diff --git a/asdf.lisp b/asdf.lisp
index e647caaa6180a26363d658b8ca10032886bef5db..4d14b72076cdb34359e5950ac5cc9ad0103d1e3f 100644
--- a/asdf.lisp
+++ b/asdf.lisp
@@ -290,6 +290,7 @@
+            #:compile-file*
@@ -1761,7 +1762,7 @@ recursive calls to traverse.")
   (let ((source-file (component-pathname c))
         (output-file (car (output-files operation c))))
     (multiple-value-bind (output warnings-p failure-p)
-        (apply #'compile-file source-file :output-file output-file
+        (apply #'compile-file* source-file :output-file output-file
                (compile-op-flags operation))
       (when warnings-p
         (case (operation-on-warnings operation)
@@ -2928,11 +2929,39 @@ effectively disabling the output translation facility."
          (mapcar #'apply-output-translations files)))
-(defun compile-file-pathname* (input-file &rest keys)
-  (apply-output-translations
-   (apply #'compile-file-pathname
-          (truenamize (lispize-pathname input-file))
-          keys)))
+(defun compile-file-pathname* (input-file &rest keys &key output-file &allow-other-keys)
+  (or output-file
+      (apply-output-translations
+       (apply 'compile-file-pathname
+              (truenamize (lispize-pathname input-file))
+              keys))))
+(defun tmpize-pathname (x)
+  (make-pathname
+   :name (format nil "ASDF-TMP-~A" (pathname-name x))
+   :defaults x))
+(defun delete-file-if-exists (x)
+  (when (probe-file x)
+    (delete-file x)))
+(defun compile-file* (input-file &rest keys)
+  (let* ((output-file (apply 'compile-file-pathname* input-file keys))
+         (tmp-file (tmpize-pathname output-file))
+         (successp nil))
+    (unwind-protect
+         (multiple-value-bind (output-truename warnings-p failure-p)
+             (apply 'compile-file input-file :output-file tmp-file keys)
+           (if failure-p
+               (setf output-truename nil)
+               (setf successp t))
+           (values output-truename warnings-p failure-p))
+      (cond
+        (successp
+         (delete-file-if-exists output-file)
+         (rename-file tmp-file output-file))
+        (t
+         (delete-file-if-exists tmp-file))))))
 (defun translate-jar-pathname (source wildcard)
diff --git a/doc/index.html b/doc/index.html
index 11391f36610dbaac6722f58c82d0470e28431ba9..5377f90666c9a085d94fa37300f8850a67744794 100644
--- a/doc/index.html
+++ b/doc/index.html
@@ -71,6 +71,8 @@
           <li>pull the latest from our git repository
             (<a href="http://common-lisp.net/gitweb?p=projects/asdf/asdf.git">browse</a>)
             <pre>git clone git://common-lisp.net/projects/asdf/asdf.git</pre>
+            (Note that our "master" branch is for current development;
+            get our "release" branch for the latest stable release.)
         <a id="bugs">
@@ -100,7 +102,7 @@
           <dd>Fran&ccedil;ois-Ren&eacute; Rideau is de facto maintainer,
             with notable contributions from Robert P. Goldman,
             Juanjo Garcia-Ripoll and James Anderson.
-            Push towards an ASDF 2 release
+            ASDF 2 released
             with many clean-ups, better configurability
             and updated documentation.
diff --git a/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp b/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp
index 8f754c0253a1555a3a5af963cb191b1e9539cb72..395c719da2530b524c7216a05fdc8b493b85f612 100644
--- a/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp
+++ b/test/try-recompiling-1.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 (in-package #:common-lisp-user)
+#+clisp (eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (fmakunbound 'try-recompiling-1))
 (defun try-recompiling-1 ()
   (assert *caught-error*))