diff --git a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
index ecf03cdc37ccf634c6d640624311d3ce81227653..5e4454d7da0a141b8210738d0216df07dc1b8b9a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
@@ -1481,4 +1481,4 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defun slot-value-or-nil (object slot-name)
   (and (slot-exists-p object slot-name)
        (slot-boundp object slot-name)
-       (slot-value object slot-name)))
\ No newline at end of file
+       (slot-value object slot-name)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
index f02f660de98b5f8345c57124d2482708e61cef31..04d0d4925dd3ce5eadb3153f01da69b42af4f9ec 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
@@ -608,3 +608,33 @@
      (change-class obj new-class '(nonsense) 'a)))
+;;; According to the page for BUILT-IN-CLASS, using CHANGE-CLASS
+;;; to change the class to/from a builtin class should raise a
+;;; signal of type ERROR.
+(deftest change-class.error.5
+  (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
+    (loop for e in *mini-universe*
+	  for class = (class-of e)
+	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+		    (handler-case
+		     (progn
+		       (change-class (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a)
+				     class)
+		       t)
+		     (error () nil)))
+	  collect e))
+  nil)
+(deftest change-class.error.6
+  (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
+    (loop for e in *mini-universe*
+	  for class = (class-of e)
+	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+		    (handler-case
+		     (progn
+		       (change-class e (find-class 'change-class-class-01a))
+		       t)
+		     (error () nil)))
+	  collect e))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-eval-and-compile.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-eval-and-compile.lsp
index 64b64aa39b424a1dc14425d56b2d50aa4394cba3..c8af8c66c4e398d84588467263d5aea85ed46b47 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-eval-and-compile.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-eval-and-compile.lsp
@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@
 (load "define-compiler-macro.lsp")
 (load "define-symbol-macro.lsp")
 (load "defmacro.lsp")
+(load "the.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
index 4f0344c3ab228b3321616ac2cd702a3f16c4c026..62eeccb453fb14791fd4dfe9f05d09d7039a28f5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
@@ -16,4 +16,6 @@
 (load "shared-initialize.lsp")
 (load "change-class.lsp")
 (load "update-instance-for-different-class.lsp")
+(load "slot-boundp,lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0ceba738465173a72557472011d9c7ca47225300
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue May  6 05:53:32 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SLOT-BOUNDP
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;;; SLOT-BOUNDP is extensively tested in other files as well
+(defclass slot-boundp-class-01 ()
+  (a (b :initarg :b) (c :initform 'x)))
+(deftest slot-boundp.1
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+    (slot-boundp obj 'a))
+  nil)
+(deftest slot-boundp.2
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+    (setf (slot-value obj 'a) nil)
+    (notnot-mv (slot-boundp obj 'a)))
+  t)
+(deftest slot-boundp.3
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01 :b nil)))
+    (notnot-mv (slot-boundp obj 'b)))
+  t)
+(deftest slot-boundp.4
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+    (notnot-mv (slot-boundp obj 'c)))
+  t)
+(deftest slot-boundp.5
+  (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+    (slot-makunbound obj 'c)
+    (slot-boundp obj 'c))
+  nil)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest slot-boundp.error.1
+  (classify-error (slot-boundp))
+  program-error)
+(deftest slot-boundp.error.2
+  (classify-error (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+		    (slot-boundp obj)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest slot-boundp.error.3
+  (classify-error (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+		    (slot-boundp obj 'a nil)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest slot-boundp.error.4
+  (let ((err (classify-error
+	      (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
+		(slot-boundp obj 'nonexistent-slot)))))
+    (and err (notnot (subtypep err 'error))))
+  t)
+;;; SLOT-BOUNDP should signal an error on elements of built-in-classes
+(deftest slot-boundp.error.5
+  (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
+    (loop for e in *mini-universe*
+	  for class = (class-of e)
+	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+		    (handler-case (progn (slot-boundp e 'foo) t)
+				  (error () nil)))
+	  collect e))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/the.lsp b/ansi-tests/the.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..afe64bfc7d500a1ec089a5cb7ca5a86a83cfdde0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/the.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Tue May  6 06:48:48 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of THE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest the.1
+  (the (values) (values)))
+(deftest the.2
+  (the (values) 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest the.3
+  (loop for e in *universe*
+	for x = (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values) (quote ,e))))
+	unless (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e))
+	collect e)
+  nil)
+(deftest the.4
+  (loop for e in *universe*
+	for x = (multiple-value-list (eval `(the ,(type-of e) (quote ,e))))
+	unless (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e))
+	collect e)
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/universe.lsp b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
index d7383d16367e2be76e9f853a877f5af7e20441df..19e132dedf17e166e07712ba1538efd6261266b5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
@@ -377,21 +377,22 @@
 (defvar *mini-universe*
-   (mapcar #'first
-	   (list *symbols*
-		 *numbers*
-		 *characters*
-		 (mapcar #'copy-seq *strings*)
-		 *conses*
-		 *condition-objects*
-		 *package-objects*
-		 *arrays*
-		 *hash-tables*
-		 *pathnames*
-		 *streams*
-		 *readtables*
-		 *structures*
-		 *functions*
-		 *random-states*))))
+   (append
+    (mapcar #'first
+	    (list *symbols*
+		  *numbers*
+		  *characters*
+		  (list (copy-seq (first *strings*)))
+		  *conses*
+		  *condition-objects*
+		  *package-objects*
+		  *arrays*
+		  *hash-tables*
+		  *pathnames*
+		  *streams*
+		  *readtables*
+		  *structures*
+		  *functions*
+		  *random-states*))
+    '(;;; Others to fill in gaps
+      1.2s0 1.3f0 1.5d0 1.8l0 3/5 10000000000000000000000))))