #*10101 :key #'evenp)
+  4)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.11d
+  (mismatch '(5 6 17 8 100) #*1010 :key #'evenp)
+  4)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.12
+  (mismatch #*1010 #*1000 :key 'oddp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.12a
+  (mismatch #*1010 '(5 6 8 8) :key 'oddp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.12b
+  (mismatch '(5 6 8 8) #*1010 :key 'oddp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.13
+  (mismatch #*0001 #*0001 :test 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.14
+  (mismatch '#*10001 #*01110 :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.15
+  (mismatch #*00100010100 #*00110010000)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.16
+  (mismatch #*00100010100 #*00110010000 :from-end t)
+  9)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.17
+  (mismatch #*001 #*0010010 :from-end t)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.18
+  (mismatch #*0010010 #*001 :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.19
+  (mismatch #*000 #*11111011 :from-end t :test-not 'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.20
+  (mismatch #*1111111 '(2 3 3) :from-end t :key #'evenp)
+  5)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.21
+  (mismatch #*111 #*00000100 :from-end t :test-not #'equal)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-bitvector.22
+  (mismatch #*1111111 '(2 3 3) :from-end t :key 'evenp)
+  5)
+;;; tests on strings
+(deftest mismatch-string.1
+  (mismatch "" "111")
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.1a
+  (mismatch '() "111")
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.1b
+  (mismatch "" '(1 1 1))
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.2
+  (mismatch "1010" "")
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.2a
+  (mismatch "1010" '())
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.2b
+  (mismatch '(1 0 1 0) "")
+  0)
+(deftest mismatch-string.3
+  (mismatch "101" "101")
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.4
+  (mismatch "101" "100")
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.5
+  (mismatch "101" "01" :start1 1)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.6
+  (mismatch "0110" "0111" :start1 1 :start2 1)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-string.7
+  (mismatch "0110" "0111" :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.7a
+  (mismatch '(#\0 #\1 #\1 #\0) "0111" :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.7b
+  (mismatch "0110" '(#\0 #\1 #\1 #\1) :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 3 :end2 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.8
+  (mismatch "1001" "0110" :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (if (eq y #\0) #\1 #\0))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.8a
+  (mismatch "1001" '(5 4 4 5) :test #'(lambda (x y)
+					(setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+					(= x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.9
+  (mismatch "1001" '(5 4 17 5) :test #'(lambda (x y)
+					 (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+					 (= x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.9a
+  (mismatch '(5 4 17 5) "1001" :test #'(lambda (x y)
+					 (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+					 (= y (- x 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.9b
+  (mismatch "0100" "1001" :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (if (eql y #\0) #\1 #\0))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.10
+  (mismatch "1001" "0049" :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+					 (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+					 (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+					 (eql x (- y 4))))
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.10a
+  (mismatch "1001" "3333" :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+					(setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+					(setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+					(eql x (- y 4))))
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11
+  (mismatch "1010" "5678"  :key #'evendigitp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11a
+  (mismatch "5678" "1010" :key #'odddigitp)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11b
+  (mismatch "0101" "1010" :key #'evendigitp :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11c
+  (mismatch "5678" "10101" :key #'evendigitp)
+  4)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11d
+  (mismatch "56122" "1010" :key #'evendigitp)
+  4)
+(deftest mismatch-string.11e
+  (mismatch "0101" '(#\1 #\0 #\1 #\0) :key #'evendigitp :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.12
+  (mismatch "1010" "1000" :key 'odddigitp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.12a
+  (mismatch "1010" "5688" :key 'odddigitp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.12b
+  (mismatch '(#\5 #\6 #\8 #\8) "1010" :key 'odddigitp)
+  2)
+(deftest mismatch-string.13
+  (mismatch "0001" "0001" :test 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.14
+  (mismatch "10001" "01110" :test-not 'eq)
+  nil)
+(deftest mismatch-string.15
+  (mismatch "00100010100" "00110010000")
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-string.16
+  (mismatch "00100010100" "00110010000" :from-end t)
+  9)
+(deftest mismatch-string.17
+  (mismatch "001" "0010010" :from-end t)
+  3)
+(deftest mismatch-string.18
+  (mismatch "0010010" "001" :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest mismatch-string.19
+  (mismatch "000" "11111011" :from-end t :test-not 'eq)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-string.20
+  (mismatch "1111111" "233" :from-end t :key #'evendigitp)
+  5)
+(deftest mismatch-string.20a
+  (mismatch "1111111" '(#\2 #\3 #\3) :from-end t :key #'evendigitp)
+  5)
+(deftest mismatch-string.21
+  (mismatch "111" "00000100" :from-end t :test-not #'equal)
+  1)
+(deftest mismatch-string.22
+  (mismatch "1111111" "233" :from-end t :key 'evendigitp)
+  5)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp b/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..89ab94e46fdb5dc483b79c12288924903415ed00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 21 00:04:57 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for NREVERSE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nreverse-list.1
+  (nreverse nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nreverse-list.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b c))))
+    (nreverse x))
+  (c b a))
+(deftest nreverse-vector.1
+  (nreverse #())
+  #())
+(deftest nreverse-vector.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e))))
+    (nreverse x))
+  #(e d c b a))
+(deftest nreverse-nonsimple-vector.1
+  (let ((x (make-array 0 :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)))
+    (nreverse x))
+  #())
+(deftest nreverse-nonsimple-vector.2
+  (let* ((x (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+	 (y (nreverse x)))
+    (values y (equal (type-of x) (type-of y))))
+  #(5 4 3 2 1)
+  t)
+(deftest nreverse-bitstring.1
+  (nreverse #*)
+  #*)
+(deftest nreverse-bitstring.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #*000110110110)))
+    (nreverse x))
+  #*011011011000)
+(deftest nreverse-string.1
+  (nreverse "")
+  "")
+(deftest nreverse-string.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "000110110110")))
+    (nreverse x))
+  "011011011000")
+(deftest nreverse-error.1
+  (catch-type-error (nreverse 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nreverse-error.2
+  (catch-type-error (nreverse #\a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nreverse-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (nreverse 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nreverse-error.4
+  (catch-type-error (nreverse 0.3))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nreverse-error.5
+  (catch-type-error (nreverse 10/3))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..728595da272dc1b481b2b346785f24989cf2c5fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 31 19:00:55 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for NSUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.1
+  (nsubstitute-if-not 'b 'identity nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x) x)
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1))
+  (b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.8
+  (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) nil :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  (a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x))
+  #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x)
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1))
+  #(b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 2))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 1))
+  "bbac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 0))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count -1))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  "abbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :start 1)))
+    result)
+  #*011111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*010000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*111101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :end 3)))
+    result)
+  #*000101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*010001)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*011101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count 1)))
+    result)
+  #*110101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count 0)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count -1)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count nil)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+  t)
+;;; More tests
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x
+				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    result)
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    result)
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.26
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+    result)
+  #*11111111111111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bitstring.27
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+    result)
+  #*01111111111010110)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8f6debb68e369a872f5370378d1d02f3365112a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 31 18:56:41 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for NSUBSTITUTE-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.1
+  (nsubstitute-if 'b 'identity nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x) x)
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1))
+  (b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.8
+  (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) nil :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  (a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x))
+  #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x)
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1))
+  #(b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 2))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 1))
+  "bbac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 0))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count -1))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  "abbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :start 1)))
+    result)
+  #*011111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*010000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*111101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :end 3)))
+    result)
+  #*000101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*010001)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*011101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count 1)))
+    result)
+  #*110101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count 0)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count -1)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count nil)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+  t)
+;;; More tests
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x
+				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    result)
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    result)
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.26
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+    result)
+  #*11111111111111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-if-bitstring.27
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+    result)
+  #*01111111111010110)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..28959c74e26072f6c07edc0b11aa6ea744dbed60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,752 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 31 16:56:48 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for NSUBSTITUTE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.1
+  (nsubstitute 'b 'a nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x) x)
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 2))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 1))
+  (b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 0))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count -1))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.8
+  (nsubstitute 'b 'a nil :from-end t)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :from-end t :count nil))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  (b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  (a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq '(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.19
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    result)
+  (1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.20
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.21
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.22
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.23
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (values (nsubstitute 'b 'a x) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count nil) x)
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 2))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 1))
+  #(b b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 0))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count -1))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :from-end t))
+  #())
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :from-end t :count nil))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  #(b b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b b c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq #(a b a c)))) (nsubstitute 'b 'a x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.19
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    result)
+  #(1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.20
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.21
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.22
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.23
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.2
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.3
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.4
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 2))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.5
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 1))
+  "bbac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.6
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 0))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.7
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count -1))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :from-end t))
+  "")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.9
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.10
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :from-end t :count nil))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.11
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 2 :from-end t))
+  "bbbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.12
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 1 :from-end t))
+  "abbc")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.13
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count 0 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.14
+  (let ((x (copy-seq "abac"))) (nsubstitute #\b #\a x :count -1 :from-end t))
+  "abac")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.19
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)	
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    result)
+  "12xxxxx89")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.20
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  "12x456789")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.21
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  "1234567x9")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.22
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    result)
+  "12x456789")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.23
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  "1234567x9")
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
+    result)
+  #*)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
+    result)
+  #*011111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*010000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*111101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
+    result)
+  #*000000)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
+    result)
+  #*000101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*010001)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    result)
+  #*011101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+    result)
+  #*110101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*010101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*111111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (equalp y (concatenate
+				 'simple-bit-vector
+				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.22
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
+    result)
+  #*0111110101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.23
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
+    result)
+  #*0111110101)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.24
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*0101011111)
+(deftest nsubstitute-bitstring.25
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    result)
+  #*0101011111)
+;;;; additional tests
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.26
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eq))))
+    result)
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-list.27
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eq)))
+    result)
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))    
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+    result)
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    result)
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.26
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eq))))
+    result)
+  #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-vector.27
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eq)))
+    result)
+  #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    result)
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    result)
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.26
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eq))))
+    result)
+  "0a0aaaa0aa")
+(deftest nsubstitute-string.27
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eq)))
+    result)
+  "0a0aaaa0aa")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-00.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-00.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b18b164e79666782edfbaf69881c48000034084
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-00.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:07:31 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code (common code)
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defpackage "A"
+  (:use)
+  (:nicknames "Q")
+  (:export "FOO"))
+(defpackage "B"
+  (:use "A")
+  (:export "BAR"))
+(defpackage "DS1"
+  (:use)
+  (:intern "C" "D")
+  (:export "A" "B"))
+(defpackage "DS2"
+  (:use)
+  (:intern "E" "F")
+  (:export "G" "H" "A"))
+(defpackage "DS3"
+  (:shadow "B")
+  (:shadowing-import-from "DS1" "A")
+  (:use "DS1" "DS2")
+  (:export "A" "B" "G" "I" "J" "K")
+  (:intern "L" "M"))
+(defpackage "DS4"
+  (:shadowing-import-from "DS1" "B")
+  (:use "DS1" "DS3")
+  (:intern "X" "Y" "Z")
+  (:import-from "DS2" "F"))9
+(defun sort-package-list (x)
+  (sort (copy-list x)
+	#'string<
+	:key #'package-name))
+(defun sort-symbols (sl)
+  (sort (copy-list sl)
+	#'(lambda (x y)
+	    (or
+	     (string< (symbol-name x)
+		      (symbol-name y))
+	     (and (string= (symbol-name x)
+			   (symbol-name y))
+		  (string< (package-name (symbol-package x))
+			   (package-name (symbol-package y))))))))
+(defun num-symbols-in-package (p)
+  (let ((num 0))
+    (declare (fixnum num))
+    (do-symbols (s p num)
+      (declare (ignore s))
+      (incf num))))
+(defun num-external-symbols-in-package (p)
+  (let ((num 0))
+    (declare (fixnum num))
+    (do-external-symbols (s p num)
+      (declare (ignore s))
+      (incf num))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-01.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6204560e22e9b43d5e482e184639280a628ef860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-01.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 07:49:34 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 01
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Test find-symbol, with the various combinations of
+;; package designators
+(deftest find-symbol-1
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "aBmAchb1c"))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest find-symbol-2
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "aBmAchb1c" "CL"))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest find-symbol-3
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "aBmAchb1c" "COMMON-LISP"))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest find-symbol-4
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "aBmAchb1c" "KEYWORD"))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest find-symbol-5
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "aBmAchb1c" "COMMON-LISP-USER"))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest find-symbol-6
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "CAR" "CL"))
+  car :external)
+(deftest find-symbol-7
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "CAR" "COMMON-LISP"))
+  car :external)
+(deftest find-symbol-8
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "CAR" "COMMON-LISP-USER"))
+  car :inherited)
+(deftest find-symbol-9
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "CAR" "CL-TEST"))
+  car :inherited)
+(deftest find-symbol-10
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "TEST" "KEYWORD"))
+  :test :external)
+(deftest find-symbol-11
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "FIND-SYMBOL-11" "CL-TEST"))
+  find-symbol-11 :internal)
+(deftest find-symbol-12
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "FOO" #\A))
+  A::FOO :external)
+(deftest find-symbol-13
+  (progn
+    (intern "X" (find-package "A"))
+    (ignore-errors (find-symbol "X" #\A)))
+  A::X :internal)
+(deftest find-symbol-14
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "FOO" #\B))
+  A::FOO :inherited)
+(deftest find-symbol-15
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "FOO" "B"))
+  A::FOO :inherited)
+(deftest find-symbol-16
+  (ignore-errors (find-symbol "FOO" (find-package "B")))
+  A::FOO :inherited)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-02.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b97aaa16f4c41c905c24fb610ba3d105e69174b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-02.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 07:50:39 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, aprt 02
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; find-package
+(deftest find-package-1
+    (let ((p (find-package "CL"))
+	  (p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
+      (and p p2 (eq p p2)))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-2
+    (let ((p (find-package "CL-USER"))
+	  (p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+      (and p p2 (eq p p2)))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-3
+    (let ((p (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+      (and p (eq p (symbol-package :test))))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-4
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "A"))))
+      (if (packagep p)
+	  t
+	p))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-5
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\A))))
+      (if (packagep p)
+	  t
+	p))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-6
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "B"))))
+      (if (packagep p)
+	  t
+	p))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-7
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\B))))
+      (if (packagep p)
+	  t
+	p))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-8
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "Q")))
+	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "A"))))
+      (and (packagep p)
+	   (packagep p2)
+	   (eq p p2)))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-9
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "A")))
+	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "B"))))
+      (eq p p2))
+  nil)
+(deftest find-package-10
+    (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\Q)))
+	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "Q"))))
+      (and (packagep p)
+	   (eq p p2)))
+  t)
+(deftest find-package-11
+    (handler-case
+	(let ((cl (find-package "CL")))
+	  (let ((cl2 (find-package cl)))
+	    (and (packagep cl)
+		 (eq cl cl2))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-03.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3ebbdfd7c4e7808b08bada38280b0b9a4570d502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-03.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 07:51:26 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 03
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; list-all-packages
+;; list-all-packages returns a list
+(deftest list-all-packages-1
+    (numberp (ignore-errors (list-length (list-all-packages))))
+  t)
+;; The required packages are present
+(deftest list-all-packages-2
+    (subsetp
+     (list (find-package "CL")
+	   (find-package "CL-USER")
+	   (find-package "KEYWORD")
+	   (find-package "A")
+	   (find-package "RT")
+	   (find-package "CL-TEST")
+	   (find-package "B"))
+     (list-all-packages))
+  t)
+;; The list returned has only packages in it
+(deftest list-all-packages-3
+    (not (not (every #'packagep (list-all-packages))))
+  t)
+;; It returns a list of the same packages each time it is called
+(deftest list-all-packages-4
+    (let ((p1 (list-all-packages))
+	  (p2 (list-all-packages)))
+      (and (subsetp p1 p2)
+	   (subsetp p2 p1)))
+  t)
+;;; package-name
+(deftest package-name-1
+    (ignore-errors (package-name "A"))
+  "A")
+(deftest package-name-2
+    (ignore-errors (package-name #\A))
+  "A")
+(deftest package-name-3
+    (ignore-errors (package-name "Q"))
+  "A")
+(deftest package-name-4
+    (ignore-errors (package-name #\Q))
+  "A")
+(deftest package-name-5
+    (catch-type-error (package-name "NOT-THERE"))
+  type-error)
+(deftest package-name-6
+    (catch-type-error (package-name #\*))
+  type-error)
+(deftest package-name-7
+    (package-name "CL")
+(deftest package-name-8
+    (package-name "COMMON-LISP")
+(deftest package-name-9
+    (package-name "COMMON-LISP-USER")
+(deftest package-name-10
+    (package-name "CL-USER")
+(deftest package-name-11
+    (package-name "KEYWORD")
+(deftest package-name-12
+    (package-name (find-package "CL"))
+(deftest package-name-13
+    (let* ((p (make-package "TEMP1"))
+	   (pname1 (package-name p)))
+      (rename-package "TEMP1" "TEMP2")
+      (let ((pname2 (package-name p)))
+	(ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	(list pname1 pname2 (package-name p))))
+  ("TEMP1" "TEMP2" nil))
+;; (find-package (package-name p)) == p for any package p
+(deftest package-name-14
+  (loop
+   for p in (list-all-packages) count
+   (not
+    (let ((name (package-name p)))
+      (and (stringp name)
+	   (eq (find-package name) p)))))
+  0)
+;; package-name applied to a package's name
+;; should return an equal string
+(deftest package-name-15
+  (loop
+   for p in (list-all-packages) count
+   (not (equal (package-name p)
+	       (ignore-errors (package-name (package-name p))))))
+  0)
+;;; package-nicknames
+(deftest package-nicknames-1
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames "A"))
+  ("Q"))
+(deftest package-nicknames-2
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames #\A))
+  ("Q"))
+(deftest package-nicknames-3
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames ':|A|))
+  ("Q"))
+(deftest package-nicknames-4
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames "B"))
+  nil)
+(deftest package-nicknames-5
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames #\B))
+  nil)
+(deftest package-nicknames-6
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames '#:|B|))
+  nil)
+(deftest package-nicknames-7
+    (ignore-errors
+      (subsetp '("CL")
+	    (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP")
+	    :test #'string=))
+  t)
+(deftest package-nicknames-8
+    (ignore-errors
+      (subsetp '("CL-USER")
+	    (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP-USER")
+	    :test #'string=))
+  t)
+(deftest package-nicknames-9
+    (catch-type-error (package-nicknames 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest package-nicknames-10
+    (ignore-errors (package-nicknames (find-package "A")))
+  ("Q"))
+(deftest package-nicknames-11
+    (catch-type-error (package-nicknames "NOT-A-PACKAGE-NAME"))
+  type-error)
+;; (find-package n) == p for each n in (package-nicknames p),
+;; for any package p
+(deftest package-nicknames-12
+  (loop
+   for p in (list-all-packages) sum
+   (loop
+    for nk in (package-nicknames p) count
+	 (not
+	  (and (stringp nk)
+	       (eq p (find-package nk))))))
+  0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-04.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-04.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5d427190c2359fe5d772e4d194d8e8fd00e03e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-04.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 07:59:10 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 04
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; intern
+(deftest intern-1
+    (let ((p (make-package "TEMP1")))
+      (multiple-value-bind (sym1 status1)
+	  (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	(intern "FOO" p)
+	(multiple-value-bind (sym2 status2)
+	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	    (and (null sym1)
+		 (null status1)
+		 (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+		 (eq (symbol-package sym2) p)
+		 (eq status2 :internal)
+		 (progn (delete-package p) t)))))
+  t)
+(deftest intern-2
+    (let ((p (make-package "TEMP1")))
+      (multiple-value-bind (sym1 status1)
+	  (find-symbol "FOO" "TEMP1")
+	(intern "FOO" "TEMP1")
+	(multiple-value-bind (sym2 status2)
+	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	    (and (null sym1)
+		 (null status1)
+		 (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+		 (eq (symbol-package sym2) p)
+		 (eq status2 :internal)
+		 (progn (delete-package p) t)))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-05.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-05.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43d94f80fb07d3eeac01d54cc043aead4a79136d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-05.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 07:59:45 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 05
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; export
+(deftest export-1
+    (let ((return-value nil))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
+	(let ((sym (intern "FOO" p)))
+	  (setf return-value (export sym p))
+	  (multiple-value-bind (sym2 status)
+	      (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	    (prog1
+		(and sym2
+		     (eq (symbol-package sym2) p)
+		     (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+		     (eq sym sym2)
+		     (eq status :external))
+	      (delete-package p)))))
+      return-value)
+  t)
+(deftest export-2
+    (progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+	   (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
+	     (let ((sym (intern "FOO" p)))
+	       (export (list sym) p)
+	       (multiple-value-bind (sym2 status)
+		   (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+		 (prog1
+		     (and sym2
+			  (eq (symbol-package sym2) p)
+			  (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+			  (eq sym sym2)
+			  (eq status :external))
+		   (delete-package p))))))
+  t)
+(deftest export-3
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (make-package "F")
+	  (let ((sym (intern "FOO" "F")))
+	    (export sym #\F)
+	    (delete-package "F")
+	    t))
+      (error (c) (delete-package "F") c))
+  t)
+;; When a symbol not in a package is exported, export
+;; should signal a correctable package-error asking the
+;; user whether the symbol should be imported.
+(deftest export-4
+    (handler-case
+	(export 'b::bar "A")
+      (package-error () 'package-error)
+      (error (c) c))
+  package-error)
+;; Test that it catches an attempt to export a symbol
+;; from a package that is used by another package that
+;; is exporting a symbol with the same name.
+(deftest export-5
+    (progn
+      (make-package "TEST1")
+      (make-package "TEST2" :use '("TEST1"))
+      (export (intern "X" "TEST2") "TEST2")
+      (prog1
+	  (handler-case
+	      (let ((sym (intern "X" "TEST1")))
+		(handler-case
+		    (export sym "TEST1")
+		  (error (c)
+		    (format t "Caught error in EXPORT-5: ~A~%" c)
+		    'caught)))
+	    (error (c) c))
+	(delete-package "TEST2")
+	(delete-package "TEST1")))
+  caught)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-06.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-06.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8798080fa398a36b775c2368aa4fd2dc4aad333a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-06.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:00:28 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 06
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; rename-package
+(deftest rename-package-1
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (rename-package "TEST1" "TEST2")))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rename-package-2
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
+	    (nicknames (copy-list '("TEST3" "TEST4" "TEST5"))))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (rename-package "TEST1" "TEST2" nicknames)))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+		       (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+					       (package-nicknames p2)
+					       :test #'equal)))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rename-package-3
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
+	    (nicknames (copy-list '(#\M #\N))))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package "TEST1" "TEST2" nicknames))))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+		       (equal
+			(sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
+			      #'string<)
+			(sort (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
+					  (make-string 1 :initial-element c))
+				      nicknames)
+			      #'string<)))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rename-package-4
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "G"))
+	    (nicknames nil))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package #\G "TEST2" nicknames))))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+		       (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+					       (package-nicknames p2)
+					       :test #'equal)))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rename-package-5
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
+	    (nicknames nil))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package "TEST1" #\G nicknames))))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "G")
+		       (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+					       (package-nicknames p2)
+					       :test #'equal)))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
+(deftest rename-package-6
+    (block nil
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (make-package '|TEST1|))
+	    (nicknames (copy-list '(|M| |N|))))
+	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+	(let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package
+			'|TEST1| '|TEST2| nicknames))))
+	  (unless (packagep p2)
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (return p2))
+	  (unless (and (eq p p2)
+		       (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+		       (equal
+			(sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
+			      #'string<)
+			(sort (mapcar #'symbol-name nicknames)
+			      #'string<)))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	    (return nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+	  t)))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-07.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-07.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6a611a4ecd890ec01d086a3c5be0202b08b9052
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-07.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:01:20 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 07
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; shadow
+(deftest shadow-1
+    (prog1
+	(progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST5"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST4"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (let* ((p1 (prog1
+			 (make-package "TEST4")
+		       (export (intern "A" "TEST4") "TEST4")))
+		 (p2 (make-package "TEST5" :use '("TEST4")))
+		 (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST4"))
+		 (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST5")))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (s1 kind1)
+		(find-symbol "A" p1)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (s2 kind2)
+		  (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		(let ((r3 (shadow "A" p2)))
+		  (multiple-value-bind (s3 kind3)
+		      (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		    (list 
+		     (package-name p1)
+		     (package-name p2)
+		     r1 r2
+		     (symbol-name s1)
+		     (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+		     kind1
+		     (symbol-name s2)
+		     (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+		     kind2
+		     r3
+		     (symbol-name s3)
+		     (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+		     kind3))))))
+	(error (c) c)))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST5"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST4")))
+  ("TEST4" "TEST5" nil nil "A" "TEST4" :external
+	   "A" "TEST4" :inherited
+	   t
+	   "A" "TEST5" :internal))
+(deftest shadow-2
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (let* ((p1 (prog1
+			 (make-package "G")
+		       (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
+		 (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
+		 (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
+		 (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (s1 kind1)
+		(find-symbol "A" p1)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (s2 kind2)
+		  (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		(let ((r3 (shadow "A" "H")))
+		  (multiple-value-bind (s3 kind3)
+		      (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		    (prog1
+			(list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
+			      r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+			      kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+			      kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+			      kind3)
+		      (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+		      (ignore-errors (delete-package p1))
+		      ))))))
+	(error (c)
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+	  c)))
+  ("G" "H" nil nil "A" "G" :external
+	   "A" "G" :inherited
+	   t
+	   "A" "H" :internal))
+;; shadow in which the package is given
+;; by a character
+(deftest shadow-3
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (let* ((p1 (prog1
+			 (make-package "G")
+		       (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
+		 (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
+		 (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
+		 (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (s1 kind1)
+		(find-symbol "A" p1)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (s2 kind2)
+		  (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		(let ((r3 (shadow "A" #\H)))
+		  (multiple-value-bind (s3 kind3)
+		      (find-symbol "A" p2)
+		    (prog1
+			(list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
+			      r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+			      kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+			      kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+			      kind3)
+		      (ignore-errors (delete-package p2))
+		      (ignore-errors (delete-package p1))
+		      ))))))
+	(error (c)
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+	  c)))
+  ("G" "H" nil nil "A" "G" :external
+	   "A" "G" :inherited
+	   t
+	   "A" "H" :internal))
+;; shadow on an existing internal symbol returns the existing symbol
+(deftest shadow-4
+    (prog1
+	(handler-case
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G))
+	      (make-package :G)
+	      (let ((s1 (intern "X" :G)))
+		(shadow "X" :G)
+		(multiple-value-bind (s2 kind)
+		    (find-symbol "X" :G)
+		  (list (eq s1 s2)
+			(symbol-name s2)
+			(package-name (symbol-package s2))
+			kind))))
+	  (error (c) c))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G")))
+  (t "X" "G" :internal))
+;; shadow of an existing shadowed symbol returns the symbol
+(deftest shadow-5
+    (prog1
+	(handler-case
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package :H))
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G))
+	      (make-package :G)
+	      (export (intern "X" :G) :G)
+	      (make-package :H :use '("G"))
+	      (shadow "X" :H)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (s1 kind1)
+		  (find-symbol "X" :H)
+		(shadow "X" :H)
+		(multiple-value-bind (s2 kind2)
+		    (find-symbol "X" :H)
+		  (list (eq s1 s2) kind1 kind2))))
+	  (error (c) c))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :H))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G)))
+  (t :internal :internal))
+;; Shadow several names simultaneously
+(deftest shadow-6
+    (prog1
+	(handler-case
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G))
+	      (make-package :G)
+	      (shadow '("X" "Y" |Z|) :G)
+	      (let ((results
+		     (append (multiple-value-list
+				 (find-symbol "X" :G))
+			     (multiple-value-list
+				 (find-symbol "Y" :G))
+			     (multiple-value-list
+				 (find-symbol "Z" :G))
+			     nil)))
+		(list
+		 (symbol-name (first results))
+		 (second results)
+		 (symbol-name (third results))
+		 (fourth results)
+		 (symbol-name (fifth results))
+		 (sixth results)
+		 (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
+	  (error (c) c))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G)))
+  ("X" :internal "Y" :internal "Z" :internal 3))
+;; Same, but shadow character string designators
+(deftest shadow-7
+    (prog1
+	(handler-case
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G))
+	      (make-package :G)
+	      (shadow '(#\X #\Y) :G)
+	      (let ((results
+		     (append (multiple-value-list
+				 (find-symbol "X" :G))
+			     (multiple-value-list
+				 (find-symbol "Y" :G))
+			     nil)))
+		(list
+		 (symbol-name (first results))
+		 (second results)
+		 (symbol-name (third results))
+		 (fourth results)
+		 (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
+	  (error (c) c))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :G)))
+  ("X" :internal "Y" :internal 2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-08.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-08.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eac8f27848ac1cd1bbd98c12ae2ac9540f6eb70f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-08.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:01:58 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 08
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; delete-package
+;; check return value of delete-package, and check
+;; that package-name is nil on the deleted package object
+(deftest delete-package-1
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :test1))
+      (let ((p (make-package :test1 :use nil)))
+	(list
+	 (not (not (delete-package :test1)))
+	 (not (not (packagep p)))
+	 (package-name p))))
+  (t t nil))
+(deftest delete-package-2
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package :test1))
+      (let ((p (make-package :test1 :use nil)))
+	(list
+	 (not (not (delete-package :test1)))
+	 (not (not (packagep p)))
+	 (delete-package p))))
+  (t t nil))
+;; Check that deletion of different package designators works
+(deftest delete-package-3
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+      (make-package "X")
+      (handler-case
+	  (not (not (delete-package "X")))
+	(error (c) c)))
+  t)
+(deftest delete-package-4
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+      (make-package "X")
+      (handler-case
+	  (not (not (delete-package #\X)))
+	(error (c) c)))
+  t)
+;; Paul Werkowski pointed out a problem in a previous
+;; version of the next test.  The problem is to catch
+;; an error, check that it is the appropriate type,
+;; check that it is continuable, and continue it.
+;; The scheme here uses *debugger-hook*, but this
+;; apparently doesn't work if the code is inside
+;; a handler-case or ignore-errors form.
+;; The next test had the same problem.
+(deftest delete-package-5
+    (prog (P1 S1 P2 S2 P3)
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "P3"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "P2"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "P1"))
+      (setq P1 (make-package "P1" :use ()))
+      (setq S1 (intern "S1" P1))
+      (export S1 "P1")
+      (setq P2 (make-package "P2" :use '("P1")))
+      (setq S2  (intern "S2" P2))
+      (export S1 P2)
+      (export S2 "P2")
+      (setf P3 (make-package "P3" :use '("P2")))
+      ;; Delete the P2 package, catching the continuable
+      ;; error and deleting the package
+      (catch 'continue-failed
+	  (let ((*debugger-hook* #'catch-continue-debugger-hook)
+		(*catch-error-type* 'package-error))
+	    (declare (special *debugger-hook* *catch-error-type*))
+	    (delete-package P2)))
+      (unless (and (equal (package-name P1) "P1")
+		   (null  (package-name P2))
+		   (equal (package-name P3) "P3"))
+	(return 'fail1))
+      (unless (eq (symbol-package S1) P1)
+	(return 'fail2))
+      (unless (equal (prin1-to-string S1) "P1:S1")
+	(return 'fail3))
+      (unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S1" P3))
+		     '(nil nil))
+	(return 'fail4))
+      (unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S2" P3))
+		     '(nil nil))
+	(return 'fail5))
+      (unless (and (null (package-used-by-list P1))
+		   (null (package-used-by-list P3)))
+	(return 'fail6))
+      (unless (and (packagep P1)
+		   (packagep P2)
+		   (packagep P3)) (return 'fail7))
+      (unless (and (null (package-use-list P1))
+		   (null (package-use-list P3)))
+	(return 'fail8))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package P3))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package P1))
+      (return t))
+  t)
+;; deletion of a nonexistent package should cause a continuable
+;; package-error  (same comments for delete-package-5 apply
+;; here as well)
+(deftest delete-package-6
+    (progn
+      (when (find-package "TEST-20") (delete-package "TEST-20"))
+      (catch 'continue-failed
+	(let ((*debugger-hook* #'catch-continue-debugger-hook)
+	      (*catch-error-type* 'package-error))
+	  (declare (special *debugger-hook* *catch-error-type*))
+	  (and (not (delete-package "TEST-20"))
+	       t))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-09.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-09.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfbfdf2efd409fa9fdb079d2eba4af26b955e249
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-09.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:02:43 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 09
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; make-package
+;; Test basic make-package, using string, symbol and character
+;;    package-designators
+(deftest make-package-1
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-2
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1|))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-3
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+;; Same, but with a null :use list
+(deftest make-package-4
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use nil))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-5
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use nil))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-6
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+;; Same, but use the A package
+(deftest make-package-7
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '("A")))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-7a
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '(#:|A|)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-7b
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '(#\A)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-8
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '("A")))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-8a
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '(#:|A|)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-8b
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '(#\A)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-9
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '("A")))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-9a
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '(#:|A|)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-9b
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '(#\A)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) nil)
+		 (equal (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+;; make-package with nicknames
+(deftest make-package-10
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :nicknames '("F")))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) '("F"))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-11
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :nicknames '(#:|G|)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-12
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package '#:|TEST1|))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :nicknames '(#\G)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "TEST1")
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest make-package-13
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package #\X))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :nicknames '("F" #\G #:|H|)))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p) "X")
+		 (null (set-exclusive-or (package-nicknames p)
+					  '("F" "G" "H")
+					  :test #'equal))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))
+  t)
+;; Signal a continuable error if the package or any nicknames
+;; exist as packages or nicknames of packages
+(deftest make-package-error-1
+    (handler-case
+	(make-package "A")
+      (error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name (compute-restarts c))
+		      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'failure)))
+  success)
+(deftest make-package-error-2
+    (handler-case
+	(make-package "Q")
+      (error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name (compute-restarts c))
+		      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'failure)))
+  success)
+(deftest make-package-error-3
+    (handler-case
+	(progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+	       (make-package "TEST1" :nicknames '("A")))
+      (error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name (compute-restarts c))
+		      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'failure)))
+  success)    
+(deftest make-package-error-4
+    (handler-case
+	(progn (ignore-errors (delete-package "TEST1"))
+	       (make-package "TEST1" :nicknames '("Q")))
+      (error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name (compute-restarts c))
+		      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'failure)))
+  success)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-10.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-10.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a046aa2a1c049528d51ecb67d0d9dbee202db19e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-10.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:03:36 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 10
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; with-package-iterator
+(defconstant +fail-count-limit+ 20)
+(defmacro test-with-package-iterator (package-list-expr &rest symbol-types)
+  "Build an expression that tests the with-package-iterator form."
+  (let ((name (gensym))
+	(cht-var (gensym))
+	(pkg-list-var (gensym)))
+    `(let ((,cht-var (make-hash-table))
+	   (,pkg-list-var ,package-list-expr)
+	   (fail-count 0))
+	 (with-package-iterator (,name ,pkg-list-var
+				       ,@(copy-list symbol-types))
+	   ;; For each symbol, check that name is returning appropriate
+	   ;; things
+	   (loop
+	     (block fail
+	       (multiple-value-bind (more sym access pkg)
+		   (,name)
+		 (unless more (return nil))
+		 (setf (gethash sym ,cht-var) t)  ;; note presence of symbol
+		 ;; Check that its access status is in the list,
+		 ;;  that pkg is a package,
+		 ;;  that the symbol is in the package,
+		 ;;  and that (in the package) it has the correct access type
+		 (unless (member access (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types)))
+		   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		     (format t "Bad access type: ~S ==> ~A~%" sym access))
+		   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+		   (incf fail-count)
+		   (return-from fail nil))
+		 (unless (packagep pkg)
+		   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		     (format t "Not a package: ~S ==> ~S~%" sym pkg))
+		   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+		   (incf fail-count)
+		   (return-from fail nil))
+		 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		     (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg)
+		   (unless (or (eq sym sym2)
+			       (member sym2 (PACKAGE-SHADOWING-SYMBOLS pkg)))
+		     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		       (format t "Not same symbol: ~S ~S~%" sym sym2))
+		     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+		     (incf fail-count)
+		     (return-from fail nil))
+		   (unless  (eq access access2)
+		     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		       (format t "Not same access type: ~S ~S ~S~%"
+			       sym access access2))
+		     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+		       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+		     (incf fail-count)
+		     (return-from fail nil)))))))
+	 ;; now, check that each symbol in each package has
+	 ;; been properly found
+	 (loop
+	     for p in ,pkg-list-var do
+	       (block fail
+		 (do-symbols (sym p)
+		   (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+		       (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) p)
+		     (unless (eq sym sym2)
+		       (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+			 (format t "Not same symbol (2): ~S ~S~%"
+				 sym sym2))
+		       (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+			 (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+		       (incf fail-count)
+		       (return-from fail nil))
+		     (unless (or (not (member access
+					      (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types))))
+				 (gethash sym ,cht-var))
+		       (format t "Symbol not found: ~S~%" sym)
+		       (incf fail-count)
+		       (return-from fail nil))))))
+	 (or (zerop fail-count) fail-count))))
+(defun with-package-iterator-internal (packages)
+  (test-with-package-iterator packages :internal))
+(defun with-package-iterator-external (packages)
+  (test-with-package-iterator packages :external))
+(defun with-package-iterator-inherited (packages)
+  (test-with-package-iterator packages :inherited))
+(defun with-package-iterator-all (packages)
+  (test-with-package-iterator packages :internal :external :inherited))
+(deftest with-package-iterator-1
+    (with-package-iterator-internal (list (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-2
+    (with-package-iterator-external (list (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-3
+    (with-package-iterator-inherited (list (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-4
+    (with-package-iterator-all (list (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+  t)
+;; Should test on some packages containing shadowed symbols,
+;; multiple inheritance
+(deftest with-package-iterator-5
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-all '("A"))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-6
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-all '(#:|A|))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-7
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-all '(#\A))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-8
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-internal (list (find-package "A")))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-9
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-external (list (find-package "A")))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-10
+    (handler-case
+	(with-package-iterator-inherited (list (find-package "A")))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Check that if no access symbols are provided, a program error is
+;; raised
+(deftest with-package-iterator-11
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (test-with-package-iterator (list (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+	  nil)
+      (program-error () t)
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Paul Werkowski" <pw@snoopy.mv.com> pointed out that
+;; test is broken.  Here's a version of the replacement'
+;; he suggested.
+;; I'm not sure if this is correct either; it depends on
+;; whether with-package-iterator should signal the error
+;; at macro expansion time or at run time.
+(deftest with-package-iterator-11
+    (handler-case (macroexpand-1
+		   '(with-package-iterator (x "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+      (program-error () t)
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Apply to all packages
+(deftest with-package-iterator-12
+    (handler-case
+	(loop
+	    for p in (list-all-packages) count
+	      (handler-case
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
+		    (not (with-package-iterator-internal (list p))))
+		(error (c)
+		  (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
+		  t)))
+      (error (c) c))
+  0)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-13
+    (handler-case
+	(loop
+	    for p in (list-all-packages) count
+	      (handler-case
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
+		    (not (with-package-iterator-external (list p))))
+		(error (c)
+		  (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
+		  t)))
+      (error (c) c))
+  0)
+(deftest with-package-iterator-14
+    (handler-case
+	(loop
+	    for p in (list-all-packages) count
+	      (handler-case
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
+		    (not (with-package-iterator-inherited (list p))))
+		(error (c)
+		  (format t "Error ~S on package ~S~%" c p)
+		  t)))
+      (condition (c) c))
+  0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-11.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-11.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6a30101f04ca9df0cfa2a315c4ca16c3a77a0d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-11.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:04:19 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 11
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; unexport
+(deftest unexport-1
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+	  (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
+		 (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+		(find-symbol "X" p)
+	      (unexport sym1 p)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		  (find-symbol "X" p)
+		(and (eq r t)
+		     (eq sym1 sym2)
+		     (eq access1 :external)
+		     (eq access2 :internal)
+		     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X"))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest unexport-2
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+	  (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
+		 (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+		(find-symbol "X" p)
+	      (unexport (list sym1) "X")
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		  (find-symbol "X" p)
+		(and (eq sym1 sym2)
+		     (eq r t)
+		     (eq access1 :external)
+		     (eq access2 :internal)
+		     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X"))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest unexport-3
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+	  (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
+		 (r1 (export (intern "X" p) p))
+		 (r2 (export (intern "Y" p) p)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+		(find-symbol "X" p)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym1a access1a)
+		  (find-symbol "Y" p)
+		(unexport (list sym1 sym1a) '#:|X|)
+		(multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		    (find-symbol "X" p)
+		  (multiple-value-bind (sym2a access2a)
+		      (find-symbol "Y" p)
+		      (and (eq sym1 sym2)
+			   (eq sym1a sym2a)
+			   (eq r1 t)
+			   (eq r2 t)
+			   (eq access1 :external)
+			   (eq access2 :internal)
+			   (eq access1a :external)
+			   (eq access2a :internal)
+			   (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+			   (equal (symbol-name sym1a) "Y"))))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest unexport-4
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "X"))
+	  (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
+		 (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+		(find-symbol "X" p)
+	      (unexport (list sym1) #\X)
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		  (find-symbol "X" p)
+		(and (eq sym1 sym2)
+		     (eq r t)
+		     (eq access1 :external)
+		     (eq access2 :internal)
+		     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X"))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Check that it signals a package error when unexporting
+;;  an inaccessible symbol
+(deftest unexport-5
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (when (find-package "X") (delete-package "X"))
+	  (unexport 'a (make-package "X" :use nil))
+	  nil)
+      (package-error () t)
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Check that internal symbols are left alone
+(deftest unexport-6
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (when (find-package "X") (delete-package "X"))
+	  (let ((p (make-package "X" :use nil)))
+	    (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" p))
+		   (r (unexport sym p)))
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+		  (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+		(and (eq r t)
+		     (eq access :internal)
+		     (eq sym sym2)
+		     (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO"))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-12.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-12.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9b8831b4904c0a077018e80c7bd75f59a63243ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-12.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:04:56 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 12
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; unintern
+;; Simple unintern of an internal symbol, package explicitly
+;; given as a package object
+(deftest unintern-1
+    (progn
+      (when (packagep (find-package "H"))
+	(delete-package "H"))
+      (prog1
+	  (let ((p (make-package "H")))
+	    (intern "FOO" p)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+		(find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	      (and
+	       (eq access :internal)
+	       (unintern sym p)
+	       (null (symbol-package sym))
+	       (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+	(delete-package "H")))
+  t)
+;; Simple unintern, package taken from the *PACKAGES*
+;; special variable (should this have unwind protect?)
+(deftest unintern-2
+    (progn
+      (when (packagep (find-package "H"))
+	(delete-package "H"))
+      (prog1
+	  (let ((*PACKAGE* (make-package "H")))
+	    (declare (special *PACKAGE*))
+	    (intern "FOO")
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+		(find-symbol "FOO")
+	      (and
+	       (eq access :internal)
+	       (unintern sym)
+	       (null (symbol-package sym))
+	       (not (find-symbol "FOO")))))
+	(delete-package "H")))
+  t)
+;; Simple unintern, package given as string
+(deftest unintern-3
+    (progn
+      (when (packagep (find-package "H"))
+	(delete-package "H"))
+      (prog1
+	  (let ((p (make-package "H")))
+	    (intern "FOO" p)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+		(find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	      (and
+	       (eq access :internal)
+	       (unintern sym "H")
+	       (null (symbol-package sym))
+	       (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+	(delete-package "H")))
+  t)
+;; Simple unintern, package given as symbol
+(deftest unintern-4
+    (progn
+      (when (packagep (find-package "H"))
+	(delete-package "H"))
+      (prog1
+	  (let ((p (make-package "H")))
+	    (intern "FOO" p)
+	    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+		(find-symbol "FOO" p)
+	      (and
+	       (eq access :internal)
+	       (unintern sym '#:|H|)
+	       (null (symbol-package sym))
+	       (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+	(delete-package "H")))
+  t)
+;; Simple unintern, package given as character
+(deftest unintern-5
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (when (packagep (find-package "H"))
+	    (delete-package "H"))
+	  (prog1
+	      (let ((p (make-package "H")))
+		(intern "FOO" p)
+		(multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+		    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+		  (and
+		   (eq access :internal)
+		   (unintern sym #\H)
+		   (null (symbol-package sym))
+		   (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+	    (delete-package "H")))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; Test more complex examples of unintern
+;; Unintern an external symbol that is also inherited
+(deftest unintern-6
+    (handler-case
+	(progn
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+	  (make-package "G")
+	  (export (intern "FOO" "G") "G")
+	  (make-package "H" :use '("G"))
+	  (export (intern "FOO" "H") "H")
+	  ;; At this point, G:FOO is also an external
+	  ;; symbol of H.
+	  (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+	      (find-symbol "FOO" "H")
+	    (and sym1
+		 (eq access1 :external)
+		 (equal "FOO" (symbol-name sym1))
+		 (eq (find-package "G")
+		     (symbol-package sym1))
+		 (unintern sym1 "H")
+		 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+		     (find-symbol "FOO" "H")
+		   (and (eq sym1 sym2)
+			(eq (symbol-package sym1)
+			    (find-package "G"))
+			(eq access2 :inherited))))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+;; unintern a symbol that is shadowing another symbol
+(deftest unintern-7
+    (block failed
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G"))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg))))
+	(handler-case
+	   (shadow "FOO" ph)
+	   (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
+	(export (intern "FOO" pg) pg)
+	;; At this point, H::FOO shadows G:FOO
+	(multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+	    (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	  (and
+	   sym1
+	   (eq (symbol-package sym1) ph)
+	   (eq access1 :internal)
+	   (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+	   (unintern sym1 ph)
+	   (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+	       (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	     (and (not (eq sym1 sym2))
+		  (eq access2 :inherited)
+		  (null (symbol-package sym1))
+		  (eq (symbol-package sym2) pg)))))))
+  t)
+;; Error situation: when the symbol is uninterned, creates
+;; a name conflict from two used packages
+(deftest unintern-8
+    (block failed
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G1"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G2"))
+      (let* ((pg1 (make-package "G1"))
+	     (pg2 (make-package "G2"))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg1 pg2))))
+	(handler-case
+	   (shadow "FOO" ph)
+	   (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
+	(let ((gsym1 (intern "FOO" pg1))
+	      (gsym2 (intern "FOO" pg2)))
+	  (export gsym1 pg1)
+	  (export gsym2 pg2)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (sym1 access1)
+	      (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	    (and
+	     (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+	     (not (eq sym1 gsym1))
+	     (not (eq sym1 gsym2))
+	     (eq (symbol-package sym1) ph)
+	     (eq access1 :internal)
+	     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "FOO")
+	     (handler-case
+		 (progn
+		   (unintern sym1 ph)
+		   nil)
+	       (error (c) 
+		 (format t "Properly threw an error: ~S~%" c)
+		 t)))))))
+  t)
+;; Now, inherit the same symbol through two intermediate
+;; packages.  No error should occur when the shadowing
+;; is removed
+(deftest unintern-9
+    (block failed
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G1"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G2"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G3"))
+      (let* ((pg3 (make-package "G3"))
+	     (pg1 (make-package "G1" :use (list pg3)))
+	     (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use (list pg3)))
+	     (ph  (make-package "H"  :use (list pg1 pg2))))
+	(handler-case
+	   (shadow "FOO" ph)
+	   (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
+	(let ((gsym (intern "FOO" pg3)))
+	  (export gsym pg3)
+	  (export gsym pg1)
+	  (export gsym pg2)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+	      (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	    (and
+	     (equal (list sym) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+	     (not (eq sym gsym))
+	     (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO")
+	     (equal (symbol-package sym) ph)
+	     (eq access :internal)
+	     (handler-case
+		 (and (unintern sym ph)
+		      (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+			  (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+			(and (eq gsym sym2)
+			     (eq access2 :inherited))))
+	       (error (c) c)))))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-13.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-13.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ebe2c5bf0fd0a328a26ba30f381ebf986d20dcce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-13.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:06:03 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 13
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; in-package
+(deftest in-package-1
+    (let ((*package* *package*))
+      (declare (special *package*))
+      (let ((p2 (in-package "A")))
+	(and (eq p2 (find-package "A"))
+	     (eq *package* p2))))
+  t)
+(deftest in-package-2
+    (let ((*package* *package*))
+      (declare (special *package*))
+      (let ((p2 (in-package |A|)))
+	(and (eq p2 (find-package "A"))
+	     (eq *package* p2))))
+  t)
+(deftest in-package-3
+    (let ((*package* *package*))
+      (declare (special *package*))
+      (let ((p2 (in-package :|A|)))
+	(and (eq p2 (find-package "A"))
+	     (eq *package* p2))))
+  t)
+(deftest in-package-4
+    (let ((*package* *package*))
+      (declare (special *package*))
+      (handler-case
+	  (let ((p2 (in-package #\A)))
+	    (and (eq p2 (find-package "A"))
+		 (eq *package* p2)))
+	(error (c) c)))
+  t)
+(deftest in-package-5
+    (let ((*package* *package*))
+      (declare (special *package*))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (in-package "H")
+	(package-error () 'package-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  package-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-14.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-14.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..20304bbae620d2dba830d9276bf59f7592d7cb68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-14.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:06:48 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 14
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; unuse-package
+(deftest unuse-package-1
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package pg ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+(deftest unuse-package-2
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package "G" ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)  
+(deftest unuse-package-3
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package :|G| ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+(deftest unuse-package-4
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (ignore-errors (unuse-package #\G ph))
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+(deftest unuse-package-5
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package (list pg) ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)  
+(deftest unuse-package-6
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package (list "G") ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+(deftest unuse-package-7
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (unuse-package (list :|G|) ph)
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+(deftest unuse-package-8
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	     (ignore-errors (unuse-package (list #\G) ph))
+	     (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg) nil))
+	  (delete-package "H")
+	  (delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
+;; Now test with multiple packages
+(deftest unuse-package-9
+    (progn
+      (dolist (p '("H1" "H2" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
+	(ignore-errors (delete-package p)))
+      (let* ((pg1 (make-package "G1" :use nil))
+	     (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use nil))
+	     (pg3 (make-package "G3" :use nil))
+	     (ph1 (make-package "H1" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3)))
+	     (ph2 (make-package "H2" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3))))
+	(let ((pubg1 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg1)))
+	      (pubg2 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2)))
+	      (pubg3 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg3)))
+	      (puh1  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph1)))
+	      (puh2  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))))
+	  (prog1
+	      (and
+	       (= (length (remove-duplicates (list pg1 pg2 pg3 ph1 ph2)))
+		  5)
+	       (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg1)
+	       (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg2)
+	       (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg3)
+	       (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh1)
+	       (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh2)
+	       (unuse-package (list pg1 pg3) ph1)
+	       (equal (package-use-list ph1) (list pg2))
+	       (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list ph2))
+	       (equal (package-used-by-list pg3) (list ph2))
+	       (equal (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))
+		      (list pg1 pg2 pg3))
+	       (equal (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2))
+		      (list ph1 ph2)))
+	    (dolist (p '("H1" "H2" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package p)))))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-15.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-15.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e7691e22823f5aa4b68d0ff11e2194f076a0997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-15.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:08:41 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 15
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; use-package
+(deftest use-package-1
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+	     (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+	(and
+	 (eq (export sym1 pg) t)
+	 (null (package-used-by-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-use-list ph))
+	 (eq (use-package pg ph) t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+	 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+	     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	   (and
+	    (eq access :inherited)
+	    (eq sym1 sym2)))
+	 (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (eq (unuse-package pg ph) t)
+	 (null (find-symbol "FOO" ph)))))
+  t)
+(deftest use-package-2
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+	     (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+	(and
+	 (eq (export sym1 pg) t)
+	 (null (package-used-by-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-use-list ph))
+	 (eq (use-package "G" "H") t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+	 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+	     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	   (and
+	    (eq access :inherited)
+	    (eq sym1 sym2)))
+	 (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (eq (unuse-package pg ph) t)
+	 (null (find-symbol "FOO" ph)))))
+  t)
+(deftest use-package-3
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+	     (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+	(and
+	 (eq (export sym1 pg) t)
+	 (null (package-used-by-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-use-list ph))
+	 (eq (use-package '#:|G| '#:|H|) t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+	 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+	     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	   (and
+	    (eq access :inherited)
+	    (eq sym1 sym2)))
+	 (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (eq (unuse-package pg ph) t)
+	 (null (find-symbol "FOO" ph)))))
+  t)
+(deftest use-package-4
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
+	     (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+	     (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+	(and
+	 (eq (export sym1 pg) t)
+	 (null (package-used-by-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-use-list ph))
+	 (eq (ignore-errors (use-package #\G #\H))
+	     t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+	 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+	     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+	   (and
+	    (eq access :inherited)
+	    (eq sym1 sym2)))
+	 (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+	 (null (package-use-list pg))
+	 (null (package-used-by-list ph))
+	 (eq (unuse-package pg ph) t)
+	 (null (find-symbol "FOO" ph)))))
+  t)
+;; use lists of packages
+(deftest use-package-5
+    (let ((pkgs '("H" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
+	  (vars '("FOO1" "FOO2" "FOO3")))
+      (dolist (p pkgs)
+	(ignore-errors (delete-package p))
+	(make-package p :use nil))
+      (and
+       (every (complement #'package-use-list) pkgs)
+       (every (complement #'package-used-by-list) pkgs)
+       (every #'(lambda (v p)
+		  (export (intern v p) p))
+	      vars (cdr pkgs))
+       (progn
+	 (dolist (p (cdr pkgs)) (intern "MINE" p))
+	 (eq (use-package (cdr pkgs) (car pkgs)) t))
+       (every #'(lambda (v p)
+		  (eq (find-symbol v p)
+		      (find-symbol v (car pkgs))))
+	      vars (cdr pkgs))
+       (null (find-symbol "MINE" (car pkgs)))
+       (every #'(lambda (p)
+		  (equal (package-used-by-list p)
+			 (list (find-package (car pkgs)))))
+	      (cdr pkgs))
+       (equal (sort-package-list (package-use-list (car pkgs)))
+	      (mapcar #'find-package (cdr pkgs)))
+       (every (complement #'package-use-list) (cdr pkgs))
+       (null (package-used-by-list (car pkgs)))))
+  t)
+;; Circular package use
+(deftest use-package-6
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let ((pg (make-package "G"))
+	    (ph (make-package "H"))
+	    sym1 sym2 sym3 sym4
+	    a1 a2 a3 a4)
+	(prog1
+	    (and
+	     (export (intern "X" pg) pg)
+	     (export (intern "Y" ph) ph)
+	     (use-package pg ph)
+	     (use-package ph pg)
+	     (progn
+	       (multiple-value-setq
+		   (sym1 a1) (find-symbol "X" pg))
+	       (multiple-value-setq
+		   (sym2 a2) (find-symbol "Y" ph))
+	       (multiple-value-setq
+		   (sym3 a3) (find-symbol "Y" pg))
+	       (multiple-value-setq
+		   (sym4 a4) (find-symbol "X" ph))
+	       (and
+		(eq a1 :external)
+		(eq a2 :external)
+		(eq a3 :inherited)
+		(eq a4 :inherited)
+		(eq sym1 sym4)
+		(eq sym2 sym3)
+		(eq (symbol-package sym1) pg)
+		(eq (symbol-package sym2) ph)
+		(unuse-package pg ph)
+		(unuse-package ph pg))))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package pg))
+	  (ignore-errors (delete-package ph)))))
+  t)
+;; Also: need to check that *PACKAGE* is used as a default
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-16.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-16.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b3eee37d56cb70df2ee0dfad07a32b988a651c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-16.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,626 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:09:18 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 16
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; defpackage
+;; Test basic defpackage call, with no options
+;; The use-list is implementation dependent, so
+;; we don't examine it here.
+;; Try several ways of specifying the package name.
+(deftest defpackage-1
+    (handler-case 
+	(loop
+	    for n in '("H" #:|H| #\H) count
+	      (not
+	       (progn
+		 (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+		 (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage ,n)))))
+		   (and
+		    (packagep p)
+		    (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		    ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+		    (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		    (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+		    (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+		    (null (documentation p t))
+		    )))))
+      (error (c) c))
+  0)
+;; Test :nicknames option
+;; Do not check use-list, because it is implementation dependent
+;; Try several ways of specifying a nickname.
+(deftest defpackage-2
+    (loop
+	for n in '("I" #:|I| #\I) count
+	  (not
+	   (ignore-errors
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	      (let ((p (ignore-errors
+			(eval `(defpackage "H" (:nicknames ,n "J"))))))
+		(and
+		 (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		 ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		 (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p))
+			      #'string<)
+			'("I" "J"))
+		 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+		 (null (documentation p t))
+		 ))))))
+    0)
+;; Test defpackage with documentation option
+;; Do not check use-list, because it is implementation dependent
+(deftest defpackage-3
+     (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors
+       (let ((p (eval '(defpackage "H" (:documentation "This is a doc string")))))
+	 (and
+	  (packagep p)
+	  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+	  ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+	  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+	  (equal (package-nicknames p)	nil)
+	  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+	  (equal (documentation p t)
+		 "This is a doc string")
+	  ))))
+  t)
+;; Check use argument
+;; Try several ways of specifying the package to be used
+(deftest defpackage-4
+    (loop
+	for n in '("A" :|A| #\A) count
+	  (not
+	   (ignore-errors
+	    (progn
+	      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	      (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use ,n))))))
+		(and
+		 (packagep p)
+		 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		 (equal (package-use-list p)          (list (find-package "A")))
+		 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+		 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+		 (eql (num-symbols-in-package p)
+		      (num-external-symbols-in-package "A"))
+		 (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+		 ))))))
+  0)
+;; Test defpackage shadow option, and null use
+(deftest defpackage-5
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors
+       (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use) 
+					(:shadow "foo"))))))
+	 (and
+	  (packagep p)
+	  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+	  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+	  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+	  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+	  (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+	  (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+			       (find-symbol "foo" p)
+			       (and (eq access :internal)
+				    (equal (symbol-name sym) "foo")
+				    (equal (symbol-package sym) p)
+				    (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+					   (list sym))))
+	  (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+	  ))))
+  t)
+;; Test defpackage shadow and null use, with several ways
+;; of specifying the name of the shadowed symbol
+(deftest defpackage-6
+    (loop
+	for s in '(:|f| #\f) count
+	  (not
+	   (ignore-errors
+	    (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	    (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" 
+					     (:use)
+					     (:shadow ,s))))))
+	      (and
+	       (packagep p)
+	       (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+	       (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+	       (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+	       (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+	       (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+	       (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+				    (find-symbol "f" p)
+				    (and (eq access :internal)
+					 (equal (symbol-name sym) "f")
+					 (equal (symbol-package sym) p)
+					 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+						(list sym))))
+	       (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+	       )))))
+  0)
+;; Testing defpackage with shadowing-import-from.
+;; Test several ways of specifying the symbol name
+(deftest defpackage-7
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil)))
+	;; Populate package G with several symbols
+	(export (intern "A" pg) pg)
+	(export (intern "foo" pg) pg)
+	(intern "bar" pg)
+	;; Do test with several ways of specifying the
+	;; shadowing-imported symbol
+	(loop
+	    for n in '("A" :|A| #\A) count
+	      (not
+	       (ignore-errors
+		 (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+		 (let ((p (ignore-errors
+			   (eval
+			    `(defpackage "H"
+			       (:use)
+			       (:shadowing-import-from "G" ,n))))))
+		   (and
+		    (packagep p)
+		    (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		    (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+		    (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		    (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+		    (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+		    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+			(find-symbol "A" p)
+		      (and (eq access :internal)
+			   (equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
+			   (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)
+			   (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+				  (list sym))))
+		    (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+		    )))))))
+  0)
+;; Test import-from option
+;; Test for each way of specifying the imported symbol name,
+;;  and for each way of specifying the package name from which
+;;   the symbol is imported
+(deftest defpackage-8
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (let ((pg (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:intern "A" "B" "C")))))
+	(loop
+	  for pn in '("G" #:|G| #\G) sum
+	      (loop
+		  for n in '("B" #:|B| #\B) count
+		    (not
+		     (ignore-errors
+		       (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+		       (let ((p (ignore-errors
+				 (eval `(defpackage
+					    "H" (:use)
+					    (:import-from ,pn ,n "A"))))))
+			 (and
+			  (packagep p)
+			  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+			  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+			  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+			  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+			  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+			  (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 2)
+			  (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+			      (find-symbol "A" p)
+			    (and (eq access :internal)
+				 (equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
+				 (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
+			  (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+			      (find-symbol "B" p)
+			    (and (eq access :internal)
+				 (equal (symbol-name sym) "B")
+				 (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
+			  (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+			  ))))))))
+  0)
+;; Test defpackage with export option
+(deftest defpackage-9
+    (progn
+      (loop
+	  for n in '("Z" #:|Z| #\Z) count
+	    (not
+	     (ignore-errors
+	       (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	       (let ((p (ignore-errors
+			 (eval `(defpackage
+				    "H"
+				  (:export "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
+		 (and
+		  (packagep p)
+		  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+		  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+		  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+		  (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
+		  (loop
+		      for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
+			(unless
+			    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+				(find-symbol s p)
+			      (and (eq access :external)
+				   (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
+				   (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
+			  (return nil))
+		      finally (return t))
+		  ))))))
+  0)
+;; Test defpackage with the intern option
+(deftest defpackage-10
+    (progn
+      (loop
+	  for n in '("Z" #:|Z| #\Z) count
+	    (not
+	     (ignore-errors
+	       (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	       (let ((p (ignore-errors
+			 (eval `(defpackage
+				    "H"
+				  (:intern "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
+		 (and
+		  (packagep p)
+		  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+		  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+		  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+		  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+		  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+		  (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
+		  (loop
+		      for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
+			(unless
+			    (multiple-value-bind (sym access)
+				(find-symbol s p)
+			      (and (eq access :internal)
+				   (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
+				   (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
+			  (return nil))
+		      finally (return t))
+		  ))))))
+  0)
+;; Test defpackage with size
+(deftest defpackage-11
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors
+		(eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 0))))))
+	(and
+	 (packagep p)
+	 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+	 (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+	 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+	 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+	 (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))
+  t)
+(deftest defpackage-12
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors
+		(eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 10000))))))
+	(and
+	 (packagep p)
+	 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+	 (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+	 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+	 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+	 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+	 (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))
+  t)
+;; defpackage error handling
+;; Repeated size field should cause a program-error
+(deftest defpackage-13
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 10) (:size 20)))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; Repeated documentation field should cause a program-error
+(deftest defpackage-14
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:documentation "foo")
+		  (:documentation "bar")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; When a nickname refers to an existing package or nickname,
+;; signal a program-error
+(deftest defpackage-15
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:nicknames "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest defpackage-16
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:nicknames "Q")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; Names in :shadow, :shadowing-import-from, :import-from, and :intern
+;; must be disjoint, or a package-error is signalled.
+;; :shadow and :shadowing-import-from
+(deftest defpackage-17
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:export "A")))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:shadow "A")
+		  (:shadowing-import-from "G" "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :shadow and :import-from
+(deftest defpackage-18
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:export "A")))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:shadow "A")
+		  (:import-from "G" "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :shadow and :intern
+(deftest defpackage-19
+    (progn
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:shadow "A")
+		  (:intern "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :shadowing-import-from and :import-from
+(deftest defpackage-20
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:export "A")))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:shadowing-import-from "G" "A")
+		  (:import-from "G" "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :shadowing-import-from and :intern
+(deftest defpackage-21
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:export "A")))
+      (handler-case
+	    (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		    (:shadowing-import-from "G" "A")
+		    (:intern "A")))
+	  (program-error () 'program-error)
+	  (error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :import-from and :intern
+(deftest defpackage-22
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:export "A")))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:import-from "G" "A")
+		  (:intern "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; Names given to :export and :intern must be disjoint,
+;;  otherwise signal a package-error
+(deftest defpackage-23
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use)
+		  (:export "A")
+		  (:intern "A")))
+	(program-error () 'program-error)
+	(error (c) c)))
+  program-error)
+;; :shadowing-import-from signals a correctable package-error
+;;  if the symbol is not accessible in the named package
+(deftest defpackage-24
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use)))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:shadowing-import-from "G" "NOT-THERE")))
+	(package-error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name
+				     (compute-restarts c))
+                      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'fail))
+	(error (c) c)))
+  success)
+;; :import-from signals a correctable package-error if a symbol with
+;; the indicated name is not accessible in the package indicated
+(deftest defpackage-25
+    (ignore-errors
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+      (ignore-errors (delete-package "G"))
+      (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use)))
+      (handler-case
+	  (eval '(defpackage "H" (:import-from "G" "NOT-THERE")))
+	(package-error (c)
+	  (if (member 'abort (mapcar #'restart-name
+				     (compute-restarts c))
+                      :test (complement #'eq))
+	      'success
+	    'fail))
+	(error (c) c)))
+  success)
+;; A big test that combines all the options to defpackage
+(deftest defpackage-26
+  (ignore-errors
+    (flet
+	((%do-it% (args)
+	   (ignore-errors (delete-package "H"))
+	   (ignore-errors (delete-package "G1"))
+	   (ignore-errors (delete-package "G2"))
+	   (ignore-errors (delete-package "G3"))
+	   (let ((pg1 
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Making G1...~%")
+		    (eval '(defpackage "G1"
+			    (:use)
+			    (:export "A" "B" "C")
+			    (:intern "D" "E" "F")))))
+		 (pg2
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Making G2...~%")
+		    (eval '(defpackage "G2" 
+			    (:use)
+			    (:export "A" "D" "G")
+			    (:intern "E" "H" "I")))))
+		 (pg3 
+		  (progn
+		    (format t "Making G3...~%")
+		    (eval '(defpackage "G3" 
+			    (:use)
+			    (:export "J" "K" "L")
+			    (:intern "M" "N" "O"))))))
+	     (let ((p (eval (list* 'defpackage "H" (copy-tree args)))))
+	       (prog ()
+		 (unless (packagep p) (return 1))
+		 (unless (equal (package-name p) "H") (return 2))
+		 (unless (equal (package-name pg1) "G1") (return 3))
+		 (unless (equal (package-name pg2) "G2") (return 4))
+		 (unless (equal (package-name pg3) "G3") (return 5))
+		 (unless
+		     (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p)) #'string<)
+			    '("H1" "H2"))
+		   (return 6))
+		 (unless
+		     (or
+		      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg1 pg2))
+		      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg2 pg1)))
+		   (return 7))
+		 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list p))
+		   (return 8))
+		 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg2) (list p))
+		   (return 9))
+		 (when (package-used-by-list pg3) (return 10))
+		 (unless (equal (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
+					      (package-shadowing-symbols p))
+				      #'string<)
+				'("A" "B"))
+		   (return 10))
+		 (let ((num 11))
+		   (unless
+		       (every
+			#'(lambda (str acc pkg)
+			    (multiple-value-bind
+				(sym access)
+				(find-symbol str p)
+			      (or
+			       (and (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-name sym) str))
+				    (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-package sym) pkg))
+				    (equal access acc)
+				    (incf num))
+			       (progn
+				 (format t
+					 "Failed on str = ~S, acc = ~S, pkg = ~S, sym = ~S, access = ~S~%"
+					 str acc pkg sym access)
+				 nil))))
+			(list "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G"
+			      "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O")
+			(list :internal :internal
+			      :external :inherited
+			      nil nil
+			      :inherited :internal
+			      nil nil
+			      nil :external
+			      nil nil
+			      :internal)
+			(list pg2 p pg1 pg2 nil nil
+			      pg2 p nil nil nil pg3
+			      nil nil pg3))
+		     (return num)))
+		 (return 'success))))))
+      (let ((args '((:nicknames "H1" "H2")
+		    (:use "G1" "G2")
+		    (:shadow "B")
+		    (:shadowing-import-from "G2" "A")
+		    (:import-from "G3" "L" "O")
+		    (:intern "D" "H")
+		    (:export "L" "C")
+		    (:size 20)
+		    (:documentation "A test package"))))
+	(list (%do-it% args)
+	      (%do-it% (reverse args))))))
+  (success success))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-17.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-17.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c5174276601b02d85428e3769ad0e380881a0fba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-17.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 19:20:29 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 17
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(deftest do-symbols-1
+    (equal
+     (sort-symbols (let ((all nil))
+		     (do-symbols (x "B" all) (push x all))))
+     (list (find-symbol "BAR" "B")
+	   (find-symbol "FOO" "A")))
+  t)
+;; Test up some test packages
+(defun collect-symbols (pkg)
+  (sort-symbols
+   (let ((all nil))
+     (do-symbols (x pkg all) (push x all)))))
+(defun collect-external-symbols (pkg)
+  (sort-symbols
+   (let ((all nil))
+     (do-external-symbols (x pkg all) (push x all)))))
+(deftest do-symbols-2
+    (collect-symbols "DS1")
+  (DS1:A DS1:B DS1::C DS1::D))
+(deftest do-symbols-3
+    (collect-symbols "DS2")
+  (DS2:A DS2::E DS2::F DS2:G DS2:H))
+(deftest do-symbols-4
+    (collect-symbols "DS3")
+  (DS1:A DS3:B DS2:G DS2:H DS3:I DS3:J DS3:K DS3::L DS3::M))
+(deftest do-symbols-5
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (collect-symbols "DS4")
+     :test #'(lambda (x y)
+	       (and (eq x y)
+		    (not (eq x 'DS4::B)))))
+  (DS1:A DS1:B DS2::F DS3:G DS3:I DS3:J DS3:K DS4::X DS4::Y DS4::Z))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-1
+    (collect-external-symbols "DS1")
+  (DS1:A DS1:B))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-2
+    (collect-external-symbols "DS2")
+  (DS2:A DS2:G DS2:H))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-3
+    (collect-external-symbols "DS3")
+  (DS1:A DS3:B DS2:G DS3:I DS3:J DS3:K))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-4
+    (collect-external-symbols "DS4")
+  ())
+(deftest do-external-symbols-5
+    (equal (collect-external-symbols "KEYWORD")
+	   (collect-symbols "KEYWORD"))
+  t)
+;; Test that do-symbols, do-external-symbols work without
+;; a return value (and that the default return value is nil)
+(deftest do-symbols-6
+  (do-symbols (s "DS1") (declare (ignore s))  t)
+  nil)
+(deftest do-external-symbols-6
+  (do-external-symbols (s "DS1") (declare (ignore s)) t)
+  nil)
+;; Test that do-symbols, do-external-symbols work without
+;; a package being specified
+(deftest do-symbols-7
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(*package* (find-package "DS1")))
+    (declare (special *package*))
+    (list
+     (do-symbols (s) (push s x))
+     (sort-symbols x)))
+  (nil (DS1:A DS1:B DS1::C DS1::D)))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-7
+  (let ((x nil)
+	(*package* (find-package "DS1")))
+    (declare (special *package*))
+    (list
+     (do-external-symbols (s) (push s x))
+     (sort-symbols x)))
+  (nil (DS1:A DS1:B)))
+;; Test that the tags work in the tagbody,
+;;  and that multiple statements work
+(deftest do-symbols-8
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x nil))
+     (list
+      (do-symbols
+       (s "DS1")
+       (when (equal (symbol-name s) "C") (go bar))
+       (push s x)
+       (go foo)
+       bar
+       (push T x)
+       foo)
+      (sort-symbols x)))
+   (error (c) c))
+  (NIL (DS1:A DS1:B DS1::D T)))
+(deftest do-external-symbols-8
+  (handler-case
+   (let ((x nil))
+     (list
+      (do-external-symbols
+       (s "DS1")
+       (when (equal (symbol-name s) "A") (go bar))
+       (push s x)
+       (go foo)
+       bar
+       (push T x)
+       foo)
+      (sort-symbols x)))
+   (error (c) c))
+  (NIL (DS1:B T)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-18.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-18.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..662a232e9680148971546bff01988a69a77b92dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-18.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 25 08:07:31 1998
+;;;; Contains: Package test code, part 18
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(declaim (special *universe*))
+;;; packagep, typep * 'package
+(deftest packagep-1
+  (loop
+   for x in *universe* count
+   (unless (eq (not (not (packagep x)))
+	       (not (not (typep x 'package))))
+	   (format t
+		   "(packagep ~S) = ~S, (typep x 'package) = ~S~%"
+		   x (packagep x) x (typep x 'package))
+	   t))
+  0)
+;; *package* is always a package
+(deftest packagep-2
+  (not (not (packagep *package*)))
+  t)
+;;; package-error
+(deftest package-error-1
+    (not (not
+	  (typep (make-condition 'package-error :package "CL")
+	   'package-error)))
+  t)
+(deftest package-error-2
+    (not (not
+	  (typep (make-condition 'package-error
+		   :package (find-package "CL"))
+	   'package-error)))
+  t)
+(deftest package-error-3
+    (subtypep 'package-error 'error)
+  t t)
+(deftest package-error-4
+   (not (not
+	  (typep (make-condition 'package-error
+		   :package (find-package '#:|CL|))
+	   'package-error)))
+  t)
+;;; package-error-package
+(deftest package-error-package-1
+    (handler-case
+	(eq (find-package (package-error-package
+			   (make-condition 'package-error
+			     :package "CL")))
+	    (find-package "CL"))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest package-error-package-2
+    (handler-case 
+	(eq (find-package (package-error-package
+			   (make-condition 'package-error
+			     :package (find-package "CL"))))
+	    (find-package "CL"))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest package-error-package-3
+    (handler-case
+	(eq (find-package (package-error-package
+			   (make-condition 'package-error
+			     :package '#:|CL|)))
+	    (find-package "CL"))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest package-error-package-4
+    (handler-case
+	(eq (find-package (package-error-package
+			   (make-condition 'package-error
+			     :package #\A)))
+	    (find-package "A"))
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/packages-19.lsp b/ansi-tests/packages-19.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0d984c71f485636b0eeb3c1ba997a0d3b284d021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/packages-19.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue May  5 17:22:49 1998
+;;;; Contains: Packages test code, part 19.  Tests of the keyword package.
+;;;;           See also cl-symbols.lsp (for keywordp test cases)
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Check that each keyword satisfies keywordp
+(deftest keyword-1
+    (do-symbols (s "KEYWORD" t)
+      (unless (keywordp s)
+	(return (list s nil))))
+  t)
+;; Every keyword is external
+(deftest keyword-2
+    (do-symbols (s "KEYWORD" t)
+      (multiple-value-bind (s2 access)
+	  (find-symbol (symbol-name s) "KEYWORD")
+	(unless (and (eq s s2)
+		     (eq access :external))
+	  (return (list s2 access)))))
+  t)
+;; Every keyword evaluates to itself
+(deftest keyword-3
+    (do-symbols (s "KEYWORD" t)
+      (unless (eq s (eval s))
+	(return (list s (eval s)))))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..aaa2fa61277f09f41896ac88f7a61b308faf6fee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 24 07:10:05 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for POSITION-IF-NOT-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.1
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.2
+  (position-if-not 'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.3
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.4
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.5
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.6
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.7
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.8
+  (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-not-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-list.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-list.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Vector tests
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.1
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.2
+  (position-if-not 'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.3
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.4
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.5
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.6
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.7
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.8
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-vector.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Bit vector tests
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.1
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.2
+  (position-if-not 'oddp #*111010101)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.3
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.4
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.5
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.6
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.7
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.8
+  (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; string tests
+(deftest position-if-not-string.1
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189")
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.2
+  (position-if-not 'odddigitp "131432189")
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.3
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.4
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.5
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.6
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.7
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.8
+  (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-not-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-string.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
+			   :key #'nextdigit)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-not-string.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
+			   :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest position-if-not-error.1
+  (handler-case (position-if-not #'identity 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-not-error.2
+  (handler-case (position-if-not #'identity 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-not-error.3
+  (handler-case (position-if-not 'null 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-not-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (position-if-not 'identity '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)
+			 (error (c) c)))
+  :type-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f3eafbc3ab8e844b005de57e88693c9a4f6cd592
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Aug 23 22:08:57 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for POSITION-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest position-if-list.1
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-list.2
+  (position-if 'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-list.3
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-list.4
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-list.5
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-list.6
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-list.7
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-list.8
+  (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-list.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-list.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Vector tests
+(deftest position-if-vector.1
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-vector.2
+  (position-if 'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9))
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-vector.3
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-vector.4
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-vector.5
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-vector.6
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-vector.7
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-vector.8
+  (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-vector.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-vector.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Bit vector tests
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.1
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.2
+  (position-if 'evenp #*111010101)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.3
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.4
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.5
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.6
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.7
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.8
+  (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :key #'1+)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-bit-vector.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+			   :key '1+ :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; string tests
+(deftest position-if-string.1
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189")
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-string.2
+  (position-if 'evendigitp "131432189")
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-string.3
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start 4)
+  5)
+(deftest position-if-string.4
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-string.5
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :from-end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-string.6
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start 4
+	       :from-end t)
+  7)
+(deftest position-if-string.7
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-if-string.8
+  (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :end 3)
+  nil)
+(deftest position-if-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+			   :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-string.11
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+			   :key #'nextdigit)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (3 3 3 3 3 3)
+   (nil 5 5 5 5)
+   (5 5 5 5)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-if-string.12
+  (loop for i from 0 to 8
+	collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+	      collect
+	      (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+			   :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (3 3 5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 5 5 7 7)
+   (5 5 7 7)
+   (nil 7 7)
+   (7 7)
+   (nil)))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest position-if-error.1
+  (handler-case (position-if #'identity 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-error.2
+  (handler-case (position-if #'identity 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-error.3
+  (handler-case (position-if 'null 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-if-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (position-if 'null '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)
+			 (error (c) c)))
+  :type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position.lsp b/ansi-tests/position.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a1542c6e14f7e82a5b00addd445804e50bf00d3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/position.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,598 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Fri Aug 23 07:49:49 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for POSITION
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest position-list.1
+  (position 'c '(a b c d e c a))
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.2
+  (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest position-list.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+  (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-list.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-list.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-list.11
+  (position 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-list.12
+  (position 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key '1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-list.13
+  (position 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest position-list.14
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq))
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.15
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-list.16
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.17
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-list.18
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.19
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-list.20
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.21
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  3)
+(deftest position-list.22
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-list.23
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.24
+  (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  4)
+(deftest position-list.25
+  (position '(a b) '(a (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :test #'equal)
+  3)
+(deftest position-list.26
+  (position 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car)
+  2)
+(deftest position-list.27
+  (position 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
+	    :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest position-list.28
+  (position 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  4)
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest position-vector.1
+  (position 'c #(a b c d e c a))
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.2
+  (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest position-vector.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+  (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-vector.11
+  (position 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-vector.12
+  (position 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key '1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-vector.13
+  (position 5 #(1 2 3 4 5 6 4 8) :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest position-vector.14
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq))
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.15
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-vector.16
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.17
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-vector.18
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.19
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-vector.20
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.21
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  3)
+(deftest position-vector.22
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-vector.23
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.24
+  (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  4)
+(deftest position-vector.25
+  (position '(a b) #(a (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :test #'equal)
+  3)
+(deftest position-vector.26
+  (position 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car)
+  2)
+(deftest position-vector.27
+  (position 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
+	    :start 3)
+  4)
+(deftest position-vector.28
+  (position 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  4)
+;;; tests on bit vectors
+(deftest position-bit-vector.1
+  (position 1 #*001001010100)
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.2
+  (position 1 #*001001010100 :from-end t)
+  9)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 1 #*0010010 :end i))
+  (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-bit-vector.11
+  (position 2 #*00010001010 :key #'1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.12
+  (position 2 #*00010001010 :key '1+)
+  3)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.13
+  (position 2 #*0010001000 :key #'1+ :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.14
+  (position 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eq))
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.15
+  (position 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.16
+  (position 0 #*0010111010 :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.17
+  (position 0 #*001011101 :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.18
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.19
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.20
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.21
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  3)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.22
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.23
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  2)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.24
+  (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  4)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.25
+  (position 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
+	    :start 3)
+  6)
+(deftest position-bit-vector.27
+  (position 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
+	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+  8)
+;;; strings
+(deftest position-string.1
+  (position #\c "abcdeca")
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.2
+  (position #\c "abcdeca" :from-end t)
+  5)
+(deftest position-string.3
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.4
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
+  (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.5
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
+  (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.6
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.7
+  (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+  (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.8
+  (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
+	(position #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
+  (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
+(deftest position-string.9
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
+   (2 2 2 2 2)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-string.10
+  (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
+	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+	      collect
+	      (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+  ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
+   (2 2 2 5 5)
+   (nil nil 5 5)
+   (nil 5 5)
+   (5 5)
+   (nil)))
+(deftest position-string.11
+  (position 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
+				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
+  3)
+(deftest position-string.13
+  (position 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
+				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
+	    :from-end t)
+  6)
+(deftest position-string.14
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eq))
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.15
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eq)
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-string.16
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.17
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-string.18
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.19
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq
+	    :from-end t)
+  8)
+(deftest position-string.20
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq)
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.21
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test #'eq
+	    :start 2)
+  3)
+(deftest position-string.22
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test #'eq
+	    :start 2 :end nil)
+  3)
+(deftest position-string.23
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5)
+  2)
+(deftest position-string.24
+  (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eq
+	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+  4)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest position-error.1
+  (handler-case (position 'a 'b)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-error.2
+  (handler-case (position 'a 10)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-error.3
+  (handler-case (position 'a 1.4)
+		(type-error () :type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  :type-error)
+(deftest position-error.4
+  (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+	   (handler-case (position 'a '(a b c . d))
+			 (type-error () :type-error)
+			 (error (c) c)))
+  :type-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2688cad26f8c16d06dc2113ee86c60b2edf1b47d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Contains: Code to randomly intern and unintern random strings
+;;;;           in a package.  Exercises package and hash table routines
+(in-package :cl-test)
+  +base-chars+ #.(concatenate 'string
+			      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+			      "0123456789"
+			      "<,>.?/\"':;[{]}~`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \\|"))
+(defconstant +num-base-chars+ (length +base-chars+))
+(defconstant +max-len-random-symbol+ 63)
+(defun make-random-symbol (package)
+  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
+  (loop
+   (let* ((len (random (1+ +max-len-random-symbol+)))
+	  (str (make-string len)))
+     (declare (type (integer 0 #.+max-len-random-symbol+) len))
+     (loop
+      for i from 0 to (1- len) do
+      (setf (schar str i)
+	    (schar +base-chars+
+		   (random +num-base-chars+))))
+     (multiple-value-bind
+      (symbol status)
+      (intern (copy-seq str) package)
+      (unless (equal str (symbol-name symbol))
+	      (error "Intern gave bad symbol: ~A, ~A~%" str symbol))
+      (unless status (return symbol))))))
+(defun queue-insert (q x)
+  (declare (type cons q))
+  (push x (cdr q)))
+(defun queue-remove (q)
+  (declare (type cons q))
+  (when (null (car q))
+	(when (null (cdr q))
+	      (error "Attempty to remove from empty queue.~%"))
+	(setf (car q) (nreverse (cdr q)))
+	(setf (cdr q) nil))
+  (pop (car q)))
+(defun queue-empty (q)
+  (and (null (car q))
+       (null (cdr q))))
+(defun random-intern (n)
+  (declare (fixnum n))
+  (let ((q (list nil))
+	(xp (defpackage "X" (:use))))
+    (declare (type cons q))
+    (loop
+     for i from 1 to n do
+     (if (and
+	  (= (random 2) 0)
+	  (not (queue-empty q)))
+	 (unintern (queue-remove q) xp)
+       (queue-insert q (make-random-symbol xp))))))
+(defun fill-intern (n)
+  (declare (fixnum n))
+  (let ((xp (defpackage "X" (:use))))
+    (loop
+     for i from 1 to n do
+     (make-random-symbol xp))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp b/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40120456330a1c2c506c7a5ce46cea717e27ef48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  8 20:03:45 1998
+;;;; Contains: Tests on readtables (just started, very incomplete)
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(deftest readtable-valid (not (readtablep *readtable*)) nil)
+(deftest readtablep-1
+    (and (not (readtablep nil))
+	 (not (readtablep 'a))
+	 (not (readtablep 0))
+	 (not (readtablep 1/2))
+	 (not (readtablep 1.2))
+	 (not (readtablep 1.2s2))
+	 (not (readtablep 1.2f3))
+	 (not (readtablep 1.2e2))
+	 (not (readtablep 1.2d2))
+	 (not (readtablep (list 'a)))
+	 (not (readtablep "abcde"))
+	 (not (readtablep t))
+	 (not (readtablep '*readtable*))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10))))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'float)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'double-float)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'string)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit)))
+	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'boolean)))
+	 (not (not (readtablep (copy-readtable))))
+	 (not (readtablep #'car))
+	 )
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-1
+    (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+      (ignore-errors (read-from-string "a")))
+  a 1)
+(deftest read-symbol-2
+    (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+      (ignore-errors (read-from-string "|a|")))
+  |a| 3)
+(deftest read-symbol-3
+    (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	(ignore-errors (read-from-string "#:abc"))
+      (and (symbolp s)
+	   (eql n 5)
+	   (not (symbol-package s))
+	   (string-equal (symbol-name s) "abc")))
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-4
+    (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	(ignore-errors (read-from-string "#:|abc|"))
+      (and (symbolp s)
+	   (eql n 7)
+	   (not (symbol-package s))
+	   (string= (symbol-name s) "abc")))
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-5
+    (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	(ignore-errors (read-from-string "#:||"))
+      (if (not (symbolp s))
+	  s
+	(and (eql n 4)
+	     (not (symbol-package s))
+	     (string= (symbol-name s) ""))))
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-6
+    (let ((str "cl-test::abcd0123"))
+      (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	  (ignore-errors (read-from-string str))
+	(if (not (symbolp s))
+	    s
+	  (and (eql n (length str))
+	       (eq (symbol-package s) (find-package :cl-test))
+	       (string-equal (symbol-name s)
+			     "abcd0123")))))
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-7
+    (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	(ignore-errors (read-from-string ":ABCD"))
+      (if (not (symbolp s))
+	  s
+	(and (eql n 5)
+	     (eq (symbol-package s) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+	     (string-equal (symbol-name s)
+			   "ABCD"))))
+  t)
+(deftest read-symbol-8
+    (multiple-value-bind (s n)
+	(ignore-errors (read-from-string "::ABCD"))
+      (if (not (symbolp s))
+	  s
+	(and (eql n 6)
+	     (eq (symbol-package s) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+	     (string-equal (symbol-name s)
+			   "ABCD"))))
+  t)
+(defun read-symbol-9-body (natoms maxlen)
+  (let* ((chars (concatenate 'string
+		  "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+		  "0123456789"
+		  "<,>.?/\"':;[{]}~`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \\|"))
+	 (nchars (length chars)))
+    (loop
+	for i from 1 to natoms
+	count
+	  (let* ((len (random (1+ maxlen)))
+		 (actual-len 0)
+		 (s (make-string (+ 2 (* 2 len))))
+		 (s2 (make-string len)))
+	    (loop for j from 0 to (1- len) do
+		  (let ((c (elt chars (random (max 1 (1- nchars))))))
+		    (when (member c '(#\| #\\))
+		      (setf (elt s actual-len) #\\)
+		      (incf actual-len))
+		    (setf (elt s actual-len) c)
+		    (setf (elt s2 j) c)
+		    (incf actual-len)))
+	    (let ((actual-string (subseq s 0 actual-len)))
+	      (multiple-value-bind (sym nread)
+		  (ignore-errors (read-from-string
+			(concatenate 'string
+			  "#:|" actual-string "|")))
+		(unless (and (symbolp sym)
+			     (eql nread (+ 4 actual-len))
+			     (string-equal s2 (symbol-name sym)))
+		  (format t "Symbol read failed: ~S (~S) read as ~S~%"
+			  actual-string s2 sym :readably t)
+		  t)))))))
+(deftest read-symbol-9
+    (read-symbol-9-body 1000 100)
+  0)
+(deftest read-symbol-10
+    (handler-case
+	(equal (symbol-name
+		(read-from-string
+		 (with-output-to-string (s)
+		   (write (make-symbol ":")
+			  :readably t
+			  :stream s))))
+	       ":")
+      (error (c) c))
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp b/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..043b8a026c98d7da9d11514edad7c89c3c16af2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Aug 18 14:08:57 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for function REDUCE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest reduce-list.1
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f))
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.2
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :from-end t)
+  (a b c d e . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.3
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :initial-value 'z)
+  ((((((z . a) . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.4
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
+  (a b c d e f . g))
+(deftest reduce-list.5
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :from-end nil)
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.6
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :from-end 17)
+  (a b c d e . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.7
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :end nil)
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.8
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :end 3)
+  ((a . b) . c))
+(deftest reduce-list.9
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4)
+  ((b . c) . d))
+(deftest reduce-list.10
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t)
+  (b c . d))
+(deftest reduce-list.11
+  (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
+	  :initial-value nil)
+  (b c d))
+(deftest reduce-list.12
+  (reduce 'cons '(a b c d e f))
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-list.13
+  (reduce #'+ nil)
+  0)
+(deftest reduce-list.14
+  (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :start 0 :end 0)
+  0)
+(deftest reduce-list.15
+  (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3) :key '1+)
+  9)
+(deftest reduce-list.16
+  (reduce #'cons '(1 2 3) :key '1+ :from-end t :initial-value nil)
+  (2 3 4))
+(deftest reduce-list.17
+  (reduce #'+ '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7) :key '1+ :start 2 :end 6)
+  22)
+(deftest reduce-array.1
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f))
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.2
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :from-end t)
+  (a b c d e . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.3
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :initial-value 'z)
+  ((((((z . a) . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.4
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
+  (a b c d e f . g))
+(deftest reduce-array.5
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :from-end nil)
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.6
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :from-end 17)
+  (a b c d e . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.7
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :end nil)
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.8
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :end 3)
+  ((a . b) . c))
+(deftest reduce-array.9
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4)
+  ((b . c) . d))
+(deftest reduce-array.10
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t)
+  (b c . d))
+(deftest reduce-array.11
+  (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
+	  :initial-value nil)
+  (b c d))
+(deftest reduce-array.12
+  (reduce 'cons #(a b c d e f))
+  (((((a . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
+(deftest reduce-array.13
+  (reduce #'+ #(1 2 3) :start 0 :end 0)
+  0)
+(deftest reduce-error.1
+  (handler-case (reduce 'cons 'a)
+		(type-error (c) 'type-error)
+		(error (c) c))
+  type-error)
+(deftest reduce-string.1
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef")
+  (((((#\a . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.2
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :from-end t)
+  (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.3
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :initial-value 'z)
+  ((((((z . #\a) . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.4
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
+  (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f . g))
+(deftest reduce-string.5
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :from-end nil)
+   (((((#\a . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.6
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :from-end 17)
+   (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.7
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :end nil)
+  (((((#\a . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.8
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :end 3)
+  ((#\a . #\b) . #\c))
+(deftest reduce-string.9
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :start 1 :end 4)
+  ((#\b . #\c) . #\d))
+(deftest reduce-string.10
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t)
+  (#\b #\c . #\d))
+(deftest reduce-string.11
+  (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
+	  :initial-value nil)
+  (#\b #\c #\d))
+(deftest reduce-string.12
+  (reduce 'cons "abcdef")
+  (((((#\a . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
+(deftest reduce-string.13
+  (reduce #'+ "abc" :start 0 :end 0)
+  0)
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.1
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101)
+  (((((0 . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.2
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :from-end t)
+  (0 0 1 1 0 . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.3
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :initial-value 'z)
+  ((((((z . 0) . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.4
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
+  (0 0 1 1 0 1 . g))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.5
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :from-end nil)
+  (((((0 . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.6
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :from-end 17)
+  (0 0 1 1 0 . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.7
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :end nil)
+  (((((0 . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.8
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :end 3)
+  ((0 . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.9
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :start 1 :end 4)
+  ((0 . 1) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.10
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t)
+  (0 1 . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.11
+  (reduce #'cons #*001101 :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
+	  :initial-value nil)
+  (0 1 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.12
+  (reduce 'cons #*001101)
+  (((((0 . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
+(deftest reduce-bitstring.13
+  (reduce #'+ #(1 1 1) :start 0 :end 0)
+  0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..054c521c24d92f640e17699b01a05ffee7ad08b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Sep 15 07:42:36 2002
+;;;; Contains: Auxiliary functions for testing REMOVE and related functions
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defun make-random-element (type)
+  (cond
+   ((subtypep 'fixnum type)
+    (random most-positive-fixnum))
+   ((subtypep '(integer 0 255) type)
+    (random 255))
+   ((subtypep '(integer 0 7) type)
+    (random 8))
+   ((subtypep 'bit type)
+    (random 2))
+   ((subtypep 'symbol type)
+    (elt '(a b c d e f g h) (random 8)))
+   ((subtypep '(member #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h) type)
+    (elt "abcdefgh" (random 8)))
+   (t (error "Can't get random element of type ~A~%." type))))
+(defun random-from-seq (seq)
+  "Generate a random member of a sequence."
+  (let ((len (length seq)))
+    (assert (> len 0))
+    (elt seq (random len))))
+(defmacro random-case (&body cases)
+  (let ((len (length cases)))
+    (assert (> len 0))
+    `(case (random ,len)
+       ,@(loop for i from 0 for e in cases collect `(,i ,e))
+       (t (error "Can't happen?! (in random-case~%")))))
+(defun make-random-remove-input (len type element-type)
+  "Randomly generate a test case for REMOVE.  Given a length
+   a sequence type, and an element type, produce a random
+   sequence of length LEN of sequence type TYPE, and either
+   generate a random member of the sequence or a random
+   element of the element type to delete from the sequence."
+  (let* ((seq (if (subtypep type 'list)
+		  (loop for i from 1 to len collect
+			(make-random-element element-type))
+		(let ((seq (make-sequence type len)))
+		  (dotimes (i len)
+		    (setf (elt seq i) (make-random-element element-type)))
+		  seq)))
+	 (e (if (and (> len 0) (eql (random 2) 0))
+		(elt seq (random len))
+	      (make-random-element element-type)))
+	 )
+    (values len seq e)))
+(defun my-remove (element
+		  sequence
+		  &key
+		  (start 0)
+		  (end nil)
+		  (test #'eql test-p)
+		  (test-not nil test-not-p)
+		  (key nil)
+		  (from-end nil)
+		  (count nil))
+  (assert (not (and test-p test-not-p)))
+  (my-remove-if
+   (cond (test-p #'(lambda (x) (funcall test element x)))
+	 (test-not-p #'(lambda (x) (not (funcall test-not element x))))
+	 (t #'(lambda (x) (eql element x))))
+   sequence :start start :end end :key key :from-end from-end :count count))
+(defun my-remove-if (predicate
+		     original-sequence
+		     &key (from-end nil)
+		     (start 0)
+		     (end nil)
+		     (count nil)
+		     (key #'identity))
+  (let ((len (length original-sequence))
+	(sequence (copy-seq original-sequence)))
+    (unless end (setq end len))
+    (unless key (setq key #'identity))
+    (unless count (setq count len))
+    ;; Check that everything's kosher
+    (assert (<= 0 start end len))
+    (assert (typep sequence 'sequence))
+    (assert (integerp count))
+    (assert (or (symbolp predicate) (functionp predicate)))
+    (assert (or (symbolp key) (functionp key)))
+    ;; If FROM-END, reverse the sequence and flip
+    ;; start, end
+    (when from-end
+      (psetq sequence (nreverse sequence)
+	     start (- len end)
+	     end (- len start)))
+    ;; Accumulate a list of elements for the result
+    (let ((pos 0)
+	  (result nil)) ;; accumulate in reverse order
+      (map nil
+	   #'(lambda (e)
+	       (if (and (> count 0)
+			(>= pos start)
+			(< pos end)
+			(funcall predicate (funcall key e)))
+		   (decf count)
+		 (push e result))
+	       (incf pos))
+	   sequence)
+      (unless from-end
+	(setq result (nreverse result)))
+      ;; Convert to the correct type
+      (if (listp sequence)
+	  result
+	(let ((element-type (array-element-type original-sequence)))
+	  (make-array (length result) :element-type element-type
+		      :initial-contents result))))))
+(defun my-remove-if-not (pred &rest args)
+  (apply #'my-remove-if (complement pred) args))
+(defun coin (&optional (n 2)) (eql (random n) 0))
+;; Randomly permute a sequence
+(defun random-permute (seq)
+  (setq seq (copy-seq seq))
+  (let ((len (length seq)))
+    (loop for i from len downto 2
+	  do (let ((r (random i)))
+	       (rotatef (elt seq r) (elt seq (1- i))))))
+  seq)
+(defun make-random-rd-params (maxlen)
+  "Generate random paramaters for remove/delete/etc. functions."
+  (let* ((element-type t)
+	 (type-select (random 7))
+	 (type
+	  (case type-select
+	    (0 'list)
+	    (1 'vector)
+	    (2 (setq element-type 'character) 'string)
+	    (3 (setq element-type 'bit) 'bit-vector)
+	    (4 'simple-vector)
+	    (5 (setq element-type '(integer 0 255))
+	       '(vector (integer 0 255)))
+	    (6 (setq element-type 'fixnum) '(vector fixnum))
+	    (t (error "Can't happen?!~%"))))
+	 (len (random maxlen))
+	 (start (and (coin) (> len 0)
+		     (random len)))
+	 (end (and (coin)
+		   (if start (+ start (random (- len start)))
+		     (random (1+ len)))))
+	 (from-end (coin))
+	 (count (and (coin)
+		     (random (1+ len))))
+	 (seq (multiple-value-bind (x y z) (make-random-remove-input len type element-type)
+		y))
+	 (key (and (coin)
+		   (case type-select
+		     (2 (random-case
+			 #'char-upcase 'char-upcase
+			 #'char-downcase 'char-downcase))
+		     (3 #'(lambda (x) (- 1 x)))
+		     ((5 6) (random-case #'1+ '1+ #'1- '1-))
+		     (t (random-case 'identity #'identity)))))
+	 (test (and (eql (random 3) 0)
+		    (random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
+				 #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
+	 (test-not (and (not test)
+			(coin)
+			(random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
+				     #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
+	 )
+    ;; Return parameters
+    (values
+     element-type type len start end from-end count seq key test test-not)))
+(defun random-test-remove-args (maxlen)
+  (multiple-value-bind (element-type type len start end from-end count seq key test test-not)
+      (make-random-rd-params maxlen)
+    (let ((element (if (and (coin) (> len 0))
+		       (random-from-seq seq)
+		     (make-random-element element-type)))
+	  (arg-list
+	   (reduce #'nconc
+		   (random-permute
+		    (list
+		     (when start (list :start start))
+		     (cond (end (list :end end))
+			   ((coin) (list :end nil)))
+		     (cond (from-end (list :from-end from-end))
+			   ((coin) (list :from-end nil)))
+		     (cond (count (list :count count))
+			   ((coin) (list :count nil)))
+		     (cond (key (list :key key))
+			   ;; ((coin) (list :key nil))
+			   )
+		     (when test (list :test test))
+		     (when test-not (list :test test-not)))))))
+      (values element seq arg-list))))
+(defun random-test-remove (maxlen)
+  (multiple-value-bind (element seq arg-list)
+      (random-test-remove-args maxlen)
+    (let* ((seq1 (copy-seq seq))
+	   (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
+	   (seq1r (apply #'remove element seq1 arg-list))
+	   (seq2r (apply #'my-remove element seq1 arg-list)))
+      (cond
+       ((not (equalp seq seq1)) :fail1)
+       ((not (equalp seq seq2)) :fail2)
+       ((not (equalp seq1r seq2r)) :fail3)
+       (t t)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..77e540955343ab3ab8c0c40bdf80d61a84850f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Sep 23 20:59:10 2002
+;;;; Contains: Aux. functions for testing REMOVE-DUPLICATES/DELETE-DUPLICATES
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defun my-remove-duplicates (orig-sequence
+			     &key from-end test test-not (start 0) end key)
+  (assert (typep orig-sequence 'sequence))
+  (let* ((sequence orig-sequence)
+	 (len (length sequence)))
+    (unless end (setq end len))
+    (unless key (setq key #'identity))
+    (cond
+      (test (assert (not test-not)))
+      (test-not (setq test #'(lambda (x y) (not (funcall test x y)))))
+      (t (setq test #'eql)))
+    (assert (integerp start))
+    (assert (integerp end))
+    (assert (<= 0 start end len))
+    (format t "start = ~A, end = ~A, len = ~A~%" start end len)
+    (if from-end
+	(psetq start (- len end)
+	       end (- len start)
+	       sequence (reverse sequence))
+	(setq sequence (copy-seq sequence)))
+    (format t "start = ~A, end = ~A, len = ~A~%" start end len)
+    (assert (<= 0 start end len) (start end len))
+    (let ((result nil))
+      (loop for i from 0 below start
+	    do (push (elt sequence i) result))
+      (loop for i from start below end
+	    for x = (elt sequence i)
+	    unless (position x
+			     sequence
+			     :start (1+ i)
+			     :end end
+			     :test test
+			     :key key)
+	    do (push x result))
+      (loop for i from end below len
+	    do (push (elt sequence i) result))
+      (unless from-end (setq result (reverse result)))
+      (cond
+	((listp orig-sequence) result)
+	((arrayp orig-sequence)
+	 (make-array (length result) :initial-contents result
+		     :element-type (array-element-type orig-sequence)))
+	(t (assert nil))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dfb3dddc00b8322a10e15f31f9cec9e59cfc66ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Sep 14 11:46:05 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for REMOVE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest remove-list.1
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.2
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :count nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.3
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :key nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.4
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :count 100)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.5
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :count 0)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+(deftest remove-list.6
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c a b d a c b a e))
+(deftest remove-list.7
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'c x :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (a b a b d a c b a e))
+(deftest remove-list.8
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.9
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (a b c a b d a c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.10
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.11
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 10
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+  ((b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+  t)  
+(deftest remove-list.12
+ (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 10
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end nil))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+  ((b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+  t)
+(deftest remove-list.13
+ (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 10
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+  ((b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+  t)
+(deftest remove-list.14
+  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 'a x :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (b c b d c b e))
+(deftest remove-list.15
+ (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 9
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 9))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+  ((b c b d c b a e)
+   (a b c b d c b a e)
+   (a b c b d c b a e)
+   (a b c b d c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+   (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+  t)
+(deftest remove-list.16
+ (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 10
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11 :count 1))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+ ((b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+ t)
+(deftest remove-list.17
+ (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+    (values
+     (loop for i from 0 to 10
+	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end (1+ i)))
+     (equalp orig x)))
+ ((  b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c   b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d   c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b   e)
+  (a b c a b d a c b a e))
+ t)
+;;; Show that it tests using EQL, not EQ
+(deftest remove-list.18
+   (let* ((i (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
+	  (orig (list i 0 i 1 i 2 3))
+	  (x (copy-seq orig))
+	  (y (remove (1+ most-positive-fixnum) x)))
+     (and (equalp orig x) y))
+   (0 1 2 3))
+(deftest remove-list.19
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 1 x :key #'1-)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.20
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 3 x :test #'>)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (3 6 4 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.21
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 3 x :test '> :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (3 6 4 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.22
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 2 x :key nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.23
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 1 x :key '1-)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 3 x :test-not #'<=)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (3 6 4 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 3 x :test-not '<= :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (3 6 4 3 7))
+(deftest remove-list.26
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (y (remove 3 x :from-end t :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equalp orig x) y))
+  (1 2 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
+;;; To do: add call to the randomized REMOVE tester
diff --git a/ansi-tests/replace.lsp b/ansi-tests/replace.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..35bf6ad24a278a1b1fc26b94435c72539373bbbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/replace.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue Aug 27 16:11:38 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for REPLACE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest replace-list.1
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z))))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (x y z d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a x y z e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b c d x y z))
+(deftest replace-list.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b c d e x y))
+(deftest replace-list.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 6)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b c d e f x))
+(deftest replace-list.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b x y z f g))
+(deftest replace-list.7
+  (replace nil #(x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest replace-list.8
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :end1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (x b c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b c x e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.10
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (x y z d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.11
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.12
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.13
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.14
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (y b c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-list.15
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  (a b c d y f g))
+;;; Tests of vectors
+(deftest replace-vector.1
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z))))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(x y z d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a x y z e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b c d x y z))
+(deftest replace-vector.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b c d e x y))
+(deftest replace-vector.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 6)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b c d e f x))
+(deftest replace-vector.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b x y z f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.7
+  (replace #() #(x y z))
+  #())
+(deftest replace-vector.8
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :end1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(x b c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b c x e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.10
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(x y z d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.11
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.12
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil))) 
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.13
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(y z c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.14
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(y b c d e f g))
+(deftest replace-vector.15
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #(a b c d y f g))
+;;; tests on bit strings
+(deftest replace-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
+	 (result (replace x #*011)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0111001)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1011001)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1101011)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*111 :start1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0000011)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*100 :start1 6)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0000001)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x '(1 1 1) :start1 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0011100)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.7
+  (replace #* #*111)
+  #*)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*111 :end1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1000000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*110 :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0001000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*111 :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1110000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1100000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1100000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1100000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*1000000)
+(deftest replace-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
+	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  #*0000100)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest replace-string.1
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz")))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "xyzdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "axyzefg")
+(deftest replace-string.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abcdxyz")
+(deftest replace-string.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abcdexy")
+(deftest replace-string.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 6)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abcdefx")
+(deftest replace-string.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x '(#\x #\y #\z) :start1 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abxyzfg")
+(deftest replace-string.7
+  (replace "" "xyz")
+  "")
+(deftest replace-string.8
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :end1 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "xbcdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abcxefg")
+(deftest replace-string.10
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "xyzdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.11
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "yzcdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.12
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end1 nil))) 
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "yzcdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.13
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "yzcdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.14
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "ybcdefg")
+(deftest replace-string.15
+  (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
+	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+    (values (eq x result) result))
+  t
+  "abcdyfg")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp b/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..69f09f213ca17265b724906dde499a279da4e135
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue Aug 20 23:47:28 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for REVERSE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest reverse-list.1
+  (reverse nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest reverse-list.2
+  (let ((x '(a b c)))
+    (values (reverse x) x))
+  (c b a)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest reverse-vector.1
+  (reverse #())
+  #())
+(deftest reverse-vector.2
+  (let ((x #(a b c d e)))
+    (values (reverse x) x))
+  #(e d c b a)
+  #(a b c d e))
+(deftest reverse-nonsimple-vector.1
+  (let ((x (make-array 0 :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)))
+    (reverse x))
+  #())
+(deftest reverse-nonsimple-vector.2
+  (let* ((x (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+	 (y (reverse x)))
+    (values y x (equal (type-of x) (type-of y))))
+  #(5 4 3 2 1)
+  #(1 2 3 4 5)
+  t)
+(deftest reverse-bitstring.1
+  (reverse #*)
+  #*)
+(deftest reverse-bitstring.2
+  (let ((x #*000110110110))
+    (values (reverse x) x))
+  #*011011011000
+  #*000110110110)
+(deftest reverse-string.1
+  (reverse "")
+  "")
+(deftest reverse-string.2
+  (let ((x "000110110110"))
+    (values (reverse x) x))
+  "011011011000"
+  "000110110110")
+(deftest reverse-error.1
+  (catch-type-error (reverse 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest reverse-error.2
+  (catch-type-error (reverse #\a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest reverse-error.3
+  (catch-type-error (reverse 10))
+  type-error)
+(deftest reverse-error.4
+  (catch-type-error (reverse 0.3))
+  type-error)
+(deftest reverse-error.5
+  (catch-type-error (reverse 10/3))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5e3ea06db21e03fea500f58092ca8a64d3578512
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 24 07:22:10 2002
+;;;; Contains: Aux. functions for testing SEARCH
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defparameter *searched-list*
+  '(B B A B B B B B B B A B A B B B A B A B B B A A A A B A A B A A A A A
+      A B A B B A B A A B A A A B B A A B A A A A B B A B A B A A A B A B
+      B A B A A B B B B B A A A A A B A B B B B B A B A B B A B A B))
+(defparameter *pattern-sublists*
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (let* ((s *searched-list*) (len (length s)))
+     (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
+	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+   :test #'equal))
+(defparameter *searched-vector*
+  (make-array (length *searched-list*)
+	      :initial-contents *searched-list*))
+(defparameter *pattern-subvectors*
+  (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'vector x)) *pattern-sublists*))
+(defparameter *searched-bitvector*
+  #*1101111111010111010111000010010000001011010010001100100001101010001011010011111000001011111010110101)
+(defparameter *pattern-subbitvectors*
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (let* ((s *searched-bitvector*) (len (length s)))
+     (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
+	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+   :test #'equalp))
+(defparameter *searched-string*
+  "1101111111010111010111000010010000001011010010001100100001101010001011010011111000001011111010110101")
+(defparameter *pattern-substrings*
+  (remove-duplicates
+   (let* ((s *searched-string*) (len (length s)))
+     (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
+	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+   :test #'equalp))
+(defun subseq-equalp (seq1 seq2 start1 start2 len &key (test #'equalp))
+  (assert
+   (and
+    (>= start1 0)
+    (>= start2 0)
+    (<= (+ start1 len) (length seq1))
+    (<= (+ start2 len) (length seq2))))
+  (if (and (listp seq1) (listp seq2))
+      (loop for i from 0 to (1- len)
+	    for e1 in (nthcdr start1 seq1)
+	    for e2 in (nthcdr start2 seq2)
+	    always (funcall test e1 e2))
+    (loop for i from 0 to (1- len)
+	  always
+	  (funcall test
+		   (elt seq1 (+ start1 i))
+		   (elt seq2 (+ start2 i))))))
+(defun search-check (pattern searched pos
+			     &key (start1 0) (end1 nil) (start2 0) (end2 nil)
+			     key from-end (test #'equalp))
+  (unless end1 (setq end1 (length pattern)))
+  (unless end2 (setq end2 (length searched)))
+  (assert (<= start1 end1))
+  (assert (<= start2 end2))
+  (let* ((plen (- end1 start1)))
+    (when key
+      (setq pattern (map 'list key pattern))
+      (setq searched (map 'list key searched)))
+    (if pos
+	(and
+	 (subseq-equalp searched pattern pos start1 plen :test test)
+	 (if from-end
+	     (loop for i from (1+ pos) to (- end2 plen)
+		   never
+		   (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))
+	   (loop for i from start2 to (1- pos)
+		 never
+		 (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))))
+      (loop for i from start2 to (- end2 plen)
+	    never (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b8dc713fd6680fa17aec7b3e590fdf6fb6315b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Aug 25 13:06:54 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SEARCH on vectors
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest search-bitvector.1
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
+	  for tail on target
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-bitvector.2
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-bitvector.3
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.4
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.5
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.6
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.7
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.8
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.9
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+				 (map 'vector
+				      #'(lambda (y)
+					  (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
+				      x))
+			     *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.10
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+				 (map 'vector
+				      #'(lambda (y)
+					  (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
+				      x))
+			     *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.11
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+			       :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.12
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eq)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.13
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+				       :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :start1 1
+					 :test (complement #'eq)))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-bitvector.14
+  (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
+	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
+		 (and (> len 0)
+		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..420e97e291e7f9c4b4c1bc1f5cf918e33a5297f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 24 07:22:10 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SEARCH on lists
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest search-list.1
+  (let ((target *searched-list*)
+	(pat '(a)))
+    (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
+	  for tail on target
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-list.2
+  (let ((target *searched-list*)
+	(pat '(a)))
+    (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-list.3
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.4
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.5
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.6
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.7
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.8
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.9
+  (let ((target (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) *searched-list*)))
+    (loop for pat in (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.10
+  (let ((target (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) *searched-list*)))
+    (loop for pat in (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.11
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+			       :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.12
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eq)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.13
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+				       :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :start1 1
+					 :test (complement #'eq)))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-list.14
+  (let ((target *searched-list*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
+		 (and (> len 0)
+		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83af4bd486ebc07ddaf5b745dedaf4d517105d29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Aug 25 13:06:54 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SEARCH on vectors
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest search-string.1
+  (let ((target *searched-string*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
+	  for tail on target
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-string.2
+  (let ((target *searched-string*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-string.3
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.4
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.5
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.6
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.7
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.8
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.9
+  (flet ((%f (x) (case x ((#\0 a) 'c) ((#\1 b) 'd) (t nil))))
+    (let ((target *searched-string*))
+      (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
+	    for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'%f)
+	    unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'%f)
+	    collect pat)))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.10
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+			       :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.11
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eq)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.13
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+				       :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :start1 1
+					 :test (complement #'eq)))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-string.14
+  (let ((target *searched-string*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
+	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
+		 (and (> len 0)
+		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..546444661bb4ec0f3907326ea82486a99aeefeca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Aug 25 13:06:54 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SEARCH on vectors
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest search-vector.1
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
+	  for tail on target
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-vector.2
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*)
+	(pat #(a)))
+    (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
+	  always
+	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+  t)
+(deftest search-vector.3
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.4
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.5
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.6
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.7
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.8
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.9
+  (let ((target (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) x))
+		     *searched-list*)))
+    (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+				 (map 'vector
+				      #'(lambda (y)
+					  (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
+				      x))
+			     *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.10
+  (let ((target (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) x))
+		     *searched-list*)))
+    (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
+				 (map 'vector
+				      #'(lambda (y)
+					  (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
+				      x))
+			     *pattern-sublists*)
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.11
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+			       :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.12
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eq)
+	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eq))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.13
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+				       :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :start1 1
+					 :test (complement #'eq)))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
+(deftest search-vector.14
+  (let ((target *searched-vector*))
+    (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
+	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
+		 (and (> len 0)
+		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))
+		      (not (search-check pat target pos
+					 :end1 (1- len)
+					 :test (complement #'eq))))))
+	  collect pat))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sort.lsp b/ansi-tests/sort.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..18ac36af55623ce87c0e4c1a716c4132a76cbbc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/sort.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 21 00:11:24 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SORT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest sort-list.1
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (sort a #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest sort-list.2
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (sort a #'< :key #'-))
+  (5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest sort-list.3
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (sort a #'(lambda (x y) nil))
+    (sort a #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest sort-vector.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (sort a #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest sort-vector.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (sort a #'< :key #'-))
+  #(5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest sort-vector.3
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (sort a #'(lambda (x y) nil))
+    (sort a #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest sort-bit-vector.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #*10011101)))
+    (sort a #'<))
+  #*00011111)
+(deftest sort-bit-vector.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #*10011101)))
+    (values (sort a #'< :key #'-) a))
+  #*11111000
+  #*11111000)
+(deftest sort-string.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "10011101")))
+    (values (sort a #'char<) a))
+  "00011111"
+  "00011111")
+(deftest sort-string.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "10011101")))
+    (values (sort a #'char< :key #'(lambda (c) (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0))) a))
+  "11111000"
+  "11111000")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp b/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f7ddc10b5254784a7d340b1000f2163c87ee2f87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 28 21:00:44 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for STABLE-SORT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest stable-sort-list.1
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (stable-sort a #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest stable-sort-list.2
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (stable-sort a #'< :key #'-))
+  (5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest stable-sort-list.3
+  (let ((a (list 1 4 2 5 3)))
+    (stable-sort a #'(lambda (x y) nil))
+    (stable-sort a #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest stable-sort-list.4
+  (let ((a (copy-seq '((1 a) (2 a) (1 b) (2 b) (1 c) (2 c)))))
+    (stable-sort a #'(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
+  ((1 a) (1 b) (1 c) (2 a) (2 b) (2 c)))
+(deftest stable-sort-list.5
+  (let ((a (reverse (copy-seq '((1 a) (2 a) (1 b) (2 b) (1 c) (2 c))))))
+    (stable-sort a #'(lambda (x y) (< (car x) (car y)))))
+  ((1 c) (1 b) (1 a) (2 c) (2 b) (2 a)))
+(deftest stable-sort-vector.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (stable-sort a #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest stable-sort-vector.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (stable-sort a #'< :key #'-))
+  #(5 4 3 2 1))
+(deftest stable-sort-vector.3
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
+    (stable-sort a #'(lambda (x y) nil))
+    (stable-sort a #'<))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5))
+(deftest stable-sort-bit-vector.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #*10011101)))
+    (stable-sort a #'<))
+  #*00011111)
+(deftest stable-sort-bit-vector.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq #*10011101)))
+    (values (stable-sort a #'< :key #'-) a))
+  #*11111000
+  #*11111000)
+(deftest stable-sort-string.1
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "10011101")))
+    (values (stable-sort a #'char<) a))
+  "00011111"
+  "00011111")
+(deftest stable-sort-string.2
+  (let ((a (copy-seq "10011101")))
+    (values (stable-sort a #'char< :key #'(lambda (c) (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0))) a))
+  "11111000"
+  "11111000")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp b/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..09b58dd3fd741f3da4e89d9132b3df020352f371
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat May  9 11:21:25 1998
+;;;; Contains: Common code for creating structure tests
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(defun make-struct-test-name (structure-name n)
+  (declare (type (or string symbol character) structure-name)
+	   (type fixnum n))
+  (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
+  (intern (concatenate 'string
+	    structure-name
+	    "-STRUCT-TEST-"
+	    (princ-to-string n))
+	  :cl-test))
+(defun make-struct-p-fn (structure-name)
+  (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
+  (intern (concatenate 'string
+	    structure-name
+	    "-P")
+	  :cl-test))
+(defun make-struct-copy-fn (structure-name)
+   (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
+   (intern (concatenate 'string
+	     "COPY-"
+	     structure-name)
+	   :cl-test))
+(defun make-struct-field-fn (structure-name field-name)
+  "Make field accessor for a field in a structure"
+  (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
+  (setf field-name (string field-name))
+  (intern (concatenate 'string
+	    structure-name "-" field-name)
+	  :cl-test))
+(defun make-struct-make-fn (structure-name)
+  "Make the make- function for a structure"
+  (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
+  (intern (concatenate 'string
+	    "MAKE-" structure-name)
+	  :cl-test))  
+(defun create-instance-of-type (type)
+  "Return an instance of a type.  Signal an error if
+  it can't figure out a value for the type."
+  (cond
+   ((eq type t)  ;; anything
+    'a)
+   ((eq type 'symbol)
+    'b)
+   ((eq type 'null) nil)
+   ((eq type 'boolean) t)
+   ((eq type 'keyword) :foo)
+   ((eq type nil) (error "Cannot obtain element of type ~S~%" type))
+   ((eq type 'cons) (cons 'a 'b))
+   ((eq type 'list) (list 1 2 3))
+   ((eq type 'fixnum) 17)
+   ((eq type 'bignum)
+    (let ((x 1))
+      (loop until (typep x 'bignum)
+	  do (setq x (* 2 x)))
+      x))
+   ((and (symbolp type)
+	 (typep type 'structure-class))
+    (let ((make-fn
+	   (intern (concatenate 'string "MAKE-" (symbol-name type))
+		   (symbol-package type))))
+      (eval (list make-fn))))
+   ((eq type 'character) #\w)
+   ((eq type 'base-char) #\z)
+   ((member type '(integer unsigned-byte signed-byte)) 35)
+   ((eq type 'bit) 1)
+   ((and (consp type)
+	 (consp (cdr type))
+	 (consp (cddr type))
+	 (null (cdddr type))
+	 (eq (car type) 'integer)
+	 (integerp (second type)))
+    (second type))
+   ((member type '(float single-float long-float double-float short-float))
+    0.0)
+   ((and (consp type)
+	 (eq (car type) 'member)
+	 (consp (cdr type)))
+    (second type))
+   ((and (consp type)
+	 (eq (car type) 'or)
+	 (consp (second type)))
+    (create-instance-of-type (second type)))
+   (t (error "Cannot generate element for type ~S~%" type))))
+;; There are a number of standardized tests for
+;; structures.  The following macro generates the
+;; structure definition and the tests.
+(defmacro defstruct-with-tests
+    (name-and-options &body slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+"Construct standardized tests for a defstruct, and also
+do the defstruct."
+  (let* ((doc-string
+	 (when (and (consp slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+		    (stringp (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
+	   (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
+	 (slot-descriptions
+	  (if doc-string (cdr slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+	    slot-descriptions-and-documentation))
+	 (name (if (consp name-and-options)
+		   (car name-and-options)
+		 name-and-options))
+	 (options (if (consp name-and-options)
+		      (cdr name-and-options)
+		    nil))
+	 (slot-names
+	  (loop
+	      for x in slot-descriptions collect
+		(if (consp x) (car x) x)))
+	 (make-fn (make-struct-make-fn name))
+	 (p-fn (make-struct-p-fn name))
+	 (copy-fn (make-struct-copy-fn name))
+	 ;; a list of initial values
+	 (initial-value-alist
+	  (loop
+	      for slot-desc in slot-descriptions
+	      collect
+		(let ((slot-name (if (consp slot-desc)
+				     (car slot-desc)
+				   slot-desc))
+		      (slot-attrs (if (consp slot-desc)
+				      (cdr slot-desc)
+				    nil)))
+		  (when (and (consp slot-attrs)
+			     (not (keywordp slot-attrs)))
+		    (pop slot-attrs))
+		  (let ((type (getf slot-attrs :type)))
+		    (if type
+			(cons slot-name (create-instance-of-type type))
+		      (cons slot-name (gensym)))))))
+	 )
+      `(eval-when (compile load eval)
+	 (defstruct ,name-and-options
+	    ,@slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+	 ;; Test that structure is of the correct type
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 1)
+	     (not (not (typep (,make-fn) (quote ,name))))
+	   t)
+	 ;; Test that the -P predicate exists
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 2)
+	     (not (not (,p-fn (,make-fn))))
+	   t)
+	 ;; Test that the elements of *universe* are not
+	 ;; of this type
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 3)
+	     (count-if (function ,p-fn) *universe*)
+	   0)
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 4)
+	     (count-if (function (lambda (x) (typep x (quote ,name))))
+		       *universe*)
+	   0)
+	 ;; Check that the fields can be read after being initialized
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 5)
+	     ,(let ((inits nil)
+		    (tests nil)
+		    (var (gensym "X")))
+		(loop
+		    for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+		    do
+		      (setf inits
+			(list* (intern (string slot-name) "KEYWORD")
+			       (list 'quote initval)
+			       inits))
+		      (push `(eql (quote ,initval)
+				  (,(make-struct-field-fn name slot-name)
+				   ,var))
+			    tests))
+		`(let ((,var (,(make-struct-make-fn name) . ,inits)))
+		   (and ,@tests t)))
+	   t)
+	 ;; Check that two invocations return different structures
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 6)
+	     ,(let ((make-fn (make-struct-make-fn name)))
+		`(eq (,make-fn) (,make-fn)))
+	   nil)
+	 ;; Check that we can setf the fields
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 7)
+	     ,(let* ((var (gensym "X"))
+		     (var2 (gensym "T"))
+		     (tests
+		      (loop
+			  for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+			  collect
+			    (let ((field-fn (make-struct-field-fn name slot-name)))
+			      `(let ((,var2 (quote ,initval)))
+				 (setf (,field-fn ,var) ,var2)
+				 (eql (,field-fn ,var) ,var2))))))
+		`(let ((,var (,(make-struct-make-fn name))))
+		   (and ,@tests t)))
+	   t)
+	 ;; Check that the copy function properly copies fields
+	 (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 8)
+	     ,(let* ((var (gensym "X"))
+		     (var2 (gensym "Y")))
+		`(let ((,var (,(make-struct-make-fn name)
+			      ,@(loop
+				    for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+				    nconc (list (intern (string slot-name) "KEYWORD")
+						`(quote ,initval))))))
+		   (let ((,var2 (,(make-struct-copy-fn name) ,var)))
+		     (and
+		      (not (eql ,var ,var2))
+		      ,@(loop
+			    for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+			    collect
+			      (let ((fn (make-struct-field-fn name slot-name)))
+				`(eql (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var2))))
+		      t))))
+	   t)
+	 )))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34429435b2c47b6750297d5963c0a6758ee94bac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat May  2 21:45:32 1998
+;;;; Contains: Test code for structures, part 01
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;;; Tests for structures
+;;; The CL Spec leaves undefined just what will happen when a structure is
+;;; redefined.  These tests don't redefine structures, but reloading a file
+;;; with structure definition will do so.  I assume that this leaves the
+;;; structure type unchanged.
+;; Test simple defstruct (fields, no options)
+(defstruct s-1
+  foo bar)
+;; Test that make-s-1 produces objects
+;; of the correct type
+(deftest structure-1-1
+    (not (not (typep (make-s-1) 's-1)))
+  t)
+;; Test that the -p predicate exists
+(deftest structure-1-2
+    (not (not (s-1-p (make-s-1))))
+  t)
+;; Test that all the objects in the universe are
+;; not of this type
+(deftest structure-1-3
+    (count-if #'s-1-p *universe*)
+  0)
+(deftest structure-1-4
+    (count-if #'(lambda (x) (typep x 's-1)) *universe*)
+  0)
+;; Check that the fields can be read after being initialized
+(deftest structure-1-5
+    (s-1-foo (make-s-1 :foo 'a))
+  a)
+(deftest structure-1-6
+    (s-1-bar (make-s-1 :bar 'b))
+  b)
+(deftest structure-1-7
+    (let ((s (make-s-1 :foo 'c :bar 'd)))
+      (list (s-1-foo s) (s-1-bar s)))
+  (c d))
+;; Can setf the fields
+(deftest structure-1-8
+    (let ((s (make-s-1)))
+      (setf (s-1-foo s) 'e)
+      (setf (s-1-bar s) 'f)
+      (list (s-1-foo s) (s-1-bar s)))
+  (e f))
+(deftest structure-1-9
+    (let ((s (make-s-1 :foo 'a :bar 'b)))
+      (setf (s-1-foo s) 'e)
+      (setf (s-1-bar s) 'f)
+      (list (s-1-foo s) (s-1-bar s)))
+  (e f))
+;; copier function defined
+(deftest structure-1-10
+    (let ((s (make-s-1 :foo 'a :bar 'b)))
+      (let ((s2 (copy-s-1 s)))
+	(setf (s-1-foo s) nil)
+	(setf (s-1-bar s) nil)
+	(list (s-1-foo s2)
+	      (s-1-bar s2))))
+  (a b))
+;; Make produces unique items
+(deftest structure-1-11
+    (eq (make-s-1) (make-s-1))
+  nil)
+(deftest structure-1-12
+    (eq (make-s-1 :foo 'a :bar 'b)
+	(make-s-1 :foo 'a :bar 'b))
+  nil)
+;; More type and class checks
+(deftest structure-1-13
+    (not (not (typep (class-of (make-s-1)) 'structure-class)))
+  t)
+(deftest structure-1-14
+    (not (not (typep (make-s-1) 'structure-object)))
+  t)
+(deftest structure-1-15
+    (subtypep 's-1 'structure-object)
+  t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2d889a609736ea89391b57f2665107c43f67b060
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun May  3 22:46:54 1998
+;;;; Contains: Test code for structures, part 02
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Test initializers for fields
+(defvar *s-2-f6-counter* 0)
+(defstruct s-2
+  (f1 0)
+  (f2 'a)
+  (f3 1.21)
+  (f4 #\d)
+  (f5 (list 'a 'b))
+  (f6 (incf *s-2-f6-counter*)))
+;; Standard structure tests
+;; Fields have appropriate values
+(deftest structure-2-1
+    (let ((s (make-s-2)))
+      (and
+       (eql (s-2-f1 s) 0)
+       (eq  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
+       (eql (s-2-f3 s) 1.21)
+       (eql (s-2-f4 s) #\d)
+       (equal (s-2-f5 s) '(a b))
+       (eql (s-2-f6 s) *s-2-f6-counter*)))
+  t)
+;; Two successive invocations of make-s-2 return different objects
+(deftest structure-2-2
+   (eq (s-2-f5 (make-s-2))
+       (s-2-f5 (make-s-2)))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a2c9d2cc6a29a63a384b2e145f9e849f9119e174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 31 18:17:09 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SUBSTITUTE-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.1
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute-if-not 'b #'null x) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.2
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.3
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.4
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.5
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1) x))
+  (b b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.6
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.7
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.8
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.9
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.10
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.11
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.12
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.13
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.14
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.2
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.3
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.4
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.5
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1) x))
+  #(b b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.6
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.7
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.9
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.10
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.11
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.12
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.13
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.14
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if-not 'b (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.2
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.3
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.4
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 2) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.5
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 1) x))
+  "bbac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.6
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 0) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.7
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count -1) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.9
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.10
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.11
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.12
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.13
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.14
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if-not #\b (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010000)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :end 3)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010001)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*110101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+  t)
+;;; More tests
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x
+				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.26
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*11111111111111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.27
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*01111111111010110)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3e0e807a21767377ac72b4b4afa9ec003dcb721d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,623 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Aug 31 17:42:04 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SUBSTITUTE-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.1
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute-if 'b #'identity x) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.2
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.3
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.4
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.5
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1) x))
+  (b b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.6
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.7
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.8
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.9
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.10
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.11
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.12
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.13
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.14
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.2
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.3
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.4
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.5
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1) x))
+  #(b b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.6
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.7
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.9
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.10
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.11
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.12
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.13
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.14
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute-if 'b (is-eq-p 'a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eq-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest substitute-if-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.2
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.3
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.4
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 2) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.5
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 1) x))
+  "bbac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.6
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 0) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.7
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count -1) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.9
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.10
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.11
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.12
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.13
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.14
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute-if #\b (is-eq-p #\a) x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eq-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 'zerop x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010000)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :end 3)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010001)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*110101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute-if 0 (is-eq-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+  t)
+;;; More tests
+(deftest substitute-if-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x
+				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eq-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-if-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest substitute-if-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eq-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.26
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*11111111111111111)
+(deftest substitute-if-bitstring.27
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eq-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*01111111111010110)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..66654e68f59e8ffe08e85f0ed03bb01c9a35653c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,883 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Wed Aug 28 21:15:33 2002
+;;;; Contains: Tests for SUBSTITUTE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest substitute-list.1
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute 'b 'a x) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-list.2
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.3
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.4
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 2) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.5
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 1) x))
+  (b b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.6
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 0) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.7
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count -1) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.8
+  (let ((x '())) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t) x))
+  nil nil)
+(deftest substitute-list.9
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.10
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.11
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  (b b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.12
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b b c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.13
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.14
+  (let ((x '(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  (a b a c)
+  (a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-list.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-list.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equal orig x)
+		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-list.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-list.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equal orig x)
+			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-list.19
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  (1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-list.20
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-list.21
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest substitute-list.22
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-list.23
+  (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest substitute-list.24
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-list.25
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-list.26
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eq))))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+(deftest substitute-list.27
+  (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eq)))
+    (and (equal orig x)
+	 result))
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))    
+;;; Tests on vectors
+(deftest substitute-vector.1
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute 'b 'a x) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-vector.2
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.3
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.4
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 2) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.5
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 1) x))
+  #(b b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.6
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 0) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.7
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count -1) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.8
+  (let ((x #())) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t) x))
+  #() #())
+(deftest substitute-vector.9
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.10
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.11
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  #(b b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.12
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b b c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.13
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.14
+  (let ((x #(a b a c))) (values (substitute 'b 'a x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  #(a b a c)
+  #(a b a c))
+(deftest substitute-vector.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-vector.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-vector.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-vector.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-vector.19
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #(1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-vector.20
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-vector.21
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest substitute-vector.22
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+(deftest substitute-vector.23
+  (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
+(deftest substitute-vector.24
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-vector.25
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+(deftest substitute-vector.26
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eq))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+(deftest substitute-vector.27
+  (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eq)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
+;;; Tests on strings
+(deftest substitute-string.1
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-string.2
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.3
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.4
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 2) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.5
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 1) x))
+  "bbac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.6
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 0) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.7
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count -1) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.8
+  (let ((x "")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :from-end t) x))
+  "" "")
+(deftest substitute-string.9
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.10
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :from-end t :count nil) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.11
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 2 :from-end t) x))
+  "bbbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.12
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abbc"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.13
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count 0 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.14
+  (let ((x "abac")) (values (substitute #\b #\a x :count -1 :from-end t) x))
+  "abac"
+  "abac")
+(deftest substitute-string.15
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-string.16
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+		     (x (copy-seq orig))
+		     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+		(and (equalp orig x)
+		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-string.17
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-string.18
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-string.19
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)	
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "12xxxxx89")
+(deftest substitute-string.20
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "12x456789")
+(deftest substitute-string.21
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "1234567x9")
+(deftest substitute-string.22
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c -4)
+	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "12x456789")
+(deftest substitute-string.23
+  (let* ((orig "123456789")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 5)
+	 (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+						     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "1234567x9")
+(deftest substitute-string.24
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "a1a2342a15")
+(deftest substitute-string.25
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "01a2342015")
+(deftest substitute-string.26
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eq))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  "0a0aaaa0aa")
+(deftest substitute-string.27
+  (let* ((orig "0102342015")
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eq)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+   "0a0aaaa0aa")
+;;; Tests on bitstrings
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.1
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.2
+  (let* ((orig #*)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.3
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.4
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.5
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.6
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010000)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.7
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.8
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000000)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.9
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*000101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.10
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010001)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.11
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*011101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.12
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*110101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.13
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.14
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.15
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.16
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.17
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*010101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.18
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.19
+  (let* ((orig #*010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*111111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.20
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.21
+  (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
+	(loop for j from i to 10 always
+	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+			   (x (copy-seq orig))
+			   (y (substitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+		      (and (equalp orig x)
+			   (equalp y (concatenate
+				      'simple-bit-vector
+				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+  t)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.22
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*0111110101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.23
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*0111110101)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.24
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*0101011111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.25
+  (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (c 0)
+	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
+			     :from-end t)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*0101011111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.26
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*11111111111111111)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.27
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*01111111111010110)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.28
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test (complement #'eq))))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*00000000000000000)
+(deftest substitute-bitstring.29
+  (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
+	 (x (copy-seq orig))
+	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test-not #'eq)))
+    (and (equalp orig x)
+	 result))
+  #*00000000000000000)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0f248c179058c83d3a9e27794748a786b23f4f60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Thu Mar 19 21:48:39 1998
+;;;; Contains: Data for testing type and class inclusions
+;; We should check for every type that NIL is a subtype, and T a supertype
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(use-package :rt)
+(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+(deftest boolean-type-1
+  (handler-case
+    (not (not (typep nil 'boolean)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(deftest boolean-type-2
+  (handler-case
+    (not (not (typep t 'boolean)))
+    (error (c) c))
+  t)
+(defun is-t-or-nil (e)
+  (or (eq e t) (eq e nil)))
+(deftest boolean-type-3
+    (check-type-predicate 'is-t-or-nil 'boolean)
+  0)
+;; Two type inclusions on booleans
+;; have been conditionalized to prevent
+;; some tests from doing too badly on CMU CL on x86
+;; These should get removed when I get a more up to date
+;; image for that platform -- pfd
+(defvar *subtype-table*
+(symbol t)
+#-(and cmu (not sparc)) (boolean symbol)
+(standard-object t)
+(function t)
+(compiled-function function)
+(generic-function function)
+(standard-generic-function generic-function)
+(class standard-object)
+(built-in-class class)
+(structure-class class)
+(standard-class class)
+(method standard-object)
+(standard-method method)
+(structure-object t)
+(method-combination t)
+(condition t)
+(serious-condition condition)
+(error serious-condition)
+(type-error error)
+(simple-type-error type-error)
+(simple-condition condition)
+(simple-type-error simple-condition)
+(parse-error error)
+(hash-table t)
+(cell-error error)
+(unbound-slot cell-error)
+(warning condition)
+(style-warning warning)
+(storage-condition serious-condition)
+(simple-warning warning)
+(simple-warning simple-condition)
+(keyword symbol)
+(unbound-variable cell-error)
+(control-error error)
+(program-error error)
+(undefined-function cell-error)
+(package t)
+(package-error error)
+(random-state t)
+(number t)
+(real number)
+(complex number)
+(float real)
+(short-float float)
+(single-float float)
+(double-float float)
+(long-float float)
+(rational real)
+(integer rational)
+(ratio rational)
+(signed-byte integer)
+(integer signed-byte)
+(unsigned-byte signed-byte)
+(bit unsigned-byte)
+(fixnum integer)
+(bignum integer)
+(bit fixnum)
+(arithmetic-error error)
+(division-by-zero arithmetic-error)
+(floating-point-invalid-operation arithmetic-error)
+(floating-point-inexact arithmetic-error)
+(floating-point-overflow arithmetic-error)
+(floating-point-underflow arithmetic-error)
+(character t)
+(base-char character)
+(standard-char base-char)
+(extended-char character)
+(sequence t)
+(list sequence)
+(null list)
+#-(and cmu (not sparc)) (null boolean)
+(cons list)
+(array t)
+(simple-array array)
+(vector sequence)
+(vector array)
+(string vector)
+(bit-vector vector)
+(simple-vector vector)
+(simple-vector simple-array)
+(simple-bit-vector bit-vector)
+(simple-bit-vector simple-array)
+(base-string string)
+(simple-string string)
+(simple-string simple-array)
+(simple-base-string base-string)
+(simple-base-string simple-string)
+(pathname t)
+(logical-pathname pathname)
+(file-error error)
+(stream t)
+(broadcast-stream stream)
+(concatenated-stream stream)
+(echo-stream stream)
+(file-stream stream)
+(string-stream stream)
+(synonym-stream stream)
+(two-way-stream stream)
+(stream-error error)
+(end-of-file stream-error)
+(print-not-readable error)
+(readtable t)
+(reader-error parse-error)
+(reader-error stream-error)
+(deftest types-3
+    (count-if
+     #'(lambda (pair)
+	 (let ((t1 (first pair))
+	       (t2 (second pair)))
+	   (cond
+	    ((not (subtypep t1 t2))
+	     (format t "~%~S not a subtype of ~S" t1 t2)
+	     t)
+	    (t nil))))
+     *subtype-table*)
+  0)
+(defconstant +float-types+ '(long-float double-float short-float single-float))
+(defun types-4-body ()
+  (let ((parent-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+	(types nil))
+    (loop
+	for p in *subtype-table* do
+	  (let ((tp (first p))
+		(parent (second p)))
+	    (pushnew tp types)
+	    (pushnew parent types)
+	    (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
+	      (pushnew parent parents)
+	      ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp parent)
+	      (loop
+		  for pp in (gethash parent parent-table) do
+		    ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp pp)
+		    (pushnew pp parents))
+	      (setf (gethash tp parent-table) parents))))
+    ;; parent-table now contains lists of ancestors
+    (loop
+	for tp in types sum
+	  (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
+	    (loop
+		for tp2 in types sum
+		  (cond
+		   ((and (not (eq tp tp2))
+			 (not (eq tp2 'standard-object))
+			 (not (eq tp2 'structure-object))
+			 (not (member tp2 parents))
+			 (subtypep tp tp2)
+			 (not (and (member tp +float-types+)
+				   (member tp2 +float-types+)))
+			 (not (and (eq tp2 'structure-object)
+				   (member 'standard-object parents))))
+		    (format t "~%Improper subtype: ~S of ~S"
+			    tp tp2)
+		    1)
+		   (t 0)))))
+    ))
+(deftest types-4
+    (types-4-body)
+  0)
+(deftest types-5
+    (subtypep* 'simple-base-string 'sequence)
+  t t)
+(defun types-6-body ()
+  (loop
+      for p in *subtype-table* count
+	(let ((tp (car p)))
+	  (cond
+	   ((and (not (member tp '(sequence cons list t)))
+		 (not (subtypep tp 'atom)))
+	    (format t "~%Not an atomic type: ~S" tp)
+	    t)))))
+(deftest types-6
+    (types-6-body)
+  0)
+(defvar *disjoint-types-list*
+    '(cons symbol array
+      number character hash-table function readtable package
+      pathname stream random-state condition restart))
+(deftest types-7
+    (loop
+	for tp in *disjoint-types-list* sum
+	  (loop for tp2 in *disjoint-types-list* count
+		(and (not (eq tp tp2))
+		     (subtypep tp tp2))))
+  0)
+(deftest types-8
+    (loop
+	for tp in *disjoint-types-list* count
+	  (cond
+	   ((and (not (eq tp 'cons))
+		 (not (subtypep tp 'atom)))
+	    (format t "~%Should be atomic, but isn't: ~S" tp)
+	    t)))
+  0)
+(defvar *type-list* nil)
+(defvar *supertype-table* nil)
+(defun types-9-body ()
+  (let ((tp-list (append '(keyword atom list)
+			 (loop for p in *subtype-table* collect (car p))))
+	(result-list))
+    (setf tp-list (remove-duplicates tp-list))
+    (setf *type-list* tp-list)
+    (let ((subs (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+	  (sups (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+      (loop
+	  for x in tp-list do
+	    (loop
+		for y in tp-list do
+		  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
+		      (subtypep x y)
+		    (declare (ignore good))
+		    (when result
+		      (pushnew x (gethash y subs))
+		      (pushnew y (gethash x sups))))))
+      (setf *supertype-table* sups)
+      (loop
+	  for x in tp-list do
+	    (let ((sub-list (gethash x subs))
+		  (sup-list (gethash x sups)))
+	      (loop
+		  for t1 in sub-list do
+		    (loop
+			for t2 in sup-list do
+			  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
+			      (subtypep t1 t2)
+			    (when (and good (not result))
+			      (pushnew (list t1 x t2) result-list
+				       :test #'equal)))))))
+      result-list)))
+(deftest types-9
+    (types-9-body)
+  nil)
+(defun types-9a-body ()
+  (cond
+     ((not (and *type-list* *supertype-table*))
+      (format nil "Run test type-9 first~%")
+      nil)
+     (t
+      (loop
+	  for tp in *type-list*
+	  sum
+	    (let ((sups (gethash tp *supertype-table*)))
+	      (loop
+		  for x in *universe*
+		  sum
+		    (handler-case
+		    (cond
+		     ((not (typep x tp)) 0)
+		     (t
+		      (loop
+			  for tp2 in sups
+			  count
+			    (handler-case
+				(and (not (typep x tp2))
+				     (progn
+				       (format t "Found element of ~S not in ~S~%"
+					       tp tp2)
+				       t))
+			      (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%"
+						c tp2)
+				t)))))
+		    (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%" c tp)
+		      1))))))))
+(deftest types-9a
+    (types-9a-body)
+  0)
+;;; deftype
+(defun even-size-p (a)
+  (some #'evenp (array-dimensions a)))
+(deftype even-array (&optional type size)
+  `(and (array ,type ,size)
+       (satisfies even-size-p)))
+(deftest deftype-1
+    (typep 1 '(even-array integer (10)))
+  nil)
+(deftest deftype-2
+    (typep nil '(even-array t (*)))
+  nil)
+(deftest deftype-3
+    (not (not (typep (make-array '(10)) '(even-array t (*)))))
+  t)
+(deftest deftype-4
+    (typep (make-array '(5)) '(even-array t (*)))
+  nil)
+(deftest deftype-5
+    (not (not (typep (make-string 10) '(even-array character (*)))))
+  t)
+(deftest deftype-6
+    (not (not
+	  (typep (make-array '(3 5 6) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+	   '(even-array (unsigned-byte 8)))))
+  t)
+;; This should be greatly expanded
diff --git a/ansi-tests/universe.lsp b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..43df57e57871c6173a21f0a2d4c4a5e256bfd993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Thu Apr  9 19:32:56 1998
+;;;; Contains: A global variable containing a list of
+;;;;           as many kinds of CL objects as we can think of
+;;;;           This list is used to test many other CL functions
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defvar *condition-types*
+    '(arithmetic-error
+      cell-error
+      condition
+      control-error
+      division-by-zero
+      end-of-file
+      error
+      file-error
+      floating-point-inexact
+      floating-point-invalid-operation
+      floating-point-underflow
+      floating-point-overflow
+      package-error
+      parse-error
+      print-not-readable
+      program-error
+      reader-error
+      serious-condition
+      simple-condition
+      simple-error
+      simple-type-error
+      simple-warning
+      storage-condition
+      stream-error
+      style-warning
+      type-error
+      unbound-slot
+      unbound-variable
+      undefined-function
+      warning))
+(defvar *condition-objects*
+    (loop
+	for tp in *condition-types* append
+	  (handler-case
+	      (list (make-condition tp))
+	    (error () nil))))
+(defvar *standard-package-names*
+(defvar *package-objects*
+    (loop
+	for pname in *standard-package-names* append
+	  (handler-case
+	      (let ((pkg (find-package pname)))
+		(and pkg (list pkg)))
+	    (error () nil))))
+(defvar *integers*
+    (remove-duplicates
+     `(
+       0
+       ;; Integers near the fixnum/bignum boundaries
+       ,@(loop for i from -5 to 5 collect (+ i MOST-POSITIVE-FIXNUM))
+       ,@(loop for i from -5 to 5 collect (+ i MOST-NEGATIVE-FIXNUM))
+       ;; Powers of two, negatives, and off by one.
+       ,@(loop for i from 1 to 64 collect (ash 1 i))
+       ,@(loop for i from 1 to 64 collect (1- (ash 1 i)))
+       ,@(loop for i from 1 to 64 collect (ash -1 i))
+       ,@(loop for i from 1 to 64 collect (1+ (ash -1 i)))
+       ;; A big integer
+       ,(expt 17 50)
+       ;; Some arbitrarily chosen integers
+       12387131 1272314 231 -131 -561823 23713 -1234611312123 444121 991)))
+(defvar *floats*
+    (list
+     0.0 1.0 -1.0 313123.13 283143.231 -314781.9
+     1.31283d2 834.13812D-45
+     8131238.1E14 -4618926.231e-2
+     -37818.131F3 81.318231f-19
+     1.31273s3 12361.12S-7
+     6124.124l0 13123.1L-23))
+(defvar *ratios*
+    '(1/3 1/1000 1/1000000000000000 -10/3 -1000/7 -987129387912381/13612986912361
+      189729874978126783786123/1234678123487612347896123467851234671234))
+(defvar *complexes*
+    '(#C(0.0 0.0)
+      #C(1.0 0.0)
+      #C(0.0 1.0)
+      #C(1.0 1.0)
+      #C(-1.0 -1.0)
+      #C(1289713.12312 -9.12681271)
+      #C(1.0D100 1.0D100)
+      #C(-1.0D-100 -1.0D-100)))
+(defvar *numbers*
+    (append *integers*
+	    *floats*
+	    *ratios*
+	    *complexes*))
+(defun try-to-read-chars (&rest namelist)
+  (loop
+    for name in namelist append
+	(handler-case
+	    (list (read-from-string
+		   (concatenate 'string "\#\\" name)))
+	  (error () nil))))
+(defvar *characters*
+    (remove-duplicates
+     `(#\Newline
+       #\Space
+       ,@(try-to-read-chars "Rubout"
+			    "Page"
+			    "Tab"
+			    "Backspace"
+			    "Return"
+			    "Linefeed"
+			    "Null")
+       #\a #\A #\0 #\9 #\. #\( #\) #\[ #\]
+       )))
+(defvar *strings*
+    (append
+     (and (code-char 0)
+	  (list
+	   (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0))
+	   (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0))))
+     (list
+      "" "A" "a" "0" "abcdef"
+      "~!@#$%^&*()_+`1234567890-=<,>.?/:;\"'{[}]|\\ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ"
+      (make-string 100000 :initial-element #\g)
+      (let ((s (make-string 256)))
+	(loop
+	    for i from 0 to 255
+	    do (let ((c (code-char i)))
+		 (when c
+		   (setf (elt s i) c))))
+	s))))
+(defvar *conses*
+    (list
+     (list 'a 'b)
+     (list nil)
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+(defvar *circular-conses*
+    (list
+     (let ((s (copy-list '(a b c d))))
+       (nconc s s)
+       s)
+     (let ((s (list nil)))
+       (setf (car s) s)
+       s)
+     (let ((s (list nil)))
+       (setf (car s) s)
+       (setf (cdr s) s))))
+(defvar *booleans* '(nil t))
+(defvar *keywords* '(:a :b :|| :|a| :|1234|))
+(defvar *uninterned-symbols*
+    (list '#:nil '#:t '#:foo
+	  #-CMU '#:||
+	  ))
+(defvar *cl-test-symbols*
+    `(,(intern "a" :cl-test)
+      ,(intern "" :cl-test)
+      ,@(and (code-char 0)
+	     (list (intern (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0)) :cl-test)))
+      ,@(and (code-char 0)
+	     (let* ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0)))
+		    (s2 (copy-seq s))
+		    (s3 (copy-seq s)))
+	       (setf (subseq s 3 4) "a")
+	       (setf (subseq s2 4 5) "a")
+	       (setf (subseq s3 4 5) "a")
+	       (setf (subseq s3 7 8) "b")
+	       (list (intern s :cl-test)
+		     (intern s2 :cl-test)
+		     (intern s3 :cl-test))))
+      ))
+(defvar *cl-user-symbols*
+    '(cl-user::foo cl-user::x
+      cl-user::cons cl-user::lambda
+      cl-user::*print-readably* cl-user::push))
+(defvar *symbols*
+    (append *booleans* *keywords* *uninterned-symbols*
+	    *cl-test-symbols*
+	    *cl-user-symbols*))
+(defvar *array-dimensions*
+    (loop
+	for i from 1 to 8 collect
+	  (loop for j from 1 to i collect 2)))
+(defvar *arrays*
+    (append
+     (list (make-array '10))
+     (mapcar #'make-array *array-dimensions*)
+     ;; typed arrays
+     (loop for tp in '(fixnum float bit character base-char
+		       (signed-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8))
+	 append
+	   (loop
+	       for d in *array-dimensions*
+	       collect (make-array d :element-type tp)))
+     ;; adjustable arrays
+     (loop
+       for d in *array-dimensions*
+	 collect (make-array d :adjustable t))
+     ;; more kinds of arrays here later
+     ))
+(defvar *hash-tables*
+    (list
+     (make-hash-table)
+     (make-hash-table :test #'eq)
+     (make-hash-table :test #'eql)
+     (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
+     #-(or GCL CMU) (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)
+     ))
+(defvar *pathnames*
+    (list
+     (make-pathname :name "foo")
+     (make-pathname :name "bar")
+     (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "txt")
+     (make-pathname :name "bar" :type "txt")
+     (make-pathname :name :wild)
+     (make-pathname :name :wild :type "txt")
+     ))
+(defvar *streams*
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (remove-if
+      #'null
+      (list
+       *debug-io*
+       *error-output*
+       *query-io*
+       *standard-input*
+       *standard-output*
+       *terminal-io*
+       *trace-output*))))
+(defvar *readtables*
+    (list *readtable*
+	  (copy-readtable)))
+(defstruct foo-structure
+  x y z)
+(defstruct bar-structure
+  x y z)
+(defvar *structures*
+    (list
+     (make-foo-structure :x 1 :y 'a :z nil)
+     (make-foo-structure :x 1 :y 'a :z nil)
+     (make-bar-structure :x 1 :y 'a :z nil)
+     ))
+(defvar *universe*
+    (remove-duplicates
+     (append
+      *symbols*
+      *numbers*
+      *characters*
+      (mapcar #'copy-seq *strings*)
+      *conses*
+      *condition-objects*
+      *package-objects*
+      *arrays*
+      *hash-tables*
+      *pathnames*
+      *streams*
+      *readtables*
+      *structures*
+      nil)))