From c7bcc4faed97a8697a1af01948e7bd0a818543dd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: sds <sds@localhost>
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 19:45:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] untabify

 ansi-tests/abort.lsp                          |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/abs.lsp                            |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/acons.lsp                          |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/acos.lsp                           |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/acosh.lsp                          |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/add-method.lsp                     |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp                         |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/adjust-array.lsp                   |  418 ++--
 ansi-tests/adjustable-array-p.lsp             |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/allocate-instance.lsp              |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/and.lsp                            |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/ansi-aux-macros.lsp                |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp                       |  898 ++++----
 ansi-tests/append.lsp                         |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/apply.lsp                          |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/apropos-list.lsp                   |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/apropos.lsp                        |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/aref.lsp                           |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/arithmetic-error.lsp               |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/array-aux.lsp                      |  202 +-
 ansi-tests/array-dimension.lsp                |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/array-dimensions.lsp               |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/array-displacement.lsp             |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/array-element-type.lsp             |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/array-in-bounds-p.lsp              |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/array-rank.lsp                     |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/array-row-major-index.lsp          |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/array-t.lsp                        |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/array-total-size.lsp               |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/array.lsp                          |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/ash.lsp                            |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/asin.lsp                           |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/asinh.lsp                          |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/assert.lsp                         |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp                   |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp                       |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/assoc.lsp                          |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/atan.lsp                           |  122 +-
 ansi-tests/atanh.lsp                          |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp                    |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/atom.lsp                           |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/backquote-aux.lsp                  |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-aux.lsp             |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-test-package.lsp    |    2 +-
 .../errors-data-and-control-flow-3.lsp        |    2 +-
 .../beyond-ansi/errors-eval-compile.lsp       |  142 +-
 ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/load-ba.lsp            |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-and.lsp                        |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-andc1.lsp                      |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-andc2.lsp                      |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-aux.lsp                        |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-eqv.lsp                        |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-ior.lsp                        |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-nand.lsp                       |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-nor.lsp                        |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-not.lsp                        |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-orc1.lsp                       |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-orc2.lsp                       |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-vector-p.lsp                   |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-vector.lsp                     |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/bit-xor.lsp                        |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/bit.lsp                            |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/block.lsp                          |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/boole.lsp                          |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/boundp.lsp                         |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/broadcast-stream-streams.lsp       |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/butlast.lsp                        |   38 +-
 ansi-tests/byte.lsp                           |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/call-arguments-limit.lsp           |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/call-next-method.lsp               |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/case.lsp                           |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/catch.lsp                          |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/ccase.lsp                          |   32 +-
 ansi-tests/ceiling-aux.lsp                    |  164 +-
 ansi-tests/ceiling.lsp                        |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/cell-error-name.lsp                |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/cerror.lsp                         |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/change-class.lsp                   |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/char-aux.lsp                       |  368 +--
 ansi-tests/char-compare.lsp                   |  242 +-
 ansi-tests/char-schar.lsp                     |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/character.lsp                      |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/check-type.lsp                     |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/cis.lsp                            |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/cl-symbol-names.lsp                |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/cl-symbols-aux.lsp                 |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp                     |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp                |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/class-name.lsp                     |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/clear-input.lsp                    |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/clear-output.lsp                   |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/clrhash.lsp                        |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/coerce.lsp                         |   90 +-
 ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp               |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/compile-file.lsp                   |  142 +-
 ansi-tests/compile.lsp                        |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/complement.lsp                     |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/complex.lsp                        |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/compute-applicable-methods.lsp     |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/compute-restarts.lsp               |   90 +-
 ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp                    |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/concatenated-stream-streams.lsp    |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/cond.lsp                           |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/condition.lsp                      |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/conjugate.lsp                      |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp                       |  458 ++--
 ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp                   |   94 +-
 ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp                   |  140 +-
 ansi-tests/cons.lsp                           |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/consp.lsp                          |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/constantly.lsp                     |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/constantp.lsp                      |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/continue.lsp                       |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp                     |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp                      |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-pprint-dispatch.lsp           |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-readtable.lsp                 |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-seq.lsp                       |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-symbol.lsp                    |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp                      |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/cos.lsp                            |  102 +-
 ansi-tests/cosh.lsp                           |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp                   |  246 +--
 ansi-tests/count-if.lsp                       |  272 +--
 ansi-tests/count.lsp                          |  258 +--
 ansi-tests/ctypecase.lsp                      |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/cxr.lsp                            |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/data-and-control-flow.lsp          |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/decf.lsp                           |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/declaim.lsp                        |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/declaration.lsp                    |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/decode-universal-time.lsp          |   90 +-
 ansi-tests/defclass-01.lsp                    |  146 +-
 ansi-tests/defclass-02.lsp                    |  126 +-
 ansi-tests/defclass-03.lsp                    |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/defclass-aux.lsp                   |  346 +--
 ansi-tests/defclass-errors.lsp                |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/defclass-forward-reference.lsp     |  182 +-
 ansi-tests/defconstant.lsp                    |   20 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-and.lsp     |  152 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-append.lsp  |  158 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-list.lsp    |  150 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-max.lsp     |  150 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-min.lsp     |  150 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-nconc.lsp   |  174 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-or.lsp      |  152 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-plus.lsp    |  150 +-
 .../defgeneric-method-combination-progn.lsp   |  212 +-
 ansi-tests/defgeneric.lsp                     |  304 +--
 ansi-tests/define-compiler-macro.lsp          |  128 +-
 ansi-tests/define-condition-aux.lsp           |  100 +-
 ansi-tests/define-condition.lsp               |  320 +--
 .../define-method-combination-long-form.lsp   |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp      |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/define-modify-macro.lsp            |   50 +-
 ansi-tests/define-setf-expander.lsp           |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/define-symbol-macro.lsp            |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/defmacro.lsp                       |  168 +-
 ansi-tests/defmethod.lsp                      |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/defpackage.lsp                     |  636 +++---
 ansi-tests/defparameter.lsp                   |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/defsetf.lsp                        |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/deftype.lsp                        |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/defun.lsp                          |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/defvar.lsp                         |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/delete-file.lsp                    |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/delete-package.lsp                 |  192 +-
 ansi-tests/deposit-field.lsp                  |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/describe.lsp                       |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/destructuring-bind.lsp             |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/directory-namestring.lsp           |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/directory.lsp                      |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/disassemble.lsp                    |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/dispatch-macro-characters.lsp      |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/divide.lsp                         |  238 +-
 ansi-tests/do-all-symbols.lsp                 |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/do-external-symbols.lsp            |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/do-symbols.lsp                     |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/do.lsp                             |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/documentation.lsp                  |  302 +--
 ansi-tests/dolist.lsp                         |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/dostar.lsp                         |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/dotimes.lsp                        |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/dpb.lsp                            |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/dynamic-extent.lsp                 |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/ecase.lsp                          |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/echo-stream-input-stream.lsp       |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/echo-stream-output-stream.lsp      |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/elt.lsp                            |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/encode-universal-time.lsp          |  140 +-
 ansi-tests/enough-namestring.lsp              |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/ensure-directories-exist.lsp       |  100 +-
 ansi-tests/ensure-generic-function.lsp        |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/environment-functions.lsp          |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/epsilons.lsp                       |   90 +-
 ansi-tests/equal.lsp                          |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/equalp.lsp                         |  194 +-
 ansi-tests/error.lsp                          |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/etypecase.lsp                      |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/eval-and-compile.lsp               |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/eval-when.lsp                      |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/eval.lsp                           |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/evenp.lsp                          |   56 +-
 ansi-tests/every.lsp                          |  192 +-
 ansi-tests/exp-aux.lsp                        |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/exp.lsp                            |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/export.lsp                         |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/expt.lsp                           |  120 +-
 ansi-tests/fboundp.lsp                        |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/fceiling-aux.lsp                   |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/fceiling.lsp                       |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/fdefinition.lsp                    |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/features.lsp                       |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/ffloor-aux.lsp                     |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/ffloor.lsp                         |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/file-author.lsp                    |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/file-error.lsp                     |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/file-length.lsp                    |  138 +-
 ansi-tests/file-namestring.lsp                |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/file-position.lsp                  |  130 +-
 ansi-tests/file-string-length.lsp             |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/file-write-date.lsp                |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/fill-pointer.lsp                   |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/fill.lsp                           |  294 +--
 ansi-tests/find-all-symbols.lsp               |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/find-class.lsp                     |  190 +-
 ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp                    |  258 +--
 ansi-tests/find-if.lsp                        |  260 +--
 ansi-tests/find-method.lsp                    |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/find-package.lsp                   |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/find-symbol.lsp                    |   50 +-
 ansi-tests/find.lsp                           |  266 +--
 ansi-tests/finish-output.lsp                  |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/flet.lsp                           |  206 +-
 ansi-tests/float.lsp                          |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/floor-aux.lsp                      |  164 +-
 ansi-tests/floor.lsp                          |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/fmakunbound.lsp                    |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/force-output.lsp                   |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/format-a.lsp                       |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/format-ampersand.lsp               |   94 +-
 ansi-tests/format-b.lsp                       |  608 ++---
 ansi-tests/format-brace.lsp                   |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/format-c.lsp                       |  122 +-
 ansi-tests/format-circumflex.lsp              |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/format-conditional.lsp             |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/format-d.lsp                       |  660 +++---
 ansi-tests/format-f.lsp                       |  500 ++---
 ansi-tests/format-justify.lsp                 |  164 +-
 ansi-tests/format-logical-block.lsp           |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/format-o.lsp                       |  612 ++---
 ansi-tests/format-p.lsp                       |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/format-page.lsp                    |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/format-paren.lsp                   |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/format-percent.lsp                 |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/format-r.lsp                       |  324 +--
 ansi-tests/format-s.lsp                       |  154 +-
 ansi-tests/format-slash.lsp                   |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/format-t.lsp                       |  234 +-
 ansi-tests/format-tilde.lsp                   |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/format-underscore.lsp              |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/format-x.lsp                       |  622 +++---
 ansi-tests/formatter-c.lsp                    |  142 +-
 ansi-tests/fresh-line.lsp                     |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/fround-aux.lsp                     |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/fround.lsp                         |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/ftruncate-aux.lsp                  |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/ftruncate.lsp                      |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/funcall.lsp                        |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/function-lambda-expression.lsp     |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/function.lsp                       |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/functionp.lsp                      |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/gcd-aux.lsp                        |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/gcd.lsp                            |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/gensym.lsp                         |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/gentemp.lsp                        |  138 +-
 ansi-tests/get-internal-time.lsp              |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/get-macro-character.lsp            |  128 +-
 ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp                 |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/get-setf-expansion.lsp             |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/get-universal-time.lsp             |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/get.lsp                            |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/getf.lsp                           |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/gethash.lsp                        |  126 +-
 ansi-tests/handler-bind.lsp                   |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/handler-case.lsp                   |   68 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-aux.lsp                 |  128 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-count.lsp               |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-p.lsp                   |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-size.lsp         |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-threshold.lsp    |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-size.lsp                |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table-test.lsp                |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/hash-table.lsp                     |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/host-namestring.lsp                |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/if.lsp                             |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/ignorable.lsp                      |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/ignore-errors.lsp                  |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/ignore.lsp                         |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/imagpart.lsp                       |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/import.lsp                         |  158 +-
 ansi-tests/in-package.lsp                     |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/incf.lsp                           |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/input-stream-p.lsp                 |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/integer-length.lsp                 |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/integerp.lsp                       |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/interactive-stream-p.lsp           |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/intern.lsp                         |  148 +-
 ansi-tests/intersection.lsp                   |  186 +-
 ansi-tests/invoke-debugger.lsp                |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/isqrt.lsp                          |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/keyword.lsp                        |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/keywordp.lsp                       |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/labels.lsp                         |  140 +-
 ansi-tests/lambda-list-keywords.lsp           |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/lambda.lsp                         |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/last.lsp                           |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/lcm.lsp                            |   64 +-
 ansi-tests/ldb.lsp                            |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp                          |   56 +-
 ansi-tests/length.lsp                         |  Bin 3900 -> 4061 bytes
 ansi-tests/let.lsp                            |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/letstar.lsp                        |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/list-all-packages.lsp              |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/list-length.lsp                    |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/list.lsp                           |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/listen.lsp                         |    2 +-
 .../load-logical-pathname-translations.lsp    |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/load.lsp                           |   84 +-
 ansi-tests/locally.lsp                        |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/log.lsp                            |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/logand.lsp                         |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/logandc1.lsp                       |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/logandc2.lsp                       |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/logbitp.lsp                        |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/logcount.lsp                       |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/logeqv.lsp                         |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/logical-pathname.lsp               |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/logior.lsp                         |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/lognand.lsp                        |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/lognor.lsp                         |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/lognot.lsp                         |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/logorc1.lsp                        |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/logorc2.lsp                        |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/logtest.lsp                        |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/logxor.lsp                         |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/loop.lsp                           |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/loop1.lsp                          |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/loop10.lsp                         |  100 +-
 ansi-tests/loop11.lsp                         |   84 +-
 ansi-tests/loop12.lsp                         |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/loop13.lsp                         |   32 +-
 ansi-tests/loop14.lsp                         |  256 +--
 ansi-tests/loop15.lsp                         |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/loop16.lsp                         |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/loop17.lsp                         |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/loop2.lsp                          |   50 +-
 ansi-tests/loop3.lsp                          |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/loop4.lsp                          |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/loop5.lsp                          |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/loop6.lsp                          |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/loop7.lsp                          |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/loop8.lsp                          |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/loop9.lsp                          |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/macro-function.lsp                 |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/macroexpand-1.lsp                  |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/macroexpand.lsp                    |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/macrolet.lsp                       |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/make-array.lsp                     |  346 +--
 ansi-tests/make-broadcast-stream.lsp          |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/make-concatenated-stream.lsp       |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/make-condition.lsp                 |   38 +-
 ansi-tests/make-echo-stream.lsp               |  182 +-
 ansi-tests/make-instance.lsp                  |  102 +-
 ansi-tests/make-instances-obsolete.lsp        |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/make-list.lsp                      |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/make-load-form-saving-slots.lsp    |  112 +-
 ansi-tests/make-load-form.lsp                 |  120 +-
 ansi-tests/make-package.lsp                   |  362 +--
 ansi-tests/make-pathname.lsp                  |  104 +-
 ansi-tests/make-random-element-of.lsp         |   94 +-
 ansi-tests/make-random-state.lsp              |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp                  |  234 +-
 ansi-tests/make-string-input-stream.lsp       |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/make-string-output-stream.lsp      |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/make-string.lsp                    |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/make-symbol.lsp                    |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/make-two-way-stream.lsp            |  122 +-
 ansi-tests/makunbound.lsp                     |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/map-into.lsp                       |  214 +-
 ansi-tests/map.lsp                            |  102 +-
 ansi-tests/mapc.lsp                           |   32 +-
 ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp                         |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp                         |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp                         |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/maphash.lsp                        |   70 +-
 ansi-tests/mapl.lsp                           |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/maplist.lsp                        |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/mask-field.lsp                     |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/max.lsp                            |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp                  |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/member-if.lsp                      |   56 +-
 ansi-tests/member.lsp                         |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/merge-pathnames.lsp                |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/merge.lsp                          |  174 +-
 ansi-tests/min.lsp                            |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/minus.lsp                          |  156 +-
 ansi-tests/minusp.lsp                         |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/misc-cmucl-type-prop.lsp           |  186 +-
 ansi-tests/misc.lsp                           |  636 +++---
 ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp                       |  104 +-
 ansi-tests/modules.lsp                        |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/muffle-warning.lsp                 |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/multiple-value-bind.lsp            |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/multiple-value-list.lsp            |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/multiple-value-prog1.lsp           |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/multiple-value-setq.lsp            |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/name-char.lsp                      |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/namestring.lsp                     |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp                       |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/nconc.lsp                          |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp                  |  138 +-
 ansi-tests/no-next-method.lsp                 |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/not-and-null.lsp                   |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/notany.lsp                         |  188 +-
 ansi-tests/notevery.lsp                       |  186 +-
 ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp                        |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp                       |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp                |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp              |  194 +-
 ansi-tests/nstring-capitalize.lsp             |   70 +-
 ansi-tests/nstring-downcase.lsp               |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/nstring-upcase.lsp                 |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp                        |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp                  |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp                      |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp                         |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp             |  442 ++--
 ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp                 |  424 ++--
 ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp                    |  592 ++---
 ansi-tests/nth-value.lsp                      |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/nth.lsp                            |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp                         |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/number-comparison.lsp              | 1968 ++++++++---------
 ansi-tests/numbers-aux.lsp                    |  382 ++--
 ansi-tests/numerator-denominator.lsp          |   90 +-
 ansi-tests/nunion.lsp                         |  200 +-
 ansi-tests/oddp.lsp                           |   56 +-
 ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp                       |  164 +-
 ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp                        |  164 +-
 ansi-tests/open-stream-p.lsp                  |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/open.lsp                           |  758 +++----
 ansi-tests/optimize.lsp                       |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/or.lsp                             |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/output-stream-p.lsp                |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/package-aux.lsp                    |  174 +-
 ansi-tests/package-error-package.lsp          |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/package-error.lsp                  |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/package-name.lsp                   |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/package-nicknames.lsp              |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/package-shadowing-symbols.lsp      |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/package-use-list.lsp               |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/package-used-by-list.lsp           |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp                        |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/parse-integer.lsp                  |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/parse-namestring.lsp               |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-device.lsp                |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-directory.lsp             |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-host.lsp                  |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-match-p.lsp               |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-name.lsp                  |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-type.lsp                  |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname-version.lsp               |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/pathname.lsp                       |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/pathnamep.lsp                      |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/pathnames-aux.lsp                  |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/pathnames.lsp                      |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/pattern-match.lsp                  |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/peek-char.lsp                      |   82 +-
 ansi-tests/phase.lsp                          |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/places.lsp                         |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/plus.lsp                           |  354 +--
 ansi-tests/plusp.lsp                          |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/pop.lsp                            |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp                |  194 +-
 ansi-tests/position-if.lsp                    |  198 +-
 ansi-tests/position.lsp                       |  252 +--
 ansi-tests/pprint-dispatch.lsp                |  334 +--
 ansi-tests/pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.lsp  |  362 +--
 ansi-tests/pprint-fill.lsp                    |  138 +-
 ansi-tests/pprint-indent.lsp                  |  350 +--
 ansi-tests/pprint-linear.lsp                  |  140 +-
 ansi-tests/pprint-logical-block.lsp           |  252 +--
 ansi-tests/pprint-newline.lsp                 |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/pprint-tab.lsp                     |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/pprint-tabular.lsp                 |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/pprint.lsp                         |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/prin1.lsp                          |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/princ.lsp                          |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/print-array.lsp                    |  386 ++--
 ansi-tests/print-backquote.lsp                |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/print-bit-vector.lsp               |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/print-characters.lsp               |   96 +-
 ansi-tests/print-complex.lsp                  |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/print-cons.lsp                     |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/print-floats.lsp                   |  506 ++---
 ansi-tests/print-integers.lsp                 |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/print-length.lsp                   |   98 +-
 ansi-tests/print-level.lsp                    |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/print-lines.lsp                    |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/print-pathname.lsp                 |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/print-random-state.lsp             |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/print-ratios.lsp                   |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/print-strings.lsp                  |  106 +-
 ansi-tests/print-structure.lsp                |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/print-symbols.lsp                  |  746 +++----
 ansi-tests/print-unreadable-object.lsp        |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/print-vector.lsp                   |  346 +--
 ansi-tests/print.lsp                          |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/printer-aux.lsp                    |  422 ++--
 ansi-tests/probe-file.lsp                     |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/proclaim.lsp                       |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/prog.lsp                           |   92 +-
 ansi-tests/progn.lsp                          |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/progv.lsp                          |   38 +-
 ansi-tests/psetf.lsp                          |  192 +-
 ansi-tests/psetq.lsp                          |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/push.lsp                           |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp                        |   92 +-
 ansi-tests/random-aux.lsp                     |  198 +-
 ansi-tests/random-class-aux.lsp               |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/random-int-form.lsp                |  830 +++----
 ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp                  |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-01.lsp      |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-02.lsp      |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-03.lsp      |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp      |  230 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-06.lsp      |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-07.lsp      |  140 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-08.lsp      |  270 +--
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-09.lsp      |  480 ++--
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-10.lsp      |  118 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-structs.lsp |   32 +-
 ansi-tests/random-type-prop.lsp               |  564 ++---
 ansi-tests/random-types.lsp                   |  502 ++---
 ansi-tests/random.lsp                         |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp                  |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp                      |   26 +-
 ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp                         |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/rational.lsp                       |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/rationalize.lsp                    |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/rationalp.lsp                      |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/read-byte.lsp                      |  158 +-
 ansi-tests/read-char-no-hang.lsp              |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/read-char.lsp                      |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/read-from-string.lsp               |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/read-preserving-whitespace.lsp     |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/read-sequence.lsp                  |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/read-suppress.lsp                  |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/read.lsp                           |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/reader-aux.lsp                     |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp                    |  272 +--
 ansi-tests/readtable-case.lsp                 |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/readtablep.lsp                     |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/real.lsp                           |   80 +-
 ansi-tests/realpart.lsp                       |   34 +-
 ansi-tests/reduce.lsp                         |  146 +-
 ansi-tests/reinitialize-instance.lsp          |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/remf.lsp                           |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/remhash.lsp                        |   48 +-
 ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp                     |  338 +--
 ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp          |   88 +-
 ansi-tests/remove-duplicates.lsp              |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/remove-method.lsp                  |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/remove.lsp                         |  222 +-
 ansi-tests/rename-file.lsp                    |  228 +-
 ansi-tests/rename-package.lsp                 |  282 +--
 ansi-tests/replace.lsp                        |  226 +-
 ansi-tests/restart-bind.lsp                   |   64 +-
 ansi-tests/restart-case.lsp                   |   68 +-
 ansi-tests/return.lsp                         |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/revappend.lsp                      |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/reverse.lsp                        |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/room.lsp                           |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/rotatef.lsp                        |  206 +-
 ansi-tests/round-aux.lsp                      |  178 +-
 ansi-tests/round.lsp                          |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/row-major-aref.lsp                 |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp                         |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp                         |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/rt-package.lsp                     |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/rt-test.lsp                        |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/rt.system                          |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/sbit.lsp                           |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp                     |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp               |  150 +-
 ansi-tests/search-list.lsp                    |  130 +-
 ansi-tests/search-string.lsp                  |  122 +-
 ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp                  |  154 +-
 ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp                 |   70 +-
 ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp               |  194 +-
 ansi-tests/set-macro-character.lsp            |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/set-syntax-from-char.lsp           |  738 +++----
 ansi-tests/set.lsp                            |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/shadow.lsp                         |  346 +--
 ansi-tests/shadowing-import.lsp               |  144 +-
 ansi-tests/shared-initialize.lsp              |   96 +-
 ansi-tests/shiftf.lsp                         |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/signum.lsp                         |   54 +-
 ansi-tests/simple-array-t.lsp                 |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/simple-array.lsp                   |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector-p.lsp            |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector.lsp              |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/simple-string-p.lsp                |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/sin.lsp                            |  102 +-
 ansi-tests/sinh.lsp                           |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp                    |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-exists-p.lsp                  |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-makunbound.lsp                |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-missing.lsp                   |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-unbound.lsp                   |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/slot-value.lsp                     |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/some.lsp                           |  190 +-
 ansi-tests/sort-aux.lsp                       |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/sort.lsp                           |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/special-operator-p.lsp             |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/special.lsp                        |    4 +-
 ansi-tests/sqrt.lsp                           |  206 +-
 ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp                    |   60 +-
 ansi-tests/standard-generic-function.lsp      |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/store-value.lsp                    |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/stream-element-type.lsp            |   96 +-
 ansi-tests/stream-error-stream.lsp            |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/streamp.lsp                        |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/string-aux.lsp                     |  196 +-
 ansi-tests/string-capitalize.lsp              |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/string-comparisons.lsp             |  428 ++--
 ansi-tests/string-downcase.lsp                |   44 +-
 ansi-tests/string-left-trim.lsp               |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/string-right-trim.lsp              |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/string-trim.lsp                    |  112 +-
 ansi-tests/string-upcase.lsp                  |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/string.lsp                         |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/stringp.lsp                        |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp                   |  722 +++---
 ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp                  |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp                  |   78 +-
 ansi-tests/structures-03.lsp                  |   86 +-
 ansi-tests/structures-04.lsp                  |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/sublis.lsp                         |   92 +-
 ansi-tests/subseq-aux.lsp                     |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/subseq.lsp                         |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp                        |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp                   |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp                       |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/subst.lsp                          |   40 +-
 ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp              |  522 ++---
 ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp                  |  562 ++---
 ansi-tests/substitute.lsp                     |  746 +++----
 ansi-tests/subtypep-array.lsp                 |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-complex.lsp               |  126 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-cons.lsp                  |  154 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-eql.lsp                   |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-float.lsp                 |   88 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-integer.lsp               |  134 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-member.lsp                |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-rational.lsp              |  152 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep-real.lsp                  |  148 +-
 ansi-tests/subtypep.lsp                       |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/svref.lsp                          |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/sxhash.lsp                         |  276 +--
 ansi-tests/symbol-function.lsp                |   12 +-
 ansi-tests/symbol-macrolet.lsp                |   28 +-
 ansi-tests/synonym-stream-symbol.lsp          |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/syntax-tokens.lsp                  |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/syntax.lsp                         |  396 ++--
 ansi-tests/tagbody.lsp                        |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/tailp.lsp                          |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/tan.lsp                            |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/tanh.lsp                           |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/the.lsp                            |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/time.lsp                           |   50 +-
 ansi-tests/times-aux.lsp                      |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/times.lsp                          |  394 ++--
 ansi-tests/trace.lsp                          |   58 +-
 ansi-tests/translate-logical-pathname.lsp     |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/tree-equal.lsp                     |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/truename.lsp                       |   36 +-
 ansi-tests/truncate-aux.lsp                   |  174 +-
 ansi-tests/truncate.lsp                       |  136 +-
 ansi-tests/two-way-stream-input-stream.lsp    |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/two-way-stream-output-stream.lsp   |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/type-of.lsp                        |   62 +-
 ansi-tests/type.lsp                           |   50 +-
 ansi-tests/typecase.lsp                       |   42 +-
 ansi-tests/typep.lsp                          |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/types-and-class-2.lsp              |   46 +-
 ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp                |  160 +-
 ansi-tests/types-aux.lsp                      |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/unbound-slot.lsp                   |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/unexport.lsp                       |  176 +-
 ansi-tests/unintern.lsp                       |  292 +--
 ansi-tests/union.lsp                          |  142 +-
 ansi-tests/universe.lsp                       |  346 +--
 ansi-tests/unless.lsp                         |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/unread-char.lsp                    |    2 +-
 ansi-tests/unuse-package.lsp                  |  288 +--
 ansi-tests/unwind-protect.lsp                 |   52 +-
 .../update-instance-for-different-class.lsp   |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/upgraded-array-element-type.lsp    |   66 +-
 ansi-tests/upgraded-complex-part-type.lsp     |   96 +-
 ansi-tests/use-package.lsp                    |  244 +-
 ansi-tests/use-value.lsp                      |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/user-homedir-pathname.lsp          |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/values-list.lsp                    |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/values.lsp                         |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/vector-pop.lsp                     |   20 +-
 ansi-tests/vector-push-extend.lsp             |  424 ++--
 ansi-tests/vector-push.lsp                    |  114 +-
 ansi-tests/vector.lsp                         |   32 +-
 ansi-tests/warn.lsp                           |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/when.lsp                           |    8 +-
 ansi-tests/wild-pathname-p.lsp                |   74 +-
 ansi-tests/with-accessors.lsp                 |   22 +-
 ansi-tests/with-compilation-unit.lsp          |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/with-condition-restarts.lsp        |   10 +-
 ansi-tests/with-hash-table-iterator.lsp       |  110 +-
 ansi-tests/with-input-from-string.lsp         |   24 +-
 ansi-tests/with-open-file.lsp                 |   16 +-
 ansi-tests/with-open-stream.lsp               |   18 +-
 ansi-tests/with-output-to-string.lsp          |   52 +-
 ansi-tests/with-package-iterator.lsp          |   76 +-
 ansi-tests/with-slots.lsp                     |   72 +-
 ansi-tests/write-char.lsp                     |   14 +-
 ansi-tests/write-line.lsp                     |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/write-sequence.lsp                 |   64 +-
 ansi-tests/write-string.lsp                   |   30 +-
 ansi-tests/write.lsp                          |    6 +-
 ansi-tests/zerop.lsp                          |   52 +-
 739 files changed, 35501 insertions(+), 35501 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ansi-tests/abort.lsp b/ansi-tests/abort.lsp
index 0c65eedc..f249953e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/abort.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/abort.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest abort.2
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest abort.4
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 (deftest abort.5
    (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	 (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+         (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/abs.lsp b/ansi-tests/abs.lsp
index dcbcf20b..ca0ddc11 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/abs.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/abs.lsp
@@ -21,36 +21,36 @@
 (deftest abs.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for a = (abs x)
-	always (and (realp a) (not (minusp a))))
+        for a = (abs x)
+        always (and (realp a) (not (minusp a))))
 (deftest abs.2
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for a = (abs x)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
-	collect (list x a))
+        for a = (abs x)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
+        collect (list x a))
 (deftest abs.3
   (let ((bound (ash 1 300)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for a = (abs x)
-	  repeat 10000
-	  unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
-	  collect (list x a)))
+          for a = (abs x)
+          repeat 10000
+          unless (if (plusp x) (eql x a) (eql (- x) a))
+          collect (list x a)))
 (deftest abs.4
   (loop for num = (random-fixnum)
-	for den = (random-fixnum)
-	for den2 = (if (zerop den) 1 den)
-	for r = (/ num den)
-	for a = (abs r)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (if (>= r 0) (eql r a) (eql (- r) a))
-	collect (list num den2 r a))
+        for den = (random-fixnum)
+        for den2 = (if (zerop den) 1 den)
+        for r = (/ num den)
+        for a = (abs r)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (if (>= r 0) (eql r a) (eql (- r) a))
+        collect (list num den2 r a))
 (deftest abs.5
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
      for a = (abs x)
      repeat 10000
      unless (if (minusp x)
-		(eql (- x) a)
-	      (eql x a))
+                (eql (- x) a)
+              (eql x a))
      collect (list x a)))
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
      for a = (abs x)
      repeat 10000
      unless (if (minusp x)
-		(eql (- x) a)
-	      (eql x a))
+                (eql (- x) a)
+              (eql x a))
      collect (list x a)))
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
      for a = (abs x)
      repeat 10000
      unless (if (minusp x)
-		(eql (- x) a)
-	      (eql x a))
+                (eql (- x) a)
+              (eql x a))
      collect (list x a)))
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@
      for a = (abs x)
      repeat 10000
      unless (if (minusp x)
-		(eql (- x) a)
-	      (eql x a))
+                (eql (- x) a)
+              (eql x a))
      collect (list x a)))
@@ -122,15 +122,15 @@
 ;;; (deftest abs.10
 ;;;   (abs -0.0s0)
 ;;;   -0.0s0)
 ;;; (deftest abs.11
 ;;;   (abs -0.0f0)
 ;;;   -0.0f0)
 ;;; (deftest abs.12
 ;;;   (abs -0.0d0)
 ;;;   -0.0d0)
 ;;; (deftest abs.13
 ;;;   (abs -0.0l0)
 ;;;   -0.0l0)
@@ -175,5 +175,5 @@
 (deftest abs.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (abs (expand-in-current-env (%m -4))))
+            (abs (expand-in-current-env (%m -4))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/acons.lsp b/ansi-tests/acons.lsp
index 7e563878..f6da8ea5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/acons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/acons.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest acons.1
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((c . d) (e . f))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (acons 'a 'b x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (acons 'a 'b x)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt (cdr result) x)
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (acons (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) '((c . d))))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)
+            (progn (setf z (incf i)) '((c . d))))
      i x y z))
   ((a . b)(c . d))
   3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/acos.lsp b/ansi-tests/acos.lsp
index 829478e3..99446825 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/acos.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/acos.lsp
@@ -7,50 +7,50 @@
 (deftest acos.1
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos i))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos i))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y)))
 (deftest acos.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos x))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos x))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t))
 (deftest acos.3
   (loop for type in '(integer short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos (complex 0 x)))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos (complex 0 x)))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t t))
 (deftest acos.4
   (loop for type in '(integer short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
-		for x2 = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos (complex x1 x2)))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
+                for x2 = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acos (complex x1 x2)))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t t))
 (deftest acos.5
@@ -59,23 +59,23 @@
 (deftest acos.6
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (acos (coerce 0 type))
-			(coerce (/ pi 2) type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (acos (coerce 0 type))
+                        (coerce (/ pi 2) type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest acos.7
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (acos (coerce 1 type))
-			(coerce 0 type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (acos (coerce 1 type))
+                        (coerce 0 type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest acos.8
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (acos (coerce -1 type))
-			(coerce pi type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (acos (coerce -1 type))
+                        (coerce pi type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest acos.9
diff --git a/ansi-tests/acosh.lsp b/ansi-tests/acosh.lsp
index 058bf21e..1425e723 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/acosh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/acosh.lsp
@@ -8,64 +8,64 @@
 (deftest acosh.1
   (let ((result (acosh 1)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest acosh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	for one = (coerce 1 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (acosh one))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        for one = (coerce 1 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (acosh one))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest acosh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	for one = (coerce 1 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (acosh one))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        for one = (coerce 1 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (acosh one))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest acosh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random (* 10 den))
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random (* 10 den))
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest acosh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (1+ (random (coerce 1000 type)))
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (1+ (random (coerce 1000 type)))
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest acosh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh (complex x1 x2)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (acosh (complex x1 x2)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 (deftest acosh.7
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/add-method.lsp b/ansi-tests/add-method.lsp
index 491d38b9..75e0fef7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/add-method.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/add-method.lsp
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@
 (deftest add-method.error.2
   (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-03 (x)
-		      (:method ((x t)) 'a))))
-	 (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-03 nil (list (find-class t))))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-04 (x y)))))
+                      (:method ((x t)) 'a))))
+         (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-03 nil (list (find-class t))))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-04 (x y)))))
      (add-method gf2 method)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@
 (deftest add-method.error.3
   (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-05 (x &optional y)
-		      (:method ((x t) &optional y) 'a))))
-	 (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-05 nil (list (find-class t))))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-06 (x y)))))
+                      (:method ((x t) &optional y) 'a))))
+         (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-05 nil (list (find-class t))))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-06 (x y)))))
      (add-method gf2 method)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
 (deftest add-method.error.6
    (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-07 (x)
-		       (:method ((x t)) 'a))))
-	  (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-07 nil (list (find-class t))))
-	  (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-08 (x)))))
+                       (:method ((x t)) 'a))))
+          (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-07 nil (list (find-class t))))
+          (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-08 (x)))))
      (remove-method gf method)
      (add-method gf2 method nil))
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@
 (deftest add-method.error.7
   (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-09 (x y)
-		      (:method ((x t) (y t)) 'a))))
-	 (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-09 nil (list (find-class t)
-							   (find-class t))))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-10 (x &optional y)))))
+                      (:method ((x t) (y t)) 'a))))
+         (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-09 nil (list (find-class t)
+                                                           (find-class t))))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-10 (x &optional y)))))
      (remove-method gf method)
       (add-method gf2 method)
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
 (deftest add-method.error.8
   (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-11 (x &key y)
-		      (:method ((x t) &key y) 'a))))
-	 (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-11 nil (list (find-class t))))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-12 (x)))))
+                      (:method ((x t) &key y) 'a))))
+         (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-11 nil (list (find-class t))))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-12 (x)))))
     (remove-method gf method)
      (add-method gf2 method)
@@ -88,11 +88,11 @@
 (deftest add-method.1
   (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-13 (x)
-		      (:method ((x integer)) 'a)
-		      (:method ((x t)) 'b))))
-	 (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-13
-			      nil (list (find-class 'integer))))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-14 (x)))))
+                      (:method ((x integer)) 'a)
+                      (:method ((x t)) 'b))))
+         (method (find-method #'add-method-gf-13
+                              nil (list (find-class 'integer))))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-14 (x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function gf gf2))
      (funcall gf 0)
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
 (deftest add-method.2
   (let* ((specializers (list (find-class 'integer)))
-	 (gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-15 (x)
-		      (:method ((x integer)) 'a)
-		      (:method ((x t)) 'b))))
-	 (method (find-method gf nil specializers))
-	 (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-16 (x)
-		       (:method ((x integer)) 'c)
-		       (:method ((x t)) 'd))))
-	 (method2 (find-method gf2 nil specializers)))
+         (gf (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-15 (x)
+                      (:method ((x integer)) 'a)
+                      (:method ((x t)) 'b))))
+         (method (find-method gf nil specializers))
+         (gf2 (eval '(defgeneric add-method-gf-16 (x)
+                       (:method ((x integer)) 'c)
+                       (:method ((x t)) 'd))))
+         (method2 (find-method gf2 nil specializers)))
     (declare (type generic-function gf gf2))
      (funcall gf 0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp b/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp
index abc61c49..c5b5a3c6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp
@@ -55,35 +55,35 @@
 (deftest adjoin.12
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+          :test-not (complement #'equal))
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 (deftest adjoin.14
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test #'equal :key #'identity)
+          :test #'equal :key #'identity)
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 (deftest adjoin.15
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test 'equal :key #'identity)
+          :test 'equal :key #'identity)
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 ;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
 (deftest adjoin.16
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test #'equal :key nil)
+          :test #'equal :key nil)
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 ;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
 (deftest adjoin.17
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test 'equal :key nil)
+          :test 'equal :key nil)
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 ;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
 (deftest adjoin.18
   (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal) :key nil)
+          :test-not (complement #'equal) :key nil)
   (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
 ;;; Ordering in comparison function
@@ -113,15 +113,15 @@
 (deftest adjoin.24
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values
-	     (adjoin (expand-in-current-env (%m 'a)) '(b c))
-	     (adjoin 'a (expand-in-current-env (%m '(b c))))
-	     (adjoin 'a '(b c) (expand-in-current-env (%m :test)) 'eql)
-	     (adjoin 'a '(a a) (expand-in-current-env (%m :test-not)) 'eql)
-	     (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test (expand-in-current-env (%m 'eql)))
-	     (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test (expand-in-current-env (%m #'eql)))
-	     (adjoin 1 '(1 2 3) :key (expand-in-current-env (%m 'identity)))
-	     ))
+            (values
+             (adjoin (expand-in-current-env (%m 'a)) '(b c))
+             (adjoin 'a (expand-in-current-env (%m '(b c))))
+             (adjoin 'a '(b c) (expand-in-current-env (%m :test)) 'eql)
+             (adjoin 'a '(a a) (expand-in-current-env (%m :test-not)) 'eql)
+             (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test (expand-in-current-env (%m 'eql)))
+             (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test (expand-in-current-env (%m #'eql)))
+             (adjoin 1 '(1 2 3) :key (expand-in-current-env (%m 'identity)))
+             ))
   (a b c)
   (a b c)
   (a b c)
@@ -140,9 +140,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) w x y z)
      (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d a e))
-	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+             (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d a e))
+             :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
      i w x y z))
   (b c d a e)
   4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) w x y z p)
      (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d e))
-	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :key (progn (setf p (incf i)) nil))
+             (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d e))
+             :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :key (progn (setf p (incf i)) nil))
      i w x y z p))
   (a b c d e)
   5 1 2 3 4 5)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/adjust-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/adjust-array.lsp
index 14cc37b2..11009de6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/adjust-array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/adjust-array.lsp
@@ -10,41 +10,41 @@
    ((integerp form) `'(,form))
    ((null form) nil)
    ((and (consp form)
-	 (eq (car form) 'quote)
-	 (consp (cadr form)))
+         (eq (car form) 'quote)
+         (consp (cadr form)))
    (t `(let ((x ,form)) (if (listp x) x (list x))))))
 (defmacro def-adjust-array-test (name args1 args2 expected-result)
   `(deftest ,name
      (let* ((a1 (make-array ,@args1))
-	    (a2 (adjust-array a1 ,@args2)))
+            (a2 (adjust-array a1 ,@args2)))
        (assert (or (not (adjustable-array-p a1)) (eq a1 a2)))
        (assert (or (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		   (equal (array-dimensions a1) ,(listify-form (first args1)))))
+                   (equal (array-dimensions a1) ,(listify-form (first args1)))))
        (assert (equal (array-dimensions a2) ,(listify-form (first args2))))
        ,@(unless (or (member :displaced-to args1)
-		     (member :displaced-to args2))
-	   (list '(assert (not (array-displacement a2)))))
+                     (member :displaced-to args2))
+           (list '(assert (not (array-displacement a2)))))
 (defmacro def-adjust-array-fp-test (name args1 args2 misc &rest expected-results)
    `(deftest ,name
      (let* ((a1 (make-array ,@args1))
-	    (a2 (adjust-array a1 ,@args2)))
+            (a2 (adjust-array a1 ,@args2)))
        (assert (or (not (adjustable-array-p a1)) (eq a1 a2)))
        (assert (or (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		   (equal (array-dimensions a1) ,(listify-form (first args1)))))
+                   (equal (array-dimensions a1) ,(listify-form (first args1)))))
        (assert (equal (array-dimensions a2) ,(listify-form (first args2))))
        ,@(unless (or (member :displaced-to args1)
-		     (member :displaced-to args2))
-	   (list '(assert (not (array-displacement a2)))))
+                     (member :displaced-to args2))
+           (list '(assert (not (array-displacement a2)))))
        ,@(when misc (list misc))
-	(fill-pointer a2)
-	a2))
+        (fill-pointer a2)
+        a2))
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.1
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   (5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e) :fill-pointer 3)
   (4 :fill-pointer 2)
   (progn (assert (eq (aref a2 2) 'c))
-	 (assert (eq (aref a2 3) 'd)))
+         (assert (eq (aref a2 3) 'd)))
   2 #(a b))
 (def-adjust-array-fp-test adjust-array.9
@@ -101,74 +101,74 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil)))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
   #(a b c d))
 (deftest adjust-array.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(x a b c d e y)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
   #(a b c d))
 (deftest adjust-array.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
   #(1 2 3 4))
 (deftest adjust-array.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 2)))
+                   (list a0 2)))
   #(3 4 5 6))
 (deftest adjust-array.14
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
   #(1 2 3 4))
 (deftest adjust-array.15
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1)))
   #(2 3 4 5))
 (deftest adjust-array.16
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0)))
   #(1 2 3 4 5))
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.20
   (let* ((a0 (make-array nil :initial-element 'x))
-	 (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil)))
+         (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil)))
@@ -198,17 +198,17 @@
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.21
   ('(4 5) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4 5)
-			      (3 4 5 6 7)
-			      (5 6 7 8 9)
-			      (7 8 9 1 2)))
+                              (3 4 5 6 7)
+                              (5 6 7 8 9)
+                              (7 8 9 1 2)))
   ('(2 3))
   #2a((1 2 3)(3 4 5)))
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.22
   ('(4 5) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4 5)
-			      (3 4 5 6 7)
-			      (5 6 7 8 9)
-			      (7 8 9 1 2)))
+                              (3 4 5 6 7)
+                              (5 6 7 8 9)
+                              (7 8 9 1 2)))
   ('(6 8) :initial-element 0)
   #2a((1 2 3 4 5 0 0 0)
       (3 4 5 6 7 0 0 0)
@@ -219,14 +219,14 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.23
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(4 5) :initial-contents '((#\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5)
-						    (#\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7)
-						    (#\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
-						    (#\7 #\8 #\9 #\1 #\2))
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 '(2 3) :element-type 'character)))
+                                                    (#\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7)
+                                                    (#\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9)
+                                                    (#\7 #\8 #\9 #\1 #\2))
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 '(2 3) :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a2) '(2 3))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a2) '(2 3))))
     (assert (not (typep 0 (array-element-type a2))))
   #2a((#\1 #\2 #\3)(#\3 #\4 #\5)))
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d))))
      (adjust-array a '(4) :element-type
-		   (expand-in-current-env (%m t)))))
+                   (expand-in-current-env (%m t)))))
   #(a b c d))
 (deftest adjust-array.28
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d))))
      (adjust-array a '(6) (expand-in-current-env (%m :initial-contents))
-		   '(1 2 3 4 5 6))))
+                   '(1 2 3 4 5 6))))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
 (deftest adjust-array.31
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d))))
      (adjust-array a '(3) :initial-contents
-		   (expand-in-current-env (%m "ABC")))))
+                   (expand-in-current-env (%m "ABC")))))
   #(#\A #\B #\C))
 (deftest adjust-array.32
@@ -318,27 +318,27 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d))))
      (adjust-array a '(4) :displaced-to
-		   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))
+                   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))
   #(a b c d))
 (deftest adjust-array.36
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d)))
-	 (c (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))))
+         (c (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))))
      (adjust-array a '(3) :displaced-to c
-		   (expand-in-current-env (%m :displaced-index-offset))
-		   2)))
+                   (expand-in-current-env (%m :displaced-index-offset))
+                   2)))
   #(3 4 5))
 (deftest adjust-array.37
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d)))
-	 (c (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))))
+         (c (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))))
      (adjust-array a '(5) :displaced-to c
-		   :displaced-index-offset
-		   (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))))
+                   :displaced-index-offset
+                   (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))))
   #(2 3 4 5 6))
 ;;; Adjust an adjustable array
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.adjustable.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(a b c d e)
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil)))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -404,9 +404,9 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.adjustable.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(x a b c d e y)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -414,20 +414,20 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.adjustable.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(x a b c d e y)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
   #(x a b c))
 (deftest adjust-array.adjustable.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(x a b c d e y)))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (assert (eq a1 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0
-				 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                                 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
   #(c d e y))
@@ -478,92 +478,92 @@
   (5 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "abcde" :fill-pointer 3)
   (4 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 2)
   (progn (assert (eql (aref a2 2) #\c))
-	 (assert (eql (aref a2 3) #\d)))
+         (assert (eql (aref a2 3) #\d)))
   2 "ab")
 (def-adjust-array-fp-test adjust-array.string.9
   (5 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "abcde" :fill-pointer 3)
   (8 :element-type 'character :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element #\x)
   (assert (equal (list (aref a2 5) (aref a2 6) (aref a2 7))
-		 '(#\x #\x #\x)))
+                 '(#\x #\x #\x)))
   5 "abcde")
 (deftest adjust-array.string.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "abcde"))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'character)))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "xabcdey" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "1234567" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents "abcde" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents "abcde" :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "1234567" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents "abcde" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 2
-			   :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents "abcde" :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 2
+                           :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 2)))
+                   (list a0 2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.14
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "1234567" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.15
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "1234567" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'character)))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.16
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "1234567" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
@@ -585,8 +585,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.string.20
   (let* ((a0 (make-array nil :initial-element #\x :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil :element-type 'character)))
    #.(make-array nil :initial-element #\x :element-type 'character))
@@ -642,8 +642,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.string.adjustable.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents "abcde"
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'character)))
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -651,9 +651,9 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.string.adjustable.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "xabcdey" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -661,35 +661,35 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.string.adjustable.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "xabcdey" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
 (deftest adjust-array.string.adjustable.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents "xabcdey" :element-type 'character))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character)))
     (assert (eq a1 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0
-				 :displaced-index-offset 2
-				 :element-type 'character)))
+                                 :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                 :element-type 'character)))
   for forms2 = (subst element-type 'character forms)
   for forms3 = (mapcar #'(lambda (form)
-			   (destructuring-bind (dt name . body) form
-			     `(,dt ,(if (eql element-type 'character) name
-				      (intern (replace (copy-seq (symbol-name name))
-						       "BASEST"
-						       :start1 13 :end1 19)
-					      (symbol-package name)))
-				   ,@ body)))
-		       forms2)
+                           (destructuring-bind (dt name . body) form
+                             `(,dt ,(if (eql element-type 'character) name
+                                      (intern (replace (copy-seq (symbol-name name))
+                                                       "BASEST"
+                                                       :start1 13 :end1 19)
+                                              (symbol-package name)))
+                                   ,@ body)))
+                       forms2)
   do (eval `(progn ,@forms3)))
 ;; 2-d arrays
@@ -699,16 +699,16 @@
    :element-type 'character)
   ('(2 3))
   #.(make-array '(2 3) :initial-contents '("123" "345")
-		:element-type 'character))
+                :element-type 'character))
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.string.22
   ('(4 5) :initial-contents  '("12345" "34567" "56789" "78912")
    :element-type 'character)
   ('(6 8) :initial-element #\0 :element-type 'character)
   #.(make-array '(6 8)
-		:initial-contents '("12345000" "34567000" "56789000"
+                :initial-contents '("12345000" "34567000" "56789000"
                                     "78912000" "00000000" "00000000")
-		:element-type 'character))
+                :element-type 'character))
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.bit-vector.1
   (5 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents #*01100)
@@ -752,92 +752,92 @@
   (5 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents #*01100 :fill-pointer 3)
   (4 :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 2)
   (progn (assert (eql (aref a2 2) 1))
-	 (assert (eql (aref a2 3) 0)))
+         (assert (eql (aref a2 3) 0)))
   2 #*01)
 (def-adjust-array-fp-test adjust-array.bit-vector.9
   (5 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents #*01100 :fill-pointer 3)
   (8 :element-type 'bit :fill-pointer 5 :initial-element 1)
   (assert (equal (list (aref a2 5) (aref a2 6) (aref a2 7))
-		 '(1 1 1)))
+                 '(1 1 1)))
   5 #*01100)
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents #*01100))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*0011001 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*1010101 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents #*01100 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents #*01100 :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*1011101 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents #*01100 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 2
-			   :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents #*01100 :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 2
+                           :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 2)))
+                   (list a0 2)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.14
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*1011001 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (if (adjustable-array-p a1)
-		(eq a1 a2)
-	      (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
+                (eq a1 a2)
+              (equal (array-dimensions a1) '(5))))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a2))
-		   (list a0 0)))
+                   (list a0 0)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.15
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*1100010 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a3 (adjust-array a2 4 :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'bit)))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.16
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents #*1011011 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
@@ -858,8 +858,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.20
   (let* ((a0 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array nil :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 nil :element-type 'bit)))
    #.(make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
@@ -870,16 +870,16 @@
    :element-type 'bit)
   ('(2 3))
   #.(make-array '(2 3) :initial-contents '(#*111 #*001)
-		:element-type 'bit))
+                :element-type 'bit))
 (def-adjust-array-test adjust-array.bit-vector.22
   ('(4 5) :initial-contents  '(#*11100 #*00110 #*00001 #*11111)
    :element-type 'bit)
   ('(6 8) :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)
   #.(make-array '(6 8)
-		:initial-contents '(#*11100000 #*00110000 #*00001000
+                :initial-contents '(#*11100000 #*00110000 #*00001000
                                     #*11111000 #*00000000 #*00000000)
-		:element-type 'bit))
+                :element-type 'bit))
 ;;; Adjustable bit vector tests
@@ -935,8 +935,8 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.adjustable.10
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1)
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'bit)))
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to nil :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -944,10 +944,10 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.adjustable.11
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 1 0)
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'bit)))
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
     (assert (not (array-displacement a2)))
@@ -955,23 +955,23 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.adjustable.12
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(0 0 1 1 1 1 1)
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (adjust-array a1 4 :displaced-to a0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (eq a1 a2))
 (deftest adjust-array.bit-vector.adjustable.13
   (let* ((a0 (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 0 0 0 1) :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a1 (make-array 5 :displaced-to a0 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :adjustable t :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (make-array 4 :displaced-to a1 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit)))
     (assert (eq a1 (adjust-array a1 5 :displaced-to a0
-				 :displaced-index-offset 2
-				 :element-type 'bit)))
+                                 :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                 :element-type 'bit)))
@@ -987,28 +987,28 @@
 (deftest adjust-array.error.2
   (signals-error (adjust-array (make-array 10 :initial-element nil))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest adjust-array.error.3
   (signals-error (adjust-array (make-array 10 :initial-element nil)
-			       8 :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                               8 :bad t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest adjust-array.error.4
   (signals-error (adjust-array (make-array 10 :initial-element nil)
-			       8 :initial-element)
-		 program-error)
+                               8 :initial-element)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest adjust-array.error.5
   (signals-error (adjust-array (make-array 10 :initial-element nil)
-			       8
-			       :allow-other-keys nil
-			       :allow-other-keys t
-			       :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                               8
+                               :allow-other-keys nil
+                               :allow-other-keys t
+                               :bad t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest adjust-array.error.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/adjustable-array-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/adjustable-array-p.lsp
index 1933eac0..fdfce8b4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/adjustable-array-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/adjustable-array-p.lsp
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
 (deftest adjustable-array-p.6
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let ((a (make-array '(5) :adjustable t)))
-	      (notnot (adjustable-array-p (expand-in-current-env (%m a))))))
+            (let ((a (make-array '(5) :adjustable t)))
+              (notnot (adjustable-array-p (expand-in-current-env (%m a))))))
 (deftest adjustable-array-p.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x)
      (notnot (adjustable-array-p (progn (setf x (incf i))
-					(make-array '(5) :adjustable t))))
+                                        (make-array '(5) :adjustable t))))
      i x))
   t 1 1)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 (deftest adjustable-array-p.error.6
   (signals-error (let ((x 10))
-		    (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-			   (adjustable-array-p x)))
-		 type-error)
+                    (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+                           (adjustable-array-p x)))
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/allocate-instance.lsp b/ansi-tests/allocate-instance.lsp
index 42c6322c..d69d8318 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/allocate-instance.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/allocate-instance.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (typep* obj 'allocate-instance-class-01)
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class
-				 :foo t :a 10 :b 12 :c 1.0 :d 'a :e 17
-				 :f nil :bar t)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class
+                                 :foo t :a 10 :b 12 :c 1.0 :d 'a :e 17
+                                 :f nil :bar t)))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (typep* obj 'allocate-instance-class-01)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class :allow-other-keys nil :xyzzy t)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class :allow-other-keys nil :xyzzy t)))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (typep* obj 'allocate-instance-class-01)
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.5
   (let* ((class (find-class 'allocate-instance-struct-01))
-	 (obj   (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj   (allocate-instance class)))
     (setf (allocate-instance-struct-01-a obj) 'x
-	  (allocate-instance-struct-01-b obj) 1234567890
-	  (allocate-instance-struct-01-c obj) #\Z
-	  (allocate-instance-struct-01-d obj) 'foo)
+          (allocate-instance-struct-01-b obj) 1234567890
+          (allocate-instance-struct-01-c obj) #\Z
+          (allocate-instance-struct-01-d obj) 'foo)
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (typep* obj 'allocate-instance-struct-01)
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.order.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01))
-	 (i 0) x y z w
-	 (obj (allocate-instance (progn (setf x (incf i)) class)
-				 :e (setf y (incf i))
-				 :b (setf z (incf i))
-				 :e (setf w (incf i)))))
+         (i 0) x y z w
+         (obj (allocate-instance (progn (setf x (incf i)) class)
+                                 :e (setf y (incf i))
+                                 :b (setf z (incf i))
+                                 :e (setf w (incf i)))))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (typep* obj 'allocate-instance-class-01)
@@ -118,13 +118,13 @@
 (deftest allocate-instance.error.2
   (signals-error (allocate-instance (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01)
-				     :b)
-		 program-error)
+                                     :b)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest allocate-instance.error.3
   (signals-error (allocate-instance (find-class 'allocate-instance-class-01)
-				     '(a b c) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                     '(a b c) nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/and.lsp b/ansi-tests/and.lsp
index 6924d211..3046d09b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/and.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/and.lsp
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (and (expand-in-current-env (%m :a))
-	(expand-in-current-env (%m :b))
-	(expand-in-current-env (%m :c))))
+        (expand-in-current-env (%m :b))
+        (expand-in-current-env (%m :c))))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -55,30 +55,30 @@
 (deftest and.order.1
   (let ((x 0))
     (values (and nil (incf x))
-	    x))
+            x))
   nil 0)
 (deftest and.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (and (setf a (incf i))
-	  (setf b (incf i))
-	  (setf c (incf i))
-	  (setf d (incf i)))
+          (setf b (incf i))
+          (setf c (incf i))
+          (setf d (incf i)))
      i a b c d))
   4 4 1 2 3 4)
 (deftest and.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'and))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest and.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'and) '(and))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest and.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'and) '(and) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux-macros.lsp b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux-macros.lsp
index 656561cc..1b49e87f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux-macros.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux-macros.lsp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 (defun should-never-be-called () nil)
 (defmacro normally (form &optional (default-form
-				     '(should-never-be-called)))
+                                     '(should-never-be-called)))
   `(if *should-always-be-true* ,form ,default-form))
 ;;; Macro to ignore errors, but report them anyway
@@ -36,11 +36,11 @@
   `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
      (#+sbcl let #+sbcl () #-sbcl progn
-	(progn ,@body)
-	(error (condition)
-	       (princ condition)
-	       (terpri)
-	       (when *report-and-ignore-errors-break* (break))
-	       (values nil condition))))))
+        (progn ,@body)
+        (error (condition)
+               (princ condition)
+               (terpri)
+               (when *report-and-ignore-errors-break* (break))
+               (values nil condition))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
index 2da83c5b..b59839bb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ansi-aux.lsp
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
   (if (null results)
     (apply #'values
-	   (not (not (first results)))
-	   (rest results))))
+           (not (not (first results)))
+           (rest results))))
 (defmacro not-mv (form)
   `(not-mv-fn (multiple-value-list ,form)))
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
   (if (null results)
     (apply #'values
-	   (not (first results))
-	   (rest results))))
+           (not (first results))
+           (rest results))))
 (declaim (ftype (function (t) function) to-function))
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@
 ;;; (defaults to 1)
 (defmacro check-values (form &optional (num 1))
   (let ((v (gensym))
-	(n (gensym)))
+        (n (gensym)))
    `(let ((,v (multiple-value-list ,form))
-	  (,n ,num))
+          (,n ,num))
       (check-values-length ,v ,n ',form)
       (car ,v))))
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
 ;;; Do multiple-value-bind, but check # of arguments
 (defmacro multiple-value-bind* ((&rest vars) form &body body)
   (let ((len (length vars))
-	(v (gensym)))
+        (v (gensym)))
     `(let ((,v (multiple-value-list ,form)))
        (check-values-length ,v ,len ',form)
        (destructuring-bind ,vars ,v ,@body))))
 ;;; Comparison functions that are like various builtins,
 ;;; but are guaranteed to return T for true.
@@ -122,26 +122,26 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
        (typep a2 'array)
        (= (array-rank a1) (array-rank a2))
        (if (= (array-rank a1) 0)
-	   (equal (regression-test::my-aref a1) (regression-test::my-aref a2))
-	 (let ((ad (array-dimensions a1)))
-	   (and (equal ad (array-dimensions a2))
-		(locally
-		 (declare (type (array * *) a1 a2))
-		 (if (= (array-rank a1) 1)
-		     (let ((as (first ad)))
-		       (loop
-			for i from 0 below as
-			always (equal (regression-test::my-aref a1 i)
-				      (regression-test::my-aref a2 i))))
-		   (let ((as (array-total-size a1)))
-		     (and (= as (array-total-size a2))
-			  (loop
-			   for i from 0 below as
-			   always
-			   (equal
-			    (regression-test::my-row-major-aref a1 i)
-			    (regression-test::my-row-major-aref a2 i))
-			   ))))))))))
+           (equal (regression-test::my-aref a1) (regression-test::my-aref a2))
+         (let ((ad (array-dimensions a1)))
+           (and (equal ad (array-dimensions a2))
+                (locally
+                 (declare (type (array * *) a1 a2))
+                 (if (= (array-rank a1) 1)
+                     (let ((as (first ad)))
+                       (loop
+                        for i from 0 below as
+                        always (equal (regression-test::my-aref a1 i)
+                                      (regression-test::my-aref a2 i))))
+                   (let ((as (array-total-size a1)))
+                     (and (= as (array-total-size a2))
+                          (loop
+                           for i from 0 below as
+                           always
+                           (equal
+                            (regression-test::my-row-major-aref a1 i)
+                            (regression-test::my-row-major-aref a2 i))
+                           ))))))))))
 ;;; *universe* is defined elsewhere -- it is a list of various
 ;;; lisp objects used when stimulating things in various tests.
@@ -159,9 +159,9 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
   (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
       (subtypep* type1 type2)
     (if good
-	sub
+        sub
       (loop for e in *universe*
-	    always (or (not (typep e type1)) (typep e type2))))))
+            always (or (not (typep e type1)) (typep e type2))))))
 (defun check-type-predicate (P TYPE)
   "Check that a predicate P is the same as #'(lambda (x) (typep x TYPE))
@@ -176,23 +176,23 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
       for x in *universe*
-	(block failed
-	  (let ((p1 (handler-case
-			(normally (funcall (the function p) x))
-		      (error () (format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) failed~%"
-					P x)
-			(return-from failed t))))
-		(p2 (handler-case
-			(normally (typep x TYPE))
-		      (error () (format t "(TYPEP ~S '~S) failed~%"
-					x TYPE)
-			(return-from failed t)))))
-	      (when (or (and p1 (not p2))
-			(and (not p1) p2))
-		(format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) = ~S, (TYPEP ~S '~S) = ~S~%"
-			P x p1 x TYPE p2)
-		t)))
-	collect x))
+        (block failed
+          (let ((p1 (handler-case
+                        (normally (funcall (the function p) x))
+                      (error () (format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) failed~%"
+                                        P x)
+                        (return-from failed t))))
+                (p2 (handler-case
+                        (normally (typep x TYPE))
+                      (error () (format t "(TYPEP ~S '~S) failed~%"
+                                        x TYPE)
+                        (return-from failed t)))))
+              (when (or (and p1 (not p2))
+                        (and (not p1) p2))
+                (format t "(FUNCALL ~S ~S) = ~S, (TYPEP ~S '~S) = ~S~%"
+                        P x p1 x TYPE p2)
+                t)))
+        collect x))
 ;;; We have a common idiom where a guarded predicate should be
 ;;; true everywhere
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
   "Return all elements of UNIVERSE for which the guard (if present) is false
    and for which PREDICATE is false."
   (remove-if #'(lambda (e) (or (and guard (funcall guard e))
-			       (funcall predicate e)))
-	     universe))
+                               (funcall predicate e)))
+             universe))
 (declaim (special *catch-error-type*))
@@ -213,10 +213,10 @@ Results: ~A~%" expected-number form n results))))
   (let ((r (find-restart 'continue condition)))
      ((and *catch-error-type*
-	   (not (typep condition *catch-error-type*)))
+           (not (typep condition *catch-error-type*)))
       (format t "Condition ~S is not a ~A~%" condition *catch-error-type*)
       (cond (r (format t "Its continue restart is ~S~%" r))
-	    (t (format t "It has no continue restart~%")))
+            (t (format t "It has no continue restart~%")))
       (throw 'continue-failed nil))
      (r (invoke-restart r))
      (t (throw 'continue-failed nil)))))
@@ -268,15 +268,15 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defun classify-error** (form)
   (handler-bind ((warning #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-			      (muffle-warning))))
-		(proclaim '(optimize (safety 3)))
-		(classify-error*
-		 (if regression-test::*compile-tests*
-		     (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
-					      (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-					      ,form)))
-		     (eval form))
-		 )))
+                              (muffle-warning))))
+                (proclaim '(optimize (safety 3)))
+                (classify-error*
+                 (if regression-test::*compile-tests*
+                     (funcall (compile nil `(lambda ()
+                                              (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+                                              ,form)))
+                     (eval form))
+                 )))
 (defmacro classify-error (form)
   `(classify-error** ',form))
@@ -287,53 +287,53 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defmacro signals-error (form error-name &key (safety 3) (name nil name-p) (inline nil))
     ((warning #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-			      (muffle-warning))))
+                              (muffle-warning))))
     (proclaim '(optimize (safety 3)))
      (apply #'values
-	    nil
-	    (multiple-value-list
-	     ,(cond
-	       (inline form)
-	       (regression-test::*compile-tests*
-		`(funcall (compile nil '(lambda ()
-					  (declare (optimize (safety ,safety)))
-					  ,form))))
-	       (t `(eval ',form)))))
+            nil
+            (multiple-value-list
+             ,(cond
+               (inline form)
+               (regression-test::*compile-tests*
+                `(funcall (compile nil '(lambda ()
+                                          (declare (optimize (safety ,safety)))
+                                          ,form))))
+               (t `(eval ',form)))))
      (,error-name (c)
-		  (cond
-		   ,@(case error-name
-		       (type-error
-			`(((typep (type-error-datum c)
-				  (type-error-expected-type c))
-			   (values
-			    nil
-			    (list (list 'typep (list 'quote
-						     (type-error-datum c))
-					(list 'quote
-					      (type-error-expected-type c)))
-				  "==> true")))))
-		       ((undefined-function unbound-variable)
-			(and name-p
-			     `(((not (eq (cell-error-name c) ',name))
-				(values
-				 nil
-				 (list 'cell-error-name "==>"
-				       (cell-error-name c)))))))
-		       ((stream-error end-of-file reader-error)
-			`(((not (streamp (stream-error-stream c)))
-			   (values
-			    nil
-			    (list 'stream-error-stream "==>"
-				  (stream-error-stream c))))))
-		       (file-error
-			`(((not (pathnamep (pathname (file-error-pathname c))))
-			   (values
-			    nil
-			    (list 'file-error-pathname "==>"
-				  (file-error-pathname c))))))
-		       (t nil))
-		   (t (printable-p c)))))))
+                  (cond
+                   ,@(case error-name
+                       (type-error
+                        `(((typep (type-error-datum c)
+                                  (type-error-expected-type c))
+                           (values
+                            nil
+                            (list (list 'typep (list 'quote
+                                                     (type-error-datum c))
+                                        (list 'quote
+                                              (type-error-expected-type c)))
+                                  "==> true")))))
+                       ((undefined-function unbound-variable)
+                        (and name-p
+                             `(((not (eq (cell-error-name c) ',name))
+                                (values
+                                 nil
+                                 (list 'cell-error-name "==>"
+                                       (cell-error-name c)))))))
+                       ((stream-error end-of-file reader-error)
+                        `(((not (streamp (stream-error-stream c)))
+                           (values
+                            nil
+                            (list 'stream-error-stream "==>"
+                                  (stream-error-stream c))))))
+                       (file-error
+                        `(((not (pathnamep (pathname (file-error-pathname c))))
+                           (values
+                            nil
+                            (list 'file-error-pathname "==>"
+                                  (file-error-pathname c))))))
+                       (t nil))
+                   (t (printable-p c)))))))
 (defmacro signals-error-always (form error-name)
@@ -342,36 +342,36 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defmacro signals-type-error (var datum-form form &key (safety 3) (inline nil))
   (let ((lambda-form
-	 `(lambda (,var)
-	    (declare (optimize (safety ,safety)))
-	    ,form)))
+         `(lambda (,var)
+            (declare (optimize (safety ,safety)))
+            ,form)))
     `(let ((,var ,datum-form))
        (declare (optimize safety))
-	((warning #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-		      (muffle-warning))))
-					; (proclaim '(optimize (safety 3)))
-	(handler-case
-	 (apply #'values
-		nil
-		(multiple-value-list
-		 (funcall
-		 ,(cond
-		   (inline `(function ,lambda-form))
-		   (regression-test::*compile-tests*
-		     `(compile nil ',lambda-form))
-		   (t `(eval ',lambda-form)))
-		  ,var)))
-	 (type-error
-	  (c)
-	  (let ((datum (type-error-datum c))
-		(expected-type (type-error-expected-type c)))
-	    (cond
-	     ((not (eql ,var datum))
-	      (list :datum-mismatch ,var datum))
-	     ((typep datum expected-type)
-	      (list :is-typep datum expected-type))
-	     (t (printable-p c))))))))))
+        ((warning #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
+                      (muffle-warning))))
+                                        ; (proclaim '(optimize (safety 3)))
+        (handler-case
+         (apply #'values
+                nil
+                (multiple-value-list
+                 (funcall
+                 ,(cond
+                   (inline `(function ,lambda-form))
+                   (regression-test::*compile-tests*
+                     `(compile nil ',lambda-form))
+                   (t `(eval ',lambda-form)))
+                  ,var)))
+         (type-error
+          (c)
+          (let ((datum (type-error-datum c))
+                (expected-type (type-error-expected-type c)))
+            (cond
+             ((not (eql ,var datum))
+              (list :datum-mismatch ,var datum))
+             ((typep datum expected-type)
+              (list :is-typep datum expected-type))
+             (t (printable-p c))))))))))
 (declaim (special *mini-universe*))
@@ -380,12 +380,12 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
    pred-fn signals a type error."
   (let (val)
     (loop for e in universe
-	  unless (or (funcall guard-fn e)
-		     (equal
-		      (setf val (multiple-value-list
-				 (signals-type-error x e (funcall pred-fn x) :inline t)))
-		      '(t)))
-	collect (list e val))))
+          unless (or (funcall guard-fn e)
+                     (equal
+                      (setf val (multiple-value-list
+                                 (signals-type-error x e (funcall pred-fn x) :inline t)))
+                      '(t)))
+        collect (list e val))))
 (defmacro check-type-error (&body args)
   `(locally (declare (optimize safety)) (check-type-error* ,@args)))
@@ -394,10 +394,10 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   "Returns T iff obj can be printed to a string."
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil))
      (declare (optimize safety))
      (handler-case (and (stringp (write-to-string obj)) t)
-		   (condition (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)))))
+                   (condition (c) (declare (ignore c)) nil)))))
 ;;; The function SUBTYPEP should return two generalized booleans.
@@ -406,28 +406,28 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defun subtypep* (type1 type2)
   (apply #'values
-	 (mapcar #'notnot
-		 (multiple-value-list (subtypep type1 type2)))))
+         (mapcar #'notnot
+                 (multiple-value-list (subtypep type1 type2)))))
 (defun subtypep*-or-fail (type1 type2)
   (let ((results (multiple-value-list (subtypep type1 type2))))
     (and (= (length results) 2)
-	 (or (not (second results))
-	     (notnot (first results))))))
+         (or (not (second results))
+             (notnot (first results))))))
 (defun subtypep*-not-or-fail (type1 type2)
   (let ((results (multiple-value-list (subtypep type1 type2))))
     (and (= (length results) 2)
-	 (or (not (second results))
-	     (not (first results))))))
+         (or (not (second results))
+             (not (first results))))))
 ;; (declaim (ftype (function (&rest function) (values function &optional))
-;;		compose))
+;;              compose))
 (defun compose (&rest fns)
   (let ((rfns (reverse fns)))
     #'(lambda (x) (loop for f
-			in rfns do (setf x (funcall (the function f) x))) x)))
+                        in rfns do (setf x (funcall (the function f) x))) x)))
 (defun evendigitp (c)
   (notnot (find c "02468")))
@@ -462,9 +462,9 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (if (cddddr args)
       (list 'list*
-	    (first args) (second args) (third args) (fourth args)
-	    (make-list-expr (cddddr args)))
-    (cons 'list args)))  
+            (first args) (second args) (third args) (fourth args)
+            (make-list-expr (cddddr args)))
+    (cons 'list args)))
 (defparameter +standard-chars+
@@ -473,13 +473,13 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   +base-chars+ #.(coerce
-		  (concatenate 'string
-			       "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-			       "0123456789"
-			       "<,>.?/\"':;[{]}~`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \\|")
-		  'simple-base-string))
+                  (concatenate 'string
+                               "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                               "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+                               "0123456789"
+                               "<,>.?/\"':;[{]}~`!@#$%^&*()_-+= \\|")
+                  'simple-base-string))
 (declaim (type simple-base-string +base-chars+))
@@ -491,18 +491,18 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defparameter +alphanumeric-chars+ (subseq +standard-chars+ 0 62))
 (defparameter +digit-chars+ "0123456789")
 (defparameter +extended-digit-chars+ (coerce
-				      'simple-base-string))
+                                      "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+                                      'simple-base-string))
 (declaim (type simple-base-string +alpha-chars+ +lower-case-chars+
-	       +upper-case-chars+ +alphanumeric-chars+ +extended-digit-chars+
-	       +standard-chars+))
+               +upper-case-chars+ +alphanumeric-chars+ +extended-digit-chars+
+               +standard-chars+))
 (defparameter +code-chars+
   (coerce (loop for i from 0 below 256
-		for c = (code-char i)
-		when c collect c)
-	  'simple-string))
+                for c = (code-char i)
+                when c collect c)
+          'simple-string))
 (declaim (type simple-string +code-chars+))
@@ -512,24 +512,24 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defun has-non-abort-restart (c)
   (throw 'handled
-	 (if (position 'abort (the list (compute-restarts c))
-		       :key #'restart-name :test-not #'eq)
-	     'success
-	   'fail)))
+         (if (position 'abort (the list (compute-restarts c))
+                       :key #'restart-name :test-not #'eq)
+             'success
+           'fail)))
 (defmacro handle-non-abort-restart (&body body)
   `(catch 'handled
      (handler-bind ((error #'has-non-abort-restart))
-		   ,@body)))
+                   ,@body)))
 ;;; used in elt.lsp
 (defun elt-v-6-body ()
   (let ((x (make-int-list 1000)))
     (let ((a (make-array '(1000) :initial-contents x)))
-	  for i from 0 to 999 do
-	    (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
-	  finally (return t)))))
+          for i from 0 to 999 do
+            (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
+          finally (return t)))))
 (defun make-adj-array (n &key initial-contents)
   (if initial-contents
@@ -541,24 +541,24 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (let ((x (make-int-list 1000)))
     (let ((a (make-adj-array '(1000) :initial-contents x)))
-	  for i from 0 to 999 do
-	    (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
-	  finally (return t)))))
+          for i from 0 to 999 do
+            (unless (eql i (elt a i)) (return nil))
+          finally (return t)))))
 (defparameter *displaced* (make-int-array 100000))
 (defun make-displaced-array (n displacement)
   (make-array n :displaced-to *displaced*
-	      :displaced-index-offset displacement))
+              :displaced-index-offset displacement))
 ;;; used in fill.lsp
 (defun array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn (byte-size &rest fill-args)
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type (list 'unsigned-byte byte-size)
-			:initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (apply #'fill a fill-args)))
+                        :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+         (b (apply #'fill a fill-args)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a))))
+            (map 'list #'identity a))))
 ;;; used in fill-strings.lsp
 (defun array-string-fill-test-fn (a &rest fill-args)
@@ -574,121 +574,121 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defparameter *subtype-table*
 (let ((table
-	 (null symbol)
-	 (symbol t)
-	 (boolean symbol)
-	 (standard-object t)
-	 (function t)
-	 (compiled-function function)
-	 (generic-function function)
-	 (standard-generic-function generic-function)
-	 (class standard-object)
-	 (built-in-class class)
-	 (structure-class class)
-	 (standard-class class)
-	 (method standard-object)
-	 (standard-method method)
-	 (structure-object t)
-	 (method-combination t)
-	 (condition t)
-	 (serious-condition condition)
-	 (error serious-condition)
-	 (type-error error)
-	 (simple-type-error type-error)
-	 (simple-condition condition)
-	 (simple-type-error simple-condition)
-	 (parse-error error)
-	 (hash-table t)
-	 (cell-error error)
-	 (unbound-slot cell-error)
-	 (warning condition)
-	 (style-warning warning)
-	 (storage-condition serious-condition)
-	 (simple-warning warning)
-	 (simple-warning simple-condition)
-	 (keyword symbol)
-	 (unbound-variable cell-error)
-	 (control-error error)
-	 (program-error error)
-	 (undefined-function cell-error)
-	 (package t)
-	 (package-error error)
-	 (random-state t)
-	 (number t)
-	 (real number)
-	 (complex number)
-	 (float real)
-	 (short-float float)
-	 (single-float float)
-	 (double-float float)
-	 (long-float float)
-	 (rational real)
-	 (integer rational)
-	 (ratio rational)
-	 (signed-byte integer)
-	 (integer signed-byte)
-	 (unsigned-byte signed-byte)
-	 (bit unsigned-byte)
-	 (fixnum integer)
-	 (bignum integer)
-	 (bit fixnum)
-	 (arithmetic-error error)
-	 (division-by-zero arithmetic-error)
-	 (floating-point-invalid-operation arithmetic-error)
-	 (floating-point-inexact arithmetic-error)
-	 (floating-point-overflow arithmetic-error)
-	 (floating-point-underflow arithmetic-error)
-	 (character t)
-	 (base-char character)
-	 (standard-char base-char)
-	 (extended-char character)
-	 (sequence t)
-	 (list sequence)
-	 (null list)
-	 (null boolean)
-	 (cons list)
-	 (array t)
-	 (simple-array array)
-	 (vector sequence)
-	 (vector array)
-	 (string vector)
-	 (bit-vector vector)
-	 (simple-vector vector)
-	 (simple-vector simple-array)
-	 (simple-bit-vector bit-vector)
-	 (simple-bit-vector simple-array)
-	 (base-string string)
-	 (simple-string string)
-	 (simple-string simple-array)
-	 (simple-base-string base-string)
-	 (simple-base-string simple-string)
-	 (pathname t)
-	 (logical-pathname pathname)
-	 (file-error error)
-	 (stream t)
-	 (broadcast-stream stream)
-	 (concatenated-stream stream)
-	 (echo-stream stream)
-	 (file-stream stream)
-	 (string-stream stream)
-	 (synonym-stream stream)
-	 (two-way-stream stream)
-	 (stream-error error)
-	 (end-of-file stream-error)
-	 (print-not-readable error)
-	 (readtable t)
-	 (reader-error parse-error)
-	 (reader-error stream-error)
-	 )))
+         (null symbol)
+         (symbol t)
+         (boolean symbol)
+         (standard-object t)
+         (function t)
+         (compiled-function function)
+         (generic-function function)
+         (standard-generic-function generic-function)
+         (class standard-object)
+         (built-in-class class)
+         (structure-class class)
+         (standard-class class)
+         (method standard-object)
+         (standard-method method)
+         (structure-object t)
+         (method-combination t)
+         (condition t)
+         (serious-condition condition)
+         (error serious-condition)
+         (type-error error)
+         (simple-type-error type-error)
+         (simple-condition condition)
+         (simple-type-error simple-condition)
+         (parse-error error)
+         (hash-table t)
+         (cell-error error)
+         (unbound-slot cell-error)
+         (warning condition)
+         (style-warning warning)
+         (storage-condition serious-condition)
+         (simple-warning warning)
+         (simple-warning simple-condition)
+         (keyword symbol)
+         (unbound-variable cell-error)
+         (control-error error)
+         (program-error error)
+         (undefined-function cell-error)
+         (package t)
+         (package-error error)
+         (random-state t)
+         (number t)
+         (real number)
+         (complex number)
+         (float real)
+         (short-float float)
+         (single-float float)
+         (double-float float)
+         (long-float float)
+         (rational real)
+         (integer rational)
+         (ratio rational)
+         (signed-byte integer)
+         (integer signed-byte)
+         (unsigned-byte signed-byte)
+         (bit unsigned-byte)
+         (fixnum integer)
+         (bignum integer)
+         (bit fixnum)
+         (arithmetic-error error)
+         (division-by-zero arithmetic-error)
+         (floating-point-invalid-operation arithmetic-error)
+         (floating-point-inexact arithmetic-error)
+         (floating-point-overflow arithmetic-error)
+         (floating-point-underflow arithmetic-error)
+         (character t)
+         (base-char character)
+         (standard-char base-char)
+         (extended-char character)
+         (sequence t)
+         (list sequence)
+         (null list)
+         (null boolean)
+         (cons list)
+         (array t)
+         (simple-array array)
+         (vector sequence)
+         (vector array)
+         (string vector)
+         (bit-vector vector)
+         (simple-vector vector)
+         (simple-vector simple-array)
+         (simple-bit-vector bit-vector)
+         (simple-bit-vector simple-array)
+         (base-string string)
+         (simple-string string)
+         (simple-string simple-array)
+         (simple-base-string base-string)
+         (simple-base-string simple-string)
+         (pathname t)
+         (logical-pathname pathname)
+         (file-error error)
+         (stream t)
+         (broadcast-stream stream)
+         (concatenated-stream stream)
+         (echo-stream stream)
+         (file-stream stream)
+         (string-stream stream)
+         (synonym-stream stream)
+         (two-way-stream stream)
+         (stream-error error)
+         (end-of-file stream-error)
+         (print-not-readable error)
+         (readtable t)
+         (reader-error parse-error)
+         (reader-error stream-error)
+         )))
   (when (subtypep* 'character 'base-char)
     (setq table
-	  (append
-	   '((character base-char)
-	     ;; (string base-string)
-	     ;; (simple-string simple-base-string)
-	     )
-	   table)))
+          (append
+           '((character base-char)
+             ;; (string base-string)
+             ;; (simple-string simple-base-string)
+             )
+           table)))
 (defparameter *disjoint-types-list*
@@ -700,22 +700,22 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   `((cons (cons t t) (cons t (cons t t)) (eql (nil)))
     (symbol keyword boolean null (eql a) (eql nil) (eql t) (eql *))
     (array vector simple-array simple-vector string simple-string
-	   base-string simple-base-string (eql #()))
+           base-string simple-base-string (eql #()))
     (character base-char standard-char (eql #\a)
-	       ,@(if (subtypep 'character 'base-char) nil
-		   (list 'extended-char)))
+               ,@(if (subtypep 'character 'base-char) nil
+                   (list 'extended-char)))
     (function compiled-function generic-function standard-generic-function
-	      (eql ,#'car))
+              (eql ,#'car))
     (package (eql ,(find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
     (pathname logical-pathname (eql #p""))
     (stream broadcast-stream concatenated-stream echo-stream
-	    file-stream string-stream synonym-stream two-way-stream)
+            file-stream string-stream synonym-stream two-way-stream)
     (number real complex float integer rational ratio fixnum
-	    bit (integer 0 100) (float 0.0 100.0) (integer 0 *)
-	    (rational 0 *) (mod 10)
-	    (eql 0)
-	    ,@(and (not (subtypep 'bignum nil))
-		   (list 'bignum)))
+            bit (integer 0 100) (float 0.0 100.0) (integer 0 *)
+            (rational 0 *) (mod 10)
+            (eql 0)
+            ,@(and (not (subtypep 'bignum nil))
+                   (list 'bignum)))
@@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (let ((len (length list)))
     (if (<= len n) list
       (append (subseq list 0 n)
-	      (format nil "And ~A more omitted." (- len n))))))
+              (format nil "And ~A more omitted." (- len n))))))
 (defun is-t-or-nil (e)
   (or (eqt e t) (eqt e nil)))
@@ -747,14 +747,14 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defmacro defstruct* (&body args)
   `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
      (handler-case (eval '(defstruct ,@args))
-		      (serious-condition () nil))))
+                      (serious-condition () nil))))
 (defun safely-delete-package (package-designator)
   (let ((package (find-package package-designator)))
     (when package
       (let ((used-by (package-used-by-list package)))
-	(dolist (using-package used-by)
-	  (unuse-package package using-package)))
+        (dolist (using-package used-by)
+          (unuse-package package using-package)))
       (delete-package package))))
 #-(or allegro openmcl lispworks)
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   "Replace the versions field of the pathname specified by pathspec with
    :wild, and delete all the files this refers to."
   (let* ((wild-pathname (make-pathname :version :wild :defaults (pathname pathspec)))
-	 (truenames (directory wild-pathname)))
-    (mapc #'delete-file truenames)))    
+         (truenames (directory wild-pathname)))
+    (mapc #'delete-file truenames)))
 ;;; This is a hack to get around an ACL bug; OpenMCL also apparently
 ;;; needs it
@@ -780,10 +780,10 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (declare (ignore expected-fmt expected-args))
   (and (typep c 'simple-condition)
        (let ((fc (simple-condition-format-control c))
-	     (args (simple-condition-format-arguments c)))
-	 (and
-	  (stringp (apply #'format nil fc args))
-	  t))))
+             (args (simple-condition-format-arguments c)))
+         (and
+          (stringp (apply #'format nil fc args))
+          t))))
 (defun frob-simple-error (c expected-fmt &rest expected-args)
   (and (typep c 'simple-error)
@@ -803,22 +803,22 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defun collect-properties (plist prop)
   "Collect all the properties in plist for a property prop."
   (loop for e on plist by #'cddr
-	when (eql (car e) prop)
-	collect (cadr e)))
+        when (eql (car e) prop)
+        collect (cadr e)))
 (defmacro def-macro-test (test-name macro-form)
   (let ((macro-name (car macro-form)))
     (assert (symbolp macro-name))
     `(deftest ,test-name
-	(signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name))
-		       program-error)
-	(signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name)
-				',macro-form)
-		       program-error)
-	(signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name)
-				',macro-form nil nil)
-		       program-error))
+        (signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name))
+                       program-error)
+        (signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name)
+                                ',macro-form)
+                       program-error)
+        (signals-error (funcall (macro-function ',macro-name)
+                                ',macro-form nil nil)
+                       program-error))
        t t t)))
 (defun typep* (element type)
@@ -876,11 +876,11 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   `(deftest ,name
      (block done
        (let ((*debugger-hook* #'(lambda (&rest args)
-				  (declare (ignore args))
-				  (return-from done :good))))
-	 (handler-case
-	  (unwind-protect (eval ',form) (return-from done :good))
-	  (condition () :good))))
+                                  (declare (ignore args))
+                                  (return-from done :good))))
+         (handler-case
+          (unwind-protect (eval ',form) (return-from done :good))
+          (condition () :good))))
 (defun rational-safely (x)
@@ -891,12 +891,12 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (multiple-value-bind (significand exponent sign)
       (integer-decode-float x)
     (let ((limit 1000)
-	  (radix (float-radix x)))
+          (radix (float-radix x)))
        ((< exponent (- limit))
-	(* significand (expt radix (- limit)) sign))
+        (* significand (expt radix (- limit)) sign))
        ((> exponent limit)
-	(* significand (expt radix limit) sign))
+        (* significand (expt radix limit) sign))
        (t (rational x))))))
 (declaim (special *similarity-list*))
@@ -918,7 +918,7 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x symbol) (y symbol))
   (if (null (symbol-package x))
       (and (null (symbol-package y))
-	   (is-similar* (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)))
+           (is-similar* (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y)))
     ;; I think the requirements for interned symbols in
     ;; boils down to EQ after the symbols are in the lisp
     (eq x y))
@@ -926,55 +926,55 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x random-state) (y random-state))
   (let ((copy-of-x (make-random-state x))
-	(copy-of-y (make-random-state y))
-	(bound (1- (ash 1 24))))
+        (copy-of-y (make-random-state y))
+        (bound (1- (ash 1 24))))
      ;; Try 50 values, and assume the random state are the same
      ;; if all the values are the same.  Assuming the RNG is not
      ;; very pathological, this should be acceptable.
      (loop repeat 50
-	   always (eql (random bound copy-of-x)
-		       (random bound copy-of-y)))
+           always (eql (random bound copy-of-x)
+                       (random bound copy-of-y)))
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x cons) (y cons))
   (or (and (eq x y) t)
       (and (loop for (x2 . y2) in *similarity-list*
-		 thereis (and (eq x x2) (eq y y2)))
-	   t)
+                 thereis (and (eq x x2) (eq y y2)))
+           t)
       (let ((*similarity-list*
-	     (cons (cons x y) *similarity-list*)))
-	(and (is-similar* (car x) (car y))
-	     ;; If this causes stack problems,
-	     ;; convert to a loop
-	     (is-similar* (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
+             (cons (cons x y) *similarity-list*)))
+        (and (is-similar* (car x) (car y))
+             ;; If this causes stack problems,
+             ;; convert to a loop
+             (is-similar* (cdr x) (cdr y))))))
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x vector) (y vector))
   (or (and (eq x y) t)
        (or (not (typep x 'simple-array))
-	   (typep x 'simple-array))
+           (typep x 'simple-array))
        (= (length x) (length y))
        (is-similar* (array-element-type x)
-		    (array-element-type y))
+                    (array-element-type y))
        (loop for i below (length x)
-	     always (is-similar* (aref x i) (aref y i)))
+             always (is-similar* (aref x i) (aref y i)))
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x array) (y array))
   (or (and (eq x y) t)
        (or (not (typep x 'simple-array))
-	   (typep x 'simple-array))
+           (typep x 'simple-array))
        (= (array-rank x) (array-rank y))
        (equal (array-dimensions x) (array-dimensions y))
        (is-similar* (array-element-type x)
-		    (array-element-type y))
+                    (array-element-type y))
        (let ((*similarity-list*
-	      (cons (cons x y) *similarity-list*)))
-	 (loop for i below (array-total-size x)
-	       always (is-similar* (row-major-aref x i)
-				   (row-major-aref y i))))
+              (cons (cons x y) *similarity-list*)))
+         (loop for i below (array-total-size x)
+               always (is-similar* (row-major-aref x i)
+                                   (row-major-aref y i))))
 (defmethod is-similar* ((x hash-table) (y hash-table))
@@ -995,128 +995,128 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
   (and (eql x y) t))
 (defparameter *initial-print-pprint-dispatch* (if (boundp '*print-pprint-dispatch*)
-						  *print-pprint-dispatch*
-						nil))
+                                                  *print-pprint-dispatch*
+                                                nil))
 (defmacro my-with-standard-io-syntax (&body body)
   `(let ((*package* (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER"))
-	 (*print-array* t)
-	 (*print-base* 10)
-	 (*print-case* :upcase)
-	 (*print-circle* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* t)
-	 (*print-gensym* t)
-	 (*print-length* nil)
-	 (*print-level* nil)
-	 (*print-lines* nil)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil)
-	 (*print-pprint-dispatch* *initial-print-pprint-dispatch*)
-	 (*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-radix* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* nil)
-	 (*read-base* 10)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float)
-	 (*read-eval* t)
-	 (*read-suppress* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*print-array* t)
+         (*print-base* 10)
+         (*print-case* :upcase)
+         (*print-circle* nil)
+         (*print-escape* t)
+         (*print-gensym* t)
+         (*print-length* nil)
+         (*print-level* nil)
+         (*print-lines* nil)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil)
+         (*print-pprint-dispatch* *initial-print-pprint-dispatch*)
+         (*print-pretty* nil)
+         (*print-radix* nil)
+         (*print-readably* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* nil)
+         (*read-base* 10)
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float)
+         (*read-eval* t)
+         (*read-suppress* nil)
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
 ;;; Function to produce a non-simple string
 (defun make-special-string (string &key fill adjust displace base)
   (let* ((len (length string))
-	 (len2 (if fill (+ len 4) len))
-	 (etype (if base 'base-char 'character)))
+         (len2 (if fill (+ len 4) len))
+         (etype (if base 'base-char 'character)))
     (if displace
-	(let ((s0 (make-array (+ len2 5)
-			      :initial-contents
-			      (concatenate 'string
-					   (make-string 2 :initial-element #\X)
-					   string
-					   (make-string (if fill 7 3)
-							:initial-element #\Y))
-			      :element-type etype)))
-	  (make-array len2 :element-type etype
-		      :adjustable adjust
-		      :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
-		      :displaced-to s0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 2))
+        (let ((s0 (make-array (+ len2 5)
+                              :initial-contents
+                              (concatenate 'string
+                                           (make-string 2 :initial-element #\X)
+                                           string
+                                           (make-string (if fill 7 3)
+                                                        :initial-element #\Y))
+                              :element-type etype)))
+          (make-array len2 :element-type etype
+                      :adjustable adjust
+                      :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
+                      :displaced-to s0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 2))
       (make-array len2 :element-type etype
-		  :initial-contents
-		  (if fill (concatenate 'string string "ZZZZ") string)
-		  :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
-		  :adjustable adjust))))
+                  :initial-contents
+                  (if fill (concatenate 'string string "ZZZZ") string)
+                  :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
+                  :adjustable adjust))))
 (defmacro do-special-strings ((var string-form &optional ret-form) &body forms)
   (let ((string (gensym))
-	(fill (gensym "FILL"))
-	(adjust (gensym "ADJUST"))
-	(base (gensym "BASE"))
-	(displace (gensym "DISPLACE")))
+        (fill (gensym "FILL"))
+        (adjust (gensym "ADJUST"))
+        (base (gensym "BASE"))
+        (displace (gensym "DISPLACE")))
     `(let ((,string ,string-form))
        (dolist (,fill '(nil t) ,ret-form)
-	 (dolist (,adjust '(nil t))
-	   (dolist (,base '(nil t))
-	     (dolist (,displace '(nil t))
-	       (let ((,var (make-special-string
-			    ,string
-			    :fill ,fill :adjust ,adjust
-			    :base ,base :displace ,displace)))
-		 ,@forms))))))))
+         (dolist (,adjust '(nil t))
+           (dolist (,base '(nil t))
+             (dolist (,displace '(nil t))
+               (let ((,var (make-special-string
+                            ,string
+                            :fill ,fill :adjust ,adjust
+                            :base ,base :displace ,displace)))
+                 ,@forms))))))))
 (defun make-special-integer-vector (contents &key fill adjust displace (etype 'integer))
   (let* ((len (length contents))
-	 (min (reduce #'min contents))
-	 (max (reduce #'max contents))
-	 (len2 (if fill (+ len 4) len)))
+         (min (reduce #'min contents))
+         (max (reduce #'max contents))
+         (len2 (if fill (+ len 4) len)))
     (unless (and (typep min etype)
-		 (typep max etype))
+                 (typep max etype))
       (setq etype `(integer ,min ,max)))
     (if displace
-	(let ((s0 (make-array (+ len2 5)
-			      :initial-contents
-			      (concatenate 'list
-					   (make-list 2 :initial-element
-						      (if (typep 0 etype) 0 min))
-					   contents
-					   (make-list (if fill 7 3)
-						      :initial-element
-						      (if (typep 1 etype) 1 max)))
-			      :element-type etype)))
-	  (make-array len2 :element-type etype
-		      :adjustable adjust
-		      :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
-		      :displaced-to s0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 2))
+        (let ((s0 (make-array (+ len2 5)
+                              :initial-contents
+                              (concatenate 'list
+                                           (make-list 2 :initial-element
+                                                      (if (typep 0 etype) 0 min))
+                                           contents
+                                           (make-list (if fill 7 3)
+                                                      :initial-element
+                                                      (if (typep 1 etype) 1 max)))
+                              :element-type etype)))
+          (make-array len2 :element-type etype
+                      :adjustable adjust
+                      :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
+                      :displaced-to s0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 2))
       (make-array len2 :element-type etype
-		  :initial-contents
-		  (if fill (concatenate 'list
-					contents
-					(make-list 4 :initial-element
-						   (if (typep 2 etype) 2 (floor (+ min max) 2))))
-		    contents)
-		  :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
-		  :adjustable adjust))))
+                  :initial-contents
+                  (if fill (concatenate 'list
+                                        contents
+                                        (make-list 4 :initial-element
+                                                   (if (typep 2 etype) 2 (floor (+ min max) 2))))
+                    contents)
+                  :fill-pointer (if fill len nil)
+                  :adjustable adjust))))
 (defmacro do-special-integer-vectors ((var vec-form &optional ret-form) &body forms)
   (let ((vector (gensym))
-	(fill (gensym "FILL"))
-	(adjust (gensym "ADJUST"))
-	(etype (gensym "ETYPE"))
-	(displace (gensym "DISPLACE")))
+        (fill (gensym "FILL"))
+        (adjust (gensym "ADJUST"))
+        (etype (gensym "ETYPE"))
+        (displace (gensym "DISPLACE")))
     `(let ((,vector ,vec-form))
        (dolist (,fill '(nil t) ,ret-form)
-	 (dolist (,adjust '(nil t))
-	   (dolist (,etype ',(append (loop for i from 1 to 32 collect `(unsigned-byte ,i))
-				     (loop for i from 2 to 32 collect `(signed-byte ,i))
-				     '(integer)))
-	     (dolist (,displace '(nil t))
-	       (let ((,var (make-special-integer-vector
-			    ,vector
-			    :fill ,fill :adjust ,adjust
-			    :etype ,etype :displace ,displace)))
-		 ,@forms))))))))
+         (dolist (,adjust '(nil t))
+           (dolist (,etype ',(append (loop for i from 1 to 32 collect `(unsigned-byte ,i))
+                                     (loop for i from 2 to 32 collect `(signed-byte ,i))
+                                     '(integer)))
+             (dolist (,displace '(nil t))
+               (let ((,var (make-special-integer-vector
+                            ,vector
+                            :fill ,fill :adjust ,adjust
+                            :etype ,etype :displace ,displace)))
+                 ,@forms))))))))
 ;;; Return T if arg X is a string designator in this implementation
@@ -1164,17 +1164,17 @@ the condition to go uncaught if it cannot be classified."
    actually exist."
   (or (packagep x)
       (handler-case (and (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-				  (string x))
-			 t)
-		    (type-error () nil))))
+                                  (string x))
+                         t)
+                    (type-error () nil))))
 (defmacro def-fold-test (name form)
   "Create a test that FORM, which should produce a fresh value,
    does not improperly introduce sharing during constant folding."
   `(deftest ,name
      (flet ((%f () (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)
-				      (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0)))
-	       ,form))
+                                      (compilation-speed 0) (debug 0)))
+               ,form))
        (eq (%f) (%f)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/append.lsp b/ansi-tests/append.lsp
index 7a449417..eb49d6a9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/append.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/append.lsp
@@ -17,20 +17,20 @@
 (deftest append.3
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(y (list 'e 'f 'g)))
+        (y (list 'e 'f 'g)))
     (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+          (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
       (let ((result (append x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+         result))))
   (a b c d e f g))
 (deftest append.4
   (append (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c)
-	  (list 'd) (list 'e) (list 'f)
-	  (list 'g) 'h)
+          (list 'd) (list 'e) (list 'f)
+          (list 'g) 'h)
   (a b c d e f g . h))
 (deftest append.5
@@ -51,17 +51,17 @@
 (deftest append.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (append (expand-in-current-env (%m '(a b c)))))
+            (append (expand-in-current-env (%m '(a b c)))))
   (a b c))
 (deftest append.9
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (append (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 1 2 3))) (list 4 5 6)))
+            (append (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 1 2 3))) (list 4 5 6)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
 (deftest append.10
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (append (list 1 2 3) (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 4 5 6)))))
+            (append (list 1 2 3) (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 4 5 6)))))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (append (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
+             (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
      i x y z))
   (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@
 (deftest append.error.1
   (signals-error (append '(a . b) '(z))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest append.error.2
   (signals-error (append '(x y z) '(a . b) '(z))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/apply.lsp b/ansi-tests/apply.lsp
index 5fc0be7b..ca004dfc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/apply.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/apply.lsp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 (deftest apply.error.4
   (signals-error (apply #'cons (list 1 2 3))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Non-error cases
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (deftest apply.4
   (let ((zeros (make-list (min 10000 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-			  :initial-element 1)))
+                          :initial-element 1)))
     (apply #'+ zeros))
   #.(min 10000 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
@@ -50,28 +50,28 @@
 (deftest apply.6
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (apply (expand-in-current-env (%m 'cons)) 1 2 nil))
+            (apply (expand-in-current-env (%m 'cons)) 1 2 nil))
   (1 . 2))
 (deftest apply.7
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (apply #'cons (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) '(2)))
+            (apply #'cons (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) '(2)))
   (1 . 2))
 (deftest apply.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (apply #'cons (expand-in-current-env (%m '(1 2)))))
+            (apply #'cons (expand-in-current-env (%m '(1 2)))))
   (1 . 2))
 (deftest apply.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (apply (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		   #'list)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		   'b)
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		   (list 'a)))
+                   #'list)
+            (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                   'b)
+            (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                   (list 'a)))
      i x y z))
   (b a) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/apropos-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/apropos-list.lsp
index ee3f2fdf..abe2062a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/apropos-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/apropos-list.lsp
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
     (safely-delete-package pkg)
-	(progn
-	  (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
-	  (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" pkg)))
-	    (loop for p in (list pkg (find-package pkg) (make-symbol pkg))
-		  nconc
-		  (loop for string-designator in
-			'("F" "O" #\F #\O "" "FOO" "FO"
-			  "OO" :|F| :|FO| :|FOO| :|O| :|OO|)
-			for result = (apropos-list string-designator p)
-			unless (equal result (list sym))
-			collect (list string-designator result)))))
+        (progn
+          (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
+          (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" pkg)))
+            (loop for p in (list pkg (find-package pkg) (make-symbol pkg))
+                  nconc
+                  (loop for string-designator in
+                        '("F" "O" #\F #\O "" "FOO" "FO"
+                          "OO" :|F| :|FO| :|FOO| :|O| :|OO|)
+                        for result = (apropos-list string-designator p)
+                        unless (equal result (list sym))
+                        collect (list string-designator result)))))
       (safely-delete-package pkg)))
@@ -27,15 +27,15 @@
   (let ((pkg #\A))
     (safely-delete-package pkg)
-	(progn
-	  (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
-	  (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" pkg)))
-	    (loop for string-designator in
-		  '("F" "O" #\F #\O "" "FOO" "FO"
-		    "OO" :|F| :|FO| :|FOO| :|O| :|OO|)
-		  for result = (apropos-list string-designator pkg)
-		  unless (equal result (list sym))
-		  collect (list string-designator result))))
+        (progn
+          (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
+          (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" pkg)))
+            (loop for string-designator in
+                  '("F" "O" #\F #\O "" "FOO" "FO"
+                    "OO" :|F| :|FO| :|FOO| :|O| :|OO|)
+                  for result = (apropos-list string-designator pkg)
+                  unless (equal result (list sym))
+                  collect (list string-designator result))))
       (safely-delete-package pkg)))
@@ -43,34 +43,34 @@
     (safely-delete-package pkg)
-	(progn
-	  (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
-	  (intern "FOO" pkg)
-	  (apropos-list "X" pkg))
+        (progn
+          (eval `(defpackage ,pkg (:use)))
+          (intern "FOO" pkg)
+          (apropos-list "X" pkg))
       (safely-delete-package pkg)))
 (deftest apropos-list.4
   (let ((sym :|X|)
-	(symbols (apropos-list "X")))
+        (symbols (apropos-list "X")))
     (notnot (member sym symbols)))
 (deftest apropos-list.5
   (let ((sym :|X|)
-	(symbols (apropos-list '#:|X|)))
+        (symbols (apropos-list '#:|X|)))
     (notnot (member sym symbols)))
 (deftest apropos-list.6
   (let ((sym :|X|)
-	(symbols (apropos-list #\X)))
+        (symbols (apropos-list #\X)))
     (notnot (member sym symbols)))
 (deftest apropos-list.7
   (let ((sym :|X|)
-	(symbols (apropos-list "X" nil)))
+        (symbols (apropos-list "X" nil)))
     (notnot (member sym symbols)))
@@ -79,15 +79,15 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (intersection '(car)
-		   (apropos-list (expand-in-current-env (%m "CAR"))))))
+                   (apropos-list (expand-in-current-env (%m "CAR"))))))
 (deftest apropos-list.9
    ((%m (z) z))
    (intersection '(car)
-		 (apropos-list "CAR" (expand-in-current-env
-				      (%m (find-package "COMMON-LISP"))))))
+                 (apropos-list "CAR" (expand-in-current-env
+                                      (%m (find-package "COMMON-LISP"))))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/apropos.lsp b/ansi-tests/apropos.lsp
index da70a9cb..4c6cd4b6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/apropos.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/apropos.lsp
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 (deftest apropos.1
   (loop for n from 10
-	for x = (coerce (loop repeat n collect (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)) 'string)
-	unless (apropos-list x)
-	return (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-				      (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos x))))))
+        for x = (coerce (loop repeat n collect (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)) 'string)
+        unless (apropos-list x)
+        return (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+                                      (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos x))))))
 (deftest apropos.2
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR")))))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR")))))))
     (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal)))
 (deftest apropos.3
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" (find-package "CL"))))))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" (find-package "CL"))))))))
     (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal)))
@@ -32,40 +32,40 @@
      (s "CAR" t)
      (setq result (with-output-to-string
-		    (*standard-output*)
-		    (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos s))))))
+                    (*standard-output*)
+                    (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos s))))))
      (assert (search "CAR" result :test #'string-equal))))
 (deftest apropos.5
   (let ((result nil)
-	(pkg (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
+        (pkg (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
      (s "APROPOS" t)
      (setq result (with-output-to-string
-		    (*standard-output*)
-		    (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos s pkg))))))
+                    (*standard-output*)
+                    (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos s pkg))))))
      (assert (search "APROPOS" result :test #'string-equal))))
 (deftest apropos.6
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" "CL")))))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" "CL")))))))
     (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal)))
 (deftest apropos.7
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" :|CL|)))))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" :|CL|)))))))
     (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal)))
 (deftest apropos.8
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" nil)))))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (apropos "CAR" nil)))))))
     (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal)))
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	      (*standard-output*)
-	      (assert (null (multiple-value-list
-			     (apropos (expand-in-current-env (%m "CAR")))))))))
+              (*standard-output*)
+              (assert (null (multiple-value-list
+                             (apropos (expand-in-current-env (%m "CAR")))))))))
      (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal))))
@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	      (*standard-output*)
-	      (assert (null (multiple-value-list
-			     (apropos "CAR"
-				      (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))))))
+              (*standard-output*)
+              (assert (null (multiple-value-list
+                             (apropos "CAR"
+                                      (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))))))
      (notnot (search "CAR" s :test #'string-equal))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/aref.lsp b/ansi-tests/aref.lsp
index e5597d35..efa080e6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/aref.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/aref.lsp
@@ -25,10 +25,10 @@
 (deftest aref.5
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-contents '("abc" "def"))))
+                       :initial-contents '("abc" "def"))))
     (loop for i below 2
-	  collect (loop for j below 3
-			collect (aref a i j))))
+          collect (loop for j below 3
+                        collect (aref a i j))))
   ((#\a #\b #\c)
    (#\d #\e #\f)))
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 (deftest aref.7
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 5) :element-type 'bit
-		       :initial-contents '((1 1 0 0 1)
-					   (0 1 0 1 0)))))
+                       :initial-contents '((1 1 0 0 1)
+                                           (0 1 0 1 0)))))
     (loop for i below 2
-	  collect (loop for j below 5
-			collect (aref a i j))))
+          collect (loop for j below 5
+                        collect (aref a i j))))
   ((1 1 0 0 1)
    (0 1 0 1 0)))
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y (a #(a b c d)))
      (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
      i x y))
   c 2 1 2)
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (a #2a((a b c)(d e f))))
      (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 2))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)
+           (progn (setf z (incf i)) 2))
      i x y z))
   f 3 1 2 3)
@@ -127,8 +127,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (a (copy-seq #(a b c d))))
      (setf (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'z))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
+           (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'z))
      i x y z))
   z #(a b z d) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/arithmetic-error.lsp b/ansi-tests/arithmetic-error.lsp
index bcbb1860..12979cef 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/arithmetic-error.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/arithmetic-error.lsp
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
 (deftest arithmethic-error.1
   (let ((a (make-condition 'arithmetic-error
-			   :operation '/
-			   :operands '(0 0))))
+                           :operation '/
+                           :operands '(0 0))))
      (notnot (typep a 'arithmetic-error))
      (notnot (typep a (find-class 'arithmetic-error)))
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 (deftest arithmethic-error.2
   (let ((a (make-condition 'arithmetic-error
-			   :operation #'/
-			   :operands '(0 0))))
+                           :operation #'/
+                           :operands '(0 0))))
      (notnot (typep a 'arithmetic-error))
      (notnot (typep a 'error))
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 (deftest arithmetic-error.3
   (let ((a (make-condition 'arithmetic-error
-			   :operation '/
-			   :operands '(0 0))))
+                           :operation '/
+                           :operands '(0 0))))
      ((%m (z) z))
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
 (deftest arithmetic-error-operation.error.2
   (signals-error (arithmetic-error-operation
-		  (make-condition 'arithmetic-error :operation '/
-				  :operands '(1 0))
-		  nil)
-		 program-error)
+                  (make-condition 'arithmetic-error :operation '/
+                                  :operands '(1 0))
+                  nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest arithmetic-error-operands.error.1
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
 (deftest arithmetic-error-operands.error.2
   (signals-error (arithmetic-error-operands
-		  (make-condition 'arithmetic-error :operation '/
-				  :operands '(1 0))
-		  nil)
-		 program-error)
+                  (make-condition 'arithmetic-error :operation '/
+                                  :operands '(1 0))
+                  nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-aux.lsp
index 3304391a..193867de 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-aux.lsp
@@ -14,24 +14,24 @@
     (or (not is-known) (notnot is-subtype))))
 (defun make-array-with-checks (dimensions
-			       &rest options
-			       &key
-			       (element-type t element-type-p)
-			       (initial-contents nil initial-contents-p)
-			       (initial-element nil initial-element-p)
-			       (adjustable nil)
-			       (fill-pointer nil)
-			       (displaced-to nil)
-			       (displaced-index-offset 0 dio-p)
-			       &aux
-			       (dimensions-list (if (listp dimensions)
-						    dimensions
-						  (list dimensions))))
+                               &rest options
+                               &key
+                               (element-type t element-type-p)
+                               (initial-contents nil initial-contents-p)
+                               (initial-element nil initial-element-p)
+                               (adjustable nil)
+                               (fill-pointer nil)
+                               (displaced-to nil)
+                               (displaced-index-offset 0 dio-p)
+                               &aux
+                               (dimensions-list (if (listp dimensions)
+                                                    dimensions
+                                                  (list dimensions))))
   "Call MAKE-ARRAY and do sanity tests on the output."
   (declare (ignore element-type-p initial-contents initial-contents-p
-		   initial-element initial-element-p dio-p))
+                   initial-element initial-element-p dio-p))
   (let ((a (check-values (apply #'make-array dimensions options)))
-	(rank (length dimensions-list)))
+        (rank (length dimensions-list)))
      ((not (typep a 'array))
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
      ((not (typep a `(array ,element-type *)))
 ;     #-gcl
      ((not (typep a `(array ,element-type ,rank)))
@@ -57,78 +57,78 @@
      ((not (typep a `(array ,element-type ,(mapcar (constantly '*)
-						   dimensions-list))))
+                                                   dimensions-list))))
      ((loop for i from 0 below (min 10 rank)
-	    thereis
-	    (let ((x (append (subseq dimensions-list 0 i)
-			     (list '*)
-			     (subseq dimensions-list (1+ i)))))
-	      (or (not (typep a `(array * ,x)))
-		  (not (typep a `(array ,element-type ,x))))))
+            thereis
+            (let ((x (append (subseq dimensions-list 0 i)
+                             (list '*)
+                             (subseq dimensions-list (1+ i)))))
+              (or (not (typep a `(array * ,x)))
+                  (not (typep a `(array ,element-type ,x))))))
      ((not (check-values (arrayp a))) :fail-not-arrayp)
      ((and ;; (eq t element-type)
-	   (not adjustable)
-	   (not fill-pointer)
-	   (not displaced-to)
-	   (cond
-	    ((not (typep a 'simple-array))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array)
-	    ((not (typep a '(simple-array *)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array2)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array * ,dimensions-list)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array3)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array * *)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array4)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array5)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type *)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array6)
-	    #-gcl
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type
-					  ,rank)))
-	     :fail-not-array7)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type ,dimensions-list)))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array8)
-	    ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type
-					  ,(mapcar (constantly '*)
-						   dimensions-list))))
-	     :fail-not-simple-array9)
-	    )))
+           (not adjustable)
+           (not fill-pointer)
+           (not displaced-to)
+           (cond
+            ((not (typep a 'simple-array))
+             :fail-not-simple-array)
+            ((not (typep a '(simple-array *)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array2)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array * ,dimensions-list)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array3)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array * *)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array4)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array5)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type *)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array6)
+            #-gcl
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type
+                                          ,rank)))
+             :fail-not-array7)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type ,dimensions-list)))
+             :fail-not-simple-array8)
+            ((not (typep a `(simple-array ,element-type
+                                          ,(mapcar (constantly '*)
+                                                   dimensions-list))))
+             :fail-not-simple-array9)
+            )))
      ;; If the array is a vector, check that...
-     ((and (eql rank 1) 
-	   (cond
-	    ;; ...It's in type vector
-	    ((not (typep a 'vector))
-	     :fail-not-vector)
-	    ;; ...If the element type is a subtype of BIT, then it's a
-	    ;; bit vector...
-	    ((and (subtypep 'bit element-type)
-		  (subtypep element-type 'bit)
-		  (or (not (bit-vector-p a))
-		      (not (typep a 'bit-vector))))
-	     :fail-not-bit-vector)
-	    ;; ...If not adjustable, fill pointered, or displaced,
-	    ;; then it's a simple vector or simple bit vector
-	    ;; (if the element-type is appropriate)
-	    ((and (not adjustable)
-		  (not fill-pointer)
-		  (not displaced-to)
-		  (cond
-		   ((and (eq t element-type)
-			 (or (not (simple-vector-p a))
-			     (not (typep a 'simple-vector))))
-		    :fail-not-simple-vector)
-		   ((and (subtypep 'bit element-type)
-			 (subtypep element-type 'bit)
-			 (or (not (simple-bit-vector-p a))
-			     (not (typep a 'simple-bit-vector))))
-		    :fail-not-simple-bit-vector) ))) )))
+     ((and (eql rank 1)
+           (cond
+            ;; ...It's in type vector
+            ((not (typep a 'vector))
+             :fail-not-vector)
+            ;; ...If the element type is a subtype of BIT, then it's a
+            ;; bit vector...
+            ((and (subtypep 'bit element-type)
+                  (subtypep element-type 'bit)
+                  (or (not (bit-vector-p a))
+                      (not (typep a 'bit-vector))))
+             :fail-not-bit-vector)
+            ;; ...If not adjustable, fill pointered, or displaced,
+            ;; then it's a simple vector or simple bit vector
+            ;; (if the element-type is appropriate)
+            ((and (not adjustable)
+                  (not fill-pointer)
+                  (not displaced-to)
+                  (cond
+                   ((and (eq t element-type)
+                         (or (not (simple-vector-p a))
+                             (not (typep a 'simple-vector))))
+                    :fail-not-simple-vector)
+                   ((and (subtypep 'bit element-type)
+                         (subtypep element-type 'bit)
+                         (or (not (simple-bit-vector-p a))
+                             (not (typep a 'simple-bit-vector))))
+                    :fail-not-simple-bit-vector) ))) )))
      ;; The dimensions of the array must be initialized properly
      ((not (equal (array-dimensions a) dimensions-list))
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
      ;; Arrays other than vectors cannot have fill pointers
      ((and (not (equal (array-rank a) 1))
-	   (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
+           (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
      ;; The actual element type must be a supertype of the element-type
@@ -150,55 +150,55 @@
      ;; If :adjustable is given, the array must be adjustable.
      ((and adjustable
-	   (not (check-values (adjustable-array-p a)))
-	   :fail-adjustable))
+           (not (check-values (adjustable-array-p a)))
+           :fail-adjustable))
      ;; If :fill-pointer is given, the array must have a fill pointer
      ((and fill-pointer
-	   (not (check-values (array-has-fill-pointer-p a)))
-	   :fail-has-fill-pointer))
+           (not (check-values (array-has-fill-pointer-p a)))
+           :fail-has-fill-pointer))
      ;; If the fill pointer is given as an integer, it must be the value
      ;; of the fill pointer of the new array
      ((and (check-values (integerp fill-pointer))
-	   (not (eql fill-pointer (check-values (fill-pointer a))))
-	   :fail-fill-pointer-1))
+           (not (eql fill-pointer (check-values (fill-pointer a))))
+           :fail-fill-pointer-1))
      ;; If the fill-pointer argument is t, the fill pointer must be
      ;; set to the vector size.
      ((and (eq fill-pointer t)
-	   (not (eql (first dimensions-list) (fill-pointer a)))
-	   :fail-fill-pointer-2))
+           (not (eql (first dimensions-list) (fill-pointer a)))
+           :fail-fill-pointer-2))
      ;; If displaced-to another array, check that this is proper
        (multiple-value-bind* (actual-dt actual-dio)
-	   (array-displacement a)
-	 (cond
-	  ((not (eq actual-dt displaced-to))
-	   :fail-displacement-1)
-	  ((not (eql actual-dio displaced-index-offset))
-	   :fail-displaced-index-offset)))))
+           (array-displacement a)
+         (cond
+          ((not (eq actual-dt displaced-to))
+           :fail-displacement-1)
+          ((not (eql actual-dio displaced-index-offset))
+           :fail-displaced-index-offset)))))
      ;; Test of array-total-size
      ((not (eql (check-values (array-total-size a))
-		(reduce #'* dimensions-list :initial-value 1)))
+                (reduce #'* dimensions-list :initial-value 1)))
      ;; Test array-row-major-index on all zeros
      ((and (> (array-total-size a) 0)
-	   (not (eql (check-values
-		      (apply #'array-row-major-index
-			     a (make-list (array-rank a) :initial-element 0)))
-		     0)))
+           (not (eql (check-values
+                      (apply #'array-row-major-index
+                             a (make-list (array-rank a) :initial-element 0)))
+                     0)))
      ;; For the last entry
      ((and (> (array-total-size a) 0)
-	   (not (eql (apply #'array-row-major-index
-			    a (mapcar #'1- dimensions-list))
-		     (1- (reduce #'* dimensions-list :initial-value 1)))))
+           (not (eql (apply #'array-row-major-index
+                            a (mapcar #'1- dimensions-list))
+                     (1- (reduce #'* dimensions-list :initial-value 1)))))
      ;; No problems -- return the array
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-dimension.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-dimension.lsp
index c35b3601..25474a8c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-dimension.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-dimension.lsp
@@ -39,20 +39,20 @@
 (deftest array-dimension.7
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (array-dimension (expand-in-current-env (%m "abc")) 0))
+            (array-dimension (expand-in-current-env (%m "abc")) 0))
 (deftest array-dimension.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (array-dimension #2a((a b)(c d)(e f))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 0))))
+            (array-dimension #2a((a b)(c d)(e f))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 0))))
 (deftest array-dimension.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (array-dimension (progn (setf a (incf i)) #(a b c d))
-		      (progn (setf b (incf i)) 0))
+                      (progn (setf b (incf i)) 0))
      i a b))
   4 2 1 2)
@@ -68,5 +68,5 @@
 (deftest array-dimension.error.3
   (signals-error (array-dimension #(a b c) 0 nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-dimensions.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-dimensions.lsp
index 718d13aa..468e903c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-dimensions.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-dimensions.lsp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 (deftest array-dimensions.6
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4) :adjustable t)))
     (values (array-dimension a 0)
-	    (array-dimension a 1)
-	    (array-dimension a 2)))
+            (array-dimension a 1)
+            (array-dimension a 2)))
   2 3 4)
 (deftest array-dimensions.7
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (deftest array-dimensions.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (array-dimensions
-			  (expand-in-current-env (%m #2a((a b)(c d)(e f))))))
+                          (expand-in-current-env (%m #2a((a b)(c d)(e f))))))
   (3 2))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 (deftest array-dimensions.error.2
   (signals-error (array-dimensions #(a b c) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest array-dimensions.error.3
@@ -65,5 +65,5 @@
 (deftest array-dimensions.error.5
   (signals-error (locally (array-dimensions nil))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-displacement.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-displacement.lsp
index 465bf8c4..84ddb212 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-displacement.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-displacement.lsp
@@ -18,85 +18,85 @@
 (deftest array-displacement.7
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10)))
-	 (b (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a)))
+         (b (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 0))))
+           (eqlt disp 0))))
 (deftest array-displacement.8
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10)))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 2))))
+           (eqlt disp 2))))
 (deftest array-displacement.9
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
-			:element-type 'base-char)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
+                        :element-type 'base-char)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 2))))
+           (eqlt disp 2))))
 (deftest array-displacement.10
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
-			:element-type 'base-char)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
+                        :element-type 'base-char)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 0))))
+           (eqlt disp 0))))
 (deftest array-displacement.11
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
-			:element-type 'bit)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
+                        :element-type 'bit)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 2))))
+           (eqlt disp 2))))
 (deftest array-displacement.12
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
-			:element-type 'bit)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
+                        :element-type 'bit)))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 0))))
+           (eqlt disp 0))))
 (deftest array-displacement.13
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 255)))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
-			:element-type '(integer 0 255))))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
+                        :element-type '(integer 0 255))))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 2))))
+           (eqlt disp 2))))
 (deftest array-displacement.14
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 255)))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
-			:element-type '(integer 0 255))))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
+                        :element-type '(integer 0 255))))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement b)
+        (array-displacement b)
       (and (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 0))))
+           (eqlt disp 0))))
 (deftest array-displacement.15
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
-	 (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (b (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2)))
      ((%m (z) z))
@@ -110,13 +110,13 @@
 (deftest array-displacement.order.1
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10)))
-	 (b (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a))
-	 (i 0))
+         (b (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a))
+         (i 0))
     (multiple-value-bind* (dt disp)
-	(array-displacement (progn (incf i) b))
+        (array-displacement (progn (incf i) b))
       (and (eql i 1)
-	   (eqt a dt)
-	   (eqlt disp 0))))
+           (eqt a dt)
+           (eqlt disp 0))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-element-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-element-type.lsp
index 46608bde..5cf7ee81 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-element-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-element-type.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest array-element-type.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (notnot (array-element-type (expand-in-current-env (%m #(a b c))))))
+            (notnot (array-element-type (expand-in-current-env (%m #(a b c))))))
 (deftest array-element-type.order.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-in-bounds-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-in-bounds-p.lsp
index 42169c6c..6ae0d125 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-in-bounds-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-in-bounds-p.lsp
@@ -74,19 +74,19 @@
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(20)))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10 collect (notnot (array-in-bounds-p a2 i))))
   (nil t t t t t t t t t t nil))
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(20) :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10 collect (notnot (array-in-bounds-p a2 i))))
   (nil t t t t t t t t t t nil))
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.17
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(20) :element-type 'character :initial-element #\x))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'character)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1 :element-type 'character)))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10 collect (notnot (array-in-bounds-p a2 i))))
   (nil t t t t t t t t t t nil))
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.18
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4))))
     (loop for i from -1 to 3 collect
-	  (loop for j from -1 to 4 collect
-		(notnot (array-in-bounds-p a i j)))))
+          (loop for j from -1 to 4 collect
+                (notnot (array-in-bounds-p a i j)))))
   ((nil nil nil nil nil nil)
    (nil t   t   t   t   nil)
    (nil t   t   t   t   nil)
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(1 3 4) :adjustable t)))
     (loop for i from -1 to 3 collect
-	  (loop for j from -1 to 4 collect
-		(notnot (array-in-bounds-p a 0 i j)))))
+          (loop for j from -1 to 4 collect
+                (notnot (array-in-bounds-p a 0 i j)))))
   ((nil nil nil nil nil nil)
    (nil t   t   t   t   nil)
    (nil t   t   t   t   nil)
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@
 (deftest array-in-bounds-p.25
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (array-in-bounds-p #(a b) (expand-in-current-env (%m 2))))
+            (array-in-bounds-p #(a b) (expand-in-current-env (%m 2))))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@
   (let ((x 0) y z)
      (array-in-bounds-p (progn (setf y (incf x))
-			       #())
-			(progn (setf z (incf x))
-			       10))
+                               #())
+                        (progn (setf z (incf x))
+                               10))
      x y z))
   nil 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-rank.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-rank.lsp
index fd282127..ebc66db6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-rank.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-rank.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest array-rank.2
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e) (or (not (typep e 'vector))
-				     (eql (array-rank e) 1))))
+                                     (eql (array-rank e) 1))))
 (deftest array-rank.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-row-major-index.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-row-major-index.lsp
index e57f0603..c6db17b6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-row-major-index.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-row-major-index.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest array-row-major-index.2
   (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	collect (array-row-major-index #(a b c d e) i))
+        collect (array-row-major-index #(a b c d e) i))
   (0 1 2 3 4))
 (deftest array-row-major-index.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 1)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	  collect (array-row-major-index a i)))
+          collect (array-row-major-index a i)))
   (0 1 2 3 4))
 (deftest array-row-major-index.4
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 (deftest array-row-major-index.order.1
   (let ((x 0) y z
-	(a #(a b c d e f)))
+        (a #(a b c d e f)))
       (progn (setf y (incf x)) a)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-t.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-t.lsp
index c6aa154c..d9354fe7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-t.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-t.lsp
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 (deftest array-t.8.1
   (typep #() '(array t (1)))
 (deftest array-t.8.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #() '(array t (0))))
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 (deftest array-t.8.4
   (typep #(a b c) '(array t (2)))
 (deftest array-t.8.5
   (notnot-mv (typep #(a b c) '(array t (3))))
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 (deftest array-t.8.11
   (typep "abc" '(array t (2)))
 (deftest array-t.8.12
   (typep "abc" '(array t (3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array-total-size.lsp b/ansi-tests/array-total-size.lsp
index 05ad68b7..2655175f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array-total-size.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array-total-size.lsp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (deftest array-total-size.6
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (array-total-size (expand-in-current-env (%m #(a b c)))))
+            (array-total-size (expand-in-current-env (%m #(a b c)))))
 (deftest array-total-size.order.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/array.lsp b/ansi-tests/array.lsp
index 11bfae77..75ac0f1f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/array.lsp
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 (deftest array.8.1
   (typep #() '(array * (1)))
 (deftest array.8.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #() '(array * (0))))
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@
 (deftest array.8.4
   (typep #(a b c) '(array * (2)))
 (deftest array.8.5
   (notnot-mv (typep #(a b c) '(array * (3))))
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@
 (deftest array.8.11
   (typep "abc" '(array * (2)))
 (deftest array.8.12
   (notnot-mv (typep "abc" '(array * (3))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ash.lsp b/ansi-tests/ash.lsp
index ad7db5b3..9ee802f8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ash.lsp
@@ -31,36 +31,36 @@
 (deftest ash.1
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql (ash x 0) x))
+        always (eql (ash x 0) x))
 (deftest ash.2
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for s = (random-from-interval 40)
-	for ishifted = (ash i s)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (floor (* i (expt 2 s))) ishifted))
+        for s = (random-from-interval 40)
+        for ishifted = (ash i s)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (floor (* i (expt 2 s))) ishifted))
 (deftest ash.3
   (let* ((nbits 100)
-	 (bound (expt 2 nbits)))
+         (bound (expt 2 nbits)))
     (loop for i = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for s = (random-from-interval (+ nbits 20))
-	  for ishifted = (ash i s)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  always (eql (floor (* i (expt 2 s))) ishifted)))
+          for s = (random-from-interval (+ nbits 20))
+          for ishifted = (ash i s)
+          repeat 1000
+          always (eql (floor (* i (expt 2 s))) ishifted)))
 (deftest ash.4
   (loop for i from -1 downto -1000
-	always (eql (ash i i) -1))
+        always (eql (ash i i) -1))
 (deftest ash.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for j = (- (ash 1 i))
-	always (eql (ash j j) -1))
+        for j = (- (ash 1 i))
+        always (eql (ash j j) -1))
 (deftest ash.6
@@ -74,6 +74,6 @@
 (deftest ash.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
     (values (ash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
-	    i x y))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
+            i x y))
   4 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/asin.lsp b/ansi-tests/asin.lsp
index c723e362..2b544ba1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/asin.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/asin.lsp
@@ -7,50 +7,50 @@
 (deftest asin.1
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin i))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin i))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y)))
 (deftest asin.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin x))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin x))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t))
 (deftest asin.3
   (loop for type in '(integer short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin (complex 0 x)))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin (complex 0 x)))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t t))
 (deftest asin.4
   (loop for type in '(integer short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
-	      (b (coerce -1000 type)))
-	  (loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
-		for x2 = (- (random a) b)
-		for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin (complex x1 x2)))
-		for y = (car rlist)
-		repeat 1000
-		always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			    (numberp y)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((a (coerce 2000 type))
+              (b (coerce -1000 type)))
+          (loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
+                for x2 = (- (random a) b)
+                for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asin (complex x1 x2)))
+                for y = (car rlist)
+                repeat 1000
+                always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                            (numberp y)))))
   (t t t t t))
 (deftest asin.5
@@ -59,23 +59,23 @@
 (deftest asin.6
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (asin (coerce 1 type))
-			(coerce (/ pi 2) type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (asin (coerce 1 type))
+                        (coerce (/ pi 2) type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest asin.7
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (asin (coerce 0 type))
-			(coerce 0 type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (asin (coerce 0 type))
+                        (coerce 0 type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest asin.8
   (loop for type in '(single-float short-float double-float long-float)
-	unless (approx= (asin (coerce -1 type))
-			(coerce (/ pi -2) type))
-	collect type)
+        unless (approx= (asin (coerce -1 type))
+                        (coerce (/ pi -2) type))
+        collect type)
 (deftest asin.9
diff --git a/ansi-tests/asinh.lsp b/ansi-tests/asinh.lsp
index 44f832e0..59fce002 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/asinh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/asinh.lsp
@@ -8,62 +8,62 @@
 (deftest asinh.1
   (let ((result (asinh 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest asinh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (asinh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (asinh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest asinh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (asinh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (asinh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest asinh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random (* 10 den))
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random (* 10 den))
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest asinh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest asinh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh (complex x1 x2)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (asinh (complex x1 x2)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 (deftest asinh.7
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assert.lsp b/ansi-tests/assert.lsp
index 706447bb..ac50ebed 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/assert.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/assert.lsp
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
   (let ((x nil))
      ((error #'(lambda (c)
-		 (setq x 17)
-		 (let ((r (find-restart 'continue c)))
-		   (when r (invoke-restart r))))))
+                 (setq x 17)
+                 (let ((r (find-restart 'continue c)))
+                   (when r (invoke-restart r))))))
      (assert x)
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
   (let ((x nil))
      ((error #'(lambda (c)
-		 (setq x 17)
-		 (continue c))))
+                 (setq x 17)
+                 (continue c))))
      (assert x)
@@ -56,15 +56,15 @@
 (deftest assert.6
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c)))
     (assert t ((aref x 0) (aref x 1) (aref x 2))
-	    "Vector x has value: ~A." x))
+            "Vector x has value: ~A." x))
 (deftest assert.7
   (let ((x nil))
      ((simple-error #'(lambda (c)
-			(setq x 17)
-			(continue c))))
+                        (setq x 17)
+                        (continue c))))
      (assert x () 'simple-error)
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-			(incf x)
-			(continue c))))
+                        (incf x)
+                        (continue c))))
      (assert (> x 5) () 'type-error)
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-			(incf x)
-			(continue))))
+                        (incf x)
+                        (continue))))
      (assert (> x 5) () 'type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp
index 192354e1..37a969ac 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.1
     (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (third x))
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (assoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (assoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result (third x))
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.3
   (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result (fourth x))
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                          '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
      i x y))
   (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
-		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                          '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
+                   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
      i x y z))
   (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -66,17 +66,17 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
   (assoc-if-not #'identity
-		'((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+                '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
   (nil . 2))
 (deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
   (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
   (nil . 2))
 (deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
   (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
+            :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
   (a . 1))
 (deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.6
   (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-		:key #'identity :key #'null)
+                :key #'identity :key #'null)
   (nil . 2))
 (deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.7
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
   (4 . c)
   (4 . c))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.1
@@ -133,32 +133,32 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.3
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.4
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :key)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.5
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil 1 1)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.6
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.7
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'cons '((a b)(c d)))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.8
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.9
@@ -171,12 +171,12 @@
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.11
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) . c))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.12
   (signals-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) :bad (c . d)))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc-if-not.error.13
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp
index 0e00f639..2dd39d9f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.1
     (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (third x))
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (assoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (assoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result (third x))
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.3
     (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (fourth x))
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
      i x y))
   (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
-	       :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
+               :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
      i x y z))
   (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.2
   (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
   (nil . 2))
 (deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
+            :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
   (a . 1))
 (deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
   (6 . c)
   (6 . c)
   (6 . c)
-  (6 . c))      
+  (6 . c))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -130,32 +130,32 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.error.3
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.4
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null nil :key)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.5
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null nil 1 1)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.6
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.7
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'cons '((a b)(c d)))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.8
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.9
@@ -168,12 +168,12 @@
 (deftest assoc-if.error.11
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) . c))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.12
   (signals-error (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) :bad (c . d)))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc-if.error.13
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp
index 7fae17b3..b2cbb885 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 (deftest assoc.7
     (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc 'b x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (assoc 'b x)))
        (eqt result (second x))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 (deftest assoc.9
     (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3)))
+           '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3)))
 (deftest assoc.10
@@ -61,67 +61,67 @@
 (deftest assoc.12
     (assoc #\e '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (schar x 1)))
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (schar x 1)))
   ("aevgd" . 2))
 (deftest assoc.13
     (assoc nil '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))
-	   :key #'car)
+           :key #'car)
   (nil . c))
 (deftest assoc.14
     (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test #'equal)
+           '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+           :test #'equal)
   ("abc" . 2))
 (deftest assoc.15
     (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test #'equalp)
+           '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+           :test #'equalp)
   ("abc" . 2))
 (deftest assoc.16
     (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))
-	   :test #'equal)
+           :test #'equal)
   ((a) b))
 (deftest assoc.17
     (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+           '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+           :test-not (complement #'equalp))
   ("abc" . 2))
 (deftest assoc.18
     (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test-not #'eq)
   (b . c))
 (deftest assoc.19
     (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test (complement #'eq))
   (b . c))
 (deftest assoc.20
     (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	   :test #'equal)
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+           :test #'equal)
   ("A" . 6))
 (deftest assoc.21
     (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	   :test #'equal)
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+           :test #'equal)
   ("a" . 3))
 (deftest assoc.22
     (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+           :test-not (complement #'equal))
   ("A" . 6))
 (deftest assoc.23
     (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+           :test-not (complement #'equal))
   ("a" . 3))
 ;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 (deftest assoc.24
     (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))
-	   :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
+           :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
   (a . 2))
 ;; Check that the order of the arguments to test is correct
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@
 (deftest assoc.25
     (block fail
       (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (c . 2) (a . 3))
-	     :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		       (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		       (eqt x y))))
+             :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                       (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                       (eqt x y))))
   (a . 3))
 ;;; Order of test arguments
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 (deftest assoc.31
   (let () (assoc nil '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (nil . f) nil (g . h))
-		 :test #'eq))
+                 :test #'eq))
   (nil . e))
 ;;; :test & :test-not together are harmless
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))))
      i x y))
   (c . 3) 2 1 2)
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+            :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq))
      i x y z))
   (c . 3) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :test #'eq)
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+            :test #'eq)
      i x y))
   (c . 3) 2 1 2)
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+            :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+            :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
      i x y z w))
   (c . 3) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 (deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.3
   (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
-	 :test-not #'eql)
+         :test-not #'eql)
   (a . 1))
 (deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -263,32 +263,32 @@
 (deftest assoc.error.6
   (signals-error (assoc nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.7
   (signals-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.8
   (signals-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test-not #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.9
   (signals-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.10
   (signals-error (assoc 'z '((a . b) . c))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.11
   (signals-error (assoc 'z '((a . b) :bad (c . d)))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest assoc.error.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atan.lsp b/ansi-tests/atan.lsp
index 50b55b1c..66cb1eea 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/atan.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/atan.lsp
@@ -8,97 +8,97 @@
 (deftest atan.1
   (let ((result (atan 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest atan.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (eql (atan zero) zero)
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (eql (atan zero) zero)
+        collect type)
 (deftest atan.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (eql (atan zero 1) zero)
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (eql (atan zero 1) zero)
+        collect type)
 (deftest atan.4
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	for one = (coerce 1 type)
-	unless (eql (atan 0 one) zero)
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        for one = (coerce 1 type)
+        unless (eql (atan 0 one) zero)
+        collect type)
 (deftest atan.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	for one = (coerce 1 type)
-	unless (eql (atan zero one) zero)
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        for one = (coerce 1 type)
+        unless (eql (atan zero one) zero)
+        collect type)
 (deftest atan.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (coerce 2000 type)
-	for b = (coerce -1000 type)
-	collect
-	(loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-	      for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan x))
-	      for y = (car rlist)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			  (typep y type))
-	      collect (list x rlist)))
+        for a = (coerce 2000 type)
+        for b = (coerce -1000 type)
+        collect
+        (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+              for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan x))
+              for y = (car rlist)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                          (typep y type))
+              collect (list x rlist)))
   (nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest atan.7
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (coerce 2000 type)
-	for b = (coerce -1000 type)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	collect
-	(loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-	      for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex x zero)))
-	      for y = (car rlist)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			  (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	      collect (list x rlist)))
+        for a = (coerce 2000 type)
+        for b = (coerce -1000 type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        collect
+        (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+              for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex x zero)))
+              for y = (car rlist)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                          (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+              collect (list x rlist)))
   (nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest atan.8
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (coerce 2000 type)
-	for b = (coerce -1000 type)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	collect
-	(loop for x = (- (random a) b)
-	      for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex zero x)))
-	      for y = (car rlist)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			  (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	      collect (list x rlist)))
+        for a = (coerce 2000 type)
+        for b = (coerce -1000 type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        collect
+        (loop for x = (- (random a) b)
+              for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex zero x)))
+              for y = (car rlist)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                          (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+              collect (list x rlist)))
   (nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest atan.9
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (coerce 2000 type)
-	for b = (coerce -1000 type)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	collect
-	(loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
-	      for x2 = (- (random a) b)
-	      for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex x1 x2)))
-	      for y = (car rlist)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			  (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	      collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        for a = (coerce 2000 type)
+        for b = (coerce -1000 type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        collect
+        (loop for x1 = (- (random a) b)
+              for x2 = (- (random a) b)
+              for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atan (complex x1 x2)))
+              for y = (car rlist)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                          (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+              collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
   (nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest atan.10
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 (deftest atan.11
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect (approx= (atan (coerce 1 type)) (coerce (/ pi 4) type)))
+        collect (approx= (atan (coerce 1 type)) (coerce (/ pi 4) type)))
   (t t t t))
 (deftest atan.12
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 (deftest atan.13
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect (approx= (atan (coerce -1 type)) (coerce (/ pi -4) type)))
+        collect (approx= (atan (coerce -1 type)) (coerce (/ pi -4) type)))
   (t t t t))
 (deftest atan.14
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atanh.lsp b/ansi-tests/atanh.lsp
index 94e883a3..624c31b2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/atanh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/atanh.lsp
@@ -8,89 +8,89 @@
 (deftest atanh.1
   (let ((result (atanh 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest atanh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (atanh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (atanh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest atanh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (atanh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (atanh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest atanh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random den)
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random den)
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest atanh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (if (eql (random 2) 0)
-		     (+ 2 (random (coerce 1000 type)))
-		   (- -2 (random (coerce 1000 type))))
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (if (eql (random 2) 0)
+                     (+ 2 (random (coerce 1000 type)))
+                   (- -2 (random (coerce 1000 type))))
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest atanh.5a
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest atanh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh (complex x1 0.0s0)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh (complex x1 0.0s0)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 rlist)))
 (deftest atanh.7
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh (complex 0.0s0 x1)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 1.9998s0 type)) 0.9999s0)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (atanh (complex 0.0s0 x1)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 rlist)))
 (deftest atanh.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp b/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp
index 874fae21..d68db59a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/atom-errors.lsp
@@ -35,5 +35,5 @@ TWO-WAY-STREAM
+                READER-ERROR)
       collect (list tp (multiple-value-list (subtypep* tp 'atom)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atom.lsp b/ansi-tests/atom.lsp
index 2cc53b19..9e1e57e7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/atom.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/atom.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest atom.1
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	unless (if (atom x) (not (consp x)) (consp x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (if (atom x) (not (consp x)) (consp x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest atom.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/backquote-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/backquote-aux.lsp
index 2c858dc1..7ff2953e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/backquote-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/backquote-aux.lsp
@@ -12,30 +12,30 @@
 (defun make-random-backquoted-form (size)
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+         (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (concatenate 'string
-		   "`"
-		   (make-random-backquoted-sequence-string size))))))
+                   "`"
+                   (make-random-backquoted-sequence-string size))))))
 (defun make-random-backquoted-sequence-string (size)
   (case size
     ((0 1) (make-random-backquoted-string size))
      (let* ((nelements (1+ (min (random (1- size)) (random (1- size)) 9)))
-	    (sizes (random-partition (1- size) nelements))
-	    (substrings (mapcar #'make-random-backquoted-string sizes)))
+            (sizes (random-partition (1- size) nelements))
+            (substrings (mapcar #'make-random-backquoted-string sizes)))
        (apply #'concatenate
-	      'string
-	      "("
-	      (car substrings)
-	      (if nil ; (and (> nelements 1) (coin))
-		  (nconc
-		   (loop for s in (cddr substrings) collect " " collect s)
-		   (list " . " (cadr substrings) ")"))
-		(nconc
-		 (loop for s in (cdr substrings) collect " " collect s)
-		 (list ")"))))))))
+              'string
+              "("
+              (car substrings)
+              (if nil ; (and (> nelements 1) (coin))
+                  (nconc
+                   (loop for s in (cddr substrings) collect " " collect s)
+                   (list " . " (cadr substrings) ")"))
+                (nconc
+                 (loop for s in (cdr substrings) collect " " collect s)
+                 (list ")"))))))))
 ;;; Create a string that is a backquoted form
 (defun make-random-backquoted-string (size)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-aux.lsp
index cce99661..b271242e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-aux.lsp
@@ -8,18 +8,18 @@
 (defun function-name-p (x)
   (or (symbolp x)
       (and (consp x)
-	   (eql (car x) 'setf)
-	   (consp (cdr x))
-	   (symbolp (cadr x))
-	   (null (cddr x)))))
+           (eql (car x) 'setf)
+           (consp (cdr x))
+           (symbolp (cadr x))
+           (null (cddr x)))))
 (defun symbol-or-function-p (x)
   (or (symbolp x)
       (and (consp x)
-	   (eql (car x) 'function)
-	   (consp (cdr x))
-	   (null (cddr x))
-	   (function-name-p (cadr x)))))
+           (eql (car x) 'function)
+           (consp (cdr x))
+           (null (cddr x))
+           (function-name-p (cadr x)))))
 (defun symbol-or-list-p (x)
   (or (symbolp x) (listp x)))
@@ -36,12 +36,12 @@
     (assert (fboundp pred))
     (setf pred (symbol-function pred)))
   (loop for x in vals
-	for inner-form = (if (functionp formf)
-			     (funcall formf x)
-			   (subst `',x var formf))
-	for form = `(signals-error ,inner-form error)
-	unless (or (funcall pred x) (eval form))
-	collect x))
+        for inner-form = (if (functionp formf)
+                             (funcall formf x)
+                           (subst `',x var formf))
+        for form = `(signals-error ,inner-form error)
+        unless (or (funcall pred x) (eval form))
+        collect x))
 (defmacro def-all-error-test (name pred form &rest other-args)
   `(deftest ,name
diff --git a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-test-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-test-package.lsp
index ae94eac1..be424326 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-test-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/ba-test-package.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (let* ((name :ba-test)
        (pkg (find-package name)))
   (unless pkg (setq pkg (make-package name :use '(:cl :regression-test
-						      :cl-test))))
+                                                      :cl-test))))
   (let ((*package* pkg))
     (shadow '(#:handler-case #:handler-bind))
     (import '(common-lisp-user::compile-and-load) pkg)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-data-and-control-flow-3.lsp b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-data-and-control-flow-3.lsp
index 04f118ef..7f6c788d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-data-and-control-flow-3.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-data-and-control-flow-3.lsp
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 (def-error-test multiple-value-bind.1 (multiple-value-bind))
 (def-error-test multiple-value-bind.2 (multiple-value-bind .
-					  #.(1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+                                          #.(1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
 (def-error-test multiple-value-bind.3 (multiple-value-bind (x)))
 (def-error-test multiple-value-bind.4 (multiple-value-bind (x . y) 1 x))
 (def-error-test multiple-value-bind.5 (multiple-value-bind (x) . :foo))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-eval-compile.lsp b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-eval-compile.lsp
index c1b042eb..a4b4ee1e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-eval-compile.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/errors-eval-compile.lsp
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
    (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (apply #'compile args))))
      (if (and (= (length vals) 3)
-	      (cadr vals)
-	      (caadr vals))
-	 t
+              (cadr vals)
+              (caadr vals))
+         t
        (apply #'values nil vals)))
    (error () t)))
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 (deftest compile.1
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (function-name-p x)
-		   (compile-fails? x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (function-name-p x)
+                   (compile-fails? x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest compile.2
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defun ,sym () nil))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  unless (or (functionp x) (and (consp x) (eql (car x) 'lambda))
-		     (compile-fails? sym x))
-	  collect x))
+          unless (or (functionp x) (and (consp x) (eql (car x) 'lambda))
+                     (compile-fails? sym x))
+          collect x))
 (deftest compile.4
@@ -156,85 +156,85 @@
 (deftest type.1
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
-						(type (not ,tp) y)) y)
-	for fn = (progn (print lambda-form)
-			(eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
-	unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
+                                                (type (not ,tp) y)) y)
+        for fn = (progn (print lambda-form)
+                        (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
+        unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type.2
   (let* ((utypes (coerce (mapcar #'type-of *universe*) 'vector))
-	 (n (length utypes)))
+         (n (length utypes)))
     (flet ((%rtype () (elt utypes (random n))))
       (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	    for tp = (loop for tp = (%rtype)
-			   while (typep x tp)
-			   finally (return tp))
-	    for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
-						(type ,tp y)) y)
-	    for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
-			    (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
-	    unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
-	    collect x)))
+            for tp = (loop for tp = (%rtype)
+                           while (typep x tp)
+                           finally (return tp))
+            for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
+                                                (type ,tp y)) y)
+            for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
+                            (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
+            unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
+            collect x)))
 (deftest type.2c
   (let* ((utypes (coerce (mapcar #'type-of *universe*) 'vector))
-	 (n (length utypes)))
+         (n (length utypes)))
     (flet ((%rtype () (elt utypes (random n))))
       (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	    for tp = (loop for tp = (%rtype)
-			   while (typep x tp)
-			   finally (return tp))
-	    for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
-						(type ,tp y)) y)
-	    for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
-			    (compile nil lambda-form))
-	    unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
-	    collect x)))
+            for tp = (loop for tp = (%rtype)
+                           while (typep x tp)
+                           finally (return tp))
+            for lambda-form = `(lambda (y) (declare (optimize safety)
+                                                (type ,tp y)) y)
+            for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
+                            (compile nil lambda-form))
+            unless (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn ',x) error))
+            collect x)))
 (deftest type.3
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
-			     (let ((y z))
-			       (declare (type ,tp y))
-			       y))
-	for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
-		   (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
-	unless (or (typep nil tp)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
+                             (let ((y z))
+                               (declare (type ,tp y))
+                               y))
+        for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
+                   (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
+        unless (or (typep nil tp)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type.3c
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
-			     (let ((y z))
-			       (declare (type ,tp y))
-			       y))
-	for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
-		   (compile nil lambda-form))
-	unless (or (typep nil tp)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
+                             (let ((y z))
+                               (declare (type ,tp y))
+                               y))
+        for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
+                   (compile nil lambda-form))
+        unless (or (typep nil tp)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type.4
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
-			     (the ,tp z))
-	for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
-		   (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
-	unless (or (typep nil tp)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for lambda-form = `(lambda (z) (declare (optimize safety))
+                             (the ,tp z))
+        for fn = (progn ;; (print lambda-form)
+                   (eval `(function ,lambda-form)))
+        unless (or (typep nil tp)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',fn nil) error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type.5
@@ -251,12 +251,12 @@
 (deftest type.8
   (signals-error (let ((x (make-array 3 :initial-element 0
-				      :element-type '(integer 0 2))))
-		   (declare (optimize safety)
-			    (type (array (integer 0 2) (3)) x))
-		   (setf (aref x 0) 3)
-		   (aref x 0))
-		 error)
+                                      :element-type '(integer 0 2))))
+                   (declare (optimize safety)
+                            (type (array (integer 0 2) (3)) x))
+                   (setf (aref x 0) 3)
+                   (aref x 0))
+                 error)
 ;; Move the type tests off to another file, eventually.
@@ -328,4 +328,4 @@
 (def-error-test the.5 (setf (the t) nil))
 (def-error-test the.6 (let (x y) (setf (the t x y) nil)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/load-ba.lsp b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/load-ba.lsp
index 4109acc9..a02fb73f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/load-ba.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/beyond-ansi/load-ba.lsp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 (let ((*default-pathname-defaults* (pathname *load-pathname*)))
   (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
-	 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :up)))))
+         (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :up)))))
     (load "gclload1.lsp"))
   (load "ba-test-package.lsp")
   (eval '(compile-and-load "ba-aux.lsp"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-and.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-and.lsp
index 415b347d..d4c5fb62 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-and.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-and.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-and.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-and s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-and.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-and s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-and.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-and s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-and.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-and s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-and.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-and s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-and s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-and.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-and s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-and s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-and.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-and s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-and s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-and.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-and a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*0001 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-and.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-and a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-and a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*0001 #*0001 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-and.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-and a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-and a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*0001 #*0011 #*0101 #*0001 t)
 (deftest bit-and.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-and a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*0001 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-and.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-and.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-and.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-and.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-and.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-and.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-and.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 0)(0 1))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-and.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-and a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-and a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-and.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-and #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-and.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-and (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+              (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*0 2 1 2)
@@ -263,6 +263,6 @@
 (deftest bit-and.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-and #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-andc1.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-andc1.lsp
index 47d0f2e1..3997a88b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-andc1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-andc1.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc1 s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*0100 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-andc1.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*0100 #*0100 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-andc1.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*0000))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*0000))
+         (result (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*0100 #*0011 #*0101 #*0100 t)
 (deftest bit-andc1.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-andc1 a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*0100 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 0)(1 0))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 0)(1 0))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-andc1 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-andc1 #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-andc1.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-andc1 (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-		(progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+                (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*0 2 1 2)
@@ -263,5 +263,5 @@
 (deftest bit-andc1.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-andc1 #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-andc2.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-andc2.lsp
index 43ef395b..9a20b7ec 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-andc2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-andc2.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-andc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-andc2 s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*0010 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-andc2.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*0010 #*0010 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-andc2.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*0010 #*0011 #*0101 #*0010 t)
 (deftest bit-andc2.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-andc2 a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*0010 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 0))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 0))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-andc2 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-andc2 #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-andc2.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-andc2 (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-		(progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+                (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*0 2 1 2)
@@ -263,6 +263,6 @@
 (deftest bit-andc2.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-andc2 #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-aux.lsp
index d41a1489..da0193bb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-aux.lsp
@@ -9,14 +9,14 @@
   (assert (typep maxlen '(integer 1)))
   (assert (typep reps 'unsigned-byte))
   (loop for len = (random maxlen)
-	for twos = (make-list len :initial-element 2)
-	for v1 = (map 'bit-vector #'random twos)
-	for v2 = (map 'bit-vector #'random twos)
-	for result = (funcall bit-fn v1 v2)
-	repeat reps
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (every #'(lambda (result-bit v1-bit v2-bit)
-			       (= result-bit (logand 1 (funcall log-fn v1-bit v2-bit))))
-			   result v1 v2))
-	collect (list len v1 v2 result)))
+        for twos = (make-list len :initial-element 2)
+        for v1 = (map 'bit-vector #'random twos)
+        for v2 = (map 'bit-vector #'random twos)
+        for result = (funcall bit-fn v1 v2)
+        repeat reps
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (every #'(lambda (result-bit v1-bit v2-bit)
+                               (= result-bit (logand 1 (funcall log-fn v1-bit v2-bit))))
+                           result v1 v2))
+        collect (list len v1 v2 result)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-eqv.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-eqv.lsp
index 357a48a4..5fdfb329 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-eqv.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-eqv.lsp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-eqv s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-eqv s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-eqv s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-eqv s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -42,9 +42,9 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-eqv s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -79,28 +79,28 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*1001 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-eqv.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*1001 #*1001 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-eqv.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*0000))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*0000))
+         (result (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*1001 #*0011 #*0101 #*1001 t)
 (deftest bit-eqv.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-eqv a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*1001 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -108,10 +108,10 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -141,12 +141,12 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -172,14 +172,14 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -188,14 +188,14 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
@@ -204,17 +204,17 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-eqv a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -231,16 +231,16 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-eqv #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-eqv.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-eqv (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+              (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*1 2 1 2)
@@ -264,5 +264,5 @@
 (deftest bit-eqv.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-eqv #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-ior.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-ior.lsp
index 47c349b1..bad18647 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-ior.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-ior.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-ior s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-ior s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-ior s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-ior s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-ior s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-ior s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-ior s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-ior s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-ior s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-ior s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*0111 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-ior.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*0111 #*0111 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-ior.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*0111 #*0011 #*0101 #*0111 t)
 (deftest bit-ior.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-ior a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*0111 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(1 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(1 1))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-ior a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-ior a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-ior #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-ior.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-ior (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+              (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*0 2 1 2)
@@ -263,5 +263,5 @@
 (deftest bit-ior.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-ior #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-nand.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-nand.lsp
index 41c0722b..2cc97329 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-nand.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-nand.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nand s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nand s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nand s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nand s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nand s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nand s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nand s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nand s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nand s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nand s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*1110 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-nand.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*1110 #*1110 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-nand.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*1110 #*0011 #*0101 #*1110 t)
 (deftest bit-nand.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-nand a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*1110 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 1)(1 0))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 1)(1 0))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-nand a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-nand a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-nand #*10100011 #*01101010
-				   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-nand.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-nand (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	       (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+               (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*1 2 1 2)
@@ -263,5 +263,5 @@
 (deftest bit-nand.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-nand #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-nor.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-nor.lsp
index 381f9446..cc9a0d76 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-nor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-nor.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-nor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nor s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nor s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nor s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nor s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-nor s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-nor s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*1000 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-nor.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*1000 #*1000 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-nor.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*1000 #*0011 #*0101 #*1000 t)
 (deftest bit-nor.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-nor a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*1000 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(0 0))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(0 0))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-nor a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-nor a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-nor #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-nor.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-nor (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+              (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*1 2 1 2)
@@ -263,5 +263,5 @@
 (deftest bit-nor.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-nor #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-not.lsp
index 372b2cfe..5fb9aba8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-not.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   (let ((a1 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
     (values (bit-not a1) a1))
   #0a1 #0a0)
 (deftest bit-not.2
   (let ((a1 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1)))
     (values (bit-not a1) a1))
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   (let ((a1 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 0)))
     (values (bit-not a1 t) a1))
   #0a1 #0a1)
 (deftest bit-not.4
   (let ((a1 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1)))
     (values (bit-not a1 t) a1))
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 (deftest bit-not.5
   (let* ((a1 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1))
-	 (a2 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1))
-	 (result (bit-not a1 a2)))
+         (a2 (make-array nil :element-type 'bit :initial-element 1))
+         (result (bit-not a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 (eqt a2 result)))
   #0a1 #0a0 t)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (deftest bit-not.9
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011010110))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0000000000)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0000000000)))
     (values (bit-not a1 a2) a1 a2))
@@ -63,30 +63,30 @@
 (deftest bit-not.10
   (let ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
+                        :initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
     (values (bit-not a1) a1))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0)))
 (deftest bit-not.11
   (let ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
+                        :initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
     (values (bit-not a1 nil) a1))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0)))
 (deftest bit-not.12
   (let ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
+                        :initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
     (values (bit-not a1 t) a1))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1)))
 (deftest bit-not.13
   (let ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0))))
-	(a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-element 0)))
+                        :initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0))))
+        (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                        :initial-element 0)))
     (values (bit-not a1 a2) a1 a2))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0))
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
 (deftest bit-not.14
   (let ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			:adjustable t
-			:initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
+                        :adjustable t
+                        :initial-contents '((0 1)(1 0)))))
     (values (bit-not a1) a1))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0)))
@@ -106,13 +106,13 @@
 (deftest bit-not.15
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 6)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 6)))
     (values (bit-not a1 a2) a0 a1 a2))
   #2a((1 0)(0 1))
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 (deftest bit-not.order.1
   (let ((a (copy-seq #*001101))
-	(i 0) x)
+        (i 0) x)
      (bit-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) a))
      i x))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-orc1.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-orc1.lsp
index eb0b3e1a..fddac473 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-orc1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-orc1.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc1 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc1 s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*1101 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-orc1.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*1101 #*1101 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-orc1.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*1101 #*0011 #*0101 #*1101 t)
 (deftest bit-orc1.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-orc1 a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*1101 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(1 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 0)(1 1))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-orc1 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,23 +230,23 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-orc1 #*10100011 #*01101010
-				   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-orc1.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-orc1 (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	       (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+               (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*1 2 1 2)
 (deftest bit-orc1.fold.1
   (flet ((%f () (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (space 0)))
-	     (bit-orc1 #*11010 #*10100)))
+             (bit-orc1 #*11010 #*10100)))
     (values (%f) (let ((bv (%f))) (setf (elt bv 0) 0) bv) (%f)))
   #*10101 #*00101 #*10101)
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc1.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-orc1 #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-orc2.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-orc2.lsp
index 04de5e53..aaec562e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-orc2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-orc2.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-orc2 s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-orc2 s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*1011 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-orc2.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*1011 #*1011 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-orc2.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*1011 #*0011 #*0101 #*1011 t)
 (deftest bit-orc2.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-orc2 a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*1011 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((1 1)(0 1))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-orc2 a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,22 +230,22 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-orc2 #*10100011 #*01101010
-				   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                   (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-orc2.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-orc2 (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	       (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+               (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*1 2 1 2)
 (deftest bit-orc2.fold.1
   (flet ((%f () (declare (optimize speed (safety 0) (space 0)))
-	     (bit-orc2 #*00101 #*01011)))
+             (bit-orc2 #*00101 #*01011)))
     (values (%f) (let ((bv (%f))) (setf (elt bv 0) 0) bv) (%f)))
   #*10101 #*00101 #*10101)
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
 (deftest bit-orc2.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-orc2 #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-vector-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-vector-p.lsp
index 3543ff5c..2b5af301 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-vector-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-vector-p.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest bit-vector-p.2
   (notnot-mv (bit-vector-p #*))
 (deftest bit-vector-p.3
   (notnot-mv (bit-vector-p #*00101))
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest bit-vector-p.11
   (bit-vector-p (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			    :initial-element 0))
+                            :initial-element 0))
 (deftest bit-vector-p.12
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (values (notnot (bit-vector-p (expand-in-current-env (%m #*110101))))
-	   (bit-vector-p (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))
+           (bit-vector-p (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)))))
   t nil)
 (deftest bit-vector-p.order.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-vector.lsp
index 9acce28d..2c2f0cab 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-vector.lsp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 (deftest bit-vector.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #* 'bit-vector))
 (deftest bit-vector.3
   (notnot-mv (typep #*00101 'bit-vector))
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 (deftest bit-vector.11
   (typep (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-		     :initial-element 0)
-	 'bit-vector)
+                     :initial-element 0)
+         'bit-vector)
 (deftest bit-vector.12
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 (deftest bit-vector.class.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #* (find-class 'bit-vector)))
 (deftest bit-vector.class.3
   (notnot-mv (typep #*00101 (find-class 'bit-vector)))
@@ -116,6 +116,6 @@
 (deftest bit-vector.class.11
   (typep (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-		     :initial-element 0)
-	 (find-class 'bit-vector))
+                     :initial-element 0)
+         (find-class 'bit-vector))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit-xor.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit-xor.lsp
index e1e72582..0f629cfa 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit-xor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit-xor.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-xor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.2
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-xor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.3
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-xor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (bit-xor s1 s2) s1 s2))
@@ -41,9 +41,9 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-xor s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-xor s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.6
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-xor s1 s2 s3)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (s3 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-xor s1 s2 s3)))
     (values s1 s2 s3 result (eqt s3 result)))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (bit-xor s1 s2 t)))
+         (s2 (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (bit-xor s1 s2 t)))
     (values s1 s2 result (eqt s1 result)))
@@ -78,28 +78,28 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.8
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2)) a1 a2))
   #*0110 #*0011 #*0101)
 (deftest bit-xor.9
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2 t))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (result (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2 t))))
     (values result a1 a2 (eqt result a1)))
   #*0110 #*0110 #*0101 t)
 (deftest bit-xor.10
   (let* ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	 (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
-	 (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
-	 (result (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2 a3))))
+         (a2 (copy-seq #*0101))
+         (a3 (copy-seq #*1110))
+         (result (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2 a3))))
     (values result a1 a2 a3 (eqt result a3)))
   #*0110 #*0011 #*0101 #*0110 t)
 (deftest bit-xor.11
   (let ((a1 (copy-seq #*0011))
-	(a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
+        (a2 (copy-seq #*0101)))
     (values (check-values (bit-xor a1 a2 nil)) a1 a2))
   #*0110 #*0011 #*0101)
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.12
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -118,10 +118,10 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.13
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2 t)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -129,10 +129,10 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2 nil)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2 nil)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.15
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(0 0))))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a1 a2 a3 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.16
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '((0 1)(0 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '((0 0)(1 1))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
     (values a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
   #2a((0 0)(1 1))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.17
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -187,14 +187,14 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.18
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2 t)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2 t)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(1 0))
@@ -203,17 +203,17 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.19
   (let* ((a0 (make-array '(12) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
-	 (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 4))
-	 (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a0
-			 :displaced-index-offset 8))
-	 (result (bit-xor a1 a2 a3)))
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0)))
+         (a1 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (a2 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 4))
+         (a3 (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a0
+                         :displaced-index-offset 8))
+         (result (bit-xor a1 a2 a3)))
     (values a0 a1 a2 result))
   #2a((0 1)(0 1))
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z)) (bit-xor #*10100011 #*01101010
-				  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
+                                  (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))))
 (deftest bit-xor.order.1
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (x 0) y z)
+         (s2 (make-array 1 :initial-element 0 :element-type 'bit))
+         (x 0) y z)
      (bit-xor (progn (setf y (incf x)) s1)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
+              (progn (setf z (incf x)) s2))
      x y z))
   #*0 2 1 2)
@@ -263,5 +263,5 @@
 (deftest bit-xor.error.3
   (signals-error (bit-xor #*000 #*0100 nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/bit.lsp b/ansi-tests/bit.lsp
index 4b2de409..e043c70f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/bit.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/bit.lsp
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 (deftest bit.2
   (let ((a #*00000000))
     (loop for i from 0 below (length a)
-	  collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
-		    (setf (bit b i) 1)
-		    b)))
+          collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
+                    (setf (bit b i) 1)
+                    b)))
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 (deftest bit.3
   (let ((a #*11111111))
     (loop for i from 0 below (length a)
-	  collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
-		    (setf (bit b i) 0)
-		    b)))
+          collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
+                    (setf (bit b i) 0)
+                    b)))
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@
 (deftest bit.7
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (coerce a 'list)
      (loop for i from 0 below 10 collect (bit a i))
      (loop for i from 0 below 10
-	   collect (setf (bit a i) (- 1 (bit a i))))
+           collect (setf (bit a i) (- 1 (bit a i))))
      (coerce a 'list)
      (loop for i from 0 below 10 collect (bit a i))
      (fill-pointer a)))
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
 (deftest bit.8
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (coerce a 'list)
      (loop for i from 0 below 10 collect (bit a i))
      (loop for i from 0 below 10
-	   collect (setf (bit a i) (- 1 (bit a i))))
+           collect (setf (bit a i) (- 1 (bit a i))))
      (coerce a 'list)
      (loop for i from 0 below 10 collect (bit a i))))
   (0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0)
@@ -113,20 +113,20 @@
 (deftest bit.order.1
   (let ((x 0) y z
-	(b (copy-seq #*01010)))
+        (b (copy-seq #*01010)))
      (bit (progn (setf y (incf x)) b)
-	  (progn (setf z (incf x)) 1))
+          (progn (setf z (incf x)) 1))
      x y z))
   1 2 1 2)
 (deftest bit.order.2
   (let ((x 0) y z w
-	(b (copy-seq #*01010)))
+        (b (copy-seq #*01010)))
      (setf (bit (progn (setf y (incf x)) b)
-		(progn (setf z (incf x)) 1))
-	   (progn (setf w (incf x)) 0))
+                (progn (setf z (incf x)) 1))
+           (progn (setf w (incf x)) 0))
      x y z w))
   0 #*00010 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/block.lsp b/ansi-tests/block.lsp
index 793010fb..2b41460c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/block.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/block.lsp
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
 (deftest block.12
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (block foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (block foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/boole.lsp b/ansi-tests/boole.lsp
index 5a91f48e..74fdac38 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/boole.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/boole.lsp
@@ -14,26 +14,26 @@
 (defparameter *boole-vals*
   (list boole-1 boole-2 boole-and boole-andc1 boole-andc2
-	boole-c1 boole-c2 boole-clr boole-eqv boole-ior	boole-nand
-	boole-nor boole-orc1 boole-orc2 boole-set boole-xor))
+        boole-c1 boole-c2 boole-clr boole-eqv boole-ior boole-nand
+        boole-nor boole-orc1 boole-orc2 boole-set boole-xor))
 (defparameter *boole-fns*
   (list #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore y)) x)
-	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) y)
-	#'logand
-	#'logandc1
-	#'logandc2
-	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore y)) (lognot x))
-	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (lognot y))
-	(constantly 0)
-	#'logeqv
-	#'logior
-	#'lognand
-	#'lognor
-	#'logorc1
-	#'logorc2
-	(constantly -1)
-	#'logxor))
+        #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) y)
+        #'logand
+        #'logandc1
+        #'logandc2
+        #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore y)) (lognot x))
+        #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (lognot y))
+        (constantly 0)
+        #'logeqv
+        #'logior
+        #'lognand
+        #'lognor
+        #'logorc1
+        #'logorc2
+        (constantly -1)
+        #'logxor))
 (deftest boole.error.1
   (signals-error (boole) program-error)
@@ -58,67 +58,67 @@
 (deftest boole.error.6
   (loop for n in *boole-val-names*
-	unless (eval `(signals-type-error x nil (boole ,n nil 1)))
-	collect n)
+        unless (eval `(signals-type-error x nil (boole ,n nil 1)))
+        collect n)
 (deftest boole.error.7
   (loop for n in *boole-val-names*
-	unless (eval `(signals-type-error x nil (boole ,n 1 nil)))
-	collect n)
+        unless (eval `(signals-type-error x nil (boole ,n 1 nil)))
+        collect n)
 (deftest boole.1
   (loop for v in *boole-vals*
-	for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
-	for n in *boole-val-names*
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	      for y = (random-fixnum)
-	      for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
-	      for vals = (multiple-value-list (boole v x y))
-	      for result2 = (car vals)
-	      repeat 100
-	      unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
-	      collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
+        for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
+        for n in *boole-val-names*
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+              for y = (random-fixnum)
+              for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
+              for vals = (multiple-value-list (boole v x y))
+              for result2 = (car vals)
+              repeat 100
+              unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
+              collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
 (deftest boole.2
   (loop for v in *boole-vals*
-	for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
-	for n in *boole-val-names*
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random-from-interval 1000000000000000)
-	      for y = (random-from-interval 1000000000000000)
-	      for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
-	      for vals = (multiple-value-list (boole v x y))
-	      for result2 = (car vals)
-	      repeat 100
-	      unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
-	      collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
+        for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
+        for n in *boole-val-names*
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random-from-interval 1000000000000000)
+              for y = (random-from-interval 1000000000000000)
+              for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
+              for vals = (multiple-value-list (boole v x y))
+              for result2 = (car vals)
+              repeat 100
+              unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
+              collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
 (deftest boole.3
   (loop for n in *boole-val-names*
-	for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
-	for fn2 = (compile nil `(lambda (x y) (declare (type fixnum x y))
-				  (boole ,n x y)))
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	      for y = (random-fixnum)
-	      for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
-	      for vals = (multiple-value-list (funcall fn2 x y))
-	      for result2 = (car vals)
-	      repeat 100
-	      unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
-	      collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
+        for fn of-type function in *boole-fns*
+        for fn2 = (compile nil `(lambda (x y) (declare (type fixnum x y))
+                                  (boole ,n x y)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+              for y = (random-fixnum)
+              for result1 = (funcall (the function fn) x y)
+              for vals = (multiple-value-list (funcall fn2 x y))
+              for result2 = (car vals)
+              repeat 100
+              unless (and (= (length vals) 1) (eql result1 result2))
+              collect (list n x y result1 result2)))
 (deftest boole.4
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values (boole (expand-in-current-env (%m boole-and)) #b11001100 #b01011010)
-		    (boole boole-and (expand-in-current-env (%m #b11001100)) #b01011010)
-		    (boole boole-and #b11001100 (expand-in-current-env (%m #b01011010)))))
+            (values (boole (expand-in-current-env (%m boole-and)) #b11001100 #b01011010)
+                    (boole boole-and (expand-in-current-env (%m #b11001100)) #b01011010)
+                    (boole boole-and #b11001100 (expand-in-current-env (%m #b01011010)))))
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 (deftest boole.constants.1
   (eqlt (length *boole-vals*)
-	(length (remove-duplicates *boole-vals*)))
+        (length (remove-duplicates *boole-vals*)))
 (deftest boole.constants.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/boundp.lsp b/ansi-tests/boundp.lsp
index 6c83b0b9..dd1e2b9f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/boundp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/boundp.lsp
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 ;;; See
 (deftest boundp.5
   (loop for x in *cl-non-variable-constant-symbols*
-	when (boundp x)
-	collect x)
+        when (boundp x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest boundp.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/broadcast-stream-streams.lsp b/ansi-tests/broadcast-stream-streams.lsp
index f0aef320..9033a08d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/broadcast-stream-streams.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/broadcast-stream-streams.lsp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 (deftest broadcast-stream-streams.error.2
   (signals-error (broadcast-stream-streams (make-broadcast-stream) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp b/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp
index 717a6eb5..f8c9811e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp
@@ -11,36 +11,36 @@
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
       (let ((result (butlast x 2)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         result))))
   (a b c))
 (deftest butlast.2
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
       (let ((result (butlast x 0)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         result))))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest butlast.3
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
       (let ((result (butlast x 5)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         result))))
 (deftest butlast.4
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
       (let ((result (butlast x 6)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         result))))
 (deftest butlast.5
@@ -61,18 +61,18 @@
 (deftest butlast.9
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values (butlast (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 'a 'b 'c))))
-		    (butlast (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))))
+            (values (butlast (expand-in-current-env (%m (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+                    (butlast (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))))
   (a b)
-  (a b c))		    
+  (a b c))
 (deftest butlast.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (butlast (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		     (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		     2))
+                     (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                     2))
      i x y))
   (a b c) 2 1 2)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (deftest butlast.error.1
   (signals-error (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 'a)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest butlast.error.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/byte.lsp b/ansi-tests/byte.lsp
index 456e7a43..f9afd20d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/byte.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/byte.lsp
@@ -27,12 +27,12 @@
 (deftest byte.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	always
-	(loop for j from 0 to 100
-	      always
-	      (let ((bspec (byte i j)))
-		(and (eql i (byte-size bspec))
-		     (eql j (byte-position bspec))))))
+        always
+        (loop for j from 0 to 100
+              always
+              (let ((bspec (byte i j)))
+                (and (eql i (byte-size bspec))
+                     (eql j (byte-position bspec))))))
 (deftest byte.4
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 (deftest byte-position.error.2
   (signals-error (byte-position (byte 1 1) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest byte-size.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/call-arguments-limit.lsp b/ansi-tests/call-arguments-limit.lsp
index 478465e3..ac178951 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/call-arguments-limit.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/call-arguments-limit.lsp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 (deftest call-arguments-limit.4
   (let* ((m (min 65536 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args (make-list m :initial-element 'a)))
+         (args (make-list m :initial-element 'a)))
     (equalt (apply #'list args) args))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/call-next-method.lsp b/ansi-tests/call-next-method.lsp
index 4a6b18d2..8f4ec10b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/call-next-method.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/call-next-method.lsp
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
   (:method ((x integer)) (list (incf x) (call-next-method)))
   (:method ((x symbol)) (list (setq x 'a) x (call-next-method)))
   (:method ((x cons)) (list x (let ((x :bad))
-				(declare (ignorable x))
-				(call-next-method))))
+                                (declare (ignorable x))
+                                (call-next-method))))
   (:method ((x t)) x))
 (deftest call-next-method.8
@@ -147,9 +147,9 @@
 (defgeneric cnm-gf-10 (x &optional y z)
   (:method ((x integer) &optional (y 'a y-p) (z 'b z-p))
-	   (list* x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p) (call-next-method (1+ x))))
+           (list* x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p) (call-next-method (1+ x))))
   (:method ((x t) &optional (y 'c y-p) (z 'd z-p))
-	   (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p))))
+           (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p))))
 (deftest call-next-method.11
@@ -175,39 +175,39 @@
 (defgeneric cnm-order-error-gf-01 (x)
   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
   (:method ((x (eql 0)))
-	   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-	   (call-next-method 1))  ;; no longer EQL to 0
+           (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+           (call-next-method 1))  ;; no longer EQL to 0
   (:method ((x t)) nil))
 (deftest call-next-method.error.1
    (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-   (handler-case 
+   (handler-case
     (eval '(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-		    (cnm-order-error-gf-01 0)))
+                    (cnm-order-error-gf-01 0)))
     (error () :error)))
 (defgeneric cnm-order-error-gf-02 (x)
   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
   (:method ((x integer))
-	   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-	   (call-next-method :bad))
+           (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+           (call-next-method :bad))
   (:method ((x t)) x))
 (deftest call-next-method.error.2
    (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-   (handler-case 
+   (handler-case
     (eval '(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-		    (cnm-order-error-gf-02 0)))
+                    (cnm-order-error-gf-02 0)))
     (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/case.lsp b/ansi-tests/case.lsp
index 8b24d08f..3238d003 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/case.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/case.lsp
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 (deftest case.4
   (case 'z ((a b c) 1)
-	   ((d e) 2)
-	   ((f z g) 3)
-	   (t 4))
+           ((d e) 2)
+           ((f z g) 3)
+           (t 4))
 (deftest case.5
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
   (block done
      (case 'a (a (go 10)
-		 10
-		 (return-from done 'bad)))
+                 10
+                 (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
      (case 'b
        (a 'bad)
        (otherwise (go 10)
-		  10
-		  (return-from done 'bad)))
+                  10
+                  (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -196,10 +196,10 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (case (expand-in-current-env (%m :b))
-	 (:a :bad1)
-	 (:b :good)
-	 (:c :bad2)
-	 (t :bad3)))
+         (:a :bad1)
+         (:b :good)
+         (:c :bad2)
+         (t :bad3)))
 ;;; (deftest case.error.1
@@ -208,15 +208,15 @@
 (deftest case.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'case))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest case.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'case) '(case t))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest case.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'case) '(case t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/catch.lsp b/ansi-tests/catch.lsp
index be735b4c..a98931dc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/catch.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/catch.lsp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 ;; (deftest catch.6
 ;;   (let ((tag1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-;; 	(tag2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+;;      (tag2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
 ;;     (if (eqt tag1 tag2)
-;; 	'good
+;;      'good
 ;;       (catch tag1
-;; 	(catch tag2 (throw tag1 'good))
-;; 	'bad)))
+;;      (catch tag2 (throw tag1 'good))
+;;      'bad)))
 ;;   good)
 (deftest catch.7
@@ -91,17 +91,17 @@
 (deftest catch.14
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (catch 'foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (catch 'foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 (deftest catch.15
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (catch 'foo (throw (expand-in-current-env (%m 'foo)) :good) :bad))
+            (catch 'foo (throw (expand-in-current-env (%m 'foo)) :good) :bad))
 (deftest catch.16
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (catch 'foo (throw 'foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))) :bad))
+            (catch 'foo (throw 'foo (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))) :bad))
 (deftest throw-error
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ccase.lsp b/ansi-tests/ccase.lsp
index 68710519..0ef08422 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ccase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ccase.lsp
@@ -37,9 +37,9 @@
 (deftest ccase.7
   (let ((x 'z))
     (ccase x
-	   ((a b c) 1)
-	   ((d e) 2)
-	   ((f z g) 3)))
+           ((a b c) 1)
+           ((d e) 2)
+           ((f z g) 3)))
 (deftest ccase.8
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
 (deftest ccase.20
   (let ((x #\a))
     (ccase x
-	   ((#\b #\c) 10)
-	   ((#\d #\e #\A) 20)
-	   (() 30)
-	   ((#\z #\a #\y) 40)))
+           ((#\b #\c) 10)
+           ((#\d #\e #\A) 20)
+           (() 30)
+           ((#\z #\a #\y) 40)))
 (deftest ccase.21 (let ((x 1)) (ccase x (1 (values)) (2 'a))))
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 ;;; Show that the key expression is evaluated only once.
 (deftest ccase.25
   (let ((a (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	(i 1))
+        (i 1))
      (ccase (aref a (incf i))
        (a 1)
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
      (let ((x 'a))
        (ccase x (a (go 10)
-		   10
-		   (return-from done 'bad))))
+                   10
+                   (return-from done 'bad))))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (ccase (expand-in-current-env (%m x))
-	    (:a :bad1)
-	    (:b :good)
-	    (:c :bad2))))
+            (:a :bad1)
+            (:b :good)
+            (:c :bad2))))
@@ -195,15 +195,15 @@
 (deftest ccase.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ccase))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest ccase.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ccase) '(ccase t))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest ccase.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ccase) '(ccase t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ceiling-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/ceiling-aux.lsp
index ada69725..6e74c9ee 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ceiling-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ceiling-aux.lsp
@@ -7,100 +7,100 @@
 (defun ceiling.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 2000000000)
-		   1000000000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (< (- d) r 1))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   1000000000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (< (- d) r 1))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun ceiling.2-fn ()
   (loop for num = (random 1000000000)
-	for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
-	for n = (/ num denom)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (<= r 0)
-		    (< (- d) r)
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+        for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
+        for n = (/ num denom)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (<= r 0)
+                    (< (- d) r)
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun ceiling.3-fn (width)
   (loop for n = (- (random width) (/ width 2))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= 0 (- r))
-		    (< (- r) 1)
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= 0 (- r))
+                    (< (- r) 1)
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun ceiling.7-fn ()
   (loop for numerator = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ numerator denominator)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= 0 (- r))
-		    (< (- r) 1)
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ numerator denominator)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= 0 (- r))
+                    (< (- r) 1)
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun ceiling.8-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r (- d))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r (- d))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
 (defun ceiling.9-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 1000000000000000) 500000000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r (- d))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ceiling n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r (- d))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ceiling.lsp b/ansi-tests/ceiling.lsp
index 708a2a56..827b7850 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ceiling.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ceiling.lsp
@@ -56,118 +56,118 @@
 (deftest ceiling.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x x))
-	unless (and (eql q 1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x x))
+        unless (and (eql q 1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ceiling.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling (- x) x))
-	unless (and (eql q -1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling (- x) x))
+        unless (and (eql q -1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ceiling.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q  i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q  i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1+ i))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ceiling.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 ;;; To add: tests that involve adding/subtracting EPSILON constants
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cell-error-name.lsp b/ansi-tests/cell-error-name.lsp
index 25b4b818..0ea7d46b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cell-error-name.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cell-error-name.lsp
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
 (deftest cell-error-name.3
   (cell-error-name (make-condition 'unbound-variable :name 'x))
 (deftest cell-error-name.4
   (cell-error-name (make-condition 'undefined-function :name 'f))
 (deftest cell-error-name.5
   (cell-error-name (make-condition 'unbound-slot :name 's))
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
   (let ((i 0))
      (cell-error-name (progn (incf i) (make-condition
-				       'unbound-slot :name 's)))
+                                       'unbound-slot :name 's)))
   s 1)
 ;;; Need test raising condition unbound-slot
@@ -48,5 +48,5 @@
 (deftest cell-error-name.error.2
   (signals-error (cell-error-name (make-condition 'unbound-variable :name 'foo) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cerror.lsp b/ansi-tests/cerror.lsp
index 16ac6c92..10f5c3c2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cerror.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cerror.lsp
@@ -9,54 +9,54 @@
 (deftest cerror.1
   (let ((fmt "Cerror"))
     (handler-case (cerror "Keep going." fmt)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
 (deftest cerror.2
   (let* ((fmt "Cerror")
-	 (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
+         (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
     (handler-case (cerror "Continue on." cnd)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
 (deftest cerror.2a
   (let* ((fmt (formatter "Cerror"))
-	 (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
+         (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
     (handler-case (cerror "Continue on." cnd)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
 (deftest cerror.3
   (let ((fmt "Cerror"))
     (handler-case (cerror "Continue" 'simple-error :format-control fmt)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
 (deftest cerror.4
   (let ((fmt "Cerror: ~A"))
     (handler-case (cerror "On on" fmt 10)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt 10))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt 10))))
 (deftest cerror.4a
   (let ((fmt (formatter "Cerror: ~A")))
     (handler-case (cerror "On on" fmt 10)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt 10))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt 10))))
 (deftest cerror.5
   (let ((fmt (formatter "Cerror")))
     (handler-case (cerror "Keep going." fmt)
-		  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
+                  (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
 ;;; Continuing from a cerror
 (deftest cerror.6
   (handler-bind ((simple-error #'(lambda (c) (continue c))))
-		(progn
-		  (cerror "Wooo" 'simple-error)
-		  10))
+                (progn
+                  (cerror "Wooo" 'simple-error)
+                  10))
 ;;; Program error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
index 65a33819..ac5b9d71 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/change-class.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.3
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :b 2))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.4
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.5
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :b2 8 :c2 76))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.6
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :b2 19 :b2 34))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.7
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :allow-other-keys nil))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.8
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :allow-other-keys t))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.9
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :allow-other-keys t
-			    :nonsense t))
+                            :nonsense t))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
      (slot-exists-p obj 'a)
@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@
 (deftest change-class.1.10
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :a 1 :b 2 :c 5))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :bad 0 :allow-other-keys t
-			    :allow-other-keys nil :nonsense t))
+                            :allow-other-keys nil :nonsense t))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01b)
      (slot-exists-p obj 'a)
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
     '(let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a))
-	   (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+           (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
        (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
        (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :nonsense t))))
    (error () :expected-error))
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@
 ;; test of class name as second argument
 (deftest change-class.1.12
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a :b 1))
-	;; (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b))
-	)
+        ;; (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b))
+        )
      (eqt obj (change-class obj 'change-class-class-01b :c2 3))
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-01a)
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.2.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
     (slot-makunbound obj 'b)
@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@
 (deftest change-class.2.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-	(obj2 (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-	obj3
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
+        (obj2 (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
+        obj3
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
     (setf (slot-value obj 'a) 'foo)
     (slot-makunbound obj 'b)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-02a)
      (typep* obj 'change-class-class-02b)
      (map-slot-boundp* (setf obj3 (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-		       '(a b))
+                       '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (slot-value obj 'a)
      (slot-value obj2 'a)
@@ -235,10 +235,10 @@
 (deftest change-class.2.3
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-	(obj2 (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
+        (obj2 (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-02b)))
     (setf (slot-value obj 'a) 1
-	  (slot-value obj 'b) 16)
+          (slot-value obj 'b) 16)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
@@ -248,9 +248,9 @@
      (map-slot-boundp* (make-instance 'change-class-class-02a) '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (progn (slot-makunbound obj2 'a)
-	    (slot-makunbound obj2 'b)
-	    (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b)))))
+            (slot-makunbound obj2 'b)
+            (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b)))))
   (t t)
   t nil t
   (t t)
@@ -269,9 +269,9 @@
 (deftest change-class.3.1
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-03a))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-03b))
-	 (obj2 (make-instance new-class))
-	 obj3)
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-03b))
+         (obj2 (make-instance new-class))
+         obj3)
     (slot-makunbound obj2 'a)
     (slot-makunbound obj2 'b)
@@ -288,9 +288,9 @@
 (deftest change-class.3.2
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-03a :a 1))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-03b))
-	 (obj2 (make-instance new-class))
-	 obj3)
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-03b))
+         (obj2 (make-instance new-class))
+         obj3)
     (slot-makunbound obj2 'a)
     (setf (slot-value obj2 'b) 17)
@@ -320,7 +320,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.4.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-04a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a c))
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.4.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-04a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :a2 'z))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a c))))
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.4.3
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-04a :a 'p :b 'q))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a c))))
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.4.4
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-04a))
-	(new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
+        (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :c2 'k))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a c))
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.4.5
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-04b))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@
   (nil nil)
   (nil nil))
 ;;; Custom methods for change-class
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.5
   (let ((*changed-class-on-class-05* nil)
-	(obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-05)))
+        (obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-05)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj (find-class 'change-class-class-05)))
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.6.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-06))
-	 (obj (make-instance class)))
+         (obj (make-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.6.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-06))
-	 (obj (make-instance class :a 'bad)))
+         (obj (make-instance class :a 'bad)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -455,10 +455,10 @@
    (declare (ignore initargs))
    (setf (slot-value obj 'a) 'z)
 (deftest change-class.7.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.7.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class :a 10))
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.7.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class :b 10))
@@ -498,8 +498,8 @@
 (deftest change-class.7.4
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a d))
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@
 (deftest change-class.7.5
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :allow-other-keys nil))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a d))
@@ -520,8 +520,8 @@
 (deftest change-class.7.6
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-07))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-07b))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class :allow-other-keys t))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a d))
@@ -547,7 +547,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.8.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-08))
-	 (obj (make-instance class)))
+         (obj (make-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -557,10 +557,10 @@
   (t nil)
 (deftest change-class.8.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-08))
-	 (obj (make-instance class :a 1 :b 2)))
+         (obj (make-instance class :a 1 :b 2)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.8.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'change-class-class-08))
-	 (obj (make-instance class)))
+         (obj (make-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class :a 12 :b 17))
@@ -589,7 +589,7 @@
 ;;; Put around method test here
 ;;; Put more inheritance tests here
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest change-class.error.1
@@ -598,13 +598,13 @@
 (deftest change-class.error.2
   (signals-error (change-class (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest change-class.error.3
    (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (change-class obj new-class :c2))
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@
 (deftest change-class.error.4
    (let ((obj (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
+         (new-class (find-class 'change-class-class-01b)))
      (change-class obj new-class '(nonsense) 'a))
@@ -624,26 +624,26 @@
 (deftest change-class.error.5
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
     (loop for e in *mini-universe*
-	  for class = (class-of e)
-	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
-		    (handler-case
-		     (progn
-		       (change-class (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a)
-				     class)
-		       t)
-		     (error () nil)))
-	  collect e))
+          for class = (class-of e)
+          when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+                    (handler-case
+                     (progn
+                       (change-class (make-instance 'change-class-class-01a)
+                                     class)
+                       t)
+                     (error () nil)))
+          collect e))
 (deftest change-class.error.6
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
     (loop for e in *mini-universe*
-	  for class = (class-of e)
-	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
-		    (handler-case
-		     (progn
-		       (change-class e (find-class 'change-class-class-01a))
-		       t)
-		     (error () nil)))
-	  collect e))
+          for class = (class-of e)
+          when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+                    (handler-case
+                     (progn
+                       (change-class e (find-class 'change-class-class-01a))
+                       t)
+                     (error () nil)))
+          collect e))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/char-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/char-aux.lsp
index e2a421bb..ac7118b5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/char-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/char-aux.lsp
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
   (declare (type function fn))
   (let ((n (length seq)))
     (loop for i from 0 below (1- n)
-	  for e = (elt seq i)
-	  always
-	  (loop for j from (1+ i) below n
-		always (funcall fn e (elt seq j))))))
+          for e = (elt seq i)
+          always
+          (loop for j from (1+ i) below n
+                always (funcall fn e (elt seq j))))))
 (defun is-antisymmetrically-ordered-by (seq fn)
   (declare (type function fn))
@@ -27,16 +27,16 @@
    (declare (type function fn))
    (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	 for c1 = (char-upcase c)
-	 for c2 = (if (eql c c1) (char-downcase c) c1)
-	 always
-	 (loop for d across +code-chars+
-	       for d1 = (char-upcase d)
-	       for d2 = (if (eql d d1) (char-downcase d) d1)
-	       always (equiv (funcall fn c d)
-			     (funcall fn c2 d)
-			     (funcall fn c d2)
-			     (funcall fn c2 d2))))))
+         for c1 = (char-upcase c)
+         for c2 = (if (eql c c1) (char-downcase c) c1)
+         always
+         (loop for d across +code-chars+
+               for d1 = (char-upcase d)
+               for d2 = (if (eql d d1) (char-downcase d) d1)
+               always (equiv (funcall fn c d)
+                             (funcall fn c2 d)
+                             (funcall fn c d2)
+                             (funcall fn c2 d2))))))
 (defun equiv (&rest args)
   (declare (dynamic-extent args))
@@ -55,249 +55,249 @@
    (declare (type function fn))
    (loop for x in *universe*
-	 always (or (characterp x)
-		    ;; FIXME -- catch the type error and check that datum
-		    ;; is eql to x (and that datum is not in the expected type)
-		    (eqt (catch-type-error (funcall fn x)) 'type-error)))))
+         always (or (characterp x)
+                    ;; FIXME -- catch the type error and check that datum
+                    ;; is eql to x (and that datum is not in the expected type)
+                    (eqt (catch-type-error (funcall fn x)) 'type-error)))))
 (defun standard-char.5.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	always (let ((c (code-char i)))
-		 (not (and (typep c 'standard-char)
-			   (not (standard-char-p c)))))))
+        always (let ((c (code-char i)))
+                 (not (and (typep c 'standard-char)
+                           (not (standard-char-p c)))))))
 (defun extended-char.3.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	always (let ((c (code-char i)))
-		 (not (and (typep c 'base-char)
-			   (typep c 'extended-char)
-			   )))))
+        always (let ((c (code-char i)))
+                 (not (and (typep c 'base-char)
+                           (typep c 'extended-char)
+                           )))))
 (defun character.1.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	always (let ((c (code-char i)))
-		 (or (null c)
-		     (let ((s (string c)))
-		       (and
-			(eqlt (character c) c)
-			(eqlt (character s) c)
-			(eqlt (character (make-symbol s)) c)))))))
+        always (let ((c (code-char i)))
+                 (or (null c)
+                     (let ((s (string c)))
+                       (and
+                        (eqlt (character c) c)
+                        (eqlt (character s) c)
+                        (eqlt (character (make-symbol s)) c)))))))
 (defun character.2.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	when (not (or (characterp x)
-		      (and (stringp x) (eqlt (length x) 1))
-		      (and (symbolp x) (eqlt (length (symbol-name x)) 1))
-		      (let ((c (catch-type-error (character x))))
-			(or (eqlt c 'type-error)
-			    (let ((s (catch-type-error (string x))))
-			      (and (stringp s) (eqlt (my-aref s 0) c)))))))
-	do (return x)))
+        when (not (or (characterp x)
+                      (and (stringp x) (eqlt (length x) 1))
+                      (and (symbolp x) (eqlt (length (symbol-name x)) 1))
+                      (let ((c (catch-type-error (character x))))
+                        (or (eqlt c 'type-error)
+                            (let ((s (catch-type-error (string x))))
+                              (and (stringp s) (eqlt (my-aref s 0) c)))))))
+        do (return x)))
 (defun characterp.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	always (let ((c (code-char i)))
-		 (or (null c) (characterp c)))))
+        always (let ((c (code-char i)))
+                 (or (null c) (characterp c)))))
 (defun characterp.3.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always (let ((p (characterp x))
-		     (q (typep x 'character)))
-		 (if p (notnot q) (not q)))))
+        always (let ((p (characterp x))
+                     (q (typep x 'character)))
+                 (if p (notnot q) (not q)))))
 (defun alphanumericp.4.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (if (or (digit-char-p x) (alpha-char-p x))
-		       (alphanumericp x)
-		     ;; The hyperspec has an example that claims alphanumeric ==
-		     ;;  digit-char-p or alpha-char-p, but the text seems to suggest
-		     ;;  that there can be numeric characters for which digit-char-p
-		     ;;  returns NIL.  Therefore, I've weakened the next line
-		     ;; (not (alphanumericp x))
-		     t
-		     ))))
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (if (or (digit-char-p x) (alpha-char-p x))
+                       (alphanumericp x)
+                     ;; The hyperspec has an example that claims alphanumeric ==
+                     ;;  digit-char-p or alpha-char-p, but the text seems to suggest
+                     ;;  that there can be numeric characters for which digit-char-p
+                     ;;  returns NIL.  Therefore, I've weakened the next line
+                     ;; (not (alphanumericp x))
+                     t
+                     ))))
 (defun alphanumericp.5.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (if (or (digit-char-p x) (alpha-char-p x))
-		       (alphanumericp x)
-		     ;; The hyperspec has an example that claims alphanumeric ==
-		     ;;  digit-char-p or alpha-char-p, but the text seems to suggest
-		     ;;  that there can be numeric characters for which digit-char-p
-		     ;;  returns NIL.  Therefore, I've weakened the next line
-		     ;; (not (alphanumericp x))
-		     t		     
-		     ))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (if (or (digit-char-p x) (alpha-char-p x))
+                       (alphanumericp x)
+                     ;; The hyperspec has an example that claims alphanumeric ==
+                     ;;  digit-char-p or alpha-char-p, but the text seems to suggest
+                     ;;  that there can be numeric characters for which digit-char-p
+                     ;;  returns NIL.  Therefore, I've weakened the next line
+                     ;; (not (alphanumericp x))
+                     t
+                     ))))
 (defun digit-char.1.body.old ()
   (loop for r from 2 to 36 always
        (loop for i from 0 to 36
-	  always (let* ((c (digit-char i r))
-			(result
-			 (if (>= i r) (null c)
-			     (eqlt c (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)))))
-		   (unless result
-		     (format t "~A ~A ~A~%" r i c))
-		   result))))
+          always (let* ((c (digit-char i r))
+                        (result
+                         (if (>= i r) (null c)
+                             (eqlt c (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)))))
+                   (unless result
+                     (format t "~A ~A ~A~%" r i c))
+                   result))))
 (defun digit-char.1.body ()
   (loop for r from 2 to 36 nconc
        (loop for i from 0 to 36
-	  for c = (digit-char i r)
-	  unless (if (>= i r) (null c)
-		     (eqlt c (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)))
-	  collect (list r i c))))
+          for c = (digit-char i r)
+          unless (if (>= i r) (null c)
+                     (eqlt c (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)))
+          collect (list r i c))))
 (defun digit-char-p.1.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always (not (and (characterp x)
-			 (not (alphanumericp x))
-			 (digit-char-p x)))))
+        always (not (and (characterp x)
+                         (not (alphanumericp x))
+                         (digit-char-p x)))))
 (defun digit-char-p.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always (or (not x)
-		   (not (and (not (alphanumericp x))
-			     (digit-char-p x))))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always (or (not x)
+                   (not (and (not (alphanumericp x))
+                             (digit-char-p x))))))
 (defun digit-char-p.3.body ()
   (loop for r from 2 to 35
-	always
-	(loop for i from r to 35
-	      for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
-	      never (or (digit-char-p c r)
-			(digit-char-p (char-downcase c) r)))))
+        always
+        (loop for i from r to 35
+              for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
+              never (or (digit-char-p c r)
+                        (digit-char-p (char-downcase c) r)))))
 (defun digit-char-p.4.body ()
   (loop for r from 2 to 35
-	always
-	(loop for i from 0 below r
-	      for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
-	      always (and (eqlt (digit-char-p c r) i)
-			  (eqlt (digit-char-p (char-downcase c) r) i)))))
+        always
+        (loop for i from 0 below r
+              for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
+              always (and (eqlt (digit-char-p c r) i)
+                          (eqlt (digit-char-p (char-downcase c) r) i)))))
 (defun standard-char-p.2.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (find x +standard-chars+)
-		   (not (standard-char-p x)))))
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (find x +standard-chars+)
+                   (not (standard-char-p x)))))
 (defun standard-char-p.2a.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (find x +standard-chars+)
-		   (not (standard-char-p x)))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (find x +standard-chars+)
+                   (not (standard-char-p x)))))
 (defun char-upcase.1.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always
-	(or (not (characterp x))
-	    (let ((u (char-upcase x))) 
-	      (and
-	       (or (lower-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
-	       (eqlt u (char-upcase u)))))))
+        always
+        (or (not (characterp x))
+            (let ((u (char-upcase x)))
+              (and
+               (or (lower-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
+               (eqlt u (char-upcase u)))))))
 (defun char-upcase.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always
-	(or (not x)
-	    (let ((u (char-upcase x)))
-	      (and
-	       (or (lower-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
-	       (eqlt u (char-upcase u)))))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always
+        (or (not x)
+            (let ((u (char-upcase x)))
+              (and
+               (or (lower-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
+               (eqlt u (char-upcase u)))))))
 (defun char-downcase.1.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always
-	(or (not (characterp x))
-	    (let ((u (char-downcase x))) 
-	      (and
-	       (or (upper-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
-	       (eqlt u (char-downcase u)))))))
+        always
+        (or (not (characterp x))
+            (let ((u (char-downcase x)))
+              (and
+               (or (upper-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
+               (eqlt u (char-downcase u)))))))
 (defun char-downcase.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always
-	(or (not x)
-	    (let ((u (char-downcase x)))
-	      (and
-	       (or (upper-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
-	       (eqlt u (char-downcase u)))))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always
+        (or (not x)
+            (let ((u (char-downcase x)))
+              (and
+               (or (upper-case-p x) (eqlt u x))
+               (eqlt u (char-downcase u)))))))
 (defun both-case-p.1.body ()
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (if (both-case-p x)
-		       (and (graphic-char-p x)
-			    (or (upper-case-p x)
-				(lower-case-p x)))
-		     (not (or (upper-case-p x)
-			      (lower-case-p x)))))))
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (if (both-case-p x)
+                       (and (graphic-char-p x)
+                            (or (upper-case-p x)
+                                (lower-case-p x)))
+                     (not (or (upper-case-p x)
+                              (lower-case-p x)))))))
 (defun both-case-p.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for x = (code-char i)
-	always (or (not (characterp x))
-		   (if (both-case-p x)
-		       (and (graphic-char-p x)
-			    (or (upper-case-p x)
-				(lower-case-p x)))
-		     (not (or (upper-case-p x)
-			      (lower-case-p x)))))))
+        for x = (code-char i)
+        always (or (not (characterp x))
+                   (if (both-case-p x)
+                       (and (graphic-char-p x)
+                            (or (upper-case-p x)
+                                (lower-case-p x)))
+                     (not (or (upper-case-p x)
+                              (lower-case-p x)))))))
 (defun char-code.2.body ()
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	always (or (not c)
-		   (eqlt (char-code c) i))))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        always (or (not c)
+                   (eqlt (char-code c) i))))
 (defun char-int.2.fn ()
   (declare (optimize (safety 3) (speed 1) (space 1)))
   (let ((c->i (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	(i->c (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
+        (i->c (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
     (flet ((%insert
-	    (c)
-	    (or (not (characterp c))
-		(let* ((i (char-int c))
-		       (j (gethash c c->i))
-		       (d (gethash i i->c)))
-		  (and
-		   (or (null j) (eqlt j i))
-		   (or (null d) (char= c d))
-		   (progn
-		     (setf (gethash c c->i) i)
-		     (setf (gethash i i->c) c)
-		     t))))))
+            (c)
+            (or (not (characterp c))
+                (let* ((i (char-int c))
+                       (j (gethash c c->i))
+                       (d (gethash i i->c)))
+                  (and
+                   (or (null j) (eqlt j i))
+                   (or (null d) (char= c d))
+                   (progn
+                     (setf (gethash c c->i) i)
+                     (setf (gethash i i->c) c)
+                     t))))))
        (loop for i from 0 below (min (ash 1 16) char-code-limit)
-	     unless (%insert (code-char i))
-	     collect i)
+             unless (%insert (code-char i))
+             collect i)
        (loop for i = (random char-code-limit)
-	     repeat 1000
-	     unless (%insert (code-char i))
-	     collect i)
+             repeat 1000
+             unless (%insert (code-char i))
+             collect i)
        (find-if-not #'%insert +standard-chars+)
        (find-if-not #'%insert *universe*)))))
 (defun char-name.1.fn ()
   (declare (optimize (safety 3) (speed 1) (space 1)))
   (flet ((%check
-	  (c)
-	  (or (not (characterp c))
-	      (let ((name (char-name c)))
-		(or (null name)
-		    (and (stringp name)
-			 (eqlt c (name-char name))))))))
+          (c)
+          (or (not (characterp c))
+              (let ((name (char-name c)))
+                (or (null name)
+                    (and (stringp name)
+                         (eqlt c (name-char name))))))))
      (loop for i from 0 below (min (ash 1 16) char-code-limit)
-	   always (%check (code-char i)))
+           always (%check (code-char i)))
      (every #'%check +standard-chars+)
      (every #'%check *universe*)
@@ -305,17 +305,17 @@
 (defun name-char.1.body ()
   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for s = (catch-type-error (string x))
-	always
-	(or (eqlt s 'type-error)
-	    (let ((c (name-char x)))
-	      (or (not c)
-		  (characterp c)
-		  ;; FIXME The rest of this wasn't reachable
-		  #|
-		  (let ((name (char-name c)))
-		    (declare (type (or null string) name))
-		    (and name
-			 (string-equal name s)))
-		  |#
-		  )))))
+        for s = (catch-type-error (string x))
+        always
+        (or (eqlt s 'type-error)
+            (let ((c (name-char x)))
+              (or (not c)
+                  (characterp c)
+                  ;; FIXME The rest of this wasn't reachable
+                  #|
+                  (let ((name (char-name c)))
+                    (declare (type (or null string) name))
+                    (and name
+                         (string-equal name s)))
+                  |#
+                  )))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/char-compare.lsp b/ansi-tests/char-compare.lsp
index 4c5f63e4..7799c680 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/char-compare.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/char-compare.lsp
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
 ;;; safe-called with no arguments
 (deftest char-compare-no-args
   (loop for f in '(char= char/= char< char> char<= char>=
-		   char-lessp char-greaterp char-equal
-		   char-not-lessp char-not-greaterp char-not-equal)
-	collect (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',f) program-error)))
+                   char-lessp char-greaterp char-equal
+                   char-not-lessp char-not-greaterp char-not-equal)
+        collect (eval `(signals-error (funcall ',f) program-error)))
   (t t t t t t t t t t t t))
 (deftest char=.1
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (deftest char=.2
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char= c c))
+        always (char= c c))
 (deftest char=.3
@@ -29,27 +29,27 @@
 (deftest char=.4
   (is-ordered-by +rev-code-chars+
-		 #'(lambda (c1 c2) (not (char= c1 c2))))
+                 #'(lambda (c1 c2) (not (char= c1 c2))))
 (deftest char=.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char= (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char=.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (char= (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-		   (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b))
-	    i a b))
+                   (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char=.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char= (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+            (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+            (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (deftest char/=.2
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char/= c c))
+        never (char/= c c))
 (deftest char/=.3
@@ -76,28 +76,28 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char/= (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char/=.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char/= (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-			 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
-	    i a b))
+                         (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char/=.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char/= (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-	     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+             (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+             (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
 (deftest char<=.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char<= c c))
+        always (char<= c c))
 (deftest char<=.2
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
 (deftest char<=.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char<= #\9 #\A) (char<= #\Z #\0)))
 (deftest char<=.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char<= #\9 #\a) (char<= #\z #\0)))
@@ -132,20 +132,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char<= (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char<=.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char<= (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-			 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
-	    i a b))
+                         (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char<=.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char<= (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-	     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+             (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+             (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 (deftest char<.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char< c c))
+        never (char< c c))
 (deftest char<.2
@@ -179,29 +179,29 @@
 (deftest char<.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char< #\9 #\A) (char< #\Z #\0)))
 (deftest char<.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char< #\9 #\a) (char< #\z #\0)))
 (deftest char<.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char< (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char<.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char< (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-			(progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
-	    i a b))
+                        (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char<.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char< (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-	    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+            (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+            (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char< (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-	    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+            (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+            (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
 (deftest char>=.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char>= c c))
+        always (char>= c c))
 (deftest char>=.2
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 (deftest char>=.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char>= #\A #\9) (char>= #\0 #\Z)))
 (deftest char>=.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char>= #\a #\9) (char>= #\0 #\z)))
@@ -253,20 +253,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char>= (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char>=.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char>= (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-			 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
-	    i a b))
+                         (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char>=.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char>= (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-	     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-	     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+             (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+             (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char>= (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-	     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+             (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+             (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@
 (deftest char>.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char> c c))
+        never (char> c c))
 (deftest char>.2
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 (deftest char>.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char> #\A #\9) (char> #\0 #\Z)))
 (deftest char>.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char> #\a #\9) (char> #\0 #\z)))
@@ -318,20 +318,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char> (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char>.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char> (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-			(progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
-	    i a b))
+                        (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char>.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char> (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-	    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+            (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+            (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -339,8 +339,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char> (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-	    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-	    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+            (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+            (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -348,48 +348,48 @@
 (deftest char-equal.1
   (is-ordered-by +code-chars+
-		#'(lambda (c1 c2)
-		    (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
-			       (char-downcase c2))
-			(not (char-equal c1 c2)))))
+                #'(lambda (c1 c2)
+                    (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
+                               (char-downcase c2))
+                        (not (char-equal c1 c2)))))
 (deftest char-equal.2
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char-equal c c))
+        always (char-equal c c))
 (deftest char-equal.3
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char-equal c))
+        always (char-equal c))
 (deftest char-equal.4
   (is-ordered-by +rev-code-chars+
-		 #'(lambda (c1 c2)
-		     (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
-				(char-downcase c2))
-			 (not (char-equal c1 c2)))))
+                 #'(lambda (c1 c2)
+                     (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
+                                (char-downcase c2))
+                         (not (char-equal c1 c2)))))
 (deftest char-equal.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-equal (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-equal.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (char-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-			(progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a))
-	    i a b))
+                        (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-equal.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-equal (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-		 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -397,8 +397,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-equal (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-		 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -406,14 +406,14 @@
 (deftest char-not-equal.1
   (is-ordered-by +code-chars+ #'(lambda (c1 c2)
-				  (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
-					     (char-downcase c2))
-				      (char-not-equal c1 c2))))
+                                  (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
+                                             (char-downcase c2))
+                                      (char-not-equal c1 c2))))
 (deftest char-not-equal.2
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char-not-equal c c))
+        never (char-not-equal c c))
 (deftest char-not-equal.3
@@ -422,29 +422,29 @@
 (deftest char-not-equal.4
   (is-ordered-by +rev-code-chars+ #'(lambda (c1 c2)
-				      (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
-						 (char-downcase c2))
-					  (char-not-equal c1 c2))))
+                                      (or (char= (char-downcase c1)
+                                                 (char-downcase c2))
+                                          (char-not-equal c1 c2))))
 (deftest char-not-equal.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-not-equal (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-not-equal.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char-not-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-				 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
-	    i a b))
+                                 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-not-equal.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-equal (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-		     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -452,8 +452,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-equal (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-		     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char-not-greaterp c c))
+        always (char-not-greaterp c c))
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.2
@@ -487,7 +487,7 @@
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char-not-greaterp #\9 #\A) (char-not-greaterp #\Z #\0)))
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char-not-greaterp #\9 #\a) (char-not-greaterp #\z #\0)))
@@ -496,20 +496,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-not-greaterp (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char-not-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-				    (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
-	    i a b))
+                                    (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-not-greaterp.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-greaterp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-			(progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-			(progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                        (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                        (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -517,8 +517,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-greaterp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-			(progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-			(progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                        (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                        (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@
 (deftest char-lessp.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char-lessp c c))
+        never (char-lessp c c))
 (deftest char-lessp.2
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@
 (deftest char-lessp.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char-lessp #\9 #\A) (char-lessp #\Z #\0)))
 (deftest char-lessp.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char-lessp #\9 #\a) (char-lessp #\z #\0)))
@@ -561,20 +561,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-lessp (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-lessp.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\a)
-			     (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
-	    i a b))
+                             (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\b)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-lessp.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-lessp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-		 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -582,8 +582,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-lessp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-		 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-		 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                 (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                 (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@
 (deftest char-not-lessp.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	always (char-not-lessp c c))
+        always (char-not-lessp c c))
 (deftest char-not-lessp.2
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
 (deftest char-not-lessp.4
   (is-antisymmetrically-ordered-by (reverse +lower-case-chars+)
-				   #'char-not-lessp)
+                                   #'char-not-lessp)
 (deftest char-not-lessp.5
@@ -618,7 +618,7 @@
 (deftest char-not-lessp.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char-not-lessp #\A #\9) (char-not-lessp #\0 #\Z)))
 (deftest char-not-lessp.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char-not-lessp #\a #\9) (char-not-lessp #\0 #\z)))
@@ -627,20 +627,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-not-lessp (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-not-lessp.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char-not-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-				 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
-	    i a b))
+                                 (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-not-lessp.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-lessp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-		     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-		     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -648,8 +648,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-not-lessp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-		     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                     (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                     (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -657,7 +657,7 @@
 (deftest char-greaterp.1
   (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	never (char-greaterp c c))
+        never (char-greaterp c c))
 (deftest char-greaterp.2
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
 (deftest char-greaterp.4
   (is-antisymmetrically-ordered-by (reverse +lower-case-chars+)
-				   #'char-greaterp)
+                                   #'char-greaterp)
 (deftest char-greaterp.5
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@
 (deftest char-greaterp.7
   (notnot-mv (or (char-greaterp #\A #\9) (char-greaterp #\0 #\Z)))
 (deftest char-greaterp.8
   (notnot-mv (or (char-greaterp #\a #\9) (char-greaterp #\0 #\z)))
@@ -693,20 +693,20 @@
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (not (char-greaterp (progn (incf i) #\a))) i))
   nil 1)
 (deftest char-greaterp.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b)
     (values (not (char-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) #\b)
-				(progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
-	    i a b))
+                                (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)))
+            i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest char-greaterp.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-greaterp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\b)
-		    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
-		    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
+                    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\a)
+                    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\b))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -714,7 +714,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (char-greaterp (progn (setq a (incf i)) #\a)
-		    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
-		    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
+                    (progn (setq b (incf i)) #\b)
+                    (progn (setq c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/char-schar.lsp b/ansi-tests/char-schar.lsp
index be10ed19..79f04ddf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/char-schar.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/char-schar.lsp
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 (deftest char.2
   (let ((s0 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s1 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s3 (copy-seq "abcd")))
+        (s1 (copy-seq "abcd"))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abcd"))
+        (s3 (copy-seq "abcd")))
     (setf (char s0 0) #\X)
     (setf (char s1 1) #\X)
     (setf (char s2 2) #\X)
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
 (deftest char.3
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))))
     (setf (char s 3) #\X)
 (deftest char.4
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (setf (char s 3) #\X)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 (deftest char.8
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (setf (char s 5) #\X)
     (setf (fill-pointer s) 6)
@@ -66,14 +66,14 @@
 (deftest char.9
   (let ((s (make-string 5 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'base-char)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char)))
     (setf (char s 3) #\X)
 (deftest char.10
   (let ((s (make-string 5 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'standard-char)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char)))
     (setf (char s 3) #\X)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (char (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	   (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+           (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
      i a b))
   #\b 2 1 2)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
       (char (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
       (progn (setf c (incf i)) #\a))
      s i a b c))
   #\a "zazzz" 3 1 2 3)
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@
 (deftest schar.2
   (let ((s0 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s1 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abcd"))
-	(s3 (copy-seq "abcd")))
+        (s1 (copy-seq "abcd"))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abcd"))
+        (s3 (copy-seq "abcd")))
     (setf (schar s0 0) #\X)
     (setf (schar s1 1) #\X)
     (setf (schar s2 2) #\X)
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 (deftest schar.7
   (let ((s (make-string 6 :initial-element #\x
-			:element-type 'standard-char)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char)))
     (setf (schar s 2) #\X)
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (schar (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
      i a b))
   #\b 2 1 2)
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
       (schar (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
       (progn (setf c (incf i)) #\a))
      s i a b c))
   #\a "zazzz" 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/character.lsp b/ansi-tests/character.lsp
index 84bafe32..acf2b6b6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/character.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/character.lsp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (deftest character.1
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
 (deftest alpha-char-p.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	always
-	(or (find c +alpha-chars+)
-	    (not (alpha-char-p c))))
+        always
+        (or (find c +alpha-chars+)
+            (not (alpha-char-p c))))
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
 (deftest alphanumericp.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	always
-	(or (find c +alphanumeric-chars+)
-	    (not (alphanumericp c))))
+        always
+        (or (find c +alphanumeric-chars+)
+            (not (alphanumericp c))))
 (deftest alphanumericp.2
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
 (deftest digit-char-p.2
 (deftest digit-char-p.3
@@ -243,15 +243,15 @@
 (deftest digit-char-p.5
   (loop for i from 10 to 35
-	for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
-	never (or (digit-char-p c)
-		  (digit-char-p (char-downcase c))))
+        for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
+        never (or (digit-char-p c)
+                  (digit-char-p (char-downcase c))))
 (deftest digit-char-p.6
   (loop for i from 0 below 10
-	for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
-	always (eqlt (digit-char-p c) i))
+        for c = (char +extended-digit-chars+ i)
+        always (eqlt (digit-char-p c) i))
 (deftest digit-char-p.order.1
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (digit-char-p (progn (setf x (incf i)) #\0)
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
      i x y))
   0 2 1 2)
 (deftest digit-char-p.error.1
   (signals-error (digit-char-p) program-error)
 (deftest digit-char-p.error.2
   (signals-error (digit-char-p #\1 10 'foo) program-error)
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@
 (deftest graphic-char-p.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	always (if (eqlt c #\Newline)
-		   (not (graphic-char-p c))
-		 (graphic-char-p c)))
+        always (if (eqlt c #\Newline)
+                   (not (graphic-char-p c))
+                 (graphic-char-p c)))
 (deftest graphic-char-p.2
@@ -340,7 +340,7 @@
 (deftest standard-char-p.error.1
   (signals-error (standard-char-p) program-error)
 (deftest standard-char-p.error.2
   (signals-error (standard-char-p #\a #\a) program-error)
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@
 (deftest code-char.1
   (loop for x across +standard-chars+
-	always (eqlt (code-char (char-code x)) x))
+        always (eqlt (code-char (char-code x)) x))
 (deftest code-char.order.1
@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@
 (deftest char-int.1
   (loop for x across +standard-chars+
-	always (eqlt (char-int x) (char-code x)))
+        always (eqlt (char-int x) (char-code x)))
 (deftest char-int.2
@@ -597,18 +597,18 @@
 ;;; appropriate.  This is complicated by the possibility that two different
 ;;; names may refer to the same character (as is allowed by the standard,
 ;;; for example in the case of Newline and Linefeed).
 (deftest char-name.4
   (loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed")
-	for c = (name-char s)
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   ;; If the char-name is not even string-equal,
-		   ;; assume we're sharing the character with some other
-		   ;; name, and assume it's ok
-		   (not (string-equal (char-name c) s))
-		   (string= (char-name c) s))
-	;; Collect list of cases that failed
-	collect (list s c (char-name c)))
+        for c = (name-char s)
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   ;; If the char-name is not even string-equal,
+                   ;; assume we're sharing the character with some other
+                   ;; name, and assume it's ok
+                   (not (string-equal (char-name c) s))
+                   (string= (char-name c) s))
+        ;; Collect list of cases that failed
+        collect (list s c (char-name c)))
 (deftest char-name.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/check-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/check-type.lsp
index 02feec94..66cbb323 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/check-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/check-type.lsp
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
   (let ((x 'a))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-		      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
-		      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
-		      (store-value 15 c))))
+                      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
+                      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
+                      (store-value 15 c))))
      (values (check-type x number) x)))
   nil 15)
@@ -34,10 +34,10 @@
   (let ((x 'a))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-		      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
-		      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is STRING?
-		      (store-value "abc" c))))
+                      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
+                      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is STRING?
+                      (store-value "abc" c))))
      (values (check-type x string "a string") x)))
   nil "abc")
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
   (let ((x 'a))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-		      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
-		      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
-		      (store-value 15 nil))))
+                      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
+                      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
+                      (store-value 15 nil))))
      (values (check-type x number) x)))
   nil 15)
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
   (let ((x 'a))
      ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-		      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
-		      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
-		      (store-value 15))))
+                      (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) x))
+                      (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                      ;; Can we assume the expected-type is NUMBER?
+                      (store-value 15))))
      (values (check-type x number) x)))
   nil 15)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (check-type (expand-in-current-env (%m x))
-		 (integer 8 13))))
+                 (integer 8 13))))
 (deftest check-type.9
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cis.lsp b/ansi-tests/cis.lsp
index 753d860d..456edea2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cis.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cis.lsp
@@ -18,34 +18,34 @@
 (deftest cis.1
   (let ((result (cis 0)))
     (or (=t result 1)
-	(eqlt #c(1.0 0.0))))
+        (eqlt #c(1.0 0.0))))
 (deftest cis.2
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (cis x))
-	for c = (car vals)
-	unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql c (complex (float 1 x) x)))
-	collect (cons x vals))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (cis x))
+        for c = (car vals)
+        unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql c (complex (float 1 x) x)))
+        collect (cons x vals))
 (deftest cis.3
   (loop for x = (random (* 2 pi))
-	for c = (cis x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (complexp c)
-		    (approx= (imagpart c) (sin x))
-		    (approx= (realpart c) (cos x)))
-	collect (list x c (cos x) (sin x)))
+        for c = (cis x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (complexp c)
+                    (approx= (imagpart c) (sin x))
+                    (approx= (realpart c) (cos x)))
+        collect (list x c (cos x) (sin x)))
 (deftest cis.4
   (loop for x = (random (coerce (* 2 pi) 'single-float))
-	for c = (cis x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (complexp c)
-		    (approx= (imagpart c) (sin x))
-		    (approx= (realpart c) (cos x)))
-	collect (list x c (cos x) (sin x)))
+        for c = (cis x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (complexp c)
+                    (approx= (imagpart c) (sin x))
+                    (approx= (realpart c) (cos x)))
+        collect (list x c (cos x) (sin x)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-symbol-names.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-symbol-names.lsp
index 24993fcf..74370ca0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cl-symbol-names.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-symbol-names.lsp
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@
     (#-clisp progn
      #+clisp ext:without-package-lock  #+clisp ("COMMON-LISP")
      (mapcar #'(lambda (str) (intern str pkg))
-	     *cl-symbol-names*))))
+             *cl-symbol-names*))))
 (defparameter *cl-symbols-vector*
   (make-array (length *cl-symbols*) :initial-contents *cl-symbols*))
@@ -2144,22 +2144,22 @@
 (defparameter *cl-all-type-symbols*
   (reduce #'union
-	  (list *cl-type-symbols* *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-		*cl-system-class-symbols* *cl-class-symbols*
-		*cl-condition-type-symbols*)))
+          (list *cl-type-symbols* *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
+                *cl-system-class-symbols* *cl-class-symbols*
+                *cl-condition-type-symbols*)))
 (defparameter *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
    (reduce #'union
-	   (list *cl-function-symbols*
-		 *cl-macro-symbols*
-		 *cl-accessor-symbols*
-		 *cl-local-function-symbols*
-		 *cl-local-macro-symbols*
-		 *cl-special-operator-symbols*
-		 *cl-standard-generic-function-symbols*
-		 '(declare ed)))))
+           (list *cl-function-symbols*
+                 *cl-macro-symbols*
+                 *cl-accessor-symbols*
+                 *cl-local-function-symbols*
+                 *cl-local-macro-symbols*
+                 *cl-special-operator-symbols*
+                 *cl-standard-generic-function-symbols*
+                 '(declare ed)))))
 (defparameter *cl-function-or-accessor-symbols*
   (append *cl-function-symbols* *cl-accessor-symbols*))
@@ -2168,4 +2168,4 @@
    (union *cl-variable-symbols*
-	  *cl-constant-symbols*)))
+          *cl-constant-symbols*)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-symbols-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols-aux.lsp
index 9436189e..0e88f776 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cl-symbols-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols-aux.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
   (multiple-value-bind (sym2 status)
       (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) package)
     (and (eqt sym sym2)
-	 (eqt status :external))))
+         (eqt status :external))))
 (defun test-if-not-in-cl-package (str)
   (multiple-value-bind (sym status)
@@ -23,17 +23,17 @@
        ;; external in any of the standard packages or are accessible
        ;; in CL-USER
        (let ((plist (symbol-plist sym)))
-	 (loop for e = plist then (cddr e)
-	       for indicator = (car e)
-	       while e
-	       when (and (symbolp indicator)
-			 (or (is-external-symbol-of indicator
-						    "COMMON-LISP")
-			     (is-external-symbol-of indicator "KEYWORD")
-			     (eqt indicator (find-symbol
-					     (symbol-name indicator)
-					     "COMMON-LISP-USER"))))
-	       collect indicator)))))
+         (loop for e = plist then (cddr e)
+               for indicator = (car e)
+               while e
+               when (and (symbolp indicator)
+                         (or (is-external-symbol-of indicator
+                                                    "COMMON-LISP")
+                             (is-external-symbol-of indicator "KEYWORD")
+                             (eqt indicator (find-symbol
+                                             (symbol-name indicator)
+                                             "COMMON-LISP-USER"))))
+               collect indicator)))))
 (defun safe-symbol-name (sym)
   (catch-type-error (symbol-name sym)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp
index 95034a5c..e5bc0098 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-symbols.lsp
@@ -1016,8 +1016,8 @@
     (loop for n in *cl-symbol-names* do (setf (gethash n ht) t))
     (let ((extras nil))
       (do-external-symbols (s "CL")
-			   (unless (gethash (symbol-name s) ht)
-			     (push s extras)))
+                           (unless (gethash (symbol-name s) ht)
+                             (push s extras)))
@@ -1029,18 +1029,18 @@
 (deftest keyword-behavior
   (let ((result nil)
-	(keyword-package (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+        (keyword-package (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (do-symbols (s keyword-package result)
       (multiple-value-bind (sym status)
-	  (find-symbol (symbol-name s) keyword-package)
-	(cond
-	 ((not (eqt s sym)) (push (list s sym) result))
-	 ((eqt status :internal)
-	  (push (list s status) result))
-	 ((eqt status :external)
-	  (unless (and (eqt (symbol-value s) s)
-		       (constantp s))
-	    (push (list s sym 'not-constant) result)))))))
+          (find-symbol (symbol-name s) keyword-package)
+        (cond
+         ((not (eqt s sym)) (push (list s sym) result))
+         ((eqt status :internal)
+          (push (list s status) result))
+         ((eqt status :external)
+          (unless (and (eqt (symbol-value s) s)
+                       (constantp s))
+            (push (list s sym 'not-constant) result)))))))
@@ -1054,9 +1054,9 @@
    for s in (append *cl-function-symbols* *cl-accessor-symbols*)
    when (or (not (fboundp s))
-	    (macro-function s)
-	    (special-operator-p s)
-	    (not (symbol-function s)))
+            (macro-function s)
+            (special-operator-p s)
+            (not (symbol-function s)))
    collect s)
@@ -1066,7 +1066,7 @@
    for s in *cl-macro-symbols*
    when (or (not (fboundp s))
-	    (not (macro-function s)))
+            (not (macro-function s)))
    collect s)
@@ -1076,7 +1076,7 @@
    for s in *cl-constant-symbols*
    when (or (not (boundp s))
-	    (not (constantp s)))
+            (not (constantp s)))
    collect s)
@@ -1088,7 +1088,7 @@
    when (not (boundp s))
    collect s)
 ;;; Check that all types that are classes name classes.
 ;;; "Many but not all of the predefined type specifiers have
@@ -1102,8 +1102,8 @@
    for s in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
    for c = (find-class s nil)
    unless (and c
-	       (eq (class-name c) s)
-	       (typep c 'class))
+               (eq (class-name c) s)
+               (typep c 'class))
    collect s)
@@ -1115,8 +1115,8 @@
    for s in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
    for c = (find-class s nil nil)
    unless (and c
-	       (eq (class-name c) s)
-	       (typep c 'class))
+               (eq (class-name c) s)
+               (typep c 'class))
    collect s)
@@ -1126,12 +1126,12 @@
    for s in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
    for c = (eval `(macrolet ((%foo (&environment env)
-				   (list 'quote
-					 (find-class ',s nil env))))
-		    (%foo)))
+                                   (list 'quote
+                                         (find-class ',s nil env))))
+                    (%foo)))
    unless (and c
-	       (eq (class-name c) s)
-	       (typep c 'class))
+               (eq (class-name c) s)
+               (typep c 'class))
    collect s)
@@ -1164,7 +1164,7 @@
 (deftest symbol-plist.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (setf (symbol-plist x) nil))
-		    #'symbolp)
+                    #'symbolp)
@@ -1189,7 +1189,7 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (declare (optimize safety))
     (handler-case (progn (symbol-value sym) :bad)
-		  (unbound-variable (c)
-				    (assert (eq (cell-error-name c) sym))
-				    :good)))
+                  (unbound-variable (c)
+                                    (assert (eq (cell-error-name c) sym))
+                                    :good)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp
index f1d50b88..c0b14878 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cl-test-package.lsp
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
   (let ((*package* pkg))
     (shadow '(#:handler-case #:handler-bind))
     (import '(common-lisp-user::compile-and-load)
-	    pkg)
+            pkg)
     (export (mapcar #'intern
-		    (mapcar #'symbol-name
-			    '(#:random-from-seq #:random-case #:coin
-			      #:random-permute #:*universe* #:*mini-universe*
-			      #:*cl-symbols*
-			      #:signals-error #:typef)))))
+                    (mapcar #'symbol-name
+                            '(#:random-from-seq #:random-case #:coin
+                              #:random-permute #:*universe* #:*mini-universe*
+                              #:*cl-symbols*
+                              #:signals-error #:typef)))))
   (let ((s (find-symbol "QUIT" "CL-USER")))
     (when s (import s :cl-test))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp b/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp
index b590ac0a..a109cce7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/class-name.lsp
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
 (deftest setf-class-name.2
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(newsym (gensym)))
+        (newsym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defclass ,sym () (a b c)))
     (let ((class (find-class sym)))
        (eqlt (class-name class) sym)
-	(multiple-value-list (setf (class-name (find-class sym)) newsym))
-	(list newsym))
+        (multiple-value-list (setf (class-name (find-class sym)) newsym))
+        (list newsym))
        (eqlt newsym (class-name class)))))
   t t t)
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -48,5 +48,5 @@
 (deftest class-name.error.2
   (signals-error (class-name (find-class 'symbol) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/clear-input.lsp b/ansi-tests/clear-input.lsp
index 73c12f81..7c507969 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/clear-input.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/clear-input.lsp
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 (deftest clear-input.1
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *query-io*
-		       *standard-input* *terminal-io*)
-	always (eq (clear-input s) nil))
+                       *standard-input* *terminal-io*)
+        always (eq (clear-input s) nil))
 (deftest clear-input.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/clear-output.lsp b/ansi-tests/clear-output.lsp
index 03f0ae80..ca4396e1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/clear-output.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/clear-output.lsp
@@ -19,17 +19,17 @@
 (deftest clear-output.4
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	for dummy = (finish-output s)
-	for results = (multiple-value-list (clear-output s))
-	unless (equal results '(nil))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        for dummy = (finish-output s)
+        for results = (multiple-value-list (clear-output s))
+        unless (equal results '(nil))
+        collect s)
 (deftest clear-output.5
   (let ((os (make-string-output-stream)))
     (let ((*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "")
-					      os)))
+                                              os)))
       (clear-output t)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/clrhash.lsp b/ansi-tests/clrhash.lsp
index 2da117c9..75e77813 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/clrhash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/clrhash.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
      (hash-table-count table)
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (clrhash table))
-	     (list table))
+             (list table))
      (hash-table-count table)))
   1 t 0)
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
      (hash-table-count table)
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (clrhash table))
-	     (list table))
+             (list table))
      (hash-table-count table)))
   1 t 0)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
      (hash-table-count table)
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (clrhash table))
-	     (list table))
+             (list table))
      (hash-table-count table)))
   1 t 0)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
      (hash-table-count table)
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (clrhash table))
-	     (list table))
+             (list table))
      (hash-table-count table)))
   1 t 0)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
      (hash-table-count table)
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (clrhash table))
-	     (list table))
+             (list table))
      (hash-table-count table)))
   1 t 0)
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 (deftest clrhash.error.2
   (signals-error (clrhash (make-hash-table) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/coerce.lsp b/ansi-tests/coerce.lsp
index ea4c7989..2cfa58f5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/coerce.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/coerce.lsp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 (deftest coerce.1
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (x)
-		       (let ((type (type-of x)))
-			 (or (and (consp type) (eqt (car type) 'function))
-			     (eql (coerce x type) x)))))
+                       (let ((type (type-of x)))
+                         (or (and (consp type) (eqt (car type) 'function))
+                             (eql (coerce x type) x)))))
 (deftest coerce.2
@@ -20,85 +20,85 @@
    #'(lambda (x)
        (let ((class (class-of x)))
-	 (eql (coerce x class) x))))
+         (eql (coerce x class) x))))
 (deftest coerce.4
   (loop for x in '(() #() #*)
-	never (coerce x 'list))
+        never (coerce x 'list))
 (deftest coerce.5
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	always (equal (coerce x 'list) '(1 0)))		   
+        always (equal (coerce x 'list) '(1 0)))
 (deftest coerce.6
   (loop for x in '(() #() #*)
-	always (equalp (coerce x 'vector) #()))
+        always (equalp (coerce x 'vector) #()))
 (deftest coerce.7
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x 'vector)
-	always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
-		    (vectorp y)))
+        for y = (coerce x 'vector)
+        always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
+                    (vectorp y)))
 (deftest coerce.8
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x '(vector *))
-	always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
-		    (vectorp y)))
+        for y = (coerce x '(vector *))
+        always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
+                    (vectorp y)))
 (deftest coerce.9
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x '(vector * 2))
-	always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
-		    (vectorp y)))
+        for y = (coerce x '(vector * 2))
+        always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
+                    (vectorp y)))
 (deftest coerce.10
   (values (coerce #\A 'character)
-	  (coerce '|A| 'character)
-	  (coerce "A" 'character))
+          (coerce '|A| 'character)
+          (coerce "A" 'character))
   #\A #\A #\A)
 (deftest coerce.11
   (loop with class = (find-class 'vector)
-	for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x class)
-	always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
-		    (vectorp y)))
+        for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
+        for y = (coerce x class)
+        always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
+                    (vectorp y)))
 (deftest coerce.12
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x 'bit-vector)
-	always (and (equalp y #*10)
-		    (bit-vector-p y)))
+        for y = (coerce x 'bit-vector)
+        always (and (equalp y #*10)
+                    (bit-vector-p y)))
 (deftest coerce.13
   (loop for x in '((#\a #\b #\c) "abc")
-	for y = (coerce x 'string)
-	always (and (stringp y)
-		    (string= y "abc")))
+        for y = (coerce x 'string)
+        always (and (stringp y)
+                    (string= y "abc")))
 (deftest coerce.14
   (loop for x in '((#\a #\b #\c) "abc")
-	for y = (coerce x 'simple-string)
-	always (and (typep y 'simple-string)
-		    (string= y "abc")))
+        for y = (coerce x 'simple-string)
+        always (and (typep y 'simple-string)
+                    (string= y "abc")))
 (deftest coerce.15
   (loop for x in '((1 0) #(1 0) #*10)
-	for y = (coerce x 'simple-vector)
-	always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
-		    (simple-vector-p y)))
+        for y = (coerce x 'simple-vector)
+        always (and (equalp y #(1 0))
+                    (simple-vector-p y)))
 (deftest coerce.16
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (coerce (progn (setf a (incf i)) 10)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'single-float))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'single-float))
      i a b))
   10.0f0 2 1 2)
@@ -189,19 +189,19 @@
 (deftest coerce.error.10
   :notes (:result-type-element-type-by-subtype)
   (let* ((tp1 '(vector character))
-	 (tp2 `(vector t))
-	 (tp3 `(or ,tp1 ,tp2)))
+         (tp2 `(vector t))
+         (tp3 `(or ,tp1 ,tp2)))
     (if (not (subtypep tp3 'vector))
-	t
+        t
        (eval `(coerce '(#\a #\b #\c) ',tp3))
        (type-error (c)
-	 (cond
-	  ((typep (type-error-datum c)
-		  (type-error-expected-type c))
-	   `((typep ',(type-error-datum c)
-		    ',(type-error-expected-type c))
-	     "==>" true))
-	  (t t)))
+         (cond
+          ((typep (type-error-datum c)
+                  (type-error-expected-type c))
+           `((typep ',(type-error-datum c)
+                    ',(type-error-expected-type c))
+             "==>" true))
+          (t t)))
        (error (c) (declare (ignore c)) t))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp b/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp
index 39e4effb..838e859a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/compile-and-load.lsp
@@ -23,25 +23,25 @@
   "Find the file indicated by PATHSPEC, compiling it first if
    the associated compiled file is out of date."
   (let* ((pathname (pathname pathspec))
-	 (pathname (if *load-pathname*
-		       (merge-pathnames pathname *load-pathname*)
-		     pathname))		     
-	 (former-data (assoc pathname *compiled-and-loaded-files*
-			     :test #'equalp))
-	 (compile-pathname (compile-file-pathname pathname))
-	 (source-write-time (file-write-date pathname))
-	 (target-write-time (and (probe-file compile-pathname)
-				 (file-write-date compile-pathname))))
+         (pathname (if *load-pathname*
+                       (merge-pathnames pathname *load-pathname*)
+                     pathname))
+         (former-data (assoc pathname *compiled-and-loaded-files*
+                             :test #'equalp))
+         (compile-pathname (compile-file-pathname pathname))
+         (source-write-time (file-write-date pathname))
+         (target-write-time (and (probe-file compile-pathname)
+                                 (file-write-date compile-pathname))))
     (unless (and (not force)
-		 former-data
-		 (>= (cadr former-data) source-write-time))
+                 former-data
+                 (>= (cadr former-data) source-write-time))
       (when (or (not target-write-time)
-		(<= target-write-time source-write-time))
-	(handler-bind
-	 #-sbcl ()
-	 #+sbcl ((sb-ext:code-deletion-note #'muffle-warning))
-	 (compile-file pathname)))
+                (<= target-write-time source-write-time))
+        (handler-bind
+         #-sbcl ()
+         #+sbcl ((sb-ext:code-deletion-note #'muffle-warning))
+         (compile-file pathname)))
       (if former-data
-	  (setf (cadr former-data) source-write-time)
-	(push (list pathname source-write-time) *compiled-and-loaded-files*))
+          (setf (cadr former-data) source-write-time)
+        (push (list pathname source-write-time) *compiled-and-loaded-files*))
       (load compile-pathname))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compile-file.lsp b/ansi-tests/compile-file.lsp
index 1d2d7443..855ef273 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/compile-file.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/compile-file.lsp
@@ -6,62 +6,62 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
 (defun compile-file-test (file funname &rest args &key
-			       expect-warnings 
-			       expect-style-warnings output-file
-			       (print nil print-p)
-			       (verbose nil verbose-p)
-			       (*compile-print* nil)
-			       (*compile-verbose* nil)
-			       external-format)
+                               expect-warnings
+                               expect-style-warnings output-file
+                               (print nil print-p)
+                               (verbose nil verbose-p)
+                               (*compile-print* nil)
+                               (*compile-verbose* nil)
+                               external-format)
   (declare (ignorable external-format))
   (let* ((target-pathname (or output-file
-			      (compile-file-pathname file)))
-	 (actual-warnings-p nil)
-	 (actual-style-warnings-p nil))
+                              (compile-file-pathname file)))
+         (actual-warnings-p nil)
+         (actual-style-warnings-p nil))
     (when (probe-file target-pathname)
       (delete-file target-pathname))
     (fmakunbound funname)
     (let* ((str (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
-	   (vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (handler-bind
-		   ((style-warning #'(lambda (c)
-				       (declare (ignore c))
-				       (setf actual-style-warnings-p t)
-				       nil))
-		    ((or error warning)
-		     #'(lambda (c)
-			 (unless (typep c 'style-warning)
-			   (setf actual-warnings-p t))
-			 nil)))
-		   (with-output-to-string
-		     (*standard-output* str)
-		     (apply #'compile-file file :allow-other-keys t args))))))
+           (vals (multiple-value-list
+                  (handler-bind
+                   ((style-warning #'(lambda (c)
+                                       (declare (ignore c))
+                                       (setf actual-style-warnings-p t)
+                                       nil))
+                    ((or error warning)
+                     #'(lambda (c)
+                         (unless (typep c 'style-warning)
+                           (setf actual-warnings-p t))
+                         nil)))
+                   (with-output-to-string
+                     (*standard-output* str)
+                     (apply #'compile-file file :allow-other-keys t args))))))
       (assert (= (length vals) 3))
-	  (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
-	  vals
-	(print (namestring (truename target-pathname)))
-	(print (namestring output-truename))
-	(values
-	 (let ((v1 (or print verbose
-		       (and (not print-p) *compile-print*)
-		       (and (not verbose-p) *compile-verbose*)
-		       (string= str "")))
-	       (v2 (or (and verbose-p (not verbose))
-		       (and (not verbose-p) (not *compile-verbose*))
-		       (position #\; str)))
-	       (v3 (if actual-warnings-p failure-p t))
-	       (v4 (if expect-warnings failure-p t))
-	       (v5 (if expect-style-warnings warnings-p t))
-	       (v6 (or (null output-truename) (pathnamep output-truename)))
-	       (v7 (equalpt-or-report (namestring (truename target-pathname))
-				      (namestring output-truename)))
-	       (v8 (not (fboundp funname))))
-	   (if (and v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 (eql v7 t) v8) t
-	     (list v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8)))
-	 (progn
-	   (load output-truename)
-	   (funcall funname)))))))
+          (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
+          vals
+        (print (namestring (truename target-pathname)))
+        (print (namestring output-truename))
+        (values
+         (let ((v1 (or print verbose
+                       (and (not print-p) *compile-print*)
+                       (and (not verbose-p) *compile-verbose*)
+                       (string= str "")))
+               (v2 (or (and verbose-p (not verbose))
+                       (and (not verbose-p) (not *compile-verbose*))
+                       (position #\; str)))
+               (v3 (if actual-warnings-p failure-p t))
+               (v4 (if expect-warnings failure-p t))
+               (v5 (if expect-style-warnings warnings-p t))
+               (v6 (or (null output-truename) (pathnamep output-truename)))
+               (v7 (equalpt-or-report (namestring (truename target-pathname))
+                                      (namestring output-truename)))
+               (v8 (not (fboundp funname))))
+           (if (and v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 (eql v7 t) v8) t
+             (list v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 v7 v8)))
+         (progn
+           (load output-truename)
+           (funcall funname)))))))
 (deftest compile-file.1
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1)
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
 (deftest compile-file.2
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file-2.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.2
-		     :expect-style-warnings t)
+                     :expect-style-warnings t)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.2a
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file-2a.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.2a
-		     :expect-warnings t)
+                     :expect-warnings t)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.3
@@ -93,57 +93,57 @@
 (deftest compile-file.6
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :output-file "foo.fasl")
+                     :output-file "foo.fasl")
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.6a
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :output-file "foo.ufsl")
+                     :output-file "foo.ufsl")
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.7
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :external-format :default)
+                     :external-format :default)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.8
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :output-file #p"foo.fasl")
+                     :output-file #p"foo.fasl")
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.9
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :print t)
+                     :print t)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.10
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :verbose t)
+                     :verbose t)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.11
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :print nil)
+                     :print nil)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.12
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :verbose nil)
+                     :verbose nil)
   t nil)
 ;;; A file stream is a pathname designator
 (deftest compile-file.13
   (with-open-file (s "compile-file-test-file.lsp" :direction :input)
-		  (compile-file-test s 'compile-file-test-fun.1))
+                  (compile-file-test s 'compile-file-test-fun.1))
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.14
   (let ((s (open "foo.fasl" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-		 :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+                 :if-does-not-exist :create)))
     (close s)
     (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp"
-		       'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		       :output-file s))
+                       'compile-file-test-fun.1
+                       :output-file s))
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.15
@@ -156,9 +156,9 @@
 (deftest compile-file.16
   (let* ((file #p"compile-file-test-file-5.lsp")
-	 (target-pathname (compile-file-pathname file))
-	 (*compile-print* nil)
-	 (*compile-verbose* nil))
+         (target-pathname (compile-file-pathname file))
+         (*compile-print* nil)
+         (*compile-verbose* nil))
     (when (probe-file target-pathname)
       (delete-file target-pathname))
     (compile-file file)
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
      (equalpt-or-report (truename file) (funcall 'compile-file-test-fun.5))
      (equalpt-or-report (pathname (merge-pathnames file))
-			(funcall 'compile-file-test-fun.5a))))
+                        (funcall 'compile-file-test-fun.5a))))
   t t)
 ;;; Add tests of logical pathnames
@@ -184,19 +184,19 @@
      (s file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede :if-does-not-exist :create))
     (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp"
-		       'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		       :output-file file))
+                       'compile-file-test-fun.1
+                       :output-file file))
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.19
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :*compile-verbose* t)
+                     :*compile-verbose* t)
   t nil)
 (deftest compile-file.20
   (compile-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		     :*compile-print* t)
-  t nil)  
+                     :*compile-print* t)
+  t nil)
 (deftest compile-file-pathname.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compile.lsp b/ansi-tests/compile.lsp
index df93b95c..64dbd6e2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/compile.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/compile.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
      (compiled-function-p 'compile.1-fn)
      (let ((x (compile 'compile.1-fn)))
        (or (eqt x 'compile.1-fn)
-	   (notnot (compiled-function-p x))))
+           (notnot (compiled-function-p x))))
      (compiled-function-p 'compile.1-fn)
      (not (compiled-function-p #'compile.1-fn))
      (fmakunbound 'compile.1-fn)))
@@ -28,12 +28,12 @@
 ;;; COMPILE returns three values (function, warnings-p, failure-p)
 (deftest compile.2
   (let* ((results (multiple-value-list
-		   (compile nil '(lambda (x y) (cons y x)))))
-	 (fn (car results)))
+                   (compile nil '(lambda (x y) (cons y x)))))
+         (fn (car results)))
     (values (length results)
-	    (funcall fn 'a 'b)
-	    (second results)
-	    (third results)))
+            (funcall fn 'a 'b)
+            (second results)
+            (third results)))
   (b . a)
@@ -42,16 +42,16 @@
 ;;; Compile does not coalesce literal constants
 (deftest compile.3
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	(y (list 'a 'b)))
+        (y (list 'a 'b)))
     (and (not (eqt x y))
-	 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (eqt ',x ',y))))))
+         (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (eqt ',x ',y))))))
 (deftest compile.4
   (let ((x (copy-seq "abc"))
-	(y (copy-seq "abc")))
+        (y (copy-seq "abc")))
     (and (not (eqt x y))
-	 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (eqt ,x ,y))))))
+         (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (eqt ,x ,y))))))
 (deftest compile.5
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (funcall (compile (progn (setf a (incf i)) nil)
-		       (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(lambda () 'z))))
+                       (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(lambda () 'z))))
      i a b))
   z 2 1 2)
@@ -90,5 +90,5 @@
 (deftest compile.error.2
   (signals-error (compile nil '(lambda () nil) 'garbage)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/complement.lsp b/ansi-tests/complement.lsp
index fefb1a3c..b442d47a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/complement.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/complement.lsp
@@ -16,15 +16,15 @@
 (deftest complement.3
    #'(lambda (x) (eql (funcall (cl::complement #'not) x)
-		      (not (not x)))))
+                      (not (not x)))))
 (deftest complement.4
   (let ((x '(#\b)))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  always (progn
-		   (push #\a x)
-		   (apply (complement #'char=) x))))
+          always (progn
+                   (push #\a x)
+                   (apply (complement #'char=) x))))
 (deftest complement.5
@@ -61,15 +61,15 @@
        (%f :y nil) (%f :y t :y nil)
        (%f :x nil :y nil) (%f :x t :y nil)
        (%f :y t :x nil) (%f :x t :y t))
-	(funcall cf) (funcall cf :x nil) (funcall cf :x t)
-	(funcall cf :y nil) (funcall cf :y t)
-	(funcall cf :x nil :y nil) (funcall cf :x t :y nil)
-	(funcall cf :y t :x nil) (funcall cf :x t :y t :x nil))
+        (funcall cf) (funcall cf :x nil) (funcall cf :x t)
+        (funcall cf :y nil) (funcall cf :y t)
+        (funcall cf :x nil :y nil) (funcall cf :x t :y nil)
+        (funcall cf :y t :x nil) (funcall cf :x t :y t :x nil))
-	(funcall cf :x nil :y t :foo nil :allow-other-keys t)
-	(funcall cf :x nil :y t :allow-other-keys nil)))))
+        (funcall cf :x nil :y t :foo nil :allow-other-keys t)
+        (funcall cf :x nil :y t :allow-other-keys nil)))))
   (nil nil t nil t nil t t nil)
   (t t nil t nil t nil nil t)
   (nil nil))
@@ -81,19 +81,19 @@
     (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x t) (y t)) nil))
     (let ((cf (complement (symbol-function sym))))
       (values (funcall cf 'a 'b)
-	      (funcall cf 0 0)
-	      (funcall cf 0 1)
-	      (funcall cf 1 0)
-	      (funcall cf 1 1))))
+              (funcall cf 0 0)
+              (funcall cf 0 1)
+              (funcall cf 1 0)
+              (funcall cf 1 1))))
   t nil t t nil)
 (deftest complement.10
   (let ((cf (complement (compile nil '(lambda (x y) (evenp (+ x y)))))))
     (values (funcall cf 0 0)
-	    (funcall cf 0 1)
-	    (funcall cf 1 0)
-	    (funcall cf 1 1)))
-  nil t t nil)    
+            (funcall cf 0 1)
+            (funcall cf 1 0)
+            (funcall cf 1 1)))
+  nil t t nil)
 (deftest complement.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
@@ -116,12 +116,12 @@
 (deftest complement.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (complement #'identity))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest complement.error.4
   (signals-error (funcall (complement #'identity) t t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest complement.error.5
@@ -130,10 +130,10 @@
 (deftest complement.error.6
   (signals-error (funcall (complement #'(lambda (&key) t)) :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo t) program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo t) program-error)
 (deftest complement.error.7
   (signals-error (funcall (complement #'(lambda (x &rest y) (and x (evenp (length y))))))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/complex.lsp b/ansi-tests/complex.lsp
index 64e9f050..28eb6c25 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/complex.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/complex.lsp
@@ -19,43 +19,43 @@
 (deftest complex.1
   (loop for x in *rationals*
-	for c = (complex x)
-	always (eql c x))
+        for c = (complex x)
+        always (eql c x))
 (deftest complex.2
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	for c = (complex x)
-	always (and (complexp c)
-		    (eql x (realpart c))
-		    (eql (float 0 x) (imagpart c))))
+        for c = (complex x)
+        always (and (complexp c)
+                    (eql x (realpart c))
+                    (eql (float 0 x) (imagpart c))))
 (deftest complex.3
   (loop for x in *rationals*
-	for c = (complex 0 x)
-	unless (or (zerop x)
-		   (and (complexp c)
-			(eql (realpart c) 0)
-			(eql (imagpart c) x)))
-	collect (list c x))
+        for c = (complex 0 x)
+        unless (or (zerop x)
+                   (and (complexp c)
+                        (eql (realpart c) 0)
+                        (eql (imagpart c) x)))
+        collect (list c x))
 (deftest complex.4
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	for c = (complex 0 x)
-	always (and (complexp c)
-		    (eql (float 0 x) (realpart c))
-		    (eql x (imagpart c))))
+        for c = (complex 0 x)
+        always (and (complexp c)
+                    (eql (float 0 x) (realpart c))
+                    (eql x (imagpart c))))
 ;;; Tests of some properties of complex numbers
 (deftest complex.5
   (loop for c in *complexes*
-	unless (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-		     always (if (typep (realpart c) type)
-				(typep (imagpart c) type)
-			      (not (typep (imagpart c) type))))
-	collect c)
+        unless (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
+                     always (if (typep (realpart c) type)
+                                (typep (imagpart c) type)
+                              (not (typep (imagpart c) type))))
+        collect c)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compute-applicable-methods.lsp b/ansi-tests/compute-applicable-methods.lsp
index 44c7244d..40aa4a1d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/compute-applicable-methods.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/compute-applicable-methods.lsp
@@ -22,20 +22,20 @@
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.1
   (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-01 (list 1 2))))
     (equalt methods
-	    (list *cam-gf-01-method1* *cam-gf-01-method2*
-		  *cam-gf-01-method3* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
+            (list *cam-gf-01-method1* *cam-gf-01-method2*
+                  *cam-gf-01-method3* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.2
   (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-01 (list 1 'x))))
     (equalt methods
-	    (list *cam-gf-01-method2* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
+            (list *cam-gf-01-method2* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.3
   (let ((methods (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-01 (list 'x 10))))
     (equalt methods
-	    (list *cam-gf-01-method3* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
+            (list *cam-gf-01-method3* *cam-gf-01-method4*)))
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.4
@@ -53,53 +53,53 @@
    (defgeneric cam-gf-03 (x)
      (:method-combination + :most-specific-first))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-03-method1*
      (defmethod cam-gf-03 + ((x integer)) 1))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-03-method2*
      (defmethod cam-gf-03 + ((x rational)) 2))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-03-method3*
      (defmethod cam-gf-03 + ((x real)) 4))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-03-method4*
      (defmethod cam-gf-03 + ((x number)) 8))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-03-method5*
      (defmethod cam-gf-03 + ((x t)) 16))))
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.6
   (equalt (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-03 (list 0))
-	  (list *cam-gf-03-method1* *cam-gf-03-method2* *cam-gf-03-method3*
-		*cam-gf-03-method4* *cam-gf-03-method5*))
+          (list *cam-gf-03-method1* *cam-gf-03-method2* *cam-gf-03-method3*
+                *cam-gf-03-method4* *cam-gf-03-method5*))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    (defgeneric cam-gf-04 (x)
      (:method-combination + :most-specific-last))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-04-method1*
      (defmethod cam-gf-04 + ((x integer)) 1))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-04-method2*
      (defmethod cam-gf-04 + ((x rational)) 2))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-04-method3*
      (defmethod cam-gf-04 + ((x real)) 4))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-04-method4*
      (defmethod cam-gf-04 + ((x number)) 8))
    (defparameter *cam-gf-04-method5*
      (defmethod cam-gf-04 + ((x t)) 16))
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.7
   (equalt (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-04 (list 0))
-	  (list *cam-gf-04-method1* *cam-gf-04-method2* *cam-gf-04-method3*
-		*cam-gf-04-method4* *cam-gf-04-method5*))
+          (list *cam-gf-04-method1* *cam-gf-04-method2* *cam-gf-04-method3*
+                *cam-gf-04-method4* *cam-gf-04-method5*))
 ;;; Need tests with :around, :before, :after methods
@@ -108,15 +108,15 @@
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.error.1
   (signals-error (compute-applicable-methods)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.error.2
   (signals-error (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-01)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest compute-applicable-methods.error.3
   (signals-error (compute-applicable-methods #'cam-gf-01 '(1 2) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/compute-restarts.lsp b/ansi-tests/compute-restarts.lsp
index 04a6b2ee..3890c55a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/compute-restarts.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/compute-restarts.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest compute-restarts.1
   (loop for r in (compute-restarts)
-	always (typep r 'restart))
+        always (typep r 'restart))
 (deftest compute-restarts.2
   (loop for r in (compute-restarts)
-	always (typep r (find-class 'restart)))
+        always (typep r (find-class 'restart)))
 (deftest compute-restarts.3
@@ -24,15 +24,15 @@
 (deftest compute-restarts.4
   (loop for r1 in (compute-restarts)
-	for r2 in (compute-restarts)
-	always (eq r1 r2))
+        for r2 in (compute-restarts)
+        always (eq r1 r2))
 (deftest compute-restarts.5
    (loop for r1 in (compute-restarts)
-	 for r2 in (compute-restarts)
-	 always (eq r1 r2))
+         for r2 in (compute-restarts)
+         always (eq r1 r2))
    (foo () t)
    (bar () t)
    (foo () nil))
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 (deftest compute-restarts.6
    (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts))
-	  (p (position 'foo restarts :key #'restart-name))
-	  (r (find 'foo restarts :start (1+ p) :key #'restart-name)))
+          (p (position 'foo restarts :key #'restart-name))
+          (r (find 'foo restarts :start (1+ p) :key #'restart-name)))
      (invoke-restart r))
    (foo () 'bad)
    (foo () 'good)
@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@
 (deftest compute-restarts.7
    ((error #'(lambda (c)
-	       (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c))
-		      (r (remove 'foo restarts
-				 :test-not #'eq
-				 :key #'restart-name)))
-		 (invoke-restart (second r))))))
+               (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c))
+                      (r (remove 'foo restarts
+                                 :test-not #'eq
+                                 :key #'restart-name)))
+                 (invoke-restart (second r))))))
     (error "an error")
     (foo () 'bad)
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
 (deftest compute-restarts.8
    ((error #'(lambda (c)
-	       (declare (ignore c))
-	       (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts))
-		      (r (remove 'foo restarts
-				 :test-not #'eq
-				 :key #'restart-name)))
-		 (invoke-restart (second r))))))
+               (declare (ignore c))
+               (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts))
+                      (r (remove 'foo restarts
+                                 :test-not #'eq
+                                 :key #'restart-name)))
+                 (invoke-restart (second r))))))
     (error "an error")
     (foo () 'bad)
@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@
     (block done
        ((error #'(lambda (c)
-		   (declare (ignore c))
-		   (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c2))
-			  (r (remove 'foo restarts
-				     :test-not #'eq
-				     :key #'restart-name)))
-		     ;; (write restarts)
-		     (return-from done
-		       (values r
-			       (mapcar #'restart-name r)))))))
+                   (declare (ignore c))
+                   (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c2))
+                          (r (remove 'foo restarts
+                                     :test-not #'eq
+                                     :key #'restart-name)))
+                     ;; (write restarts)
+                     (return-from done
+                       (values r
+                               (mapcar #'restart-name r)))))))
-	(error "an error")
-	(foo () 'bad)
-	(foo () 'also-bad)))))
+        (error "an error")
+        (foo () 'bad)
+        (foo () 'also-bad)))))
   nil nil)
 ;;; This test is disabled until I figure out how to fix
@@ -108,21 +108,21 @@
     (block done
        ((error #'(lambda (c)
-		   (declare (ignore c))
-		   (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c2))
-			  (r (remove 'foo restarts
-				     :test-not #'eq
-				     :key #'restart-name)))
-		     ;; (write restarts)
-		     (return-from done
-		       (values r
-			       (mapcar #'restart-name r)))))))
+                   (declare (ignore c))
+                   (let* ((restarts (compute-restarts c2))
+                          (r (remove 'foo restarts
+                                     :test-not #'eq
+                                     :key #'restart-name)))
+                     ;; (write restarts)
+                     (return-from done
+                       (values r
+                               (mapcar #'restart-name r)))))))
-	(progn (error "an error"))
-	(foo () :test (lambda (c) (or (null c) (not (eq c c2))))
-	     'bad)
-	(foo () :test (lambda (c) (or (null c) (not (eq c c2))))
-	     'also-bad)))))
+        (progn (error "an error"))
+        (foo () :test (lambda (c) (or (null c) (not (eq c c2))))
+             'bad)
+        (foo () :test (lambda (c) (or (null c) (not (eq c c2))))
+             'also-bad)))))
   nil nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp b/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp
index 5bfceb63..e33d094b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/concatenate.lsp
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@
 (deftest concatenate.2
   (let* ((orig (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	 (copy (concatenate 'list orig)))
+         (copy (concatenate 'list orig)))
      (intersection (loop for e on orig collect e)
-		   (loop for e on copy collect e)
-		   :test #'eq)))
+                   (loop for e on copy collect e)
+                   :test #'eq)))
   (a b c d e)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
 (deftest concatenate.7
   (let* ((orig (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	 (copy (concatenate 'vector orig)))
+         (copy (concatenate 'vector orig)))
      (eqt copy orig)))
@@ -133,28 +133,28 @@
 (deftest concatenate.25
   (let ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (concatenate 'list x x))
   (a b c d e a b c d e))
 (deftest concatenate.26
   (let ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (concatenate 'list x))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest concatenate.27
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (concatenate 'vector x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (concatenate 'vector x)))
     (values (not (simple-vector-p result))
-	    result))
+            result))
   #(a b c d e))
 (deftest concatenate.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
      (concatenate 'string x '(#\z))
      (concatenate 'string '(#\z) x)
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@
 (deftest concatenate.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char)))
      (concatenate 'string x '(#\z))
      (concatenate 'string '(#\z) x)
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
 (deftest concatenate.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0110010111
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
      (concatenate 'bit-vector x '(0))
      (concatenate '(bit-vector) '(0) x)
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
 (deftest concatenate.30a
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0110010111
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
      (concatenate 'simple-bit-vector x '(0))
      (concatenate 'simple-bit-vector '(0) x)
@@ -240,40 +240,40 @@
 (deftest concatenate.34
   (concatenate 'simple-string "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.35
   (concatenate '(simple-string) "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.36
   (concatenate '(simple-string *) "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.37
   (concatenate '(simple-string 6) "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.38
   (concatenate '(string) "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.39
   (concatenate '(string *) "abc" "def")
 (deftest concatenate.40
   (concatenate '(string 6) "abc" "def")
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
 (deftest concatenate.order.1
   (let ((i 0) w x y z)
      (concatenate (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'string)
-		  (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "def")
-		  (progn (setf z (incf i)) "ghi"))
+                  (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "def")
+                  (progn (setf z (incf i)) "ghi"))
      i w x y z))
   "abcdefghi" 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -281,9 +281,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (concatenate 'string
-		  (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "def")
-		  (progn (setf z (incf i)) "ghi"))
+                  (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "def")
+                  (progn (setf z (incf i)) "ghi"))
      i x y z))
   "abcdefghi" 3 1 2 3)
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 (def-fold-test concatenate.fold.6 (concatenate 'vector #(a b c d)))
 (def-fold-test concatenate.fold.7 (concatenate 'bit-vector #*110101101))
 (def-fold-test concatenate.fold.8 (concatenate 'string "abcdef"))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest concatenate.error.1
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 (deftest concatenate.error.3
   (signals-error (concatenate '(vector * 3) '(a b c d e))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest concatenate.error.4
@@ -319,14 +319,14 @@
 (deftest concatenate.error.5
   (signals-error (locally (concatenate '(vector * 3) '(a b c d e)) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest concatenate.error.6
   :notes (:result-type-element-type-by-subtype)
   (let ((type '(or (vector bit) (vector t))))
     (if (subtypep type 'vector)
-	(eval `(signals-error-always (concatenate ',type '(0 1 0) '(1 1 0)) error))
+        (eval `(signals-error-always (concatenate ',type '(0 1 0) '(1 1 0)) error))
       (values t t)))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/concatenated-stream-streams.lsp b/ansi-tests/concatenated-stream-streams.lsp
index 0cc7e296..22d55243 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/concatenated-stream-streams.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/concatenated-stream-streams.lsp
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
 (deftest concatenated-stream-streams.2
   (equalt (list (list *standard-input*))
-	  (multiple-value-list
-	   (concatenated-stream-streams
-	    (make-concatenated-stream *standard-input*))))
+          (multiple-value-list
+           (concatenated-stream-streams
+            (make-concatenated-stream *standard-input*))))
 (deftest concatenated-stream-streams.3
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
     (s2 "def")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (equalt (list (list s1 s2))
-	      (multiple-value-list
-	       (concatenated-stream-streams s))))))
+              (multiple-value-list
+               (concatenated-stream-streams s))))))
 (deftest concatenated-stream-streams.4
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
     (s2 "def")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (equalt (list (list s1 s2))
-	      (multiple-value-list
-	       (concatenated-stream-streams s))))))
+              (multiple-value-list
+               (concatenated-stream-streams s))))))
 (deftest concatenated-stream-streams.5
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
        (read-char s)
        (equalt (list (list s2))
-	       (multiple-value-list
-		(concatenated-stream-streams s)))))))
+               (multiple-value-list
+                (concatenated-stream-streams s)))))))
   #\d t)
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
 (deftest concatenated-stream-streams.error.2
   (signals-error (concatenated-stream-streams
-		  (make-concatenated-stream)
-		  nil)
-		 program-error)
+                  (make-concatenated-stream)
+                  nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cond.lsp b/ansi-tests/cond.lsp
index 02b91901..1eaabefe 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cond.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cond.lsp
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      (cond (nil (incf x) 'a)
-	   (nil (incf x 10) 'b)
-	   (t (incf x 2) 'c)
-	   (t (incf x 100) 'd))
+           (nil (incf x 10) 'b)
+           (t (incf x 2) 'c)
+           (t (incf x 100) 'd))
   c 2)
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
   (block done
      (cond (t (go 10)
-	      10
-	      (return-from done 'bad)))
+              10
+              (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -88,31 +88,31 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (cond ((expand-in-current-env (%m nil)) :bad)
-	 (t :good)))
+         (t :good)))
 (deftest cond.17
    ((%m (z) z))
    (cond (nil :bad1)
-	 ((expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
-	 (t :bad2)))
+         ((expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
+         (t :bad2)))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest cond.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'cond))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest cond.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'cond) '(cond))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest cond.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'cond) '(cond) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/condition.lsp b/ansi-tests/condition.lsp
index a42ea742..0a52a4d8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/condition.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/condition.lsp
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@
 ;;; subtype relationships allowed on condition types
 (deftest condition.2
   (loop for (cnd . supers) in *allowed-condition-inclusions*
-	append (loop for super in supers
-		     unless (subtypep cnd super)
-		     collect (list cnd super)))
+        append (loop for super in supers
+                     unless (subtypep cnd super)
+                     collect (list cnd super)))
 (deftest condition.3
   ;; Relationships given in *allowed-condition-inclusions* are the only
   ;; subtype relationships allowed on condition types
   (loop for cnds in *allowed-condition-inclusions*
-	for cnd = (first cnds)
-	append (loop for super in (set-difference *condition-types* cnds)
-		     when (subtypep cnd super)
-		     collect (list cnd super)))
+        for cnd = (first cnds)
+        append (loop for super in (set-difference *condition-types* cnds)
+                     when (subtypep cnd super)
+                     collect (list cnd super)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/conjugate.lsp b/ansi-tests/conjugate.lsp
index 10d5f21a..cbcb48fc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/conjugate.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/conjugate.lsp
@@ -19,19 +19,19 @@
 (deftest conjugate.1
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (conjugate x))
-	for xc = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql x xc)))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (conjugate x))
+        for xc = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql x xc)))
 (deftest conjugate.2
   (loop for x in *complexes*
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (conjugate x))
-	for xc = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql (realpart x) (realpart xc))
-		    (eql (- (imagpart x)) (imagpart xc))))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (conjugate x))
+        for xc = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql (realpart x) (realpart xc))
+                    (eql (- (imagpart x)) (imagpart xc))))
 (deftest conjugate.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
index a47467ac..6d5003c8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
       (consp x)
       (make-scaffold :node x
-		     :car (make-scaffold-copy (car x))
-		     :cdr (make-scaffold-copy (cdr x)))
+                     :car (make-scaffold-copy (car x))
+                     :cdr (make-scaffold-copy (cdr x)))
     (make-scaffold :node x
-		   :car nil
-		   :cdr nil)))
+                   :car nil
+                   :cdr nil)))
 (defun check-scaffold-copy (x xcopy)
   "Return t if xcopy were produced from x by make-scaffold-copy,
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@
   (and (eq x (scaffold-node xcopy))
-	(not (consp x))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy (car x) (scaffold-car xcopy))
-	 (check-scaffold-copy (cdr x) (scaffold-cdr xcopy))))))
+        (not (consp x))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy (car x) (scaffold-car xcopy))
+         (check-scaffold-copy (cdr x) (scaffold-cdr xcopy))))))
 (defun create-c*r-test (n)
    ((<= n 0) 'none)
     (cons (create-c*r-test (1- n))
-	  (create-c*r-test (1- n))))))
+          (create-c*r-test (1- n))))))
 (defun nth-1-body (x)
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
    ((consp x)
     (and (consp y)
-	 (not (eqt x y))
-	 (check-cons-copy (car x) (car y))
-	 (check-cons-copy (cdr x) (cdr y))))
+         (not (eqt x y))
+         (check-cons-copy (car x) (car y))
+         (check-cons-copy (cdr x) (cdr y))))
    ((eqt x y) t)
    (t nil)))
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@
   (setf a (copy-tree a))
   (setf al (copy-tree al))
   (let ((acopy (make-scaffold-copy a))
-	(alcopy (make-scaffold-copy al)))
+        (alcopy (make-scaffold-copy al)))
     (let ((as
-	   (apply #'sublis al a
-		  `(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
-		    ,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
+           (apply #'sublis al a
+                  `(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
+                    ,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
        (check-scaffold-copy a acopy)
        (check-scaffold-copy al alcopy)
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
   (setf a (copy-tree a))
   (setf al (copy-tree al))
   (let ((as
-	 (apply #'sublis (copy-tree al) (copy-tree a)
-		`(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
-		    ,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
+         (apply #'sublis (copy-tree al) (copy-tree a)
+                `(,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))
+                    ,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))))
 (defun check-subst (new old tree &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
@@ -101,17 +101,17 @@
   (setf old (copy-tree old))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
-	(oldcopy (make-scaffold-copy old))
-	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+        (oldcopy (make-scaffold-copy old))
+        (treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
     (let ((result
-	   (apply #'subst new old tree
-		  `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-		    ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-		    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
+           (apply #'subst new old tree
+                  `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+                    ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                    ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy old oldcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
-	   result))))
+           (check-scaffold-copy old oldcopy)
+           (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+           result))))
 (defun check-subst-if (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@
   (setf new (copy-tree new))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
-	(predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
-	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+        (predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
+        (treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
     (let ((result
-	   (apply #'subst-if new pred tree
-		  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
+           (apply #'subst-if new pred tree
+                  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
-	   result))))
+           (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
+           (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+           result))))
 (defun check-subst-if-not (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
   "Call subst-if-not new pred tree, with various keyword arguments
@@ -136,15 +136,15 @@
   (setf new (copy-tree new))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (let ((newcopy (make-scaffold-copy new))
-	(predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
-	(treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
+        (predcopy (make-scaffold-copy pred))
+        (treecopy (make-scaffold-copy tree)))
     (let ((result
-	   (apply #'subst-if-not new pred tree
-		  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
+           (apply #'subst-if-not new pred tree
+                  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key)))))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy new newcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
-	   (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
-	   result))))
+           (check-scaffold-copy pred predcopy)
+           (check-scaffold-copy tree treecopy)
+           result))))
 (defun check-nsubst (new old tree &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
   "Call nsubst new old tree, with keyword arguments if present."
@@ -152,32 +152,32 @@
   (setf old (copy-tree old))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (apply #'nsubst new old tree
-	 `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+         `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+             ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+             ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
 (defun check-nsubst-if (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
   "Call nsubst-if new pred tree, with keyword arguments if present."
   (setf new (copy-tree new))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (apply #'nsubst-if new pred tree
-	 (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
+         (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
 (defun check-nsubst-if-not (new pred tree &key (key 'no-key))
   "Call nsubst-if-not new pred tree, with keyword arguments if present."
   (setf new (copy-tree new))
   (setf tree (copy-tree tree))
   (apply #'nsubst-if-not new pred tree
-		  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
+                  (unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))))
 (defun check-copy-list-copy (x y)
   "Check that y is a copy of the list x."
       (consp x)
       (and (consp y)
-	   (not (eqt x y))
-	   (eqt (car x) (car y))
-	   (check-copy-list-copy (cdr x) (cdr y)))
+           (not (eqt x y))
+           (eqt (car x) (car y))
+           (check-copy-list-copy (cdr x) (cdr y)))
     (and (eqt x y) t)))
 (defun check-copy-list (x)
@@ -192,7 +192,7 @@
 (defun append-6-body ()
   (let* ((cal (min 2048 call-arguments-limit))
-	 (step (max 1 (floor (/ cal) 64))))
+         (step (max 1 (floor (/ cal) 64))))
      for n from 0
      below cal
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
        (apply #'append (loop for i from 1 to n
-			     collect '(a)))
+                             collect '(a)))
        (make-list n :initial-element 'a))))))
 (defun is-intersection (x y z)
@@ -211,13 +211,13 @@
    (listp y)
    (listp z)
    (loop for e in x
-	 always (or (not (member e y))
-		    (member e z)))
+         always (or (not (member e y))
+                    (member e z)))
    (loop for e in y
-	 always (or (not (member e x))
-		    (member e z)))
+         always (or (not (member e x))
+                    (member e z)))
    (loop for e in z
-	 always (and (member e x) (member e y)))
+         always (and (member e x) (member e y)))
 (defun shuffle (x)
@@ -226,8 +226,8 @@
    ((null (cdr x)) x)
-	(y z)
-	(split-list x)
+        (y z)
+        (split-list x)
       (append (shuffle y) (shuffle z))))))
 (defun split-list (x)
@@ -236,8 +236,8 @@
    ((null (cdr x)) (values x nil))
-	(y z)
-	(split-list (cddr x))
+        (y z)
+        (split-list (cddr x))
       (values (cons (car x) y) (cons (cadr x) z))))))
 (defun intersection-12-body (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
@@ -245,61 +245,61 @@
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
-			     collect (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
-			     collect (random maxelem state)))))
+                             collect (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
+                             collect (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (intersection x y)))
-	 (let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun nintersection-with-check (x y &key test)
   (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result (if test
-		      (nintersection x y :test test)
-		    (nintersection x y))))
+                      (nintersection x y :test test)
+                    (nintersection x y))))
       (if (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	  result
-	'failed))))
+          result
+        'failed))))
 (defun nintersection-12-body (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
   (let ((state (make-random-state t)))
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
-			     collect (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
-			     collect (random maxelem state)))))
+                             collect (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size
+                             collect (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (nintersection-with-check (copy-list x) y)))
-	 (when (eqt z 'failed) (return (values x y z)))
-	 (let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (when (eqt z 'failed) (return (values x y z)))
+         (let ((is-good (is-intersection x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun union-with-check (x y &key test test-not)
   (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result (cond
-		   (test (union x y :test test))
-		   (test-not (union x y :test-not test-not))
-		   (t (union x y)))))
+                   (test (union x y :test test))
+                   (test-not (union x y :test-not test-not))
+                   (t (union x y)))))
       (if (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
-	  result
-	'failed))))
+               (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+          result
+        'failed))))
 (defun union-with-check-and-key (x y key &key test test-not)
   (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result  (cond
-		   (test (union x y :key key :test test))
-		   (test-not (union x y :key key :test-not test-not))
-		   (t (union x y :key key)))))
+                   (test (union x y :key key :test test))
+                   (test-not (union x y :key key :test-not test-not))
+                   (t (union x y :key key)))))
       (if (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
-	  result
-	'failed))))
+               (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+          result
+        'failed))))
 (defun check-union (x y z)
   (and (listp x)
@@ -314,13 +314,13 @@
   (let ((state (make-random-state)))
        for i from 1 to niters do
-	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-				  (random maxelem state))))
-		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-				  (random maxelem state)))))
-	    (let ((z (union x y)))
-	      (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
-		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+          (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                                  (random maxelem state))))
+                (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                                  (random maxelem state)))))
+            (let ((z (union x y)))
+              (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
+                (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun nunion-with-copy (x y &key test test-not)
@@ -343,35 +343,35 @@
   (let ((state (make-random-state)))
        for i from 1 to niters do
-	  (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-				  (random maxelem state))))
-		(y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-				  (random maxelem state)))))
-	    (let ((z (nunion-with-copy x y)))
-	      (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
-		(unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+          (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                                  (random maxelem state))))
+                (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                                  (random maxelem state)))))
+            (let ((z (nunion-with-copy x y)))
+              (let ((is-good (check-union x y z)))
+                (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun set-difference-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
-					   test test-not)
+                                           test test-not)
   (setf x (copy-list x))
   (setf y (copy-list y))
   (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result (apply #'set-difference
-			 x y
-			 `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-			   ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-			   ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))  
+                         x y
+                         `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+                           ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                           ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
        ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
-	result)
+             (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+        result)
-	'failed)))))
+        'failed)))))
 (defun check-set-difference (x y z &key (key #'identity)
-					(test #'eql))
+                                        (test #'eql))
    ;; (not (eqt 'failed z))
    (listp x)
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@
    (listp z)
    (loop for e in z always (member e x :key key :test test))
    (loop for e in x always (or (member e y :key key :test test)
-			       (member e z :key key :test test)))
+                               (member e z :key key :test test)))
    (loop for e in y never  (member e z :key key :test test))
@@ -388,32 +388,32 @@
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state)))))
+                             (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                             (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (set-difference-with-check x y)))
-	 (let ((is-good (check-set-difference x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (let ((is-good (check-set-difference x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun nset-difference-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
-				     test test-not)
+                                     test test-not)
   (setf x (copy-list x))
   (setf y (copy-list y))
   (apply #'nset-difference
-	 x y
-	 `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+         x y
+         `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+             ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+             ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
 (defun check-nset-difference (x y z &key (key #'identity)
-				(test #'eql))
+                                (test #'eql))
    (listp x)
    (listp y)
    (listp z)
    (loop for e in z always (member e x :key key :test test))
    (loop for e in x always (or (member e y :key key :test test)
-			       (member e z :key key :test test)))
+                               (member e z :key key :test test)))
    (loop for e in y never  (member e z :key key :test test))
@@ -422,47 +422,47 @@
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state)))))
+                             (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                             (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (nset-difference-with-check x y)))
-	 (let ((is-good (check-nset-difference x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (let ((is-good (check-nset-difference x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun set-exclusive-or-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
-				      test test-not)
+                                      test test-not)
   (setf x (copy-list x))
   (setf y (copy-list y))
   (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result (apply #'set-exclusive-or
-			 x y
-			 `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-			     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-			     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))  
+                         x y
+                         `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+                             ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                             ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
        ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
-	result)
+             (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+        result)
-	'failed)))))
+        'failed)))))
 (defun check-set-exclusive-or (x y z &key (key #'identity)
-				 (test #'eql))
+                                 (test #'eql))
    ;; (not (eqt 'failed z))
    (listp x)
    (listp y)
    (listp z)
    (loop for e in z always (or (member e x :key key :test test)
-			       (member e y :key key :test test)))
+                               (member e y :key key :test test)))
    (loop for e in x always (if (member e y :key key :test test)
-			       (not (member e z :key key :test test))
-			     (member e z :key key :test test)))
+                               (not (member e z :key key :test test))
+                             (member e z :key key :test test)))
    (loop for e in y always (if (member e x :key key :test test)
-			       (not (member e z :key key :test test))
-			     (member e z :key key :test test)))
+                               (not (member e z :key key :test test))
+                             (member e z :key key :test test)))
@@ -471,24 +471,24 @@
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state)))))
+                             (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                             (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (set-exclusive-or-with-check x y)))
-	 (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun nset-exclusive-or-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key)
-				       test test-not)
+                                       test test-not)
   (setf x (copy-list x))
   (setf y (copy-list y))
   (apply #'nset-exclusive-or
-	 x y
-	 `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
-	     ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-	     ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
+         x y
+         `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key) `(:key ,key))
+             ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+             ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not)))))
 (defun do-random-nset-exclusive-ors (size niters &optional (maxelem (* 2 size)))
@@ -496,28 +496,28 @@
      for i from 1 to niters do
      (let ((x (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state))))
-	   (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
-			     (random maxelem state)))))
+                             (random maxelem state))))
+           (y (shuffle (loop for j from 1 to size collect
+                             (random maxelem state)))))
        (let ((z (nset-exclusive-or-with-check x y)))
-	 (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
-	   (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
+         (let ((is-good (check-set-exclusive-or x y z)))
+           (unless is-good (return (values x y z)))))))
 (defun subsetp-with-check (x y &key (key 'no-key) test test-not)
   (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	(ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
     (let ((result
-	   (apply #'subsetp x y
-		  `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key)
-			`(:key ,key))
-		      ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
-		      ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
+           (apply #'subsetp x y
+                  `(,@(unless (eqt key 'no-key)
+                        `(:key ,key))
+                      ,@(when test `(:test ,test))
+                      ,@(when test-not `(:test-not ,test-not))))))
        ((and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
-	(not (not result)))
+             (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))
+        (not (not result)))
        (t 'failed)))))
 (defun my-set-exclusive-or (set1 set2 &key key test test-not)
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@
    (test-not (when (symbolp test-not)
-	       (setq test-not (symbol-function test-not)))
-	     (setq test (complement test-not)))
+               (setq test-not (symbol-function test-not)))
+             (setq test (complement test-not)))
    ((not test) (setq test #'eql)))
   ;;; (when (symbolp test) (setq test (symbol-function test)))
@@ -541,74 +541,74 @@
     (function nil))
   (let* ((keys1 (if key (mapcar (the function key) set1) set1))
-	 (keys2 (if key (mapcar (the function key) set2) set2))
-	 (mask1 (make-array (length set1) :element-type 'bit
-			    :initial-element 0))
-	 (mask2 (make-array (length set2) :element-type 'bit
-			    :initial-element 0)))
+         (keys2 (if key (mapcar (the function key) set2) set2))
+         (mask1 (make-array (length set1) :element-type 'bit
+                            :initial-element 0))
+         (mask2 (make-array (length set2) :element-type 'bit
+                            :initial-element 0)))
     (loop for i1 from 0
-	  for k1 in keys1
-	  do
-	  (loop for i2 from 0
-		for k2 in keys2
-		when (funcall (the function test) k1 k2)
-		do (setf (sbit mask1 i1) 1
-			 (sbit mask2 i2) 1)))
+          for k1 in keys1
+          do
+          (loop for i2 from 0
+                for k2 in keys2
+                when (funcall (the function test) k1 k2)
+                do (setf (sbit mask1 i1) 1
+                         (sbit mask2 i2) 1)))
      (loop for e in set1
-	   for i across mask1
-	   when (= i 0)
-	   collect e)
+           for i across mask1
+           when (= i 0)
+           collect e)
      (loop for e in set2
-	   for i across mask2
-	   when (= i 0)
-	   collect e))))
+           for i across mask2
+           when (= i 0)
+           collect e))))
 (defun make-random-set-exclusive-or-input (n)
   (let* ((set1 (loop for i from 1 to n collect (random n)))
-	 (set2 (loop for i from 1 to n collect (random n)))
-	 (test-args
-	  (random-case nil nil nil
-		       (list :test 'eql)
-		       (list :test #'eql)
-		       (list :test (complement #'eql))))
-	 (test-not-args
-	  (and (not test-args)
-	       (random-case nil nil (list :test-not 'eql)
-			    (list :test-not #'eql)
-			    (list :test-not (complement #'eql)))))
-	 (key-args
-	  (random-case nil nil nil nil
-		       (list :key nil)
-		       (list :key 'identity)
-		       (list :key 'not))))
+         (set2 (loop for i from 1 to n collect (random n)))
+         (test-args
+          (random-case nil nil nil
+                       (list :test 'eql)
+                       (list :test #'eql)
+                       (list :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (test-not-args
+          (and (not test-args)
+               (random-case nil nil (list :test-not 'eql)
+                            (list :test-not #'eql)
+                            (list :test-not (complement #'eql)))))
+         (key-args
+          (random-case nil nil nil nil
+                       (list :key nil)
+                       (list :key 'identity)
+                       (list :key 'not))))
     (list* set1 set2
-	  (reduce #'append (random-permute
-			    (list test-args test-not-args key-args))))))
+          (reduce #'append (random-permute
+                            (list test-args test-not-args key-args))))))
 (defun random-set-exclusive-or-test (n reps &optional (fn 'set-exclusive-or))
   (let ((actual-fn (etypecase fn
-		     (symbol (symbol-function fn))
-		     (function fn))))
+                     (symbol (symbol-function fn))
+                     (function fn))))
     (declare (type function actual-fn))
     (loop for i below reps
-	  for args = (make-random-set-exclusive-or-input n)
-	  for set1 = (car args)
-	  for set2 = (cadr args)
-	  for result1 = (apply #'remove-duplicates
-			       (sort (copy-list (apply #'my-set-exclusive-or args))
-				     #'<)
-			       (cddr args))
-	  for result2 = (apply #'remove-duplicates
-			       (sort (copy-list (apply actual-fn
-						       (copy-list set1)
-						       (copy-list set2)
-						       (cddr args)))
-				     #'<)
-			       (cddr args))
-	  unless (equal result1 result2)
-	  return (list (list 'remove-duplicates (list 'sort (cons fn args) '<) "...")
-		       "actual: " result2 "should be: " result1))))
+          for args = (make-random-set-exclusive-or-input n)
+          for set1 = (car args)
+          for set2 = (cadr args)
+          for result1 = (apply #'remove-duplicates
+                               (sort (copy-list (apply #'my-set-exclusive-or args))
+                                     #'<)
+                               (cddr args))
+          for result2 = (apply #'remove-duplicates
+                               (sort (copy-list (apply actual-fn
+                                                       (copy-list set1)
+                                                       (copy-list set2)
+                                                       (cddr args)))
+                                     #'<)
+                               (cddr args))
+          unless (equal result1 result2)
+          return (list (list 'remove-duplicates (list 'sort (cons fn args) '<) "...")
+                       "actual: " result2 "should be: " result1))))
 (defun rev-assoc-list (x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
index 18cd3f60..28ba178a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
@@ -58,51 +58,51 @@
 (defvar *cons-fns*
   (list 'cons 'consp 'atom 'rplaca 'rplacd
-	'car 'cdr 'caar 'cadr 'cdar 'cddr
-	'caaar 'caadr 'cadar 'caddr
-	'cdaar 'cdadr 'cddar 'cdddr
-	'caaaar 'caaadr 'caadar 'caaddr
-	'cadaar 'cadadr 'caddar 'cadddr
-	'cdaaar 'cdaadr 'cdadar 'cdaddr
-	'cddaar 'cddadr 'cdddar 'cddddr
-	'copy-tree 'sublis 'nsublis
-	'subst 'subst-if 'subst-if-not
-	'nsubst 'nsubst-if 'nsubst-if-not
-	'tree-equal
-	'copy-list
-	'list
-	'list*
-	'list-length
-	'listp
-	'make-list
-	'first 'second 'third 'fourth
-	'fifth 'sixth 'seventh 'eighth 'ninth 'tenth
-	'nth
-	'endp
-	'null
-	'nconc
-	'append
-	'revappend 'nreconc
-	'butlast 'nbutlast
-	'last 'ldiff 'tailp
-	'nthcdr 'rest
-	'member 'member-if 'member-if-not
-	'mapc 'mapcar 'mapcan 'mapl 'maplist 'mapcon
-	'acons
-	'assoc 'assoc-if 'assoc-if-not
-	'copy-alist
-	'pairlis
-	'rassoc 'rassoc-if 'rassoc-if-not
-	'get-properties
-	'getf
-	'intersection
-	'nintersection
-	'adjoin
-	'set-difference 'nset-difference
-	'set-exclusive-or 'nset-exclusive-or
-	'subsetp
-	'union 'nunion
-	))
+        'car 'cdr 'caar 'cadr 'cdar 'cddr
+        'caaar 'caadr 'cadar 'caddr
+        'cdaar 'cdadr 'cddar 'cdddr
+        'caaaar 'caaadr 'caadar 'caaddr
+        'cadaar 'cadadr 'caddar 'cadddr
+        'cdaaar 'cdaadr 'cdadar 'cdaddr
+        'cddaar 'cddadr 'cdddar 'cddddr
+        'copy-tree 'sublis 'nsublis
+        'subst 'subst-if 'subst-if-not
+        'nsubst 'nsubst-if 'nsubst-if-not
+        'tree-equal
+        'copy-list
+        'list
+        'list*
+        'list-length
+        'listp
+        'make-list
+        'first 'second 'third 'fourth
+        'fifth 'sixth 'seventh 'eighth 'ninth 'tenth
+        'nth
+        'endp
+        'null
+        'nconc
+        'append
+        'revappend 'nreconc
+        'butlast 'nbutlast
+        'last 'ldiff 'tailp
+        'nthcdr 'rest
+        'member 'member-if 'member-if-not
+        'mapc 'mapcar 'mapcan 'mapl 'maplist 'mapcon
+        'acons
+        'assoc 'assoc-if 'assoc-if-not
+        'copy-alist
+        'pairlis
+        'rassoc 'rassoc-if 'rassoc-if-not
+        'get-properties
+        'getf
+        'intersection
+        'nintersection
+        'adjoin
+        'set-difference 'nset-difference
+        'set-exclusive-or 'nset-exclusive-or
+        'subsetp
+        'union 'nunion
+        ))
 ;; All the cons functions have a function binding
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
    for x in *cons-fns* count
    (when (or (not (fboundp x))
-	     (not (functionp (symbol-function x))))
+             (not (functionp (symbol-function x))))
      (format t "~%~S not bound to a function" x)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 ;; All the cons-related macros have a macro binding
 (deftest macro-bound-cons-macros
   (notnot-mv (every #'macro-function
-		    (list 'push 'pop 'pushnew 'remf)))
+                    (list 'push 'pop 'pushnew 'remf)))
 ;; None of the cons-related functions have macro bindings
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
index 1c4f80db..f56d087a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
 (deftest first-etc-1
   (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to 20 collect i)))
     (list (first x)
-	  (second x)
-	  (third x)
-	  (fourth x)
-	  (fifth x)
-	  (sixth x)
-	  (seventh x)
-	  (eighth x)
-	  (ninth x)
-	  (tenth x)))
+          (second x)
+          (third x)
+          (fourth x)
+          (fifth x)
+          (sixth x)
+          (seventh x)
+          (eighth x)
+          (ninth x)
+          (tenth x)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
 (deftest first-etc-2
@@ -59,82 +59,82 @@
  for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
-		 caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
-		 caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
-		 cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
+                 caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+                 caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+                 cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
  (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
    (eval `(deftest ,(intern
-		     (concatenate 'string
-				  (symbol-name fn)
-				  "-SET")
-		     :cl-test)
-	    (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level))
-		  (y (list (create-c*r-test ,level)))
-		  (i 0))
-	      (and
-	       (setf (,fn (progn (incf i) x)) 'a)
-	       (eqlt (,fn x) 'a)
-	       (eqlt i 1)
-	       (setf (,fn x) 'none)
-	       (equalt x (create-c*r-test ,level))
-	       (setf (,fn (progn (incf i) (car y))) 'a)
-	       (eqlt (,fn (car y)) 'a)
-	       (eqlt i 2)
-	       (setf (,fn (car y)) 'none)
-	       (null (cdr y))
-	       (equalt (car y) (create-c*r-test ,level))
-	       ))
-	    t))))
+                     (concatenate 'string
+                                  (symbol-name fn)
+                                  "-SET")
+                     :cl-test)
+            (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+                  (y (list (create-c*r-test ,level)))
+                  (i 0))
+              (and
+               (setf (,fn (progn (incf i) x)) 'a)
+               (eqlt (,fn x) 'a)
+               (eqlt i 1)
+               (setf (,fn x) 'none)
+               (equalt x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+               (setf (,fn (progn (incf i) (car y))) 'a)
+               (eqlt (,fn (car y)) 'a)
+               (eqlt i 2)
+               (setf (,fn (car y)) 'none)
+               (null (cdr y))
+               (equalt (car y) (create-c*r-test ,level))
+               ))
+            t))))
  for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
-		   (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
-		   (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
+                   (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
+                   (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
   `(deftest ,(intern
-	      (concatenate 'string
-			   (symbol-name fn)
-			   "-SET")
-	      :cl-test)
+              (concatenate 'string
+                           (symbol-name fn)
+                           "-SET")
+              :cl-test)
      (let* ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil))
-	    (y (list (copy-list x)))
-	    (cnt 0))
+            (y (list (copy-list x)))
+            (cnt 0))
-	(setf (,fn (progn (incf cnt) x)) 'a)
-	(eqlt cnt 1)
-	(loop
-	 for i from 1 to 20
-	 do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
-		       (nth (1- i) x))
-	      (return nil))
-	 finally (return t))
-	(setf (,fn (car y)) 'a)
-	(loop
-	 for i from 1 to 20
-	 do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
-		       (nth (1- i) (car y)))
-	      (return nil))
-	 finally (return t))
-	(eqlt (,fn x) 'a)
-	(eqlt (nth ,(1- len) x) 'a)
-	(eqlt (,fn (car y)) 'a)
-	(nth ,(1- len) (car y))))
+        (setf (,fn (progn (incf cnt) x)) 'a)
+        (eqlt cnt 1)
+        (loop
+         for i from 1 to 20
+         do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+                       (nth (1- i) x))
+              (return nil))
+         finally (return t))
+        (setf (,fn (car y)) 'a)
+        (loop
+         for i from 1 to 20
+         do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+                       (nth (1- i) (car y)))
+              (return nil))
+         finally (return t))
+        (eqlt (,fn x) 'a)
+        (eqlt (nth ,(1- len) x) 'a)
+        (eqlt (,fn (car y)) 'a)
+        (nth ,(1- len) (car y))))
 ;; set up program-error tests
 (loop for name in *cons-accessors*
       do (eval
-	  `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name)
-					  ".ERROR.NO-ARGS")
-			     :cl-test)
-	     (signals-error (,name) program-error)
-	     t))
+          `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name)
+                                          ".ERROR.NO-ARGS")
+                             :cl-test)
+             (signals-error (,name) program-error)
+             t))
       do (eval
-	  `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name)
-			     :cl-test)
-	     (signals-error (,name nil nil) program-error)
-	     t)))
+          `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name name)
+                                          ".ERROR.EXCESS-ARGS")
+                             :cl-test)
+             (signals-error (,name nil nil) program-error)
+             t)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons.lsp
index 2e1edab3..565c122f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons.lsp
@@ -20,15 +20,15 @@
 ;;; successive calls to cons produces results that are equal, but not eq
 (deftest cons-eq-equal
   (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(y (cons 'a 'b)))
+        (y (cons 'a 'b)))
     (and (not (eqt x y))
-	 (equalt x y)))
+         (equalt x y)))
 ;;; list can be expressed as a bunch of conses (with nil)
 (deftest cons-equal-list
   (equalt (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil)))
-	  (list 'a 'b 'c))
+          (list 'a 'b 'c))
 ;;; Order of evaluation of cons arguments
diff --git a/ansi-tests/consp.lsp b/ansi-tests/consp.lsp
index c141d54d..c2e7f4c3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/consp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/consp.lsp
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 ;; consp, but not both
 (deftest consp-xor-atom-universe
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (x) (or (and (consp x) (not (atom x)))
-				     (and (not (consp x)) (atom x)))))
+                                     (and (not (consp x)) (atom x)))))
 ;; Everything in type cons satisfies consp, and vice versa
diff --git a/ansi-tests/constantly.lsp b/ansi-tests/constantly.lsp
index 37dd8be9..55dce3ab 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/constantly.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/constantly.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest constantly.1
   (let ((fn (cl:constantly 10))
-	(x nil))
+        (x nil))
     (loop for i from 0 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  always (prog1 (eql (apply fn x) 10)
-		   (push 'a x))))
+          always (prog1 (eql (apply fn x) 10)
+                   (push 'a x))))
 (deftest constantly.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/constantp.lsp b/ansi-tests/constantp.lsp
index c9eb62e5..eb935183 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/constantp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/constantp.lsp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest constantp.2
   (notnot-mv (constantp t))
 (deftest constantp.3
   (notnot-mv (constantp nil))
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 (deftest constantp.6
   (constantp-macro constantp-test-symbol)
 (deftest constantp.7
   (constantp '(incf x))
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@
 (deftest constantp.11
   (macrolet ((macro-for-constantp.11 (y)
-	       (declare (ignore y))
-	       '*standard-input*))
+               (declare (ignore y))
+               '*standard-input*))
     (macrolet ((%m (&environment env)
-		 (if (constantp '(macro-for-constantp.11 0) env)
-		     :bad
-		     :good)))
+                 (if (constantp '(macro-for-constantp.11 0) env)
+                     :bad
+                     :good)))
 (deftest constantp.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (constantp (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-			(progn (setf y (incf i)) nil)))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i)) nil)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/continue.lsp b/ansi-tests/continue.lsp
index bc3c1c77..ba063ab8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/continue.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/continue.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest continue.2
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest continue.4
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest continue.5
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp
index c43bfc18..41e3739f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp
@@ -9,19 +9,19 @@
 (deftest copy-alist.1
     (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (c . d) nil (e f) ((x) ((y z)) w)
-			   ("foo" . "bar") (#\w . 1.234)
-			   (1/3 . 4123.4d5))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (copy-alist x)))
+                           ("foo" . "bar") (#\w . 1.234)
+                           (1/3 . 4123.4d5))))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (copy-alist x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (= (length x) (length result))
        (every #'(lambda (p1 p2)
-		  (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
-		      (and (not (eqt p1 p2))
-			   (eqlt (car p1) (car p2))
-			   (eqlt (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))
-	      x result)
+                  (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
+                      (and (not (eqt p1 p2))
+                           (eqlt (car p1) (car p2))
+                           (eqlt (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))
+              x result)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp
index 53336e33..c085c089 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 (deftest copy-list.4
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (copy-list (progn (incf i) '(a b c)))
-	    i))
+            i))
   (a b c) 1)
 (def-fold-test copy-list.fold.1 (copy-list '(a b c d)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-pprint-dispatch.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-pprint-dispatch.lsp
index 3bb4fbd6..bde35df0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-pprint-dispatch.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-pprint-dispatch.lsp
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
 (deftest copy-pprint-dispatch.1
    (let ((obj '(foo bar))
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
       (prin1-to-string obj)
       (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch)))
-	(set-pprint-dispatch
-	 `(eql ,obj)
-	 #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
-			      (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
-	(prin1-to-string obj))
+        (set-pprint-dispatch
+         `(eql ,obj)
+         #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+                              (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
+        (prin1-to-string obj))
      (prin1-to-string obj))))
   "(FOO BAR)"
   "#.'(FOO BAR)"
@@ -27,18 +27,18 @@
 (deftest copy-pprint-dispatch.2
    (let ((obj '(foo bar))
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
       (prin1-to-string obj)
       (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch
-				      *print-pprint-dispatch*)))
-	(set-pprint-dispatch
-	 `(eql ,obj)
-	 #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
-			      (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
-	(prin1-to-string obj))
+                                      *print-pprint-dispatch*)))
+        (set-pprint-dispatch
+         `(eql ,obj)
+         #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+                              (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
+        (prin1-to-string obj))
       (prin1-to-string obj))))
   "(FOO BAR)"
   "#.'(FOO BAR)"
@@ -47,17 +47,17 @@
 (deftest copy-pprint-dispatch.3
    (let ((obj '(foo bar))
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
       (prin1-to-string obj)
       (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-	(set-pprint-dispatch
-	 `(eql ,obj)
-	 #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
-			      (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
-	(prin1-to-string obj))
+        (set-pprint-dispatch
+         `(eql ,obj)
+         #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+                              (format s "#.'~S" obj2))))
+        (prin1-to-string obj))
       (prin1-to-string obj))))
   "(FOO BAR)"
   "#.'(FOO BAR)"
@@ -66,20 +66,20 @@
 (deftest copy-pprint-dispatch.4
    (let ((obj '(foo bar))
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
       (prin1-to-string obj)
       (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch)))
-	(set-pprint-dispatch
-	 `(eql ,obj)
-	 #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
-			      (format s "#.'~S" obj2)))
-	 0
-	 table)
-	(let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch table)))
-	  (prin1-to-string obj)))
+        (set-pprint-dispatch
+         `(eql ,obj)
+         #'(lambda (s obj2) (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+                              (format s "#.'~S" obj2)))
+         0
+         table)
+        (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch table)))
+          (prin1-to-string obj)))
       (prin1-to-string obj))))
   "(FOO BAR)"
   "#.'(FOO BAR)"
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
 (deftest copy-pprint-dispatch.8
   (let* ((table1 (copy-pprint-dispatch))
-	 (table2 (copy-pprint-dispatch table1)))
+         (table2 (copy-pprint-dispatch table1)))
     (eql table1 table2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-readtable.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-readtable.lsp
index 26d61ab3..d92b1506 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-readtable.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-readtable.lsp
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (deftest copy-readtable.6
   (let* ((rt (copy-readtable))
-	 (rt2 (copy-readtable *readtable* rt)))
+         (rt2 (copy-readtable *readtable* rt)))
     (notnot (eql rt rt2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-seq.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-seq.lsp
index a3a9f761..eb170407 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-seq.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-seq.lsp
@@ -14,126 +14,126 @@
 (deftest copy-seq.2
   (let* ((s1 '(a b c))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (equalt s1 s2)))
+         (equalt s1 s2)))
 (deftest copy-seq.3
   (let* ((s1 #(a b c))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2)) s2))
   #(a b c))
 (deftest copy-seq.4
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d)
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
   #(a b c d))
 (deftest copy-seq.5
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d)
-			 :fill-pointer 3))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :fill-pointer 3))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
   #(a b c))
 (deftest copy-seq.6
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
+         (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
     (and (not (eql a2 s2))
-	 (simple-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
   #(b c d e))
 (deftest copy-seq.7
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4)
-			 :element-type 'base-char
-			 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :element-type 'base-char
+                         :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-string-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-string-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.8
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4)
-			 :element-type 'base-char
-			 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-			 :fill-pointer 3))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :element-type 'base-char
+                         :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                         :fill-pointer 3))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-string-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-string-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.9
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)
-			 :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
-			 :element-type 'base-char
-			 :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
+                         :element-type 'base-char))
+         (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
+                         :element-type 'base-char
+                         :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
     (and (not (eql a2 s2))
-	 (simple-string-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-string-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.10
   (let*((s1 "abcd")
-	(s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+        (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 s2))
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.11
   (let* ((s1 #*0010110)
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.12
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0)
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :adjustable t))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :adjustable t))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.13
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0)
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :fill-pointer 3))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :fill-pointer 3))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq s1))))
     (and (not (eql s1 s2))
-	 (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.14
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 1)
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (a2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (s2 (check-values (copy-seq a2))))
     (and (not (eql a2 s2))
-	 (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
-	 s2))
+         (simple-bit-vector-p s2)
+         s2))
 (deftest copy-seq.15
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 (deftest copy-seq.18
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
-	 (y (check-values (copy-seq x))))
+         (y (check-values (copy-seq x))))
     (equal-array x y))
@@ -196,28 +196,28 @@
 (deftest copy-seq.23
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (copy-seq vec)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
-		    (equalp vec result))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (copy-seq vec)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
+                    (equalp vec result))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 (deftest copy-seq.24
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float)
-	for type = `(complex ,etype)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
-							      (coerce (- i) etype)))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (copy-seq vec)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
-		    (equalp vec result))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+        for type = `(complex ,etype)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
+                                                              (coerce (- i) etype)))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (copy-seq vec)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
+                    (equalp vec result))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 ;;; Order of evaluation test
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-symbol.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-symbol.lsp
index 3f6c228f..6020b2ab 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-symbol.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-symbol.lsp
@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@
     #'(lambda (x)
-	(let ((y (copy-symbol x)))
-	  (and (null (symbol-plist y))
-	       (symbolp y)
-	       (not (boundp y))
-	       (not (fboundp y))
-	       (null (symbol-package y))
-	       (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
-	       (symbolp (copy-symbol y))
-	       )))
+        (let ((y (copy-symbol x)))
+          (and (null (symbol-plist y))
+               (symbolp y)
+               (not (boundp y))
+               (not (fboundp y))
+               (null (symbol-package y))
+               (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+               (symbolp (copy-symbol y))
+               )))
     '(nil t a b |a| |123|)))
@@ -28,17 +28,17 @@
       #'(lambda (x)
-	  (let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
-	    (and
-	     (equal (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
-	     (symbolp y)
-	     (if (boundp x)
-		 (boundp y)
-	       (not (boundp y)))
-	     (if (fboundp x) (fboundp y) (not (fboundp y)))
-	     (null (symbol-package y))
-	     (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
-	     )))
+          (let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
+            (and
+             (equal (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
+             (symbolp y)
+             (if (boundp x)
+                 (boundp y)
+               (not (boundp y)))
+             (if (fboundp x) (fboundp y) (not (fboundp y)))
+             (null (symbol-package y))
+             (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+             )))
       '(nil t a b |foo| |a| |123|))))
@@ -49,23 +49,23 @@
       #'(lambda (x)
-	  (let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
-	    (and
-	     (eql (length (symbol-plist y))
-		  (length (symbol-plist x)))
-	     ;; Is a list copy
-	     (every #'eq (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
-	     (symbolp y)
-	     (if (boundp x)
-		 (eqt (symbol-value x)
-		      (symbol-value y))
-	       (not (boundp y)))
-	     (if (fboundp x) (fboundp y) (not (fboundp y)))
-	     (null (symbol-package y))
-	     (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
-	     (eql (length (symbol-plist x))
-		  (length (symbol-plist y)))
-	     )))
+          (let ((y (copy-symbol x t)))
+            (and
+             (eql (length (symbol-plist y))
+                  (length (symbol-plist x)))
+             ;; Is a list copy
+             (every #'eq (symbol-plist y) (symbol-plist x))
+             (symbolp y)
+             (if (boundp x)
+                 (eqt (symbol-value x)
+                      (symbol-value y))
+               (not (boundp y)))
+             (if (fboundp x) (fboundp y) (not (fboundp y)))
+             (null (symbol-package y))
+             (string= (symbol-name x) (symbol-name y))
+             (eql (length (symbol-plist x))
+                  (length (symbol-plist y)))
+             )))
       '(nil t a b |foo| |a| |123|))))
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
 (deftest copy-symbol.5
   (let ((i 0) x y (s '#:|x|))
     (let ((s2 (copy-symbol
-	       (progn (setf x (incf i)) s)
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i)) nil))))
+               (progn (setf x (incf i)) s)
+               (progn (setf y (incf i)) nil))))
        (symbol-name s2)
        (eq s s2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp
index 1c6ad0e7..8dd04243 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp
@@ -10,20 +10,20 @@
 ;; Try copy-tree on a tree containing elements of various kinds
 (deftest copy-tree.1
   (let* ((x (cons 'a (list
-		     (cons 'b 'c)
-		     (cons 1 1.2)
-		     (list (list "abcde"
-				 (make-array '(10) :initial-element
-					     (cons 'e 'f)))
-				'g))))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+                     (cons 'b 'c)
+                     (cons 1 1.2)
+                     (list (list "abcde"
+                                 (make-array '(10) :initial-element
+                                             (cons 'e 'f)))
+                                'g))))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
     (check-cons-copy x y))
 ;; Try copy-tree on *universe*
 (deftest copy-tree.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list *universe*))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
     (check-cons-copy x y))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cos.lsp b/ansi-tests/cos.lsp
index 3cd38f6d..6d86e499 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cos.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cos.lsp
@@ -7,51 +7,51 @@
 (deftest cos.1
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos i))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos i))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
 (deftest cos.2
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'short-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'short-float)))
 (deftest cos.3
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'single-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'single-float)))
 (deftest cos.4
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'double-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'double-float)))
 (deftest cos.5
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'long-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cos x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'long-float)))
 (deftest cos.6
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 (deftest cos.11
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	unless (approx= (cos i) (cos (coerce i 'single-float)))
-	collect i)
+        unless (approx= (cos i) (cos (coerce i 'single-float)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest cos.12
@@ -115,42 +115,42 @@
 (deftest cos.20
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000) 1000)
-	for i = (- (random 20) 10)
-	for y = (cos (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20) 10)
+        for y = (cos (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest cos.21
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
-	for y = (cos (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
+        for y = (cos (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest cos.22
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
-	for y = (cos (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
+        for y = (cos (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest cos.23
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
-	for y = (cos (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
+        for y = (cos (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest cos.24
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
-	for y = (cos (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
+        for y = (cos (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 ;;; FIXME
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cosh.lsp b/ansi-tests/cosh.lsp
index 60b07581..60d6b7a4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cosh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cosh.lsp
@@ -8,64 +8,64 @@
 (deftest cosh.1
   (let ((result (cosh 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 1)
-	(eqlt result 1.0)))
+        (eqlt result 1.0)))
 (deftest cosh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	for one = (coerce 1 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (cosh zero))
-		      (list one))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        for one = (coerce 1 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (cosh zero))
+                      (list one))
+        collect type)
 (deftest cosh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	for one = (coerce 1 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (cosh zero))
-		      (list one))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        for one = (coerce 1 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (cosh zero))
+                      (list one))
+        collect type)
 (deftest cosh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random (* 10 den))
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random (* 10 den))
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest cosh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest cosh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh (complex x1 x2)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (cosh (complex x1 x2)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 ;;; FIXME
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp
index ecab1f7e..a2f7dfd6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/count-if-not.lsp
@@ -44,38 +44,38 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-list.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-list.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-list.13
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-list.14
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-not-list.15
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-list.16
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 ;;; tests on vectors
@@ -118,157 +118,157 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp #(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.13
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.14
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.15
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-vector.16
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 ;;; Non-simple vectors
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.1
   (count-if-not #'identity (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-				       :fill-pointer t
-				       :adjustable t))
+                                       :fill-pointer t
+                                       :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.2
   (count-if-not #'not (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-				  :fill-pointer t
-				  :adjustable t))
+                                  :fill-pointer t
+                                  :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.3
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (break)) (make-array 0
-						   :fill-pointer t
-						   :adjustable t))
+                                                   :fill-pointer t
+                                                   :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.4
   (count-if-not #'not
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key #'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key #'identity)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.5
   (count-if-not 'not
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key #'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key #'identity)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.6
   (count-if-not #'not
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key 'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key 'identity)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.8
   (count-if-not #'not
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key 'not)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key 'not)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.9
   (count-if-not #'oddp (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-				:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+                                :fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.10
   (count-if-not #'oddp
-	    (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :key #'1+)
+            (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :key #'1+)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp
-	      (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+                          :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp
-	      (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+                          :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.13
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :start 2)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.14
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.15
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7 :start 2)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.16
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eqt x 'a)))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-not-nonsimple-vector.17
   (flet ((%a (c) (not (eqt c 'a)))
-	 (%f (c) (not (eqt c 'f))))
+         (%f (c) (not (eqt c 'f))))
     (let ((a (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			 :fill-pointer 9)))
+                         :fill-pointer 9)))
       (values (count-if-not #'%a a)
-	      (count-if-not #'%a a :from-end t)
-	      (count-if-not #'%f a)
-	      (count-if-not #'%f a :from-end t)
-	      )))
+              (count-if-not #'%a a :from-end t)
+              (count-if-not #'%f a)
+              (count-if-not #'%f a :from-end t)
+              )))
   3 3 1 1)
 ;;; Other special vectors
@@ -293,23 +293,23 @@
 (deftest count-if-not.special-vector.3
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 0 4 5 6 0)
-			 collect (coerce e etype))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count-if-not #'zerop vec)
-	unless (= result 7)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 0 4 5 6 0)
+                         collect (coerce e etype))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count-if-not #'zerop vec)
+        unless (= result 7)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
 (deftest count-if-not.special-vector.4
   (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float integer rational)
-	for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(6 1 2 1 3 -4 4 5 6 100)
-			 collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (< (abs x) 5/2)) vec)
-	unless (= result 7)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(6 1 2 1 3 -4 4 5 6 100)
+                         collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (< (abs x) 5/2)) vec)
+        unless (= result 7)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101
-		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+                  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp #*001011101101
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.13
@@ -367,24 +367,24 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.14
   (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.15
   (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.16
   (count-if-not #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-not-bit-vector.17
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0)
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (and (bit-vector-p a)
-	 (values (count-if-not #'zerop a)
-		 (count-if-not #'oddp a)
-		 (count-if-not #'zerop a :from-end t)
-		 (count-if-not #'oddp a :from-end t))))
+         (values (count-if-not #'zerop a)
+                 (count-if-not #'oddp a)
+                 (count-if-not #'zerop a :from-end t)
+                 (count-if-not #'oddp a :from-end t))))
   2 3 2 3)
 ;;; tests on strings
@@ -420,14 +420,14 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-string.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp "001011101101"
-		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+                  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-string.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if-not #'oddp "001011101101"
-		  :from-end t
-		  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+                  :from-end t
+                  :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-not-string.13
@@ -437,27 +437,27 @@
 (deftest count-if-not-string.14
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-not-string.15
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-not-string.16
   (count-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0))
-		"0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+                "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-not-string.17
   (flet ((%zerop (c) (eql c #\0))
-	 (%onep (c) (eql c #\1)))
+         (%onep (c) (eql c #\1)))
     (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "0001110100"
-			 :fill-pointer 5
-			 :element-type 'character)))
+                         :fill-pointer 5
+                         :element-type 'character)))
       (and (stringp a)
-	   (values (count-if-not #'%zerop a)
-		   (count-if-not #'%onep a)
-		   (count-if-not #'%zerop a :from-end t)
-		   (count-if-not #'%onep a :from-end t)))))
+           (values (count-if-not #'%zerop a)
+                   (count-if-not #'%onep a)
+                   (count-if-not #'%zerop a :from-end t)
+                   (count-if-not #'%onep a :from-end t)))))
   2 3 2 3)
 (deftest count-if-not-string.18
@@ -509,9 +509,9 @@
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest count-if-not.keywords.3
   (count-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	    :allow-other-keys t
-	    :allow-other-keys nil
-	    :bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t
+            :allow-other-keys nil
+            :bad t)
 (deftest count-if-not.keywords.4
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
 (deftest count-if-not.error.7
   (signals-error (count-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count-if-not.error.8
@@ -556,14 +556,14 @@
 ;;; Only leftmost :allow-other-keys argument matters
 (deftest count-if-not.error.10
   (signals-error (count-if-not #'null nil :bad t
-				:allow-other-keys nil
-				:allow-other-keys t)
-		 program-error)
+                                :allow-other-keys nil
+                                :allow-other-keys t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count-if-not.error.11
   (signals-error (locally (count-if-not #'identity 1) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest count-if-not.error.12
@@ -576,10 +576,10 @@
 (deftest count-if-not.error.14
   (signals-error (count-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cdr)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest count-if-not.error.15
   (signals-error (count-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp
index 9558dbf6..26d62c13 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/count-if.lsp
@@ -44,38 +44,38 @@
 (deftest count-if-list.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-list.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-list.13
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-list.14
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-list.15
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-list.16
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 ;;; tests on vectors
@@ -118,157 +118,157 @@
 (deftest count-if-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp #(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp #(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-vector.13
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-vector.14
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-vector.15
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-vector.16
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            #(a b c d a e f a e f f a a) :end 7
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 ;;; Non-simple vectors
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.1
   (count-if #'identity (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-				   :fill-pointer t
-				   :adjustable t))
+                                   :fill-pointer t
+                                   :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.2
   (count-if #'not (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-				   :fill-pointer t
-				   :adjustable t))
+                                   :fill-pointer t
+                                   :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.3
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (break)) (make-array 0
-				   :fill-pointer t
-				   :adjustable t))
+                                   :fill-pointer t
+                                   :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.4
   (count-if #'identity
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key #'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key #'identity)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.5
   (count-if 'identity
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key #'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key #'identity)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.6
   (count-if #'identity
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key 'identity)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key 'identity)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.8
   (count-if #'identity
-	    (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
-			:fill-pointer t
-			:adjustable t)
-	    :key 'not)
+            (make-array 7 :initial-contents '(a b nil c d nil e)
+                        :fill-pointer t
+                        :adjustable t)
+            :key 'not)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.9
   (count-if #'evenp (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-				:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+                                :fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.10
   (count-if #'evenp
-	    (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :key #'1+)
+            (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :key #'1+)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp
-	      (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
-			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              (make-array 9 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 4 1 8 10 1)
+                          :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp
-	      (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
-			  :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 4 4 1 7 10 1)
+                          :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.13
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :start 2)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.14
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.15
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7 :start 2)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.16
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a))
-	    (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
-	    :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+            (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t)
+            :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-nonsimple-vector.17
   (flet ((%f (x) (eqt x 'a)))
     (let ((s (make-array 13 :initial-contents '(a b c d a e f a e f f a a)
-			 :fill-pointer 6)))
+                         :fill-pointer 6)))
       (values (count-if #'%f s)
-	      (count-if #'%f s :end nil)
-	      (count-if #'%f s :end 4)
-	      (count-if #'%f s :start 1)
-	      (count-if #'%f s :start 1 :end 4)
-	      (count-if #'%f s :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t))))
+              (count-if #'%f s :end nil)
+              (count-if #'%f s :end 4)
+              (count-if #'%f s :start 1)
+              (count-if #'%f s :start 1 :end 4)
+              (count-if #'%f s :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t))))
   2 2 1 1 0 0)
 ;;; Other special vectors
@@ -293,23 +293,23 @@
 (deftest count-if.special-vector.3
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 0 4 5 6 0)
-			 collect (coerce e etype))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count-if #'zerop vec)
-	unless (= result 3)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 0 4 5 6 0)
+                         collect (coerce e etype))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count-if #'zerop vec)
+        unless (= result 3)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
 (deftest count-if.special-vector.4
   (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float integer rational)
-	for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(6 1 2 1 3 -4 4 5 6 100)
-			 collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count-if #'(lambda (x) (< (abs x) 5/2)) vec)
-	unless (= result 3)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(6 1 2 1 3 -4 4 5 6 100)
+                         collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count-if #'(lambda (x) (< (abs x) 5/2)) vec)
+        unless (= result 3)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
@@ -350,14 +350,14 @@
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp #*001011101101
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ x (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.13
@@ -367,24 +367,24 @@
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.14
   (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.15
   (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.16
   (count-if #'zerop #*0111011011100 :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-bit-vector.17
   (let ((s (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 6)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 6)))
     (values (count-if #'zerop s)
-	    (count-if #'zerop s :end nil)
-	    (count-if #'zerop s :end 4)
-	    (count-if #'zerop s :start 5)
-	    (count-if #'zerop s :start 1 :end 4)))
+            (count-if #'zerop s :end nil)
+            (count-if #'zerop s :end 4)
+            (count-if #'zerop s :start 5)
+            (count-if #'zerop s :start 1 :end 4)))
   4 4 3 1 2)
 ;;; tests on strings
@@ -420,14 +420,14 @@
 (deftest count-if-string.11
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp "001011101101"
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-string.12
   (let ((c 0))
     (count-if #'evenp "001011101101"
-	      :from-end t
-	      :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
+              :from-end t
+              :key #'(lambda (x) (+ (if (eql x #\0) 0 1) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-if-string.13
@@ -437,26 +437,26 @@
 (deftest count-if-string.14
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7)
 (deftest count-if-string.15
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0)) "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2)
 (deftest count-if-string.16
   (count-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x #\0))
-	    "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
+            "0111011011100" :end 7 :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest count-if-string.17
   (let ((s (make-array '(10)
-		       :initial-contents "00a0aa0a0a"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 6)))
+                       :initial-contents "00a0aa0a0a"
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 6)))
     (values (count-if #'digit-char-p s)
-	    (count-if #'digit-char-p s :end nil)
-	    (count-if #'digit-char-p s :start 1)
-	    (count-if #'digit-char-p s :end 2)
-	    (count-if #'digit-char-p s :start 1 :end 2)))
+            (count-if #'digit-char-p s :end nil)
+            (count-if #'digit-char-p s :start 1)
+            (count-if #'digit-char-p s :end 2)
+            (count-if #'digit-char-p s :start 1 :end 2)))
   3 3 2 2 1)
 (deftest count-if-string.18
@@ -471,12 +471,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6)
      (count-if (progn (setf c1 (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
-	       :start (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) 3)
-	       :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
-	       :from-end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
+               :start (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) 0)
+               :end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) 3)
+               :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
+               :from-end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6))
   1 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -484,12 +484,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6)
      (count-if (progn (setf c1 (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
-	       :from-end (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) nil)
-	       :key (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) #'identity)
-	       :end (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) 3)
-	       :start (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
+               :from-end (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) nil)
+               :key (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) #'identity)
+               :end (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) 3)
+               :start (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6))
   1 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -507,9 +507,9 @@
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest count-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	    :allow-other-keys t
-	    :allow-other-keys nil
-	    :bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t
+            :allow-other-keys nil
+            :bad t)
 (deftest count-if.keywords.4
@@ -520,12 +520,12 @@
   (count-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys nil)
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest count-if.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (count-if #'identity x))
-		    #'sequencep)
+                    #'sequencep)
 (deftest count-if.error.4
@@ -542,7 +542,7 @@
 (deftest count-if.error.7
   (signals-error (count-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count-if.error.8
@@ -556,9 +556,9 @@
 ;;; Only leftmost :allow-other-keys argument matters
 (deftest count-if.error.10
   (signals-error (count-if #'null nil :bad t
-			    :allow-other-keys nil
-			    :allow-other-keys t)
-		 program-error)
+                            :allow-other-keys nil
+                            :allow-other-keys t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count-if.error.11
@@ -575,10 +575,10 @@
 (deftest count-if.error.14
   (signals-error (count-if #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cdr)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest count-if.error.15
   (signals-error (count-if #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/count.lsp b/ansi-tests/count.lsp
index c2d87356..269c39a1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/count.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/count.lsp
@@ -36,18 +36,18 @@
 (deftest count-list.8
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 '(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-list.9
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 '(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
-	   :from-end t
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+           :from-end t
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-list.10
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 (deftest count-list.16
   (count 1 '(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7
-	 :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y))  t))
+         :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y))  t))
 (deftest count-list.17
@@ -126,18 +126,18 @@
 (deftest count-vector.8
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 #(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-vector.9
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 #(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
-	   :from-end t
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+           :from-end t
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-vector.10
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 (deftest count-vector.16
   (count 1 #(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1) :start 2 :end 7
-	 :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
+         :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
 (deftest count-vector.17
@@ -187,127 +187,127 @@
 (deftest count-filled-vector.1
   (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
-			:fill-pointer t))
+                        :fill-pointer t))
 (deftest count-filled-vector.2
   (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
-			:fill-pointer t)
-	 :test #'eql)
+                        :fill-pointer t)
+         :test #'eql)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.3
   (count 'a (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(a b c d e a e f)
-			:fill-pointer t)
-	 :test 'eql)
+                        :fill-pointer t)
+         :test 'eql)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.4
   (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :key #'1-)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :key #'1-)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.5
   (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :key '1-)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :key '1-)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.6
   (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 5 4)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :key #'1- :test #'equal)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :key #'1- :test #'equal)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.7
   (count 1 (make-array 12 :initial-contents '(2 1 1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :from-end t)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :from-end t)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.8
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 1 4 1 7 6 1 8)
-			 :fill-pointer t)
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+                         :fill-pointer t)
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-filled-vector.9
   (let ((c 0))
     (count 1 (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 7 4 5 7 6 2 8)
-			 :fill-pointer t)
-	   :from-end t
-	   :key #'(lambda (x)
-		    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
-		    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
+                         :fill-pointer t)
+           :from-end t
+           :key #'(lambda (x)
+                    ;; (format t "~%~A ~A" x c)
+                    (prog1 (- x c) (incf c)))))
 (deftest count-filled-vector.10
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :start 3)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :start 3)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.11
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :end 6)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :end 6)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.12
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :start 2 :end 7)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :start 2 :end 7)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.13
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :start 3 :end nil)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :start 3 :end nil)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.14
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :end nil)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :end nil)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.15
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :test-not #'eql)
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :test-not #'eql)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.16
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer t)
-	 :start 2 :end 7
-	 :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
+                       :fill-pointer t)
+         :start 2 :end 7
+         :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
 (deftest count-filled-vector.17
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6))
+                       :fill-pointer 6))
 (deftest count-filled-vector.18
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6)
-	 :start 2)
+                       :fill-pointer 6)
+         :start 2)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.19
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6)
-	 :from-end 'foo)
+                       :fill-pointer 6)
+         :from-end 'foo)
 (deftest count-filled-vector.20
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6)
-	 :start 2 :from-end 'yes)
+                       :fill-pointer 6)
+         :start 2 :from-end 'yes)
 ;;; Other specialized vectors
@@ -337,23 +337,23 @@
 (deftest count.special-vector.3
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 0)
-			 collect (coerce e etype))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count (coerce 1 etype) vec)
-	unless (= result 3)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(0 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 0)
+                         collect (coerce e etype))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count (coerce 1 etype) vec)
+        unless (= result 3)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
 (deftest count.special-vector.4
   (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational integer)
-	for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	for vals = (loop for e in '(4 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 6)
-			 collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
-	for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (count (complex 0 (coerce 1 cetype)) vec)
-	unless (= result 3)
-	collect (list etype vals vec result))
+        for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+        for vals = (loop for e in '(4 1 2 1 3 1 4 5 6 6)
+                         collect (complex 0 (coerce e cetype)))
+        for vec = (make-array (length vals) :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (count (complex 0 (coerce 1 cetype)) vec)
+        unless (= result 3)
+        collect (list etype vals vec result))
@@ -391,14 +391,14 @@
 (deftest count-bit-vector.8
   (let ((c 1))
     (count 0 #*0000110101001
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
 (deftest count-bit-vector.9
   (let ((c 1))
     (count 0 #*0000011010101
-	   :from-end t
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
+           :from-end t
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (- c)) (+ c x))))
 (deftest count-bit-vector.10
@@ -427,35 +427,35 @@
 (deftest count-bit-vector.16
   (count 1 #*11101101 :start 2 :end 7
-	 :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
+         :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
 (deftest count-bit-vector.17
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest count-bit-vector.18
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)
-	 :start 1)
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)
+         :start 1)
 (deftest count-bit-vector.19
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)
-	 :end nil)
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)
+         :end nil)
 (deftest count-bit-vector.20
   (count 1 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 6)
-	 :end 4)
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 6)
+         :end 4)
 (deftest count-bit-vector.21
@@ -505,16 +505,16 @@
 (deftest count-string.8
   (let ((c nil))
     (count #\0 "0000110101001"
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
-		    (and c x))))
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
+                    (and c x))))
 (deftest count-string.9
   (let ((c nil))
     (count #\0 "0000011010101"
-	   :from-end t
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
-		    (and c x))))
+           :from-end t
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (setf c (not c))
+                    (and c x))))
 (deftest count-string.10
@@ -543,34 +543,34 @@
 (deftest count-string.16
   (count #\1 "11101101" :start 2 :end 7
-	 :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
+         :test #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x y)) t))
 (deftest count-string.17
   (count #\a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abaaacaaaa"
-			 :fill-pointer 7
-			 :element-type 'character))
+                         :fill-pointer 7
+                         :element-type 'character))
 (deftest count-string.18
   (count #\a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abaaacaaaa"
-			 :fill-pointer 7
-			 :element-type 'character)
-	 :start 1)
+                         :fill-pointer 7
+                         :element-type 'character)
+         :start 1)
 (deftest count-string.19
   (count #\a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abaaacaaaa"
-			 :fill-pointer 7
-			 :element-type 'character)
-	 :end nil)
+                         :fill-pointer 7
+                         :element-type 'character)
+         :end nil)
 (deftest count-string.20
   (count #\a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abaaacaaaa"
-			 :fill-pointer 7
-			 :element-type 'character)
-	 :start 2 :end 5)
+                         :fill-pointer 7
+                         :element-type 'character)
+         :start 2 :end 5)
 (deftest count-string.21
@@ -599,13 +599,13 @@
   (let ((i 0) c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7)
      (count (progn (setf c1 (incf i)) nil)
-	    (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
-	    :start (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) 0)
-	    :end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) 3)
-	    :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :from-end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) nil)
-	    :test (progn (setf c7 (incf i)) #'eql)
-	    )
+            (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
+            :start (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) 0)
+            :end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) 3)
+            :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
+            :from-end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) nil)
+            :test (progn (setf c7 (incf i)) #'eql)
+            )
      i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7))
   1 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
@@ -613,13 +613,13 @@
   (let ((i 0) c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7)
      (count (progn (setf c1 (incf i)) nil)
-	    (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
-	    :test (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) #'eql)
-	    :from-end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) nil)
-	    :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) 3)
-	    :start (progn (setf c7 (incf i)) 0)
-	    )
+            (progn (setf c2 (incf i)) '(a nil b c nil d e))
+            :test (progn (setf c3 (incf i)) #'eql)
+            :from-end (progn (setf c4 (incf i)) nil)
+            :key (progn (setf c5 (incf i)) #'identity)
+            :end (progn (setf c6 (incf i)) 3)
+            :start (progn (setf c7 (incf i)) 0)
+            )
      i c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7))
   1 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
@@ -637,9 +637,9 @@
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest count.allow-other-keys.3
   (count 'a '(b a d a c)
-	 :allow-other-keys t
-	 :allow-other-keys nil
-	 :bad t)
+         :allow-other-keys t
+         :allow-other-keys nil
+         :bad t)
 (deftest count.keywords.4
@@ -670,7 +670,7 @@
 (deftest count.error.7
   (signals-error (count nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count.error.8
@@ -684,9 +684,9 @@
 ;;; Only leftmost :allow-other-keys argument matters
 (deftest count.error.10
   (signals-error (count 'a nil :bad t
-			 :allow-other-keys nil
-			 :allow-other-keys t)
-		 program-error)
+                         :allow-other-keys nil
+                         :allow-other-keys t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count.error.11
@@ -695,7 +695,7 @@
 (deftest count.error.12
   (signals-error (count 'b '(a b c) :test #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count.error.13
@@ -704,10 +704,10 @@
 (deftest count.error.14
   (signals-error (count 'b '(a b c) :test-not #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest count.error.15
   (signals-error (count 'b '(a b c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ctypecase.lsp b/ansi-tests/ctypecase.lsp
index e432cbc0..0bdc5cad 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ctypecase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ctypecase.lsp
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@
       ((type-error #'(lambda (c)
-		       (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) 1))
-		       (assert (not (typep 1 (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		       (store-value 'a c))))
+                       (assert (eql (type-error-datum c) 1))
+                       (assert (not (typep 1 (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                       (store-value 'a c))))
       (ctypecase x
        (symbol :good)
        (float :bad)))
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
 (deftest ctypecase.13
   (let ((x 'a))
     (ctypecase x
-	       (number 'bad)
-	       (#.(find-class 'symbol nil) 'good)))
+               (number 'bad)
+               (#.(find-class 'symbol nil) 'good)))
 (deftest ctypecase.14
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
      (let ((x 'a))
        (ctypecase x (symbol (go 10)
-			    10
-			    (return-from done 'bad))))
+                            10
+                            (return-from done 'bad))))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -123,18 +123,18 @@
 (deftest ctypecase.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ctypecase))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest ctypecase.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ctypecase)
-			   '(ctypecase t))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(ctypecase t))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest ctypecase.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ctypecase)
-			   '(ctypecase t)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(ctypecase t)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp b/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
index 7fe6e9fa..ae892d19 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
 (defvar *cons-test-4*
   (cons (cons (cons (cons 'a 'b)
-		    (cons 'c 'd))
-	      (cons (cons 'e 'f)
-		    (cons 'g 'h)))
-	(cons (cons (cons 'i 'j)
-		    (cons 'k 'l))
-	      (cons (cons 'm 'n)
-		    (cons 'o 'p)))))
+                    (cons 'c 'd))
+              (cons (cons 'e 'f)
+                    (cons 'g 'h)))
+        (cons (cons (cons 'i 'j)
+                    (cons 'k 'l))
+              (cons (cons 'm 'n)
+                    (cons 'o 'p)))))
 (deftest cons.38
   (caaaar *cons-test-4*)
@@ -577,45 +577,45 @@
     for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
-		caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
-		caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
-		cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
+                caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+                caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+                cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
       (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
-	(eval `(deftest ,(intern
-			  (concatenate 'string
-			    (symbol-name fn)
-			    "-SET-ALT")
-			  :cl-test)
-		   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
-		     (and
-		      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
-		      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
-		      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
-		      (equalt x (create-c*r-test ,level))
-		      ))
-		 t))))
+        (eval `(deftest ,(intern
+                          (concatenate 'string
+                            (symbol-name fn)
+                            "-SET-ALT")
+                          :cl-test)
+                   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
+                     (and
+                      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+                      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+                      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
+                      (equalt x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+                      ))
+                 t))))
     for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
-		      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
-		      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
+                      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
+                      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
        `(deftest ,(intern
-		   (concatenate 'string
-		     (symbol-name fn)
-		     "-SET-ALT")
-		   :cl-test)
-	    (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
-	      (and
-	       (setf (,fn x) 'a)
-	       (loop
-		   for i from 1 to 20
-		   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
-				 (nth (1- i) x))
-			(return nil))
-		   finally (return t))
-	       (eql (,fn x) 'a)
-	       (nth ,(1- len) x)))
-	  a)))
+                   (concatenate 'string
+                     (symbol-name fn)
+                     "-SET-ALT")
+                   :cl-test)
+            (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
+              (and
+               (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+               (loop
+                   for i from 1 to 20
+                   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+                                 (nth (1- i) x))
+                        (return nil))
+                   finally (return t))
+               (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+               (nth ,(1- len) x)))
+          a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/data-and-control-flow.lsp b/ansi-tests/data-and-control-flow.lsp
index 86437dc3..adcd4290 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/data-and-control-flow.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/data-and-control-flow.lsp
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
 ;;; Functions from section 5
 (defparameter *dcf-fns*
   '(apply fboundp fmakunbound funcall function-lambda-expression
-	  functionp compiled-function-p not eq eql equal equalp identity
-	  complement constantly every some notevery notany
-	  values-list get-setf-expansion))
+          functionp compiled-function-p not eq eql equal equalp identity
+          complement constantly every some notevery notany
+          values-list get-setf-expansion))
 ;;; Macros from section 5
 (defparameter *dcf-macros*
@@ -30,5 +30,5 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/decf.lsp b/ansi-tests/decf.lsp
index f74caa69..8a6b7da8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/decf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/decf.lsp
@@ -44,23 +44,23 @@
 (deftest decf.6
   (loop for x from 1 to 5
-	collect (let ((y x))
-		  (list (decf y) y)))
+        collect (let ((y x))
+                  (list (decf y) y)))
   ((0 0) (1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (4 4)))
 (deftest decf.7
   (loop for x in '(3.0s0 3.0f0 3.0d0 3.0l0)
-	collect (let ((y x))
-		  (list (decf y) y)))
+        collect (let ((y x))
+                  (list (decf y) y)))
   ((2.0s0 2.0s0) (2.0f0 2.0f0) (2.0d0 2.0d0) (2.0l0 2.0l0)))
 (deftest decf.8
   (loop for x in '(3.0s0 3.0f0 3.0d0 3.0f0)
-	for y = (complex x 0)
-	for z = (decf y)
-	for x1c = (complex (1- x) 0)
-	unless (and (eql y z) (eql x1c y))
-	collect (list x y z x1c))
+        for y = (complex x 0)
+        for z = (decf y)
+        for x1c = (complex (1- x) 0)
+        unless (and (eql y z) (eql x1c y))
+        collect (list x y z x1c))
 (deftest decf.9
@@ -75,31 +75,31 @@
 (deftest decf.11
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (let* ((y x)
-		      (z (decf y)))
-		 (and (eql y (1- x))
-		      (eql y z)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (let* ((y x)
+                      (z (decf y)))
+                 (and (eql y (1- x))
+                      (eql y z)))
+        collect x)
 ;;; Increment by other than 1
 (deftest decf.12
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (let* ((y x) (z (decf y 0)))
-		 (and (eql x y) (eql y z)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (let* ((y x) (z (decf y 0)))
+                 (and (eql x y) (eql y z)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest decf.13
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (random-from-interval 1000000)
-	      repeat 100
-	      when (let* ((y x) (z (decf y r)))
-			(and (not (and (eql (- x r) y) (eql y z)))
-			     (list x y r)))
-	      collect it))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (random-from-interval 1000000)
+              repeat 100
+              when (let* ((y x) (z (decf y r)))
+                        (and (not (and (eql (- x r) y) (eql y z)))
+                             (list x y r)))
+              collect it))
 (deftest decf.14
@@ -165,20 +165,20 @@
 (deftest decf.order.2
   (let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4))
-	(i 0) x y z)
+        (i 0) x y z)
      (decf (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 17))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0))
+           (progn (setf z (incf i)) 17))
      i x y z a))
   -16 3 1 2 3 #(-16 2 3 4))
 (deftest decf.order.3
   (let ((a (vector 10 2 3 4))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (decf (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0)))
      i x y a))
   9 2 1 2 #(9 2 3 4))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/declaim.lsp b/ansi-tests/declaim.lsp
index 909491d0..f6406631 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/declaim.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/declaim.lsp
@@ -52,5 +52,5 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(declaim (optimize) (special ,sym) (inline) (special)))
     (eval `(flet ((%f () ,sym))
-	     (let ((,sym :good)) (%f)))))
+             (let ((,sym :good)) (%f)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/declaration.lsp b/ansi-tests/declaration.lsp
index 70848387..09ca953f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/declaration.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/declaration.lsp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 (deftest declaration.3
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(sym2 (gensym)))
+        (sym2 (gensym)))
     (proclaim `(declaration ,sym ,sym2))
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 ;;; Declare these only if bad declarations produce warnings.
 (when (block done
-	(handler-bind ((warning #'(lambda (c) (return-from done t))))
-		      (eval `(let () (declare (,(gensym))) nil))))
+        (handler-bind ((warning #'(lambda (c) (return-from done t))))
+                      (eval `(let () (declare (,(gensym))) nil))))
 (deftest declaration.4
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
@@ -55,35 +55,35 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (proclaim `(declaration ,sym))
     (eval `(signals-error-always (define-condition ,sym (condition) (a b c))
-				 error)))
+                                 error)))
   t t)
 (deftest declaration.8
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(deftype ,sym () 'error))
     (eval `(signals-error-always (proclaim '(declaration ,sym))
-				 error)))
+                                 error)))
   t t)
 (deftest declaration.9
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defstruct ,sym a b c))
     (eval `(signals-error-always (proclaim '(declaration ,sym))
-				 error)))
+                                 error)))
   t t)
 (deftest declaration.10
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defclass ,sym () (a b c)))
     (eval `(signals-error-always (proclaim '(declaration ,sym))
-				 error)))
+                                 error)))
   t t)
 (deftest declaration.11
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(define-condition ,sym (condition) (a b c)))
     (eval `(signals-error-always (proclaim '(declaration ,sym))
-				 error)))
+                                 error)))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/decode-universal-time.lsp b/ansi-tests/decode-universal-time.lsp
index b990ec1d..7884f4fa 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/decode-universal-time.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/decode-universal-time.lsp
@@ -16,55 +16,55 @@
 (deftest decode-universal-time.3
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for time = (random 10000000000)
-	  for tz = (- (random 49) 24)
-	  for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
-	  = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
-	  for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year zone)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql tz zone) (eql time time2) (null daylight-p))
-	  collect (progn (incf count)
-			 (list time tz (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
-	  until (>= count 100)))
+          for tz = (- (random 49) 24)
+          for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
+          = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
+          for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year zone)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql tz zone) (eql time time2) (null daylight-p))
+          collect (progn (incf count)
+                         (list time tz (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
+          until (>= count 100)))
 (deftest decode-universal-time.4
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for time = (random 10000000000)
-	  for tz = (/ (- (random (1+ (* 48 3600))) (* 24 3600)) 3600)
-	  for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
-	  = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
-	  for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year zone)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql tz zone) (eql time time2) (null daylight-p))
-	  collect (progn (incf count)
-			 (list time tz (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
-	  until (>= count 100)))
+          for tz = (/ (- (random (1+ (* 48 3600))) (* 24 3600)) 3600)
+          for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
+          = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
+          for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year zone)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql tz zone) (eql time time2) (null daylight-p))
+          collect (progn (incf count)
+                         (list time tz (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
+          until (>= count 100)))
 (deftest decode-universal-time.5
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for time = (random 10000000000)
-	  for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
-	  = (handler-case
-	     (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time))
-	     (error (c) (print time) (error c)))
-	  for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (let ((daylight-p-2 (nth-value 7 (decode-universal-time time2))))
-		   (or (eql time time2)
-		       (and daylight-p (not daylight-p-2) ; (eql time (- time2 3600))
-			    )
-		       (and (not daylight-p) daylight-p-2 ; (eql time (+ time2 3600))
-			    )))
-	  collect (progn (incf count)
-			 (list time (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
-	  until (>= count 100)))
+          for (second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone)
+          = (handler-case
+             (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time))
+             (error (c) (print time) (error c)))
+          for time2 = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (let ((daylight-p-2 (nth-value 7 (decode-universal-time time2))))
+                   (or (eql time time2)
+                       (and daylight-p (not daylight-p-2) ; (eql time (- time2 3600))
+                            )
+                       (and (not daylight-p) daylight-p-2 ; (eql time (+ time2 3600))
+                            )))
+          collect (progn (incf count)
+                         (list time (list second minute hour date month year day daylight-p zone) time2))
+          until (>= count 100)))
 (deftest decode-universal-time.6
   (let ((vals0 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time)))
-	(vals1 (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))))
-	(vals2 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))
+        (vals1 (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time (get-universal-time))))
+        (vals2 (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))
     (when (equal vals0 vals2)
       (assert (= (length vals1) 9))
       (assert (= (length vals2) 9))
@@ -95,16 +95,16 @@
 (deftest decode-universal-time.12
   (loop for time = (random 100000000000)
-	for tz = (- (random 49) 24)
-	for interval = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for time2 = (+ time (* interval  24 3600))
-	;; 'time2' is exactly interval days after 'time'
-	for day = (nth-value 6 (decode-universal-time time tz))
-	for day2 = (nth-value 6 (decode-universal-time time2 tz))
-	repeat 1000
-	;; Check that the days of the week are consistent
-	unless (= (mod day2 7) (mod (+ day interval) 7))
-	collect (list time time2 tz interval day day2))
+        for tz = (- (random 49) 24)
+        for interval = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for time2 = (+ time (* interval  24 3600))
+        ;; 'time2' is exactly interval days after 'time'
+        for day = (nth-value 6 (decode-universal-time time tz))
+        for day2 = (nth-value 6 (decode-universal-time time2 tz))
+        repeat 1000
+        ;; Check that the days of the week are consistent
+        unless (= (mod day2 7) (mod (+ day interval) 7))
+        collect (list time time2 tz interval day day2))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-01.lsp
index e7c9b335..85a600bc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-01.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-01.lsp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (defclass class-02 () ((s1) (s2) (s3)))
 (deftest class-02.1
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-instance 'class-02) 'class-02))
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 (defclass class-03 () ((s1 :type integer) (s2 :type t) (s3 :type fixnum)))
 (deftest class-03.1
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-instance 'class-03) 'class-03))
@@ -115,10 +115,10 @@
 (defclass class-05 () (s1 (s2 :allocation :instance) (s3 :allocation :class)))
 (deftest class-05.1
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-05))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-05)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-05)))
      (not (eql c1 c2))
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
 (deftest class-06.2
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-06))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-06a)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-06a)))
      (setf (slot-value c1 's1) 'x)
      (setf (slot-value c2 's1) 'y)
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
 (defclass class-07 () ((s1 :initarg :s1a :initarg :s1b :reader s1)
-		       (s2 :initarg :s2 :reader s2)))
+                       (s2 :initarg :s2 :reader s2)))
 (deftest class-07.1
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-07)))
@@ -265,14 +265,14 @@
 (deftest class-07.11
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-07 :s1a 'a :s2 'b :garbage 'z
-			  :allow-other-keys t)))
+                          :allow-other-keys t)))
     (values (s1 c) (s2 c)))
   a b)
 (deftest class-07.12
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-07 :s1a 'd :s2 'c :garbage 'z
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)))
+                          :allow-other-keys t
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)))
     (values (s1 c) (s2 c)))
   d c)
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
 (deftest class-08.1
   (let* ((*class-08-s2-initvar* 'x)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-08)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-08)))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)))
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@
 (deftest class-09.1
   (let* ((*class-09-s2-initvar* 'x)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-09)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-09)))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)))
@@ -310,7 +310,7 @@
 (deftest class-09.2
   (let* ((*class-09-s2-initvar* 'x)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-09 :s1 1)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-09 :s1 1)))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)))
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
 (deftest class-10.1
   (let* ((*class-10-s1-initvar* 0)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-10)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-10)))
      (slot-value c 's1)))
@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@
 (deftest class-10.2
   (let* ((*class-10-s1-initvar* 0)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-10 :s1 10)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-10 :s1 10)))
      (slot-value c 's1)))
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
 (deftest class-13.1
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-13))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-13 :s1 'foo)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-13 :s1 'foo)))
      (slot-value c1 's1)
      (slot-value c2 's1)))
@@ -431,26 +431,26 @@
 (deftest class-15.4
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-15 :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)))
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)))
     (s1 c))
 (deftest class-15.5
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-15 :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t)))
+                          :allow-other-keys t)))
     (s1 c))
 (deftest class-15.6
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-15 :allow-other-keys t
-			  :foo 'bar)))
+                          :foo 'bar)))
     (s1 c))
 (deftest class-15.7
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-15 :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :foo 'bar)))
+                          :allow-other-keys nil
+                          :foo 'bar)))
     (s1 c))
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@
 (deftest class-19.1
   (let* ((*class-19-s1-initvar* nil)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-19)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-19)))
     (declare (special *class-19-s1-initvar*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -546,7 +546,7 @@
 (deftest class-19.2
   (let* ((*class-19-s1-initvar* nil)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-19 :s1 nil)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-19 :s1 nil)))
     (declare (special *class-19-s1-initvar*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
 (deftest class-19.3
   (let* ((*class-19-s1-initvar* nil)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-19 :s1 'x)))
+         (c (make-instance 'class-19 :s1 'x)))
     (declare (special *class-19-s1-initvar*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@
 (defclass class-20 ()
   ((s1 :initarg :s1 :initarg :s1b))
   (:default-initargs :s1 (setf *class-20-s1-initvar-1* 'a)
-		     :s1b (setf *class-20-s1-initvar-2* 'b)))
+                     :s1b (setf *class-20-s1-initvar-2* 'b)))
 (deftest class-20.1
   (let* (*class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-	 *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-20)))
+         *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
+         (c (make-instance 'class-20)))
     (declare (special *class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -585,10 +585,10 @@
 (deftest class-20.2
   (let* (*class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-	 *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-20 :s1 'x)))
+         *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
+         (c (make-instance 'class-20 :s1 'x)))
     (declare (special *class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -597,10 +597,10 @@
 (deftest class-20.3
   (let* (*class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-	 *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-20 :s1b 'y)))
+         *class-20-s1-initvar-2*
+         (c (make-instance 'class-20 :s1b 'y)))
     (declare (special *class-20-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-20-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
@@ -617,14 +617,14 @@
     ((s1 :initarg :s1  :initarg :s1b)
      (s2 :initarg :s1b :initarg :s2))
     (:default-initargs :s1  (incf *class-21-s1-initvar-1*)
-		       :s1b (incf *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))))
+                       :s1b (incf *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))))
 (deftest class-21.1
   (let* ((*class-21-s1-initvar-1* 10)
-	 (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-21)))
+         (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
+         (c (make-instance 'class-21)))
     (declare (special *class-21-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)
@@ -634,10 +634,10 @@
 (deftest class-21.2
   (let* ((*class-21-s1-initvar-1* 10)
-	 (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1 'x)))
+         (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
+         (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1 'x)))
     (declare (special *class-21-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)
@@ -647,10 +647,10 @@
 (deftest class-21.3
   (let* ((*class-21-s1-initvar-1* 10)
-	 (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1 'x :s1b 'y)))
+         (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
+         (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1 'x :s1b 'y)))
     (declare (special *class-21-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)
@@ -660,10 +660,10 @@
 (deftest class-21.4
   (let* ((*class-21-s1-initvar-1* 10)
-	 (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1b 'y)))
+         (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
+         (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s1b 'y)))
     (declare (special *class-21-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)
@@ -673,10 +673,10 @@
 (deftest class-21.5
   (let* ((*class-21-s1-initvar-1* 10)
-	 (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
-	 (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s2 'y)))
+         (*class-21-s1-initvar-2* 20)
+         (c (make-instance 'class-21 :s2 'y)))
     (declare (special *class-21-s1-initvar-1*
-		      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
+                      *class-21-s1-initvar-2*))
      (slot-value c 's1)
      (slot-value c 's2)
@@ -708,19 +708,19 @@
 (deftest class-23.2
   (let ((doc (documentation 'class-23 'type)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
+        (equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
 (deftest class-23.3
   (let ((doc (documentation (find-class 'class-23) 'type)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
+        (equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
 (deftest class-23.4
   (let ((doc (documentation (find-class 'class-23) t)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
+        (equalt doc "This is class-23 in ansi-tests")))
@@ -769,7 +769,7 @@
 (deftest class-25.5
   (s1 (make-instance 'class-25 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-		     :foo t))
+                     :foo t))
 (deftest class-25.6
@@ -831,15 +831,15 @@
 (declaim (special *class-28-reset-fn*
-		  *class-28-query-fn*))
+                  *class-28-query-fn*))
 (declaim (type function *class-28-reset-fn* *class-28-query-fn*))
 (let ((x 0) (y 0))
   (flet ((%reset (a b) (setf x a y b))
-	 (%query () (list x y)))
+         (%query () (list x y)))
     (setf *class-28-reset-fn* #'%reset
-	  *class-28-query-fn* #'%query)
+          *class-28-query-fn* #'%query)
     (defclass class-28 ()
       ((s1 :initform (incf x) :initarg :s1)
        (s2 :initarg :s2))
@@ -852,11 +852,11 @@
      (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)
      (let ((obj (make-instance 'class-28)))
-	(typep* obj 'class-28)
-	(typep* obj class)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) class)
-	(map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
-	(funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
+        (typep* obj 'class-28)
+        (typep* obj class)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) class)
+        (map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
+        (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
   ((5 10)
    (t t t (6 11) (6 11))))
@@ -867,11 +867,11 @@
      (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)
      (let ((obj (make-instance 'class-28 :s1 17)))
-	(typep* obj 'class-28)
-	(typep* obj class)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) class)
-	(map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
-	(funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
+        (typep* obj 'class-28)
+        (typep* obj class)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) class)
+        (map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
+        (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
   ((5 10)
    (t t t (17 11) (5 11))))
@@ -883,14 +883,14 @@
      (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)
      (let ((obj (make-instance 'class-28 :s2 17)))
-	(typep* obj 'class-28)
-	(typep* obj class)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) class)
-	(map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
-	(funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
+        (typep* obj 'class-28)
+        (typep* obj class)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) class)
+        (map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))
+        (funcall *class-28-query-fn*)))))
   ((5 10)
    (t t t (6 17) (6 10))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-02.lsp
index e4bfd905..eca1f66f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-02.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-02.lsp
@@ -16,13 +16,13 @@
 (deftest class-0201.1
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-0201)))
     (values (map-slot-boundp* c '(a b c))
-	    (map-slot-exists-p* c '(a b c))
-	    (slot-value c 'a)
-	    (map-typep* c (list 'class-0201 'class-0202
-				(find-class 'class-0201)
-				(find-class 'class-0202)))
-	    (class-name (class-of c))
-	    ))
+            (map-slot-exists-p* c '(a b c))
+            (slot-value c 'a)
+            (map-typep* c (list 'class-0201 'class-0202
+                                (find-class 'class-0201)
+                                (find-class 'class-0202)))
+            (class-name (class-of c))
+            ))
   (t nil nil)
   (t t t)
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
 (deftest class-0202.1
   (let ((c (make-instance 'class-0202)))
     (values (map-slot-boundp* c '(a b c d e f))
-	    (map-slot-value c '(a e))
-	    (map-typep* c (list 'class-0201 'class-0202
-				(find-class 'class-0201)
-				(find-class 'class-0202)))
-	    (class-name (class-of c))
-	    ))
+            (map-slot-value c '(a e))
+            (map-typep* c (list 'class-0201 'class-0202
+                                (find-class 'class-0201)
+                                (find-class 'class-0202)))
+            (class-name (class-of c))
+            ))
   (t nil nil nil t nil)
   (x y)
   (t t t t)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 (deftest class-0203.1
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0203))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-0204)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-0204)))
      (map-slot-boundp* c1 '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* c2 '(a b c d))
@@ -76,10 +76,10 @@
   (nil nil)
   (nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest class-0203.2
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0203))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-0204)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-0204)))
      (map-slot-boundp* c1 '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* c2 '(a b c d))
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
    (b :allocation :instance)))
 (deftest class-0206.1
-  (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0206a))	
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-0206b)))
+  (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0206a))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-0206b)))
      (map-slot-boundp* c1 '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* c2 '(a b))
@@ -148,15 +148,15 @@
      (map-slot-boundp* c2 '(a b))
      (map-slot-value c1 '(a b))
      (progn (slot-makunbound c1 'a)
-	    (slot-makunbound c1 'b)
-	    (setf (slot-value c2 'a) 'x))
+            (slot-makunbound c1 'b)
+            (setf (slot-value c2 'a) 'x))
      (setf (slot-value c2 'b) 'y)
      (map-slot-boundp* c1 '(a b))
      (map-slot-boundp* c2 '(a b))
      (map-slot-value c2 '(a b))
      (progn (slot-makunbound c2 'a)
-	    (slot-makunbound c2 'b)
-	    nil)))
+            (slot-makunbound c2 'b)
+            nil)))
   (nil nil) (nil nil)
   x y
   (t t) (nil nil)
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
 (deftest class-0207.1
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0207a))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-0207b))
-	(c3 (make-instance 'class-0207c)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-0207b))
+        (c3 (make-instance 'class-0207c)))
     (slot-makunbound c1 'a)
     (slot-makunbound c2 'a)
     (slot-makunbound c3 'a)
@@ -239,13 +239,13 @@
 (deftest class-redefinition.1
     ((cobj1 (eval '(defclass class-0209a ()
-		     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
      (cobj2 (eval '(defclass class-0209b (class-0209a)
-		     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
      (cobj3 (eval '(defclass class-0209a ()
-		     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
      (cobj4 (eval '(defclass class-0209b (class-0209a)
-		     ((a :allocation :instance))))))
+                     ((a :allocation :instance))))))
      (eqt cobj1 cobj3)
      (eqt cobj2 cobj4)
@@ -262,22 +262,22 @@
        (cobj1 (eval '(defclass class-0210a ()
-		       ((a :allocation :class)))))
+                       ((a :allocation :class)))))
        (cobj2 (eval '(defclass class-0210b (class-0210a)
-		       ((a :allocation :instance)))))
+                       ((a :allocation :instance)))))
        (cobj3 (eval '(defclass class-0210c (class-0210b)
-		       ((a :allocation :class)))))
+                       ((a :allocation :class)))))
        (dummy (progn
-		(setf (slot-value (make-instance 'class-0210a) 'a) :bad1)
-		(make-instance 'class-0210b)
-		(make-instance 'class-0210c)
-		nil))
+                (setf (slot-value (make-instance 'class-0210a) 'a) :bad1)
+                (make-instance 'class-0210b)
+                (make-instance 'class-0210c)
+                nil))
        (cobj4 (eval '(defclass class-0210a ()
-		       ((a :allocation :class)))))
+                       ((a :allocation :class)))))
        (cobj5 (eval '(defclass class-0210b (class-0210a)
-		       ((a :allocation :instance)))))
+                       ((a :allocation :instance)))))
        (cobj6 (eval '(defclass class-0210c (class-0210b)
-		       ((a :allocation :class))))))
+                       ((a :allocation :class))))))
      (eqt cobj1 cobj4)
      (eqt cobj2 cobj5)
@@ -286,25 +286,25 @@
      (class-name cobj2)
      (class-name cobj3)
      (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0210a))
-	   (c2 (make-instance 'class-0210b))
-	   (c3 (make-instance 'class-0210c)))
+           (c2 (make-instance 'class-0210b))
+           (c3 (make-instance 'class-0210c)))
        (slot-makunbound c1 'a)
        (slot-makunbound c2 'a)
        (slot-makunbound c3 'a)
-	(setf (slot-value c1 'a) 'x)
-	(and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
-	(slot-boundp* c2 'a)
-	(slot-boundp* c3 'a)
-	(setf (slot-value c2 'a) 'y)
-	(and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
-	(and (slot-boundp* c2 'a) (slot-value c2 'a))
-	(slot-boundp* c3 'a)
-	(setf (slot-value c3 'a) 'z)
-	(and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
-	(and (slot-boundp* c2 'a) (slot-value c2 'a))
-	(and (slot-boundp* c3 'a) (slot-value c3 'a))))))
-  (t t t 
+        (setf (slot-value c1 'a) 'x)
+        (and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
+        (slot-boundp* c2 'a)
+        (slot-boundp* c3 'a)
+        (setf (slot-value c2 'a) 'y)
+        (and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
+        (and (slot-boundp* c2 'a) (slot-value c2 'a))
+        (slot-boundp* c3 'a)
+        (setf (slot-value c3 'a) 'z)
+        (and (slot-boundp* c1 'a) (slot-value c1 'a))
+        (and (slot-boundp* c2 'a) (slot-value c2 'a))
+        (and (slot-boundp* c3 'a) (slot-value c3 'a))))))
+  (t t t
@@ -320,13 +320,13 @@
 (deftest class-redefinition.3
     ((cobj1 (eval '(defclass class-redef-03a ()
-		     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x)))))
      (cobj2 (eval '(defclass class-redef-03b (class-redef-03a)
-		     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
      (cobj4 (eval '(defclass class-redef-03b (class-redef-03a)
-		     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
+                     ((a :allocation :instance)))))
      (cobj3 (eval '(defclass class-redef-03a ()
-		     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x))))))
+                     ((a :allocation :class :initform 'x))))))
      (eqt cobj1 cobj3)
      (eqt cobj2 cobj4)
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
 (deftest class-0219.2
   (let ((*class-0219-a-1* nil)
-	(*class-0219-a-2* nil))
+        (*class-0219-a-2* nil))
      (slot-value (make-instance 'class-0219b) 'a)
@@ -645,22 +645,22 @@
 (deftest class-0221.1
   (let* ((cl (find-class 'class-0221a))
-	 (doc (documentation cl t)))
+         (doc (documentation cl t)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "This is class class-0221a")))
+        (equalt doc "This is class class-0221a")))
 (deftest class-0221.2
   (let* ((cl (find-class 'class-0221b))
-	 (doc (documentation cl t)))
+         (doc (documentation cl t)))
 (deftest class-0221.3
   (let* ((cl (find-class 'class-0221c))
-	 (doc (documentation cl t)))
+         (doc (documentation cl t)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "This is class class-0221c")))
+        (equalt doc "This is class class-0221c")))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-03.lsp
index 21ffc8ca..8f22ea3a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-03.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-03.lsp
@@ -70,37 +70,37 @@
 (deftest class-0303.1
   (let ((c1 (make-instance 'class-0303a))
-	(c2 (make-instance 'class-0303b))
-	(c3 (make-instance 'class-0303c)))
+        (c2 (make-instance 'class-0303b))
+        (c3 (make-instance 'class-0303c)))
     (slot-makunbound c1 'a)
     (slot-makunbound c2 'b)
      (loop for c in (list c1 c2 c3)
-	   collect (map-slot-boundp* c '(a b)))
+           collect (map-slot-boundp* c '(a b)))
      (list (setf (slot-value c1 'a) 'x1)
-	   (slot-boundp* c2 'a)
-	   (slot-value c3 'a))
+           (slot-boundp* c2 'a)
+           (slot-value c3 'a))
      (list (setf (slot-value c2 'a) 'x2)
-	   (slot-value c1 'a)
-	   (slot-value c2 'a)
-	   (slot-value c3 'a))
+           (slot-value c1 'a)
+           (slot-value c2 'a)
+           (slot-value c3 'a))
      (list (setf (slot-value c3 'a) 'x3)
-	   (slot-value c1 'a)
-	   (slot-value c2 'a)
-	   (slot-value c3 'a))
+           (slot-value c1 'a)
+           (slot-value c2 'a)
+           (slot-value c3 'a))
      (list (setf (slot-value c1 'b) 'y1)
-	   (slot-value c1 'b)
-	   (slot-boundp* c2 'b)
-	   (slot-boundp* c3 'b))
+           (slot-value c1 'b)
+           (slot-boundp* c2 'b)
+           (slot-boundp* c3 'b))
      (list (setf (slot-value c2 'b) 'y2)
-	   (slot-value c1 'b)
-	   (slot-value c2 'b)
-	   (slot-boundp c3 'b))
+           (slot-value c1 'b)
+           (slot-value c2 'b)
+           (slot-boundp c3 'b))
      (list (setf (slot-value c3 'b) 'y3)
-	   (slot-value c1 'b)
-	   (slot-value c2 'b)
-	   (slot-value c3 'b))))
+           (slot-value c1 'b)
+           (slot-value c2 'b)
+           (slot-value c3 'b))))
   ((nil nil) (nil nil) (nil nil))
   (x1 nil x1)
   (x2 x1 x2 x1)
@@ -164,18 +164,18 @@
 (deftest class-0306.1
   (loop for obj in
-	(mapcar #'make-instance
-	     '(class-0306a class-0306b class-0306c class-0306d
-	       class-0306e class-0306f class-0306g class-0306h))
-	collect (slot-value obj 'a))
+        (mapcar #'make-instance
+             '(class-0306a class-0306b class-0306c class-0306d
+               class-0306e class-0306f class-0306g class-0306h))
+        collect (slot-value obj 'a))
   (nil x y x x x x y))
 (deftest class-0306.2
   (loop for obj in
-	(mapcar #'make-instance
-	     '(class-0306a class-0306b class-0306c class-0306d
-	       class-0306e class-0306f class-0306g class-0306h))
-	collect (a-slot obj))
+        (mapcar #'make-instance
+             '(class-0306a class-0306b class-0306c class-0306d
+               class-0306e class-0306f class-0306g class-0306h))
+        collect (a-slot obj))
   (nil x y x x x x y))
 ;;; A class redefinition test that came up in cmucl
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
 (deftest class-0307.1
     (setf (find-class 'class-0307a) nil
-	  (find-class 'class-0307b) nil)
+          (find-class 'class-0307b) nil)
     (eval '(defclass class-0307a () ()))
     (eval '(defclass class-0307b (class-0307a) (a)))
     (eval '(defclass class-0307a () ((a :initform nil))))
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@
 (deftest class-0308.1
     (setf (find-class 'class-0308a) nil
-	  (find-class 'class-0308b) nil)
+          (find-class 'class-0308b) nil)
     (eval '(defclass class-0308a () ()))
     (eval '(defclass class-0308b (class-0308a) (a)))
     (eval '(defclass class-0308a () ((a :initarg :a))))
@@ -208,47 +208,47 @@
     (setf (find-class 'class-0309) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass class-0309 () ((a) (b) (c)))))
-	   (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0309)))
+           (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0309)))
       (setf (class-name class1) nil)
       (let ((class2 (eval '(defclass class-0309 () ((a) (b) (c))))))
-	(values
-	 (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
-	 (eqt class1 class2)
-	 (typep* obj1 class1)
-	 (typep* obj1 class2)))))
+        (values
+         (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
+         (eqt class1 class2)
+         (typep* obj1 class1)
+         (typep* obj1 class2)))))
   t nil t nil)
 (deftest class-0310.1
     (setf (find-class 'class-0310a) nil
-	  (find-class 'class-0310b) nil)
+          (find-class 'class-0310b) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass class-0310a () ((a) (b) (c)))))
-	   (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0310a)))
+           (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0310a)))
       (setf (class-name class1) 'class-0310b)
       (let ((class2 (eval '(defclass class-0310a () ((a) (b) (c))))))
-	(values
-	 (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
-	 (eqt class1 class2)
-	 (typep* obj1 class1)
-	 (typep* obj1 class2)
-	 (class-name class1)
-	 (class-name class2)))))
+        (values
+         (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
+         (eqt class1 class2)
+         (typep* obj1 class1)
+         (typep* obj1 class2)
+         (class-name class1)
+         (class-name class2)))))
   t nil t nil class-0310b class-0310a)
 (deftest class-0311.1
     (setf (find-class 'class-0311) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass class-0311 () ((a) (b) (c)))))
-	   (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0311)))
+           (obj1 (make-instance 'class-0311)))
       (setf (find-class 'class-0311) nil)
       (let ((class2 (eval '(defclass class-0311 () ((a) (b) (c))))))
-	(values
-	 (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
-	 (eqt class1 class2)
-	 (typep* obj1 class1)
-	 (typep* obj1 class2)
-	 (class-name class1)
-	 (class-name class2)
-	 (eqt (find-class 'class-0311) class1)
-	 (eqt (find-class 'class-0311) class2)))))
+        (values
+         (eqt (class-of obj1) class1)
+         (eqt class1 class2)
+         (typep* obj1 class1)
+         (typep* obj1 class2)
+         (class-name class1)
+         (class-name class2)
+         (eqt (find-class 'class-0311) class1)
+         (eqt (find-class 'class-0311) class2)))))
   t nil t nil class-0311 class-0311 nil t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-aux.lsp
index 319113fc..cc17f6aa 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-aux.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (defun make-defclass-test-name (&rest args)
   (intern (apply #'concatenate 'string (mapcar #'string args))
-	  (find-package :cl-test)))
+          (find-package :cl-test)))
 (defparameter *defclass-slot-readers* nil)
 (defparameter *defclass-slot-writers* nil)
@@ -54,73 +54,73 @@
 (defmacro defclass-with-tests
   (&whole args
-	  class-name superclasses slot-specifiers
-	  &rest class-options)
+          class-name superclasses slot-specifiers
+          &rest class-options)
   (assert (typep class-name '(and (not null) symbol)))
   (assert (listp superclasses))
   (assert (every #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(and (not null) symbol)))
-		 superclasses))
+                 superclasses))
   (assert (listp slot-specifiers))
   (assert (every #'(lambda (s)
-		     (or (symbolp s) (and (consp s) (symbolp (car s)))))
-		 slot-specifiers))
+                     (or (symbolp s) (and (consp s) (symbolp (car s)))))
+                 slot-specifiers))
   (assert (every #'(lambda (x)
-		     (and (consp x)
-			  (member (car x) '(:default-initargs
-					    :documentation
-					    :metaclass))))
-		 class-options))
+                     (and (consp x)
+                          (member (car x) '(:default-initargs
+                                            :documentation
+                                            :metaclass))))
+                 class-options))
   (assert (eql (length class-options)
-	       (length (remove-duplicates class-options))))
+               (length (remove-duplicates class-options))))
   (let* ((default-initargs (rest (assoc :default-initargs class-options)))
-	 (metaclass (or (second (assoc :metaclass class-options))
-			'standard-class))
-	 (doc (second (assoc :documentation class-options)))
-	 (slot-names
-	  (loop for slot-spec in slot-specifiers
-		collect (cond
-			 ((symbolp slot-spec) slot-spec)
-			 (t (assert (consp slot-spec))
-			    (assert (symbolp (car slot-spec)))
-			    (car slot-spec)))))
-	 (slot-options
-	  (loop for slot-spec in slot-specifiers
-		collect (if (consp slot-spec)
-			    (cdr slot-spec)
-			  nil)))
-	 (readers 
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		append (collect-properties slot-option :reader)))
-	 (writers
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		append (collect-properties slot-option :writer)))
-	 (accessors
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		append (collect-properties slot-option :accessor)))
-	 (allocations
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		collect (or (get slot-option :allocation)
-			    :instance)))
-	 (initargs
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		collect (collect-properties slot-option :initarg)))
-	 (types
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		collect (collect-properties slot-option :type)))
-	 (initforms
-	  (loop for slot-option in slot-options
-		collect (collect-properties slot-option :initform)))
-	 (class-var-name
-	  (intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS-" (symbol-name class-name)
-			       "-RETURNED-BY-DEFCLASS*")
-		  (find-package :cl-test)))
-	 )
+         (metaclass (or (second (assoc :metaclass class-options))
+                        'standard-class))
+         (doc (second (assoc :documentation class-options)))
+         (slot-names
+          (loop for slot-spec in slot-specifiers
+                collect (cond
+                         ((symbolp slot-spec) slot-spec)
+                         (t (assert (consp slot-spec))
+                            (assert (symbolp (car slot-spec)))
+                            (car slot-spec)))))
+         (slot-options
+          (loop for slot-spec in slot-specifiers
+                collect (if (consp slot-spec)
+                            (cdr slot-spec)
+                          nil)))
+         (readers
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                append (collect-properties slot-option :reader)))
+         (writers
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                append (collect-properties slot-option :writer)))
+         (accessors
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                append (collect-properties slot-option :accessor)))
+         (allocations
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                collect (or (get slot-option :allocation)
+                            :instance)))
+         (initargs
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                collect (collect-properties slot-option :initarg)))
+         (types
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                collect (collect-properties slot-option :type)))
+         (initforms
+          (loop for slot-option in slot-options
+                collect (collect-properties slot-option :initform)))
+         (class-var-name
+          (intern (concatenate 'string "*CLASS-" (symbol-name class-name)
+                               "-RETURNED-BY-DEFCLASS*")
+                  (find-package :cl-test)))
+         )
     (declare (ignorable readers writers accessors allocations
-			initargs types initforms default-initargs
-			doc))
+                        initargs types initforms default-initargs
+                        doc))
     (assert (loop for e in types always (< (length e) 2)))
     (assert (loop for e in initforms always (< (length e) 2)))
@@ -128,138 +128,138 @@
     (setf *defclass-slot-readers* (append readers *defclass-slot-readers*))
     (setf *defclass-slot-writers* (append writers *defclass-slot-writers*))
     (setf *defclass-slot-accessors*
-	  (append accessors *defclass-slot-accessors*))
+          (append accessors *defclass-slot-accessors*))
     ;;; Store away information about the class and its slots
     ;;; in a my-class object and associated my-slot objects.
     (let* ((my-slots
-	   (loop for name in slot-names
-		 for slot-option in slot-options
-		 for readers = (collect-properties slot-option :reader)
-		 for writers = (collect-properties slot-option :writer)
-		 for accessors = (collect-properties slot-option :accessor)
-		 for documentation = (getf slot-option :documentation)
-		 for initarg-list in initargs
-		 for type-list in types
-		 for initform-list in initforms
-		 for allocation in allocations
-		 collect
-		 (make-my-slot
-		  :name name
-		  :has-initform (notnot initform-list)
-		  :initform (first initform-list)
-		  :documentation documentation
-		  :readers readers
-		  :writers writers
-		  :accessors accessors
-		  :type (if type-list (first type-list) t)
-		  )))
-	  (my-class-obj
-	   (make-my-class :name class-name
-			  :direct-superclass-names superclasses
-			  :default-initargs default-initargs
-			  :documentation doc
-			  :metaclass metaclass
-			  :slots my-slots)))
+           (loop for name in slot-names
+                 for slot-option in slot-options
+                 for readers = (collect-properties slot-option :reader)
+                 for writers = (collect-properties slot-option :writer)
+                 for accessors = (collect-properties slot-option :accessor)
+                 for documentation = (getf slot-option :documentation)
+                 for initarg-list in initargs
+                 for type-list in types
+                 for initform-list in initforms
+                 for allocation in allocations
+                 collect
+                 (make-my-slot
+                  :name name
+                  :has-initform (notnot initform-list)
+                  :initform (first initform-list)
+                  :documentation documentation
+                  :readers readers
+                  :writers writers
+                  :accessors accessors
+                  :type (if type-list (first type-list) t)
+                  )))
+          (my-class-obj
+           (make-my-class :name class-name
+                          :direct-superclass-names superclasses
+                          :default-initargs default-initargs
+                          :documentation doc
+                          :metaclass metaclass
+                          :slots my-slots)))
       (setf (gethash class-name *my-classes*) my-class-obj))
        (declaim (special ,class-var-name))
        (report-and-ignore-errors (setq ,class-var-name
-				       (defclass ,@(cdr args))))
+                                       (defclass ,@(cdr args))))
        (deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name "-DEFCLASS-RETURNS-CLASS")
-	 (eqt (find-class ',class-name) ,class-var-name)
-	 t)
+         (eqt (find-class ',class-name) ,class-var-name)
+         t)
        (deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
-	 (notnot-mv (typep (find-class ',class-name) ',metaclass))
-	 t)
+                                          "-IS-IN-ITS-METACLASS")
+         (notnot-mv (typep (find-class ',class-name) ',metaclass))
+         t)
        ,@(when (eq metaclass 'standard-class)
-	   `((deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
-	       (subtypep* ',class-name 'standard-object)
-	       t t)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
+                                                "S-ARE-STANDARD-OBJECTS")
+               (subtypep* ',class-name 'standard-object)
+               t t)))
        ,@(loop for slot-name in slot-names
-	       collect
-	       `(deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
-						   "-HAS-SLOT-NAMED-"
-						   slot-name)
-		  (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p (make-instance ',class-name)
-					    ',slot-name))
-		  t))
+               collect
+               `(deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
+                                                   "-HAS-SLOT-NAMED-"
+                                                   slot-name)
+                  (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p (make-instance ',class-name)
+                                            ',slot-name))
+                  t))
        (deftest ,(make-defclass-test-name class-name
-	 (defclass-allocate-instance-test ',class-name ',slot-names)
-	 nil)
+                                          "-ALLOCATE-INSTANCE")
+         (defclass-allocate-instance-test ',class-name ',slot-names)
+         nil)
 (defun defclass-allocate-instance-test (class-name slot-names)
   (let* ((class (find-class class-name))
-	 (instance (allocate-instance class)))
+         (instance (allocate-instance class)))
      (unless (eql (class-of instance) class)
        (list (list 'not-instance-of class-name)))
      (loop for slot in slot-names
-	   when (slot-boundp instance slot)
-	   collect (list 'is-bound slot))
+           when (slot-boundp instance slot)
+           collect (list 'is-bound slot))
      (loop for slot in slot-names
-	   unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			   (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p instance slot)))
-			  '(t))
-	   collect (list 'does-not-exist slot))
+           unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                           (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p instance slot)))
+                          '(t))
+           collect (list 'does-not-exist slot))
      (let ((bad-slot '#:foo))
        (when (slot-exists-p instance bad-slot)
-	 (list (list 'should-not-exist bad-slot))))
+         (list (list 'should-not-exist bad-slot))))
 (defmacro generate-slot-tests ()
   "Generate generic tests from the read/writer/accessor functions
    for slots from defclass-with-tests."
   (let ((funs (remove-duplicates
-	       (append *defclass-slot-readers*
-		       *defclass-slot-writers*
-		       *defclass-slot-accessors*))))
+               (append *defclass-slot-readers*
+                       *defclass-slot-writers*
+                       *defclass-slot-accessors*))))
        (deftest class-readers/writers/accessors-are-generic-functions
-	 (loop for sym in ',funs
-	       unless (typep (symbol-function sym) 'generic-function)
-	       collect sym)
-	 nil)
+         (loop for sym in ',funs
+               unless (typep (symbol-function sym) 'generic-function)
+               collect sym)
+         nil)
        (deftest class-accessors-have-generic-setf-functions
-	 (append
-	  ,@(loop for sym in *defclass-slot-accessors*
-		  collect
-		  `(and (not (typep (function (setf ,sym))
-				    'generic-function))
-			'(,sym))))
-	 nil))))
+         (append
+          ,@(loop for sym in *defclass-slot-accessors*
+                  collect
+                  `(and (not (typep (function (setf ,sym))
+                                    'generic-function))
+                        '(,sym))))
+         nil))))
 (defun my-compute-class-precedence-list (class-name)
   "Compute the class precdence list for classes defined using
   (let ((class-names nil)
-	(class-names-to-consider (list class-name))
-	classes)
+        (class-names-to-consider (list class-name))
+        classes)
     ;; Find all classes
      while class-names-to-consider
      do (let ((name (pop class-names-to-consider)))
-	  (unless (member name class-names)
-	    (push name class-names)
-	    (let ((my-class (find-my-class name)))
-	      (assert my-class)
-	      (setq class-names-to-consider
-		    (append (my-class-direct-superclass-names my-class)
-			    class-names-to-consider))))))
+          (unless (member name class-names)
+            (push name class-names)
+            (let ((my-class (find-my-class name)))
+              (assert my-class)
+              (setq class-names-to-consider
+                    (append (my-class-direct-superclass-names my-class)
+                            class-names-to-consider))))))
     (setq class-names (reverse class-names))
     (assert (eq class-name (first class-names)))
     ;; class-names now contains class-name (which occurs first) and
@@ -268,47 +268,47 @@
     ;; Walk the classes and set the predecessor links in the
     ;; class precedence DAG
     (loop for c in classes
-	  for dsns = (my-class-direct-superclass-names c)
-	  do (let ((pred c))
-	       (loop for superclass-name in dsns
-		     for superclass = (find-my-class superclass-name)
-		     do (push pred (my-class-preds superclass))
-		     do (pushnew superclass (my-class-succs pred))
-		     do (incf (my-class-count superclass))
-		     do (setq pred superclass))))
+          for dsns = (my-class-direct-superclass-names c)
+          do (let ((pred c))
+               (loop for superclass-name in dsns
+                     for superclass = (find-my-class superclass-name)
+                     do (push pred (my-class-preds superclass))
+                     do (pushnew superclass (my-class-succs pred))
+                     do (incf (my-class-count superclass))
+                     do (setq pred superclass))))
     ;; The list candidates will contain all the classes
     ;; for which the count is zero.  These are the candidates
     ;; for selection as the next class in the class precedence list
     (let ((candidates (loop for c in classes
-			    when (zerop (my-class-count c))
-			    collect c))
-	  (n 0)
-	  (result nil))
+                            when (zerop (my-class-count c))
+                            collect c))
+          (n 0)
+          (result nil))
       (assert (equal candidates (list (first classes))))
        while candidates
        do (let* ((next (first candidates))
-		 (min-pred-index (my-class-min-pred-index next)))
-	    (loop
-	     for c in (rest candidates)
-	     for c-min-pred-index = (my-class-min-pred-index c)
-	     do
-	     (cond
-	      ((< c-min-pred-index min-pred-index)
-	       (setq next c
-		     min-pred-index c-min-pred-index))
-	      (t (assert (not (= c-min-pred-index min-pred-index))))))
-	    (setq candidates (remove next candidates))
-	    (setf (my-class-index next) (incf n))
-	    (push next result)
-	    (loop
-	     for succ in (my-class-succs next)
-	     do (decf (my-class-count succ))
-	     do (setf (my-class-min-pred-index succ)
-		      (min (my-class-min-pred-index succ)
-			   n))
-	     do (when (zerop (my-class-count succ))
-		  (push succ candidates)))))
+                 (min-pred-index (my-class-min-pred-index next)))
+            (loop
+             for c in (rest candidates)
+             for c-min-pred-index = (my-class-min-pred-index c)
+             do
+             (cond
+              ((< c-min-pred-index min-pred-index)
+               (setq next c
+                     min-pred-index c-min-pred-index))
+              (t (assert (not (= c-min-pred-index min-pred-index))))))
+            (setq candidates (remove next candidates))
+            (setf (my-class-index next) (incf n))
+            (push next result)
+            (loop
+             for succ in (my-class-succs next)
+             do (decf (my-class-count succ))
+             do (setf (my-class-min-pred-index succ)
+                      (min (my-class-min-pred-index succ)
+                           n))
+             do (when (zerop (my-class-count succ))
+                  (push succ candidates)))))
       (assert (eql (length result) (length classes)))
       (setq result (reverse result))
       (mapcar #'my-class-name result))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-errors.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-errors.lsp
index 4fffe46b..24de5646 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-errors.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-errors.lsp
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
    (defclass defclass-error-20 nil
      ((foo :initarg f1 :documentation "x" :reader defclass-error-7/foo
-	   :documentation "x")))
+           :documentation "x")))
@@ -164,28 +164,28 @@
        (defclass defclass-error-22 ()
-	 (foo bar)
-	 (,option nil))
+         (foo bar)
+         (,option nil))
 (deftest defclass.error.23
   (loop for cl in *built-in-classes*
-	for name = (class-name cl)
-	unless (or (not name)
-		   (handler-case
-		    (progn (eval `(defclass ,(gensym) (,name))) nil)
-		    (error (c) c)))
-	collect (list cl name))
+        for name = (class-name cl)
+        unless (or (not name)
+                   (handler-case
+                    (progn (eval `(defclass ,(gensym) (,name))) nil)
+                    (error (c) c)))
+        collect (list cl name))
 (deftest defclass.error.24
   (loop for cl in *built-in-classes*
-	for name = (class-name cl)
-	unless (or (not name)
-		   (handler-case
-		    (progn (eval `(defclass ,name ())) nil)
-		    (error (c) c)))
-	collect (list cl name))
+        for name = (class-name cl)
+        unless (or (not name)
+                   (handler-case
+                    (progn (eval `(defclass ,name ())) nil)
+                    (error (c) c)))
+        collect (list cl name))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defclass-forward-reference.lsp b/ansi-tests/defclass-forward-reference.lsp
index 026a6728..1013bb4d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defclass-forward-reference.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defclass-forward-reference.lsp
@@ -7,121 +7,121 @@
 (deftest defclass.forward-ref.1
   (let ((c1 (gensym))
-	(c2 (gensym)))
+        (c2 (gensym)))
     (let ((class1 (eval `(defclass ,c1 (,c2) nil))))
       (if (not (typep class1 'class))
-	  1
-	(let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 nil nil))))
-	  (if (not (typep class2 'class))
-	      2
-	    (let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
-		  (i2 (make-instance c2)))
-	      (cond
-	       ((not (typep i1 c1))     3)
-	       ((not (typep i1 class1)) 4)
-	       ((not (typep i1 c2))     5)
-	       ((not (typep i1 class2)) 6)
-	       ((typep i2 c1)           7)
-	       ((typep i2 class1)       8)
-	       ((not (typep i2 c2))     9)
-	       ((not (typep i2 class2)) 10)
-	       (t 'good))))))))
+          1
+        (let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 nil nil))))
+          (if (not (typep class2 'class))
+              2
+            (let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
+                  (i2 (make-instance c2)))
+              (cond
+               ((not (typep i1 c1))     3)
+               ((not (typep i1 class1)) 4)
+               ((not (typep i1 c2))     5)
+               ((not (typep i1 class2)) 6)
+               ((typep i2 c1)           7)
+               ((typep i2 class1)       8)
+               ((not (typep i2 c2))     9)
+               ((not (typep i2 class2)) 10)
+               (t 'good))))))))
 (deftest defclass.forward-ref.2
   (let ((c1 (gensym))
-	(c2 (gensym))
-	(c3 (gensym)))
+        (c2 (gensym))
+        (c3 (gensym)))
     (let ((class1 (eval `(defclass ,c1 (,c2 ,c3) nil))))
       (if (not (typep class1 'class))
-	  1
-	(let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 nil nil))))
-	  (if (not (typep class2 'class))
-	      2
-	    (let ((class3 (eval `(defclass ,c3 nil nil))))
-	      (if (not (typep class3 'class))
-		  3
-		(let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
-		      (i2 (make-instance c2))
-		      (i3 (make-instance c3)))
-		  (cond
-		   ((not (typep i1 c1))     4)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class1)) 5)
-		   ((not (typep i1 c2))     6)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class2)) 7)
-		   ((not (typep i1 c3))     8)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class3)) 9)
-		   ((typep i2 c1)           10)
-		   ((typep i2 class1)       11)
-		   ((typep i3 c1)           12)
-		   ((typep i3 class1)       13)
-		   ((not (typep i2 c2))     14)
-		   ((not (typep i2 class2)) 15)
-		   ((not (typep i3 c3))     16)
-		   ((not (typep i3 class3)) 17)
-		   ((typep i2 c3)           18)
-		   ((typep i2 class3)       19)
-		   ((typep i3 c2)           20)
-		   ((typep i3 class2)       21)
-		   (t 'good))))))))))
+          1
+        (let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 nil nil))))
+          (if (not (typep class2 'class))
+              2
+            (let ((class3 (eval `(defclass ,c3 nil nil))))
+              (if (not (typep class3 'class))
+                  3
+                (let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
+                      (i2 (make-instance c2))
+                      (i3 (make-instance c3)))
+                  (cond
+                   ((not (typep i1 c1))     4)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class1)) 5)
+                   ((not (typep i1 c2))     6)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class2)) 7)
+                   ((not (typep i1 c3))     8)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class3)) 9)
+                   ((typep i2 c1)           10)
+                   ((typep i2 class1)       11)
+                   ((typep i3 c1)           12)
+                   ((typep i3 class1)       13)
+                   ((not (typep i2 c2))     14)
+                   ((not (typep i2 class2)) 15)
+                   ((not (typep i3 c3))     16)
+                   ((not (typep i3 class3)) 17)
+                   ((typep i2 c3)           18)
+                   ((typep i2 class3)       19)
+                   ((typep i3 c2)           20)
+                   ((typep i3 class2)       21)
+                   (t 'good))))))))))
 (deftest defclass.forward-ref.3
   (let ((c1 (gensym))
-	(c2 (gensym))
-	(c3 (gensym)))
+        (c2 (gensym))
+        (c3 (gensym)))
     (let ((class1 (eval `(defclass ,c1 (,c2) nil))))
       (if (not (typep class1 'class))
-	  1
-	(let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 (,c3) nil))))
-	  (if (not (typep class2 'class))
-	      2
-	    (let ((class3 (eval `(defclass ,c3 nil nil))))
-	      (if (not (typep class3 'class))
-		  3
-		(let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
-		      (i2 (make-instance c2))
-		      (i3 (make-instance c3)))
-		  (cond
-		   ((not (typep i1 c1))     4)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class1)) 5)
-		   ((not (typep i1 c2))     6)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class2)) 7)
-		   ((not (typep i1 c3))     8)
-		   ((not (typep i1 class3)) 9)
-		   ((typep i2 c1)           10)
-		   ((typep i2 class1)       11)
-		   ((typep i3 c1)           12)
-		   ((typep i3 class1)       13)
-		   ((not (typep i2 c2))     14)
-		   ((not (typep i2 class2)) 15)
-		   ((not (typep i3 c3))     16)
-		   ((not (typep i3 class3)) 17)
-		   ((not (typep i2 c3))     18)
-		   ((not (typep i2 class3)) 19)
-		   ((typep i3 c2)           20)
-		   ((typep i3 class2)       21)
-		   (t 'good))))))))))
+          1
+        (let ((class2 (eval `(defclass ,c2 (,c3) nil))))
+          (if (not (typep class2 'class))
+              2
+            (let ((class3 (eval `(defclass ,c3 nil nil))))
+              (if (not (typep class3 'class))
+                  3
+                (let ((i1 (make-instance c1))
+                      (i2 (make-instance c2))
+                      (i3 (make-instance c3)))
+                  (cond
+                   ((not (typep i1 c1))     4)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class1)) 5)
+                   ((not (typep i1 c2))     6)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class2)) 7)
+                   ((not (typep i1 c3))     8)
+                   ((not (typep i1 class3)) 9)
+                   ((typep i2 c1)           10)
+                   ((typep i2 class1)       11)
+                   ((typep i3 c1)           12)
+                   ((typep i3 class1)       13)
+                   ((not (typep i2 c2))     14)
+                   ((not (typep i2 class2)) 15)
+                   ((not (typep i3 c3))     16)
+                   ((not (typep i3 class3)) 17)
+                   ((not (typep i2 c3))     18)
+                   ((not (typep i2 class3)) 19)
+                   ((typep i3 c2)           20)
+                   ((typep i3 class2)       21)
+                   (t 'good))))))))))
 (deftest defclass.forward-ref.4
   (block nil
     (let ((c1 (gensym))
-	  (c2 (gensym))
-	  (c3 (gensym))
-	  (c4 (gensym))
-	  (c5 (gensym)))
+          (c2 (gensym))
+          (c3 (gensym))
+          (c4 (gensym))
+          (c5 (gensym)))
       (unless (typep (eval `(defclass ,c4 nil nil)) 'class)
-	(return 1))
+        (return 1))
       (unless (typep (eval `(defclass ,c5 nil nil)) 'class)
-	(return 2))
+        (return 2))
       (unless (typep (eval `(defclass ,c1 (,c2 ,c3) nil)) 'class)
-	(return 3))
+        (return 3))
       (unless (typep (eval `(defclass ,c2 (,c4 ,c5) nil)) 'class)
-	(return 4))
+        (return 4))
        (eval `(progn
-		(defclass ,c3 (,c5 ,c4) nil)
-		(make-instance ',c1)))
+                (defclass ,c3 (,c5 ,c4) nil)
+                (make-instance ',c1)))
        (error () :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defconstant.lsp b/ansi-tests/defconstant.lsp
index a5aad4d7..9e3a08ac 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defconstant.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defconstant.lsp
@@ -33,32 +33,32 @@
 ;;; (deftest defconstant.error.1
 ;;;   (signals-error (defconstant)  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest defconstant.error.2
 ;;;   (signals-error (defconstant +ignorable-constant-name+) program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest defconstant.error.3
 ;;;   (signals-error (defconstant +ignorable-constant-name2+ nil
-;;; 		    "This is a docstring"
-;;; 		    "This is an unnecessary extra argument.")
+;;;                 "This is a docstring"
+;;;                 "This is an unnecessary extra argument.")
 ;;;                  program-error)
 ;;;  t)
 (deftest defconstant.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defconstant))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defconstant.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defconstant)
-			   '(defconstant +nonexistent-constant+ 0))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defconstant +nonexistent-constant+ 0))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defconstant.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defconstant)
-			   '(defconstant +nonexistent-constant+ 0)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defconstant +nonexistent-constant+ 0)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-and.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-and.lsp
index f1dafff9..af5396ca 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-and.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-and.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
-		  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) t)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
+                  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) t)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (nil (3 4))
   (nil (3))
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination and :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
-		  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) t)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination and :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
+                  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) t)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (nil (3 4))
   (nil (3))
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination and :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
-		  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'a)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) t)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination and :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) t)
+                  (:method and ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'a)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) t)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
       (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (nil (3 2 1))
   (nil (3 2 1))
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.4 (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) t)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method and ((x number)) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x symbol)) t)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) 'a)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.4 (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) t)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method and ((x number)) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x symbol)) t)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.5 (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) nil)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method and ((x number)) 'a)
-		  (:method and ((x symbol)) 'b)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) 'c)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.5 (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) nil)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method and ((x number)) 'a)
+                  (:method and ((x symbol)) 'b)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) 'c)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -105,16 +105,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.6 (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method and ((x number)) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method and ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.6 (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method and ((x number)) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method and ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.7 (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'c)
-		  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
-		  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-02)) nil)
-		  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'a)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.7 (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'c)
+                  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
+                  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-02)) nil)
+                  (:method and ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -140,17 +140,17 @@
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-03))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-04))))
   a nil a nil)
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination and)
-		  (:method and ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method and ((x t)) 'b)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination and)
+                  (:method and ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method and ((x t)) 'b)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination and)))))
+                      (:method-combination and)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 'x))
    (error () :error))
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination and)
-	     (:method ((x t)) t)))    
+             (:method-combination and)
+             (:method ((x t)) t)))
      (dg-mc.and.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -181,8 +181,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination and)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) t)))
+             (:method-combination and)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) t)))
      (dg-mc.and.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -190,10 +190,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.and.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.and.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination and)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) t)
-		     (:method and ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination and)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) t)
+                     (:method and ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'x)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-append.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-append.lsp
index 5cbeb3d7..38987d7b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-append.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-append.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) ((a) (b) (c) (d)))
   ((c b a) ((a) (b) (c)))
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) ((a) (b) (c) (d)))
   ((c b a) ((a) (b) (c)))
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) (car (push '(d) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x rational)) (car (push '(c) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x number)) (car (push '(b) *x*)))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) (car (push '(a) *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((a b c d) ((d) (c) (b) (a)))
   ((a b c) ((c) (b) (a)))
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a b))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method append ((x number)) '(c d))
-		  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(e f))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) '(g h))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a b))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method append ((x number)) '(c d))
+                  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(e f))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) '(g h))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method append ((x number)) '(b))
-		  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(c))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method append ((x number)) '(b))
+                  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(c))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -105,16 +105,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method append ((x number)) '(b))
-		  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(c))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) '(d))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x integer)) '(a))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method append ((x number)) '(b))
+                  (:method append ((x symbol)) '(c))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) '(d))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-04)) '(a))
-		  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-03)) '(b))
-		  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-02)) '(c))
-		  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-01)) '(d))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-04)) '(a))
+                  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-03)) '(b))
+                  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-02)) '(c))
+                  (:method append ((x dgmc-class-01)) '(d))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination append)
-		  (:method append ((x (eql 1000))) '(a))
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method append ((x t)) '(b))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination append)
+                  (:method append ((x (eql 1000))) '(a))
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method append ((x t)) '(b))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination append)))))
+                      (:method-combination append)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn '(a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.10 (x)
-	      (:method-combination append)
-	      (:method ((x t)) '(a))))
+              (:method-combination append)
+              (:method ((x t)) '(a))))
      (dg-mc.append.10 'x)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination append)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) '(a))))
+             (:method-combination append)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) '(a))))
      (dg-mc.append.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -193,21 +193,21 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination append)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) '(a))
-		     (:method append ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination append)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) '(a))
+                     (:method append ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn '(b))
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.append.13
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.append.13 (x)
-	     (:method-combination append)
-	     (:method append ((x dgmc-class-01)) (list 'foo))
-	     (:method append ((x dgmc-class-02)) (list 'bar))
-	     (:method nonsense ((x dgmc-class-03)) (list 'bad))))
+             (:method-combination append)
+             (:method append ((x dgmc-class-01)) (list 'foo))
+             (:method append ((x dgmc-class-02)) (list 'bar))
+             (:method nonsense ((x dgmc-class-03)) (list 'bad))))
      (dg-mc.append.13 (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
      (dg-mc.append.13 (make-instance 'dgmc-class-02))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-list.lsp
index 370ae32d..860285a3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-list.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) (a b c d))
   ((c b a) (a b c))
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) (a b c d))
   ((c b a) (a b c))
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
-		  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) (car (push 'd *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x rational)) (car (push 'c *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x number)) (car (push 'b *x*)))
+                  (:method list ((x t)) (car (push 'a *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((a b c d) (d c b a))
   ((a b c) (c b a))
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) '(a b))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method list ((x number)) '(c d))
-		  (:method list ((x symbol)) '(e f))
-		  (:method list ((x t)) '(g h))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) '(a b))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method list ((x number)) '(c d))
+                  (:method list ((x symbol)) '(e f))
+                  (:method list ((x t)) '(g h))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method list ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method list ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method list ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method list ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method list ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method list ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -105,16 +105,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method list ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method list ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method list ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method list ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method list ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method list ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -127,12 +127,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
-		  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
-		  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
-		  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
+                  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
+                  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
+                  (:method list ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -146,14 +146,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination list)
-		  (:method list ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method list ((x t)) 'b)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination list)
+                  (:method list ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method list ((x t)) 'b)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination list)))))
+                      (:method-combination list)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -174,8 +174,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination list)
-	     (:method ((x t)) (list 'a))))
+             (:method-combination list)
+             (:method ((x t)) (list 'a))))
      (dg-mc.list.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination list)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) (list 'a))))
+             (:method-combination list)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) (list 'a))))
      (dg-mc.list.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -193,10 +193,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.list.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.list.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination list)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) (list 'a))
-		     (:method list ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination list)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) (list 'a))
+                     (:method list ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn (list 'b))
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-max.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-max.lsp
index 9c5e76c9..b966d0b4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-max.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-max.lsp
@@ -11,61 +11,61 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (8 (1 2 4 8)) (4 (1 2 4)) (2 (1 2)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination max :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination max :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (8 (1 2 4 8)) (4 (1 2 4)) (2 (1 2)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination max :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination max :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method max ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (8 (8 4 2 1)) (4 (4 2 1)) (2 (2 1)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.4 (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) 4)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method max ((x number)) 3)
-		  (:method max ((x symbol)) 5)
-		  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.4 (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) 4)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method max ((x number)) 3)
+                  (:method max ((x symbol)) 5)
+                  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.5 (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) 5)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method max ((x number)) 5/2)
-		  (:method max ((x symbol)) 4)
-		  (:method max ((x t)) 1.0)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.5 (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) 5)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method max ((x number)) 5/2)
+                  (:method max ((x symbol)) 4)
+                  (:method max ((x t)) 1.0)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.6 (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x integer)) 9)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method max ((x number)) 4)
-		  (:method max ((x symbol)) 6)
-		  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.6 (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x integer)) 9)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method max ((x number)) 4)
+                  (:method max ((x symbol)) 6)
+                  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.7 (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-04)) 4)
-		  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-03)) 3)
-		  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-02)) 5)
-		  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-01)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.7 (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-04)) 4)
+                  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-03)) 3)
+                  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-02)) 5)
+                  (:method max ((x dgmc-class-01)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination max)
-		  (:method max ((x (eql 1000))) 4)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination max)
+                  (:method max ((x (eql 1000))) 4)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method max ((x t)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination max)))))
+                      (:method-combination max)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination max)
-	     (:method ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination max)
+             (:method ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.max.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination max)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination max)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.max.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -181,10 +181,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.max.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.max.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination max)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
-		     (:method max ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination max)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
+                     (:method max ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'a)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-min.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-min.lsp
index 5b313b00..2aca3715 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-min.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-min.lsp
@@ -11,61 +11,61 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (1 (4 3 2 1)) (2 (4 3 2)) (3 (4 3)) (4 (4)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination min :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination min :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (1 (4 3 2 1)) (2 (4 3 2)) (3 (4 3)) (4 (4)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination min :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
-		  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination min :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) (car (push 1 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x rational)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x number)) (car (push 3 *x*)))
+                  (:method min ((x t)) (car (push 4 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (1 (1 2 3 4)) (2 (2 3 4)) (3 (3 4)) (4 (4)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.4 (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
-		  (:method min ((x symbol)) 3)
-		  (:method min ((x t)) 4)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.4 (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
+                  (:method min ((x symbol)) 3)
+                  (:method min ((x t)) 4)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.5 (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
-		  (:method min ((x symbol)) 4)
-		  (:method min ((x t)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.5 (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
+                  (:method min ((x symbol)) 4)
+                  (:method min ((x t)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.6 (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
-		  (:method min ((x symbol)) 4)
-		  (:method min ((x t)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.6 (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method min ((x number)) 2)
+                  (:method min ((x symbol)) 4)
+                  (:method min ((x t)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.7 (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-04)) 1)
-		  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-03)) 2)
-		  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-02)) 4)
-		  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-01)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.7 (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-04)) 1)
+                  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-03)) 2)
+                  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-02)) 4)
+                  (:method min ((x dgmc-class-01)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination min)
-		  (:method min ((x (eql 1000))) 0)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method min ((x t)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination min)
+                  (:method min ((x (eql 1000))) 0)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method min ((x t)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination min)))))
+                      (:method-combination min)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination min)
-	     (:method ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination min)
+             (:method ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.min.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination min)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination min)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.min.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.min.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.min.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination min)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
-		     (:method min ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination min)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
+                     (:method min ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'a)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-nconc.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-nconc.lsp
index 44cb1f85..3d39aee6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-nconc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-nconc.lsp
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x rational))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x number))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x rational))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x number))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) ((a) (b) (c) (d)))
   ((c b a) ((a) (b) (c)))
@@ -34,21 +34,21 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x rational))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x number))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x rational))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x number))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((d c b a) ((a) (b) (c) (d)))
   ((c b a) ((a) (b) (c)))
@@ -57,21 +57,21 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x rational))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x number))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t))
-			   (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(d) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x rational))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(c) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x number))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(b) *x*))))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t))
+                           (copy-list (car (push '(a) *x*))))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   ((a b c d) ((d) (c) (b) (a)))
   ((a b c) ((c) (b) (a)))
@@ -80,13 +80,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a 'b))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'c 'd))
-		  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'e 'f))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'g 'h))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a 'b))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'c 'd))
+                  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'e 'f))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'g 'h))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -98,14 +98,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'b))
-		  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'c))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t)) (cons 'd 'e))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'b))
+                  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'c))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t)) (cons 'd 'e))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a))
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'b))
-		  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'c))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'd))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x integer)) (list 'a))
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method nconc ((x number)) (list 'b))
+                  (:method nconc ((x symbol)) (list 'c))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'd))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-04)) (list 'a))
-		  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-03)) (list 'b))
-		  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-02)) (list 'c))
-		  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-01)) (list 'd))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-04)) (list 'a))
+                  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-03)) (list 'b))
+                  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-02)) (list 'c))
+                  (:method nconc ((x dgmc-class-01)) (list 'd))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -158,14 +158,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination nconc)
-		  (:method nconc ((x (eql 1000))) (list 'a))
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'b))))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination nconc)
+                  (:method nconc ((x (eql 1000))) (list 'a))
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method nconc ((x t)) (list 'b))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination nconc)))))
+                      (:method-combination nconc)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination nconc)
-	     (:method ((x t)) (list 'a))))
+             (:method-combination nconc)
+             (:method ((x t)) (list 'a))))
      (dg-mc.nconc.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.11 (x)
-	    (:method-combination nconc)
-	    (:method nonsense ((x t)) (list 'a))))
+            (:method-combination nconc)
+            (:method nonsense ((x t)) (list 'a))))
      (dg-mc.nconc.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.nconc.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.nconc.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination nconc)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) (list 'a))
-		     (:method nconc ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination nconc)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) (list 'a))
+                     (:method nconc ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn (list 'b))
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-or.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-or.lsp
index 67627a1e..9b00e3ec 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-or.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-or.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (a (1 2 3 4))
   (a (1 2 3))
@@ -30,45 +30,45 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination or :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'a)
-		  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'b)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination or :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'a)
+                  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'b)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (a (3 4)) (a (3)) (b (1 2)) (b (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination or :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
-		  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) nil)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination or :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
+                  (:method or ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) nil)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (a (4 3 2 1)) (nil (3 2 1)) (nil (2 1)) (nil (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.4 (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) nil)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method or ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method or ((x symbol)) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) 'a)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.4 (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) nil)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method or ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method or ((x symbol)) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -80,14 +80,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.5 (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method or ((x number)) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x symbol)) 'b)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) 'c)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.5 (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method or ((x number)) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x symbol)) 'b)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) 'c)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -99,16 +99,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.6 (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method or ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method or ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method or ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.6 (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method or ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method or ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method or ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.7 (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-04)) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-03)) nil)
-		  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'b)
-		  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'c)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.7 (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-04)) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-03)) nil)
+                  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'b)
+                  (:method or ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'c)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-03))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-04))))
   c b c b)
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination or)
-		  (:method or ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method or ((x t)) 'b)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination or)
+                  (:method or ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method or ((x t)) 'b)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination or)))))
+                      (:method-combination or)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -165,8 +165,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination or)
-	     (:method ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination or)
+             (:method ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.or.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -175,8 +175,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination or)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination or)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.or.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -184,10 +184,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.or.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.or.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination or)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) t)
-		     (:method or ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination or)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) t)
+                     (:method or ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'a)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-plus.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-plus.lsp
index f51d6550..4959d6ac 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-plus.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-plus.lsp
@@ -11,61 +11,61 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (15 (1 2 4 8)) (7 (1 2 4)) (3 (1 2)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination + :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination + :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (15 (1 2 4 8)) (7 (1 2 4)) (3 (1 2)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination + :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
-		  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination + :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) (car (push 8 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x rational)) (car (push 4 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x number)) (car (push 2 *x*)))
+                  (:method + ((x t)) (car (push 1 *x*)))))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (15 (8 4 2 1)) (7 (4 2 1)) (3 (2 1)) (1 (1)))
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method + ((x number)) 1)
-		  (:method + ((x symbol)) 2)
-		  (:method + ((x t)) 4)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method + ((x number)) 1)
+                  (:method + ((x symbol)) 2)
+                  (:method + ((x t)) 4)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -77,14 +77,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method + ((x number)) 2)
-		  (:method + ((x symbol)) 4)
-		  (:method + ((x t)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method + ((x number)) 2)
+                  (:method + ((x symbol)) 4)
+                  (:method + ((x t)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -96,16 +96,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method + ((x number)) 2)
-		  (:method + ((x symbol)) 4)
-		  (:method + ((x t)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x integer)) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method + ((x number)) 2)
+                  (:method + ((x symbol)) 4)
+                  (:method + ((x t)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -118,12 +118,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-04)) 1)
-		  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-03)) 2)
-		  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-02)) 4)
-		  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-01)) 8)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-04)) 1)
+                  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-03)) 2)
+                  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-02)) 4)
+                  (:method + ((x dgmc-class-01)) 8)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -134,14 +134,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination +)
-		  (:method + ((x (eql 1000))) 1)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method + ((x t)) 1)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination +)
+                  (:method + ((x (eql 1000))) 1)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method + ((x t)) 1)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.+.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination +)))))
+                      (:method-combination +)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.+.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination +)
-	     (:method ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination +)
+             (:method ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.+.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -172,8 +172,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.+.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination +)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination +)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.+.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -181,11 +181,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.+.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.+.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination +)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
-		     (:method + ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination +)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) 1)
+                     (:method + ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'a)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-progn.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-progn.lsp
index 0b4b5ca5..c90af10e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-progn.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric-method-combination-progn.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.1
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) nil)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (a (1 2 3 4))
   (a (1 2 3))
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.2
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-first)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
-		  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'd)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-first)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
+                  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (d (1 2 3 4))
   (d (1 2 3))
@@ -49,17 +49,17 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.3
   (let ((*x* nil)
-	(fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
-		  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'd)))))
+        (fn
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) (push 4 *x*) 'a)
+                  (:method progn ((x rational)) (push 3 *x*) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) (push 2 *x*) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) (push 1 *x*) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (flet ((%f (y)
-	       (let ((*x* nil))
-		 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
+               (let ((*x* nil))
+                 (list (funcall fn y) *x*))))
     (values (%f 1) (%f 2/3) (%f 1.54) (%f 'a))))
   (a (4 3 2 1))
   (b (3 2 1))
@@ -68,13 +68,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.4
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.4 (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'd)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'a)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.4 (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'd)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -86,13 +86,13 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.4a
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.4a (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'd)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'a)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.4a (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'd)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational)) 'foo)
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'a)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -104,14 +104,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.5
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.5 (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) nil)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'c)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.5 (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) nil)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'c)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -123,14 +123,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.5a
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.5a (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) 'e)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'c)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.5a (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) 'e)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'c)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -143,16 +143,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.6
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.6 (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.6 (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -165,16 +165,16 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.6a
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.6a (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x rational))
-			   (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method :around ((x real))
-			   (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
-		  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.6a (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method progn ((x integer)) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x rational))
+                           (list 'foo (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method :around ((x real))
+                           (list 'bar (call-next-method)))
+                  (:method progn ((x number)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x symbol)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn 0)
@@ -188,12 +188,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.7 (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.7 (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.7a
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.7a (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
-		  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.7a (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn :most-specific-last)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-04)) 'a)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-03)) 'b)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-02)) 'c)
+                  (:method progn ((x dgmc-class-01)) 'd)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (make-instance 'dgmc-class-01))
@@ -220,14 +220,14 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.8
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.8 (x)
-		  (:method-combination progn)
-		  (:method progn ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
-		  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
-		  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
-		  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
-		  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
-		  (:method progn ((x t)) 'b)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.8 (x)
+                  (:method-combination progn)
+                  (:method progn ((x (eql 1000))) 'a)
+                  (:method :around ((x symbol)) (values))
+                  (:method :around ((x integer)) (values 'a 'b 'c))
+                  (:method :around ((x complex)) (call-next-method))
+                  (:method :around ((x number)) (values 1 2 3 4 5 6))
+                  (:method progn ((x t)) 'b)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (multiple-value-list (funcall fn 'a))
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.9
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.9 (x)
-		      (:method-combination progn)))))
+                      (:method-combination progn)))))
      (declare (type generic-function fn))
      (funcall fn (list 'a)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.10
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.10 (x)
-	     (:method-combination progn)
-	     (:method ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination progn)
+             (:method ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.progn.10 'a)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.11
     (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.11 (x)
-	     (:method-combination progn)
-	     (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
+             (:method-combination progn)
+             (:method nonsense ((x t)) 0)))
      (dg-mc.progn.11 0)
      (error () :error)))
@@ -267,10 +267,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric-method-combination.progn.12
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric dg-mc.progn.12 (x)
-		     (:method-combination progn)
-		     (:method :around ((x t)) 'a)
-		     (:method progn ((x integer)) x)))))
+                     (:method-combination progn)
+                     (:method :around ((x t)) 'a)
+                     (:method progn ((x integer)) x)))))
     (declare (type generic-function fn))
     (handler-case (funcall fn 'b)
-		  (error () :error)))
+                  (error () :error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defgeneric.lsp b/ansi-tests/defgeneric.lsp
index a210d51e..327e0532 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defgeneric.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defgeneric.lsp
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.error.1
   ;; Cannot make ordinary functions generic
   (let* ((name 'defgeneric-testfn-01)
-	 (fn (symbol-function name)))
+         (fn (symbol-function name)))
     (if (not (typep fn 'generic-function))
-	(handler-case
-	 (progn (eval `(defgeneric ,name ())) :bad)
-	 (program-error () :good))
+        (handler-case
+         (progn (eval `(defgeneric ,name ())) :bad)
+         (program-error () :good))
@@ -33,45 +33,45 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.error.3
   ;; Cannot make special operators generic
   (loop for name in *cl-special-operator-symbols*
-	for result =
-	(handler-case
-	 (progn (eval `(defgeneric ,name ())) t)
-	 (program-error () nil))
-	when result collect name)
+        for result =
+        (handler-case
+         (progn (eval `(defgeneric ,name ())) t)
+         (program-error () nil))
+        when result collect name)
 (deftest defgeneric.error.4
   (signals-error (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.4 (x y)
-		    (:argument-precedence-order x y x))
-		 program-error)
+                    (:argument-precedence-order x y x))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defgeneric.error.5
   (signals-error (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.5 (x)
-		    (:documentation "some documentation")
-		    (:documentation "illegally repeated documentation"))
-		 program-error)
+                    (:documentation "some documentation")
+                    (:documentation "illegally repeated documentation"))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defgeneric.error.6
   (signals-error (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.6 (x)
-		    (unknown-option nil))
-		 program-error)
+                    (unknown-option nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defgeneric.error.7
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.7 (x y)
-	      (:method ((x t)) x)))
+              (:method ((x t)) x)))
    (error () :good))
 (deftest defgeneric.error.8
   (signals-error (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.8 (x y)
-		    (:argument-precedence-order x))
-		 program-error)
+                    (:argument-precedence-order x))
+                 program-error)
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.9 (x)
-	      (:method ((x t)(y t)) t)))
+              (:method ((x t)(y t)) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.10 (x &optional y)
-	      (:method ((x t)) t)))
+              (:method ((x t)) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.11 (x &optional y)
-	      (:method (x &optional y z) t)))
+              (:method (x &optional y z) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.12 (x &rest y)
-	      (:method (x) t)))
+              (:method (x) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.13 (x)
-	      (:method (x &rest y) t)))
+              (:method (x &rest y) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.14 (x &key)
-	      (:method (x) t)))
+              (:method (x) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.15 (x &key y)
-	      (:method (x) t)))
+              (:method (x) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.16 (x)
-	      (:method (x &key) t)))
+              (:method (x &key) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.17 (x)
-	      (:method (x &key foo) t)))
+              (:method (x &key foo) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.18 (x &key foo)
-	      (:method (x &key) t)))
+              (:method (x &key) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
      (eval '(defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.19 (x &key foo)
-	      (:method (x &key bar) t)))
+              (:method (x &key bar) t)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.error.20
    (let ((fn (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.20 (x &key)
-	       (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
-	       (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar)))))
+               (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
+               (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar)))))
      (funcall fn 1 :bar 'a))
@@ -193,8 +193,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.error.21
    (let ((fn (defgeneric defgeneric-error-fn.21 (x &key)
-	       (:method ((x number) &key foo &allow-other-keys) (list x foo))
-	       (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar)))))
+               (:method ((x number) &key foo &allow-other-keys) (list x foo))
+               (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar)))))
      (funcall fn 'x :foo 'a))
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.1
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x y z)
-		     (:method ((x t) (y t) (z t)) (list x y z))))))
+                     (:method ((x t) (y t) (z t)) (list x y z))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.2
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x y z)
-		     (:documentation "boo!")
-		     (:method ((x t) (y t) (z t)) (vector x y z))))))
+                     (:documentation "boo!")
+                     (:method ((x t) (y t) (z t)) (vector x y z))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -239,25 +239,25 @@
      ( 'd 'e 'f)
      (let ((doc (documentation fn t)))
        (or (not doc)
-	   (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "boo!"))))
+           (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "boo!"))))
      (let ((doc (documentation fn 'function)))
        (or (not doc)
-	   (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "boo!"))))
+           (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "boo!"))))
      (setf (documentation fn t) "foo")
      (let ((doc (documentation fn t)))
        (or (not doc)
-	   (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "foo"))))
+           (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "foo"))))
      (setf (documentation fn 'function) "bar")
      (let ((doc (documentation fn t)))
        (or (not doc)
-	   (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "bar"))))))
+           (and (stringp doc) (string=t doc "bar"))))))
   t t #(a b c) #(d e f) t t "foo" t "bar" t)
 (deftest defgeneric.3
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x y)
-		     (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) (list x y))
-		     (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) (list y x))))))
+                     (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) (list x y))
+                     (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) (list y x))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.4
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x y)
-		     (:argument-precedence-order y x)
-		     (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) (list x y))
-		     (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) (list y x))))))
+                     (:argument-precedence-order y x)
+                     (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) (list x y))
+                     (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) (list y x))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.5
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric ()
-		     (:method () (values))))))
+                     (:method () (values))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.6
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric ()
-		     (:method () (values 'a 'b 'c))))))
+                     (:method () (values 'a 'b 'c))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.7
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric ()
-		     (:method () (return-from 'a) 'b)))))
+                     (:method () (return-from 'a) 'b)))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.8
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &optional y z)
-		     (:method ((x number) &optional y z)
-			      (list x y z))
-		     (:method ((p symbol) &optional q r)
-			      (list r q p))))))
+                     (:method ((x number) &optional y z)
+                              (list x y z))
+                     (:method ((p symbol) &optional q r)
+                              (list r q p))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (typep* fn 'generic-function)
@@ -351,10 +351,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.9
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &optional y z)
-		     (:method ((x number) &optional (y 10) (z 20))
-			      (list x y z))
-		     (:method ((p symbol) &optional (q 's) (r 't))
-			      (list r q p))))))
+                     (:method ((x number) &optional (y 10) (z 20))
+                              (list x y z))
+                     (:method ((p symbol) &optional (q 's) (r 't))
+                              (list r q p))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (funcall fn 1)
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.10
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &rest y)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.11
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.12
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key foo bar baz)
-		      (:method ((x number) &rest y) (list x y))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &rest y) (list x y))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -420,8 +420,8 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.13
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.14
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key &allow-other-keys)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key foo) (list x foo))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -477,9 +477,9 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.15
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key foo &allow-other-keys)
-			       (list x foo))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key foo &allow-other-keys)
+                               (list x foo))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &key bar) (list x bar))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -511,10 +511,10 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.16
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key (foo 'a))
-			       (list x foo))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &key foo)
-			       (list x foo))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key (foo 'a))
+                               (list x foo))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &key foo)
+                               (list x foo))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -532,10 +532,10 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.17
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key (foo 'a foo-p))
-			       (list x foo (notnot foo-p)))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &key foo)
-			       (list x foo))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key (foo 'a foo-p))
+                               (list x foo (notnot foo-p)))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &key foo)
+                               (list x foo))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -553,10 +553,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.18
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &optional y)
-		      (:method ((x number) &optional (y 'a))
-			       (list x y))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &optional (z nil z-p))
-			       (list x z (notnot z-p)))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &optional (y 'a))
+                               (list x y))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &optional (z nil z-p))
+                               (list x z (notnot z-p)))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -574,8 +574,8 @@
  (deftest defgeneric.19
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key ((:bar foo) 'a foo-p))
-			       (list x foo (notnot foo-p)))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key ((:bar foo) 'a foo-p))
+                               (list x foo (notnot foo-p)))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -587,11 +587,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.20
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &optional y z)
-		      (:method ((x number)
-				&optional (y (1+ x) y-p)
-				          (z (if y-p (1+ y) (+ x 10))
-					     z-p))
-			       (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p)))))))
+                      (:method ((x number)
+                                &optional (y (1+ x) y-p)
+                                          (z (if y-p (1+ y) (+ x 10))
+                                             z-p))
+                               (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p)))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -603,11 +603,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.21
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number)
-				&key (y (1+ x) y-p)
-				(z (if y-p (1+ y) (+ x 10))
-				   z-p))
-			       (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p)))))))
+                      (:method ((x number)
+                                &key (y (1+ x) y-p)
+                                (z (if y-p (1+ y) (+ x 10))
+                                   z-p))
+                               (list x y (notnot y-p) z (notnot z-p)))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -623,8 +623,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.22
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		      (:method ((x number) &key ((:allow-other-keys y)))
-			       (list x y))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &key ((:allow-other-keys y)))
+                               (list x y))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -648,8 +648,8 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.23
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		      (:method ((x number) &aux (y (1+ x))) (list x y))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &aux (z (list x))) (list x z))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &aux (y (1+ x))) (list x y))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &aux (z (list x))) (list x z))))))
      (declare (type function fn))
       (funcall fn 1)
@@ -659,10 +659,10 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.24
    (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		      (:method ((x number) &aux (y (1+ x)) (z (1+ y)))
-			       (list x y z))
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &aux (y (list x)) (z (list x y)))
-			       (list x y z))))))
+                      (:method ((x number) &aux (y (1+ x)) (z (1+ y)))
+                               (list x y z))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &aux (y (list x)) (z (list x y)))
+                               (list x y z))))))
       (funcall fn 1)
       (funcall fn 'a)))
@@ -671,11 +671,11 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.25
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &optional y &key)
-		      (:method ((x symbol) &optional (y 'd y-p)
-				&key ((:foo bar) (list x y) bar-p)
-				&aux (z (list x y (notnot y-p)
-					      bar (notnot bar-p))))
-			       z)))))
+                      (:method ((x symbol) &optional (y 'd y-p)
+                                &key ((:foo bar) (list x y) bar-p)
+                                &aux (z (list x y (notnot y-p)
+                                              bar (notnot bar-p))))
+                               z)))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (funcall fn 'a)
@@ -687,23 +687,23 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.26
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		     (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-		     (:method ((x symbol)) x)
-		     (declare (optimize (debug 3)))))))
+                     (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+                     (:method ((x symbol)) x)
+                     (declare (optimize (debug 3)))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
     (funcall fn 'a))
 (when (subtypep (class-of (find-class 'standard-method))
-		'standard-class)
+                'standard-class)
   (defclass substandard-method (standard-method) ())
   (deftest defgeneric.27
     (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x y)
-		       (:method-class substandard-method)
-		       (:method ((x number) (y number)) (+ x y))
-		       (:method ((x string) (y string))
-				(concatenate 'string x y))))))
+                       (:method-class substandard-method)
+                       (:method ((x number) (y number)) (+ x y))
+                       (:method ((x string) (y string))
+                                (concatenate 'string x y))))))
       (declare (type function fn))
        (funcall fn 1 2)
@@ -713,12 +713,12 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.28
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		     (:method ((x integer) &key foo) (list x foo))
-		     (:method ((x number) &key bar) (list x bar))
-		     (:method ((x t) &key baz) (list x baz))))))
+                     (:method ((x integer) &key foo) (list x foo))
+                     (:method ((x number) &key bar) (list x bar))
+                     (:method ((x t) &key baz) (list x baz))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (funcall fn 1)
      (funcall fn 1 :foo 'a)
      (funcall fn 1 :bar 'b)
@@ -727,15 +727,15 @@
      (funcall fn 1 :foo 'a :bar 'b)
      (funcall fn 1 :foo 'a :baz 'c)
      (funcall fn 1 :foo 'a :bar 'b :baz 'c)
      (funcall fn 5/3)
      (funcall fn 5/3 :bar 'b)
      (funcall fn 5/3 :baz 'c)
      (funcall fn 5/3 :bar 'b :baz 'c)
      (funcall fn 'x)
      (funcall fn 'x :baz 'c)
   (1 nil) (1 a) (1 nil) (1 nil)
@@ -753,9 +753,9 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.29
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
-		  (:method ((x defgeneric.29.class.1) &key foo) foo)
-		  (:method ((x defgeneric.29.class.2) &key bar) bar)))))
+         (eval '(defgeneric (x &key)
+                  (:method ((x defgeneric.29.class.1) &key foo) foo)
+                  (:method ((x defgeneric.29.class.2) &key bar) bar)))))
     (declare (type function fn))
     (let ((x (make-instance 'defgeneric.29.class.3)))
@@ -769,16 +769,16 @@
 ;;; I'm not sure this one is proper
 ;;; Added :metaclass at prompting of Martin Simmons
 (when (subtypep (class-of (find-class 'standard-generic-function))
-		'standard-class)
+                'standard-class)
   (defclass substandard-generic-function (standard-generic-function) ()
     (:metaclass #.(class-name (class-of
-			       (find-class 'standard-generic-function)))))
+                               (find-class 'standard-generic-function)))))
   (deftest defgeneric.30
     (let ((fn
-	   (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		    (:generic-function-class substandard-generic-function)
-		    (:method ((x symbol)) 1)
-		    (:method ((x integer)) 2)))))
+           (eval '(defgeneric (x)
+                    (:generic-function-class substandard-generic-function)
+                    (:method ((x symbol)) 1)
+                    (:method ((x integer)) 2)))))
       (declare (type function fn))
        (typep* fn 'substandard-generic-function)
@@ -807,48 +807,48 @@
 (deftest defgeneric.33
   (let ((fn
-	 (eval
-	  '(defgeneric (setf (x y &rest args)
-	     (:method (x (y cons) &rest args)
-		      (assert (null args)) (setf (car y) x))
-	     (:method (x (y array) &rest args)
-		      (setf (apply #'aref y args) x))))))
+         (eval
+          '(defgeneric (setf (x y &rest args)
+             (:method (x (y cons) &rest args)
+                      (assert (null args)) (setf (car y) x))
+             (:method (x (y array) &rest args)
+                      (setf (apply #'aref y args) x))))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (let ((z (list 'a 'b)))
-	(setf ( z) 'c)
-	z))
+        (setf ( z) 'c)
+        z))
      (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-element nil)))
-	(setf ( a 5) 'd)
-	a))))
+        (setf ( a 5) 'd)
+        a))))
   (c (c b))
   (d #(nil nil nil nil nil d nil nil nil nil)))
 (deftest defgeneric.34
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		     (:method ((x t)) (list x :good))))))
+                     (:method ((x t)) (list x :good))))))
     (funcall fn 10))
   (10 :good))
 (deftest defgeneric.35
   (let ((fn (eval '(defgeneric (x)
-		     (:method ((x (eql 'a)))
-			      (declare (optimize (speed 0)))
-			      "FOO"
-			      (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-			      x)))))
+                     (:method ((x (eql 'a)))
+                              (declare (optimize (speed 0)))
+                              "FOO"
+                              (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+                              x)))))
     (declare (type function fn))
      (funcall fn 'a)
      (let ((method (first (compute-applicable-methods fn '(a)))))
        (and method
-	    (let ((doc (documentation method t)))
-	      (list
-	       (or (null doc) (equalt doc "FOO"))
-	       (setf (documentation method t) "BAR")
-	       (let ((doc (documentation method t)))
-		 (or (null doc) (equalt doc "BAR")))
-	       ))))))
+            (let ((doc (documentation method t)))
+              (list
+               (or (null doc) (equalt doc "FOO"))
+               (setf (documentation method t) "BAR")
+               (let ((doc (documentation method t)))
+                 (or (null doc) (equalt doc "BAR")))
+               ))))))
   a (t "BAR" t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-compiler-macro.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-compiler-macro.lsp
index e7f83ccd..a8b290da 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-compiler-macro.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-compiler-macro.lsp
@@ -9,33 +9,33 @@
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-compiler-macro))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-compiler-macro)
-			   '(definee-compiler-macro nonexistent-function ()))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(definee-compiler-macro nonexistent-function ()))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-compiler-macro)
-			   '(definee-compiler-macro nonexistent-function ())
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(definee-compiler-macro nonexistent-function ())
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Non-error tests
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (macro-def-form
-	  `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
-	     (declare (special *x*))
-	     (setf *x* t)
-	     `(+ ,x ,y 1)))
-	 (fun-def-form
-	  `(defun ,sym (x y) (+ x y 1))))
+         (macro-def-form
+          `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
+             (declare (special *x*))
+             (setf *x* t)
+             `(+ ,x ,y 1)))
+         (fun-def-form
+          `(defun ,sym (x y) (+ x y 1))))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval fun-def-form)))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval macro-def-form)))
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@
      (eval `(,sym 6 19))
      (let ((fn (compile nil `(lambda (a b) (,sym a b)))))
        (let ((*x* nil))
-	 (declare (special *x*))
-	 (list (funcall fn 12 123) *x*)))))
+         (declare (special *x*))
+         (list (funcall fn 12 123) *x*)))))
   t t t 26 (136 nil))
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (macro-def-form
-	  `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (&whole form &rest args)
-	     (declare (special *x*) (ignore args))
-	     (setf *x* t)
-	     (return-from ,sym form)))
-	 (fun-def-form
-	  `(defun ,sym (x) x)))
+         (macro-def-form
+          `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (&whole form &rest args)
+             (declare (special *x*) (ignore args))
+             (setf *x* t)
+             (return-from ,sym form)))
+         (fun-def-form
+          `(defun ,sym (x) x)))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval fun-def-form)))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval macro-def-form)))
@@ -63,19 +63,19 @@
      (eval `(,sym 'a))
      (let ((fn (compile nil `(lambda (a) (,sym a)))))
        (let ((*x* nil))
-	 (declare (special *x*))
-	 (list (funcall fn 'b) *x*)))))
+         (declare (special *x*))
+         (list (funcall fn 'b) *x*)))))
   t t t a (b nil))
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.3
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (macro-def-form
-	  `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (&whole form &rest args)
-	     (declare (special *x*) (ignore args))
-	     (setf *x* t)
-	     (return-from ,sym form)))
-	 (ordinary-macro-def-form
-	  `(defmacro ,sym (x) x)))
+         (macro-def-form
+          `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (&whole form &rest args)
+             (declare (special *x*) (ignore args))
+             (setf *x* t)
+             (return-from ,sym form)))
+         (ordinary-macro-def-form
+          `(defmacro ,sym (x) x)))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval ordinary-macro-def-form)))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval macro-def-form)))
@@ -83,21 +83,21 @@
      (eval `(,sym 'a))
      (let ((fn (compile nil `(lambda (a) (,sym a)))))
        (let ((*x* nil))
-	 (declare (special *x*))
-	 (list (funcall fn 'b) *x*)))))
+         (declare (special *x*))
+         (list (funcall fn 'b) *x*)))))
   t t t a (b nil))
 ;;; Compiler macros on setf functions
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.4
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fun-def-form `(defun ,sym (x) (car x)))
-	 (setf-fun-def-form `(defun (setf ,sym) (newval x) (setf (car x) newval)))
-	 (setf-compiler-macro-def-form
-	  `(define-compiler-macro (setf ,sym) (newval x)
-	     (declare (special *x*))
-	     (setf *x* t)
-	     (return-from ,sym `(setf (car ,x) ,newval)))))
+         (fun-def-form `(defun ,sym (x) (car x)))
+         (setf-fun-def-form `(defun (setf ,sym) (newval x) (setf (car x) newval)))
+         (setf-compiler-macro-def-form
+          `(define-compiler-macro (setf ,sym) (newval x)
+             (declare (special *x*))
+             (setf *x* t)
+             (return-from ,sym `(setf (car ,x) ,newval)))))
      (equalt (list sym) (multiple-value-list (eval fun-def-form)))
      (equalt `((setf ,sym)) (multiple-value-list (eval setf-fun-def-form)))
@@ -105,20 +105,20 @@
      (notnot (typep (compiler-macro-function `(setf ,sym)) 'function))
      (eval `(,sym (list 'a 'b)))
      (eval `(let ((arg (list 1 2)))
-	      (list (setf (,sym arg) 'z) arg)))
+              (list (setf (,sym arg) 'z) arg)))
      (let ((fn (compile nil `(lambda (u v) (setf (,sym u) v)))))
        (let ((*x* nil)
-	     (arg (list 1 2)))
-	 (declare (special *x*))
-	 (list (funcall fn arg 'y) arg)))))
+             (arg (list 1 2)))
+         (declare (special *x*))
+         (list (funcall fn arg 'y) arg)))))
   t t t t a (z (z 2)) (y (y 2)))
 ;;; Test of documentation
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.5
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x) "DCM.5" x))
-	 (form2 `(defun ,sym (x) "DCM.5-WRONG" x)))
+         (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x) "DCM.5" x))
+         (form2 `(defun ,sym (x) "DCM.5-WRONG" x)))
     (eval form)
     (eval form2)
     (or (documentation sym 'compiler-macro) "DCM.5"))
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.6
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x) "DCM.6" x))
-	 (form2 `(defun ,sym (x) "DCM.6-WRONG" x)))
+         (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x) "DCM.6" x))
+         (form2 `(defun ,sym (x) "DCM.6-WRONG" x)))
     (eval form2)
     (eval form)
     (or (documentation sym 'compiler-macro) "DCM.6"))
@@ -137,11 +137,11 @@
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.7
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
-		  (declare (special *x*))
-		  (setf *x* :bad)
-		  `(list ,x ,y)))
-	 (form2 `(defun ,sym (x y) (list x y))))
+         (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
+                  (declare (special *x*))
+                  (setf *x* :bad)
+                  `(list ,x ,y)))
+         (form2 `(defun ,sym (x y) (list x y))))
     (eval form)
     (eval form2)
     (compile sym)
@@ -149,27 +149,27 @@
       (declare (special *x*))
        (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (a b)
-				(declare (notinline ,sym))
-				(,sym a b)))
-		5 11)
+                                (declare (notinline ,sym))
+                                (,sym a b)))
+                5 11)
   (5 11) :good)
 (deftest define-compiler-macro.8
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
-		  (declare (special *x*))
-		  (setf *x* :bad)
-		  `(list ,x ,y)))
-	 (form2 `(defmacro ,sym (x y) `(list ,x ,y))))
+         (form `(define-compiler-macro ,sym (x y)
+                  (declare (special *x*))
+                  (setf *x* :bad)
+                  `(list ,x ,y)))
+         (form2 `(defmacro ,sym (x y) `(list ,x ,y))))
     (eval form)
     (eval form2)
     (let ((*x* :good))
       (declare (special *x*))
        (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (a b)
-				(declare (notinline ,sym))
-				(,sym a b)))
-		7 23)
+                                (declare (notinline ,sym))
+                                (,sym a b)))
+                7 23)
   (7 23) :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-condition-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-condition-aux.lsp
index 798575fd..bc179677 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-condition-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-condition-aux.lsp
@@ -7,78 +7,78 @@
 (defun make-def-cond-name (name &rest suffixes)
   (intern (apply #'concatenate 'string (string name) "/"
-		 (mapcar #'string suffixes))
-	  :cl-test))
+                 (mapcar #'string suffixes))
+          :cl-test))
 (defmacro define-condition-with-tests (name-symbol
-				       parents slot-specs &rest options)
+                                       parents slot-specs &rest options)
   "Create a condition and some associated tests."
   (assert (symbolp name-symbol))
   (dolist (parent parents) (assert (symbolp parent)))
   (let ((name (symbol-name name-symbol)))
   `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
      (report-and-ignore-errors (eval '(define-condition ,name-symbol ,parents
-				     ,slot-specs ,@options)))
+                                     ,slot-specs ,@options)))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBTYPE-OF/" parent)
-		(subtypep* ',name-symbol ',parent)
-		t t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBTYPE-OF/" parent)
+                (subtypep* ',name-symbol ',parent)
+                t t))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBTYPE-OF-2/" parent)
-		(check-all-subtypep ',name-symbol ',parent)
-		nil))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBTYPE-OF-2/" parent)
+                (check-all-subtypep ',name-symbol ',parent)
+                nil))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name
-					    "IS-NOT-SUPERTYPE-OF/" parent)
-		(subtypep* ',parent ',name-symbol)
-		nil t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name
+                                            "IS-NOT-SUPERTYPE-OF/" parent)
+                (subtypep* ',parent ',name-symbol)
+                nil t))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-A/" parent)
-		(let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
-		  (notnot-mv (typep c ',parent)))
-		t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-A/" parent)
+                (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
+                  (notnot-mv (typep c ',parent)))
+                t))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBCLASS-OF/" parent)
-		(subtypep* (find-class ',name-symbol)
-			   (find-class ',parent))
-		t t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-SUBCLASS-OF/" parent)
+                (subtypep* (find-class ',name-symbol)
+                           (find-class ',parent))
+                t t))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name
-					    "IS-NOT-SUPERCLASS-OF/" parent)
-		(subtypep* (find-class ',parent)
-			   (find-class ',name-symbol))
-		nil t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name
+                                            "IS-NOT-SUPERCLASS-OF/" parent)
+                (subtypep* (find-class ',parent)
+                           (find-class ',name-symbol))
+                nil t))
      ,@(loop for parent in (adjoin 'condition parents)
-	     collect
-	     `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-A-MEMBER-OF-CLASS/"
-					    parent)
-		(let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
-		  (notnot-mv (typep c (find-class ',parent))))
-		t))
+             collect
+             `(deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "IS-A-MEMBER-OF-CLASS/"
+                                            parent)
+                (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
+                  (notnot-mv (typep c (find-class ',parent))))
+                t))
      (deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "HANDLER-CASE-1")
        (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
-	 (handler-case (normally (signal c))
-		       (,name-symbol (c1) (eqt c c1))))
+         (handler-case (normally (signal c))
+                       (,name-symbol (c1) (eqt c c1))))
      (deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "HANDLER-CASE-2")
        (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
-	 (handler-case (normally (signal c))
-		       (condition (c1) (eqt c c1))))
+         (handler-case (normally (signal c))
+                       (condition (c1) (eqt c c1))))
      ,@(unless (some #'(lambda (ct) (subtypep ct 'error)) parents)
-	 `((deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "HANDLER-CASE-3")
-	     (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
-	       (handler-case (normally (signal c))
-			     (error () nil)
-			     (,name-symbol (c2) (eqt c c2))))
-	     t)))
+         `((deftest ,(make-def-cond-name name "HANDLER-CASE-3")
+             (let ((c (make-condition ',name-symbol)))
+               (handler-case (normally (signal c))
+                             (error () nil)
+                             (,name-symbol (c2) (eqt c c2))))
+             t)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-condition.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-condition.lsp
index 110d029b..cba8fd5f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-condition.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-condition.lsp
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 (deftest condition-4-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-4 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-4)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-5 nil
@@ -31,70 +31,70 @@
 (deftest condition-5-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-5 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (deftest condition-5-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-5 :slot1 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)))
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)))
 (deftest condition-5-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-5 :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (deftest condition-5-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-5)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)))
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-6 nil
   ((slot1 :initarg :slot1 :initarg :both-slots
-	  :initform 'x :reader condition-6/slot-1)
+          :initform 'x :reader condition-6/slot-1)
    (slot2 :initarg :slot2 :initarg :both-slots
-	  :initform 'y :reader condition-6/slot-2)))
+          :initform 'y :reader condition-6/slot-2)))
 (deftest condition-6-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-6 :both-slots 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-6)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-6-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-6)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-6)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'y)))
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'y)))
 (deftest condition-6-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-6 :slot1 'a :both-slots 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-6)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (deftest condition-6-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-6 :slot2 'b :both-slots 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-6)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (deftest condition-6-slots.5
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-6 :both-slots 'a :slot1 'c :slot2 'd)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-6)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-6/slot-2 c) 'a)))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-7 nil
@@ -103,25 +103,25 @@
 (deftest condition-7-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-7 :i1 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-7)
-	 (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-7-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-7 :i2 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-7)
-	 (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-7-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-7 :i1 'a :i2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-7)
-	 (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-7-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-7 :i2 'a :i1 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-7)
-	 (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
+         (eqlt (condition-7/s c) 'a)))
 (defparameter *condition-8-counter* 0)
@@ -144,83 +144,83 @@
 (deftest condition-9-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 15 37)
 (deftest condition-9-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9 :i1 3)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 3 37)
 (deftest condition-9-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9 :i2 3)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 15 3)
 (deftest condition-9-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9 :i2 3 :i2 8)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 15 3)
 (deftest condition-9-slots.5
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9 :i1 3 :i2 8)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 3 8)
 (deftest condition-9-slots.6
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-9 :i1 3 :i2 8 :i1 100 :i2 500)))
     (values (notnot (typep c 'condition-9))
-	    (condition-9/s1 c)
-	    (condition-9/s2 c)))
+            (condition-9/s1 c)
+            (condition-9/s2 c)))
   t 3 8)
 ;;; (define-condition-with-tests condition-10 nil
 ;;;   ((s1 :initarg :i1 :writer condition-10/s1-w :reader condition-10/s1-r)))
 ;;; (deftest condition-10-slots.1
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-10 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (condition-10/s1-r c))
 ;;;   11)
 ;;; (deftest condition-10-slots.2
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-10 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (condition-10/s1-w 17 c))
 ;;;   17)
 ;;; (deftest condition-10-slots.3
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-10 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (condition-10/s1-w 107 c)
 ;;;      (condition-10/s1-r c))
 ;;;   107)
 ;;; (define-condition-with-tests condition-11 nil
 ;;;   ((s1 :initarg :i1 :writer (setf condition-11/w) :reader condition-11/r)))
 ;;; (deftest condition-11-slots.1
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-11 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (condition-11/r c))
 ;;;   11)
 ;;; (deftest condition-11-slots.2
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-11 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (setf (condition-11/w c) 17))
 ;;;   17)
 ;;; (deftest condition-11-slots.3
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-11 :i1 11)))
 ;;;      (setf (condition-11/w c) 117)
 ;;;      (condition-11/r c))
 ;;;   117)
 ;;; (deftest condition-11-slots.4
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-11 :i1 11)))
 ;;;     (values
@@ -235,23 +235,23 @@
 ;;; (define-condition-with-tests condition-12 nil
 ;;;   (((slot1) :initarg :slot1 :reader condition-12/slot-1)
 ;;;    ((slot2) :initarg :slot2 :reader condition-12/slot-2)))
 ;;; (deftest condition-12-slots.1
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-12 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b)))
 ;;;     (and (typep c 'condition-12)
-;;; 	 (eqlt (condition-12/slot-1 c) 'a)
-;;; 	 (eqlt (condition-12/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+;;;      (eqlt (condition-12/slot-1 c) 'a)
+;;;      (eqlt (condition-12/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (define-condition-with-tests condition-13 nil
 ;;;   (((slot1 10) :initarg :slot1 :reader condition-13/slot-1)))
 ;;; (deftest condition-13-slots.1
 ;;;   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-13)))
 ;;;     (and (typep c 'condition-13)
-;;; 	 (condition-13/slot-1 c)))
+;;;      (condition-13/slot-1 c)))
 ;;;   10)
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-14 nil
   ((s1 :initarg :i1 :type fixnum :reader condition-14/s1)
    (s2 :initarg :i2 :type t :reader condition-14/s2)))
@@ -259,20 +259,20 @@
 (deftest condition-14-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-14 :i1 10)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-14)
-	 (condition-14/s1 c)))
+         (condition-14/s1 c)))
 (deftest condition-14-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-14 :i2 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-14)
-	 (condition-14/s2 c)))
+         (condition-14/s2 c)))
 (deftest condition-14-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-14 :i1 10 :i2 'h)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-14)
-	 (eqlt (condition-14/s1 c) 10)
-	 (condition-14/s2 c)))
+         (eqlt (condition-14/s1 c) 10)
+         (condition-14/s2 c)))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-15 nil
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@
 (deftest condition-16-report.1
   (let ((*print-escape* nil)
-	(c (make-condition 'condition-16)))
+        (c (make-condition 'condition-16)))
     (with-output-to-string (s) (print-object c s)))
   "The report for condition-16")
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
 (deftest condition-17-report.1
   (let ((*print-escape* nil)
-	(c (make-condition 'condition-17 :i1 1234)))
+        (c (make-condition 'condition-17 :i1 1234)))
     (with-output-to-string (s) (print-object c s)))
   "condition-17: 1234")
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
 (deftest condition-18-report.1
   (let ((*print-escape* nil)
-	(c (make-condition 'condition-18 :i1 4321)))
+        (c (make-condition 'condition-18 :i1 4321)))
     (with-output-to-string (s) (print-object c s)))
   "condition-18: 4321")
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
   ((s1 :reader condition-19/s1 :initarg :i1)
    (s2 :reader condition-19/s2 :initarg :i2))
   (:default-initargs :i1 10
-		     :i2 20))
+                     :i2 20))
 (deftest condition-19-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-19)))
@@ -373,11 +373,11 @@
   ((s1 :reader condition-20/s1 :initarg :i1)
    (s2 :reader condition-20/s2 :initarg :i2))
   (:default-initargs :i1 (incf *condition-20/s1-val*)
-		     :i2 (incf *condition-20/s2-val*)))
+                     :i2 (incf *condition-20/s2-val*)))
 (deftest condition-20-slots.1
   (let ((*condition-20/s1-val* 0)
-	(*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
+        (*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
     (declare (special *condition-20/s1-val* *condition-20/s2-val*))
     (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-20)))
@@ -390,7 +390,7 @@
 (deftest condition-20-slots.2
   (let ((*condition-20/s1-val* 0)
-	(*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
+        (*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
     (declare (special *condition-20/s1-val* *condition-20/s2-val*))
     (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-20 :i1 'x)))
@@ -403,7 +403,7 @@
 (deftest condition-20-slots.3
   (let ((*condition-20/s1-val* 0)
-	(*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
+        (*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
     (declare (special *condition-20/s1-val* *condition-20/s2-val*))
     (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-20 :i2 'y)))
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
 (deftest condition-20-slots.4
   (let ((*condition-20/s1-val* 0)
-	(*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
+        (*condition-20/s2-val* 10))
     (declare (special *condition-20/s1-val* *condition-20/s2-val*))
     (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-20 :i2 'y :i1 'x)))
@@ -435,9 +435,9 @@
 (deftest condition-21-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-21 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-4)
-	 (typep c 'condition-21)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)))
+         (typep c 'condition-21)
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-22 (condition-4)
@@ -446,14 +446,14 @@
 (deftest condition-22-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-22 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b
-			   :slot3 'c :slot4 'd)))
+                           :slot3 'c :slot4 'd)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-4)
-	 (typep c 'condition-22)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)
-	 (eqlt (condition-22/slot-3 c) 'c)
-	 (eqlt (condition-22/slot-4 c) 'd)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-22)
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-4/slot-2 c) 'b)
+         (eqlt (condition-22/slot-3 c) 'c)
+         (eqlt (condition-22/slot-4 c) 'd)
+         ))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-23 (condition-5) nil)
@@ -461,37 +461,37 @@
 (deftest condition-23-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-23 :slot1 'a :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-23)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-23)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-23-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-23 :slot1 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-23)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-23)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-23-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-23 :slot2 'b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-23)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-23)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'b)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-23-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-23)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-23)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-23)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
+         ))
 (define-condition-with-tests condition-24 (condition-5)
@@ -501,37 +501,37 @@
 (deftest condition-24-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-24)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-24)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'z)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-24)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'z)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-24-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-24 :slot1 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-24)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-24)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'y)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-24-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-24 :slot2 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-24)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'z)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'a)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-24)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'z)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'a)
+         ))
 (deftest condition-24-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-24 :slot1 'b :slot2 'a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-5)
-	 (typep c 'condition-24)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'b)
-	 (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'a)
-	 ))
+         (typep c 'condition-24)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-1 c) 'b)
+         (eqlt (condition-5/slot-2 c) 'a)
+         ))
 ;;; Multiple inheritance
@@ -548,51 +548,51 @@
 (deftest condition-25-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-25)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-25a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
+         (typep c 'condition-25b)
+         (typep c 'condition-25)
+         (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
+         (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
 (deftest condition-25-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-25 :s1 'x)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-25a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
+         (typep c 'condition-25b)
+         (typep c 'condition-25)
+         (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
+         (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
 (deftest condition-25-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-25 :s2 'x)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-25a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
+         (typep c 'condition-25b)
+         (typep c 'condition-25)
+         (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'c)))
 (deftest condition-25-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-25 :s3 'x)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-25a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'x)))
+         (typep c 'condition-25b)
+         (typep c 'condition-25)
+         (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'a)
+         (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'b)
+         (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'x)))
 (deftest condition-25-slots.5
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-25 :s3 'z :s2 'y :s1 'x)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-25a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-25)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'y)
-	 (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'z)))
+         (typep c 'condition-25b)
+         (typep c 'condition-25)
+         (eqlt (condition-25a/s1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-25b/s2 c) 'y)
+         (eqlt (condition-25/s3 c) 'z)))
@@ -607,19 +607,19 @@
 (deftest condition-26-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-26)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-26a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26c)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26)
-	 (eqlt (condition-26a/s1 c) 'a)))
+         (typep c 'condition-26b)
+         (typep c 'condition-26c)
+         (typep c 'condition-26)
+         (eqlt (condition-26a/s1 c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-26-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-26 :s1 'x)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-26a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26b)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26c)
-	 (typep c 'condition-26)
-	 (eqlt (condition-26a/s1 c) 'x)))
+         (typep c 'condition-26b)
+         (typep c 'condition-26c)
+         (typep c 'condition-26)
+         (eqlt (condition-26a/s1 c) 'x)))
@@ -636,15 +636,15 @@
 (deftest condition-27-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-27a)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-27a)
-	 (not (typep c 'condition-27b))
-	 (eqlt (condition-27/s1 c) 'a)))
+         (not (typep c 'condition-27b))
+         (eqlt (condition-27/s1 c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-27-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-27b)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-27b)
-	 (not (typep c 'condition-27a))
-	 (eqlt (condition-27/s1 c) 'a)))
+         (not (typep c 'condition-27a))
+         (eqlt (condition-27/s1 c) 'a)))
 (deftest condition-27-reader-is-generic
@@ -668,41 +668,41 @@
 (deftest condition-28-slots.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-28)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-28a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-28)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'x)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'x)))
+         (typep c 'condition-28)
+         (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'x)
+         (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'x)))
 (deftest condition-28-slots.2
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-28 :i1 'z)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-28a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-28)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'z)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'z)))
+         (typep c 'condition-28)
+         (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'z)
+         (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'z)))
 (deftest condition-28-slots.3
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-28 :i1a 'w)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-28a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-28)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'w)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'w)))
+         (typep c 'condition-28)
+         (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'w)
+         (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'w)))
 (deftest condition-28-slots.4
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-28 :i1 'y :i1a 'w)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-28a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-28)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'y)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'y)))
+         (typep c 'condition-28)
+         (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'y)
+         (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'y)))
 (deftest condition-28-slots.5
   (let ((c (make-condition 'condition-28 :i1a 'y :i1 'w)))
     (and (typep c 'condition-28a)
-	 (typep c 'condition-28)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'y)
-	 (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'y)))
+         (typep c 'condition-28)
+         (eqlt (condition-28a/s1 c) 'y)
+         (eqlt (condition-28/s1 c) 'y)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-method-combination-long-form.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination-long-form.lsp
index 28eb4867..894333f2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-method-combination-long-form.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination-long-form.lsp
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
    (defparameter *dmc-long-03*
      (define-method-combination mc-long-03 nil ((method-list * :order :most-specific-first
-							     :description "This method has qualifiers ~A"
-							     ))
+                                                             :description "This method has qualifiers ~A"
+                                                             ))
        `(vector ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (m) `(call-method ,m)) method-list)))))
    (defgeneric dmc-long-gf-03 (x y) (:method-combination mc-long-03)))
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
    (defparameter *dmc-long-04*
      (let ((order :most-specific-last))
        (define-method-combination mc-long-04 nil ((method-list * :order order))
-	 `(vector ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (m) `(call-method ,m)) method-list))))))
+         `(vector ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (m) `(call-method ,m)) method-list))))))
    (defgeneric dmc-long-gf-04 (x y) (:method-combination mc-long-04)))
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@
 ;;; Empty qualifier list
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    (defparameter *dmc-long-05*
      (define-method-combination mc-long-05 nil ((method-list nil)
-						(ignored-methods *))
+                                                (ignored-methods *))
        (declare (ignorable ignored-methods))
        `(vector ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (m) `(call-method ,m)) method-list)))))
@@ -157,12 +157,12 @@
   #() #(z) #(a z) #(b z) #(a b z))
 ;;; :required
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    (defparameter *dmc-long-06*
      (define-method-combination mc-long-06 nil ((method-list nil :required t)
-						(ignored-methods *))
+                                                (ignored-methods *))
        (declare (ignorable ignored-methods))
        `(vector ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (m) `(call-method ,m)) method-list)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp
index 95346593..2b7dc924 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-method-combination.lsp
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
      (define-method-combination times
        :documentation "Multiplicative method combination, version 1"
        :operator *))
    (defgeneric dmc-gf-01 (x) (:method-combination times))
    (defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x integer)) 2)
    (defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x rational)) 3)
    (defmethod dmc-gf-01 times ((x real)) 5)
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (deftest define-method-combination-01.2
    (eval '(locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-		   (dmc-gf-01 'x)))
+                   (dmc-gf-01 'x)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
 (deftest define-method-combination-01.4
   (let ((doc (documentation *dmc-times* 'method-combination)))
     (or (null doc)
-	(equalt doc "Multiplicative method combination, version 1")))
-  t)		
+        (equalt doc "Multiplicative method combination, version 1")))
+  t)
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
    (defgeneric dmc-gf-02 (x) (:method-combination times))
    (defmethod dmc-gf-02 times ((x integer)) 2)
    (defmethod dmc-gf-02 :around ((x rational)) (1- (call-next-method)))
    (defmethod dmc-gf-02 times ((x real)) 3)
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
-	 (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 ((x integer)) t))
-	 (eval '(dmc-gf-03 1))
-	 :bad)
+         (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 ((x integer)) t))
+         (eval '(dmc-gf-03 1))
+         :bad)
        (error () :good))
     (dolist (meth (compute-applicable-methods #'dmc-gf-03 (list 1)))
       (remove-method #'dmc-gf-03 meth)))
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
-	 (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :before ((x cons)) t))
-	 (eval '(dmc-gf-03 (cons 'a 'b)))
-	 :bad)
+         (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :before ((x cons)) t))
+         (eval '(dmc-gf-03 (cons 'a 'b)))
+         :bad)
        (error () :good))
     (dolist (meth (compute-applicable-methods #'dmc-gf-03 (list '(a))))
       (remove-method #'dmc-gf-03 meth)))
@@ -107,9 +107,9 @@
-	 (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :after ((x symbol)) t))
-	 (eval '(dmc-gf-03 'a))
-	 :bad)
+         (eval '(defmethod dmc-gf-03 :after ((x symbol)) t))
+         (eval '(dmc-gf-03 'a))
+         :bad)
        (error () :good))
     (dolist (meth (compute-applicable-methods #'dmc-gf-03 (list 'a)))
       (remove-method #'dmc-gf-03 meth)))
@@ -120,9 +120,9 @@
    (define-method-combination times2
      :operator *
      :identity-with-one-argument t)
    (defgeneric dmc-gf-04 (x) (:method-combination times2))
    (defmethod dmc-gf-04 times2 ((x dmc-class-01b)) 2)
    (defmethod dmc-gf-04 times2 ((x dmc-class-01c)) 3)
    (defmethod dmc-gf-04 times2 ((x dmc-class-01d)) 5)
@@ -148,12 +148,12 @@
 (deftest define-method-combination-05.1
   (let* ((doc1 (setf (documentation *dmc-times-5* 'method-combination)
-		     "foo"))
-	 (doc2 (documentation *dmc-times-5* 'method-combination)))
+                     "foo"))
+         (doc2 (documentation *dmc-times-5* 'method-combination)))
      (or (null doc2)
-	 (equalt doc2 "foo"))))
+         (equalt doc2 "foo"))))
   "foo" t)
 ;; Operator name defaults to the method combination name.
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-modify-macro.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-modify-macro.lsp
index a6c13e38..606fda14 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-modify-macro.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-modify-macro.lsp
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 (deftest define-modify-macro.1
-   (eval '(define-modify-macro dmm1-appendf (&rest args) 
-	    append "Append lists onto a list"))
-   (eval 
+   (eval '(define-modify-macro dmm1-appendf (&rest args)
+            append "Append lists onto a list"))
+   (eval
     '(let ((u '(p q r)) v)
-	(setq v u)
-	(dmm1-appendf u '(a b c d))
-	(dmm1-appendf u ())
-	(dmm1-appendf u '(e f g))
-	u
-	v))))
+        (setq v u)
+        (dmm1-appendf u '(a b c d))
+        (dmm1-appendf u ())
+        (dmm1-appendf u '(e f g))
+        u
+        v))))
   ((p q r)
    (p q r a b c d)
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
     '(let ((i 10))
-	(new-incf i)
-	(new-incf i 100)
-	i))))
+        (new-incf i)
+        (new-incf i 100)
+        i))))
   (11 111 111))
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
    (eval '(define-modify-macro new-incf1 (&optional (delta 1)) +))
     '(let ((a (vector 0 0 0 0 0))
-	   (i 1))
+           (i 1))
-	(new-incf1 (aref a (incf i)))
-	a
-	i))))
+        (new-incf1 (aref a (incf i)))
+        a
+        i))))
   (1 #(0 0 1 0 0) 2))
@@ -56,29 +56,29 @@
    (eval '(define-modify-macro new-incf2 (&optional (delta 1)) +))
     '(let ((a (vector 0 0 0 0 0))
-	   (i 1))
+           (i 1))
-	(new-incf2 (aref a (incf i)) (incf i))
-	a
-	i))))
+        (new-incf2 (aref a (incf i)) (incf i))
+        a
+        i))))
   (3 #(0 0 3 0 0) 3))
 ;;; (deftest define-modify-macro.error.1
 ;;;   (signals-error (define-modify-macro)  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest define-modify-macro.error.2
 ;;;   (signals-error (define-modify-macro dfm-error-1) program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest define-modify-macro.error.3
 ;;;   (signals-error (define-modify-macro dfm-error-2 ()) program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest define-modify-macro.error.4
 ;;;   (signals-error (define-modify-macro dfm-error-2 () nil "Documentation"
-;;; 		    "extra illegal argument")
+;;;                 "extra illegal argument")
 ;;;                   program-error)
 ;;;   t)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 (deftest define-modify-macro.documentation.2
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(doc "DMM-DOC"))
+        (doc "DMM-DOC"))
     (eval `(define-modify-macro ,sym (&optional (delta 1)) + ,doc))
      (equalt doc (or (documentation sym 'function) doc))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-setf-expander.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-setf-expander.lsp
index 005b268c..6552ecfb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-setf-expander.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-setf-expander.lsp
@@ -17,16 +17,16 @@
      (define-setf-expander my-car (place &environment env)
        (multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores set-form get-form)
-	   (get-setf-expansion place env)
-	 (declare (ignore stores set-form))
-	 (let ((store (gensym))
-	       (temp (gensym)))
-	   (values
-	    `(,@temps ,temp)
-	    `(,@vals ,get-form)
-	    `(,store)
-	    `(progn (rplaca ,temp ,store) ,store)
-	    `(my-car ,temp))))))))
+           (get-setf-expansion place env)
+         (declare (ignore stores set-form))
+         (let ((store (gensym))
+               (temp (gensym)))
+           (values
+            `(,@temps ,temp)
+            `(,@vals ,get-form)
+            `(,store)
+            `(progn (rplaca ,temp ,store) ,store)
+            `(my-car ,temp))))))))
 (deftest define-setf-expander.1
@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@
       (get-setf-expansion '(my-car x))
      (and (listp temps)
-	  (notnot (every #'symbolp temps)))
+          (notnot (every #'symbolp temps)))
      (notnot (listp vals))
      (and (listp stores)
-	  (= (length stores) 1)
-	  (notnot (every #'symbolp stores)))
+          (= (length stores) 1)
+          (notnot (every #'symbolp stores)))
      (equalt get `(my-car ,(second (second set))))))
   t t t t)
@@ -65,29 +65,29 @@
 (defun my-assoc (key alist)
   (loop for pair in alist
-	when (and (consp pair) (eql key (car pair)))
-	return pair))
+        when (and (consp pair) (eql key (car pair)))
+        return pair))
   (define-setf-expander my-assoc (key place &environment env)
     (multiple-value-bind (temps vals stores set-form get-form)
-	(get-setf-expansion place env)
+        (get-setf-expansion place env)
       (let ((store (gensym))
-	    (key-temp (gensym))
-	    (pair-temp (gensym))
-	    (place-temp (gensym)))
-	(return-from my-assoc
-	  (values
-	   `(,@temps ,key-temp ,place-temp ,pair-temp)
-	   `(,@vals ,key ,get-form (my-assoc ,key-temp ,place-temp))
-	   `(,store)
-	   `(if (null ,pair-temp)
-		(let ((,(car stores)
-		       (cons (cons ,key-temp ,store) ,place-temp)))
-		  ,set-form
-		  ,store)
-	      (setf (cdr ,pair-temp) ,store))
-	   `(cdr ,pair-temp)))))))
+            (key-temp (gensym))
+            (pair-temp (gensym))
+            (place-temp (gensym)))
+        (return-from my-assoc
+          (values
+           `(,@temps ,key-temp ,place-temp ,pair-temp)
+           `(,@vals ,key ,get-form (my-assoc ,key-temp ,place-temp))
+           `(,store)
+           `(if (null ,pair-temp)
+                (let ((,(car stores)
+                       (cons (cons ,key-temp ,store) ,place-temp)))
+                  ,set-form
+                  ,store)
+              (setf (cdr ,pair-temp) ,store))
+           `(cdr ,pair-temp)))))))
 (deftest define-setf-expander.5
   (let ((x nil))
@@ -103,21 +103,21 @@
 (deftest define-setf-expander.6
   (let ((n (gensym))
-	(doc "D-S-EX.6"))
+        (doc "D-S-EX.6"))
     (assert (null (documentation n 'setf)))
     (assert (eql (eval `(define-setf-expander ,n ()
-			  ,doc (values nil nil nil nil nil)))
-		 n))
+                          ,doc (values nil nil nil nil nil)))
+                 n))
     (or (documentation n 'setf) doc))
 (deftest define-setf-expander.7
   (let ((n (gensym))
-	(doc "D-S-EX.7"))
+        (doc "D-S-EX.7"))
     (assert (null (documentation n 'setf)))
     (assert (eql (eval `(define-setf-expander ,n ()
-			  (values nil nil nil nil nil)))
-		 n))
+                          (values nil nil nil nil nil)))
+                 n))
     (assert (null (documentation n 'setf)))
      (setf (documentation n 'setf) doc)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/define-symbol-macro.lsp b/ansi-tests/define-symbol-macro.lsp
index 623477fd..e3af2f46 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/define-symbol-macro.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/define-symbol-macro.lsp
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
 (deftest define-symbol-macro.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-symbol-macro))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest define-symbol-macro.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-symbol-macro)
-			   '(define-symbol-macro
-			      nonexistent-symbol-macro nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(define-symbol-macro
+                              nonexistent-symbol-macro nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest define-symbol-macro.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'define-symbol-macro)
-			   '(define-symbol-macro
-			      nonexistent-symbol-macro nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(define-symbol-macro
+                              nonexistent-symbol-macro nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defmacro.lsp b/ansi-tests/defmacro.lsp
index bfe7dbee..5510951d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defmacro.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defmacro.lsp
@@ -7,20 +7,20 @@
 (deftest defmacro.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defmacro))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defmacro.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defmacro)
-			   '(defmacro nonexistent-macro ()))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defmacro nonexistent-macro ()))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defmacro.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defmacro)
-			   '(defmacro nonexistent-macro ())
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defmacro nonexistent-macro ())
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; FIXME
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 (deftest defmacro.1
     (assert (eq (defmacro defmacro.1-macro (x y) `(list 1 ,x 2 ,y 3))
-		'defmacro.1-macro))
+                'defmacro.1-macro))
     (assert (macro-function 'defmacro.1-macro))
     (eval `(defmacro.1-macro 'a 'b)))
   (1 a 2 b 3))
@@ -37,8 +37,8 @@
 (deftest defmacro.2
     (assert (eq (defmacro defmacro.2-macro (x y)
-		  (return-from defmacro.2-macro `(cons ,x ,y)))
-		'defmacro.2-macro))
+                  (return-from defmacro.2-macro `(cons ,x ,y)))
+                'defmacro.2-macro))
     (assert (macro-function 'defmacro.2-macro))
     (eval `(defmacro.2-macro 'a 'b)))
   (a . b))
@@ -63,9 +63,9 @@
 (deftest defmacro.4
   (let ((y :good))
     (assert (eq (defmacro defmacro.4-macro (&optional (x y))
-		  (declare (special y))
-		  x)
-		'defmacro.4-macro))
+                  (declare (special y))
+                  x)
+                'defmacro.4-macro))
     (let ((y :bad))
       (declare (special y))
       (values (macroexpand-1 '(defmacro.4-macro)))))
@@ -74,9 +74,9 @@
 (deftest defmacro.5
     (assert (eq (defmacro defmacro.5-macro ()
-		  (declare) (declare) "a doc string" (declare)
-		  t)
-		'defmacro.5-macro))
+                  (declare) (declare) "a doc string" (declare)
+                  t)
+                'defmacro.5-macro))
     (eval `(defmacro.5-macro)))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.7-macro (arg1 (&whole w arg2))
       `(list ',w ',arg1 ',arg2))
     (eval `(defmacro.7-macro x (y))))
-  ((y) x y)) 
+  ((y) x y))
 ;;; keyword parameters
 (deftest defmacro.8
@@ -102,9 +102,9 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.8-macro (&key foo bar)
       `(list ',foo ',bar))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.8-macro :foo x)
-		     (defmacro.8-macro :bar y)
-		     (defmacro.8-macro :bar a :foo b)
-		     (defmacro.8-macro :bar a :foo b :bar c))))
+                     (defmacro.8-macro :bar y)
+                     (defmacro.8-macro :bar a :foo b)
+                     (defmacro.8-macro :bar a :foo b :bar c))))
   ((x nil) (nil y) (b a) (b a)))
 ;;; keyword parameters with default value
@@ -113,11 +113,11 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.9-macro (&key (foo 1) (bar 2))
       `(list ',foo ',bar))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.9-macro :foo x)
-		     (defmacro.9-macro :bar y)
-		     (defmacro.9-macro :foo nil)
-		     (defmacro.9-macro :bar nil)
-		     (defmacro.9-macro :bar a :foo b)
-		     (defmacro.9-macro :bar a :foo b :bar c))))
+                     (defmacro.9-macro :bar y)
+                     (defmacro.9-macro :foo nil)
+                     (defmacro.9-macro :bar nil)
+                     (defmacro.9-macro :bar a :foo b)
+                     (defmacro.9-macro :bar a :foo b :bar c))))
   ((x 2) (1 y) (nil 2) (1 nil) (b a) (b a)))
 ;;; keyword parameters with supplied-p parameter
@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.10-macro (&key (foo 1 foo-p) (bar 2 bar-p))
       `(list ',foo ,(notnot foo-p) ',bar ,(notnot bar-p)))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.10-macro)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :foo x)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :bar y)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :foo nil)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :bar nil)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :foo x :bar y)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :bar y :foo x)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :bar a :bar b)
-		     (defmacro.10-macro :foo a :foo b))))
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :foo x)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :bar y)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :foo nil)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :bar nil)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :foo x :bar y)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :bar y :foo x)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :bar a :bar b)
+                     (defmacro.10-macro :foo a :foo b))))
   ((1 nil 2 nil) (x t 2 nil) (1 nil y t)
    (nil t 2 nil) (1 nil nil t) (x t y t)
    (x t y t) (1 nil a t) (a t 2 nil)))
@@ -144,10 +144,10 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.11-macro ((&key foo bar)) `(list ',foo ',bar))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.11-macro nil)
-		     (defmacro.11-macro (:foo x))
-		     (defmacro.11-macro (:bar y))
-		     (defmacro.11-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
-		     (defmacro.11-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
+                     (defmacro.11-macro (:foo x))
+                     (defmacro.11-macro (:bar y))
+                     (defmacro.11-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
+                     (defmacro.11-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
   ((nil nil) (x nil) (nil y) (x y) (x y)))
 ;;;  key arguments in destructuring and defaults
@@ -155,15 +155,15 @@
 (deftest defmacro.12
     (let ((foo-default 1)
-	  (bar-default 2))
+          (bar-default 2))
       (defmacro defmacro.12-macro ((&key (foo foo-default)
-					 (bar bar-default)))
-	`(list ',foo ',bar)))
+                                         (bar bar-default)))
+        `(list ',foo ',bar)))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.12-macro nil)
-		     (defmacro.12-macro (:foo x))
-		     (defmacro.12-macro (:bar y))
-		     (defmacro.12-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
-		     (defmacro.12-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
+                     (defmacro.12-macro (:foo x))
+                     (defmacro.12-macro (:bar y))
+                     (defmacro.12-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
+                     (defmacro.12-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
   ((1 2) (x 2) (1 y) (x y) (x y)))
 ;;;  key arguments in destructuring and supplied-p parameter
@@ -171,17 +171,17 @@
 (deftest defmacro.13
     (let ((foo-default 1)
-	  (bar-default 2))
+          (bar-default 2))
       (defmacro defmacro.13-macro ((&key (foo foo-default foo-p)
-					 (bar bar-default bar-p)))
-	`(list ',foo ,(notnot foo-p) ',bar ,(notnot bar-p))))
+                                         (bar bar-default bar-p)))
+        `(list ',foo ,(notnot foo-p) ',bar ,(notnot bar-p))))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.13-macro nil)
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo x))
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:bar y))
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo nil :bar nil :foo 4 :bar 14))
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo 1 :bar 2))
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
-		     (defmacro.13-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo x))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:bar y))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo nil :bar nil :foo 4 :bar 14))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo 1 :bar 2))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:foo x :bar y :foo z))
+                     (defmacro.13-macro (:bar y :bar z :foo x)))))
   ((1 nil 2 nil) (x t 2 nil) (1 nil y t)
    (nil t nil t) (1 t 2 t)
    (x t y t) (x t y t)))
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.14-macro (foo &rest bar)
       `(list ',foo ',bar))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.14-macro x)
-		     (defmacro.14-macro x y)
-		     (defmacro.14-macro x y z))))
+                     (defmacro.14-macro x y)
+                     (defmacro.14-macro x y z))))
   ((x nil) (x (y)) (x (y z))))
 ;;; rest parameter with destructuring
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.16-macro (&whole w foo &rest bar)
       `(list ',w ',foo ',bar))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.16-macro x)
-		     (defmacro.16-macro x y)
-		     (defmacro.16-macro x y z))))
+                     (defmacro.16-macro x y)
+                     (defmacro.16-macro x y z))))
   (((defmacro.16-macro x) x nil)
    ((defmacro.16-macro x y) x (y))
    ((defmacro.16-macro x y z) x (y z))))
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@
       `(quote ,(macroexpand x env)))
      `(macrolet ((%m () :good))
-	(defmacro.17-macro (%m)))))
+        (defmacro.17-macro (%m)))))
 (deftest defmacro.17a
@@ -232,7 +232,7 @@
       `(quote ,(macroexpand x env)))
      `(macrolet ((%m () :good))
-	(defmacro.17a-macro (%m)))))
+        (defmacro.17a-macro (%m)))))
 ;;; &optional with supplied-p parameter
@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.18-macro (x &optional (y 'a y-p) (z 'b z-p))
       `(list ',x ',y ',y-p ',z ',z-p))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.18-macro p)
-		     (defmacro.18-macro p q)
-		     (defmacro.18-macro p q r))))
+                     (defmacro.18-macro p q)
+                     (defmacro.18-macro p q r))))
   ((p a nil b nil)
    (p q t b nil)
    (p q t r t)))
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.19-macro (&optional ((x . y) '(a . b)))
       `(list ',x ',y))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.19-macro)
-		     (defmacro.19-macro (c d)))))
+                     (defmacro.19-macro (c d)))))
   ((a b) (c (d))))
 ;;; Allow other keys
@@ -264,17 +264,17 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.20-macro (&key x y z &allow-other-keys)
       `(list ',x ',y ',z))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.20-macro)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :x a)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :y b)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :z c)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :x a :y b)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :y b)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :x a)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :x a :y b)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro nil nil)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :allow-other-keys nil)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :allow-other-keys nil :foo bar)
-		     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :z nil :x a :abc 0 :y b :x t))))
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :x a)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :y b)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :z c)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :x a :y b)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :y b)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :x a)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :x a :y b)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro nil nil)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :allow-other-keys nil :foo bar)
+                     (defmacro.20-macro :z c :z nil :x a :abc 0 :y b :x t))))
   ((nil nil nil)
    (a nil nil)
    (nil b nil)
@@ -293,15 +293,15 @@
     (defmacro defmacro.21-macro (&key x y z)
       `(list ',x ',y ',z))
     (mapcar #'eval '((defmacro.21-macro)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :x a)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :y b)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :z c)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :x a :y b)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :y b)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :x a)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :x a :y b)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :allow-other-keys nil)
-		     (defmacro.21-macro :allow-other-keys t :foo bar))))
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :x a)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :y b)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :z c)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :x a :y b)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :y b)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :x a)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :z c :x a :y b)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     (defmacro.21-macro :allow-other-keys t :foo bar))))
   ((nil nil nil)
    (a nil nil)
    (nil b nil)
@@ -313,6 +313,6 @@
    (nil nil nil)
    (nil nil nil)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defmethod.lsp b/ansi-tests/defmethod.lsp
index d4d5e3c9..6d2e3178 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defmethod.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defmethod.lsp
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer)) (list x)))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer)) (list x)))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.3
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(let ((x 0)) (defmethod ,sym ((x (eql (incf x)))) (list x))))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(let ((x 0)) (defmethod ,sym ((x (eql (incf x)))) (list x))))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.4
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(defmethod (setf ,sym) ((x t) (y cons)) (setf (car y) x)))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(defmethod (setf ,sym) ((x t) (y cons)) (setf (car y) x)))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (fboundp sym)
@@ -47,8 +47,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.5
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer)) (return-from ,sym (list x))))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer)) (return-from ,sym (list x))))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.6
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(defmethod (setf ,sym) ((x t) (y cons)) (return-from ,sym (setf (car y) x))))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(defmethod (setf ,sym) ((x t) (y cons)) (return-from ,sym (setf (car y) x))))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (fboundp sym)
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
 (deftest defmethod.7
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method
-	  (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &aux (y (list x))) y))))
+         (method
+          (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &aux (y (list x))) y))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (deftest defmethod.8
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key z) (list x z)))))
+         (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key z) (list x z)))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 (deftest defmethod.9
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key (z :missing)) (list x z)))))
+         (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key (z :missing)) (list x z)))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
 (deftest defmethod.10
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key (z :missing z-p)) (list x z (notnot z-p))))))
+         (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &key (z :missing z-p)) (list x z (notnot z-p))))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 (deftest defmethod.11
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &rest z) (list x z)))))
+         (method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x integer) &rest z) (list x z)))))
      (typep* method 'standard-method)
      (typep* (fdefinition sym) 'standard-generic-function)
@@ -207,24 +207,24 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defmethod ,sym ((x t)) x)))
     (values (eval `(signals-error (,sym) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 2) program-error))))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 2) program-error))))
   t t)
 (deftest defmethod.error.14
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defmethod ,sym ((x t) &key) x)))
     (values (eval `(signals-error (,sym) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 2) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :bogus t) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :allow-other-keys nil :allow-other-keys t :bogus t) program-error))))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 2) program-error))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :bogus t) program-error))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :allow-other-keys nil :allow-other-keys t :bogus t) program-error))))
   t t t t)
 (deftest defmethod.error.15
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(locally (declare (optimize safety)) (defmethod ,sym ((x t) &key y) x)))
     (values (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :bogus t) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :y) program-error))
-	    (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 3 nil) program-error))))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 :y) program-error))
+            (eval `(signals-error (,sym 1 3 nil) program-error))))
   t t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defpackage.lsp b/ansi-tests/defpackage.lsp
index b199ebdb..b067d5f8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defpackage.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defpackage.lsp
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
       (safely-delete-package "H")
       (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage ,n)))))
-	(and
-	 (packagep p)
-	 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	 ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	 (null (documentation p t))
-	 )))))
+        (and
+         (packagep p)
+         (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+         ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+         (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+         (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+         (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+         (null (documentation p t))
+         )))))
 ;; Test :nicknames option
@@ -43,20 +43,20 @@
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(let ((p (ignore-errors
-		   (eval `(defpackage "H" (:nicknames ,n "J"))))))
-	  (and
-	   (packagep p)
-	   (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	   ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	   (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p))
-			#'string<)
-		  '("I" "J"))
-	   (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	   (null (documentation p t))
-	   ))))))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (let ((p (ignore-errors
+                   (eval `(defpackage "H" (:nicknames ,n "J"))))))
+          (and
+           (packagep p)
+           (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+           ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+           (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+           (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p))
+                        #'string<)
+                  '("I" "J"))
+           (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+           (null (documentation p t))
+           ))))))
 ;; Test defpackage with documentation option
@@ -66,20 +66,20 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
       (let ((p (eval '(defpackage "H" (:documentation "This is a doc string")))))
-	(and
-	 (packagep p)
-	 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	 ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	 (equal (package-nicknames p)	nil)
-	 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	 ;; The spec says implementations are free to discard
-	 ;; documentations, so this next form was wrong.
-	 ;; Instead, we'll just computation DOCUMENTATION
-	 ;; and throw away the value.
-	 ;; (equal (documentation p t) "This is a doc string")
-	 (progn (documentation p t) t)
-	 ))))
+        (and
+         (packagep p)
+         (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+         ;; (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+         (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+         (equal (package-nicknames p)   nil)
+         (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+         ;; The spec says implementations are free to discard
+         ;; documentations, so this next form was wrong.
+         ;; Instead, we'll just computation DOCUMENTATION
+         ;; and throw away the value.
+         ;; (equal (documentation p t) "This is a doc string")
+         (progn (documentation p t) t)
+         ))))
 ;; Check use argument
@@ -91,20 +91,20 @@
      for n in '("A" :|A| #\A) count
-	(progn
-	  (safely-delete-package "H")
-	  (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use ,n))))))
-	    (and
-	     (packagep p)
-	     (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	     (equal (package-use-list p)          (list (find-package "A")))
-	     (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	     (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	     (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	     (eql (num-symbols-in-package p)
-		  (num-external-symbols-in-package "A"))
-	     (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
-	     )))))))
+        (progn
+          (safely-delete-package "H")
+          (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use ,n))))))
+            (and
+             (packagep p)
+             (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+             (equal (package-use-list p)          (list (find-package "A")))
+             (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+             (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+             (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+             (eql (num-symbols-in-package p)
+                  (num-external-symbols-in-package "A"))
+             (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+             )))))))
 ;; Test defpackage shadow option, and null use
@@ -112,26 +112,26 @@
   (let ()
     (safely-delete-package "H")
-      (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use) 
-				       (:shadow "foo"))))))
-	(mapcar
-	 #'notnot
-	 (list
-	  (packagep p)
-	  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	  (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
-	  (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	      (find-symbol "foo" p)
-	    (and (eqt access :internal)
-		 (equal (symbol-name sym) "foo")
-		 (equal (symbol-package sym) p)
-		 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
-			(list sym))))
-	  (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
-	 )))))
+      (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" (:use)
+                                       (:shadow "foo"))))))
+        (mapcar
+         #'notnot
+         (list
+          (packagep p)
+          (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+          (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+          (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+          (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+          (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+          (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+              (find-symbol "foo" p)
+            (and (eqt access :internal)
+                 (equal (symbol-name sym) "foo")
+                 (equal (symbol-package sym) p)
+                 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+                        (list sym))))
+          (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+         )))))
   (t t t t t t t t))
 ;; Test defpackage shadow and null use, with several ways
@@ -142,27 +142,27 @@
      (safely-delete-package "H")
-     (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H" 
-				      (:use)
-				      (:shadow ,s))))))
+     (let ((p (ignore-errors (eval `(defpackage "H"
+                                      (:use)
+                                      (:shadow ,s))))))
-	#'notnot
-	(list
-	 (packagep p)
-	 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	 (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	 (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
-	 (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	     (find-symbol "f" p)
-	   (and (eqt access :internal)
-		(equal (symbol-name sym) "f")
-		(equal (symbol-package sym) p)
-		(equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
-		       (list sym))))
-	 (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
-	 )))))
+        #'notnot
+        (list
+         (packagep p)
+         (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+         (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+         (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+         (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+         (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+         (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+             (find-symbol "f" p)
+           (and (eqt access :internal)
+                (equal (symbol-name sym) "f")
+                (equal (symbol-package sym) p)
+                (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+                       (list sym))))
+         (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+         )))))
   ((t t t t t t t t)
    (t t t t t t t t)))
@@ -184,30 +184,30 @@
        for n in '("A" :|A| #\A)
-	 (safely-delete-package "H")
-	 (let ((p (ignore-errors
-		    (eval
-		     `(defpackage "H"
-			(:use)
-			(:shadowing-import-from "G" ,n))))))
-	   (mapcar
-	    #'notnot
-	    (list
-	     (packagep p)
-	     (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	     (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	     (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	     (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	     (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
-	     (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-		 (find-symbol "A" p)
-	       (and (eqt access :internal)
-		    (equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
-		    (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)
-		    (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
-			   (list sym))))
-	     (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
-	     )))))))
+         (safely-delete-package "H")
+         (let ((p (ignore-errors
+                    (eval
+                     `(defpackage "H"
+                        (:use)
+                        (:shadowing-import-from "G" ,n))))))
+           (mapcar
+            #'notnot
+            (list
+             (packagep p)
+             (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+             (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+             (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+             (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+             (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 1)
+             (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+                 (find-symbol "A" p)
+               (and (eqt access :internal)
+                    (equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
+                    (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)
+                    (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p)
+                           (list sym))))
+             (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+             )))))))
   ((t t t t t t t t)
    (t t t t t t t t)
    (t t t t t t t t)))
@@ -221,40 +221,40 @@
       (safely-delete-package "H")
       (safely-delete-package "G")
       (let ((pg (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use) (:intern "A" "B" "C")))))
-	(loop
-	  for pn in '("G" #:|G| #\G)
-	  collect
-	  (loop
-	   for n in '("B" #:|B| #\B)
-	   collect
-	   (ignore-errors
-	     (safely-delete-package "H")
-	     (let ((p (ignore-errors
-			(eval `(defpackage
-				 "H" (:use)
-				 (:import-from ,pn ,n "A"))))))
-	       (mapcar
-		#'notnot
-		(list
-		 (packagep p)
-		 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-		 (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-		 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-		 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-		 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-		 (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 2)
-		 (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-		     (find-symbol "A" p)
-		   (and (eqt access :internal)
-			(equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
-			(equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
-		 (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-		     (find-symbol "B" p)
-		   (and (eqt access :internal)
-			(equal (symbol-name sym) "B")
-			(equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
-		 (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
-		 ))))))))
+        (loop
+          for pn in '("G" #:|G| #\G)
+          collect
+          (loop
+           for n in '("B" #:|B| #\B)
+           collect
+           (ignore-errors
+             (safely-delete-package "H")
+             (let ((p (ignore-errors
+                        (eval `(defpackage
+                                 "H" (:use)
+                                 (:import-from ,pn ,n "A"))))))
+               (mapcar
+                #'notnot
+                (list
+                 (packagep p)
+                 (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+                 (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+                 (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+                 (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+                 (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+                 (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 2)
+                 (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+                     (find-symbol "A" p)
+                   (and (eqt access :internal)
+                        (equal (symbol-name sym) "A")
+                        (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
+                 (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+                     (find-symbol "B" p)
+                   (and (eqt access :internal)
+                        (equal (symbol-name sym) "B")
+                        (equal (symbol-package sym) pg)))
+                 (equal (documentation p t)             nil)
+                 ))))))))
     (((t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t))
      ((t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t))
      ((t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t t t))))
@@ -269,30 +269,30 @@
        (safely-delete-package "H")
        (let ((p (ignore-errors
-		  (eval `(defpackage
-			   "H"
-			   (:export "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
-	 (mapcar
-	  #'notnot
-	  (list
-	   (packagep p)
-	   (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	   (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	   (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	   (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	   (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
-	   (loop
-	    for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
-	    (unless
-		(multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-		    (find-symbol s p)
-		  (and (eqt access :external)
-		       (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
-		       (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
-	      (return nil))
-	    finally (return t))
-	   ))))))
+                  (eval `(defpackage
+                           "H"
+                           (:export "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
+         (mapcar
+          #'notnot
+          (list
+           (packagep p)
+           (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+           (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+           (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+           (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+           (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+           (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
+           (loop
+            for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
+            (unless
+                (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+                    (find-symbol s p)
+                  (and (eqt access :external)
+                       (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
+                       (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
+              (return nil))
+            finally (return t))
+           ))))))
   ((t t t t t t t t)(t t t t t t t t)(t t t t t t t t)))
 ;; Test defpackage with the intern option
@@ -305,30 +305,30 @@
        (safely-delete-package "H")
        (let ((p (ignore-errors
-		  (eval `(defpackage
-			   "H"
-			   (:intern "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
-	 (mapcar
-	  #'notnot
-	  (list
-	   (packagep p)
-	   (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	   (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	   (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	   (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	   (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
-	   (loop
-	    for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
-	    (unless
-		(multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-		    (find-symbol s p)
-		  (and (eqt access :internal)
-		       (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
-		       (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
-	      (return nil))
-	    finally (return t))
-	   ))))))
+                  (eval `(defpackage
+                           "H"
+                           (:intern "Q" ,n "R") (:use))))))
+         (mapcar
+          #'notnot
+          (list
+           (packagep p)
+           (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+           (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+           (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+           (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+           (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+           (eql (num-symbols-in-package p) 3)
+           (loop
+            for s in '("Q" "Z" "R") do
+            (unless
+                (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+                    (find-symbol s p)
+                  (and (eqt access :internal)
+                       (equal (symbol-name sym) s)
+                       (equal (symbol-package sym) p)))
+              (return nil))
+            finally (return t))
+           ))))))
   ((t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t) (t t t t t t t t)))
 ;; Test defpackage with size
@@ -338,17 +338,17 @@
       (safely-delete-package "H")
       (let ((p (ignore-errors
-		 (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 0))))))
-	(mapcar
-	 #'notnot
-	 (list
-	  (packagep p)
-	  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	  (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))))
+                 (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 0))))))
+        (mapcar
+         #'notnot
+         (list
+          (packagep p)
+          (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+          (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+          (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+          (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+          (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+          (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))))
   (t t t t t t t))
 (deftest defpackage.12
@@ -356,17 +356,17 @@
       (safely-delete-package "H")
       (let ((p (ignore-errors
-		 (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 10000))))))
-	(mapcar
-	 #'notnot
-	 (list
-	  (packagep p)
-	  (equal (package-name p)              "H")
-	  (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
-	  (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
-	  (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
-	  (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
-	  (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))))
+                 (eval '(defpackage "H" (:use) (:size 10000))))))
+        (mapcar
+         #'notnot
+         (list
+          (packagep p)
+          (equal (package-name p)              "H")
+          (equal (package-use-list p)          nil)
+          (equal (package-used-by-list p)      nil)
+          (equal (package-nicknames p)         nil)
+          (equal (package-shadowing-symbols p) nil)
+          (zerop (num-symbols-in-package p)))))))
   (t t t t t t t))
 ;; defpackage error handling
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@
     (eval '(defpackage "G" (:use)))
      (eval '(defpackage "H" (:shadowing-import-from
-			     "G" "NOT-THERE")))))
+                             "G" "NOT-THERE")))))
 ;; :import-from signals a correctable package-error if a symbol with
@@ -531,104 +531,104 @@
   (let ()
-	  ((%do-it%
-	    (args)
-	    (safely-delete-package "H")
-	    (safely-delete-package "G1")
-	    (safely-delete-package "G2")
-	    (safely-delete-package "G3")
-	    (let ((pg1 
-		   (progn
-		     (format t "Making G1...~%")
-		     (eval '(defpackage "G1"
-			      (:use)
-			      (:export "A" "B" "C")
-			      (:intern "D" "E" "F")))))
-		  (pg2
-		   (progn
-		     (format t "Making G2...~%")
-		     (eval '(defpackage "G2" 
-			      (:use)
-			      (:export "A" "D" "G")
-			      (:intern "E" "H" "I")))))
-		  (pg3 
-		   (progn
-		     (format t "Making G3...~%")
-		     (eval '(defpackage "G3" 
-			      (:use)
-			      (:export "J" "K" "L")
-			      (:intern "M" "N" "O"))))))
-	      (let ((p (eval (list* 'defpackage "H" (copy-tree args)))))
-		(prog
-		 ()
-		 (unless (packagep p) (return 1))
-		 (unless (equal (package-name p) "H") (return 2))
-		 (unless (equal (package-name pg1) "G1") (return 3))
-		 (unless (equal (package-name pg2) "G2") (return 4))
-		 (unless (equal (package-name pg3) "G3") (return 5))
-		 (unless
-		     (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p)) #'string<)
-			    '("H1" "H2"))
-		   (return 6))
-		 (unless
-		     (or
-		      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg1 pg2))
-		      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg2 pg1)))
-		   (return 7))
-		 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list p))
-		   (return 8))
-		 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg2) (list p))
-		   (return 9))
-		 (when (package-used-by-list pg3) (return 10))
-		 (unless (equal (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-					      (package-shadowing-symbols p))
-				      #'string<)
-				'("A" "B"))
-		   (return 10))
-		 (let ((num 11))
-		   (unless
-		       (every
-			#'(lambda (str acc pkg)
-			    (multiple-value-bind*
-			     (sym access)
-			     (find-symbol str p)
-			     (or
-			      (and (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-name sym) str))
-				   (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-package sym) pkg))
-				   (equal access acc)
-				   (incf num))
-			      (progn
-				(format t
-					"Failed on str = ~S, acc = ~S, pkg = ~S, sym = ~S, access = ~S~%"
-					str acc pkg sym access)
-				nil))))
-			(list "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G"
-			      "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O")
-			(list :internal :internal
-			      :external :inherited
-			      nil nil
-			      :inherited :internal
-			      nil nil
-			      nil :external
-			      nil nil
-			      :internal)
-			(list pg2 p pg1 pg2 nil nil
-			      pg2 p nil nil nil pg3
-			      nil nil pg3))
-		     (return num)))
-		 (return 'success))))))
-	(let ((args '((:nicknames "H1" "H2")
-		      (:use "G1" "G2")
-		      (:shadow "B")
-		      (:shadowing-import-from "G2" "A")
-		      (:import-from "G3" "L" "O")
-		      (:intern "D" "H")
-		      (:export "L" "C")
-		      (:size 20)
-		      (:documentation "A test package"))))
-	  (list (%do-it% args)
-		(%do-it% (reverse args)))))))
+          ((%do-it%
+            (args)
+            (safely-delete-package "H")
+            (safely-delete-package "G1")
+            (safely-delete-package "G2")
+            (safely-delete-package "G3")
+            (let ((pg1
+                   (progn
+                     (format t "Making G1...~%")
+                     (eval '(defpackage "G1"
+                              (:use)
+                              (:export "A" "B" "C")
+                              (:intern "D" "E" "F")))))
+                  (pg2
+                   (progn
+                     (format t "Making G2...~%")
+                     (eval '(defpackage "G2"
+                              (:use)
+                              (:export "A" "D" "G")
+                              (:intern "E" "H" "I")))))
+                  (pg3
+                   (progn
+                     (format t "Making G3...~%")
+                     (eval '(defpackage "G3"
+                              (:use)
+                              (:export "J" "K" "L")
+                              (:intern "M" "N" "O"))))))
+              (let ((p (eval (list* 'defpackage "H" (copy-tree args)))))
+                (prog
+                 ()
+                 (unless (packagep p) (return 1))
+                 (unless (equal (package-name p) "H") (return 2))
+                 (unless (equal (package-name pg1) "G1") (return 3))
+                 (unless (equal (package-name pg2) "G2") (return 4))
+                 (unless (equal (package-name pg3) "G3") (return 5))
+                 (unless
+                     (equal (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p)) #'string<)
+                            '("H1" "H2"))
+                   (return 6))
+                 (unless
+                     (or
+                      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg1 pg2))
+                      (equal (package-use-list p) (list pg2 pg1)))
+                   (return 7))
+                 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list p))
+                   (return 8))
+                 (unless (equal (package-used-by-list pg2) (list p))
+                   (return 9))
+                 (when (package-used-by-list pg3) (return 10))
+                 (unless (equal (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
+                                              (package-shadowing-symbols p))
+                                      #'string<)
+                                '("A" "B"))
+                   (return 10))
+                 (let ((num 11))
+                   (unless
+                       (every
+                        #'(lambda (str acc pkg)
+                            (multiple-value-bind*
+                             (sym access)
+                             (find-symbol str p)
+                             (or
+                              (and (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-name sym) str))
+                                   (or (not acc) (equal (symbol-package sym) pkg))
+                                   (equal access acc)
+                                   (incf num))
+                              (progn
+                                (format t
+                                        "Failed on str = ~S, acc = ~S, pkg = ~S, sym = ~S, access = ~S~%"
+                                        str acc pkg sym access)
+                                nil))))
+                        (list "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G"
+                              "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O")
+                        (list :internal :internal
+                              :external :inherited
+                              nil nil
+                              :inherited :internal
+                              nil nil
+                              nil :external
+                              nil nil
+                              :internal)
+                        (list pg2 p pg1 pg2 nil nil
+                              pg2 p nil nil nil pg3
+                              nil nil pg3))
+                     (return num)))
+                 (return 'success))))))
+        (let ((args '((:nicknames "H1" "H2")
+                      (:use "G1" "G2")
+                      (:shadow "B")
+                      (:shadowing-import-from "G2" "A")
+                      (:import-from "G3" "L" "O")
+                      (:intern "D" "H")
+                      (:export "L" "C")
+                      (:size 20)
+                      (:documentation "A test package"))))
+          (list (%do-it% args)
+                (%do-it% (reverse args)))))))
   (success success))
 (def-macro-test defpackage.error.1
-  (defpackage :nonexistent-package (:use)))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (defpackage :nonexistent-package (:use)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defparameter.lsp b/ansi-tests/defparameter.lsp
index 9caafa32..729f3a6b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defparameter.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defparameter.lsp
@@ -54,33 +54,33 @@
 ;;; (deftest defparameter.error.1
 ;;;   (signals-error (defparameter)  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest defparameter.error.2
 ;;;   (signals-error (defparameter *ignored-defparameter-name*)
 ;;;                  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest defparameter.error.3
 ;;;   (signals-error (defparameter *ignored-defparameter-name* nil
-;;; 		    "documentation"
-;;; 		    "illegal extra argument")
+;;;                 "documentation"
+;;;                 "illegal extra argument")
 ;;;                  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 (deftest defparameter.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defparameter))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defparameter.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defparameter)
-			   '(defparameter *nonexistent-variable* nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defparameter *nonexistent-variable* nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defparameter.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defparameter)
-			   '(defparameter *nonexistent-variable* nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defparameter *nonexistent-variable* nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defsetf.lsp b/ansi-tests/defsetf.lsp
index a026beff..6d865c9b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defsetf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defsetf.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 ;;; Need to add non-error tests
 (def-macro-test defsetf.error.1 (defsetf nonexistent-access-fn
-				  nonexistent-update-fn))
+                                  nonexistent-update-fn))
 ;;; Short form
@@ -21,15 +21,15 @@
 (deftest defsetf.1
     (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		 (defsetf defsetf.1-accessor defsetf.1-accessor-settor))))
+                 (defsetf defsetf.1-accessor defsetf.1-accessor-settor))))
       (assert (equal vals '(defsetf.1-accessor))
-	      ()
-	      "Return values are ~A~%" vals))
+              ()
+              "Return values are ~A~%" vals))
      '(let ((x (list 1 2 3)))
-	(values
-	 (setf (defsetf.1-accessor x) 4)
-	 x))))
+        (values
+         (setf (defsetf.1-accessor x) 4)
+         x))))
   (1 4 3))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
 (defparameter *defsetf.4-vals*
-   (defsetf defsetf.4-accessor (n seq) (val) 
+   (defsetf defsetf.4-accessor (n seq) (val)
      "Doc string for defsetf.4-accessor setf"
      `(setf (elt ,seq ,n) ,val))))
@@ -110,15 +110,15 @@
 (deftest defsetf.4c
   (let ((x (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(i 0)
-	(j nil)
-	(k nil))
+        (i 0)
+        (j nil)
+        (k nil))
      (setf (defsetf.4-accessor
-	     (progn (setf j (incf i))
-		    2)
-	     (progn (setf k (incf i)) x))
-	   (progn (incf i) 'a))
+             (progn (setf j (incf i))
+                    2)
+             (progn (setf k (incf i)) x))
+           (progn (incf i) 'a))
      i j k))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/deftype.lsp b/ansi-tests/deftype.lsp
index 66c29271..acc218ba 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/deftype.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/deftype.lsp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.6
    (typep (make-array '(3 5 6) :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-	  '(even-array (unsigned-byte 8))))
+          '(even-array (unsigned-byte 8))))
 (deftest deftype.7
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.9
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym (&optional x) `(integer 0 ,x))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym (&optional x) `(integer 0 ,x))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym) 'unsigned-byte))
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym 4) '(integer 0 4)))
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* '(integer 0 4) `(,sym 4)))
      (loop for x in '(a -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 b)
-	   collect (notnot (typep x sym)))
+           collect (notnot (typep x sym)))
      (loop for x in '(a -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 b)
-	   collect (notnot (typep x `(,sym 4))))
+           collect (notnot (typep x `(,sym 4))))
   t (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)
   (nil nil t t t t t t nil)
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.10
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym (&optional (x 14)) `(integer 0 ,x))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym (&optional (x 14)) `(integer 0 ,x))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym) '(integer 0 14)))
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym 4) '(integer 0 4)))
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* '(integer 0 4) `(,sym 4)))
      (loop for x in '(a -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 b)
-	   collect (notnot (typep x sym)))
+           collect (notnot (typep x sym)))
      (loop for x in '(a -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 14 15 b)
-	   collect (notnot (typep x `(,sym 4))))
+           collect (notnot (typep x `(,sym 4))))
   t (t t) (t t) (t t) (t t)
   (nil nil t t t t t t t nil nil)
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.11
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym (&key foo bar) `(integer ,foo ,bar))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym (&key foo bar) `(integer ,foo ,bar))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym) 'integer))
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.12
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym (&key foo bar &allow-other-keys) `(integer ,foo ,bar))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym (&key foo bar &allow-other-keys) `(integer ,foo ,bar))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (multiple-value-list (subtypep* `(,sym :xyz t) 'integer))
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.13
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym (&rest args) (if args `(member ,@args) nil))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym (&rest args) (if args `(member ,@args) nil))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
 ;;     (multiple-value-list (subtypep* sym nil))
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@
 (deftest deftype.14
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (*f* nil)
-	 (form `(let ((x 1))
-		  (declare (special *f*))
-		  (setf *f* #'(lambda (y) (setf x y)))
-		  (deftype ,sym () `(integer 0 ,x)))))
+         (*f* nil)
+         (form `(let ((x 1))
+                  (declare (special *f*))
+                  (setf *f* #'(lambda (y) (setf x y)))
+                  (deftype ,sym () `(integer 0 ,x)))))
     (declare (special *f*))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
@@ -173,10 +173,10 @@
 (deftest deftype.15
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(let ((a 1))
-		  (deftype ,sym (&optional (x a))
-		    (declare (special a))
-		    `(integer 0 ,x)))))
+         (form `(let ((a 1))
+                  (deftype ,sym (&optional (x a))
+                    (declare (special a))
+                    `(integer 0 ,x)))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (let ((a 2))
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@
   (nil t t nil nil)
   (nil t t nil nil))
 (deftest deftype.16
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym () (return-from ,sym 'integer))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym () (return-from ,sym 'integer))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (subtypep* sym 'integer)
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.17
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym () (values 'integer t))))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym () (values 'integer t))))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (subtypep* sym 'integer)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 (deftest deftype.18
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym ())))
+         (form `(deftype ,sym ())))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (subtypep* sym nil)
@@ -218,32 +218,32 @@
 (deftest deftype.19
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(deftype ,sym ()
-		  (declare (optimize speed safety debug compilation-speed space))
-		  'integer)))		  
+         (form `(deftype ,sym ()
+                  (declare (optimize speed safety debug compilation-speed space))
+                  'integer)))
      (eqlt (eval form) sym)
      (subtypep* sym 'integer)
      (subtypep* 'integer sym)))
   t t t)
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest deftype.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'deftype))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest deftype.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'deftype)
-			   '(deftype nonexistent-type () nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(deftype nonexistent-type () nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest deftype.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'deftype)
-			   '(deftype nonexistent-type () nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(deftype nonexistent-type () nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defun.lsp b/ansi-tests/defun.lsp
index e86db616..794fca0f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defun.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defun.lsp
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x 2))
       (defun defun-test-fun-5 (&aux (y x))
-	(declare (special x))
-	(values y x))
+        (declare (special x))
+        (values y x))
   2 1)
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x 2))
       (defun defun-test-fun-6 (&optional (y x))
-	(declare (special x))
-	(values y x))
+        (declare (special x))
+        (values y x))
   2 1)
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x 2))
       (defun defun-test-fun-7 (&key (y x))
-	(declare (special x))
-	(values y x))
+        (declare (special x))
+        (values y x))
   2 1)
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 (deftest defun.8
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (doc "DEFUN.8")
-	 (form `(defun ,sym () ,doc nil)))
+         (doc "DEFUN.8")
+         (form `(defun ,sym () ,doc nil)))
     (or (documentation sym 'function) doc))
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
 (deftest defun.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defun))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defun.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defun)
-			   '(defun nonexistent-function ()))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defun nonexistent-function ()))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defun.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defun)
-			   '(defun nonexistent-function ())
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defun nonexistent-function ())
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; More comprehensive error handling tests of calls to
@@ -108,30 +108,30 @@
 (deftest defun.error.4
   (let* ((name (gensym)))
     (loop for i below (min 100 lambda-parameters-limit)
-	  for params = nil then (cons (gensym) params)
-	  for args = nil then (cons nil args)
-	  for expected = '(1 2 3)
-	  for fn = (eval `(prog2 (proclaim '(optimize (safety 0)))
-				 (defun ,name ,params (values ,@expected))
-				 (proclaim '(optimize safety))))
-	  when
-	  (cond
-	   ((not (equal (multiple-value-list (apply fn args)) expected))
-	    (list i :fail1))
-	   ((not (equal (multiple-value-list
-			 (apply (symbol-function fn) args))
-			expected))
-	    (list i :fail2))
-	   ((not (equal (multiple-value-list (eval `(,name ,@args)))
-			expected))
-	    (list i :fail3))
-	   ;; Error cases
-	   ((and (> i 0)
-		 (let ((val (eval `(signals-error (,name ,@(cdr args)) program-error))))
-		   (and (not (eq val t)) :fail4))))
-	   ((and (< i (1- call-arguments-limit))
-		 (let ((val (eval `(signals-error (,name nil ,@args) program-error))))
-		   (and (not (eq val t)) :fail5)))))
-	  collect it))
+          for params = nil then (cons (gensym) params)
+          for args = nil then (cons nil args)
+          for expected = '(1 2 3)
+          for fn = (eval `(prog2 (proclaim '(optimize (safety 0)))
+                                 (defun ,name ,params (values ,@expected))
+                                 (proclaim '(optimize safety))))
+          when
+          (cond
+           ((not (equal (multiple-value-list (apply fn args)) expected))
+            (list i :fail1))
+           ((not (equal (multiple-value-list
+                         (apply (symbol-function fn) args))
+                        expected))
+            (list i :fail2))
+           ((not (equal (multiple-value-list (eval `(,name ,@args)))
+                        expected))
+            (list i :fail3))
+           ;; Error cases
+           ((and (> i 0)
+                 (let ((val (eval `(signals-error (,name ,@(cdr args)) program-error))))
+                   (and (not (eq val t)) :fail4))))
+           ((and (< i (1- call-arguments-limit))
+                 (let ((val (eval `(signals-error (,name nil ,@args) program-error))))
+                   (and (not (eq val t)) :fail5)))))
+          collect it))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/defvar.lsp b/ansi-tests/defvar.lsp
index 5bffe6d3..de2beca2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/defvar.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/defvar.lsp
@@ -57,27 +57,27 @@
 ;;; (deftest defvar.error.1
 ;;;   (signals-error (defvar) program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 ;;; (deftest defvar.error.2
 ;;;   (signals-error (defvar *ignored-defvar-name* nil "documentation"
-;;; 		    "illegal extra argument")
+;;;                 "illegal extra argument")
 ;;;                  program-error)
 ;;;   t)
 (deftest defvar.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defvar))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defvar.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defvar)
-			   '(defvar *nonexistent-variable* nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defvar *nonexistent-variable* nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest defvar.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'defvar)
-			   '(defvar *nonexistent-variable* nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(defvar *nonexistent-variable* nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/delete-file.lsp b/ansi-tests/delete-file.lsp
index fef9bf01..05d59423 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/delete-file.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/delete-file.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   (let ((pn "scratchfile.txt"))
     (unless (probe-file pn)
       (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		      (format s "Contents~%")))
+                      (format s "Contents~%")))
      (notnot (probe-file pn))
      (multiple-value-list (delete-file pn))
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
   (let ((pn #p"scratchfile.txt"))
     (unless (probe-file pn)
       (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		      (format s "Contents~%")))
+                      (format s "Contents~%")))
      (notnot (probe-file pn))
      (multiple-value-list (delete-file pn))
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     (assert (typep (pathname pn) 'logical-pathname))
     (unless (probe-file pn)
       (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		      (format s "Contents~%")))
+                      (format s "Contents~%")))
      (notnot (probe-file pn))
      (multiple-value-list (delete-file pn))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     (assert (typep (pathname pn) 'logical-pathname))
     (unless (probe-file pn)
       (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		      (format s "Contents~%")))
+                      (format s "Contents~%")))
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :input)))
       (close s)
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
    (pn "scratchfile.txt" nil)
    (unless (probe-file pn)
      (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		     (format s "Contents~%")))
+                     (format s "Contents~%")))
    (assert (probe-file pn))
    (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (delete-file pn)) '(t)))
    (assert (not (probe-file pn))))
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
   (let ((pn "scratch.txt"))
     (unless (probe-file pn)
       (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output)
-		      (format s "Contents~%")))
+                      (format s "Contents~%")))
      (notnot (probe-file pn))
      (signals-error (delete-file "scratch.txt" nil) program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/delete-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/delete-package.lsp
index 15dee9f1..c153e761 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/delete-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/delete-package.lsp
@@ -56,75 +56,75 @@
 (deftest delete-package.5
   (prog (p1 s1 p2 s2 p3)
-	(declare (ignorable p1 p2 p3 s1 s2))
-	(safely-delete-package "P3")
-	(safely-delete-package "P2")
-	(safely-delete-package "P1")
-	(setq p1 (make-package "P1" :use ()))
-	(setq s1 (intern "S1" P1))
-	(export s1 "P1")
-	(setq p2 (make-package "P2" :use '("P1")))
-	(setq s2  (intern "S2" p2))
-	(export s1 p2)
-	(export s2 "P2")
-	(setf p3 (make-package "P3" :use '("P2")))
-	;; Delete the P2 package, catching the continuable
-	;; error and deleting the package
-	(let ((outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
-	  (handler-bind ((package-error
-			  #'(lambda (c)
-			      ;; (let ((r (find-restart 'continue c))) (and r (invoke-restart r)))
-			      (let ((my-restarts
-				     (remove 'abort
-					     (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
-							     outer-restarts)
-					     :key #'restart-name)))
-				(assert my-restarts)
-				(when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name)
-				  (continue c))
-				(return t)
-				))))
-		      (delete-package p2)))
-	(unless (and (equal (package-name P1) "P1")
-		     (null  (package-name P2))
-		     (equal (package-name P3) "P3"))
-	  (return 'fail1))
-	(unless (eqt (symbol-package S1) P1)
-	  (return 'fail2))
-	(unless (equal (prin1-to-string S1) "P1:S1")
-	  (return 'fail3))
-	(unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S1" P3))
-		       '(nil nil))
-	  (return 'fail4))
-	(unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S2" P3))
-		       '(nil nil))
-	  (return 'fail5))
-	(unless (and (null (package-used-by-list P1))
-		     (null (package-used-by-list P3)))
-	  (return 'fail6))
-	(unless (and (packagep P1)
-		     (packagep P2)
-		     (packagep P3)) (return 'fail7))
-	(unless (and (null (package-use-list P1))
-		     (null (package-use-list P3)))
-	  (return 'fail8))
-	(safely-delete-package P3)
-	(safely-delete-package P1)
-	(return t)
-	)
+        (declare (ignorable p1 p2 p3 s1 s2))
+        (safely-delete-package "P3")
+        (safely-delete-package "P2")
+        (safely-delete-package "P1")
+        (setq p1 (make-package "P1" :use ()))
+        (setq s1 (intern "S1" P1))
+        (export s1 "P1")
+        (setq p2 (make-package "P2" :use '("P1")))
+        (setq s2  (intern "S2" p2))
+        (export s1 p2)
+        (export s2 "P2")
+        (setf p3 (make-package "P3" :use '("P2")))
+        ;; Delete the P2 package, catching the continuable
+        ;; error and deleting the package
+        (let ((outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
+          (handler-bind ((package-error
+                          #'(lambda (c)
+                              ;; (let ((r (find-restart 'continue c))) (and r (invoke-restart r)))
+                              (let ((my-restarts
+                                     (remove 'abort
+                                             (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
+                                                             outer-restarts)
+                                             :key #'restart-name)))
+                                (assert my-restarts)
+                                (when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name)
+                                  (continue c))
+                                (return t)
+                                ))))
+                      (delete-package p2)))
+        (unless (and (equal (package-name P1) "P1")
+                     (null  (package-name P2))
+                     (equal (package-name P3) "P3"))
+          (return 'fail1))
+        (unless (eqt (symbol-package S1) P1)
+          (return 'fail2))
+        (unless (equal (prin1-to-string S1) "P1:S1")
+          (return 'fail3))
+        (unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S1" P3))
+                       '(nil nil))
+          (return 'fail4))
+        (unless (equal (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "S2" P3))
+                       '(nil nil))
+          (return 'fail5))
+        (unless (and (null (package-used-by-list P1))
+                     (null (package-used-by-list P3)))
+          (return 'fail6))
+        (unless (and (packagep P1)
+                     (packagep P2)
+                     (packagep P3)) (return 'fail7))
+        (unless (and (null (package-use-list P1))
+                     (null (package-use-list P3)))
+          (return 'fail8))
+        (safely-delete-package P3)
+        (safely-delete-package P1)
+        (return t)
+        )
 ;; deletion of a nonexistent package should cause a continuable
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@
     (let ((outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
       (safely-delete-package "TEST-20")
       (handler-bind ((package-error
-		      #'(lambda (c)
-			  (assert (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
-						  outer-restarts))
-			  (return-from done :good))))
-		    (delete-package "TEST-20"))))
+                      #'(lambda (c)
+                          (assert (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
+                                                  outer-restarts))
+                          (return-from done :good))))
+                    (delete-package "TEST-20"))))
 ;;; Specialized sequences
@@ -150,51 +150,51 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	 (list
-	  (notnot (delete-package :test1))
-	  (notnot (packagep p))
-	  (package-name p))))
+         (list
+          (notnot (delete-package :test1))
+          (notnot (packagep p))
+          (package-name p))))
      (t t nil)))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.7
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.8
   (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "TEST1XXXXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.9
   (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "TEST1XXXXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.10
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.11
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.12
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "XXXTEST1YY"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "XXXTEST1YY"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array '(5) :displaced-to name2
-		:displaced-index-offset 3
-		:element-type etype)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 3
+                :element-type etype)))
 (def-delete-package-test delete-package.13
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "XXXTEST1YY"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "XXXTEST1YY"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array '(5) :displaced-to name2
-		:displaced-index-offset 3
-		:element-type etype)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 3
+                :element-type etype)))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -207,5 +207,5 @@
     (unless (find-package "TEST-DPE2")
       (make-package "TEST-DPE2" :use nil))
     (signals-error (delete-package "TEST-DPE2" nil)
-		   program-error))
+                   program-error))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/deposit-field.lsp b/ansi-tests/deposit-field.lsp
index 188e17a7..b478f056 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/deposit-field.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/deposit-field.lsp
@@ -27,58 +27,58 @@
 (deftest deposit-field.1
   (loop for pos = (random 32)
-	for size = (random 32)
-	for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
-	for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
-	for result = (deposit-field newbyte (byte size pos) val)
-	repeat 100
-	unless
-	(loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
-	      always (if (or (< i pos)
-			     (>= i (+ pos size)))
-			 (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))
-		       (if (logbitp i newbyte) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))))
-	collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
+        for size = (random 32)
+        for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
+        for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
+        for result = (deposit-field newbyte (byte size pos) val)
+        repeat 100
+        unless
+        (loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
+              always (if (or (< i pos)
+                             (>= i (+ pos size)))
+                         (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))
+                       (if (logbitp i newbyte) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))))
+        collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
 (deftest deposit-field.2
   (loop for pos = (random 1000)
-	for size = (random 1000)
-	for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
-	for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
-	for result = (deposit-field newbyte (byte size pos) val)
-	repeat 100
-	unless
-	(loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
-	      always (if (or (< i pos)
-			     (>= i (+ pos size)))
-			 (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))
-		       (if (logbitp i newbyte) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))))
-	collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
+        for size = (random 1000)
+        for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
+        for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
+        for result = (deposit-field newbyte (byte size pos) val)
+        repeat 100
+        unless
+        (loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
+              always (if (or (< i pos)
+                             (>= i (+ pos size)))
+                         (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))
+                       (if (logbitp i newbyte) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))))
+        collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
 (deftest deposit-field.3
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (random-fixnum)
-	for pos = (random 32)
-	repeat 100
-	always (= (deposit-field x (byte 0 pos) y) y))
+        for y = (random-fixnum)
+        for pos = (random 32)
+        repeat 100
+        always (= (deposit-field x (byte 0 pos) y) y))
 (deftest deposit-field.4
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for pos = (random 200)
-	  repeat 100
-	  always (= (deposit-field x (byte 0 pos) y) y)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for pos = (random 200)
+          repeat 100
+          always (= (deposit-field x (byte 0 pos) y) y)))
 (deftest deposit-field.5
   (loop for i of-type fixnum from -1000 to 1000
-	always (eql (deposit-field -1 (byte 0 0) i) i))
+        always (eql (deposit-field -1 (byte 0 0) i) i))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/describe.lsp b/ansi-tests/describe.lsp
index 3361a886..6919d6de 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/describe.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/describe.lsp
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
        (tio-output (make-string-output-stream))
-	(*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream tio-input tio-output))
-	(let ((*print-circle* t)
-	      (*print-readably* nil))
-	  (assert (null (multiple-value-list (funcall fn))))))
+        (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream tio-input tio-output))
+        (let ((*print-circle* t)
+              (*print-readably* nil))
+          (assert (null (multiple-value-list (funcall fn))))))
        (setq s2 (get-output-stream-string tio-output)))
       (assert (equal (read-char tio-input) #\X)))
      (setq s1 (get-output-stream-string *standard-output*)))
@@ -25,33 +25,33 @@
 (deftest describe.1
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x))))
-	when (and (equal s1 "") (equal s2 ""))
-	collect x)
+        for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x))))
+        when (and (equal s1 "") (equal s2 ""))
+        collect x)
 (deftest describe.2
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for s1 = nil
-	for s2 = nil
-	for s3 = (with-output-to-string (s)
-		     (setf (values s1 s2) (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x s)))))
-	when (or (equal s3 "") (not (equal "" s2)) (not (equal "" s1)))
-	collect (list x s1 s2 s3))
+        for s1 = nil
+        for s2 = nil
+        for s3 = (with-output-to-string (s)
+                     (setf (values s1 s2) (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x s)))))
+        when (or (equal s3 "") (not (equal "" s2)) (not (equal "" s1)))
+        collect (list x s1 s2 s3))
 (deftest describe.3
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x t))))
-	when (or (equal "" s2) (not (equal "" s1)))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x t))))
+        when (or (equal "" s2) (not (equal "" s1)))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 (deftest describe.4
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x nil))))
-	when (or (equal "" s1) (not (equal "" s2)))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        for (s1 s2) = (multiple-value-list (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe x nil))))
+        when (or (equal "" s1) (not (equal "" s2)))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 ;;; Defining methods for describe-object
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'describe-object-test-class-01 :s1 2 :s2 6 :s3 17)))
     (multiple-value-bind (str1 str2) (harness-for-describe #'(lambda () (describe obj)))
       (if (or (search "ABCDE 2 6 17 XYZ" str1)
-	      (search "ABCDE 2 6 17 XYZ" str2))
-	  :good
-	(list str1 str2))))
+              (search "ABCDE 2 6 17 XYZ" str2))
+          :good
+        (list str1 str2))))
 ;;; Error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/destructuring-bind.lsp b/ansi-tests/destructuring-bind.lsp
index 7c61ee55..60972636 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/destructuring-bind.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/destructuring-bind.lsp
@@ -134,8 +134,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (destructuring-bind (y) (list x)
-	(declare (special x))
-	y)))
+        (declare (special x))
+        y)))
 (deftest destructuring-bind.26
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 (deftest destructuring-bind.29
   (destructuring-bind (x &aux y) '(:foo) (values x y))
   :foo nil)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.30
   (destructuring-bind (x &aux (y (list x))) '(:foo) (values x y))
   :foo (:foo))
@@ -175,22 +175,22 @@
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.1
   (signals-error (destructuring-bind (a b c) nil (list a b c))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.2
   (signals-error (destructuring-bind ((a b c)) nil (list a b c))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.3
   (signals-error (destructuring-bind (a b) 'x (list a b))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.4
   (signals-error (destructuring-bind (a . b) 'x (list a b))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
@@ -204,18 +204,18 @@
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.7
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'destructuring-bind))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.8
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'destructuring-bind)
-			   '(destructuring-bind (a . b) '(1 2) nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(destructuring-bind (a . b) '(1 2) nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest destructuring-bind.error.9
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'destructuring-bind)
-			   '(destructuring-bind (a . b) '(1 2) nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(destructuring-bind (a . b) '(1 2) nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/directory-namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/directory-namestring.lsp
index a330001e..de403177 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/directory-namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/directory-namestring.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest directory-namestring.1
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		(directory-namestring "directory-namestring.lsp")))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+                (directory-namestring "directory-namestring.lsp")))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (directory-namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (directory-namestring s) s))
+        :good
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
 (deftest directory-namestring.3
   (let* ((name "directory-namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
-				(directory-namestring s)))
-	 (name3 (directory-namestring pn)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
+                                (directory-namestring s)))
+         (name3 (directory-namestring pn)))
     (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/directory.lsp b/ansi-tests/directory.lsp
index c602140e..f39701c1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/directory.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/directory.lsp
@@ -27,32 +27,32 @@
 (deftest directory.6
   (let* ((pattern-pathname (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
-					  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (pathnames (directory pattern-pathname)))
+                                          :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (pathnames (directory pattern-pathname)))
      (remove-if #'pathnamep pathnames)
      (loop for pn in pathnames
-	   unless (equal pn (truename pn))
-	   collect pn)
+           unless (equal pn (truename pn))
+           collect pn)
 ;;     (loop for pn in pathnames
-;;	   unless (pathname-match-p pn pattern-pathname)
-;;	   collect pn))
+;;         unless (pathname-match-p pn pattern-pathname)
+;;         collect pn))
   nil nil ;; nil
 (deftest directory.7
   (let* ((pattern-pathname (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
-					  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (pathnames (directory pattern-pathname)))
+                                          :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (pathnames (directory pattern-pathname)))
     (loop for pn in pathnames
-	  unless (equal pn (probe-file pn))
-	  collect pn))
+          unless (equal pn (probe-file pn))
+          collect pn))
 (deftest directory.8
   (let* ((pathname-pattern "CLTEST:*.*")
-	 (len (length (directory pathname-pattern))))
+         (len (length (directory pathname-pattern))))
     (if (< len 500) len nil))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/disassemble.lsp b/ansi-tests/disassemble.lsp
index 36f436b3..99e0511d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/disassemble.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/disassemble.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
        (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-			      (setf val (disassemble fn)))))
+                              (setf val (disassemble fn)))))
 (deftest disassemble.1
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (deftest disassemble.8
     (eval '(defun (setf disassemble-example-fn) (val arg)
-	     (setf (car arg) val)))
+             (setf (car arg) val)))
     (disassemble-it '(setf disassemble-example-fn)))
   t nil)
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
        (disassemble-it fn)
        (if is-compiled? (notnot (typep (symbol-function fn) 'compiled-function))
-	 (not (typep (symbol-function fn) 'compiled-function))))))
+         (not (typep (symbol-function fn) 'compiled-function))))))
   t nil t)
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -94,6 +94,6 @@
 (deftest disassemble.error.3
   (check-type-error #'disassemble
-		    (typef '(or function symbol (cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null)))))
+                    (typef '(or function symbol (cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dispatch-macro-characters.lsp b/ansi-tests/dispatch-macro-characters.lsp
index eecfadab..fbb15dcc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dispatch-macro-characters.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dispatch-macro-characters.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.1
    (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	  (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+          (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (make-dispatch-macro-character #\!)
       (read-from-string "123!"))))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.2
    (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	  (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+          (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (make-dispatch-macro-character #\! t)
       (read-from-string "123!"))))
@@ -26,27 +26,27 @@
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.3
    (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	  (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+          (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (make-dispatch-macro-character #\!)
       (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	    for result = (handler-case
-			  (read-from-string (coerce (list #\! c #\X) 'string))
-			  (reader-error (c) :good)
-			  (error (c) :bad))
-	    unless (eql result :good)
-	    collect (list c result)))))
+            for result = (handler-case
+                          (read-from-string (coerce (list #\! c #\X) 'string))
+                          (reader-error (c) :good)
+                          (error (c) :bad))
+            unless (eql result :good)
+            collect (list c result)))))
   t nil)
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.4
    (let* ((rt (copy-readtable nil))
-	  (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+          (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (make-dispatch-macro-character #\! t rt)
       (read-from-string "!")
       (let ((*readtable* rt))
-	(read-from-string "123!")))))
+        (read-from-string "123!")))))
   t ! 123!)
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.error.1
@@ -57,22 +57,22 @@
 (deftest make-dispatch-macro-character.error.2
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
     (signals-error (make-dispatch-macro-character #\! t *readtable* nil)
-		   program-error))
+                   program-error))
 (deftest get-dispatch-macro-character.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	when (and (not (eql c #\#))
-			  (handler-case
-			   (list
-			     (get-dispatch-macro-character c #\a)
-			     c)
-			   (error (cnd) nil)))
-	collect it)
+        when (and (not (eql c #\#))
+                          (handler-case
+                           (list
+                             (get-dispatch-macro-character c #\a)
+                             c)
+                           (error (cnd) nil)))
+        collect it)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/divide.lsp b/ansi-tests/divide.lsp
index 00f8e0e8..9cb906ce 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/divide.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/divide.lsp
@@ -45,164 +45,164 @@
 (deftest /.3
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (zerop i)
-		   (let ((q1 (/ i))
-			 (q2 (/ 1 i)))
-		     (and (rationalp q1)
-			  (eql (denominator q1) (abs i))
-			  (eql (numerator q1) (signum i))
-			  (eql q1 q2)
-			  (eql (* q1 i) 1))))
-	collect i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (zerop i)
+                   (let ((q1 (/ i))
+                         (q2 (/ 1 i)))
+                     (and (rationalp q1)
+                          (eql (denominator q1) (abs i))
+                          (eql (numerator q1) (signum i))
+                          (eql q1 q2)
+                          (eql (* q1 i) 1))))
+        collect i)
 (deftest /.4
   (loop for i = (random-from-interval 1000000 1)
-	for j = (random-from-interval 1000000 1)
-	for g = (gcd i j)
-	for q = (/ i j)
-	for q2 = (/ j)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (integerp g)
-		    (zerop (mod i g))
-		    (zerop (mod j g))
-		    (eql (numerator q) (/ i g))
-		    (eql (denominator q) (/ j g))
-		    (eql (/ q) (/ j i))
-		    (eql q (* i q2)))			 
-	collect (list i j q))
+        for j = (random-from-interval 1000000 1)
+        for g = (gcd i j)
+        for q = (/ i j)
+        for q2 = (/ j)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (integerp g)
+                    (zerop (mod i g))
+                    (zerop (mod j g))
+                    (eql (numerator q) (/ i g))
+                    (eql (denominator q) (/ j g))
+                    (eql (/ q) (/ j i))
+                    (eql q (* i q2)))
+        collect (list i j q))
 (deftest /.5
   (loop for bound in (list 1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l20)
-	nconc
-	(loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
-	      for r1 = (/ i)
-	      for r2 = (/ 1 i)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (eql r1 r2)
-	      collect (list i r1 r2)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
+              for r1 = (/ i)
+              for r2 = (/ 1 i)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (eql r1 r2)
+              collect (list i r1 r2)))
 ;; Complex division
 (deftest /.6
   (loop for i1 = (random-fixnum)
-	for i = (if (zerop i1) 1 i1)
-	for c = (complex 0 i)
-	for r = (/ c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))
-	collect (list i c r))
+        for i = (if (zerop i1) 1 i1)
+        for c = (complex 0 i)
+        for r = (/ c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))
+        collect (list i c r))
 (deftest /.7
   (loop for bound in (list 1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l20)
-	nconc
-	(loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
-	      for c = (complex 0 i)
-	      for r = (/ c)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (= r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))
-	      collect (list i c r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
+              for c = (complex 0 i)
+              for r = (/ c)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (= r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))
+              collect (list i c r (complex 0 (- (/ i))))))
 (deftest /.8
   (loop for bound in (list 1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l20)
-	for one = (float 1.0 bound)
-	for zero = (float 0.0 bound)
-	nconc
-	(loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
-	      for c = (complex i zero)
-	      for q = (/ c c)
-	      repeat 100
-	      unless (eql q (complex one zero))
-	      collect (list i c q (complex one zero))))
+        for one = (float 1.0 bound)
+        for zero = (float 0.0 bound)
+        nconc
+        (loop for i = (1+ (random bound))
+              for c = (complex i zero)
+              for q = (/ c c)
+              repeat 100
+              unless (eql q (complex one zero))
+              collect (list i c q (complex one zero))))
 (deftest /.9
   (loop for a = (random-fixnum)
-	for b = (random-fixnum)
-	for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless
-	(or (zerop m)
-	    (let* ((q (/ (complex a b)))
-		   (c (/ a m))
-		   (d (/ (- b) m))
-		   (expected (complex c d)))
-	      (eql q expected)))
-	collect (list a b (/ (complex a b))))
+        for b = (random-fixnum)
+        for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless
+        (or (zerop m)
+            (let* ((q (/ (complex a b)))
+                   (c (/ a m))
+                   (d (/ (- b) m))
+                   (expected (complex c d)))
+              (eql q expected)))
+        collect (list a b (/ (complex a b))))
 (deftest /.10
   (let ((bound 1000000000000000000))
     (loop for a = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for b = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless
-	  (or (zerop m)
-	      (let* ((q (/ (complex a b)))
-		     (c (/ a m))
-		     (d (/ (- b) m))
-		     (expected (complex c d)))
-		(eql q expected)))
-	  collect (list a b (/ (complex a b)))))
+          for b = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
+          repeat 1000
+          unless
+          (or (zerop m)
+              (let* ((q (/ (complex a b)))
+                     (c (/ a m))
+                     (d (/ (- b) m))
+                     (expected (complex c d)))
+                (eql q expected)))
+          collect (list a b (/ (complex a b)))))
 (deftest /.11
   (loop for a = (random-fixnum)
-	for b = (random-fixnum)
-	for n = (complex (random-fixnum) (random-fixnum))
-	for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless
-	(or (zerop m)
-	    (let* ((q (/ n (complex a b)))
-		   (c (/ a m))
-		   (d (/ (- b) m))
-		   (expected (* n (complex c d))))
-	      (eql q expected)))
-	collect (list a b (/ n (complex a b))))
+        for b = (random-fixnum)
+        for n = (complex (random-fixnum) (random-fixnum))
+        for m = (+ (* a a) (* b b))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless
+        (or (zerop m)
+            (let* ((q (/ n (complex a b)))
+                   (c (/ a m))
+                   (d (/ (- b) m))
+                   (expected (* n (complex c d))))
+              (eql q expected)))
+        collect (list a b (/ n (complex a b))))
 ;;; More floating point tests
 (deftest /.12
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for lower in (mapcar
-		     #'rational-safely
-		     (list
-		      least-positive-short-float least-positive-single-float
-		      least-positive-double-float least-positive-long-float))
-	for upper in (mapcar
-		     #'rational-safely
-		     (list
-		      most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-		      most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float))
-	for one = (coerce 1 type)
-	for radix = (float-radix one)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for i from 1
-	 for rpos = radix then (* rpos radix)
-	 for rneg = (/ radix) then (/ rneg radix)
-	 while (<= lower rneg rpos upper)
-	 unless
-	 (let ((frpos (float rpos one))
-	       (frneg (float rneg one)))
-	   (and (eql (/ frpos) (/ one frpos))
-		(eql (/ frpos) (/ 1.0s0 frpos))
-		(eql (/ frpos) (/ 1 frpos))
-		(eql (/ frpos) frneg)
-		(eql (/ frneg) (/ 1.0s0 frneg))
-		(eql (/ frneg) (/ 1 frneg))
-		(eql (/ frneg) frpos)))
-	 collect (list i rpos rneg (float rpos one) (float rneg one))))
+        for lower in (mapcar
+                     #'rational-safely
+                     (list
+                      least-positive-short-float least-positive-single-float
+                      least-positive-double-float least-positive-long-float))
+        for upper in (mapcar
+                     #'rational-safely
+                     (list
+                      most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
+                      most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float))
+        for one = (coerce 1 type)
+        for radix = (float-radix one)
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for i from 1
+         for rpos = radix then (* rpos radix)
+         for rneg = (/ radix) then (/ rneg radix)
+         while (<= lower rneg rpos upper)
+         unless
+         (let ((frpos (float rpos one))
+               (frneg (float rneg one)))
+           (and (eql (/ frpos) (/ one frpos))
+                (eql (/ frpos) (/ 1.0s0 frpos))
+                (eql (/ frpos) (/ 1 frpos))
+                (eql (/ frpos) frneg)
+                (eql (/ frneg) (/ 1.0s0 frneg))
+                (eql (/ frneg) (/ 1 frneg))
+                (eql (/ frneg) frpos)))
+         collect (list i rpos rneg (float rpos one) (float rneg one))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
 (deftest /.13
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values
-	     (/ (expand-in-current-env (%m 1/2)))
-	     (/ (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
-	     (/ 5 (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))))
+            (values
+             (/ (expand-in-current-env (%m 1/2)))
+             (/ (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
+             (/ 5 (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))))
   2 2/3 5/7)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/do-all-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/do-all-symbols.lsp
index 25da273e..869bc38b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/do-all-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/do-all-symbols.lsp
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
        (f (list-all-packages) :internal :external :inherited)
-	(multiple-value-bind (found sym) (f)
-	  (unless found (return))
-	  (setf (gethash sym hash) t))))
+        (multiple-value-bind (found sym) (f)
+          (unless found (return))
+          (setf (gethash sym hash) t))))
       ;; hash now contains all symbols accessible in any package
       ;; Check that all symbols from DO-ALL-SYMBOLS are in this
       ;; package
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
      (f (list-all-packages) :internal :external :inherited)
       (multiple-value-bind (found sym) (f)
-	(unless found (return))`
-	(push sym symbols))))
+        (unless found (return))`
+        (push sym symbols))))
     (let ((hash (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
       (do-all-symbols (s) (setf (gethash s hash) t))
       (loop for s in symbols unless (gethash s hash) collect s)))
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 (deftest do-all-symbols.9
   (let ((x 0)
-	(y 1))
+        (y 1))
     (do-all-symbols (z nil)
       (declare (type (integer * 0) x))
       (declare (type (integer 1 *) y))
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (do-all-symbols (s x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Executing a return actually terminates the loop
@@ -117,10 +117,10 @@
   (let ((should-have-returned nil))
     (block done
       (do-all-symbols (s :bad1)
-	(when should-have-returned
-	  (return-from done :bad2))
-	(setq should-have-returned t)
-	(return :good))))
+        (when should-have-returned
+          (return-from done :bad2))
+        (setq should-have-returned t)
+        (return :good))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/do-external-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/do-external-symbols.lsp
index 80ffc186..41f2c631 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/do-external-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/do-external-symbols.lsp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 (deftest do-external-symbols.5
     (equalt (collect-external-symbols "KEYWORD")
-	    (collect-symbols "KEYWORD"))
+            (collect-symbols "KEYWORD"))
 ;; Test that do-external-symbols works without
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 (deftest do-external-symbols.7
   (let ((x nil)
-	(*package* (find-package "DS1")))
+        (*package* (find-package "DS1")))
      (do-external-symbols (s) (push s x))
      (sort-symbols x)))
@@ -85,31 +85,31 @@
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.10
   (make-array 6 :element-type 'base-char :initial-contents "DS1XXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 3))
+              :fill-pointer 3))
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.11
   (make-array 6 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "DS1XXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 3))
+              :fill-pointer 3))
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.12
   (make-array 3 :element-type 'base-char :initial-contents "DS1"
-	      :adjustable t))
+              :adjustable t))
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.13
   (make-array 3 :element-type 'character :initial-contents "DS1"
-	      :adjustable t))
+              :adjustable t))
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.14
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 6 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XDS1XX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 6 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XDS1XX")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-do-external-symbols-test do-external-symbols.15
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 6 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XDS1XX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 6 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XDS1XX")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 ;;; Free declaration scope tests
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(do-external-symbols (s (return-from done x))
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do-external-symbols (s (return-from done x))
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do-external-symbols.17
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (do-external-symbols (s "CL-TEST" x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -148,4 +148,4 @@
 ;;; Error tests
 (def-macro-test do-external-symbols.error.1
-  (do-external-symbols (x "CL")))
\ No newline at end of file
+  (do-external-symbols (x "CL")))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/do-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/do-symbols.lsp
index 53dcee2e..947cd496 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/do-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/do-symbols.lsp
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
       (sort-symbols (let ((all nil))
-		      (do-symbols (x "B" all) (push x all)))))
+                      (do-symbols (x "B" all) (push x all)))))
      (list (find-symbol "BAR" "B")
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" "A"))))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" "A"))))
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@
    (collect-symbols "DS4")
    :test #'(lambda (x y)
-	     (and (eqt x y)
-		  (not (eqt x 'DS4::B)))))
+             (and (eqt x y)
+                  (not (eqt x 'DS4::B)))))
   (DS1:A DS1:B DS2::F DS3:G DS3:I DS3:J DS3:K DS4::X DS4::Y DS4::Z))
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 (deftest do-symbols.7
   (let ((x nil)
-	(*package* (find-package "DS1")))
+        (*package* (find-package "DS1")))
      (do-symbols (s) (push s x))
      (sort-symbols x)))
@@ -95,11 +95,11 @@
        (assert (string= name "B"))
-	(remove-duplicates
-	 (sort-symbols (let ((all nil))
-			 (do-symbols (x name all) (push x all)))))
-	(list (find-symbol "BAR" "B")
-	      (find-symbol "FOO" "A"))))
+        (remove-duplicates
+         (sort-symbols (let ((all nil))
+                         (do-symbols (x name all) (push x all)))))
+        (list (find-symbol "BAR" "B")
+              (find-symbol "FOO" "A"))))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.9
@@ -107,33 +107,33 @@
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.10
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 1
-	      :initial-contents "BXXXX"))
+              :fill-pointer 1
+              :initial-contents "BXXXX"))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.11
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 1
-	      :initial-contents "BXXXX"))
+              :fill-pointer 1
+              :initial-contents "BXXXX"))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.12
   (make-array 1 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :adjustable t :initial-contents "B"))
+              :adjustable t :initial-contents "B"))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.13
   (make-array 1 :element-type 'character
-	      :adjustable t :initial-contents "B"))
+              :adjustable t :initial-contents "B"))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.14
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XBYZ")))
+         (name0 (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XBYZ")))
     (make-array 1 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-do-symbols-test do-symbols.15
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XBYZ")))
+         (name0 (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-contents "XBYZ")))
     (make-array 1 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 ;;; Free declaration scope tests
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(do-symbols (s (return-from done x))
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do-symbols (s (return-from done x))
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do-symbols.17
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (do-symbols (s "CL-TEST" x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/do.lsp b/ansi-tests/do.lsp
index bafb0c23..54551641 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/do.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/do.lsp
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 (deftest do.3
   (let ((x nil))
     (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (push i x)))
   (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
 (deftest do.4
   (let ((x nil))
     (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (declare (fixnum i))
       (push i x)))
   (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 (deftest do.7
   (let ((x nil))
     (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (go around)
       (push 'a x)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 (deftest do.9
   (let ((i 0))
     (do ()
-	((>= i 10) i)
+        ((>= i 10) i)
       (incf i)))
@@ -104,21 +104,21 @@
 (deftest do.14
   (let ((x 0))
     (flet ((%f () (locally (declare (special i))
-			   (incf x i))))
+                           (incf x i))))
       (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	  ((>= i 10) x)
-	(declare (special i))
-	(%f))))
+          ((>= i 10) x)
+        (declare (special i))
+        (%f))))
 ;;; Confirm that the variables in succesive iterations are
 ;;; identical
 (deftest do.15
   (mapcar #'funcall
-	  (let ((x nil))
-	    (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-		((= i 5) x)
-	      (push #'(lambda () i) x))))
+          (let ((x nil))
+            (do ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+                ((= i 5) x)
+              (push #'(lambda () i) x))))
   (5 5 5 5 5))
 ;;; Scope of free declarations
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(do ((i (return-from done x) 0))
-	    (t nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do ((i (return-from done x) 0))
+            (t nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do.17
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
     (let ((x :good))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :bad))
-	(do ((i 0 (return-from done x)))
-	    (nil nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do ((i 0 (return-from done x)))
+            (nil nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do.18
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
     (let ((x :good))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :bad))
-	(do ((i 0 0))
-	    ((return-from done x) nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do ((i 0 0))
+            ((return-from done x) nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do.19
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (do () (t x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)) (+ x 2)))
-	 ((> x 10) result)
-	 (push x result))))
+         ((> x 10) result)
+         (push x result))))
   (10 8 6 4 2 0))
 (deftest do.21
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do ((x 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m (+ x 2)))))
-	 ((> x 10) result)
-	 (push x result))))
+         ((> x 10) result)
+         (push x result))))
   (10 8 6 4 2 0))
 (deftest do.22
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do ((x 0 (+ x 2)))
-	 ((expand-in-current-env (%m (> x 10))) result)
-	 (push x result))))
+         ((expand-in-current-env (%m (> x 10))) result)
+         (push x result))))
   (10 8 6 4 2 0))
 (deftest do.23
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do ((x 0 (+ x 2)))
-	 ((> x 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m result)))
-	 (push x result))))
+         ((> x 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m result)))
+         (push x result))))
   (10 8 6 4 2 0))
 (def-macro-test do.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/documentation.lsp b/ansi-tests/documentation.lsp
index cc4cd658..5918a6e8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/documentation.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/documentation.lsp
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defun ,sym () nil))
     (let ((fn (symbol-function sym))
-	  (doc "FOO1"))
+          (doc "FOO1"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn t)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn t)))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.3
@@ -34,93 +34,93 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defmacro ,sym () nil))
     (let ((fn (macro-function sym))
-	  (doc "FOO2"))
+          (doc "FOO2"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn t)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn t)))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.6
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ',sym)))
-	 (doc "FOO3"))
+         (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ',sym)))
+         (doc "FOO3"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.6a
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (compile nil `(lambda () ',sym)))
-	 (doc "FOO3A"))
+         (fn (compile nil `(lambda () ',sym)))
+         (doc "FOO3A"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
 ;; Reorder 5, 5a and 6, 6a to expose possible interaction bug
 (deftest documentation.function.t.5
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ',sym))))
+         (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ',sym))))
     (documentation fn t))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.5a
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (compile nil `(lambda () ',sym))))
+         (fn (compile nil `(lambda () ',sym))))
     (documentation fn t))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.7
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x)))))
+         (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x)))))
     (documentation fn t))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.8
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x))))
-	 (doc "FOO4"))
+         (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x))))
+         (doc "FOO4"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn t))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.9
   (loop for s in *cl-function-symbols*
-	for fn = (symbol-function s)
-	for doc = (documentation fn t)
-	unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for fn = (symbol-function s)
+        for doc = (documentation fn t)
+        unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.10
   (loop for s in *cl-accessor-symbols*
-	for fn = (symbol-function s)
-	for doc = (documentation fn t)
-	unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for fn = (symbol-function s)
+        for doc = (documentation fn t)
+        unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.11
   (loop for s in *cl-macro-symbols*
-	for fn = (macro-function s)
-	for doc = (documentation fn t)
-	unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for fn = (macro-function s)
+        for doc = (documentation fn t)
+        unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.function.t.12
   (loop for s in *cl-standard-generic-function-symbols*
-	for fn = (symbol-function s)
-	for doc = (documentation fn t)
-	unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for fn = (symbol-function s)
+        for doc = (documentation fn t)
+        unless (or (null doc) (string doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 ;;; documentation (x function) (doc-type (eql 'function))
@@ -135,11 +135,11 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defun ,sym () nil))
     (let ((fn (symbol-function sym))
-	  (doc "FOO5"))
+          (doc "FOO5"))
        (setf (documentation fn 'function) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.function.3
@@ -152,27 +152,27 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defmacro ,sym () nil))
     (let ((fn (macro-function sym))
-	  (doc "FOO6"))
+          (doc "FOO6"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
 (deftest documentation.function.function.5
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x)))))
+         (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x)))))
     (documentation fn 'function))
 (deftest documentation.function.function.8
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x))))
-	 (doc "FOO4A"))
+         (fn (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x))))
+         (doc "FOO4A"))
        (setf (documentation fn t) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function))))))
 ;;; documentation (x list) (doc-type (eql 'function))
@@ -187,11 +187,11 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(defun (setf ,sym) (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) nil))
     (let ((fn `(setf ,sym))
-	  (doc "FOO7"))
+          (doc "FOO7"))
        (setf (documentation fn 'function) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn 'function)))))))
 ;;; documentation (x list) (doc-type (eql 'compiler-macro))
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@
   (let* ((sym (gensym)))
     (eval `(define-compiler-macro (setf ,sym) (&rest args) (declare (ignore args)) nil))
     (let ((fn `(setf ,sym))
-	  (doc "FOO8"))
+          (doc "FOO8"))
        (setf (documentation fn 'compiler-macro) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation fn 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation fn 'compiler-macro)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation fn 'compiler-macro)))))))
 ;;; documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'function))
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
        (setf (documentation sym 'function) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.function.3
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
        (setf (documentation sym 'function) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.function.5
@@ -260,28 +260,28 @@
        (setf (documentation sym 'function) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'function))
-		   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation sym 'function)))))))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.function.7
   (loop for s in *cl-special-operator-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'function)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'function)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.function.8
   (loop for s in *cl-function-or-accessor-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'function)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'function)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.function.9
   (loop for s in *cl-macro-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'function)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'function)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 ;;; documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'compiler-macro))
@@ -299,41 +299,41 @@
        (setf (documentation sym 'compiler-macro) (copy-seq doc))
        (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'compiler-macro))
-		   (equal doc (documentation sym 'compiler-macro)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation sym 'compiler-macro)))))))
 ;;; documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'setf))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.setf.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (doc "FOO11"))
+         (doc "FOO11"))
     (eval `(defun ,sym () (declare (special *x*)) *x*))
     (eval `(define-setf-expander ,sym ()
-	     (let ((g (gemsym)))
-	       (values nil nil (list g) `(locally (declare (special *x*)) (setf *x* ,g))
-		       '(locally (declare (special *x*)) *x*)))))
+             (let ((g (gemsym)))
+               (values nil nil (list g) `(locally (declare (special *x*)) (setf *x* ,g))
+                       '(locally (declare (special *x*)) *x*)))))
       (documentation sym 'setf)
       (setf (documentation sym 'setf) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'setf))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'setf))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'setf))))))
   nil "FOO11")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.setf.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (doc "FOO12"))
+         (doc "FOO12"))
     (eval `(defmacro ,sym () `(locally (declare (special *x*)) *x*)))
     (eval `(define-setf-expander ,sym ()
-	     (let ((g (gemsym)))
-	       (values nil nil (list g) `(locally (declare (special *x*)) (setf *x* ,g))
-		       '(locally (declare (special *x*)) *x*)))))
+             (let ((g (gemsym)))
+               (values nil nil (list g) `(locally (declare (special *x*)) (setf *x* ,g))
+                       '(locally (declare (special *x*)) *x*)))))
       (documentation sym 'setf)
       (setf (documentation sym 'setf) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'setf))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'setf))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'setf))))))
   nil "FOO12")
 ;;; documentation (x method-combination) (doc-type (eql 't))
@@ -345,29 +345,29 @@
 (deftest documentation.symbol.method-combination.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (doc "FOO13"))
+         (doc "FOO13"))
     (eval `(define-method-combination ,sym :identity-with-one-argument t))
       (documentation sym 'method-combination)
       (setf (documentation sym 'method-combination) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'method-combination))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'method-combination))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'method-combination))))))
   nil "FOO13")
 ;;; documentation (x standard-method) (doc-type (eql 't))
 (deftest documentation.standard-method.t.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (doc "FOO14"))
+         (doc "FOO14"))
     (eval `(defgeneric ,sym (x)))
     (let ((method (eval `(defmethod ,sym ((x t)) nil))))
-	(documentation method t)
-	(setf (documentation method t) (copy-seq doc)))
+        (documentation method t)
+        (setf (documentation method t) (copy-seq doc)))
        (assert (or (null (documentation method 't))
-		   (equal doc (documentation method 't)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation method 't)))))))
   nil "FOO14")
 ;;; documentation (x package) (doc-type (eql 't))
@@ -375,17 +375,17 @@
 (deftest documentation.package.t.1
   (let ((package-name "PACKAGE-NAME-FOR-DOCUMENATION-TESTS-1"))
-	(progn
-	  (eval `(defpackage ,package-name (:use)))
-	  (let ((pkg (find-package package-name))
-		(doc "FOO15"))
-	    (assert pkg)
-	    (multiple-value-prog1
-	     (values
-	      (documentation pkg t)
-	      (setf (documentation pkg t) (copy-seq doc)))
-	     (assert (or (null (documentation pkg t))
-			 (equal doc (documentation pkg t)))))))
+        (progn
+          (eval `(defpackage ,package-name (:use)))
+          (let ((pkg (find-package package-name))
+                (doc "FOO15"))
+            (assert pkg)
+            (multiple-value-prog1
+             (values
+              (documentation pkg t)
+              (setf (documentation pkg t) (copy-seq doc)))
+             (assert (or (null (documentation pkg t))
+                         (equal doc (documentation pkg t)))))))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   nil "FOO15")
@@ -393,113 +393,113 @@
 (deftest documentation.standard-class.t.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ())))
+         (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ())))
     (eval class-form)
     (let ((class (find-class sym))
-	  (doc "FOO16"))
+          (doc "FOO16"))
-	(documentation class t)
-	(setf (documentation class t) (copy-seq doc)))
+        (documentation class t)
+        (setf (documentation class t) (copy-seq doc)))
        (assert (or (null (documentation class t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation class t)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation class t)))))))
   nil "FOO16")
 ;;; documentation (x standard-class) (doc-type (eql 'type))
 (deftest documentation.standard-class.type.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ())))
+         (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ())))
     (eval class-form)
     (let ((class (find-class sym))
-	  (doc "FOO17"))
+          (doc "FOO17"))
-	(documentation class 'type)
-	(setf (documentation class 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
+        (documentation class 'type)
+        (setf (documentation class 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
        (assert (or (null (documentation class 'type))
-		   (equal doc (documentation class 'type)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation class 'type)))))))
   nil "FOO17")
 ;;; documentation (x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 't))
 (deftest documentation.struct-class.t.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c)))
+         (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c)))
     (eval class-form)
     (let ((class (find-class sym))
-	  (doc "FOO18"))
+          (doc "FOO18"))
-	(documentation class t)
-	(setf (documentation class t) (copy-seq doc)))
+        (documentation class t)
+        (setf (documentation class t) (copy-seq doc)))
        (assert (or (null (documentation class t))
-		   (equal doc (documentation class t)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation class t)))))))
   nil "FOO18")
 ;;; documentation (x structure-class) (doc-type (eql 'type))
 (deftest documentation.struct-class.type.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c)))
+         (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c)))
     (eval class-form)
     (let ((class (find-class sym))
-	  (doc "FOO19"))
+          (doc "FOO19"))
-	(documentation class 'type)
-	(setf (documentation class 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
+        (documentation class 'type)
+        (setf (documentation class 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
        (assert (or (null (documentation class 'type))
-		   (equal doc (documentation class 'type)))))))
+                   (equal doc (documentation class 'type)))))))
   nil "FOO19")
 ;;; documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'type))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.type.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ()))
-	 (doc "FOO20"))
+         (class-form `(defclass ,sym () ()))
+         (doc "FOO20"))
     (eval class-form)
       (documentation sym 'type)
       (setf (documentation sym 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'type))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
   nil "FOO20")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.type.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c))
-	 (doc "FOO21"))
+         (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c))
+         (doc "FOO21"))
     (eval class-form)
       (documentation sym 'type)
       (setf (documentation sym 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'type))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
   nil "FOO21")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.type.3
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (type-form `(deftype ,sym () t))
-	 (doc "FOO21A"))
+         (type-form `(deftype ,sym () t))
+         (doc "FOO21A"))
     (eval type-form)
       (documentation sym 'type)
       (setf (documentation sym 'type) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'type))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'type))))))
   nil "FOO21A")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.type.4
   (loop for s in *cl-all-type-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'type)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'type)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list doc))
@@ -507,109 +507,109 @@
 (deftest documentation.symbol.structure.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c))
-	 (doc "FOO22"))
+         (class-form `(defstruct ,sym a b c))
+         (doc "FOO22"))
     (eval class-form)
       (documentation sym 'structure)
       (setf (documentation sym 'structure) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'structure))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
   nil "FOO22")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.structure.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct (,sym (:type list)) a b c))
-	 (doc "FOO23"))
+         (class-form `(defstruct (,sym (:type list)) a b c))
+         (doc "FOO23"))
     (eval class-form)
       (documentation sym 'structure)
       (setf (documentation sym 'structure) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'structure))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
   nil "FOO23")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.structure.3
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (class-form `(defstruct (,sym (:type vector)) a b c))
-	 (doc "FOO24"))
+         (class-form `(defstruct (,sym (:type vector)) a b c))
+         (doc "FOO24"))
     (eval class-form)
       (documentation sym 'structure)
       (setf (documentation sym 'structure) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'structure))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'structure))))))
   nil "FOO24")
 ;;; documentation (x symbol) (doc-type (eql 'variable))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.1
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(defvar ,sym))
-	 (doc "FOO25"))
+         (form `(defvar ,sym))
+         (doc "FOO25"))
     (eval form)
       (documentation sym 'variable)
       (setf (documentation sym 'variable) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'variable))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
   nil "FOO25")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.2
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(defvar ,sym t))
-	 (doc "FOO26"))
+         (form `(defvar ,sym t))
+         (doc "FOO26"))
     (eval form)
       (documentation sym 'variable)
       (setf (documentation sym 'variable) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'variable))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
   nil "FOO26")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.3
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(defparameter ,sym t))
-	 (doc "FOO27"))
+         (form `(defparameter ,sym t))
+         (doc "FOO27"))
     (eval form)
       (documentation sym 'variable)
       (setf (documentation sym 'variable) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'variable))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
   nil "FOO27")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.4
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (form `(defconstant ,sym t))
-	 (doc "FOO27"))
+         (form `(defconstant ,sym t))
+         (doc "FOO27"))
     (eval form)
       (documentation sym 'variable)
       (setf (documentation sym 'variable) (copy-seq doc)))
      (assert (or (null (documentation sym 'variable))
-		 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
+                 (equal doc (documentation sym 'variable))))))
   nil "FOO27")
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.5
   (loop for s in *cl-variable-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'variable)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'variable)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 (deftest documentation.symbol.variable.6
   (loop for s in *cl-constant-symbols*
-	for doc = (documentation s 'variable)
-	unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
-	collect (list s doc))
+        for doc = (documentation s 'variable)
+        unless (or (null doc) (stringp doc))
+        collect (list s doc))
 ;;; Defining new methods for DOCUMENTATION
@@ -619,14 +619,14 @@
   (defgeneric (setf documentation-test-class-1-doc-accessor) (newdoc obj))
   (defclass documentation-test-class-1 () ((my-doc :accessor documentation-test-class-1-doc-accessor
-						 :type (or null string)
-						 :initform nil)))
+                                                 :type (or null string)
+                                                 :initform nil)))
   (defmethod documentation-test-class-1-doc-accessor ((obj documentation-test-class-1) )
     (slot-value obj 'my-doc))
   (defmethod (setf documentation-test-class-1-doc-accessor) ((newdoc string) (obj documentation-test-class-1))
     (setf (slot-value obj 'my-doc) newdoc))
   (defmethod documentation ((obj documentation-test-class-1) (doctype (eql t)))
     (documentation-test-class-1-doc-accessor obj))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dolist.lsp b/ansi-tests/dolist.lsp
index 269d2f7b..9d152862 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dolist.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dolist.lsp
@@ -24,18 +24,18 @@
 (deftest dolist.4
   (let ((y nil))
     (flet ((%f () (locally (declare (special e))
-			   (push e y))))
+                           (push e y))))
       (dolist (e '(a b c) (reverse y))
-	(declare (special e))
-	(%f))))
+        (declare (special e))
+        (%f))))
   (a b c))
 ;;; Tests that it's a tagbody
 (deftest dolist.5
   (let ((even nil)
-	(odd nil))
+        (odd nil))
     (dolist (i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) (values (reverse even)
-					  (reverse odd)))
+                                          (reverse odd)))
       (when (evenp i) (go even))
       (push i odd)
       (go done)
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
     (declare (special i))
     (flet ((%f () i))
       (dolist (i '(1 2 3 4))
-	(push (%f) y)))
+        (push (%f) y)))
   (0 0 0 0))
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@
 (deftest dolist.9
   (block nil
     (eqlt (dolist (x '(a b c))
-	    (return 1))
-	  1))
+            (return 1))
+          1))
 (deftest dolist.10
   (block nil
     (eqlt (dolist (x '(a b c))
-	    (return-from nil 1))
-	  1))
+            (return-from nil 1))
+          1))
 (deftest dolist.11
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(dolist (e (return-from done x))
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (dolist (e (return-from done x))
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest dolist.17
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (dolist (e nil x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dostar.lsp b/ansi-tests/dostar.lsp
index 221799da..883cf56a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dostar.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dostar.lsp
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
 (deftest do*.3
   (let ((x nil))
     (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (push i x)))
   (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
 (deftest do*.4
   (let ((x nil))
     (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (declare (fixnum i))
       (push i x)))
   (9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0))
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 (deftest do*.7
   (let ((x nil))
     (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	((>= i 10) x)
+        ((>= i 10) x)
       (go around)
       (push 'a x)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 (deftest do*.9
   (let ((i 0))
     (do* ()
-	((>= i 10) i)
+        ((>= i 10) i)
       (incf i)))
@@ -104,21 +104,21 @@
 (deftest do*.14
   (let ((x 0))
     (flet ((%f () (locally (declare (special i))
-			   (incf x i))))
+                           (incf x i))))
       (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-	   ((>= i 10) x)
-	(declare (special i))
-	(%f))))
+           ((>= i 10) x)
+        (declare (special i))
+        (%f))))
 ;;; Confirm that the variables in succesive iterations are
 ;;; identical
 (deftest do*.15
   (mapcar #'funcall
-	  (let ((x nil))
-	    (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
-		((= i 5) x)
-	      (push #'(lambda () i) x))))
+          (let ((x nil))
+            (do* ((i 0 (1+ i)))
+                ((= i 5) x)
+              (push #'(lambda () i) x))))
   (5 5 5 5 5))
 ;;; Scope of free declarations
@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(do* ((i (return-from done x) 0))
-	    (t nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do* ((i (return-from done x) 0))
+            (t nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do*.17
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
     (let ((x :good))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :bad))
-	(do* ((i 0 (return-from done x)))
-	    (nil nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do* ((i 0 (return-from done x)))
+            (nil nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do*.18
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
     (let ((x :good))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :bad))
-	(do* ((i 0 0))
-	    ((return-from done x) nil)
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (do* ((i 0 0))
+            ((return-from done x) nil)
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest do*.19
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (do* () (t x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do* ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) (1+ x)))
-	  ((> x 10) result)
-	  (incf result x))))
+          ((> x 10) result)
+          (incf result x))))
 (deftest do*.21
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do* ((x 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m (1+ x)))))
-	  ((> x 10) result)
-	  (incf result x))))
+          ((> x 10) result)
+          (incf result x))))
 (deftest do*.22
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do* ((x 1 (1+ x)))
-	  ((expand-in-current-env (%m (> x 10))) result)
-	  (incf result x))))
+          ((expand-in-current-env (%m (> x 10))) result)
+          (incf result x))))
 (deftest do*.23
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
      ((%m (z) z))
      (do* ((x 1 (1+ x)))
-	  ((> x 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m result)))
-	  (incf result x))))
+          ((> x 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m result)))
+          (incf result x))))
 (def-macro-test do*.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dotimes.lsp b/ansi-tests/dotimes.lsp
index c6d9c703..8d606a5a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dotimes.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dotimes.lsp
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
 ;;; Check there's an implicit tagbody
 (deftest dotimes.12
   (let ((even nil)
-	(odd nil))
+        (odd nil))
     (dotimes (i 8 (values (reverse even)
-			  (reverse odd)))
+                          (reverse odd)))
       (when (evenp i) (go even))
       (push i odd)
       (go done)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
     (declare (special i))
     (flet ((%f () i))
       (dotimes (i 4)
-	(push (%f) y)))
+        (push (%f) y)))
   (0 0 0 0))
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
     (declare (special i))
     (flet ((%f () i))
       (dotimes (i bound)
-	(push (%f) y)))
+        (push (%f) y)))
   (0 0 0 0))
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@
     (declare (special i))
     (flet ((%f () i))
       (dotimes (i 4)
-	(declare (special i))
-	(push (%f) y)))
+        (declare (special i))
+        (push (%f) y)))
   (3 2 1 0))
@@ -146,8 +146,8 @@
     (declare (special i))
     (flet ((%f () i))
       (dotimes (i bound)
-	(declare (special i))
-	(push (%f) y)))
+        (declare (special i))
+        (push (%f) y)))
   (3 2 1 0))
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(dotimes (i (return-from done x))
-	  (declare (special x))))))
+        (dotimes (i (return-from done x))
+          (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest dotimes.23
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (dotimes (i 10 x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 (deftest dotimes.23a
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :bad))
       (dotimes (i bound x)
-	(declare (special x)))))
+        (declare (special x)))))
 (deftest dotimes.24
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dpb.lsp b/ansi-tests/dpb.lsp
index b0b31f5e..432af380 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dpb.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dpb.lsp
@@ -27,58 +27,58 @@
 (deftest dpb.1
   (loop for pos = (random 32)
-	for size = (random 32)
-	for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
-	for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
-	for result = (dpb newbyte (byte size pos) val)
-	repeat 100
-	unless
-	(loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
-	      always (if (or (< i pos)
-			     (>= i (+ pos size)))
-			 (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))
-		       (if (logbitp (- i pos) newbyte) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))))
-	collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
+        for size = (random 32)
+        for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
+        for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
+        for result = (dpb newbyte (byte size pos) val)
+        repeat 100
+        unless
+        (loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
+              always (if (or (< i pos)
+                             (>= i (+ pos size)))
+                         (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))
+                       (if (logbitp (- i pos) newbyte) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))))
+        collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
 (deftest dpb.2
   (loop for pos = (random 1000)
-	for size = (random 1000)
-	for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
-	for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
-	for result = (dpb newbyte (byte size pos) val)
-	repeat 100
-	unless
-	(loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
-	      always (if (or (< i pos)
-			     (>= i (+ pos size)))
-			 (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))
-		       (if (logbitp (- i pos) newbyte) (logbitp i result)
-			   (not (logbitp i result)))))
-	collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
+        for size = (random 1000)
+        for newbyte = (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))
+        for val = (random (1+ (random (ash 1 (+ pos size)))))
+        for result = (dpb newbyte (byte size pos) val)
+        repeat 100
+        unless
+        (loop for i from 0 to (+ pos size)
+              always (if (or (< i pos)
+                             (>= i (+ pos size)))
+                         (if (logbitp i val) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))
+                       (if (logbitp (- i pos) newbyte) (logbitp i result)
+                           (not (logbitp i result)))))
+        collect (list pos size newbyte val result))
 (deftest dpb.3
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (random-fixnum)
-	for pos = (random 32)
-	repeat 100
-	always (= (dpb x (byte 0 pos) y) y))
+        for y = (random-fixnum)
+        for pos = (random 32)
+        repeat 100
+        always (= (dpb x (byte 0 pos) y) y))
 (deftest dpb.4
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for pos = (random 200)
-	  repeat 100
-	  always (= (dpb x (byte 0 pos) y) y)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for pos = (random 200)
+          repeat 100
+          always (= (dpb x (byte 0 pos) y) y)))
 (deftest dpb.5
   (loop for i of-type fixnum from -1000 to 1000
-	always (eql (dpb -1 (byte 0 0) i) i))
+        always (eql (dpb -1 (byte 0 0) i) i))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/dynamic-extent.lsp b/ansi-tests/dynamic-extent.lsp
index 147dd307..9bfc507a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/dynamic-extent.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/dynamic-extent.lsp
@@ -30,30 +30,30 @@
 (deftest dynamic-extent.5
   (flet ((%f (x) (list 'a x)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent (function %f))
-	     (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+             (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (mapcar #'%f '(1 2 3)))
   ((a 1) (a 2) (a 3)))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.6
   (labels ((%f (x) (list 'a x)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent (function %f))
-	     (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+             (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (mapcar #'%f '(1 2 3)))
   ((a 1) (a 2) (a 3)))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.7
   (labels ((%f (x) (if (consp x)
-		       (cons (%f (car x)) (%f (cdr x)))
-		     '*)))
+                       (cons (%f (car x)) (%f (cdr x)))
+                     '*)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent (function %f))
-	     (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+             (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (mapcar #'%f '((1) 2 (3 4 5))))
   ((* . *) * (* * * . *)))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.8
   (let ((x (+ most-positive-fixnum 2)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent x)
-	     (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+             (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (1- x))
   #.(1+ most-positive-fixnum))
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   (flet ((f () (list 'a 'b)))
     (let ((f (list 'c 'd)))
       (declare (dynamic-extent (function f))
-	       (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+               (optimize speed (safety 0)))
   (c d))
@@ -70,35 +70,35 @@
      (locally (declare (dynamic-extent x) (notinline length)
-		       (optimize speed (safety 0)))
-	      (setq x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	      (prog1 (length x) (setq x t)))
+                       (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+              (setq x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+              (prog1 (length x) (setq x t)))
   nil 5 t)
 (deftest dynamic-extent.11
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (cons 'c x)))
+         (y (cons 'c x)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent y)
-	     (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+             (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (cdr y))
   (a b))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.12
   (let* ((contents '(1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1))
-	 (n (length contents)))
+         (n (length contents)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 32
-	  for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	  for form1 = `(make-array '(,n) :initial-contents ',contents
-				   :element-type ',type)
-	  for form2 = `(let ((a ,form1))
-			 (declare (dynamic-extent a))
-			 (declare (type (simple-array ,type (,n))))
-			 (declare (notinline coerce))
-			 (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
-			 (equal (coerce a 'list) ',contents))
-	  unless (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form2)))
-	  collect i))
+          for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+          for form1 = `(make-array '(,n) :initial-contents ',contents
+                                   :element-type ',type)
+          for form2 = `(let ((a ,form1))
+                         (declare (dynamic-extent a))
+                         (declare (type (simple-array ,type (,n))))
+                         (declare (notinline coerce))
+                         (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
+                         (equal (coerce a 'list) ',contents))
+          unless (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () ,form2)))
+          collect i))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.13
@@ -109,21 +109,21 @@
 (deftest dynamic-extent.14
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'base-char)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char)))
     (declare (dynamic-extent s) (notinline every) (optimize speed (safety 0)))
     (notnot (every #'(lambda (c) (eql c #\a)) s)))
 (deftest dynamic-extent.15
   (flet (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	(declare (dynamic-extent #'(setf %f)))
-	:good)
+        (declare (dynamic-extent #'(setf %f)))
+        :good)
 (deftest dynamic-extent.16
   (labels (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	  (declare (dynamic-extent #'(setf %f)))
-	  :good)
+          (declare (dynamic-extent #'(setf %f)))
+          :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ecase.lsp b/ansi-tests/ecase.lsp
index 26759162..8b7ed260 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ecase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ecase.lsp
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
   (block done
      (ecase 'a (a (go 10)
-		  10
-		  (return-from done 'bad)))
+                  10
+                  (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (ecase (expand-in-current-env (%m :b))
-	  (:a :bad1)
-	  (:b :good)
-	  (:c :bad2)))
+          (:a :bad1)
+          (:b :good)
+          (:c :bad2)))
 (deftest ecase.error.1
@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@
 (deftest ecase.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ecase) '(ecase t))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest ecase.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'ecase) '(ecase t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/echo-stream-input-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/echo-stream-input-stream.lsp
index d654cc15..bda84814 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/echo-stream-input-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/echo-stream-input-stream.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest echo-stream-input-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (equalt (multiple-value-list (echo-stream-input-stream s))
-	    (list is)))
+            (list is)))
 (deftest echo-stream-input-stream.error.1
@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@
 (deftest echo-stream-input-stream.error.2
   (signals-error (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-			(os (make-string-output-stream))
-			(s (make-echo-stream is os)))
-		   (echo-stream-input-stream s nil))
-		 program-error)
+                        (os (make-string-output-stream))
+                        (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+                   (echo-stream-input-stream s nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/echo-stream-output-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/echo-stream-output-stream.lsp
index 769bfc39..f8dee381 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/echo-stream-output-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/echo-stream-output-stream.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest echo-stream-output-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (equalt (multiple-value-list (echo-stream-output-stream s))
-	    (list os)))
+            (list os)))
 (deftest echo-stream-output-stream.error.1
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest echo-stream-output-stream.error.2
   (signals-error (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-			(os (make-string-output-stream))
-			(s (make-echo-stream is os)))
-		   (echo-stream-output-stream s nil))
-		 program-error)
+                        (os (make-string-output-stream))
+                        (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+                   (echo-stream-output-stream s nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/elt.lsp b/ansi-tests/elt.lsp
index c9f1df76..173a53d2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/elt.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/elt.lsp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 (deftest elt.3 (elt '(a b c d e) 0) a)
 (deftest elt.4 (elt '(a b c d e) 2) c)
 (deftest elt.5 (elt '(a b c d e) 4) e)
-(deftest elt.5a 
+(deftest elt.5a
   (signals-error (elt '(a b c d e) -4) type-error)
@@ -42,19 +42,19 @@
 (deftest elt.7
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
     (list x y))
   ((e b c d) e))
 (deftest elt.8
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
     (list x y))
   ((a e c d) e))
 (deftest elt.9
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c e) e))
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@
       (setf (elt x 2) 'f)
        (every #'eq
-	      y
-	      (loop for c on x collect c)))))
+              y
+              (loop for c on x collect c)))))
 (deftest elt.12
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
   (let ((x (make-int-list 100000)))
     (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
     (list (elt x 79999)
-	  (elt x 80000)
-	  (elt x 80001)))
+          (elt x 80000)
+          (elt x 80001)))
   (79999 foo 80001))
 (deftest elt.14
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (elt (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b c d e))
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
      i x y))
   d 2 1 2)
@@ -143,8 +143,8 @@
     (let ((a (make-array 1 :initial-element (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))))
        (setf (elt (aref a (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0))
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'k))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
+             (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'k))
        (aref a 0)
        i x y z)))
   k (a b c k e) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -172,19 +172,19 @@
 (deftest elt-v.7
   (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (e b c d e))
 (deftest elt-v.8
   (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (a e c d e))
 (deftest elt-v.9
   (let* ((x (make-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (a b c e e))
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@
   (let ((x (make-int-array 100000)))
     (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
     (list (elt x 79999)
-	  (elt x 80000)
-	  (elt x 80001)))
+          (elt x 80000)
+          (elt x 80001)))
   (79999 foo 80001))
 ;;;  Adjustable arrays
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
   (signals-error (elt (make-adj-array '(0)) 0) type-error)
-;;; (deftest elt-adj-array.2 (elt (make-adj-array '(1)) 0) nil) ;; actually undefined 
+;;; (deftest elt-adj-array.2 (elt (make-adj-array '(1)) 0) nil) ;; actually undefined
 (deftest elt-adj-array.3
  (elt (make-adj-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)) 0)
@@ -241,19 +241,19 @@
 (deftest elt-adj-array.7
   (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 0) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (e b c d e))
 (deftest elt-adj-array.8
   (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 1) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (a e c d e))
 (deftest elt-adj-array.9
   (let* ((x (make-adj-array '(4) :initial-contents (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-	 (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
+         (y (setf (elt x 3) 'e)))
     (list (elt x 0) (elt x 1) (elt x 2) (elt x 3) y))
   (a b c e e))
@@ -280,13 +280,13 @@
     (let ((x (make-int-array 100000 #'make-adj-array)))
     (setf (elt x 80000) 'foo)
     (list (elt x 79999)
-	  (elt x 80000)
-	  (elt x 80001)))
+          (elt x 80000)
+          (elt x 80001)))
   (79999 foo 80001))
 ;; displaced arrays
-(deftest elt-displaced-array.1 
+(deftest elt-displaced-array.1
   (signals-error (elt (make-displaced-array '(0) 100) 0) type-error)
@@ -302,23 +302,23 @@
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.1
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (values (elt a 0) (elt a 1) (elt a 2)))
   a b c)
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.2
   (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-		       :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (values (elt a 0) (elt a 1) (elt a 2)))
   0 0 1)
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.3
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (elt a 4))
@@ -326,45 +326,45 @@
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.4
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
-			:element-type 'bit
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 0)
+                        :element-type 'bit
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (elt a 4))
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.5
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (values (elt a 0) (elt a 1) (elt a 2)))
    #\a #\b #\c)
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.6
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (elt a 4))
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.7
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (values (elt a 0) (elt a 1) (elt a 2)))
    #\a #\b #\c)
 (deftest elt-fill-pointer.8
    (let ((a (make-array '(5)
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e)
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
      (elt a 4))
@@ -405,25 +405,25 @@
 (deftest elt.special-vectors.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	unless (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i)
-						 (coerce (1+ i) type)))
-	collect (list type vals vec))
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        unless (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i)
+                                                 (coerce (1+ i) type)))
+        collect (list type vals vec))
 (deftest elt.special-vectors.4
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float
-				   integer rational)
-	for type = `(complex ,etype)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
-							      (coerce (- i) etype)))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	unless (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i)
-						 (elt vals i)))
-	collect (list type vals vec))
+                                   integer rational)
+        for type = `(complex ,etype)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
+                                                              (coerce (- i) etype)))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        unless (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i)
+                                                 (elt vals i)))
+        collect (list type vals vec))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/encode-universal-time.lsp b/ansi-tests/encode-universal-time.lsp
index 1d1678b7..f290db12 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/encode-universal-time.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/encode-universal-time.lsp
@@ -9,86 +9,86 @@
 (deftest encode-universal-time.1
   (loop with count = 0
-	for year = (+ 1900 (random 1000))
-	;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
-	for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
-			 (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
-			     (= (mod year 400) 0)))
-	for month = (1+ (random 12))
-	for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
-					#(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
-				      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
-				    month)))
-	for hour = (random 24)
-	for minute = (random 60)
-	for second = (random 60)
-	for tz = (if (and (= year 1900) (= date 0) (= month 0))
-		     (random 25)
-		   (- (random 49) 24))
-	for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year tz)
-	for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
-	for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
-			 nil tz)
-	repeat 20000
-	unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
-	collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
-	until (>= count 100))
+        for year = (+ 1900 (random 1000))
+        ;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
+        for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
+                         (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
+                             (= (mod year 400) 0)))
+        for month = (1+ (random 12))
+        for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
+                                        #(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
+                                      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
+                                    month)))
+        for hour = (random 24)
+        for minute = (random 60)
+        for second = (random 60)
+        for tz = (if (and (= year 1900) (= date 0) (= month 0))
+                     (random 25)
+                   (- (random 49) 24))
+        for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year tz)
+        for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
+        for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
+                         nil tz)
+        repeat 20000
+        unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
+        collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
+        until (>= count 100))
 (deftest encode-universal-time.2
   (loop with count = 0
-	for year = (+ 1901 (random 1000))
-	;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
-	for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
-			 (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
-			     (= (mod year 400) 0)))
-	for month = (1+ (random 12))
-	for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
-					#(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
-				      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
-				    month)))
-	for hour = (random 24)
-	for minute = (random 60)
-	for second = (random 60)
-	for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year)
-	for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time))
-	for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
-			 (elt decoded-vals 7) (elt decoded-vals 8))
-	repeat 20000
-	unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
-	collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
-	until (>= count 100))
+        for year = (+ 1901 (random 1000))
+        ;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
+        for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
+                         (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
+                             (= (mod year 400) 0)))
+        for month = (1+ (random 12))
+        for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
+                                        #(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
+                                      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
+                                    month)))
+        for hour = (random 24)
+        for minute = (random 60)
+        for second = (random 60)
+        for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year)
+        for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time))
+        for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
+                         (elt decoded-vals 7) (elt decoded-vals 8))
+        repeat 20000
+        unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
+        collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
+        until (>= count 100))
 (deftest encode-universal-time.3
   (loop with count = 0
-	for year = (+ 1900 (random 1000))
-	;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
-	for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
-			 (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
-			     (= (mod year 400) 0)))
-	for month = (1+ (random 12))
-	for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
-					#(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
-				      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
-				    month)))
-	for hour = (random 24)
-	for minute = (random 60)
-	for second = (random 60)
-	for tz = (/ (if (and (= year 1900) (= date 0) (= month 0))
-			(random (1+ (* 24 3600)))
-		      (- (random (1+ (* 48 3600))) (* 24 3600)))
-		    3600)
-	for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year tz)
-	for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
-	for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
-			 nil tz)
-	repeat 20000
-	unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
-	collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
-	until (>= count 100))
+        for year = (+ 1900 (random 1000))
+        ;; Gregorian leap year algorithm
+        for leap? = (and (= (mod year 4) 0)
+                         (or (/= (mod year 100) 0)
+                             (= (mod year 400) 0)))
+        for month = (1+ (random 12))
+        for date = (1+ (random (elt (if leap?
+                                        #(0 31 29 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31)
+                                      #(0 31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31))
+                                    month)))
+        for hour = (random 24)
+        for minute = (random 60)
+        for second = (random 60)
+        for tz = (/ (if (and (= year 1900) (= date 0) (= month 0))
+                        (random (1+ (* 24 3600)))
+                      (- (random (1+ (* 48 3600))) (* 24 3600)))
+                    3600)
+        for time = (encode-universal-time second minute hour date month year tz)
+        for decoded-vals = (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time tz))
+        for vals = (list second minute hour date month year (elt decoded-vals 6)
+                         nil tz)
+        repeat 20000
+        unless (equal vals decoded-vals)
+        collect (progn (incf count) (list vals time decoded-vals))
+        until (>= count 100))
 ;;; Error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/enough-namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/enough-namestring.lsp
index 33825b88..885b1dcb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/enough-namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/enough-namestring.lsp
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 (deftest enough-namestring.1
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (enough-namestring "enough-namestring.lsp")))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
+        :good
@@ -25,39 +25,39 @@
 (deftest enough-namestring.3
   (let* ((name "enough-namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (enough-namestring pn))
-	 (name3 (enough-namestring name)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (enough-namestring pn))
+         (name3 (enough-namestring name)))
     (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3)))
 (deftest enough-namestring.4
   (let* ((name "enough-namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (enough-namestring s)))
-	 (name3 (enough-namestring name)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (enough-namestring s)))
+         (name3 (enough-namestring name)))
     (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3)))
 (deftest enough-namestring.5
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (enough-namestring "enough-namestring.lsp"
-						       *default-pathname-defaults*)))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+                                                       *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
+        :good
 (deftest enough-namestring.6
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (enough-namestring "enough-namestring.lsp"
-						       (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+                                                       (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*))))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (enough-namestring s) s))
+        :good
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
    (s (namestring *default-pathname-defaults*) nil)
    (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (enough-namestring "enough-namestring.lsp" s)))
-	 (s2 (first vals)))
+         (s2 (first vals)))
      (assert (null (cdr vals)))
      (assert (stringp s2))
      (assert (equal (enough-namestring s2) s2))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ensure-directories-exist.lsp b/ansi-tests/ensure-directories-exist.lsp
index 73ab50c8..5ed7dc78 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ensure-directories-exist.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ensure-directories-exist.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.1
   (let* ((pn (make-pathname :name "ensure-directories-exist.lsp"
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (results nil)
-	 (verbosity
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (*standard-output*)
-	    (setq results (multiple-value-list (ensure-directories-exist pn))))))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (results nil)
+         (verbosity
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (*standard-output*)
+            (setq results (multiple-value-list (ensure-directories-exist pn))))))
      (length results)
      (equalt (truename pn) (truename (first results)))
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.4
   (let* ((pn (make-pathname :name "ensure-directories-exist.lsp"
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (results nil)
-	 (verbosity
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (*standard-output*)
-	    (setq results (multiple-value-list
-			   (ensure-directories-exist pn :verbose nil))))))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (results nil)
+         (verbosity
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (*standard-output*)
+            (setq results (multiple-value-list
+                           (ensure-directories-exist pn :verbose nil))))))
      (length results)
      (equalt (truename pn) (truename (first results)))
@@ -58,13 +58,13 @@
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.5
   (let* ((pn (make-pathname :name "ensure-directories-exist.lsp"
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (results nil)
-	 (verbosity
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (*standard-output*)
-	    (setq results (multiple-value-list
-			   (ensure-directories-exist pn :verbose t))))))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (results nil)
+         (verbosity
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (*standard-output*)
+            (setq results (multiple-value-list
+                           (ensure-directories-exist pn :verbose t))))))
      (length results)
      (equalt (truename pn) (truename (first results)))
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.6
   (let* ((pn (make-pathname :name "ensure-directories-exist.lsp"
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (results nil)
-	 (verbosity
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (*standard-output*)
-	    (setq results (multiple-value-list
-			   (ensure-directories-exist
-			    pn :allow-other-keys nil))))))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (results nil)
+         (verbosity
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (*standard-output*)
+            (setq results (multiple-value-list
+                           (ensure-directories-exist
+                            pn :allow-other-keys nil))))))
      (length results)
      (equalt (truename pn) (truename (first results)))
@@ -91,14 +91,14 @@
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.7
   (let* ((pn (make-pathname :name "ensure-directories-exist.lsp"
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (results nil)
-	 (verbosity
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (*standard-output*)
-	    (setq results (multiple-value-list
-			   (ensure-directories-exist
-			    pn :allow-other-keys t :nonsense t))))))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (results nil)
+         (verbosity
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (*standard-output*)
+            (setq results (multiple-value-list
+                           (ensure-directories-exist
+                            pn :allow-other-keys t :nonsense t))))))
      (length results)
      (equalt (truename pn) (truename (first results)))
@@ -112,23 +112,23 @@
 ;; test is run
 (deftest ensure-directories-exist.8
   (let* ((subdir (make-pathname :directory '(:relative "scratch")
-				:defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (pn (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "txt"
-			    :defaults subdir)))
+                                :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (pn (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "txt"
+                            :defaults subdir)))
     (assert (not (probe-file pn)) ()
-	    "Delete subdirectory scratch and its contents!")
+            "Delete subdirectory scratch and its contents!")
     (let* ((results nil)
-	   (verbosity
-	    (with-output-to-string
-	      (*standard-output*)
-	      (setq results (multiple-value-list (ensure-directories-exist pn)))))
-	   (result-pn (first results))
-	   (created (second results)))
+           (verbosity
+            (with-output-to-string
+              (*standard-output*)
+              (setq results (multiple-value-list (ensure-directories-exist pn)))))
+           (result-pn (first results))
+           (created (second results)))
       ;; Create the file and write to it
       (with-open-file (*standard-output*
-		       pn :direction :output :if-exists :error
-		       :if-does-not-exist :create)
-		      (print nil))		      
+                       pn :direction :output :if-exists :error
+                       :if-does-not-exist :create)
+                      (print nil))
        (length results)
        (notnot created)
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
     (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild)
-		   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+                   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ensure-generic-function.lsp b/ansi-tests/ensure-generic-function.lsp
index 0fa7304e..d1c06617 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ensure-generic-function.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ensure-generic-function.lsp
@@ -35,11 +35,11 @@
      (fboundp f)
      (notnot-mv (typep (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(a b c))
-		       'generic-function))
+                       'generic-function))
      ;; Test of incongruent generic function lambda list when no
      ;; methods exist
      (notnot-mv (typep (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x y))
-		       'generic-function))
+                       'generic-function))
      (notnot-mv (typep (symbol-function f) 'generic-function))))
   nil t t t)
@@ -49,22 +49,22 @@
      (fboundp f)
      (notnot-mv (typep (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(a b c))
-		       'generic-function))
+                       'generic-function))
      (notnot-mv (eval `(defmethod ,f ((a t)(b t)(c t)) (list a b c))))
      ;; Test of incongruent generic function lambda list when no
      ;; methods exist
       `(signals-error (ensure-generic-function ',f :lambda-list '(x y))
-		      error))))
+                      error))))
   nil t t t)
 (deftest ensure-generic-function.7
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-7))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x)
-		       (:method ((x symbol)) (list x :a))
-		       (:method ((x integer)) (list x :b))
-		       (:method ((x t)) (list x :c))))))
+                       (:method ((x symbol)) (list x :a))
+                       (:method ((x integer)) (list x :b))
+                       (:method ((x t)) (list x :c))))))
        (mapcar fn '(x 2 3/2))
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x)))
@@ -77,12 +77,12 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-8))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x y)
-		       (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) 1)
-		       (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) 2)))))
+                       (:method ((x t) (y symbol)) 1)
+                       (:method ((x symbol) (y t)) 2)))))
        (mapcar fn '(a a 3) '(b 4 b))
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x y)
-					 :argument-precedence-order '(y x)))
+                                         :argument-precedence-order '(y x)))
        (mapcar fn '(a a 3) '(b 4 b)))))
   (2 2 1)
@@ -92,21 +92,21 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-9))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x)
-		       (:method-combination +)
-		       (:method + ((x t)) 1)
-		       (:method + ((x symbol)) 2)
-		       (:method + ((x (eql nil))) 4)))))
+                       (:method-combination +)
+                       (:method + ((x t)) 1)
+                       (:method + ((x symbol)) 2)
+                       (:method + ((x (eql nil))) 4)))))
        (mapcar fn '(3/2 a nil))
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x)
-					 :method-class 'standard-method))
+                                         :method-class 'standard-method))
        (mapcar fn '(3/2 a nil))
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x)
-					 :method-class
-					 (find-class 'standard-method)))
+                                         :method-class
+                                         (find-class 'standard-method)))
        (mapcar fn '(3/2 a nil)))))
   (1 3 7)
   (1 3 7)
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-10))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x)
-		       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
+                       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
        (funcall fn 'a)
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x)
-					 :generic-function-class
-					 'standard-generic-function))
+                                         :generic-function-class
+                                         'standard-generic-function))
        (funcall fn 'a)
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x)
-					 :generic-function-class
-					 (find-class 'standard-generic-function)))
+                                         :generic-function-class
+                                         (find-class 'standard-generic-function)))
        (funcall fn 'a))))
   1 t 1 t 1)
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-11))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x)
-		       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
+                       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
        (funcall fn 'a)
        (eqlt fn (eval `(macrolet ((%m (&environment env)
-				      (ensure-generic-function ',f :lambda-list '(x)
-							       :environment env)))
-			 (%m))))
+                                      (ensure-generic-function ',f :lambda-list '(x)
+                                                               :environment env)))
+                         (%m))))
        (funcall fn 'a))))
   1 t 1)
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-12))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x)
-		       (:documentation "foo")
-		       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
+                       (:documentation "foo")
+                       (:method ((x t)) 1)))))
        (funcall fn 'a)
        (or (documentation f 'function) "foo")
@@ -162,12 +162,12 @@
   (let ((f 'egf-fun-13))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (x y)
-		       (declare (optimize safety (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 0)))
-		       (:method ((x t) (y t)) (list x y))))))
+                       (declare (optimize safety (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 0)))
+                       (:method ((x t) (y t)) (list x y))))))
        (funcall fn 'a 'b)
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(x y)
-					 :declare '((optimize (safety 0) (debug 2) speed (space 1)))))
+                                         :declare '((optimize (safety 0) (debug 2) speed (space 1)))))
        (funcall fn 'a 1))))
   (a b) t (a 1))
@@ -175,15 +175,15 @@
   (let ((f '(setf egf-fun-14)))
     (when (fboundp f) (fmakunbound f))
     (let ((fn (eval `(defgeneric ,f (val x)
-		       (:method ((val t) (x cons)) (setf (car x) val))))))
+                       (:method ((val t) (x cons)) (setf (car x) val))))))
        (let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
-	 (list (setf (egf-fun-14 z) 'c) z))
+         (list (setf (egf-fun-14 z) 'c) z))
        (eqlt fn (ensure-generic-function f :lambda-list '(val x)))
        (let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
-	 (list (setf (egf-fun-14 z) 'c) z)))))
-  (c (c . b)) t (c (c . b)))       
+         (list (setf (egf-fun-14 z) 'c) z)))))
+  (c (c . b)) t (c (c . b)))
 ;;; Many more tests are needed for other combinations of keyword parameters
 (deftest ensure-generic-function.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/environment-functions.lsp b/ansi-tests/environment-functions.lsp
index 6ac73648..4958fab3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/environment-functions.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/environment-functions.lsp
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
 (defmacro def-env-tests (fn-name)
   (flet ((%name (suffix) (intern (concatenate 'string (symbol-name fn-name) suffix)
-				 (find-package :cl-test))))
+                                 (find-package :cl-test))))
        (deftest ,(%name ".1")
-	 (let ((x (,fn-name)))
-	   (or (not x)
-	       (notnot (stringp x))))
-	 t)
+         (let ((x (,fn-name)))
+           (or (not x)
+               (notnot (stringp x))))
+         t)
        (deftest ,(%name ".ERROR.1")
-	 (signals-error (,fn-name nil) program-error)
-	 t))))
+         (signals-error (,fn-name nil) program-error)
+         t))))
 (def-env-tests lisp-implementation-type)
 (def-env-tests lisp-implementation-version)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/epsilons.lsp b/ansi-tests/epsilons.lsp
index 4d497ad1..143dab83 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/epsilons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/epsilons.lsp
@@ -9,118 +9,118 @@
 (deftest epsilons.1
   (loop for e in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		       double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	when (= (float 1 e) (+ (float 1 e) e))
-	collect e)
+                       double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        when (= (float 1 e) (+ (float 1 e) e))
+        collect e)
 (deftest epsilons.2
   (loop for e in (list short-float-negative-epsilon
-		       single-float-negative-epsilon
-		       double-float-negative-epsilon
-		       long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	when (= (float 1 e) (- (float 1 e) e))
-	collect e)
+                       single-float-negative-epsilon
+                       double-float-negative-epsilon
+                       long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        when (= (float 1 e) (- (float 1 e) e))
+        collect e)
 (deftest epsilons.3
   (loop for e in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		       double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	unless (= (float 1 e) (+ (float 1 e) (/ e 2)))
-	collect e)
+                       double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        unless (= (float 1 e) (+ (float 1 e) (/ e 2)))
+        collect e)
 (deftest epsilons.4
   (loop for e in (list short-float-negative-epsilon
-		       single-float-negative-epsilon
-		       double-float-negative-epsilon
-		       long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	unless (= (float 1 e) (- (float 1 e) (/ e 2)))
-	collect e)
+                       single-float-negative-epsilon
+                       double-float-negative-epsilon
+                       long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        unless (= (float 1 e) (- (float 1 e) (/ e 2)))
+        collect e)
 (deftest epsilons.5
   (loop for (type var) in
-	'(
-	  (short-float short-float-epsilon)
-	  (short-float short-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  (single-float single-float-epsilon)
-	  (single-float single-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  (double-float double-float-epsilon)
-	  (double-float double-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  (long-float long-float-epsilon)
-	  (long-float long-float-negative-epsilon))
-	for val = (symbol-value var)
-	unless (typep val type)
-	collect (list type var val))
+        '(
+          (short-float short-float-epsilon)
+          (short-float short-float-negative-epsilon)
+          (single-float single-float-epsilon)
+          (single-float single-float-negative-epsilon)
+          (double-float double-float-epsilon)
+          (double-float double-float-negative-epsilon)
+          (long-float long-float-epsilon)
+          (long-float long-float-negative-epsilon))
+        for val = (symbol-value var)
+        unless (typep val type)
+        collect (list type var val))
 (deftest epsilons.6
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0s0 (+ 1.0s0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0s0 1.0s0)))
       (if (= eps short-float-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps short-float-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps short-float-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.7
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0f0 (+ 1.0f0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0f0 1.0f0)))
       (if (= eps single-float-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps single-float-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps single-float-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.8
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0d0 (+ 1.0d0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0d0 1.0d0)))
       (if (= eps double-float-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps double-float-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps double-float-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.9
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0l0 (+ 1.0l0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0l0 1.0l0)))
       (if (= eps long-float-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps long-float-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps long-float-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.10
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0s0 (- 1.0s0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0s0 1.0s0)))
       (if (= eps short-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps short-float-negative-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps short-float-negative-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.11
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0f0 (- 1.0f0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0f0 1.0f0)))
       (if (= eps single-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps single-float-negative-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps single-float-negative-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.12
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0d0 (- 1.0d0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0d0 1.0d0)))
       (if (= eps double-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps double-float-negative-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps double-float-negative-epsilon))))
 (deftest epsilons.13
   (flet ((%check (x) (/= 1.0l0 (- 1.0l0 x))))
     (let ((eps (float-binary-search #'%check 0.0l0 1.0l0)))
       (if (= eps long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	  :good
-	(list eps long-float-negative-epsilon))))
+          :good
+        (list eps long-float-negative-epsilon))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/equal.lsp b/ansi-tests/equal.lsp
index d5cded3f..4d8bf8a1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/equal.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/equal.lsp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 (deftest equal.1
   (loop for x in *symbols*
-	always (loop for y in *symbols*
-		     always (if (eq x y) (equal x y)
-			      (not (equal x y)))))
+        always (loop for y in *symbols*
+                     always (if (eq x y) (equal x y)
+                              (not (equal x y)))))
 (deftest equal.2
@@ -26,19 +26,19 @@
 (deftest equal.5
   (loop for c in *characters*
-	always (loop for d in *characters*
-		     always (if (eql c d) (equalt c d)
-			      (not (equalt c d)))))
+        always (loop for d in *characters*
+                     always (if (eql c d) (equalt c d)
+                              (not (equalt c d)))))
 (deftest equal.6
   (equalt (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "foo"))
-	  (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "foo")))
+          (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "foo")))
 (deftest equal.7
   (equalt (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "foo"))
-	  (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "bar")))
+          (make-pathname :name (copy-seq "bar")))
 (deftest equal.8
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 (deftest equal.13
   :notes (:nil-vectors-are-strings)
   (let ((x (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
-	(y (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))
+        (y (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))
     (equalt x y))
@@ -77,32 +77,32 @@
 (deftest equal.15
   (equalt (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character)
-	  (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char))
+          (make-array '(0) :element-type 'base-char))
 (deftest equal.16
   (equalt "abc" (make-array '(3) :element-type 'base-char
-			    :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c)))
+                            :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c)))
 (deftest equal.17
   (let ((s (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "0123456789"
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :initial-contents "0123456789"
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (values (equalt s "012") (equalt "012" s)))
   t t)
 (deftest equal.18
   (let ((b (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit
-		       :initial-contents #*0110001110
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :initial-contents #*0110001110
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (values (equalt #*01100 b) (equalt #*01100 b)))
   t t)
 (deftest equal.19
   (let ((s (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-contents "0123456789"
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :initial-contents "0123456789"
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (values (equalt s "012") (equalt "012" s)))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/equalp.lsp b/ansi-tests/equalp.lsp
index 9a24b4f3..4dc77596 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/equalp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/equalp.lsp
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 (deftest equalp.1
   (loop for c across +base-chars+
-	always (loop for d across +base-chars+
-		     always (if (char-equal c d) (equalpt c d)
-			      (not (equalpt c d)))))
+        always (loop for d across +base-chars+
+                     always (if (char-equal c d) (equalpt c d)
+                              (not (equalpt c d)))))
 (deftest equalp.2
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	always (loop for j from 1 to 100
-		     always (if (eqlt i j) (equalpt i j)
-			      (not (equalpt i j)))))
+        always (loop for j from 1 to 100
+                     always (if (eqlt i j) (equalpt i j)
+                              (not (equalpt i j)))))
 (deftest equalp.3
@@ -41,37 +41,37 @@
 (deftest equalp.7
   (loop for nbits from 1 to 100
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,nbits)
-	for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
-	for val = (random bound)
-	for a1 = (make-array nil :initial-element val :element-type type)
-	for a2 = (make-array nil :initial-element val)
-	unless (equalp a1 a2)
-	collect (list nbits type val))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,nbits)
+        for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
+        for val = (random bound)
+        for a1 = (make-array nil :initial-element val :element-type type)
+        for a2 = (make-array nil :initial-element val)
+        unless (equalp a1 a2)
+        collect (list nbits type val))
 (deftest equalp.8
   (loop for nbits from 1 to 100
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,nbits)
-	for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
-	for n = (1+ (random 20))
-	for vals = (loop repeat n collect (random bound))
-	for a1 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals :element-type type)
-	for a2 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals)
-	unless (equalp a1 a2)
-	collect (list nbits type vals))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,nbits)
+        for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
+        for n = (1+ (random 20))
+        for vals = (loop repeat n collect (random bound))
+        for a1 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals :element-type type)
+        for a2 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals)
+        unless (equalp a1 a2)
+        collect (list nbits type vals))
 (deftest equalp.9
   (loop for nbits from 1 to 100
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,nbits)
-	for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
-	for n = (1+ (random 20))
-	for vals = (loop repeat n collect (- (random bound) (/ bound 2)))
-	for a1 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals :element-type type)
-	for a2 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals)
-	unless (equalp a1 a2)
-	collect (list nbits type vals))
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,nbits)
+        for bound = (ash 1 nbits)
+        for n = (1+ (random 20))
+        for vals = (loop repeat n collect (- (random bound) (/ bound 2)))
+        for a1 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals :element-type type)
+        for a2 = (make-array n :initial-contents vals)
+        unless (equalp a1 a2)
+        collect (list nbits type vals))
 (deftest equalp.10
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@
 (deftest equalp.11
   (let ((v1 #(1 2 3))
-	(v2 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-			:fill-pointer 3)))
+        (v2 (make-array 8 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
+                        :fill-pointer 3)))
     (equalpt v1 v2))
@@ -95,16 +95,16 @@
 (deftest equalp.14
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-			:element-type 'base-char))
-	(s2 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-			:element-type 'character)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char))
+        (s2 (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                        :element-type 'character)))
     (equalpt s1 s2))
 (deftest equalp.15
   (let ((bv (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0)
-			:element-type 'bit))
-	(v #(0 0 1 0)))
+                        :element-type 'bit))
+        (v #(0 0 1 0)))
     (equalpt bv v))
@@ -116,81 +116,81 @@
 (deftest equalp.16
   (let ((s1 (make-equalp-struct-16 :a 1 :b 2 :c #\a))
-	(s2 (make-equalp-struct-16 :a 1.0 :b 2.0 :c #\A))
-	(s3 (make-equalp-struct-16-alt :a 1.0 :b 2.0 :c #\A)))
+        (s2 (make-equalp-struct-16 :a 1.0 :b 2.0 :c #\A))
+        (s3 (make-equalp-struct-16-alt :a 1.0 :b 2.0 :c #\A)))
     (values (equalpt s1 s2)
-	    (equalpt s1 s3)
-	    (equalpt s2 s3)))
+            (equalpt s1 s3)
+            (equalpt s2 s3)))
   t nil nil)
 (deftest equalp.17
   (loop for i below 8192
-	for f = (float i 1.0s0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (equalp i f)
-	collect (list i f))
+        for f = (float i 1.0s0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (equalp i f)
+        collect (list i f))
 (deftest equalp.18
   (loop for i = (- (random 10000000) 5000000)
-	for f = (float i 1.0f0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (equalp i f)
-	collect (list i f))
+        for f = (float i 1.0f0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (equalp i f)
+        collect (list i f))
 (deftest equalp.19
   (loop for i = (- (random 10000000) 5000000)
-	for f = (float i 1.0d0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (equalp i f)
-	collect (list i f))
+        for f = (float i 1.0d0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (equalp i f)
+        collect (list i f))
 (deftest equalp.20
   (loop for i = (- (random 10000000) 5000000)
-	for f = (float i 1.0l0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (equalp i f)
-	collect (list i f))
+        for f = (float i 1.0l0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (equalp i f)
+        collect (list i f))
 (deftest equalp.21
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
-	(ht3 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	(ht4 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
+        (ht3 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+        (ht4 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
     (values (equalpt ht1 ht2)
-	    (equalpt ht1 ht3)
-	    (equalpt ht1 ht4)
-	    (equalpt ht2 ht3)
-	    (equalpt ht2 ht4)
-	    (equalpt ht3 ht4)))
+            (equalpt ht1 ht3)
+            (equalpt ht1 ht4)
+            (equalpt ht2 ht3)
+            (equalpt ht2 ht4)
+            (equalpt ht3 ht4)))
   nil nil nil nil nil nil)
 (deftest equalp.22
   (equalpt (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
-	   (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
+           (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
 (deftest equalp.23
   (equalpt (make-hash-table :test 'eql)
-	   (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
+           (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
 (deftest equalp.24
   (equalpt (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
-	   (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+           (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
 (deftest equalp.25
   (equalpt (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)
-	   (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
+           (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
 (deftest equalp.26
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) t)
     (setf (gethash #\A ht2) t)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.27
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (setf (gethash 'a ht1) #\a)
     (setf (gethash 'a ht2) #\A)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.28
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) t)
     (setf (gethash #\A ht2) t)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.29
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'eql))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) "a")
     (setf (gethash #\a ht2) "A")
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.30
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) t)
     (setf (gethash #\A ht2) t)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.31
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) "a")
     (setf (gethash #\a ht2) "A")
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -238,7 +238,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.32
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) t)
     (setf (gethash #\A ht2) t)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.33
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
     (setf (gethash #\a ht1) "a")
     (setf (gethash #\a ht2) "A")
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
 (deftest equalp.34
   (let ((ht1 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
-	(ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
+        (ht2 (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
     (setf (gethash '#:a ht1) t)
     (setf (gethash '#:a ht2) t)
     (equalpt ht1 ht2))
@@ -262,26 +262,26 @@
 (deftest equalp.35
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	collect
-	(flet ((%make-table
-		()
-		(apply #'make-hash-table
-		       :test test
-		       `(,@(when (coin)
-			     (list :size (random 100)))
-			   ,@(when (coin)
-			       (list :rehash-size (1+ (random 50))))
-			   ,@(when (coin)
-			       (list :rehash-threshold (random 1.0)) )))))
-	  (loop repeat 200
-		count
-		(let ((ht1 (%make-table))
-		      (ht2 (%make-table))
-		      (pairs (loop for i below (random 100) collect (cons (gensym) i))))
-		  (loop for (k . v) in pairs do (setf (gethash k ht1) v))
-		  (setf pairs (random-permute pairs))
-		  (loop for (k . v) in pairs do (setf (gethash k ht2) v))
-		  (not (equalp ht1 ht2))))))
+        collect
+        (flet ((%make-table
+                ()
+                (apply #'make-hash-table
+                       :test test
+                       `(,@(when (coin)
+                             (list :size (random 100)))
+                           ,@(when (coin)
+                               (list :rehash-size (1+ (random 50))))
+                           ,@(when (coin)
+                               (list :rehash-threshold (random 1.0)) )))))
+          (loop repeat 200
+                count
+                (let ((ht1 (%make-table))
+                      (ht2 (%make-table))
+                      (pairs (loop for i below (random 100) collect (cons (gensym) i))))
+                  (loop for (k . v) in pairs do (setf (gethash k ht1) v))
+                  (setf pairs (random-permute pairs))
+                  (loop for (k . v) in pairs do (setf (gethash k ht2) v))
+                  (not (equalp ht1 ht2))))))
   (0 0 0 0))
 (deftest equalp.order.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/error.lsp b/ansi-tests/error.lsp
index dd3e357e..970424b6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/error.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/error.lsp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 (deftest error.2
   (let* ((fmt "Error")
-	 (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
+         (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
      (error cnd)
      (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 (deftest error.12
   (let* ((fmt (formatter "Error"))
-	 (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
+         (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error :format-control fmt)))
      (error cnd)
      (simple-error (c) (frob-simple-error c fmt))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/etypecase.lsp b/ansi-tests/etypecase.lsp
index 2b7bea5e..ceef833b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/etypecase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/etypecase.lsp
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
      (let ((x 'a))
        (etypecase x (symbol (go 10)
-			    10
-			    (return 'bad))))
+                            10
+                            (return 'bad))))
      (return 'good)))
@@ -77,31 +77,31 @@
    for x in '(1 a 1.3 "")
    (etypecase x (t :good) (integer :bad) (symbol :bad)
-	      (float :bad) (string :bad)))
+              (float :bad) (string :bad)))
   (:good :good :good :good))
 (deftest etypecase.15
   (let* ((u (coerce *universe* 'vector))
-	 (len1 (length u))
-	 (types (coerce *cl-all-type-symbols* 'vector))
-	 (len2 (length types)))
+         (len1 (length u))
+         (types (coerce *cl-all-type-symbols* 'vector))
+         (len2 (length types)))
      for n = (random 10)
      for my-types = (loop repeat n collect (elt types (random len2)))
      for val = (elt u (random len1))
      for i = (position val my-types :test #'typep)
      for form = `(function
-		  (lambda (x)
-		    (handler-case
-		     (etypecase x
-		       ,@(loop for i from 0 for type in my-types collect `(,type ,i)))
-		     (type-error (c)
-				 (assert (eql x (type-error-datum c)))
-				 (let* ((expected (type-error-expected-type c)))
-				   (let ((equiv (check-equivalence expected
-								   ',(cons 'or my-types))))
-				     (assert (null equiv) () "EQUIV = ~A" EQUIV)))
-				 nil))))
+                  (lambda (x)
+                    (handler-case
+                     (etypecase x
+                       ,@(loop for i from 0 for type in my-types collect `(,type ,i)))
+                     (type-error (c)
+                                 (assert (eql x (type-error-datum c)))
+                                 (let* ((expected (type-error-expected-type c)))
+                                   (let ((equiv (check-equivalence expected
+                                                                   ',(cons 'or my-types))))
+                                     (assert (null equiv) () "EQUIV = ~A" EQUIV)))
+                                 nil))))
      for j = (funcall (eval form) val)
      repeat 200
      unless (eql i j)
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@
 (deftest etypecase.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'etypecase))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest etypecase.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'etypecase)
-			   '(etypecase t))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(etypecase t))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest etypecase.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'etypecase)
-			   '(etypecase t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(etypecase t) nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/eval-and-compile.lsp b/ansi-tests/eval-and-compile.lsp
index 4580c55f..265a5425 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/eval-and-compile.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/eval-and-compile.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (defparameter *eval-and-compile-fns*
   '(compile eval macroexpand macroexpand-1 proclaim special-operator-p
-	    constantp))
+            constantp))
 (deftest eval-and-compile-fns
   (remove-if #'fboundp *eval-and-compile-fns*)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/eval-when.lsp b/ansi-tests/eval-when.lsp
index dd3d7e1c..cd347694 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/eval-when.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/eval-when.lsp
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@
 (defvar *eval-when.1-collector*)
 (deftest eval-when.1
   (let ((forms nil) all (ff "generated-eval-when-test-file.lisp"))
     (dolist (c '(nil (:compile-toplevel)))
       (dolist (l '(nil (:load-toplevel)))
-	(dolist (x '(nil (:execute)))
-	  (push `(eval-when (,@c ,@l ,@x)
-		   (push '(,@c ,@l ,@x) *eval-when.1-collector*))
-		forms))))
+        (dolist (x '(nil (:execute)))
+          (push `(eval-when (,@c ,@l ,@x)
+                   (push '(,@c ,@l ,@x) *eval-when.1-collector*))
+                forms))))
     (dolist (c '(nil (:compile-toplevel)))
       (dolist (l '(nil (:load-toplevel)))
-	(dolist (x '(nil (:execute)))
-	  (push `(let () (eval-when (,@c ,@l ,@x)
-			   (push '(let ,@c ,@l ,@x) *eval-when.1-collector*)))
-		forms))))
+        (dolist (x '(nil (:execute)))
+          (push `(let () (eval-when (,@c ,@l ,@x)
+                           (push '(let ,@c ,@l ,@x) *eval-when.1-collector*)))
+                forms))))
     (with-open-file (o ff :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-		    (dolist (f forms)
-		      (prin1 f o)
-		      (terpri o)))
+                    (dolist (f forms)
+                      (prin1 f o)
+                      (terpri o)))
     (let ((*eval-when.1-collector* nil))
       (load ff)
       (push (cons "load source" *eval-when.1-collector*) all))
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     (delete-file (compile-file-pathname ff))
     #+clisp (delete-file (make-pathname :type "lib" :defaults ff))
     (nreverse all))
   (("load source"
     (:execute) (:load-toplevel :execute) (:compile-toplevel :execute)
     (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
@@ -137,5 +137,5 @@
 (deftest eval-when.18
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (eval-when (:execute) (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (eval-when (:execute) (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/eval.lsp b/ansi-tests/eval.lsp
index 85a6282b..44d36c8b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/eval.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/eval.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (deftest eval.2
   (loop for x being the symbols of "KEYWORD"
-	always (eq (eval x) x))
+        always (eq (eval x) x))
 (deftest eval.3
@@ -49,10 +49,10 @@
 (deftest eval.error.3
   (let ((v (gensym)))
     (eval `(signals-error (eval (list ',v)) undefined-function
-			  :name ,v)))
+                          :name ,v)))
 (deftest eval.error.4
   (let ((v (gensym)))
     (eval `(signals-error (eval ',v) unbound-variable :name ,v)))
-  t)
\ No newline at end of file
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/evenp.lsp b/ansi-tests/evenp.lsp
index 4d4d1158..3b75ca38 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/evenp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/evenp.lsp
@@ -21,42 +21,42 @@
 (deftest evenp.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (integerp x)
-	do (evenp x))
+        when (integerp x)
+        do (evenp x))
 (deftest evenp.3
-  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)  
-	repeat 10000
-	when (or
-	      (not (evenp (+ x x)))
-	      (evenp (+ x x 1))
-	      (if (evenp x)
-		  (or (evenp (1+ x))
-		      (evenp (1- x))
-		      (/= (mod x 2) 0))
-		(or (not (evenp (1+ x)))
-		    (not (evenp (1- x)))
-		    (= (mod x 2) 0))))
-	collect x)
+  (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 10000
+        when (or
+              (not (evenp (+ x x)))
+              (evenp (+ x x 1))
+              (if (evenp x)
+                  (or (evenp (1+ x))
+                      (evenp (1- x))
+                      (/= (mod x 2) 0))
+                (or (not (evenp (1+ x)))
+                    (not (evenp (1- x)))
+                    (= (mod x 2) 0))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest evenp.4
   (let ((upper-bound 1000000000000000)
-	(lower-bound -1000000000000000))
+        (lower-bound -1000000000000000))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval upper-bound lower-bound)
-	  repeat 10000
-	  when (or
-		(not (evenp (+ x x)))
-		(evenp (+ x x 1))
-		(if (evenp x)
-		    (or (evenp (1+ x))
-			(evenp (1- x))
-			(/= (mod x 2) 0))
-		  (or (not (evenp (1+ x)))
-		      (not (evenp (1- x)))
-		      (= (mod x 2) 0))))
-	  collect x))
+          repeat 10000
+          when (or
+                (not (evenp (+ x x)))
+                (evenp (+ x x 1))
+                (if (evenp x)
+                    (or (evenp (1+ x))
+                        (evenp (1- x))
+                        (/= (mod x 2) 0))
+                  (or (not (evenp (1+ x)))
+                      (not (evenp (1- x)))
+                      (= (mod x 2) 0))))
+          collect x))
 (deftest evenp.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/every.lsp b/ansi-tests/every.lsp
index 9fed1415..93e9567b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/every.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/every.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (let ((count 0))
      (every #'(lambda (x) (incf count) (< x 10))
-	    '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
+            '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
   nil 4)
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@
 (deftest every.7
   (notnot-mv (every #'(lambda (x y) (or x y))
-		    '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil t t nil nil)))
+                    '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil t t nil nil)))
 (deftest every.8
   (let ((x '(1))
-	(args nil))
+        (args nil))
     (loop for i from 1 below (1- (min 100 call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push x args)
-	  always (apply #'every #'= args)))
+          do (push x args)
+          always (apply #'every #'= args)))
 (deftest every.9
@@ -82,61 +82,61 @@
 (deftest every.17
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (every #'zerop v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (every #'zerop v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest every.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (notnot (every #'zerop v)))
-		 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (notnot (every #'zerop v)))
+                 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest every.19
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (notnot (every #'zerop v)))
-		 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (notnot (every #'zerop v)))
+                 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest every.20
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (every #'alpha-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (every #'alpha-char-p v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest every.21
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (every #'alpha-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (every #'alpha-char-p v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest every.22
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (notnot (every #'alpha-char-p v))
      (setf (aref v 2) #\0)
@@ -147,8 +147,8 @@
 (deftest every.23
   (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 3 2 4 6 8 5 7 9 1)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
      (every #'evenp v1)
      (notnot (every 'evenp v2))))
@@ -156,55 +156,55 @@
 (deftest every.24
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (not (every 'evenp v1))
-	       (every #'evenp v2)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (not (every 'evenp v1))
+               (every #'evenp v2)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest every.25
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (not (every 'evenp v1))
-	       (every #'evenp v2)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (not (every 'evenp v1))
+               (every #'evenp v2)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest every.26
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'character)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (notnot (every 'alpha-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (notnot (every 'alpha-char-p s2))))
   (nil nil t t nil nil nil))
 (deftest every.27
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'base-char)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (notnot (every 'alpha-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (notnot (every 'alpha-char-p s2))))
   (nil nil t t nil nil nil))
 ;;; adjustable vectors
 (deftest every.28
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (notnot (every #'plusp v))
@@ -214,8 +214,8 @@
 (deftest every.29
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 10
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 10
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (notnot (every #'plusp v))
@@ -227,34 +227,34 @@
 (deftest every.30
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	unless (every #'plusp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        unless (every #'plusp v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest every.31
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 -1)))
-	unless (every #'plusp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 -1)))
+        unless (every #'plusp v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest every.32
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for ctype = `(complex ,type)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type ctype
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	unless (every #'complexp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for ctype = `(complex ,type)
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type ctype
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        unless (every #'complexp v)
+        collect (list type v))
 ;;; Order of arguments
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (every (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil a nil)))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil a nil)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -271,8 +271,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (every (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'equal)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil a nil))
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) '(nil nil a b)))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil a nil))
+            (progn (setf z (incf i)) '(nil nil a b)))
      i x y z))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -280,17 +280,17 @@
 (deftest every.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (every x '(a b c)))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or function symbol))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or function symbol))))
 (deftest every.error.2
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (every #'null x))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'sequence)))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'sequence)))
 (deftest every.error.3
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (every #'eq () x))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'sequence)))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'sequence)))
 (deftest every.error.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/exp-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/exp-aux.lsp
index 9d6b3ec5..2d43194a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/exp-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/exp-aux.lsp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    the first n terms of the Taylor series."
   (assert (realp x))
   (let ((result 1)
-	(xrat (rational x)))
+        (xrat (rational x)))
      for i from (1- n) downto 1
      do (setq result (+ 1 (/ (* xrat result) i))))
@@ -19,6 +19,6 @@
       (float result 1.0f0))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/exp.lsp b/ansi-tests/exp.lsp
index 1f292c0c..d0510a34 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/exp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/exp.lsp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (deftest exp.1
   (let ((result (exp 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 1)
-	(eqlt result 1.0f0)))
+        (eqlt result 1.0f0)))
 (deftest exp.2
@@ -43,40 +43,40 @@
 (deftest exp.error.4
   (signals-error (exp (+ (log most-positive-short-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-overflow)
+                 floating-point-overflow)
 (deftest exp.error.5
   (signals-error (exp (+ (log most-positive-single-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-overflow)
+                 floating-point-overflow)
 (deftest exp.error.6
   (signals-error (exp (+ (log most-positive-double-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-overflow)
+                 floating-point-overflow)
 (deftest exp.error.7
   (signals-error (exp (+ (log most-positive-long-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-overflow)
+                 floating-point-overflow)
 (deftest exp.error.8
   (signals-error (exp (- (log least-positive-short-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-underflow)
+                 floating-point-underflow)
 (deftest exp.error.9
   (signals-error (exp (- (log least-positive-single-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-underflow)
+                 floating-point-underflow)
 (deftest exp.error.10
   (signals-error (exp (- (log least-positive-double-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-underflow)
+                 floating-point-underflow)
 (deftest exp.error.11
   (signals-error (exp (- (log least-positive-double-float) 100))
-		 floating-point-underflow)
+                 floating-point-underflow)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/export.lsp b/ansi-tests/export.lsp
index 19b6b157..cfba7cfd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/export.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/export.lsp
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
       (let ((sym (intern "FOO" p))
-	    (i 0) x y)
-	(setf return-value (export (progn (setf x (incf i)) sym)
-				   (progn (setf y (incf i)) p)))
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	  (prog1
-	      (and sym2
-		   (eql i 2)
-		   (eql x 1)
-		   (eql y 2)
-		   (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
-		   (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
-		   (eqt sym sym2)
-		   (eqt status :external))
-	    (delete-package p)))))
+            (i 0) x y)
+        (setf return-value (export (progn (setf x (incf i)) sym)
+                                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) p)))
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+          (prog1
+              (and sym2
+                   (eql i 2)
+                   (eql x 1)
+                   (eql y 2)
+                   (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
+                   (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+                   (eqt sym sym2)
+                   (eqt status :external))
+            (delete-package p)))))
@@ -37,16 +37,16 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
       (let ((sym (intern "FOO" p)))
-	(export (list sym) p)
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	  (prog1
-	      (and sym2
-		   (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
-		   (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
-		   (eqt sym sym2)
-		   (eqt status :external))
-	    (delete-package p))))))
+        (export (list sym) p)
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+          (prog1
+              (and sym2
+                   (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
+                   (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+                   (eqt sym sym2)
+                   (eqt status :external))
+            (delete-package p))))))
 (deftest export.3
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
     (make-package "TEST2" :use '("TEST1"))
     (export (intern "X" "TEST2") "TEST2")
-	(handler-case
-	 (let ((sym (intern "X" "TEST1")))
-	   (handler-case
-	    (export sym "TEST1")
-	    (error (c)
-		   (format t "Caught error in EXPORT.5: ~A~%" c)
-		   'caught)))
-	 (error (c) c))
+        (handler-case
+         (let ((sym (intern "X" "TEST1")))
+           (handler-case
+            (export sym "TEST1")
+            (error (c)
+                   (format t "Caught error in EXPORT.5: ~A~%" c)
+                   'caught)))
+         (error (c) c))
       (delete-package "TEST2")
       (delete-package "TEST1")))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/expt.lsp b/ansi-tests/expt.lsp
index 8546ecd1..e85b4ad9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/expt.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/expt.lsp
@@ -62,80 +62,80 @@
 (deftest expt.2
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	always (eql (expt i 0) 1))
+        always (eql (expt i 0) 1))
 (deftest expt.3
   (loop for i = (random 1.0s3)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0s0))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0s0))
 (deftest expt.4
   (loop for i = (random 1.0f6)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0f0))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0f0))
 (deftest expt.5
   (loop for i = (random 1.0d10)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0d0))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0d0))
 (deftest expt.6
   (loop for i = (random 1.0l10)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0l0))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt i 0) 1.0l0))
 (deftest expt.7
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for c = (complex i i)
-	always (eql (expt c 0) 1))
+        for c = (complex i i)
+        always (eql (expt c 0) 1))
 (deftest expt.8
   (loop for i = (random 1.0s3)
-	for c = (complex i i)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0s0 0.0s0)))
+        for c = (complex i i)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0s0 0.0s0)))
 (deftest expt.9
   (loop for i = (random 1.0f6)
-	for c = (complex i i)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0f0 0.0f0)))
+        for c = (complex i i)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0f0 0.0f0)))
 (deftest expt.10
   (loop for i = (random 1.0d10)
-	for c = (complex i i)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0d0 0.0d0)))
+        for c = (complex i i)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0d0 0.0d0)))
 (deftest expt.11
   (loop for i = (random 1.0l10)
-	for c = (complex i i)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0l0 0.0l0)))
+        for c = (complex i i)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (eql (expt c 0) #c(1.0l0 0.0l0)))
 (deftest expt.12
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (or (floatp (realpart x))
-		   (eql (expt x 1) x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (floatp (realpart x))
+                   (eql (expt x 1) x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest expt.13
   (loop for x in *rationals*
-	unless (and (eql (expt x 2) (* x x))
-		    (or (zerop x)
-			(eql (expt x -1) (/ x))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (and (eql (expt x 2) (* x x))
+                    (or (zerop x)
+                        (eql (expt x -1) (/ x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest expt.14
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@
    for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
    (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	 always (or (zerop i)
-		    (eql (expt i zero) (float 1 zero)))))
+         always (or (zerop i)
+                    (eql (expt i zero) (float 1 zero)))))
 (deftest expt.19
@@ -168,8 +168,8 @@
    for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
    (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	 always (or (zerop i)
-		    (eql (expt (float i 0.0s0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
+         always (or (zerop i)
+                    (eql (expt (float i 0.0s0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
 (deftest expt.20
@@ -177,8 +177,8 @@
    for zero in '(0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
    (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	 always (or (zerop i)
-		    (eql (expt (float i 0.0f0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
+         always (or (zerop i)
+                    (eql (expt (float i 0.0f0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
 (deftest expt.21
@@ -186,8 +186,8 @@
    for zero in '(0.0d0 0.0l0)
    (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	 always (or (zerop i)
-		    (eql (expt (float i 0.0d0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
+         always (or (zerop i)
+                    (eql (expt (float i 0.0d0) zero) (float 1 zero)))))
 (deftest expt.22
@@ -225,31 +225,31 @@
 (deftest expt.29
   (loop for bound in '(1.0s4 1.0f6 1.0d8 1.0l8)
-	for ebound in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for ebound2 = (max (* 2 ebound) (/ bound))
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (1+ (random 1.0f6))
-	      for s1 = (sqrt x)
-	      for s2 = (expt x 1/2)
-	      for error = (/ (abs (- s2 s2)) x)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (< error ebound2)
-	      collect (list x s1 s2)))
+        for ebound in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                            double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for ebound2 = (max (* 2 ebound) (/ bound))
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (1+ (random 1.0f6))
+              for s1 = (sqrt x)
+              for s2 = (expt x 1/2)
+              for error = (/ (abs (- s2 s2)) x)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (< error ebound2)
+              collect (list x s1 s2)))
 (deftest expt.30
   (loop for bound in '(1.0s4 1.0f6 1.0d8 1.0l8)
-	for ebound in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for ebound2 = (max (* 2 ebound) (/ bound))
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (- (1+ (random 1.0f6)))
-	      for s1 = (sqrt x)
-	      for s2 = (expt x 1/2)
-	      for error = (/ (abs (- s2 s2)) x)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (< error ebound2)
-	      collect (list x s1 s2)))
+        for ebound in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                            double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for ebound2 = (max (* 2 ebound) (/ bound))
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (- (1+ (random 1.0f6)))
+              for s1 = (sqrt x)
+              for s2 = (expt x 1/2)
+              for error = (/ (abs (- s2 s2)) x)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (< error ebound2)
+              collect (list x s1 s2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fboundp.lsp b/ansi-tests/fboundp.lsp
index b7811a41..2a7f84ef 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fboundp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fboundp.lsp
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ;;; See
 (deftest fboundp.8
   (loop for x in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	when (and (fboundp x) (not (eq x 'ed)))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (fboundp x) (not (eq x 'ed)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest fboundp.order.1
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
 (deftest fboundp.error.10
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (symbolp x)
-	nconc
-	(handler-case
-	 (list x (fboundp `(setf ,x)))
-	 (type-error (c)
-		     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
-					 (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		     nil)
-	 (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
+        unless (symbolp x)
+        nconc
+        (handler-case
+         (list x (fboundp `(setf ,x)))
+         (type-error (c)
+                     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
+                                         (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                     nil)
+         (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fceiling-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/fceiling-aux.lsp
index dd6581d8..a4542dfd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fceiling-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fceiling-aux.lsp
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
 (defun fceiling.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 200000)
-		   100000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (fceiling n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (floatp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (< (- d) r 1))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   100000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (fceiling n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (floatp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (< (- d) r 1))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fceiling.lsp b/ansi-tests/fceiling.lsp
index e82f1f99..9577e520 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fceiling.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fceiling.lsp
@@ -24,124 +24,124 @@
 (deftest fceiling.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float 1 x))
-		      (= q 1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float 1 x))
+                      (= q 1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest fceiling.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if-not #'floatp (remove-if #'zerop *reals*))
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling  (- x) x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float -1 x))
-		      (= q -1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling  (- x) x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float -1 x))
+                      (= q -1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest fceiling.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'short-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'short-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'single-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'single-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'double-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'double-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'long-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1+ i) 'long-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fceiling.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fceiling x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad 1)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fdefinition.lsp b/ansi-tests/fdefinition.lsp
index fe2fcb58..3796bbda 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fdefinition.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fdefinition.lsp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (deftest fdefinition.error.3
   (let ((v (gensym)))
     (eval `(signals-error (fdefinition ',v) undefined-function
-			  :name ,v)))
+                          :name ,v)))
 (deftest fdefinition.error.4
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 ;;; (deftest fdefinition.error.5
 ;;;  (let ((fn `(setf ,(gensym))))
 ;;;    (eval `(signals-error (fdefinition ',fn) undefined-function
-;;;			  :name ,fn)))
+;;;                       :name ,fn)))
 ;;;  t)
 (deftest fdefinition.error.6
@@ -41,15 +41,15 @@
 (deftest fdefinition.error.8
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (symbolp x)
-	nconc
-	(handler-case
-	 (list x (fdefinition `(setf ,x)))
-	 (type-error (c)
-		     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
-					 (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		     nil)
-	 (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
+        unless (symbolp x)
+        nconc
+        (handler-case
+         (list x (fdefinition `(setf ,x)))
+         (type-error (c)
+                     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
+                                         (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                     nil)
+         (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
 ;;; Non-error cases
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
 (deftest fdefinition.5
   (let* ((sym (gensym))
-	 (fname (list 'setf sym)))
+         (fname (list 'setf sym)))
      (fboundp fname)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/features.lsp b/ansi-tests/features.lsp
index f243fc86..2862afe0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/features.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/features.lsp
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 (deftest features.1
   (let ((f *features*))
     (or (not (member :draft-ansi-cl f))
-	(not (intersection '(:draft-ansi-cl-2 :ansi-cl) f))))
+        (not (intersection '(:draft-ansi-cl-2 :ansi-cl) f))))
 (deftest features.2
   (let ((f *features*))
     (or (not (intersection '(:x3j13 :draft-ansi-cl :ansi-cl) f))
-	(notnot (member :common-lisp f))))
+        (notnot (member :common-lisp f))))
 (deftest features.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ffloor-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/ffloor-aux.lsp
index d6e9369a..af8ddb89 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ffloor-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ffloor-aux.lsp
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@
 (defun ffloor.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 200000)
-		   100000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ffloor n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (floatp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (< -1 r d))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   100000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ffloor n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (floatp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (< -1 r d))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ffloor.lsp b/ansi-tests/ffloor.lsp
index f19035fb..ccb1a945 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ffloor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ffloor.lsp
@@ -24,126 +24,126 @@
 (deftest ffloor.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float 1 x))
-		      (= q 1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float 1 x))
+                      (= q 1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ffloor.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if-not #'floatp (remove-if #'zerop *reals*))
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor  (- x) x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float -1 x))
-		      (= q -1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor  (- x) x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float -1 x))
+                      (= q -1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ffloor.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'short-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'short-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'single-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'single-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'double-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'double-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ffloor.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'long-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ffloor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'long-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 ;;; To add: tests that involve adding/subtracting EPSILON constants
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-author.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-author.lsp
index 20cf87b9..2d33a1b9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-author.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-author.lsp
@@ -7,48 +7,48 @@
 (deftest file-author.1
   (loop for pn in
-	(directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
-				  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	for author = (file-author pn)
-	unless (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	collect (list pn author))
+        (directory (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
+                                  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+        for author = (file-author pn)
+        unless (or (null author) (stringp author))
+        collect (list pn author))
 (deftest file-author.2
   (let ((author (file-author "file-author.lsp")))
     (if (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	nil
+        nil
 (deftest file-author.3
   (let ((author (file-author #p"file-author.lsp")))
     (if (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	nil
+        nil
 (deftest file-author.4
   (let ((author (file-author (truename "file-author.lsp"))))
     (if (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	nil
+        nil
 (deftest file-author.5
   (let ((author (with-open-file (s "file-author.lsp" :direction :input)
-				(file-author s))))
+                                (file-author s))))
     (if (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	nil
+        nil
 (deftest file-author.6
   (let ((author (let ((s (open "file-author.lsp" :direction :input)))
-		  (close s)
-		  (file-author s))))
+                  (close s)
+                  (file-author s))))
     (if (or (null author) (stringp author))
-	nil
+        nil
@@ -76,13 +76,13 @@
 (deftest file-author.error.3
    (file-author (make-pathname :name :wild :type "lsp"
-			       :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+                               :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
   t t)
 (deftest file-author.error.4
    (file-author (make-pathname :name "file-author" :type :wild
-			       :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+                               :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-error.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-error.lsp
index 7c9c32d8..50a25a26 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-error.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-error.lsp
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 (deftest file-error.1
   (let ((pn (make-pathname :name :wild
-			   :type "txt"
-			   :version :newest
-			   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+                           :type "txt"
+                           :version :newest
+                           :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
      (probe-file pn)
      (error (c)
-	    (values
-	     (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
-	     (if (equalp (file-error-pathname c) pn)
-		 t
-	       (list (file-error-pathname c) pn))))))
+            (values
+             (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
+             (if (equalp (file-error-pathname c) pn)
+                 t
+               (list (file-error-pathname c) pn))))))
   t t)
 (deftest file-error-pathname.1
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
      (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
      (eqlt (class-of c) (find-class 'file-error))
      (equalpt "CLTEST:foo.txt"
-	      (file-error-pathname c))))
+              (file-error-pathname c))))
   t t t)
 (deftest file-error-pathname.4
@@ -51,16 +51,16 @@
      (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
      (eqlt (class-of c) (find-class 'file-error))
      (equalpt (logical-pathname "CLTEST:foo.txt")
-	      (file-error-pathname c))))
+              (file-error-pathname c))))
   t t t)
 (deftest file-error-pathname.5
   (with-open-file (s "file-error.lsp" :direction :input)
-		  (let ((c (make-condition 'file-error :pathname s)))
-		    (values
-		     (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
-		     (eqlt (class-of c) (find-class 'file-error))
-		     (equalpt s (file-error-pathname c)))))
+                  (let ((c (make-condition 'file-error :pathname s)))
+                    (values
+                     (notnot (typep c 'file-error))
+                     (eqlt (class-of c) (find-class 'file-error))
+                     (equalpt s (file-error-pathname c)))))
   t t t)
 (deftest file-error-pathname.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-length.lsp
index cb0d422f..b3e2ba07 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-length.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-length.lsp
@@ -12,26 +12,26 @@
 (deftest file-length.error.2
    (with-open-file (is "file-length.lsp" :direction :input)
-		   (file-length is nil))
+                   (file-length is nil))
 (deftest file-length.error.3
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (typep x 'file-stream)
-		   (typep x 'broadcast-stream)
-		   (handler-case (progn (file-length x) nil)
-				 (type-error (c)
-					     (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
-					     t)
-				 (condition () nil)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (typep x 'file-stream)
+                   (typep x 'broadcast-stream)
+                   (handler-case (progn (file-length x) nil)
+                                 (type-error (c)
+                                             (assert (not (typep x (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                                             t)
+                                 (condition () nil)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest file-length.error.4
   :notes (:assume-no-simple-streams :assume-no-gray-streams)
   (signals-error (with-input-from-string (s "abc") (file-length s))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest file-length.error.5
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 (deftest file-length.error.9
   (signals-type-error s (make-concatenated-stream)
-		      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
+                      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
 (deftest file-length.error.10
@@ -80,90 +80,90 @@
 (deftest file-length.error.11
   :notes (:assume-no-simple-streams :assume-no-gray-streams)
   (signals-type-error s (make-string-input-stream "abcde")
-		      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
+                      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
 (deftest file-length.error.12
   :notes (:assume-no-simple-streams :assume-no-gray-streams)
   (signals-type-error s (make-string-output-stream)
-		      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
+                      (unwind-protect (file-length s) (close s)))
 ;;; Non-error tests
 (deftest file-length.1
   (let ((results (multiple-value-list
-		  (with-open-file
-		   (is "file-length.lsp" :direction :input)
-		   (file-length is)))))
+                  (with-open-file
+                   (is "file-length.lsp" :direction :input)
+                   (file-length is)))))
     (and (= (length results) 1)
-	 (typep (car results) '(integer 1))
-	 t))
+         (typep (car results) '(integer 1))
+         t))
 (deftest file-length.2
   (loop for i from 1 to 32
-	for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
-	for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-			       :if-exists :supersede
-			       :element-type etype)
-	do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
-	do (finish-output os)
-	unless (= (file-length os) 17)
-	collect (list i (file-length os))
-	do (close os))
+        for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
+        for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                               :if-exists :supersede
+                               :element-type etype)
+        do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
+        do (finish-output os)
+        unless (= (file-length os) 17)
+        collect (list i (file-length os))
+        do (close os))
 (deftest file-length.3
   (loop for i from 1 to 32
-	for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
-	for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-			       :if-exists :supersede
-			       :element-type etype)
-	for len = 0
-	do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
-	do (close os)
-	unless (let ((is (open "tmp.dat" :direction :input
-			       :element-type etype)))
-		 (prog1
-		     (= (file-length is) 17)
-		   (close is)))
-	collect i)
+        for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
+        for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                               :if-exists :supersede
+                               :element-type etype)
+        for len = 0
+        do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
+        do (close os)
+        unless (let ((is (open "tmp.dat" :direction :input
+                               :element-type etype)))
+                 (prog1
+                     (= (file-length is) 17)
+                   (close is)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest file-length.4
   (loop for i from 33 to 100
-	for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
-	for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-			       :if-exists :supersede
-			       :element-type etype)
-	do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
-	do (finish-output os)
-	unless (= (file-length os) 17)
-	collect (list i (file-length os))
-	do (close os))
+        for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
+        for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                               :if-exists :supersede
+                               :element-type etype)
+        do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
+        do (finish-output os)
+        unless (= (file-length os) 17)
+        collect (list i (file-length os))
+        do (close os))
 (deftest file-length.5
   (loop for i from 33 to 100
-	for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
-	for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-			       :if-exists :supersede
-			       :element-type etype)
-	for len = 0
-	do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
-	do (close os)
-	unless (let ((is (open "tmp.dat" :direction :input
-			       :element-type etype)))
-		 (prog1
-		     (= (file-length is) 17)
-		   (close is)))
-	collect i)
-  nil)		 
+        for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for e = (max 0 (- (ash 1 i) 5))
+        for os = (open "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                               :if-exists :supersede
+                               :element-type etype)
+        for len = 0
+        do (loop repeat 17 do (write-byte e os))
+        do (close os)
+        unless (let ((is (open "tmp.dat" :direction :input
+                               :element-type etype)))
+                 (prog1
+                     (= (file-length is) 17)
+                   (close is)))
+        collect i)
+  nil)
 (deftest file-length.6
@@ -171,6 +171,6 @@
    (declare (special *foo*))
    (let ((s (make-synonym-stream '*foo*)))
-	 (typep* (file-length s) '(integer 1))
-	(close s))))
+         (typep* (file-length s) '(integer 1))
+        (close s))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-namestring.lsp
index f837c95a..cc68ecac 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-namestring.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest file-namestring.1
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		(file-namestring "file-namestring.lsp")))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+                (file-namestring "file-namestring.lsp")))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (file-namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (file-namestring s) s))
+        :good
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
 (deftest file-namestring.3
   (let* ((name "file-namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
-				(file-namestring s)))
-	 (name3 (file-namestring pn)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
+                                (file-namestring s)))
+         (name3 (file-namestring pn)))
     (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-position.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-position.lsp
index c623014f..3aa3c87e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-position.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-position.lsp
@@ -7,24 +7,24 @@
 (deftest file-position.1
   (with-open-file (is "file-position.lsp":direction :input)
-		  (file-position is))
+                  (file-position is))
 (deftest file-position.2
   (with-open-file (is "file-position.lsp":direction :input)
-		  (values
-		   (multiple-value-list
-		    (notnot-mv (file-position is :start)))
-		   (file-position is)))
+                  (values
+                   (multiple-value-list
+                    (notnot-mv (file-position is :start)))
+                   (file-position is)))
   (t) 0)
 (deftest file-position.3
   (with-open-file (is "file-position.lsp":direction :input)
-		  (values
-		   (multiple-value-list
-		    (notnot-mv (file-position is :end)))
-		   (notnot (> (file-position is) 0))))
+                  (values
+                   (multiple-value-list
+                    (notnot-mv (file-position is :end)))
+                   (notnot (> (file-position is) 0))))
   (t) t)
 (deftest file-position.4
@@ -51,83 +51,83 @@
    (os "tmp.dat":direction :output
        :if-exists :supersede)
    (let ((p1 (file-position os))
-	 (delta (file-string-length os #\x)))
+         (delta (file-string-length os #\x)))
      (write-char #\x os)
      (let ((p2 (file-position os)))
        (or (null p1) (null p2) (null delta)
-	   (=t (+ p1 delta) p2)))))
+           (=t (+ p1 delta) p2)))))
 ;;; Byte streams
 (deftest file-position.7
   (loop for len from 1 to 32
-	for n = (ash 1 len)
-	do (with-open-file
-	    (os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-		:if-exists :supersede
-		:element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
-	    (loop for i from 0 below 100
-		  for r = (logand (1- n) i)
-		  for pos = (file-position os)
-		  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
-		  do (write-byte r os)))
-	do (with-open-file
-	    (is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
-		:element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
-	    (loop for i from 0 below 100
-		  for pos = (file-position is)
-		  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
-		  do (let ((byte (read-byte is)))
-		       (assert (eql byte (logand (1- n) i)))))))
+        for n = (ash 1 len)
+        do (with-open-file
+            (os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                :if-exists :supersede
+                :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
+            (loop for i from 0 below 100
+                  for r = (logand (1- n) i)
+                  for pos = (file-position os)
+                  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
+                  do (write-byte r os)))
+        do (with-open-file
+            (is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
+                :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
+            (loop for i from 0 below 100
+                  for pos = (file-position is)
+                  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
+                  do (let ((byte (read-byte is)))
+                       (assert (eql byte (logand (1- n) i)))))))
 (deftest file-position.8
   (loop for len from 33 to 100
-	for n = (ash 1 len)
-	do (with-open-file
-	    (os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-		:if-exists :supersede
-		:element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
-	    (loop for i from 0 below 100
-		  for r = (logand (1- n) i)
-		  for pos = (file-position os)
-		  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
-		  do (write-byte r os)))
-	do (with-open-file
-	    (is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
-		:element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
-	    (loop for i from 0 below 100
-		  for pos = (file-position is)
-		  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
-		  do (let ((byte (read-byte is)))
-		       (assert (eql byte (logand (1- n) i)))))))
+        for n = (ash 1 len)
+        do (with-open-file
+            (os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+                :if-exists :supersede
+                :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
+            (loop for i from 0 below 100
+                  for r = (logand (1- n) i)
+                  for pos = (file-position os)
+                  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
+                  do (write-byte r os)))
+        do (with-open-file
+            (is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
+                :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,len))
+            (loop for i from 0 below 100
+                  for pos = (file-position is)
+                  do (assert (or (not pos) (eql pos i)))
+                  do (let ((byte (read-byte is)))
+                       (assert (eql byte (logand (1- n) i)))))))
 (deftest file-position.9
    (s "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")
    (loop repeat 26
-	 for p = (file-position s)
-	 unless (or (not p)
-		    (progn
-		      (file-position s p)
-		      (eql (file-position s) p)))
-	 collect p
-	 do (read-char s)))
+         for p = (file-position s)
+         unless (or (not p)
+                    (progn
+                      (file-position s p)
+                      (eql (file-position s) p)))
+         collect p
+         do (read-char s)))
 (deftest file-position.10
    (loop repeat 26
-	 for p = (file-position s)
-	 unless (or (not p)
-		    (progn
-		      (file-position s p)
-		      (eql (file-position s) p)))
-	 collect p
-	 do (write-char #\x s)))
+         for p = (file-position s)
+         unless (or (not p)
+                    (progn
+                      (file-position s p)
+                      (eql (file-position s) p)))
+         collect p
+         do (write-char #\x s)))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -153,8 +153,8 @@
     (flet ((%fail () (error 'type-error)))
       (unless (file-position is :end) (%fail))
       (let ((fp (file-position is)))
-	(unless fp (%fail))
-	(file-position is (+ 1000000 fp)))))
+        (unless fp (%fail))
+        (file-position is (+ 1000000 fp)))))
@@ -167,4 +167,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-string-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-string-length.lsp
index f8a8d785..a4d8c7cc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-string-length.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-string-length.lsp
@@ -6,39 +6,39 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
 (deftest file-string-length.1
-  (with-open-file 
+  (with-open-file
     (s "tmp.dat" :direction :output
        :if-exists :supersede)
     (loop for x across +standard-chars+
-	  for len = (file-string-length s x)
-	  do (assert (typep len '(or null (integer 0))))
-	  do (let ((pos1 (file-position s)))
-	       (write-char x s)
-	       (let ((pos2 (file-position s)))
-		 (when (and pos1 pos2 len)
-		   (assert (= (+ pos1 len) pos2)))))))
+          for len = (file-string-length s x)
+          do (assert (typep len '(or null (integer 0))))
+          do (let ((pos1 (file-position s)))
+               (write-char x s)
+               (let ((pos2 (file-position s)))
+                 (when (and pos1 pos2 len)
+                   (assert (= (+ pos1 len) pos2)))))))
 (deftest file-string-length.2
-  (with-open-file 
+  (with-open-file
     (s "tmp.dat" :direction :output
        :if-exists :supersede)
     (loop for x across +standard-chars+
-	  for len = (file-string-length s (string x))
-	  do (assert (typep len '(or null (integer 0))))
-	  do (let ((pos1 (file-position s)))
-	       (write-sequence (string x) s)
-	       (let ((pos2 (file-position s)))
-		 (when (and pos1 pos2 len)
-		   (assert (= (+ pos1 len) pos2)))))))
+          for len = (file-string-length s (string x))
+          do (assert (typep len '(or null (integer 0))))
+          do (let ((pos1 (file-position s)))
+               (write-sequence (string x) s)
+               (let ((pos2 (file-position s)))
+                 (when (and pos1 pos2 len)
+                   (assert (= (+ pos1 len) pos2)))))))
 (deftest file-string-length.3
    (stream "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-	   :if-exists :supersede)
+           :if-exists :supersede)
    (let* ((s1 "abcde")
-	  (n (file-string-length stream s1)))
+          (n (file-string-length stream s1)))
       (s2 s1 nil)
       (assert (= (file-string-length stream s2) n)))))
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 (deftest file-string-length.error.2
-   (with-open-file 
+   (with-open-file
     (s "tmp.dat" :direction :output
        :if-exists :supersede)
     (file-string-length s))
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (deftest file-string-length.error.3
-   (with-open-file 
+   (with-open-file
     (s "tmp.dat" :direction :output
        :if-exists :supersede)
     (file-string-length s #\x nil))
@@ -69,5 +69,5 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/file-write-date.lsp b/ansi-tests/file-write-date.lsp
index de48dac8..5c7fa126 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/file-write-date.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/file-write-date.lsp
@@ -7,43 +7,43 @@
 (deftest file-write-date.1
   (let* ((pn "file-write-date.lsp")
-	 (date (file-write-date pn))
-	 (time (get-universal-time)))
+         (date (file-write-date pn))
+         (time (get-universal-time)))
     (or (null date)
-	(and (integerp date)
-	     (<= 0 date time)
-	     t)))
+        (and (integerp date)
+             (<= 0 date time)
+             t)))
 (deftest file-write-date.2
   (let* ((pn #p"file-write-date.lsp")
-	 (date (file-write-date pn))
-	 (time (get-universal-time)))
+         (date (file-write-date pn))
+         (time (get-universal-time)))
     (or (null date)
-	(and (integerp date)
-	     (<= 0 date time)
-	     t)))
+        (and (integerp date)
+             (<= 0 date time)
+             t)))
 (deftest file-write-date.3
   (let* ((pn (truename "file-write-date.lsp"))
-	 (date (file-write-date pn))
-	 (time (get-universal-time)))
+         (date (file-write-date pn))
+         (time (get-universal-time)))
     (or (null date)
-	(and (integerp date)
-	     (<= 0 date time)
-	     t)))
+        (and (integerp date)
+             (<= 0 date time)
+             t)))
 (deftest file-write-date.4
   (loop for pn in (directory
-		   (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
-				  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	for date = (file-write-date pn)
-	for time = (get-universal-time)
-	unless (or (null date)
-		   (<= 0 date time))
-	collect (list pn date time))
+                   (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild
+                                  :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+        for date = (file-write-date pn)
+        for time = (get-universal-time)
+        unless (or (null date)
+                   (<= 0 date time))
+        collect (list pn date time))
 (deftest file-write-date.5
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
 (deftest file-write-date.6
   (let* ((str "file-write-date.lsp")
-	 (date (file-write-date str)))
+         (date (file-write-date str)))
      (s str nil)
      (assert (equal (file-write-date s) date))))
@@ -71,19 +71,19 @@
 (deftest file-write-date.error.2
   (signals-error (file-write-date "file-write-date.lsp" nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest file-write-date.error.3
    (file-write-date (make-pathname :name :wild :type "lsp"
-				   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+                                   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
   t t)
 (deftest file-write-date.error.4
    (file-write-date (make-pathname :name "file-write-date" :type :wild
-				   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+                                   :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fill-pointer.lsp b/ansi-tests/fill-pointer.lsp
index 4b084024..aa4b4daa 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fill-pointer.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fill-pointer.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest fill-pointer.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (setf (fill-pointer a) 6)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest fill-pointer.order.1
   (let ((i 0)
-	(a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5)))
+        (a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5)))
      (fill-pointer (progn (incf i) a))
@@ -34,12 +34,12 @@
 (deftest fill-pointer.order.2
   (let ((i 0) x y
-	(a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))))
+        (a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))))
      (setf (fill-pointer (progn (setf x (incf i)) a))
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 6))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 6))
      i x y))
   0 6 #(1 2 3 4 5 6) 2 1 2)
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
 (deftest fill-pointer.error.2
   (signals-error (fill-pointer (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 4) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest fill-pointer.error.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer nil)))
     (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p a)
-	t
+        t
       (eval `(signals-error (fill-pointer ',a) type-error))))
@@ -72,10 +72,10 @@
 (deftest fill-pointer.error.6
   (check-type-error #'fill-pointer #'(lambda (x) (and (vectorp x)
-						      (array-has-fill-pointer-p x))))
+                                                      (array-has-fill-pointer-p x))))
 (deftest fill-pointer.error.7
   (signals-error (locally (fill-pointer #2a((a b c)(d e f))) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fill.lsp b/ansi-tests/fill.lsp
index 5cf44097..cb2378f9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fill.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fill.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (deftest fill.error.5
   (signals-error (fill (list 'a 'b) 'c :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest fill.error.6
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 (deftest fill.error.10
   (signals-error (fill (list 'a 'b) 'c :bad t :allow-other-keys nil
-			:allow-other-keys t)
-		 program-error)
+                        :allow-other-keys t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest fill.error.11
@@ -52,44 +52,44 @@
 (deftest array-fill-1
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x)))
+         (b (fill a 'x)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (x x x x x))
 (deftest array-fill-2
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x :start 2)))
+         (b (fill a 'x :start 2)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (a b x x x))
 (deftest array-fill-3
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x :end 2)))
+         (b (fill a 'x :end 2)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (x x c d e))
 (deftest array-fill-4
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end 3)))
+         (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end 3)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (a x x d e))
 (deftest array-fill-5
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end nil)))
+         (b (fill a 'x :start 1 :end nil)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (a x x x x))
 (deftest array-fill-6
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (b (fill a 'x :end nil)))
+         (b (fill a 'x :end nil)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (x x x x x))
 (deftest array-fill-7
@@ -124,44 +124,44 @@
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-1
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a 6)))
+         (b (fill a 6)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (6 6 6 6 6))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-2
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a 6 :start 2)))
+         (b (fill a 6 :start 2)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (1 2 6 6 6))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-3
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a 7 :end 2)))
+         (b (fill a 7 :end 2)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (7 7 3 4 5))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-4
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a 8 :start 1 :end 3)))
+         (b (fill a 8 :start 1 :end 3)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (1 8 8 4 5))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-5
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a 0 :start 1 :end nil)))
+         (b (fill a 0 :start 1 :end nil)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (1 0 0 0 0))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-6
   (let* ((a (make-array '(5) :element-type 'fixnum :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (b (fill a -1 :end nil)))
+         (b (fill a -1 :end nil)))
     (values (eqt a b)
-	    (map 'list #'identity a)))
+            (map 'list #'identity a)))
   t (-1 -1 -1 -1 -1))
 (deftest array-fixnum-fill-7
@@ -220,22 +220,22 @@
 (deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-7
   (signals-error (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 0 :start -1)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-8
   (signals-error (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 100 :start 'a)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-9
   (signals-error (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 19 :end -1)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest array-unsigned-byte8-fill-10
   (signals-error (array-unsigned-byte-fill-test-fn 8 17 :end 'a)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 ;;; Tests on arrays with fill pointers
@@ -256,206 +256,206 @@
 (deftest fill.string.1
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\z)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\z)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.string.2
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\z :start 0 :end 1)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\z :start 0 :end 1)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.string.3
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\z :end 2)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\z :end 2)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.string.4
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\z :end nil)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\z :end nil)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.string.5
   (let* ((s1 "aaaaaaaa")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		always
-		(let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		       (s3 (fill s2 #\z :start start :end end)))
-		  (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		       (string= s3
-				(substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
-					       :start start :end end))
-		       t)))))
+          always
+          (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                always
+                (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                       (s3 (fill s2 #\z :start start :end end)))
+                  (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                       (string= s3
+                                (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
+                                               :start start :end end))
+                       t)))))
 (deftest fill.string.6
   (let* ((s1 "aaaaaaaa")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :start start)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (string= s3
-			  (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
-					 :start start))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :start start)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (string= s3
+                          (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
+                                         :start start))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.string.7
   (let* ((s1 "aaaaaaaa")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :end nil :start start)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (string= s3
-			  (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
-					 :end nil :start start))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :end nil :start start)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (string= s3
+                          (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
+                                         :end nil :start start))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.string.8
   (let* ((s1 "aaaaaaaa")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for end from 1 to len
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :end end)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (string= s3
-			  (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
-					 :end end))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 #\z :end end)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (string= s3
+                          (substitute-if #\z (constantly t) s1
+                                         :end end))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.string.9
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'character
-			 :initial-element #\z
-			 :fill-pointer 4))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\a)))
+                         :initial-element #\z
+                         :fill-pointer 4))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\a)))
     (and (eqt s1 s2)
-	 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
-		 'string)))
+         (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
+                 'string)))
 (deftest fill.string.10
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'base-char
-			 :initial-element #\z
-			 :fill-pointer 4))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 #\a)))
+                         :initial-element #\z
+                         :fill-pointer 4))
+         (s2 (fill s1 #\a)))
     (and (eqt s1 s2)
-	 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
-		 'base-string)))
+         (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
+                 'base-string)))
 ;;; Tests for bit vectors
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.1
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq #*01100))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 0)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 0)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.2
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq #*00100))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 1 :start 0 :end 1)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 1 :start 0 :end 1)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.3
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq #*00010))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 1 :end 2)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 1 :end 2)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.4
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq #*00111))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 0 :end nil)))
+         (s2 (fill s1 0 :end nil)))
     (values (eqt s1 s2) s2))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.5
   (let* ((s1 #*00000000)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		always
-		(let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		       (s3 (fill s2 1 :start start :end end)))
-		  (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		       (equalp s3
-			       (substitute-if 1 (constantly t) s1
-					      :start start :end end))
-		       t)))))
+          always
+          (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                always
+                (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                       (s3 (fill s2 1 :start start :end end)))
+                  (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                       (equalp s3
+                               (substitute-if 1 (constantly t) s1
+                                              :start start :end end))
+                       t)))))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.6
   (let* ((s1 #*11111111)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 0 :start start)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (equalp s3
-			 (substitute-if 0 (constantly t) s1
-					:start start))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 0 :start start)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (equalp s3
+                         (substitute-if 0 (constantly t) s1
+                                        :start start))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.7
   (let* ((s1 #*00000000)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 1 :end nil :start start)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (equalp s3
-			 (substitute-if 1 (constantly t) s1
-					:end nil :start start))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 1 :end nil :start start)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (equalp s3
+                         (substitute-if 1 (constantly t) s1
+                                        :end nil :start start))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.8
   (let* ((s1 #*11111111)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for end from 1 to len
-	  always
-	  (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
-		 (s3 (fill s2 0 :end end)))
-	    (and (eqt s2 s3)
-		 (equalp s3
-			 (substitute-if 0 (constantly t) s1
-					:end end))
-		 t))))
+          always
+          (let* ((s2 (copy-seq s1))
+                 (s3 (fill s2 0 :end end)))
+            (and (eqt s2 s3)
+                 (equalp s3
+                         (substitute-if 0 (constantly t) s1
+                                        :end end))
+                 t))))
 (deftest fill.bit-vector.9
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-element 0
-			 :fill-pointer 4))
-	 (s2 (fill s1 1)))
+                         :initial-element 0
+                         :fill-pointer 4))
+         (s2 (fill s1 1)))
     (and (eqt s1 s2)
-	 (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
-		 'bit-vector)))
+         (coerce (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect (aref s2 i))
+                 'bit-vector)))
 ;;; Test of :allow-other-keys
@@ -482,12 +482,12 @@
 (deftest fill.allow-other-keys.6
   (fill (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) 'a  :bad t :allow-other-keys t
-	:allow-other-keys nil)
+        :allow-other-keys nil)
   (a a a a a))
 (deftest fill.allow-other-keys.7
   (fill (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e) 'a  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	:bad t)
+        :bad t)
   (a a a a a))
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y (a (copy-seq #(a a a a))))
      (fill (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z))
      i x y))
   #(z z z z) 2 1 2)
@@ -505,9 +505,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w (a (copy-seq #(a a a a))))
      (fill (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
-	   :start (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)
-	   :end   (progn (setf w (incf i)) 3))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
+           :start (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)
+           :end   (progn (setf w (incf i)) 3))
      i x y z w))
   #(a z z a) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -515,9 +515,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w (a (copy-seq #(a a a a))))
      (fill (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
-	   :end   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)
-	   :start (progn (setf w (incf i)) 1))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
+           :end   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)
+           :start (progn (setf w (incf i)) 1))
      i x y z w))
   #(a z z a) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -525,13 +525,13 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z p q r s w (a (copy-seq #(a a a a))))
      (fill (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
-	   :end   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)
-	   :end   (progn (setf p (incf i)) 1)
-	   :end   (progn (setf q (incf i)) 1)
-	   :end   (progn (setf r (incf i)) 1)
-	   :start (progn (setf s (incf i)) 1)
-	   :start (progn (setf w (incf i)) 0))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'z)
+           :end   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)
+           :end   (progn (setf p (incf i)) 1)
+           :end   (progn (setf q (incf i)) 1)
+           :end   (progn (setf r (incf i)) 1)
+           :start (progn (setf s (incf i)) 1)
+           :start (progn (setf w (incf i)) 0))
      i x y z p q r s w))
   #(a z z a) 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
@@ -596,4 +596,4 @@
      (assert (eq v (fill v 0 :start 1 :end 3)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type v) etype)))
    (assert (equalp v #(1 0 0 1 0))))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-all-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-all-symbols.lsp
index a1310031..2ee5e136 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-all-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-all-symbols.lsp
@@ -12,36 +12,36 @@
      (let ((failures nil))
        (do-symbols (sym package failures)
-	 (when (eql (symbol-package sym) package)
-	   (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
-		  (similar (find-all-symbols name))
-		  (similar2 (find-all-symbols sym)))
-	     (unless (and (member sym similar)
-			  (subsetp similar similar2)
-			  (subsetp similar2 similar)
-			  (loop for sym2 in similar
-				always (string= name (symbol-name sym2))))
-	       (push sym failures))))))))
+         (when (eql (symbol-package sym) package)
+           (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
+                  (similar (find-all-symbols name))
+                  (similar2 (find-all-symbols sym)))
+             (unless (and (member sym similar)
+                          (subsetp similar similar2)
+                          (subsetp similar2 similar)
+                          (loop for sym2 in similar
+                                always (string= name (symbol-name sym2))))
+               (push sym failures))))))))
 ;;; FIXME -- test that each symbol found is accessible in some package
 (deftest find-all-symbols.2
   (loop for i from 0 to 255
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	when (and (characterp c)
-		  (loop for sym in (find-all-symbols c)
-			thereis (not (string= (symbol-name sym)
-					      (string c)))))
-	collect c)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        when (and (characterp c)
+                  (loop for sym in (find-all-symbols c)
+                        thereis (not (string= (symbol-name sym)
+                                              (string c)))))
+        collect c)
 ;;; Unusual strings
 (deftest find-all-symbols.3
   (let* ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "NIL"
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.4
   (let* ((name (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "NILXY"
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.5
   (let* ((name (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "NILXY"
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.6
   (let* ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "NIL"
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.7
   (let* ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "NIL"
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.8
   (let* ((type 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array '(9) :initial-contents "XYZNILABC"
-			    :element-type type))
-	 (name (make-array '(3) :element-type type
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 3))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+         (name0 (make-array '(9) :initial-contents "XYZNILABC"
+                            :element-type type))
+         (name (make-array '(3) :element-type type
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 3))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
@@ -102,16 +102,16 @@
 (deftest find-all-symbols.9
   (let* ((type 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array '(9) :initial-contents "XYZNILABC"
-			    :element-type type))
-	 (name (make-array '(3) :element-type type
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 3))
-	 (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
+         (name0 (make-array '(9) :initial-contents "XYZNILABC"
+                            :element-type type))
+         (name (make-array '(3) :element-type type
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 3))
+         (symbols (find-all-symbols name)))
      (notnot (every #'(lambda (s) (string= (symbol-name s) "NIL")) symbols))
      (some #'not symbols)))
-  t t)  
+  t t)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-class.lsp
index b4d6e692..d897ed3a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-class.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-class.lsp
@@ -9,20 +9,20 @@
 (deftest find-class.1
   (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-	unless (eq (find-class name) (find-class name))
-	collect name)
+        unless (eq (find-class name) (find-class name))
+        collect name)
 (deftest find-class.2
   (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-	unless (eq (find-class name t) (find-class name))
-	collect name)
+        unless (eq (find-class name t) (find-class name))
+        collect name)
 (deftest find-class.3
   (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-	unless (eq (find-class name nil) (find-class name))
-	collect name)
+        unless (eq (find-class name nil) (find-class name))
+        collect name)
 (deftest find-class.4
@@ -43,37 +43,37 @@
 (deftest find-class.7
   (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-	unless (eq (find-class name t nil) (find-class name))
-	collect name)
+        unless (eq (find-class name t nil) (find-class name))
+        collect name)
 (deftest find-class.8
   (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-	unless (eq (find-class name nil nil) (find-class name))
-	collect name)
+        unless (eq (find-class name nil nil) (find-class name))
+        collect name)
 (deftest find-class.9
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   (let ((result
-		  (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-			unless (eq (find-class name nil env)
-				   (find-class name))
-			collect name)))
-	     `',result)))
+           (let ((result
+                  (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
+                        unless (eq (find-class name nil env)
+                                   (find-class name))
+                        collect name)))
+             `',result)))
 (deftest find-class.10
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   (let ((result
-		  (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
-			unless (eq (find-class name t env)
-				   (find-class name))
-			collect name)))
-	     `',result)))
+           (let ((result
+                  (loop for name in *cl-types-that-are-classes-symbols*
+                        unless (eq (find-class name t env)
+                                   (find-class name))
+                        collect name)))
+             `',result)))
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 (deftest find-class.13
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   `',(find-class (gensym) nil env)))
+           `',(find-class (gensym) nil env)))
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@
      (eval '(macrolet
-		((%m (&environment env)
-		     `',(find-class (gensym) 17 env)))
-	      (%m)))
+                ((%m (&environment env)
+                     `',(find-class (gensym) 17 env)))
+              (%m)))
    (error () :good))
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (let* ((class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
-	   (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class1)))
+           (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
+           (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class1)))
        (eqt class class1)
        (eqt class class2)
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil) nil)
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 t) nil) ;; should not throw error
     (let* ((i 0)
-	   (class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
-	   (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 (incf i)) class1)))
+           (class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
+           (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
+           (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 (incf i)) class1)))
        (eqt class class1)
@@ -143,22 +143,22 @@
 (deftest find-class.17
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   `',(progn
-		(setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
-		(let*
-		    ((i 0)
-		     x y z
-		     (class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-		     (class1 (find-class (progn (setf x (incf i))
-						'find-class-class-01)
-					 (setf y (incf i))
-					 (progn (setf z (incf i)) env)))
-		     (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class1)))
-		  (list
-		   (eqt class class1)
-		   (eqt class class2)
-		   i x y z
-		   )))))
+           `',(progn
+                (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
+                (let*
+                    ((i 0)
+                     x y z
+                     (class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
+                     (class1 (find-class (progn (setf x (incf i))
+                                                'find-class-class-01)
+                                         (setf y (incf i))
+                                         (progn (setf z (incf i)) env)))
+                     (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class1)))
+                  (list
+                   (eqt class class1)
+                   (eqt class class2)
+                   i x y z
+                   )))))
   (t t 3 1 2 3))
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (let* ((class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
-	   (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil))
-	   (class3 (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil)))
+           (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
+           (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil))
+           (class3 (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil)))
        (eqt class class1)
        (eqt class class2)
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil) nil)
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 t) nil) ;; should not throw error
     (let* ((class  (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
-	   (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 t nil)
-			 class1)))
+           (class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01))
+           (class2 (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01 t nil)
+                         class1)))
        (eqt class class1)
        (eqt class class2))))
@@ -197,15 +197,15 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-02) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02 () ()))))
+           (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02 () ()))))
       (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class2)
       (let* ((new-class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil))
-	     (new-class2 (find-class 'find-class-class-02)))
-	(values
-	 (eqt class1 class2)
-	 (eqt class2 new-class1)
-	 (eqt class2 new-class2)
-	 (class-name class2)))))
+             (new-class2 (find-class 'find-class-class-02)))
+        (values
+         (eqt class1 class2)
+         (eqt class2 new-class1)
+         (eqt class2 new-class2)
+         (class-name class2)))))
   nil t t find-class-class-02)
 (deftest find-class.21
@@ -213,18 +213,18 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-02) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02 () ()))))
+           (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02 () ()))))
       (psetf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) class2
-	     (find-class 'find-class-class-02) class1)
+             (find-class 'find-class-class-02) class1)
       (let* ((new-class1 (find-class 'find-class-class-01 nil))
-	     (new-class2 (find-class 'find-class-class-02)))
-	(values
-	 (eqt class1 class2)
-	 (eqt class2 new-class1)
-	 (eqt class1 new-class2)
-	 (class-name new-class1)
-	 (class-name new-class2)
-	 ))))
+             (new-class2 (find-class 'find-class-class-02)))
+        (values
+         (eqt class1 class2)
+         (eqt class2 new-class1)
+         (eqt class1 new-class2)
+         (class-name new-class1)
+         (class-name new-class2)
+         ))))
   nil t t find-class-class-02 find-class-class-01)
 ;;; Effect on method dispatch
@@ -233,20 +233,20 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval
-		    '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (fn (eval '(defgeneric find-class-gf-01 (x)
-			(:method ((x find-class-class-01)) :good)
-			(:method ((x t)) nil))))
-	   (obj (make-instance class1)))
+                    '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
+           (fn (eval '(defgeneric find-class-gf-01 (x)
+                        (:method ((x find-class-class-01)) :good)
+                        (:method ((x t)) nil))))
+           (obj (make-instance class1)))
       (assert (typep fn 'function))
        (declare (type function fn))
-	(funcall fn nil)
-	(funcall fn obj)
-	(setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
-	(funcall fn nil)
-	(funcall fn obj)))))
+        (funcall fn nil)
+        (funcall fn obj)
+        (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
+        (funcall fn nil)
+        (funcall fn obj)))))
   nil :good nil nil :good)
 (deftest find-class.23
@@ -254,25 +254,25 @@
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
     (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-02) nil)
     (let* ((class1 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-01 () ())))
-	   (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02
-			    (find-class-class-01) ())))
-	   (fn (eval '(defgeneric find-class-gf-02 (x)
-			(:method ((x find-class-class-01)) 1)
-			(:method ((x find-class-class-02)) 2)
-			(:method ((x t)) t))))
-	   (obj1 (make-instance class1))
-	   (obj2 (make-instance class2)))
+           (class2 (eval '(defclass find-class-class-02
+                            (find-class-class-01) ())))
+           (fn (eval '(defgeneric find-class-gf-02 (x)
+                        (:method ((x find-class-class-01)) 1)
+                        (:method ((x find-class-class-02)) 2)
+                        (:method ((x t)) t))))
+           (obj1 (make-instance class1))
+           (obj2 (make-instance class2)))
       (assert (typep fn 'function))
        (declare (type function fn))
-	(funcall fn nil)
-	(funcall fn obj1)
-	(funcall fn obj2)
-	(setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
-	(funcall fn nil)
-	(funcall fn obj1)
-	(funcall fn obj2)))))
+        (funcall fn nil)
+        (funcall fn obj1)
+        (funcall fn obj2)
+        (setf (find-class 'find-class-class-01) nil)
+        (funcall fn nil)
+        (funcall fn obj1)
+        (funcall fn obj2)))))
   t 1 2 nil t 1 2)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp
index a657e5d8..cc6f0312 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-if-not.lsp
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-list.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
   (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-list.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -86,33 +86,33 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-list.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
   (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
   (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
   (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
   (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
 (deftest find-if-not-list.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-list.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -161,39 +161,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
   (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -220,33 +220,33 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
   (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
   (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
   (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
   (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-vector.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -287,8 +287,8 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :from-end t)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if-not #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -325,9 +325,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-bit-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :key '1-)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if-not #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :key '1-)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-string.3
   (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167")
 (deftest find-if-not-string.3a
   (find-if-not #'oddp "12483167" :key #'(lambda (c) (read-from-string (string c))))
@@ -364,39 +364,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-string.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i))
   (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
   (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i))
   (nil nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
   ((nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
    (#\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
@@ -408,10 +408,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-string.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if-not #'odddigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
    (#\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
    (#\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
@@ -423,59 +423,59 @@
 (deftest find-if-not-string.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start i))
   (#\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start i :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :end i))
   (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start j :end i)))
   ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
    (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
    (nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
    (#\8 #\8 #\8)
    (nil #\6)
-   (#\6)))  
+   (#\6)))
 (deftest find-if-not-string.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
-	      (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start j :end i
-		 :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+              (find-if-not #'oddp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start j :end i
+                 :from-end t)))
   ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
    (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
@@ -503,9 +503,9 @@
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest find-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
   (find-if-not #'oddp '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	    :allow-other-keys t
-	    :allow-other-keys nil
-	    :bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t
+            :allow-other-keys nil
+            :bad t)
 (deftest find-if-not.keywords.4
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@
 (deftest find-if-not.error.4
   (signals-error (find-if-not 'identity '(a b c . d))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest find-if-not.error.5
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@
 (deftest find-if-not.error.8
   (signals-error (find-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest find-if-not.error.9
@@ -566,12 +566,12 @@
 (deftest find-if-not.error.14
   (signals-error (find-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest find-if-not.error.15
   (signals-error (find-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -580,7 +580,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (find-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
      i x y))
   a 2 1 2)
@@ -588,12 +588,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find-if-not (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'identity)
-		  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-		  :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
-		  :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
-		  :from-end (setf e (incf i))
-		  :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
-		  )
+                  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+                  :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
+                  :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
+                  :from-end (setf e (incf i))
+                  :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
+                  )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -602,11 +602,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find-if-not (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'identity)
-		  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-		  :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
-		  :from-end (setf d (incf i))
-		  :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
-		  :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-		  )
+                  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+                  :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
+                  :from-end (setf d (incf i))
+                  :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
+                  :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+                  )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp
index 04c87069..9fd712da 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-if.lsp
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-list.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
   (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
 (deftest find-if-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
 (deftest find-if-list.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-list.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -86,33 +86,33 @@
 (deftest find-if-list.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
   (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
   (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
   (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
 (deftest find-if-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp '(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
   (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
 (deftest find-if-list.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-list.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'oddp '(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -161,39 +161,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-vector.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 4 8 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (6 6 6 6 6 6 6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i))
   (nil nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2))
 (deftest find-if-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6))
 (deftest find-if-vector.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -205,10 +205,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-vector.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -220,33 +220,33 @@
 (deftest find-if-vector.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :start i))
   (1 11 11 45 45 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :start i :from-end t))
   (71 71 71 71 71 71 nil))
 (deftest find-if-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key #'1+ :end i))
   (nil 1 1 1 1 1 1 1))
 (deftest find-if-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp #(1 6 11 32 45 71 100) :key '1+ :end i :from-end t))
   (nil 1 1 11 11 45 71 71))
 (deftest find-if-vector.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i :key #'1-)))
   ((nil 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2 2 2)
    (4 4 4 4 4 4)
@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-vector.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'oddp #(1 2 4 8 3 1 6 7) :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (2 4 8 8 8 6 6)
    (4 8 8 8 6 6)
@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@
 (deftest find-if-vector.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (find-if #'evenp a)
      (find-if #'evenp a :from-end t)
@@ -298,8 +298,8 @@
 (deftest find-if-bit-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-bit-vector.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :from-end t)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if #'evenp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -323,9 +323,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-bit-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :from-end t :key #'1+)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -336,9 +336,9 @@
 (deftest find-if-bit-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect (loop for j from i to 7
-		      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
-				       :key '1-)))
+        collect (loop for j from i to 7
+                      collect (find-if #'oddp #*0110110 :start i :end j
+                                       :key '1-)))
   ((nil 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil nil 0 0 0 0)
    (nil nil 0 0 0 0)
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@
 (deftest find-if-string.3
   (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167")
 (deftest find-if-string.3a
   (find-if #'evenp "12483167" :key #'(lambda (c) (read-from-string (string c))))
@@ -375,39 +375,39 @@
 (deftest find-if-string.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i))
   (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-string.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil))
   (#\2 #\2 #\4 #\8 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-string.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-string.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 nil))
 (deftest find-if-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i))
   (nil nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2))
 (deftest find-if-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	(find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
+        (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-string.11
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i)))
   ((nil #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
    (#\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2 #\2)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
@@ -419,10 +419,10 @@
 (deftest find-if-string.12
   (loop for j from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
-	      (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
-		       :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 8 collect
+              (find-if #'evendigitp "12483167" :start j :end i
+                       :from-end t)))
   ((nil #\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
    (#\2 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
    (#\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6)
@@ -434,59 +434,59 @@
 (deftest find-if-string.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start i))
   (#\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\8 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-string.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start i :from-end t))
   (#\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :end i))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :end i))
   (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4))
 (deftest find-if-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 7
-	collect
-	(find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :end i :from-end t))
+        collect
+        (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :end i :from-end t))
   (nil nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6))
 (deftest find-if-string.17
   (loop for j from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start j :end i)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start j :end i)))
   ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4 #\4)
    (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
    (nil #\8 #\8 #\8)
    (#\8 #\8 #\8)
    (nil #\6)
-   (#\6)))  
+   (#\6)))
 (deftest find-if-string.18
   (loop for j from 0 to 6
-	collect
-	(loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
-	      (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
-		 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
-		 :start j :end i
-		 :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from (1+ j) to 7 collect
+              (find-if #'evenp "1473816"
+                 :key (compose #'read-from-string #'string)
+                 :start j :end i
+                 :from-end t)))
   ((nil #\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
    (#\4 #\4 #\4 #\8 #\8 #\6)
    (nil nil #\8 #\8 #\6)
@@ -497,8 +497,8 @@
 (deftest find-if-string.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "123456789a"
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (find-if #'evendigitp a)
      (find-if #'evendigitp a :from-end t)
@@ -526,9 +526,9 @@
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest find-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (find-if #'evenp '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	    :allow-other-keys t
-	    :allow-other-keys nil
-	    :bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys t
+            :allow-other-keys nil
+            :bad t)
 (deftest find-if.keywords.4
@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@
 (deftest find-if.error.8
   (signals-error (find-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest find-if.error.9
@@ -593,7 +593,7 @@
 (deftest find-if.error.15
   (signals-error (find-if #'identity '(a b c) :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -602,7 +602,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (find-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
      i x y))
   a 2 1 2)
@@ -610,12 +610,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find-if (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'null)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-	      :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
-	      :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
-	      :from-end (setf e (incf i))
-	      :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+              :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
+              :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
+              :from-end (setf e (incf i))
+              :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -624,11 +624,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find-if (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'null)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-	      :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
-	      :from-end (setf d (incf i))
-	      :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
-	      :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+              :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
+              :from-end (setf d (incf i))
+              :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
+              :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-method.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-method.lsp
index acbf3309..72f1a75d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-method.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-method.lsp
@@ -44,17 +44,17 @@
 (deftest find-method.5
   (find-method #'find-method-gf-01 (list :around) (list (find-class t))
-	       nil)
+               nil)
 (deftest find-method.6
   (find-method #'find-method-gf-01 (list :after)
-	       (list (find-class 'integer)) nil)
+               (list (find-class 'integer)) nil)
 (deftest find-method.7
   (find-method #'find-method-gf-01 (list :before) (list (find-class 'real))
-	       nil)
+               nil)
 ;;; EQL specializers
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 (deftest find-method.9
   (eqt (find-method #'find-method-gf-02 nil
-		    (list (list 'eql *find-method-02-method2-value*)))
+                    (list (list 'eql *find-method-02-method2-value*)))
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 (deftest find-method.error.8
    (find-method #'find-method-gf-01 nil (list (find-class 'integer)
-					      (find-class t)))
+                                              (find-class t)))
    (error () :error))
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@
 (deftest find-method.error.10
    (find-method #'find-method-gf-01 nil (list (find-class 'integer)
-					      (find-class t))
-		nil)
+                                              (find-class t))
+                nil)
    (error () :error))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-package.lsp
index 71ecbbc5..fa44b0a3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-package.lsp
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 (deftest find-package.1
   (let ((p (find-package "CL"))
-	(p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
+        (p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP")))
     (and p p2 (eqt p p2)))
 (deftest find-package.2
   (let ((p (find-package "CL-USER"))
-	(p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
+        (p2 (find-package "COMMON-LISP-USER")))
     (and p p2 (eqt p p2)))
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "A"))))
       (if (packagep p)
-	  t
-	p)))
+          t
+        p)))
 (deftest find-package.5
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\A))))
       (if (packagep p)
-	  t
-	p)))
+          t
+        p)))
 (deftest find-package.6
@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "B"))))
       (if (packagep p)
-	  t
-	p)))
+          t
+        p)))
 (deftest find-package.7
@@ -58,25 +58,25 @@
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\B))))
       (if (packagep p)
-	  t
-	p)))
+          t
+        p)))
 (deftest find-package.8
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "Q")))
-	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "A"))))
+          (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "A"))))
       (and (packagep p)
-	   (packagep p2)
-	   (eqt p p2))))
+           (packagep p2)
+           (eqt p p2))))
 (deftest find-package.9
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package "A")))
-	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "B"))))
+          (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "B"))))
       (eqt p p2)))
@@ -84,63 +84,63 @@
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (find-package #\Q)))
-	  (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "Q"))))
+          (p2 (ignore-errors (find-package "Q"))))
       (and (packagep p)
-	   (eqt p p2))))
+           (eqt p p2))))
 (deftest find-package.11
   (let* ((cl (find-package "CL"))
-	 (cl2 (find-package cl)))
+         (cl2 (find-package cl)))
     (and (packagep cl)
-	 (eqt cl cl2)))
+         (eqt cl cl2)))
 (deftest find-package.12
   (let* ((name (make-array '(7) :initial-contents "KEYWORD"
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
 (deftest find-package.13
   (let* ((name (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "KEYWORDXYZ"
-			   :fill-pointer 7
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                           :fill-pointer 7
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
 (deftest find-package.14
   (let* ((name (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "KEYWORDXYZ"
-			   :fill-pointer 7
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                           :fill-pointer 7
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
 (deftest find-package.15
   (let* ((name0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "XYKEYWORDZ"
-			    :element-type 'character))
-	 (name (make-array '(7) :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 2
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                            :element-type 'character))
+         (name (make-array '(7) :displaced-to name0 :displaced-index-offset 2
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
 (deftest find-package.16
   (let* ((name (make-array '(7) :initial-contents "KEYWORD"
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
 (deftest find-package.17
   (let* ((name (make-array '(7) :initial-contents "KEYWORD"
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (p (find-package name)))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (p (find-package name)))
     (and p (eqt p (symbol-package :test))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find-symbol.lsp b/ansi-tests/find-symbol.lsp
index 99f5a44e..59544757 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find-symbol.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find-symbol.lsp
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
     (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "FOO" #\A))))
       (values (length vals)
-	      (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
-	      (symbol-name (first vals))
-	      (second vals))))
+              (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
+              (symbol-name (first vals))
+              (second vals))))
   2 "A" "FOO" :external)
 (deftest find-symbol.13
@@ -72,9 +72,9 @@
     (intern "X" (find-package "A"))
     (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "X" #\A))))
       (values (length vals)
-	      (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
-	      (symbol-name (first vals))
-	      (second vals))))
+              (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
+              (symbol-name (first vals))
+              (second vals))))
   2 "A" "X" :internal)
 (deftest find-symbol.14
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
     (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (find-symbol "FOO" #\B))))
       (values (length vals)
-	      (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
-	      (symbol-name (first vals))
-	      (second vals))))
+              (package-name (symbol-package (first vals)))
+              (symbol-name (first vals))
+              (second vals))))
   2 "A" "FOO" :inherited)
 (deftest find-symbol.15
@@ -97,39 +97,39 @@
 (deftest find-symbol.17
   (let ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "FOO"
-			  :element-type 'base-char)))
+                          :element-type 'base-char)))
     (find-symbol name "FS-B"))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
 (deftest find-symbol.18
   (let ((name (make-array '(4) :initial-contents "FOOD"
-			  :element-type 'character
-			  :fill-pointer 3)))
+                          :element-type 'character
+                          :fill-pointer 3)))
     (find-symbol name "FS-B"))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
 (deftest find-symbol.19
   (let ((name (make-array '(4) :initial-contents "FOOD"
-			  :element-type 'base-char
-			  :fill-pointer 3)))
+                          :element-type 'base-char
+                          :fill-pointer 3)))
     (find-symbol name "FS-B"))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
 (deftest find-symbol.20
   (let* ((name0 (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "XFOOY"
-			    :element-type 'character))
-	 (name (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                            :element-type 'character))
+         (name (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (find-symbol name "FS-B"))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
 (deftest find-symbol.21
   (let* ((name0 (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "XFOOY"
-			    :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (name (make-array '(3) :element-type 'base-char
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                            :element-type 'base-char))
+         (name (make-array '(3) :element-type 'base-char
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (find-symbol name "FS-B"))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
 (deftest find-symbol.23
   (find-symbol "FOO" (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "FS-BX"
-				 :fill-pointer 4
-				 :element-type 'base-char))
+                                 :fill-pointer 4
+                                 :element-type 'base-char))
   FS-A::FOO :inherited)
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (find-symbol (progn (setf x (incf i)) (string '#:car))
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "COMMON-LISP"))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) "COMMON-LISP"))
      i x y))
   car 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/find.lsp b/ansi-tests/find.lsp
index 9825349a..b3c2da6c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/find.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/find.lsp
@@ -15,39 +15,39 @@
 (deftest find-list.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
   (c c c c c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
   (c c c c c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil c c c c c)
    (nil c c c c c)
    (c c c c c)
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
 (deftest find-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil c c c c c)
    (nil c c c c c)
    (c c c c c)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 (deftest find-list.15
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-list.16
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 (deftest find-list.17
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-list.18
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 (deftest find-list.19
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-list.20
@@ -114,22 +114,22 @@
 (deftest find-list.21
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest find-list.22
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-list.23
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-list.24
   (find 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-list.25
@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@
 (deftest find-list.27
   (find 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
   (a b))
 (deftest find-list.28
   (find 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
   (a b))
 (deftest find-list.29
@@ -178,39 +178,39 @@
 (deftest find-vector.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
   (c c c c c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (c c c c c c nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+        (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
   (c c c c c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil c c c c c)
    (nil c c c c c)
    (c c c c c)
@@ -221,9 +221,9 @@
 (deftest find-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil c c c c c)
    (nil c c c c c)
    (c c c c c)
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 (deftest find-vector.15
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-vector.16
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 (deftest find-vector.17
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-vector.18
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 (deftest find-vector.19
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-vector.20
@@ -277,22 +277,22 @@
 (deftest find-vector.21
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest find-vector.22
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-vector.23
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-vector.24
   (find 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-vector.25
@@ -305,26 +305,26 @@
 (deftest find-vector.27
   (find 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
   (a b))
 (deftest find-vector.28
   (find 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
   (a b))
 (deftest find-vector.29
   (let ((a (make-array '(10)
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 10 collect (find i a)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-vector.30
   (let ((a (make-array '(10)
-		       :initial-contents (loop for i from 1 for e in '(1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1)
-					       collect (list e i))
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :initial-contents (loop for i from 1 for e in '(1 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 2 1)
+                                               collect (list e i))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 5 collect (find i a :from-end t :key #'car)))
   ((1 1) (2 2) (3 3) (4 4) (5 5)))
@@ -407,39 +407,39 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i))
+        (find 1 #*0010010 :start i))
   (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
+        (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
   (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 1 #*0010010 :end i))
+        (find 1 #*0010010 :end i))
   (1 1 1 1 1 nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
+        (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
   (1 1 1 1 1 1 nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (0 0 0 0 0 0 nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
+        (find 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
   (0 0 0 0 0 nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-bit-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil 1 1 1 1 1)
    (nil 1 1 1 1 1)
    (1 1 1 1 1)
@@ -450,9 +450,9 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil 1 1 1 1 1)
    (nil 1 1 1 1 1)
    (1 1 1 1 1)
@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.15
   (find 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.16
@@ -496,17 +496,17 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.17
   (find 0 #*001011101 :test-not 'eql
-	:from-end t)
+        :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.17a
   (find 0 #*0000000 :test-not 'eql
-	:from-end t)
+        :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.17b
   (find 1 #*111111111111 :test-not 'eql
-	:from-end t)
+        :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.18
@@ -519,12 +519,12 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.19
   (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.19a
   (find 0 #*00000000 :test-not #'eql
-	:from-end t)
+        :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.20
@@ -533,102 +533,102 @@
 (deftest find-bit-vector.21
   (find 0 #*00101110 :test #'eql
-	:start 2)
+        :start 2)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.21a
   (find 0 #*00111111 :test #'eql
-	:start 2)
+        :start 2)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.21b
   (find 1 #*00111111 :test #'eql
-	:start 2)
+        :start 2)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.22
   (find 0 #*00101110 :test #'eql
-	:start 2 :end nil)
+        :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.22a
   (find 0 #*001111111 :test #'eql
-	:start 2 :end nil)
+        :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.22b
   (find 1 #*001111111 :test #'eql
-	:start 2 :end nil)
+        :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.23
   (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	:start 0 :end 5)
+        :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.23a
   (find 0 #*00000111 :test-not #'eql
-	:start 0 :end 5)
+        :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.23b
   (find 0 #*00001000 :test-not #'eql
-	:start 0 :end 5)
+        :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.24
   (find 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.24a
   (find 0 #*0000001111 :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.24b
   (find 0 #*0000100 :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.25
   (find 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.26
   (find 2 #*11100000 :key #'1+
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.26a
   (find 2 #*11110000 :key #'1+
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.27
   (find 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.28
   (find 2 #*1100000000 :key #'1+
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.29
   (let ((a
-	 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-		     :element-type 'bit
-		     :fill-pointer 5)))
+         (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
+                     :element-type 'bit
+                     :fill-pointer 5)))
     (values (find 0 a)
-	    (find 0 a :from-end t)))
+            (find 0 a :from-end t)))
   nil nil)
 (deftest find-bit-vector.30
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (values (find 0 a) (find 0 a :from-end t)))
   0 0)
@@ -668,39 +668,39 @@
 (deftest find-string.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(find #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
+        (find #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
   (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c nil nil nil))
 (deftest find-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
    (nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
    (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
@@ -711,9 +711,9 @@
 (deftest find-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (find #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
    (nil #\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
    (#\c #\c #\c #\c #\c)
@@ -724,13 +724,13 @@
 (deftest find-string.11
   (find 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
-			      (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
+                              (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
 (deftest find-string.13
   (find 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
-				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
-	    :from-end t)
+                                  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-string.14
@@ -739,7 +739,7 @@
 (deftest find-string.15
   (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-string.16
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@
 (deftest find-string.17
   (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-string.18
@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@
 (deftest find-string.19
   (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest find-string.20
@@ -766,33 +766,33 @@
 (deftest find-string.21
   (find #\a "aabAcedafa" :test #'char-equal
-	:start 2)
+        :start 2)
 (deftest find-string.22
   (find #\a "aabAcedafa" :test #'char-equal
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest find-string.23
   (find #\a "aAbAcedafa" :test-not #'char-equal
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest find-string.24
   (find #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'char-equal
-	:start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+        :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest find-string.25
   (let ((s (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (loop for e across "abcdefghij"
-	   collect (find e s))
+           collect (find e s))
      (loop for e across "abcdefghij"
-	   collect (find e s :from-end t))))
+           collect (find e s :from-end t))))
   (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e nil nil nil nil nil)
   (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e nil nil nil nil nil))
@@ -840,20 +840,20 @@
 (deftest find.allow-other-keys.1
   (find 0 '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 2))
-	:bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+        :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
 (deftest find.allow-other-keys.2
   (find 0 '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 2))
-	       :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+               :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
 ;;; The leftmost of two :allow-other-keys arguments is the one that  matters.
 (deftest find.allow-other-keys.3
   (find 0 '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 2))
-	:allow-other-keys t
-	:allow-other-keys nil
-	:bad t)
+        :allow-other-keys t
+        :allow-other-keys nil
+        :bad t)
 (deftest find.keywords.4
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@
 (deftest find.error.8
   (signals-error (find 'a nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest find.error.9
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (find (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil)))
      i x y))
   a 2 1 2)
@@ -935,12 +935,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find (progn (setf a (incf i)) nil)
-	   (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-	   :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
-	   :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
-	   :from-end (setf e (incf i))
-	   :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
-	   )
+           (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+           :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
+           :end   (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
+           :from-end (setf e (incf i))
+           :key   (progn (setf f (incf i)) #'null)
+           )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -948,11 +948,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (find (progn (setf a (incf i)) nil)
-	   (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
-	   :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
-	   :from-end (setf d (incf i))
-	   :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
-	   :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-	   )
+           (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(nil nil nil a nil nil))
+           :key   (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'null)
+           :from-end (setf d (incf i))
+           :end   (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
+           :start (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+           )
      i a b c d e f))
   a 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/finish-output.lsp b/ansi-tests/finish-output.lsp
index f6fab14e..4b398e92 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/finish-output.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/finish-output.lsp
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
 (deftest finish-output.4
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	for results = (multiple-value-list (finish-output s))
-	unless (equal results '(nil))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        for results = (multiple-value-list (finish-output s))
+        unless (equal results '(nil))
+        collect s)
 (deftest finish-output.5
   (let ((os (make-string-output-stream)))
     (let ((*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "")
-					      os)))
+                                              os)))
       (finish-output t)))
@@ -49,6 +49,6 @@
 (deftest finish-output.error.3
   (check-type-error #'finish-output
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or stream (member nil t)))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or stream (member nil t)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/flet.lsp b/ansi-tests/flet.lsp
index 3c037227..a7817598 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/flet.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/flet.lsp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest flet.4
   (block %f
     (flet ((%f (&optional (x (return-from %f :good)))
-	       nil))
+               nil))
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
 (deftest flet.4a
   (block %f
     (flet ((%f (&key (x (return-from %f :good)))
-	       nil))
+               nil))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 (deftest flet.6
   (block %f
     (flet ((%f (&aux (x (return-from %f 10)))
-	       20))
+               20))
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 (deftest flet.7
   (flet ((%f (x) (+ x 5)))
     (flet ((%f (y) (cond ((eql y 20) 30)
-			 (t (%f 20)))))
+                         (t (%f 20)))))
       (%f 15)))
@@ -133,45 +133,45 @@
 ;;; Can handle at least 50 lambda parameters
 (deftest flet.19
   (flet ((%f (a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
-	      b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
-	      c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
-	      d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
-	      e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)
-	     (+ a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
-		b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
-		c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
-		d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
-		e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)))
+              b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
+              c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
+              d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
+              e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)
+             (+ a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
+                b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
+                c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
+                d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
+                e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)))
     (%f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-	11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-	21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
-	31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
-	41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50))
+        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
+        21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
+        31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
+        41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50))
 ;;; flet works with a large (maximal?) number of arguments
 (deftest flet.20
   (let* ((n (min (1- lambda-parameters-limit) 1024))
-	 (vars (loop repeat n collect (gensym))))
+         (vars (loop repeat n collect (gensym))))
      `(eqlt ,n
-	    (flet ((%f ,vars (+ ,@ vars)))
-	      (%f ,@(loop for e in vars collect 1))))))
+            (flet ((%f ,vars (+ ,@ vars)))
+              (%f ,@(loop for e in vars collect 1))))))
 ;;; Declarations and documentation strings are ok
 (deftest flet.21
   (flet ((%f (x)
-	     (declare (type fixnum x))
-	     "Add one to the fixnum x."
-	     (1+ x)))
+             (declare (type fixnum x))
+             "Add one to the fixnum x."
+             (1+ x)))
     (declare (ftype (function (fixnum) integer) %f))
     (%f 10))
 (deftest flet.22
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p))
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)))))
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)))))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil)
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 (deftest flet.23
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r)))
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c) (%f 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h)))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil)
@@ -188,10 +188,10 @@
 (deftest flet.24
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r &key foo bar)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil)
@@ -200,11 +200,11 @@
 (deftest flet.25
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r &key foo bar
-		&allow-other-keys)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
+                &allow-other-keys)
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil)
@@ -213,10 +213,10 @@
 (deftest flet.26
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r &key foo bar)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys t)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z :allow-other-keys t) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys t)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z :allow-other-keys t) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil)
@@ -228,10 +228,10 @@
 ;;; associated value is false."
 (deftest flet.27
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r &key foo bar)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :allow-other-keys nil)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :allow-other-keys nil) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :allow-other-keys nil)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :allow-other-keys nil) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil)
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@
 (deftest flet.28
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r
-		&key foo bar allow-other-keys)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) allow-other-keys
-		   r foo bar)))
+                &key foo bar allow-other-keys)
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) allow-other-keys
+                   r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys 100)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z :allow-other-keys 200) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys 100)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z :allow-other-keys 200) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil nil)
@@ -254,13 +254,13 @@
 (deftest flet.29
   (flet ((%f (x &optional (y 1 y-p) (z 2 z-p) &rest r
-		&key foo bar allow-other-keys &allow-other-keys)
-	     (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) allow-other-keys
-		   r foo bar)))
+                &key foo bar allow-other-keys &allow-other-keys)
+             (list x y (not (not y-p)) z (not (not z-p)) allow-other-keys
+                   r foo bar)))
     (values (%f 10) (%f 20 40) (%f 'a 'b 'c)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys nil :blah t)
-	    (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z
-		:allow-other-keys nil :zzz 10) ))
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :foo 'h :whatever nil :allow-other-keys nil :blah t)
+            (%f 'd 'e 'f :bar 'i :illegal t :foo 'z
+                :allow-other-keys nil :zzz 10) ))
   (10 1 nil 2 nil nil nil nil nil)
   (20 40 t 2 nil nil nil nil nil)
   (a b t c t nil nil nil nil)
@@ -283,17 +283,17 @@
   (flet ((%f (&key a b c) (list a b c)))
     (%f :a 10 :b 20 :c 30 :a 40 :b 50 :c 60))
   (10 20 30))
 ;;; More aux parameters
 (deftest flet.33
   (flet ((%f (x y &aux (a (1+ x)) (b (+ x y a)) (c (list x y a b)))
-	     c))
+             c))
     (%f 5 9))
   (5 9 6 20))
 (deftest flet.34
   (flet ((%f (x y &rest r &key foo bar &aux (c (list x y r foo bar)))
-	     c))
+             c))
      (%f 1 2)
      (%f 1 2 :foo 'a)
@@ -312,9 +312,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (x)
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 (%f)))
-	(%g 'good))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 (%f)))
+        (%g 'good))))
 (deftest flet.36
@@ -322,9 +322,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (&aux (x 'good))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 (%f)))
-	 (%g))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 (%f)))
+         (%g))))
 (deftest flet.37
@@ -332,9 +332,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (&rest x)
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 (%f)))
-	 (%g 'good))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 (%f)))
+         (%g 'good))))
 (deftest flet.38
@@ -342,9 +342,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (&key (x 'good))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 (%f)))
-	 (%g))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 (%f)))
+         (%g))))
 (deftest flet.39
@@ -352,9 +352,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (&key (x 'bad))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 (%f)))
-	 (%g :x 'good))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 (%f)))
+         (%g :x 'good))))
 (deftest flet.40
@@ -362,8 +362,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (flet ((%g (&key (x 'bad))
-		 (%f)))
-	 (%g :x 'worse))))
+                 (%f)))
+         (%g :x 'worse))))
@@ -386,31 +386,31 @@
 (deftest flet.49
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (flet ((,s () 'a)) (,s)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (flet ((,s () 'a)) (,s)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 (deftest flet.50
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (flet ((,s () 'a))
-				      (declare (ftype (function () symbol)
-						      ,s))
-				      (,s)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (flet ((,s () 'a))
+                                      (declare (ftype (function () symbol)
+                                                      ,s))
+                                      (,s)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 ;;; Binding SETF functions of certain COMMON-LISP symbols
 (deftest flet.51
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors
-		     (flet (((setf ,s) (&rest args)
-			     (declare (ignore args))
-			     'a))
-		       (setf (,s) 10)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors
+                     (flet (((setf ,s) (&rest args)
+                             (declare (ignore args))
+                             'a))
+                       (setf (,s) 10)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 ;;; Check that FLET does not have a tagbody
@@ -475,9 +475,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (flet ((%f (&optional (y x))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 y))
-	(%f))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest flet.63
@@ -485,9 +485,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (flet ((%f (&key (y x))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 y))
-	(%f))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest flet.64
@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (flet ((%f () (declare (special x))))
-	x)))
+        x)))
 (deftest flet.67
@@ -519,9 +519,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (flet ((%f (&aux (y x))
-		 (declare (special x))
-		 y))
-	(%f))))
+                 (declare (special x))
+                 y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest flet.68
@@ -529,17 +529,17 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (flet ((%f () x))
-	(declare (special x))
-	(%f))))
+        (declare (special x))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest flet.69
   (let ((*x* 0))
     (declare (special *x*))
     (flet ((%f (i)
-	       #'(lambda (arg)
-		   (declare (ignore arg))
-		   (incf *x* i))))
+               #'(lambda (arg)
+                   (declare (ignore arg))
+                   (incf *x* i))))
        (mapcar (%f 1) '(a b c))
        (mapcar (%f 2) '(a b c)))))
@@ -550,13 +550,13 @@
 (deftest flet.70
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (flet () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (flet () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 (deftest flet.71
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (flet ((%f () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
-		  (%f)))
+            (flet ((%f () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+                  (%f)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/float.lsp b/ansi-tests/float.lsp
index 8f097df0..a92daf81 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/float.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/float.lsp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (deftest float.1
   (notnot (member (float 0) '(0.0f0 -0.0f0)))
 (deftest float.2
   (float 1)
@@ -29,75 +29,75 @@
 (deftest float.4
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	always
-	(loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	      for tp in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	      for y = (float i x)
-	      always (and (= i y) (typep y tp))))
+        always
+        (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
+              for tp in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
+              for y = (float i x)
+              always (and (= i y) (typep y tp))))
 (deftest float.5
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	always (or (not (floatp x))
-		   (eql (float x) x)))
+        always (or (not (floatp x))
+                   (eql (float x) x)))
 (deftest float.6
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (handler-case
-		(or (not (typep x 'short-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0f0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'single-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-		(arithmetic-error () t))
-	collect x)
+        unless (handler-case
+                (or (not (typep x 'short-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0f0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'single-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+                (arithmetic-error () t))
+        collect x)
 (deftest float.7
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (or (not (typep x 'short-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0d0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'double-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (not (typep x 'short-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0d0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'double-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest float.8
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (or (not (typep x 'short-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'long-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (not (typep x 'short-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'long-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest float.9
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (or (not (typep x 'single-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0d0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'double-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (not (typep x 'single-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0d0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'double-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest float.10
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (or (not (typep x 'single-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'long-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (not (typep x 'single-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'long-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest float.11
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	unless (or (not (typep x 'double-float))
-		   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
-		     (and (typep y 'long-float)
-			  (= x y))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (not (typep x 'double-float))
+                   (let ((y (float x 0.0l0)))
+                     (and (typep y 'long-float)
+                          (= x y))))
+        collect x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/floor-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/floor-aux.lsp
index 49754304..0c315383 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/floor-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/floor-aux.lsp
@@ -7,102 +7,102 @@
 (defun floor.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 2000000000)
-		   1000000000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (< -1 r d))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   1000000000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (< -1 r d))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun floor.2-fn ()
   (loop for num = (random 1000000000)
-	for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
-	for n = (/ num denom)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r d)
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+        for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
+        for n = (/ num denom)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r d)
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun floor.3-fn (width)
   (loop for n = (- (random width) (/ width 2))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r 1)
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r 1)
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun floor.7-fn ()
   (loop for numerator = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ numerator denominator)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r 1)
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ numerator denominator)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r 1)
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun floor.8-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (>= 0 r)
-		    (> r d)
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (>= 0 r)
+                    (> r d)
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
 (defun floor.9-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 1000000000000000) 500000000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (>= 0 r)
-		    (> r d)
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (floor n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (>= 0 r)
+                    (> r d)
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
 ;;; Need float tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/floor.lsp b/ansi-tests/floor.lsp
index bd838540..50828587 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/floor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/floor.lsp
@@ -58,118 +58,118 @@
 (deftest floor.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x x))
-	unless (and (eql q 1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x x))
+        unless (and (eql q 1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest floor.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor (- x) x))
-	unless (and (eql q -1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor (- x) x))
+        unless (and (eql q -1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest floor.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest floor.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (floor x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 ;;; To add: tests that involve adding/subtracting EPSILON constants
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fmakunbound.lsp b/ansi-tests/fmakunbound.lsp
index 026afada..0385032c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fmakunbound.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fmakunbound.lsp
@@ -8,48 +8,48 @@
 (deftest fmakunbound.1
   (let ((g (gensym)))
     (and (not (fboundp g))
-	 (setf (symbol-function g) #'car)
-	 (fboundp g)
-	 (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
-		 (fboundp g))))
+         (setf (symbol-function g) #'car)
+         (fboundp g)
+         (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
+                 (fboundp g))))
   t nil)
 (deftest fmakunbound.2
   (let ((g (gensym)))
     (and (not (fboundp g))
-	 (eval `(defun ,g () nil))
-	 (fboundp g)
-	 (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
-		 (fboundp g))))
+         (eval `(defun ,g () nil))
+         (fboundp g)
+         (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
+                 (fboundp g))))
   t nil)
 (deftest fmakunbound.3
   (let ((g (gensym)))
     (and (not (fboundp g))
-	 (eval `(defmacro ,g () nil))
-	 (fboundp g)
-	 (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
-		 (fboundp g))))
+         (eval `(defmacro ,g () nil))
+         (fboundp g)
+         (values (eqt (check-values (fmakunbound g)) g)
+                 (fboundp g))))
   t nil)
 (deftest fmakunbound.4
   (let* ((g (gensym))
-	 (n `(setf ,g)))
+         (n `(setf ,g)))
     (and (not (fboundp n))
-	 (eval `(defun ,n () nil))
-	 (fboundp n)
-	 (values (equalt (check-values (fmakunbound n)) n)
-		 (fboundp n))))
+         (eval `(defun ,n () nil))
+         (fboundp n)
+         (values (equalt (check-values (fmakunbound n)) n)
+                 (fboundp n))))
   t nil)
 (deftest fmakunbound.error.1
   (check-type-error #'fmakunbound
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or symbol (cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null))))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or symbol (cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null))))))
 (deftest fmakunbound.error.2
   (check-type-error #'fmakunbound (constantly nil)
-		    '((setf) (setf . foo) (setf foo . bar) (setf foo bar)))
+                    '((setf) (setf . foo) (setf foo . bar) (setf foo bar)))
 (deftest fmakunbound.error.3
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@
 (deftest fmakunbound.error.7
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (symbolp x)
-	nconc
-	(handler-case
-	 (list x (fmakunbound `(setf ,x)))
-	 (type-error (c)
-		     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
-					 (type-error-expected-type c))))
-		     nil)
-	 (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+        unless (symbolp x)
+        nconc
+        (handler-case
+         (list x (fmakunbound `(setf ,x)))
+         (type-error (c)
+                     (assert (not (typep (type-error-datum c)
+                                         (type-error-expected-type c))))
+                     nil)
+         (error (c) (list (list x c)))))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/force-output.lsp b/ansi-tests/force-output.lsp
index af3584bc..9ae066d8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/force-output.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/force-output.lsp
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@
 (deftest force-output.4
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	for results = (multiple-value-list (force-output s))
-	unless (equal results '(nil))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-output* *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        for results = (multiple-value-list (force-output s))
+        unless (equal results '(nil))
+        collect s)
 (deftest force-output.5
   (let ((os (make-string-output-stream)))
     (let ((*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "")
-					      os)))
+                                              os)))
       (force-output t)))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 (deftest force-output.error.3
   (check-type-error #'force-output
-		    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or stream (member nil t)))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (typep x '(or stream (member nil t)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-a.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-a.lsp
index 2b055f31..b7d1b02a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-a.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-a.lsp
@@ -45,24 +45,24 @@
 (deftest format.a.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~a")))
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  for s1 = (string c)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~a" s1)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn s1)
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list c s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (string c)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~a" s1)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn s1)
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list c s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.a.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~A")))
     (loop with count = 0
-	  for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s1 = (and c (string c))
-	  for s2 = (and c (format nil "~A" s1))
-	  for s3 = (and c (formatter-call-to-string fn s1))
-	  unless (or (null c) (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2 s3)
-	  when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish)))
+          for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s1 = (and c (string c))
+          for s2 = (and c (format nil "~A" s1))
+          for s3 = (and c (formatter-call-to-string fn s1))
+          unless (or (null c) (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2 s3)
+          when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish)))
 (deftest format.a.9
@@ -70,12 +70,12 @@
     (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	  for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@a" i)
-	  for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	  for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s)))
+          for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@a" i)
+          for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+          for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s)))
@@ -92,12 +92,12 @@
     (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	  for fmt = (format nil "~~~da" i)
-	  for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	  for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s)))
+          for fmt = (format nil "~~~da" i)
+          for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+          for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s)))
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
     (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	  for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@:A" i)
-	  for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	  for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s)))
+          for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@:A" i)
+          for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+          for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s)))
   " ()"
@@ -136,12 +136,12 @@
     (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	  for fmt = (format nil "~~~d:a" i)
-	  for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	  for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s)))
+          for fmt = (format nil "~~~d:a" i)
+          for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+          for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s)))
   "() "
@@ -159,10 +159,10 @@
     (let ((fn (formatter "~V:a")))
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for s = (format nil "~v:A" i nil)
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for s = (format nil "~v:A" i nil)
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   "() "
@@ -180,10 +180,10 @@
     (let ((fn (formatter "~V@:A")))
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for s = (format nil "~v:@a" i nil)
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for s = (format nil "~v:@a" i nil)
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   " ()"
@@ -244,10 +244,10 @@
 (deftest format.a.29
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,,2A")))
     (loop for i from -4 to 10
-	  for s = (format nil "~v,,2A" i "ABC")
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s))
+          for s = (format nil "~v,,2A" i "ABC")
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s))
   ("ABC  "
    "ABC  "
    "ABC  "
@@ -313,10 +313,10 @@
 (deftest format.a.44
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3,,vA")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s =(format nil "~3,,vA" i "ABC")
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s))
+          for s =(format nil "~3,,vA" i "ABC")
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s))
    "ABC "
    "ABC  "
@@ -328,10 +328,10 @@
 (deftest format.a.44a
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3,,v@A")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s = (format nil "~3,,v@A" i "ABC")
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
-	  do (assert (string= s s2))
-	  collect s))
+          for s = (format nil "~3,,v@A" i "ABC")
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i "ABC")
+          do (assert (string= s s2))
+          collect s))
    " ABC"
    "  ABC"
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-ampersand.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-ampersand.lsp
index a6e3a8d4..3063da9a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-ampersand.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-ampersand.lsp
@@ -20,44 +20,44 @@
 (deftest format.&.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for format-string = (format nil "~~~D&" i)
-	for s2 = (format nil format-string)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for format-string = (format nil "~~~D&" i)
+        for s2 = (format nil format-string)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.&.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for format-string = (format nil "~~~D&" i)
-	for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for format-string = (format nil "~~~D&" i)
+        for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+        for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest format.&.6
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (concatenate 'string
-			      "X"
-			      (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline))
-	for format-string = (format nil "X~~~D&" i)
-	for s2 = (format nil format-string)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (concatenate 'string
+                              "X"
+                              (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline))
+        for format-string = (format nil "X~~~D&" i)
+        for s2 = (format nil format-string)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.&.6
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (concatenate 'string
-			      "X"
-			      (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline))
-	for format-string = (format nil "X~~~D&" i)
-	for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (concatenate 'string
+                              "X"
+                              (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline))
+        for format-string = (format nil "X~~~D&" i)
+        for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+        for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (def-format-test format.&.7
@@ -68,40 +68,40 @@
 (deftest format.&.9
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~V&" i)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~V&" i)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.&.9
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V&")))
     (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	  for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect i))
+          for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect i))
 (deftest format.&.10
   (loop for i from 1 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for args = (make-list i)
-	for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#&" args)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for args = (make-list i)
+        for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#&" args)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.&.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~#&")))
     (loop for i from 1 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	  for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
-	  for args = (loop for j below i collect j)
-	  for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		     (stream)
-		     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect i))
+          for s1 = (make-string (1- i) :initial-element #\Newline)
+          for args = (loop for j below i collect j)
+          for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                     (stream)
+                     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect i))
 (def-format-test format.&.11
@@ -112,5 +112,5 @@
 (def-format-test format.&.13
   "X~#%" ('a 'b 'c) #.(let ((nl (string #\Newline)))
-			(concatenate 'string "X" nl nl nl))
+                        (concatenate 'string "X" nl nl nl))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-b.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-b.lsp
index fb116da7..c4a64875 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-b.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-b.lsp
@@ -11,191 +11,191 @@
   (let ((fn (formatter "~b")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~B" i)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 2)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (/= i j)
-		    (find #\+ s1)
-		    (loop for c across s1 thereis (not (find c "-01"))))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~B" i)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 2)) (read-from-string s1))
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (/= i j)
+                    (find #\+ s1)
+                    (loop for c across s1 thereis (not (find c "-01"))))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.b.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@b")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@b" i)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 2)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (loop for c across s1 thereis (not (find c "-+01"))))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@b" i)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 2)) (read-from-string s1))
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (loop for c across s1 thereis (not (find c "-+01"))))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.b.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~db" mincol)
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~db" mincol)
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.b.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~db" mincol)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~db" mincol)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.b.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@b" mincol)
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@b" mincol)
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.b.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@b" mincol)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@b" mincol)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.b.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
-			   (random-from-seq "bB"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
+                           (random-from-seq "bB"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.b.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
-			   (random-from-seq "bB"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
+                           (random-from-seq "bB"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.b.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,vB")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,vb" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,vb" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 (deftest format.b.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,v@B")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@b" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@b" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 ;;; Comma tests
@@ -203,153 +203,153 @@
 (deftest format.b.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:B")))
     (loop for i from -7 to 7
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~:b" i)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~:b" i)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.b.9
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:b")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = #\,
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~:B" i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
-		       (string= s2 s3)
-		       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
-		       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
-		       (let ((len (length s2))
-			     (ci+1 4))
-			 (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			       always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-					  (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-					(find (elt s2 i) "01")))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = #\,
+           for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~:B" i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
+                       (string= s2 s3)
+                       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
+                       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
+                       (let ((len (length s2))
+                             (ci+1 4))
+                         (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                               always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                          (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                        (find (elt s2 i) "01")))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.b.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v:B")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:b" commachar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 4)
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:b" commachar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 4)
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.b.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "bB"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "bB"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest formatter.b.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "bB"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "bB"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         repeat 100
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.b.12
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,V,V:b")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:B" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~b" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:B" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.b.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,V,V@:B")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@b" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j 1))
-		     (loop for i from 2 below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@B" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@b" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j 1))
+                     (loop for i from 2 below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 ;;; NIL arguments
@@ -371,43 +371,43 @@
 (deftest format.b.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~b")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~b" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~b" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.b.19
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:b")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~:B" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~:B" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.b.20
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@b")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~@b" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~@b" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.b.21
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:@b")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~@:B" x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))
-		     (string/= s1 s4))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s2 = (format nil "~@:B" x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 2)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))
+                     (string/= s1 s4))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 ;;; Must add tests for non-integers when the parameters
@@ -421,15 +421,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~#B"))
-	 (bv #b11001))
+         (bv #b11001))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~#b" bv args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~#b" bv args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -446,15 +446,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:b"))
-	 (bv #b1100100010))
+         (bv #b1100100010))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	 for args = (make-list i)
-	 for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:B" bv args)
-	 for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+         for args = (make-list i)
+         for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:B" bv args)
+         for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -471,15 +471,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#@:B"))
-	 (bv #b1100100010))
+         (bv #b1100100010))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:B" bv args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:B" bv args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream bv args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -514,22 +514,22 @@
      for mincol = (and (coin) (random 50))
      for padchar = (and (coin)
-			(random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                        (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commachar = (and (coin)
-			  (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                          (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commaint = (and (coin) (1+ (random 10)))
      for k = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 30)))
      for x = (- (random (+ k k)) k)
      for fmt = (concatenate
-		'string
-		(if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
-		(if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
-		(if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
-		(if commaint (format nil "~db" commaint) "b"))
+                'string
+                (if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
+                (if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
+                (if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
+                (if commaint (format nil "~db" commaint) "b"))
      for s1 = (format nil fmt x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,vb" mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      repeat 2000
      unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
      collect (list mincol padchar commachar commaint fmt x s1 s2)))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-brace.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-brace.lsp
index d2051655..e3304313 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-brace.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-brace.lsp
@@ -37,17 +37,17 @@
 (deftest format.{.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	for s = (format nil "~v{~A~}" i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
-	unless (string= s (subseq "1234567890" 0 i))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~v{~A~}" i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
+        unless (string= s (subseq "1234567890" 0 i))
+        collect (list i s))
 (deftest formatter.{.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V{~A~}")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
-	  unless (string= s (subseq "1234567890" 0 i))
-	  collect (list i s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
+          unless (string= s (subseq "1234567890" 0 i))
+          collect (list i s)))
 (def-format-test format.{.9
@@ -142,26 +142,26 @@
 (def-format-test format.\:{.7
   "~0:{XYZ~}" ('((1))) "")
 (def-format-test format.\:{.8
   "~2:{XYZ~}" ('((1))) "XYZ")
 (def-format-test format.\:{.9
   "~2:{~A~}" ('((1) (2))) "12")
 (def-format-test format.\:{.10
   "~2:{~A~}" ('((1 X) (2 Y) (3 Z))) "12")
 (deftest format.\:{.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect
-	(format nil "~v:{~A~}" i '((1) (2) (3 X) (4 Y Z) (5) (6))))
+        (format nil "~v:{~A~}" i '((1) (2) (3 X) (4 Y Z) (5) (6))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345"
    "123456" "123456" "123456" "123456" "123456"))
 (deftest formatter.\:{.11
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v:{~A~}")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect
-	  (formatter-call-to-string fn i '((1) (2) (3 X) (4 Y Z) (5) (6)))))
+          (formatter-call-to-string fn i '((1) (2) (3 X) (4 Y Z) (5) (6)))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345"
    "123456" "123456" "123456" "123456" "123456"))
@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@
 (deftest format.\:{.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect
-	(format nil "~v:{~A~:}" i '((1 X) (2 Y) (3) (4 A B))))
+        (format nil "~v:{~A~:}" i '((1 X) (2 Y) (3) (4 A B))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "1234"
    "1234" "1234" "1234" "1234" "1234"))
 (deftest formatter.\:{.15
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v:{~A~:}")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect
-	  (formatter-call-to-string fn i '((1 X) (2 Y) (3) (4 A B)))))
+          (formatter-call-to-string fn i '((1 X) (2 Y) (3) (4 A B)))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "1234"
    "1234" "1234" "1234" "1234" "1234"))
@@ -229,20 +229,20 @@
 (deftest format.@{.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	for x = nil then (cons i x)
-	collect (apply #'format nil "~v@{~A~}" i (reverse x)))
+        for x = nil then (cons i x)
+        collect (apply #'format nil "~v@{~A~}" i (reverse x)))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345"
    "123456" "1234567" "12345678" "123456789" "12345678910"))
 (deftest formatter.@{.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v@{~A~}")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	  for x = nil then (cons i x)
-	  for rest = (list 'a 'b 'c)
-	  collect
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (s)
-	    (assert (equal (apply fn s i (append (reverse x) rest)) rest)))))
+          for x = nil then (cons i x)
+          for rest = (list 'a 'b 'c)
+          collect
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (s)
+            (assert (equal (apply fn s i (append (reverse x) rest)) rest)))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345"
    "123456" "1234567" "12345678" "123456789" "12345678910"))
@@ -287,21 +287,21 @@
 (deftest format.\:@.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	for x = nil then (cons (list i) x)
-	collect
-	(apply #'format nil "~V:@{~A~}" i (reverse x)))
+        for x = nil then (cons (list i) x)
+        collect
+        (apply #'format nil "~V:@{~A~}" i (reverse x)))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345" "123456" "1234567" "12345678"
    "123456789" "12345678910"))
 (deftest formatter.\:@.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V@:{~A~}")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	  for x = nil then (cons (list i) x)
-	  for rest = (list 'a 'b)
-	  collect
-	  (with-output-to-string
-	    (s)
-	    (assert (equal (apply fn s i (append (reverse x) rest)) rest)))))
+          for x = nil then (cons (list i) x)
+          for rest = (list 'a 'b)
+          collect
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (s)
+            (assert (equal (apply fn s i (append (reverse x) rest)) rest)))))
   ("" "1" "12" "123" "1234" "12345" "123456" "1234567" "12345678"
    "123456789" "12345678910"))
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@
 (deftest format.\:{.error.2
   (signals-type-error x 'x (format nil "~:{~A~}" x))
 (deftest format.\:{.error.3
   (signals-error (format nil "~:{~A~}" '((x) . y)) type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-c.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-c.lsp
index 2cfb68e0..1a8822dc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-c.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-c.lsp
@@ -11,44 +11,44 @@
 (deftest format.c.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (format nil "~C" c)
-	unless (string= s (string c))
-	collect (list c s))
+        for s = (format nil "~C" c)
+        unless (string= s (string c))
+        collect (list c s))
 (deftest format.c.1a
   (loop with count = 0
-	for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (format nil "~c" c))
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
-		   (string= s (string c)))
-	do (incf count) and collect (list i c s)
-	when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
+        for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (format nil "~c" c))
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
+                   (string= s (string c)))
+        do (incf count) and collect (list i c s)
+        when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
 (deftest format.c.2
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (format nil "~:c" c)
-	unless (or (not (graphic-char-p c))
-		   (eql c #\Space)
-		   (string= s (string c)))
-	collect (list c s))
+        for s = (format nil "~:c" c)
+        unless (or (not (graphic-char-p c))
+                   (eql c #\Space)
+                   (string= s (string c)))
+        collect (list c s))
 (deftest format.c.2a
   (loop with count = 0
-	for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (format nil "~:C" c))
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
-		   (not (graphic-char-p c))
-		   (eql c #\Space)
-		   (string= s (string c)))
-	do (incf count) and collect (list i c s)
-	when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
+        for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (format nil "~:C" c))
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
+                   (not (graphic-char-p c))
+                   (eql c #\Space)
+                   (string= s (string c)))
+        do (incf count) and collect (list i c s)
+        when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
 (def-format-test format.c.3
@@ -56,61 +56,61 @@
 (deftest format.c.4
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (format nil "~:C" c)
-	unless (or (graphic-char-p c)
-		   (string= s (char-name c)))
-	collect (list c (char-name c) s))
+        for s = (format nil "~:C" c)
+        unless (or (graphic-char-p c)
+                   (string= s (char-name c)))
+        collect (list c (char-name c) s))
 (deftest format.c.4a
   (loop with count = 0
-	for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (format nil "~:c" c))
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
-		   (graphic-char-p c)
-		   (string= s (char-name c)))
-	do (incf count) and collect (print (list i c s))
-	when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
+        for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (format nil "~:c" c))
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (not (eql (char-code c) (char-int c)))
+                   (graphic-char-p c)
+                   (string= s (char-name c)))
+        do (incf count) and collect (print (list i c s))
+        when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
 (deftest format.c.5
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (format nil "~@c" c)
-	for c2 = (read-from-string s)
-	unless (eql c c2)
-	collect (list c s c2))
+        for s = (format nil "~@c" c)
+        for c2 = (read-from-string s)
+        unless (eql c c2)
+        collect (list c s c2))
 (deftest format.c.5a
   (loop with count = 0
-	for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (format nil "~@C" c))
-	for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
-	unless (eql c c2)
-	do (incf count) and collect (list c s c2)
-	when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
+        for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (format nil "~@C" c))
+        for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
+        unless (eql c c2)
+        do (incf count) and collect (list c s c2)
+        when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
 (deftest format.c.6
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:C" c)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~:@C" c)
-	unless (eql (search s1 s2) 0)
-	collect (list c s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:C" c)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~:@C" c)
+        unless (eql (search s1 s2) 0)
+        collect (list c s1 s2))
 (deftest format.c.6a
   (loop with count = 0
-	for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s1 = (and c (format nil "~:C" c))
-	for s2 = (and c (format nil "~@:C" c))
-	unless (or (not c) (eql (search s1 s2) 0))
-	do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2)
-	when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
+        for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s1 = (and c (format nil "~:C" c))
+        for s2 = (and c (format nil "~@:C" c))
+        unless (or (not c) (eql (search s1 s2) 0))
+        do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2)
+        when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-circumflex.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-circumflex.lsp
index a0216c20..52e6fbba 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-circumflex.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-circumflex.lsp
@@ -61,20 +61,20 @@
 (def-format-test format.^.{.18
   "~{~v,v^~A~}" ((list (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
-		       (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
-		       1))
+                       (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
+                       1))
 (def-format-test format.^.{.19
   "~{~0,v,v^~A~}" ((list (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
-			 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
-			 1))
+                         (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
+                         1))
 (def-format-test format.^.{.20
   "~{~0,v,v^~A~}" ((list (1+ most-positive-fixnum)
-			 most-positive-fixnum
-			 1))
+                         most-positive-fixnum
+                         1))
 (def-format-test format.^.{.21
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-conditional.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-conditional.lsp
index 30e3a8fd..66b728e5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-conditional.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-conditional.lsp
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
 (deftest format.cond.7
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" i))
+        collect (format nil "~[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" i))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (deftest formatter.cond.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (def-format-test format.cond.8
@@ -53,24 +53,24 @@
 (deftest format.cond.13
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" i nil))
+        collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" i nil))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (deftest formatter.cond.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (deftest format.cond.14
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" nil i))
+        collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]" nil i))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (deftest formatter.cond.14
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~;e~;f~;g~;h~;i~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn nil i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn nil i)))
   ("" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "f" "g" "h" "i" "" ""))
 (def-format-test format.cond.15
@@ -83,17 +83,17 @@
 (deftest format.cond\:.1
   (loop for i from -100 to 100
-	for s = (format nil "~[~:;a~]" i)
-	unless (or (zerop i) (string= s "a"))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~[~:;a~]" i)
+        unless (or (zerop i) (string= s "a"))
+        collect (list i s))
 (deftest formatter.cond\:.1
   (let ((fn (formatter "~[~:;a~]")))
     (loop for i from -100 to 100
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (or (zerop i) (string= s "a"))
-	  collect (list i s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (or (zerop i) (string= s "a"))
+          collect (list i s)))
 (def-format-test format.cond\:.2
@@ -107,35 +107,35 @@
 (deftest format.cond\:.5
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" i))
+        collect (format nil "~[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" i))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (deftest formatter.cond\:.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (deftest format.cond\:.6
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" i nil))
+        collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" i nil))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (deftest formatter.cond\:.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn i)))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (deftest format.cond\:.7
   (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" nil i))
+        collect (format nil "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]" nil i))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (deftest formatter.cond\:.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v[a~;b~;c~;d~:;e~]")))
     (loop for i from -1 to 10
-	  collect (formatter-call-to-string fn nil i)))
+          collect (formatter-call-to-string fn nil i)))
   ("e" "a" "b" "c" "d" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e" "e"))
 (def-format-test format.cond\:.8
@@ -151,17 +151,17 @@
 (deftest format.\:cond.2
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for s = (format nil "~:[a~;b~]" x)
-	when (and x (not (string= s "b")))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (format nil "~:[a~;b~]" x)
+        when (and x (not (string= s "b")))
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest formatter.\:cond.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:[a~;b~]")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  when (and x (not (string= s "b")))
-	  collect (list x s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          when (and x (not (string= s "b")))
+          collect (list x s)))
 ;;; ~@[ ... ~]
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-d.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-d.lsp
index 8cee9db0..cb86b700 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-d.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-d.lsp
@@ -10,390 +10,390 @@
 (deftest format.d.1
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~D" i)
-	 for j = (read-from-string s1)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (/= i j)
-		  (find #\. s1)
-		  (find #\+ s1)
-		  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	 collect (list i s1 j)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~D" i)
+         for j = (read-from-string s1)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (/= i j)
+                  (find #\. s1)
+                  (find #\+ s1)
+                  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+         collect (list i s1 j)))
 (deftest formatter.d.1
   (let ((fn (formatter "~D")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (read-from-string s1)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    (find #\+ s1)
-		    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	   collect (list i s1 j))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (read-from-string s1)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    (find #\+ s1)
+                    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+           collect (list i s1 j))))
 (deftest format.d.2
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
-	 for j = (read-from-string s1)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (/= i j)
-		  (find #\. s1)
-		  ;; (find #\+ s1)
-		  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	 collect (list i s1 j)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
+         for j = (read-from-string s1)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (/= i j)
+                  (find #\. s1)
+                  ;; (find #\+ s1)
+                  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+         collect (list i s1 j)))
 (deftest formatter.d.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@D")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (read-from-string s1)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    ;; (find #\+ s1)
-		    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	   collect (list i s1 j))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (read-from-string s1)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    ;; (find #\+ s1)
+                    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+           collect (list i s1 j))))
 (deftest format.d.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~dd" mincol) i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~dd" mincol) i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.d.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~~dd" mincol)
-	 ; for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~~dd" mincol)
+         ; for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.d.4
    (loop with limit = 10
-	 with count = 0
-	 for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@D" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~~d@d" mincol)
-	 for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
-		     "Count limit exceeded"
-		     (list i mincol s1 format-string s2 pos))
-	 while (<= count limit)))
+         with count = 0
+         for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@D" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~~d@d" mincol)
+         for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
+                     "Count limit exceeded"
+                     (list i mincol s1 format-string s2 pos))
+         while (<= count limit)))
 (deftest formatter.d.4
    (loop with limit = 10
-	 with count = 0
-	 for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@D" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~~d@d" mincol)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
-		     "Count limit exceeded"
-		   (list i mincol s1 s2 pos))
-	 while (<= count limit)))
+         with count = 0
+         for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@D" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~~d@d" mincol)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
+                     "Count limit exceeded"
+                   (list i mincol s1 s2 pos))
+         while (<= count limit)))
 (deftest format.d.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~d,'~cd" mincol padchar) i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~d,'~cd" mincol padchar) i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.d.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~~d,'~cd" mincol padchar)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~~d,'~cd" mincol padchar)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.d.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,vd")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,vD" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,vD" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 (deftest format.d.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,v@D")))
      (loop with limit = 10
-	   with count = 0
-	   for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@d" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
-		       "Count limit exceeded"
-		     (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))
-	   while (<= count limit))))
+           with count = 0
+           for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@d" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (if (> (incf count) limit)
+                       "Count limit exceeded"
+                     (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))
+           while (<= count limit))))
 ;;; Comma tests
 (deftest format.d.8
   (let ((fn1 (formatter "~d"))
-	(fn2 (formatter "~:d")))
+        (fn2 (formatter "~:d")))
     (loop for i from -999 to 999
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~:d" i)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn1 i)
-	  for s4 = (formatter-call-to-string fn2 i)
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
-	  collect (list i s1 s2 s3 s4)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~:d" i)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn1 i)
+          for s4 = (formatter-call-to-string fn2 i)
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
+          collect (list i s1 s2 s3 s4)))
 (deftest format.d.9
   (let ((fn1 (formatter "~d"))
-	(fn2 (formatter "~:d")))
+        (fn2 (formatter "~:d")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = #\,
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~:d" i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn1 i)
-	   for s4 = (formatter-call-to-string fn2 i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and (string= s1 s3)
-		       (string= s2 s4)
-		       (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
-		       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
-		       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
-		       (let ((len (length s2))
-			     (ci+1 4))
-			 (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			       always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-					  (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-					(find (elt s2 i) "0123456789")))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3 s4))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = #\,
+           for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~:d" i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn1 i)
+           for s4 = (formatter-call-to-string fn2 i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and (string= s1 s3)
+                       (string= s2 s4)
+                       (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
+                       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
+                       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
+                       (let ((len (length s2))
+                             (ci+1 4))
+                         (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                               always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                          (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                        (find (elt s2 i) "0123456789")))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3 s4))))
 (deftest format.d.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v:d")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:d" commachar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 4)
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:d" commachar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 4)
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.d.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~,,'~c:d" commachar)
-	 for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~,,'~c:d" commachar)
+         for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest formatter.d.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	 for format-string = (format nil "~~,,'~c:d" commachar)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	 ; for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+         for format-string = (format nil "~~,,'~c:d" commachar)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+         ; for s2 = (format nil format-string i)
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         repeat 100
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.d.12
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v,v:d")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:D" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:D" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.d.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v,v:@D")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@d" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j 1))
-		     (loop for i from 2 below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@d" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@d" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j 1))
+                     (loop for i from 2 below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 ;;; NIL arguments
@@ -414,35 +414,35 @@
 (deftest format.d.18
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for s1 = (format nil "~d" x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
-	unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~d" x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
+        unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 (deftest format.d.19
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:d" x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
-	unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:d" x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
+        unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 (deftest format.d.20
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for s1 = (format nil "~@d" x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
-	unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~@d" x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~A" x)
+        unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 (deftest format.d.21
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for s1 = (format nil "~A" x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~@:d" x)
+        for s1 = (format nil "~A" x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~@:d" x)
         for s3 = (format nil "~A" x)
-	unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2) (not (string= s1 s3)))
-	collect (list x s1 s2))
+        unless (or (integerp x) (string= s1 s2) (not (string= s1 s3)))
+        collect (list x s1 s2))
 ;;; Must add tests for non-integers when the parameters
@@ -456,9 +456,9 @@
    (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	 for args = (make-list i)
-	 for s = (apply #'format nil "~#d" 12345 args)
-	 collect s))
+         for args = (make-list i)
+         for s = (apply #'format nil "~#d" 12345 args)
+         collect s))
@@ -476,12 +476,12 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~#D")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   ; for s = (apply #'format nil "~#d" 12345 args)
-	   for s = (with-output-to-string
-		     (stream)
-		     (assert (equal (apply fn stream 12345 args) args)))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           ; for s = (apply #'format nil "~#d" 12345 args)
+           for s = (with-output-to-string
+                     (stream)
+                     (assert (equal (apply fn stream 12345 args) args)))
+           collect s)))
@@ -499,13 +499,13 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:D")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:d" 1234567890 args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream 1234567890 args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:d" 1234567890 args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream 1234567890 args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -523,13 +523,13 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:@d")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:D" 1234567890 args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream 1234567890 args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:D" 1234567890 args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream 1234567890 args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -564,18 +564,18 @@
      for mincol = (and (coin) (random 50))
      for padchar = (and (coin)
-			(random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                        (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commachar = (and (coin)
-			  (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                          (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commaint = (and (coin) (1+ (random 10)))
      for k = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 30)))
      for x = (- (random (+ k k)) k)
      for fmt = (concatenate
-		'string
-		(if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
-		(if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
-		(if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
-		(if commaint (format nil "~dd" commaint) "d"))
+                'string
+                (if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
+                (if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
+                (if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
+                (if commaint (format nil "~dd" commaint) "d"))
      for s1 = (format nil fmt x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,vd" mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-f.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-f.lsp
index 0e6fca87..e2c6a2e2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-f.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-f.lsp
@@ -11,220 +11,220 @@
 (deftest format.f.1
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(fn (formatter "~F")))
+        (fn (formatter "~F")))
      for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float
-		   short-float single-float double-float long-float)
+                   short-float single-float double-float long-float)
      for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0
-		      -0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
+                      -0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
      for s1 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (format nil "~f" x))
      for s2 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (prin1-to-string x))
      for s3 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type))
-		(formatter-call-to-string fn x))
+                (formatter-call-to-string fn x))
      unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))
      collect (list x type s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.2
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(fn (formatter "~f")))
+        (fn (formatter "~f")))
      for i = (random 4)
      for type = (elt #(short-float single-float double-float long-float) i)
      for x = (expt (coerce 10 type)
-		   (- (random 10.0s0) 3))
+                   (- (random 10.0s0) 3))
      for s1 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (format nil "~f" x))
      for s2 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (prin1-to-string x))
      for s3 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type))
-		(formatter-call-to-string fn x))
+                (formatter-call-to-string fn x))
      repeat 1000
      when (and (<= 1/1000 x)
-	       (< x 10000000)
-	       (or (not (string= s1 s2))
-		   (not (string= s1 s3))))
+               (< x 10000000)
+               (or (not (string= s1 s2))
+                   (not (string= s1 s3))))
      collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.3
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(fn (formatter "~F")))
+        (fn (formatter "~F")))
      for i = (random 4)
      for type = (elt #(short-float single-float double-float long-float) i)
      for x = (- (expt (coerce 10 type)
-		      (- (random 10.0s0) 3)))
+                      (- (random 10.0s0) 3)))
      for s1 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (format nil "~f" x))
      for s2 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type)) (prin1-to-string x))
      for s3 = (let ((*read-default-float-format* type))
-		(formatter-call-to-string fn x))
+                (formatter-call-to-string fn x))
      repeat 1000
      when (and (>= -1/1000 x)
-	       (> x -10000000)
-	       (not (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))))
+               (> x -10000000)
+               (not (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))))
      collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.4
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~3f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "1.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~3f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "1.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~2f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "1.") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "1.") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4F" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s " 1.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4F" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s " 1.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4@F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4@f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "+1.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4@f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "+1.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3@F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~3@F" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "+1.") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~3@F" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "+1.") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.9
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1 1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4f" (- x))
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn (- x))
-	  unless (and (string= s "-1.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list (- x) s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4f" (- x))
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn (- x))
+          unless (and (string= s "-1.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list (- x) s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~3f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.5") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~3f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.5") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.11
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s " 0.5") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s " 0.5") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.12
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,2F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~3,2F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~3,2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s ".50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~3,2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s ".50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.14
   (let ((fn (formatter "~2,1F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~2,1f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s ".5") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~2,1f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s ".5") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.15
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,2@F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,2@f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "+.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,2@f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "+.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.16
   (let ((fn (formatter "~2,2F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~2,2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s ".50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~2,2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s ".50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.17
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,2F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~,2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~,2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,2F")))
     (loop for xn in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for x = (- xn)
-	  for s = (format nil "~,2f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "-0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for x = (- xn)
+          for s = (format nil "~,2f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "-0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.19
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,2,-1F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(5 5.0s0 5.0f0 5.0d0 5.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,2,-1f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,2,-1f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.20
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,2,0F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/2 0.5s0 0.5f0 0.5d0 0.5l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,2,0f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,2,0f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.21
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,2,1f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates '(1/20 0.05s0 0.05f0 0.05d0 0.05l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,2,1f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,2,1f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "0.50") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 ;;; overflow
@@ -232,41 +232,41 @@
 (deftest format.f.22
   (let ((fn (formatter "~5,1,,'*F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(1000 1000.0s0 1000.0f0 1000.0d0 1000.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~5,1,,'*f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "*****") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(1000 1000.0s0 1000.0f0 1000.0d0 1000.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~5,1,,'*f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "*****") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.23
   (let ((fn (formatter "~5,1,,'*f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~5,1,,'*f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "100.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~5,1,,'*f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "100.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.24
   (let ((fn (formatter "~4,0,,'*F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~4,0,,'*f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "100.") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~4,0,,'*f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "100.") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.25
   (let ((fn (formatter "~1,1,,f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~1,1,,f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "100.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~1,1,,f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "100.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 ;;; padchar
@@ -274,21 +274,21 @@
 (deftest format.f.26
   (let ((fn (formatter "~10,1,,f")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~10,1,,f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "     100.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~10,1,,f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "     100.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 (deftest format.f.27
   (let ((fn (formatter "~10,1,,,'*F")))
     (loop for x in (remove-duplicates
-		    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
-	  for s = (format nil "~10,1,,,'*f" x)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (and (string= s "*****100.0") (string= s s2))
-	  collect (list x s s2)))
+                    '(100 100.0s0 100.0f0 100.0d0 100.0l0))
+          for s = (format nil "~10,1,,,'*f" x)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (and (string= s "*****100.0") (string= s s2))
+          collect (list x s s2)))
 ;;; v parameters
@@ -296,56 +296,56 @@
 (deftest format.f.28
   (let ((fn (formatter "~VF")))
     (loop for x = (random 100.0)
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~vf" nil x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~vf" nil x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.29
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,vf")))
     (loop for x = (random 100.0)
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~,vf" nil x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~,vf" nil x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.30
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,Vf")))
     (loop for x = (random 100.0)
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~,,vf" nil x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~,,vf" nil x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.31
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,vF")))
     (loop for x = (random 100.0)
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~,,,vf" nil x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~,,,vf" nil x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.f.32
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,,VF")))
     (loop for x = (random 100.0)
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~,,,,vf" nil x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~f" x)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~,,,,vf" nil x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil x)
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 ;;; Randomized tests
@@ -353,22 +353,22 @@
 (deftest format.f.33
   (let ((bound (if (> 10000000 most-positive-short-float)
-		   most-positive-short-float
-		 (coerce 10000000 'short-float))))
+                   most-positive-short-float
+                 (coerce 10000000 'short-float))))
     (loop for d = (random 10)
-	  for w = (+ 1 d (random 10))
-	  for x = (random bound)
-	  for xr = (rational x)
-	  for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d x)
-	  for sr = (decode-fixed-decimal-string s)
-	  for eps = (expt 1/10 d)
-	  for abs-xr-sr = (abs (- xr sr))
-	  for abs-xr-sr-hi = (abs (- xr (+ sr eps)))
-	  for abs-xr-sr-lo = (abs (- xr (- sr eps)))
-	  repeat 100
-	  unless (and (<= abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-hi)
-		      (<= abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-lo))
-	  collect (list d w x xr s sr eps abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-hi abs-xr-sr-lo)))
+          for w = (+ 1 d (random 10))
+          for x = (random bound)
+          for xr = (rational x)
+          for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d x)
+          for sr = (decode-fixed-decimal-string s)
+          for eps = (expt 1/10 d)
+          for abs-xr-sr = (abs (- xr sr))
+          for abs-xr-sr-hi = (abs (- xr (+ sr eps)))
+          for abs-xr-sr-lo = (abs (- xr (- sr eps)))
+          repeat 100
+          unless (and (<= abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-hi)
+                      (<= abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-lo))
+          collect (list d w x xr s sr eps abs-xr-sr abs-xr-sr-hi abs-xr-sr-lo)))
@@ -376,47 +376,47 @@
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'short-float))
      (loop for i from (- 1 (ash 1 13)) below (ash 1 13)
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'short-float)
-	   for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'short-float)
+           for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.35
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 25))) -1 (ash 1 24))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'single-float)
-	   for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'single-float)
+           for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.36
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 51))) -1 (ash 1 50))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'double-float)
-	   for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'double-float)
+           for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.37
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 51))) -1 (ash 1 50))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'long-float)
-	   for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'long-float)
+           for s = (format nil "~f" sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.38
@@ -425,66 +425,66 @@
     '(lambda ()
-	(let ((*read-default-float-format* 'short-float)
-	      (total 0)
-	      (len 0))
-	  (loop for i from (- 1 (ash 1 13)) below (ash 1 13)
-		unless (zerop i)
-		nconc
-		(loop for sf = (coerce i 'short-float)
-		      for w = (random 8)
-		      for d = (random 4)
-		      for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
-		      for i2 = (ignore-errors (floor (read-from-string s)))
-		      repeat 5
-		      ; do (print (list w d s i i2))
-		      unless (eql i i2)
-		      do (incf total)
-		      and collect (list i sf w d s i2))
-		when (> total 100) collect "count limit exceeded"
-		and do (loop-finish)))))))
+        (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'short-float)
+              (total 0)
+              (len 0))
+          (loop for i from (- 1 (ash 1 13)) below (ash 1 13)
+                unless (zerop i)
+                nconc
+                (loop for sf = (coerce i 'short-float)
+                      for w = (random 8)
+                      for d = (random 4)
+                      for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
+                      for i2 = (ignore-errors (floor (read-from-string s)))
+                      repeat 5
+                      ; do (print (list w d s i i2))
+                      unless (eql i i2)
+                      do (incf total)
+                      and collect (list i sf w d s i2))
+                when (> total 100) collect "count limit exceeded"
+                and do (loop-finish)))))))
 (deftest format.f.39
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 25))) -1 (ash 1 24))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'single-float)
-	   for w = (and (coin) (random 16))
-	   for d = (random 4)
-	   for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'single-float)
+           for w = (and (coin) (random 16))
+           for d = (random 4)
+           for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.40
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 51))) -1 (ash 1 50))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'double-float)
-	   for w = (and (coin) (random 30))
-	   for d = (random 6)
-	   for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'double-float)
+           for w = (and (coin) (random 30))
+           for d = (random 6)
+           for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.41
    (let ((*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random (1- (ash 1 51))) -1 (ash 1 50))
-	   for sf = (coerce i 'long-float)
-	   for w = (and (coin) (random 30))
-	   for d = (random 6)
-	   for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
-	   for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
-	   repeat 2000
-	   unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
-	   collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
+           for sf = (coerce i 'long-float)
+           for w = (and (coin) (random 30))
+           for d = (random 6)
+           for s = (format nil "~v,vf" w d sf)
+           for i2 = (floor (read-from-string s))
+           repeat 2000
+           unless (or (zerop i) (eql i i2))
+           collect (list i sf w d s i2))))
 (deftest format.f.42
@@ -492,26 +492,26 @@
      for k = (and (coin) (random 6))
      for x = (random (/ (random-from-seq #(#.(coerce (* 32 (1- (ash 1 13))) 'short-float)
-					     #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 24))) 'single-float)
-					     #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 50))) 'double-float)
-					     #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 50))) 'long-float)))
-			(if k (expt 10 k) 1)))
+                                             #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 24))) 'single-float)
+                                             #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 50))) 'double-float)
+                                             #.(coerce (* 256 (1- (ash 1 50))) 'long-float)))
+                        (if k (expt 10 k) 1)))
      for w = (and (coin) (random 30))
      for d = (and (coin) (random 10))
      for overflowchar = (and (coin) (random-from-seq chars))
      for padchar = (and (coin) (random-from-seq chars))
      for f1 = (concatenate 'string
-			   "~"
-			   (if w (format nil "~d" w) "")
-			   ","
-			   (if d (format nil "~d" d) "")
-			   ","
-			   (if k (format nil "~d" k) "")
-			   ","
-			   (if overflowchar (format nil "'~c" overflowchar) "")
-			   ","
-			   (if padchar (format nil "'~c" padchar) "")
-			   (string (random-from-seq "fF")))
+                           "~"
+                           (if w (format nil "~d" w) "")
+                           ","
+                           (if d (format nil "~d" d) "")
+                           ","
+                           (if k (format nil "~d" k) "")
+                           ","
+                           (if overflowchar (format nil "'~c" overflowchar) "")
+                           ","
+                           (if padchar (format nil "'~c" padchar) "")
+                           (string (random-from-seq "fF")))
      for s1 = (format nil f1 x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,v,vf" w d k overflowchar padchar x)
      repeat 2000
@@ -526,11 +526,11 @@
 (deftest format.f.44
   (loop for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	for x = 2312.9817
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for f1 = (and c (format nil "~~,,,,'~cf" c))
-	for s1 = (and c (ignore-errors (format nil f1 x)))
-	for s2 = (and c (format nil "~,,,,vf" c x))
-	unless (equal s1 s2)
-	collect (list i c f1 s1 s2))
+        for x = 2312.9817
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for f1 = (and c (format nil "~~,,,,'~cf" c))
+        for s1 = (and c (ignore-errors (format nil f1 x)))
+        for s2 = (and c (format nil "~,,,,vf" c x))
+        unless (equal s1 s2)
+        collect (list i c f1 s1 s2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-justify.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-justify.lsp
index f3b2737e..d157debc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-justify.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-justify.lsp
@@ -13,122 +13,122 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.2
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~<~A~>" s1)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~<~A~>" s1)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.3
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
-	unless (string= s2 (concatenate 'string s1 s1))
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
+        unless (string= s2 (concatenate 'string s1 s1))
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.4
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 " " s1)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~,,1<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list i expected s2))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 " " s1)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~,,1<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list i expected s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 "," s1)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~,,1,',<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list i expected s2))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 "," s1)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~,,1,',<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list i expected s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.6
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 "  " s1)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~,,2<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list i expected s2))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for expected = (concatenate 'string s1 "  " s1)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~,,2<~A~;~A~>" s1 s1)
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list i expected s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.7
   (loop for mincol = (random 50)
-	for len = (random 50)
-	for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~v<~A~>" mincol s1)
-	for expected = (if (< len mincol)
-			   (concatenate 'string
-					(make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element #\Space)
-					s1)
-			 s1)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list mincol len s1 s2 expected))
+        for len = (random 50)
+        for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~v<~A~>" mincol s1)
+        for expected = (if (< len mincol)
+                           (concatenate 'string
+                                        (make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element #\Space)
+                                        s1)
+                         s1)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list mincol len s1 s2 expected))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.8
   (loop for mincol = (random 50)
-	for minpad = (random 10)
-	for len = (random 50)
-	for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~v,,v<~A~>" mincol minpad s1)
-	for expected = (if (< len mincol)
-			   (concatenate 'string
-					(make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element #\Space)
-					s1)
-			 s1)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list mincol minpad len s1 s2 expected))
+        for minpad = (random 10)
+        for len = (random 50)
+        for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~v,,v<~A~>" mincol minpad s1)
+        for expected = (if (< len mincol)
+                           (concatenate 'string
+                                        (make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element #\Space)
+                                        s1)
+                         s1)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list mincol minpad len s1 s2 expected))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.9
   (loop for mincol = (random 50)
-	for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	for len = (random 50)
-	for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~v,,,v<~A~>" mincol padchar s1)
-	for expected = (if (< len mincol)
-			   (concatenate 'string
-					(make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element padchar)
-					s1)
-			 s1)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list mincol padchar len s1 s2 expected))
+        for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+        for len = (random 50)
+        for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~v,,,v<~A~>" mincol padchar s1)
+        for expected = (if (< len mincol)
+                           (concatenate 'string
+                                        (make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element padchar)
+                                        s1)
+                         s1)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list mincol padchar len s1 s2 expected))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.10
   (loop for mincol = (random 50)
-	for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	for len = (random 50)
-	for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~d,,,'~c<~~A~~>" mincol padchar) s1)
-	for expected = (if (< len mincol)
-			   (concatenate 'string
-					(make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element padchar)
-					s1)
-			 s1)
-	repeat 500
-	unless (string= s2 expected)
-	collect (list mincol padchar len s1 s2 expected))
+        for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+        for len = (random 50)
+        for s1 = (make-string len :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil (format nil "~~~d,,,'~c<~~A~~>" mincol padchar) s1)
+        for expected = (if (< len mincol)
+                           (concatenate 'string
+                                        (make-string (- mincol len) :initial-element padchar)
+                                        s1)
+                         s1)
+        repeat 500
+        unless (string= s2 expected)
+        collect (list mincol padchar len s1 s2 expected))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.11
   (loop for i = (1+ (random 20))
-	for colinc = (1+ (random 10))
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~,v<~A~>" colinc s1)
-	for expected-len = (* colinc (ceiling i colinc))
-	for expected = (concatenate 'string
-				    (make-string (- expected-len i) :initial-element #\Space)
-				    s1)
-	repeat 10
-	unless (string= expected s2)
-	collect (list i colinc expected s2))
+        for colinc = (1+ (random 10))
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\x)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~,v<~A~>" colinc s1)
+        for expected-len = (* colinc (ceiling i colinc))
+        for expected = (concatenate 'string
+                                    (make-string (- expected-len i) :initial-element #\Space)
+                                    s1)
+        repeat 10
+        unless (string= expected s2)
+        collect (list i colinc expected s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.12
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ X AAA BBB CCC")
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.30
   (format nil "~%X ~<~%X ~0,3:;AAA~>~<~%X ~0,3:;BBB~>~<~%X ~0,3:;CCC~>")
 X CCC")
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ X AAABBBCCC")
 (def-pprint-test format.justify.32
   (format nil "~%X ~<~%X ~0,3:;AAA~>,~<~%X ~0,3:;BBB~>,~<~%X ~0,3:;CCC~>")
 X CCC")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-logical-block.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-logical-block.lsp
index c1b97d14..5f764f4e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-logical-block.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-logical-block.lsp
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
   (format nil "~:<~@{~A~^ ~}~:>" (let ((x (list 0)))
-				   (setf (cdr x) x)
-				   x))
+                                   (setf (cdr x) x)
+                                   x))
   "#1=(0 . #1#)"
   :circle t
   :len 500)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-o.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-o.lsp
index 60176aeb..4ded9b77 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-o.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-o.lsp
@@ -11,194 +11,194 @@
   (let ((fn (formatter "~o")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~O" i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 8)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    (find #\+ s1)
-		  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~O" i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 8)) (read-from-string s1))
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    (find #\+ s1)
+                  (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.o.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@O")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 8)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    ;; (find #\+ s1)
-		    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 8)) (read-from-string s1))
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    ;; (find #\+ s1)
+                    (find-if #'alpha-char-p s1))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.o.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~do" mincol)
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~do" mincol)
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.o.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~do" mincol)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~do" mincol)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.o.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@O" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@o" mincol)
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@O" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@o" mincol)
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.o.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@O" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@o" mincol)
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@O" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@o" mincol)
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.o.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
-			   (random-from-seq "oO"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
+                           (random-from-seq "oO"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.o.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
-			   (random-from-seq "oO"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar
+                           (random-from-seq "oO"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.o.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V,Vo")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,vO" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,vO" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 (deftest format.o.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,V@O")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@o" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@o" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 ;;; Comma tests
@@ -206,153 +206,153 @@
 (deftest format.o.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:O")))
     (loop for i from #o-777 to #o777
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~:o" i)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~:o" i)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.o.9
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:o")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = #\,
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~:O" i)
-	    for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
-		       (string= s2 s3)
-		       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
-		       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
-		       (let ((len (length s2))
-			     (ci+1 4))
-			 (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			       always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-					  (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-					(find (elt s2 i) "01234567")))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = #\,
+           for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~:O" i)
+            for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
+                       (string= s2 s3)
+                       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
+                       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
+                       (let ((len (length s2))
+                             (ci+1 4))
+                         (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                               always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                          (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                        (find (elt s2 i) "01234567")))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.o.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v:o")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:o" commachar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 4)
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:o" commachar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 4)
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.o.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "oO"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "oO"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest formatter.o.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "oO"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "oO"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         repeat 100
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.o.12
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,V,v:O")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:O" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:O" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.o.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v,V@:O")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@o" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j 1))
-		     (loop for i from 2 below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				  (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@o" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@o" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j 1))
+                     (loop for i from 2 below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                  (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 ;;; NIL arguments
@@ -374,43 +374,43 @@
 (deftest format.o.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~o")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~o" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~o" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.o.19
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:o")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~:o" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~:o" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.o.20
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@o")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~@o" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~@o" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.o.21
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:@o")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~@:o" x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-		     (string/= s1 s4))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s2 = (format nil "~@:o" x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 8)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+                     (string/= s1 s4))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 ;;; Must add tests for non-integers when the parameters
@@ -424,15 +424,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~#o"))
-	 (n #o12345))
+         (n #o12345))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~#o" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~#o" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -449,15 +449,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:o"))
-	 (n #o1234567012))
+         (n #o1234567012))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:o" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:o" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -474,15 +474,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:@o"))
-	 (n #o1234567012))
+         (n #o1234567012))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:O" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:O" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -517,18 +517,18 @@
      for mincol = (and (coin) (random 50))
      for padchar = (and (coin)
-			(random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                        (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commachar = (and (coin)
-			  (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                          (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commaint = (and (coin) (1+ (random 10)))
      for k = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 30)))
      for x = (- (random (+ k k)) k)
      for fmt = (concatenate
-		'string
-		(if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
-		(if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
-		(if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
-		(if commaint (format nil "~do" commaint) "o"))
+                'string
+                (if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
+                (if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
+                (if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
+                (if commaint (format nil "~do" commaint) "o"))
      for s1 = (format nil fmt x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,vo" mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-p.lsp
index 3285222f..adfa42d7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-p.lsp
@@ -21,17 +21,17 @@
 (deftest format.p.5
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for s = (format nil "~p" x)
-	unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "s"))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (format nil "~p" x)
+        unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "s"))
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest formatter.p.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~p")))
     (loop for x in *universe*
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "s"))
-	  collect (list x s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "s"))
+          collect (list x s)))
 ;;; :p
@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@
 (deftest format.p.18
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for s = (format nil "~@p" x)
-	unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "ies"))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (format nil "~@p" x)
+        unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "ies"))
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest formatter.p.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@P")))
     (loop for x in *universe*
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "ies"))
-	  collect (list x s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (eql x 1) (string= s "ies"))
+          collect (list x s)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-page.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-page.lsp
index 8678c29e..2320f18b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-page.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-page.lsp
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
      ((> (length s) 1) (values s :too-long))
       (let ((c (elt s 0)))
-	(loop for i from 2 to 100
-	      for s = (format nil (format nil "~~~D|" i))
-	      unless (and (= (length s) i)
-			  (every #'(lambda (c2) (char= c c2)) s))
-	      collect i)))))
+        (loop for i from 2 to 100
+              for s = (format nil (format nil "~~~D|" i))
+              unless (and (= (length s) i)
+                          (every #'(lambda (c2) (char= c c2)) s))
+              collect i)))))
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@
      ((> (length s) 1) (values s :too-long))
       (let ((c (elt s 0)))
-	(loop for i from 2 to 100
-	      for s = (format nil "~v|" i)
-	      unless (and (= (length s) i)
-			  (every #'(lambda (c2) (char= c c2)) s))
-	      collect i)))))
+        (loop for i from 2 to 100
+              for s = (format nil "~v|" i)
+              unless (and (= (length s) i)
+                          (every #'(lambda (c2) (char= c c2)) s))
+              collect i)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-paren.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-paren.lsp
index 46312e4c..c79a0575 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-paren.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-paren.lsp
@@ -13,39 +13,39 @@
 ;;; Conversion of simple characters to downcase
 (deftest format.paren.2
   (loop for i from 0 below (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	when (and c
-		  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-		  (upper-case-p c)
-		  (let ((s1 (format nil "~(~c~)" c))
-			(s2 (string (char-downcase c))))
-		    (if
-			(or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
-			    (not (eql (length s2) 1))
-			    (not (eql (elt s1 0)
-				      (elt s2 0))))
-			(list i c s1 s2)
-		      nil)))
-	collect it)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        when (and c
+                  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+                  (upper-case-p c)
+                  (let ((s1 (format nil "~(~c~)" c))
+                        (s2 (string (char-downcase c))))
+                    (if
+                        (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
+                            (not (eql (length s2) 1))
+                            (not (eql (elt s1 0)
+                                      (elt s2 0))))
+                        (list i c s1 s2)
+                      nil)))
+        collect it)
 (deftest formatter.paren.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~(~c~)")))
     (loop for i from 0 below (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  when (and c
-		    (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-		    (upper-case-p c)
-		    (let ((s1 (formatter-call-to-string fn c))
-			  (s2 (string (char-downcase c))))
-		      (if
-			  (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
-			      (not (eql (length s2) 1))
-			      (not (eql (elt s1 0)
-					(elt s2 0))))
-			  (list i c s1 s2)
-			nil)))
-	  collect it))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          when (and c
+                    (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+                    (upper-case-p c)
+                    (let ((s1 (formatter-call-to-string fn c))
+                          (s2 (string (char-downcase c))))
+                      (if
+                          (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
+                              (not (eql (length s2) 1))
+                              (not (eql (elt s1 0)
+                                        (elt s2 0))))
+                          (list i c s1 s2)
+                        nil)))
+          collect it))
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 (def-format-test format.paren.5
   "~:(this is a TEST.~)" nil "This Is A Test.")
 (def-format-test format.paren.6
   "~:(this is7a TEST.~)" nil "This Is7a Test.")
@@ -66,39 +66,39 @@
 (deftest format.paren.8
   (loop for i from 0 below (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	when (and c
-		  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-		  (lower-case-p c)
-		  (let ((s1 (format nil "~@:(~c~)" c))
-			(s2 (string (char-upcase c))))
-		    (if
-			(or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
-			    (not (eql (length s2) 1))
-			    (not (eql (elt s1 0)
-				      (elt s2 0))))
-			(list i c s1 s2)
-		      nil)))
-	collect it)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        when (and c
+                  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+                  (lower-case-p c)
+                  (let ((s1 (format nil "~@:(~c~)" c))
+                        (s2 (string (char-upcase c))))
+                    (if
+                        (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
+                            (not (eql (length s2) 1))
+                            (not (eql (elt s1 0)
+                                      (elt s2 0))))
+                        (list i c s1 s2)
+                      nil)))
+        collect it)
 (deftest formatter.paren.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@:(~c~)")))
     (loop for i from 0 below (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  when (and c
-		    (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-		    (lower-case-p c)
-		    (let ((s1 (formatter-call-to-string fn c))
-			  (s2 (string (char-upcase c))))
-		      (if
-			  (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
-			      (not (eql (length s2) 1))
-			      (not (eql (elt s1 0)
-					(elt s2 0))))
-			  (list i c s1 s2)
-			nil)))
-	  collect it))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          when (and c
+                    (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+                    (lower-case-p c)
+                    (let ((s1 (formatter-call-to-string fn c))
+                          (s2 (string (char-upcase c))))
+                      (if
+                          (or (not (eql (length s1) 1))
+                              (not (eql (length s2) 1))
+                              (not (eql (elt s1 0)
+                                        (elt s2 0))))
+                          (list i c s1 s2)
+                        nil)))
+          collect it))
 ;;; Nested conversion
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-percent.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-percent.lsp
index 3d881099..96813b5c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-percent.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-percent.lsp
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
 (deftest format.%.2
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for format-string = (format nil "~~~D%" i)
-	for s2 = (format nil format-string)
-	for fn = (eval `(formatter ,s2))
-	for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
-	unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for format-string = (format nil "~~~D%" i)
+        for s2 = (format nil format-string)
+        for fn = (eval `(formatter ,s2))
+        for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
+        unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s1 s3))
+        collect i)
 (def-format-test format.%.3
@@ -28,38 +28,38 @@
 (deftest format.%.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~v%" i)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~v%" i)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.%.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v%")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	  for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect i))
+          for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect i))
 (deftest format.%.6
   (loop for i from 0 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	for args = (make-list i)
-	for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
-	for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#%" args)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect i)
+        for args = (make-list i)
+        for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
+        for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#%" args)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect i)
 (deftest formatter.%.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~#%")))
     (loop for i from 0 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	  for args = (make-list i)
-	  for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
-	  for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		     (stream)
-		     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect i))
+          for args = (make-list i)
+          for s1 = (make-string i :initial-element #\Newline)
+          for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                     (stream)
+                     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect i))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-r.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-r.lsp
index 6273f6fe..81b6cff6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-r.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-r.lsp
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
    for s = (format nil "~~~dR" i)
    (loop for x = (let ((bound (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 40)))))
-		   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
-	 for s1 = (format nil s x)
-	 for s2 = (with-standard-io-syntax
-		   (write-to-string x :base i :readably nil))
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (string= s1 s2)
-	 collect (list i x s1 s2)))
+                   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
+         for s1 = (format nil s x)
+         for s2 = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                   (write-to-string x :base i :readably nil))
+         repeat 100
+         unless (string= s1 s2)
+         collect (list i x s1 s2)))
 (deftest formatter.r.1
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
    for fn = (eval `(formatter ,s))
    (loop for x = (let ((bound (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 40)))))
-		   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
-	 for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	 for s2 = (with-standard-io-syntax
-		   (write-to-string x :base i :readably nil))
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (string= s1 s2)
-	 collect (list i x s1 s2)))
+                   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
+         for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+         for s2 = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                   (write-to-string x :base i :readably nil))
+         repeat 100
+         unless (string= s1 s2)
+         collect (list i x s1 s2)))
 (def-format-test format.r.2
@@ -48,87 +48,87 @@
 (deftest format.r.4
   (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	nconc
-	(loop for mincol from 0 to 20
-	      for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~DR" base mincol)
-	      for s = (format nil fmt base)
-	      unless (if (<= mincol 2)
-			 (string= s "10")
-		       (string= (concatenate
-				 'string
-				 (make-string (- mincol 2)
-					      :initial-element #\Space)
-				 "10")
-				s))
-	      collect (list base mincol s)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for mincol from 0 to 20
+              for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~DR" base mincol)
+              for s = (format nil fmt base)
+              unless (if (<= mincol 2)
+                         (string= s "10")
+                       (string= (concatenate
+                                 'string
+                                 (make-string (- mincol 2)
+                                              :initial-element #\Space)
+                                 "10")
+                                s))
+              collect (list base mincol s)))
 (deftest formatter.r.4
   (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	nconc
-	(loop for mincol from 0 to 20
-	      for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~DR" base mincol)
-	      for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	      for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base)
-	      unless (if (<= mincol 2)
-			 (string= s "10")
-		       (string= (concatenate
-				 'string
-				 (make-string (- mincol 2)
-					      :initial-element #\Space)
-				 "10")
-				s))
-	      collect (list base mincol s)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for mincol from 0 to 20
+              for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~DR" base mincol)
+              for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+              for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base)
+              unless (if (<= mincol 2)
+                         (string= s "10")
+                       (string= (concatenate
+                                 'string
+                                 (make-string (- mincol 2)
+                                              :initial-element #\Space)
+                                 "10")
+                                s))
+              collect (list base mincol s)))
 (deftest format.r.5
   (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	nconc
-	(loop for mincol from 0 to 20
-	      for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~D,'*r" base mincol)
-	      for s = (format nil fmt base)
-	      unless (if (<= mincol 2)
-			 (string= s "10")
-		       (string= (concatenate
-				 'string
-				 (make-string (- mincol 2)
-					      :initial-element #\*)
-				 "10")
-				s))
-	      collect (list base mincol s)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for mincol from 0 to 20
+              for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~D,'*r" base mincol)
+              for s = (format nil fmt base)
+              unless (if (<= mincol 2)
+                         (string= s "10")
+                       (string= (concatenate
+                                 'string
+                                 (make-string (- mincol 2)
+                                              :initial-element #\*)
+                                 "10")
+                                s))
+              collect (list base mincol s)))
 (deftest formatter.r.5
   (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	nconc
-	(loop for mincol from 0 to 20
-	      for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~D,'*r" base mincol)
-	      for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	      for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base)
-	      unless (if (<= mincol 2)
-			 (string= s "10")
-		       (string= (concatenate
-				 'string
-				 (make-string (- mincol 2)
-					      :initial-element #\*)
-				 "10")
-				s))
-	      collect (list base mincol s)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for mincol from 0 to 20
+              for fmt = (format nil "~~~D,~D,'*r" base mincol)
+              for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+              for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base)
+              unless (if (<= mincol 2)
+                         (string= s "10")
+                       (string= (concatenate
+                                 'string
+                                 (make-string (- mincol 2)
+                                              :initial-element #\*)
+                                 "10")
+                                s))
+              collect (list base mincol s)))
 (deftest format.r.6
   (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	for s = (format nil "~vr" base (1+ base))
-	unless (string= s "11")
-	collect (list base s))
+        for s = (format nil "~vr" base (1+ base))
+        unless (string= s "11")
+        collect (list base s))
 (deftest formatter.r.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~vr")))
     (loop for base from 2 to 36
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base (1+ base))
-	  unless (string= s "11")
-	  collect (list base s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn base (1+ base))
+          unless (string= s "11")
+          collect (list base s)))
 (defparameter *english-number-names*
@@ -155,29 +155,29 @@
 (deftest format.r.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s1 = (format nil "~r" i)
-	for s2 in *english-number-names*
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~r" i)
+        for s2 in *english-number-names*
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (deftest formatter.r.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~r")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	  for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  for s2 in *english-number-names*
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect (list i s1 s2)))
+          for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          for s2 in *english-number-names*
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect (list i s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.r.7a
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (format nil "~r" (- i))
-	for s2 in (cdr *english-number-names*)
-	for s3 = (concatenate 'string "negative " s2)
-	for s4 = (concatenate 'string "minus " s2)
-	unless (or (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
-	collect (list i s1 s3 s4))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~r" (- i))
+        for s2 in (cdr *english-number-names*)
+        for s3 = (concatenate 'string "negative " s2)
+        for s4 = (concatenate 'string "minus " s2)
+        unless (or (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
+        collect (list i s1 s3 s4))
 (def-format-test format.r.8
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
      (let ((*print-radix* t))
-	(format nil fn 123)
-	(formatter-call-to-string fn 123)))))
+        (format nil fn 123)
+        (formatter-call-to-string fn 123)))))
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@
    for s = (format nil "~~~d:R" i)
    (loop for x = (let ((bound (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 40)))))
-		   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
-	 for s1 = (remove #\, (format nil s x))
-	 for y = (let ((*read-base* i)) (read-from-string s1))
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (= x y)
-	 collect (list i x s1 y)))
+                   (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
+         for s1 = (remove #\, (format nil s x))
+         for y = (let ((*read-base* i)) (read-from-string s1))
+         repeat 100
+         unless (= x y)
+         collect (list i x s1 y)))
 (deftest format.r.15
@@ -230,16 +230,16 @@
    for i = (+ 2 (random 35))
    for interval = (1+ (random 20))
    for comma = (loop for c = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-		     unless (alphanumericp c)
-		     return c)
+                     unless (alphanumericp c)
+                     return c)
    for s = (format nil "~~~d,,,'~c,~d:R" i comma interval)
    for x = (let ((bound (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 40)))))
-	     (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
+             (- (random (* bound 2)) bound))
    for s1 = (remove comma (format nil s x))
    for y = (let ((*read-base* i)) (read-from-string s1))
    repeat 1000
    unless (or (and (eql comma #\-) (< x 0))
-	      (= x y))
+              (= x y))
    collect (list i interval comma x s1 y))
@@ -273,46 +273,46 @@
 (deftest format.r.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:r" i)
-	for s2 in *english-ordinal-names*
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:r" i)
+        for s2 in *english-ordinal-names*
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (deftest formatter.r.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:r")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	  for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  for s2 in *english-ordinal-names*
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect (list i s1 s2)))
+          for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          for s2 in *english-ordinal-names*
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect (list i s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.r.18a
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:r" (- i))
-	for s2 in (cdr *english-ordinal-names*)
-	for s3 = (concatenate 'string "negative " s2)
-	for s4 = (concatenate 'string "minus " s2)
-	unless (or (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
-	collect (list i s1 s3 s4))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:r" (- i))
+        for s2 in (cdr *english-ordinal-names*)
+        for s3 = (concatenate 'string "negative " s2)
+        for s4 = (concatenate 'string "minus " s2)
+        unless (or (string= s1 s3) (string= s1 s4))
+        collect (list i s1 s3 s4))
 (deftest format.r.19
   (loop for i from 1
-	for s1 in *roman-numerals*
-	for s2 = (format nil "~@R" i)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 in *roman-numerals*
+        for s2 = (format nil "~@R" i)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (deftest formatter.r.19
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@r")))
     (loop for i from 1
-	  for s1 in *roman-numerals*
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect (list i s1 s2)))
+          for s1 in *roman-numerals*
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect (list i s1 s2)))
 ;;; Old roman numerals
@@ -320,12 +320,12 @@
 (defun old-roman-numeral (x)
   (assert (typep x '(integer 1)))
   (let ((n-m 0)
-	(n-d 0)
-	(n-c 0)
-	(n-l 0)
-	(n-x 0)
-	(n-v 0)
-	)
+        (n-d 0)
+        (n-c 0)
+        (n-l 0)
+        (n-x 0)
+        (n-v 0)
+        )
     (loop while (>= x 1000) do (incf n-m) (decf x 1000))
     (when (>= x 500) (incf n-d) (decf x 500))
     (loop while (>= x 100) do (incf n-c) (decf x 100))
@@ -333,37 +333,37 @@
     (loop while (>= x 10) do (incf n-x) (decf x 10))
     (when (>= x 5) (incf n-v) (decf x 5))
     (concatenate 'string
-		 (make-string n-m :initial-element #\M)
-		 (make-string n-d :initial-element #\D)
-		 (make-string n-c :initial-element #\C)
-		 (make-string n-l :initial-element #\L)
-		 (make-string n-x :initial-element #\X)
-		 (make-string n-v :initial-element #\V)
-		 (make-string x   :initial-element #\I))))
+                 (make-string n-m :initial-element #\M)
+                 (make-string n-d :initial-element #\D)
+                 (make-string n-c :initial-element #\C)
+                 (make-string n-l :initial-element #\L)
+                 (make-string n-x :initial-element #\X)
+                 (make-string n-v :initial-element #\V)
+                 (make-string x   :initial-element #\I))))
 (deftest format.r.20
   (loop for i from 1 to 4999
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:@r" i)
-	for s2 = (old-roman-numeral i)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:@r" i)
+        for s2 = (old-roman-numeral i)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 (deftest formatter.r.20
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@:R")))
     (loop for i from 1 to 4999
-	  for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  for s2 = (old-roman-numeral i)
-	  unless (string= s1 s2)
-	  collect (list i s1 s2)))
+          for s1 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          for s2 = (old-roman-numeral i)
+          unless (string= s1 s2)
+          collect (list i s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.r.21
   (loop for i from 1 to 4999
-	for s1 = (format nil "~:@r" i)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~@:R" i)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list i s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~:@r" i)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~@:R" i)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list i s1 s2))
 ;; Combinations of mincol and comma chars
@@ -381,17 +381,17 @@
 (deftest format.r.25
   (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	for s = (format nil "~10,vr" i 12345)
-	unless (string= s "12345")
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~10,vr" i 12345)
+        unless (string= s "12345")
+        collect (list i s))
 (deftest formatter.r.25
   (let ((fn (formatter "~10,vr")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	  for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 12345)
-	  unless (string= s "12345")
-	  collect (list i s)))
+          for s = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 12345)
+          unless (string= s "12345")
+          collect (list i s)))
 (def-format-test format.r.26
@@ -443,24 +443,24 @@
      for radix = (+ 2 (random 35))
      for mincol = (and (coin) (random 50))
      for padchar = (and (coin)
-			(random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                        (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commachar = (and (coin)
-			  (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                          (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commaint = (and (coin) (1+ (random 10)))
      for k = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 30)))
      for x = (- (random (+ k k)) k)
      for fmt = (concatenate
-		'string
-		(format nil "~~~d," radix)
-		(if mincol (format nil "~d," mincol) ",")
-		(if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
-		(if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
-		(if commaint (format nil "~dr" commaint) "r"))
+                'string
+                (format nil "~~~d," radix)
+                (if mincol (format nil "~d," mincol) ",")
+                (if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
+                (if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
+                (if commaint (format nil "~dr" commaint) "r"))
      for s1 = (format nil fmt x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,v,vr" radix mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn radix mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      repeat 2000
      unless (and (string= s1 s2)
-		 (string= s1 s3))
+                 (string= s1 s3))
      collect (list radix mincol padchar commachar commaint fmt x s1 s2 s3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-s.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-s.lsp
index 1e1e9344..75956475 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-s.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-s.lsp
@@ -8,13 +8,13 @@
 (deftest format.s.1
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :upcase))
+        (*print-case* :upcase))
     (format nil "~s" nil))
 (deftest formatter.s.1
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :upcase))
+        (*print-case* :upcase))
     (formatter-call-to-string (formatter "~s") nil))
@@ -23,37 +23,37 @@
 (deftest format.s.3
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :upcase))
+        (*print-case* :upcase))
     (format nil "~:s" '(nil)))
 (deftest formatter.s.3
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :upcase))
+        (*print-case* :upcase))
     (formatter-call-to-string (formatter "~:s") '(nil)))
 (deftest format.s.4
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :downcase))
+        (*print-case* :downcase))
     (format nil "~s" 'nil))
 (deftest formatter.s.4
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :downcase))
+        (*print-case* :downcase))
     (formatter-call-to-string (formatter "~s") 'nil))
 (deftest format.s.5
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :capitalize))
+        (*print-case* :capitalize))
     (format nil "~s" 'nil))
 (deftest formatter.s.5
   (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	(*print-case* :capitalize))
+        (*print-case* :capitalize))
     (formatter-call-to-string (formatter "~s") 'nil))
@@ -65,11 +65,11 @@
      (let ((*print-readably* nil))
        (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	     for s = (format nil "~S" c)
-	     for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn c)
-	     for c2 = (read-from-string s)
-	     unless (and (eql c c2) (string= s s2))
-	     collect (list c s c2 s2)))))
+             for s = (format nil "~S" c)
+             for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn c)
+             for c2 = (read-from-string s)
+             unless (and (eql c c2) (string= s s2))
+             collect (list c s c2 s2)))))
 (deftest format.s.8
@@ -77,18 +77,18 @@
      (let ((*print-readably* nil))
        (loop with count = 0
-	     for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	     for c = (code-char i)
-	     for s1 = (and c (format nil "#\\~:c" c))
-	     for s2 = (and c (format nil "~S" c))
-	     for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn c)
-	     unless (or (null c)
-			(graphic-char-p c)
-			(and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	      do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2)
-	     when (> count 100)
-	      collect "count limit exceeded"
-	      and do (loop-finish)))))
+             for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
+             for c = (code-char i)
+             for s1 = (and c (format nil "#\\~:c" c))
+             for s2 = (and c (format nil "~S" c))
+             for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn c)
+             unless (or (null c)
+                        (graphic-char-p c)
+                        (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+              do (incf count) and collect (list c s1 s2)
+             when (> count 100)
+              collect "count limit exceeded"
+              and do (loop-finish)))))
 (deftest format.s.9
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@s" i)
-	    for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	    for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@s" i)
+            for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+            for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for fmt = (format nil "~~~dS" i)
-	    for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	    for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for fmt = (format nil "~~~dS" i)
+            for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+            for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
@@ -143,12 +143,12 @@
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@:S" i)
-	    for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	    for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@:S" i)
+            for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+            for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   " ()"
@@ -166,12 +166,12 @@
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for fmt = (format nil "~~~d:s" i)
-	    for s = (format nil fmt nil)
-	    for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for fmt = (format nil "~~~d:s" i)
+            for s = (format nil fmt nil)
+            for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   "() "
@@ -186,14 +186,14 @@
 (deftest format.s.13
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (fn (formatter "~V:s")))
+         (fn (formatter "~V:s")))
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for s = (format nil "~v:S" i nil)
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for s = (format nil "~v:S" i nil)
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   "() "
@@ -208,14 +208,14 @@
 (deftest format.s.14
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (fn (formatter "~V@:s")))
+         (fn (formatter "~V@:s")))
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    for s = (format nil "~v:@s" i nil)
-	    for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
-	    do (assert (string= s s2))
-	    collect s))))
+            for s = (format nil "~v:@s" i nil)
+            for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i nil)
+            do (assert (string= s s2))
+            collect s))))
   " ()"
@@ -276,13 +276,13 @@
 (deftest format.s.29
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (fn (formatter "~V,,2s")))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (fn (formatter "~V,,2s")))
      (loop for i from -4 to 10
-	   for s = (format nil "~v,,2S" i 'ABC)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for s = (format nil "~v,,2S" i 'ABC)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
   ("ABC  "
    "ABC  "
    "ABC  "
@@ -348,13 +348,13 @@
 (deftest format.s.44
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (fn (formatter "~3,,vs")))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (fn (formatter "~3,,vs")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   for s = (format nil "~3,,vS" i 'ABC)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for s = (format nil "~3,,vS" i 'ABC)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
    "ABC "
    "ABC  "
@@ -366,13 +366,13 @@
 (deftest format.s.44a
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (fn (formatter "~3,,V@S")))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (fn (formatter "~3,,V@S")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   for s = (format nil "~3,,v@S" i 'ABC)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for s = (format nil "~3,,v@S" i 'ABC)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i 'ABC)
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
    " ABC"
    "  ABC"
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-slash.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-slash.lsp
index 8af0f3d4..aa6e9739 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-slash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-slash.lsp
@@ -92,14 +92,14 @@
 (def-pprint-test format./.19
    (setf (symbol-function 'function-for-format-slash-19)
-	 #'(lambda (stream &rest args)
-	     (assert (= (length args) (length *expected-args*)))
-	     (assert (equal (car args) (car *expected-args*)))
-	     (assert (if (cadr args) (cadr *expected-args*)
-		       (not (cadr *expected-args*))))
-	     (assert (if (caddr args) (caddr *expected-args*)
-		       (not (caddr *expected-args*))))
-	     (apply #'pprint-fill stream (subseq args 0 3))))
+         #'(lambda (stream &rest args)
+             (assert (= (length args) (length *expected-args*)))
+             (assert (equal (car args) (car *expected-args*)))
+             (assert (if (cadr args) (cadr *expected-args*)
+                       (not (cadr *expected-args*))))
+             (assert (if (caddr args) (caddr *expected-args*)
+                       (not (caddr *expected-args*))))
+             (apply #'pprint-fill stream (subseq args 0 3))))
     (let ((*expected-args* '(1 nil nil)))
       (format nil "~/cl-test::function-for-format-slash-19/" 1))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-t.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-t.lsp
index 3be57dda..0446e17c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-t.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-t.lsp
@@ -21,72 +21,72 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.t.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 20
-	for s = (format nil "~0,vT" i)
-	unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~0,vT" i)
+        unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.5
   (loop for i from 0 to 20
-	for s = (format nil "~v,0T" i)
-	unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~v,0T" i)
+        unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.6
   (loop for n1 = (random 30)
-	for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
-	for n2 = (random 30)
-	for inc = (random 20)
-	for s2 = (cond
-		  ((< n1 n2)
-		   (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							:initial-element #\Space)))
-		  ((= inc 0) s1)
-		  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
-		     (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							  :initial-element #\Space))))
-	for pretty = (coin)
-	for result = (let ((*print-pretty* pretty))
-		       (format nil (format nil "~A~~~D,~DT" s1 n2 inc)))
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 result)
-	collect (list n1 n2 inc pretty s2 result))
+        for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
+        for n2 = (random 30)
+        for inc = (random 20)
+        for s2 = (cond
+                  ((< n1 n2)
+                   (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                        :initial-element #\Space)))
+                  ((= inc 0) s1)
+                  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
+                     (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                          :initial-element #\Space))))
+        for pretty = (coin)
+        for result = (let ((*print-pretty* pretty))
+                       (format nil (format nil "~A~~~D,~DT" s1 n2 inc)))
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 result)
+        collect (list n1 n2 inc pretty s2 result))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.7
   (loop for n1 = (random 30)
-	for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
-	for n2 = (random 30)
-	for inc = (random 20)
-	for s2 = (cond
-		  ((< n1 n2)
-		   (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							:initial-element #\Space)))
-		  ((= inc 0) s1)
-		  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
-		     (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							  :initial-element #\Space))))
-	for pretty = (coin)
-	for result = (let ((*print-pretty* pretty))
-		       (format nil "~A~v,vt" s1 n2 inc))
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 result)
-	collect (list n1 n2 inc pretty s2 result))
+        for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
+        for n2 = (random 30)
+        for inc = (random 20)
+        for s2 = (cond
+                  ((< n1 n2)
+                   (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                        :initial-element #\Space)))
+                  ((= inc 0) s1)
+                  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
+                     (concatenate 'string s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                          :initial-element #\Space))))
+        for pretty = (coin)
+        for result = (let ((*print-pretty* pretty))
+                       (format nil "~A~v,vt" s1 n2 inc))
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 result)
+        collect (list n1 n2 inc pretty s2 result))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.8
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s = (format nil " ~v,vT" nil i)
-	unless (string= s (make-string (1+ i) :initial-element #\Space))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil " ~v,vT" nil i)
+        unless (string= s (make-string (1+ i) :initial-element #\Space))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.9
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	for s = (format nil "~v,vT" i nil)
-	unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~v,vT" i nil)
+        unless (string= s (make-string i :initial-element #\Space))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.t.10
@@ -101,45 +101,45 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.@t.2
   (loop for colnum from 0 to 20
-	for s1 = (format nil "~v,1@t" colnum)
-	for s2 = (make-string colnum :initial-element #\Space)
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~v,1@t" colnum)
+        for s2 = (make-string colnum :initial-element #\Space)
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.@t.3
   (loop for colnum = (random 50)
-	for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
-	for s1 = (format nil "~v,v@t" colnum colinc)
-	for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
-			      :initial-element #\Space)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
+        for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~v,v@t" colnum colinc)
+        for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
+                              :initial-element #\Space)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.@t.4
   (loop for colnum = (random 50)
-	for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
-	for s1 = (format nil "~v,1@T~0,v@t" colnum colinc)
-	for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
-			      :initial-element #\Space)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
+        for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~v,1@T~0,v@t" colnum colinc)
+        for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
+                              :initial-element #\Space)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.@t.5
   (loop for colnum = (random 50)
-	for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
-	for pretty = (coin)
-	for s1 = (let ((*pretty* pretty))
-		   (format nil (format nil "~~~d,~d@t" colnum colinc)))
-	for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
-			      :initial-element #\Space)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum colinc pretty s1 s2))
+        for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
+        for pretty = (coin)
+        for s1 = (let ((*pretty* pretty))
+                   (format nil (format nil "~~~d,~d@t" colnum colinc)))
+        for s2 = (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
+                              :initial-element #\Space)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum colinc pretty s1 s2))
 ;;; Pretty printing (colon modifier)
@@ -198,16 +198,16 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.\:t.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 20
-	for s = (format nil "~<X~;~0,v:T~;Y~:>" (list i))
-	unless (string= s (concatenate 'string "X" (make-string i :initial-element #\Space) "Y"))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~<X~;~0,v:T~;Y~:>" (list i))
+        unless (string= s (concatenate 'string "X" (make-string i :initial-element #\Space) "Y"))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.\:t.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 20
-	for s = (format nil "~<ABC~;~v,0:T~;DEF~:>" (list i))
-	unless (string= s (concatenate 'string "ABC" (make-string i :initial-element #\Space) "DEF"))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (format nil "~<ABC~;~v,0:T~;DEF~:>" (list i))
+        unless (string= s (concatenate 'string "ABC" (make-string i :initial-element #\Space) "DEF"))
+        collect (list i s))
 (def-pprint-test format.\:t.9
@@ -219,13 +219,13 @@
    for n2 = (random 30)
    for inc = (random 20)
    for s2 = (cond
-	     ((< n1 n2)
-	      (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-						      :initial-element #\Space)))
-	     ((= inc 0) (concatenate 'string s0 s1))
-	     (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
-		(concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							:initial-element #\Space))))
+             ((< n1 n2)
+              (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                      :initial-element #\Space)))
+             ((= inc 0) (concatenate 'string s0 s1))
+             (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
+                (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                        :initial-element #\Space))))
    for result = (format nil (format nil "~A~~<~A~~~D,~D:T~~:>" s0 s1 n2 inc) '(a))
    repeat 100
    unless (string= s2 result)
@@ -242,23 +242,23 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.\:t.12
   (loop for n0 = (random 20)
-	for s0 = (make-string n0 :initial-element #\Space)
-	for n1 = (random 30)
-	for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
-	for n2 = (random 30)
-	for inc = (random 20)
-	for s2 = (cond
-		  ((< n1 n2)
-		   (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							   :initial-element #\Space)))
-		  ((= inc 0) (concatenate 'string s0 s1))
-		  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
-		     (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
-							     :initial-element #\Space))))
-	for result = (format nil "~A~<~A~v,v:t~:>" s0 (list s1 n2 inc))
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s2 result)
-	collect (list n1 n2 inc s2 result))
+        for s0 = (make-string n0 :initial-element #\Space)
+        for n1 = (random 30)
+        for s1 = (make-string n1 :initial-element #\X)
+        for n2 = (random 30)
+        for inc = (random 20)
+        for s2 = (cond
+                  ((< n1 n2)
+                   (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                           :initial-element #\Space)))
+                  ((= inc 0) (concatenate 'string s0 s1))
+                  (t (loop do (incf n2 inc) while (<= n2 n1))
+                     (concatenate 'string s0 s1 (make-string (- n2 n1)
+                                                             :initial-element #\Space))))
+        for result = (format nil "~A~<~A~v,v:t~:>" s0 (list s1 n2 inc))
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s2 result)
+        collect (list n1 n2 inc s2 result))
 ;;; see
@@ -299,24 +299,24 @@
 (def-pprint-test format.\:@t.2
   (loop for colnum from 0 to 20
-	for s1 = (format nil "~<XXXX~;~v,1:@t~:>" (list colnum))
-	for s2 = (concatenate 'string "XXXX" (make-string colnum :initial-element #\Space))
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum s1 s2))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~<XXXX~;~v,1:@t~:>" (list colnum))
+        for s2 = (concatenate 'string "XXXX" (make-string colnum :initial-element #\Space))
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum s1 s2))
 (def-pprint-test format.\:@t.3
   (loop for s0 = (make-string (random 20) :initial-element #\M)
-	for colnum = (random 50)
-	for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
-	for s1 = (format nil "~A~<~v,v:@t~:>" s0 (list colnum colinc))
-	for s2 = (concatenate 'string
-			      s0
-			      (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
-					   :initial-element #\Space))
-	repeat 100
-	unless (string= s1 s2)
-	collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
+        for colnum = (random 50)
+        for colinc = (1+ (random 20))
+        for s1 = (format nil "~A~<~v,v:@t~:>" s0 (list colnum colinc))
+        for s2 = (concatenate 'string
+                              s0
+                              (make-string (* colinc (ceiling colnum colinc))
+                                           :initial-element #\Space))
+        repeat 100
+        unless (string= s1 s2)
+        collect (list colnum colinc s1 s2))
 ;;; Turned off if not pretty printing
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-tilde.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-tilde.lsp
index 4c7c5982..470c2ccf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-tilde.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-tilde.lsp
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
 (deftest format.~.2
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	for format-string = (format nil "~~~D~~" i)
-	for s2 = (format nil format-string)
-	unless (string= s s2)
-	collect (list i s s2))
+        for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+        for format-string = (format nil "~~~D~~" i)
+        for s2 = (format nil format-string)
+        unless (string= s s2)
+        collect (list i s s2))
 (deftest formatter.~.2
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	for format-string = (format nil "~~~D~~" i)
-	for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
-	for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
-	unless (string= s s2)
-	collect (list i s s2))
+        for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+        for format-string = (format nil "~~~D~~" i)
+        for fn = (eval `(formatter ,format-string))
+        for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn)
+        unless (string= s s2)
+        collect (list i s s2))
 (def-format-test format.~.3
@@ -33,38 +33,38 @@
 (deftest format.~.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	for s2 = (format nil "~V~" i)
-	unless (string= s s2)
-	collect (list i s s2))
+        for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+        for s2 = (format nil "~V~" i)
+        unless (string= s s2)
+        collect (list i s s2))
 (deftest formatter.~.4
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v~")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 100
-	  for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	  for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (string= s s2)
-	  collect (list i s s2)))
+          for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+          for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (string= s s2)
+          collect (list i s s2)))
 (deftest format.~.5
   (loop for i from 0 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	for args = (make-list i)
-	for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#~" args)
-	unless (string= s s2)
-	collect (list i s s2))
+        for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+        for args = (make-list i)
+        for s2 = (apply #'format nil "~#~" args)
+        unless (string= s s2)
+        collect (list i s s2))
 (deftest formatter.~.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~#~")))
     (loop for i from 0 to (min (- call-arguments-limit 3) 100)
-	  for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
-	  for args = (make-list i)
-	  for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		     (stream)
-		     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
-	  unless (string= s s2)
-	  collect (list i s s2)))
+          for s = (make-string i :initial-element #\~)
+          for args = (make-list i)
+          for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                     (stream)
+                     (assert (equal (apply fn stream args) args)))
+          unless (string= s s2)
+          collect (list i s s2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-underscore.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-underscore.lsp
index 21ef4df4..a6c6e8e6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-underscore.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-underscore.lsp
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ A
 (def-ppblock-test format._.8
     (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
-			  (format t "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_"))
+                          (format t "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_"))
     (format t "~_")
     (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
-			  (format t "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_")))
+                          (format t "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_")))
   "A A A A
 A A A A "
   :margin 10)
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@ A A A A "
      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* t)
-	   (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	   (*print-miser-width* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* t)
+           (*print-right-margin* 4)
+           (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (format s "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
 (deftest formatter._.9
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
       (formatter "A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_A ~_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
@@ -189,20 +189,20 @@ A A A A "
      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* t)
-	   (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	   (*print-miser-width* 4))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* t)
+           (*print-right-margin* 4)
+           (*print-miser-width* 4))
        (format s "A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
 (deftest formatter.@_.10
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* 4))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* 4))
       (formatter "A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_A ~@_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
@@ -256,11 +256,11 @@ A
 (def-ppblock-test format.\:_.6
   (format t "~W~W~:_~W~W~:_~W~W~:_~W~W~:_~W~W~:_"
-	  '(A B) #\Space
-	  '(A B) #\Space
-	  '(A B) #\Space
-	  '(A B) #\Space
-	  '(A B) #\Space)
+          '(A B) #\Space
+          '(A B) #\Space
+          '(A B) #\Space
+          '(A B) #\Space
+          '(A B) #\Space)
   "(A B) (A B)
 (A B) (A B)
 (A B) "
@@ -271,20 +271,20 @@ A
      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	   (*print-pretty* t)
-	   (*print-miser-width* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-right-margin* 4)
+           (*print-pretty* t)
+           (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (format s "A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
 (deftest formatter.\:_.7
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
       (formatter "A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_A ~:_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
@@ -324,19 +324,19 @@ A "
      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* t)
-	   (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	   (*print-miser-width* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* t)
+           (*print-right-margin* 4)
+           (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (format s "A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
 (deftest formatter.\:@_.5
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
      (formatter-call-to-string (formatter "A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_A ~:@_"))))
   "A A A A A ")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/format-x.lsp b/ansi-tests/format-x.lsp
index 2002b2ee..7c73b3bd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/format-x.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/format-x.lsp
@@ -11,197 +11,197 @@
   (let ((fn (formatter "~x")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~X" i)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 16)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    (find #\+ s1)
-		    (loop for c across s1
-			  thereis (and (not (eql c #\-))
-				       (not (digit-char-p c 16)))))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~X" i)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 16)) (read-from-string s1))
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    (find #\+ s1)
+                    (loop for c across s1
+                          thereis (and (not (eql c #\-))
+                                       (not (digit-char-p c 16)))))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.x.2
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@X")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
-	   for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   for j = (let ((*read-base* 16)) (read-from-string s1))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (/= i j)
-		    (not (string= s1 s2))
-		    (find #\. s1)
-		    ;; (find #\+ s1)
-		    (loop for c across s1
-			  thereis (and
-				   (not (find c "-+"))
-				   (not (digit-char-p c 16)))))
-	   collect (list i s1 j s2))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
+           for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           for j = (let ((*read-base* 16)) (read-from-string s1))
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (/= i j)
+                    (not (string= s1 s2))
+                    (find #\. s1)
+                    ;; (find #\+ s1)
+                    (loop for c across s1
+                          thereis (and
+                                   (not (find c "-+"))
+                                   (not (digit-char-p c 16)))))
+           collect (list i s1 j s2))))
 (deftest format.x.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.x.3
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.x.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@X" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@X" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.x.4
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~@X" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
-				     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~@X" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d@~c" mincol (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (not (eql (position #\Space s2 :test-not #'eql)
+                                     (- (length s2) (length s1)))))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.x.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 1000
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest formatter.x.5
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for mincol = (random 30)
-	 for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	 repeat 100
-	 when (or (null pos)
-		  (and (> mincol (length s1))
-		       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			   (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				 :test-not #'eql))))
-	 collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
+         for mincol = (random 30)
+         for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~~d,'~c~c" mincol padchar (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         for pos = (search s1 s2)
+         repeat 100
+         when (or (null pos)
+                  (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                       (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                           (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                 :test-not #'eql))))
+         collect (list i mincol s1 s2 pos)))
 (deftest format.x.6
   (let ((fn (formatter "~V,vx")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,vX" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,vX" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 (deftest format.x.7
   (let ((fn (formatter "~v,V@X")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for mincol = (random 30)
-	   for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@x" mincol padchar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
-	   for pos = (search s1 s2)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   when (or (null pos)
-		    (not (string= s2 s3))
-		    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
-		    (and (> mincol (length s1))
-			 (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
-			     (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
-				   :test-not #'eql))))
-	   collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
+           for mincol = (random 30)
+           for padchar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~v,v@x" mincol padchar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar i)
+           for pos = (search s1 s2)
+           repeat 1000
+           when (or (null pos)
+                    (not (string= s2 s3))
+                    (and (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s1 0) #\+)))
+                    (and (> mincol (length s1))
+                         (or (/= (length s2) mincol)
+                             (find padchar s2 :end (- (length s2) (length s1))
+                                   :test-not #'eql))))
+           collect (list i mincol s1 s2 s3 pos))))
 ;;; Comma tests
@@ -209,153 +209,153 @@
 (deftest format.x.8
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:X")))
     (loop for i from -999 to 999
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~:x" i)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	  unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
-	  collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+          for s2 = (format nil "~:x" i)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+          unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
+          collect (list i s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.x.9
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:x")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = #\,
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~:X" i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
-		       (string= s2 s3)
-		       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
-		       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
-		       (let ((len (length s2))
-			     (ci+1 4))
-			 (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			       always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-					  (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-					(find (elt s2 i) "0123456789ABCDEF" :test #'char-equal)))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = #\,
+           for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~:X" i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and (string= s1 (remove commachar s2))
+                       (string= s2 s3)
+                       (not (eql (elt s2 0) commachar))
+                       (or (>= i 0) (not (eql (elt s2 1) commachar)))
+                       (let ((len (length s2))
+                             (ci+1 4))
+                         (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                               always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                          (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                        (find (elt s2 i) "0123456789ABCDEF" :test #'char-equal)))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.x.10
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,V:x")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:X" commachar i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 4)
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v:X" commachar i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 4)
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.x.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for s2 = (format nil fmt i)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest formatter.x.11
    (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	 for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	 for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	 for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	 for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "xX"))
-	 for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
-	 for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
-	 repeat 100
-	 unless (and
-		 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		 (let ((len (length s2))
-		      (ci+1 4)
-		      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	 collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
+         for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+         for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+         for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+         for fmt = (format nil "~~,,'~c:~c" commachar (random-from-seq "xX"))
+         for fn = (eval `(formatter ,fmt))
+         for s2 = (formatter-call-to-string fn i)
+         repeat 100
+         unless (and
+                 (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                 (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                 (let ((len (length s2))
+                      (ci+1 4)
+                      (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                  (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                        always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                   (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                 (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+         collect (list x i commachar s1 s2)))
 (deftest format.x.12
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v,v:X")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:X" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
-		     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:X" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (if (< i 0) (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1)) t)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j (if (< i 0) 1 0)))
+                     (loop for i from (if (< i 0) 2 1) below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 (deftest format.x.13
   (let ((fn (formatter "~,,v,V:@x")))
      (loop for x = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 80)))
-	   for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
-	   for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-	   for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
-	   for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@x" commachar commaint i)
-	   for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   unless (and
-		   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
-		   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
-		   (string= s2 s3)
-		   (let ((len (length s2))
-			 (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
-			 (j 1))
-		     (loop for i from 2 below len
-			   always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
-				      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
-				    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
-	   collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
+           for i = (- (random (+ x x)) x)
+           for commachar = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+           for commaint = (1+ (random 20))
+           for s1 = (format nil "~@x" i)
+           for s2 = (format nil "~,,v,v:@x" commachar commaint i)
+           for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn commachar commaint i)
+           repeat 1000
+           unless (and
+                   (eql (elt s1 0) (elt s2 0))
+                   (eql (elt s1 1) (elt s2 1))
+                   (string= s2 s3)
+                   (let ((len (length s2))
+                         (ci+1 (1+ commaint))
+                         (j 1))
+                     (loop for i from 2 below len
+                           always (if (= (mod (- len i) ci+1) 0)
+                                      (eql (elt s2 i) commachar)
+                                    (eql (elt s1 (incf j)) (elt s2 i))))))
+           collect (list x i commachar s1 s2 s3))))
 ;;; NIL arguments
@@ -377,44 +377,44 @@
 (deftest format.x.18
   (let ((fn (formatter "~x")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~x" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~x" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.x.19
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:x")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~:x" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~:x" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.x.20
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@x")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (format nil "~@x" x)
-	  for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (format nil "~@x" x)
+          for s2 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          unless (or (integerp x) (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest format.x.21
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:@x")))
     (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	  for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~@:x" x)
-	  for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
-	  for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
-	  unless (or (string/= s1 s4)
-		     (integerp x)
-		     (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
-	  collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
+          for s1 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          for s2 = (format nil "~@:x" x)
+          for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn x)
+          for s4 = (let ((*print-base* 16)) (format nil "~A" x))
+          unless (or (string/= s1 s4)
+                     (integerp x)
+                     (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3)))
+          collect (list x s1 s2 s3)))
 ;;; Must add tests for non-integers when the parameters
@@ -428,15 +428,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~#X"))
-	 (n #x1b3fe))
+         (n #x1b3fe))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~#x" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect (string-upcase s))))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~#x" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect (string-upcase s))))
@@ -453,15 +453,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#:X"))
-	 (n #x1234567890))
+         (n #x1234567890))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:x" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#:x" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -478,15 +478,15 @@
    (let ((fn (formatter "~,,,#@:X"))
-	 (n #x1234567890))
+         (n #x1234567890))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   for args = (make-list i)
-	   for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:X" n args)
-	   for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
-	   do (assert (string= s s2))
-	   collect s)))
+           for args = (make-list i)
+           for s = (apply #'format nil "~,,,#@:X" n args)
+           for s2 = (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (assert (equal (apply fn stream n args) args)))
+           do (assert (string= s s2))
+           collect s)))
@@ -521,22 +521,22 @@
      for mincol = (and (coin) (random 50))
      for padchar = (and (coin)
-			(random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                        (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commachar = (and (coin)
-			  (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                          (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
      for commaint = (and (coin) (1+ (random 10)))
      for k = (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 30)))
      for x = (- (random (+ k k)) k)
      for fmt = (concatenate
-		'string
-		(if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
-		(if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
-		(if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
-		(if commaint (format nil "~dx" commaint) "x"))
+                'string
+                (if mincol (format nil "~~~d," mincol) "~,")
+                (if padchar (format nil "'~c," padchar) ",")
+                (if commachar (format nil "'~c," commachar) ",")
+                (if commaint (format nil "~dx" commaint) "x"))
      for s1 = (format nil fmt x)
      for s2 = (format nil "~v,v,v,vx" mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      for s3 = (formatter-call-to-string fn mincol padchar commachar commaint x)
      repeat 2000
      unless (and (string= s1 s2) (string= s2 s3))
      collect (list mincol padchar commachar commaint fmt x s1 s2 s3)))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/formatter-c.lsp b/ansi-tests/formatter-c.lsp
index 228a3b57..7de05b17 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/formatter-c.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/formatter-c.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
      for c across +standard-chars+
      (let* (n
-	    (ignored (loop for i below (random 5) collect i))
-	    (s (with-output-to-string (stream)
-				      (setq n (multiple-value-list
-					       (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
+            (ignored (loop for i below (random 5) collect i))
+            (s (with-output-to-string (stream)
+                                      (setq n (multiple-value-list
+                                               (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
        (unless (and (string= s (string c))
-		    (equal n (list ignored)))
-	 (list s ignored n)))
+                    (equal n (list ignored)))
+         (list s ignored n)))
      collect it))
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
      for ignored = (loop for j below (random 10) collect j)
      (and c
-	  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-	  (let* (n
-		 (s (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (setq n (multiple-value-list
-			       (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
-	    (unless (and (string= s (string c))
-			 (equal n (list ignored)))
-	      (incf count)
-	      (list i c s ignored n))))
+          (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+          (let* (n
+                 (s (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (setq n (multiple-value-list
+                               (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
+            (unless (and (string= s (string c))
+                         (equal n (list ignored)))
+              (incf count)
+              (list i c s ignored n))))
      collect it
      when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish)))
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@
      for c across +standard-chars+
      (and (graphic-char-p c)
-	  (not (eql c #\Space))
-	  (let* (n
-		 (ignored (loop for i below (random 5) collect i))
-		 (s (with-output-to-string (stream)
-					   (setq n (multiple-value-list
-						    (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
-	    (unless (and (string= s (string c))
-			 (equal n (list ignored)))
-	      (list s ignored n))))
+          (not (eql c #\Space))
+          (let* (n
+                 (ignored (loop for i below (random 5) collect i))
+                 (s (with-output-to-string (stream)
+                                           (setq n (multiple-value-list
+                                                    (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
+            (unless (and (string= s (string c))
+                         (equal n (list ignored)))
+              (list s ignored n))))
      collect it))
@@ -73,72 +73,72 @@
      for ignored = (loop for j below (random 10) collect j)
      (and c
-	  (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
-	  (graphic-char-p c)
-	  (not (eql c #\Space))
-	  (let* (n
-		 (s (with-output-to-string
-		      (stream)
-		      (setq n (multiple-value-list
-			       (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
-	    (unless (and (string= s (string c))
-			 (equal n (list ignored)))
-	      (incf count)
-	      (list i c s ignored n))))
+          (eql (char-code c) (char-int c))
+          (graphic-char-p c)
+          (not (eql c #\Space))
+          (let* (n
+                 (s (with-output-to-string
+                      (stream)
+                      (setq n (multiple-value-list
+                               (apply fn stream c ignored))))))
+            (unless (and (string= s (string c))
+                         (equal n (list ignored)))
+              (incf count)
+              (list i c s ignored n))))
      collect it
      when (> count 100) collect "count limit exceeded" and do (loop-finish)))
 (deftest formatter.c.4
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:C"))
-	(n nil))
+        (n nil))
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  for s = (with-output-to-string
-		    (stream)
-		    (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c))))
-	  unless (or (graphic-char-p c)
-		     (and (string= s (char-name c))
-			  (equal n '(nil))))
-	  collect (list c (char-name c) s)))
+          for s = (with-output-to-string
+                    (stream)
+                    (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c))))
+          unless (or (graphic-char-p c)
+                     (and (string= s (char-name c))
+                          (equal n '(nil))))
+          collect (list c (char-name c) s)))
 (deftest formatter.c.4a
   (let ((fn (formatter "~:C"))
-	(n nil))
+        (n nil))
     (loop for i from 0 below (min #x10000 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s = (and c
-		       (with-output-to-string
-			 (stream)
-			 (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 5)))))
-	  unless (or (not c)
-		     (graphic-char-p c)
-		     (and (string= s (char-name c))
-			  (equal n '((5)))))
-	  collect (list c (char-name c) s)))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s = (and c
+                       (with-output-to-string
+                         (stream)
+                         (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 5)))))
+          unless (or (not c)
+                     (graphic-char-p c)
+                     (and (string= s (char-name c))
+                          (equal n '((5)))))
+          collect (list c (char-name c) s)))
 (deftest formatter.c.5
   (let ((fn (formatter "~@C"))
-	(n nil))
+        (n nil))
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  for s = (with-output-to-string
-		    (stream)
-		    (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 1 2 3))))
-	  for c2 = (read-from-string s)
-	  unless (and (eql c c2)
-		      (equal n '((1 2 3))))
-	  collect (list c s c2)))
+          for s = (with-output-to-string
+                    (stream)
+                    (setq n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 1 2 3))))
+          for c2 = (read-from-string s)
+          unless (and (eql c c2)
+                      (equal n '((1 2 3))))
+          collect (list c s c2)))
 (deftest formatter.c.6
   (let ((n nil)
-	(fn (formatter "~@:c")))
+        (fn (formatter "~@:c")))
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  for s1 = (with-output-to-string
-		     (stream)
-		     (setf n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 1 2))))
-	  for s2 = (format nil "~:@C" c)
-	  unless (and (eql (search s1 s2) 0) (equal n '((1 2))))
-	  collect (list c s1 s2 n)))
+          for s1 = (with-output-to-string
+                     (stream)
+                     (setf n (multiple-value-list (funcall fn stream c 1 2))))
+          for s2 = (format nil "~:@C" c)
+          unless (and (eql (search s1 s2) 0) (equal n '((1 2))))
+          collect (list c s1 s2 n)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fresh-line.lsp b/ansi-tests/fresh-line.lsp
index 41542e03..74954111 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fresh-line.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fresh-line.lsp
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
        (write-char #\Space s)
        (setq result
-	     (list
-	      (multiple-value-list (notnot-mv (fresh-line s)))
-	      (multiple-value-list (fresh-line s))
-	      (multiple-value-list (fresh-line s)))))
+             (list
+              (multiple-value-list (notnot-mv (fresh-line s)))
+              (multiple-value-list (fresh-line s))
+              (multiple-value-list (fresh-line s)))))
-  " 
+  "
 " ((t) (nil) (nil)))
 (deftest fresh-line.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fround-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/fround-aux.lsp
index 20e4caf6..c21f093c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fround-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fround-aux.lsp
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 (defun fround.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 200000)
-		   100000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (fround n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (floatp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2))
-		    (or (/= (abs r) (/ d 2))
-			(evenp (floor q))))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   100000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (fround n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (floatp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2))
+                    (or (/= (abs r) (/ d 2))
+                        (evenp (floor q))))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/fround.lsp b/ansi-tests/fround.lsp
index ce6a0bb2..bdf2cd63 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/fround.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/fround.lsp
@@ -26,124 +26,124 @@
 (deftest fround.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float 1 x))
-		      (= q 1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float 1 x))
+                      (= q 1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest fround.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if-not #'floatp (remove-if #'zerop *reals*))
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround  (- x) x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float -1 x))
-		      (= q -1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround  (- x) x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float -1 x))
+                      (= q -1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest fround.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce  i 'single-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce  i 'single-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest fround.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (fround x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ftruncate-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/ftruncate-aux.lsp
index 157fe7e0..4cb56398 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ftruncate-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ftruncate-aux.lsp
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
 (defun ftruncate.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 200000)
-		   100000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 100
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (floatp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (if (>= n 0)
-			(< -1 r d)
-		      (< -1 (- r) d)))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   100000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 100
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (floatp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (if (>= n 0)
+                        (< -1 r d)
+                      (< -1 (- r) d)))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ftruncate.lsp b/ansi-tests/ftruncate.lsp
index e2c647c0..07430943 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ftruncate.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ftruncate.lsp
@@ -26,126 +26,126 @@
 (deftest ftruncate.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float 1 x))
-		      (= q 1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float 1 x))
+                      (= q 1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ftruncate.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if-not #'floatp (remove-if #'zerop *reals*))
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate  (- x) x))
-	unless (and (floatp q)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql q (float -1 x))
-		      (= q -1))
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(eql r (float 0 x))
-		      (= r 0)))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate  (- x) x))
+        unless (and (floatp q)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql q (float -1 x))
+                      (= q -1))
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (eql r (float 0 x))
+                      (= r 0)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest ftruncate.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'short-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'short-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'short-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'single-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'single-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'single-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'double-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'double-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'double-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce i 'long-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest ftruncate.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'long-float))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (ftruncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (coerce (1- i) 'long-float))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 ;;; To add: tests that involve adding/subtracting EPSILON constants
diff --git a/ansi-tests/funcall.lsp b/ansi-tests/funcall.lsp
index 5e0a3b80..c253b447 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/funcall.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/funcall.lsp
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 (deftest funcall.7
   (flet ((xcons (x y) (list y x)))
     (values (funcall 'xcons 1 2)
-	    (funcall #'xcons 1 2)))
+            (funcall #'xcons 1 2)))
   (1 . 2)
   (2 1))
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (funcall (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'car)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(x . y)))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(x . y)))
      i a b))
   x 2 1 2)
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (funcall (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'cons)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'x)
-	      (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'y))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'x)
+              (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'y))
      i a b c))
   (x . y) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
 ;;; called on a symbol with a global definition as a macro
 (deftest funcall.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall 'defconstant '(defconstant x 10))
-		 undefined-function
-		 :name defconstant)
+                 undefined-function
+                 :name defconstant)
 (deftest funcall.error.4
diff --git a/ansi-tests/function-lambda-expression.lsp b/ansi-tests/function-lambda-expression.lsp
index fd242923..137d1343 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/function-lambda-expression.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/function-lambda-expression.lsp
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       (let ((ret-vals
-	     (multiple-value-list
-	      (function-lambda-expression #'%f))))
-	(values (length ret-vals)
-		(notnot (second ret-vals))))))
+             (multiple-value-list
+              (function-lambda-expression #'%f))))
+        (values (length ret-vals)
+                (notnot (second ret-vals))))))
   3 t)
 ;;; Verify that it doesn't barf on generic functions
diff --git a/ansi-tests/function.lsp b/ansi-tests/function.lsp
index 0d1e01e4..6d70881c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/function.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/function.lsp
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
 (deftest function.4
   (loop for x in *cl-symbol-names*
-	for s = (find-symbol x "CL")
-	for f = (and (fboundp s)
-		     (symbol-function s)
-		     (not (special-operator-p s))
-		     (not (macro-function s))
-		     (symbol-function s))
-	unless (or (null f)
-		   (typep f 'function))
-	collect x)
+        for s = (find-symbol x "CL")
+        for f = (and (fboundp s)
+                     (symbol-function s)
+                     (not (special-operator-p s))
+                     (not (macro-function s))
+                     (symbol-function s))
+        unless (or (null f)
+                   (typep f 'function))
+        collect x)
 (deftest function.5
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 ;;; In ANSI CL, symbols and cons can no longer also be of type FUNCTION.
 (deftest function.10
   (check-predicate (typef '(not (and (or number character symbol
-					 cons array)
-				     function))))
+                                         cons array)
+                                     function))))
 (deftest function.11
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
      (%f 'a)
      (locally (declare (ftype (function (integer) t) %f))
-	      (%f 10))
+              (%f 10))
      (%f 'b)))
   nil nil nil)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
   (flet ((%f (&key foo) foo))
     (declare (ftype (function (&key (:foo t) (:allow-other-keys t)) t) %f))
     (values (%f) (%f :foo 'a) (%f :allow-other-keys nil)
-	    (%f :allow-other-keys t :foo 'z)))
+            (%f :allow-other-keys t :foo 'z)))
   nil a nil z)
 (deftest function.21
diff --git a/ansi-tests/functionp.lsp b/ansi-tests/functionp.lsp
index 7b3b355a..81d14408 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/functionp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/functionp.lsp
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
 (deftest functionp.4
   (loop for x in *cl-symbol-names*
-	for s = (find-symbol x "CL")
-	for f = (and (fboundp s)
-		     (symbol-function s)
-		     (not (special-operator-p s))
-		     (not (macro-function s))
-		     (symbol-function s))
-	unless (or (null f)
-		   (functionp f))
-	collect x)
+        for s = (find-symbol x "CL")
+        for f = (and (fboundp s)
+                     (symbol-function s)
+                     (not (special-operator-p s))
+                     (not (macro-function s))
+                     (symbol-function s))
+        unless (or (null f)
+                   (functionp f))
+        collect x)
 (deftest functionp.5
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@
 ;;; In ANSI CL, symbols and cons can no longer be functions
 (deftest functionp.10
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (x)
-		       (not (and (or (numberp x) (characterp x)
-				     (symbolp x) (consp x)
-				     (typep x 'array))
-				 (functionp x)))))
+                       (not (and (or (numberp x) (characterp x)
+                                     (symbolp x) (consp x)
+                                     (typep x 'array))
+                                 (functionp x)))))
 (deftest functionp.11
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gcd-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/gcd-aux.lsp
index 1d9d71e4..7e974214 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/gcd-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/gcd-aux.lsp
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
    (when (zerop x) (return y))
    (psetq x (mod y x)
-	  y x)))
+          y x)))
 (defun my-lcm (x y)
   (when (< x 0) (setf x (- x)))
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@
     (/ (* x y) (my-gcd x y))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gcd.lsp b/ansi-tests/gcd.lsp
index 409b07c0..88a06a3a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/gcd.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/gcd.lsp
@@ -22,68 +22,68 @@
 (deftest gcd.2
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for a = (abs i)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (and (eql a (gcd i))
-		    (eql a (gcd 0 i)))
-	collect i)
+        for a = (abs i)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (and (eql a (gcd i))
+                    (eql a (gcd 0 i)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest gcd.3
   (loop for i = (random-from-interval 10000000000000000)
-	for a = (abs i)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (and (eql a (gcd i))
-		    (eql a (gcd i 0)))
-	collect i)
+        for a = (abs i)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (and (eql a (gcd i))
+                    (eql a (gcd i 0)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest gcd.4
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-gcd i j) (gcd i j))
-	collect (list i j))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-gcd i j) (gcd i j))
+        collect (list i j))
 (deftest gcd.5
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for i = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for j = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql (my-gcd i j) (gcd i j))
-	  collect (list i j)))
+          for j = (random-from-interval bound)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql (my-gcd i j) (gcd i j))
+          collect (list i j)))
 (deftest gcd.6
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	for k = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-gcd i (my-gcd j k)) (gcd i j k))
-	collect (list i j k))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        for k = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-gcd i (my-gcd j k)) (gcd i j k))
+        collect (list i j k))
 (deftest gcd.7
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	for k = (random-fixnum)
-	for n = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-gcd (my-gcd i j) (my-gcd k n)) (gcd i j k n))
-	collect (list i j k))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        for k = (random-fixnum)
+        for n = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-gcd (my-gcd i j) (my-gcd k n)) (gcd i j k n))
+        collect (list i j k))
 (deftest gcd.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	always (eql (apply #'gcd (make-list i :initial-element 1)) 1))
+        always (eql (apply #'gcd (make-list i :initial-element 1)) 1))
 (deftest gcd.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (gcd (progn (setf x (incf i)) 15)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 25))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 25))
      i x y))
   5 2 1 2)
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (gcd (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
      i x y))
   10 2 1 2)
@@ -102,4 +102,4 @@
   0 1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gensym.lsp b/ansi-tests/gensym.lsp
index 9ab82fb8..d3b0f998 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/gensym.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/gensym.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 ;;; Gensym returns symbols with distinct print names
 (deftest gensym.2
   (string= (symbol-name (gensym))
-	   (symbol-name (gensym)))
+           (symbol-name (gensym)))
 ;;; Gensym uses the *gensym-counter* special variable,
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gentemp.lsp b/ansi-tests/gentemp.lsp
index d288c0a8..5f8176fb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/gentemp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/gentemp.lsp
@@ -8,71 +8,71 @@
 (deftest gentemp.1
   (let* ((package-name "GENTEMP-TEST-PACKAGE"))
-	(let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
-	       (sym (let ((*package* pkg)) (gentemp)))
-	       (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
-	  (values
-	   (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
-	   (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\T)
-	   (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
-	   (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
-	   ;; Not external
-	   (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
-	   ))
+        (let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
+               (sym (let ((*package* pkg)) (gentemp)))
+               (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
+          (values
+           (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
+           (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\T)
+           (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
+           (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
+           ;; Not external
+           (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
+           ))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest gentemp.2
   (let* ((package-name "GENTEMP-TEST-PACKAGE"))
-	(let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
-	       (sym (let ((*package* pkg)) (gentemp "X")))
-	       (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
-	  (values
-	   (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
-	   (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\X)
-	   (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
-	   (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
-	   ;; Not external
-	   (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
-	   ))
+        (let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
+               (sym (let ((*package* pkg)) (gentemp "X")))
+               (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
+          (values
+           (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
+           (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\X)
+           (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
+           (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
+           ;; Not external
+           (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
+           ))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest gentemp.3
   (let* ((package-name "GENTEMP-TEST-PACKAGE"))
-	(let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
-	       (sym (gentemp "X" package-name))
-	       (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
-	  (values
-	   (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
-	   (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\X)
-	   (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
-	   (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
-	   ;; Not external
-	   (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
-	   ))
+        (let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
+               (sym (gentemp "X" package-name))
+               (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
+          (values
+           (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
+           (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\X)
+           (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
+           (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
+           ;; Not external
+           (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
+           ))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest gentemp.4
   (let* ((package-name "GENTEMP-TEST-PACKAGE"))
-	(let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
-	       (sym (gentemp "" (make-symbol package-name)))
-	       (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
-	  (values
-	   (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
-	   (notnot (every #'digit-char-p sym-name))
-	   (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
-	   ;; Not external
-	   (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
-	   ))
+        (let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
+               (sym (gentemp "" (make-symbol package-name)))
+               (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
+          (values
+           (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
+           (notnot (every #'digit-char-p sym-name))
+           (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
+           ;; Not external
+           (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
+           ))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   t t t t)
@@ -80,27 +80,27 @@
   (let* ((package-name "Z"))
     (safely-delete-package package-name)
-	(let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
-	       (sym (gentemp "Y" #\Z))
-	       (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
-	  (values
-	   (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
-	   (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\Y)
-	   (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
-	   (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
-	   ;; Not external
-	   (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
-	   ))
+        (let* ((pkg (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (gcounter *gensym-counter*)
+               (sym (gentemp "Y" #\Z))
+               (sym-name (symbol-name sym)))
+          (values
+           (=t gcounter *gensym-counter*) ;; wasn't changed
+           (eqlt (aref sym-name 0) #\Y)
+           (notnot (every #'digit-char-p (subseq sym-name 1)))
+           (eql (symbol-package sym) pkg)
+           ;; Not external
+           (do-external-symbols (s pkg t) (when (eql s sym) (return nil)))
+           ))
       (delete-package package-name)))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest gentemp.6
   (let* ((package-name "GENTEMP-TEST-PACKAGE"))
-	(let* ((*package* (make-package package-name :use nil))
-	       (syms (loop repeat 100 collect (gentemp))))
-	  (=t (length syms) (length (remove-duplicates syms))))
+        (let* ((*package* (make-package package-name :use nil))
+               (syms (loop repeat 100 collect (gentemp))))
+          (=t (length syms) (length (remove-duplicates syms))))
       (delete-package package-name)))
@@ -108,17 +108,17 @@
 (deftest gentemp.error.1
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (stringp x)
-		   (eql (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (gentemp x))) t))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (stringp x)
+                   (eql (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (gentemp x))) t))
+        collect x)
 (deftest gentemp.error.2
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (typep x 'package)
-		   (string-designator-p x)
-		   (eql (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (gentemp "T" x))) t))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (typep x 'package)
+                   (string-designator-p x)
+                   (eql (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (gentemp "T" x))) t))
+        collect x)
 (deftest gentemp.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-internal-time.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-internal-time.lsp
index 7eda0681..3eef56cd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get-internal-time.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-internal-time.lsp
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@
     '(lambda ()
        (let ((prev (get-internal-real-time)))
-	 (loop for next = (get-internal-real-time)
-	       repeat 100000
-	       do (assert (>= next prev))
-	       do (setf prev next))))))
+         (loop for next = (get-internal-real-time)
+               repeat 100000
+               do (assert (>= next prev))
+               do (setf prev next))))))
 (deftest get-internal-real-time.error.1
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
     '(lambda ()
        (let ((prev (get-internal-run-time)))
-	 (loop for next = (get-internal-run-time)
-	       repeat 100000
-	       do (assert (>= next prev))
-	       do (setf prev next))))))
+         (loop for next = (get-internal-run-time)
+               repeat 100000
+               do (assert (>= next prev))
+               do (setf prev next))))))
 (deftest get-internal-run-time.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-macro-character.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-macro-character.lsp
index 00ce6570..c6d04bf8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get-macro-character.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-macro-character.lsp
@@ -9,41 +9,41 @@
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.1
   (loop for c across "()';\"`,#"
-	collect
-	(let ((vals (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))))
-	  (list
-	   (=t (length vals) 2)
-	   (or (notnot (functionp (car vals)))
-	       (and (symbolp (car vals))
-		    (notnot (fboundp (car vals)))))
-	   (notnot (cadr vals)))))
+        collect
+        (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))))
+          (list
+           (=t (length vals) 2)
+           (or (notnot (functionp (car vals)))
+               (and (symbolp (car vals))
+                    (notnot (fboundp (car vals)))))
+           (notnot (cadr vals)))))
   ((t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil)
    (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t t)))
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.2
   (loop for c across (concatenate
-		      'string
-		      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-		      "1234567890!@$%^&*_-+={[}]<>?/~")
-	for (fn non-term-p) = (multiple-value-list
-			       (get-macro-character c))
-	unless (or (null fn) non-term-p)
-	collect (list c fn non-term-p))
+                      'string
+                      "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                      "1234567890!@$%^&*_-+={[}]<>?/~")
+        for (fn non-term-p) = (multiple-value-list
+                               (get-macro-character c))
+        unless (or (null fn) non-term-p)
+        collect (list c fn non-term-p))
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.3
   (loop for rt in (list nil *readtable* (copy-readtable))
-	collect
-	(loop for c across "()';\"`,#"
-	      collect
-	      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))))
-		(list
-		 (=t (length vals) 2)
-		 (or (notnot (functionp (car vals)))
-		     (and (symbolp (car vals))
-			  (notnot (fboundp (car vals)))))
-		 (notnot (cadr vals))))))
+        collect
+        (loop for c across "()';\"`,#"
+              collect
+              (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))))
+                (list
+                 (=t (length vals) 2)
+                 (or (notnot (functionp (car vals)))
+                     (and (symbolp (car vals))
+                          (notnot (fboundp (car vals)))))
+                 (notnot (cadr vals))))))
   (((t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil)
     (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t t))
    ((t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil) (t t nil)
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.4
   (loop for rt in (list nil *readtable* (copy-readtable))
-	nconc
-	(loop for c across (concatenate
-			    'string
-			    "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-			    "1234567890!@$%^&*_-+={[}]<>?/~")
-	      for (fn non-term-p) = (multiple-value-list
-				     (get-macro-character c rt))
-	      unless (or (null fn) non-term-p)
-	      collect (list rt c fn non-term-p)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for c across (concatenate
+                            'string
+                            "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                            "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
+                            "1234567890!@$%^&*_-+={[}]<>?/~")
+              for (fn non-term-p) = (multiple-value-list
+                                     (get-macro-character c rt))
+              unless (or (null fn) non-term-p)
+              collect (list rt c fn non-term-p)))
 ;;; Copying a readtable preserves the reader macros
@@ -70,44 +70,44 @@
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.5
   (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  for (fn1 ntp1) = (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
-	  for (fn2 ntp2) = (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
-	  unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
-			  (not (symbolp fn2))
-			  (eql fn1 fn2))
-		      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
-	  collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
+          for (fn1 ntp1) = (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
+          for (fn2 ntp2) = (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
+          unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
+                          (not (symbolp fn2))
+                          (eql fn1 fn2))
+                      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
+          collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.6
   (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
     (loop for i below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for (fn1 ntp1) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
-			     '(nil nil))
-	  for (fn2 ntp2) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
-			     '(nil nil))
-	  unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
-			  (not (symbolp fn2))
-			  (eql fn1 fn2))
-		      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
-	  collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for (fn1 ntp1) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
+                             '(nil nil))
+          for (fn2 ntp2) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
+                             '(nil nil))
+          unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
+                          (not (symbolp fn2))
+                          (eql fn1 fn2))
+                      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
+          collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
 (def-syntax-test get-macro-character.7
   (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
     (loop for i = (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 24)))
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for (fn1 ntp1) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
-			     '(nil nil))
-	  for (fn2 ntp2) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
-			     '(nil nil))
-	  repeat 10000
-	  unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
-			  (not (symbolp fn2))
-			  (eql fn1 fn2))
-		      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
-	  collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for (fn1 ntp1) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c))
+                             '(nil nil))
+          for (fn2 ntp2) = (if c (multiple-value-list (get-macro-character c rt))
+                             '(nil nil))
+          repeat 10000
+          unless (and (or (not (symbolp fn1))
+                          (not (symbolp fn2))
+                          (eql fn1 fn2))
+                      (if ntp1 ntp2 (not ntp2)))
+          collect (list c fn1 ntp1 fn2 ntp2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp
index d26f375d..f38831e0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp
@@ -48,12 +48,12 @@
 (deftest get-properties.9
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h a c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(x y f g)))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (y (copy-list '(x y f g)))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-	(indicator value tail)
-	(get-properties x y)
+        (indicator value tail)
+        (get-properties x y)
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
       (get-properties (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(c))))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(c))))
      i x y))
   (c d (c d)) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-setf-expansion.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-setf-expansion.lsp
index 61b76c3c..e2b67354 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get-setf-expansion.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-setf-expansion.lsp
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 (deftest get-setf-expansion.1
   (let* ((fn (gensym))
-	 (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion (list fn)))))
+         (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion (list fn)))))
      (length vals)
      (first  vals)
@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@
      (length (third vals))
      (block done
        (subst-if nil
-		 #'(lambda (term)
-		     (when (equal term `(function (setf ,fn)))
-		       (return-from done :good)))
-		 (fourth vals)))
+                 #'(lambda (term)
+                     (when (equal term `(function (setf ,fn)))
+                       (return-from done :good)))
+                 (fourth vals)))
      (if (equal (fifth vals) (list fn))
-	 :good
+         :good
        (fifth vals))))
   5 nil nil 1 :good :good)
 (deftest get-setf-expansion.2
   (let* ((fn (gensym))
-	 (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion (list fn) nil))))
+         (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion (list fn) nil))))
     (length vals))
 (deftest get-setf-expansion.3
   (let* ((var (gensym))
-	 (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion var))))
+         (vals (multiple-value-list (get-setf-expansion var))))
     (length vals))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-universal-time.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-universal-time.lsp
index f79e1ced..76dbccd7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get-universal-time.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-universal-time.lsp
@@ -14,25 +14,25 @@
 (deftest get-universal-time.2
   (let* ((time1 (get-universal-time))
-	 (vals (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time)))
-	 (time2 (get-universal-time)))
+         (vals (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time)))
+         (time2 (get-universal-time)))
     (when (= time1 time2)
       (let ((vals2 (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time time1))))
-	(assert (= (length vals) 9))
-	(assert (= (length vals2) 9))
-	(assert (equal (subseq vals 0 7)
-		       (subseq vals2 0 7)))
-	(assert (if (elt vals 7) (elt vals2 7) (not (elt vals2 7))))
-	(assert (= (elt vals 8) (elt vals2 8)))))
+        (assert (= (length vals) 9))
+        (assert (= (length vals2) 9))
+        (assert (equal (subseq vals 0 7)
+                       (subseq vals2 0 7)))
+        (assert (if (elt vals 7) (elt vals2 7) (not (elt vals2 7))))
+        (assert (= (elt vals 8) (elt vals2 8)))))
 (deftest get-universal-time.3
   (let* ((first (get-universal-time))
-	 (prev first))
+         (prev first))
     (loop for time = (get-universal-time)
-	  do (assert (>= time prev))
-	  do (setf prev time)
-	  until (>= time (+ 5 first))))
+          do (assert (>= time prev))
+          do (setf prev time)
+          until (>= time (+ 5 first))))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get.lsp b/ansi-tests/get.lsp
index 04eb3c76..ec5a6ccb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/get.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/get.lsp
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
 (deftest get.5
   (let ((evaluated nil)
-	(sym (gensym)))
+        (sym (gensym)))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (setf (get sym :foo) 1))
-		   '(1)))
+                   '(1)))
      (get sym :foo (progn (setf evaluated t) nil))
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
 (deftest get.6
   (let ((evaluated nil)
-	(sym (gensym)))
+        (sym (gensym)))
     (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-		    (setf (get sym :foo
-			       (progn (setf evaluated t) nil))
-			  1))
-		   '(1)))
+                    (setf (get sym :foo
+                               (progn (setf evaluated t) nil))
+                          1))
+                   '(1)))
      (get sym :foo)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
     (setf (get sym :foo) t)
      (get (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-	  (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo))
+          (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo))
      a b i))
   t 1 2 2)
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@
   (let (a b (i 0) (sym (gensym)))
      (setf (get (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-		(progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo))
-	   t)
+                (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo))
+           t)
      a b i
      (get sym :foo)
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
     (setf (get sym :foo) t)
      (get (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-	  (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo)
-	  (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil))
+          (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo)
+          (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil))
      a b c i))
   t 1 2 3 3)
@@ -82,9 +82,9 @@
   (let (a b c (i 0) (sym (gensym)))
      (setf (get (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-		(progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo)
-		(progn (setf c (incf i)) nil))
-	   t)
+                (progn (setf b (incf i)) :foo)
+                (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil))
+           t)
      a b c i
      (get sym :foo)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/getf.lsp b/ansi-tests/getf.lsp
index 8195e583..c63feb51 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/getf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/getf.lsp
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (getf (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b))
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
      i x y))
   b 2 1 2)
 (deftest getf.order.2
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (getf (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b))
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
-	   (setf z (incf i)))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
+           (setf z (incf i)))
      i x y z))
   b 3 1 2 3)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
        (not (member (car ptr) '(a b))))
-  t)    
+  t)
 (deftest setf-getf.3
   (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 (deftest setf-getf.5
   (let ((p (copy-list '(a 1 b 2)))
-	(foo nil))
+        (foo nil))
     (setf (getf p 'a (progn (setf foo t) 0)) 3)
     ;; Must check that only a, b have properties
@@ -147,11 +147,11 @@
 (deftest setf-getf.order.2
   (let ((p (list (copy-list '(a 1 b 2))))
-	(i 0) x y z w)
+        (i 0) x y z w)
     (setf (getf (car (progn (setf x (incf i)) p))
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'c)
-		(setf z (incf i)))
-	  (progn (setf w (incf i)) 3))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'c)
+                (setf z (incf i)))
+          (progn (setf w (incf i)) 3))
     ;; Must check that only a, b, c have properties
      i x y z w
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
      (getf (car p) 'b)
      (getf (car p) 'c)
      (loop for ptr on (car p) by #'cddr count
-	  (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))))
+          (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))))
   4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 0)
 (deftest incf-getf.1
@@ -186,10 +186,10 @@
      (eqlt (getf p 'b) 2)
      (eqlt (getf p 'c) 20)
-	(loop
-	 for ptr on p by #'cddr count
-	 (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))
-	0)
+        (loop
+         for ptr on p by #'cddr count
+         (not (member (car ptr) '(a b c))))
+        0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/gethash.lsp b/ansi-tests/gethash.lsp
index 573b4fca..beab51db 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/gethash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/gethash.lsp
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@
 (deftest gethash.4
   (multiple-value-bind (value present)
       (gethash 'a (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
-		    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
-		    table))
+                    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
+                    table))
     (values value (notnot present)))
   b t)
 (deftest gethash.5
   (let ((table (make-hash-table))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
      (setf (gethash 'x table (incf i)) 'y)
@@ -38,44 +38,44 @@
 (deftest gethash.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y
-	(table (make-hash-table)))
+        (table (make-hash-table)))
     (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
      (gethash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) table))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) table))
      i x y))
   b 2 1 2)
 (deftest gethash.order.2
   (let ((i 0) x y z
-	(table (make-hash-table)))
+        (table (make-hash-table)))
     (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
      (gethash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) table)
-	      (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'missing))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) table)
+              (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'missing))
      i x y z))
   b 3 1 2 3)
 (deftest gethash.order.3
   (let ((i 0) x y
-	(table (make-hash-table)))
+        (table (make-hash-table)))
       (setf (gethash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) table))
-	    'b)
+                     (progn (setf y (incf i)) table))
+            'b)
       i x y
       (gethash 'a table)))
   b 2 1 2 b)
 (deftest gethash.order.4
   (let ((i 0) x y z
-	(table (make-hash-table)))
+        (table (make-hash-table)))
       (setf (gethash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) table)
-		     (setf z (incf i)))
-	    'b)
+                     (progn (setf y (incf i)) table)
+                     (setf z (incf i)))
+            'b)
       i x y z
       (gethash 'a table)))
   b 3 1 2 3 b)
@@ -85,66 +85,66 @@
   (loop for pz in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for nz = (- pz)
-	for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
-		       (list
-			(setf (gethash pz table) :x)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)
-			(setf (gethash nz table) :y)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)))
-	unless (or (eql pz nz)
-		   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
-	collect (list pz nz result))
+        for nz = (- pz)
+        for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
+                       (list
+                        (setf (gethash pz table) :x)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)
+                        (setf (gethash nz table) :y)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)))
+        unless (or (eql pz nz)
+                   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
+        collect (list pz nz result))
   (loop for pz in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for nz = (- pz)
-	for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eql)))
-		       (list
-			(setf (gethash pz table) :x)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)
-			(setf (gethash nz table) :y)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)))
-	unless (or (eql pz nz)
-		   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
-	collect (list pz nz result))
+        for nz = (- pz)
+        for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eql)))
+                       (list
+                        (setf (gethash pz table) :x)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)
+                        (setf (gethash nz table) :y)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)))
+        unless (or (eql pz nz)
+                   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
+        collect (list pz nz result))
   (loop for pz in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for nz = (- pz)
-	for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-		       (list
-			(setf (gethash pz table) :x)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)
-			(setf (gethash nz table) :y)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)))
-	unless (or (eql pz nz)
-		   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
-	collect (list pz nz result))
+        for nz = (- pz)
+        for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+                       (list
+                        (setf (gethash pz table) :x)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)
+                        (setf (gethash nz table) :y)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)))
+        unless (or (eql pz nz)
+                   (equal result '(:x :x nil :y :x :y)))
+        collect (list pz nz result))
   (loop for pz in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for nz = (- pz)
-	for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
-		       (list
-			(setf (gethash pz table) :x)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)
-			(setf (gethash nz table) :y)
-			(gethash pz table)
-			(gethash nz table)))
-	unless (or (eql pz nz)
-		   (equal result '(:x :x :x :y :y :y)))
-	collect (list pz nz result))
+        for nz = (- pz)
+        for result = (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
+                       (list
+                        (setf (gethash pz table) :x)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)
+                        (setf (gethash nz table) :y)
+                        (gethash pz table)
+                        (gethash nz table)))
+        unless (or (eql pz nz)
+                   (equal result '(:x :x :x :y :y :y)))
+        collect (list pz nz result))
 ;;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/handler-bind.lsp b/ansi-tests/handler-bind.lsp
index bd5a345d..24c20904 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/handler-bind.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/handler-bind.lsp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest handler-bind.5
   (block foo
     (handler-bind ((error #'(lambda (c) (return-from foo 'good))))
-		  (error "an error")))
+                  (error "an error")))
 (deftest handler-bind.6
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
      ((error #'(lambda (c) (return-from foo 'good))))
      (handler-bind ((error #'(lambda (c) (error c)))
-		    (error #'(lambda (c) (return-from foo 'bad))))
-		   (error "an error"))))
+                    (error #'(lambda (c) (return-from foo 'bad))))
+                   (error "an error"))))
 (defun handler-bind.7-handler-fn (c)
@@ -45,30 +45,30 @@
 (deftest handler-bind.7
   (catch 'foo
     (handler-bind ((simple-error #'handler-bind.7-handler-fn))
-		  (error "simple error")))
+                  (error "simple error")))
 (deftest handler-bind.8
   (catch 'foo
     (handler-bind ((simple-error 'handler-bind.7-handler-fn))
-		  (error "simple error")))
+                  (error "simple error")))
 (deftest handler-bind.9
   (catch 'foo
     (handler-bind ((simple-error #.(symbol-function
-				    'handler-bind.7-handler-fn)))
-		  (error "simple error")))
+                                    'handler-bind.7-handler-fn)))
+                  (error "simple error")))
 (deftest handler-bind.10
   (block done
     (flet ((%foo () (signal "A simple condition"))
-	   (%succeed (c) (declare (ignore c)) (return-from done 'good))
-	   (%fail (c) (declare (ignore c)) (return-from done 'bad)))
+           (%succeed (c) (declare (ignore c)) (return-from done 'good))
+           (%fail (c) (declare (ignore c)) (return-from done 'bad)))
        ((error #'%fail)
-	(simple-condition #'%succeed))
+        (simple-condition #'%succeed))
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 (deftest handler-bind.13
    ((error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-	       (throw 'done 'good))))
+               (throw 'done 'good))))
    (catch 'done
      (error "an error")))
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
      ((symbol #'identity)  ;; can never succeed
       (error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-		 (throw 'done 'good))))
+                 (throw 'done 'good))))
      (error "an error")))
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
   (catch 'done
      ((nil #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-	       (throw 'done 'bad)))
+               (throw 'done 'bad)))
       (error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-		 (throw 'done 'good))))
+                 (throw 'done 'good))))
      (error "an error")))
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
      (((not error) #'identity)
        #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-	   (throw 'done 'good))))
+           (throw 'done 'good))))
      (error "an error")))
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
   (catch 'done
      ((#.(find-class 'error)
-	 #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
-	     (throw 'done 'good))))
+         #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c))
+             (throw 'done 'good))))
      (error "an error")))
@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/handler-case.lsp b/ansi-tests/handler-case.lsp
index 813c977c..456f1678 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/handler-case.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/handler-case.lsp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 (deftest handler-case.6
   (handler-case (values)
-		(error () nil)))
+                (error () nil)))
 (deftest handler-case.7
   (handler-case 'foo (condition () 'bar))
@@ -66,46 +66,46 @@
 (deftest handler-case.11
   (labels ((%f () (declare (special *c*))
-	       (and (typep *c* 'condition) t))
-	   (%g ()
-	       (let ((*c* nil))
-		 (declare (special *c*))
-		 (%h)))
-	   (%h ()
-	    (handler-case
-	     (error "foo")
-	     (error (*c*) (declare (special *c*))
-		    (%f)))))
+               (and (typep *c* 'condition) t))
+           (%g ()
+               (let ((*c* nil))
+                 (declare (special *c*))
+                 (%h)))
+           (%h ()
+            (handler-case
+             (error "foo")
+             (error (*c*) (declare (special *c*))
+                    (%f)))))
 (deftest handler-case.12
   (handler-case (error "foo")
-		(nil () nil)
-		(error (c) (notnot-mv (typep c 'simple-error))))
+                (nil () nil)
+                (error (c) (notnot-mv (typep c 'simple-error))))
 (deftest handler-case.13
   (handler-case (error "foo")
-		(error (c) (values))))
+                (error (c) (values))))
 (deftest handler-case.14
   (handler-case (error "foo")
-		(error (c)
-		       (values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+                (error (c)
+                       (values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
 (deftest handler-case.15
    (handler-case (error "foo")
-		 (warning () 'bad))
+                 (warning () 'bad))
    (error () 'good))
 (deftest handler-case.16
    (handler-case (error "foo")
-		 (error () 'good))
+                 (error () 'good))
    (error () 'bad))
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
       (handler-case (error "foo")
-		    (error () (incf i) (error "bar")))
+                    (error () (incf i) (error "bar")))
       (error () 'good))
   good 1)
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
       (handler-case (error "foo")
-		    (error (c) (incf i) (error c)))
+                    (error (c) (incf i) (error c)))
       (error () 'good))
   good 1)
@@ -133,11 +133,11 @@
    (error "foo")
    (error (c)
-	  ;; Test that declarations can go here
-	  (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-	  (declare (type condition c))
-	  (declare (ignore c))
-	  t))
+          ;; Test that declarations can go here
+          (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+          (declare (type condition c))
+          (declare (ignore c))
+          t))
 (deftest handler-case.20
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@
    (values 1 'a 1.0)
    (error () 'bad)
    (:no-error (a b c)
-	      ;; Test that declarations can go here
-	      (declare (type integer a))
-	      (declare (type symbol b))
-	      (declare (type number c))
-	      (declare (ignore a c))
-	      b))
+              ;; Test that declarations can go here
+              (declare (type integer a))
+              (declare (type symbol b))
+              (declare (type number c))
+              (declare (ignore a c))
+              b))
 (deftest handler-case.27
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (handler-case nil
-		    (:no-error (z &aux (y x))
-			       (declare (special x) (ignore z))
-			       y))))
+                    (:no-error (z &aux (y x))
+                               (declare (special x) (ignore z))
+                               y))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-aux.lsp
index 88c53ae7..6bf3d068 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-aux.lsp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 (defun test-hash-table-1 (&rest args)
   (let ((table (apply #'make-hash-table args))
-	(test (or (getf args :test) 'eql)))
+        (test (or (getf args :test) 'eql)))
     (assert (member test '(eq eql equal equalp)))
     (assert (hash-table-p table))
     (assert (typep table 'hash-table))
@@ -20,74 +20,74 @@
     ;; Perform *hash-table-test-iters* iterations of
     ;; random hash table operations
     (let* ((universe-vec (coerce *universe* 'vector))
-	   ;; (universe-size (length universe-vec))
-	   (mapping nil)
-	   (count 0))
+           ;; (universe-size (length universe-vec))
+           (mapping nil)
+           (count 0))
        for i from 0 below *hash-table-test-iters*
        do (assert (eql (hash-table-count table) count))
        do (assert (let ((size (hash-table-size table)))
-		    (and (integerp size) (>= size 0))))
+                    (and (integerp size) (>= size 0))))
        (flet ((%remove-pair
-	       (rpair)
-	       (decf count)
-	       (let ((key (car rpair))
-		     (expected-value (cdr rpair)))
-		 (multiple-value-bind (value present-p)
-		     (gethash key table)
-		   (assert present-p)
-		   (assert (eql expected-value value))
-		   (setf mapping
-			 (remove rpair mapping :count 1 :test 'eq)))
-		 (assert (remhash key table))
-		 (multiple-value-bind (value present-p)
-		     (gethash key table)
-		   (assert (not present-p))
-		   (assert (null value))
-		   ))))
-	 (rcase
-	  (1 ;; Insert
-	   (let* ((new-elem (random-from-seq universe-vec))
-		  (pair (assoc new-elem mapping :test test)))
-	     (cond
-	      (pair
-	       (multiple-value-bind
-		   (value present-p)
-		   (gethash new-elem table)
-		 (assert present-p)
-		 (assert (eql (cdr pair) value))
-		 (setf (cdr pair) i
-		       (gethash new-elem table) i)))
-	      (t
-	       (assert
-		(equal (multiple-value-list (gethash new-elem table))
-		       '(nil nil)))
-	       (incf count)
-	       (push (cons new-elem i) mapping)
-	       (setf (gethash new-elem table) i)))))
-	  (1 ;; Delete element in the set
-	   (when mapping
-	     (%remove-pair (random-from-seq mapping))))
-	  (1 ;; Delete random element from universe
-	   (let* ((key (random-from-seq universe-vec))
-		  (pair (assoc key mapping :test test)))
-	     (cond
-	      (pair (%remove-pair pair))
-	      (t
-	       ;; Not present -- check that this is true
-	       (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (gethash key table))
-			      '(nil nil)))
-	       (assert (not (remhash key table)))
-	       (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (gethash key table))
-			      '(nil nil)))))
-	     ))
-	  ))))))
+               (rpair)
+               (decf count)
+               (let ((key (car rpair))
+                     (expected-value (cdr rpair)))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (value present-p)
+                     (gethash key table)
+                   (assert present-p)
+                   (assert (eql expected-value value))
+                   (setf mapping
+                         (remove rpair mapping :count 1 :test 'eq)))
+                 (assert (remhash key table))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (value present-p)
+                     (gethash key table)
+                   (assert (not present-p))
+                   (assert (null value))
+                   ))))
+         (rcase
+          (1 ;; Insert
+           (let* ((new-elem (random-from-seq universe-vec))
+                  (pair (assoc new-elem mapping :test test)))
+             (cond
+              (pair
+               (multiple-value-bind
+                   (value present-p)
+                   (gethash new-elem table)
+                 (assert present-p)
+                 (assert (eql (cdr pair) value))
+                 (setf (cdr pair) i
+                       (gethash new-elem table) i)))
+              (t
+               (assert
+                (equal (multiple-value-list (gethash new-elem table))
+                       '(nil nil)))
+               (incf count)
+               (push (cons new-elem i) mapping)
+               (setf (gethash new-elem table) i)))))
+          (1 ;; Delete element in the set
+           (when mapping
+             (%remove-pair (random-from-seq mapping))))
+          (1 ;; Delete random element from universe
+           (let* ((key (random-from-seq universe-vec))
+                  (pair (assoc key mapping :test test)))
+             (cond
+              (pair (%remove-pair pair))
+              (t
+               ;; Not present -- check that this is true
+               (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (gethash key table))
+                              '(nil nil)))
+               (assert (not (remhash key table)))
+               (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (gethash key table))
+                              '(nil nil)))))
+             ))
+          ))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-count.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-count.lsp
index 8fc619e3..53f12af0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-count.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-count.lsp
@@ -43,17 +43,17 @@
 (deftest hash-table-count.10
   (hash-table-count (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
-		      (setf (gethash 'x table) 1)
-		      table))
+                      (setf (gethash 'x table) 1)
+                      table))
 (deftest hash-table-count.11
   (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
     (setf (gethash 'x table) 1)
     (values (hash-table-count table)
-	    (progn
-	      (remhash 'x table)
-	      (hash-table-count table))))
+            (progn
+              (remhash 'x table)
+              (hash-table-count table))))
   1 0)
 ;; This function is mostly tested by calls to test-hash-table-1
@@ -64,5 +64,5 @@
 (deftest hash-table-count.error.2
   (signals-error (hash-table-count (make-hash-table) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-p.lsp
index 1fa211f0..de3b9492 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-p.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest hash-table-p.1
   (loop for e in '(nil t 1 10.0 (a b c) #(a b c) #*1011
-		       #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
-		       "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
-	when (hash-table-p e)
-	collect e)
+                       #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
+                       "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
+        when (hash-table-p e)
+        collect e)
 (deftest hash-table-p.2
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
 (deftest hash-table-p.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((h (make-hash-table))) (hash-table-p h nil))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-size.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-size.lsp
index b189b0b0..9c4f22cb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-size.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-size.lsp
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.1
   (typep* (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table))
-	  '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
+          '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.2
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table :test test))
-		       '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
-	collect test)
+        unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table :test test))
+                       '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.3
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	for fn = (symbol-function test)
-	unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table :test fn))
-		       '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
-	collect test)
+        for fn = (symbol-function test)
+        unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table :test fn))
+                       '(or (integer 1 *) (float (1.0) *)))
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.error.1
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.error.2
   (signals-error (hash-table-rehash-size (make-hash-table) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-size.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-threshold.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-threshold.lsp
index 4577e63a..87a09aa9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-threshold.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-rehash-threshold.lsp
@@ -7,22 +7,22 @@
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.1
   (typep* (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table))
-	  '(real 0 1))
+          '(real 0 1))
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.2
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table :test test))
-		       '(real 0 1))
-	collect test)
+        unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table :test test))
+                       '(real 0 1))
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.3
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	for fn = (symbol-function test)
-	unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table :test fn))
-		       '(real 0 1))
-	collect test)
+        for fn = (symbol-function test)
+        unless (typep* (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table :test fn))
+                       '(real 0 1))
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.error.1
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.error.2
   (signals-error (hash-table-rehash-threshold (make-hash-table) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest hash-table-rehash-threshold.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-size.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-size.lsp
index e486eced..9ce1a55a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-size.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-size.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (deftest hash-table-size.error.2
   (signals-error (hash-table-size (make-hash-table) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest hash-table-size.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table-test.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table-test.lsp
index fea19a49..ab6b082c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table-test.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table-test.lsp
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@
 (deftest hash-table-test.2
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table :test test)) test)
-	collect test)
+        unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table :test test)) test)
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-test.3
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table
-				     :test (symbol-function test)))
-		   test)
-	collect test)
+        unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table
+                                     :test (symbol-function test)))
+                   test)
+        collect test)
 (deftest hash-table-test.4
   (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table
-				     :test (eval `(function ,test))))
-		   test)
-	collect test)
+        unless (eq (hash-table-test (make-hash-table
+                                     :test (eval `(function ,test))))
+                   test)
+        collect test)
 ;;; Error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/hash-table.lsp b/ansi-tests/hash-table.lsp
index fdac7494..e87cb736 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/hash-table.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/hash-table.lsp
@@ -11,19 +11,19 @@
 (deftest hash-table.2
   (loop for e in '(nil t 1 10.0 (a b c) #(a b c) #*1011
-		       #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
-		       "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
-	when (typep e 'hash-table)
-	collect e)
+                       #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
+                       "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
+        when (typep e 'hash-table)
+        collect e)
 (deftest hash-table.3
   (let ((c (find-class 'hash-table)))
     (loop for e in '(nil t 1 10.0 (a b c) #(a b c) #*1011
-			 #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
-			 "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
-	  when (typep e c)
-	  collect e))
+                         #0aNIL #2a((a b)(c d)) #p"foo"
+                         "bar" #\a 3/5 #c(1.0 2.0))
+          when (typep e c)
+          collect e))
 (deftest hash-table.4
@@ -36,6 +36,6 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/host-namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/host-namestring.lsp
index 274b1f5a..221a01ae 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/host-namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/host-namestring.lsp
@@ -7,14 +7,14 @@
 (deftest host-namestring.1
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		(host-namestring "host-namestring.lsp")))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+                (host-namestring "host-namestring.lsp")))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (or (null s)
-		 (stringp s)
-		 ;; (equal (host-namestring s) s)
-		 ))
-	:good
+             (or (null s)
+                 (stringp s)
+                 ;; (equal (host-namestring s) s)
+                 ))
+        :good
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@
 (deftest host-namestring.3
   (let* ((name "host-namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
-				(host-namestring s)))
-	 (name3 (host-namestring pn)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input)
+                                (host-namestring s)))
+         (name3 (host-namestring pn)))
     (or (equalt name2 name3) (list name2 name3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/if.lsp b/ansi-tests/if.lsp
index b4fe98e5..6f529742 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/if.lsp
@@ -33,39 +33,39 @@
 (deftest if.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (if (expand-in-current-env (%m t)) :good :bad))
+            (if (expand-in-current-env (%m t)) :good :bad))
 (deftest if.9
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (if (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)) :bad))
+            (if (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)) :bad))
 (deftest if.10
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (if (expand-in-current-env (%m t)) :good))
+            (if (expand-in-current-env (%m t)) :good))
 (deftest if.11
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (if (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)) :bad :good))
+            (if (expand-in-current-env (%m nil)) :bad :good))
 (deftest if.12
    ((%m (z) z))
    (flet ((%f (x y) (if x (expand-in-current-env (%m y)))))
-	 (declare (notinline %f))
-	 (values (%f t :good) (%f nil :bad))))
+         (declare (notinline %f))
+         (values (%f t :good) (%f nil :bad))))
   :good nil)
 (deftest if.13
    ((%m (z) z))
    (flet ((%f (x y z) (if x y (expand-in-current-env (%m z)))))
-	 (declare (notinline %f))
-	 (values (%f t :good :bad) (%f nil :bad :good))))
-  :good :good)	    
+         (declare (notinline %f))
+         (values (%f t :good :bad) (%f nil :bad :good))))
+  :good :good)
 (deftest if.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ignorable.lsp b/ansi-tests/ignorable.lsp
index 9f1b3c06..f8b59620 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ignorable.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ignorable.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (flet ((%f () 'foo))
     (declare (ignorable (function %f))))
 (deftest ignorable.4
   (flet ((%f () 'foo))
     (declare (ignorable (function %f)))
@@ -28,28 +28,28 @@
 (deftest ignorable.5
   (flet (((setf %f) (x y) nil))
-	(declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
-	:good)
+        (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
+        :good)
 (deftest ignorable.6
   (flet (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	(declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
-	(let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
-	  (values (setf (%f z) 'c) z)))
+        (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
+        (let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
+          (values (setf (%f z) 'c) z)))
   c (c . b))
 (deftest ignorable.7
   (labels (((setf %f) (x y) nil))
-	  (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
-	  :good)
+          (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
+          :good)
 (deftest ignorable.8
   (labels (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	  (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
-	  (let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
-	    (values (setf (%f z) 'c) z)))
+          (declare (ignorable (function (setf %f))))
+          (let ((z (cons 'a 'b)))
+            (values (setf (%f z) 'c) z)))
   c (c . b))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ignore-errors.lsp b/ansi-tests/ignore-errors.lsp
index b01223fc..ae2f54c4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ignore-errors.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ignore-errors.lsp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
   (multiple-value-bind (val cond)
       (ignore-errors (error "foo"))
     (and (null val)
-	 (typep cond 'simple-error)
-	 t))
+         (typep cond 'simple-error)
+         t))
 (deftest ignore-errors.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ignore.lsp b/ansi-tests/ignore.lsp
index 596241f7..066a3283 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ignore.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ignore.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (flet ((%f () 'foo))
     (declare (ignore (function %f))))
 (deftest ignore.4
   (flet ((%f () 'foo))
     (declare (ignore (function %f)))
@@ -26,12 +26,12 @@
 (deftest ignore.5
   (flet (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	(declare (ignore (function (setf %f))))
-	:good)
+        (declare (ignore (function (setf %f))))
+        :good)
 (deftest ignore.6
   (labels (((setf %f) (x y) (setf (car y) x)))
-	  (declare (ignore (function (setf %f))))
-	  :good)
+          (declare (ignore (function (setf %f))))
+          :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/imagpart.lsp b/ansi-tests/imagpart.lsp
index b5fdcd13..823c7236 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/imagpart.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/imagpart.lsp
@@ -19,33 +19,33 @@
 (deftest imagpart.1
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex 0 x)
-	for ip = (imagpart c)
-	unless (eql x ip)
-	collect (list x c ip))
+        for c = (complex 0 x)
+        for ip = (imagpart c)
+        unless (eql x ip)
+        collect (list x c ip))
 (deftest imagpart.2
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex 1 x)
-	for ip = (imagpart c)
-	unless (eql x ip)
-	collect (list x c ip))
+        for c = (complex 1 x)
+        for ip = (imagpart c)
+        unless (eql x ip)
+        collect (list x c ip))
 (deftest imagpart.3
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex x x)
-	for ip = (imagpart c)
-	unless (eql x ip)
-	collect (list x c ip))
+        for c = (complex x x)
+        for ip = (imagpart c)
+        unless (eql x ip)
+        collect (list x c ip))
 (deftest imagpart.4
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for ip = (imagpart x)
-	unless (eql (* 0 x) ip)
-	collect (list x ip (* 0 x)))
+        for ip = (imagpart x)
+        unless (eql (* 0 x) ip)
+        collect (list x ip (* 0 x)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/import.lsp b/ansi-tests/import.lsp
index 8edbe2f2..43dabf51 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/import.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/import.lsp
@@ -11,14 +11,14 @@
 ;;; name or nickname
 (defvar *import-package-test-name*
   (loop for i from 1
-	for name = (format nil "ITP-~A" i)
-	unless (find-package name) return name))
+        for name = (format nil "ITP-~A" i)
+        unless (find-package name) return name))
 (deftest import.1
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym pkg))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (multiple-value-list (import (list sym) pkg))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((*package* (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym)) sym)
@@ -57,13 +57,13 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (syms '(foo bar baz)))
+          (syms '(foo bar baz)))
        (multiple-value-list (import syms pkg))
        (loop for sym in syms always
-	     (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym))
+             (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym))
        (loop for sym in syms always
-	     (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package :cl-test)))
+             (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package :cl-test)))
        (external-symbols-in-package pkg)
   (t) t t nil)
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym (make-symbol (symbol-name :foo))))
+          (sym (make-symbol (symbol-name :foo))))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym pkg))
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) pkg)
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	   (sym (intern (symbol-name :foo) pkg)))
+           (sym (intern (symbol-name :foo) pkg)))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym pkg))
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) pkg)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use) (:export #:foo))))
-	   (sym (intern (symbol-name :foo) pkg)))
+           (sym (intern (symbol-name :foo) pkg)))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym pkg))
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) pkg)
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym pkg-name))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
   (let ((pkg-name "Z"))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (multiple-value-list (import sym #\Z))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
@@ -138,11 +138,11 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (let ((pname (make-array (length pkg-name) :element-type 'base-char
-				:initial-contents pkg-name)))
-	 (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
+                                :initial-contents pkg-name)))
+         (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package :cl-test))
        (external-symbols-in-package pkg)
@@ -153,13 +153,13 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (let ((pname (make-array (+ 3 (length pkg-name))
-				:element-type 'base-char
-				:fill-pointer (length pkg-name)
-				:initial-contents (concatenate 'string pkg-name "XYZ"))))
-	 (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
+                                :element-type 'base-char
+                                :fill-pointer (length pkg-name)
+                                :initial-contents (concatenate 'string pkg-name "XYZ"))))
+         (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package :cl-test))
        (external-symbols-in-package pkg)
@@ -170,16 +170,16 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	  (sym 'foo))
+          (sym 'foo))
        (let* ((pname0 (make-array (+ 4 (length pkg-name))
-				:element-type 'base-char
-				:fill-pointer (length pkg-name)
-				:initial-contents (concatenate 'string "  " pkg-name "XY")))
-	      (pname (make-array (length pkg-name) :element-type 'base-char
-				 :displaced-to pname0
-				 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
-	 (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
+                                :element-type 'base-char
+                                :fill-pointer (length pkg-name)
+                                :initial-contents (concatenate 'string "  " pkg-name "XY")))
+              (pname (make-array (length pkg-name) :element-type 'base-char
+                                 :displaced-to pname0
+                                 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (multiple-value-list (import sym pname)))
        (eqlt (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg) sym)
        (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package :cl-test))
        (external-symbols-in-package pkg)
@@ -203,8 +203,8 @@
    (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
      (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
      (let* ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	    (sym 'foo)
-	    (name (symbol-name sym)))
+            (sym 'foo)
+            (name (symbol-name sym)))
        (intern name pkg)
        (import sym pkg)))
@@ -214,31 +214,31 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	   (sym 'foo)
-	   (name (symbol-name sym))
-	   (isym (intern name pkg))
-	   (outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
+           (sym 'foo)
+           (name (symbol-name sym))
+           (isym (intern name pkg))
+           (outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
       (block done
-	(and
-	 (handler-bind
-	  ((package-error
-	    #'(lambda (c)
-		;; There should be at least one restart
-		;; associated with this condition that was
-		;; not a preexisting restart
-		(let ((my-restarts
-		       (remove 'abort
-			       (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
-					       outer-restarts)
-			       :key #'restart-name)))
-		  (assert my-restarts)
-		; (unintern isym pkg)
-		; (when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name) (continue c))
-		(return-from done :good)))))
-	  (import sym pkg))
-	 (eqlt (find-symbol name pkg) sym)
-	 (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	 :good))))
+        (and
+         (handler-bind
+          ((package-error
+            #'(lambda (c)
+                ;; There should be at least one restart
+                ;; associated with this condition that was
+                ;; not a preexisting restart
+                (let ((my-restarts
+                       (remove 'abort
+                               (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
+                                               outer-restarts)
+                               :key #'restart-name)))
+                  (assert my-restarts)
+                ; (unintern isym pkg)
+                ; (when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name) (continue c))
+                (return-from done :good)))))
+          (import sym pkg))
+         (eqlt (find-symbol name pkg) sym)
+         (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+         :good))))
@@ -246,29 +246,29 @@
   (let ((pkg-name *import-package-test-name*))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (eval `(defpackage ,pkg-name (:use))))
-	   (sym 'foo)
-	   (name (symbol-name sym))
-	   (isym (shadow name pkg))  ;; shadow instead of intern
-	   (outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
+           (sym 'foo)
+           (name (symbol-name sym))
+           (isym (shadow name pkg))  ;; shadow instead of intern
+           (outer-restarts (compute-restarts)))
       (block done
-	(and
-	 (handler-bind
-	  ((package-error
-	    #'(lambda (c)
-		;; There should be at least one restart
-		;; associated with this condition that was
-		;; not a preexisting restart
-		(let ((my-restarts
-		       (remove 'abort
-			       (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
-					       outer-restarts)
-			       :key #'restart-name)))
-		  (assert my-restarts)
-		  ; (unintern isym pkg)
-		  ; (when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name) (continue c))
-		  (return-from done :good)))))
-	  (import sym pkg))
-	 (eqlt (find-symbol name pkg) sym)
-	 (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	 :good))))
+        (and
+         (handler-bind
+          ((package-error
+            #'(lambda (c)
+                ;; There should be at least one restart
+                ;; associated with this condition that was
+                ;; not a preexisting restart
+                (let ((my-restarts
+                       (remove 'abort
+                               (set-difference (compute-restarts c)
+                                               outer-restarts)
+                               :key #'restart-name)))
+                  (assert my-restarts)
+                  ; (unintern isym pkg)
+                  ; (when (find 'continue my-restarts :key #'restart-name) (continue c))
+                  (return-from done :good)))))
+          (import sym pkg))
+         (eqlt (find-symbol name pkg) sym)
+         (eqlt (symbol-package sym) (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+         :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/in-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/in-package.lsp
index 52fc375b..3f80093d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/in-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/in-package.lsp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
     (make-package "H" :use ())
     (let ((p2 (in-package "H")))
       (and (eqt p2 (find-package "H"))
-	   (eqt *package* p2))))
+           (eqt *package* p2))))
 (deftest in-package.2
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
     (make-package "H" :use ())
     (let ((p2 (in-package |H|)))
       (and (eqt p2 (find-package "H"))
-	   (eqt *package* p2))))
+           (eqt *package* p2))))
 (deftest in-package.3
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
     (make-package "H" :use ())
     (let ((p2 (in-package :|H|)))
       (and (eqt p2 (find-package "H"))
-	   (eqt *package* p2))))
+           (eqt *package* p2))))
 (deftest in-package.4
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     (make-package "H" :use ())
     (let ((p2 (in-package #\H)))
       (and (eqt p2 (find-package "H"))
-	   (eqt *package* p2))))
+           (eqt *package* p2))))
 (deftest in-package.5
@@ -62,12 +62,12 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
-	   (let* ((p (make-package name :use nil))
-		  (*package* *package*)
-		  (p2 (eval `(in-package ,name))))
-	     (list (eqt p p2)
-		   (eqt p *package*)))
-	 (safely-delete-package name)))
+           (let* ((p (make-package name :use nil))
+                  (*package* *package*)
+                  (p2 (eval `(in-package ,name))))
+             (list (eqt p p2)
+                   (eqt p *package*)))
+         (safely-delete-package name)))
      (t t)))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.7
@@ -75,32 +75,32 @@
 (def-in-package-test in-package.8
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.9
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.10
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.11
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.12
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-in-package-test in-package.13
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
\ No newline at end of file
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/incf.lsp b/ansi-tests/incf.lsp
index fbe79eab..427d4001 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/incf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/incf.lsp
@@ -44,23 +44,23 @@
 (deftest incf.6
   (loop for x from 1 to 5
-	collect (let ((y x))
-		  (list (incf y) y)))
+        collect (let ((y x))
+                  (list (incf y) y)))
   ((2 2) (3 3) (4 4) (5 5) (6 6)))
 (deftest incf.7
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	collect (let ((y x))
-		  (list (incf y) y)))
+        collect (let ((y x))
+                  (list (incf y) y)))
   ((2.0s0 2.0s0) (2.0f0 2.0f0) (2.0d0 2.0d0) (2.0l0 2.0l0)))
 (deftest incf.8
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0f0)
-	for y = (complex x 0)
-	for z = (incf y)
-	for x1c = (complex (1+ x) 0)
-	unless (and (eql y z) (eql x1c y))
-	collect (list x y z x1c))
+        for y = (complex x 0)
+        for z = (incf y)
+        for x1c = (complex (1+ x) 0)
+        unless (and (eql y z) (eql x1c y))
+        collect (list x y z x1c))
 (deftest incf.9
@@ -75,31 +75,31 @@
 (deftest incf.11
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (let* ((y x)
-		      (z (incf y)))
-		 (and (eql y (1+ x))
-		      (eql y z)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (let* ((y x)
+                      (z (incf y)))
+                 (and (eql y (1+ x))
+                      (eql y z)))
+        collect x)
 ;;; Increment by other than 1
 (deftest incf.12
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (let* ((y x) (z (incf y 0)))
-		 (and (eql x y) (eql y z)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (let* ((y x) (z (incf y 0)))
+                 (and (eql x y) (eql y z)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest incf.13
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (random-from-interval 1000000)
-	      repeat 100
-	      when (let* ((y x) (z (incf y r)))
-			(and (not (and (eql (+ x r) y) (eql y z)))
-			     (list x y r)))
-	      collect it))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (random-from-interval 1000000)
+              repeat 100
+              when (let* ((y x) (z (incf y r)))
+                        (and (not (and (eql (+ x r) y) (eql y z)))
+                             (list x y r)))
+              collect it))
 (deftest incf.14
@@ -165,20 +165,20 @@
 (deftest incf.order.2
   (let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4))
-	(i 0) x y z)
+        (i 0) x y z)
      (incf (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i)) 17))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0))
+           (progn (setf z (incf i)) 17))
      i x y z a))
   18 3 1 2 3 #(18 2 3 4))
 (deftest incf.order.3
   (let ((a (vector 10 2 3 4))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (incf (aref (progn (setf x (incf i)) a)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 0)))
      i x y a))
   11 2 1 2 #(11 2 3 4))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/input-stream-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/input-stream-p.lsp
index ca5f1d0a..bddc96a7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/input-stream-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/input-stream-p.lsp
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
 (deftest input-stream-p.3
   (with-open-file (s "input-stream-p.lsp" :direction :input)
-		  (notnot-mv (input-stream-p s)))
+                  (notnot-mv (input-stream-p s)))
 (deftest input-stream-p.4
   (with-open-file (s "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		     :if-exists :supersede)
-		  (input-stream-p s))
+                     :if-exists :supersede)
+                  (input-stream-p s))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 (deftest input-stream-p.error.2
   (signals-error (input-stream-p *standard-input* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest input-stream-p.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/integer-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/integer-length.lsp
index 27b8a2aa..075e800b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/integer-length.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/integer-length.lsp
@@ -23,36 +23,36 @@
 (deftest integer-length.1
   (loop for len from 0 to 100
-	for i = (1- (ash 1 len))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
-	for len2 = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql len len2)))
+        for i = (1- (ash 1 len))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
+        for len2 = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql len len2)))
 (deftest integer-length.2
   (loop for len from 0 to 100
-	for i = (ash 1 len)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
-	for len2 = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql (1+ len) len2)))
+        for i = (ash 1 len)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
+        for len2 = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql (1+ len) len2)))
 (deftest integer-length.3
   (loop for len from 0 to 100
-	for i = (- (ash 1 len))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
-	for len2 = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql len len2)))
+        for i = (- (ash 1 len))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
+        for len2 = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql len len2)))
 (deftest integer-length.4
   (loop for len from 0 to 100
-	for i = (- -1 (ash 1 len))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
-	for len2 = (car vals)
-	always (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (eql (1+ len) len2)))
+        for i = (- -1 (ash 1 len))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (integer-length i))
+        for len2 = (car vals)
+        always (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (eql (1+ len) len2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/integerp.lsp b/ansi-tests/integerp.lsp
index 6a0c678a..9e3350e9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/integerp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/integerp.lsp
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
 (deftest integerp.1
   (loop for i in *integers*
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (integerp i))
-	unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (first vals))
-	collect (cons i vals))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (integerp i))
+        unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (first vals))
+        collect (cons i vals))
 (deftest integerp.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/interactive-stream-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/interactive-stream-p.lsp
index e29cb0f1..2b497d77 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/interactive-stream-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/interactive-stream-p.lsp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 (deftest interactive-stream-p.1
   (let ((streams (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-input* *standard-output*
-		       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)))
+                       *standard-input* *standard-output*
+                       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)))
     (mapc #'interactive-stream-p streams)
     ;; no error should occur
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
 (deftest interactive-stream-p.error.3
   (signals-error (interactive-stream-p *terminal-io* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/intern.lsp b/ansi-tests/intern.lsp
index 7f5bd0fe..dd85da9a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/intern.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/intern.lsp
@@ -13,22 +13,22 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEMP1")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEMP1" :use nil))
-	  (i 0) x y)
+          (i 0) x y)
       (multiple-value-bind* (sym1 status1)
-	  (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	(intern (progn (setf x (incf i)) "FOO")
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status2)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	  (and (eql i 2)
-	       (eql x 1)
-	       (eql y 2)
-	       (null sym1)
-	       (null status1)
-	       (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
-	       (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
-	       (eqt status2 :internal)
-	       (progn (delete-package p) t))))))
+          (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+        (intern (progn (setf x (incf i)) "FOO")
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status2)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+          (and (eql i 2)
+               (eql x 1)
+               (eql y 2)
+               (null sym1)
+               (null status1)
+               (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+               (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
+               (eqt status2 :internal)
+               (progn (delete-package p) t))))))
 (deftest intern.2
@@ -36,136 +36,136 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEMP1")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEMP1" :use nil)))
       (multiple-value-bind* (sym1 status1)
-	  (find-symbol "FOO" "TEMP1")
-	(intern "FOO" "TEMP1")
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status2)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	  (and (null sym1)
-	       (null status1)
-	       (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
-	       (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
-	       (eqt status2 :internal)
-	       (progn (delete-package p) t))))))
+          (find-symbol "FOO" "TEMP1")
+        (intern "FOO" "TEMP1")
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 status2)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+          (and (null sym1)
+               (null status1)
+               (string= (symbol-name sym2) "FOO")
+               (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
+               (eqt status2 :internal)
+               (progn (delete-package p) t))))))
 (deftest intern.3
   :notes (:nil-vectors-are-strings)
   (let ((cl-user-package (find-package "CL-USER")))
     (eqt (intern "" cl-user-package)
-	 (intern (make-array 0 :element-type nil) cl-user-package)))
+         (intern (make-array 0 :element-type nil) cl-user-package)))
 (deftest intern.4
   (let ((cl-user-package (find-package "CL-USER")))
     (eqt (intern (make-array 5 :element-type 'character
-			     :initial-contents "XYZZY") cl-user-package)
-	 (intern (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char
-			     :initial-contents "XYZZY") cl-user-package)))
+                             :initial-contents "XYZZY") cl-user-package)
+         (intern (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char
+                             :initial-contents "XYZZY") cl-user-package)))
 ;;; String is a specialized sequence type
 (defmacro def-intern-test (test-name &key (symbol-name "FOO")
-				     (package-name "TEMP1"))
+                                     (package-name "TEMP1"))
   `(deftest ,test-name
      (let ((sname ,symbol-name)
-	   (pname ,package-name))
+           (pname ,package-name))
        (safely-delete-package pname)
        (let ((p (make-package pname :use nil)))
-	 (multiple-value-bind*
-	  (sym1 status1)
-	  (find-symbol sname pname)
-	  (intern sname pname)
-	  (multiple-value-bind*
-	   (sym2 status2)
-	   (find-symbol sname p)
-	   (and (null sym1)
-		(null status1)
-		(string= (symbol-name sym2) sname)
-		(eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
-		(eqt status2 :internal)
-		(progn (delete-package p) t))))))
+         (multiple-value-bind*
+          (sym1 status1)
+          (find-symbol sname pname)
+          (intern sname pname)
+          (multiple-value-bind*
+           (sym2 status2)
+           (find-symbol sname p)
+           (and (null sym1)
+                (null status1)
+                (string= (symbol-name sym2) sname)
+                (eqt (symbol-package sym2) p)
+                (eqt status2 :internal)
+                (progn (delete-package p) t))))))
 (def-intern-test intern.5
   :symbol-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.6
   :symbol-name (make-array 13 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
 (def-intern-test intern.7
   :symbol-name (make-array 13 :element-type 'character
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
 (def-intern-test intern.8
   :symbol-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.9
   :symbol-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'character
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.10
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
+         (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-intern-test intern.11
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
+         (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-intern-test intern.12
   :package-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.13
   :package-name (make-array 13 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
 (def-intern-test intern.14
   :package-name (make-array 13 :element-type 'character
-			   :fill-pointer 3
-			   :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
+                           :fill-pointer 3
+                           :initial-contents "BAR1234567890"))
 (def-intern-test intern.15
   :package-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'base-char
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.16
   :package-name (make-array 3 :element-type 'character
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :initial-contents "BAR"))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :initial-contents "BAR"))
 (def-intern-test intern.17
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
+         (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-intern-test intern.18
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
+         (name0 (make-array 8 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XBARYYYY")))
     (make-array 3 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp b/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
index 2c76fb42..574a405a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 (deftest intersection.4
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result (intersection x y)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result (intersection x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -32,23 +32,23 @@
        for e in x count
        (and (member e y)
-	    (not (member e result))))
+            (not (member e result))))
        for e in result count
        (or (not (member e x))
-	   (not (member e y))))
+           (not (member e y))))
        for hd on result count
        (and (consp hd)
-	    (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
+            (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
 (deftest intersection.5
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result (intersection x y)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result (intersection x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -58,47 +58,47 @@
 (deftest intersection.6
   (intersection (list 1000000000000 'a 'b 'c)
-		(list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
+                (list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
 (deftest intersection.7
   (intersection (list 'a 10 'b 17)
-		(list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
+                (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
 (deftest intersection.8
   (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-		(list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
+                (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
 (deftest intersection.9
   (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-		(list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-		:test #'equal)
+                (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+                :test #'equal)
 ;; Same as 9, but with a symbol function designator for :test
 (deftest intersection.9-a
   (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-		(list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-		:test 'equal)
+                (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+                :test 'equal)
 (deftest intersection.9-b
   (intersection (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-		(list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-		:test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
+                (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+                :test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
 (deftest intersection.10
     (intersection (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 1000 by 3
-		   collect i)
-		  (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 1000 by 7
-		   collect i))
+                   for i from 0 to 1000 by 3
+                   collect i)
+                  (loop
+                   for i from 0 to 1000 by 7
+                   collect i))
    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))
@@ -107,14 +107,14 @@
     (intersection (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 999 by 5
-		   collect i)
-		  (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 999 by 7
-		   collect i)
-		  :test #'(lambda (a b)
-			    (and (eql a b)
-				 (= (mod a 3) 0))))
+                   for i from 0 to 999 by 5
+                   collect i)
+                  (loop
+                   for i from 0 to 999 by 7
+                   collect i)
+                  :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                            (and (eql a b)
+                                 (= (mod a 3) 0))))
    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@
     (intersection (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 999 by 5
-		   collect i)
-		  (loop
-		   for i from 0 to 999 by 7
-		   collect i)
-		  :test-not
-		  #'(lambda (a b)
-		      (not (and (eql a b)
-				(= (mod a 3) 0)))))
+                   for i from 0 to 999 by 5
+                   collect i)
+                  (loop
+                   for i from 0 to 999 by 7
+                   collect i)
+                  :test-not
+                  #'(lambda (a b)
+                      (not (and (eql a b)
+                                (= (mod a 3) 0)))))
    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
 (deftest intersection.13
   (let ((x (copy-list '(0 5 8 13 31 42)))
-	(y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+        (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
      (sort (copy-list (intersection x y)) #'<)
      (sort (copy-list (intersection x y :key #'1+)) #'<)))
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
 ;; Same as 13, but with a symbol function designator for :key
 (deftest intersection.13-a
   (let ((x (copy-list '(0 5 8 13 31 42)))
-	(y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+        (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
      (sort (copy-list (intersection x y)) #'<)
      (sort (copy-list (intersection x y :key '1+)) #'<)))
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
 (deftest intersection.14
       ((result (intersection (copy-list '(a b c d))
-			     (copy-list '(e c f b g))
-			     :key nil)))
+                             (copy-list '(e c f b g))
+                             :key nil)))
      (member 'b result)
      (member 'c result)
@@ -184,52 +184,52 @@
 (deftest intersection.15
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (eql x y)))))
 (deftest intersection.16
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        :key #'identity
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (eql x y)))))
 (deftest intersection.17
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eql x y))))))
 (deftest intersection.18
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        :key #'identity
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eql x y))))))
 (defharmless intersection.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (intersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -252,8 +252,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (intersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test #'eq)
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test #'eq)
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -261,10 +261,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (intersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				(complement #'eq)))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+                   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                (complement #'eq)))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (intersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+                   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (intersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+                   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -293,59 +293,59 @@
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.1
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :bad t :allow-other-keys 1))
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.2
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t))
 (deftest intersectionallow-other-keys.3
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
+                  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.4
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t))
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.5
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys nil))
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.6
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
 (deftest intersection.allow-other-keys.7
    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+         (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
      (intersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		   :allow-other-keys nil
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
+                   :allow-other-keys nil
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
   (3 4))
 (deftest intersection.keywords.8
    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+         (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
      (intersection list1 list2
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
-		   :test #'eql))
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
+                   :test #'eql))
   (3 4))
@@ -375,37 +375,37 @@
 (deftest intersection.error.6
   (signals-error (intersection nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.7
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f) :test #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.8
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f) :test-not #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.9
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.10
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f) :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.11
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b c) '(d e f . g))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.12
   (signals-error (intersection '(a b . c) '(d e f))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest intersection.error.13
@@ -414,4 +414,4 @@
 (deftest intersection.error.14
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (intersection '(a b c) x)) #'listp)
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/invoke-debugger.lsp b/ansi-tests/invoke-debugger.lsp
index 32680365..5a7655b0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/invoke-debugger.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/invoke-debugger.lsp
@@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
   (block done
    (let (fn (cnd (make-condition 'simple-error)))
        (setq fn #'(lambda (c hook)
-		    (return-from done
-		      (and (null *debugger-hook*)
-			   (eqt hook fn)
-			   (eqt cnd c)
-			   'good))))
+                    (return-from done
+                      (and (null *debugger-hook*)
+                           (eqt hook fn)
+                           (eqt cnd c)
+                           'good))))
        (let ((*debugger-hook* fn))
-	 (invoke-debugger cnd)))
+         (invoke-debugger cnd)))
@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
    (block done
      (let ((*debugger-hook* #'(lambda (&rest args)
-				(declare (ignore args))
-				(return-from done 'bad))))
+                                (declare (ignore args))
+                                (return-from done 'bad))))
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
    (block done
      (let ((*debugger-hook* #'(lambda (&rest args)
-				(declare (ignore args))
-				(return-from done 'bad))))
+                                (declare (ignore args))
+                                (return-from done 'bad))))
        (invoke-debugger (make-condition 'simple-error) nil)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/isqrt.lsp b/ansi-tests/isqrt.lsp
index e1b7dcfb..eb3f6617 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/isqrt.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/isqrt.lsp
@@ -27,39 +27,39 @@
 (deftest isqrt.error.5
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (and (integerp x) (>= x 0))
-		   (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (isqrt x))))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (and (integerp x) (>= x 0))
+                   (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (isqrt x))))
+        collect x)
 ;;; Non-error tests
 (deftest isqrt.1
   (loop for i from 0 to 10000
-	for i2 = (* i i)
-	for s = (isqrt i2)
-	unless (eql s i)
-	collect i)
+        for i2 = (* i i)
+        for s = (isqrt i2)
+        unless (eql s i)
+        collect i)
 (deftest isqrt.2
   (loop for i = (random-from-interval most-positive-fixnum 0)
-	for s = (isqrt i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (integerp s)
-		    (>= s 0)
-		    (<= (* s s) i)
-		    (> (* (1+ s) (1+ s)) i))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (isqrt i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (integerp s)
+                    (>= s 0)
+                    (<= (* s s) i)
+                    (> (* (1+ s) (1+ s)) i))
+        collect (list i s))
 (deftest isqrt.3
   (loop for i = (random-from-interval 1000000000000000 0)
-	for s = (isqrt i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (integerp s)
-		    (>= s 0)
-		    (<= (* s s) i)
-		    (> (* (1+ s) (1+ s)) i))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (isqrt i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (integerp s)
+                    (>= s 0)
+                    (<= (* s s) i)
+                    (> (* (1+ s) (1+ s)) i))
+        collect (list i s))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/keyword.lsp b/ansi-tests/keyword.lsp
index 3a66f125..cbc23ab6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/keyword.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/keyword.lsp
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (deftest keyword.4
   (let ((name "SYMBOL-NAME-FOR-KEYWORD.4")
-	(kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+        (kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (let ((s (find-symbol name kwp)))
       (when s (unintern s kwp))
       ;; Now, create a symbol with this name
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 (deftest keyword.5
   (let* ((name "SYMBOL-NAME-FOR-KEYWORD.5")
-	 (pkg-name "PACKAGE-FOR-KEYWORD.5")
-	 (kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+         (pkg-name "PACKAGE-FOR-KEYWORD.5")
+         (kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name :use nil))
-	   (s (find-symbol name kwp)))
+           (s (find-symbol name kwp)))
       (when s (unintern s kwp))
       ;; Now, create a symbol with this name
       ;; and import it into the keyword package
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
 (deftest keyword.6
   (let* ((name "SYMBOL-NAME-FOR-KEYWORD.6")
-	 (pkg-name "PACKAGE-FOR-KEYWORD.6")
-	 (kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
+         (pkg-name "PACKAGE-FOR-KEYWORD.6")
+         (kwp (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (safely-delete-package pkg-name)
     (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name :use nil))
-	   (s (find-symbol name kwp))
-	   s2)
+           (s (find-symbol name kwp))
+           s2)
       (when s (unintern s kwp))
       ;; Recreate a symbol with this name in the keyword package
       ;; shadowing-import will displace this symbol
@@ -107,10 +107,10 @@
 (deftest keyword.2
   (do-symbols (s "KEYWORD" t)
     (multiple-value-bind (s2 access)
-	(find-symbol (symbol-name s) "KEYWORD")
+        (find-symbol (symbol-name s) "KEYWORD")
       (unless (and (eqt s s2)
-		   (eqt access :external))
-	(return (list s2 access)))))
+                   (eqt access :external))
+        (return (list s2 access)))))
 ;; Every keyword evaluates to itself
@@ -123,5 +123,5 @@
       (return (list s (eval s))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/keywordp.lsp b/ansi-tests/keywordp.lsp
index c1a49a4b..2f4a43e6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/keywordp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/keywordp.lsp
@@ -25,11 +25,11 @@
 (deftest keywordp.13
   (let ((kwp (find-package "KEYWORD"))
-	(bad nil))
+        (bad nil))
     (do-symbols (s "KEYWORD" bad)
       (when (and (not (eq (symbol-package s) kwp))
-		 (keywordp s))
-	(push s bad))))
+                 (keywordp s))
+        (push s bad))))
 (deftest keywordp.order.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/labels.lsp b/ansi-tests/labels.lsp
index b2020ef4..f74af254 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/labels.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/labels.lsp
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest labels.4
   (block %f
     (labels ((%f (&optional (x (return-from %f :good)))
-	       nil))
+               nil))
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 (deftest labels.4a
   (block %f
     (labels ((%f (&key (x (return-from %f :good)))
-	       nil))
+               nil))
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 (deftest labels.6
   (block %f
     (labels ((%f (&aux (x (return-from %f 10)))
-	       20))
+               20))
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 ;;; The function is visible inside itself
 (deftest labels.7
   (labels ((%f (x n) (cond ((eql n 0) x)
-			   (t (%f (+ x n) (1- n))))))
+                           (t (%f (+ x n) (1- n))))))
     (%f 0 10))
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 (deftest labels.7b
   (labels ((%f (x &aux (b (%g x))) b)
-	   (%g (y) (+ y y)))
+           (%g (y) (+ y y)))
     (%f 10))
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 (deftest labels.7c
   (labels ((%f (x &optional (b (%g x))) b)
-	   (%g (y) (+ y y)))
+           (%g (y) (+ y y)))
     (%f 10))
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
 (deftest labels.7d
   (labels ((%f (x &key (b (%g x))) b)
-	   (%g (y) (+ y y)))
+           (%g (y) (+ y y)))
     (%f 10))
@@ -127,19 +127,19 @@
 ;;; Too few arguments (section
 (deftest labels.14
   (signals-error (labels ((%f (a) a)) (%f))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Too many arguments (section
 (deftest labels.15
   (signals-error (labels ((%f (a) a)) (%f 1 2))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Invalid keyword argument (section
 (deftest labels.16
   (signals-error (labels ((%f (&key a) a)) (%f '(foo)))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Definition of a (setf ...) function
@@ -160,39 +160,39 @@
 ;;; Can handle at least 50 lambda parameters
 (deftest labels.19
   (labels ((%f (a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
-	        b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
-		c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
-		d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
-		e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)
-	       (+ a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
-		  b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
-		  c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
-		  d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
-		  e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)))
+                b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
+                c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
+                d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
+                e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)
+               (+ a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 a9 a10
+                  b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8 b9 b10
+                  c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9 c10
+                  d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
+                  e1 e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 e9 e10)))
     (%f 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
-	11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
-	21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
-	31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
-	41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50))
+        11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
+        21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
+        31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
+        41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50))
 ;;; labels works with the maximum number of arguments (if
 ;;; not too many.)
 (deftest labels.20
   (let* ((n (min (1- lambda-parameters-limit) 1024))
-	 (vars (loop repeat n collect (gensym))))
+         (vars (loop repeat n collect (gensym))))
      `(eqlt ,n
-	    (labels ((%f ,vars (+ ,@ vars)))
-	      (%f ,@(loop for e in vars collect 1))))))
+            (labels ((%f ,vars (+ ,@ vars)))
+              (%f ,@(loop for e in vars collect 1))))))
 ;;; Declarations and documentation strings are ok
 (deftest labels.21
   (labels ((%f (x)
-	     (declare (type fixnum x))
-	     "Add one to the fixnum x."
-	     (1+ x)))
+             (declare (type fixnum x))
+             "Add one to the fixnum x."
+             (1+ x)))
     (declare (ftype (function (fixnum) integer) %f))
     (%f 10))
@@ -200,50 +200,50 @@
 ;;; Keywords can be function names
 (deftest labels.22
   (labels ((:foo () 10)
-	   (:bar () (1+ (:foo))))
+           (:bar () (1+ (:foo))))
 (deftest labels.23
   (labels ((:foo () 10)
-	   (:bar () (1+ (funcall #':foo))))
+           (:bar () (1+ (funcall #':foo))))
     (funcall #':bar))
 (deftest labels.24
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (labels ((,s (x) (foo (1- x)))
-					    (foo (y)
-						 (if (<= y 0) 'a
-						   (,s (1- y)))))
-				     (,s 10)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (labels ((,s (x) (foo (1- x)))
+                                            (foo (y)
+                                                 (if (<= y 0) 'a
+                                                   (,s (1- y)))))
+                                     (,s 10)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 (deftest labels.25
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors
-		     (labels ((,s (x) (foo (1- x)))
-			      (foo (y)
-				   (if (<= y 0) 'a
-				     (,s (1- y)))))
-		       (declare (ftype (function (integer) symbol)
-				       foo ,s))
-		       (,s 10)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors
+                     (labels ((,s (x) (foo (1- x)))
+                              (foo (y)
+                                   (if (<= y 0) 'a
+                                     (,s (1- y)))))
+                       (declare (ftype (function (integer) symbol)
+                                       foo ,s))
+                       (,s 10)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 (deftest labels.26
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors
-		     (labels (((setf ,s) (&rest args)
-			       (declare (ignore args))
-			       'a))
-		       (setf (,s) 10)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors
+                     (labels (((setf ,s) (&rest args)
+                               (declare (ignore args))
+                               'a))
+                       (setf (,s) 10)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 ;;; Check that LABELS does not have a tagbody
@@ -334,9 +334,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (labels ((%f (&optional (y x))
-		   (declare (special x))
-		   y))
-	(%f))))
+                   (declare (special x))
+                   y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest labels.42
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (labels ((%f (&key (y x))
-		   (declare (special x))
-		   y))
-	(%f))))
+                   (declare (special x))
+                   y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest labels.43
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (labels ((%f () (declare (special x))))
-	x)))
+        x)))
 (deftest labels.46
@@ -378,9 +378,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (labels ((%f (&aux (y x))
-		   (declare (special x))
-		   y))
-	(%f))))
+                   (declare (special x))
+                   y))
+        (%f))))
 (deftest labels.47
@@ -388,19 +388,19 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (labels ((%f () x))
-	(declare (special x))
-	(%f))))
+        (declare (special x))
+        (%f))))
 ;;; Macros are expanded in the appropriate environment
 (deftest labels.48
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (labels () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (labels () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 (deftest labels.49
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (labels ((%f () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
-		    (%f)))
+            (labels ((%f () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+                    (%f)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lambda-list-keywords.lsp b/ansi-tests/lambda-list-keywords.lsp
index a19ed3ef..12b0c5c7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lambda-list-keywords.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lambda-list-keywords.lsp
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
 ;;; The standard keywords are present in the list
 (deftest lambda-list-keywords.3
   (and (consp lambda-list-keywords)
-       (not-mv (set-difference '(&allow-other-keys 
-				 &aux &body &environment
-				 &key &optional &rest &whole)
-			       lambda-list-keywords)))
+       (not-mv (set-difference '(&allow-other-keys
+                                 &aux &body &environment
+                                 &key &optional &rest &whole)
+                               lambda-list-keywords)))
 ;;; No lambda list keywords are in the keyword package
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
 ;;; Every keyword starts with an ampersand
 (deftest lambda-list-keywords.5
   (notevery #'(lambda (sym)
-		(and (symbolp sym)
-		     (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
-		       (and (> (length name) 0)
-			    (eql (aref name 0) #\&)))))
-	    lambda-list-keywords)
+                (and (symbolp sym)
+                     (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
+                       (and (> (length name) 0)
+                            (eql (aref name 0) #\&)))))
+            lambda-list-keywords)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lambda.lsp b/ansi-tests/lambda.lsp
index 53620a35..57d9cfdc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lambda.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lambda.lsp
@@ -154,22 +154,22 @@
 (deftest lambda.34
   ((lambda (&key (a 1 a-p) (b 2 b-p) (c 3 c-p)) (list a (notnot a-p)
-						      b (notnot b-p)
-						      c (notnot c-p)))
+                                                      b (notnot b-p)
+                                                      c (notnot c-p)))
    :c 5 :a 0)
   (0 t 2 nil 5 t))
 (deftest lambda.35
   ((lambda (&key (a 1 a-p) (b 2 b-p) (c 3 c-p)) (list a (notnot a-p)
-						      b (notnot b-p)
-						      c (notnot c-p)))
+                                                      b (notnot b-p)
+                                                      c (notnot c-p)))
    :c 5 :a nil :a 17 :c 100)
   (nil t 2 nil 5 t))
 (deftest lambda.36
   ((lambda (&key (a 1 a-p) (b 2 b-p) (c 3 c-p)) (list a (notnot a-p)
-						      b (notnot b-p)
-						      c (notnot c-p)))
+                                                      b (notnot b-p)
+                                                      c (notnot c-p)))
    :c 5 :a 0 :allow-other-keys t 'b 100)
   (0 t 2 nil 5 t))
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
     (declare (ignorable a-p))
     ((lambda (&key (a nil a-p) (b a-p)) (list a (notnot a-p) (notnot b)))))
   (nil nil nil))
 (deftest lambda.40
   (let ((a-p :bad))
     (declare (ignorable a-p))
@@ -278,8 +278,8 @@
 (deftest lambda.55
   (let* ((doc "LMB55")
-	 (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ,doc nil)))
-	 (cfn (compile nil fn)))
+         (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ,doc nil)))
+         (cfn (compile nil fn)))
      (or (documentation fn t) doc)
      (or (documentation cfn t) doc)))
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
 (deftest lambda.56
   (let* ((doc "LMB56")
-	 (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ,doc nil)))
-	 (cfn (compile nil fn)))
+         (fn (eval `#'(lambda () ,doc nil)))
+         (cfn (compile nil fn)))
      (or (documentation fn 'function) doc)
      (or (documentation cfn 'function) doc)))
@@ -330,10 +330,10 @@
     (let ((y :bad2))
       (declare (special y))
       (flet ((%f () y))
-	((lambda (x &aux (y :good))
-	   (declare (special y) (ignore x))
-	   (%f))
-	 nil))))
+        ((lambda (x &aux (y :good))
+           (declare (special y) (ignore x))
+           (%f))
+         nil))))
 (deftest lambda.64
@@ -341,8 +341,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (flet ((%f () x))
       ((lambda (x &aux (y (%f)))
-	 (declare (type t y) (special x))
-	 y)
+         (declare (type t y) (special x))
+         y)
@@ -360,15 +360,15 @@
 (deftest lambda.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'lambda))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest lambda.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'lambda) '(lambda ()))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest lambda.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'lambda) '(lambda ()) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/last.lsp b/ansi-tests/last.lsp
index df2b6801..2323d545 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/last.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/last.lsp
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (last (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	   (setf y (incf i)))
+           (setf y (incf i)))
      i x y))
   (c d) 2 1 2)
@@ -110,6 +110,6 @@
 (deftest last.error.8
   (signals-error (locally (last (list 'a 'b 'c) 'a) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lcm.lsp b/ansi-tests/lcm.lsp
index b5a85b24..275abb74 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lcm.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lcm.lsp
@@ -18,61 +18,61 @@
 (deftest lcm.2
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for a = (abs i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql a (lcm i))
-		    (eql a (lcm 1 i)))
-	collect i)
+        for a = (abs i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql a (lcm i))
+                    (eql a (lcm 1 i)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest lcm.3
   (loop for i = (random-from-interval 10000000000000000)
-	for a = (abs i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql a (lcm i))
-		    (eql a (lcm i 1)))
-	collect i)
+        for a = (abs i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql a (lcm i))
+                    (eql a (lcm i 1)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest lcm.4
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-lcm i j) (lcm i j))
-	collect (list i j))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-lcm i j) (lcm i j))
+        collect (list i j))
 (deftest lcm.5
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for i = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for j = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql (my-lcm i j) (lcm i j))
-	  collect (list i j)))
+          for j = (random-from-interval bound)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql (my-lcm i j) (lcm i j))
+          collect (list i j)))
 (deftest lcm.6
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	for k = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-lcm i (my-lcm j k)) (lcm i j k))
-	collect (list i j k))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        for k = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-lcm i (my-lcm j k)) (lcm i j k))
+        collect (list i j k))
 (deftest lcm.7
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	for k = (random-fixnum)
-	for n = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql (my-lcm (my-lcm i j) (my-lcm k n)) (lcm i j k n))
-	collect (list i j k n))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        for k = (random-fixnum)
+        for n = (random-fixnum)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql (my-lcm (my-lcm i j) (my-lcm k n)) (lcm i j k n))
+        collect (list i j k n))
 (deftest lcm.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	always (eql (apply #'lcm (make-list i :initial-element 1)) 1))
+        always (eql (apply #'lcm (make-list i :initial-element 1)) 1))
 (deftest lcm.9
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (lcm (progn (setf x (incf i)) 15)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 25))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 25))
      i x y))
   75 2 1 2)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (lcm (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 10))
      i x y))
   0 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ldb.lsp b/ansi-tests/ldb.lsp
index f9712dba..586034e0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ldb.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ldb.lsp
@@ -23,40 +23,40 @@
 (deftest ldb.1
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for pos = (random 30)
-	for size = (random 30)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (eql (ldb (byte size pos) x)
-		    (logand (1- (ash 1 size))
-			    (ash x (- pos))))
-	collect (list x pos size))
+        for pos = (random 30)
+        for size = (random 30)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (eql (ldb (byte size pos) x)
+                    (logand (1- (ash 1 size))
+                            (ash x (- pos))))
+        collect (list x pos size))
 (deftest ldb.2
   (let ((bound (ash 1 300)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for pos = (random 300)
-	  for size = (random 300)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql (ldb (byte size pos) x)
-		      (logand (1- (ash 1 size))
-			      (ash x (- pos))))
-	  collect (list x pos size)))
+          for pos = (random 300)
+          for size = (random 300)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql (ldb (byte size pos) x)
+                      (logand (1- (ash 1 size))
+                              (ash x (- pos))))
+          collect (list x pos size)))
 (deftest ldb.3
   (loop for i of-type fixnum from -1000 to 1000
-	always (eql (ldb (byte 0 0) i) 0))
+        always (eql (ldb (byte 0 0) i) 0))
 (deftest ldb.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (ldb (progn (setf a (incf i))
-		 (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
-		       (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
-	  (progn (setf d (incf i)) -1))
+                 (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
+                       (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
+          (progn (setf d (incf i)) -1))
      i a b c d))
   7 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -71,23 +71,23 @@
   (loop for pos from 0 to 100
-	always
-	(loop for size from 0 to 100
-	      always
-	      (let ((x 0))
-		(and (eql (setf (ldb (byte size pos) x) -1) -1)
-		     (eql x (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos))))))
+        always
+        (loop for size from 0 to 100
+              always
+              (let ((x 0))
+                (and (eql (setf (ldb (byte size pos) x) -1) -1)
+                     (eql x (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos))))))
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f (x (copy-seq #(63))))
      (setf (ldb (progn (setf a (incf i))
-		       (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
-			     (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
-		(aref (progn (setf d (incf i)) x)
-		      (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)))
-	   (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0))
+                       (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
+                             (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
+                (aref (progn (setf d (incf i)) x)
+                      (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)))
+           (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0))
      i a b c d e f))
   0 #(49) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp b/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
index 6f502995..b031d6fe 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
@@ -9,29 +9,29 @@
 (deftest ldiff.1
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x (cdddr x))))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   result)))
+           result)))
   (a b c))
 (deftest ldiff.2
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x 'a)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	(loop
-	 for a on x and b on result count
-	 (eqt a b)))
+        (loop
+         for a on x and b on result count
+         (eqt a b)))
   (a b c d e f))
 ;; Works when the end of the dotted list is a symbol
 (deftest ldiff.3
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e . f)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x 'a)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 ;; Works when the end of the dotted list is a fixnum
 (deftest ldiff.4
   (let* ((n 18)
-	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c 18))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (x (list* 'a 'b 'c 18))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x n)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -53,8 +53,8 @@
 ;; integer (that is eql, but probably not eq).
 (deftest ldiff.5
   (let* ((n 18000000000000)
-	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c (1- 18000000000001)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (x (list* 'a 'b 'c (1- 18000000000001)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x n)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -64,24 +64,24 @@
 ;; Test works when the end of a dotted list is a string
 (deftest ldiff.6
   (let* ((n (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x n)))
       (if (equal result (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	  (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	result)))
+          (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+        result)))
 ;; Check that having the cdr of a dotted list be string-equal, but
 ;; not eql, does not result in success
 (deftest ldiff.7
   (let* ((n (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (x (list* 'a 'b 'c n))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x (copy-seq n))))
       (if (equal result x)
-	  (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	result)))
+          (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+        result)))
 ;; Check that on failure, the list returned by ldiff is
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
     (let ((result (ldiff x '(e))))
       (and (equal x result)
-	   (loop
-	    for c1 on x
-	    for c2 on result
-	    count (eqt c1 c2)))))
+           (loop
+            for c1 on x
+            for c2 on result
+            count (eqt c1 c2)))))
 (deftest ldiff.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (ldiff (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		   (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		   'd))
+                   (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                   'd))
      i x y))
   (a b c) 2 1 2)
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
    for x in *universe*
    count (and (not (listp x))
-	      (not (eqt 'type-error
-			(catch-type-error (ldiff x x)))))))
+              (not (eqt 'type-error
+                        (catch-type-error (ldiff x x)))))))
 (deftest ldiff-12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/length.lsp b/ansi-tests/length.lsp
index f9dcd7b57e46b817d86e5d0c57f4cf105a24eb2d..3ce5a9cc2cdec98be77aa5c6347ebc4d8701e96f 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 395

delta 191

diff --git a/ansi-tests/let.lsp b/ansi-tests/let.lsp
index 0121404b..a0abb783 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/let.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/let.lsp
@@ -63,26 +63,26 @@
 (deftest let.11
   (let ((x 1))
     (list x
-	  (let (x)
-	    (declare (special x))
-	    x)
-	  x))
+          (let (x)
+            (declare (special x))
+            x)
+          x))
   (1 nil 1))
 ;;; (deftest let.12
 ;;;  (let ((x 0))
 ;;;    (values
 ;;;     (let ((x 20)
-;;;	   (x (1+ x)))
+;;;        (x (1+ x)))
 ;;;       x)
 ;;;     x))
 ;;;   1 0)
 ;;; (deftest let.13
 ;;;  (flet ((%f () (declare (special x))
-;;;	     (if (boundp 'x) x 10)))
+;;;          (if (boundp 'x) x 10)))
 ;;;    (let ((x 1)
-;;;	  (x (1+ (%f))))
+;;;       (x (1+ (%f))))
 ;;;      (declare (special x))
 ;;;      x))
 ;;;  11)
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@
 ;;; Tests of large number of LET variables
 (deftest let.14
   (let* ((n 100)
-	 (vars (mapcar #'gensym (make-list n :initial-element "G")))
-	 (expr `(let ,(let ((i 0))
-			(mapcar #'(lambda (v) (list v (incf i))) vars))
-		  ,(let ((sumexpr 0))
-		     (dolist (v vars)
-		       (setq sumexpr `(+ ,v ,sumexpr)))
-		     sumexpr)))
-	 (val (eval expr)))
+         (vars (mapcar #'gensym (make-list n :initial-element "G")))
+         (expr `(let ,(let ((i 0))
+                        (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (list v (incf i))) vars))
+                  ,(let ((sumexpr 0))
+                     (dolist (v vars)
+                       (setq sumexpr `(+ ,v ,sumexpr)))
+                     sumexpr)))
+         (val (eval expr)))
     (or (eqlt val (/ (* n (1+ n)) 2)) (list val)))
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@
 ;;; in LET forms.
 (deftest let.15
   (loop for s in *cl-non-variable-constant-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (let ((,s 17)) ,s))
-	unless (eql (eval form) 17)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (let ((,s 17)) ,s))
+        unless (eql (eval form) 17)
+        collect s)
 ;;; Check that LET does not have a tagbody
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
       (let ((y x))
-	(declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
-	y)))
+        (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
+        y)))
 (deftest let.17a
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@
     '(lambda ()
        (let ((x :bad))
-	 (declare (special x))
-	 (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
-	   (let ((y x))
-	     (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
-	     y))))))
+         (declare (special x))
+         (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
+           (let ((y x))
+             (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
+             y))))))
 (deftest let.18
@@ -153,18 +153,18 @@
 (deftest let.19
   (loop for k in lambda-list-keywords
-	unless (eql (eval `(let ((,k :foo)) ,k)) :foo)
-	collect k)
+        unless (eql (eval `(let ((,k :foo)) ,k)) :foo)
+        collect k)
 ;;; Macros are expanded in the appropriate environment
 (deftest let.20
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (let () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 (deftest let.21
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))) (+ x x x)))
+            (let ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))) (+ x x x)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/letstar.lsp b/ansi-tests/letstar.lsp
index 6237731c..3b917d79 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/letstar.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/letstar.lsp
@@ -57,24 +57,24 @@
 (deftest let*.11
   (let* ((x 1))
     (list x
-	  (let* (x x x)
-	    (declare (special x))
-	    x)
-	  x))
+          (let* (x x x)
+            (declare (special x))
+            x)
+          x))
   (1 nil 1))
 (deftest let*.12
   (let* ((x 1)
-	 (y (1+ x))
-	 (x (1+ y))
-	 (z (+ x y)))
+         (y (1+ x))
+         (x (1+ y))
+         (z (+ x y)))
     (values x y z))
   3 2 5)
 ;;; (deftest let*.13
 ;;;  (flet ((%f () (declare (special x)) x))
 ;;;    (let* ((x 1)
-;;;	   (x (1+ (%f))))
+;;;        (x (1+ (%f))))
 ;;;      (declare (special x))
 ;;;      x))
 ;;;  2)
@@ -82,14 +82,14 @@
 ;;; Tests of large number of LET* variables
 (deftest let*.14
   (let* ((n 100)
-	 (vars (mapcar #'gensym (make-list n :initial-element "G")))
-	 (expr `(let* ,(let ((i 0))
-			 (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (list v (incf i))) vars))
-		  ,(let ((sumexpr 0))
-		     (dolist (v vars)
-		       (setq sumexpr `(+ ,v ,sumexpr)))
-		     sumexpr)))
-	 (val (eval expr)))
+         (vars (mapcar #'gensym (make-list n :initial-element "G")))
+         (expr `(let* ,(let ((i 0))
+                         (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (list v (incf i))) vars))
+                  ,(let ((sumexpr 0))
+                     (dolist (v vars)
+                       (setq sumexpr `(+ ,v ,sumexpr)))
+                     sumexpr)))
+         (val (eval expr)))
     (or (eqlt val (/ (* n (1+ n)) 2)) (list val)))
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
 ;;; in LET* forms.
 (deftest let*.15
   (loop for s in *cl-non-variable-constant-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (let* ((,s 17)) ,s))
-	unless (eql (eval form) 17)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (let* ((,s 17)) ,s))
+        unless (eql (eval form) 17)
+        collect s)
 ;;; Check that LET* does not have a tagbody
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
       (let* ((y x))
-	(declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
-	y)))
+        (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
+        y)))
 (deftest let*.17a
@@ -128,23 +128,23 @@
     '(lambda ()
        (let ((x :bad))
-	 (declare (special x))
-	 (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
-	   (let* ((y x))
-	     (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
-	     y))))))
+         (declare (special x))
+         (let ((x :good)) ;; lexical binding
+           (let* ((y x))
+             (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
+             y))))))
 (deftest let*.18
   (let ((x :bad1)
-	(z :bad2))
+        (z :bad2))
     (declare (special x z))
     (let ((x :good)
-	  (z :good)) ;; lexical bindings
+          (z :good)) ;; lexical bindings
       (let* ((y x)
-	     (w z))
-	(declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
-	(values y w))))
+             (w z))
+        (declare (special x)) ;; free declaration
+        (values y w))))
@@ -158,27 +158,27 @@
 (deftest let*.20
   (loop for k in lambda-list-keywords
-	unless (eql (eval `(let* ((,k :foo)) ,k)) :foo)
-	collect k)
+        unless (eql (eval `(let* ((,k :foo)) ,k)) :foo)
+        collect k)
 ;;; Macros are expanded in the appropriate environment
 (deftest let*.21
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let* () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (let* () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 (deftest let*.22
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let* ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))) (+ x x x)))
+            (let* ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))) (+ x x x)))
 (deftest let*.23
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (let* ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-		   (y (expand-in-current-env (%m 2))))
-	      (+ x y)))
+            (let* ((x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                   (y (expand-in-current-env (%m 2))))
+              (+ x y)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/list-all-packages.lsp b/ansi-tests/list-all-packages.lsp
index 797ea7c1..2eb8ca8f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/list-all-packages.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/list-all-packages.lsp
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
       (list (find-package "CL")
-	    (find-package "CL-USER")
-	    (find-package "KEYWORD")
-	    (find-package "A")
-	    (find-package "REGRESSION-TEST")
-	    (find-package "CL-TEST")
-	    (find-package "B"))
+            (find-package "CL-USER")
+            (find-package "KEYWORD")
+            (find-package "A")
+            (find-package "REGRESSION-TEST")
+            (find-package "CL-TEST")
+            (find-package "B"))
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 ;; It returns a list of the same packages each time it is called
 (deftest list-all-packages.4
   (let ((p1 (list-all-packages))
-	(p2 (list-all-packages)))
+        (p2 (list-all-packages)))
     (and (subsetp p1 p2)
-	 (subsetp p2 p1)))
+         (subsetp p2 p1)))
 (deftest list-all-packages.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp
index 36031ea1..ecde7b01 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
     (let ((y (list* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x)))
       (setf (cdr x) y)
       (let ((z (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e y)))
-	(list-length z))))
+        (list-length z))))
 (deftest list-length.order.1
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 (deftest list-length.error.1
    for x in (list 'a 1 1.0 #\w (make-array '(10))
-		  '(a b . c) (symbol-package 'cons))
+                  '(a b . c) (symbol-package 'cons))
    count (not (eval `(signals-type-error x ',x (list-length x)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/list.lsp b/ansi-tests/list.lsp
index 2b352632..ee5761e4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/list.lsp
@@ -23,15 +23,15 @@
 (deftest list.order.2
   (let ((i 0))
     (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+          (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
 (deftest list.order.3
   (let ((i 0))
     (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+          (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+          (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+          (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16))
 (def-fold-test list.fold.1 (list 'a))
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
 (deftest list*.order.2
   (let ((i 0))
     (list* (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+           (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+           (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+           (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16))
 (def-fold-test list*.fold.1 (list* 'a 'b))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/listen.lsp b/ansi-tests/listen.lsp
index 148f5527..7e9b8eab 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/listen.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/listen.lsp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     (notnot (listen s))
      (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	      (loop (read-char s)))
+              (loop (read-char s)))
      (end-of-file () (listen s)))))
   t nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-logical-pathname-translations.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-logical-pathname-translations.lsp
index c9c11bfa..8c45dfde 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-logical-pathname-translations.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-logical-pathname-translations.lsp
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@
 (deftest load-logical-pathname-translations.error.1
    (progn (load-logical-pathname-translations
-	 nil)
+         nil)
    (error () :good))
 (deftest load-logical-pathname-translations.error.2
   (signals-error (load-logical-pathname-translations)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest load-logical-pathname-translations.error.3
   (signals-error (load-logical-pathname-translations "CLTESTROOT" nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load.lsp b/ansi-tests/load.lsp
index 65a2e08e..731fc513 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load.lsp
@@ -6,35 +6,35 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
 (defun load-file-test (file funname &rest args &key
-			    if-does-not-exist
-			    (print nil print-p)
-			    (verbose nil verbose-p)
-			    (*load-print* nil)
-			    (*load-verbose* nil)
-			    external-format)
+                            if-does-not-exist
+                            (print nil print-p)
+                            (verbose nil verbose-p)
+                            (*load-print* nil)
+                            (*load-verbose* nil)
+                            external-format)
   (declare (ignorable external-format if-does-not-exist
-		      print print-p verbose verbose-p))
+                      print print-p verbose verbose-p))
   (fmakunbound funname)
   (let* ((str (make-array '(0) :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-			  :fill-pointer 0))
-	 (vals (multiple-value-list
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (*standard-output* str)
-		  (apply #'load file :allow-other-keys t args))))
-	 (print? (if print-p print *load-print*))
-	 (verbose? (if verbose-p verbose *load-verbose*)))
+                          :fill-pointer 0))
+         (vals (multiple-value-list
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (*standard-output* str)
+                  (apply #'load file :allow-other-keys t args))))
+         (print? (if print-p print *load-print*))
+         (verbose? (if verbose-p verbose *load-verbose*)))
        (let ((v1 (car vals))
-	     (v2 (or (and verbose-p (not verbose))
-		     (and (not verbose-p) (not *load-verbose*))
-		     (position #\; str)))
-	     (v3 (or (and print-p (not print))
-		     (and (not print-p) (not *load-print*))
-		     (> (length str) 0)))
-	     (v4 (if (or print? verbose?)
-		     (> (length str) 0)
-		   t)))
-	 (if (and (= (length vals) 1) v1 v2 v3 v4) t (list vals v2 v3 v4 str)))
+             (v2 (or (and verbose-p (not verbose))
+                     (and (not verbose-p) (not *load-verbose*))
+                     (position #\; str)))
+             (v3 (or (and print-p (not print))
+                     (and (not print-p) (not *load-print*))
+                     (> (length str) 0)))
+             (v4 (if (or print? verbose?)
+                     (> (length str) 0)
+                   t)))
+         (if (and (= (length vals) 1) v1 v2 v3 v4) t (list vals v2 v3 v4 str)))
        (funcall funname))))
 (deftest load.1
@@ -53,22 +53,22 @@
 (deftest load.4
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :external-format :default)
+                  :external-format :default)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.5
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :verbose t)
+                  :verbose t)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.6
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :*load-verbose* t)
+                  :*load-verbose* t)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.7
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :*load-verbose* t :verbose nil)
+                  :*load-verbose* t :verbose nil)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.8
@@ -79,22 +79,22 @@
 (deftest load.9
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :print t)
+                  :print t)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.10
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :*load-print* t)
+                  :*load-print* t)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.11
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :*load-print* t :print nil)
+                  :*load-print* t :print nil)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.12
   (load-file-test "compile-file-test-file.lsp" 'compile-file-test-fun.1
-		  :*load-print* nil :print t)
+                  :*load-print* nil :print t)
   t nil)
 (deftest load.13
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 (deftest load.16a
   (let ((*readtable* *readtable*)
-	(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+        (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
       (s "(in-package :cl-test)
@@ -156,10 +156,10 @@
      (notnot (load file))
      (let ((p1 (pathname (merge-pathnames file)))
-	   (p2 (funcall 'load-file-test-fun.1)))
+           (p2 (funcall 'load-file-test-fun.1)))
        (equalpt-or-report p1 p2))
      (let ((p1 (truename file))
-	   (p2 (funcall 'load-file-test-fun.2)))
+           (p2 (funcall 'load-file-test-fun.2)))
        (equalpt-or-report p1 p2))))
   t t t)
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 (deftest load.18
   (let* ((file "load-test-file-2.lsp")
-	 (target (enough-namestring (compile-file-pathname file))))
+         (target (enough-namestring (compile-file-pathname file))))
     (declare (special *load-test-var.1* *load-test-var.2*))
     (compile-file file)
     (makunbound '*load-test-var.1*)
@@ -176,20 +176,20 @@
     (load target)
      (let ((p1 (pathname (merge-pathnames target)))
-	   (p2 *load-test-var.1*))
+           (p2 *load-test-var.1*))
        (equalpt-or-report p1 p2))
      (let ((p1 (truename target))
-	   (p2 *load-test-var.2*))
+           (p2 *load-test-var.2*))
        (equalpt-or-report p1 p2))))
   t t)
 (deftest load.19
   (let ((file (logical-pathname "CLTEST:LDTEST.LSP"))
-	(fn 'load-test-fun-3)
-	(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+        (fn 'load-test-fun-3)
+        (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (s file :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	:if-does-not-exist :create)
+        :if-does-not-exist :create)
      (format s "(in-package :cl-test) (defun ~a () :foo)" fn))
     (fmakunbound fn)
@@ -223,5 +223,5 @@
 (deftest load.error.3
   (signals-error (load "compile-file-test-file.lsp" :bad-key-arg t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/locally.lsp b/ansi-tests/locally.lsp
index 7466fc2b..a198d8ba 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/locally.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/locally.lsp
@@ -42,5 +42,5 @@
 (deftest locally.8
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (locally (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (locally (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/log.lsp b/ansi-tests/log.lsp
index cfe237ac..dd82d25a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/log.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/log.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest log.1
   (let ((result (log 1)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest log.2
@@ -17,97 +17,97 @@
 (deftest log.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (+ (random (coerce 1 type)) (/ 1 1000))
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (log x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (+ (random (coerce 1 type)) (/ 1 1000))
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (log x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest log.4
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (1+ (random (coerce 1000000 type)))
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (log x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (1+ (random (coerce 1000000 type)))
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (log x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest log.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 1 type)))
-	 for rlist = (and (/= x zero) (multiple-value-list (log x)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (or (= x zero)
-		    (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			 (typep y `(complex ,type))))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 1 type)))
+         for rlist = (and (/= x zero) (multiple-value-list (log x)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (or (= x zero)
+                    (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                         (typep y `(complex ,type))))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest log.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 1000000 type)))
-	 for rlist = (and (/= x zero) (multiple-value-list (log x)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (or (= x zero)
-		    (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			 (typep y `(complex ,type))))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 1000000 type)))
+         for rlist = (and (/= x zero) (multiple-value-list (log x)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (or (= x zero)
+                    (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                         (typep y `(complex ,type))))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest log.7
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 2000 type)) 1000)
-	 for x2 = (1+ (random (coerce 1000 type)))
-	 for rlist = (and (/= x1 zero)
-			  (multiple-value-list (log (complex x1 x2))))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (or (= x1 zero)
-		    (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			 (typep y `(complex ,type))))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 2000 type)) 1000)
+         for x2 = (1+ (random (coerce 1000 type)))
+         for rlist = (and (/= x1 zero)
+                          (multiple-value-list (log (complex x1 x2))))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (or (= x1 zero)
+                    (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                         (typep y `(complex ,type))))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 (deftest log.8
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 2000 type)) 1000)
-	 for x2 = (- -1 (random (coerce 1000 type)))
-	 for rlist = (and (/= x1 zero)
-			  (multiple-value-list (log (complex x1 x2))))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (or (= x1 zero)
-		    (and (null (cdr rlist))
-			 (typep y `(complex ,type))))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 2000 type)) 1000)
+         for x2 = (- -1 (random (coerce 1000 type)))
+         for rlist = (and (/= x1 zero)
+                          (multiple-value-list (log (complex x1 x2))))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (or (= x1 zero)
+                    (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                         (typep y `(complex ,type))))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 ;;; FIXME
 ;;; Add tests for two-arg calls
 ;;; FIXME
 ;;; More accuracy tests here
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logand.lsp b/ansi-tests/logand.lsp
index 5fe31cfe..dc47ccc1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logand.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logand.lsp
@@ -37,57 +37,57 @@
 (deftest logand.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql x (logand x)))
+        always (eql x (logand x)))
 (deftest logand.5
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql 0 (logand x (lognot x))))
+        always (eql 0 (logand x (lognot x))))
 (deftest logand.6
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql 0 (logand x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql 0 (logand x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logand.7
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logand x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (and (< x 0) (< y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (and (logbitp i x)
-					  (logbitp i y))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logand x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (and (< x 0) (< y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (and (logbitp i x)
+                                          (logbitp i y))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logand.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element -1)
-			  (list 183))
-	always (eql (apply #'logand args) 183))
+        for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element -1)
+                          (list 183))
+        always (eql (apply #'logand args) 183))
 (deftest logand.9
   (loop for i from -1 to 0 always
-	(loop for j from -1 to 0 always
-	      (locally (declare (type (integer -1 0) i j))
-		       (eql (logand i j) (if (or (zerop i) (zerop j)) 0 -1)))))
+        (loop for j from -1 to 0 always
+              (locally (declare (type (integer -1 0) i j))
+                       (eql (logand i j) (if (or (zerop i) (zerop j)) 0 -1)))))
 (deftest logand.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logand (progn (setf a (incf i)) #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
      i a b))
   #b10010 2 1 2)
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (logand (progn (setf a (incf i))  #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
-	     (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
+             (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
      i a b c))
   #b10000 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logandc1.lsp b/ansi-tests/logandc1.lsp
index 8f124ec9..295bdf15 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logandc1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logandc1.lsp
@@ -45,40 +45,40 @@
 (deftest logandc1.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql x (logandc1 0 x))
-		    (eql 0 (logandc1 x x))
-		    (eql x (logandc1 (lognot x) x))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (logandc1 x (lognot x)))))
+        always (and (eql x (logandc1 0 x))
+                    (eql 0 (logandc1 x x))
+                    (eql x (logandc1 (lognot x) x))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (logandc1 x (lognot x)))))
 (deftest logandc1.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql x (logandc1 xc x))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql x (logandc1 xc x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logandc1.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logandc1 x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (and (>= x 0) (< y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (and (not (logbitp i x))
-					  (logbitp i y))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logandc1 x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (and (>= x 0) (< y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (and (not (logbitp i x))
+                                          (logbitp i y))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logandc1.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logandc1 (progn (setf a (incf i)) 0)
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) -1))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) -1))
      i a b))
   -1 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logandc2.lsp b/ansi-tests/logandc2.lsp
index eec05ecf..8bef40f4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logandc2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logandc2.lsp
@@ -45,40 +45,40 @@
 (deftest logandc2.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql x (logandc2 x 0))
-		    (eql 0 (logandc2 x x))
-		    (eql x (logandc2 x (lognot x)))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (logandc2 (lognot x) x))))
+        always (and (eql x (logandc2 x 0))
+                    (eql 0 (logandc2 x x))
+                    (eql x (logandc2 x (lognot x)))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (logandc2 (lognot x) x))))
 (deftest logandc2.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql x (logandc2 x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql x (logandc2 x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logandc2.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logandc2 x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (and (< x 0) (>= y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (and (not (logbitp i y))
-					  (logbitp i x))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logandc2 x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (and (< x 0) (>= y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (and (not (logbitp i y))
+                                          (logbitp i x))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logandc2.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logandc2 (progn (setf a (incf i)) -1)
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) 0))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) 0))
      i a b))
   -1 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logbitp.lsp b/ansi-tests/logbitp.lsp
index c309a9ae..c2d0d9d4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logbitp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logbitp.lsp
@@ -33,23 +33,23 @@
 (deftest logbitp.1
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	unless (if (logbitp 0 x) (oddp x) (evenp x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (if (logbitp 0 x) (oddp x) (evenp x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logbitp.2
   (loop for len from 0 to 300
-	for i = (ash 1 len)
-	always (and (logbitp len i)
-		    (loop for j from 0 to 300
-			  always (or (eql j len)
-				     (not (logbitp j i))))))
+        for i = (ash 1 len)
+        always (and (logbitp len i)
+                    (loop for j from 0 to 300
+                          always (or (eql j len)
+                                     (not (logbitp j i))))))
 (deftest logbitp.3
   (logbitp most-positive-fixnum 0)
 (deftest logbitp.4
   (notnot-mv (logbitp most-positive-fixnum -1))
@@ -57,37 +57,37 @@
 (deftest logbitp.5
   (logbitp (1+ most-positive-fixnum) 0)
 (deftest logbitp.6
   (notnot-mv (logbitp (1+ most-positive-fixnum) -1))
 (deftest logbitp.7
   (loop for len = (random 100)
-	for i = (random-from-interval (ash 1 len))
-	for k = (random (1+ len))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (if (ldb-test (byte 1 k) i)
-		   (logbitp k i)
-		 (not (logbitp k i)))
-	collect (list i k))
+        for i = (random-from-interval (ash 1 len))
+        for k = (random (1+ len))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (if (ldb-test (byte 1 k) i)
+                   (logbitp k i)
+                 (not (logbitp k i)))
+        collect (list i k))
 (deftest logbitp.8
   (loop for k from 1 to 1000
-	always (logbitp k -1))
+        always (logbitp k -1))
 (deftest logbitp.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logbitp (progn (setf a (incf i)) 2)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b111010))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b111010))
      i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logcount.lsp b/ansi-tests/logcount.lsp
index dbbfc73f..47a623de 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logcount.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logcount.lsp
@@ -43,29 +43,29 @@
 (deftest logcount.6
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 100
-	always (eql (logcount x) (logcount (lognot x))))
+        repeat 100
+        always (eql (logcount x) (logcount (lognot x))))
 (deftest logcount.7
   (let ((bound (ash 1 300)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  repeat 100
-	  always (eql (logcount x) (logcount (lognot x)))))
+          repeat 100
+          always (eql (logcount x) (logcount (lognot x)))))
 (deftest logcount.8
   (loop for y = (random (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	repeat 100
-	unless
-	(let ((cnt 0)
-	      (x y))
-	  (loop while (> x 0)
-		do
-		(when (oddp x) (incf cnt))
-		(setf x (ash x -1)))
-	  (eql cnt (logcount y)))
-	collect y)
+        repeat 100
+        unless
+        (let ((cnt 0)
+              (x y))
+          (loop while (> x 0)
+                do
+                (when (oddp x) (incf cnt))
+                (setf x (ash x -1)))
+          (eql cnt (logcount y)))
+        collect y)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logeqv.lsp b/ansi-tests/logeqv.lsp
index 3bd145eb..b28c2160 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logeqv.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logeqv.lsp
@@ -33,62 +33,62 @@
 (deftest logeqv.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql x (logeqv x)))
+        always (eql x (logeqv x)))
 (deftest logeqv.5
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql 0 (logeqv x (lognot x))))
+        always (eql 0 (logeqv x (lognot x))))
 (deftest logeqv.6
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql 0 (logeqv x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql 0 (logeqv x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logeqv.7
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logeqv x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (and (< x 0) (< y 0))
-			    (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (or (and (logbitp i x)
-					      (logbitp i y))
-					 (and (not (logbitp i x))
-					      (not (logbitp i y))))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logeqv x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (and (< x 0) (< y 0))
+                            (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (or (and (logbitp i x)
+                                              (logbitp i y))
+                                         (and (not (logbitp i x))
+                                              (not (logbitp i y))))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logeqv.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element -1)
-			  (list 7131))
-	always (eql (apply #'logeqv args) 7131))
-  t)	
+        for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element -1)
+                          (list 7131))
+        always (eql (apply #'logeqv args) 7131))
+  t)
 (deftest logeqv.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logeqv (progn (setf a (incf i)) #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) (lognot #b10110)))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) (lognot #b10110)))
      i a b))
   #b1101 2 1 2)
 (deftest logeqv.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (logeqv (progn (setf a (incf i))  #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
-	     (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
+             (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
      i a b c))
   #b111000 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logical-pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/logical-pathname.lsp
index aebbd393..4eed837d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logical-pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logical-pathname.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest logical-pathname.1
   (loop for x in *logical-pathnames*
-	always (eql x (logical-pathname x)))
+        always (eql x (logical-pathname x)))
 (deftest logical-pathname.2
@@ -18,11 +18,11 @@
   (let ((name "CLTEST:TEMP.DAT.NEWEST"))
      (s (logical-pathname name)
-	:direction :output
-	:if-exists :supersede
-	:if-does-not-exist :create)
+        :direction :output
+        :if-exists :supersede
+        :if-does-not-exist :create)
      (or (equalt (logical-pathname s) (logical-pathname name))
-	 (list (logical-pathname s) (logical-pathname name)))))
+         (list (logical-pathname s) (logical-pathname name)))))
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (deftest logical-pathname.error.1
   (check-type-error #'logical-pathname
-		    (typef '(or string stream logical-pathname)))
+                    (typef '(or string stream logical-pathname)))
 (deftest logical-pathname.error.2
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
 (deftest logical-pathname.error.3
    (with-open-file (s #p"logical-pathname.lsp" :direction :input)
-		   (logical-pathname s))
+                   (logical-pathname s))
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
 (deftest logical-pathname.error.8
   (signals-error (with-open-stream (s (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-				   (logical-pathname s)) type-error)
+                                   (logical-pathname s)) type-error)
 (deftest logical-pathname.error.9
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logior.lsp b/ansi-tests/logior.lsp
index 77c46d24..317c4406 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logior.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logior.lsp
@@ -33,50 +33,50 @@
 (deftest logior.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql x (logior x)))
+        always (eql x (logior x)))
 (deftest logior.5
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql -1 (logior x (lognot x))))
+        always (eql -1 (logior x (lognot x))))
 (deftest logior.6
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql -1 (logior x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql -1 (logior x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logior.7
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logior x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (< x 0) (< y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (or (logbitp i x)
-					 (logbitp i y))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logior x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (< x 0) (< y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (or (logbitp i x)
+                                         (logbitp i y))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logior.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 0)
-			  (list -21231))
-	always (eql (apply #'logior args) -21231))
+        for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 0)
+                          (list -21231))
+        always (eql (apply #'logior args) -21231))
 (deftest logior.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logior (progn (setf a (incf i)) #b11010)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
      i a b))
   #b11110 2 1 2)
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (logior (progn (setf a (incf i))  #b10011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
-	     (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
+             (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
      i a b c))
   #b110111 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lognand.lsp b/ansi-tests/lognand.lsp
index cb5fbbdb..ca4dabdc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lognand.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lognand.lsp
@@ -45,41 +45,41 @@
 (deftest lognand.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql -1 (lognand 0 x))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (lognand x x))
-		    (eql -1 (lognand (lognot x) x))
-		    (eql -1 (lognand x (lognot x)))))
+        always (and (eql -1 (lognand 0 x))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (lognand x x))
+                    (eql -1 (lognand (lognot x) x))
+                    (eql -1 (lognand x (lognot x)))))
 (deftest lognand.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql -1 (lognand xc x))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql -1 (lognand xc x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest lognand.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (lognand x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (>= x 0) (>= y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (not (and (logbitp i x)
-					       (logbitp i y)))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (lognand x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (>= x 0) (>= y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (not (and (logbitp i x)
+                                               (logbitp i y)))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest lognand.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (lognand (progn (setf a (incf i)) -2)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) -3))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) -3))
      i a b))
   3 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lognor.lsp b/ansi-tests/lognor.lsp
index 24f003b8..9c978f58 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lognor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lognor.lsp
@@ -45,41 +45,41 @@
 (deftest lognor.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql (lognot x) (lognor 0 x))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (lognor x x))
-		    (eql 0 (lognor (lognot x) x))
-		    (eql 0 (lognor x (lognot x)))))
+        always (and (eql (lognot x) (lognor 0 x))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (lognor x x))
+                    (eql 0 (lognor (lognot x) x))
+                    (eql 0 (lognor x (lognot x)))))
 (deftest lognor.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql 0 (lognor xc x))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql 0 (lognor xc x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest lognor.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (lognor x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (not (or (logbitp i x)
-					      (logbitp i y)))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (lognor x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (not (or (logbitp i x)
+                                              (logbitp i y)))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest lognor.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (lognor (progn (setf a (incf i)) -2)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) -3))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) -3))
      i a b))
   0 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/lognot.lsp b/ansi-tests/lognot.lsp
index 9015b344..ef41c146 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/lognot.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/lognot.lsp
@@ -37,12 +37,12 @@
 (deftest lognot.4
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (>= x 0) (< z 0) (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (not (logbitp i x))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x z))
+        for z = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (>= x 0) (< z 0) (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (not (logbitp i x))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x z))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logorc1.lsp b/ansi-tests/logorc1.lsp
index b781b7c0..211d3dcc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logorc1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logorc1.lsp
@@ -49,41 +49,41 @@
 (deftest logorc1.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql -1 (logorc1 0 x))
-		    (eql x (logorc1 -1 x))
-		    (eql -1 (logorc1 x x))
-		    (eql x (logorc1 (lognot x) x))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (logorc1 x (lognot x)))))
+        always (and (eql -1 (logorc1 0 x))
+                    (eql x (logorc1 -1 x))
+                    (eql -1 (logorc1 x x))
+                    (eql x (logorc1 (lognot x) x))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (logorc1 x (lognot x)))))
 (deftest logorc1.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql x (logorc1 xc x))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql x (logorc1 xc x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logorc1.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logorc1 x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (>= x 0) (< y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (or (not (logbitp i x))
-					 (logbitp i y))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logorc1 x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (>= x 0) (< y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (or (not (logbitp i x))
+                                         (logbitp i y))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logorc1.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logorc1 (progn (setf a (incf i)) -3)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) 17))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) 17))
      i a b))
   19 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logorc2.lsp b/ansi-tests/logorc2.lsp
index d94e8f36..116ba4b3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logorc2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logorc2.lsp
@@ -49,42 +49,42 @@
 (deftest logorc2.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql -1 (logorc2 x 0))
-		    (eql x (logorc2 x -1))
-		    (eql -1 (logorc2 x x))
-		    (eql x (logorc2 x (lognot x)))
-		    (eql (lognot x) (logorc2 (lognot x) x))))
+        always (and (eql -1 (logorc2 x 0))
+                    (eql x (logorc2 x -1))
+                    (eql -1 (logorc2 x x))
+                    (eql x (logorc2 x (lognot x)))
+                    (eql (lognot x) (logorc2 (lognot x) x))))
 (deftest logorc2.5
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql x (logorc2 x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql x (logorc2 x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logorc2.6
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logorc2 x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (< x 0) (>= y 0))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (or (not (logbitp i y))
-					 (logbitp i x))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logorc2 x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (< x 0) (>= y 0))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (or (not (logbitp i y))
+                                         (logbitp i x))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logorc2.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logorc2 (progn (setf a (incf i)) 27)
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) -1))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) -1))
      i a b))
   27 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logtest.lsp b/ansi-tests/logtest.lsp
index 654a9d28..64ca6317 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logtest.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logtest.lsp
@@ -31,12 +31,12 @@
 (deftest logtest.1
   (loop for x = (logand (random-fixnum) (random-fixnum))
-	for y = (logand (random-fixnum) (random-fixnum))
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (if (logtest x y)
-		   (not (zerop (logand x y)))
-		 (zerop (logand x y)))
-	collect (list x y))
+        for y = (logand (random-fixnum) (random-fixnum))
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (if (logtest x y)
+                   (not (zerop (logand x y)))
+                 (zerop (logand x y)))
+        collect (list x y))
 (deftest logtest.2
@@ -46,6 +46,6 @@
 (deftest logtest.3
   (notnot-mv (logtest 8 (logior 8 4)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/logxor.lsp b/ansi-tests/logxor.lsp
index 933f9809..271edb5e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/logxor.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/logxor.lsp
@@ -34,65 +34,65 @@
 (deftest logxor.4
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (eql x (logxor x)))
+        always (eql x (logxor x)))
 (deftest logxor.5
   (loop for x in *integers*
-	always (and (eql -1 (logxor x (lognot x)))
-		    (eql 0 (logxor x x))
-		    (eql x (logxor x x x))))
+        always (and (eql -1 (logxor x (lognot x)))
+                    (eql 0 (logxor x x))
+                    (eql x (logxor x x x))))
 (deftest logxor.6
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (lognot x)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql -1 (logxor x xc))
-	collect x)
+        for xc = (lognot x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql -1 (logxor x xc))
+        collect x)
 (deftest logxor.7
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
-	for z = (logxor x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (if (or (and (< x 0) (>= y 0))
-			    (and (>= x 0) (< y 0)))
-			(< z 0)
-		      (>= z 0))
-		    (loop for i from 1 to 210
-			  always (if (or (and (logbitp i x)
-					      (not (logbitp i y)))
-					 (and (not (logbitp i x))
-					      (logbitp i y)))
-				     (logbitp i z)
-				   (not (logbitp i z)))))
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (random-from-interval (ash 1 (random 200)))
+        for z = (logxor x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (if (or (and (< x 0) (>= y 0))
+                            (and (>= x 0) (< y 0)))
+                        (< z 0)
+                      (>= z 0))
+                    (loop for i from 1 to 210
+                          always (if (or (and (logbitp i x)
+                                              (not (logbitp i y)))
+                                         (and (not (logbitp i x))
+                                              (logbitp i y)))
+                                     (logbitp i z)
+                                   (not (logbitp i z)))))
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest logxor.8
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 0)
-			  (list 7131))
-	always (eql (apply #'logxor args) 7131))
+        for args = (nconc (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 0)
+                          (list 7131))
+        always (eql (apply #'logxor args) 7131))
 (deftest logxor.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (logxor (progn (setf a (incf i)) #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) #b10110))
      i a b))
   #b1101 2 1 2)
 (deftest logxor.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (logxor (progn (setf a (incf i))  #b11011)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
-	     (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i))  #b10110)
+             (progn (setf c (incf i)) #b110101))
      i a b c))
   #b111000 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop.lsp
index ce501bc5..a2df304b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop.lsp
@@ -36,9 +36,9 @@
     (block foo
-	(when (>= i 4) (go a))
-	(incf i)
-	(push 'a x))
+        (when (>= i 4) (go a))
+        (incf i)
+        (push 'a x))
        (return-from foo x))))
   (a a a a))
@@ -61,23 +61,23 @@
      for i from 1 to 10
      do (macrolet
-	    ((%m (&environment env)
-		 (let ((mfn (macro-function 'loop-finish env)))
-		   (cond
-		    ((not mfn) '(return-from done :fail1))
-		    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn)
-						program-error)))
-		     '(return-from done :fail2))
-		    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn
-							 '(loop-finish))
-						program-error)))
-		     '(return-from done :fail3))
-		    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn
-							 '(loop-finish)
-							 nil nil)
-						program-error)))
-		     '(return-from done :fail4))
-		    (t '(return-from done :good))))))
-	  (%m))))
+            ((%m (&environment env)
+                 (let ((mfn (macro-function 'loop-finish env)))
+                   (cond
+                    ((not mfn) '(return-from done :fail1))
+                    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn)
+                                                program-error)))
+                     '(return-from done :fail2))
+                    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn
+                                                         '(loop-finish))
+                                                program-error)))
+                     '(return-from done :fail3))
+                    ((not (eval `(signals-error (funcall ,mfn
+                                                         '(loop-finish)
+                                                         nil nil)
+                                                program-error)))
+                     '(return-from done :fail4))
+                    (t '(return-from done :good))))))
+          (%m))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop1.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop1.lsp
index 8cd6355e..36f8f8da 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop1.lsp
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 (deftest loop.1.20
   (let ((a 0) (b 5) (c 1))
     (loop for x from a to b by c
-	  collect (progn (incf a) (incf b 2) (incf c 3) x)))
+          collect (progn (incf a) (incf b 2) (incf c 3) x)))
   (0 1 2 3 4 5))
 (deftest loop.1.21
@@ -131,9 +131,9 @@
   (let (a b c (i 0))
      (loop for x from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
-	   below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
-	   by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
-	   collect x)
+           below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
+           by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
+           collect x)
      a b c i))
   (0 2 4 6 8)
   1 2 3 3)
@@ -142,9 +142,9 @@
   (let (a b c (i 0))
      (loop for x from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
-	   by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
-	   below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
-	   collect x)
+           by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
+           below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
+           collect x)
      a b c i))
   (0 2 4 6 8)
   1 3 2 3)
@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@
   (let (a b c (i 0))
      (loop for x
-	   below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
-	   by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
-	   from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
-	   collect x)
+           below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
+           by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
+           from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
+           collect x)
      a b c i))
   (0 2 4 6 8)
   3 1 2 3)
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@
   (let (a b c (i 0))
      (loop for x
-	   by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
-	   below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
-	   from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
-	   collect x)
+           by (progn (setq c (incf i)) 2)
+           below (progn (setq b (incf i)) 9)
+           from (progn (setq a (incf i)) 0)
+           collect x)
      a b c i))
   (0 2 4 6 8)
   3 2 1 3)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 (deftest loop.1.54
   (let ((i 0))
     (loop for nil from 1 to 4
-	  for nil from 1 to 10 collect (incf i)))
+          for nil from 1 to 10 collect (incf i)))
   (1 2 3 4))
 (deftest loop.1.55
@@ -318,32 +318,32 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i downfrom (expand-in-current-env (%m 10))
-	 to 3
-	 collect i))
+         to 3
+         collect i))
   (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3))
 (deftest loop.1.61
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i downfrom 10
-	 to (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
-	 collect i))
+         to (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
+         collect i))
   (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3))
 (deftest loop.1.62
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i from (expand-in-current-env (%m 10))
-	 downto 3
-	 collect i))
+         downto 3
+         collect i))
   (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3))
 (deftest loop.1.63
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i from 10
-	 downto (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
-	 collect i))
+         downto (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
+         collect i))
   (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3))
 (deftest loop.1.64
@@ -351,11 +351,11 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i from (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) below 5 collect i))
   (1 2 3 4))
 (deftest loop.1.65
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i from 1 below (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)) collect i))
   (1 2 3 4))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop10.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop10.lsp
index 5e000d4e..95278c08 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop10.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop10.lsp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
   (let (z)
      (loop for x from 1 to 10 count (< x 5) into foo
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           finally (setq z foo))
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   (let (z)
      (loop for x from 1 to 10 count (< x 5) into foo fixnum
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           finally (setq z foo))
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
   (let (z)
      (loop for x from 1 to 10 count (< x 5) into foo of-type (integer 0 100)
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           finally (setq z foo))
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
   (let (z)
      (loop for x from 1 to 10 count (< x 5) into foo float
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           finally (setq z foo))
@@ -62,16 +62,16 @@
 (deftest loop.10.9
    (loop with foo = 10
-	 for x in '(a b c) count x into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(a b c) count x into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.10.10
    (loop with foo = 10
-	 for x in '(a b c) counting x into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(a b c) counting x into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -81,26 +81,26 @@
   (let ((*loop-count-var* 100))
      (loop for x in '(a b c d) count x into *loop-count-var*
-	   finally (return *loop-count-var*))
+           finally (return *loop-count-var*))
   4 100)
 (deftest loop.10.12
   (loop for x in '(a b nil d nil e)
-	count x into foo
-	collect foo)
+        count x into foo
+        collect foo)
   (1 2 2 3 3 4))
 (deftest loop.10.13
   (loop for x in '(a b nil d nil e)
-	counting x into foo
-	collect foo)
+        counting x into foo
+        collect foo)
   (1 2 2 3 3 4))
 (deftest loop.10.14
   (loop for x in '(a b c) count (return 10))
@@ -181,23 +181,23 @@
   (let ((*loop-max-var* 100))
      (loop for x in '(1 10 4 8) maximize x into *loop-max-var*
-	   finally (return *loop-max-var*))
+           finally (return *loop-max-var*))
   10 100)
 (deftest loop.10.37
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 10 maximize i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 10 maximize i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.10.38
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 10 maximizing i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 10 maximizing i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -285,23 +285,23 @@
   (let ((*loop-min-var* 100))
      (loop for x in '(10 4 8) minimize x into *loop-min-var*
-	   finally (return *loop-min-var*))
+           finally (return *loop-min-var*))
   4 100)
 (deftest loop.10.57
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 10 minimize i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 10 minimize i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.10.58
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 10 minimizing i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 10 minimizing i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -313,22 +313,22 @@
 (deftest loop.10.59
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	minimize i
-	maximize (- i))
+        minimize i
+        maximize (- i))
 (deftest loop.10.60
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	maximize (- i)
-	minimize i)
+        maximize (- i)
+        minimize i)
 (deftest loop.10.61
   (loop for i from 5 downto 1
-	maximize i
-	minimize (- i))
+        maximize i
+        minimize (- i))
 ;;; Tests for SUM, SUMMING
@@ -380,55 +380,55 @@
   (let (z)
      (loop for i from 1 to 4 sum i into foo of-type (integer 0 10)
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           finally (setq z foo))
 (deftest loop.10.82
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum i fixnum
-	count t)
+        sum i fixnum
+        count t)
 (deftest loop.10.83
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum i fixnum
-	count t fixnum)
+        sum i fixnum
+        count t fixnum)
 (deftest loop.10.84
   (let ((foo 100))
      (loop for i from 1 to 4 sum i into foo of-type integer
-	   finally (return foo))
+           finally (return foo))
   10 100)
 (deftest loop.10.85
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 4 sum i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 4 sum i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.10.86
    (loop with foo = 100
-	 for i from 1 to 4 summing i into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for i from 1 to 4 summing i into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.10.87
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum (complex i (1+ i)) of-type complex)
+        sum (complex i (1+ i)) of-type complex)
   #c(10 14))
 (deftest loop.10.88
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum (/ i 17) of-type rational)
+        sum (/ i 17) of-type rational)
 (deftest loop.10.89
@@ -437,16 +437,16 @@
 (deftest loop.10.90
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum i into foo
-	sum (1+ i) into bar
-	finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        sum i into foo
+        sum (1+ i) into bar
+        finally (return (values foo bar)))
   10 14)
 (deftest loop.10.91
   (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	sum i into foo fixnum
-	sum (float (1+ i)) into bar float
-	finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        sum i into foo fixnum
+        sum (float (1+ i)) into bar float
+        finally (return (values foo bar)))
   10 14.0)
 (deftest loop.10.92
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop11.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop11.lsp
index 2175c018..cdeedd1f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop11.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop11.lsp
@@ -70,49 +70,49 @@
 (deftest loop.11.11
   (loop with i = 0 while (if (< i 10) t (return 'good))
-	collect (incf i))
+        collect (incf i))
 (deftest loop.11.12
   (loop with i = 0
-	while (< i 10) collect (incf i)
-	while (< i 10) collect (incf i)
-	while (< i 10) collect (incf i))
+        while (< i 10) collect (incf i)
+        while (< i 10) collect (incf i)
+        while (< i 10) collect (incf i))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
 (deftest loop.11.13
   (loop with i = 0 while (< i 10) collect (incf i)
-	finally (return 'done))
+        finally (return 'done))
 (deftest loop.11.14
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	while nil
-	collect i)
+        while nil
+        collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.15
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	collect i
-	while nil)
+        collect i
+        while nil)
 (deftest loop.11.16
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	while t
-	collect i)
+        while t
+        collect i)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.11.17
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	collect i
-	while t)
+        collect i
+        while t)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.11.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	while (< i 6)
-	finally (return i))
+        while (< i 6)
+        finally (return i))
 ;;; Tests of UNTIL
@@ -123,87 +123,87 @@
 (deftest loop.11.21
   (loop with i = 0 while (if (< i 10) t (return 'good))
-	collect (incf i))
+        collect (incf i))
 (deftest loop.11.22
   (loop with i = 0
-	until (>= i 10) collect (incf i)
-	until (>= i 10) collect (incf i)
-	until (>= i 10) collect (incf i))
+        until (>= i 10) collect (incf i)
+        until (>= i 10) collect (incf i)
+        until (>= i 10) collect (incf i))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10))
 (deftest loop.11.23
   (loop with i = 0 until (>= i 10) collect (incf i)
-	finally (return 'done))
+        finally (return 'done))
 (deftest loop.11.24
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	until t
-	collect i)
+        until t
+        collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.25
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	collect i
-	until t)
+        collect i
+        until t)
 (deftest loop.11.26
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	until nil
-	collect i)
+        until nil
+        collect i)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.11.27
   (loop for i in '(a b c)
-	collect i
-	until nil)
+        collect i
+        until nil)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.11.28
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	until (>= i 6)
-	finally (return i))
+        until (>= i 6)
+        finally (return i))
 ;;; More tests of a bug that showed up in c.l.l
 (deftest loop.11.29
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	when (eq i 'a) return :good
-	while (< i 12) collect i)
+        when (eq i 'a) return :good
+        while (< i 12) collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.30
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	unless (numberp i) return :good
-	while (< i 12) collect i)
+        unless (numberp i) return :good
+        while (< i 12) collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.31
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	when (eq i 'a) return :good
-	until (> i 12) collect i)
+        when (eq i 'a) return :good
+        until (> i 12) collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.32
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	unless (numberp i) return :good
-	until (> i 12) collect i)
+        unless (numberp i) return :good
+        until (> i 12) collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.33
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	if (not (numberp i)) return :good end
-	while (< i 12) collect i)
+        if (not (numberp i)) return :good end
+        while (< i 12) collect i)
 (deftest loop.11.34
   (loop for i in '(4 8 9 A 13)
-	if (not (numberp i)) return :good end
-	until (> i 12) collect i)
+        if (not (numberp i)) return :good end
+        until (> i 12) collect i)
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop12.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop12.lsp
index 1aca66e8..374cacb5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop12.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop12.lsp
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 (deftest loop.12.4
   (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	always t
-	until (> i 5))
+        always t
+        until (> i 5))
 (deftest loop.12.5
   (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	always (< i 6)
-	until (>= i 5))
+        always (< i 6)
+        until (>= i 5))
 (deftest loop.12.6
@@ -37,44 +37,44 @@
 (deftest loop.12.7
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	always (< x 20)
-	never (> x 10))
+        always (< x 20)
+        never (> x 10))
 (deftest loop.12.8
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	always (< x 20)
-	never (> x 5))
+        always (< x 20)
+        never (> x 5))
 (deftest loop.12.9
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	never (> x 5)
-	always (< x 20))
+        never (> x 5)
+        always (< x 20))
 (deftest loop.12.10
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	always (< x 10)
-	finally (return 'good))
+        always (< x 10)
+        finally (return 'good))
 (deftest loop.12.11
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	always (< x 3)
-	finally (return 'bad))
+        always (< x 3)
+        finally (return 'bad))
 (deftest loop.12.12
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	always t
-	when (= x 4) do (loop-finish))
+        always t
+        when (= x 4) do (loop-finish))
 (deftest loop.12.13
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	do (loop-finish)
-	always nil)
+        do (loop-finish)
+        always nil)
 ;;; Tests of NEVER
@@ -93,14 +93,14 @@
 (deftest loop.12.24
   (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	never nil
-	until (> i 5))
+        never nil
+        until (> i 5))
 (deftest loop.12.25
   (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	never (>= i 6)
-	until (>= i 5))
+        never (>= i 6)
+        until (>= i 5))
 (deftest loop.12.26
@@ -109,44 +109,44 @@
 (deftest loop.12.30
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	never (>= x 10)
-	finally (return 'good))
+        never (>= x 10)
+        finally (return 'good))
 (deftest loop.12.31
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	never (>= x 3)
-	finally (return 'bad))
+        never (>= x 3)
+        finally (return 'bad))
 (deftest loop.12.32
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	never nil
-	when (= x 4) do (loop-finish))
+        never nil
+        when (= x 4) do (loop-finish))
 (deftest loop.12.33
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	do (loop-finish)
-	never t)
+        do (loop-finish)
+        never t)
 ;;; Tests of THEREIS
 (deftest loop.12.41
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	thereis (and (eqlt x 3) 'good))
+        thereis (and (eqlt x 3) 'good))
 (deftest loop.12.42
   (loop for x in '(nil nil a nil nil)
-	thereis x)
+        thereis x)
 (deftest loop.12.43
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5)
-	thereis (eql x 4)
-	when (eql x 2) do (loop-finish))
+        thereis (eql x 4)
+        when (eql x 2) do (loop-finish))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -154,48 +154,48 @@
 (deftest loop.12.error.50
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 collect i
-	 always (< i 20))
+         collect i
+         always (< i 20))
 (deftest loop.12.error.50a
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 always (< i 20)
-	 collect i)
+         always (< i 20)
+         collect i)
 (deftest loop.12.error.51
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 collect i
-	 never (> i 20))
+         collect i
+         never (> i 20))
 (deftest loop.12.error.51a
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 never (> i 20)
-	 collect i)
+         never (> i 20)
+         collect i)
 (deftest loop.12.error.52
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 collect i
-	 thereis (> i 20))
+         collect i
+         thereis (> i 20))
 (deftest loop.12.error.52a
    (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	 thereis (> i 20)
-	 collect i)
+         thereis (> i 20)
+         collect i)
@@ -203,38 +203,38 @@
 (deftest loop.12.53
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	collect i into foo
-	always (< i 20))
+        collect i into foo
+        always (< i 20))
 (deftest loop.12.53a
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	always (< i 20)
-	collect i into foo)
+        always (< i 20)
+        collect i into foo)
 (deftest loop.12.54
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	collect i into foo
-	never (> i 20))
+        collect i into foo
+        never (> i 20))
 (deftest loop.12.54a
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	never (> i 20)
-	collect i into foo)
+        never (> i 20)
+        collect i into foo)
 (deftest loop.12.55
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	collect i into foo
-	thereis i)
+        collect i into foo
+        thereis i)
 (deftest loop.12.55a
   (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	thereis i
-	collect i into foo)
+        thereis i
+        collect i into foo)
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4)
-	 thereis (expand-in-current-env (%m (and (>= i 2) (+ i 1))))))
+         thereis (expand-in-current-env (%m (and (>= i 2) (+ i 1))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop13.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop13.lsp
index 73ca72c7..fe664457 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop13.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop13.lsp
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@
 (deftest loop.13.3
   (loop for i from 0 below 100 by 7
-	when (> i 50) return i)
+        when (> i 50) return i)
 (deftest loop.13.4
   (let ((x 0))
     (loop do
-	  (incf x)
-	  (when (= x 10) (return x))))
+          (incf x)
+          (when (= x 10) (return x))))
 (deftest loop.13.5
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 (deftest loop.13.8
   (let* ((limit (min 1000 (1- (min call-arguments-limit
-				   multiple-values-limit))))
-	 (vals (make-list limit :initial-element :a))
-	 (vals2 (multiple-value-list (eval `(loop return (values ,@vals))))))
+                                   multiple-values-limit))))
+         (vals (make-list limit :initial-element :a))
+         (vals2 (multiple-value-list (eval `(loop return (values ,@vals))))))
     (equalt vals vals2))
@@ -67,12 +67,12 @@
 (deftest loop.13.13
   (loop named foo
         with b = 1
-	and a = (return-from foo :good) return :bad)
+        and a = (return-from foo :good) return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.14
   (loop named foo
-	for a = (return-from foo :good) return :bad)
+        for a = (return-from foo :good) return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.15
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@
 (deftest loop.13.19
   (loop named foo for a being the hash-keys of (return-from foo :good)
-	return :bad)
+        return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.20
   (loop named foo for a being the symbols of (return-from foo :good)
-	return :bad)
+        return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.21
@@ -219,15 +219,15 @@
 (deftest loop.13.53
   (block nil
     (loop named foo
-	  with b = 1
-	  and a = (return :good) return :bad)
+          with b = 1
+          and a = (return :good) return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.54
   (block nil
     (loop named foo
-	  for a = (return :good) return :bad)
+          for a = (return :good) return :bad)
@@ -258,14 +258,14 @@
 (deftest loop.13.59
   (block nil
     (loop named foo for a being the hash-keys of (return :good)
-	  return :bad)
+          return :bad)
 (deftest loop.13.60
   (block nil
     (loop named foo for a being the symbols of (return :good)
-	  return :bad)
+          return :bad)
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for i from 0 below 100 by 7
-	 when (> i 50) return (expand-in-current-env (%m i))))
+         when (> i 50) return (expand-in-current-env (%m i))))
 (deftest loop.13.90
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop14.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop14.lsp
index 76e5d6f8..46d61bb1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop14.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop14.lsp
@@ -7,88 +7,88 @@
 (deftest loop.14.1
   (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	when (evenp x)
-	collect x)
+        when (evenp x)
+        collect x)
   (2 4 6))
 (deftest loop.14.2
   (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	unless (evenp x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (evenp x)
+        collect x)
   (1 3 5))
 (deftest loop.14.3
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	when (evenp x)
-	  collect x into foo
-	  and count t into bar
-	finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        when (evenp x)
+          collect x into foo
+          and count t into bar
+        finally (return (values foo bar)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
 (deftest loop.14.4
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	when (evenp x) collect x end)
+        when (evenp x) collect x end)
   (2 4 6 8 10))
 (deftest loop.14.5
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	when (evenp x) collect x into evens
-	else collect x into odds
-	end
-	finally (return (values evens odds)))
+        when (evenp x) collect x into evens
+        else collect x into odds
+        end
+        finally (return (values evens odds)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
   (1 3 5 7 9))
 (deftest loop.14.6
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	unless (oddp x)
-	  collect x into foo
-	  and count t into bar
-	finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        unless (oddp x)
+          collect x into foo
+          and count t into bar
+        finally (return (values foo bar)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
 (deftest loop.14.7
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	unless (oddp x) collect x end)
+        unless (oddp x) collect x end)
   (2 4 6 8 10))
 (deftest loop.14.8
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	unless (oddp x) collect x into evens
-	else collect x into odds
-	end
-	finally (return (values evens odds)))
+        unless (oddp x) collect x into evens
+        else collect x into odds
+        end
+        finally (return (values evens odds)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
   (1 3 5 7 9))
 (deftest loop.14.9
   (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	if (evenp x)
-	collect x)
+        if (evenp x)
+        collect x)
   (2 4 6))
 (deftest loop.14.10
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	if (evenp x)
-	  collect x into foo
-	  and count t into bar
-	finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        if (evenp x)
+          collect x into foo
+          and count t into bar
+        finally (return (values foo bar)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
 (deftest loop.14.11
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	if (evenp x) collect x end)
+        if (evenp x) collect x end)
   (2 4 6 8 10))
 (deftest loop.14.12
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	if (evenp x) collect x into evens
-	else collect x into odds
-	end
-	finally (return (values evens odds)))
+        if (evenp x) collect x into evens
+        else collect x into odds
+        end
+        finally (return (values evens odds)))
   (2 4 6 8 10)
   (1 3 5 7 9))
@@ -97,108 +97,108 @@
 (deftest loop.14.13
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	    else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+            else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (2 4 8 10 14 16 20))
 (deftest loop.14.14
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	when (evenp i)
-	  if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	    else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        when (evenp i)
+          if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+            else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (2 4 8 10 14 16 20))
 (deftest loop.14.15
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  when (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	    else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          when (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+            else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (2 4 8 10 14 16 20))
 (deftest loop.14.16
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.17
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	when (evenp i)
-	  if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        when (evenp i)
+          if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  when (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          when (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.19
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	when (evenp i)
-	  when (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        when (evenp i)
+          when (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.20
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	unless (oddp i)
-	  if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        unless (oddp i)
+          if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.21
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  unless (/= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          unless (/= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
 (deftest loop.14.22
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	unless (oddp i)
-	  unless (/= (mod i 3) 0)
-	    collect i into list1
-	  end
-	  else collect i into list2
-	finally (return (values list1 list2)))
+        unless (oddp i)
+          unless (/= (mod i 3) 0)
+            collect i into list1
+          end
+          else collect i into list2
+        finally (return (values list1 list2)))
   (6 12 18)
   (1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))
@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@
 (deftest loop.14.23
   (loop for i from 1 to 20
-	if (evenp i)
-	  collect i into list1
-	else if (= (mod i 3) 0)
-	  collect i into list2
-	else collect i into list3
-	finally (return (values list1 list2 list3)))
+        if (evenp i)
+          collect i into list1
+        else if (= (mod i 3) 0)
+          collect i into list2
+        else collect i into list3
+        finally (return (values list1 list2 list3)))
   (2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20)
   (3 9 15)
   (1 5 7 11 13 17 19))
@@ -220,116 +220,116 @@
 (deftest loop.14.24
   (loop for x in '((a) nil (b) (c) (nil) (d))
-	when (car x) collect it)
+        when (car x) collect it)
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.14.25
   (loop for x in '((a) nil (b) (c) (nil) (d))
-	if (car x) collect it)
+        if (car x) collect it)
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.14.26
   (loop for x in '(nil (a) nil (b) (c) (nil) (d))
-	when (car x) return it)
+        when (car x) return it)
 (deftest loop.14.27
   (loop for x in '(nil (a) nil (b) (c) (nil) (d))
-	if (car x) return it)
+        if (car x) return it)
 (deftest loop.14.28
   (loop for x in '((a) nil (b) (c) (nil) (d))
-	when (car x) collect it and collect 'foo)
+        when (car x) collect it and collect 'foo)
   (a foo b foo c foo d foo))
 (deftest loop.14.29
   (let ((it 'z))
     (loop for x in '(a b c d)
-	  when x collect it and collect it))
+          when x collect it and collect it))
   (a z b z c z d z))
 (deftest loop.14.30
   (let ((it 'z))
     (loop for x in '(a b c d)
-	  if x collect it end
-	  collect it))
+          if x collect it end
+          collect it))
   (a z b z c z d z))
 (deftest loop.14.31
   (loop for it on '(a b c d)
-	when (car it) collect it)
+        when (car it) collect it)
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.14.32
   (loop for x in '(a b nil c d nil e)
-	when x collecting it)
+        when x collecting it)
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.14.33
   (loop for x in '(a b nil c d nil e)
-	when x append (list x))
+        when x append (list x))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.14.34
   (loop for x in '(a b nil c d nil e)
-	when x appending (list x))
+        when x appending (list x))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.14.35
   (loop for x in '(a b nil c d nil e)
-	when x nconc (list x))
+        when x nconc (list x))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.14.36
   (loop for x in '(a b nil c d nil e)
-	when x nconcing (list x))
+        when x nconcing (list x))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.14.37
   (loop for it on '(a b c d)
-	when (car it) collect it into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        when (car it) collect it into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.14.38
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 5 nil)
-	when x count it)
+        when x count it)
 (deftest loop.14.39
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 5 nil)
-	when x counting it)
+        when x counting it)
 (deftest loop.14.40
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x maximize it)
+        when x maximize it)
 (deftest loop.14.41
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x maximizing it)
+        when x maximizing it)
 (deftest loop.14.42
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x minimize it)
+        when x minimize it)
 (deftest loop.14.43
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x minimizing it)
+        when x minimizing it)
 (deftest loop.14.44
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x sum it)
+        when x sum it)
 (deftest loop.14.45
   (loop for x in '(1 2 nil 3 4 nil 6 nil)
-	when x summing it)
+        when x summing it)
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -339,30 +339,30 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	 when (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
-	 collect x))
+         when (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
+         collect x))
   (2 4 6))
 (deftest loop.14.47
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	 unless (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
-	 collect x))
+         unless (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
+         collect x))
   (1 3 5))
 (deftest loop.14.48
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x from 1 to 6
-	 when (expand-in-current-env (%m t))
-	 sum x))
+         when (expand-in-current-env (%m t))
+         sum x))
 (deftest loop.14.49
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	 if  (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
-	 collect x end))
+         if  (expand-in-current-env (%m (evenp x)))
+         collect x end))
   (2 4 6 8 10))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop15.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop15.lsp
index 61c433a0..8e23db57 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop15.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop15.lsp
@@ -85,62 +85,62 @@
 (deftest loop.15.48
   (loop :for x :in '(1 2 3 4) :sum x :into foo :of-type fixnum
-	:finally (return foo))
+        :finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.15.49
   (loop :for x :upfrom 1 :to 10
-	:if (evenp x) :sum x :into foo
-	:else :sum x :into bar
-	:end
-	:finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        :if (evenp x) :sum x :into foo
+        :else :sum x :into bar
+        :end
+        :finally (return (values foo bar)))
   30 25)
 (deftest loop.15.50
   (loop :for x :downfrom 10 :above 0
-	:when (evenp x) :sum x :into foo
-	:else :sum x :into bar
-	:end
-	:finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        :when (evenp x) :sum x :into foo
+        :else :sum x :into bar
+        :end
+        :finally (return (values foo bar)))
   30 25)
 (deftest loop.15.51
   (loop :for x :in '(a b nil c d nil)
-	:unless x :count t)
+        :unless x :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.52
   (loop :for x :in '(a b nil c d nil)
-	:unless x :collect x :into bar :and :count t :into foo
-	:end
-	finally (return (values bar foo)))
+        :unless x :collect x :into bar :and :count t :into foo
+        :end
+        finally (return (values bar foo)))
   (nil nil)
 (deftest loop.15.53
   (loop :for x :in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	:collect x
-	:until x)
+        :collect x
+        :until x)
   (nil nil a))
 (deftest loop.15.54
   (loop :for x :in '(a b nil c nil)
-	:while x :collect x)
+        :while x :collect x)
   (a b))
 (deftest loop.15.55
   (loop :for x :in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	:thereis x)
+        :thereis x)
 (deftest loop.15.56
   (loop :for x :in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	:never x)
+        :never x)
 (deftest loop.15.57
   (loop :for x :in '(a b c d e)
-	:always x)
+        :always x)
 (deftest loop.15.58
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
 (deftest loop.15.62
   (loop :for x = '(a b c) :then (cdr x)
-	:while x
-	:collect (car x))
+        :while x
+        :collect (car x))
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.15.63
@@ -171,34 +171,34 @@
 (deftest loop.15.64
   (loop :for x :being :the :hash-keys :of (make-hash-table)
-	:count t)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.65
   (loop :for x :being :each :hash-key :in (make-hash-table)
-	:count t)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.66
   (loop :for x :being :each :hash-value :of (make-hash-table)
-	:count t)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.67
   (loop :for x :being :the :hash-values :in (make-hash-table)
-	:count t)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.68
   (loop :for x :being :the :hash-values :in (make-hash-table)
-	:using (:hash-key k)
-	:count t)
+        :using (:hash-key k)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.69
   (loop :for x :being :the :hash-keys :in (make-hash-table)
-	:using (:hash-value v)
-	:count t)
+        :using (:hash-value v)
+        :count t)
 (deftest loop.15.70
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop16.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop16.lsp
index 303380e2..ba8d1ff9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop16.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop16.lsp
@@ -84,62 +84,62 @@
 (deftest loop.16.48
   (loop #:for x #:in '(1 2 3 4) #:sum x #:into foo #:of-type fixnum
-	#:finally (return foo))
+        #:finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.16.49
   (loop #:for x #:upfrom 1 #:to 10
-	#:if (evenp x) #:sum x #:into foo
-	#:else #:sum x #:into bar
-	#:end
-	#:finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        #:if (evenp x) #:sum x #:into foo
+        #:else #:sum x #:into bar
+        #:end
+        #:finally (return (values foo bar)))
   30 25)
 (deftest loop.16.50
   (loop #:for x #:downfrom 10 #:above 0
-	#:when (evenp x) #:sum x #:into foo
-	#:else #:sum x #:into bar
-	#:end
-	#:finally (return (values foo bar)))
+        #:when (evenp x) #:sum x #:into foo
+        #:else #:sum x #:into bar
+        #:end
+        #:finally (return (values foo bar)))
   30 25)
 (deftest loop.16.51
   (loop #:for x #:in '(a b nil c d nil)
-	#:unless x #:count t)
+        #:unless x #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.52
   (loop #:for x #:in '(a b nil c d nil)
-	#:unless x #:collect x #:into bar #:and #:count t #:into foo
-	#:end
-	finally (return (values bar foo)))
+        #:unless x #:collect x #:into bar #:and #:count t #:into foo
+        #:end
+        finally (return (values bar foo)))
   (nil nil)
 (deftest loop.16.53
   (loop #:for x #:in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	#:collect x
-	#:until x)
+        #:collect x
+        #:until x)
   (nil nil a))
 (deftest loop.16.54
   (loop #:for x #:in '(a b nil c nil)
-	#:while x #:collect x)
+        #:while x #:collect x)
   (a b))
 (deftest loop.16.55
   (loop #:for x #:in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	#:thereis x)
+        #:thereis x)
 (deftest loop.16.56
   (loop #:for x #:in '(nil nil a b nil c nil)
-	#:never x)
+        #:never x)
 (deftest loop.16.57
   (loop #:for x #:in '(a b c d e)
-	#:always x)
+        #:always x)
 (deftest loop.16.58
@@ -160,8 +160,8 @@
 (deftest loop.16.62
   (loop #:for x = '(a b c) #:then (cdr x)
-	#:while x
-	#:collect (car x))
+        #:while x
+        #:collect (car x))
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.16.63
@@ -170,34 +170,34 @@
 (deftest loop.16.64
   (loop #:for x #:being #:the #:hash-keys #:of (make-hash-table)
-	#:count t)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.65
   (loop #:for x #:being #:each #:hash-key #:in (make-hash-table)
-	#:count t)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.66
   (loop #:for x #:being #:each #:hash-value #:of (make-hash-table)
-	#:count t)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.67
   (loop #:for x #:being #:the #:hash-values #:in (make-hash-table)
-	#:count t)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.68
   (loop #:for x #:being #:the #:hash-values #:in (make-hash-table)
-	#:using (#:hash-key k)
-	#:count t)
+        #:using (#:hash-key k)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.69
   (loop #:for x #:being #:the #:hash-keys #:in (make-hash-table)
-	#:using (#:hash-value v)
-	#:count t)
+        #:using (#:hash-value v)
+        #:count t)
 (deftest loop.16.70
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop17.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop17.lsp
index 6ec68869..68ce53ed 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop17.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop17.lsp
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop with x = 0
-	 initially (expand-in-current-env (%m (incf x)))
-	 until t
-	 finally (expand-in-current-env (%m (return x)))))
+         initially (expand-in-current-env (%m (incf x)))
+         until t
+         finally (expand-in-current-env (%m (return x)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop2.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop2.lsp
index 5ec87da0..cb7d102d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop2.lsp
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 (deftest loop.2.2
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4)
-	do (when (evenp x) (return x)))
+        do (when (evenp x) (return x)))
 (deftest loop.2.3
   (signals-error (loop for x in '(a . b) collect x)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest loop.2.4
@@ -28,55 +28,55 @@
 (deftest loop.2.5
   (loop for e in '(a b c d e f) by #'cddr
-	collect e)
+        collect e)
   (a c e))
 (deftest loop.2.6
   (loop for e in '(a b c d e f g) by #'cddr
-	collect e)
+        collect e)
   (a c e g))
 (deftest loop.2.7
   (loop for e in '(a b c d e f)
-	by #'(lambda (l) (and (cdr l) (cons (car l) (cddr l))))
-	collect e)
+        by #'(lambda (l) (and (cdr l) (cons (car l) (cddr l))))
+        collect e)
   (a a a a a a))
 (deftest loop.2.8
   (loop for (x . y) in '((a . b) (c . d) (e . f))
-	collect (list x y))
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a b) (c d) (e f)))
 (deftest loop.2.9
   (loop for (x nil y) in '((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))
-	collect (list x y))
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a c) (d f) (g i)))
 (deftest loop.2.10
   (loop for (x y) of-type fixnum in '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.2.11
   (loop for (x y) of-type fixnum in '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.2.12
   (loop for (x y) of-type (fixnum fixnum) in '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.2.13
   (loop for (x . y) of-type (fixnum . fixnum) in '((1 . 2) (3 . 4) (5 . 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.2.14
    (loop for x in '(a b c)
-	 for x in '(d e f) collect x)
+         for x in '(d e f) collect x)
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
 (deftest loop.2.18
   (loop for x of-type (integer 0 10) in '(2 4 6 7) sum x)
 ;;; Tests of the 'AS' form
 (deftest loop.2.19
@@ -112,29 +112,29 @@
 (deftest loop.2.20
   (loop as x in '(a b c)
-	as y in '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list x y))
+        as y in '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.2.21
   (loop as x in '(a b c)
-	for y in '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list x y))
+        for y in '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.2.22
   (loop for x in '(a b c)
-	as y in '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list x y))
+        as y in '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.2.23
   (let (a b (i 0))
      (loop for e in (progn (setf a (incf i))
-			   '(a b c d e f g))
-	   by (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'cddr)
-	   collect e)
+                           '(a b c d e f g))
+           by (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'cddr)
+           collect e)
      a b i))
   (a c e g)
   1 2 2)
@@ -153,11 +153,11 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for (x . y) in (expand-in-current-env (%m '((a . b) (c . d) (e . f))))
-	 collect (list x y)))
+         collect (list x y)))
   ((a b) (c d) (e f)))
 (deftest loop.2.26
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop as x in (expand-in-current-env (%m '(1 2 3))) sum x))
-  6)
\ No newline at end of file
+  6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop3.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop3.lsp
index eca484df..d2dcba2c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop3.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop3.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (deftest loop.3.2
   (loop for x on '(1 2 3 4)
-	do (when (evenp (car x)) (return x)))
+        do (when (evenp (car x)) (return x)))
   (2 3 4))
@@ -27,60 +27,60 @@
 (deftest loop.3.5
   (loop for e on '(a b c d e f) by #'cddr
-	collect (car e))
+        collect (car e))
   (a c e))
 (deftest loop.3.6
   (loop for e on '(a b c d e f g) by #'cddr
-	collect (car e))
+        collect (car e))
   (a c e g))
 (deftest loop.3.7
   (loop for e on '(a b c d e f)
-	by #'(lambda (l) (and (cdr l) (cons (car l) (cddr l))))
-	collect (car e))
+        by #'(lambda (l) (and (cdr l) (cons (car l) (cddr l))))
+        collect (car e))
   (a a a a a a))
 (deftest loop.3.8
   (loop for ((x . y)) on '((a . b) (c . d) (e . f))
-	collect (list x y))
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a b) (c d) (e f)))
 (deftest loop.3.9
   (loop for ((x nil y)) on '((a b c) (d e f) (g h i))
-	collect (list x y))
+        collect (list x y))
   ((a c) (d f) (g i)))
 (deftest loop.3.10
   (loop for ((x y)) of-type (fixnum) on '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.3.11
   (loop for ((x y)) of-type (fixnum) on '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.3.12
   (loop for ((x y)) of-type ((fixnum fixnum)) on '((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.3.13
   (loop for ((x . y)) of-type ((fixnum . fixnum)) on '((1 . 2) (3 . 4) (5 . 6))
-	collect (+ x y))
+        collect (+ x y))
   (3 7 11))
 (deftest loop.3.14
    (loop for x on '(a b c)
-	 for x on '(d e f) collect x)
+         for x on '(d e f) collect x)
 (deftest loop.3.15
   (signals-error (loop for (x . x) on '((a b) (c d)) collect x)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest loop.3.16
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 (deftest loop.3.18
   (loop for (x) of-type ((integer 0 10)) on '(2 4 6 7) sum x)
 ;;; Tests of the 'AS' form
 (deftest loop.3.19
@@ -109,29 +109,29 @@
 (deftest loop.3.20
   (loop as x on '(a b c)
-	as y on '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list (car x) (car y)))
+        as y on '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list (car x) (car y)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.3.21
   (loop as x on '(a b c)
-	for y on '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list (car x) (car y)))
+        for y on '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list (car x) (car y)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.3.22
   (loop for x on '(a b c)
-	as y on '(1 2 3)
-	collect (list (car x) (car y)))
+        as y on '(1 2 3)
+        collect (list (car x) (car y)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.3.23
   (let (a b (i 0))
      (loop for e on (progn (setf a (incf i))
-			   '(a b c d e f g))
-	   by (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'cddr)
-	   collect (car e))
+                           '(a b c d e f g))
+           by (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'cddr)
+           collect (car e))
      a b i))
   (a c e g)
   1 2 2)
@@ -149,15 +149,15 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for e on (expand-in-current-env (%m '(a b c d e f))) by #'cddr
-	 collect (car e)))
+         collect (car e)))
   (a c e))
 (deftest loop.3.26
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for e on '(a b c d e f)
-	 by (expand-in-current-env (%m #'cddr))
-	 collect (car e)))
+         by (expand-in-current-env (%m #'cddr))
+         collect (car e)))
   (a c e))
 (deftest loop.3.27
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop4.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop4.lsp
index 82b15c2c..8e656b7a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop4.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop4.lsp
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@
 (deftest loop.4.4
   (loop for e on '(a b c d e)
-	for (x . y) = e
-	collect x)
+        for (x . y) = e
+        collect x)
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.4.5
   (loop for (x . y) = '(a b c d e) then y
-	while x
-	collect x)
+        while x
+        collect x)
   (a b c d e))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -41,21 +41,21 @@
 (deftest loop.4.6
    (loop for (x . x) = '(nil nil nil)
-	 until x count t)
+         until x count t)
 (deftest loop.4.7
    (macroexpand '(loop for (x . x) = '(nil nil nil)
-		       until x count t))
+                       until x count t))
 (deftest loop.4.8
    (macroexpand '(loop for x = '(nil nil nil)
-		       for x = 1 count x until t))
+                       for x = 1 count x until t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop5.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop5.lsp
index 95dba886..004a94fa 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop5.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop5.lsp
@@ -23,12 +23,12 @@
 (deftest loop.5.5
   (loop for e across "abcd"
-	for i from 1 to 3 collect e)
+        for i from 1 to 3 collect e)
   (#\a #\b #\c))
 (deftest loop.5.6
   (loop for e of-type base-char across "abcd"
-	for i from 1 to 3 collect e)
+        for i from 1 to 3 collect e)
   (#\a #\b #\c))
 (deftest loop.5.7
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 (deftest loop.5.14
   (let ((x #*00010110))
     (loop for e of-type bit across x
-	  for i from 1 to 4 collect e))
+          for i from 1 to 4 collect e))
   (0 0 0 1))
@@ -90,14 +90,14 @@
 (deftest loop.5.30
   (let ((x (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)
-		  :adjustable t)))
+                  :adjustable t)))
     (loop for e across x collect e))
   (a b c d e))
 (deftest loop.5.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	 (y (make-array '(3) :displaced-to x
-		   :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(3) :displaced-to x
+                   :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (loop for e across y collect e))
   (b c d))
@@ -113,81 +113,81 @@
 (deftest loop.5.35
   (loop as e of-type integer across (the simple-vector (coerce '(1 2 3) 'simple-vector))
-	sum e)
+        sum e)
 ;;; Loop across displaced vectors
 (deftest loop.5.36
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
-	 (da (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (da (make-array '(5) :displaced-to a
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (loop for e across da collect e))
   (c d e f g))
 (deftest loop.5.37
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-			:initial-contents "abcdefghij"))
-	 (da (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-			 :displaced-to a
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                        :initial-contents "abcdefghij"))
+         (da (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
+                         :displaced-to a
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (loop for e across da collect e))
   (#\c #\d #\e #\f #\g))
 (deftest loop.5.38
   (let* ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1)))
-	 (da (make-array '(5) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to a
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                        :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1)))
+         (da (make-array '(5) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to a
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (loop for e across da collect e))
   (1 0 0 1 0))
 (deftest loop.5.39
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 6)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6)))
     (loop for x across v collect x))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
 (deftest loop.5.40
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0)
-			    :element-type type)
-	for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
-	unless (equal r '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0))
-	collect (list i r))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0)
+                            :element-type type)
+        for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
+        unless (equal r '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0))
+        collect (list i r))
 (deftest loop.5.41
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0)
-			    :element-type type)
-	for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
-	unless (equal r '(0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0))
-	collect (list i r))
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0)
+                            :element-type type)
+        for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
+        unless (equal r '(0 0 -1 -1 0 -1 -1 -1 0 0))
+        collect (list i r))
 (deftest loop.5.42
   (let ((vals '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0)))
     (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for fvals = (loop for v in vals collect (coerce v type))
-	  for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents fvals :element-type type)
-	  for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
-	  unless (equal r fvals)
-	  collect (list fvals r)))
+          for fvals = (loop for v in vals collect (coerce v type))
+          for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents fvals :element-type type)
+          for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
+          unless (equal r fvals)
+          collect (list fvals r)))
 (deftest loop.5.43
   (let ((vals '(0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0)))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for type = `(complex ,etype)
-	  for fvals = (loop for v in vals collect (coerce v type))
-	  for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents fvals :element-type type)
-	  for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
-	  unless (equal r fvals)
-	  collect (list fvals r)))
+          for type = `(complex ,etype)
+          for fvals = (loop for v in vals collect (coerce v type))
+          for v = (make-array '(10) :initial-contents fvals :element-type type)
+          for r = (loop for x across v collect x)
+          unless (equal r fvals)
+          collect (list fvals r)))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -219,7 +219,7 @@
 (deftest loop.5.error.2
    (loop for e across (vector '(x . y) '(u . v))
-	 for e from 1 to 5 collect e)
+         for e from 1 to 5 collect e)
@@ -234,6 +234,6 @@
     '(loop for e across (vector '(x . y) '(u . v))
-	   for e from 1 to 5 collect e))
+           for e from 1 to 5 collect e))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop6.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop6.lsp
index 386fe982..422e102b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop6.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop6.lsp
@@ -17,43 +17,43 @@
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.1*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.2*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
     (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.3*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist.3*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 ;;; (defparameter *loop.6.hash.4*
 ;;;  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
 ;;;    (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist.2*
-;;;	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+;;;       do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 ;;;    table))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.5*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eql)))
     (loop for (val . key) in *loop.6.alist.3*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.6*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) (coerce val 'float)))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) (coerce val 'float)))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.7*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (loop for (val . key) in *loop.6.alist.3*
-	  do (setf (gethash (coerce key 'float) table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash (coerce key 'float) table) val))
 (defparameter *loop.6.alist.8*
@@ -62,13 +62,13 @@
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.8*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (loop for (key . val) in *loop.6.alist.8*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 (defparameter *loop.6.hash.9*
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
     (loop for (val . key) in *loop.6.alist.8*
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
 ;;; being {each | the} {hash-value | hash-values | hash-key | hash-keys} {in | of }
@@ -95,69 +95,69 @@
 (deftest loop.6.6
   (sort (loop for x being the hash-key of *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.6.7
   (sort (loop for x being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.6.8
   (sort (loop for x being each hash-key of *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.6.9
   (sort (loop for x being each hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.6.10
   (sort (loop for x being each hash-keys in *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 (deftest loop.6.11
   (sort (loop for (u . v) being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.3* collect u)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a1 b1 c1))
 (deftest loop.6.12
   (sort (loop for (u . v) being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.3* collect v)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a2 b2 c2))
 (deftest loop.6.13
   (sort (loop for (u . v) being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.5* collect u)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a1 b1 c1))
 (deftest loop.6.14
   (sort (loop for (u . v) being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.5* collect v)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a2 b2 c2))
 (deftest loop.6.15
   (sort (loop for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1* using (hash-value v)
-	      collect (list k v))
-	#'< :key #'second)
+              collect (list k v))
+        #'< :key #'second)
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.6.16
   (sort (loop for v being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.1* using (hash-key k)
-	      collect (list k v))
-	#'< :key #'second)
+              collect (list k v))
+        #'< :key #'second)
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3)))
 (deftest loop.6.17
   (sort (loop for (u . nil) being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.5* collect u)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a1 b1 c1))
 (deftest loop.6.18
   (sort (loop for (nil . v) being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.5* collect v)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a2 b2 c2))
 (deftest loop.6.19
@@ -226,22 +226,22 @@
 (deftest loop.6.35
   (loop for (k1 . k2) of-type (integer . integer) being the hash-keys
-	of *loop.6.hash.8* sum (+ k1 k2))
+        of *loop.6.hash.8* sum (+ k1 k2))
 (deftest loop.6.36
   (loop for (v1 . v2) of-type (integer . integer) being the hash-values
-	of *loop.6.hash.9* sum (+ v1 v2))
+        of *loop.6.hash.9* sum (+ v1 v2))
 (deftest loop.6.37
   (loop for v being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.8*
-	using (hash-key (k1 . k2)) sum (+ k1 k2))
+        using (hash-key (k1 . k2)) sum (+ k1 k2))
 (deftest loop.6.38
   (loop for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.9*
-	using (hash-value (v1 . v2)) sum (+ v1 v2))
+        using (hash-value (v1 . v2)) sum (+ v1 v2))
 (deftest loop.6.39
@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@
 (deftest loop.6.40
   (sort (loop as x being the hash-key of *loop.6.hash.1* collect x)
-	#'symbol<)
+        #'symbol<)
   (a b c))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -260,15 +260,15 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x being the hash-value of
-	 (expand-in-current-env (%m *loop.6.hash.1*)) sum x))
+         (expand-in-current-env (%m *loop.6.hash.1*)) sum x))
 (deftest loop.6.42
    ((%m (z) z))
    (sort (loop for x being the hash-key of
-	       (expand-in-current-env (%m *loop.6.hash.1*)) collect x)
-	 #'symbol<))
+               (expand-in-current-env (%m *loop.6.hash.1*)) collect x)
+         #'symbol<))
   (a b c))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -276,38 +276,38 @@
 (deftest loop.6.error.1
    (loop for k from 1 to 10
-	 for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1*
-	 count t)
+         for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1*
+         count t)
 (deftest loop.6.error.2
    (loop for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.1*
-	 for k from 1 to 10
-	 count t)
+         for k from 1 to 10
+         count t)
 (deftest loop.6.error.3
    (loop for (k . k) being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.3*
-	 count t)
+         count t)
 (deftest loop.6.error.4
    (loop for k being the hash-keys of *loop.6.hash.3*
-	 using (hash-value k)
-	 count t)
+         using (hash-value k)
+         count t)
 (deftest loop.6.error.5
    (loop for k being the hash-values of *loop.6.hash.3*
-	 using (hash-key k)
-	 count t)
+         using (hash-key k)
+         count t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop7.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop7.lsp
index 73915247..9886beaf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop7.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop7.lsp
@@ -16,86 +16,86 @@
 (deftest loop.7.1
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.2
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.3
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.4
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.5
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.6
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.7
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.8
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each symbols in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.9
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.10
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each external-symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each external-symbol in "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.11
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each external-symbol in (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1") collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each external-symbol in (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1") collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.12
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being each external-symbol in :LOOP.CL-TEST.1 collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being each external-symbol in :LOOP.CL-TEST.1 collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.13
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "C" "X" "Y" "Z"))
 (deftest loop.7.14
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop for x being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop for x being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("X" "Y" "Z"))
 ;;; According to the ANSI CL spec, "If the package for the iteration is not supplied,
@@ -105,19 +105,19 @@
 (deftest loop.7.15
   (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1")))
     (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each symbol collect x))
-	  #'string<))
+          #'string<))
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.16
   (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.1")))
     (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each external-symbol collect x))
-	  #'string<))
+          #'string<))
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.17
   (let ((*package* (find-package "LOOP.CL-TEST.2")))
     (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name (loop for x being each present-symbol collect x))
-	  #'string<))
+          #'string<))
   ("X" "Y" "Z"))
 ;;; Cases where the package doesn't exist.  According to the standard,
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
     (ignore-errors (delete-package "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE"))
      (loop for x being each present-symbol of "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE"
-	   collect x)
+           collect x)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
     (ignore-errors (delete-package "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE"))
      (loop for x being each external-symbol of "LOOP.MISSING.PACKAGE"
-	   collect x)
+           collect x)
@@ -154,11 +154,11 @@
 (deftest loop.7.21
   (loop for nil being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count t)
 (deftest loop.7.22
   (loop for nil being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count t)
 (deftest loop.7.23
   (loop for nil being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count t)
@@ -168,11 +168,11 @@
 (deftest loop.7.24
   (loop for x t being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x)
 (deftest loop.7.25
   (loop for x t being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x)
 (deftest loop.7.26
   (loop for x t being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count x)
@@ -180,11 +180,11 @@
 (deftest loop.7.27
   (loop for x of-type symbol being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x)
 (deftest loop.7.28
   (loop for x of-type symbol being the external-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" count x)
 (deftest loop.7.29
   (loop for x of-type symbol being the present-symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.2" count x)
@@ -193,20 +193,20 @@
 (deftest loop.7.30
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop as x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop as x being the symbols of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.31
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop as x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop as x being each symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.32
   (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		(loop as x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
-	#'string<)
+                (loop as x being the symbol of "LOOP.CL-TEST.1" collect x))
+        #'string<)
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -216,28 +216,28 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		 (loop for x being the symbols of
-		       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))
-		       collect x))
-	 #'string<))
+                 (loop for x being the symbols of
+                       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))
+                       collect x))
+         #'string<))
   ("A" "B" "BAR" "BAZ" "C" "FOO"))
 (deftest loop.7.34
    ((%m (z) z))
    (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		 (loop for x being the external-symbols of
-		       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))
-		       collect x))
-	 #'string<))
+                 (loop for x being the external-symbols of
+                       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.1"))
+                       collect x))
+         #'string<))
   ("A" "B" "C"))
 (deftest loop.7.35
    ((%m (z) z))
    (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name
-		 (loop for x being the present-symbols of
-		       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.2"))
-		       collect x))
-	 #'string<))
+                 (loop for x being the present-symbols of
+                       (expand-in-current-env (%m "LOOP.CL-TEST.2"))
+                       collect x))
+         #'string<))
   ("X" "Y" "Z"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop8.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop8.lsp
index 700e5244..697392b7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop8.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop8.lsp
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
 (deftest loop.8.3
   (let ((y 2))
     (loop with x = y
-	  with y = (1+ x) do (return (list x y))))
+          with y = (1+ x) do (return (list x y))))
   (2 3))
 (deftest loop.8.4
   (let (a b)
     (loop with a = 1
-	  and b = (list a)
-	  and c = (list b)
-	  return (list a b c)))
+          and b = (list a)
+          and c = (list b)
+          return (list a b c)))
   (1 (nil) (nil)))
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@
 (deftest loop.8.21
   (loop with b = 3
-	and (a nil) = '(1 2) return (list a b))
+        and (a nil) = '(1 2) return (list a b))
   (1 3))
 (deftest loop.8.22
   (loop with b = 3
-	and (nil a) = '(1 2) return (list a b))
+        and (nil a) = '(1 2) return (list a b))
   (2 3))
 ;;; The NIL block of a loop encloses the entire loop.
@@ -140,13 +140,13 @@
 (deftest loop.8.error.1
    (loop with a = 1
-	 and  a = 2 return a)
+         and  a = 2 return a)
 (deftest loop.8.error.2
    (loop with a = 1
-	 with a = 2 return a)
+         with a = 2 return a)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/loop9.lsp b/ansi-tests/loop9.lsp
index a59840eb..6cf77159 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/loop9.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/loop9.lsp
@@ -17,61 +17,61 @@
 (deftest loop.9.3
   (loop for x in '(0 1 2)
-	when (eql x 2) do (return 'good)
-	collect x)
+        when (eql x 2) do (return 'good)
+        collect x)
 (deftest loop.9.4
   (loop for x in '(a b c)
-	collect (list x) into foo
-	finally (return (reverse foo)))
+        collect (list x) into foo
+        finally (return (reverse foo)))
   ((c) (b) (a)))
 (deftest loop.9.5
   (loop for x in '(a b c)
-	collecting (list x) into foo
-	finally (return (reverse foo)))
+        collecting (list x) into foo
+        finally (return (reverse foo)))
   ((c) (b) (a)))
 (deftest loop.9.6
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	when (evenp x) collect x into foo
-	when (oddp x)  collect x into bar
-	finally (return (list foo bar)))
+        when (evenp x) collect x into foo
+        when (oddp x)  collect x into bar
+        finally (return (list foo bar)))
   ((2 4 6 8 10) (1 3 5 7 9)))
 (deftest loop.9.7
   (loop for x from 1 to 10
-	collect (if (> x 5) (loop-finish) x))
+        collect (if (> x 5) (loop-finish) x))
   (1 2 3 4 5))
 (deftest loop.9.8
   (loop for x from 1 to 20
-	when (eql (mod x 5) 0) collect x into foo
-	when (eql (mod x 5) 2) collect x into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        when (eql (mod x 5) 0) collect x into foo
+        when (eql (mod x 5) 2) collect x into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20))
 (deftest loop.9.9
   (loop for x from 1 to 20
-	when (eql (mod x 5) 0) collecting x into foo
-	when (eql (mod x 5) 2) collecting x into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        when (eql (mod x 5) 0) collecting x into foo
+        when (eql (mod x 5) 2) collecting x into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (2 5 7 10 12 15 17 20))
 (deftest loop.9.10
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) collect x into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) collect x into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.9.11
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) collecting x into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) collecting x into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -103,43 +103,43 @@
 (deftest loop.9.24
   (loop for x in '(a b c d)
-	append (list x)
-	when (eq x 'b) append '(1 2 3)
-	when (eq x 'd) appending '(4 5 6))
+        append (list x)
+        when (eq x 'b) append '(1 2 3)
+        when (eq x 'd) appending '(4 5 6))
   (a b 1 2 3 c d 4 5 6))
 (deftest loop.9.25
   (let (z)
      (loop for x in '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-	   append x into foo
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           append x into foo
+           finally (setq z foo))
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.9.26
   (loop for x in '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-	for i from 1
-	append x into foo
-	append x into foo
-	appending (list i) into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        for i from 1
+        append x into foo
+        append x into foo
+        appending (list i) into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (a a 1 b b 2 c c 3 d d 4))
 (deftest loop.9.27
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) append (list x) into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) append (list x) into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.9.28
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) appending (list x) into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) appending (list x) into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -164,43 +164,43 @@
 (deftest loop.9.34
   (loop for x in '(a b c d)
-	nconc (list x)
-	when (eq x 'b) nconc (copy-seq '(1 2 3))
-	when (eq x 'd) nconcing (copy-seq '(4 5 6)))
+        nconc (list x)
+        when (eq x 'b) nconc (copy-seq '(1 2 3))
+        when (eq x 'd) nconcing (copy-seq '(4 5 6)))
   (a b 1 2 3 c d 4 5 6))
 (deftest loop.9.35
   (let (z)
      (loop for x in '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-	   nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
-	   finally (setq z foo))
+           nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
+           finally (setq z foo))
   (a b c d))
 (deftest loop.9.36
   (loop for x in '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-	for i from 1
-	nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
-	nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
-	nconcing (list i) into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        for i from 1
+        nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
+        nconc (copy-seq x) into foo
+        nconcing (list i) into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (a a 1 b b 2 c c 3 d d 4))
 (deftest loop.9.37
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) nconc (list x) into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) nconc (list x) into foo
+         finally (return foo))
 (deftest loop.9.38
    (loop with foo = '(a b)
-	 for x in '(c d) nconcing (list x) into foo
-	 finally (return foo))
+         for x in '(c d) nconcing (list x) into foo
+         finally (return foo))
@@ -208,17 +208,17 @@
 (deftest loop.9.40
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	if (< x 2) append (list x)
-	else if (< x 5) nconc (list (1+ x))
-	else collect (+ x 2))
+        if (< x 2) append (list x)
+        else if (< x 5) nconc (list (1+ x))
+        else collect (+ x 2))
   (1 3 4 5 7 8 9))
 (deftest loop.9.41
   (loop for x in '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
-	if (< x 2) append (list x) into foo
-	else if (< x 5) nconc (list (1+ x)) into foo
-	else collect (+ x 2) into foo
-	finally (return foo))
+        if (< x 2) append (list x) into foo
+        else if (< x 5) nconc (list (1+ x)) into foo
+        else collect (+ x 2) into foo
+        finally (return foo))
   (1 3 4 5 7 8 9))
 ;;; More nconc tests
@@ -246,20 +246,20 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x in '(a b c)
-	 collect (expand-in-current-env (%m (list x))) into foo
-	 finally (return (reverse foo))))
+         collect (expand-in-current-env (%m (list x))) into foo
+         finally (return (reverse foo))))
   ((c) (b) (a)))
 (deftest loop.9.46
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x in '((a b) (c d) (e f g) () (i))
-	 append (expand-in-current-env (%m x))))
+         append (expand-in-current-env (%m x))))
   (a b c d e f g i))
 (deftest loop.9.47
    ((%m (z) z))
    (loop for x in '((a b) (c d) (e f g) () (i))
-	 nconc (expand-in-current-env (%m (copy-seq x)))))
+         nconc (expand-in-current-env (%m (copy-seq x)))))
   (a b c d e f g i))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/macro-function.lsp b/ansi-tests/macro-function.lsp
index fe35a178..2dfcb761 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/macro-function.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/macro-function.lsp
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 (deftest macro-function.1
   (loop for n in *cl-macro-symbols*
-	unless (macro-function n)
-	collect n)
+        unless (macro-function n)
+        collect n)
 (deftest macro-function.2
   (loop for n in *cl-macro-symbols*
-	unless (macro-function n nil)
-	collect n)
+        unless (macro-function n nil)
+        collect n)
 (deftest macro-function.3
   (loop for n in *cl-macro-symbols*
-	unless (eval `(macrolet ((%m (s &environment env)
-				     (list 'quote
-					   (macro-function s env))))
-			(%m ,n)))
-	collect n)
+        unless (eval `(macrolet ((%m (s &environment env)
+                                     (list 'quote
+                                           (macro-function s env))))
+                        (%m ,n)))
+        collect n)
 (deftest macro-function.4
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
 (deftest macro-function.7
   (let ((fn
-	 (macrolet ((%m () 16))
-	   (macrolet ((%n (&environment env)
-			  (list 'quote (macro-function '%m env))))
-	     (%n)))))
+         (macrolet ((%m () 16))
+           (macrolet ((%n (&environment env)
+                          (list 'quote (macro-function '%m env))))
+             (%n)))))
      (notnot (functionp fn))
      (funcall fn '(%m) nil)))
@@ -53,18 +53,18 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (setf (macro-function sym) (macro-function 'pop))
     (eval `(let ((x '(a b c)))
-	     (values 
-	      (,sym x)
-	      x))))
+             (values
+              (,sym x)
+              x))))
   a (b c))
 (deftest macro-function.9
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (setf (macro-function sym nil) (macro-function 'pop))
     (eval `(let ((x '(a b c)))
-	     (values 
-	      (,sym x)
-	      x))))
+             (values
+              (,sym x)
+              x))))
   a (b c))
 (deftest macro-function.10
@@ -72,17 +72,17 @@
     (eval `(defun ,sym (x) :bad))
     (setf (macro-function sym) (macro-function 'pop))
     (eval `(let ((x '(a b c)))
-	     (values 
-	      (,sym x)
-	      x))))
+             (values
+              (,sym x)
+              x))))
   a (b c))
 (deftest macro-function.11
   (let ((fn
-	 (flet ((%m () 16))
-	   (macrolet ((%n (&environment env)
-			  (list 'quote (macro-function '%m env))))
-	     (%n)))))
+         (flet ((%m () 16))
+           (macrolet ((%n (&environment env)
+                          (list 'quote (macro-function '%m env))))
+             (%n)))))
@@ -101,34 +101,34 @@
     (let ((i 0) a b)
        (funcall (macro-function (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-				(progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
-		(list sym) nil)
+                                (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
+                (list sym) nil)
        i a b)))
   t 2 1 2)
 (deftest macro-function.14
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (setf (macro-function (progn (incf i) sym)) (macro-function 'pop))
-    (values 
+    (values
      (eval `(let ((x '(a b c)))
-	      (list
-	       (,sym x)
-	       x)))
+              (list
+               (,sym x)
+               x)))
   (a (b c)) 1)
 (deftest macro-function.15
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
     (setf (macro-function (progn (setf a (incf i)) sym)
-			  (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
-	  (macro-function 'pop))
-    (values 
+                          (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
+          (macro-function 'pop))
+    (values
      (eval `(let ((x '(a b c)))
-	      (list
-	       (,sym x)
-	       x)))
+              (list
+               (,sym x)
+               x)))
      i a b))
   (a (b c)) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/macroexpand-1.lsp b/ansi-tests/macroexpand-1.lsp
index cdc5a025..5b8dcc48 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/macroexpand-1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/macroexpand-1.lsp
@@ -19,46 +19,46 @@
    #'(lambda (x)
        (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-	   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x))))
-	     (and (= (length vals) 2)
-		  (eql (car vals) x)
-		  (null (cadr vals)))))))
+           (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x))))
+             (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                  (eql (car vals) x)
+                  (null (cadr vals)))))))
 (deftest macroexpand-1.2
    #'(lambda (x)
        (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-	   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x nil))))
-	     (and (= (length vals) 2)
-		  (eql (car vals) x)
-		  (null (cadr vals)))))))
+           (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x nil))))
+             (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                  (eql (car vals) x)
+                  (null (cadr vals)))))))
 (deftest macroexpand-1.3
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   `(quote
-	     ,(check-predicate
-	       #'(lambda (x)
-		   (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-		       (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x env))))
-			 (and (= (length vals) 2)
-			      (eql (car vals) x)
-			      (null (cadr vals))))))))))
+           `(quote
+             ,(check-predicate
+               #'(lambda (x)
+                   (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
+                       (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand-1 x env))))
+                         (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                              (eql (car vals) x)
+                              (null (cadr vals))))))))))
 (deftest macroexpand-1.4
   (macrolet ((%m () ''foo))
     (macrolet ((%m2 (&environment env)
-		    (macroexpand-1 '(%m) env)))
+                    (macroexpand-1 '(%m) env)))
 (deftest macroexpand-1.5
   (let ((form (list (gensym)))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
      (equalt (macroexpand-1 (progn (incf i) form)) form)
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
 (deftest macroexpand-1.6
   (let ((form (list (gensym)))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
      (equalt (macroexpand-1 (progn (setf a (incf i)) form)
-			    (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
-	     form)
+                            (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
+             form)
      i a b))
   t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/macroexpand.lsp b/ansi-tests/macroexpand.lsp
index 3c70a344..3db6b178 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/macroexpand.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/macroexpand.lsp
@@ -19,45 +19,45 @@
    #'(lambda (x)
        (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-	   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x))))
-	     (and (= (length vals) 2)
-		  (eql (car vals) x)
-		  (null (cadr vals)))))))
+           (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x))))
+             (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                  (eql (car vals) x)
+                  (null (cadr vals)))))))
 (deftest macroexpand.2
    #'(lambda (x)
        (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-	   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x nil))))
-	     (and (= (length vals) 2)
-		  (eql (car vals) x)
-		  (null (cadr vals)))))))
+           (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x nil))))
+             (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                  (eql (car vals) x)
+                  (null (cadr vals)))))))
 (deftest macroexpand.3
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   `(quote
-	     ,(check-predicate
-	       #'(lambda (x) (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
-				 (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x env))))
-				   (and (= (length vals) 2)
-					(eql (car vals) x)
-					(null (cadr vals))))))))))
+           `(quote
+             ,(check-predicate
+               #'(lambda (x) (or (symbolp x) (consp x)
+                                 (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (macroexpand x env))))
+                                   (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                                        (eql (car vals) x)
+                                        (null (cadr vals))))))))))
 (deftest macroexpand.4
   (macrolet ((%m () ''foo))
     (macrolet ((%m2 (&environment env)
-		    (macroexpand '(%m) env)))
+                    (macroexpand '(%m) env)))
 (deftest macroexpand.5
   (let ((form (list (gensym)))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
      (equalt (macroexpand (progn (incf i) form)) form)
@@ -65,10 +65,10 @@
 (deftest macroexpand.6
   (let ((form (list (gensym)))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
      (equalt (macroexpand (progn (setf a (incf i)) form)
-			  (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
-	     form)
+                          (progn (setf b (incf i)) nil))
+             form)
      i a b))
   t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/macrolet.lsp b/ansi-tests/macrolet.lsp
index 7bc07f7b..0e352259 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/macrolet.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/macrolet.lsp
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
   (let ((z (list 3 4)))
     (macrolet ((%m (x) `(car ,x)))
       (let ((y (list 1 2)))
-	(values (%m y) (%m z)))))
+        (values (%m y) (%m z)))))
   1 3)
 (deftest macrolet.2
   (let ((z (list 3 4)))
     (macrolet ((%m (x) `(car ,x)))
       (let ((y (list 1 2)))
-	(values 
-	 (setf (%m y) 6)
-	 (setf (%m z) 'a)
-	 y z))))
+        (values
+         (setf (%m y) 6)
+         (setf (%m z) 'a)
+         y z))))
   6 a (6 2) (a 4))
 ;;; Inner definitions shadow outer ones
@@ -27,20 +27,20 @@
   (macrolet ((%m (w) `(cadr ,w)))
     (let ((z (list 3 4)))
       (macrolet ((%m (x) `(car ,x)))
-	(let ((y (list 1 2)))
-	  (values 
-	   (%m y) (%m z)
-	   (setf (%m y) 6)
-	   (setf (%m z) 'a)
-	   y z)))))
+        (let ((y (list 1 2)))
+          (values
+           (%m y) (%m z)
+           (setf (%m y) 6)
+           (setf (%m z) 'a)
+           y z)))))
   1 3 6 a (6 2) (a 4))
 ;;; &whole parameter
 (deftest macrolet.4
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m (&whole w arg)
-		   `(progn (setq x (quote ,w))
-			   ,arg)))
+                   `(progn (setq x (quote ,w))
+                           ,arg)))
       (values (%m 1) x)))
   1 (%m 1))
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
 (deftest macrolet.5
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m ((&whole w arg))
-		   `(progn (setq x (quote ,w))
-			   ,arg)))
+                   `(progn (setq x (quote ,w))
+                           ,arg)))
       (values (%m (1)) x)))
   1 (1))
@@ -57,40 +57,40 @@
 (deftest macrolet.6
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m (&key (a 'xxx) b)
-		   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
       (values (%m :a foo) x
-	      (%m :b bar) x)))
+              (%m :b bar) x)))
   foo foo xxx xxx)
 ;;; nested key parameters
 (deftest macrolet.7
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m ((&key a b))
-		   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
       (values (%m (:a foo)) x
-	      (%m (:b bar)) x)))
+              (%m (:b bar)) x)))
   foo foo nil nil)
 ;;; nested key parameters
 (deftest macrolet.8
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m ((&key (a 10) b))
-		   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
       (values (%m (:a foo)) x
-	      (%m (:b bar)) x)))
+              (%m (:b bar)) x)))
   foo foo 10 10)
 ;;; keyword parameter with supplied-p parameter
 (deftest macrolet.9
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m (&key (a 'xxx a-p) b)
-		   `(setq x (quote ,(list a (not (not a-p)))))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,(list a (not (not a-p)))))))
       (values (%m :a foo) x
-	      (%m :b bar) x)))
+              (%m :b bar) x)))
   (foo t) (foo t) (xxx nil) (xxx nil))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.10
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m (b &rest a)
-		   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
       (values (%m a1 a2) x)))
   (a2) (a2))
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.11
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m ((b &rest a))
-		   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,a))))
       (values (%m (a1 a2)) x)))
   (a2) (a2))
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.12
   (let ((x nil))
     (macrolet ((%m (&whole w b &rest a)
-		   `(setq x (quote ,(list a w)))))
+                   `(setq x (quote ,(list a w)))))
       (values (%m a1 a2) x)))
   ((a2) (%m a1 a2))
   ((a2) (%m a1 a2)))
@@ -124,16 +124,16 @@
 (deftest macrolet.13
   (symbol-macrolet ((a b))
     (macrolet ((foo (x &environment env)
-		    (let ((y (macroexpand x env)))
-		      (if (eq y 'a) 1 2))))
+                    (let ((y (macroexpand x env)))
+                      (if (eq y 'a) 1 2))))
       (foo a)))
 (deftest macrolet.14
   (symbol-macrolet ((a b))
     (macrolet ((foo (x &environment env)
-		    (let ((y (macroexpand-1 x env)))
-		      (if (eq y 'a) 1 2))))
+                    (let ((y (macroexpand-1 x env)))
+                      (if (eq y 'a) 1 2))))
       (foo a)))
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@
 (deftest macrolet.16
   (loop for s in *cl-non-function-macro-special-operator-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (macrolet ((,s () ''a)) (,s)))
-	unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (macrolet ((,s () ''a)) (,s)))
+        unless (eq (eval form) 'a)
+        collect s)
 (deftest macrolet.17
@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.22a
   (macrolet ((%m (x &optional ((y z) '(2 3) y-z-p))
-		 `(quote (,x ,y ,z ,y-z-p))))
+                 `(quote (,x ,y ,z ,y-z-p))))
      (%m a)
      (%m a (b c))))
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.26
   (macrolet ((%m (&key ((:a b))) `(quote ,b)))
     (values (%m)
-	    (%m :a x)))
+            (%m :a x)))
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
 (deftest macrolet.28
   (macrolet ((%m (&key ((:a (b c)) '(3 4))) `(quote (,c ,b))))
     (values (%m :a (1 2))
-	    (%m :a (1 2) :a (10 11))
-	    (%m)))
+            (%m :a (1 2) :a (10 11))
+            (%m)))
   (2 1)
   (2 1)
   (4 3))
@@ -241,13 +241,13 @@
 (deftest macrolet.29
   (macrolet ((%m (&key a (b a)) `(quote (,a ,b))))
     (values (%m)
-	    (%m :a 1)
-	    (%m :b 2)
-	    (%m :a 3 :b 4)
-	    (%m :b 5 :a 6)
-	    (%m :a 7 :a 8)
-	    (%m :a 9 :b nil)
-	    (%m :a 10 :b nil :b 11)))
+            (%m :a 1)
+            (%m :b 2)
+            (%m :a 3 :b 4)
+            (%m :b 5 :a 6)
+            (%m :a 7 :a 8)
+            (%m :a 9 :b nil)
+            (%m :a 10 :b nil :b 11)))
   (nil nil)
   (1 1)
   (nil 2)
@@ -260,12 +260,12 @@
 (deftest macrolet.30
   (macrolet ((%m ((&key a) &key (b a)) `(quote (,a ,b))))
     (values (%m ())
-	    (%m (:a 1))
-	    (%m () :b 2)
-	    (%m (:a 3) :b 4)
-	    (%m (:a 7 :a 8))
-	    (%m (:a 9) :b nil)
-	    (%m (:a 10) :b nil :b 11)))
+            (%m (:a 1))
+            (%m () :b 2)
+            (%m (:a 3) :b 4)
+            (%m (:a 7 :a 8))
+            (%m (:a 9) :b nil)
+            (%m (:a 10) :b nil :b 11)))
   (nil nil)
   (1 1)
   (nil 2)
@@ -276,10 +276,10 @@
 (deftest macrolet.31
   (macrolet ((%m (&key ((:a (b c)) '(3 4) a-p))
-		 `(quote (,(notnot a-p) ,c ,b))))
+                 `(quote (,(notnot a-p) ,c ,b))))
     (values (%m :a (1 2))
-	    (%m :a (1 2) :a (10 11))
-	    (%m)))
+            (%m :a (1 2) :a (10 11))
+            (%m)))
   (t 2 1)
   (t 2 1)
   (nil 4 3))
@@ -351,7 +351,7 @@
 (deftest macrolet.38
   (macrolet ((foo () 1))
     (macrolet ((%f (&optional (x (macroexpand '(foo) env)) &environment env)
-		   x))
+                   x))
@@ -386,9 +386,9 @@
     (let ((*f* #'(lambda () *x-in-macrolet.43*)))
       (declare (special *f*))
       (eval `(macrolet ((%m (*x-in-macrolet.43*)
-			    (declare (special *f*))
-			    (funcall *f*)))
-	       (%m t)))))
+                            (declare (special *f*))
+                            (funcall *f*)))
+               (%m t)))))
 (deftest macrolet.44
@@ -397,9 +397,9 @@
     (let ((*f* #'(lambda () *x-in-macrolet.44*)))
       (declare (special *f*))
       (eval `(macrolet ((%m (*x-in-macrolet.44*)
-			    (declare (special *f* *x-in-macrolet.44*))
-			    (funcall *f*)))
-	       (%m t)))))
+                            (declare (special *f* *x-in-macrolet.44*))
+                            (funcall *f*)))
+               (%m t)))))
 (deftest macrolet.45
@@ -408,16 +408,16 @@
     (let ((*f* #'(lambda () *x-in-macrolet.45*)))
       (declare (special *f*))
       (eval `(macrolet ((%m ((*x-in-macrolet.45*))
-			    (declare (special *f* *x-in-macrolet.45*))
-			    (funcall *f*)))
-	       (%m (t))))))
+                            (declare (special *f* *x-in-macrolet.45*))
+                            (funcall *f*)))
+               (%m (t))))))
 ;;; Macros are expanded in the appropriate environment
 (deftest macrolet.46
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (macrolet () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+            (macrolet () (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
 ;;; Free declarations in macrolet
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp
index 6be84906..b7525d5a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-array.lsp
@@ -70,32 +70,32 @@
 (deftest make-array.6
   (make-array-with-checks 4 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-element #\x)
+                          :initial-element #\x)
 (deftest make-array.6a
   (make-array-with-checks 4 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))
+                          :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))
 (deftest make-array.6b
   (make-array-with-checks 4 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-contents "abcd")
+                          :initial-contents "abcd")
 (deftest make-array.7
   (make-array-with-checks 5 :element-type 'symbol
-			  :initial-element 'a)
+                          :initial-element 'a)
   #(a a a a a))
 (deftest make-array.7a
   (make-array-with-checks 5 :element-type 'symbol
-			  :initial-contents '(a b c d e))
+                          :initial-contents '(a b c d e))
   #(a b c d e))
 (deftest make-array.7b
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'symbol
-			  :initial-contents '(a b c d e))
+                          :initial-contents '(a b c d e))
   #(a b c d e))
 (deftest make-array.8
@@ -106,45 +106,45 @@
 (deftest make-array.8a
   (make-array-with-checks 8 :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			  :initial-element 9)
+                          :initial-element 9)
   #(9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9))
 (deftest make-array.8b
   (make-array-with-checks '(8) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			  :initial-contents '(4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6))
+                          :initial-contents '(4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6))
   #(4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6))
 (deftest make-array.8c
   (loop for i from 1 to 32
-	for tp = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1))
-	when (symbolp a)
-	collect (list i tp a))
+        for tp = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1))
+        when (symbolp a)
+        collect (list i tp a))
 (deftest make-array.8d
   (loop for i from 2 to 32
-	for tp = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1))
-	when (symbolp a)
-	collect (list i tp a))
+        for tp = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1))
+        when (symbolp a)
+        collect (list i tp a))
 (deftest make-array.8e
   (loop for tp in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-element v)
-	when (symbolp a)
-	collect (list tp v a))
+        for v in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+        for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type tp :initial-element v)
+        when (symbolp a)
+        collect (list tp v a))
 (deftest make-array.8f
   (loop for tp in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type `(complex ,tp)
-			    :initial-element (complex v))
-	when (symbolp a)
-	collect (list tp v a))
+        for v in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+        for a = (make-array 5 :fill-pointer 3 :element-type `(complex ,tp)
+                            :initial-element (complex v))
+        when (symbolp a)
+        collect (list tp v a))
 ;;; Zero dimensional arrays
@@ -168,19 +168,19 @@
 (deftest make-array.12a
   (make-array-with-checks 10 :element-type 'bit :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0)
-			  :fill-pointer 6)
+                          :fill-pointer 6)
 (deftest make-array.12b
   (make-array-with-checks 10 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			  :fill-pointer 8)
+                          :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
+                          :fill-pointer 8)
 (deftest make-array.12c
   (make-array-with-checks 10 :element-type 'base-char
-			  :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			  :fill-pointer 8)
+                          :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
+                          :fill-pointer 8)
 (deftest make-array.13
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
 (deftest make-array.16
   (equalpt (make-array-with-checks '(0 0))
-	   (read-from-string "#2a()"))
+           (read-from-string "#2a()"))
 (deftest make-array.17
@@ -213,34 +213,34 @@
 (deftest make-array.19
   (make-array-with-checks '(4) :initial-contents
-			  (make-array '(10) :initial-element 1
-				      :fill-pointer 4))
+                          (make-array '(10) :initial-element 1
+                                      :fill-pointer 4))
   #(1 1 1 1))
 (deftest make-array.20
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-element 1
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (make-array-with-checks '(3 4) :initial-contents
-			    (list a a a)))
+                            (list a a a)))
   #2a((1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1) (1 1 1 1)))
 (deftest make-array.21
   (make-array-with-checks '(3 4) :initial-contents
-			  (make-array '(10) :initial-element '(1 2 3 4)
-				      :fill-pointer 3))
+                          (make-array '(10) :initial-element '(1 2 3 4)
+                                      :fill-pointer 3))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4) (1 2 3 4)))
 (deftest make-array.22
   (loop for i from 3 below (min array-rank-limit 128)
-	always
-	(equalpt (make-array-with-checks (make-list i :initial-element 0))
-		 (read-from-string (format nil "#~Aa()" i))))
+        always
+        (equalpt (make-array-with-checks (make-list i :initial-element 0))
+                 (read-from-string (format nil "#~Aa()" i))))
 (deftest make-array.23
   (let ((len (1- array-rank-limit)))
     (equalpt (make-array-with-checks (make-list len :initial-element 0))
-	     (read-from-string (format nil "#~Aa()" len))))
+             (read-from-string (format nil "#~Aa()" len))))
 ;;; (deftest make-array.24
@@ -249,71 +249,71 @@
 (deftest make-array.25
   (make-array '(4) :initial-element 'x :nonsense-argument t
-	      :allow-other-keys t)
+              :allow-other-keys t)
   #(x x x x))
 (deftest make-array.26
   (make-array '(4) :initial-element 'x
-	      :allow-other-keys nil)
+              :allow-other-keys nil)
   #(x x x x))
 (deftest make-array.27
   (make-array '(4) :initial-element 'x
-	      :allow-other-keys t
-	      :allow-other-keys nil
-	      :nonsense-argument t)
+              :allow-other-keys t
+              :allow-other-keys nil
+              :nonsense-argument t)
   #(x x x x))
 (deftest make-array.28
   (let ((*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
     (let ((len (1- (min 10000 array-rank-limit))))
       (equalpt (make-array (make-list len :initial-element 1) :initial-element 'x)
-	       (read-from-string (concatenate
-				  'string
-				  (format nil "#~dA" len)
-				  (make-string len :initial-element #\()
-				  "x"
-				  (make-string len :initial-element #\)))))))
+               (read-from-string (concatenate
+                                  'string
+                                  (format nil "#~dA" len)
+                                  (make-string len :initial-element #\()
+                                  "x"
+                                  (make-string len :initial-element #\)))))))
 (deftest make-array.29
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			  :initial-contents '(0 5 255 119 57))
+                          :initial-contents '(0 5 255 119 57))
   #(0 5 255 119 57))
 (deftest make-array.30
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer -128 127)
-			  :initial-contents '(-10 5 -128 86 127))
+                          :initial-contents '(-10 5 -128 86 127))
   #(-10 5 -128 86 127))
 (deftest make-array.31
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer 0 (65536))
-			  :initial-contents '(0 100 65535 7623 13))
+                          :initial-contents '(0 100 65535 7623 13))
   #(0 100 65535 7623 13))
 (deftest make-array.32
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'fixnum
-			  :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5))
+                          :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5))
   #(1 2 3 4 5))
 (deftest make-array.33
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'short-float
-			  :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
+                          :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
   #(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
 (deftest make-array.34
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'single-float
-			  :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
+                          :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
   #(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
 (deftest make-array.35
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'double-float
-			  :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
+                          :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
   #(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
 (deftest make-array.36
   (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'long-float
-			  :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
+                          :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
   #(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.2
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :initial-element 6)
+                         :initial-element 6)
  #(6 6 6 6))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.3
@@ -339,63 +339,63 @@
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.5
   (make-array-with-checks '(2 3) :adjustable t
-			  :initial-contents '((1 2 3) "abc"))
+                          :initial-contents '((1 2 3) "abc"))
   #2a((1 2 3) (#\a #\b #\c)))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.6
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :initial-contents '(a b c d))
+                         :initial-contents '(a b c d))
  #(a b c d))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.7
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :fill-pointer t
-			 :initial-contents '(a b c d))
+                         :fill-pointer t
+                         :initial-contents '(a b c d))
  #(a b c d))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.7a
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :fill-pointer t
-			 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :fill-pointer t
+                         :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1))
  #(1 0 0 1))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.7b
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'base-char
-			 :fill-pointer t
-			 :initial-contents "abcd")
+                         :element-type 'base-char
+                         :fill-pointer t
+                         :initial-contents "abcd")
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.7c
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'character
-			 :fill-pointer t
-			 :initial-contents "abcd")
+                         :element-type 'character
+                         :fill-pointer t
+                         :initial-contents "abcd")
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.8
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			 :initial-contents '(1 4 7 9))
+                         :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
+                         :initial-contents '(1 4 7 9))
  #(1 4 7 9))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.9
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'base-char
-			 :initial-contents "abcd")
+                         :element-type 'base-char
+                         :initial-contents "abcd")
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.10
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0))
 (deftest make-array.adjustable.11
  (make-array-with-checks '(4) :adjustable t
-			 :element-type 'symbol
-			 :initial-contents '(a b c d))
+                         :element-type 'symbol
+                         :initial-contents '(a b c d))
  #(a b c d))
 ;;; Displaced arrays
@@ -408,35 +408,35 @@
 (deftest make-array.displaced.2
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 3))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 3))
   #(d e f g h))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5))
   #(f g h i j))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.4
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(0) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 10))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 10))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.5
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			    :displaced-to a))
+                            :displaced-to a))
   #(1 3 5 7 9))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.6
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5 collect
-	  (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-				  :displaced-to a
-				  :displaced-index-offset i)))
+          (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
+                                  :displaced-to a
+                                  :displaced-index-offset i)))
   (#(1 3 5 7 9)
    #(3 5 7 9 11)
    #(5 7 9 11 13)
@@ -446,50 +446,50 @@
 (deftest make-array.displaced.7
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(0) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-			    :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 10))
+                            :displaced-to a
+                            :displaced-index-offset 10))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.8
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit
-		       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'bit
-			    :displaced-to a))
+                            :displaced-to a))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.9
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit
-		       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5 collect
-	  (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'bit
-				  :displaced-to a
-				  :displaced-index-offset i)))
+          (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'bit
+                                  :displaced-to a
+                                  :displaced-index-offset i)))
   (#*01101 #*11011 #*10111 #*01110 #*11101 #*11010))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.10
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit
-		       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(0) :element-type 'bit
-			    :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 10))
+                            :displaced-to a
+                            :displaced-index-offset 10))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.11
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-			    :displaced-to a))
+                            :displaced-to a))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.12
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5 collect
-	  (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-				  :displaced-to a
-				  :displaced-index-offset i)))
+          (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'base-char
+                                  :displaced-to a
+                                  :displaced-index-offset i)))
@@ -499,26 +499,26 @@
 (deftest make-array.displaced.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (make-array-with-checks '(0) :element-type 'base-char
-			    :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 10))
+                            :displaced-to a
+                            :displaced-index-offset 10))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.14
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'character
-			    :displaced-to a))
+                            :displaced-to a))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5 collect
-	  (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'character
-				  :displaced-to a
-				  :displaced-index-offset i)))
+          (make-array-with-checks '(5) :element-type 'character
+                                  :displaced-to a
+                                  :displaced-index-offset i)))
@@ -528,127 +528,127 @@
 (deftest make-array.displaced.16
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij")))
     (make-array-with-checks '(0) :element-type 'character
-			    :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 10))
+                            :displaced-to a
+                            :displaced-index-offset 10))
 ;;; Multidimensional displaced arrays
 (deftest make-array.displaced.17
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)
-						  (9 10 11 12)))))
+                                                  (9 10 11 12)))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(8) :displaced-to a))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.18
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)
-						  (9 10 11 12)))))
+                                                  (9 10 11 12)))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(8) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 3))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 3))
   #(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-contents '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)
-						  (9 10 11 12)))))
+                                                  (9 10 11 12)))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 4))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 4))
   #2a((5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.20
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(24) :displaced-to a))
   #(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.21
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(3 8) :displaced-to a))
   #2a((a b c d e f g h) (i j k l m n o p) (q r s t u v w x)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.22
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(10) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5))
   #(f g h i j k l m n o))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.23
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(10) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5
-			    :fill-pointer t))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5
+                            :fill-pointer t))
   #(f g h i j k l m n o))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.24
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(10) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5
-			    :fill-pointer 5))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5
+                            :fill-pointer 5))
   #(f g h i j))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.25
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(10) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5
-			    :adjustable t))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5
+                            :adjustable t))
   #(f g h i j k l m n o))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.26
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d) (e f g h) (i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p) (q r s t) (u v w x))))))
     (make-array-with-checks '(10) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset 5
-			    :fill-pointer 8
-			    :adjustable t))
+                            :displaced-index-offset 5
+                            :fill-pointer 8
+                            :adjustable t))
   #(f g h i j k l m))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.27
   (let ((a (make-array '(10)
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer t)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
+                       :fill-pointer t)))
     (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.28
   (let ((a (make-array '(10)
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.29
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-element 0)))
-	(make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a)
+        (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a)
       (loop for i below 10 do (setf (aref a i) (1+ i)))))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.30
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
-	(make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a2)
+        (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a2)
       (loop for i below 10 do (setf (aref a2 i) (1+ i)))))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
 (deftest make-array.displaced.31
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element 0))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(10) :displaced-to a1)))
-	(make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a2)
+        (make-array-with-checks '(2 4) :displaced-to a2)
       (loop for i below 10 do (setf (aref a1 i) (1+ i)))))
   #2a((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8)))
@@ -677,7 +677,7 @@
 (deftest make-array.allow-other-keys.6
   (make-array '(5) :bad t :initial-element 'a :allow-other-keys t
-	      :allow-other-keys nil :also-bad nil)
+              :allow-other-keys nil :also-bad nil)
   #(a a a a a))
 (deftest make-array.allow-other-keys.7
@@ -700,13 +700,13 @@
 (deftest make-array.error.3
   (signals-error (make-array '(10) :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-array.error.4
   (signals-error (make-array '(10) :allow-other-keys nil
-			      :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                              :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-array.error.5
@@ -723,11 +723,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c e)
      (make-array (progn (setf a (incf i)) 5)
-		 :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'a)
-		 :fill-pointer (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-		 ;; :displaced-to (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-		 :element-type (progn (setf e (incf i)) t)
-		 )
+                 :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'a)
+                 :fill-pointer (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+                 ;; :displaced-to (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+                 :element-type (progn (setf e (incf i)) t)
+                 )
      i a b c e))
   #(a a a a a) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -735,11 +735,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b d e)
      (make-array (progn (setf a (incf i)) 5)
-		 :element-type (progn (setf b (incf i)) t)
-		 ;; :displaced-to (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-		 :fill-pointer (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-		 :initial-element (progn (setf e (incf i)) 'a)
-		 )
+                 :element-type (progn (setf b (incf i)) t)
+                 ;; :displaced-to (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+                 :fill-pointer (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+                 :initial-element (progn (setf e (incf i)) 'a)
+                 )
      i a b d e))
   #(a a a a a) 4 1 2 3 4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-broadcast-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-broadcast-stream.lsp
index 25615a96..90b382e1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-broadcast-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-broadcast-stream.lsp
@@ -33,13 +33,13 @@
       (assert (open-stream-p s))
       (assert (streamp s))
       (assert (eql (stream-element-type s)
-		   (stream-element-type s1)))
+                   (stream-element-type s1)))
       (write-char #\x s)))
 (deftest make-broadcast-stream.3
   (let ((s1 (make-string-output-stream))
-	(s2 (make-string-output-stream)))
+        (s2 (make-string-output-stream)))
     (let ((s (make-broadcast-stream s1 s2)))
       (assert (typep s 'stream))
       (assert (typep s 'broadcast-stream))
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
       (assert (open-stream-p s))
       (assert (streamp s))
       (assert (eql (stream-element-type s)
-		   (stream-element-type s2)))
+                   (stream-element-type s2)))
       (format s "This is a test"))
      (get-output-stream-string s1)
@@ -89,11 +89,11 @@
 (deftest make-broadcast-stream.error.1
   (check-type-error #'make-broadcast-stream
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x))))
 (deftest make-broadcast-stream.error.2
   (check-type-error #'make-broadcast-stream
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x)))
-		    *streams*)
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x)))
+                    *streams*)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-concatenated-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-concatenated-stream.lsp
index 97da9206..ce6f6a6d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-concatenated-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-concatenated-stream.lsp
@@ -47,16 +47,16 @@
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.9
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output :element-type element-type
-		       :if-exists :supersede)
-		    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
      (s1 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (s2 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
-	(loop repeat 8 collect (read-byte s))))))
+        (loop repeat 8 collect (read-byte s))))))
   (1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13))
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.10
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
     (s2 "b")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (multiple-value-bind (str mnp)
-	  (read-line s)
-	(values str (notnot mnp))))))
+          (read-line s)
+        (values str (notnot mnp))))))
   "ab" t)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.18
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
     (s2 "")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (multiple-value-bind (str mnp)
-	  (read-line s)
-	(values str (notnot mnp))))))
+          (read-line s)
+        (values str (notnot mnp))))))
   "ab" t)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.19
@@ -159,8 +159,8 @@
     (s2 "ab")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (multiple-value-bind (str mnp)
-	  (read-line s)
-	(values str (notnot mnp))))))
+          (read-line s)
+        (values str (notnot mnp))))))
   "ab" t)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.20
@@ -179,61 +179,61 @@
     (s2 "")
     (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2)))
       (multiple-value-bind (str mnp)
-	  (read-line s nil :eof)
-	(values str (notnot mnp))))))
+          (read-line s nil :eof)
+        (values str (notnot mnp))))))
   :eof t)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.22
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output :element-type element-type
-		       :if-exists :supersede)
-		    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
      (s1 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (s2 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2))
-	    (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	(values
-	 (read-sequence x s)
-	 x)))))
+            (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        (values
+         (read-sequence x s)
+         x)))))
   #(1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13))
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.23
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output :element-type element-type
-		       :if-exists :supersede)
-		    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
      (s1 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (s2 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2))
-	    (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	(values
-	 (read-sequence x s)
-	 x)))))
+            (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        (values
+         (read-sequence x s)
+         x)))))
   #(1 5 9 13 1 5))
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.24
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (s pn :direction :output :element-type element-type
-		       :if-exists :supersede)
-		    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (dolist (b '(1 5 9 13)) (write-byte b s)))
      (s1 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (s2 pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream s1 s2))
-	    (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	(values
-	 (read-sequence x s)
-	 x)))))
+            (x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        (values
+         (read-sequence x s)
+         x)))))
   #(1 5 9 13 1 5 9 13 nil nil))
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.26
   (let ((s (make-concatenated-stream)))
     (values (prog1 (close s) (close s))
-	    (open-stream-p s)))
+            (open-stream-p s)))
   t nil)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.27
@@ -309,15 +309,15 @@
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.error.1
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))
-		   (eval `(signals-error (make-concatenated-stream ',x) t)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))
+                   (eval `(signals-error (make-concatenated-stream ',x) t)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest make-concatenated-stream.error.2
   (loop for x in *streams*
-	unless (or (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))
-		   (eval `(signals-error (make-concatenated-stream ',x) t)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))
+                   (eval `(signals-error (make-concatenated-stream ',x) t)))
+        collect x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-condition.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-condition.lsp
index 964d1d63..ace4097d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-condition.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-condition.lsp
@@ -8,41 +8,41 @@
 (deftest make-condition.1
   (loop for tp in *cl-condition-type-symbols*
-	for c = (make-condition tp)
-	unless (and (typep c tp)
-		    (typep c 'condition))
-	collect (list tp c))
+        for c = (make-condition tp)
+        unless (and (typep c tp)
+                    (typep c 'condition))
+        collect (list tp c))
 (deftest make-condition.2
   (loop for tp in *cl-condition-type-symbols*
-	for class = (find-class tp)
-	for c = (and class (make-condition class))
-	unless (or (not class)
-		   (and (typep c tp)
-			(typep c class)
-			(typep c 'condition)))
-	collect (list tp c))
+        for class = (find-class tp)
+        for c = (and class (make-condition class))
+        unless (or (not class)
+                   (and (typep c tp)
+                        (typep c class)
+                        (typep c 'condition)))
+        collect (list tp c))
 (deftest make-condition.3
   :notes (:make-condition-with-compound-name :ansi-spec-problem)
   (let* ((tp '(or program-error type-error))
-	 (c (make-condition tp)))
+         (c (make-condition tp)))
     (or (not (and (subtypep tp 'condition)
-		  (or (subtypep 'program-error tp)
-		      (subtypep 'type-error tp))))
-	(notnot-mv (typep c tp))))
+                  (or (subtypep 'program-error tp)
+                      (subtypep 'type-error tp))))
+        (notnot-mv (typep c tp))))
 (deftest make-condition.4
   :notes (:make-condition-with-compound-name :ansi-spec-problem)
   (let* ((tp '(and simple-error type-error))
-	 (c (make-condition tp)))
+         (c (make-condition tp)))
     (or (not (and (subtypep 'simple-error tp)
-		  (subtypep 'type-error tp)
-		  (subtypep tp 'condition)))
-	(notnot-mv (typep c tp))))
+                  (subtypep 'type-error tp)
+                  (subtypep tp 'condition)))
+        (notnot-mv (typep c tp))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-echo-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-echo-stream.lsp
index 223a2321..8d73cea9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-echo-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-echo-stream.lsp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (read-char s)
      (get-output-stream-string os)))
@@ -16,39 +16,39 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.2
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (get-output-stream-string os))
 (deftest make-echo-stream.3
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (values (read-line s nil)
-	    (get-output-stream-string os)))
+            (get-output-stream-string os)))
   "foo" "foo")
 ;;; Tests of READ-BYTE on echo streams
 (deftest make-echo-stream.4
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (os pn
-			:direction :output
-			:element-type element-type
-			:if-exists :supersede)
-		    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
-			  do (write-byte x os)))
+                        :direction :output
+                        :element-type element-type
+                        :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
+                          do (write-byte x os)))
      (is pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (os pn2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	   :element-type element-type)
+           :element-type element-type)
        (let ((s (make-echo-stream is os)))
-	 (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil :eof1))))
+         (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil :eof1))))
        (s pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil :eof2))))))
@@ -57,22 +57,22 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.5
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (os pn
-			:direction :output
-			:element-type element-type
-			:if-exists :supersede)
-		    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
-			  do (write-byte x os)))
+                        :direction :output
+                        :element-type element-type
+                        :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
+                          do (write-byte x os)))
      (is pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (os pn2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	   :element-type element-type)
+           :element-type element-type)
        (let ((s (make-echo-stream is os)))
-	 (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil 100))))
+         (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil 100))))
        (s pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (loop repeat 6 collect (read-byte s nil 200))))))
@@ -81,19 +81,19 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.6
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (values (coerce (loop repeat 3 collect (read-char-no-hang s)) 'string)
-	    (get-output-stream-string os)))
+            (get-output-stream-string os)))
   "foo" "foo")
 (deftest make-echo-stream.7
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
     (values (coerce (loop repeat 4 collect (read-char-no-hang s nil '#\z))
-		    'string)
-	    (get-output-stream-string os)))
+                    'string)
+            (get-output-stream-string os)))
   "fooz" "foo")
 ;;; peek-char + echo streams is tested in peek-char.lsp
@@ -101,9 +101,9 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.8
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os))
-	 (x (copy-seq "xxxxxx")))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os))
+         (x (copy-seq "xxxxxx")))
      (read-sequence x s)
@@ -114,24 +114,24 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.9
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (os pn
-			:direction :output
-			:element-type element-type
-			:if-exists :supersede)
-		    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
-			  do (write-byte x os)))
+                        :direction :output
+                        :element-type element-type
+                        :if-exists :supersede)
+                    (loop for x in '(2 3 5 7 11)
+                          do (write-byte x os)))
      (is pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (os pn2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	   :element-type element-type)
+           :element-type element-type)
        (let ((s (make-echo-stream is os))
-	     (x (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
-	 (list (read-sequence x s)
-	       x)))
+             (x (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
+         (list (read-sequence x s)
+               x)))
        (s pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (loop repeat 8 collect (read-byte s nil nil))))))
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.10
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (notnot (open-stream-p s))
      (close s)
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.11
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (notnot (listen s))
      (read-char s)
@@ -166,8 +166,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.12
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (notnot (streamp s))
      (notnot (typep s 'stream))
@@ -184,8 +184,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.13
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-char #\0 s)
      (close s)
@@ -194,8 +194,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.14
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (terpri s)
      (close s)
@@ -204,66 +204,66 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.15
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (os pn
-			:direction :output
-			:element-type element-type
-			:if-exists :supersede))
+                        :direction :output
+                        :element-type element-type
+                        :if-exists :supersede))
      (is pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (os pn2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	   :element-type element-type)
+           :element-type element-type)
        (let ((s (make-echo-stream is os))
-	     (x (mapcar #'char-code (coerce "abcdefg" 'list))))
-	 (loop for b in x do
-	       (assert (equal (list b)
-			      (multiple-value-list (write-byte b s)))))
-	 (close s)))))
+             (x (mapcar #'char-code (coerce "abcdefg" 'list))))
+         (loop for b in x do
+               (assert (equal (list b)
+                              (multiple-value-list (write-byte b s)))))
+         (close s)))))
      (is pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
      (let ((x (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
        (read-sequence x is)
-	(read-byte is nil :done)
-	(map 'string #'code-char x)))))
+        (read-byte is nil :done)
+        (map 'string #'code-char x)))))
 (deftest make-echo-stream.16
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (os pn
-			:direction :output
-			:element-type element-type
-			:if-exists :supersede))
+                        :direction :output
+                        :element-type element-type
+                        :if-exists :supersede))
      (is pn :direction :input :element-type element-type)
        (os pn2 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	   :element-type element-type)
+           :element-type element-type)
        (let ((s (make-echo-stream is os))
-	     (x (map 'vector #'char-code "abcdefg")))
-	 (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (write-sequence x s)) (list x)))
-	 (close s)))))
+             (x (map 'vector #'char-code "abcdefg")))
+         (assert (equal (multiple-value-list (write-sequence x s)) (list x)))
+         (close s)))))
      (is pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
      (let ((x (vector 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
        (read-sequence x is)
-	(read-byte is nil :done)
-	(map 'string #'code-char x)))))
+        (read-byte is nil :done)
+        (map 'string #'code-char x)))))
 (deftest make-echo-stream.17
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-char #\X s)
      (notnot (fresh-line s))
@@ -275,8 +275,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.18
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-string "159" s)
      (close s)
@@ -285,8 +285,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.20
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-string "0159X" s :start 1 :end 4)
      (close s)
@@ -295,8 +295,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.21
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-line "159" s)
      (close s)
@@ -305,8 +305,8 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.22
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-echo-stream is os)))
      (write-char #\0 s)
      (clear-output s)))
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
 (deftest make-echo-stream.error.3
   (signals-error (make-echo-stream *standard-input* *standard-output* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-instance.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-instance.lsp
index c6d3a125..baa981c6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-instance.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-instance.lsp
@@ -16,38 +16,38 @@
 (deftest make-instance.error.2
   (signals-error (make-instance 'make-instance-class-01 :a)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-instance.error.3
   (handler-case (progn (eval '(make-instance 'make-instance-class-01 :z 1))
-		       t)
-		(error () :good))
+                       t)
+                (error () :good))
 (deftest make-instance.error.4
   (handler-case (progn (eval '(make-instance
-			       (find-class 'make-instance-class-01)
-			       :z 1))
-		       t)
-		(error () :good))
+                               (find-class 'make-instance-class-01)
+                               :z 1))
+                       t)
+                (error () :good))
 (deftest make-instance.error.5
   (signals-error (let () (make-instance) nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-instance.error.6
   (loop for cl in *built-in-classes*
-	unless (eval `(signals-error (make-instance ',cl) error))
-	collect cl)
+        unless (eval `(signals-error (make-instance ',cl) error))
+        collect cl)
 ;; Definitions of methods
 (defmethod make-instance ((x make-instance-class-01)
-			  &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
+                          &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
 (deftest make-instance.1
@@ -60,21 +60,21 @@
 (when *can-define-metaclasses*
   (defclass make-instance-class-02 ()
     (a b c)
     (:metaclass substandard-class))
   (defmethod make-instance ((class (eql (find-class 'make-instance-class-02)))
-			    &rest initargs &key (x nil) (y nil) (z nil)
-			    &allow-other-keys)
+                            &rest initargs &key (x nil) (y nil) (z nil)
+                            &allow-other-keys)
     (declare (ignore initargs))
     (let ((obj (allocate-instance class)))
       (setf (slot-value obj 'a) x
-	    (slot-value obj 'b) y
-	    (slot-value obj 'c) z)
+            (slot-value obj 'b) y
+            (slot-value obj 'c) z)
   (deftest make-instance.3
     (let ((obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-02)))
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
        (slot-value obj 'b)
        (slot-value obj 'c)))
     t nil nil nil)
   (deftest make-instance.4
     (let ((obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-02 :z 10 :y 45 :x 'd)))
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@
        (slot-value obj 'b)
        (slot-value obj 'c)))
     t d 45 10)
   (deftest make-instance.5
     (let ((obj (make-instance (find-class 'make-instance-class-02) :y 'g)))
@@ -102,48 +102,48 @@
        (slot-value obj 'b)
        (slot-value obj 'c)))
     t nil g nil)
   (deftest make-instance.6
     (eq (make-instance 'make-instance-class-02)
-	(make-instance 'make-instance-class-02))
+        (make-instance 'make-instance-class-02))
   ;; Customization of make-instance
   (defclass make-instance-class-03 ()
     ((a :initform 1) (b :initarg :b) c)
     (:metaclass substandard-class))
   (defmethod make-instance ((class (eql (find-class 'make-instance-class-03)))
-			    &rest initargs
-			    &key (x nil x-p) (y nil y-p) (z nil z-p)
-			    &allow-other-keys)
+                            &rest initargs
+                            &key (x nil x-p) (y nil y-p) (z nil z-p)
+                            &allow-other-keys)
     (declare (ignore initargs))
     (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'make-instance-class-03))))
       (when x-p (setf (slot-value obj 'a) x))
       (when y-p (setf (slot-value obj 'b) y))
       (when z-p (setf (slot-value obj 'c) z))
   (deftest make-instance.7
     (let ((obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-03)))
        (eqt (class-of obj)
-	    (find-class 'make-instance-class-03))
+            (find-class 'make-instance-class-03))
        (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))))
     t (nil nil nil))
   (deftest make-instance.8
     (let* ((class (find-class 'make-instance-class-03))
-	   (obj (make-instance class :b 10)))
+           (obj (make-instance class :b 10)))
        (eqt (class-of obj) class)
        (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))))
     t (nil nil nil))
   (deftest make-instance.9
     (let* ((class (find-class 'make-instance-class-03))
-	   (obj (make-instance class :x 'g :z 'i :y 'k :foo t :x 'bad)))
+           (obj (make-instance class :x 'g :z 'i :y 'k :foo t :x 'bad)))
        (eqt (class-of obj) class)
        (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b c))
@@ -163,15 +163,15 @@
      &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
     (declare (ignore initargs))
     (incf *make-instance-class-04-var* 10))
   (deftest make-instance.10
     (let* ((*make-instance-class-04-var* 0)
-	   (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-04)))
+           (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-04)))
        (slot-value obj 'a)
     0 10)
   ;; Around method combination
   (defclass make-instance-class-05 ()
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
     (let ((obj (call-next-method)))
       (setf (slot-value obj 'c) 'bar)
   (deftest make-instance.11
     (let ((obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-05)))
@@ -200,9 +200,9 @@
 (deftest make-instance.order.1
   (let* ((i 0) x y
-	 (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-01
-			     :a (setf x (incf i))
-			     :b (setf y (incf i)))))
+         (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-01
+                             :a (setf x (incf i))
+                             :b (setf y (incf i)))))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b))
      i x y))
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
 (deftest make-instance.order.2
   (let* ((i 0) x y z w
-	 (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-01
-			     :a (setf x (incf i))
-			     :b (setf y (incf i))
-			     :b (setf z (incf i))
-			     :a (setf w (incf i)))))
+         (obj (make-instance 'make-instance-class-01
+                             :a (setf x (incf i))
+                             :b (setf y (incf i))
+                             :b (setf z (incf i))
+                             :a (setf w (incf i)))))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b))
      i x y z w))
@@ -222,12 +222,12 @@
 (deftest make-instance.order.3
   (let* ((i 0) u x y z w
-	 (obj (make-instance (prog1 'make-instance-class-01
-				    (setf u (incf i)))
-			     :a (setf x (incf i))
-			     :b (setf y (incf i))
-			     :b (setf z (incf i))
-			     :a (setf w (incf i)))))
+         (obj (make-instance (prog1 'make-instance-class-01
+                                    (setf u (incf i)))
+                             :a (setf x (incf i))
+                             :b (setf y (incf i))
+                             :b (setf z (incf i))
+                             :a (setf w (incf i)))))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b))
      i u x y z w))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-instances-obsolete.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-instances-obsolete.lsp
index ff7aede7..4cc14f04 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-instances-obsolete.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-instances-obsolete.lsp
@@ -13,27 +13,27 @@
 (deftest make-instances-obsolete.1
   (let* ((class-designator 'make-instances-obsolete-class-01)
-	 (class (find-class class-designator))
-	 (obj (make-instance class :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z :d 17)))
+         (class (find-class class-designator))
+         (obj (make-instance class :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z :d 17)))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b c d))
      (let ((val (make-instances-obsolete class)))
        (or (eqt val class-designator)
-	   (eqt val class)))
+           (eqt val class)))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b c d))))
   t (x y z 17) t (x y z 17))
 (deftest make-instances-obsolete.2
   (let* ((class-designator 'make-instances-obsolete-class-01)
-	 (class (find-class class-designator))
-	 (obj (make-instance class :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z :d 17)))
+         (class (find-class class-designator))
+         (obj (make-instance class :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z :d 17)))
      (eqt (class-of obj) class)
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b c d))
      (let ((val (make-instances-obsolete class-designator)))
        (or (eqt val class-designator)
-	   (eqt val class)))
+           (eqt val class)))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b c d))))
   t (x y z 17) t (x y z 17))
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 (deftest make-instances-obsolete.error.2
   (signals-error (make-instances-obsolete
-		   (find-class 'make-instances-obsolete-class-01)
-		   nil)
-		 program-error)
+                   (find-class 'make-instances-obsolete-class-01)
+                   nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp
index 84010d2a..f7b88b58 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+                :initial-element
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
      i x y))
   (a a a a a)
   2 1 2)
@@ -61,10 +61,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf z (incf i)) 'b))
+                :initial-element
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
+                :initial-element
+                (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'b))
      i x y z))
   (a a a a a)
   3 1 2 3)
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 (deftest make-list.error.7
   (signals-error (make-list 5 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-list.error.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-load-form-saving-slots.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-load-form-saving-slots.lsp
index 082ebd95..8487f428 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-load-form-saving-slots.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-load-form-saving-slots.lsp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.1
   (let* ((obj (make-mlfss-01))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
      (length forms)
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.2
   (let* ((obj (make-mlfss-01))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b)))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b)))))
      (length forms)
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
@@ -37,95 +37,95 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.3
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c)))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c)))))
   2 t (nil nil nil))
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.4
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02 :a 1 :b 'a :c '(x y z)))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b c)))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b c)))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
-	(map-slot-value newobj '(a b c)))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
+        (map-slot-value newobj '(a b c)))))
   2 t (t t t) (1 a (x y z)))
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.5
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02 :a #(x y z)))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b)))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(a b)))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
-	(slot-value newobj 'a))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
+        (slot-value newobj 'a))))
   2 t (t nil nil) #(x y z))
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.6
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :allow-other-keys nil))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :allow-other-keys nil))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c)))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c)))))
   2 t (nil nil nil))
 ;;; If :slot-names is missing, all initialized slots are retained
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.7
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02 :a (list 'x) :c 6/5))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
-	(map-slot-value newobj '(a c)))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
+        (map-slot-value newobj '(a c)))))
   2 t (t nil t) ((x) 6/5))
 ;;; If :slot-names is present, all initialized slots in the list are retained
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.8
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02 :a (list 'x) :c 6/5))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(c)))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :slot-names '(c)))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
-	(slot-value newobj 'c))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
+        (slot-value newobj 'c))))
   2 t (nil nil t) 6/5)
 ;; It takes an :environment parameter
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.9
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'mlfss-02 :a 7 :c 64 :b 100))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :environment nil))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj :environment nil))))
      (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
        (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
-	(length forms)
-	(eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
-	(map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
-	(map-slot-value newobj '(a b c)))))
+        (length forms)
+        (eqt (class-of obj) (class-of newobj))
+        (map-slot-boundp* newobj '(a b c))
+        (map-slot-value newobj '(a b c)))))
   2 t (t t t) (7 100 64))
 (defpackage "CL-TEST-MLFSS-PACKAGE" (:use) (:export #:a))
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-savings-slots.10
   (let* ((obj (make-mlfss-03 :a 17))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
     (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
       (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-savings-slots.11
   (let* ((obj (make-mlfss-03 :a 17))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots
-		  obj
-		  :slot-names '(cl-test-mlfss-package:a)))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots
+                  obj
+                  :slot-names '(cl-test-mlfss-package:a)))))
     (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
       (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-savings-slots.12
   (let* ((obj (make-mlfss-04 :a 123))
-	 (forms (multiple-value-list
-		 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
+         (forms (multiple-value-list
+                 (make-load-form-saving-slots obj))))
     (let ((newobj (eval (first forms))))
       (eval (subst newobj obj (second forms)))
@@ -184,12 +184,12 @@
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.error.2
   (signals-error (make-load-form-saving-slots (make-instance 'mlfss-02)
-					       :slot-names)
-		 program-error)
+                                               :slot-names)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-load-form-saving-slots.error.3
   (signals-error (make-load-form-saving-slots (make-instance 'mlfss-02)
-					       (gensym) t)
-		 program-error)
+                                               (gensym) t)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-load-form.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-load-form.lsp
index 1acbc13b..22fb03cc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-load-form.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-load-form.lsp
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.1
   (let* ((fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01)))
+         (obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01)))
     (if (eql (or (find-method fun nil '(standard-object) nil)
-		 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
-		 :none)
-	     (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
-	;; The default method applies
-	(handler-case
-	 (progn (make-load-form obj) :bad)
-	 (error () :good))
+                 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
+                 :none)
+             (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+        ;; The default method applies
+        (handler-case
+         (progn (make-load-form obj) :bad)
+         (error () :good))
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.2
   (let* ((fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02)))
+         (obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02)))
     (if (eql (or (find-method fun nil '(structure-object) nil)
-		 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
-		 :none)
-	     (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
-	;; The default method applies
-	(handler-case
-	 (progn (make-load-form obj) :bad)
-	 (error () :good))
+                 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
+                 :none)
+             (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+        ;; The default method applies
+        (handler-case
+         (progn (make-load-form obj) :bad)
+         (error () :good))
@@ -44,15 +44,15 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.3
   (let* ((fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03)))
+         (obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03)))
     (if (eql (or (find-method fun nil '(condition) nil)
-		 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
-		 :none)
-	     (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
-	;; The default method applies
-	(handler-case
-	 (progn (make-load-form obj :bad))
-	 (error () :good))
+                 (find-method fun nil (list (find-class t)) nil)
+                 :none)
+             (car (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+        ;; The default method applies
+        (handler-case
+         (progn (make-load-form obj :bad))
+         (error () :good))
@@ -61,73 +61,73 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.4
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
      (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.5
   (let* ((obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
     (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.6
   (let* ((obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj))))
     (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.7
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
     (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.8
   (let* ((obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
     (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.9
   (let* ((obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03))
-	 (fun #'make-load-form)
-	 (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
+         (fun #'make-load-form)
+         (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj nil))))
     (notnot-mv methods))
 (deftest make-load-form.10
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01))
-		  (fun #'make-load-form)
-		  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
-	     (notnot-mv methods))))
+           (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-01))
+                  (fun #'make-load-form)
+                  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
+             (notnot-mv methods))))
 (deftest make-load-form.11
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   (let* ((obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02))
-		  (fun #'make-load-form)
-		  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
-	     (notnot-mv methods))))
+           (let* ((obj (make-make-load-form-struct-02))
+                  (fun #'make-load-form)
+                  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
+             (notnot-mv methods))))
 (deftest make-load-form.12
       ((%m (&environment env)
-	   (let* ((obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03))
-		  (fun #'make-load-form)
-		  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
-	     (notnot-mv methods))))
+           (let* ((obj (make-condition 'make-load-form-condition-03))
+                  (fun #'make-load-form)
+                  (methods (compute-applicable-methods fun (list obj env))))
+             (notnot-mv methods))))
@@ -137,19 +137,19 @@
   ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b) (c :initarg :c)))
 (defmethod make-load-form ((obj make-load-form-class-04)
-			   &optional (env t))
+                           &optional (env t))
   (declare (ignore env))
   (let ((newobj (gensym)))
     `(let ((,newobj (allocate-instance (find-class 'make-load-form-class-04))))
        ,@(loop for slot-name in '(a b c)
-	      when (slot-boundp obj slot-name)
-	      collect `(setf (slot-value ,newobj ',slot-name)
-			     ',(slot-value obj slot-name)))
+              when (slot-boundp obj slot-name)
+              collect `(setf (slot-value ,newobj ',slot-name)
+                             ',(slot-value obj slot-name)))
 (deftest make-load-form.13
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-04))
-	 (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj))))
+         (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj))))
      (eqt (class-of obj2) (class-of obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj2 '(a b c))))
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.14
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-04 :a 1 :b '(a b c) :c 'a))
-	 (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj))))
+         (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj))))
      (eqt (class-of obj2) (class-of obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj2 '(a b c))
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 (deftest make-load-form.15
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'make-load-form-class-04 :b '(a b c) :c 'a))
-	 (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj nil))))
+         (obj2 (eval (make-load-form obj nil))))
      (eqt (class-of obj2) (class-of obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj2 '(a b c))
@@ -185,21 +185,21 @@
   ((b :initarg :b)))
 (defmethod make-load-form ((obj make-load-form-class-05a)
-			   &optional (env t))
+                           &optional (env t))
   (declare (ignore env))
   (let ((newobj (gensym)))
     `(let ((,newobj (allocate-instance (find-class 'make-load-form-class-04))))
        ,@(when (slot-boundp obj 'a)
-	   `((setf (slot-value ,newobj 'a) ',(slot-value obj 'a))))
+           `((setf (slot-value ,newobj 'a) ',(slot-value obj 'a))))
 (defmethod make-load-form :around ((obj make-load-form-class-05b)
-				   &optional (env t))
+                                   &optional (env t))
   (declare (ignore env))
   (let ((newobj (gensym)))
     `(let ((,newobj (allocate-instance (find-class 'make-load-form-class-04))))
        ,@(when (slot-boundp obj 'a)
-	   `((setf (slot-value ,newobj 'a) ',(slot-value obj 'a))))
+           `((setf (slot-value ,newobj 'a) ',(slot-value obj 'a))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-package.lsp
index 51f8a3c0..a5234a0d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-package.lsp
@@ -17,11 +17,11 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1"))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.2
@@ -29,11 +29,11 @@
     (safely-delete-package '#:|TEST1|)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1|))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.3
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@
     (safely-delete-package #\X)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 ;; Same, but with a null :use list
@@ -55,12 +55,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use nil))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.5
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package '#:|TEST1|)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use nil))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.6
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package #\X)
     (let ((p (make-package #\X)))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       ;; (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               ;; (equalt (package-use-list p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 ;; Same, but use the A package
@@ -97,12 +97,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '("A")))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.7a
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '(#:|A|)))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.7b
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use '(#\A)))))
-	  (and (packagep p)
-	       (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-	       (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-	       (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-	       (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (and (packagep p)
+               (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+               (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+               (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+               (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
 (deftest make-package.8
@@ -139,12 +139,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package '#:|TEST1|)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '("A")))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.8a
@@ -153,12 +153,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package '#:|TEST1|)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '(#:|A|)))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.8b
@@ -167,12 +167,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package '#:|TEST1|)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package '#:|TEST1| :use '(#\A)))))
-	  (values (packagep p)
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (packagep p)
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.9
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package #\X)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '("A")))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.9a
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package #\X)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '(#:|A|)))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.9b
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package #\X)
     (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package #\X :use '(#\A)))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package "A")))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t t)
 ;; make-package with nicknames
@@ -224,11 +224,11 @@
     (mapc #'safely-delete-package '("TEST1" "F"))
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1" :nicknames '("F"))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("F"))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("F"))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.11
@@ -236,11 +236,11 @@
     (mapc #'safely-delete-package '("TEST1" "G"))
     (let ((p (make-package '#:|TEST1| :nicknames '(#:|G|))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.12
@@ -248,11 +248,11 @@
     (mapc #'safely-delete-package '("TEST1" "G"))
     (let ((p (make-package '#:|TEST1| :nicknames '(#\G))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) '("G"))
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t t t)
 (deftest make-package.13
@@ -260,13 +260,13 @@
     (mapc #'safely-delete-package '(#\X #\F #\G #\H))
     (let ((p (make-package #\X :nicknames '("F" #\G #:|H|))))
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
-		  (set-exclusive-or (package-nicknames p)
-				    '("F" "G" "H")
-				    :test #'equal)
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p))))
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "X")
+                  (set-exclusive-or (package-nicknames p)
+                                    '("F" "G" "H")
+                                    :test #'equal)
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p))))
   t t nil t)
 ;;; Specialized sequences as designators
@@ -279,110 +279,110 @@
        (assert (string= name "TEST1"))
        (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
        (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package name))))
-	 (multiple-value-prog1
-	  (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	  (safely-delete-package p))))
+         (multiple-value-prog1
+          (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                  (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                  (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                  (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+          (safely-delete-package p))))
      t t t t))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.14
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.15
   (make-array 12 :initial-contents "TEST1xxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.16
   (make-array 12 :initial-contents "TEST1xxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.17
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.18
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.19
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-make-package-test1 make-package.20
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Nicknames being specialized sequences
 (defmacro def-make-package-test2 (test-name name-form)
   `(deftest ,test-name
      (let ((name ,name-form)
-	   (nickname "TEST1-NICKNAME"))
+           (nickname "TEST1-NICKNAME"))
        (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
        (safely-delete-package nickname)
        (let ((p (make-package name :nicknames (list nickname))))
-	 (multiple-value-prog1
-	     (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		     (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		     (equalt (package-nicknames p) (list nickname))
-		     (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	     (safely-delete-package p))))
+         (multiple-value-prog1
+             (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                     (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                     (equalt (package-nicknames p) (list nickname))
+                     (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+             (safely-delete-package p))))
      t t t t))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.21
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.22
   (make-array 12 :initial-contents "TEST1xxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.23
   (make-array 12 :initial-contents "TEST1xxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.24
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.25
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.26
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-make-package-test2 make-package.27
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxTEST1yyy"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; USE names being specialized sequences
@@ -393,13 +393,13 @@
        (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
        (assert (find-package name))
        (let ((p (ignore-errors (make-package "TEST1" :use (list name)))))
-	 (multiple-value-prog1
-	     (values (notnot (packagep p))
-		     (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
-		     (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
-		     (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package name)))
-		     (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
-	     (safely-delete-package p))))
+         (multiple-value-prog1
+             (values (notnot (packagep p))
+                     (equalt (package-name p) "TEST1")
+                     (equalt (package-nicknames p) nil)
+                     (equalt (package-use-list p) (list (find-package name)))
+                     (equalt (package-used-by-list p) nil))
+             (safely-delete-package p))))
      t t t t t))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.28
@@ -407,39 +407,39 @@
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.29
   (make-array 8 :initial-contents "Axxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 1
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 1
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.30
   (make-array 8 :initial-contents "Axxxyyyz"
-	      :fill-pointer 1
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 1
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.31
   (make-array 1 :initial-contents "A"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.32
   (make-array 1 :initial-contents "A"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.33
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxAyyy0123"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxAyyy0123"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 1 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-make-package-test3 make-package.34
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxAzzzzyyy"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "xxAzzzzyyy"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 1 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;; Signal a continuable error if the package or any nicknames
 ;; exist as packages or nicknames of packages
@@ -448,7 +448,7 @@
     (handle-non-abort-restart (make-package "A")))
-  success)  
+  success)
 (deftest make-package.error.2
@@ -509,5 +509,5 @@
     (safely-delete-package "MPE11")
     (signals-error (make-package "MPE11" 'bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		   program-error))
+                   program-error))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-pathname.lsp
index 25058e1b..1e6c7057 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-pathname.lsp
@@ -10,39 +10,39 @@
 (defun make-pathname-test
   (&rest args &key (defaults nil)
-	 (host (if defaults (pathname-host defaults)
-		 (pathname-host *default-pathname-defaults*)))
-	 (device (if defaults (pathname-device defaults)
-		   (pathname-device *null-pathname*)))
-	 (directory (if defaults (pathname-directory defaults)
-		      (pathname-directory *null-pathname*)))
-	 (name (if defaults (pathname-name defaults)
-		 (pathname-name  *null-pathname*)))
-	 (type (if defaults (pathname-type defaults)
-		 (pathname-type *null-pathname*)))
-	 (version (if defaults (pathname-version defaults)
-		    (pathname-version *null-pathname*)))
-	 case)
+         (host (if defaults (pathname-host defaults)
+                 (pathname-host *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+         (device (if defaults (pathname-device defaults)
+                   (pathname-device *null-pathname*)))
+         (directory (if defaults (pathname-directory defaults)
+                      (pathname-directory *null-pathname*)))
+         (name (if defaults (pathname-name defaults)
+                 (pathname-name  *null-pathname*)))
+         (type (if defaults (pathname-type defaults)
+                 (pathname-type *null-pathname*)))
+         (version (if defaults (pathname-version defaults)
+                    (pathname-version *null-pathname*)))
+         case)
   (declare (ignorable case))
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (apply #'make-pathname args)))
-	 (pn (first vals)))
+         (pn (first vals)))
     (and (= (length vals) 1)
-	 (typep pn 'pathname)
-	 (equalp (pathname-host pn) host)
-	 (equalp (pathname-device pn) device)
-	 ;; (equalp (pathname-directory pn) directory)
-	 (let ((pnd (pathname-directory pn)))
-	   (if (eq directory :wild)
-	       (member pnd '((:absolute :wild-inferiors)
-			     (:absolute :wild))
-		       :test #'equal)
-	     (equalp pnd directory)))	     
-	 (equalp (pathname-name pn) name)
-	 (equalp (pathname-type pn) type)
-	 (equalp (pathname-version pn) version)
-	 t)))
+         (typep pn 'pathname)
+         (equalp (pathname-host pn) host)
+         (equalp (pathname-device pn) device)
+         ;; (equalp (pathname-directory pn) directory)
+         (let ((pnd (pathname-directory pn)))
+           (if (eq directory :wild)
+               (member pnd '((:absolute :wild-inferiors)
+                             (:absolute :wild))
+                       :test #'equal)
+             (equalp pnd directory)))
+         (equalp (pathname-name pn) name)
+         (equalp (pathname-type pn) type)
+         (equalp (pathname-version pn) version)
+         t)))
 (deftest make-pathname.1
@@ -110,40 +110,40 @@
 (deftest make-pathname.14
   (let ((*default-pathname-defaults*
-	 (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "lsp" :version :newest)))
+         (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "lsp" :version :newest)))
 ;;; Works on the components of actual pathnames
 (deftest make-pathname.rebuild
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for host = (pathname-host p)
-	for device = (pathname-device p)
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p)
-	for name = (pathname-name p)
-	for type = (pathname-type p)
-	for version = (pathname-version p)
-	for p2 = (make-pathname
-		  :host host
-		  :device device
-		  :directory directory
-		  :name name
-		  :type type
-		  :version version)
-	unless (equal p p2)
-	collect (list p p2))
+        for host = (pathname-host p)
+        for device = (pathname-device p)
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p)
+        for name = (pathname-name p)
+        for type = (pathname-type p)
+        for version = (pathname-version p)
+        for p2 = (make-pathname
+                  :host host
+                  :device device
+                  :directory directory
+                  :name name
+                  :type type
+                  :version version)
+        unless (equal p p2)
+        collect (list p p2))
 ;;; Various constraints on :directory
 (deftest make-pathname-error-absolute-up
   (signals-error (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :up)))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
 (deftest make-pathname-error-absolute-back
   (signals-error (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :back)))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
 ;; The next test is correct, but was causing very large amounts of time to be spent
@@ -151,21 +151,21 @@
 (deftest make-pathname-error-absolute-wild-inferiors-up
   (signals-error (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild-inferiors :up)))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
 (deftest make-pathname-error-relative-wild-inferiors-up
   (signals-error (length (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors :up))))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
 (deftest make-pathname-error-absolute-wild-inferiors-back
   (signals-error (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild-inferiors :back)))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
 (deftest make-pathname-error-relative-wild-inferiors-back
   (signals-error (directory (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild-inferiors :back)))
-		 file-error)
+                 file-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-random-element-of.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-random-element-of.lsp
index 8932fae4..dcbea8a9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-random-element-of.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-random-element-of.lsp
@@ -35,13 +35,13 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type (eql rational)))
   (let* ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	 (n (random r))
-	 (d (loop for x = (random r) unless (zerop x) do (return x))))
+         (n (random r))
+         (d (loop for x = (random r) unless (zerop x) do (return x))))
     (if (coin) (/ n d) (- (/ n d)))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type (eql integer)))
   (let* ((b (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))
-	 (x (ash 1 b)))
+         (x (ash 1 b)))
      (1 (+ x (make-random-element-of 'integer)))
      (1 (- (make-random-element-of 'integer) x))
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type (eql ratio)))
   (loop for x = (make-random-element-of 'rational)
-	unless (integerp x) return x))
+        unless (integerp x) return x))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type complex))
   (make-random-element-of '(complex real)))
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type bignum))
   (make-random-element-of `(or (integer * (,most-negative-fixnum))
-			       (integer (,most-positive-fixnum)))))
+                               (integer (,most-positive-fixnum)))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type (eql number)))
   (make-random-element-of (random-from-seq #(integer rational float complex))))
@@ -87,11 +87,11 @@
    (3 (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
    (2 (let ((r (random 256)))
-	(or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))
+        (or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))
    (1 (let ((r (random #.(ash 1 16))))
-	(or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))
+        (or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))
    (1 (let ((r (random #.(ash 1 24))))
-	(or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))))
+        (or (code-char r) (make-random-element-of 'character))))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of ((type 'base-char))
   (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
@@ -169,37 +169,37 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-compound-type ((type-op (eql and)) (args cons))
   (loop for e = (make-random-element-of (car args))
-	repeat 100
-	when (or (null (cdr args)) (typep e (cons 'and (cdr args))))
-	return x
-	finally (error "Cannot generate a random element of ~A"
-		       (cons 'and args))))
+        repeat 100
+        when (or (null (cdr args)) (typep e (cons 'and (cdr args))))
+        return x
+        finally (error "Cannot generate a random element of ~A"
+                       (cons 'and args))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-compound-type ((type-op (eql integer)) (args t))
   (let ((lo (let ((lo (car args)))
-	      (cond
-	       ((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
-	       ((eq lo nil) '*)
-	       (t lo))))
-	(hi (let ((hi (cadr args)))
-	      (cond
-	       ((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
-	       ((eq hi nil) '*)
-	       (t hi)))))
+              (cond
+               ((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
+               ((eq lo nil) '*)
+               (t lo))))
+        (hi (let ((hi (cadr args)))
+              (cond
+               ((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
+               ((eq hi nil) '*)
+               (t hi)))))
     (if (eq lo '*)
-	(if (eq hi '*)
-	    (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	      (random-from-interval x (- x)))
-	  (random-from-interval (1+ hi)
-				(- hi (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
+        (if (eq hi '*)
+            (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
+              (random-from-interval x (- x)))
+          (random-from-interval (1+ hi)
+                                (- hi (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
       (if (eq hi '*)
-	  (random-from-interval (+ lo (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)) 1)
-				lo)
-	;; May generalize the next case to increase odds
-	;; of certain integers (near 0, near endpoints, near
-	;; powers of 2...)
-	(random-from-interval (1+ hi) lo)))))
+          (random-from-interval (+ lo (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)) 1)
+                                lo)
+        ;; May generalize the next case to increase odds
+        ;; of certain integers (near 0, near endpoints, near
+        ;; powers of 2...)
+        (random-from-interval (1+ hi) lo)))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-compound-type ((type-op (eql short-float)) (args t))
   (make-random-element-of-float-type type args))
@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@
 (defun make-random-element-of-float-type (type-op args)
   (let ((lo (car args))
-	(hi (cadr args))
-	lo= hi=)
+        (hi (cadr args))
+        lo= hi=)
      ((consp lo) nil)
      ((member lo '(* nil))
@@ -238,14 +238,14 @@
     (let ((limit 100000))
        ((or (<= hi 0)
-	    (>= lo 0)
-	    (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
-	(loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
-	      do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
+            (>= lo 0)
+            (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
+        (loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
+              do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
-	(rcase
-	 (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
-	 (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
+        (rcase
+         (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
+         (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-compound-type ((type-op (eql mod)) (args cons))
   (let ((modulus (car args)))
@@ -258,10 +258,10 @@
       (make-random-element-of '(integer 0 *))
     (let ((bits (car args)))
       (if (eq bits'*)
-	  (make-random-element-of '(integer 0 *))
-	(progn
-	  (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
-	  (make-random-element-of `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
+          (make-random-element-of '(integer 0 *))
+        (progn
+          (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
+          (make-random-element-of `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-compound-type ((type-op (eql eql)) (args cons))
   (assert (null (cdr args)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-random-state.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-random-state.lsp
index 02602d69..02b1b03a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-random-state.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-random-state.lsp
@@ -28,15 +28,15 @@
 (deftest make-random-state.1
   (let ((rs (make-random-state)))
     (and (not (eq rs *random-state*))
-	 (random-state-p rs)
-	 (eqlt (random 1000000) (random 1000000 rs))))
+         (random-state-p rs)
+         (eqlt (random 1000000) (random 1000000 rs))))
 (deftest make-random-state.2
   (let ((rs (make-random-state *random-state*)))
     (and (not (eq rs *random-state*))
-	 (random-state-p rs)
-	 (eqlt (random 1000000) (random 1000000 rs))))
+         (random-state-p rs)
+         (eqlt (random 1000000) (random 1000000 rs))))
 (deftest make-random-state.3
@@ -44,24 +44,24 @@
     (random 10)
     (let ((rs2 (make-random-state rs)))
       (and (not (eq rs *random-state*))
-	   (not (eq rs rs2))
-	   (not (eq rs2 *random-state*))
-	   (random-state-p rs)
-	   (random-state-p rs2)
-	   (eqlt (random 1.0 rs) (random 1.0 rs2)))))
+           (not (eq rs rs2))
+           (not (eq rs2 *random-state*))
+           (random-state-p rs)
+           (random-state-p rs2)
+           (eqlt (random 1.0 rs) (random 1.0 rs2)))))
 (deftest make-random-state.4
   (let ((rs (make-random-state t))
-	(rs2 (make-random-state t)))
+        (rs2 (make-random-state t)))
     (and (random-state-p rs)
-	 (not (eq rs *random-state*))
-	 (random-state-p rs2)
-	 (not (eq rs2 *random-state*))
-	 (not (eq rs rs2))
-	 (integerp (random 10 rs))
-	 (floatp (random 1.0 rs2))
-	 t))
+         (not (eq rs *random-state*))
+         (random-state-p rs2)
+         (not (eq rs2 *random-state*))
+         (not (eq rs rs2))
+         (integerp (random 10 rs))
+         (floatp (random 1.0 rs2))
+         t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp
index 7cfb549e..0b59e6ed 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-sequence.lsp
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.1
   (let ((x (make-sequence 'list 4)))
     (and (eql (length x) 4)
-	 (listp x)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
-	 t))
+         (listp x)
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.2
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.3
   (let ((x (make-sequence 'cons 4)))
     (and (eql (length x) 4)
-	 (listp x)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
-	 t))
+         (listp x)
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e in x always (eql (car x) e))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.4
@@ -38,9 +38,9 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.6
   (let ((s (make-sequence 'string 10)))
     (and (eql (length s) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.7
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.8
   (let ((s (make-sequence 'simple-string 10)))
     (and (eql (length s) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across s always (eql e (aref s 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.9
@@ -63,97 +63,97 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.10
   (let ((x (make-sequence 'vector 10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.11
   (let* ((u (list 'a))
-	 (x (make-sequence 'vector 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence 'vector 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.12
   (let ((x (make-sequence 'simple-vector 10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.13
   (let* ((u (list 'a))
-	 (x (make-sequence 'simple-vector 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence 'simple-vector 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.14
   (let ((x (make-sequence '(vector *) 10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.15
   (let* ((u (list 'a))
-	 (x (make-sequence '(vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence '(vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.16
   (let ((x (make-sequence '(simple-vector *)  10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.17
   (let* ((u (list 'a))
-	 (x (make-sequence '(simple-vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence '(simple-vector *) 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.18
   (let ((x (make-sequence '(string *) 10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.19
   (let* ((u #\a)
-	 (x (make-sequence '(string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence '(string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.20
   (let ((x (make-sequence '(simple-string *)  10)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
-	 t))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e (aref x 0)))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.21
   (let* ((u #\a)
-	 (x (make-sequence '(simple-string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
+         (x (make-sequence '(simple-string *) 10 :initial-element u)))
     (and (eql (length x) 10)
-	 (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
-	 t))
+         (loop for e across x always (eql e u))
+         t))
 (deftest make-sequence.22
@@ -180,47 +180,47 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.27
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	  for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	  for type = `(vector ,etype)
-	  for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element 0)
-	  unless (and (typep vec type)
-		      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) 0)))
-	  collect (list i etype type vec)))
+          for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+          for type = `(vector ,etype)
+          for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element 0)
+          unless (and (typep vec type)
+                      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) 0)))
+          collect (list i etype type vec)))
 (deftest make-sequence.28
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	  for etype = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	  for type = `(vector ,etype)
-	  for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element 0)
-	  unless (and (typep vec type)
-		      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) 0)))
-	  collect (list i etype type vec)))
+          for etype = `(signed-byte ,i)
+          for type = `(vector ,etype)
+          for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element 0)
+          unless (and (typep vec type)
+                      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) 0)))
+          collect (list i etype type vec)))
 (deftest make-sequence.29
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for type = `(vector ,etype)
-	  for elem = (coerce 1 etype)
-	  for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element elem)
-	  unless (and (typep vec type)
-		      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) elem)))
-	  collect (list etype type vec)))
+          for type = `(vector ,etype)
+          for elem = (coerce 1 etype)
+          for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element elem)
+          unless (and (typep vec type)
+                      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) elem)))
+          collect (list etype type vec)))
 (deftest make-sequence.30
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float
-				      integer rational)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for type = `(vector ,etype)
-	  for elem = (complex (coerce 1 cetype) (coerce -1 cetype))
-	  for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element elem)
-	  unless (and (typep vec type)
-		      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) elem)))
-	  collect (list etype type vec)))
+                                      integer rational)
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for type = `(vector ,etype)
+          for elem = (complex (coerce 1 cetype) (coerce -1 cetype))
+          for vec = (make-sequence type len :initial-element elem)
+          unless (and (typep vec type)
+                      (loop for i below len always (eql (elt vec i) elem)))
+          collect (list etype type vec)))
 ;;; Other type specifiers
@@ -313,64 +313,64 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.51
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for vec = (make-array 1 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			      :initial-element 1)
-	for class = (class-of vec)
-	nconc
-	(if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	    (let ((vec2 (make-sequence class 1 :initial-element 1)))
-	      (unless (equalp vec vec)
-		(list (list i vec class vec2))))
-	  nil))
+        for vec = (make-array 1 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                              :initial-element 1)
+        for class = (class-of vec)
+        nconc
+        (if (subtypep class 'vector)
+            (let ((vec2 (make-sequence class 1 :initial-element 1)))
+              (unless (equalp vec vec)
+                (list (list i vec class vec2))))
+          nil))
 (deftest make-sequence.52
   (let ((class (class-of "aaaa")))
     (if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	(make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
+        (make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-sequence.53
   (let ((class (class-of (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
-				     :fill-pointer 4
-				     :adjustable t
-				     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
+                                     :fill-pointer 4
+                                     :adjustable t
+                                     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
     (if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	(make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
+        (make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-sequence.54
   (let ((class (class-of (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-				     :fill-pointer 4
-				     :adjustable t
-				     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
+                                     :fill-pointer 4
+                                     :adjustable t
+                                     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
     (if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	(make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
+        (make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-sequence.55
   (let ((class (class-of (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-				     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
+                                     :initial-contents "aaaa"))))
     (if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	(make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
+        (make-sequence class 4 :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-sequence.56
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for vec = (make-array 1 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			      :adjustable t :fill-pointer 1
-			      :initial-element 1)
-	for class = (class-of vec)
-	nconc
-	(if (subtypep class 'vector)
-	    (let ((vec2 (make-sequence class 1 :initial-element 1)))
-	      (unless (equalp vec vec)
-		(list (list i vec class vec2))))
-	  nil))
+        for vec = (make-array 1 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                              :adjustable t :fill-pointer 1
+                              :initial-element 1)
+        for class = (class-of vec)
+        nconc
+        (if (subtypep class 'vector)
+            (let ((vec2 (make-sequence class 1 :initial-element 1)))
+              (unless (equalp vec vec)
+                (list (list i vec class vec2))))
+          nil))
 (deftest make-sequence.57
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.allow-other-keys.5
   (make-sequence 'list 5 :initial-element 'a :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (a a a a a))
 (deftest make-sequence.keywords.6
@@ -452,12 +452,12 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.error.11
   (signals-error (make-sequence 'list 10 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-sequence.error.12
   (signals-error (make-sequence 'list 10 :initial-element)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-sequence.error.13
@@ -466,7 +466,7 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.error.14
   (signals-error-always (locally (make-sequence 'symbol 10) t)
-			type-error)
+                        type-error)
   t t)
 (deftest make-sequence.error.15
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@
 (deftest make-sequence.error.16
   (signals-error-always (make-sequence (find-class 'integer) 0) type-error)
-  t t)  
+  t t)
 ;;; Order of execution tests
@@ -486,8 +486,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (make-sequence (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'list)
-		    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 5)
-		    :initial-element (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'a))
+                    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 5)
+                    :initial-element (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'a))
      i a b c))
   (a a a a a) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -495,10 +495,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e)
      (make-sequence (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'list)
-		    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 5)
-		    :allow-other-keys (setf c (incf i))
-		    :initial-element (progn (setf d (incf i)) 'a)
-		    :foo (setf e (incf i)))
+                    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 5)
+                    :allow-other-keys (setf c (incf i))
+                    :initial-element (progn (setf d (incf i)) 'a)
+                    :foo (setf e (incf i)))
      i a b c d e))
   (a a a a a) 5 1 2 3 4 5)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-string-input-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-string-input-stream.lsp
index b56b8b1f..63ca250d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-string-input-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-string-input-stream.lsp
@@ -42,35 +42,35 @@
 (deftest make-string-input-stream.6
   (let ((str1 (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-contents "abcdef"
-			  :fill-pointer 4)))
+                          :initial-contents "abcdef"
+                          :fill-pointer 4)))
     (let ((s (make-string-input-stream str1)))
       (values (read-line s) (read-char s nil :eof))))
   "abcd" :eof)
 (deftest make-string-input-stream.7
   (let* ((str1 (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			   :initial-contents "abcdef"))
-	 (str2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			   :displaced-to str1)))
+                           :initial-contents "abcdef"))
+         (str2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
+                           :displaced-to str1)))
     (let ((s (make-string-input-stream str2)))
       (values (read-line s) (read-char s nil :eof))))
   "abcd" :eof)
 (deftest make-string-input-stream.8
   (let* ((str1 (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			   :initial-contents "abcdef"))
-	 (str2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			   :displaced-to str1
-			   :displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                           :initial-contents "abcdef"))
+         (str2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
+                           :displaced-to str1
+                           :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (let ((s (make-string-input-stream str2)))
       (values (read-line s) (read-char s nil :eof))))
   "bcde" :eof)
 (deftest make-string-input-stream.9
   (let ((str1 (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			  :initial-contents "abcdef"
-			  :adjustable t)))
+                          :initial-contents "abcdef"
+                          :adjustable t)))
     (let ((s (make-string-input-stream str1)))
       (values (read-line s) (read-char s nil :eof))))
   "abcdef" :eof)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (deftest make-string-input-stream.10
   :notes (:allow-nil-arrays :nil-vectors-are-strings)
   (let ((s (make-string-input-stream
-	    (make-array 0 :element-type nil))))
+            (make-array 0 :element-type nil))))
     (read-char s nil :eof))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-string-output-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-string-output-stream.lsp
index 9b3e7fd6..42c56644 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-string-output-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-string-output-stream.lsp
@@ -68,8 +68,8 @@
 (deftest make-string-output-stream.7
   (let ((s (make-string-output-stream :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil
-				      :foo2 'x)))
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil
+                                      :foo2 'x)))
      (notnot (typep s 'stream))
      (notnot (typep s 'string-stream))
@@ -130,8 +130,8 @@
 (deftest make-string-output-stream.error.3
   (signals-error (make-string-output-stream :allow-other-keys nil
-					    :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                                            :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-string.lsp
index d47f487c..074a6a24 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-string.lsp
@@ -8,41 +8,41 @@
 (deftest make-string.1
   (let ((s (make-string 10)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (string-all-the-same s)
-	 (eqlt (length s) 10)
-	 ))
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (string-all-the-same s)
+         (eqlt (length s) 10)
+         ))
 (deftest make-string.2
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element #\a)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eql (length s) 10)
-	 s))
+         (eql (length s) 10)
+         s))
 (deftest make-string.3
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'character)))
+                        :element-type 'character)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eql (length s) 10)
-	 s))
+         (eql (length s) 10)
+         s))
 (deftest make-string.4
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'standard-char)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eql (length s) 10)
-	 s))
+         (eql (length s) 10)
+         s))
 (deftest make-string.5
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'base-char)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eql (length s) 10)
-	 s))
+         (eql (length s) 10)
+         s))
 (deftest make-string.6
@@ -52,28 +52,28 @@
 (deftest make-string.7
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :element-type 'character)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eqlt (length s) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (string-all-the-same s)
-	 ))
+         (eqlt (length s) 10)
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (string-all-the-same s)
+         ))
 (deftest make-string.8
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :element-type 'standard-char)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eqlt (length s) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (string-all-the-same s)
-	 ))
+         (eqlt (length s) 10)
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (string-all-the-same s)
+         ))
 (deftest make-string.9
   (let ((s (make-string 10 :element-type 'base-char)))
     (and (stringp s)
-	 (eqlt (length s) 10)
-	 #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
-	 (string-all-the-same s)
-	 ))
+         (eqlt (length s) 10)
+         #+:ansi-tests-strict-initial-element
+         (string-all-the-same s)
+         ))
 (deftest make-string.10
@@ -99,22 +99,22 @@
 (deftest make-string.allow-other-keys.3
   (make-string 5 :initial-element #\a :allow-other-keys t
-	       :bad t)
+               :bad t)
 (deftest make-string.allow-other-keys.4
   (make-string 5 :bad t :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	       :initial-element #\a)
+               :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-string.allow-other-keys.5
   (make-string 5 :allow-other-keys t :bad t :allow-other-keys nil
-	       :initial-element #\a)
+               :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-string.allow-other-keys.6
   (make-string 5 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad nil
-	       :initial-element #\a)
+               :initial-element #\a)
 (deftest make-string.keywords.7
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@
 (deftest make-string.error.3
   (signals-error (make-string 10 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-string.error.4
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (make-string (progn (setf a (incf i)) 4)
-		  :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a))
+                  :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b))
   "aaaa" 2 1 2)
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (make-string (progn (setf a (incf i)) 4)
-		  :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)
-		  :element-type (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'base-char))
+                  :initial-element (progn (setf b (incf i)) #\a)
+                  :element-type (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'base-char))
      i a b c))
   "aaaa" 3 1 2 3)
@@ -171,8 +171,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (make-string (progn (setf a (incf i)) 4)
-		  :element-type (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'base-char)
-		  :initial-element (progn (setf c (incf i)) #\a))
+                  :element-type (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'base-char)
+                  :initial-element (progn (setf c (incf i)) #\a))
      i a b c))
   "aaaa" 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-symbol.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-symbol.lsp
index 4a031e65..c06cb26f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-symbol.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-symbol.lsp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.6
     (eqt (make-symbol "A")
-	(make-symbol "A"))
+        (make-symbol "A"))
 (deftest make-symbol.7
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.12
   (let* ((name (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D)
-			   :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (s (make-symbol name))
-	 (name2 (symbol-name s)))
+                           :element-type 'base-char))
+         (s (make-symbol name))
+         (name2 (symbol-name s)))
      (symbol-package s)
      (string=t name2 "ABCD")))
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.13
   (let* ((name (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F)
-			   :element-type 'character
-			   :fill-pointer 4))
-	 (s (make-symbol name))
-	 (name2 (symbol-name s)))
+                           :element-type 'character
+                           :fill-pointer 4))
+         (s (make-symbol name))
+         (name2 (symbol-name s)))
      (symbol-package s)
      (string=t name2 "ABCD")))
@@ -74,10 +74,10 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.14
   (let* ((name (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D)
-			   :adjustable t
-			   :element-type 'character))
-	 (s (make-symbol name))
-	 (name2 (symbol-name s)))
+                           :adjustable t
+                           :element-type 'character))
+         (s (make-symbol name))
+         (name2 (symbol-name s)))
      (symbol-package s)
      (string=t name2 "ABCD")))
@@ -85,12 +85,12 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.15
   (let* ((name0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(#\0 #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E)
-			    :element-type 'character))
-	 (name (make-array '(4) :element-type 'character
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (s (make-symbol name))
-	 (name2 (symbol-name s)))
+                            :element-type 'character))
+         (name (make-array '(4) :element-type 'character
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (s (make-symbol name))
+         (name2 (symbol-name s)))
      (symbol-package s)
      (string=t name2 "ABCD")))
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@
 (deftest make-symbol.16
   (let* ((name0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(#\0 #\A #\B #\C #\D #\E)
-			    :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (name (make-array '(4) :element-type 'base-char
-			   :displaced-to name0
-			   :displaced-index-offset 1))
-	 (s (make-symbol name))
-	 (name2 (symbol-name s)))
+                            :element-type 'base-char))
+         (name (make-array '(4) :element-type 'base-char
+                           :displaced-to name0
+                           :displaced-index-offset 1))
+         (s (make-symbol name))
+         (name2 (symbol-name s)))
      (symbol-package s)
      (string=t name2 "ABCD")))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-two-way-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-two-way-stream.lsp
index e1a43d78..53363c6c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/make-two-way-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-two-way-stream.lsp
@@ -7,8 +7,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
     (assert (typep s 'stream))
     (assert (typep s 'two-way-stream))
     (assert (streamp s))
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.2
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (close s)
       (open-stream-p s)
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.3
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (peek-char nil s)
       (read-char s)
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.4
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (read-char-no-hang s)
       (read-char-no-hang s nil)
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.5
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (terpri s)
       (get-output-stream-string os)))
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.6
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (write-char #\+ s)
       (notnot (fresh-line s))
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.7
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (read-char s)
       (unread-char #\f s)
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.8
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (read-line s)
       (get-output-stream-string os)))
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.9
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (write-string "bar" s)
       (get-output-stream-string os)))
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.10
    (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
       (write-line "bar" s)
       (get-output-stream-string os)))
@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.11
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	  (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	  (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+          (os (make-string-output-stream))
+          (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
     (let ((x (vector nil nil nil)))
       (read-sequence x s)
@@ -134,64 +134,64 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.12
   (let ((pn1 #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-		       :element-type element-type)
-		    (dolist (b '(3 8 19 41)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :element-type element-type)
+                    (dolist (b '(3 8 19 41)) (write-byte b s)))
      (is pn1 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (os pn2 :direction :output :element-type element-type
-	  :if-exists :supersede)
+          :if-exists :supersede)
       (let ((s (make-two-way-stream is os))
-	    (x (vector nil nil nil nil)))
-	(assert (eql (read-sequence x s) 4))
-	(assert (equalp x #(3 8 19 41)))
-	(let ((y #(100 5 18 211 0 178)))
-	  (assert (eql (write-sequence y s) y))
-	  (close s)))))
+            (x (vector nil nil nil nil)))
+        (assert (eql (read-sequence x s) 4))
+        (assert (equalp x #(3 8 19 41)))
+        (let ((y #(100 5 18 211 0 178)))
+          (assert (eql (write-sequence y s) y))
+          (close s)))))
      (s pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
      (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	(read-sequence x s)
-	x))))
+        (read-sequence x s)
+        x))))
   #(100 5 18 211 0 178 nil))
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.13
   (let ((pn1 #p"tmp.dat")
-	(pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
-	(element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
+        (pn2 #p"tmp2.dat")
+        (element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)))
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-		       :element-type element-type)
-		    (dolist (b '(3 8 19 41)) (write-byte b s)))
+                       :element-type element-type)
+                    (dolist (b '(3 8 19 41)) (write-byte b s)))
      (is pn1 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
       (os pn2 :direction :output :element-type element-type
-	  :if-exists :supersede)
+          :if-exists :supersede)
       (let ((s (make-two-way-stream is os))
-	    (x (vector nil nil nil nil)))
-	(assert (eql (read-sequence x s) 4))
-	(assert (equalp x #(3 8 19 41)))
-	(let ((y #(100 5 18 211 0 178)))
-	  (assert (eql (write-sequence y s) y))
-	  (close s)))))
+            (x (vector nil nil nil nil)))
+        (assert (eql (read-sequence x s) 4))
+        (assert (equalp x #(3 8 19 41)))
+        (let ((y #(100 5 18 211 0 178)))
+          (assert (eql (write-sequence y s) y))
+          (close s)))))
      (s pn2 :direction :input :element-type element-type)
      (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	(read-sequence x s)
-	x))))
+        (read-sequence x s)
+        x))))
   #(100 5 18 211 0 178 nil))
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.14
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
      (write-string "abc" s)
      (clear-input s)
@@ -207,38 +207,38 @@
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.2
   (signals-error (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.3
   (signals-error (let ((os (make-string-output-stream)))
-		   (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")
-					os nil))
-		 program-error)
+                   (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo")
+                                        os nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (make-two-way-stream x (make-string-output-stream)))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x))))
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.5
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (make-two-way-stream x (make-string-output-stream)))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x)))
-		    *streams*)
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (input-stream-p x)))
+                    *streams*)
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.6
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo") x))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x))))
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x))))
 (deftest make-two-way-stream.error.7
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (make-two-way-stream (make-string-input-stream "foo") x))
-		    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x)))
-		    *streams*)
+                    #'(lambda (x) (and (streamp x) (output-stream-p x)))
+                    *streams*)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/makunbound.lsp b/ansi-tests/makunbound.lsp
index 16aee870..25086429 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/makunbound.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/makunbound.lsp
@@ -25,9 +25,9 @@
      (equalt (multiple-value-list (makunbound sym)) (list sym))
      (boundp sym)
      (handler-case (symbol-value sym)
-		   (unbound-variable (c)
-		     (if (eq (cell-error-name c) sym) :good
-		       (list :bad sym (cell-error-name c)))))))
+                   (unbound-variable (c)
+                     (if (eq (cell-error-name c) sym) :good
+                       (list :bad sym (cell-error-name c)))))))
   nil :foo t nil :good)
 ;;; Error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp b/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp
index 5089f03e..5df0ec2c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/map-into.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-list.1
   (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	(b nil))
+        (b nil))
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x)  '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
 (deftest map-into-list.4
   (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	(b nil))
+        (b nil))
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x y) (let ((z (+ x y))) (push z b) z))
-	      '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	      '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
+              '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+              '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
     (values a b))
   (11 13 15 17 19 21)
   (21 19 17 15 13 11))
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
   (let ((b nil))
      (map-into nil #'(lambda (x y) (let ((z (+ x y))) (push z b) z))
-	       '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-	       '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
+               '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+               '(10 11 12 13 14 15))
   nil nil)
@@ -58,15 +58,15 @@
 (deftest map-into-list.8
   (let ((a (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	(s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element 'x
-			:fill-pointer 4)))
+        (s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element 'x
+                        :fill-pointer 4)))
     (map-into a #'identity s2)
   (x x x x e f))
 (deftest map-into-array.1
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-array.2
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g h)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 g h)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-array.3
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4)
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-array.4
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-array.5
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g h)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 g h)
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
 (deftest map-into-array.6
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d)))
-	b)
+        b)
     (map-into a #'(lambda (x) (push x b) x) #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
     (values a b))
   #(1 2 3 4)
@@ -115,38 +115,38 @@
 ;;; Tests of mapping into arrays with fill pointers
 (deftest map-into-array.7
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3))
   #(1 2 3))
 (deftest map-into-array.8
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity '(1 2))
   #(1 2))
 (deftest map-into-array.9
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5))
     (and (eqlt (fill-pointer a) 5)
-	 a))
+         a))
   #(1 2 3 4 5))
 (deftest map-into-array.10
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element 'x
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'(lambda () 'y))
     (and (eqlt (fill-pointer a) 6)
-	 a))
+         a))
   #(y y y y y y))
 (deftest map-into-array.11
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	(s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element 'x
-			:fill-pointer 4)))
+        (s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element 'x
+                        :fill-pointer 4)))
     (map-into a #'identity s2)
   #(x x x x e f))
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@
 (deftest map-into-string.4
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity "abcde")
      (fill-pointer a)
@@ -189,62 +189,62 @@
 (deftest map-into-string.5
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'(lambda () #\y))
     (values (fill-pointer a)
-	    a))
+            a))
 (deftest map-into-string.6
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :element-type 'character)))
     (map-into a #'(lambda () #\y))
 (deftest map-into-string.7
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity "abcde")
     (values (fill-pointer a)
-	    (aref a 5)
-	    a))
+            (aref a 5)
+            a))
 (deftest map-into-string.8
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'(lambda () #\y))
     (values (fill-pointer a)
-	    a))
+            a))
 (deftest map-into-string.9
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
     (map-into a #'(lambda () #\y))
 (deftest map-into-string.10
   (let ((a (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	(s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element #\x
-			:fill-pointer 4)))
+        (s2 (make-array '(6) :initial-element #\x
+                        :fill-pointer 4)))
     (map-into a #'identity s2)
 (deftest map-into-string.11
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity "abcd")
      (fill-pointer a)
@@ -258,8 +258,8 @@
 (deftest map-into-string.12
   (let ((a (make-array 6 :initial-element #\x
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
     (map-into a #'identity "abcdefgh")
      (fill-pointer a)
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@
    (s "abcde" nil)
    (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "123456"))
-	  (s2 (map-into s1 #'identity s)))
+          (s2 (map-into s1 #'identity s)))
      (assert (eq s1 s2))
      (assert (string= s2 "abcde6"))))
@@ -290,74 +290,74 @@
   (let ((v (copy-seq #*0100110)))
     (map-into v #'(lambda (x) (- 1 x)) v)
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.2
   (let ((v (copy-seq #*0100110)))
     (map-into v #'(lambda () 0))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.3
   (let ((v (copy-seq #*0100110)))
     (map-into v #'identity '(0 1 1 1 0 0 1))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.4
   (let ((v (copy-seq #*0100110)))
     (map-into v #'identity '(0 1 1 1))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.5
   (let ((v (copy-seq #*0100110)))
     (map-into v #'identity '(0 1 1 1 0 0 1 4 5 6 7))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.6
   (let ((v (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (map-into v #'(lambda () 1))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.7
   (let ((v (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (map-into v  #'identity v)
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 v))
+         v))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.8
   (let ((v (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (map-into v #'identity '(1 1 1 1 1 1))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 (values (fill-pointer v)
-		 v)))
+         (values (fill-pointer v)
+                 v)))
 (deftest map-into.bit-vector.9
   (let ((v (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (map-into v #'identity '(1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1))
     (and (bit-vector-p v)
-	 (values (fill-pointer v)
-		 v)))
+         (values (fill-pointer v)
+                 v)))
@@ -398,57 +398,57 @@
 (deftest map-into.specialized-vector.5
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for vals = (loop for i below len collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for target = (loop repeat len collect nil)
-	  for result = (map-into target #'identity vec)
-	  unless (and (eq target result)
-		      (= (length result) len)
-		      (= (length vec) len)
-		      (equal vals result))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec result)))
+          for vals = (loop for i below len collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for target = (loop repeat len collect nil)
+          for result = (map-into target #'identity vec)
+          unless (and (eq target result)
+                      (= (length result) len)
+                      (= (length vec) len)
+                      (equal vals result))
+          collect (list etype vals vec result)))
 (deftest map-into.specialized-vector.6
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-								(coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for target = (loop repeat len collect nil)
-	  for result = (map-into target #'identity vec)
-	  unless (and (eq target result)
-		      (= (length result) len)
-		      (= (length vec) len)
-		      (equal vals result))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec result)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                                (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for target = (loop repeat len collect nil)
+          for result = (map-into target #'identity vec)
+          unless (and (eq target result)
+                      (= (length result) len)
+                      (= (length vec) len)
+                      (equal vals result))
+          collect (list etype vals vec result)))
 (deftest map-into.specialized-vector.7
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for vals = (loop for i below len collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for target = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for result = (map-into target #'identity vals)
-	  unless (and (eq target result)
-		      (= (length result) len)
-		      (every #'= result vals))
-	  collect (list etype vals result)))
+          for vals = (loop for i below len collect (coerce i etype))
+          for target = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for result = (map-into target #'identity vals)
+          unless (and (eq target result)
+                      (= (length result) len)
+                      (every #'= result vals))
+          collect (list etype vals result)))
 (deftest map-into.specialized-vector.8
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-								(coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for target = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for result = (map-into target #'identity vals)
-	  unless (and (eq target result)
-		      (= (length result) len)
-		      (every #'= result vals))
-	  collect (list etype vals result)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                                (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for target = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for result = (map-into target #'identity vals)
+          unless (and (eq target result)
+                      (= (length result) len)
+                      (every #'= result vals))
+          collect (list etype vals result)))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -463,14 +463,14 @@
 ;;; means that error checking may be skipped.
 (deftest map-into.error.2
   (and (locally (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-		(handler-case (eval '(map-into nil #'identity 'a))
-			      (type-error () nil)))
+                (handler-case (eval '(map-into nil #'identity 'a))
+                              (type-error () nil)))
 (deftest map-into.error.3
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (map-into (copy-seq '(a b c)) #'cons '(d e f) x))
-		    #'sequencep)
+                    #'sequencep)
 (deftest map-into.error.4
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
 (deftest map-into.error.6
   (signals-error (locally (map-into 'a #'(lambda () nil)) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest map-into.error.7
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
      (map-into (progn (setf a (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'identity)
-	       (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'identity)
+               (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
      i a b c))
   (a b c d) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -509,8 +509,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (map-into (progn (setf a (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'list)
-	       (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	       (progn (setf d (incf i)) '(e f g h)))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'list)
+               (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+               (progn (setf d (incf i)) '(e f g h)))
      i a b c d))
   ((a e) (b f) (c g) (d h)) 4 1 2 3 4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/map.lsp b/ansi-tests/map.lsp
index eae2525a..846c96d5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/map.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/map.lsp
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
   :notes (:result-type-element-type-by-subtype)
   (let ((type '(or (vector t 10) (vector t 5))))
     (if (subtypep type '(vector t))
-	(equalpt (map type #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5)) #(1 2 3 4 5))
+        (equalpt (map type #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5)) #(1 2 3 4 5))
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 (deftest map.error.8
   (signals-error (map 'list #'cons '(a b c d) '(1 2 3 4) '(5 6 7 8))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest map.error.9
@@ -262,14 +262,14 @@
   :notes (:result-type-element-type-by-subtype)
   (let ((type '(or (vector bit) (vector t))))
     (if (subtypep type 'vector)
-	(eval `(signals-error-always (map ',type #'identity '(1 0 1)) error))
+        (eval `(signals-error-always (map ',type #'identity '(1 0 1)) error))
       (values t t)))
   t t)
 (deftest map.error.11
   (let ((type '(or (vector t 5) (vector t 10))))
     (if (subtypep type 'vector)
-	(eval `(signals-error (map ',type #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) type-error))
+        (eval `(signals-error (map ',type #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5 6)) type-error))
@@ -285,41 +285,41 @@
 (deftest map.fill.1
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'list #'identity s1))
   (a b c d e f g h))
 (deftest map.fill.2
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'list #'(lambda (x y) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) s1))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
 (deftest map.fill.3
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'string #'identity s1))
 (deftest map.fill.4
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element #\a
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'list #'(lambda (x y) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) s1))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
 (deftest map.fill.5
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element 0
-			:element-type 'bit
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :element-type 'bit
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'bit-vector #'identity s1))
-  #*00000000)  
+  #*00000000)
 (deftest map.fill.6
   (let ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-element 1
-			:element-type 'bit
-			:fill-pointer 8)))
+                        :element-type 'bit
+                        :fill-pointer 8)))
     (map 'list #'(lambda (x y) x) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) s1))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
@@ -369,49 +369,49 @@
 (deftest map.specialized-vector.4
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for bound = (ash 1 i)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop repeat len collect (random i))
-	for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (every #'eql vals result))
-	collect (list i vals result))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for bound = (ash 1 i)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop repeat len collect (random i))
+        for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (every #'eql vals result))
+        collect (list i vals result))
 (deftest map.specialized-vector.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	for bound = (ash 1 i)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop repeat len collect (- (random i) (/ bound 2)))
-	for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (every #'eql vals result))
-	collect (list i vals result))
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        for bound = (ash 1 i)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop repeat len collect (- (random i) (/ bound 2)))
+        for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (every #'eql vals result))
+        collect (list i vals result))
 (deftest map.specialized-vector.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
-	for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (every #'eql vals result))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
+        for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (every #'eql vals result))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 (deftest map.specialized-vector.7
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float
-		       integer rational)
-	for type = `(complex ,etype)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
-							      (coerce (- i) etype)))
-	for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
-	unless (and (= (length result) len)
-		    (every #'eql vals result))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+                       integer rational)
+        for type = `(complex ,etype)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
+                                                              (coerce (- i) etype)))
+        for result = (map `(vector ,type) #'identity vals)
+        unless (and (= (length result) len)
+                    (every #'eql vals result))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -420,9 +420,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (map (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'list)
-	  (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'list)
-	  (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c))
-	  (progn (setf d (incf i)) '(b c d)))
+          (progn (setf b (incf i)) #'list)
+          (progn (setf c (incf i)) '(a b c))
+          (progn (setf d (incf i)) '(b c d)))
      i a b c d))
   ((a b)(b c)(c d)) 4 1 2 3 4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp
index 70494fd0..4c9a6544 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 (deftest mapc.2
   (let ((x 0))
     (let ((result
-	   (mapc #'(lambda (y) (incf x y))
-		 '(1 2 3 4))))
+           (mapc #'(lambda (y) (incf x y))
+                 '(1 2 3 4))))
       (list result x)))
   ((1 2 3 4) 10))
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 5 ))
+           (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+           (make-list 5 ))
   ((a a a a a) 5))
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 10))
+           (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+           (make-list 10))
   ((a a a a a) 5))
@@ -41,30 +41,30 @@
   (let ((x 0))
      (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 3))
+           (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+           (make-list 3))
   ((a a a a a) 3))
 (deftest mapc.6
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
     (let ((result (mapc 'mapc.6-fun x)))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   (eqt result x)
-	   *mapc.6-var*)))
+           (eqt result x)
+           *mapc.6-var*)))
   (h g f e d c b a))
 (deftest mapc.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (mapc (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		  #'list)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		  '(a b c))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		  '(1 2 3)))
+                  #'list)
+           (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                  '(a b c))
+           (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                  '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp
index 4e93adfd..c5b2f6e8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 (deftest mapcan.3
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (mapcan #'list x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (mapcan #'list x)))
      (= (length x) (length result))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
 (deftest mapcan.4
   (mapcan #'list
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+          (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+          (copy-list '(a b c d)))
   (1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d))
 (deftest mapcan.5
   (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+          (copy-list '(a b c d))
+          (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
   (a b b c c c d d d d))
 (defvar *mapcan.6-var* nil)
@@ -55,32 +55,32 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (mapcan (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'list)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
+                    #'list)
+             (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                    '(a b c))
+             (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                    '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   (a 1 b 2 c 3)
   3 1 2 3)
 (deftest mapcan.8
   (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+          (copy-list '(a b c d))
+          (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
   (a b b c c c d d d d))
 (deftest mapcan.9
   (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d e f))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+          (copy-list '(a b c d e f))
+          (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
   (a b b c c c d d d d))
 (deftest mapcan.10
   (mapcan #'list
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
-	  nil)
+          (copy-list '(a b c d))
+          (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+          nil)
 (deftest mapcan.11
@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@
 (deftest mapcan.error.7
   (signals-error (mapcan #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest mapcan.error.8
   (signals-error (mapcan #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp
index e1db5f8c..34bb0e9c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp
@@ -13,69 +13,69 @@
 (deftest mapcar.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result (mapcar #'1+ x)))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   result)))
+           result)))
   (2 3 4 5))
 (deftest mapcar.3
   (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (let ((result
-	   (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) (incf n))
-		   x)))
+           (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) (incf n))
+                   x)))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   result)))
+           result)))
   (1 2 3 4))
 (deftest mapcar.4
   (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
-		  x x2)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+         (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+         (result
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+                  x x2)))
     (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
-	 (list result n)))
+         (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+         (list result n)))
   ((1 2 3 4) 4))
 (deftest mapcar.5
   (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
-		  x2 x)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+         (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+         (result
+          (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+                  x2 x)))
     (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
-	 (list result n)))
+         (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+         (list result n)))
   ((1 2 3 4) 4))
 (deftest mapcar.6
  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
     (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
     (let ((result (mapcar 'mapc.6-fun x)))
       (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   (list *mapc.6-var* result))))
+           (list *mapc.6-var* result))))
  ((h g f e d c b a) (a b c d e f g h)))
 (deftest mapcar.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (mapcar (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'list)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
+                    #'list)
+             (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                    '(a b c))
+             (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                    '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
   3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp
index 58bb0fe8..d61ffd3b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 (deftest mapcon.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcon #'(lambda (y) (append '(a) y nil)) x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result
+          (mapcon #'(lambda (y) (append '(a) y nil)) x)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@
 (deftest mapcon.3
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(4 2 3 2 2)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h i j k l)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcon #'(lambda (xt yt)
-		      (subseq yt 0 (car xt)))
-		  x y)))
+         (y (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h i j k l)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (mapcon #'(lambda (xt yt)
+                      (subseq yt 0 (car xt)))
+                  x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -44,11 +44,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (mapcon (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'(lambda (x y) (list (car x) (car y))))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
+                    #'(lambda (x y) (list (car x) (car y))))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                    '(a b c))
+             (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                    '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   (a 1 b 2 c 3)
   3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/maphash.lsp b/ansi-tests/maphash.lsp
index 13742286..0666a26f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/maphash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/maphash.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
        s1 s2)))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001))
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
        s1 s2)))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v) (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)) table))
        s1 s2)))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001))
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
-		     (remhash k table))
-		 table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
+                     (remhash k table))
+                 table))
        s1 s2 (hash-table-count table))))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001) 0)
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
-		     (remhash k table))
-		 table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
+                     (remhash k table))
+                 table))
        s1 s2 (hash-table-count table))))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001) 0)
@@ -69,10 +69,10 @@
     (let ((s1 0) (s2 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
-		     (remhash k table))
-		 table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                     (incf s1 k) (incf s2 v)
+                     (remhash k table))
+                 table))
        s1 s2 (hash-table-count table))))
   (nil) #.(* 500 1001) #.(* 1000 1001) 0)
@@ -81,34 +81,34 @@
 (deftest maphash.7
   (let ((symbols '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
-	(table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+        (table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (loop for sym in symbols
-	  for i from 1
-	  do (setf (gethash sym table) i))
+          for i from 1
+          do (setf (gethash sym table) i))
     (let ((sum 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (assert (eq (elt symbols (1- v)) k))
-		     (incf sum v))
-		 table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                     (assert (eq (elt symbols (1- v)) k))
+                     (incf sum v))
+                 table))
   (nil) #.(* 13 27))
 (deftest maphash.8
   (let ((symbols '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
-	(table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+        (table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
     (loop for sym in symbols
-	  for i from 1
-	  do (setf (gethash sym table) i))
+          for i from 1
+          do (setf (gethash sym table) i))
     (let ((sum 0))
-	(maphash #'(lambda (k v)
-		     (assert (eq (elt symbols (1- v)) k))
-		     (remhash k table)
-		     (incf sum v))
-		 table))
+        (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
+                     (assert (eq (elt symbols (1- v)) k))
+                     (remhash k table)
+                     (incf sum v))
+                 table))
        (hash-table-count table))))
   (nil) #.(* 13 27) 0)
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@
 (deftest maphash.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y dummy
-	(table (make-hash-table)))
+        (table (make-hash-table)))
       (maphash (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		      #'(lambda (k v) (setf dummy (list k v))))
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      table)))
+                      #'(lambda (k v) (setf dummy (list k v))))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                      table)))
      i x y dummy))
   (nil) 2 1 2 nil)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp
index 3907ae77..08ac5824 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp
@@ -13,11 +13,11 @@
 (deftest mapl.2
   (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (y) (push y a))
-		x)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result
+          (mapl #'(lambda (y) (push y a))
+                x)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result x)
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@
 (deftest mapl.3
   (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+                    (setf a
+                          (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+                                  a)))
+                x y)))
      (eqt result x)
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -46,16 +46,16 @@
 (deftest mapl.4
   (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+                    (setf a
+                          (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+                                  a)))
+                x y)))
      (eqt result x)
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -66,16 +66,16 @@
 (deftest mapl.5
   (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
+         (x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+                    (setf a
+                          (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+                                  a)))
+                x y)))
      (eqt result x)
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (mapl (progn
-	     (setf x (incf i))
-	     (constantly nil))
-	   (progn
-	     (setf y (incf i))
-	     '(a b c))
-	   (progn
-	     (setf z (incf i))
-	     '(1 2 3)))
+             (setf x (incf i))
+             (constantly nil))
+           (progn
+             (setf y (incf i))
+             '(a b c))
+           (progn
+             (setf z (incf i))
+             '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp b/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp
index 14a75968..5d6c33a3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp
@@ -13,19 +13,19 @@
 (deftest maplist.2
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (maplist #'identity x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (maplist #'identity x)))
     (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a b c) (b c) (c)))
 (deftest maplist.3
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (maplist #'append x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -37,11 +37,11 @@
 (deftest maplist.4
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (maplist #'append x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -53,11 +53,11 @@
 (deftest maplist.5
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+         (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+         (result
+          (maplist #'append x y)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
 (deftest maplist.7
   (maplist #'(lambda (x y) (nth (car x) y))
-	   '(0 1 0 1 0 1 0)
-	   '(a b c d e f g)
-	   )
+           '(0 1 0 1 0 1 0)
+           '(a b c d e f g)
+           )
   (a c c e e g g))
 (deftest maplist.order.1
@@ -83,14 +83,14 @@
-	(setf x (incf i))
-	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (car y)))
+        (setf x (incf i))
+        #'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (car y)))
-	(setf y (incf i))
-	'(a b c))
+        (setf y (incf i))
+        '(a b c))
-	(setf z (incf i))
-	     '(1 2 3)))
+        (setf z (incf i))
+             '(1 2 3)))
      i x y z))
   (1 2 3) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -137,12 +137,12 @@
 (deftest maplist.error.10
   (signals-error (maplist #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest maplist.error.11
   (signals-error (maplist #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mask-field.lsp b/ansi-tests/mask-field.lsp
index 0ca744fa..ea7ce233 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mask-field.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mask-field.lsp
@@ -23,38 +23,38 @@
 (deftest mask-field.1
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for pos = (random 30)
-	for size = (random 30)
-	repeat 10000
-	unless (eql (mask-field (byte size pos) x)
-		    (logand (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos) x))
-	collect (list x pos size))
+        for pos = (random 30)
+        for size = (random 30)
+        repeat 10000
+        unless (eql (mask-field (byte size pos) x)
+                    (logand (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos) x))
+        collect (list x pos size))
 (deftest mask-field.2
   (let ((bound (ash 1 300)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for pos = (random 300)
-	  for size = (random 300)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql (mask-field (byte size pos) x)
-		      (logand (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos) x))
-	  collect (list x pos size)))
+          for pos = (random 300)
+          for size = (random 300)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql (mask-field (byte size pos) x)
+                      (logand (ash (1- (ash 1 size)) pos) x))
+          collect (list x pos size)))
 (deftest mask-field.3
   (loop for i of-type fixnum from -1000 to 1000
-	always (eql (mask-field (byte 0 0) i) 0))
+        always (eql (mask-field (byte 0 0) i) 0))
 (deftest mask-field.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (mask-field (progn (setf a (incf i))
-		 (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
-		       (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
-	  (progn (setf d (incf i)) -1))
+                 (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
+                       (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
+          (progn (setf d (incf i)) -1))
      i a b c d))
   14 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -69,25 +69,25 @@
   (loop for pos from 0 to 100
-	always
-	(loop for size from 0 to 100
-	      always
-	      (let ((x 0)
-		    (field (ash 1 pos)))
-		(and (eql (setf (mask-field (byte size pos) x) field) field)
-		     (if (> size 0) (eql x field) (eql x 0))
-		     ))))
+        always
+        (loop for size from 0 to 100
+              always
+              (let ((x 0)
+                    (field (ash 1 pos)))
+                (and (eql (setf (mask-field (byte size pos) x) field) field)
+                     (if (> size 0) (eql x field) (eql x 0))
+                     ))))
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f (x (copy-seq #(63))))
      (setf (mask-field (progn (setf a (incf i))
-		       (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
-			     (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
-		(aref (progn (setf d (incf i)) x)
-		      (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)))
-	   (progn (setf f (incf i)) (lognot 14)))
+                       (byte (progn (setf b (incf i)) 3)
+                             (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)))
+                (aref (progn (setf d (incf i)) x)
+                      (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)))
+           (progn (setf f (incf i)) (lognot 14)))
      i a b c d e f))
   -15 #(49) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/max.lsp b/ansi-tests/max.lsp
index c09ce3bc..924a1301 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/max.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/max.lsp
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
 (deftest max.1
   (loop for n in *reals*
-	when (or (not (eql (max n) n))
-		 (not (eql (max n n) n))
-		 (not (eql (max n n n) n))
-		 (not (eql (apply #'max (make-list
-					 (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-					 :initial-element n))
-			   n)))
-	collect n)
+        when (or (not (eql (max n) n))
+                 (not (eql (max n n) n))
+                 (not (eql (max n n n) n))
+                 (not (eql (apply #'max (make-list
+                                         (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
+                                         :initial-element n))
+                           n)))
+        collect n)
 (deftest max.2
@@ -41,38 +41,38 @@
 (deftest max.3
   (loop for x = (- (random 60000) 30000)
-	for y = (- (random 60000) 30000)
-	for m = (max x y)
-	for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 60000) 30000)
+        for m = (max x y)
+        for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest max.4
   (loop for x = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
-	for y = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
-	for m = (max x y)
-	for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
+        for m = (max x y)
+        for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest max.5
   (loop for x = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
-	for y = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
-	for m = (max x y)
-	for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
+        for m = (max x y)
+        for m2 = (if (>= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest max.6
   (let ((m (max 2 1.0s0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0s0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0s0)))
 (deftest max.7
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 (deftest max.8
   (let ((m (max 2 1.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0f0)))
 (deftest max.9
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
 (deftest max.10
   (let ((m (max 2 1.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0d0)))
 (deftest max.11
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 (deftest max.12
   (let ((m (max 2 1.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0l0)))
 (deftest max.13
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 (deftest max.15
   (let ((m (max 1.0s0 0.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0f0)))
 (deftest max.16
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
 (deftest max.17
   (let ((m (max 1.0s0 0.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0d0)))
 (deftest max.18
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
 (deftest max.19
   (let ((m (max 1.0s0 0.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest max.20
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 (deftest max.21
   (let ((m (max 1.0f0 0.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0f0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0d0)))
 (deftest max.22
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 (deftest max.23
   (let ((m (max 1.0f0 0.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0f0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest max.24
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
 (deftest max.25
   (let ((m (max 1.0d0 0.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0d0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest max.26
@@ -171,59 +171,59 @@
 (deftest max.27
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for x = (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-	do (setf (elt x (random i)) 1)
-	unless (eql (apply #'max x) 1)
-	collect x)
+        for x = (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+        do (setf (elt x (random i)) 1)
+        unless (eql (apply #'max x) 1)
+        collect x)
 (deftest max.28
   (let ((m (max 1/3 0.2s0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1/3)
-	(eqlt m (float 1/3 0.2s0))))
+        (eqlt m (float 1/3 0.2s0))))
 (deftest max.29
   (let ((m (max 1.0s0 3 2.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0f0)))
 (deftest max.30
   (let ((m (max 1.0d0 3 2.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0d0)))
 (deftest max.31
   (let ((m (max 1.0s0 3 2.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0l0)))
 (deftest max.32
   (let ((m (max 1.0l0 3 2.0s0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0l0)))
 (deftest max.33
   (let ((m (max 1.0d0 3 2.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0l0)))
 (deftest max.34
   (let ((m (max 1.0l0 3 2.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 3)
-	(eqlt m 3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 3.0l0)))
 (deftest max.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (max (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20))
      i x y))
   20 2 1 2)
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (max (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
      i x y z))
   30 3 1 2 3)
@@ -240,10 +240,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) u v w x y z)
      (max (progn (setf u (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf v (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf w (incf i)) 30)
-	  (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
+          (progn (setf v (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf w (incf i)) 30)
+          (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
      i u v w x y z))
   30 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp
index 63dc8665..69ee39a1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
 (deftest member-if-not.4
   (let ((test-inputs
-	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
-	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
-	     ((a) (b) (c) . d)
-	     ,(make-array '(10))
-	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+         `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+             13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+             ((a) (b) (c) . d)
+             ,(make-array '(10))
+             "ancadas"  #\w)))
     (not (every
-	  #'(lambda (x)
-	      (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if-not #'listp x))))
-		(or (eqt result 'type-error)
-		    (progn
-		      (format t "~%On x = ~S, returns: ~%~S" x result)
-		      nil))))
-	  test-inputs)))
+          #'(lambda (x)
+              (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if-not #'listp x))))
+                (or (eqt result 'type-error)
+                    (progn
+                      (format t "~%On x = ~S, returns: ~%~S" x result)
+                      nil))))
+          test-inputs)))
 (deftest member-if-not.5
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			   #'not)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
+                           #'not)
+                    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                           '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
      i x y))
   (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			   #'not)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '(nil nil a b nil c d))
-		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+                           #'not)
+                    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                           '(nil nil a b nil c d))
+                    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+                    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
      i x y z w))
   (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@
 (deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
   (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
+                 :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
   (2 3 4 5))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -97,35 +97,35 @@
 (deftest member-if-not.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (member-if-not #'identity x)) #'listp)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.2
   (signals-error (member-if-not) program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.3
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'null) program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.4
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t) program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.5
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.6
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :key) program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.7
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) 1 2) program-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.8
   (signals-error (locally (member-if-not #'identity 'a) t)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest member-if-not.error.9
@@ -134,5 +134,5 @@
 (deftest member-if-not.error.10
   (signals-error (member-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp
index bb26099d..68111794 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp
@@ -21,19 +21,19 @@
 (deftest member-if.4
   (let ((test-inputs
-	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
-	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
-	     (a b c . d)
-	     ,(make-array '(10))
-	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+         `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+             13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+             (a b c . d)
+             ,(make-array '(10))
+             "ancadas"  #\w)))
       #'(lambda (x)
-	  (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if #'listp x))))
-	    (or (eqt result 'type-error)
-		(progn
-		  (format t "~%On ~S: returned ~%~S" x result)
-		  nil))))
+          (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if #'listp x))))
+            (or (eqt result 'type-error)
+                (progn
+                  (format t "~%On ~S: returned ~%~S" x result)
+                  nil))))
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		       #'identity)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
+                       #'identity)
+                (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                       '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
      i x y))
   (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		       #'identity)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '(nil nil a b nil c d))
-		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+                       #'identity)
+                (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                       '(nil nil a b nil c d))
+                :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+                :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
      i x y z w))
   (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -90,12 +90,12 @@
 (deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.6
   (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-	     :allow-other-keys nil)
+             :allow-other-keys nil)
   (2 3 4 5))
 (deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.7
   (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-	     :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
+             :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
   (2 3 4 5))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -103,28 +103,28 @@
 (deftest member-if.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (member-if #'identity x)) #'listp)
 (deftest member-if.error.2
   (signals-error (member-if) program-error)
 (deftest member-if.error.3
   (signals-error (member-if #'null) program-error)
 (deftest member-if.error.4
   (signals-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t) program-error)
 (deftest member-if.error.5
   (signals-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest member-if.error.6
   (signals-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :key) program-error)
 (deftest member-if.error.7
   (signals-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) 1 2) program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/member.lsp b/ansi-tests/member.lsp
index b8595a45..826db8e3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/member.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/member.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest member.1
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'c x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'c x)))
      (eqt result (cddr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 (deftest member.2
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'e x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'e x)))
      (eqt result (cddddr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
 (deftest member.3
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 4 x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 4 x)))
      (eqt result (cdddr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 (deftest member.4
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(2 4 6 8 10 12)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 9 x :key #'1+)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 9 x :key #'1+)))
      (eqt result (cdddr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
 (deftest member.5
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member '(c d) x :test #'equal)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member '(c d) x :test #'equal)))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
 (deftest member.6
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'c x :key #'car)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'c x :key #'car)))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
 (deftest member.7
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eq)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eq)))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 (deftest member.8
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test-not (complement #'eq))))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test-not (complement #'eq))))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
 (deftest member.9
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eql)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member 'c x :key #'car :test #'eql)))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 (deftest member.10
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (e f) (g h))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (member (list 'd) x :key #'cdr :test #'equal)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (member (list 'd) x :key #'cdr :test #'equal)))
      (eqt result (cdr x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 (deftest member.13
   (member (copy-seq "cc") (copy-tree '("aa" "bb" "cc" "dd" "ee"))
-	  :test #'equal)
+          :test #'equal)
   ("cc" "dd" "ee"))
 (deftest member.14
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (member (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
      i x y))
   (c d) 2 1 2)
@@ -168,9 +168,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z p)
      (member (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf p (incf i)) #'eq))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :test (progn (setf p (incf i)) #'eq))
      i x y z p))
   (c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (member (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	     :test #'eq)
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+             :test #'eq)
      i x y))
   (c d) 2 1 2)
@@ -187,10 +187,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z p q)
      (member (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf p (incf i)) #'eq)
-	     :key (progn (setf q (incf i)) (constantly 'z)))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :test (progn (setf p (incf i)) #'eq)
+             :key (progn (setf q (incf i)) (constantly 'z)))
      i x y z p q))
   (c d) 5 1 2 3 4 5)
@@ -198,10 +198,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z q)
      (member (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	     :test #'eq
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :key (progn (setf q (incf i)) (constantly 'z)))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+             :test #'eq
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :key (progn (setf q (incf i)) (constantly 'z)))
      i x y z q))
   (c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -280,7 +280,7 @@
 (deftest member.error.12
   (signals-error (member nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest member.error.13
diff --git a/ansi-tests/merge-pathnames.lsp b/ansi-tests/merge-pathnames.lsp
index 7435e980..0a5c94df 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/merge-pathnames.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/merge-pathnames.lsp
@@ -9,17 +9,17 @@
 (defun merge-pathnames-test (&rest args)
   (assert (<= 1 (length args) 3))
   (let* ((p1 (car args))
-	 (p2 (if (cdr args) (cadr args) *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (default-version (if (cddr args) (caddr args) :newest))
-	 (results (multiple-value-list (apply #'merge-pathnames args))))
+         (p2 (if (cdr args) (cadr args) *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (default-version (if (cddr args) (caddr args) :newest))
+         (results (multiple-value-list (apply #'merge-pathnames args))))
     (assert (= (length results) 1))
     (let ((p3 (first results)))
 (deftest merge-pathnames.1
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
-	 (p2 (merge-pathnames p1 p1 nil)))
+         (p2 (merge-pathnames p1 p1 nil)))
      (equalpt (pathname-name p1) "foo")
      (if (equalpt p1 p2) t
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 (deftest merge-pathnames.2
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
-	 (p2 (merge-pathnames p1 p1)))
+         (p2 (merge-pathnames p1 p1)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p2))
      (equalpt (pathname-device p1) (pathname-device p2))
@@ -37,14 +37,14 @@
      (pathname-name p2)
      (equalpt (pathname-type p1) (pathname-type p2))
      (if (pathname-version p1)
-	 (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p2))
+         (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p2))
        (equalpt (pathname-version p2) :newest))))
   t t t "foo" "foo" t t)
 (deftest merge-pathnames.3
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
-	 (p2 (make-pathname :name "bar"))
-	 (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2)))
+         (p2 (make-pathname :name "bar"))
+         (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p3))
      (equalpt (pathname-device p1) (pathname-device p3))
@@ -53,14 +53,14 @@
      (pathname-name p3)
      (equalpt (pathname-type p1) (pathname-type p3))
      (if (pathname-version p1)
-	 (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p3))
+         (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p3))
        (equalpt (pathname-version p3) :newest))))
   t t t "foo" "foo" t t)
 (deftest merge-pathnames.4
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
-	 (p2 (make-pathname :type "lsp"))
-	 (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2)))
+         (p2 (make-pathname :type "lsp"))
+         (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p3))
      (equalpt (pathname-device p1) (pathname-device p3))
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@
      (pathname-type p3)
      (equalpt (pathname-type p2) (pathname-type p3))
      (if (pathname-version p1)
-	 (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p3))
+         (equalpt (pathname-version p1) (pathname-version p3))
        (equalpt (pathname-version p3) :newest))))
   t t t "foo" "lsp" "lsp" t t)
 (deftest merge-pathnames.5
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname :name "foo"))
-	 (p2 (make-pathname :type "lsp" :version :newest))
-	 (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2 nil)))
+         (p2 (make-pathname :type "lsp" :version :newest))
+         (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2 nil)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p3))
      (equalpt (pathname-device p1) (pathname-device p3))
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
 (deftest merge-pathnames.6
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname))
-	 (p2 (make-pathname :name "foo" :version :newest))
-	 (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2 nil)))
+         (p2 (make-pathname :name "foo" :version :newest))
+         (p3 (merge-pathnames p1 p2 nil)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p3))
      (equalpt (pathname-device p1) (pathname-device p3))
@@ -106,8 +106,8 @@
 (deftest merge-pathnames.7
   (let* ((p1 (make-pathname))
-	 (p2 *default-pathname-defaults*)
-	 (p3 (merge-pathnames p1)))
+         (p2 *default-pathname-defaults*)
+         (p3 (merge-pathnames p1)))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p1) (pathname-host p3))
      (equalpt (pathname-host p2) (pathname-host p3))
@@ -117,8 +117,8 @@
      (equalpt (pathname-type p2) (pathname-type p3))
       ((pathname-version p1) (equalpt (pathname-version p1)
-				      (pathname-version p3)))
+                                      (pathname-version p3)))
       ((pathname-version p2) (equalpt (pathname-version p2)
-				      (pathname-version p3)))
+                                      (pathname-version p3)))
       (t (equalpt (pathname-version p3) :newest)))))
   t t t t t t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/merge.lsp b/ansi-tests/merge.lsp
index 9574e134..692244bb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/merge.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/merge.lsp
@@ -7,19 +7,19 @@
 (deftest merge-list.1
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'<))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-list.2
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'<))
   (2 4 5 8 11))
 (deftest merge-list.3
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list y x #'<))
   (2 4 5 8 11))
@@ -29,37 +29,37 @@
 (deftest merge-list.5
   (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'<))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-list.6
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'<))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-list.7
   (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'<))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-list.8
   (let ((x (sort (list 1 3 7 8 10) #'>))
-	(y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
+        (y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
     (merge 'list x y #'< :key #'-))
   (11 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 1))
 (deftest merge-list.9
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y #'< :key nil))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-list.10
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'list x y '<))
   (1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
@@ -92,19 +92,19 @@
 (deftest merge-vector.1
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.2
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(2 4 5 8 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.3
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector y x #'<))
   #(2 4 5 8 11))
@@ -114,37 +114,37 @@
 (deftest merge-vector.5
   (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.6
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.7
   (let ((x (vector 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (vector 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.8
   (let ((x (sort (list 1 3 7 8 10) #'>))
-	(y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
+        (y (sort (list 2 4 5 8 11) #'>)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'< :key #'-))
   #(11 10 8 8 7 5 4 3 2 1))
 (deftest merge-vector.9
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'< :key nil))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.10
   (let ((x (list 1 3 7 8 10))
-	(y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
+        (y (list 2 4 5 8 11)))
     (merge 'vector x y '<))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 7 8 8 10 11))
@@ -175,22 +175,22 @@
 (deftest merge-vector.16
   (let ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(2 5 8 9 11 12 14 15 18 30)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	(y (list 1 6 10)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+        (y (list 1 6 10)))
     (merge 'vector x y #'<))
   #(1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.16a
   (let ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(2 5 8 9 11 12 14 15 18 30)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	(y (list 1 6 10)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+        (y (list 1 6 10)))
     (merge 'vector y x #'<))
   #(1 2 5 6 8 9 10 11))
 (deftest merge-vector.17
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(2 5 8 9 11 12 14 15 18 30)
-			:fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (merge 'vector x () #'<)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (merge 'vector x () #'<)))
      (array-element-type result)
@@ -229,43 +229,43 @@
 (deftest merge-string.1
   (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
-	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.1a
   (let ((x (copy-seq "1378"))
-	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.1b
   (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
-	(y (copy-seq "2459")))
+        (y (copy-seq "2459")))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.1c
   (let ((x (copy-seq "1378"))
-	(y (copy-seq "2459")))
+        (y (copy-seq "2459")))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.1d
   (let ((x (copy-seq "1378"))
-	(y (copy-seq "2459")))
+        (y (copy-seq "2459")))
     (merge 'string y x #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.2
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.3
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string y x #'char<))
@@ -275,19 +275,19 @@
 (deftest merge-string.8
   (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
-	(y (list #\2 #\4 #\5)))
+        (y (list #\2 #\4 #\5)))
     (merge 'string x y #'char< :key #'nextdigit))
 (deftest merge-string.9
   (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
-	(y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string x y #'char< :key nil))
 (deftest merge-string.10
   (let ((x (list #\1 #\3 #\7 #\8))
-	(y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
+        (y (list  #\2 #\4 #\5 #\9)))
     (merge 'string x y 'char<))
@@ -323,27 +323,27 @@
 (deftest merge-string.15
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "adgkmpruwv"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (y (copy-seq "bci")))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (y (copy-seq "bci")))
     (merge 'string x y #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.16
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "adgkmpruwv"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (y (copy-seq "bci")))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (y (copy-seq "bci")))
     (merge 'string y x #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.17
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "adgkmpruwv"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
     (merge 'string nil x #'char<))
 (deftest merge-string.18
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "adgkmpruwv"
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character)))
     (merge 'string x nil #'char<))
@@ -430,19 +430,19 @@
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.1
   (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.2
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.3
   (let ((x nil)
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
@@ -452,67 +452,67 @@
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5
   (let ((x (vector 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5a
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*00111))
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5b
   (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (copy-seq #*00011)))
+        (y (copy-seq #*00011)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5c
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*00111))
-	(y (copy-seq #*00011)))
+        (y (copy-seq #*00011)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5d
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*11111))
-	(y (copy-seq #*00000)))
+        (y (copy-seq #*00000)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.5e
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*11111))
-	(y (copy-seq #*00000)))
+        (y (copy-seq #*00000)))
     (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.6
   (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.7
   (let ((x (vector 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (vector 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.8
   (let ((x (list 1 1 1 0 0))
-	(y (list 1 1 0 0 0)))
+        (y (list 1 1 0 0 0)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'< :key #'-))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.9
   (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'< :key nil))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.10
   (let ((x (list 0 0 1 1 1))
-	(y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
+        (y (list 0 0 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y '<))
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (copy-seq #*011)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.13
   (let ((x (copy-seq #*)) (y (list 0 1 1)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
@@ -543,27 +543,27 @@
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0001101010
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*001)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (y (copy-seq #*001)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x y #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0001101010
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*001)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (y (copy-seq #*001)))
     (merge 'bit-vector y x #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0001101010
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
     (merge 'bit-vector nil x #'<))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*0001101010
-			:fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit)))
     (merge 'bit-vector x nil #'<))
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@
 (deftest merge-vector-length.1
   (merge '(vector * 6) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6))
 (deftest merge-bit-vector-length.1
   (merge '(bit-vector  6) (list 0 1 1) (list 0 0 1) #'<)
@@ -596,44 +596,44 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d)
      (merge (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'list)
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 2 5 6))
-	    (progn (setf c (incf i)) (list 1 3 4))
-	    (progn (setf d (incf i)) #'<))
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 2 5 6))
+            (progn (setf c (incf i)) (list 1 3 4))
+            (progn (setf d (incf i)) #'<))
      i a b c d))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6) 4 1 2 3 4)
 ;;; Tests of error situations
 (deftest merge.error.1
   (handler-case (eval
-		 '(locally (declare (optimize safety))
-			   (merge 'symbol (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)))
-		(error () :caught))
+                 '(locally (declare (optimize safety))
+                           (merge 'symbol (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)))
+                (error () :caught))
 (deftest merge.error.2
   (signals-error (merge '(vector * 3) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest merge.error.3
   (signals-error (merge '(bit-vector 3) (list 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1) #'<)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest merge.error.4
   (signals-error (merge '(vector * 7) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest merge.error.5
   (signals-error (merge '(bit-vector 7) (list 0 0 0) (list 1 1 1) #'<)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest merge.error.6
   (signals-error (merge 'null (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) #'<)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest merge.error.7
@@ -650,43 +650,43 @@
 (deftest merge.error.10
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 2 4 6) (list 1 3 5))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.11
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 2 4 6) (list 1 3 5) #'< :bad t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.12
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 2 4 6) (list 1 3 5) #'< :key)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.13
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 2 4 6) (list 1 3 5) #'< :bad t
-			 :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                         :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.14
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 2 4 6) (list 1 3 5) #'< 1 2)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.15
   (signals-error (locally (merge '(vector * 3) (list 1 2 3)
-				  (list 4 5 6) #'<)
-			   t)
-		 type-error)
-  t)  
+                                  (list 4 5 6) #'<)
+                           t)
+                 type-error)
+  t)
 (deftest merge.error.16
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 1 2) (list 3 4) #'car)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest merge.error.17
   (signals-error (merge 'list (list 'a 'b) (list 3 4) #'max)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/min.lsp b/ansi-tests/min.lsp
index 5b42fc2c..e5a88dfc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/min.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/min.lsp
@@ -21,14 +21,14 @@
 (deftest min.1
   (loop for n in *reals*
-	when (or (not (eql (min n) n))
-		 (not (eql (min n n) n))
-		 (not (eql (min n n n) n))
-		 (not (eql (apply #'min (make-list
-					 (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-					 :initial-element n))
-			   n)))
-	collect n)
+        when (or (not (eql (min n) n))
+                 (not (eql (min n n) n))
+                 (not (eql (min n n n) n))
+                 (not (eql (apply #'min (make-list
+                                         (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
+                                         :initial-element n))
+                           n)))
+        collect n)
 (deftest min.2
@@ -37,38 +37,38 @@
 (deftest min.3
   (loop for x = (- (random 60000) 30000)
-	for y = (- (random 60000) 30000)
-	for m = (min x y)
-	for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 60000) 30000)
+        for m = (min x y)
+        for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest min.4
   (loop for x = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
-	for y = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
-	for m = (min x y)
-	for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 6000000) 3000000)
+        for m = (min x y)
+        for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest min.5
   (loop for x = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
-	for y = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
-	for m = (min x y)
-	for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql m m2)
-	collect (list x y m m2))
+        for y = (- (random 1000000000000) 500000000000)
+        for m = (min x y)
+        for m2 = (if (<= x y) x y)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql m m2)
+        collect (list x y m m2))
 (deftest min.6
   (let ((m (min 0 1.0s0)))
     (or (eqlt m 0)
-	(eqlt m 0.0s0)))
+        (eqlt m 0.0s0)))
 (deftest min.7
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (deftest min.8
   (let ((m (min 2 3.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0f0)))
 (deftest min.9
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 (deftest min.10
   (let ((m (min 2 10.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0d0)))
 (deftest min.11
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
 (deftest min.12
   (let ((m (min 2 17.25l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 2)
-	(eqlt m 2.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 2.0l0)))
 (deftest min.13
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
 (deftest min.15
   (let ((m (min 1.0s0 2.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0f0)))
 (deftest min.16
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 (deftest min.17
   (let ((m (min 1.0s0 2.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0d0)))
 (deftest min.18
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
 (deftest min.19
   (let ((m (min 1.0s0 2.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0s0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest min.20
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
 (deftest min.21
   (let ((m (min 1.0f0 2.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0f0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0d0)))
 (deftest min.22
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
 (deftest min.23
   (let ((m (min 1.0f0 100.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0f0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest min.24
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
 (deftest min.25
   (let ((m (min 1.0d0 12.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1.0d0)
-	(eqlt m 1.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m 1.0l0)))
 (deftest min.26
@@ -167,59 +167,59 @@
 (deftest min.27
   (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for x = (make-list i :initial-element 1)
-	do (setf (elt x (random i)) 0)
-	unless (eql (apply #'min x) 0)
-	collect x)
+        for x = (make-list i :initial-element 1)
+        do (setf (elt x (random i)) 0)
+        unless (eql (apply #'min x) 0)
+        collect x)
 (deftest min.28
   (let ((m (min 1/3 0.8s0)))
     (or (eqlt m 1/3)
-	(eqlt m (float 1/3 0.8s0))))
+        (eqlt m (float 1/3 0.8s0))))
 (deftest min.29
   (let ((m (min 1.0s0 -3 2.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0f0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0f0)))
 (deftest min.30
   (let ((m (min 1.0d0 -3 2.0f0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0d0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0d0)))
 (deftest min.31
   (let ((m (min 1.0s0 -3 2.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0l0)))
 (deftest min.32
   (let ((m (min 1.0l0 -3 2.0s0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0l0)))
 (deftest min.33
   (let ((m (min 1.0d0 -3 2.0l0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0l0)))
 (deftest min.34
   (let ((m (min 1.0l0 -3 2.0d0)))
     (or (eqlt m -3)
-	(eqlt m -3.0l0)))
+        (eqlt m -3.0l0)))
 (deftest min.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (min (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20))
      i x y))
   10 2 1 2)
@@ -227,8 +227,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (min (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
      i x y z))
   10 3 1 2 3)
@@ -236,10 +236,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) u v w x y z)
      (min (progn (setf u (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf v (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf w (incf i)) 30)
-	  (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
-	  (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
+          (progn (setf v (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf w (incf i)) 30)
+          (progn (setf x (incf i)) 10)
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) 20)
+          (progn (setf z (incf i)) 30))
      i u v w x y z))
   10 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/minus.lsp b/ansi-tests/minus.lsp
index 70cb2ce0..865b2625 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/minus.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/minus.lsp
@@ -14,84 +14,84 @@
 ;;; Unary minus tests
 (deftest minus.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (eql (- (- x)) x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (eql (- (- x)) x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest minus.2
    (declare (notinline -))
    (loop for x in *numbers*
-	 unless (eql (- (- x)) x)
-	 collect x))
+         unless (eql (- (- x)) x)
+         collect x))
 (deftest minus.3
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	when (and (integerp x)
-		  (not (eql (- x) (- 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (integerp x)
+                  (not (eql (- x) (- 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest minus.4
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for neg = (- x)
-	when (and (floatp x)
-		  (not (zerop x))
-		  (not (eql neg (- 0.0s0 x)))
-		  (eql (float 1.0s0 x)
-		       (float 1.0s0 neg)))
-	collect x)
+        for neg = (- x)
+        when (and (floatp x)
+                  (not (zerop x))
+                  (not (eql neg (- 0.0s0 x)))
+                  (eql (float 1.0s0 x)
+                       (float 1.0s0 neg)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest minus.5
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (and (complexp x)
-		  (rationalp (realpart x))
-		  (not (eql (- x) (- 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (complexp x)
+                  (rationalp (realpart x))
+                  (not (eql (- x) (- 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest minus.6
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for neg = (- x)
-	when (and (complexp x)
-		  (floatp (realpart x))
-		  (eql (float 1.0s0 (realpart x))
-		       (float 1.0s0 (realpart neg)))
-		  (or (/= neg (- 0 x))
-		      (and (not (zerop (realpart x)))
-			   (not (eqlzt neg (- 0 x))))))
-	collect x)
+        for neg = (- x)
+        when (and (complexp x)
+                  (floatp (realpart x))
+                  (eql (float 1.0s0 (realpart x))
+                       (float 1.0s0 (realpart neg)))
+                  (or (/= neg (- 0 x))
+                      (and (not (zerop (realpart x)))
+                           (not (eqlzt neg (- 0 x))))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest minus.7
   (let ((upper-bound most-positive-fixnum)
-	(lower-bound most-negative-fixnum))
+        (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum))
      for x = (+ (random (- upper-bound lower-bound)) lower-bound)
      for neg = (- x)
      repeat 1000
-     unless (and (integerp neg)	
-		 (eql (abs x) (abs neg))
-		 (if (> x 0) (< neg 0) (>= neg 0))
-		 (zerop (+ x neg))
-		 (eql x (- neg)))
+     unless (and (integerp neg)
+                 (eql (abs x) (abs neg))
+                 (if (> x 0) (< neg 0) (>= neg 0))
+                 (zerop (+ x neg))
+                 (eql x (- neg)))
      collect x))
 (deftest minus.8
   (let ((upper-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	(lower-bound (- (ash 1 1000))))
+        (lower-bound (- (ash 1 1000))))
      for x = (+ (random (- upper-bound lower-bound)) lower-bound)
      for neg = (- x)
      repeat 1000
      unless (and (integerp neg)
-		 (eql (abs x) (abs neg))
-		 (if (> x 0) (< neg 0) (>= neg 0))
-		 (zerop (+ x neg))
-		 (eql x (- neg)))
+                 (eql (abs x) (abs neg))
+                 (if (> x 0) (< neg 0) (>= neg 0))
+                 (zerop (+ x neg))
+                 (eql x (- neg)))
      collect x))
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
    for y = (random-fixnum)
    repeat 1000
    unless (and (eql (+ x (- y)) (- x y))
-	       (eql (+ 1 x (- y)) (- x (1- y)))
-	       (eql (+ -1 x (- y)) (- x (1+ y))))
+               (eql (+ 1 x (- y)) (- x (1- y)))
+               (eql (+ -1 x (- y)) (- x (1+ y))))
    collect (list x y))
@@ -122,16 +122,16 @@
      for y = (random-from-interval bound (- bound))
      repeat 1000
      unless  (and (eql (+ x (- y)) (- x y))
-	       (eql (+ 1 x (- y)) (- x (1- y)))
-	       (eql (+ -1 x (- y)) (- x (1+ y))))
+               (eql (+ 1 x (- y)) (- x (1- y)))
+               (eql (+ -1 x (- y)) (- x (1+ y))))
      collect (list x y)))
 (deftest subtract.3
   (let ((args nil))
     (loop for i from 1 below (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 1 args)
-	  always (eql (apply #'- 1000 args) (- 1000 i))))
+          do (push 1 args)
+          always (eql (apply #'- 1000 args) (- 1000 i))))
 ;;; Float contagion
@@ -144,41 +144,41 @@
    for c1 from 1
    (loop for type2 in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	 for bits2 in '(13 24 50 50)
-	 for bound2 = (ash 1 (- bits2 2))
-	 for c2 from 1
-	 nconc 
-	 (loop
-	  for i = (random-from-interval bound1)
-	  for x = (coerce i type1)
-	  for j = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for y = (coerce j type2)
-	  for idiff1 = (- i j)
-	  for idiff2 = (- j i)
-	  for diff1 = (- x y)
-	  for diff2 = (- y x)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (or (zerop idiff1)
-		     (and (eql idiff1 (- idiff2))
-			  (eql diff1 (- diff2))
-			  (if (<= c1 c2)
-			      (eql (float diff1 y) diff1)
-			    (eql (float diff1 x) diff1))
-			  (eql (float idiff1 diff1) diff1)))
-	  collect (list i x j y idiff1 idiff2 diff1 diff2))))
+         for bits2 in '(13 24 50 50)
+         for bound2 = (ash 1 (- bits2 2))
+         for c2 from 1
+         nconc
+         (loop
+          for i = (random-from-interval bound1)
+          for x = (coerce i type1)
+          for j = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for y = (coerce j type2)
+          for idiff1 = (- i j)
+          for idiff2 = (- j i)
+          for diff1 = (- x y)
+          for diff2 = (- y x)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (or (zerop idiff1)
+                     (and (eql idiff1 (- idiff2))
+                          (eql diff1 (- diff2))
+                          (if (<= c1 c2)
+                              (eql (float diff1 y) diff1)
+                            (eql (float diff1 x) diff1))
+                          (eql (float idiff1 diff1) diff1)))
+          collect (list i x j y idiff1 idiff2 diff1 diff2))))
 ;;; Complex subtraction
 (deftest subtract.5
   (loop for i = (random-fixnum)
-	for ci = (complex i (+ i 100))
-	for j = (random-fixnum)
-	for cj = (complex j (- j 200))
-	for diff = (- ci cj)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql diff (complex (- i j) (+ (- i j) 300)))
-	collect (list i ci j cj (- ci cj)))
+        for ci = (complex i (+ i 100))
+        for j = (random-fixnum)
+        for cj = (complex j (- j 200))
+        for diff = (- ci cj)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql diff (complex (- i j) (+ (- i j) 300)))
+        collect (list i ci j cj (- ci cj)))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -186,9 +186,9 @@
 (deftest subtract.6
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values
-	     (- (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1)
-	     (- 17 (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-	     (- 1/2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1/6))
-		(expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))))
+            (values
+             (- (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1)
+             (- 17 (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+             (- 1/2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1/6))
+                (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))))
   1 12 1/3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/minusp.lsp b/ansi-tests/minusp.lsp
index af6421db..7a0c78cf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/minusp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/minusp.lsp
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 (deftest minusp.4
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	when (if (minusp x) (>= x 0) (< x 0))
-	collect x)
+        when (if (minusp x) (>= x 0) (< x 0))
+        collect x)
 (deftest minusp.5
@@ -45,16 +45,16 @@
 (deftest minusp.6
   (remove-if #'minusp
-	     (list least-negative-short-float
-		   least-negative-normalized-short-float
-		   least-negative-single-float
-		   least-negative-normalized-single-float
-		   least-negative-double-float
-		   least-negative-normalized-double-float
-		   least-negative-long-float
-		   least-negative-normalized-long-float
-		   most-negative-short-float
-		   most-negative-single-float
-		   most-negative-double-float
-		   most-negative-long-float))
+             (list least-negative-short-float
+                   least-negative-normalized-short-float
+                   least-negative-single-float
+                   least-negative-normalized-single-float
+                   least-negative-double-float
+                   least-negative-normalized-double-float
+                   least-negative-long-float
+                   least-negative-normalized-long-float
+                   most-negative-short-float
+                   most-negative-single-float
+                   most-negative-double-float
+                   most-negative-long-float))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/misc-cmucl-type-prop.lsp b/ansi-tests/misc-cmucl-type-prop.lsp
index 48016b5b..a5fbb1d9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/misc-cmucl-type-prop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/misc-cmucl-type-prop.lsp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 2) (space 3))
-		(type (member 2 -4 -211907662 -27215198) p1))
+                (type (member 2 -4 -211907662 -27215198) p1))
        (logand (the (integer * 161212781) p1) 10600829)))
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 3))
-		(type (integer 1619851121 1619868587) p1) (type (integer * 303689) p2))
+                (type (integer 1619851121 1619868587) p1) (type (integer * 303689) p2))
        (logandc2 (the (integer -5359291650 1619851136) p1) (the unsigned-byte p2))))
    1619851124 300065)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 3))
-		(type (integer 59087 63964) p1))
+                (type (integer 59087 63964) p1))
        (logior p1 -65887623)))
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 0) (space 3))
-		(type (integer 3585942 72924743) p1) (type (integer -70689 *) p2))
+                (type (integer 3585942 72924743) p1) (type (integer -70689 *) p2))
        (logorc2 (the (integer * 8514860) p1) (the (integer 1 411) p2))))
    3586455 4)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     '(lambda (p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 2) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -257 *) p2))
+                (type (integer -257 *) p2))
        (lognand 1020158769 (the (integer -5275217 2381998) p2))))
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -96413017 -96297711) p1))
+                (type (integer -96413017 -96297711) p1))
        (lognand p1 3472289945)))
@@ -88,8 +88,8 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 2) (space 3))
-		(type (integer 438294 891242) p1)
-		(type (member 16317 -15 -541332155 33554427) p2))
+                (type (integer 438294 891242) p1)
+                (type (member 16317 -15 -541332155 33554427) p2))
        (logand (the (integer -33116139 1759877902) p1) p2)))
    438295 16317)
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -728025757 -727856169) p1))
+                (type (integer -728025757 -727856169) p1))
        (logorc1 (the (integer -734005577 -727855553) p1) -3311)))
@@ -113,9 +113,9 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 3))
-		(type (integer * 1489068) p1) (type (integer -7455 *) p2))
+                (type (integer * 1489068) p1) (type (integer -7455 *) p2))
        (logeqv (the (member 9543 -15 32766 -264472) p1)
-	       (the (integer -524303 11182721) p2))))
+               (the (integer -524303 11182721) p2))))
    9543 -8)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -616605365 -616598658) p1) (type (eql 499113) p2))
+                (type (integer -616605365 -616598658) p1) (type (eql 499113) p2))
        (logeqv (the real p1) p2)))
    -616604953 499113)
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@
     '(lambda (p1)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -112225610 *) p1))
+                (type (integer -112225610 *) p1))
        (logeqv (the (integer -2822315666 3) p1) 1679389)))
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
     '(lambda (p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 3))
-		(type (integer -67 268435455) p2))
+                (type (integer -67 268435455) p2))
        (logeqv 1038360149 (the (integer -3605943309) p2))))
@@ -163,9 +163,9 @@
       '(lambda (p1)
-	 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
-		  (type (eql 64848.973) p1))
-	 (- (the (eql 64848.973f0) p1) -2808/1031)))
+         (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                  (type (eql 64848.973) p1))
+         (- (the (eql 64848.973f0) p1) -2808/1031)))
@@ -178,9 +178,9 @@
       '(lambda (p2)
-	 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 3))
-		  (type (integer 9297 *) p2))
-	 (- 54090.82691488265d0 (the (integer * 1263530808) p2))))
+         (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                  (type (integer 9297 *) p2))
+         (- 54090.82691488265d0 (the (integer * 1263530808) p2))))
@@ -193,20 +193,20 @@
       '(lambda (p1)
-	 (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 3))
-		  (type (eql 328536/53893) p1))
-	 (- p1 59218.633f0)))
+         (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 3))
+                  (type (eql 328536/53893) p1))
+         (- p1 59218.633f0)))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.16
    (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 3) (space 3))
-			    (type (integer -605782 -28141) p2))
-		   (- -61118 p2)))
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 3) (space 3))
+                            (type (integer -605782 -28141) p2))
+                   (- -61118 p2)))
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.17
    (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 3))
-			    (type (integer 5535202) p1))
-		   (- (the (integer * 27858177) p1) 405)))
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                            (type (integer 5535202) p1))
+                   (- (the (integer * 27858177) p1) 405)))
@@ -224,9 +224,9 @@
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.18
    (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 2) (space 3))
-			    (type (integer -1175231414 -3471291) p2))
-		   (- -440 p2)))
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 2) (space 3))
+                            (type (integer -1175231414 -3471291) p2))
+                   (- -440 p2)))
@@ -234,127 +234,127 @@
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.19
    (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 2) (space 3))
-			    (type (integer -1015240116 5) p2))
-		   (+ 491841 (the unsigned-byte p2))))
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 2) (space 3))
+                            (type (integer -1015240116 5) p2))
+                   (+ 491841 (the unsigned-byte p2))))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.20
   (notnot (typep (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-					  (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 3))
-						   (type (rational -1255531/68466 4) p1))
-					  (+ p1 41888.98682005542d0)))
-			  -1255531/68466)
-		 'double-float))
+                                          (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 3))
+                                                   (type (rational -1255531/68466 4) p1))
+                                          (+ p1 41888.98682005542d0)))
+                          -1255531/68466)
+                 'double-float))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.21
   (notnot (typep (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-					  (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
-						   (type (integer -284887911 *) p1))
-					  (+ (the (integer -50006902 19512639861) p1) 68648.28f0)))
-			  -16452463)
-		 'single-float))
+                                          (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                                                   (type (integer -284887911 *) p1))
+                                          (+ (the (integer -50006902 19512639861) p1) 68648.28f0)))
+                          -16452463)
+                 'single-float))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.22
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 1) (space 3))
-				    (type (complex double-float) p1))
-			   (= p1 -1590311/896933)))
-	   #c(1.0d0 1.0d0))
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                                    (type (complex double-float) p1))
+                           (= p1 -1590311/896933)))
+           #c(1.0d0 1.0d0))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.23
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
-				    (type (complex single-float) p2))
-			   (= -976855 (the (eql #c(-57420.04 806984.0)) p2))))
-	   #c(-57420.04f0 806984.0f0))
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 1) (space 3))
+                                    (type (complex single-float) p2))
+                           (= -976855 (the (eql #c(-57420.04 806984.0)) p2))))
+           #c(-57420.04f0 806984.0f0))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.24
    (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1 p2)
-			    (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 3))
-				     (type (integer -3705845 488458) p1) (type (integer * 869076010) p2))
-			    (/= p1 (the (integer -69832764 470) p2))))
-	    488456 465))
+                            (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 3))
+                                     (type (integer -3705845 488458) p1) (type (integer * 869076010) p2))
+                            (/= p1 (the (integer -69832764 470) p2))))
+            488456 465))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.25
    (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-			    (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 2) (space 3))
-				     (type (integer -69741922) p1))
-			    (/= (the (integer * 216) p1) 182)))
-	    103))
+                            (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 3) (debug 2) (space 3))
+                                     (type (integer -69741922) p1))
+                            (/= (the (integer * 216) p1) 182)))
+            103))
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.26
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 3) (space 3))
-				    (type (integer -451 204073899) p2))
-			   (< 134799 (the (integer -56 8589934581) p2))))
-	   -2)
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 3) (space 3))
+                                    (type (integer -451 204073899) p2))
+                           (< 134799 (the (integer -56 8589934581) p2))))
+           -2)
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.27
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p2)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 2) (space 3))
-				    (type (integer -93662 *) p2))
-			   (<= -1 (the (integer -2975848 16770677) p2))))
-	    -6548)
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 2) (space 3))
+                                    (type (integer -93662 *) p2))
+                           (<= -1 (the (integer -2975848 16770677) p2))))
+            -6548)
 ; (simple example)
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.28
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
-				    (type (integer -65545 80818) p1))
-			   (1+ p1)))
-	   -1)
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
+                                    (type (integer -65545 80818) p1))
+                           (1+ p1)))
+           -1)
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.29
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (p1)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
-				    (type (integer -4194320 11531) p1))
-			   (- (the (integer -6253866924 34530147) p1))))
-	   -20)
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 1) (debug 0) (space 3))
+                                    (type (integer -4194320 11531) p1))
+                           (- (the (integer -6253866924 34530147) p1))))
+           -20)
 ;;; Bug in COPY-SEQ
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.30
   (let ((a (funcall
-	    (compile nil `(lambda ()
-			    (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 0) (space 2)))
-			    (copy-seq
-			     ,(make-array '(0) :adjustable t)))))))
+            (compile nil `(lambda ()
+                            (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 2) (debug 0) (space 2)))
+                            (copy-seq
+                             ,(make-array '(0) :adjustable t)))))))
     (and (not (adjustable-array-p a))
-	 (= (length a) 0)
-	 t))
+         (= (length a) 0)
+         t))
 ; Bug for PACKAGEP
 (deftest cmucl-type-prop.31
   (funcall (compile nil '(lambda (x)
-			   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (space 3)))
-			   (packagep x)))
-	   t)
+                           (declare (optimize (speed 2) (space 3)))
+                           (packagep x)))
+           t)
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
     '(lambda (p4)
        (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 1) (debug 1) (space 0))
-		(type (integer -2040 9) p4))
+                (type (integer -2040 9) p4))
        (string< "bbaa" "" :start1 p4)))
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@
     '(lambda (p4)
        (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 0) (debug 2) (space 0))
-		(type (integer -52340 *) p4))
+                (type (integer -52340 *) p4))
        (string< "baabbb" "bb" :start2 p4)))
@@ -394,10 +394,10 @@
     '(lambda (p1 p4)
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 0) (debug 3) (space 0))
-		(type (simple-string) p1) (type real p4))
+                (type (simple-string) p1) (type real p4))
        (string< (the array p1)
-		"bbbba"
-		:start1 (the (integer -16382 *) p4)
-		:end1 7)))
+                "bbbba"
+                :start1 (the (integer -16382 *) p4)
+                :end1 7)))
    "J4sPI71C3Xn" 5)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/misc.lsp b/ansi-tests/misc.lsp
index 9ee3cdfa..d80d48ee 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/misc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/misc.lsp
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@
         '(lambda () (flet ((%f2 () 288213285))
                       (+ (%f2) (* 13 (%f2)))))))
 (deftest misc.44
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
                             (rem b (min -16 0))))
 (deftest misc.53
    (compile nil '(lambda ()
@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@
          (v1 (apply (compile nil fn1) vals))
          (v2 (apply (compile nil fn2) vals)))
     (if (eql v1 v2) :good (list v1 v2)))
-  :good) 
+  :good)
 ;;; cmucl (22 Oct 2003)
 ;;; The assertion (EQ C::ENV
@@ -2047,7 +2047,7 @@
                       (let* ((v4 (%f12))) a)))))
 ;;; In Lispworks 4.2 (x86 linux personal edition)
 ;;; 'Error: *** Ran out of patterns in (MOVE) for (edi NIL)'
@@ -2237,7 +2237,7 @@
         (optimize (speed 3) (space 3) (safety 1) (debug 1) (compilation-speed 0)))
        (case 0 ((-12 -9 -12 -2 -5 -2 15) (catch 'ct7 (throw 'ct7 0))) (t 0)))))
-  0)  
+  0)
 ;;; sbcl bug (
 ;;; "The value NIL is not of type SB-C::REF."
@@ -2318,7 +2318,7 @@
 ;;; "/tmp/ecl9CEiD1RL5.c:36: `lex0' undeclared (first use in this function)"
 (deftest misc.157
    (compile nil
@@ -2710,7 +2710,7 @@
 ;;;   segmentation violation at #XA4A0B59
 (deftest misc.172
@@ -3921,7 +3921,7 @@
 (deftest misc.217
   (ceiling 0 -2549795210)
   0 0)
 (deftest misc.218
   (floor 0 -2549795210)
   0 0)
@@ -5126,7 +5126,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
 ;; Error: Cannot go to TAG, its body has been exited.
 (deftest misc.291
-  (funcall 
+  (funcall
    #'(lambda (a)
        (declare (notinline numerator))
        (declare (optimize (speed 2) (space 3) (safety 2) (debug 0)
@@ -5265,14 +5265,14 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize (debug 3) (safety 0) (space 2)
-			  (compilation-speed 2) (speed 2)))
+                          (compilation-speed 2) (speed 2)))
        (block b4
-	      (multiple-value-prog1
-	       0
-	       (catch 'ct8
-		 (return-from b4 (catch 'ct2 (progn (tagbody) 0)))))))))
+              (multiple-value-prog1
+               0
+               (catch 'ct8
+                 (return-from b4 (catch 'ct2 (progn (tagbody) 0)))))))))
@@ -6216,7 +6216,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
                       (reduce #'(lambda (lmv6 lmv5) (mod 0 (min -86 0)))
                               (list 0 0)))))))
    -512398 -156405 1140919327630)
-  3327764)  
+  3327764)
 ;;; ecl
 ;;; Wrong value
@@ -6350,12 +6350,12 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
        (reduce #'(lambda (lmv6 lmv3) lmv3)
                (vector 0 (max 0) 0 0
                        (catch 'ct2 (catch 'ct2 (throw 'ct2 0))) 0 e 0)
                :end 2
                :from-end t)))
    68664683637 328245 881497115 -303855 311427)
 ;;; Bugs from abcl
 ;;; Debugger invoked on condition of type TYPE-ERROR:
 ;;;   The value org.armedbear.lisp.Symbol@54 is not of type integer.
@@ -7271,7 +7271,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
 (deftest misc.374
    #+armedbear ((jvm::*catch-errors* nil))
-   nil  
+   nil
@@ -7437,7 +7437,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-C-INLINE-LOC.
 ;;; gcl (31 May 2004, cvs head)
 ;;; Error in SYSTEM:ASET [or a callee]: Expected a FIXNUM
@@ -9195,7 +9195,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
                         (declare (optimize (speed 2) (debug 1) (safety 3)
                                            (compilation-speed 3) (space 1)))
                         (aref #(41397376227 18660605846 49244777443) (min 2 (max 0 b)))))
@@ -10123,7 +10123,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
-;;; IR2 type checking of unused values in [sic] not implemented. 
+;;; IR2 type checking of unused values in [sic] not implemented.
 (deftest misc.549
@@ -10584,7 +10584,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
      #c(-9003 -121))))
-;;; The value -27 is not of type (INTEGER -34359738403 -24). 
+;;; The value -27 is not of type (INTEGER -34359738403 -24).
 (deftest misc.584
@@ -10717,7 +10717,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
    0 -714979492 1474663829)
-;;; ecl 
+;;; ecl
 ;;; 10000000.0d0 is not of type INTEGER.
 (deftest misc.595
@@ -10914,10 +10914,10 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda (a)
       (declare (optimize (space 3) (safety 1) (debug 3)
-		(speed 1) (compilation-speed 3)))
+                (speed 1) (compilation-speed 3)))
       (catch 'ct1
-	(reduce #'(lambda (lmv6 lmv5) (throw 'ct1 0))
-		(list a 0 0) :end 2))))
+        (reduce #'(lambda (lmv6 lmv5) (throw 'ct1 0))
+                (list a 0 0) :end 2))))
@@ -10931,11 +10931,11 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
       (declare (type (integer -3873004182 -3717314779) a))
       (declare (ignorable a))
       (declare (optimize (debug 0) (safety 1) (speed 3)
-		(space 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+                (space 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
       (let* ((v1 (make-array nil :initial-element
-			     (reduce #'logand (list a 0 a)))))
-	(declare (dynamic-extent v1))
-	0)))
+                             (reduce #'logand (list a 0 a)))))
+        (declare (dynamic-extent v1))
+        0)))
@@ -10943,7 +10943,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.615
   (let* ((x -8183.7625s0)
-	 (form `(lambda (p1) (eql p1 ,x))))
+         (form `(lambda (p1) (eql p1 ,x))))
     (not (not (funcall (compile nil form) x))))
@@ -10960,21 +10960,21 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
        (declare (type (integer 0 15) c))
        (declare (ignorable a b c))
        (declare (optimize (safety 1) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (speed 3)
-			  (debug 3)))
+                          (debug 3)))
        (catch 'ct7
-	 (labels ((%f12
-		   (f12-1 f12-2
-			  &optional
-			  &key (key1 0)
-			  (key2
-			   (reduce #'(lambda (lmv2 lmv1) 0)
-				   (vector 0 0)
-				   :end 2
-				   :start 0
-				   :from-end t))
-			  &allow-other-keys)
-		   a))
-		 c))))
+         (labels ((%f12
+                   (f12-1 f12-2
+                          &optional
+                          &key (key1 0)
+                          (key2
+                           (reduce #'(lambda (lmv2 lmv1) 0)
+                                   (vector 0 0)
+                                   :end 2
+                                   :start 0
+                                   :from-end t))
+                          &allow-other-keys)
+                   a))
+                 c))))
    -134217 -3699719058 10)
@@ -11054,12 +11054,12 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize (debug 1) (space 0) (compilation-speed 3)
-			  (speed 1) (safety 3)))
+                          (speed 1) (safety 3)))
        (loop for lv1 below 2 sum
-	     (dotimes (iv2 2 0)
-	       (mod (dotimes (iv4 2 0) (progn (count lv1 #*0) 0))
-		    (min -63 (rem 0 (min -67 0)))))))))
+             (dotimes (iv2 2 0)
+               (mod (dotimes (iv4 2 0) (progn (count lv1 #*0) 0))
+                    (min -63 (rem 0 (min -67 0)))))))))
 ;;; sbcl, x86 linux
@@ -11071,7 +11071,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda (p2)
        (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 2) (debug 3) (space 0))
-		(type real p2))
+                (type real p2))
        (+ 81535869 (the (member 17549.955 #:g35917) p2))))
   #.(+ 81535869 17549.955))
@@ -11085,13 +11085,13 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize (space 2) (speed 0) (debug 2)
-			  (compilation-speed 3) (safety 0)))
+                          (compilation-speed 3) (safety 0)))
        (loop for lv3 below 1
-	     count (minusp
-		    (loop for lv2 below 2
+             count (minusp
+                    (loop for lv2 below 2
                         count (logbitp 0
-				       (bit #*1001101001001
-					    (min 12 (max 0 lv3))))))))))
+                                       (bit #*1001101001001
+                                            (min 12 (max 0 lv3))))))))))
 ;;;     failed AVER: "(< Y 29)"
@@ -11102,16 +11102,16 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda (a)
        (declare (type (integer 21 28) a))
-       (declare	(optimize (compilation-speed 1) (safety 2)
-			  (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 1)))
+       (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 1) (safety 2)
+                          (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 1)))
        (let* ((v7 (flet ((%f3 (f3-1 f3-2)
-			      (loop for lv2 below 1
-				    count
-				    (logbitp 29
-					     (sbit #*10101111
-						   (min 7 (max 0 (eval '0))))))))
+                              (loop for lv2 below 1
+                                    count
+                                    (logbitp 29
+                                             (sbit #*10101111
+                                                   (min 7 (max 0 (eval '0))))))))
                      (%f3 0 a))))
-	 0)))
+         0)))
@@ -11133,22 +11133,22 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
                       #+sbcl (sb-c:insert-step-conditions 0)
                       (debug 3) (compilation-speed 1)))
        (elt '(47119 39679 57498 35248 23784 40597 53473 29454)
-	    (min 7
-		 (max 0
-		      (flet ((%f7
-			      (f7-1 f7-2
-				    &optional
-				    &key
-				    (key1
-				     (elt '(0 25 30 12 27 5)
-					  (min 5 (max 0 3)))))
-			      0))
+            (min 7
+                 (max 0
+                      (flet ((%f7
+                              (f7-1 f7-2
+                                    &optional
+                                    &key
+                                    (key1
+                                     (elt '(0 25 30 12 27 5)
+                                          (min 5 (max 0 3)))))
+                              0))
                             (flet ((%f6
-				    (&optional
-				     &key (key1 (progn (%f7 0 a) a))
-				     (key2 0))
-				    0))
-				  (%f7 a a))))))))
+                                    (&optional
+                                     &key (key1 (progn (%f7 0 a) a))
+                                     (key2 0))
+                                    0))
+                                  (%f7 a a))))))))
@@ -11161,15 +11161,15 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda (a b)
        (declare (type (integer 1 5) b))
        (declare (optimize (safety 2) (speed 2)
-			  (space 0) (compilation-speed 3) (debug 3)))
+                          (space 0) (compilation-speed 3) (debug 3)))
-	 (flet ((%f3
-		 (f3-1 f3-2 &optional (f3-3 b) f3-4
-		       (f3-5 (prog1 0 (elt '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) 12))))
-		 f3-1))
-	       (%f3 0 (%f3 0 a 0 a) a 0 a))
-	 (elt '(a b c d) (min 3 b))
-	 )))
+         (flet ((%f3
+                 (f3-1 f3-2 &optional (f3-3 b) f3-4
+                       (f3-5 (prog1 0 (elt '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m) 12))))
+                 f3-1))
+               (%f3 0 (%f3 0 a 0 a) a 0 a))
+         (elt '(a b c d) (min 3 b))
+         )))
    0 2)
@@ -11182,7 +11182,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda (a)
        (declare (type (integer -902970 2) a))
        (declare (optimize (space 2) (debug 0) (compilation-speed 1)
-			  (speed 0) (safety 3)))
+                          (speed 0) (safety 3)))
        (prog2 (if (logbitp 30 a) 0 (block b3 0)) a)))
@@ -11197,7 +11197,7 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize (safety 3) (space 3) (compilation-speed 3)
-			  (speed 0) (debug 1)))
+                          (speed 0) (debug 1)))
        (not (not (logbitp 0 (floor 2147483651 (min -23 0))))))))
@@ -11208,10 +11208,10 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.629
   (let* ((s (make-misc-629 :a 1 :b 3))
-	 (form  `(lambda (x)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 2))
-			    (type (member 0 2 ,s) x))
-		   (misc-629-a x))))
+         (form  `(lambda (x)
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 2))
+                            (type (member 0 2 ,s) x))
+                   (misc-629-a x))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) s))
@@ -11226,9 +11226,9 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize (speed 1) (debug 0)
-			  (space 2) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
+                          (space 2) (safety 0) (compilation-speed 0)))
        (unwind-protect 0
-	 (* (/ (multiple-value-prog1 -29457482 -5602513511) 1))))))
+         (* (/ (multiple-value-prog1 -29457482 -5602513511) 1))))))
 ;;; Argument X is not a INTEGER: NIL
@@ -11236,8 +11236,8 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.631
   (if (flet ((%f17 (&key (key2 (if (evenp (multiple-value-prog1 0)) 0 0)))
-		   0))
-	    0)
+                   0))
+            0)
       :a :b)
@@ -11258,17 +11258,17 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.633
   (let* ((x -17045.0)
-	 (form `(lambda (p3 p4)
-		  (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 1))
-			   (type number p3)
-			   (type (member -1451.1257 47889 #:|3| ,x #:|aabbaaaaaababa|)
-				 p4))
-		  (min 1
-		       -251.2455
-		       (the number p3)
-		       (the (member 1+ ,x #\b #:|u4m7k0jz6o|) p4)
-		       -1506/1283
-		       65681158/19740963))))
+         (form `(lambda (p3 p4)
+                  (declare (optimize (speed 1) (safety 3) (debug 0) (space 1))
+                           (type number p3)
+                           (type (member -1451.1257 47889 #:|3| ,x #:|aabbaaaaaababa|)
+                                 p4))
+                  (min 1
+                       -251.2455
+                       (the number p3)
+                       (the (member 1+ ,x #\b #:|u4m7k0jz6o|) p4)
+                       -1506/1283
+                       65681158/19740963))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 1861 x))
@@ -11277,9 +11277,9 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.634
   (let ((form '(lambda (p2)
-		 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 2))
-			  (type number p2))
-		 (- -83659.0 (the (member 35182846) p2)))))
+                 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 2))
+                          (type number p2))
+                 (- -83659.0 (the (member 35182846) p2)))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 35182846))
   #.(- -83659.0 35182846))
@@ -11288,10 +11288,10 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.635
   (let* ((form '(lambda (p2)
-		 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 1)
-				    (debug 2) (space 2))
-			  (type (member -19261719) p2))
-		 (ceiling -46022.094 p2))))
+                 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (safety 1)
+                                    (debug 2) (space 2))
+                          (type (member -19261719) p2))
+                 (ceiling -46022.094 p2))))
     (values (funcall (compile nil form) -19261719)))
@@ -11299,10 +11299,10 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.636
   (let* ((x 26899.875)
-	 (form `(lambda (p2)
-		  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 1))
-			   (type (member ,x #:g5437 char-code #:g5438) p2))
-		  (* 104102267 p2))))
+         (form `(lambda (p2)
+                  (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (debug 3) (space 1))
+                           (type (member ,x #:g5437 char-code #:g5438) p2))
+                  (* 104102267 p2))))
     (not (not (floatp (funcall (compile nil form) x)))))
@@ -11310,33 +11310,33 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.637
  (labels ((%f11 (f11-2 &key key1)
-		(labels ((%f8 (f8-2 &optional (f8-5 (if nil (return-from %f11 0) 0)))
-			      :bad1))
-			(%f8 (%f8 0)))
-		:bad2))
-	 :good)
+                (labels ((%f8 (f8-2 &optional (f8-5 (if nil (return-from %f11 0) 0)))
+                              :bad1))
+                        (%f8 (%f8 0)))
+                :bad2))
+         :good)
 ;;;  full call to SB-KERNEL:DATA-VECTOR-REF
 (deftest misc.638
   (let* ((codes '(32779 60674 33150 60033 41146 23916 28908 58886 12776 21282 37346 25537 56184
-			40736 4845 41954 6663 44378 23466 46903 13661 36445 18784 6114 6266))
-	 (chars (loop for code in codes collect (or (code-char code) #\x)))
-	 (c (elt chars 21))
-	 (s (make-array '(25) :element-type 'character
-			:initial-contents chars)))
+                        40736 4845 41954 6663 44378 23466 46903 13661 36445 18784 6114 6266))
+         (chars (loop for code in codes collect (or (code-char code) #\x)))
+         (c (elt chars 21))
+         (s (make-array '(25) :element-type 'character
+                        :initial-contents chars)))
     (let ((form `(lambda (p1)
-		   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 0) (debug 3) (space 1))
-			    (type (simple-string 25) p1))
-		   (char
-		    (the
-		     (member ,(let ((s2 "abbbabbaaabbaba"))
-				(make-array (length s2) :element-type 'base-char
-					    :initial-contents s2))
-			     ,s)
-		     p1)
-		    21))))
+                   (declare (optimize (speed 2) (safety 0) (debug 3) (space 1))
+                            (type (simple-string 25) p1))
+                   (char
+                    (the
+                     (member ,(let ((s2 "abbbabbaaabbaba"))
+                                (make-array (length s2) :element-type 'base-char
+                                            :initial-contents s2))
+                             ,s)
+                     p1)
+                    21))))
       (not (not (eql c (funcall (compile nil form) s))))))
@@ -11345,12 +11345,12 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.639
   (let ((form '(lambda (a b d)
-		 (declare (notinline >= eql))
-		 (declare (optimize (debug 2) (speed 3) (safety 0)
-				    (compilation-speed 3) (space 0)))
-		 (labels ((%f8 (f8-1 &optional (f8-4 (if (if (eql 0 -16) (>= d) nil) 0 0)))
-			       a))
-			 (%f8 b)))))
+                 (declare (notinline >= eql))
+                 (declare (optimize (debug 2) (speed 3) (safety 0)
+                                    (compilation-speed 3) (space 0)))
+                 (labels ((%f8 (f8-1 &optional (f8-4 (if (if (eql 0 -16) (>= d) nil) 0 0)))
+                               a))
+                         (%f8 b)))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) :good 18 0))
@@ -11359,13 +11359,13 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.640
   (let ((form '(lambda (b g)
-		 (declare (type (integer 303184 791836) b))
-		 (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 2) (debug 0) (space 1)
-				    (speed 1) (safety 2)))
-		 (loop for lv1 below 2
-		       sum (if (<= g lv1)
-			       (labels ((%f7 () (prog1 b 0))) (%f7))
-			     (setf g -16188661082))))))
+                 (declare (type (integer 303184 791836) b))
+                 (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 2) (debug 0) (space 1)
+                                    (speed 1) (safety 2)))
+                 (loop for lv1 below 2
+                       sum (if (<= g lv1)
+                               (labels ((%f7 () (prog1 b 0))) (%f7))
+                             (setf g -16188661082))))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 335562 4655131896))
@@ -11374,11 +11374,11 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.641
   (let ((form '(lambda ()
-		 (declare (optimize (speed 1) (space 0) (debug 2)
-				    (compilation-speed 0) (safety 1)))
-		 (flet ((%f3 (f3-1 &key (key1 (count (floor 0 (min -74 0)) #())))
-			     0))
-		       (apply #'%f3 0 nil)))))
+                 (declare (optimize (speed 1) (space 0) (debug 2)
+                                    (compilation-speed 0) (safety 1)))
+                 (flet ((%f3 (f3-1 &key (key1 (count (floor 0 (min -74 0)) #())))
+                             0))
+                       (apply #'%f3 0 nil)))))
     (funcall (compile nil form)))
@@ -11387,99 +11387,99 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.642
   (let ((form '   (lambda (a b c d e f g h i j)
-		    (declare (type (integer 174130 60165950) a))
-		    (declare (type (integer -4076 6783) b))
-		    (declare (type (integer -178481569 -1) c))
-		    (declare (type (integer 236 954963169) d))
-		    (declare (type (integer -1334 407047) e))
-		    (declare (type (integer -507 -426) f))
-		    (declare (type (integer -1164301 148213922) g))
-		    (declare (type (integer -184324 14515) h))
-		    (declare (type (integer 258 323) i))
-		    (declare (type (integer -11825 109247) j))
-		    (declare (ignorable a b c d e f g h i j))
-		    #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		    (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 2) (debug 0) (space 1) (speed 3)
-				       (safety 2)))
-		    (labels ((%f4 (f4-1)
-				  (flet ((%f2 (f2-1 f2-2 f2-3 &key)
-					      (progn
-						(return-from %f4 0)
-						f2-2)))
-					(common-lisp:handler-bind nil
-					  (/
-					   (coerce
-					    (unwind-protect
-						(reduce
-						 #'(lambda (lmv2 lmv4)
-						     (reduce #'*
-							     (vector
-							      (let ()
-								h)
-							      c
-							      (reduce
-							       #'(lambda (lmv4 lmv3)
-								   (return-from %f4
-										(deposit-field lmv4
-											       (byte 23 16)
-											       (mask-field
-												(byte 3 27)
-												(elt '(5309746)
-												     (min 0
-													  (max 0
-													       j)))))))
-							       (vector
-								(%f2 (%f2 12762 f4-1 6646240924) 1501
-								     -15)
-								277
-								(multiple-value-call #'%f2
-										     (values -1486981
-											     i
-											     (%f2 a 16777222 j)))
-								1033)
-							       :end 4
-							       :start 3)
-							      (/ 823 -1))
-							     :end 3
-							     :start 1))
-						 (vector
-						  (common-lisp:handler-bind nil
-									    (- 0 h j b -2539837 28596 d 8161548 h -61))
-						  -183768642
-						  -1
-						  31404552
-						  81593)
-						 :start 3)
-					      (dpb i (byte 14 16) e)
-					      (dpb
-					       (count f4-1
-						      #(524279 8388596 1021351 101986)
-						      :test '/=)
-					       (byte 4 4)
-					       131064)
-					      (if (= 524287 f)
-						  (prog2
-						      (denominator
-						       (elt '(1663 120) (min 1 (max 0 -17745))))
-						      f
-						    (deposit-field e (byte 31 31) 0)
-						    (labels ((%f7
-							      (f7-1 f7-2 f7-3
-								    &optional
-								    (f7-4
-								     (coerce
-								      (coerce
-								       (the integer (+ -11045 114))
-								       'integer)
-								      'integer))
-								    (f7-5 h))
-							      -2286515))
-							    j))
-						(macrolet ()
-							  (prog2 -2195 1921675 h -183085 a))))
-					    'integer)
-					   1)))))
-			    0))))
+                    (declare (type (integer 174130 60165950) a))
+                    (declare (type (integer -4076 6783) b))
+                    (declare (type (integer -178481569 -1) c))
+                    (declare (type (integer 236 954963169) d))
+                    (declare (type (integer -1334 407047) e))
+                    (declare (type (integer -507 -426) f))
+                    (declare (type (integer -1164301 148213922) g))
+                    (declare (type (integer -184324 14515) h))
+                    (declare (type (integer 258 323) i))
+                    (declare (type (integer -11825 109247) j))
+                    (declare (ignorable a b c d e f g h i j))
+                    #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                    (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 2) (debug 0) (space 1) (speed 3)
+                                       (safety 2)))
+                    (labels ((%f4 (f4-1)
+                                  (flet ((%f2 (f2-1 f2-2 f2-3 &key)
+                                              (progn
+                                                (return-from %f4 0)
+                                                f2-2)))
+                                        (common-lisp:handler-bind nil
+                                          (/
+                                           (coerce
+                                            (unwind-protect
+                                                (reduce
+                                                 #'(lambda (lmv2 lmv4)
+                                                     (reduce #'*
+                                                             (vector
+                                                              (let ()
+                                                                h)
+                                                              c
+                                                              (reduce
+                                                               #'(lambda (lmv4 lmv3)
+                                                                   (return-from %f4
+                                                                                (deposit-field lmv4
+                                                                                               (byte 23 16)
+                                                                                               (mask-field
+                                                                                                (byte 3 27)
+                                                                                                (elt '(5309746)
+                                                                                                     (min 0
+                                                                                                          (max 0
+                                                                                                               j)))))))
+                                                               (vector
+                                                                (%f2 (%f2 12762 f4-1 6646240924) 1501
+                                                                     -15)
+                                                                277
+                                                                (multiple-value-call #'%f2
+                                                                                     (values -1486981
+                                                                                             i
+                                                                                             (%f2 a 16777222 j)))
+                                                                1033)
+                                                               :end 4
+                                                               :start 3)
+                                                              (/ 823 -1))
+                                                             :end 3
+                                                             :start 1))
+                                                 (vector
+                                                  (common-lisp:handler-bind nil
+                                                                            (- 0 h j b -2539837 28596 d 8161548 h -61))
+                                                  -183768642
+                                                  -1
+                                                  31404552
+                                                  81593)
+                                                 :start 3)
+                                              (dpb i (byte 14 16) e)
+                                              (dpb
+                                               (count f4-1
+                                                      #(524279 8388596 1021351 101986)
+                                                      :test '/=)
+                                               (byte 4 4)
+                                               131064)
+                                              (if (= 524287 f)
+                                                  (prog2
+                                                      (denominator
+                                                       (elt '(1663 120) (min 1 (max 0 -17745))))
+                                                      f
+                                                    (deposit-field e (byte 31 31) 0)
+                                                    (labels ((%f7
+                                                              (f7-1 f7-2 f7-3
+                                                                    &optional
+                                                                    (f7-4
+                                                                     (coerce
+                                                                      (coerce
+                                                                       (the integer (+ -11045 114))
+                                                                       'integer)
+                                                                      'integer))
+                                                                    (f7-5 h))
+                                                              -2286515))
+                                                            j))
+                                                (macrolet ()
+                                                          (prog2 -2195 1921675 h -183085 a))))
+                                            'integer)
+                                           1)))))
+                            0))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 58162926 -3652 -63561386 935157597 63716 -504 108893677 -146677 308 99009))
@@ -11487,9 +11487,9 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.643
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (type (integer 6 1273) a))
-		 (declare (optimize (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 3) (compilation-speed 2) (speed 3)))
-		 (logorc2 0 (restart-bind nil (shiftf a 522))))))
+                 (declare (type (integer 6 1273) a))
+                 (declare (optimize (space 0) (safety 0) (debug 3) (compilation-speed 2) (speed 3)))
+                 (logorc2 0 (restart-bind nil (shiftf a 522))))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 807))
@@ -11497,16 +11497,16 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.644
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (type (integer -6568333536 -12667) a))
-		 (declare (ignorable a))
-		 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		 (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 1) (safety 3) (speed 1) (debug 1)
-				    (space 3)))
-		 (unwind-protect 0
-		   (the integer
-			(locally
-			 (declare (special *s3* *s4*))
-			 (progv '(*s4* *s3*) (list a a) (expt *s3* 0))))))))
+                 (declare (type (integer -6568333536 -12667) a))
+                 (declare (ignorable a))
+                 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                 (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 1) (safety 3) (speed 1) (debug 1)
+                                    (space 3)))
+                 (unwind-protect 0
+                   (the integer
+                        (locally
+                         (declare (special *s3* *s4*))
+                         (progv '(*s4* *s3*) (list a a) (expt *s3* 0))))))))
     (let ((*s3* 0))
       (declare (special *s3*))
       (funcall (compile nil form) -1520586839)))
@@ -11516,21 +11516,21 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.645
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (notinline abs isqrt))
-		 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		 (declare (optimize (debug 3) (safety 1) (space 2) (compilation-speed 1)
-				    (speed 0)))
-		 (progn
-		   (tagbody
-		    (prog2
-			a
-			0
-		      (labels ((%f9 (&key &allow-other-keys)
-				    (go 3)))
-			      (%f9)))
-		    (isqrt (abs (unwind-protect 0)))
-		    3)
-		   a))))
+                 (declare (notinline abs isqrt))
+                 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                 (declare (optimize (debug 3) (safety 1) (space 2) (compilation-speed 1)
+                                    (speed 0)))
+                 (progn
+                   (tagbody
+                    (prog2
+                        a
+                        0
+                      (labels ((%f9 (&key &allow-other-keys)
+                                    (go 3)))
+                              (%f9)))
+                    (isqrt (abs (unwind-protect 0)))
+                    3)
+                   a))))
     (eval `(,form 0)))
@@ -11538,13 +11538,13 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.646
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (type (integer -125 -44) a))
-		 (declare (ignorable a))
-		 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 2) (compilation-speed 3)
-				    (safety 3)))
-		 (mask-field (byte 0 0)
-			     (block b3 (isqrt (abs (catch 'ct2 (return-from b3 0)))))))))
+                 (declare (type (integer -125 -44) a))
+                 (declare (ignorable a))
+                 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (debug 0) (space 2) (compilation-speed 3)
+                                    (safety 3)))
+                 (mask-field (byte 0 0)
+                             (block b3 (isqrt (abs (catch 'ct2 (return-from b3 0)))))))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) -50))
@@ -11552,23 +11552,23 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.647
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (type (integer -2494 534) a))
-		 (declare (ignorable a))
-		 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 3) (safety 1)
-				    (debug 1)))
-		 (dotimes (iv3 1 0)
-		   (block b1
-			  (loop for lv1 below 1
-				count (logbitp 0
-					       (reduce
-						#'(lambda (lmv6 lmv2)
-						    (if (> 2208446653 lmv6)
-							(return-from b1 lmv2)
-						      lv1))
-						(list 0 0 0 1928431123 iv3 iv3 a a)
-						:end 5
-						:from-end t))))))))
+                 (declare (type (integer -2494 534) a))
+                 (declare (ignorable a))
+                 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                 (declare (optimize (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 3) (safety 1)
+                                    (debug 1)))
+                 (dotimes (iv3 1 0)
+                   (block b1
+                          (loop for lv1 below 1
+                                count (logbitp 0
+                                               (reduce
+                                                #'(lambda (lmv6 lmv2)
+                                                    (if (> 2208446653 lmv6)
+                                                        (return-from b1 lmv2)
+                                                      lv1))
+                                                (list 0 0 0 1928431123 iv3 iv3 a a)
+                                                :end 5
+                                                :from-end t))))))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 1))
@@ -11576,21 +11576,21 @@ Broken at C::WT-MAKE-CLOSURE.
 (deftest misc.648
   (let ((form '(lambda (a)
-		 (declare (type (integer -8 11754838336) a))
-		 (declare (ignorable a))
-		 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
-		 (declare (optimize (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (speed 3) (debug 3)
-				    (safety 0)))
-		 (labels ((%f13 ()
-				(logorc1 (unwind-protect 0)
-					 (prog1 0
-					   (prog2
-					       (max 0 a)
-					       0
-					     (progn
-					       (return-from %f13 a)
-					       a))))))
-			 0))))
+                 (declare (type (integer -8 11754838336) a))
+                 (declare (ignorable a))
+                 #+cmu (declare (optimize (extensions:inhibit-warnings 3)))
+                 (declare (optimize (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (speed 3) (debug 3)
+                                    (safety 0)))
+                 (labels ((%f13 ()
+                                (logorc1 (unwind-protect 0)
+                                         (prog1 0
+                                           (prog2
+                                               (max 0 a)
+                                               0
+                                             (progn
+                                               (return-from %f13 a)
+                                               a))))))
+                         0))))
     (funcall (compile nil form) 2582756596))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp b/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp
index bcfaf301..5aafdb87 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/mismatch.lsp
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
 (deftest mismatch-vector.23
   (let ((a (make-array '(9) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (mismatch '(1 2 3 4 5) a)
      (mismatch '(1 2 3 4 5) a :from-end t)
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
 (deftest mismatch-vector.24
   (let ((m (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-		       :fill-pointer 4))
-	(a '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4))
+        (a '(1 2 3 4 5)))
      (mismatch m a)
      (mismatch m a :from-end t)
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
      (setf (fill-pointer m) 6)
      (mismatch m a)
      (mismatch m a :from-end t)))
-  (4 4 5 nil nil 6 5 6))     
+  (4 4 5 nil nil 6 5 6))
 ;;; tests on bit vectors
@@ -366,8 +366,8 @@
 (deftest mismatch-bit-vector.23
   (let ((a (make-array '(9) :initial-contents #*001011000
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (mismatch #*00101 a)
      (mismatch #*00101 a :from-end t)
@@ -379,9 +379,9 @@
 (deftest mismatch-bit-vector.24
   (let ((m (make-array '(6) :initial-contents #*001011
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'bit))
-	(a #*00101))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'bit))
+        (a #*00101))
      (mismatch m a)
      (mismatch m a :from-end t)
@@ -449,25 +449,25 @@
 (deftest mismatch-string.8
   (mismatch "1001" "0110" :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (if (eql y #\0)
-							   #\1 #\0))))
+                                                           #\1 #\0))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.8a
   (mismatch "1001" '(5 4 4 5) :test #'(lambda (x y)
-					(setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
-					(= x (- y 4))))
+                                        (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+                                        (= x (- y 4))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.9
   (mismatch "1001" '(5 4 17 5) :test #'(lambda (x y)
-					 (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
-					 (= x (- y 4))))
+                                         (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+                                         (= x (- y 4))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.9a
   (mismatch '(5 4 17 5) "1001" :test #'(lambda (x y)
-					 (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
-					 (= y (- x 4))))
+                                         (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+                                         (= y (- x 4))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.9b
@@ -476,16 +476,16 @@
 (deftest mismatch-string.10
   (mismatch "1001" "0049" :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-					 (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
-					 (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
-					 (eql x (- y 4))))
+                                         (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+                                         (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+                                         (eql x (- y 4))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.10a
   (mismatch "1001" "3333" :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-					(setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
-					(setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
-					(eql x (- y 4))))
+                                        (setq x (read-from-string (string x)))
+                                        (setq y (read-from-string (string y)))
+                                        (eql x (- y 4))))
 (deftest mismatch-string.11
@@ -570,8 +570,8 @@
 (deftest mismatch-string.23
   (let ((a (make-array '(9) :initial-contents "123456789"
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (mismatch "12345" a)
      (mismatch "12345" a :from-end t)
@@ -583,9 +583,9 @@
 (deftest mismatch-string.24
   (let ((m (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "123456"
-		       :fill-pointer 4
-		       :element-type 'character))
-	(a "12345"))
+                       :fill-pointer 4
+                       :element-type 'character))
+        (a "12345"))
      (mismatch m a)
      (mismatch m a :from-end t)
@@ -599,8 +599,8 @@
 (deftest mistmatch-string.25
   (let ((s0 "12345")
-	(s1 "123A")
-	(s2 "245"))
+        (s1 "123A")
+        (s2 "245"))
      (s s0 nil)
      (assert (null (mismatch s s0)))
@@ -653,14 +653,14 @@
 (deftest mismatch.allow-other-keys.4
-  (mismatch "1234" "1244" :allow-other-keys t :bad t 
-	    :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (mismatch "1234" "1244" :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+            :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest mismatch.allow-other-keys.5
   (mismatch "1234" "1244" :allow-other-keys t
-	    :allow-other-keys nil
-	    :bad t)
+            :allow-other-keys nil
+            :bad t)
 (deftest mismatch.keywords.6
@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@
 (deftest mismatch.allow-other-keys.7
   (mismatch "1234" "1244" :bad t :allow-other-keys t
-	    :test (complement #'equal))
+            :test (complement #'equal))
 ;;; Order of evaluation
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (mismatch (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abcd")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abzd"))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abzd"))
      i a b))
   2 2 1 2)
@@ -686,14 +686,14 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f g h j)
      (mismatch (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abcdef")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abcdef")
-	       :key (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'identity)
-	       :test (progn (setf d (incf i)) #'equal)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf g (incf i)) 4)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf h (incf i)) 4)
-	       :from-end (setf j (incf i)))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abcdef")
+               :key (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'identity)
+               :test (progn (setf d (incf i)) #'equal)
+               :start1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
+               :start2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+               :end1 (progn (setf g (incf i)) 4)
+               :end2 (progn (setf h (incf i)) 4)
+               :from-end (setf j (incf i)))
      i a b c d e f g h j))
   nil 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
@@ -701,14 +701,14 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f g h j)
      (mismatch (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abcdef")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abcdef")
-	       :from-end (setf c (incf i))
-	       :end2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf g (incf i)) 1)
-	       :test (progn (setf h (incf i)) #'equal)
-	       :key (progn (setf j (incf i)) #'identity))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abcdef")
+               :from-end (setf c (incf i))
+               :end2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 4)
+               :start2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+               :start1 (progn (setf g (incf i)) 1)
+               :test (progn (setf h (incf i)) #'equal)
+               :key (progn (setf j (incf i)) #'identity))
      i a b c d e f g h j))
   nil 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@
 (deftest mismatch.error.4
   (signals-error (mismatch nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest mismatch.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/modules.lsp b/ansi-tests/modules.lsp
index e544e657..a9bb5b29 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/modules.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/modules.lsp
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 (deftest modules.7
   (let ((*modules* *modules*)
-	(fn 'modules7-fun))
+        (fn 'modules7-fun))
     (when (fboundp fn) (fmakunbound fn))
     (require "MODULES-7" #p"modules7.lsp")
     (funcall fn))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 (deftest modules.8
   (let ((*modules* *modules*)
-	(fns '(modules8a-fun modules8b-fun)))
+        (fns '(modules8a-fun modules8b-fun)))
     (dolist (fn fns)
       (when (fboundp fn) (fmakunbound fn)))
     (require "MODULES-8" '(#p"modules8a.lsp" #p"modules8b.lsp"))
@@ -91,4 +91,4 @@
       (provide "Z")
       (require #\Z)
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/muffle-warning.lsp b/ansi-tests/muffle-warning.lsp
index db19c418..f09b57ad 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/muffle-warning.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/muffle-warning.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest muffle-warning.2
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest muffle-warning.4
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
 (deftest muffle-warning.5
    (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	 (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+         (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-bind.lsp b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-bind.lsp
index ca27c366..be31f9fc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-bind.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-bind.lsp
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
     (declare (special z))
      (flet ((%x () (symbol-value 'x))
-	    (%y () (symbol-value 'y))
-	    (%z () (symbol-value 'z)))
+            (%y () (symbol-value 'y))
+            (%z () (symbol-value 'z)))
        (multiple-value-bind (x y z) (values 1 2 3)
-	 (declare (special x y))
-	 (list (%x) (%y) (%z))))
+         (declare (special x y))
+         (list (%x) (%y) (%z))))
      x y z))
   (1 2 0) nil nil 0)
@@ -91,26 +91,26 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (multiple-value-bind (x y z)
-			(expand-in-current-env (%m (values 1 2 3)))
-			(list x y z)))
+                        (expand-in-current-env (%m (values 1 2 3)))
+                        (list x y z)))
   (1 2 3))
 ;;; Error cases
 (deftest multiple-value-bind.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-bind))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-bind.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-bind)
-			   '(multiple-value-bind nil nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-bind nil nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-bind.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-bind)
-			   '(multiple-value-bind nil nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-bind nil nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-list.lsp
index ffb2ba0d..340644f8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-list.lsp
@@ -63,18 +63,18 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-list.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-list))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-list.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-list)
-			   '(multiple-value-list nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-list nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-list.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-list)
-			   '(multiple-value-list nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-list nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-prog1.lsp b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-prog1.lsp
index 2d574761..84df4622 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-prog1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-prog1.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-prog1.5
   (let ((x 0) (y 0))
     (multiple-value-prog1 (values x y)
-			  (incf x) (incf y 2)))
+                          (incf x) (incf y 2)))
   0 0)
 (deftest multiple-value-prog1.6
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
      (multiple-value-prog1 (values x y)
-			   (incf x) (incf y 2))
+                           (incf x) (incf y 2))
      x y))
   (0 0 1 2))
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
      (multiple-value-prog1 (values (incf x) y)
-			   (incf x x)
-			   (incf y 10))
+                           (incf x x)
+                           (incf y 10))
      x y))
   (1 0 2 10))
@@ -50,13 +50,13 @@
   (let* ((n (min 100 multiple-values-limit)))
      (loop for i from 0 below n
-	   for x = (make-int-list i)
-	   always
-	   (equalt
-	    (multiple-value-list
-	     (eval `(multiple-value-prog1 (values-list (quote ,(copy-seq x)))
-					  nil)))
-	    x))))
+           for x = (make-int-list i)
+           always
+           (equalt
+            (multiple-value-list
+             (eval `(multiple-value-prog1 (values-list (quote ,(copy-seq x)))
+                                          nil)))
+            x))))
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@
      (block foo
-	(values (incf x) (incf y 2))
-	(return-from foo 'a)))
+        (values (incf x) (incf y 2))
+        (return-from foo 'a)))
      x y))
   a 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-setq.lsp b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-setq.lsp
index a7a989eb..672a226d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/multiple-value-setq.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/multiple-value-setq.lsp
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.7
   (let ((x (list nil)) (z (list nil)))
     (symbol-macrolet ((y (car x))
-		      (w (car z)))
+                      (w (car z)))
       (multiple-value-setq (y w) (values 1 2)))
     (values x z))
   (1) (2))
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.8
   (let ((x (list nil)) (z (list nil)) (i 0))
     (symbol-macrolet ((y (car (progn (incf i 3) x)))
-		      (w (car (progn (incf i i) z))))
+                      (w (car (progn (incf i i) z))))
       (multiple-value-setq (y w) (values i 10)))
     (values x z))
   (6) (10))
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.12
   (let ((n (min 100 multiple-values-limit))
-	(vars nil)
-	(result nil))
+        (vars nil)
+        (result nil))
      for i from 1 below n
      for form =
@@ -99,10 +99,10 @@
        (push (gensym) vars)
        (push i result)
        `(let ,vars
-	  (and (eql (multiple-value-setq ,vars (values-list (quote ,result)))
-		    ,(car result))
-	       (equal ,(make-list-expr vars)
-		      (quote ,result)))))
+          (and (eql (multiple-value-setq ,vars (values-list (quote ,result)))
+                    ,(car result))
+               (equal ,(make-list-expr vars)
+                      (quote ,result)))))
      unless (eval form)
      collect (list i form)))
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((x :bad))
      (symbol-macrolet ((z (expand-in-current-env (%m x))))
-		      (multiple-value-setq (z) :good))
+                      (multiple-value-setq (z) :good))
@@ -144,20 +144,20 @@
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-setq))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-setq)
-			   '(multiple-value-setq nil nil))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-setq nil nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest multiple-value-setq.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'multiple-value-setq)
-			   '(multiple-value-setq nil nil)
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(multiple-value-setq nil nil)
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/name-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/name-char.lsp
index a7cebca1..0deabbf5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/name-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/name-char.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest name-char.2
   (loop for s in '("RubOut" "PAGe" "BacKspace" "RetUrn" "Tab" "LineFeed"
-		   "SpaCE" "NewLine")
-	always
-	(let ((c1 (name-char (string-upcase s)))
-	      (c2 (name-char (string-downcase s)))
-	      (c3 (name-char (string-capitalize s)))
-	      (c4 (name-char s)))
-	  (and (eqlt c1 c2) (eqlt c2 c3) (eqlt c3 c4))))
+                   "SpaCE" "NewLine")
+        always
+        (let ((c1 (name-char (string-upcase s)))
+              (c2 (name-char (string-downcase s)))
+              (c3 (name-char (string-capitalize s)))
+              (c4 (name-char s)))
+          (and (eqlt c1 c2) (eqlt c2 c3) (eqlt c3 c4))))
 (deftest name-char.order.1
@@ -33,50 +33,50 @@
 (deftest name-char.specialized.1
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	append
-	(loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
-			 "Space" "Newline")
-	      for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type 'base-char
-				   :initial-contents s)
-	      unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
-	      collect (list s s2)))
+        append
+        (loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
+                         "Space" "Newline")
+              for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type 'base-char
+                                   :initial-contents s)
+              unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
+              collect (list s s2)))
 (deftest name-char.specialized.2
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	append
-	(loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
-			 "Space" "Newline")
-	      for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type etype
-				   :adjustable t
-				   :initial-contents s)
-	      unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
-	      collect (list etype s s2)))
+        append
+        (loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
+                         "Space" "Newline")
+              for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type etype
+                                   :adjustable t
+                                   :initial-contents s)
+              unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
+              collect (list etype s s2)))
 (deftest name-char.specialized.3
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	append
-	(loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
-			 "Space" "Newline")
-	      for s2 = (make-array (+ 3 (length s)) :element-type etype
-				   :fill-pointer (length s)
-				   :initial-contents (concatenate 'string s "   "))
-	      unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
-	      collect (list etype s s2)))
+        append
+        (loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
+                         "Space" "Newline")
+              for s2 = (make-array (+ 3 (length s)) :element-type etype
+                                   :fill-pointer (length s)
+                                   :initial-contents (concatenate 'string s "   "))
+              unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
+              collect (list etype s s2)))
 (deftest name-char.specialized.4
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	append
-	(loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
-			 "Space" "Newline")
-	      for s1 = (make-array (+ 4 (length s)) :element-type etype
-				   :initial-contents (concatenate 'string "  " s "  "))
-	      for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type etype
-				   :displaced-to s1 :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	      unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
-	      collect (list etype s s2)))
+        append
+        (loop for s in '("Rubout" "Page" "Backspace" "Return" "Tab" "Linefeed"
+                         "Space" "Newline")
+              for s1 = (make-array (+ 4 (length s)) :element-type etype
+                                   :initial-contents (concatenate 'string "  " s "  "))
+              for s2 = (make-array (length s) :element-type etype
+                                   :displaced-to s1 :displaced-index-offset 2)
+              unless (eql (name-char s) (name-char s2))
+              collect (list etype s s2)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/namestring.lsp
index 794ab9c5..dee99ab6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/namestring.lsp
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 (deftest namestring.1
   (let* ((vals (multiple-value-list (namestring "namestring.lsp")))
-	 (s (first vals)))
+         (s (first vals)))
     (if (and (null (cdr vals))
-	     (stringp s)
-	     (equal (namestring s) s))
-	:good
+             (stringp s)
+             (equal (namestring s) s))
+        :good
@@ -28,28 +28,28 @@
 (deftest namestring.3
   (let* ((name "namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (namestring pn))
-	 (pn2 (pathname name2)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (namestring pn))
+         (pn2 (pathname name2)))
     (or (equalt pn pn2) (list (list pn (pathname-host pn) (pathname-device pn)
-				    (pathname-directory pn) (pathname-name pn)
-				    (pathname-type pn) (pathname-version pn))
-			      (list pn2 (pathname-host pn2) (pathname-device pn2)
-				    (pathname-directory pn2) (pathname-name pn2)
-				    (pathname-type pn2) (pathname-version pn2)))))
+                                    (pathname-directory pn) (pathname-name pn)
+                                    (pathname-type pn) (pathname-version pn))
+                              (list pn2 (pathname-host pn2) (pathname-device pn2)
+                                    (pathname-directory pn2) (pathname-name pn2)
+                                    (pathname-type pn2) (pathname-version pn2)))))
 (deftest namestring.4
   (let* ((name "namestring.lsp")
-	 (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
-	 (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (namestring s)))
-	 (pn2 (pathname name2)))
+         (pn (merge-pathnames (pathname name)))
+         (name2 (with-open-file (s pn :direction :input) (namestring s)))
+         (pn2 (pathname name2)))
     (or (equalt pn pn2) (list (list pn (pathname-host pn) (pathname-device pn)
-				    (pathname-directory pn) (pathname-name pn)
-				    (pathname-type pn) (pathname-version pn))
-			      (list pn2 (pathname-host pn2) (pathname-device pn2)
-				    (pathname-directory pn2) (pathname-name pn2)
-				    (pathname-type pn2) (pathname-version pn2)))))
+                                    (pathname-directory pn) (pathname-name pn)
+                                    (pathname-type pn) (pathname-version pn))
+                              (list pn2 (pathname-host pn2) (pathname-device pn2)
+                                    (pathname-directory pn2) (pathname-name pn2)
+                                    (pathname-type pn2) (pathname-version pn2)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp b/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
index d1275103..db433823 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
@@ -10,12 +10,12 @@
 (deftest nbutlast.1
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((y (cdr x))
-	  (z (cddr x)))
+          (z (cddr x)))
       (let ((result (nbutlast x 2)))
-	(and (eqt x result)
-	     (eqt (cdr x) y)
-	     (eqt (cddr x) z)
-	     result))))
+        (and (eqt x result)
+             (eqt (cdr x) y)
+             (eqt (cddr x) z)
+             result))))
   (a b c))
 (deftest nbutlast.2
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   (let ((x (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
     (let ((result (nbutlast x 1)))
       (and (eqt result x)
-	   result)))
+           result)))
   (a b))
 (deftest nbutlast.5
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nbutlast (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		      (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      2))
+                      (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                      2))
      i x y))
   (a b c) 2 1 2)
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
 (deftest nbutlast.error.1
   (signals-error (let ((x (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd))) (nbutlast x 'a))
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest nbutlast.error.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp b/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp
index 8f3faf5b..c660ca23 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
 (deftest nconc.4
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	(y (list 'd 'e 'f)))
+        (y (list 'd 'e 'f)))
     (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
       (let ((result (nconc x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 (eqt (cdddr x) y)
-	 result))))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+         (eqt (cdddr x) y)
+         result))))
   (a b c d e f))
 (deftest nconc.5
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
 (deftest nconc.6
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	(y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
-	(z (list 'i 'j 'k)))
+        (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
+        (z (list 'i 'j 'k)))
     (let ((result (nconc x y z 'foo)))
        (eqt (nthcdr 3 x) y)
@@ -52,17 +52,17 @@
 (deftest nconc.7
   (nconc (copy-tree '(a . b))
-	 (copy-tree '(c . d))
-	 (copy-tree '(e . f))
-	 'foo)
+         (copy-tree '(c . d))
+         (copy-tree '(e . f))
+         'foo)
   (a c e . foo))
 (deftest nconc.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (nconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
+            (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
      i x y z))
   (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp b/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp
index 9266823a..13d23b0d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp
@@ -21,26 +21,26 @@
 (deftest nintersection.4
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
-	 (xc (copy-list x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
-	 (result (nintersection-with-check xc y)))
+         (xc (copy-list x))
+         (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
+         (result (nintersection-with-check xc y)))
      (not (eqt result 'failed))
       (loop for e in x count
-	    (and (member e y)
-		 (not (member e result))))
+            (and (member e y)
+                 (not (member e result))))
       (loop for e in result count
-	    (or (not (member e x)) (not (member e y))))
+            (or (not (member e x)) (not (member e y))))
       (loop for hd on result count
-	    (and (consp hd)
-		 (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
+            (and (consp hd)
+                 (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
 (deftest nintersection.5
   (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
-	 (result (nintersection-with-check x y)))
+         (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
+         (result (nintersection-with-check x y)))
      (not (eqt result 'failed))
      (member 'a result)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 (deftest nintersection.7
   (nintersection-with-check (list 'a 10 'b 17)
-			    (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
+                            (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
 (deftest nintersection.8
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
     (let ((result
-	   (nintersection-with-check
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 3 collect i)
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 7 collect i))))
+           (nintersection-with-check
+            (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 3 collect i)
+            (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 7 collect i))))
       (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))
@@ -101,12 +101,12 @@
     (let ((result
-	   (nintersection-with-check
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 5 collect i)
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 7 collect i)
-	    :test #'(lambda (a b)
-		      (and (eql a b)
-			   (= (mod a 3) 0))))))
+           (nintersection-with-check
+            (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 5 collect i)
+            (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 7 collect i)
+            :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                      (and (eql a b)
+                           (= (mod a 3) 0))))))
       (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
@@ -121,12 +121,12 @@
 (deftest nintersection.13
   (let ((x '(0 5 8 13 31 42))
-	(y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+        (y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
      (sort (copy-list (nintersection
-		       (copy-list x) y)) #'<)
+                       (copy-list x) y)) #'<)
      (sort (copy-list (nintersection
-		       (copy-list x) y :key #'1+)) #'<)))
+                       (copy-list x) y :key #'1+)) #'<)))
 ;; Check that a nil key argument is ignored
@@ -134,66 +134,66 @@
 (deftest nintersection.14
       ((result (nintersection
-		(copy-list '(a b c d))
-		(copy-list '(e c f b g))
-		:key nil)))
+                (copy-list '(a b c d))
+                (copy-list '(e c f b g))
+                :key nil)))
      (member 'b result)
      (member 'c result)
      (every #'(lambda (x) (member x '(b c))) result)
-  t) 
+  t)
 ;; Test that nintersection preserves the order of arguments to :test, :test-not
 (deftest nintersection.15
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (eql x y)))))
 (deftest nintersection.16
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        :key #'identity
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (eql x y)))))
 (deftest nintersection.17
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eql x y))))))
 (deftest nintersection.18
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (block fail
        list1 list2
        :key #'identity
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
+           (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eql x y))))))
 (defharmless nintersection.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -216,8 +216,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test #'eq)
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test #'eq)
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -225,10 +225,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				(complement #'eq)))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+                   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                (complement #'eq)))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -236,9 +236,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+                   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -246,9 +246,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
+                   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+                   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+                   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
      i x y z w))
   nil 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -256,67 +256,67 @@
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.1
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :bad t :allow-other-keys 1))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.2
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.3
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
+                  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.4
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.5
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys nil))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.6
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.7
    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+         (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
      (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		   :allow-other-keys nil
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
+                   :allow-other-keys nil
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
   (3 4))
 (deftest nintersection.keywords.8
    (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+         (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
      (nintersection list1 list2
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
-		   :test #'eql))
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
+                   :test #'eql))
   (3 4))
 (deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.9
   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+        (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
+                  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
 (deftest nintersection.error.1
@@ -373,4 +373,4 @@
 (deftest nintersection.error.14
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (nintersection (copy-seq '(a b c)) x)) #'listp)
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/no-next-method.lsp b/ansi-tests/no-next-method.lsp
index 0301731c..86fe61ec 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/no-next-method.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/no-next-method.lsp
@@ -15,32 +15,32 @@
 (deftest no-next-method.1
   (handler-case (progn (no-next-meth-gf-01 10) :bad)
-		(error () :good))
+                (error () :good))
 (deftest no-next-method.2
   (handler-case (progn (no-next-meth-gf-01 ) :bad)
-		(error () :good))
+                (error () :good))
 ;;; (defparameter *no-next-meth-gf-02*
 ;;;   (defgeneric no-next-meth-gf-02 (x)))
 ;;; (defmethod no-next-meth-gf-02 ((x integer))
 ;;;   (call-next-method))
 ;;; (defmethod no-next-meth-gf-02 :around ((x character))
 ;;;   (call-next-method))
 ;;; (defmethod no-next-method ((gf (eql *no-next-meth-gf-02*))
-;;; 			   (method standard-method)
-;;; 			   &rest args)
+;;;                        (method standard-method)
+;;;                        &rest args)
 ;;;   (values (copy-list args) :aborted))
 ;;; (deftest no-next-method.3
 ;;;   (no-next-meth-gf-02 10)
 ;;;   (10) :aborted)
 ;;; (deftest no-next-method.4
 ;;;   (no-next-meth-gf-02 #\a)
 ;;;   (#\a) :aborted)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/not-and-null.lsp b/ansi-tests/not-and-null.lsp
index 6099b267..087779fc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/not-and-null.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/not-and-null.lsp
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest null.4
     (not (some #'null
-	       `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
-		   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
+               `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
+                   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
 (deftest null.error.1
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
 (deftest not.4
     (not (some #'not
-	       `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
-		   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
+               `(1 a 1.2 "a" #\w (a) ,*terminal-io*
+                   #'car (make-array '(10)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/notany.lsp b/ansi-tests/notany.lsp
index cbce88aa..bc7125f7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/notany.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/notany.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (let ((count 0))
      (notany #'(lambda (x) (incf count) (if (>= x 10) x nil))
-	    '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
+            '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
   nil 4)
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 (deftest notany.7
   (not-mv (notany #'(lambda (x y) (and x y))
-	       '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil nil t nil nil)))
+               '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil nil t nil nil)))
 (deftest notany.8
   (let* ((x '(1))
-	 (args (list x)))
+         (args (list x)))
      (loop for i from 2 below (1- (min 100 call-arguments-limit))
-	   do (push x args)
-	   always (apply #'notany #'/= args))))
+           do (push x args)
+           always (apply #'notany #'/= args))))
 (deftest notany.9
@@ -83,62 +83,62 @@
 (deftest notany.17
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notany #'plusp v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notany #'plusp v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest notany.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents (loop for j in '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-							   collect (mod j (ash 1 i)))
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (not (notany #'plusp v)))
-		 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents (loop for j in '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
+                                                           collect (mod j (ash 1 i)))
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (not (notany #'plusp v)))
+                 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notany.19
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (not (notany #'minusp v)))
-		 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (not (notany #'minusp v)))
+                 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notany.20
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notany #'digit-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notany #'digit-char-p v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest notany.21
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notany #'digit-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notany #'digit-char-p v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest notany.22
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (notnot (notany #'digit-char-p v))
      (setf (aref v 2) #\0)
@@ -147,42 +147,42 @@
 (deftest notany.23
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(9)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
-	when (notany #'zerop v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(9)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
+        when (notany #'zerop v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest notany.24
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(9)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 6
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
-	unless (notany #'zerop v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(9)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 6
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
+        unless (notany #'zerop v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest notany.25
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for ctype = `(complex ,type)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type ctype
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	unless (notany (complement #'complexp) v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for ctype = `(complex ,type)
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type ctype
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        unless (notany (complement #'complexp) v)
+        collect (list type v))
 ;;; Displaced vectors
 (deftest notany.26
   (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 3 2 4 6 8 5 7 9 1)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
      (notany #'oddp v1)
      (notnot (notany #'oddp v2))))
@@ -190,53 +190,53 @@
 (deftest notany.27
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (not (notany 'oddp v1))
-	       (notany #'oddp v2)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (not (notany 'oddp v1))
+               (notany #'oddp v2)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notany.28
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (not (notany 'oddp v1))
-	       (notany #'oddp v2)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (not (notany 'oddp v1))
+               (notany #'oddp v2)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notany.29
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'character)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (not (notany 'digit-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (not (notany 'digit-char-p s2))))
   (t t nil nil t t t))
 (deftest notany.30
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'base-char)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (not (notany 'digit-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (not (notany 'digit-char-p s2))))
   (t t nil nil t t t))
 (deftest notany.31
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (notnot (notany #'minusp v))
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@
 (deftest notany.32
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 10
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 10
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (notnot (notany #'minusp v))
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (not (notany (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'null)
-		  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c))))
+                  (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c))))
      i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@
 (deftest notany.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (notany x '(a b c)))
-		    (typef '(or symbol function)))
+                    (typef '(or symbol function)))
 (deftest notany.error.4
@@ -301,4 +301,4 @@
 (deftest notany.error.13
   (signals-error (notany #'car '(a b c)) type-error)
-  t)
\ No newline at end of file
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/notevery.lsp b/ansi-tests/notevery.lsp
index 3d9102ef..7679aef6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/notevery.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/notevery.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (let ((count 0))
      (not (notevery #'(lambda (x) (incf count) (< x 10))
-		    '(1 2 4 13 5 1)))
+                    '(1 2 4 13 5 1)))
   nil 4)
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
 (deftest notevery.7
   (notevery #'(lambda (x y) (or x y))
-	    '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil t t nil nil))
+            '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil t t nil nil))
 (deftest notevery.8
   (let ((x '(1))
-	(args nil))
+        (args nil))
      (loop for i from 1 below (1- (min 100 call-arguments-limit))
-	   do (push x args)
-	   always (not (apply #'notevery #'= args)))))
+           do (push x args)
+           always (not (apply #'notevery #'= args)))))
 (deftest notevery.9
@@ -83,61 +83,61 @@
 (deftest notevery.17
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notevery #'zerop v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notevery #'zerop v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest notevery.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (not (notevery #'zerop v)))
-		 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (not (notevery #'zerop v)))
+                 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notevery.19
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (not (notevery #'zerop v)))
-		 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (not (notevery #'zerop v)))
+                 '(t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notevery.20
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notevery #'alpha-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notevery #'alpha-char-p v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest notevery.21
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (not (notevery #'alpha-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (not (notevery #'alpha-char-p v))))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil nil nil))
 (deftest notevery.22
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (not (notevery #'alpha-char-p v))
      (setf (aref v 2) #\0)
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
 (deftest notevery.23
   (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 3 2 4 6 8 5 7 9 1)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
      (not (notevery #'evenp v1))
      (not (notevery 'evenp v2))))
@@ -157,55 +157,55 @@
 (deftest notevery.24
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (notevery 'evenp v1)
-	       (not (notevery #'evenp v2))))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (notevery 'evenp v1)
+               (not (notevery #'evenp v2))))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notevery.25
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (notevery 'evenp v1)
-	       (not (notevery #'evenp v2))))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (notevery 'evenp v1)
+               (not (notevery #'evenp v2))))
+        collect i)
 (deftest notevery.26
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'character)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (not (notevery 'alpha-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (not (notevery 'alpha-char-p s2))))
   (nil nil t t nil nil nil))
 (deftest notevery.27
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'base-char)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (not (notevery 'alpha-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (not (notevery 'alpha-char-p s2))))
   (nil nil t t nil nil nil))
 ;;; adjustable vectors
 (deftest notevery.28
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (not (notevery #'plusp v))
@@ -215,8 +215,8 @@
 (deftest notevery.29
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 10
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 10
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (not (notevery #'plusp v))
@@ -228,34 +228,34 @@
 (deftest notevery.30
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	when (notevery #'plusp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        when (notevery #'plusp v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest notevery.31
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 -1)))
-	when (notevery #'plusp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 -1)))
+        when (notevery #'plusp v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest notevery.32
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for ctype = `(complex ,type)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type ctype
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	when (notevery #'complexp v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for ctype = `(complex ,type)
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type ctype
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        when (notevery #'complexp v)
+        collect (list type v))
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (notevery (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'identity)
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
      i a b))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
 (deftest notevery.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (notevery x '(a b c)))
-		    (typef '(or symbol function)))
+                    (typef '(or symbol function)))
 (deftest notevery.error.4
@@ -304,4 +304,4 @@
 (deftest notevery.error.13
   (signals-error (notevery #'car '(a b c)) type-error)
-  t)
\ No newline at end of file
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp b/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp
index b9567dcf..3ebf2789 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@
 (deftest nreconc.1
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	 (y (copy-tree '(d e f)))
-	 (result (nreconc x y)))
+         (y (copy-tree '(d e f)))
+         (result (nreconc x y)))
     (and (equal y '(d e f))
-	 result))
+         result))
   (c b a d e f))
 (deftest nreconc.2
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nreconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
      i x y))
   (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp b/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp
index 394ec538..ac2b71f1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nreverse.lsp
@@ -30,16 +30,16 @@
 (deftest nreverse-vector.5
   (let* ((x (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
-	 (y (nreverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+         (y (nreverse x)))
     (values y (equalt (type-of x) (type-of y))))
   #(5 4 3 2 1)
 (deftest nreverse-vector.6
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-			:fill-pointer 5))
-	 (y (nreverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5))
+         (y (nreverse x)))
     (values y (equalt (type-of x) (type-of y))))
   #(5 4 3 2 1)
@@ -65,25 +65,25 @@
 (deftest nreverse-vector.9
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for nvec = (nreverse vec)
-	  unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
-		      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec))
-	  collect (list etype vals nvec)))
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for nvec = (nreverse vec)
+          unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
+                      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec))
+          collect (list etype vals nvec)))
 (deftest nreverse-vector.10
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational integer)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-								(coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for nvec = (nreverse vec)
-	  unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
-		      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec))
-	  collect (list etype vals nvec)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                                (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for nvec = (nreverse vec)
+          unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
+                      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec))
+          collect (list etype vals nvec)))
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
 (deftest nreverse-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0)
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'bit))
-	 (y (nreverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'bit))
+         (y (nreverse x)))
@@ -119,17 +119,17 @@
 (deftest nreverse-string.3
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'character))
-	 (y (nreverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'character))
+         (y (nreverse x)))
 (deftest nreverse-string.4
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'base-char))
-	 (y (nreverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'base-char))
+         (y (nreverse x)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp b/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp
index cd756937..2e1a74a8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest nset-difference.2
   (let ((result
-	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+         (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
     (check-nset-difference '(a b c) nil result))
 (deftest nset-difference.3
   (let ((result
-	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+         (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
     (check-nset-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     (nset-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				'(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+                                '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
   (1 3 5 6 8))
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 (deftest nset-difference.6
   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :key nil)
+                              :key nil)
 (deftest nset-difference.7
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@
 (deftest nset-difference.10
   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'eq)
+                              :test 'eq)
 (deftest nset-difference.11
   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'eql)
+                              :test 'eql)
 (deftest nset-difference.12
   (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'equal)
+                              :test 'equal)
 (deftest nset-difference.13
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@
 (deftest nset-difference.14
   (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			      :key 'car)
+                              '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+                              :key 'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest nset-difference.15
   (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			      :key #'car)
+                              '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+                              :key #'car)
   ((b . 2)))
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
+                 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                           (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+                   (return-from fail 'fail))
+                 (eqt x y))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        :key #'identity
        :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
+                 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                           (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+                   (return-from fail 'fail))
+                 (eqt x y))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -124,25 +124,25 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+           (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+             (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eqt x y)))))
   (1 2 3 4))
 (deftest nset-difference.19
   (block fail
     (sort (copy-list
-	   (nset-difference-with-check
-	    '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-	    :test-not
-	    #'(lambda (x y)
-		(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		  (return-from fail 'fail))
-		(not (eqt x y)))))
-	  #'<))
+           (nset-difference-with-check
+            '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+            :test-not
+            #'(lambda (x y)
+                (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                          (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+                  (return-from fail 'fail))
+                (not (eqt x y)))))
+          #'<))
   (1 2 3 4))
 (defharmless nset-difference.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
      i x y))
   (1) 2 1 2)
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+                      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
      i x y z))
   (4) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -175,10 +175,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-		      :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+                      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+                      :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
      i x y z w))
   (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp b/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp
index 0e991d61..dcb40b79 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.2
   (let ((result
-	 (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+         (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
     (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.3
   (let ((result
-	 (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+         (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
     (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     (nset-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				  '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+                                  '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
   (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.6
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:key nil)
+                                :key nil)
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.7
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.8-b
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:test-not (complement #'eql))
+                                :test-not (complement #'eql))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.9
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.10
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:test 'eq)
+                                :test 'eq)
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.11
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:test 'eql)
+                                :test 'eql)
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.12
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:test 'equal)
+                                :test 'equal)
 ;;; (deftest nset-exclusive-or.13
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.14
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
-				'((a . 10) (c . 3))
-				:key 'car)
+                                '((a . 10) (c . 3))
+                                :key 'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.15
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-				'((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-				:key #'car)
+                                '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+                                :key #'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.16
   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-				'((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-				:key #'car
-				:test-not (complement #'eql))
+                                '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+                                :key #'car
+                                :test-not (complement #'eql))
   ((b . 2)))
@@ -112,69 +112,69 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.17
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+        list1 list2
+        :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+                  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                            (member s2 list1))
+                    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.17-a
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+        list1 list2
+        :key #'identity
+        :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+                  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                            (member s2 list1))
+                    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.18
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
+        list1 list2
+        :test-not
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+            (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                      (member s2 list1))
+              (return-from fail 'failed))
+            t)))))
 (deftest nset-exclusive-or.18-a
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
+        list1 list2
+        :key #'identity
+        :test-not
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+            (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                      (member s2 list1))
+              (return-from fail 'failed))
+            t)))))
 (defharmless nset-exclusive-or.test-and-test-not.1
   (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 7 3 8)
-		     :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
+                     :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless nset-exclusive-or.test-and-test-not.2
   (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 7 3 8)
-		     :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
+                     :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
@@ -183,9 +183,9 @@
       (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10)))
+                                (list 1 2 3 4))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                                (list 1 3 6 10)))
      i x y))
   (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
@@ -195,11 +195,11 @@
       (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				      #'eql))
+                                (list 1 2 3 4))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                                (list 1 3 6 10))
+                         :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                      #'eql))
      i x y z))
   (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@
       (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				      #'eql)
-			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+                                (list 1 2 3 4))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                                (list 1 3 6 10))
+                         :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                      #'eql)
+                         :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -224,12 +224,12 @@
       (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			 :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				      #'eql))
+                                (list 1 2 3 4))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                                (list 1 3 6 10))
+                         :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+                         :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                      #'eql))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -239,12 +239,12 @@
       (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				     (complement #'eql)))
+                                (list 1 2 3 4))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                                (list 1 3 6 10))
+                         :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+                         :key (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                     (complement #'eql)))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -254,62 +254,62 @@
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+                          :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+                          :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+        #'<)
   (1 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil
-			  '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t
+                          :allow-other-keys nil
+                          '#:x 1)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.8
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'eql
-			  :test #'/=)
-	#'<)
+                          :test #'eql
+                          :test #'/=)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.9
   (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'/=
-			  :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
+                          :test #'/=
+                          :test #'eql)
+        #'<)
 ;;; Randomized test
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nstring-capitalize.lsp b/ansi-tests/nstring-capitalize.lsp
index fb16b92b..b0fb4565 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nstring-capitalize.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nstring-capitalize.lsp
@@ -7,52 +7,52 @@
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abCd"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "Abcd")
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "0adA2Cdd3wXy"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "0ada2cdd3wxy")
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "1a"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "1a")
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.4
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "a1a"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-capitalize s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "A1a")
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.7
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	   collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :start i)))
+           collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :start i)))
   ("Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF"))
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.8
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	   collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
+           collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
   ("Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF"))
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.9
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :end i)))
+           collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s) :end i)))
   ("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "AbCDEF" "AbcDEF" "AbcdEF" "AbcdeF" "Abcdef"))
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.10
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
     (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	  collect (loop for j from i to 6
-			collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s)
-						    :start i :end j))))
+          collect (loop for j from i to 6
+                        collect (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq s)
+                                                    :start i :end j))))
   (("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "AbCDEF" "AbcDEF" "AbcdEF" "AbcdeF" "Abcdef")
    ("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "ABcDEF" "ABcdEF" "ABcdeF" "ABcdef")
    ("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "ABCdEF" "ABCdeF" "ABCdef")
@@ -71,41 +71,41 @@
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (copy-seq (nstring-capitalize s))
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
-		      ))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (copy-seq (nstring-capitalize s))
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
+                      ))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cdefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cdefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cdefGHi")))
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-capitalize s)
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      s0))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-capitalize s)
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      s0))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "zZAb0cdefG")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "zZAb0cdefG")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd" "zZAb0cdefG")))
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.15
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-capitalize s)
-		      (copy-seq s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-capitalize s)
+                      (copy-seq s)))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd")
    ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd" "Ab0cd")))
@@ -149,8 +149,8 @@
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.error.4
   (signals-error (nstring-capitalize (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nstring-capitalize.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nstring-downcase.lsp b/ansi-tests/nstring-downcase.lsp
index 10a62742..1475cb4d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nstring-downcase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nstring-downcase.lsp
@@ -7,35 +7,35 @@
 (deftest nstring-downcase.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "A"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "a")
 (deftest nstring-downcase.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
 (deftest nstring-downcase.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "0123456789!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\\{}[]:\";'<>?,./ "))
-	 (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   "0123456789!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\\{}[]:\";'<>?,./ ")
 (deftest nstring-downcase.6
   (let* ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			:initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F)))
-	 (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F)))
+         (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "abcdef")
 (deftest nstring-downcase.7
   (let* ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'standard-char
-			:initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\7 #\D #\E #\F)))
-	 (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\7 #\D #\E #\F)))
+         (s2 (nstring-downcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@
 (deftest nstring-downcase.8
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s) :start i)))
+           collect (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s) :start i)))
   ("abcdef" "Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF"))
 (deftest nstring-downcase.9
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
+           collect (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
   ("abcdef" "Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF"))
 (deftest nstring-downcase.10
   (let ((s "ABCDE"))
     (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	  collect (loop for j from i to 5
-			collect (string-invertcase
-				 (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s)
-						   :start i :end j)))))
+          collect (loop for j from i to 5
+                        collect (string-invertcase
+                                 (nstring-downcase (copy-seq s)
+                                                   :start i :end j)))))
   (("abcde" "Abcde" "ABcde" "ABCde" "ABCDe" "ABCDE")
    ("abcde" "aBcde" "aBCde" "aBCDe" "aBCDE")
    ("abcde" "abCde" "abCDe" "abCDE")
@@ -74,41 +74,41 @@
 (deftest nstring-downcase.12
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (copy-seq (nstring-downcase s))
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
-		      ))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (copy-seq (nstring-downcase s))
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
+                      ))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "ab0cdefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "ab0cdefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "ab0cdefGHi")))
 (deftest nstring-downcase.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-downcase s)
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      s0))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-downcase s)
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      s0))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "zZab0cdefG")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "zZab0cdefG")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd" "zZab0cdefG")))
 (deftest nstring-downcase.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-downcase s)
-		      (copy-seq s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-downcase s)
+                      (copy-seq s)))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd")
    ("aB0cD" "ab0cd" "ab0cd")))
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
 (deftest nstring-downcase.error.4
   (signals-error (nstring-downcase (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nstring-downcase.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nstring-upcase.lsp b/ansi-tests/nstring-upcase.lsp
index c90676aa..49d51f24 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nstring-upcase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nstring-upcase.lsp
@@ -7,35 +7,35 @@
 (deftest nstring-upcase.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "a"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "A")
 (deftest nstring-upcase.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
-	 (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
 (deftest nstring-upcase.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "0123456789!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\\{}[]:\";'<>?,./ "))
-	 (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
+         (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   "0123456789!@#$%^&*()_-+=|\\{}[]:\";'<>?,./ ")
 (deftest nstring-upcase.6
   (let* ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)))
-	 (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f)))
+         (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "ABCDEF")
 (deftest nstring-upcase.7
   (let* ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'standard-char
-			:initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\7 #\d #\e #\f)))
-	 (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
+                        :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\7 #\d #\e #\f)))
+         (s2 (nstring-upcase s)))
     (values (eqt s s2) s))
   t "AB7DEF")
@@ -44,22 +44,22 @@
 (deftest nstring-upcase.8
   (let ((s "abcdef"))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  collect (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s) :start i)))
+          collect (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s) :start i)))
   ("ABCDEF" "aBCDEF" "abCDEF" "abcDEF" "abcdEF" "abcdeF" "abcdef"))
 (deftest nstring-upcase.9
   (let ((s "abcdef"))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  collect 
-	  (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
+          collect
+          (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s) :start i :end nil)))
   ("ABCDEF" "aBCDEF" "abCDEF" "abcDEF" "abcdEF" "abcdeF" "abcdef"))
 (deftest nstring-upcase.10
   (let ((s "abcde"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	   collect (loop for j from i to 5
-			 collect (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s)
-						 :start i :end j))))
+           collect (loop for j from i to 5
+                         collect (nstring-upcase (copy-seq s)
+                                                 :start i :end j))))
   (("abcde" "Abcde" "ABcde" "ABCde" "ABCDe" "ABCDE")
    ("abcde" "aBcde" "aBCde" "aBCDe" "aBCDE")
    ("abcde" "abCde" "abCDe" "abCDE")
@@ -73,41 +73,41 @@
 (deftest nstring-upcase.12
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (copy-seq (nstring-upcase s))
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
-		      ))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (copy-seq (nstring-upcase s))
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      (progn (setf (fill-pointer s) 10) (copy-seq s))
+                      ))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "AB0CDefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "AB0CDefGHi")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "AB0CDefGHi")))
 (deftest nstring-upcase.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-upcase s)
-		      (copy-seq s)
-		      s0))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-upcase s)
+                      (copy-seq s)
+                      s0))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "zZAB0CDefG")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "zZAB0CDefG")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD" "zZAB0CDefG")))
 (deftest nstring-upcase.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list (copy-seq s)
-		      (nstring-upcase s)
-		      (copy-seq s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list (copy-seq s)
+                      (nstring-upcase s)
+                      (copy-seq s)))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD")
    ("aB0cD" "AB0CD" "AB0CD")))
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
      i a b c))
   "aBCDef" 3 1 2 3)
 ;;; Error cases
 (deftest nstring-upcase.error.1
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
 (deftest nstring-upcase.error.4
   (signals-error (nstring-upcase (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nstring-upcase.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp
index 5ee2c3a2..a33a5d59 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp
@@ -9,51 +9,51 @@
 (deftest nsublis.1
   (check-nsublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
-		 '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+                 '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
   ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
 (deftest nsublis.2
   (check-nsublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
-		 '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
-		 :test #'equal)
+                 '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+                 :test #'equal)
   (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
 (deftest nsublis.3
   (check-nsublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
-		 '((30 . "foo")))
+                 '((30 . "foo")))
   (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
 (deftest nsublis.4
    (nsublis (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
-	    (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+            (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
    '((t . "yes"))
    :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
-			   (evenp x))))
+                           (evenp x))))
   ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
 (deftest nsublis.5
   (check-nsublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
-		   fie ("fee" "fie"))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+                   fie ("fee" "fie"))
+                 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
   ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
 (deftest nsublis.6
   (check-nsublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
-		   ("fee" "fie"))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
-		 :test 'equal)
+                   ("fee" "fie"))
+                 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+                 :test 'equal)
   ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
 (deftest nsublis.7
   (check-nsublis '(("aa" a b)
-		   (z "bb" d)
-		   ((x . "aa")))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
-		   (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
-		 :test 'equal
-		 :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
-				      '*not-present*)))
+                   (z "bb" d)
+                   ((x . "aa")))
+                 `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+                   (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+                 :test 'equal
+                 :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+                                      '*not-present*)))
   (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
 (deftest nsublis.8
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
 ;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
 (deftest nsublis.9
-  (check-nsublis 
+  (check-nsublis
    '(1 2 a b)
    '((1 . 2) (a . b))
    :key nil)
@@ -71,24 +71,24 @@
 (deftest nsublis.10
   (check-nsublis  (list 0 3 8 20)
-		  '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
+                  '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
+                  :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
   (x y z 20))
 (deftest nsublis.11
   (check-nsublis  (list 0 3 8 20)
-		  '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
-		  :test-not
-		  #'(lambda (x y) (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
+                  '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
+                  :test-not
+                  #'(lambda (x y) (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
   (x y z 20))
 (defharmless nsublis.test-and-test-not.1
   (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-	   :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
+           :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless nsublis.test-and-test-not.2
   (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-	   :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
+           :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation
 (deftest nsublis.order.1
@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@
       (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
+             '((a . z)))
       (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+             (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
       :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
       :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
      i w x y z))
@@ -110,9 +110,9 @@
       (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
+             '((a . z)))
       (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+             (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
       :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
       :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
@@ -144,8 +144,8 @@
 (deftest nsublis.keywords.6
   (nsublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2)
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
-	   :key #'identity)
+           :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
+           :key #'identity)
   (a 1 2))
 ;; Argument error cases
@@ -168,27 +168,27 @@
 (deftest nsublis.error.5
   (signals-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :test #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                           (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                           :test #'identity)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsublis.error.6
   (signals-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                           (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                           :key #'cons)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsublis.error.7
   (signals-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :test-not #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                           (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                           :test-not #'identity)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsublis.error.8
   (signals-error (nsublis '((a . 1) . bad)
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-		 type-error)
+                           (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+                 type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp
index 521c2d2f..ba7131df 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.2
   (check-nsubst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
-		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+                       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.3
   (check-nsubst-if-not 'c #'identity
-		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		       :key (complement #'listp))
+                       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+                       :key (complement #'listp))
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.4
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
    #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
    '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
    :key #'(lambda (x)
-	    (and (consp x)
-		 (car x))))
+            (and (consp x)
+                 (car x))))
   (40 40 40 40))
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.5
   (check-nsubst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
-		       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		       :key nil)
+                       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+                       :key nil)
   ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.6
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.error.7
   (signals-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest nsubst-if-not.error.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp
index 6cce9fbb..ea88373a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 (deftest nsubst-if.3
   (check-nsubst-if '(z)
-		   (complement #'consp)
-		   '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+                   (complement #'consp)
+                   '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
    ((z) (z) z)
    ((z) (z) (z) z)
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@
 (deftest nsubst-if.4
   (check-nsubst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		   :key #'listp)
+                   :key #'listp)
 (deftest nsubst-if.5
   (check-nsubst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
-		   '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
-		   :key #'(lambda (x)
-			    (and (consp x)
-				 (car x))))
+                   '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+                   :key #'(lambda (x)
+                            (and (consp x)
+                                 (car x))))
   (4 4 4 4))
 (deftest nsubst-if.6
   (check-nsubst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
-		   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		   :key nil)
+                   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+                   :key nil)
   ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
 (deftest nsubst-if.7
@@ -114,10 +114,10 @@
 (deftest nsubst-if.error.7
   (signals-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsubst-if.error.8
   (signals-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp
index f20b800f..e97863d9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (deftest nsubst.4
   (check-nsubst 'grape 'dick
-		'(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+                '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
   (melville wrote (moby grape)))
 (deftest nsubst.5
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
    'foo "aaa"
    '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
    :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  "aaa"
-			nil))
+                          "aaa"
+                        nil))
    :test #'string=)
   ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
@@ -52,26 +52,26 @@
    'foo nil
    '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
    :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  (copy-seq "aaa")
-			nil))
+                          (copy-seq "aaa")
+                        nil))
    :test-not #'equal)
   ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
 (deftest nsubst.9
   (check-nsubst 'a 'b
-		(copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
-		:key nil)
+                (copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+                :key nil)
   (a a c d a a))
 (deftest nsubst.10
   (check-nsubst 'x 10 (copy-tree '(1 2 10 20 30 4))
-		:test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
+                :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
   (1 2 10 x x 4))
 (deftest nsubst.11
   (check-nsubst 'x 10 (copy-tree '(1 2 10 20 30 4))
-		:test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-			      (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
+                :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+                              (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
   (1 2 10 x x 4))
 (defharmless nsubset.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
      (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+             (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+             (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+             :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
      i v w x y z))
   ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
   5 1 2 3 4 5)
@@ -97,11 +97,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
      (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     )
+             (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+             (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+             :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             )
      i v w x y z))
   ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
   5 1 2 3 4 5)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
 (deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.5
   (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	 :bad t)
+         :bad t)
   (a a c))
 (deftest nsubst.keywords.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp
index dcfa2eb5..c37f84ad 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if-not.lsp
@@ -63,48 +63,48 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 ;;; Tests on vectors
@@ -167,94 +167,94 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
-				    :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
+                                    :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
     (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1))
   #(d a b x d a b c))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
     (nsubstitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1 :from-end t))
   #(d a b c d a b x))
@@ -318,80 +318,80 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x
-				    :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x
+                                    :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -418,163 +418,163 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 0)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count -1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
@@ -582,86 +582,86 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
-				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
+                                :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.26
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.27
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not-bit-vector.33
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -704,37 +704,37 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+                      :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+                      :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (1 a a a 1 a a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.keywords.6
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :key #'1- :key #'identity)
+                      :key #'1- :key #'identity)
   (1 a a a 1 a a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.7
   (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.8
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.error.5
   (signals-error (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				      'bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                      'bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.error.6
@@ -784,14 +784,14 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.error.10
   (signals-error (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                                  :key #'car)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.error.11
   (signals-error (nsubstitute-if-not 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                                  :key #'cons)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-not.error.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp
index a8230f61..1f36de7e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute-if.lsp
@@ -63,48 +63,48 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 ;;; Tests on vectors
@@ -167,86 +167,86 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1)
@@ -255,8 +255,8 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (nsubstitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1 :from-end t)
@@ -323,79 +323,79 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -425,249 +425,249 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 0)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count -1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :count nil :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 0) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
 ;;; More tests
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x
-				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x
+                                :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.26
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.27
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if-bit-vector.33
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -718,17 +718,17 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (nsubstitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.allow-other-keys.4
   (nsubstitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.allow-other-keys.5
   (nsubstitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (a 2 0 3 a 0 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.keywords.6
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.allow-other-keys.7
   (nsubstitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.allow-other-keys.8
@@ -784,12 +784,12 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.error.10
   (signals-error (nsubstitute-if 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'car) type-error)
+                                  :key #'car) type-error)
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.error.11
   (signals-error (nsubstitute-if 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'cons) program-error)
+                                  :key #'cons) program-error)
 (deftest nsubstitute-if.error.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp
index c91fcb8a..d84b0998 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubstitute.lsp
@@ -63,90 +63,90 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				(make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				(make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.19
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
   (1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.20
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
   (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.21
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.22
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
   (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.23
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
@@ -210,121 +210,121 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-				       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
   #(1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.20
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
   #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.21
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.22
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
   #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.23
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (nsubstitute 'z 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
@@ -388,137 +388,137 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-				       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-				       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                       (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                       (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                       (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-					     (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-					     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                             (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.19
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)	
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.20
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.21
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.22
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
-						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (nsubstitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.23
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
-						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (nsubstitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\z #\a x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -527,198 +527,198 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (equalp y (concatenate
-				 'simple-bit-vector
-				 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (nsubstitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (equalp y (concatenate
+                                 'simple-bit-vector
+                                 (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                 (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                 (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.22
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.23
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
-						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+                                                 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
+                             :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
-						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+                                                 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
+                             :from-end t)))
@@ -751,64 +751,64 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.26
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
   ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-list.27
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
-  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))    
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.26
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
   #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.27
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
   #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (nsubstitute 'x 'c v2 :count 1)
@@ -817,8 +817,8 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (nsubstitute 'x 'c v2 :count 1 :from-end t)
@@ -828,29 +828,29 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.26
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eql))))
 (deftest nsubstitute-string.27
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (nsubstitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eql)))
@@ -879,29 +879,29 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :from-end t)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
 (deftest nsubstitute-bit-vector.33
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (nsubstitute 1 0 x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -951,17 +951,17 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute.allow-other-keys.3
   (nsubstitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute.allow-other-keys.4
   (nsubstitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute.allow-other-keys.5
   (nsubstitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (a 2 0 3 a 0 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute.keywords.6
@@ -970,7 +970,7 @@
 (deftest nsubstitute.allow-other-keys.7
   (nsubstitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest nsubstitute.allow-other-keys.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nth-value.lsp b/ansi-tests/nth-value.lsp
index 216601a2..bfcf99f6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nth-value.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nth-value.lsp
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest nth-value.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 19
-	collect (nth-value i (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j 'k
-				     'l 'm 'n 'o 'p 'q 'r 's)))
+        collect (nth-value i (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j 'k
+                                     'l 'm 'n 'o 'p 'q 'r 's)))
   (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s nil))
 (deftest nth-value.5
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nth-value (progn (setf x (incf i)) 3)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g)))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g)))
      i x y))
   d 2 1 2)
@@ -56,18 +56,18 @@
 (deftest nth-value.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'nth-value))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nth-value.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'nth-value)
-			   '(nth-value 1 '(a b c)))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(nth-value 1 '(a b c)))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest nth-value.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'nth-value)
-			   '(nth-value 1 '(a b c))
-			   nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(nth-value 1 '(a b c))
+                           nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nth.lsp b/ansi-tests/nth.lsp
index 090042ae..333751e8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nth.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nth.lsp
@@ -22,11 +22,11 @@
 ;;; Test side effects, evaluation order in assignment to NTH
 (deftest nth.order.1
   (let ((i 0)
-	(x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	y z)
+        (x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+        y z)
      (eqlt (setf (nth (setf y (incf i)) x) (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'z))
-	   'z)
+           'z)
      (eqlt y 1)
      (eqlt z 2)
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y (z '(a b c d e)))
      (nth (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) z))
+          (progn (setf y (incf i)) z))
      i x y))
   b 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp b/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
index 8441b60f..36e68151 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (nthcdr (setf x (incf i))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
      i x y))
   (b c d) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/number-comparison.lsp b/ansi-tests/number-comparison.lsp
index 0a004a4d..20830b56 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/number-comparison.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/number-comparison.lsp
@@ -37,20 +37,20 @@
 (deftest =.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (= x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (= x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest =.2
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (= x x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (= x x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest =.3
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (= x x x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (= x x x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest =.4
@@ -59,34 +59,34 @@
 (deftest =.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 10000
-	for i2 = (1+ i)
-	never (or (= i i2) (= i2 i)))
+        for i2 = (1+ i)
+        never (or (= i i2) (= i2 i)))
 (deftest =.6
   (loop for i from 5 to 10000 by 17
-	for j from 2 to i by 19
-	for r = (/ i j)
-	unless (and (not (= r (1+ r)))
-		    (not (= r 0))
-		    (not (= r (- r)))
-		    (= r r))
-	collect r)
-  nil)
+        for j from 2 to i by 19
+        for r = (/ i j)
+        unless (and (not (= r (1+ r)))
+                    (not (= r 0))
+                    (not (= r (- r)))
+                    (= r r))
+        collect r)
+  nil)
 (deftest =.7
   (let ((args nil))
     (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  always (apply #'= args)))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          always (apply #'= args)))
 (deftest =.8
   (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (append (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 7)
-			   (list 23))
-	when (apply #'= args)
-	collect args)
+        for args = (append (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 7)
+                           (list 23))
+        when (apply #'= args)
+        collect args)
@@ -108,110 +108,110 @@
 (deftest =.13
   (let ((nums '(0 0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0
-		  #c(0.0s0 0.0s0) #c(0.0f0 0.0f0)
-		  #c(0.0d0 0.0d0) #c(0.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                  #c(0.0s0 0.0s0) #c(0.0f0 0.0f0)
+                  #c(0.0d0 0.0d0) #c(0.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		unless (= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                unless (= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest =.14
   (let ((nums '(17 17.0s0 17.0f0 17.0d0 17.0l0
-		   #c(17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(17.0f0 0.0f0)
-		   #c(17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(17.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                   #c(17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(17.0f0 0.0f0)
+                   #c(17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(17.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		unless (= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                unless (= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest =.15
   (let ((nums '(-17 -17.0s0 -17.0f0 -17.0d0 -17.0l0
-		    #c(-17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(-17.0f0 0.0f0)
-		    #c(-17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(-17.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                    #c(-17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(-17.0f0 0.0f0)
+                    #c(-17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(-17.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		unless (= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                unless (= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest =.16
   (let ((n 60000) (m 30000))
     (loop for x = (- (random n) m)
-	  for y = (- (random n) m)
-	  for z = (- (random n) m)
-	  for w = (- (random n) m)
-	  for a = (* x y)
-	  for b = (* x w)
-	  for c = (* y z)
-	  for d = (* w z)
-	  repeat 10000
-	  when (and (/= b 0)
-		    (/= d 0)
-		    (or (not (= (/ a b) (/ c d)))
-			(/= (/ a b) (/ c d))))
-	  collect (list a b c d)))
+          for y = (- (random n) m)
+          for z = (- (random n) m)
+          for w = (- (random n) m)
+          for a = (* x y)
+          for b = (* x w)
+          for c = (* y z)
+          for d = (* w z)
+          repeat 10000
+          when (and (/= b 0)
+                    (/= d 0)
+                    (or (not (= (/ a b) (/ c d)))
+                        (/= (/ a b) (/ c d))))
+          collect (list a b c d)))
 ;;; Comparison of a rational with a float
 (deftest =.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (= x xrat+rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (= x xrat+rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest =.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (= x xrat-rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (= x xrat-rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest =.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  when (and d (or (= (* 3/2 d) x)
-			  (= x (* 5/4 d))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          when (and d (or (= (* 3/2 d) x)
+                          (= x (* 5/4 d))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
 (deftest =.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-	(progn (setf z (incf i)) 3))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+        (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3))
      i x y z))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
@@ -241,20 +241,20 @@
 (deftest /=.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (/= x)
-	collect x)
+        unless (/= x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest /=.2
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (/= x x)
-	collect x)
+        when (/= x x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest /=.3
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (/= x x x)
-	collect x)
+        when (/= x x x)
+        collect x)
 (deftest /=.4
@@ -267,37 +267,37 @@
 (deftest /=.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 10000
-	for i2 = (1+ i)
-	always (and (/= i i2) (/= i2 i)))
+        for i2 = (1+ i)
+        always (and (/= i i2) (/= i2 i)))
 (deftest /=.6
   (loop for i from 5 to 10000 by 17
-	for j from 2 to i by 19
-	for r = (/ i j)
-	when (or (not (/= r (1+ r)))
-		 (not (/= r 0))
-		 (not (/= r (- r)))
-		 (/= r r))
-	collect r)
-  nil)
+        for j from 2 to i by 19
+        for r = (/ i j)
+        when (or (not (/= r (1+ r)))
+                 (not (/= r 0))
+                 (not (/= r (- r)))
+                 (/= r r))
+        collect r)
+  nil)
 (deftest /=.7
   (let ((args (list 17))
-	(args2 nil))
+        (args2 nil))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  do (push i args2)
-	  always (and (not (apply #'/= args))
-		      (apply #'/= args2))))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          do (push i args2)
+          always (and (not (apply #'/= args))
+                      (apply #'/= args2))))
 (deftest /=.8
   (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	for args = (append (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 7)
-			   (list 7))
-	when (apply #'/= args)
-	collect args)
+        for args = (append (make-list (1- i) :initial-element 7)
+                           (list 7))
+        when (apply #'/= args)
+        collect args)
@@ -319,90 +319,90 @@
 (deftest /=.13
   (let ((nums '(0 0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0
-		  #c(0.0s0 0.0s0) #c(0.0f0 0.0f0)
-		  #c(0.0d0 0.0d0) #c(0.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                  #c(0.0s0 0.0s0) #c(0.0f0 0.0f0)
+                  #c(0.0d0 0.0d0) #c(0.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		when (/= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                when (/= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest /=.14
   (let ((nums '(17 17.0s0 17.0f0 17.0d0 17.0l0
-		   #c(17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(17.0f0 0.0f0)
-		   #c(17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(17.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                   #c(17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(17.0f0 0.0f0)
+                   #c(17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(17.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		when (/= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                when (/= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest /=.15
   (let ((nums '(-17 -17.0s0 -17.0f0 -17.0d0 -17.0l0
-		    #c(-17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(-17.0f0 0.0f0)
-		    #c(-17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(-17.0l0 0.0l0))))
+                    #c(-17.0s0 0.0s0) #c(-17.0f0 0.0f0)
+                    #c(-17.0d0 0.0d0) #c(-17.0l0 0.0l0))))
     (loop for x in nums
-	  append
-	  (loop for y in nums
-		when (/= x y)
-		collect (list x y))))
+          append
+          (loop for y in nums
+                when (/= x y)
+                collect (list x y))))
 (deftest /=.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (/= x xrat+rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (/= x xrat+rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
 (deftest /=.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (/= x xrat-rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (/= x xrat-rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))))))
 (deftest /=.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  unless (or (null d) (and (/= (* 3/2 d) x)
-				   (/= x (* 5/4 d))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          unless (or (null d) (and (/= (* 3/2 d) x)
+                                   (/= x (* 5/4 d))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
 (deftest /=.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (/= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -410,8 +410,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (notnot (/= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-		 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+                 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
      i x y z))
   t 3 1 2 3)
@@ -445,147 +445,147 @@
 (defparameter *number-less-tests*
   (let* ((n (- most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum))
-	 (n2 (* 1000 n)))
+         (n2 (* 1000 n)))
      (loop for i = (+ (random n) most-negative-fixnum)
-	   for i2 = (+ i (random most-positive-fixnum))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   nconc
-	   (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
+           for i2 = (+ i (random most-positive-fixnum))
+           repeat 1000
+           nconc
+           (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
      (loop for i = (random n2)
-	   for i2 = (+ (random n2) i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   nconc
-	   (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
+           for i2 = (+ (random n2) i)
+           repeat 1000
+           nconc
+           (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (integerp x)
-	   nconc (list (list x (1+ x) t)
-		       (list (1+ x) x nil)))
+           when (integerp x)
+           nconc (list (list x (1+ x) t)
+                       (list (1+ x) x nil)))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (realp x)
-	   collect (list x x nil))
+           when (realp x)
+           collect (list x x nil))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (>= x 1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (let* ((y (float x one))
-			(z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
-		   (list (list y z nil)
-			 (list z y t)))))
+           when (and (realp x) (>= x 1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (let* ((y (float x one))
+                        (z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
+                   (list (list y z nil)
+                         (list z y t)))))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (<= x -1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational upper-bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (let* ((y (float x one)))
-		   (let ((z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
-		     (list (list y z t)
-			   (list z y nil))))))
+           when (and (realp x) (<= x -1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational upper-bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (let* ((y (float x one)))
+                   (let ((z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
+                     (list (list y z t)
+                           (list z y nil))))))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (< -1 x 1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational upper-bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (handler-case
-		  (let* ((y (float x one))
-			 (z1 (+ y epsilon))
-			 (z2 (- y epsilon)))
-		    (list (list y z1 t)
-			  (list z1 y nil)
-			  (list y z2 nil)
-			  (list z2 y t)))
-		  (arithmetic-error () nil)))
-	   ))))
+           when (and (realp x) (< -1 x 1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational upper-bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (handler-case
+                  (let* ((y (float x one))
+                         (z1 (+ y epsilon))
+                         (z2 (- y epsilon)))
+                    (list (list y z1 t)
+                          (list z1 y nil)
+                          (list y z2 nil)
+                          (list z2 y t)))
+                  (arithmetic-error () nil)))
+           ))))
 (deftest <.4
   (loop for (x y result . rest) in *number-less-tests*
-	unless (if (< x y) result (not result))
-	collect (list* x y result rest))
+        unless (if (< x y) result (not result))
+        collect (list* x y result rest))
 (deftest <.5
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	when (and (typep x 'real)
-		  (not (< x)))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (typep x 'real)
+                  (not (< x)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest <.6
   (let ((args (list 17))
-	(args2 nil))
+        (args2 nil))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  do (push (- i) args2)
-	  unless (and (not (apply #'< args))
-		      (apply #'< args2))
-	  collect (list args args2)))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          do (push (- i) args2)
+          unless (and (not (apply #'< args))
+                      (apply #'< args2))
+          collect (list args args2)))
 (deftest <.7
   (let* ((len (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
+         (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
     (loop for i from 1 below len
-	  for args = (copy-list args-proto)
-	  do (setf (elt args i) 0)
-	  never (apply #'< args)))
+          for args = (copy-list args-proto)
+          do (setf (elt args i) 0)
+          never (apply #'< args)))
 ;;; Check that < is antisymmetric
@@ -605,63 +605,63 @@
 (deftest <.11
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	never (or (< (- x) x)
-		  (< x (- x))))
+        never (or (< (- x) x)
+                  (< x (- x))))
 (deftest <.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (< x xrat+rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (< x xrat+rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
 (deftest <.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (< x xrat-rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (< x xrat-rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest <.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  unless (or (null d) (and (< x (* 3/2 d))
-				   (not (< (* 17/16 d) x))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          unless (or (null d) (and (< x (* 3/2 d))
+                                   (not (< (* 17/16 d) x))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
 (deftest <.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (< (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -669,8 +669,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (notnot (< (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-		 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+                 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
      i x y z))
   t 3 1 2 3)
@@ -704,148 +704,148 @@
 (defparameter *number-less-or-equal-tests*
   (let* ((n (- most-positive-fixnum most-negative-fixnum))
-	 (n2 (* 1000 n)))
+         (n2 (* 1000 n)))
      (loop for i = (+ (random n) most-negative-fixnum)
-	   for i2 = (+ i (random most-positive-fixnum))
-	   repeat 1000
-	   nconc
-	   (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
+           for i2 = (+ i (random most-positive-fixnum))
+           repeat 1000
+           nconc
+           (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
      (loop for i = (random n2)
-	   for i2 = (+ (random n2) i)
-	   repeat 1000
-	   nconc
-	   (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
+           for i2 = (+ (random n2) i)
+           repeat 1000
+           nconc
+           (list (list i i2 t) (list i2 i nil)))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (integerp x)
-	   nconc (list (list x (1+ x) t)
-		       (list (1+ x) x nil)))
+           when (integerp x)
+           nconc (list (list x (1+ x) t)
+                       (list (1+ x) x nil)))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (realp x)
-	   collect (list x x t))
+           when (realp x)
+           collect (list x x t))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (>= x 1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (let* ((y (float x one))
-			(z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
-		   (list (list y z nil)
-			 (list z y t)))))
+           when (and (realp x) (>= x 1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (let* ((y (float x one))
+                        (z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
+                   (list (list y z nil)
+                         (list z y t)))))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (<= x -1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational upper-bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (let* ((y (float x one))
-			(z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
-		   (list (list y z t)
-			 (list z y nil)))))
+           when (and (realp x) (<= x -1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational upper-bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (let* ((y (float x one))
+                        (z (* y (- one (* 2 epsilon)))))
+                   (list (list y z t)
+                         (list z y nil)))))
      (loop for x in *universe*
-	   when (and (realp x) (< -1 x 1))
-	   nconc
-	   (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
-				      single-float-epsilon
-				      double-float-epsilon
-				      long-float-epsilon)
-		 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
-				    most-negative-single-float
-				    most-negative-double-float
-				    most-negative-long-float)
-		 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
-				    most-positive-single-float
-				    most-positive-double-float
-				    most-positive-long-float)
-		 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-		 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
-			   (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
-		 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
-			  (rational x)
-			  (rational upper-bound))
-		 nconc
-		 (handler-case
-		  (let* ((y (float x one))
-			 (z1 (+ y epsilon))
-			 (z2 (- y epsilon)))
-		    (list (list y z1 t)
-			  (list z1 y nil)
-			  (list y z2 nil)
-			  (list z2 y t)))
-		  (floating-point-underflow () nil))))
+           when (and (realp x) (< -1 x 1))
+           nconc
+           (loop for epsilon in (list short-float-epsilon
+                                      single-float-epsilon
+                                      double-float-epsilon
+                                      long-float-epsilon)
+                 for lower-bound in (list most-negative-short-float
+                                    most-negative-single-float
+                                    most-negative-double-float
+                                    most-negative-long-float)
+                 for upper-bound in (list most-positive-short-float
+                                    most-positive-single-float
+                                    most-positive-double-float
+                                    most-positive-long-float)
+                 for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+                 when (and (<= (abs (float-exponent lower-bound)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent x)) 500)
+                           (<= (abs (float-exponent upper-bound)) 500))
+                 when (<= (rational lower-bound)
+                          (rational x)
+                          (rational upper-bound))
+                 nconc
+                 (handler-case
+                  (let* ((y (float x one))
+                         (z1 (+ y epsilon))
+                         (z2 (- y epsilon)))
+                    (list (list y z1 t)
+                          (list z1 y nil)
+                          (list y z2 nil)
+                          (list z2 y t)))
+                  (floating-point-underflow () nil))))
 (deftest <=.4
   (loop for (x y result . rest) in *number-less-or-equal-tests*
-	unless (if (<= x y) result (not result))
-	collect (list* x y result rest))
+        unless (if (<= x y) result (not result))
+        collect (list* x y result rest))
 (deftest <=.5
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	when (and (typep x 'real)
-		  (not (<= x)))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (typep x 'real)
+                  (not (<= x)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest <=.6
   (let ((args (list 17))
-	(args2 nil)
-	(args3 (list 0)))
+        (args2 nil)
+        (args3 (list 0)))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  do (push (- i) args2)
-	  do (push i args3)
-	  unless (and (apply #'<= args)
-		      (apply #'<= args2)
-		      (not (apply #'<= args3)))
-	  collect (list args args2 args3)))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          do (push (- i) args2)
+          do (push i args3)
+          unless (and (apply #'<= args)
+                      (apply #'<= args2)
+                      (not (apply #'<= args3)))
+          collect (list args args2 args3)))
 (deftest <=.7
   (let* ((len (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
+         (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
     (loop for i from 1 below len
-	  for args = (copy-list args-proto)
-	  do (setf (elt args i) 0)
-	  never (apply #'<= args)))
+          for args = (copy-list args-proto)
+          do (setf (elt args i) 0)
+          never (apply #'<= args)))
 ;;; Check that <= is symmetric with >=
@@ -860,63 +860,63 @@
 (deftest <=.10
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	always (and (<= (- x) x)
-		    (<= x (- x))))
+        always (and (<= (- x) x)
+                    (<= x (- x))))
 (deftest <=.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (<= x xrat+rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (<= x xrat+rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))))))
 (deftest <=.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (<= x xrat-rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (<= x xrat-rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest <=.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  unless (or (null d) (and (<= x (* 3/2 d))
-				   (not (<= (* 5/4 d) x))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          unless (or (null d) (and (<= x (* 3/2 d))
+                                   (not (<= (* 5/4 d) x))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 5/4 d))))
 (deftest <=.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (<= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -924,8 +924,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (notnot (<= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-		 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+                 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 3)))
      i x y z))
   t 3 1 2 3)
@@ -960,35 +960,35 @@
 (deftest >.4
   (loop for (x y result . rest) in *number-less-tests*
-	unless (if (> y x) result (not result))
-	collect (list* y x result rest))
+        unless (if (> y x) result (not result))
+        collect (list* y x result rest))
 (deftest >.5
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	when (and (typep x 'real)
-		  (not (> x)))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (typep x 'real)
+                  (not (> x)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest >.6
   (let ((args (list 17))
-	(args2 nil))
+        (args2 nil))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  do (push i args2)
-	  unless (and (not (apply #'> args))
-		      (apply #'> args2))
-	  collect (list args args2)))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          do (push i args2)
+          unless (and (not (apply #'> args))
+                      (apply #'> args2))
+          collect (list args args2)))
 (deftest >.7
   (let* ((len (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
+         (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
     (loop for i from 1 below len
-	  for args = (copy-list args-proto)
-	  do (setf (elt args i) 0)
-	  never (apply #'> args)))
+          for args = (copy-list args-proto)
+          do (setf (elt args i) 0)
+          never (apply #'> args)))
 ;;; > is negation of <=
@@ -998,63 +998,63 @@
 (deftest >.9
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	never (or (> (- x) x)
-		  (> x (- x))))
+        never (or (> (- x) x)
+                  (> x (- x))))
 (deftest >.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (> x xrat+rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (> x xrat+rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest >.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (> x xrat-rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i  xrat-rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (> x xrat-rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i  xrat-rat/i))))))
 (deftest >.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  unless (or (null d) (and (> (* 3/2 d) x)
-				   (not (> x (* 17/16 d)))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          unless (or (null d) (and (> (* 3/2 d) x)
+                                   (not (> x (* 17/16 d)))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
 (deftest >.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (> (progn (setf x (incf i)) 2)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -1062,8 +1062,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (notnot (> (progn (setf x (incf i)) 3)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-		 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+                 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)))
      i x y z))
   t 3 1 2 3)
@@ -1097,38 +1097,38 @@
 (deftest >=.4
   (loop for (x y result . rest) in *number-less-or-equal-tests*
-	unless (if (>= y x) result (not result))
-	collect (list* y x result rest))
+        unless (if (>= y x) result (not result))
+        collect (list* y x result rest))
 (deftest >=.5
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	when (and (typep x 'real)
-		  (not (>= x)))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (typep x 'real)
+                  (not (>= x)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest >=.6
   (let ((args (list 17))
-	(args2 (list 0))
-	(args3 nil))
+        (args2 (list 0))
+        (args3 nil))
     (loop for i from 2 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push 17 args)
-	  do (push (- i) args2)
-	  do (push i args3)
-	  unless (and (apply #'>= args)
-		      (not (apply #'>= args2))
-		      (apply #'>= args3))
-	  collect (list args args2 args3)))
+          do (push 17 args)
+          do (push (- i) args2)
+          do (push i args3)
+          unless (and (apply #'>= args)
+                      (not (apply #'>= args2))
+                      (apply #'>= args3))
+          collect (list args args2 args3)))
 (deftest >=.7
   (let* ((len (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
+         (args-proto (loop for i from 1 to len collect i)))
     (loop for i from 1 below len
-	  for args = (copy-list args-proto)
-	  do (setf (elt args i) 0)
-	  never (apply #'>= args)))
+          for args = (copy-list args-proto)
+          do (setf (elt args i) 0)
+          never (apply #'>= args)))
 ;;; Check that >= is equivalent to (or > =)
@@ -1138,64 +1138,64 @@
 (deftest >=.9
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	always (and (>= (- x) x)
-		    (>= x (- x))))
+        always (and (>= (- x) x)
+                    (>= x (- x))))
 (deftest >=.17
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-			 double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (>= x xrat+rat/i)
-		    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
-		  nil))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
+                         double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat+rat/i = (+ xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (>= x xrat+rat/i)
+                    (list (list x i  xrat+rat/i))
+                  nil))))
 (deftest >=.18
   (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
-			 double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
-	for radix = (float-radix eps)
-	when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rat (rational eps))
-	       (xrat (rational x)))
-	  (loop for i from 2 to 100
-		for rat/i = (/ rat i)
-		for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
-		nconc
-		(if (>= x xrat-rat/i)
-		    nil
-		    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))))))
+        for eps in (list short-float-negative-epsilon single-float-negative-epsilon
+                         double-float-negative-epsilon long-float-negative-epsilon)
+        for exp = (nth-value 1 (decode-float eps))
+        for radix = (float-radix eps)
+        when (< (* (log radix 2) exp) 1000)
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rat (rational eps))
+               (xrat (rational x)))
+          (loop for i from 2 to 100
+                for rat/i = (/ rat i)
+                for xrat-rat/i = (- xrat rat/i)
+                nconc
+                (if (>= x xrat-rat/i)
+                    nil
+                    (list (list x i xrat-rat/i))))))
 (deftest >=.19
   (let ((bound (expt 10 1000)))
     (loop for x in (list most-positive-short-float most-positive-single-float
-			 most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
-	  for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
-	  unless (or (null d) (and (>= (* 3/2 d) x)
-				   (not (>=  x(* 17/16 d)))))
-	  collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
+                         most-positive-double-float most-positive-long-float)
+          for d = (and (<= x bound) (truncate x))
+          unless (or (null d) (and (>= (* 3/2 d) x)
+                                   (not (>=  x(* 17/16 d)))))
+          collect (list x d (* 3/2 d) (* 17/16 d))))
 (deftest >=.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (>= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 2)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -1203,8 +1203,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (notnot (>= (progn (setf x (incf i)) 3)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
-		 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 2)
+                 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1)))
      i x y z))
   t 3 1 2 3)
@@ -1246,391 +1246,391 @@
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(unless (< x i)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (unless (< x i)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(unless (< i x)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (unless (< i x)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(unless (> i x)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (unless (> i x)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(unless (> x i)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (unless (> x i)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(when (or (= x i) (= i x))
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (when (or (= x i) (= i x))
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(when (or (= x i) (= i x))
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (when (or (= x i) (= i x))
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(unless (and (/= i x) (/= x i))
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (unless (and (/= i x) (/= x i))
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(unless (and (/= i x) (/= x i))
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (unless (and (/= i x) (/= x i))
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(unless (<= x i)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (unless (<= x i)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(unless (<= i x)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (unless (<= i x)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
-		(unless (>= i x)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (+ r (ceiling (rational x)))))
+                (unless (>= i x)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	when (or (zerop x)
-		 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
-	nconc
-	(loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
-	      repeat 200
-	      nconc
-	      (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
-		(unless (>= x i)
-		  (list (list r x i))))))
+        when (or (zerop x)
+                 (< (abs (log (abs x))) 10000))
+        nconc
+        (loop for r = (1+ (random (ash 1 (random 32))))
+              repeat 200
+              nconc
+              (let ((i (- (floor (rational x)) r)))
+                (unless (>= x i)
+                  (list (list r x i))))))
   (let ((toobig (loop for x in *reals*
-		      collect (and (> (abs x) 1.0)
-				   (> (abs (log (abs x))) 10000)))))
+                      collect (and (> (abs x) 1.0)
+                                   (> (abs (log (abs x))) 10000)))))
     (loop for x in *reals*
-	  for xtoobig in toobig
-	  nconc
-	  (unless xtoobig
-	    (let ((fx (floor x)))
-	      (loop for y in *reals*
-		    for ytoobig in toobig
-		    when (and (not ytoobig)
-			      (< x y)
-			      (or (not (< fx y))
-				  (<= y fx)
-				  (not (> y fx))
-				  (>= fx y)))
-		    collect (list x y))))))
+          for xtoobig in toobig
+          nconc
+          (unless xtoobig
+            (let ((fx (floor x)))
+              (loop for y in *reals*
+                    for ytoobig in toobig
+                    when (and (not ytoobig)
+                              (< x y)
+                              (or (not (< fx y))
+                                  (<= y fx)
+                                  (not (> y fx))
+                                  (>= fx y)))
+                    collect (list x y))))))
   (let ((toobig (loop for x in *reals*
-		      collect (and (> (abs x) 1.0)
-				   (> (abs (log (abs x))) 10000)))))
+                      collect (and (> (abs x) 1.0)
+                                   (> (abs (log (abs x))) 10000)))))
     (loop for x in *reals*
-	  for xtoobig in toobig
-	  nconc
-	  (unless xtoobig
-	    (let ((fx (floor x)))
-	      (loop for y in *reals*
-		    for ytoobig in toobig
-		    when (and (not ytoobig)
-			      (<= x y)
-			      (or (not (<= fx y))
-				  (> fx y)
-				  (not (>= y fx))
-				  (< y fx)))
-		    collect (list x y))))))
+          for xtoobig in toobig
+          nconc
+          (unless xtoobig
+            (let ((fx (floor x)))
+              (loop for y in *reals*
+                    for ytoobig in toobig
+                    when (and (not ytoobig)
+                              (<= x y)
+                              (or (not (<= fx y))
+                                  (> fx y)
+                                  (not (>= y fx))
+                                  (< y fx)))
+                    collect (list x y))))))
 ;;; More randomized comparisons
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-short-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-short-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'short-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-short-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-short-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'short-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0s0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (random bound)
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		repeat 20
-		unless (and (<= fr r cr)
-			    (if (= r fr)
-				(= r cr)
-			      (/= r cr))
-			    (>= cr r fr))
-		collect (list r fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (random bound)
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                repeat 20
+                unless (and (<= fr r cr)
+                            (if (= r fr)
+                                (= r cr)
+                              (/= r cr))
+                            (>= cr r fr))
+                collect (list r fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 100))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-single-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-single-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'single-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-single-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-single-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'single-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0f0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (random bound)
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		repeat 20
-		unless (and (<= fr r cr)
-			    (if (= r fr)
-				(= r cr)
-			      (/= r cr))
-			    (>= cr r fr))
-		collect (list r fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (random bound)
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                repeat 20
+                unless (and (<= fr r cr)
+                            (if (= r fr)
+                                (= r cr)
+                              (/= r cr))
+                            (>= cr r fr))
+                collect (list r fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 100))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-double-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-double-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'double-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-double-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-double-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'double-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0d0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (random bound)
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		repeat 20
-		unless (and (<= fr r cr)
-			    (if (= r fr)
-				(= r cr)
-			      (/= r cr))
-			    (>= cr r fr))
-		collect (list r fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (random bound)
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                repeat 20
+                unless (and (<= fr r cr)
+                            (if (= r fr)
+                                (= r cr)
+                              (/= r cr))
+                            (>= cr r fr))
+                collect (list r fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 100))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-long-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-long-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'long-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-long-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-long-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'long-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0l0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (< bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (random bound)
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		repeat 20
-		unless (and (<= fr r cr)
-			    (if (= r fr)
-				(= r cr)
-			      (/= r cr))
-			    (>= cr r fr))
-		collect
-		(list r fr cr))))
+          while (< bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (random bound)
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                repeat 20
+                unless (and (<= fr r cr)
+                            (if (= r fr)
+                                (= r cr)
+                              (/= r cr))
+                            (>= cr r fr))
+                collect
+                (list r fr cr))))
 ;;; Rational/float comparisons
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-short-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-short-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'short-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-short-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-short-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'short-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0s0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
-		for p = (1+ (random m))
-		for q = (1+ (random m))
-		for x = 0
-		repeat 50
-		when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
-		do (setf x (/ p q))
-		unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
-			     (cr*x (* cr x)))
-			 (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (< fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (> cr*x r fr/x)
-			      (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
-		collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
+                for p = (1+ (random m))
+                for q = (1+ (random m))
+                for x = 0
+                repeat 50
+                when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
+                do (setf x (/ p q))
+                unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
+                             (cr*x (* cr x)))
+                         (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (< fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (> cr*x r fr/x)
+                              (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
+                collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-single-float 2) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-single-float 2)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'single-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-single-float 2) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-single-float 2)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'single-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0f0 then (* bound 2)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
-		for p = (1+ (random m))
-		for q = (1+ (random m))
-		for x = 0
-		repeat 50
-		when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
-		do (setf x (/ p q))
-		unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
-			     (cr*x (* cr x)))
-			 (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (< fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (> cr*x r fr/x)
-			      (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
-		collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
+                for p = (1+ (random m))
+                for q = (1+ (random m))
+                for x = 0
+                repeat 50
+                when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
+                do (setf x (/ p q))
+                unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
+                             (cr*x (* cr x)))
+                         (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (< fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (> cr*x r fr/x)
+                              (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
+                collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-double-float 4) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-double-float 4)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'double-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-double-float 4) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-double-float 4)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'double-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0d0 then (* bound 4)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
-		for p = (1+ (random m))
-		for q = (1+ (random m))
-		for x = 0
-		repeat 50
-		when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
-		do (setf x (/ p q))
-		unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
-			     (cr*x (* cr x)))
-			 (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (< fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (> cr*x r fr/x)
-			      (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
-		collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
+                for p = (1+ (random m))
+                for q = (1+ (random m))
+                for x = 0
+                repeat 50
+                when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
+                do (setf x (/ p q))
+                unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
+                             (cr*x (* cr x)))
+                         (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (< fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (> cr*x r fr/x)
+                              (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
+                collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
   (let* ((integer-bound (ash 1 1000))
-	 (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-long-float 4) integer-bound)
-			  (/ most-positive-long-float 4)
-			(coerce integer-bound 'long-float))))
+         (upper-bound (if (< (/ most-positive-long-float 4) integer-bound)
+                          (/ most-positive-long-float 4)
+                        (coerce integer-bound 'long-float))))
     (loop for bound = 1.0d0 then (* bound 4)
-	  while (<= bound upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
-		for fr = (floor r)
-		for cr = (ceiling r)
-		for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
-		for p = (1+ (random m))
-		for q = (1+ (random m))
-		for x = 0
-		repeat 50
-		when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
-		do (setf x (/ p q))
-		unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
-			     (cr*x (* cr x)))
-			 (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (< fr/x r cr*x)
-			      (> cr*x r fr/x)
-			      (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
-		collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
+          while (<= bound upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for r = (+ 1.s0 (random bound))
+                for fr = (floor r)
+                for cr = (ceiling r)
+                for m = (ash 1 (1+ (random 30)))
+                for p = (1+ (random m))
+                for q = (1+ (random m))
+                for x = 0
+                repeat 50
+                when (<= p q) do (psetf p (1+ q) q p)
+                do (setf x (/ p q))
+                unless (let ((fr/x (/ fr x))
+                             (cr*x (* cr x)))
+                         (and (<= fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (< fr/x r cr*x)
+                              (> cr*x r fr/x)
+                              (>= cr*x r fr/x)))
+                collect (list r p q x fr cr))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -1638,126 +1638,126 @@
 (deftest =.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2)
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2)))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2))))
-			  (= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)) 0 0)
-			  (= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)) 0)
-			  (= 0 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2)
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2)))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2))))
+                          (= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)) 0 0)
+                          (= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)) 0)
+                          (= 0 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          )))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil t t t))
 (deftest /=.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (/= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2)
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
-			      (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2)))
-			      (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2))))
-			  (/= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
-			      (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 0 1)
-			  (/= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1)
-			  (/= 0 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (/= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2)
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 3))
+                              (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2)))
+                              (expand-in-current-env (%m #c(1 2))))
+                          (/= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
+                              (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (/= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 0 1)
+                          (/= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1)
+                          (/= 0 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
+                          )))
   (t nil nil nil nil t t t t t t))
 (deftest <.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (< 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
-			  (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 5))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
-			  (< 3 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
-			  (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 6))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 2 3)
-			  (< 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
-			  (< 1 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (< 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
+                          (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 5))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
+                          (< 3 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
+                          (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 6))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (< (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 2 3)
+                          (< 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
+                          (< 1 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))
+                          )))
   (t t t t nil nil nil t t t))
 (deftest <=.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (<= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
-			  (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 5))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
-			  (<= 3 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
-			  (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 6))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2 3)
-			  (<= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 3)
-			  (<= 1 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (<= 0 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
+                          (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 5))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
+                          (<= 3 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2/3)
+                          (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 6))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (<= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 2 3)
+                          (<= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 3)
+                          (<= 1 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
+                          )))
   (t t t t nil nil nil t t t))
 (deftest >.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (> 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 4)) 3)
-			  (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 10))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
-			  (> 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (> (expand-in-current-env (%m -1)) 2/3)
-			  (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1 0)
-			  (> 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 0)
-			  (> 2 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (> 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 4)) 3)
+                          (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 10))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
+                          (> 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (> (expand-in-current-env (%m -1)) 2/3)
+                          (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (> (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1 0)
+                          (> 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 0)
+                          (> 2 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          )))
   (t t t t nil nil nil t t t))
 (deftest >=.env.1
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (mapcar 'notnot
-		    (list (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  (>= 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			  (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4)) 3)
-			  (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 7))
-			      (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
-			  (>= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
-			  (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m -1)) 2/3)
-			  (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
-			     (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-			  (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1 1)
-			  (>= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 0)
-			  (>= 2 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			  )))
+            (mapcar 'notnot
+                    (list (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          (>= 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+                          (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4)) 3)
+                          (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 7))
+                              (expand-in-current-env (%m 7)))
+                          (>= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 2.0)))
+                          (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m -1)) 2/3)
+                          (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 4))
+                             (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+                          (>= (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 1 1)
+                          (>= 1 (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)) 0)
+                          (>= 2 2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                          )))
   (t t t t nil nil nil t t t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/numbers-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/numbers-aux.lsp
index 672d0e20..b9f3c5f6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/numbers-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/numbers-aux.lsp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
   "FN is a function that, if true for X, is true for all Y > X.
    Find the smallest float in [lo,hi] for which the function
    return true."
   (assert (functionp fn))
   (assert (floatp lo))
   (assert (floatp hi))
@@ -22,21 +22,21 @@
   (assert (funcall fn hi))
   (loop while (<= lo hi)
-	do (let ((mid (/ (+ lo hi) 2)))
-	     (if (funcall fn mid)
-		 (if (= mid hi)
-		     (return hi)
-		   (setq hi mid))
-	       (if (= mid lo)
-		   (return hi)
-		 (setq lo mid))))))
+        do (let ((mid (/ (+ lo hi) 2)))
+             (if (funcall fn mid)
+                 (if (= mid hi)
+                     (return hi)
+                   (setq hi mid))
+               (if (= mid lo)
+                   (return hi)
+                 (setq lo mid))))))
 (defun integer-binary-search (fn lo hi)
   "FN is a function that, if true for X, is true for all Y < X.
    Find the largest integer in [lo,hi) for which the function
    return true."
   (assert (functionp fn))
   (assert (integerp lo))
   (assert (integerp hi))
@@ -44,21 +44,21 @@
   (assert (funcall fn lo))
   (loop while (< lo hi)
-	do (let ((mid (ceiling (+ lo hi) 2)))
-	     (if (funcall fn mid)
-		 (setq lo mid)
-	       (if (= mid hi)
-		   (return lo)
-		 (setq hi mid))))
-	finally (return lo)))
+        do (let ((mid (ceiling (+ lo hi) 2)))
+             (if (funcall fn mid)
+                 (setq lo mid)
+               (if (= mid hi)
+                   (return lo)
+                 (setq hi mid))))
+        finally (return lo)))
 (defun find-largest-exactly-floatable-integer (upper-bound)
    #'(lambda (i)
        (let* ((f  (float i))
-	      (i- (1- i))
-	      (f- (float i-)))
-	 (and (= f i) (= f- i-))))
+              (i- (1- i))
+              (f- (float i-)))
+         (and (= f i) (= f- i-))))
    0 upper-bound))
 (defun eqlzt (x y)
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
    ((complexp x)
     (and (complexp y)
-	 (eqlzt (realpart x) (realpart y))
-	 (eqlzt (imagpart x) (imagpart y))))
+         (eqlzt (realpart x) (realpart y))
+         (eqlzt (imagpart x) (imagpart y))))
    ((zerop x)
     (eqlt (abs x) (abs y)))
    (t (eqlt x y))))
@@ -105,31 +105,31 @@
    ((complexp x)
     (and (numbers-are-compatible (realpart x) y)
-	 (numbers-are-compatible (imagpart x) y)))
+         (numbers-are-compatible (imagpart x) y)))
    ((complexp y)
     (and (numbers-are-compatible x (realpart y))
-	 (numbers-are-compatible x (imagpart y))))
+         (numbers-are-compatible x (imagpart y))))
     (when (floatp x) (rotatef x y))
     (or (floatp x)
-	(not (floatp y))
-	(etypecase y
-	  (short-float
-	   (<= +rational-most-negative-short-float+
-	       x
-	       +rational-most-positive-short-float+))
-	  (single-float
-	   (<= +rational-most-negative-single-float+
-	       x
-	       +rational-most-positive-single-float+))
-	  (double-float
-	   (<= +rational-most-negative-double-float+
-	       x
-	       +rational-most-positive-double-float+))
-	  (long-float
-	   (<= +rational-most-negative-long-float+
-	       x
-	       +rational-most-positive-long-float+)))))))
+        (not (floatp y))
+        (etypecase y
+          (short-float
+           (<= +rational-most-negative-short-float+
+               x
+               +rational-most-positive-short-float+))
+          (single-float
+           (<= +rational-most-negative-single-float+
+               x
+               +rational-most-positive-single-float+))
+          (double-float
+           (<= +rational-most-negative-double-float+
+               x
+               +rational-most-positive-double-float+))
+          (long-float
+           (<= +rational-most-negative-long-float+
+               x
+               +rational-most-positive-long-float+)))))))
 ;;; NOTE!  According to section, when a rational is compared
 ;;; to a float, the effect is as if the float is convert to a rational
@@ -138,166 +138,166 @@
 (defun =.4-fn ()
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	append
-	(loop for y in *numbers*
-	      unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
-			 (if (= x y) (= y x) (not (= y x))))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        append
+        (loop for y in *numbers*
+              unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
+                         (if (= x y) (= y x) (not (= y x))))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun /=.4-fn ()
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	append
-	(loop for y in *numbers*
-	      unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
-			 (if (/= x y) (/= y x) (not (/= y x))))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        append
+        (loop for y in *numbers*
+              unless (or ;; (not (numbers-are-compatible x y))
+                         (if (/= x y) (/= y x) (not (/= y x))))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun /=.4a-fn ()
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	append
-	(loop for y in *numbers*
-	      when (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-			(if (= x y)
-			    (/= x y)
-			  (not (/= x y))))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        append
+        (loop for y in *numbers*
+              when (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                        (if (= x y)
+                            (/= x y)
+                          (not (/= x y))))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun <.8-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(and (< x y) (> x y)))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (and (< x y) (> x y)))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun <.9-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (< x y) (not (> y x))
-		  (> y x)))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (< x y) (not (> y x))
+                  (> y x)))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun <.10-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (< x y) (>= x y)
-		  (not (>= x y))))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (< x y) (>= x y)
+                  (not (>= x y))))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun <=.8-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (<= x y) (not (>= y x))
-		  (>= y x)))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (<= x y) (not (>= y x))
+                  (>= y x)))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun <=.9-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (<= x y) (not (or (= x y) (< x y)))
-		  (or (= x y) (< x y))))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (<= x y) (not (or (= x y) (< x y)))
+                  (or (= x y) (< x y))))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun >.8-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (> x y) (<= x y)
-		  (not (<= x y))))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (> x y) (<= x y)
+                  (not (<= x y))))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 (defun >=.8-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when
-	      (handler-case
-	       (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-		(if (>= x y) (not (or (= x y) (> x y)))
-		  (or (= x y) (> x y))))
-	       (arithmetic-error () nil))
-	      collect (list x y))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when
+              (handler-case
+               (and ;; (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+                (if (>= x y) (not (or (= x y) (> x y)))
+                  (or (= x y) (> x y))))
+               (arithmetic-error () nil))
+              collect (list x y))))
 ;;; Comparison of rationsls
 (defun compare-random-rationals (n m rep)
   (loop for a = (- (random n) m)
-	for b = (- (random n) m)
-	for c = (- (random n) m)
-	for d = (- (random n) m)
-	repeat rep
-	when
-	(and (/= b 0)
-	     (/= d 0)
-	     (let ((q1 (/ a b))
-		   (q2 (/ c d))
-		   (ad (* a d))
-		   (bc (* b c)))
-	       (when (< (* b d) 0)
-		 (setq ad (- ad))
-		 (setq bc (- bc)))
-	       (or (if (< q1 q2) (not (< ad bc)) (< ad bc))
-		   (if (<= q1 q2) (not (<= ad bc)) (<= ad bc))
-		   (if (> q1 q2) (not (> ad bc)) (> ad bc))
-		   (if (>= q1 q2) (not (>= ad bc)) (>= ad bc))
-		   (if (= q1 q2) (not (= ad bc)) (= ad bc))
-		   (if (/= q1 q2) (not (/= ad bc)) (/= ad bc)))))
-	collect (list a b c d)))
+        for b = (- (random n) m)
+        for c = (- (random n) m)
+        for d = (- (random n) m)
+        repeat rep
+        when
+        (and (/= b 0)
+             (/= d 0)
+             (let ((q1 (/ a b))
+                   (q2 (/ c d))
+                   (ad (* a d))
+                   (bc (* b c)))
+               (when (< (* b d) 0)
+                 (setq ad (- ad))
+                 (setq bc (- bc)))
+               (or (if (< q1 q2) (not (< ad bc)) (< ad bc))
+                   (if (<= q1 q2) (not (<= ad bc)) (<= ad bc))
+                   (if (> q1 q2) (not (> ad bc)) (> ad bc))
+                   (if (>= q1 q2) (not (>= ad bc)) (>= ad bc))
+                   (if (= q1 q2) (not (= ad bc)) (= ad bc))
+                   (if (/= q1 q2) (not (/= ad bc)) (/= ad bc)))))
+        collect (list a b c d)))
 (defun max.2-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-	      unless
-	      (handler-case
-	       (let ((m (max x y)))
-		 (and (>= m x) (>= m y)
-		      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
-	       (floating-point-underflow () t)
-	       (floating-point-overflow () t))
-	      collect (list x y (max x y)))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+              unless
+              (handler-case
+               (let ((m (max x y)))
+                 (and (>= m x) (>= m y)
+                      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
+               (floating-point-underflow () t)
+               (floating-point-overflow () t))
+              collect (list x y (max x y)))))
 (defun min.2-fn ()
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	nconc
-	(loop for y in *reals*
-	      when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
-	      unless
-	      (handler-case
-	       (let ((m (min x y)))
-		 (and (<= m x) (<= m y)
-		      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
-	       (floating-point-underflow () t)
-	       (floating-point-overflow () t))
-	      collect (list x y (min x y)))))
+        nconc
+        (loop for y in *reals*
+              when (numbers-are-compatible x y)
+              unless
+              (handler-case
+               (let ((m (min x y)))
+                 (and (<= m x) (<= m y)
+                      (or (= m x) (= m y))))
+               (floating-point-underflow () t)
+               (floating-point-overflow () t))
+              collect (list x y (min x y)))))
 ;;; Compute the number of digits that can be added to 1.0 in the appropriate
 ;;; float type, a rational representation of the smallest radix^(-k) s.t.
@@ -307,8 +307,8 @@
 (defun find-epsilon (x)
   (assert (floatp x))
   (let* ((one (float 1 x))
-	 (radix (float-radix one))
-	 (eps (/ 1 radix)))
+         (radix (float-radix one))
+         (eps (/ 1 radix)))
      for next-eps = (/ eps radix)
      for i from 1
@@ -317,9 +317,9 @@
      finally (return (values i eps (float eps one))))))
 (defun test-log-op-with-decls (op xlo xhi ylo yhi niters
-				  &optional
-				  (decls '((optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)
-						     (debug 1)))))
+                                  &optional
+                                  (decls '((optimize (speed 3) (safety 1)
+                                                     (debug 1)))))
   "Test that a compiled form of the LOG* function OP computes
    the expected result on two random integers drawn from the
    types `(integer ,xlo ,xhi) and `(integer ,ylo ,yhi).  Try
@@ -335,32 +335,32 @@
   (assert (<= ylo yhi))
   (let* ((source
-	  `(lambda (x y)
-	     (declare (type (integer ,xlo ,xhi) x)
-		      (type (integer ,ylo ,yhi) y)
-		      ,@ decls)
-	     (,op x y)))
-	 (fn (compile nil source)))
+          `(lambda (x y)
+             (declare (type (integer ,xlo ,xhi) x)
+                      (type (integer ,ylo ,yhi) y)
+                      ,@ decls)
+             (,op x y)))
+         (fn (compile nil source)))
     (loop for i below niters
-	  for x = (random-from-interval (1+ xhi) xlo)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval (1+ yhi) ylo)
-	  unless (eql (funcall (the symbol op) x y)
-		      (funcall fn x y))
-	  collect (list x y))))
+          for x = (random-from-interval (1+ xhi) xlo)
+          for y = (random-from-interval (1+ yhi) ylo)
+          unless (eql (funcall (the symbol op) x y)
+                      (funcall fn x y))
+          collect (list x y))))
 (defun test-log-op (op n1 n2)
   (flet ((%r () (let ((r (random 33)))
-		  (- (random (ash 1 (1+ r))) (ash 1 r)))))
+                  (- (random (ash 1 (1+ r))) (ash 1 r)))))
     (loop for x1 = (%r)
-	  for x2 = (%r)
-	  for y1 = (%r)
-	  for y2 = (%r)
-	  repeat n1
-	  nconc
-	  (test-log-op-with-decls op
-				  (min x1 x2) (max x1 x2)
-				  (min y1 y2) (max y1 y2)
-				  n2))))
+          for x2 = (%r)
+          for y1 = (%r)
+          for y2 = (%r)
+          repeat n1
+          nconc
+          (test-log-op-with-decls op
+                                  (min x1 x2) (max x1 x2)
+                                  (min y1 y2) (max y1 y2)
+                                  n2))))
 (defun safe-tan (x &optional (default 0.0))
    (let ((result (multiple-value-list (tan x))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/numerator-denominator.lsp b/ansi-tests/numerator-denominator.lsp
index 72ef3d66..7f487b17 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/numerator-denominator.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/numerator-denominator.lsp
@@ -25,20 +25,20 @@
 (deftest numerator-denominator.1
   (loop for n = (abs (random-fixnum))
-	for d = (1+ (abs (random-fixnum)))
-	for g = (gcd n d)
-	for n1 = (/ n g)
-	for d1 = (/ d g)
-	for r = (/ n d)
-	for n2 = (numerator r)
-	for d2 = (denominator r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
-		    (>= n1 0)
-		    (>= d1 1)
-		    (eql n1 n2)
-		    (eql d1 d2))
-	collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2))
+        for d = (1+ (abs (random-fixnum)))
+        for g = (gcd n d)
+        for n1 = (/ n g)
+        for d1 = (/ d g)
+        for r = (/ n d)
+        for n2 = (numerator r)
+        for d2 = (denominator r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
+                    (>= n1 0)
+                    (>= d1 1)
+                    (eql n1 n2)
+                    (eql d1 d2))
+        collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2))
 (deftest numerator-denominator.2
@@ -54,29 +54,29 @@
      for d2 = (denominator r)
      repeat 1000
      unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
-		 (>= n1 0)
-		 (>= d1 1)
-		 (eql n1 n2)
-		 (eql d1 d2))
+                 (>= n1 0)
+                 (>= d1 1)
+                 (eql n1 n2)
+                 (eql d1 d2))
      collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2)))
 (deftest numerator-denominator.3
   (loop for n = (abs (random-fixnum))
-	for d = (1+ (abs (random-fixnum)))
-	for g = (gcd n d)
-	for n1 = (/ n g)
-	for d1 = (/ d g)
-	for r = (/ n (- d))
-	for n2 = (numerator r)
-	for d2 = (denominator r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
-		    (>= n1 0)
-		    (>= d1 1)
-		    (eql n1 (- n2))
-		    (eql d1 d2))
-	collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2))
+        for d = (1+ (abs (random-fixnum)))
+        for g = (gcd n d)
+        for n1 = (/ n g)
+        for d1 = (/ d g)
+        for r = (/ n (- d))
+        for n2 = (numerator r)
+        for d2 = (denominator r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
+                    (>= n1 0)
+                    (>= d1 1)
+                    (eql n1 (- n2))
+                    (eql d1 d2))
+        collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2))
 (deftest numerator-denominator.4
@@ -92,21 +92,21 @@
      for d2 = (denominator r)
      repeat 1000
      unless (and (eql (gcd n1 d1) 1)
-		 (>= n1 0)
-		 (>= d1 1)
-		 (eql n1 (- n2))
-		 (eql d1 d2))
+                 (>= n1 0)
+                 (>= d1 1)
+                 (eql n1 (- n2))
+                 (eql d1 d2))
      collect (list n1 d1 r n2 d2)))
 (deftest numerator-denominator.5
   (loop for r in *rationals*
-	for n = (numerator r)
-	for d = (denominator r)
-	unless (and (integerp n)
-		    (integerp d)
-		    (eql (gcd n d) 1)
-		    (>= d 1)
-		    (eql (/ n d) r))
-	collect (list r n d))
+        for n = (numerator r)
+        for d = (denominator r)
+        unless (and (integerp n)
+                    (integerp d)
+                    (eql (gcd n d) 1)
+                    (>= d 1)
+                    (eql (/ n d) r))
+        collect (list r n d))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp b/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
index aa48149e..4a9974e5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
@@ -30,135 +30,135 @@
 (deftest nunion.6
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.6-a
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eq)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.7
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eql)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.8
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'equal)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.9
     (let ((x  '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y  '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y  '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'eql))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.10
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.11
     (let ((x '(a b c d e f))
-	  (y '(z c y a v b)))
+          (y '(z c y a v b)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'eq))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.12
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.13
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'equal)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.14
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test #'eql)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.15
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.16
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y :test-not (complement  #'eql))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.17
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.18
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'equal)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.19
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'eql)))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.20
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+
-					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+                                              :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.21
     (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	  (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+          (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
       (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y #'1+
-					      :test-not (complement #'equal))))
-	(check-union x y result)))
+                                              :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+        (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.22
   (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	(y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+        (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
     (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y nil)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest nunion.23
   (let ((x '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	(y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
+        (y '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2)))
     (let ((result (nunion-with-copy-and-key x y '1+)))
       (check-union x y result)))
@@ -171,14 +171,14 @@
 (deftest nunion.25
   (let ((x (shuffle '(1 4 6 10 45 101)))
-	(y '(102 5 2 11 44 6)))
+        (y '(102 5 2 11 44 6)))
     (let ((result (nunion-with-copy x y
-				    :test #'(lambda (a b)
-					      (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
+                                    :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                              (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
-	'((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
-	(copy-list result))
+        '((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
+        (copy-list result))
   (1 4 6 10 44 101))
@@ -186,23 +186,23 @@
 (deftest nunion.26
   (let ((x 1000)
-	(y 1000))
+        (y 1000))
      while (not (typep x 'bignum))
      do (progn
-	  (setf x (* x x))
-	  (setf y (* y y))))
+          (setf x (* x x))
+          (setf y (* y y))))
       (eqt x y)  ;; if bignums are eq, the test is worthless
       (eql (length
-	    (nunion-with-copy (list x) (list x)))
-	   1))))
+            (nunion-with-copy (list x) (list x)))
+           1))))
 (deftest nunion.27
   (nunion-with-copy (list (copy-seq "aa"))
-		    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+                    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
   ("aa" "aa"))
 (defharmless nunion.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -217,11 +217,11 @@
     (block fail
-	'(1 2 3)
-	'(4 5 6)
-	:test #'(lambda (x y)
-		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		  (eql x y)))
+        '(1 2 3)
+        '(4 5 6)
+        :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                  (eql x y)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -229,12 +229,12 @@
     (block fail
-	'(1 2 3)
-	'(4 5 6)
-	#'identity
-	:test #'(lambda (x y)
-		  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		  (eql x y)))
+        '(1 2 3)
+        '(4 5 6)
+        #'identity
+        :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                  (eql x y)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -242,12 +242,12 @@
     (block fail
-	'(1 2 3)
-	'(4 5 6)
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (x y)
-	    (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	    (not (eql x y))))
+        '(1 2 3)
+        '(4 5 6)
+        :test-not
+        #'(lambda (x y)
+            (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+            (not (eql x y))))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -255,12 +255,12 @@
     (block fail
-	'(1 2 3)
-	'(4 5 6)
-	#'identity
-	:test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-		      (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		      (not (eql x y))))
+        '(1 2 3)
+        '(4 5 6)
+        #'identity
+        :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+                      (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                      (not (eql x y))))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
       (nunion (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8))))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8))))
      i x y))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -282,9 +282,9 @@
       (nunion (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
-	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
-	      :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
+              :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
+              :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
      i x y z w))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -296,9 +296,9 @@
       (nunion (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
-	      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
+              :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+              :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql))
      i x y z w))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -308,55 +308,55 @@
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.1
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2) :bad t
-	       :allow-other-keys "yes")
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys "yes")
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.2
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.3
   (sort (nunion (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)
-	       :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
-	       :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100))))
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
+               :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100))))
+        #'<)
   (1 1 2 2 3 3))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.4
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.5
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.6
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.allow-other-keys.7
   (sort (nunion (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil
-	       '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t
+               :allow-other-keys nil
+               '#:x 1)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest nunion.keywords.9
   (sort (nunion (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)
-	       :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100)))
-	       :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
+               :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100)))
+               :test #'eql)
+        #'<)
   (1 1 2 2 3 3))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/oddp.lsp b/ansi-tests/oddp.lsp
index 2277e128..8fd3ec42 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/oddp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/oddp.lsp
@@ -25,42 +25,42 @@
 (deftest oddp.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (integerp x)
-	do (oddp x))
+        when (integerp x)
+        do (oddp x))
 (deftest oddp.3
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	repeat 10000
-	when (or
-	      (oddp (+ x x))
-	      (not (oddp (+ x x 1)))
-	      (if (oddp x)
-		  (or (oddp (1+ x))
-		      (oddp (1- x))
-		      (/= (mod x 2) 1))
-		(or (not (oddp (1+ x)))
-		    (not (oddp (1- x)))
-		    (/= (mod x 2) 0))))
-	collect x)
+        repeat 10000
+        when (or
+              (oddp (+ x x))
+              (not (oddp (+ x x 1)))
+              (if (oddp x)
+                  (or (oddp (1+ x))
+                      (oddp (1- x))
+                      (/= (mod x 2) 1))
+                (or (not (oddp (1+ x)))
+                    (not (oddp (1- x)))
+                    (/= (mod x 2) 0))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest oddp.4
   (let ((upper-bound 1000000000000000)
-	(lower-bound -1000000000000000))
+        (lower-bound -1000000000000000))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval upper-bound lower-bound)
-	  repeat 10000
-	  when (or
-		(oddp (+ x x))
-		(not (oddp (+ x x 1)))
-		(if (oddp x)
-		    (or (oddp (1+ x))
-			(oddp (1- x))
-			(/= (mod x 2) 1))
-		  (or (not (oddp (1+ x)))
-		      (not (oddp (1- x)))
-		      (/= (mod x 2) 0))))
-	  collect x))
+          repeat 10000
+          when (or
+                (oddp (+ x x))
+                (not (oddp (+ x x 1)))
+                (if (oddp x)
+                    (or (oddp (1+ x))
+                        (oddp (1- x))
+                        (/= (mod x 2) 1))
+                  (or (not (oddp (1+ x)))
+                      (not (oddp (1- x)))
+                      (/= (mod x 2) 0))))
+          collect x))
 (deftest oddp.5
@@ -79,4 +79,4 @@
   (oddp 100000000000000000000000000000000)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp b/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp
index a0a5a3e5..afac16ee 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/oneminus.lsp
@@ -25,148 +25,148 @@
 (deftest 1-.1
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.2
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 1000))
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.3
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-short-float))
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1.0s0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1.0s0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.4
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-single-float))
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1.0f0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1.0f0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.5
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-double-float))
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1.0d0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1.0d0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.6
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-long-float))
-	for y = (1- x)
-	for z = (- x 1.0l0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1- x)
+        for z = (- x 1.0l0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1-.7
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (random-fixnum)
-	for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
-	for r = (/ x y2)
-	for r1 = (1- r)
-	for r2 = (- r 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql r1 r2)
-	collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
+        for y = (random-fixnum)
+        for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+        for r = (/ x y2)
+        for r1 = (1- r)
+        for r2 = (- r 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql r1 r2)
+        collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
 (deftest 1-.8
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
-	  for r = (/ x y2)
-	  for r1 = (1- r)
-	  for r2 = (- r 1)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql r1 r2)
-	  collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+          for r = (/ x y2)
+          for r1 = (1- r)
+          for r2 = (- r 1)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql r1 r2)
+          collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
 ;;; Complex numbers
 (deftest 1-.9
   (loop for xr = (random-fixnum)
-	for xi = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
-	collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
+        for xi = (random-fixnum)
+        for xc = (complex xr xi)
+        for xc1 = (1- xc)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+        collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
 (deftest 1-.10
   (let ((bound (ash 1 100)))
     (loop for xr = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1- xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1-.11
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-short-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1- xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1-.12
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-single-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1- xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1-.13
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-double-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1- xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (- xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1-.14
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-long-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1- xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (-  xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1- xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (-  xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1-.15
diff --git a/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp b/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp
index b70da29c..0646df8e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/oneplus.lsp
@@ -21,148 +21,148 @@
 (deftest 1+.1
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.2
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval (ash 1 1000))
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.3
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-short-float))
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1.0s0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1.0s0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.4
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-single-float))
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1.0f0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1.0f0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.5
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-double-float))
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1.0d0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1.0d0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.6
   (loop for x = (random (1- most-positive-long-float))
-	for y = (1+ x)
-	for z = (+ x 1.0l0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql y z)
-	collect (list x y z))
+        for y = (1+ x)
+        for z = (+ x 1.0l0)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql y z)
+        collect (list x y z))
 (deftest 1+.7
   (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	for y = (random-fixnum)
-	for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
-	for r = (/ x y2)
-	for r1 = (1+ r)
-	for r2 = (+ r 1)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql r1 r2)
-	collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
+        for y = (random-fixnum)
+        for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+        for r = (/ x y2)
+        for r1 = (1+ r)
+        for r2 = (+ r 1)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql r1 r2)
+        collect (list x y2 r1 r2))
 (deftest 1+.8
   (let ((bound (ash 1 200)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
-	  for r = (/ x y2)
-	  for r1 = (1+ r)
-	  for r2 = (+ r 1)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql r1 r2)
-	  collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for y2 = (if (zerop y) 1 y)
+          for r = (/ x y2)
+          for r1 = (1+ r)
+          for r2 = (+ r 1)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql r1 r2)
+          collect (list x y2 r1 r2)))
 ;;; Complex numbers
 (deftest 1+.9
   (loop for xr = (random-fixnum)
-	for xi = (random-fixnum)
-	for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
+        for xi = (random-fixnum)
+        for xc = (complex xr xi)
+        for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+        collect (list xr xi xc xc1))
 (deftest 1+.10
   (let ((bound (ash 1 100)))
     (loop for xr = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1+.11
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-short-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1+.12
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-single-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1+.13
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-double-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1+.14
   (let ((bound (1- most-positive-long-float)))
     (loop for xr = (random bound)
-	  for xi = (random bound)
-	  for xc = (complex xr xi)
-	  for xc1 = (1+ xc)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
-	  collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
+          for xi = (random bound)
+          for xc = (complex xr xi)
+          for xc1 = (1+ xc)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql xc1 (complex (+ xr 1) xi))
+          collect (list xr xi xc xc1)))
 (deftest 1+.15
diff --git a/ansi-tests/open-stream-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/open-stream-p.lsp
index ea4ed222..08e45327 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/open-stream-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/open-stream-p.lsp
@@ -7,23 +7,23 @@
 (deftest open-stream-p.1
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-input* *standard-output*
-		       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	for results = (multiple-value-list (open-stream-p s))
-	unless (and (eql (length results) 1)
-		    (car results))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-input* *standard-output*
+                       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        for results = (multiple-value-list (open-stream-p s))
+        unless (and (eql (length results) 1)
+                    (car results))
+        collect s)
 (deftest open-stream-p.2
   (with-open-file (s "open-stream-p.lsp" :direction :input)
-		  (notnot-mv (open-stream-p s)))
+                  (notnot-mv (open-stream-p s)))
 (deftest open-stream-p.3
   (with-open-file (s "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		     :if-exists :supersede)
-		  (notnot-mv (open-stream-p s)))
+                     :if-exists :supersede)
+                  (notnot-mv (open-stream-p s)))
 (deftest open-stream-p.4
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 (deftest open-stream-p.5
   (let ((s (open "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :supersede)))
+                 :if-exists :supersede)))
     (close s)
     (open-stream-p s))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/open.lsp b/ansi-tests/open.lsp
index e8d1790a..8ae6a7dd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/open.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/open.lsp
@@ -15,84 +15,84 @@
     #'(lambda (i) (logand i 1)))
     (let ((op (car type))
-	  (arg1 (cadr type))
-	  (arg2 (caddr type)))
+          (arg1 (cadr type))
+          (arg2 (caddr type)))
       (ecase op
-	(unsigned-byte
-	 (let ((mask (1- (ash 1 arg1))))
-	   #'(lambda (i) (logand i mask))))
-	(signed-byte
-	 (let ((mask (1- (ash 1 (1- arg1)))))
-	   #'(lambda (i) (logand i mask))))
-	(integer
-	 (let* ((lo arg1)
-		(hi arg2)
-	       (lower-bound
-		(etypecase lo
-		  (integer lo)
-		  (cons (1+ (car lo)))))
-	       (upper-bound
-		(etypecase hi
-		  (integer hi)
-		  (cons (1- (car hi)))))
-	       (range (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
-	   #'(lambda (i) (+ lower-bound (mod i range))))))))))
+        (unsigned-byte
+         (let ((mask (1- (ash 1 arg1))))
+           #'(lambda (i) (logand i mask))))
+        (signed-byte
+         (let ((mask (1- (ash 1 (1- arg1)))))
+           #'(lambda (i) (logand i mask))))
+        (integer
+         (let* ((lo arg1)
+                (hi arg2)
+               (lower-bound
+                (etypecase lo
+                  (integer lo)
+                  (cons (1+ (car lo)))))
+               (upper-bound
+                (etypecase hi
+                  (integer hi)
+                  (cons (1- (car hi)))))
+               (range (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
+           #'(lambda (i) (+ lower-bound (mod i range))))))))))
 (compile 'generator-for-element-type)
 (defmacro def-open-test (name args form expected
-			      &key
-			      (notes nil notes-p)
-			      (build-form nil build-form-p)
-			      (element-type 'character element-type-p)
-			      (pathname #p"tmp.dat"))
+                              &key
+                              (notes nil notes-p)
+                              (build-form nil build-form-p)
+                              (element-type 'character element-type-p)
+                              (pathname #p"tmp.dat"))
   (when element-type-p
     (setf args (append args (list :element-type `',element-type))))
   (unless build-form-p
     (let ((write-element-form
-	   (cond
-	    ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
-	     `(write-byte
-	       (funcall (the function
-			  (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-	       os))
-	    ((subtypep element-type 'character)
-	     `(write-char
-	       (funcall (the function
-			  (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-	       os)))))
+           (cond
+            ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
+             `(write-byte
+               (funcall (the function
+                          (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+               os))
+            ((subtypep element-type 'character)
+             `(write-char
+               (funcall (the function
+                          (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+               os)))))
       (setq build-form
-	    `(with-open-file
-	      (os pn :direction :output
-		  ,@(if element-type-p
-			`(:element-type ',element-type))
-		  :if-exists :supersede)
-	      (assert (open-stream-p os))
-	      (dotimes (i 10) ,write-element-form)
-	      (finish-output os)
-	    ))))
+            `(with-open-file
+              (os pn :direction :output
+                  ,@(if element-type-p
+                        `(:element-type ',element-type))
+                  :if-exists :supersede)
+              (assert (open-stream-p os))
+              (dotimes (i 10) ,write-element-form)
+              (finish-output os)
+            ))))
   `(deftest ,name
      ,@(when notes-p `(:notes ,notes))
      (let ((pn ,pathname))
        (delete-all-versions pn)
        (let ((s (open pn ,@args)))
-	 (unwind-protect
-	     (progn
-	       (assert (open-stream-p s))
-	       (assert (typep s 'file-stream))
-	       ,@
-	       (unless (member element-type '(signed-byte unsigned-byte))
-		 #-allegro
-		 `((assert (subtypep ',element-type
-				     (stream-element-type s))))
-		 #+allegro nil
-		 )
-	       ,form)
-	   (close s))))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (progn
+               (assert (open-stream-p s))
+               (assert (typep s 'file-stream))
+               ,@
+               (unless (member element-type '(signed-byte unsigned-byte))
+                 #-allegro
+                 `((assert (subtypep ',element-type
+                                     (stream-element-type s))))
+                 #+allegro nil
+                 )
+               ,form)
+           (close s))))
 ;; (compile 'def-open-test)
@@ -286,23 +286,23 @@
 ;;; It works on recognizable subtypes.
 (deftest open.65
   (let ((type '(or (integer 0 1) (integer 100 200)))
-	(pn #p"tmp.dat")
-	(vals '(0 1 100 120 130 190 200 1 0 150)))
+        (pn #p"tmp.dat")
+        (vals '(0 1 100 120 130 190 200 1 0 150)))
      (not (subtypep type 'integer))
-	(os pn :direction :output
-	    :element-type type
-	    :if-exists :supersede)
-	(dolist (e vals) (write-byte e os)))
+        (os pn :direction :output
+            :element-type type
+            :if-exists :supersede)
+        (dolist (e vals) (write-byte e os)))
        (let ((s (open pn :direction :input
-		      :element-type type))
-	     (seq (make-array 10)))
-	 (unwind-protect
-	     (progn (read-sequence seq s) seq)
-	   (close s))
-	 (notnot (every #'eql seq vals))))))
+                      :element-type type))
+             (seq (make-array 10)))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (progn (read-sequence seq s) seq)
+           (close s))
+         (notnot (every #'eql seq vals))))))
 ;;; FIXME: Add -- tests for when the filespec is a stream
@@ -312,17 +312,17 @@
     (delete-all-versions pn)
      (s pn :direction :io :if-exists :rename-and-delete
-	:if-does-not-exist :create)
+        :if-does-not-exist :create)
      (format s "some stuff~%")
      (finish-output s)
      (let ((is (open s :direction :input)))
-	   (values
-	    (read-char is)
-	    (notnot (file-position s :start))
-	    (read-line is)
-	    (read-line s))
-	 (close is)))))
+           (values
+            (read-char is)
+            (notnot (file-position s :start))
+            (read-line is)
+            (read-line s))
+         (close is)))))
   "ome stuff"
@@ -333,15 +333,15 @@
     (delete-all-versions pn)
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :output)))
-	  (progn
-	    (format s "some stuff~%")
-	    (finish-output s)
-	    (close s)
-	    (let ((is (open s :direction :input)))
-	      (unwind-protect
-		  (values (read-line is))
-		(close is))))
-	(when (open-stream-p s) (close s)))))
+          (progn
+            (format s "some stuff~%")
+            (finish-output s)
+            (close s)
+            (let ((is (open s :direction :input)))
+              (unwind-protect
+                  (values (read-line is))
+                (close is))))
+        (when (open-stream-p s) (close s)))))
   "some stuff")
 ;;; FIXME: Add -- tests for when element-type is :default
@@ -350,23 +350,23 @@
 (defmacro def-open-output-test
   (name args form expected
-	&rest keyargs
-	&key
-	(element-type 'character)
-	(build-form
-	 `(dotimes (i 10)
-	    ,(cond
-	      ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
-	       `(write-byte
-		 (funcall (the function
-			    (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-		 s))
-	      ((subtypep element-type 'character)
-	       `(write-char
-		 (funcall (the function
-			    (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-		 s)))))
-	&allow-other-keys)
+        &rest keyargs
+        &key
+        (element-type 'character)
+        (build-form
+         `(dotimes (i 10)
+            ,(cond
+              ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
+               `(write-byte
+                 (funcall (the function
+                            (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+                 s))
+              ((subtypep element-type 'character)
+               `(write-char
+                 (funcall (the function
+                            (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+                 s)))))
+        &allow-other-keys)
   `(def-open-test ,name (:direction :output ,@args)
@@ -380,161 +380,161 @@
 (def-open-output-test open.output.1 ()
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.2 ()
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is "tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is "tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
   :pathname "tmp.dat")
 (def-open-output-test open.output.3
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is (logical-pathname "CLTEST:TMP.DAT"))
-			 (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is (logical-pathname "CLTEST:TMP.DAT"))
+                         (values (read-line is nil))))
   :pathname (logical-pathname "CLTEST:TMP.DAT"))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.4 ()
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat" :element-type 'character)
-			 (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat" :element-type 'character)
+                         (values (read-line is nil))))
   :element-type character)
 (def-open-output-test open.output.5 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type 'base-char)
-				   (values (read-line is nil))))
+                                       :element-type 'base-char)
+                                   (values (read-line is nil))))
   :element-type base-char)
 (def-open-output-test open.output.6 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(integer 0 1))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(integer 0 1))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type (integer 0 1))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.7 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type 'bit)
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type 'bit)
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type bit)
 (def-open-output-test open.output.8 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 1))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 1))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.9 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 2))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 2))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 2))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.10 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 3))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 3))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 3))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.11 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 4))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 4))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.12 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 6))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 6))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 6))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.13 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 8))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.14 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 12))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 12))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 12))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.15 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 16))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 16))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.16 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 24))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 24))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 24))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.17 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 32))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.18 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 64))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 64))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 64))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.19 ()
   (progn (close s) (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat"
-				       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 100))
-				   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-				     (read-sequence seq is)
-				     seq)))
+                                       :element-type '(unsigned-byte 100))
+                                   (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+                                     (read-sequence seq is)
+                                     seq)))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 100))
@@ -546,64 +546,64 @@
 (def-open-test open.output.21 (:if-exists :new-version :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
   :notes (:open-if-exists-new-version-no-error)
 (def-open-test open.output.22 (:if-exists :rename :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
 (def-open-test open.output.23 (:if-exists :rename-and-delete
-					  :direction :output)
+                                          :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
 (def-open-test open.output.24 (:if-exists :overwrite
-					  :direction :output)
+                                          :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
 (def-open-test open.output.25 (:if-exists :append
-					  :direction :output)
+                                          :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
 (def-open-test open.output.26 (:if-exists :supersede
-					  :direction :output)
+                                          :direction :output)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (s pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line s nil))))
+         (close s)
+         (with-open-file
+          (s pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line s nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.27 (:if-does-not-exist :create
-							 :direction :output)
+                                                         :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
 (deftest open.output.28
@@ -614,18 +614,18 @@
 (def-open-output-test open.output.28a (:external-format :default)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.29
   (:external-format (prog1
-		      (with-open-file (s "foo.dat" :direction :output
-					 :if-exists :supersede)
-				      (stream-external-format s))
-		      (delete-all-versions "foo.dat")
-		      ))
+                      (with-open-file (s "foo.dat" :direction :output
+                                         :if-exists :supersede)
+                                      (stream-external-format s))
+                      (delete-all-versions "foo.dat")
+                      ))
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file (is #p"tmp.dat") (values (read-line is nil))))
 ;;; Default behavior of open :if-exists is :create when the version
@@ -635,65 +635,65 @@
   :notes (:open-if-exists-new-version-no-error)
   (let ((pn (make-pathname :name "tmp" :type "dat" :version :newest)))
     (or (not (eql (pathname-version pn) :newest))
-	(progn
-	  ;; Create file
-	  (let ((s1 (open pn :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite
-			  :if-does-not-exist :create)))
-	    (unwind-protect
-		;; Now try again
-		(let ((s2 (open pn :direction :output)))
-		  (unwind-protect
-		      (write-line "abcdef" s2)
-		    (close s2))
-		  (unwind-protect
-		      (progn
-			(setq s2 (open s1 :direction :input))
-			(equalt (read-line s2 nil) "abcdef"))
-		    (close s2)))
-	      (close s1)
-	      (delete-all-versions pn)
-	      )))))
+        (progn
+          ;; Create file
+          (let ((s1 (open pn :direction :output :if-exists :overwrite
+                          :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+            (unwind-protect
+                ;; Now try again
+                (let ((s2 (open pn :direction :output)))
+                  (unwind-protect
+                      (write-line "abcdef" s2)
+                    (close s2))
+                  (unwind-protect
+                      (progn
+                        (setq s2 (open s1 :direction :input))
+                        (equalt (read-line s2 nil) "abcdef"))
+                    (close s2)))
+              (close s1)
+              (delete-all-versions pn)
+              )))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.31 (:if-exists :rename
-				      :direction :output)
+                                      :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.32 (:if-exists :rename-and-delete
-				      :direction :output)
+                                      :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.33 (:if-exists :new-version
-				      :direction :output)
+                                      :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.34 (:if-exists :supersede
-				      :direction :output)
+                                      :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
 (def-open-output-test open.output.35 (:if-exists nil
-				      :direction :output)
+                                      :direction :output)
   (progn (close s)
-	 (with-open-file
-	  (is pn :direction :input)
-	  (values (read-line is nil))))
-  ("abcdefghij"))	    
+         (with-open-file
+          (is pn :direction :input)
+          (values (read-line is nil))))
+  ("abcdefghij"))
 ;;; Add -- tests for when the filespec is a stream
@@ -702,23 +702,23 @@
 (defmacro def-open-io-test
   (name args form expected
-	&rest keyargs
-	&key
-	(element-type 'character)
-	(build-form
-	 `(dotimes (i 10)
-	    ,(cond
-	      ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
-	       `(write-byte
-		 (funcall (the function
-			    (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-		 s))
-	      ((subtypep element-type 'character)
-	       `(write-char
-		 (funcall (the function
-			    (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
-		 s)))))
-	&allow-other-keys)
+        &rest keyargs
+        &key
+        (element-type 'character)
+        (build-form
+         `(dotimes (i 10)
+            ,(cond
+              ((subtypep element-type 'integer)
+               `(write-byte
+                 (funcall (the function
+                            (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+                 s))
+              ((subtypep element-type 'character)
+               `(write-char
+                 (funcall (the function
+                            (generator-for-element-type ',element-type)) i)
+                 s)))))
+        &allow-other-keys)
   `(def-open-test ,name (:direction :io ,@args)
@@ -733,144 +733,144 @@
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   :pathname "tmp.dat")
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   :pathname (logical-pathname "CLTEST:TMP.DAT"))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   :element-type character)
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   :element-type base-char)
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type (integer 0 1))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type bit)
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 1))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 2))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 3))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 4))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 6))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 8))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 12))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 16))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 24))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 32))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 64))
 (def-open-io-test ()
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
-	   (read-sequence seq s)
-	   seq))
+         (let ((seq (make-array 10)))
+           (read-sequence seq s)
+           seq))
   (#(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
   :element-type (unsigned-byte 100))
@@ -882,50 +882,50 @@
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :new-version :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   :notes (:open-if-exists-new-version-no-error)
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :rename :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :rename-and-delete
-			   :direction :io)
+                           :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :overwrite
-			   :direction :io)
+                           :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :append
-			   :direction :io)
+                           :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-test (:if-exists :supersede
-			   :direction :io)
+                           :direction :io)
   (progn (write-sequence "wxyz" s)
-	 (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (file-position s :start)
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-does-not-exist :create
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
@@ -936,18 +936,18 @@
 (def-open-io-test (:external-format :default)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
   (:external-format (prog1
-		      (with-open-file (s "foo.dat" :direction :io
-					 :if-exists :supersede)
-				      (stream-external-format s))
-		      (delete-all-versions "foo.dat")
-		      ))
+                      (with-open-file (s "foo.dat" :direction :io
+                                         :if-exists :supersede)
+                                      (stream-external-format s))
+                      (delete-all-versions "foo.dat")
+                      ))
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 ;;; Default behavior of open :if-exists is :create when the version
@@ -957,79 +957,79 @@
   :notes (:open-if-exists-new-version-no-error)
   (let ((pn (make-pathname :name "tmp" :type "dat" :version :newest)))
     (or (not (eql (pathname-version pn) :newest))
-	(progn
-	  ;; Create file
-	  (let ((s1 (open pn :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite
-			  :if-does-not-exist :create)))
-	    (unwind-protect
-		;; Now try again
-		(let ((s2 (open pn :direction :io)))
-		  (unwind-protect
-		      (write-line "abcdef" s2)
-		    (close s2))
-		  (unwind-protect
-		      (progn
-			(setq s2 (open s1 :direction :input))
-			(equalt (read-line s2 nil) "abcdef"))
-		    (close s2)))
-	      (close s1)
-	      (delete-all-versions pn)
-	      )))))
+        (progn
+          ;; Create file
+          (let ((s1 (open pn :direction :io :if-exists :overwrite
+                          :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+            (unwind-protect
+                ;; Now try again
+                (let ((s2 (open pn :direction :io)))
+                  (unwind-protect
+                      (write-line "abcdef" s2)
+                    (close s2))
+                  (unwind-protect
+                      (progn
+                        (setq s2 (open s1 :direction :input))
+                        (equalt (read-line s2 nil) "abcdef"))
+                    (close s2)))
+              (close s1)
+              (delete-all-versions pn)
+              )))))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-exists :rename
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-exists :rename-and-delete
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-exists :new-version
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-exists :supersede
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 (def-open-io-test (:if-exists nil
-			      :direction :io)
+                              :direction :io)
   (progn (file-position s :start)
-	 (values (read-line s nil)))
+         (values (read-line s nil)))
 ;;;; :PROBE tests
 (defmacro def-open-probe-test
   (name args form
-	&key (build-form nil build-form-p)
-	(pathname #p"tmp.dat"))
+        &key (build-form nil build-form-p)
+        (pathname #p"tmp.dat"))
   (unless build-form-p
     (setf build-form
-	  `(with-open-file (s pn :direction :output
-			      :if-exists :supersede))))
+          `(with-open-file (s pn :direction :output
+                              :if-exists :supersede))))
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((pn ,pathname))
        (delete-all-versions pn)
        (let ((s (open pn :direction :probe ,@args)))
-	 (values
-	  ,(if build-form
-	       `(and
-		 (typep s 'file-stream)
-		 (not (open-stream-p s))
-		 )
-	     `(not s))
-	  ,form)))
+         (values
+          ,(if build-form
+               `(and
+                 (typep s 'file-stream)
+                 (not (open-stream-p s))
+                 )
+             `(not s))
+          ,form)))
      t t))
 (def-open-probe-test open.probe.1 () t)
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@
   (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat"))
     (delete-all-versions pn)
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :probe :if-does-not-exist :create
-		   :if-exists :error)))
+                   :if-exists :error)))
        (notnot s)
        (notnot (probe-file pn)))))
@@ -1228,7 +1228,7 @@
 (deftest open.error.18
    (open #p"tmp.dat" :direction :output :if-exists :supersede
-	 :external-form (gensym))
+         :external-form (gensym))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/optimize.lsp b/ansi-tests/optimize.lsp
index 4b5db278..20671444 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/optimize.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/optimize.lsp
@@ -31,24 +31,24 @@
 (deftest optimize.7
   (loop for d in '(speed space safety debug compilation-speed)
-	nconc (loop for n from 0 to 3
-		    for form = `(locally (declare (optimize (,d ,n))) t)
-		    for val = (eval form)
-		    unless (eql val t)
-		    collect (list d n val)))
+        nconc (loop for n from 0 to 3
+                    for form = `(locally (declare (optimize (,d ,n))) t)
+                    for val = (eval form)
+                    unless (eql val t)
+                    collect (list d n val)))
 (deftest optimize.8
   (loop for d in '(speed space safety debug compilation-speed)
-	nconc (loop for n from 0 to 3
-		    for form = `(lambda ()
-				  (declare (optimize (,d ,n)))
-				  t)
-		    for val = (funcall (compile nil form))
-		    unless (eql val t)
-		    collect (list d n val)))
+        nconc (loop for n from 0 to 3
+                    for form = `(lambda ()
+                                  (declare (optimize (,d ,n)))
+                                  t)
+                    for val = (funcall (compile nil form))
+                    unless (eql val t)
+                    collect (list d n val)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/or.lsp b/ansi-tests/or.lsp
index 577409c9..4142d9dc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/or.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/or.lsp
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 (deftest or.8
   (let ((x 0))
     (values (or t (incf x))
-	    x))
+            x))
   t 0)
 (deftest or.9
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
    (or (expand-in-current-env (%m nil))
        (expand-in-current-env (%m 'a))
-  a)       
+  a)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/output-stream-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/output-stream-p.lsp
index e4f13c09..09e3afda 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/output-stream-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/output-stream-p.lsp
@@ -15,13 +15,13 @@
 (deftest output-stream-p.3
   (with-open-file (s "output-stream-p.lsp" :direction :input)
-		  (output-stream-p s))
+                  (output-stream-p s))
 (deftest output-stream-p.4
   (with-open-file (s "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		     :if-exists :supersede)
-		  (notnot-mv (output-stream-p s)))
+                     :if-exists :supersede)
+                  (notnot-mv (output-stream-p s)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-aux.lsp
index 34b02b76..ac0d9728 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-aux.lsp
@@ -8,81 +8,81 @@
 (defmacro test-with-package-iterator (package-list-expr &rest symbol-types)
   "Build an expression that tests the with-package-iterator form."
   (let ((name (gensym))
-	(cht-var (gensym))
-	(pkg-list-var (gensym)))
+        (cht-var (gensym))
+        (pkg-list-var (gensym)))
     `(let ((,cht-var (make-hash-table))
-	   (,pkg-list-var ,package-list-expr)
-	   (fail-count 0))
-	 (with-package-iterator (,name ,pkg-list-var
-				       ,@(copy-list symbol-types))
-	   ;; For each symbol, check that name is returning appropriate
-	   ;; things
-	   (loop
-	     (block fail
-	       (multiple-value-bind (more sym access pkg)
-		   (,name)
-		 (unless more (return nil))
-		 (setf (gethash sym ,cht-var) t)  ;; note presence of symbol
-		 ;; Check that its access status is in the list,
-		 ;;  that pkg is a package,
-		 ;;  that the symbol is in the package,
-		 ;;  and that (in the package) it has the correct access type
-		 (unless (member access (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types)))
-		   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		     (format t "Bad access type: ~S ==> ~A~%" sym access))
-		   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
-		   (incf fail-count)
-		   (return-from fail nil))
-		 (unless (packagep pkg)
-		   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		     (format t "Not a package: ~S ==> ~S~%" sym pkg))
-		   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
-		   (incf fail-count)
-		   (return-from fail nil))
-		 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
-		     (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg)
-		   (unless (or (eqt sym sym2)
-			       (member sym2 (package-shadowing-symbols pkg)))
-		     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		       (format t "Not same symbol: ~S ~S~%" sym sym2))
-		     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
-		     (incf fail-count)
-		     (return-from fail nil))
-		   (unless  (eqt access access2)
-		     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		       (format t "Not same access type: ~S ~S ~S~%"
-			       sym access access2))
-		     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-		       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
-		     (incf fail-count)
-		     (return-from fail nil)))))))
-	 ;; now, check that each symbol in each package has
-	 ;; been properly found
-	 (loop
-	     for p in ,pkg-list-var do
-	       (block fail
-		 (do-symbols (sym p)
-		   (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-		       (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) p)
-		     (unless (eqt sym sym2)
-		       (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-			 (format t "Not same symbol (2): ~S ~S~%"
-				 sym sym2))
-		       (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
-			 (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
-		       (incf fail-count)
-		       (return-from fail nil))
-		     (unless (or (not (member access
-					      (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types))))
-				 (gethash sym ,cht-var))
-		       (format t "Symbol not found: ~S~%" sym)
-		       (incf fail-count)
-		       (return-from fail nil))))))
-	 (or (zerop fail-count) fail-count))))
+           (,pkg-list-var ,package-list-expr)
+           (fail-count 0))
+         (with-package-iterator (,name ,pkg-list-var
+                                       ,@(copy-list symbol-types))
+           ;; For each symbol, check that name is returning appropriate
+           ;; things
+           (loop
+             (block fail
+               (multiple-value-bind (more sym access pkg)
+                   (,name)
+                 (unless more (return nil))
+                 (setf (gethash sym ,cht-var) t)  ;; note presence of symbol
+                 ;; Check that its access status is in the list,
+                 ;;  that pkg is a package,
+                 ;;  that the symbol is in the package,
+                 ;;  and that (in the package) it has the correct access type
+                 (unless (member access (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types)))
+                   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                     (format t "Bad access type: ~S ==> ~A~%" sym access))
+                   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+                   (incf fail-count)
+                   (return-from fail nil))
+                 (unless (packagep pkg)
+                   (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                     (format t "Not a package: ~S ==> ~S~%" sym pkg))
+                   (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                     (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+                   (incf fail-count)
+                   (return-from fail nil))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access2)
+                     (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) pkg)
+                   (unless (or (eqt sym sym2)
+                               (member sym2 (package-shadowing-symbols pkg)))
+                     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                       (format t "Not same symbol: ~S ~S~%" sym sym2))
+                     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+                     (incf fail-count)
+                     (return-from fail nil))
+                   (unless  (eqt access access2)
+                     (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                       (format t "Not same access type: ~S ~S ~S~%"
+                               sym access access2))
+                     (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                       (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+                     (incf fail-count)
+                     (return-from fail nil)))))))
+         ;; now, check that each symbol in each package has
+         ;; been properly found
+         (loop
+             for p in ,pkg-list-var do
+               (block fail
+                 (do-symbols (sym p)
+                   (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+                       (find-symbol (symbol-name sym) p)
+                     (unless (eqt sym sym2)
+                       (unless (> fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                         (format t "Not same symbol (2): ~S ~S~%"
+                                 sym sym2))
+                       (when (= fail-count +fail-count-limit+)
+                         (format t "Further messages suppressed~%"))
+                       (incf fail-count)
+                       (return-from fail nil))
+                     (unless (or (not (member access
+                                              (quote ,(copy-list symbol-types))))
+                                 (gethash sym ,cht-var))
+                       (format t "Symbol not found: ~S~%" sym)
+                       (incf fail-count)
+                       (return-from fail nil))))))
+         (or (zerop fail-count) fail-count))))
 (defun with-package-iterator-internal (packages)
   (test-with-package-iterator packages :internal))
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
   (let ((num 0))
     (declare (fixnum num))
     (do-external-symbols (s p num)
-      (declare (ignorable s))			 
+      (declare (ignorable s))
       (incf num))))
 (defun external-symbols-in-package (p)
@@ -108,27 +108,27 @@
     (do-external-symbols (s p)
       (push s symbols))
     (sort symbols #'(lambda (s1 s2) (string< (symbol-name s1)
-					     (symbol-name s2))))))
+                                             (symbol-name s2))))))
 (defun num-symbols-in-package (p)
   (let ((num 0))
     (declare (fixnum num))
     (do-symbols (s p num)
-      (declare (ignorable s))			 
+      (declare (ignorable s))
       (incf num))))
 (defun sort-symbols (sl)
   (sort (copy-list sl)
-	#'(lambda (x y)
-	    (or
-	     (string< (symbol-name x)
-		      (symbol-name y))
-	     (and (string= (symbol-name x)
-			   (symbol-name y))
-		  (string< (package-name (symbol-package x))
-			   (package-name (symbol-package y))))))))
+        #'(lambda (x y)
+            (or
+             (string< (symbol-name x)
+                      (symbol-name y))
+             (and (string= (symbol-name x)
+                           (symbol-name y))
+                  (string< (package-name (symbol-package x))
+                           (package-name (symbol-package y))))))))
 (defun sort-package-list (x)
   (sort (copy-list x)
-	#'string<
-	:key #'package-name))
+        #'string<
+        :key #'package-name))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-error-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-error-package.lsp
index cde6dc6a..1ceb58d2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-error-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-error-package.lsp
@@ -7,29 +7,29 @@
 (deftest package-error-package.1
   (eqt (find-package (package-error-package
-		      (make-condition 'package-error
-				      :package "CL")))
+                      (make-condition 'package-error
+                                      :package "CL")))
        (find-package "CL"))
 (deftest package-error-package.2
   (eqt (find-package (package-error-package
-		      (make-condition 'package-error
-				      :package (find-package "CL"))))
+                      (make-condition 'package-error
+                                      :package (find-package "CL"))))
        (find-package "CL"))
 (deftest package-error-package.3
   (eqt (find-package (package-error-package
-		      (make-condition 'package-error
-				      :package '#:|CL|)))
+                      (make-condition 'package-error
+                                      :package '#:|CL|)))
        (find-package "CL"))
 (deftest package-error-package.4
   (eqt (find-package (package-error-package
-		      (make-condition 'package-error
-				      :package #\A)))
+                      (make-condition 'package-error
+                                      :package #\A)))
        (find-package "A"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-error.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-error.lsp
index 3f896458..864c4773 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-error.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-error.lsp
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@
 (deftest package-error.1
    (typep (make-condition 'package-error :package "CL")
-	  'package-error))
+          'package-error))
 (deftest package-error.2
    (typep (make-condition 'package-error
-			  :package (find-package "CL"))
-	  'package-error))
+                          :package (find-package "CL"))
+          'package-error))
 (deftest package-error.3
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 (deftest package-error.4
     (typep (make-condition 'package-error
-			   :package (find-package '#:|CL|))
-	   'package-error))
+                           :package (find-package '#:|CL|))
+           'package-error))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-name.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-name.lsp
index e3e45563..4bdde92a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-name.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-name.lsp
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 (deftest package-name.5
    (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	    (eval '(package-name "NOT-THERE"))
-	    nil)
+            (eval '(package-name "NOT-THERE"))
+            nil)
    (type-error () t)
    (package-error () t))
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@
 (deftest package-name.6
    (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	    (eval '(package-name #\*))
-	    nil)
+            (eval '(package-name #\*))
+            nil)
    (type-error () t)
    (package-error () t))
@@ -54,8 +54,8 @@
 (deftest package-name.6a
    (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	    (eval '(locally (package-name #\*) t))
-	    nil)
+            (eval '(locally (package-name #\*) t))
+            nil)
    (type-error () t)
    (package-error () t))
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
 (deftest package-name.13
   (let* ((p (make-package "TEMP1"))
-	 (pname1 (package-name p)))
+         (pname1 (package-name p)))
     (rename-package "TEMP1" "TEMP2")
     (let ((pname2 (package-name p)))
       (safely-delete-package p)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     (let ((name (package-name p)))
       (and (stringp name)
-	   (eqt (find-package name) p)))))
+           (eqt (find-package name) p)))))
 ;; package-name applied to a package's name
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
    for p in (list-all-packages) count
    (not (equal (package-name p)
-	       (package-name (package-name p)))))
+               (package-name (package-name p)))))
 ;;; Specialized sequence tests
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@
 (defmacro def-package-name-test (test-name name-form expected-name-form)
   `(deftest ,test-name
      (let ((name ,name-form)
-	   (expected-name ,expected-name-form))
+           (expected-name ,expected-name-form))
        (assert (string= name expected-name))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	 (equalt (package-name p) expected-name)))
+         (equalt (package-name p) expected-name)))
 (def-package-name-test package-name.16
@@ -130,40 +130,40 @@
 (def-package-name-test package-name.17
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????")
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????")
 (def-package-name-test package-name.18
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????")
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????")
 (def-package-name-test package-name.19
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1")
+              :initial-contents "TEST1")
 (def-package-name-test package-name.20
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1")
+              :initial-contents "TEST1")
 (def-package-name-test package-name.21
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2))
 (def-package-name-test package-name.22
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-nicknames.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-nicknames.lsp
index bf9a6ac9..992d5a76 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-nicknames.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-nicknames.lsp
@@ -47,15 +47,15 @@
 (deftest package-nicknames.7
   (subsetp '(#.(string '#:cl))
-	   (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP")
-	   :test #'string=)
+           (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP")
+           :test #'string=)
 (deftest package-nicknames.8
    (subsetp '(#.(string '#:cl-user))
-	    (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP-USER")
-	    :test #'string=))
+            (package-nicknames "COMMON-LISP-USER")
+            :test #'string=))
 (deftest package-nicknames.9
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
 (deftest package-nicknames.11
    (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	    (eval '(package-nicknames "NOT-A-PACKAGE-NAME"))
-	    nil)
+            (eval '(package-nicknames "NOT-A-PACKAGE-NAME"))
+            nil)
    (type-error () t)
    (package-error () t))
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
    for p in (list-all-packages) sum
     for nk in (package-nicknames p) count
-	 (not
-	  (and (stringp nk)
-	       (eqt p (find-package nk))))))
+         (not
+          (and (stringp nk)
+               (eqt p (find-package nk))))))
 ;;; Specialized sequence names tests
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	  (package-nicknames p)))
+          (package-nicknames p)))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.16
@@ -108,35 +108,35 @@
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.17
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.18
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.19
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.20
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.21
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-package-nicknames-test package-nicknames.22
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-shadowing-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-shadowing-symbols.lsp
index fecd25b6..2445b89b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-shadowing-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-shadowing-symbols.lsp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	  (package-shadowing-symbols p)))
+          (package-shadowing-symbols p)))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.1
@@ -22,35 +22,35 @@
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.2
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.3
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.4
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.5
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.6
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-package-shadowing-symbols-test package-shadowing-symbols.7
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-use-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-use-list.lsp
index 3926adb2..5a6ec89c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-use-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-use-list.lsp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	  (package-use-list p)))
+          (package-use-list p)))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.1
@@ -22,35 +22,35 @@
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.2
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.3
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.4
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.5
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.6
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-package-use-list-test package-use-list.7
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/package-used-by-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/package-used-by-list.lsp
index dded936e..4bd5ba7a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/package-used-by-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/package-used-by-list.lsp
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	  (package-used-by-list p)))
+          (package-used-by-list p)))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.1
@@ -22,35 +22,35 @@
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.2
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.3
   (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :initial-contents "TEST1?????"))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.4
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.5
   (make-array 5 :element-type 'character :adjustable t
-	      :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+              :initial-contents "TEST1"))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.6
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-package-used-by-list-test package-used-by-list.7
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "XXTEST1XXX")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype :displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp b/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp
index 658e18e7..d9625e57 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
   (if (null x)
     (acons (car x) (car y)
-	   (my-pairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) alist))))
+           (my-pairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) alist))))
 (deftest pairlis.1
     (pairlis nil nil nil)
@@ -28,38 +28,38 @@
 (deftest pairlis.3
     (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   (result (pairlis x y))
-	   (expected (my-pairlis x y)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+           (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+           (result (pairlis x y))
+           (expected (my-pairlis x y)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	(equal result expected)
-	(equal result (reverse expected)))
+        (equal result expected)
+        (equal result (reverse expected)))
 (deftest pairlis.4
     (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   (z '((x . 10) (y . 20)))
-	   (zcopy (make-scaffold-copy z))
-	   (result (pairlis x y z))
-	   (expected (my-pairlis x y z)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+           (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+           (z '((x . 10) (y . 20)))
+           (zcopy (make-scaffold-copy z))
+           (result (pairlis x y z))
+           (expected (my-pairlis x y z)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
        (check-scaffold-copy z zcopy)
        (eqt (cdr (cddr (cddr result))) z)
-	(equal result expected)
-	(equal result (append (reverse (subseq expected 0 5))
-			      (subseq expected 5))))
+        (equal result expected)
+        (equal result (append (reverse (subseq expected 0 5))
+                              (subseq expected 5))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/parse-integer.lsp b/ansi-tests/parse-integer.lsp
index 13a9ec6f..35063b5c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/parse-integer.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/parse-integer.lsp
@@ -23,10 +23,10 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.error.5
   (loop for x across +standard-chars+
-	unless (or (digit-char-p x)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (parse-integer ,(string x))
-					 parse-error)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (digit-char-p x)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (parse-integer ,(string x))
+                                         parse-error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest parse-integer.error.5a
@@ -89,34 +89,34 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.4
   (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string #\Newline) "17"
-			      (string #\Newline)))
+                              (string #\Newline)))
   17 4)
 (deftest parse-integer.5
   (let ((c (name-char "Tab")))
     (if c
-	(parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "6381" (string c)))
+        (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "6381" (string c)))
       (values 6381 6)))
   6381 6)
 (deftest parse-integer.6
   (let ((c (name-char "Linefeed")))
     (if c
-	(parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "-123712" (string c)))
+        (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "-123712" (string c)))
       (values -123712 9)))
   -123712 9)
 (deftest parse-integer.7
   (let ((c (name-char "Page")))
     (if c
-	(parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "0" (string c)))
+        (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "0" (string c)))
       (values 0 3)))
   0 3)
 (deftest parse-integer.8
   (let ((c (name-char "Return")))
     (if c
-	(parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "999" (string c)))
+        (parse-integer (concatenate 'string (string c) "999" (string c)))
       (values 999 5)))
   999 5)
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.16
   (loop for radix from 2 to 36
-	for c across "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-	for s = (concatenate 'string (string c) "0")
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s :radix radix))
-	for (val pos) = vals
-	always (and (= (length vals) 2)
-		    (= pos 2)
-		    (= val (* radix (1- radix)))))
+        for c across "123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+        for s = (concatenate 'string (string c) "0")
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s :radix radix))
+        for (val pos) = vals
+        always (and (= (length vals) 2)
+                    (= pos 2)
+                    (= val (* radix (1- radix)))))
 (deftest parse-integer.17
@@ -203,13 +203,13 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.27
   (parse-integer "a1234b" :start 2 :end 4 :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :foo nil)
+                 :allow-other-keys nil :foo nil)
   23 4)
 (deftest parse-integer.28
   (let* ((s (make-array 5 :initial-contents "a123b" :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'base-char)))
+         (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'base-char)))
      (length s2)
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.28a
   (let* ((s (make-array 5 :initial-contents "a123b" :element-type 'character))
-	 (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'character)))
+         (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'character)))
      (length s2)
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.29
   (let ((s (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1234567890"
-		       :fill-pointer 3
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (length s)
      (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s))))
@@ -239,8 +239,8 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.29a
   (let ((s (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1234567890"
-		       :fill-pointer 3
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (length s)
      (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s))))
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.30
   (let ((s (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1234567890"
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (length s)
      (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s))
@@ -262,8 +262,8 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.30a
   (let ((s (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1234567890"
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (length s)
      (multiple-value-list (parse-integer s))
@@ -284,10 +284,10 @@
 (deftest parse-integer.33
   (let* ((s (make-array 5 :initial-contents "a123b" :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'base-char))
-	 (s3 (make-array 2 :displaced-to s2 :displaced-index-offset 1
-			 :element-type 'base-char)))
+         (s2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to s :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'base-char))
+         (s3 (make-array 2 :displaced-to s2 :displaced-index-offset 1
+                         :element-type 'base-char)))
      (length s3)
@@ -314,9 +314,9 @@
       (parse-integer (progn (setf a (incf i)) "10001")
-		     :radix (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2)
-		     :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-		     :end (progn (setf d (incf i)) 5)
-		     :junk-allowed (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)))
+                     :radix (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2)
+                     :start (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+                     :end (progn (setf d (incf i)) 5)
+                     :junk-allowed (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)))
      i a b c d e))
   (17 5) 5 1 2 3 4 5)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/parse-namestring.lsp b/ansi-tests/parse-namestring.lsp
index 0d83e89b..efbf6fc4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/parse-namestring.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/parse-namestring.lsp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (parse-namestring ""))))
     (assert (= (length vals) 2))
     (let ((pn (first vals))
-	  (pos (second vals)))
+          (pos (second vals)))
        (pathname-directory pn)
        (pathname-device pn)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (parse-namestring (make-array 0 :element-type 'base-char)))))
     (assert (= (length vals) 2))
     (let ((pn (first vals))
-	  (pos (second vals)))
+          (pos (second vals)))
        (pathname-directory pn)
        (pathname-device pn)
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 (deftest parse-namestring.3
   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (parse-namestring (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
-								 :initial-element #\X
-								 :fill-pointer 0)))))
+                                                                 :initial-element #\X
+                                                                 :fill-pointer 0)))))
     (assert (= (length vals) 2))
     (let ((pn (first vals))
-	  (pos (second vals)))
+          (pos (second vals)))
        (pathname-directory pn)
        (pathname-device pn)
@@ -54,22 +54,22 @@
 (deftest parse-namestring.4
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-element #\X)
-	for s = (make-array 0 :element-type etype :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 1)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (parse-namestring s))
-	for pn = (first vals)
-	for pos = (second vals)
-	do (assert (= (length vals) 2))
-	nconc
-	(let ((result (list (pathname-directory pn)
-			    (pathname-device pn)
-			    (pathname-name pn)
-			    (pathname-type pn)
-			    (pathname-version pn)
-			    pos)))
-	  (unless (equal result '(nil nil nil nil nil 0))
-	    (list (list etype result)))))
+        for s0 = (make-array 4 :element-type etype :initial-element #\X)
+        for s = (make-array 0 :element-type etype :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 1)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (parse-namestring s))
+        for pn = (first vals)
+        for pos = (second vals)
+        do (assert (= (length vals) 2))
+        nconc
+        (let ((result (list (pathname-directory pn)
+                            (pathname-device pn)
+                            (pathname-name pn)
+                            (pathname-type pn)
+                            (pathname-version pn)
+                            pos)))
+          (unless (equal result '(nil nil nil nil nil 0))
+            (list (list etype result)))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-device.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-device.lsp
index 228682cb..cd87f9c4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-device.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-device.lsp
@@ -9,56 +9,56 @@
 (deftest pathname-device.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 (deftest pathname-device.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p :case :local)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p :case :local)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 (deftest pathname-device.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p :case :common)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p :case :common)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 (deftest pathname-device.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p :allow-other-keys nil)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p :allow-other-keys nil)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 (deftest pathname-device.5
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 (deftest pathname-device.6
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for device = (pathname-device p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
-	unless (or (stringp device)
-		   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p device))
+        for device = (pathname-device p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
+        unless (or (stringp device)
+                   (member device '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p device))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-device.7
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	always (eq (pathname-device p) :unspecific))
+        always (eq (pathname-device p) :unspecific))
 (deftest pathname-device.8
@@ -71,4 +71,4 @@
 (deftest pathname-device.error.2
   (check-type-error #'pathname-device #'could-be-pathname-designator)
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-directory.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-directory.lsp
index 01d86cd3..0871e892 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-directory.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-directory.lsp
@@ -9,71 +9,71 @@
 (deftest pathname-directory.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 (deftest pathname-directory.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p :case :local)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p :case :local)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 (deftest pathname-directory.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p :case :common)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p :case :common)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 (deftest pathname-directory.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p :allow-other-keys nil)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p :allow-other-keys nil)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 (deftest pathname-directory.5
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 (deftest pathname-directory.6
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for directory = (pathname-directory p :allow-other-keys t
-					    :allow-other-keys nil
-					    'foo 'bar)
-	unless (or (stringp directory)
-		   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
-		   (and (consp directory)
-			(member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
-	collect (list p directory))
+        for directory = (pathname-directory p :allow-other-keys t
+                                            :allow-other-keys nil
+                                            'foo 'bar)
+        unless (or (stringp directory)
+                   (member directory '(nil :wild :unspecific))
+                   (and (consp directory)
+                        (member (car directory) '(:absolute :relative))))
+        collect (list p directory))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-directory.7
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	when (eq (pathname-directory p) :unspecific)
-	collect p)
+        when (eq (pathname-directory p) :unspecific)
+        collect p)
 (deftest pathname-directory.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-host.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-host.lsp
index 7c29c27f..2ed90306 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-host.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-host.lsp
@@ -9,43 +9,43 @@
 (deftest pathname-host.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p))) 1))
 (deftest pathname-host.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :case :local))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :case :local))) 1))
 (deftest pathname-host.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :case :common))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :case :common))) 1))
 (deftest pathname-host.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :allow-other-keys nil))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list (pathname-host p :allow-other-keys nil))) 1))
 (deftest pathname-host.5
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list
-			     (pathname-host p :foo t :allow-other-keys t))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list
+                             (pathname-host p :foo t :allow-other-keys t))) 1))
 (deftest pathname-host.6
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	always (eql (length (multiple-value-list
-			     (pathname-host p :allow-other-keys t
-					    :allow-other-keys nil
-					    'foo t))) 1))
+        always (eql (length (multiple-value-list
+                             (pathname-host p :allow-other-keys t
+                                            :allow-other-keys nil
+                                            'foo t))) 1))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-host.7
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	when (eq (pathname-host p) :unspecific)
-	collect p)
+        when (eq (pathname-host p) :unspecific)
+        collect p)
 (deftest pathname-host.8
@@ -55,11 +55,11 @@
 (deftest pathname-host.9
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for host = (pathname-host p)
-	unless (or (stringp host)
-		   (and (listp host) (every #'stringp host))
-		   (eql host :unspecific))
-	collect (list p host))
+        for host = (pathname-host p)
+        unless (or (stringp host)
+                   (and (listp host) (every #'stringp host))
+                   (eql host :unspecific))
+        collect (list p host))
@@ -75,5 +75,5 @@
 (deftest pathname-host.error.3
   (signals-error (pathname-host *default-pathname-defaults* '#:bogus t)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-match-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-match-p.lsp
index 09bbd276..8e0ff8eb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-match-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-match-p.lsp
@@ -11,42 +11,42 @@
 (deftest pathname-match-p.1
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :name :wild))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname :name "foo")))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname :name "foo")))
     (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))
 (deftest pathname-match-p.2
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :type :wild))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname :type "txt")))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname :type "txt")))
     (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))
 (deftest pathname-match-p.3
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild)))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute))))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute))))
     (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))
 (deftest pathname-match-p.4
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild)))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname :directory '(:relative))))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname :directory '(:relative))))
     (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))
 (deftest pathname-match-p.5
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild)))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname :directory nil)))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname :directory nil)))
     (and (wild-pathname-p pn1)
-	 (not (pathname-directory pn2))
-	 (not (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))))
+         (not (pathname-directory pn2))
+         (not (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))))
 (deftest pathname-match-p.6
   (let ((pn1 (make-pathname :version :wild))
-	(pn2 (make-pathname)))
+        (pn2 (make-pathname)))
     (and (wild-pathname-p pn1)
-	 (not (pathname-version pn2))
-	 (not (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))))
+         (not (pathname-version pn2))
+         (not (pathname-match-p pn1 pn2))))
 ;;; Specialized string tests
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
    (s "CLTEST:*.LSP" nil)
    (assert (pathname-match-p "CLTEST:FOO.LSP" s)))
 ;;; Add more tests here
@@ -84,20 +84,20 @@
 (deftest pathname-match-p.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (pathname-match-p x #p""))
-		    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
+                    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
 (deftest pathname-match-p.error.5
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pathname-match-p x #p""))
-		    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
+                    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
 (deftest pathname-match-p.error.6
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (pathname-match-p #p"" x))
-		    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
+                    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
 (deftest pathname-match-p.error.7
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pathname-match-p #p"" x))
-		    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
+                    #'could-be-pathname-designator)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-name.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-name.lsp
index df030d60..027ffbae 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-name.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-name.lsp
@@ -9,57 +9,57 @@
 (deftest pathname-name.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 (deftest pathname-name.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p :case :local)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p :case :local)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 (deftest pathname-name.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p :case :common)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p :case :common)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 (deftest pathname-name.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p :allow-other-keys nil)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p :allow-other-keys nil)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 (deftest pathname-name.5
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 (deftest pathname-name.6
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for name = (pathname-name p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
-	unless (or (stringp name)
-		   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p name))
+        for name = (pathname-name p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
+        unless (or (stringp name)
+                   (member name '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p name))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-name.7
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	when (eq (pathname-name p) :unspecific)
-	collect p)
+        when (eq (pathname-name p) :unspecific)
+        collect p)
 (deftest pathname-name.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-type.lsp
index 136977be..e8c5083b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-type.lsp
@@ -9,57 +9,57 @@
 (deftest pathname-type.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 (deftest pathname-type.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p :case :local)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p :case :local)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 (deftest pathname-type.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p :case :common)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p :case :common)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 (deftest pathname-type.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p :allow-other-keys nil)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p :allow-other-keys nil)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 (deftest pathname-type.5
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 (deftest pathname-type.6
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for type = (pathname-type p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
-	unless (or (stringp type)
-		   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
-	collect (list p type))
+        for type = (pathname-type p :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar)
+        unless (or (stringp type)
+                   (member type '(nil :wild :unspecific)))
+        collect (list p type))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-type.7
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	when (eq (pathname-type p) :unspecific)
-	collect p)
+        when (eq (pathname-type p) :unspecific)
+        collect p)
 (deftest pathname-type.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname-version.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname-version.lsp
index e97ac4a7..5cc77db5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname-version.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname-version.lsp
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 (deftest pathname-version.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	for version = (pathname-version p)
-	unless (or (integerp version) (symbolp version))
-	collect (list p version))
+        for version = (pathname-version p)
+        unless (or (integerp version) (symbolp version))
+        collect (list p version))
 ;;; section
 (deftest pathname-version.2
   (loop for p in *logical-pathnames*
-	when (eq (pathname-version p) :unspecific)
-	collect p)
+        when (eq (pathname-version p) :unspecific)
+        collect p)
 (deftest pathname-version.3
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest pathname-version.error.2
   (signals-error (pathname-version *default-pathname-defaults* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest pathname-version.error.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathname.lsp
index 08ac1280..51ecc014 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathname.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest pathname.1
   (loop for x in *pathnames*
-	always (eq x (pathname x)))
+        always (eq x (pathname x)))
 (deftest pathname.2
@@ -28,53 +28,53 @@
 (deftest pathname.5
   (loop for x in *logical-pathnames*
-	always (eq x (pathname x)))
+        always (eq x (pathname x)))
 (deftest pathname.6
   (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-	  (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
-				:element-type 'base-char)))
+          (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
+                                :element-type 'base-char)))
 (deftest pathname.7
   (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-	  (pathname (make-array 15 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lspXXX"
-				:element-type 'base-char
-				:fill-pointer 12)))
+          (pathname (make-array 15 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lspXXX"
+                                :element-type 'base-char
+                                :fill-pointer 12)))
 (deftest pathname.8
   (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-	  (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
-				:element-type 'base-char
-				:adjustable t)))
+          (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
+                                :element-type 'base-char
+                                :adjustable t)))
 (deftest pathname.9
   (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-	  (pathname (make-array 15 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lspXXX"
-				:element-type 'character
-				:fill-pointer 12)))
+          (pathname (make-array 15 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lspXXX"
+                                :element-type 'character
+                                :fill-pointer 12)))
 (deftest pathname.10
   (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-	  (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
-				:element-type 'character
-				:adjustable t)))
+          (pathname (make-array 12 :initial-contents "ansi-aux.lsp"
+                                :element-type 'character
+                                :adjustable t)))
 (deftest pathname.11
   (loop for etype in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	collect
-	(equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
-		(pathname
-		 (let* ((s (make-array 15 :initial-contents "XXansi-aux.lspX"
-				       :element-type etype)))
-		   (make-array 12 :element-type etype
-			       :displaced-to s
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2)))))
+        collect
+        (equalt #p"ansi-aux.lsp"
+                (pathname
+                 (let* ((s (make-array 15 :initial-contents "XXansi-aux.lspX"
+                                       :element-type etype)))
+                   (make-array 12 :element-type etype
+                               :displaced-to s
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2)))))
   (t t t))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathnamep.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathnamep.lsp
index e796847a..15d8a2fb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathnamep.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathnamep.lsp
@@ -27,5 +27,5 @@
 (deftest pathnamep.error.3
   (signals-error (pathnamep *default-pathname-defaults* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathnames-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathnames-aux.lsp
index 659ea241..e17de671 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathnames-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathnames-aux.lsp
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
       (pathnamep x)
       (typep x 'file-stream)
       (and (typep x 'synonym-stream)
-	   (could-be-pathname-designator
-	    (symbol-value
-	     (synonym-stream-symbol x))))))
+           (could-be-pathname-designator
+            (symbol-value
+             (synonym-stream-symbol x))))))
 (defun explode-pathname (pn)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pathnames.lsp b/ansi-tests/pathnames.lsp
index d9164613..98c671a8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pathnames.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pathnames.lsp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
     for p1 in *pathnames*
     for s = (handler-case (write-to-string p1 :readably t)
-			  (print-not-readable () :unreadable-error))
+                          (print-not-readable () :unreadable-error))
     unless (eql s :unreadable-error)
     (let ((p2 (read-from-string s)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pattern-match.lsp b/ansi-tests/pattern-match.lsp
index f2e711ae..6660716d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pattern-match.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pattern-match.lsp
@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@
    ((consp pattern)
     (let ((pcar (car pattern))
-	  (pcdr (cdr pattern))
-	  (v (gensym)))
+          (pcdr (cdr pattern))
+          (v (gensym)))
       (case pcar
-	((:or)
-	 `(let ((,v ,form)) (or ,@(mapcar (lambda (sub) `(pmatch ,sub ,v))
-					  pcdr))))
-	((:and)
-	 `(let ((,v ,form)) (and ,@(mapcar (lambda (sub) `(pmatch ,sub ,v))
-					   pcdr))))
-	((:not)
-	 (assert (eql (length pcdr) 1))
-	 `(not (pmatch ,(car pcdr) ,form)))
-	(t
-	 `(let ((,v ,form))
-	    (and (pmatch ,pcar (car ,v))
-		 (pmatch ,pcdr (cdr ,v))))))))
+        ((:or)
+         `(let ((,v ,form)) (or ,@(mapcar (lambda (sub) `(pmatch ,sub ,v))
+                                          pcdr))))
+        ((:and)
+         `(let ((,v ,form)) (and ,@(mapcar (lambda (sub) `(pmatch ,sub ,v))
+                                           pcdr))))
+        ((:not)
+         (assert (eql (length pcdr) 1))
+         `(not (pmatch ,(car pcdr) ,form)))
+        (t
+         `(let ((,v ,form))
+            (and (pmatch ,pcar (car ,v))
+                 (pmatch ,pcdr (cdr ,v))))))))
    ((eql pattern '_) t)
    ((null pattern)
     `(null ,form))
@@ -35,34 +35,34 @@
 (defmacro matchcase (form &body cases)
   (let* ((v (gensym))
-	 (cond-cases
-	  (mapcar
-	   #'(lambda (case)
-	       (assert (consp case))
-	       (let ((pattern (car case))
-		     (body (cdr case)))
-		 `((pmatch ,pattern ,v) ,@body)))
-	   cases)))
+         (cond-cases
+          (mapcar
+           #'(lambda (case)
+               (assert (consp case))
+               (let ((pattern (car case))
+                     (body (cdr case)))
+                 `((pmatch ,pattern ,v) ,@body)))
+           cases)))
     `(let ((,v ,form))
        (cond ,@cond-cases))))
 (defmacro matchcase* (form &body cases)
   (let* ((block-name (gensym "DONE"))
-	 (v (gensym)))
+         (v (gensym)))
     `(block ,block-name
        (let ((,v ,form))
-	 (cond
-	  ,@(mapcar
-	     #'(lambda (case)
-		 (assert (consp case))
-		 (let ((pat (car case))
-		       (forms (cdr case))
-		       (fail-name (gensym "FAIL")))
-		   `((block ,fail-name
-		       (and (pmatch ,pat ,v)
-			    (macrolet ((fail () '(return-from ,fail-name nil)))
-			      (return-from ,block-name
-				(progn ,@forms))))))))
-	     cases))))))
+         (cond
+          ,@(mapcar
+             #'(lambda (case)
+                 (assert (consp case))
+                 (let ((pat (car case))
+                       (forms (cdr case))
+                       (fail-name (gensym "FAIL")))
+                   `((block ,fail-name
+                       (and (pmatch ,pat ,v)
+                            (macrolet ((fail () '(return-from ,fail-name nil)))
+                              (return-from ,block-name
+                                (progn ,@forms))))))))
+             cases))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/peek-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/peek-char.lsp
index 36b02121..f6f5c757 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/peek-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/peek-char.lsp
@@ -31,11 +31,11 @@
 (deftest peek-char.3
    (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				  (string #\Newline)
-				  (string #\Newline)
-				  "  "
-				  (string #\Newline)
-				  "ab"))
+                                  (string #\Newline)
+                                  (string #\Newline)
+                                  "  "
+                                  (string #\Newline)
+                                  "ab"))
@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@
   (deftest peek-char.4
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    (string (name-char "Linefeed"))
-				    (string (name-char "Linefeed"))
-				    "abc"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Linefeed"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Linefeed"))
+                                    "abc"))
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@
   (deftest peek-char.5
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    (string (name-char "Page"))
-				    (string (name-char "Page"))
-				    "abc"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Page"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Page"))
+                                    "abc"))
@@ -81,9 +81,9 @@
   (deftest peek-char.6
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    (string (name-char "Tab"))
-				    (string (name-char "Tab"))
-				    "abc"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Tab"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Tab"))
+                                    "abc"))
@@ -97,9 +97,9 @@
   (deftest peek-char.7
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    (string (name-char "Return"))
-				    (string (name-char "Return"))
-				    "abc"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Return"))
+                                    (string (name-char "Return"))
+                                    "abc"))
@@ -183,14 +183,14 @@
        (let ((es (make-echo-stream is os)))
-	 (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
-	   (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
-	   (peek-char nil es nil)
-	   (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
-	     (return-from done
-	       (if (eql pos1 pos2)
-		   :good
-		 (list pos1 pos2)))))))))
+         (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
+           (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
+           (peek-char nil es nil)
+           (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
+             (return-from done
+               (if (eql pos1 pos2)
+                   :good
+                 (list pos1 pos2)))))))))
 (deftest peek-char.18
@@ -200,14 +200,14 @@
        (let ((es (make-echo-stream is os)))
-	 (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
-	   (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
-	   (peek-char t es nil)
-	   (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
-	     (return-from done
-	       (if (eql pos1 pos2)
-		   pos1
-		 :good))))))))
+         (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
+           (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
+           (peek-char t es nil)
+           (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
+             (return-from done
+               (if (eql pos1 pos2)
+                   pos1
+                 :good))))))))
 (deftest peek-char.19
@@ -217,14 +217,14 @@
        (let ((es (make-echo-stream is os)))
-	 (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
-	   (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
-	   (peek-char #\c es nil)
-	   (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
-	     (return-from done
-	       (if (eql pos1 pos2)
-		   pos1
-		 :good))))))))
+         (let ((pos1 (file-position os)))
+           (unless (zerop pos1) (return-from done :good))
+           (peek-char #\c es nil)
+           (let ((pos2 (file-position os)))
+             (return-from done
+               (if (eql pos1 pos2)
+                   pos1
+                 :good))))))))
 ;;; Interactions with the readtable
diff --git a/ansi-tests/phase.lsp b/ansi-tests/phase.lsp
index 6ea2b996..b447f66e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/phase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/phase.lsp
@@ -55,9 +55,9 @@
 (deftest phase.10
   (let ((p1 (phase #c(0 1)))
-	(p2 (phase #c(0.0f0 1.0f0))))
+        (p2 (phase #c(0.0f0 1.0f0))))
     (and (eql p1 p2)
-	 (approx= p1 (coerce (/ pi 2) 'single-float))))
+         (approx= p1 (coerce (/ pi 2) 'single-float))))
 (deftest phase.11
@@ -77,22 +77,22 @@
 (deftest phase.14
   (let ((p1 (phase #c(1 1)))
-	(p2 (phase #c(1.0f0 1.0f0))))
+        (p2 (phase #c(1.0f0 1.0f0))))
     (and (eql p1 p2)
-	 (approx= p1 (coerce (/ pi 4) 'single-float)
-		  (* 2 single-float-epsilon))))
+         (approx= p1 (coerce (/ pi 4) 'single-float)
+                  (* 2 single-float-epsilon))))
 (deftest phase.15
   (let ((p (phase #c(1.0d0 1.0d0))))
     (approx= p (coerce (/ pi 4) 'double-float)
-	     (* 2 double-float-epsilon)))
+             (* 2 double-float-epsilon)))
 (deftest phase.16
   (let ((p (phase #c(1.0s0 1.0s0))))
     (approx= p (coerce (/ pi 4) 'single-float)
-	     (* 2 short-float-epsilon)))
+             (* 2 short-float-epsilon)))
 (deftest phase.17
diff --git a/ansi-tests/places.lsp b/ansi-tests/places.lsp
index c9f5e14e..c5efd609 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/places.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/places.lsp
@@ -9,22 +9,22 @@
 (deftest setf.order.1
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (setf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i))
     (values x i))
   #(nil 2 nil nil) 2)
 (deftest setf.order.2
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (setf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i)
-	  (aref x (incf i)) (incf i 10))
+          (aref x (incf i)) (incf i 10))
     (values x i))
   #(nil 2 nil 13) 13)
 (deftest incf.order.1
   (let ((x (copy-seq #(0 0 0 0 0)))
-	(i 1))
+        (i 1))
      (incf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i))
      x i))
@@ -32,13 +32,13 @@
 (deftest decf.order.1
   (let ((x (copy-seq #(0 0 0 0 0)))
-	(i 1))
+        (i 1))
      (decf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i))
      x i))
   -3 #(0 0 -3 0 0) 3)
 ;;; Section
 (deftest setf-var
   (let ((x nil))
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
 (deftest setf-values.5
   (let ((a (vector nil nil))
-	(i 0)
-	x y z)
+        (i 0)
+        x y z)
     (setf (values (aref a (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0))
-		  (aref a (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
-	  (progn
-	    (setf z (incf i))
-	    (values 'foo 'bar)))
+                  (aref a (progn (setf y (incf i)) 1)))
+          (progn
+            (setf z (incf i))
+            (values 'foo 'bar)))
     (values a i x y z))
   #(foo bar) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
 (deftest setf-expander.1
   (let ((x (list 1)))
     (values (setf (accessor-5-1-2-6 x) 2)
-	    (1+ (car x))))
+            (1+ (car x))))
   2 3)
 ;;; Section
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 (deftest setf-macro.1
   (let ((x (list 1)))
     (values (setf (accessor-5-1-2-7 x) 2)
-	    (1+ (car x))))
+            (1+ (car x))))
   2 3)
 (defun accessor-5-1-2-7a-update-fn (x y)
@@ -164,11 +164,11 @@
 ;; Test that the defsetf override the macro expansion
 (deftest setf-macro.2
   (let ((x (list 1))
-	(*x* nil))
+        (*x* nil))
      (declare (special *x*))
     (values (setf (accessor-5-1-2-7a x) 2)
-	    *x*
-	    (1+ (car x))))
+            *x*
+            (1+ (car x))))
   2 boo 3)
 (defmacro accessor-5-1-2-7b (x) `(accessor-5-1-2-7 ,x))
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
 (deftest setf-macro.3
   (let ((x (list 1)))
     (values (setf (accessor-5-1-2-7b x) 2)
-	    (1+ (car x))))
+            (1+ (car x))))
   2 3)
 ;; Macroexpansion from a macrolet
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
   (macrolet ((%m (y) `(car ,y)))
     (let ((x (list 1)))
       (values (setf (%m x) 2)
-	      (1+ (car x)))))
+              (1+ (car x)))))
   2 3)
 ;;; section -- symbol macros
@@ -247,10 +247,10 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((x nil))
      (values (setq x (expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
-	     x)))
+             x)))
   :good :good)
-;;; Tests of SETF    
+;;; Tests of SETF
 (deftest setf.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/plus.lsp b/ansi-tests/plus.lsp
index 1319414d..869c76d1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/plus.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/plus.lsp
@@ -14,105 +14,105 @@
 (deftest plus.2
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (eql x (+ x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (eql x (+ x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest plus.3
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for x1 = (+ x 0)
-	for x2 = (+ 0 x)
-	unless (and (eql x x1) (eql x x2) (eql x1 x2))
-	collect (list x x1 x2))
+        for x1 = (+ x 0)
+        for x2 = (+ 0 x)
+        unless (and (eql x x1) (eql x x2) (eql x1 x2))
+        collect (list x x1 x2))
 (deftest plus.4
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for x1 = (- x x)
-	unless (= x1 0)
-	collect (list x x1))
+        for x1 = (- x x)
+        unless (= x1 0)
+        collect (list x x1))
 (deftest plus.5
   (let* ((upper-bound most-positive-fixnum)
-	 (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
-	 (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
+         (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
+         (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
     (flet ((%r () (+ (random spread) lower-bound)))
       (loop for x = (%r)
-	    for y = (%r)
-	    for z = (%r)
-	    for s1 = (+ x y z)
-	    for s2 = (+ z y x)
-	    for s3 = (+ y x z)
-	    for s4 = (+ x z y)
-	    for s5 = (+ z x y)
-	    for s6 = (+ y z x)
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
-			(eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
-	    collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6))))
+            for y = (%r)
+            for z = (%r)
+            for s1 = (+ x y z)
+            for s2 = (+ z y x)
+            for s3 = (+ y x z)
+            for s4 = (+ x z y)
+            for s5 = (+ z x y)
+            for s6 = (+ y z x)
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
+                        (eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
+            collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6))))
 (deftest plus.6
   (let* ((upper-bound 1000000000000000)
-	 (lower-bound -1000000000000000)
-	 (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
+         (lower-bound -1000000000000000)
+         (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
     (flet ((%r () (+ (random spread) lower-bound)))
       (loop for x = (%r)
-	    for y = (%r)
-	    for z = (%r)
-	    for s1 = (+ x y z)
-	    for s2 = (+ z y x)
-	    for s3 = (+ y x z)
-	    for s4 = (+ x z y)
-	    for s5 = (+ z x y)
-	    for s6 = (+ y z x)
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
-			(eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
-	    collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6))))
+            for y = (%r)
+            for z = (%r)
+            for s1 = (+ x y z)
+            for s2 = (+ z y x)
+            for s3 = (+ y x z)
+            for s4 = (+ x z y)
+            for s5 = (+ z x y)
+            for s6 = (+ y z x)
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
+                        (eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
+            collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6))))
 (deftest plus.7
   (let* ((upper-bound most-positive-fixnum)
-	 (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
-	 (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
+         (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
+         (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
     (flet ((%r () (+ (random spread) lower-bound)))
       (loop for x = (/ (%r) (max 1 (%r)))
-	    for y = (/ (%r) (max 1 (%r)))
-	    for z = (/ (%r) (max 1 (%r)))
-	    for s1 = (+ x y z)
-	    for s2 = (+ z y x)
-	    for s3 = (+ y x z)
-	    for s4 = (+ x z y)
-	    for s5 = (+ z x y)
-	    for s6 = (+ y z x)
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
-			(eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
-	    collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6)
-	    unless (= (+ x y)
-		      (let ((xn (numerator x))
-			    (xd (denominator x))
-			    (yn (numerator y))
-			    (yd (denominator y)))
-			(/ (+ (* xn yd) (* xd yn))
-			   (* xd yd))))
-	    collect (list x y))))
+            for y = (/ (%r) (max 1 (%r)))
+            for z = (/ (%r) (max 1 (%r)))
+            for s1 = (+ x y z)
+            for s2 = (+ z y x)
+            for s3 = (+ y x z)
+            for s4 = (+ x z y)
+            for s5 = (+ z x y)
+            for s6 = (+ y z x)
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (and (eql s1 s2) (eql s1 s3) (eql s1 s4)
+                        (eql s1 s5) (eql s1 s6))
+            collect (list x y z s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6)
+            unless (= (+ x y)
+                      (let ((xn (numerator x))
+                            (xd (denominator x))
+                            (yn (numerator y))
+                            (yd (denominator y)))
+                        (/ (+ (* xn yd) (* xd yn))
+                           (* xd yd))))
+            collect (list x y))))
 (deftest plus.8
   (let (args)
     (loop for i from 0 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  unless (eql (apply #'+ args) (/ (* i (1+ i)) 2))
-	  collect i
-	  do (push (1+ i) args)))
+          unless (eql (apply #'+ args) (/ (* i (1+ i)) 2))
+          collect i
+          do (push (1+ i) args)))
 (deftest plus.9
   (let* ((upper-bound most-positive-fixnum)
-	 (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
-	 (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
+         (lower-bound most-negative-fixnum)
+         (spread (- upper-bound lower-bound)))
     (flet ((%r () (+ (random spread) lower-bound)))
        for xr = (%r)
@@ -134,130 +134,130 @@
    for (k eps-r eps-f) = (multiple-value-list (find-epsilon x))
    (loop for i from 1 to k
-	 for e1 = (expt radix (- i))
-	 for y = (+ x e1)
-	 nconc
-	 (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
-	       for e2 = (expt radix (- j))
-	       for z = (+ x e2)
-	       unless (eql (+ y z) (+ x e1 e2))
-	       collect (list x i j))))
+         for e1 = (expt radix (- i))
+         for y = (+ x e1)
+         nconc
+         (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
+               for e2 = (expt radix (- j))
+               for z = (+ x e2)
+               unless (eql (+ y z) (+ x e1 e2))
+               collect (list x i j))))
 (deftest plus.11
   (flet ((%r () (- (random most-positive-short-float) (/ most-positive-short-float 2))))
     (loop for x = (%r)
-	  for y = (%r)
-	  for s = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
-		      (typep s 'short-float))
-	  collect (list x y s)))
+          for y = (%r)
+          for s = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
+                      (typep s 'short-float))
+          collect (list x y s)))
 (deftest plus.12
   (flet ((%r () (- (random most-positive-single-float) (/ most-positive-single-float 2))))
     (loop for x = (%r)
-	  for y = (%r)
-	  for s = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
-		      (typep s 'single-float))
-	  collect (list x y s)))
+          for y = (%r)
+          for s = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
+                      (typep s 'single-float))
+          collect (list x y s)))
 (deftest plus.13
   (flet ((%r () (- (random most-positive-double-float) (/ most-positive-double-float 2))))
     (loop for x = (%r)
-	  for y = (%r)
-	  for s = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
-		      (typep s 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y s)))
+          for y = (%r)
+          for s = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
+                      (typep s 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y s)))
 (deftest plus.14
   (flet ((%r () (- (random most-positive-long-float) (/ most-positive-long-float 2))))
     (loop for x = (%r)
-	  for y = (%r)
-	  for s = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
-		      (typep s 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y s)))
+          for y = (%r)
+          for s = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql s (+ y x))
+                      (typep s 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y s)))
 (deftest plus.15
   (let ((bound most-positive-short-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-single-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-single-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'single-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'single-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.16
   (let ((bound most-positive-short-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-double-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-double-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.17
   (let ((bound most-positive-short-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-long-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-long-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.18
   (let ((bound most-positive-single-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-double-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-double-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.19
   (let ((bound most-positive-single-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-long-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-long-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.20
   (let ((bound most-positive-double-float)
-	(bound2 most-positive-long-float))
+        (bound2 most-positive-long-float))
     (loop for x = (- (random bound) (/ bound 2))
-	  for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
-	  for p = (+ x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (- (random bound2)(/ bound2 2))
+          for p = (+ x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (+ y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest plus.21
@@ -267,14 +267,14 @@
    for bound = (ash 1 (1- bits))
    (loop for i = (random bound)
-	 for x = (coerce i type)
-	 for j = (random bound)
-	 for y = (coerce j type)
-	 for sum = (+ x y)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (eql sum (coerce (+ i j) type))
-		     (eql sum (+ y x)))
-	 collect (list i j x y sum (coerce (+ i j) type))))
+         for x = (coerce i type)
+         for j = (random bound)
+         for y = (coerce j type)
+         for sum = (+ x y)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (eql sum (coerce (+ i j) type))
+                     (eql sum (+ y x)))
+         collect (list i j x y sum (coerce (+ i j) type))))
 (deftest plus.22
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@
     for sum = (+ x y)
     repeat 1000
     unless (and (eql sum (complex (coerce (+ i j) type)
-				  (coerce 2 type)))
-		(eql sum (+ y x)))
+                                  (coerce 2 type)))
+                (eql sum (+ y x)))
     collect (list i j x y sum)))
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@
     for sum = (+ x y)
     repeat 1000
     unless (and (eql sum (complex (coerce 2 type)
-				  (coerce (+ i j) type)))
-		(eql sum (+ y x)))
+                                  (coerce (+ i j) type)))
+                (eql sum (+ y x)))
     collect (list i j x y sum)))
@@ -322,28 +322,28 @@
 (deftest plus.24
    (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (type short-float x) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-		   (+ 0.0s0 x)))
+                   (+ 0.0s0 x)))
 (deftest plus.25
    (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (type single-float x) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-		   (+ 0.0f0 x)))
+                   (+ 0.0f0 x)))
 (deftest plus.26
    (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (type double-float x) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-		   (+ 0.0d0 x)))
+                   (+ 0.0d0 x)))
 (deftest plus.27
    (compile nil '(lambda (x) (declare (type long-float x) (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
-		   (+ 0.0l0 x)))
+                   (+ 0.0l0 x)))
@@ -352,11 +352,11 @@
 (deftest plus.28
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values
-	     (+ (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-	     (+ (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
-	     (+ 4 (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
-	     (+ 1/2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 6)) 2/3)))
+            (values
+             (+ (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
+             (+ (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)) 3)
+             (+ 4 (expand-in-current-env (%m 5)))
+             (+ 1/2 (expand-in-current-env (%m 6)) 2/3)))
   1 5 9 43/6)
 ;;; Must test combinations of reals and complex arguments.
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (+ (progn (setf x (incf i)) '8)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) '11))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) '11))
      i x y))
   19 2 1 2)
@@ -375,8 +375,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (+ (progn (setf x (incf i)) '8)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) '11)
-	(progn (setf z (incf i)) '100))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) '11)
+        (progn (setf z (incf i)) '100))
      i x y z))
   119 3 1 2 3)
@@ -386,11 +386,11 @@
    for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
    for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+                    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
    for eps2 = (* eps 9/10)
    when (eql
-	 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (+ ,x (+ ,eps2 ,eps2)))))
-	 x)
+         (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (+ ,x (+ ,eps2 ,eps2)))))
+         x)
    collect (list x eps eps2))
@@ -398,12 +398,12 @@
    for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
    for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+                    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
    for eps2 = (* eps 9/10)
    unless (equal
-	   (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (list (+ (+ ,x ,eps2) ,eps2)
-						   (+ ,eps2 (+ ,eps2 ,x))))))
-	   (list x x))
+           (funcall (compile nil `(lambda () (list (+ (+ ,x ,eps2) ,eps2)
+                                                   (+ ,eps2 (+ ,eps2 ,x))))))
+           (list x x))
    collect (list x eps eps2))
@@ -411,11 +411,11 @@
    for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
    for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+                    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
    for eps2 = (* eps 9/10)
    when (eql
-	 (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (y e) (+ y (+ e e)))) x eps2)
-	 x)
+         (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (y e) (+ y (+ e e)))) x eps2)
+         x)
    collect (list x eps eps2))
@@ -423,12 +423,12 @@
    for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
    for eps in (list short-float-epsilon single-float-epsilon
-		    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
+                    double-float-epsilon long-float-epsilon)
    for eps2 = (* eps 9/10)
    unless (equal
-	   (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (y e) (list (+ (+ y e) e)
-						      (+ e (+ e y)))))
-		    x eps2)
-	   (list x x))
+           (funcall (compile nil `(lambda (y e) (list (+ (+ y e) e)
+                                                      (+ e (+ e y)))))
+                    x eps2)
+           (list x x))
    collect (list x eps eps2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/plusp.lsp b/ansi-tests/plusp.lsp
index 88c2166a..8d0e5a20 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/plusp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/plusp.lsp
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
 (deftest plusp.4
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	when (if (plusp x) (<= x 0) (> x 0))
-	collect x)
+        when (if (plusp x) (<= x 0) (> x 0))
+        collect x)
 (deftest plusp.5
@@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
 (deftest plusp.7
   (remove-if #'plusp
-	     (list least-positive-short-float
-		   least-positive-normalized-short-float
-		   least-positive-single-float
-		   least-positive-normalized-single-float
-		   least-positive-double-float
-		   least-positive-normalized-double-float
-		   least-positive-long-float
-		   least-positive-normalized-long-float
-		   most-positive-short-float
-		   most-positive-single-float
-		   most-positive-double-float
-		   most-positive-long-float))
+             (list least-positive-short-float
+                   least-positive-normalized-short-float
+                   least-positive-single-float
+                   least-positive-normalized-single-float
+                   least-positive-double-float
+                   least-positive-normalized-double-float
+                   least-positive-long-float
+                   least-positive-normalized-long-float
+                   most-positive-short-float
+                   most-positive-single-float
+                   most-positive-double-float
+                   most-positive-long-float))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pop.lsp b/ansi-tests/pop.lsp
index 5f1cf71a..3d225b0d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pop.lsp
@@ -34,14 +34,14 @@
 ;;; Confirm argument is executed just once.
 (deftest pop.order.1
   (let ((i 0)
-	(a (vector (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+        (a (vector (list 'a 'b 'c))))
     (pop (aref a (progn (incf i) 0)))
     (values a i))
   #((b c)) 1)
 (deftest push-and-pop
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b)))
-	 (y x))
+         (y x))
     (push 'c x)
      (eqt (cdr x) y)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp
index d39ea2c8..fea34fb7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/position-if-not.lsp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-list.6
   (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-not-list.7
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-list.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-list.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.6
   (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.7
@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 a b c d e)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (position-if-not #'numberp a)
      (position-if-not #'symbolp a)
@@ -219,10 +219,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-vector.14
   (let* ((v1 #(x x x a b 1 d a b 2 d y y y y y))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			:displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                        :displaced-index-offset 3)))
     (values (position-if-not #'symbolp v2)
-	    (position-if-not #'symbolp v2 :from-end t)))
+            (position-if-not #'symbolp v2 :from-end t)))
   2 6)
 ;;; Bit vector tests
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.6
   (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.7
@@ -262,10 +262,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -278,11 +278,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -295,11 +295,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -312,11 +312,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -329,14 +329,14 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-bit-vector.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (position-if-not #'zerop a)
      (position-if-not (complement #'zerop) a)
      (position-if-not #'zerop a :from-end t)
      (position-if-not (complement #'zerop) a :from-end t)))
-  0 nil 4 nil)  
+  0 nil 4 nil)
 ;;; string tests
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.6
   (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-not-string.7
@@ -375,10 +375,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -391,11 +391,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -408,11 +408,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
-			   :key #'nextdigit)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
+                           :key #'nextdigit)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -425,11 +425,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
-			   :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if-not #'evendigitp "131432183" :start i :end j
+                           :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -442,14 +442,14 @@
 (deftest position-if-not-string.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "55555aaaaa"
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'character)))
     (and (stringp a)
-	 (values
-	  (position-if-not #'digit-char-p a)
-	  (position-if-not (complement #'digit-char-p) a)
-	  (position-if-not #'digit-char-p a :from-end t)
-	  (position-if-not (complement #'digit-char-p) a :from-end t))))
+         (values
+          (position-if-not #'digit-char-p a)
+          (position-if-not (complement #'digit-char-p) a)
+          (position-if-not #'digit-char-p a :from-end t)
+          (position-if-not (complement #'digit-char-p) a :from-end t))))
   nil 0 nil 4)
 (deftest position-if-not-string.14
@@ -520,17 +520,17 @@
 (deftest position-if-not.allow-other-keys.7
   (position-if-not #'zerop '(0 0 1 2 3 0) :bad t :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position-if-not.allow-other-keys.8
   (position-if-not #'zerop '(0 0 1 2 3 0) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position-if-not.allow-other-keys.9
   (position-if-not #'zerop '(0 0 1 2 3 0) :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+               :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp
index 3e244fc7..98e9cd34 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/position-if.lsp
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-list.6
   (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-list.7
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -73,11 +73,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-list.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -90,11 +90,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-list.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp '(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.6
   (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-vector.7
@@ -142,10 +142,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -175,11 +175,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -192,11 +192,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp #(1 3 1 4 3 2 1 8 9) :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -209,18 +209,18 @@
 (deftest position-if-vector.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 3 1 4 3 1 2 1 8 9)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (flet ((%f (x) (eql x 1)))
       (values (position-if #'%f a)
-	      (position-if #'%f a :from-end t))))
+              (position-if #'%f a :from-end t))))
   0 2)
 (deftest position-if-vector.14
   (let* ((v1 #(x x x a b 1 d a b 2 d y y y y y))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			:displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                        :displaced-index-offset 3)))
     (values (position-if #'integerp v2)
-	    (position-if #'integerp v2 :from-end t)))
+            (position-if #'integerp v2 :from-end t)))
   2 6)
 ;;; Bit vector tests
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.6
   (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.7
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -276,11 +276,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evenp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :key #'1+)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :key #'1+)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -310,11 +310,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
-			   :key '1+ :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'oddp #*111010101 :start i :end j
+                           :key '1+ :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -327,12 +327,12 @@
 (deftest position-if-bit-vector.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (values (position-if #'evenp a)
-	    (position-if #'evenp a :from-end 'foo)
-	    (position-if #'oddp a)
-	    (position-if #'oddp a :from-end 'foo)))
+            (position-if #'evenp a :from-end 'foo)
+            (position-if #'oddp a)
+            (position-if #'oddp a :from-end 'foo)))
   nil nil 0 4)
 ;;; string tests
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.6
   (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start 4
-	       :from-end t)
+               :from-end t)
 (deftest position-if-string.7
@@ -372,10 +372,10 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -388,11 +388,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
-			   :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'evendigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+                           :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -405,11 +405,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
-			   :key #'nextdigit)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+                           :key #'nextdigit)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
    (nil 3 3 3 3 3 3)
@@ -422,11 +422,11 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 8
-	collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
-	      collect
-	      (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
-			   :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
+        collect
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 9
+              collect
+              (position-if #'odddigitp "131432189" :start i :end j
+                           :key 'nextdigit :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
    (nil 3 3 5 5 7 7)
@@ -439,14 +439,14 @@
 (deftest position-if-string.13
   (flet ((%f (c) (eql c #\0))
-	 (%g (c) (eql c #\1)))
+         (%g (c) (eql c #\1)))
     (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "1111100000"
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'character)))
     (values (position-if #'%f a)
-	    (position-if #'%f a :from-end 'foo)
-	    (position-if #'%g a)
-	    (position-if #'%g a :from-end 'foo))))
+            (position-if #'%f a :from-end 'foo)
+            (position-if #'%g a)
+            (position-if #'%g a :from-end 'foo))))
   nil nil 0 4)
 (deftest position-if-string.14
@@ -518,17 +518,17 @@
 (deftest position-if.allow-other-keys.7
   (position-if #'zerop '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :bad t :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position-if.allow-other-keys.8
   (position-if #'zerop '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position-if.allow-other-keys.9
   (position-if #'zerop '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+               :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/position.lsp b/ansi-tests/position.lsp
index 6c61d903..615822f6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/position.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/position.lsp
@@ -15,39 +15,39 @@
 (deftest position-list.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i))
   (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+        (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
   (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-list.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2)
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
 (deftest position-list.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 'c '(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (2 2 2 5 5)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 (deftest position-list.15
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-list.16
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@
 (deftest position-list.17
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-list.18
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 (deftest position-list.19
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-list.20
@@ -114,22 +114,22 @@
 (deftest position-list.21
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest position-list.22
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest position-list.23
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest position-list.24
   (position 'a '(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-list.25
@@ -142,12 +142,12 @@
 (deftest position-list.27
   (position 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest position-list.28
   (position 'a '((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-list.29
@@ -170,39 +170,39 @@
 (deftest position-vector.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i))
   (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
+        (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :end i :from-end t))
   (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2)
@@ -213,9 +213,9 @@
 (deftest position-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 'c #(a b c d e c a) :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (2 2 2 5 5)
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
 (deftest position-vector.15
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.16
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
 (deftest position-vector.17
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.18
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@
 (deftest position-vector.19
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.20
@@ -269,22 +269,22 @@
 (deftest position-vector.21
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest position-vector.22
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest position-vector.23
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest position-vector.24
   (position 'a #(a a b a c e d a f a) :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.25
@@ -297,28 +297,28 @@
 (deftest position-vector.27
   (position 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) f) :key #'car
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest position-vector.28
   (position 'a #((c) (b a) (a b c) (z) (a b) (d e) (f)) :key #'car
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.29
   (position 'a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(b b b b b a a a a a)
-			   :fill-pointer 5))
+                           :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-vector.30
   (position 'a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(b b b b a a a a a a)
-			   :fill-pointer 5))
+                           :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-vector.31
   (position 'a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(b a b b a a a a a a)
-			   :fill-pointer 5)
-	    :from-end t)
+                           :fill-pointer 5)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-vector.32
@@ -331,11 +331,11 @@
 (deftest position-vector.34
   (let* ((v1 #(x x x a b c d a b c d y y y y y))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
     (values (position 'c v2)
-	    (position 'c v2 :from-end t)))
-  2 6)			 
+            (position 'c v2 :from-end t)))
+  2 6)
 ;;; tests on bit vectors
@@ -349,39 +349,39 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i))
+        (position 1 #*0010010 :start i))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
+        (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 1 #*0010010 :end i))
+        (position 1 #*0010010 :end i))
   (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
+        (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (position 0 #*1101101 :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
+        (position 0 #*1101101 :end i :from-end t))
   (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2)
@@ -392,9 +392,9 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position 1 #*0010010 :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (2 2 2 5 5)
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.15
   (position 0 #*0010111010 :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.16
@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.17
   (position 0 #*001011101 :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.18
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.19
   (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.20
@@ -448,64 +448,64 @@
 (deftest position-bit-vector.21
   (position 0 #*00101110 :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.22
   (position 0 #*00101110 :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.23
   (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.24
   (position 0 #*00101110 :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.25
   (position 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
-	    :start 3)
+            :start 3)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.27
   (position 2 #*1100001010 :key #'1+
-	    :start 2 :from-end t)
+            :start 2 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.28
   (position 0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  :element-type 'bit
-			  :fill-pointer 5))
+                          :element-type 'bit
+                          :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.29
   (position 0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  :element-type 'bit
-			  :fill-pointer 5)
-	    :from-end t)
+                          :element-type 'bit
+                          :fill-pointer 5)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.30
   (position 0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  :element-type 'bit
-			  :fill-pointer 5))
+                          :element-type 'bit
+                          :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.31
   (position 0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  :element-type 'bit
-			  :fill-pointer 5)
-	    :from-end t)
+                          :element-type 'bit
+                          :fill-pointer 5)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-bit-vector.32
   (position 0 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0)
-			  :element-type 'bit
-			  :fill-pointer 5))
+                          :element-type 'bit
+                          :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-bit-vector.33
@@ -528,39 +528,39 @@
 (deftest position-string.3
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.4
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil))
   (2 2 2 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.5
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :end i))
   (2 2 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.6
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 7 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end nil :from-end t))
   (5 5 5 5 5 5 nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.8
   (loop for i from 7 downto 0 collect
-	(position #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
+        (position #\c "abcdeca" :end i :from-end t))
   (5 5 2 2 2 nil nil nil))
 (deftest position-string.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (nil 2 2 2 2 2)
    (2 2 2 2 2)
@@ -571,9 +571,9 @@
 (deftest position-string.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 6 collect
-	(loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
-	      collect
-	      (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+        (loop for j from (1+ i) to 7
+              collect
+              (position #\c "abcdeca" :start i :end j :from-end t)))
   ((nil nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (nil 2 2 2 5 5)
    (2 2 2 5 5)
@@ -584,13 +584,13 @@
 (deftest position-string.11
   (position 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
-				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
+                                  (1+ (read-from-string (string c)))))
 (deftest position-string.13
   (position 5 "12345648" :key #'(lambda (c)
-				  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
-	    :from-end t)
+                                  (1+ (read-from-string (string c))))
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.14
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@
 (deftest position-string.15
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test (complement #'eql)
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.16
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@
 (deftest position-string.17
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not 'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.18
@@ -617,7 +617,7 @@
 (deftest position-string.19
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eql
-	    :from-end t)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.20
@@ -626,48 +626,48 @@
 (deftest position-string.21
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test #'eql
-	    :start 2)
+            :start 2)
 (deftest position-string.22
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test #'eql
-	    :start 2 :end nil)
+            :start 2 :end nil)
 (deftest position-string.23
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5)
+            :start 0 :end 5)
 (deftest position-string.24
   (position #\a "aabacedafa" :test-not #'eql
-	    :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
+            :start 0 :end 5 :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.25
   (position #\a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "bbbbbaaaaa"
-			    :element-type 'character
-			    :fill-pointer 5))
+                            :element-type 'character
+                            :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-string.26
   (position #\a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "bbbbbaaaaa"
-			    :element-type 'character
-			    :fill-pointer 5)
-	    :from-end t)
+                            :element-type 'character
+                            :fill-pointer 5)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.27
   (position #\a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "bbbbaaaaaa"
-			    :element-type 'character
-			    :fill-pointer 5))
+                            :element-type 'character
+                            :fill-pointer 5))
 (deftest position-string.28
   (position #\a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "babbaaaaaa"
-			    :element-type 'character
-			    :fill-pointer 5)
-	    :from-end t)
+                            :element-type 'character
+                            :fill-pointer 5)
+            :from-end t)
 (deftest position-string.29
@@ -680,17 +680,17 @@
 (deftest position-string.31
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "xxxabcdyyyyy"))
-	 (s2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to s1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3
-			 :element-type (array-element-type s1))))
+         (s2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to s1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3
+                         :element-type (array-element-type s1))))
     (position #\c s2))
 (deftest position-string.32
   (let* ((s1 (copy-seq "xxxabcdabcdyyyyyyyy"))
-	 (s2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to s1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3
-			 :element-type (array-element-type s1))))
+         (s2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to s1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3
+                         :element-type (array-element-type s1))))
     (position #\c s2 :from-end t))
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@
    (s "abcdabcdabcd" nil)
    (let* ((c #\c)
-	  (pos (position c s)))
+          (pos (position c s)))
      (assert (eql pos 2) () "First position of ~A in ~A is ~A" c s pos)))
@@ -706,7 +706,7 @@
    (s "abcdabcdabcd" nil)
    (let* ((c #\c)
-	  (pos (position c s :from-end t)))
+          (pos (position c s :from-end t)))
      (assert (eql pos 10) () "Last position of ~A in ~A is ~A" c s pos)))
@@ -792,17 +792,17 @@
 (deftest position.allow-other-keys.7
   (position 0 '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :bad t :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position.allow-other-keys.8
   (position 0 '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
 (deftest position.allow-other-keys.9
   (position 0 '(1 2 0 3 2 1) :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+               :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-dispatch.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-dispatch.lsp
index 3bbde684..14762614 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-dispatch.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-dispatch.lsp
@@ -7,49 +7,49 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.1
   (loop for x in (append *universe* *cl-symbols*)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch x))
-	for vals2 = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch
-					  x
-					  *print-pprint-dispatch*))
-	unless
-	(and (= (length vals) 2)
-	     (= (length vals2) 2)
-	     (destructuring-bind (fun foundp)
-		 vals
-	       (if foundp
-		   (and (or (typep fun 'function)
-			    (and (symbolp fun)
-				 (symbol-function fun)))
-			(destructuring-bind (fun2 foundp2)
-			    vals2
-			  (and (equal fun fun2)
-			       foundp2)))
-		 (not (cadr vals2)))))
-	collect (list x vals vals2))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch x))
+        for vals2 = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch
+                                          x
+                                          *print-pprint-dispatch*))
+        unless
+        (and (= (length vals) 2)
+             (= (length vals2) 2)
+             (destructuring-bind (fun foundp)
+                 vals
+               (if foundp
+                   (and (or (typep fun 'function)
+                            (and (symbolp fun)
+                                 (symbol-function fun)))
+                        (destructuring-bind (fun2 foundp2)
+                            vals2
+                          (and (equal fun fun2)
+                               foundp2)))
+                 (not (cadr vals2)))))
+        collect (list x vals vals2))
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.2
   (loop for sym in *cl-symbols*
-	for x = (list sym nil nil)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch x))
-	for vals2 = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch
-					  x
-					  *print-pprint-dispatch*))
-	unless
-	(and (= (length vals) 2)
-	     (= (length vals2) 2)
-	     (destructuring-bind (fun foundp)
-		 vals
-	       (if foundp
-		   (and (or (typep fun 'function)
-			    (and (symbolp fun)
-				 (symbol-function fun)))
-			(destructuring-bind (fun2 foundp2)
-			    vals2
-			  (and (equal fun fun2)
-			       foundp2)))
-		 (not (cadr vals2)))))
-	collect (list x vals vals2))
+        for x = (list sym nil nil)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch x))
+        for vals2 = (multiple-value-list (pprint-dispatch
+                                          x
+                                          *print-pprint-dispatch*))
+        unless
+        (and (= (length vals) 2)
+             (= (length vals2) 2)
+             (destructuring-bind (fun foundp)
+                 vals
+               (if foundp
+                   (and (or (typep fun 'function)
+                            (and (symbolp fun)
+                                 (symbol-function fun)))
+                        (destructuring-bind (fun2 foundp2)
+                            vals2
+                          (and (equal fun fun2)
+                               foundp2)))
+                 (not (cadr vals2)))))
+        collect (list x vals vals2))
@@ -58,66 +58,66 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.3
    (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
      (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)))))
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)))))
   "X" nil "ABC" nil "X")
 ;;; Test that setting the pprint dispatch of a symbol causes
 ;;; the printing to change for any real weight, and that it can be unset.
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.4
    (loop for v1 in (remove-if-not #'realp *universe*)
-	 unless
-	 (equal
-	  (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-		(*print-readably* nil)
-		(*print-escape* nil)
-		(*print-pretty* t))
-	    (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-			 (declare (ignore obj))
-			 (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
-	      (list
-	       (write-to-string '|X|)
-	       (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f v1)
-	       (write-to-string '|X|)
-	       (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
-	       (write-to-string '|X|))))
-	  '("X" nil "ABC" nil "X"))
-	 collect v1))
+         unless
+         (equal
+          (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
+                (*print-readably* nil)
+                (*print-escape* nil)
+                (*print-pretty* t))
+            (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
+                         (declare (ignore obj))
+                         (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
+              (list
+               (write-to-string '|X|)
+               (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f v1)
+               (write-to-string '|X|)
+               (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
+               (write-to-string '|X|))))
+          '("X" nil "ABC" nil "X"))
+         collect v1))
 ;;; Test that setting the pprint dispatch of a symbol causes
 ;;; the printing to change, and that it can be unset with any real weight
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.5
    (loop for v1 in (remove-if-not #'realp *universe*)
-	 unless
-	 (equal
-	  (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-		(*print-readably* nil)
-		(*print-escape* nil)
-		(*print-pretty* t))
-	    (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-			 (declare (ignore obj))
-			 (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
-	      (list
-	       (write-to-string '|X|)
-	       (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
-	       (write-to-string '|X|)
-	      (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil v1)
-	      (write-to-string '|X|))))
-	  '("X" nil "ABC" nil "X"))
-	 collect v1))
+         unless
+         (equal
+          (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
+                (*print-readably* nil)
+                (*print-escape* nil)
+                (*print-pretty* t))
+            (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
+                         (declare (ignore obj))
+                         (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
+              (list
+               (write-to-string '|X|)
+               (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
+               (write-to-string '|X|)
+              (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil v1)
+              (write-to-string '|X|))))
+          '("X" nil "ABC" nil "X"))
+         collect v1))
 ;;; Check that specifying the pprint-dispatch table argument to set-pprint-dispatch
@@ -125,23 +125,23 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.6
    (let ((other-ppd-table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
      (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "ABC" :stream stream))))
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f 0 other-ppd-table)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* other-ppd-table))
-	  (write-to-string '|X|))
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)))))
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f 0 other-ppd-table)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* other-ppd-table))
+          (write-to-string '|X|))
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) nil)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)))))
   "X" nil "X" "ABC" nil "ABC" nil "X")
 ;;; Test that the default weight of set-pprint-dispatch is 0
@@ -149,43 +149,43 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.7
    (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
      (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
-	   (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "DEF" :stream stream))))
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
+           (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "DEF" :stream stream))))
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(member |X| |Y|) g .0001)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(write-to-string '|Y|)))))
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(member |X| |Y|) g .0001)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (write-to-string '|Y|)))))
   "X" nil "ABC" nil "DEF" "DEF")
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.8
    (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
      (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
-	   (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "DEF" :stream stream))))
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
+           (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "DEF" :stream stream))))
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(member |X| |Y|) g -.0001)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(write-to-string '|Y|)))))
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) f)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(member |X| |Y|) g -.0001)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (write-to-string '|Y|)))))
   "X" nil "ABC" nil "ABC" "DEF")
 ;;; Funtion designators in pprint-dispatch
@@ -196,9 +196,9 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.9
    (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
       (write-to-string '|X|)
       (multiple-value-list (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) 'pprint-dispatch-test-fn.1))
@@ -211,24 +211,24 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.10
    (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil))
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t))
      (let ((f #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
-	   (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
-		  (declare (ignore obj))
-		  (write "DEF" :stream stream)))
-	   (sym (gensym)))
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "ABC" :stream stream)))
+           (g #'(lambda (stream obj)
+                  (declare (ignore obj))
+                  (write "DEF" :stream stream)))
+           (sym (gensym)))
        (setf (symbol-function sym) f)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) sym)
-	(write-to-string '|X|)
-	(progn
-	  (setf (symbol-function sym) g)
-	  (write-to-string '|X|))))))
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (set-pprint-dispatch '(eql |X|) sym)
+        (write-to-string '|X|)
+        (progn
+          (setf (symbol-function sym) g)
+          (write-to-string '|X|))))))
   "X" nil "ABC" "DEF")
@@ -236,51 +236,51 @@
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.error.1
   (signals-error (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-		   (pprint-dispatch))
-		 program-error)
+                   (pprint-dispatch))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest pprint-dispatch.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-		   (pprint-dispatch nil nil nil))
-		 program-error)
+                   (pprint-dispatch nil nil nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest set-pprint-dispatch.error.1
   (signals-error (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-		   (set-pprint-dispatch))
-		 program-error)
+                   (set-pprint-dispatch))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest set-pprint-dispatch.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-		   (set-pprint-dispatch t))
-		 program-error)
+                   (set-pprint-dispatch t))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest set-pprint-dispatch.error.3
   (signals-error (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-		   (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity 0 table nil))
-		 program-error)
+                   (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity 0 table nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest set-pprint-dispatch.error.4
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (typep x 'real)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-					   (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity ',x))
-					 error)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (typep x 'real)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
+                                           (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity ',x))
+                                         error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest set-pprint-dispatch.error.4-unsafe
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (typep x 'real)
-		   (eval `(signals-error (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
-					   (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-					   (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity ',x))
-					 error)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (typep x 'real)
+                   (eval `(signals-error (let ((table (copy-pprint-dispatch nil)))
+                                           (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+                                           (set-pprint-dispatch t 'identity ',x))
+                                         error)))
+        collect x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.lsp
index 5a54947c..3894a1e7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.lsp
@@ -8,95 +8,95 @@
 (deftest pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 )
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         )
-	(os '(1 2))
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write #\Space :stream os)
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os '(1 2))
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write #\Space :stream os)
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+        (assert nil)))))
   "1 2")
 (deftest pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 )
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         )
-	(os '(1 2))
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write #\Space :stream os)
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os '(1 2))
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write #\Space :stream os)
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+        (assert nil)))))
   "1 2")
 (deftest pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.3
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 )
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         )
-	(os '(1 . 2))
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(write #\Space :stream os)
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(pprint-pop)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os '(1 . 2))
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (write #\Space :stream os)
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (pprint-pop)
+        (assert nil)))))
   "1 . 2")
 (deftest pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.4
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 )
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         )
-	(os '(1 . 2) :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-	(write #\Space :stream os)
-	(assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-		       '(nil)))
-	(pprint-pop)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os '(1 . 2) :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+        (write #\Space :stream os)
+        (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                        (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                       '(nil)))
+        (pprint-pop)
+        (assert nil)))))
   "[1 . 2]")
 ;;; Tests focusing on pprint-pop
@@ -104,78 +104,78 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-length* 0))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-length* 0))
-	(os nil)
-	(pprint-pop)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os nil)
+        (pprint-pop)
+        (assert nil)))))
 (deftest pprint-pop.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-length* 0))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-length* 0))
-	(os 1)
-	(pprint-pop)))))
+        (os 1)
+        (pprint-pop)))))
 (deftest pprint-pop.3
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-length* 1))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-length* 1))
-	(os '(1))
-	(assert (equal '(1) (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))))))
+        (os '(1))
+        (assert (equal '(1) (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))))))
 (deftest pprint-pop.4
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-length* 0))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-length* 0))
-	(os '(1 2 3) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
-	(pprint-pop)
-	(assert nil)))))
+        (os '(1 2 3) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
+        (pprint-pop)
+        (assert nil)))))
 (deftest pprint-pop.5
   (flet ((%f (len)
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		    (*print-escape* nil)
-		    (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		    (*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*print-length* len))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (os)
-		  (pprint-logical-block
-		   (os '(1 2 3 4 5) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
-		   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-		   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-		   (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-			 (write #\Space :stream os)
-			 (write (pprint-pop) :stream os))))))))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                    (*print-escape* nil)
+                    (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                    (*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*print-length* len))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (os)
+                  (pprint-logical-block
+                   (os '(1 2 3 4 5) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
+                   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+                   (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                         (write #\Space :stream os)
+                         (write (pprint-pop) :stream os))))))))
     (values (%f 0) (%f 1) (%f 2) (%f 3) (%f 4) (%f 5) (%f 6)))
   "{1 ...}"
@@ -187,21 +187,21 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.6
   (flet ((%f (len)
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		    (*print-escape* nil)
-		    (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		    (*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*print-length* len))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (os)
-		  (pprint-logical-block
-		   (os '(1 2 . 3) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
-		   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-		   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-		   (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-			 (write #\Space :stream os)
-			 (write (pprint-pop) :stream os))))))))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                    (*print-escape* nil)
+                    (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                    (*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*print-length* len))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (os)
+                  (pprint-logical-block
+                   (os '(1 2 . 3) :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
+                   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+                   (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                         (write #\Space :stream os)
+                         (write (pprint-pop) :stream os))))))))
     (values (%f 0) (%f 1) (%f 2) (%f 3) (%f 4)))
   "{1 ...}"
@@ -213,24 +213,24 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.7
   (flet ((%f (len)
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		    (*print-escape* nil)
-		    (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		    (*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*print-length* len)
-		    (*print-circle* t))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (os)
-		  (let* ((tail (list 1))
-			 (x (list* tail 2 tail)))
-		    (pprint-logical-block
-		     (os x :prefix "<" :suffix ">")
-		     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-		     (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-		     (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-			   (write #\Space :stream os)
-			   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)))))))))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                    (*print-escape* nil)
+                    (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                    (*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*print-length* len)
+                    (*print-circle* t))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (os)
+                  (let* ((tail (list 1))
+                         (x (list* tail 2 tail)))
+                    (pprint-logical-block
+                     (os x :prefix "<" :suffix ">")
+                     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                     (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+                     (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                           (write #\Space :stream os)
+                           (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)))))))))
     (values (%f nil) (%f 0) (%f 1) (%f 2) (%f 3) (%f 4)))
   "<#1=(1) 2 . #1#>"
@@ -241,25 +241,25 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.8
   (flet ((%f (len)
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		    (*print-escape* nil)
-		    (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		    (*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*print-length* len)
-		    (*print-circle* t))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (os)
-		  (let* ((tail (list 2))
-			 (x (list* 1 tail)))
-		    (setf (cdr tail) tail)
-		    (pprint-logical-block
-		     (os x :prefix "[[" :suffix "]]")
-		     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-		     (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
-		     (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
-			   (write #\Space :stream os)
-			   (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)))))))))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                    (*print-escape* nil)
+                    (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                    (*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*print-length* len)
+                    (*print-circle* t))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (os)
+                  (let* ((tail (list 2))
+                         (x (list* 1 tail)))
+                    (setf (cdr tail) tail)
+                    (pprint-logical-block
+                     (os x :prefix "[[" :suffix "]]")
+                     (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                     (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)
+                     (loop (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+                           (write #\Space :stream os)
+                           (write (pprint-pop) :stream os)))))))))
     (values (%f 0) (%f 1) (%f 2) (%f 3) (%f 10) (%f 20)))
   "[[1 ...]]"
@@ -272,28 +272,28 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.9
   (flet ((%f (len)
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		    (*print-escape* nil)
-		    (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		    (*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*print-length* len))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (os)
-		  (pprint-logical-block
-		   (os nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
-		   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
-		     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "First call returned ~A" vals))
-		   (write 1 :stream os)
-		   (write #\Space :stream os)
-		   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
-		     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "Second call returned ~A" vals))
-		   (write 2 :stream os)
-		   (write #\Space :stream os)
-		   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
-		     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "Third call returned ~A" vals))
-		   (write 3 :stream os)
-		   ))))))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                    (*print-escape* nil)
+                    (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                    (*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*print-length* len))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (os)
+                  (pprint-logical-block
+                   (os nil :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
+                   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
+                     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "First call returned ~A" vals))
+                   (write 1 :stream os)
+                   (write #\Space :stream os)
+                   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
+                     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "Second call returned ~A" vals))
+                   (write 2 :stream os)
+                   (write #\Space :stream os)
+                   (let ((vals (multiple-value-list (pprint-pop))))
+                     (assert (equal vals '(nil)) () "Third call returned ~A" vals))
+                   (write 3 :stream os)
+                   ))))))
     (values (%f nil) (%f 0) (%f 1) (%f 2) (%f 3) (%f 4)))
   "{1 2 3}"
@@ -310,9 +310,9 @@
 (deftest pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted.error.1-unsafe
   (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-	   (signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-				   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
-			  error))
+           (signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+                                   (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted))
+                          error))
 (deftest pprint-pop.error.1
@@ -322,5 +322,5 @@
 (deftest pprint-pop.error.1-unsafe
   (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-	   (signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-pop)) error))
+           (signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-pop)) error))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-fill.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-fill.lsp
index 26e480c2..3716a468 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-fill.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-fill.lsp
@@ -9,39 +9,39 @@
 (deftest pprint-fill.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s obj))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s obj))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (deftest pprint-fill.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s obj))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s obj))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (defmacro def-pprint-fill-test (name args expected-value &key (margin 100) (circle nil) (len nil))
   `(deftest ,name
       (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	    (*print-readably* nil)
-	    (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
-	    (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	    (*print-length* ,len)
-	    (*print-circle* ,circle))
-	(with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s ,@args))))
+            (*print-readably* nil)
+            (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
+            (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+            (*print-length* ,len)
+            (*print-circle* ,circle))
+        (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-fill s ,@args))))
 (def-pprint-fill-test pprint-fill.3 ('(|A|)) "(A)")
@@ -59,21 +59,21 @@
 (deftest pprint-fill.10
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
-	(is "")
-	(with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			  (pprint-fill t '(1 2 3)))))))
+        (is "")
+        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+                          (pprint-fill t '(1 2 3)))))))
   "(1 2 3)")
 (deftest pprint-fill.11
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (pprint-fill nil '(1 2 3)))))
   "(1 2 3)")
@@ -85,54 +85,54 @@
 (deftest pprint-fill.12
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
      (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	   for result =
-	   (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
-		  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
-					    (terpri os)
-					    (pprint-fill os obj))))
-	     (cond
-	      ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
-	       (list :bad1 s))
-	      ((not (equal (read-from-string s) obj))
-	       (list :bad2 s))
-	      ((not (find #\Newline s :start 1))
-	       (list :bad3 s))
-	      (t t)))
-	   unless (eql result t)
-	   collect (list i result))))
+           for result =
+           (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
+                  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
+                                            (terpri os)
+                                            (pprint-fill os obj))))
+             (cond
+              ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
+               (list :bad1 s))
+              ((not (equal (read-from-string s) obj))
+               (list :bad2 s))
+              ((not (find #\Newline s :start 1))
+               (list :bad3 s))
+              (t t)))
+           unless (eql result t)
+           collect (list i result))))
 (deftest pprint-fill.13
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
      (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	   for result =
-	   (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
-		  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
-					    (terpri os)
-					    (pprint-fill os obj nil))))
-	     (cond
-	      ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
-	       (list :bad1 s))
-	      ((not (equal (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" s ")"))
-			   obj))
-	       (list :bad2 s))
-	      ((not (find #\Newline s :start 1))
-	       (list :bad3 s))
-	      (t t)))
-	   unless (eql result t)
-	   collect (list i result))))
+           for result =
+           (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
+                  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
+                                            (terpri os)
+                                            (pprint-fill os obj nil))))
+             (cond
+              ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
+               (list :bad1 s))
+              ((not (equal (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" s ")"))
+                           obj))
+               (list :bad2 s))
+              ((not (find #\Newline s :start 1))
+               (list :bad3 s))
+              (t t)))
+           unless (eql result t)
+           collect (list i result))))
 (def-pprint-fill-test pprint-fill.14 ((let ((x (list '|A|))) (list x x)))
   "(#1=(A) #1#)" :circle t)
@@ -145,17 +145,17 @@
 (deftest pprint-fill.return-values.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+         (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-fill s '(a b)))))
+                       (pprint-fill s '(a b)))))
 (deftest pprint-fill.return-values.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-fill s 10 nil t))))
+                       (pprint-fill s 10 nil t))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-indent.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-indent.lsp
index 1c00b55a..1f7e21da 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-indent.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-indent.lsp
@@ -9,55 +9,55 @@
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (*standard-output* (make-string-output-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :block 0))))
+                       (pprint-indent :block 0))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :current 0))))
+                       (pprint-indent :current 0))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.3
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-string-output-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :current 10 s))))
+                       (pprint-indent :current 10 s))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.4
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-string-output-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :block 1/2 s))))
+                       (pprint-indent :block 1/2 s))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.5
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-string-output-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :block 0.1 s))))
+                       (pprint-indent :block 0.1 s))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.6
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (loop for x in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	   unless
-	   (equal
-	    (multiple-value-list
-	     (with-open-stream (s (make-string-output-stream))
-			       (pprint-indent :block x s)))
-	    '(nil))
-	   collect x)))
+           unless
+           (equal
+            (multiple-value-list
+             (with-open-stream (s (make-string-output-stream))
+                               (pprint-indent :block x s)))
+            '(nil))
+           collect x)))
 (deftest pprint-indent.7
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
      (with-open-stream (*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-indent :current 0 nil))))
+                       (pprint-indent :current 0 nil))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.8
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
        (is (make-string-input-stream ""))
        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			 (pprint-indent :current 0 t))))))
+                         (pprint-indent :current 0 t))))))
 ;;; Now test with pprint-logical-block
@@ -78,68 +78,68 @@
 (deftest pprint-indent.9
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current 3 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current 3 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.10
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current 1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current 1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.11
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current -1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current -1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.12
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current -2.0 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current -2.0 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
@@ -148,90 +148,90 @@ M)")
 (deftest pprint-indent.13
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|MMM| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 0 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|MMM| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 0 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.13a
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(write '|MMM| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 0 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (write '|MMM| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 0 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.14
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|MMM| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|MMM| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.15
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|MMM| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block -1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|MMM| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block -1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.16
   (loop for n in '(3.0s0 3.0f0 3.0d0 3.0l0)
-	unless (string=
-		(with-standard-io-syntax
-		 (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-		       (*print-readably* nil)
-		       (*print-right-margin* 100)
-		       (*print-escape* nil))
-		   (with-output-to-string
-		     (os)
-		     (pprint-logical-block
-		      (os '(|M| |M|))
-		      (write '|MMM| :stream os)
-		      (pprint-indent :block n os)
-		      (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-		      (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
-		"MMM
+        unless (string=
+                (with-standard-io-syntax
+                 (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                       (*print-readably* nil)
+                       (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                       (*print-escape* nil))
+                   (with-output-to-string
+                     (os)
+                     (pprint-logical-block
+                      (os '(|M| |M|))
+                      (write '|MMM| :stream os)
+                      (pprint-indent :block n os)
+                      (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+                      (write '|MMMMM| :stream os)))))
+                "MMM
-	collect n)
+        collect n)
 ;;; *print-pretty* must be true for pprint-indent to have an effect
@@ -239,34 +239,34 @@ MMMMM")
 (deftest pprint-indent.17
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (pprint-indent :current 3 os))
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (pprint-indent :current 3 os))
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.18
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|))
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (pprint-indent :block 3 os))
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|))
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (pprint-indent :block 3 os))
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
@@ -275,61 +275,61 @@ M")
 (deftest pprint-indent.19
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 2 os)
-	(write #\Space :stream os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 2 os)
+        (write #\Space :stream os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
   ">>>>M M
 >>>>  M")
 (deftest pprint-indent.20
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block -1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)))))
+        (os '(|M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block -1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-indent.21
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(|M| |M| |M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 3 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current -2 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current -5 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write '|M| :stream os)
-	))))
+        (os '(|M| |M| |M| |M|) :per-line-prefix ">>>>")
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 3 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current -2 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current -5 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write '|M| :stream os)
+        ))))
 >>>>   M
 >>>>  M
@@ -340,21 +340,21 @@ M")
 (deftest pprint-indent.22
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-miser-width* 200)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-miser-width* 200)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(1 2 3) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(write 1 :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :current 1 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write 2 :stream os)
-	(pprint-indent :block 3 os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write 3 :stream os)))))
+        (os '(1 2 3) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (write 1 :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :current 1 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write 2 :stream os)
+        (pprint-indent :block 3 os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write 3 :stream os)))))
@@ -364,21 +364,21 @@ M")
 (deftest pprint-indent.23
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-escape* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-escape* nil))
-	(os '(1 2 3 4))
-	(pprint-indent :block 2 os)
-	(write 1 :stream os)
-	(terpri os)
-	(write 2 :stream os)
-	(write #\Newline :stream os)
-	(write 3 :stream os)
-	(pprint-newline :mandatory os)
-	(write 4 :stream os)))))
+        (os '(1 2 3 4))
+        (pprint-indent :block 2 os)
+        (write 1 :stream os)
+        (terpri os)
+        (write 2 :stream os)
+        (write #\Newline :stream os)
+        (write 3 :stream os)
+        (pprint-newline :mandatory os)
+        (write 4 :stream os)))))
@@ -400,16 +400,16 @@ M")
 (deftest pprint-indent.error.4
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	when (and (not (member x '(:block :current)))
-		  (not (eval `(signals-error (pprint-indent ',x 0) error))))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (not (member x '(:block :current)))
+                  (not (eval `(signals-error (pprint-indent ',x 0) error))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest pprint-indent.error.4-unsafe
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	when (and (not (member x '(:block :current)))
-		  (not (eval `(signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-indent ',x 0))
-					     error))))
-	collect x)
+        when (and (not (member x '(:block :current)))
+                  (not (eval `(signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-indent ',x 0))
+                                             error))))
+        collect x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-linear.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-linear.lsp
index d10fc777..ab4c1358 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-linear.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-linear.lsp
@@ -9,44 +9,44 @@
 (deftest pprint-linear.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-								     (pprint-linear s obj))
-								    '(nil))))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                                                     (pprint-linear s obj))
+                                                                    '(nil))))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (deftest pprint-linear.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-								     (pprint-linear s obj))
-								    '(nil))))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                                                     (pprint-linear s obj))
+                                                                    '(nil))))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (defmacro def-pprint-linear-test (name args expected-value &key (margin 100) (circle nil))
   `(deftest ,name
       (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	    (*print-readably* nil)
-	    (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
-	    (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	    (*print-circle* ,circle))
-	(with-output-to-string
-	  (s)
-	  (pprint-linear s ,@args))))
+            (*print-readably* nil)
+            (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
+            (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+            (*print-circle* ,circle))
+        (with-output-to-string
+          (s)
+          (pprint-linear s ,@args))))
 (def-pprint-linear-test pprint-linear.3 ('(|A|)) "(A)")
@@ -64,74 +64,74 @@
 (deftest pprint-linear.10
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
-	(is "")
-	(with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			  (pprint-linear t '(1 2 3)))))))
+        (is "")
+        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+                          (pprint-linear t '(1 2 3)))))))
   "(1 2 3)")
 (deftest pprint-linear.11
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (pprint-linear nil '(1 2 3)))))
   "(1 2 3)")
 (deftest pprint-linear.12
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
      (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	   for result =
-	   (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
-		  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
-					    (terpri os)
-					    (pprint-linear os obj))))
-	     (cond
-	      ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
-	       (list :bad1 s))
-	      ((not (equal (read-from-string s) obj))
-	       (list :bad2 s))
-	      ((< (count #\Newline s) (length obj))
-	       (list :bad3 s))
-	      (t t)))
-	   unless (eql result t)
-	   collect (list i result))))
+           for result =
+           (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
+                  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
+                                            (terpri os)
+                                            (pprint-linear os obj))))
+             (cond
+              ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
+               (list :bad1 s))
+              ((not (equal (read-from-string s) obj))
+               (list :bad2 s))
+              ((< (count #\Newline s) (length obj))
+               (list :bad3 s))
+              (t t)))
+           unless (eql result t)
+           collect (list i result))))
 (deftest pprint-linear.13
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (obj '(|M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M| |M|)))
      (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	   for result =
-	   (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
-		  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
-					    (terpri os)
-					    (pprint-linear os obj nil))))
-	     (cond
-	      ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
-	       (list :bad1 s))
-	      ((not (equal (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" s ")"))
-			   obj))
-	       (list :bad2 s))
-	      ((< (count #\Newline s) (length obj))
-	       (list :bad3 s))
-	      (t t)))
-	   unless (eql result t)
-	   collect (list i result))))
+           for result =
+           (let* ((*print-right-margin* i)
+                  (s (with-output-to-string (os)
+                                            (terpri os)
+                                            (pprint-linear os obj nil))))
+             (cond
+              ((not (eql (elt s 0) #\Newline))
+               (list :bad1 s))
+              ((not (equal (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "(" s ")"))
+                           obj))
+               (list :bad2 s))
+              ((< (count #\Newline s) (length obj))
+               (list :bad3 s))
+              (t t)))
+           unless (eql result t)
+           collect (list i result))))
 (def-pprint-linear-test pprint-linear.14 ((let ((x (list '|A|))) (list x x)))
   "(#1=(A) #1#)" :circle t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-logical-block.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-logical-block.lsp
index c049afc1..4b4963c1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-logical-block.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-logical-block.lsp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil))
       (os (make-string-output-stream))
@@ -20,18 +20,18 @@
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(1 a (b) (c . d) 1.0s0 2.0f0 -3.0d0 4.0l0 1/2 #(x y z))))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(1 a (b) (c . d) 1.0s0 2.0f0 -3.0d0 4.0l0 1/2 #(x y z))))
      (string=t (with-output-to-string (s) (write val :stream s))
-	       (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-logical-block (s val) (write val :stream s))))))
+               (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-logical-block (s val) (write val :stream s))))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.3
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil))
        (pprint-logical-block (nil 1)))))
@@ -40,136 +40,136 @@
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.4
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil))
-	(is "")
-	(with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			  (pprint-logical-block (t 1)))))))
+        (is "")
+        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+                          (pprint-logical-block (t 1)))))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.5
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(1)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(1)))
-	(os val)
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val)
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.6
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(2)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(2)))
-	(os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.7
   :notes (:nil-vectors-are-strings)
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(3)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(3)))
-	(os val
-	    :prefix (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)
-	    :suffix (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val
+            :prefix (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)
+            :suffix (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.8
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(4)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(4)))
-	(os val
-	    :prefix (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-				:initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-				:fill-pointer 3)
-	    :suffix (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
-				:initial-contents "!?"
-				:adjustable t))
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val
+            :prefix (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
+                                :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
+                                :fill-pointer 3)
+            :suffix (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
+                                :initial-contents "!?"
+                                :adjustable t))
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.9
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-level* 1)
-	 (val '((4))))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-level* 1)
+         (val '((4))))
-	(os val :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
-	(pprint-logical-block
-	 (os (car val)  :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-	 (write (caar val) :stream os))))))
+        (os val :prefix "{" :suffix "}")
+        (pprint-logical-block
+         (os (car val)  :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
+         (write (caar val) :stream os))))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.10
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-level* 0)
-	 (val '(5)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-level* 0)
+         (val '(5)))
-	(os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.11
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(6)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(6)))
-	(os val :per-line-prefix "abcd")
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val :per-line-prefix "abcd")
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.12
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(a b c)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(a b c)))
-	(os val :per-line-prefix "abcd")
-	(write 1 :stream os)
-	(terpri os)
-	(terpri os)
-	(write 2 :stream os)
-	(terpri os)
-	(write 3 :stream os)))))
+        (os val :per-line-prefix "abcd")
+        (write 1 :stream os)
+        (terpri os)
+        (terpri os)
+        (write 2 :stream os)
+        (terpri os)
+        (write 3 :stream os)))))
@@ -180,28 +180,28 @@ abcd3")
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.13
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-level* 0)
-	 (val '(5)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-level* 0)
+         (val '(5)))
-	(os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-	(write (car val) :stream os)))))
+        (os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
+        (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 ;;; Both :suffix and :per-line-prefix may be supplied
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.14
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val '(6)))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val '(6)))
        (pprint-logical-block (os val :per-line-prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-			     (write (car val) :stream os)))))
+                             (write (car val) :stream os)))))
 ;;; Declarations are allowed
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ abcd3")
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.15
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (x 0))
+         (x 0))
        (declare (integer x))
@@ -221,94 +221,94 @@ abcd3")
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.16
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (val 9))
+         (*print-right-margin* 100)
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (val 9))
        (pprint-logical-block (os val :prefix "[" :suffix "]")
-			     (write val :stream os)))))
+                             (write val :stream os)))))
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.17
    (let* ((*print-pretty* t)
-	  (*print-right-margin* 100)
-	  (*print-readably* nil)
-	  (*print-circle* t)
-	  (v1 '(8))
-	  (val (list v1 v1)))
+          (*print-right-margin* 100)
+          (*print-readably* nil)
+          (*print-circle* t)
+          (v1 '(8))
+          (val (list v1 v1)))
-	(os val :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-	(pprint-logical-block (os (car val) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-			      (write (caar val) :stream os))
-	(write-char #\Space os)
-	(pprint-logical-block (os (cadr val) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-			      (write (caadr val) :stream os))))))
+        (os val :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+        (pprint-logical-block (os (car val) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+                              (write (caar val) :stream os))
+        (write-char #\Space os)
+        (pprint-logical-block (os (cadr val) :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
+                              (write (caadr val) :stream os))))))
   "(#1=(8) #1#)")
 ;;; Error cases
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :prefix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :prefix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.1-unsafe
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :prefix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :prefix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.2
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :suffix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :suffix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.2-unsafe
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :suffix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :suffix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.3
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :per-line-prefix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :per-line-prefix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.3-unsafe
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-			(pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :per-line-prefix x)))
-		    #'stringp)
+                        (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
+                        (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* '(1) :per-line-prefix x)))
+                    #'stringp)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.4
   (signals-error (with-standard-io-syntax
-		  (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-			(*print-right-margin* 100)
-			(*print-readably* nil)
-			(val '(7)))
-		    (pprint-logical-block (os val :prefix "" :per-line-prefix "")
-					  (write (car val) :stream os))))
-		 error)
+                  (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                        (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                        (*print-readably* nil)
+                        (val '(7)))
+                    (pprint-logical-block (os val :prefix "" :per-line-prefix "")
+                                          (write (car val) :stream os))))
+                 error)
 (deftest pprint-logical-block.error.4-unsafe
   (signals-error (with-standard-io-syntax
-		  (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-			(*print-right-margin* 100)
-			(*print-readably* nil)
-			(val '(7)))
-		    (pprint-logical-block (os val :prefix "" :per-line-prefix "")
-					  (write (car val) :stream os))))
-		 error
-		 :safety 0)
+                  (let ((*print-pretty* t)
+                        (*print-right-margin* 100)
+                        (*print-readably* nil)
+                        (val '(7)))
+                    (pprint-logical-block (os val :prefix "" :per-line-prefix "")
+                                          (write (car val) :stream os))))
+                 error
+                 :safety 0)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-newline.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-newline.lsp
index f5ce5ac4..e7295537 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-newline.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-newline.lsp
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ A A A "
        (*terminal-io* nil)
        (dotimes (i 8)
-	 (write "A " :stream t)
-	 (pprint-newline :fill t))))))
+         (write "A " :stream t)
+         (pprint-newline :fill t))))))
   "A A A A A
 A A A "
   :margin 10)
@@ -131,18 +131,18 @@ A
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-newline.linear.8
     (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
-			  (dotimes (i 4)
-			    (write "A ")
-			    (pprint-newline :linear)))
+                          (dotimes (i 4)
+                            (write "A ")
+                            (pprint-newline :linear)))
     (pprint-newline :linear)
     (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil)
-			  (dotimes (i 4)
-			    (write "A ")
-			    (pprint-newline :linear))))
+                          (dotimes (i 4)
+                            (write "A ")
+                            (pprint-newline :linear))))
   "A A A A
 A A A A "
   :margin 10)
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-newline.linear.9
   (dotimes (i 10) (write "A ") (let ((*print-pretty* nil)) (pprint-newline :linear)))
   "A A A A A A A A A A "
@@ -151,10 +151,10 @@ A A A A "
 (deftest pprint-newline.linear.10
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (dotimes (i 5) (write "A ") (pprint-newline :linear)))))
@@ -250,9 +250,9 @@ A A A A "
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-newline.miser.10
   (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-			(write "A")
-			(pprint-newline :miser)
-			(pprint-newline :mandatory))
+                        (write "A")
+                        (pprint-newline :miser)
+                        (pprint-newline :mandatory))
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ A A A A "
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-newline.miser.11
   (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-			(write "A")
-			(pprint-newline :miser)
-			(pprint-newline :mandatory))
+                        (write "A")
+                        (pprint-newline :miser)
+                        (pprint-newline :mandatory))
@@ -272,9 +272,9 @@ A A A A "
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-newline.miser.12
   (pprint-logical-block (*standard-output* nil :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
-			(write "A")
-			(pprint-newline :miser)
-			(pprint-newline :mandatory))
+                        (write "A")
+                        (pprint-newline :miser)
+                        (pprint-newline :mandatory))
   :margin 20
@@ -283,10 +283,10 @@ A A A A "
 (deftest pprint-newline.miser.13
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* 4))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* 4))
        (dotimes (i 5) (write "A ") (pprint-newline :miser)))))
@@ -372,10 +372,10 @@ X (C D)
 (deftest pprint-newline.fill.9
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (dotimes (i 5) (write "A ") (pprint-newline :fill)))))
@@ -384,10 +384,10 @@ X (C D)
 (deftest pprint-newline.fill.10
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-miser-width* 4))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-miser-width* 4))
        (dotimes (i 5) (write "A ") (pprint-newline :fill)))))
@@ -441,10 +441,10 @@ A "
 (deftest pprint-newline.mandatory.6
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-escape* nil)
-	 (*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 4)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil))
+         (*print-escape* nil)
+         (*print-pretty* t)
+         (*print-right-margin* 4)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil))
        (dotimes (i 5) (write "A ") (pprint-newline :mandatory)))))
@@ -454,12 +454,12 @@ A "
 (deftest pprint-newline.error.1
   (check-type-error #'pprint-newline
-		    (typef '(member :linear :miser :fill :mandatory)))
+                    (typef '(member :linear :miser :fill :mandatory)))
 (deftest pprint-newline.error.1-unsafe
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-newline x))
-		    (typef '(member :linear :miser :fill :mandatory)))
+                    (typef '(member :linear :miser :fill :mandatory)))
 (deftest pprint-newline.error.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-tab.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-tab.lsp
index d13cd4c7..085e3c71 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-tab.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-tab.lsp
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 (def-ppblock-test pprint-tab.nil.1
   (progn (write "A")
-	 (pprint-tab :line 10 1 nil)
-	 (write "B"))
+         (pprint-tab :line 10 1 nil)
+         (write "B"))
   "A         B")
 ;;; t designates *terminal-io*
@@ -99,25 +99,25 @@
    for colnum = (random 100)
    for colinc = (min (random 50) (random 50))
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (pprint-logical-block
-	      (*standard-output* nil)
-	      (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
-	      (pprint-tab :line colnum colinc)
-	      (write #\A)))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (pprint-logical-block
+              (*standard-output* nil)
+              (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
+              (pprint-tab :line colnum colinc)
+              (write #\A)))
    for expected-col = (cond ((< offset colnum) colnum)
-			    ((= colinc 0) offset)
-			    ((= offset colnum) (+ offset colinc))
-			    (t (let ((k (mod (- colnum offset) colinc)))
-				 (if (= k 0)
-				     (+ offset colinc)
-				   (+ offset k)))))
+                            ((= colinc 0) offset)
+                            ((= offset colnum) (+ offset colinc))
+                            (t (let ((k (mod (- colnum offset) colinc)))
+                                 (if (= k 0)
+                                     (+ offset colinc)
+                                   (+ offset k)))))
    repeat 200
    (unless (string= s (concatenate
-			 'string
-			 (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
-			 "A"))
+                         'string
+                         (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
+                         "A"))
        (list (list offset colnum colinc expected-col (count #\Space s) s))))
   :margin 1000)
@@ -129,27 +129,27 @@
    for colnum = (random 50)
    for colinc = (min (random 50) (random 50))
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (pprint-logical-block
-	      (*standard-output* nil :prefix (make-string prefix-length
-							  :initial-element #\Space))
-	      (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
-	      (pprint-tab :section colnum colinc)
-	      (write #\A)))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (pprint-logical-block
+              (*standard-output* nil :prefix (make-string prefix-length
+                                                          :initial-element #\Space))
+              (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
+              (pprint-tab :section colnum colinc)
+              (write #\A)))
    for expected-col = (+ prefix-length
-			 (cond ((< offset colnum) colnum)
-			       ((= colinc 0) offset)
-			       ((= offset colnum) (+ offset colinc))
-			       (t (let ((k (mod (- colnum offset) colinc)))
-				    (if (= k 0)
-					(+ offset colinc)
-				      (+ offset k))))))
+                         (cond ((< offset colnum) colnum)
+                               ((= colinc 0) offset)
+                               ((= offset colnum) (+ offset colinc))
+                               (t (let ((k (mod (- colnum offset) colinc)))
+                                    (if (= k 0)
+                                        (+ offset colinc)
+                                      (+ offset k))))))
    repeat 200
    (unless (string= s (concatenate
-			 'string
-			 (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
-			 "A"))
+                         'string
+                         (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
+                         "A"))
        (list (list offset colnum colinc expected-col (count #\Space s) s))))
   :margin 1000)
@@ -161,19 +161,19 @@
    for colinc = (1+ (min (random 50) (random 50)))
    for extra = (mod (- (+ offset colrel)) colinc)
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (pprint-logical-block
-	      (*standard-output* nil)
-	      (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
-	      (pprint-tab :line-relative colrel colinc)
-	      (write #\A)))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (pprint-logical-block
+              (*standard-output* nil)
+              (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
+              (pprint-tab :line-relative colrel colinc)
+              (write #\A)))
    for expected-col = (+ offset colrel extra)
    repeat 200
    (unless (string= s (concatenate
-			 'string
-			 (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
-			 "A"))
+                         'string
+                         (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
+                         "A"))
        (list (list offset colrel colinc expected-col (count #\Space s) s))))
   :margin 1000)
@@ -186,21 +186,21 @@
    for colinc = (1+ (min (random 50) (random 50)))
    for extra = (mod (- (+ offset colrel)) colinc)
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (pprint-logical-block
-	      (*standard-output* nil :prefix (make-string prefix-length
-							  :initial-element #\Space))
-	      (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
-	      (pprint-tab :section-relative colrel colinc)
-	      (write #\A)))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (pprint-logical-block
+              (*standard-output* nil :prefix (make-string prefix-length
+                                                          :initial-element #\Space))
+              (dotimes (i offset) (write #\Space))
+              (pprint-tab :section-relative colrel colinc)
+              (write #\A)))
    for expected-col = (+ prefix-length offset colrel extra)
    repeat 200
    (unless (string= s (concatenate
-			 'string
-			 (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
-			 "A"))
+                         'string
+                         (make-string expected-col :initial-element #\Space)
+                         "A"))
        (list (list prefix-length offset colrel colinc extra expected-col (count #\Space s) s))))
   :margin 1000)
@@ -225,14 +225,14 @@
 (deftest pprint-tab.error.5
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (member x '(:line :section :line-relative :section-relative))
-		   (eval `(signals-error (pprint-tab ',x 1 1) error)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (member x '(:line :section :line-relative :section-relative))
+                   (eval `(signals-error (pprint-tab ',x 1 1) error)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest pprint-tab.error.5-unsafe
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	unless (or (member x '(:line :section :line-relative :section-relative))
-		   (eval `(signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-tab ',x 1 1)) error)))
-	collect x)
+        unless (or (member x '(:line :section :line-relative :section-relative))
+                   (eval `(signals-error (locally (declare (optimize (safety 0))) (pprint-tab ',x 1 1)) error)))
+        collect x)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint-tabular.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint-tabular.lsp
index 9f76d5b8..603936a7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint-tabular.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint-tabular.lsp
@@ -9,41 +9,41 @@
 (deftest pprint-tabular.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-tabular s obj))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-tabular s obj))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (deftest pprint-tabular.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil))
+         (*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for obj in *mini-universe*
-	   nconc
-	   (and (not (listp obj))
-		(let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
-		      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-tabular s obj))))
-		  (unless (equal s1 s2)
-		    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
+           nconc
+           (and (not (listp obj))
+                (let ((s1 (write-to-string obj))
+                      (s2 (with-output-to-string (s) (pprint-tabular s obj))))
+                  (unless (equal s1 s2)
+                    (list (list obj s1 s2))))))))
 (defmacro def-pprint-tabular-test (name args expected-value &key (margin 100) (circle nil) (pre nil))
   `(deftest ,name
       (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	    (*print-readably* nil)
-	    (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
-	    (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	    (*print-circle* ,circle))
-	(with-output-to-string
-	  (s)
-	  ,@(when pre (list pre))
-	  (pprint-tabular s ,@args))))
+            (*print-readably* nil)
+            (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
+            (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+            (*print-circle* ,circle))
+        (with-output-to-string
+          (s)
+          ,@(when pre (list pre))
+          (pprint-tabular s ,@args))))
@@ -96,21 +96,21 @@
 (deftest pprint-tabular.23
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
-	(is "")
-	(with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			  (pprint-tabular t '(1 2 3) t nil 1))))))
+        (is "")
+        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+                          (pprint-tabular t '(1 2 3) t nil 1))))))
   "(1 2 3)")
 (deftest pprint-tabular.24
    (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-right-margin* 100))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-right-margin* 100))
      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (pprint-tabular nil '(1 2 3) t nil 1))))
   "(1 2 3)")
@@ -121,17 +121,17 @@
 (deftest pprint-tabular.return-values.1
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-tabular s '(a b)))))
+                       (pprint-tabular s '(a b)))))
 (deftest pprint-tabular.return-values.2
    (let ((*print-pretty* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
      (with-open-stream (s (make-broadcast-stream))
-		       (pprint-tabular s 10 nil nil 100))))
+                       (pprint-tabular s 10 nil nil 100))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pprint.lsp b/ansi-tests/pprint.lsp
index de846262..15edabd3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pprint.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pprint.lsp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       (is "")
       (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			(pprint 2 t)))))
+                        (pprint 2 t)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/prin1.lsp b/ansi-tests/prin1.lsp
index 6811ec62..26d12c04 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/prin1.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/prin1.lsp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       (is "")
       (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			(prin1 2 t)))))
+                        (prin1 2 t)))))
 (deftest prin1.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/princ.lsp b/ansi-tests/princ.lsp
index 4446123b..84b1578f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/princ.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/princ.lsp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       (is "")
       (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			(princ 2 t)))))
+                        (princ 2 t)))))
 (deftest princ.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-array.lsp
index f0597383..ab93657b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-array.lsp
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@
 (deftest print.array.0.2
    (let ((a (make-array nil :initial-element '|A|))
-	 (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+         (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t)))
 (deftest print.array.0.3
   (let* ((a (make-array nil :initial-element 0))
-	 (result (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)))
+         (result (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)))
      (subseq result 0 2)
      (subseq result (1- (length result)))))
@@ -39,68 +39,68 @@
 (deftest print.array.0.5
    (let* ((a (make-array nil :initial-element 0 :adjustable t))
-	  (b (make-array nil :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 0)))
+          (b (make-array nil :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 0)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
 (deftest print.array.0.6
   (let ((a (make-array nil :initial-element 0
-		       :element-type '(integer 0 2))))
+                       :element-type '(integer 0 2))))
      (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t)))
 (deftest print.array.0.7
   (loop for a = (make-array nil :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000))
-	repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar))
+        repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar))
 (deftest print.array.0.8
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	nconc
-	(let ((a (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type type)))
-	  (loop repeat 5 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-							   :can-fail t))))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        nconc
+        (let ((a (make-array nil :initial-element 1 :element-type type)))
+          (loop repeat 5 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
+                                                           :can-fail t))))
 (deftest print.array.0.9
   (loop for a = (make-array nil :initial-element (random 1000000) :adjustable t)
-	repeat 30
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar))
+        repeat 30
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar))
 (deftest print.array.0.10
   (loop for a = (make-array nil :initial-element (random 1000000000))
-	for b = (make-array nil :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 0)
-	repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability b :test #'is-similar))
+        for b = (make-array nil :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 0)
+        repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability b :test #'is-similar))
 (deftest print.array.0.11
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	for a = (make-array nil :initial-element zero
-			    :element-type type)
-	nconc
-	(loop repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-							  :can-fail t)))
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        for a = (make-array nil :initial-element zero
+                            :element-type type)
+        nconc
+        (loop repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
+                                                          :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.array.0.12
   (loop for type0 in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float float)
-	for type = `(complex ,type0)
-	for zero = (complex (coerce 0.0s0 type0))
-	for a = (make-array nil :initial-element zero
-			    :element-type type)
-	nconc
-	(loop repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-							  :can-fail t)))
+        for type = `(complex ,type0)
+        for zero = (complex (coerce 0.0s0 type0))
+        for a = (make-array nil :initial-element zero
+                            :element-type type)
+        nconc
+        (loop repeat 30 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
+                                                          :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.array.0.13
   (let ((result (write-to-string (make-array nil :initial-element 0)
-				 :readably nil :array nil)))
+                                 :readably nil :array nil)))
      (subseq result 0 2)
      (subseq result (1- (length result)))))
@@ -108,44 +108,44 @@
 (deftest print.array.0.14
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array nil :element-type type :initial-element 1)
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list i result))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array nil :element-type type :initial-element 1)
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list i result))
 (deftest print.array.0.15
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array nil :element-type type :initial-element -1)
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list i result))
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array nil :element-type type :initial-element -1)
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list i result))
 (deftest print.array.0.16
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (make-array nil :element-type type
-			    :initial-element (coerce 17 type))
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list type result))
+        for a = (make-array nil :element-type type
+                            :initial-element (coerce 17 type))
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list type result))
 (deftest print.array.0.17
   (loop for type0 in '(short-float single-float double-float
-				   long-float float real)
-	for type = `(complex ,type0)
-	for a = (make-array nil :element-type type
-			    :initial-element (complex 0 (coerce 3 type0)))
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list type result))
+                                   long-float float real)
+        for type = `(complex ,type0)
+        for a = (make-array nil :element-type type
+                            :initial-element (complex 0 (coerce 3 type0)))
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list type result))
@@ -188,41 +188,41 @@
 (deftest print.array.2.7
   (let* ((a (make-array '(3 3) :initial-contents '((1 3 8) (2 67 121) (65 432 6))))
-	 (b (make-array '(3 3) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 0)))
+         (b (make-array '(3 3) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 0)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((1 3 8) (2 67 121) (65 432 6))")
 (deftest print.array.2.8
   (let* ((a (make-array '(3 3) :initial-contents '((1 3 8) (2 67 121) (65 432 6))))
-	 (b (make-array '(2 3) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 0)))
+         (b (make-array '(2 3) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 0)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((1 3 8) (2 67 121))")
 (deftest print.array.2.9
   (let* ((a (make-array '(3 3) :initial-contents '((1 3 8) (2 67 121) (65 432 6))))
-	 (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 4)))
+         (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 4)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((67 121) (65 432))")
 (deftest print.array.2.10
   (let* ((a (make-array '(3 3) :initial-contents '((1 3 8) (2 67 121) (65 432 6))))
-	 (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 4
-			:adjustable t)))
+         (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 4
+                        :adjustable t)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((67 121) (65 432))")
 (deftest print.array.2.11
   (let* ((a (make-array '(3 4)
-			:initial-contents '((7 8 9 10) (65 12 42 -1) (:|W| :|X| :|Y| :|Z| ))
-			:adjustable t)))
+                        :initial-contents '((7 8 9 10) (65 12 42 -1) (:|W| :|X| :|Y| :|Z| ))
+                        :adjustable t)))
      (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((7 8 9 10) (65 12 42 -1) (:W :X :Y :Z))")
@@ -230,83 +230,83 @@
 (deftest print.array.2.12
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((0 1 1) (1 1 0))"))
     (loop for i from 2 to 64
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			      :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i a result)))
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                              :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i a result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.13
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0))"))
     (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
-			      :initial-contents '((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0)))
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i a result)))
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
+                              :initial-contents '((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0)))
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i a result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.14
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((0 1 1) (1 1 0))"))
     (loop for i from 2 to 64
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			      :adjustable t
-			      :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i a result)))
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                              :adjustable t
+                              :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i a result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.15
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0))"))
     (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
-			      :adjustable t
-			      :initial-contents '((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0)))
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i a result)))
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
+                              :adjustable t
+                              :initial-contents '((0 -1 -1) (-1 -1 0)))
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i a result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.16
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((1 1) (1 0))"))
     (loop for i from 2 to 64
-	  for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type type
-			      :adjustable t
-			      :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
-	  for b = (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
-			      :element-type type)
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string b :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i b result)))
+          for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type type
+                              :adjustable t
+                              :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (1 1 0)))
+          for b = (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
+                              :element-type type)
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i b result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.17
   (let ((desired-result "#2A((1 -1) (-2 0))"))
     (loop for i from 2 to 64
-	  for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	  for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type type
-			      :adjustable t
-			      :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (-1 -2 0)))
-	  for b = (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
-			      :element-type type)
-	  for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-			(write-to-string b :readably nil :array t))
-	  unless (string= desired-result result)
-	  collect (list i b result)))
+          for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+          for a = (make-array '(2 3) :element-type type
+                              :adjustable t
+                              :initial-contents '((0 1 1) (-1 -2 0)))
+          for b = (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a :displaced-index-offset 2
+                              :element-type type)
+          for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                        (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t))
+          unless (string= desired-result result)
+          collect (list i b result)))
 (deftest print.array.2.20
   (let* ((a (make-array '(9) :initial-contents '(1 3 8 2 67 121 65 432 6)))
-	 (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (b (make-array '(2 2) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
      (write-to-string b :readably nil :array t)))
   "#2A((3 8) (2 67))")
@@ -318,100 +318,100 @@
       for a = (make-array dims :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000))
       repeat 100
       nconc (let ((result (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar :can-fail t)))
-	      (and result (list (cons dims (first result))))))
+              (and result (list (cons dims (first result))))))
 (deftest print.array.2.22
   (loop for a = (make-array (list (random 4) (random 4))
-			    :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000)
-			    :adjustable t)
-	repeat 100 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-						     :can-fail t))
+                            :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000)
+                            :adjustable t)
+        repeat 100 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
+                                                     :can-fail t))
 (deftest print.array.2.23
   (loop for d1 = (random 10)
-	for d2 = (random 10)
-	for a = (make-array (list d1 d2)
-			    :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000))
-	for d1a = (random (1+ d1))
-	for d2a = (random (1+ d2))
-	for offset = (random (1+ (- (* d1 d2) (* d1a d2a))))
-	for b = (make-array (list d1a d2a) :displaced-to a
-			    :displaced-index-offset offset)
-	repeat 100 nconc (randomly-check-readability b :test #'is-similar
-						     :can-fail t))
+        for d2 = (random 10)
+        for a = (make-array (list d1 d2)
+                            :initial-element (- (random 1000000) 500000))
+        for d1a = (random (1+ d1))
+        for d2a = (random (1+ d2))
+        for offset = (random (1+ (- (* d1 d2) (* d1a d2a))))
+        for b = (make-array (list d1a d2a) :displaced-to a
+                            :displaced-index-offset offset)
+        repeat 100 nconc (randomly-check-readability b :test #'is-similar
+                                                     :can-fail t))
 (deftest print.array.2.24
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	nconc
-	(let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-element 1 :element-type type)))
-	  (loop repeat 5 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-							   :can-fail t))))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        nconc
+        (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-element 1 :element-type type)))
+          (loop repeat 5 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
+                                                           :can-fail t))))
 (deftest print.array.2.25
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-element #\a :element-type 'character)))
     (loop repeat 10 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-						      :can-fail t)))
+                                                      :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.array.2.26
   (let ((a (make-array '(3 4) :initial-element #\a :element-type 'base-char)))
     (loop repeat 10 nconc (randomly-check-readability a :test #'is-similar
-						      :can-fail t)))
+                                                      :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.array.2.27
   (let ((str (write-to-string (make-array '(2 3) :initial-element 0)
-			      :readably nil :array nil)))
+                              :readably nil :array nil)))
     (values (subseq str 0 2) (subseq str (1- (length str)))))
   "#<" ">")
 (deftest print.array.2.28
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array '(4 3) :element-type type :initial-element 1)
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list i result))
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array '(4 3) :element-type type :initial-element 1)
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list i result))
 (deftest print.array.2.29
   (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	for a = (make-array '(4 8) :element-type type :initial-element -1)
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list i result))
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        for a = (make-array '(4 8) :element-type type :initial-element -1)
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list i result))
 (deftest print.array.2.30
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for a = (make-array '(5 7) :element-type type
-			    :initial-element (coerce 17 type))
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list type result))
+        for a = (make-array '(5 7) :element-type type
+                            :initial-element (coerce 17 type))
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list type result))
 (deftest print.array.2.31
   (loop for type0 in '(short-float single-float double-float
-				   long-float float real)
-	for type = `(complex ,type0)
-	for a = (make-array '(13 5) :element-type type
-			    :initial-element (complex 0 (coerce 3 type0)))
-	for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
-	unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-		    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
-	collect (list type result))
+                                   long-float float real)
+        for type = `(complex ,type0)
+        for a = (make-array '(13 5) :element-type type
+                            :initial-element (complex 0 (coerce 3 type0)))
+        for result = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array nil)
+        unless (and (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+                    (string= (subseq result (1- (length result))) ">"))
+        collect (list type result))
@@ -419,8 +419,8 @@
 (deftest print.array.3.1
   (let* ((a (make-array '(1 2 3) :initial-contents '(((:|A| :|B| :|C|) (:|D| :|E| :|F|)))))
-	 (b (make-array '(3 2 1) :displaced-to a
-			:displaced-index-offset 0)))
+         (b (make-array '(3 2 1) :displaced-to a
+                        :displaced-index-offset 0)))
       (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t)
@@ -434,40 +434,40 @@
 (deftest print.array.multi-dim.1
    (loop for d in (remove array-rank-limit
-			  '(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 30 40 100 200 400 600 800 1023)
-			  :test #'<=)
-	 for dims = (make-list d :initial-element 1)
-	 for a = (make-array dims :initial-element 0)
-	 for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-		       (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	 for expected-result =
-	 (concatenate 'string
-		      (format nil "#~DA" d)
-		      (make-string d :initial-element #\()
-		      "0"
-		      (make-string d :initial-element #\)))
-	 unless (string= result expected-result)
-	 collect (list d result expected-result)))
+                          '(4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 16 20 30 40 100 200 400 600 800 1023)
+                          :test #'<=)
+         for dims = (make-list d :initial-element 1)
+         for a = (make-array dims :initial-element 0)
+         for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                       (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+         for expected-result =
+         (concatenate 'string
+                      (format nil "#~DA" d)
+                      (make-string d :initial-element #\()
+                      "0"
+                      (make-string d :initial-element #\)))
+         unless (string= result expected-result)
+         collect (list d result expected-result)))
 (deftest print.array.multi-dim.2
    (loop for d = (+ 4 (random (min (- array-rank-limit 4) 1000)))
-	 for p = (random d)
-	 for dims = (let ((list (make-list d :initial-element 1)))
-		      (setf (elt list p) 0)
-		      list)
-	 for a = (make-array dims :initial-element 0)
-	 for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
-		       (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
-	 for expected-result =
-	 (concatenate 'string
-		      (format nil "#~DA" d)
-		      (make-string (1+ p) :initial-element #\()
-		      (make-string (1+ p) :initial-element #\)))
-	 repeat 50
-	 unless (string= result expected-result)
-	 collect (list d result expected-result)))
+         for p = (random d)
+         for dims = (let ((list (make-list d :initial-element 1)))
+                      (setf (elt list p) 0)
+                      list)
+         for a = (make-array dims :initial-element 0)
+         for result = (with-standard-io-syntax
+                       (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t))
+         for expected-result =
+         (concatenate 'string
+                      (format nil "#~DA" d)
+                      (make-string (1+ p) :initial-element #\()
+                      (make-string (1+ p) :initial-element #\)))
+         repeat 50
+         unless (string= result expected-result)
+         collect (list d result expected-result)))
 ;;; To add: more tests for high dimensional arrays, including arrays with
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-backquote.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-backquote.lsp
index b72c647b..331ea940 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-backquote.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-backquote.lsp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.1
   (let* ((x '`(a ,b ,@c (d . ,e) ,.f #(1 2 ,p ,@q ,.r s) g))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.2
   (let* ((x '`(,@a ,@b))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.3
   (let* ((x '`(,.a ,.b))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.4
   (let* ((x '`(,a ,b))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.5
   (let* ((x '`#(,a ,b))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
@@ -61,37 +61,37 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.6
   (let ((x '`(,@a ,@b)))
     (and (consp x)
-	 (symbolp (car x))
-	 (loop
-	  repeat 20
-	  nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
+         (symbolp (car x))
+         (loop
+          repeat 20
+          nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.7
   (let ((x '`(,.a ,.b)))
     (and (consp x)
-	 (symbolp (car x))
-	 (loop
-	  repeat 20
-	  nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
+         (symbolp (car x))
+         (loop
+          repeat 20
+          nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.8
   (let ((x '`(,a ,b)))
     (and (consp x)
-	 (symbolp (car x))
-	 (loop
-	  repeat 20
-	  nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
+         (symbolp (car x))
+         (loop
+          repeat 20
+          nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.9
   (let ((x '`#(,a ,b)))
     (and (consp x)
-	 (symbolp (car x))
-	 (loop
-	  repeat 20
-	  nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
+         (symbolp (car x))
+         (loop
+          repeat 20
+          nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.10
@@ -111,24 +111,24 @@
 (deftest print.backquote.random.12
   (let ((x '`#(,a ,b c)))
     (and (consp x)
-	 (symbolp (car x))
-	 (loop
-	  repeat 20
-	  nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
+         (symbolp (car x))
+         (loop
+          repeat 20
+          nconc (randomly-check-readability (list (car x)) :test #'is-similar))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.13
   (let* ((x '`#(,a ,b c))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+         (y (copy-tree x)))
       repeat 20
       nconc (randomly-check-readability x :test #'is-similar))
-     (and (not (is-similar x y)) (list :modified x y))))     
+     (and (not (is-similar x y)) (list :modified x y))))
 (deftest print.backquote.random.14
   (loop for x = (make-random-backquoted-form 100)
-	repeat 500
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability x :test #'is-similar))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+        repeat 500
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability x :test #'is-similar))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-bit-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-bit-vector.lsp
index 63a6fdee..5e704db4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-bit-vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-bit-vector.lsp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 (deftest print.bit-vector.2
    (subseq (write-to-string #* :readably nil :escape nil :array nil)
-	   0 2))
+           0 2))
 (deftest print.bit-vector.3
@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@
 (deftest print.bit-vector.4
    (subseq (write-to-string #*11010011010110101
-			    :readably nil :escape nil :array nil)
-	   0 2))
+                            :readably nil :escape nil :array nil)
+           0 2))
 (deftest print.bit-vector.5
   (let* ((bv1 #*0001100101)
-	 (bv2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to bv1
-			  :displaced-index-offset 1
-			  :element-type 'bit)))
+         (bv2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to bv1
+                          :displaced-index-offset 1
+                          :element-type 'bit)))
      (write-to-string bv2 :readably nil :escape nil)))
 (deftest print.bit-vector.6
   (let* ((bv (make-array 10
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0)
-			 :fill-pointer 5)))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0)
+                         :fill-pointer 5)))
      (write-to-string bv :readably nil :escape nil)))
@@ -51,9 +51,9 @@
 (deftest print.bit-vector.7
   (let* ((bv (make-array 10
-			 :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0)
-			 :adjustable t)))
+                         :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0)
+                         :adjustable t)))
      (write-to-string bv :readably nil :escape nil)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-characters.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-characters.lsp
index 2dc6c518..c220e240 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-characters.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-characters.lsp
@@ -12,107 +12,107 @@
 (deftest print.char.1
     (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	  unless (equal (string c)
-			(with-output-to-string (s)
-			  (princ c s)))
-	  collect c))
+          unless (equal (string c)
+                        (with-output-to-string (s)
+                          (princ c s)))
+          collect c))
 (deftest print.char.2
     (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	  unless (equal (string c)
-			(with-output-to-string (s)
-			  (princ c s)))
-	  collect c))
+          unless (equal (string c)
+                        (with-output-to-string (s)
+                          (princ c s)))
+          collect c))
 (deftest print.char.3
     (let ((*print-readably* nil))
       (loop for c across +base-chars+
-	    unless (or (eql c #\Space)
-		       (equal (format nil "#\\~C" c)
-			      (with-output-to-string (s)
-				(prin1 c s))))
-	    collect c)))
+            unless (or (eql c #\Space)
+                       (equal (format nil "#\\~C" c)
+                              (with-output-to-string (s)
+                                (prin1 c s))))
+            collect c)))
 (deftest print.char.4
     (let ((*print-readably* nil))
       (with-output-to-string (s)
-	(prin1 #\Space s))))
+        (prin1 #\Space s))))
   "#\\ ")
 (deftest print.char.5
     (let ((*print-readably* nil))
       (with-output-to-string (s)
-	(prin1 #\Newline s))))
+        (prin1 #\Newline s))))
 (deftest print.char.6
     (let ((*print-readably* nil))
       (with-output-to-string (s)
-	(princ #\Newline s))))
+        (princ #\Newline s))))
   #.(string #\Newline))
 (deftest print.char.7
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for c across +code-chars+
-	   for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
-	   for len = (length str)
-	   unless (and (>= len 3)
-		       (equal (subseq str 0 2) "#\\")
-		       (or (= len 3)
-			   (let ((name (subseq str 2)))
-			     (eql c (name-char name)))))
-	   collect c)))
+           for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
+           for len = (length str)
+           unless (and (>= len 3)
+                       (equal (subseq str 0 2) "#\\")
+                       (or (= len 3)
+                           (let ((name (subseq str 2)))
+                             (eql c (name-char name)))))
+           collect c)))
 (deftest print.char.8
   (loop for i = (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16)))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (null c)
-	nconc (let ((result (randomly-check-readability c)))
-		(and result (list (cons i (first result))))))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (null c)
+        nconc (let ((result (randomly-check-readability c)))
+                (and result (list (cons i (first result))))))
 (deftest print.char.9
   (loop for i = (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 32)))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (null c)
-	nconc (let ((result (randomly-check-readability c)))
-		(and result (list (cons i (first result))))))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (null c)
+        nconc (let ((result (randomly-check-readability c)))
+                (and result (list (cons i (first result))))))
 (deftest print.char.10
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	   for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
-	   unless (or (eql c #\Newline)
-		      (equal str (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c))))
-	   collect (list c str))))
+           for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
+           unless (or (eql c #\Newline)
+                      (equal str (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c))))
+           collect (list c str))))
 (deftest print.char.11
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (let ((names '("Newline" "Tab" "Rubout" "Linefeed" "Page"
-		    "Backspace" "Return")))
+                    "Backspace" "Return")))
        (loop for name in names
-	     for c = (name-char name)
-	     for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
-	     unless (or (null c)
-			(and (>= (length str) 3)
-			     (equal (subseq str 0 2) "#\\")
-			     (member (subseq str 2) names
-				     :test #'equal)))
-	     collect (list c str)))))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+             for c = (name-char name)
+             for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 c s))
+             unless (or (null c)
+                        (and (>= (length str) 3)
+                             (equal (subseq str 0 2) "#\\")
+                             (member (subseq str 2) names
+                                     :test #'equal)))
+             collect (list c str)))))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-complex.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-complex.lsp
index ade195cb..956fcc4d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-complex.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-complex.lsp
@@ -25,30 +25,30 @@
 (deftest print.complex.random.1
   (loop for numbits = (random 40)
-	for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
-	for r = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	for i = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (= i 0)
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability (complex r i)))
+        for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
+        for r = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        for i = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (= i 0)
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability (complex r i)))
 (deftest print.complex.random.2
   (loop for numbits = (random 40)
-	for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
-	for num1 = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	for num2 = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	for denom1 = (1+ (random bound))
-	for denom2 = (1+ (random bound))
-	for r = (/ num1 denom1)
-	for i = (/ num2 denom2)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (= i 0)
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability (complex r i)))
+        for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
+        for num1 = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        for num2 = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        for denom1 = (1+ (random bound))
+        for denom2 = (1+ (random bound))
+        for r = (/ num1 denom1)
+        for i = (/ num2 denom2)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (= i 0)
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability (complex r i)))
 ;; General floating point complex printing tests will go here
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-cons.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-cons.lsp
index 1d0b46ce..7d9b77a8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-cons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-cons.lsp
@@ -41,18 +41,18 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string (let ((s1 (make-symbol "X"))
-			    (s2 (make-symbol "X")))
-			(list s1 s2 s1 s2))
-		      :case :upcase :pretty nil :escape t :circle t)))
+                            (s2 (make-symbol "X")))
+                        (list s1 s2 s1 s2))
+                      :case :upcase :pretty nil :escape t :circle t)))
   "(#1=#:X #2=#:X #1# #2#)")
 (deftest print.cons.7
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string (let ((a (list 17 nil)))
-			(setf (cdr a) a)
-			a)
-		      :circle t :pretty nil :escape nil)))
+                        (setf (cdr a) a)
+                        a)
+                      :circle t :pretty nil :escape nil)))
   "#1=(17 . #1#)")
 ;;; Random printing
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@
 (deftest print.cons.random.2
   (loop repeat 50
-	nconc
-	(let* ((n 20)
-	       (conses (apply #'vector
-			      (loop repeat n collect (cons nil nil)))))
-	  (loop for x across conses
-		for j = (random n)
-		for k = (random n)
-		do (setf (car x) (elt conses j)
-			 (cdr x) (elt conses k)))
-	  (randomly-check-readability (elt conses 0) :test #'is-similar
-				      :circle t)))
+        nconc
+        (let* ((n 20)
+               (conses (apply #'vector
+                              (loop repeat n collect (cons nil nil)))))
+          (loop for x across conses
+                for j = (random n)
+                for k = (random n)
+                do (setf (car x) (elt conses j)
+                         (cdr x) (elt conses k)))
+          (randomly-check-readability (elt conses 0) :test #'is-similar
+                                      :circle t)))
 ;;; Printing with *print-length*
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
 (deftest print.cons.length.4
-   (let ((*print-readably* nil))   
+   (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(4 8) :length 1 :pretty nil :escape nil)))
   "(4 ...)")
@@ -113,17 +113,17 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p)
-		      :case :downcase :length 10
-		      :pretty nil :escape nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :length 10
+                      :pretty nil :escape nil)))
   "(a b c d e f g h i j ...)")
 (deftest print.cons.length.6
-   (let ((*print-readably* nil))   
+   (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(((((((0)))))))
-		      :case :downcase :length 3
-		      :pretty nil :escape nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :length 3
+                      :pretty nil :escape nil)))
 ;;; Printing with *print-level*
@@ -132,24 +132,24 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(a)
-		      :case :downcase :level 0
-		      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :level 0
+                      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
 (deftest print.cons.level.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(a)
-		      :case :downcase :level 1
-		      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :level 1
+                      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
 (deftest print.cons.level.3
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '((a))
-		      :case :downcase :level 1
-		      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :level 1
+                      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(a)
-		      :case :downcase :level 2
-		      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :level 2
+                      :escape nil :pretty nil)))
 (deftest print.cons.level.5
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (write-to-string '(#(a) #*1101 "abc")
-		      :case :downcase :level 1
-		      :pretty nil)))
+                      :case :downcase :level 1
+                      :pretty nil)))
   "(# #*1101 \"abc\")")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-floats.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-floats.lsp
index 35a7eb4e..81869ba1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-floats.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-floats.lsp
@@ -10,94 +10,94 @@
 (deftest print.short-float.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'short-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'short-float))
      (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-	   for f = (float i 0.0s0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   unless (equalp s1 s2)
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0s0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           unless (equalp s1 s2)
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (deftest print.short-float.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'short-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'short-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-	   for f = (float i 0.0s0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   repeat 10000
-	   unless (or (/= i (rational f)) ; not enough bits
-		   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-		   (equalp s1 s2))
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0s0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           repeat 10000
+           unless (or (/= i (rational f)) ; not enough bits
+                   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                   (equalp s1 s2))
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (defparameter *possible-short-float-exponent-markers*
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-		     for c across "SFDL"
-		     when (subtypep 'short-float type)
-		     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
+                     for c across "SFDL"
+                     when (subtypep 'short-float type)
+                     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
 (deftest print.short-float.3
   (let ((chars *possible-short-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(single-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'short-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-			for f = (float i 0.0s0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			unless (and (> len1 4)
-				    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'short-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
+                        for f = (float i 0.0s0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        unless (and (> len1 4)
+                                    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.short-float.4
   (let ((chars *possible-short-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(single-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'short-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-			for f = (float i 0.0s0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			repeat 10000
-			unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-				;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-				(and (> len1 4)
-				     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'short-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
+                        for f = (float i 0.0s0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        repeat 10000
+                        unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                                ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                                (and (> len1 4)
+                                     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.short-float.random
   (let ((lower-bound (if (< (log least-positive-short-float 10) -100)
-			 (expt 0.1s0 100)
-		       least-positive-short-float))
-	(upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-short-float 10) 100)
-			    (expt 10.0s0 100)
-			  most-positive-short-float)
-			10)))
+                         (expt 0.1s0 100)
+                       least-positive-short-float))
+        (upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-short-float 10) 100)
+                            (expt 10.0s0 100)
+                          most-positive-short-float)
+                        10)))
     (loop for sf = lower-bound then (* 10 sf)
-	  while (< sf upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for x = (handler-case (random sf) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0s0))
-		for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
-		repeat 10
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
+          while (< sf upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for x = (handler-case (random sf) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0s0))
+                for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
+                repeat 10
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
 ;;; single floats
@@ -105,94 +105,94 @@
 (deftest print.single-float.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
      (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-	   for f = (float i 0.0f0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   unless (equalp s1 s2)
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0f0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           unless (equalp s1 s2)
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (deftest print.single-float.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'single-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-	   for f = (float i 0.0f0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   repeat 10000
-	   unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-		   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-		   (equalp s1 s2))
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0f0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           repeat 10000
+           unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                   (equalp s1 s2))
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (defparameter *possible-single-float-exponent-markers*
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-		     for c across "SFDL"
-		     when (subtypep 'single-float type)
-		     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
+                     for c across "SFDL"
+                     when (subtypep 'single-float type)
+                     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
 (deftest print.single-float.3
   (let ((chars *possible-single-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'single-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-			for f = (float i 0.0f0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			unless (and (> len1 4)
-				    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'single-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
+                        for f = (float i 0.0f0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        unless (and (> len1 4)
+                                    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.single-float.4
   (let ((chars *possible-single-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'single-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-			for f = (float i 0.0f0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			repeat 10000
-			unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-				;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-				(and (> len1 4)
-				     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'single-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
+                        for f = (float i 0.0f0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        repeat 10000
+                        unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                                ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                                (and (> len1 4)
+                                     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.single-float.random
   (let ((lower-bound (if (< (log least-positive-single-float 10) -100)
-			 (expt 0.1f0 100)
-		       least-positive-single-float))
-	(upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-single-float 10) 100)
-			    (expt 10.0f0 100)
-			  most-positive-single-float)
-			10)))
+                         (expt 0.1f0 100)
+                       least-positive-single-float))
+        (upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-single-float 10) 100)
+                            (expt 10.0f0 100)
+                          most-positive-single-float)
+                        10)))
     (loop for f = lower-bound then (* 10 f)
-	  while (< f upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0f0))
-		for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
-		repeat 10
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
+          while (< f upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0f0))
+                for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
+                repeat 10
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
 ;;; double float
@@ -200,94 +200,94 @@
 (deftest print.double-float.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
      (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-	   for f = (float i 0.0d0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   unless (equalp s1 s2)
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0d0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           unless (equalp s1 s2)
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (deftest print.double-float.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-	   for f = (float i 0.0d0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   repeat 10000
-	   unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-		   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-		   (equalp s1 s2))
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0d0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           repeat 10000
+           unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                   (equalp s1 s2))
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (defparameter *possible-double-float-exponent-markers*
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-		     for c across "SFDL"
-		     when (subtypep 'double-float type)
-		     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
+                     for c across "SFDL"
+                     when (subtypep 'double-float type)
+                     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
 (deftest print.double-float.3
   (let ((chars *possible-double-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'double-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-			for f = (float i 0.0d0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			unless (and (> len1 4)
-				    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'double-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
+                        for f = (float i 0.0d0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        unless (and (> len1 4)
+                                    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.double-float.4
   (let ((chars *possible-double-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'double-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-			for f = (float i 0.0d0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			repeat 10000
-			unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-				;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-				(and (> len1 4)
-				     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'double-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
+                        for f = (float i 0.0d0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        repeat 10000
+                        unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                                ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                                (and (> len1 4)
+                                     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.double-float.random
   (let ((lower-bound (if (< (log least-positive-double-float 10) -100)
-			 (expt 0.1d0 100)
-		       least-positive-double-float))
-	(upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-double-float 10) 100)
-			    (expt 10.0d0 100)
-			  most-positive-double-float)
-			10)))
+                         (expt 0.1d0 100)
+                       least-positive-double-float))
+        (upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-double-float 10) 100)
+                            (expt 10.0d0 100)
+                          most-positive-double-float)
+                        10)))
     (loop for f = lower-bound then (* 10 f)
-	  while (< f upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0d0))
-		for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
-		repeat 10
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
+          while (< f upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0d0))
+                for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
+                repeat 10
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
 ;;; long float
@@ -295,92 +295,92 @@
 (deftest print.long-float.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
      (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-	   for f = (float i 0.0l0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   unless (equalp s1 s2)
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0l0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           unless (equalp s1 s2)
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (deftest print.long-float.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
+         (*read-default-float-format* 'long-float))
      (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-	   for f = (float i 0.0l0)
-	   for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-	   for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-	   repeat 10000
-	   unless (or (/= i (rational f)) ;; not enough bits
-		   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-		   (equalp s1 s2))
-	   collect (list i f s1 s2))))
+           for f = (float i 0.0l0)
+           for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+           for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+           repeat 10000
+           unless (or (/= i (rational f)) ;; not enough bits
+                   ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                   (equalp s1 s2))
+           collect (list i f s1 s2))))
 (defparameter *possible-long-float-exponent-markers*
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-		     for c across "SFDL"
-		     when (subtypep 'long-float type)
-		     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
+                     for c across "SFDL"
+                     when (subtypep 'long-float type)
+                     nconc (list c (char-downcase c))))
 (deftest print.long-float.3
   (let ((chars *possible-long-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'long-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
-			for f = (float i 0.0l0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			unless (and (> len1 4)
-				    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'long-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i from -4000 to 4000
+                        for f = (float i 0.0l0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        unless (and (> len1 4)
+                                    (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                    (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                    (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.long-float.4
   (let ((chars *possible-long-float-exponent-markers*))
     (loop for type in '(short-float double-float long-float)
-	  nconc
-	  (and (not (subtypep 'long-float type))
-	       (with-standard-io-syntax
-		(let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		      (*read-default-float-format* type))
-		  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
-			for f = (float i 0.0l0)
-			for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
-			for len1 = (length s1)
-			for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
-			repeat 10000
-			unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
-				;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
-				(and (> len1 4)
-				     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
-				     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
-				     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
-			collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
+          nconc
+          (and (not (subtypep 'long-float type))
+               (with-standard-io-syntax
+                (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                      (*read-default-float-format* type))
+                  (loop for i = (- (random 20000000) 10000000)
+                        for f = (float i 0.0l0)
+                        for s1 = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 f s))
+                        for len1 = (length s1)
+                        for s2 = (format nil "~A.0" i)
+                        repeat 10000
+                        unless (or (/= i (rational f))  ;; not enough bits
+                                ;; (> (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float f)) 0)
+                                (and (> len1 4)
+                                     (string-equal s1 s2 :start1 0 :end1 (- len1 2))
+                                     (eql (char s1 (- len1 1)) #\0)
+                                     (member (char s1 (- len1 2)) chars)))
+                        collect (list type i f s1 s2)))))))
 (deftest print.long-float.random
   (let ((lower-bound (if (< (log least-positive-long-float 10) -100)
-			 (expt 0.1l0 100)
-		       least-positive-long-float))
-	(upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-long-float 10) 100)
-			    (expt 10.0l0 100)
-			  most-positive-long-float)
-			10)))
+                         (expt 0.1l0 100)
+                       least-positive-long-float))
+        (upper-bound (/ (if (> (log most-positive-long-float 10) 100)
+                            (expt 10.0l0 100)
+                          most-positive-long-float)
+                        10)))
     (loop for f = lower-bound then (* 10 f)
-	  while (< f upper-bound)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0l0))
-		for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
-		repeat 10
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+          while (< f upper-bound)
+          nconc
+          (loop for x = (handler-case (random f) (arithmetic-error (c) 0.0l0))
+                for y = (if (coin) (- x) x)
+                repeat 10
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability y))))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-integers.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-integers.lsp
index 8d5e49dc..aa62498e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-integers.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-integers.lsp
@@ -269,59 +269,59 @@
 (deftest print.integers.base.various.1
    (loop for b from 2 to 36
-	 nconc
-	 (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b))
-	   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-		 for n = (expt b i)
-		 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
-		 for result = (read-from-string str)
-		 unless (= n result)
-		 collect (list b i n str result)))))
+         nconc
+         (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b))
+           (loop for i from 1 to 100
+                 for n = (expt b i)
+                 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
+                 for result = (read-from-string str)
+                 unless (= n result)
+                 collect (list b i n str result)))))
 (deftest print.integers.base.various.2
    (loop for b from 2 to 36
-	 nconc
-	 (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b))
-	   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-		 for n = (- (expt b i))
-		 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
-		 for result = (read-from-string str)
-		 unless (= n result)
-		 collect (list b i n str result)))))
+         nconc
+         (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b))
+           (loop for i from 1 to 100
+                 for n = (- (expt b i))
+                 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
+                 for result = (read-from-string str)
+                 unless (= n result)
+                 collect (list b i n str result)))))
 (deftest print.integers.base.various.3
    (loop for b from 2 to 36
-	 nconc
-	 (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b) (*print-radix* t))
-	   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-		 for n = (expt b i)
-		 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
-		 for result = (read-from-string str)
-		 unless (= n result)
-		 collect (list b i n str result)))))
+         nconc
+         (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b) (*print-radix* t))
+           (loop for i from 1 to 100
+                 for n = (expt b i)
+                 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
+                 for result = (read-from-string str)
+                 unless (= n result)
+                 collect (list b i n str result)))))
 (deftest print.integers.base.various.4
    (loop for b from 2 to 36
-	 nconc
-	 (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b) (*print-radix* t))
-	   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-		 for n = (- (expt b i))
-		 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
-		 for result = (read-from-string str)
-		 unless (= n result)
-		 collect (list b i n str result)))))
-  nil)	      
+         nconc
+         (let ((*print-base* b) (*read-base* b) (*print-radix* t))
+           (loop for i from 1 to 100
+                 for n = (- (expt b i))
+                 for str = (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 n s))
+                 for result = (read-from-string str)
+                 unless (= n result)
+                 collect (list b i n str result)))))
+  nil)
 (deftest print.integers.random.1
   (loop for numbits = (random 40)
-	for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
-	for r = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	repeat 10000
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability r))
+        for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
+        for r = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        repeat 10000
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability r))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-length.lsp
index 645c2042..b513d40d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-length.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-length.lsp
@@ -31,15 +31,15 @@
   (let ((x '(|A| |B| |C| |D| |E| |F|)))
      (let ((*print-case* :upcase)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* nil)
-	   (*print-length* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-readably* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* nil)
+           (*print-length* nil))
-	#'values
-	(loop for i from 0 to 8
-	      collect (let ((*print-length* i))
-			(write-to-string x)))))))
+        #'values
+        (loop for i from 0 to 8
+              collect (let ((*print-length* i))
+                        (write-to-string x)))))))
   "(A ...)"
   "(A B ...)"
@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@
   (let ((x '(|A| |B| |C| |D| |E| |F| . |G|)))
      (let ((*print-case* :upcase)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* nil)
-	   (*print-length* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-readably* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* nil)
+           (*print-length* nil))
-	#'values
-	(loop for i from 0 to 8
-	      collect (let ((*print-length* i))
-			(write-to-string x)))))))
+        #'values
+        (loop for i from 0 to 8
+              collect (let ((*print-length* i))
+                        (write-to-string x)))))))
   "(A ...)"
   "(A B ...)"
@@ -82,15 +82,15 @@
   (let ((x #(|A| |B| |C| |D| |E| |F|)))
      (let ((*print-case* :upcase)
-	   (*print-escape* nil)
-	   (*print-readably* nil)
-	   (*print-pretty* nil)
-	   (*print-length* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil)
+           (*print-readably* nil)
+           (*print-pretty* nil)
+           (*print-length* nil))
-	#'values
-	(loop for i from 0 to 8
-	      collect (let ((*print-length* i))
-			(write-to-string x)))))))
+        #'values
+        (loop for i from 0 to 8
+              collect (let ((*print-length* i))
+                        (write-to-string x)))))))
   "#(A ...)"
   "#(A B ...)"
@@ -117,31 +117,31 @@
 (deftest print-length.11
   (let ((result
-	 (with-standard-io-syntax
-	  (let ((*print-case* :upcase)
-		(*print-escape* nil)
-		(*print-readably* nil)
-		(*print-pretty* nil)
-		(*print-length* nil)
-		(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-		(s (make-print-length-struct :foo 17)))
-	    (apply
-	     #'list
-	     (loop for i from 0 to 4
-		   collect (let ((*print-length* i))
-			     (write-to-string s))))))))
+         (with-standard-io-syntax
+          (let ((*print-case* :upcase)
+                (*print-escape* nil)
+                (*print-readably* nil)
+                (*print-pretty* nil)
+                (*print-length* nil)
+                (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+                (s (make-print-length-struct :foo 17)))
+            (apply
+             #'list
+             (loop for i from 0 to 4
+                   collect (let ((*print-length* i))
+                             (write-to-string s))))))))
     (if (member result
-		'(("#S(...)"
-		:test 'equal)
-	:good
+                '(("#S(...)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT ...)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO ...)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)")
+                  ("#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT ...)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)"
+                   "#S(PRINT-LENGTH-STRUCT :FOO 17)"))
+                :test 'equal)
+        :good
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-level.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-level.lsp
index 04f9e6bf..841af68e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-level.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-level.lsp
@@ -12,15 +12,15 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* nil))
      (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	   for s1 = (write-to-string x)
-	   for s2 = (let ((*print-level* 0)) (write-to-string x))
-	   when (and (or (consp x)
-			 (and (arrayp x)
-			      (not (stringp x))
-			      (not (typep x 'bit-vector)))
-			 (typep (class-of x) 'structure-class))
-		      (not (string= s2 "#")))
-	   collect (list x s1 s2))))
+           for s1 = (write-to-string x)
+           for s2 = (let ((*print-level* 0)) (write-to-string x))
+           when (and (or (consp x)
+                         (and (arrayp x)
+                              (not (stringp x))
+                              (not (typep x 'bit-vector)))
+                         (typep (class-of x) 'structure-class))
+                      (not (string= s2 "#")))
+           collect (list x s1 s2))))
@@ -34,34 +34,34 @@
 (deftest print-level.2
    (write-to-string (make-instance 'print-level-test-class)
-		    :level 0
-		    :readably nil))
+                    :level 0
+                    :readably nil))
 (deftest print-level.3
    (write-to-string (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(a b c d))
-		    :readably nil
-		    :array t
-		    :level 0))
+                    :readably nil
+                    :array t
+                    :level 0))
 (deftest print-level.4
    (write-to-string (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 1)
-				:element-type 'bit)
-		    :readably nil
-		    :array t
-		    :level 0))
+                                :element-type 'bit)
+                    :readably nil
+                    :array t
+                    :level 0))
 (deftest print-level.5
    (write-to-string "abcd"
-		    :readably nil
-		    :array t
-		    :level 0))
+                    :readably nil
+                    :array t
+                    :level 0))
 (define-condition print-level-condition (condition) (a b c))
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@
 (deftest print-level.6
    (write-to-string (make-condition 'print-level-condition)
-		    :level 0 :pretty nil :readably nil))
+                    :level 0 :pretty nil :readably nil))
 (deftest print-level.7
    (write-to-string (make-condition 'print-level-condition)
-		    :level 0 :pretty t :readably nil))
+                    :level 0 :pretty t :readably nil))
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
 (deftest print-level.8
    (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	  (*print-pretty* nil)
-	  (s (make-print-level-struct)))
+          (*print-pretty* nil)
+          (s (make-print-level-struct)))
       (write-to-string s :level 0   :readably nil)
       (write-to-string s :level 1   :readably nil)
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
 (deftest print-level.9
    (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	  (*print-pretty* t)
-	  (s (make-print-level-struct)))
+          (*print-pretty* t)
+          (s (make-print-level-struct)))
       (write-to-string s :level 0   :readably nil)
       (write-to-string s :level 1   :readably nil)
@@ -117,14 +117,14 @@
    (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (write-to-string (make-print-level-struct2)
-		      :level 0 :pretty nil :readably nil)))
+                      :level 0 :pretty nil :readably nil)))
 (deftest print-level.11
    (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (write-to-string (make-print-level-struct2)
-		      :level 0 :pretty t :readably nil)))
+                      :level 0 :pretty t :readably nil)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-lines.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-lines.lsp
index 211e95bf..91d9d1a0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-lines.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-lines.lsp
@@ -14,21 +14,21 @@
 (deftest print-lines.2
    (let ((*print-lines* 1)
-	 (*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*print-miser-width* nil)
-	 (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch)))
+         (*print-readably* nil)
+         (*print-miser-width* nil)
+         (*print-pprint-dispatch* (copy-pprint-dispatch)))
      (set-pprint-dispatch '(cons (eql 1) t) 'pprint-fill)
       (loop for i from 1 to 10
-	    collect
-	    (let ((*print-right-margin* i))
-	      (subseq
-	       (with-output-to-string
-		 (*standard-output*)
-		 (terpri)
-		 (pprint '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
-	       2))))))
+            collect
+            (let ((*print-right-margin* i))
+              (subseq
+               (with-output-to-string
+                 (*standard-output*)
+                 (terpri)
+                 (pprint '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
+               2))))))
   "(1 ..)"
   "(1 ..)"
   "(1 ..)"
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-pathname.lsp
index 7393e150..6baa9825 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-pathname.lsp
@@ -9,27 +9,27 @@
 (deftest print.pathname.1
   (loop for p in *universe*
-	when (typep p 'pathname)
-	nconc
-	(loop repeat 10
-	      nconc (randomly-check-readability p :test #'is-similar
-						:can-fail t)))
+        when (typep p 'pathname)
+        nconc
+        (loop repeat 10
+              nconc (randomly-check-readability p :test #'is-similar
+                                                :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.pathname.2
   (loop for p in *universe*
-	when (typep p 'pathname)
-	nconc
-	(let ((ns (ignore-errors (namestring p))))
-	  "Read before commenting on this test"
-	  (when ns
-	    (let ((expected-result
+        when (typep p 'pathname)
+        nconc
+        (let ((ns (ignore-errors (namestring p))))
+          "Read before commenting on this test"
+          (when ns
+            (let ((expected-result
                    (concatenate 'string "#P"
-				 (write-to-string ns :readably nil
-						  :escape t))))
-		  (result (with-standard-io-syntax
-			   (write-to-string p :readably nil :escape t))))
-	      (unless (string= expected-result result)
-		(list (list expected-result result)))))))
+                                 (write-to-string ns :readably nil
+                                                  :escape t))))
+                  (result (with-standard-io-syntax
+                           (write-to-string p :readably nil :escape t))))
+              (unless (string= expected-result result)
+                (list (list expected-result result)))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-random-state.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-random-state.lsp
index 0b7f407b..5ba76963 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-random-state.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-random-state.lsp
@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
 (deftest print.random-state.1
   (loop repeat 100
-	do (loop repeat 50 do (random 1000))
-	nconc
-	(let* ((rs1 (make-random-state *random-state*))
-	       (rs2 (with-standard-io-syntax
-		     (read-from-string
-		      (write-to-string rs1 :readably t))))
-	       (result (list (notnot (random-state-p rs2))
-			     (is-similar rs1 rs2))))
-	  (unless (equal result '(t t)) (list result rs1 rs2))))
+        do (loop repeat 50 do (random 1000))
+        nconc
+        (let* ((rs1 (make-random-state *random-state*))
+               (rs2 (with-standard-io-syntax
+                     (read-from-string
+                      (write-to-string rs1 :readably t))))
+               (result (list (notnot (random-state-p rs2))
+                             (is-similar rs1 rs2))))
+          (unless (equal result '(t t)) (list result rs1 rs2))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-ratios.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-ratios.lsp
index ef34c4df..4d42c6c2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-ratios.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-ratios.lsp
@@ -9,11 +9,11 @@
 (deftest print.ratios.random
   (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	for numbits = (1+ (random 40))
-	for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
-	for num = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
-	for denom = (1+ (random bound))
-	for r = (/ num denom)
-	nconc (randomly-check-readability r))
+        for numbits = (1+ (random 40))
+        for bound = (ash 1 numbits)
+        for num = (- (random (+ bound bound)) bound)
+        for denom = (1+ (random bound))
+        for r = (/ num denom)
+        nconc (randomly-check-readability r))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-strings.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-strings.lsp
index c021924c..0c8ba3eb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-strings.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-strings.lsp
@@ -15,31 +15,31 @@
 (deftest print.string.2
    (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	 for s1 = (string c)
-	 for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)
-	 unless (string= s1 s2)
-	 collect (list c s1 s2)))
+         for s1 = (string c)
+         for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)
+         unless (string= s1 s2)
+         collect (list c s1 s2)))
 (deftest print.string.3
    (loop for i below 256
-	 for c = (code-char i)
-	 when c
-	 nconc
-	 (let* ((s1 (string c))
-		(s2 (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)))
-	   (unless (string= s1 s2)
-	     (list (list c s1 s2))))))
+         for c = (code-char i)
+         when c
+         nconc
+         (let* ((s1 (string c))
+                (s2 (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)))
+           (unless (string= s1 s2)
+             (list (list c s1 s2))))))
 (deftest print.string.4
    (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	 for s1 = (string c)
-	 for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape t :readably nil)
-	 unless (or (find c "\"\\") (string= (concatenate 'string "\"" s1 "\"") s2))
-	 collect (list c s1 s2)))
+         for s1 = (string c)
+         for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape t :readably nil)
+         unless (or (find c "\"\\") (string= (concatenate 'string "\"" s1 "\"") s2))
+         collect (list c s1 s2)))
 (deftest print.string.5
@@ -57,65 +57,65 @@
 (deftest print.string.7
    (loop for s1 in (remove-if-not #'stringp *universe*)
-	 for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)
-	 for s3 = (write-to-string s1 :array t :escape nil :readably nil)
-	 unless (string= s2 s3)
-	 collect (list s1 s2 s3)))
+         for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape nil :readably nil)
+         for s3 = (write-to-string s1 :array t :escape nil :readably nil)
+         unless (string= s2 s3)
+         collect (list s1 s2 s3)))
 (deftest print.string.8
    (loop for s1 in (remove-if-not #'stringp *universe*)
-	 for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape t :readably nil)
-	 for s3 = (write-to-string s1 :array t :escape t :readably nil)
-	 unless (string= s2 s3)
-	 collect (list s1 s2 s3)))
+         for s2 = (write-to-string s1 :escape t :readably nil)
+         for s3 = (write-to-string s1 :array t :escape t :readably nil)
+         unless (string= s2 s3)
+         collect (list s1 s2 s3)))
 ;;; Only active elements of the string are printed
 (deftest print.string.9
   (let* ((s (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "abcdefghij"))
-	 (result
-	  (with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (write-to-string s :escape nil :readably nil))))
+                       :initial-contents "abcdefghij"))
+         (result
+          (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (write-to-string s :escape nil :readably nil))))
     (or (and (string= result "abcde") t)
-	result))
+        result))
 (deftest print.string.10
   (let* ((s (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents "aBcDefGHij"))
-	 (result
-	  (with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (write-to-string s :escape t :readably nil))))
+                       :initial-contents "aBcDefGHij"))
+         (result
+          (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (write-to-string s :escape t :readably nil))))
     (or (and (string= result "\"aBcDe\"") t)
-	result))
+        result))
 (deftest print.string.11
   (let* ((s (make-array '(8) :element-type 'base-char
-			:initial-contents "abcdefgh"
-			:adjustable t))
-	 (result
-	  (with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (write-to-string s :escape t :readably nil))))
+                        :initial-contents "abcdefgh"
+                        :adjustable t))
+         (result
+          (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (write-to-string s :escape t :readably nil))))
     (or (and (string= result "\"abcdefgh\"") t)
-	result))
+        result))
 (deftest print.string.12
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :element-type 'character
-			 :initial-contents "abcdefgh"))
-	 (s2 (make-array '(4) :element-type 'character
-			 :displaced-to s1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2))
-	 (result
-	  (with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (write-to-string s2 :escape t :readably nil))))
+                         :initial-contents "abcdefgh"))
+         (s2 (make-array '(4) :element-type 'character
+                         :displaced-to s1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2))
+         (result
+          (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (write-to-string s2 :escape t :readably nil))))
     (or (and (string= result "\"cdef\"") t)
-	result))
+        result))
 ;;; *print-array* should not affect string printing
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
    (write-to-string "1234" :array nil :readably nil :escape t))
 ;;; The ever-popular nil string
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@
 (deftest print.string.random.1
    (loop for len = (1+ (random 5))
-	 for s = (coerce (loop repeat len
-			       collect (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
-			 'string)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 append (randomly-check-readability s))
+         for s = (coerce (loop repeat len
+                               collect (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
+                         'string)
+         repeat 1000
+         append (randomly-check-readability s))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-structure.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-structure.lsp
index 0f68fdfb..d3b15927 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-structure.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-structure.lsp
@@ -15,22 +15,22 @@
      (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
        (let ((str (write-to-string s :readably nil :case :upcase :escape nil)))
-	 (assert (string= (subseq str 0 3) "#S("))
-	 (let ((vals (read-from-string (subseq str 2))))
-	   (assert (listp vals))
-	   (assert (= (length vals) 5))
-	   (assert (eq (car vals) 'print-struct-1))
-	   (assert (symbolp (cadr vals)))
-	   (assert (symbolp (cadddr vals)))
-	   (cond
-	    ((string= (symbol-name (cadr vals)) "FOO")
-	     (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadddr vals)) "BAR"))
-	     (assert (= (caddr vals) 1))
-	     (assert (= (car (cddddr vals)) 2)))
-	    (t
-	     (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadr vals)) "BAR"))
-	     (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadddr vals)) "FOO"))
-	     (assert (= (caddr vals) 2))
-	     (assert (= (car (cddddr vals)) 1))))
-	   nil)))))
+         (assert (string= (subseq str 0 3) "#S("))
+         (let ((vals (read-from-string (subseq str 2))))
+           (assert (listp vals))
+           (assert (= (length vals) 5))
+           (assert (eq (car vals) 'print-struct-1))
+           (assert (symbolp (cadr vals)))
+           (assert (symbolp (cadddr vals)))
+           (cond
+            ((string= (symbol-name (cadr vals)) "FOO")
+             (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadddr vals)) "BAR"))
+             (assert (= (caddr vals) 1))
+             (assert (= (car (cddddr vals)) 2)))
+            (t
+             (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadr vals)) "BAR"))
+             (assert (string= (symbol-name (cadddr vals)) "FOO"))
+             (assert (= (caddr vals) 2))
+             (assert (= (car (cddddr vals)) 1))))
+           nil)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-symbols.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-symbols.lsp
index f5bffcd9..401e7a6b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-symbols.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-symbols.lsp
@@ -13,252 +13,252 @@
   (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) case)
   (let ((str (with-output-to-string (s) (princ sym s))))
     (or (equalt str expected)
-	(list str expected))))
+        (list str expected))))
 (defun prin1.symbol.fn (sym case *print-case* expected)
   (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) case)
   (let ((str (with-output-to-string (s) (prin1 sym s))))
     (or (and (member str expected :test #'string=) t)
-	(list str expected))))
+        (list str expected))))
 (deftest print.symbol.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|XYZ| :upcase :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :upcase :capitalize "Xyz")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :downcase :downcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :downcase :capitalize "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :preserve :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :preserve :downcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :preserve :capitalize "XYZ")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :invert :upcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :invert :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|XYZ| :invert :capitalize "xyz")))))
+        (%p '|XYZ| :upcase :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :upcase :capitalize "Xyz")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :downcase :downcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :downcase :capitalize "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :preserve :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :preserve :downcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :preserve :capitalize "XYZ")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :invert :upcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :invert :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|XYZ| :invert :capitalize "xyz")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|xyz| :upcase :upcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :upcase :capitalize "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|xyz| :downcase :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :downcase :capitalize "Xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :preserve :upcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :preserve :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :preserve :capitalize "xyz")
-	(%p '|xyz| :invert :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|xyz| :invert :downcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|xyz| :invert :capitalize "XYZ")))))
+        (%p '|xyz| :upcase :upcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :upcase :capitalize "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|xyz| :downcase :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :downcase :capitalize "Xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :preserve :upcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :preserve :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :preserve :capitalize "xyz")
+        (%p '|xyz| :invert :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|xyz| :invert :downcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|xyz| :invert :capitalize "XYZ")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.3
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|Xyz| :upcase :upcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :upcase :capitalize "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :downcase :downcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :downcase :capitalize "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :preserve :upcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :preserve :downcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :preserve :capitalize "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :invert :upcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :invert :downcase "Xyz")
-	(%p '|Xyz| :invert :capitalize "Xyz")))))
+        (%p '|Xyz| :upcase :upcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :upcase :capitalize "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :downcase :downcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :downcase :capitalize "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :preserve :upcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :preserve :downcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :preserve :capitalize "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :invert :upcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :invert :downcase "Xyz")
+        (%p '|Xyz| :invert :capitalize "Xyz")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.4
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|xYZ| :upcase :upcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :upcase :capitalize "xyz")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :downcase :downcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :downcase :capitalize "XYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :preserve :upcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :preserve :downcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :preserve :capitalize "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :invert :upcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :invert :downcase "xYZ")
-	(%p '|xYZ| :invert :capitalize "xYZ")))))
+        (%p '|xYZ| :upcase :upcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :upcase :downcase "xyz")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :upcase :capitalize "xyz")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :downcase :upcase "XYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :downcase :downcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :downcase :capitalize "XYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :preserve :upcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :preserve :downcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :preserve :capitalize "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :invert :upcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :invert :downcase "xYZ")
+        (%p '|xYZ| :invert :capitalize "xYZ")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.5
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|X1Z| :upcase :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :upcase :capitalize "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :downcase :downcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :downcase :capitalize "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :preserve :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :preserve :downcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :preserve :capitalize "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :invert :upcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :invert :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|X1Z| :invert :capitalize "x1z")))))
+        (%p '|X1Z| :upcase :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :upcase :capitalize "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :downcase :downcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :downcase :capitalize "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :preserve :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :preserve :downcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :preserve :capitalize "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :invert :upcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :invert :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|X1Z| :invert :capitalize "x1z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.6
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|x1z| :upcase :upcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :upcase :capitalize "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :downcase :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :downcase :capitalize "X1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :preserve :upcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :preserve :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :preserve :capitalize "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :invert :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :invert :downcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|x1z| :invert :capitalize "X1Z")))))
+        (%p '|x1z| :upcase :upcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :upcase :capitalize "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :downcase :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :downcase :capitalize "X1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :preserve :upcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :preserve :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :preserve :capitalize "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :invert :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :invert :downcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|x1z| :invert :capitalize "X1Z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.7
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|X1z| :upcase :upcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :upcase :capitalize "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :downcase :downcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :downcase :capitalize "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :preserve :upcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :preserve :downcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :preserve :capitalize "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :invert :upcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :invert :downcase "X1z")
-	(%p '|X1z| :invert :capitalize "X1z")))))
+        (%p '|X1z| :upcase :upcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :upcase :capitalize "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :downcase :downcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :downcase :capitalize "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :preserve :upcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :preserve :downcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :preserve :capitalize "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :invert :upcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :invert :downcase "X1z")
+        (%p '|X1z| :invert :capitalize "X1z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.8
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|x1Z| :upcase :upcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :upcase :capitalize "x1z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :downcase :downcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :downcase :capitalize "X1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :preserve :upcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :preserve :downcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :preserve :capitalize "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :invert :upcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :invert :downcase "x1Z")
-	(%p '|x1Z| :invert :capitalize "x1Z")))))
+        (%p '|x1Z| :upcase :upcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :upcase :downcase "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :upcase :capitalize "x1z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :downcase :upcase "X1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :downcase :downcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :downcase :capitalize "X1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :preserve :upcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :preserve :downcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :preserve :capitalize "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :invert :upcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :invert :downcase "x1Z")
+        (%p '|x1Z| :invert :capitalize "x1Z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.9
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|X Z| :upcase :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :upcase :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :downcase :downcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :preserve :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :preserve :downcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :preserve :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :invert :upcase "x z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :invert :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|X Z| :invert :capitalize "x z")))))
+        (%p '|X Z| :upcase :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :upcase :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :downcase :downcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :preserve :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :preserve :downcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :preserve :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :invert :upcase "x z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :invert :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|X Z| :invert :capitalize "x z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.10
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|x z| :upcase :upcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :upcase :capitalize "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|x z| :downcase :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|x z| :preserve :upcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :preserve :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :preserve :capitalize "x z")
-	(%p '|x z| :invert :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|x z| :invert :downcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|x z| :invert :capitalize "X Z")))))
+        (%p '|x z| :upcase :upcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :upcase :capitalize "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|x z| :downcase :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|x z| :preserve :upcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :preserve :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :preserve :capitalize "x z")
+        (%p '|x z| :invert :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|x z| :invert :downcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|x z| :invert :capitalize "X Z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.11
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|X z| :upcase :upcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|X z| :upcase :capitalize "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|X z| :downcase :downcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|X z| :preserve :upcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :preserve :downcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :preserve :capitalize "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :invert :upcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :invert :downcase "X z")
-	(%p '|X z| :invert :capitalize "X z")))))
+        (%p '|X z| :upcase :upcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|X z| :upcase :capitalize "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|X z| :downcase :downcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|X z| :preserve :upcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :preserve :downcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :preserve :capitalize "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :invert :upcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :invert :downcase "X z")
+        (%p '|X z| :invert :capitalize "X z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest print.symbol.12
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'princ.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|x Z| :upcase :upcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :upcase :capitalize "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :downcase :downcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :preserve :upcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :preserve :downcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :preserve :capitalize "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :invert :upcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :invert :downcase "x Z")
-	(%p '|x Z| :invert :capitalize "x Z")))))
+        (%p '|x Z| :upcase :upcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :upcase :downcase "x z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :upcase :capitalize "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :downcase :upcase "X Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :downcase :downcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :downcase :capitalize "X Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :preserve :upcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :preserve :downcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :preserve :capitalize "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :invert :upcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :invert :downcase "x Z")
+        (%p '|x Z| :invert :capitalize "x Z")))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 ;;; Randomized printing tests
@@ -268,13 +268,13 @@
     (when (find-package pkg-name)
       (delete-package pkg-name))
-	(let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name)))
-	  (trim-list
-	   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-		 nconc
-		 (loop repeat 50
-		       nconc (randomly-check-readability (intern (string c)))))
-	   10))
+        (let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name)))
+          (trim-list
+           (loop for c across +standard-chars+
+                 nconc
+                 (loop repeat 50
+                       nconc (randomly-check-readability (intern (string c)))))
+           10))
 ;;      (delete-package pkg-name)
@@ -284,56 +284,56 @@
     (when (find-package pkg-name)
       (delete-package pkg-name))
-	(let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
-	      (count 0))
-	  (trim-list
-	   (loop for c1 = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-		 for c2 = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
-		 for string = (concatenate 'string (string c1) (string c2))
-		 for result = (randomly-check-readability (intern string))
-		 for tries from 1 to 10000
-		 when result do (incf count)
-		 nconc result
-		 when (= count 10)
-		 collect	(format nil "... ~A out of ~A, stopping test ..."
-					count tries)
-		 while (< count 10))
-	   10))
+        (let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
+              (count 0))
+          (trim-list
+           (loop for c1 = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+                 for c2 = (random-from-seq +standard-chars+)
+                 for string = (concatenate 'string (string c1) (string c2))
+                 for result = (randomly-check-readability (intern string))
+                 for tries from 1 to 10000
+                 when result do (incf count)
+                 nconc result
+                 when (= count 10)
+                 collect        (format nil "... ~A out of ~A, stopping test ..."
+                                        count tries)
+                 while (< count 10))
+           10))
       ;; (delete-package pkg-name)
 (deftest print.symbol.random.3
   (let ((count 0)
-	(symbols (make-array '(1000) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+        (symbols (make-array '(1000) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
     ;; Find all symbols that have a home package, put into array SYMBOLS
     (do-all-symbols (s)
       (when (symbol-package s)
-	(vector-push-extend s symbols (array-dimension symbols 0))))
+        (vector-push-extend s symbols (array-dimension symbols 0))))
     (loop for i = (random (fill-pointer symbols))
-	  for s = (aref symbols i)
-	  for tries from 1 to 10000
-	  for problem = (randomly-check-readability s)
-	  nconc problem
-	  when problem do (incf count)
-	  while (< count 10)))
+          for s = (aref symbols i)
+          for tries from 1 to 10000
+          for problem = (randomly-check-readability s)
+          nconc problem
+          when problem do (incf count)
+          while (< count 10)))
 (deftest print.symbol.random.4
   (let ((count 0)
-	(symbols (make-array '(1000) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
+        (symbols (make-array '(1000) :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t)))
     ;; Find all symbols that have a home package, put into array SYMBOLS
     (do-all-symbols (s)
       (when (symbol-package s)
-	(vector-push-extend s symbols (array-dimension symbols 0))))
+        (vector-push-extend s symbols (array-dimension symbols 0))))
     (loop for i = (random (fill-pointer symbols))
-	  for s = (aref symbols i)
-	  for tries from 1 to 10000
-	  for problem = (let ((*package* (symbol-package s)))
-			  (randomly-check-readability s))
-	  nconc problem
-	  when problem do (incf count)
-	  while (< count 10)))
+          for s = (aref symbols i)
+          for tries from 1 to 10000
+          for problem = (let ((*package* (symbol-package s)))
+                          (randomly-check-readability s))
+          nconc problem
+          when problem do (incf count)
+          while (< count 10)))
 ;;;; Tests of printing with escaping enabled
@@ -341,67 +341,67 @@
 (deftest prin1.symbol.1
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'prin1.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|X| :upcase :upcase     '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :upcase :downcase   '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :upcase :capitalize '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :downcase :upcase     '("\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :downcase :downcase   '("\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :downcase :capitalize '("\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :preserve :upcase     '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :preserve :downcase   '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :preserve :capitalize '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :invert :upcase       '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :invert :downcase     '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	(%p '|X| :invert :capitalize   '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
-	))))
+        (%p '|X| :upcase :upcase     '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :upcase :downcase   '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :upcase :capitalize '("x" "X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :downcase :upcase     '("\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :downcase :downcase   '("\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :downcase :capitalize '("\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :preserve :upcase     '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :preserve :downcase   '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :preserve :capitalize '("X" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :invert :upcase       '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :invert :downcase     '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        (%p '|X| :invert :capitalize   '("x" "\\X" "|X|"))
+        ))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest prin1.symbol.2
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'prin1.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|x| :upcase :upcase     '("\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :upcase :downcase   '("\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :upcase :capitalize '("\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :downcase :upcase     '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :downcase :downcase   '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :downcase :capitalize '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :preserve :upcase     '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :preserve :downcase   '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :preserve :capitalize '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :invert :upcase       '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :invert :downcase     '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	(%p '|x| :invert :capitalize   '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
-	))))
+        (%p '|x| :upcase :upcase     '("\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :upcase :downcase   '("\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :upcase :capitalize '("\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :downcase :upcase     '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :downcase :downcase   '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :downcase :capitalize '("x" "X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :preserve :upcase     '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :preserve :downcase   '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :preserve :capitalize '("x" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :invert :upcase       '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :invert :downcase     '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        (%p '|x| :invert :capitalize   '("X" "\\x" "|x|"))
+        ))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 (deftest prin1.symbol.3
    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-	 (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
+         (*package* (find-package :cl-test))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
      (flet ((%p (&rest args) (apply #'prin1.symbol.fn args)))
-	(%p '|1| :upcase :upcase     '("\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :upcase :downcase   '("\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :upcase :capitalize '("\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :downcase :upcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :downcase :downcase   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :downcase :capitalize '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :preserve :upcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :preserve :downcase   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :preserve :capitalize '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :invert :upcase       '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :invert :downcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	(%p '|1| :invert :capitalize   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
-	))))
+        (%p '|1| :upcase :upcase     '("\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :upcase :downcase   '("\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :upcase :capitalize '("\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :downcase :upcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :downcase :downcase   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :downcase :capitalize '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :preserve :upcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :preserve :downcase   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :preserve :capitalize '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :invert :upcase       '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :invert :downcase     '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        (%p '|1| :invert :capitalize   '("1" "\\1" "|1|"))
+        ))))
   t t t t t t t t t t t t)
 ;;; Random symbol printing tests when *print-escape* is true
@@ -415,33 +415,33 @@
     (when (find-package pkg-name)
       (delete-package pkg-name))
-	(let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
-	      (result
-	       (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-		     for s = (intern (string c))
-		     append
-		     (loop repeat 50
-			   nconc (randomly-check-readability
-				  s
-				  :readable nil
-				  :escape t)))))
-	  (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
+        (let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
+              (result
+               (loop for c across +standard-chars+
+                     for s = (intern (string c))
+                     append
+                     (loop repeat 50
+                           nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                                  s
+                                  :readable nil
+                                  :escape t)))))
+          (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
       ;; (delete-package pkg-name)
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.2
   (let ((result
-	 (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	       for s = (make-symbol (string c))
-	       nconc
-	       (loop repeat 50
-		     nconc (randomly-check-readability
-			    s
-			    :readable nil
-			    :escape t
-			    :gensym t
-			    :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols)))))
+         (loop for c across +standard-chars+
+               for s = (make-symbol (string c))
+               nconc
+               (loop repeat 50
+                     nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                            s
+                            :readable nil
+                            :escape t
+                            :gensym t
+                            :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols)))))
     (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
@@ -450,99 +450,99 @@
     (when (find-package pkg-name)
       (delete-package pkg-name))
-	(let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
-	      (result
-	       (loop for i below 256
-		     for c = (code-char i)
-		     when c
-		     nconc
-		     (let ((s (intern (string c))))
-		       (loop repeat 50
-			     nconc (randomly-check-readability
-				    s
-				    :readable nil
-				    :escape t))))))
-	  (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
+        (let ((*package* (make-package pkg-name))
+              (result
+               (loop for i below 256
+                     for c = (code-char i)
+                     when c
+                     nconc
+                     (let ((s (intern (string c))))
+                       (loop repeat 50
+                             nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                                    s
+                                    :readable nil
+                                    :escape t))))))
+          (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
       ;; (delete-package pkg-name)
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.4
   (let ((result
-	 (loop for i below 256
-	       for c = (code-char i)
-	       when c
-	       nconc
-	       (let ((s (make-symbol (string c))))
-		 (loop repeat 50
-		       nconc (randomly-check-readability
-			      s
-			      :readable nil
-			      :escape t
-			      :gensym t
-			      :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols))))))
+         (loop for i below 256
+               for c = (code-char i)
+               when c
+               nconc
+               (let ((s (make-symbol (string c))))
+                 (loop repeat 50
+                       nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                              s
+                              :readable nil
+                              :escape t
+                              :gensym t
+                              :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols))))))
     (subseq result 0 (min (length result) 10)))
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.5
   (loop for s in *universe*
-	when (and (symbolp s) (symbol-package s) )
-	nconc
-	(loop repeat 50
-	      nconc (randomly-check-readability
-		     s
-		     :readable nil
-		     :escape t)))
+        when (and (symbolp s) (symbol-package s) )
+        nconc
+        (loop repeat 50
+              nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                     s
+                     :readable nil
+                     :escape t)))
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.6
   (let ((*package* (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (loop for s in *universe*
-	  when (and (symbolp s) (symbol-package s))
-	  nconc
-	  (loop repeat 50
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability
-		       s
-		       :readable nil
-		       :escape t))))
+          when (and (symbolp s) (symbol-package s))
+          nconc
+          (loop repeat 50
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                       s
+                       :readable nil
+                       :escape t))))
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.7
   (loop for s in *universe*
-	when (and (symbolp s) (not (symbol-package s)))
-	nconc
-	(loop repeat 50
-	      nconc (randomly-check-readability
-		     s
-		     :readable nil
-		     :escape t
-		     :gensym t
-		     :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols)))
-  nil)								    
+        when (and (symbolp s) (not (symbol-package s)))
+        nconc
+        (loop repeat 50
+              nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                     s
+                     :readable nil
+                     :escape t
+                     :gensym t
+                     :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols)))
+  nil)
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped-random.8
   (let ((*package* (find-package "KEYWORD")))
     (loop for s in *universe*
-	  when (and (symbolp s) (not (symbol-package s)))
-	  nconc
-	  (loop repeat 50
-		nconc (randomly-check-readability
-		       s
-		       :readable nil
-		       :escape t
-		       :gensym t
-		       :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols))))
+          when (and (symbolp s) (not (symbol-package s)))
+          nconc
+          (loop repeat 50
+                nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                       s
+                       :readable nil
+                       :escape t
+                       :gensym t
+                       :test #'similar-uninterned-symbols))))
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped.9
   (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	 (s (intern "()")))
+         (s (intern "()")))
     (randomly-check-readability s :readable nil :escape t))
 (deftest print.symbol.escaped.10
   (let* ((*package* (find-package "KEYWORD"))
-	 (s (intern "()")))
+         (s (intern "()")))
     (randomly-check-readability s :readable nil :escape t))
@@ -565,11 +565,11 @@
 (deftest print.symbol.prefix.3
    (let ((s (write-to-string (make-symbol "ABC")
-			     :gensym nil :case :upcase
-			     :readably t :escape nil)))
+                             :gensym nil :case :upcase
+                             :readably t :escape nil)))
      (if (and (string= (subseq s 0 2) "#:")
-	      (string= (symbol-name (read-from-string s)) "ABC"))
-	 t s)))
+              (string= (symbol-name (read-from-string s)) "ABC"))
+         t s)))
 (deftest print.symbol.prefix.4
@@ -585,17 +585,17 @@
        (delete-package pkg-name))
      (let ((pkg (make-package pkg-name)))
-	(let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	       (s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
-	  (values
-	   (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)
-	   (let ((*package* pkg))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t))
-	   (let ((*package* pkg))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :downcase :readably nil :escape t))
-	   ))
-	;; (delete-package pkg)
-	))))
+        (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+               (s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
+          (values
+           (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)
+           (let ((*package* pkg))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t))
+           (let ((*package* pkg))
+             (write-to-string s :case :downcase :readably nil :escape t))
+           ))
+        ;; (delete-package pkg)
+        ))))
@@ -607,12 +607,12 @@
       (delete-package pkg-name))
     (let ((pkg (make-package pkg-name)))
-	  (with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (let* ((*package* pkg)
-		  (s (intern "X" pkg)))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil))
-	   ;; (delete-package pkg)
-	   ))))
+          (with-standard-io-syntax
+           (let* ((*package* pkg)
+                  (s (intern "X" pkg)))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil))
+           ;; (delete-package pkg)
+           ))))
 (deftest print.symbol.prefix.6a
@@ -628,25 +628,25 @@
     '(lambda ()
        (declare (optimize speed (safety 0)))
-	(let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	  (write-to-string 'cl-test::x :case :upcase :readably nil))))))
+        (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+          (write-to-string 'cl-test::x :case :upcase :readably nil))))))
 (deftest print.symbol.prefix.7
    (let ((pkg-name "PRINT-SYMBOL-TEST-PACKAGE")
+         (pkg-name2 "ANOTHER-PRINT-SYMBOL-TEST-PACKAGE"))
      (when (find-package pkg-name)
        (delete-package pkg-name))
      (when (find-package pkg-name2)
        (delete-package pkg-name2))
-	 (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
-		(pkg2 (make-package pkg-name2))
-		(s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
-	   (import s pkg2)
-	   (let ((*package* pkg2))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
+         (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
+                (pkg2 (make-package pkg-name2))
+                (s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
+           (import s pkg2)
+           (let ((*package* pkg2))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
        ;; (delete-package pkg)
@@ -654,19 +654,19 @@
 (deftest print.symbol.prefix.8
    (let ((pkg-name "PRINT-SYMBOL-TEST-PACKAGE")
+         (pkg-name2 "ANOTHER-PRINT-SYMBOL-TEST-PACKAGE"))
      (when (find-package pkg-name)
        (delete-package pkg-name))
      (when (find-package pkg-name2)
        (delete-package pkg-name2))
-	 (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
-		(pkg2 (make-package pkg-name2))
-		(s (intern "ABC" pkg2)))
-	   (import s pkg)
-	   (delete-package pkg2)
-	   (let ((*package* pkg))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :gensym t :readably nil :escape t)))
+         (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
+                (pkg2 (make-package pkg-name2))
+                (s (intern "ABC" pkg2)))
+           (import s pkg)
+           (delete-package pkg2)
+           (let ((*package* pkg))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :gensym t :readably nil :escape t)))
        ;; (delete-package pkg)
@@ -677,11 +677,11 @@
      (when (find-package pkg-name)
        (delete-package pkg-name))
-	 (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
-		(s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
-	   (export s pkg)
-	   (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
+         (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
+                (s (intern "ABC" pkg)))
+           (export s pkg)
+           (let ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
        ;; (delete-package pkg)
@@ -693,11 +693,11 @@
      (when (find-package pkg-name)
        (delete-package pkg-name))
-	 (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
-		(s :|X|))
-	   (import s pkg)
-	   (let ((*package* pkg))
-	     (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
+         (let* ((pkg (make-package pkg-name))
+                (s :|X|))
+           (import s pkg)
+           (let ((*package* pkg))
+             (write-to-string s :case :upcase :readably nil :escape t)))
        ;; (delete-package pkg)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-unreadable-object.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-unreadable-object.lsp
index 97b0cd5e..ab74b4e7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-unreadable-object.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-unreadable-object.lsp
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
    for x in *mini-universe*
    for return-vals = nil
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (s)
-	     (setq return-vals
-		   (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object (x s)))))
+             (s)
+             (setq return-vals
+                   (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object (x s)))))
    unless (and (equal return-vals '(nil))
-	       (equal s "#<>"))
+               (equal s "#<>"))
    collect (list x return-vals s))
@@ -26,22 +26,22 @@
    for return-vals1 = nil
    for return-vals2 = nil
    for s1 = (with-output-to-string
-	      (s)
-	      (setq return-vals1
-		    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
-					  (x s :type t)))))
+              (s)
+              (setq return-vals1
+                    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
+                                          (x s :type t)))))
    for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-	      (s)
-	      (setq return-vals2
-		    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
-					  (x s :type t)
-					  (write-char #\X s)))))
+              (s)
+              (setq return-vals2
+                    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
+                                          (x s :type t)
+                                          (write-char #\X s)))))
    unless (and (equal return-vals1 '(nil))
-	       (equal return-vals2 '(nil))
-	       (string= s1 "#<" :end1 2)
-	       (string= s1 s2 :end1 (- (length s1) 1)
-			:end2 (- (length s2) 2))
-	       (string= s2 " X>" :start1 (- (length s2) 3)))
+               (equal return-vals2 '(nil))
+               (string= s1 "#<" :end1 2)
+               (string= s1 s2 :end1 (- (length s1) 1)
+                        :end2 (- (length s2) 2))
+               (string= s2 " X>" :start1 (- (length s2) 3)))
    collect (list x return-vals1 return-vals2 s1 s2))
@@ -51,26 +51,26 @@
    for return-vals1 = nil
    for return-vals2 = nil
    for s1 = (with-output-to-string
-	      (s)
-	      (setq return-vals1
-		    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
-					  (x s :identity t)
-					  (write "FOO" :stream s)
-					  (values 1 2 3 4 5) ;; test if this is ignored
-					  ))))
+              (s)
+              (setq return-vals1
+                    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
+                                          (x s :identity t)
+                                          (write "FOO" :stream s)
+                                          (values 1 2 3 4 5) ;; test if this is ignored
+                                          ))))
    for s2 = (with-output-to-string
-	      (s)
-	      (setq return-vals2
-		    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
-					  (x s :identity t)
-					  ))))
+              (s)
+              (setq return-vals2
+                    (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
+                                          (x s :identity t)
+                                          ))))
    unless (and (equal return-vals1 '(nil))
-	       (equal return-vals2 '(nil))
-	       (string= s1 "#<FOO " :end1 6)
-	       (string= s2 "#< " :end1 3)
-	       (eql (char s1 (1- (length s1))) #\>)
-	       (eql (char s2 (1- (length s2))) #\>)
-	       (string= s1 s2 :start2 3 :start1 6))
+               (equal return-vals2 '(nil))
+               (string= s1 "#<FOO " :end1 6)
+               (string= s2 "#< " :end1 3)
+               (eql (char s1 (1- (length s1))) #\>)
+               (eql (char s2 (1- (length s2))) #\>)
+               (string= s1 s2 :start2 3 :start1 6))
    collect (list x return-vals1 return-vals2 s1 s2))
@@ -79,17 +79,17 @@
    for x in *mini-universe*
    for return-vals = nil
    for s = (with-output-to-string
-	     (s)
-	     (setq return-vals
-		   (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
-					 (x s :identity t :type t)
-					 (write "FOO" :stream s)
-					 (values) ;; test if this is ignored
-					 ))))
+             (s)
+             (setq return-vals
+                   (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object
+                                         (x s :identity t :type t)
+                                         (write "FOO" :stream s)
+                                         (values) ;; test if this is ignored
+                                         ))))
    unless (and (equal return-vals '(nil))
-	       (string= s "#<" :end1 2)
-	       (eql (char s (1- (length s))) #\>)
-	       (>= (count #\Space s) 2))
+               (string= s "#<" :end1 2)
+               (eql (char s (1- (length s))) #\>)
+               (>= (count #\Space s) 2))
    collect (list x return-vals s))
@@ -105,13 +105,13 @@
    (let ((*print-readably* t))
      (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	   for form = `(with-output-to-string
-			 (*standard-output*)
-			 (assert (signals-error
-				  (print-unreadable-object (',x *standard-output*))
-				  print-not-readable)))
-	   unless (equal (eval form) "")
-	   collect x)))
+           for form = `(with-output-to-string
+                         (*standard-output*)
+                         (assert (signals-error
+                                  (print-unreadable-object (',x *standard-output*))
+                                  print-not-readable)))
+           unless (equal (eval form) "")
+           collect x)))
 ;;; Stream designators
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
       (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
       (let ((*print-readably* nil))
-	(assert
-	 (equal (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object (1 t)))
-		'(nil)))))))
+        (assert
+         (equal (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object (1 t)))
+                '(nil)))))))
 (deftest print-unreadable-object.nil.1
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
     (let ((*print-readably* nil))
        (equal (multiple-value-list (print-unreadable-object (1 nil)))
-	      '(nil)))))
+              '(nil)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/print-vector.lsp
index fcae4e52..4798fec9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print-vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print-vector.lsp
@@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
 (deftest print.vector.2
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))
-	 for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
-	 unless (string= s "#()")
-	 collect (list i s)))
+         for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))
+         for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
+         unless (string= s "#()")
+         collect (list i s)))
 (deftest print.vector.3
    (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	 for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i))
-	 for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
-	 unless (string= s "#()")
-	 collect (list i s)))
+         for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i))
+         for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
+         unless (string= s "#()")
+         collect (list i s)))
 (deftest print.vector.4
    (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	 for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type type)
-	 for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
-	 unless (string= s "#()")
-	 collect (list type s)))
+         for a = (make-array '(0) :element-type type)
+         for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
+         unless (string= s "#()")
+         collect (list type s)))
 ;;; Nonempty vectors
@@ -46,12 +46,12 @@
 (deftest print.vector.5
    (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	  (result
-	   (write-to-string #(a b c)
-			    :readably nil :array t
-			    :pretty nil :case :downcase)))
+          (result
+           (write-to-string #(a b c)
+                            :readably nil :array t
+                            :pretty nil :case :downcase)))
      (or (and (string= result "#(a b c)") t)
-	 result)))
+         result)))
 (deftest print.vector.6
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     for i from 2 to 100
     for a = (make-array '(4) :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			:initial-contents '(3 0 2 1))
+                        :initial-contents '(3 0 2 1))
     for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
     unless (string= s "#(3 0 2 1)")
     collect (list i a s)))
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     for i from 2 to 100
     for a = (make-array '(4) :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
-			:initial-contents '(-2 -1 0 1))
+                        :initial-contents '(-2 -1 0 1))
     for s = (write-to-string a :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)
     unless (string= s "#(-2 -1 0 1)")
     collect (list i a s)))
@@ -81,12 +81,12 @@
 (deftest print.vector.fill.1
    (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-			:fill-pointer 0))
-	 (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+                        :fill-pointer 0))
+         (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   do (setf (fill-pointer v) i)
-	   collect (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil
-				    :case :downcase))))
+           do (setf (fill-pointer v) i)
+           collect (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil
+                                    :case :downcase))))
    "#(a b)"
@@ -103,79 +103,79 @@
    (let ((expected '("#()" "#(0)" "#(0 1)" "#(0 1 2)" "#(0 1 2 3)")))
      (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	   nconc
-	   (let ((v (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3)
-				:element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-				:fill-pointer 0)))
-	     (loop for fp from 0 to 4
-		   for expected-result in expected
-		   for actual-result =
-		   (progn
-		     (setf (fill-pointer v) fp)
-		     (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil))
-		   unless (string= expected-result actual-result)
-		   collect (list i fp expected-result actual-result))))))
+           nconc
+           (let ((v (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3)
+                                :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                                :fill-pointer 0)))
+             (loop for fp from 0 to 4
+                   for expected-result in expected
+                   for actual-result =
+                   (progn
+                     (setf (fill-pointer v) fp)
+                     (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil))
+                   unless (string= expected-result actual-result)
+                   collect (list i fp expected-result actual-result))))))
 (deftest print.vector.fill.3
    (let ((expected '("#()" "#(0)" "#(0 -1)" "#(0 -1 -2)" "#(0 -1 -2 1)")))
      (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	   nconc
-	   (let ((v (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 -1 -2 1)
-				:element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
-				:fill-pointer 0)))
-	     (loop for fp from 0 to 4
-		   for expected-result in expected
-		   for actual-result =
-		   (progn
-		     (setf (fill-pointer v) fp)
-		     (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil))
-		   unless (string= expected-result actual-result)
-		   collect (list i fp expected-result actual-result))))))
+           nconc
+           (let ((v (make-array '(4) :initial-contents '(0 -1 -2 1)
+                                :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
+                                :fill-pointer 0)))
+             (loop for fp from 0 to 4
+                   for expected-result in expected
+                   for actual-result =
+                   (progn
+                     (setf (fill-pointer v) fp)
+                     (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :pretty nil))
+                   unless (string= expected-result actual-result)
+                   collect (list i fp expected-result actual-result))))))
 ;;; Displaced vectors
 (deftest print.vector.displaced.1
   (let* ((v1 (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g))
-	 (v2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to v1 :displaced-index-offset 4)))
+         (v2 (make-array 3 :displaced-to v1 :displaced-index-offset 4)))
      (write-to-string v2 :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
-		      :escape nil)))
+                      :escape nil)))
   "#(e f g)")
 (deftest print.vector.displaced.2
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 nconc
-	 (let* ((type `(unsigned-byte ,i))
-		(v1 (make-array 8 :element-type type
-				:initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3)))
-		(v2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to v1
-				:displaced-index-offset 2
-				:element-type type))
-		(result
-		 (write-to-string v2 :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)))
-	   (unless (string= result "#(2 3 0 1 2)")
-	     (list (list i v1 v2 result))))))
+         nconc
+         (let* ((type `(unsigned-byte ,i))
+                (v1 (make-array 8 :element-type type
+                                :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3)))
+                (v2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to v1
+                                :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                :element-type type))
+                (result
+                 (write-to-string v2 :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)))
+           (unless (string= result "#(2 3 0 1 2)")
+             (list (list i v1 v2 result))))))
 (deftest print.vector.displaced.3
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 nconc
-	 (let* ((type `(signed-byte ,i))
-		(v1 (make-array 8 :element-type type
-				:initial-contents '(0 1 -1 -2 0 1 -1 -2)))
-		(v2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to v1
-				:displaced-index-offset 2
-				:element-type type))
-		(result
-		 (write-to-string v2 :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)))
-	   (unless (string= result "#(-1 -2 0 1 -1)")
-	     (list (list i v1 v2 result))))))
+         nconc
+         (let* ((type `(signed-byte ,i))
+                (v1 (make-array 8 :element-type type
+                                :initial-contents '(0 1 -1 -2 0 1 -1 -2)))
+                (v2 (make-array 5 :displaced-to v1
+                                :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                :element-type type))
+                (result
+                 (write-to-string v2 :readably nil :array t :pretty nil)))
+           (unless (string= result "#(-1 -2 0 1 -1)")
+             (list (list i v1 v2 result))))))
@@ -184,35 +184,35 @@
 (deftest print.vector.adjustable.1
    (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)
-			:adjustable t)))
+                        :adjustable t)))
      (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
-		      :escape nil)))
+                      :escape nil)))
   "#(a b c d e f g h i j)")
 (deftest print.vector.adjustable.2
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 3 0 2 1)
-			     :adjustable t)
-	 for s =
-	 (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
-			  :escape nil)
-	 unless (string= s "#(0 1 2 3 3 0 2 1)")
-	 collect (list i v s)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3 3 0 2 1)
+                             :adjustable t)
+         for s =
+         (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
+                          :escape nil)
+         unless (string= s "#(0 1 2 3 3 0 2 1)")
+         collect (list i v s)))
 (deftest print.vector.adjustable.3
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 -1 -2 -1 0 -2 1)
-			     :adjustable t)
-	 for s =
-	 (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
-			  :escape nil)
-	 unless (string= s "#(0 1 -1 -2 -1 0 -2 1)")
-	 collect (list i v s)))
+         for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 1 -1 -2 -1 0 -2 1)
+                             :adjustable t)
+         for s =
+         (write-to-string v :readably nil :array t :case :downcase :pretty nil
+                          :escape nil)
+         unless (string= s "#(0 1 -1 -2 -1 0 -2 1)")
+         collect (list i v s)))
 ;;; Printing with *print-array* and *print-readably* bound to nil
@@ -225,24 +225,24 @@
 (deftest print.vector.unreadable.2
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v :array nil :readably nil)
-	 unless (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(0 1 2 3))
+         for result = (write-to-string v :array nil :readably nil)
+         unless (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 (deftest print.vector.unreadable.3
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(0 1 -2 -1))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v :array nil :readably nil)
-	 unless (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(0 1 -2 -1))
+         for result = (write-to-string v :array nil :readably nil)
+         unless (string= (subseq result 0 2) "#<")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 ;;; Readability tests
@@ -250,46 +250,46 @@
 (deftest print.vector.random.1
    (loop for v in *universe*
-	 when (vectorp v)
-	 nconc
-	 (loop repeat 10
-	       nconc (randomly-check-readability
-		      v :test #'equalp
-		      :can-fail (not (subtypep t (array-element-type v))))))
+         when (vectorp v)
+         nconc
+         (loop repeat 10
+               nconc (randomly-check-readability
+                      v :test #'equalp
+                      :can-fail (not (subtypep t (array-element-type v))))))
 (deftest print.vector.random.2
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(1 3 2 0))
-	 nconc
-	 (loop repeat 10
-	       nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp
-						 :can-fail t)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(1 3 2 0))
+         nconc
+         (loop repeat 10
+               nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp
+                                                 :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.vector.random.3
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(-1 1 0 -2))
-	 nconc
-	 (loop repeat 10
-	       nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp
-						 :can-fail t)))
+         for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(-1 1 0 -2))
+         nconc
+         (loop repeat 10
+               nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp
+                                                 :can-fail t)))
 (deftest print.vector.random.4
    (loop for v = (make-random-vector (1+ (random 100)))
-	 repeat 1000
-	 nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp))
+         repeat 1000
+         nconc (randomly-check-readability v :test #'equalp))
@@ -313,80 +313,80 @@
 (deftest print.vector.length.4
    (write-to-string #(a b c d e f g h)
-		    :pretty nil
-		    :array t :escape nil
-		    :length 5 :case :downcase
-		    :readably nil))
+                    :pretty nil
+                    :array t :escape nil
+                    :length 5 :case :downcase
+                    :readably nil))
   "#(a b c d e ...)")
 (deftest print.vector.length.5
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(0) :element-type type)
-	 for result = (write-to-string v :array t :readably nil
-				       :pretty nil
-				       :length 0)
-	 unless (string= result "#()")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(0) :element-type type)
+         for result = (write-to-string v :array t :readably nil
+                                       :pretty nil
+                                       :length 0)
+         unless (string= result "#()")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 (deftest print.vector.length.6
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(1) :element-type type :initial-contents '(2))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v
-				       :pretty nil
-				       :array t
-				       :readably nil
-				       :length 0)
-	 unless (string= result "#(...)")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(1) :element-type type :initial-contents '(2))
+         for result = (write-to-string v
+                                       :pretty nil
+                                       :array t
+                                       :readably nil
+                                       :length 0)
+         unless (string= result "#(...)")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 (deftest print.vector.length.7
    (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	 for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(1) :element-type type :initial-contents '(-1))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v
-				       :pretty nil
-				       :array t
-				       :readably nil
-				       :length 0)
-	 unless (string= result "#(...)")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(1) :element-type type :initial-contents '(-1))
+         for result = (write-to-string v
+                                       :pretty nil
+                                       :array t
+                                       :readably nil
+                                       :length 0)
+         unless (string= result "#(...)")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 (deftest print.vector.length.8
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(1 3 0 2))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v
-				       :pretty nil
-				       :array t
-				       :readably nil
-				       :length 2)
-	 unless (string= result "#(1 3 ...)")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(1 3 0 2))
+         for result = (write-to-string v
+                                       :pretty nil
+                                       :array t
+                                       :readably nil
+                                       :length 2)
+         unless (string= result "#(1 3 ...)")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 (deftest print.vector.length.9
    (loop for i from 2 to 100
-	 for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	 for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents '(1 -2 0 -1))
-	 for result = (write-to-string v
-				       :pretty nil
-				       :array t
-				       :readably nil
-				       :length 2)
-	 unless (string= result "#(1 -2 ...)")
-	 collect (list i type v result)))
+         for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+         for v = (make-array '(4) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents '(1 -2 0 -1))
+         for result = (write-to-string v
+                                       :pretty nil
+                                       :array t
+                                       :readably nil
+                                       :length 2)
+         unless (string= result "#(1 -2 ...)")
+         collect (list i type v result)))
 ;;; Printing with *print-level* bound
diff --git a/ansi-tests/print.lsp b/ansi-tests/print.lsp
index 55121b84..5f71bcde 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/print.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/print.lsp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
       (is "")
       (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			(print 2 t)))))
+                        (print 2 t)))))
 2 ")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/printer-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/printer-aux.lsp
index 2e4202c3..5846c677 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/printer-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/printer-aux.lsp
@@ -10,37 +10,37 @@
 (defmacro def-print-test (name form result &rest bindings)
   `(deftest ,name
      (if (equalpt
-	  (my-with-standard-io-syntax
-	   (let ((*print-readably* nil))
-	     (let ,bindings
-	       (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (prin1 ,form)))))
-	  ,result)
-	 t
+          (my-with-standard-io-syntax
+           (let ((*print-readably* nil))
+             (let ,bindings
+               (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*) (prin1 ,form)))))
+          ,result)
+         t
 (defmacro def-pprint-test
   (name form expected-value
-	&key
-	(margin 100)
-	(miser nil)
-	(circle nil)
-	(len nil)
-	(pretty t)
-	(escape nil)
-	(readably nil)
-	(package (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+        &key
+        (margin 100)
+        (miser nil)
+        (circle nil)
+        (len nil)
+        (pretty t)
+        (escape nil)
+        (readably nil)
+        (package (find-package "CL-TEST")))
   `(deftest ,name
       (let ((*print-pretty* ,pretty)
-	    (*print-escape* ,escape)
-	    (*print-readably* ,readably)
-	    (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
-	    (*package* ,package)
-	    (*print-length* ,len)
-	    (*print-miser-width* ,miser)
-	    (*print-circle* ,circle))
-	,form))
+            (*print-escape* ,escape)
+            (*print-readably* ,readably)
+            (*print-right-margin* ,margin)
+            (*package* ,package)
+            (*print-length* ,len)
+            (*print-miser-width* ,miser)
+            (*print-circle* ,circle))
+        ,form))
 (defmacro def-ppblock-test (name form expected-value &rest key-args)
@@ -64,81 +64,81 @@
    error that occurs is fatal.")
 (defun randomly-check-readability (obj &key
-				       (can-fail nil)
-				       (test #'equal)
-				       (readable t)
-				       (circle nil circle-p)
-				       (escape nil escape-p)
-				       (gensym nil gensym-p)
-				       (debug *random-read-check-debug*))
+                                       (can-fail nil)
+                                       (test #'equal)
+                                       (readable t)
+                                       (circle nil circle-p)
+                                       (escape nil escape-p)
+                                       (gensym nil gensym-p)
+                                       (debug *random-read-check-debug*))
   (declare (type function test))
   ;; Generate random printer-control values
    (let ((*print-array* (coin))
-	 (*print-base* (+ 2 (random 34)))
-	 (*print-radix* (coin))
-	 (*print-case* (random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :capitalize)))
-	 (*print-circle* (if circle-p circle (coin)))
-	 (*print-escape* (if escape-p escape (coin)))
-	 (*print-gensym* (if gensym-p gensym (coin)))
-	 (*print-level* (random 50))
-	 (*print-length* (if readable (random 50) nil))
-	 (*print-lines* (if readable (random 50) nil))
-	 (*print-miser-width* (and (coin) (random 100)))
-	 (*print-pretty* (coin))
-	 (*print-right-margin* (and (coin) (random 100)))
-	 (*print-readably* readable)
-	 (*read-default-float-format* (rcase (1 'short-float) (1 'single-float)
-					     (1 'double-float) (1 'long-float)
-					     (1 *read-default-float-format*)))
-	 (*readtable* (copy-readtable))
-	 (readcase (random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)))
-	 )
+         (*print-base* (+ 2 (random 34)))
+         (*print-radix* (coin))
+         (*print-case* (random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :capitalize)))
+         (*print-circle* (if circle-p circle (coin)))
+         (*print-escape* (if escape-p escape (coin)))
+         (*print-gensym* (if gensym-p gensym (coin)))
+         (*print-level* (random 50))
+         (*print-length* (if readable (random 50) nil))
+         (*print-lines* (if readable (random 50) nil))
+         (*print-miser-width* (and (coin) (random 100)))
+         (*print-pretty* (coin))
+         (*print-right-margin* (and (coin) (random 100)))
+         (*print-readably* readable)
+         (*read-default-float-format* (rcase (1 'short-float) (1 'single-float)
+                                             (1 'double-float) (1 'long-float)
+                                             (1 *read-default-float-format*)))
+         (*readtable* (copy-readtable))
+         (readcase (random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)))
+         )
      (flet ((%params ()
-		     (list (list '*print-readably* *print-readably*)
-			   (list '*print-array* *print-array*)
-			   (list '*print-base* *print-base*)
-			   (list '*print-radix* *print-radix*)
-			   (list '*print-case* *print-case*)
-			   (list '*print-circle* *print-circle*)
-			   (list '*print-escape* *print-escape*)
-			   (list '*print-gensym* *print-gensym*)
-			   (list '*print-level* *print-level*)
-			   (list '*print-length* *print-length*)
-			   (list '*print-lines* *print-lines*)
-			   (list '*print-miser-width* *print-miser-width*)
-			   (list '*print-pretty* *print-pretty*)
-			   (list '*print-right-margin* *print-right-margin*)
-			   (list '*read-default-float-format* *read-default-float-format*)
-			   (list 'readtable-case readcase))))
+                     (list (list '*print-readably* *print-readably*)
+                           (list '*print-array* *print-array*)
+                           (list '*print-base* *print-base*)
+                           (list '*print-radix* *print-radix*)
+                           (list '*print-case* *print-case*)
+                           (list '*print-circle* *print-circle*)
+                           (list '*print-escape* *print-escape*)
+                           (list '*print-gensym* *print-gensym*)
+                           (list '*print-level* *print-level*)
+                           (list '*print-length* *print-length*)
+                           (list '*print-lines* *print-lines*)
+                           (list '*print-miser-width* *print-miser-width*)
+                           (list '*print-pretty* *print-pretty*)
+                           (list '*print-right-margin* *print-right-margin*)
+                           (list '*read-default-float-format* *read-default-float-format*)
+                           (list 'readtable-case readcase))))
        (when debug
-	 (let ((params (%params)))
-	   (with-standard-io-syntax (format *debug-io* "~%~A~%" params)))
-	 (finish-output *debug-io*))
+         (let ((params (%params)))
+           (with-standard-io-syntax (format *debug-io* "~%~A~%" params)))
+         (finish-output *debug-io*))
        (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) readcase)
        (let* ((str (handler-case
-		    (with-output-to-string (s) (write obj :stream s))
-		    (print-not-readable
-		     ()
-		     (if can-fail
-			 (return-from randomly-check-readability nil)
-		       ":print-not-readable-error"))))
-	      (obj2 (let ((*read-base* *print-base*))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (let ((*readtable* (if *print-readably*
-					      (copy-readtable nil)
-					    *readtable*)))
-			 (read-from-string str))
-		       (reader-error () :reader-error)
-		       (end-of-file () :end-of-file)
-		       (stream-error () :stream-error)
-		       (file-error () :file-error)
-		       ))))
-	 (unless (funcall test obj obj2)
-	   (list
-	    (list* obj str obj2 (%params)
-		   ))))))))
+                    (with-output-to-string (s) (write obj :stream s))
+                    (print-not-readable
+                     ()
+                     (if can-fail
+                         (return-from randomly-check-readability nil)
+                       ":print-not-readable-error"))))
+              (obj2 (let ((*read-base* *print-base*))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (let ((*readtable* (if *print-readably*
+                                              (copy-readtable nil)
+                                            *readtable*)))
+                         (read-from-string str))
+                       (reader-error () :reader-error)
+                       (end-of-file () :end-of-file)
+                       (stream-error () :stream-error)
+                       (file-error () :file-error)
+                       ))))
+         (unless (funcall test obj obj2)
+           (list
+            (list* obj str obj2 (%params)
+                   ))))))))
 (defun parse-escaped-string (string)
   "Parse a string into a list of either characters (representing
@@ -146,37 +146,37 @@
    escaped characters.)"
   (assert (stringp string) () "Not a string: ~A" string)
   (let ((result nil)
-	(len (length string))
-	(index 0))
+        (len (length string))
+        (index 0))
      normal ; parsing in normal mode
      (when (= index len) (return))
      (let ((c (elt string index)))
        (cond ((eql c #\\)
-	      (assert (< (incf index) len)
-		      ()
-		      "End of string after \\")
-	      (push `(,(elt string index) :escaped) result)
-	      (incf index)
-	      (go normal))
-	     ((eql c #\|)
-	      (incf index)
-	      (go multiple-escaped))
-	     (t (push c result)
-		(incf index)
-		(go normal))))
+              (assert (< (incf index) len)
+                      ()
+                      "End of string after \\")
+              (push `(,(elt string index) :escaped) result)
+              (incf index)
+              (go normal))
+             ((eql c #\|)
+              (incf index)
+              (go multiple-escaped))
+             (t (push c result)
+                (incf index)
+                (go normal))))
      multiple-escaped   ; parsing inside |s
      (assert (< index len) () "End of string inside |")
      (let ((c (elt string index)))
        (cond ((eq c #\|)
-	      (incf index)
-	      (go normal))
-	     (t
-	      (push `(,c :escaped) result)
-	      (incf index)
-	      (go multiple-escaped)))))
+              (incf index)
+              (go normal))
+             (t
+              (push `(,c :escaped) result)
+              (incf index)
+              (go multiple-escaped)))))
     (nreverse result)))
 (defun escaped-equal (list1 list2)
@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@
    in list2, and that the characters are also the same."
   (and (= (length list1) (length list2))
        (loop for e1 in list1
-	     for e2 in list2
-	     for is-escaped1 = (and (consp e1) (eq (cadr e1) :escaped))
-	     for is-escaped2 = (and (consp e2) (eq (cadr e2) :escaped))
-	     for c1 = (if is-escaped1 (car e1) e1)
-	     for c2 = (if is-escaped2 (car e2) e2)
-	     always
-	     (and (if is-escaped1 is-escaped2 t)
-		  (char= c1 c2)))))
+             for e2 in list2
+             for is-escaped1 = (and (consp e1) (eq (cadr e1) :escaped))
+             for is-escaped2 = (and (consp e2) (eq (cadr e2) :escaped))
+             for c1 = (if is-escaped1 (car e1) e1)
+             for c2 = (if is-escaped2 (car e2) e2)
+             always
+             (and (if is-escaped1 is-escaped2 t)
+                  (char= c1 c2)))))
 (defun similar-uninterned-symbols (s1 s2)
   (and (symbolp s1)
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
        (null (symbol-package s1))
        (null (symbol-package s2))
        (string= (symbol-name s1)
-		(symbol-name s2))))
+                (symbol-name s2))))
 (defun make-random-cons-tree (size)
   (if (<= size 1)
@@ -210,13 +210,13 @@
        (2 (random-from-seq #(a b c d e f g |1| |2| |.|))))
     (let ((s1 (1+ (random (1- size)))))
       (cons (make-random-cons-tree s1)
-	    (make-random-cons-tree (- size s1))))))
+            (make-random-cons-tree (- size s1))))))
 (defun make-random-vector (size)
   (if (> size 1)
       (let* ((nelems (min (1- size) (1+ (random (max 2 (floor size 4))))))
-	     (sizes (mapcar #'1+ (random-partition* (- size nelems 1) nelems))))
-	(make-array nelems :initial-contents (mapcar #'make-random-vector sizes)))
+             (sizes (mapcar #'1+ (random-partition* (- size nelems 1) nelems))))
+        (make-array nelems :initial-contents (mapcar #'make-random-vector sizes)))
      (1 (random-from-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
      (1 (- (random 2001) 1000))
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
        ((:right-margin *print-right-margin*)       *print-right-margin*)
        ((:stream *standard-output*)                *standard-output*))
   (funcall fun))
 (defun output-test
   (obj &key
        (fun #'write)
@@ -271,66 +271,66 @@
 (defun make-random-key-param (name)
   (rcase (1 nil)
-	 (1 `(,name nil))
-	 (1 `(,name t))))
+         (1 `(,name nil))
+         (1 `(,name t))))
 (defun make-random-key-integer-or-nil-param (name bound)
   (rcase (1 nil)
-	 (1 `(,name nil))
-	 (1 `(,name ,(random bound)))))
+         (1 `(,name nil))
+         (1 `(,name ,(random bound)))))
 (defun make-random-write-args ()
   (let* ((arg-lists `(,@(mapcar #'make-random-key-param
-					    '(:array :circle :escape :gensym :pretty :radix :readably))
-				    ,(rcase (1 nil)
-					    (1 `(:base ,(+ 2 (random 35)))))
-				    ,(and (coin)
-					  `(:case ,(random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :capitalize))))
-				    ,@(mapcar #'make-random-key-integer-or-nil-param
-					      '(:length :level :lines :miser-width :right-margin)
-					      '(100 20 50 200 200)))))
-		(reduce #'append (random-permute arg-lists) :from-end t)))
+                                            '(:array :circle :escape :gensym :pretty :radix :readably))
+                                    ,(rcase (1 nil)
+                                            (1 `(:base ,(+ 2 (random 35)))))
+                                    ,(and (coin)
+                                          `(:case ,(random-from-seq #(:upcase :downcase :capitalize))))
+                                    ,@(mapcar #'make-random-key-integer-or-nil-param
+                                              '(:length :level :lines :miser-width :right-margin)
+                                              '(100 20 50 200 200)))))
+                (reduce #'append (random-permute arg-lists) :from-end t)))
 (defun filter-unreadable-forms (string)
   "Find #<...> strings and replace with #<>."
   (let ((len (length string))
-	(pos 0))
+        (pos 0))
     (loop while (< pos len)
-	  do (let ((next (search "#<" string :start2 pos)))
-	       (unless next (return string))
-	       (let ((end (position #\> string :start next)))
-		 (unless end (return string))
-		 (setq string
-		       (concatenate 'string
-				    (subseq string 0 next)
-				    "#<>"
-				    (subseq string (1+ end)))
-		       pos (+ next 3)
-		       len (+ len (- next end) 3)))))))
+          do (let ((next (search "#<" string :start2 pos)))
+               (unless next (return string))
+               (let ((end (position #\> string :start next)))
+                 (unless end (return string))
+                 (setq string
+                       (concatenate 'string
+                                    (subseq string 0 next)
+                                    "#<>"
+                                    (subseq string (1+ end)))
+                       pos (+ next 3)
+                       len (+ len (- next end) 3)))))))
 (defmacro def-random-write-test-fun (name write-args test-fn
-					  &key
-					  (prefix "")
-					  (suffix ""))
+                                          &key
+                                          (prefix "")
+                                          (suffix ""))
   `(defun ,name (n &key (size 10))
       for args = (make-random-write-args)
       for package = (find-package (random-from-seq #("CL-TEST" "CL-USER" "KEYWORD")))
       for obj = (let ((*random-readable* t))
-		  (declare (special *random-readable*))
-		  (random-thing (random size)))
+                  (declare (special *random-readable*))
+                  (random-thing (random size)))
       for s1 = (let ((*package* package))
-		 (with-output-to-string (s) (apply #'write obj :stream s ,@write-args args)))
+                 (with-output-to-string (s) (apply #'write obj :stream s ,@write-args args)))
       for s2 = (let ((*package* package))
-		 (with-output-to-string
-		   (*standard-output*)
-		   (apply #'output-test obj :fun ,test-fn args)))
+                 (with-output-to-string
+                   (*standard-output*)
+                   (apply #'output-test obj :fun ,test-fn args)))
       repeat n
       ;; We filter the contents of #<...> forms since they may change with time
       ;; if they contain object addresses.
       unless (string= (filter-unreadable-forms (concatenate 'string ,prefix s1 ,suffix))
-		      (filter-unreadable-forms s2))
+                      (filter-unreadable-forms s2))
       collect (list obj s1 s2 args))))
 (def-random-write-test-fun random-write-test nil #'write)
@@ -342,23 +342,23 @@
   :prefix (string #\Newline))
 (defmacro def-random-write-to-string-test-fun (name write-args test-fn
-					  &key
-					  (prefix "")
-					  (suffix ""))
+                                          &key
+                                          (prefix "")
+                                          (suffix ""))
   `(defun ,name (n)
       for args = (make-random-write-args)
       for package = (find-package (random-from-seq #("CL-TEST" "CL-USER" "KEYWORD")))
       for obj = (let ((*random-readable* t))
-		  (declare (special *random-readable*))
-		  (random-thing (random 10)))
+                  (declare (special *random-readable*))
+                  (random-thing (random 10)))
       for s1 = (let ((*package* package))
-		 (with-output-to-string (s) (apply #'write obj :stream s ,@write-args args)))
+                 (with-output-to-string (s) (apply #'write obj :stream s ,@write-args args)))
       for s2 = (let ((*package* package))
-		 (apply ,test-fn obj args))
+                 (apply ,test-fn obj args))
       repeat n
       unless (string= (filter-unreadable-forms (concatenate 'string ,prefix s1 ,suffix))
-		      (filter-unreadable-forms s2))
+                      (filter-unreadable-forms s2))
       collect (list obj s1 s2))))
 (def-random-write-to-string-test-fun random-write-to-string-test nil #'write-to-string)
@@ -385,20 +385,20 @@
     (let ((dot-pos (position #\. s)))
       (assert dot-pos)
       (let ((prefix (subseq s 0 dot-pos))
-	    (suffix (subseq s (1+ dot-pos))))
-	(assert (every #'digit-char-p prefix))
-	(assert (every #'digit-char-p suffix))
-	(let* ((prefix-len (length prefix))
-	       (prefix-integer (if (eql prefix-len 0)
-				   0
-				 (parse-integer prefix)))
-	       (suffix-len (length suffix))
-	       (suffix-integer (if (eql suffix-len 0)
-				   0
-				 (parse-integer suffix)))
-	       (magnitude (+ prefix-integer
-			     (* suffix-integer (expt 1/10 suffix-len)))))
-	  (if neg (- magnitude) magnitude))))))
+            (suffix (subseq s (1+ dot-pos))))
+        (assert (every #'digit-char-p prefix))
+        (assert (every #'digit-char-p suffix))
+        (let* ((prefix-len (length prefix))
+               (prefix-integer (if (eql prefix-len 0)
+                                   0
+                                 (parse-integer prefix)))
+               (suffix-len (length suffix))
+               (suffix-integer (if (eql suffix-len 0)
+                                   0
+                                 (parse-integer suffix)))
+               (magnitude (+ prefix-integer
+                             (* suffix-integer (expt 1/10 suffix-len)))))
+          (if neg (- magnitude) magnitude))))))
 ;;; Macro to define both FORMAT and FORMATTER tests
@@ -406,40 +406,40 @@
 (defmacro def-format-test (name string args expected-output &optional (num-left 0))
   (assert (symbolp name))
   (let* ((s (symbol-name name))
-	 (expected-prefix (string 'format.))
-	 (expected-prefix-length (length expected-prefix)))
+         (expected-prefix (string 'format.))
+         (expected-prefix-length (length expected-prefix)))
     (assert (>= (length s) expected-prefix-length))
     (assert (string-equal (subseq s 0 expected-prefix-length)
-			  expected-prefix))
+                          expected-prefix))
     (let* ((formatter-test-name-string
-	    (concatenate 'string (string 'formatter.)
-			 (subseq s expected-prefix-length)))
-	   (formatter-test-name (intern formatter-test-name-string
-					(symbol-package name)))
-	   (formatter-form (if (stringp string)
-			       `(formatter ,string)
-			     (list 'formatter (eval string)))))
+            (concatenate 'string (string 'formatter.)
+                         (subseq s expected-prefix-length)))
+           (formatter-test-name (intern formatter-test-name-string
+                                        (symbol-package name)))
+           (formatter-form (if (stringp string)
+                               `(formatter ,string)
+                             (list 'formatter (eval string)))))
-	 (deftest ,name
-	   (with-standard-io-syntax
-	    (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		  (*package* (symbol-package 'ABC)))
-	      (format nil ,string ,@args)))
-	   ,expected-output)
-	 (deftest ,formatter-test-name
-	   (let ((fn ,formatter-form)
-		 (args (list ,@args)))
-	     (with-standard-io-syntax
-	      (let ((*print-readably* nil)
-		    (*package* (symbol-package 'ABC)))
-		(with-output-to-string
-		  (stream)
-		  (let ((tail (apply fn stream args)))
-		    ;; FIXME -- Need to check that TAIL really is a tail of ARGS
-		    (assert (= (length tail) ,num-left) (tail) "Tail is ~A, length should be ~A"
-			    tail ,num-left)
-		  )))))
-	   ,expected-output)))))
+         (deftest ,name
+           (with-standard-io-syntax
+            (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                  (*package* (symbol-package 'ABC)))
+              (format nil ,string ,@args)))
+           ,expected-output)
+         (deftest ,formatter-test-name
+           (let ((fn ,formatter-form)
+                 (args (list ,@args)))
+             (with-standard-io-syntax
+              (let ((*print-readably* nil)
+                    (*package* (symbol-package 'ABC)))
+                (with-output-to-string
+                  (stream)
+                  (let ((tail (apply fn stream args)))
+                    ;; FIXME -- Need to check that TAIL really is a tail of ARGS
+                    (assert (= (length tail) ,num-left) (tail) "Tail is ~A, length should be ~A"
+                            tail ,num-left)
+                  )))))
+           ,expected-output)))))
 ;;; Macro used for an idiom in testing FORMATTER calls
diff --git a/ansi-tests/probe-file.lsp b/ansi-tests/probe-file.lsp
index 976d3d50..f637d848 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/probe-file.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/probe-file.lsp
@@ -12,8 +12,8 @@
 (deftest probe-file.2
   (let ((s (open #p"probe-file.lsp" :direction :input)))
-	(equalpt (truename #p"probe-file.lsp")
-		 (probe-file s))
+        (equalpt (truename #p"probe-file.lsp")
+                 (probe-file s))
       (close s)))
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@
   (let ((s (open #p"probe-file.lsp" :direction :input)))
     (close s)
     (equalpt (truename #p"probe-file.lsp")
-	     (probe-file s)))
+             (probe-file s)))
 (deftest probe-file.4
   (equalpt (truename #p"probe-file.lsp")
-	   (probe-file "CLTEST:probe-file.lsp"))
+           (probe-file "CLTEST:probe-file.lsp"))
 ;;; Specialized string tests
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
      (assert (equalpt (truename #p"probe-file.lsp") (probe-file s)))
      (close s)))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest probe-file.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/proclaim.lsp b/ansi-tests/proclaim.lsp
index bcd37250..76f61838 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/proclaim.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/proclaim.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (proclaim `(special ,sym))
     (eval `(flet ((%f () ,sym))
-	     (let ((,sym :good)) (%f)))))
+             (let ((,sym :good)) (%f)))))
 (deftest proclaim.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/prog.lsp b/ansi-tests/prog.lsp
index 784c877b..400cba80 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/prog.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/prog.lsp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
 (deftest prog.5
   (let ((x 'a))
     (prog ((x 'b) (y x))
-	  (declare (type symbol x y))
-	  (return (values x y))))
+          (declare (type symbol x y))
+          (return (values x y))))
   b a)
 (deftest prog.6
@@ -36,39 +36,39 @@
 (deftest prog.7
   (prog ((i 1) (s 0))
-	(declare (type fixnum i s))
-	again
-	(when (> i 10) (return s))
-	(incf s i)
-	(incf i)
-	(go again))
+        (declare (type fixnum i s))
+        again
+        (when (> i 10) (return s))
+        (incf s i)
+        (incf i)
+        (go again))
 (deftest prog.8
   (let ((x 0))
     (prog ((y (incf x)) (z (incf x)))
-	  (return (values x y z))))
+          (return (values x y z))))
   2 1 2)
 (deftest prog.9
   (flet ((%f () (locally (declare (special z)) z)))
     (prog ((z 10))
-	  (declare (special z))
-	  (return (%f))))
+          (declare (special z))
+          (return (%f))))
 (deftest prog.10
   (prog ()
-	(return
-	 (1+
-	  (prog ()
-		(go end)
-		done
-		(return 1)
-		end
-		(go done))))
-	done
-	(return 'bad))
+        (return
+         (1+
+          (prog ()
+                (go end)
+                done
+                (return 1)
+                end
+                (go done))))
+        done
+        (return 'bad))
 (deftest prog.11
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (prog ((y x))
-	    (declare (special x))
-	    (return y))))
+            (declare (special x))
+            (return y))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
 (deftest prog*.5
   (let ((x 'a))
     (prog* ((z x) (x 'b) (y x))
-	  (declare (type symbol x y))
-	  (return (values x y z))))
+          (declare (type symbol x y))
+          (return (values x y z))))
   b b a)
 (deftest prog*.6
@@ -124,39 +124,39 @@
 (deftest prog*.7
   (prog* ((i 1) (s 0))
-	(declare (type fixnum i s))
-	again
-	(when (> i 10) (return s))
-	(incf s i)
-	(incf i)
-	(go again))
+        (declare (type fixnum i s))
+        again
+        (when (> i 10) (return s))
+        (incf s i)
+        (incf i)
+        (go again))
 (deftest prog*.8
   (let ((x 0))
     (prog* ((y (incf x)) (z (incf x)))
-	  (return (values x y z))))
+          (return (values x y z))))
   2 1 2)
 (deftest prog*.9
   (flet ((%f () (locally (declare (special z)) z)))
     (prog* ((z 10))
-	  (declare (special z))
-	  (return (%f))))
+          (declare (special z))
+          (return (%f))))
 (deftest prog*.10
   (prog* ()
-	(return
-	 (1+
-	  (prog* ()
-		(go end)
-		done
-		(return 1)
-		end
-		(go done))))
-	done
-	(return 'bad))
+        (return
+         (1+
+          (prog* ()
+                (go end)
+                done
+                (return 1)
+                end
+                (go done))))
+        done
+        (return 'bad))
 (deftest prog*.11
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (let ((x :good))
       (prog* ((y x))
-	     (declare (special x))
-	     (return y))))
+             (declare (special x))
+             (return y))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/progn.lsp b/ansi-tests/progn.lsp
index 902fc103..40e6fae8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/progn.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/progn.lsp
@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@
 (deftest progn.7
   (let ((x 0))
     (prog ()
-	  (progn (go x) x 'a)
-	  (return 'bad)
-	  x
-	  (return 'good)))
+          (progn (go x) x 'a)
+          (return 'bad)
+          x
+          (return 'good)))
 ;;; No implicit tagbody
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (progn (expand-in-current-env (%m :bad))
-	  (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
+          (expand-in-current-env (%m :good))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/progv.lsp b/ansi-tests/progv.lsp
index 83a53cfe..db15c6ef 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/progv.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/progv.lsp
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (deftest progv.4
   (progv '(x) '(1)
     (locally (declare (special x))
-	     x))
+             x))
 (deftest progv.5
@@ -45,13 +45,13 @@
 (deftest progv.7
   (progv '(x y z) '(1 2 3)
     (locally (declare (special x y z))
-	     (values x y z)))
+             (values x y z)))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest progv.8
   (progv '(x y z) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
     (locally (declare (special x y z))
-	     (values x y z)))
+             (values x y z)))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest progv.9
@@ -59,9 +59,9 @@
     (declare (special x))
     (progv '(x y z w) '(1)
       (values (not (not (boundp 'x)))
-	      (boundp 'y)
-	      (boundp 'z)
-	      (boundp 'w))))
+              (boundp 'y)
+              (boundp 'z)
+              (boundp 'w))))
   t nil nil nil)
 ;; forms are evaluated in order
@@ -69,8 +69,8 @@
 (deftest progv.10
   (let ((x 0) (y 0) (c 0))
-	(progn (setf x (incf c)) nil)
-	(progn (setf y (incf c)) nil)
+        (progn (setf x (incf c)) nil)
+        (progn (setf y (incf c)) nil)
       (values x y c)))
   1 2 2)
@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@
 (deftest progv.12
   (progv '(x y) '(1)
     (locally (declare  (special x y) (type nil y))
-	     (values
-	      x
-	      (boundp 'y))))
+             (values
+              x
+              (boundp 'y))))
   1 nil)
 ;;; Macros are expanded in the appropriate environment
@@ -100,32 +100,32 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (progv (expand-in-current-env (%m '(x)))
-	  '(:good)
-	  (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
+          '(:good)
+          (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
 (deftest progv.14
    ((%m (z) z))
    (progv (list (expand-in-current-env (%m 'x)))
-	  '(:good)
-	  (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
+          '(:good)
+          (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
 (deftest progv.15
    ((%m (z) z))
    (progv '(x)
-	  (expand-in-current-env (%m '(:good)))
-	  (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
+          (expand-in-current-env (%m '(:good)))
+          (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
 (deftest progv.16
    ((%m (z) z))
    (progv '(x)
-	  (list (expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
-	  (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
+          (list (expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
+          (locally (declare (special x)) x)))
 (deftest progv.17
diff --git a/ansi-tests/psetf.lsp b/ansi-tests/psetf.lsp
index d4c08153..cab62808 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/psetf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/psetf.lsp
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@
 (deftest psetf.order.1
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (psetf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i))
     (values x i))
   #(nil 2 nil nil) 2)
 (deftest psetf.order.2
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (psetf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i)
-	   (aref x (incf i)) (incf i 10))
+           (aref x (incf i)) (incf i 10))
     (values x i))
   #(nil 2 nil 13) 13)
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
      (symbol-macrolet ((x y))
        (let ((y 1))
-	 (psetf x 2)
-	 y))
+         (psetf x 2)
+         y))
   2 0)
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 (deftest psetf.6
   (let ((c 0) x y)
     (psetf x (incf c)
-	   y (incf c))
+           y (incf c))
     (values c x y))
   2 1 2)
@@ -67,20 +67,20 @@
 (deftest psetf.7
   (symbol-macrolet ((x (aref a (incf i)))
-		    (y (aref a (incf i))))
+                    (y (aref a (incf i))))
     (let ((a (copy-seq #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
-	  (i 0))
+          (i 0))
       (psetf x (aref a (incf i))
-	     y (aref a (incf i)))
+             y (aref a (incf i)))
       (values a i)))
   #(0 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9)
 (deftest psetf.8
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
     (psetf (aref a (incf i)) (aref a (incf i))
-	   (aref a (incf i)) (aref a (incf i)))
+           (aref a (incf i)) (aref a (incf i)))
     (values a i))
   #(0 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 (deftest psetf.9
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))))
     (psetf (aref a 1) (aref a 2)
-	   (aref a 3) (aref a 4))
+           (aref a 3) (aref a 4))
   #(0 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
      *x* *y*
      (psetf *x* 6
-	    *y* 15)
+            *y* 15)
      *x* *y*))
   0 10 nil 6 15)
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@
      *x* *y*
      (psetf *x* *y*
-	    *y* *x*)
+            *y* *x*)
      *x* *y*))
   0 10 nil 10 0)
@@ -119,56 +119,56 @@
 (deftest psetf.12
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (car x) 1 (car y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (1 b) (2 d))
 (deftest psetf.12a
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (first x) 1 (first y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (1 b) (2 d))
 (deftest psetf.13
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (cdr x) 1 (cdr y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (a . 1) (c . 2))
 (deftest psetf.13a
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (rest x) 1 (rest y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (a . 1) (c . 2))
 (deftest psetf.14
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (cadr x) 1 (cadr y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (a 1) (c 2))
 (deftest psetf.15
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (cddr x) 1 (cddr y) 2)
     (values x y))
   (a b . 1) (c d . 2))
 (deftest psetf.16
   (let* ((x (list (list 'a)))
-	 (y (list (list 'c))))
+         (y (list (list 'c))))
     (psetf (caar x) 1 (caar y) 2)
     (values x y))
   ((1)) ((2)))
 (deftest psetf.17
   (let* ((x (list (list 'a)))
-	 (y (list (list 'c))))
+         (y (list (list 'c))))
     (psetf (cdar x) 1 (cdar y) 2)
     (values x y))
   ((a . 1)) ((c . 2)))
@@ -178,211 +178,211 @@
 (deftest psetf.18
   (let* ((x (vector 'a 'b))
-	 (y (vector 'c 'd)))
+         (y (vector 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (aref x 0) 1 (aref y 0) 2)
     (values x y))
   #(1 b) #(2 d))
 (deftest psetf.18a
   (let* ((x (vector 'a 'b))
-	 (y (vector 'c 'd)))
+         (y (vector 'c 'd)))
     (psetf (svref x 0) 1 (svref y 0) 2)
     (values x y))
   #(1 b) #(2 d))
 (deftest psetf.19
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*11000))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*11100)))
+         (y (copy-seq #*11100)))
     (psetf (bit x 1) 0 (bit x 2) 1 (bit y 4) 1 (bit y 0) 0)
     (values x y))
   #*10100 #*01101)
 (deftest psetf.20
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (y (copy-seq "fghij")))
+         (y (copy-seq "fghij")))
     (psetf (char x 1) #\X (char y 2) #\Y)
     (values x y))
   "aXcde" "fgYij")
 (deftest psetf.21
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*11000))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*11100)))
+         (y (copy-seq #*11100)))
     (psetf (sbit x 1) 0 (sbit x 2) 1 (sbit y 4) 1 (sbit y 0) 0)
     (values x y))
   #*10100 #*01101)
 (deftest psetf.22
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (y (copy-seq "fghij")))
+         (y (copy-seq "fghij")))
     (psetf (schar x 1) #\X (schar y 2) #\Y)
     (values x y))
   "aXcde" "fgYij")
 (deftest psetf.23
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e)))
-	 (y (copy-seq '(f g h i j))))
+         (y (copy-seq '(f g h i j))))
     (psetf (elt x 1) 'u (elt y 2) 'v)
     (values x y))
   (a u c d e) (f g v i j))
 (deftest psetf.24
   (let ((x #b110110001)
-	(y #b101001100))
+        (y #b101001100))
     (psetf (ldb (byte 5 1) x) #b10110
-	   (ldb (byte 3 6) y) #b10)
+           (ldb (byte 3 6) y) #b10)
     (values x y))
 (deftest psetf.25
   (let* ((f1 (gensym))
-	 (f2 (gensym))
-	 (fn1 (constantly :foo))
-	 (fn2 (constantly :bar)))
+         (f2 (gensym))
+         (fn1 (constantly :foo))
+         (fn2 (constantly :bar)))
     (psetf (fdefinition f1) fn1
-	   (fdefinition f2) fn2)
+           (fdefinition f2) fn2)
     (values (funcall f1) (funcall f2)))
   :foo :bar)
 (deftest psetf.26
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(20) :fill-pointer 7)))
+         (a2 (make-array '(20) :fill-pointer 7)))
     (psetf (fill-pointer a1) (1+ (fill-pointer a2))
-	   (fill-pointer a2) (1- (fill-pointer a1)))
+           (fill-pointer a2) (1- (fill-pointer a1)))
     (values (fill-pointer a1) (fill-pointer a2)))
   8 4)
 (deftest psetf.27
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g))
-	 (n1 1) (n2 2)
-	 (v1 :foo) (v2 :bar))
+         (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g))
+         (n1 1) (n2 2)
+         (v1 :foo) (v2 :bar))
     (psetf (nth n1 x) v1
-	   (nth n2 y) v2)
+           (nth n2 y) v2)
     (values x y))
   (a :foo c d)
   (d e :bar g))
 (deftest psetf.28
   (let* ((f1 (gensym))
-	 (f2 (gensym))
-	 (fn1 (constantly :foo))
-	 (fn2 (constantly :bar)))
+         (f2 (gensym))
+         (fn1 (constantly :foo))
+         (fn2 (constantly :bar)))
     (psetf (symbol-function f1) fn1
-	   (symbol-function f2) fn2)
+           (symbol-function f2) fn2)
     (values (funcall f1) (funcall f2)))
   :foo :bar)
 (deftest psetf.29
   (let* ((s1 (gensym))
-	 (s2 (gensym))
-	 (v1 :foo)
-	 (v2 :bar))
+         (s2 (gensym))
+         (v1 :foo)
+         (v2 :bar))
     (psetf (symbol-value s1) v1
-	   (symbol-value s2) v2)
+           (symbol-value s2) v2)
     (values (symbol-value s1) (symbol-value s2)))
   :foo :bar)
 (deftest psetf.30
   (let* ((s1 (gensym))
-	 (s2 (gensym))
-	 (v1 (list :foo 1))
-	 (v2 (list :bar 2)))
+         (s2 (gensym))
+         (v1 (list :foo 1))
+         (v2 (list :bar 2)))
     (psetf (symbol-plist s1) v1
-	   (symbol-plist s2) v2)
+           (symbol-plist s2) v2)
     (values (symbol-plist s1) (symbol-plist s2)))
   (:foo 1) (:bar 2))
 (deftest psetf.31
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	 (y (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j))
-	 (v1 (list 1 2))
-	 (v2 (list 3 4 5))
-	 (p1 1) (p2 2)
-	 (l1 (length v1))
-	 (l2 (length v2)))
+         (y (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j))
+         (v1 (list 1 2))
+         (v2 (list 3 4 5))
+         (p1 1) (p2 2)
+         (l1 (length v1))
+         (l2 (length v2)))
     (psetf (subseq x p1 (+ p1 l1)) v1
-	   (subseq y p2 (+ p2 l2)) v2)
+           (subseq y p2 (+ p2 l2)) v2)
     (values x y))
   (a 1 2 d e)
   (f g 3 4 5))
 (deftest psetf.32
   (let* ((x (gensym))
-	 (y (gensym))
-	 (k1 :foo)
-	 (k2 :bar)
-	 (v1 1)
-	 (v2 2))
+         (y (gensym))
+         (k1 :foo)
+         (k2 :bar)
+         (v1 1)
+         (v2 2))
     (psetf (get x k1) v1 (get y k2) v2)
     (values (symbol-plist x) (symbol-plist y)))
   (:foo 1) (:bar 2))
 (deftest psetf.33
   (let* ((x nil)
-	 (y nil)
-	 (k1 :foo)
-	 (k2 :bar)
-	 (v1 1)
-	 (v2 2))
+         (y nil)
+         (k1 :foo)
+         (k2 :bar)
+         (v1 1)
+         (v2 2))
     (psetf (getf x k1) v1 (getf y k2) v2)
     (values x y))
   (:foo 1) (:bar 2))
 (deftest psetf.34
   (let* ((ht1 (make-hash-table))
-	 (ht2 (make-hash-table))
-	 (k1 :foo) (v1 1)
-	 (k2 :bar) (v2 2))
+         (ht2 (make-hash-table))
+         (k1 :foo) (v1 1)
+         (k2 :bar) (v2 2))
     (psetf (gethash k1 ht1) v1
-	   (gethash k2 ht2) v2)
+           (gethash k2 ht2) v2)
     (values (gethash k1 ht1) (gethash k2 ht2)))
   1 2)
 (deftest psetf.35
   (let ((n1 (gensym))
-	(n2 (gensym))
-	(n3 (gensym))
-	(n4 (gensym)))
+        (n2 (gensym))
+        (n3 (gensym))
+        (n4 (gensym)))
     (eval `(defclass ,n1 () ()))
     (eval `(defclass ,n2 () ()))
     (psetf (find-class n3) (find-class n1)
-	   (find-class n4) (find-class n2))
+           (find-class n4) (find-class n2))
     (values (eqlt (find-class n1) (find-class n3))
-	    (eqlt (find-class n2) (find-class n4))))
+            (eqlt (find-class n2) (find-class n4))))
   t t)
 (deftest psetf.36
   (let ((fn1 (constantly :foo))
-	(fn2 (constantly :bar))
-	(n1 (gensym))
-	(n2 (gensym)))
+        (fn2 (constantly :bar))
+        (n1 (gensym))
+        (n2 (gensym)))
     (psetf (macro-function n1) fn1
-	   (macro-function n2) fn2)
+           (macro-function n2) fn2)
     (values (eval `(,n1)) (eval `(,n2))))
   :foo :bar)
 (deftest psetf.37
   (let ((b1 (byte 3 1))
-	(b2 (byte 4 2))
-	(x #b1100101011010101)
-	(y #b11010101000110)
-	(m1 #b101010101101101)
-	(m2 #b11110010110101))
+        (b2 (byte 4 2))
+        (x #b1100101011010101)
+        (y #b11010101000110)
+        (m1 #b101010101101101)
+        (m2 #b11110010110101))
     (psetf (mask-field b1 x) m1
-	   (mask-field b2 y) m2)
+           (mask-field b2 y) m2)
     (values x y))
 (deftest psetf.38
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(2 3) :initial-contents '((a b c)(d e f))))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(3 4) :initial-contents
-			 '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12))))
-	 (i1 2) (i2 5)
-	 (v1 'u) (v2 'v))
+         (a2 (make-array '(3 4) :initial-contents
+                         '((1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8) (9 10 11 12))))
+         (i1 2) (i2 5)
+         (v1 'u) (v2 'v))
     (psetf (row-major-aref a1 i1) v1
-	   (row-major-aref a2 i2) v2)
+           (row-major-aref a2 i2) v2)
     (values a1 a2))
   #2a((a b u)(d e f))
   #2a((1 2 3 4)(5 v 7 8)(9 10 11 12)))
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
    (let ((x 1) (y 2))
       (psetf (expand-in-current-env (%m x)) y
-	     y x)
+             y x)
       x y)))
   nil 2 1)
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
    (let ((x 1) (y 2))
       (psetf x (expand-in-current-env (%m y))
-	     y x)
+             y x)
       x y)))
   nil 2 1)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/psetq.lsp b/ansi-tests/psetq.lsp
index f6a1c49c..4d00dde7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/psetq.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/psetq.lsp
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
      (symbol-macrolet ((x y))
        (let ((y 1))
-	 (psetq x 2)
-	 y))
+         (psetq x 2)
+         y))
   2 0)
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (deftest psetq.6
   (let ((c 0) x y)
     (psetq x (incf c)
-	   y (incf c))
+           y (incf c))
     (values c x y))
   2 1 2)
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@
 (deftest psetq.7
   (symbol-macrolet ((x (aref a (incf i)))
-		    (y (aref a (incf i))))
+                    (y (aref a (incf i))))
     (let ((a (copy-seq #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
-	  (i 0))
+          (i 0))
       (psetq x (aref a (incf i))
-	     y (aref a (incf i)))
+             y (aref a (incf i)))
       (values a i)))
   #(0 2 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 9)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
      *x* *y*
      (psetq *x* 6
-	    *y* 15)
+            *y* 15)
      *x* *y*))
   0 10 nil 6 15)
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
      *x* *y*
      (psetq *x* *y*
-	    *y* *x*)
+            *y* *x*)
      *x* *y*))
   0 10 nil 10 0)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
    (let ((x nil) (y nil))
       (psetq x (expand-in-current-env (%m 1))
-	     y (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
+             y (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
       x y)))
   nil 1 2)
@@ -97,10 +97,10 @@
 (deftest psetq.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'psetq) '(psetq))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest psetq.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'psetq) '(psetq) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/push.lsp b/ansi-tests/push.lsp
index 04bb131f..e1d97bdd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/push.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/push.lsp
@@ -53,15 +53,15 @@
   (let ((x (list nil)) (i 0) a b)
      (push (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'z)
-	   (car (progn (setf b (incf i)) x)))
+           (car (progn (setf b (incf i)) x)))
      i a b))
   (z) ((z)) 2 1 2)
 (deftest push.order.2
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(i 1))
+        (y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+        (i 1))
     (push (aref y (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)))
     (values x y i))
   #(nil nil nil (c))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp b/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp
index e11a624b..e3faa990 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (deftest pushnew.2
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(b c d a k f q)))
-	 (y (pushnew 'a x)))
+         (y (pushnew 'a x)))
      (eqt x y)
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest pushnew.3
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
-	 (y (pushnew 7 x)))
+         (y (pushnew 7 x)))
      (eqt x y)
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
 (deftest pushnew.4
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(c d)) x
-		     :test 'equal)))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(c d)) x
+                     :test 'equal)))
     (and (eqt x y)
-	 x))
+         x))
   ((c d) (a b) 1 "and" c d e))
 (deftest pushnew.5
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
-		     :test 'equal)))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+                     :test 'equal)))
      (eqt x y)
@@ -51,20 +51,20 @@
 (deftest pushnew.6
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c e) (d f) (g h))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(d i)) x :key #'car))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '(z 10)) x :key #'car)))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(d i)) x :key #'car))
+         (z (pushnew (copy-tree '(z 10)) x :key #'car)))
     (and (eqt y (cdr z))
-	 (eqt z x)
-	 x))
+         (eqt z x)
+         x))
   ((z 10) (a b) (c e) (d f) (g h)))
 (deftest pushnew.7
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key #'car :test #'string=))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10))
-		     x
-		     :key #'car :test #'string=)))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+                     :key #'car :test #'string=))
+         (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10))
+                     x
+                     :key #'car :test #'string=)))
      (eqt y (cdr x))
      (eqt x z)
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@
 (deftest pushnew.8
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
-		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+                     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+         (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+                     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
      (eqt y (cdr x))
      (eqt x z)
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
 (deftest pushnew.9
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
-		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+                     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+         (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+                     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
      (eqt y (cdr x))
      (eqt x z)
@@ -98,15 +98,15 @@
 ;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
 (deftest pushnew.10
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (result (pushnew 'z x :key nil)))
+         (result (pushnew 'z x :key nil)))
   (z a b c d))
 ;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
 (deftest pushnew.11
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
-		     :test 'equal :key nil)))
+         (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+                     :test 'equal :key nil)))
      (eqt x y)
@@ -116,9 +116,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
      (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+              d
+              :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+              :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
      d i x y z))
   (a b c) (a b c)
   3 1 2 3)
@@ -127,9 +127,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
      (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql)))
+              d
+              :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+              :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql)))
      d i x y z))
   (a b c) (a b c)
   3 1 2 3)
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
      (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
+              d
+              :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
+              :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
      d i x y z))
   (a b c) (a b c)
   3 1 3 2)
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
      (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
+              d
+              :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+              :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
      d i x y z))
   (a b c) (a b c)
   3 1 3 2)
@@ -237,15 +237,15 @@
 (defharmless pushnew.test-and-test-not.1
   (let ((x '(b c))) (pushnew 'a x :test #'eql :test-not #'eql)))
 (defharmless pushnew.test-and-test-not.2
   (let ((x '(b c))) (pushnew 'a x :test-not #'eql :test #'eql)))
 (deftest pushnew.order.1
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil))
-	(y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(i 1))
+        (y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+        (i 1))
     (pushnew (aref y (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)))
     (values x y i))
   #(nil nil nil (c))
@@ -254,10 +254,10 @@
 (deftest pushnew.order.2
   (let ((x (vector nil nil nil nil nil))
-	(y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	(i 1))
+        (y (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+        (i 1))
     (pushnew (aref y (incf i)) (aref x (incf i))
-	     :test (progn (incf i) #'eql))
+             :test (progn (incf i) #'eql))
     (values x y i))
   #(nil nil nil (c) nil)
   #(a b c d e)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-aux.lsp
index 297accea..7e079a2b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-aux.lsp
@@ -29,38 +29,38 @@
   (assert cases)
   (let* ((weights (mapcar #'car cases))
-	 (cumulative-weights (let ((sum 0))
-			       (loop for w in weights collect (incf sum w))))
-	 (total (car (last cumulative-weights)))
-	 (r (gensym)))
+         (cumulative-weights (let ((sum 0))
+                               (loop for w in weights collect (incf sum w))))
+         (total (car (last cumulative-weights)))
+         (r (gensym)))
     (assert (every #'plusp weights))
     (when (typep total 'ratio) (setf total (coerce total 'double-float)))
     `(let ((,r (random ,total)))
-	,@(loop for case in (butlast cases)
-		for cw in cumulative-weights
-		collect `((< ,r ,cw) ,@(cdr case)))
-	(t ,@(cdar (last cases)))))))
+        ,@(loop for case in (butlast cases)
+                for cw in cumulative-weights
+                collect `((< ,r ,cw) ,@(cdr case)))
+        (t ,@(cdar (last cases)))))))
 (defmacro rselect (cumulative-frequency-array &rest cases)
   (let ((len (length cases))
-	(a (gensym "A"))
-	(max (gensym "MAX"))
-	(r (gensym "R"))
-	(p (gensym "P"))
-	(done (gensym "DONE")))
+        (a (gensym "A"))
+        (max (gensym "MAX"))
+        (r (gensym "R"))
+        (p (gensym "P"))
+        (done (gensym "DONE")))
     (assert (> len 0))
     `(let ((,a ,cumulative-frequency-array))
        (assert (eql ,len (length ,a)))
        (let* ((,max (aref ,a ,(1- len)))
-	      (,r (random ,max)))
-	 (block ,done
-	  ,@(loop for i from 0
-		  for c in cases
-		  collect 
-		  `(let ((,p (aref ,a ,i)))
-		     (when (< ,r ,p) (return-from ,done ,c))))
-	  (error "Should not happen!"))))))
+              (,r (random ,max)))
+         (block ,done
+          ,@(loop for i from 0
+                  for c in cases
+                  collect
+                  `(let ((,p (aref ,a ,i)))
+                     (when (< ,r ,p) (return-from ,done ,c))))
+          (error "Should not happen!"))))))
 (defun make-random-integer-range (&optional var)
   "Generate a list (LO HI) of integers, LO <= HI.  This is used
@@ -68,15 +68,15 @@
   (declare (ignore var))
    (1 (flet ((%r () (let ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
-		      (- (random r) (floor (/ r 2))))))
-	(let ((x (%r))
-	      (y (%r)))
-	  (list (min x y) (max x y)))))
+                      (- (random r) (floor (/ r 2))))))
+        (let ((x (%r))
+              (y (%r)))
+          (list (min x y) (max x y)))))
    (1 (let* ((b (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	     (b2 (floor (/ b 2))))
-	(let ((x (- (random b) b2))
-	      (y (- (random b) b2)))
-	  (list (min x y) (max x y)))))))
+             (b2 (floor (/ b 2))))
+        (let ((x (- (random b) b2))
+              (y (- (random b) b2)))
+          (list (min x y) (max x y)))))))
 (defun random-nonnegative-real ()
   (if (coin 3)
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@
        (/ (random 100000000) (1+ (random 10000000)))
        (/ (random 1000000000000) (1+ (random 10000000))))
     (random (random-case
-	     1000
-	     100000
-	     10000000
-	     1000000000
-	     (expt 2.0s0 (random 15))
-	     (expt 2.0f0 (random 32))
-	     (expt 2.0d0 (random 32))
-	     (expt 2.0l0 (random 32))))))
+             1000
+             100000
+             10000000
+             1000000000
+             (expt 2.0s0 (random 15))
+             (expt 2.0f0 (random 32))
+             (expt 2.0d0 (random 32))
+             (expt 2.0l0 (random 32))))))
 (defun make-random-integer ()
   (let ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
@@ -104,21 +104,21 @@
 (defun make-random-rational ()
   (let* ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	 (n (random r)))
+         (n (random r)))
     (assert (>= r 2))
     (let ((d (loop for x = (random r) unless (zerop x) do (return x))))
       (if (coin) (/ n d) (- (/ n d))))))
 (defun make-random-nonnegative-rational ()
   (let* ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	 (n (random r)))
+         (n (random r)))
     (assert (>= r 2))
     (let ((d (loop for x = (random r) unless (zerop x) do (return x))))
       (/ n d))))
 (defun make-random-positive-rational ()
   (let* ((r (ash 1 (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-	 (n (1+ (random r))))
+         (n (1+ (random r))))
     (assert (>= r 2))
     (let ((d (loop for x = (random r) unless (zerop x) do (return x))))
       (/ n d))))
@@ -138,9 +138,9 @@
     (assert (< 1/1000000 upper-limit 1000000))
     (let ((x 0))
       (loop do (setq x (* upper-limit (rational (random 1.0))))
-	    while (or (and (not lower-inclusive) (zerop x))
-		      (and (not upper-inclusive) (= x upper-limit)))
-	    finally (return x))))))   
+            while (or (and (not lower-inclusive) (zerop x))
+                      (and (not upper-inclusive) (= x upper-limit)))
+            finally (return x))))))
 (defun make-random-float ()
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
      (1 (apply #'cons (mapcar #'random-thing (random-partition (1- n) 2))))
      (1 (apply #'vector (mapcar #'random-thing
-				(random-partition (1- n) (max 10 (1- n))))))
+                                (random-partition (1- n) (max 10 (1- n))))))
 (defparameter *use-random-byte* t)
@@ -181,47 +181,47 @@
        (use-random-byte nil)
        (etype 'character)
        (s (random-case
-	   (progn
-	     (setf use-random-byte *use-random-byte*)
-	     (make-string size :element-type 'character))
-	   (progn
-	     (setf use-random-byte *use-random-byte*)
-	     (make-array size :element-type 'character
-			 :initial-element #\a))
-	   (make-array size :element-type (setf etype (if *random-readable* 'character 'standard-char))
-		       :adjustable (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 t)))
-		       :fill-pointer (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 (random (1+ size)))))
-		       :initial-element #\a)
-	   (make-array size :element-type (setf etype (if *random-readable* 'character 'base-char))
-		       :adjustable (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 t)))
-		       :fill-pointer (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 (random (1+ size)))))
-		       :initial-element #\a))))
+           (progn
+             (setf use-random-byte *use-random-byte*)
+             (make-string size :element-type 'character))
+           (progn
+             (setf use-random-byte *use-random-byte*)
+             (make-array size :element-type 'character
+                         :initial-element #\a))
+           (make-array size :element-type (setf etype (if *random-readable* 'character 'standard-char))
+                       :adjustable (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 t)))
+                       :fill-pointer (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 (random (1+ size)))))
+                       :initial-element #\a)
+           (make-array size :element-type (setf etype (if *random-readable* 'character 'base-char))
+                       :adjustable (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 t)))
+                       :fill-pointer (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (rcase (3 nil) (1 (random (1+ size)))))
+                       :initial-element #\a))))
     (if (coin)
-	(dotimes (i size)
-	  (setf (char s i) (elt #(#\a #\b #\A #\B) (random 4))))
+        (dotimes (i size)
+          (setf (char s i) (elt #(#\a #\b #\A #\B) (random 4))))
       (dotimes (i size)
-	(setf (char s i)
-	      (or (and (eql etype 'character)
-		       use-random-byte
-		       (or (code-char (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))))
-			   (code-char (random 256))))
-		  (elt "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
-		       (random 62))))))
+        (setf (char s i)
+              (or (and (eql etype 'character)
+                       use-random-byte
+                       (or (code-char (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 16))))
+                           (code-char (random 256))))
+                  (elt "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyxzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
+                       (random 62))))))
     (when (and (not simple) (not *random-readable*) (coin 5))
       (let ((len (+ (random (1+ size)) size)))
-	(setq s (make-random-string len))
-	(setq etype (array-element-type s))
-	(setq s (make-array size
-			    :element-type etype
-			    :displaced-to s
-			    :displaced-index-offset (random (1+ (- len size)))))))
+        (setq s (make-random-string len))
+        (setq etype (array-element-type s))
+        (setq s (make-array size
+                            :element-type etype
+                            :displaced-to s
+                            :displaced-index-offset (random (1+ (- len size)))))))
 (defun random-leaf ()
    (1 (let ((k (ash 1 (1+ (random 40)))))
-	(random-from-interval k (- k))))
+        (random-from-interval k (- k))))
    (1 (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
    (1 (random-real))
    (1 (make-random-string (random 20)))
@@ -241,18 +241,18 @@
   (setq seq (copy-seq seq))
   (let ((len (length seq)))
     (loop for i from len downto 2
-	  do (let ((r (random i)))
-	       (rotatef (elt seq r) (elt seq (1- i))))))
+          do (let ((r (random i)))
+               (rotatef (elt seq r) (elt seq (1- i))))))
 (defun binomial-distribution-test (n fn)
   (let* ((count (loop repeat n count (funcall fn)))
-	 (sigma (/ (sqrt n) 2.0))
-	 (bound (* sigma 6))
-	 (expected (/ n 2.0)))
+         (sigma (/ (sqrt n) 2.0))
+         (bound (* sigma 6))
+         (expected (/ n 2.0)))
     (<= (- expected bound)
-	count
-	(+ expected bound))))
+        count
+        (+ expected bound))))
 (defun random-partition* (n p)
   "Partition n into p numbers, each >= 0.  Return list of numbers."
@@ -261,18 +261,18 @@
    ((= p 1) (list n))
    ((= n 0) (make-list p :initial-element 0))
    (t (let* ((r (random p))
-	     (n1 (random (1+ n))))
-	(cond
-	 ((= r 0)
-	  (cons n1 (random-partition* (- n n1) (1- p))))
-	 ((= r (1- p))
-	  (append (random-partition* (- n n1) (1- p)) (list n1)))
-	 (t
-	  (let* ((n2 (random (1+ (- n n1))))
-		 (n3 (- n n1 n2)))
-	    (append (random-partition* n2 r)
-		    (list n1)
-		    (random-partition* n3 (- p 1 r))))))))))
+             (n1 (random (1+ n))))
+        (cond
+         ((= r 0)
+          (cons n1 (random-partition* (- n n1) (1- p))))
+         ((= r (1- p))
+          (append (random-partition* (- n n1) (1- p)) (list n1)))
+         (t
+          (let* ((n2 (random (1+ (- n n1))))
+                 (n3 (- n n1 n2)))
+            (append (random-partition* n2 r)
+                    (list n1)
+                    (random-partition* n3 (- p 1 r))))))))))
 (defun random-partition (n p)
   "Partition n into p numbers, each >= 1 (if possible.)"
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@
 (define-method-combination randomized nil ((method-list positive-integer-qualifier-p))
   (assert method-list)
   (let ((clauses (mapcar #'(lambda (method)
-			     (let ((weight (car (method-qualifiers method))))
-			       `(,weight (call-method ,method))))
-			 method-list)))
+                             (let ((weight (car (method-qualifiers method))))
+                               `(,weight (call-method ,method))))
+                         method-list)))
   `(loop (catch 'fail (return (rcase ,@clauses))))))
-(warn "ABCL doesn't support the long form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION; randomized testing disabled.")
\ No newline at end of file
+(warn "ABCL doesn't support the long form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION; randomized testing disabled.")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-class-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-class-aux.lsp
index 83e8b3f8..292e3977 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-class-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-class-aux.lsp
@@ -10,27 +10,27 @@
   (assert (typep n '(integer 1)) (n) "N is ~A" n)
   (assert (typep rep 'unsigned-byte) (rep) "REP is ~A" rep)
   (let ((class-names (make-array n
-				 :initial-contents
-				 (loop for i from 1 to n
-				       collect (make-symbol
-						(format nil "CLASS-NAME-~D" i))))))
+                                 :initial-contents
+                                 (loop for i from 1 to n
+                                       collect (make-symbol
+                                                (format nil "CLASS-NAME-~D" i))))))
-	(let ((parents (make-array n :initial-element nil)))
-	  ;; Create classes
-	  (loop for name across class-names
-		do (eval `(defclass ,name () nil)))
-	  (loop for i = (1+ (random (1- n)))
-		for name = (elt class-names i)
-		for parent = (elt parents i)
-		repeat rep
-		do (if parent
-		       (progn
-			 (setf (elt parents i) nil)
-			 (eval `(defclass ,name () nil)))
-		     (eval `(defclass ,name
-			      (,(setf (elt parents i) (elt class-names (1- i))))
-			      nil
-			      )))))
+        (let ((parents (make-array n :initial-element nil)))
+          ;; Create classes
+          (loop for name across class-names
+                do (eval `(defclass ,name () nil)))
+          (loop for i = (1+ (random (1- n)))
+                for name = (elt class-names i)
+                for parent = (elt parents i)
+                repeat rep
+                do (if parent
+                       (progn
+                         (setf (elt parents i) nil)
+                         (eval `(defclass ,name () nil)))
+                     (eval `(defclass ,name
+                              (,(setf (elt parents i) (elt class-names (1- i))))
+                              nil
+                              )))))
       (loop for name across class-names
-	    do (setf (find-class name) nil)))))
+            do (setf (find-class name) nil)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-int-form.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-int-form.lsp
index 5edef21b..7c18b164 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-int-form.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-int-form.lsp
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
      `(let* ((,len (length *default-make-random-integer-form-cdf*))
              (,vec (make-array ,len)))
         (loop for i from 0 below ,len do (setf (aref ,vec i)
-					       (1+ (min (random 100)
-							(random 100)))))
+                                               (1+ (min (random 100)
+                                                        (random 100)))))
         (setq ,vec (cumulate ,vec))
         (let ((*make-random-integer-form-cdf* ,vec))
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
        (print '(load "c.lsp") s)
        (finish-output s))
        ;; (cl-user::gc)
-       ;; (make-list 1000000) 
+       ;; (make-list 1000000)
     (test-int-form form vars var-types vals-list opt-decls-1 opt-decls-2)))
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
   (intern (concatenate 'string
                        (subseq (symbol-name fn-name) 1)
                        (format nil "-~D" arg-index))
-          (symbol-package fn-name)))                       
+          (symbol-package fn-name)))
 (declaim (special *flet-names*))
 (defparameter *flet-names* nil)
@@ -371,11 +371,11 @@
             (sizes (random-partition (1- size) (+ nforms 2)))
             (args (mapcar #'make-random-integer-form sizes)))
        `(prog2 ,@args))
      `(isqrt (abs ,(make-random-integer-form (- size 2))))
      `(the integer ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)))
      `(cl:handler-bind nil ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)))
      `(restart-bind nil ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)))
@@ -415,14 +415,14 @@
      ;; eval
      (make-random-integer-eval-form size)
      #-(or cmu allegro poplog)
      (destructuring-bind (s1 s2)
         (random-partition (- size 2) 2)
         `(ash ,(make-random-integer-form s1)
               (min ,(random 100)
                    ,(make-random-integer-form s2))))
      ;; binary floor, ceiling, truncate, round
      (let ((op (random-from-seq #(floor ceiling truncate round mod rem)))
            (op2 (random-from-seq #(max min))))
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
                              (1+ (random 100))
                            (- (1+ (random 100))))
                         ,(make-random-integer-form s2)))))
      ;; Binary op
      (let* ((op (random-from-seq
                   '(+ - *  logand min max gcd
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@
      ;; coerce
      `(coerce ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)) 'integer)
      ;; complex (degenerate case)
      `(complex ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)) 0)
@@ -513,7 +513,7 @@
      ;; progv
      (make-random-integer-progv-form size)
      `(let () ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size)))
       (let* ((name (random-from-seq #(b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 b8)))
@@ -523,7 +523,7 @@
       (let* ((tag (list 'quote (random-from-seq #(ct1 ct2 ct2 ct4 ct5 ct6 ct7 ct8))))
              (*random-int-form-catch-tags* (cons tag *random-int-form-catch-tags*)))
         `(catch ,tag ,(make-random-integer-form (1- size))))
       ;; setq and similar
       (make-random-integer-setq-form size)
@@ -783,7 +783,7 @@
                   ,@(mapcar #'make-random-integer-form sizes))
      #-(or armedbear)
-     (1      
+     (1
       (destructuring-bind (size1 size2) (random-partition (1- size) 2)
         (let* ((vars '(lmv1 lmv2 lmv3 lmv4 lmv5 lmv6))
                (var1 (random-from-seq vars))
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@
                                     (2 nil)
                                     (1 (list :test `(quote ,test)))
                                     (1 (list :test-not `(quote ,test)))))))))
       (1 (let ((index (random (1+ (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
                (form (make-random-integer-form (1- size))))
            `(logbitp ,index ,form)))
@@ -1084,246 +1084,246 @@
 (defgeneric make-random-element-of-compound-type (type-op type-args)
   (:documentation "Create a random element of type `(,TYPE-OP ,@TYPE-ARGS)")
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'or)) type-args)
-	   (assert type-args)
-	   (make-random-element-of-type (random-from-seq type-args)))
+           (assert type-args)
+           (make-random-element-of-type (random-from-seq type-args)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'and)) type-args)
-	   (assert type-args)
-	   (loop for x = (make-random-element-of-type (car type-args))
-	     repeat 100
-	     when (typep x (cons 'and (cdr type-args)))
-	     return x
-	     finally (error "Cannot generate random element of ~A"
-			    (cons type-op type-args))))
+           (assert type-args)
+           (loop for x = (make-random-element-of-type (car type-args))
+             repeat 100
+             when (typep x (cons 'and (cdr type-args)))
+             return x
+             finally (error "Cannot generate random element of ~A"
+                            (cons type-op type-args))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'not)) type-args)
-	   (assert (eql (length type-args) 1))
-	   (make-random-element-of-type `(and t (not ,(car type-args)))))
+           (assert (eql (length type-args) 1))
+           (make-random-element-of-type `(and t (not ,(car type-args)))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'integer)) type-args)
-	   (let ((lo (let ((lo (car type-args)))
-		       (cond
-			((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
-			((eq lo nil) '*)
-			(t lo))))
-		 (hi (let ((hi (cadr type-args)))
-		       (cond
-			((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
-			((eq hi nil) '*)
-			(t hi)))))
-	     (if (eq lo '*)
-		 (if (eq hi '*)
-		     (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
-		       (random-from-interval x (- x)))
-		   (random-from-interval (1+ hi)
-					 (- hi (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
-	       (if (eq hi '*)
-		   (random-from-interval (+ lo (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)) 1)
-					 lo)
-		 ;; May generalize the next case to increase odds
-		 ;; of certain integers (near 0, near endpoints, near
-		 ;; powers of 2...)
-		 (random-from-interval (1+ hi) lo)))))
+           (let ((lo (let ((lo (car type-args)))
+                       (cond
+                        ((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
+                        ((eq lo nil) '*)
+                        (t lo))))
+                 (hi (let ((hi (cadr type-args)))
+                       (cond
+                        ((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
+                        ((eq hi nil) '*)
+                        (t hi)))))
+             (if (eq lo '*)
+                 (if (eq hi '*)
+                     (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
+                       (random-from-interval x (- x)))
+                   (random-from-interval (1+ hi)
+                                         (- hi (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
+               (if (eq hi '*)
+                   (random-from-interval (+ lo (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)) 1)
+                                         lo)
+                 ;; May generalize the next case to increase odds
+                 ;; of certain integers (near 0, near endpoints, near
+                 ;; powers of 2...)
+                 (random-from-interval (1+ hi) lo)))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'rational)) type-args)
-	   (let ((type (cons type-op type-args)))
-	     (or
-	      (let ((r (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
-		(and (typep r type) r))
-	      (let ((lo (car type-args))
-		    (hi (cadr type-args))
-		    lo= hi=)
-		(cond
-		 ((consp lo) nil)
-		 ((member lo '(* nil))
-		  (setq lo nil)
-		  (setq lo= nil))
-		 (t
-		  (assert (typep lo 'rational))
-		  (setq lo= t)))
-		(cond
-		 ((consp hi) nil)
-		 ((member hi '(* nil))
-		  (setq hi nil)
-		  (setq hi= nil))
-		 (t
-		  (assert (typep hi 'rational))
-		  (setq hi= t)))
-		(assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (<= lo hi)))
-		(assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
-		(cond
-		 ((null lo)
-		  (cond
-		   ((null hi) (make-random-rational))
-		   (hi= (- hi (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
-		   (t (- hi (make-random-positive-rational)))))
-		 ((null hi)
-		  (cond
-		   (lo= (+ lo (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
-		   (t (+ lo (make-random-positive-rational)))))
-		 (t
-		  (+ lo (make-random-bounded-rational (- hi lo) lo= hi=))))))))
+           (let ((type (cons type-op type-args)))
+             (or
+              (let ((r (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
+                (and (typep r type) r))
+              (let ((lo (car type-args))
+                    (hi (cadr type-args))
+                    lo= hi=)
+                (cond
+                 ((consp lo) nil)
+                 ((member lo '(* nil))
+                  (setq lo nil)
+                  (setq lo= nil))
+                 (t
+                  (assert (typep lo 'rational))
+                  (setq lo= t)))
+                (cond
+                 ((consp hi) nil)
+                 ((member hi '(* nil))
+                  (setq hi nil)
+                  (setq hi= nil))
+                 (t
+                  (assert (typep hi 'rational))
+                  (setq hi= t)))
+                (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (<= lo hi)))
+                (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
+                (cond
+                 ((null lo)
+                  (cond
+                   ((null hi) (make-random-rational))
+                   (hi= (- hi (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
+                   (t (- hi (make-random-positive-rational)))))
+                 ((null hi)
+                  (cond
+                   (lo= (+ lo (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
+                   (t (+ lo (make-random-positive-rational)))))
+                 (t
+                  (+ lo (make-random-bounded-rational (- hi lo) lo= hi=))))))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'ratio)) type-args)
-	   (let ((r 0))
-	     (loop
-	      do (setq r (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'rational type-args))
-	      while (integerp r))
-	     r))
+           (let ((r 0))
+             (loop
+              do (setq r (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'rational type-args))
+              while (integerp r))
+             r))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'real)) type-args)
-	   (rcase
-	    (1 (let ((lo (and (numberp (car type-args))
-			      (rational (car type-args))))
-		     (hi (and (numberp (cadr type-args))
-			      (rational (cadr type-args)))))
-		 (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'rational
-						       `(,(or lo '*)
-							 ,(or hi '*)))))
-	    (1 (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'float
-						     `(,(or (car type-args) '*)
-						       ,(or (cadr type-args) '*))))))
+           (rcase
+            (1 (let ((lo (and (numberp (car type-args))
+                              (rational (car type-args))))
+                     (hi (and (numberp (cadr type-args))
+                              (rational (cadr type-args)))))
+                 (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'rational
+                                                       `(,(or lo '*)
+                                                         ,(or hi '*)))))
+            (1 (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'float
+                                                     `(,(or (car type-args) '*)
+                                                       ,(or (cadr type-args) '*))))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'float)) type-args)
-	   (let* ((new-type-op (random-from-seq #(single-float double-float long-float short-float)))
-		  (lo (car type-args))
-		  (hi (cadr type-args))
-		  (most-neg (most-negative-float new-type-op))
-		  (most-pos (most-positive-float new-type-op)))
-	     (cond
-	      ((or (and (realp lo) (< lo most-neg))
-		   (and (realp hi) (> hi most-pos)))
-	       ;; try again
-	       (make-random-element-of-compound-type type-op type-args))
-	      (t
-	       (when (and (realp lo) (not (typep lo new-type-op)))
-		 (cond
-		  ((< lo most-neg) (setq lo '*))
-		  (t (setq lo (coerce lo new-type-op)))))
-	       (when (and (realp hi) (not (typep hi new-type-op)))
-		 (cond
-		  ((> hi most-pos) (setq hi '*))
-		  (t (setq hi (coerce hi new-type-op)))))
-	       (make-random-element-of-compound-type new-type-op `(,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*)))))))
+           (let* ((new-type-op (random-from-seq #(single-float double-float long-float short-float)))
+                  (lo (car type-args))
+                  (hi (cadr type-args))
+                  (most-neg (most-negative-float new-type-op))
+                  (most-pos (most-positive-float new-type-op)))
+             (cond
+              ((or (and (realp lo) (< lo most-neg))
+                   (and (realp hi) (> hi most-pos)))
+               ;; try again
+               (make-random-element-of-compound-type type-op type-args))
+              (t
+               (when (and (realp lo) (not (typep lo new-type-op)))
+                 (cond
+                  ((< lo most-neg) (setq lo '*))
+                  (t (setq lo (coerce lo new-type-op)))))
+               (when (and (realp hi) (not (typep hi new-type-op)))
+                 (cond
+                  ((> hi most-pos) (setq hi '*))
+                  (t (setq hi (coerce hi new-type-op)))))
+               (make-random-element-of-compound-type new-type-op `(,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*)))))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'short-float)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'single-float)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'double-float)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'long-float)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (apply #'make-random-element-of-float-type type-op type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'mod)) type-args)
-	   (let ((modulus (second type-args)))
-	     (assert (integerp modulus))
-	     (assert (plusp modulus))
-	     (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'integer `(0 (,modulus)))))
+           (let ((modulus (second type-args)))
+             (assert (integerp modulus))
+             (assert (plusp modulus))
+             (make-random-element-of-compound-type 'integer `(0 (,modulus)))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'unsigned-byte)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (if (null type-args)
-	       (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
-	     (let ((bits (first type-args)))
-	       (if (eq bits '*)
-		   (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
-		 (progn
-		   (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
-		   (make-random-element-of-type
-		    `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (if (null type-args)
+               (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
+             (let ((bits (first type-args)))
+               (if (eq bits '*)
+                   (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
+                 (progn
+                   (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
+                   (make-random-element-of-type
+                    `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'signed-byte)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (if (null type-args)
-	       (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
-	     (let ((bits (car type-args)))
-	       (if (eq bits'*)
-		   (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
-		 (progn
-		   (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
-		   (make-random-element-of-type
-		    `(integer ,(- (ash 1 (1- bits))) ,(1- (ash 1 (1- bits))))))))))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (if (null type-args)
+               (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
+             (let ((bits (car type-args)))
+               (if (eq bits'*)
+                   (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
+                 (progn
+                   (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
+                   (make-random-element-of-type
+                    `(integer ,(- (ash 1 (1- bits))) ,(1- (ash 1 (1- bits))))))))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'eql)) type-args)
-	   (assert (= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (car type-args))
+           (assert (= (length type-args) 1))
+           (car type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'member)) type-args)
-	   (assert type-args)
-	   (random-from-seq type-args))
+           (assert type-args)
+           (random-from-seq type-args))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'vector)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
-		 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector etype-spec size-spec)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
+                 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector etype-spec size-spec)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'aimple-vector)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector t size-spec :simple t)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector t size-spec :simple t)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'array)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
-		 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
+                 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'simple-array)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
-		 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec :simple t)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (let ((etype-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*))
+                 (size-spec (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec :simple t)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'string)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-string size-spec)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-string size-spec)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'simple-string)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-string size-spec :simple t)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-string size-spec :simple t)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'base-string)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'simple-base-string)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec :simple t)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec :simple t)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'bit-vector)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'simple-bit-vector)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
-	   (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
-	     (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec :simple t)))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 1))
+           (let ((size-spec (if type-args (car type-args) '*)))
+             (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec :simple t)))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'cons)) type-args)
-	   (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
-	   (cons (make-random-element-of-type (if type-args (car type-args) t))
-		 (make-random-element-of-type (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) t))))
+           (assert (<= (length type-args) 2))
+           (cons (make-random-element-of-type (if type-args (car type-args) t))
+                 (make-random-element-of-type (if (cdr type-args) (cadr type-args) t))))
   (:method ((type-op (eql 'complex)) type-args)
-	   (cond
-	    ((null type-args)
-	     (make-random-element-of-type 'complex))
-	    (t
-	     (assert (null (cdr type-args)))
-	     (let ((etype (car type-args)))
-	       (loop for v1 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
-		     for v2 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
-		     for c = (complex v1 v2)
-		     when (typep c (cons 'complex type-args))
-		     return c)))))
+           (cond
+            ((null type-args)
+             (make-random-element-of-type 'complex))
+            (t
+             (assert (null (cdr type-args)))
+             (let ((etype (car type-args)))
+               (loop for v1 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
+                     for v2 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
+                     for c = (complex v1 v2)
+                     when (typep c (cons 'complex type-args))
+                     return c)))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type cons))
@@ -1352,15 +1352,15 @@
     (let ((limit 100000))
        ((or (<= hi 0)
-	    (>= lo 0)
-	    (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
-	(loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
-	      do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
+            (>= lo 0)
+            (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
+        (loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
+              do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
-	(rcase
-	 (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
-	 (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
+        (rcase
+         (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
+         (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type cons))
   (let ((type-op (first type)))
@@ -1371,32 +1371,32 @@
        (assert (cdr type))
        (loop for x = (make-random-element-of-type (cadr type))
-	     repeat 100
-	     when (typep x (cons 'and (cddr type)))
-	     return x
-	     finally (error "Cannot generate random element of ~A" type)))
+             repeat 100
+             when (typep x (cons 'and (cddr type)))
+             return x
+             finally (error "Cannot generate random element of ~A" type)))
        (assert (cdr type))
        (assert (not (cddr type)))
        (make-random-element-of-type `(and t ,type)))
        (let ((lo (let ((lo (cadr type)))
-		   (cond
-		    ((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
-		    ((eq lo nil) '*)
-		    (t lo))))
-	     (hi (let ((hi (caddr type)))
-		   (cond
-		    ((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
-		    ((eq hi nil) '*)
-		    (t hi)))))
+                   (cond
+                    ((consp lo) (1+ (car lo)))
+                    ((eq lo nil) '*)
+                    (t lo))))
+             (hi (let ((hi (caddr type)))
+                   (cond
+                    ((consp hi) (1- (car hi)))
+                    ((eq hi nil) '*)
+                    (t hi)))))
          (if (eq lo '*)
              (if (eq hi '*)
                  (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
                    (random-from-interval x (- x)))
                (random-from-interval (1+ hi)
                                      (- hi (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)))))
            (if (eq hi '*)
                (random-from-interval (+ lo (random (ash 1 *maximum-random-int-bits*)) 1)
@@ -1404,146 +1404,146 @@
              ;; of certain integers (near 0, near endpoints, near
              ;; powers of 2...)
              (random-from-interval (1+ hi) lo)))))
-	(let ((r (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
-	  (and (typep r type) r))
-	(let ((lo (cadr type))
-	      (hi (caddr type))
-	      lo= hi=)
-	  (cond
-	   ((consp lo) nil)
-	   ((member lo '(* nil))
-	    (setq lo nil)
-	    (setq lo= nil))
-	   (t
-	    (assert (typep lo 'rational))
-	    (setq lo= t)))
-	  (cond
-	   ((consp hi) nil)
-	   ((member hi '(* nil))
-	    (setq hi nil)
-	    (setq hi= nil))
-	   (t
-	    (assert (typep hi 'rational))
-	    (setq hi= t)))
-	  (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (<= lo hi)))
-	  (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
-	  (cond
-	   ((null lo)
-	    (cond
-	     ((null hi) (make-random-rational))
-	     (hi= (- hi (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
-	     (t (- hi (make-random-positive-rational)))))
-	   ((null hi)
-	    (cond
-	     (lo= (+ lo (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
-	     (t (+ lo (make-random-positive-rational)))))
-	   (t
-	    (+ lo (make-random-bounded-rational (- hi lo) lo= hi=)))))))
+        (let ((r (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
+          (and (typep r type) r))
+        (let ((lo (cadr type))
+              (hi (caddr type))
+              lo= hi=)
+          (cond
+           ((consp lo) nil)
+           ((member lo '(* nil))
+            (setq lo nil)
+            (setq lo= nil))
+           (t
+            (assert (typep lo 'rational))
+            (setq lo= t)))
+          (cond
+           ((consp hi) nil)
+           ((member hi '(* nil))
+            (setq hi nil)
+            (setq hi= nil))
+           (t
+            (assert (typep hi 'rational))
+            (setq hi= t)))
+          (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (<= lo hi)))
+          (assert (or (null lo) (null hi) (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
+          (cond
+           ((null lo)
+            (cond
+             ((null hi) (make-random-rational))
+             (hi= (- hi (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
+             (t (- hi (make-random-positive-rational)))))
+           ((null hi)
+            (cond
+             (lo= (+ lo (make-random-nonnegative-rational)))
+             (t (+ lo (make-random-positive-rational)))))
+           (t
+            (+ lo (make-random-bounded-rational (- hi lo) lo= hi=)))))))
        (let ((r 0))
-	 (loop
-	  do (setq r (make-random-element-of-type `(rational ,@(cdr type))))
-	  while (integerp r))
-	 r))
+         (loop
+          do (setq r (make-random-element-of-type `(rational ,@(cdr type))))
+          while (integerp r))
+         r))
-	(1 (let ((lo (and (numberp (cadr type))
-			  (rational (cadr type))))
-		 (hi (and (numberp (caddr type))
-			  (rational (caddr type)))))
-	     (make-random-element-of-type `(rational ,(or lo '*)
-						     ,(or hi '*)))))
-	(1 (make-random-element-of-type `(float ,(or (cadr type) '*)
-						,(or (caddr type) '*))))))
+        (1 (let ((lo (and (numberp (cadr type))
+                          (rational (cadr type))))
+                 (hi (and (numberp (caddr type))
+                          (rational (caddr type)))))
+             (make-random-element-of-type `(rational ,(or lo '*)
+                                                     ,(or hi '*)))))
+        (1 (make-random-element-of-type `(float ,(or (cadr type) '*)
+                                                ,(or (caddr type) '*))))))
        (let* ((new-type-op (random-from-seq #(single-float double-float
-							   long-float short-float)))
-	      (lo (cadr type))
-	      (hi (caddr type))
-	      (most-neg (most-negative-float new-type-op))
-	      (most-pos (most-positive-float new-type-op)))
-	 (cond
-	  ((or (and (realp lo) (< lo most-neg))
-	       (and (realp hi) (> hi most-pos)))
-	   ;; try again
-	   (make-random-element-of-type type))
-	  (t
-	   (when (and (realp lo) (not (typep lo new-type-op)))
-	     (cond
-	      ((< lo most-neg) (setq lo '*))
-	      (t (setq lo (coerce lo new-type-op)))))
-	   (when (and (realp hi) (not (typep hi new-type-op)))
-	     (cond
-	      ((> hi most-pos) (setq hi '*))
-	      (t (setq hi (coerce hi new-type-op)))))
-	   (make-random-element-of-type
-	    `(,new-type-op ,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*)))))))
+                                                           long-float short-float)))
+              (lo (cadr type))
+              (hi (caddr type))
+              (most-neg (most-negative-float new-type-op))
+              (most-pos (most-positive-float new-type-op)))
+         (cond
+          ((or (and (realp lo) (< lo most-neg))
+               (and (realp hi) (> hi most-pos)))
+           ;; try again
+           (make-random-element-of-type type))
+          (t
+           (when (and (realp lo) (not (typep lo new-type-op)))
+             (cond
+              ((< lo most-neg) (setq lo '*))
+              (t (setq lo (coerce lo new-type-op)))))
+           (when (and (realp hi) (not (typep hi new-type-op)))
+             (cond
+              ((> hi most-pos) (setq hi '*))
+              (t (setq hi (coerce hi new-type-op)))))
+           (make-random-element-of-type
+            `(,new-type-op ,(or lo '*) ,(or hi '*)))))))
       ((single-float double-float long-float short-float)
        (let ((lo (cadr type))
-	     (hi (caddr type))
-	     lo= hi=)
-	 (cond
-	  ((consp lo) nil)
-	  ((member lo '(* nil))
-	   (setq lo (most-negative-float type-op))
-	   (setq lo= t))
-	  (t
-	   (assert (typep lo type-op))
-	   (setq lo= t)))
-	 (cond
-	  ((consp hi) nil)
-	  ((member hi '(* nil))
-	   (setq hi (most-positive-float type-op))
-	   (setq hi= t))
-	  (t
-	   (assert (typep hi type-op))
-	   (setq hi= t)))
-	 (assert (<= lo hi))
-	 (assert (or (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
-	 (let ((limit 100000))
-	   (cond
-	    ((or (<= hi 0)
-		 (>= lo 0)
-		 (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
-	     (loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
-		   do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
-	    (t
-	     (rcase
-	      (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
-	      (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
+             (hi (caddr type))
+             lo= hi=)
+         (cond
+          ((consp lo) nil)
+          ((member lo '(* nil))
+           (setq lo (most-negative-float type-op))
+           (setq lo= t))
+          (t
+           (assert (typep lo type-op))
+           (setq lo= t)))
+         (cond
+          ((consp hi) nil)
+          ((member hi '(* nil))
+           (setq hi (most-positive-float type-op))
+           (setq hi= t))
+          (t
+           (assert (typep hi type-op))
+           (setq hi= t)))
+         (assert (<= lo hi))
+         (assert (or (< lo hi) (and lo= hi=)))
+         (let ((limit 100000))
+           (cond
+            ((or (<= hi 0)
+                 (>= lo 0)
+                 (and (<= (- limit) hi limit) (<= (- limit) lo limit)))
+             (loop for x = (+ (random (- hi lo)) lo)
+                   do (when (or lo= (/= x lo)) (return x))))
+            (t
+             (rcase
+              (1 (random (min hi (float limit hi))))
+              (1 (- (random (min (float limit lo) (- lo)))))))))))
        (let ((modulus (second type)))
-	 (assert (and (integerp modulus)
-		      (plusp modulus)))
-	 (make-random-element-of-type `(integer 0 (,modulus)))))
+         (assert (and (integerp modulus)
+                      (plusp modulus)))
+         (make-random-element-of-type `(integer 0 (,modulus)))))
        (if (null (cdr type))
            (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
-	 (let ((bits (second type)))
-	   (if (eq bits'*)
-	       (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
-	     (progn
-	       (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
-	       (make-random-element-of-type
-		`(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
+         (let ((bits (second type)))
+           (if (eq bits'*)
+               (make-random-element-of-type '(integer 0 *))
+             (progn
+               (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
+               (make-random-element-of-type
+                `(integer 0 ,(1- (ash 1 bits)))))))))
        (if (null (cdr type))
            (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
-	 (let ((bits (second type)))
-	   (if (eq bits'*)
-	       (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
-	     (progn
-	       (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
-	       (make-random-element-of-type
-		`(integer ,(- (ash 1 (1- bits))) ,(1- (ash 1 (1- bits))))))))))
+         (let ((bits (second type)))
+           (if (eq bits'*)
+               (make-random-element-of-type 'integer)
+             (progn
+               (assert (and (integerp bits) (>= bits 1)))
+               (make-random-element-of-type
+                `(integer ,(- (ash 1 (1- bits))) ,(1- (ash 1 (1- bits))))))))))
        (assert (= (length type) 2))
        (cadr type))
@@ -1552,39 +1552,39 @@
        (random-from-seq (cdr type)))
        (let ((etype-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*))
-	     (size-spec (if (cddr type) (caddr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-vector etype-spec size-spec)))
+             (size-spec (if (cddr type) (caddr type) '*)))
+         (make-random-vector etype-spec size-spec)))
        (let ((size-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-vector t size-spec :simple t)))
+         (make-random-vector t size-spec :simple t)))
       ((array simple-array)
        (let ((etype-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*))
-	     (size-spec (if (cddr type) (caddr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-array))))
+             (size-spec (if (cddr type) (caddr type) '*)))
+         (make-random-array etype-spec size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-array))))
       ((string simple-string)
        (let ((size-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-string size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-string))))
+         (make-random-string size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-string))))
       ((base-string simple-base-string)
        (let ((size-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-base-string))))
+         (make-random-vector 'base-char size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-base-string))))
       ((bit-vector simple-bit-vector)
        (let ((size-spec (if (cdr type) (cadr type) '*)))
-	 (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-bit-vector))))
+         (make-random-vector 'bit size-spec :simple (eql (car type) 'simple-bit-vector))))
        (cons (make-random-element-of-type (if (cdr type) (cadr type) t))
-	     (make-random-element-of-type (if (cddr type) (caddr type) t))))
+             (make-random-element-of-type (if (cddr type) (caddr type) t))))
-	((null (cdr type))
-	 (make-random-element-of-type 'complex))
-	(t
-	 (assert (null (cddr type)))
-	 (let ((etype (cadr type)))
-	   (loop for v1 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
-		 for v2 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
-		 for c = (complex v1 v2)
-		 when (typep c type)
-		 return c)))))
+        ((null (cdr type))
+         (make-random-element-of-type 'complex))
+        (t
+         (assert (null (cddr type)))
+         (let ((etype (cadr type)))
+           (loop for v1 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
+                 for v2 = (make-random-element-of-type etype)
+                 for c = (complex v1 v2)
+                 when (typep c type)
+                 return c)))))
@@ -1609,7 +1609,7 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'ratio)))
   (let ((r 0))
     (loop do (setq r (make-random-element-of-type 'rational))
-	  while (integerp r))
+          while (integerp r))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'integer)))
   (let ((x (ash 1 (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))))
@@ -1645,7 +1645,7 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'extended-char)))
   (loop for x = (make-random-character)
-	when (typep x 'extended-char) return x))
+        when (typep x 'extended-char) return x))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'null))) nil)
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'fixnum)))
   (random-from-interval (1+ most-positive-fixnum) most-negative-fixnum))
@@ -1674,9 +1674,9 @@
     (random-from-seq +standard-chars+))
    ;; Default
    ((atom t *) (make-random-element-of-type
-		(random-from-seq #(real symbol boolean integer unsigned-byte
-					#-ecl complex character
-					(string 1) (bit-vector 1)))))
+                (random-from-seq #(real symbol boolean integer unsigned-byte
+                                        #-ecl complex character
+                                        (string 1) (bit-vector 1)))))
    (t (call-next-method type))
@@ -1885,7 +1885,7 @@
                                :optimized-lambda-form optimized-fn-src
                                :unoptimized-lambda-form unoptimized-fn-src
                                :kind kind)))))
             (let ((unopt-result
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@
           (try 0))
          ((signum integer-length logcount
                   logandc1 logandc2 lognand lognor logorc1 logorc2
                   realpart imagpart)
@@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@
                      #'(lambda (form)
                          (when (consp form)
                            (try `(dotimes (,var ,count-form ,result) ,form))))))))
          ((abs 1+ 1-)
           (try 0)
           (mapc try-fn args)
@@ -2119,7 +2119,7 @@
           (assert (= (length args) 2))
           (try (second args))
           (prune (second args) try-fn))
          ((not eq eql equal)
           (when (every #'constantp args)
             (try (eval form)))
@@ -2137,7 +2137,7 @@
           (mapc try-fn args)
           (prune-nary-fn form try-fn)
           (prune-fn form try-fn))
          ((- + * min max logand logior logxor logeqv gcd lcm values)
           (when (every #'constantp args)
             (try (eval form)))
@@ -2158,12 +2158,12 @@
           (try 0)
           (mapc try-fn args)
           (prune-fn form try-fn))
           (try 0)
           (try (car args))
           (prune (car args) #'(lambda (form) (try `(coerce ,form ,(cadr args))))))
           ;; Simplify usual case
@@ -2311,7 +2311,7 @@
                 ;; Try removing the block entirely if it is not in use
                 (when (not (find-in-tree name body))
                   (try form1))
                 ;; Try removing the block if its only use is an immediately
                 ;; enclosed return-from: (block <n> (return-from <n> <e>))
                 (when (and (consp form1)
@@ -2319,7 +2319,7 @@
                            (eq (second form1) name)
                            (not (find-in-tree name (third form1))))
                   (try (third form1)))
                 ;; Otherwise, try to simplify the subexpression
                 (prune form1
                        #'(lambda (x)
@@ -2338,7 +2338,7 @@
                 (when (or (not (find-in-tree 'throw body))
                           (not (find-in-tree name body)))
                   (try form1))
                 ;; Try removing the block if its only use is an immediately
                 ;; enclosed return-from: (block <n> (return-from <n> <e>))
                 (when (and (consp form1)
@@ -2346,7 +2346,7 @@
                            (equal (second form1) name)
                            (not (find-in-tree name (third form1))))
                   (try (third form1)))
                 ;; Otherwise, try to simplify the subexpression
                 (prune form1
                        #'(lambda (x)
@@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@
           (try 0)
           (prune-fn form try-fn))
   (setf (gethash form *prune-table*) t)
@@ -2581,25 +2581,25 @@
     (let* ((op (first form))
            (expr (second form))
            (cases (cddr form)))
       ;; Try just the top expression
       (try expr)
       ;; Try simplifying the expr
       (prune expr
              #'(lambda (form)
                  (try `(,op ,form ,@cases))))
       ;; Try individual cases
       (loop for case in cases
             do (try (first (last (rest case)))))
       ;; Try deleting individual cases
       (loop for i from 0 below (1- (length cases))
             do (try `(,op ,expr
                           ,@(subseq cases 0 i)
                           ,@(subseq cases (1+ i)))))
       ;; Try simplifying the cases
       ;; Assume each case has a single form
       (prune-list cases
@@ -2860,13 +2860,13 @@
                 #'(lambda (bindings)
                     (funcall try-fn `(,op ,bindings ,@body))))
     ;; Try to simplify the forms in the RHS of the bindings
     (prune-list binding-list
                 #'(lambda (binding try-fn)
                     (declare (type function try-fn))
                     ;; Prune body of a binding
                     (prune (third binding)
                            #'(lambda (form)
@@ -2933,11 +2933,11 @@
            (dolist (clause (cddr form))
              (walk-implicit-progn (cdr clause) fn)))
           ((flet labels)
 ;;; Convert pruned results to test cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp
index 80bda183..5041b984 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-intern.lsp
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
    (let* ((len (random (1+ +max-len-random-symbol+)))
-	  (str (make-string len)))
+          (str (make-string len)))
      (declare (type (integer 0 #.+max-len-random-symbol+) len))
       for i from 0 to (1- len) do
       (setf (schar str i)
-	    (schar +base-chars+
-		   (random +num-base-chars+))))
+            (schar +base-chars+
+                   (random +num-base-chars+))))
       (symbol status)
       (intern (copy-seq str) package)
       (unless (equal str (symbol-name symbol))
-	      (error "Intern gave bad symbol: ~A, ~A~%" str symbol))
+              (error "Intern gave bad symbol: ~A, ~A~%" str symbol))
       (unless status (return symbol))))))
 (defun queue-insert (q x)
@@ -32,10 +32,10 @@
 (defun queue-remove (q)
   (declare (type cons q))
   (when (null (car q))
-	(when (null (cdr q))
-	      (error "Attempty to remove from empty queue.~%"))
-	(setf (car q) (nreverse (cdr q)))
-	(setf (cdr q) nil))
+        (when (null (cdr q))
+              (error "Attempty to remove from empty queue.~%"))
+        (setf (car q) (nreverse (cdr q)))
+        (setf (cdr q) nil))
   (pop (car q)))
 (defun queue-empty (q)
@@ -45,14 +45,14 @@
 (defun random-intern (n)
   (declare (fixnum n))
   (let ((q (list nil))
-	(xp (defpackage "X" (:use))))
+        (xp (defpackage "X" (:use))))
     (declare (type cons q))
      for i from 1 to n do
      (if (and
-	  (= (random 2) 0)
-	  (not (queue-empty q)))
-	 (unintern (queue-remove q) xp)
+          (= (random 2) 0)
+          (not (queue-empty q)))
+         (unintern (queue-remove q) xp)
        (queue-insert q (make-random-symbol xp))))))
 (defun fill-intern (n)
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
      for i from 1 to n do
      (make-random-symbol xp))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-01.lsp
index 36717020..da3a53e4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-01.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-01.lsp
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 (def-type-prop-test typep.1 '(lambda (x y) (typep x (type-of y))) '(t t) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test typep.2 'typep
   (list t #'(lambda (x)
-	      (let ((type (make-random-type-containing x)))
-		`(eql ,type))))
+              (let ((type (make-random-type-containing x)))
+                `(eql ,type))))
 (def-type-prop-test subtypep
   '(lambda (x y) (subtypep (type-of x) (type-of y))) '(t t) 2)
@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@
 (def-type-prop-test compiled-function-p 'compiled-function-p '(t) 1)
 (def-type-prop-test not 'not '(t) 1)
 (def-type-prop-test eq 'eq (list
-			    '(and t (not number) (not character))
-			    #'(lambda (x) (rcase
-					   (1 `(eql ,x))
-					   (1 '(and t (not number) (not character))))))
+                            '(and t (not number) (not character))
+                            #'(lambda (x) (rcase
+                                           (1 `(eql ,x))
+                                           (1 '(and t (not number) (not character))))))
 (def-type-prop-test eql.1 'eql '(t t) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test eql.2 'eql (list t #'(lambda (x) `(eql ,x))) 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-02.lsp
index d73fa5de..458aa8fc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-02.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-02.lsp
@@ -10,24 +10,24 @@
 (def-type-prop-test =.3 '= nil 4 :maxargs 10 :rest-type 'number)
 (def-type-prop-test =.4 '= '(integer integer) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test =.5 '= (list 'number #'(lambda (x) (if (coin) 'number
-							`(eql ,x)))) 2)
+                                                        `(eql ,x)))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test =.6 '= (list 'number 'number
-				 #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
-						  (2 'number)
-						  (1 `(eql ,x))
-						  (1 `(eql ,y)))))
+                                 #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
+                                                  (2 'number)
+                                                  (1 `(eql ,x))
+                                                  (1 `(eql ,y)))))
 (def-type-prop-test /=.1 '/= '(number number) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test /=.2 '/= '(number number number) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test /=.3 '/= nil 4 :maxargs 10 :rest-type 'number)
 (def-type-prop-test /=.4 '/= '(integer integer) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test /=.5 '/= (list 'number #'(lambda (x) (if (coin) 'number
-							   `(eql ,x)))) 2)
+                                                           `(eql ,x)))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test /=.6 '/= (list 'number 'number
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
-						    (2 'number)
-						    (1 `(eql ,x))
-						    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
+                                   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
+                                                    (2 'number)
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,x))
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
 (def-type-prop-test <.1 '< '(real real) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test <.2 '< '(real real real) 3)
@@ -58,24 +58,24 @@
 (def-type-prop-test <=.3 '<= nil 4 :maxargs 10 :rest-type 'real)
 (def-type-prop-test <=.4 '<= '(integer integer) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test <=.5 '<= (list 'real #'(lambda (x) (if (coin) 'real
-							 `(eql ,x)))) 2)
+                                                         `(eql ,x)))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test <=.6 '<= (list 'real 'real
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
-						    (2 'real)
-						    (1 `(eql ,x))
-						    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
+                                   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
+                                                    (2 'real)
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,x))
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
 (def-type-prop-test >=.1 '>= '(real real) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test >=.2 '>= '(real real real) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test >=.3 '>= nil 4 :maxargs 10 :rest-type 'real)
 (def-type-prop-test >=.4 '>= '(integer integer) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test >=.5 '>= (list 'real #'(lambda (x) (if (coin) 'real
-							 `(eql ,x)))) 2)
+                                                         `(eql ,x)))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test >=.6 '>= (list 'real 'real
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
-						    (2 'real)
-						    (1 `(eql ,x))
-						    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
+                                   #'(lambda (x y) (rcase
+                                                    (2 'real)
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,x))
+                                                    (1 `(eql ,y)))))
 (def-type-prop-test min.1 'min nil 2 :maxargs 6 :rest-type 'integer)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-03.lsp
index dfc9a2e3..a564c214 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-03.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-03.lsp
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@
 (def-type-prop-test parse-integer.1 'parse-integer
   '((and (vector (member #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))
-	 (satisfies has-nonzero-length)))
+         (satisfies has-nonzero-length)))
 (def-type-prop-test parse-integer.2 'parse-integer
   `((and (vector (member #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9))
-	 (satisfies has-nonzero-length))
+         (satisfies has-nonzero-length))
     (eql :start)
     ,#'(lambda (x &rest rest) (declare (ignore rest))
-	 `(integer 0 (,(length x)))))
+         `(integer 0 (,(length x)))))
 (def-type-prop-test sxhash 'sxhash '(t) 1)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp
index f4fa41bf..5ef8ee93 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-05.lsp
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@
 (def-type-prop-test sublis.2 'sublis '((cons (cons (integer 0 7) t) null) list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test sublis.3 'sublis '(null list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test sublis.4 'sublis `((cons (cons boolean t) null) list
-				       (eql :key)
-				       (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 4)
+                                       (eql :key)
+                                       (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 4)
 (def-type-prop-test sublis.5 'sublis `((cons (cons t t) null) list (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 4)
 (def-type-prop-test sublis.6 'sublis `((cons (cons t t) null) list (eql :test-not) (or (eql eql) (eql ,#'eql))) 4)
@@ -96,65 +96,65 @@
 (def-type-prop-test subst.3 'subst '(t t list) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst.4 'subst '(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst.5 'subst `(boolean t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))
-					     (eql :key)
-					     (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
+                                             (eql :key)
+                                             (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
 (def-type-prop-test subst.6 'subst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 5)
 (def-type-prop-test subst.7 'subst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (eql :test-not) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 5)
 (def-type-prop-test subst.8 'subst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))
-				       (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))
-				       (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 7)
+                                       (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))
+                                       (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 7)
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.1 'nsubst '(t t t) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.2 'nsubst '(t t (cons t t)) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.3 'nsubst '(t t list) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.4 'nsubst '(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.5 'nsubst `(boolean t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))
-					       (eql :key)
-					       (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
-					       :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
+                                               (eql :key)
+                                               (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
+                                               :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.6 'nsubst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 5 :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.7 'nsubst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (eql :test-not) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 5 :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst.8 'nsubst `(t t (cons (cons t t) (cons t t))
-					 (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))
-					 (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 7
-					 :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil nil nil))
+                                         (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))
+                                         (eql :test) (or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal))) 7
+                                         :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if.1 'subst-if `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) list) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if.2 'subst-if `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) (cons (or null t) (or null t))) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if.3 'subst-if `(t (eql identity)
-					     (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
-					     (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
+                                             (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
+                                             (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if.1 'nsubst-if `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) list) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if.2 'nsubst-if `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) (cons (or null t) (or null t))) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if.3 'nsubst-if `(t (eql identity)
-					       (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
-					       (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
-					       :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
+                                               (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
+                                               (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
+                                               :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if-not.1 'subst-if-not `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) list) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if-not.2 'subst-if-not `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) (cons (or null t) (or null t))) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test subst-if-not.3 'subst-if-not `(t (eql identity)
-						     (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
-						     (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
+                                                     (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
+                                                     (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5)
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if-not.1 'nsubst-if-not `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) list) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if-not.2 'nsubst-if-not `(t (or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)) (cons (or null t) (or null t))) 3 :replicate '(nil nil t))
 (def-type-prop-test nsubst-if-not.3 'nsubst-if-not `(t (eql identity)
-						       (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
-						       (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
-						       :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
+                                                       (cons (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)) (cons (cons t t) (cons t t)))
+                                                       (eql :key) (or null (eql not) (eql ,#'not))) 5
+                                                       :replicate '(nil nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test tree-equal.1 'tree-equal (list t #'(lambda (x) `(or t (eql ,(copy-tree x))))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test tree-equal.2 'tree-equal (list 'list #'(lambda (x) `(or list (eql ,(copy-tree t))))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test tree-equal.3 'tree-equal (list '(cons t t)
-						   #'(lambda (x) `(or (cons t t) (eql ,(copy-tree x))))
-						   '(eql :test)
-						   `(or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal)))
+                                                   #'(lambda (x) `(or (cons t t) (eql ,(copy-tree x))))
+                                                   '(eql :test)
+                                                   `(or (eql equal) (eql ,#'equal)))
 (def-type-prop-test tree-equal.4 'tree-equal (list t #'(lambda (x) `(or t (eql ,(copy-tree x))))
-						   '(eql :test-not) '(eql eql))
+                                                   '(eql :test-not) '(eql eql))
 (def-type-prop-test copy-list.1 'copy-list '(list) 1)
@@ -200,10 +200,10 @@
 (def-type-prop-test ldiff.1 'ldiff '(list t) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test ldiff.2 'ldiff (list 'list
-					 #'(lambda (x)
-					     (if (consp x)
-						 `(or t (eql ,(nthcdr (random (length x)) x)))
-					       t)))
+                                         #'(lambda (x)
+                                             (if (consp x)
+                                                 `(or t (eql ,(nthcdr (random (length x)) x)))
+                                               t)))
 (def-type-prop-test tailp.1 'tailp '(t list) 2)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 (def-type-prop-test member-if.3 'member-if
   (list '(eql zerop) #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(integer 0 10)))
-	'(eql :key)`(or (eql 1-) (eql ,#'1-)))
+        '(eql :key)`(or (eql 1-) (eql ,#'1-)))
 (def-type-prop-test member-if-not.1 'member-if-not `((or (eql symbolp) (eql ,#'symbolp)) list) 2)
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
 (def-type-prop-test member-if-not.3 'member-if-not
   (list '(eql plusp)
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(integer 0 10)))
-	'(eql :key)
-	`(or (eql 1-) (eql ,#'1-)))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(integer 0 10)))
+        '(eql :key)
+        `(or (eql 1-) (eql ,#'1-)))
 (def-type-prop-test member-if-not.4 'member-if-not
   `((eql identity) list
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 (def-type-prop-test mapcon.1 'mapcon '((eql copy-list) list) 2)
-(def-type-prop-test acons 'acons 
+(def-type-prop-test acons 'acons
   (list t t #'(lambda (x y) (make-list-type (random 5) 'null '(or null (cons t t)))))
@@ -271,32 +271,32 @@
 (def-type-prop-test assoc.3 'assoc
   (list t #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons t t) (cons (eql ,x) t))))
-	'(eql :key) `(or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)))
+        '(eql :key) `(or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)))
 (def-type-prop-test assoc.4 'assoc
   (list 'real
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons real t) (cons (eql ,x) t))))
-	`(member :test :test-not) `(member <= < = /= > >= ,#'<= ,#'< ,#'= ,#'/= ,#'> ,#'>=))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons real t) (cons (eql ,x) t))))
+        `(member :test :test-not) `(member <= < = /= > >= ,#'<= ,#'< ,#'= ,#'/= ,#'> ,#'>=))
 (def-type-prop-test assoc-if.1 'assoc-if
   (list `(member identity not symbolp numberp arrayp ,#'identity ,#'not ,#'symbolp ,#'numberp ,#'arrayp)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
 (def-type-prop-test assoc-if.2 'assoc-if
   (list `(member plusp minusp zerop ,#'plusp ,#'minusp ,#'zerop)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons real t)))
-	'(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons real t)))
+        '(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
 (def-type-prop-test assoc-if-not.1 'assoc-if-not
   (list `(member identity not symbolp numberp arrayp ,#'identity ,#'not ,#'symbolp ,#'numberp ,#'arrayp)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
 (def-type-prop-test assoc-if-not.2 'assoc-if-not
   (list `(member plusp minusp zerop ,#'plusp ,#'minusp ,#'zerop)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons real t)))
-	'(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons real t)))
+        '(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
 (def-type-prop-test copy-alist 'copy-alist
@@ -309,7 +309,7 @@
 (def-type-prop-test pairlis.2 'pairlis
   (list 'list #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (length x) 'null t))
-	#'(lambda (x y) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null '(or null (cons t t)))))
+        #'(lambda (x y) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null '(or null (cons t t)))))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc.1 'rassoc (list t #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))) 2)
@@ -318,32 +318,32 @@
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc.3 'rassoc
   (list t #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons t t) (cons t (eql ,x)))))
-	'(eql :key) `(or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)))
+        '(eql :key) `(or (eql not) (eql ,#'not)))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc.4 'rassoc
   (list 'real
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons t real) (cons t (eql ,x)))))
-	`(member :test :test-not) `(member <= < = /= > >= ,#'<= ,#'< ,#'= ,#'/= ,#'> ,#'>=))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 6) 'null `(or null (cons t real) (cons t (eql ,x)))))
+        `(member :test :test-not) `(member <= < = /= > >= ,#'<= ,#'< ,#'= ,#'/= ,#'> ,#'>=))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc-if.1 'rassoc-if
   (list `(member identity not symbolp numberp arrayp ,#'identity ,#'not ,#'symbolp ,#'numberp ,#'arrayp)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc-if.2 'rassoc-if
   (list `(member plusp minusp zerop ,#'plusp ,#'minusp ,#'zerop)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t real)))
-	'(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t real)))
+        '(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc-if-not.1 'rassoc-if-not
   (list `(member identity not symbolp numberp arrayp ,#'identity ,#'not ,#'symbolp ,#'numberp ,#'arrayp)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t t))))
 (def-type-prop-test rassoc-if-not.2 'rassoc-if-not
   (list `(member plusp minusp zerop ,#'plusp ,#'minusp ,#'zerop)
-	(make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t real)))
-	'(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
+        (make-list-type (random 8) 'null '(or null (cons t real)))
+        '(eql :key) `(member 1+ 1- - abs signum ,#'1+ ,#'1- ,#'- ,#'abs ,#'signum))
 ;;; We don't use numbers or characters as indicators, since the test is EQ,
@@ -354,10 +354,10 @@
 (def-type-prop-test get-properties.2 'get-properties
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (* 2 (random 5)) 'null '(not (or number character))))
-	#'(lambda (plist) (let ((len (length plist)))
-			    (if (= len 0) '(cons t null)
-			      (let ((ind (elt plist (* 2 (random (floor len 2))))))
-				`(cons (eql ,ind) null))))))
+        #'(lambda (plist) (let ((len (length plist)))
+                            (if (= len 0) '(cons t null)
+                              (let ((ind (elt plist (* 2 (random (floor len 2))))))
+                                `(cons (eql ,ind) null))))))
 (def-type-prop-test getf.1 'getf
@@ -365,37 +365,37 @@
 (def-type-prop-test getf.2 'getf
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (* 2 (random 5)) 'null '(not (or number character))))
-	#'(lambda (plist) (let ((len (length plist)))
-			    (if (= len 0) t
-			      (let ((ind (elt plist (* 2 (random (floor len 2))))))
-				`(eql ,ind))))))
+        #'(lambda (plist) (let ((len (length plist)))
+                            (if (= len 0) t
+                              (let ((ind (elt plist (* 2 (random (floor len 2))))))
+                                `(eql ,ind))))))
 (def-type-prop-test getf.3 'getf
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (* 2 (random 5)) 'null '(not (or number character))))
-	t t)
+        t t)
 (def-type-prop-test intersection.1 'intersection '(list list) 2 :test #'same-set-p)
 (def-type-prop-test intersection.2 'intersection '(list list (eql :key) (eql identity))  4 :test #'same-set-p)
 (def-type-prop-test intersection.3 'intersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
-	'(eql :key)
-	`(member 1+ ,#'1+))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
+        '(eql :key)
+        `(member 1+ ,#'1+))
   :test #'same-set-p)
 (def-type-prop-test intersection.4 'intersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	'(eql :key)
-	`(member car ,#'car))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
+        '(eql :key)
+        `(member car ,#'car))
   :test #'(lambda (x y) (same-set-p x y :key #'car)))
 (def-type-prop-test intersection.5 'intersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	'(eql :test)
-	`(member equal ,#'equal))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
+        '(eql :test)
+        `(member equal ,#'equal))
   :test #'(lambda (x y) (same-set-p x y :key #'car)))
@@ -403,25 +403,25 @@
 (def-type-prop-test nintersection.2 'nintersection '(list list (eql :key) (eql identity))  4 :test #'same-set-p :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nintersection.3 'nintersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
-	'(eql :key)
-	`(member 1+ ,#'1+))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'integer))
+        '(eql :key)
+        `(member 1+ ,#'1+))
   :test #'same-set-p
   :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nintersection.4 'nintersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	'(eql :key)
-	`(member car ,#'car))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
+        '(eql :key)
+        `(member car ,#'car))
   :test #'(lambda (x y) (same-set-p x y :key #'car))
   :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nintersection.5 'nintersection
   (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	#'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
-	'(eql :test)
-	`(member equal ,#'equal))
+        #'(lambda (x) (make-list-type (random 10) 'null '(cons integer null)))
+        '(eql :test)
+        `(member equal ,#'equal))
   :test #'(lambda (x y) (same-set-p x y :key #'car))
   :replicate '(t t nil nil))
@@ -430,15 +430,15 @@
 (def-type-prop-test adjoin.1 'adjoin '(t list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test adjoin.2 'adjoin '((integer 0 1) list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test adjoin.3 'adjoin `((integer 0 10) (cons number (cons number (cons number null)))
-				       (eql :test) (or (eql =) (eql ,#'=)))
+                                       (eql :test) (or (eql =) (eql ,#'=)))
 (def-type-prop-test adjoin.4 'adjoin `(number
-				       (cons number (cons number (cons number (cons number null))))
-				       (eql :test-not) (or (eql /=) (eql ,#'/=)))
+                                       (cons number (cons number (cons number (cons number null))))
+                                       (eql :test-not) (or (eql /=) (eql ,#'/=)))
 (def-type-prop-test adjoin.5 'adjoin `(number
-				       (cons number (cons number (cons number (cons number null))))
-				       (eql :key) (or (member 1+ 1- ,#'1+ ,#'1-)))
+                                       (cons number (cons number (cons number (cons number null))))
+                                       (eql :key) (or (member 1+ 1- ,#'1+ ,#'1-)))
 (def-type-prop-test pushnew.1 '(lambda (x y) (list (pushnew x y) y)) '(t list) 2)
@@ -455,74 +455,74 @@
 (def-type-prop-test set-difference.1 'set-difference '(list list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test set-difference.2 'set-difference '((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
 (def-type-prop-test set-difference.3 'set-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
 (def-type-prop-test set-difference.4 'set-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
 (def-type-prop-test set-difference.5 'set-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
+                                                       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-difference.1 'nset-difference '(list list) 2 :replicate '(t t))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-difference.2 'nset-difference '((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
   2 :replicate '(t t))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-difference.3 'nset-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-difference.4 'nset-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-difference.5 'nset-difference `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
+                                                       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test set-exclusive-or.1 'set-exclusive-or '(list list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test set-exclusive-or.2 'set-exclusive-or '((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
 (def-type-prop-test set-exclusive-or.3 'set-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
 (def-type-prop-test set-exclusive-or.4 'set-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
 (def-type-prop-test set-exclusive-or.5 'set-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
+                                                       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-exclusive-or.1 'nset-exclusive-or '(list list) 2 :replicate '(t t))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-exclusive-or.2 'nset-exclusive-or '((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))))
   2 :replicate '(t t))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-exclusive-or.3 'nset-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test) (member = ,#'=))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-exclusive-or.4 'nset-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
-						       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null)))
+                                                       (eql :test-not) (member /= ,#'/=))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test nset-exclusive-or.5 'nset-exclusive-or `((cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
-						       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
+                                                       (cons (unsigned-byte 3) (cons (unsigned-byte 3) null))
+                                                       (eql :key) (member evenp oddp ,#'evenp ,#'oddp))
   4 :replicate '(t t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test subsetp.1 'subsetp '(list list) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test subsetp.2 'subsetp '((cons integer null)
-					 (cons integer (cons integer (cons integer (cons integer null)))))
+                                         (cons integer (cons integer (cons integer (cons integer null)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-06.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-06.lsp
index ddc9f75d..b90f9d05 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-06.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-06.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (def-type-prop-test aref.1 'aref (list '(array * (*)) (index-type-for-dim 0)) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test aref.2 'aref (list '(array * (* *)) (index-type-for-dim 0) (index-type-for-dim 1)) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test aref.3 'aref (list '(array * (* * *))
-				       (index-type-for-dim 0) (index-type-for-dim 1) (index-type-for-dim 2))
+                                       (index-type-for-dim 0) (index-type-for-dim 1) (index-type-for-dim 2))
 (def-type-prop-test array-dimension 'array-dimension
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
 (def-type-prop-test upgraded-array-element-type 'upgraded-array-element-type
   (list #'(lambda () (let ((x (make-random-element-of-type t)))
-		       `(eql ,(make-random-type-containing x)))))
+                       `(eql ,(make-random-type-containing x)))))
 (def-type-prop-test simple-vector-p.1 'simple-vector-p '(t) 1)
@@ -80,61 +80,61 @@
 (def-type-prop-test bit-and.1 'bit-and (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-and.2 'bit-and
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-andc1.1 'bit-andc1 (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-andc1.2 'bit-andc1
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-andc2.1 'bit-andc2 (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-andc2.2 'bit-andc2
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-ior.1 'bit-ior (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-ior.2 'bit-ior
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-orc1.1 'bit-orc1 (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-orc1.2 'bit-orc1
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-orc2.1 'bit-orc2 (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-orc2.2 'bit-orc2
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-eqv.1 'bit-eqv (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-eqv.2 'bit-eqv
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-xor.1 'bit-xor (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-xor.2 'bit-xor
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-nand.1 'bit-nand (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-nand.2 'bit-nand
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
 (def-type-prop-test bit-nor.1 'bit-nor (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a)))
-									  `(array bit ,dims))))
+                                                                          `(array bit ,dims))))
 (def-type-prop-test bit-nor.2 'bit-nor
   (list '(array bit) #'(lambda (a) (let ((dims (array-dimensions a))) `(array bit ,dims))) 'null)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-07.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-07.lsp
index 78516f3d..efe6f59b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-07.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-07.lsp
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 (def-type-prop-test string-trim.1 'string-trim '(string string) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test string-trim.2 'string-trim (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'character))
-						     'string)
+                                                     'string)
 (def-type-prop-test string-left-trim.1 'string-left-trim '(string string) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test string-left-trim.2 'string-left-trim (list #'(lambda () (make-list-type (random 10) 'null 'character))
-							       'string)
+                                                               'string)
 (def-type-prop-test string-right-trim.1 'string-right-trim '(string string) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test string-right-trim.2 'string-right-trim
@@ -31,71 +31,71 @@
   (flet ((%makename (n) (intern (format nil "~A.~A" op n) :cl-test)))
        (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 1) ',op '(string string) 2)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 2) ',op 
-	 `(string string (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1)
-	 4)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 3) ',op 
-	 `(string string (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2)
-	 4)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 4) ',op 
-	 `(string string (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 4)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 5) ',op 
-	 `(string string (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
-	 4)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 6) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 6)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 7) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
-	 6)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 8) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 6)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 9) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
-	 6)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 10) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 8)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 11) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
-	 8)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 12) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 8)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 13) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 8)
-       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 14) ',op 
-	 `(string string
-		  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
-		  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
-		  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
-	 10)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 2) ',op
+         `(string string (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1)
+         4)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 3) ',op
+         `(string string (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2)
+         4)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 4) ',op
+         `(string string (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         4)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 5) ',op
+         `(string string (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
+         4)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 6) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         6)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 7) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
+         6)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 8) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         6)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 9) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
+         6)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 10) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         8)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 11) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2)
+         8)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 12) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         8)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 13) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         8)
+       (def-type-prop-test ,(%makename 14) ',op
+         `(string string
+                  (eql :start1) ,#'index-type-for-v1
+                  (eql :start2) ,#'index-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end2) ,#'end-type-for-v2
+                  (eql :end1) ,#'end-type-for-v1)
+         10)
 (def-string-comparison-type-prop-test string=)
 (def-string-comparison-type-prop-test string/=)
 (def-string-comparison-type-prop-test string<)
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@
 (def-type-prop-test make-string.1 'make-string '((integer 0 100) (eql :initial-element) character) 3)
 (def-type-prop-test make-string.2 'make-string `((integer 0 100) (eql :initial-element) character
-						 (eql :element-type)
-						 ,#'(lambda (&rest args)
-						      `(eql (and character
-								 ,(make-random-type-containing (third args))))))
+                                                 (eql :element-type)
+                                                 ,#'(lambda (&rest args)
+                                                      `(eql (and character
+                                                                 ,(make-random-type-containing (third args))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-08.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-08.lsp
index da448649..9f8c938c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-08.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-08.lsp
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@
 (def-type-prop-test copy-seq 'copy-seq '((or vector list)) 1)
 (def-type-prop-test elt 'elt (list '(or vector list)
-				   #'(lambda (x) (let ((len (length x)))
-						   (and (> len 0) `(integer 0 (,len))))))
+                                   #'(lambda (x) (let ((len (length x)))
+                                                   (and (> len 0) `(integer 0 (,len))))))
 (defmacro rfill (x y &rest other-args)
@@ -29,31 +29,31 @@
 (def-type-prop-test fill.4 'rfill
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
   4 :replicate '(nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test fill.5 'rfill
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
   4 :replicate '(nil t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test fill.6 'rfill
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len)))
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
-	    (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer ,start ,len))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len)))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
+            (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer ,start ,len))))
   6 :replicate '(nil t nil nil nil nil))
 ;;; make-sequence tests here
@@ -64,45 +64,45 @@
 (def-type-prop-test subseq.2 'subseq
   (list 'sequence #'(lambda (s) `(integer 0 ,(length s)))
-	#'(lambda (s start) `(integer ,start ,(length s))))
+        #'(lambda (s start) `(integer ,start ,(length s))))
 ;;; map tests here
 (def-type-prop-test map.1 'map
   (list '(member list vector)
-	'(member list #.#'list)
-	'(or list vector))
+        '(member list #.#'list)
+        '(or list vector))
 (def-type-prop-test map.2 'map
   (list '(member list vector)
-	'(member list #.#'list)
-	'(or list vector)
-	'(or list vector))
+        '(member list #.#'list)
+        '(or list vector)
+        '(or list vector))
 (def-type-prop-test map.3 'map
   (list '(member list vector)
-	'(member list #.#'list)
-	'(or list vector)
-	'(or list vector)
-	'(or list vector))
+        '(member list #.#'list)
+        '(or list vector)
+        '(or list vector)
+        '(or list vector))
 (def-type-prop-test map.4 'map
   (list '(member list vector (vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
-	'(member 1+ #.#'1+)
-	`(or ,@(loop for i from 1 to 31 collect `(vector (unsigned-byte ,i)))))
+        '(member 1+ #.#'1+)
+        `(or ,@(loop for i from 1 to 31 collect `(vector (unsigned-byte ,i)))))
 (def-type-prop-test map.5 'map
   (list `(member ,@(loop for i from 1 to 32 collect `(vector (unsigned-byte ,i))))
-	'(member 1+ #.#'1+)
-	#'(lambda (type fun)
-	    (declare (ignore fun))
-	    (let ((i (cadadr type)))
-	      `(or ,@(loop for j from i to 32 collect `(vector (integer 0 ,(- (ash 1 i) 2))))))))
+        '(member 1+ #.#'1+)
+        #'(lambda (type fun)
+            (declare (ignore fun))
+            (let ((i (cadadr type)))
+              `(or ,@(loop for j from i to 32 collect `(vector (integer 0 ,(- (ash 1 i) 2))))))))
@@ -111,15 +111,15 @@
 (def-type-prop-test map-into.1 'map-into
   (list '(or list (vector t))
-	'(member list #.#'list)
-	'(or list vector))
+        '(member list #.#'list)
+        '(or list vector))
   3 :replicate '(t nil nil))
 (def-type-prop-test map-into.2 'map-into
   (list '(or list (vector t))
-	'(member list #.#'list)
-	'(or list vector)
-	'(or list vector))
+        '(member list #.#'list)
+        '(or list vector)
+        '(or list vector))
   4 :replicate '(t nil nil nil))
 ;;; reduce tests here
@@ -130,71 +130,71 @@
 (def-type-prop-test count.3 'count
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
-	    `(integer 0 ,(length s))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
+            `(integer 0 ,(length s))))
 (def-type-prop-test count.4 'count
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
-	    `(integer 0 ,(length s))))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
+            `(integer 0 ,(length s))))
 (def-type-prop-test count.5 'count
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
-	    `(integer 0 ,(length s)))
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (x s k1 start k2) (declare (ignore x k1 k2))
-	    `(integer ,start ,(length s))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (x s k1) (declare (ignore x k1))
+            `(integer 0 ,(length s)))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (x s k1 start k2) (declare (ignore x k1 k2))
+            `(integer ,start ,(length s))))
 (def-type-prop-test count.6 'count
   (list '(or short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	#'(lambda (f) `(vector (or ,(typecase f
-				      (short-float 'short-float)
-				      (single-float 'single-float)
-				      (double-float 'double-float)
-				      (long-float 'long-float)
-				      (t 'float))
-				   (eql ,f)))))
+        #'(lambda (f) `(vector (or ,(typecase f
+                                      (short-float 'short-float)
+                                      (single-float 'single-float)
+                                      (double-float 'double-float)
+                                      (long-float 'long-float)
+                                      (t 'float))
+                                   (eql ,f)))))
 (def-type-prop-test count.7 'count '(bit (vector bit)) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test count.8 'count '((unsigned-byte 2) (vector (unsigned-byte 2))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test count.9 'count '((unsigned-byte 4) (vector (unsigned-byte 4))) 2)
 (def-type-prop-test count.10 'count '((unsigned-byte 8) (vector (unsigned-byte 8))) 2)
 ;;; count-if tests
 (def-type-prop-test count-if.1 'count-if
   (list (let ((funs '(numberp rationalp realp floatp complexp
-		      symbolp identity null functionp listp consp
+                      symbolp identity null functionp listp consp
                       arrayp vectorp simple-vector-p
-		      stringp simple-string-p
-		      bit-vector-p simple-bit-vector-p)))
-	  `(member ,@funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function funs)))
-	'(or list vector))
+                      stringp simple-string-p
+                      bit-vector-p simple-bit-vector-p)))
+          `(member ,@funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function funs)))
+        '(or list vector))
 (def-type-prop-test count-if.2 'count-if
   (list (let ((funs '(numberp rationalp realp floatp complexp
-		      symbolp identity null functionp listp consp
+                      symbolp identity null functionp listp consp
                       arrayp vectorp simple-vector-p
-		      stringp simple-string-p
-		      bit-vector-p simple-bit-vector-p)))
-	  `(member ,@funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function funs)))
-	'(or list vector)
-	'(eql :key)
-	(let ((key-funs '(identity not null))) 
-	  `(member ,@key-funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function key-funs))))
+                      stringp simple-string-p
+                      bit-vector-p simple-bit-vector-p)))
+          `(member ,@funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function funs)))
+        '(or list vector)
+        '(eql :key)
+        (let ((key-funs '(identity not null)))
+          `(member ,@key-funs ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function key-funs))))
 ;;; Put count-if-not tests here
 (def-type-prop-test length.1 'length '(sequence) 1)
@@ -207,65 +207,65 @@
 (def-type-prop-test sort.2 'sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 2))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 3))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 4))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 5))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 6))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 7))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 3))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 4))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 5))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 6))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 7))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.3 'sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 10))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 13))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 15))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 16)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 13))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 15))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 16)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.4 'sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 20))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 24))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 28))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 31))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 24))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 28))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 31))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.5 'sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 2))
-	(vector (signed-byte 3))
-	(vector (signed-byte 4))
-	(vector (signed-byte 5))
-	(vector (signed-byte 6))
-	(vector (signed-byte 7))
-	(vector (signed-byte 8)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 3))
+        (vector (signed-byte 4))
+        (vector (signed-byte 5))
+        (vector (signed-byte 6))
+        (vector (signed-byte 7))
+        (vector (signed-byte 8)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.6 'sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 10))
-	(vector (signed-byte 13))
-	(vector (signed-byte 15))
-	(vector (signed-byte 16)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 13))
+        (vector (signed-byte 15))
+        (vector (signed-byte 16)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.7 'sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 20))
-	(vector (signed-byte 24))
-	(vector (signed-byte 28))
-	(vector (signed-byte 31))
-	(vector (signed-byte 32)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 24))
+        (vector (signed-byte 28))
+        (vector (signed-byte 31))
+        (vector (signed-byte 32)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test sort.8 'sort
   `((or (vector short-float)
-	(vector single-float)
-	(vector double-float)
-	(vector long-float))
+        (vector single-float)
+        (vector double-float)
+        (vector long-float))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
@@ -277,65 +277,65 @@
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.2 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 2))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 3))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 4))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 5))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 6))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 7))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 3))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 4))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 5))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 6))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 7))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 8)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.3 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 10))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 13))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 15))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 16)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 13))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 15))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 16)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.4 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (unsigned-byte 20))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 24))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 28))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 31))
-	(vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 24))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 28))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 31))
+        (vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.5 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 2))
-	(vector (signed-byte 3))
-	(vector (signed-byte 4))
-	(vector (signed-byte 5))
-	(vector (signed-byte 6))
-	(vector (signed-byte 7))
-	(vector (signed-byte 8)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 3))
+        (vector (signed-byte 4))
+        (vector (signed-byte 5))
+        (vector (signed-byte 6))
+        (vector (signed-byte 7))
+        (vector (signed-byte 8)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.6 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 10))
-	(vector (signed-byte 13))
-	(vector (signed-byte 15))
-	(vector (signed-byte 16)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 13))
+        (vector (signed-byte 15))
+        (vector (signed-byte 16)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.7 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector (signed-byte 20))
-	(vector (signed-byte 24))
-	(vector (signed-byte 28))
-	(vector (signed-byte 31))
-	(vector (signed-byte 32)))
+        (vector (signed-byte 24))
+        (vector (signed-byte 28))
+        (vector (signed-byte 31))
+        (vector (signed-byte 32)))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
 (def-type-prop-test stable-sort.8 'stable-sort
   `((or (vector short-float)
-	(vector single-float)
-	(vector double-float)
-	(vector long-float))
+        (vector single-float)
+        (vector double-float)
+        (vector long-float))
     (member < <= > >= ,#'< ,#'<= ,#'> ,#'>=))
   2 :replicate '(t nil))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-09.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-09.lsp
index 07839d34..46270c31 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-09.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-09.lsp
@@ -20,78 +20,78 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find.4 'find
   (list t
-	#'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find.5 'find
   (list t
-	#'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find.6 'find
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len)))
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
-	    (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer ,start ,len))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len)))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
+            (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find.7 'find
   (list 'integer #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
-		     (make-sequence-type
-		      (random 10)
-		      (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real number))))
-	'(eql :key)
-	'(member 1+ #.#'1+ 1- #.#'1- - #.#'-))
+                     (make-sequence-type
+                      (random 10)
+                      (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real number))))
+        '(eql :key)
+        '(member 1+ #.#'1+ 1- #.#'1- - #.#'-))
 (def-type-prop-test find.8 'find
   (list 'character
-	#'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
-	    (make-sequence-type
-	     (random 10)
-	     (random-from-seq #(character base-char standard-char))))
-	'(eql :key)
-	'(member char-upcase #.#'char-upcase
-		 char-downcase #.#'char-downcase
-		 upper-case-p #.#'upper-case-p
-		 lower-case-p #.#'lower-case-p
-		 both-case-p #.#'both-case-p
-		 char-code #.#'char-code
-		 char-int #.#'char-int
-		 alpha-char-p #.#'alpha-char-p
-		 digit-char-p #.#'digit-char-p
-		 alphanumericp #.#'alphanumericp))
+        #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
+            (make-sequence-type
+             (random 10)
+             (random-from-seq #(character base-char standard-char))))
+        '(eql :key)
+        '(member char-upcase #.#'char-upcase
+                 char-downcase #.#'char-downcase
+                 upper-case-p #.#'upper-case-p
+                 lower-case-p #.#'lower-case-p
+                 both-case-p #.#'both-case-p
+                 char-code #.#'char-code
+                 char-int #.#'char-int
+                 alpha-char-p #.#'alpha-char-p
+                 digit-char-p #.#'digit-char-p
+                 alphanumericp #.#'alphanumericp))
 (def-type-prop-test find.9 'find
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :from-end)
-	'(or null t))
+        '(eql :from-end)
+        '(or null t))
 (def-type-prop-test find.10 'find
   (list 'real #'(lambda (x) (make-sequence-type
-			     (random 10)
-			     (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real))))
-	'(eql :from-end)
-	'(or null t)
-	'(member :test :test-not)
-	(list 'member '< #'< '> #'> '<= #'<= '>= #'>= '= #'= '/= #'/=
-	      'equal #'equal 'eql #'eql))
+                             (random 10)
+                             (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real))))
+        '(eql :from-end)
+        '(or null t)
+        '(member :test :test-not)
+        (list 'member '< #'< '> #'> '<= #'<= '>= #'>= '= #'= '/= #'/=
+              'equal #'equal 'eql #'eql))
 ;;; FIND-IF
@@ -99,104 +99,104 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.1 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.2 'find-if
    (let ((char-predicates
-	  '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
-	    both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
-	    standard-char-p)))
+          '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
+            both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
+            standard-char-p)))
      (append '(member) char-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   '(or standard-char base-char character))))
+                           '(or standard-char base-char character))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.3 'find-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.4 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.5 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.6 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1 start k2)
        (declare (ignore f k1 k2))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer ,start ,len))))
+         `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.7 'find-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :key)
    (list 'member '1+ '1- 'identity '-
-	 #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
+         #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.8 'find-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -204,12 +204,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.9 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -217,12 +217,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if.10 'find-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -232,104 +232,104 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.1 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.2 'find-if-not
    (let ((char-predicates
-	  '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
-	    both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
-	    standard-char-p)))
+          '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
+            both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
+            standard-char-p)))
      (append '(member) char-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   '(or standard-char base-char character))))
+                           '(or standard-char base-char character))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.3 'find-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.4 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.5 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.6 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1 start k2)
        (declare (ignore f k1 k2))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer ,start ,len))))
+         `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.7 'find-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :key)
    (list 'member '1+ '1- 'identity '-
-	 #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
+         #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.8 'find-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -337,12 +337,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.9 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -350,12 +350,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test find-if-not.10 'find-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -376,78 +376,78 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position.4 'position
   (list t
-	#'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position.5 'position
   (list t
-	#'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position.6 'position
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :start)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len)))
-	'(eql :end)
-	#'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
-	    (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
-	    (let ((len (length s)))
-	      `(integer ,start ,len))))
+        '(eql :start)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1) (declare (ignore v k1))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len)))
+        '(eql :end)
+        #'(lambda (v s k1 start k2)
+            (declare (ignore v k1 k2))
+            (let ((len (length s)))
+              `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position.7 'position
   (list 'integer #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
-		     (make-sequence-type
-		      (random 10)
-		      (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real number))))
-	'(eql :key)
-	'(member 1+ #.#'1+ 1- #.#'1- - #.#'-))
+                     (make-sequence-type
+                      (random 10)
+                      (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real number))))
+        '(eql :key)
+        '(member 1+ #.#'1+ 1- #.#'1- - #.#'-))
 (def-type-prop-test position.8 'position
   (list 'character
-	#'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
-	    (make-sequence-type
-	     (random 10)
-	     (random-from-seq #(character base-char standard-char))))
-	'(eql :key)
-	'(member char-upcase #.#'char-upcase
-		 char-downcase #.#'char-downcase
-		 upper-case-p #.#'upper-case-p
-		 lower-case-p #.#'lower-case-p
-		 both-case-p #.#'both-case-p
-		 char-code #.#'char-code
-		 char-int #.#'char-int
-		 alpha-char-p #.#'alpha-char-p
-		 digit-char-p #.#'digit-char-p
-		 alphanumericp #.#'alphanumericp))
+        #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
+            (make-sequence-type
+             (random 10)
+             (random-from-seq #(character base-char standard-char))))
+        '(eql :key)
+        '(member char-upcase #.#'char-upcase
+                 char-downcase #.#'char-downcase
+                 upper-case-p #.#'upper-case-p
+                 lower-case-p #.#'lower-case-p
+                 both-case-p #.#'both-case-p
+                 char-code #.#'char-code
+                 char-int #.#'char-int
+                 alpha-char-p #.#'alpha-char-p
+                 digit-char-p #.#'digit-char-p
+                 alphanumericp #.#'alphanumericp))
 (def-type-prop-test position.9 'position
   (list t #'make-random-sequence-type-containing
-	'(eql :from-end)
-	'(or null t))
+        '(eql :from-end)
+        '(or null t))
 (def-type-prop-test position.10 'position
   (list 'real #'(lambda (x) (make-sequence-type
-			     (random 10)
-			     (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real))))
-	'(eql :from-end)
-	'(or null t)
-	'(member :test :test-not)
-	(list 'member '< #'< '> #'> '<= #'<= '>= #'>= '= #'= '/= #'/=
-	      'equal #'equal 'eql #'eql))
+                             (random 10)
+                             (random-from-seq #(bit integer float rational real))))
+        '(eql :from-end)
+        '(or null t)
+        '(member :test :test-not)
+        (list 'member '< #'< '> #'> '<= #'<= '>= #'>= '= #'= '/= #'/=
+              'equal #'equal 'eql #'eql))
@@ -455,104 +455,104 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.1 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.2 'position-if
    (let ((char-predicates
-	  '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
-	    both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
-	    standard-char-p)))
+          '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
+            both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
+            standard-char-p)))
      (append '(member) char-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   '(or standard-char base-char character))))
+                           '(or standard-char base-char character))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.3 'position-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.4 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.5 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.6 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1 start k2)
        (declare (ignore f k1 k2))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer ,start ,len))))
+         `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.7 'position-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :key)
    (list 'member '1+ '1- 'identity '-
-	 #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
+         #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.8 'position-if
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -560,12 +560,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.9 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -573,12 +573,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if.10 'position-if
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -588,104 +588,104 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.1 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.2 'position-if-not
    (let ((char-predicates
-	  '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
-	    both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
-	    standard-char-p)))
+          '(alpha-char-p digit-char-p upper-case-p lower-case-p
+            both-case-p alphanumericp graphic-char-p
+            standard-char-p)))
      (append '(member) char-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function char-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   '(or standard-char base-char character))))
+                           '(or standard-char base-char character))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.3 'position-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x))))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.4 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.5 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len))))
+         `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.6 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1 start k2)
        (declare (ignore f k1 k2))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer ,start ,len))))
+         `(integer ,start ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.7 'position-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :key)
    (list 'member '1+ '1- 'identity '-
-	 #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
+         #'1+ #'1- #'identity #'-))
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.8 'position-if-not
    (let ((integer-predicates '(zerop plusp minusp evenp oddp)))
      (append '(member) integer-predicates
-	     (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
+             (mapcar #'symbol-function integer-predicates)))
    #'(lambda (x) (declare (ignore x))
        (make-sequence-type (random 10)
-			   `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
-				,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
-					collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
+                           `(or bit bit bit bit bit bit bit
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(unsigned-byte ,x))
+                                ,@(loop for x from 2 to 32
+                                        collect `(signed-byte ,x)))))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -693,12 +693,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.9 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :start)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
@@ -706,12 +706,12 @@
 (def-type-prop-test position-if-not.10 'position-if-not
    (append '(member) *cl-safe-predicates*
-	   (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
+           (mapcar 'symbol-function *cl-safe-predicates*))
    '(eql :end)
    #'(lambda (f s k1) (declare (ignore f k1))
        (let ((len (length s)))
-	 `(integer 0 ,len)))
+         `(integer 0 ,len)))
    '(eql :from-end)
    '(or null t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-10.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-10.lsp
index 495fcb94..71d23474 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-10.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-10.lsp
@@ -24,91 +24,91 @@
 (def-type-prop-test search.5 'search
   (list 'sequence 'sequence '(eql :key)
-	(list 'member 'identity nil #'identity 'not #'not))
+        (list 'member 'identity nil #'identity 'not #'not))
 (def-type-prop-test search.6 'search
   (list #'(lambda () (make-sequence-type
-		      (random 10)
-		      (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
-			    (i2 (make-random-integer)))
-			`(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
-	#'(lambda (s)
-	    (declare (ignore s))
-	    (make-sequence-type
-	     (random 10)
-	     (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
-		   (i2 (make-random-integer)))
-	       `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2))))))
+                      (random 10)
+                      (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
+                            (i2 (make-random-integer)))
+                        `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
+        #'(lambda (s)
+            (declare (ignore s))
+            (make-sequence-type
+             (random 10)
+             (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
+                   (i2 (make-random-integer)))
+               `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2))))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.7 'search
   (list #'(lambda () (make-sequence-type
-		      (random 10)
-		      (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
-			    (i2 (make-random-integer)))
-			`(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
-	#'(lambda (s)
-	    (declare (ignore s))
-	    (make-sequence-type
-	     (random 10)
-	     (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
-		   (i2 (make-random-integer)))
-	       `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
-	'(eql :test)
-	(list 'member 'eql #'eql 'equal #'equal '= #'=
-	      '/= #'/= #'(lambda (x y) (= (logand x 1) (logand y 1)))))
+                      (random 10)
+                      (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
+                            (i2 (make-random-integer)))
+                        `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
+        #'(lambda (s)
+            (declare (ignore s))
+            (make-sequence-type
+             (random 10)
+             (let ((i1 (make-random-integer))
+                   (i2 (make-random-integer)))
+               `(integer ,(min i1 i2) ,(max i1 i2)))))
+        '(eql :test)
+        (list 'member 'eql #'eql 'equal #'equal '= #'=
+              '/= #'/= #'(lambda (x y) (= (logand x 1) (logand y 1)))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.8 'search
   (labels ((%random-char-type () (random-from-seq #(base-char standard-char character)))
-	   (%random-char-sequence-type (&rest ignored)
-	      (declare (ignore ignored))
-	      (make-sequence-type (random 10) (%random-char-type))))
-	  (list #'%random-char-sequence-type
-		#'%random-char-sequence-type
-		'(member :test :test-not)
-		(let ((char-compare-funs
-		       '(char= char/= char< char> char<= char>=
-			 char-equal char-not-equal char-lessp char-greaterp
-			 char-not-lessp char-not-greaterp)))
-		  `(member ,@char-compare-funs
-			   ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function char-compare-funs)))))
+           (%random-char-sequence-type (&rest ignored)
+              (declare (ignore ignored))
+              (make-sequence-type (random 10) (%random-char-type))))
+          (list #'%random-char-sequence-type
+                #'%random-char-sequence-type
+                '(member :test :test-not)
+                (let ((char-compare-funs
+                       '(char= char/= char< char> char<= char>=
+                         char-equal char-not-equal char-lessp char-greaterp
+                         char-not-lessp char-not-greaterp)))
+                  `(member ,@char-compare-funs
+                           ,@(mapcar #'symbol-function char-compare-funs)))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.9 'search
   (list 'sequence 'sequence
-	'(eql :start1)
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
-	    (declare (ignore s2 k))
-	    (let ((len (length s1)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :start1)
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
+            (declare (ignore s2 k))
+            (let ((len (length s1)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.10 'search
   (list 'sequence 'sequence
-	'(eql :end1)
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
-	    (declare (ignore s2 k))
-	    (let ((len (length s1)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :end1)
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
+            (declare (ignore s2 k))
+            (let ((len (length s1)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.11 'search
   (list 'sequence 'sequence
-	'(eql :start2)
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
-	    (declare (ignore s1 k))
-	    (let ((len (length s2)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :start2)
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
+            (declare (ignore s1 k))
+            (let ((len (length s2)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
 (def-type-prop-test search.12 'search
   (list 'sequence 'sequence
-	'(eql :end2)
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
-	    (declare (ignore s1 k))
-	    (let ((len (length s2)))
-	      `(integer 0 ,len))))
+        '(eql :end2)
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2 k)
+            (declare (ignore s1 k))
+            (let ((len (length s2)))
+              `(integer 0 ,len))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-structs.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-structs.lsp
index 2e3124a1..9a4423ad 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-structs.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop-tests-structs.lsp
@@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'rtpt-1)))
   (make-rtpt-1 :a (make-random-element-of-type t)
-	       :b (make-random-element-of-type t)))
+               :b (make-random-element-of-type t)))
 (defmethod replicate ((obj rtpt-1))
   (or (gethash obj *replicate-table*)
       (let ((x (make-rtpt-1)))
-	(setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) x)
-	(setf (rtpt-1-a x) (replicate (rtpt-1-a obj)))
-	(setf (rtpt-1-b x) (replicate (rtpt-1-b obj)))
-	x)))
+        (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) x)
+        (setf (rtpt-1-a x) (replicate (rtpt-1-a obj)))
+        (setf (rtpt-1-b x) (replicate (rtpt-1-b obj)))
+        x)))
 (defmethods make-random-type-containing*
   (1 ((val rtpt-1)) 'rtpt-1))
@@ -39,29 +39,29 @@
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'rtpt-2.1)))
   (make-rtpt-2.1 :a (make-random-element-of-type t)
-		 :c (make-random-element-of-type t)
-		 :d (make-random-element-of-type t)))
+                 :c (make-random-element-of-type t)
+                 :d (make-random-element-of-type t)))
 (defmethod make-random-element-of-type ((type (eql 'rtpt-2.2)))
   (make-rtpt-2.2 :a (make-random-element-of-type t)
-		 :d (make-random-element-of-type t)
-		 :e (make-random-element-of-type t)))
+                 :d (make-random-element-of-type t)
+                 :e (make-random-element-of-type t)))
 (defmethod replicate ((obj rtpt-2))
   (replicate-with (obj x (make-rtpt-2))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2-a obj)))))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2-a obj)))))
 (defmethod replicate ((obj rtpt-2.1))
   (replicate-with (obj x (make-rtpt-2.1))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.1-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-a obj)))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.1-c x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-c obj)))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.1-d x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-d obj)))))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.1-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-a obj)))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.1-c x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-c obj)))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.1-d x) (replicate (rtpt-2.1-d obj)))))
 (defmethod replicate ((obj rtpt-2.2))
   (replicate-with (obj x (make-rtpt-2.2))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.2-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-a obj)))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.2-d x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-d obj)))
-		  (setf (rtpt-2.2-e x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-e obj)))))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.2-a x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-a obj)))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.2-d x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-d obj)))
+                  (setf (rtpt-2.2-e x) (replicate (rtpt-2.2-e obj)))))
 (defmethods make-random-type-containing*
   (1 ((val rtpt-2)) 'rtpt-2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop.lsp
index aed1e0c1..bacb02cf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-type-prop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-type-prop.lsp
@@ -90,19 +90,19 @@
 ;;;                              destructive operators.
 (defun do-random-type-prop-tests
   (operator arg-types minargs
-	    &key
-	    (maxargs minargs)
-	    (rest-type t)
-	    (reps *default-reps*)
-	    (enclosing-the nil)
-	    (arg-the *default-arg-the*)
-	    (cell *default-cell*)
-	    (ignore *default-ignore*)
-	    (test #'regression-test::equalp-with-case)
-	    (replicate nil replicate-p))
+            &key
+            (maxargs minargs)
+            (rest-type t)
+            (reps *default-reps*)
+            (enclosing-the nil)
+            (arg-the *default-arg-the*)
+            (cell *default-cell*)
+            (ignore *default-ignore*)
+            (test #'regression-test::equalp-with-case)
+            (replicate nil replicate-p))
   (assert (<= 1 minargs maxargs 20))
   (dotimes (i reps)
@@ -111,133 +111,133 @@
      #-lispworks ((error #'(lambda (c) (when (typep c ignore) (go again)))))
      #+lispworks ()
     (let* ((param-names
-	   '(p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
-	     p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20))
-	  (nargs (+ minargs (random (- maxargs minargs -1))))
-	  (types (subseq 
-		  (append arg-types
-			  (make-list (max 0 (- nargs (length arg-types)))
-				     :initial-element rest-type))
-		  0 nargs))
-	  (replicate (if replicate-p replicate
-		       (mapcar (constantly nil) types)))
-	  ; (vals (mapcar #'make-random-element-of-type types))
-	  (vals (setq *params*
-		      (or (make-random-arguments types) (go again))))
-	  (vals
-	   (if replicate
-	       (mapcar #'replicate vals)
-	     vals))
-	  (is-var? (if (consp replicate)
-		       (progn
-			 (assert (= (length replicate) (length vals)))
-			 (loop for x in replicate collect (or x (coin))))
-		     (loop repeat (length vals) collect (coin))))
-	  (*is-var?* is-var?)
-	  (params (loop for x in is-var?
-			for p in param-names
-			when x collect p))
-	  (param-types (mapcar #'make-random-type-containing vals replicate))
-	  (*param-types* param-types)
-	  (type-decls (loop for x in is-var?
-			    for p in param-names
-			    for tp in param-types
-			    when x
-			    collect `(type ,tp ,p)))
-	  (rval (cl:handler-bind
-		 (#+sbcl (sb-ext::compiler-note #'muffle-warning)
-			 (warning #'muffle-warning))
-		 (let* ((vals (if replicate (mapcar #'replicate vals) vals))
-			(eval-form (cons operator (loop for v in vals
-							collect `(quote ,v)))))
-		   ;; (print eval-form) (terpri)
-		   ;; (dotimes (i 100) (eval eval-form))
-		   (eval eval-form))))
-	  (result-type (if (and enclosing-the (integerp rval))
-			   (make-random-type-containing rval)
-			 t))
-	  (expr `(,operator ,@(loop for x in is-var?
-				    for v in vals
-				    for r in replicate
-				    for p in param-names
-				    collect (if x
-						(if (and arg-the (coin))
-						    (let ((tp (make-random-type-containing v r)))
-						      `(the ,tp ,p))
-						  p)
-					      (if (or (consp v)
-						      (and (symbolp v) (not (or (keywordp v)
-										(member v '(nil t))))))
-						  `(quote ,v)
-						  v)))))
-	  (speed (random 4))
-	  (space (random 4))
-	  (safety #-allegro (random 4)
-		  #+allegro (1+ (random 3)))
-	  (debug (random 4))
-	  (store-into-cell? (and cell (coin)))
-	  (upgraded-result-type (and store-into-cell?
-				     (upgraded-array-element-type `(eql ,rval))))
-	  (form
-	   (setq *form*
-		 `(lambda (,@(when store-into-cell? '(r)) ,@params)
-		    (declare (optimize (speed ,speed) (safety ,safety) (debug ,debug) (space ,space))
-			     ,@(when store-into-cell? `((type (simple-array ,upgraded-result-type nil) r)))
-			     ,@ type-decls)
-		    ,(let ((result-form
-			    (if enclosing-the `(the ,result-type ,expr) expr)))
-		       (if store-into-cell?
-			   `(setf (aref r) ,result-form)
-			 result-form)))))
-	  )
+           '(p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
+             p11 p12 p13 p14 p15 p16 p17 p18 p19 p20))
+          (nargs (+ minargs (random (- maxargs minargs -1))))
+          (types (subseq
+                  (append arg-types
+                          (make-list (max 0 (- nargs (length arg-types)))
+                                     :initial-element rest-type))
+                  0 nargs))
+          (replicate (if replicate-p replicate
+                       (mapcar (constantly nil) types)))
+          ; (vals (mapcar #'make-random-element-of-type types))
+          (vals (setq *params*
+                      (or (make-random-arguments types) (go again))))
+          (vals
+           (if replicate
+               (mapcar #'replicate vals)
+             vals))
+          (is-var? (if (consp replicate)
+                       (progn
+                         (assert (= (length replicate) (length vals)))
+                         (loop for x in replicate collect (or x (coin))))
+                     (loop repeat (length vals) collect (coin))))
+          (*is-var?* is-var?)
+          (params (loop for x in is-var?
+                        for p in param-names
+                        when x collect p))
+          (param-types (mapcar #'make-random-type-containing vals replicate))
+          (*param-types* param-types)
+          (type-decls (loop for x in is-var?
+                            for p in param-names
+                            for tp in param-types
+                            when x
+                            collect `(type ,tp ,p)))
+          (rval (cl:handler-bind
+                 (#+sbcl (sb-ext::compiler-note #'muffle-warning)
+                         (warning #'muffle-warning))
+                 (let* ((vals (if replicate (mapcar #'replicate vals) vals))
+                        (eval-form (cons operator (loop for v in vals
+                                                        collect `(quote ,v)))))
+                   ;; (print eval-form) (terpri)
+                   ;; (dotimes (i 100) (eval eval-form))
+                   (eval eval-form))))
+          (result-type (if (and enclosing-the (integerp rval))
+                           (make-random-type-containing rval)
+                         t))
+          (expr `(,operator ,@(loop for x in is-var?
+                                    for v in vals
+                                    for r in replicate
+                                    for p in param-names
+                                    collect (if x
+                                                (if (and arg-the (coin))
+                                                    (let ((tp (make-random-type-containing v r)))
+                                                      `(the ,tp ,p))
+                                                  p)
+                                              (if (or (consp v)
+                                                      (and (symbolp v) (not (or (keywordp v)
+                                                                                (member v '(nil t))))))
+                                                  `(quote ,v)
+                                                  v)))))
+          (speed (random 4))
+          (space (random 4))
+          (safety #-allegro (random 4)
+                  #+allegro (1+ (random 3)))
+          (debug (random 4))
+          (store-into-cell? (and cell (coin)))
+          (upgraded-result-type (and store-into-cell?
+                                     (upgraded-array-element-type `(eql ,rval))))
+          (form
+           (setq *form*
+                 `(lambda (,@(when store-into-cell? '(r)) ,@params)
+                    (declare (optimize (speed ,speed) (safety ,safety) (debug ,debug) (space ,space))
+                             ,@(when store-into-cell? `((type (simple-array ,upgraded-result-type nil) r)))
+                             ,@ type-decls)
+                    ,(let ((result-form
+                            (if enclosing-the `(the ,result-type ,expr) expr)))
+                       (if store-into-cell?
+                           `(setf (aref r) ,result-form)
+                         result-form)))))
+          )
      (when *print-random-type-prop-input*
        (let ((*print-pretty* t)
-	     (*print-case* :downcase))
-	 (print (list :form form :vals vals))))
+             (*print-case* :downcase))
+         (print (list :form form :vals vals))))
      (let* ((param-vals (loop for x in is-var?
-			      for v in vals
-			      when x collect v))
-	    (fn (cl:handler-bind
-		 (#+sbcl (sb-ext::compiler-note #'muffle-warning)
-			 (warning #'muffle-warning))
-		 (compile nil form)))
-	    (result
-	     (if store-into-cell?
-		 (let ((r (make-array nil :element-type upgraded-result-type)))
-		   (apply fn r param-vals)
-		   (aref r))
-	       (apply fn param-vals))))
+                              for v in vals
+                              when x collect v))
+            (fn (cl:handler-bind
+                 (#+sbcl (sb-ext::compiler-note #'muffle-warning)
+                         (warning #'muffle-warning))
+                 (compile nil form)))
+            (result
+             (if store-into-cell?
+                 (let ((r (make-array nil :element-type upgraded-result-type)))
+                   (apply fn r param-vals)
+                   (aref r))
+               (apply fn param-vals))))
        (setq *random-type-prop-result*
-	     (list :upgraded-result-type upgraded-result-type
-		   :form form
-		   :vals vals
-		   :result result
-		   :rval rval))
+             (list :upgraded-result-type upgraded-result-type
+                   :form form
+                   :vals vals
+                   :result result
+                   :rval rval))
        (unless (funcall test result rval)
-	 (return *random-type-prop-result*))))
+         (return *random-type-prop-result*))))
     ;; #+allegro (excl::gc t)
 (defun make-random-arguments (types-or-funs)
   (let ((vals nil))
     (loop for type-or-fun in types-or-funs
-	  for type = (or (typecase type-or-fun
-			   ((and function (not symbol))
-			    (apply type-or-fun vals))
-			   (t type-or-fun))
-			 (return-from make-random-arguments nil) ;; null type
-			 )
-	  for val = (make-random-element-of-type type)
-	  do (setf vals (nconc vals (list val))))
+          for type = (or (typecase type-or-fun
+                           ((and function (not symbol))
+                            (apply type-or-fun vals))
+                           (t type-or-fun))
+                         (return-from make-random-arguments nil) ;; null type
+                         )
+          for val = (make-random-element-of-type type)
+          do (setf vals (nconc vals (list val))))
     ;; (dolist (v vals) (describe v))
 (defmacro defmethods (name &rest bodies)
-	#'(lambda (body) `(defmethod ,name ,@body))
-	bodies)))
+        #'(lambda (body) `(defmethod ,name ,@body))
+        bodies)))
 (defgeneric make-random-type-containing* (val)
   (:method-combination randomized)
@@ -256,16 +256,16 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (1 t)
       (1 (if (consp val) 'cons 'atom))
       (1 (if *replicate-type* (make-random-type-containing* val)
-	   `(eql ,val)))
-      (1 
+           `(eql ,val)))
+      (1
        (if *replicate-type* (make-random-type-containing* val)
-	 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		;; Replace these calls with (make-random-element-of-type t)
-		;; at some point
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (random-leaf)))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (random-leaf))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2))))))
+         (let* ((n1 (random 4))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                ;; Replace these calls with (make-random-element-of-type t)
+                ;; at some point
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (random-leaf)))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (random-leaf))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2))))))
   (1 ((val standard-object)) 'standard-object)
   (1 ((val structure-object)) 'structure-object)
@@ -281,34 +281,34 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (1 'integer)
       (1 'signed-byte)
       (1 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-integer)))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-integer))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-integer)))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-integer))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
       (1 (let ((lo (abs (make-random-integer))))
-	   `(integer ,(- val lo))))
+           `(integer ,(- val lo))))
       (2 (let ((lo (abs (make-random-integer))))
-	   `(integer ,(- val lo) *)))
+           `(integer ,(- val lo) *)))
       (2 (let ((hi (abs (make-random-integer))))
-	   `(integer * ,(+ val hi))))
+           `(integer * ,(+ val hi))))
       (4 (let ((lo (abs (make-random-integer)))
-	       (hi (abs (make-random-integer))))
-	   `(integer ,(- val lo) ,(+ val hi))))
+               (hi (abs (make-random-integer))))
+           `(integer ,(- val lo) ,(+ val hi))))
       (1 (if (>= val 0) 'unsigned-byte (throw 'fail nil)))))
   (2 ((val character))
       (1 'character)
       (1 (if (typep val 'base-char) 'base-char
-	   #-sbcl 'extended-char
-	   #+sbcl (throw 'fail nil)
-	   ))
+           #-sbcl 'extended-char
+           #+sbcl (throw 'fail nil)
+           ))
       (1 (if (typep val 'standard-char) 'standard-char (throw 'fail nil)))
       (1 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-character)))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-character))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-character)))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-character))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))))
   (1 ((val null)) 'null)
@@ -317,45 +317,45 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (1 'symbol)
       (1 (typecase val (boolean 'boolean) (keyword 'keyword) (otherwise (throw 'fail nil))))
       (1 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-symbol)))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-symbol))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-symbol)))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-symbol))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))))
   (1 ((val rational))
       (1 'rational)
       (1 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-element-of-type 'rational))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (make-random-element-of-type 'rational))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
       (1 `(rational ,val))
       (1 `(rational * ,val))
       (1 (let ((v (make-random-element-of-type 'rational)))
-	   (if (<= v val)
-	       `(rational ,v ,val)
-	     `(rational ,val ,v))))))
+           (if (<= v val)
+               `(rational ,v ,val)
+             `(rational ,val ,v))))))
   (1 ((val float))
       (1 (let* ((n1 (random 4))
-		(n2 (random 4))
-		(l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (- 2 (random (float 1.0 val)))))
-		(l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (- 2 (random (float 1.0 val))))))
-	   `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
+                (n2 (random 4))
+                (l1 (loop repeat n1 collect (- 2 (random (float 1.0 val)))))
+                (l2 (loop repeat n2 collect (- 2 (random (float 1.0 val))))))
+           `(member ,@l1 ,val ,@l2)))
       (1 (let ((names (float-types-containing val)))
-	   (random-from-seq names)))
+           (random-from-seq names)))
       (1 (let ((name (random-from-seq (float-types-containing val))))
-	   (if (>= val 0)
-	       `(,name ,(coerce 0 name) ,val)
-	     `(,name ,val ,(coerce 0 name)))))))
+           (if (>= val 0)
+               `(,name ,(coerce 0 name) ,val)
+             `(,name ,val ,(coerce 0 name)))))))
 (defun float-types-containing (val)
   (loop for n in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float float)
-	when (typep val n)
-	collect n))	
+        when (typep val n)
+        collect n))
 (defun make-random-array-dimension-spec (array dim-index)
   (assert (<= 0 dim-index))
@@ -367,54 +367,54 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
 (defmethods make-random-type-containing*
   (3 ((val bit-vector))
      (let ((root (if (and (coin)
-			  (typep val 'simple-bit-vector))
-		     'simple-bit-vector
-		   'bit-vector)))
+                          (typep val 'simple-bit-vector))
+                     'simple-bit-vector
+                   'bit-vector)))
        (rcase (1 root)
-	      (1 `(,root))
-	      (3 `(,root ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))))))
+              (1 `(,root))
+              (3 `(,root ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))))))
   (3 ((val vector))
      (let ((root 'vector)
-	    (alt-root (if (and (coin) (simple-vector-p val)) 'simple-vector 'vector))
-	    (etype (rcase (1 '*)
-			  (1 (array-element-type val))
-			  ;; Add rule for creating new element types?
-			  )))
-	(rcase (1 alt-root)
-	       (1 `(,alt-root))
-	       (1 `(,root ,etype))
-	       (2 (if (and (simple-vector-p val) (coin))
-		      `(simple-vector ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))
-		    `(,root ,etype ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0)))))))
+            (alt-root (if (and (coin) (simple-vector-p val)) 'simple-vector 'vector))
+            (etype (rcase (1 '*)
+                          (1 (array-element-type val))
+                          ;; Add rule for creating new element types?
+                          )))
+        (rcase (1 alt-root)
+               (1 `(,alt-root))
+               (1 `(,root ,etype))
+               (2 (if (and (simple-vector-p val) (coin))
+                      `(simple-vector ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))
+                    `(,root ,etype ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0)))))))
   (3 ((val array))
      (let ((root (if (and (coin) (typep val 'simple-array)) 'simple-array 'array))
-	(etype (rcase (1 (array-element-type val)) (1 '*)))
-	(rank (array-rank val)))
+        (etype (rcase (1 (array-element-type val)) (1 '*)))
+        (rank (array-rank val)))
-	(1 root)
-	(1 `(,root))
-	(1 `(,root ,etype))
-	(1 `(,root ,etype ,(loop for i below rank collect (make-random-array-dimension-spec val i))))
-	(1 `(,root ,etype ,(loop for i below rank collect (array-dimension val i))))
-	#-ecl (1 `(,root ,etype ,rank)))))
+        (1 root)
+        (1 `(,root))
+        (1 `(,root ,etype))
+        (1 `(,root ,etype ,(loop for i below rank collect (make-random-array-dimension-spec val i))))
+        (1 `(,root ,etype ,(loop for i below rank collect (array-dimension val i))))
+        #-ecl (1 `(,root ,etype ,rank)))))
   (3 ((val string))
      (let ((root (cond
-		  ((and (coin)
-			(typep val 'base-string))
-		   (cond
-		    ((and (coin) (typep val 'simple-base-string))
-		     'simple-base-string)
-		    (t 'base-string)))
-		  ((and (coin)
-			(typep val 'simple-string))
-		   'simple-string)
-		  (t 'string))))
+                  ((and (coin)
+                        (typep val 'base-string))
+                   (cond
+                    ((and (coin) (typep val 'simple-base-string))
+                     'simple-base-string)
+                    (t 'base-string)))
+                  ((and (coin)
+                        (typep val 'simple-string))
+                   'simple-string)
+                  (t 'string))))
        (rcase (1 root)
-	      (1 `(,root))
-	      (3 `(,root ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))))))
+              (1 `(,root))
+              (3 `(,root ,(make-random-array-dimension-spec val 0))))))
   (1 ((val list)) 'list)
@@ -422,48 +422,48 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (1 'cons)
       (2 `(cons ,(make-random-type-containing* (car val))
-		,(make-random-type-containing* (cdr val))))
+                ,(make-random-type-containing* (cdr val))))
       (1 `(cons ,(make-random-type-containing* (car val))
-		,(random-from-seq #(t *))))
+                ,(random-from-seq #(t *))))
       (1 `(cons ,(make-random-type-containing* (car val))))
       (1 `(cons ,(random-from-seq #(t *))
-		,(make-random-type-containing* (cdr val))
-		))))
+                ,(make-random-type-containing* (cdr val))
+                ))))
   (1 ((val complex))
       (1 'complex)
       (1 (let* ((t1 (type-of (realpart val)))
-		(t2 (type-of (imagpart val)))
-		(part-type
-		 (cond
-		  ((subtypep t1 t2) (upgraded-complex-part-type t2))
-		  ((subtypep t2 t1) (upgraded-complex-part-type t1))
-		  ((and (subtypep t1 'rational)
-			(subtypep t2 'rational))
-		   'rational)
-		  (t
-		   (upgraded-complex-part-type `(or ,t1 ,t2))))))
-	   (if (subtypep 'real part-type)
-	       '(complex real)
-	     `(complex ,part-type))))))
+                (t2 (type-of (imagpart val)))
+                (part-type
+                 (cond
+                  ((subtypep t1 t2) (upgraded-complex-part-type t2))
+                  ((subtypep t2 t1) (upgraded-complex-part-type t1))
+                  ((and (subtypep t1 'rational)
+                        (subtypep t2 'rational))
+                   'rational)
+                  (t
+                   (upgraded-complex-part-type `(or ,t1 ,t2))))))
+           (if (subtypep 'real part-type)
+               '(complex real)
+             `(complex ,part-type))))))
   (1 ((val generic-function)) 'generic-function)
   (1 ((val function))
       (1 'function)
       (1 (if (typep val 'compiled-function)
-	     'compiled-function
-	   'function))))
+             'compiled-function
+           'function))))
 ;;; Macro for defining random type prop tests
 (defmacro def-type-prop-test (name &body args)
   `(deftest ,(intern (concatenate 'string "RANDOM-TYPE-PROP."
-				  (string name))
-		     (find-package :cl-test))
+                                  (string name))
+                     (find-package :cl-test))
      (do-random-type-prop-tests ,@args)
@@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
 (defun make-list-type (length &optional (rest-type 'null) (element-type t))
   (let ((result rest-type))
     (loop repeat length
-	  do (setq result `(cons ,element-type ,result)))
+          do (setq result `(cons ,element-type ,result)))
 (defun make-sequence-type (length &optional (element-type t))
@@ -497,7 +497,7 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
   #'(lambda (array &rest other)
       (declare (ignore other))
       (let ((d (array-dimension array dim)))
-	(and (> d 0) `(integer 0 (,d))))))
+        (and (> d 0) `(integer 0 (,d))))))
 (defun index-type-for-v1 (v1 &rest other)
   "Computes integer type for valid indices for the first of two vectors"
@@ -512,13 +512,13 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
 (defun end-type-for-v1 (v1 v2 &rest other)
   (declare (ignore v2))
   (let ((d (length v1))
-	(start1 (or (cadr (member :start1 other)) 0)))
+        (start1 (or (cadr (member :start1 other)) 0)))
     `(integer ,start1 ,d)))
 (defun end-type-for-v2 (v1 v2 &rest other)
   (declare (ignore v1))
   (let ((d (length v2))
-	(start2 (or (cadr (member :start2 other)) 0)))
+        (start2 (or (cadr (member :start2 other)) 0)))
     `(integer ,start2 ,d)))
@@ -530,9 +530,9 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
 (defmacro replicate-with ((source-obj dest-obj copy-form) &body body)
   `(or (gethash ,source-obj *replicate-table*)
        (let ((,dest-obj ,copy-form))
-	 (setf (gethash ,source-obj *replicate-table*) ,dest-obj)
-	 ,@body
-	 ,dest-obj)))
+         (setf (gethash ,source-obj *replicate-table*) ,dest-obj)
+         ,@body
+         ,dest-obj)))
 (declaim (special *replicate-table*))
@@ -546,10 +546,10 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
 (defmethod replicate ((obj cons))
   (or (gethash obj *replicate-table*)
       (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
-	(setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) x)
-	(setf (car x) (replicate (car obj)))
-	(setf (cdr x) (replicate (cdr obj)))
-	x)))
+        (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) x)
+        (setf (car x) (replicate (car obj)))
+        (setf (cdr x) (replicate (cdr obj)))
+        x)))
 ;;; Default method for objects without internal structure
 (defmethod replicate ((obj t)) obj)
@@ -560,8 +560,8 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (replicate-displaced-array obj)
     (when new-leaf
       (loop for i below (array-total-size new-leaf)
-	    do (setf (row-major-aref new-leaf i)
-		     (row-major-aref old-leaf i))))
+            do (setf (row-major-aref new-leaf i)
+                     (row-major-aref old-leaf i))))
 (defun replicate-displaced-array (obj)
@@ -571,33 +571,33 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
    two are NIL if the leaf did not have to be copied again."
   (or (gethash obj *replicate-table*)
-	  (displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
-	  (array-displacement obj)
-	(let ((dims (array-dimensions obj))
-	      (element-type (array-element-type obj))
-	      (fill-pointer (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj)
-				 (fill-pointer obj)))
-	      (adj (adjustable-array-p obj)))
-	  (if displaced-to
-	      ;; The array is displaced
-	      ;; Copy recursively
-	      (multiple-value-bind
-		  (new-displaced-to old-leaf new-leaf)
-		  (replicate-displaced-array displaced-to)
-		(let ((new-obj (make-array dims :element-type element-type
-					   :fill-pointer fill-pointer
-					   :adjustable adj
-					   :displaced-to new-displaced-to
-					   :displaced-index-offset displaced-index-offset)))
-		  (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) new-obj)
-		  (values new-obj old-leaf new-leaf)))
-	    ;; The array is not displaced
-	    ;; This is the leaf array
-	    (let ((new-obj (make-array dims :element-type element-type
-				       :fill-pointer fill-pointer
-				       :adjustable adj)))
-	      (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) new-obj)
-	      (values new-obj obj new-obj)))))))
+          (displaced-to displaced-index-offset)
+          (array-displacement obj)
+        (let ((dims (array-dimensions obj))
+              (element-type (array-element-type obj))
+              (fill-pointer (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj)
+                                 (fill-pointer obj)))
+              (adj (adjustable-array-p obj)))
+          (if displaced-to
+              ;; The array is displaced
+              ;; Copy recursively
+              (multiple-value-bind
+                  (new-displaced-to old-leaf new-leaf)
+                  (replicate-displaced-array displaced-to)
+                (let ((new-obj (make-array dims :element-type element-type
+                                           :fill-pointer fill-pointer
+                                           :adjustable adj
+                                           :displaced-to new-displaced-to
+                                           :displaced-index-offset displaced-index-offset)))
+                  (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) new-obj)
+                  (values new-obj old-leaf new-leaf)))
+            ;; The array is not displaced
+            ;; This is the leaf array
+            (let ((new-obj (make-array dims :element-type element-type
+                                       :fill-pointer fill-pointer
+                                       :adjustable adj)))
+              (setf (gethash obj *replicate-table*) new-obj)
+              (values new-obj obj new-obj)))))))
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (setf (gethash obj1  *isomorphism-table*) obj2)
       (and (isomorphic-p* (car obj1) (car obj2))
-	   (isomorphic-p* (cdr obj1) (cdr obj2)))))))
+           (isomorphic-p* (cdr obj1) (cdr obj2)))))))
 (defmethod isomorphic-p* ((obj1 array) (obj2 array))
   (let ((previous (gethash obj1 *isomorphism-table*)))
@@ -639,23 +639,23 @@ use the value in MEMBER or EQL type specifiers."))
       (setf (gethash obj1 *isomorphism-table*) obj2)
       (and (equal (array-dimensions obj1) (array-dimensions obj2))
-	   (equal (array-element-type obj1) (array-element-type obj2))
-	   (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj1)
-	       (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj2)
-		    (eql (fill-pointer obj1) (fill-pointer obj2)))
-	     (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj2)))
-	   (let (to-1 (index-1 0) to-2 (index-2 0))
-	     (multiple-value-setq (to-1 index-1) (array-displacement obj1))
-	     (multiple-value-setq (to-2 index-2) (array-displacement obj2))
-	     (if to-1
-		 (and to-2
-		      (eql index-1 index-2)
-		      (isomorphic-p* to-1 to-2))
-	       ;; Not displaced -- recurse on elements
-	       (let ((total-size (array-total-size obj1)))
-		 (loop for i below total-size
-		       always (isomorphic-p* (row-major-aref obj1 i)
-					     (row-major-aref obj2 i)))))))))))
+           (equal (array-element-type obj1) (array-element-type obj2))
+           (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj1)
+               (and (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj2)
+                    (eql (fill-pointer obj1) (fill-pointer obj2)))
+             (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p obj2)))
+           (let (to-1 (index-1 0) to-2 (index-2 0))
+             (multiple-value-setq (to-1 index-1) (array-displacement obj1))
+             (multiple-value-setq (to-2 index-2) (array-displacement obj2))
+             (if to-1
+                 (and to-2
+                      (eql index-1 index-2)
+                      (isomorphic-p* to-1 to-2))
+               ;; Not displaced -- recurse on elements
+               (let ((total-size (array-total-size obj1)))
+                 (loop for i below total-size
+                       always (isomorphic-p* (row-major-aref obj1 i)
+                                             (row-major-aref obj2 i)))))))))))
 ;;; Test that sequences have identical elements
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random-types.lsp b/ansi-tests/random-types.lsp
index d8f25e84..fa9b061d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random-types.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random-types.lsp
@@ -17,28 +17,28 @@
        (1 nil)
        (1 t)
        (1 `(eql ,(let ((r (ash 1 (random 45))))
-		   (random-from-interval r (- r)))))
+                   (random-from-interval r (- r)))))
        (1 (random-from-seq #(integer unsigned-byte ratio rational real float
-			     short-float single-float double-float
-			     long-float complex symbol cons function)))
+                             short-float single-float double-float
+                             long-float complex symbol cons function)))
-	(let* ((len (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))
-	       (r1 (ash 1 len))
-	       (r2 (+ r1 r1))
-	       (x (- (random r2) r1))
-	       (y (- (random r2) r1))
-	       (lo (min x y))
-	       (hi (max x y)))
-	  `(integer ,lo ,hi)))
+        (let* ((len (random *maximum-random-int-bits*))
+               (r1 (ash 1 len))
+               (r2 (+ r1 r1))
+               (x (- (random r2) r1))
+               (y (- (random r2) r1))
+               (lo (min x y))
+               (hi (max x y)))
+          `(integer ,lo ,hi)))
        (1 (make-random-real-type))
        ;; (1 (make-random-complex-type))
      (2 (let* ((op (random-from-seq #(cons cons and or)))
-	       (nargs (if (eq op 'cons) 2
-			(1+ (random (min size 4)))))
-	       (sizes (random-partition (1- size) nargs)))
-	  `(,op ,@(mapcar #'make-random-type sizes))))
+               (nargs (if (eq op 'cons) 2
+                        (1+ (random (min size 4)))))
+               (sizes (random-partition (1- size) nargs)))
+          `(,op ,@(mapcar #'make-random-type sizes))))
      (1 `(not ,(make-random-type (1- size))))
      ; (1 (make-random-function-type size))
@@ -46,17 +46,17 @@
 (defun make-random-real-type ()
    (1 (random-from-seq '(integer unsigned-byte short-float single-float
-				 double-float long-float rational real)))
+                                 double-float long-float rational real)))
    (1 (destructuring-bind (lo hi)
-	  (make-random-integer-range)
-	(rcase
-	 (4 `(integer ,lo ,hi))
-	 (1 `(integer ,lo))
-	 (1 `(integer ,lo *))
-	 (2 `(integer * ,hi)))))
+          (make-random-integer-range)
+        (rcase
+         (4 `(integer ,lo ,hi))
+         (1 `(integer ,lo))
+         (1 `(integer ,lo *))
+         (2 `(integer * ,hi)))))
    (1 (let ((r1 (random-real))
-	    (r2 (random-real)))
-	`(real ,(min r1 r2) ,(max r2 r2))))
+            (r2 (random-real)))
+        `(real ,(min r1 r2) ,(max r2 r2))))
    ;;; Add more cases here
@@ -65,137 +65,137 @@
 (defun make-random-function-type (size)
   (let* ((sizes (random-partition (1- size) 2))
-	 (types (mapcar #'make-random-type sizes)))
+         (types (mapcar #'make-random-type sizes)))
     `(function (,(car types)) ,(cadr types))))
 (defun size-of-type (type)
   (if (consp type)
       (case (car type)
-	(complex (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
-	((array simple-array) (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
-	(vector (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
-	(complex (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
-	((cons or and not) (reduce #'+ (cdr type) :initial-value 1
-				   :key #'size-of-type))
-	(t 1))
+        (complex (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
+        ((array simple-array) (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
+        (vector (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
+        (complex (1+ (size-of-type (cadr type))))
+        ((cons or and not) (reduce #'+ (cdr type) :initial-value 1
+                                   :key #'size-of-type))
+        (t 1))
 (defun mutate-type (type)
   (let* ((size (size-of-type type))
-	 (r (random size)))
+         (r (random size)))
     (flet ((%f ()
-	     (rcase
-	      (6 (make-random-type (random (1+ size))))
-	      (2 `(not ,type))
-	      (1 `(and ,(make-random-type 1) ,type))
-	      (1 `(and ,type ,(make-random-type 1)))
-	      (1 `(or ,(make-random-type 1) ,type))
-	      (1 `(or ,type ,(make-random-type 1)))))
-	   (%random-int ()
-	     (let ((bits (1+ (min (random 20) (random 20)))))
-	       (- (ash 1 bits) (random (ash 1 (1+ bits)))))))
+             (rcase
+              (6 (make-random-type (random (1+ size))))
+              (2 `(not ,type))
+              (1 `(and ,(make-random-type 1) ,type))
+              (1 `(and ,type ,(make-random-type 1)))
+              (1 `(or ,(make-random-type 1) ,type))
+              (1 `(or ,type ,(make-random-type 1)))))
+           (%random-int ()
+             (let ((bits (1+ (min (random 20) (random 20)))))
+               (- (ash 1 bits) (random (ash 1 (1+ bits)))))))
       (if (or (and (= r 0) (coin)) (not (consp type)))
-	  (%f)
-	  (case (car type)
-	    ((and or not cons complex)
-	     (let ((sizes (mapcar #'size-of-type (cdr type))))
-	       (loop with sum = 0
-		  for e on sizes
-		  for ctype in (cdr type)
-		  for i from 0
-		  do (setf sum (incf (car e) sum))
-		  when (>= sum r)
-		  return (rcase
-			  (1 ctype) ;; replace with component type
-			  (1 (cons (car type)
-				   (append (subseq (cdr type) 0 i)
-					   (list (mutate-type ctype))
-					   (subseq (cdr type) (1+ i)))))))))
-	    ((array simple-array vector)
-	     (let ((ctype (if (cdr type) (cadr type) t)))
-	       (rcase
-		(1 (if (eql ctype *) t ctype))
-		(1 (cons (car type)
-			 (cons (mutate-type ctype)
-			       (cddr type)))))))
-	    ((unsigned-byte)
-	     (if (integerp (cadr type))
-		 (rcase
-		  (1 'unsigned-byte)
-		  (1 `(unsigned-byte (+ (cadr type) (- 10 (random 20))))))
-		 (%f)))
+          (%f)
+          (case (car type)
+            ((and or not cons complex)
+             (let ((sizes (mapcar #'size-of-type (cdr type))))
+               (loop with sum = 0
+                  for e on sizes
+                  for ctype in (cdr type)
+                  for i from 0
+                  do (setf sum (incf (car e) sum))
+                  when (>= sum r)
+                  return (rcase
+                          (1 ctype) ;; replace with component type
+                          (1 (cons (car type)
+                                   (append (subseq (cdr type) 0 i)
+                                           (list (mutate-type ctype))
+                                           (subseq (cdr type) (1+ i)))))))))
+            ((array simple-array vector)
+             (let ((ctype (if (cdr type) (cadr type) t)))
+               (rcase
+                (1 (if (eql ctype *) t ctype))
+                (1 (cons (car type)
+                         (cons (mutate-type ctype)
+                               (cddr type)))))))
+            ((unsigned-byte)
+             (if (integerp (cadr type))
+                 (rcase
+                  (1 'unsigned-byte)
+                  (1 `(unsigned-byte (+ (cadr type) (- 10 (random 20))))))
+                 (%f)))
-	    ((integer)
-	     (let ((lo-delta (%random-int))
-		   (hi-delta (%random-int))
-		   (old-lo (or (cadr type) '*))
-		   (old-hi (or (caddr type) '*)))
-	       (flet ((%inc (old delta)
-			(if (or (coin) (not (integerp old)))
-			    delta
-			    (+ old delta))))
-		 (rcase
-		  (1 `(integer ,old-lo *))
-		  (1 `(integer * ,old-hi))
-		  (1 (let ((new-lo (%inc old-lo lo-delta)))
-		       (if (or (null (cdr type))
-			       (null (cddr type))
-			       (not (integerp old-hi)))
-			   `(integer ,new-lo ,@(cddr type))
-			   ;; caddr is integer
-			   (if (<= new-lo old-hi)
-			       `(integer ,new-lo ,old-hi)
-			       `(integer ,old-hi ,new-lo)))))
-		  (1 (let ((new-hi (%inc old-hi hi-delta)))
-		       (if (or (null (cdr type))
-			       (null (cddr type))
-			       (not (integerp old-lo)))
-			   `(integer ,old-lo ,new-hi)
-			   (if (<= old-lo new-hi)
-			       `(integer ,old-lo ,new-hi)
-			       `(integer ,new-hi ,old-lo)))))
-		  (1 (let ((new-lo (%inc old-lo lo-delta))
-			   (new-hi (%inc old-hi hi-delta)))
-		       (if (<= new-lo new-hi)
-			   `(integer ,new-lo ,new-hi)
-			   `(integer ,new-hi ,new-lo))))))))
-	    (t (%f)))))))
+            ((integer)
+             (let ((lo-delta (%random-int))
+                   (hi-delta (%random-int))
+                   (old-lo (or (cadr type) '*))
+                   (old-hi (or (caddr type) '*)))
+               (flet ((%inc (old delta)
+                        (if (or (coin) (not (integerp old)))
+                            delta
+                            (+ old delta))))
+                 (rcase
+                  (1 `(integer ,old-lo *))
+                  (1 `(integer * ,old-hi))
+                  (1 (let ((new-lo (%inc old-lo lo-delta)))
+                       (if (or (null (cdr type))
+                               (null (cddr type))
+                               (not (integerp old-hi)))
+                           `(integer ,new-lo ,@(cddr type))
+                           ;; caddr is integer
+                           (if (<= new-lo old-hi)
+                               `(integer ,new-lo ,old-hi)
+                               `(integer ,old-hi ,new-lo)))))
+                  (1 (let ((new-hi (%inc old-hi hi-delta)))
+                       (if (or (null (cdr type))
+                               (null (cddr type))
+                               (not (integerp old-lo)))
+                           `(integer ,old-lo ,new-hi)
+                           (if (<= old-lo new-hi)
+                               `(integer ,old-lo ,new-hi)
+                               `(integer ,new-hi ,old-lo)))))
+                  (1 (let ((new-lo (%inc old-lo lo-delta))
+                           (new-hi (%inc old-hi hi-delta)))
+                       (if (<= new-lo new-hi)
+                           `(integer ,new-lo ,new-hi)
+                           `(integer ,new-hi ,new-lo))))))))
+            (t (%f)))))))
 (defun test-random-types (n size)
   (loop for t1 = (make-random-type size)
-	for t2 = (make-random-type size)
-	for i from 0 below n
-	;; do (print (list t1 t2))
+        for t2 = (make-random-type size)
+        for i from 0 below n
+        ;; do (print (list t1 t2))
         do (setf *random-types* (list t1 t2))
-	do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
-	     (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
-	when (test-types t1 t2)
-	collect (list t1 t2)
-	finally (terpri)))
+        do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
+             (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
+        when (test-types t1 t2)
+        collect (list t1 t2)
+        finally (terpri)))
 (defun test-random-mutated-types (n size &key (reps 1))
   (loop for t1 = (make-random-type size)
-	for t2 = (let ((x t1)) (loop repeat reps
-				     do (setq x (mutate-type x))) x)
-	for i from 0 below n
-	;; do (print (list t1 t2))
+        for t2 = (let ((x t1)) (loop repeat reps
+                                     do (setq x (mutate-type x))) x)
+        for i from 0 below n
+        ;; do (print (list t1 t2))
         do (setf *random-types* (list t1 t2))
-	do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
-	     (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
-	when (test-types t1 t2)
-	collect (list t1 t2)
-	finally (terpri)))
+        do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
+             (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
+        when (test-types t1 t2)
+        collect (list t1 t2)
+        finally (terpri)))
 (defun test-types (t1 t2)
   (multiple-value-bind (sub success)
       (subtypep t1 t2)
     (when success
       (if sub
-	  (check-all-subtypep t1 t2)
-	(let ((nt1 `(not ,t1))
-	      (nt2 `(not ,t2)))
-	  (subtypep nt2 nt1))))))
+          (check-all-subtypep t1 t2)
+        (let ((nt1 `(not ,t1))
+              (nt2 `(not ,t2)))
+          (subtypep nt2 nt1))))))
 (defun prune-type (tp try-fn)
   (declare (type function try-fn))
@@ -209,93 +209,93 @@
       (try nil)
       (try t)
       (let ((op (first tp))
-	    (args (rest tp)))
-	(case op
-	  ((cons)
-	   (try 'cons)
-	   (prune-list args
-		       #'prune-type
-		       #'(lambda (args) (try `(cons ,@args)))))
-	  ((integer)
-	   (try op)
-	   (try '(eql 0))
-	   (when (= (length args) 2)
-	     (let ((arg1 (first args))
-		   (arg2 (second args)))
-	       (when (and (integerp arg1) (integerp arg2))
-		 (try `(eql ,arg1))
-		 (try `(eql ,arg2))
-		 (when (and (< arg1 0) (<= 0 arg2))
-		   (try `(integer 0 ,arg2)))
-		 (when (and (<= arg1 0) (< 0 arg2))
-		   (try `(integer ,arg1 0)))
-		 (when (> (- arg2 arg1) 1)
-		   (try `(integer ,(+ arg1 (floor (- arg2 arg1) 2)) ,arg2))
-		   (try `(integer ,arg1 ,(- arg2 (floor (- arg2 arg1) 2)))))))))
-	  ((real float ratio single-float double-float short-float long-float)
-	   (try op))
-	  ((or and)
-	   (mapc try-fn args)
-	   (loop for i from 0 below (length args)
-		 do (try `(,op ,@(subseq args 0 i)
-			       ,@(subseq args (1+ i)))))
-	   (prune-list args
-		       #'prune-type
-		       #'(lambda (args) (try (cons op args)))))
-	  ((not)
-	   (let ((arg (first args)))
-	     (try arg)
-	     (when (and (consp arg)
-			(eq (car arg) 'not))
-	       (try (second arg)))
-	     (prune-type arg #'(lambda (arg) (try `(not ,arg))))))
-	  ((member)
-	   (dolist (arg (cdr tp))
-	     (try `(eql ,arg)))
-	   (when (cddr tp)
-	   (try `(member ,@(cddr tp)))))
+            (args (rest tp)))
+        (case op
+          ((cons)
+           (try 'cons)
+           (prune-list args
+                       #'prune-type
+                       #'(lambda (args) (try `(cons ,@args)))))
+          ((integer)
+           (try op)
+           (try '(eql 0))
+           (when (= (length args) 2)
+             (let ((arg1 (first args))
+                   (arg2 (second args)))
+               (when (and (integerp arg1) (integerp arg2))
+                 (try `(eql ,arg1))
+                 (try `(eql ,arg2))
+                 (when (and (< arg1 0) (<= 0 arg2))
+                   (try `(integer 0 ,arg2)))
+                 (when (and (<= arg1 0) (< 0 arg2))
+                   (try `(integer ,arg1 0)))
+                 (when (> (- arg2 arg1) 1)
+                   (try `(integer ,(+ arg1 (floor (- arg2 arg1) 2)) ,arg2))
+                   (try `(integer ,arg1 ,(- arg2 (floor (- arg2 arg1) 2)))))))))
+          ((real float ratio single-float double-float short-float long-float)
+           (try op))
+          ((or and)
+           (mapc try-fn args)
+           (loop for i from 0 below (length args)
+                 do (try `(,op ,@(subseq args 0 i)
+                               ,@(subseq args (1+ i)))))
+           (prune-list args
+                       #'prune-type
+                       #'(lambda (args) (try (cons op args)))))
+          ((not)
+           (let ((arg (first args)))
+             (try arg)
+             (when (and (consp arg)
+                        (eq (car arg) 'not))
+               (try (second arg)))
+             (prune-type arg #'(lambda (arg) (try `(not ,arg))))))
-	  ((eql)
-	   (assert (= (length args) 1))
-	   (let ((arg (first args)))
-	     (unless (= arg 0)
-	       (try `(eql 0))
-	       (cond
-		((< arg -1)
-		 (try `(eql ,(ceiling arg 2))))
-		((> arg 1)
-		 (try `(eql ,(floor arg 2))))))))		 
-	  )))))
+          ((member)
+           (dolist (arg (cdr tp))
+             (try `(eql ,arg)))
+           (when (cddr tp)
+           (try `(member ,@(cddr tp)))))
+          ((eql)
+           (assert (= (length args) 1))
+           (let ((arg (first args)))
+             (unless (= arg 0)
+               (try `(eql 0))
+               (cond
+                ((< arg -1)
+                 (try `(eql ,(ceiling arg 2))))
+                ((> arg 1)
+                 (try `(eql ,(floor arg 2))))))))
+          )))))
 (defun prune-type-pair (pair &optional (fn #'test-types))
   (declare (type function fn))
   (let ((t1 (first pair))
-	(t2 (second pair))
-	changed)
+        (t2 (second pair))
+        changed)
      do (flet ((%try2 (new-tp)
-		      (when (funcall fn t1 new-tp)
-			(print "Success in first loop")
-			(print new-tp)
-			(setq t2 new-tp
-			      changed t)
-			(throw 'success nil))))
-	  (catch 'success
-	    (prune-type t2 #'%try2)))
+                      (when (funcall fn t1 new-tp)
+                        (print "Success in first loop")
+                        (print new-tp)
+                        (setq t2 new-tp
+                              changed t)
+                        (throw 'success nil))))
+          (catch 'success
+            (prune-type t2 #'%try2)))
      do (flet ((%try1 (new-tp)
-		      (when (funcall fn new-tp t2)
-			(print "Success in second loop")
-			(print new-tp)
-			(setq t1 new-tp
-			      changed t)
-			(throw 'success nil))))
-	  (catch 'success
-	    (prune-type t1 #'%try1)))
+                      (when (funcall fn new-tp t2)
+                        (print "Success in second loop")
+                        (print new-tp)
+                        (setq t1 new-tp
+                              changed t)
+                        (throw 'success nil))))
+          (catch 'success
+            (prune-type t1 #'%try1)))
      while changed
      do (setq changed nil))
     (list t1 t2)))
@@ -304,66 +304,66 @@
   ;; Returns non-nil if a problem is found
   (catch 'problem
     (multiple-value-bind (sub1 success1)
-	(subtypep t1 t2)
+        (subtypep t1 t2)
       (when success1
-	(if sub1
-	    (append
-	     (check-all-subtypep t1 `(or ,t2 ,t3))
-	     (check-all-subtypep `(and ,t1 ,t3) t2))
-	    (or (subtypep `(or ,t1 ,t3) t2)
-		(subtypep t1 `(and ,t2 ,t3))))))))
+        (if sub1
+            (append
+             (check-all-subtypep t1 `(or ,t2 ,t3))
+             (check-all-subtypep `(and ,t1 ,t3) t2))
+            (or (subtypep `(or ,t1 ,t3) t2)
+                (subtypep t1 `(and ,t2 ,t3))))))))
 (defun test-random-types3 (n size)
   (loop for t1 = (make-random-type (1+ (random size)))
-	for t2 = (make-random-type (1+ (random size)))
-	for t3 = (make-random-type (1+ (random size)))
-	for i from 1 to n
-	;; do (print (list t1 t2))
+        for t2 = (make-random-type (1+ (random size)))
+        for t3 = (make-random-type (1+ (random size)))
+        for i from 1 to n
+        ;; do (print (list t1 t2))
         do (setf *random-types* (list t1 t2 t3))
-	do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
-	     (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
-	when (test-type-triple t1 t2 t3)
-	collect (list t1 t2 t3)
-	finally (terpri)))
+        do (when (and (= (mod i 100) 0) (> i 0))
+             (format t "~A " i) (finish-output *standard-output*))
+        when (test-type-triple t1 t2 t3)
+        collect (list t1 t2 t3)
+        finally (terpri)))
 (defun prune-type-triple (pair &optional (fn #'test-type-triple))
   (declare (type function fn))
   (let ((t1 (first pair))
-	(t2 (second pair))
-	(t3 (third pair))
-	changed)
+        (t2 (second pair))
+        (t3 (third pair))
+        changed)
      do (flet ((%try2 (new-tp)
-		      (when (funcall fn t1 new-tp t3)
-			(print "Success in first loop")
-			(print new-tp)
-			(setq t2 new-tp
-			      changed t)
-			(throw 'success nil))))
-	  (catch 'success
-	    (prune-type t2 #'%try2)))
+                      (when (funcall fn t1 new-tp t3)
+                        (print "Success in first loop")
+                        (print new-tp)
+                        (setq t2 new-tp
+                              changed t)
+                        (throw 'success nil))))
+          (catch 'success
+            (prune-type t2 #'%try2)))
      do (flet ((%try1 (new-tp)
-		      (when (funcall fn new-tp t2 t3)
-			(print "Success in second loop")
-			(print new-tp)
-			(setq t1 new-tp
-			      changed t)
-			(throw 'success nil))))
-	  (catch 'success
-	    (prune-type t1 #'%try1)))
+                      (when (funcall fn new-tp t2 t3)
+                        (print "Success in second loop")
+                        (print new-tp)
+                        (setq t1 new-tp
+                              changed t)
+                        (throw 'success nil))))
+          (catch 'success
+            (prune-type t1 #'%try1)))
      do (flet ((%try3 (new-tp)
-		      (when (funcall fn t1 t2 new-tp)
-			(print "Success in second loop")
-			(print new-tp)
-			(setq t3 new-tp
-			      changed t)
-			(throw 'success nil))))
-	  (catch 'success
-	    (prune-type t3 #'%try3)))
+                      (when (funcall fn t1 t2 new-tp)
+                        (print "Success in second loop")
+                        (print new-tp)
+                        (setq t3 new-tp
+                              changed t)
+                        (throw 'success nil))))
+          (catch 'success
+            (prune-type t3 #'%try3)))
      while changed
      do (setq changed nil))
     (list t1 t2 t3)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/random.lsp b/ansi-tests/random.lsp
index 0496a359..2f5df06e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/random.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/random.lsp
@@ -22,72 +22,72 @@
 (deftest random.1
   (loop for i from 2 to 30
-	for n = (ash 1 i)
-	nconc
-	(loop for j = (1+ (random n))
-	      repeat 20
-	      nconc
-	      (loop for r = (random j)
-		    repeat i
-		    unless (and (integerp r)
-				(<= 0 r)
-				(< r j))
-		    collect (list j r))))
+        for n = (ash 1 i)
+        nconc
+        (loop for j = (1+ (random n))
+              repeat 20
+              nconc
+              (loop for r = (random j)
+                    repeat i
+                    unless (and (integerp r)
+                                (<= 0 r)
+                                (< r j))
+                    collect (list j r))))
 (deftest random.2
   (loop for i from 2 to 20
-	for n = (ash 1 i)
-	nconc
-	(loop for j = (random (float n))
-	      repeat 20
-	      unless (zerop j)
-	      nconc
-	      (loop for r = (random j)
-		    repeat 20
-		    unless (and (eql (float r j) r)
-				(<= 0 r)
-				(< r j))
-		    collect (list j r))))
+        for n = (ash 1 i)
+        nconc
+        (loop for j = (random (float n))
+              repeat 20
+              unless (zerop j)
+              nconc
+              (loop for r = (random j)
+                    repeat 20
+                    unless (and (eql (float r j) r)
+                                (<= 0 r)
+                                (< r j))
+                    collect (list j r))))
 (deftest random.3
   (binomial-distribution-test 10000
-			      #'(lambda () (eql (random 2) 0)))
+                              #'(lambda () (eql (random 2) 0)))
 (deftest random.4
   (binomial-distribution-test 10000
-			      #'(lambda () (< (random 1.0s0) 0.5s0)))
+                              #'(lambda () (< (random 1.0s0) 0.5s0)))
 (deftest random.5
   (binomial-distribution-test 10000
-			      #'(lambda () (< (random 1.0d0) 0.5d0)))
+                              #'(lambda () (< (random 1.0d0) 0.5d0)))
 (deftest random.6
   (binomial-distribution-test 10000
-			      #'(lambda () (evenp (random 1024))))
+                              #'(lambda () (evenp (random 1024))))
 (deftest random.7
   (loop for x in '(10.0s0 20.0f0 30.0d0 40.0l0)
-	for r = (random x)
-	unless (eql (float r x) r)
-	collect (list x r))
+        for r = (random x)
+        unless (eql (float r x) r)
+        collect (list x r))
 (deftest random.8
   (let* ((f1 '(lambda (x) (random (if x 10 20))))
-	 (f2 (compile nil f1)))
+         (f2 (compile nil f1)))
      (loop repeat 100 always (<= 0 (funcall f2 t) 9))
      (loop repeat 100 always (<= 0 (funcall f2 nil) 19))))
   t t)
 ;;; Do more statistical tests here
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp
index 72cd1da9..87266375 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.1
     (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (third x))
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.2
   (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (rassoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result (third x))
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.3
     (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (fourth x))
@@ -38,8 +38,8 @@
   (c . 6))
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.4
-    (rassoc-if-not #'identity 
-		   (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+    (rassoc-if-not #'identity
+                   (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
+                    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                           '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
      i x y))
   (17) 2 1 2)
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
-		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+                    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                           '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
+                    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
      i x y z))
   (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
   (rassoc-if-not #'not '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :key 'not)
+          :key 'not)
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
   (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
 (deftest rassoc-if-not.keywords.7
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp
index 1a25e22b..9a854ee2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if.1
     (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (third x))
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if.2
   (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (rassoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
      (eqt result (third x))
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if.3
     (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
        (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
        (eqt result (fourth x))
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if.4
     (rassoc-if #'null
-	       (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+               (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
      i x y))
   (17) 2 1 2)
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
-		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
+                :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
      i x y z))
   (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (rassoc-if #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :key 'not)
+          :key 'not)
 (deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp
index 30280838..9b066414 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@
 (deftest rassoc.7
   (let* ((x (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d)))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc 'b x)))
+         (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+         (result (rassoc 'b x)))
      (eqt result (second x))
      (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
@@ -46,117 +46,117 @@
 (deftest rassoc.9
   (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (rev-assoc-list '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+          (rev-assoc-list '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
 (deftest rassoc.10
   (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
-	  (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))))
+          (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))))
 (deftest rassoc.11
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
     (rassoc x
-	    (rev-assoc-list `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1)))))
+            (rev-assoc-list `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1)))))
   (d a b))
 (deftest rassoc.12
   (rassoc #\e
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (schar x 1)))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))))
+          :key #'(lambda (x) (schar x 1)))
   (2 . "aevgd"))
 (deftest rassoc.13
   (rassoc nil
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))))
-	  :key #'car)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))))
+          :key #'car)
 (deftest rassoc.14
   (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test #'equal)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+          :test #'equal)
   (2 . "abc"))
 (deftest rassoc.15
   (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test #'equalp)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+          :test #'equalp)
   (2 . "abc"))
 (deftest rassoc.16
   (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
-	  :test #'equal)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
+          :test #'equal)
   ((b) a))
 (deftest rassoc.17
   (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+          :test-not (complement #'equalp))
   (2 . "abc"))
 (deftest rassoc.18
-  (rassoc 'a 
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
-	  :test-not #'eq)
+  (rassoc 'a
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((a . d)(b . c))))
+          :test-not #'eq)
   (c . b))
 (deftest rassoc.19
   (rassoc 'a
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
-	  :test (complement #'eq))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((a . d)(b . c))))
+          :test (complement #'eq))
   (c . b))
 (deftest rassoc.20
   (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	  :test #'equal)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+          :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+          :test #'equal)
   (6 . "A"))
 (deftest rassoc.21
   (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	  :test #'equal)
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+          :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+          :test #'equal)
   (3 . "a"))
 (deftest rassoc.22
   (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+          :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+          :test-not (complement #'equal))
   (6 . "A"))
 (deftest rassoc.23
   (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+          :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+          :test-not (complement #'equal))
   (3 . "a"))
 ;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
@@ -164,10 +164,10 @@
 (deftest rassoc.24
   (rassoc 'a
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))))
-	  :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
+          (copy-tree
+           (rev-assoc-list
+            '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))))
+          :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
   (2 . a))
 ;; Check that the order of the arguments to :test is correct
@@ -175,19 +175,19 @@
 (deftest rassoc.25
   (block fail
     (rassoc 'a '((1 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a))
-	    :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		      (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		      (eqt x y))))
+            :test #'(lambda (x y)
+                      (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                      (eqt x y))))
   (3 . a))
 (deftest rassoc.26
   (rassoc 10 '((a . 1) (b . 5) (c . 10) (d . 15) (e . 40))
-	  :test #'<)
+          :test #'<)
   (d . 15))
 (deftest rassoc.27
   (rassoc 10 '((a . 1) (b . 5) (c . 10) (d . 15) (e . 40))
-	  :test-not #'>=)
+          :test-not #'>=)
   (d . 15))
 (defharmless rassoc.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c))))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c))))
      i x y))
   (3 . c) 2 1 2)
@@ -210,8 +210,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+             :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
      i x y z))
   (3 . c) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	    :test #'eql)
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+            :test #'eql)
      i x y))
   (3 . c) 2 1 2)
@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+            :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+            :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
      i x y z w))
   (3 . c) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.3
   (rassoc 'a '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :test-not #'eql)
+          :test-not #'eql)
   (2 . b))
 (deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
 (deftest rassoc.keywords.6
   (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))
-	  :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql))
+          :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql))
   (2 . b))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rational.lsp b/ansi-tests/rational.lsp
index cafc5468..715ad647 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rational.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rational.lsp
@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@
 (deftest rational.1
   (loop for x in (loop for r in *reals*
-		       when (or (not (floatp r))
-				(<= -1000 (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float r)) 1000))
-		       collect r)
-	for r = (rational x)
-	unless (and (rationalp r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(= (float r x) x)
-		      (eql x r)))
-	collect (list x r))
+                       when (or (not (floatp r))
+                                (<= -1000 (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float r)) 1000))
+                       collect r)
+        for r = (rational x)
+        unless (and (rationalp r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (= (float r x) x)
+                      (eql x r)))
+        collect (list x r))
 (deftest rational.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(loop for i from -10000 to 10000
-	      for x = (coerce i type)
-	      for r = (rational x)
-	      count (not (eql r i))))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from -10000 to 10000
+              for x = (coerce i type)
+              for r = (rational x)
+              count (not (eql r i))))
   (0 0 0 0))
 (deftest rational.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for bound in '(1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l30)
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	      for r = (rational x)
-	      for x2 = (float r x)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (rationalp r) (= x x2))
-	      collect (list x r x2)))
-  nil)
\ No newline at end of file
+        for bound in '(1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l30)
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+              for r = (rational x)
+              for x2 = (float r x)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (rationalp r) (= x x2))
+              collect (list x r x2)))
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rationalize.lsp b/ansi-tests/rationalize.lsp
index d39aabe0..800f1d79 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rationalize.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rationalize.lsp
@@ -23,34 +23,34 @@
 (deftest rationalize.1
   (loop for x in (loop for r in *reals*
-		       when (or (not (floatp r))
-				(<= -1000 (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float r)) 1000))
-		       collect r)
-	for r = (rationalize x)
-	unless (and (rationalp r)
-		    (if (floatp x)
-			(= (float r x) x)
-		      (eql x r)))
-	collect (list x r))
+                       when (or (not (floatp r))
+                                (<= -1000 (nth-value 1 (integer-decode-float r)) 1000))
+                       collect r)
+        for r = (rationalize x)
+        unless (and (rationalp r)
+                    (if (floatp x)
+                        (= (float r x) x)
+                      (eql x r)))
+        collect (list x r))
 (deftest rationalize.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	collect
-	(loop for i from -10000 to 10000
-	      for x = (coerce i type)
-	      for r = (rationalize x)
-	      count (not (eql r i))))
+        collect
+        (loop for i from -10000 to 10000
+              for x = (coerce i type)
+              for r = (rationalize x)
+              count (not (eql r i))))
   (0 0 0 0))
 (deftest rationalize.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for bound in '(1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l30)
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	      for r = (rationalize x)
-	      for x2 = (float r x)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (rationalp r) (= x x2))
-	      collect (list x r x2)))
+        for bound in '(1.0s5 1.0f10 1.0d20 1.0l30)
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
+              for r = (rationalize x)
+              for x2 = (float r x)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (rationalp r) (= x x2))
+              collect (list x r x2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rationalp.lsp b/ansi-tests/rationalp.lsp
index 796a0a86..4524894f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rationalp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rationalp.lsp
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
 (deftest rationalp.1
   (loop for x in *rationals*
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (rationalp x))
-	unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (first vals))
-	collect (cons x vals))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (rationalp x))
+        unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (first vals))
+        collect (cons x vals))
 (deftest rationalp.2
   (loop for x in (set-difference *universe* *rationals*)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (rationalp x))
-	unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
-		    (null (first vals)))
-	collect (cons x vals))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (rationalp x))
+        unless (and (= (length vals) 1)
+                    (null (first vals)))
+        collect (cons x vals))
 (deftest rationalp.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-byte.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-byte.lsp
index 5b179725..afbf2e11 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-byte.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-byte.lsp
@@ -7,76 +7,76 @@
 (deftest read-byte.1
   (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		 :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :supersede
-		 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                 :direction :output
+                 :if-exists :supersede
+                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
      (write-byte 17 s)
      (close s)
        (setq s (open "foo.txt"
-		     :direction :input
-		     :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+                     :direction :input
+                     :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
        (read-byte s))
      (close s)))
   17 t 17 t)
 (deftest read-byte.2
   (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		 :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :supersede
-		 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                 :direction :output
+                 :if-exists :supersede
+                 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
      (close s)
         (setq s (open "foo.txt"
-		     :direction :input
-		     :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
-	(read-byte s nil 'foo))
+                     :direction :input
+                     :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+        (read-byte s nil 'foo))
      (read-byte s nil)
      (close s)))
   t foo nil t)
 (deftest read-byte.3
   (loop with b1 = 0
-	and b2 = 0
-	for i from 1 to 32
-	do (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-			  :direction :output
-			  :if-exists :supersede
-			  :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
-	     (write-byte (1- (ash 1 i)) s)
-	     (write-byte 1 s)
-	     (close s))
-	unless (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-			      :direction :input
-			      :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
-		 (prog1
-		   (and (eql (setq b1 (read-byte s)) (1- (ash 1 i)))
-			(eql (setq b2 (read-byte s)) 1))
-		   (close s)))
-	collect (list i b1 b2))
+        and b2 = 0
+        for i from 1 to 32
+        do (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
+                          :direction :output
+                          :if-exists :supersede
+                          :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
+             (write-byte (1- (ash 1 i)) s)
+             (write-byte 1 s)
+             (close s))
+        unless (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
+                              :direction :input
+                              :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
+                 (prog1
+                   (and (eql (setq b1 (read-byte s)) (1- (ash 1 i)))
+                        (eql (setq b2 (read-byte s)) 1))
+                   (close s)))
+        collect (list i b1 b2))
 (deftest read-byte.4
   (loop with b1 = 0
-	and b2 = 0
-	for i from 33 to 200 by 7
-	do (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-			  :direction :output
-			  :if-exists :supersede
-			  :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
-	     (write-byte (1- (ash 1 i)) s)
-	     (write-byte 1 s)
-	     (close s))
-	unless (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-			      :direction :input
-			      :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
-		 (prog1
-		     (and (eql (setq b1 (read-byte s)) (1- (ash 1 i)))
-			  (eql (setq b2 (read-byte s)) 1))
-		   (close s)))
-	collect (list i b1 b2))
+        and b2 = 0
+        for i from 33 to 200 by 7
+        do (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
+                          :direction :output
+                          :if-exists :supersede
+                          :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
+             (write-byte (1- (ash 1 i)) s)
+             (write-byte 1 s)
+             (close s))
+        unless (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
+                              :direction :input
+                              :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i))))
+                 (prog1
+                     (and (eql (setq b1 (read-byte s)) (1- (ash 1 i)))
+                          (eql (setq b2 (read-byte s)) 1))
+                   (close s)))
+        collect (list i b1 b2))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -88,14 +88,14 @@
 (deftest read-byte.error.2
     (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :output
-		   :if-exists :supersede
-		  :element-type `(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                   :direction :output
+                   :if-exists :supersede
+                  :element-type `(unsigned-byte 8))))
       (close s))
      (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :input
-		   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                   :direction :input
+                   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
        (read-byte s))
@@ -103,14 +103,14 @@
 (deftest read-byte.error.3
     (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :output
-		   :if-exists :supersede)))
+                   :direction :output
+                   :if-exists :supersede)))
       (close s))
      (let ((s (open "foo.txt" :direction :input)))
-	   (read-byte s)
-	 (close s)))
+           (read-byte s)
+         (close s)))
@@ -118,16 +118,16 @@
      (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		    :direction :output
-		    :if-exists :supersede
-		    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                    :direction :output
+                    :if-exists :supersede
+                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
        (close s))
      (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		    :direction :input
-		    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                    :direction :input
+                    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
-	   (read-byte s t)
-	 (close s))))
+           (read-byte s t)
+         (close s))))
   t t)
@@ -138,21 +138,21 @@
 (deftest read-byte.error.6
     (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :output
-		   :if-exists :supersede
-		  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                   :direction :output
+                   :if-exists :supersede
+                  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
       (close s))
      (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :input
-		   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                   :direction :input
+                   :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
-	   (read-byte s t t nil)
-	 (close s)))
+           (read-byte s t t nil)
+         (close s)))
 (deftest write-byte.error.1
   (signals-error (write-byte) program-error)
@@ -164,11 +164,11 @@
 (deftest write-byte.error.3
    (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		  :direction :output
-		  :if-exists :supersede
-		  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
+                  :direction :output
+                  :if-exists :supersede
+                  :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))))
-	 (write 1 s nil)
+         (write 1 s nil)
        (close s)))
@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@
 (deftest write-byte.error.5
     (let ((s (open "foo.txt"
-		   :direction :output
-		   :if-exists :supersede)))
+                   :direction :output
+                   :if-exists :supersede)))
-	  (write 1 s)
-	(close s)))
+          (write 1 s)
+        (close s)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-char-no-hang.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-char-no-hang.lsp
index 9a6e168f..cea82c0a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-char-no-hang.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-char-no-hang.lsp
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
   (deftest read-char-no-hang.3
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    "a"
-				    (string (code-char 0))
-				    "b"))
+                                    "a"
+                                    (string (code-char 0))
+                                    "b"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-char.lsp
index 0b635404..85a37759 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-char.lsp
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
   (deftest read-char.3
      (*standard-input* (concatenate 'string
-				    "a"
-				    (string (code-char 0))
-				    "b"))
+                                    "a"
+                                    (string (code-char 0))
+                                    "b"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-from-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-from-string.lsp
index bbf3b5e4..ccfc98b0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-from-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-from-string.lsp
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
      (s "71235")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1 :end 4))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1 :end 4))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 4))))))
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
      (s "7123  ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 5))))))
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
      (s "7123  ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :end 4))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :end 4))))
        (assert (equal vals '(7123 4))))))
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
      (s "7123")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s nil 'foo :start 2 :end 2))))
+                  (read-from-string s nil 'foo :start 2 :end 2))))
        (assert (equal vals '(foo 2))))))
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
      (s "123  ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 3))))))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
      (s (concatenate 'string "( )" (string #\Newline)))
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t))))
        (assert (equal vals '(nil 3))))))
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
      (s "7123  ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1 :start 2))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :start 1 :start 2))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 5))))))
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
      (s "7123  ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :end 4 :end 2))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :end 4 :end 2))))
        (assert (equal vals '(7123 4))))))
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
      (s (concatenate 'string "( )" (string #\Newline)))
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t
-				    :preserve-whitespace nil))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :preserve-whitespace t
+                                    :preserve-whitespace nil))))
        (assert (equal vals '(nil 3))))))
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@
       (s "abc   ")
       (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		   (read-from-string s t nil :allow-other-keys nil))))
-	(assert (equal vals '(|ABC| 4)) (vals) "VALS is ~A" vals)))))
+                   (read-from-string s t nil :allow-other-keys nil))))
+        (assert (equal vals '(|ABC| 4)) (vals) "VALS is ~A" vals)))))
 (deftest read-from-string.15
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
      (s "123   ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :foo 'bar :allow-other-keys t))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 4)) (vals) "VALS is ~A" vals))))
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
      (s "123   ")
      (let ((vals (multiple-value-list
-		  (read-from-string s t nil :allow-other-keys t
-				    :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar))))
+                  (read-from-string s t nil :allow-other-keys t
+                                    :allow-other-keys nil :foo 'bar))))
        (assert (equal vals '(123 4)) (vals) "VALS is ~A" vals))))
@@ -209,30 +209,30 @@
 (deftest read-from-string.error.10
   (signals-error (read-from-string "A" nil t
-				   :bad-keyword t
-				   :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                   :bad-keyword t
+                                   :allow-other-keys nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest read-from-string.error.11
   (signals-error (read-from-string "A" nil t
-				   :bad-keyword t
-				   :allow-other-keys nil
-				   :allow-other-keys t)
-		 program-error)
+                                   :bad-keyword t
+                                   :allow-other-keys nil
+                                   :allow-other-keys t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest read-from-string.error.12
   (signals-error (read-from-string "A" nil t
-				   :allow-other-keys nil
-				   :allow-other-keys t
-				   :bad-keyword t)
-		 program-error)
+                                   :allow-other-keys nil
+                                   :allow-other-keys t
+                                   :bad-keyword t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest read-from-string.error.13
   (signals-error (read-from-string "A" nil t :start)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-preserving-whitespace.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-preserving-whitespace.lsp
index 925696ac..effd48c6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-preserving-whitespace.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-preserving-whitespace.lsp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
-	(*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-	(return-from done (read-preserving-whitespace t))))))
+        (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+        (return-from done (read-preserving-whitespace t))))))
 (deftest read-preserving-whitespace.2
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
    (s "")
    (read-preserving-whitespace s nil 'foo))
-  foo)			  
+  foo)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-sequence.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-sequence.lsp
index 0250aac8..1010f8b2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-sequence.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-sequence.lsp
@@ -11,10 +11,10 @@
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((s ,init))
-	(is ,input)
-	(values
-	 (read-sequence s is ,@args)
-	 s)))
+        (is ,input)
+        (values
+         (read-sequence s is ,@args)
+         s)))
 (def-read-sequence-test read-sequence.string.1 (copy-seq "     ")
@@ -190,40 +190,40 @@
      ;; Create output file
        (let (os)
-	 (unwind-protect
-	     (progn
-	       (setq os (open "temp.dat" :direction :output
-			      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-			      :if-exists :supersede))
-	       (loop for i in '(0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0)
-		     do (write-byte i os)))
-	   (when os (close os))))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (progn
+               (setq os (open "temp.dat" :direction :output
+                              :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+                              :if-exists :supersede))
+               (loop for i in '(0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0)
+                     do (write-byte i os)))
+           (when os (close os))))
        (let (is (bv (copy-seq ,init)))
-	 (unwind-protect
-	     (progn
-	       (setq is (open "temp.dat" :direction :input
-			      :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
-	       (values
-		(read-sequence bv is ,@args)
-		bv))
-	   (when is (close is)))))
+         (unwind-protect
+             (progn
+               (setq is (open "temp.dat" :direction :input
+                              :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)))
+               (values
+                (read-sequence bv is ,@args)
+                bv))
+           (when is (close is)))))
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000 ()
   14 #*01100110101110)
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000 (:start 0)
   14 #*01100110101110)
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000 (:end 14)
   14 #*01100110101110)
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000 (:end nil)
   14 #*01100110101110)
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000 (:start 2)
   14 #*00011001101011)
 (def-read-sequence-bv-test #*00000000000000
   (:start 2 :end 13)
   13 #*00011001101010)
@@ -256,13 +256,13 @@
 (deftest read-sequence.error.5
    (read-sequence (make-string 5) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bar 2)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bar 2)
 (deftest read-sequence.error.6
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (read-sequence x (make-string-input-stream "abc")))
-		    #'sequencep)
+                    #'sequencep)
 (deftest read-sequence.error.7
@@ -274,27 +274,27 @@
 ;;; This test appears to cause Allegro CL to crash
 (deftest read-sequence.error.8
   (signals-type-error x -1
-		      (read-sequence (make-string 3)
-				     (make-string-input-stream "abc")
-				     :start x))
+                      (read-sequence (make-string 3)
+                                     (make-string-input-stream "abc")
+                                     :start x))
 (deftest read-sequence.error.9
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (s)
-			(read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
-				       :start s))
-		    (typef 'unsigned-byte))
+                        (read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
+                                       :start s))
+                    (typef 'unsigned-byte))
 (deftest read-sequence.error.10
   (signals-type-error x -1
-		      (read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
-				     :end x))
+                      (read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
+                                     :end x))
 (deftest read-sequence.error.11
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (e)
-			(read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
-				       :end e))
-		    (typef '(or unsigned-byte null)))
+                        (read-sequence (make-string 3) (make-string-input-stream "abc")
+                                       :end e))
+                    (typef '(or unsigned-byte null)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read-suppress.lsp b/ansi-tests/read-suppress.lsp
index 0a93829e..db1ea6ab 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read-suppress.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read-suppress.lsp
@@ -32,36 +32,36 @@
 (declaim (type simple-base-string *non-macro-chars*))
 (defmacro def-random-suppress-test (name &key
-					 (chars '*non-macro-chars*)
-					 (reps 1000)
-					 (maxlen 8)
-					 (count 10)
-					 (prefix "")
-					 (suffix ""))
+                                         (chars '*non-macro-chars*)
+                                         (reps 1000)
+                                         (maxlen 8)
+                                         (count 10)
+                                         (prefix "")
+                                         (suffix ""))
   `(def-syntax-test ,name
      (let* ((chars ,chars)
-	    (prefix ,prefix)
-	    (suffix ,suffix)
-	    (*read-suppress* t)
-	    (count 0)
-	    (maxlen ,maxlen)
-	    (reps ,reps)
-	    (maxcount ,count))
+            (prefix ,prefix)
+            (suffix ,suffix)
+            (*read-suppress* t)
+            (count 0)
+            (maxlen ,maxlen)
+            (reps ,reps)
+            (maxcount ,count))
        (loop for n = (1+ (random maxlen))
-	     for s = (concatenate 'string
-				  prefix
-				  (loop repeat n
-					collect (random-from-seq chars))
-				  suffix)
-	     for vals = (multiple-value-list
-			 (handler-case (read-from-string s)
-				       (reader-error (rc) rc)))
-	     repeat reps
-	     unless (equal vals (list nil (length s)))
-	     collect (progn (when (> (incf count) maxcount)
-			      (loop-finish))
-			    (list n s vals))))
-     nil))					 
+             for s = (concatenate 'string
+                                  prefix
+                                  (loop repeat n
+                                        collect (random-from-seq chars))
+                                  suffix)
+             for vals = (multiple-value-list
+                         (handler-case (read-from-string s)
+                                       (reader-error (rc) rc)))
+             repeat reps
+             unless (equal vals (list nil (length s)))
+             collect (progn (when (> (incf count) maxcount)
+                              (loop-finish))
+                            (list n s vals))))
+     nil))
 (def-random-suppress-test read-suppress.13)
 (def-random-suppress-test read-suppress.14 :prefix "(" :suffix ")")
@@ -232,20 +232,20 @@
 (def-syntax-test read-suppress.error.1
   (signals-error (let ((*read-suppress* t)) (read-from-string "')"))
-		 reader-error)
+                 reader-error)
 (def-syntax-test read-suppress.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((*read-suppress* t)) (read-from-string "#<"))
-		 reader-error)
+                 reader-error)
 (def-syntax-test read-suppress.error.3
   (signals-error (let ((*read-suppress* t)) (read-from-string "# "))
-		 reader-error)
+                 reader-error)
 (def-syntax-test read-suppress.error.4
   (signals-error (let ((*read-suppress* t)) (read-from-string "#)"))
-		 reader-error)
+                 reader-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/read.lsp b/ansi-tests/read.lsp
index fa298c73..9b470350 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/read.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/read.lsp
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
-	(*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-	(return-from done (read t))))))
+        (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+        (return-from done (read t))))))
 (deftest read.2
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
    (s "")
    (read s nil 'foo))
-  foo)			  
+  foo)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reader-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/reader-aux.lsp
index 40524820..490f3f60 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/reader-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/reader-aux.lsp
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((s (read-from-string ,(concatenate 'string "#:" string))))
-	(symbol-package s)
-	(symbol-name s)))
+        (symbol-package s)
+        (symbol-name s)))
      nil ,(string-upcase string)))
 (defmacro def-syntax-array-test (name form expected-result)
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
        (assert (typep v 'simple-array))
        (assert (not (array-has-fill-pointer-p v)))
        (assert (eql (array-element-type v)
-		    (upgraded-array-element-type t)))
+                    (upgraded-array-element-type t)))
      ,(eval expected-result)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp b/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp
index ec6b70a4..b3d63582 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/reader-test.lsp
@@ -20,9 +20,9 @@
       (read-from-string "#:abc")
      (and (symbolp s)
-	  (eql n 5)
-	  (not (symbol-package s))
-	  (string-equal (symbol-name s) "abc"))))
+          (eql n 5)
+          (not (symbol-package s))
+          (string-equal (symbol-name s) "abc"))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.4
@@ -30,74 +30,74 @@
       (read-from-string "#:|abc|")
      (and (symbolp s)
-	  (eql n 7)
-	  (not (symbol-package s))
-	  (string= (symbol-name s) "abc"))))
+          (eql n 7)
+          (not (symbol-package s))
+          (string= (symbol-name s) "abc"))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.5
   (multiple-value-bind (s n)
       (read-from-string "#:||")
     (if (not (symbolp s))
-	s
+        s
       (not (not
-	    (and (eql n 4)
-		 (not (symbol-package s))
-		 (string= (symbol-name s) ""))))))
+            (and (eql n 4)
+                 (not (symbol-package s))
+                 (string= (symbol-name s) ""))))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.6
   (let ((str "cl-test::abcd0123"))
     (multiple-value-bind (s n)
-	(read-from-string str)
+        (read-from-string str)
       (if (not (symbolp s))
-	  s
-	(not (not
-	      (and (eql n (length str))
-		   (eqt (symbol-package s) (find-package :cl-test))
-		   (string-equal (symbol-name s)
-				 "abcd0123")))))))
+          s
+        (not (not
+              (and (eql n (length str))
+                   (eqt (symbol-package s) (find-package :cl-test))
+                   (string-equal (symbol-name s)
+                                 "abcd0123")))))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.7
   (multiple-value-bind (s n)
       (read-from-string ":ABCD")
     (if (not (symbolp s))
-	s
+        s
       (not (not
-	    (and (eql n 5)
-		 (eqt (symbol-package s) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
-		 (string-equal (symbol-name s)
-			       "ABCD"))))))
+            (and (eql n 5)
+                 (eqt (symbol-package s) (find-package "KEYWORD"))
+                 (string-equal (symbol-name s)
+                               "ABCD"))))))
 (defun read-symbol.9-body (natoms maxlen &optional (chars +standard-chars+))
    repeat natoms
    (let* ((len (random (1+ maxlen)))
-	  (actual-len 0)
-	  (s (make-string (+ 2 (* 2 len))))
-	  (s2 (make-string len)))
+          (actual-len 0)
+          (s (make-string (+ 2 (* 2 len))))
+          (s2 (make-string len)))
      (loop for j from 0 to (1- len) do
-	   (let ((c (random-from-seq chars)))
-	     (when (member c '(#\| #\\))
-	       (setf (elt s actual-len) #\\)
-	       (incf actual-len))
-	     (setf (elt s actual-len) c)
-	     (setf (elt s2 j) c)
-	     (incf actual-len)))
+           (let ((c (random-from-seq chars)))
+             (when (member c '(#\| #\\))
+               (setf (elt s actual-len) #\\)
+               (incf actual-len))
+             (setf (elt s actual-len) c)
+             (setf (elt s2 j) c)
+             (incf actual-len)))
      (let ((actual-string (subseq s 0 actual-len)))
        (multiple-value-bind (sym nread)
-	   (read-from-string
-	    (concatenate 'string "#:|" actual-string "|"))
-	 (unless (and (symbolp sym)
-		      (eql nread (+ 4 actual-len))
-		      (string-equal s2 (symbol-name sym)))
-	   (let ((*print-readably* t))
-	     (format t "Symbol read failed: ~S (~S) read as ~S~%"
-		     actual-string s2 sym))
-	   t))))))
+           (read-from-string
+            (concatenate 'string "#:|" actual-string "|"))
+         (unless (and (symbolp sym)
+                      (eql nread (+ 4 actual-len))
+                      (string-equal s2 (symbol-name sym)))
+           (let ((*print-readably* t))
+             (format t "Symbol read failed: ~S (~S) read as ~S~%"
+                     actual-string s2 sym))
+           t))))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.9
   (read-symbol.9-body 1000 100)
@@ -105,118 +105,118 @@
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.9a
   (let ((chars (coerce (loop for i below (min 256 char-code-limit)
-			     for c = (code-char i)
-			     when c collect c)
-		       'string)))
+                             for c = (code-char i)
+                             when c collect c)
+                       'string)))
     (if (> (length chars) 0)
-	(read-symbol.9-body 1000 100)
+        (read-symbol.9-body 1000 100)
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.9b
   (let ((chars (coerce (loop for i below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-			     for c = (code-char i)
-			     when c collect c)
-		       'string)))
+                             for c = (code-char i)
+                             when c collect c)
+                       'string)))
     (if (> (length chars) 0)
-	(read-symbol.9-body 1000 100)
+        (read-symbol.9-body 1000 100)
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.10
   (equalt (symbol-name
-	   (read-from-string
-	    (with-output-to-string (s)
-				   (write (make-symbol ":")
-					  :readably t
-					  :stream s))))
-	  ":")
+           (read-from-string
+            (with-output-to-string (s)
+                                   (write (make-symbol ":")
+                                          :readably t
+                                          :stream s))))
+          ":")
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.11
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for str = (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c))
-	for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	unless (and (symbolp sym)
-		    (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
-		    (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c)))
-	collect (list c str sym))
+        for str = (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c))
+        for sym = (read-from-string str)
+        unless (and (symbolp sym)
+                    (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
+                    (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c)))
+        collect (list c str sym))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.12
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for str = (make-array 2 :element-type 'base-char :initial-contents (list #\\ c))
-	for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	unless (and (symbolp sym)
-		    (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
-		    (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c)))
-	collect (list c str sym))
+        for str = (make-array 2 :element-type 'base-char :initial-contents (list #\\ c))
+        for sym = (read-from-string str)
+        unless (and (symbolp sym)
+                    (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
+                    (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c)))
+        collect (list c str sym))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.13
   (loop for i below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for str = (and c (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c)))
-	for sym = (and c (read-from-string str))
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (and (symbolp sym)
-			(eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
-			(equal (symbol-name sym) (string c))))
-	collect (list c str sym))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for str = (and c (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c)))
+        for sym = (and c (read-from-string str))
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (and (symbolp sym)
+                        (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
+                        (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c))))
+        collect (list c str sym))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.14
   (loop for i = (random (min (ash 1 24) char-code-limit))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for str = (and c (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c)))
-	for sym = (and c (read-from-string str))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (and (symbolp sym)
-			(eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
-			(equal (symbol-name sym) (string c))))
-	collect (list c str sym))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for str = (and c (make-array 2 :element-type 'character :initial-contents (list #\\ c)))
+        for sym = (and c (read-from-string str))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (and (symbolp sym)
+                        (eql sym (find-symbol (string c)))
+                        (equal (symbol-name sym) (string c))))
+        collect (list c str sym))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.15
   (loop for c across "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@$%^&*_-+={}[]<>?/~"
-	for str = (string c)
-	for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string (char-upcase c))))
-	collect (list c str sym))
+        for str = (string c)
+        for sym = (read-from-string str)
+        unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string (char-upcase c))))
+        collect (list c str sym))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.16
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
     (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :downcase)
     (loop for c across "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@$%^&*_-+={}[]<>?/~"
-	  for str = (string c)
-	  for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	  unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string (char-downcase c))))
-	  collect (list c str sym)))
+          for str = (string c)
+          for sym = (read-from-string str)
+          unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string (char-downcase c))))
+          collect (list c str sym)))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.17
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
     (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
     (loop for c across "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@$%^&*_-+={}[]<>?/~"
-	  for str = (string c)
-	  for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	  unless (eql sym (find-symbol str))
-	  collect (list c str sym)))
+          for str = (string c)
+          for sym = (read-from-string str)
+          unless (eql sym (find-symbol str))
+          collect (list c str sym)))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.18
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
     (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :invert)
     (loop for c across "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!@$%^&*_-+={}[]<>?/~"
-	  for str = (string c)
-	  for sym = (read-from-string str)
-	  for c2 = (cond ((upper-case-p c) (char-downcase c))
-			 ((lower-case-p c) (char-upcase c))
-			 (t c))
-	  unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string c2)))
-	  collect (list c c2 str sym)))
+          for str = (string c)
+          for sym = (read-from-string str)
+          for c2 = (cond ((upper-case-p c) (char-downcase c))
+                         ((lower-case-p c) (char-upcase c))
+                         (t c))
+          unless (eql sym (find-symbol (string c2)))
+          collect (list c c2 str sym)))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.19
@@ -237,48 +237,48 @@
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.23
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (concatenate 'string (string c) ".")
-	for sym = (intern (string-upcase s))
-	when (alpha-char-p c)
-	nconc
-	(let ((sym2 (let ((*read-base* 36))
-		      (read-from-string s))))
-	  (if (eq sym sym2)
-	      nil
-	    (list c s sym sym2))))
+        for s = (concatenate 'string (string c) ".")
+        for sym = (intern (string-upcase s))
+        when (alpha-char-p c)
+        nconc
+        (let ((sym2 (let ((*read-base* 36))
+                      (read-from-string s))))
+          (if (eq sym sym2)
+              nil
+            (list c s sym sym2))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.24
   (loop for c1 = (random-from-seq +alpha-chars+)
-	for c2 = (random-from-seq +alpha-chars+)
-	for d1 = (loop repeat (random 4) collect (random-from-seq +digit-chars+))
-	for d2 = (loop repeat (random 4) collect (random-from-seq +digit-chars+))
-	for s = (concatenate 'string d1 (list c1 c2) d2)
-	for sym = (intern (string-upcase s))
-	repeat 1000
-	nconc
-	(let ((sym2 (read-from-string s)))
-	  (if (eq sym sym2)
-	      nil
-	    (list c1 c2 d1 d2 s sym sym2))))
+        for c2 = (random-from-seq +alpha-chars+)
+        for d1 = (loop repeat (random 4) collect (random-from-seq +digit-chars+))
+        for d2 = (loop repeat (random 4) collect (random-from-seq +digit-chars+))
+        for s = (concatenate 'string d1 (list c1 c2) d2)
+        for sym = (intern (string-upcase s))
+        repeat 1000
+        nconc
+        (let ((sym2 (read-from-string s)))
+          (if (eq sym sym2)
+              nil
+            (list c1 c2 d1 d2 s sym sym2))))
 (def-syntax-test read-symbol.25
   (let ((potential-chars "01234567890123456789+-esdlf_^/")
-	(*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
+        (*readtable* (copy-readtable)))
     (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
     (loop for d1 = (loop repeat (random 6)
-			 collect (random-from-seq potential-chars))
-	  for c = (random-from-seq potential-chars)
-	  for d2 = (loop repeat (random 6)
-			 collect (random-from-seq potential-chars))
-	  for s1 = (concatenate 'string d1 (list c) d2)
-	  for sym1 = (intern s1)
-	  for s2 = (concatenate 'string d1 (list #\\ c) d2)
-	  for sym2 = (read-from-string s2)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql sym1 sym2)
-	  collect (list d1 c d2 s1 sym1 s2 sym2)))
+                         collect (random-from-seq potential-chars))
+          for c = (random-from-seq potential-chars)
+          for d2 = (loop repeat (random 6)
+                         collect (random-from-seq potential-chars))
+          for s1 = (concatenate 'string d1 (list c) d2)
+          for sym1 = (intern s1)
+          for s2 = (concatenate 'string d1 (list #\\ c) d2)
+          for sym2 = (read-from-string s2)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql sym1 sym2)
+          collect (list d1 c d2 s1 sym1 s2 sym2)))
 (deftest read-float.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/readtable-case.lsp b/ansi-tests/readtable-case.lsp
index a6faf003..85eec66b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/readtable-case.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/readtable-case.lsp
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@
 (deftest readtable-case.7
   (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
     (loop for rtc in '(:upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)
-	  do (setf (readtable-case rt) rtc)
-	  nconc (let ((rt2 (copy-readtable rt)))
-		  (unless (eq (readtable-case rt2) rtc)
-		    (list rtc rt2)))))
+          do (setf (readtable-case rt) rtc)
+          nconc (let ((rt2 (copy-readtable rt)))
+                  (unless (eq (readtable-case rt2) rtc)
+                    (list rtc rt2)))))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -69,13 +69,13 @@
 (deftest readtable-case.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x)
-			(let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
-			  (setf (readtable-case rt) x)))
-		    (typef '(member :upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)))
+                        (let ((rt (copy-readtable)))
+                          (setf (readtable-case rt) x)))
+                    (typef '(member :upcase :downcase :preserve :invert)))
 (deftest readtable-case.error.5
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (setf (readtable-case x) :upcase))
-		    (typef 'readtable))
+                    (typef 'readtable))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/readtablep.lsp b/ansi-tests/readtablep.lsp
index a93dac86..3626c075 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/readtablep.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/readtablep.lsp
@@ -7,29 +7,29 @@
 (deftest readtablep.1
     (and (not (readtablep nil))
-	 (not (readtablep 'a))
-	 (not (readtablep 0))
-	 (not (readtablep 1/2))
-	 (not (readtablep 1.2))
-	 (not (readtablep 1.2s2))
-	 (not (readtablep 1.2f3))
-	 (not (readtablep 1.2e2))
-	 (not (readtablep 1.2d2))
-	 (not (readtablep (list 'a)))
-	 (not (readtablep "abcde"))
-	 (not (readtablep t))
-	 (not (readtablep '*readtable*))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10))))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'fixnum)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'float)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'double-float)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'string)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit)))
-	 (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'boolean)))
-	 (not (not (readtablep (copy-readtable))))
-	 (not (readtablep #'car))
-	 )
+         (not (readtablep 'a))
+         (not (readtablep 0))
+         (not (readtablep 1/2))
+         (not (readtablep 1.2))
+         (not (readtablep 1.2s2))
+         (not (readtablep 1.2f3))
+         (not (readtablep 1.2e2))
+         (not (readtablep 1.2d2))
+         (not (readtablep (list 'a)))
+         (not (readtablep "abcde"))
+         (not (readtablep t))
+         (not (readtablep '*readtable*))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10))))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'fixnum)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'float)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'double-float)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'string)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'bit)))
+         (not (readtablep (make-array '(10) :element-type 'boolean)))
+         (not (not (readtablep (copy-readtable))))
+         (not (readtablep #'car))
+         )
 (deftest readtablep.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/real.lsp b/ansi-tests/real.lsp
index ed659963..b25851cb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/real.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/real.lsp
@@ -7,56 +7,56 @@
 (deftest real.1
   (loop for i = 1 then (ash i 1)
-	for tp = `(real 0 ,i)
-	repeat 200
-	unless (and (not (typep -1 tp))
-		    (not (typep -0.0001 tp))
-		    (typep 0 tp)
-		    (typep 0.0001 tp)
-		    (typep 1 tp)
-		    (typep i tp)
-		    (not (typep (1+ i) tp)))
-	collect (list i tp))
+        for tp = `(real 0 ,i)
+        repeat 200
+        unless (and (not (typep -1 tp))
+                    (not (typep -0.0001 tp))
+                    (typep 0 tp)
+                    (typep 0.0001 tp)
+                    (typep 1 tp)
+                    (typep i tp)
+                    (not (typep (1+ i) tp)))
+        collect (list i tp))
 (deftest real.2
   (loop for i = 1 then (ash i 1)
-	for tp = `(real ,(- i) 0)
-	repeat 200
-	unless (and (not (typep (- -1 i) tp))
-		    (typep (- i) tp)
-		    (typep -1 tp)
-		    (typep 0 tp)
-		    (not (typep 1 tp))
-		    (not (typep i tp))
-		    (not (typep (1+ i) tp)))
-	collect (list i tp))
+        for tp = `(real ,(- i) 0)
+        repeat 200
+        unless (and (not (typep (- -1 i) tp))
+                    (typep (- i) tp)
+                    (typep -1 tp)
+                    (typep 0 tp)
+                    (not (typep 1 tp))
+                    (not (typep i tp))
+                    (not (typep (1+ i) tp)))
+        collect (list i tp))
 (deftest real.3
   (loop for i = 4 then (ash i 1)
-	for tp = `(real 0 ,(/ i 3))
-	repeat 200
-	unless (and (not (typep -1 tp))
-		    (not (typep -0.0001 tp))
-		    (typep 0 tp)
-		    (typep 0.0001 tp)
-		    (typep 1 tp)
-		    (typep (/ i 3) tp)
-		    (not (typep (/ (1+ i) 3) tp)))
-	collect (list i tp))
+        for tp = `(real 0 ,(/ i 3))
+        repeat 200
+        unless (and (not (typep -1 tp))
+                    (not (typep -0.0001 tp))
+                    (typep 0 tp)
+                    (typep 0.0001 tp)
+                    (typep 1 tp)
+                    (typep (/ i 3) tp)
+                    (not (typep (/ (1+ i) 3) tp)))
+        collect (list i tp))
 (deftest real.4
   (loop for i = 4 then (ash i 1)
-	for tp = `(real ,(- (/ i 3)) 0)
-	repeat 200
-	unless (and (not (typep (- -1 (/ i 3)) tp))
-		    (typep (- (/ i 3)) tp)
-		    (typep -1 tp)
-		    (typep 0 tp)
-		    (not (typep 1 tp))
-		    (not (typep (/ i 3) tp))
-		    (not (typep (1+ (/ i 3)) tp)))
-	collect (list i tp))
+        for tp = `(real ,(- (/ i 3)) 0)
+        repeat 200
+        unless (and (not (typep (- -1 (/ i 3)) tp))
+                    (typep (- (/ i 3)) tp)
+                    (typep -1 tp)
+                    (typep 0 tp)
+                    (not (typep 1 tp))
+                    (not (typep (/ i 3) tp))
+                    (not (typep (1+ (/ i 3)) tp)))
+        collect (list i tp))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/realpart.lsp b/ansi-tests/realpart.lsp
index c6198e24..6b3c487b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/realpart.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/realpart.lsp
@@ -19,34 +19,34 @@
 (deftest realpart.1
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex x 0)
-	for rp = (realpart c)
-	unless (eql x rp)
-	collect (list x c rp))
+        for c = (complex x 0)
+        for rp = (realpart c)
+        unless (eql x rp)
+        collect (list x c rp))
 (deftest realpart.2
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex x 1)
-	for rp = (realpart c)
-	unless (eql x rp)
-	collect (list x c rp))
+        for c = (complex x 1)
+        for rp = (realpart c)
+        unless (eql x rp)
+        collect (list x c rp))
 (deftest realpart.3
   (loop for x in *reals*
-	for c = (complex x x)
-	for rp = (realpart c)
-	unless (eql x rp)
-	collect (list x c rp))
+        for c = (complex x x)
+        for rp = (realpart c)
+        unless (eql x rp)
+        collect (list x c rp))
 ;;; Should move this to complex.lsp
 (deftest realpart.4
   (loop for c in *complexes*
-	for rp = (realpart c)
-	for ip = (imagpart c)
-	for c2 = (complex rp ip)
-	unless (eql c c2)
-	collect (list c rp ip c2))
+        for rp = (realpart c)
+        for ip = (imagpart c)
+        for c2 = (complex rp ip)
+        unless (eql c c2)
+        collect (list c rp ip c2))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp b/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp
index 8f15549b..d421fd82 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/reduce.lsp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-list.3
   (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :initial-value 'z)
   ((((((z . a) . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
 (deftest reduce-list.4
   (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
   (a b c d e f . g))
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-list.11
   (reduce #'cons '(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
-	  :initial-value nil)
+          :initial-value nil)
   (b c d))
 (deftest reduce-list.12
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-array.3
   (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :initial-value 'z)
   ((((((z . a) . b) . c) . d) . e) . f))
 (deftest reduce-array.4
   (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
   (a b c d e f . g))
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-array.11
   (reduce #'cons #(a b c d e f) :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
-	  :initial-value nil)
+          :initial-value nil)
   (b c d))
 (deftest reduce-array.12
@@ -131,37 +131,37 @@
 (deftest reduce-array.14
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a))
 (deftest reduce-array.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a :end nil))
 (deftest reduce-array.16
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a :from-end t))
 (deftest reduce-array.17
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a :initial-value 1))
 (deftest reduce-array.18
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a :initial-value 1 :start 2))
 (deftest reduce-array.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (reduce #'+ a :end 3))
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@
    (v #(1 0 0 1 1 0) nil)
    (assert (equal (reduce #'cons v :from-end t :initial-value nil)
-		  '(1 0 0 1 1 0))))
+                  '(1 0 0 1 1 0))))
 (deftest reduce-array.22
@@ -192,26 +192,26 @@
 (deftest reduce-array.23
   (let* ((len 10)
-	 (expected (* 1/2 (1+ len) len)))
+         (expected (* 1/2 (1+ len) len)))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for result = (reduce #'+ vec)
-	  unless (= result (coerce expected etype))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec result)))
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for result = (reduce #'+ vec)
+          unless (= result (coerce expected etype))
+          collect (list etype vals vec result)))
 (deftest reduce-array.24
   (let* ((len 10)
-	 (expected (* 1/2 (1+ len) len)))
+         (expected (* 1/2 (1+ len) len)))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-								(coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
-	  for result = (reduce #'+ vec)
-	  unless (= result (complex (coerce expected cetype) (coerce (- expected) cetype)))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec result)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                                (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :initial-contents vals :element-type etype)
+          for result = (reduce #'+ vec)
+          unless (= result (complex (coerce expected cetype) (coerce (- expected) cetype)))
+          collect (list etype vals vec result)))
 (deftest reduce-array.25
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-string.3
   (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :initial-value 'z)
   ((((((z . #\a) . #\b) . #\c) . #\d) . #\e) . #\f))
 (deftest reduce-string.4
   (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
   (#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f . g))
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-string.11
   (reduce #'cons "abcdef" :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
-	  :initial-value nil)
+          :initial-value nil)
   (#\b #\c #\d))
 (deftest reduce-string.12
@@ -320,37 +320,37 @@
 (deftest reduce-string.14
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "abcdefgh"
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'character)))
     (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :initial-value nil)
-	    'string))
+            'string))
 (deftest reduce-string.15
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "abcdefgh"
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'character)))
     (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :initial-value nil
-		    :start 1)
-	    'string))
+                    :start 1)
+            'string))
 (deftest reduce-string.16
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "abcdefgh"
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'character)))
-    (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :end nil 
-		    :initial-value nil)
-	    'string))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'character)))
+    (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :end nil
+                    :initial-value nil)
+            'string))
 (deftest reduce-string.17
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "abcdefgh"
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'character)))
-    (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :end 4 
-		    :initial-value nil)
-	    'string))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'character)))
+    (coerce (reduce #'(lambda (x y) (cons y x)) s :end 4
+                    :initial-value nil)
+            'string))
 (deftest reduce-string.18
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.3
   (reduce #'cons #*001101 :initial-value 'z)
   ((((((z . 0) . 0) . 1) . 1) . 0) . 1))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.4
   (reduce #'cons #*001101 :from-end t :initial-value 'g)
   (0 0 1 1 0 1 . g))
@@ -418,7 +418,7 @@
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.11
   (reduce #'cons #*001101 :start 1 :end 4 :from-end t
-	  :initial-value nil)
+          :initial-value nil)
   (0 1 1))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.12
@@ -431,36 +431,36 @@
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.14
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (reduce #'+ s))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.15
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (reduce #'+ s :start 3))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.16
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (reduce #'+ s :start 3 :initial-value 10))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.17
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (reduce #'+ s :end nil))
 (deftest reduce-bitstring.18
   (let ((s (make-array '(8) :initial-contents '(1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 6
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 6
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
     (reduce #'+ s :start 2 :end 4))
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (reduce (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'cons)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c)))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c)))
      i x y))
    ((a . b) . c) 2 1 2)
@@ -478,13 +478,13 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f g)
      (reduce (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'cons)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d e f))
-	     :from-end (progn (setf c (incf i)) t)
-	     :initial-value (progn (setf d (incf i)) 'nil)
-	     :start (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
-	     :end (progn (setf f (incf i)) 4)
-	     :key (progn (setf g (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     )
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d e f))
+             :from-end (progn (setf c (incf i)) t)
+             :initial-value (progn (setf d (incf i)) 'nil)
+             :start (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
+             :end (progn (setf f (incf i)) 4)
+             :key (progn (setf g (incf i)) #'identity)
+             )
      i a b c d e f g))
   (b c d) 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
@@ -492,13 +492,13 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f g)
      (reduce (progn (setf a (incf i)) #'cons)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d e f))
-	     :key (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :end (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
-	     :start (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
-	     :initial-value (progn (setf f (incf i)) 'nil)
-	     :from-end (progn (setf g (incf i)) t)
-	     )
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) '(a b c d e f))
+             :key (progn (setf c (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :end (progn (setf d (incf i)) 4)
+             :start (progn (setf e (incf i)) 1)
+             :initial-value (progn (setf f (incf i)) 'nil)
+             :from-end (progn (setf g (incf i)) t)
+             )
      i a b c d e f g))
   (b c d) 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
@@ -535,11 +535,11 @@
 (deftest reduce.allow-other-keys.8
   (reduce #'cons '(1 2 3) :allow-other-keys t :from-end t :bad t
-	  :initial-value nil)
+          :initial-value nil)
   (1 2 3))
 (deftest reduce.keywords.9
   (reduce #'cons '(1 2 3) :from-end t :from-end nil
-	  :initial-value nil :initial-value 'a)
+          :initial-value nil :initial-value 'a)
   (1 2 3))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reinitialize-instance.lsp b/ansi-tests/reinitialize-instance.lsp
index 310c7b18..952b034a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/reinitialize-instance.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/reinitialize-instance.lsp
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.1
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-01))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(s1 s2 s3))))
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.2
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-01))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys nil)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys nil)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(s1 s2 s3))))
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.3
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-01))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys t)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys t)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(s1 s2 s3))))
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.4
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-01))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :allow-other-keys t
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(s1 s2 s3))))
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.5
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-07))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s1a 'a :s2 'b :s1a 'bad
-				      :s2 'bad2  :s1b 'bad3)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s1a 'a :s2 'b :s1a 'bad
+                                      :s2 'bad2  :s1b 'bad3)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-value obj '(s1 s2))))
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.6
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-07 :s1a 'a))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s1b 'b)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s1b 'b)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (slot-value obj 's1)
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.7
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'class-07 :s1a 'a))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s2 'b)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :s2 'b)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (slot-value obj 's1)
@@ -75,15 +75,15 @@
   ((a :initarg :a) (b :initarg :b)))
 (defmethod reinitialize-instance :after ((instance reinit-class-01)
-					 &rest initargs
-					 &key (x nil x-p))
+                                         &rest initargs
+                                         &key (x nil x-p))
   (declare (ignore initargs))
   (when x-p (setf (slot-value instance 'a) x))
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.8
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'reinit-class-01))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :a 1 :b 3)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :a 1 :b 3)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-value obj2 '(a b))))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.9
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'reinit-class-01 :a 10 :b 20))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :x 3)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :x 3)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-value obj2 '(a b))))
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.10
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'reinit-class-01 :a 10 :b 20))
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :x 3 :x 100)))
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance obj :x 3 :x 100)))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-value obj2 '(a b))))
@@ -109,12 +109,12 @@
 (deftest reinitialize-instance.order.1
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'reinit-class-01))
-	 (i 0) x y z w
-	 (obj2 (reinitialize-instance
-		(progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-		:b (setf y (incf i))
-		:a (setf z (incf i))
-		:b (setf w (incf i)))))
+         (i 0) x y z w
+         (obj2 (reinitialize-instance
+                (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
+                :b (setf y (incf i))
+                :a (setf z (incf i))
+                :b (setf w (incf i)))))
      (eqt obj obj2)
      (map-slot-value obj2 '(a b))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remf.lsp b/ansi-tests/remf.lsp
index 876cecd6..5b8dc450 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remf.lsp
@@ -65,20 +65,20 @@
 (deftest remf.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y
-	(p (make-array 1 :initial-element (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))))
+        (p (make-array 1 :initial-element (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))))
       (remf (aref p (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0))
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		   'c)))
+            (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                   'c)))
      (aref p 0)
      i x y))
   t (a b e f) 2 1 2)
 (deftest remf.order.2
   (let ((x  (copy-seq #(nil :a :b)))
-	(pa (vector (list :a 1) (list :b 2) (list :c 3) (list :d 4)))
-	(i 0))
+        (pa (vector (list :a 1) (list :b 2) (list :c 3) (list :d 4)))
+        (i 0))
      (not (remf (aref pa (incf i)) (aref x (incf i))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remhash.lsp b/ansi-tests/remhash.lsp
index 7b5a1a49..24492ea7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remhash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remhash.lsp
@@ -8,41 +8,41 @@
 (deftest remhash.1
   (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
     (values (gethash 'a table)
-	    (remhash 'a table)
-	    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
-	    (gethash 'a table)
-	    (notnot (remhash 'a table))
-	    (gethash 'a table)))
+            (remhash 'a table)
+            (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
+            (gethash 'a table)
+            (notnot (remhash 'a table))
+            (gethash 'a table)))
   nil nil b b t nil)
 (deftest remhash.2
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
     (values (gethash 'a table)
-	    (remhash 'a table)
-	    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
-	    (gethash 'a table)
-	    (notnot (remhash 'a table))
-	    (gethash 'a table)))
+            (remhash 'a table)
+            (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
+            (gethash 'a table)
+            (notnot (remhash 'a table))
+            (gethash 'a table)))
   nil nil b b t nil)
 (deftest remhash.3
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
     (values (gethash 'a table)
-	    (remhash 'a table)
-	    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
-	    (gethash 'a table)
-	    (notnot (remhash 'a table))
-	    (gethash 'a table)))
+            (remhash 'a table)
+            (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
+            (gethash 'a table)
+            (notnot (remhash 'a table))
+            (gethash 'a table)))
   nil nil b b t nil)
 (deftest remhash.4
   (let ((table (make-hash-table :test 'equalp)))
     (values (gethash 'a table)
-	    (remhash 'a table)
-	    (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
-	    (gethash 'a table)
-	    (notnot (remhash 'a table))
-	    (gethash 'a table)))
+            (remhash 'a table)
+            (setf (gethash 'a table) 'b)
+            (gethash 'a table)
+            (notnot (remhash 'a table))
+            (gethash 'a table)))
   nil nil b b t nil)
 (deftest remhash.5
@@ -51,15 +51,15 @@
 (deftest remhash.6
   (notnot-mv (remhash nil (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
-			    (setf (gethash nil table) t)
-			    table)))
+                            (setf (gethash nil table) t)
+                            table)))
 (deftest remhash.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (remhash (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (make-hash-table)))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) (make-hash-table)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -83,4 +83,4 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp
index 2910f6a4..94a1ebc9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-aux.lsp
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
    ((subtypep* 'fixnum type)
     (random most-positive-fixnum))
    ((and (listp type)
-	 (eql (car type) 'integer)
-	 (integerp (cadr type))
-	 (integerp (caddr type))
-	 (null (cdddr type)))
+         (eql (car type) 'integer)
+         (integerp (cadr type))
+         (integerp (caddr type))
+         (null (cdddr type)))
     (+ (cadr type) (random (- (1+ (caddr type)) (cadr type)))))
    ((subtypep* '(integer 0 255) type)
     (random 255))
@@ -34,61 +34,61 @@
    sequence of length LEN of sequence type TYPE, and either
    generate a random member of the sequence or a random
    element of the element type to delete from the sequence."
   (let* ((seq (if (subtypep* type 'list)
-		  (loop for i from 1 to len collect
-			(make-random-element element-type))
-		(let ((seq (if (and (subtypep type 'vector)
-				    (coin 3))
-			       (make-array
-				(list (+ len (random (1+ len))))
-				:initial-element (make-random-element element-type)
-				:fill-pointer len
-				:element-type element-type)
-			       (make-sequence type len))))
-		  (dotimes (i len)
-		    (setf (elt seq i) (make-random-element element-type)))
-		  seq)))
-	 (e (if (and (> len 0) (coin))
-		(elt seq (random len))
-	      (make-random-element element-type)))
-	 )
+                  (loop for i from 1 to len collect
+                        (make-random-element element-type))
+                (let ((seq (if (and (subtypep type 'vector)
+                                    (coin 3))
+                               (make-array
+                                (list (+ len (random (1+ len))))
+                                :initial-element (make-random-element element-type)
+                                :fill-pointer len
+                                :element-type element-type)
+                               (make-sequence type len))))
+                  (dotimes (i len)
+                    (setf (elt seq i) (make-random-element element-type)))
+                  seq)))
+         (e (if (and (> len 0) (coin))
+                (elt seq (random len))
+              (make-random-element element-type)))
+         )
     (values len seq e)))
 (defun my-remove (element
-		  sequence
-		  &key
-		  (start 0)
-		  (end nil)
-		  (test #'eql test-p)
-		  (test-not nil test-not-p)
-		  (key nil)
-		  (from-end nil)
-		  (count nil))
+                  sequence
+                  &key
+                  (start 0)
+                  (end nil)
+                  (test #'eql test-p)
+                  (test-not nil test-not-p)
+                  (key nil)
+                  (from-end nil)
+                  (count nil))
   (assert (not (and test-p test-not-p)))
    (cond (test-p
-	  (setf test (coerce test 'function))
-	  #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test) element x)))
-	 (test-not-p
-	  (setf test-not (coerce test-not 'function))
-	  #'(lambda (x) (not (funcall (the function test-not) element x))))
-	 (t #'(lambda (x) (eql element x))))
+          (setf test (coerce test 'function))
+          #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test) element x)))
+         (test-not-p
+          (setf test-not (coerce test-not 'function))
+          #'(lambda (x) (not (funcall (the function test-not) element x))))
+         (t #'(lambda (x) (eql element x))))
    sequence :start start :end end :key key :from-end from-end :count count))
 (defun my-remove-if (predicate
-		     original-sequence
-		     &key (from-end nil)
-		     (start 0)
-		     (end nil)
-		     (count nil)
-		     (key #'identity))
+                     original-sequence
+                     &key (from-end nil)
+                     (start 0)
+                     (end nil)
+                     (count nil)
+                     (key #'identity))
   (let ((len (length original-sequence))
-	(sequence (copy-seq original-sequence)))
+        (sequence (copy-seq original-sequence)))
     (unless end (setq end len))
     (unless key (setq key #'identity))
     (unless count (setq count len))
     ;; Check that everything's kosher
     (assert (<= 0 start end len))
     (assert (typep sequence 'sequence))
@@ -98,36 +98,36 @@
     (setf predicate (coerce predicate 'function))
     (setf key (coerce key 'function))
     ;; If FROM-END, reverse the sequence and flip
     ;; start, end
     (when from-end
       (psetq sequence (nreverse sequence)
-	     start (- len end)
-	     end (- len start)))
+             start (- len end)
+             end (- len start)))
     ;; Accumulate a list of elements for the result
     (let ((pos 0)
-	  (result nil)) ;; accumulate in reverse order
+          (result nil)) ;; accumulate in reverse order
       (map nil
-	   #'(lambda (e)
-	       (if (and (> count 0)
-			(>= pos start)
-			(< pos end)
-			(funcall (the function predicate)
-				 (funcall (the function key) e)))
-		   (decf count)
-		 (push e result))
-	       (incf pos))
-	   sequence)
+           #'(lambda (e)
+               (if (and (> count 0)
+                        (>= pos start)
+                        (< pos end)
+                        (funcall (the function predicate)
+                                 (funcall (the function key) e)))
+                   (decf count)
+                 (push e result))
+               (incf pos))
+           sequence)
       (unless from-end
-	(setq result (nreverse result)))
+        (setq result (nreverse result)))
       ;; Convert to the correct type
       (if (listp sequence)
-	  result
-	(let ((element-type (array-element-type original-sequence)))
-	  (make-array (length result) :element-type element-type
-		      :initial-contents result))))))
+          result
+        (let ((element-type (array-element-type original-sequence)))
+          (make-array (length result) :element-type element-type
+                      :initial-contents result))))))
 (defun my-remove-if-not (pred &rest args)
   (when (symbolp pred)
@@ -138,53 +138,53 @@
 (defun make-random-rd-params (maxlen)
   "Generate random paramaters for remove/delete/etc. functions."
   (let* ((element-type
-	  (rcase
-	   (2 t)
-	   (1 'bit)
-	   (1 '(integer 0 2))
-	   (1 'symbol)))
-	 (type-select (random 7))
-	 (type
-	  (case type-select
-	    (0 'list)
-	    (1 'vector)
-	    (2 (setq element-type 'character) 'string)
-	    (3 (setq element-type 'bit) 'bit-vector)
-	    (4 'simple-vector)
-	    (5 (setq element-type '(integer 0 255))
-	       '(vector (integer 0 255)))
-	    (6 (setq element-type 'fixnum) '(vector fixnum))
-	    (t (error "Can't happen?!~%"))))
-	 (len (random maxlen))
-	 (start (and (coin) (> len 0)
-		     (random len)))
-	 (end (and (coin)
-		   (if start (+ start (random (- len start)))
-		     (random (1+ len)))))
-	 (from-end (coin))
-	 (count (case (random 5)
-		  ((0 1) nil)
-		  ((2 3) (random (1+ len)))
-		  (t (if (coin) -1 -10000000000000))))
-	 (seq (multiple-value-bind (x y z) (make-random-remove-input len type element-type)
-		(declare (ignore x z))
-		y))
-	 (key (and (coin)
-		   (case type-select
-		     (2 (random-case
-			 #'char-upcase 'char-upcase
-			 #'char-downcase 'char-downcase))
-		     (3 #'(lambda (x) (- 1 x)))
-		     ((5 6) (random-case #'1+ '1+ #'1- '1-))
-		     (t (random-case 'identity #'identity)))))
-	 (test (and (eql (random 3) 0)
-		    (random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
-				 #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
-	 (test-not (and (not test)
-			(coin)
-			(random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
-				     #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
-	 )
+          (rcase
+           (2 t)
+           (1 'bit)
+           (1 '(integer 0 2))
+           (1 'symbol)))
+         (type-select (random 7))
+         (type
+          (case type-select
+            (0 'list)
+            (1 'vector)
+            (2 (setq element-type 'character) 'string)
+            (3 (setq element-type 'bit) 'bit-vector)
+            (4 'simple-vector)
+            (5 (setq element-type '(integer 0 255))
+               '(vector (integer 0 255)))
+            (6 (setq element-type 'fixnum) '(vector fixnum))
+            (t (error "Can't happen?!~%"))))
+         (len (random maxlen))
+         (start (and (coin) (> len 0)
+                     (random len)))
+         (end (and (coin)
+                   (if start (+ start (random (- len start)))
+                     (random (1+ len)))))
+         (from-end (coin))
+         (count (case (random 5)
+                  ((0 1) nil)
+                  ((2 3) (random (1+ len)))
+                  (t (if (coin) -1 -10000000000000))))
+         (seq (multiple-value-bind (x y z) (make-random-remove-input len type element-type)
+                (declare (ignore x z))
+                y))
+         (key (and (coin)
+                   (case type-select
+                     (2 (random-case
+                         #'char-upcase 'char-upcase
+                         #'char-downcase 'char-downcase))
+                     (3 #'(lambda (x) (- 1 x)))
+                     ((5 6) (random-case #'1+ '1+ #'1- '1-))
+                     (t (random-case 'identity #'identity)))))
+         (test (and (eql (random 3) 0)
+                    (random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
+                                 #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
+         (test-not (and (not test)
+                        (coin)
+                        (random-case 'eq 'eql 'equal
+                                     #'eq #'eql #'equal)))
+         )
     ;; Return parameters
      element-type type len start end from-end count seq key test test-not)))
@@ -194,39 +194,39 @@
       (make-random-rd-params maxlen)
     (declare (ignore type))
     (let ((element (if (and (coin) (> len 0))
-		       (random-from-seq seq)
-		     (make-random-element element-type)))
-	  (arg-list
-	   (reduce #'nconc
-		   (random-permute
-		    (list
-		     (when start (list :start start))
-		     (cond (end (list :end end))
-			   ((coin) (list :end nil)))
-		     (cond (from-end (list :from-end from-end))
-			   ((coin) (list :from-end nil)))
-		     (cond (count (list :count count))
-			   ((coin) (list :count nil)))
-		     (cond (key (list :key key))
-			   ;; ((coin) (list :key nil))
-			   )
-		     (when test (list :test test))
-		     (when test-not (list :test test-not)))))))
+                       (random-from-seq seq)
+                     (make-random-element element-type)))
+          (arg-list
+           (reduce #'nconc
+                   (random-permute
+                    (list
+                     (when start (list :start start))
+                     (cond (end (list :end end))
+                           ((coin) (list :end nil)))
+                     (cond (from-end (list :from-end from-end))
+                           ((coin) (list :from-end nil)))
+                     (cond (count (list :count count))
+                           ((coin) (list :count nil)))
+                     (cond (key (list :key key))
+                           ;; ((coin) (list :key nil))
+                           )
+                     (when test (list :test test))
+                     (when test-not (list :test test-not)))))))
       (values element seq arg-list))))
 (defparameter *remove-fail-args* nil)
 (defun random-test-remove (maxlen &key (tested-fn #'remove)
-				  (check-fn #'my-remove)
-				  (pure t))
+                                  (check-fn #'my-remove)
+                                  (pure t))
   (setf tested-fn (coerce tested-fn 'function))
   (setf check-fn (coerce check-fn 'function))
   (multiple-value-bind (element seq arg-list)
       (random-test-remove-args maxlen)
     (let* ((seq1 (copy-seq seq))
-	   (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
-	   (seq1r (apply (the function tested-fn) element seq1 arg-list))
-	   (seq2r (apply (the function check-fn) element seq2 arg-list)))
+           (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
+           (seq1r (apply (the function tested-fn) element seq1 arg-list))
+           (seq2r (apply (the function check-fn) element seq2 arg-list)))
       (setq *remove-fail-args* (list* element seq arg-list))
        ((and pure (not (equalp seq seq1))) :fail1)
@@ -238,32 +238,32 @@
   (multiple-value-bind (element seq arg-list)
       (random-test-remove-args maxlen)
     (let ((fn (getf arg-list :key))
-	  (test (getf arg-list :test)))
+          (test (getf arg-list :test)))
       (remf arg-list :key)
       (remf arg-list :test)
       (remf arg-list :test-not)
       (unless test (setq test #'eql))
       (setf test (coerce test 'function))
       (if fn
-	  (case (random 3)
-	    (0 (setf arg-list (list* :key 'identity arg-list)))
-	    (1 (setf arg-list (list* :key #'identity arg-list)))
-	    (t nil))
-	(setf fn (if (coin) 'identity
-		   #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test)
-					  element x)))))
+          (case (random 3)
+            (0 (setf arg-list (list* :key 'identity arg-list)))
+            (1 (setf arg-list (list* :key #'identity arg-list)))
+            (t nil))
+        (setf fn (if (coin) 'identity
+                   #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test)
+                                          element x)))))
       (let* ((seq1 (copy-seq seq))
-	     (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
-	     (seq1r (apply (if negate #'remove-if-not #'remove-if)
-			   fn seq1 arg-list))
-	     (seq2r (apply (if negate #'my-remove-if-not #'my-remove-if)
-			   fn seq2 arg-list)))
-	(setq *remove-fail-args* (cons seq1 arg-list))
-	(cond
-	 ((not (equalp seq seq1)) :fail1)
-	 ((not (equalp seq seq2)) :fail2)
-	 ((not (equalp seq1r seq2r)) :fail3)
-	 (t t))))))
+             (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
+             (seq1r (apply (if negate #'remove-if-not #'remove-if)
+                           fn seq1 arg-list))
+             (seq2r (apply (if negate #'my-remove-if-not #'my-remove-if)
+                           fn seq2 arg-list)))
+        (setq *remove-fail-args* (cons seq1 arg-list))
+        (cond
+         ((not (equalp seq seq1)) :fail1)
+         ((not (equalp seq seq2)) :fail2)
+         ((not (equalp seq1r seq2r)) :fail3)
+         (t t))))))
 (defun random-test-delete (maxlen)
   (random-test-remove maxlen :tested-fn #'delete :pure nil))
@@ -272,26 +272,26 @@
   (multiple-value-bind (element seq arg-list)
       (random-test-remove-args maxlen)
     (let ((fn (getf arg-list :key))
-	  (test (getf arg-list :test)))
+          (test (getf arg-list :test)))
       (remf arg-list :key)
       (remf arg-list :test)
       (remf arg-list :test-not)
       (unless test (setq test #'eql))
       (setf test (coerce test 'function))
       (if fn
-	  (case (random 3)
-	    (0 (setf arg-list (list* :key 'identity arg-list)))
-	    (1 (setf arg-list (list* :key #'identity arg-list)))
-	    (t nil))
-	(setf fn (if (coin) 'identity
-		   #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test) element x)))))
+          (case (random 3)
+            (0 (setf arg-list (list* :key 'identity arg-list)))
+            (1 (setf arg-list (list* :key #'identity arg-list)))
+            (t nil))
+        (setf fn (if (coin) 'identity
+                   #'(lambda (x) (funcall (the function test) element x)))))
       (setq *remove-fail-args* (list* seq arg-list))
       (let* ((seq1 (copy-seq seq))
-	     (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
-	     (seq1r (apply (if negate #'delete-if-not #'delete-if)
-			   fn seq1 arg-list))
-	     (seq2r (apply (if negate #'my-remove-if-not #'my-remove-if)
-			   fn seq2 arg-list)))
-	(cond
-	 ((not (equalp seq1r seq2r)) :fail3)
-	 (t t))))))
+             (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
+             (seq1r (apply (if negate #'delete-if-not #'delete-if)
+                           fn seq1 arg-list))
+             (seq2r (apply (if negate #'my-remove-if-not #'my-remove-if)
+                           fn seq2 arg-list)))
+        (cond
+         ((not (equalp seq1r seq2r)) :fail3)
+         (t t))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp
index cca014ed..0207d329 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates-aux.lsp
@@ -6,85 +6,85 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
 (defun my-remove-duplicates (orig-sequence
-			     &key from-end test test-not (start 0) end key)
+                             &key from-end test test-not (start 0) end key)
   (assert (typep orig-sequence 'sequence))
   (let* ((sequence orig-sequence)
-	 (len (length sequence)))
+         (len (length sequence)))
     (unless end (setq end len))
     (unless key (setq key #'identity))
     (setf key (coerce key 'function))
       (test (setf test (coerce test 'function))
-	    (assert (not test-not)))
+            (assert (not test-not)))
       (test-not (setf test-not (coerce test-not 'function))
-		(setq test #'(lambda (x y)
-			       (not (funcall (the function test) x y)))))
+                (setq test #'(lambda (x y)
+                               (not (funcall (the function test) x y)))))
       (t (setq test #'eql)))
     (assert (integerp start))
     (assert (integerp end))
     (assert (<= 0 start end len))
     ;; (format t "start = ~A, end = ~A, len = ~A~%" start end len)
     (if from-end
-	(psetq start (- len end)
-	       end (- len start)
-	       sequence (reverse sequence))
-	(setq sequence (copy-seq sequence)))
+        (psetq start (- len end)
+               end (- len start)
+               sequence (reverse sequence))
+        (setq sequence (copy-seq sequence)))
     ;; (format t "start = ~A, end = ~A, len = ~A~%" start end len)
     (assert (<= 0 start end len) (start end len))
     (let ((result nil))
       (loop for i from 0 below start
-	    do (push (elt sequence i) result))
+            do (push (elt sequence i) result))
       (loop for i from start below end
-	    for x = (elt sequence i)
-	    for kx = (funcall (the function key) x)
-	    unless (position kx
-			     sequence
-			     :start (1+ i)
-			     :end end
-			     :test (the function test)
-			     :key (the function key))
-	    do (push x result))
+            for x = (elt sequence i)
+            for kx = (funcall (the function key) x)
+            unless (position kx
+                             sequence
+                             :start (1+ i)
+                             :end end
+                             :test (the function test)
+                             :key (the function key))
+            do (push x result))
       (loop for i from end below len
-	    do (push (elt sequence i) result))
+            do (push (elt sequence i) result))
       (unless from-end (setq result (reverse result)))
-	((listp orig-sequence) result)
-	((arrayp orig-sequence)
-	 (make-array (length result) :initial-contents result
-		     :element-type (array-element-type orig-sequence)))
-	(t (assert nil))))))
+        ((listp orig-sequence) result)
+        ((arrayp orig-sequence)
+         (make-array (length result) :initial-contents result
+                     :element-type (array-element-type orig-sequence)))
+        (t (assert nil))))))
 (defun make-random-rdup-params (maxlen)
   "Make random input parameters for REMOVE-DUPLICATES."
   (multiple-value-bind (element-type type len start end from-end
-				     count seq key test test-not)
+                                     count seq key test test-not)
       (make-random-rd-params maxlen)
     (declare (ignore count element-type len type))
     (let ((arg-list
-	   (reduce #'nconc
-		   (random-permute
-		    (list
-		     (when start (list :start start))
-		     (cond (end (list :end end))
-			   ((coin) (list :end nil)))
-		     (cond (from-end (list :from-end from-end))
-			   ((coin) (list :from-end nil)))
-		     (cond (key (list :key key))
-			   ;; ((coin) (list :key nil))
-			   )
-		     (when test (list :test test))
-		     (when test-not (list :test test-not)))))))
+           (reduce #'nconc
+                   (random-permute
+                    (list
+                     (when start (list :start start))
+                     (cond (end (list :end end))
+                           ((coin) (list :end nil)))
+                     (cond (from-end (list :from-end from-end))
+                           ((coin) (list :from-end nil)))
+                     (cond (key (list :key key))
+                           ;; ((coin) (list :key nil))
+                           )
+                     (when test (list :test test))
+                     (when test-not (list :test test-not)))))))
       (values seq arg-list))))
 (defun random-test-remove-dups (maxlen &optional (pure t))
   (multiple-value-bind (seq arg-list)
       (make-random-rdup-params maxlen)
     (let* ((seq1 (copy-seq seq))
-	   (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
-	   (seq1r (apply (if pure #'remove-duplicates
-			   #'delete-duplicates)
-			 seq1 arg-list))
-	   (seq2r (apply #'my-remove-duplicates seq2 arg-list)))
+           (seq2 (copy-seq seq))
+           (seq1r (apply (if pure #'remove-duplicates
+                           #'delete-duplicates)
+                         seq1 arg-list))
+           (seq2r (apply #'my-remove-duplicates seq2 arg-list)))
        ((and pure (not (equalp seq seq1))) (list :fail1 seq seq1r seq2r arg-list))
        ((and pure (not (equalp seq seq2))) (list :fail2 seq seq1r seq2r arg-list))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates.lsp
index 90d61b54..51b041f0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-duplicates.lsp
@@ -10,49 +10,49 @@
 (deftest random-remove-duplicates
   (loop for result = (random-test-remove-dups (1+ (random 20)))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eq result t)
-	collect result)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eq result t)
+        collect result)
 (deftest random-delete-duplicates
   (loop for result = (random-test-remove-dups (1+ (random 20)) nil)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eq result t)
-	collect result)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eq result t)
+        collect result)
 ;;; Look for :KEY NIL bugs
 (deftest remove-duplicates.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 5 6 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove-duplicates x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove-duplicates x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (3 4 1 5 6 2 7))
 (deftest delete-duplicates.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 1 3 4 1 2 5 6 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete-duplicates x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete-duplicates x :key nil)))
   (3 4 1 5 6 2 7))
 (defharmless remove-duplicates.test-and-test-not.1
   (remove-duplicates (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'e 'f 'd 'g) :test #'eql
-		     :test-not #'eql))
+                     :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless remove-duplicates.test-and-test-not.2
   (remove-duplicates (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'e 'f 'd 'g) :test-not #'eql
-		     :test #'eql))
+                     :test #'eql))
 (defharmless delete-duplicates.test-and-test-not.1
   (delete-duplicates (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'e 'f 'd 'g) :test #'eql
-		     :test-not #'eql))
+                     :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless delete-duplicates.test-and-test-not.2
   (delete-duplicates (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'e 'f 'd 'g) :test-not #'eql
-		     :test #'eql))
+                     :test #'eql))
 ;;; Const fold tests
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
      i a b c d e f))
   (3 1 2 4) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
 ;;; Keyword tests
@@ -112,22 +112,22 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.allow-other-keys.5
   (remove-duplicates '(1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5) :bad t
-		     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest remove-duplicates.allow-other-keys.6
   (remove-duplicates '(1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest remove-duplicates.allow-other-keys.7
   (remove-duplicates '(1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest remove-duplicates.allow-other-keys.8
   (remove-duplicates '(1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :from-end t)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :from-end t)
   (1 2 3 4 7 8 5))
 (deftest remove-duplicates.keywords.1
@@ -153,22 +153,22 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.allow-other-keys.5
   (delete-duplicates (list 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5) :bad t
-		     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest delete-duplicates.allow-other-keys.6
   (delete-duplicates (list 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest delete-duplicates.allow-other-keys.7
   (delete-duplicates (list 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (3 4 2 7 8 1 5))
 (deftest delete-duplicates.allow-other-keys.8
   (delete-duplicates (list 1 2 3 4 2 7 8 1 5)
-		     :allow-other-keys t :from-end t)
+                     :allow-other-keys t :from-end t)
   (1 2 3 4 7 8 5))
 (deftest delete-duplicates.keywords.1
@@ -204,7 +204,7 @@
      i a b c d e f))
   (3 1 2 4) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
 ;;; Error cases
 (deftest remove-duplicates.error.1
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@
    (let ((s2 (remove-duplicates s)))
      (assert (string= s "abcadefabgz"))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "cdefabgz"))))
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@
    (let ((s2 (remove-duplicates s :from-end t)))
      (assert (string= s "abcadefabgz"))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "abcdefgz"))))
@@ -315,7 +315,7 @@
    (s "abcadefabgz" nil)
    (let ((aet (array-element-type s))
-	 (s2 (delete-duplicates s)))
+         (s2 (delete-duplicates s)))
      (assert (equal aet (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "cdefabgz"))))
@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@
    (s "abcadefabgz" nil)
    (let ((aet (array-element-type s))
-	 (s2 (delete-duplicates s :from-end t)))
+         (s2 (delete-duplicates s :from-end t)))
      (assert (equal aet (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "abcdefgz"))))
@@ -333,8 +333,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.2
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -343,8 +343,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.2a
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x 'x y) :test 'equal)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x 'x y) :test 'equal)))
      (notnot (eql (cadr result) x))
@@ -353,8 +353,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.3
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -363,8 +363,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.3a
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x 'u 'v y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x 'u 'v y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -373,8 +373,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.4
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -383,8 +383,8 @@
 (deftest remove-duplicates.5
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (remove-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -395,8 +395,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.2
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -405,8 +405,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.2a
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x 'x y) :test 'equal)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x 'x y) :test 'equal)))
      (notnot (eql (cadr result) x))
@@ -415,8 +415,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.3
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -425,8 +425,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.3a
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x 'u 'v y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x 'u 'v y) :test 'equal :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -435,8 +435,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.4
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -445,8 +445,8 @@
 (deftest delete-duplicates.5
   (let* ((x (list 'a))
-	 (y (list 'a))
-	 (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp :from-end t)))
+         (y (list 'a))
+         (result (delete-duplicates (list x y) :test 'equalp :from-end t)))
      (notnot (eql (car result) x))
@@ -455,8 +455,8 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove-method.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove-method.lsp
index 65ed9a46..89b4812f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remove-method.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove-method.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (deftest remove-method.1
    (eqt (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* *remove-meth-gf-02-method-t*)
-	*remove-meth-gf-01*)
+        *remove-meth-gf-01*)
    (remove-meth-gf-01 :good))
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
      (remove-meth-gf-01 10)
      (progn (setf meth (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x integer))
-				(1+ x))))
-	    nil)
+                                (1+ x))))
+            nil)
      (remove-meth-gf-01 10)
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01*
-	  (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth))
+          (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth))
      (remove-meth-gf-01 10)))
   10 nil 11 t 10)
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x symbol))
-			    (list x))))
+                            (list x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth1))
@@ -72,12 +72,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x symbol))
-			    (list x))))
+                            (list x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(19 a)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth2))
@@ -94,12 +94,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x integer))
-			    (1- x))))
+                            (1- x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth1))
@@ -114,12 +114,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x integer))
-			    (1- x))))
+                            (1- x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth2))
@@ -134,12 +134,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x integer))
-			    (1- x))))
+                            (1- x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth1))
@@ -154,12 +154,12 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0))
        (setf meth1 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x number))
-			    (1+ x))))
+                            (1+ x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
        (setf meth2 (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-01 ((x integer))
-			    (1- x))))
+                            (1- x))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-01 '(10 20.0)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-01* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-01* meth2))
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))
        (setf meth (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-03 :before ((x number))
-			   (incf *rmgf-03-var*))))
+                           (incf *rmgf-03-var*))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-03* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-03* meth))
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))))
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))
        (setf meth (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-03 :after ((x number))
-			   (incf *rmgf-03-var*))))
+                           (incf *rmgf-03-var*))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-03* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-03* meth))
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))))
@@ -214,9 +214,9 @@
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))
        (setf meth (eval '(defmethod remove-meth-gf-03 :around ((x number))
-			   (incf *rmgf-03-var*)
-			   (prog1 (call-next-method)
-			     (decf *rmgf-03-var*)))))
+                           (incf *rmgf-03-var*)
+                           (prog1 (call-next-method)
+                             (decf *rmgf-03-var*)))))
        (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a)))
      (eqt *remove-meth-gf-03* (remove-method *remove-meth-gf-03* meth))
      (mapcar #'remove-meth-gf-03 '(5 a))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remove.lsp b/ansi-tests/remove.lsp
index 8e3a16b2..bb6f9337 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/remove.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/remove.lsp
@@ -9,80 +9,80 @@
 (deftest remove-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :count nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.3
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.4
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :count 100)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :count 100)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.5
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :count 0)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (a b c a b d a c b a e))
 (deftest remove-list.6
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c a b d a c b a e))
 (deftest remove-list.7
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'c x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'c x :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (a b a b d a c b a e))
 (deftest remove-list.8
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.9
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (a b c a b d a c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.10
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :from-end t :count 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.11
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i))
      (equalp orig x)))
   ((b c b d c b e)
    (a b c b d c b e)
@@ -95,14 +95,14 @@
    (a b c a b d a c b e)
    (a b c a b d a c b e)
    (a b c a b d a c b a e))
-  t)  
+  t)
 (deftest remove-list.12
  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end nil))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i :end nil))
      (equalp orig x)))
   ((b c b d c b e)
    (a b c b d c b e)
@@ -119,10 +119,10 @@
 (deftest remove-list.13
  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11))
      (equalp orig x)))
   ((b c b d c b e)
    (a b c b d c b e)
@@ -139,17 +139,17 @@
 (deftest remove-list.14
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 'a x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 'a x :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-list.15
  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 9
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 9))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 9))
      (equalp orig x)))
   ((b c b d c b a e)
    (a b c b d c b a e)
@@ -165,10 +165,10 @@
 (deftest remove-list.16
  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11 :count 1))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i :end 11 :count 1))
      (equalp orig x)))
  ((b c a b d a c b a e)
   (a b c b d a c b a e)
@@ -185,10 +185,10 @@
 (deftest remove-list.17
  (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig)))
      (loop for i from 0 to 10
-	   collect (remove 'a x :start i :end (1+ i)))
+           collect (remove 'a x :start i :end (1+ i)))
      (equalp orig x)))
  ((  b c a b d a c b a e)
   (a b c a b d a c b a e)
@@ -208,91 +208,91 @@
 (deftest remove-list.18
    (let* ((i (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	  (orig (list i 0 i 1 i 2 3))
-	  (x (copy-seq orig))
-	  (y (remove (1+ most-positive-fixnum) x)))
+          (orig (list i 0 i 1 i 2 3))
+          (x (copy-seq orig))
+          (y (remove (1+ most-positive-fixnum) x)))
      (and (equalp orig x) y))
    (0 1 2 3))
 (deftest remove-list.19
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 1 x :key #'1-)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 1 x :key #'1-)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.20
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :test #'>)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :test #'>)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (3 6 4 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.21
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :test '> :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :test '> :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (3 6 4 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.22
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 2 x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 2 x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.23
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 1 x :key '1-)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 1 x :key '1-)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.24
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :test-not #'<=)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :test-not #'<=)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (3 6 4 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.25
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :test-not '<= :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :test-not '<= :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (3 6 4 3 7))
 (deftest remove-list.26
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :from-end t :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :from-end t :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 2 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
 (deftest remove-list.27
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :count -1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 (equalpt x y)))
+         (equalpt x y)))
 (deftest remove-list.28
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :count -1000000000000)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :count -1000000000000)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 (equalpt x y)))
+         (equalpt x y)))
 (deftest remove-list.29
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove 3 x :count 1000000000000)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove 3 x :count 1000000000000)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 y))
+         y))
   (1 2 2 6 1 2 4 1 2 7))
 ;;; Assorted tests of remove and delete on vectors, strings,
@@ -662,109 +662,109 @@
 (deftest remove-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-remove 20) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-remove 20) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 (deftest remove-if-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-remove-if 20) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-remove-if 20) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 (deftest remove-if-not-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-remove-if 20 t) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-remove-if 20 t) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 (deftest delete-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-delete 20) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-delete 20) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 (deftest delete-if-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-delete-if 20) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-delete-if 20) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 (deftest delete-if-not-random
   (loop for i from 1 to 2500
-	unless (eq (random-test-delete-if 20 t) t)
-	do (return *remove-fail-args*))
+        unless (eq (random-test-delete-if 20 t) t)
+        do (return *remove-fail-args*))
 ;;; Additional tests with KEY = NIL
 (deftest remove-if-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove-if #'evenp x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove-if #'evenp x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 3 1 1 3 7))
 (deftest remove-if-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove-if #'(lambda (y) (eqt y 'a)) x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove-if #'(lambda (y) (eqt y 'a)) x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest remove-if-not-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove-if-not #'oddp x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove-if-not #'oddp x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (1 3 1 1 3 7))
 (deftest remove-if-not-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (remove-if-not #'(lambda (y) (not (eqt y 'a))) x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (remove-if-not #'(lambda (y) (not (eqt y 'a))) x :key nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x) y))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest delete-if-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete-if #'evenp x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete-if #'evenp x :key nil)))
   (1 3 1 1 3 7))
 (deftest delete-if-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete-if #'(lambda (y) (eqt y 'a)) x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete-if #'(lambda (y) (eqt y 'a)) x :key nil)))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest delete-if-not-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete-if-not #'oddp x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete-if-not #'oddp x :key nil)))
   (1 3 1 1 3 7))
 (deftest delete-if-not-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete-if-not #'(lambda (y) (not (eqt y 'a))) x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete-if-not #'(lambda (y) (not (eqt y 'a))) x :key nil)))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest delete-list.1
   (let* ((orig '(a b c a b d a c b a e))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete 'a x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete 'a x :key nil)))
   (b c b d c b e))
 (deftest delete-list.2
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 2 6 1 2 4 1 3 2 7))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (y (delete 2 x :key nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (y (delete 2 x :key nil)))
   (1 3 6 1 4 1 3 7))
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@
 (deftest remove.allow-other-keys.5
   (remove 'a '(a b c a d) :bad1 t :allow-other-keys t :bad2 t
-	  :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 t)
+          :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 t)
   (b c d))
 (deftest remove.allow-other-keys.6
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@
 (deftest delete.allow-other-keys.5
   (delete 'a (copy-seq '(a b c a d)) :bad1 t :allow-other-keys t :bad2 t
-	  :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 t)
+          :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 t)
   (b c d))
 (deftest delete.allow-other-keys.6
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
 (deftest delete.keywords.7
   (delete 'a (copy-seq '(a b c a d))
-	  :from-end t :count 1 :from-end nil :count 10)
+          :from-end t :count 1 :from-end nil :count 10)
   (a b c d))
@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p s)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "1234"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p s :count 3)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "123def4"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if #'alpha-char-p s :count 3 :from-end t)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "ab1c234"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -966,7 +966,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if-not #'digit-char-p s)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "1234"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if-not #'digit-char-p s :count 3)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "123def4"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (remove-if-not #'digit-char-p s :count 3 :from-end t)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "ab1c234"))
      (assert (string= s "ab1c23def4"))))
@@ -997,7 +997,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p s)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "1234"))))
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p s :count 3)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "123def4"))))
@@ -1015,7 +1015,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if #'alpha-char-p s :count 3 :from-end t)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "ab1c234"))))
@@ -1024,7 +1024,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if-not #'digit-char-p s)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "1234"))))
@@ -1033,7 +1033,7 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if-not #'digit-char-p s :count 3)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "123def4"))))
@@ -1042,6 +1042,6 @@
    (s "ab1c23def4" nil)
    (let ((s2 (delete-if-not #'digit-char-p s :count 3 :from-end t)))
      (assert (equal (array-element-type s)
-		    (array-element-type s2)))
+                    (array-element-type s2)))
      (assert (string= s2 "ab1c234"))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rename-file.lsp b/ansi-tests/rename-file.lsp
index 906cba07..59a1f4c3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rename-file.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rename-file.lsp
@@ -7,108 +7,108 @@
 (deftest rename-file.1
   (let ((pn1 #p"file-to-be-renamed.txt")
-	(pn2 #p"file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
+        (pn2 #p"file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
     (delete-all-versions pn1)
     (delete-all-versions pn2)
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
     (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
       (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	  results
-	  (values
-	   (=t (length results) 3)
-	   (probe-file pn1)
-	   (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	   (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	   (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	   (probe-file old-truename)
-	   (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
+          results
+          (values
+           (=t (length results) 3)
+           (probe-file pn1)
+           (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+           (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+           (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+           (probe-file old-truename)
+           (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
   t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)
 (deftest rename-file.2
   (let ((pn1 "file-to-be-renamed.txt")
-	(pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
+        (pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
     (delete-all-versions pn1)
     (delete-all-versions pn2)
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
     (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
       (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	  results
-	  (values
-	   (=t (length results) 3)
-	   (probe-file pn1)
-	   (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	   (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	   (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	   (probe-file old-truename)
-	   (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
+          results
+          (values
+           (=t (length results) 3)
+           (probe-file pn1)
+           (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+           (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+           (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+           (probe-file old-truename)
+           (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
   t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)
  (deftest rename-file.3
   (let* ((pn1 (make-pathname :name "file-to-be-renamed"
-			     :type "txt"
-			     :version :newest
-			     :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
-	 (pn2 (make-pathname :name "file-that-was-renamed"))
-	 (pn3 (make-pathname :name "file-that-was-renamed"
-			     :defaults pn1)))
+                             :type "txt"
+                             :version :newest
+                             :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*))
+         (pn2 (make-pathname :name "file-that-was-renamed"))
+         (pn3 (make-pathname :name "file-that-was-renamed"
+                             :defaults pn1)))
     (delete-all-versions pn1)
     (delete-all-versions pn3)
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
     (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
       (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	  results
-	  (values
-	   (equalpt (pathname-type pn1)
-		    (pathname-type defaulted-new-name))
-	   (=t (length results) 3)
-	   (probe-file pn1)
-	   (notnot (probe-file pn3))
-	   (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	   (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	   (probe-file old-truename)
-	   (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
+          results
+          (values
+           (equalpt (pathname-type pn1)
+                    (pathname-type defaulted-new-name))
+           (=t (length results) 3)
+           (probe-file pn1)
+           (notnot (probe-file pn3))
+           (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+           (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+           (probe-file old-truename)
+           (notnot (probe-file new-truename))))))
   t t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)
 (deftest rename-file.4
   (let ((pn1 "file-to-be-renamed.txt")
-	(pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
+        (pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
     (delete-all-versions pn1)
     (delete-all-versions pn2)
     (let ((s (open pn1 :direction :output)))
       (format s "Whatever~%")
       (close s)
       (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file s pn2))))
-	(destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	    results
-	  (values
-	   (=t (length results) 3)
-	   (probe-file pn1)
-	   (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	   (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	   (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	   (probe-file old-truename)
-	   (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))))))
+        (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
+            results
+          (values
+           (=t (length results) 3)
+           (probe-file pn1)
+           (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+           (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+           (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+           (probe-file old-truename)
+           (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))))))
   t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)
 (deftest rename-file.5
   (let ((pn1 "CLTEST:file-to-be-renamed.txt")
-	(pn2 "CLTEST:file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
+        (pn2 "CLTEST:file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
     (delete-all-versions pn1)
     (delete-all-versions pn2)
     (assert (typep (pathname pn1) 'logical-pathname))
@@ -116,21 +116,21 @@
     (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
     (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
       (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	  results
-	  (values
-	   (=t (length results) 3)
-	   (probe-file pn1)
-	   (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	   (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	   (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	   (probe-file old-truename)
-	   (notnot (probe-file new-truename))
-	   (notnot (typep defaulted-new-name 'logical-pathname))
-	   ))))
+          results
+          (values
+           (=t (length results) 3)
+           (probe-file pn1)
+           (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+           (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                 (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                 (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                 (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+           (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+           (probe-file old-truename)
+           (notnot (probe-file new-truename))
+           (notnot (typep defaulted-new-name 'logical-pathname))
+           ))))
   t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t t)
 ;;; Specialized string tests
@@ -139,56 +139,56 @@
    (s "file-to-be-renamed.txt" nil)
    (let ((pn1 s)
-	 (pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
+         (pn2 "file-that-was-renamed.txt"))
      (delete-all-versions pn1)
      (delete-all-versions pn2)
      (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
      (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
        (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	   results
-	 (assert
-	  (equal
-	   (list
-	    (=t (length results) 3)
-	    (probe-file pn1)
-	    (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	    (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		  (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		  (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		  (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		  (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	    (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	    (probe-file old-truename)
-	    (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))
-	   '(t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)))))))
+           results
+         (assert
+          (equal
+           (list
+            (=t (length results) 3)
+            (probe-file pn1)
+            (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+            (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                  (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                  (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                  (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                  (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+            (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+            (probe-file old-truename)
+            (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))
+           '(t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)))))))
 (deftest rename-file.7
    (s "file-that-was-renamed.txt" nil)
    (let ((pn1 "file-to-be-renamed.txt")
-	 (pn2 s))
+         (pn2 s))
      (delete-all-versions pn1)
      (delete-all-versions pn2)
      (with-open-file (s pn1 :direction :output) (format s "Whatever~%"))
      (let ((results (multiple-value-list (rename-file pn1 pn2))))
        (destructuring-bind (defaulted-new-name old-truename new-truename)
-	   results
-	 (assert
-	  (equal
-	   (list
-	    (=t (length results) 3)
-	    (probe-file pn1)
-	    (notnot (probe-file pn2))
-	    (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
-		  (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
-		  (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
-		  (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
-		  (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
-	    (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
-	    (probe-file old-truename)
-	    (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))
-	   '(t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)))))))
+           results
+         (assert
+          (equal
+           (list
+            (=t (length results) 3)
+            (probe-file pn1)
+            (notnot (probe-file pn2))
+            (list (notnot (pathnamep defaulted-new-name))
+                  (notnot (pathnamep old-truename))
+                  (notnot (pathnamep new-truename))
+                  (typep old-truename 'logical-pathname)
+                  (typep new-truename 'logical-pathname))
+            (notnot (probe-file defaulted-new-name))
+            (probe-file old-truename)
+            (notnot (probe-file new-truename)))
+           '(t nil t (t t t nil nil) t nil t)))))))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rename-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/rename-package.lsp
index e97a46c8..f48fe8d4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rename-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rename-package.lsp
@@ -14,23 +14,23 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (safely-delete-package "TEST2")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
-	  (i 0) x y)
+          (i 0) x y)
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (rename-package (progn (setf x (incf i)) "TEST1")
-				(progn (setf y (incf i)) "TEST2"))))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (eql i 2)
-		     (eql x 1)
-		     (eql y 2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p2)
-	t)))
+                                (progn (setf y (incf i)) "TEST2"))))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (eql i 2)
+                     (eql x 1)
+                     (eql y 2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p2)
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.2
@@ -41,22 +41,22 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST4")
     (safely-delete-package "TEST5")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
-	  (nicknames (copy-list '("TEST3" "TEST4" "TEST5"))))
+          (nicknames (copy-list '("TEST3" "TEST4" "TEST5"))))
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (rename-package "TEST1" "TEST2" nicknames)))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
-		     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
-					     (package-nicknames p2)
-					     :test #'equal)))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p2)
-	t)))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+                     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+                                             (package-nicknames p2)
+                                             :test #'equal)))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p2)
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.3
@@ -64,26 +64,26 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (safely-delete-package "TEST2")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
-	  (nicknames (copy-list '(#\M #\N))))
+          (nicknames (copy-list '(#\M #\N))))
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package "TEST1" "TEST2" nicknames))))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
-		     (equal
-		      (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
-			    #'string<)
-		      (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
-					(make-string 1 :initial-element c))
-				    nicknames)
-			    #'string<)))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p2)
-	t)))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+                     (equal
+                      (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
+                            #'string<)
+                      (sort (mapcar #'(lambda (c)
+                                        (make-string 1 :initial-element c))
+                                    nicknames)
+                            #'string<)))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p2)
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.4
@@ -91,22 +91,22 @@
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (safely-delete-package "TEST2")
     (let ((p (make-package "G"))
-	  (nicknames nil))
+          (nicknames nil))
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package #\G "TEST2" nicknames))))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
-		     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
-					     (package-nicknames p2)
-					     :test #'equal)))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(ignore-errors (safely-delete-package p2))
-	t)))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+                     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+                                             (package-nicknames p2)
+                                             :test #'equal)))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (ignore-errors (safely-delete-package p2))
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.5
@@ -114,22 +114,22 @@
     (safely-delete-package "TEST1")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let ((p (make-package "TEST1"))
-	  (nicknames nil))
+          (nicknames nil))
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package "TEST1" #\G nicknames))))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "G")
-		     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
-					     (package-nicknames p2)
-					     :test #'equal)))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p2)
-	t)))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "G")
+                     (null (set-exclusive-or nicknames
+                                             (package-nicknames p2)
+                                             :test #'equal)))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p2)
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.6
@@ -139,98 +139,98 @@
     (safely-delete-package '|M|)
     (safely-delete-package '|N|)
     (let ((p (make-package '|TEST1|))
-	  (nicknames (copy-list '(|M| |N|))))
+          (nicknames (copy-list '(|M| |N|))))
       (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
       (let ((p2 (ignore-errors (rename-package
-				'|TEST1| '|TEST2| nicknames))))
-	(unless (packagep p2)
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (return p2))
-	(unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
-		     (equal
-		      (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
-			    #'string<)
-		      (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name nicknames)
-			    #'string<)))
-	  (safely-delete-package p)
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  (return nil))
-	(safely-delete-package p2)
-	t)))
+                                '|TEST1| '|TEST2| nicknames))))
+        (unless (packagep p2)
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (return p2))
+        (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                     (equal (package-name p2) "TEST2")
+                     (equal
+                      (sort (copy-list (package-nicknames p2))
+                            #'string<)
+                      (sort (mapcar #'symbol-name nicknames)
+                            #'string<)))
+          (safely-delete-package p)
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          (return nil))
+        (safely-delete-package p2)
+        t)))
 (deftest rename-package.7
   (block nil
     (let ((name1 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-			     :initial-contents "TEST1"))
-	  (name2 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-			     :initial-contents "TEST2")))
+                             :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+          (name2 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
+                             :initial-contents "TEST2")))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)
       (let ((p (make-package name1)))
-	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
-	(let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
-	  (unless (packagep p2)
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (return p2))
-	  (unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		       (equal (package-name p2) name2))
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (safely-delete-package p2)
-	    (return nil))
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  t))))
+        (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+        (let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
+          (unless (packagep p2)
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (return p2))
+          (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                       (equal (package-name p2) name2))
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (safely-delete-package p2)
+            (return nil))
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          t))))
 (deftest rename-package.8
   (block nil
     (let ((name1 (make-array '(10) :element-type 'base-char
-			     :fill-pointer 5
-			     :initial-contents "TEST1     "))
-	  (name2 (make-array '(9) :element-type 'character
-			     :fill-pointer 5
-			     :initial-contents "TEST2XXXX")))
+                             :fill-pointer 5
+                             :initial-contents "TEST1     "))
+          (name2 (make-array '(9) :element-type 'character
+                             :fill-pointer 5
+                             :initial-contents "TEST2XXXX")))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)
       (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
-	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
-	(let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
-	  (unless (packagep p2)
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (return p2))
-	  (unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		       (string= (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (safely-delete-package p2)
-	    (return nil))
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  t))))
+        (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+        (let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
+          (unless (packagep p2)
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (return p2))
+          (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                       (string= (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (safely-delete-package p2)
+            (return nil))
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          t))))
 (deftest rename-package.9
   (block nil
     (let ((name1 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'character
-			     :adjustable t
-			     :initial-contents "TEST1"))
-	  (name2 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
-			     :adjustable t
-			     :initial-contents "TEST2")))
+                             :adjustable t
+                             :initial-contents "TEST1"))
+          (name2 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'base-char
+                             :adjustable t
+                             :initial-contents "TEST2")))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)
       (let ((p (make-package "TEST1")))
-	(unless (packagep p) (return nil))
-	(let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
-	  (unless (packagep p2)
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (return p2))
-	  (unless (and (eqt p p2)
-		       (string= (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
-	    (safely-delete-package p)
-	    (safely-delete-package p2)
-	    (return nil))
-	  (safely-delete-package p2)
-	  t))))
+        (unless (packagep p) (return nil))
+        (let ((p2 (rename-package name1 name2)))
+          (unless (packagep p2)
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (return p2))
+          (unless (and (eqt p p2)
+                       (string= (package-name p2) "TEST2"))
+            (safely-delete-package p)
+            (safely-delete-package p2)
+            (return nil))
+          (safely-delete-package p2)
+          t))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/replace.lsp b/ansi-tests/replace.lsp
index aed081d5..94e18d5c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/replace.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/replace.lsp
@@ -7,42 +7,42 @@
 (deftest replace-list.1
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z))))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z))))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (x y z d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.2
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 1)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a x y z e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.3
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b c d x y z))
 (deftest replace-list.4
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 5)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b c d e x y))
 (deftest replace-list.5
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 6)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 6)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b c d e f x))
 (deftest replace-list.6
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 2)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b x y z f g))
@@ -53,21 +53,21 @@
 (deftest replace-list.8
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :end1 1)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :end1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (x b c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.9
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b c x e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.10
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (x y z d e f g))
@@ -75,75 +75,75 @@
 (deftest replace-list.11
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.12
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.13
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.14
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (y b c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-list.15
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a b c d y f g))
 (deftest replace-list.16
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y #(1 2 3))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y #(1 2 3))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-list.17
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 2 3)
-			:fill-pointer t))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 2 3)
+                        :fill-pointer t))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-list.18
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-			:fill-pointer 3))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+                        :fill-pointer 3))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-list.19
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (b c d d e f))
 (deftest replace-list.20
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   (a a b c e f))
@@ -153,42 +153,42 @@
 (deftest replace-vector.1
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z))))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z))))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(x y z d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.2
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 1)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a x y z e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.3
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b c d x y z))
 (deftest replace-vector.4
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 5)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b c d e x y))
 (deftest replace-vector.5
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 6)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 6)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b c d e f x))
 (deftest replace-vector.6
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 2)))
+         (result (replace x '(x y z) :start1 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b x y z f g))
@@ -199,21 +199,21 @@
 (deftest replace-vector.8
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :end1 1)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :end1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(x b c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.9
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 3 :end1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b c x e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.10
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 0 :end1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(x y z d e f g))
@@ -221,75 +221,75 @@
 (deftest replace-vector.11
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.12
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil))) 
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.13
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(y z c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.14
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(y b c d e f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.15
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x #(x y z) :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a b c d y f g))
 (deftest replace-vector.16
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y '(1 2 3))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y '(1 2 3))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-vector.17
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 2 3)
-			:fill-pointer t))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 2 3)
+                        :fill-pointer t))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-vector.18
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	 (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
-			:fill-pointer 3))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6)
+                        :fill-pointer 3))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a 1 2 3 e f))
 (deftest replace-vector.19
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(b c d d e f))
 (deftest replace-vector.21
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #(a b c d e f)))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
   #(a a b c e f))
@@ -298,42 +298,42 @@
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
-	 (result (replace x #*011)))
+         (result (replace x #*011)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 1)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*1101001))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*111 :start1 5)))
+         (result (replace x #*111 :start1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*100 :start1 6)))
+         (result (replace x #*100 :start1 6)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x '(1 1 1) :start1 2)))
+         (result (replace x '(1 1 1) :start1 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -344,21 +344,21 @@
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*111 :end1 1)))
+         (result (replace x #*111 :end1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*110 :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+         (result (replace x #*110 :start1 3 :end1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*111 :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+         (result (replace x #*111 :start1 0 :end1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -366,76 +366,76 @@
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*0000000))
-	 (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x #*011 :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*001011))
-	 (y '(1 0 1))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y '(1 0 1))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*001011))
-	 (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 0 1)
-			:fill-pointer t :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(1 0 1)
+                        :fill-pointer t :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*001011))
-	 (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 0 1 0 0 1)
-			:fill-pointer 3
-			:element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(1 0 1 0 0 1)
+                        :fill-pointer 3
+                        :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*001011))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-bit-vector.21
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*001011))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -444,42 +444,42 @@
 (deftest replace-string.1
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz")))
+         (result (replace x "xyz")))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.2
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 1)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.3
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.4
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 5)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.5
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 6)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 6)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.6
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x '(#\x #\y #\z) :start1 2)))
+         (result (replace x '(#\x #\y #\z) :start1 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -490,21 +490,21 @@
 (deftest replace-string.8
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :end1 1)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :end1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.9
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 3 :end1 4)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 3 :end1 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.10
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 0 :end1 5)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 0 :end1 5)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -512,76 +512,76 @@
 (deftest replace-string.11
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.12
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end1 nil))) 
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end1 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.13
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 nil)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.14
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.15
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdefg"))
-	 (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
+         (result (replace x "xyz" :start1 4 :end1 5 :start2 1 :end2 2)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.16
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	 (y (coerce "123" 'list))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (coerce "123" 'list))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.17
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	 (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(#\1 #\2 #\3)
-			:fill-pointer t :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(#\1 #\2 #\3)
+                        :fill-pointer t :element-type 'character))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.18
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	 (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "123456"
-			:fill-pointer 3
-			:element-type 'character))
-	 (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
+         (y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "123456"
+                        :fill-pointer 3
+                        :element-type 'character))
+         (result (replace x y :start1 1)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.19
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 0 :end1 3 :start2 1 :end2 4)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
 (deftest replace-string.21
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcdef"))
-	 (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
+         (result (replace x x :start1 1 :end1 4 :start2 0 :end2 3)))
     (values (eqt x result) result))
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (replace (progn (setf a (incf i)) (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f)))
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f)))
      i a b))
   (e f c) 2 1 2)
@@ -639,12 +639,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (replace (progn (setf a (incf i)) (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f))
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 3)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 2)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f))
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 3)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 2)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   (a e f) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -652,12 +652,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (replace (progn (setf a (incf i)) (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f))
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 2)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 3)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) (list 'e 'f))
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 2)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 3)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 1)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   (a e f) 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -681,7 +681,7 @@
 (deftest replace.allow-other-keys.5
   (replace (copy-seq "abcdefg") "xyz" :bad1 t :allow-other-keys t
-	   :bad2 t :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 nil)
+           :bad2 t :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 nil)
 (deftest replace.allow-other-keys.6
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@
 (deftest replace.keywords.7
   (replace (copy-seq "abcdefg") "xyz" :start1 0 :start2 0 :end1 3 :end2 3
-	   :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 2 :end1 2)
+           :start1 1 :start2 1 :end1 2 :end1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/restart-bind.lsp b/ansi-tests/restart-bind.lsp
index c8af54a7..152fb91e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/restart-bind.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/restart-bind.lsp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 (deftest restart-bind.2
   (restart-bind () (values)))
 (deftest restart-bind.3
   (restart-bind () (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f))
   a b c d e f)
@@ -36,28 +36,28 @@
 (deftest restart-bind.7
   (block done
     (restart-bind ((foo #'(lambda () (return-from done 'good))))
-		  (invoke-restart 'foo)
-		  'bad))
+                  (invoke-restart 'foo)
+                  'bad))
 (deftest restart-bind.8
   (block done
     (restart-bind ((foo #'(lambda () (return-from done 'good))))
-		  (let ((restart (find-restart 'foo)))
-		    (and (typep restart 'restart)
-			 (invoke-restart restart)))
-		  'bad))
+                  (let ((restart (find-restart 'foo)))
+                    (and (typep restart 'restart)
+                         (invoke-restart restart)))
+                  'bad))
 (deftest restart-bind.9
   (restart-bind ((foo #'(lambda (a b c) (list c a b))))
-		(invoke-restart 'foo 1 2 3))
+                (invoke-restart 'foo 1 2 3))
   (3 1 2))
 (deftest restart-bind.10
   (flet ((%f () (invoke-restart 'foo 'x 'y 'z)))
     (restart-bind ((foo #'(lambda (a b c) (list c a b))))
-		  (%f)))
+                  (%f)))
   (z x y))
 (deftest restart-bind.11
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@
   (let ((x 10) (y nil))
      ((foo #'(lambda ()
-	       (when (> x 0)
-		 (push 'a y)
-		 (decf x)
-		 (invoke-restart 'foo))
-	       y)))
+               (when (> x 0)
+                 (push 'a y)
+                 (decf x)
+                 (invoke-restart 'foo))
+               y)))
      (invoke-restart 'foo)))
   (a a a a a a a a a a))
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
   (block done
     (let ((i 0))
       (restart-bind ((foo (progn (incf i)
-				 #'(lambda () (return-from done i)))))
-		    (invoke-restart 'foo)
-		    'bad)))
+                                 #'(lambda () (return-from done i)))))
+                    (invoke-restart 'foo)
+                    'bad)))
 (deftest restart-bind.16
@@ -114,11 +114,11 @@
-	((foo #'(lambda () nil)
-	      :report-function (progn (incf i)
-				      #'(lambda (s) (format s "A report")))))
-	(let ((*print-escape* nil))
-	  (format s "~A" (find-restart 'foo)))))
+        ((foo #'(lambda () nil)
+              :report-function (progn (incf i)
+                                      #'(lambda (s) (format s "A report")))))
+        (let ((*print-escape* nil))
+          (format s "~A" (find-restart 'foo)))))
   "A report"
@@ -153,10 +153,10 @@
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error)))
      ((foo #'(lambda () 'bad)
-	   :test-function #'(lambda (c1) (not (eq c c1))))
+           :test-function #'(lambda (c1) (not (eq c c1))))
       (foo #'(lambda () 'good)
-	   :test-function #'(lambda (c2) (or (null c2)
-					     (eq c c2)))))
+           :test-function #'(lambda (c2) (or (null c2)
+                                             (eq c c2)))))
      (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c))))
@@ -165,19 +165,19 @@
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error)))
      ((foo #'(lambda () 'bad)
-	   :test-function #'(lambda (c1) nil))
+           :test-function #'(lambda (c1) nil))
       (foo #'(lambda () 'good)
-	   :test-function #'(lambda (c2) t)))
+           :test-function #'(lambda (c2) t)))
      (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c))))
 (deftest restart-bind.22
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error))
-	(i 0))
+        (i 0))
       ((foo #'(lambda () 'good)
-	    :test-function (progn (incf i) #'(lambda (c2) t))))
+            :test-function (progn (incf i) #'(lambda (c2) t))))
       (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c)))
@@ -220,9 +220,9 @@
-	#'(lambda (x y z) (list z y x))
-	:interactive-function (progn (incf i)
-				     #'(lambda () (list 'a 'b 'c)))))
+        #'(lambda (x y z) (list z y x))
+        :interactive-function (progn (incf i)
+                                     #'(lambda () (list 'a 'b 'c)))))
       (invoke-restart-interactively 'foo))
   (c b a)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/restart-case.lsp b/ansi-tests/restart-case.lsp
index 0c452d5e..4137ca73 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/restart-case.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/restart-case.lsp
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@
 (deftest restart-case.4
   (restart-case (progn (invoke-restart 'foo) 'bad)
-		(foo () 'good))
+                (foo () 'good))
 (deftest restart-case.5
   (restart-case (progn (invoke-restart 'foo) 'bad)
-		(foo ()))
+                (foo ()))
 (deftest restart-case.6
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 (deftest restart-case.12
    (restart-case (invoke-restart 'foo 1)
-		 (foo (x) (invoke-restart 'foo (1+ x))))
+                 (foo (x) (invoke-restart 'foo (1+ x))))
    (foo (y) (+ 4 y)))
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
   (let ((i 10))
      (restart-case (progn (invoke-restart 'foo) 'bad)
-		   (foo () (incf i 100) 'good))
+                   (foo () (incf i 100) 'good))
   good 110)
@@ -83,18 +83,18 @@
    (invoke-restart 'foo 1 2)
    (foo (x y)
-	(declare (type fixnum x))
-	(declare (type fixnum y))
-	(+ x y)))
+        (declare (type fixnum x))
+        (declare (type fixnum y))
+        (+ x y)))
 (deftest restart-case.15
    (invoke-restart 'foo 1 2)
    (foo (x y)
-	(declare (ignore x y))
-	(declare (type fixnum x))
-	(declare (type fixnum y))))
+        (declare (ignore x y))
+        (declare (type fixnum x))
+        (declare (type fixnum y))))
 (deftest restart-case.16
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
      (let ((restart (find-restart 'foo))
-	   (*print-escape* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil))
        (format s "~A" restart))
      (foo () :report "A report")))
   "A report")
@@ -137,8 +137,8 @@
     (flet ((%f (s2) (format s2 "A report")))
        (let ((restart (find-restart 'foo))
-	     (*print-escape* nil))
-	 (format s "~A" restart))
+             (*print-escape* nil))
+         (format s "~A" restart))
        (foo () :report %f))))
   "A report")
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@
      (let ((restart (find-restart 'foo))
-	   (*print-escape* nil))
+           (*print-escape* nil))
        (format s "~A" restart))
      (foo () :report (lambda (s2) (format s2 "A report")))))
   "A report")
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@
       ((error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (error "Blah"))))
-	(%m "Boo!")
-	(foo () 'bad))
+        (%m "Boo!")
+        (foo () 'bad))
        (foo () 'good)))))
@@ -244,24 +244,24 @@
       ((error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (error "Blah"))))
-	%s
-	(foo () 'bad))
+        %s
+        (foo () 'bad))
        (foo () 'good)))))
 (deftest restart-case.31
   (macrolet ((%m2 (&rest args) (cons 'error args)))
     (macrolet ((%m (&rest args &environment env)
-		   (macroexpand (cons '%m2 args) env)))
+                   (macroexpand (cons '%m2 args) env)))
        ((error #'(lambda (c2) (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c2)))))
-	((error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (error "Blah"))))
-	(restart-case
-	 (restart-case
-	  (%m "Boo!")
-	  (foo () 'bad))
-	 (foo () 'good))))))
+        ((error #'(lambda (c) (declare (ignore c)) (error "Blah"))))
+        (restart-case
+         (restart-case
+          (%m "Boo!")
+          (foo () 'bad))
+         (foo () 'good))))))
 (deftest restart-case.32
@@ -274,8 +274,8 @@
    (invoke-restart-interactively 'foo)
    (foo (w x y z)
-	:interactive (lambda () (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(list x w z y)))
+        :interactive (lambda () (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+        (list x w z y)))
   (b a d c))
 (deftest restart-case.34
@@ -283,15 +283,15 @@
      (invoke-restart-interactively 'foo)
      (foo (w x y z)
-	  :interactive %f
-	  (list x w z y))))
+          :interactive %f
+          (list x w z y))))
   (b a d c))
 (deftest restart-case.35
    (loop for i from 1 to 4
-	 for r in (compute-restarts)
-	 collect (restart-name r))
+         for r in (compute-restarts)
+         collect (restart-name r))
    (foo () t)
    (bar () t)
    (foo () 'a)
@@ -305,6 +305,6 @@
        (invoke-restart 'foo)
        (foo (&aux (y x))
-	    (declare (special x))
-	    y))))
-  :good)
\ No newline at end of file
+            (declare (special x))
+            y))))
+  :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/return.lsp b/ansi-tests/return.lsp
index bc033c62..b8bb1654 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/return.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/return.lsp
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
 (deftest return.error.1
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'return)) program-error)
 (deftest return.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'return) '(return nil))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest return.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'return)
-			  '(return nil) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                          '(return nil) nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp b/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp
index ba18db90..028059fb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
 (deftest revappend.1
     (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	   (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   )
+           (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
+           (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+           (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+           )
       (let ((result (revappend x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 (eqt (cdddr result) y)
-	 result)))
+        (and
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+         (eqt (cdddr result) y)
+         result)))
   (c b a d e f))
 (deftest revappend.2
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (revappend (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
+                (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
      i x y))
   (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp b/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp
index db2411b2..a6a2cf9c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/reverse.lsp
@@ -32,16 +32,16 @@
 (deftest reverse-vector.4
   (let* ((x (make-array 5 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-			:fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
-	 (y (reverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer t :adjustable t))
+         (y (reverse x)))
     (values y x))
   #(5 4 3 2 1)
   #(1 2 3 4 5))
 (deftest reverse-vector.5
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-			:fill-pointer 5))
-	 (y (reverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5))
+         (y (reverse x)))
   #(5 4 3 2 1))
@@ -70,31 +70,31 @@
 (deftest reverse-vector.8
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for nvec = (reverse vec)
-	  unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
-		      (typep nvec 'simple-array)
-		      (not (eql vec nvec))
-		      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec)
-		      (every #'eql vals vec))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec nvec)))
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for nvec = (reverse vec)
+          unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
+                      (typep nvec 'simple-array)
+                      (not (eql vec nvec))
+                      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec)
+                      (every #'eql vals vec))
+          collect (list etype vals vec nvec)))
 (deftest reverse-vector.9
   (let ((len 10))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational integer)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-								(coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for nvec = (reverse vec)
-	  unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
-		      (typep nvec 'simple-array)
-		      (not (eql vec nvec))
-		      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec)
-		      (every #'eql vals vec))
-	  collect (list etype vals vec nvec)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                                (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for nvec = (reverse vec)
+          unless (and (eql (length nvec) len)
+                      (typep nvec 'simple-array)
+                      (not (eql vec nvec))
+                      (every #'eql (reverse vals) nvec)
+                      (every #'eql vals vec))
+          collect (list etype vals vec nvec)))
 ;;; Bit vectors
@@ -111,9 +111,9 @@
 (deftest reverse-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0)
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'bit))
-	 (y (reverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'bit))
+         (y (reverse x)))
@@ -131,17 +131,17 @@
 (deftest reverse-string.3
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'character))
-	 (y (reverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'character))
+         (y (reverse x)))
 (deftest reverse-string.4
   (let* ((x (make-array 10 :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 5
-			:element-type 'base-char))
-	 (y (reverse x)))
+                        :fill-pointer 5
+                        :element-type 'base-char))
+         (y (reverse x)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/room.lsp b/ansi-tests/room.lsp
index 16d54632..ef09eb76 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/room.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/room.lsp
@@ -7,29 +7,29 @@
 (deftest room.1
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (room))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (room))))
     (not (zerop (length s))))
 (deftest room.2
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (room nil))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (room nil))))
     (not (zerop (length s))))
 (deftest room.3
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (room :default))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (room :default))))
     (not (zerop (length s))))
 (deftest room.4
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*standard-output*)
-	     (room t))))
+             (*standard-output*)
+             (room t))))
     (not (zerop (length s))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rotatef.lsp b/ansi-tests/rotatef.lsp
index bc226629..76af0ddf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rotatef.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rotatef.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest rotatef-order.1
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f))
-	(i 2))
+        (i 2))
      (rotatef (aref x (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)))
      x i))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest rotatef-order.2
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f))
-	(i 2))
+        (i 2))
      (rotatef (aref x (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)))
      x i))
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
   (let ((x (vector 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))
      (rotatef (aref x (aref x 0))
-	      (aref x (aref x 1))
-	      (aref x (aref x 2))
-	      (aref x (aref x 3))
-	      (aref x (aref x 4))
-	      (aref x (aref x 5))
-	      (aref x (aref x 6))
-	      (aref x (aref x 7))
-	      (aref x (aref x 8))
-	      (aref x (aref x 9)))
+              (aref x (aref x 1))
+              (aref x (aref x 2))
+              (aref x (aref x 3))
+              (aref x (aref x 4))
+              (aref x (aref x 5))
+              (aref x (aref x 6))
+              (aref x (aref x 7))
+              (aref x (aref x 8))
+              (aref x (aref x 9)))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
@@ -66,79 +66,79 @@
   (let ((x 'a) (y 'b))
     (values x y (rotatef x y) x y))
   a b nil b a)
 ;;; ROTATEF is a good testbed for finding conflicts in setf expansions
 ;;; These tests apply rotatef to various accessors
 (deftest rotatef.6
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (car x) (car y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (c b) (e d) a)
 (deftest rotatef.7
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (first x) (first y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (c b) (e d) a)
 (deftest rotatef.8
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z '(e)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z '(e)))
     (rotatef (cdr x) (cdr y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a d) (c e) (b))
 (deftest rotatef.9
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z '(e)))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z '(e)))
     (rotatef (rest x) (rest y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a d) (c e) (b))
 (deftest rotatef.10
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (cadr x) (cadr y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a d) (c e) b)
 (deftest rotatef.11
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (list 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (second x) (second y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a d) (c e) b)
 (deftest rotatef.12
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	 (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
-	 (z (list 'g)))
+         (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
+         (z (list 'g)))
     (rotatef (cddr x) (cddr y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a b f) (d e g) (c))
 (deftest rotatef.13
   (let* ((x (list (list 'a)))
-	 (y (list (list 'c)))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (list (list 'c)))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (caar x) (caar y) z)
     (values x y z))
   ((c)) ((e)) a)
 (deftest rotatef.14
   (let* ((x (list (list 'a 'b)))
-	 (y (list (list 'c 'd)))
-	 (z (list 'e)))
+         (y (list (list 'c 'd)))
+         (z (list 'e)))
     (rotatef (cdar x) (cdar y) z)
     (values x y z))
   ((a d)) ((c e)) (b))
@@ -148,67 +148,67 @@
 (deftest rotatef.15
   (let* ((x (vector 'a 'b))
-	 (y (vector 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (vector 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (aref x 0) (aref y 0) z)
     (values x y z))
   #(c b) #(e d) a)
 (deftest rotatef.16
   (let* ((x (vector 'a 'b))
-	 (y (vector 'c 'd))
-	 (z 'e))
+         (y (vector 'c 'd))
+         (z 'e))
     (rotatef (svref x 0) (svref y 0) z)
     (values x y z))
   #(c b) #(e d) a)
 (deftest rotatef.17
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*11000))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*11100))
-	 (z 1))
+         (y (copy-seq #*11100))
+         (z 1))
     (rotatef (bit x 1) (bit y 3) z)
     (values x y z))
   #*10000 #*11110 1)
 (deftest rotatef.18
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (y (copy-seq "fghij"))
-	 (z #\X))
+         (y (copy-seq "fghij"))
+         (z #\X))
     (rotatef (char x 1) (char y 2) z)
     (values x y z))
   "ahcde" "fgXij" #\b)
 (deftest rotatef.21
   (let* ((x (copy-seq #*11000))
-	 (y (copy-seq #*11100))
-	 (z 1))
+         (y (copy-seq #*11100))
+         (z 1))
     (rotatef (bit x 1) (bit y 3) z)
     (values x y z))
-  #*10000 #*11110 1)  
+  #*10000 #*11110 1)
 (deftest rotatef.22
   (let* ((x (copy-seq "abcde"))
-	 (y (copy-seq "fghij"))
-	 (z #\X))
+         (y (copy-seq "fghij"))
+         (z #\X))
     (rotatef (char x 1) (char y 2) z)
     (values x y z))
   "ahcde" "fgXij" #\b)
 (deftest rotatef.23
   (let* ((x (copy-seq '(a b c d e)))
-	 (y (copy-seq '(f g h i j)))
-	 (z 'k))
+         (y (copy-seq '(f g h i j)))
+         (z 'k))
     (rotatef (elt x 1) (elt y 2) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a h c d e) (f g k i j) b)
 (deftest rotatef.24
   (let ((x #b01010101)
-	(y #b1111)
-	(z 0))
+        (y #b1111)
+        (z 0))
     (rotatef (ldb (byte 4 2) x)
-	     (ldb (byte 4 1) y)
-	     z)
+             (ldb (byte 4 1) y)
+             z)
     (values x y z))
@@ -216,31 +216,31 @@
 (deftest rotatef.25
   (let* ((f1 (gensym))
-	 (f2 (gensym))
-	 (fn1 (constantly :foo))
-	 (fn2 (constantly :bar))
-	 (fn3 (constantly :zzz)))
+         (f2 (gensym))
+         (fn1 (constantly :foo))
+         (fn2 (constantly :bar))
+         (fn3 (constantly :zzz)))
     (setf (fdefinition f1) fn1
-	  (fdefinition f2) fn2)
+          (fdefinition f2) fn2)
     (rotatef (fdefinition f1)
-	     (fdefinition f2)
-	     fn3)
+             (fdefinition f2)
+             fn3)
     (values (funcall f1) (funcall f2) (funcall fn3)))
   :bar :zzz :foo)
 (deftest rotatef.26
   (let* ((a1 (make-array '(10) :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (a2 (make-array '(20) :fill-pointer 7))
-	 (z 3))
+         (a2 (make-array '(20) :fill-pointer 7))
+         (z 3))
     (rotatef (fill-pointer a1) (fill-pointer a2) z)
     (values (fill-pointer a1) (fill-pointer a2) z))
   7 3 5)
 (deftest rotatef.27
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g))
-	 (n1 1) (n2 2)
-	 (z 'h))
+         (y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g))
+         (n1 1) (n2 2)
+         (z 'h))
     (rotatef (nth n1 x) (nth n2 y) z)
     (values x y z))
   (a f c d)
@@ -249,48 +249,48 @@
 (deftest rotatef.28
   (let* ((f1 (gensym))
-	 (f2 (gensym))
-	 (fn1 (constantly :foo))
-	 (fn2 (constantly :bar))
-	 (fn3 (constantly :zzz)))
+         (f2 (gensym))
+         (fn1 (constantly :foo))
+         (fn2 (constantly :bar))
+         (fn3 (constantly :zzz)))
     (setf (symbol-function f1) fn1
-	  (symbol-function f2) fn2)
+          (symbol-function f2) fn2)
     (rotatef (symbol-function f1) (symbol-function f2) fn3)
     (values (funcall f1) (funcall f2) (funcall fn3)))
   :bar :zzz :foo)
 (deftest rotatef.29
   (let* ((s1 (gensym))
-	 (s2 (gensym))
-	 (z 1))
+         (s2 (gensym))
+         (z 1))
     (setf (symbol-value s1) :foo
-	  (symbol-value s2) :bar)
+          (symbol-value s2) :bar)
     (rotatef (symbol-value s1)
-	     (symbol-value s2)
-	     z)
+             (symbol-value s2)
+             z)
     (values (symbol-value s1) (symbol-value s2) z))
   :bar 1 :foo)
 (deftest rotatef.30
   (let* ((s1 (gensym))
-	 (s2 (gensym))
-	 (v1 (list :foo 1))
-	 (v2 (list :bar 2))
-	 (z nil))
+         (s2 (gensym))
+         (v1 (list :foo 1))
+         (v2 (list :bar 2))
+         (z nil))
     (setf (symbol-plist s1) v1
-	  (symbol-plist s2) v2)
+          (symbol-plist s2) v2)
     (rotatef (symbol-plist s1) (symbol-plist s2) z)
     (values (symbol-plist s1) (symbol-plist s2) z))
   (:bar 2) nil (:foo 1))
 (deftest rotatef.31
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	 (y (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j))
-	 (p1 1) (p2 2) (len 3)
-	 (z '(10 11 12)))
+         (y (list 'f 'g 'h 'i 'j))
+         (p1 1) (p2 2) (len 3)
+         (z '(10 11 12)))
     (rotatef (subseq x p1 (+ p1 len))
-	     (subseq y p2 (+ p2 len))
-	     z)
+             (subseq y p2 (+ p2 len))
+             z)
     (values x y z))
   (a h i j e)
   (f g 10 11 12)
@@ -298,12 +298,12 @@
 (deftest rotatef.32
   (let* ((x (gensym))
-	 (y (gensym))
-	 (k1 :foo)
-	 (k2 :bar)
-	 (v1 1)
-	 (v2 2)
-	 (z 17))
+         (y (gensym))
+         (k1 :foo)
+         (k2 :bar)
+         (v1 1)
+         (v2 2)
+         (z 17))
     (setf (get x k1) v1 (get y k2) v2)
     (rotatef (get x k1) (get y k2) z)
     (values (symbol-plist x) (symbol-plist y) z))
@@ -311,12 +311,12 @@
 (deftest rotatef.33
   (let* ((x nil)
-	 (y nil)
-	 (k1 :foo)
-	 (k2 :bar)
-	 (v1 1)
-	 (v2 2)
-	 (z 21))
+         (y nil)
+         (k1 :foo)
+         (k2 :bar)
+         (v1 1)
+         (v2 2)
+         (z 21))
     (setf (getf x k1) v1 (getf y k2) v2)
     (rotatef (getf x k1) (getf y k2) z)
     (values x y z))
@@ -324,28 +324,28 @@
 (deftest rotatef.34
   (let* ((ht1 (make-hash-table))
-	 (ht2 (make-hash-table))
-	 (k1 :foo) (v1 1)
-	 (k2 :bar) (v2 2)
-	 (z 3))
+         (ht2 (make-hash-table))
+         (k1 :foo) (v1 1)
+         (k2 :bar) (v2 2)
+         (z 3))
     (setf (gethash k1 ht1) v1
-	  (gethash k2 ht2) v2)
+          (gethash k2 ht2) v2)
     (rotatef z (gethash k1 ht1) (gethash k2 ht2))
     (values z (gethash k1 ht1) (gethash k2 ht2)))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest rotatef.35
   (let ((n1 (gensym))
-	(n2 (gensym))
-	(n3 (gensym))
-	(n4 (gensym)))
+        (n2 (gensym))
+        (n3 (gensym))
+        (n4 (gensym)))
     (eval `(defclass ,n1 () ()))
     (eval `(defclass ,n2 () ()))
     (setf (find-class n3) (find-class n1)
-	  (find-class n4) (find-class n2))
+          (find-class n4) (find-class n2))
     (rotatef (find-class n3) (find-class n4))
     (values (eqlt (find-class n1) (find-class n4))
-	    (eqlt (find-class n2) (find-class n3))))
+            (eqlt (find-class n2) (find-class n3))))
   t t)
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/round-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/round-aux.lsp
index 93fcb296..5eb4a44f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/round-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/round-aux.lsp
@@ -7,107 +7,107 @@
 (defun round.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 2000000000)
-		   1000000000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2)))
-	unless (or (not (= (abs r) (/ d 2)))
-		   (evenp q))		    
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   1000000000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2)))
+        unless (or (not (= (abs r) (/ d 2)))
+                   (evenp q))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun round.2-fn ()
   (loop for num = (random 1000000000)
-	for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
-	for n = (/ num denom)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2))
-		    (or (not (= (abs r) (/ d 2)))
-			(evenp q))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+        for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
+        for n = (/ num denom)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (<= (- (/ d 2)) r (/ d 2))
+                    (or (not (= (abs r) (/ d 2)))
+                        (evenp q))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun round.3-fn (width)
   (loop for n = (- (random width) (/ width 2))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= -1/2 r 1/2)
-		    (or (not (= (abs r) 1/2))
-			(evenp q))
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= -1/2 r 1/2)
+                    (or (not (= (abs r) 1/2))
+                        (evenp q))
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun round.7-fn ()
   (loop for numerator = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ numerator denominator)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (<= -1/2 r 1/2)
-		    (or (not (= (abs r) 1/2))
-			(evenp q))
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ numerator denominator)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (<= -1/2 r 1/2)
+                    (or (not (= (abs r) 1/2))
+                        (evenp q))
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun round.8-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (<= (/ d 2) r (- (/ d 2)))
-		    (or (not (= (abs r) (- (/ d 2))))
-			(evenp q))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (<= (/ d 2) r (- (/ d 2)))
+                    (or (not (= (abs r) (- (/ d 2))))
+                        (evenp q))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
 (defun round.9-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 1000000000000000) 500000000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (<= (/ d 2) r (- (/ d 2)))
-		    (or (not (= (abs r) (- (/ d 2))))
-			(evenp q))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (round n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (<= (/ d 2) r (- (/ d 2)))
+                    (or (not (= (abs r) (- (/ d 2))))
+                        (evenp q))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/round.lsp b/ansi-tests/round.lsp
index 2b505858..94668a25 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/round.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/round.lsp
@@ -56,118 +56,118 @@
 (deftest round.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x x))
-	unless (and (eql q 1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x x))
+        unless (and (eql q 1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest round.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round (- x) x))
-	unless (and (eql q -1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round (- x) x))
+        unless (and (eql q -1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest round.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 0.5l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r (- rrad)))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (round x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r (- rrad)))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest round.20
diff --git a/ansi-tests/row-major-aref.lsp b/ansi-tests/row-major-aref.lsp
index f54dd04f..01506015 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/row-major-aref.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/row-major-aref.lsp
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
 (deftest row-major-aref.8
   (let ((a (make-array '(4) :element-type 'base-char
-		       :initial-element #\x)))
+                       :initial-element #\x)))
      (aref a 0)
      (aref a 1)
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
 (deftest row-major-aref.9
   (let ((a (make-array '(4) :initial-element 0
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (aref a 0)
      (aref a 1)
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@
 (deftest row-major-aref.10
   (let ((a (make-array '(2 3 4)
-		       :initial-contents '(((a b c d)(e f g h)(i j k l))
-					   ((m n o p)(q r s t)(u v w x))))))
+                       :initial-contents '(((a b c d)(e f g h)(i j k l))
+                                           ((m n o p)(q r s t)(u v w x))))))
     (loop for i from 0 to 23 collect (row-major-aref a i)))
   (a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x))
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
 (deftest row-major-aref.order.2
   (let ((i 0) x y z
-	(a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f))))
+        (a (copy-seq #(a b c d e f))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp b/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp
index cb7c43d4..195bb6ef 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
   (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
     (let ((y x))
       (and (eqt (rplaca x 'c) y)
-	   (eqt x y)
-	   (eqt (car x) 'c)
-	   (eqt (cdr x) 'b))))
+           (eqt x y)
+           (eqt (car x) 'c)
+           (eqt (cdr x) 'b))))
 (deftest rplaca.order.1
   (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
      (rplaca (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
      i a b))
   (c . b) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp b/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp
index bf53c10b..6dd3e438 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp
@@ -11,17 +11,17 @@
   (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
     (let ((y x))
       (and (eqt (rplacd x 'd) y)
-	   (eqt x y)
-	   (eqt (car x) 'a)
-	   (eqt (cdr x) 'd))))
+           (eqt x y)
+           (eqt (car x) 'a)
+           (eqt (cdr x) 'd))))
 (deftest rplacd.order.1
   (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
      (rplacd (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
      i a b))
   (a . c) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rt-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/rt-package.lsp
index fc7c00a8..ba0eb876 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rt-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rt-package.lsp
@@ -27,32 +27,32 @@
  (let* ((name (symbol-name :regression-test))
-	(pkg (find-package name)))
+        (pkg (find-package name)))
    (unless pkg (setq pkg (make-package name
-				       :nicknames (mapcar #'symbol-name '(:rtest #-lispworks :rt))
-				       :use '(#-wcl :cl #+wcl :lisp)
-				       )))
+                                       :nicknames (mapcar #'symbol-name '(:rtest #-lispworks :rt))
+                                       :use '(#-wcl :cl #+wcl :lisp)
+                                       )))
    (let ((*package* pkg))
      (export (mapcar #'intern
-		     (mapcar #'symbol-name
-			     '(#:*compile-tests*
-			       #:*do-tests-when-defined*
-			       #:*test*
-			       #:continue-testing
-			       #:deftest
-			       #:do-test
-			       #:do-tests
-			       #:do-extended-tests
-			       #:get-test
-			       #:pending-tests
-			       #:rem-all-tests
-			       #:rem-test
-			       #:defnote
-			       #:my-aref
-			       #:*catch-errors*
-			       #:*passed-tests*
-			       #:*failed-tests*
-			       #:disable-note))))))
+                     (mapcar #'symbol-name
+                             '(#:*compile-tests*
+                               #:*do-tests-when-defined*
+                               #:*test*
+                               #:continue-testing
+                               #:deftest
+                               #:do-test
+                               #:do-tests
+                               #:do-extended-tests
+                               #:get-test
+                               #:pending-tests
+                               #:rem-all-tests
+                               #:rem-test
+                               #:defnote
+                               #:my-aref
+                               #:*catch-errors*
+                               #:*passed-tests*
+                               #:*failed-tests*
+                               #:disable-note))))))
 ;;  )
 ;; (in-package :regression-test)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rt-test.lsp b/ansi-tests/rt-test.lsp
index acde732c..60c9a96a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rt-test.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/rt-test.lsp
@@ -37,26 +37,26 @@
 (defmacro with-blank-tests (&body body)
   `(let ((regression-test::*entries* (list nil))
-	 (regression-test::*entries-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	 (*test* nil)
-	 (regression-test::*in-test* nil))
+         (regression-test::*entries-table* (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
+         (*test* nil)
+         (regression-test::*in-test* nil))
     (let ((regression-test::*entries-tail* regression-test::*entries*))
 (defun do-setup (form)
       (let ((*do-tests-when-defined* nil)
-	    (regression-test::*debug* t)
-	    result)
-	(deftest t1 4 4)
-	(deftest (t 2) 4 3)
-	(values-list
-	 (cons (normalize
-	      (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
-		(setq result
-		      (multiple-value-list
-			(catch 'regression-test::*debug* (eval form))))))
-	    result)))))
+            (regression-test::*debug* t)
+            result)
+        (deftest t1 4 4)
+        (deftest (t 2) 4 3)
+        (values-list
+         (cons (normalize
+              (with-output-to-string (*standard-output*)
+                (setq result
+                      (multiple-value-list
+                        (catch 'regression-test::*debug* (eval form))))))
+            result)))))
 (defun normalize (string)
   (with-input-from-string (s string)
@@ -66,10 +66,10 @@
 (defun get-file-name ()
   (loop (if *file-name* (return *file-name*))
-	(format *error-output*
-		"~%Type a string representing naming of a scratch disk file: ")
-	(setq *file-name* (read))
-	(if (not (stringp *file-name*)) (setq *file-name* nil))))
+        (format *error-output*
+                "~%Type a string representing naming of a scratch disk file: ")
+        (setq *file-name* (read))
+        (if (not (stringp *file-name*)) (setq *file-name* nil))))
@@ -80,15 +80,15 @@
 (defun get-file-output (f)
   (prog1 (with-open-file (in f)
-	   (normalize-stream in))
-	 (delete-file f)))
+           (normalize-stream in))
+         (delete-file f)))
 (defun normalize-stream (s)
   (let ((l nil))
     (loop (push (read-line s nil s) l)
-	  (when (eq (car l) s)
-	    (setq l (nreverse (cdr l)))
-	    (return nil)))
+          (when (eq (car l) s)
+            (setq l (nreverse (cdr l)))
+            (return nil)))
     (delete "" l :test #'equal)))
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
 (deftest get-test-4
   (setup (deftest t3 1 1) (get-test))
   () (t3 1 1))
-(deftest get-test-5 
+(deftest get-test-5
   (setup (get-test 't0))
   ("No test with name RT-TESTS::T0.") nil)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
   (setup (values (rem-test '(t 2)) (pending-tests)))
   () (t 2) (t1))
 (deftest rem-test-3
-  (setup (let ((*test* '(t 2))) (rem-test)) (pending-tests)) 
+  (setup (let ((*test* '(t 2))) (rem-test)) (pending-tests))
   () (t1))
 (deftest rem-test-4
   (setup (values (rem-test 't0) (pending-tests)))
@@ -160,11 +160,11 @@
   () nil nil)
 (deftest rem-all-tests-2
   (setup (rem-all-tests) (rem-all-tests) (pending-tests))
-  () nil) 
+  () nil)
 (deftest do-tests-1
   (setup (let ((*print-case* :downcase))
-	   (values (do-tests) (continue-testing) (do-tests))))
+           (values (do-tests) (continue-testing) (do-tests))))
   ("Doing 2 pending tests of 2 tests total."
    " RT-TESTS::T1"
    "Test (T 2) failed"
@@ -191,8 +191,8 @@
 (deftest do-tests-2
   (setup (rem-test '(t 2))
-	 (deftest (t 2) 3 3)
-	 (values (do-tests) (continue-testing) (do-tests)))
+         (deftest (t 2) 3 3)
+         (values (do-tests) (continue-testing) (do-tests)))
   ("Doing 2 pending tests of 2 tests total."
    " RT-TESTS::T1 (T 2)"
    "No tests failed."
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rt.system b/ansi-tests/rt.system
index e0cce972..c30eea73 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/rt.system
+++ b/ansi-tests/rt.system
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
 (mk::defsystem "rt"
   :source-pathname #.(directory-namestring *LOAD-TRUENAME*)
   :binary-pathname #.(mk::append-directories
-		      (directory-namestring *LOAD-TRUENAME*)
-		      "binary/")
+                      (directory-namestring *LOAD-TRUENAME*)
+                      "binary/")
   :source-extension "lsp"
-	#+ALLEGRO "fasl"
-	#+(OR AKCL GCL) "o"
+        #+ALLEGRO "fasl"
+        #+(OR AKCL GCL) "o"
         #+CLISP "fas"
         #.(pathname-type (compile-file-pathname "foo.lisp"))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sbit.lsp b/ansi-tests/sbit.lsp
index e11beea3..4775afe2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sbit.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sbit.lsp
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@
 (deftest sbit.2
   (let ((a #*00000000))
     (loop for i from 0 below (length a)
-	  collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
-		    (setf (sbit b i) 1)
-		    b)))
+          collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
+                    (setf (sbit b i) 1)
+                    b)))
@@ -27,9 +27,9 @@
 (deftest sbit.3
   (let ((a #*11111111))
     (loop for i from 0 below (length a)
-	  collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
-		    (setf (sbit b i) 0)
-		    b)))
+          collect (let ((b (copy-seq a)))
+                    (setf (sbit b i) 0)
+                    b)))
@@ -73,17 +73,17 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b)
      (sbit (progn (setf a (incf i)) #*001001)
-	   (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+           (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
      i a b))
   0 2 1 2)
 (deftest sbit.order.2
   (let ((i 0) a b c
-	(v (copy-seq #*001001)))
+        (v (copy-seq #*001001)))
      (setf (sbit (progn (setf a (incf i)) v)
-		 (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
-	   (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1))
+                 (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+           (progn (setf c (incf i)) 1))
      v i a b c))
   1 #*011001 3 1 2 3)
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@
   (signals-error (sbit) program-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp
index 691c780b..c2e6c579 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-aux.lsp
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
    (let* ((s *searched-list*) (len (length s)))
      (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
-	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
-		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+           (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+                 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
    :test #'equal))
 (defparameter *searched-vector*
   (make-array (length *searched-list*)
-	      :initial-contents *searched-list*))
+              :initial-contents *searched-list*))
 (defparameter *pattern-subvectors*
   (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (apply #'vector x)) *pattern-sublists*))
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
    (let* ((s *searched-bitvector*) (len (length s)))
      (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
-	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
-		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+           (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+                 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
    :test #'equalp))
 (defparameter *searched-string*
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
    (let* ((s *searched-string*) (len (length s)))
      (loop for x from 0 to 8 nconc
-	   (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
-		 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
+           (loop for y from 0 to (- len x)
+                 collect (subseq s y (+ y x)))))
    :test #'equalp))
 (defun subseq-equalp (seq1 seq2 start1 start2 len &key (test #'equalp))
@@ -57,18 +57,18 @@
   (setq test (coerce test 'function))
   (if (and (listp seq1) (listp seq2))
       (loop for i from 0 to (1- len)
-	    for e1 in (nthcdr start1 seq1)
-	    for e2 in (nthcdr start2 seq2)
-	    always (funcall test e1 e2))
+            for e1 in (nthcdr start1 seq1)
+            for e2 in (nthcdr start2 seq2)
+            always (funcall test e1 e2))
     (loop for i from 0 to (1- len)
-	  always
-	  (funcall (the function test)
-		   (elt seq1 (+ start1 i))
-		   (elt seq2 (+ start2 i))))))
+          always
+          (funcall (the function test)
+                   (elt seq1 (+ start1 i))
+                   (elt seq2 (+ start2 i))))))
 (defun search-check (pattern searched pos
-			     &key (start1 0) (end1 nil) (start2 0) (end2 nil)
-			     key from-end (test #'equalp))
+                             &key (start1 0) (end1 nil) (start2 0) (end2 nil)
+                             key from-end (test #'equalp))
   (unless end1 (setq end1 (length pattern)))
   (unless end2 (setq end2 (length searched)))
   (assert (<= start1 end1))
@@ -78,16 +78,16 @@
       (setq pattern (map 'list key pattern))
       (setq searched (map 'list key searched)))
     (if pos
-	(and
-	 (subseq-equalp searched pattern pos start1 plen :test test)
-	 (if from-end
-	     (loop for i from (1+ pos) to (- end2 plen)
-		   never
-		   (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))
-	   (loop for i from start2 to (1- pos)
-		 never
-		 (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))))
+        (and
+         (subseq-equalp searched pattern pos start1 plen :test test)
+         (if from-end
+             (loop for i from (1+ pos) to (- end2 plen)
+                   never
+                   (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))
+           (loop for i from start2 to (1- pos)
+                 never
+                 (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test))))
       (loop for i from start2 to (- end2 plen)
-	    never (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test)))))
+            never (subseq-equalp searched pattern i start1 plen :test test)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp
index f73d47e7..404fdbaf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-bitvector.lsp
@@ -9,147 +9,147 @@
 (deftest search-bitvector.1
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*)
-	(pat #*0))
+        (pat #*0))
     (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
-	  for tail = (subseq target i)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
-	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+          for tail = (subseq target i)
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+            (search-check pat tail pos))))
 (deftest search-bitvector.2
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*)
-	(pat #*0))
+        (pat #*0))
     (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
-	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+            (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
 (deftest search-bitvector.3
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.4
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.5
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.6
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.7
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.8
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.9
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
-				 (map 'vector
-				      #'(lambda (y)
-					  (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
-				      x))
-			     *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  collect pat))
+                                 (map 'vector
+                                      #'(lambda (y)
+                                          (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
+                                      x))
+                             *pattern-sublists*)
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.10
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
-				 (map 'vector
-				      #'(lambda (y)
-					  (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
-				      x))
-			     *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  collect pat))
+                                 (map 'vector
+                                      #'(lambda (y)
+                                          (sublis '((a . 2) (b . 3)) y))
+                                      x))
+                             *pattern-sublists*)
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.11
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
-			       :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+                               :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.12
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.13
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
-		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
-				       :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :start1 1
-					 :test (complement #'eql)))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+                    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+                                       :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :start1 1
+                                         :test (complement #'eql)))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.14
   (let ((target *searched-bitvector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subbitvectors*
-	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
-		 (and (> len 0)
-		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (let ((len (length pat)))
+                 (and (> len 0)
+                      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-bitvector.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (search #*0 a)
      (search #*0 a :from-end t)
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
 (deftest search-bitvector.16
   (let ((pat (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(0 1 0)
-			 :fill-pointer 1))
-	(a #*01100))
+                         :fill-pointer 1))
+        (a #*01100))
      (search pat a)
      (search pat a :from-end t)
@@ -180,13 +180,13 @@
 (deftest search-bitvector.17
   (let ((pat #*10)
-	(target #*000011))
+        (target #*000011))
     (search pat target :test #'<=))
 (deftest search-bitvector.18
   (let ((pat #*10)
-	(target #*000011))
+        (target #*000011))
     (search pat target :test-not #'>))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp
index 34cd16da..2f57c063 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-list.lsp
@@ -9,144 +9,144 @@
 (deftest search-list.1
   (let ((target *searched-list*)
-	(pat '(a)))
+        (pat '(a)))
     (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
-	  for tail on target
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
-	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+          for tail on target
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+            (search-check pat tail pos))))
 (deftest search-list.2
   (let ((target *searched-list*)
-	(pat '(a)))
+        (pat '(a)))
     (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
-	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+            (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
 (deftest search-list.3
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.4
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.5
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.6
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.7
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.8
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.9
   (let ((target (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) *searched-list*)))
     (loop for pat in (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.10
   (let ((target (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) *searched-list*)))
     (loop for pat in (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.11
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
-			       :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+                               :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.12
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.13
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
-		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
-				       :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :start1 1
-					 :test (complement #'eql)))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+                    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+                                       :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :start1 1
+                                         :test (complement #'eql)))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-list.14
   (let ((target *searched-list*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
-		 (and (> len 0)
-		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (let ((len (length pat)))
+                 (and (> len 0)
+                      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))))
+          collect pat))
 ;; Order of test, test-not
 (deftest search-list.15
   (let ((pat '(10))
-	(target '(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
+        (target '(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
     (search pat target :test #'<))
 (deftest search-list.16
   (let ((pat '(10))
-	(target '(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
+        (target '(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
     (search pat target :test-not #'>=))
@@ -195,12 +195,12 @@
 (deftest search.allow-other-keys.5
   (search '(c d) '(a b c d c d e) :bad1 1 :allow-other-keys t :bad2 2
-	  :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 3)
+          :allow-other-keys nil :bad3 3)
 (deftest search.allow-other-keys.6
   (search '(c d) '(a b c d c d e) :allow-other-keys 'foo
-	  :from-end t)
+          :from-end t)
 (deftest search.allow-other-keys.7
@@ -209,7 +209,7 @@
 (deftest search.keywords.8
   (search '(c d) '(a b c d c d e) :start1 0 :start2 0 :start1 1
-	  :start2 6 :from-end t :from-end nil)
+          :start2 6 :from-end t :from-end nil)
@@ -289,4 +289,4 @@
       :from-end (progn (setf j (incf i)) t)
      i a b c d e f g h j))
-  4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
\ No newline at end of file
+  4 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp
index a0fcfda6..c498395b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-string.lsp
@@ -13,130 +13,130 @@
 (deftest search-string.1
   (let ((target *searched-string*)
-	(pat #(a)))
+        (pat #(a)))
     (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
-	  for tail on target
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
-	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+          for tail on target
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+            (search-check pat tail pos))))
 (deftest search-string.2
   (let ((target *searched-string*)
-	(pat #(a)))
+        (pat #(a)))
     (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
-	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+            (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
 (deftest search-string.3
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.4
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.5
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.6
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.7
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.8
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.9
   (flet ((%f (x) (case x ((#\0 a) 'c) ((#\1 b) 'd) (t nil))))
     (let ((target *searched-string*))
       (loop for pat in *pattern-sublists*
-	    for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'%f)
-	    unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'%f)
-	    collect pat)))
+            for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'%f)
+            unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'%f)
+            collect pat)))
 (deftest search-string.10
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
-			       :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+                               :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.11
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.13
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
-		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
-				       :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :start1 1
-					 :test (complement #'eql)))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+                    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+                                       :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :start1 1
+                                         :test (complement #'eql)))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.14
   (let ((target *searched-string*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-substrings*
-	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
-		 (and (> len 0)
-		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (let ((len (length pat)))
+                 (and (> len 0)
+                      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-string.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abbaaababb"
-		       :fill-pointer 5
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (search "a" a)
      (search "a" a :from-end t)
@@ -148,8 +148,8 @@
 (deftest search-string.16
   (let ((pat (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\a)
-			 :fill-pointer 1))
-	(a "abbaa"))
+                         :fill-pointer 1))
+        (a "abbaa"))
      (search pat a)
      (search pat a :from-end t)
@@ -167,13 +167,13 @@
 (deftest search-string.17
   (let ((pat "m")
-	(target '"adgmnpq"))
+        (target '"adgmnpq"))
     (search pat target :test #'char<))
 (deftest search-string.18
   (let ((pat "m")
-	(target '"adgmnpq"))
+        (target '"adgmnpq"))
     (search pat target :test-not #'char>=))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp
index d2723efd..d441c35a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/search-vector.lsp
@@ -9,148 +9,148 @@
 (deftest search-vector.1
   (let ((target *searched-vector*)
-	(pat #(a)))
+        (pat #(a)))
     (loop for i from 0 to (1- (length target))
-	  for tail = (subseq target i)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
-	    (search-check pat tail pos))))
+          for tail = (subseq target i)
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat tail)))
+            (search-check pat tail pos))))
 (deftest search-vector.2
   (let ((target *searched-vector*)
-	(pat #(a)))
+        (pat #(a)))
     (loop for i from 1 to (length target)
-	  always
-	  (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
-	    (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
+          always
+          (let ((pos (search pat target :end2 i :from-end t)))
+            (search-check pat target pos :end2 i :from-end t))))
 (deftest search-vector.3
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.4
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.5
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.6
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 25 :end2 75)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 25 :end2 75)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.7
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.8
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20)
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.9
   (let ((target (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) x))
-		     *searched-list*)))
+                     *searched-list*)))
     (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
-				 (map 'vector
-				      #'(lambda (y)
-					  (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
-				      x))
-			     *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
-	  collect pat))
+                                 (map 'vector
+                                      #'(lambda (y)
+                                          (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
+                                      x))
+                             *pattern-sublists*)
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20 :key #'evenp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.10
   (let ((target (map 'vector #'(lambda (x) (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) x))
-		     *searched-list*)))
+                     *searched-list*)))
     (loop for pat in (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
-				 (map 'vector
-				      #'(lambda (y)
-					  (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
-				      x))
-			     *pattern-sublists*)
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
-	  collect pat))
+                                 (map 'vector
+                                      #'(lambda (y)
+                                          (sublis '((a . 3) (b . 4)) y))
+                                      x))
+                             *pattern-sublists*)
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :key 'oddp)
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.11
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
-			       :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :start2 20
+                               :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.12
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
-	  unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
-			       :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
-	  collect pat))
+          for pos = (search pat target :from-end t :start2 20 :test-not #'eql)
+          unless (search-check pat target pos :from-end t
+                               :start2 20 :test (complement #'eql))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.13
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  when (and (> (length pat) 0)
-		    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
-				       :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :start1 1
-					 :test (complement #'eql)))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (and (> (length pat) 0)
+                    (let ((pos (search pat target :start1 1
+                                       :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :start1 1
+                                         :test (complement #'eql)))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.14
   (let ((target *searched-vector*))
     (loop for pat in *pattern-subvectors*
-	  when (let ((len (length pat)))
-		 (and (> len 0)
-		      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))
-		      (not (search-check pat target pos
-					 :end1 (1- len)
-					 :test (complement #'eql))))))
-	  collect pat))
+          when (let ((len (length pat)))
+                 (and (> len 0)
+                      (let ((pos (search pat target :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))
+                      (not (search-check pat target pos
+                                         :end1 (1- len)
+                                         :test (complement #'eql))))))
+          collect pat))
 (deftest search-vector.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b b a a a b a b b)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
      (search '(a) a)
      (search '(a) a :from-end t)
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 (deftest search-vector.16
   (let ((pat (make-array '(3) :initial-contents '(a b a)
-			 :fill-pointer 1))
-	(a #(a b b a a)))
+                         :fill-pointer 1))
+        (a #(a b b a a)))
      (search pat a)
      (search pat a :from-end t)
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@
 (deftest search-vector.17
   (let ((pat #(10))
-	(target #(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
+        (target #(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
     (search pat target :test #'<))
 (deftest search-vector.18
   (let ((pat #(10))
-	(target #(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
+        (target #(1 4 6 10 15 20)))
     (search pat target :test-not #'>=))
-  4)
\ No newline at end of file
+  4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp
index 6bb8359f..9216417e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest set-difference.2
   (let ((result
-	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+         (set-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
     (check-set-difference '(a b c) nil result))
 (deftest set-difference.3
   (let ((result
-	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+         (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
     (check-set-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     (set-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-			       '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+                               '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
   (1 3 5 6 8))
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 (deftest set-difference.6
   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :key nil)
+                             :key nil)
 (deftest set-difference.7
@@ -54,17 +54,17 @@
 (deftest set-difference.10
   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'eq)
+                             :test 'eq)
 (deftest set-difference.11
   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'eql)
+                             :test 'eql)
 (deftest set-difference.12
   (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'equal)
+                             :test 'equal)
 (deftest set-difference.13
@@ -73,14 +73,14 @@
 (deftest set-difference.14
   (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			     :key 'car)
+                             '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+                             :key 'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest set-difference.15
   (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			     :key #'car)
+                             '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+                             :key #'car)
   ((b . 2)))
@@ -94,10 +94,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
+                 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                           (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+                   (return-from fail 'fail))
+                 (eqt x y))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        :key #'identity
        :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
+                 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                           (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+                   (return-from fail 'fail))
+                 (eqt x y))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+           (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+             (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eqt x y)))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -139,10 +139,10 @@
        '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
        #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+           (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+                     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+             (return-from fail 'fail))
+           (not (eqt x y)))))
   (1 2 3 4))
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
+                     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
      i x y))
   (1) 2 1 2)
@@ -166,9 +166,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+                     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+                     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
      i x y z))
   (4) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-		     :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+                     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+                     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+                     :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
      i x y z w))
   (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp
index 0d7575a3..fa508d5c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.2
   (let ((result
-	 (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+         (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
     (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.3
   (let ((result
-	 (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+         (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
     (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
     (set-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+                                 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
   (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.6
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :key nil)
+                               :key nil)
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.7
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.8-b
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+                               :test-not (complement #'eql))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.9
@@ -70,17 +70,17 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.10
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eq)
+                               :test 'eq)
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.11
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eql)
+                               :test 'eql)
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.12
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'equal)
+                               :test 'equal)
 ;;; (deftest set-exclusive-or.13
@@ -89,21 +89,21 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.14
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
-			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
-			       :key 'car)
+                               '((a . 10) (c . 3))
+                               :key 'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.15
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car)
+                               '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+                               :key #'car)
   ((b . 2)))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.16
   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car
-			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+                               '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+                               :key #'car
+                               :test-not (complement #'eql))
   ((b . 2)))
@@ -112,69 +112,69 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.17
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+        list1 list2
+        :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+                  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                            (member s2 list1))
+                    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.17-a
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+        list1 list2
+        :key #'identity
+        :test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+                  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                            (member s2 list1))
+                    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.18
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
+        list1 list2
+        :test-not
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+            (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                      (member s2 list1))
+              (return-from fail 'failed))
+            t)))))
 (deftest set-exclusive-or.18-a
   (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+        (list2 '(e f g h)))
     (block fail
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
+        list1 list2
+        :key #'identity
+        :test-not
+        #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+            (when (or (member s1 list2)
+                      (member s2 list1))
+              (return-from fail 'failed))
+            t)))))
 (defharmless set-exclusive-or.test-and-test-not.1
   (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 7 3 8)
-		     :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
+                     :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless set-exclusive-or.test-and-test-not.2
   (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 1 7 3 8)
-		     :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
+                     :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
@@ -184,9 +184,9 @@
       (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10)))
+                               (list 1 2 3 4))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                               (list 1 3 6 10)))
      i x y))
   (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
@@ -196,11 +196,11 @@
       (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				     #'eql))
+                               (list 1 2 3 4))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                               (list 1 3 6 10))
+                        :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                     #'eql))
      i x y z))
   (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
@@ -210,12 +210,12 @@
       (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				     #'eql)
-			:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+                               (list 1 2 3 4))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                               (list 1 3 6 10))
+                        :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+                                     #'eql)
+                        :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -225,12 +225,12 @@
       (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			:test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				     #'eql))
+                               (list 1 2 3 4))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                               (list 1 3 6 10))
+                        :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+                        :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                     #'eql))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -240,12 +240,12 @@
       (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			:key (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				    (complement #'eql)))
+                               (list 1 2 3 4))
+                        (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                               (list 1 3 6 10))
+                        :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+                        :key (progn (setf w (incf i))
+                                    (complement #'eql)))
      i x y z w))
   (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -255,62 +255,62 @@
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+                          :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+                          :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+        #'<)
   (1 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t
+                          :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil
-			  '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
+                          :allow-other-keys t
+                          :allow-other-keys nil
+                          '#:x 1)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.keywords.8
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'eql
-			  :test #'/=)
-	#'<)
+                          :test #'eql
+                          :test #'/=)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 6))
 (deftest set-exclusive.keywords.9
   (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'/=
-			  :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
+                          :test #'/=
+                          :test #'eql)
+        #'<)
 (def-fold-test set-exclusive-or.fold.1 (set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(b x e y z c)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-macro-character.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-macro-character.lsp
index 0d7c33d3..c62cc37f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/set-macro-character.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-macro-character.lsp
@@ -7,40 +7,40 @@
 (def-syntax-test set-macro-character.1
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))
-	(*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+        (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
     (let ((v1 (read-from-string "?!")))
       (assert (eql v1 '?!))
       (flet ((%f (stream char)
-		 (declare (ignore stream))
-		 (assert (eql char #\?))
-		 17))
-	(let ((fn #'%f))
-	  (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			  (set-macro-character #\? fn nil))
-			 '(t)))
-	  (values
-	   (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "?!"))
-	   (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "!?")))))))
+                 (declare (ignore stream))
+                 (assert (eql char #\?))
+                 17))
+        (let ((fn #'%f))
+          (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                          (set-macro-character #\? fn nil))
+                         '(t)))
+          (values
+           (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "?!"))
+           (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "!?")))))))
   (17 1)
   (! 1))
 (def-syntax-test set-macro-character.2
   (let ((rt (copy-readtable))
-	(*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+        (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
     (let ((v1 (read-from-string "?!")))
       (assert (eql v1 '?!))
       (flet ((%f (stream char)
-		 (declare (ignore stream))
-		 (assert (eql char #\?))
-		 17))
-	(let ((fn #'%f))
-	  (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-			  (set-macro-character #\? fn t rt))
-			 '(t)))
-	  (let ((*readtable* rt))
-	    (values
-	     (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "?!"))
-	     (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "!?"))))))))
+                 (declare (ignore stream))
+                 (assert (eql char #\?))
+                 17))
+        (let ((fn #'%f))
+          (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
+                          (set-macro-character #\? fn t rt))
+                         '(t)))
+          (let ((*readtable* rt))
+            (values
+             (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "?!"))
+             (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "!?"))))))))
   (17 1)
   (!? 2))
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@
 (def-syntax-test set-macro-character.3
   (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable))
-	(*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
+        (*package* (find-package :cl-test)))
     (let ((v1 (read-from-string "?!"))
-	  (fn 'set-macro-character.3-test-fn))
+          (fn 'set-macro-character.3-test-fn))
       (assert (eql v1 '?!))
       (assert (equal (multiple-value-list
-		      (set-macro-character #\? fn nil))
-		     '(t)))
+                      (set-macro-character #\? fn nil))
+                     '(t)))
        (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "?!"))
        (multiple-value-list (read-from-string "!?")))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-syntax-from-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-syntax-from-char.lsp
index d6f1512c..90f3ecec 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/set-syntax-from-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-syntax-from-char.lsp
@@ -11,8 +11,8 @@
   `(deftest ,name
       (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil)))
-	(setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
-	,form))
+        (setf (readtable-case *readtable*) :preserve)
+        ,form))
 ;;; Test that constituent traits are not altered when a constituent character
@@ -20,30 +20,30 @@
 (defmacro def-set-syntax-from-char-trait-test (c test-form expected-value)
   (setq c (typecase c
-	    (character c)
-	    ((or string symbol) (name-char (string c)))
-	    (t nil)))
+            (character c)
+            ((or string symbol) (name-char (string c)))
+            (t nil)))
   (when c
     ;; (format t "~A ~A~%" c (char-name c))
        ,(intern (concatenate 'string "SET-SYNTAX-FROM-CHAR-TRAIT-X-" (or (char-name c)
-									 (string c)))
-		:cl-test)
+                                                                         (string c)))
+                :cl-test)
        (let ((c ,c))
-	 (values
-	  (set-syntax-from-char c #\X)
-	  ,test-form))
+         (values
+          (set-syntax-from-char c #\X)
+          ,test-form))
        t ,expected-value)))
 (defmacro def-set-syntax-from-char-alphabetic-trait-test (c)
   `(def-set-syntax-from-char-trait-test ,c
      (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	    (sym (read-from-string (string c))))
+            (sym (read-from-string (string c))))
        (list (let ((sym2 (find-symbol (string c))))
-	       (or (eqt sym sym2)
-		   (list sym sym2)))
-	     (or (equalt (symbol-name sym) (string c))
-		 (list (symbol-name sym) (string c)))))
+               (or (eqt sym sym2)
+                   (list sym sym2)))
+             (or (equalt (symbol-name sym) (string c))
+                 (list (symbol-name sym) (string c)))))
      (t t)))
 (loop for c across "\\|!\"#$%&'()*,;<=>?@[]^_`~{}+-/abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
   `(def-set-syntax-from-char-trait-test ,c
       (let* ((*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	     (sym (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (string c) "Z"))))
-	sym)
+             (sym (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (string c) "Z"))))
+        sym)
       (reader-error (c) (declare (ignore c)) :good))
@@ -68,145 +68,145 @@
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.single-escape.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\\)
-		   (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\Z))))))
-	     (unless (equal results '(t |Z|))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\\)
+                   (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\Z))))))
+             (unless (equal results '(t |Z|))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.single-escape.2
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	unless (eql c #\")
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\\)
-		   (read-from-string (concatenate 'string
-						  (list #\" c #\" #\"))))))
-	     (unless (equal results '(t "\""))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        unless (eql c #\")
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\\)
+                   (read-from-string (concatenate 'string
+                                                  (list #\" c #\" #\"))))))
+             (unless (equal results '(t "\""))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.multiple-escape
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\|)
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\Z c)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\z #\|)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list #\| #\Z c)))
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (or (eql c #\Z) (eql c #\z) (equal results '(t |Z| |z| |Z|)))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\|)
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\Z c)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\z #\|)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list #\| #\Z c)))
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (or (eql c #\Z) (eql c #\z) (equal results '(t |Z| |z| |Z|)))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.semicolon
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	       (expected (if (eql c #\0) '1 '0))
-	       (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\;)
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c2 c #\2)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c2 c #\2 #\Newline #\3)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\2 #\Newline c2)))
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+               (expected (if (eql c #\0) '1 '0))
+               (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\;)
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c2 c #\2)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c2 c #\2 #\Newline #\3)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c #\2 #\Newline c2)))
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.left-paren
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	unless (find c ")")
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	       (expected (if (eql c #\0) '(1) '(0)))
-	       (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\()
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c) ")"))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")2" (list #\Newline #\3)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")"))
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (equal results (list t nil expected expected))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        unless (find c ")")
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+               (expected (if (eql c #\0) '(1) '(0)))
+               (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\()
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c) ")"))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")2" (list #\Newline #\3)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")"))
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (equal results (list t nil expected expected))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.right-paren
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (string c) nil nil)
-		    (reader-error (c) :good)
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (equal results '(t :good))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST")))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (string c) nil nil)
+                    (reader-error (c) :good)
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (equal results '(t :good))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.single-quote
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	       (expected (if (eql c #\0) ''1 ''0))
-	       (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\')
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) " 2"))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")"))
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+               (expected (if (eql c #\0) ''1 ''0))
+               (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\')
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) " 2"))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2) ")"))
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 ;;; I do not test that setting syntax from #\" allows the character to be
@@ -215,259 +215,259 @@
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.double-quote
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-	       (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-	       (expected (if (eql c #\0) "1" "0"))
-	       (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
-	   (let ((results
-		  (list
-		   (set-syntax-from-char c #\")
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string
-		     (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string
-		     (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c #\2)))
-		    (error (c) c))
-		   (handler-case
-		    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c) ")"))
-		    (error (c) c)))))
-	     (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
-	       (list (list c results)))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+               (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+               (expected (if (eql c #\0) "1" "0"))
+               (c2 (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0)))
+           (let ((results
+                  (list
+                   (set-syntax-from-char c #\")
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string
+                     (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string
+                     (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c #\2)))
+                    (error (c) c))
+                   (handler-case
+                    (read-from-string (concatenate 'string (list c c2 c) ")"))
+                    (error (c) c)))))
+             (unless (equal results (list t expected expected expected))
+               (list (list c results)))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.backquote
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	unless (find c ",x")
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-		(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-		(c2 (if (eql c #\Space) #\Newline #\Space))
-		(results
-		 (list
-		  (set-syntax-from-char c #\`)
-		  (handler-case
-		   (eval `(let ((x 0))
-			    ,(read-from-string
-			      (concatenate 'string (list c #\, #\x)))))
-		   (error (c) c))
-		  (handler-case
-		   (eval `(let ((x 0))
-			    ,(read-from-string
-			      (concatenate 'string (list c #\, #\x c2)))))
-		   (error (c) c))
-		  (handler-case
-		   (eval `(let ((x 0))
-			    ,(read-from-string
-			      (concatenate 'string (list c c2 #\, #\x c2)))))
-		   (error (c) c)))))
-	   (unless (equal results '(t 0 0 0))
-	     (list (list c results))))))
+        unless (find c ",x")
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+                (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+                (c2 (if (eql c #\Space) #\Newline #\Space))
+                (results
+                 (list
+                  (set-syntax-from-char c #\`)
+                  (handler-case
+                   (eval `(let ((x 0))
+                            ,(read-from-string
+                              (concatenate 'string (list c #\, #\x)))))
+                   (error (c) c))
+                  (handler-case
+                   (eval `(let ((x 0))
+                            ,(read-from-string
+                              (concatenate 'string (list c #\, #\x c2)))))
+                   (error (c) c))
+                  (handler-case
+                   (eval `(let ((x 0))
+                            ,(read-from-string
+                              (concatenate 'string (list c c2 #\, #\x c2)))))
+                   (error (c) c)))))
+           (unless (equal results '(t 0 0 0))
+             (list (list c results))))))
 (deftest set-syntax-from-char.comma
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	unless (find c "`x")
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-		(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-		(c2 (if (eql c #\Space) #\Newline #\Space))
-		(results
-		 (list
-		  (set-syntax-from-char c #\,)
-		  (handler-case
-		   (read-from-string (string c))
-		   (reader-error (c) :good)
-		   (error (c) c))
-		  (handler-case
-		   (eval `(let ((x 0))
-			    ,(read-from-string
-			      (concatenate 'string "`" (list c) "x"))))
-		   (error (c) c)))))
-	   (unless (equal results '(t :good 0))
-	     (list (list c results))))))
+        unless (find c "`x")
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+                (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+                (c2 (if (eql c #\Space) #\Newline #\Space))
+                (results
+                 (list
+                  (set-syntax-from-char c #\,)
+                  (handler-case
+                   (read-from-string (string c))
+                   (reader-error (c) :good)
+                   (error (c) c))
+                  (handler-case
+                   (eval `(let ((x 0))
+                            ,(read-from-string
+                              (concatenate 'string "`" (list c) "x"))))
+                   (error (c) c)))))
+           (unless (equal results '(t :good 0))
+             (list (list c results))))))
 ;;; Tests of set-syntax-from-char on #\#
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-		(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-		(results
-		 (list
-		  (set-syntax-from-char c #\#)
-		  (if (not (eql c #\Space))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c #\Space)))
-		       (reader-error () :good)
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    :good)
-		  (if (not (find c "'X"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) "'X"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '#'|X|)
-		  (if (not (find c "(X)"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) "(X)"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    #(|X|))
-		  (if (not (find c ")"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) ")"))
-		       (reader-error (c) :good)
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    :good)
-		  (if (not (find c "*"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c #\*)))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    #*)
-		  (if (not (find c ":|"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (let ((sym (read-from-string
-				   (concatenate 'string (list c) ":||"))))
-			 (and (symbolp sym)
-			      (null (symbol-package sym))
-			      (symbol-name sym)))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    "")
-		  (handler-case
-		   (read-from-string
-		    (concatenate 'string (list c #\<)))
-		   (reader-error (c) :good)
-		   (error (c) c))
-		  (handler-case
-		   (read-from-string
-		    (concatenate 'string (list c #\\ #\X)))
-		   (error (c) c))
-		  (if (not (find c "1"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) "|1111|#1"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    1)
-		  (if (not (find c "1"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) "|11#|111|#11|#1"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    1)
-		  )))
-	   (unless (equalp results '(t :good #'|X| #(|X|) :good #* "" :good #\X 1 1))
-	     (list (list c results))))))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+                (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+                (results
+                 (list
+                  (set-syntax-from-char c #\#)
+                  (if (not (eql c #\Space))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c #\Space)))
+                       (reader-error () :good)
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    :good)
+                  (if (not (find c "'X"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) "'X"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '#'|X|)
+                  (if (not (find c "(X)"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) "(X)"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    #(|X|))
+                  (if (not (find c ")"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) ")"))
+                       (reader-error (c) :good)
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    :good)
+                  (if (not (find c "*"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c #\*)))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    #*)
+                  (if (not (find c ":|"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (let ((sym (read-from-string
+                                   (concatenate 'string (list c) ":||"))))
+                         (and (symbolp sym)
+                              (null (symbol-package sym))
+                              (symbol-name sym)))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    "")
+                  (handler-case
+                   (read-from-string
+                    (concatenate 'string (list c #\<)))
+                   (reader-error (c) :good)
+                   (error (c) c))
+                  (handler-case
+                   (read-from-string
+                    (concatenate 'string (list c #\\ #\X)))
+                   (error (c) c))
+                  (if (not (find c "1"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) "|1111|#1"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    1)
+                  (if (not (find c "1"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) "|11#|111|#11|#1"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    1)
+                  )))
+           (unless (equalp results '(t :good #'|X| #(|X|) :good #* "" :good #\X 1 1))
+             (list (list c results))))))
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	nconc
-	(with-standard-io-syntax
-	 (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
-		(*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
-		(results
-		 (list
-		  (set-syntax-from-char c #\#)
-		  (if (not (find c "+XC "))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (let ((*features* (cons ':X *features*)))
-			 (read-from-string
-			  (concatenate 'string (list c) "+X C")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    'c)
-		  (if (not (find c "-(OR)"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) "-(OR)R"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    'r)
-		  (if (not (find c ".1"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (read-from-string
-			(concatenate 'string (list c) ".1"))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    1)
-		  (if (not (find c "01aA"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "0a1"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "0A1")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#0a1 #0a1))
-		  (if (not (find c "01bB"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "b101"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "B011")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(5 3))
-		  (if (not (find c "cC()12 "))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "c(1 2)"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "C(2 1)")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#c(1 2) #c(2 1)))
-		  (if (not (find c "oO0127"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "o172"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "O7721")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#o172 #o7721))
-		  (if (not (find c "pP\""))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "p\"\""))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "P\"\"")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#p"" #p""))
-		  (if (not (find c "rR0123"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "3r210"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "3R1111")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#3r210 #3r1111))
-		  ;;; Add #s test here
-		  (if (not (find c "xX04dF"))
-		      (handler-case
-		       (list
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "x40Fd"))
-			(read-from-string
-			 (concatenate 'string (list c) "XFd04")))
-		       (error (c) c))
-		    '(#x40fd #xfd04))
-		  )))
-	   (unless (equalp results
-			   '(t c r 1 (#0a1 #0a1) (5 3) (#c(1 2) #c(2 1))
-			       (#o172 #o7721) (#p"" #p"") (#3r210 #3r1111)
-			       (#x40fd #xfd04)))
-	     (list (list c results)))
-	   )))
+        nconc
+        (with-standard-io-syntax
+         (let* ((*readtable* (copy-readtable nil))
+                (*package* (find-package "CL-TEST"))
+                (results
+                 (list
+                  (set-syntax-from-char c #\#)
+                  (if (not (find c "+XC "))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (let ((*features* (cons ':X *features*)))
+                         (read-from-string
+                          (concatenate 'string (list c) "+X C")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    'c)
+                  (if (not (find c "-(OR)"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) "-(OR)R"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    'r)
+                  (if (not (find c ".1"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (read-from-string
+                        (concatenate 'string (list c) ".1"))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    1)
+                  (if (not (find c "01aA"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "0a1"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "0A1")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#0a1 #0a1))
+                  (if (not (find c "01bB"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "b101"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "B011")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(5 3))
+                  (if (not (find c "cC()12 "))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "c(1 2)"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "C(2 1)")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#c(1 2) #c(2 1)))
+                  (if (not (find c "oO0127"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "o172"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "O7721")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#o172 #o7721))
+                  (if (not (find c "pP\""))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "p\"\""))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "P\"\"")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#p"" #p""))
+                  (if (not (find c "rR0123"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "3r210"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "3R1111")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#3r210 #3r1111))
+                  ;;; Add #s test here
+                  (if (not (find c "xX04dF"))
+                      (handler-case
+                       (list
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "x40Fd"))
+                        (read-from-string
+                         (concatenate 'string (list c) "XFd04")))
+                       (error (c) c))
+                    '(#x40fd #xfd04))
+                  )))
+           (unless (equalp results
+                           '(t c r 1 (#0a1 #0a1) (5 3) (#c(1 2) #c(2 1))
+                               (#o172 #o7721) (#p"" #p"") (#3r210 #3r1111)
+                               (#x40fd #xfd04)))
+             (list (list c results)))
+           )))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set.lsp b/ansi-tests/set.lsp
index 474490a2..991dbe02 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/set.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/set.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest set.1
   (let ((*var-used-in-set-tests* 'a)
-	(var '*var-used-in-set-tests*))
+        (var '*var-used-in-set-tests*))
     (declare (special *var-used-in-set-tests*))
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest set.2
   (let ((*var-used-in-set-tests* 'a)
-	(var '*var-used-in-set-tests*))
+        (var '*var-used-in-set-tests*))
     (declare (special *var-used-in-set-tests*))
      (let ((*var-used-in-set-tests* 'c))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/shadow.lsp b/ansi-tests/shadow.lsp
index 7b3f7ef8..5269b5c3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/shadow.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/shadow.lsp
@@ -12,37 +12,37 @@
 (deftest shadow.1
-	(safely-delete-package "TEST5")
-	(safely-delete-package "TEST4")
-	(handler-case
-	 (let* ((p1 (prog1
-			(make-package "TEST4" :use nil)
-		      (export (intern "A" "TEST4") "TEST4")))
-		(p2 (make-package "TEST5" :use '("TEST4")))
-		(r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST4"))
-		(r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST5")))
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
-	       (find-symbol "A" p1)
-	     (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
-		 (find-symbol "A" p2)
-	       (let ((r3 (shadow "A" p2)))
-		 (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
-		     (find-symbol "A" p2)
-		   (list 
-		    (package-name p1)
-		    (package-name p2)
-		    r1 r2
-		    (symbol-name s1)
-		    (package-name (symbol-package s1))
-		    kind1
-		    (symbol-name s2)
-		    (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-		    kind2
-		    r3
-		    (symbol-name s3)
-		    (package-name (symbol-package s3))
-		    kind3))))))
-	 (error (c) c)))
+        (safely-delete-package "TEST5")
+        (safely-delete-package "TEST4")
+        (handler-case
+         (let* ((p1 (prog1
+                        (make-package "TEST4" :use nil)
+                      (export (intern "A" "TEST4") "TEST4")))
+                (p2 (make-package "TEST5" :use '("TEST4")))
+                (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST4"))
+                (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "TEST5")))
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
+               (find-symbol "A" p1)
+             (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
+                 (find-symbol "A" p2)
+               (let ((r3 (shadow "A" p2)))
+                 (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
+                     (find-symbol "A" p2)
+                   (list
+                    (package-name p1)
+                    (package-name p2)
+                    r1 r2
+                    (symbol-name s1)
+                    (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+                    kind1
+                    (symbol-name s2)
+                    (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                    kind2
+                    r3
+                    (symbol-name s3)
+                    (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+                    kind3))))))
+         (error (c) c)))
     (safely-delete-package "TEST5")
     (safely-delete-package "TEST4"))
   ("TEST4" "TEST5" nil nil "A" "TEST4" :external
@@ -56,31 +56,31 @@
     (safely-delete-package "G")
      (let* ((p1 (prog1
-		    (make-package "G" :use nil)
-		  (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
-	    (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
-	    (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
-	    (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
+                    (make-package "G" :use nil)
+                  (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
+            (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
+            (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
+            (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
        (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
-	   (find-symbol "A" p1)
-	 (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
-	     (find-symbol "A" p2)
-	   (let ((r3 (shadow "A" "H")))
-	     (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
-		 (find-symbol "A" p2)
-	       (prog1
-		   (list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
-			 r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
-			 kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-			 kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
-			 kind3)
-		 (safely-delete-package p2)
-		 (safely-delete-package p1)
-		 ))))))
+           (find-symbol "A" p1)
+         (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
+             (find-symbol "A" p2)
+           (let ((r3 (shadow "A" "H")))
+             (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
+                 (find-symbol "A" p2)
+               (prog1
+                   (list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
+                         r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+                         kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                         kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+                         kind3)
+                 (safely-delete-package p2)
+                 (safely-delete-package p1)
+                 ))))))
      (error (c)
-	    (safely-delete-package "H")
-	    (safely-delete-package "G")
-	    c)))
+            (safely-delete-package "H")
+            (safely-delete-package "G")
+            c)))
   ("G" "H" nil nil "A" "G" :external
    "A" "G" :inherited
@@ -94,31 +94,31 @@
     (safely-delete-package "G")
      (let* ((p1 (prog1
-		    (make-package "G" :use nil)
-		  (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
-	    (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
-	    (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
-	    (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
+                    (make-package "G" :use nil)
+                  (export (intern "A" "G") "G")))
+            (p2 (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
+            (r1 (package-shadowing-symbols "G"))
+            (r2 (package-shadowing-symbols "H")))
        (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
-	   (find-symbol "A" p1)
-	 (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
-	     (find-symbol "A" p2)
-	   (let ((r3 (shadow "A" #\H)))
-	     (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
-		 (find-symbol "A" p2)
-	       (prog1
-		   (list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
-			 r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
-			 kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-			 kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
-			 kind3)
-		 (safely-delete-package p2)
-		 (safely-delete-package p1)
-		 ))))))
+           (find-symbol "A" p1)
+         (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
+             (find-symbol "A" p2)
+           (let ((r3 (shadow "A" #\H)))
+             (multiple-value-bind* (s3 kind3)
+                 (find-symbol "A" p2)
+               (prog1
+                   (list (package-name p1) (package-name p2)
+                         r1 r2 (symbol-name s1) (package-name (symbol-package s1))
+                         kind1 (symbol-name s2) (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                         kind2 r3 (symbol-name s3) (package-name (symbol-package s3))
+                         kind3)
+                 (safely-delete-package p2)
+                 (safely-delete-package p1)
+                 ))))))
      (error (c)
-	    (safely-delete-package "H")
-	    (safely-delete-package "G")
-	    c)))
+            (safely-delete-package "H")
+            (safely-delete-package "G")
+            c)))
   ("G" "H" nil nil "A" "G" :external
    "A" "G" :inherited
@@ -130,16 +130,16 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (let ((s1 (intern "X" :G)))
-	   (shadow "X" :G)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
-	       (find-symbol "X" :G)
-	     (list (eqt s1 s2)
-		   (symbol-name s2)
-		   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-		   kind))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (let ((s1 (intern "X" :G)))
+           (shadow "X" :G)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
+               (find-symbol "X" :G)
+             (list (eqt s1 s2)
+                   (symbol-name s2)
+                   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                   kind))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package "G"))
   (t "X" "G" :internal))
@@ -150,18 +150,18 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :H)
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (export (intern "X" :G) :G)
-	 (make-package :H :use '("G"))
-	 (shadow "X" :H)
-	 (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
-	     (find-symbol "X" :H)
-	   (shadow "X" :H)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
-	       (find-symbol "X" :H)
-	     (list (eqt s1 s2) kind1 kind2))))
+         (safely-delete-package :H)
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (export (intern "X" :G) :G)
+         (make-package :H :use '("G"))
+         (shadow "X" :H)
+         (multiple-value-bind* (s1 kind1)
+             (find-symbol "X" :H)
+           (shadow "X" :H)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind2)
+               (find-symbol "X" :H)
+             (list (eqt s1 s2) kind1 kind2))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package :H)
     (safely-delete-package :G))
@@ -173,25 +173,25 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (shadow '("X" "Y" |Z|) :G)
-	 (let ((results
-		(append (multiple-value-list
-			 (find-symbol "X" :G))
-			(multiple-value-list
-			 (find-symbol "Y" :G))
-			(multiple-value-list
-			 (find-symbol "Z" :G))
-			nil)))
-	   (list
-	    (symbol-name (first results))
-	    (second results)
-	    (symbol-name (third results))
-	    (fourth results)
-	    (symbol-name (fifth results))
-	    (sixth results)
-	    (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (shadow '("X" "Y" |Z|) :G)
+         (let ((results
+                (append (multiple-value-list
+                         (find-symbol "X" :G))
+                        (multiple-value-list
+                         (find-symbol "Y" :G))
+                        (multiple-value-list
+                         (find-symbol "Z" :G))
+                        nil)))
+           (list
+            (symbol-name (first results))
+            (second results)
+            (symbol-name (third results))
+            (fourth results)
+            (symbol-name (fifth results))
+            (sixth results)
+            (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package :G))
   ("X" :internal "Y" :internal "Z" :internal 3))
@@ -201,23 +201,23 @@
        (let ((i 0) x y)
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (shadow (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(#\X #\Y))
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) :G))
-	 (let ((results
-		(append (multiple-value-list
-			 (find-symbol "X" :G))
-			(multiple-value-list
-			 (find-symbol "Y" :G))
-			nil)))
-	   (list
-	    i x y
-	    (symbol-name (first results))
-	    (second results)
-	    (symbol-name (third results))
-	    (fourth results)
-	    (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (shadow (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(#\X #\Y))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) :G))
+         (let ((results
+                (append (multiple-value-list
+                         (find-symbol "X" :G))
+                        (multiple-value-list
+                         (find-symbol "Y" :G))
+                        nil)))
+           (list
+            i x y
+            (symbol-name (first results))
+            (second results)
+            (symbol-name (third results))
+            (fourth results)
+            (length (package-shadowing-symbols :G)))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package :G))
   (2 1 2 "X" :internal "Y" :internal 2))
@@ -228,18 +228,18 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (let* ((name (make-array '(1) :initial-contents "X"
-				  :element-type 'base-char))
-		(s1 (intern name :G)))
-	   (shadow name :G)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
-	       (find-symbol "X" :G)
-	     (list (eqt s1 s2)
-		   (symbol-name s2)
-		   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-		   kind))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (let* ((name (make-array '(1) :initial-contents "X"
+                                  :element-type 'base-char))
+                (s1 (intern name :G)))
+           (shadow name :G)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
+               (find-symbol "X" :G)
+             (list (eqt s1 s2)
+                   (symbol-name s2)
+                   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                   kind))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package "G"))
   (t "X" "G" :internal))
@@ -248,19 +248,19 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (let* ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "XYZ"
-				  :fill-pointer 1
-				  :element-type 'character))
-		(s1 (intern name :G)))
-	   (shadow name :G)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
-	       (find-symbol "X" :G)
-	     (list (eqt s1 s2)
-		   (symbol-name s2)
-		   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-		   kind))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (let* ((name (make-array '(3) :initial-contents "XYZ"
+                                  :fill-pointer 1
+                                  :element-type 'character))
+                (s1 (intern name :G)))
+           (shadow name :G)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
+               (find-symbol "X" :G)
+             (list (eqt s1 s2)
+                   (symbol-name s2)
+                   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                   kind))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package "G"))
   (t "X" "G" :internal))
@@ -269,19 +269,19 @@
-	 (safely-delete-package :G)
-	 (make-package :G :use nil)
-	 (let* ((name (make-array '(1) :initial-contents "X"
-				  :adjustable t
-				  :element-type 'base-char))
-		(s1 (intern name :G)))
-	   (shadow name :G)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
-	       (find-symbol "X" :G)
-	     (list (eqt s1 s2)
-		   (symbol-name s2)
-		   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
-		   kind))))
+         (safely-delete-package :G)
+         (make-package :G :use nil)
+         (let* ((name (make-array '(1) :initial-contents "X"
+                                  :adjustable t
+                                  :element-type 'base-char))
+                (s1 (intern name :G)))
+           (shadow name :G)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (s2 kind)
+               (find-symbol "X" :G)
+             (list (eqt s1 s2)
+                   (symbol-name s2)
+                   (package-name (symbol-package s2))
+                   kind))))
        (error (c) c))
     (safely-delete-package "G"))
   (t "X" "G" :internal))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/shadowing-import.lsp b/ansi-tests/shadowing-import.lsp
index 2580d120..c3963d50 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/shadowing-import.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/shadowing-import.lsp
@@ -7,83 +7,83 @@
 (deftest shadowing-import.1
   (let ((name1 "TEST1")
-	(name2 "TEST2"))
+        (name2 "TEST2"))
     (safely-delete-package name1)
     (safely-delete-package name2)
-	(let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
-	       (p2 (make-package name2))
-	       (s1 (intern "X" p1))
-	       (s2 (intern "X" p2)))
-	  (list
-	   (eqt s1 s2)
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
-	   (shadowing-import s1 p2)
-	   (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
+        (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
+               (p2 (make-package name2))
+               (s1 (intern "X" p1))
+               (s2 (intern "X" p2)))
+          (list
+           (eqt s1 s2)
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
+           (shadowing-import s1 p2)
+           (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)))
   (nil t t t t))
 (deftest shadowing-import.2
   (let ((name1 "TEST1")
-	(name2 "TEST2"))
+        (name2 "TEST2"))
     (safely-delete-package name1)
     (safely-delete-package name2)
-	(let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
-	       (p2 (make-package name2))
-	       (s1 (intern "X" p1)))
-	  (list
-	   (find-symbol "X" p2)
-	   (shadowing-import s1 p2)
-	   (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
+        (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
+               (p2 (make-package name2))
+               (s1 (intern "X" p1)))
+          (list
+           (find-symbol "X" p2)
+           (shadowing-import s1 p2)
+           (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)))
   (nil t t t))
 (deftest shadowing-import.3
   (let ((name1 "TEST1")
-	(name2 "TEST2"))
+        (name2 "TEST2"))
     (safely-delete-package name1)
     (safely-delete-package name2)
-	(let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
-	       (p2 (make-package name2 :use nil))
-	       (s1 (intern "X" p1))
-	       (s2 (intern "X" p2)))
-	  (list
-	   (eqt s1 s2)
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
-	   (let ((*package* p2))
-	     (shadowing-import s1))
-	   (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
+        (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
+               (p2 (make-package name2 :use nil))
+               (s1 (intern "X" p1))
+               (s2 (intern "X" p2)))
+          (list
+           (eqt s1 s2)
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
+           (let ((*package* p2))
+             (shadowing-import s1))
+           (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name2)))
   (nil t t t t))
 (deftest shadowing-import.4
   (let ((name1 "TEST1")
-	(name2 "TEST2")
-	(name3 "TEST3"))
+        (name2 "TEST2")
+        (name3 "TEST3"))
     (safely-delete-package name1)
     (safely-delete-package name2)
     (safely-delete-package name3)
-	(let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
-	       (p3 (make-package name2 :use nil))
-	       (p2 (make-package name3 :use (list p3)))
-	       (s1 (intern "X" p1))
-	       (s2 (intern "X" p3)))
-	  (export s2 p3)
-	  (list
-	   (eqt s1 s2)
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
-	   (shadowing-import s1 p2)
-	   (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
-	   (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
+        (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil))
+               (p3 (make-package name2 :use nil))
+               (p2 (make-package name3 :use (list p3)))
+               (s1 (intern "X" p1))
+               (s2 (intern "X" p3)))
+          (export s2 p3)
+          (list
+           (eqt s1 s2)
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s2)
+           (shadowing-import s1 p2)
+           (equalt (package-shadowing-symbols p2) (list s1))
+           (eqt (find-symbol "X" p2) s1)))
       (safely-delete-package name1)
       (safely-delete-package name3)
       (safely-delete-package name2)))
@@ -96,54 +96,54 @@
      (let ((name1 ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name1)
-	   (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil)))
-	     (list
-	      (find-symbol "T" p1)
-	      (shadowing-import t name1)
-	      (package-shadowing-symbols p1)
-	      (find-symbol "T" p1)))
-	 (safely-delete-package name1)))
+           (let* ((p1 (make-package name1 :use nil)))
+             (list
+              (find-symbol "T" p1)
+              (shadowing-import t name1)
+              (package-shadowing-symbols p1)
+              (find-symbol "T" p1)))
+         (safely-delete-package name1)))
      (nil t (t) t)))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.5
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.6
   (make-array '(7) :initial-contents "TEST1XX"
-	      :fill-pointer 7
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 7
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.7
   (make-array '(7) :initial-contents "TEST1XX"
-	      :fill-pointer 7
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 7
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.8
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.9
   (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.10
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "ABTEST1CDE"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "ABTEST1CDE"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array '(5) :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name2
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name2
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 (def-shadowing-import-test shadowing-import.11
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "ABTEST1CDE"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name2 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "ABTEST1CDE"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array '(5) :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name2
-		:displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                :displaced-to name2
+                :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -153,5 +153,5 @@
 (deftest shadowing-import.error.2
   (signals-error (shadowing-import nil *package* nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/shared-initialize.lsp b/ansi-tests/shared-initialize.lsp
index f01ef47c..34ffa8fc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/shared-initialize.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/shared-initialize.lsp
@@ -139,15 +139,15 @@
 ;;; Initforms in the lexical environment of the defclass
 (declaim (special *shared-init-var-02-init*
-		  *shared-init-var-02-query*))
+                  *shared-init-var-02-query*))
 (declaim (type function *shared-init-var-02-init* *shared-init-var-02-query*))
 (let ((ainit 0) (binit 0))
   (flet ((%init (a b) (setf ainit a binit b))
-	 (%query () (list ainit binit)))
+         (%query () (list ainit binit)))
     (setf *shared-init-var-02-init* #'%init
-	  *shared-init-var-02-query* #'%query)
+          *shared-init-var-02-query* #'%query)
     (defclass shared-init-class-02 ()
       ((a :initform (incf ainit) :initarg :a)
        (b :initform (incf binit) :initarg :b)
@@ -256,12 +256,12 @@
   a b c)
 (defmethod shared-initialize ((obj shared-init-class-03)
-			      slots-to-init
-			      &key
-			      (a nil a-p)
-			      (b nil b-p)
-			      (c nil c-p)
-			      &allow-other-keys)
+                              slots-to-init
+                              &key
+                              (a nil a-p)
+                              (b nil b-p)
+                              (c nil c-p)
+                              &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore slots-to-init))
 ;;  (when a-p (setf (slot-value obj 'a) a))
 ;;  (when b-p (setf (slot-value obj 'b) b))
@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.5.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-05))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
     (slot-makunbound obj 'b)
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.5.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-05))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
     (slot-makunbound obj 'b)
@@ -393,8 +393,8 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.5.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-05))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class))
-	 (obj2 (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class))
+         (obj2 (allocate-instance class)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
     (slot-makunbound obj 'b)
@@ -409,8 +409,8 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.5.4
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-05))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class))
-	 (obj2 (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class))
+         (obj2 (allocate-instance class)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
      (setf (slot-value obj 'b) 'bar)
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil))
@@ -443,7 +443,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj t))
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i1 'z))
@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.4
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i2 'z))
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.5
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i1 'w :i2 'z))
@@ -498,7 +498,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.6
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i2 'z :i1 'w))
@@ -512,7 +512,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.7
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i2 'z :i2 'w))
@@ -527,7 +527,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.8
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :i2 'z :i2 'w :foo t))
@@ -542,11 +542,11 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.6.9
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-06))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil :allow-other-keys nil
-				 :i2 'z :i2 'w :foo t))
+                                 :i2 'z :i2 'w :foo t))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (slot-value obj 'a)
      (slot-value obj 'b)))
@@ -568,7 +568,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.7.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-07))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil))
@@ -578,7 +578,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.7.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-07))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj t))
@@ -594,14 +594,14 @@
    (b :initform 'y)))
 (defmethod shared-initialize :around ((obj shared-init-class-08) slot-names
-				      &rest args &key only &allow-other-keys)
+                                      &rest args &key only &allow-other-keys)
   (declare (ignore slot-names args))
   (setf (slot-value obj 'a) 'foo)
   (if only obj (call-next-method)))
 (deftest shared-initialize.8.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-08))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj nil))
@@ -614,7 +614,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.8.2
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-08))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj t))
@@ -628,7 +628,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.8.3
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-08))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (shared-initialize obj t :only t))
@@ -647,7 +647,7 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.9.1
   (let* ((class (find-class 'shared-init-class-09))
-	 (obj (allocate-instance class)))
+         (obj (allocate-instance class)))
     (slot-makunbound obj 'a)
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
@@ -663,15 +663,15 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.order.1
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'shared-init-class-01)))
-	(i 0) x r y z w q)
+        (i 0) x r y z w q)
      (eqt obj
-	  (shared-initialize (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-			     (progn (setf r (incf i)) nil)
-			     :b (setf y (incf i))
-			     :a (setf z (incf i))
-			     :b (setf w (incf i))
-			     :c (setf q (incf i))))
+          (shared-initialize (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
+                             (progn (setf r (incf i)) nil)
+                             :b (setf y (incf i))
+                             :a (setf z (incf i))
+                             :b (setf w (incf i))
+                             :c (setf q (incf i))))
      (map-slot-value obj '(a b c))
      i x r y z w q))
   t (4 3 6)
@@ -685,21 +685,21 @@
 (deftest shared-initialize.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((obj (allocate-instance
-			      (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
-		    (shared-initialize obj))
-		 program-error)
+                              (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
+                    (shared-initialize obj))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest shared-initialize.error.3
   (signals-error (let ((obj (allocate-instance
-			      (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
-		    (shared-initialize obj nil :a))
-		 program-error)
+                              (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
+                    (shared-initialize obj nil :a))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest shared-initialize.error.4
   (signals-error (let ((obj (allocate-instance
-			      (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
-		    (shared-initialize obj nil '(a b c) nil))
-		 program-error)
+                              (find-class 'shared-init-class-01))))
+                    (shared-initialize obj nil '(a b c) nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/shiftf.lsp b/ansi-tests/shiftf.lsp
index 40fa848e..fec210f8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/shiftf.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/shiftf.lsp
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 (deftest shiftf-order.1
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	(i 2))
+        (i 2))
     (values (shiftf (aref x (incf i)) (incf i)) x i))
   d #(a b c 4 e) 4)
 (deftest shiftf-order.2
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
-	(i 2))
+        (i 2))
     (values (shiftf (aref x (incf i)) (aref x (incf i)) (incf i)) x i))
   d #(a b c e 5 f g h) 5)
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
   a b c
   b c d)
 (deftest shiftf.3
   (let ((x (vector 0 1 2 3)))
      (copy-seq x)
      (shiftf (aref x (aref x 0))
-	     (aref x (aref x 1))
-	     (aref x (aref x 2))
-	     (aref x (aref x 3))
-	     'foo)
+             (aref x (aref x 1))
+             (aref x (aref x 2))
+             (aref x (aref x 3))
+             'foo)
      (copy-seq x)))
   #(0 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/signum.lsp b/ansi-tests/signum.lsp
index c55bdcee..2c80c396 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/signum.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/signum.lsp
@@ -31,25 +31,25 @@
 (deftest signum.4
   (loop for i in *rationals*
-	for s = (signum i)
-	unless (cond
-		((zerop i) (eql s 0))
-		((plusp i) (eql s 1))
-		(t (eql s -1)))
-	collect (list i s))
+        for s = (signum i)
+        unless (cond
+                ((zerop i) (eql s 0))
+                ((plusp i) (eql s 1))
+                (t (eql s -1)))
+        collect (list i s))
 (deftest signum.5
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for one = (float 1 x)
-	for y = (float 13122 x)
-	for s1 = (signum x)
-	for s2 = (signum y)
-	for s3 = (signum (- y))
-	unless (and (eql s1 x)
-		    (eql s2 one)
-		    (eql s3 (- one)))
-	collect (list x one y s1 s2 s3))
+        for one = (float 1 x)
+        for y = (float 13122 x)
+        for s1 = (signum x)
+        for s2 = (signum y)
+        for s3 = (signum (- y))
+        unless (and (eql s1 x)
+                    (eql s2 one)
+                    (eql s3 (- one)))
+        collect (list x one y s1 s2 s3))
 (deftest signum.6
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
    for mz = (- z)
    (loop for x in (list z mz)
-	 nconc
-	 (loop for y in (list z mz)
-	       for c = (complex z mz)
-	       for s = (signum c)
-	       unless (eql c s)
-	       collect (list c s))))
+         nconc
+         (loop for y in (list z mz)
+               for c = (complex z mz)
+               for s = (signum c)
+               unless (eql c s)
+               collect (list c s))))
 (deftest signum.7
@@ -89,23 +89,23 @@
 (deftest signum.8
   (let* ((c (complex 0 1))
-	 (s (signum c)))
+         (s (signum c)))
     (or (eqlt c s)
-	(eqlt s #c(0.0 1.0))))
+        (eqlt s #c(0.0 1.0))))
 (deftest signum.9
   (let* ((c (complex 0 -1))
-	 (s (signum c)))
+         (s (signum c)))
     (or (eqlt c s)
-	(eqlt s #c(0.0 -1.0))))
+        (eqlt s #c(0.0 -1.0))))
 (deftest signum.10
   (let* ((c (complex 3/5 4/5))
-	 (s (signum c)))
+         (s (signum c)))
     (or (eqlt c s)
-	(eqlt s (complex (float 3/5) (float 4/5)))))
+        (eqlt s (complex (float 3/5) (float 4/5)))))
 (deftest signum.11
diff --git a/ansi-tests/simple-array-t.lsp b/ansi-tests/simple-array-t.lsp
index 255f2808..874db743 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/simple-array-t.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/simple-array-t.lsp
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.1
   (typep #() '(simple-array t (1)))
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #() '(simple-array t (0))))
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.4
   (typep #(a b c) '(simple-array t (2)))
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.5
   (notnot-mv (typep #(a b c) '(simple-array t (3))))
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.11
   (typep "abc" '(simple-array t (2)))
 (deftest simple-array-t.8.12
   (typep "abc" '(simple-array t (3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/simple-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/simple-array.lsp
index c6e10995..bbb9f5e3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/simple-array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/simple-array.lsp
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array.8.1
   (typep #() '(simple-array * (1)))
 (deftest simple-array.8.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #() '(simple-array * (0))))
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array.8.4
   (typep #(a b c) '(simple-array * (2)))
 (deftest simple-array.8.5
   (notnot-mv (typep #(a b c) '(simple-array * (3))))
@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@
 (deftest simple-array.8.11
   (typep "abc" '(simple-array * (2)))
 (deftest simple-array.8.12
   (notnot-mv (typep "abc" '(simple-array * (3))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector-p.lsp
index 6c598dc9..37f9cea4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector-p.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest simple-bit-vector-p.2
   (notnot-mv (simple-bit-vector-p #*))
 (deftest simple-bit-vector-p.3
   (notnot-mv (simple-bit-vector-p #*00101))
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest simple-bit-vector-p.11
   (simple-bit-vector-p (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-				   :initial-element 0))
+                                   :initial-element 0))
 (deftest simple-bit-vector-p.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector.lsp
index a46fd218..ff56610c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/simple-bit-vector.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest simple-bit-vector.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #* 'simple-bit-vector))
 (deftest simple-bit-vector.3
   (notnot-mv (typep #*00101 'simple-bit-vector))
@@ -43,8 +43,8 @@
 (deftest simple-bit-vector.11
   (typep (make-array '(2 2) :element-type 'bit
-		     :initial-element 0)
-	 'simple-bit-vector)
+                     :initial-element 0)
+         'simple-bit-vector)
 (deftest simple-bit-vector.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/simple-string-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/simple-string-p.lsp
index b7fbca47..46c47dac 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/simple-string-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/simple-string-p.lsp
@@ -19,30 +19,30 @@
 ;;; (deftest simple-string-p.4
 ;;;  (simple-string-p (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-;;;			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b)
-;;;			       :fill-pointer t))
+;;;                            :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b)
+;;;                            :fill-pointer t))
 ;;;  nil)
 (deftest simple-string-p.5
    (simple-string-p (make-array
-		     4 :element-type 'base-char
-		     :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b))))
+                     4 :element-type 'base-char
+                     :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b))))
 (deftest simple-string-p.6
    (simple-string-p (make-array
-		     4 :element-type 'standard-char
-		     :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b))))
+                     4 :element-type 'standard-char
+                     :initial-contents '(#\a #\a #\a #\b))))
 ;;; (deftest simple-string-p.7
 ;;;  (let* ((s (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-;;;			:initial-element #\a))
-;;;	 (s2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-;;;			 :displaced-to s
-;;;			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+;;;                     :initial-element #\a))
+;;;      (s2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
+;;;                      :displaced-to s
+;;;                      :displaced-index-offset 2)))
 ;;;    (simple-string-p s2))
 ;;;  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sin.lsp b/ansi-tests/sin.lsp
index 0b4f2468..8272bff5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sin.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sin.lsp
@@ -7,51 +7,51 @@
 (deftest sin.1
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin i))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin i))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
 (deftest sin.2
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'short-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'short-float)))
 (deftest sin.3
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'single-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'single-float)))
 (deftest sin.4
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'double-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'double-float)))
 (deftest sin.5
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (<= -1 y 1)
-		    (typep y 'long-float)))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sin x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (<= -1 y 1)
+                    (typep y 'long-float)))
 (deftest sin.6
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@
 (deftest sin.11
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	unless (approx= (sin i) (sin (coerce i 'single-float)))
-	collect i)
+        unless (approx= (sin i) (sin (coerce i 'single-float)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest sin.12
@@ -115,42 +115,42 @@
 (deftest sin.20
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000) 1000)
-	for i = (- (random 20) 10)
-	for y = (sin (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20) 10)
+        for y = (sin (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest sin.21
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
-	for y = (sin (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
+        for y = (sin (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest sin.22
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
-	for y = (sin (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
+        for y = (sin (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest sin.23
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
-	for y = (sin (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
+        for y = (sin (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest sin.24
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
-	for y = (sin (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
+        for y = (sin (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 ;;; FIXME
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sinh.lsp b/ansi-tests/sinh.lsp
index 0df39b0c..91970caf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sinh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sinh.lsp
@@ -8,62 +8,62 @@
 (deftest sinh.1
   (let ((result (sinh 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest sinh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (sinh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (sinh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest sinh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (sinh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (sinh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest sinh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random (* 10 den))
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random (* 10 den))
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest sinh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest sinh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh (complex x1 x2)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (sinh (complex x1 x2)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 ;;; FIXME
@@ -87,6 +87,6 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp
index 72a85361..b6dfb9bf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-boundp.lsp
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@
 (deftest slot-boundp.order.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (slot-boundp (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -56,14 +56,14 @@
 (deftest slot-boundp.error.2
   (signals-error (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
-		    (slot-boundp obj))
-		 program-error)
+                    (slot-boundp obj))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-boundp.error.3
   (signals-error (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-boundp-class-01)))
-		    (slot-boundp obj 'a nil))
-		 program-error)
+                    (slot-boundp obj 'a nil))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-boundp.error.4
@@ -77,9 +77,9 @@
 (deftest slot-boundp.error.5
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
     (loop for e in *mini-universe*
-	  for class = (class-of e)
-	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
-		    (handler-case (progn (slot-boundp e 'foo) t)
-				  (error () nil)))
-	  collect e))
+          for class = (class-of e)
+          when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+                    (handler-case (progn (slot-boundp e 'foo) t)
+                                  (error () nil)))
+          collect e))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-exists-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-exists-p.lsp
index c81bf3cc..08a36d71 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-exists-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-exists-p.lsp
@@ -14,12 +14,12 @@
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-exists-p-class-01))))
     (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p obj 'a)))
 (deftest slot-exists-p.2
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-exists-p-class-01))))
     (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p obj 'b)))
 (deftest slot-exists-p.3
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-exists-p-class-01))))
     (notnot-mv (slot-exists-p obj 'c)))
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
 (defstruct (slot-exists-p-struct-02 (:include slot-exists-p-struct-01))
   d e)
 (deftest slot-exists-p.13
   (let ((obj (make-slot-exists-p-struct-02)))
     (map-slot-exists-p* obj '(a b c d e f z nil)))
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
     (map-slot-exists-p* obj '(a b c d e f z nil)))
   (t t t t t nil nil nil))
 ;;; SLOT-EXISTS-P is supposed to work on condition objects, too
 ;;; (after all, they are objects, and they have slots)
@@ -136,25 +136,25 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (slot-exists-p (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i)) (gensym)))
+                    (progn (setf y (incf i)) (gensym)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
 (deftest slot-exists-p.order.2
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-exists-p-class-01)))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (notnot (slot-exists-p (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-			    (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)))
+                            (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
 (deftest slot-exists-p.order.3
   (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-exists-p-class-01)))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (notnot (slot-exists-p (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-			    (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)))
+                            (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -170,12 +170,12 @@
 (deftest slot-exists-p.error.3
   (signals-error (slot-exists-p (make-instance 'slot-exists-p-class-01))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-exists-p.error.4
   (signals-error (slot-exists-p (make-instance 'slot-exists-p-class-01) 'a nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-makunbound.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-makunbound.lsp
index 8dcf593e..9ba9b541 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-makunbound.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-makunbound.lsp
@@ -17,48 +17,48 @@
 (deftest slot-makunbound.1
   (loop for slot-name in '(a b c d e)
-	unless
-	(let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-makunbound-class-01))))
-	  (and
-	   (equalt (multiple-value-list (slot-makunbound obj slot-name))
-		   (list obj))
-	   (not (slot-boundp obj slot-name))))
-	collect slot-name)
+        unless
+        (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-makunbound-class-01))))
+          (and
+           (equalt (multiple-value-list (slot-makunbound obj slot-name))
+                   (list obj))
+           (not (slot-boundp obj slot-name))))
+        collect slot-name)
 (deftest slot-makunbound.2
   (loop for slot-name in '(a b c d e)
-	for slot-value in '(t t t 10 t '(a))
-	unless
-	(let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-makunbound-class-01))))
-	  (setf (slot-value obj slot-name) slot-value)
-	  (and
-	   (equalt (multiple-value-list (slot-makunbound obj slot-name))
-		   (list obj))
-	   (not (slot-boundp obj slot-name))))
-	collect slot-name)
+        for slot-value in '(t t t 10 t '(a))
+        unless
+        (let ((obj (allocate-instance (find-class 'slot-makunbound-class-01))))
+          (setf (slot-value obj slot-name) slot-value)
+          (and
+           (equalt (multiple-value-list (slot-makunbound obj slot-name))
+                   (list obj))
+           (not (slot-boundp obj slot-name))))
+        collect slot-name)
 ;;; Order of evaluation test(s)
 (deftest slot-makunbound.order.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-makunbound-class-01))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (eqt (slot-makunbound (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-			   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
-	  obj)
+                           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+          obj)
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
 (deftest slot-makunbound.order.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-makunbound-class-01))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
     (setf (slot-value obj 'a) t)
      (eqt (slot-makunbound (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-			   (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
-	  obj)
+                           (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+          obj)
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -70,22 +70,22 @@
 (deftest slot-makunbound.error.2
   (signals-error (slot-makunbound (make-instance 'slot-makunbound-class-01))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-makunbound.error.3
   (signals-error (slot-makunbound (make-instance 'slot-makunbound-class-01)
-				   'a nil)
-		 program-error)
+                                   'a nil)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-makunbound.error.4
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class)))
     (loop for e in *mini-universe*
-	  for class = (class-of e)
-	  when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
-		    (handler-case (progn (slot-makunbound e 'foo) t)
-				  (error () nil)))
-	  collect e))
+          for class = (class-of e)
+          when (and (eq (class-of class) built-in-class)
+                    (handler-case (progn (slot-makunbound e 'foo) t)
+                                  (error () nil)))
+          collect e))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-missing.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-missing.lsp
index d2e00031..65e7f466 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-missing.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-missing.lsp
@@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
 (defclass slot-missing-class-01 () (a b c))
 (defmethod slot-missing ((class t) (obj slot-missing-class-01)
-			 (slot-name t) (operation t)
-			 &optional (new-value nil new-value-p))
+                         (slot-name t) (operation t)
+                         &optional (new-value nil new-value-p))
   (setf *slot-missing-class-01-var*
-	(list slot-name operation new-value (notnot new-value-p))))
+        (list slot-name operation new-value (notnot new-value-p))))
 (deftest slot-missing.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-missing-class-01)))
@@ -59,16 +59,16 @@
 (deftest slot-missing.7
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'slot-missing-class-01))
-	 (val (slot-makunbound obj 'd)))
+         (val (slot-makunbound obj 'd)))
     (if (eq val obj)
-	:good
+        :good
 (defmethod slot-missing ((class t) (obj slot-missing-class-01)
-			 (slot-name (eql 'not-there))
-			 (operation (eql 'slot-boundp))
-			 &optional new-value)
+                         (slot-name (eql 'not-there))
+                         (operation (eql 'slot-boundp))
+                         &optional new-value)
   (declare (ignore new-value))
   (values nil :ignore-this))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-unbound.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-unbound.lsp
index 702eaf35..657c57a9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-unbound.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-unbound.lsp
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
   (slot-unbound-class-01 b))
 (defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (obj slot-unbound-class-01)
-			 (slot-name (eql 'e)))
+                         (slot-name (eql 'e)))
 (defmethod slot-unbound ((class t) (obj slot-unbound-class-01)
-			 (slot-name (eql 'f)))
+                         (slot-name (eql 'f)))
   (values 1 2 3))
 (deftest slot-unbound.3
diff --git a/ansi-tests/slot-value.lsp b/ansi-tests/slot-value.lsp
index 0a66f5a3..001a2594 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/slot-value.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/slot-value.lsp
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@
 (deftest slot-value.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-value-class-01))
-	(slot-names *slot-value-test-slot-names*)
-	(slot-values *slot-value-test-slot-values*))
+        (slot-names *slot-value-test-slot-names*)
+        (slot-values *slot-value-test-slot-values*))
     (loop for name in slot-names
-	  for val in slot-values
-	  unless (and (equal (multiple-value-list
-			      (setf (slot-value obj name) val))
-			     (list val))
-		      (equal (multiple-value-list
-			      (slot-value obj name))
-			     (list val)))
-	  collect name))
+          for val in slot-values
+          unless (and (equal (multiple-value-list
+                              (setf (slot-value obj name) val))
+                             (list val))
+                      (equal (multiple-value-list
+                              (slot-value obj name))
+                             (list val)))
+          collect name))
 (defclass slot-value-class-02 (slot-value-class-01)
@@ -66,38 +66,38 @@
 (deftest slot-value.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-value-class-02))
-	(slot-names *slot-value-test-slot-names*)
-	(slot-values *slot-value-test-slot-values*))
+        (slot-names *slot-value-test-slot-names*)
+        (slot-values *slot-value-test-slot-values*))
     (loop for name in slot-names
-	  for val in slot-values
-	  unless (and (equal (multiple-value-list
-			      (setf (slot-value obj name) val))
-			     (list val))
-		      (equal (multiple-value-list
-			      (slot-value obj name))
-			     (list val)))
-	  collect name))
+          for val in slot-values
+          unless (and (equal (multiple-value-list
+                              (setf (slot-value obj name) val))
+                             (list val))
+                      (equal (multiple-value-list
+                              (slot-value obj name))
+                             (list val)))
+          collect name))
 ;;; Order of evaluation test(s)
 (deftest slot-value.order.1
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-value-class-01))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (setf (slot-value obj 'a) t)
      (slot-value (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
      i x y))
   t t 2 1 2)
 (deftest slot-value.order.2
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'slot-value-class-01))
-	(i 0) x y)
+        (i 0) x y)
      (setf (slot-value (progn (setf x (incf i)) obj)
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b))
-	   t)
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b))
+           t)
      (slot-value obj 'b)
      i x y))
   t t 2 1 2)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 (deftest slot-value.error.2
   (signals-error (slot-value (make-instance 'slot-value-class-01))
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest slot-value.error.3
@@ -124,28 +124,28 @@
 (deftest slot-value.error.4
    (progn (slot-value (make-instance 'slot-value-class-01) (gensym))
-	  :bad)
+          :bad)
    (error () :good))
 (deftest slot-value.error.5
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class))
-	(slot-name (gensym)))
+        (slot-name (gensym)))
      #'(lambda (e)
-	 (let ((class (class-of e)))
-	   (or (not (eq (class-of class) built-in-class))
-	       (handler-case (progn (slot-value e slot-name) nil)
-			     (error () t)))))))
+         (let ((class (class-of e)))
+           (or (not (eq (class-of class) built-in-class))
+               (handler-case (progn (slot-value e slot-name) nil)
+                             (error () t)))))))
 (deftest slot-value.error.6
   (let ((built-in-class (find-class 'built-in-class))
-	(slot-name (gensym)))
+        (slot-name (gensym)))
      #'(lambda (e)
-	 (let ((class (class-of e)))
-	   (or (not (eq (class-of class) built-in-class))
-	       (handler-case (setf (slot-value e slot-name) nil)
-				  (error () t)))))))
+         (let ((class (class-of e)))
+           (or (not (eq (class-of class) built-in-class))
+               (handler-case (setf (slot-value e slot-name) nil)
+                                  (error () t)))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/some.lsp b/ansi-tests/some.lsp
index 0e21c8d4..e9a6715c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/some.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/some.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
   (let ((count 0))
      (some #'(lambda (x) (incf count) (if (>= x 10) x nil))
-	    '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
+            '(1 2 4 13 5 1))
   13 4)
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@
 (deftest some.7
   (some #'(lambda (x y) (and x y))
-	'(nil t t nil t) #(t nil nil t nil nil))
+        '(nil t t nil t) #(t nil nil t nil nil))
 (deftest some.8
   (let ((x '(1))
-	(args nil))
+        (args nil))
     (loop for i from 1 below (1- (min 100 call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push x args)
-	  always (apply #'some #'/= args)))
+          do (push x args)
+          always (apply #'some #'/= args)))
 (deftest some.9
@@ -82,62 +82,62 @@
 (deftest some.17
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (some #'plusp v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (some #'plusp v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest some.18
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents (loop for j in '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
-							   collect (mod j (ash 1 i)))
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (notnot (some #'plusp v)))
-		 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents (loop for j in '(0 0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6)
+                                                           collect (mod j (ash 1 i)))
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (notnot (some #'plusp v)))
+                 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest some.19
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			     :element-type type
-			     :fill-pointer 4)))
-	  (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
-		       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-		       collect (notnot (some #'minusp v)))
-		 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                             :element-type type
+                             :fill-pointer 4)))
+          (equal (loop for j from 0 to 9
+                       do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+                       collect (notnot (some #'minusp v)))
+                 '(nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest some.20
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (some #'digit-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (some #'digit-char-p v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest some.21
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcd012345"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :fill-pointer 4)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :fill-pointer 4)))
     (loop for j from 0 to 9
-	  do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
-	  collect (notnot (some #'digit-char-p v))))
+          do (setf (fill-pointer v) j)
+          collect (notnot (some #'digit-char-p v))))
   (nil nil nil nil nil t t t t t))
 (deftest some.22
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (some #'digit-char-p v)
      (setf (aref v 2) #\0)
@@ -146,42 +146,42 @@
 (deftest some.23
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(9)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
-	unless (some #'zerop v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(9)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
+        unless (some #'zerop v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest some.24
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for v = (make-array '(9)
-			    :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 6
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
-	when (some #'zerop v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for v = (make-array '(9)
+                            :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 6
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (coerce x type)) '(1 2 3 4 5 6 0 8 3)))
+        when (some #'zerop v)
+        collect (list type v))
 (deftest some.25
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for ctype = `(complex ,type)
-	for v = (make-array '(6)
-			    :element-type ctype
-			    :initial-contents
-			    (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-	when (some (complement #'complexp) v)
-	collect (list type v))
+        for ctype = `(complex ,type)
+        for v = (make-array '(6)
+                            :element-type ctype
+                            :initial-contents
+                            (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (complex x (coerce x type))) '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+        when (some (complement #'complexp) v)
+        collect (list type v))
 ;;; Displaced vectors
 (deftest some.26
   (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 3 2 4 6 8 5 7 9 1)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
      (notnot (some #'oddp v1))
      (some #'oddp v2)))
@@ -189,53 +189,53 @@
 (deftest some.27
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (some 'oddp v1))
-	       (not (some #'oddp v2)))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (some 'oddp v1))
+               (not (some #'oddp v2)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest some.28
   (loop for i from 1 to 40
-	for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	unless
-	(let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
-			       :element-type type))
-	       (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
-			       :displaced-index-offset 2
-			       :element-type type)))
-	  (and (some 'oddp v1)
-	       (not (some #'oddp v2))))
-	collect i)
+        for type = `(signed-byte ,i)
+        unless
+        (let* ((v1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(-1 -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1)
+                               :element-type type))
+               (v2 (make-array '(4) :displaced-to v1
+                               :displaced-index-offset 2
+                               :element-type type)))
+          (and (some 'oddp v1)
+               (not (some #'oddp v2))))
+        collect i)
 (deftest some.29
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'character)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (notnot (some 'digit-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'character
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (notnot (some 'digit-char-p s2))))
   (t t nil nil t t t))
 (deftest some.30
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(8) :initial-contents "12abc345" :element-type 'base-char)))
     (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	  for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
-			       :displaced-to s1
-			       :displaced-index-offset i)
-	  collect (notnot (some 'digit-char-p s2))))
+          for s2 = (make-array '(2) :element-type 'base-char
+                               :displaced-to s1
+                               :displaced-index-offset i)
+          collect (notnot (some 'digit-char-p s2))))
   (t t nil nil t t t))
 (deftest some.31
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (some #'minusp v)
@@ -245,8 +245,8 @@
 (deftest some.32
   (let ((v (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10)
-		       :fill-pointer 10
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 10
+                       :adjustable t)))
      (some #'minusp v)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (some (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d)))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -266,15 +266,15 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (some (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'eq)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i)) '(e f g h)))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+           (progn (setf z (incf i)) '(e f g h)))
      i x y z))
   nil 3 1 2 3)
 (deftest some.error.1
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (some x '(a b c)))
-		    (typef '(or symbol function)))
+                    (typef '(or symbol function)))
 (deftest some.error.4
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sort-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/sort-aux.lsp
index d2b940bb..96119fd5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sort-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sort-aux.lsp
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
   (if (null (cdr list))
     (let* ((len2 (ash (length list) -1))
-	   (l1 (my-numeric-sort (subseq list 0 len2)))
-	   (l2 (my-numeric-sort (subseq list len2))))
+           (l1 (my-numeric-sort (subseq list 0 len2)))
+           (l2 (my-numeric-sort (subseq list len2))))
       (my-numeric-merge l1 l2))))
 (defun my-numeric-merge (l1 l2)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
    for i below reps
    for list = (generate-random-sort-test (random n) m)
    unless (equal (my-numeric-sort list)
-		 (sort (copy-seq list) #'<))
+                 (sort (copy-seq list) #'<))
    collect list))
 (defun random-stable-sort-test (n m reps)
@@ -39,5 +39,5 @@
    for i below reps
    for list = (generate-random-sort-test (random n) m)
    unless (equal (my-numeric-sort list)
-		 (stable-sort (copy-seq list) #'<))
+                 (stable-sort (copy-seq list) #'<))
    collect list))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sort.lsp b/ansi-tests/sort.lsp
index 9ef42fd9..3785f548 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sort.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sort.lsp
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@
    repeat 100
    (let ((a (list 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
-	 (cmp (make-array '(10 10))))
+         (cmp (make-array '(10 10))))
      (loop for i from 0 to 9 do
-	   (loop for j from 0 to 9 do
-		 (setf (aref cmp i j) (zerop (logand (random 1024) 512)))))
+           (loop for j from 0 to 9 do
+                 (setf (aref cmp i j) (zerop (logand (random 1024) 512)))))
      (setq a (sort a #'(lambda (i j) (aref cmp i j))))
      (and (eqlt (length a) 10)
-	  (equalt (sort a #'<) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))))
-  t)	
+          (equalt (sort a #'<) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))))
+  t)
 (deftest sort-vector.1
   (let ((a (copy-seq #(1 4 2 5 3))))
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
 (deftest sort-vector.4
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(10 40 20 50 30 15 45 25 55 35)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (sort a #'<))
   #(10 20 30 40 50))
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
    repeat 100
    (let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0))
-	 (cmp (make-array '(10 10))))
+         (cmp (make-array '(10 10))))
      (loop for i from 0 to 9 do
-	   (loop for j from 0 to 9 do
-		 (setf (aref cmp i j) (zerop (logand (random 1024) 512)))))
+           (loop for j from 0 to 9 do
+                 (setf (aref cmp i j) (zerop (logand (random 1024) 512)))))
      (setq a (sort a #'(lambda (i j) (aref cmp i j))))
      (and (eqlt (length a) 10)
-	  (equalpt (sort a #'<) #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))))
+          (equalpt (sort a #'<) #(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)))))
 (deftest sort-vector.6
@@ -98,33 +98,33 @@
 (deftest sort-vector.9
   (let* ((ivals '(1 4 7 3 2 6 5))
-	 (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	 (len (length ivals)))
+         (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+         (len (length ivals)))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for svec = (sort vec #'<)
-	  unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
-		      (every #'eql svals svec))
-	  collect (list etype vals svec)))
+          for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (coerce i etype))
+          for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for svec = (sort vec #'<)
+          unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
+                      (every #'eql svals svec))
+          collect (list etype vals svec)))
 (deftest sort-vector.10
   (let* ((ivals '(1 4 7 3 2 6 5))
-	 (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	 (len (length ivals)))
+         (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+         (len (length ivals)))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-							   (coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-							     (coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for svec = (sort vec #'(lambda (x y) (< (abs x) (abs y))))
-	  unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
-		      (every #'eql svals svec))
-	  collect (list etype vals svec)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                           (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                             (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for svec = (sort vec #'(lambda (x y) (< (abs x) (abs y))))
+          unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
+                      (every #'eql svals svec))
+          collect (list etype vals svec)))
 ;;; Bit vectors
@@ -142,8 +142,8 @@
 (deftest sort-bit-vector.3
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (sort a #'<))
@@ -161,8 +161,8 @@
 (deftest sort-string.3
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1001111011"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (sort a #'char<))
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (sort (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 7 3 2))
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<))
      i x y))
   (1 2 3 7) 2 1 2)
@@ -188,8 +188,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (sort (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 7 3 2))
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<)
-	   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'-))
+           (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<)
+           :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'-))
      i x y z))
   (7 3 2 1) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/special-operator-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/special-operator-p.lsp
index 1695d809..09d72275 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/special-operator-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/special-operator-p.lsp
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 ;;; See section
 (defparameter +special-operators+
   '(block let* return-from catch load-time-value setq eval-when
-	  locally symbol-macrolet flet macrolet tagbody function
-	  multiple-value-call the go multiple-value-prog1 throw if
-	  progn unwind-protect labels progv let quote))
+          locally symbol-macrolet flet macrolet tagbody function
+          multiple-value-call the go multiple-value-prog1 throw if
+          progn unwind-protect labels progv let quote))
 ;;; All the symbols in +special-operators+ are special operators
 (deftest special-operator-p.1
   (loop for s in +special-operators+
-	unless (special-operator-p s)
-	collect s)
+        unless (special-operator-p s)
+        collect s)
 ;;; None of the standard symbols except those in +special-operators+
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@
 (deftest special-operator-p.2
   (let ((p (find-package "CL")))
     (loop for name in *cl-symbol-names*
-	  unless (or (member name +special-operators+ :test #'string=)
-		     (let ((sym (find-symbol name p)))
-		       (or (not (special-operator-p sym))
-			   (macro-function sym))))
-	  collect name))
+          unless (or (member name +special-operators+ :test #'string=)
+                     (let ((sym (find-symbol name p)))
+                       (or (not (special-operator-p sym))
+                           (macro-function sym))))
+          collect name))
 (deftest special-operator-p.order.1
   (let ((i 0))
     (values (notnot (special-operator-p (progn (incf i) 'catch)))
-	    i))
+            i))
   t 1)
 (deftest special-operator-p.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/special.lsp b/ansi-tests/special.lsp
index 3f03af74..699f5290 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/special.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/special.lsp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
     (declare (special f))
     (flet ((f () :good))
       (flet ((g () (f)))
-	(flet ((f () :bad))
-	  (g)))))
+        (flet ((f () :bad))
+          (g)))))
 (deftest special.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sqrt.lsp b/ansi-tests/sqrt.lsp
index 58a1259c..2e8a0ff3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sqrt.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sqrt.lsp
@@ -22,183 +22,183 @@
 (deftest sqrt.1
   (let ((s (sqrt 0)))
     (and (realp s)
-	 (=t s 0)))
+         (=t s 0)))
 (deftest sqrt.2
   (let ((s (sqrt 1)))
     (and (realp s)
-	 (=t s 1)))
+         (=t s 1)))
 (deftest sqrt.3
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 1.0s0 0.0f0 1.0f0 0.0d0 1.0d0 0.0l0 1.0l0)
-	for s = (sqrt x)
-	unless (eql s x)
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (sqrt x)
+        unless (eql s x)
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest sqrt.4
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 1.0s0 0.0f0 1.0f0 0.0d0 1.0d0 0.0l0 1.0l0)
-	for c = (complex x 0)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	unless (eql s c)
-	collect (list x c s))
+        for c = (complex x 0)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        unless (eql s c)
+        collect (list x c s))
 (deftest sqrt.5
   (loop for x in '(-1.0s0 -1.0f0 -1.0d0 -1.0l0)
-	for s = (sqrt x)
-	unless (eql s (complex 0 (- x)))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (sqrt x)
+        unless (eql s (complex 0 (- x)))
+        collect (list x s))
 ;;; (deftest sqrt.6
 ;;;  (let ((result (sqrt (ash 1 10000))))
 ;;;    (if (integerp result)
-;;;	(=t result (ash 1 5000))
+;;;     (=t result (ash 1 5000))
 ;;;      (=t result (float (ash 1 5000) result))))
 ;;;  t)
 (deftest sqrt.7
   (let ((result (sqrt -1)))
     (or (eqlt result #c(0 1))
-	(eqlt result #c(0.0 1.0))))
+        (eqlt result #c(0.0 1.0))))
 (deftest sqrt.8
   (loop for x in *floats*
-	for s = (sqrt x)
-	unless (cond
-		((zerop x) (=t x 0))
-		((plusp x) (and (eqlt (float s x) s)
-				(eqlt (float x s) x)))
-		(t (complexp s)))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (sqrt x)
+        unless (cond
+                ((zerop x) (=t x 0))
+                ((plusp x) (and (eqlt (float s x) s)
+                                (eqlt (float x s) x)))
+                (t (complexp s)))
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest sqrt.9
   (let ((upper (rational most-positive-double-float))
-	(lower (rational most-negative-double-float)))
+        (lower (rational most-negative-double-float)))
     (loop for x = (random-fixnum)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (or (< x lower)
-		     (> x upper)
-		     (let ((s (sqrt x)))
-		       (or (and (rationalp s)
-				(>= s 0)
-				(eql (* s s) x))
-			   (and (floatp s) (>= x 0))
-			   (and (complexp s)
-				(zerop (realpart s))
-				(> (imagpart s) 0)
-				(< x 0)))))
-	  collect (list x (sqrt x))))
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (or (< x lower)
+                     (> x upper)
+                     (let ((s (sqrt x)))
+                       (or (and (rationalp s)
+                                (>= s 0)
+                                (eql (* s s) x))
+                           (and (floatp s) (>= x 0))
+                           (and (complexp s)
+                                (zerop (realpart s))
+                                (> (imagpart s) 0)
+                                (< x 0)))))
+          collect (list x (sqrt x))))
 (deftest sqrt.10
   (loop for x from 1 to 1000
-	for x2 = (* x x)
-	for s = (sqrt x2)
-	unless (if (rationalp s) (eql x s)
-		 (and (typep s 'single-float)
-		      (= x s)))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for x2 = (* x x)
+        for s = (sqrt x2)
+        unless (if (rationalp s) (eql x s)
+                 (and (typep s 'single-float)
+                      (= x s)))
+        collect (list x s))
 (deftest sqrt.11
   (loop for x from 1 to 1000
-	for x2 = (* x x)
-	for s = (sqrt (- x2))
-	unless (and (complexp s)
-		    (zerop (realpart s))
-		    (let ((i (imagpart s)))
-		      (if (rationalp i)
-			  (eql i x)
-			(= i x))))
-	collect (list x s))
+        for x2 = (* x x)
+        for s = (sqrt (- x2))
+        unless (and (complexp s)
+                    (zerop (realpart s))
+                    (let ((i (imagpart s)))
+                      (if (rationalp i)
+                          (eql i x)
+                        (= i x))))
+        collect (list x s))
 ;;; Tests of the branch cut
 (deftest sqrt.12
   (loop for xr = (random-fixnum)
-	for xi = (random-fixnum)
-	for c = (complex xr xi)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
-		   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
-			(>= (imagpart s) 0)))
-	collect (list c s))
+        for xi = (random-fixnum)
+        for c = (complex xr xi)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
+                   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
+                        (>= (imagpart s) 0)))
+        collect (list c s))
 (deftest sqrt.13
   (loop for xr = (random-from-interval 1.0f6 -1.0f6)
-	for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0f6 -1.0f6)
-	for c = (complex xr xi)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
-		   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
-			(>= (imagpart s) 0)))
-	collect (list c s))
-  nil)
+        for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0f6 -1.0f6)
+        for c = (complex xr xi)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
+                   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
+                        (>= (imagpart s) 0)))
+        collect (list c s))
+  nil)
 (deftest sqrt.14
   (loop for xr = (random-from-interval 1.0s3 -1.0s3)
-	for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0s3 -1.0s3)
-	for c = (complex xr xi)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
-		   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
-			(>= (imagpart s) 0)))
-	collect (list c s))
-  nil)
+        for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0s3 -1.0s3)
+        for c = (complex xr xi)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
+                   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
+                        (>= (imagpart s) 0)))
+        collect (list c s))
+  nil)
 (deftest sqrt.15
   (loop for xr = (random-from-interval 1.0d7 -1.0d7)
-	for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0d7 -1.0d7)
-	for c = (complex xr xi)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
-		   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
-			(>= (imagpart s) 0)))
-	collect (list c s))
+        for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0d7 -1.0d7)
+        for c = (complex xr xi)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
+                   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
+                        (>= (imagpart s) 0)))
+        collect (list c s))
 (deftest sqrt.16
   (loop for xr = (random-from-interval 1.0l9 -1.0l9)
-	for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0l9 -1.0l9)
-	for c = (complex xr xi)
-	for s = (sqrt c)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
-		   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
-			(>= (imagpart s) 0)))
-	collect (list c s))
+        for xi = (random-from-interval 1.0l9 -1.0l9)
+        for c = (complex xr xi)
+        for s = (sqrt c)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (> (realpart s) 0)
+                   (and (= (realpart s) 0)
+                        (>= (imagpart s) 0)))
+        collect (list c s))
 (deftest sqrt.17
   (let ((b1 (find-largest-exactly-floatable-integer most-positive-fixnum)))
     (loop for i = (random-from-interval (* b1 b1) 0)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (>= (sqrt i) (isqrt i))
-	  collect i))
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (>= (sqrt i) (isqrt i))
+          collect i))
 (deftest sqrt.18
   (loop for x = (random-from-interval 1.0f6 0.0f0)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (>= (sqrt x) (isqrt (floor x)))
-	collect x)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (>= (sqrt x) (isqrt (floor x)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest sqrt.19
   (loop for x in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for s = (sqrt x)
-	unless (= s x)
-	collect (list x s))
+        for s = (sqrt x)
+        unless (= s x)
+        collect (list x s))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp b/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp
index 3ea8f726..0cbc2019 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/stable-sort.lsp
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 (deftest stable-sort-vector.4
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(10 40 20 50 30 15 45 25 55 35)
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (stable-sort a #'<))
   #(10 20 30 40 50))
@@ -78,33 +78,33 @@
 (deftest stable-sort-vector.9
   (let* ((ivals '(1 4 7 3 2 6 5))
-	 (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	 (len (length ivals)))
+         (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+         (len (length ivals)))
     (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (coerce i etype))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for svec = (stable-sort vec #'<)
-	  unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
-		      (every #'eql svals svec))
-	  collect (list etype vals svec)))
+          for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (coerce i etype))
+          for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (coerce i etype))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for svec = (stable-sort vec #'<)
+          unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
+                      (every #'eql svals svec))
+          collect (list etype vals svec)))
 (deftest stable-sort-vector.10
   (let* ((ivals '(1 4 7 3 2 6 5))
-	 (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
-	 (len (length ivals)))
+         (sivals '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
+         (len (length ivals)))
     (loop for cetype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float rational)
-	  for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
-	  for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-							   (coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
-							     (coerce (- i) cetype)))
-	  for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
-	  for svec = (stable-sort vec #'(lambda (x y) (< (abs x) (abs y))))
-	  unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
-		      (every #'eql svals svec))
-	  collect (list etype vals svec)))
+          for etype = `(complex ,cetype)
+          for vals = (loop for i in ivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                           (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for svals = (loop for i in sivals collect (complex (coerce i cetype)
+                                                             (coerce (- i) cetype)))
+          for vec = (make-array len :element-type etype :initial-contents vals)
+          for svec = (stable-sort vec #'(lambda (x y) (< (abs x) (abs y))))
+          unless (and (eql (length svec) len)
+                      (every #'eql svals svec))
+          collect (list etype vals svec)))
 ;;; Bit vectors
@@ -122,8 +122,8 @@
 (deftest stable-sort-bit-vector.3
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents '(1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1)
-		       :element-type 'bit
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'bit
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (stable-sort a #'<))
@@ -136,14 +136,14 @@
 (deftest stable-sort-string.2
   (let ((a (copy-seq "10011101")))
     (values (stable-sort a #'char<
-			 :key #'(lambda (c) (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0))) a))
+                         :key #'(lambda (c) (if (eql c #\0) #\1 #\0))) a))
 (deftest stable-sort-string.3
   (let ((a (make-array 10 :initial-contents "1001111011"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :fill-pointer 5)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :fill-pointer 5)))
     (stable-sort a #'char<))
@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (stable-sort (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 7 3 2))
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<))
      i x y))
   (1 2 3 7) 2 1 2)
@@ -169,8 +169,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (stable-sort (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 7 3 2))
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<)
-		  :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'-))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'<)
+                  :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'-))
      i x y z))
   (7 3 2 1) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/standard-generic-function.lsp b/ansi-tests/standard-generic-function.lsp
index 3eec6331..c13ca750 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/standard-generic-function.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/standard-generic-function.lsp
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
      '(defgeneric sgf-cpl-gf.1 (x)
-	(:method ((x generic-function)) 1)
-	(:method ((x function)) 2)
-	(:method ((x t)) 3)))
+        (:method ((x generic-function)) 1)
+        (:method ((x function)) 2)
+        (:method ((x t)) 3)))
      (sgf-cpl-gf.1 #'make-instance)
      (sgf-cpl-gf.1 #'cons)
@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
      '(defgeneric sgf-cpl-gf.2 (x)
-	(:method ((x standard-generic-function)) 1)
-	(:method ((x function)) 2)
-	(:method ((x t)) 3)))
+        (:method ((x standard-generic-function)) 1)
+        (:method ((x function)) 2)
+        (:method ((x t)) 3)))
      (sgf-cpl-gf.2 #'make-instance)
      (sgf-cpl-gf.2 #'cons)
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/store-value.lsp b/ansi-tests/store-value.lsp
index 3699ccc7..464f4e49 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/store-value.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/store-value.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest store-value.2
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest store-value.4
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest store-value.5
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/stream-element-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/stream-element-type.lsp
index 71bfa864..a1149448 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/stream-element-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/stream-element-type.lsp
@@ -7,57 +7,57 @@
 (deftest stream-element-type.1
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-input* *standard-output*
-		       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	for results = (multiple-value-list (stream-element-type s))
-	unless (and (eql (length results) 1)
-		    (car results))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-input* *standard-output*
+                       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        for results = (multiple-value-list (stream-element-type s))
+        unless (and (eql (length results) 1)
+                    (car results))
+        collect s)
 (deftest stream-element-type.2
   (let ((pn "foo.txt"))
     (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	  for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-	  for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
-			 (open pn :direction :output
-			       :element-type etype))
-	  unless
-	  (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-	      (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
-	    (close s)
-	    (or sub (not good)))
-	  collect i))
+          for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+          for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
+                         (open pn :direction :output
+                               :element-type etype))
+          unless
+          (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+              (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
+            (close s)
+            (or sub (not good)))
+          collect i))
 (deftest stream-element-type.3
   (let ((pn "foo.txt"))
     (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	  for etype = `(signed-byte ,i)
-	  for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
-			 (open pn :direction :output
-			       :element-type etype))
-	  unless
-	  (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-	      (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
-	    (close s)
-	    (or sub (not good)))
-	  collect i))
+          for etype = `(signed-byte ,i)
+          for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
+                         (open pn :direction :output
+                               :element-type etype))
+          unless
+          (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+              (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
+            (close s)
+            (or sub (not good)))
+          collect i))
 (deftest stream-element-type.4
   (let ((pn "foo.txt"))
     (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	  for etype = `(integer 0 ,i)
-	  for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
-			 (open pn :direction :output
-			       :element-type etype))
-	  unless
-	  (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-	      (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
-	    (close s)
-	    (or sub (not good)))
-	  collect i))
+          for etype = `(integer 0 ,i)
+          for s = (progn (delete-all-versions pn)
+                         (open pn :direction :output
+                               :element-type etype))
+          unless
+          (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+              (subtypep etype (stream-element-type s))
+            (close s)
+            (or sub (not good)))
+          collect i))
@@ -67,10 +67,10 @@
     (delete-all-versions pn)
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :output)))
       (let ((etype (stream-element-type s)))
-	(unwind-protect
-	    (equalt (multiple-value-list (subtypep* 'character etype))
-		    '(nil t))
-	  (close s)))))
+        (unwind-protect
+            (equalt (multiple-value-list (subtypep* 'character etype))
+                    '(nil t))
+          (close s)))))
 (deftest stream-element-type.6
@@ -78,15 +78,15 @@
   (let ((pn "foo.txt"))
     (delete-all-versions pn)
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :output
-		   :element-type :default)))
+                   :element-type :default)))
       (let ((etype (stream-element-type s)))
-	(unwind-protect
-	    (multiple-value-bind (sub1 good1) (subtypep* etype 'integer)
-	      (multiple-value-bind (sub2 good2) (subtypep* etype 'character)
-		(or (not good1)
-		    (not good2)
-		    sub1 sub2)))
-	  (close s)))))
+        (unwind-protect
+            (multiple-value-bind (sub1 good1) (subtypep* etype 'integer)
+              (multiple-value-bind (sub2 good2) (subtypep* etype 'character)
+                (or (not good1)
+                    (not good2)
+                    sub1 sub2)))
+          (close s)))))
 (deftest stream-element-type.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/stream-error-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/stream-error-stream.lsp
index 9a7f533e..4d75ab31 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/stream-error-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/stream-error-stream.lsp
@@ -31,4 +31,4 @@
diff --git a/ansi-tests/streamp.lsp b/ansi-tests/streamp.lsp
index 2ffd9658..4d033316 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/streamp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/streamp.lsp
@@ -7,11 +7,11 @@
 (deftest streamp.1
   (loop for s in (list *debug-io* *error-output* *query-io*
-		       *standard-input* *standard-output*
-		       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (notnot-mv (streamp s)))
-		      '(t))
-	collect s)
+                       *standard-input* *standard-output*
+                       *trace-output* *terminal-io*)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (notnot-mv (streamp s)))
+                      '(t))
+        collect s)
 (deftest streamp.2
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
 (deftest streamp.3
   (let ((s (open "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :supersede)))
+                 :if-exists :supersede)))
     (close s)
     (notnot-mv (streamp s)))
 (deftest streamp.4
   (let ((s (open "foo.txt" :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :supersede)))
+                 :if-exists :supersede)))
-	(notnot-mv (streamp s))
+        (notnot-mv (streamp s))
       (close s)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-aux.lsp
index ffafc52b..be4d9080 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-aux.lsp
@@ -9,24 +9,24 @@
   (compile-and-load "random-aux.lsp"))
 (defun my-string-compare (string1 string2 comparison
-				  &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2 case
-				  &aux
-				  (len1 (progn (assert (stringp string1))
-					       (length string1)))
-				  (len2 (progn (assert (stringp string2))
-					       (length string2)))
-				  (compare-fn
-				   (case comparison
-				     (< (if case #'char-lessp #'char<))
-				     (<= (if case #'char-not-greaterp
-					   #'char<=))
-				     (= (if case #'char-equal #'char=))
-				     (/= (if case #'char-not-equal #'char/=))
-				     (> (if case #'char-greaterp #'char>))
-				     (>= (if case #'char-not-lessp #'char>=))
-				     (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%"
-					       comparison))))
-				  (equal-fn (if case #'char-equal #'char=)))
+                                  &key (start1 0) end1 (start2 0) end2 case
+                                  &aux
+                                  (len1 (progn (assert (stringp string1))
+                                               (length string1)))
+                                  (len2 (progn (assert (stringp string2))
+                                               (length string2)))
+                                  (compare-fn
+                                   (case comparison
+                                     (< (if case #'char-lessp #'char<))
+                                     (<= (if case #'char-not-greaterp
+                                           #'char<=))
+                                     (= (if case #'char-equal #'char=))
+                                     (/= (if case #'char-not-equal #'char/=))
+                                     (> (if case #'char-greaterp #'char>))
+                                     (>= (if case #'char-not-lessp #'char>=))
+                                     (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%"
+                                               comparison))))
+                                  (equal-fn (if case #'char-equal #'char=)))
   (assert (integerp start1))
   (assert (integerp start2))
@@ -43,113 +43,113 @@
        ((= i2 end2)
-	;; Both ended -- equality case
-	(if (member comparison '(= <= >=))
-	    end1
-	  nil))
+        ;; Both ended -- equality case
+        (if (member comparison '(= <= >=))
+            end1
+          nil))
        (t ;; string2 still extending
-	(if (member comparison '(/= < <=))
-	    end1
-	  nil)))))
+        (if (member comparison '(/= < <=))
+            end1
+          nil)))))
     ((= i2 end2)
      ;; string1 still extending
       (if (member comparison '(/= > >=))
-	  i1
-	nil)))
+          i1
+        nil)))
      (let ((c1 (my-aref string1 i1))
-	   (c2 (my-aref string2 i2)))
+           (c2 (my-aref string2 i2)))
-	((funcall equal-fn c1 c2))
-	(t ;; mismatch found -- what kind?
-	 (return
-	  (if (funcall compare-fn c1 c2)
-	      i1
-	    nil)))))))))
+        ((funcall equal-fn c1 c2))
+        (t ;; mismatch found -- what kind?
+         (return
+          (if (funcall compare-fn c1 c2)
+              i1
+            nil)))))))))
 (defun make-random-string-compare-test (n)
   (let* ((len (random n))
-	 ;; Maximum lengths of the two strings
-	 (len1 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
-	 (len2 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
-	 (s1 (make-random-string len1))
-	 (s2 (make-random-string len2))
-	 ;; Actual lengths of the strings
-	 (len1 (length s1))
-	 (len2 (length s2))
-	 ;; Lengths of the parts of the strings to be matched
-	 (sublen1 (if (or (coin) (= len1 0)) (min len1 len2) (random len1)))
-	 (sublen2 (if (or (coin) (= len2 0)) (min len2 sublen1) (random len2)))
-	 ;; Start and end of the substring of the first string
-	 (start1 (if (coin 3) 0
-		   (max 0 (min (1- len1) (random (- len1 sublen1 -1))))))
-	 (end1 (+ start1 sublen1))
-	 ;; Start and end of the substring of the second string
-	 (start2 (if (coin 3) 0
-		   (max 0 (min (1- len2) (random (- len2 sublen2 -1))))))
-	 (end2 (+ start2 sublen2))
-	 )
+         ;; Maximum lengths of the two strings
+         (len1 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
+         (len2 (if (or (coin) (= len 0)) len (+ len (random len))))
+         (s1 (make-random-string len1))
+         (s2 (make-random-string len2))
+         ;; Actual lengths of the strings
+         (len1 (length s1))
+         (len2 (length s2))
+         ;; Lengths of the parts of the strings to be matched
+         (sublen1 (if (or (coin) (= len1 0)) (min len1 len2) (random len1)))
+         (sublen2 (if (or (coin) (= len2 0)) (min len2 sublen1) (random len2)))
+         ;; Start and end of the substring of the first string
+         (start1 (if (coin 3) 0
+                   (max 0 (min (1- len1) (random (- len1 sublen1 -1))))))
+         (end1 (+ start1 sublen1))
+         ;; Start and end of the substring of the second string
+         (start2 (if (coin 3) 0
+                   (max 0 (min (1- len2) (random (- len2 sublen2 -1))))))
+         (end2 (+ start2 sublen2))
+         )
     (format t "len = ~A, len1 = ~A, len2 = ~A, sublen1 = ~A, sublen2 = ~A~%"
-	    len len1 len2 sublen1 sublen2)
+            len len1 len2 sublen1 sublen2)
     (format t "start1 = ~A, end1 = ~A, start2 = ~A, end2 = ~A~%"
-	    start1 end1 start2 end2)
+            start1 end1 start2 end2)
     (format t "s1 = ~S, s2 = ~S~%" s1 s2)
     ;; Sometimes we want them to have a common prefix
     (when (and (coin)
-	       (equal (array-element-type s1)
-		      (array-element-type s2)))
+               (equal (array-element-type s1)
+                      (array-element-type s2)))
       (if (<= sublen1 sublen2)
-	  (setf (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen1))
-		(subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen1)))
-	(setf (subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen2))
-	      (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen2)))))
+          (setf (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen1))
+                (subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen1)))
+        (setf (subseq s1 start1 (+ start1 sublen2))
+              (subseq s2 start2 (+ start2 sublen2)))))
      (reduce #'nconc
-	     (random-permute
-	      (list
-	       (if (and (= start1 0) (coin))
-		   nil
-		 (list :start1 start1))
-	       (if (and (= end1 len1) (coin))
-		   nil
-		 (list :end1 end1))
-	       (if (and (= start2 0) (coin))
-		   nil
-		 (list :start2 start2))
-	       (if (and (= end2 len2) (coin))
-		   nil
-		 (list :end2 end2))))))))
+             (random-permute
+              (list
+               (if (and (= start1 0) (coin))
+                   nil
+                 (list :start1 start1))
+               (if (and (= end1 len1) (coin))
+                   nil
+                 (list :end1 end1))
+               (if (and (= start2 0) (coin))
+                   nil
+                 (list :start2 start2))
+               (if (and (= end2 len2) (coin))
+                   nil
+                 (list :end2 end2))))))))
 (defun random-string-compare-test (n comparison case &optional (iterations 1))
   (loop for i from 1 to iterations
-	count
-	(multiple-value-bind (s1 s2 args)
-	    (make-random-string-compare-test n)
-	  ;; (format t "Strings: ~s ~s - Args = ~S~%" s1 s2 args)
-	  (let ((x (apply (case comparison
-			    (< (if case #'string-lessp #'string<))
-			    (<= (if case #'string-not-greaterp
-				  #'string<=))
-			    (= (if case #'string-equal #'string=))
-			    (/= (if case #'string-not-equal #'string/=))
-			    (> (if case #'string-greaterp #'string>))
-			    (>= (if case #'string-not-lessp #'string>=))
-			    (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%" comparison)))
-			  s1 s2 args))
-		(y (apply #'my-string-compare s1 s2 comparison :case case args)))
-	    (not
-	     (or (eql x y)
-		 (and x y (eqt comparison '=))))))))
+        count
+        (multiple-value-bind (s1 s2 args)
+            (make-random-string-compare-test n)
+          ;; (format t "Strings: ~s ~s - Args = ~S~%" s1 s2 args)
+          (let ((x (apply (case comparison
+                            (< (if case #'string-lessp #'string<))
+                            (<= (if case #'string-not-greaterp
+                                  #'string<=))
+                            (= (if case #'string-equal #'string=))
+                            (/= (if case #'string-not-equal #'string/=))
+                            (> (if case #'string-greaterp #'string>))
+                            (>= (if case #'string-not-lessp #'string>=))
+                            (t (error "Bad comparison arg: ~A~%" comparison)))
+                          s1 s2 args))
+                (y (apply #'my-string-compare s1 s2 comparison :case case args)))
+            (not
+             (or (eql x y)
+                 (and x y (eqt comparison '=))))))))
 (defun string-all-the-same (s)
   (let ((len (length s)))
     (or (= len 0)
-	(let ((c (my-aref s 0)))
-	  (loop for i below len
-		for d = (my-aref s i)
-		always (eql c d))))))
+        (let ((c (my-aref s 0)))
+          (loop for i below len
+                for d = (my-aref s i)
+                always (eql c d))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-capitalize.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-capitalize.lsp
index 639614c6..38c6de5b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-capitalize.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-capitalize.lsp
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	   collect (string-capitalize s :start i))
+           collect (string-capitalize s :start i))
   ("Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF")
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	   collect (string-capitalize s :start i :end nil))
+           collect (string-capitalize s :start i :end nil))
   ("Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF")
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (string-capitalize s :end i))
+           collect (string-capitalize s :end i))
   ("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "AbCDEF" "AbcDEF" "AbcdEF" "AbcdeF" "Abcdef")
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 5
-	   collect (loop for j from i to 6
-			 collect (string-capitalize s :start i :end j)))
+           collect (loop for j from i to 6
+                         collect (string-capitalize s :start i :end j)))
   (("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "AbCDEF" "AbcDEF" "AbcdEF" "AbcdeF" "Abcdef")
    ("ABCDEF" "ABCDEF" "ABcDEF" "ABcdEF" "ABcdeF" "ABcdef")
@@ -91,29 +91,29 @@
 (deftest string-capitalize.12
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd")))
 (deftest string-capitalize.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd")))
 (deftest string-capitalize.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list s (string-capitalize s)))
   (("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "Ab0cd")))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 (deftest string-capitalize.error.4
   (signals-error (string-capitalize (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest string-capitalize.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-comparisons.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-comparisons.lsp
index 2db6e779..e66c149c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-comparisons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-comparisons.lsp
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 ;;; Test that it doesn't stop at null characters
 (deftest string=.6
   (let ((s1 (copy-seq "abc"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abd"))
-	(c (or (code-char 0) #\a)))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abd"))
+        (c (or (code-char 0) #\a)))
     (setf (char s1 1) c)
     (setf (char s2 1) c)
     (values (length s1) (length s2) (string= s1 s2)))
@@ -39,75 +39,75 @@
 (deftest string=.7
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "abc" "abd" :start1 0 :end1 i :end2 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "abc" "abd" :start1 0 :end1 i :end2 i)))
   (nil nil nil t))
 (deftest string=.8
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "abc" "ab" :end1 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "abc" "ab" :end1 i)))
   (t t nil t))
 (deftest string=.9
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "abc" "abd" :start2 0 :end2 i :end1 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "abc" "abd" :start2 0 :end2 i :end1 i)))
   (nil nil nil t))
 (deftest string=.10
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "ab" "abc" :end2 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "ab" "abc" :end2 i)))
   (t t nil t))
 (deftest string=.11
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "xyab" "ab" :start1 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "xyab" "ab" :start1 i)))
   (t t nil t))
 (deftest string=.12
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "ab" "xyab" :start2 i)))
+        collect (not (string= "ab" "xyab" :start2 i)))
   (t t nil t))
 (deftest string=.13
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "xyab" "ab" :start1 i :end1 nil)))
+        collect (not (string= "xyab" "ab" :start1 i :end1 nil)))
   (t t nil t))
 (deftest string=.14
   (loop for i from 0 to 3
-	collect (not (string= "ab" "xyab" :start2 i :end2 nil)))
+        collect (not (string= "ab" "xyab" :start2 i :end2 nil)))
   (t t nil t))
 ;;; Keyword argument processing
 (deftest string-comparison.allow-other-keys.1
   (loop for fn in '(string= string<= string>= string/= string< string>
-		    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
-		    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
-	for expected in '(nil 0 nil 0 0 nil nil 0 nil 0 0 nil)
-	for result = (funcall fn "a" "b" :allow-other-keys t :foo nil)
-	unless (eql result expected)
-	collect (list fn expected result))
+                    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
+                    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
+        for expected in '(nil 0 nil 0 0 nil nil 0 nil 0 0 nil)
+        for result = (funcall fn "a" "b" :allow-other-keys t :foo nil)
+        unless (eql result expected)
+        collect (list fn expected result))
 (deftest string-comparison.allow-other-keys.2
   (loop for fn in '(string= string<= string>= string/= string< string>
-		    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
-		    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
-	for expected in '(nil nil 0 0 nil 0 nil nil 0 0 nil 0)
-	for result = (funcall fn "c" "b" :allow-other-keys t
-			      :allow-other-keys nil :foo 1)
-	unless (eql result expected)
-	collect (list fn expected result))
+                    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
+                    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
+        for expected in '(nil nil 0 0 nil 0 nil nil 0 0 nil 0)
+        for result = (funcall fn "c" "b" :allow-other-keys t
+                              :allow-other-keys nil :foo 1)
+        unless (eql result expected)
+        collect (list fn expected result))
 (deftest string-comparison.allow-other-keys.3
   (loop for fn in '(string= string<= string>= string/= string< string>
-		    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
-		    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
-	for expected in '(nil 0 nil 0 0 nil nil 0 nil 0 0 nil)
-	for result = (funcall fn "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil)
-	unless (eql result expected)
-	collect (list fn expected result))
+                    string-equal string-not-greaterp string-not-lessp
+                    string-not-equal string-lessp string-greaterp)
+        for expected in '(nil 0 nil 0 0 nil nil 0 nil 0 0 nil)
+        for result = (funcall fn "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil)
+        unless (eql result expected)
+        collect (list fn expected result))
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string= (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -125,12 +125,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -138,12 +138,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string<= (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -159,12 +159,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string<= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -172,12 +172,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string<= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string< (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -193,12 +193,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string< (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -206,12 +206,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string< (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string/= (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abc"))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abc"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -228,12 +228,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string/= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -241,12 +241,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string/= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string<= (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -262,12 +262,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string>= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -275,12 +275,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string>= (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string> (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -296,12 +296,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string> (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -309,12 +309,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string> (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-equal (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -344,12 +344,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-not-greaterp (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abf")
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -365,12 +365,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -378,12 +378,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-lessp (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -399,12 +399,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -412,12 +412,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abf")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-not-equal (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abc"))
+               (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abc"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -434,12 +434,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -447,12 +447,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-equal (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abc")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -460,7 +460,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-not-lessp (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -468,12 +468,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+               :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+               :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+               :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -481,12 +481,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-not-lessp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	       (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	       :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	       :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	       :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	       :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	       )
+               (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+               :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+               :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+               :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+               :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+               )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -494,7 +494,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-greaterp (progn (setf x (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
+              (progn (setf y (incf i)) "abd"))
      i x y))
   nil 2 1 2)
@@ -502,12 +502,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :start1 (progn (setf c (incf i)) 0)
+              :start2 (progn (setf d (incf i)) 0)
+              :end1 (progn (setf e (incf i)) nil)
+              :end2 (progn (setf f (incf i)) nil)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -515,12 +515,12 @@
   (let ((i 0) a b c d e f)
      (string-greaterp (progn (setf a (incf i)) "abc")
-	      (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
-	      :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
-	      :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
-	      :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
-	      :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
-	      )
+              (progn (setf b (incf i)) "abd")
+              :end2 (progn (setf c (incf i)) nil)
+              :end1 (progn (setf d (incf i)) nil)
+              :start2 (progn (setf e (incf i)) 0)
+              :start1 (progn (setf f (incf i)) 0)
+              )
      i a b c d e f))
   nil 6 1 2 3 4 5 6)
@@ -529,11 +529,11 @@
 (deftest random-string-comparison-tests
   (loop for cmp in '(= /= < > <= >=)
-	append
-	(loop for case in '(nil t)
-	      collect
-	      (list cmp case
-		    (random-string-compare-test 10 cmp case 1000))))
+        append
+        (loop for case in '(nil t)
+              collect
+              (list cmp case
+                    (random-string-compare-test 10 cmp case 1000))))
   ((= nil 0) (= t 0) (/= nil 0) (/= t 0) (< nil 0) (< t 0)
    (> nil 0) (> t 0) (<= nil 0) (<= t 0) (>= nil 0) (>= t 0)))
@@ -719,8 +719,8 @@
 (deftest string=.error.6
   (signals-error (string= "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string/=.error.1
@@ -745,8 +745,8 @@
 (deftest string/=.error.6
   (signals-error (string/= "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@
 (deftest string<.error.6
   (signals-error (string< "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
@@ -799,8 +799,8 @@
 (deftest string<=.error.6
   (signals-error (string<= "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
@@ -826,8 +826,8 @@
 (deftest string>.error.6
   (signals-error (string> "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
@@ -853,8 +853,8 @@
 (deftest string>=.error.6
   (signals-error (string>= "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
@@ -880,8 +880,8 @@
 (deftest string-equal.error.6
   (signals-error (string-equal "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string-not-equal.error.1
@@ -906,8 +906,8 @@
 (deftest string-not-equal.error.6
   (signals-error (string-not-equal "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string-lessp.error.1
@@ -932,8 +932,8 @@
 (deftest string-lessp.error.6
   (signals-error (string-lessp "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string-greaterp.error.1
@@ -958,8 +958,8 @@
 (deftest string-greaterp.error.6
   (signals-error (string-greaterp "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string-not-lessp.error.1
@@ -984,8 +984,8 @@
 (deftest string-not-lessp.error.6
   (signals-error (string-not-lessp "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest string-not-greaterp.error.1
@@ -1010,6 +1010,6 @@
 (deftest string-not-greaterp.error.6
   (signals-error (string-not-greaterp "a" "b" :allow-other-keys nil
-			  :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
-		 program-error)
+                          :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-downcase.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-downcase.lsp
index 193471ca..141879df 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-downcase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-downcase.lsp
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
 (deftest string-downcase.6
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F))))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\C #\D #\E #\F))))
     (values (string-downcase s) s))
 (deftest string-downcase.7
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'standard-char
-		       :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\7 #\D #\E #\F))))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\A #\B #\7 #\D #\E #\F))))
     (values (string-downcase s) s))
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (string-downcase s :start i))
+           collect (string-downcase s :start i))
   ("abcdef" "Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF")
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDEF"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (string-downcase s :start i :end nil))
+           collect (string-downcase s :start i :end nil))
   ("abcdef" "Abcdef" "ABcdef" "ABCdef" "ABCDef" "ABCDEf" "ABCDEF")
@@ -69,9 +69,9 @@
   (let ((s "ABCDE"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	   collect (loop for j from i to 5
-			 collect (string-invertcase
-				  (string-downcase s :start i :end j))))
+           collect (loop for j from i to 5
+                         collect (string-invertcase
+                                  (string-downcase s :start i :end j))))
   (("abcde" "Abcde" "ABcde" "ABCde" "ABCDe" "ABCDE")
    ("abcde" "aBcde" "aBCde" "aBCDe" "aBCDE")
@@ -87,29 +87,29 @@
 (deftest string-downcase.12
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd")))
 (deftest string-downcase.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd")))
 (deftest string-downcase.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list s (string-downcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd") ("aB0cD" "ab0cd")))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
 (deftest string-downcase.error.4
   (signals-error (string-downcase (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest string-downcase.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-left-trim.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-left-trim.lsp
index a0368793..f80bb0cf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-left-trim.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-left-trim.lsp
@@ -7,121 +7,121 @@
 (deftest string-left-trim.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.4
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.5
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'character)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'character)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.6
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'standard-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'standard-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.7
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'base-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'base-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.8
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-				      :element-type 'character
-				      :fill-pointer 2)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                                      :element-type 'character
+                                      :fill-pointer 2)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.9
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'character
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.10
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.10a
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.10b
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:adjustable t
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :adjustable t
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.11
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'standard-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-left-trim.12
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
 ;;; Test that trimming is case sensitive
 (deftest string-left-trim.13
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "aA"))
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "a" s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "a" s)))
     (values s s2))
   "aA" "A")
 (deftest string-left-trim.14
   (let* ((s '|abcdaba|)
-	 (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-left-trim "ab" s)))
     (values (symbol-name s) s2))
@@ -172,35 +172,35 @@
 (deftest string-left-trim.22
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-left-trim "ab" s) s))
   "caeb" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-left-trim.23
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-left-trim "ab" s) s))
   "caeb" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-left-trim.24
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-left-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "ca" "bca" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-left-trim.25
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-left-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "ca" "bca" "abcaeb")
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-left-trim (progn (setf x (incf i)) " ")
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			      (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                              (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
      i x y))
   "abc d e f  " 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-right-trim.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-right-trim.lsp
index 1706b78e..e3b11a23 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-right-trim.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-right-trim.lsp
@@ -7,121 +7,121 @@
 (deftest string-right-trim.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.4
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.5
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'character)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'character)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.6
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'standard-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'standard-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.7
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'base-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'base-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.8
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-				      :element-type 'character
-				      :fill-pointer 2)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                                      :element-type 'character
+                                      :fill-pointer 2)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.9
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'character
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.10
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.10a
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.10b
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:adjustable t
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :adjustable t
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.11
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'standard-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-right-trim.12
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
@@ -129,13 +129,13 @@
 ;;; Test that trimming is case sensitive
 (deftest string-right-trim.13
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "Aa"))
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "a" s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "a" s)))
     (values s s2))
   "Aa" "A")
 (deftest string-right-trim.14
   (let* ((s '|abcdaba|)
-	 (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-right-trim "ab" s)))
     (values (symbol-name s) s2))
@@ -172,35 +172,35 @@
 (deftest string-right-trim.22
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-right-trim "ab" s) s))
   "abcae" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-right-trim.23
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-right-trim "ab" s) s))
   "abcae" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-right-trim.24
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-right-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "bc" "bca" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-right-trim.25
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-right-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "bc" "bca" "abcaeb")
@@ -208,8 +208,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-right-trim (progn (setf x (incf i)) " ")
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			      (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                              (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
      i x y))
   "   abc d e f" 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-trim.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-trim.lsp
index 3283f5f5..715935dc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-trim.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-trim.lsp
@@ -7,122 +7,122 @@
 (deftest string-trim.1
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.2
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim '(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.3
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim #(#\a #\b) s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.4
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b))
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.5
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'character)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'character)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.6
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'standard-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'standard-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.7
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
-				      :element-type 'base-char)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 2 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b)
+                                      :element-type 'base-char)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.8
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-				      :element-type 'character
-				      :fill-pointer 2)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                                      :element-type 'character
+                                      :fill-pointer 2)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.8a
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "abcdaba"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
-				      :element-type 'base-char
-				      :fill-pointer 2)
-			  s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim (make-array 4 :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d)
+                                      :element-type 'base-char
+                                      :fill-pointer 2)
+                          s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.9
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'character
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.10
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'character
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'character
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.10a
   (let* ((s (make-array 9 :initial-contents "abcdabadd"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			:adjustable t
-			:fill-pointer 7))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        :adjustable t
+                        :fill-pointer 7))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.11
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'standard-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'standard-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
 (deftest string-trim.12
   (let* ((s (make-array 7 :initial-contents "abcdaba"
-			:element-type 'base-char
-			))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+                        :element-type 'base-char
+                        ))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values s s2))
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@
 ;;; Test that trimming is case sensitive
 (deftest string-trim.13
   (let* ((s (copy-seq "Aa"))
-	 (s2 (string-trim "a" s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim "a" s)))
     (values s s2))
   "Aa" "A")
 (deftest string-trim.14
   (let* ((s '|abcdaba|)
-	 (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
+         (s2 (string-trim "ab" s)))
     (values (symbol-name s) s2))
@@ -173,35 +173,35 @@
 (deftest string-trim.22
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'base-char
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'base-char
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-trim "ab" s) s))
   "cae" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-trim.23
   (let ((s (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-		       :element-type 'character
-		       :adjustable t)))
+                       :element-type 'character
+                       :adjustable t)))
     (values (string-trim "ab" s) s))
   "cae" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-trim.24
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "c" "bca" "abcaeb")
 (deftest string-trim.25
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
-			 :element-type etype))
-	 (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
-			:displaced-to s0
-			:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+         (s0 (make-array '(6) :initial-contents "abcaeb"
+                         :element-type etype))
+         (s (make-array '(3) :element-type etype
+                        :displaced-to s0
+                        :displaced-index-offset 1)))
     (values (string-trim "ab" s) s s0))
   "c" "bca" "abcaeb")
@@ -209,8 +209,8 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (string-trim (progn (setf x (incf i)) " ")
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			 (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                         (copy-seq "   abc d e f  ")))
      i x y))
   "abc d e f" 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string-upcase.lsp b/ansi-tests/string-upcase.lsp
index 1ecbd2e5..ca109669 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string-upcase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string-upcase.lsp
@@ -33,14 +33,14 @@
 (deftest string-upcase.6
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'character
-		       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))))
     (values (string-upcase s) s))
 (deftest string-upcase.7
   (let ((s (make-array 6 :element-type 'standard-char
-		       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\7 #\d #\e #\f))))
+                       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\7 #\d #\e #\f))))
     (values (string-upcase s) s))
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   (let ((s "abcdef"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	   collect (string-upcase s :start i))
+           collect (string-upcase s :start i))
   ("ABCDEF" "aBCDEF" "abCDEF" "abcDEF" "abcdEF" "abcdeF" "abcdef")
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
   (let ((s "abcdef"))
       (loop for i from 0 to 6
-	    collect 
-	    (string-upcase s :start i :end nil))
+            collect
+            (string-upcase s :start i :end nil))
   ("ABCDEF" "aBCDEF" "abCDEF" "abcDEF" "abcdEF" "abcdeF" "abcdef")
@@ -70,8 +70,8 @@
   (let ((s "abcde"))
      (loop for i from 0 to 4
-	   collect (loop for j from i to 5
-			 collect (string-upcase s :start i :end j)))
+           collect (loop for j from i to 5
+                         collect (string-upcase s :start i :end j)))
   (("abcde" "Abcde" "ABcde" "ABCde" "ABCDe" "ABCDE")
    ("abcde" "aBcde" "aBCde" "aBCDe" "aBCDE")
@@ -87,29 +87,29 @@
 (deftest string-upcase.12
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			    :fill-pointer 5
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
-	collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                            :fill-pointer 5
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cDefGHi")
+        collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD")))
 (deftest string-upcase.13
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
-			     :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :displaced-to s0
-			    :displaced-index-offset 2)
-	collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
+        for s0 = (make-array '(10) :element-type type
+                             :initial-contents "zZaB0cDefG")
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :displaced-to s0
+                            :displaced-index-offset 2)
+        collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD")))
 (deftest string-upcase.14
   (loop for type in '(standard-char base-char character)
-	for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
-			    :adjustable t
-			    :initial-contents "aB0cD")
-	collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
+        for s = (make-array '(5) :element-type type
+                            :adjustable t
+                            :initial-contents "aB0cD")
+        collect (list s (string-upcase s)))
   (("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD") ("aB0cD" "AB0CD")))
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 ;;; Const fold tests
 (def-fold-test string-upcase.fold.1 (string-upcase "abcde"))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest string-upcase.error.1
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@
 (deftest string-upcase.error.4
   (signals-error (string-upcase (copy-seq "abc") :bad t
-				      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                      :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest string-upcase.error.5
diff --git a/ansi-tests/string.lsp b/ansi-tests/string.lsp
index e8a33a2c..233eec76 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/string.lsp
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
    #'(lambda (x)
        (handler-case (stringp (string x))
-		     (type-error () :caught))))
+                     (type-error () :caught))))
-(deftest string.8 
+(deftest string.8
   :notes (:allow-nil-arrays :nil-vectors-are-strings)
   (subtypep* '(array nil (*)) 'string)
   t t)
@@ -71,27 +71,27 @@
 (deftest string.14
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for i below (min char-code-limit 65536)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s = (and c (string c))
-	  when (and c
-		    (or (not (stringp s))
-			(not (= (length s) 1))
-			(not (eql c (char s 0)))))
-	  collect (progn (incf count) (list i c s))
-	  until (>= count 100)))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s = (and c (string c))
+          when (and c
+                    (or (not (stringp s))
+                        (not (= (length s) 1))
+                        (not (eql c (char s 0)))))
+          collect (progn (incf count) (list i c s))
+          until (>= count 100)))
 (deftest string.15
   (when (> char-code-limit 65536)
     (loop for i = (random char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s = (and c (string c))
-	  repeat 2000
-	  when (and c
-		    (or (not (stringp s))
-			(not (= (length s) 1))
-			(not (eql c (char s 0)))))
-	  collect (list i c s)))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s = (and c (string c))
+          repeat 2000
+          when (and c
+                    (or (not (stringp s))
+                        (not (= (length s) 1))
+                        (not (eql c (char s 0)))))
+          collect (list i c s)))
 (deftest string.16
@@ -121,19 +121,19 @@
 (deftest string.22
   (do-special-strings (s "X") (assert (typep s 'string)))
 (deftest string.23
   (do-special-strings (s "X") (assert (typep s '(string))))
 (deftest string.24
   (do-special-strings (s "X") (assert (typep s '(string *))))
 (deftest string.25
   (do-special-strings (s "X")
-		      (or (array-has-fill-pointer-p s)
-			  (assert (typep s '(string 1)))))
+                      (or (array-has-fill-pointer-p s)
+                          (assert (typep s '(string 1)))))
 (deftest string.26
diff --git a/ansi-tests/stringp.lsp b/ansi-tests/stringp.lsp
index f892ea21..0bc60791 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/stringp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/stringp.lsp
@@ -15,17 +15,17 @@
 (deftest stringp.3
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.4
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.5
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'standard-char
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.6
@@ -38,10 +38,10 @@
 (deftest stringp.8
   (let* ((s (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-			:initial-element #\a))
-	 (s2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			 :displaced-to s
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2)))
+                        :initial-element #\a))
+         (s2 (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
+                         :displaced-to s
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2)))
     (notnot (stringp s2)))
@@ -57,26 +57,26 @@
 (deftest stringp.11
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
-			       :fill-pointer 2
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :fill-pointer 2
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.12
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'base-char
-			       :adjustable t
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :adjustable t
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.13
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			       :fill-pointer 2
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :fill-pointer 2
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.14
   (notnot (stringp (make-array 4 :element-type 'character
-			       :adjustable t
-			       :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
+                               :adjustable t
+                               :initial-contents '(#\a #\b #\c #\d))))
 (deftest stringp.15
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp b/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp
index f85f0fb9..b0b26ac0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/structure-00.lsp
@@ -13,23 +13,23 @@
   ;; (assert (typep n 'fixnum))
   (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
   (intern (concatenate 'string
-	    structure-name
-	    "/"
-	    (princ-to-string n))))
+            structure-name
+            "/"
+            (princ-to-string n))))
 (defun make-struct-p-fn (structure-name)
   (assert (typep structure-name '(or string symbol character)))
   (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
   (intern (concatenate 'string
-	    structure-name
-	    (string '#:-p))))
+            structure-name
+            (string '#:-p))))
 (defun make-struct-copy-fn (structure-name)
   (assert (typep structure-name '(or string symbol character)))
   (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
   (intern (concatenate 'string
-		       (string '#:copy-)
-		       structure-name)))
+                       (string '#:copy-)
+                       structure-name)))
 (defun make-struct-field-fn (conc-name field-name)
   "Make field accessor for a field in a structure"
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   (assert (typep structure-name '(or string symbol character)))
   (setf structure-name (string structure-name))
   (intern (concatenate 'string
-	    (string '#:make-) structure-name)))
+            (string '#:make-) structure-name)))
 (defun create-instance-of-type (type)
   "Return an instance of a type.  Signal an error if
@@ -67,44 +67,44 @@
    ((eqt type 'bignum)
     (let ((x 1))
       (loop until (typep x 'bignum)
-	  do (setq x (* 2 x)))
+          do (setq x (* 2 x)))
    ((and (symbolp type)
-	 (typep type 'structure-class))
+         (typep type 'structure-class))
     (let ((make-fn
-	   (intern (concatenate 'string (string '#:make-) (symbol-name type))
-		   (symbol-package type))))
+           (intern (concatenate 'string (string '#:make-) (symbol-name type))
+                   (symbol-package type))))
       (eval (list make-fn))))
    ((eqt type 'character) #\w)
    ((eqt type 'base-char) #\z)
    ((member type '(integer unsigned-byte signed-byte)) 35)
    ((eqt type 'bit) 1)
    ((and (consp type)
-	 (consp (cdr type))
-	 (consp (cddr type))
-	 (null (cdddr type))
-	 (eqt (car type) 'integer)
-	 (integerp (second type)))
+         (consp (cdr type))
+         (consp (cddr type))
+         (null (cdddr type))
+         (eqt (car type) 'integer)
+         (integerp (second type)))
     (second type))
    ((member type '(float single-float long-float double-float short-float))
    ((and (consp type)
-	 (eqt (car type) 'member)
-	 (consp (cdr type)))
+         (eqt (car type) 'member)
+         (consp (cdr type)))
     (second type))
    ((and (consp type)
-	 (eqt (car type) 'or)
-	 (consp (second type)))
+         (eqt (car type) 'or)
+         (consp (second type)))
     (create-instance-of-type (second type)))
    (t (error "Cannot generate element for type ~S~%" type))))
 (defun find-option (option-list option &optional default)
   (loop for opt in option-list
-	when (or (eq opt option)
-		 (and (consp opt)
-		      (eq (car opt) option)))
-	return opt
-	finally (return default)))
+        when (or (eq opt option)
+                 (and (consp opt)
+                      (eq (car opt) option)))
+        return opt
+        finally (return default)))
 (defvar *defstruct-with-tests-names* nil
   "Names of structure types defined with DEFSRUCT-WITH-TESTS.")
@@ -148,411 +148,411 @@ do the defstruct."
 (defun defstruct-with-tests-fun (name-and-options
-				 slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+                                 slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
   ;; Function called from macro defstruct-with-tests
   (let* (
-	 ;; Either NIL or the documentation string for the structure
-	 (doc-string
-	  (when (and (consp slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
-		     (stringp (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
-	    (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
-	 ;; The list of slot descriptions that follows either the
-	 ;; name and options or the doc string
-	 (slot-descriptions
-	  (if doc-string (cdr slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
-	    slot-descriptions-and-documentation))
-	 ;; The name of the structure (should be a symbol)
-	 (name (if (consp name-and-options)
-		   (car name-and-options)
-		 name-and-options))
-	 ;; The options list, or NIL if there were no options
-	 (options (if (consp name-and-options)
-		      (cdr name-and-options)
-		    nil))
-	 ;; List of symbols that are the names of the slots
-	 (slot-names
-	  (loop
-	   for x in slot-descriptions collect
-	   (if (consp x) (car x) x)))
-	 ;; List of slot types, if any
-	 (slot-types
-	  (loop
-	   for x in slot-descriptions collect
-	   (if (consp x)
-	       (getf (cddr x) :type :none)
-	     :none)))
-	 ;; read-only flags for slots
-	 (slot-read-only
-	  (loop
-	   for x in slot-descriptions collect
-	   (and (consp x)
-		(getf (cddr x) :read-only))))
-	 ;; Symbol obtained by prepending MAKE- to the name symbol
-	 (make-fn (make-struct-make-fn name))
-	 ;; The type option, if specified
-	 (type-option (find-option options :type))
-	 (struct-type (second type-option))
-	 (named-option (find-option options :named))
-	 (include-option (find-option options :include))
-	 ;; The :predicate option entry from OPTIONS, or NIL if none
-	 (predicate-option (find-option options :predicate))
-	 ;; The name of the -P function, either the default or the
-	 ;; one specified in the :predicate option
-	 (p-fn-default (make-struct-p-fn name))
-	 (p-fn (cond
-		((and type-option (not named-option)) nil)
-		((or (eq predicate-option :predicate)
-		     (null (cdr predicate-option)))
-		 p-fn-default)
-		((cadr predicate-option) (cadr predicate-option))
-		(t nil)))
-	 ;; The :copier option, or NIL if no such option specified
-	 (copier-option (find-option options :copier))
-	 ;; The name of the copier function, either the default or
-	 ;; one speciefied in the :copier option
-	 (copy-fn-default (make-struct-copy-fn name))
-	 (copy-fn (cond
-		   ((or (eq copier-option :copier)
-			(null (cdr copier-option)))
-		    copy-fn-default)
-		   ((cadr copier-option) (cadr copier-option))
-		   (t nil)))
-	 ;; The :conc-name option, or NIL if none specified
-	 (conc-option (find-option options :conc-name))
-	 ;; String to be prepended to slot names to get the
-	 ;; slot accessor function
-	 (conc-prefix-default (concatenate 'string (string name) "-"))
-	 (conc-prefix (cond
-		       ((null conc-option)
-			conc-prefix-default)
-		       ((or (eq conc-option :conc-name)
-			    (null (cadr conc-option)))
-			nil)
-		       (t (string (cadr conc-option)))))
-	 (initial-offset-option (find-option options :initial-offset))
-	 (initial-offset (second initial-offset-option))
-	 ;; Accessor names
-	 (field-fns
-	  (loop for slot-name in slot-names
-		collect (make-struct-field-fn conc-prefix slot-name)))
-	 ;; a list of initial values
-	 (initial-value-alist
-	  (loop
-	   for slot-desc in slot-descriptions
-	   for slot-name in slot-names
-	   for type      in slot-types
-	   for i from 1
-	   collect (if (not (eq type :none))
-		       (cons slot-name (create-instance-of-type type))
-		     (cons slot-name (defstruct-maketemp name "SLOTTEMP" i)))))
-	 )
+         ;; Either NIL or the documentation string for the structure
+         (doc-string
+          (when (and (consp slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+                     (stringp (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
+            (car slot-descriptions-and-documentation)))
+         ;; The list of slot descriptions that follows either the
+         ;; name and options or the doc string
+         (slot-descriptions
+          (if doc-string (cdr slot-descriptions-and-documentation)
+            slot-descriptions-and-documentation))
+         ;; The name of the structure (should be a symbol)
+         (name (if (consp name-and-options)
+                   (car name-and-options)
+                 name-and-options))
+         ;; The options list, or NIL if there were no options
+         (options (if (consp name-and-options)
+                      (cdr name-and-options)
+                    nil))
+         ;; List of symbols that are the names of the slots
+         (slot-names
+          (loop
+           for x in slot-descriptions collect
+           (if (consp x) (car x) x)))
+         ;; List of slot types, if any
+         (slot-types
+          (loop
+           for x in slot-descriptions collect
+           (if (consp x)
+               (getf (cddr x) :type :none)
+             :none)))
+         ;; read-only flags for slots
+         (slot-read-only
+          (loop
+           for x in slot-descriptions collect
+           (and (consp x)
+                (getf (cddr x) :read-only))))
+         ;; Symbol obtained by prepending MAKE- to the name symbol
+         (make-fn (make-struct-make-fn name))
+         ;; The type option, if specified
+         (type-option (find-option options :type))
+         (struct-type (second type-option))
+         (named-option (find-option options :named))
+         (include-option (find-option options :include))
+         ;; The :predicate option entry from OPTIONS, or NIL if none
+         (predicate-option (find-option options :predicate))
+         ;; The name of the -P function, either the default or the
+         ;; one specified in the :predicate option
+         (p-fn-default (make-struct-p-fn name))
+         (p-fn (cond
+                ((and type-option (not named-option)) nil)
+                ((or (eq predicate-option :predicate)
+                     (null (cdr predicate-option)))
+                 p-fn-default)
+                ((cadr predicate-option) (cadr predicate-option))
+                (t nil)))
+         ;; The :copier option, or NIL if no such option specified
+         (copier-option (find-option options :copier))
+         ;; The name of the copier function, either the default or
+         ;; one speciefied in the :copier option
+         (copy-fn-default (make-struct-copy-fn name))
+         (copy-fn (cond
+                   ((or (eq copier-option :copier)
+                        (null (cdr copier-option)))
+                    copy-fn-default)
+                   ((cadr copier-option) (cadr copier-option))
+                   (t nil)))
+         ;; The :conc-name option, or NIL if none specified
+         (conc-option (find-option options :conc-name))
+         ;; String to be prepended to slot names to get the
+         ;; slot accessor function
+         (conc-prefix-default (concatenate 'string (string name) "-"))
+         (conc-prefix (cond
+                       ((null conc-option)
+                        conc-prefix-default)
+                       ((or (eq conc-option :conc-name)
+                            (null (cadr conc-option)))
+                        nil)
+                       (t (string (cadr conc-option)))))
+         (initial-offset-option (find-option options :initial-offset))
+         (initial-offset (second initial-offset-option))
+         ;; Accessor names
+         (field-fns
+          (loop for slot-name in slot-names
+                collect (make-struct-field-fn conc-prefix slot-name)))
+         ;; a list of initial values
+         (initial-value-alist
+          (loop
+           for slot-desc in slot-descriptions
+           for slot-name in slot-names
+           for type      in slot-types
+           for i from 1
+           collect (if (not (eq type :none))
+                       (cons slot-name (create-instance-of-type type))
+                     (cons slot-name (defstruct-maketemp name "SLOTTEMP" i)))))
+         )
     (declare (ignorable initial-offset))
     ;; Build the tests in an eval-when form
     `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
-	(eval '(defstruct ,name-and-options
-		 ,@slot-descriptions-and-documentation))
-	,(unless (or type-option include-option)
-	   `(pushnew ',name *defstruct-with-tests-names*))
-	nil)
+        (eval '(defstruct ,name-and-options
+                 ,@slot-descriptions-and-documentation))
+        ,(unless (or type-option include-option)
+           `(pushnew ',name *defstruct-with-tests-names*))
+        nil)
        ;; Test that structure is of the correct type
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 1)
-	 (and (fboundp (quote ,make-fn))
-	      (functionp (function ,make-fn))
-	      (symbol-function (quote ,make-fn))
-	      (typep (,make-fn) (quote ,(if type-option struct-type
-					  name)))
-	      t)
-	 t)
+         (and (fboundp (quote ,make-fn))
+              (functionp (function ,make-fn))
+              (symbol-function (quote ,make-fn))
+              (typep (,make-fn) (quote ,(if type-option struct-type
+                                          name)))
+              t)
+         t)
        ;; Test that the predicate exists
        ,@(when p-fn
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 2)
-	       (let ((s (,make-fn)))
-		 (and (fboundp (quote ,p-fn))
-		      (functionp (function ,p-fn))
-		      (symbol-function (quote ,p-fn))
-		      (notnot (funcall #',p-fn s))
-		      (notnot-mv (,p-fn s))
-		      ))
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.1")
-	       (signals-error (,p-fn) program-error)
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.2")
-	       (signals-error (,p-fn (,make-fn) nil) program-error)
-	       t)
-	     ))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 2)
+               (let ((s (,make-fn)))
+                 (and (fboundp (quote ,p-fn))
+                      (functionp (function ,p-fn))
+                      (symbol-function (quote ,p-fn))
+                      (notnot (funcall #',p-fn s))
+                      (notnot-mv (,p-fn s))
+                      ))
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.1")
+               (signals-error (,p-fn) program-error)
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.2")
+               (signals-error (,p-fn (,make-fn) nil) program-error)
+               t)
+             ))
        ;; Test that the elements of *universe* are not
        ;; of this type
        ,@(when p-fn
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 3)
-	       (count-if (function ,p-fn) *universe*)
-	       0)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 3)
+               (count-if (function ,p-fn) *universe*)
+               0)))
        ,@(unless type-option
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 4)
-	       (count-if (function (lambda (x) (typep x (quote ,name))))
-			 *universe*)
-	       0)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 4)
+               (count-if (function (lambda (x) (typep x (quote ,name))))
+                         *universe*)
+               0)))
        ;; Check that the fields can be read after being initialized
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 5)
-	 ,(let ((inits nil)
-		(tests nil)
-		(var (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-5")))
-	    (loop
-	     for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
-	     for field-fn in field-fns
-	     do
-	     (setf inits
-		   (list* (intern (string slot-name) "KEYWORD")
-			  (list 'quote initval)
-			  inits))
-	     (push `(and 
-		     (eqlt (quote ,initval)
-			   (,field-fn ,var))
-		     (eqlt (quote ,initval)
-			   (funcall #',field-fn ,var)))
-		   tests))
-	    `(let ((,var (,make-fn . ,inits)))
-	       (and ,@tests t)))
-	 t)
+         ,(let ((inits nil)
+                (tests nil)
+                (var (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-5")))
+            (loop
+             for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+             for field-fn in field-fns
+             do
+             (setf inits
+                   (list* (intern (string slot-name) "KEYWORD")
+                          (list 'quote initval)
+                          inits))
+             (push `(and
+                     (eqlt (quote ,initval)
+                           (,field-fn ,var))
+                     (eqlt (quote ,initval)
+                           (funcall #',field-fn ,var)))
+                   tests))
+            `(let ((,var (,make-fn . ,inits)))
+               (and ,@tests t)))
+         t)
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.3")
-	 (remove nil
-		 (list
-		  ,@(loop
-		     for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
-		     for field-fn in field-fns
-		     collect
-		     `(multiple-value-bind
-			  (x val)
-			  (signals-error (,field-fn) program-error)
-			(unless x
-			  (list ',slot-name ',field-fn val))))))
-	 nil)
+         (remove nil
+                 (list
+                  ,@(loop
+                     for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+                     for field-fn in field-fns
+                     collect
+                     `(multiple-value-bind
+                          (x val)
+                          (signals-error (,field-fn) program-error)
+                        (unless x
+                          (list ',slot-name ',field-fn val))))))
+         nil)
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.4")
-	 (remove nil
-		 (list
-		  ,@(loop
-		     for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
-		     for field-fn in field-fns
-		     collect
-		     `(multiple-value-bind
-			  (x val)
-			  (signals-error (,field-fn (,make-fn) nil)
-					 program-error)
-			(unless x
-			  (list ',slot-name ',field-fn val))))))
-	 nil)
+         (remove nil
+                 (list
+                  ,@(loop
+                     for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+                     for field-fn in field-fns
+                     collect
+                     `(multiple-value-bind
+                          (x val)
+                          (signals-error (,field-fn (,make-fn) nil)
+                                         program-error)
+                        (unless x
+                          (list ',slot-name ',field-fn val))))))
+         nil)
        ;; Check that two invocations return different structures
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 6)
-	 (eqt (,make-fn) (,make-fn))
-	 nil)
+         (eqt (,make-fn) (,make-fn))
+         nil)
        ;; Check that we can setf the fields
        (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 7)
-	 ,(let* ((var (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-7-1"))
-		 (var2 (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-7-2"))
-		 (tests
-		  (loop
-		   for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
-		   for read-only-p in slot-read-only
-		   for slot-desc in slot-descriptions
-		   for field-fn in field-fns
-		   unless read-only-p
-		   collect
-		   `(let ((,var2 (quote ,initval)))
-		      (setf (,field-fn ,var) ,var2)
-		      (eqlt (,field-fn ,var) ,var2)))))
-	    `(let ((,var (,make-fn)))
-	       (and ,@tests t)))
-	 t)
+         ,(let* ((var (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-7-1"))
+                 (var2 (defstruct-maketemp name "TEMP-7-2"))
+                 (tests
+                  (loop
+                   for (slot-name . initval) in initial-value-alist
+                   for read-only-p in slot-read-only
+                   for slot-desc in slot-descriptions
+                   for field-fn in field-fns
+                   unless read-only-p
+                   collect
+                   `(let ((,var2 (quote ,initval)))
+                      (setf (,field-fn ,var) ,var2)
+                      (eqlt (,field-fn ,var) ,var2)))))
+            `(let ((,var (,make-fn)))
+               (and ,@tests t)))
+         t)
        ;; Check that the copy function exists
        ,@(when copy-fn
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 8)
-	       (and (fboundp (quote ,copy-fn))
-		    (functionp (function ,copy-fn))
-		    (symbol-function (quote ,copy-fn))
-		    t)
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.5")
-	       (signals-error (,copy-fn) program-error)
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.6")
-	       (signals-error (,copy-fn (,make-fn) nil) program-error)
-	       t)
-	     ))	     
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 8)
+               (and (fboundp (quote ,copy-fn))
+                    (functionp (function ,copy-fn))
+                    (symbol-function (quote ,copy-fn))
+                    t)
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.5")
+               (signals-error (,copy-fn) program-error)
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "ERROR.6")
+               (signals-error (,copy-fn (,make-fn) nil) program-error)
+               t)
+             ))
        ;; Check that the copy function properly copies fields
        ,@(when copy-fn
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 9)
-	       ,(let* ((var 'XTEMP-9)
-		       (var2 'YTEMP-9)
-		       (var3 'ZTEMP-9))	       
-		  `(let ((,var (,make-fn
-				,@(loop
-				   for (slot-name . initval)
-				   in initial-value-alist
-				   nconc (list (intern (string slot-name)
-						       "KEYWORD")
-					       `(quote ,initval))))))
-		     (let ((,var2 (,copy-fn ,var))
-			   (,var3 (funcall #',copy-fn ,var)))
-		       (and
-			(not (eqlt ,var ,var2))
-			(not (eqlt ,var ,var3))
-			(not (eqlt ,var2 ,var3))
-			,@(loop
-			   for (slot-name . nil) in initial-value-alist
-			   for fn in field-fns
-			   collect
-			   `(and (eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var2))
-				 (eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var3))))
-			t))))
-	       t)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 9)
+               ,(let* ((var 'XTEMP-9)
+                       (var2 'YTEMP-9)
+                       (var3 'ZTEMP-9))
+                  `(let ((,var (,make-fn
+                                ,@(loop
+                                   for (slot-name . initval)
+                                   in initial-value-alist
+                                   nconc (list (intern (string slot-name)
+                                                       "KEYWORD")
+                                               `(quote ,initval))))))
+                     (let ((,var2 (,copy-fn ,var))
+                           (,var3 (funcall #',copy-fn ,var)))
+                       (and
+                        (not (eqlt ,var ,var2))
+                        (not (eqlt ,var ,var3))
+                        (not (eqlt ,var2 ,var3))
+                        ,@(loop
+                           for (slot-name . nil) in initial-value-alist
+                           for fn in field-fns
+                           collect
+                           `(and (eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var2))
+                                 (eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var3))))
+                        t))))
+               t)))
        ;; When the predicate is not the default, check
        ;; that the default is not defined.  Tests should
        ;; be designed so that this function name doesn't
        ;; collide with anything else.
        ,@(unless (eq p-fn p-fn-default)
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 10)
-	       (fboundp (quote ,p-fn-default))
-	       nil)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 10)
+               (fboundp (quote ,p-fn-default))
+               nil)))
        ;; When the copy function name is not the default, check
        ;; that the default function is not defined.  Tests should
        ;; be designed so that this name is not accidently defined
        ;; for something else.
        ,@(unless (eq copy-fn copy-fn-default)
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 11)
-	       (fboundp (quote ,copy-fn-default))
-	       nil)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 11)
+               (fboundp (quote ,copy-fn-default))
+               nil)))
        ;; When there are read-only slots, test that the SETF
        ;; form for them is not FBOUNDP
        ,@(when (loop for x in slot-read-only thereis x)
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 12)
-	       (and
-		,@(loop for slot-name in slot-names
-			for read-only in slot-read-only
-			for field-fn in field-fns
-			when read-only
-			collect `(not-mv (fboundp '(setf ,field-fn))))
-		t)
-	       t)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 12)
+               (and
+                ,@(loop for slot-name in slot-names
+                        for read-only in slot-read-only
+                        for field-fn in field-fns
+                        when read-only
+                        collect `(not-mv (fboundp '(setf ,field-fn))))
+                t)
+               t)))
        ;; When the structure is a true structure type, check that
        ;; the various class relationships hold
        ,@(unless type-option
-	   `(
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 13)
-	       (notnot-mv (typep (,make-fn) (find-class (quote ,name))))
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 14)
-	       (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
-		 (notnot-mv (typep class 'structure-class)))
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 15)
-	       (notnot-mv (typep (,make-fn) 'structure-object))
-	       t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 16)
-	       (loop for type in *disjoint-types-list*
-		     unless (and
-			     (equalt (multiple-value-list
-				      (subtypep* type (quote ,name)))
-				     '(nil t))
-			     (equalt (multiple-value-list
-				      (subtypep* (quote ,name) type))
-				     '(nil t)))				    
-		     collect type)
-	       nil)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 17)
-	       (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
-		 (loop for type in *disjoint-types-list*
-		       unless (and
-			       (equalt (multiple-value-list
-					(subtypep* type class))
-				       '(nil t))
-			       (equalt (multiple-value-list
-					(subtypep* class type))
-				       '(nil t)))
-		       collect type))
-	       nil)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "15A")
-	       (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
-		 (notnot-mv (subtypep class 'structure-object)))
-	       t t)
-	     (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "15B")
-	       (notnot-mv (subtypep (quote ,name) 'structure-object))
-	       t t)
-	     ))
+           `(
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 13)
+               (notnot-mv (typep (,make-fn) (find-class (quote ,name))))
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 14)
+               (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
+                 (notnot-mv (typep class 'structure-class)))
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 15)
+               (notnot-mv (typep (,make-fn) 'structure-object))
+               t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 16)
+               (loop for type in *disjoint-types-list*
+                     unless (and
+                             (equalt (multiple-value-list
+                                      (subtypep* type (quote ,name)))
+                                     '(nil t))
+                             (equalt (multiple-value-list
+                                      (subtypep* (quote ,name) type))
+                                     '(nil t)))
+                     collect type)
+               nil)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 17)
+               (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
+                 (loop for type in *disjoint-types-list*
+                       unless (and
+                               (equalt (multiple-value-list
+                                        (subtypep* type class))
+                                       '(nil t))
+                               (equalt (multiple-value-list
+                                        (subtypep* class type))
+                                       '(nil t)))
+                       collect type))
+               nil)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "15A")
+               (let ((class (find-class (quote ,name))))
+                 (notnot-mv (subtypep class 'structure-object)))
+               t t)
+             (deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name "15B")
+               (notnot-mv (subtypep (quote ,name) 'structure-object))
+               t t)
+             ))
        ;;; Documentation tests
        ,(when doc-string
-	  `(deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 18)
-	     (let ((doc (documentation ',name 'structure)))
-	       (or (null doc) (equalt doc ',doc-string)))
-	     t))
+          `(deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 18)
+             (let ((doc (documentation ',name 'structure)))
+               (or (null doc) (equalt doc ',doc-string)))
+             t))
        ,(when (and doc-string (not type-option))
-	  `(deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 19)
-	     (let ((doc (documentation ',name 'type)))
-	       (or (null doc) (equalt doc ',doc-string)))
-	     t))
+          `(deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 19)
+             (let ((doc (documentation ',name 'type)))
+               (or (null doc) (equalt doc ',doc-string)))
+             t))
        ;; Test that COPY-STRUCTURE works, if this is a structure
        ;; type
        ,@(unless type-option
-	   `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 20)
-	       ,(let* ((var 'XTEMP-20)
-		       (var2 'YTEMP-20))
-		  `(let ((,var (,make-fn
-				,@(loop
-				   for (slot-name . initval)
-				   in initial-value-alist
-				   nconc (list (intern (string slot-name)
-						       "KEYWORD")
-					       `(quote ,initval))))))
-		     (let ((,var2 (copy-structure ,var)))
-		       (and
-			(not (eqlt ,var ,var2))
-			,@(loop
-			   for (slot-name . nil) in initial-value-alist
-			   for fn in field-fns
-			   collect
-			   `(eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var2)))
-			t))))
-	       t)))
+           `((deftest ,(make-struct-test-name name 20)
+               ,(let* ((var 'XTEMP-20)
+                       (var2 'YTEMP-20))
+                  `(let ((,var (,make-fn
+                                ,@(loop
+                                   for (slot-name . initval)
+                                   in initial-value-alist
+                                   nconc (list (intern (string slot-name)
+                                                       "KEYWORD")
+                                               `(quote ,initval))))))
+                     (let ((,var2 (copy-structure ,var)))
+                       (and
+                        (not (eqlt ,var ,var2))
+                        ,@(loop
+                           for (slot-name . nil) in initial-value-alist
+                           for fn in field-fns
+                           collect
+                           `(eqlt (,fn ,var) (,fn ,var2)))
+                        t))))
+               t)))
 (defun defstruct-maketemp (stem suffix1 &optional suffix2)
   "Make a temporary variable for DEFSTRUCT-WITH-TESTS."
   (intern (if suffix2 (format nil "~A-~A-~A" stem suffix1 suffix2)
-	    (format nil "~A-~A" stem suffix1))))
+            (format nil "~A-~A" stem suffix1))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp
index 022adffe..e5c67c72 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-01.lsp
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
       (setf (s-1-foo s) nil)
       (setf (s-1-bar s) nil)
       (list (s-1-foo s2)
-	    (s-1-bar s2))))
+            (s-1-bar s2))))
   (a b))
 ;; Make produces unique items
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp
index 15317850..64858e46 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-02.lsp
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 (deftest structure-2-2
   (let ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0))
     (eqt (s-2-f5 (make-s-2))
-	 (s-2-f5 (make-s-2))))
+         (s-2-f5 (make-s-2))))
 ;; Creation with various fields does the right thing
 (deftest structure-2-3
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f1 17)))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f1 17)))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 17)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 (deftest structure-2-4
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f2 'z)))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f2 'z)))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 0)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'z)
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
 (deftest structure-2-5
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f3 1.0)))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f3 1.0)))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 0)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
 (deftest structure-2-6
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f4 #\z)))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f4 #\z)))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 0)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
 (deftest structure-2-7
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f5 '(c d e))))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f5 '(c d e))))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 0)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
 (deftest structure-2-8
   (let* ((*s-2-f6-counter* 0)
-	 (s (make-s-2 :f6 10)))
+         (s (make-s-2 :f6 10)))
      (eqlt (s-2-f1 s) 0)
      (eqt  (s-2-f2 s) 'a)
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-15 (:predicate nil)) a15 b15)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-16 :predicate) a16 b16)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-17
-		       (:predicate struct-test-17-alternate-pred))
+                       (:predicate struct-test-17-alternate-pred))
   a17 b17)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-18 :copier) a18 b18)
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@
   (struct-test-38 11 12 4))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-39 (:predicate nil)
-				      (:type list) :named)
+                                      (:type list) :named)
   a39 b39 c39)
 (deftest structure-39-1
@@ -233,11 +233,11 @@
 ;;; Confirm that the defined structure types are all disjoint
 (deftest structs-are-disjoint
   (loop for s1 in *defstruct-with-tests-names*
-	sum (loop for s2 in *defstruct-with-tests-names*
-		  unless (eq s1 s2)
-		  count (not (equalt (multiple-value-list
-				      (subtypep* s1 s2))
-				     '(nil t)))))
+        sum (loop for s2 in *defstruct-with-tests-names*
+                  unless (eq s1 s2)
+                  count (not (equalt (multiple-value-list
+                                      (subtypep* s1 s2))
+                                     '(nil t)))))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-45 (:type list) (:initial-offset 2))
@@ -248,7 +248,7 @@
   (1 2))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-46 (:type list)
-				      (:include struct-test-45))
+                                      (:include struct-test-45))
   c46 d46)
 (deftest structure-46-1
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@
   (1 2 3 4))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-47 (:type list)
-				      (:initial-offset 3)
-				      (:include struct-test-45))
+                                      (:initial-offset 3)
+                                      (:include struct-test-45))
   c47 d47)
 (deftest structure-47-1
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
   1 2 3 4)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-48 (:type list)
-				      (:initial-offset 0)
-				      (:include struct-test-45))
+                                      (:initial-offset 0)
+                                      (:include struct-test-45))
   c48 d48)
 (deftest structure-48-1
@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@
   (b51 25 :type (integer 0 255)))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-52 (:type vector)
-				      (:initial-offset 0))
+                                      (:initial-offset 0))
   a52 b52)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-53 (:type vector)
-				      (:initial-offset 5))
+                                      (:initial-offset 5))
   "This is struct-test-53"
   a53 b53)
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@
   10 a)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-54 (:type vector)
-				      (:initial-offset 2)
-				      (:include struct-test-53))
+                                      (:initial-offset 2)
+                                      (:include struct-test-53))
   "This is struct-test-54"
   a54 b54)
@@ -312,8 +312,8 @@
   8 g 10 a)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-55 (:type list)
-				      (:initial-offset 2)
-				      :named)
+                                      (:initial-offset 2)
+                                      :named)
   a55 b55 c55)
 (deftest structure-55-1
@@ -322,9 +322,9 @@
   struct-test-55 p q)
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-56 (:type list)
-				      (:initial-offset 3)
-				      (:include struct-test-55)
-				      :named)
+                                      (:initial-offset 3)
+                                      (:include struct-test-55)
+                                      :named)
   d56 e56)
 (deftest structure-56-1
@@ -355,8 +355,8 @@
   (let ((*st-60* 10))
     (let ((s (make-struct-test-60 :*st-60* 200)))
       (values (struct-test-60-a60 s)
-	      (struct-test-60-*st-60* s)
-	      (struct-test-60-b60 s))))
+              (struct-test-60-*st-60* s)
+              (struct-test-60-b60 s))))
   10 200 10)
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
 (deftest structure-61-1
   (let ((s (make-struct-test-61 :a 10 :b 'c)))
     (values (struct-test-61-a s)
-	    (struct-test-61-b s)))
+            (struct-test-61-b s)))
   10 c)
 ;;; Initializer forms are evaluated only when needed, and are
@@ -379,15 +379,15 @@
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :execute)
   (let ((x nil))
     (flet ((%f () x)
-	  (%g (y) (setf x y)))
+          (%g (y) (setf x y)))
       (defstruct struct-test-62
-	(a (progn (setf x 'a) nil))
-	(f #'%f)
-	(g #'%g)))))
+        (a (progn (setf x 'a) nil))
+        (f #'%f)
+        (g #'%g)))))
 (deftest structure-62-1
   (let* ((s (make-struct-test-62 :a 1))
-	 (f (struct-test-62-f s)))
+         (f (struct-test-62-f s)))
     (assert (typep f 'function))
      (struct-test-62-a s)
@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@
 (deftest structure-62-2
   (let* ((s (make-struct-test-62))
-	 (f (struct-test-62-f s))
-	 (g (struct-test-62-g s)))
+         (f (struct-test-62-f s))
+         (g (struct-test-62-g s)))
     (assert (typep f 'function))
     (assert (typep g 'function))
@@ -483,7 +483,7 @@
   (b nil))
 (defstruct-with-tests (struct-test-68 (:include struct-test-67))
-  c d)  
+  c d)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-03.lsp
index 1e865ff1..e4329977 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/structures-03.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-03.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (defun sbt-slots (sname s &rest slots)
   (loop for slotname in slots collect
-	(let ((fun (intern (concatenate 'string (string sname)
-					"-" (string slotname))
-			   :cl-test)))
-	  (funcall (symbol-function fun) s))))
+        (let ((fun (intern (concatenate 'string (string sname)
+                                        "-" (string slotname))
+                           :cl-test)))
+          (funcall (symbol-function fun) s))))
 ;;; See the DEFSTRUCT page, and section 3.4.6 (Boa Lambda Lists)
@@ -20,34 +20,34 @@
 (deftest structure-boa-test-01/1
   (let ((s (sbt-01-con 1 2 3)))
     (values (sbt-01-a s)
-	    (sbt-01-b s)
-	    (sbt-01-c s)))
+            (sbt-01-b s)
+            (sbt-01-c s)))
   2 1 3)
 (defstruct* (sbt-02 (:constructor sbt-02-con (a b c))
-		   (:constructor sbt-02-con-2 (a b))
-		   (:constructor sbt-02-con-3 ()))
+                   (:constructor sbt-02-con-2 (a b))
+                   (:constructor sbt-02-con-3 ()))
   (a 'x) (b 'y) (c 'z))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-02/1
   (let ((s (sbt-02-con 1 2 3)))
     (values (sbt-02-a s)
-	    (sbt-02-b s)
-	    (sbt-02-c s)))
+            (sbt-02-b s)
+            (sbt-02-c s)))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-02/2
   (let ((s (sbt-02-con-2 'p 'q)))
     (values (sbt-02-a s)
-	    (sbt-02-b s)
-	    (sbt-02-c s)))
+            (sbt-02-b s)
+            (sbt-02-c s)))
   p q z)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-02/3
   (let ((s (sbt-02-con-3)))
     (values (sbt-02-a s)
-	    (sbt-02-b s)
-	    (sbt-02-c s)))
+            (sbt-02-b s)
+            (sbt-02-c s)))
   x y z)
 ;;; &optional in BOA LL
@@ -131,10 +131,10 @@
 ;;; Test presence flag in optional parameters
 (defstruct* (sbt-07 (:constructor sbt-07-con
-				 (&optional (a 'p a-p) (b 'q b-p) (c 'r c-p)
-					    &aux (d (list (notnot a-p)
-							  (notnot b-p)
-							  (notnot c-p))))))
+                                 (&optional (a 'p a-p) (b 'q b-p) (c 'r c-p)
+                                            &aux (d (list (notnot a-p)
+                                                          (notnot b-p)
+                                                          (notnot c-p))))))
   a b c d)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-07/1
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
 ;;; Keyword arguments
 (defstruct* (sbt-08 (:constructor sbt-08-con
-				 (&key ((:foo a)))))
+                                 (&key ((:foo a)))))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-08/1
@@ -165,14 +165,14 @@
 (defstruct* (sbt-09 (:constructor sbt-09-con
-				 (&key (a 'p a-p)
-				       ((:x b) 'q)
-				       (c 'r)
-				       d
-				       ((:y e))
-				       ((:z f) 's z-p)
-				       &aux (g (list (notnot a-p)
-						     (notnot z-p))))))
+                                 (&key (a 'p a-p)
+                                       ((:x b) 'q)
+                                       (c 'r)
+                                       d
+                                       ((:y e))
+                                       ((:z f) 's z-p)
+                                       &aux (g (list (notnot a-p)
+                                                     (notnot z-p))))))
   a b c d e f g)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-09/1
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
 ;;; Aux variable overriding a default value
 (defstruct* (sbt-10 (:constructor sbt-10-con (&aux (a 10)
-						  (b (1+ a)))))
+                                                  (b (1+ a)))))
   (a 1) (b 2))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-10/1
@@ -228,8 +228,8 @@
 ;;; Arguments that correspond to no slots
 (defstruct* (sbt-12 (:constructor sbt-12-con (a &optional (b 1)
-					       &rest c
-					       &aux (d (list a b c)))))
+                                               &rest c
+                                               &aux (d (list a b c)))))
 (deftest structure-boa-12/1
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
 (defstruct* (sbt-13 (:constructor sbt-13-con
-				 (&key (a 1) (b 2) c &aux (d (list a b c)))))
+                                 (&key (a 1) (b 2) c &aux (d (list a b c)))))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-13/1
@@ -311,9 +311,9 @@
 ;;; keyword parameters if not specified.
 (defstruct* (sbt-15 (:constructor sbt-15-con
-				  (&key ((:x a) nil)
-					((y  b) nil)
-					(c nil))))
+                                  (&key ((:x a) nil)
+                                        ((y  b) nil)
+                                        (c nil))))
   a b c)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-15/1
@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@
 ;;; Default constructor w. BOA constructor, and error cases
 (defstruct* (sbt-16 (:constructor)
-		    (:constructor sbt-16-con (a b c)))
+                    (:constructor sbt-16-con (a b c)))
    a b c)
 (deftest structure-boa-test-16/1
@@ -381,12 +381,12 @@
 (deftest structure-boa-test-16/7
   (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 5 :allow-other-keys t)
-	     :a :b :c)
+             :a :b :c)
   (1 2 3))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-16/8
   (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :allow-other-keys t :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 5)
-	     :a :b :c)
+             :a :b :c)
   (1 2 3))
 ;;; :allow-other-keys turns off keyword error checking, including
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
 ;;;(deftest structure-boa-test-16/9
 ;;;  (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :allow-other-keys t
 ;;;                                  :a 3 :b 6 :c 9 1000 1000)
-;;;	     :a :b :c)
+;;;          :a :b :c)
 ;;;  (3 6 9))
 ;;; Repeated keyword arguments are allowed; the leftmost one is used
@@ -403,16 +403,16 @@
   (1 3 5))
 (deftest structure-boa-test-16/11
-  (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :allow-other-keys t 
-				  :allow-other-keys nil
-				  :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 5)
-	     :a :b :c)
+  (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :allow-other-keys t
+                                  :allow-other-keys nil
+                                  :a 1 :b 2 :c 3 :d 5)
+             :a :b :c)
   (1 2 3))
 ;; Checking of # of keywords is suppressed when :allow-other-keys is true
 ;;;(deftest structure-boa-test-16/12
 ;;;  (sbt-slots 'sbt-16 (make-sbt-16 :allow-other-keys t :a 3 :b 6 :c 9 :a)
-;;;	     :a :b :c)
+;;;          :a :b :c)
 ;;;  (3 6 9))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/structures-04.lsp b/ansi-tests/structures-04.lsp
index 146f75f6..6c5fde8b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/structures-04.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/structures-04.lsp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
   a (b 0))
 (defstruct (struct-include-01b (:include struct-include-01a
-					 (a 100) (b 'x)))
+                                         (a 100) (b 'x)))
   (c 200) d)
 (deftest struct-include.1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   (a 0 :type number))
 (defstruct (struct-include-02b (:include struct-include-02a
-					 (a 10 :type integer))))
+                                         (a 10 :type integer))))
 (deftest struct-include.3
   (let ((obj (make-struct-include-02b)))
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
 (defstruct struct-include-04a a b)
 (defstruct (struct-include-04b (:include struct-include-04a
-					 (a 0 :read-only t))))
+                                         (a 0 :read-only t))))
 (deftest struct-include.6
   (let ((obj (make-struct-include-04b)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp b/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp
index 46d76d49..84a66623 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp
@@ -9,57 +9,57 @@
 (deftest sublis.1
   (check-sublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
-		'((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+                '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
   ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
 (deftest sublis.2
   (check-sublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
-		'(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
-		:test #'equal)
+                '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+                :test #'equal)
   (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
 (deftest sublis.3
   (check-sublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
-		'((30 . "foo")))
+                '((30 . "foo")))
   (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
 (deftest sublis.4
   (check-sublis (sublis
-		 (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
-		 (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
-		'((t . "yes"))
-		:key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
-					(evenp x))))
+                 (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
+                 (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+                '((t . "yes"))
+                :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
+                                        (evenp x))))
   ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
 (deftest sublis.5
   (check-sublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
-		  fie ("fee" "fie"))
-		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+                  fie ("fee" "fie"))
+                `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
   ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
 (deftest sublis.6
   (check-sublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
-		  ("fee" "fie"))
-		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
-		:test 'equal)
+                  ("fee" "fie"))
+                `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+                :test 'equal)
   ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
 (deftest sublis.7
   (check-sublis '(("aa" a b)
-		  (z "bb" d)
-		  ((x . "aa")))
-		`((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
-		  (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
-		:test 'equal
-		:key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
-				     '*not-present*)))
+                  (z "bb" d)
+                  ((x . "aa")))
+                `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+                  (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+                :test 'equal
+                :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+                                     '*not-present*)))
   (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
 ;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
 (deftest sublis.8
-  (check-sublis 
+  (check-sublis
    '(1 2 a b)
    '((1 . 2) (a . b))
    :key nil)
@@ -67,24 +67,24 @@
 (deftest sublis.9
   (check-sublis  (list 0 3 8 20)
-		 '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
-		:test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
+                 '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
+                :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
   (x y z 20))
 (deftest sublis.10
   (check-sublis  (list 0 3 8 20)
-		 '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
-		:test-not
-		#'(lambda (x y) (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
+                 '((1 . x) (5 . y) (10 . z))
+                :test-not
+                #'(lambda (x y) (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
   (x y z 20))
 (defharmless sublis.test-and-test-not.1
   (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-	   :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
+           :test #'eql :test-not #'eql))
 (defharmless sublis.test-and-test-not.2
   (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2)) (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-	   :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
+           :test-not #'eql :test #'eql))
 ;;; Order of argument evaluation
 (deftest sublis.order.1
@@ -92,9 +92,9 @@
       (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
+             '((a . z)))
       (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+             (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
       :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
       :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
      i w x y z))
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@
       (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
+             '((a . z)))
       (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+             (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
       :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
       :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 (deftest sublis.keywords.6
   (sublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2) :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
-	  :key #'identity)
+          :key #'identity)
   (a 1 2))
@@ -169,33 +169,33 @@
 (deftest sublis.error.5
   (signals-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :test #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                          (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                          :test #'identity)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest sublis.error.6
   (signals-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                          (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                          :key #'cons)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest sublis.error.7
   (signals-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :test-not #'identity)
-		 program-error)
+                          (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+                          :test-not #'identity)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest sublis.error.8
   (signals-error (sublis '((a . 1) . bad)
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-		 type-error)
+                          (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+                 type-error)
 (deftest sublis.shared
   (let* ((shared-piece (list 'a 'b))
-	 (a (list shared-piece shared-piece)))
+         (a (list shared-piece shared-piece)))
     (check-sublis a '((a . b) (b . a))))
   ((b a) (b a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subseq-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/subseq-aux.lsp
index 02a0066e..fba5149a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subseq-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subseq-aux.lsp
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
        for i from 0 to 20 do
-	for j from i to 20 do
-	(let ((y (subseq x i j)))
-	  (loop
-	   for e in y and k from i to (1- j) do
-	   (unless (eqlt e k) (return-from done nil)))))))
+        for j from i to 20 do
+        (let ((y (subseq x i j)))
+          (loop
+           for e in y and k from i to (1- j) do
+           (unless (eqlt e k) (return-from done nil)))))))
 (defun subseq-list.5-body ()
@@ -24,29 +24,29 @@
        for i from 0 to 30 do
        (unless (equalt (subseq x i)
-		       (loop for j from i to 29 collect j))
-	 (return-from done nil))))
+                       (loop for j from i to 29 collect j))
+         (return-from done nil))))
 (defun subseq-list.6-body ()
   (let* ((x (make-list 100))
-	 (z (loop for e on x collect e))
-	 (y (subseq x 0)))
+         (z (loop for e on x collect e))
+         (y (subseq x 0)))
      for e on x
      and f on y
      and g in z do
      (when (or (not (eqt g e))
-	       (not (eqlt (car e) (car f)))
-	       (car e)
-	       (eqt e f))
+               (not (eqlt (car e) (car f)))
+               (car e)
+               (eqt e f))
        (return nil))
      finally (return t))))
 (defun subseq-vector.1-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence 'vector 10 :initial-element 'a))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eqt e 'a)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eqt e 'a)) y)
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
 (defun subseq-vector.2-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector fixnum) 10 :initial-element 1))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eqlt e 1)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (eqlt e 1)) y)
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
 (defun subseq-vector.3-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector single-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
 (defun subseq-vector.4-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector double-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0d0))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
 (defun subseq-vector.5-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector short-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0s0))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@
 (defun subseq-vector.6-body ()
   (block nil
   (let* ((x (make-sequence '(vector long-float) 10 :initial-element 1.0l0))
-	 (y (subseq x 4 8)))
+         (y (subseq x 4 8)))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) x)
       (return 1))
     (unless (every #'(lambda (e) (= e 1.0)) y)
@@ -153,87 +153,87 @@
 (defun subseq-string.1-body ()
   (let* ((s1 "abcdefgh")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (string= (subseq s1 start)
-		   (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
-				 collect (elt s1 i))
-			   'string)))))
+          always
+          (string= (subseq s1 start)
+                   (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
+                                 collect (elt s1 i))
+                           'string)))))
 (defun subseq-string.2-body ()
   (let* ((s1 "abcdefgh")
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		always
-		(string= (subseq s1 start end)
-			 (coerce (loop for i from start below end
-				       collect (elt s1 i))
-				 'string))))))
+          always
+          (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                always
+                (string= (subseq s1 start end)
+                         (coerce (loop for i from start below end
+                                       collect (elt s1 i))
+                                 'string))))))
 (defun subseq-string.3-body ()
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			 :fill-pointer 8
-			 :element-type 'character))
-	 (len (length s1)))
+                         :fill-pointer 8
+                         :element-type 'character))
+         (len (length s1)))
      (eqlt len 8)
      (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (string= (subseq s1 start)
-		   (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
-				 collect (elt s1 i))
-			   'string)))
+          always
+          (string= (subseq s1 start)
+                   (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
+                                 collect (elt s1 i))
+                           'string)))
      (loop for start from 0 below len
-	   always
-	   (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		 always
-		 (string= (subseq s1 start end)
-			  (coerce (loop for i from start below end
-					collect (elt s1 i))
-				  'string)))))))
+           always
+           (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                 always
+                 (string= (subseq s1 start end)
+                          (coerce (loop for i from start below end
+                                        collect (elt s1 i))
+                                  'string)))))))
 (defun subseq-bit-vector.1-body ()
   (let* ((s1 #*11001000)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (equalp (subseq s1 start)
-		  (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
-				collect (elt s1 i))
-			  'bit-vector)))))
+          always
+          (equalp (subseq s1 start)
+                  (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
+                                collect (elt s1 i))
+                          'bit-vector)))))
 (defun subseq-bit-vector.2-body ()
   (let* ((s1 #*01101011)
-	 (len (length s1)))
+         (len (length s1)))
     (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		always
-		(equalp (subseq s1 start end)
-			(coerce (loop for i from start below end
-				      collect (elt s1 i))
-				'bit-vector))))))
+          always
+          (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                always
+                (equalp (subseq s1 start end)
+                        (coerce (loop for i from start below end
+                                      collect (elt s1 i))
+                                'bit-vector))))))
 (defun subseq-bit-vector.3-body ()
   (let* ((s1 (make-array '(10) :initial-contents #*1101100110
-			 :fill-pointer 8
-			 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (len (length s1)))
+                         :fill-pointer 8
+                         :element-type 'bit))
+         (len (length s1)))
      (eqlt len 8)
      (loop for start from 0 below len
-	  always
-	  (equalp (subseq s1 start)
-		  (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
-				collect (elt s1 i))
-			  'bit-vector)))
+          always
+          (equalp (subseq s1 start)
+                  (coerce (loop for i from start to (1- len)
+                                collect (elt s1 i))
+                          'bit-vector)))
      (loop for start from 0 below len
-	   always
-	   (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
-		 always
-		 (equalp (subseq s1 start end)
-			 (coerce (loop for i from start below end
-				       collect (elt s1 i))
-				 'bit-vector)))))))
+           always
+           (loop for end from (1+ start) to len
+                 always
+                 (equalp (subseq s1 start end)
+                         (coerce (loop for i from start below end
+                                       collect (elt s1 i))
+                                 'bit-vector)))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subseq.lsp b/ansi-tests/subseq.lsp
index 780aba85..525d06d1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subseq.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subseq.lsp
@@ -43,35 +43,35 @@
 (deftest subseq-list.8
   (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
-	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+         (y (copy-seq x)))
     (setf (subseq y 0) '(f g h))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c d e) (f g h d e)))
 (deftest subseq-list.9
   (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
-	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+         (y (copy-seq x)))
     (setf (subseq y 1 3) '(1 2 3 4 5))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c d e) (a 1 2 d e)))
 (deftest subseq-list.10
   (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
-	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+         (y (copy-seq x)))
     (setf (subseq y 5) '(1 2 3 4 5))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c d e) (a b c d e)))
 (deftest subseq-list.11
   (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
-	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+         (y (copy-seq x)))
     (setf (subseq y 2 5) '(1))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c d e) (a b 1 d e)))
 (deftest subseq-list.12
   (let* ((x '(a b c d e))
-	 (y (copy-seq x)))
+         (y (copy-seq x)))
     (setf (subseq y 0 0) '(1 2))
     (list x y))
   ((a b c d e) (a b c d e)))
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
 (deftest subseq-vector.2
-  t) 
+  t)
 (deftest subseq-vector.3
-  t) 
+  t)
 (deftest subseq-vector.4
-  t) 
+  t)
 (deftest subseq-vector.5
-  t) 
+  t)
 (deftest subseq-vector.6
@@ -107,45 +107,45 @@
 (deftest subseq-vector.7
     (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b c d e f g h i j)))
-	   (y (subseq x 2 8)))
+           (y (subseq x 2 8)))
       (equal-array y (make-array '(6) :initial-contents '(c d e f g h))))
 (deftest subseq-vector.8
     (let* ((x (make-array '(200) :initial-element 107
-			  :element-type 'fixnum))
-	   (y (subseq x 17 95)))
+                          :element-type 'fixnum))
+           (y (subseq x 17 95)))
       (and (eqlt (length y) (- 95 17))
-	   (equal-array y
-			(make-array (list (- 95 17))
-				    :initial-element 107
-				    :element-type 'fixnum))))
+           (equal-array y
+                        (make-array (list (- 95 17))
+                                    :initial-element 107
+                                    :element-type 'fixnum))))
 (deftest subseq-vector.9
     (let* ((x (make-array '(1000) :initial-element 17.6e-1
-			  :element-type 'single-float))
-	   (lo 164)
-	   (hi 873)
-	   (y (subseq x lo hi)))
+                          :element-type 'single-float))
+           (lo 164)
+           (hi 873)
+           (y (subseq x lo hi)))
       (and (eqlt (length y) (- hi lo))
-	   (equal-array y
-			(make-array (list (- hi lo))
-				    :initial-element 17.6e-1
-				    :element-type 'single-float))))
+           (equal-array y
+                        (make-array (list (- hi lo))
+                                    :initial-element 17.6e-1
+                                    :element-type 'single-float))))
 (deftest subseq-vector.10
     (let* ((x (make-array '(2000) :initial-element 3.1415927d4
-			  :element-type 'double-float))
-	   (lo 731)
-	   (hi 1942)
-	   (y (subseq x lo hi)))
+                          :element-type 'double-float))
+           (lo 731)
+           (hi 1942)
+           (y (subseq x lo hi)))
       (and (eqlt (length y) (- hi lo))
-	   (equal-array y
-			(make-array (list (- hi lo))
-				    :initial-element  3.1415927d4
-				    :element-type 'double-float))))
+           (equal-array y
+                        (make-array (list (- hi lo))
+                                    :initial-element  3.1415927d4
+                                    :element-type 'double-float))))
 ;;; subseq on strings
@@ -166,61 +166,61 @@
 (deftest subseq.specialized-string.1
   (let* ((s0 "abcde")
-	 (len (length s0)))
+         (len (length s0)))
      (s "abcde" nil)
      (loop for i from 0 below len
-	   for s1 = (subseq s i)
-	   do (assert (typep s1 'simple-array))
-	   do (assert (string= (subseq s i) (subseq s0 i)))
-	   do (loop for j from i to len
-		    for s2 = (subseq s i j)
-		    do (assert (typep s2 'simple-array))
-		    (assert (string= s2 (subseq s0 i j)))))))
+           for s1 = (subseq s i)
+           do (assert (typep s1 'simple-array))
+           do (assert (string= (subseq s i) (subseq s0 i)))
+           do (loop for j from i to len
+                    for s2 = (subseq s i j)
+                    do (assert (typep s2 'simple-array))
+                    (assert (string= s2 (subseq s0 i j)))))))
 ;;; Other specialized vectors
 (deftest subseq.specialized-vector.1
   (let* ((v0 #(1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0))
-	 (len (length v0)))
+         (len (length v0)))
      (v (copy-seq v0) nil)
      (loop for i from 0 below len
-	   for v1 = (subseq v i)
-	   do (assert (typep v1 'simple-array))
-	   do (assert (equalp (subseq v i) (subseq v0 i)))
-	   do (loop for j from i to len
-		    for v2 = (subseq v i j)
-		    do (assert (typep v2 'simple-array))
-		    (assert (equalp v2 (subseq v0 i j)))))))
+           for v1 = (subseq v i)
+           do (assert (typep v1 'simple-array))
+           do (assert (equalp (subseq v i) (subseq v0 i)))
+           do (loop for j from i to len
+                    for v2 = (subseq v i j)
+                    do (assert (typep v2 'simple-array))
+                    (assert (equalp v2 (subseq v0 i j)))))))
 (deftest subseq.specialized-vector.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (subseq vec 1 9)
-	unless (and (= (length result) 8)
-		    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
-		    (equalp result (apply #'vector (subseq vals 1 9))))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (coerce i type))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (subseq vec 1 9)
+        unless (and (= (length result) 8)
+                    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
+                    (equalp result (apply #'vector (subseq vals 1 9))))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 (deftest subseq.specialized-vector.3
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float long-float double-float
-				   integer rational)
-	for type = `(complex ,etype)
-	for len = 10
-	for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
-							      (coerce (- i) etype)))
-	for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
-	for result = (subseq vec 1 9)
-	unless (and (= (length result) 8)
-		    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
-		    (equalp result (apply #'vector (subseq vals 1 9))))
-	collect (list type vals result))
+                                   integer rational)
+        for type = `(complex ,etype)
+        for len = 10
+        for vals = (loop for i from 1 to len collect (complex (coerce i etype)
+                                                              (coerce (- i) etype)))
+        for vec = (make-array len :element-type type :initial-contents vals)
+        for result = (subseq vec 1 9)
+        unless (and (= (length result) 8)
+                    (equal (array-element-type vec) (array-element-type result))
+                    (equalp result (apply #'vector (subseq vals 1 9))))
+        collect (list type vals result))
 ;;; Tests on bit vectors
@@ -260,24 +260,24 @@
 (deftest subseq.order.3
   (let ((i 0) a b c d
-	(s (copy-seq "abcdefgh")))
+        (s (copy-seq "abcdefgh")))
      (setf (subseq
-	    (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1)
-	    (progn (setf c (incf i)) 4))
-	   (progn (setf d (incf i)) "xyz"))
+            (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1)
+            (progn (setf c (incf i)) 4))
+           (progn (setf d (incf i)) "xyz"))
      s i a b c d))
   "xyz" "axyzefgh" 4 1 2 3 4)
 (deftest subseq.order.4
   (let ((i 0) a b c
-	(s (copy-seq "abcd")))
+        (s (copy-seq "abcd")))
      (setf (subseq
-	    (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
-	   (progn (setf c (incf i)) "xyz"))
+            (progn (setf a (incf i)) s)
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) 1))
+           (progn (setf c (incf i)) "xyz"))
      s i a b c))
   "xyz" "axyz" 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp b/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
index 1f199bf0..196f124f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
@@ -19,64 +19,64 @@
 (deftest subsetp.3
   (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '((8 9)))
-		      cons-test-24-var :test 'equal)
+                      cons-test-24-var :test 'equal)
 (deftest subsetp.4
   (subsetp-with-check (list 78 (copy-seq "Z")) cons-test-24-var
-		      :test #'equalp)
+                      :test #'equalp)
 (deftest subsetp.5
   (subsetp-with-check (list 1) (list 0 2 3 4)
-		      :key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
+                      :key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
 (deftest subsetp.6
   (subsetp-with-check (list 1 6) (list 0 2 3 4)
-		      :key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
+                      :key #'(lambda (i) (floor (/ i 2))))
 (deftest subsetp.7
   (subsetp-with-check (list '(a . 10) '(b . 20) '(c . 30))
-		      (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
-			    '(c . foo))
-		      :key #'car)
+                      (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+                            '(c . foo))
+                      :key #'car)
 (deftest subsetp.8
   (subsetp-with-check (copy-tree '((a . 10) (b . 20) (c . 30)))
-		      (copy-tree '((z . c) (a . y) (b . 100) (e . f)
-				   (c . foo)))
-		      :key 'car)
+                      (copy-tree '((z . c) (a . y) (b . 100) (e . f)
+                                   (c . foo)))
+                      :key 'car)
 (deftest subsetp.9
   (subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
-		      (copy-tree
-		       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
-			     '(c . foo)))
-		      :test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
-				(eqt e1 (car e2))))
+                      (copy-tree
+                       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+                             '(c . foo)))
+                      :test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+                                (eqt e1 (car e2))))
 (deftest subsetp.10
   (subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
-		      (copy-tree
-		       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
-			     '(c . foo)))
-		      :test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
-				(eqt e1 (car e2)))
-		      :key nil)
+                      (copy-tree
+                       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+                             '(c . foo)))
+                      :test #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+                                (eqt e1 (car e2)))
+                      :key nil)
 (deftest subsetp.11
   (subsetp-with-check (list 'a 'b 'c)
-		      (copy-tree
-		       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
-			     '(c . foo)))
-		      :test-not  #'(lambda (e1 e2)
-				     (not (eqt e1 (car e2)))))
+                      (copy-tree
+                       (list '(z . c) '(a . y) '(b . 100) '(e . f)
+                             '(c . foo)))
+                      :test-not  #'(lambda (e1 e2)
+                                     (not (eqt e1 (car e2)))))
 ;; Check that it maintains order of arguments
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@
      (list 1 2 3)
      (list 4 5 6)
      :test #'(lambda (x y)
-	       (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	       t)))
+               (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+               t)))
 (deftest subsetp.13
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@
      (list 4 5 6)
      :key #'identity
      :test #'(lambda (x y)
-	       (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	       t)))
+               (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+               t)))
 (deftest subsetp.14
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
      (list 1 2 3)
      (list 4 5 6)
      :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-		   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		   nil)))
+                   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                   nil)))
 (deftest subsetp.15
@@ -119,8 +119,8 @@
      (list 4 5 6)
      :key #'identity
      :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-		   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		   nil)))
+                   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                   nil)))
 (defharmless subsetp.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -135,9 +135,9 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (subsetp (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			     '(a b c))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			     '(a b c d))))
+                             '(a b c))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                             '(a b c d))))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (notnot (subsetp (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			     '(a b c))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			     '(a b c d))
-		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
-		      :key  (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil)))
+                             '(a b c))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                             '(a b c d))
+                      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
+                      :key  (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil)))
      i x y z w))
   t 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -157,11 +157,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z w)
      (notnot (subsetp (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			     '(a b c))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			     '(a b c d))
-		      :key  (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-		      :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql)))
+                             '(a b c))
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i))
+                             '(a b c d))
+                      :key  (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+                      :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql)))
      i x y z w))
   t 4 1 2 3 4)
@@ -173,14 +173,14 @@
 (deftest subsetp.allow-other-keys.2
   (notnot-mv (subsetp '(1 2 3 4) '(0 1 2 3 4 5)
-		   :allow-other-keys #'cons :bad t))
+                   :allow-other-keys #'cons :bad t))
 (deftest subsetp.allow-other-keys.3
   (notnot-mv (subsetp '(1 2 3 4) '(0 1 2 3 4)
-		   :allow-other-keys (make-hash-table)
-		   :bad t
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (= (1+ x) y))))
+                   :allow-other-keys (make-hash-table)
+                   :bad t
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (= (1+ x) y))))
 (deftest subsetp.allow-other-keys.4
@@ -193,20 +193,20 @@
 (deftest subsetp.allow-other-keys.6
   (notnot-mv (subsetp '(1 2 3 4) '(0 1 2 3 4 5)
-		   :allow-other-keys t :bad1 t
-		   :allow-other-keys nil :bad2 t))
+                   :allow-other-keys t :bad1 t
+                   :allow-other-keys nil :bad2 t))
 (deftest subsetp.keywords.7
   (notnot-mv (subsetp '(1 2 3 4) '(0 1 2 3 4)
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (= (1+ x) y))
-		   :test #'eql))
+                   :test #'(lambda (x y) (= (1+ x) y))
+                   :test #'eql))
 (deftest subsetp.keywords.8
   (notnot-mv (subsetp '(1 2 3 4 10) '(0 1 2 3 4)
-		   :key nil
-		   :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 2))))
+                   :key nil
+                   :key #'(lambda (x) (mod x 2))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp
index 664a0afb..e95b0b9a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
 (deftest subst-if-not.2
   (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
-		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+                      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
 (deftest subst-if-not.3
   (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity
-		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		      :key (complement #'listp))
+                      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+                      :key (complement #'listp))
 (deftest subst-if-not.4
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@
    #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
    '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
    :key #'(lambda (x)
-	    (and (consp x)
-		 (car x))))
+            (and (consp x)
+                 (car x))))
   (40 40 40 40))
 (deftest subst-if-not.5
   (check-subst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
-		      '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		      :key nil)
+                      '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+                      :key nil)
   ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
 (deftest subst-if-not.7
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
   4 1 2 3 4)
 (def-fold-test subst-if-not.fold.1 (subst-if-not 'a #'consp '((1 . 2) 3 . 4)))
 ;;; Keywords tests for subst-if-not
 (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 (deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
   (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t
-		:allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
 (deftest subst-if-not.keywords.6
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 (deftest subst-if-not.error.7
   (signals-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				:bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                :bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest subst-if-not.error.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp
index 0546248d..7a3493de 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
 (deftest subst-if.3
   (check-subst-if '(z)
-		  (complement #'consp)
-		  '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+                  (complement #'consp)
+                  '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
    ((z) (z) z)
    ((z) (z) (z) z)
@@ -27,21 +27,21 @@
 (deftest subst-if.4
   (check-subst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		  :key #'listp)
+                  :key #'listp)
 (deftest subst-if.5
   (check-subst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
-		  '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
-		  :key #'(lambda (x)
-			   (and (consp x)
-				(car x))))
+                  '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+                  :key #'(lambda (x)
+                           (and (consp x)
+                                (car x))))
   (4 4 4 4))
 (deftest subst-if.6
   (check-subst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
-		  '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		  :key nil)
+                  '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+                  :key nil)
   ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
 (deftest subst-if.7
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst.lsp
index 0de24a19..5ca4e080 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subst.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst.lsp
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
 (deftest subst.4
   (check-subst 'grape 'dick
-	       '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+               '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
   (melville wrote (moby grape)))
 (deftest subst.5
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
    'foo "aaa"
    '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
    :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  "aaa"
-			nil))
+                          "aaa"
+                        nil))
    :test #'string=)
   ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
@@ -52,26 +52,26 @@
    'foo nil
    '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
    :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  (copy-seq "aaa")
-			nil))
+                          (copy-seq "aaa")
+                        nil))
    :test-not #'equal)
   ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
 (deftest subst.9
   (check-subst 'a 'b
-	       (copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
-	       :key nil)
+               (copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+               :key nil)
   (a a c d a a))
 (deftest subst.10
   (check-subst 'x 10 (copy-tree '(1 2 10 20 30 4))
-	       :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
+               :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y))))
   (1 2 10 x x 4))
 (deftest subst.11
   (check-subst 'x 10 (copy-tree '(1 2 10 20 30 4))
-	       :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-			     (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
+               :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
+                             (not (and (realp x) (realp y) (< x y)))))
   (1 2 10 x x 4))
 (defharmless subset.test-and-test-not.1
@@ -86,10 +86,10 @@
   (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
      (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	    :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+            (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+            (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+            :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+            :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
      i v w x y z))
   ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
   5 1 2 3 4 5)
@@ -98,11 +98,11 @@
   (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
      (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	    :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    )
+            (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+            (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+            :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+            :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+            )
      i v w x y z))
   ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
   5 1 2 3 4 5)
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 (deftest subst.allow-other-keys.5
   (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	 :bad t)
+         :bad t)
   (a a c))
 (deftest subst.keywords.6
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp
index 484869cc..5b7341a3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute-if-not.lsp
@@ -75,52 +75,52 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 ;;; Tests on vectors
@@ -195,91 +195,91 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-						 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                                 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                                 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
-				    :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 'z (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
+                                    :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1)
@@ -288,8 +288,8 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute-if-not 'x (is-not-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1 :from-end t)
@@ -370,84 +370,84 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-						 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                                 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not #\x (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                                 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x
-				    :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\z (is-not-eql-p #\a) x
+                                    :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -457,235 +457,235 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count 0 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count -1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :count nil :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 1 (complement #'zerop) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if-not 0 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
 ;;; More tests
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
-				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x
+                                :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not '(a 10) (is-not-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not #\a (is-not-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-string.26
@@ -699,45 +699,45 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.26
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bitstring.27
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 (is-not-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bit-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bit-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bit-vector.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-if-not-bit-vector.33
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if-not 1 #'onep x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -779,37 +779,37 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+                      :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+                      :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (1 a a a 1 a a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.keywords.6
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		      :key #'1- :key #'identity)
+                      :key #'1- :key #'identity)
   (1 a a a 1 a a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.7
   (substitute-if-not 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (a a 0 a a 0 a))
 (deftest substitute-if-not.allow-other-keys.8
@@ -847,7 +847,7 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not.error.5
   (signals-error (substitute-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				      'bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
+                                      'bad t :allow-other-keys nil) program-error)
 (deftest substitute-if-not.error.6
@@ -868,14 +868,14 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-not.error.10
   (signals-error (substitute-if-not 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                                  :key #'car)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest substitute-if-not.error.11
   (signals-error (substitute-if-not 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                                  :key #'cons)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest substitute-if-not.error.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp
index 8dd45171..d70f9d33 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute-if.lsp
@@ -75,52 +75,52 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
@@ -199,103 +199,103 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y
-			     (concatenate
-			      'simple-vector
-			      (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-			      (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-			      (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y
+                             (concatenate
+                              'simple-vector
+                              (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                              (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                              (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y
-			     (concatenate 
-			      'simple-vector
-			      (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-			      (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-			      (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y
+                             (concatenate
+                              'simple-vector
+                              (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                              (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                              (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x
-					     :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp
-			    y (concatenate
-			       'simple-vector
-			       (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-			       (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-			       (make-array (- 10 (+ i c))
-					   :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x
+                                             :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp
+                            y (concatenate
+                               'simple-vector
+                               (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                               (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                               (make-array (- 10 (+ i c))
+                                           :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x
-					     :start i :end j :count c
-					     :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp
-			    y
-			    (concatenate
-			     'simple-vector
-			     (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-			     (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-			     (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'a) x
+                                             :start i :end j :count c
+                                             :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp
+                            y
+                            (concatenate
+                             'simple-vector
+                             (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                             (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                             (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute-if 'z (is-eql-p 'a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1)
@@ -304,8 +304,8 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute-if 'x (is-eql-p 'c) v2 :count 1 :from-end t)
@@ -384,95 +384,95 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
-				       :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y
-			     (concatenate 
-			      'simple-string
-			      (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-			      (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-			      (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
+                                       :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y
+                             (concatenate
+                              'simple-string
+                              (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                              (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                              (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
-					     :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y
-				   (concatenate
-				    'simple-string
-				    (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-				    (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-				    (make-array (- 10 (+ i c))
-						:initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
+                                             :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y
+                                   (concatenate
+                                    'simple-string
+                                    (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                    (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                    (make-array (- 10 (+ i c))
+                                                :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
-					     :start i :end j :count c
-					     :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-string
-				      (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-				      (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-				      (make-array (- 10 j)
-						  :initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if #\x (is-eql-p #\a) x
+                                             :start i :end j :count c
+                                             :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-string
+                                      (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                      (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                      (make-array (- 10 j)
+                                                  :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x)))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute-if #\z (is-eql-p #\a) x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -480,235 +480,235 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 'zerop x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 'zerop x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :end 3)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 0 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count -1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count nil :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute-if 0 (is-eql-p 1) x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
 ;;; More tests
 (deftest substitute-if-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x
-				:key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x
+                                :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if '(a 10) (is-eql-p 'a) x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if #\a (is-eql-p #\1) x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-string.26
@@ -724,45 +724,45 @@
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.22
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.23
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 (is-eql-p 1) x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.24
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x)))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.25
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.26
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-if-bit-vector.27
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute-if 1 #'zerop x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -814,17 +814,17 @@
 (deftest substitute-if.allow-other-keys.3
   (substitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute-if.allow-other-keys.4
   (substitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute-if.allow-other-keys.5
   (substitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (a 2 0 3 a 0 3))
 (deftest substitute-if.keywords.6
@@ -833,7 +833,7 @@
 (deftest substitute-if.allow-other-keys.7
   (substitute-if 'a #'zerop (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute-if.allow-other-keys.8
@@ -846,7 +846,7 @@
 (def-fold-test substitute-if.fold.2 (substitute-if 'z 'null #(a nil b)))
 (def-fold-test substitute-if.fold.3 (substitute-if 0 'plusp #*100110))
 (def-fold-test substitute-if.fold.4 (substitute-if #\x 'digit-char-p
-						   "asdf8234n123f"))
+                                                   "asdf8234n123f"))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -868,7 +868,7 @@
 (deftest substitute-if.error.5
   (signals-error (substitute-if 'a #'null nil 'bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest substitute-if.error.6
@@ -889,14 +889,14 @@
 (deftest substitute-if.error.10
   (signals-error (substitute-if 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'car)
-		 type-error)
+                                  :key #'car)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest substitute-if.error.11
   (signals-error (substitute-if 'a #'identity (list 'a 'b 'c)
-				  :key #'cons)
-		 program-error)
+                                  :key #'cons)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest substitute-if.error.12
diff --git a/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp b/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp
index d7fef60b..483dc91e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/substitute.lsp
@@ -75,133 +75,133 @@
 (deftest substitute-list.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-list.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equal orig x)
-		     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-				     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-				     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equal orig x)
+                     (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                     (make-list (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                     (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-list.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-list.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equal orig x)
-			   (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig '(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equal orig x)
+                           (equal y (nconc (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-list c :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-list.19
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   (1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-list.20
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-list.21
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest substitute-list.22
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   (1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-list.23
   (let* ((orig '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest substitute-list.24
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-list.25
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-list.26
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest substitute-list.27
   (let* ((orig '((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
     (and (equal orig x)
-	 result))
-  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))    
+         result))
+  ((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 ;;; Tests on vectors
@@ -275,170 +275,170 @@
 (deftest substitute-vector.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-vector.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-					   (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element 'x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-vector.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-						 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                                 (make-array i :initial-element 'a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-vector.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
-						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #(a a a a a a a a a a))
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 'x 'a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-vector
+                                                 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element 'a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element 'x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element 'a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #(1 2 x x x x x 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-vector.20
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-vector.21
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest substitute-vector.22
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute 'x 5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #(1 2 x 4 5 6 7 8 9))
 (deftest substitute-vector.23
   (let* ((orig #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute 'x 9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x 9))
 (deftest substitute-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 10) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 10) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :start 1 :end 5)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 1) (b 2) (a 10) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
 (deftest substitute-vector.26
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test (complement #'eql))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest substitute-vector.27
   (let* ((orig #((a 1) (b 2) (a 3) (c 4) (d 5) (a 6) (e 7)))
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute '(a 10) 'a x :key #'car :test-not #'eql)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
   #((a 1) (a 10) (a 3) (a 10) (a 10) (a 6) (a 10)))
 (deftest substitute-vector.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute 'z 'a x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute 'z 'a x)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-vector.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute 'z 'a x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute 'z 'a x :from-end t)))
   #(z b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute 'z 'a x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute 'z 'a x :count 1)))
   #(z b a c b))
 (deftest substitute-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(a b a c b a d e a f)
-		       :fill-pointer 5))
-	 (result (substitute 'z 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5))
+         (result (substitute 'z 'a x :from-end t :count 1)))
   #(a b z c b))
 (deftest substitute-vector.32
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute 'x 'c v2 :count 1)
@@ -447,8 +447,8 @@
 (deftest substitute-vector.33
   (let* ((v1 (copy-seq #(a b c d a b c d a b c d a b c d)))
-	 (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 3)))
+         (v2 (make-array '(8) :displaced-to v1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 3)))
      (substitute 'x 'c v2 :count 1 :from-end t)
@@ -527,178 +527,178 @@
 (deftest substitute-string.15
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-string.16
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-		     (x (copy-seq orig))
-		     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
-		(and (equalp orig x)
-		     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-					   (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-					   (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
-					   (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                     (x (copy-seq orig))
+                     (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :from-end t)))
+                (and (equalp orig x)
+                     (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                           (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                           (make-array (- j i) :initial-element #\x)
+                                           (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a)))))))
 (deftest substitute-string.17
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-						 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                                 (make-array i :initial-element #\a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-string.18
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
-						 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
-						 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
-						 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig "aaaaaaaaaa")
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute #\x #\a x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate 'simple-string
+                                                 (make-array (- j c) :initial-element #\a)
+                                                 (make-array c :initial-element #\x)
+                                                 (make-array (- 10 j) :initial-element #\a))))))))
 (deftest substitute-string.19
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)	
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (<= (abs (- a b)) 2)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.20
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (incf c 2) (= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.21
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
-						 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                 (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                 (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                 (incf c -2) (= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.22
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c -4)
-	 (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
-						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c -4)
+         (result (substitute #\x #\5 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                     (incf c 2) (/= (+ b c) a)))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.23
   (let* ((orig "123456789")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 5)
-	 (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
-						     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
-						     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
-						     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 5)
+         (result (substitute #\x #\9 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                     (setq a (read-from-string (string a)))
+                                                     (setq b (read-from-string (string b)))
+                                                     (incf c -2) (/= (+ b c) a))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.24
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.25
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :start 1 :end 6)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.26
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test (complement #'eql))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.27
   (let* ((orig "0102342015")
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute #\a #\1 x :key #'nextdigit :test-not #'eql)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-string.28
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute #\z #\a x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute #\z #\a x)))
 (deftest substitute-string.29
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute #\z #\a x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute #\z #\a x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-string.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute #\z #\a x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute #\z #\a x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-string.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents "abacbadeaf"
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
-	 (result (substitute #\z #\a x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+         (result (substitute #\z #\a x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -715,283 +715,283 @@
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.1
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.2
   (let* ((orig #*)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.3
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.4
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.5
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.6
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.7
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.8
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :end nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.9
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :end 3)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.10
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.11
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :start 2 :end 4)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.12
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.13
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.14
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.15
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.16
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 0 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.17
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count -1 :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.18
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.19
   (let* ((orig #*010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count nil :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.20
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*0000000000)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 1 0 x :start i :end j :count c)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list i :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 (+ i c)) :initial-element 0))))))))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.21
   (loop for i from 0 to 9 always
-	(loop for j from i to 10 always
-	      (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
-		    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
-			   (x (copy-seq orig))
-			   (y (substitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
-		      (and (equalp orig x)
-			   (equalp y (concatenate
-				      'simple-bit-vector
-				      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
-				      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
-				      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
+        (loop for j from i to 10 always
+              (loop for c from 0 to (- j i) always
+                    (let* ((orig #*1111111111)
+                           (x (copy-seq orig))
+                           (y (substitute 0 1 x :start i :end j :count c :from-end t)))
+                      (and (equalp orig x)
+                           (equalp y (concatenate
+                                      'simple-bit-vector
+                                      (make-list (- j c) :initial-element 1)
+                                      (make-list c :initial-element 0)
+                                      (make-list (- 10 j) :initial-element 1))))))))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.22
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.23
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
-						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+                                                 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.24
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :test #'(lambda (a b) (incf c) (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b)))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.25
   (let* ((orig #*0101010101)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (c 0)
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
-						 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
-			     :from-end t)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (c 0)
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :test-not #'(lambda (a b) (incf c)
+                                                 (not (and (<= 2 c 5) (= a b))))
+                             :from-end t)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.26
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.27
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 1 1 x :key #'1+ :start 1 :end 10)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.28
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test (complement #'eql))))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test (complement #'eql))))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.29
   (let* ((orig #*00111001011010110)
-	 (x (copy-seq orig))
-	 (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test-not #'eql)))
+         (x (copy-seq orig))
+         (result (substitute 0 1 x :key #'1+ :test-not #'eql)))
     (and (equalp orig x)
-	 result))
+         result))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.30
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x)))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.31
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :from-end t)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :from-end t)))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.32
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :count 1)))
 (deftest substitute-bit-vector.33
   (let* ((x (make-array '(10) :initial-contents '(0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1)
-		       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
-	 (result (substitute 1 0 x :from-end t :count 1)))
+                       :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'bit))
+         (result (substitute 1 0 x :from-end t :count 1)))
@@ -1066,17 +1066,17 @@
 (deftest substitute.allow-other-keys.3
   (substitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+                  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute.allow-other-keys.4
   (substitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :bad t
-		  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute.allow-other-keys.5
   (substitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3)
-		  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
+                  :allow-other-keys t :key #'1-)
   (a 2 0 3 a 0 3))
 (deftest substitute.keywords.6
@@ -1085,7 +1085,7 @@
 (deftest substitute.allow-other-keys.7
   (substitute 'a 0 (list 1 2 0 3 1 0 3) :allow-other-keys t
-		  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
+                  :bad t :allow-other-keys nil)
   (1 2 a 3 1 a 3))
 (deftest substitute.allow-other-keys.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-array.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-array.lsp
index 42502c04..cca5afcc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-array.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-array.lsp
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 (deftest subtypep.array.1
   (let ((array-types (cons (find-class 'array)
-			   '(array (array) (array *) (array * *)))))
+                           '(array (array) (array *) (array * *)))))
     (loop for tp1 in array-types append
-	  (loop for tp2 in array-types
-		unless (subtypep tp1 tp2)
-		collect (list tp1 tp2))))
+          (loop for tp2 in array-types
+                unless (subtypep tp1 tp2)
+                collect (list tp1 tp2))))
 (deftest subtypep.array.2
@@ -26,24 +26,24 @@
 (deftest subtypep.array.3
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 16 array-rank-limit)
-	for type = `(array * ,i)
-	for type2 = `(array * ,(make-list i :initial-element '*))
-	unless (and (subtypep type 'array)
-		    (subtypep type '(array))
-		    (subtypep type '(array *))
-		    (subtypep type '(array * *))
-		    (subtypep type type2))
-	collect type)
+        for type = `(array * ,i)
+        for type2 = `(array * ,(make-list i :initial-element '*))
+        unless (and (subtypep type 'array)
+                    (subtypep type '(array))
+                    (subtypep type '(array *))
+                    (subtypep type '(array * *))
+                    (subtypep type type2))
+        collect type)
 (deftest subtypep.array.4
   (loop for i from 0 below (min 16 array-rank-limit)
-	for type = `(array t ,i)
-	for type2 = `(array t ,(make-list i :initial-element '*))
-	unless (and (subtypep type '(array t))
-		    (subtypep type '(array t *))
-		    (subtypep type type2))
-	collect type)
+        for type = `(array t ,i)
+        for type2 = `(array t ,(make-list i :initial-element '*))
+        unless (and (subtypep type '(array t))
+                    (subtypep type '(array t *))
+                    (subtypep type type2))
+        collect type)
 (deftest subtypep.array.5
@@ -51,26 +51,26 @@
    for element-type in (cons '* *array-element-types*)
    (loop for i from 0 below (min 16 array-rank-limit)
-	 for type = `(array ,element-type ,i)
-	 for type2 = `(array ,element-type ,(make-list i :initial-element '0))
-	 for type3 = `(array ,element-type ,(make-list i :initial-element '1))
-	 unless
-	 (and (subtypep type2 type)
-	      (subtypep type3 type)
-	      (loop for j from 0 to i
-		    always
-		    (and
-		     (subtypep
-		      `(array ,element-type
-			      (,@(make-list j :initial-element '*)
-				 ,@(make-list (- i j) :initial-element 2)))
-		      type)
-		     (subtypep
-		      `(array ,element-type
-			      (,@(make-list j :initial-element 2)
-				 ,@(make-list (- i j) :initial-element '*)))
-		      type))))   
-	 collect type))
+         for type = `(array ,element-type ,i)
+         for type2 = `(array ,element-type ,(make-list i :initial-element '0))
+         for type3 = `(array ,element-type ,(make-list i :initial-element '1))
+         unless
+         (and (subtypep type2 type)
+              (subtypep type3 type)
+              (loop for j from 0 to i
+                    always
+                    (and
+                     (subtypep
+                      `(array ,element-type
+                              (,@(make-list j :initial-element '*)
+                                 ,@(make-list (- i j) :initial-element 2)))
+                      type)
+                     (subtypep
+                      `(array ,element-type
+                              (,@(make-list j :initial-element 2)
+                                 ,@(make-list (- i j) :initial-element '*)))
+                      type))))
+         collect type))
 (deftest subtypep.array.6
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
     `(and (array ,etype (* 10 * * *))
-	  (array ,etype (* * * 29 *)))
+          (array ,etype (* * * 29 *)))
     `(array ,etype (* 10 * 29 *))))
@@ -90,34 +90,34 @@
      for uaetp1 = (upgraded-array-element-type etp1)
      (loop for etp2 in etypes
-	   for uaetp2 = (upgraded-array-element-type etp2)
-	   when (equal (multiple-value-list (subtypep* uaetp1 uaetp2))
-		       '(nil t))
-	   append (check-disjointness `(array ,etp1) `(array ,etp2)))))
+           for uaetp2 = (upgraded-array-element-type etp2)
+           when (equal (multiple-value-list (subtypep* uaetp1 uaetp2))
+                       '(nil t))
+           append (check-disjointness `(array ,etp1) `(array ,etp2)))))
 (deftest subtypep.array.8
   (let ((limit (min 16 array-rank-limit)))
     (loop for i below limit
-	  for type1 = `(array t ,i)
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for j below limit
-		for type2 = `(array t ,j)
-		when (and (/= i j)
-			  (subtypep type1 type2))
-		collect (list type1 type2))))
+          for type1 = `(array t ,i)
+          nconc
+          (loop for j below limit
+                for type2 = `(array t ,j)
+                when (and (/= i j)
+                          (subtypep type1 type2))
+                collect (list type1 type2))))
 (deftest subtypep.array.9
   (let ((limit (min 16 array-rank-limit)))
     (loop for i below limit
-	  for type1 = `(array t ,(make-list i :initial-element 1))
-	  nconc
-	  (loop for j below limit
-		for type2 = `(array t ,(make-list j :initial-element 1))
-		when (and (/= i j)
-			  (subtypep type1 type2))
-		collect (list type1 type2))))
+          for type1 = `(array t ,(make-list i :initial-element 1))
+          nconc
+          (loop for j below limit
+                for type2 = `(array t ,(make-list j :initial-element 1))
+                when (and (/= i j)
+                          (subtypep type1 type2))
+                collect (list type1 type2))))
 (deftest subtypep.array.10
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-complex.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-complex.lsp
index b4203671..841dcbfd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-complex.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-complex.lsp
@@ -17,100 +17,100 @@
 (defun check-not-complex-type (type)
   (let ((result1 (multiple-value-list (subtypep* type 'complex)))
-	(result2 (multiple-value-list (subtypep* 'complex type))))
+        (result2 (multiple-value-list (subtypep* 'complex type))))
     (if (and (equal result1 '(nil t))
-	     (equal result2 '(nil t)))
-	nil
+             (equal result2 '(nil t)))
+        nil
       (list (list type result1 result2)))))
 (deftest subtypep-complex.3
   (mapcan #'check-not-complex-type
-	  '(bit unsigned-byte integer rational ratio real float short-float
-		single-float double-float long-float fixnum bignum))
+          '(bit unsigned-byte integer rational ratio real float short-float
+                single-float double-float long-float fixnum bignum))
 (deftest subtypep-complex.4
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	nconc (check-not-complex-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)))
+        nconc (check-not-complex-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)))
 (deftest subtypep-complex.5
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	nconc (check-not-complex-type `(signed-byte ,i)))
+        nconc (check-not-complex-type `(signed-byte ,i)))
 (deftest subtypep-complex.7
   (let ((types '(complex (complex) (complex *))))
     (loop for tp1 in types
-	  nconc (loop for tp2 in types
-		      for result = (multiple-value-list (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-		      unless (equal result '(t t))
-		      collect (list tp1 tp2 result))))
+          nconc (loop for tp2 in types
+                      for result = (multiple-value-list (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                      unless (equal result '(t t))
+                      collect (list tp1 tp2 result))))
 (defun check-complex-upgrading (t1 t2)
   (let* ((ucpt1 (upgraded-complex-part-type t1))
-	 (ucpt2 (upgraded-complex-part-type t2))
-	 (result (multiple-value-list
-		  (subtypep* `(complex ,t1) `(complex ,t2)))))
+         (ucpt2 (upgraded-complex-part-type t2))
+         (result (multiple-value-list
+                  (subtypep* `(complex ,t1) `(complex ,t2)))))
      ((or (equal ucpt1 ucpt2)
-	  (subtypep t1 t2))
+          (subtypep t1 t2))
       (unless (equal result '(t t))
-	(list (list :case1 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
+        (list (list :case1 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
-	  (ucpt-sub1? good1?)
-	  (subtypep* ucpt1 ucpt2)
-	(multiple-value-bind
-	    (ucpt-sub2? good2?)
-	    (subtypep* ucpt2 ucpt1)
-	  (cond
-	   ;; the second is not a subtype of the first
-	   ((and good2? ucpt-sub1? (not ucpt-sub2?))
-	    (assert good1?)
-	    (unless (equal result '(nil t))
-	      (list (list :case2 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
-	   ;; the first is not a subtype of the second
-	   ((and good1? (not ucpt-sub1?) ucpt-sub2?)
-	    (assert good2?)
-	    (unless (equal result '(nil t))
-	      (list (list :case3 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
-	   ;; they are both subtypes of each other, and so represent
-	   ;; the same set of objects
-	   ((and ucpt-sub1? ucpt-sub2?)
-	    (assert good1?)
-	    (assert good2?)
-	    (unless (equal result '(t t))
-	      (list (list :case4 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result)))))))))))
+          (ucpt-sub1? good1?)
+          (subtypep* ucpt1 ucpt2)
+        (multiple-value-bind
+            (ucpt-sub2? good2?)
+            (subtypep* ucpt2 ucpt1)
+          (cond
+           ;; the second is not a subtype of the first
+           ((and good2? ucpt-sub1? (not ucpt-sub2?))
+            (assert good1?)
+            (unless (equal result '(nil t))
+              (list (list :case2 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
+           ;; the first is not a subtype of the second
+           ((and good1? (not ucpt-sub1?) ucpt-sub2?)
+            (assert good2?)
+            (unless (equal result '(nil t))
+              (list (list :case3 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result))))
+           ;; they are both subtypes of each other, and so represent
+           ;; the same set of objects
+           ((and ucpt-sub1? ucpt-sub2?)
+            (assert good1?)
+            (assert good2?)
+            (unless (equal result '(t t))
+              (list (list :case4 t1 t2 ucpt1 ucpt2 result)))))))))))
 (deftest subtypep-complex.8
   (let ((types (reverse
-		'(bit fixnum bignum integer unsigned-byte rational ratio
-		      short-float single-float double-float long-float
-		      float real)))
-	(float-types
-	 (remove-duplicates '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-			    :test #'(lambda (t1 t2)
-				      (eql (coerce 0 t1) (coerce 0 t2))))))
+                '(bit fixnum bignum integer unsigned-byte rational ratio
+                      short-float single-float double-float long-float
+                      float real)))
+        (float-types
+         (remove-duplicates '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
+                            :test #'(lambda (t1 t2)
+                                      (eql (coerce 0 t1) (coerce 0 t2))))))
     (loop for i in '(1 2 3 4 6 8 13 16 17 28 29 31 32 48 64)
-	  do (push `(unsigned-byte ,i) types)
-	  do (push `(signed-byte ,i) types)
-	  do (loop for ftp in float-types
-		   do (push `(,ftp ,(coerce 0 ftp)
-				   ,(coerce i ftp))
-			    types)
-		   do (push `(,ftp (,(coerce (- i) ftp))
-				   ,(coerce i ftp))
-			    types))
-	  do (push `(float ,(coerce 0 'single-float)
-			   ,(coerce i 'single-float))
-		   types))
+          do (push `(unsigned-byte ,i) types)
+          do (push `(signed-byte ,i) types)
+          do (loop for ftp in float-types
+                   do (push `(,ftp ,(coerce 0 ftp)
+                                   ,(coerce i ftp))
+                            types)
+                   do (push `(,ftp (,(coerce (- i) ftp))
+                                   ,(coerce i ftp))
+                            types))
+          do (push `(float ,(coerce 0 'single-float)
+                           ,(coerce i 'single-float))
+                   types))
     (setq types (reverse types))
     (let ((results
-	   (mapcan #'(lambda (t1)
-		       (mapcan #'(lambda (t2) (check-complex-upgrading t1 t2))
-			       types))
-		   types)))
+           (mapcan #'(lambda (t1)
+                       (mapcan #'(lambda (t2) (check-complex-upgrading t1 t2))
+                               types))
+                   types)))
       (subseq results 0 (min 100 (length results)))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-cons.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-cons.lsp
index 6d46f264..7cb110a0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-cons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-cons.lsp
@@ -11,57 +11,57 @@
 (defvar *cons-types*
   '(cons (cons) (cons *) (cons * *) (cons t) (cons t t)
-	 (cons t *) (cons * t)))
+         (cons t *) (cons * t)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.1
   (loop for t1 in *cons-types*
-	append (loop for t2 in *cons-types*
-		     unless (equal (mapcar #'notnot
-					   (multiple-value-list
-					    (subtypep t1 t2)))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list t1 t2)))
+        append (loop for t2 in *cons-types*
+                     unless (equal (mapcar #'notnot
+                                           (multiple-value-list
+                                            (subtypep t1 t2)))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list t1 t2)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.2
   (loop for t1 in '((cons nil) (cons nil *) (cons nil t)
-		    (cons * nil) (cons t nil) (cons nil nil))
-	unless (subtypep t1 nil)
-	collect t1)
+                    (cons * nil) (cons t nil) (cons nil nil))
+        unless (subtypep t1 nil)
+        collect t1)
 (deftest subtypep.cons.3
   (check-equivalence '(and (cons symbol *) (cons * symbol))
-		     '(cons symbol symbol))
+                     '(cons symbol symbol))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.4
   (check-equivalence '(and (cons (integer 0 10) *)
-			   (cons (integer 5 15) (integer 10 20))
-			   (cons * (integer 15 25)))
-		     '(cons (integer 5 10) (integer 15 20)))
+                           (cons (integer 5 15) (integer 10 20))
+                           (cons * (integer 15 25)))
+                     '(cons (integer 5 10) (integer 15 20)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.5
    '(and cons (not (cons symbol symbol)))
    '(or (cons (not symbol) *)
-	(cons * (not symbol))))
+        (cons * (not symbol))))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.6
    '(or (cons integer symbol) (cons integer integer)
-	(cons symbol integer) (cons symbol symbol))
+        (cons symbol integer) (cons symbol symbol))
    '(cons (or integer symbol) (or integer symbol)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.7
    '(or (cons (integer 0 8) (integer 5 15))
-	(cons (integer 0 7) (integer 0 6))
-	(cons (integer 6 15) (integer 0 9))
-	(cons (integer 3 15) (integer 4 15)))
+        (cons (integer 0 7) (integer 0 6))
+        (cons (integer 6 15) (integer 0 9))
+        (cons (integer 3 15) (integer 4 15)))
    '(cons (integer 0 15) (integer 0 15)))
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
      (cons integer (cons integer integer))
      (cons integer (cons symbol symbol)))
    '(cons (or symbol integer)
-	  (cons (or symbol integer) (or symbol integer))))
+          (cons (or symbol integer) (or symbol integer))))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.9
@@ -117,9 +117,9 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.12
    '(cons (or integer symbol)
-	  (or integer symbol))
+          (or integer symbol))
    '(or (cons integer symbol)
-	(cons symbol integer)))
+        (cons symbol integer)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.13
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.14
    '(and (or (cons (not symbol)) (cons * integer))
-	 (cons symbol))
+         (cons symbol))
    '(cons * integer))
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.15
    '(and (or (cons (not symbol)) (cons * integer))
-	 (cons * (not integer)))
+         (cons * (not integer)))
    '(cons (not symbol)))
@@ -147,21 +147,21 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.16
    '(and (or (cons symbol (cons * *))
-	     (cons * (cons integer *)))
-	 (or (cons * (cons (not integer) *))
-	     (cons * (cons * float))))
+             (cons * (cons integer *)))
+         (or (cons * (cons (not integer) *))
+             (cons * (cons * float))))
    '(or (cons symbol (cons * *))
-	(cons * (cons * float))))
+        (cons * (cons * float))))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.17
    '(and (or (cons symbol (cons * *))
-	     (cons * (cons integer *)))
-	 (or (cons * (cons (not integer)))
-	     (cons * (cons * float)))
-	 (or (cons * (cons * (not float)))
-	     (cons symbol (cons * *))))
+             (cons * (cons integer *)))
+         (or (cons * (cons (not integer)))
+             (cons * (cons * float)))
+         (or (cons * (cons * (not float)))
+             (cons symbol (cons * *))))
    '(cons symbol))
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
    '(cons symbol)
    '(or (cons symbol (not integer))
-	(cons * integer)))
+        (cons * integer)))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.19
@@ -199,7 +199,7 @@
      (cons (eql b) (eql x))
      (cons (eql c) (eql y)))
    '(and (cons (member a b c) (member x y z))
-	 (not (cons (eql c) (eql z)))))
+         (not (cons (eql c) (eql z)))))
 ;;; Test case that came up in SBCL
@@ -219,86 +219,86 @@
 (deftest subtype.cons.23
   (let ((t1 '(cons t (cons (not long-float) symbol)))
-	(t2 '(not (cons symbol (cons integer integer)))))
+        (t2 '(not (cons symbol (cons integer integer)))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtype.cons.24
   (let ((t1 '(cons (eql 3671) (cons short-float (eql -663423073525))))
-	(t2 '(not (cons t (cons (not complex) (cons integer t))))))
+        (t2 '(not (cons t (cons (not complex) (cons integer t))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtype.cons.25
   (let ((t1 '(cons t (cons (not long-float) (integer 44745969 61634129))))
-	(t2 '(not (cons (eql -3) (cons short-float (cons t float))))))
+        (t2 '(not (cons (eql -3) (cons short-float (cons t float))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtype.cons.26
   (let ((t1 '(cons integer (cons single-float (cons t t))))
-	(t2 '(cons t (cons (not complex) (not (eql 8))))))
+        (t2 '(cons t (cons (not complex) (not (eql 8))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtype.cons.27
   (let ((t1 '(cons (not (integer -27 30))
-		   (cons rational (cons integer integer))))
-	(t2 '(not (cons integer (cons integer (eql 378132631))))))
+                   (cons rational (cons integer integer))))
+        (t2 '(not (cons integer (cons integer (eql 378132631))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtype.cons.28
   (let ((t1 '(cons (integer -1696888 -1460338)
-		   (cons single-float symbol)))
-	(t2 '(not (cons (not (integer -14 20))
-			(cons (not integer) cons)))))
+                   (cons single-float symbol)))
+        (t2 '(not (cons (not (integer -14 20))
+                        (cons (not integer) cons)))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.29
   (let ((t2 '(or (not (cons unsigned-byte cons))
-		 (not (cons (integer -6 22) rational)))))
+                 (not (cons (integer -6 22) rational)))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent 'cons t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.30
   (let ((t1 '(not (cons t (cons t (cons cons t)))))
-	(t2 '(or (or (cons (cons t integer) t)
-		     (not (cons t (cons t cons))))
-		 (not (cons (cons (eql -27111309) t)
-			    (cons t (eql 1140730)))))))
+        (t2 '(or (or (cons (cons t integer) t)
+                     (not (cons t (cons t cons))))
+                 (not (cons (cons (eql -27111309) t)
+                            (cons t (eql 1140730)))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.31
   (let ((t2 '(or
-	      (not
-	       (cons (or (cons t ratio) (cons short-float t))
-		     (cons (cons (eql -7418623) (integer -9 53))
-			   (cons cons t))))
-	      (not
-	       (cons (cons t (eql -265039))
-		     (cons (cons t cons) t))))))
+              (not
+               (cons (or (cons t ratio) (cons short-float t))
+                     (cons (cons (eql -7418623) (integer -9 53))
+                           (cons cons t))))
+              (not
+               (cons (cons t (eql -265039))
+                     (cons (cons t cons) t))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent 'cons t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.32
   (let ((t2 '(cons t
-		   (or (not (cons integer (eql 0)))
-		       (not (cons (or float (eql 0)) cons))))))
+                   (or (not (cons integer (eql 0)))
+                       (not (cons (or float (eql 0)) cons))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent 'cons t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.33
   (let ((t2 '(or (not (cons (cons t cons) (cons t (cons unsigned-byte t))))
-		 (not (cons (cons integer t) (cons t (cons cons t)))))))
+                 (not (cons (cons integer t) (cons t (cons cons t)))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent 'cons t2))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.34
   (let ((t2 '(or (not (cons (or (eql 0) ratio) (not cons)))
-		 (not (cons integer cons)))))
+                 (not (cons integer cons)))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent 'cons t2))
@@ -316,7 +316,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.38
   (let ((t1 '(cons t (complex (real -32 0))))
-	(t2 `(not (cons t (complex (integer * -500))))))
+        (t2 `(not (cons t (complex (integer * -500))))))
     (subtypep-and-contrapositive-are-consistent t1 t2))
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.40
   (let ((type1 '(cons (eql 0) cons))
-	(type2 '(cons unsigned-byte symbol)))
+        (type2 '(cons unsigned-byte symbol)))
      (subtypep* type1 type2)
      (subtypep* `(not ,type2) `(not ,type1))))
@@ -338,20 +338,20 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.41
   (let ((type1 '(cons t (complex (real -10 -4))))
-	(type2 '(not (cons t (complex (integer -200 -100))))))
+        (type2 '(not (cons t (complex (integer -200 -100))))))
     (multiple-value-bind (sub1 success1)
-	(subtypep* type1 type2)
+        (subtypep* type1 type2)
       (multiple-value-bind (sub2 success2)
-	  (subtypep* `(not ,type2) `(not ,type1))
-	(if (and success1 success2 (not (eq sub1 sub2)))
-	    (values sub1 sub2)
-	    nil))))
+          (subtypep* `(not ,type2) `(not ,type1))
+        (if (and success1 success2 (not (eq sub1 sub2)))
+            (values sub1 sub2)
+            nil))))
 (deftest subtypep.cons.42
     (let ((t1 '(cons (cons (cons (real -744833699 -744833699) cons) (integer -234496 215373))
-		integer))
-	  (t2 '(cons (cons (cons integer integer) (integer -234496 215373)) t)))
+                integer))
+          (t2 '(cons (cons (cons integer integer) (integer -234496 215373)) t)))
       (values (subtypep `(not ,t2) `(not ,t1))))
@@ -359,18 +359,18 @@
 (deftest subtypep.cons.43
   (let* ((n -3.926510009989861d7)
-	 (t1 '(not (cons float t)))
-	 (t2 `(or (not (cons (eql 0) (real ,n ,n)))
-		  (not (cons t (eql 0))))))
-    (multiple-value-bind 
+         (t1 '(not (cons float t)))
+         (t2 `(or (not (cons (eql 0) (real ,n ,n)))
+                  (not (cons t (eql 0))))))
+    (multiple-value-bind
      (sub1 good1)
      (subtypep* t1 t2)
       (sub2 good2)
       (subtypep* `(not ,t2) `(not ,t1))
       (or (not good1)
-	  (not good2)
-	  (and sub1 sub2)
-	  (and (not sub1) (not sub2))))))
+          (not good2)
+          (and sub1 sub2)
+          (and (not sub1) (not sub2))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-eql.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-eql.lsp
index b965aeae..75ec441f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-eql.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-eql.lsp
@@ -9,20 +9,20 @@
 (deftest subtypep.eql.1
   (let ((s1 (copy-seq "abc"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abc")))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abc")))
     (let ((t1 `(eql ,s1))
-	  (t2 `(eql ,s2)))
+          (t2 `(eql ,s2)))
        ((subtypep t1 t2) "T1 is subtype of T2")
        ((subtypep t2 t1) "T2 is subtype of T1")
        (t (check-disjointness t1 t2)))))
 (deftest subtypep.eql.2
   (let ((s1 (copy-seq '(a b c)))
-	(s2 (copy-seq '(a b c))))
+        (s2 (copy-seq '(a b c))))
     (let ((t1 `(eql ,s1))
-	  (t2 `(eql ,s2)))
+          (t2 `(eql ,s2)))
        ((subtypep t1 t2) "T1 is subtype of T2")
        ((subtypep t2 t1) "T2 is subtype of T1")
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.eql.3
   (let ((i1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	(i2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+        (i2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
     (check-equivalence `(eql ,i1) `(eql ,i2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-float.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-float.lsp
index effaf4d5..9f544be5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-float.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-float.lsp
@@ -11,21 +11,21 @@
 (deftest subtypep.float.1
   (loop for tp in +float-types+
-	append (check-subtypep tp 'float t t))
+        append (check-subtypep tp 'float t t))
 (deftest subtypep.float.2
   (if (subtypep 'short-float 'long-float)
       (loop for tp in +float-types+
-	    append
-	    (loop for tp2 in +float-types+
-		  append (check-subtypep tp tp2 t t)))
+            append
+            (loop for tp2 in +float-types+
+                  append (check-subtypep tp tp2 t t)))
 (deftest subtypep.float.3
   (if (and (not (subtypep 'short-float 'single-float))
-	   (subtypep 'single-float 'long-float))
+           (subtypep 'single-float 'long-float))
        (check-equivalence 'single-float 'double-float)
        (check-equivalence 'single-float 'long-float)
@@ -38,22 +38,22 @@
 (deftest subtypep.float.4
   (if (and (subtypep 'single-float 'short-float)
-	   (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)
-	   (not (subtypep 'short-float 'double-float)))
+           (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)
+           (not (subtypep 'short-float 'double-float)))
        (check-equivalence 'short-float 'single-float)
        (check-equivalence 'double-float 'long-float)
        (loop for tp in '(short-float single-float)
-	     append
-	     (loop for tp2 in '(double-float long-float)
-		   append (classes-are-disjoint tp tp2))))
+             append
+             (loop for tp2 in '(double-float long-float)
+                   append (classes-are-disjoint tp tp2))))
 (deftest subtypep.float.5
   (if (and (not (subtypep 'single-float 'short-float))
-	   (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
-	   (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float))
+           (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
+           (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float))
        (classes-are-disjoint 'short-float 'single-float)
        (classes-are-disjoint 'short-float 'double-float)
@@ -66,8 +66,8 @@
 (deftest subtypep.float.6
   (if (and (subtypep 'single-float 'short-float)
-	   (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
-	   (not (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)))
+           (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
+           (not (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)))
        (check-equivalence 'short-float 'single-float)
        (classes-are-disjoint 'single-float 'double-float)
@@ -78,13 +78,13 @@
 (deftest subtypep.float.7
   (if (and (not (subtypep 'single-float 'short-float))
-	   (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
-	   (not (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)))
+           (not (subtypep 'single-float 'double-float))
+           (not (subtypep 'double-float 'long-float)))
       (loop for tp in +float-types+
-	    append
-	    (loop for tp2 in +float-types+
-		  unless (eq tp tp2)
-		  append (classes-are-disjoint tp tp2)))
+            append
+            (loop for tp2 in +float-types+
+                  unless (eq tp tp2)
+                  append (classes-are-disjoint tp tp2)))
@@ -154,44 +154,44 @@
 (deftest subtypep.float.24
   (check-equivalence '(and (short-float 0.0s0 2.0s0)
-			   (short-float 1.0s0 3.0s0))
-		     '(short-float 1.0s0 2.0s0))
+                           (short-float 1.0s0 3.0s0))
+                     '(short-float 1.0s0 2.0s0))
 (deftest subtypep.float.25
   (check-equivalence '(and (single-float 0.0f0 2.0f0)
-			   (single-float 1.0f0 3.0f0))
-		     '(single-float 1.0f0 2.0f0))
+                           (single-float 1.0f0 3.0f0))
+                     '(single-float 1.0f0 2.0f0))
 (deftest subtypep.float.26
   (check-equivalence '(and (double-float 0.0d0 2.0d0)
-			   (double-float 1.0d0 3.0d0))
-		     '(double-float 1.0d0 2.0d0))
+                           (double-float 1.0d0 3.0d0))
+                     '(double-float 1.0d0 2.0d0))
 (deftest subtypep.float.27
   (check-equivalence '(and (long-float 0.0l0 2.0l0)
-			   (long-float 1.0l0 3.0l0))
-		     '(long-float 1.0l0 2.0l0))
+                           (long-float 1.0l0 3.0l0))
+                     '(long-float 1.0l0 2.0l0))
 ;;; Signed zero tests
   (check-equivalence '(short-float 0.0s0 *)
-		     '(or (short-float (0.0s0) *)
-			  (member -0.0s0 0.0s0)))
+                     '(or (short-float (0.0s0) *)
+                          (member -0.0s0 0.0s0)))
 (unless (eql 0.0s0 -0.0s0)
     (values (subtypep '(short-float 0.0s0)
-		      '(or (short-float (0.0s0)) (member 0.0s0))))
+                      '(or (short-float (0.0s0)) (member 0.0s0))))
     (values (subtypep '(short-float 0.0s0)
-		      '(or (short-float (0.0s0)) (member -0.0s0))))
+                      '(or (short-float (0.0s0)) (member -0.0s0))))
@@ -264,18 +264,18 @@
   (check-equivalence '(single-float 0.0f0 *)
-		     '(or (single-float (0.0f0) *)
-			  (member -0.0f0 0.0f0)))
+                     '(or (single-float (0.0f0) *)
+                          (member -0.0f0 0.0f0)))
 (unless (eql 0.0f0 -0.0f0)
     (values (subtypep '(single-float 0.0f0)
-		      '(or (single-float (0.0f0)) (member 0.0f0))))
+                      '(or (single-float (0.0f0)) (member 0.0f0))))
     (values (subtypep '(single-float 0.0f0)
-		      '(or (single-float (0.0f0)) (member -0.0f0))))
+                      '(or (single-float (0.0f0)) (member -0.0f0))))
@@ -314,18 +314,18 @@
   (check-equivalence '(long-float 0.0l0 *)
-		     '(or (long-float (0.0l0) *)
-			  (member -0.0l0 0.0l0)))
+                     '(or (long-float (0.0l0) *)
+                          (member -0.0l0 0.0l0)))
 (unless (eql 0.0l0 -0.0l0)
     (values (subtypep '(long-float 0.0l0)
-		      '(or (long-float (0.0l0)) (member 0.0l0))))
+                      '(or (long-float (0.0l0)) (member 0.0l0))))
     (values (subtypep '(long-float 0.0l0)
-		      '(or (long-float (0.0l0)) (member -0.0l0))))
+                      '(or (long-float (0.0l0)) (member -0.0l0))))
@@ -364,18 +364,18 @@
   (check-equivalence '(double-float 0.0d0 *)
-		     '(or (double-float (0.0d0) *)
-			  (member -0.0d0 0.0d0)))
+                     '(or (double-float (0.0d0) *)
+                          (member -0.0d0 0.0d0)))
 (unless (eql 0.0d0 -0.0d0)
     (values (subtypep '(double-float 0.0d0)
-		      '(or (double-float (0.0d0)) (member 0.0d0))))
+                      '(or (double-float (0.0d0)) (member 0.0d0))))
     (values (subtypep '(double-float 0.0d0)
-		      '(or (double-float (0.0d0)) (member -0.0d0))))
+                      '(or (double-float (0.0d0)) (member -0.0d0))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-integer.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-integer.lsp
index 9cae0962..c6bbd6f0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-integer.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-integer.lsp
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
 (deftest subtypep.fixnum.integer
   (check-equivalence `(integer ,most-negative-fixnum ,most-positive-fixnum)
-		     'fixnum)
+                     'fixnum)
 (deftest subtypep.bignum.integer
    `(or (integer * (,most-negative-fixnum))
-	(integer (,most-positive-fixnum) *))
+        (integer (,most-positive-fixnum) *))
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.integer.25
    '(and (or (integer 0 10) (integer 20 30))
-	 (or (integer 5 15) (integer 25 35)))
+         (or (integer 5 15) (integer 25 35)))
    '(or (integer 5 10) (integer 25 30)))
@@ -276,48 +276,48 @@
 (deftest subtypep.integer.real.4
   (loop for int-type in '(integer (integer) (integer *) (integer * *))
-	append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type real-type)))
+        append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type real-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.real.5
   (loop for int-type in '((integer 10) (integer 10 *))
-	append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
-					     (real 10.0) (real 10.0 *)
-					     (real 10) (real 10 *))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type real-type)))
+        append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
+                                             (real 10.0) (real 10.0 *)
+                                             (real 10) (real 10 *))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type real-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.real.6
   (loop for int-type in '((integer * 10) (integer * 5))
-	append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
-					     (real * 10.0)
-					    (real * 10) (real * 1000000000000))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type real-type)))
+        append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
+                                             (real * 10.0)
+                                            (real * 10) (real * 1000000000000))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type real-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.real.7
   (loop for int-type in '((integer 0 10) (integer 2 5))
-	append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
-					    (real * 10) (real * 1000000000000)
-					    (real -10) (real -10.0)
-					    (real -10 *) (real -10.0 *)
-					    (real 0) (real 0.0)
-					    (real 0 10) (real * 10)
-					    (real 0 *) (real 0 10))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type real-type)))
+        append (loop for real-type in '(real (real) (real *) (real * *)
+                                            (real * 10) (real * 1000000000000)
+                                            (real -10) (real -10.0)
+                                            (real -10 *) (real -10.0 *)
+                                            (real 0) (real 0.0)
+                                            (real 0 10) (real * 10)
+                                            (real 0 *) (real 0 10))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type real-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type real-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.real.8
@@ -369,52 +369,52 @@
 (deftest subtypep.integer.rational.4
   (loop for int-type in '(integer (integer) (integer *) (integer * *))
-	append (loop for rational-type
-		     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
+        append (loop for rational-type
+                     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.rational.5
   (loop for int-type in '((integer 10) (integer 10 *))
-	append (loop for rational-type
-		     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
-				   (rational 19/2) (rational 19/2 *)
-				   (rational 10) (rational 10 *))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
+        append (loop for rational-type
+                     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
+                                   (rational 19/2) (rational 19/2 *)
+                                   (rational 10) (rational 10 *))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.rational.6
   (loop for int-type in '((integer * 10) (integer * 5))
-	append (loop for rational-type
-		     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
-				   (rational * 21/2)
-				   (rational * 10) (rational * 1000000000000))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
+        append (loop for rational-type
+                     in '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
+                                   (rational * 21/2)
+                                   (rational * 10) (rational * 1000000000000))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.rational.7
   (loop for int-type in '((integer 0 10) (integer 2 5))
-	append (loop for rational-type in
-		     '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
-				(rational * 10) (rational * 1000000000000)
-				(rational -1) (rational -1/2)
-				(rational -1 *) (rational -1/2 *)
-				(rational 0)
-				(rational 0 10) (rational * 10)
-				(rational 0 *) (rational 0 10))
-		     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-				    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
-				   '(t t))
-		     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
+        append (loop for rational-type in
+                     '(rational (rational) (rational *) (rational * *)
+                                (rational * 10) (rational * 1000000000000)
+                                (rational -1) (rational -1/2)
+                                (rational -1 *) (rational -1/2 *)
+                                (rational 0)
+                                (rational 0 10) (rational * 10)
+                                (rational 0 *) (rational 0 10))
+                     unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                                    (subtypep* int-type rational-type))
+                                   '(t t))
+                     collect (list int-type rational-type)))
 (deftest subtypep.integer.rational.8
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-member.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-member.lsp
index db21a63e..9f17bf80 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-member.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-member.lsp
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.9
   (let ((b1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	(b2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+        (b2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
     (check-all-subtypep `(member 10 ,b1 20) `(member 10 20 ,b2)))
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.11
   (let ((b1 (copy-list '(a)))
-	(b2 (copy-list '(a))))
+        (b2 (copy-list '(a))))
     (check-all-not-subtypep `(member 10 ,b1 20) `(member 10 20 ,b2)))
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.17
   (let ((s1 (copy-seq "abc"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abc")))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abc")))
     (let ((t1 `(member ,s1))
-	  (t2 `(member ,s2)))
+          (t2 `(member ,s2)))
        ((subtypep t1 t2) "T1 is subtype of T2")
        ((subtypep t2 t1) "T2 is subtype of T1")
@@ -91,9 +91,9 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.18
   (let ((s1 (copy-seq '(a b c)))
-	(s2 (copy-seq '(a b c))))
+        (s2 (copy-seq '(a b c))))
     (let ((t1 `(member ,s1))
-	  (t2 `(member ,s2)))
+          (t2 `(member ,s2)))
        ((subtypep t1 t2) "T1 is subtype of T2")
        ((subtypep t2 t1) "T2 is subtype of T1")
@@ -102,33 +102,33 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.19
   (let ((i1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	(i2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+        (i2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
     (check-equivalence `(member 0 ,i1) `(member 0 ,i2)))
 (deftest subtypep.member.20
   (check-equivalence '(and (member a b c d) (member e d b f g))
-		     '(member b d))
+                     '(member b d))
 (deftest subtypep.member.21
   (check-equivalence '(and (member a b c d) (member e d f g))
-		     '(eql d))
+                     '(eql d))
 (deftest subtypep.member.22
   (check-equivalence '(and (member a b c d) (member e f g))
-		     nil)
+                     nil)
 (deftest subtypep.member.23
   (check-equivalence '(or (member a b c) (member z b w))
-		     '(member z a b w c))
+                     '(member z a b w c))
 (deftest subtypep.member.24
   (check-equivalence '(or (member a b c) (eql d))
-		     '(member d c b a))
+                     '(member d c b a))
 (deftest subtypep.member.25
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.26
   (check-equivalence '(or (eql a) (eql b))
-		     '(member a b))
+                     '(member a b))
 (deftest subtypep.member.27
@@ -189,14 +189,14 @@
 (deftest subtypep.member.38
    '(and (member a b c d e f g)
-	 (not (member b f)))
+         (not (member b f)))
    '(member a c d e g))
 (deftest subtypep.member.39
    '(and (not (member b d e f g))
-	 (not (member x y b z d)))
+         (not (member x y b z d)))
    '(not (member b d e f g x y z)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-rational.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-rational.lsp
index f957b644..8afced93 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-rational.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-rational.lsp
@@ -11,90 +11,90 @@
 (deftest subtypep.rational.1
   (loop for tp1 in '((rational 10) (rational 10 *)
-		     (rational 10 20)
-		     (rational (10) 20)
-		     (rational 10 (20))
-		     (rational (10) (20))
-		     (rational 10 1000000000000000)
-		     (rational (10)) (rational (10) *))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '(rational (rational) (rational *)
-			   (rational * *) (rational 10) (rational 10 *)
-			   (rational 0) (rational 0 *)
-			   (rational 19/2) (rational 19/2 *)
-			   (rational -1000000000000000)
-			   real (real) (real *)
-			   (real * *) (real 10) (real 10 *)
-			   (real 0) (real 0 *)
-			   (real 19/2) (real 19/2 *)
-			   (real -1000000000000000))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(t t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (rational 10 20)
+                     (rational (10) 20)
+                     (rational 10 (20))
+                     (rational (10) (20))
+                     (rational 10 1000000000000000)
+                     (rational (10)) (rational (10) *))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '(rational (rational) (rational *)
+                           (rational * *) (rational 10) (rational 10 *)
+                           (rational 0) (rational 0 *)
+                           (rational 19/2) (rational 19/2 *)
+                           (rational -1000000000000000)
+                           real (real) (real *)
+                           (real * *) (real 10) (real 10 *)
+                           (real 0) (real 0 *)
+                           (real 19/2) (real 19/2 *)
+                           (real -1000000000000000))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(t t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.2
   (loop for tp1 in '((rational * 10)
-		     (rational 0 10)
-		     (rational 0 (10))
-		     (rational (0) 10)
-		     (rational (0) (10))
-		     (rational -1000000000000000 10)
-		     (rational * (10)))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '(rational (rational) (rational *)
-			   (rational * *) (rational * 10)
-			   (rational * 21/2)
-			   (rational * 1000000000000000)
-			   real (real) (real *)
-			   (real * *) (real * 10)
-			   (real * 21/2)
-			   (real * 1000000000000000))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(t t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (rational 0 10)
+                     (rational 0 (10))
+                     (rational (0) 10)
+                     (rational (0) (10))
+                     (rational -1000000000000000 10)
+                     (rational * (10)))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '(rational (rational) (rational *)
+                           (rational * *) (rational * 10)
+                           (rational * 21/2)
+                           (rational * 1000000000000000)
+                           real (real) (real *)
+                           (real * *) (real * 10)
+                           (real * 21/2)
+                           (real * 1000000000000000))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(t t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.3
   (loop for tp1 in '((rational 10) (rational 10 *)
-		     (rational 10 20)
-		     (rational 10 (21))
-		     (rational 10 1000000000000000))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '((rational 11) (rational 11 *)
-			   (rational (10)) (rational (10) *)
-			   (integer 10) (integer 10 *)
-			   (real 11)
-			   (real (10))
-			   (real 11 *)
-			   (real (10) *)
-			   (rational * (20))
-			   (rational * 19)
-			   (real * (20))
-			   (real * 19))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(nil t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (rational 10 20)
+                     (rational 10 (21))
+                     (rational 10 1000000000000000))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '((rational 11) (rational 11 *)
+                           (rational (10)) (rational (10) *)
+                           (integer 10) (integer 10 *)
+                           (real 11)
+                           (real (10))
+                           (real 11 *)
+                           (real (10) *)
+                           (rational * (20))
+                           (rational * 19)
+                           (real * (20))
+                           (real * 19))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(nil t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.4
   (loop for tp1 in '((rational * 10)
-		     (rational 0 10)
-		     (rational (0) 10)
-		     (rational -1000000000000000 10))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '((rational * 9)
-			   (rational * (10))
-			   (integer * 10)
-			   (real * 9)
-			   (real * (10)))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(nil t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (rational 0 10)
+                     (rational (0) 10)
+                     (rational -1000000000000000 10))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '((rational * 9)
+                           (rational * (10))
+                           (integer * 10)
+                           (real * 9)
+                           (real * (10)))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(nil t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.5
@@ -147,22 +147,22 @@
 (deftest subtypep.rational.13
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (rational -1/2 1/2))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.14
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (rational -1/2 1/2))
-		     '(eql 0))
+                     '(eql 0))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.15
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (rational (-1/2) 1/2))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.16
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (rational (-1/2) (1/2)))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.rational.17
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep-real.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep-real.lsp
index 64670970..6b503413 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep-real.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep-real.lsp
@@ -11,83 +11,83 @@
 (deftest subtypep.real.1
   (loop for tp1 in '((real 10) (real 10 *)
-		     (real 10 20)
-		     (real (10) 20)
-		     (real 10 (20))
-		     (real (10) (20))
-		     (real 10 1000000000000000)
-		     (real (10)) (real (10) *))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '(real (real) (real *)
-			   (real * *) (real 10) (real 10 *)
-			   (real 0) (real 0 *)
-			   (real 19/2) (real 19/2 *)
-			   (real 9.5) (real 9.5 *)
-			   (real -1000000000000000))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(t t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (real 10 20)
+                     (real (10) 20)
+                     (real 10 (20))
+                     (real (10) (20))
+                     (real 10 1000000000000000)
+                     (real (10)) (real (10) *))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '(real (real) (real *)
+                           (real * *) (real 10) (real 10 *)
+                           (real 0) (real 0 *)
+                           (real 19/2) (real 19/2 *)
+                           (real 9.5) (real 9.5 *)
+                           (real -1000000000000000))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(t t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.2
   (loop for tp1 in '((real * 10)
-		     (real 0 10)
-		     (real 0 (10))
-		     (real (0) 10)
-		     (real (0) (10))
-		     (real -1000000000000000 10)
-		     (real * (10)))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '(real (real) (real *)
-			   (real * *) (real * 10)
-			   (real * 21/2)
-			   (real * 10.5)
-			   (real * 1000000000000000))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(t t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (real 0 10)
+                     (real 0 (10))
+                     (real (0) 10)
+                     (real (0) (10))
+                     (real -1000000000000000 10)
+                     (real * (10)))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '(real (real) (real *)
+                           (real * *) (real * 10)
+                           (real * 21/2)
+                           (real * 10.5)
+                           (real * 1000000000000000))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(t t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.3
   (loop for tp1 in '((real 10) (real 10 *)
-		     (real 10 20)
-		     (real 10 (21))
-		     (real 10 1000000000000000))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '((real 11) (real 11 *)
-			   (real (10)) (real (10) *)
-			   (integer 10) (integer 10 *)
-			   (real 11)
-			   (real (10))
-			   (real 11 *)
-			   (real (10) *)
-			   (real * (20))
-			   (real * 19)
-			   (real * (20))
-			   (real * 19))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(nil t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (real 10 20)
+                     (real 10 (21))
+                     (real 10 1000000000000000))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '((real 11) (real 11 *)
+                           (real (10)) (real (10) *)
+                           (integer 10) (integer 10 *)
+                           (real 11)
+                           (real (10))
+                           (real 11 *)
+                           (real (10) *)
+                           (real * (20))
+                           (real * 19)
+                           (real * (20))
+                           (real * 19))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(nil t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.4
   (loop for tp1 in '((real * 10)
-		     (real 0 10)
-		     (real (0) 10)
-		     (real -1000000000000000 10))
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in '((real * 9)
-			   (real * (10))
-			   (integer * 10)
-			   (real * 9)
-			   (real * (10)))
-	      unless (equal (multiple-value-list
-			     (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
-			    '(nil t))
-	      collect (list tp1 tp2)))
+                     (real 0 10)
+                     (real (0) 10)
+                     (real -1000000000000000 10))
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in '((real * 9)
+                           (real * (10))
+                           (integer * 10)
+                           (real * 9)
+                           (real * (10)))
+              unless (equal (multiple-value-list
+                             (subtypep* tp1 tp2))
+                            '(nil t))
+              collect (list tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.5
@@ -140,22 +140,22 @@
 (deftest subtypep.real.13
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (real -1/2 1/2))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.real.14
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (real -1/2 1/2))
-		     '(eql 0))
+                     '(eql 0))
 (deftest subtypep.real.15
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (real (-1/2) 1/2))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.real.16
   (check-equivalence '(and integer (real (-1/2) (1/2)))
-		     '(integer 0 0))
+                     '(integer 0 0))
 (deftest subtypep.real.17
@@ -164,27 +164,27 @@
 (deftest subtypep.real.18
   (check-equivalence '(and rational (real 0 10))
-		     '(rational 0 10))
+                     '(rational 0 10))
 (deftest subtypep.real.19
   (check-equivalence '(and rational (real 0 (10)))
-		     '(rational 0 (10)))
+                     '(rational 0 (10)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.20
   (check-equivalence '(and rational (real (0) (10)))
-		     '(rational (0) (10)))
+                     '(rational (0) (10)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.21
   (check-equivalence '(and rational (real 1/2 7/3))
-		     '(rational 1/2 7/3))
+                     '(rational 1/2 7/3))
 (deftest subtypep.real.22
   (check-equivalence '(and rational (real (1/11) (8/37)))
-		     '(rational (1/11) (8/37)))
+                     '(rational (1/11) (8/37)))
 (deftest subtypep.real.23
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subtypep.lsp b/ansi-tests/subtypep.lsp
index 1bc48754..44774ae5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/subtypep.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subtypep.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (notnot (subtypep (progn (setf x (incf i)) t)
-		       (progn (setf y (incf i)) t)))
+                       (progn (setf y (incf i)) t)))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
@@ -23,43 +23,43 @@
 (deftest subtype.env.1
   (mapcar #'notnot
-	  (multiple-value-list (subtypep 'bit 'integer nil)))
+          (multiple-value-list (subtypep 'bit 'integer nil)))
   (t t))
 (deftest subtype.env.2
       ((%foo (&environment env)
-	     (list 'quote
-		   (mapcar #'notnot
-			   (multiple-value-list
-			    (subtypep 'bit 'integer env))))))
+             (list 'quote
+                   (mapcar #'notnot
+                           (multiple-value-list
+                            (subtypep 'bit 'integer env))))))
   (t t))
 (deftest subtype.env.3
       ((%foo (&environment env)
-	     (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-		 (subtypep nil (type-of env))
-	       (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
+             (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+                 (subtypep nil (type-of env))
+               (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
 (deftest subtype.env.4
       ((%foo (&environment env)
-	     (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-		 (subtypep (type-of env) (type-of env))
-	       (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
+             (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+                 (subtypep (type-of env) (type-of env))
+               (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
 (deftest subtype.env.5
       ((%foo (&environment env)
-	     (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
-		 (subtypep (type-of env) t)
-	       (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
+             (multiple-value-bind (sub good)
+                 (subtypep (type-of env) t)
+               (or (not good) (notnot sub)))))
@@ -137,25 +137,25 @@
 (deftest subtypep.and/or.1
    '(and (or symbol (integer 0 15))
-	 (or symbol (integer 10 25)))
+         (or symbol (integer 10 25)))
    '(or symbol (integer 10 15)))
 (deftest subtypep.and/or.2
    '(and (or (not symbol) (integer 0 10))
-	 (or symbol (integer 11 25)))
+         (or symbol (integer 11 25)))
    '(integer 11 25))
 (deftest subtypep.and.1
   (loop for type in *types-list3*
-	append (check-equivalence `(and ,type ,type) type))
+        append (check-equivalence `(and ,type ,type) type))
 (deftest subtypep.or.1
   (loop for type in *types-list3*
-	append (check-equivalence `(or ,type ,type) type))
+        append (check-equivalence `(or ,type ,type) type))
 (deftest subtypep.and.2
@@ -168,35 +168,35 @@
 (deftest subtypep.and.3
   (loop for type in *types-list3*
-	append (check-equivalence `(and ,type) type))
+        append (check-equivalence `(and ,type) type))
 (deftest subtypep.or.3
   (loop for type in *types-list3*
-	append (check-equivalence `(or ,type) type))
+        append (check-equivalence `(or ,type) type))
 (deftest subtypep.and.4
   (let* ((n (length *types-list3*))
-	 (a (make-array n :initial-contents *types-list3*)))
+         (a (make-array n :initial-contents *types-list3*)))
      (loop for i below 1000
-	   for tp1 = (aref a (random n))
-	   for tp2 = (aref a (random n))
-	   append (check-equivalence `(and ,tp1 ,tp2)
-				     `(and ,tp2 ,tp1)))
+           for tp1 = (aref a (random n))
+           for tp2 = (aref a (random n))
+           append (check-equivalence `(and ,tp1 ,tp2)
+                                     `(and ,tp2 ,tp1)))
 (deftest subtypep.or.4
   (let* ((n (length *types-list3*))
-	 (a (make-array n :initial-contents *types-list3*)))
+         (a (make-array n :initial-contents *types-list3*)))
      (loop for i below 1000
-	   for tp1 = (aref a (random n))
-	   for tp2 = (aref a (random n))
-	   append (check-equivalence `(or ,tp1 ,tp2)
-				     `(or ,tp2 ,tp1)))
+           for tp1 = (aref a (random n))
+           for tp2 = (aref a (random n))
+           append (check-equivalence `(or ,tp1 ,tp2)
+                                     `(or ,tp2 ,tp1)))
@@ -205,13 +205,13 @@
 (deftest subtypep.nil.1
   (loop for (type) in *subtype-table*
-	unless (member type '(nil extended-char))
-	append (check-all-not-subtypep type nil))
+        unless (member type '(nil extended-char))
+        append (check-all-not-subtypep type nil))
 (deftest subtypep.nil.2
   (loop for (type) in *subtype-table*
-	for class = (find-class type nil)
-	unless (or (not class) (member type '(nil extended-char)))
-	append (check-all-not-subtypep class nil))
+        for class = (find-class type nil)
+        unless (or (not class) (member type '(nil extended-char)))
+        append (check-all-not-subtypep class nil))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/svref.lsp b/ansi-tests/svref.lsp
index f9e405ad..0b8f6d1f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/svref.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/svref.lsp
@@ -14,27 +14,27 @@
   (let ((a (vector 1 2 3 4)))
      (loop for i below 4
-	   collect (setf (svref a i) (+ i 10)))
+           collect (setf (svref a i) (+ i 10)))
   (10 11 12 13)
   #(10 11 12 13))
 (deftest svref.order.1
   (let ((v (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(i 0) a b)
+        (i 0) a b)
      (svref (progn (setf a (incf i)) v)
-	    (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2))
+            (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2))
      i a b))
   c 2 1 2)
 (deftest svref.order.2
   (let ((v (vector 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(i 0) a b c)
+        (i 0) a b c)
       (svref (progn (setf a (incf i)) v)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2))
+             (progn (setf b (incf i)) 2))
       (progn (setf c (incf i)) 'w))
      v i a b c))
   w #(a b w d) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sxhash.lsp b/ansi-tests/sxhash.lsp
index f5682f65..166ba724 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/sxhash.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/sxhash.lsp
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 (deftest sxhash.2
   (loop for i from 0 below 256
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	when (and c
-		  (not (= (sxhash (string c))
-			  (sxhash (string c)))))
-	collect c)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        when (and c
+                  (not (= (sxhash (string c))
+                          (sxhash (string c)))))
+        collect c)
 (deftest sxhash.3
@@ -24,125 +24,125 @@
 (deftest sxhash.4
   (loop for bv1 in '(#* #*0 #*1 #*01 #*00 #*10 #*11
-			#*1100101101100 #*110010101011001011010000111001011)
-	for bv2 = (copy-seq bv1)
-	for sx1 = (sxhash bv1)
-	for sx2 = (sxhash bv2)
-	always (and (not (eq bv1 bv2))
-		    (equal bv1 bv2)
-		    (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
-		    (typep sx2 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
-		    (= sx1 sx2)))
+                        #*1100101101100 #*110010101011001011010000111001011)
+        for bv2 = (copy-seq bv1)
+        for sx1 = (sxhash bv1)
+        for sx2 = (sxhash bv2)
+        always (and (not (eq bv1 bv2))
+                    (equal bv1 bv2)
+                    (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
+                    (typep sx2 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
+                    (= sx1 sx2)))
 (deftest sxhash.5
   (let ((s1 "abcd")
-	(s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-			:initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 4)))
+        (s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
+                        :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
+                        :fill-pointer 4)))
     (and (equalt s1 s2)
-	 (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
+         (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
 (deftest sxhash.6
   (let ((s1 #*01101)
-	(s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
-			:initial-contents #*0110111101
-			:fill-pointer 5)))
+        (s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
+                        :initial-contents #*0110111101
+                        :fill-pointer 5)))
     (and (equalt s1 s2)
-	 (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
+         (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
 (deftest sxhash.7
   (let* ((a (make-array 10 :initial-element nil))
-	 (sx1 (sxhash a)))
+         (sx1 (sxhash a)))
     (setf (aref a 4) 'x)
     (let ((sx2 (sxhash a)))
       (and (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
-	   (eqlt sx1 sx2))))
+           (eqlt sx1 sx2))))
 (deftest sxhash.8
   :notes (:nil-vectors-are-strings)
   (eqlt (sxhash (make-array 0 :element-type nil))
-	(sxhash ""))
+        (sxhash ""))
 (deftest sxhash.9
   (let ((s1 (make-array 5 :element-type 'base-char :initial-contents "abcde"))
-	(s2 (copy-seq "abcde")))
+        (s2 (copy-seq "abcde")))
     (eqlt (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2)))
 (deftest sxhash.10
   (let ((s1 "abcd")
-	(s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
-			:initial-contents "abcdefghij"
-			:fill-pointer 4)))
+        (s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'base-char
+                        :initial-contents "abcdefghij"
+                        :fill-pointer 4)))
     (and (equalt s1 s2)
-	 (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
+         (=t (sxhash s1) (sxhash s2))))
 (deftest sxhash.11
   (let* ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	 (sx1 (sxhash x))
-	 (sx2 (sxhash '(a . b))))
+         (sx1 (sxhash x))
+         (sx2 (sxhash '(a . b))))
     (setf (car x) 'c)
     (let* ((sx3 (sxhash x))
-	   (sx4 (sxhash '(c . b))))
+           (sx4 (sxhash '(c . b))))
       (and (=t sx1 sx2)
-	   (=t sx3 sx4))))
+           (=t sx3 sx4))))
 (deftest sxhash.12
   (let ((x (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	(y (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
+        (y (1+ most-positive-fixnum)))
     (=t (sxhash x) (sxhash y)))
 (deftest sxhash.13
   (let ((sx1 (sxhash (make-symbol "FOO")))
-	(sx2 (sxhash (make-symbol "FOO"))))		      
+        (sx2 (sxhash (make-symbol "FOO"))))
     (and (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
-	 (eqlt sx1 sx2)))
+         (eqlt sx1 sx2)))
 ;; (deftest sxhash.14
 ;;  (let ((sx1 (sxhash :foo))
-;;	(sx2 (sxhash '#:foo)))
+;;      (sx2 (sxhash '#:foo)))
 ;;    (and (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))
-;;	 (eqlt sx1 sx2)))
+;;       (eqlt sx1 sx2)))
 ;;  t)
 (deftest sxhash.15
   (let* ((package-name
-	  (loop for i from 0
-		for name = (format nil "PACKAGE-~A" i)
-		for package = (find-package name)
-		unless package do (return name)))
-	 (sx1
-	  (let* ((package (make-package package-name :nicknames nil :use nil))
-		 (symbol (intern "FOO" package)))
-	    (prog1
-	       (sxhash symbol)
-	      (delete-package package))))
-	 (sx2
-	  (let* ((package (make-package package-name :nicknames nil :use nil))
-		 (symbol (intern "FOO" package)))
-	    (prog1
-	       (sxhash symbol)
-	      (delete-package package)))))
+          (loop for i from 0
+                for name = (format nil "PACKAGE-~A" i)
+                for package = (find-package name)
+                unless package do (return name)))
+         (sx1
+          (let* ((package (make-package package-name :nicknames nil :use nil))
+                 (symbol (intern "FOO" package)))
+            (prog1
+               (sxhash symbol)
+              (delete-package package))))
+         (sx2
+          (let* ((package (make-package package-name :nicknames nil :use nil))
+                 (symbol (intern "FOO" package)))
+            (prog1
+               (sxhash symbol)
+              (delete-package package)))))
     (assert (typep sx1 '(and unsigned-byte fixnum)))
     (if (= sx1 sx2) :good (list sx1 sx2)))
 (deftest sxhash.16
   (let ((c1 (list 'a))
-	(c2 (list 'a)))
+        (c2 (list 'a)))
     (setf (cdr c1) c1)
     (setf (cdr c2) c2)
     (let ((sx1 (sxhash c1))
-	  (sx2 (sxhash c2)))
+          (sx2 (sxhash c2)))
       (or (eqlt sx1 sx2) (list sx1 sx2))))
@@ -154,113 +154,113 @@
 (deftest sxhash.17
   :notes (:negative-zero-is-similar-to-positive-zero)
   (loop for c1 in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for c2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
-	for t1 = (type-of c1)
-	for t2 = (type-of c2)
-	for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
-	for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
-	unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
-		   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
-		   (eql sx1 sx2))
-	collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
+        for c2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
+        for t1 = (type-of c1)
+        for t2 = (type-of c2)
+        for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
+        for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
+        unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
+                   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
+                   (eql sx1 sx2))
+        collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
 (deftest sxhash.18
   :notes (:negative-zero-is-similar-to-positive-zero)
   (loop for r1 in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for c1 = (complex r1)
-	for r2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
-	for c2 = (complex r2)
-	for t1 = (type-of c1)
-	for t2 = (type-of c2)
-	for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
-	for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
-	unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
-		   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
-		   (eql sx1 sx2))
-	collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
+        for c1 = (complex r1)
+        for r2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
+        for c2 = (complex r2)
+        for t1 = (type-of c1)
+        for t2 = (type-of c2)
+        for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
+        for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
+        unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
+                   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
+                   (eql sx1 sx2))
+        collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
 (deftest sxhash.19
   :notes (:negative-zero-is-similar-to-positive-zero)
   (loop for r1 in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for c1 = (complex 0 r1)
-	for r2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
-	for c2 = (complex 0 r2)
-	for t1 = (type-of c1)
-	for t2 = (type-of c2)
-	for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
-	for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
-	unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
-		   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
-		   (eql sx1 sx2))
-	collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
+        for c1 = (complex 0 r1)
+        for r2 in '(-0.0s0 -0.0f0 -0.0d0 -0.0l0)
+        for c2 = (complex 0 r2)
+        for t1 = (type-of c1)
+        for t2 = (type-of c2)
+        for sx1 = (sxhash c1)
+        for sx2 = (sxhash c2)
+        unless (or (not (subtypep t1 t2))
+                   (not (subtypep t2 t1))
+                   (eql sx1 sx2))
+        collect (list c1 c2 sx1 sx2))
 ;;; Similar pathnames have the same hash
 (deftest sxhash.20
   (let* ((pathspec "sxhash.lsp")
-	 (sx1 (sxhash (pathname (copy-seq pathspec))))
-	 (sx2 (sxhash (pathname (copy-seq pathspec)))))
+         (sx1 (sxhash (pathname (copy-seq pathspec))))
+         (sx2 (sxhash (pathname (copy-seq pathspec)))))
     (if (and (typep sx1 '(and fixnum unsigned-byte))
-	     (eql sx1 sx2))
-	:good
+             (eql sx1 sx2))
+        :good
       (list sx1 sx2)))
 ;;; Similarity for strings
 (deftest sxhash.21
   (let* ((s1 "abc")
-	 (s2 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
-			 :initial-contents s1))
-	 (s3 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'base-char
-			 :initial-contents s1))
-	 (s4 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'standard-char
-			 :initial-contents s1))
-	 (s5 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
-			 :adjustable t
-			 :initial-contents "abc"))
-	 (s6 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'character
-			 :fill-pointer 3
-			 :initial-contents "abcde"))
-	 (s7 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
-			 :displaced-to s2
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (s8 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
-			 :displaced-to (make-array '(7) :element-type 'character
-						   :initial-contents "xxabcyy")
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2))
-	 (strings (list s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8))
-	 (hashes (mapcar #'sxhash strings)))
+         (s2 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
+                         :initial-contents s1))
+         (s3 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'base-char
+                         :initial-contents s1))
+         (s4 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'standard-char
+                         :initial-contents s1))
+         (s5 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
+                         :adjustable t
+                         :initial-contents "abc"))
+         (s6 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'character
+                         :fill-pointer 3
+                         :initial-contents "abcde"))
+         (s7 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
+                         :displaced-to s2
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (s8 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'character
+                         :displaced-to (make-array '(7) :element-type 'character
+                                                   :initial-contents "xxabcyy")
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2))
+         (strings (list s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8))
+         (hashes (mapcar #'sxhash strings)))
     (if (and (every #'(lambda (h) (typep h '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))) hashes)
-	     (not (position (car hashes) hashes :test #'/=)))
-	:good
+             (not (position (car hashes) hashes :test #'/=)))
+        :good
 ;;; Similarity for bit vectors
 (deftest sxhash.22
   (let* ((bv1 #*010)
-	 (bv2 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
-			 :initial-contents bv1))
-	 (bv5 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
-			 :adjustable t
-			 :initial-contents bv1))
-	 (bv6 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'bit
-			 :fill-pointer 3
-			 :initial-contents #*01010))
-	 (bv7 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to bv2
-			 :displaced-index-offset 0))
-	 (bv8 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
-			 :displaced-to (make-array '(7) :element-type 'bit
-						   :initial-contents #*1101001)
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2))
-	 (bit-vectors (list bv1 bv2 bv5 bv6 bv7 bv8))
-	 (hashes (mapcar #'sxhash bit-vectors)))
+         (bv2 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
+                         :initial-contents bv1))
+         (bv5 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
+                         :adjustable t
+                         :initial-contents bv1))
+         (bv6 (make-array '(5) :element-type 'bit
+                         :fill-pointer 3
+                         :initial-contents #*01010))
+         (bv7 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to bv2
+                         :displaced-index-offset 0))
+         (bv8 (make-array '(3) :element-type 'bit
+                         :displaced-to (make-array '(7) :element-type 'bit
+                                                   :initial-contents #*1101001)
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2))
+         (bit-vectors (list bv1 bv2 bv5 bv6 bv7 bv8))
+         (hashes (mapcar #'sxhash bit-vectors)))
     (if (and (every #'(lambda (h) (typep h '(and unsigned-byte fixnum))) hashes)
-	     (not (position (car hashes) hashes :test #'/=)))
-	:good
+             (not (position (car hashes) hashes :test #'/=)))
+        :good
@@ -270,12 +270,12 @@
     (safely-delete-package "A")
     (defpackage "A" (:use))
     (let* ((pkg (find-package "A"))
-	   (sym (intern "FOO" pkg))
-	   (hash (sxhash sym)))
+           (sym (intern "FOO" pkg))
+           (hash (sxhash sym)))
       (unintern sym pkg)
       (let ((hash2 (sxhash sym)))
-	(if (eql hash hash2) nil (list hash hash2)))))
-  nil)      
+        (if (eql hash hash2) nil (list hash hash2)))))
+  nil)
 ;;; Error cases
diff --git a/ansi-tests/symbol-function.lsp b/ansi-tests/symbol-function.lsp
index 9aa6b64c..19659a8e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/symbol-function.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/symbol-function.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest symbol-function.1
   (let ((sym (gensym))
-	(f #'(lambda () (values 1 2 3))))
+        (f #'(lambda () (values 1 2 3))))
      (eqt (setf (symbol-function sym) f) f)
      (multiple-value-list (eval (list sym)))))
@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@
 (deftest symbol-function.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (setf (symbol-function x) #'identity))
-		    #'symbolp)
+                    #'symbolp)
 (deftest symbol-function.error.5
   (let ((sym (gensym)))
     (handler-case (progn (symbol-function sym) nil)
-		  (undefined-function
-		   (c)
-		   (assert (eq (cell-error-name c) sym))
-		   :good)))
+                  (undefined-function
+                   (c)
+                   (assert (eq (cell-error-name c) sym))
+                   :good)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/symbol-macrolet.lsp b/ansi-tests/symbol-macrolet.lsp
index 9dde62ff..dc331cbe 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/symbol-macrolet.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/symbol-macrolet.lsp
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.1
   (loop for s in *cl-non-variable-constant-symbols*
-	for form = `(ignore-errors (symbol-macrolet ((,s 17)) ,s))
-	unless (eql (eval form) 17)
-	collect s)
+        for form = `(ignore-errors (symbol-macrolet ((,s 17)) ,s))
+        unless (eql (eval form) 17)
+        collect s)
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.2
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
   (let ((x 10))
      (symbol-macrolet ((y x))
        (list x
-	     y
-	     (let ((x 20)) x)
-	     (let ((y 30)) x)
-	     (let ((y 50)) y)
-	     x
-	     y)))
+             y
+             (let ((x 20)) x)
+             (let ((y 30)) x)
+             (let ((y 50)) y)
+             x
+             y)))
   (10 10 20 10 50 10 10))
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.6
   (symbol-macrolet () (values)))
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.7
   (symbol-macrolet () (values 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
   a b c d e)
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
       (symbol-macrolet () (declare (special x)) x)))
-;;; Error tests		       
+;;; Error tests
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.error.1
@@ -66,13 +66,13 @@
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.error.2
   (signals-error (symbol-macrolet ((constant-for-symbol-macrolet.error.2 'a))
-		   constant-for-symbol-macrolet.error.2)
-		 program-error)
+                   constant-for-symbol-macrolet.error.2)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest symbol-macrolet.error.3
   (signals-error (symbol-macrolet ((*pathnames* 19)) *pathnames*)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
diff --git a/ansi-tests/synonym-stream-symbol.lsp b/ansi-tests/synonym-stream-symbol.lsp
index 11eb6e63..c71c298a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/synonym-stream-symbol.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/synonym-stream-symbol.lsp
@@ -15,9 +15,9 @@
 (deftest synonym-stream-symbol.error.2
   (signals-error (synonym-stream-symbol
-		  (make-synonym-stream '*terminal-io*)
-		  nil)
-		 program-error)
+                  (make-synonym-stream '*terminal-io*)
+                  nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/syntax-tokens.lsp b/ansi-tests/syntax-tokens.lsp
index 82f9bdff..debfd0e4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/syntax-tokens.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/syntax-tokens.lsp
@@ -16,50 +16,50 @@
 (def-syntax-test syntax.number-token.error.2
   (loop for f in (list most-positive-short-float
-		       most-positive-single-float
-		       most-positive-double-float
-		       most-positive-long-float)
-	for c across "sfdl"
-	for r = (float-radix f)
-	for x = (nth-value 1 (decode-float f))
-	for n = (1+ (ceiling (* (log r 10) x)))
-	for s = (format nil "1.0~C~D" c n)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list
-		    (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ,s)
-					  reader-error)))
-	unless (equal vals '(t))
-	collect (list f c r x n s vals))
+                       most-positive-single-float
+                       most-positive-double-float
+                       most-positive-long-float)
+        for c across "sfdl"
+        for r = (float-radix f)
+        for x = (nth-value 1 (decode-float f))
+        for n = (1+ (ceiling (* (log r 10) x)))
+        for s = (format nil "1.0~C~D" c n)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list
+                    (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ,s)
+                                          reader-error)))
+        unless (equal vals '(t))
+        collect (list f c r x n s vals))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.number-token.3
   (loop for tp in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for c across "sfdl"
-	for s = (concatenate 'string "1.0"
-			     (make-string 1000 :initial-element #\0)
-			     "1" (string c) "0")
-	for n = (read-from-string s)
-	unless (and (typep n tp)
-		    (<= 1 n)
-		    (< n 2))
-	collect (list c tp s n))
+        for c across "sfdl"
+        for s = (concatenate 'string "1.0"
+                             (make-string 1000 :initial-element #\0)
+                             "1" (string c) "0")
+        for n = (read-from-string s)
+        unless (and (typep n tp)
+                    (<= 1 n)
+                    (< n 2))
+        collect (list c tp s n))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.number-token.4
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(let* ((*read-default-float-format* type)
-	       (s (concatenate 'string
-			       "1." (make-string 1000 :initial-element #\0)
-			       "1"))
-	       (n (read-from-string s)))
-	  (unless (and (typep n type)
-		       (<= 1 n)
-		       (< n 2))
-	    (list (list type s n)))))
+        nconc
+        (let* ((*read-default-float-format* type)
+               (s (concatenate 'string
+                               "1." (make-string 1000 :initial-element #\0)
+                               "1"))
+               (n (read-from-string s)))
+          (unless (and (typep n type)
+                       (<= 1 n)
+                       (< n 2))
+            (list (list type s n)))))
 ;;; Dot tokens
diff --git a/ansi-tests/syntax.lsp b/ansi-tests/syntax.lsp
index a9b5a18d..d8f6a79a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/syntax.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/syntax.lsp
@@ -11,28 +11,28 @@
   ;; Check that various standard or semistandard characters are whitespace[2]
   (let ((names '("Tab" "Newline" "Linefeed" "Space" "Return" "Page")))
     (loop for name in names
-	  for c = (name-char name)
-	  nconc
-	  (when c
-	    (let* ((s (concatenate 'string (string c) "123"))
-		   (val (read-from-string s)))
-	      (unless (eql val 123)
-		(list (list name c s val)))))))
+          for c = (name-char name)
+          nconc
+          (when c
+            (let* ((s (concatenate 'string (string c) "123"))
+                   (val (read-from-string s)))
+              (unless (eql val 123)
+                (list (list name c s val)))))))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.constituent.1
   ;; Tests of various characters that they are constituent characters,
   ;; and parse to symbols
   (let ((chars (concatenate
-		'string
-		"!$%&*<=>?@[]^_-{}+/"
-		"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+                'string
+                "!$%&*<=>?@[]^_-{}+/"
+                "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
     (loop for c across chars
-	  for s = (string c)
-	  for sym = (read-from-string s)
-	  unless (string= (symbol-name sym) (string-upcase s))
-	  collect (list c sym)))
+          for s = (string c)
+          for sym = (read-from-string s)
+          unless (string= (symbol-name sym) (string-upcase s))
+          collect (list c sym)))
 ;;; Backspace is an invalid constituent character
@@ -55,110 +55,110 @@
 (def-syntax-test syntax.digits.alphabetic.1
   (loop for base from 2 to 9
-	nconc
-	(let ((*read-base* base))
-	  (loop for digit-val from base to 9
-		for c = (elt "0123456789" digit-val)
-		for s = (string c)
-		for val = (read-from-string s)
-		unless (and (symbolp val)
-			    (string= s (symbol-name val)))
-		collect (list base digit-val c s val))))
+        nconc
+        (let ((*read-base* base))
+          (loop for digit-val from base to 9
+                for c = (elt "0123456789" digit-val)
+                for s = (string c)
+                for val = (read-from-string s)
+                unless (and (symbolp val)
+                            (string= s (symbol-name val)))
+                collect (list base digit-val c s val))))
 ;;; Reading escaped characters
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.1
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s0 = (string c)
-	for s = (concatenate 'string "\\" s0)
-	for sym = (read-from-string s)
-	unless (and (symbolp sym)
-		    (string= (symbol-name sym) s0))
-	collect (list c s0 s sym))
+        for s0 = (string c)
+        for s = (concatenate 'string "\\" s0)
+        for sym = (read-from-string s)
+        unless (and (symbolp sym)
+                    (string= (symbol-name sym) s0))
+        collect (list c s0 s sym))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.2
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s0 = (and c (string c))
-	  for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\\" s0))
-	  for sym = (and c (read-from-string s))
-	  unless (or (not c)
-		     (and (symbolp sym)
-			  (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
-	  collect (progn
-		    (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
-		    (list i c s0 s sym))))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s0 = (and c (string c))
+          for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\\" s0))
+          for sym = (and c (read-from-string s))
+          unless (or (not c)
+                     (and (symbolp sym)
+                          (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
+          collect (progn
+                    (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
+                    (list i c s0 s sym))))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.3
   (loop for i = (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 24)))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s0 = (and c (string c))
-	for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\\" s0))
-	for sym = (and c (read-from-string s))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (not c)
-		   (and (symbolp sym)
-			(string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
-	collect (list i c s0 s sym))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s0 = (and c (string c))
+        for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\\" s0))
+        for sym = (and c (read-from-string s))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (not c)
+                   (and (symbolp sym)
+                        (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
+        collect (list i c s0 s sym))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.4
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for bad = (find c "\\|")
-	for s0 = (string c)
-	for s = (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|")
-	for sym = (and (not bad) (read-from-string s))
-	unless (or bad
-		   (and (symbolp sym)
-			(string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
-	collect (list c s0 s sym))
+        for bad = (find c "\\|")
+        for s0 = (string c)
+        for s = (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|")
+        for sym = (and (not bad) (read-from-string s))
+        unless (or bad
+                   (and (symbolp sym)
+                        (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
+        collect (list c s0 s sym))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.5
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for i from 0 below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for bad = (or (not c) (find c "\\|"))
-	  for s0 = (and c (string c))
-	  for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|"))
-	  for sym = (and c (not bad) (read-from-string s))
-	  unless (or bad
-		     (and (symbolp sym)
-			  (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
-	  collect (progn
-		    (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
-		    (list c s0 s sym))))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for bad = (or (not c) (find c "\\|"))
+          for s0 = (and c (string c))
+          for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|"))
+          for sym = (and c (not bad) (read-from-string s))
+          unless (or bad
+                     (and (symbolp sym)
+                          (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
+          collect (progn
+                    (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
+                    (list c s0 s sym))))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escaped.6
   (loop for i = (random (min char-code-limit (ash 1 24)))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for bad = (or (not c) (find c "\\|"))
-	for s0 = (and c (string c))
-	for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|"))
-	for sym = (and (not bad) (read-from-string s))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or bad
-		   (and (symbolp sym)
-			(string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
-	collect (list c s0 s sym))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for bad = (or (not c) (find c "\\|"))
+        for s0 = (and c (string c))
+        for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "|" s0 "|"))
+        for sym = (and (not bad) (read-from-string s))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or bad
+                   (and (symbolp sym)
+                        (string= (symbol-name sym) s0)))
+        collect (list c s0 s sym))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escape.whitespace.1
   (let ((names '("Tab" "Newline" "Linefeed" "Space" "Return" "Page"
-		 "Rubout" "Backspace")))
+                 "Rubout" "Backspace")))
     (loop for name in names
-	  for c = (name-char name)
-	  nconc
-	  (when c
-	    (let* ((s (concatenate 'string "\\" (string c)))
-		   (val (read-from-string s)))
-	      (unless (eql val (intern (string c)))
-		(list (list name c s val)))))))
+          for c = (name-char name)
+          nconc
+          (when c
+            (let* ((s (concatenate 'string "\\" (string c)))
+                   (val (read-from-string s)))
+              (unless (eql val (intern (string c)))
+                (list (list name c s val)))))))
@@ -169,28 +169,28 @@
 (def-syntax-test syntax.escape.whitespace.2
   (let ((names '("Tab" "Newline" "Linefeed" "Space" "Return" "Page")))
     (loop for name in names
-	  for c = (name-char name)
-	  nconc
-	  (when c
-	    (let* ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|"))
-		   (val (read-from-string s)))
-	      (unless (eql val (intern (string c)))
-		(list (list name c s val)))))))
+          for c = (name-char name)
+          nconc
+          (when c
+            (let* ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|"))
+                   (val (read-from-string s)))
+              (unless (eql val (intern (string c)))
+                (list (list name c s val)))))))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.multiple-escape.invalid.backspace
   (let ((c (name-char "Backspace")))
     (or (not c)
-	(let ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|")))
-	  (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ',s) reader-error)))))
+        (let ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|")))
+          (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ',s) reader-error)))))
 (def-syntax-test syntax.multiple-escape.invalid.rubout
   (let ((c (name-char "Rubout")))
     (or (not c)
-	(let ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|")))
-	  (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ',s) reader-error)))))
+        (let ((s (concatenate 'string "|" (string c) "|")))
+          (eval `(signals-error (read-from-string ',s) reader-error)))))
@@ -199,90 +199,90 @@
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c))
-	for c2 = (read-from-string s)
-	unless (eql c c2)
-	collect (list c s c2))
+        for s = (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c))
+        for c2 = (read-from-string s)
+        unless (eql c c2)
+        collect (list c s c2))
   (let ((count 0))
     (loop for i below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	  for c = (code-char i)
-	  for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c)))
-	  for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
-	  unless (eql c c2)
-	  collect (progn (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
-			 (list c s c2))))
+          for c = (code-char i)
+          for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c)))
+          for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
+          unless (eql c c2)
+          collect (progn (when (> (incf count) 100) (loop-finish))
+                         (list c s c2))))
   (loop for i = (random (min (ash 1 24) char-code-limit))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c)))
-	for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (eql c c2)
-	collect (list i c s c2))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "#\\" (string c)))
+        for c2 = (and c (read-from-string s))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (eql c c2)
+        collect (list i c s c2))
   (flet ((%f (s) (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "#\\" s))))
-	  for c = (name-char s)
-	  unless (or (null c)
-		     (and (eql (%f s) c)
-			  (eql (%f (string-downcase s)) c)
-			  (eql (%f (string-capitalize s)) c)))
-	  collect (list s c)))
+          for c = (name-char s)
+          unless (or (null c)
+                     (and (eql (%f s) c)
+                          (eql (%f (string-downcase s)) c)
+                          (eql (%f (string-capitalize s)) c)))
+          collect (list s c)))
   (flet ((%f (s) (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "#\\" s))))
     (let ((good-chars (concatenate 'string +alphanumeric-chars+
-				   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
+                                   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
       (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	    for name = (char-name c)
-	    unless (or (null name)
-		       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
-		       (and (eql (%f name) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
-	    collect (list c name))))
+            for name = (char-name c)
+            unless (or (null name)
+                       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
+                       (and (eql (%f name) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
+            collect (list c name))))
   (flet ((%f (s) (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "#\\" s))))
     (let ((good-chars (concatenate 'string +alphanumeric-chars+
-				   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
+                                   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
       (loop for i below (min 65536 char-code-limit)
-	    for c = (code-char i)
-	    for name = (and c (char-name c))
-	    unless (or (null name)
-		       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
-		       (and (eql (%f name) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
-	    collect (list i c name))))
+            for c = (code-char i)
+            for name = (and c (char-name c))
+            unless (or (null name)
+                       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
+                       (and (eql (%f name) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
+            collect (list i c name))))
   (flet ((%f (s) (read-from-string (concatenate 'string "#\\" s))))
     (let ((good-chars (concatenate 'string +alphanumeric-chars+
-				   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
+                                   "<,.>\"':/?[]{}~`!@#$%^&*_-+=")))
       (loop for i = (random (min (ash 1 24) char-code-limit))
-	    for c = (code-char i)
-	    for name = (and c (char-name c))
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (or (null name)
-		       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
-		       (and (eql (%f name) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
-			    (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
-	    collect (list i c name))))
+            for c = (code-char i)
+            for name = (and c (char-name c))
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (or (null name)
+                       (string/= "" (string-trim good-chars name))
+                       (and (eql (%f name) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-downcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-upcase name)) c)
+                            (eql (%f (string-capitalize name)) c)))
+            collect (list i c name))))
@@ -596,21 +596,21 @@
   (loop for i = (random (ash 1 (+ 2 (random 32))))
-	for base = (+ 2 (random 35))
-	for s = (write-to-string i :radix nil :base base :readably nil)
-	for c = (random-from-seq "rR")
-	for s2 = (format nil "#~d~c~a" base c s)
-	for s3 = (rcase (1 (string-upcase s2))
-			(1 (string-downcase s2))
-			(1 (string-capitalize s2))
-			(1 s2))
-	for base2 = (+ 2 (random 35))
-	for vals = (let ((*read-base* base2))
-		     (multiple-value-list
-		      (read-from-string s3)))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (equal vals (list i (length s3) ))
-	collect (list i base s c s2 s3 base2 vals))
+        for base = (+ 2 (random 35))
+        for s = (write-to-string i :radix nil :base base :readably nil)
+        for c = (random-from-seq "rR")
+        for s2 = (format nil "#~d~c~a" base c s)
+        for s3 = (rcase (1 (string-upcase s2))
+                        (1 (string-downcase s2))
+                        (1 (string-capitalize s2))
+                        (1 s2))
+        for base2 = (+ 2 (random 35))
+        for vals = (let ((*read-base* base2))
+                     (multiple-value-list
+                      (read-from-string s3)))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (equal vals (list i (length s3) ))
+        collect (list i base s c s2 s3 base2 vals))
@@ -665,20 +665,20 @@
   (loop for format in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for c = (let ((*read-default-float-format* format))
-		  (read-from-string "#c(1.0 0.0)"))
-	unless (eql c (complex (coerce 1 format)
-			       (coerce 0 format)))
-	collect (list format c))
+        for c = (let ((*read-default-float-format* format))
+                  (read-from-string "#c(1.0 0.0)"))
+        unless (eql c (complex (coerce 1 format)
+                               (coerce 0 format)))
+        collect (list format c))
   (loop for format in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for c = (let ((*read-default-float-format* format))
-		  (read-from-string "#C(0.0 1.0)"))
-	unless (eql c (complex (coerce 0 format)
-			       (coerce 1 format)))
-	collect (list format c))
+        for c = (let ((*read-default-float-format* format))
+                  (read-from-string "#C(0.0 1.0)"))
+        unless (eql c (complex (coerce 0 format)
+                               (coerce 1 format)))
+        collect (list format c))
 ;;; Tests of #a
@@ -1080,29 +1080,29 @@
   (loop for c across +standard-chars+
-	for s = (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1")
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s))
-	unless (equal vals '(1 8))
-	collect (list c s vals))
+        for s = (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1")
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s))
+        unless (equal vals '(1 8))
+        collect (list c s vals))
   (loop for i below (min (ash 1 16) char-code-limit)
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1"))
-	for vals = (and c (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s)))
-	unless (or (not c) (equal vals '(1 8)))
-	collect (list i c s vals))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1"))
+        for vals = (and c (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s)))
+        unless (or (not c) (equal vals '(1 8)))
+        collect (list i c s vals))
   (loop for i = (random (min (ash 1 24) char-code-limit))
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1"))
-	for vals = (and c (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s)))
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (or (not c) (equal vals '(1 8)))
-	collect (list i c s vals))
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        for s = (and c (concatenate 'string "\#| " (string c) " |\#1"))
+        for vals = (and c (multiple-value-list (read-from-string s)))
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (or (not c) (equal vals '(1 8)))
+        collect (list i c s vals))
 ;;;; Various error cases
@@ -1110,15 +1110,15 @@
   (let ((names '("Tab" "Newline" "Linefeed" "Space" "Return" "Page")))
     (loop for name in names
-	  for c = (name-char name)
-	  when c
-	  nconc
-	  (let* ((form `(signals-error
-			 (read-from-string ,(concatenate 'string "#" (string c)))
-			 reader-error))
-		 (vals (multiple-value-list (eval form))))
-	    (unless (equal vals '(t))
-	      (list (list name c form vals))))))
+          for c = (name-char name)
+          when c
+          nconc
+          (let* ((form `(signals-error
+                         (read-from-string ,(concatenate 'string "#" (string c)))
+                         reader-error))
+                 (vals (multiple-value-list (eval form))))
+            (unless (equal vals '(t))
+              (list (list name c form vals))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tagbody.lsp b/ansi-tests/tagbody.lsp
index cea5ba3d..f6561c82 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/tagbody.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/tagbody.lsp
@@ -53,9 +53,9 @@
     (macrolet ((%m () 'a))
-	(go a)
-	(%m)
-	(setq x 1))
+        (go a)
+        (%m)
+        (setq x 1))
        a ))
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
 (deftest tagbody.16
   (let* ((t1 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	 (t2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
-	 (form `(block done
-		  (tagbody
-		   (go around)
-		   ,t1
-		   (return-from done 'good)
-		   around
-		   (go ,t2)))))
+         (t2 (1+ most-positive-fixnum))
+         (form `(block done
+                  (tagbody
+                   (go around)
+                   ,t1
+                   (return-from done 'good)
+                   around
+                   (go ,t2)))))
     (eval form))
@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@
      (macrolet ((foo () 'tag))
        (let (tag)
-	 (tagbody
-	  (go tag)
-	  (foo)
-	  (return-from done :bad))))
+         (tagbody
+          (go tag)
+          (foo)
+          (return-from done :bad))))
      (return-from done :good)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp b/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp
index 22505712..f21bc77d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest tailp.4
   (notnot-mv (tailp 10203040506070
-		    (list* 'a 'b (1- 10203040506071))))
+                    (list* 'a 'b (1- 10203040506071))))
 (deftest tailp.5
@@ -54,13 +54,13 @@
 (deftest tailp.6
     (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (y (cddr x)))
+           (y (cddr x)))
       (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	    (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-	(and
-	 (tailp y x)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))))
+            (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+        (and
+         (tailp y x)
+         (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+         (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))))
 ;; Note!  The spec is ambiguous on whether this next test
@@ -78,20 +78,20 @@
       for x in *universe*
       count (and (not (listp x))
-		 (eqt 'type-error
-		     (catch-type-error (tailp x x))))))
+                 (eqt 'type-error
+                     (catch-type-error (tailp x x))))))
 (deftest tailp.7
 (deftest tailp.order.1
   (let ((i 0) x y)
       (tailp (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'd)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c . d))))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c . d))))
      i x y))
   t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tan.lsp b/ansi-tests/tan.lsp
index 778ed1fe..db6e0e74 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/tan.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/tan.lsp
@@ -7,38 +7,38 @@
 (deftest tan.1
   (loop for i from -1000 to 1000
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tan i))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	always (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tan i))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        always (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (or (rationalp y) (typep y 'single-float))))
 (deftest tan.2
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for y = (safe-tan x 0.0s0)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (typep y 'short-float))
+        for y = (safe-tan x 0.0s0)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (typep y 'short-float))
 (deftest tan.3
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for y = (safe-tan x 0.0)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (typep y 'single-float))
+        for y = (safe-tan x 0.0)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (typep y 'single-float))
 (deftest tan.4
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for y = (safe-tan x 0.0d0)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (typep y 'double-float))
+        for y = (safe-tan x 0.0d0)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (typep y 'double-float))
 (deftest tan.5
   (loop for x = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for y = (safe-tan 0.0l0)
-	repeat 1000
-	always (typep y 'long-float))
+        for y = (safe-tan 0.0l0)
+        repeat 1000
+        always (typep y 'long-float))
 (deftest tan.6
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
 (deftest tan.11
   (loop for i from 1 to 100
-	unless (approx= (tan i) (tan (coerce i 'single-float)))
-	collect i)
+        unless (approx= (tan i) (tan (coerce i 'single-float)))
+        collect i)
 (deftest tan.12
@@ -102,42 +102,42 @@
 (deftest tan.20
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000) 1000)
-	for i = (- (random 20) 10)
-	for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20) 10)
+        for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest tan.21
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0s0) 1000.0s0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
-	for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0s0) 10.0s0)
+        for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest tan.22
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0f0) 1000.0f0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
-	for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0f0) 10.0f0)
+        for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest tan.23
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0d0) 1000.0d0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
-	for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0d0) 10.0d0)
+        for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 (deftest tan.24
   (loop for r = (- (random 2000.0l0) 1000.0l0)
-	for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
-	for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
-	repeat 1000
-	always (numberp y))
+        for i = (- (random 20.0l0) 10.0l0)
+        for y = (safe-tan (complex r i))
+        repeat 1000
+        always (numberp y))
 ;;; FIXME
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tanh.lsp b/ansi-tests/tanh.lsp
index b36feb20..f120e6d0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/tanh.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/tanh.lsp
@@ -8,62 +8,62 @@
 (deftest tanh.1
   (let ((result (tanh 0)))
     (or (eqlt result 0)
-	(eqlt result 0.0)))
+        (eqlt result 0.0)))
 (deftest tanh.2
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 type)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (tanh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 type)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (tanh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest tanh.3
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (tanh zero))
-		      (list zero))
-	collect type)
+        for zero = (coerce 0 `(complex ,type))
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (tanh zero))
+                      (list zero))
+        collect type)
 (deftest tanh.4
   (loop for den = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for num = (random (* 10 den))
-	for x = (/ num den)
-	for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh x))
-	for y = (car rlist)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		    (numberp y))
-	collect (list x rlist))
+        for num = (random (* 10 den))
+        for x = (/ num den)
+        for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh x))
+        for y = (car rlist)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                    (numberp y))
+        collect (list x rlist))
 (deftest tanh.5
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh x))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y type))
-	 collect (list x rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh x))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y type))
+         collect (list x rlist)))
 (deftest tanh.6
   (loop for type in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	nconc
-	(loop
-	 for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
-	 for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh (complex x1 x2)))
-	 for y = (car rlist)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
-		     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
-	 collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
+        nconc
+        (loop
+         for x1 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for x2 = (- (random (coerce 20 type)) 10)
+         for rlist = (multiple-value-list (tanh (complex x1 x2)))
+         for y = (car rlist)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (null (cdr rlist))
+                     (typep y `(complex ,type)))
+         collect (list x1 x2 rlist)))
 ;;; FIXME
diff --git a/ansi-tests/the.lsp b/ansi-tests/the.lsp
index a292d08d..ace4c1a7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/the.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/the.lsp
@@ -14,46 +14,46 @@
 (deftest the.3
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e)
-		       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values) (quote ,e))))))
-			 (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
+                       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values) (quote ,e))))))
+                         (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
 (deftest the.4
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e)
-		       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the ,(type-of e) (quote ,e))))))
-			 (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
+                       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the ,(type-of e) (quote ,e))))))
+                         (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
 (deftest the.5
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e)
-		       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values ,(type-of e)) (quote ,e))))))
-			 (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
+                       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values ,(type-of e)) (quote ,e))))))
+                         (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
 (deftest the.6
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e)
-		       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values ,(type-of e) t) (quote ,e))))))
-			 (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
+                       (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values ,(type-of e) t) (quote ,e))))))
+                         (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
 (deftest the.7
    #'(lambda (e)
        (let ((x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the (values ,(type-of e))
-					      (values (quote ,e) :ignored))))))
-	 (and (eql (length x) 2)
-	      (eql (car x) e)
-	      (eql (cadr x) :ignored)))))
+                                              (values (quote ,e) :ignored))))))
+         (and (eql (length x) 2)
+              (eql (car x) e)
+              (eql (cadr x) :ignored)))))
 (deftest the.8
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e) (or (not (constantp e))
-				     (eql (eval `(the ,(type-of e) ,e)) e))))
+                                     (eql (eval `(the ,(type-of e) ,e)) e))))
 (deftest the.9
   (check-predicate #'(lambda (e) (or (not (constantp e))
-				     (eql (eval `(the ,(class-of e) ,e)) e))))
+                                     (eql (eval `(the ,(class-of e) ,e)) e))))
 (deftest the.10
@@ -64,17 +64,17 @@
    #'(lambda (e)
        (let* ((type (type-of e))
-	      (x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the ,type (the ,type (quote ,e)))))))
-	 (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
+              (x (multiple-value-list (eval `(the ,type (the ,type (quote ,e)))))))
+         (and x (not (cdr x)) (eql (car x) e)))))
 (deftest the.12
   (let ((lexpr
-	 `(lambda ()
-	    (and
-	     ,@(loop for e in *mini-universe*
-		     for type = (type-of e)
-		     collect `(eqlt (quote ,e) (the ,type (quote ,e))))))))
+         `(lambda ()
+            (and
+             ,@(loop for e in *mini-universe*
+                     for type = (type-of e)
+                     collect `(eqlt (quote ,e) (the ,type (quote ,e))))))))
     (funcall (compile nil lexpr)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/time.lsp b/ansi-tests/time.lsp
index 41baebf3..9494e617 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/time.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/time.lsp
@@ -7,64 +7,64 @@
 (deftest time.1
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (assert (null (time nil))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (assert (null (time nil))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
 (deftest time.2
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
-	       (assert (eq (time x) x))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+               (assert (eq (time x) x))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
 (deftest time.3
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
-	       (flet ((%f () x))
-		 (assert (eq (time (%f)) x)))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+               (flet ((%f () x))
+                 (assert (eq (time (%f)) x)))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
 (deftest time.4
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (assert (null (multiple-value-list (time (values))))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (assert (null (multiple-value-list (time (values))))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
 (deftest time.5
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (assert (equal '(a b c d)
-			    (multiple-value-list (time (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (assert (equal '(a b c d)
+                            (multiple-value-list (time (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
 (deftest time.6
   (let ((fn (compile nil '(lambda () (time nil)))))
     (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	       (*trace-output*)
-	       (assert (null (funcall fn))))))
+               (*trace-output*)
+               (assert (null (funcall fn))))))
       (= (length s) 0)))
 (deftest time.7
   (flet ((%f () (time nil)))
     (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	       (*trace-output*)
-	       (assert (null (%f))))))
+               (*trace-output*)
+               (assert (null (%f))))))
       (= (length s) 0)))
 (deftest time.8
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (macrolet ((%m () 1))
-	       (assert (eql (time (%m)) 1))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (macrolet ((%m () 1))
+               (assert (eql (time (%m)) 1))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@
 (deftest time.9
   (let ((s (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (block done
-	       (time (return-from done nil))))))
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (block done
+               (time (return-from done nil))))))
     (= (length s) 0))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/times-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/times-aux.lsp
index 2839d7f6..64137b70 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/times-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/times-aux.lsp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   (if (= x 0)
     (let ((lo (if (oddp x) y 0))
-	  (hi (nat-times (ash x -1) y)))
+          (hi (nat-times (ash x -1) y)))
       (+ lo (+ hi hi)))))
 (defun rat-times (x y)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/times.lsp b/ansi-tests/times.lsp
index 6b1b2e3e..22c10f2f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/times.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/times.lsp
@@ -14,64 +14,64 @@
 (deftest *.2
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	unless (eql x (* x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (eql x (* x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest *.3
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for x1 = (* x 1)
-	for x2 = (* 1 x)
-	unless (and (eql x x1) (eql x x2) (eql x1 x2))
-	collect (list x x1 x2))
+        for x1 = (* x 1)
+        for x2 = (* 1 x)
+        unless (and (eql x x1) (eql x x2) (eql x1 x2))
+        collect (list x x1 x2))
 (deftest *.4
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	for x1 = (* x 0)
-	for x2 = (* 0 x)
-	unless (and (= x1 0) (= x2 0))
-	collect (list x x1 x2))
+        for x1 = (* x 0)
+        for x2 = (* 0 x)
+        unless (and (= x1 0) (= x2 0))
+        collect (list x x1 x2))
 (deftest *.5
   (loop for bound in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	nconc
-	(loop for x = (random bound)
-	      for x1 = (* x -1)
-	      for x2 = (* -1 x)
-	      for x3 = (* x bound)
-	      for x4 = (* bound x)
-	      repeat 1000
-	      unless (and (eql (- x) x1) (eql (- x) x2)
-			  (eql x x3) (eql x x4))
-	      collect (list x x1 x2 x3 x4)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for x = (random bound)
+              for x1 = (* x -1)
+              for x2 = (* -1 x)
+              for x3 = (* x bound)
+              for x4 = (* bound x)
+              repeat 1000
+              unless (and (eql (- x) x1) (eql (- x) x2)
+                          (eql x x3) (eql x x4))
+              collect (list x x1 x2 x3 x4)))
 (deftest *.6
   (let* ((upper-bound (* 1000 1000 1000 1000))
-	 (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
-	 (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
+         (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
+         (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval upper-bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval upper-bound)
-	  for prod = (* x y)
-	  for prod2 = (integer-times x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql prod prod2)
-	  collect (list x y prod prod2)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval upper-bound)
+          for prod = (* x y)
+          for prod2 = (integer-times x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql prod prod2)
+          collect (list x y prod prod2)))
 (deftest *.7
   (let* ((upper-bound (* 1000 1000 1000))
-	 (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
-	 (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
+         (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
+         (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
     (loop for x = (+ (rational (random (float spread 1.0f0))) lower-bound)
-	  for y = (+ (rational (random (float spread 1.0f0))) lower-bound)
-	  for prod = (* x y)
-	  for prod2 = (rat-times x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (eql prod prod2)
-	  collect (list x y prod prod2)))
+          for y = (+ (rational (random (float spread 1.0f0))) lower-bound)
+          for prod = (* x y)
+          for prod2 = (rat-times x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (eql prod prod2)
+          collect (list x y prod prod2)))
 ;; Testing of multiplication by integer constants
@@ -81,61 +81,61 @@
      for x = (random bound)
      for y = (random bound)
      for f = (eval `(function (lambda (z)
-				(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
-				(declare (type (integer 0 (,bound)) z))
-				(* ,x z))))
+                                (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0)))
+                                (declare (type (integer 0 (,bound)) z))
+                                (* ,x z))))
      for prod = (funcall f y)
      repeat 100
      unless (and (eql prod (* x y))
-		 (eql prod (integer-times x y)))
+                 (eql prod (integer-times x y)))
      collect (progn (format t "Failed on ~A~%" (list x y prod))
-		    (list x y prod (* x y) (integer-times x y)))))
+                    (list x y prod (* x y) (integer-times x y)))))
 (deftest *.9
   (let* ((upper-bound (* 1000 1000 1000 1000)))
     (flet ((%r () (random-from-interval upper-bound)))
       (loop for xr = (%r)
-	    for xc = (%r)
-	    for x = (complex xr xc)
-	    for yr = (%r)
-	    for yc = (%r)
-	    for y = (complex yr yc)
-	    for prod = (* x y)
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (and (eql (realpart prod) (- (integer-times xr yr)
-						(integer-times xc yc)))
-			(eql (imagpart prod) (+ (integer-times xr yc)
-						(integer-times xc yr))))
-	    collect (list x y prod))))
+            for xc = (%r)
+            for x = (complex xr xc)
+            for yr = (%r)
+            for yc = (%r)
+            for y = (complex yr yc)
+            for prod = (* x y)
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (and (eql (realpart prod) (- (integer-times xr yr)
+                                                (integer-times xc yc)))
+                        (eql (imagpart prod) (+ (integer-times xr yc)
+                                                (integer-times xc yr))))
+            collect (list x y prod))))
 (deftest *.10
   (let* ((upper-bound (* 1000 1000 1000 1000))
-	 (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
-	 (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
+         (lower-bound (- upper-bound))
+         (spread (1+ (- upper-bound lower-bound))))
     (flet ((%r () (+ (rational (random (float spread 1.0f0))) lower-bound)))
       (loop for xr = (%r)
-	    for xc = (%r)
-	    for x = (complex xr xc)
-	    for yr = (%r)
-	    for yc = (%r)
-	    for y = (complex yr yc)
-	    for prod = (* x y)
-	    repeat 1000
-	    unless (and (eql (realpart prod) (- (rat-times xr yr)
-						(rat-times xc yc)))
-			(eql (imagpart prod) (+ (rat-times xr yc)
-						(rat-times xc yr))))
-	  collect (list x y prod))))
+            for xc = (%r)
+            for x = (complex xr xc)
+            for yr = (%r)
+            for yc = (%r)
+            for y = (complex yr yc)
+            for prod = (* x y)
+            repeat 1000
+            unless (and (eql (realpart prod) (- (rat-times xr yr)
+                                                (rat-times xc yc)))
+                        (eql (imagpart prod) (+ (rat-times xr yc)
+                                                (rat-times xc yr))))
+          collect (list x y prod))))
 (deftest *.11
   (let ((prod 1) (args nil))
     (loop for i from 1 to (min 256 (1- call-arguments-limit))
-	  do (push i args)
-	  do (setq prod (* prod i))
-	  always (eql (apply #'* args) prod)))
+          do (push i args)
+          do (setq prod (* prod i))
+          always (eql (apply #'* args) prod)))
 (deftest *.12
@@ -145,16 +145,16 @@
    for (k eps-r eps-f) = (multiple-value-list (find-epsilon x))
    (loop for i from 1 to k
-	 for y = (+ x (expt radix (- i)))
-	 nconc
-	 (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
-	       for z = (+ x (expt radix (- j)))
-	       unless (eql (* y z)
-			   (+ x
-			      (expt radix (- i))
-			      (expt radix (- j))
-			      (expt radix (- (+ i j)))))
-	       collect (list x i j))))
+         for y = (+ x (expt radix (- i)))
+         nconc
+         (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
+               for z = (+ x (expt radix (- j)))
+               unless (eql (* y z)
+                           (+ x
+                              (expt radix (- i))
+                              (expt radix (- j))
+                              (expt radix (- (+ i j)))))
+               collect (list x i j))))
 (deftest *.13
@@ -164,16 +164,16 @@
    for (k eps-r eps-f) = (multiple-value-list (find-epsilon x))
    (loop for i from 1 to k
-	 for y = (- x (expt radix (- i)))
-	 nconc
-	 (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
-	       for z = (- x (expt radix (- j)))
-	       unless (eql (* y z)
-			   (+ x
-			      (- (expt radix (- i)))
-			      (- (expt radix (- j)))
-			      (expt radix (- (+ i j)))))
-	       collect (list x i j))))
+         for y = (- x (expt radix (- i)))
+         nconc
+         (loop for j from 1 to (- k i)
+               for z = (- x (expt radix (- j)))
+               unless (eql (* y z)
+                           (+ x
+                              (- (expt radix (- i)))
+                              (- (expt radix (- j)))
+                              (expt radix (- (+ i j)))))
+               collect (list x i j))))
 ;;; Float contagion
@@ -181,117 +181,117 @@
 (deftest *.14
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-short-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'short-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
-  nil)	
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'short-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
+  nil)
 (deftest *.15
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-single-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'single-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
-  nil)	
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'single-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
+  nil)
 (deftest *.16
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.17
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.18
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-short-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-single-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-single-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'single-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'single-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.19
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-short-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.20
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-short-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.21
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-single-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'double-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'double-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.22
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-single-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.23
   (let ((bound (- (sqrt most-positive-double-float) 1))
-	(bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
+        (bound2 (- (sqrt most-positive-long-float) 1)))
     (loop for x = (random-from-interval bound)
-	  for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
-	  for p = (* x y)
-	  repeat 1000
-	  unless (and (eql p (* y x))
-		      (typep p 'long-float))
-	  collect (list x y p)))
+          for y = (random-from-interval bound2)
+          for p = (* x y)
+          repeat 1000
+          unless (and (eql p (* y x))
+                      (typep p 'long-float))
+          collect (list x y p)))
 (deftest *.24
@@ -301,14 +301,14 @@
    for bound = (ash 1 (floor bits 2))
    (loop for i = (random bound)
-	 for x = (coerce i type)
-	 for j = (random bound)
-	 for y = (coerce j type)
-	 for prod = (* x y)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (eql prod (coerce (* i j) type))
-		     (eql prod (* y x)))
-	 collect (list i j x y (* x y) (coerce (* i j) type))))
+         for x = (coerce i type)
+         for j = (random bound)
+         for y = (coerce j type)
+         for prod = (* x y)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (eql prod (coerce (* i j) type))
+                     (eql prod (* y x)))
+         collect (list i j x y (* x y) (coerce (* i j) type))))
 (deftest *.25
@@ -319,23 +319,23 @@
    when (= (float-radix (coerce 1.0 type)) 2)
    (loop for i = (random bound)
-	 for x = (coerce i type)
-	 for j = (* i 2)
-	 for y = (coerce j type)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (eql (* 2 x) y)
-	 collect (list i j x (* 2 x) y)))
+         for x = (coerce i type)
+         for j = (* i 2)
+         for y = (coerce j type)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (eql (* 2 x) y)
+         collect (list i j x (* 2 x) y)))
 ;;; Shows a compiler bug in sbcl/cmucl
 (deftest *.26
   (eqlt (funcall (compile nil
-			  '(lambda (x y)
-			     (declare (type (single-float -10.0 10.0) x)
-				      (type (double-float -1.0d100 1.0d100) y))
-			     (* x y)))
-		 1.0f0 1.0d0)
-	1.0d0)
+                          '(lambda (x y)
+                             (declare (type (single-float -10.0 10.0) x)
+                                      (type (double-float -1.0d100 1.0d100) y))
+                             (* x y)))
+                 1.0f0 1.0d0)
+        1.0d0)
 (deftest *.27
@@ -345,18 +345,18 @@
    for bound = (ash 1 (floor bits 2))
    (loop for i = (random bound)
-	 for x = (coerce i type)
-	 for j = (random bound)
-	 for y = (coerce j type)
-	 for one = (coerce 1.0 type)
-	 for cx = (complex one x)
-	 for cy = (complex one y)
-	 for prod = (* cx cy)
-	 repeat 1000
-	 unless (and (eql prod (complex (coerce (- 1 (* i j)) type)
-					(coerce (+ i j) type)))
-		     (eql prod (* cy cx)))
-	 collect (list type i j x y (* cx cy))))
+         for x = (coerce i type)
+         for j = (random bound)
+         for y = (coerce j type)
+         for one = (coerce 1.0 type)
+         for cx = (complex one x)
+         for cy = (complex one y)
+         for prod = (* cx cy)
+         repeat 1000
+         unless (and (eql prod (complex (coerce (- 1 (* i j)) type)
+                                        (coerce (+ i j) type)))
+                     (eql prod (* cy cx)))
+         collect (list type i j x y (* cx cy))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -364,10 +364,10 @@
 (deftest *.28
   (macrolet ((%m (z) z))
-	    (values
-	     (* (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
-	     (* (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)) 4)
-	     (* 5 (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))))
+            (values
+             (* (expand-in-current-env (%m 2)))
+             (* (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)) 4)
+             (* 5 (expand-in-current-env (%m 3)))))
   2 12 15)
 ;;; Order of evaluation tests
@@ -376,7 +376,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y)
      (* (progn (setf x (incf i)) 2)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3))
      i x y))
   6 2 1 2)
@@ -384,7 +384,7 @@
   (let ((i 0) x y z)
      (* (progn (setf x (incf i)) 2)
-	(progn (setf y (incf i)) 3)
-	(progn (setf z (incf i)) 5))
+        (progn (setf y (incf i)) 3)
+        (progn (setf z (incf i)) 5))
      i x y z))
   30 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/trace.lsp b/ansi-tests/trace.lsp
index cea34e50..a9834586 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/trace.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/trace.lsp
@@ -10,8 +10,8 @@
 (defun (setf function-to-trace) (val arg) (setf (car arg) val))
 (declaim (notinline function-to-trace
-		    another-function-to-trace
-		    (setf function-to-trace)))
+                    another-function-to-trace
+                    (setf function-to-trace)))
 (deftest trace.1
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
     (trace function-to-trace)
     (equal "" (with-output-to-string
-		(*trace-output*)
-		(assert (eql (function-to-trace '(b)) 'b)))))
+                (*trace-output*)
+                (assert (eql (function-to-trace '(b)) 'b)))))
 (deftest trace.3
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
     (trace function-to-trace)
     (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
-		  (trace function-to-trace))
+                  (trace function-to-trace))
     (prog1 (trace)
       (assert (null (trace)))))
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
     (trace (setf function-to-trace))
     (handler-bind ((warning #'muffle-warning))
-		  (trace (setf function-to-trace)))
+                  (trace (setf function-to-trace)))
     (prog1 (trace)
       (assert (null (trace)))))
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
       (let ((x (list nil)))
-	(assert (eql (setf (function-to-trace x) 'a) 'a))
-	(assert (equal x '(a))))))
+        (assert (eql (setf (function-to-trace x) 'a) 'a))
+        (assert (equal x '(a))))))
 (deftest trace.8
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
     (trace (setf function-to-trace))
     (equal ""
-	   (with-output-to-string
-	     (*trace-output*)
-	     (let ((x (list nil)))
-	       (assert (eql (setf (function-to-trace x) 'a) 'a))
-	       (assert (equal x '(a)))))))
+           (with-output-to-string
+             (*trace-output*)
+             (let ((x (list nil)))
+               (assert (eql (setf (function-to-trace x) 'a) 'a))
+               (assert (equal x '(a)))))))
 (deftest trace.9
@@ -97,16 +97,16 @@
     (trace function-to-trace another-function-to-trace)
     (assert (not (equal "" (with-output-to-string
-			     (*trace-output*)
-			     (assert (eql (function-to-trace '(b)) 'b))))))
+                             (*trace-output*)
+                             (assert (eql (function-to-trace '(b)) 'b))))))
     (assert (not (equal "" (with-output-to-string
-			     (*trace-output*)
-			     (assert (eql (another-function-to-trace '(c . d))
-					  'd))))))
+                             (*trace-output*)
+                             (assert (eql (another-function-to-trace '(c . d))
+                                          'd))))))
-	(sort (copy-list (trace))
-	      #'(lambda (k1 k2) (string< (symbol-name k1)
-					 (symbol-name k2))))
+        (sort (copy-list (trace))
+              #'(lambda (k1 k2) (string< (symbol-name k1)
+                                         (symbol-name k2))))
   (another-function-to-trace function-to-trace))
@@ -158,11 +158,11 @@
     (trace generic-function-to-trace)
     (eval '(defmethod generic-function-to-trace ((x t)(y t)) nil))
     (assert (not (equal (with-output-to-string
-			  (*trace-output*)
-			  (assert (null (generic-function-to-trace 'a 'b))))
-			"")))
+                          (*trace-output*)
+                          (assert (null (generic-function-to-trace 'a 'b))))
+                        "")))
-	(trace)
+        (trace)
       (untrace generic-function-to-trace)
       (assert (null (trace)))))
@@ -173,11 +173,11 @@
     (let* ((gf (eval '(defgeneric generic-function-to-trace2 (x y))))
-	   (m (eval '(defmethod generic-function-to-trace2
-		       ((x integer)(y integer))
-		       :foo))))
+           (m (eval '(defmethod generic-function-to-trace2
+                       ((x integer)(y integer))
+                       :foo))))
       (eval '(defmethod generic-function-to-trace2
-	       ((x symbol)(y symbol)) :bar))
+               ((x symbol)(y symbol)) :bar))
       (assert (eql (generic-function-to-trace2 1 2) :foo))
       (assert (eql (generic-function-to-trace2 'a 'b) :bar))
       (trace generic-function-to-trace2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/translate-logical-pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/translate-logical-pathname.lsp
index e07edcc3..f8bc3998 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/translate-logical-pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/translate-logical-pathname.lsp
@@ -10,34 +10,34 @@
 ;;; Every physical pathname is converted to itself
 (deftest translate-logical-pathname.1
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
-		   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname p)))
-	collect p)
+        unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
+                   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname p)))
+        collect p)
 ;;; &key arguments are allowed
 (deftest translate-logical-pathname.2
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
-		   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
-			  p :allow-other-keys t)))
-	collect p)
+        unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
+                   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
+                          p :allow-other-keys t)))
+        collect p)
 (deftest translate-logical-pathname.3
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
-		   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
-			  p :allow-other-keys nil)))
-	collect p)
+        unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
+                   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
+                          p :allow-other-keys nil)))
+        collect p)
 (deftest translate-logical-pathname.4
   (loop for p in *pathnames*
-	unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
-		   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
-			  p :foo 1 :allow-other-keys t :bar 2)))
-	collect p)
+        unless (or (typep p 'logical-pathname)
+                   (eq p (translate-logical-pathname
+                          p :foo 1 :allow-other-keys t :bar 2)))
+        collect p)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tree-equal.lsp b/ansi-tests/tree-equal.lsp
index 060f5a53..deddb61e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/tree-equal.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/tree-equal.lsp
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.3
   (notnot-mv (tree-equal (list 'a 'b (list 'c 'd))
-			 (list 'a 'b (list 'c 'd))))
+                         (list 'a 'b (list 'c 'd))))
 (deftest tree-equal.4
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.5
   (notnot-mv (tree-equal 1 2 :test #'<))
 (deftest tree-equal.6
   (notnot-mv (tree-equal 1 2 :test #'(lambda (x y) (values (< x y) t))))
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.7
   (tree-equal 1 2 :test #'>)
 (deftest tree-equal.8
   (tree-equal (list 1) 2 :test (constantly t))
 (deftest tree-equal.9
   (tree-equal (list 1) (list 2)
-	      :test #'(lambda (x y) (or (and (consp x) (consp y))
-					(eql x y))))
+              :test #'(lambda (x y) (or (and (consp x) (consp y))
+                                        (eql x y))))
 (deftest tree-equal.10
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.11
   (let* ((x (list 'a 'b))
-	 (y (list x x))
-	 (z (list (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b))))
+         (y (list x x))
+         (z (list (list 'a 'b) (list 'a 'b))))
     (notnot-mv (tree-equal y z)))
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.15
   (let ((x (vector 'a 'b 'c))
-	(y (vector 'a' 'b 'c)))
+        (y (vector 'a' 'b 'c)))
     (tree-equal x y))
 (deftest tree-equal.16
   (let ((x (copy-seq ""))
-	(y (copy-seq "")))
+        (y (copy-seq "")))
     (tree-equal x y))
@@ -103,13 +103,13 @@
 (deftest tree-equal.allow-other-keys.4
   (notnot-mv (tree-equal '(a b) (list 'a 'b) :allow-other-keys t
-			 :allow-other-keys nil :foo t))
+                         :allow-other-keys nil :foo t))
 (deftest tree-equal.keywords.1
   (notnot-mv (tree-equal '(a . b) '(b . a)
-			 :test (complement #'eql)
-			 :test #'eql))
+                         :test (complement #'eql)
+                         :test #'eql))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/truename.lsp b/ansi-tests/truename.lsp
index 23bf41db..ca123499 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/truename.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/truename.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest truename.1
   (let* ((pn #p"truename.lsp")
-	 (tn (truename pn)))
+         (tn (truename pn)))
      (notnot (pathnamep pn))
      (typep pn 'logical-pathname)
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
 (deftest truename.2
   (let* ((name "truename.lsp")
-	 (pn (pathname name))
-	 (tn (truename name)))
+         (pn (pathname name))
+         (tn (truename name)))
      (notnot (pathnamep pn))
      (typep pn 'logical-pathname)
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
      (s pn :direction :input)
      (let ((tn (truename s)))
-	(notnot (pathnamep pn))
-	(typep pn 'logical-pathname)
-	(equalt (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn))
-	(equalt (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn))
-	))))
+        (notnot (pathnamep pn))
+        (typep pn 'logical-pathname)
+        (equalt (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn))
+        (equalt (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn))
+        ))))
   t nil t t)
 (deftest truename.4
@@ -46,26 +46,26 @@
     (let ((s (open pn :direction :input)))
       (close s)
       (let ((tn (truename s)))
-	(values
-	 (notnot (pathnamep pn))
-	 (typep pn 'logical-pathname)
-	 (equalt (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn))
-	 (equalt (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn))
-	 ))))
+        (values
+         (notnot (pathnamep pn))
+         (typep pn 'logical-pathname)
+         (equalt (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn))
+         (equalt (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn))
+         ))))
   t nil t t)
 (deftest truename.5
   (let* ((lpn "CLTEST:foo.txt")
-	 (pn (translate-logical-pathname lpn)))
+         (pn (translate-logical-pathname lpn)))
     (unless (probe-file lpn)
       (with-open-file (s lpn :direction :output) (format s "Stuff~%")))
     (let ((tn (truename lpn)))
        (notnot (pathnamep pn))
        (if (equalt (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn))
-	   t (list (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn)))
+           t (list (pathname-name pn) (pathname-name tn)))
        (if (equalt (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn))
-	   t (list (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn)))
+           t (list (pathname-type pn) (pathname-type tn)))
   t t t)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 (deftest truename.error.6
    (let ((pn (make-pathname :name :wild
-			    :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
+                            :defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)))
      (truename pn))
   t t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/truncate-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/truncate-aux.lsp
index 87e46e85..c99d2b50 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/truncate-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/truncate-aux.lsp
@@ -7,107 +7,107 @@
 (defun truncate.1-fn ()
   (loop for n = (- (random 2000000000)
-		   1000000000)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (integerp r)
-		    (if (>= n 0) (< -1 r d)
-		      (< (- d) r 1)))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+                   1000000000)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (integerp r)
+                    (if (>= n 0) (< -1 r d)
+                      (< (- d) r 1)))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun truncate.2-fn ()
   (loop for num = (random 1000000000)
-	for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
-	for n = (/ num denom)
-	for d = (1+ (random 10000))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (<= 0 r)
-		    (< r d)
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n d q r n2)))
+        for denom = (1+ (random 1000))
+        for n = (/ num denom)
+        for d = (1+ (random 10000))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (<= 0 r)
+                    (< r d)
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n d q r n2)))
 (defun truncate.3-fn (width)
   (loop for n = (- (random width) (/ width 2))
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (if (>= n 0)
-			(and (<= 0 r) (< r 1))
-		      (and (< -1 r) (<= r 0)))
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (if (>= n 0)
+                        (and (<= 0 r) (< r 1))
+                      (and (< -1 r) (<= r 0)))
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun truncate.7-fn ()
   (loop for numerator = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ numerator denominator)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ q r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (= n n2)
-		    (if (>= n 0)
-			(and (<= 0 r) (< r 1))
-		      (and (< -1 r) (<= r 0)))
-		    )
-	collect (list n q r n2)))
+        for denominator = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ numerator denominator)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ q r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (= n n2)
+                    (if (>= n 0)
+                        (and (<= 0 r) (< r 1))
+                      (and (< -1 r) (<= r 0)))
+                    )
+        collect (list n q r n2)))
 (defun truncate.8-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 10000000000) 5000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (if (> n 0)
-			(and (<= 0 r) (< r (- d)))
-		      (and (>= 0 r) (> r d)))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 100000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 1000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (if (> n 0)
+                        (and (<= 0 r) (< r (- d)))
+                      (and (>= 0 r) (> r d)))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
 (defun truncate.9-fn ()
   (loop for num1 = (- (random 1000000000000000) 500000000000000)
-	for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
-	for n = (/ num1 den1)
-	for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
-	for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
-	for d = (/ num2 den2)
-	for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
-	for (q r) = vals
-	for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
-	repeat 1000
-	unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
-		    (integerp q)
-		    (rationalp r)
-		    (if (> n 0)
-			(and (<= 0 r) (< r (- d)))
-		      (and (>= 0 r) (> r d)))
-		    (= n n2))
-	collect (list n q d r n2)))
+        for den1 = (1+ (random 10000000000))
+        for n = (/ num1 den1)
+        for num2 = (- (1+ (random 1000000000)))
+        for den2 = (1+ (random 10000000))
+        for d = (/ num2 den2)
+        for vals = (multiple-value-list (truncate n d))
+        for (q r) = vals
+        for n2 = (+ (* q d) r)
+        repeat 1000
+        unless (and (eql (length vals) 2)
+                    (integerp q)
+                    (rationalp r)
+                    (if (> n 0)
+                        (and (<= 0 r) (< r (- d)))
+                      (and (>= 0 r) (> r d)))
+                    (= n n2))
+        collect (list n q d r n2)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/truncate.lsp b/ansi-tests/truncate.lsp
index d51449c8..40b2e09e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/truncate.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/truncate.lsp
@@ -56,116 +56,116 @@
 (deftest truncate.10
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x x))
-	unless (and (eql q 1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x x))
+        unless (and (eql q 1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest truncate.11
   (loop for x in (remove-if #'zerop *reals*)
-	for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate (- x) x))
-	unless (and (eql q -1)
-		    (zerop r)
-		    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
-		      (eql r (float 0 x))))
-	collect x)
+        for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate (- x) x))
+        unless (and (eql q -1)
+                    (zerop r)
+                    (if (rationalp x) (eql r 0)
+                      (eql r (float 0 x))))
+        collect x)
 (deftest truncate.12
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.13
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0s0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0s0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.14
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.15
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0f0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0f0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.16
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.17
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0d0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0d0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.18
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (+ i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q i)
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (+ i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q i)
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
 (deftest truncate.19
   (let* ((radix (float-radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
-	 (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
+         (rad (float radix 1.0l0))
+         (rrad (/ 1.0l0 rad)))
     (loop for i from 1 to 1000
-	  for x = (- i rrad)
-	  for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
-	  unless (and (eql q (1- i))
-		      (eql r rrad))
-	  collect (list i x q r)))
+          for x = (- i rrad)
+          for (q r) = (multiple-value-list (truncate x))
+          unless (and (eql q (1- i))
+                      (eql r rrad))
+          collect (list i x q r)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-input-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-input-stream.lsp
index 1d96e010..139916ee 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-input-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-input-stream.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest two-way-stream-input-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
     (equalt (multiple-value-list (two-way-stream-input-stream s))
-	    (list is)))
+            (list is)))
 (deftest two-way-stream-input-stream.error.1
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest two-way-stream-input-stream.error.2
   (signals-error (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-			(os (make-string-output-stream))
-			(s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
-		   (two-way-stream-input-stream s nil))
-		 program-error)
+                        (os (make-string-output-stream))
+                        (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+                   (two-way-stream-input-stream s nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-output-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-output-stream.lsp
index a8415e0d..3fa39b1a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-output-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/two-way-stream-output-stream.lsp
@@ -7,10 +7,10 @@
 (deftest two-way-stream-output-stream.1
   (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-	 (os (make-string-output-stream))
-	 (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+         (os (make-string-output-stream))
+         (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
     (equalt (multiple-value-list (two-way-stream-output-stream s))
-	    (list os)))
+            (list os)))
 (deftest two-way-stream-output-stream.error.1
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@
 (deftest two-way-stream-output-stream.error.2
   (signals-error (let* ((is (make-string-input-stream "foo"))
-			(os (make-string-output-stream))
-			(s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
-		   (two-way-stream-output-stream s nil))
-		 program-error)
+                        (os (make-string-output-stream))
+                        (s (make-two-way-stream is os)))
+                   (two-way-stream-output-stream s nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/type-of.lsp b/ansi-tests/type-of.lsp
index 6bf2f2c5..662f6dd7 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/type-of.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/type-of.lsp
@@ -12,12 +12,12 @@
 (deftest type-of.1
   :notes :type-of/strict-builtins
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for failures = (loop for tp2 in *cl-all-type-symbols*
-			     when (and (typep x tp2)
-				       (not (subtypep tp tp2)))
-			     collect tp2)
-	when failures collect (list x failures))
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for failures = (loop for tp2 in *cl-all-type-symbols*
+                             when (and (typep x tp2)
+                                       (not (subtypep tp tp2)))
+                             collect tp2)
+        when failures collect (list x failures))
 ;;; Some have objected to that (in type-of.1) interpretation
@@ -27,13 +27,13 @@
 (deftest type-of.1-relaxed
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for builtins = (remove x *cl-all-type-symbols*
-			       :test (complement #'typep))
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	when (and builtins
-		  (not (loop for tp2 in builtins
-			     thereis (subtypep tp tp2))))
-	collect x)
+        for builtins = (remove x *cl-all-type-symbols*
+                               :test (complement #'typep))
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        when (and builtins
+                  (not (loop for tp2 in builtins
+                             thereis (subtypep tp tp2))))
+        collect x)
 ;;; 1. For any object that is an element of some built-in type:
@@ -45,33 +45,33 @@
 (deftest type-of.2
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	when (and (consp tp)
-		  (member (car tp) '(and eql member not or satisfies values
-					 function)))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        when (and (consp tp)
+                  (member (car tp) '(and eql member not or satisfies values
+                                         function)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type-of.3
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	unless (typep x (type-of x))
-	collect x)
+        unless (typep x (type-of x))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type-of.4
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for class = (class-of x)
-	unless (equal (multiple-value-list (subtypep* tp class)) '(t t))
-	collect x)
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for class = (class-of x)
+        unless (equal (multiple-value-list (subtypep* tp class)) '(t t))
+        collect x)
 (deftest type-of.5
   (loop for x in *cl-condition-type-symbols*
-	for cnd = (make-condition x)
-	for tp = (type-of cnd)
-	unless (eq x tp)
-	collect x)
+        for cnd = (make-condition x)
+        for tp = (type-of cnd)
+        unless (eq x tp)
+        collect x)
 (defstruct type-of.example-struct a b c)
@@ -100,14 +100,14 @@
 (deftest type-of.10
   (let* ((class (eval '(defclass type-of.example-class-4 () ((a) (b) (c)))))
-	 (obj (make-instance class)))
+         (obj (make-instance class)))
     (setf (class-name class) nil)
     (notnot-mv (typep obj class)))
 (deftest type-of.11
   (let* ((c #c(-1 1/2))
-	 (type (type-of c)))
+         (type (type-of c)))
     (notnot (typep c type)))
@@ -119,5 +119,5 @@
 (deftest type-of.error.2
   (signals-error (type-of nil nil) program-error)
-  t)  
+  t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/type.lsp b/ansi-tests/type.lsp
index a8818067..17244f41 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/type.lsp
@@ -20,43 +20,43 @@
   (let ((x 1))
     (declare (type (integer -1 1) x))
     (locally (declare (type (integer 0 2) x))
-	     (values
-	      x
-	      (setq x 0)
-	      (1+ x))))
+             (values
+              x
+              (setq x 0)
+              (1+ x))))
   1 0 1)
 (deftest type.3
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for form = `(let ((y ',x))
-		      (declare (type ,tp y))
-		      y)
-	for val = (eval form)
-	unless (eql val x)
-	collect (list x tp form val))
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for form = `(let ((y ',x))
+                      (declare (type ,tp y))
+                      y)
+        for val = (eval form)
+        unless (eql val x)
+        collect (list x tp form val))
 (deftest type.4
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for tp = (type-of x)
-	for form = `(let ((y ',x))
-		      (declare (,tp y))
-		      y)
-	for val = (eval form)
-	unless (eql val x)
-	collect (list x tp form val))
+        for tp = (type-of x)
+        for form = `(let ((y ',x))
+                      (declare (,tp y))
+                      y)
+        for val = (eval form)
+        unless (eql val x)
+        collect (list x tp form val))
 (deftest type.5
   (loop for x in *mini-universe*
-	for class = (class-of x)
-	for form = `(let ((y ',x))
-		      (declare (,class y))
-		      y)
-	for val = (eval form)
-	unless (eql val x)
-	collect (list x class form val))
+        for class = (class-of x)
+        for form = `(let ((y ',x))
+                      (declare (,class y))
+                      y)
+        for val = (eval form)
+        unless (eql val x)
+        collect (list x class form val))
 ;;; Free TYPE declaration
diff --git a/ansi-tests/typecase.lsp b/ansi-tests/typecase.lsp
index 777e0f7a..50a02817 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/typecase.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/typecase.lsp
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
   (block done
      (typecase 'a (symbol (go 10)
-			  10
-			  (return-from done 'bad)))
+                          10
+                          (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
@@ -87,34 +87,34 @@
      (typecase 'a
        (integer 'bad)
        (t (go 10)
-	  10
-	  (return-from done 'bad)))
+          10
+          (return-from done 'bad)))
      (return-from done 'good)))
 (deftest typecase.18
   (loop for x in '(a 1 1.4 "c")
-	collect (typecase x
-		  (t :good)
-		  (otherwise :bad)))
+        collect (typecase x
+                  (t :good)
+                  (otherwise :bad)))
   (:good :good :good :good))
 ;;; A randomized test
 (deftest typecase.19
   (let* ((u (coerce *universe* 'vector))
-	 (len1 (length u))
-	 (types (coerce *cl-all-type-symbols* 'vector))
-	 (len2 (length types)))
+         (len1 (length u))
+         (types (coerce *cl-all-type-symbols* 'vector))
+         (len2 (length types)))
      for n = (random 10)
      for my-types = (loop repeat n collect (elt types (random len2)))
      for val = (elt u (random len1))
      for i = (position val my-types :test #'typep)
      for form = `(typecase ',val
-		   ,@(loop for i from 0 for type in my-types collect `(,type ,i))
-		   (otherwise nil))
+                   ,@(loop for i from 0 for type in my-types collect `(,type ,i))
+                   (otherwise nil))
      for j = (eval form)
      repeat 1000
      unless (eql i j)
@@ -128,18 +128,18 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (typecase (expand-in-current-env (%m 2))
-	     ((integer 0 1) :bad1)
-	     ((integer 2 10) :good)
-	     (t :bad2)))
+             ((integer 0 1) :bad1)
+             ((integer 2 10) :good)
+             (t :bad2)))
 (deftest typecase.21
    ((%m (z) z))
    (typecase 2
-	     ((integer 0 1) (expand-in-current-env (%m :bad1)))
-	     ((integer 2 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
-	     (t (expand-in-current-env (%m :bad2)))))
+             ((integer 0 1) (expand-in-current-env (%m :bad1)))
+             ((integer 2 10) (expand-in-current-env (%m :good)))
+             (t (expand-in-current-env (%m :bad2)))))
 ;;; Error cases
@@ -150,13 +150,13 @@
 (deftest typecase.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'typecase)
-			   '(typecase t)) program-error)
+                           '(typecase t)) program-error)
 (deftest typecase.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'typecase)
-			   '(typecase t)
-			   nil nil) program-error)
+                           '(typecase t)
+                           nil nil) program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/typep.lsp b/ansi-tests/typep.lsp
index 5fc8dfdb..12ee7bb5 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/typep.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/typep.lsp
@@ -52,13 +52,13 @@
 (deftest typep.env.2
   (macrolet ((%foo (&environment env)
-		   (notnot-mv (typep 0 'bit env))))
+                   (notnot-mv (typep 0 'bit env))))
 (deftest typep.env.3
   (macrolet ((%foo (&environment env)
-		   (notnot-mv (typep env (type-of env)))))
+                   (notnot-mv (typep env (type-of env)))))
@@ -130,13 +130,13 @@
 (deftest typep.16
   (let ((c1 (find-class 'number))
-	(c2 (find-class 'symbol)))
+        (c2 (find-class 'symbol)))
     (notnot-mv (typep 'a `(or ,c1 ,c2))))
 (deftest typep.17
   (let ((c1 (find-class 'number))
-	(c2 (find-class 'symbol)))
+        (c2 (find-class 'symbol)))
     (notnot-mv (typep 'a `(or ,c2 ,c1))))
@@ -150,19 +150,19 @@
 (defun typep.19-fn (reps &optional (prob .5))
   (let* ((vec "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))
     (flet ((%make-random-type
-	    ()
-	    `(and character (member ,@(loop for e across vec
-					    when (< (random 1.0) prob)
-					    collect e)))))
-      (loop 
+            ()
+            `(and character (member ,@(loop for e across vec
+                                            when (< (random 1.0) prob)
+                                            collect e)))))
+      (loop
        for t1 = (%make-random-type)
        for t2 = (%make-random-type)
        for t3 = `(and ,t1 ,t2)
        for result1 = (loop for e across vec
-			   when (if (typep e t3)
-				    (or (not (typep e t1)) (not (typep e t2)))
-				  (and (typep e t1) (typep e t2)))
-			   collect e)
+                           when (if (typep e t3)
+                                    (or (not (typep e t1)) (not (typep e t2)))
+                                  (and (typep e t1) (typep e t2)))
+                           collect e)
        repeat reps
        when result1
        nconc (list result1 t1 t2 t3)))))
@@ -171,5 +171,5 @@
 (deftest typep.19 (typep.19-fn 1000) nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/types-and-class-2.lsp b/ansi-tests/types-and-class-2.lsp
index 3c518956..b11f147b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/types-and-class-2.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/types-and-class-2.lsp
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
 (deftest type-or-not-type-is-everything
   (loop for l in *disjoint-types-list2*
-	append
-	(loop
-	 for type in l
-	 append (check-subtypep t `(or ,type (not ,type)) t)
-	 append (check-subtypep t `(or (not ,type) ,type) t)))
+        append
+        (loop
+         for type in l
+         append (check-subtypep t `(or ,type (not ,type)) t)
+         append (check-subtypep t `(or (not ,type) ,type) t)))
 (defclass tac-1-class () (a b c))
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 (deftest user-class-disjointness
   (loop for l in *disjoint-types-list2*
-	append
-	(loop
-	 for type in l
-	 append (classes-are-disjoint type 'tac-1-class)))
+        append
+        (loop
+         for type in l
+         append (classes-are-disjoint type 'tac-1-class)))
 (deftest user-class-disjointness-2
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@
 (deftest user-struct-disjointness
   (loop for l in *disjoint-types-list2*
-	append
-	(loop
-	 for type in l
-	 append (check-disjointness type 'tac-2-struct)))
+        append
+        (loop
+         for type in l
+         append (check-disjointness type 'tac-2-struct)))
 (deftest user-struct-disjointness-2
@@ -126,12 +126,12 @@
 (deftest tac-3.17
   (check-equivalence '(and (or tac-3-a tac-3-b)
-			   (or (not tac-3-a) (not tac-3-b))
-			   (or tac-3-a tac-3-c)
-			   (or (not tac-3-a) (not tac-3-c))
-			   (or tac-3-b tac-3-c)
-			   (or (not tac-3-b) (not tac-3-c)))
-		     nil)
+                           (or (not tac-3-a) (not tac-3-b))
+                           (or tac-3-a tac-3-c)
+                           (or (not tac-3-a) (not tac-3-c))
+                           (or tac-3-b tac-3-c)
+                           (or (not tac-3-b) (not tac-3-c)))
+                     nil)
@@ -140,10 +140,10 @@
 (deftest universe-elements-in-at-most-one-disjoint-type
   (loop for e in *universe*
-	for types = (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (typep e x))
-				   *disjoint-types-list*)
-	when (> (length types) 1)
-	collect (list e types))
+        for types = (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (typep e x))
+                                   *disjoint-types-list*)
+        when (> (length types) 1)
+        collect (list e types))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp
index f217f6a1..29150a89 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/types-and-class.lsp
@@ -46,41 +46,41 @@
 (defun types.4-body ()
   (let ((parent-table (make-hash-table :test #'equal))
-	(types nil))
+        (types nil))
-	for p in *subtype-table* do
-	  (let ((tp (first p))
-		(parent (second p)))
-	    (pushnew tp types)
-	    (pushnew parent types)
-	    (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
-	      (pushnew parent parents)
-	      ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp parent)
-	      (loop
-		  for pp in (gethash parent parent-table) do
-		    ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp pp)
-		    (pushnew pp parents))
-	      (setf (gethash tp parent-table) parents))))
+        for p in *subtype-table* do
+          (let ((tp (first p))
+                (parent (second p)))
+            (pushnew tp types)
+            (pushnew parent types)
+            (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
+              (pushnew parent parents)
+              ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp parent)
+              (loop
+                  for pp in (gethash parent parent-table) do
+                    ;; (format t "~S ==> ~S~%" tp pp)
+                    (pushnew pp parents))
+              (setf (gethash tp parent-table) parents))))
     ;; parent-table now contains lists of ancestors
-	for tp in types sum
-	  (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
-	    (loop
-		for tp2 in types sum
-		  (cond
-		   ((and (not (eqt tp tp2))
-			 (not (eqt tp2 'standard-object))
-			 (not (eqt tp2 'structure-object))
-			 (not (member tp2 parents))
-			 (subtypep* tp tp2)
-			 (not (and (member tp +float-types+)
-				   (member tp2 +float-types+)))
-			 (not (and (eqt tp2 'structure-object)
-				   (member 'standard-object parents))))
-		    (format t "~%Improper subtype: ~S of ~S"
-			    tp tp2)
-		    1)
-		   (t 0)))))
+        for tp in types sum
+          (let ((parents (gethash tp parent-table)))
+            (loop
+                for tp2 in types sum
+                  (cond
+                   ((and (not (eqt tp tp2))
+                         (not (eqt tp2 'standard-object))
+                         (not (eqt tp2 'structure-object))
+                         (not (member tp2 parents))
+                         (subtypep* tp tp2)
+                         (not (and (member tp +float-types+)
+                                   (member tp2 +float-types+)))
+                         (not (and (eqt tp2 'structure-object)
+                                   (member 'standard-object parents))))
+                    (format t "~%Improper subtype: ~S of ~S"
+                            tp tp2)
+                    1)
+                   (t 0)))))
 (deftest types.4
@@ -98,21 +98,21 @@
 (deftest types.7b
   (loop for e on *disjoint-types-list*
-	for tp1 = (first e)
-	append
-	(loop for tp2 in (rest e)
-	      append (classes-are-disjoint tp1 tp2)))
+        for tp1 = (first e)
+        append
+        (loop for tp2 in (rest e)
+              append (classes-are-disjoint tp1 tp2)))
 (deftest types.7c
   (loop for e on *disjoint-types-list2*
-	for list1 = (first e)
-	append
-	(loop for tp1 in list1 append
-	      (loop for list2 in (rest e)
-		    append
-		    (loop for tp2 in list2 append
-			  (classes-are-disjoint tp1 tp2)))))
+        for list1 = (first e)
+        append
+        (loop for tp1 in list1 append
+              (loop for list2 in (rest e)
+                    append
+                    (loop for tp2 in list2 append
+                          (classes-are-disjoint tp1 tp2)))))
 (deftest types.8
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
    for tp in *disjoint-types-list* count
     ((and (not (eqt tp 'cons))
-	  (not (subtypep* tp 'atom)))
+          (not (subtypep* tp 'atom)))
      (format t "~%Should be atomic, but isn't: ~S" tp)
@@ -166,10 +166,10 @@
 (deftest all-classes-are-type-equivalent-to-their-names.2
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for cl = (class-of x)
-	for name = (class-name cl)
-	when name
-	append (check-equivalence name cl))
+        for cl = (class-of x)
+        for name = (class-name cl)
+        when name
+        append (check-equivalence name cl))
 ;;; Check that all class names in CL that name standard-classes or
@@ -178,48 +178,48 @@
 (deftest all-standard-classes-are-subtypes-of-standard-object
   (loop for sym being  the external-symbols of "COMMON-LISP"
-	for class = (find-class sym nil)
-	when (and class
-		  (typep class 'standard-class)
-		  (or (not (subtypep sym 'standard-object))
-		      (not (subtypep class 'standard-object))))
-	collect sym)
+        for class = (find-class sym nil)
+        when (and class
+                  (typep class 'standard-class)
+                  (or (not (subtypep sym 'standard-object))
+                      (not (subtypep class 'standard-object))))
+        collect sym)
 (deftest all-standard-classes-are-subtypes-of-standard-object.2
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for class = (class-of x)
-	when (and (typep class 'standard-class)
-		  (not (subtypep class 'standard-object)))
-	collect x)
+        for class = (class-of x)
+        when (and (typep class 'standard-class)
+                  (not (subtypep class 'standard-object)))
+        collect x)
 (deftest all-structure-classes-are-subtypes-of-structure-object
   (loop for sym being the external-symbols of "COMMON-LISP"
-	for class = (find-class sym nil)
-	when (and class
-		  (typep class 'structure-class)
-		  (or (not (subtypep sym 'structure-object))
-		      (not (subtypep class 'structure-object))))
-	collect sym)
+        for class = (find-class sym nil)
+        when (and class
+                  (typep class 'structure-class)
+                  (or (not (subtypep sym 'structure-object))
+                      (not (subtypep class 'structure-object))))
+        collect sym)
 (deftest all-structure-classes-are-subtypes-of-structure-object.2
   (loop for x in *universe*
-	for cl = (class-of x)
-	when (and (typep cl 'structure-class)
-		  (not (subtypep cl 'structure-object)))
-	collect x)
+        for cl = (class-of x)
+        when (and (typep cl 'structure-class)
+                  (not (subtypep cl 'structure-object)))
+        collect x)
 ;;; Confirm that only the symbols exported from CL that are supposed
 ;;; to be types are actually classes (see section
 (deftest all-exported-cl-class-names-are-valid
   (loop for sym being the external-symbols of "COMMON-LISP"
-	when (and (find-class sym nil)
-		  (not (member sym *cl-all-type-symbols* :test #'eq)))
-	collect sym)
+        when (and (find-class sym nil)
+                  (not (member sym *cl-all-type-symbols* :test #'eq)))
+        collect sym)
 ;;; Confirm that all standard generic functions are instances of
@@ -227,10 +227,10 @@
 (deftest all-standard-generic-functions-are-instances-of-that-class
   (loop for sym in *cl-standard-generic-function-symbols*
-	for fun = (and (fboundp sym) (symbol-function sym))
-	unless (and (typep fun 'generic-function)
-		    (typep fun 'standard-generic-function))
-	collect (list sym fun))
+        for fun = (and (fboundp sym) (symbol-function sym))
+        unless (and (typep fun 'generic-function)
+                    (typep fun 'standard-generic-function))
+        collect (list sym fun))
 ;;; Canonical metaobjects are in the right classes
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@
 (deftest type-error-expected-type.1
   (let ((c (make-condition 'type-error
-			   :datum 'a :expected-type 'integer)))
+                           :datum 'a :expected-type 'integer)))
     (type-error-expected-type c))
@@ -279,20 +279,20 @@
 (deftest type-error-datum.error.2
    (let ((c (make-condition 'type-error :datum nil
-			    :expected-type t)))
+                            :expected-type t)))
      (type-error-datum c nil))
 (deftest type-error-expected-type.error.1
   (signals-error (type-error-expected-type)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest type-error-expected-type.error.2
    (let ((c (make-condition 'type-error :datum nil
-			    :expected-type t)))
+                            :expected-type t)))
      (type-error-expected-type c nil))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/types-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/types-aux.lsp
index 7956181e..efbba764 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/types-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/types-aux.lsp
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
    class, then check for disjointness.  Return a non-NIL list
    of failed subtypep relationships, if any."
   (and (or (is-builtin-class c1)
-	   (is-builtin-class c2))
+           (is-builtin-class c2))
        (check-disjointness c1 c2)))
 (declaim (special *subtype-table*))
@@ -21,16 +21,16 @@
       for tp = (car p)
       (and (not (member tp '(sequence cons list t)))
-	   (let ((message (check-subtypep tp 'atom t t)))
-	     (if message (list message))))))
+           (let ((message (check-subtypep tp 'atom t t)))
+             (if message (list message))))))
 (defparameter *type-list* nil)
 (defparameter *supertype-table* nil)
 (defun types.9-body ()
   (let ((tp-list (append '(keyword atom list)
-			 (loop for p in *subtype-table* collect (car p))))
-	(result-list))
+                         (loop for p in *subtype-table* collect (car p))))
+        (result-list))
     (setf tp-list (remove-duplicates tp-list))
     ;; TP-LIST is now a list of unique CL type names
     ;; Store it in *TYPE-LIST* so we can inspect it later if this test
@@ -39,36 +39,36 @@
     ;; Compute all pairwise SUBTYPEP relationships among
     ;; the elements of *TYPE-LIST*.
     (let ((subs (make-hash-table :test #'eq))
-	  (sups (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
+          (sups (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
-	  for x in tp-list do
-	    (loop
-		for y in tp-list do
-		  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
-		      (subtypep* x y)
-		    (declare (ignore good))
-		    (when result
-		      (pushnew x (gethash y subs))
-		      (pushnew y (gethash x sups))))))
+          for x in tp-list do
+            (loop
+                for y in tp-list do
+                  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
+                      (subtypep* x y)
+                    (declare (ignore good))
+                    (when result
+                      (pushnew x (gethash y subs))
+                      (pushnew y (gethash x sups))))))
       ;; Store the supertype relations for later inspection
       ;; and use in test TYPES.9A
       (setf *supertype-table* sups)
       ;; Check that the relation we just computed is transitive.
       ;; Return a list of triples on which transitivity fails.
-	  for x in tp-list do
-	    (let ((sub-list (gethash x subs))
-		  (sup-list (gethash x sups)))
-	      (loop
-		  for t1 in sub-list do
-		    (loop
-			for t2 in sup-list do
-			  (multiple-value-bind (result good)
-			      (subtypep* t1 t2)
-			    (when (and good (not result))
-			      (pushnew (list t1 x t2) result-list
-				       :test #'equal)))))))
+          for x in tp-list do
+            (let ((sub-list (gethash x subs))
+                  (sup-list (gethash x sups)))
+              (loop
+                  for t1 in sub-list do
+                    (loop
+                        for t2 in sup-list do
+                          (multiple-value-bind (result good)
+                              (subtypep* t1 t2)
+                            (when (and good (not result))
+                              (pushnew (list t1 x t2) result-list
+                                       :test #'equal)))))))
 ;;; TYPES.9-BODY returns a list of triples (T1 T2 T3)
@@ -87,26 +87,26 @@
      (let ((sups (gethash tp *supertype-table*)))
-	for x in *universe*
-	sum
-	(handler-case
-	 (cond
-	  ((not (typep x tp)) 0)
-	  (t
-	   (loop
-	    for tp2 in sups
-	    count
-	    (handler-case
-	     (and (not (typep x tp2))
-		  (progn
-		    (format t "Found element of ~S not in ~S: ~S~%"
-			    tp tp2 x)
-		    t))
-	     (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%"
-				    c tp2)
-			t)))))
-	 (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%" c tp)
-		    1))))))))
+        for x in *universe*
+        sum
+        (handler-case
+         (cond
+          ((not (typep x tp)) 0)
+          (t
+           (loop
+            for tp2 in sups
+            count
+            (handler-case
+             (and (not (typep x tp2))
+                  (progn
+                    (format t "Found element of ~S not in ~S: ~S~%"
+                            tp tp2 x)
+                    t))
+             (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%"
+                                    c tp2)
+                        t)))))
+         (condition (c) (format t "Error ~S occured: ~S~%" c tp)
+                    1))))))))
 (defun check-subtypep (type1 type2 is-sub &optional should-be-valid)
@@ -115,9 +115,9 @@
     (unless (constantp type1) (setq type1 (list 'quote type1)))
     (unless (constantp type2) (setq type2 (list 'quote type2)))
     (if (or (and valid sub (not is-sub))
-	    (and valid (not sub) is-sub)
-	    (and (not valid) should-be-valid))
-	`(((SUBTYPEP ,type1 ,type2) :==> ,sub ,valid))
+            (and valid (not sub) is-sub)
+            (and (not valid) should-be-valid))
+        `(((SUBTYPEP ,type1 ,type2) :==> ,sub ,valid))
 ;;; Check that the subtype relationships implied
@@ -177,12 +177,12 @@
   (multiple-value-bind (sub1 success1)
       (subtypep* t1 t2)
     (multiple-value-bind (sub2 success2)
-	(subtypep* `(not ,t2) `(not ,t1))
+        (subtypep* `(not ,t2) `(not ,t1))
       (or (not success1)
-	  (not success2)
-	  (eqlt sub1 sub2)))))
+          (not success2)
+          (eqlt sub1 sub2)))))
 ;;; For use in deftype tests
 (deftype even-array (&optional type size)
   `(and (array ,type ,size)
-	(satisfies even-size-p)))
+        (satisfies even-size-p)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unbound-slot.lsp b/ansi-tests/unbound-slot.lsp
index 36045c6b..2da3af5c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unbound-slot.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unbound-slot.lsp
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
      (slot-value obj 'a)
      (unbound-slot (c)
-		   (values
-		    (typep* c 'cell-error)
-		    (eqt (unbound-slot-instance c) obj)
-		    (cell-error-name c)))))
+                   (values
+                    (typep* c 'cell-error)
+                    (eqt (unbound-slot-instance c) obj)
+                    (cell-error-name c)))))
   t t a)
 (defclass ubs-class-02 ()
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
      (slot-value obj 'b)
      (unbound-slot (c)
-		   (values
-		    (typep* c 'cell-error)
-		    (eqt (unbound-slot-instance c) obj)
-		    (cell-error-name c)))))
+                   (values
+                    (typep* c 'cell-error)
+                    (eqt (unbound-slot-instance c) obj)
+                    (cell-error-name c)))))
   t t b)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unexport.lsp b/ansi-tests/unexport.lsp
index 628b5a20..d8d7ae50 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unexport.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unexport.lsp
@@ -13,95 +13,95 @@
     (safely-delete-package "X")
     (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
-	   (r (export (intern "X" p) p))
-	   (i 0) x y)
+           (r (export (intern "X" p) p))
+           (i 0) x y)
        (sym1 access1)
        (find-symbol "X" p)
        (unexport (progn (setf x (incf i)) sym1)
-		 (progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
+                 (progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
-	(sym2 access2)
-	(find-symbol "X" p)
-	(and (eqt r t)
-	     (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
-	     (eqt sym1 sym2)
-	     (eqt access1 :external)
-	     (eqt access2 :internal)
-	     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
-	     t)))))
+        (sym2 access2)
+        (find-symbol "X" p)
+        (and (eqt r t)
+             (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
+             (eqt sym1 sym2)
+             (eqt access1 :external)
+             (eqt access2 :internal)
+             (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+             t)))))
 (deftest unexport.2
     (safely-delete-package "X")
     (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
-	   (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+           (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
        (sym1 access1)
        (find-symbol "X" p)
        (unexport (list sym1) "X")
-	(sym2 access2)
-	(find-symbol "X" p)
-	(and (eqt sym1 sym2)
-	     (eqt r t)
-	     (eqt access1 :external)
-	     (eqt access2 :internal)
-	     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
-	     t)))))
+        (sym2 access2)
+        (find-symbol "X" p)
+        (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
+             (eqt r t)
+             (eqt access1 :external)
+             (eqt access2 :internal)
+             (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+             t)))))
 (deftest unexport.3
     (safely-delete-package "X")
     (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
-	   (r1 (export (intern "X" p) p))
-	   (r2 (export (intern "Y" p) p)))
+           (r1 (export (intern "X" p) p))
+           (r2 (export (intern "Y" p) p)))
        (sym1 access1)
        (find-symbol "X" p)
-	(sym1a access1a)
-	(find-symbol "Y" p)
-	(unexport (list sym1 sym1a) '#:|X|)
-	(multiple-value-bind*
-	 (sym2 access2)
-	 (find-symbol "X" p)
-	 (multiple-value-bind*
-	  (sym2a access2a)
-	  (find-symbol "Y" p)
-	  (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
-	       (eqt sym1a sym2a)
-	       (eqt r1 t)
-	       (eqt r2 t)
-	       (eqt access1 :external)
-	       (eqt access2 :internal)
-	       (eqt access1a :external)
-	       (eqt access2a :internal)
-	       (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
-	       (equal (symbol-name sym1a) "Y")
-	       t)))))))
+        (sym1a access1a)
+        (find-symbol "Y" p)
+        (unexport (list sym1 sym1a) '#:|X|)
+        (multiple-value-bind*
+         (sym2 access2)
+         (find-symbol "X" p)
+         (multiple-value-bind*
+          (sym2a access2a)
+          (find-symbol "Y" p)
+          (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
+               (eqt sym1a sym2a)
+               (eqt r1 t)
+               (eqt r2 t)
+               (eqt access1 :external)
+               (eqt access2 :internal)
+               (eqt access1a :external)
+               (eqt access2a :internal)
+               (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+               (equal (symbol-name sym1a) "Y")
+               t)))))))
 (deftest unexport.4
     (safely-delete-package "X")
     (let* ((p (make-package "X" :use nil))
-	   (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+           (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
        (sym1 access1)
        (find-symbol "X" p)
        (unexport (list sym1) #\X)
-	(sym2 access2)
-	(find-symbol "X" p)
-	(and (eqt sym1 sym2)
-	     (eqt r t)
-	     (eqt access1 :external)
-	     (eqt access2 :internal)
-	     (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
-	     t)))))
+        (sym2 access2)
+        (find-symbol "X" p)
+        (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
+             (eqt r t)
+             (eqt access1 :external)
+             (eqt access2 :internal)
+             (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+             t)))))
 ;; Check that it signals a package error when unexporting
@@ -123,15 +123,15 @@
     (when (find-package "X") (delete-package "X"))
     (let ((p (make-package "X" :use nil)))
       (let* ((sym (intern "FOO" p))
-	     (r (unexport sym p)))
-	(multiple-value-bind*
-	 (sym2 access)
-	 (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	 (and (eqt r t)
-	      (eqt access :internal)
-	      (eqt sym sym2)
-	      (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO")
-	      t)))))
+             (r (unexport sym p)))
+        (multiple-value-bind*
+         (sym2 access)
+         (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+         (and (eqt r t)
+              (eqt access :internal)
+              (eqt sym sym2)
+              (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO")
+              t)))))
 ;;; Specialized sequence tests
@@ -141,20 +141,20 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let* ((p (make-package name :use nil))
-	      (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
-	 (multiple-value-bind*
-	  (sym1 access1)
-	  (find-symbol "X" p)
-	  (unexport (list sym1) name)
-	  (multiple-value-bind*
-	   (sym2 access2)
-	   (find-symbol "X" p)
-	   (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
-		(eqt r t)
-		(eqt access1 :external)
-		(eqt access2 :internal)
-		(equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
-		t)))))
+              (r (export (intern "X" p) p)))
+         (multiple-value-bind*
+          (sym1 access1)
+          (find-symbol "X" p)
+          (unexport (list sym1) name)
+          (multiple-value-bind*
+           (sym2 access2)
+           (find-symbol "X" p)
+           (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
+                (eqt r t)
+                (eqt access1 :external)
+                (eqt access2 :internal)
+                (equal (symbol-name sym1) "X")
+                t)))))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.7
@@ -162,35 +162,35 @@
 (def-unexport-test unexport.8
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.9
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.10
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.11
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.12
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-unexport-test unexport.13
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unintern.lsp b/ansi-tests/unintern.lsp
index f8039692..e6f2f341 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unintern.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unintern.lsp
@@ -15,19 +15,19 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
-	(let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil))
-	      (i 0) x y)
-	  (intern "FOO" p)
-	  (multiple-value-bind*
-	   (sym access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	   (and
-	    (eqt access :internal)
-	    (unintern (progn (setf x (incf i)) sym)
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
-	    (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
-	    (null (symbol-package sym))
-	    (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+        (let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil))
+              (i 0) x y)
+          (intern "FOO" p)
+          (multiple-value-bind*
+           (sym access)
+           (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+           (and
+            (eqt access :internal)
+            (unintern (progn (setf x (incf i)) sym)
+                      (progn (setf y (incf i)) p))
+            (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
+            (null (symbol-package sym))
+            (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
       (safely-delete-package "H")))
@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
-	(let ((*PACKAGE* (make-package "H" :use nil)))
-	  (intern "FOO")
-	  (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	      (find-symbol "FOO")
-	    (and
-	     (eqt access :internal)
-	     (unintern sym)
-	     (null (symbol-package sym))
-	     (not (find-symbol "FOO")))))
+        (let ((*PACKAGE* (make-package "H" :use nil)))
+          (intern "FOO")
+          (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+              (find-symbol "FOO")
+            (and
+             (eqt access :internal)
+             (unintern sym)
+             (null (symbol-package sym))
+             (not (find-symbol "FOO")))))
       (safely-delete-package "H")))
@@ -54,15 +54,15 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
-	(let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
-	  (intern "FOO" p)
-	  (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	      (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	    (and
-	     (eqt access :internal)
-	     (unintern sym "H")
-	     (null (symbol-package sym))
-	     (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+        (let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
+          (intern "FOO" p)
+          (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+              (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+            (and
+             (eqt access :internal)
+             (unintern sym "H")
+             (null (symbol-package sym))
+             (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
       (safely-delete-package "H")))
@@ -71,15 +71,15 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
-	(let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
-	  (intern "FOO" p)
-	  (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	      (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	    (and
-	     (eqt access :internal)
-	     (unintern sym '#:|H|)
-	     (null (symbol-package sym))
-	     (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+        (let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
+          (intern "FOO" p)
+          (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+              (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+            (and
+             (eqt access :internal)
+             (unintern sym '#:|H|)
+             (null (symbol-package sym))
+             (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
       (safely-delete-package "H")))
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@
      (safely-delete-package "H")
-	 (let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
-	   (intern "FOO" p)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	       (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	     (and
-	      (eqt access :internal)
-	      (unintern sym #\H)
-	      (null (symbol-package sym))
-	      (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+         (let ((p (make-package "H" :use nil)))
+           (intern "FOO" p)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+               (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+             (and
+              (eqt access :internal)
+              (unintern sym #\H)
+              (null (symbol-package sym))
+              (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
        (safely-delete-package "H")))
    (error (c) c))
@@ -119,19 +119,19 @@
      ;; At this point, G:FOO is also an external
      ;; symbol of H.
      (multiple-value-bind* (sym1 access1)
-	 (find-symbol "FOO" "H")
+         (find-symbol "FOO" "H")
        (and sym1
-	    (eqt access1 :external)
-	    (equal "FOO" (symbol-name sym1))
-	    (eqt (find-package "G")
-		 (symbol-package sym1))
-	    (unintern sym1 "H")
-	    (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
-		(find-symbol "FOO" "H")
-	      (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
-		   (eqt (symbol-package sym1)
-			(find-package "G"))
-		   (eqt access2 :inherited))))))
+            (eqt access1 :external)
+            (equal "FOO" (symbol-name sym1))
+            (eqt (find-package "G")
+                 (symbol-package sym1))
+            (unintern sym1 "H")
+            (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
+                (find-symbol "FOO" "H")
+              (and (eqt sym1 sym2)
+                   (eqt (symbol-package sym1)
+                        (find-package "G"))
+                   (eqt access2 :inherited))))))
    (error (c) c))
@@ -142,26 +142,26 @@
       (safely-delete-package "H")
       (safely-delete-package "G")
       (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	     (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg))))
-	(handler-case
-	   (shadow "FOO" ph)
-	   (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
-	(export (intern "FOO" pg) pg)
-	;; At this point, H::FOO shadows G:FOO
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym1 access1)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	  (and
-	   sym1
-	   (eqt (symbol-package sym1) ph)
-	   (eqt access1 :internal)
-	   (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
-	   (unintern sym1 ph)
-	   (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
-	       (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	     (and (not (eqt sym1 sym2))
-		  (eqt access2 :inherited)
-		  (null (symbol-package sym1))
-		  (eqt (symbol-package sym2) pg)))))))
+             (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg))))
+        (handler-case
+           (shadow "FOO" ph)
+           (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
+        (export (intern "FOO" pg) pg)
+        ;; At this point, H::FOO shadows G:FOO
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym1 access1)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+          (and
+           sym1
+           (eqt (symbol-package sym1) ph)
+           (eqt access1 :internal)
+           (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+           (unintern sym1 ph)
+           (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
+               (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+             (and (not (eqt sym1 sym2))
+                  (eqt access2 :inherited)
+                  (null (symbol-package sym1))
+                  (eqt (symbol-package sym2) pg)))))))
 ;; Error situation: when the symbol is uninterned, creates
@@ -172,31 +172,31 @@
     (safely-delete-package "G1")
     (safely-delete-package "G2")
     (let* ((pg1 (make-package "G1" :use nil))
-	   (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg1 pg2))))
+           (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use nil))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use (list pg1 pg2))))
        (shadow "FOO" ph)
        (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
       (let ((gsym1 (intern "FOO" pg1))
-	    (gsym2 (intern "FOO" pg2)))
-	(export gsym1 pg1)
-	(export gsym2 pg2)
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym1 access1)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	  (and
-	   (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
-	   (not (eqt sym1 gsym1))
-	   (not (eqt sym1 gsym2))
-	   (eqt (symbol-package sym1) ph)
-	   (eqt access1 :internal)
-	   (equal (symbol-name sym1) "FOO")
-	   (handler-case
-	    (progn
-	      (unintern sym1 ph)
-	      nil)
-	    (error (c) 
-		   (format t "Properly threw an error: ~S~%" c)
-		   t)))))))
+            (gsym2 (intern "FOO" pg2)))
+        (export gsym1 pg1)
+        (export gsym2 pg2)
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym1 access1)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+          (and
+           (equal (list sym1) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+           (not (eqt sym1 gsym1))
+           (not (eqt sym1 gsym2))
+           (eqt (symbol-package sym1) ph)
+           (eqt access1 :internal)
+           (equal (symbol-name sym1) "FOO")
+           (handler-case
+            (progn
+              (unintern sym1 ph)
+              nil)
+            (error (c)
+                   (format t "Properly threw an error: ~S~%" c)
+                   t)))))))
 ;; Now, inherit the same symbol through two intermediate
@@ -209,31 +209,31 @@
     (safely-delete-package "G2")
     (safely-delete-package "G3")
     (let* ((pg3 (make-package "G3" :use nil))
-	   (pg1 (make-package "G1" :use (list pg3)))
-	   (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use (list pg3)))
-	   (ph  (make-package "H"  :use (list pg1 pg2))))
+           (pg1 (make-package "G1" :use (list pg3)))
+           (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use (list pg3)))
+           (ph  (make-package "H"  :use (list pg1 pg2))))
        (shadow "FOO" ph)
        (error (c) (return-from failed (list :shadow-error c))))
       (let ((gsym (intern "FOO" pg3)))
-	(export gsym pg3)
-	(export gsym pg1)
-	(export gsym pg2)
-	(multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
-	    (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	  (and
-	   (equal (list sym) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
-	   (not (eqt sym gsym))
-	   (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO")
-	   (equal (symbol-package sym) ph)
-	   (eqt access :internal)
-	   (handler-case
-	    (and (unintern sym ph)
-		 (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
-		     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-		   (and (eqt gsym sym2)
-			(eqt access2 :inherited))))
-	    (error (c) c)))))))
+        (export gsym pg3)
+        (export gsym pg1)
+        (export gsym pg2)
+        (multiple-value-bind* (sym access)
+            (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+          (and
+           (equal (list sym) (package-shadowing-symbols ph))
+           (not (eqt sym gsym))
+           (equal (symbol-name sym) "FOO")
+           (equal (symbol-package sym) ph)
+           (eqt access :internal)
+           (handler-case
+            (and (unintern sym ph)
+                 (multiple-value-bind* (sym2 access2)
+                     (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+                   (and (eqt gsym sym2)
+                        (eqt access2 :inherited))))
+            (error (c) c)))))))
 ;;; Specialized sequence tests
@@ -243,17 +243,17 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
-	   (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
-	     (intern "FOO" p)
-	     (multiple-value-bind*
-	      (sym access)
-	      (find-symbol "FOO" p)
-	      (and
-	       (eqt access :internal)
-	       (unintern sym name)
-	       (null (symbol-package sym))
-	       (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
-	 (safely-delete-package name)))
+           (let ((p (make-package name :use nil)))
+             (intern "FOO" p)
+             (multiple-value-bind*
+              (sym access)
+              (find-symbol "FOO" p)
+              (and
+               (eqt access :internal)
+               (unintern sym name)
+               (null (symbol-package sym))
+               (not (find-symbol "FOO" p)))))
+         (safely-delete-package name)))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.10
@@ -261,35 +261,35 @@
 (def-unintern-test unintern.11
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.12
   (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-	      :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.13
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.14
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.15
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-unintern-test unintern.16
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (deftest unintern.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/union.lsp b/ansi-tests/union.lsp
index e85fa14d..400793cf 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/union.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/union.lsp
@@ -30,135 +30,135 @@
 (deftest union.6
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.6-a
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eq)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.7
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eql)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.8
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'equal)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.9
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'eql))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.10
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.11
   (let ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	(y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
+        (y (copy-list '(z c y a v b))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'eq))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.12
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.13
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'equal)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.14
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test #'eql)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.15
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement #'equal))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.16
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y :test-not (complement  #'eql))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.17
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.18
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'equal)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.19
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+ :test #'eql)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.20
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+
-					    :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+                                            :test-not (complement #'equal))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.21
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y #'1+
-					    :test-not (complement #'equal))))
+                                            :test-not (complement #'equal))))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.22
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y nil)))
       (check-union x y result)))
 (deftest union.23
   (let ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
-	(y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
+        (y (copy-list '(10 19 5 3 17 1001 2))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check-and-key x y '1+)))
       (check-union x y result)))
@@ -171,41 +171,41 @@
 (deftest union.25
   (let ((x (shuffle '(1 4 6 10 45 101)))
-	(y (copy-list '(102 5 2 11 44 6))))
+        (y (copy-list '(102 5 2 11 44 6))))
     (let ((result (union-with-check x y
-				    :test #'(lambda (a b)
-						    (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
+                                    :test #'(lambda (a b)
+                                                    (<= (abs (- a b)) 1)))))
        (not (eqt result 'failed))
-	(sublis
-	 '((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
-	 (copy-list result))
-	#'<))))
+        (sublis
+         '((2 . 1) (5 . 4) (11 . 10) (45 . 44) (102 . 101))
+         (copy-list result))
+        #'<))))
   (1 4 6 10 44 101))
 ;;; Check that union uses eql, not equal or eq
 (deftest union.26
   (let ((x 1000)
-	(y 1000))
+        (y 1000))
      while (not (typep x 'bignum))
      do (progn
-	  (setf x (* x x))
-	  (setf y (* y y))))
+          (setf x (* x x))
+          (setf y (* y y))))
       (eqt x y)  ;; if bignums are eq, the test is worthless
       (eql (length
-	    (union-with-check
-	     (list x) (list x)))
-	   1))))
+            (union-with-check
+             (list x) (list x)))
+           1))))
 (deftest union.27
   (union-with-check (list (copy-seq "aa"))
-		    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+                    (list (copy-seq "aa")))
   ("aa" "aa"))
 ;; Check that union does not reverse the arguments to :test, :test-not
@@ -217,8 +217,8 @@
       (list 1 2 3)
       (list 4 5 6)
       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		(when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		(eql x y)))
+                (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                (eql x y)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -230,8 +230,8 @@
       (list 4 5 6)
       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		(when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		(eql x y)))
+                (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                (eql x y)))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -243,8 +243,8 @@
       (list 4 5 6)
       #'(lambda (x y)
-	  (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	  (not (eql x y))))
+          (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+          (not (eql x y))))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -256,8 +256,8 @@
       (list 4 5 6)
       :test-not #'(lambda (x y)
-		    (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		    (not (eql x y))))
+                    (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+                    (not (eql x y))))
   (1 2 3 4 5 6))
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@
       (union (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8))))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8))))
      i x y))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -286,9 +286,9 @@
       (union (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
-	     :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
+             :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
+             :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
      i x y z w))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@
       (union (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 3 5)))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql))
+             (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(2 5 8)))
+             :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+             :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eql))
      i x y z w))
   (1 2 3 5 8)
@@ -312,55 +312,55 @@
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.1
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2) :bad t
-	       :allow-other-keys "yes")
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys "yes")
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.2
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.3
   (sort (union (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)
-	       :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
-	       :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100))))
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
+               :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100))))
+        #'<)
   (1 1 2 2 3 3))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.4
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.5
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.6
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t
+               :allow-other-keys nil)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.allow-other-keys.7
   (sort (union (list 7 9 1 5) (list 10 11 9 20 1 2)
-	       :allow-other-keys t
-	       :allow-other-keys nil
-	       '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
+               :allow-other-keys t
+               :allow-other-keys nil
+               '#:x 1)
+        #'<)
   (1 2 5 7 9 10 11 20))
 (deftest union.keywords.9
   (sort (union (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3)
-	       :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100)))
-	       :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
+               :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (+ y 100)))
+               :test #'eql)
+        #'<)
   (1 1 2 2 3 3))
 (def-fold-test union.fold.1 (union '(a b c d e) '(d x y a w c)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/universe.lsp b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
index ad31507f..38a4d10f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/universe.lsp
@@ -41,19 +41,19 @@
 (defparameter *condition-objects*
   (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	   (loop for tp in *condition-types* append
-		 (handler-case (list (make-condition tp))
-			       (error () nil)))))
+           (loop for tp in *condition-types* append
+                 (handler-case (list (make-condition tp))
+                               (error () nil)))))
 (defparameter *standard-package-names*
 (defparameter *package-objects*
   (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	   (loop for pname in *standard-package-names* append
-		 (handler-case (let ((pkg (find-package pname)))
-				 (and pkg (list pkg)))
-			       (error () nil)))))
+           (loop for pname in *standard-package-names* append
+                 (handler-case (let ((pkg (find-package pname)))
+                                 (and pkg (list pkg)))
+                               (error () nil)))))
 (defparameter *integers*
@@ -75,39 +75,39 @@
 (defparameter *floats*
      (loop for sym in '(pi
-			most-positive-short-float
-			least-positive-short-float
-			least-positive-normalized-short-float
-			most-positive-double-float
-			least-positive-double-float
-			least-positive-normalized-double-float
-			most-positive-long-float
-			least-positive-long-float
-			least-positive-normalized-long-float
-			most-positive-single-float
-			least-positive-single-float
-			least-positive-normalized-single-float
-			most-negative-short-float
-			least-negative-short-float
-			least-negative-normalized-short-float
-			most-negative-single-float
-			least-negative-single-float
-			least-negative-normalized-single-float
-			most-negative-double-float
-			least-negative-double-float
-			least-negative-normalized-double-float
-			most-negative-long-float
-			least-negative-long-float
-			least-negative-normalized-long-float
-			short-float-epsilon
-			short-float-negative-epsilon
-			single-float-epsilon
-			single-float-negative-epsilon
-			double-float-epsilon
-			double-float-negative-epsilon
-			long-float-epsilon
-			long-float-negative-epsilon)
-	   when (boundp sym) collect (symbol-value sym))
+                        most-positive-short-float
+                        least-positive-short-float
+                        least-positive-normalized-short-float
+                        most-positive-double-float
+                        least-positive-double-float
+                        least-positive-normalized-double-float
+                        most-positive-long-float
+                        least-positive-long-float
+                        least-positive-normalized-long-float
+                        most-positive-single-float
+                        least-positive-single-float
+                        least-positive-normalized-single-float
+                        most-negative-short-float
+                        least-negative-short-float
+                        least-negative-normalized-short-float
+                        most-negative-single-float
+                        least-negative-single-float
+                        least-negative-normalized-single-float
+                        most-negative-double-float
+                        least-negative-double-float
+                        least-negative-normalized-double-float
+                        most-negative-long-float
+                        least-negative-long-float
+                        least-negative-normalized-long-float
+                        short-float-epsilon
+                        short-float-negative-epsilon
+                        single-float-epsilon
+                        single-float-negative-epsilon
+                        double-float-epsilon
+                        double-float-negative-epsilon
+                        long-float-epsilon
+                        long-float-negative-epsilon)
+           when (boundp sym) collect (symbol-value sym))
       0.0 1.0 -1.0 313123.13 283143.231 -314781.9
       1.31283d2 834.13812D-45
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@
 (defparameter *numbers*
     (append *integers*
-	    *floats*
-	    *ratios*
-	    *complexes*))
+            *floats*
+            *ratios*
+            *complexes*))
 (defparameter *reals* (append *integers* *floats* *ratios*))
@@ -160,22 +160,22 @@
   (declare (optimize safety))
     for name in namelist append
-	(handler-case
-	    (list (read-from-string
-		   (concatenate 'string "\#\\" name)))
-	  (error () nil))))
+        (handler-case
+            (list (read-from-string
+                   (concatenate 'string "\#\\" name)))
+          (error () nil))))
 (defparameter *characters*
        ,@(try-to-read-chars "Rubout"
-			    "Page"
-			    "Tab"
-			    "Backspace"
-			    "Return"
-			    "Linefeed"
-			    "Null")
+                            "Page"
+                            "Tab"
+                            "Backspace"
+                            "Return"
+                            "Linefeed"
+                            "Null")
        #\a #\A #\0 #\9 #\. #\( #\) #\[ #\]
@@ -183,34 +183,34 @@
 (defparameter *strings*
      (and (code-char 0)
-	  (list
-	   (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0))
-	   (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0))))
+          (list
+           (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0))
+           (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0))))
       "" "A" "a" "0" "abcdef"
       "~!@#$%^&*()_+`1234567890-=<,>.?/:;\"'{[}]|\\ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYXZ"
       (make-string 100000 :initial-element #\g)
       (let ((s (make-string 256)))
-	(loop
-	    for i from 0 to 255
-	    do (let ((c (code-char i)))
-		 (when c
-		   (setf (elt s i) c))))
-	s)
+        (loop
+            for i from 0 to 255
+            do (let ((c (code-char i)))
+                 (when c
+                   (setf (elt s i) c))))
+        s)
       ;; Specialized strings
       (make-array 3
-		  :element-type 'character
-		  :displaced-to (make-array 5 :element-type 'character
-					    :initial-contents "abcde")
-		  :displaced-index-offset 1)
+                  :element-type 'character
+                  :displaced-to (make-array 5 :element-type 'character
+                                            :initial-contents "abcde")
+                  :displaced-index-offset 1)
       (make-array 10 :initial-element #\x
-		  :fill-pointer 5
-		  :element-type 'character)
+                  :fill-pointer 5
+                  :element-type 'character)
       (make-array 10 :initial-element #\x
-		  :element-type 'base-char)
+                  :element-type 'base-char)
       (make-array 3 :initial-element #\y
-		  :adjustable t
-		  :element-type 'base-char)
+                  :adjustable t
+                  :element-type 'base-char)
 (defparameter *conses*
@@ -239,18 +239,18 @@
     `(,(intern "a" :cl-test)
       ,(intern "" :cl-test)
       ,@(and (code-char 0)
-	     (list (intern (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0)) :cl-test)))
+             (list (intern (make-string 1 :initial-element (code-char 0)) :cl-test)))
       ,@(and (code-char 0)
-	     (let* ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0)))
-		    (s2 (copy-seq s))
-		    (s3 (copy-seq s)))
-	       (setf (subseq s 3 4) "a")
-	       (setf (subseq s2 4 5) "a")
-	       (setf (subseq s3 4 5) "a")
-	       (setf (subseq s3 7 8) "b")
-	       (list (intern s :cl-test)
-		     (intern s2 :cl-test)
-		     (intern s3 :cl-test))))
+             (let* ((s (make-string 10 :initial-element (code-char 0)))
+                    (s2 (copy-seq s))
+                    (s3 (copy-seq s)))
+               (setf (subseq s 3 4) "a")
+               (setf (subseq s2 4 5) "a")
+               (setf (subseq s3 4 5) "a")
+               (setf (subseq s3 7 8) "b")
+               (list (intern s :cl-test)
+                     (intern s2 :cl-test)
+                     (intern s3 :cl-test))))
 (defparameter *cl-user-symbols*
@@ -260,16 +260,16 @@
 (defparameter *symbols*
     (append *booleans* *keywords* *uninterned-symbols*
-	    *cl-test-symbols*
-	    *cl-user-symbols*))
+            *cl-test-symbols*
+            *cl-user-symbols*))
 (defparameter *array-dimensions*
-	for i from 0 to 8 collect
-	  (loop for j from 1 to i collect 2)))
+        for i from 0 to 8 collect
+          (loop for j from 1 to i collect 2)))
 (defparameter *default-array-target* (make-array '(300)))
@@ -277,36 +277,36 @@
      (list (make-array '10))
      (mapcar #'make-array *array-dimensions*)
      ;; typed arrays
      (loop for tp in '(fixnum float bit character base-char
-		       (signed-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8))
-	   for element in '(18 16.0f0 0 #\x #\y 127 200)
-	 append
-	   (loop
-	       for d in *array-dimensions*
-	       collect (make-array d :element-type tp
-				   :initial-element element)))
+                       (signed-byte 8) (unsigned-byte 8))
+           for element in '(18 16.0f0 0 #\x #\y 127 200)
+         append
+           (loop
+               for d in *array-dimensions*
+               collect (make-array d :element-type tp
+                                   :initial-element element)))
      ;; More typed arrays
      (loop for i from 1 to 64
-	   append
-	   (list (make-array 10 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
-			     :initial-element 1)
-		 (make-array 10 :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
-			     :initial-element 0)))
+           append
+           (list (make-array 10 :element-type `(unsigned-byte ,i)
+                             :initial-element 1)
+                 (make-array 10 :element-type `(signed-byte ,i)
+                             :initial-element 0)))
      ;; adjustable arrays
        for d in *array-dimensions*
-	 collect (make-array d :adjustable t))
+         collect (make-array d :adjustable t))
      ;; Displaced arrays
       for d in *array-dimensions*
       for i from 1
       collect (make-array d :displaced-to *default-array-target*
-			  :displaced-index-offset i))
+                          :displaced-index-offset i))
@@ -314,52 +314,52 @@
       (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
-		  :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1)
-		  :fill-pointer 8)
+                  :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1)
+                  :fill-pointer 8)
       (make-array 5 :element-type 'bit
-		  :displaced-to #*0111000110
-		  :displaced-index-offset 3)
+                  :displaced-to #*0111000110
+                  :displaced-index-offset 3)
       (make-array 10 :element-type 'bit
-		  :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1)
-		  :adjustable t)
+                  :initial-contents '(1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1)
+                  :adjustable t)
      ;; Integer arrays
       (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		  :initial-contents '(8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5))
+                  :initial-contents '(8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5))
       (make-array '(10) :element-type '(integer -128 (128))
-		  :initial-contents '(8 9 -10 11 -12 1 -2 -3 4 5))
+                  :initial-contents '(8 9 -10 11 -12 1 -2 -3 4 5))
       (make-array '(6) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 16)))
-		  :initial-contents '(5 9 100 1312 23432 87))
+                  :initial-contents '(5 9 100 1312 23432 87))
       (make-array '(4) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 28)))
-		  :initial-contents '(100000 231213 8123712 19))
+                  :initial-contents '(100000 231213 8123712 19))
       (make-array '(4) :element-type '(integer 0 (#.(ash 1 32)))
-		  :initial-contents '(#.(1- (ash 1 32)) 0 872312 10000000))
+                  :initial-contents '(#.(1- (ash 1 32)) 0 872312 10000000))
       (make-array nil :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		  :initial-element 14)
+                  :initial-element 14)
       (make-array '(2 2) :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-		  :initial-contents '((34 98)(14 119)))
+                  :initial-contents '((34 98)(14 119)))
      ;; Float arrays
       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'short-float
-		  :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
+                  :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0))
       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'single-float
-		  :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
+                  :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0))
       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'double-float
-		  :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
+                  :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0))
       (make-array '(5) :element-type 'long-float
-		  :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
+                  :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0))
      ;; The ever-popular NIL array
      (locally (declare (optimize safety))
-	      (handler-case
-	       (list (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
-	       (error () nil)))
+              (handler-case
+               (list (make-array '(0) :element-type nil))
+               (error () nil)))
      ;; more kinds of arrays here later?
@@ -377,38 +377,38 @@
    (declare (optimize safety))
    (loop for form in '((make-pathname :name "foo")
-		       (make-pathname :name "FOO" :case :common)
-		       (make-pathname :name "bar")
-		       (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "txt")
-		       (make-pathname :name "bar" :type "txt")
-		       (make-pathname :name "XYZ" :type "TXT" :case :common)
-		       (make-pathname :name nil)
-		       (make-pathname :name :wild)
-		       (make-pathname :name nil :type "txt")
-		       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "txt")
-		       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "TXT" :case :common)
-		       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "abc" :case :common)
-		       (make-pathname :directory :wild)
-		       (make-pathname :type :wild)
-		       (make-pathname :version :wild)
-		       (make-pathname :version :newest))
-	 append (ignore-errors (eval `(list ,form))))))
+                       (make-pathname :name "FOO" :case :common)
+                       (make-pathname :name "bar")
+                       (make-pathname :name "foo" :type "txt")
+                       (make-pathname :name "bar" :type "txt")
+                       (make-pathname :name "XYZ" :type "TXT" :case :common)
+                       (make-pathname :name nil)
+                       (make-pathname :name :wild)
+                       (make-pathname :name nil :type "txt")
+                       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "txt")
+                       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "TXT" :case :common)
+                       (make-pathname :name :wild :type "abc" :case :common)
+                       (make-pathname :directory :wild)
+                       (make-pathname :type :wild)
+                       (make-pathname :version :wild)
+                       (make-pathname :version :newest))
+         append (ignore-errors (eval `(list ,form))))))
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    (declare (optimize safety))
      (setf (logical-pathname-translations "CLTESTROOT")
-	   `(("**;*.*.*" ,(make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild-inferiors)
-					 :name :wild :type :wild)))))
+           `(("**;*.*.*" ,(make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild-inferiors)
+                                         :name :wild :type :wild)))))
      (setf (logical-pathname-translations "CLTEST")
-	   `(("**;*.*.*" ,(make-pathname
-			   :directory (append
-				       (pathname-directory
-					(truename (make-pathname)))
-				       '(:wild-inferiors))
-			   :name :wild :type :wild)))))
+           `(("**;*.*.*" ,(make-pathname
+                           :directory (append
+                                       (pathname-directory
+                                        (truename (make-pathname)))
+                                       '(:wild-inferiors))
+                           :name :wild :type :wild)))))
 (defparameter *logical-pathnames*
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
 (defparameter *readtables*
   (list *readtable*
-	(copy-readtable)))
+        (copy-readtable)))
 (defstruct foo-structure
   x y z)
@@ -462,20 +462,20 @@
 (defparameter *functions*
   (list #'cons #'car #'append #'values
-	(macro-function 'cond)
-	#'meaningless-user-function-for-universe
-	#'meaningless-user-generic-function-for-universe
-	#'(lambda (x) x)
-	(compile nil '(lambda (x) x))))
+        (macro-function 'cond)
+        #'meaningless-user-function-for-universe
+        #'meaningless-user-generic-function-for-universe
+        #'(lambda (x) x)
+        (compile nil '(lambda (x) x))))
 (defparameter *methods*
    #+(or (not :gcl) :ansi-cl )
    (find-method #'meaningless-user-generic-function-for-universe nil
-		(mapcar #'find-class '(integer integer integer)))
+                (mapcar #'find-class '(integer integer integer)))
    ;; Add more methods here
 (defparameter *random-states*
   (list (make-random-state)))
@@ -506,23 +506,23 @@
     (mapcar #'first
-	    (list *symbols*
-		  *numbers*
-		  *characters*
-		  (list (copy-seq (first *strings*)))
-		  *conses*
-		  *condition-objects*
-		  *package-objects*
-		  *arrays*
-		  *hash-tables*
-		  *pathnames*
-		  *logical-pathnames*
-		  *streams*
-		  *readtables*
-		  *structures*
-		  *functions*
-		  *random-states*
-		  *methods*))
+            (list *symbols*
+                  *numbers*
+                  *characters*
+                  (list (copy-seq (first *strings*)))
+                  *conses*
+                  *condition-objects*
+                  *package-objects*
+                  *arrays*
+                  *hash-tables*
+                  *pathnames*
+                  *logical-pathnames*
+                  *streams*
+                  *readtables*
+                  *structures*
+                  *functions*
+                  *random-states*
+                  *methods*))
     '(;;; Others to fill in gaps
       1.2s0 1.3f0 1.5d0 1.8l0 3/5 10000000000000000000000))))
@@ -531,4 +531,4 @@
 (defparameter *built-in-classes*
   (remove-if-not #'(lambda (x) (typep x 'built-in-class))
-		 *classes*))
+                 *classes*))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unless.lsp b/ansi-tests/unless.lsp
index d005c9aa..c0ea3e45 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unless.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unless.lsp
@@ -86,12 +86,12 @@
 (deftest unless.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'unless)
-			   '(unless t))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(unless t))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest unless.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'unless)
-			   '(unless t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(unless t) nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unread-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/unread-char.lsp
index a98b8281..8cacd0dc 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unread-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unread-char.lsp
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
    (is "abc")
    (let ((*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream
-			 is (make-string-output-stream))))
+                         is (make-string-output-stream))))
       (read-char t)
       (unread-char #\a t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unuse-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/unuse-package.lsp
index bdc2a5fa..30fdf86c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unuse-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unuse-package.lsp
@@ -17,19 +17,19 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
-	   (i 0) x y)
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G")))
+           (i 0) x y)
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package (progn (setf x (incf i)) pg)
-			  (progn (setf y (incf i)) ph))
-	   (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package (progn (setf x (incf i)) pg)
+                          (progn (setf y (incf i)) ph))
+           (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 (deftest unuse-package.2
@@ -37,33 +37,33 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package "G" ph)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
-  t)  
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package "G" ph)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
 (deftest unuse-package.3
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package :|G| ph)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package :|G| ph)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 (deftest unuse-package.4
@@ -71,16 +71,16 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (ignore-errors (unuse-package #\G ph))
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (ignore-errors (unuse-package #\G ph))
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 (deftest unuse-package.5
@@ -88,33 +88,33 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package (list pg) ph)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
-  t)  
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package (list pg) ph)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
+  t)
 (deftest unuse-package.6
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package (list "G") ph)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package (list "G") ph)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 (deftest unuse-package.7
@@ -122,16 +122,16 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (unuse-package (list :|G|) ph)
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (unuse-package (list :|G|) ph)
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 (deftest unuse-package.8
@@ -139,16 +139,16 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use '("G"))))
-	  (and
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
-	   (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
-	   (ignore-errors (unuse-package (list #\G) ph))
-	   (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
-	   (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
-	(safely-delete-package "H")
-	(safely-delete-package "G"))))
+          (and
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
+           (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
+           (ignore-errors (unuse-package (list #\G) ph))
+           (equal (package-use-list ph) nil)
+           (null (package-used-by-list pg)))
+        (safely-delete-package "H")
+        (safely-delete-package "G"))))
 ;; Now test with multiple packages
@@ -158,58 +158,58 @@
     (dolist (p '("H1" "H2" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
       (safely-delete-package p))
     (let* ((pg1 (make-package "G1" :use nil))
-	   (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use nil))
-	   (pg3 (make-package "G3" :use nil))
-	   (ph1 (make-package "H1" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3)))
-	   (ph2 (make-package "H2" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3))))
+           (pg2 (make-package "G2" :use nil))
+           (pg3 (make-package "G3" :use nil))
+           (ph1 (make-package "H1" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3)))
+           (ph2 (make-package "H2" :use (list pg1 pg2 pg3))))
       (let ((pubg1 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg1)))
-	    (pubg2 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2)))
-	    (pubg3 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg3)))
-	    (puh1  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph1)))
-	    (puh2  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))))
-	(prog1
-	    (and
-	     (= (length (remove-duplicates (list pg1 pg2 pg3 ph1 ph2)))
-		5)
-	     (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg1)
-	     (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg2)
-	     (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg3)
-	     (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh1)
-	     (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh2)
-	     (unuse-package (list pg1 pg3) ph1)
-	     (equal (package-use-list ph1) (list pg2))
-	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list ph2))
-	     (equal (package-used-by-list pg3) (list ph2))
-	     (equal (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))
-		    (list pg1 pg2 pg3))
-	     (equal (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2))
-		    (list ph1 ph2))
-	     t)
-	  (dolist (p '("H1" "H2" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
-	    (safely-delete-package p))))))
+            (pubg2 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2)))
+            (pubg3 (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg3)))
+            (puh1  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph1)))
+            (puh2  (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))))
+        (prog1
+            (and
+             (= (length (remove-duplicates (list pg1 pg2 pg3 ph1 ph2)))
+                5)
+             (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg1)
+             (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg2)
+             (equal (list ph1 ph2) pubg3)
+             (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh1)
+             (equal (list pg1 pg2 pg3) puh2)
+             (unuse-package (list pg1 pg3) ph1)
+             (equal (package-use-list ph1) (list pg2))
+             (equal (package-used-by-list pg1) (list ph2))
+             (equal (package-used-by-list pg3) (list ph2))
+             (equal (sort-package-list (package-use-list ph2))
+                    (list pg1 pg2 pg3))
+             (equal (sort-package-list (package-used-by-list pg2))
+                    (list ph1 ph2))
+             t)
+          (dolist (p '("H1" "H2" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
+            (safely-delete-package p))))))
 ;;; Specialized sequences
 (defmacro def-unuse-package-test (test-name &key
-					    (user "H")
-					    (used "G"))
+                                            (user "H")
+                                            (used "G"))
   `(deftest ,test-name
      (let ((user-name ,user)
-	   (used-name ,used))
+           (used-name ,used))
        (safely-delete-package user-name)
        (safely-delete-package used-name)
        (let* ((pused (make-package used-name :use nil))
-	      (puser (make-package user-name :use (list used-name))))
-	 (prog1
-	     (and
-	      (equal (package-use-list puser) (list pused))
-	      (equal (package-used-by-list pused) (list puser))
-	      (unuse-package (list used-name) user-name)
-	      (equal (package-use-list puser) nil)
-	      (null (package-used-by-list pused)))
-	   (safely-delete-package user-name)
-	   (safely-delete-package used-name))))
+              (puser (make-package user-name :use (list used-name))))
+         (prog1
+             (and
+              (equal (package-use-list puser) (list pused))
+              (equal (package-used-by-list pused) (list puser))
+              (unuse-package (list used-name) user-name)
+              (equal (package-use-list puser) nil)
+              (null (package-used-by-list pused)))
+           (safely-delete-package user-name)
+           (safely-delete-package used-name))))
 ;;; Specialized user package designator
@@ -219,36 +219,36 @@
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.11
   :user (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.12
   :user (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.13
   :user (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.14
   :user (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.15
   :user (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	       (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-				  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
-	  (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		      :displaced-to name0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
+               (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                                  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+          (make-array 5 :element-type etype
+                      :displaced-to name0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.16
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 ;;; Specialed used package designator
@@ -257,36 +257,36 @@
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.18
   :used (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.19
   :used (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.20
   :used (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.21
   :used (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.22
   :used (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	       (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-				  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
-	  (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		      :displaced-to name0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
+               (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                                  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+          (make-array 5 :element-type etype
+                      :displaced-to name0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-unuse-package-test unuse-package.23
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/unwind-protect.lsp b/ansi-tests/unwind-protect.lsp
index 43df795f..79abdf4f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/unwind-protect.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/unwind-protect.lsp
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
 (deftest unwind-protect.1
   (let ((x nil))
-	(push 1 x)
+        (push 1 x)
       (incf (car x))))
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (block foo
-	  (progn (push 1 x) (return-from foo x))
-	(incf (car x)))))
+          (progn (push 1 x) (return-from foo x))
+        (incf (car x)))))
 (deftest unwind-protect.3
   (let ((x nil))
-	  (progn (push 1 x) (go done))
-	(incf (car x)))
+          (progn (push 1 x) (go done))
+        (incf (car x)))
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (catch 'done
-	  (progn (push 1 x) (throw 'done x))
-	(incf (car x)))))
+          (progn (push 1 x) (throw 'done x))
+        (incf (car x)))))
 (deftest unwind-protect.5
   (let ((x nil))
-	  (progn (push 1 x) (error "Boo!"))
-	(incf (car x))))
+          (progn (push 1 x) (error "Boo!"))
+        (incf (car x))))
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (block done
       (flet ((%f () (return-from done nil)))
-	(unwind-protect (%f)
-	  (push 'a x))))
+        (unwind-protect (%f)
+          (push 'a x))))
@@ -60,10 +60,10 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (block done
       (flet ((%f () (return-from done nil)))
-	(unwind-protect
-	    (unwind-protect (%f)
-	      (push 'b x))
-	  (push 'a x))))
+        (unwind-protect
+            (unwind-protect (%f)
+              (push 'b x))
+          (push 'a x))))
   (a b))
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@
   (let ((x nil))
     (block done
-	  (flet ((%f () (return-from done nil)))
-	    (unwind-protect
-		(unwind-protect (%f)
-		  (push 'b x))
-	      (push 'a x)))
-	(push 'c x)))
+          (flet ((%f () (return-from done nil)))
+            (unwind-protect
+                (unwind-protect (%f)
+                  (push 'b x))
+              (push 'a x)))
+        (push 'c x)))
   (c a b))
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
   (let ((x nil))
       (flet ((%f () (error 'type-error :datum 'foo :expected-type nil)))
-	(unwind-protect (handler-case (%f))
-	  (push 'a x)))
+        (unwind-protect (handler-case (%f))
+          (push 'a x)))
       (type-error () x)))
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
   (block done
-	 'foo
+         'foo
        (go 10)
        (return-from done 'bad))
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
      (block nil
        (unwind-protect (return 'a)
-	 (setf y 'c)
-	 (setf x 'b)))
+         (setf y 'c)
+         (setf x 'b)))
      x y))
   a b c)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/update-instance-for-different-class.lsp b/ansi-tests/update-instance-for-different-class.lsp
index 4416c4b3..c8d4773d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/update-instance-for-different-class.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/update-instance-for-different-class.lsp
@@ -19,18 +19,18 @@
   (assert (eq *uifdc-01-obj* to-obj))
   (if (slot-boundp from-obj 'a)
     (setf (slot-value to-obj 'b)
-	  (slot-value from-obj 'a))
+          (slot-value from-obj 'a))
     (slot-makunbound to-obj 'b))
   (if (slot-boundp from-obj 'b)
     (setf (slot-value to-obj 'a)
-	  (slot-value from-obj 'b))
+          (slot-value from-obj 'b))
     (slot-makunbound to-obj 'a))
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.1
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
-	 (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
+         (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
+         (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
@@ -42,8 +42,8 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.2
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :a 1))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
-	 (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
+         (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
+         (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
@@ -57,8 +57,8 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.3
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :b 1))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
-	 (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
+         (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
+         (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.4
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :a 1 :b 2))
-	 (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
-	 (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
+         (new-class (find-class 'uifdc-class-01b))
+         (*uifdc-01-obj* obj))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj new-class))
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
 ;;; after method
 (defclass uifdc-class-02 () ((a :initform 'x :initarg :a)
-			      (b :initarg :b)))
+                              (b :initarg :b)))
 (defmethod update-instance-for-different-class :after
   ((from-obj uifdc-class-01a)
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.5
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a))
-	 (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
+         (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.6
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :a 1))
-	 (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
+         (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.7
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :b 17))
-	 (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
+         (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
 (deftest update-instance-for-different-class.8
   (let* ((obj (make-instance 'uifdc-class-01a :b 17 :a 4))
-	 (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
+         (class (find-class 'uifdc-class-02)))
      (eqt obj (change-class obj class))
      (map-slot-boundp* obj '(a b))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/upgraded-array-element-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/upgraded-array-element-type.lsp
index 72a319d3..ad8f3901 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/upgraded-array-element-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/upgraded-array-element-type.lsp
@@ -8,19 +8,19 @@
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.1
   (let ((upgraded-bit (upgraded-array-element-type 'bit)))
     (and (empirical-subtypep 'bit upgraded-bit)
-	 (empirical-subtypep upgraded-bit 'bit)))
+         (empirical-subtypep upgraded-bit 'bit)))
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.2
   (let ((upgraded-base-char (upgraded-array-element-type 'base-char)))
     (and (empirical-subtypep 'base-char upgraded-base-char)
-	 (empirical-subtypep upgraded-base-char 'base-char)))
+         (empirical-subtypep upgraded-base-char 'base-char)))
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.3
   (let ((upgraded-character (upgraded-array-element-type 'character)))
     (and (empirical-subtypep 'character upgraded-character)
-	 (empirical-subtypep upgraded-character 'character)))
+         (empirical-subtypep upgraded-character 'character)))
 (defparameter *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@
     ,@(loop for i from 0 to 32 collect `(eql ,(1- (ash 1 i))))
     (eql -1)
     ,@(loop for i from 0 to 32
-	    collect `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 i))))
+            collect `(integer 0 (,(ash 1 i))))
     ,@(loop for i from 0 to 32
-	    collect `(integer ,(- (ash 1 i)) (,(ash 1 i))))
+            collect `(integer ,(- (ash 1 i)) (,(ash 1 i))))
     (integer -10000000000000000000000000000000000
-	     10000000000000000000000000000000000)
+             10000000000000000000000000000000000)
@@ -54,9 +54,9 @@
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.4
   (loop for type in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-	for upgraded-type = (upgraded-array-element-type type)
-	unless (empirical-subtypep type upgraded-type)
-	collect (list type upgraded-type))
+        for upgraded-type = (upgraded-array-element-type type)
+        unless (empirical-subtypep type upgraded-type)
+        collect (list type upgraded-type))
 ;; Include an environment (NIL, denoting the default null lexical
@@ -64,32 +64,32 @@
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.5
   (loop for type in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-	for upgraded-type = (upgraded-array-element-type type nil)
-	unless (empirical-subtypep type upgraded-type)
-	collect (list type upgraded-type))
+        for upgraded-type = (upgraded-array-element-type type nil)
+        unless (empirical-subtypep type upgraded-type)
+        collect (list type upgraded-type))
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.6
       ((%foo (&environment env)
-	     (empirical-subtypep
-	      'bit
-	      (upgraded-array-element-type 'bit env))))
+             (empirical-subtypep
+              'bit
+              (upgraded-array-element-type 'bit env))))
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.7
   (let ((upgraded-types (mapcar #'upgraded-array-element-type
-				*upgraded-array-types-to-check*)))
+                                *upgraded-array-types-to-check*)))
     (loop for type in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-	  for upgraded-type in upgraded-types
-	  append
-	  (loop for type2 in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-		for upgraded-type2 in upgraded-types
-		when (and (subtypep type type2)
-			  (equal (subtypep* upgraded-type upgraded-type)
-				 '(nil t)))
-		collect (list type type2))))
+          for upgraded-type in upgraded-types
+          append
+          (loop for type2 in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
+                for upgraded-type2 in upgraded-types
+                when (and (subtypep type type2)
+                          (equal (subtypep* upgraded-type upgraded-type)
+                                 '(nil t)))
+                collect (list type type2))))
 ;;; Tests that if Tx is a subtype of Ty, then UAET(Tx) is a subtype
@@ -97,15 +97,15 @@
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.8
   (let ((upgraded-types (mapcar #'upgraded-array-element-type
-				*upgraded-array-types-to-check*)))
+                                *upgraded-array-types-to-check*)))
     (loop for type1 in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-	  for uaet1 in upgraded-types
-	  append
-	  (loop for type2 in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
-		for uaet2 in upgraded-types
-		when (and (subtypep type1 type2)
-			(not (empirical-subtypep uaet1 uaet2)))
-		collect (list type1 type2))))
+          for uaet1 in upgraded-types
+          append
+          (loop for type2 in *upgraded-array-types-to-check*
+                for uaet2 in upgraded-types
+                when (and (subtypep type1 type2)
+                        (not (empirical-subtypep uaet1 uaet2)))
+                collect (list type1 type2))))
 ;;; Tests of upgrading NIL (it should be type equivalent to NIL)
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@
   (let ((uaet-nil (upgraded-array-element-type nil)))
     (check-predicate (typef `(not ,uaet-nil))))
 ;;; Error tests
 (deftest upgraded-array-element-type.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/upgraded-complex-part-type.lsp b/ansi-tests/upgraded-complex-part-type.lsp
index 6372885b..b39fc328 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/upgraded-complex-part-type.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/upgraded-complex-part-type.lsp
@@ -10,16 +10,16 @@
 (defmacro def-ucpt-test (name types)
   `(deftest ,name
      (loop for type in (remove-duplicates ,types)
-	   for upgraded-type = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
-	   for result = (append (check-all-subtypep type upgraded-type)
-				(check-all-subtypep type 'real)
-				(check-all-subtypep `(complex ,type) 'complex)
-				(check-all-subtypep `(complex ,upgraded-type)
-						    'complex)
-				(check-all-subtypep `(complex ,type)
-						    `(complex ,upgraded-type)))
-	   when result
-	   collect result)
+           for upgraded-type = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
+           for result = (append (check-all-subtypep type upgraded-type)
+                                (check-all-subtypep type 'real)
+                                (check-all-subtypep `(complex ,type) 'complex)
+                                (check-all-subtypep `(complex ,upgraded-type)
+                                                    'complex)
+                                (check-all-subtypep `(complex ,type)
+                                                    `(complex ,upgraded-type)))
+           when result
+           collect result)
 (def-ucpt-test upgraded-complex-part-type.1
@@ -40,60 +40,60 @@
 (def-ucpt-test upgraded-complex-part-type.6
   (loop for i = 1 then (* i 2)
-	repeat 100
-	collect (class-of i)))
+        repeat 100
+        collect (class-of i)))
 ;;; environment argument
 (deftest upgraded-complex-part-type.7
   (loop for type in '(real integer rational float short-float
-		      single-float double-float long-float fixnum
-		      bignum bit unsigned-byte signed-byte)
-	for ut1 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
-	for ut2 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type nil)
-	unless (equal ut1 ut2)
-	collect (list type ut1 ut2))
+                      single-float double-float long-float fixnum
+                      bignum bit unsigned-byte signed-byte)
+        for ut1 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
+        for ut2 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type nil)
+        unless (equal ut1 ut2)
+        collect (list type ut1 ut2))
 (deftest upgraded-complex-part-type.8
   (loop for type in '(real integer rational float short-float
-		      single-float double-float long-float fixnum
-		      bignum bit unsigned-byte signed-byte)
-	for ut1 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
-	for ut2 = (eval `(macrolet ((%m (&environment env)
-					(list 'quote
-					      (upgraded-complex-part-type ',type env))))
-			   (%m)))
-	unless (equal ut1 ut2)
-	collect (list type ut1 ut2))
+                      single-float double-float long-float fixnum
+                      bignum bit unsigned-byte signed-byte)
+        for ut1 = (upgraded-complex-part-type type)
+        for ut2 = (eval `(macrolet ((%m (&environment env)
+                                        (list 'quote
+                                              (upgraded-complex-part-type ',type env))))
+                           (%m)))
+        unless (equal ut1 ut2)
+        collect (list type ut1 ut2))
 ;;; Subtype constraint
 (deftest upgraded-complex-part-type.9
   (let* ((types `(nil integer fixnum bignum float
-		     short-float single-float double-float long-float
-		     rational #-sbcl ratio real
-		     ,@(remove-duplicates
-			(mapcar #'class-of '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0 0 100000000000000000)))
-		     ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(eql ,x))
-			       (remove-duplicates
-				'(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0 0
-				  1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0 1
-				  100000000000000000)))))
-	 (utypes (mapcar #'upgraded-complex-part-type types)))
+                     short-float single-float double-float long-float
+                     rational #-sbcl ratio real
+                     ,@(remove-duplicates
+                        (mapcar #'class-of '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0 0 100000000000000000)))
+                     ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (x) `(eql ,x))
+                               (remove-duplicates
+                                '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0 0
+                                  1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0 1
+                                  100000000000000000)))))
+         (utypes (mapcar #'upgraded-complex-part-type types)))
     (loop for sublist on types
-	  for usublist on utypes
-	  for tp1 = (car sublist)
-	  for utp1 = (car usublist)
-	  nconc (loop for tp2 in (cdr sublist)
-		      for utp2 in (cdr usublist)
-		      nconc
-		      (and (subtypep tp1 tp2)
-			   (let ((result (check-all-subtypep utp1 utp2)))
-			     (and result
-				  (list (list tp1 tp2 result))))))))
-  nil)		     
+          for usublist on utypes
+          for tp1 = (car sublist)
+          for utp1 = (car usublist)
+          nconc (loop for tp2 in (cdr sublist)
+                      for utp2 in (cdr usublist)
+                      nconc
+                      (and (subtypep tp1 tp2)
+                           (let ((result (check-all-subtypep utp1 utp2)))
+                             (and result
+                                  (list (list tp1 tp2 result))))))))
+  nil)
 ;;; Error tests
diff --git a/ansi-tests/use-package.lsp b/ansi-tests/use-package.lsp
index 544c529b..23a8f9a2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/use-package.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/use-package.lsp
@@ -17,9 +17,9 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
-	   (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg))
-	   (i 0) x y)
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+           (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg))
+           (i 0) x y)
        (eqt (export sym1 pg) t)
        (null (package-used-by-list pg))
@@ -27,14 +27,14 @@
        (null (package-use-list pg))
        (null (package-use-list ph))
        (eqt (use-package (progn (setf x (incf i)) pg)
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i)) ph))
-	    t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i)) ph))
+            t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
        (eql i 2) (eql x 1) (eql y 2)
        (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	 (and
-	  (eqt access :inherited)
-	  (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+         (and
+          (eqt access :inherited)
+          (eqt sym1 sym2)))
        (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
        (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
        (null (package-use-list pg))
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
-	   (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+           (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
        (eqt (export sym1 pg) t)
        (null (package-used-by-list pg))
@@ -58,10 +58,10 @@
        (null (package-use-list ph))
        (eqt (use-package "G" "H") t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
        (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	 (and
-	  (eqt access :inherited)
-	  (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+         (and
+          (eqt access :inherited)
+          (eqt sym1 sym2)))
        (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
        (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
        (null (package-use-list pg))
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
-	   (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+           (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
        (eqt (export sym1 pg) t)
        (null (package-used-by-list pg))
@@ -85,10 +85,10 @@
        (null (package-use-list ph))
        (eqt (use-package '#:|G| '#:|H|) t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
        (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	 (and
-	  (eqt access :inherited)
-	  (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+         (and
+          (eqt access :inherited)
+          (eqt sym1 sym2)))
        (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
        (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
        (null (package-use-list pg))
@@ -102,8 +102,8 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let* ((pg (make-package "G" :use nil))
-	   (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
-	   (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
+           (ph (make-package "H" :use nil))
+           (sym1 (intern "FOO" pg)))
        (eqt (export sym1 pg) t)
        (null (package-used-by-list pg))
@@ -111,12 +111,12 @@
        (null (package-use-list pg))
        (null (package-use-list ph))
        (eqt (ignore-errors (use-package #\G #\H))
-	    t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
+            t)  ;; "H" will use "G"
        (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
-	 (and
-	  (eqt access :inherited)
-	  (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" ph)
+         (and
+          (eqt access :inherited)
+          (eqt sym1 sym2)))
        (equal (package-use-list ph) (list pg))
        (equal (package-used-by-list pg) (list ph))
        (null (package-use-list pg))
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@
 (deftest use-package.5
   (let ((pkgs '("H" "G1" "G2" "G3"))
-	(vars '("FOO1" "FOO2" "FOO3")))
+        (vars '("FOO1" "FOO2" "FOO3")))
     (dolist (p pkgs)
       (safely-delete-package p)
       (make-package p :use nil))
@@ -137,22 +137,22 @@
      (every (complement #'package-use-list) pkgs)
      (every (complement #'package-used-by-list) pkgs)
      (every #'(lambda (v p)
-		(export (intern v p) p))
-	    vars (cdr pkgs))
+                (export (intern v p) p))
+            vars (cdr pkgs))
        (dolist (p (cdr pkgs)) (intern "MINE" p))
        (eqt (use-package (cdr pkgs) (car pkgs)) t))
      (every #'(lambda (v p)
-		(eqt (find-symbol v p)
-		     (find-symbol v (car pkgs))))
-	    vars (cdr pkgs))
+                (eqt (find-symbol v p)
+                     (find-symbol v (car pkgs))))
+            vars (cdr pkgs))
      (null (find-symbol "MINE" (car pkgs)))
      (every #'(lambda (p)
-		(equal (package-used-by-list p)
-		       (list (find-package (car pkgs)))))
-	    (cdr pkgs))
+                (equal (package-used-by-list p)
+                       (list (find-package (car pkgs)))))
+            (cdr pkgs))
      (equal (sort-package-list (package-use-list (car pkgs)))
-	    (mapcar #'find-package (cdr pkgs)))
+            (mapcar #'find-package (cdr pkgs)))
      (every (complement #'package-use-list) (cdr pkgs))
      (null (package-used-by-list (car pkgs)))))
@@ -164,49 +164,49 @@
     (safely-delete-package "H")
     (safely-delete-package "G")
     (let ((pg (make-package "G"))
-	  (ph (make-package "H"))
-	  sym1 sym2 sym3 sym4
-	  a1 a2 a3 a4)
+          (ph (make-package "H"))
+          sym1 sym2 sym3 sym4
+          a1 a2 a3 a4)
-	  (and
-	   (export (intern "X" pg) pg)
-	   (export (intern "Y" ph) ph)
-	   (use-package pg ph)
-	   (use-package ph pg)
-	   (progn
-	     (multiple-value-setq
-		 (sym1 a1) (find-symbol "X" pg))
-	     (multiple-value-setq
-		 (sym2 a2) (find-symbol "Y" ph))
-	     (multiple-value-setq
-		 (sym3 a3) (find-symbol "Y" pg))
-	     (multiple-value-setq
-		 (sym4 a4) (find-symbol "X" ph))
-	     (and
-	      (eqt a1 :external)
-	      (eqt a2 :external)
-	      (eqt a3 :inherited)
-	      (eqt a4 :inherited)
-	      (eqt sym1 sym4)
-	      (eqt sym2 sym3)
-	      (eqt (symbol-package sym1) pg)
-	      (eqt (symbol-package sym2) ph)
-	      (unuse-package pg ph)
-	      (unuse-package ph pg))))
-	(safely-delete-package pg)
-	(safely-delete-package ph))))
+          (and
+           (export (intern "X" pg) pg)
+           (export (intern "Y" ph) ph)
+           (use-package pg ph)
+           (use-package ph pg)
+           (progn
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (sym1 a1) (find-symbol "X" pg))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (sym2 a2) (find-symbol "Y" ph))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (sym3 a3) (find-symbol "Y" pg))
+             (multiple-value-setq
+                 (sym4 a4) (find-symbol "X" ph))
+             (and
+              (eqt a1 :external)
+              (eqt a2 :external)
+              (eqt a3 :inherited)
+              (eqt a4 :inherited)
+              (eqt sym1 sym4)
+              (eqt sym2 sym3)
+              (eqt (symbol-package sym1) pg)
+              (eqt (symbol-package sym2) ph)
+              (unuse-package pg ph)
+              (unuse-package ph pg))))
+        (safely-delete-package pg)
+        (safely-delete-package ph))))
 ;; Check that *PACKAGE* is used as a default
 (deftest use-package.7
   (let ((user-name "H")
-	(used-name "G"))
+        (used-name "G"))
     (safely-delete-package user-name)
     (safely-delete-package used-name)
     (let* ((pused (make-package used-name :use nil))
-	   (puser (make-package user-name :use nil))
-	   (sym1 (intern "FOO" pused)))
+           (puser (make-package user-name :use nil))
+           (sym1 (intern "FOO" pused)))
        (eqt (export sym1 pused) t)
        (null (package-used-by-list pused))
@@ -215,10 +215,10 @@
        (null (package-use-list puser))
        (eqt (let ((*package* puser)) (use-package pused)) t)  ;; user will use used
        (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	   (find-symbol "FOO" puser)
-	 (and
-	  (eqt access :inherited)
-	  (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+           (find-symbol "FOO" puser)
+         (and
+          (eqt access :inherited)
+          (eqt sym1 sym2)))
        (equal (package-use-list puser) (list pused))
        (equal (package-used-by-list pused) (list puser))
        (null (package-use-list pused))
@@ -232,30 +232,30 @@
 (defmacro def-use-package-test (test-name &key (user "H") (used "G"))
   `(deftest ,test-name
      (let ((user-name ,user)
-	   (used-name ,used))
+           (used-name ,used))
        (safely-delete-package user-name)
        (safely-delete-package used-name)
        (let* ((pused (make-package used-name :use nil))
-	      (puser (make-package user-name :use nil))
-	      (sym1 (intern "FOO" pused)))
-	 (and
-	  (eqt (export sym1 pused) t)
-	  (null (package-used-by-list pused))
-	  (null (package-used-by-list puser))
-	  (null (package-use-list pused))
-	  (null (package-use-list puser))
-	  (eqt (let ((*package* puser)) (use-package pused)) t)  ;; user will use used
-	  (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
-	      (find-symbol "FOO" puser)
-	    (and
-	     (eqt access :inherited)
-	     (eqt sym1 sym2)))
-	  (equal (package-use-list puser) (list pused))
-	  (equal (package-used-by-list pused) (list puser))
-	  (null (package-use-list pused))
-	  (null (package-used-by-list puser))
-	  (eqt (unuse-package pused puser) t)
-	  (null (find-symbol "FOO" puser)))))
+              (puser (make-package user-name :use nil))
+              (sym1 (intern "FOO" pused)))
+         (and
+          (eqt (export sym1 pused) t)
+          (null (package-used-by-list pused))
+          (null (package-used-by-list puser))
+          (null (package-use-list pused))
+          (null (package-use-list puser))
+          (eqt (let ((*package* puser)) (use-package pused)) t)  ;; user will use used
+          (multiple-value-bind (sym2 access)
+              (find-symbol "FOO" puser)
+            (and
+             (eqt access :inherited)
+             (eqt sym1 sym2)))
+          (equal (package-use-list puser) (list pused))
+          (equal (package-used-by-list pused) (list puser))
+          (null (package-use-list pused))
+          (null (package-used-by-list puser))
+          (eqt (unuse-package pused puser) t)
+          (null (find-symbol "FOO" puser)))))
 ;;; Specialized user package designator
@@ -265,36 +265,36 @@
 (def-use-package-test use-package.11
   :user (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.12
   :user (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.13
   :user (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.14
   :user (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.15
   :user (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	       (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-				  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
-	  (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		      :displaced-to name0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
+               (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                                  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+          (make-array 5 :element-type etype
+                      :displaced-to name0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.16
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 ;;; Specialed used package designator
@@ -303,36 +303,36 @@
 (def-use-package-test use-package.18
   :used (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.19
   :used (make-array 10 :initial-contents "TEST1ABCDE"
-		    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
+                    :fill-pointer 5 :element-type 'character))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.20
   :used (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.21
   :used (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-		    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
+                    :adjustable t :element-type 'character))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.22
   :used (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	       (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-				  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
-	  (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		      :displaced-to name0
-		      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
+               (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                                  :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+          (make-array 5 :element-type etype
+                      :displaced-to name0
+                      :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (def-use-package-test use-package.23
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
-			    :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :element-type etype
+                            :initial-contents "xxxxxTEST1")))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 5)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 5)))
 (deftest use-package.error.1
   (signals-error (use-package) program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/use-value.lsp b/ansi-tests/use-value.lsp
index 33328a97..aca83b43 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/use-value.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/use-value.lsp
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 (deftest use-value.2
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 (deftest use-value.4
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
 (deftest use-value.5
   (let ((c1 (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/user-homedir-pathname.lsp b/ansi-tests/user-homedir-pathname.lsp
index 624e1a3a..1200546b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/user-homedir-pathname.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/user-homedir-pathname.lsp
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 (deftest user-homedir-pathname.2
   (let* ((pn-list (multiple-value-list (user-homedir-pathname)))
-	 (pn (first pn-list)))
+         (pn (first pn-list)))
      (length pn-list)
      (notnot-mv (pathnamep pn))))
@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@
 ;; (deftest user-homedir-pathname.6
 ;;  (let* ((pn (user-homedir-pathname))
-;;	 (host (pathname-host pn)))
+;;       (host (pathname-host pn)))
 ;;    (or (not host)
-;;	(equalt pn (user-homedir-pathname host))))
+;;      (equalt pn (user-homedir-pathname host))))
 ;;  t)
 (deftest user-homedir-pathname.7
   (let* ((pn (user-homedir-pathname :unspecific)))
     (or (null pn)
-	(notnot (pathnamep pn))))
+        (notnot (pathnamep pn))))
 (deftest user-homedir-pathname.error.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/values-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/values-list.lsp
index e3c92169..b2e7af8e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/values-list.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/values-list.lsp
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
 (deftest values-list.5
   (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to (min 1000
-				      (1- call-arguments-limit)
-				      (1- multiple-values-limit))
-		 collect i)))
+                                      (1- call-arguments-limit)
+                                      (1- multiple-values-limit))
+                 collect i)))
     (equalt x
-	    (multiple-value-list (values-list x))))
+            (multiple-value-list (values-list x))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/values.lsp b/ansi-tests/values.lsp
index a2a355cd..a18d3a7d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/values.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/values.lsp
@@ -57,17 +57,17 @@
 (deftest values.C
   (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to (min 1000
-				      (1- call-arguments-limit)
-				      (1- multiple-values-limit))
-		 collect i)))
+                                      (1- call-arguments-limit)
+                                      (1- multiple-values-limit))
+                 collect i)))
     (equalt x
-	    (multiple-value-list (apply #'values x))))
+            (multiple-value-list (apply #'values x))))
 (deftest values.order.1
   (let ((i 0) a b c)
     (values (multiple-value-list
-	     (values (setf a (incf i)) (setf b (incf i)) (setf c (incf i))))
-	    i a b c))
+             (values (setf a (incf i)) (setf b (incf i)) (setf c (incf i))))
+            i a b c))
   (1 2 3) 3 1 2 3)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/vector-pop.lsp b/ansi-tests/vector-pop.lsp
index 745f3f4f..d7a31635 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/vector-pop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/vector-pop.lsp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (deftest vector-pop.1
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-contents '(a b c d e)
-		       :fill-pointer 3)))
+                       :fill-pointer 3)))
      (length v)
      (check-values (vector-pop v))
@@ -20,17 +20,17 @@
 (deftest vector-pop.error.1
   (signals-error (let ((v (vector 1 2 3)))
-		   (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p v)
-		       (error 'type-error :datum v :expected-type nil)
-		     (vector-pop v)))
-		 type-error)
+                   (if (array-has-fill-pointer-p v)
+                       (error 'type-error :datum v :expected-type nil)
+                     (vector-pop v)))
+                 type-error)
 (deftest vector-pop.error.2
   (let ((v (make-array '(5) :initial-element 'x
-		       :fill-pointer 0)))
+                       :fill-pointer 0)))
     (handler-case (vector-pop v)
-		  (error () 'error)))
+                  (error () 'error)))
 (deftest vector-pop.error.3
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
 (deftest vector-pop.error.4
   (signals-error (let ((v (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer t
-				       :initial-element 'x)))
-		    (vector-pop v nil))
-		 program-error)
+                                       :initial-element 'x)))
+                    (vector-pop v nil))
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/vector-push-extend.lsp b/ansi-tests/vector-push-extend.lsp
index cb66622a..996f407e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/vector-push-extend.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/vector-push-extend.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.1
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	(i 0) x y)
+                       :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+        (i 0) x y)
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'x)
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i)) a))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i)) a))
      (fill-pointer a)
      i x y))
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.2
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(a b c d e))))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(a b c d e))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 'x a)
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend #\x a)
@@ -43,15 +43,15 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.4
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char))
-	(i 0) x y z)
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'base-char))
+        (i 0) x y z)
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend (progn (setf x (incf i)) #\x)
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i)) a)
-			 (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1))
+                         (progn (setf y (incf i)) a)
+                         (progn (setf z (incf i)) 1))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (<= (array-total-size a) 5)
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.5
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend #\x a)
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.6
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend #\x a 10)
@@ -84,8 +84,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.7
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0)
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0 a)
@@ -95,9 +95,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.8
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 0)
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 1 a 100)
@@ -108,8 +108,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.9
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type 'fixnum)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type 'fixnum)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0 a)
@@ -119,9 +119,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.10
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type 'fixnum)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type 'fixnum)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0 a 1)
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.11
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0 a)
@@ -143,9 +143,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.12
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0 a 1)
@@ -156,8 +156,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
-		       :element-type 'short-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
+                       :element-type 'short-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0s0 a)
@@ -167,9 +167,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.14
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
-		       :element-type 'short-float)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
+                       :element-type 'short-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0s0 a 1)
@@ -180,8 +180,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
-		       :element-type 'single-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
+                       :element-type 'single-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0f0 a)
@@ -191,9 +191,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.16
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
-		       :element-type 'single-float)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
+                       :element-type 'single-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0f0 a 1)
@@ -205,8 +205,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.17
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
-		       :element-type 'double-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
+                       :element-type 'double-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0d0 a)
@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.18
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
-		       :element-type 'double-float)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
+                       :element-type 'double-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0d0 a 1)
@@ -229,8 +229,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
-		       :element-type 'long-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
+                       :element-type 'long-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0l0 a)
@@ -240,9 +240,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.20
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :adjustable t
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
-		       :element-type 'long-float)))
+                       :adjustable t
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
+                       :element-type 'long-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push-extend 0.0l0 a 1)
@@ -256,9 +256,9 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.21
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 10 :initial-element nil))
-	 (a2 (make-array 6 :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2
-			 :fill-pointer 0)))
+         (a2 (make-array 6 :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2
+                         :fill-pointer 0)))
      (fill-pointer a2)
      (map 'list #'identity a2)
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.22
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 6 :initial-element nil))
-	 (a2 (make-array 0 :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2
-			 :adjustable t
-			 :fill-pointer 0)))
+         (a2 (make-array 0 :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2
+                         :adjustable t
+                         :fill-pointer 0)))
      (fill-pointer a2)
      (map 'list #'identity a2)
@@ -300,10 +300,10 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.23
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 10 :initial-element nil))
-	 (a2 (make-array 6 :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2
-			 :adjustable t
-			 :fill-pointer 1)))
+         (a2 (make-array 6 :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2
+                         :adjustable t
+                         :fill-pointer 1)))
      (fill-pointer a2)
      (map 'list #'identity a2)
@@ -327,10 +327,10 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.24
   (let* ((a1 (make-array 4 :initial-element nil))
-	 (a2 (make-array 2 :displaced-to a1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 2
-			 :adjustable t
-			 :fill-pointer 2)))
+         (a2 (make-array 2 :displaced-to a1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 2
+                         :adjustable t
+                         :fill-pointer 2)))
      (map 'list #'identity a1)
      (map 'list #'identity a2)
@@ -355,153 +355,153 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.25
   (loop for adj in '(nil t)
-	nconc
-	(loop for bits from 1 to 64
-	      for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,bits)
-	      for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element 0
-				   :element-type etype)
-	      for a2 =(make-array 6
-				  :element-type etype
-				  :displaced-to a1
-				  :displaced-index-offset 2
-				  :adjustable adj
-				  :fill-pointer 0)
-	      for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (vector-push-extend 1 a2)
-				 (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a1))
-	      unless (equal result '(0 () 0 1 (1) (0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
-	      collect (list etype adj result)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for bits from 1 to 64
+              for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,bits)
+              for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element 0
+                                   :element-type etype)
+              for a2 =(make-array 6
+                                  :element-type etype
+                                  :displaced-to a1
+                                  :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                  :adjustable adj
+                                  :fill-pointer 0)
+              for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (vector-push-extend 1 a2)
+                                 (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a1))
+              unless (equal result '(0 () 0 1 (1) (0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)))
+              collect (list etype adj result)))
 (deftest vector-push-extend.26
   (loop for bits from 1 to 64
-	for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,bits)
-	for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element 0
-			     :element-type etype)
-	for a2 = (make-array 6
-			     :element-type etype
-			     :displaced-to a1
-			     :displaced-index-offset 2
-			     :adjustable t
-			     :fill-pointer 6)
-	for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (vector-push-extend 1 a2)
-			   (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a1)
-			   (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
-			   (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
-	unless (equal result '(6 (0 0 0 0 0 0) 6 7 (0 0 0 0 0 0 1)
-				 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) t (nil 0)))
-	collect (list etype result))
+        for etype = `(unsigned-byte ,bits)
+        for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element 0
+                             :element-type etype)
+        for a2 = (make-array 6
+                             :element-type etype
+                             :displaced-to a1
+                             :displaced-index-offset 2
+                             :adjustable t
+                             :fill-pointer 6)
+        for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (vector-push-extend 1 a2)
+                           (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a1)
+                           (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
+                           (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
+        unless (equal result '(6 (0 0 0 0 0 0) 6 7 (0 0 0 0 0 0 1)
+                                 (0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0) t (nil 0)))
+        collect (list etype result))
 ;;; strings
 (deftest vector-push-extend.27
   (loop for adj in '(nil t)
-	nconc
-	(loop for etype in '(character base-char standard-char)
-	      for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element #\a
-				   :element-type etype)
-	      for a2 =(make-array 6
-				  :element-type etype
-				  :displaced-to a1
-				  :displaced-index-offset 2
-				  :adjustable adj
-				  :fill-pointer 0)
-	      for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (vector-push-extend #\b a2)
-				 (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a1))
-	      unless (equal result '(0 () 0 1 (#\b) (#\a #\a #\b #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a)))
-	      collect (list etype adj result)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for etype in '(character base-char standard-char)
+              for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element #\a
+                                   :element-type etype)
+              for a2 =(make-array 6
+                                  :element-type etype
+                                  :displaced-to a1
+                                  :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                  :adjustable adj
+                                  :fill-pointer 0)
+              for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (vector-push-extend #\b a2)
+                                 (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a1))
+              unless (equal result '(0 () 0 1 (#\b) (#\a #\a #\b #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a #\a)))
+              collect (list etype adj result)))
 (deftest vector-push-extend.28
   (loop for etype in '(character base-char standard-char)
-	for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element #\a
-			     :element-type etype)
-	for a2 = (make-array 6
-			     :element-type etype
-			     :displaced-to a1
-			     :displaced-index-offset 2
-			     :adjustable t
-			     :fill-pointer 6)
-	for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (vector-push-extend #\b a2)
-			   (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a1)
-			   (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
-			   (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
-	unless (equal result '(6 #.(coerce "aaaaaa" 'list)
-				 6 7
-				 #.(coerce "aaaaaab" 'list)
-				 #.(coerce "aaaaaaaa" 'list)
-				 t (nil 0)))
-	collect (list etype result))
+        for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element #\a
+                             :element-type etype)
+        for a2 = (make-array 6
+                             :element-type etype
+                             :displaced-to a1
+                             :displaced-index-offset 2
+                             :adjustable t
+                             :fill-pointer 6)
+        for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (vector-push-extend #\b a2)
+                           (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a1)
+                           (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
+                           (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
+        unless (equal result '(6 #.(coerce "aaaaaa" 'list)
+                                 6 7
+                                 #.(coerce "aaaaaab" 'list)
+                                 #.(coerce "aaaaaaaa" 'list)
+                                 t (nil 0)))
+        collect (list etype result))
 ;;; float tests
 (deftest vector-push-extend.29
   (loop for adj in '(nil t)
-	nconc
-	(loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	      for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	      for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	      for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element zero
-				   :element-type etype)
-	      for a2 =(make-array 6
-				  :element-type etype
-				  :displaced-to a1
-				  :displaced-index-offset 2
-				  :adjustable adj
-				  :fill-pointer 0)
-	      for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (vector-push-extend one a2)
-				 (fill-pointer a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a2)
-				 (map 'list #'identity a1))
-	      unless (equal result `(0 () 0 1 (,one) (,zero ,zero ,one ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)))
-	      collect (list etype adj result)))
+        nconc
+        (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
+              for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
+              for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+              for a1 = (make-array 10 :initial-element zero
+                                   :element-type etype)
+              for a2 =(make-array 6
+                                  :element-type etype
+                                  :displaced-to a1
+                                  :displaced-index-offset 2
+                                  :adjustable adj
+                                  :fill-pointer 0)
+              for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (vector-push-extend one a2)
+                                 (fill-pointer a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                                 (map 'list #'identity a1))
+              unless (equal result `(0 () 0 1 (,one) (,zero ,zero ,one ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)))
+              collect (list etype adj result)))
 (deftest vector-push-extend.30
   (loop for etype in '(short-float single-float double-float long-float)
-	for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
-	for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
-	for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element zero
-			     :element-type etype)
-	for a2 = (make-array 6
-			     :element-type etype
-			     :displaced-to a1
-			     :displaced-index-offset 2
-			     :adjustable t
-			     :fill-pointer 6)
-	for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (vector-push-extend one a2)
-			   (fill-pointer a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a2)
-			   (map 'list #'identity a1)
-			   (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
-			   (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
-	unless (equal result `(6 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)
-				 6 7
-				 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,one)
-				 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)
-				 t (nil 0)))
-	collect (list etype result))
+        for zero in '(0.0s0 0.0f0 0.0d0 0.0l0)
+        for one in '(1.0s0 1.0f0 1.0d0 1.0l0)
+        for a1 = (make-array 8 :initial-element zero
+                             :element-type etype)
+        for a2 = (make-array 6
+                             :element-type etype
+                             :displaced-to a1
+                             :displaced-index-offset 2
+                             :adjustable t
+                             :fill-pointer 6)
+        for result = (list (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (vector-push-extend one a2)
+                           (fill-pointer a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a2)
+                           (map 'list #'identity a1)
+                           (notnot (adjustable-array-p a2))
+                           (multiple-value-list (array-displacement a1)))
+        unless (equal result `(6 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)
+                                 6 7
+                                 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,one)
+                                 (,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero ,zero)
+                                 t (nil 0)))
+        collect (list etype result))
@@ -511,9 +511,9 @@
   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
    (eval `(let ((a (copy-seq ,seq)))
-	    (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-	    (or (notnot (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
-		(vector-push-extend ',val a 1))))
+            (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+            (or (notnot (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
+                (vector-push-extend ',val a 1))))
    (error () t)))
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.1
@@ -542,44 +542,44 @@
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.7
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'base-char
-				      :initial-element #\a)
-			  #\x)
+                                      :initial-element #\a)
+                          #\x)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.8
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-				      :initial-element 0)
-			  17)
+                                      :initial-element 0)
+                          17)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.9
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'float
-				      :initial-element 1.0)
-			  2.0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0)
+                          2.0)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.10
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'short-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0s0)
-			  2.0s0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0s0)
+                          2.0s0)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.11
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'long-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0l0)
-			  2.0l0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0l0)
+                          2.0l0)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.12
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'single-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0f0)
-			  2.0f0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0f0)
+                          2.0f0)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.13
   (vector-push-extend-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'double-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0d0)
-			  2.0d0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0d0)
+                          2.0d0)
 (deftest vector-push-extend.error.14
@@ -600,9 +600,9 @@
       (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
       (let ((a (make-array '5 :fill-pointer t :adjustable nil
-			   :initial-element nil)))
-	(or (notnot (adjustable-array-p a))  ; It's actually adjustable, or...
-	    (vector-push-extend a 'x)        ; ... this fails
-	    ))))
+                           :initial-element nil)))
+        (or (notnot (adjustable-array-p a))  ; It's actually adjustable, or...
+            (vector-push-extend a 'x)        ; ... this fails
+            ))))
    (error () t))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/vector-push.lsp b/ansi-tests/vector-push.lsp
index b7e5ce03..83f1fb6a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/vector-push.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/vector-push.lsp
@@ -7,12 +7,12 @@
 (deftest vector-push.1
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
-	(i 0) x y)
+                       :initial-contents '(a b c d e)))
+        (i 0) x y)
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'x)
-		  (progn (setf y (incf i)) a))
+                  (progn (setf y (incf i)) a))
      (fill-pointer a)
      a i x y))
   2 2 3 #(a b x) 2 1 2)
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 (deftest vector-push.2
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(a b c d e))))
+                       :initial-contents '(a b c d e))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 'x a)
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.3
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push #\x a)
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.4
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'base-char)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'base-char)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push #\x a)
@@ -52,8 +52,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.5
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push #\x a)
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.6
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents "abcde"
-		       :element-type 'character)))
+                       :initial-contents "abcde"
+                       :element-type 'character)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push #\x a)
@@ -74,8 +74,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.7
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 1 1 0 0)
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0 a)
@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.8
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 0)
-		       :element-type 'bit)))
+                       :initial-contents '(0 0 0 0 0)
+                       :element-type 'bit)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 1 a)
@@ -96,8 +96,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.9
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type 'fixnum)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type 'fixnum)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0 a)
@@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.10
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type 'fixnum)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type 'fixnum)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0 a)
@@ -118,8 +118,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.11
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0 a)
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.12
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
-		       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
+                       :initial-contents '(1 2 3 4 5)
+                       :element-type '(integer 0 (256)))))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0 a)
@@ -140,8 +140,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.13
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
-		       :element-type 'short-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
+                       :element-type 'short-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0s0 a)
@@ -151,8 +151,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.14
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
-		       :element-type 'short-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0s0 2.0s0 3.0s0 4.0s0 5.0s0)
+                       :element-type 'short-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0s0 a)
@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.15
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
-		       :element-type 'single-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
+                       :element-type 'single-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0f0 a)
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.16
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
-		       :element-type 'single-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0f0 2.0f0 3.0f0 4.0f0 5.0f0)
+                       :element-type 'single-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0f0 a)
@@ -185,8 +185,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.17
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
-		       :element-type 'double-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
+                       :element-type 'double-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0d0 a)
@@ -196,8 +196,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.18
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
-		       :element-type 'double-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0d0 2.0d0 3.0d0 4.0d0 5.0d0)
+                       :element-type 'double-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0d0 a)
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.19
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 2
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
-		       :element-type 'long-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
+                       :element-type 'long-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0l0 a)
@@ -218,8 +218,8 @@
 (deftest vector-push.20
   (let ((a (make-array '(5) :fill-pointer 5
-		       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
-		       :element-type 'long-float)))
+                       :initial-contents '(1.0l0 2.0l0 3.0l0 4.0l0 5.0l0)
+                       :element-type 'long-float)))
      (fill-pointer a)
      (vector-push 0.0l0 a)
@@ -235,9 +235,9 @@
   (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
    (eval `(let ((a (copy-seq ,seq)))
-	    (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
-	    (or (notnot (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
-		(vector-push ',val a))))
+            (declare (optimize (safety 3)))
+            (or (notnot (array-has-fill-pointer-p a))
+                (vector-push ',val a))))
    (error () t)))
 (deftest vector-push.error.1
@@ -266,44 +266,44 @@
 (deftest vector-push.error.7
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'base-char
-				      :initial-element #\a)
-			  #\x)
+                                      :initial-element #\a)
+                          #\x)
 (deftest vector-push.error.8
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type '(integer 0 (256))
-				      :initial-element 0)
-			  17)
+                                      :initial-element 0)
+                          17)
 (deftest vector-push.error.9
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'float
-				      :initial-element 1.0)
-			  2.0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0)
+                          2.0)
 (deftest vector-push.error.10
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'short-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0s0)
-			  2.0s0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0s0)
+                          2.0s0)
 (deftest vector-push.error.11
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'long-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0l0)
-			  2.0l0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0l0)
+                          2.0l0)
 (deftest vector-push.error.12
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'single-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0f0)
-			  2.0f0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0f0)
+                          2.0f0)
 (deftest vector-push.error.13
   (vector-push-error-test (make-array '5 :element-type 'double-float
-				      :initial-element 1.0d0)
-			  2.0d0)
+                                      :initial-element 1.0d0)
+                          2.0d0)
 (deftest vector-push.error.14
diff --git a/ansi-tests/vector.lsp b/ansi-tests/vector.lsp
index 2dc1bd49..23d1536b 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/vector.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/vector.lsp
@@ -180,15 +180,15 @@
 (deftest vector.type.41
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-array '10 :element-type 'short-float) 'vector))
 (deftest vector.type.42
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-array '10 :element-type 'single-float) 'vector))
 (deftest vector.type.43
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-array '10 :element-type 'double-float) 'vector))
 (deftest vector.type.44
   (notnot-mv (typep (make-array '10 :element-type 'long-float) 'vector))
@@ -203,23 +203,23 @@
 (deftest vector-as-class.2
   (notnot-mv (typep #() (find-class 'vector)))
 (deftest vector-as-class.3
   (notnot-mv (typep #(a b c) (find-class 'vector)))
 (deftest vector-as-class.4
   (notnot-mv (typep "" (find-class 'vector)))
 (deftest vector-as-class.5
   (notnot-mv (typep "abcd" (find-class 'vector)))
 (deftest vector-as-class.6
   (notnot-mv (typep #* (find-class 'vector)))
 (deftest vector-as-class.7
   (notnot-mv (typep #*01101010100 (find-class 'vector)))
@@ -280,8 +280,8 @@
 (deftest vector.3
   (let* ((len (min 1000 (1- call-arguments-limit)))
-	 (args (make-int-list len))
-	 (v (apply #'vector args)))
+         (args (make-int-list len))
+         (v (apply #'vector args)))
      (typep v '(vector t))
      (typep v '(vector t *))
@@ -290,27 +290,27 @@
      (typep v `(simple-vector ,len))
      (eql (length v) len)
      (loop for i from 0
-	   for e across v
-	   always (eql i e))
+           for e across v
+           always (eql i e))
 (deftest vector.4
   (notnot-mv (typep (vector) '(vector t 0)))
 (deftest vector.5
   (notnot-mv (typep (vector) 'simple-vector))
 (deftest vector.6
   (notnot-mv (typep (vector) '(simple-vector 0)))
 (deftest vector.7
   (notnot-mv (typep (vector 1 2 3) 'simple-vector))
 (deftest vector.8
   (notnot-mv (typep (vector 1 2 3) '(simple-vector 3)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/warn.lsp b/ansi-tests/warn.lsp
index a1fd6842..5d8cfb23 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/warn.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/warn.lsp
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn "This is a warning"))
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn "This is a warning"))
@@ -35,16 +35,16 @@
     (let ((warned nil))
        ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		     (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		     (setf warned t)
-		     (muffle-warning c))))
+                     (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                     (setf warned t)
+                     (muffle-warning c))))
        (warn "Foo!"))))
 (deftest warn.4
   (let ((str (with-output-to-string
-	       (*error-output*)
-	       (warn "Foo!"))))
+               (*error-output*)
+               (warn "Foo!"))))
     (not (string= str "")))
@@ -52,9 +52,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((simple-warning #'(lambda (c)
-			  (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-			  (setf warned t)
-			  (muffle-warning c))))
+                          (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                          (setf warned t)
+                          (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn "This is a warning"))
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((simple-condition #'(lambda (c)
-			    (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-			    (setf warned t)
-			    (muffle-warning c))))
+                            (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                            (setf warned t)
+                            (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn "This is a warning"))
@@ -76,9 +76,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((condition #'(lambda (c)
-		     (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		     (setf warned t)
-		     (muffle-warning c))))
+                     (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                     (setf warned t)
+                     (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn "This is a warning"))
@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn 'simple-warning :format-control "Foo!"))
@@ -100,9 +100,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn 'warning))
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn (make-condition 'simple-warning :format-control "Foo!")))
@@ -124,9 +124,9 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
       (multiple-value-list (warn (make-condition 'warning)))
@@ -164,12 +164,12 @@
   (let ((warned nil))
      ((warning #'(lambda (c)
-		   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
-		   (setf warned t)
-		   (muffle-warning c))))
+                   (assert (typep c 'simple-warning))
+                   (setf warned t)
+                   (muffle-warning c))))
        (warn (make-condition 'simple-warning
-			     :format-control (formatter "Foo!"))))
+                             :format-control (formatter "Foo!"))))
-  (nil) t)
\ No newline at end of file
+  (nil) t)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/when.lsp b/ansi-tests/when.lsp
index 7bd2042e..1f1092ed 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/when.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/when.lsp
@@ -76,12 +76,12 @@
 (deftest when.error.2
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'when)
-			   '(when t))
-		 program-error)
+                           '(when t))
+                 program-error)
 (deftest when.error.3
   (signals-error (funcall (macro-function 'when)
-			   '(when t) nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                           '(when t) nil nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/wild-pathname-p.lsp b/ansi-tests/wild-pathname-p.lsp
index d161c434..3f9a3021 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/wild-pathname-p.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/wild-pathname-p.lsp
@@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.2
   (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory :name :type :version nil)
-	when (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname) key)
-	collect key)
+        when (wild-pathname-p (make-pathname) key)
+        collect key)
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.3
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.6
   (let ((p (make-pathname :directory :wild)))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :name :type :version)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.10
   (let ((p (make-pathname :directory '(:absolute :wild))))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :name :type :version)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.14
   (let ((p (make-pathname :directory '(:relative :wild))))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :name :type :version)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
@@ -105,12 +105,12 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.18
   (let ((p (make-pathname :name :wild)))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory :type :version)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.19
   (let ((p (make-pathname :type :wild)))
     (notnot-mv (wild-pathname-p p)))
@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.22
   (let ((p (make-pathname :type :wild)))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory :name :version)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
@@ -153,43 +153,43 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.26
   (let ((p (make-pathname :version :wild)))
     (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory :name :type)
-	when (wild-pathname-p p key)
-	collect key))
+        when (wild-pathname-p p key)
+        collect key))
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.27
   (loop for p in (append *pathnames* *logical-pathnames*)
-	unless (if (wild-pathname-p p) (wild-pathname-p p nil)
-		 (not (wild-pathname-p p nil)))
-	collect p)
+        unless (if (wild-pathname-p p) (wild-pathname-p p nil)
+                 (not (wild-pathname-p p nil)))
+        collect p)
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.28
   (loop for p in (append *pathnames* *logical-pathnames*)
-	when (and (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory
-					   :name :type :version)
-			thereis (wild-pathname-p p key))
-		  (not (wild-pathname-p p)))
-	collect p)
+        when (and (loop for key in '(:host :device :directory
+                                           :name :type :version)
+                        thereis (wild-pathname-p p key))
+                  (not (wild-pathname-p p)))
+        collect p)
 ;;; On streams associated with files
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.29
   (with-open-file (s "foo.lsp"
-		     :direction :output
-		     :if-exists :append
-		     :if-does-not-exist :create)
-		  (wild-pathname-p s))
+                     :direction :output
+                     :if-exists :append
+                     :if-does-not-exist :create)
+                  (wild-pathname-p s))
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.30
   (let ((s (open "foo.lsp"
-		 :direction :output
-		 :if-exists :append
-		 :if-does-not-exist :create)))
+                 :direction :output
+                 :if-exists :append
+                 :if-does-not-exist :create)))
     (close s)
     (wild-pathname-p s))
@@ -217,18 +217,18 @@
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.error.2
   (signals-error (wild-pathname-p *default-pathname-defaults* nil nil)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.error.3
   (check-type-error #'wild-pathname-p
-		    (typef '(or pathname string file-stream
-				synonym-stream)))
+                    (typef '(or pathname string file-stream
+                                synonym-stream)))
 (deftest wild-pathname-p.error.4
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (declare (optimize (safety 0)))
-			(wild-pathname-p x))
-		    (typef '(or pathname string file-stream
-				synonym-stream)))
+                        (wild-pathname-p x))
+                    (typef '(or pathname string file-stream
+                                synonym-stream)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-accessors.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-accessors.lsp
index d79b6f0d..3e8667b1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-accessors.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-accessors.lsp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
       (return-from done :bad))
      (return-from done :good)))
-  :good)		     
+  :good)
 (defclass with-accessors-class-01 ()
   ((a :initarg :a :accessor wa-a)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
      ((a wa-a) (b wa-b) (c wa-c))
      (values (setf a 'x) (setf b 'y) (setf c 'z)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   x y z (x y z))
 (deftest with-accessors.8
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
      ((a wa-a) (b wa-b) (c wa-c))
      (values (setq a 'x) (setq b 'y) (setq c 'z)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   x y z (x y z))
 (deftest with-accessors.9
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
      ((a wa-a) (b wa-b) (c wa-c))
      (values (incf a 4) (incf b 412) (incf c 75)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   9 431 387 (9 431 387))
 (deftest with-accessors.10
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@
 (deftest with-accessors.12
   (let ((obj (make-with-accessors-struct-02 :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z)))
     (with-accessors ((a wa-2-a) (b wa-2-b) (c wa-2-c))
-		    obj
-		    (values a b c)))
+                    obj
+                    (values a b c)))
   x y z)
 (deftest with-accessors.13
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
      ((a wa-2-a) (b wa-2-b) (c wa-2-c))
      (values (setf a 'x) (setf b 'y) (setf c 'z)
-	     (wa-2-a obj) (wa-2-b obj) (wa-2-c obj))))
+             (wa-2-a obj) (wa-2-b obj) (wa-2-c obj))))
   x y z x y z)
 ;;; Free declaration scope test
@@ -120,8 +120,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-accessors nil (return-from done x)
-			(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-accessors nil (return-from done x)
+                        (declare (special x))))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((obj (make-with-accessors-struct-02 :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z)))
      (with-accessors ((a wa-2-a) (b wa-2-b) (c wa-2-c))
-		     (expand-in-current-env (%m obj))
-		     (values a b c))))
+                     (expand-in-current-env (%m obj))
+                     (values a b c))))
   x y z)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-compilation-unit.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-compilation-unit.lsp
index b748b1c5..fdc19bd1 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-compilation-unit.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-compilation-unit.lsp
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
 (deftest with-compilation-unit.5
   (with-compilation-unit (:override nil) :foo)
 (deftest with-compilation-unit.6
   (with-compilation-unit (:override t) (values 10 17))
   10 17)
@@ -36,10 +36,10 @@
      (block done
-	(:override nil)
-	(setq x 1)
-	(return-from done 2)
-	(setq x 2)))
+        (:override nil)
+        (setq x 1)
+        (return-from done 2)
+        (setq x 2)))
   2 1)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-condition-restarts.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-condition-restarts.lsp
index b6f5cc70..655fa54c 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-condition-restarts.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-condition-restarts.lsp
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
 (deftest with-condition-restarts.6
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
      ((error #'(lambda (c) (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c2)))))
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 (deftest with-condition-restarts.7
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
      ((error #'(lambda (c) (invoke-restart 'foo))))
@@ -84,12 +84,12 @@
 (deftest with-condition-restarts.8
   (let ((c (make-condition 'error))
-	(c2 (make-condition 'error)))
+        (c2 (make-condition 'error)))
-	c
-	(list (find-restart 'foo)))
+        c
+        (list (find-restart 'foo)))
        (invoke-restart (find-restart 'foo c2)))
      (foo () 'good)
      (foo () 'bad)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-hash-table-iterator.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-hash-table-iterator.lsp
index 0b208025..3787d902 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-hash-table-iterator.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-hash-table-iterator.lsp
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
      (%x table)
      (multiple-value-bind (success-p key val)
-	 (%x)
+         (%x)
        (values (notnot success-p) key val))))
   t a b)
@@ -43,29 +43,29 @@
 (deftest with-hash-table-iterator.7
   (let ((keys '("a" "b" "c" "d" "e")))
     (loop for test in '(eq eql equal equalp)
-	  for test-fn of-type function = (symbol-function test)
-	  collect
-	  (let ((table (make-hash-table :test test)))
-	    (loop for k in keys
-		  for i from 0
-		  do (setf (gethash k table) i))
-	    (let ((count 0) (found-keys))
-	      (with-hash-table-iterator
-	       (%x table)
-	       (block done
-		 (loop
-		  (multiple-value-bind (success key val)
-		      (%x)
-		    (unless success (return-from done nil))
-		    (incf count)
-		    (push key found-keys)
-		    (assert (= val (position key keys :test test-fn))))))
-	       (and (= count (length keys))
-		    (every test-fn
-			   (sort (remove-duplicates found-keys :test test)
-				 #'string<)
-			   keys)
-		    t))))))
+          for test-fn of-type function = (symbol-function test)
+          collect
+          (let ((table (make-hash-table :test test)))
+            (loop for k in keys
+                  for i from 0
+                  do (setf (gethash k table) i))
+            (let ((count 0) (found-keys))
+              (with-hash-table-iterator
+               (%x table)
+               (block done
+                 (loop
+                  (multiple-value-bind (success key val)
+                      (%x)
+                    (unless success (return-from done nil))
+                    (incf count)
+                    (push key found-keys)
+                    (assert (= val (position key keys :test test-fn))))))
+               (and (= count (length keys))
+                    (every test-fn
+                           (sort (remove-duplicates found-keys :test test)
+                                 #'string<)
+                           keys)
+                    t))))))
   (t t t t))
 (deftest with-hash-table-iterator.8
@@ -86,64 +86,64 @@
    (%x (make-hash-table))
-	 (&environment env)
-	 (let ((expanded-form (macroexpand '(%x) env)))
-	   (if (equal expanded-form '(%x)) nil t))))
+         (&environment env)
+         (let ((expanded-form (macroexpand '(%x) env)))
+           (if (equal expanded-form '(%x)) nil t))))
 (deftest with-hash-table-iterator.10
   (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
     (loop for key from 1 to 100
-	  for val from 101 to 200
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          for val from 101 to 200
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
     (let ((pairs nil))
        (%x table)
-	(multiple-value-bind (success key val)
-	    (%x)
-	  (unless success (return nil))
-	  (remhash key table)
-	  (push (cons key val) pairs))))
+        (multiple-value-bind (success key val)
+            (%x)
+          (unless success (return nil))
+          (remhash key table)
+          (push (cons key val) pairs))))
       (assert (eql (length pairs) 100))
       (setq pairs (sort pairs #'(lambda (p1 p2) (< (car p1) (car p2)))))
        (hash-table-count table)
-	for (key . val) in pairs
-	for expected-key from 1
-	for expected-val from 101
-	always (and (eql key expected-key)
-		    (eql val expected-val))))))
+        for (key . val) in pairs
+        for expected-key from 1
+        for expected-val from 101
+        always (and (eql key expected-key)
+                    (eql val expected-val))))))
   0 t)
 (deftest with-hash-table-iterator.11
   (let ((table (make-hash-table)))
     (loop for key from 1 to 100
-	  for val from 101 to 200
-	  do (setf (gethash key table) val))
+          for val from 101 to 200
+          do (setf (gethash key table) val))
     (let ((pairs nil))
        (%x table)
-	(multiple-value-bind (success key val)
-	    (%x)
-	  (unless success (return nil))
-	  (setf (gethash key table) (+ 1000 val))
-	  (push (cons key val) pairs))))
+        (multiple-value-bind (success key val)
+            (%x)
+          (unless success (return nil))
+          (setf (gethash key table) (+ 1000 val))
+          (push (cons key val) pairs))))
       (assert (eql (length pairs) 100))
       (setq pairs (sort pairs #'(lambda (p1 p2) (< (car p1) (car p2)))))
        (hash-table-count table)
-	for (key . val) in pairs
-	for expected-key from 1
-	for expected-val from 101
-	always (and (eql key expected-key)
-		    (eql val expected-val)
-		    (eql (gethash key table) (+ 1000 val))
-		    )))))
+        for (key . val) in pairs
+        for expected-key from 1
+        for expected-val from 101
+        always (and (eql key expected-key)
+                    (eql val expected-val)
+                    (eql (gethash key table) (+ 1000 val))
+                    )))))
   100 t)
 ;;; Free declaration scope
@@ -153,6 +153,6 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-hash-table-iterator (m (return-from done x))
-				  (declare (special x))))))
+        (with-hash-table-iterator (m (return-from done x))
+                                  (declare (special x))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-input-from-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-input-from-string.lsp
index a66f3fc3..9ffb65d4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-input-from-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-input-from-string.lsp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
 (deftest with-input-from-string.3a
   (with-input-from-string (s "abc")
-			  (declare (optimize speed))
-			  (declare (optimize space)))
+                          (declare (optimize speed))
+                          (declare (optimize space)))
 (deftest with-input-from-string.4
@@ -183,8 +183,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-input-from-string (s (return-from done x))
-				(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-input-from-string (s (return-from done x))
+                                (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest with-input-from-string.20
@@ -192,8 +192,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-input-from-string (s "abc" :start (return-from done x))
-				(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-input-from-string (s "abc" :start (return-from done x))
+                                (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest with-input-from-string.21
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-input-from-string (s "abc" :end (return-from done x))
-				(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-input-from-string (s "abc" :end (return-from done x))
+                                (declare (special x))))))
 ;;; index is not updated if the form exits abnormally
@@ -222,22 +222,22 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (with-input-from-string (s (expand-in-current-env (%m "123")))
-			  (read-char s)))
+                          (read-char s)))
 (deftest with-input-from-string.24
    ((%m (z) z))
    (with-input-from-string (s "123" :start (expand-in-current-env (%m 1)))
-			   (read-char s)))
+                           (read-char s)))
 (deftest with-input-from-string.25
    ((%m (z) z))
    (with-input-from-string (s "123" :start 0
-			      :end (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
-			   (read-char s nil nil)))
+                              :end (expand-in-current-env (%m 0)))
+                           (read-char s nil nil)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-open-file.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-open-file.lsp
index a138d82a..94140de3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-open-file.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-open-file.lsp
@@ -63,8 +63,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-open-file (s (return-from done x))
-			(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-open-file (s (return-from done x))
+                        (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest with-open-file.8
@@ -72,8 +72,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-open-file (s "with-open-file.lsp" (return-from done x) :input)
-			(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-open-file (s "with-open-file.lsp" (return-from done x) :input)
+                        (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest with-open-file.9
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-open-file (s "with-open-file.lsp" :direction (return-from done x))
-			(declare (special x))))))
+        (with-open-file (s "with-open-file.lsp" :direction (return-from done x))
+                        (declare (special x))))))
 ;;; Test that explicit calls to macroexpand in subforms
@@ -93,6 +93,6 @@
    ((%m (z) z))
    (let ((pn #p"tmp.dat"))
     (delete-all-versions pn)
-    (with-open-file (s (expand-in-current-env (%m pn)) 
-		       :direction :output))))
+    (with-open-file (s (expand-in-current-env (%m pn))
+                       :direction :output))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-open-stream.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-open-stream.lsp
index 1dcf73aa..ba685b81 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-open-stream.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-open-stream.lsp
@@ -11,24 +11,24 @@
 (deftest with-open-stream.2
   (with-open-stream (os (make-string-output-stream))
-		    (declare (ignore os)))
+                    (declare (ignore os)))
 (deftest with-open-stream.3
   (with-open-stream (os (make-string-output-stream))
-		    (declare (ignore os))
-		    (declare (type string-stream os)))
+                    (declare (ignore os))
+                    (declare (type string-stream os)))
 (deftest with-open-stream.4
   (with-open-stream (os (make-string-output-stream))
-		    (declare (ignore os))
-		    (values)))
+                    (declare (ignore os))
+                    (values)))
 (deftest with-open-stream.5
   (with-open-stream (os (make-string-output-stream))
-		    (declare (ignore os))
-		    (values 'a 'b))
+                    (declare (ignore os))
+                    (values 'a 'b))
   a b)
 (deftest with-open-stream.6
@@ -72,6 +72,6 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-open-stream (s (return-from done x))
-			  (declare (special x))))))
+        (with-open-stream (s (return-from done x))
+                          (declare (special x))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-output-to-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-output-to-string.lsp
index c7c59ef5..ae209166 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-output-to-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-output-to-string.lsp
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 (deftest with-output-to-string.3
   (with-output-to-string (s (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0
-					:element-type 'character)))
+                                        :element-type 'character)))
 (deftest with-output-to-string.4
@@ -31,23 +31,23 @@
 (deftest with-output-to-string.5
   (with-output-to-string (s (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0
-					:element-type 'character))
-			 (values)))
+                                        :element-type 'character))
+                         (values)))
 (deftest with-output-to-string.6
   (with-output-to-string (s (make-array 10 :fill-pointer 0
-					:element-type 'character))
-			 (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+                                        :element-type 'character))
+                         (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))
   a b c d)
 (deftest with-output-to-string.7
   (with-output-to-string (s nil :element-type 'character)
-			 (write-char #\& s))
+                         (write-char #\& s))
 (deftest with-output-to-string.8
   (let ((str (with-output-to-string (s nil :element-type 'base-char)
-				    (write-char #\8 s))))
+                                    (write-char #\8 s))))
     (assert (typep str 'simple-base-string))
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@
 (deftest with-output-to-string.10
   (let* ((s1 (make-array 20 :element-type 'character
-			 :initial-element #\.))
-	 (s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
-			 :displaced-to s1
-			 :displaced-index-offset 5
-			 :fill-pointer 0)))
+                         :initial-element #\.))
+         (s2 (make-array 10 :element-type 'character
+                         :displaced-to s1
+                         :displaced-index-offset 5
+                         :fill-pointer 0)))
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
 (deftest with-output-to-string.12
   (with-output-to-string (s) (declare (optimize safety))
-			 (declare (optimize (speed 0))))
+                         (declare (optimize (speed 0))))
 (deftest with-output-to-string.13
@@ -94,13 +94,13 @@
 (deftest with-output-to-string.14
   (let* ((str1 (make-array '(256) :element-type 'base-char :fill-pointer 0))
-	 (str2 (with-output-to-string
-		 (s nil :element-type 'base-char)
-		 (loop for i below 256
-		       for c = (code-char i)
-		       when (typep c 'base-char)
-		       do (progn (write-char c s)
-				 (vector-push c str1))))))
+         (str2 (with-output-to-string
+                 (s nil :element-type 'base-char)
+                 (loop for i below 256
+                       for c = (code-char i)
+                       when (typep c 'base-char)
+                       do (progn (write-char c s)
+                                 (vector-push c str1))))))
     (if (string= str1 str2) :good
       (list str1 str2)))
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-output-to-string (s (return-from done x))
-			       (declare (special x))))))
+        (with-output-to-string (s (return-from done x))
+                               (declare (special x))))))
 (deftest with-output-to-string.16
@@ -121,9 +121,9 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good)
-	    (str (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
-			     :fill-pointer 0)))
-	(with-output-to-string (s str :element-type (return-from done x))
-			       (declare (special x))))))
+            (str (make-array '(10) :element-type 'character
+                             :fill-pointer 0)))
+        (with-output-to-string (s str :element-type (return-from done x))
+                               (declare (special x))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-package-iterator.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-package-iterator.lsp
index 5096eb50..81054928 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-package-iterator.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-package-iterator.lsp
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 (deftest with-package-iterator.11
-  (signals-error 
+  (signals-error
    (with-package-iterator (x "COMMON-LISP-USER"))
@@ -81,8 +81,8 @@
       (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
       (not (with-package-iterator-internal (list p))))
     (error (c)
-	   (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
-	   t)))
+           (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
+           t)))
 (deftest with-package-iterator.13
@@ -93,8 +93,8 @@
       (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
       (not (with-package-iterator-external (list p))))
     (error (c)
-	   (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
-	   t)))
+           (format "Error ~S on package ~A~%" c p)
+           t)))
 (deftest with-package-iterator.14
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@
       (format t "Package ~S~%" p)
       (not (with-package-iterator-inherited (list p))))
     (error (c)
-	   (format t "Error ~S on package ~S~%" c p)
-	   t)))
+           (format t "Error ~S on package ~S~%" c p)
+           t)))
 (def-macro-test with-package-iterator.error.1
@@ -120,59 +120,59 @@
      (let ((name ,name-form))
        (safely-delete-package name)
        (let* ((p (make-package name :use nil))
-	      (result nil)
-	      (s (intern "X" p)))
-	 (with-package-iterator
-	  (x name :internal)
-	  (loop
-	   (multiple-value-bind
-	       (good? sym)
-	       (x)
-	       (unless good?
-		 (safely-delete-package name)
-		 (return (equalt (list s) result)))
-	     (push sym result))))))
+              (result nil)
+              (s (intern "X" p)))
+         (with-package-iterator
+          (x name :internal)
+          (loop
+           (multiple-value-bind
+               (good? sym)
+               (x)
+               (unless good?
+                 (safely-delete-package name)
+                 (return (equalt (list s) result)))
+             (push sym result))))))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.15
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.16
   (make-array 8 :initial-contents "TEST1XXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.17
   (make-array 8 :initial-contents "TEST1XXX"
-	      :fill-pointer 5
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :fill-pointer 5
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.18
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'base-char))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'base-char))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.19
   (make-array 5 :initial-contents "TEST1"
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :element-type 'character))
+              :adjustable t
+              :element-type 'character))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.20
   (let* ((etype 'base-char)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "XTEST1YzYY"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "XTEST1YzYY"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 (def-with-package-iterator-test with-package-iterator.21
   (let* ((etype 'character)
-	 (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "XTEST1YzYY"
-			    :element-type etype)))
+         (name0 (make-array 10 :initial-contents "XTEST1YzYY"
+                            :element-type etype)))
     (make-array 5 :element-type etype
-		:displaced-to name0
-		:displaced-index-offset 1)))
+                :displaced-to name0
+                :displaced-index-offset 1)))
 ;;; Free declaration scope
@@ -181,6 +181,6 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-package-iterator (s (return-from done x) :internal)
-			       (declare (special x))))))
+        (with-package-iterator (s (return-from done x) :internal)
+                               (declare (special x))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/with-slots.lsp b/ansi-tests/with-slots.lsp
index 88aa44ce..455de611 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/with-slots.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/with-slots.lsp
@@ -32,9 +32,9 @@
   (block done
      (with-slots () nil
-		 (go 10)
-		 10
-		 (return-from done :bad))
+                 (go 10)
+                 10
+                 (return-from done :bad))
      (return-from done :good)))
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
 ;;; Tests on standard objects
 (defclass with-slots-class-01 () ((a :initarg :a)
-				  (b :initarg :b)
-				  (c :initarg :c)))
+                                  (b :initarg :b)
+                                  (c :initarg :c)))
 (deftest with-slots.7
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z)))
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
      (a b c) obj
      (values (setf a 'p) (setf b 'q) (setf c 'r)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   p q r (p q r))
 (deftest with-slots.9
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
      (a b c) obj
      (values (setq a 'p) (setq b 'q) (setq c 'r)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   p q r (p q r))
 (deftest with-slots.10
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
      ((a2 a) (b2 b) (c2 c)) obj
      (values (setf a2 'p) (setf b2 'q) (setf c2 'r)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   p q r (p q r))
 (deftest with-slots.12
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@
      ((a2 a) (b2 b) (c2 c)) obj
      (values (setq a2 'p) (setq b2 'q) (setq c2 'r)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   p q r (p q r))
 (deftest with-slots.13
@@ -100,52 +100,52 @@
      (a b c) obj
      (values (setf a 'p) (setf b 'q) (setf c 'r)
-	     (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
+             (map-slot-value obj '(a b c)))))
   p q r (p q r))
 (deftest with-slots.14
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)))
     (with-slots (a b c) obj
-		(let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01
-					  :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 'bad)))
-		  (values a b c))))
+                (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01
+                                          :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 'bad)))
+                  (values a b c))))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest with-slots.15
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)))
     (with-slots (a b c) obj
-		(with-slots
-		 ((a2 a) (b2 b) (c2 c))
-		 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01
-				:a 'bad :b 'bad :c 'bad)
-		 (values a b c))))
+                (with-slots
+                 ((a2 a) (b2 b) (c2 c))
+                 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01
+                                :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 'bad)
+                 (values a b c))))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest with-slots.16
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 'bad)))
     (with-slots (a b c) obj
-		(with-slots
-		 (a b c)
-		 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
-		 (values a b c))))
+                (with-slots
+                 (a b c)
+                 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 1 :b 2 :c 3)
+                 (values a b c))))
   1 2 3)
 (deftest with-slots.17
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 1 :b 2 :c 'bad)))
     (with-slots (a b) obj
-		(with-slots
-		 (c)
-		 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 3)
-		 (values a b c))))
+                (with-slots
+                 (c)
+                 (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'bad :b 'bad :c 3)
+                 (values a b c))))
   1 2 3)
 ;;; If slot is unbound, act as if slot-value had been called
 (defmethod slot-unbound ((class t)
-			 (instance with-slots-class-01)
-			 slot-name)
+                         (instance with-slots-class-01)
+                         slot-name)
 (deftest with-slots.18
@@ -156,16 +156,16 @@
 (deftest with-slots.19
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z)))
     (with-slots (a b c) obj
-		(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
-		(values a b c)))
+                (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
+                (values a b c)))
   x y z)
 (deftest with-slots.20
   (let ((obj (make-instance 'with-slots-class-01 :a 'x :b 'y :c 'z)))
     (with-slots (a b c) obj
-		(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
-		(declare (special *x*))
-		(values a b c)))
+                (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 3)))
+                (declare (special *x*))
+                (values a b c)))
   x y z)
 ;;; Free declaration scope test
@@ -175,6 +175,6 @@
     (let ((x :bad))
       (declare (special x))
       (let ((x :good))
-	(with-slots nil (return-from done x)
-		    (declare (special x))))))
-  :good)
\ No newline at end of file
+        (with-slots nil (return-from done x)
+                    (declare (special x))))))
+  :good)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/write-char.lsp b/ansi-tests/write-char.lsp
index 8974e85c..e7804a2d 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/write-char.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/write-char.lsp
@@ -7,13 +7,13 @@
 (deftest write-char.1
   (loop for i from 0 to 255
-	for c = (code-char i)
-	when c
-	unless (string= (with-output-to-string
-			  (*standard-output*)
-			  (write-char c))
-			(string c))
-	collect c)
+        for c = (code-char i)
+        when c
+        unless (string= (with-output-to-string
+                          (*standard-output*)
+                          (write-char c))
+                        (string c))
+        collect c)
 (deftest write-char.2
diff --git a/ansi-tests/write-line.lsp b/ansi-tests/write-line.lsp
index 10abecfa..17f61d79 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/write-line.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/write-line.lsp
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
        (setq result
-	     (multiple-value-list
-	      (write-line (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))))
+             (multiple-value-list
+              (write-line (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))))
   #.(string #\Newline)
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-line "abcde" s :start 1 :end 3))))
+                     (write-line "abcde" s :start 1 :end 3))))
   #.(concatenate 'string "bc" (string #\Newline))
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-line "abcde" s :start 1 :end nil))))
+                     (write-line "abcde" s :start 1 :end nil))))
   #.(concatenate 'string "bcde" (string #\Newline))
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys nil))))
+                     (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys nil))))
   #.(concatenate 'string "abc" (string #\Newline))
@@ -97,8 +97,8 @@
        (setq result
-	     (multiple-value-list
-	      (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar))))
+             (multiple-value-list
+              (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar))))
   #.(concatenate 'string "abc" (string #\Newline))
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :end 2))))
+                     (write-line "abcde" s :end 3 :end 2))))
   #.(concatenate 'string "abc" (string #\Newline))
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@
    (s "abcde" nil)
    (assert (equal
-	    (with-output-to-string
-	      (*standard-output*)
-	      (multiple-value-list (write-line "abcde")))
-	    #.(concatenate 'string "abcde" (string #\Newline)))))
+            (with-output-to-string
+              (*standard-output*)
+              (multiple-value-list (write-line "abcde")))
+            #.(concatenate 'string "abcde" (string #\Newline)))))
 ;;; Error tests
@@ -158,8 +158,8 @@
 (deftest write-line.error.4
   (signals-error (write-line "" *standard-output*
-			       :allow-other-keys nil
-			       :foo nil)
-		 program-error)
+                               :allow-other-keys nil
+                               :foo nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/write-sequence.lsp b/ansi-tests/write-sequence.lsp
index c16ef8e5..ff3ab6f8 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/write-sequence.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/write-sequence.lsp
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((s ,input))
-	 (os)
-	 (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s))))
+         (os)
+         (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s))))
 ;;; on strings
@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
 (defmacro def-write-sequence-special-test (name string args expected)
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((str ,string)
-	   (expected ,expected))
+           (expected ,expected))
-	(s str nil)
-	(let ((out (with-output-to-string
-		     (os)
-		     (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s)))))
-	  (assert (equal out expected)))))
+        (s str nil)
+        (let ((out (with-output-to-string
+                     (os)
+                     (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s)))))
+          (assert (equal out expected)))))
 (def-write-sequence-special-test write-sequence.string.14 "12345" () "12345")
@@ -116,18 +116,18 @@
 (defmacro def-write-sequence-bv-test (name input args expected)
   `(deftest ,name
      (let ((s ,input)
-	   (expected ,expected))
+           (expected ,expected))
-	(os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
-	    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
-	    :if-exists :supersede)
-	 (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s)))
+        (os "tmp.dat" :direction :output
+            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
+            :if-exists :supersede)
+         (assert (eq (write-sequence s os ,@args) s)))
-	(is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
-	    :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
-	 (loop for i from 0 below (length expected)
-	       for e = (elt expected i)
-	       always (eql (read-byte is) e))))
+        (is "tmp.dat" :direction :input
+            :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8))
+         (loop for i from 0 below (length expected)
+               for e = (elt expected i)
+               always (eql (read-byte is) e))))
 (def-write-sequence-bv-test #*00111010
@@ -172,54 +172,54 @@
 (deftest write-sequence.error.7
   (signals-error (write-sequence "ABC" *standard-output* :start 0.0)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.8
   (signals-error (write-sequence "ABC" *standard-output* :end -1)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.9
   (signals-error (write-sequence "ABC" *standard-output* :end 'x)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.10
   (signals-error (write-sequence "ABC" *standard-output* :end 2.0)
-		 type-error)
+                 type-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.11
   (signals-error (write-sequence "abcde" *standard-output*
-				 :foo nil) program-error)
+                                 :foo nil) program-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.12
   (signals-error (write-sequence "abcde" *standard-output*
-				 :allow-other-keys nil :foo t)
-		 program-error)
+                                 :allow-other-keys nil :foo t)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.13
   (signals-error (write-sequence "abcde" *standard-output* :start)
-		 program-error)
+                 program-error)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.14
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (write-sequence x *standard-output*))
-		    #'sequencep)
+                    #'sequencep)
 (deftest write-sequence.error.15
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (write-sequence "abcde" *standard-output*
-						  :start x))
-		    (typef 'unsigned-byte))
+                                                  :start x))
+                    (typef 'unsigned-byte))
 (deftest write-sequence.error.16
   (check-type-error #'(lambda (x) (write-sequence "abcde" *standard-output*
-						  :end x))
-		    (typef '(or null unsigned-byte)))
+                                                  :end x))
+                    (typef '(or null unsigned-byte)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/write-string.lsp b/ansi-tests/write-string.lsp
index 9d3bf82c..e2b1c09a 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/write-string.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/write-string.lsp
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@
        (setq result
-	     (multiple-value-list
-	      (write-string (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))))
+             (multiple-value-list
+              (write-string (make-array '(0) :element-type nil)))))
   "" (""))
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-string "abcde" s :start 1 :end 3))))
+                     (write-string "abcde" s :start 1 :end 3))))
   "bc" ("abcde"))
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-string "abcde" s :start 1 :end nil))))
+                     (write-string "abcde" s :start 1 :end nil))))
   "bcde" ("abcde"))
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys nil))))
+                     (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys nil))))
   "abc" ("abcde"))
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
        (setq result
-	     (multiple-value-list
-	      (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar))))
+             (multiple-value-list
+              (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'bar))))
   "abc" ("abcde"))
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
        (setq result (multiple-value-list
-		     (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :end 2))))
+                     (write-string "abcde" s :end 3 :end 2))))
   "abc" ("abcde"))
@@ -127,10 +127,10 @@
      (s "abcde" nil)
      (assert (equal
-	      (with-output-to-string
-		(*standard-output*)
-		(setq result (multiple-value-list (write-string "abcde"))))
-	      "abcde"))
+              (with-output-to-string
+                (*standard-output*)
+                (setq result (multiple-value-list (write-string "abcde"))))
+              "abcde"))
      (assert (equal result '("abcde")))))
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@
 (deftest write-string.error.4
   (signals-error (write-string "" *standard-output*
-			       :allow-other-keys nil
-			       :foo nil)
-		 program-error)
+                               :allow-other-keys nil
+                               :foo nil)
+                 program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/write.lsp b/ansi-tests/write.lsp
index 79923570..de516651 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/write.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/write.lsp
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@
-	(is "")
-	(with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
-			  (write 3 :stream t))))))
+        (is "")
+        (with-open-stream (*terminal-io* (make-two-way-stream is os))
+                          (write 3 :stream t))))))
 (deftest write.4
diff --git a/ansi-tests/zerop.lsp b/ansi-tests/zerop.lsp
index bc12c1d6..53068c60 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/zerop.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/zerop.lsp
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 (deftest zerop.1
   (loop for x in *numbers*
-	when (if (zerop x) (/= x 0) (= x 0))
-	collect x)
+        when (if (zerop x) (/= x 0) (= x 0))
+        collect x)
 (deftest zerop.2
@@ -57,34 +57,34 @@
 (deftest zerop.8
   (remove-if-not #'zerop
-		 (list least-negative-short-float
-		       least-negative-normalized-short-float
-		       least-negative-single-float
-		       least-negative-normalized-single-float
-		       least-negative-double-float
-		       least-negative-normalized-double-float
-		       least-negative-long-float
-		       least-negative-normalized-long-float
-		       most-negative-short-float
-		       most-negative-single-float
-		       most-negative-double-float
-		       most-negative-long-float))
+                 (list least-negative-short-float
+                       least-negative-normalized-short-float
+                       least-negative-single-float
+                       least-negative-normalized-single-float
+                       least-negative-double-float
+                       least-negative-normalized-double-float
+                       least-negative-long-float
+                       least-negative-normalized-long-float
+                       most-negative-short-float
+                       most-negative-single-float
+                       most-negative-double-float
+                       most-negative-long-float))
 (deftest zerop.9
   (remove-if-not #'zerop
-		 (list least-positive-short-float
-		       least-positive-normalized-short-float
-		       least-positive-single-float
-		       least-positive-normalized-single-float
-		       least-positive-double-float
-		       least-positive-normalized-double-float
-		       least-positive-long-float
-		       least-positive-normalized-long-float
-		       most-positive-short-float
-		       most-positive-single-float
-		       most-positive-double-float
-		       most-positive-long-float))
+                 (list least-positive-short-float
+                       least-positive-normalized-short-float
+                       least-positive-single-float
+                       least-positive-normalized-single-float
+                       least-positive-double-float
+                       least-positive-normalized-double-float
+                       least-positive-long-float
+                       least-positive-normalized-long-float
+                       most-positive-short-float
+                       most-positive-single-float
+                       most-positive-double-float
+                       most-positive-long-float))
 (deftest zerop.10