(defpackage :lisp-invocation/implementations (:use :common-lisp :uiop :lisp-invocation/lisp-invocation)) (in-package :lisp-invocation/implementations) #| Supported test lisp implementations include: allegro (acl), abcl, ccl (clozure), clasp, clisp, cmucl (cmu), ecl, ecl_bytecodes, gcl, lispworks, mkcl, sbcl, scl, xcl. Not really supported are: corman (cormanlisp), lispworks-personal-edition Not supported at all are: mcl (rmcl), genera |# (define-lisp-implementation :abcl () :fullname "Armed Bear Common Lisp" :name "abcl" :feature :abcl :flags ("--noinform" "--noinit" "--nosystem") :eval-flag "--eval" :load-flag "--load" :arguments-end "--" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :standalone-executable nil :argument-control t :disable-debugger ("--batch") ;; ??? :quit-format "(ext:quit :status ~A)" :dump-format nil) (define-lisp-implementation (:allegro :acl) () :fullname "Allegro CL" :name "alisp" :feature :allegro :flags ("-qq") ; -q only ? on windows, +c ? On Allegro 5 and earlier, -Q and/or -QQ ? :eval-flag "-e" :load-flag "-L" ; :quit-flags ("-kill") :arguments-end "--" :image-flag "-I" :image-executable-p nil :standalone-executable nil :argument-control t :disable-debugger ("-batch") ; see also -#D -#C -#! :quit-format "(excl:exit ~A :quiet t)" :dump-format "(progn (sys:resize-areas :global-gc t :pack-heap t :sift-old-areas t :tenure t) (excl:dumplisp :name ~A :suppress-allegro-cl-banner t))") (define-lisp-implementation (:ccl :clozure) () ;; demand 1.4 or later. :fullname "Clozure Common Lisp" ;; formerly OpenMCL, forked from MCL, formerly Macintosh Common Lisp, nee Coral Common Lisp ;; Random note: (finish-output) is essential for ccl, that won't do it by default, ;; unlike the other lisp implementations tested. :name "ccl" :feature :clozure :flags ("--no-init" "--quiet") :eval-flag "--eval" ; -e :load-flag "--load" :image-flag "--image-name" ; -I :image-executable-p t :standalone-executable t :arguments-end "--" :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed. :disable-debugger ("--batch") :directory-variable "CCL_DEFAULT_DIRECTORY" :quit-format "(let ((x ~A)) (finish-output *standard-output*) (finish-output *error-output*) (ccl:quit x))" :dump-format "(save-application ~S :prepend-kernel t)") (define-lisp-implementation :clasp () :fullname "CLASP" :name "clasp" :feature :clasp :flags () ;; ("-norc") :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e ??? :load-flag "-load" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :arguments-end "--" :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed. :disable-debugger () :quit-format "(si:quit ~A)" :dump-format nil) ;; Cannot dump with CLASP. Link instead. (define-lisp-implementation :clisp () :fullname "GNU CLISP" :name "clisp" :feature :clisp :flags ("-norc" "--quiet" "--quiet" "-ansi") ;; don't use -I, for it induces extra prompt outputs. :eval-flag "-x" :load-flag "-i" :arguments-end "--" :image-executable-p t :image-flag "-M" :standalone-executable t ;; requires clisp 2.48 or later :argument-control t ;; *BUT* even a standalone-executable always accepts --clisp-x and such. :disable-debugger ("-on-error" "exit") ;; otherwise, -on-error debug :quit-format "(ext:quit ~A)" :dump-format "(ext:saveinitmem ~S :quiet t :executable t)") (define-lisp-implementation (:cmucl :cmu) () :fullname "CMU CL" :name "cmucl" :feature :cmu :flags ("-quiet" "-noinit") :eval-flag "-eval" :load-flag "-load" :arguments-end "--" :image-executable-p t :image-flag "-core" :argument-control t :disable-debugger ("-batch") :quit-format "(unix:unix-exit ~A)" :dump-format "(extensions:save-lisp ~S :executable t)") (define-lisp-implementation (:corman :cormanlisp) () ;; someone please add more complete support :fullname "Corman Lisp" :name () ;; There's a clconsole.exe, but what are the options? :feature :cormanlisp :quit-format "(win:exitprocess ~A)") (define-lisp-implementation :ecl () ;; demand 10.4.2 or later. :fullname "Embeddable Common-Lisp" :name "ecl" :feature :ecl :flags ("-norc") :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e :load-flag "-load" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :arguments-end "--" :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed. :disable-debugger () :quit-format "(si:quit ~A)" :dump-format nil) ;; Cannot dump with ECL. Link instead. (define-lisp-implementation :ecl_bytecodes () ;; ECL using its bytecode compiler. :fullname "Embeddable Common-Lisp (using bytecodes compiler)" :flags ("-norc" "-eval" "(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)") :name "ecl" :feature (:and :ecl :ecl-bytecmp) :environment-variable "ECL" :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e :load-flag "-load" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :arguments-end "--" :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed. :disable-debugger () :quit-format "(si:quit ~A)" :dump-format nil) ;; Cannot dump with ECL. Link instead. (define-lisp-implementation :gcl () ;; Demand 2.8.0, if it is ever released. In ANSI mode. :fullname "GNU Common Lisp" :name "gcl" ;; On debian, we might have to export GCL_ANSI=t to ensure the ANSI variant is used. :feature :gcl :flags () :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e :load-flag "-load" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :arguments-end "--" ;; -f ? :disable-debugger ("-batch") :quit-format "(lisp:quit ~A)" :dump-format "(progn (si::set-hole-size 500) (si::gbc nil) (si::sgc-on t) (si::save-system ~A))") (define-lisp-implementation (:lispworks :lw) () :fullname "LispWorks" :name "lispworks-console" ;; This assumes you dumped a proper image for batch processing... ;; If you have a licensed copy of lispworks, ;; you can obtain the "lispworks" binary with, e.g. ;; echo '(hcl:save-image "lispworks-console" :environment nil)' > /tmp/build.lisp ; ;; ./lispworks-6-0-0-x86-linux -siteinit - -init - -build /tmp/build.lisp ;; Note that you also need to copy the license file to ;; .../lispworks/lib/6-1-0-0/config/lwlicense ;; and/or the same directory as your binary, ;; for it to work on dumped binaries in all locations, with, e.g. ;; (system::copy-file ".../lwlicense" (make-pathname :name "lwlicense" :type nil :defaults filename)) :feature :lispworks :flags ("-site-init" "-" "-init" "-") :eval-flag "-eval" :load-flag "-build" ;; Is -load what we want? See also -build as magic load. :arguments-end nil ; What's the deal with THIS? "--" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :standalone-executable t :argument-control t :disable-debugger () ;; :invoker invoke-lisp-via-script :quit-format "(lispworks:quit :status ~A :confirm nil :return nil :ignore-errors-p t)" :dump-format "(lispworks:deliver 'xcvb-driver:resume ~A 0 :interface nil)") ; "(hcl:save-image ~A :environment nil)" (define-lisp-implementation :lispworks-personal () :fullname "LispWorks Personal Edition" :name () ;; In LispWorks Personal, the slave worker executes you! :feature :lispworks-personal-edition) (define-lisp-implementation :mkcl () :fullname "ManKai Common-Lisp" :name "mkcl" :feature :mkcl :flags ("-norc") :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e :load-flag "-load" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p t :arguments-end "--" :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed. :disable-debugger () :quit-format "(mk-ext:quit :exit-code ~A)" :dump-format nil) ;; Cannot dump with ECL. Link instead. (define-lisp-implementation :sbcl () :fullname "Steel Bank Common Lisp" :name "sbcl" :feature :sbcl :flags ("--noinform" "--no-userinit" "--no-sysinit") ;; minimize non-determinism form user's env :eval-flag "--eval" ;; Note: SBCL's eval can only handle one form per argument. :load-flag "--load" :arguments-end "--end-toplevel-options" :image-flag "--core" :image-executable-p t :standalone-executable t ;; requires sbcl or later. :argument-control t :disable-debugger ("--disable-debugger") :directory-variable "SBCL_HOME" :quit-format "(let ((exit (find-symbol \"EXIT\" :sb-ext)) (quit (find-symbol \"QUIT\" :sb-ext)) (code ~A)) (cond (exit (funcall exit :code code)) (quit (funcall quit :unix-status code))))" :dump-format "(sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die ~S :executable t)") (define-lisp-implementation :scl () :fullname "Scieneer Common Lisp" ; use 1.3.9 or later :name "scl" :feature :scl :flags ("-quiet" "-noinit") :eval-flag "-eval" :load-flag "-load" :arguments-end "--" :image-flag "-core" :argument-control nil ;; cmucl will always scan all the arguments for -eval... EVIL! :disable-debugger ("-batch") :quit-format "(unix:unix-exit ~A)" :dump-format "(extensions:save-lisp ~S)") (define-lisp-implementation :xcl () :fullname "XCL" :name "xcl" :feature :xcl :flags ("--no-userinit" "--no-siteinit" "--noinform") :eval-flag "--eval" :load-flag "--load" :arguments-end "--" :image-flag nil :image-executable-p nil :standalone-executable nil :disable-debugger () :quit-format "(ext:quit :status ~A)" :dump-format nil)