diff --git a/ansi-tests/abs.lsp b/ansi-tests/abs.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..33cdc9018e81d0c3600b2ea15a1d20f4c5f920e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/abs.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Sep  1 20:16:42 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ABS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(compile-and-load "numbers-aux.lsp")
+(deftest abs.error.1
+  (classify-error (abs))
+  program-error)
+(deftest abs.error.2
+  (classify-error (abs 0 0))
+  program-error)
+(deftest abs.error.3
+  (classify-error (abs 0 nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest abs.1
+  (loop for x in *numbers*
+	for a = (abs x)
+	always (and (realp a) (not (minusp a))))
+  t)
+(deftest abs.2
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+	for a = (abs x)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
+	collect (list x a))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.3
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 300)))
+    (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for a = (abs x)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
+	  collect (list x a)))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.4
+  (loop for num = (random-fixnum)
+	for den = (random-fixnum)
+	for den2 = (if (zerop den) 1 den)
+	for r = (/ num den)
+	for a = (abs r)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (if (>= r 0) (eql r a) (eql (- r) a))
+	collect (list num den2 r a))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.5
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 210)))
+    (loop
+     for num = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for den = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for den2 = (if (zerop den) 1 den)
+     for r = (/ num den)
+     for a = (abs r)
+     repeat 10000
+     unless (if (>= r 0) (eql r a) (eql (- r) a))
+     collect (list num den2 r a)))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.6
+  (let ((bound (float (ash 1 11) 1.0s0)))
+    (loop
+     for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for a = (abs x)
+     repeat 10000
+     unless (if (minusp x)
+		(eql (- x) a)
+	      (eql x a))
+     collect (list x a)))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.7
+  (let ((bound (float (ash 1 22) 1.0f0)))
+    (loop
+     for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for a = (abs x)
+     repeat 10000
+     unless (if (minusp x)
+		(eql (- x) a)
+	      (eql x a))
+     collect (list x a)))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.8
+  (let ((bound (float (ash 1 48) 1.0d0)))
+    (loop
+     for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for a = (abs x)
+     repeat 10000
+     unless (if (minusp x)
+		(eql (- x) a)
+	      (eql x a))
+     collect (list x a)))
+  nil)
+(deftest abs.9
+  (let ((bound (float (ash 1 48) 1.0l0)))
+    (loop
+     for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+     for a = (abs x)
+     repeat 10000
+     unless (if (minusp x)
+		(eql (- x) a)
+	      (eql x a))
+     collect (list x a)))
+  nil)
+;;; The example on the abs page says that (abs -0.0) should be -0,0.
+;;; However, FABS on the x86 returns 0.0 for that.  Since the examples
+;;; in the hyperspec are not normative, the following four tests
+;;; have been commented out.
+;;; (deftest abs.10
+;;;   (abs -0.0s0)
+;;;   -0.0s0)
+;;; (deftest abs.11
+;;;   (abs -0.0f0)
+;;;   -0.0f0)
+;;; (deftest abs.12
+;;;   (abs -0.0d0)
+;;;   -0.0d0)
+;;; (deftest abs.13
+;;;   (abs -0.0l0)
+;;;   -0.0l0)
+;;; Complex numbers
+(deftest abs.14
+  (let ((result (abs #c(3 4))))
+    (=t result 5))
+  t)
+(deftest abs.15
+  (let ((result (abs #c(-3 4))))
+    (=t result 5))
+  t)
+(deftest abs.16
+  (let ((result (abs #c(3 -4))))
+    (=t result 5))
+  t)
+(deftest abs.17
+  (let ((result (abs #c(-3 -4))))
+    (=t result 5))
+  t)
+(deftest abs.18
+  (abs #c(3.0s0 4.0s0))
+  5.0s0)
+(deftest abs.19
+  (abs #c(3.0f0 -4.0f0))
+  5.0f0)
+(deftest abs.20
+  (abs #c(-3.0d0 4.0d0))
+  5.0d0)
+(deftest abs.21
+  (abs #c(-3.0l0 4.0l0))
+  5.0l0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-numbers.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-numbers.lsp
index 7fd8566af864bff8b370d0e67e75e48b15b33be5..232be5632eceb1faff1c66afc8db258178080634 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-numbers.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-numbers.lsp
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
 (load "plus.lsp")
 (load "minus.lsp")
 (load "divide.lsp")
+(load "oneplus.lsp")
+(load "oneminus.lsp")
+(load "abs.lsp")
 (load "rational.lsp")
 (load "rationalize.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp b/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..677518d3a35c4f3f906149ab010d900a2ce40467
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Sep  1 20:14:34 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of 1-
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(compile-and-load "numbers-aux.lsp")
+(deftest 1-.error.1
+  (classify-error (1-))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1-.error.2
+  (classify-error (1- 0 0))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1-.error.3
+  (classify-error (1- 0 nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1-.1
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.2
+  (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 1000))
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1)
+	repeat 1000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.3
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-short-float))
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1.0s0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.4
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-single-float))
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1.0f0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.5
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-double-float))
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1.0d0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.6
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-long-float))
+	for y = (1- x)
+	for z = (- x 1.0l0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.7
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+	for y = (random-fixnum)
+	for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+	for r = (/ x y2)
+	for r1 = (1- r)
+	for r2 = (- r 1)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql r1 r2)
+	collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.8
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
+    (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+	  for r = (/ x y2)
+	  for r1 = (1- r)
+	  for r2 = (- r 1)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql r1 r2)
+	  collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
+  nil)
+;;; Complex numbers
+(deftest 1-.9
+  (loop for xr = (random-fixnum)
+	for xi = (random-fixnum)
+	for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+	collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.10
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 100)))
+    (loop for xr = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.11
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-short-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.12
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-single-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.13
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-double-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1-.14
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-long-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (-  xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp b/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..490e804e8d7b72bcc4d235b61688def7fbc35c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Mon Sep  1 19:53:34 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of 1+
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(compile-and-load "numbers-aux.lsp")
+(deftest 1+.error.1
+  (classify-error (1+))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1+.error.2
+  (classify-error (1+ 0 0))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1+.error.3
+  (classify-error (1+ 0 nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest 1+.1
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.2
+  (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 1000))
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1)
+	repeat 1000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.3
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-short-float))
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1.0s0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.4
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-single-float))
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1.0f0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.5
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-double-float))
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1.0d0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.6
+  (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-long-float))
+	for y = (1+ x)
+	for z = (+ x 1.0l0)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql y z)
+	collect (list x y z))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.7
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+	for y = (random-fixnum)
+	for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+	for r = (/ x y2)
+	for r1 = (1+ r)
+	for r2 = (+ r 1)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql r1 r2)
+	collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.8
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
+    (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+	  for r = (/ x y2)
+	  for r1 = (1+ r)
+	  for r2 = (+ r 1)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql r1 r2)
+	  collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
+  nil)
+;;; Complex numbers
+(deftest 1+.9
+  (loop for xr = (random-fixnum)
+	for xi = (random-fixnum)
+	for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	repeat 10000
+	unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.10
+  (let ((bound (ash 1 100)))
+    (loop for xr = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.11
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-short-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.12
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-single-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.13
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-double-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)
+(deftest 1+.14
+  (let ((bound (1- most-positive-long-float)))
+    (loop for xr = (random bound)
+	  for xi = (random bound)
+	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
+	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+	  repeat 10000
+	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+  nil)