diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 4a08ee8c711b43ab1beee2d225ff2005c4f68d90..9c88d9fe939b3ebd992b8d12fea6b0a2102c05b9 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+cl-puri (1.4-1) unstable; urgency=low
+  * New upstream: no longer depend on simple strings; fix bugs to correspond
+  to Franz delimited-string-to-list and parse-uri
+ -- Kevin M. Rosenberg <kmr@debian.org>  Thu, 26 Jan 2006 15:54:30 -0700
 cl-puri ( unstable; urgency=low
   * New upstream
diff --git a/puri.asd b/puri.asd
index af10e80103474342a4cb71e4f35ac71c2a24e4f5..0e4ea9c52f9de44dd7f2b414e2629d4c5eea2800 100644
--- a/puri.asd
+++ b/puri.asd
@@ -28,3 +28,6 @@
   (or (funcall (intern (symbol-name '#:do-tests)
 		       (find-package :puri-tests)))
       (error "test-op failed")))
+(defmethod operation-done-p ((o test-op) (c (eql (find-system 'puri-tests))))
+  (values nil))
diff --git a/src.lisp b/src.lisp
index a189331f87b81e9c07d2460e10fb66d0751b2d93..b886986a7a3a4c5d3aead501ec201f48c6c504bc 100644
--- a/src.lisp
+++ b/src.lisp
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
   (excl::.primcall 'sys::shrink-svector str size)
-  (sb-kernel:shrink-vector str size)
+  (setq str (sb-kernel:shrink-vector str size))
   (lisp::shrink-vector str size)
@@ -126,17 +126,17 @@
-(defun position-char (char string start max)
+(defmethod position-char (char (string string) start max)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0))
-	   (fixnum start max) (simple-string string))
+	   (fixnum start max) (string string))
   (do* ((i start (1+ i)))
        ((= i max) nil)
     (declare (fixnum i))
-    (when (char= char (schar string i)) (return i))))
+    (when (char= char (char string i)) (return i))))
 (defun delimited-string-to-list (string &optional (separator #\space) 
-				 skip-terminal)
+                                        skip-terminal)
   (declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0)
 		     (compilation-speed 0))
 	   (type string string)
@@ -149,9 +149,9 @@
        ((null end)
 	(if (< pos len)
 	    (push (subseq string pos) output)
-	    (when (or (not skip-terminal) (zerop len))
-	      (push "" output)))
-	(nreverse output))
+          (when (and (plusp len) (not skip-terminal))
+            (push "" output)))
+        (nreverse output))
     (declare (type fixnum pos len)
 	     (type (or null fixnum) end))
     (push (subseq string pos end) output)
@@ -549,7 +549,7 @@
 		       (setq res
 			   (when (>= start end) (return nil))
-			   (setq c (schar string start))
+			   (setq c (char string start))
 			   (let ((ci (char-int c)))
 			     (if* legal-chars
 				then (if* (and (eq :colon kind) (eq c #\:))
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	      scheme host port
-	      (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse path-components))
+	      (apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse path-components))
 	      query fragment)))
 	  ;; URN parsing:
 	  (15 ;; seen urn:, read nid now
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	(max (the fixnum (length string))))
       ((= i max) nil)
     (declare (fixnum i max))
-    (when (char= #\% (schar string i))
+    (when (char= #\% (char string i))
       (return t))))
 (defun parse-path (path-string escape)
@@ -769,19 +769,23 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	(pl (cdr path-list) (cdr pl))
       ((null pl) path-list)
-    (if* (cdr (setq segments (delimited-string-to-list (car pl) #\;)))
+    (if* (cdr (setq segments
+		(if* (string= "" (car pl))
+		   then '("")
+		   else (delimited-string-to-list (car pl) #\;))))
        then ;; there is a param
-;;;	    (setf (car pl) segments)
 	    (setf (car pl)
 	      (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
-			  (decode-escaped-encoding
-			   s escape *reserved-path-characters2*))
-	       segments))
+			  (decode-escaped-encoding s escape
+						   ;; decode all %xx:
+						   nil))
+		      segments))
        else ;; no param
-;;;	    (setf (car pl) (car segments))
 	    (setf (car pl)
-	      (decode-escaped-encoding
-	       (car segments) escape *reserved-path-characters2*)))))
+	      (decode-escaped-encoding (car segments) escape
+				       ;; decode all %xx:
+				       nil)))))
 (defun decode-escaped-encoding (string escape
 				&optional (reserved-chars
@@ -795,26 +799,27 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	ch ch2 chc chc2)
       ((= i max)
        (shrink-vector new-string new-i))
-    (if* (char= #\% (setq ch (schar string i)))
+    (if* (char= #\% (setq ch (char string i)))
        then (when (> (+ i 3) max)
 	       "Unsyntactic escaped encoding in ~s." string))
-	    (setq ch (schar string (incf i)))
-	    (setq ch2 (schar string (incf i)))
+	    (setq ch (char string (incf i)))
+	    (setq ch2 (char string (incf i)))
 	    (when (not (and (setq chc (digit-char-p ch 16))
 			    (setq chc2 (digit-char-p ch2 16))))
 	       "Non-hexidecimal digits after %: %c%c." ch ch2))
 	    (let ((ci (+ (* 16 chc) chc2)))
 	      (if* (or (null reserved-chars)
-		       (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci)))
+                       (and (< ci (length reserved-chars))
+                            (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci))))
 		 then ;; ok as is
-		      (setf (schar new-string new-i)
+		      (setf (char new-string new-i)
 			(code-char ci))
-		 else (setf (schar new-string new-i) #\%)
-		      (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) ch)
-		      (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) ch2)))
-       else (setf (schar new-string new-i) ch))))
+		 else (setf (char new-string new-i) #\%)
+		      (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) ch)
+		      (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) ch2)))
+       else (setf (char new-string new-i) ch))))
 ;;;; Printing
@@ -830,7 +835,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	    (path (uri-path uri))
 	    (query (uri-query uri))
 	    (fragment (uri-fragment uri)))
-	(concatenate 'simple-string
+	(concatenate 'string
 	  (when scheme
 	     (string-downcase ;; for upper case lisps
@@ -866,7 +871,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	(pl (cdr path-list) (cdr pl))
 	(pe (car pl) (car pl)))
       ((null pl)
-       (when res (apply #'concatenate 'simple-string (nreverse res))))
+       (when res (apply #'concatenate 'string (nreverse res))))
     (when (or (null first)
 	      (prog1 (eq :absolute first)
 		(setq first nil)))
@@ -891,7 +896,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
     (setf (uri-string urn)
       (let ((nid (urn-nid urn))
 	    (nss (urn-nss urn)))
-	(concatenate 'simple-string "urn:" nid ":" nss))))
+	(concatenate 'string "urn:" nid ":" nss))))
   (if* stream
      then (format stream "~a" (uri-string urn))
      else (uri-string urn)))
@@ -900,8 +905,6 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
     (vector #\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9 #\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f))
 (defun encode-escaped-encoding (string reserved-chars escape)
-  (unless (typep string 'simple-string)
-    (setq string (coerce string 'simple-string)))
   (when (null escape) (return-from encode-escaped-encoding string))
   ;; Make a string as big as it possibly needs to be (3 times the original
   ;; size), and truncate it at the end.
@@ -913,18 +916,18 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	c ci)
       ((= i max)
        (shrink-vector new-string (incf new-i)))
-    (setq ci (char-int (setq c (schar string i))))
+    (setq ci (char-int (setq c (char string i))))
     (if* (or (null reserved-chars)
 	     (> ci 127)
 	     (= 0 (sbit reserved-chars ci)))
        then ;; ok as is
 	    (incf new-i)
-	    (setf (schar new-string new-i) c)
+	    (setf (char new-string new-i) c)
        else ;; need to escape it
 	    (multiple-value-bind (q r) (truncate ci 16)
-	      (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) #\%)
-	      (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i)) (elt *escaped-encoding* q))
-	      (setf (schar new-string (incf new-i))
+	      (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) #\%)
+	      (setf (char new-string (incf new-i)) (elt *escaped-encoding* q))
+	      (setf (char new-string (incf new-i))
 		(elt *escaped-encoding* r))))))
 (defmethod print-object ((uri uri) stream)
@@ -949,12 +952,10 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 (defmethod merge-uris ((uri string) (base uri) &optional place)
   (merge-uris (parse-uri uri) base place))
 (defmethod merge-uris ((uri uri) (base uri) &optional place)
-  ;; The following is from
-  ;; http://info.internet.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc/files/rfc2396.txt
-  ;; and is algorithm we use to merge URIs.
-  ;;
-  ;; For more information, see section 5.2 of the RFC.
+  ;; See ../doc/rfc2396.txt for info on the algorithm we use to merge
+  ;; URIs.
 ;;;; step 2
@@ -970,7 +971,7 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	  (when (uri-fragment uri)
 	    (setf (uri-fragment new) (uri-fragment uri)))
     (setq uri (copy-uri uri :place place))
 ;;;; step 3
@@ -985,6 +986,18 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 ;;;; step 5
     (let ((p (uri-parsed-path uri)))
+      ;; bug13133:
+      ;; The following form causes our implementation to be at odds with
+      ;; RFC 2396, however this is apparently what was intended by the
+      ;; authors of the RFC.  Specifically, (merge-uris "?y" "/foo")
+      ;; should return #<uri /foo?y> instead of #<uri ?y>, according to
+      ;; this:
+;;; http://www.apache.org/~fielding/uri/rev-2002/issues.html#003-relative-query
+      (when (null p)
+	(setf (uri-path uri) (uri-path base))
+	(go :done))
       (when (and p (eq :absolute (car p)))
 	(when (equal '(:absolute "") p)
 	  ;; Canonicalize the way parsing does:
@@ -1245,8 +1258,8 @@ URI ~s contains illegal character ~s at position ~d."
 	(state :char)
 	c1 c2)
       ((= i len) t)
-    (setq c1 (schar nss1 i))
-    (setq c2 (schar nss2 i))
+    (setq c1 (char nss1 i))
+    (setq c2 (char nss2 i))
     (ecase state
        (if* (and (char= #\% c1) (char= #\% c2))
diff --git a/tests.lisp b/tests.lisp
index 887a323878be0daf2e2e9fcbfec430c47ab719d1..e401470fb015e000f3a75eae2ae2981a8b2a2ed7 100644
--- a/tests.lisp
+++ b/tests.lisp
@@ -40,7 +40,10 @@
 		 ("g/" "http://a/b/c/g/" ,base-uri)
 		 ("/g" "http://a/g" ,base-uri) 
 		 ("//g" "http://g" ,base-uri) 
-		 ("?y" "http://a/b/c/?y" ,base-uri) 
+                 ;; Following was changed from appendix C of RFC 2396
+                 ;; http://www.apache.org/~fielding/uri/rev-2002/issues.html#003-relative-query
+		 #-ignore ("?y" "http://a/b/c/d;p?y" ,base-uri) 
+		 #+ignore ("?y" "http://a/b/c/?y" ,base-uri) 
 		 ("g?y" "http://a/b/c/g?y" ,base-uri)
 		 ("#s" "http://a/b/c/d;p?q#s" ,base-uri) 
 		 ("g#s" "http://a/b/c/g#s" ,base-uri) 
@@ -180,6 +183,9 @@
     (push `(test "%20" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%20"))
 			   :test 'string=)
+     (push `(test "%FF" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%FF"))
+                          :test 'string=)
+         res) ;Value 255 outside reserved-chars vector (128 bits)
     (push `(test "&" (format nil "~a" (parse-uri "%26"))
 			   :test 'string=)