diff --git a/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp b/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fca64a2eded6a0031ee2765ad795cc451eced93c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Jun 15 12:05:47 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of CLASS-NAME
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;;; This is mostly tested elsewhere.
+(deftest class-name.1
+  (class-name (find-class 'symbol))
+  symbol)
+(defclass class-name-class-01 () (a b c))
+(defmethod class-name ((x class-name-class-01)) 'silly)
+(deftest class-name.2
+  (class-name (make-instance 'class-name-class-01))
+  silly)
+;; Tests of (setf class-name)
+(deftest setf-class-name.1
+  (typep* #'(setf class-name) 'standard-generic-function)
+  t)
+(deftest class-name.error.1
+  (classify-error (class-name))
+  program-error)
+(deftest class-name.error.2
+  (classify-error (class-name (find-class 'symbol) nil))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..514faff83ac5b47438ceb79e96ad189a2fd3a357
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Jun 15 10:49:39 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(define-method-combination times
+  :documentation "Multiplicative method combination, version 1"
+  :operator *)
+(defgeneric dmc-gf-01 (x) (:method-combination times))
+(defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x integer)) 2)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x rational)) 3)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x real)) 5)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x number)) 7)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x complex)) 11)
+(deftest define-method-combination-01.1
+  (values
+   (dmc-gf-01 1)
+   (dmc-gf-01 1/2)
+   (dmc-gf-01 1.0)
+   (dmc-gf-01 #c(1 2)))
+  210 105 35 77)
+(deftest define-method-combination-01.2
+  (handler-case
+   (eval '(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+		   (dmc-gf-01 'x)))
+   (error () :good))
+  :good)
+(defgeneric dmc-gf-02 (x) (:method-combination times))
+(defmethod dmc-gf-02 times ((x integer)) 2)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-02 :around ((x rational)) (1- (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod dmc-gf-02 times ((x real)) 3)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-02 times ((x number)) 5)
+(defmethod dmc-gf-02 :around ((x (eql 1.0s0))) 1)
+(deftest define-method-combination-02.1
+  (values
+   (dmc-gf-02 1)
+   (dmc-gf-02 1/3)
+   (dmc-gf-02 1.0s0)
+   (dmc-gf-02 13.0)
+   (dmc-gf-02 #c(1 2)))
+  29 14 1 15 5)
+(defgeneric dmc-gf-03 (x) (:method-combination times))
+(deftest define-method-combination-03.1
+  (handler-case
+   (progn
+     (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 ((x integer)) t))
+     :bad)
+   (error () :good))
+  :good)
+(deftest define-method-combination-03.2
+  (handler-case
+   (progn
+     (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :before ((x cons)) t))
+     :bad)
+   (error () :good))
+  :good)
+(deftest define-method-combination-03.3
+  (handler-case
+   (progn
+     (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :after ((x symbol)) t))
+     :bad)
+   (error () :good))
+  :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
index 2a1be1a7d485824e2fcc874db6b97f337040c015..3affa3c491b43331b5ddd6e969631f40d823b12b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-objects.lsp
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@
 (load "next-method-p.lsp")
 (load "call-next-method.lsp")
 (load "compute-applicable-methods.lsp")
+(load "define-method-combination.lsp")
 (load "find-method.lsp")
 (load "add-method.lsp")
 (load "unbound-slot.lsp")
+(load "class-name.lsp")