diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index 7b56b083c3cb25acbaed13ccabcb05a8e0610334..bf711eadea226ae093504b8565d0fc68e7e00f4f 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -8,8 +8,7 @@
         :asdf/find-component :asdf/system-registry :asdf/plan :asdf/operate)
    #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-asd #:define-op
-   #:load-system-definition-error #:error-name #:error-pathname #:error-condition
-   ))
+   #:load-system-definition-error #:error-name #:error-pathname #:error-condition))
 (in-package :asdf/find-system)
 (with-upgradability ()
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index 87bb0bcfecbbabeb49445ec4862f3cafb6887dc8..9a4538d2ad3eb70fdfd868154ebb69fd5daf7c19 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@ But do NOT depend on it, for this is deprecated behavior."))
   (define-convenience-action-methods operate (operation component &key)
     :if-no-component (error 'missing-component :requires component))
-  (defvar *in-operate* nil
-    "Are we in operate?")
   ;; This method ensures that an ASDF upgrade is attempted as the very first thing,
   ;; with suitable state preservation in case in case it actually happens,
   ;; and that a few suitable dynamic bindings are established.
@@ -56,9 +53,7 @@ But do NOT depend on it, for this is deprecated behavior."))
                                 (on-failure *compile-file-failure-behaviour*) &allow-other-keys)
      (with-asdf-session ())
-     (let ((in-operate *in-operate*)
-           (*in-operate* t)
-           (operation-remaker ;; how to remake the operation after ASDF was upgraded (if it was)
+     (let ((operation-remaker ;; how to remake the operation after ASDF was upgraded (if it was)
             (etypecase operation
               (operation (let ((name (type-of operation)))
                            #'(lambda () (make-operation name))))
@@ -69,12 +64,14 @@ But do NOT depend on it, for this is deprecated behavior."))
      ;; Before we operate on any system, make sure ASDF is up-to-date,
      ;; for if an upgrade is ever attempted at any later time, there may be BIG trouble.
-       (unless in-operate
+       (unless (asdf-upgraded-p (toplevel-asdf-session))
+         (setf (asdf-upgraded-p (toplevel-asdf-session)) t)
          (when (upgrade-asdf)
            ;; If we were upgraded, restart OPERATE the hardest of ways, for
            ;; its function may have been redefined.
            (return-from operate
-             (apply 'operate (funcall operation-remaker) component-path keys)))))
+             (with-asdf-session (:override t)
+               (apply 'operate (funcall operation-remaker) component-path keys))))))
       ;; Setup proper bindings around any operate call.
      (let* ((*verbose-out* (and verbose *standard-output*))
             (*compile-file-warnings-behaviour* on-warnings)
diff --git a/plan.lisp b/plan.lisp
index 59ffb3ce3826666bf57a16fe433a8aa0dc8e630b..edadac948055e530c9b141b83d0589570b32f515 100644
--- a/plan.lisp
+++ b/plan.lisp
@@ -530,12 +530,10 @@ initialized with SEED."
   (defun* (required-components) (system &rest keys &key (goal-operation 'load-op) &allow-other-keys)
     "Given a SYSTEM and a GOAL-OPERATION (default LOAD-OP), traverse the dependencies and
 return a list of the components involved in building the desired action."
-    (let ((cache (and *asdf-session* (session-cache *asdf-session*))))
-      (with-asdf-session (:override t)
-        (when cache (setf (session-cache *asdf-session*) cache))
-        (remove-duplicates
-         (mapcar 'action-component
-                 (apply 'collect-dependencies goal-operation system
-                        (remove-plist-key :goal-operation keys)))
-         :from-end t)))))
+    (with-asdf-session (:override t)
+      (remove-duplicates
+       (mapcar 'action-component
+               (apply 'collect-dependencies goal-operation system
+                      (remove-plist-key :goal-operation keys)))
+       :from-end t))))
diff --git a/session.lisp b/session.lisp
index de1845c2a09ff1ae6bdb46384b03b18d6c3b531d..280213810a8b1ce91e1dd6fb07f774b260b339fc 100644
--- a/session.lisp
+++ b/session.lisp
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@
    #:asdf-cache #:set-asdf-cache-entry #:unset-asdf-cache-entry #:consult-asdf-cache
    #:do-asdf-cache #:normalize-namestring
    #:call-with-asdf-session #:with-asdf-session
-   #:*asdf-session* #:*asdf-session-class* #:session #:session-cache #:session-plan
+   #:*asdf-session* #:*asdf-session-class* #:session #:toplevel-asdf-session
+   #:session-cache #:session-plan #:asdf-upgraded-p
    #:visited-actions #:visiting-action-set #:visiting-action-list
    #:total-action-count #:planned-action-count #:planned-output-action-count
    #:clear-configuration-and-retry #:retry
@@ -36,9 +37,15 @@
      ;; * Speed and reliability of ASDF, with fewer side-effects from access to the filesystem, and
      ;;   no expensive recomputations of transitive dependencies for input-files or output-files.
      ;; * Testability of ASDF with the ability to fake timestamps without actually touching files.
+     (ancestor
+      :initform nil :initarg :ancestor :reader session-ancestor
+      :documentation "Top level session that this is part of")
-      :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor session-cache
+      :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :initarg :session-cache :reader session-cache
       :documentation "Memoize expensive computations")
+     (asdf-upgraded-p
+      :initform nil :initarg :asdf-upgraded-p :accessor asdf-upgraded-p
+      :documentation "Was ASDF already upgraded in this session - only valid for toplevel-asdf-session.")
       :initform nil :accessor session-plan
       :documentation "Dependency graph of actions")
@@ -56,6 +63,9 @@
      (planned-output-action-count :initform 0 :accessor planned-output-action-count))
     (:documentation "An ASDF session with a cache to memoize some computations"))
+  (defun toplevel-asdf-session ()
+    (when *asdf-session* (or (session-ancestor *asdf-session*) *asdf-session*)))
   (defun asdf-cache ()
     (session-cache *asdf-session*))
@@ -93,13 +103,18 @@
   ;; Second, if a new session was started, establish restarts for retrying the overall computation.
   ;; Finally, consult the cache if a KEY was specified with the THUNK as a fallback when the cache
   ;; entry isn't found, or just call the THUNK if no KEY was specified.
-  (defun call-with-asdf-session (thunk &key override key)
+  (defun call-with-asdf-session (thunk &key override key override-cache)
     (let ((fun (if key #'(lambda () (consult-asdf-cache key thunk)) thunk)))
-      (if (and *asdf-session* (not override))
+      (if (and (not override) *asdf-session*)
           (funcall fun)
-                (let ((*asdf-session* (make-instance *asdf-session-class*)))
+                (let ((*asdf-session*
+                       (apply 'make-instance *asdf-session-class*
+                              (when *asdf-session*
+                                `(:ancestor ,(toplevel-asdf-session)
+                                  ,@(unless override-cache
+                                      `(:session-cache ,(session-cache *asdf-session*))))))))
                   (return (funcall fun)))
               (retry ()
                 :report (lambda (s)
@@ -107,11 +122,13 @@
               (clear-configuration-and-retry ()
                 :report (lambda (s)
                           (format s (compatfmt "~@<Retry ASDF operation after resetting the configuration.~@:>")))
+                (clrhash (session-cache *asdf-session*))
   ;; Syntactic sugar for call-with-asdf-session
-  (defmacro with-asdf-session ((&key key override) &body body)
-    `(call-with-asdf-session #'(lambda () ,@body) :override ,override :key ,key))
+  (defmacro with-asdf-session ((&key key override override-cache) &body body)
+    `(call-with-asdf-session
+      #'(lambda () ,@body) :override ,override :key ,key :override-cache ,override-cache))
   ;;; Define specific accessor for file (date) stamp.
diff --git a/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script b/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
index 74bb3d8332c70b3136fe2e96c89cb0a1e634384f..228fc3b113977da038d3cd285270636738bcaac1 100644
--- a/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
+++ b/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
 ;;-*- Lisp -*-
+(setf *asdf-session* nil)
 (defun current-system-source-file (x)
   (system-source-file (asdf::registered-system x)))
 (with-asdf-session (:override t)
+  (terpri)
   (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-1")
   (let ((warned-p nil))
     (handler-bind ((bad-system-name (lambda (c)
@@ -19,7 +22,8 @@
    (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd")
    (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2"))
-  (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in the same cache session")
+  (terpri)
+  (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in the same cache session. It shouldn't affect asd paths")
   (load-system 'test-mutual-redefinition-2)
    (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd")
@@ -29,6 +33,7 @@
    (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2")))
 (with-asdf-session (:override t)
+  (terpri)
   (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in a different cache session")
   (load-system 'test-mutual-redefinition-2)
diff --git a/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script b/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
index adb1bd7e58831e2b5d6a7b0efc0565935701f7a3..07d7931e4810ab25aff8cbfc7f3cc969401240e4 100644
--- a/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
+++ b/test/test-sysdef-asdf.script
@@ -3,19 +3,21 @@
 (format! t "~%Using ASDF ~A~%" (asdf-version))
 (assert (version< "3.0" (asdf-version))) ;; check that we have a recent enough ASDF
-(DBG "Let's define some methods on input-files, to later check what an upgrade does to them.")
-(def-test-system "fooey")
-(defparameter *ticks* 0)
-(defun tick () (incf *ticks*))
-(defsystem "foo")
-(defmethod input-files :after ((o load-op) (c system)) (tick))
-(assert-equal *ticks* 0)
-(input-files 'load-op "foo")
-(assert-equal *ticks* 1)
-(input-files 'load-op "foo")
-(assert-equal *ticks* 1) ;; It was cached.
-(assert (find-system "fooey" nil))
+(setf *asdf-session* nil)
+(DBG "Let's define some methods on input-files, to later check what an upgrade does to them.")
+(with-asdf-session (:override t)
+  (def-test-system "fooey")
+  (defparameter *ticks* 0)
+  (defun tick () (incf *ticks*))
+  (defsystem "foo")
+  (defmethod input-files :after ((o load-op) (c system)) (tick))
+  (assert-equal *ticks* 0)
+  (input-files 'load-op "foo")
+  (assert-equal *ticks* 1)
+  (input-files 'load-op "foo")
+  (assert-equal *ticks* 1) ;; It was cached.
+  (assert (find-system "fooey" nil)))
 (DBG "Try load ASDF with an empty configuration")
@@ -60,8 +62,7 @@
 (clear-system "asdf")
 (with-asdf-session (:override t)
-  (with-expected-failure (#+xcl t)
-    ;; expected-failure: XCL has trouble with the ASDF upgrade
+  (with-expected-failure (#+xcl t)    ;; expected-failure: XCL has trouble with the ASDF upgrade
     (load-system :asdf)
     (assert-pathname-equal (subpathname *asdf-directory* "asdf.asd")
                            (system-source-file (find-system :asdf))))
diff --git a/test/test-touch-system-1.script b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
index b9a63c3e895e9ae4a9485650428a19a2baf01d2f..d311894f79b38c6339dc97476a8c12224971ba9f 100644
--- a/test/test-touch-system-1.script
+++ b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 ;;; system that can be found using *system-definition-search-functions*
 (defun system-registered-time (name)
   (car (asdf::system-registered-p name)))
+(setf (asdf-upgraded-p *asdf-session*) t)
 (defparameter test1.asd (nth-value 2 (locate-system :test1)))
 (assert-pathname-equal test1.asd (test-source "test1.asd"))
diff --git a/test/test-try-refinding.script b/test/test-try-refinding.script
index 227d5208c4729fcf60882824566ebe88c4acaed0..926accf40eb272eb4594838c2488c2adb8da62c4 100644
--- a/test/test-try-refinding.script
+++ b/test/test-try-refinding.script
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 ;;; test retrying finding location of an ASDF system.
+(setf *asdf-session* nil)
 (in-package asdf-test)
 (defparameter *old-registry* asdf:*central-registry*)
@@ -62,7 +63,7 @@
                  (DBG "After invoking restart, CENTRAL-REGISTRY is:"
                ;; avoid infinite looping
-               (leave-test 11 "Infinite loop while catching MISSING-COMPONENT"))))
+               (leave-test "Infinite loop while catching MISSING-COMPONENT" 11))))
           #'(lambda (c)