diff --git a/ansi-tests/acons.lsp b/ansi-tests/acons.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..94558d3ddf60e149097cbebf909125073a245682
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/acons.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:26:48 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ACONS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest acons.1
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((c . d) (e . f))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (acons 'a 'b x)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt (cdr result) x)
+     result))
+  ((a . b) (c . d) (e . f)))
+(deftest acons.2
+  (acons 'a 'b nil)
+  ((a . b)))
+(deftest acons.3
+  (acons 'a 'b 'c)
+  ((a . b) . c))
+(deftest acons.4
+  (acons '((a b)) '(((c d) e) f) '((1 . 2)))
+  (( ((a b)) . (((c d) e) f)) (1 . 2)))
+(deftest acons.5
+  (acons "ancd" 1.143 nil)
+  (("ancd" . 1.143)))
+(deftest acons.6
+  (acons #\R :foo :bar)
+  ((#\R . :foo) . :bar))
+(deftest acons.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (acons (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)
+	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) '((c . d))))
+     i x y z))
+  ((a . b)(c . d))
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest acons.error.1
+  (classify-error (acons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest acons.error.2
+  (classify-error (acons 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest acons.error.3
+  (classify-error (acons 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
+(deftest acons.error.4
+  (classify-error (acons 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp b/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9e000fce22e14992cf1f27b6a1798c79ab5bc272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/adjoin.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:33:20 1998
+;;;; Contains:  Tests of ADJOIN
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest adjoin.1
+  (adjoin 'a nil)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin.2
+  (adjoin nil nil)
+  (nil))
+(deftest adjoin.3
+  (adjoin 'a '(a))
+  (a))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest adjoin.4
+  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key nil)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin.5
+  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key #'identity)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin.6
+  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key 'identity)
+  (a))
+(deftest adjoin.7
+  (adjoin (1+ 11) '(4 3 12 2 1))
+  (4 3 12 2 1))
+;; Check that the test is EQL, not EQ (by adjoining a bignum)
+(deftest adjoin.8
+  (adjoin (1+ 999999999999) '(4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
+  (4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
+(deftest adjoin.9
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+  ("aaa" aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.10
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test #'equal)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.11
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test 'equal)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.12
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.14
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test #'equal :key #'identity)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.15
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test 'equal :key #'identity)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin.16
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test #'equal :key nil)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin.17
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test 'equal :key nil)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
+(deftest adjoin.18
+  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
+	  :test-not (complement #'equal) :key nil)
+  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
+(deftest adjoin.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d a e))
+	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+     i w x y z))
+  (b c d a e)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest adjoin.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z p)
+    (values
+     (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d e))
+	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+	     :key (progn (setf p (incf i)) nil))
+     i w x y z p))
+  (a b c d e)
+  5 1 2 3 4 5)
+(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.1
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.2
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t :foo t)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.3
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.4
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.5
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil 'bad t)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest adjoin.repeat-key
+  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
+  (a b c))					      
+(deftest adjoin.error.1
+  (classify-error (adjoin))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.2
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.3
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.4
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.5
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.6
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.7
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.8
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.9
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest adjoin.error.10
+  (classify-error (adjoin 'a (list* 'b 'c 'd)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/append.lsp b/ansi-tests/append.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78634cf3ed32e0c18e7de7bcdc502f49efb79ad5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/append.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:36:46 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of APPEND
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest append.1
+  (append)
+  nil)
+(deftest append.2
+  (append 'x)
+  x)
+(deftest append.3
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	(y (list 'e 'f 'g)))
+    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+      (let ((result (append x y)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	 result))))
+  (a b c d e f g))
+(deftest append.4
+  (append (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c)
+	  (list 'd) (list 'e) (list 'f)
+	  (list 'g) 'h)
+  (a b c d e f g . h))
+(deftest append.5
+  (append nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest append.6
+  (append-6-body)
+  0)
+(deftest append.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (append (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
+	     (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
+     i x y z))
+  (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest append.order.2
+  (let ((i 0)) (values (append (incf i)) i))
+  1 1)
+(deftest append.error.1
+  (classify-error (append '(a . b) '(z)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest append.error.2
+  (classify-error (append '(x y z) '(a . b) '(z)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..abc545fdc20e5ce3c0d85fff776a5fbb4efcd7fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:28:37 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ASSOC-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.1
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (third x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (assoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt result (third x))
+     result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.4
+    (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
+  (nil . e))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest assoc-if-not.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
+     i x y))
+  (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
+		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+     i x y z))
+  (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity
+		'((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
+	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
+	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
+  (a . 1))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.6
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
+		:key #'identity :key #'null)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.7
+  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
+  (nil . 2))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.1
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.2
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.3
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.4
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.5
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil 1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.6
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.7
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'cons '((a b)(c d))))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.8
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.9
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'car '((a b)(c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.10
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest assoc-if-not.error.11
+  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c148283b66afd58baa98b02758a360137beafc9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:27:57 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ASSOC-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest assoc-if.1
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (third x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (assoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt result (third x))
+     result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if.3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (6 . c))
+(deftest assoc-if.4
+    (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
+  (nil . e))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest assoc-if.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
+	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
+     i x y))
+  (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
+(deftest assoc-if.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
+	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
+	       :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+     i x y z))
+  (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.1
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.2
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
+	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
+	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
+  (a . 1))
+(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.5
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if.keywords.6
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key #'identity :key #'null)
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc-if.keywords.7
+  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
+  (nil . 2))
+;;; Error cases
+(deftest assoc-if.error.1
+  (classify-error (assoc-if))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.2
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.3
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.4
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.5
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil 1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.6
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.7
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'cons '((a b)(c d))))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.8
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.9
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'car '((a b)(c d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.10
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest assoc-if.error.11
+  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp b/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..238084d344138c87bff01ce1850481a5cf98f24f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/assoc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:27:20 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ASSOC
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest assoc.1
+    (assoc nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc.2
+    (assoc nil '(nil))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc.3
+    (assoc nil '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b)))
+  (nil . 2))
+(deftest assoc.4
+    (assoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc.5
+    (assoc 'a '((a . b)))
+  (a . b))
+(deftest assoc.6
+    (assoc 'a '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f)))
+  (a . d))
+(deftest assoc.7
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (assoc 'b x)))
+      (and
+       (eqt result (second x))
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest assoc.8
+    (assoc 1 '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c)))
+  (1 . b))
+(deftest assoc.9
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3)))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc.10
+    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
+  nil)
+(deftest assoc.11
+    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+      (assoc x `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1))))
+  ((a b) . d))
+(deftest assoc.12
+    (assoc #\e '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
+  ("aevgd" . 2))
+(deftest assoc.13
+    (assoc nil '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))
+	   :key #'car)
+  (nil . c))
+(deftest assoc.14
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc.15
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test #'equalp)
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc.16
+    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ((a) b))
+(deftest assoc.17
+    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	   '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+  ("abc" . 2))
+(deftest assoc.18
+    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test-not #'eq)
+  (b . c))
+(deftest assoc.19
+    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test (complement #'eq))
+  (b . c))
+(deftest assoc.20
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("A" . 6))
+(deftest assoc.21
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test #'equal)
+  ("a" . 3))
+(deftest assoc.22
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  ("A" . 6))
+(deftest assoc.23
+    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  ("a" . 3))
+;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
+;; other than T
+(deftest assoc.24
+    (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))
+	   :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
+  (a . 2))
+;; Check that the order of the arguments to test is correct
+(deftest assoc.25
+    (block fail
+      (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (c . 2) (a . 3))
+	     :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		       (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		       (eqt x y))))
+  (a . 3))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest assoc.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))))
+     i x y))
+  (c . 3) 2 1 2)
+(deftest assoc.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq))
+     i x y z))
+  (c . 3) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest assoc.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+	    :test #'eq)
+     i x y))
+  (c . 3) 2 1 2)
+(deftest assoc.order.4
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
+	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+     i x y z w))
+  (c . 3) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.1
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.2
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.3
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
+	 :test-not #'eql)
+  (a . 1))
+(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.4
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.5
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.keywords.6
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :key #'identity :key #'null)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.keywords.7
+  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
+  (b . 2))
+(deftest assoc.error.1
+  (classify-error (assoc))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.2
+  (classify-error (assoc nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.3
+  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.4
+  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.5
+  (classify-error (assoc nil nil  1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.6
+  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.7
+  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.8
+  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.9
+  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest assoc.error.10
+  (classify-error (assoc 'z '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/atom.lsp b/ansi-tests/atom.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..574525e726b7f99e001fe91b6c84902a43f0d1bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/atom.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:28:09 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ATOM
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest atom.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (atom (progn (incf i) '(a b))) i))
+  nil 1)
+(deftest atom.error.1
+  (classify-error (atom))
+  program-error)
+(deftest atom.error.2
+  (classify-error (atom 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp b/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b64f809cab54356e4b14d606ed1808238904cae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/butlast.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:41:14 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of BUTLAST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest butlast.1
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (butlast x 2)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result))))
+  (a b c))
+(deftest butlast.2
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (butlast x 0)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result))))
+  (a b c d e))
+(deftest butlast.3
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (butlast x 5)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result))))
+  nil)
+(deftest butlast.4
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
+    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+      (let ((result (butlast x 6)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result))))
+  nil)
+(deftest butlast.5
+  (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c . d)) 1)
+  (a b))
+(deftest butlast.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (butlast (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		     (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
+	      (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		     2))
+     i x y))
+  (a b c) 2 1 2)
+(deftest butlast.order.2
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values
+     (butlast (progn (incf i) '(a b c d)))
+     i))
+  (a b c) 1)
+(deftest butlast.error.1
+  (classify-error (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest butlast.error.2
+  (classify-error (butlast 'a 0))
+  type-error)
+(deftest butlast.error.3
+  (classify-error (butlast))
+  program-error)
+(deftest butlast.error.4
+  (classify-error (butlast '(a b c) 3 3))
+  program-error)
+(deftest butlast.error.5
+  (classify-error (locally (butlast 'a 0) t))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
index 265b698b21739f973214dba122560bc94970f03e..becd75319a726ef6da5ab7cd4604d98dd0428528 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-aux.lsp
@@ -82,3 +82,11 @@
 	unless (equal result1 result2)
 	return (list (list 'remove-duplicates (list 'sort (cons fn args) '<) "...")
 		     "actual: " result2 "should be: " result1)))
+(defun rev-assoc-list (x)
+  (cond
+   ((null x) nil)
+   ((null (car x))
+    (cons nil (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))
+   (t
+    (acons (cdar x) (caar x) (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
index c665a81713bca33b6ad071c85284c50a7a79ccc4..41141e608694f1637512fabccb06b162ef0e7adb 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-01.lsp
@@ -123,334 +123,3 @@
 (deftest no-cons-fns-are-macros
   (some #'macro-function *cons-fns*)
-;; Various easy tests of cons
-(deftest cons-of-symbols
-  (cons 'a 'b)
-  (a . b))
-(deftest cons-with-nil
-  (cons 'a nil)
-  (a))
-;; successive calls to cons produces results that are equal, but not eq
-(deftest cons-eq-equal
-  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(y (cons 'a 'b)))
-    (and (not (eqt x y))
-	 (equalt x y)))
-  t)
-;; list can be expressed as a bunch of conses (with nil)
-(deftest cons-equal-list
-  (equalt (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil)))
-	  (list 'a 'b 'c))
-  t)
-;;; Order of evaluation of cons arguments
-(deftest cons.order.1
-  (let ((i 0)) (values (cons (incf i) (incf i)) i))
-  (1 . 2) 2)
-;; Lists satisfy consp
-(deftest consp-list
-  (notnot-mv (consp '(a)))
-  t)
-;; cons satisfies consp
-(deftest consp-cons
-  (notnot-mv (consp (cons nil nil)))
-  t)
-;; nil is not a consp
-(deftest consp-nil
-  (consp nil)
-  nil)
-;; The empty list is not a cons
-(deftest consp-empty-list
-  (consp (list))
-  nil)
-;; A single element list is a cons
-(deftest consp-single-element-list
-  (notnot-mv (consp (list 'a)))
-  t)
-;; For everything in *universe*, it is either an atom, or satisfies
-;; consp, but not both
-(deftest consp-xor-atom-universe
-  (notnot-mv
-   (every #'(lambda (x) (or (and (consp x) (not (atom x)))
-			    (and (not (consp x)) (atom x))))
-	  *universe*))
-  t)
-;; Everything in type cons satisfies consp, and vice versa
-(deftest consp-cons-universe
-  (check-type-predicate 'consp 'cons)
-  0)
-(deftest consp.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (consp (incf i)) i))
-  nil 1)
-(deftest consp.error.1
-  (classify-error (consp))
-  program-error)
-(deftest consp.error.2
-  (classify-error (consp 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-(deftest atom.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (atom (progn (incf i) '(a b))) i))
-  nil 1)
-(deftest atom.error.1
-  (classify-error (atom))
-  program-error)
-(deftest atom.error.2
-  (classify-error (atom 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-;; Tests of car, cdr and compound forms
-(deftest cons.23
-  (car '(a))
-  a)
-(deftest cons.24
-  (cdr '(a . b))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.25
-  (caar '((a)))
-  a)
-(deftest cons.26
-  (cdar '((a . b)))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.27
-  (cadr '(a b))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.28
-  (cddr '(a b . c))
-  c)
-(deftest cons.29
-  (caaar '(((a))))
-  a)
-(deftest cons.30
-  (cdaar '(((a . b))))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.31
-  (cadar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.32
-  (cddar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
-  c)
-(deftest cons.33
-  (caadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
-  b)
-(deftest cons.34
-  (caddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
-  c)
-(deftest cons.36
-  (cdadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
-  c)
-(deftest cons.37
-  (cdddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
-  d)
-(defvar *cons-test-4*
-  (cons (cons (cons (cons 'a 'b)
-		    (cons 'c 'd))
-	      (cons (cons 'e 'f)
-		    (cons 'g 'h)))
-	(cons (cons (cons 'i 'j)
-		    (cons 'k 'l))
-	      (cons (cons 'm 'n)
-		    (cons 'o 'p)))))
-(deftest cons.38
-  (caaaar *cons-test-4*)
-  a)
-(deftest cons.39
-  (cdaaar *cons-test-4*)
-  b)
-(deftest cons.40
-  (cadaar *cons-test-4*)
-  c)
-(deftest cons.41
-  (cddaar *cons-test-4*)
-  d)
-(deftest cons.42
-  (caadar *cons-test-4*)
-  e)
-(deftest cons.43
-  (cdadar *cons-test-4*)
-  f)
-(deftest cons.44
-  (caddar *cons-test-4*)
-  g)
-(deftest cons.45
-  (cdddar *cons-test-4*)
-  h)
-(deftest cons.46
-  (caaadr *cons-test-4*)
-  i)
-(deftest cons.47
-  (cdaadr *cons-test-4*)
-  j)
-(deftest cons.48
-  (cadadr *cons-test-4*)
-  k)
-(deftest cons.49
-  (cddadr *cons-test-4*)
-  l)
-(deftest cons.50
-  (caaddr *cons-test-4*)
-  m)
-(deftest cons.51
-  (cdaddr *cons-test-4*)
-  n)
-(deftest cons.52
-  (cadddr *cons-test-4*)
-  o)
-(deftest cons.53
-  (cddddr *cons-test-4*)
-  p)
-(deftest cons.error.1
-  (classify-error (cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest cons.error.2
-  (classify-error (cons 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest cons.error.3
-  (classify-error (cons 'a 'b 'c))
-  program-error)
-;; Test rplaca, rplacd
-(deftest rplaca.1
-  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
-    (let ((y x))
-      (and (eqt (rplaca x 'c) y)
-	   (eqt x y)
-	   (eqt (car x) 'c)
-	   (eqt (cdr x) 'b))))
-  t)
-(deftest rplaca.order.1
-  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(i 0) a b)
-    (values
-     (rplaca (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
-     i a b))
-  (c . b) 2 1 2)
-(deftest rplacd.1
-  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
-    (let ((y x))
-      (and (eqt (rplacd x 'd) y)
-	   (eqt x y)
-	   (eqt (car x) 'a)
-	   (eqt (cdr x) 'd))))
-  t)
-(deftest rplacd.order.1
-  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
-	(i 0) a b)
-    (values
-     (rplacd (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
-	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
-     i a b))
-  (a . c) 2 1 2)
-;; rplaca on a fixnum is a type error
-(deftest rplaca.error.1
-  (loop for x in *universe*
-	thereis (and (not (consp x))
-		     (not (eq (catch-type-error (rplaca x 1)) 'type-error))))
-  nil)
-(deftest rplaca.error.2
-  (classify-error (rplaca))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplaca.error.3
-  (classify-error (rplaca (cons 'a 'b)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplaca.error.4
-  (classify-error (rplaca (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'c 'd) 'garbage))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplaca.error.5
-  (classify-error (rplaca 'a 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rplaca.error.6
-  (classify-error (locally (rplaca 'a 1) t))
-  type-error)
-;; rplacd on a fixnum is a type error
-(deftest rplacd.error.1
-  (loop for x in *universe*
-	thereis (and (not (consp x))
-		     (not (eq (catch-type-error (rplacd x 1)) 'type-error))))
-  nil)
-(deftest rplacd.error.2
-  (classify-error (rplacd))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplacd.error.3
-  (classify-error (rplacd (cons 'a 'b)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplacd.error.4
-  (classify-error (rplacd (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'c 'd) 'garbage))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rplacd.error.5
-  (classify-error (rplacd 'a 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rplacd.error.6
-  (classify-error (locally (rplacd 'a 1) t))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index a018bc1e6fbcf53b4c6cc89b6a2b53f95d4e9254..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-02.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1127 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:30:50 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 2
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; copy-tree
-;; Try copy-tree on a tree containing elements of various kinds
-(deftest copy-tree.1
-  (let ((x (cons 'a (list (cons 'b 'c)
-			  (cons 1 1.2)
-			  (list (list "abcde"
-				      (make-array '(10) :initial-element (cons 'e 'f)))
-				'g)))))
-    (let ((y (copy-tree x)))
-      (check-cons-copy x y)))
-  t)
-;; Try copy-tree on *universe*
-(deftest copy-tree.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list *universe*))
-	 (y (copy-tree x)))
-    (check-cons-copy x y))
-  t)
-(deftest copy-tree.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values
-     (copy-tree (progn (incf i) '(a b c)))
-     i))
-  (a b c) 1)
-(deftest copy-tree.error.1
-  (classify-error (copy-tree))
-  program-error)
-(deftest copy-tree.error.2
-  (classify-error (copy-tree 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.1
-  (check-sublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
-		'((e . e2) (g . 17)))
-  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
-(deftest sublis.2
-  (check-sublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
-		'(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
-		:test #'equal)
-  (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
-(deftest sublis.3
-  (check-sublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
-		'((30 . "foo")))
-  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
-(deftest sublis.4
-  (check-sublis (sublis
-		 (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
-		 (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
-		'((t . "yes"))
-		:key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
-					(evenp x))))
-  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
-(deftest sublis.5
-  (check-sublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
-		  fie ("fee" "fie"))
-		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
-  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
-(deftest sublis.6
-  (check-sublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
-		  ("fee" "fie"))
-		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
-		:test 'equal)
-  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
-(deftest sublis.7
-  (check-sublis '(("aa" a b)
-		  (z "bb" d)
-		  ((x . "aa")))
-		`((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
-		  (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
-		:test 'equal
-		:key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
-				     '*not-present*)))
-  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
-;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
-(deftest sublis.8
-  (check-sublis 
-   '(1 2 a b)
-   '((1 . 2) (a . b))
-   :key nil)
-  (2 2 b b))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest sublis.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (sublis
-      (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
-      (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
-      :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (z b c d)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest sublis.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (sublis
-      (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
-      (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
-      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-      )
-     i w x y z))
-  (z b c d)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.1
-  (sublis nil 'a :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.2
-  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.3
-  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.4
-  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.5
-  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest sublis.keywords.6
-  (sublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2) :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
-	  :key #'identity)
-  (a 1 2))
-;; Argument error cases
-(deftest sublis.error.1
-  (classify-error (sublis))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.2
-  (classify-error (sublis nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.3
-  (classify-error (sublis nil 'a :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.4
-  (classify-error (sublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.5
-  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.6
-  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.7
-  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			  :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest sublis.error.8
-  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) . bad)
-			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-  type-error)
-;; nsublis
-(deftest nsublis.1
-  (check-nsublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
-		 '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
-  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
-(deftest nsublis.2
-  (check-nsublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
-		 '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
-		 :test #'equal)
-  (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
-(deftest nsublis.3
-  (check-nsublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
-		 '((30 . "foo")))
-  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
-(deftest nsublis.4
-  (check-nsublis
-   (nsublis (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
-	    (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
-   '((t . "yes"))
-   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
-			   (evenp x))))
-  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
-(deftest nsublis.5
-  (check-nsublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
-		   fie ("fee" "fie"))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
-  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
-(deftest nsublis.6
-  (check-nsublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
-		   ("fee" "fie"))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
-		 :test 'equal)
-  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
-(deftest nsublis.7
-  (check-nsublis '(("aa" a b)
-		   (z "bb" d)
-		   ((x . "aa")))
-		 `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
-		   (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
-		 :test 'equal
-		 :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
-				      '*not-present*)))
-  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
-(deftest nsublis.8
-  (nsublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
-(deftest nsublis.9
-  (check-nsublis 
-   '(1 2 a b)
-   '((1 . 2) (a . b))
-   :key nil)
-  (2 2 b b))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest nsublis.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsublis
-      (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
-      (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
-      :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (z b c d)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nsublis.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsublis
-      (progn (setf w (incf i))
-	     '((a . z)))
-      (progn (setf x (incf i))
-	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
-      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-      )
-     i w x y z))
-  (z b c d)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.1
-  (nsublis nil 'a :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.2
-  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.3
-  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.4
-  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.5
-  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsublis.keywords.6
-  (nsublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2)
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
-	   :key #'identity)
-  (a 1 2))
-;; Argument error cases
-(deftest nsublis.error.1
-  (classify-error (nsublis))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.2
-  (classify-error (nsublis nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.3
-  (classify-error (nsublis nil 'a :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.4
-  (classify-error (nsublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.5
-  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.6
-  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.7
-  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
-			   :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsublis.error.8
-  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) . bad)
-			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest sublis.shared
-  (let* ((shared-piece (list 'a 'b))
-	 (a (list shared-piece shared-piece)))
-    (check-sublis a '((a . b) (b . a))))
-  ((b a) (b a)))
-(defvar *subst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
-(deftest subst.1
-  (check-subst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
-  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
-(deftest subst.2
-  (check-subst "A" 0 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
-  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
-(deftest subst.3
-  (check-subst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
-  "Z")
-(deftest subst.4
-  (check-subst 'grape 'dick
-	       '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
-  (melville wrote (moby grape)))
-(deftest subst.5
-  (check-subst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
-  (melville wrote (moby dick . cha-cha-cha) . cha-cha-cha))
-(deftest subst.6
-  (check-subst
-   '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
-   '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
-   :test #'equal)
-  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
-(deftest subst.7
-  (check-subst
-   'foo "aaa"
-   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
-   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  "aaa"
-			nil))
-   :test #'string=)
-  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
-(deftest subst.8
-  (check-subst
-   'foo nil
-   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
-   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  (copy-seq "aaa")
-			nil))
-   :test-not #'equal)
-  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
-(deftest subst.9
-  (check-subst 'a 'b
-	       (copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
-	       :key nil)
-  (a a c d a a))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest subst.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
-    (values
-     (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	    :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
-     i v w x y z))
-  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
-  5 1 2 3 4 5)
-(deftest subst.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
-    (values
-     (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	    :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    )
-     i v w x y z))
-  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
-  5 1 2 3 4 5)
-;;; Keyword tests for subst
-(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.1
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.2
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.3
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.4
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.5
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	 :bad t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest subst.keywords.6
-  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
-  (a a c))
-;;; Tests for subst-if, subst-if-not
-(deftest subst-if.1
-  (check-subst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.1
-  (check-subst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
-  ((x)
-   ((x) (x) x)
-   ((x) (x) (x) x)
-   ((x) (x) (x) (x) x)
-   x))
-(deftest subst-if.2
-  (check-subst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
-  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
-(deftest subst-if.3
-  (check-subst-if '(z)
-		  (complement #'consp)
-		  '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
-  ((z)
-   ((z) (z) z)
-   ((z) (z) (z) z)
-   ((z) (z) (z) (z) z)
-   z))
-(deftest subst-if-not.2
-  (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
-		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.4
-  (check-subst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		  :key #'listp)
-  b)
-(deftest subst-if-not.3
-  (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity
-		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		      :key (complement #'listp))
-  c)
-(deftest subst-if.5
-  (check-subst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
-		  '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
-		  :key #'(lambda (x)
-			   (and (consp x)
-				(car x))))
-  (4 4 4 4))
-(deftest subst-if-not.4
-  (check-subst-if-not
-   40
-   #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
-   '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
-   :key #'(lambda (x)
-	    (and (consp x)
-		 (car x))))
-  (40 40 40 40))
-(deftest subst-if.6
-  (check-subst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
-		  '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		  :key nil)
-  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
-(deftest subst-if-not.5
-  (check-subst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
-		      '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		      :key nil)
-  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
-(deftest subst-if.7
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (subst-if
-      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b)))
-      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (1 2 a a c)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest subst-if-not.7
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (subst-if-not
-      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))))
-      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (1 2 a a c)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests for subst-if
-(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.1
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.2
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.3
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.4
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.5
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if.keywords.6
-  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
-  a)
-;;; Keywords tests for subst-if-not
-(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest subst-if-not.keywords.6
-  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
-  a)
-(defvar *nsubst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
-(deftest nsubst.1
-  (check-nsubst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
-  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
-(deftest nsubst.2
-  (check-nsubst "A" 0 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
-  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
-(deftest nsubst.3
-  (check-nsubst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
-  "Z")
-(deftest nsubst.4
-  (check-nsubst 'grape 'dick
-		'(melville wrote (moby dick)))
-  (melville wrote (moby grape)))
-(deftest nsubst.5
-  (check-nsubst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
-  (melville wrote (moby dick . cha-cha-cha) . cha-cha-cha))
-(deftest nsubst.6
-  (check-nsubst
-   '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
-   '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
-   :test #'equal)
-  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
-(deftest nsubst.7
-  (check-nsubst
-   'foo "aaa"
-   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
-   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  "aaa"
-			nil))
-   :test #'string=)
-  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
-(deftest nsubst.8
-  (check-nsubst
-   'foo nil
-   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
-   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
-			  (copy-seq "aaa")
-			nil))
-   :test-not #'equal)
-  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
-(deftest nsubst.9
-  (check-nsubst 'a 'b
-		(copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
-		:key nil)
-  (a a c d a a))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest nsubst.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
-     i v w x y z))
-  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
-  5 1 2 3 4 5)
-(deftest nsubst.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
-	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
-	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     )
-     i v w x y z))
-  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
-  5 1 2 3 4 5)
-;;; Keyword tests for nsubst
-(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.1
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.2
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.3
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.4
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.5
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
-	 :bad t)
-  (a a c))
-(deftest nsubst.keywords.6
-  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
-  (a a c))
-;;; Tests for nsubst-if, nsubst-if-not
-(deftest nsubst-if.1
-    (check-nsubst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.1
-  (check-nsubst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
-  ((x)
-   ((x) (x) x)
-   ((x) (x) (x) x)
-   ((x) (x) (x) (x) x)
-   x))
-(deftest nsubst-if.2
-  (check-nsubst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
-  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
-(deftest nsubst-if.3
-  (check-nsubst-if '(z)
-		   (complement #'consp)
-		   '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
-  ((z)
-   ((z) (z) z)
-   ((z) (z) (z) z)
-   ((z) (z) (z) (z) z)
-   z))
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.2
-  (check-nsubst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
-		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.4
-  (check-nsubst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		   :key #'listp)
-  b)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.3
-  (check-nsubst-if-not 'c #'identity
-		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
-		       :key (complement #'listp))
-  c)
-(deftest nsubst-if.5
-  (check-nsubst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
-		   '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
-		   :key #'(lambda (x)
-			    (and (consp x)
-				 (car x))))
-  (4 4 4 4))
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.4
-  (check-nsubst-if-not
-   40
-   #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
-   '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
-   :key #'(lambda (x)
-	    (and (consp x)
-		 (car x))))
-  (40 40 40 40))
-(deftest nsubst-if.6
-  (check-nsubst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
-		   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		   :key nil)
-  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.5
-  (check-nsubst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
-		       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
-		       :key nil)
-  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
-(deftest nsubst-if.7
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.6
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  nil)
-(deftest nsubst-if.8
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsubst-if
-      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b)))
-      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (1 2 a a c)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.7
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (nsubst-if-not
-      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))))
-      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
-      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i w x y z))
-  (1 2 a a c)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests for nsubst-if
-(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.1
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.2
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.3
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.4
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.5
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if.keywords.6
-  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
-  a)
-;;; Keywords tests for nsubst-if-not
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-  a)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.keywords.6
-  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
-  a)
-;;; Error cases
-;;; subst
-(deftest subst.error.1
-  (classify-error (subst))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.2
-  (classify-error (subst 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.3
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.4
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.5
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.6
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.7
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.8
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.9
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst.error.10
-  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :key #'equal))
-  program-error)
-;;; nsubst
-(deftest nsubst.error.1
-  (classify-error (nsubst))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.2
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.3
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.4
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.5
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.6
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.7
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.8
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.9
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst.error.10
-  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :key #'equal))
-  program-error)
-;;; subst-if
-(deftest subst-if.error.1
-  (classify-error (subst-if))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.2
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.3
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.4
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.5
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.6
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.7
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if.error.8
-  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-;;; subst-if-not
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.1
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.2
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.3
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.4
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.5
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.6
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.7
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				:bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest subst-if-not.error.8
-  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-;;; nsubst-if
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.1
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.2
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.3
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.4
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.5
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.6
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.7
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if.error.8
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-;;; nsubst-if-not
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.1
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.2
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.3
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.4
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.5
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.6
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.7
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil
-				 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.8
-  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp
index 43ddb610e6aa1bcb0e5aba727f69523e7c8be151..1aa54ccc1eae1c3610e8abe67fb3c09358165f3f 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-03.lsp
@@ -5,199 +5,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; copy-list
-(deftest copy-list.1
-  (check-copy-list '(a b c d))
-  (a b c d))
-;; Check that copy-list works on dotted lists
-(deftest copy-list.2
-  (check-copy-list '(a . b))
- (a . b))
-(deftest copy-list.3
-  (check-copy-list '(a b c . d))
-  (a b c . d))
-(deftest copy-list.4
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (copy-list (progn (incf i) '(a b c)))
-	    i))
-  (a b c) 1)
-(deftest copy-list.error.1
-  (classify-error (copy-list))
-  program-error)
-(deftest copy-list.error.2
-  (classify-error (copy-list nil nil))
-  program-error)
-;;; list, list*
-(deftest list.1
-  (list 'a 'b 'c)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest list.2
-  (list)
-  nil)
-(deftest list.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest list.order.2
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
-  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-(deftest list.order.3
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
-  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16))
-(deftest list*.1
-  (list* 1 2 3)
-  (1 2 . 3))
-(deftest list*.2
-  (list* 'a)
-  a)
-(deftest list-list*.1
-  (list* 'a 'b 'c (list 'd 'e 'f))
-  (a b c d e f))
-(deftest list*.3
-  (list* 1)
-  1)
-(deftest list*.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (list* (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
-  (1 2 3 . 4))
-(deftest list*.order.2
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (list* (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
-	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
-  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16))
-;;; list-length
-(deftest list-length-nil
-  (list-length nil)
-  0)
-(deftest list-length-list
-  (list-length '(a b c d e f))
-  6)
-;; check that list-length returns nil
-;; on a circular list
-(deftest list-length-circular-list
-  (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
-    (let ((y (list* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x)))
-      (setf (cdr x) y)
-      (let ((z (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e y)))
-	(list-length z))))
-  nil)
-(deftest list-length.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (list-length (progn (incf i) '(a b c))) i))
-  3 1)
-;; Check that list-length produces a type-error
-;; on arguments that are not proper lists or circular lists
-(deftest list-length.error.1
-  (loop
-   for x in (list 'a 1 1.0 #\w (make-array '(10))
-		  '(a b . c) (symbol-package 'cons))
-   count (not (eqt (catch-type-error (list-length x))
-		   'type-error)))
-  0)
-(deftest list-length.error.2
-  (classify-error (list-length))
-  program-error)
-(deftest list-length.error.3
-  (classify-error (list-length nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest list-length.error.4
-  (classify-error (list-length 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest list-length.error.5
-  (classify-error (locally (list-length 'a) t))
-  type-error)
-;;; listp
-;; Check listp against various simple cases
-(deftest listp-nil
-  (notnot-mv (listp nil))
-  t)
-(deftest listp-symbol
-  (listp 'a)
-  nil)
-(deftest listp-singleton-list
-  (notnot-mv (listp '(a)))
-  t)
-(deftest listp-circular-list
-  (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
-    (setf (cdr x) x)
-    (notnot-mv (listp x)))
-  t)
-(deftest listp-longer-list
-  (notnot-mv (listp '(a b c d e f g h)))
-  t)
-;;; Check that (listp x) == (typep x 'list)
-(deftest listp-universe
-  (check-type-predicate 'listp 'list)
-  0)
-(deftest listp.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (listp (incf i)) i))
-  nil 1)
-(deftest listp.error.1
-  (classify-error (listp))
-  program-error)
-(deftest listp.error.2
-  (classify-error (listp nil nil))
-  program-error)
 ;;; (typep <obj> 'list)
@@ -224,102 +31,3 @@
 (deftest typep-longer-list-list
   (notnot-mv (typep '(a b c d e f g h) 'list))
-;;; make-list
-(deftest make-list-empty.1
-  (make-list 0)
-  nil)
-(deftest make-list-empty.2
-  (make-list 0 :initial-element 'a)
-  nil)
-(deftest make-list-no-initial-element
-  (make-list 6)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list-with-initial-element
-  (make-list 6 :initial-element 'a)
-  (a a a a a a))
-(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.1
-  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'a)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.2
-  (make-list 5 :bar nil :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.3
-  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.4
-  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil 'bad t)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.5
-  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil nil nil nil nil))
-(deftest make-list-repeated-keyword
-  (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a :initial-element 'b)
-  (a a a a a))
-(deftest make-list.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
-     i x y))
-  (a a a a a)
-  2 1 2)
-(deftest make-list.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
-		:initial-element
-		(progn (setf z (incf i)) 'b))
-     i x y z))
-  (a a a a a)
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest make-list.error.1
-  (catch-type-error (make-list -1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.2
-  (classify-error (make-list 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.3
-  (classify-error (make-list))
-  program-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.4
-  (classify-error (make-list 5 :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.5
-  (classify-error (make-list 5 :initial-element))
-  program-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.6
-  (classify-error (make-list 5 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.7
-  (classify-error (make-list 5 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest make-list.error.8
-  (classify-error (locally (make-list 'a) t))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7162c8409e225d064d518eddc7566048a27ef254..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-04.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,417 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:33:20 1998
-;;;; Contains:  Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 4
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; push
-;;;  There will be a separate test suite
-;;;    for ACCESSORS x SETF-like macros
-;;; See also places.lsp
-(deftest push.1
-  (let ((x nil))
-    (push 'a x))
-  (a))
-(deftest push.2
-  (let ((x 'b))
-    (push 'a x)
-    (push 'c x))
-  (c a . b))
-(deftest push.3
-  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a))))
-    (push x x)
-    (and
-     (eqt (car x) (cdr x))
-     x))
-  ((a) a))
-(deftest push.order.1
-  (let ((x (list nil)) (i 0) a b)
-    (values
-     (push (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'z)
-	   (car (progn (setf b (incf i)) x)))
-     x
-     i a b))
-  (z) ((z)) 2 1 2)
-;;; pop
-(deftest pop.1
-  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c))))
-    (let ((y (pop x)))
-      (list x y)))
-  ((b c) a))
-(deftest pop.2
-  (let ((x nil))
-    (let ((y (pop x)))
-      (list x y)))
-  (nil nil))
-;;; Confirm argument is executed just once.
-(deftest pop.order.1
-  (let ((i 0)
-	(a (vector (list 'a 'b 'c))))
-    (pop (aref a (progn (incf i) 0)))
-    (values a i))
-  #((b c)) 1)
-(deftest push-and-pop
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b)))
-	 (y x))
-    (push 'c x)
-    (and
-     (eqt (cdr x) y)
-     (pop x)))
-  c)
-;;; pushnew
-;;; See also places.lsp
-(deftest pushnew.1
-  (let ((x nil))
-    (let ((y (pushnew 'a x)))
-      (and
-       (eqt x y)
-       (equal x '(a))
-       t)))
-  t)
-(deftest pushnew.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(b c d a k f q)))
-	 (y (pushnew 'a x)))
-    (and
-     (eqt x y)
-     x))
-  (b c d a k f q))
-(deftest pushnew.3
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
-	 (y (pushnew 7 x)))
-    (and
-     (eqt x y)
-     x))
-  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-(deftest pushnew.4
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(c d)) x
-		     :test 'equal)))
-    (and (eqt x y)
-	 x))
-  ((c d) (a b) 1 "and" c d e))
-(deftest pushnew.5
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
-		     :test 'equal)))
-    (and
-     (eqt x y)
-     x))
-  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
-(deftest pushnew.6
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c e) (d f) (g h))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(d i)) x :key #'car))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '(z 10)) x :key #'car)))
-    (and (eqt y (cdr z))
-	 (eqt z x)
-	 x))
-  ((z 10) (a b) (c e) (d f) (g h)))
-(deftest pushnew.7
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key #'car :test #'string=))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10))
-		     x
-		     :key #'car :test #'string=)))
-    (and
-     (eqt y (cdr x))
-     (eqt x z)
-     x))
-  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
-(deftest pushnew.8
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
-		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
-    (and
-     (eqt y (cdr x))
-     (eqt x z)
-     x))
-  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
-(deftest pushnew.9
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
-		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
-	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
-		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
-    (and
-     (eqt y (cdr x))
-     (eqt x z)
-     x))
-  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
-;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
-(deftest pushnew.10
-  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (result (pushnew 'z x :key nil)))
-    result)
-  (z a b c d))
-;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
-(deftest pushnew.11
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
-	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
-		     :test 'equal :key nil)))
-    (and
-     (eqt x y)
-     x))
-  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
-(deftest pushnew.12
-  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
-    (values
-     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
-     d i x y z))
-  (a b c) (a b c)
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest pushnew.13
-  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
-    (values
-     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql)))
-     d i x y z))
-  (a b c) (a b c)
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest pushnew.14
-  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
-    (values
-     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
-     d i x y z))
-  (a b c) (a b c)
-  3 1 3 2)
-(deftest pushnew.15
-  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
-    (values
-     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	      d
-	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
-     d i x y z))
-  (a b c) (a b c)
-  3 1 3 2)
-(deftest pushnew.error.1
-  (classify-error
-   (let ((x '(a b)))
-     (pushnew 'c x :test #'identity)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest pushnew.error.2
-  (classify-error
-   (let ((x '(a b)))
-     (pushnew 'c x :test-not #'identity)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest pushnew.error.3
-  (classify-error
-   (let ((x '(a b)))
-     (pushnew 'c x :key #'cons)))
-  program-error)
-;;; adjoin
-(deftest adjoin.1
-  (adjoin 'a nil)
-  (a))
-(deftest adjoin.2
-  (adjoin nil nil)
-  (nil))
-(deftest adjoin.3
-  (adjoin 'a '(a))
-  (a))
-;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
-(deftest adjoin.4
-  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key nil)
-  (a))
-(deftest adjoin.5
-  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key #'identity)
-  (a))
-(deftest adjoin.6
-  (adjoin 'a '(a) :key 'identity)
-  (a))
-(deftest adjoin.7
-  (adjoin (1+ 11) '(4 3 12 2 1))
-  (4 3 12 2 1))
-;; Check that the test is EQL, not EQ (by adjoining a bignum)
-(deftest adjoin.8
-  (adjoin (1+ 999999999999) '(4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
-  (4 1 1000000000000 3816734 a "aa"))
-(deftest adjoin.9
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-  ("aaa" aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.10
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test #'equal)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.11
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a) :test 'equal)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.12
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.14
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test #'equal :key #'identity)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.15
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test 'equal :key #'identity)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
-(deftest adjoin.16
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test #'equal :key nil)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
-(deftest adjoin.17
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test 'equal :key nil)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-;; Test that a :key of NIL is the same as no key at all
-(deftest adjoin.18
-  (adjoin (copy-seq "aaa") '(aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a)
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal) :key nil)
-  (aaa "AAA" "aaa" #\a))
-(deftest adjoin.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
-    (values
-     (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d a e))
-	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
-     i w x y z))
-  (b c d a e)
-  4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest adjoin.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) w x y z p)
-    (values
-     (adjoin (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
-	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(b c d e))
-	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
-	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	     :key (progn (setf p (incf i)) nil))
-     i w x y z p))
-  (a b c d e)
-  5 1 2 3 4 5)
-(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.1
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.2
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t :foo t)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.3
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.4
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest adjoin.allow-other-keys.5
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil 'bad t)
-  (a b c))
-(deftest adjoin.repeat-key
-  (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
-  (a b c))					      
-(deftest adjoin.error.1
-  (classify-error (adjoin))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.2
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.3
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.4
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.5
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.6
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.7
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.8
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.9
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a '(b c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest adjoin.error.10
-  (classify-error (adjoin 'a (list* 'b 'c 'd)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
index 100c1edde0dfa45298727560dd4e6fb2cc4b3f96..4f3b29e9d0e23665318159e684a8cda53e3df2e4 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons-test-05.lsp
@@ -5,8 +5,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
 (defparameter *cons-accessors*
   '(first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
     car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
@@ -138,55 +136,3 @@
 	     (classify-error (,name nil nil))
-;;; nth
-(deftest nth.1
-  (nth-1-body (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect (* 4 i)))
-  0)
-(deftest nth.2
-  (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect i)))
-    (loop
-     for i from 0 to 1999 do
-     (setf (nth i x) (- 1999 i)))
-    (equalt x (loop for i from 1999 downto 0 collect i)))
-  t)
-;;; Test side effects, evaluation order in assignment to NTH
-(deftest nth.order.1
-  (let ((i 0)
-	(x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	y z)
-    (and
-     (eqlt (setf (nth (setf y (incf i)) x) (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'z))
-	   'z)
-     (eqlt y 1)
-     (eqlt z 2)
-     x))
-  (a z c d))
-(deftest nth.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y (z '(a b c d e)))
-    (values
-     (nth (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
-	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) z))
-     i x y))
-  b 2 1 2)
-(deftest nth.error.1
-  (classify-error (nth))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nth.error.2
-  (classify-error (nth 0))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nth.error.3
-  (classify-error (nth 1 '(a b c) nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nth.error.4
-  (classify-error (nth 0 '(a b c) nil))
-  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 5034441a3660891152567d654b2239b2e71e3fb8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-07.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:35:15 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 7
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; nconc
-(deftest nconc.1
-  (nconc)
-  nil)
-(deftest nconc.2
-  (nconc (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
-  (a b c d e f))
-;;; (deftest nconc.3
-;;;  (nconc 1)
-;;;  1)
-(deftest nconc.4
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	(y (list 'd 'e 'f)))
-    (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-      (let ((result (nconc x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 (eqt (cdddr x) y)
-	 result))))
-  (a b c d e f))
-(deftest nconc.5
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
-    (nconc x x)
-    (and
-     (eqt (cdddr x) x)
-     (null (list-length x))))
-  t)
-(deftest nconc.6
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	(y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
-	(z (list 'i 'j 'k)))
-    (let ((result (nconc x y z 'foo)))
-      (and
-       (eqt (nthcdr 3 x) y)
-       (eqt (nthcdr 5 y) z)
-       (eqt (nthcdr 3 z) 'foo)
-       result)))
-  (a b c d e f g h i j k . foo))
-(deftest nconc.7
-  (nconc (copy-tree '(a . b))
-	 (copy-tree '(c . d))
-	 (copy-tree '(e . f))
-	 'foo)
-  (a c e . foo))
-(deftest nconc.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (nconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
-     i x y z))
-  (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest nconc.order.2
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values
-     (nconc (list 'a) (incf i))
-     i))
-  (a . 1) 1)
-;;; append
-(deftest append.1
-  (append)
-  nil)
-(deftest append.2
-  (append 'x)
-  x)
-(deftest append.3
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	(y (list 'e 'f 'g)))
-    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	  (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-      (let ((result (append x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 result))))
-  (a b c d e f g))
-(deftest append.4
-  (append (list 'a) (list 'b) (list 'c)
-	  (list 'd) (list 'e) (list 'f)
-	  (list 'g) 'h)
-  (a b c d e f g . h))
-(deftest append.5
-  (append nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 'a)
-  a)
-(deftest append.6
-  (append-6-body)
-  0)
-(deftest append.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (append (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
-     i x y z))
-  (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest append.order.2
-  (let ((i 0)) (values (append (incf i)) i))
-  1 1)
-(deftest append.error.1
-  (classify-error (append '(a . b) '(z)))
-  type-error)
-;;; revappend
-(deftest revappend.1
-    (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	   (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   )
-      (let ((result (revappend x y)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-	 (eqt (cdddr result) y)
-	 result)))
-  (c b a d e f))
-(deftest revappend.2
-    (revappend (copy-tree '(a b c d e)) 10)
-  (e d c b a . 10))
-(deftest revappend.3
-    (revappend nil 'a)
-  a)
-(deftest revappend.4
-    (revappend (copy-tree '(a (b c) d)) nil)
-  (d (b c) a))
-(deftest revappend.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (revappend (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-		(progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
-     i x y))
-  (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
-(deftest revappend.error.1
-  (classify-error (revappend))
-  program-error)
-(deftest revappend.error.2
-  (classify-error (revappend nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest revappend.error.3
-  (classify-error (revappend nil nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest revappend.error.4
-  (classify-error (revappend '(a . b) '(z)))
-  type-error)
-;;; nreconc
-(deftest nreconc.1
-  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
-	 (y (copy-tree '(d e f)))
-	 (result (nreconc x y)))
-    (and (equal y '(d e f))
-	 result))
-  (c b a d e f))
-(deftest nreconc.2
-  (nreconc nil 'a)
-  a)
-(deftest nreconc.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (nreconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
-     i x y))
-  (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
-(deftest nreconc.error.1
-  (classify-error (nreconc))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nreconc.error.2
-  (classify-error (nreconc nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nreconc.error.3
-  (classify-error (nreconc nil nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nreconc.error.4
-  (classify-error (nreconc (cons 'a 'b) (list 'z)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b90821f619dd4db4fe74d5e0e2be1320a74b8b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-14.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,275 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:39:29 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 14
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; member-if
-(deftest member-if.1
-  (member-if #'listp nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest member-if.2
-  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a)) '(1 2 a 3 4))
-  (a 3 4))
-(deftest member-if.3
-  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x 12)) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
-  (11 73 11))
-(deftest member-if.4
-  (let ((test-inputs
-	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
-	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
-	     (a b c . d)
-	     ,(make-array '(10))
-	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
-    (notnot-mv
-     (every
-      #'(lambda (x)
-	  (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if #'listp x))))
-	    (or (eqt result 'type-error)
-		(progn
-		  (format t "~%On ~S: returned ~%~S" x result)
-		  nil))))
-      test-inputs)))
-  t)
-(deftest member-if.5
-  (member-if #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-;;; Order of argument tests
-(deftest member-if.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		       #'identity)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
-     i x y))
-  (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
-(deftest member-if.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		       #'identity)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '(nil nil a b nil c d))
-		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
-     i x y z w))
-  (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest member-if.keywords.1
-  (member-if #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp :key #'oddp)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.2
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.3
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.4
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.5
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.6
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-	     :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.7
-  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-	     :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-;;; member-if-not
-(deftest member-if-not.1
-  (member-if-not #'listp nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest member-if-not.2
-  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a)) '(a 1 2 a 3 4))
-  (1 2 a 3 4))
-(deftest member-if-not.3
-  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 12))) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
-  (11 73 11))
-(deftest member-if-not.4
-  (let ((test-inputs
-	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
-	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
-	     ((a) (b) (c) . d)
-	     ,(make-array '(10))
-	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
-    (not (every
-	  #'(lambda (x)
-	      (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if-not #'listp x))))
-		(or (eqt result 'type-error)
-		    (progn
-		      (format t "~%On x = ~S, returns: ~%~S" x result)
-		      nil))))
-	  test-inputs)))
-  nil)
-(deftest member-if-not.5
-  (member-if-not #'not '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-;;; Order of evaluation tests
-(deftest member-if-not.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			   #'not)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
-     i x y))
-  (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
-(deftest member-if-not.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			   #'not)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '(nil nil a b nil c d))
-		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
-     i x y z w))
-  (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest member-if-not.keywords.1
-  (member-if-not #'not '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp :key #'oddp)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
-  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
-  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
-  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
-  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
-  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
-  (2 3 4 5))
-;;; Error cases
-(deftest member-if.error.1
-  (classify-error (member-if #'identity 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.2
-  (classify-error (member-if))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.3
-  (classify-error (member-if #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.4
-  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.5
-  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.6
-  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.7
-  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.8
-  (classify-error (locally (member-if #'identity 'a) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.9
-  (classify-error (member-if #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if.error.10
-  (classify-error (member-if #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.1
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'identity 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.2
-  (classify-error (member-if-not))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.3
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.4
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.5
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.6
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.7
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.8
-  (classify-error (locally (member-if-not #'identity 'a) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.9
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest member-if-not.error.10
-  (classify-error (member-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index b8868eb5d99b27b4301f97aa3b8895340bd58ad3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-15.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,675 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:40:12 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 15
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; mapc
-(deftest mapc.1
-  (mapc #'list nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapc.2
-  (let ((x 0))
-    (let ((result
-	   (mapc #'(lambda (y) (incf x y))
-		 '(1 2 3 4))))
-      (list result x)))
-  ((1 2 3 4) 10))
-(deftest mapc.3
-  (let ((x 0))
-    (list
-     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 5 ))
-     x))
-  ((a a a a a) 5))
-(deftest mapc.4
-  (let ((x 0))
-    (list
-     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 10))
-     x))
-  ((a a a a a) 5))
-(deftest mapc.5
-  (let ((x 0))
-    (list
-     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
-	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
-	   (make-list 3))
-     x))
-  ((a a a a a) 3))
-(defvar *mapc.6-var* nil)
-(defun mapc.6-fun (x)
-  (push x *mapc.6-var*)
-  x)
-(deftest mapc.6
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-    (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
-    (let ((result (mapc 'mapc.6-fun x)))
-      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   (eqt result x)
-	   *mapc.6-var*)))
-  (h g f e d c b a))
-(deftest mapc.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (mapc (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		  #'list)
-	   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		  '(a b c))
-	   (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		  '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest mapc.error.1
-  (classify-error (mapc #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.2
-  (classify-error (mapc))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.3
-  (classify-error (mapc #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.4
-  (classify-error (locally (mapc #'identity 1) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.5
-  (classify-error (mapc #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.6
-  (classify-error (mapc #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.7
-  (classify-error (mapc #'car '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapc.error.8
-  (classify-error (mapc #'identity (list* 1 2 3 4)))
-  type-error)
-;;; mapcar
-(deftest mapcar.1
-  (mapcar #'1+ nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapcar.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-    (let ((result (mapcar #'1+ x)))
-      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   result)))
-  (2 3 4 5))
-(deftest mapcar.3
-  (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-    (let ((result
-	   (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) (incf n))
-		   x)))
-      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   result)))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest mapcar.4
-  (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
-		  x x2)))
-    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
-	 (list result n)))
-  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
-(deftest mapcar.5
-  (let* ((n 0)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
-		  x2 x)))
-    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
-	 (list result n)))
-  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
-(deftest mapcar.6
- (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-    (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
-    (let ((result (mapcar 'mapc.6-fun x)))
-      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	   (list *mapc.6-var* result))))
- ((h g f e d c b a) (a b c d e f g h)))
-(deftest mapcar.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (mapcar (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'list)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest mapcar.error.1
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.2
-  (classify-error (mapcar))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.3
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.4
-  (classify-error (locally (mapcar #'identity 1) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.5
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'car '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.6
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.7
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcar.error.8
-  (classify-error (mapcar #'identity (list* 1 2 3 4)))
-  type-error)
-;;; mapcan
-(deftest mapcan.1
-  (mapcan #'list nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapcan.2
-  (mapcan #'list (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
-  (a b c d e f))
-(deftest mapcan.3
-  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (mapcan #'list x)))
-    (and
-     (= (length x) (length result))
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (loop
-      for e1 on x
-      and e2 on result
-      count (or (eqt e1 e2) (not (eql (car e1) (car e2)))))))
-  0)
-(deftest mapcan.4
-  (mapcan #'list
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-  (1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d))
-(deftest mapcan.5
-  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-  (a b b c c c d d d d))
-(defvar *mapcan.6-var* nil)
-(defun mapcan.6-fun (x)
-  (push x *mapcan.6-var*)
-  (copy-list *mapcan.6-var*))
-(deftest mapcan.6
-  (progn
-    (setf *mapcan.6-var* nil)
-    (mapcan 'mapcan.6-fun (copy-list '(a b c d))))
-  (a b a c b a d c b a))
-(deftest mapcan.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (mapcan (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'list)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  (a 1 b 2 c 3)
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest mapcan.8
-  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
-  (a b b c c c d d d d))
-(deftest mapcan.9
-  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d e f))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-  (a b b c c c d d d d))
-(deftest mapcan.10
-  (mapcan #'list
-	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
-	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
-	  nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapcan.11
-  (mapcan (constantly 1) (list 'a))
-  1)
-(deftest mapcan.error.1
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.2
-  (classify-error (mapcan))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.3
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.4
-  (classify-error (locally (mapcan #'identity 1) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.5
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'car '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.6
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.7
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcan.error.8
-  (classify-error (mapcan #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
-  type-error)
-;;; mapl
-(deftest mapl.1
-  (mapl #'list nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapl.2
-  (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (y) (push y a))
-		x)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt result x)
-     a))
-  ((c) (b c) (a b c)))
-(deftest mapl.3
-  (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
-    (and
-     (eqt result x)
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     a))
-  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
-   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
-(deftest mapl.4
-  (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
-    (and
-     (eqt result x)
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     a))
-  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
-   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
-(deftest mapl.5
-  (let* ((a nil)
-	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
-		    (setf a
-			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
-				  a)))
-		x y)))
-    (and
-     (eqt result x)
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     a))
-  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
-   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
-(deftest mapl.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (mapl (progn
-	     (setf x (incf i))
-	     (constantly nil))
-	   (progn
-	     (setf y (incf i))
-	     '(a b c))
-	   (progn
-	     (setf z (incf i))
-	     '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest mapl.error.1
-  (classify-error (mapl #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.2
-  (classify-error (mapl))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.3
-  (classify-error (mapl #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.4
-  (classify-error (locally (mapl #'identity 1) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.5
-  (classify-error (mapl #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.6
-  (classify-error (mapl #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.7
-  (classify-error (mapl #'caar '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapl.error.8
-  (classify-error (mapl #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
-  type-error)
-;;; maplist
-(deftest maplist.1
-  (maplist #'list nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest maplist.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (maplist #'identity x)))
-    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))
-  ((a b c) (b c) (c)))
-(deftest maplist.3
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     result))
-  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4)
-   (b c d 2 3 4)
-   (c d 3 4)
-   (d 4)))
-(deftest maplist.4
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     result))
-  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4 5)
-   (b c d 2 3 4 5)
-   (c d 3 4 5)
-   (d 4 5)))
-(deftest maplist.5
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (maplist #'append x y)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     result))
-  ((a b c d e 1 2 3 4)
-   (b c d e 2 3 4)
-   (c d e 3 4)
-   (d e 4)))
-(deftest maplist.6
-  (maplist 'append '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
-  ((a b c 1 2 3) (b c 2 3) (c 3)))
-(deftest maplist.7
-  (maplist #'(lambda (x y) (nth (car x) y))
-	   '(0 1 0 1 0 1 0)
-	   '(a b c d e f g)
-	   )
-  (a c c e e g g))
-(deftest maplist.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (maplist
-      (progn
-	(setf x (incf i))
-	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (car y)))
-      (progn
-	(setf y (incf i))
-	'(a b c))
-      (progn
-	(setf z (incf i))
-	     '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  (1 2 3) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest maplist.error.1
-  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.2
-  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.3
-  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 1.1323))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.4
-  (classify-error (maplist #'identity "abcde"))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.5
-  (classify-error (maplist))
-  program-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.6
-  (classify-error (maplist #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.7
-  (classify-error (locally (maplist #'identity 'a) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.8
-  (classify-error (maplist #'caar '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.9
-  (classify-error (maplist #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.10
-  (classify-error (maplist #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest maplist.error.11
-  (classify-error (maplist #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
-  type-error)
-;;; mapcon
-(deftest mapcon.1
-  (mapcon #'(lambda (x) (append '(a) x nil)) nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest mapcon.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcon #'(lambda (y) (append '(a) y nil)) x)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     result))
-  (a 1 2 3 4 a 2 3 4 a 3 4 a 4))
-(deftest mapcon.3
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(4 2 3 2 2)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h i j k l)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	 (result
-	  (mapcon #'(lambda (xt yt)
-		      (subseq yt 0 (car xt)))
-		  x y)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-     result))
-  (a b c d b c c d e d e e f))
-(deftest mapcon.4
-  (mapcon (constantly 1) (list 'a))
-  1)
-(deftest mapcon.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (mapcon (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		    #'(lambda (x y) (list (car x) (car y))))
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		    '(a b c))
-	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
-		    '(1 2 3)))
-     i x y z))
-  (a 1 b 2 c 3)
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest mapcon.error.1
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'identity 1))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.2
-  (classify-error (mapcon))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.3
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'append))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.4
-  (classify-error (locally (mapcon #'identity 1) t))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.5
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'caar '(a b c)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.6
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'cons '(a b c)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.7
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
-  program-error)
-(deftest mapcon.error.8
-  (classify-error (mapcon #'copy-tree (cons 1 2)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 581e965d23db628911de4d831a1ff5606482cd03..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-16.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,705 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:41:13 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 16
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; acons
-(deftest acons.1
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((c . d) (e . f))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (acons 'a 'b x)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt (cdr result) x)
-     result))
-  ((a . b) (c . d) (e . f)))
-(deftest acons.2
-  (acons 'a 'b nil)
-  ((a . b)))
-(deftest acons.3
-  (acons 'a 'b 'c)
-  ((a . b) . c))
-(deftest acons.4
-  (acons '((a b)) '(((c d) e) f) '((1 . 2)))
-  (( ((a b)) . (((c d) e) f)) (1 . 2)))
-(deftest acons.5
-  (acons "ancd" 1.143 nil)
-  (("ancd" . 1.143)))
-(deftest acons.6
-  (acons #\R :foo :bar)
-  ((#\R . :foo) . :bar))
-(deftest acons.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (acons (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) 'b)
-	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) '((c . d))))
-     i x y z))
-  ((a . b)(c . d))
-  3 1 2 3)
-(deftest acons.error.1
-  (classify-error (acons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest acons.error.2
-  (classify-error (acons 'a))
-  program-error)
-(deftest acons.error.3
-  (classify-error (acons 'a 'b))
-  program-error)
-(deftest acons.error.4
-  (classify-error (acons 'a 'b 'c 'd))
-  program-error)
-;;; assoc
-(deftest assoc.1
-    (assoc nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest assoc.2
-    (assoc nil '(nil))
-  nil)
-(deftest assoc.3
-    (assoc nil '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b)))
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc.4
-    (assoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
-  nil)
-(deftest assoc.5
-    (assoc 'a '((a . b)))
-  (a . b))
-(deftest assoc.6
-    (assoc 'a '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f)))
-  (a . d))
-(deftest assoc.7
-    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc 'b x)))
-      (and
-       (eqt result (second x))
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
-  t)
-(deftest assoc.8
-    (assoc 1 '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c)))
-  (1 . b))
-(deftest assoc.9
-    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3)))
-  nil)
-(deftest assoc.10
-    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
-  nil)
-(deftest assoc.11
-    (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
-      (assoc x `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1))))
-  ((a b) . d))
-(deftest assoc.12
-    (assoc #\e '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
-  ("aevgd" . 2))
-(deftest assoc.13
-    (assoc nil '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))
-	   :key #'car)
-  (nil . c))
-(deftest assoc.14
-    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test #'equal)
-  ("abc" . 2))
-(deftest assoc.15
-    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test #'equalp)
-  ("abc" . 2))
-(deftest assoc.16
-    (assoc (copy-list '(a)) (copy-tree '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))
-	   :test #'equal)
-  ((a) b))
-(deftest assoc.17
-    (assoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	   '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equalp))
-  ("abc" . 2))
-(deftest assoc.18
-    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test-not #'eq)
-  (b . c))
-(deftest assoc.19
-    (assoc 'a '((a . d)(b . c)) :test (complement #'eq))
-  (b . c))
-(deftest assoc.20
-    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	   :test #'equal)
-  ("A" . 6))
-(deftest assoc.21
-    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	   :test #'equal)
-  ("a" . 3))
-(deftest assoc.22
-    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
-  ("A" . 6))
-(deftest assoc.23
-    (assoc "a" '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))
-	   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	   :test-not (complement #'equal))
-  ("a" . 3))
-;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
-;; other than T
-(deftest assoc.24
-    (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))
-	   :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
-  (a . 2))
-;; Check that the order of the arguments to test is correct
-(deftest assoc.25
-    (block fail
-      (assoc 'a '((b . 1) (c . 2) (a . 3))
-	     :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		       (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		       (eqt x y))))
-  (a . 3))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest assoc.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4))))
-     i x y))
-  (c . 3) 2 1 2)
-(deftest assoc.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq))
-     i x y z))
-  (c . 3) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest assoc.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :test #'eq)
-     i x y))
-  (c . 3) 2 1 2)
-(deftest assoc.order.4
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (assoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3) (d . 4)))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
-     i x y z w))
-  (c . 3) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.1
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.2
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.3
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t
-	 :test-not #'eql)
-  (a . 1))
-(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.4
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.allow-other-keys.5
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.keywords.6
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :key #'identity :key #'null)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.keywords.7
-  (assoc 'b '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
-  (b . 2))
-(deftest assoc.error.1
-  (classify-error (assoc))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.2
-  (classify-error (assoc nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.3
-  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.4
-  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.5
-  (classify-error (assoc nil nil  1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.6
-  (classify-error (assoc nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.7
-  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.8
-  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.9
-  (classify-error (assoc 'a '((a . b)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc.error.10
-  (classify-error (assoc 'z '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; assoc-if
-(deftest assoc-if.1
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (third x))
-       result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (assoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt result (third x))
-     result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if.3
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if #'evenp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (fourth x))
-       result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if.4
-    (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
-  (nil . e))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest assoc-if.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
-     i x y))
-  (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
-(deftest assoc-if.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (assoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-	       (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		      '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
-	       :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
-     i x y z))
-  (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.1
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.2
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
-  (a . 1))
-(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if.allow-other-keys.5
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if.keywords.6
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key #'identity :key #'null)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if.keywords.7
-  (assoc-if #'null '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
-  (nil . 2))
-;;; Error cases
-(deftest assoc-if.error.1
-  (classify-error (assoc-if))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.2
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.3
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.4
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.5
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil 1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.6
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.7
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'cons '((a b)(c d))))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.8
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.9
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'car '((a b)(c d))))
-  type-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.10
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest assoc-if.error.11
-  (classify-error (assoc-if #'null '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; assoc-if-not
-(deftest assoc-if-not.1
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (third x))
-       result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.2
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (assoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt result (third x))
-     result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.3
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (assoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (fourth x))
-       result))
-  (6 . c))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.4
-    (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g)))
-  (nil . e))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest assoc-if-not.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4))))
-     i x y))
-  (nil . 17) 2 1 2)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (assoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			  '((a . 1) (b . 2) (nil . 17) (d . 4)))
-		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
-     i x y z))
-  (a . 1) 3 1 2 3)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity
-		'((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-	    :allow-other-keys t :also-bad t :key #'not)
-  (a . 1))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.6
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3))
-		:key #'identity :key #'null)
-  (nil . 2))
-(deftest assoc-if-not.keywords.7
-  (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . 1) (nil . 2) (c . 3)) :key nil :key #'null)
-  (nil . 2))
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.1
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.2
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.3
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.4
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.5
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil 1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.6
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.7
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'cons '((a b)(c d))))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.8
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.9
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'car '((a b)(c d))))
-  type-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.10
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a b)(c d)) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest assoc-if-not.error.11
-  (classify-error (assoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; copy-alist
-(deftest copy-alist-1
-    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (c . d) nil (e f) ((x) ((y z)) w)
-			   ("foo" . "bar") (#\w . 1.234)
-			   (1/3 . 4123.4d5))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (copy-alist x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (= (length x) (length result))
-       (every #'(lambda (p1 p2)
-		  (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
-		      (and (not (eqt p1 p2))
-			   (eqt (car p1) (car p2))
-			   (eqt (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))
-	      x result)
-       t))
-  t)
-(deftest copy-alist.error.1
-  (classify-error (copy-alist))
-  program-error)
-(deftest copy-alist.error.2
-  (classify-error (copy-alist nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest copy-alist.error.3
-  (classify-error (copy-alist '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; pairlis
-;; Pairlis has two legal behaviors: the pairs
-;; can be prepended in the same order, or in the
-;; reverse order, that they appear in the first
-;; two arguments
-(defun my-pairlis (x y &optional alist)
-  (if (null x)
-      alist
-    (acons (car x) (car y)
-	   (my-pairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) alist))))
-(deftest pairlis-1
-    (pairlis nil nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest pairlis-2
-    (pairlis '(a) '(b) nil)
-  ((a . b)))
-(deftest pairlis-3
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   (result (pairlis x y))
-	   (expected (my-pairlis x y)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-       (or
-	(equal result expected)
-	(equal result (reverse expected)))
-       t))
-  t)
-(deftest pairlis-4
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
-	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
-	   (z '((x . 10) (y . 20)))
-	   (zcopy (make-scaffold-copy z))
-	   (result (pairlis x y z))
-	   (expected (my-pairlis x y z)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-       (check-scaffold-copy z zcopy)
-       (eqt (cdr (cddr (cddr result))) z)
-       (or
-	(equal result expected)
-	(equal result (append (reverse (subseq expected 0 5))
-			      (subseq expected 5))))
-       t))
-  t)
-(deftest pairlis.error.1
-  (classify-error (pairlis))
-  program-error)
-(deftest pairlis.error.2
-  (classify-error (pairlis nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest pairlis.error.3
-  (classify-error (pairlis nil nil nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest pairlist.error.4
-  (classify-error (pairlis 'a '(1)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest pairlist.error.5
-  (classify-error (pairlis '(a) 'b))
-  type-error)
-(deftest pairlist.error.6
-  (classify-error (pairlis '(a . b) '(c . d)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 661520dd7fef2f08a93f96d39e3a379504e3e7f4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-17.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,571 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 09:45:22 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 17
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-(defun rev-assoc-list (x)
-  (cond
-   ((null x) nil)
-   ((null (car x))
-    (cons nil (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))
-   (t
-    (acons (cdar x) (caar x) (rev-assoc-list (cdr x))))))
-;;; rassoc
-(deftest rassoc.1
-  (rassoc nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest rassoc.2
-  (rassoc nil '(nil))
-  nil)
-(deftest rassoc.3
-  (rassoc nil (rev-assoc-list '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b))))
-  (2 . nil))
-(deftest rassoc.4
-  (rassoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
-  nil)
-(deftest rassoc.5
-  (rassoc 'a '((b . a)))
-  (b . a))
-(deftest rassoc.6
-  (rassoc 'a (rev-assoc-list '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f))))
-  (d . a))
-(deftest rassoc.7
-  (let* ((x (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d)))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc 'b x)))
-    (and
-     (eqt result (second x))
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
-  t)
-(deftest rassoc.8
-  (rassoc 1 (rev-assoc-list '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c))))
-  (b . 1))
-(deftest rassoc.9
-  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (rev-assoc-list '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-  nil)
-(deftest rassoc.10
-  (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
-	  (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))))
-  nil)
-(deftest rassoc.11
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
-    (rassoc x
-	    (rev-assoc-list `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1)))))
-  (d a b))
-(deftest rassoc.12
-  (rassoc #\e
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
-  (2 . "aevgd"))
-(deftest rassoc.13
-  (rassoc nil
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))))
-	  :key #'car)
-  (c))
-(deftest rassoc.14
-  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test #'equal)
-  (2 . "abc"))
-(deftest rassoc.15
-  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test #'equalp)
-  (2 . "abc"))
-(deftest rassoc.16
-  (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
-	  :test #'equal)
-  ((b) a))
-(deftest rassoc.17
-  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equalp))
-  (2 . "abc"))
-(deftest rassoc.18
-  (rassoc 'a 
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
-	  :test-not #'eq)
-  (c . b))
-(deftest rassoc.19
-  (rassoc 'a
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
-	  :test (complement #'eq))
-  (c . b))
-(deftest rassoc.20
-  (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	  :test #'equal)
-  (6 . "A"))
-(deftest rassoc.21
-  (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	  :test #'equal)
-  (3 . "a"))
-(deftest rassoc.22
-  (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
-  (6 . "A"))
-(deftest rassoc.23
-  (rassoc "a"
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
-	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
-	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
-  (3 . "a"))
-;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
-;; other than T
-(deftest rassoc.24
-  (rassoc 'a
-	  (copy-tree
-	   (rev-assoc-list
-	    '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))))
-	  :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
-  (2 . a))
-;; Check that the order of the arguments to :test is correct
-(deftest rassoc.25
-  (block fail
-    (rassoc 'a '((1 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a))
-	    :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		      (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
-		      (eqt x y))))
-  (3 . a))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest rassoc.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c))))
-     i x y))
-  (3 . c) 2 1 2)
-(deftest rassoc.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
-     i x y z))
-  (3 . c) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest rassoc.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	    :test #'eql)
-     i x y))
-  (3 . c) 2 1 2)
-(deftest rassoc.order.4
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
-	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
-     i x y z w))
-  (3 . c) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.1
-  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 . b))
-(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.2
-  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (2 . b))
-(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.3
-  (rassoc 'a '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :test-not #'eql)
-  (2 . b))
-(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.4
-  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2 . b))
-(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.5
-  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2 . b))
-(deftest rassoc.keywords.6
-  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))
-	  :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql))
-  (2 . b))
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest rassoc.error.1
-  (classify-error (rassoc))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.2
-  (classify-error (rassoc nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.3
-  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.4
-  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.5
-  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil 1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.6
-  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.7
-  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.8
-  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.9
-  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc.error.10
-  (classify-error (rassoc 'z '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; rassoc-if
-(deftest rassoc-if.1
-    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (third x))
-       result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if.2
-  (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt result (third x))
-     result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if.3
-    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (fourth x))
-       result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if.4
-    (rassoc-if #'null
-	       (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
-  (e))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest rassoc-if.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
-     i x y))
-  (17) 2 1 2)
-(deftest rassoc-if.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
-		(progn (setf y (incf i))
-		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
-		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
-     i x y z))
-  (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.1
-  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.2
-  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
-  (rassoc-if #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :key 'not)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
-  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.5
-  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if.keywords.6
-  (rassoc-if #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :key #'not :key #'identity)
-  (2))
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.1
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.2
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.3
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.4
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.5
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil 1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.6
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.7
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'cons '((a . b)(c . d))))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.8
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'car '((a . b)(c . d))))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.9
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.10
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if.error.11
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'not '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
-;;; rassoc-if-not
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.1
-    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (third x))
-       result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.2
-  (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (result (rassoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
-    (and
-     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-     (eqt result (third x))
-     result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.3
-    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
-	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (eqt result (fourth x))
-       result))
-  (c . 6))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.4
-    (rassoc-if-not #'identity 
-		   (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
-  (e))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
-     i x y))
-  (17) 2 1 2)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
-		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
-		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
-     i x y z))
-  (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
-  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
-  (rassoc-if-not #'values '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
-  (rassoc-if-not #'not '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-	  :key 'not)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
-  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
-  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
-  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t
-		 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
-  (2))
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.keywords.7
-  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :key #'not :key nil)
-  (1 . a))
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.1
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.2
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.3
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.4
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.5
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil 1 1))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.6
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.7
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'cons '((a . b)(c . d))))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.8
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'car '((a . b)(c . d))))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.9
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.10
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.11
-  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) . c)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b0d679bb4f0b8ae6bfcd63721114a933bb78d08..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-22.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,629 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Mon Mar 30 22:10:34 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 22
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; set-difference
-(deftest set-difference.1
-  (set-difference nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest set-difference.2
-  (let ((result
-	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
-    (check-set-difference '(a b c) nil result))
-  t)
-(deftest set-difference.3
-  (let ((result
-	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
-    (check-set-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
-  t)
-(deftest set-difference.4
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-			       '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
-   #'<)
-  (1 3 5 6 8))
-(deftest set-difference.5
-  (set-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
-  nil)
-(deftest set-difference.6
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :key nil)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.7
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.8
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.9
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.10
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.11
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.12
-  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			     :test 'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-difference.13
-  (do-random-set-differences 100 100)
-  nil)
-(deftest set-difference.14
-  (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			     :key 'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest set-difference.15
-  (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			     :key #'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
-;; in the correct order
-(deftest set-difference.16
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (set-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest set-difference.17
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (set-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :key #'identity
-       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest set-difference.18
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (set-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :test-not
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest set-difference.19
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (set-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :test-not
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest set-difference.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
-     i x y))
-  (1) 2 1 2)
-(deftest set-difference.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
-     i x y z))
-  (4) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest set-difference.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-		     :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
-     i x y z w))
-  (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.1
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :bad t :allow-other-keys t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.2
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t :bad t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.3
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
-   #'<)
-  (4 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.4
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.5
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys nil))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.6
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t
-     :allow-other-keys nil))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.7
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t
-     :allow-other-keys nil
-     '#:x 1))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.keywords.8
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql)))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest set-difference.keywords.9
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (set-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :test (complement #'eql) :test #'eql))
-   #'<)
-  nil)
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest set-difference.error.1
-  (classify-error (set-difference))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.2
-  (classify-error (set-difference nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.3
-  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.4
-  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.5
-  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.6
-  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.7
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.8
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.9
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.10
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.11
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest set-difference.error.12
-  (classify-error (set-difference (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-;;; nset-difference
-(deftest nset-difference.1
-  (nset-difference nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest nset-difference.2
-  (let ((result
-	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
-    (check-nset-difference '(a b c) nil result))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-difference.3
-  (let ((result
-	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
-    (check-nset-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-difference.4
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				'(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
-   #'<)
-  (1 3 5 6 8))
-(deftest nset-difference.5
-  (nset-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
-  nil)
-(deftest nset-difference.6
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :key nil)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.7
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.8
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.9
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.10
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.11
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.12
-  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			      :test 'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-difference.13
-  (do-random-nset-differences 100 100)
-  nil)
-(deftest nset-difference.14
-  (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			      :key 'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest nset-difference.15
-  (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
-			      :key #'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
-;; in the correct order
-(deftest nset-difference.16
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (nset-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest nset-difference.17
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (nset-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :key #'identity
-       :test #'(lambda (x y)
-		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		   (return-from fail 'fail))
-		 (eqt x y))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest nset-difference.18
-  (block fail
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (nset-difference-with-check
-       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-       :test-not
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-	     (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eqt x y)))))
-     #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-(deftest nset-difference.19
-  (block fail
-    (sort (copy-list
-	   (nset-difference-with-check
-	    '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
-	    :test-not
-	    #'(lambda (x y)
-		(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
-			  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
-		  (return-from fail 'fail))
-		(not (eqt x y)))))
-	  #'<))
-  (1 2 3 4))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest nset-difference.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
-     i x y))
-  (1) 2 1 2)
-(deftest nset-difference.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
-     i x y z))
-  (4) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest nset-difference.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
-		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-		      :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
-     i x y z w))
-  (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.1
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :bad t :allow-other-keys t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.2
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t :bad t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.3
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
-   #'<)
-  (4 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.4
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.5
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys nil))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.6
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t
-     :allow-other-keys nil))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.7
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :allow-other-keys t
-     :allow-other-keys nil
-     '#:x 1))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.keywords.8
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql)))
-   #'<)
-  (1 5))
-(deftest nset-difference.keywords.9
-  (sort
-   (copy-list
-    (nset-difference
-     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
-     :test (complement #'eql) :test #'eql))
-   #'<)
-  nil)
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest nset-difference.error.1
-  (classify-error (nset-difference))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.2
-  (classify-error (nset-difference nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.3
-  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.4
-  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.5
-  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.6
-  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.7
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.8
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.9
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.10
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.11
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nset-difference.error.12
-  (classify-error (nset-difference (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index bf2ad7a360881d8ac9232252e4b11d05654c4176..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-23.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  1 21:49:43 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 23
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; set-exclusive-or
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.1
-    (set-exclusive-or nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.2
-    (let ((result
-	   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
-      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.3
-    (let ((result
-	   (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
-      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.4
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (set-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
-     #'<)
-  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.5
-    (check-set-exclusive-or
-     nil
-     '(a b c d e f g h)
-     (set-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.6
-  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :key nil)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.7
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.7-a
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.8
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.8-a
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.8-b
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				 :test-not (complement #'eql))
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.9
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.10
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.11
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.12
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'equal)
-  (c))
-;;; (deftest set-exclusive-or.13
-;;;    (do-random-set-exclusive-ors 100 100)
-;;;  nil)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.14
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
-			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
-			       :key 'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.15
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.16
-    (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car
-			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
-  ((b . 2)))
-;; Check that set-exclusive-or does not invert
-;; the order of the arguments to the test function
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.17
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.17-a
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.18
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
-  t)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.18-a
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
-  t)
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10)))
-      #'<)
-     i x y))
-  (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				     #'eql))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z))
-  (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				     #'eql)
-			:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.4
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			:test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				     #'eql))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.5
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-			       (list 1 2 3 4))
-			(progn (setf y (incf i))
-			       (list 1 3 6 10))
-			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			:key (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				    (complement #'eql)))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-	#'<)
-  (1 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil
-			  '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.keywords.8
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'eql
-			  :test #'/=)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest set-exclusive.keywords.9
-  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'/=
-			  :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
-  nil)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.1
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.2
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.3
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.4
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.5
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.6
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.7
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.8
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.9
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.10
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.11
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.12
-  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-;;; Randomized test
-(deftest random-set-exclusive-or
-  (random-set-exclusive-or-test 10 100)
-  nil)
-;;; nset-exclusive-or
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.1
-    (nset-exclusive-or nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.2
-    (let ((result
-	   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
-      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.3
-    (let ((result
-	   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
-      (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.4
-    (sort
-     (copy-list
-      (nset-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
-				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
-     #'<)
-  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.5
-    (check-set-exclusive-or
-     nil
-     '(a b c d e f g h)
-     (nset-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.6
-  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				:key nil)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.7
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.7-a
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8-a
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8-b
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-				  :test-not (complement #'eql))
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.9
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.10
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eq)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.11
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'eql)
-  (c))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.12
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
-			       :test 'equal)
-  (c))
-;;; (deftest nset-exclusive-or.13
-;;;    (do-random-nset-exclusive-ors 100 100)
-;;;  nil)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.14
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
-			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
-			       :key 'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.15
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car)
-  ((b . 2)))
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.16
-    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
-			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
-			       :key #'car
-			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
-  ((b . 2)))
-;; Check that nset-exclusive-or does not invert
-;; the order of the arguments to the test function
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.17
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.17-a
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
-		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
-			    (member s2 list1))
-		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.18
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
-  t)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.18-a
-  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
-	(list2 '(e f g h)))
-    (block fail
-      (notnot-mv
-       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
-	list1 list2
-	:key #'identity
-	:test-not
-	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
-	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
-		      (member s2 list1))
-	      (return-from fail 'failed))
-	    t)))))
-  t)
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10)))
-      #'<)
-     i x y))
-  (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y z)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				      #'eql))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z))
-  (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
-				      #'eql)
-			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.4
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			 :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				      #'eql))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.5
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (sort
-      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
-				(list 1 2 3 4))
-			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
-				(list 1 3 6 10))
-			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
-			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				     (complement #'eql)))
-      #'<)
-     i x y z w))
-  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
-			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
-	#'<)
-  (1 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :allow-other-keys t
-			  :allow-other-keys nil
-			  '#:x 1)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.8
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'eql
-			  :test #'/=)
-	#'<)
-  (1 2 5 6))
-(deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.9
-  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
-			  :test #'/=
-			  :test #'eql)
-	#'<)
-  nil)
-;;; Randomized test
-(deftest random-nset-exclusive-or
-  (random-set-exclusive-or-test 10 1000 'nset-exclusive-or)
-  nil)
-;;; Error tests
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.1
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.2
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.3
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.4
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.5
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.6
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.7
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.8
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.9
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.10
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.11
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.12
-  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp
deleted file mode 100644
index baa1544da1835bfaee29a65eecfde0ee3f99b350..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-25.lsp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
-;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sun Apr  5 22:26:59 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 25
-(in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; setting of C*R accessors
-    for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
-		caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
-		caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
-		cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
-    do
-      (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
-	(eval `(deftest ,(intern
-			  (concatenate 'string
-			    (symbol-name fn)
-			    "-SET-ALT")
-			  :cl-test)
-		   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
-		     (and
-		      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
-		      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
-		      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
-		      (equal x (create-c*r-test ,level))
-		      ))
-		 t))))
-    for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
-		      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
-		      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
-    do
-      (eval
-       `(deftest ,(intern
-		   (concatenate 'string
-		     (symbol-name fn)
-		     "-SET-ALT")
-		   :cl-test)
-	    (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
-	      (and
-	       (setf (,fn x) 'a)
-	       (loop
-		   for i from 1 to 20
-		   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
-				 (nth (1- i) x))
-			(return nil))
-		   finally (return t))
-	       (eql (,fn x) 'a)
-	       (nth ,(1- len) x)))
-	  a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons.lsp b/ansi-tests/cons.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..50ef5bfeaa579a0dccf78cc781f7a291cafb055c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/cons.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:24:25 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests for CONS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;; Various easy tests of cons
+(deftest cons-of-symbols
+  (cons 'a 'b)
+  (a . b))
+(deftest cons-with-nil
+  (cons 'a nil)
+  (a))
+;; successive calls to cons produces results that are equal, but not eq
+(deftest cons-eq-equal
+  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
+	(y (cons 'a 'b)))
+    (and (not (eqt x y))
+	 (equalt x y)))
+  t)
+;; list can be expressed as a bunch of conses (with nil)
+(deftest cons-equal-list
+  (equalt (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c nil)))
+	  (list 'a 'b 'c))
+  t)
+;;; Order of evaluation of cons arguments
+(deftest cons.order.1
+  (let ((i 0)) (values (cons (incf i) (incf i)) i))
+  (1 . 2) 2)
+(deftest cons.error.1
+  (classify-error (cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest cons.error.2
+  (classify-error (cons 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest cons.error.3
+  (classify-error (cons 'a 'b 'c))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/consp.lsp b/ansi-tests/consp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..72a5b97e2b684b0d804c527417e67c495b4e73b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/consp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:27:16 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of CONSP
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;; Lists satisfy consp
+(deftest consp-list
+  (notnot-mv (consp '(a)))
+  t)
+;; cons satisfies consp
+(deftest consp-cons
+  (notnot-mv (consp (cons nil nil)))
+  t)
+;; nil is not a consp
+(deftest consp-nil
+  (consp nil)
+  nil)
+;; The empty list is not a cons
+(deftest consp-empty-list
+  (consp (list))
+  nil)
+;; A single element list is a cons
+(deftest consp-single-element-list
+  (notnot-mv (consp (list 'a)))
+  t)
+;; For everything in *universe*, it is either an atom, or satisfies
+;; consp, but not both
+(deftest consp-xor-atom-universe
+  (notnot-mv
+   (every #'(lambda (x) (or (and (consp x) (not (atom x)))
+			    (and (not (consp x)) (atom x))))
+	  *universe*))
+  t)
+;; Everything in type cons satisfies consp, and vice versa
+(deftest consp-cons-universe
+  (check-type-predicate 'consp 'cons)
+  0)
+(deftest consp.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (consp (incf i)) i))
+  nil 1)
+(deftest consp.error.1
+  (classify-error (consp))
+  program-error)
+(deftest consp.error.2
+  (classify-error (consp 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b0c425128e7d12368ec783bd36e79fa8591815a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-alist.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:29:07 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of COPY-ALIST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest copy-alist.1
+    (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a . b) (c . d) nil (e f) ((x) ((y z)) w)
+			   ("foo" . "bar") (#\w . 1.234)
+			   (1/3 . 4123.4d5))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (copy-alist x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (= (length x) (length result))
+       (every #'(lambda (p1 p2)
+		  (or (and (null p1) (null p2))
+		      (and (not (eqt p1 p2))
+			   (eqlt (car p1) (car p2))
+			   (eqlt (cdr p1) (cdr p2)))))
+	      x result)
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest copy-alist.error.1
+  (classify-error (copy-alist))
+  program-error)
+(deftest copy-alist.error.2
+  (classify-error (copy-alist nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest copy-alist.error.3
+  (classify-error (copy-alist '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..831b4858132fc74a1cc4e39c941b54f3b1ae469b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:55:19 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of COPY-LIST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest copy-list.1
+  (check-copy-list '(a b c d))
+  (a b c d))
+;; Check that copy-list works on dotted lists
+(deftest copy-list.2
+  (check-copy-list '(a . b))
+ (a . b))
+(deftest copy-list.3
+  (check-copy-list '(a b c . d))
+  (a b c . d))
+(deftest copy-list.4
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (copy-list (progn (incf i) '(a b c)))
+	    i))
+  (a b c) 1)
+(deftest copy-list.error.1
+  (classify-error (copy-list))
+  program-error)
+(deftest copy-list.error.2
+  (classify-error (copy-list nil nil))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp b/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5727bbd8df8cfba9c4d0872dd6a704c795a76a76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/copy-tree.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:31:33 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of COPY-TREE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;; Try copy-tree on a tree containing elements of various kinds
+(deftest copy-tree.1
+  (let* ((x (cons 'a (list
+		     (cons 'b 'c)
+		     (cons 1 1.2)
+		     (list (list "abcde"
+				 (make-array '(10) :initial-element
+					     (cons 'e 'f)))
+				'g))))
+	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+    (check-cons-copy x y))
+  t)
+;; Try copy-tree on *universe*
+(deftest copy-tree.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list *universe*))
+	 (y (copy-tree x)))
+    (check-cons-copy x y))
+  t)
+(deftest copy-tree.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values
+     (copy-tree (progn (incf i) '(a b c)))
+     i))
+  (a b c) 1)
+(deftest copy-tree.error.1
+  (classify-error (copy-tree))
+  program-error)
+(deftest copy-tree.error.2
+  (classify-error (copy-tree 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp b/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
similarity index 72%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
index 6b1e3f001edb7de8e75a109f1a69b8df85480f08..b69daaa03940f47e79ced78fddcab88b72c5b7b2 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-08.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/cxr.lsp
@@ -1,14 +1,142 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:36:01 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 8
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:28:38 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of C*R functions
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
+;; Tests of car, cdr and compound forms
+(deftest cons.23
+  (car '(a))
+  a)
-;;; Error checking car, cdr, list-length
+(deftest cons.24
+  (cdr '(a . b))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.25
+  (caar '((a)))
+  a)
+(deftest cons.26
+  (cdar '((a . b)))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.27
+  (cadr '(a b))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.28
+  (cddr '(a b . c))
+  c)
+(deftest cons.29
+  (caaar '(((a))))
+  a)
+(deftest cons.30
+  (cdaar '(((a . b))))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.31
+  (cadar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.32
+  (cddar (cons (cons 'a (cons 'b 'c)) 'd))
+  c)
+(deftest cons.33
+  (caadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
+  b)
+(deftest cons.34
+  (caddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
+  c)
+(deftest cons.36
+  (cdadr (cons 'a (cons (cons 'b 'c) 'd)))
+  c)
+(deftest cons.37
+  (cdddr (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c 'd))))
+  d)
+(defvar *cons-test-4*
+  (cons (cons (cons (cons 'a 'b)
+		    (cons 'c 'd))
+	      (cons (cons 'e 'f)
+		    (cons 'g 'h)))
+	(cons (cons (cons 'i 'j)
+		    (cons 'k 'l))
+	      (cons (cons 'm 'n)
+		    (cons 'o 'p)))))
+(deftest cons.38
+  (caaaar *cons-test-4*)
+  a)
+(deftest cons.39
+  (cdaaar *cons-test-4*)
+  b)
+(deftest cons.40
+  (cadaar *cons-test-4*)
+  c)
+(deftest cons.41
+  (cddaar *cons-test-4*)
+  d)
+(deftest cons.42
+  (caadar *cons-test-4*)
+  e)
+(deftest cons.43
+  (cdadar *cons-test-4*)
+  f)
+(deftest cons.44
+  (caddar *cons-test-4*)
+  g)
+(deftest cons.45
+  (cdddar *cons-test-4*)
+  h)
+(deftest cons.46
+  (caaadr *cons-test-4*)
+  i)
+(deftest cons.47
+  (cdaadr *cons-test-4*)
+  j)
+(deftest cons.48
+  (cadadr *cons-test-4*)
+  k)
+(deftest cons.49
+  (cddadr *cons-test-4*)
+  l)
+(deftest cons.50
+  (caaddr *cons-test-4*)
+  m)
+(deftest cons.51
+  (cdaddr *cons-test-4*)
+  n)
+(deftest cons.52
+  (cadddr *cons-test-4*)
+  o)
+(deftest cons.53
+  (cddddr *cons-test-4*)
+  p)
 (deftest car.1
   (car '(a))
@@ -52,18 +180,6 @@
   (classify-error (locally (cdr 'a) t))
-(deftest list-length.4
-  (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c)))
-  3)
-(deftest list-length-symbol
-  (classify-error (list-length 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest list-length-dotted-list
-  (classify-error (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
-  type-error)
 ;;; Error checking of c*r functions
 (deftest caar.error.1
@@ -453,3 +569,51 @@
 ;;; Need to add 'locally' wrapped forms of these
+;;; setting of C*R accessors
+    for fn in '(car cdr caar cadr cdar cddr
+		caaar caadr cadar caddr cdaar cdadr cddar cdddr
+		caaaar caaadr caadar caaddr cadaar cadadr caddar cadddr
+		cdaaar cdaadr cdadar cdaddr cddaar cddadr cdddar cddddr)
+    do
+      (let ((level (- (length (symbol-name fn)) 2)))
+	(eval `(deftest ,(intern
+			  (concatenate 'string
+			    (symbol-name fn)
+			    "-SET-ALT")
+			  :cl-test)
+		   (let ((x (create-c*r-test ,level)))
+		     (and
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+		      (setf (,fn x) 'none)
+		      (equal x (create-c*r-test ,level))
+		      ))
+		 t))))
+    for (fn len) in '((first 1) (second 2) (third 3) (fourth 4)
+		      (fifth 5) (sixth 6) (seventh 7) (eighth 8)
+		      (ninth 9) (tenth 10))
+    do
+      (eval
+       `(deftest ,(intern
+		   (concatenate 'string
+		     (symbol-name fn)
+		     "-SET-ALT")
+		   :cl-test)
+	    (let ((x (make-list 20 :initial-element nil)))
+	      (and
+	       (setf (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (loop
+		   for i from 1 to 20
+		   do (when (and (not (eql i ,len))
+				 (nth (1- i) x))
+			(return nil))
+		   finally (return t))
+	       (eql (,fn x) 'a)
+	       (nth ,(1- len) x)))
+	  a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp b/ansi-tests/endp.lsp
similarity index 89%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/endp.lsp
index 211003fb66dfd105cf0cd977310f855ba1c317a5..12b66c17d023e9e9cb61cdc45694f3021a4f0a2e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-06.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/endp.lsp
@@ -1,12 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
 ;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:34:40 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 6
+;;;; Contains: Tests of ENDP
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
 ;;; endp
diff --git a/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp b/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..147d71b0b8094951fdd7351c8b7cc0f854343757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/get-properties.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:37:00 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of GET-PROPERTIES
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest get-properties.1
+  (get-properties nil nil)
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties.2
+  (get-properties '(a b) nil)
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties.3
+  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(a))
+  a b (a b c d))
+(deftest get-properties.4
+  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c))
+  c d (c d))
+(deftest get-properties.5
+  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c a))
+  a b (a b c d))
+(deftest get-properties.6
+  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(b))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties.7
+  (get-properties '("aa" b c d) (list (copy-seq "aa")))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties.8
+  (get-properties '(1000000000000 b c d) (list (1+ 999999999999)))
+  nil nil nil)
+(deftest get-properties.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h a c)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (y (copy-list '(x y f g)))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+    (multiple-value-bind
+	(indicator value tail)
+	(get-properties x y)
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (eqt tail (nthcdr 6 x))
+       (values indicator value tail))))
+  g h (g h a c))
+(deftest get-properties.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (multiple-value-list
+      (get-properties (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b c d))
+		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(c))))
+     i x y))
+  (c d (c d)) 2 1 2)
+(deftest get-properties.error.1
+  (classify-error (get-properties))
+  program-error)
+(deftest get-properties.error.2
+  (classify-error (get-properties nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest get-properties.error.3
+  (classify-error (get-properties nil nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest get-properties.error.4
+  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c 3) '(x . y)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest get-properties.error.5
+  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c 3 . d) '(x y)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest get-properties.error.6
+  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c . d) '(x y)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp b/ansi-tests/getf.lsp
similarity index 61%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/getf.lsp
index 771dd9d508ed22239ab77bcb150e01ea69b098c9..7627fe03fcd94623535819a24df1fdec0396dec3 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-18.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/getf.lsp
@@ -1,99 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 10:23:31 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 18
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:37:41 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of GETF
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; get-properties
-(deftest get-properties.1
-  (get-properties nil nil)
-  nil nil nil)
-(deftest get-properties.2
-  (get-properties '(a b) nil)
-  nil nil nil)
-(deftest get-properties.3
-  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(a))
-  a b (a b c d))
-(deftest get-properties.4
-  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c))
-  c d (c d))
-(deftest get-properties.5
-  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(c a))
-  a b (a b c d))
-(deftest get-properties.6
-  (get-properties '(a b c d) '(b))
-  nil nil nil)
-(deftest get-properties.7
-  (get-properties '("aa" b c d) (list (copy-seq "aa")))
-  nil nil nil)
-(deftest get-properties.8
-  (get-properties '(1000000000000 b c d) (list (1+ 999999999999)))
-  nil nil nil)
-(deftest get-properties.9
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h a c)))
-	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(x y f g)))
-	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-    (multiple-value-bind
-	(indicator value tail)
-	(get-properties x y)
-      (and
-       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
-       (eqt tail (nthcdr 6 x))
-       (values indicator value tail))))
-  g h (g h a c))
-(deftest get-properties.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (multiple-value-list
-      (get-properties (progn (setf x (incf i)) '(a b c d))
-		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(c))))
-     i x y))
-  (c d (c d)) 2 1 2)
-(deftest get-properties.error.1
-  (classify-error (get-properties))
-  program-error)
-(deftest get-properties.error.2
-  (classify-error (get-properties nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest get-properties.error.3
-  (classify-error (get-properties nil nil nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest get-properties.error.4
-  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c 3) '(x . y)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest get-properties.error.5
-  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c 3 . d) '(x y)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest get-properties.error.6
-  (classify-error (get-properties '(a 1 b 2 c . d) '(x y)))
-  type-error)
-;;; getf
 (deftest getf.1
   (getf nil 'a)
@@ -315,44 +226,3 @@
 (deftest getf.error.5
   (classify-error (getf '(a 10 . b) 'c))
-;;; remf
-(deftest remf.1
-  (let ((x nil))
-    (values (remf x 'a) x))
-  nil ())
-(deftest remf.2
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
-    (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
-  t ())
-(deftest remf.3
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'a 'c)))
-    (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
-  t (a c))
-(deftest remf.4
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
-    (values
-     (and (remf x 'c) t)
-     (loop
-      for ptr on x by #'cddr count
-      (not (eqt (car ptr) 'a)))))
-  t 0)
-(deftest remf.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y
-	(p (make-array 1 :initial-element (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))))
-    (values
-     (notnot
-      (remf (aref p (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0))
-	    (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		   'c)))
-     (aref p 0)
-     i x y))
-  t (a b e f) 2 1 2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp b/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
similarity index 50%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
index f36ccb086c9053a4716b22b55ceafc0bca635850..f4354f5a6052e8ea9672e8d19c4b4a3d46bb3d64 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-19.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/intersection.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 11:53:33 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 19
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:39:19 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of INTERSECTION
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; intersection
 (deftest intersection.1
   (intersection nil nil)
@@ -395,360 +390,3 @@
 (deftest intersection.error.12
   (classify-error (intersection '(a b . c) '(d e f)))
-;;; nintersection
-(deftest nintersection.1
-  (nintersection nil nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.2
-  (nintersection (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i) nil)
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.3
-  (nintersection-with-check nil (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i))
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.4
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
-	 (xc (copy-list x))
-	 (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
-	 (result (nintersection-with-check xc y)))
-    (and
-     (not (eqt result 'failed))
-     (+
-      (loop for e in x count
-	    (and (member e y)
-		 (not (member e result))))
-      (loop for e in result count
-	    (or (not (member e x)) (not (member e y))))
-      (loop for hd on result count
-	    (and (consp hd)
-		 (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
-  0)
-(deftest nintersection.5
-  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
-	 (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
-	 (result (nintersection-with-check x y)))
-    (and
-     (not (eqt result 'failed))
-     (member 'a result)
-     (not (member 'b result))))
-  t)
-(deftest nintersection.6
-  (nintersection-with-check
-   (list 1000000000000 'a 'b 'c)
-   (list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
-  (1000000000000))
-(deftest nintersection.7
-  (nintersection-with-check (list 'a 10 'b 17)
-			    (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
-  (10))
-(deftest nintersection.8
-  (nintersection-with-check
-   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.9
-  (nintersection-with-check
-   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-   :test #'equal)
-  ("aaa"))
-(deftest nintersection.9-a
-  (nintersection-with-check
-   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-   :test 'equal)
-  ("aaa"))
-(deftest nintersection.9-b
-  (nintersection
-   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
-   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
-   :test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
-  ("aaa"))
-(deftest nintersection.10
-  (equalt
-   (sort
-    (let ((result
-	   (nintersection-with-check
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 3 collect i)
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 7 collect i))))
-      (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
-    #'<)
-   (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))
-  t)
-(deftest nintersection.11
-  (equalt
-   (sort
-    (let ((result
-	   (nintersection-with-check
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 5 collect i)
-	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 7 collect i)
-	    :test #'(lambda (a b)
-		      (and (eql a b)
-			   (= (mod a 3) 0))))))
-      (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
-    #'<)
-   (loop
-    for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))
-  t)
-(deftest nintersection.12
-  (nintersection-12-body 100 100)
-  nil)
-;; Key argument
-(deftest nintersection.13
-  (let ((x '(0 5 8 13 31 42))
-	(y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
-    (equalt
-     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
-		       (copy-list x) y)) #'<)
-     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
-		       (copy-list x) y :key #'1+)) #'<)))
-  t)
-;; Check that a nil key argument is ignored
-(deftest nintersection.14
-  (let
-      ((result (nintersection
-		(copy-list '(a b c d))
-		(copy-list '(e c f b g))
-		:key nil)))
-    (and
-     (member 'b result)
-     (member 'c result)
-     (every #'(lambda (x) (member x '(b c))) result)
-     t))
-  t) 
-;; Test that nintersection preserves the order of arguments to :test, :test-not
-(deftest nintersection.15
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (block fail
-      (nintersection
-       list1 list2
-       :test
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.16
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (block fail
-      (nintersection
-       list1 list2
-       :key #'identity
-       :test
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (eql x y)))))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.17
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (block fail
-      (nintersection
-       list1 list2
-       :test-not
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.18
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (block fail
-      (nintersection
-       list1 list2
-       :key #'identity
-       :test-not
-       #'(lambda (x y)
-	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
-	   (not (eql x y))))))
-  (4))
-;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
-(deftest nintersection.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
-     i x y))
-  nil 2 1 2)
-(deftest nintersection.order.2
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test #'eq)
-     i x y))
-  nil 2 1 2)
-(deftest nintersection.order.3
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
-				(complement #'eq)))
-     i x y z w))
-  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nintersection.order.4
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
-		   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
-     i x y z w))
-  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
-(deftest nintersection.order.5
-  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
-    (values
-     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
-		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
-		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
-		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
-     i x y z w))
-  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
-;;; Keyword tests
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.1
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :bad t :allow-other-keys 1))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.2
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.3
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.4
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.5
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys nil))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.6
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
-  (4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.7
-  (sort
-   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
-		   :allow-other-keys nil
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
-   #'<)
-  (3 4))
-(deftest nintersection.keywords.8
-  (sort
-   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-     (nintersection list1 list2
-		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
-		   :test #'eql))
-   #'<)
-  (3 4))
-(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.9
-  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
-	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
-    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
-		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
-  nil)
-(deftest nintersection.error.1
-  (classify-error (nintersection))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.2
-  (classify-error (nintersection nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.3
-  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :bad t))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.4
-  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :key))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.5
-  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil 1 2))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.6
-  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.7
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :test #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.8
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :test-not #'identity))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.9
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :key #'cons))
-  program-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.10
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :key #'car))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.11
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6 7)))
-  type-error)
-(deftest nintersection.error.12
-  (classify-error (nintersection (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
-  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp b/ansi-tests/last.lsp
similarity index 95%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/last.lsp
index fc625783cee0fd0347e5d5520037cd138e10abee..52a25cee6077b5d63e39f7eb956cf5565ac7ee20 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-10.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/last.lsp
@@ -5,11 +5,6 @@
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; last
 (deftest last.1
   (last nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp b/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
similarity index 63%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
index c807859b653c8902406a1b6321578b3157309340..3c3de969433b0b35da24204129c83860286807e9 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-11.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/ldiff.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:37:56 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 11
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:46:56 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of LDIFF
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; ldiff, tailp
 (deftest ldiff.1
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
 	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
@@ -167,95 +162,3 @@
-;;; tailp
-(deftest tailp.1
-  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e . f))))
-    (and
-     (tailp x x)
-     (tailp (cdr x) x)
-     (tailp (cddr x) x)
-     (tailp (cdddr x) x)
-     (tailp (cddddr x) x)
-     t))
-  t)
-;; The next four tests test that tailp handles dotted lists.  See
-;; TAILP-NIL:T in the X3J13 documentation.
-(deftest tailp.2
-  (notnot-mv (tailp 'e (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
-  t)
-(deftest tailp.3
-  (tailp 'z (copy-tree '(a b c d . e)))
-  nil)
-(deftest tailp.4
-  (notnot-mv (tailp 10203040506070
-		    (list* 'a 'b (1- 10203040506071))))
-  t)
-(deftest tailp.5
-  (let ((x "abcde")) (tailp x (list* 'a 'b (copy-seq x))))
-  nil)
-(deftest tailp.error.5
-  (classify-error (tailp))
-  program-error)
-(deftest tailp.error.6
-  (classify-error (tailp nil))
-  program-error)
-(deftest tailp.error.7
-  (classify-error (tailp nil nil nil))
-  program-error)
-;; Test that tailp does not modify its arguments
-(deftest tailp.6
-    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
-	   (y (cddr x)))
-      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
-	    (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
-	(and
-	 (tailp y x)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))))
-  t)
-;; Note!  The spec is ambiguous on whether this next test
-;; is correct.  The spec says that tailp should be prepared
-;; to signal an error if the list argument is not a proper
-;; list or dotted list.  If listp is false, the list argument
-;; is neither (atoms are not dotted lists).
-;; However, the sample implementation *does* work even if
-;; the list argument is an atom.
-(defun tailp.7-body ()
-  (loop
-      for x in *universe*
-      count (and (not (listp x))
-		 (eqt 'type-error
-		     (catch-type-error (tailp x x))))))
-(deftest tailp.7
-    (tailp.7-body)
-  0)
-(deftest tailp.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (notnot
-      (tailp (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'd)
-	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c . d))))
-     i x y))
-  t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp b/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4002dfd5631b7fe418431ac0494f6e62762aa4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/list-length.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:03:01 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of LIST-LENGTH
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest list-length-nil
+  (list-length nil)
+  0)
+(deftest list-length-list
+  (list-length '(a b c d e f))
+  6)
+;; check that list-length returns nil
+;; on a circular list
+(deftest list-length-circular-list
+  (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
+    (let ((y (list* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x)))
+      (setf (cdr x) y)
+      (let ((z (list* 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e y)))
+	(list-length z))))
+  nil)
+(deftest list-length.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (list-length (progn (incf i) '(a b c))) i))
+  3 1)
+(deftest list-length.4
+  (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c)))
+  3)
+;; Check that list-length produces a type-error
+;; on arguments that are not proper lists or circular lists
+(deftest list-length.error.1
+  (loop
+   for x in (list 'a 1 1.0 #\w (make-array '(10))
+		  '(a b . c) (symbol-package 'cons))
+   count (not (eqt (catch-type-error (list-length x))
+		   'type-error)))
+  0)
+(deftest list-length.error.2
+  (classify-error (list-length))
+  program-error)
+(deftest list-length.error.3
+  (classify-error (list-length nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest list-length.error.4
+  (classify-error (list-length 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest list-length.error.5
+  (classify-error (locally (list-length 'a) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest list-length-symbol
+  (classify-error (list-length 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest list-length-dotted-list
+  (classify-error (list-length (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/list.lsp b/ansi-tests/list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..64d8ac489aabac4203f6e5deebf0813316aabb11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:56:04 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of LIST, LIST*
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest list.1
+  (list 'a 'b 'c)
+  (a b c))
+(deftest list.2
+  (list)
+  nil)
+(deftest list.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest list.order.2
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+(deftest list.order.3
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (list (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	  (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16))
+(deftest list*.1
+  (list* 1 2 3)
+  (1 2 . 3))
+(deftest list*.2
+  (list* 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest list-list*.1
+  (list* 'a 'b 'c (list 'd 'e 'f))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest list*.3
+  (list* 1)
+  1)
+(deftest list*.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (list* (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+  (1 2 3 . 4))
+(deftest list*.order.2
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (list* (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)
+	   (incf i) (incf i) (incf i) (incf i)))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/listp.lsp b/ansi-tests/listp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a1427f906e86ef826353af989b34e142ec09b1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/listp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:03:37 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of LISTP
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest listp-nil
+  (notnot-mv (listp nil))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-symbol
+  (listp 'a)
+  nil)
+(deftest listp-singleton-list
+  (notnot-mv (listp '(a)))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-circular-list
+  (let ((x (cons nil nil)))
+    (setf (cdr x) x)
+    (notnot-mv (listp x)))
+  t)
+(deftest listp-longer-list
+  (notnot-mv (listp '(a b c d e f g h)))
+  t)
+;;; Check that (listp x) == (typep x 'list)
+(deftest listp-universe
+  (check-type-predicate 'listp 'list)
+  0)
+(deftest listp.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (listp (incf i)) i))
+  nil 1)
+(deftest listp.error.1
+  (classify-error (listp))
+  program-error)
+(deftest listp.error.2
+  (classify-error (listp nil nil))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/load-cons.lsp b/ansi-tests/load-cons.lsp
index cfed47388e394f77eba83922feb0837a35707041..8a1faf741f5f3ad04bbf9427b6e2d4f58cd5cff6 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/load-cons.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/load-cons.lsp
@@ -2,28 +2,80 @@
 (compile-and-load "cons-aux.lsp")
+(load "cons.lsp")
+(load "consp.lsp")
+(load "atom.lsp")
+(load "cxr.lsp")
+(load "rplaca.lsp")
+(load "rplacd.lsp")
+(load "copy-tree.lsp")
+(load "sublis.lsp")
+(load "nsublis.lsp")
+(load "subst.lsp")
+(load "subst-if.lsp")
+(load "subst-if-not.lsp")
+(load "nsubst.lsp")
+(load "nsubst-if.lsp")
+(load "nsubst-if-not.lsp")
+(load "copy-list.lsp")
+(load "list.lsp")
+(load "list-length.lsp")
+(load "listp.lsp")
+(load "make-list.lsp")
+(load "push.lsp")
+(load "pop.lsp")
+(load "pushnew.lsp")
+(load "adjoin.lsp")
+(load "nth.lsp")
+(load "endp.lsp")
+(load "nconc.lsp")
+(load "append.lsp")
+(load "revappend.lsp")
+(load "nreconc.lsp")
+(load "butlast.lsp")
+(load "nbutlast.lsp")
+(load "last.lsp")
+(load "ldiff.lsp")
+(load "tailp.lsp")
+(load "nthcdr.lsp")
+(load "rest.lsp")
+(load "member.lsp")
+(load "member-if.lsp")
+(load "member-if-not.lsp")
+(load "mapc.lsp")
+(load "mapcar.lsp")
+(load "mapcan.lsp")
+(load "mapl.lsp")
+(load "maplist.lsp")
+(load "mapcon.lsp")
+(load "acons.lsp")
+(load "assoc.lsp")
+(load "assoc-if.lsp")
+(load "assoc-if-not.lsp")
+(load "rassoc.lsp")
+(load "rassoc-if.lsp")
+(load "rassoc-if-not.lsp")
+(load "copy-alist.lsp")
+(load "pairlis.lsp")
+(load "get-properties.lsp")
+(load "getf.lsp")
+(load "remf.lsp")
+(load "intersection.lsp")
+(load "nintersection.lsp")
+(load "union.lsp")
+(load "nunion.lsp")
+(load "set-difference.lsp")
+(load "nset-difference.lsp")
+(load "set-exclusive-or.lsp")
+(load "nset-exclusive-or.lsp")
+(load "subsetp.lsp")
+;;; Misc. stuff that should be moved elsewhere
 (load "cons-test-01.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-02.lsp")
 (load "cons-test-03.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-04.lsp")
 (load "cons-test-05.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-06.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-07.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-08.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-09.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-10.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-11.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-12.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-13.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-14.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-15.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-16.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-17.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-18.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-19.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-20.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-21.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-22.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-23.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-24.lsp")
-(load "cons-test-25.lsp")
diff --git a/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp b/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..42267040d773da713cbfb97208a2089c2e2a15be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/make-list.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:04:27 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAKE-LIST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest make-list-empty.1
+  (make-list 0)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-list-empty.2
+  (make-list 0 :initial-element 'a)
+  nil)
+(deftest make-list-no-initial-element
+  (make-list 6)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list-with-initial-element
+  (make-list 6 :initial-element 'a)
+  (a a a a a a))
+(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.1
+  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t :foo 'a)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.2
+  (make-list 5 :bar nil :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.3
+  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.4
+  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil 'bad t)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list.allow-other-keys.5
+  (make-list 5 :allow-other-keys t)
+  (nil nil nil nil nil))
+(deftest make-list-repeated-keyword
+  (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a :initial-element 'b)
+  (a a a a a))
+(deftest make-list.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
+		:initial-element
+		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a))
+     i x y))
+  (a a a a a)
+  2 1 2)
+(deftest make-list.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (make-list (progn (setf x (incf i)) 5)
+		:initial-element
+		(progn (setf y (incf i)) 'a)
+		:initial-element
+		(progn (setf z (incf i)) 'b))
+     i x y z))
+  (a a a a a)
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest make-list.error.1
+  (catch-type-error (make-list -1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.2
+  (classify-error (make-list 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.3
+  (classify-error (make-list))
+  program-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.4
+  (classify-error (make-list 5 :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.5
+  (classify-error (make-list 5 :initial-element))
+  program-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.6
+  (classify-error (make-list 5 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.7
+  (classify-error (make-list 5 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest make-list.error.8
+  (classify-error (locally (make-list 'a) t))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..88a74130c255c41169454a155d85d6cb49598230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:21:24 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPC
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mapc.1
+  (mapc #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapc.2
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (let ((result
+	   (mapc #'(lambda (y) (incf x y))
+		 '(1 2 3 4))))
+      (list result x)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 10))
+(deftest mapc.3
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 5 ))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 5))
+(deftest mapc.4
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 10))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 5))
+(deftest mapc.5
+  (let ((x 0))
+    (list
+     (mapc #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf x))
+	   (make-list 5 :initial-element 'a)
+	   (make-list 3))
+     x))
+  ((a a a a a) 3))
+(defvar *mapc.6-var* nil)
+(defun mapc.6-fun (x)
+  (push x *mapc.6-var*)
+  x)
+(deftest mapc.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
+    (let ((result (mapc 'mapc.6-fun x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (eqt result x)
+	   *mapc.6-var*)))
+  (h g f e d c b a))
+(deftest mapc.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (mapc (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		  #'list)
+	   (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		  '(a b c))
+	   (progn (setf z (incf i))
+		  '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest mapc.error.1
+  (classify-error (mapc #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.2
+  (classify-error (mapc))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.3
+  (classify-error (mapc #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.4
+  (classify-error (locally (mapc #'identity 1) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.5
+  (classify-error (mapc #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.6
+  (classify-error (mapc #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.7
+  (classify-error (mapc #'car '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapc.error.8
+  (classify-error (mapc #'identity (list* 1 2 3 4)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8ab029d5a165fcd755032087006069bf6e876245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcan.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:22:46 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPCAN
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mapcan.1
+  (mapcan #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcan.2
+  (mapcan #'list (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest mapcan.3
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (mapcan #'list x)))
+    (and
+     (= (length x) (length result))
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (loop
+      for e1 on x
+      and e2 on result
+      count (or (eqt e1 e2) (not (eql (car e1) (car e2)))))))
+  0)
+(deftest mapcan.4
+  (mapcan #'list
+	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+	  (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+  (1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d))
+(deftest mapcan.5
+  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(defvar *mapcan.6-var* nil)
+(defun mapcan.6-fun (x)
+  (push x *mapcan.6-var*)
+  (copy-list *mapcan.6-var*))
+(deftest mapcan.6
+  (progn
+    (setf *mapcan.6-var* nil)
+    (mapcan 'mapcan.6-fun (copy-list '(a b c d))))
+  (a b a c b a d c b a))
+(deftest mapcan.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (mapcan (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		    #'list)
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		    '(a b c))
+	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
+		    '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  (a 1 b 2 c 3)
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest mapcan.8
+  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(deftest mapcan.9
+  (mapcan #'(lambda (x y) (make-list y :initial-element x))
+	  (copy-list '(a b c d e f))
+	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+  (a b b c c c d d d d))
+(deftest mapcan.10
+  (mapcan #'list
+	  (copy-list '(a b c d))
+	  (copy-list '(1 2 3 4))
+	  nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcan.11
+  (mapcan (constantly 1) (list 'a))
+  1)
+(deftest mapcan.error.1
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.2
+  (classify-error (mapcan))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.3
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.4
+  (classify-error (locally (mapcan #'identity 1) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.5
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'car '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.6
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.7
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcan.error.8
+  (classify-error (mapcan #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..96133698156201c985b8fac55c155149371458d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcar.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:22:16 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPCAR
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mapcar.1
+  (mapcar #'1+ nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcar.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result (mapcar #'1+ x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result)))
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest mapcar.3
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (let ((result
+	   (mapcar #'(lambda (y) (declare (ignore y)) (incf n))
+		   x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   result)))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest mapcar.4
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+		  x x2)))
+    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+	 (list result n)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
+(deftest mapcar.5
+  (let* ((n 0)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (x2 (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))
+	 (x2copy (make-scaffold-copy x2))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcar #'(lambda (y z) (declare (ignore y z)) (incf n))
+		  x2 x)))
+    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x2 x2copy)
+	 (list result n)))
+  ((1 2 3 4) 4))
+(deftest mapcar.6
+ (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
+    (setf *mapc.6-var* nil)
+    (let ((result (mapcar 'mapc.6-fun x)))
+      (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	   (list *mapc.6-var* result))))
+ ((h g f e d c b a) (a b c d e f g h)))
+(deftest mapcar.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (mapcar (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		    #'list)
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		    '(a b c))
+	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
+		    '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  ((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest mapcar.error.1
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.2
+  (classify-error (mapcar))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.3
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.4
+  (classify-error (locally (mapcar #'identity 1) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.5
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'car '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.6
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.7
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcar.error.8
+  (classify-error (mapcar #'identity (list* 1 2 3 4)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b66370420afbf4c59f1c9a457ae66896dd57075f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapcon.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:24:28 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPCON
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mapcon.1
+  (mapcon #'(lambda (x) (append '(a) x nil)) nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapcon.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcon #'(lambda (y) (append '(a) y nil)) x)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     result))
+  (a 1 2 3 4 a 2 3 4 a 3 4 a 4))
+(deftest mapcon.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(4 2 3 2 2)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(a b c d e f g h i j k l)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (mapcon #'(lambda (xt yt)
+		      (subseq yt 0 (car xt)))
+		  x y)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     result))
+  (a b c d b c c d e d e e f))
+(deftest mapcon.4
+  (mapcon (constantly 1) (list 'a))
+  1)
+(deftest mapcon.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (mapcon (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		    #'(lambda (x y) (list (car x) (car y))))
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		    '(a b c))
+	     (progn (setf z (incf i))
+		    '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  (a 1 b 2 c 3)
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest mapcon.error.1
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.2
+  (classify-error (mapcon))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.3
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.4
+  (classify-error (locally (mapcon #'identity 1) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.5
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'caar '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.6
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.7
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapcon.error.8
+  (classify-error (mapcon #'copy-tree (cons 1 2)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp b/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25718148944af1b8ea8b8c4dc6ca1bb910676374
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/mapl.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:23:23 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPL
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest mapl.1
+  (mapl #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest mapl.2
+  (let* ((a nil)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result
+	  (mapl #'(lambda (y) (push y a))
+		x)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt result x)
+     a))
+  ((c) (b c) (a b c)))
+(deftest mapl.3
+  (let* ((a nil)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		    (setf a
+			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+				  a)))
+		x y)))
+    (and
+     (eqt result x)
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+(deftest mapl.4
+  (let* ((a nil)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		    (setf a
+			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+				  a)))
+		x y)))
+    (and
+     (eqt result x)
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+(deftest mapl.5
+  (let* ((a nil)
+	 (x (copy-list '(a b c d e f g)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (mapl #'(lambda (xtail ytail)
+		    (setf a
+			  (append (mapcar #'list xtail ytail)
+				  a)))
+		x y)))
+    (and
+     (eqt result x)
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     a))
+  ((d 4) (c 3) (d 4) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)
+   (a 1) (b 2) (c 3) (d 4)))
+(deftest mapl.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (mapl (progn
+	     (setf x (incf i))
+	     (constantly nil))
+	   (progn
+	     (setf y (incf i))
+	     '(a b c))
+	   (progn
+	     (setf z (incf i))
+	     '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  (a b c) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest mapl.error.1
+  (classify-error (mapl #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.2
+  (classify-error (mapl))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.3
+  (classify-error (mapl #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.4
+  (classify-error (locally (mapl #'identity 1) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.5
+  (classify-error (mapl #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.6
+  (classify-error (mapl #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.7
+  (classify-error (mapl #'caar '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest mapl.error.8
+  (classify-error (mapl #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp b/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4195f99bba5f2977e37377648fb0787b38cac3cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/maplist.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:24:00 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MAPLIST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest maplist.1
+  (maplist #'list nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest maplist.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (maplist #'identity x)))
+    (and (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 result))
+  ((a b c) (b c) (c)))
+(deftest maplist.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     result))
+  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4)
+   (b c d 2 3 4)
+   (c d 3 4)
+   (d 4)))
+(deftest maplist.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     result))
+  ((a b c d 1 2 3 4 5)
+   (b c d 2 3 4 5)
+   (c d 3 4 5)
+   (d 4 5)))
+(deftest maplist.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4)))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	 (result
+	  (maplist #'append x y)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+     result))
+  ((a b c d e 1 2 3 4)
+   (b c d e 2 3 4)
+   (c d e 3 4)
+   (d e 4)))
+(deftest maplist.6
+  (maplist 'append '(a b c) '(1 2 3))
+  ((a b c 1 2 3) (b c 2 3) (c 3)))
+(deftest maplist.7
+  (maplist #'(lambda (x y) (nth (car x) y))
+	   '(0 1 0 1 0 1 0)
+	   '(a b c d e f g)
+	   )
+  (a c c e e g g))
+(deftest maplist.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (maplist
+      (progn
+	(setf x (incf i))
+	#'(lambda (x y) (declare (ignore x)) (car y)))
+      (progn
+	(setf y (incf i))
+	'(a b c))
+      (progn
+	(setf z (incf i))
+	     '(1 2 3)))
+     i x y z))
+  (1 2 3) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest maplist.error.1
+  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.2
+  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.3
+  (classify-error (maplist #'identity 1.1323))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.4
+  (classify-error (maplist #'identity "abcde"))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.5
+  (classify-error (maplist))
+  program-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.6
+  (classify-error (maplist #'append))
+  program-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.7
+  (classify-error (locally (maplist #'identity 'a) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.8
+  (classify-error (maplist #'caar '(a b c)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.9
+  (classify-error (maplist #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.10
+  (classify-error (maplist #'cons '(a b c) '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest maplist.error.11
+  (classify-error (maplist #'identity (list* (list 1) (list 2) 3)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a727f76d02b3ad3bfde9c87015766d6d393011b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/member-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:39:29 1998
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MEMBER-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest member-if-not.1
+  (member-if-not #'listp nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-if-not.2
+  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a)) '(a 1 2 a 3 4))
+  (1 2 a 3 4))
+(deftest member-if-not.3
+  (member-if-not #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 12))) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
+  (11 73 11))
+(deftest member-if-not.4
+  (let ((test-inputs
+	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+	     ((a) (b) (c) . d)
+	     ,(make-array '(10))
+	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+    (not (every
+	  #'(lambda (x)
+	      (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if-not #'listp x))))
+		(or (eqt result 'type-error)
+		    (progn
+		      (format t "~%On x = ~S, returns: ~%~S" x result)
+		      nil))))
+	  test-inputs)))
+  nil)
+(deftest member-if-not.5
+  (member-if-not #'not '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+;;; Order of evaluation tests
+(deftest member-if-not.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			   #'not)
+		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			   '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
+     i x y))
+  (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
+(deftest member-if-not.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (member-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			   #'not)
+		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			   '(nil nil a b nil c d))
+		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+		    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+     i x y z w))
+  (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest member-if-not.keywords.1
+  (member-if-not #'not '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp :key #'oddp)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
+  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
+  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
+  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
+  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
+  (member-if-not #'not '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
+		 :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest member-if-not.error.1
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'identity 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.2
+  (classify-error (member-if-not))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.3
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.4
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.5
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.6
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.7
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'null '(a b c) 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.8
+  (classify-error (locally (member-if-not #'identity 'a) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.9
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if-not.error.10
+  (classify-error (member-if-not #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..122b8e03e6c6949d0ae130f15caa0692f62ea015
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/member-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:51:56 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MEMBER-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest member-if.1
+  (member-if #'listp nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest member-if.2
+  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eqt x 'a)) '(1 2 a 3 4))
+  (a 3 4))
+(deftest member-if.3
+  (member-if #'(lambda (x) (eql x 12)) '(4 12 11 73 11) :key #'1+)
+  (11 73 11))
+(deftest member-if.4
+  (let ((test-inputs
+	 `(1 a 11.3121 11.31s3 1.123f5 -1 0
+	     13.13122d34 581.131e-10
+	     (a b c . d)
+	     ,(make-array '(10))
+	     "ancadas"  #\w)))
+    (notnot-mv
+     (every
+      #'(lambda (x)
+	  (let ((result (catch-type-error (member-if #'listp x))))
+	    (or (eqt result 'type-error)
+		(progn
+		  (format t "~%On ~S: returned ~%~S" x result)
+		  nil))))
+      test-inputs)))
+  t)
+(deftest member-if.5
+  (member-if #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+;;; Order of argument tests
+(deftest member-if.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		       #'identity)
+		(progn (setf y (incf i))
+		       '(nil nil a b nil c d)))
+     i x y))
+  (a b nil c d) 2 1 2)
+(deftest member-if.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (member-if (progn (setf x (incf i))
+		       #'identity)
+		(progn (setf y (incf i))
+		       '(nil nil a b nil c d))
+		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+		:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+     i x y z w))
+  (a b nil c d) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest member-if.keywords.1
+  (member-if #'identity '(1 2 3 4 5) :key #'evenp :key #'oddp)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.2
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.3
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.4
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.5
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.6
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
+	     :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+(deftest member-if.allow-other-keys.7
+  (member-if #'identity '(nil 2 3 4 5) :allow-other-keys t
+	     :allow-other-keys nil :key #'identity :key #'null)
+  (2 3 4 5))
+;;; Error cases
+(deftest member-if.error.1
+  (classify-error (member-if #'identity 'a))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.2
+  (classify-error (member-if))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.3
+  (classify-error (member-if #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.4
+  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.5
+  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.6
+  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.7
+  (classify-error (member-if #'null '(a b c) 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.8
+  (classify-error (locally (member-if #'identity 'a) t))
+  type-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.9
+  (classify-error (member-if #'cons '(a b c)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest member-if.error.10
+  (classify-error (member-if #'identity '(a b c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp b/ansi-tests/member.lsp
similarity index 97%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/member.lsp
index bdef6cc70baf6eea533aba7fe9719ca0e1d353ff..c7b0fe5524108100a72d8895d1c9b7ad638d7b08 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-13.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/member.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
 ;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:38:57 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 13
+;;;; Contains: Tests of MEMBER
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; member
 (deftest member.1
   (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
 	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp b/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
similarity index 52%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
index baba3477a02c0a70663317ff79237d3009640f7b..a3cdf93027e8ad75d6d3b2f22628b8e787f39ca0 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-09.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nbutlast.lsp
@@ -1,95 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:36:30 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 9
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:41:54 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NBUTLAST
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; butlast, nbutlast
-(deftest butlast.1
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
-    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-      (let ((result (butlast x 2)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
-  (a b c))
-(deftest butlast.2
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
-    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-      (let ((result (butlast x 0)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
-  (a b c d e))
-(deftest butlast.3
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
-    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-      (let ((result (butlast x 5)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
-  nil)
-(deftest butlast.4
-  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
-    (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x)))
-      (let ((result (butlast x 6)))
-	(and
-	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
-	 result))))
-  nil)
-(deftest butlast.5
-  (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c . d)) 1)
-  (a b))
-(deftest butlast.order.1
-  (let ((i 0) x y)
-    (values
-     (butlast (progn (setf x (incf i))
-		     (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e))
-	      (progn (setf y (incf i))
-		     2))
-     i x y))
-  (a b c) 2 1 2)
-(deftest butlast.order.2
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values
-     (butlast (progn (incf i) '(a b c d)))
-     i))
-  (a b c) 1)
-(deftest butlast.error.1
-  (classify-error (butlast (copy-tree '(a b c d)) 'a))
-  type-error)
-(deftest butlast.error.2
-  (classify-error (butlast 'a 0))
-  type-error)
-(deftest butlast.error.3
-  (classify-error (butlast))
-  program-error)
-(deftest butlast.error.4
-  (classify-error (butlast '(a b c) 3 3))
-  program-error)
-(deftest butlast.error.5
-  (classify-error (locally (butlast 'a 0) t))
-  type-error)
-;;; Tests of NBUTLAST
 (deftest nbutlast.1
   (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd 'e)))
     (let ((y (cdr x))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp b/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..894280574550054da87082736ed4e16ca2b48e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nconc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:35:53 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NCONC
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nconc.1
+  (nconc)
+  nil)
+(deftest nconc.2
+  (nconc (copy-tree '(a b c d e f)))
+  (a b c d e f))
+;;; (deftest nconc.3
+;;;  (nconc 1)
+;;;  1)
+(deftest nconc.4
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	(y (list 'd 'e 'f)))
+    (let ((ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+      (let ((result (nconc x y)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	 (eqt (cdddr x) y)
+	 result))))
+  (a b c d e f))
+(deftest nconc.5
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c)))
+    (nconc x x)
+    (and
+     (eqt (cdddr x) x)
+     (null (list-length x))))
+  t)
+(deftest nconc.6
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	(y (list 'd 'e 'f 'g 'h))
+	(z (list 'i 'j 'k)))
+    (let ((result (nconc x y z 'foo)))
+      (and
+       (eqt (nthcdr 3 x) y)
+       (eqt (nthcdr 5 y) z)
+       (eqt (nthcdr 3 z) 'foo)
+       result)))
+  (a b c d e f g h i j k . foo))
+(deftest nconc.7
+  (nconc (copy-tree '(a . b))
+	 (copy-tree '(c . d))
+	 (copy-tree '(e . f))
+	 'foo)
+  (a c e . foo))
+(deftest nconc.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (nconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f)))
+	    (progn (setf z (incf i)) (copy-list '(g h i))))
+     i x y z))
+  (a b c d e f g h i) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest nconc.order.2
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values
+     (nconc (list 'a) (incf i))
+     i))
+  (a . 1) 1)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp b/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d1f7425cfb582d5fad74aa0d16e0e2923055539b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nintersection.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:40:02 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NINTERSECTION
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nintersection.1
+  (nintersection nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.2
+  (nintersection (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i) nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.3
+  (nintersection-with-check nil (loop for i from 1 to 100 collect i))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a 1 c 7 b 4 3 z)))
+	 (xc (copy-list x))
+	 (y (copy-list '(3 y c q z a 18)))
+	 (result (nintersection-with-check xc y)))
+    (and
+     (not (eqt result 'failed))
+     (+
+      (loop for e in x count
+	    (and (member e y)
+		 (not (member e result))))
+      (loop for e in result count
+	    (or (not (member e x)) (not (member e y))))
+      (loop for hd on result count
+	    (and (consp hd)
+		 (member (car hd) (cdr hd)))))))
+  0)
+(deftest nintersection.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-list '(a a a)))
+	 (y (copy-list '(a a a b b b)))
+	 (result (nintersection-with-check x y)))
+    (and
+     (not (eqt result 'failed))
+     (member 'a result)
+     (not (member 'b result))))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection.6
+  (nintersection-with-check
+   (list 1000000000000 'a 'b 'c)
+   (list (1+ 999999999999) 'd 'e 'f))
+  (1000000000000))
+(deftest nintersection.7
+  (nintersection-with-check (list 'a 10 'b 17)
+			    (list 'c 'd 4 'e 'f 10 1 13 'z))
+  (10))
+(deftest nintersection.8
+  (nintersection-with-check
+   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.9
+  (nintersection-with-check
+   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+   :test #'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection.9-a
+  (nintersection-with-check
+   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+   :test 'equal)
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection.9-b
+  (nintersection
+   (list 'a (copy-seq "aaa") 'b)
+   (list 'd (copy-seq "aaa") 'e)
+   :test-not #'(lambda (p q) (not (equal p q))))
+  ("aaa"))
+(deftest nintersection.10
+  (equalt
+   (sort
+    (let ((result
+	   (nintersection-with-check
+	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 3 collect i)
+	    (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 7 collect i))))
+      (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
+    #'<)
+   (loop for i from 0 to 1000 by 21 collect i))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection.11
+  (equalt
+   (sort
+    (let ((result
+	   (nintersection-with-check
+	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 5 collect i)
+	    (loop for i from 0 to 999 by 7 collect i)
+	    :test #'(lambda (a b)
+		      (and (eql a b)
+			   (= (mod a 3) 0))))))
+      (if (eqt result 'failed) () result))
+    #'<)
+   (loop
+    for i from 0 to 999 by (* 3 5 7) collect i))
+  t)
+(deftest nintersection.12
+  (nintersection-12-body 100 100)
+  nil)
+;; Key argument
+(deftest nintersection.13
+  (let ((x '(0 5 8 13 31 42))
+	(y (copy-list '(3 5 42 0 7 100 312 33))))
+    (equalt
+     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
+		       (copy-list x) y)) #'<)
+     (sort (copy-list (nintersection
+		       (copy-list x) y :key #'1+)) #'<)))
+  t)
+;; Check that a nil key argument is ignored
+(deftest nintersection.14
+  (let
+      ((result (nintersection
+		(copy-list '(a b c d))
+		(copy-list '(e c f b g))
+		:key nil)))
+    (and
+     (member 'b result)
+     (member 'c result)
+     (every #'(lambda (x) (member x '(b c))) result)
+     t))
+  t) 
+;; Test that nintersection preserves the order of arguments to :test, :test-not
+(deftest nintersection.15
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (block fail
+      (nintersection
+       list1 list2
+       :test
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.16
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (block fail
+      (nintersection
+       list1 list2
+       :key #'identity
+       :test
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (eql x y)))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.17
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (block fail
+      (nintersection
+       list1 list2
+       :test-not
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.18
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (block fail
+      (nintersection
+       list1 list2
+       :key #'identity
+       :test-not
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (< y x) (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (not (eql x y))))))
+  (4))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest nintersection.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd)))
+     i x y))
+  nil 2 1 2)
+(deftest nintersection.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+		   :test #'eq)
+     i x y))
+  nil 2 1 2)
+(deftest nintersection.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+				(complement #'eq)))
+     i x y z w))
+  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest nintersection.order.4
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+		   :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eq)
+		   :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i x y z w))
+  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest nintersection.order.5
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (nintersection (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 'a 'b))
+		   (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 'c 'd))
+		   :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+		   :test (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'eq))
+     i x y z w))
+  nil 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.1
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :bad t :allow-other-keys 1))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.2
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.3
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
+		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.4
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.5
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys nil))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.6
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
+		  :allow-other-keys nil :bad t))
+  (4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.7
+  (sort
+   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+     (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys t
+		   :allow-other-keys nil
+		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))))
+   #'<)
+  (3 4))
+(deftest nintersection.keywords.8
+  (sort
+   (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	 (list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+     (nintersection list1 list2
+		   :test #'(lambda (x y) (eql x (1- y)))
+		   :test #'eql))
+   #'<)
+  (3 4))
+(deftest nintersection.allow-other-keys.9
+  (let ((list1 (list 1 2 3 4))
+	(list2 (list 4 5 6 7)))
+    (nintersection list1 list2 :allow-other-keys :foo :also-bad t
+		  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1+ y)))))
+  nil)
+(deftest nintersection.error.1
+  (classify-error (nintersection))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.2
+  (classify-error (nintersection nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.3
+  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.4
+  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.5
+  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.6
+  (classify-error (nintersection nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.7
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.8
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.9
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.10
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.11
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6 7)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nintersection.error.12
+  (classify-error (nintersection (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp b/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9afa6dac799919a787d6e5e1c50dfc6f333fd388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nreconc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:38:12 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NRECONC
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nreconc.1
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	 (y (copy-tree '(d e f)))
+	 (result (nreconc x y)))
+    (and (equal y '(d e f))
+	 result))
+  (c b a d e f))
+(deftest nreconc.2
+  (nreconc nil 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest nreconc.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (nreconc (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
+	      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
+     i x y))
+  (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
+(deftest nreconc.error.1
+  (classify-error (nreconc))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nreconc.error.2
+  (classify-error (nreconc nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nreconc.error.3
+  (classify-error (nreconc nil nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nreconc.error.4
+  (classify-error (nreconc (cons 'a 'b) (list 'z)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp b/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2250bf5618ec553dec2341361782d062c233e267
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nset-difference.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:44:44 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSET-DIFFERENCE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nset-difference.1
+  (nset-difference nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference.2
+  (let ((result
+	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+    (check-nset-difference '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-difference.3
+  (let ((result
+	 (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+    (check-nset-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-difference.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				'(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8))
+(deftest nset-difference.5
+  (nset-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference.6
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			      :key nil)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.7
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.8
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.9
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.10
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			      :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.11
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			      :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.12
+  (nset-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			      :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-difference.13
+  (do-random-nset-differences 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-difference.14
+  (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			      :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-difference.15
+  (nset-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			      '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			      :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
+;; in the correct order
+(deftest nset-difference.16
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (nset-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+		   (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 (eqt x y))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference.17
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (nset-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :key #'identity
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+		   (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 (eqt x y))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference.18
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (nset-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :test-not
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+	     (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest nset-difference.19
+  (block fail
+    (sort (copy-list
+	   (nset-difference-with-check
+	    '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+	    :test-not
+	    #'(lambda (x y)
+		(when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+			  (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+		  (return-from fail 'fail))
+		(not (eqt x y)))))
+	  #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest nset-difference.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
+     i x y))
+  (1) 2 1 2)
+(deftest nset-difference.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+     i x y z))
+  (4) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest nset-difference.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (nset-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+		      :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				   #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+		      :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+     i x y z w))
+  (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.1
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :bad t :allow-other-keys t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.2
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t :bad t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.3
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+   #'<)
+  (4 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.5
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys nil))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.6
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t
+     :allow-other-keys nil))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.allow-other-keys.7
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t
+     :allow-other-keys nil
+     '#:x 1))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.keywords.8
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest nset-difference.keywords.9
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :test (complement #'eql) :test #'eql))
+   #'<)
+  nil)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest nset-difference.error.1
+  (classify-error (nset-difference))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.2
+  (classify-error (nset-difference nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.3
+  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.4
+  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.5
+  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.6
+  (classify-error (nset-difference nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.7
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.8
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.9
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.10
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.11
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nset-difference.error.12
+  (classify-error (nset-difference (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp b/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..465a123458fb3d11864c859f6d5f328379de2a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nset-exclusive-or.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:47:05 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSET-EXCLUSIVE-OR
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.1
+  (nset-exclusive-or nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.2
+  (let ((result
+	 (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+    (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.3
+  (let ((result
+	 (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+    (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (nset-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				  '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.5
+  (check-set-exclusive-or
+   nil
+   '(a b c d e f g h)
+   (nset-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.6
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				:key nil)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.7
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.7-a
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8-a
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.8-b
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				:test-not (complement #'eql))
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.9
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.10
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				:test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.11
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				:test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.12
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+				:test 'equal)
+  (c))
+;;; (deftest nset-exclusive-or.13
+;;;    (do-random-nset-exclusive-ors 100 100)
+;;;  nil)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.14
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
+				'((a . 10) (c . 3))
+				:key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.15
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+				'((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+				:key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.16
+  (nset-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+				'((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+				:key #'car
+				:test-not (complement #'eql))
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Check that nset-exclusive-or does not invert
+;; the order of the arguments to the test function
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.17
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+			    (member s2 list1))
+		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.17-a
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:key #'identity
+	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+			    (member s2 list1))
+		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.18
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
+	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
+		      (member s2 list1))
+	      (return-from fail 'failed))
+	    t)))))
+  t)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.18-a
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (nset-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:key #'identity
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
+	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
+		      (member s2 list1))
+	      (return-from fail 'failed))
+	    t)))))
+  t)
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+				(list 1 2 3 4))
+			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
+				(list 1 3 6 10)))
+      #'<)
+     i x y))
+  (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+				(list 1 2 3 4))
+			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
+				(list 1 3 6 10))
+			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				      #'eql))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z))
+  (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+				(list 1 2 3 4))
+			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
+				(list 1 3 6 10))
+			 :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				      #'eql)
+			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.4
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+				(list 1 2 3 4))
+			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
+				(list 1 3 6 10))
+			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+			 :test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+				      #'eql))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.order.5
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (nset-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+				(list 1 2 3 4))
+			 (progn (setf y (incf i))
+				(list 1 3 6 10))
+			 :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+			 :key (progn (setf w (incf i))
+				     (complement #'eql)))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+	#'<)
+  (1 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys nil)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t
+			  :allow-other-keys nil)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t
+			  :allow-other-keys nil
+			  '#:x 1)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.8
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :test #'eql
+			  :test #'/=)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest nset-exclusive.keywords.9
+  (sort (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :test #'/=
+			  :test #'eql)
+	#'<)
+  nil)
+;;; Randomized test
+(deftest random-nset-exclusive-or
+  (random-set-exclusive-or-test 10 1000 'nset-exclusive-or)
+  nil)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.1
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.2
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.3
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.4
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.5
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.6
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.7
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.8
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.9
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.10
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.11
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest nset-exclusive-or.error.12
+  (classify-error (nset-exclusive-or (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..22ccb51d7b1c7ae062d962ce8915c24692ab350c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsublis.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:35:33 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSUBLIS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsublis.1
+  (check-nsublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
+		 '((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
+(deftest nsublis.2
+  (check-nsublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
+		 '(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+		 :test #'equal)
+  (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
+(deftest nsublis.3
+  (check-nsublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
+		 '((30 . "foo")))
+  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
+(deftest nsublis.4
+  (check-nsublis
+   (nsublis (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
+	    (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+   '((t . "yes"))
+   :key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
+			   (evenp x))))
+  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
+(deftest nsublis.5
+  (check-nsublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
+		   fie ("fee" "fie"))
+		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
+(deftest nsublis.6
+  (check-nsublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
+		   ("fee" "fie"))
+		 `((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+		 :test 'equal)
+  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
+(deftest nsublis.7
+  (check-nsublis '(("aa" a b)
+		   (z "bb" d)
+		   ((x . "aa")))
+		 `((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+		   (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+		 :test 'equal
+		 :key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+				      '*not-present*)))
+  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
+(deftest nsublis.8
+  (nsublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
+(deftest nsublis.9
+  (check-nsublis 
+   '(1 2 a b)
+   '((1 . 2) (a . b))
+   :key nil)
+  (2 2 b b))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest nsublis.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsublis
+      (progn (setf w (incf i))
+	     '((a . z)))
+      (progn (setf x (incf i))
+	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+      :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (z b c d)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest nsublis.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsublis
+      (progn (setf w (incf i))
+	     '((a . z)))
+      (progn (setf x (incf i))
+	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+      )
+     i w x y z))
+  (z b c d)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.1
+  (nsublis nil 'a :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.2
+  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.3
+  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.4
+  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest nsublis.allow-other-keys.5
+  (nsublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsublis.keywords.6
+  (nsublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2)
+	   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
+	   :key #'identity)
+  (a 1 2))
+;; Argument error cases
+(deftest nsublis.error.1
+  (classify-error (nsublis))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.2
+  (classify-error (nsublis nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.3
+  (classify-error (nsublis nil 'a :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.4
+  (classify-error (nsublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.5
+  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			   :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.6
+  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			   :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.7
+  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			   :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsublis.error.8
+  (classify-error (nsublis '((a . 1) . bad)
+			   (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dc704267932298f82768ea9ab8dbdac15a5ae654
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:54:12 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSUBST-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.1
+  (check-nsubst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
+  ((x)
+   ((x) (x) x)
+   ((x) (x) (x) x)
+   ((x) (x) (x) (x) x)
+   x))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.2
+  (check-nsubst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
+		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.3
+  (check-nsubst-if-not 'c #'identity
+		       '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		       :key (complement #'listp))
+  c)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.4
+  (check-nsubst-if-not
+   40
+   #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
+   '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
+   :key #'(lambda (x)
+	    (and (consp x)
+		 (car x))))
+  (40 40 40 40))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.5
+  (check-nsubst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
+		       '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		       :key nil)
+  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.6
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  nil)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.7
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsubst-if-not
+      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))))
+      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (1 2 a a c)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keywords tests for nsubst-if-not
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.keywords.6
+  (nsubst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
+  a)
+;;; error cases
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.1
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.2
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.3
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.4
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.5
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.6
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.7
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null nil
+				 :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if-not.error.8
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3c5f335c83fd8251038cc8da1b5a2be78bc4d163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:51:41 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSUBST-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nsubst-if.1
+    (check-nsubst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.2
+  (check-nsubst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
+  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
+(deftest nsubst-if.3
+  (check-nsubst-if '(z)
+		   (complement #'consp)
+		   '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+  ((z)
+   ((z) (z) z)
+   ((z) (z) (z) z)
+   ((z) (z) (z) (z) z)
+   z))
+(deftest nsubst-if.4
+  (check-nsubst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		   :key #'listp)
+  b)
+(deftest nsubst-if.5
+  (check-nsubst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
+		   '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+		   :key #'(lambda (x)
+			    (and (consp x)
+				 (car x))))
+  (4 4 4 4))
+(deftest nsubst-if.6
+  (check-nsubst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
+		   '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		   :key nil)
+  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest nsubst-if.7
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.8
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsubst-if
+      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b)))
+      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (1 2 a a c)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests for nsubst-if
+(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.1
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.2
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.3
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.4
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.allow-other-keys.5
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest nsubst-if.keywords.6
+  (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
+  a)
+;;; error cases
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.1
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.2
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.3
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.4
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.5
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.6
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.7
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst-if.error.8
+  (classify-error (nsubst-if 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp b/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c089e8c8635976434d84d0fd69399bd0ad79d70d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nsubst.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:49:58 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NSUBST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defvar *nsubst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest nsubst.1
+  (check-nsubst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
+  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
+(deftest nsubst.2
+  (check-nsubst "A" 0 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*))
+  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest nsubst.3
+  (check-nsubst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *nsubst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
+  "Z")
+(deftest nsubst.4
+  (check-nsubst 'grape 'dick
+		'(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+  (melville wrote (moby grape)))
+(deftest nsubst.5
+  (check-nsubst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+  (melville wrote (moby dick . cha-cha-cha) . cha-cha-cha))
+(deftest nsubst.6
+  (check-nsubst
+   '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
+   '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
+   :test #'equal)
+  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
+(deftest nsubst.7
+  (check-nsubst
+   'foo "aaa"
+   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			  "aaa"
+			nil))
+   :test #'string=)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest nsubst.8
+  (check-nsubst
+   'foo nil
+   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			  (copy-seq "aaa")
+			nil))
+   :test-not #'equal)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest nsubst.9
+  (check-nsubst 'a 'b
+		(copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+		:key nil)
+  (a a c d a a))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest nsubst.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
+	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+	     :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+     i v w x y z))
+  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
+  5 1 2 3 4 5)
+(deftest nsubst.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
+    (values
+     (nsubst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
+	     (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	     (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+	     :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+	     :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+	     )
+     i v w x y z))
+  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
+  5 1 2 3 4 5)
+;;; Keyword tests for nsubst
+(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.1
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.2
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.3
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.4
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest nsubst.allow-other-keys.5
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
+	 :bad t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest nsubst.keywords.6
+  (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
+  (a a c))
+;;; Error cases
+(deftest nsubst.error.1
+  (classify-error (nsubst))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.2
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.3
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.4
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.5
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.6
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.7
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.8
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.9
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nsubst.error.10
+  (classify-error (nsubst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :key #'equal))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/nth.lsp b/ansi-tests/nth.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..08b72d9b31e963de8323f739e9d92aa16ddf904b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/nth.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:33:23 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NTH
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest nth.1
+  (nth-1-body (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect (* 4 i)))
+  0)
+(deftest nth.2
+  (let ((x (loop for i from 1 to 2000 collect i)))
+    (loop
+     for i from 0 to 1999 do
+     (setf (nth i x) (- 1999 i)))
+    (equalt x (loop for i from 1999 downto 0 collect i)))
+  t)
+;;; Test side effects, evaluation order in assignment to NTH
+(deftest nth.order.1
+  (let ((i 0)
+	(x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	y z)
+    (and
+     (eqlt (setf (nth (setf y (incf i)) x) (progn (setf z (incf i)) 'z))
+	   'z)
+     (eqlt y 1)
+     (eqlt z 2)
+     x))
+  (a z c d))
+(deftest nth.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y (z '(a b c d e)))
+    (values
+     (nth (progn (setf x (incf i)) 1)
+	  (progn (setf y (incf i)) z))
+     i x y))
+  b 2 1 2)
+(deftest nth.error.1
+  (classify-error (nth))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nth.error.2
+  (classify-error (nth 0))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nth.error.3
+  (classify-error (nth 1 '(a b c) nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest nth.error.4
+  (classify-error (nth 0 '(a b c) nil))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp b/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
similarity index 74%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
index 2402b86a62b2fe8e768c150af37b52163a7c37e7..b5b200c10b7118ff15a195f0b0ea9ae5ca10e3dd 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-12.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nthcdr.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 07:38:26 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 12
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:48:36 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NTHCDR
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; nthcdr
 (deftest nthcdr.error.1
   (classify-error (nthcdr nil (copy-tree '(a b c d))))
@@ -82,22 +77,3 @@
      i x y))
   (b c d) 2 1 2)
-;;; rest
-(deftest rest.1
-  (rest (list 'a 'b 'c))
-  (b c))
-(deftest rest.order.1
-  (let ((i 0))
-    (values (rest (progn (incf i) '(a b))) i))
-  (b) 1)
-(deftest rest.error.1
-  (classify-error (rest))
-  program-error)
-(deftest rest.error.2
-  (classify-error (rest nil nil))
-  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp b/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
similarity index 97%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
index cb0658f1e132356221f00aaa3ca642656fa76f00..496b2a45340c78a8eaf50594323ca91d31ef3f3e 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-21.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/nunion.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 22:11:27 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 21
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:42:35 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of NUNION
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; nunion
 (deftest nunion.1
     (nunion nil nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp b/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a16f4b70e59c68b2701f11e389d3d05893def390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/pairlis.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:30:55 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of PAIRLIS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;; Pairlis has two legal behaviors: the pairs
+;; can be prepended in the same order, or in the
+;; reverse order, that they appear in the first
+;; two arguments
+(defun my-pairlis (x y &optional alist)
+  (if (null x)
+      alist
+    (acons (car x) (car y)
+	   (my-pairlis (cdr x) (cdr y) alist))))
+(deftest pairlis.1
+    (pairlis nil nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest pairlis.2
+    (pairlis '(a) '(b) nil)
+  ((a . b)))
+(deftest pairlis.3
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (result (pairlis x y))
+	   (expected (my-pairlis x y)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (or
+	(equal result expected)
+	(equal result (reverse expected)))
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest pairlis.4
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (y (copy-list '(1 2 3 4 5)))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   (z '((x . 10) (y . 20)))
+	   (zcopy (make-scaffold-copy z))
+	   (result (pairlis x y z))
+	   (expected (my-pairlis x y z)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+       (check-scaffold-copy z zcopy)
+       (eqt (cdr (cddr (cddr result))) z)
+       (or
+	(equal result expected)
+	(equal result (append (reverse (subseq expected 0 5))
+			      (subseq expected 5))))
+       t))
+  t)
+(deftest pairlis.error.1
+  (classify-error (pairlis))
+  program-error)
+(deftest pairlis.error.2
+  (classify-error (pairlis nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest pairlis.error.3
+  (classify-error (pairlis nil nil nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest pairlis.error.4
+  (classify-error (pairlis 'a '(1)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest pairlis.error.5
+  (classify-error (pairlis '(a) 'b))
+  type-error)
+(deftest pairlis.error.6
+  (classify-error (pairlis '(a . b) '(c . d)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pop.lsp b/ansi-tests/pop.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6b7cc26b11ab4344b3885d588d1e9a4b9cd983f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/pop.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:27:18 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of POP
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest pop.1
+  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c))))
+    (let ((y (pop x)))
+      (list x y)))
+  ((b c) a))
+(deftest pop.2
+  (let ((x nil))
+    (let ((y (pop x)))
+      (list x y)))
+  (nil nil))
+;;; Confirm argument is executed just once.
+(deftest pop.order.1
+  (let ((i 0)
+	(a (vector (list 'a 'b 'c))))
+    (pop (aref a (progn (incf i) 0)))
+    (values a i))
+  #((b c)) 1)
+(deftest push-and-pop
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(a b)))
+	 (y x))
+    (push 'c x)
+    (and
+     (eqt (cdr x) y)
+     (pop x)))
+  c)
+;;; Need to add tests of POP vs. various accessors
diff --git a/ansi-tests/push.lsp b/ansi-tests/push.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ee99f99de63f4cf9e4d3799fef164b5172a39807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/push.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:05:34 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of PUSH
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;;; See also places.lsp
+(deftest push.1
+  (let ((x nil))
+    (push 'a x))
+  (a))
+(deftest push.2
+  (let ((x 'b))
+    (push 'a x)
+    (push 'c x))
+  (c a . b))
+(deftest push.3
+  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a))))
+    (push x x)
+    (and
+     (eqt (car x) (cdr x))
+     x))
+  ((a) a))
+(deftest push.order.1
+  (let ((x (list nil)) (i 0) a b)
+    (values
+     (push (progn (setf a (incf i)) 'z)
+	   (car (progn (setf b (incf i)) x)))
+     x
+     i a b))
+  (z) ((z)) 2 1 2)
+;;; Need to add push vs. various accessors
diff --git a/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp b/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..745487514f89ba13ab8d16c128a95bc32d92fa0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/pushnew.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:28:35 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of PUSHNEW
+(in-package :cl-test)
+;;; See also places.lsp
+(deftest pushnew.1
+  (let ((x nil))
+    (let ((y (pushnew 'a x)))
+      (and
+       (eqt x y)
+       (equal x '(a))
+       t)))
+  t)
+(deftest pushnew.2
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(b c d a k f q)))
+	 (y (pushnew 'a x)))
+    (and
+     (eqt x y)
+     x))
+  (b c d a k f q))
+(deftest pushnew.3
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)))
+	 (y (pushnew 7 x)))
+    (and
+     (eqt x y)
+     x))
+  (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+(deftest pushnew.4
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(c d)) x
+		     :test 'equal)))
+    (and (eqt x y)
+	 x))
+  ((c d) (a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+(deftest pushnew.5
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+		     :test 'equal)))
+    (and
+     (eqt x y)
+     x))
+  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+(deftest pushnew.6
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) (c e) (d f) (g h))))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(d i)) x :key #'car))
+	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '(z 10)) x :key #'car)))
+    (and (eqt y (cdr z))
+	 (eqt z x)
+	 x))
+  ((z 10) (a b) (c e) (d f) (g h)))
+(deftest pushnew.7
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		     :key #'car :test #'string=))
+	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10))
+		     x
+		     :key #'car :test #'string=)))
+    (and
+     (eqt y (cdr x))
+     (eqt x z)
+     x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+(deftest pushnew.8
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+		     :key #'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+    (and
+     (eqt y (cdr x))
+     (eqt x z)
+     x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+(deftest pushnew.9
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '(("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3))))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '("def" 4)) x
+		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=)))
+	 (z (pushnew (copy-tree '("xyz" 10)) x
+		     :key 'car :test-not (complement #'string=))))
+    (and
+     (eqt y (cdr x))
+     (eqt x z)
+     x))
+  (("xyz" 10) ("abc" 1) ("def" 2) ("ghi" 3)))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest pushnew.10
+  (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd))
+	 (result (pushnew 'z x :key nil)))
+    result)
+  (z a b c d))
+;; Check that a NIL :key argument is the same as no key argument at all
+(deftest pushnew.11
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree '((a b) 1 "and" c d e)))
+	 (y (pushnew (copy-tree '(a b)) x
+		     :test 'equal :key nil)))
+    (and
+     (eqt x y)
+     x))
+  ((a b) 1 "and" c d e))
+(deftest pushnew.12
+  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
+    (values
+     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
+	      d
+	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+     d i x y z))
+  (a b c) (a b c)
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest pushnew.13
+  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
+    (values
+     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
+	      d
+	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql)))
+     d i x y z))
+  (a b c) (a b c)
+  3 1 2 3)
+(deftest pushnew.14
+  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
+    (values
+     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
+	      d
+	      :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql)
+	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
+     d i x y z))
+  (a b c) (a b c)
+  3 1 3 2)
+(deftest pushnew.15
+  (let ((i 0) x y z (d '(b c)))
+    (values
+     (pushnew (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'a)
+	      d
+	      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+	      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity))
+     d i x y z))
+  (a b c) (a b c)
+  3 1 3 2)
+(deftest pushnew.error.1
+  (classify-error
+   (let ((x '(a b)))
+     (pushnew 'c x :test #'identity)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest pushnew.error.2
+  (classify-error
+   (let ((x '(a b)))
+     (pushnew 'c x :test-not #'identity)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest pushnew.error.3
+  (classify-error
+   (let ((x '(a b)))
+     (pushnew 'c x :key #'cons)))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0139d3dd83501a16550bfa83d889f2a5b89afb18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:35:27 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of RASSOC-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.1
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (third x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.2
+  (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (rassoc-if-not #'evenp x :key #'1+)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt result (third x))
+     result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.3
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if-not #'oddp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.4
+    (rassoc-if-not #'identity 
+		   (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+  (e))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
+		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
+     i x y))
+  (17) 2 1 2)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (rassoc-if-not (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'identity)
+		    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+			   '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
+		    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+     i x y z))
+  (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
+  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
+  (rassoc-if-not #'values '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
+  (rassoc-if-not #'not '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+	  :key 'not)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
+  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
+  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.allow-other-keys.6
+  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t
+		 :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.keywords.7
+  (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :key #'not :key nil)
+  (1 . a))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.1
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.2
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.3
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.4
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.5
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil 1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.6
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.7
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'cons '((a . b)(c . d))))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.8
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'car '((a . b)(c . d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.9
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.10
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if-not.error.11
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if-not #'identity '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b5d347a8d577245ae1e29490de4f429f8848ea71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:34:59 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of RASSOC-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rassoc-if.1
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (third x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if.2
+  (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (rassoc-if #'oddp x :key #'1+)))
+    (and
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+     (eqt result (third x))
+     result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if.3
+    (let* ((x (rev-assoc-list '((1 . a) nil (3 . b) (6 . c) (7 . d))))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (result (rassoc-if #'evenp x)))
+      (and
+       (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+       (eqt result (fourth x))
+       result))
+  (c . 6))
+(deftest rassoc-if.4
+    (rassoc-if #'null
+	       (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) nil (c . d) (nil . e) (f . g))))
+  (e))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest rassoc-if.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
+		(progn (setf y (incf i))
+		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d))))
+     i x y))
+  (17) 2 1 2)
+(deftest rassoc-if.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (rassoc-if (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'null)
+		(progn (setf y (incf i))
+		       '((1 . a) (2 . b) (17) (4 . d)))
+		:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'null))
+     i x y z))
+  (1 . a) 3 1 2 3)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.1
+  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.2
+  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.3
+  (rassoc-if #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+	  :key 'not)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.4
+  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if.allow-other-keys.5
+  (rassoc-if #'null '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2))
+(deftest rassoc-if.keywords.6
+  (rassoc-if #'identity '((1 . a) (2) (3 . c)) :key #'not :key #'identity)
+  (2))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.1
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.2
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.3
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.4
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.5
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil 1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.6
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.7
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'cons '((a . b)(c . d))))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.8
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'car '((a . b)(c . d))))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.9
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.10
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'identity '((a . b)(c . d)) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rassoc-if.error.11
+  (classify-error (rassoc-if #'not '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp b/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..49877d2234d9e3a22ce1d85ac3fe88a5728d2985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rassoc.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:33:49 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of RASSOC
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rassoc.1
+  (rassoc nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc.2
+  (rassoc nil '(nil))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc.3
+  (rassoc nil (rev-assoc-list '(nil (nil . 2) (a . b))))
+  (2 . nil))
+(deftest rassoc.4
+  (rassoc nil '((a . b) (c . d)))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc.5
+  (rassoc 'a '((b . a)))
+  (b . a))
+(deftest rassoc.6
+  (rassoc 'a (rev-assoc-list '((:a . b) (#:a . c) (a . d) (a . e) (z . f))))
+  (d . a))
+(deftest rassoc.7
+  (let* ((x (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '((a . b) (b . c) (c . d)))))
+	 (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	 (result (rassoc 'b x)))
+    (and
+     (eqt result (second x))
+     (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)))
+  t)
+(deftest rassoc.8
+  (rassoc 1 (rev-assoc-list '((0 . a) (1 . b) (2 . c))))
+  (b . 1))
+(deftest rassoc.9
+  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	  (rev-assoc-list '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc.10
+  (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
+	  (copy-tree (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c))))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rassoc.11
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+    (rassoc x
+	    (rev-assoc-list `(((a b) c) (,x . d) (,x . e) ((a b) 1)))))
+  (d a b))
+(deftest rassoc.12
+  (rassoc #\e
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list '(("abefd" . 1) ("aevgd" . 2) ("edada" . 3))))
+	  :key #'(lambda (x) (char x 1)))
+  (2 . "aevgd"))
+(deftest rassoc.13
+  (rassoc nil
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '(((a) . b) ( nil . c ) ((nil) . d))))
+	  :key #'car)
+  (c))
+(deftest rassoc.14
+  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	  :test #'equal)
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc.15
+  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((abc . 1) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	  :test #'equalp)
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc.16
+  (rassoc (copy-list '(a))
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list '(((a) b) ((a) (c)))))
+	  :test #'equal)
+  ((b) a))
+(deftest rassoc.17
+  (rassoc (copy-seq "abc")
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((abc . 1) (a . a) (b . b) ("abc" . 2) ("abc" . 3))))
+	  :test-not (complement #'equalp))
+  (2 . "abc"))
+(deftest rassoc.18
+  (rassoc 'a 
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
+	  :test-not #'eq)
+  (c . b))
+(deftest rassoc.19
+  (rassoc 'a
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((a . d)(b . c))))
+	  :test (complement #'eq))
+  (c . b))
+(deftest rassoc.20
+  (rassoc "a"
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	  :test #'equal)
+  (6 . "A"))
+(deftest rassoc.21
+  (rassoc "a"
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	  :test #'equal)
+  (3 . "a"))
+(deftest rassoc.22
+  (rassoc "a"
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) (string-downcase x)))
+	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  (6 . "A"))
+(deftest rassoc.23
+  (rassoc "a"
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '(("" . 1) (a . 2) ("A" . 6) ("a" . 3) ("A" . 5))))
+	  :key #'(lambda (x) (and (stringp x) x))
+	  :test-not (complement #'equal))
+  (3 . "a"))
+;; Check that it works when test returns a true value
+;; other than T
+(deftest rassoc.24
+  (rassoc 'a
+	  (copy-tree
+	   (rev-assoc-list
+	    '((b . 1) (a . 2) (c . 3))))
+	  :test #'(lambda (x y) (and (eqt x y) 'matched)))
+  (2 . a))
+;; Check that the order of the arguments to :test is correct
+(deftest rassoc.25
+  (block fail
+    (rassoc 'a '((1 . b) (2 . c) (3 . a))
+	    :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		      (unless (eqt x 'a) (return-from fail 'fail))
+		      (eqt x y))))
+  (3 . a))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest rassoc.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c))))
+     i x y))
+  (3 . c) 2 1 2)
+(deftest rassoc.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+	     :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+     i x y z))
+  (3 . c) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest rassoc.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+	    :test #'eql)
+     i x y))
+  (3 . c) 2 1 2)
+(deftest rassoc.order.4
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (rassoc (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'c)
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i)) '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c) (4 . c)))
+	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+	    :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) #'not))
+     i x y z w))
+  (3 . c) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.1
+  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 . b))
+(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.2
+  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (2 . b))
+(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.3
+  (rassoc 'a '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+	  :test-not #'eql)
+  (2 . b))
+(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.4
+  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (2 . b))
+(deftest rassoc.allow-other-keys.5
+  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (2 . b))
+(deftest rassoc.keywords.6
+  (rassoc 'b '((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c))
+	  :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql))
+  (2 . b))
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest rassoc.error.1
+  (classify-error (rassoc))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.2
+  (classify-error (rassoc nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.3
+  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.4
+  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.5
+  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil 1 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.6
+  (classify-error (rassoc nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.7
+  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.8
+  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.9
+  (classify-error (rassoc 'a '((b . a)(c . d)) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rassoc.error.10
+  (classify-error (rassoc 'z '((a . b) . c)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/remf.lsp b/ansi-tests/remf.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c3ef3aa1f52ec8ddfc5bded7c8a2fb8753db7a7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/remf.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:38:18 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of REMF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest remf.1
+  (let ((x nil))
+    (values (remf x 'a) x))
+  nil ())
+(deftest remf.2
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b)))
+    (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
+  t ())
+(deftest remf.3
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'a 'c)))
+    (values (not (null (remf x 'a))) x))
+  t (a c))
+(deftest remf.4
+  (let ((x (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+    (values
+     (and (remf x 'c) t)
+     (loop
+      for ptr on x by #'cddr count
+      (not (eqt (car ptr) 'a)))))
+  t 0)
+(deftest remf.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y
+	(p (make-array 1 :initial-element (copy-list '(a b c d e f)))))
+    (values
+     (notnot
+      (remf (aref p (progn (setf x (incf i)) 0))
+	    (progn (setf y (incf i))
+		   'c)))
+     (aref p 0)
+     i x y))
+  t (a b e f) 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rest.lsp b/ansi-tests/rest.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6cd50af124d3243d380ce9e1b29607b54caebe79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rest.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:49:14 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of REST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rest.1
+  (rest (list 'a 'b 'c))
+  (b c))
+(deftest rest.order.1
+  (let ((i 0))
+    (values (rest (progn (incf i) '(a b))) i))
+  (b) 1)
+(deftest rest.error.1
+  (classify-error (rest))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rest.error.2
+  (classify-error (rest nil nil))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp b/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6c936d244627437bc756ca0f247c765e55c64762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/revappend.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:37:43 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of REVAPPEND
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest revappend.1
+    (let* ((x (list 'a 'b 'c))
+	   (y (list 'd 'e 'f))
+	   (xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	   (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y))
+	   )
+      (let ((result (revappend x y)))
+	(and
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy)
+	 (eqt (cdddr result) y)
+	 result)))
+  (c b a d e f))
+(deftest revappend.2
+    (revappend (copy-tree '(a b c d e)) 10)
+  (e d c b a . 10))
+(deftest revappend.3
+    (revappend nil 'a)
+  a)
+(deftest revappend.4
+    (revappend (copy-tree '(a (b c) d)) nil)
+  (d (b c) a))
+(deftest revappend.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (revappend (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-list '(a b c)))
+		(progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(d e f))))
+     i x y))
+  (c b a d e f) 2 1 2)
+(deftest revappend.error.1
+  (classify-error (revappend))
+  program-error)
+(deftest revappend.error.2
+  (classify-error (revappend nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest revappend.error.3
+  (classify-error (revappend nil nil nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest revappend.error.4
+  (classify-error (revappend '(a . b) '(z)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp b/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9cc6917f43b8e5c163e70e7a8dcd9830465731a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rplaca.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:29:43 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of RPLACA
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rplaca.1
+  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+    (let ((y x))
+      (and (eqt (rplaca x 'c) y)
+	   (eqt x y)
+	   (eqt (car x) 'c)
+	   (eqt (cdr x) 'b))))
+  t)
+(deftest rplaca.order.1
+  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
+	(i 0) a b)
+    (values
+     (rplaca (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
+	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
+     i a b))
+  (c . b) 2 1 2)
+;; rplaca on a fixnum is a type error
+(deftest rplaca.error.1
+  (loop for x in *universe*
+	thereis (and (not (consp x))
+		     (not (eq (catch-type-error (rplaca x 1)) 'type-error))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rplaca.error.2
+  (classify-error (rplaca))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplaca.error.3
+  (classify-error (rplaca (cons 'a 'b)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplaca.error.4
+  (classify-error (rplaca (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'c 'd) 'garbage))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplaca.error.5
+  (classify-error (rplaca 'a 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rplaca.error.6
+  (classify-error (locally (rplaca 'a 1) t))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp b/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5738e5931fa353c2ea06b17e6c43522f00d432ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/rplacd.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:30:28 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of RPLACD
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest rplacd.1
+  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b)))
+    (let ((y x))
+      (and (eqt (rplacd x 'd) y)
+	   (eqt x y)
+	   (eqt (car x) 'a)
+	   (eqt (cdr x) 'd))))
+  t)
+(deftest rplacd.order.1
+  (let ((x (cons 'a 'b))
+	(i 0) a b)
+    (values
+     (rplacd (progn (setf a (incf i)) x)
+	     (progn (setf b (incf i)) 'c))
+     i a b))
+  (a . c) 2 1 2)
+;; rplacd on a fixnum is a type error
+(deftest rplacd.error.1
+  (loop for x in *universe*
+	thereis (and (not (consp x))
+		     (not (eq (catch-type-error (rplacd x 1)) 'type-error))))
+  nil)
+(deftest rplacd.error.2
+  (classify-error (rplacd))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplacd.error.3
+  (classify-error (rplacd (cons 'a 'b)))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplacd.error.4
+  (classify-error (rplacd (cons 'a 'b) (cons 'c 'd) 'garbage))
+  program-error)
+(deftest rplacd.error.5
+  (classify-error (rplacd 'a 1))
+  type-error)
+(deftest rplacd.error.6
+  (classify-error (locally (rplacd 'a 1) t))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..356fbde9d3f201c2e1458d48b8354c3aafc7a390
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-difference.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:44:06 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SET-DIFFERENCE
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest set-difference.1
+  (set-difference nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference.2
+  (let ((result
+	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+    (check-set-difference '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-difference.3
+  (let ((result
+	 (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+    (check-set-difference '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-difference.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+			       '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8))
+(deftest set-difference.5
+  (set-difference-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h))
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference.6
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			     :key nil)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.7
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.8
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.9
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.10
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			     :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.11
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			     :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.12
+  (set-difference-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			     :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-difference.13
+  (do-random-set-differences 100 100)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-difference.14
+  (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			     :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-difference.15
+  (set-difference-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			     '((a . 1) (c . 3))
+			     :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Verify that the :test argument is called with the arguments
+;; in the correct order
+(deftest set-difference.16
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+		   (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 (eqt x y))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference.17
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :key #'identity
+       :test #'(lambda (x y)
+		 (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+			   (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+		   (return-from fail 'fail))
+		 (eqt x y))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference.18
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :test-not
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+	     (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+(deftest set-difference.19
+  (block fail
+    (sort
+     (copy-list
+      (set-difference-with-check
+       '(1 2 3 4) '(e f g h)
+       :test-not
+       #'(lambda (x y)
+	   (when (or (member x '(e f g h))
+		     (member y '(1 2 3 4)))
+	     (return-from fail 'fail))
+	   (not (eqt x y)))))
+     #'<))
+  (1 2 3 4))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest set-difference.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4)))
+     i x y))
+  (1) 2 1 2)
+(deftest set-difference.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+     i x y z))
+  (4) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest set-difference.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (set-difference (progn (setf x (incf i)) (list 1 2 3 4))
+		     (progn (setf y (incf i)) (list 2 3 4))
+		     :test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				  #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+		     :key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+     i x y z w))
+  (4) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.1
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :bad t :allow-other-keys t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.2
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t :bad t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.3
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t :bad t :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y)))))
+   #'<)
+  (4 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.5
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys nil))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.6
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t
+     :allow-other-keys nil))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.allow-other-keys.7
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :allow-other-keys t
+     :allow-other-keys nil
+     '#:x 1))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.keywords.8
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :test #'eql :test (complement #'eql)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 5))
+(deftest set-difference.keywords.9
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-difference
+     (list 1 2 3 4 5) (list 2 3 4)
+     :test (complement #'eql) :test #'eql))
+   #'<)
+  nil)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest set-difference.error.1
+  (classify-error (set-difference))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.2
+  (classify-error (set-difference nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.3
+  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.4
+  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.5
+  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.6
+  (classify-error (set-difference nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.7
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.8
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.9
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.10
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.11
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest set-difference.error.12
+  (classify-error (set-difference (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp b/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..78b3a2bd185e3546bf6fe3266b729a48fb2cf636
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/set-exclusive-or.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:45:46 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SET-EXCLUSIVE-OR
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.1
+  (set-exclusive-or nil nil)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.2
+  (let ((result
+	 (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c) nil)))
+    (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c) nil result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.3
+  (let ((result
+	 (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e f) '(f b d))))
+    (check-set-exclusive-or '(a b c d e f) '(f b d) result))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.4
+  (sort
+   (copy-list
+    (set-exclusive-or-with-check (shuffle '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8))
+				 '(10 101 4 74 2 1391 7 17831)))
+   #'<)
+  (1 3 5 6 8 10 74 101 1391 17831))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.5
+  (check-set-exclusive-or
+   nil
+   '(a b c d e f g h)
+   (set-exclusive-or-with-check nil '(a b c d e f g h)))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.6
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :key nil)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.7
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.7-a
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(d a b e) '(a b c d e) :test #'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.8
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.8-a
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(e d b a) '(a b c d e) :test #'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.8-b
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.9
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e) :test #'equal)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.10
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eq)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.11
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'eql)
+  (c))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.12
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '(a b c d e) '(d a b e)
+			       :test 'equal)
+  (c))
+;;; (deftest set-exclusive-or.13
+;;;    (do-random-set-exclusive-ors 100 100)
+;;;  nil)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.14
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . 1) (b . 2) (c . 3012))
+			       '((a . 10) (c . 3))
+			       :key 'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.15
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car)
+  ((b . 2)))
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.16
+  (set-exclusive-or-with-check '((a . xx) (b . 2) (c . 3))
+			       '((a . 1) (c . 3313))
+			       :key #'car
+			       :test-not (complement #'eql))
+  ((b . 2)))
+;; Check that set-exclusive-or does not invert
+;; the order of the arguments to the test function
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.17
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+			    (member s2 list1))
+		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.17-a
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:key #'identity
+	:test #'(lambda (s1 s2)
+		  (when (or (member s1 list2)
+			    (member s2 list1))
+		    (return-from fail 'failed)))))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.18
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
+	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
+		      (member s2 list1))
+	      (return-from fail 'failed))
+	    t)))))
+  t)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.18-a
+  (let ((list1 '(a b c d))
+	(list2 '(e f g h)))
+    (block fail
+      (notnot-mv
+       (set-exclusive-or-with-check
+	list1 list2
+	:key #'identity
+	:test-not
+	#'(lambda (s1 s2)
+	    (when (or (member s1 list2)
+		      (member s2 list1))
+	      (return-from fail 'failed))
+	    t)))))
+  t)
+;;; Order of argument evaluation tests
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			       (list 1 2 3 4))
+			(progn (setf y (incf i))
+			       (list 1 3 6 10)))
+      #'<)
+     i x y))
+  (2 4 6 10) 2 1 2)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) x y z)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			       (list 1 2 3 4))
+			(progn (setf y (incf i))
+			       (list 1 3 6 10))
+			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				     #'eql))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z))
+  (2 4 6 10) 3 1 2 3)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.3
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			       (list 1 2 3 4))
+			(progn (setf y (incf i))
+			       (list 1 3 6 10))
+			:test (progn (setf z (incf i))
+				     #'eql)
+			:key (progn (setf w (incf i)) nil))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.4
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			       (list 1 2 3 4))
+			(progn (setf y (incf i))
+			       (list 1 3 6 10))
+			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+			:test (progn (setf w (incf i))
+				     #'eql))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.order.5
+  (let ((i 0) x y z w)
+    (values
+     (sort
+      (set-exclusive-or (progn (setf x (incf i))
+			       (list 1 2 3 4))
+			(progn (setf y (incf i))
+			       (list 1 3 6 10))
+			:key (progn (setf z (incf i)) nil)
+			:key (progn (setf w (incf i))
+				    (complement #'eql)))
+      #'<)
+     i x y z w))
+  (2 4 6 10) 4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.1
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.2
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.3
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t :bad t
+			  :test #'(lambda (x y) (= x (1- y))))
+	#'<)
+  (1 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.4
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.5
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys nil)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.6
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t
+			  :allow-other-keys nil)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.allow-other-keys.7
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :allow-other-keys t
+			  :allow-other-keys nil
+			  '#:x 1)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.keywords.8
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :test #'eql
+			  :test #'/=)
+	#'<)
+  (1 2 5 6))
+(deftest set-exclusive.keywords.9
+  (sort (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3 4) (list 3 4 5 6)
+			  :test #'/=
+			  :test #'eql)
+	#'<)
+  nil)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.1
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.2
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.3
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.4
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :key))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.5
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil 1 2))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.6
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or nil nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.7
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.8
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.9
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.10
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2) (list 3 4) :key #'car))
+  type-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.11
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list 1 2 3) (list* 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest set-exclusive-or.error.12
+  (classify-error (set-exclusive-or (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))
+  type-error)
+;;; Randomized test
+(deftest random-set-exclusive-or
+  (random-set-exclusive-or-test 10 100)
+  nil)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp b/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ccaf27dff2fdb891edafc29aed7ac9fea473795a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/sublis.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:32:50 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SUBLIS
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest sublis.1
+  (check-sublis '((a b) g (d e 10 g h) 15 . g)
+		'((e . e2) (g . 17)))
+  ((a b) 17 (d e2 10 17 h) 15 . 17))
+(deftest sublis.2
+  (check-sublis '(f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f1 a b) (f1 a p)) (f2 a b)))
+		'(((f1 a b) . (f2 a b)) ((f2 a b) . (f1 a b)))
+		:test #'equal)
+  (f6 10 (f4 (f3 (f2 a b) (f1 a p)) (f1 a b))))
+(deftest sublis.3
+  (check-sublis '(10 ((10 20 (a b c) 30)) (((10 20 30 40))))
+		'((30 . "foo")))
+  (10 ((10 20 (a b c) "foo")) (((10 20 "foo" 40)))))
+(deftest sublis.4
+  (check-sublis (sublis
+		 (copy-tree '((a . 2) (b . 4) (c . 1)))
+		 (copy-tree '(a b c d e (a b c a d b) f)))
+		'((t . "yes"))
+		:key #'(lambda (x) (and (typep x 'integer)
+					(evenp x))))
+  ("yes" "yes" 1 d e ("yes" "yes" 1 "yes" d "yes") f))
+(deftest sublis.5
+  (check-sublis '("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo"))
+		  fie ("fee" "fie"))
+		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f)))
+  ("fee" (("fee" "Fie" "foo")) fie ("fee" "fie")))
+(deftest sublis.6
+  (check-sublis '("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1)
+		  ("fee" "fie"))
+		`((,(copy-seq "fie") . #\f))
+		:test 'equal)
+  ("fee" fie (("fee" "Fie" "foo") 1) ("fee" #\f)))
+(deftest sublis.7
+  (check-sublis '(("aa" a b)
+		  (z "bb" d)
+		  ((x . "aa")))
+		`((,(copy-seq "aa") . 1)
+		  (,(copy-seq "bb") . 2))
+		:test 'equal
+		:key #'(lambda (x) (if (consp x) (car x)
+				     '*not-present*)))
+  (1 (z . 2) ((x . "aa"))))
+;; Check that a null key arg is ignored.
+(deftest sublis.8
+  (check-sublis 
+   '(1 2 a b)
+   '((1 . 2) (a . b))
+   :key nil)
+  (2 2 b b))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest sublis.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (sublis
+      (progn (setf w (incf i))
+	     '((a . z)))
+      (progn (setf x (incf i))
+	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+      :test (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'eql)
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (z b c d)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+(deftest sublis.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (sublis
+      (progn (setf w (incf i))
+	     '((a . z)))
+      (progn (setf x (incf i))
+	     (copy-tree '(a b c d)))
+      :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+      :test-not (progn (setf z (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+      )
+     i w x y z))
+  (z b c d)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests
+(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.1
+  (sublis nil 'a :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.2
+  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.3
+  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.4
+  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest sublis.allow-other-keys.5
+  (sublis nil 'a :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest sublis.keywords.6
+  (sublis '((1 . a)) (list 0 1 2) :key #'(lambda (x) (if (numberp x) (1+ x) x))
+	  :key #'identity)
+  (a 1 2))
+;; Argument error cases
+(deftest sublis.error.1
+  (classify-error (sublis))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.2
+  (classify-error (sublis nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.3
+  (classify-error (sublis nil 'a :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.4
+  (classify-error (sublis nil 'a :bad-keyword t))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.5
+  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			  :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.6
+  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			  :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.7
+  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) (b . 2))
+			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)
+			  :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest sublis.error.8
+  (classify-error (sublis '((a . 1) . bad)
+			  (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
+  type-error)
+(deftest sublis.shared
+  (let* ((shared-piece (list 'a 'b))
+	 (a (list shared-piece shared-piece)))
+    (check-sublis a '((a . b) (b . a))))
+  ((b a) (b a)))
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp b/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
similarity index 97%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
index 8d0ed9c62f93302a94c72ae068ac10a0413a0ab6..450490ea7cf6de997bf43a9467d140e52f8fcaee 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-24.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/subsetp.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
 ;;;; Created:  Wed Apr  1 22:10:54 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 24
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SUBSETP
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; subsetp
 (defvar cons-test-24-var '(78 "z" (8 9)))
 (deftest subsetp.1
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8b0df98d79fe56139700666a9f79ef24d950bc83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst-if-not.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:48:22 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SUBST-IF-NOT
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest subst-if-not.1
+  (check-subst-if-not '(x) 'consp '(1 (1 2) (1 2 3) (1 2 3 4)))
+  ((x)
+   ((x) (x) x)
+   ((x) (x) (x) x)
+   ((x) (x) (x) (x) x)
+   x))
+(deftest subst-if-not.2
+  (check-subst-if-not 'a (complement #'listp)
+		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.3
+  (check-subst-if-not 'c #'identity
+		      '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		      :key (complement #'listp))
+  c)
+(deftest subst-if-not.4
+  (check-subst-if-not
+   40
+   #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 17)))
+   '((17) (17 22) (17 22 31) (17 21 34 54))
+   :key #'(lambda (x)
+	    (and (consp x)
+		 (car x))))
+  (40 40 40 40))
+(deftest subst-if-not.5
+  (check-subst-if-not 'a  #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b)))
+		      '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		      :key nil)
+  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest subst-if-not.7
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (subst-if-not
+      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (not (eql x 'b))))
+      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (1 2 a a c)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keywords tests for subst-if-not
+(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.1
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.2
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.3
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.4
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.allow-other-keys.5
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :allow-other-keys t
+		:allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if-not.keywords.6
+  (subst-if-not 'a #'identity nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
+  a)
+;;; error cases
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.1
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.2
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.3
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.4
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.5
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.6
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.7
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null nil
+				:bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if-not.error.8
+  (classify-error (subst-if-not 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..63bcf19ab12cfb8735a355d26e39c58166e33deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst-if.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:39:42 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SUBST-IF
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest subst-if.1
+  (check-subst-if 'a #'consp '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c)))
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.2
+  (check-subst-if 17 (complement #'listp) '(a (a b) (a c d) (a nil e f g)))
+  (17 (17 17) (17 17 17) (17 nil 17 17 17)))
+(deftest subst-if.3
+  (check-subst-if '(z)
+		  (complement #'consp)
+		  '(a (a b) (c d e) (f g h i)))
+  ((z)
+   ((z) (z) z)
+   ((z) (z) (z) z)
+   ((z) (z) (z) (z) z)
+   z))
+(deftest subst-if.4
+  (check-subst-if 'b #'identity '((100 1) (2 3) (4 3 2 1) (a b c))
+		  :key #'listp)
+  b)
+(deftest subst-if.5
+  (check-subst-if 4 #'(lambda (x) (eql x 1))
+		  '((1 3) (1) (1 10 20 30) (1 3 x y))
+		  :key #'(lambda (x)
+			   (and (consp x)
+				(car x))))
+  (4 4 4 4))
+(deftest subst-if.6
+  (check-subst-if 'a  #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b))
+		  '((a) (b) (c) (d))
+		  :key nil)
+  ((a) (a) (c) (d)))
+(deftest subst-if.7
+  (let ((i 0) w x y z)
+    (values
+     (subst-if
+      (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+      (progn (setf x (incf i)) #'(lambda (x) (eql x 'b)))
+      (progn (setf y (incf i)) (copy-list '(1 2 a b c)))
+      :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity))
+     i w x y z))
+  (1 2 a a c)
+  4 1 2 3 4)
+;;; Keyword tests for subst-if
+(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.1
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.2
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.3
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys nil)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.4
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.allow-other-keys.5
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil :bad t)
+  a)
+(deftest subst-if.keywords.6
+  (subst-if 'a #'null nil :key nil :key (constantly 'b))
+  a)
+;;; Error tests
+(deftest subst-if.error.1
+  (classify-error (subst-if))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.2
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.3
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.4
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.5
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.6
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.7
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst-if.error.8
+  (classify-error (subst-if 'a #'null (list 'a nil 'c) :key #'cons))
+  program-error)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ansi-tests/subst.lsp b/ansi-tests/subst.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..dcdaba805f688a1602f2a6c5edb6c8afbdfe38a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/subst.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 21:37:56 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of SUBST
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(defvar *subst-tree-1* '(10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest subst.1
+  (check-subst "Z" 30 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
+  (10 ("Z" 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 "Z" 40)))
+(deftest subst.2
+  (check-subst "A" 0 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*))
+  (10 (30 20 10) (20 10) (10 20 30 40)))
+(deftest subst.3
+  (check-subst "Z" 100 (copy-tree *subst-tree-1*) :test-not #'eql)
+  "Z")
+(deftest subst.4
+  (check-subst 'grape 'dick
+	       '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+  (melville wrote (moby grape)))
+(deftest subst.5
+  (check-subst 'cha-cha-cha 'nil '(melville wrote (moby dick)))
+  (melville wrote (moby dick . cha-cha-cha) . cha-cha-cha))
+(deftest subst.6
+  (check-subst
+   '(1 2) '(foo . bar)
+   '((foo . baz) (foo . bar) (bar . foo) (baz foo . bar))
+   :test #'equal)
+  ((foo . baz) (1 2) (bar . foo) (baz 1 2)))
+(deftest subst.7
+  (check-subst
+   'foo "aaa"
+   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			  "aaa"
+			nil))
+   :test #'string=)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest subst.8
+  (check-subst
+   'foo nil
+   '((1 . 2) (4 . 5) (6 7 8 9 10 (11 12)))
+   :key #'(lambda (x) (if (and (numberp x) (evenp x))
+			  (copy-seq "aaa")
+			nil))
+   :test-not #'equal)
+  ((1 . foo) (foo . 5) (foo 7 foo 9 foo (11 foo))))
+(deftest subst.9
+  (check-subst 'a 'b
+	       (copy-tree '(a b c d a b))
+	       :key nil)
+  (a a c d a a))
+;;; Order of argument evaluation
+(deftest subst.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
+    (values
+     (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
+	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+	    :key (progn (setf y (incf i)) #'identity)
+	    :test (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'eql))
+     i v w x y z))
+  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
+  5 1 2 3 4 5)
+(deftest subst.order.2
+  (let ((i 0) v w x y z)
+    (values
+     (subst (progn (setf v (incf i)) 'b)
+	    (progn (setf w (incf i)) 'a)
+	    (progn (setf x (incf i)) (copy-tree '((10 a . a) a b c ((a)) z)))
+	    :test-not (progn (setf y (incf i)) (complement #'eql))
+	    :key (progn (setf z (incf i)) #'identity)
+	    )
+     i v w x y z))
+  ((10 b . b) b b c ((b)) z)
+  5 1 2 3 4 5)
+;;; Keyword tests for subst
+(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.1
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :bad t :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.2
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.3
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys nil)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.4
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :bad t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.allow-other-keys.5
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :allow-other-keys t :allow-other-keys nil
+	 :bad t)
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.keywords.6
+  (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b 'c) :test #'eq :test (complement #'eq))
+  (a a c))
+(deftest subst.error.1
+  (classify-error (subst))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.2
+  (classify-error (subst 'a))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.3
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.4
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :foo nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.5
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :test))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.6
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil 1))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.7
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b nil :bad t :allow-other-keys nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.8
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.9
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :test-not #'identity))
+  program-error)
+(deftest subst.error.10
+  (classify-error (subst 'a 'b (list 'a 'b) :key #'equal))
+  program-error)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp b/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8a44ae8b0ec44120f7713f5951bde332a7a269df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ansi-tests/tailp.lsp
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
+;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
+;;;; Created:  Sat Apr 19 22:47:26 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of TAILP
+(in-package :cl-test)
+(deftest tailp.1
+  (let ((x (copy-tree '(a b c d e . f))))
+    (and
+     (tailp x x)
+     (tailp (cdr x) x)
+     (tailp (cddr x) x)
+     (tailp (cdddr x) x)
+     (tailp (cddddr x) x)
+     t))
+  t)
+;; The next four tests test that tailp handles dotted lists.  See
+;; TAILP-NIL:T in the X3J13 documentation.
+(deftest tailp.2
+  (notnot-mv (tailp 'e (copy-tree '(a b c d . e))))
+  t)
+(deftest tailp.3
+  (tailp 'z (copy-tree '(a b c d . e)))
+  nil)
+(deftest tailp.4
+  (notnot-mv (tailp 10203040506070
+		    (list* 'a 'b (1- 10203040506071))))
+  t)
+(deftest tailp.5
+  (let ((x "abcde")) (tailp x (list* 'a 'b (copy-seq x))))
+  nil)
+(deftest tailp.error.5
+  (classify-error (tailp))
+  program-error)
+(deftest tailp.error.6
+  (classify-error (tailp nil))
+  program-error)
+(deftest tailp.error.7
+  (classify-error (tailp nil nil nil))
+  program-error)
+;; Test that tailp does not modify its arguments
+(deftest tailp.6
+    (let* ((x (copy-list '(a b c d e)))
+	   (y (cddr x)))
+      (let ((xcopy (make-scaffold-copy x))
+	    (ycopy (make-scaffold-copy y)))
+	(and
+	 (tailp y x)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy x xcopy)
+	 (check-scaffold-copy y ycopy))))
+  t)
+;; Note!  The spec is ambiguous on whether this next test
+;; is correct.  The spec says that tailp should be prepared
+;; to signal an error if the list argument is not a proper
+;; list or dotted list.  If listp is false, the list argument
+;; is neither (atoms are not dotted lists).
+;; However, the sample implementation *does* work even if
+;; the list argument is an atom.
+(defun tailp.7-body ()
+  (loop
+      for x in *universe*
+      count (and (not (listp x))
+		 (eqt 'type-error
+		     (catch-type-error (tailp x x))))))
+(deftest tailp.7
+    (tailp.7-body)
+  0)
+(deftest tailp.order.1
+  (let ((i 0) x y)
+    (values
+     (notnot
+      (tailp (progn (setf x (incf i)) 'd)
+	     (progn (setf y (incf i)) '(a b c . d))))
+     i x y))
+  t 2 1 2)
diff --git a/ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp b/ansi-tests/union.lsp
similarity index 97%
rename from ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp
rename to ansi-tests/union.lsp
index aac1033dff78ca2ce1125e11c45a6b32f1a3cb3d..4e84766c117b69d1c357b6cee166f42972cee505 100644
--- a/ansi-tests/cons-test-20.lsp
+++ b/ansi-tests/union.lsp
@@ -1,15 +1,10 @@
 ;-*- Mode:     Lisp -*-
 ;;;; Author:   Paul Dietz
-;;;; Created:  Sat Mar 28 22:11:27 1998
-;;;; Contains: Testing of CL Features related to "CONS", part 20
+;;;; Created:  Sun Apr 20 07:41:24 2003
+;;;; Contains: Tests of UNION
 (in-package :cl-test)
-(declaim (optimize (safety 3)))
-;;; union
 (deftest union.1
   (union nil nil)
@@ -408,8 +403,3 @@
 (deftest union.error.12
   (classify-error (union (list* 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)))