From 42f86c0b0880336a6ccb84ec0151197e755e2964 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Francois-Rene Rideau <>
Date: Sun, 18 May 2014 04:26:37 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] Moving the build & test code from Makefile + shell to Lisp:
 fixing bugs, moving asdf-builder into tools and splitting it into minimal
 script itself and Lisp source.

 Makefile                              |  17 +-
 bin/asdf-builder                      | 827 --------------------------
 test/                     | 522 ----------------
 test/script-support.lisp              |   5 +-
 tools/asdf-tools                      |  19 +
 tools/asdf-tools.asd                  |  20 +
 tools/build.lisp                      |  24 +
 tools/git.lisp                        |  56 ++
 {bin => tools}/install-asdf-as-module |  19 +-
 tools/invoke-lisp.lisp                | 222 +++++++
 tools/load-asdf.lisp                  | 190 ++++++
 tools/main.lisp                       |  41 ++
 tools/package.lisp                    |   6 +
 tools/pathnames.lisp                  |  19 +
 tools/release.lisp                    | 189 ++++++
 tools/test-all.lisp                   |  86 +++
 tools/test-basic.lisp                 |  79 +++
 tools/test-environment.lisp           | 206 +++++++
 tools/test-scripts.lisp               |  84 +++
 tools/test-upgrade.lisp               | 145 +++++
 tools/version.lisp                    | 128 ++++
 21 files changed, 1536 insertions(+), 1368 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100755 bin/asdf-builder
 delete mode 100755 test/
 create mode 100755 tools/asdf-tools
 create mode 100644 tools/asdf-tools.asd
 create mode 100644 tools/build.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/git.lisp
 rename {bin => tools}/install-asdf-as-module (83%)
 create mode 100644 tools/invoke-lisp.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/load-asdf.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/main.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/package.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/pathnames.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/release.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/test-all.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/test-basic.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/test-environment.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/test-scripts.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/test-upgrade.lisp
 create mode 100644 tools/version.lisp

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b93243034..d1328cac2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*- This minimal Makefile delegates most work to the meta-asdf script
-# Users, all you need to do is:
+# -*- Makefile -*- This minimal Makefile delegates most work to the asdf-tools script
+# End-Users, all you need to do is:
 #   make
-# Other targets are for the maintainer to use.
 # Vendors, you may want to test your implementation with:
 #   make test l=sbcl
+# Other targets are for maintainer use only.
 # Default action: bootstrap asdf.lisp
 # That's the only thing that we really need before we may invoke asdf-builder.
@@ -33,10 +33,13 @@ defsystem-files:
 ### exclude source files from fallback rule.
+	@:
+	@:
-### Default fall back rule: delegate to asdf-builder.
+### Default fall back rule: delegate to asdf-tools.
 %: build/asdf.lisp
-	@echo "Delegating $@ to asdf-builder" ; ./bin/asdf-builder $@
+	@echo "Delegating $@ to asdf-tools" ; \
+	./tools/asdf-tools make-target $@ l="$l" L="$L" u="$u" U="$u" v="$v" s="$s" t="$t"
 .PHONY: all driver-files defsystem-files
diff --git a/bin/asdf-builder b/bin/asdf-builder
deleted file mode 100755
index 4f9346d0a..000000000
--- a/bin/asdf-builder
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-":" ; exec sbcl --script "$0" "$@" ; exit # -*- Lisp -*-
-;;;;; Really runs on any decent Common Lisp implementation
-;;;;; Can also be invoked by cl-launch 4: cl-launch "$0" "$@"
-;;;; This file is conceptually in several parts:
-;;;; 1- a header that loads ASDF, even when the implementation might or might not provide it.
-;;;; 2- a body that defines various functions used to build and release ASDF
-;;;; 3- a footer that makes these Lisp functions available from the shell command-line
-;;; The code below exemplifies how to load and configure ASDF
-;;; as part of your own deterministic build.
-;;; See "User-configurable parts" for where you'd customize it to suit your build.
-;;; Everything is MUCH simpler if you can assume your implementation has a recent-enough ASDF 3:
-;;; just (require "asdf"), then configure in a subsequent eval-when form,
-;;; in which you may then use asdf: and uiop: prefix.
-;;; To use the user-configured ASDF rather than a deterministic self-contained project build,
-;;; see instead how cl-launch 4.0.4 loads ASDF.
-(in-package :cl-user) ;; That may be default, but let's make double sure and tell SLIME.
-;; Do everything in eval-when, so this works
-;; whether this file is being loaded directly or compiled first.
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (let ((required-asdf-version  "3.0.1") ;; This script wants ASDF 3 (and no beta release).
-        (verbose *load-verbose*))
-    (labels ((asdf-symbol (name)
-               (and (find-package :asdf) (find-symbol (string name) :asdf)))
-             (asdf-call (name &rest args)
-               (apply (asdf-symbol name) args))
-             (asdf-version ()
-               (when (find-package :asdf)
-                 (or (symbol-value (or (asdf-symbol '*asdf-version*)
-                                       (asdf-symbol '*asdf-revision*)))
-                     "1.0")))
-             (subpath (parent &key directory name type version)
-               ;; We need subpath here, because we can't yet assume ASDF 3 and its subpathname
-               (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :defaults parent
-                                               :directory (cons :relative directory)
-                                               :name name :type type :version version)
-                                parent))
-             (here-directory ()
-               (subpath (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*
-                            (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))))
-             (load-and-configure-asdf ()
-               ;; First, try to require ASDF from the implementation, if not already loaded.
-               ;; Most implementations provide ASDF 3.0, LispWorks still lags with ASDF 2.019,
-               ;; and some unmaintained implementations, or obsolete implementations or versions thereof
-               ;; only provide ASDF 2, ASDF 1, or don't provide ASDF.
-               ;; Note that CLISP is case-sensitive, so we need to specify a lowercase string,
-               ;; and not the keyword :asdf or symbol 'asdf; old CLISP versions that don't provide ASDF
-               ;; may error at compile-time if we call (require "asdf") directly.
-               (ignore-errors (funcall 'require "asdf"))
-               ;; If ASDF 2 isn't provided, load our ASDF from source.
-               ;; ASDF 1 is not enough, because it won't heed our project's output-translations.
-               ;; (Beside, no one serious provides ASDF 1 anymore.)
-               (unless (member :asdf2 *features*)
-                 (let ((asdf-lisp (asdf-lisp)))
-                   (if (probe-file asdf-lisp)
-                       (load asdf-lisp)
-                       (error "This Lisp implementation fails to provide ASDF 2 or later"))))
-               ;; Configure ASDF
-               (configure-asdf)
-               (let ((provided-version (asdf-version)))
-                 ;; Upgrade ASDF to what we configured it to be.
-                 (asdf-call 'load-system :asdf)
-                 ;; If the implementation-provided version was too old,
-                 ;; we need to re-configure, because old configuration may have been moved away.
-                 (unless (asdf-call 'version-satisfies provided-version "2.27")
-                   (configure-asdf)))
-               (unless (asdf-call 'version-satisfies (asdf-version) required-asdf-version)
-                 (error "This program needs ASDF ~A but could only find ASDF ~A"
-                        required-asdf-version (asdf-version))))
-             ;; User-configurable parts
-             (asdf-lisp ()
-               ;; Here, define where your Lisp source code hierarchy stores its copy of ASDF.
-               ;; In your project, that might be :directory '("libraries" "asdf" "build")
-               ;; Or NIL, if you don't do use any fancy ASDF feature, and
-               ;; trust your implementation to provide a recent enough copy.
-               (subpath (here-directory) :directory '(:back "build") :name "asdf" :type "lisp"))
-             (configure-asdf ()
-               (let* ((source-directory
-                        ;; Here, define the top of your Lisp source code hierarchy.
-                        ;; If you can assume an implementation that has ASDF 2 or later
-                        ;; (you should: all serious ones do), you might compute it based on
-                        ;;   (asdf-call 'getenv "MY_PROJECT_ROOT") instead of (here-directory).
-                        ;; If you can assume an implementation that has ASDF 3 or later
-                        ;; (you probably can: most serious ones do), you might use instead
-                        ;;   (asdf-call 'getenv-pathname "MY_PROJECT_ROOT"
-                        ;;     :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t)
-                        (subpath (here-directory) :directory '(:back)))
-                      (source-registry
-                        (or (asdf-call 'getenv "ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY")
-                            `(:source-registry
-                              (:tree ,source-directory)
-                              ;; In a fully controlled build, you'd :ignore-inherited-configuration instead:
-                              :inherit-configuration)))
-                      (output-directory
-                        ;; There again, you might want to use some getenv variant.
-                        ;; Also, "fasls" might be redundant for your project.
-                        (subpath source-directory :directory '("build" "fasls")))
-                      (output-translations
-                        `(:output-translations
-                          ;; Segregate output by ABI.
-                          ;; You could replace "asdf" below by the name of your project,
-                          ;; or not need it at all if everything is under your source-directory.
-                          (,source-directory (,output-directory :implementation "asdf"))
-                          ;; In a fully controlled build, we shouldn't be using code outside
-                          ;; our source-directory, but in case we do, we still want to control the output,
-                          ;; and easily detect the fact by looking at this directory
-                          (t (,output-directory :implementation "root"))
-                          ;; The above should already cover all paths that we use;
-                          ;; we don't want user configuration to interfere with the build.
-                          :ignore-inherited-configuration)))
-                 ;; No more user-configurable parts below.
-                 (asdf-call 'initialize-source-registry source-registry)
-                 (asdf-call 'initialize-output-translations output-translations))))
-      ;; Configure the printer
-      (setf *print-readably* nil ; allegro 5.0 may bork without this
-            *print-level* nil)
-      ;; Hush the compiler and loader
-      (setf *load-verbose* nil *load-print* nil
-            *compile-verbose* nil *compile-print* nil)
-      ;; Load and configure ASDF
-      (load-and-configure-asdf))))
-;;; ASDF3 is loaded, now use it!
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (unless (uiop:featurep :cl-launch) (uiop:restore-image))
-  (asdf:load-systems :cl-ppcre :fare-utils :inferior-shell))
-(defpackage :asdf-builder
-  (:use :cl :uiop :asdf :cl-ppcre :fare-utils :inferior-shell))
-(in-package :asdf-builder)
-(defun build-asdf ()
-  "Make sure asdf.lisp is built"
-  (load-system :asdf)
-  (values))
-;;; ASDF directory
-(defvar *asdf-dir*
-  (ensure-pathname (system-relative-pathname :asdf/defsystem ())
-                   :want-physical t :want-absolute t
-                   :want-existing t :truename t))
-(defun pn (&rest x)
-  (subpathname *asdf-dir* (and x (uiop:resolve-relative-location x))))
-(defun nn (&rest x)
-  (native-namestring (apply 'pn x)))
-(defun call-with-asdf-dir (thunk &rest subs)
-  (with-current-directory ((apply 'pn subs))
-    (funcall thunk)))
-(defmacro with-asdf-dir ((&rest subs) &body body)
-  `(call-with-asdf-dir (lambda () ,@body) ,@subs))
-;;; Using git
-;; Note that the debian git at git:// is stale,
-;; as we currently build directly from upstream at git://
-(defun git (cmd &rest args)
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (apply 'run (cons "git" cmd) args)))
-(defun clean ()
-  (git '(clean -xfd))
-  (values))
-(defun %push ()
-  "Push git branches master and release to and master"
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (dolist (x '((git status)
-                 (git push --tags release master)
-                 (git push --tags github release master)
-                 (git fetch)
-                 (git status)))
-      (run x))))
-(defun merge-master-into-release ()
-  "Merge master into release"
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (dolist (x '((git checkout master)
-                 (git merge release)
-                 (git checkout release)
-                 (git merge master)
-                 (git checkout master)))
-      (run x))))
-(defparameter *wrongful-tags*
-  '("1.37" ;; It's not asdf.lisp 1.37, it's asdf.lisp 1.85! 1.37 was the CVS version of the README.
-    "1.1720" ;; That was a typo for 1.720
-    "RELEASE" "STABLE" ;; These were misguided attempts for what should have been branches
-    "README" "emp")) ;; Mistakes
-(defun fix-local-git-tags ()
-  "Delete wrongful tags from local repository"
-  (dolist (tag *wrongful-tags*)
-    (git `(tag -d ,tag) :on-error t)))
-(defun fix-remote-git-tags (&optional (remote "origin"))
-  "Delete wrongful tags from remote repository"
-  (dolist (tag *wrongful-tags*)
-    (git `(push ,remote (:refs/tags/,tag)) :on-error t)))
-(defun git-all-committed-p ()
-  "Is your checkout clean, with all files committed?"
-  (null (git '(status -s) :output :lines)))
-(defun check-git-all-committed ()
-  (or (git-all-committed-p)
-      (die 2 "Your git checkout isn't clean and all committed:~%~A~%"
-           (git '(status) :output :string))))
-;;; Documentation
-(defun doc ()
-  (run '(make) :directory (pn "doc/")))
-(defun website ()
-  (run '(make website) :directory (pn "doc/")))
-;;; Extracting version information
-(defparameter *version-tag-glob* "[0-9][.][0-9]*")
-(defun version-from-tag (&optional commit)
-  (git `(describe --tags --match ,*version-tag-glob*)
-       :output :line :directory (pn)))
-(defun version-from-file (&optional commit)
-  (if commit
-      (git `(show (,commit":version.lisp-expr")) :output :form)
-      (safe-read-file-form (pn "version.lisp-expr"))))
-(defun debian-version-from-file (&optional commit)
-  (let ((line
-          (if commit
-              (git `(show (,commit":debian/changelog")) :output :line)
-              (read-file-line (pn "debian/changelog")))))
-    (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (ver) ("^cl-asdf [(]([0-9.:-]+)[)] " line)
-      ver)))
-(defparameter *version* (version-from-file))
-;;; Bumping the version of ASDF
-(defparameter *versioned-files*
-  '(("version.lisp-expr" "\"" "\"")
-    ("asdf.asd" "  :version \"" "\" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version")
-    ("header.lisp" "This is ASDF " ": Another System Definition Facility.")
-    ("upgrade.lisp" "   (asdf-version \"" "\")")))
-(defparameter *old-version* nil)
-(defparameter *new-version* nil)
-(defun next-version (v)
-  (let ((pv (parse-version v 'error)))
-    (assert (first pv))
-    (assert (second pv))
-    (unless (third pv) (appendf pv (list 0)))
-    (unless (fourth pv) (appendf pv (list 0)))
-    (incf (car (last pv)))
-    (unparse-version pv)))
-(defun versions-from-args (&optional v1 v2)
-  (labels ((check (old new)
-             (parse-version old 'error)
-             (parse-version new 'error)
-             (values old new)))
-    (cond
-      ((and v1 v2) (check v1 v2))
-      (v1 (check (version-from-file) v1))
-      (t (let ((old (version-from-file)))
-           (check old (next-version old)))))))
-(deftype byte-vector () '(array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
-(defun maybe-replace-file (file transformer
-                           &key (reader 'read-file-string)
-                             (writer nil) (comparator 'equalp)
-                             (external-format *utf-8-external-format*))
-  (format t "Transforming file ~A... " (file-namestring file))
-  (let* ((old-contents (funcall reader file))
-         (new-contents (funcall transformer old-contents)))
-    (if (funcall comparator old-contents new-contents)
-        (format t "no changes needed!~%")
-        (let ((written-contents
-                (if writer
-                    (with-output (s ())
-                      (funcall writer s new-contents))
-                    new-contents)))
-          (check-type written-contents (or string (byte-vector)))
-          (clobber-file-with-vector file written-contents :external-format external-format)
-          (format t "done.~%")))))
-(defun version-transformer (new-version file prefix suffix &optional dont-warn)
-  (let* ((qprefix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars prefix))
-         (versionrx "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+)")
-         (qsuffix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars suffix))
-         (regex (strcat "(" qprefix ")(" versionrx ")(" qsuffix ")"))
-         (replacement
-           (constantly (strcat prefix new-version suffix))))
-    (lambda (text)
-      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
-          (cl-ppcre:regex-replace regex text replacement)
-        (unless (or foundp dont-warn)
-          (warn "Missing version in ~A" (file-namestring file)))
-        (values new-text foundp)))))
-(defun transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
-  (maybe-replace-file (pn file) (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix)))
-(defun transform-files (new-version)
-  (loop :for f :in *versioned-files* :do (apply 'transform-file new-version f)))
-(defun test-transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
-  (let ((lines (read-file-lines (pn file))))
-    (dolist (l lines (progn (warn "Couldn't find a match in ~A" file) nil))
-      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
-          (funcall (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix t) l)
-        (when foundp
-          (format t "Found a match:~%  ==> ~A~%Replacing with~%  ==> ~A~%~%"
-                  l new-text)
-          (return t))))))
-(defun test-transform (new-version)
-  (apply 'test-transform-file new-version (first *versioned-files*)))
-(defun bump-version (&optional v1 v2)
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (multiple-value-bind (old-version new-version)
-        (versions-from-args v1 v2)
-      (a "Bumping ASDF version from " old-version " to " new-version)
-      (transform-files new-version)
-      (a "Rebuilding ASDF with bumped version")
-      (build-asdf)
-      new-version)))
-(defun bump (&optional v1 v2)
-  (let ((v (bump-version v1 v2)))
-    (git `(commit -a -m ("Bump version to ",v)))
-    (git `(tag ,v))
-    v))
-;;; Getting a list of source files in a system
-(defun enough-namestring! (base pathname)
-  (let ((e (enough-namestring base pathname)))
-    (assert (relative-pathname-p e))
-    e))
-(defun enough-namestrings (base pathnames)
-  (loop :with b = (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-directory t)
-        :for p :in pathnames
-        :collect (enough-namestring! p b)))
-(defun system-source-files (system &key monolithic)
-  (let* ((sys (find-system system))
-         (components
-           (required-components system
-                                :other-systems monolithic
-                                :goal-operation 'load-op
-                                :keep-operation 'load-op
-                                :keep-component 'file-component))
-         (dir (ensure-pathname
-               (system-source-directory sys)
-               :want-absolute t :want-directory t))
-         (pathnames (mapcar 'component-pathname components)))
-    (enough-namestrings dir pathnames)))
-;;; Making release tarballs for asdf, asdf/defsystem, uiop.
-(defun tarname (name) (strcat name ".tar.gz"))
-(defun make-tarball-under-build (name base files)
-  (check-type name string)
-  (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-existing t :want-directory t)
-  (dolist (f files)
-    (check-type f string))
-  (let* ((base
-           (ensure-pathname
-            base
-            :want-absolute t :want-directory t
-            :want-existing t :truename t))
-         (destination
-           (ensure-pathname
-            name
-            :defaults (pn "build/")
-            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
-            :ensure-subpath t :ensure-directory t))
-         (tarball
-           (ensure-pathname
-            (tarname name)
-            :defaults (pn "build/")
-            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
-            :ensure-subpath t :want-file t
-            :ensure-directories-exist t)))
-    (assert (< 6 (length (pathname-directory destination))))
-    (when (probe-file* destination)
-      (error "Destination ~S already exists, not taking chances - you can delete it yourself."
-             destination))
-    (ensure-directories-exist destination)
-    (run `(cp "-pHux" --parents ,@files ,destination) :directory base :show t)
-    (run `(tar "zcfC" ,tarball ,(pn "build/") (,name /)) :show t)
-    (delete-directory-tree destination :validate (lambda (x) (equal x destination)))
-    (values)))
-(defun driver-files ()
-  (list* "README" "uiop.asd" "asdf-driver.asd" (system-source-files :uiop)))
-(defun driver-name ()
-  (format nil "uiop-~A" *version*))
-(defun make-driver-tarball ()
-  (make-tarball-under-build (driver-name) (pn "uiop/") (driver-files)))
-(defun asdf-defsystem-files ()
-  (list* "asdf.asd" "build/asdf.lisp" "version.lisp-expr" "header.lisp"
-         (system-source-files :asdf/defsystem)))
-(defun asdf-defsystem-name ()
-  (format nil "asdf-defsystem-~A" *version*))
-(defun make-asdf-defsystem-tarball ()
-  (build-asdf)
-  (make-tarball-under-build (asdf-defsystem-name) (pn) (asdf-defsystem-files)))
-(defun asdf-git-name ()
-  (strcat "asdf-" *version*))
-(defun make-git-tarball ()
-  (build-asdf)
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (run `(tar zcf ("build/" ,(asdf-git-name) ".tar.gz") build/asdf.lisp ,@(run/lines '(git ls-files)))
-         (asdf-git-name)) :show t)
-  (values))
-(defun asdf-lisp-name ()
-  (format nil "asdf-~A.lisp" *version*))
-(defun make-asdf-lisp ()
-  (build-asdf)
-  (concatenate-files (list (pn "build/asdf.lisp"))
-                     (pn "build/" (asdf-lisp-name))))
-(defun make-archive ()
-  (make-driver-tarball)
-  (make-asdf-defsystem-tarball)
-  (make-git-tarball)
-  (make-asdf-lisp)
-  (values))
-;;; Publishing tarballs onto the public repository
-(defvar *clnet* "")
-(defvar *clnet-asdf-public* "/project/asdf/public_html/")
-(defun public-path (x) (strcat *clnet-asdf-public* x))
-(defun publish-archive ()
-  (let ((tarballs (mapcar 'tarname (list (driver-name) (asdf-defsystem-name) (asdf-git-name)))))
-    (run `(rsync ,@tarballs ,(asdf-lisp-name) (,*clnet* ":" ,(public-path "archives/")))
-         :show t :directory (pn "build/")))
-  (format t "~&To download the tarballs, point your browser at:~%
-  (values))
-(defun link-archive ()
-  (run (format nil "ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S"
-               (tarname (driver-name))
-               (public-path "archives/uiop.tar.gz")
-               (tarname (asdf-defsystem-name))
-               (public-path "archives/asdf-defsystem.tar.gz")
-               (tarname (asdf-git-name))
-               (public-path "archives/asdf.tar.gz")
-               (asdf-lisp-name)
-               (public-path "archives/asdf.lisp"))
-       :show t :host *clnet*)
-  (values))
-(defun make-and-publish-archive ()
-  (make-archive)
-  (publish-archive)
-  (link-archive))
-(defun archive () "alias for make-and-publish-archive" (make-and-publish-archive))
-(defun install () "alias for make-and-publish-archive" (make-and-publish-archive))
-;;; Making a debian package
-(defun debian-package (&optional (release "release"))
-  (let* ((debian-version (debian-version-from-file release))
-         (version (version-from-file release)))
-    (unless (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (x epoch ver rel)
-                ("^(([0-9]+):)?([0-9.]+)-([0-9]+)$" debian-version)
-              (declare (ignorable x epoch rel))
-              (equal ver version))
-      (error "Debian version ~A doesn't match asdf version ~A" debian-version version))
-    (clean)
-    (format t "building package version ~A~%" (debian-version-from-file))
-    (run `(git-buildpackage
-           ;; --git-ignore-new ;; for testing purpose
-           (--git-debian-branch= ,release)
-           (--git-upstream-tag="%(version)s")
-           ;;--git-upstream-tree=tag ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
-           ;;(--git-upstream-branch= ,version) ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
-           --git-tag --git-retag
-           ;; --git-no-pristine-tar
-           --git-force-create
-           --git-ignore-branch)
-         :directory (pn) :show t)))
-(defun release ()
-  "Release the code (not implemented)"
-  #| RELEASE or PUSH checklist:
-make test-all
-make test-load-systems s=fare-all
-make bump v=3.0
-edit debian/changelog # RELEASE only...
-git commit
-git tag 3.0 # for example ...
-make debian-package
-git push
-git push origin 3.0 # for example...
-everything from here for RELEASE only
-make release-push archive website debian-package
-dput mentors ../*.changes
-send debian mentors request
-send announcement to asdf-announce, asdf-devel, etc.
-Move all fixed bugs from Fix Committed -> Fix Released on launchpad
-  |#
-  (die 42 "release is not implemented yet"))
-;;; Line counting
-(defun wc ()
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (run `(pipe (wc ,@(driver-files)) (sort -n)))
-    (terpri)
-    (run `(pipe (wc header.lisp ,@(asdf-defsystem-files)) (sort -n)))
-    (terpri)
-    (run `(pipe (wc header.lisp ,@(driver-files) ,@(asdf-defsystem-files)) (tail -n 1)))))
-;;; Testing
-(defun ensure-keyword (x)
-  (etypecase x
-    ((or null keyword) x)
-    ((or string symbol) (intern (string-upcase x) :keyword))))
-(defun ensure-list-of-keywords (x)
-  (mapcar 'ensure-keyword
-          (remove nil
-                  (etypecase x
-                    (string (uiop:split-string (string-upcase x) :separator " "))
-                    (list x)))))
-(defparameter *default-test-lisps*
-  '(:ccl :clisp :sbcl :ecl :ecl_bytecodes :cmucl :abcl :scl :allegro
-    :lispworks :allegromodern :gcl :xcl :mkcl)
-  ;; :cormancl :genera :lispworks-personal-edition :mcl
-  ;; Also, grep for #+/#- features in the test/ directory
-  ;; to see plenty of disabled tests on some platforms
-  "Default Lisp implementations for tests")
-(defparameter *test-lisps* *default-test-lisps*
-  "The list of lisp implementations to use for tests")
-(defparameter *upgrade-test-lisps* *default-test-lisps*
-  "The list of lisp implementations to use for upgrade tests")
-(defparameter *test-systems*
-  (ensure-list-of-keywords (getenvp "ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS")))
-(defparameter *test-scripts* ()) ;; TODO: use :all instead of NIL (?)
-(defparameter *environment-variable-table* nil)
-(defparameter *environment-variable-specs*
-  '((*test-lisps* ensure-list-of-keywords *default-test-lisps*
-     "ASDF_TEST_LISPS" "l")
-    (*upgrade-test-lisps* ensure-list-of-keywords *default-test-lisps*
-    (*test-systems* ensure-list-of-keywords ()
-     "ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS" "s")
-    (*test-scripts* ensure-list-of-keywords ()
-     "ASDF_TESTS" "t")))
-(defun initialize-environment ()
-  (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (setf *environment-variable-table* h)
-    (loop :for (variable transformer defaults envvar short) :in *environment-variable-specs*
-          :for x = (list variable transformer)
-          :do (setf (symbol-value variable)
-                    (if-let (x (getenvp envvar)) (funcall transformer x) defaults))
-              (setf (gethash envvar h) x)
-              (setf (gethash short h) x))))
-(defparameter *extra-environment-definitions* ())
-(defun test-lisp/k () (first *test-lisps*))
-(defun test-lisp/s () (string-downcase (first *test-lisps*)))
-(defun test-definition (def)
-  (block ()
-    (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (var val) ("^([^=]+)=(.*)$" def)
-      (if-let (x (gethash var *environment-variable-table*))
-        (destructuring-bind (var transformer default) x
-          (declare (ignore default))
-          (setf (symbol-value var) (funcall transformer val))
-          (return))))
-    (push def *extra-environment-definitions*)))
-(defun test-environment (env)
-  (loop :for def :in env :do (test-definition def)))
-(defun run-tests (args)
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (run `(./test/ ,@args) :output :interactive)))
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (defun decl-or-docstring-p (form)
-    (or (stringp form)
-        (and (consp form) (eq 'declare (car form)))))
-  (defun decl-and-body (decl-and-body)
-    (let ((p (position-if-not 'decl-or-docstring-p decl-and-body)))
-      (values (subseq decl-and-body 0 p)
-              (nthcdr p decl-and-body)))))
-(defmacro deftestcmd (name args &rest decl-and-body)
-  (let ((env (gensym "ENV")))
-    (multiple-value-bind (decl body) (decl-and-body decl-and-body)
-      `(defun ,name (,@args &rest ,env)
-         ,@decl
-         (test-environment ,env)
-         ,@body))))
-(deftestcmd %load () ;; load would be a clash, so use %load instead
-  "make load will start a Lisp and load ASDF from individual source files.
-This is great to quickly locate compilation errors and interactively debug ASDF."
-  ;; Try this instead?
-  '(with-asdf-dir ()
-    (run `(rlwrap ,@(lisp-invocation-arglist :implementation (test-lisp/k) :eval (format nil "(or'#.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test:interactive-test'(~{~A~^ ~})))" (system-source-files :asdf/defsystem :monolithic t))))
-     :output :interactive))
-  (run-tests `(-t ,(test-lisp/s) ,@(system-source-files :asdf/defsystem :monolithic t))))
-(deftestcmd test-basic ()
-  "basic smoke test"
-  (doc)
-  (test-load-systems))
-(deftestcmd test-lisp ()
-  "run test scripts with the preferred lisp implementation"
-  (with-asdf-dir ("test/")
-    (run `("./" ,(test-lisp/s) ,@*test-scripts*))))
-(deftestcmd %t () "alias for test-lisp" (test-lisp))
-(deftestcmd test-upgrade ()
-  "run upgrade tests with the preferred lisp implementation"
-  (run-tests `("-u" ,(test-lisp/s))))
-(deftestcmd u () "alias for test-upgrade" (test-upgrade))
-(deftestcmd test-clean-load ()
-  "test that the preferred lisp implementation can load asdf cleanly without any output message"
-  (run-tests `("-c" ,(test-lisp/s))))
-(deftestcmd test-load-systems ()
-  "test that the preferred lisp implementation can load your favorite systems without error"
-  (run-tests `(-l ,(test-lisp/s) ,@*test-systems*)))
-(deftestcmd %test ()
-  "run all normal tests (excluding upgrade tests) with the preferred lisp implementation"
-  (test-lisp)
-  (test-clean-load)
-  (test-basic))
-(defun call-with-all-lisps (thunk &optional (lisps *test-lisps*))
-  (dolist (lisp lisps)
-    (let ((*test-lisps* (list lisp)))
-      (funcall thunk))))
-(defmacro with-all-lisps ((&rest maybe-lisps) &body body)
-  `(call-with-all-lisps (lambda () ,@body) ,@maybe-lisps))
-(deftestcmd test-all-clean-load ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations can load asdf cleanly without any output message"
-  (with-all-lisps () (test-clean-load)))
-(deftestcmd test-all-lisp ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf test scripts"
-  (with-all-lisps () (test-lisp)))
-(deftestcmd test-all-no-upgrade ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all normal asdf; also test-basic"
-  (test-basic)
-  (test-all-clean-load)
-  (test-all-lisp))
-(deftestcmd test-all-upgrade ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf upgrade tests"
-  (with-all-lisps (*upgrade-test-lisps*) (test-upgrade)))
-(deftestcmd test-all-lisps ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf tests"
-  (test-all-no-upgrade)
-  (test-all-upgrade))
-(deftestcmd test-all () "alias for test-all-lisps" (test-all-lisps))
-(deftestcmd test-all-lisp-no-stop ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf test scripts, but don't stop on error"
-  (with-all-lisps ()
-    (ignore-errors (test-lisp))))
-(deftestcmd test-all-upgrade-no-stop ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf upgrade tests, but don't stop on error"
-  (with-all-lisps (*upgrade-test-lisps*)
-    (ignore-errors (test-upgrade))))
-(deftestcmd test-all-no-upgrade-no-stop ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all normal asdf tests (no upgrade), but don't stop on error."
-  (test-basic)
-  (test-all-clean-load)
-  (test-all-lisp-no-stop)
-  (check-all-test-results))
-(deftestcmd test-all-no-stop ()
-  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf tests (including upgrade), but don't stop on error."
-  (test-basic)
-  (test-all-clean-load)
-  (test-all-lisp-no-stop)
-  (test-all-upgrade-no-stop)
-  (check-all-results))
-(deftestcmd test-all-test-results ()
-  "were there errors in test scripts?"
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (let ((a (run/lines
-              `(grep "-L" "[5-9][0-9] passing and 0 failing"
-                     ,(mapcar (lambda (l) (format nil "build/results/~(~A~)-test.text" l))
-                              *test-lisps*)))))
-      (or (null a)
-          (progn
-            (format! *error-output* "Unexpected test failures on these implementations:~%~{~A~%~}" a)
-            nil)))))
-(deftestcmd check-all-test-results ()
-  "check that there were no errors in test scripts"
-  (or (test-all-test-results) (die 1 "")))
-(deftestcmd test-all-upgrade-results ()
-  "were there upgrade tests failures?"
-  (with-asdf-dir ()
-    (let ((a (run/lines
-              `(grep "-L" "Upgrade test succeeded for "
-                     ,(mapcar (lambda (l) (format nil "build/results/~(~A~)-upgrade.text" l))
-                              *upgrade-test-lisps*)))))
-      (or (null a)
-          (progn
-            (format! *error-output* "Unexpected upgrade failures on these implementations:~%~{~A~%~}" a)
-            nil)))))
-(deftestcmd check-all-upgrade-results ()
-  "check that there were no errors in upgrade tests"
-  (or (test-all-upgrade-results) (die 1 "")))
-(deftestcmd check-all-results ()
-  "check that there were no errors in either test scripts or upgrade tests"
-  (or (and (test-all-test-results) (test-all-upgrade-results)) (die 1 "")))
-;;; Extract old asdf versions
-(defun extract-all-tagged-asdf ()
-  (with-asdf-dir () (run `(./test/ "-H"))))
-(defun extract () "alias for extract-all-tagged-asdf" (extract-all-tagged-asdf))
-;;;; Generic code to interface a Lisp script to the shell command-line.
-;;; Read-Eval function (the RE of REPL; the Print and Loop parts are not here)
-(defun re (arg)
-  (eval (read-from-string arg)))
-(defun find-command (x)
-  "Find the function for an asdf-builder command by name"
-  (block nil
-    (flet ((try (x)
-             (multiple-value-bind (sym foundp)
-                 (find-symbol* (string-upcase x) :asdf-builder nil)
-               (when (and sym (eq foundp :internal) (fboundp sym))
-                 (return (fdefinition sym))))))
-      (try x)
-      (try (strcat "%" x))))) ;; so that you may use load, t, etc., as targets
-;;; Main entry point.
-;;; NB: For access control, you could check that only exported symbols are used as entry points.
-(defun main (args)
-  (block nil
-    (unless args
-      (format t "No command provided~%")
-      (return))
-    (if-let ((fun (find-command (first args))))
-      (let ((results
-              (progn
-                (initialize-environment)
-                (multiple-value-list (apply fun (rest args))))))
-        (when results
-          (format t "~&Results:~%~{  ~S~%~}" results))
-        (return t)))
-    (format t "Command ~A not found~%" (first args))
-    (return)))
-;;; Actually run the stuff!
-(setf *lisp-interaction* nil)
-(uiop:with-fatal-condition-handler ()
-  (main *command-line-arguments*))
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100755
index 37b88001e..000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,522 +0,0 @@
-# run-tests {lisp invocation} {scripts-regex}
-# - read lisp forms one at a time from standard input
-# - quit with exit status 0 on getting eof
-# - quit with exit status >0 if an unhandled error occurs
-usage () {
-    echo "$0 [lisp invocation] [scripts-regex]"
-    echo " - read lisp forms one at a time from matching scripts"
-    echo " - quit with exit status 0 on getting eof"
-    echo " - quit with exit status >0 if an unhandled error occurs"
-    echo " you need to supply the .script in the second argument"
-    echo " lisps include abcl, ccl (clozure),"
-    echo "    allegro, allegro8, allegromodern, allegromodern8,"
-    echo "    allegro_s, allegro8_s, allegromodern_s, allegromodern8_s (SMP variants)"
-    echo "    allegro_64, allegro8_64, allegromodern_64, allegromodern8_64 (64-bit variants),"
-    echo "    allegro_64_s, allegro8_64_s, allegromodern_64_s, allegromodern8_64_s, (SMP, 64-bit variants)"
-    echo "    clisp, cmucl, ecl, gcl, sbcl, scl and xcl."
-    echo " To configure the script, you may set environment variables to point to the various lisp runtimes."
-    echo " Allegro CL is a special case: instead of setting environment variables for the specific runtime"
-    echo "   locations, you may simply specify the Allegro install directories using these variables:"
-    echo "     ALLEGRO64DIR, ALLEGRO64SDIR (64-bit Allegro and SMP Allegro, respectively), ALLEGRODIR, and"
-    echo "     ALLEGROSDIR."
-    echo "OPTIONS:"
-    echo "    -c -- clean load test."
-    echo "    -d -- debug mode."
-    echo "    -t -- test interactively."
-    echo "    -h -- show this message."
-    echo "    -u -- upgrade tests."
-    echo "    -l -- load systems tests."
-    echo "    -H -- extract all asdf versions to upgrade from."
-    echo "    -u -- upgrade tests, we already told you."
-unset DEBUG_ASDF_TEST upgrade clean_load load_systems test_interactively extract_all
-if [ -n "$ALLEGRO64DIR" ] ; then
-    ALLEGRO_64=${ALLEGRO64DIR}/alisp
-    ALLEGRO8_64=${ALLEGRO64DIR}/alisp8
-if [ -n "$ALLEGRO64SDIR" ] ; then
-    ALLEGRO_64_S=${ALLEGRO64SDIR}/alisp
-    ALLEGRO8_64_S=${ALLEGRO64SDIR}/alisp8
-if [ -n "$ALLEGRODIR" ] ; then
-    ALLEGRO8=${ALLEGRODIR}/alisp8
-if [ -n "$ALLEGROSDIR" ] ; then
-while getopts "cdtHulhu" OPTION
-    case $OPTION in
-        c)
-            clean_load=t
-            ;;
-        d)
-            DEBUG_ASDF_TEST=t
-            ;;
-        t)
-            test_interactively=t
-            ;;
-        h)
-            usage
-            exit 1
-            ;;
-        u)
-            upgrade=t
-            ;;
-        l)
-            load_systems=t
-            ;;
-        H)
-            extract_all=t
-            ;;
-    esac
-shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
-if [ x"$1" = "xhelp" ]; then
-    usage
-    exit 1
-lisp=${1:-sbcl} ; shift
-ECHO () { printf '%s\n' "$*" ;}
-ECHOn () { printf '%s' "$*" ;}
-DBG () { ECHO "$*" >& 2 ;}
-simple_term_p () {
-  case "$1" in *[!a-zA-Z0-9-+_,.:=%/]*) return 1 ;; *) return 0 ;; esac
-kwote0 () { ECHOn "$1" | sed -e "s/\([\\\\\"\$\`]\)/\\\\\\1/g" ;}
-kwote1 () { if simple_term_p "$1" ; then ECHOn "$1"
-  else ECHOn "\"$(kwote0 "$1")\"" ; fi ;}
-kwote () { ( set +x
-  k="" ; for i ; do ECHOn "$k" ; kwote1 "$i" ; k=" " ; done ; echo
-) }
-DO () { kwote "$@" ; "$@" ; }
-do_tests () {
-  if [ -z "$*" ]; then
-       scripts="*.script"
-  else
-       scripts="$*"
-  fi
-  env | grep -i asdf
-  ## We go through great lengths to avoid " in the command line,
-  ## the quoting of which many Windows implementations get wrong.
-  ## While we're at it, we also avoid spaces and backslashes.
-  ( DO $bcmd $eval '(or`,#.(load(string`|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))' )
-  if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
-    echo "Compilation FAILED" >&2
-    echo "you can retry compilation with:" >&2
-    echo ./test/ $lisp >&2
-    echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:" >&2
-    echo "$icmd" >&2
-    echo "then copy/paste:" >&2
-    echo '(load "test/script-support.lisp") (asdf-test::compile-asdf-script)' >&2
-  else
-    echo "Compiled OK" >&2
-    test_count=0
-    test_pass=0
-    test_fail=0
-    failed_list=""
-    for i in $scripts ;
-    do
-      echo "Testing: $i" >&2
-      test_count=`expr "$test_count" + 1`
-      rm -f ~/.cache/common-lisp/"`pwd`"/* || true
-      if DO $bcmd $eval "'(#.(load(string'|script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test::load-asdf)#.(asdf-test::frob-packages)#.(asdf-test:run-test-script'|$i|))" ; then
-        echo "Using $command, $i passed" >&2
-	test_pass=`expr "$test_pass" + 1`
-      else
-        echo "Using $command, $i failed" >&2
-	test_fail=`expr "$test_fail" + 1`
-	failed_list="$failed_list $i"
-        echo "you can retry compilation with:" >&2
-        echo ./test/ $lisp $i >&2
-        echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:" >&2
-        echo "(cd test ; $icmd )" >&2
-        echo "then copy/paste:" >&2
-        echo "'(#.(load \"script-support.lisp\") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-cache () (load \"$i\")))" >&2
-      fi
-      echo >&2
-      echo >&2
-    done
-    echo >&2
-    echo "-#---------------------------------------" >&2
-    echo "Using $command" >&2
-    echo "Ran $test_count tests: " >&2
-    echo "  $test_pass passing and $test_fail failing" >&2
-    if [ $test_fail -eq 0 ] ; then
-	echo "all tests apparently successful" >&2
-        echo success > ../build/results/status
-    else
-	echo "failing test(s): $failed_list" >&2
-    fi
-    echo "-#---------------------------------------" >&2
-    echo >&2
-  fi
-# not used currently but leave here for future reference.
-case $(uname) in
-    CYGWIN*) os=windows ;;
-    Darwin) os=macos ;;
-    Linux) os=linux ;;
-    *) os=unknown ;;
-# terminate on error
-set -e
-command= flags= nodebug= eval= bcmd= icmd=
-case "$lisp" in
-  abcl)
-    command="${ABCL:-abcl}"
-    flags="--noinit --nosystem --noinform"
-    eval="--eval"
-    ;;
-  allegro*)
-    case "$lisp" in
-      allegro) command="${ALLEGRO:-alisp}" ;;
-      allegro8) command="${ALLEGRO8:-alisp8}" ;;
-      allegromodern) command="${ALLEGROMODERN:-mlisp}" ;;
-      allegromodern8) command="${ALLEGROMODERN8:-mlisp8}" ;;
-      allegro_s) command="${ALLEGRO_S:-alisp_s}" ;;
-      allegro8_s) command="${ALLEGRO8_S:-alisp8_s}" ;;
-      allegromodern_s) command="${ALLEGROMODERN_S:-mlisp_s}" ;;
-      allegromodern8_s) command="${ALLEGROMODERN8_S:-mlisp8_s}" ;;
-      allegro_64) command="${ALLEGRO_64:-alisp_64}" ;;
-      allegro8_64) command="${ALLEGRO8_64:-alisp8_64}" ;;
-      allegromodern_64) command="${ALLEGROMODERN_64:-mlisp_64}" ;;
-      allegromodern8_64) command="${ALLEGROMODERN8_64:-mlisp8_64}" ;;
-      allegro_64_s) command="${ALLEGRO_64_S:-alisp_64_s}" ;;
-      allegro8_64_s) command="${ALLEGRO8_64_S:-alisp8_64_s}" ;;
-      allegromodern_64_s) command="${ALLEGROMODERN_64_S:-mlisp_64_s}" ;;
-      allegromodern8_64_s) command="${ALLEGROMODERN8_64_S:-mlisp8_64_s}" ;;
-    esac
-    # For the sake of the lisp-invocation library, re-export these
-    ALLEGRO=$command ; export ALLEGRO
-    flags="-q"
-    nodebug="-batch"
-    if [ "$os" = windows ] && [ -z "$ALLEGRO_NOISY" ] ; then bcmd="$command +c $flags" ; fi
-    eval="-e" ;;
-  ccl)
-    command="${CCL:-ccl}"
-    flags="--no-init --quiet"
-    nodebug="--batch"
-    eval="--eval" ;;
-  clisp)
-    command="${CLISP:-clisp}"
-    flags="-norc --silent -ansi -I "
-    nodebug="-on-error exit"
-    eval="-x" ;;
-  cmucl)
-    # cmucl likes to have its executable called lisp, but so does scl
-    # Please use a symlink or an exec ... "$@" trampoline script.
-    command="${CMUCL:-cmucl}"
-    flags="-noinit"
-    nodebug="-batch"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  ecl)
-    command="${ECL:-ecl}"
-    flags="-norc -load sys:cmp"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  ecl_bytecodes)
-    command="${ECL:-ecl}"
-    flags="-norc -eval (ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  gcl)
-    GCL_ANSI=t
-    command="${GCL:-gcl}"
-    flags=""
-    nodebug="-batch"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  lispworks)
-    command="${LISPWORKS:-lispworks}"
-    # If you have a licensed copy of lispworks,
-    # you can obtain the "lispworks" binary with, e.g.
-    # echo '(hcl:save-image "/lispworks" :environment nil)' > /tmp/build.lisp ;
-    # ./lispworks-6-0-0-x86-linux -siteinit - -init - -build /tmp/build.lisp
-    flags="-siteinit - -init -"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  mkcl)
-    command="${MKCL:-mkcl}"
-    flags="-norc"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  sbcl)
-    command="${SBCL:-sbcl}"
-    flags="--noinform --no-userinit --no-sysinit"
-    nodebug="--disable-debugger"
-    eval="--eval" ;;
-  scl)
-    command="${SCL:-scl}"
-    flags="-noinit"
-    nodebug="-batch"
-    eval="-eval" ;;
-  xcl)
-    command="${XCL:-xcl}"
-    flags="--no-userinit --no-siteinit --noinform"
-    eval="--eval" ;;
-  *)
-    echo "Unsupported lisp: $1" >&2
-    echo "Please add support to" >&2
-    exit 42 ;;
-if ! type "$command" > /dev/null ; then
-    echo "lisp implementation not found: $command" >&2
-    exit 43
-ASDFDIR="$(cd $(dirname $0)/.. ; /bin/pwd)"
-: ${bcmd:=$command $flags} ${icmd:=$command $flags} # batch and interactive
-if [ -z "${DEBUG_ASDF_TEST}" ] ; then
-  bcmd="$bcmd $nodebug"
-create_config () {
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/results/ build/test-source-registry-conf.d build/test-asdf-output-translations-conf.d
-upgrade_tags () {
-    if [ -n "$ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS" ] ; then
-        echo $ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS ; return
-    fi
-    # REQUIRE is a magic tag meaning whatever your implementation provides, if anything
-    #
-    # 1.85 (2004-05-16) is the last release by Daniel Barlow (not 1.37, which is the README revision!)
-    # 1.97 (2006-05-14) is the last release before Gary King takes over
-    # 1.369 (2009-10-27) is the last release by Gary King
-    #
-    # 2.000 to 2.019 and 2.20 to 2.26 are Faré's "stable" ASDF 2 releases
-    #   2.000 (2010-05-31) was the first ASDF 2 release
-    #   2.008 (2010-09-10) was a somewhat stable ASDF 2 release
-    #   2.011 (2010-11-28) was used by CLISP 2.49, Debian squeeze, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
-    #   2.014.6 (2011-04-06) was used by Quicklisp in 2011
-    #   2.019 (2011-11-27) was stable and used by LispWorks since 2012.
-    #   2.20 (2012-01-18) was in CCL 1.8, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
-    #   2.22 (2012-06-12) was used by debian wheezy
-    #   2.26 (2012-10-30) was used by Quicklisp in 2013
-    #
-    # 2.26.x is where the refactoring that begat ASDF 3 took place.
-    # 2.26.61 is the last single-file, single-package ASDF.
-    # 2.27 to 2.33 are Faré's "stable" ASDF 3 pre-releases
-    #   2.27 (2013-02-01) is the first ASDF 3 pre-release
-    #   2.32 (2013-03-05) is the first really stable ASDF 3 pre-release
-    #
-    # The 3.0 series is a stable release of ASDF 3
-    # with Robert Goldman taking over maintainership at 3.0.2.
-    # 3.0.0 was just 2.33.10 promoted, but version-satisfies meant it was suddenly
-    # not compatible with ASDF2 anymore, so we immediately released 3.0.1
-    #   3.0.1 (2013-05-16) is the first stable ASDF 3 release
-    #   3.0.2 (2013-07-02) is the first ASDF 3 in SBCL
-    #   3.0.3 (2013-10-22) is the last in the ASDF 3.0 series
-    #
-    # The 3.1 series provides the 3.1 feature, meaning users can rely on
-    # all the stabilization work done in 3.0 so far, plus extra developments
-    # in UIOP, package-inferred-system, and more robustification.
-    #   3.1.2 (2014-05-06) is the first ASDF 3.1 release
-    #
-    # We return the above designated versions in order of decreasing relevance,
-    # which pretty much means REQUIRE and most recent first.
-    echo REQUIRE
-    echo 3.1.2
-    echo 3.0.3 3.0.2 3.0.1
-    echo 2.32 2.27
-    echo 2.26 2.22 2.20 2.019 2.014.6 2.011 2.008 2.000
-    echo 1.369 1.97 1.85
-upgrade_methods () {
-    if [ -n "$ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS" ] ; then
-        echo $ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS ; return
-    fi
-    cat <<EOF
-extract_tagged_asdf () {
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/
-    tag=$1
-    if [ REQUIRE = "$tag" ] ; then return 0 ; fi
-    file=build/asdf-${tag}.lisp ;
-    if [ ! -f $file ] ; then
-        case $tag in
-            1.*|2.0*|2.2[0-6]|2.26.61)
-                git show ${tag}:asdf.lisp > $file ;;
-            2.2[7-9]*|2.[3-9]*|3.*)
-                mkdir -p build/old/build
-                git archive ${tag} | (cd build/old/ ; tar xf -)
-                make -C build/old
-                mv build/old/build/asdf.lisp build/asdf-${tag}.lisp
-                rm -rf build/old ;;
-             *)
-                echo "Don't know how to extract asdf.lisp for version $tag"
-                exit 55
-                ;;
-        esac
-    fi
-extract_all_tagged_asdf () {
-    for i in `upgrade_tags` ; do
-      extract_tagged_asdf $i
-    done
-valid_upgrade_test_p () {
-    case "${1}:${2}:${3}" in
-        # It's damn slow. Also, for some reason, we punt on anything earlier than 2.25,
-        # and only need to test it once, below for 2.24.
-        abcl:1.*|abcl:2.00[0-9]:*|abcl:201[0-9]:*|abcl:2.2[0-3]:*) : ;;
-        # ccl fasl numbering broke loading of old asdf 2.0
-        ccl:2.0[01]*) : ;;
-        # My old ubuntu 10.04LTS clisp 2.44.1 came wired in
-        # with an antique ASDF 1.374 from CLC that can't be downgraded.
-        # More recent CLISPs work.
-        # 2.00[0-7] use UID, which fails on some old CLISPs.
-        # Note that for the longest time, CLISP has included 2.011 in its distribution.
-        # We don't punt on upgrade anymore, so we can go at it!
-        ### clisp:2.00[0-7]:*|clisp:1.*|clisp:2.0[01]*|clisp:2.2[0-5]:*) : ;;
-        # CMUCL has problems with 2.32 and earlier because of
-        # the redefinition of system's superclass component.
-        cmucl:1.*|cmucl:2.*) : ;;
-        # Skip many ECL tests, for various ASDF issues
-        ecl*:1.*|ecl*:2.0[01]*|ecl*:2.20:*) : ;;
-        # GCL 2.7.0 from late November 2013 is required, with ASDF 3.1.2
-        gcl:REQUIRE:*|gcl:1.*|gcl:2.*|gcl:3.0*) : ;;
-        # MKCL is only supported starting with specific versions 2.24, 2.26.x,, so skip.
-        mkcl:[12]*|mkcl:3.0*) : ;;
-        # XCL support starts with ASDF 2.014.2
-        # — It also dies during upgrade trying to show the backtrace.
-        xcl:1.*|xcl:2.00*|xcl:2.01[0-4]:*|xcl:*) : ;;
-        *) return 0 ;;
-   esac
-   return 1
-run_upgrade_tests () {
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/results/
-    rm -f build/*.*f* uiop/*.*f* test/*.*f* ## Remove stale FASLs from ASDF 1.x, especially when different implementations have same name
-    ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS="(:output-translations (\"${ASDFDIR}\" (\"${ASDFDIR}/build/fasls/\" :implementation \"asdf/\")) (t (\"${ASDFDIR}/build/fasls/\" :implementation \"root/\")) :ignore-inherited-configuration)"
-    su=test/script-support.lisp
-    tags="`upgrade_tags`"
-    methods="`upgrade_methods`"
-    {
-    for tag in $tags ; do
-        for method in $methods ; do
-            if valid_upgrade_test_p $lisp $tag $method ; then
-                echo "Testing ASDF upgrade from ${tag} using method $method"
-                extract_tagged_asdf $tag
-                $bcmd $eval \
-                "'(#.(load(string'|$su|))#.#.\`(in-package,:asdf-test)#.(test-upgrade$method\`|$tag|))" ||
-                { echo "upgrade FAILED for $lisp from $tag using method $method" ;
-                  echo "you can retry just that test with:" ;
-                  echo ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_TAGS=\"$tag\" ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_METHODS=\"$method\" ./test/ -u $lisp ;
-                  echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:"
-                  echo "$icmd"
-                  echo "then copy/paste:"
-                  echo "(load \"$su\") (asdf-test::da) (test-upgrade $method \"$tag\")"
-                  exit 1 ;}
-    fi ; done ; done
-    echo "Upgrade test succeeded for ${lisp}"
-    } 2>&1 | tee build/results/${lisp}-upgrade.text
-run_tests () {
-  create_config
-  cd ./test/
-  echo failure > ../build/results/status
-    thedate=`date "+%Y-%m-%d"`
-    rm -f "../build/results/${lisp}-test.text" || :
-    do_tests "$@" 2>&1 | \
-	tee "../build/results/${lisp}-test.text" "../build/results/${lisp}-test-${thedate}.save"
-    read a < ../build/results/status
-  clean_up
-  if [ success = "$a" ] ; then ## exit code
-      return 0
-  else
-     echo "To view full results and failures, try the following command:" >&2
-     echo "     less -p ABORTED build/results/${lisp}-test.text" >&2
-     return 1
-  fi
-clean_up () {
-    rm -rf ../build/test-source-registry-conf.d ../build/test-asdf-output-translations-conf.d
-test_clean_load () {
-    case $lisp in
-        gcl|cmucl) return 0 ;; # These are hopeless
-    esac
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/results/
-    nop=build/results/${lisp}-nop.text
-    load=build/results/${lisp}-load.text
-    $bcmd $eval \
-      "(or'#.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|):verbose():print())#.(asdf-test:exit-lisp'0))" \
-      > $nop 2>&1
-    $bcmd $eval \
-      "(or'#.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|):verbose():print())#.(asdf-test:verbose())#.(load(string'|build/asdf.lisp|):verbose())#.(asdf/image:quit'0))" \
-      > $load 2>&1
-    if diff $nop $load ; then
-      echo "GOOD: Loading ASDF on $lisp produces no message" >&2 ; return 0
-    else
-      echo "BAD: Loading ASDF on $lisp produces messages" >&2 ; return 1
-    fi
-test_load_systems () {
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/results/
-    echo "Loading all these systems: $*"
-    $bcmd $eval \
-      "(or #.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test:with-test()(asdf-test:test-load-systems $*)))" \
-        2>&1 | tee build/results/${lisp}-systems.text
-test_interactively () {
-    cd ${ASDFDIR}
-    mkdir -p build/results/
-    rlwrap $icmd $eval "(or'#.(load(string'|test/script-support.lisp|))#.(asdf-test:interactive-test'($*)))"
-if [ -z "$command" ] ; then
-    echo "Error: cannot find or do not know how to run Lisp named $lisp"
-elif [ -n "$test_interactively" ] ; then
-    test_interactively "$@"
-elif [ -n "$clean_load" ] ; then
-    test_clean_load
-elif [ -n "$load_systems" ] ; then
-    test_load_systems "$@"
-elif [ -n "$upgrade" ] ; then
-    run_upgrade_tests
-elif [ -n "$extract_all" ] ; then
-    extract_all_tagged_asdf
-    run_tests "$@"
-fi ; exit # NB: "; exit" makes it robust wrt the script being modified while running.
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index 6b0a4069d..ee90ba76e 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -628,7 +628,6 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
 (defun test-upgrade (old-method new-method tag) ;; called by run-test
   (with-test ()
     (verbose t nil)
-    (setf tag (string tag))
     (when old-method
         ((string-equal tag "REQUIRE")
@@ -639,7 +638,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
              (leave-test "Your Lisp implementation does not provide ASDF. Skipping test.~%" 0)))
          (format t "Loading old asdf ~A via ~A~%" tag old-method)
-         (funcall old-method tag))))
+         (acall (list old-method :asdf-test) tag))))
     (when (find-package :asdf)
     (when (and (null old-method) (eq 'load-asdf-fasl new-method) (not (probe-file (asdf-fasl))))
@@ -647,7 +646,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
           (leave-test "Your failed to compile ASDF before your run (test-upgrade ()'load-asdf-fasl ...)"  1)
           (leave-test "Your Lisp doesn't provide ASDF. Skipping (test-upgrade ()'load-asdf-fasl ...)"  0)))
     (format t "Now loading new asdf via method ~A~%" new-method)
-    (funcall new-method)
+    (acall (list new-method :asdf-test))
     (format t "Testing it~%")
     (register-directory *test-directory*)
     (load-test-system :test-asdf/all)
diff --git a/tools/asdf-tools b/tools/asdf-tools
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c61106820
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/asdf-tools
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+":" ; exec sbcl --script "$0" "$@" ; exit # -*- Lisp -*-
+;;;;; Really runs on any decent Common Lisp implementation
+;;;;; Can also be invoked by cl-launch 4: cl-launch -sp asdf-tools -r restart -- "$@"
+(in-package :cl-user) ;; That may be default, but let's make double sure and tell SLIME.
+;;; Ensure we load and configure this particular ASDF
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (unless (member :cl-launch *features*) ;; (not necessary if we're invoked via cl-launch)
+    (load (make-pathname
+           :name "load-asdf" :type "lisp" :defaults
+           (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename* (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))))))
+;;; ASDF3 is loaded, now use it!
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (asdf:load-system :asdf-tools))
+;;; Actually run the stuff!
+(uiop:restore-image :entry-point 'asdf-tools::entry-point)
diff --git a/tools/asdf-tools.asd b/tools/asdf-tools.asd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a1de56eb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/asdf-tools.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(defsystem "asdf-tools"
+  :description "tools to build, test, maintain and release ASDF itself"
+  :depends-on ((:version "asdf" "3.1.2")
+               (:version "inferior-shell" "2.0.0")
+               (:version "cl-ppcre" "2.0.4")
+               (:version "lisp-invocation" "1.0.2"))
+  :components
+  ((:file "package")
+   (:file "pathnames" :depends-on ("package"))
+   (:file "git" :depends-on ("package"))
+   (:file "build" :depends-on ("pathnames"))
+   (:file "version" :depends-on ("pathnames"))
+   (:file "release" :depends-on ("version"))
+   (:file "invoke-lisp" :depends-on ("package"))
+   (:file "test-environment" :depends-on ("pathnames" "invoke-lisp"))
+   (:file "test-basic" :depends-on ("test-environment"))
+   (:file "test-scripts" :depends-on ("test-environment"))
+   (:file "test-upgrade" :depends-on ("test-environment" "git"))
+   (:file "test-all" :depends-on ("test-environment"))
+   (:file "main" :depends-on ("package"))))
diff --git a/tools/build.lisp b/tools/build.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a45f8b2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/build.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+(defun build-asdf ()
+  "Make sure asdf.lisp is built"
+  (load-system :asdf)
+  (values))
+;;; Documentation
+(defun doc ()
+  (run '(make) :directory (pn "doc/")))
+(defun website ()
+  (run '(make website) :directory (pn "doc/")))
+;;; Line counting
+(defun wc ()
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (run `(pipe (wc ,@(driver-files)) (sort -n)))
+    (terpri)
+    (run `(pipe (wc header.lisp ,@(asdf-defsystem-files)) (sort -n)))
+    (terpri)
+    (run `(pipe (wc header.lisp ,@(driver-files) ,@(asdf-defsystem-files)) (tail -n 1)))))
diff --git a/tools/git.lisp b/tools/git.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0c22039a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/git.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; Using git
+;; Note that the debian git at git:// is stale,
+;; as we currently build directly from upstream at git://
+(defun git (cmd &rest args)
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (apply 'run (cons "git" cmd) args)))
+(defun clean ()
+  (git '(clean -xfd))
+  (values))
+(defun %push ()
+  "Push git branches master and release to and master"
+  (dolist (x '((status)
+               (push --tags release master)
+               (push --tags github release master)
+               (fetch)
+               (status)))
+    (apply 'git x)))
+(defun merge-master-into-release ()
+  "Merge master into release"
+  (dolist (x '((checkout master)
+               (merge release)
+               (checkout release)
+               (merge master)
+               (checkout master)))
+    (apply 'git x)))
+(defparameter *wrongful-tags*
+  '("1.37" ;; It's not asdf.lisp 1.37, it's asdf.lisp 1.85! 1.37 was the CVS version of the README.
+    "1.1720" ;; That was a typo for 1.720
+    "RELEASE" "STABLE" ;; These were misguided attempts for what should have been branches
+    "README" "emp")) ;; Mistakes
+(defun fix-local-git-tags ()
+  "Delete wrongful tags from local repository"
+  (dolist (tag *wrongful-tags*)
+    (git `(tag -d ,tag) :on-error t)))
+(defun fix-remote-git-tags (&optional (remote "origin"))
+  "Delete wrongful tags from remote repository"
+  (dolist (tag *wrongful-tags*)
+    (git `(push ,remote (:refs/tags/,tag)) :on-error t)))
+(defun git-all-committed-p ()
+  "Is your checkout clean, with all files committed?"
+  (null (git '(status -s) :output :lines)))
+(defun check-git-all-committed ()
+  (or (git-all-committed-p)
+      (die 2 "Your git checkout isn't clean and all committed:~%~A~%"
+           (git '(status) :output :string))))
diff --git a/bin/install-asdf-as-module b/tools/install-asdf-as-module
similarity index 83%
rename from bin/install-asdf-as-module
rename to tools/install-asdf-as-module
index acf61fbd2..49bd8fcab 100644
--- a/bin/install-asdf-as-module
+++ b/tools/install-asdf-as-module
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-":" ; exec cl-launch "$0" "$@"
-#| -*- Lisp -*-
-Usage: make && cl-launch -l lispworks bin/install-asdf-as-module
+":" ; exec cl-launch "$0" "$@" # -*- Lisp -*-
+Usage: ./tools/asdf-tools install-asdf-as-module l=lispworks
 This script will install the current version of ASDF
 as a module pre-compiled for your implementation,
@@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ It notably doesn't work on:
 * Corman Lisp, RMCL, Genera, that are obsolete anyway.
-(ignore-errors (funcall 'require "asdf")) ;; Load the implementation-provided ASDF
-#-asdf2 (load (merge-pathnames ;; Fall back to loading ASDF manually
-                (make-pathname :name "asdf" :type "lisp" :version nil
-                 :directory '(:relative :back "build") :defaults *load-pathname*)
-                *load-pathname*))
-(asdf:load-system :asdf) ;; Upgrade to the latest ASDF3 (assumes you have it configured properly)
+;;; Ensure we load and configure this particular ASDF
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (unless (member :cl-launch *features*) ;; (not necessary if we're invoked via cl-launch)
+    (load (make-pathname
+           :name "load-asdf" :type "lisp" :defaults
+           (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename* (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))))))
 (in-package :asdf)
diff --git a/tools/invoke-lisp.lisp b/tools/invoke-lisp.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..203b0372e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/invoke-lisp.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+Supported test lisp implementations include:
+   allegro, abcl, ccl, clisp, cmucl, ecl, gcl, lispworks, mkcl, sbcl, scl and xcl.
+Non supported are:
+   cormancl, lispworks-personal-edition, mcl, genera
+CCL is Clozure CL; (R)MCL is not supported.
+Allegro is supported in the following flavors:
+   allegro, allegro8, allegromodern, allegromodern8,
+   allegro_s, allegro8_s, allegromodern_s, allegromodern8_s (SMP variants)
+   allegro_64, allegro8_64, allegromodern_64, allegromodern8_64 (64-bit variants),
+   allegro_64_s, allegro8_64_s, allegromodern_64_s, allegromodern8_64_s, (SMP, 64-bit variants)
+Allegro CL is a special case: instead of setting environment variables for the specific runtime
+locations, you may simply specify the Allegro install directories using these variables:
+    ALLEGRO64DIR, ALLEGRO64SDIR (64-bit Allegro and SMP Allegro, respectively),
+To configure the lisp implementations with which to run the tests,
+you may export environment variables to override the defaults:
+ASDF_TEST_LISPS and ASDF_UPGRADE_TEST_LISPS can each be a string of space-separated names
+amongst the above implementation names.
+You may also explicitly specify the same variables with the respective l= and u= arguments.
+Individual test commands only use the first (preferred) provided implementation;
+other test commands (named test-all-FOO) iterate over all implementations.
+Similarly, you can configure which scripts to tests with ASDF_TEST_SCRIPTS or t=
+and which systems to test loading with ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS or s=
+  :for (smpchar smpname smpfullname) :in `(("" "" "") ("S" ,(string :_s) " (SMP)")) :do
+    (loop
+      :for (bits bitsname bitsfullname) :in '(("" "") ("64" "_64" " (64-bit words)"))
+      :for dirvar = (strcat "ALLEGRO" bits smpchar)
+      :for dir = (getenv-pathname dirvar :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t) :do
+        (loop :for (charbits charname) :in '(("" "") ("8" " (8-bit chars)")) :do
+          (loop :for (casechar casename casefullname) :in '(("a" "" "") ("m" :modern " (modern syntax)"))
+                :for allegro-variant = (conc-keyword :allegro casename charbits bits)
+                :for fullname = (strcat "Allegro CL"
+                                        casefullname charname bitsname smpname)
+                :for executable = (strcat casechar "lisp" charbits bits) :do
+                  (register-lisp-implementation
+                   allegro-variant
+                   :fullname fullname
+                   :name (native-namestring (subpathname dir executable))
+                   :feature :allegro ;; do we want a more discriminating feature expression?
+                   :flags '("-qq")
+                   :eval-flag "-e"
+                   :load-flag "-L"
+                   ;; :quit-flags ("-kill")
+                   :arguments-end "--"
+                   :image-flag "-I"
+                   :image-executable-p nil
+                   :standalone-executable nil
+                   :argument-control t
+                   :disable-debugger `("-batch" ; see also -#D -#C -#!
+                                       ,@(when (and (os-windows-p) (not (getenvp "ALLEGRO_NOISY")))
+                                           '("+c")))
+                   :quit-format "(excl:exit ~A :quiet t)"
+                   :dump-format "(progn (sys:resize-areas :global-gc t :pack-heap t :sift-old-areas t :tenure t) (excl:dumplisp :name ~A :suppress-allegro-cl-banner t))")))))
+  :for (ecl-variant extraname flags) :in
+  '((:ecl "" ("-load" "sys:cmp"))
+    (:ecl_bytecodes " (using bytecodes compiler)" ("-eval" "(ext::install-bytecodes-compiler)")))
+  :for fullname = (strcat "Embeddable Common-Lisp" extraname)
+  :do (register-lisp-implementation
+       ecl-variant
+       :fullname fullname
+       :name "ecl"
+       :feature :ecl
+       :environment-variable "ECL"
+       :flags `("-norc" ,@flags)
+       :eval-flag "-eval" ; -e
+       :load-flag "-load"
+       :image-flag nil
+       :image-executable-p t
+       :arguments-end "--"
+       :argument-control t ;; must be fixed now, but double-checking needed.
+       :disable-debugger ()
+       :quit-format "(si:quit ~A)"
+       :dump-format nil)) ;; Cannot dump with ECL. Link instead.
+(defun acceptable-eval-character-p (character)
+  "Is this character acceptable in an eval form, even when used under Windows?"
+  (let ((code (char-code character)))
+    (and (< 32 code 127) (not (find character "'\\\"")))))
+(defun acceptable-eval-symbol-character-p (character)
+  "Is this character acceptable as part of a symbol in an eval form, even when used under Windows?"
+  (let ((code (char-code character))) ;; assumes uppercase.
+    ;; No "modern" syntax accepted on the test master, though it can be used on the slave.
+    (and (< 32 code 91) (not (find character "'\\\":;")))))
+(defun need-escape-within-pipe-p (character)
+  "Does this character need to be escaped when within symbol pipe notation?"
+  (or (eql character #\|) (eql character #\\)))
+(defun print-string-in-pipes (string &optional s)
+  (with-output (s)
+    (princ "|" s)
+    (let ((string (string string)))
+      (if (some 'need-escape-within-pipe-p string)
+          (loop :for c :across string :do
+                (when (need-escape-within-pipe-p c) (princ #\\ s))
+                (princ c s))
+          (princ string s)))
+    (princ "|" s)))
+(defun compose-eval-string (forms &optional s)
+  "Given a some FORMS, compose a string suitable to be passed for evaluation
+to a Lisp implementation from the shell command-line with e.g. sbcl --eval or equivalent.
+Output S is as specified as per WITH-OUTPUT.
+FORMS may be a preformatted string, or a list of forms, where each form is either
+a preformatted string, or a LIST that specifies a program."
+  (etypecase forms
+    ;; at the toplevel, a string mean "this is pre-formatted", you know what to pass to --eval
+    (string
+     (output-string forms s))
+    (list
+     (with-standard-io-syntax
+       (let ((*package* (find-package :cl)))
+         (with-output (s)
+           (labels
+               ((p (x) (princ x s)) ;; princ
+                (w (x) (write x :stream s :case :downcase)) ;; write
+                (c (x) ;; form that evaluates into a character
+                  (p "(code-char`") (p (char-code x)) (p ")"))
+                (sym (x) ;; print a symbol
+                  ;; check that only good characters are used in a symbol;
+                  ;; TODO: if not, go through a string (ugh!)
+                  (assert (every 'acceptable-eval-symbol-character-p (package-name (symbol-package x))))
+                  (assert (every 'acceptable-eval-symbol-character-p (symbol-name x)))
+                  (w x))
+                (s (x) ;; form that evaluates into a string
+                   (if (every 'acceptable-eval-character-p x)
+                       (progn ;; simple string literal
+                         (p "(string`") (print-string-in-pipes x s) (p ")"))
+                       (progn
+                         (p "(format()(string`|~{~a~}|)`(")
+                         (loop
+                           :with end = (length x)
+                           :for start = 0 :then (if position (1+ position) end)
+                           :for morep = (< start end)
+                           :for position = (and morep
+                                                (position-if-not 'acceptable-eval-character-p x
+                                                                 :start start))
+                           :while morep
+                           :do (when (or (null position) (< start position))
+                                 (print-string-in-pipes (subseq x start position) s))
+                               (when position
+                                 (p ",") (c (char x position))))
+                         (p "))"))))
+                (n (x) ;; is it the easy case where no space is needed in the list?
+                  (loop :for (a . d) :on x :do
+                    (cond
+                      ((null d) (return t))
+                      ((atom d) (return nil))
+                      ((or (typep a '(or null character string cons))
+                           (and (typep (car d) 'list) (n (car d)))))
+                      (t (return nil)))))
+                (f (x) ;; top-level function to print a form without spaces, ' " \
+                  (etypecase x
+                    (null (p "()"))
+                    (symbol (sym x))
+                    (real (w x))
+                    (character (p "#.") (c x))
+                    (string (progn (p "#.") (s x)))
+                    (cons
+                     (if (n x)
+                         (progn (p "(") (map () #'f x) (p ")"))
+                         (progn (p "#.`") (b x))))))
+                (b (x) ;; print a form that, when inside a backquote, evaluates to the form we want
+                  (etypecase x
+                    (null (p "()"))
+                    (symbol (sym x))
+                    (real (w x))
+                    (character (p ",") (c x))
+                    (string (progn (p ",") (s x)))
+                    (cons
+                     (p "(")
+                     (loop :for (a . d) :on x :do
+                       (b a)
+                       (cond
+                         ((null d)) ;; Done: d is a close paren
+                         ((typep a '(or null character string cons))) ;; Done: a ends with )
+                         ((atom d)
+                          (p ",@") ;; NB: we rely on ,@ being the same as ., in practice
+                          (typecase d
+                            (character (c d))
+                            (string (s d))
+                            (real (w d))
+                            ((or keyword (eql t)) (sym d))
+                            (t (p "`") (b d))))
+                         ((typep (car d) '(or list character string))) ;; Done: d starts with , or (
+                         ((typep (car d) '(or real keyword boolean)) ;; insert a , before constant
+                          (p ","))
+                         ((typep (car d) 'symbol)
+                          (p ",`")) ;; insert a ,` before variable symbol
+                         (t (error "foo"))))
+                     (p ")")))))
+             (p "(quote(")
+             (loop :for form :in forms :do
+               (p "#.")
+               (etypecase form
+                 (string (p form)) ;; forms directly under the top-level can be preformatted, too
+                 (list (f form))))
+             (p "))"))))))))
+(defun compose-copy-paste-string (forms &optional s)
+  (etypecase forms
+    (string (output-string forms s))
+    (list (format s "~{~A~%~}"
+                  (with-standard-io-syntax
+                    (let ((*package* (find-package :cl)))
+                      (mapcar (lambda (x) (typecase x (string x) (t (write x :stream s :case :downcase))))
+                              forms)))))))
diff --git a/tools/load-asdf.lisp b/tools/load-asdf.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b29c92d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/load-asdf.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+;;; The code below exemplifies how to load and configure ASDF
+;;; as part of your own deterministic build.
+;;; See "User-configurable parts" for where you'd customize it to suit your build.
+;;; We have to play games with packages because on some implementations,
+;;; an ASDF upgrade from ASDF 2 can throw away the previous package.
+;;; Everything is MUCH simpler if you can assume your implementation has a recent-enough ASDF 3:
+;;; see the commented out alternative below.
+;;; To use the user-configured ASDF rather than a deterministic self-contained project build,
+;;; see instead how cl-launch 4.0.4 loads ASDF.
+;;; Actually, if you can assume that your implementation or distribution provides ASDF 3,
+;;; you may simply use cl-launch, and achieve a deterministic self-contained project build
+;;; by having your shell configuration or some shell wrapper script export a proper values
+;;; for the CL_SOURCE_REGISTRY and ASDF_OUTPUT_TRANSLATIONS environment variables.
+(in-package :cl-user) ;; That may be default, but let's make double sure and tell SLIME.
+;; Do everything in eval-when, so this works
+;; whether this file is being loaded directly or compiled first.
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (labels ((asdf-symbol (name)
+             (and (find-package :asdf) (find-symbol (string name) :asdf)))
+           (asdf-call (name &rest args)
+             (apply (asdf-symbol name) args))
+           (asdf-version ()
+             (when (find-package :asdf)
+               (or (symbol-value (or (asdf-symbol '*asdf-version*)
+                                     (asdf-symbol '*asdf-revision*)))
+                   "1.0")))
+           (subpath (parent &key directory name type version)
+             ;; We need subpath here, because we can't yet assume ASDF 3 and its subpathname
+             (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :defaults parent
+                                             :directory (cons :relative directory)
+                                             :name name :type type :version version)
+                              parent))
+           (here-directory ()
+             (subpath (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*
+                          (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))))
+           (load-and-configure-asdf ()
+             ;; First, try to require ASDF from the implementation, if not already loaded.
+             ;; Most implementations provide ASDF 3.0, LispWorks still lags with ASDF 2.019,
+             ;; and some unmaintained implementations, or obsolete implementations or versions thereof
+             ;; only provide ASDF 2, ASDF 1, or don't provide ASDF.
+             ;; Note that CLISP is case-sensitive, so we need to specify a lowercase string,
+             ;; and not the keyword :asdf or symbol 'asdf; old CLISP versions that don't provide ASDF
+             ;; may error at compile-time if we call (require "asdf") directly.
+             (ignore-errors (funcall 'require "asdf"))
+             ;; If ASDF 2 isn't provided, load our ASDF from source.
+             ;; ASDF 1 is not enough, because it won't heed our project's output-translations.
+             ;; (Beside, no one serious provides ASDF 1 anymore.)
+             (unless (member :asdf2 *features*)
+               (let ((asdf-lisp (asdf-lisp)))
+                   (if (probe-file asdf-lisp)
+                       (load asdf-lisp)
+                       (error "This Lisp implementation fails to provide ASDF 2 or later"))))
+               ;; Configure ASDF
+               (configure-asdf)
+               (let ((provided-version (asdf-version)))
+                 ;; Upgrade ASDF to what we configured it to be.
+                 (asdf-call 'load-system :asdf)
+                 ;; If the implementation-provided version was too old,
+                 ;; we need to re-configure, because old configuration may have been moved away.
+                 (unless (asdf-call 'version-satisfies provided-version "2.27")
+                   (configure-asdf)))
+               (unless (asdf-call 'version-satisfies (asdf-version) (required-asdf-version))
+                 (error "This program needs ASDF ~A but could only find ASDF ~A"
+                        (required-asdf-version) (asdf-version))))
+           ;; User-configurable parts
+           (required-asdf-version () "3.1.2") ;; In the end, we want at least ASDF 3.1.2
+             (asdf-lisp ()
+               ;; Here, define where your Lisp source code hierarchy stores its copy of ASDF.
+               ;; In your project, that might be :directory '("libraries" "asdf" "build")
+               ;; Or NIL, if you don't do use any fancy ASDF feature, and
+               ;; trust your implementation to provide a recent enough copy.
+               (subpath (here-directory) :directory '(:back "build") :name "asdf" :type "lisp"))
+           (configure-asdf ()
+             (let* ((source-directory
+                      ;; Here, define the top of your Lisp source code hierarchy.
+                      ;; If you can assume an implementation that has ASDF 2 or later
+                      ;; (you should: all serious ones do), you might compute it based on
+                      ;;   (asdf-call 'getenv "MY_PROJECT_ROOT") instead of (here-directory).
+                      ;; If you can assume an implementation that has ASDF 3 or later
+                      ;; (you probably can: most serious ones do), you might use instead
+                      ;;   (asdf-call 'getenv-pathname "MY_PROJECT_ROOT"
+                      ;;     :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t)
+                      (subpath (here-directory) :directory '(:back)))
+                    (source-registry
+                      (or (asdf-call 'getenv "ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY")
+                          `(:source-registry
+                            (:tree ,source-directory)
+                            ;; In a fully controlled build, you'd :ignore-inherited-configuration instead:
+                            :inherit-configuration)))
+                    (output-directory
+                      ;; There again, you might want to use some getenv variant.
+                      ;; Also, "fasls" might be redundant for your project.
+                      (subpath source-directory :directory '("build" "fasls")))
+                    (output-translations
+                      `(:output-translations
+                        ;; Segregate output by ABI.
+                        ;; You could replace "asdf" below by the name of your project,
+                        ;; or not need it at all if everything is under your source-directory.
+                        (,source-directory (,output-directory :implementation "asdf"))
+                        ;; In a fully controlled build, we shouldn't be using code outside
+                        ;; our source-directory, but in case we do, we still want to control the output,
+                        ;; and easily detect the fact by looking at this directory
+                        (t (,output-directory :implementation "root"))
+                        ;; The above should already cover all paths that we use;
+                        ;; we don't want user configuration to interfere with the build.
+                        :ignore-inherited-configuration)))
+               ;; No more user-configurable parts below.
+               (asdf-call 'initialize-source-registry source-registry)
+               (asdf-call 'initialize-output-translations output-translations))))
+    ;; Configure the printer
+    (setf *print-readably* nil ; allegro 5.0 may bork without this
+          *print-level* nil)
+    ;; Hush the compiler and loader
+    (setf *load-verbose* nil *load-print* nil
+          *compile-verbose* nil *compile-print* nil)
+    ;; Load and configure ASDF
+    (load-and-configure-asdf)))
+;;; Here is the much simpler code when you can assume
+;;; your implementation provides ASDF 3 (i.e. at least pre-release ASDF 2.27).
+;;; No package madness.
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (require "asdf"))
+#-asdf3 (error "Your implementation fails to provide ASDF 3")
+(in-package :asdf)
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  ;; User-configurable parts
+  (let* ((required-asdf-version "3.1.2") ;; In the end, we want at least ASDF 3.1.2
+         (here-directory
+           (pathname-directory-pathname
+            (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*
+                (truename *default-pathname-defaults*))))
+         (source-directory
+           ;; Here, define the top of your source code hierarchy.
+           ;; For your project, it could be something like
+           ;;   (or (getenv-pathname "MY_PROJECT_ROOT"
+           ;;        :want-absolute t :ensure-directory t)
+           ;;       (subpathname here-directory "../../"))
+           (subpathname here-directory "../"))
+         (source-registry
+           ;; Here, define your source registry.
+           ;; For your project, it would be based solely on source-directory above,
+           ;; and in a fully controlled build, you'd :ignore-inherited-configuration
+                  (or (getenvp "ASDF_DEVEL_SOURCE_REGISTRY")
+                      `(:source-registry
+                        (:tree ,source-directory)
+                        :inherit-configuration)))
+         (output-directory
+           ;; There again, you might want to use some getenvp variant.
+           ;; Also, "fasls" might be redundant for your project.
+           (subpathname source-directory "build/fasls/"))
+         (output-translations
+           `(:output-translations
+             ;; Segregate output by ABI.
+             ;; You could replace "asdf" below by the name of your project,
+             ;; or not need it at all if everything is under your source-directory.
+             (,source-directory (,output-directory :implementation "asdf"))
+             ;; In a fully controlled build, we shouldn't be using code outside
+             ;; our source-directory, but in case we do, we still want to control the output,
+             ;; and easily detect the fact by looking at this directory
+             (t (,output-directory :implementation "root"))
+             ;; The above should already cover all paths that we use;
+             ;; we don't want user configuration to interfere with the build.
+             :ignore-inherited-configuration)))
+         ;; No more user-configurable parts below.
+    ;; Configure the printer
+    (setf *print-readably* nil ; allegro 5.0 may bork without this
+          *print-level* nil)
+    ;; Hush the compiler and loader
+    (setf *load-verbose* nil *load-print* nil
+          *compile-verbose* nil *compile-print* nil)
+    ;; Configure ASDF
+    (initialize-source-registry source-registry)
+    (initialize-output-translations output-translations)
+    ;; Upgrade to the latest configured version
+    (upgrade-asdf)
+    ;; Check that we have a satisfactorily version
+    (unless (version-satisfies (asdf-version) required-asdf-version)
+      (error "Please install an ASDF ~A or later" required-asdf-version))))
diff --git a/tools/main.lisp b/tools/main.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a95255d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/main.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;;;; Generic code to interface a Lisp script to the shell command-line.
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+(defun re (arg)
+  ;;; Read-Eval function (the RE of REPL; the Print and Loop parts are not here)
+  (eval (read-from-string arg)))
+(defun find-command (x)
+  "Find the function for an asdf-builder command by name"
+  (block nil
+    (flet ((try (x)
+             (multiple-value-bind (sym foundp)
+                 (find-symbol* (string-upcase x) :asdf-tools nil)
+               (when (and sym (eq foundp :internal) (fboundp sym))
+                 (return (fdefinition sym))))))
+      (try (strcat "%" x)) ;; so that you may use load, t, etc., as targets
+      (try x))))
+;;; Main entry point.
+;;; NB: For access control, you could check that only exported symbols are used as entry points.
+(defun main (args)
+  (block nil
+    (unless args
+      (format t "No command provided~%")
+      (return))
+    (if-let ((fun (find-command (first args))))
+      (let ((results
+              (multiple-value-list (apply fun (rest args)))))
+        (when results
+          (format t "~&~{~S~%~}" results))
+        (return (first results))))
+    (format t "Command ~A not found~%" (first args))
+    (return)))
+(defun entry-point ()
+  (setf *lisp-interaction* nil)
+  (uiop:with-fatal-condition-handler ()
+    (initialize-environment)
+    (main *command-line-arguments*)))
diff --git a/tools/package.lisp b/tools/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9936c65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+(defpackage :asdf-tools
+  (:use :common-lisp :uiop :asdf :fare-utils :inferior-shell :lisp-invocation :cl-ppcre))
+;; Just so we can use the name in our test scripts...
+(defpackage :asdf-test
+  (:use :common-lisp))
diff --git a/tools/pathnames.lisp b/tools/pathnames.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4f345d96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pathnames.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; ASDF directory
+(defvar *asdf-dir*
+  (ensure-pathname (system-relative-pathname :asdf/defsystem ())
+                   :want-physical t :want-absolute t
+                   :want-existing t :truename t))
+(defun pn (&rest x)
+  (subpathname *asdf-dir* (and x (uiop:resolve-relative-location x))))
+(defun nn (&rest x)
+  (native-namestring (apply 'pn x)))
+(defun call-with-asdf-dir (thunk &rest subs)
+  (with-current-directory ((apply 'pn subs))
+    (funcall thunk)))
+(defmacro with-asdf-dir ((&rest subs) &body body)
+  `(call-with-asdf-dir (lambda () ,@body) ,@subs))
diff --git a/tools/release.lisp b/tools/release.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74ef524d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/release.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; Getting a list of source files in a system
+(defun enough-namestring! (base pathname)
+  (let ((e (enough-namestring base pathname)))
+    (assert (relative-pathname-p e))
+    e))
+(defun enough-namestrings (base pathnames)
+  (loop :with b = (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-directory t)
+        :for p :in pathnames
+        :collect (enough-namestring! p b)))
+(defun system-source-files (system &key monolithic)
+  (let* ((sys (find-system system))
+         (components
+           (required-components system
+                                :other-systems monolithic
+                                :goal-operation 'load-op
+                                :keep-operation 'load-op
+                                :keep-component 'file-component))
+         (dir (ensure-pathname
+               (system-source-directory sys)
+               :want-absolute t :want-directory t))
+         (pathnames (mapcar 'component-pathname components)))
+    (enough-namestrings dir pathnames)))
+;;; Making release tarballs for asdf, asdf/defsystem, uiop.
+(defun tarname (name) (strcat name ".tar.gz"))
+(defun make-tarball-under-build (name base files)
+  (check-type name string)
+  (ensure-pathname base :want-absolute t :want-existing t :want-directory t)
+  (dolist (f files)
+    (check-type f string))
+  (let* ((base
+           (ensure-pathname
+            base
+            :want-absolute t :want-directory t
+            :want-existing t :truename t))
+         (destination
+           (ensure-pathname
+            name
+            :defaults (pn "build/")
+            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
+            :ensure-subpath t :ensure-directory t))
+         (tarball
+           (ensure-pathname
+            (tarname name)
+            :defaults (pn "build/")
+            :want-relative t :ensure-absolute t
+            :ensure-subpath t :want-file t
+            :ensure-directories-exist t)))
+    (assert (< 6 (length (pathname-directory destination))))
+    (when (probe-file* destination)
+      (error "Destination ~S already exists, not taking chances - you can delete it yourself."
+             destination))
+    (ensure-directories-exist destination)
+    (run `(cp "-pHux" --parents ,@files ,destination) :directory base :show t)
+    (run `(tar "zcfC" ,tarball ,(pn "build/") (,name /)) :show t)
+    (delete-directory-tree destination :validate (lambda (x) (equal x destination)))
+    (values)))
+(defun driver-files ()
+  (list* "README" "uiop.asd" "asdf-driver.asd" (system-source-files :uiop)))
+(defun driver-name ()
+  (format nil "uiop-~A" *version*))
+(defun make-driver-tarball ()
+  (make-tarball-under-build (driver-name) (pn "uiop/") (driver-files)))
+(defun asdf-defsystem-files ()
+  (list* "asdf.asd" "build/asdf.lisp" "version.lisp-expr" "header.lisp"
+         (system-source-files :asdf/defsystem)))
+(defun asdf-defsystem-name ()
+  (format nil "asdf-defsystem-~A" *version*))
+(defun make-asdf-defsystem-tarball ()
+  (build-asdf)
+  (make-tarball-under-build (asdf-defsystem-name) (pn) (asdf-defsystem-files)))
+(defun asdf-git-name ()
+  (strcat "asdf-" *version*))
+(defun make-git-tarball ()
+  (build-asdf)
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (run `(tar zcf ("build/" ,(asdf-git-name) ".tar.gz") build/asdf.lisp ,@(run/lines '(git ls-files))
+               (asdf-git-name)) :show t))
+  (values))
+(defun asdf-lisp-name ()
+  (format nil "asdf-~A.lisp" *version*))
+(defun make-asdf-lisp ()
+  (build-asdf)
+  (concatenate-files (list (pn "build/asdf.lisp"))
+                     (pn "build/" (asdf-lisp-name))))
+(defun make-archive ()
+  (make-driver-tarball)
+  (make-asdf-defsystem-tarball)
+  (make-git-tarball)
+  (make-asdf-lisp)
+  (values))
+;;; Publishing tarballs onto the public repository
+(defvar *clnet* "")
+(defvar *clnet-asdf-public* "/project/asdf/public_html/")
+(defun public-path (x) (strcat *clnet-asdf-public* x))
+(defun publish-archive ()
+  (let ((tarballs (mapcar 'tarname (list (driver-name) (asdf-defsystem-name) (asdf-git-name)))))
+    (run `(rsync ,@tarballs ,(asdf-lisp-name) (,*clnet* ":" ,(public-path "archives/")))
+         :show t :directory (pn "build/")))
+  (format t "~&To download the tarballs, point your browser at:~%
+  (values))
+(defun link-archive ()
+  (run (format nil "ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S ; ln -sf ~S ~S"
+               (tarname (driver-name))
+               (public-path "archives/uiop.tar.gz")
+               (tarname (asdf-defsystem-name))
+               (public-path "archives/asdf-defsystem.tar.gz")
+               (tarname (asdf-git-name))
+               (public-path "archives/asdf.tar.gz")
+               (asdf-lisp-name)
+               (public-path "archives/asdf.lisp"))
+       :show t :host *clnet*)
+  (values))
+(defun make-and-publish-archive ()
+  (make-archive)
+  (publish-archive)
+  (link-archive))
+(defun archive () "alias for make-and-publish-archive" (make-and-publish-archive))
+(defun install () "alias for make-and-publish-archive" (make-and-publish-archive))
+;;; Making a debian package
+(defun debian-package (&optional (release "release"))
+  (let* ((debian-version (debian-version-from-file release))
+         (version (version-from-file release)))
+    (unless (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (x epoch ver rel)
+                ("^(([0-9]+):)?([0-9.]+)-([0-9]+)$" debian-version)
+              (declare (ignorable x epoch rel))
+              (equal ver version))
+      (error "Debian version ~A doesn't match asdf version ~A" debian-version version))
+    (clean)
+    (format t "building package version ~A~%" (debian-version-from-file))
+    (run `(git-buildpackage
+           ;; --git-ignore-new ;; for testing purpose
+           (--git-debian-branch= ,release)
+           (--git-upstream-tag="%(version)s")
+           ;;--git-upstream-tree=tag ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
+           ;;(--git-upstream-branch= ,version) ;; if the changelog says 3.1.2, looks at that tag
+           --git-tag --git-retag
+           ;; --git-no-pristine-tar
+           --git-force-create
+           --git-ignore-branch)
+         :directory (pn) :show t)))
+(defun release ()
+  "Release the code (not implemented)"
+  #| RELEASE or PUSH checklist:
+make test-all
+make test-load-systems s=fare-all
+make bump v=3.0
+edit debian/changelog # RELEASE only...
+git commit
+git tag 3.0 # for example ...
+make debian-package
+git push
+git push origin 3.0 # for example...
+everything from here for RELEASE only
+make release-push archive website debian-package
+dput mentors ../*.changes
+send debian mentors request
+send announcement to asdf-announce, asdf-devel, etc.
+Move all fixed bugs from Fix Committed -> Fix Released on launchpad
+  |#
+  (die 42 "release is not implemented yet"))
diff --git a/tools/test-all.lisp b/tools/test-all.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64cd023c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-all.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+(defun call-with-all-lisps (thunk &optional (lisps *test-lisps*))
+  (apply 'all-pass
+         (loop :for lisp :in lisps
+               :collect (let ((*test-lisps* (list lisp))) (funcall thunk)))))
+(defmacro with-all-lisps ((&rest maybe-lisps) &body body)
+  `(call-with-all-lisps (lambda () ,@body) ,@maybe-lisps))
+(deftestcmd test-all-clean-load ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations can load asdf cleanly without any output message"
+  (with-all-lisps () (test-clean-load)))
+(deftestcmd test-all-lisp ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf test scripts"
+  (with-all-lisps () (test-scripts)))
+(deftestcmd test-all-no-upgrade ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all normal asdf; also test-basic"
+  (all-pass (test-basic) (test-all-lisp)))
+(deftestcmd test-all-upgrade ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf upgrade tests"
+  (with-all-lisps (*upgrade-test-lisps*) (test-upgrade)))
+(deftestcmd test-all-lisps ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf tests"
+  (all-pass (test-all-no-upgrade) (test-all-upgrade)))
+(defalias test-all test-all-lisps)
+(deftestcmd test-all-lisp-no-stop ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf test scripts, but don't stop on error"
+  (with-all-lisps ()
+    (ignore-errors (test-scripts))))
+(deftestcmd test-all-upgrade-no-stop ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf upgrade tests, but don't stop on error"
+  (with-all-lisps (*upgrade-test-lisps*)
+    (ignore-errors (test-upgrade))))
+(deftestcmd test-all-no-upgrade-no-stop ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all normal asdf tests (no upgrade), but don't stop on error."
+  (all-pass
+   (test-basic)
+   (test-all-clean-load)
+   (test-all-lisp-no-stop)
+   (check-all-test-results)))
+(deftestcmd test-all-no-stop ()
+  "test that all lisp implementations pass all asdf tests (including upgrade), but don't stop on error."
+  (all-pass
+   (test-basic)
+   (test-all-clean-load)
+   (test-all-lisp-no-stop)
+   (test-all-upgrade-no-stop)
+   (check-all-results)))
+(deftestcmd check-all-test-results ()
+  "were there errors in test scripts?"
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (let ((a (run/lines
+              `(grep "-L" "[5-9][0-9] passing and 0 failing"
+                     ,(mapcar (lambda (l) (format nil "build/results/~(~A~)-test.text" l))
+                              *test-lisps*)))))
+      (or (null a)
+          (progn
+            (format! *error-output* "Unexpected test failures on these implementations:~%~{~A~%~}" a)
+            nil)))))
+(deftestcmd check-all-upgrade-results ()
+  "were there upgrade tests failures?"
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (let ((a (run/lines
+              `(grep "-L" "Upgrade test succeeded for "
+                     ,(mapcar (lambda (l) (format nil "build/results/~(~A~)-upgrade.text" l))
+                              *upgrade-test-lisps*)))))
+      (or (null a)
+          (progn
+            (format t "Unexpected upgrade failures on these implementations:~%~{~A~%~}~%" a)
+            nil)))))
+(deftestcmd check-all-results ()
+  "check that there were no errors in either test scripts or upgrade tests"
+  (all-pass (check-all-test-results) (check-all-upgrade-results)))
diff --git a/tools/test-basic.lisp b/tools/test-basic.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34d9700d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-basic.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+(deftestcmd %load (lisp) ;; load would be a clash, so use %load instead
+  "make load will start a Lisp and load ASDF from individual source files.
+This is great to quickly locate compilation errors and interactively debug ASDF."
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (run-test-lisp
+     (format nil "loading ASDF into an interactive ~(~A~)" lisp)
+     `((load "test/script-support.lisp")
+       (asdf-test::interactive-test
+        ',(system-source-files :asdf/defsystem :monolithic t)))
+     :lisp lisp :debugger t :output :interactive)))
+(deftestcmd test-load-systems (lisp systems)
+  "test that the preferred lisp implementation can load your favorite systems without error"
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (let* ((log (newlogfile "systems" lisp)))
+      (log! log "Loading all these systems on ~(~A~):~{~%  ~A~}~%~%" lisp systems)
+      (run-test-lisp
+       "loading the systems"
+       `((load "test/script-support.lisp")
+         (asdf-test::with-test () (asdf-test::test-load-systems ,@systems)))
+       :lisp lisp :log log))))
+(deftestcmd test-clean-load (lisp log)
+  "test that the preferred lisp implementation can load asdf cleanly without any output message"
+  (nest
+   (block ()
+     (case lisp ((:gcl :cmucl) (return t)))) ;; These are hopeless
+   (with-asdf-dir ())
+   (let ((nop (newlogfile "nop" lisp))
+         (load (newlogfile "load" lisp)))
+     (run-test-lisp
+      (format nil "Starting ~(~A~), loading the script support, and exiting without doing anything" lisp)
+      `((load "test/script-support.lisp" :verbose nil :print nil)
+        (asdf-test::exit-lisp 0))
+      :lisp lisp :output nop :log log)
+     (run-test-lisp
+      (format nil "Starting ~(~A~), loading the script support, loading ASDF from source, then exiting" lisp)
+      `((load "test/script-support.lisp" :verbose nil :print nil)
+        (load "build/asdf.lisp" :verbose nil :print nil)
+        "(uiop/image:quit 0)")
+      :lisp lisp :output load :log log)
+     (if (nth-value 2 (run `(diff ,nop ,load)
+                           :output :interactive :error-output :output :input nil))
+         (progn
+           (log! log "GOOD: Loading ASDF on ~(~A~) produces no message" lisp)
+           (return t))
+         (progn
+           (log! log "BAD: Loading ASDF on ~(~A~) produces messages" lisp)
+           (return nil))))))
+;;; BONUS: install asdf as module for your favorite Lisp implementation.
+(deftestcmd install-asdf-as-module (lisp)
+  (flet ((doit ()
+           (with-asdf-dir ()
+             (run-test-lisp
+              (format nil "Installing ASDF to be provided as a module on ~(~A~)" lisp)
+              '((load "tools/install-asdf-as-module")(uiop:quit))
+              :lisp lisp))))
+    (case lisp
+      ((:allegro :allegromodern :ccl :clisp :cmucl :lispworks :sbcl :scl :xcl)
+       (doit))
+      ((:abcl :ecl :ecl_bytecodes :mkcl)
+       (format t "Upgrading the implementation-provided ASDF on ~(~A~) isn't supported (yet).
+Happily, that implementation is known to keep ASDF reasonably up to date.~%" lisp))
+      ((:cormancl :gcl :genera :mcl :mocl)
+       (format t "Installing ASDF so it is provided by ~(~A~) isn't supported.
+If you care, go hack the implementation.~%" lisp))
+      (otherwise
+       (if (string-prefix-p "allegro" (string-downcase lisp))
+           (doit)
+           (error "Unknown implementation ~(~A~)" lisp))))))
+(deftestcmd test-basic (lisp systems)
+  "basic smoke test"
+  (doc)
+  (test-clean-load lisp)
+  (test-load-systems lisp systems))
diff --git a/tools/test-environment.lisp b/tools/test-environment.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5acee0cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-environment.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; Testing
+(defparameter *test-lisps* :default
+  "The list of lisp implementations to use for tests")
+(defparameter *upgrade-test-lisps* :default
+  "The list of lisp implementations to use for upgrade tests")
+(defparameter *upgrade-test-tags* :default)
+(defparameter *test-systems* nil)
+(defparameter *test-scripts* :default)
+(defparameter *environment-variable-table* nil)
+(defparameter *environment-variable-specs*
+  '((*test-lisps* ensure-list-of-keywords :default
+     "ASDF_TEST_LISPS" "l")
+    (*upgrade-test-lisps* ensure-list-of-keywords :default
+    (*test-systems* ensure-list-of-keywords ()
+     "ASDF_TEST_SYSTEMS" "s")
+    (*test-scripts* ensure-list-of-strings :default
+     "ASDF_TESTS" "t")
+    (*upgrade-test-tags* ensure-list-of-strings :default
+    (*upgrade-test-methods* ensure-list-of-test-methods :default
+    (*new-version* string :default
+     "=NEW_ASDF_VERSION" "v")))
+(defun ensure-list-of-strings (x)
+  (remove nil
+          (etypecase x
+            (string (uiop:split-string x :separator " "))
+            (list x))))
+(defun ensure-keyword (x)
+  (etypecase x
+    ((or null keyword) x)
+    ((or string symbol) (intern (string-upcase x) :keyword))))
+(defun ensure-list-of-keywords (x)
+  (mapcar 'ensure-keyword (ensure-list-of-strings x)))
+(defun ensure-test-method (x)
+  (safe-read-from-string (strcat "(" (substitute #\space #\: x) ")") :package :keyword)) ; UGLY!
+(defun ensure-list-of-test-methods (x)
+  (mapcar 'ensure-test-method (ensure-list-of-strings x)))
+(defun initialize-environment ()
+  (let ((h (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
+    (setf *environment-variable-table* h)
+    (loop :for (variable transformer defaults envvar short) :in *environment-variable-specs*
+          :for x = (list variable transformer)
+          :do (setf (symbol-value variable)
+                    (if-let (x (getenvp envvar))
+                      (funcall transformer x)
+                      defaults))
+              (setf (gethash envvar h) x)
+              (setf (gethash short h) x))))
+(defun test-definition (def)
+  (block ()
+    (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (var val) ("^([^=]+)=(.*)$" def)
+      (if-let (x (gethash var *environment-variable-table*))
+        (destructuring-bind (sym transformer &rest r) x
+          (declare (ignore r))
+          (unless (emptyp val)
+            (setf (symbol-value sym) (funcall transformer val)))
+          (return))
+        (error "Unknown variable ~A" var)))
+    (error "Unrecognized argument ~A" def)))
+(defun show-environment ()
+  (loop :for (v) :in *environment-variable-specs* :do
+    (format t "~A = ~S~%" v (symbol-value v)))
+  t)
+(defun make-target (target &rest env)
+  (map () 'test-definition env)
+  (shell-boolean-exit (main (list target))))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defun decl-or-docstring-p (form)
+    (or (stringp form)
+        (and (consp form) (eq 'declare (car form)))))
+  (defun decl-and-body (decl-and-body)
+    (let ((p (position-if-not 'decl-or-docstring-p decl-and-body)))
+      (values (subseq decl-and-body 0 p)
+              (nthcdr p decl-and-body)))))
+(defmacro deftestcmd (name args &rest decl-and-body)
+  (loop :with argmap =
+        '((lisp ((lisp *test-lisps*))
+           (setf lisp (get-lisp lisp)))
+          (lisps ((lisps *test-lisps*))
+           (setf lisps (get-lisps lisps)))
+          (systems ((systems *test-systems*)))
+          (test-scripts ((test-scripts *test-scripts*))
+           (setf test-scripts (get-test-scripts test-scripts)))
+          (upgrade-tags ((upgrade-tags *upgrade-test-tags*))
+           (setf upgrade-tags (get-upgrade-tags upgrade-tags)))
+          (upgrade-methods ((upgrade-methods *upgrade-test-methods*))
+           (setf upgrade-methods (get-upgrade-methods upgrade-methods))))
+        :for arg :in args
+        :for (found larg init) = (assoc arg argmap)
+        :append (if found larg (list arg)) :into largs
+        :append (when found (list init)) :into inits
+        :finally
+           (multiple-value-bind (decl body) (decl-and-body decl-and-body)
+             (return
+               `(defun ,name (&optional ,@largs)
+                  ,@decl
+                  ,@inits
+                  ,@body)))))
+(defun all-pass (&rest tests)
+  (every 'identity tests))
+(defmacro defalias (name real)
+  `(defun ,name (&rest args) ,(format nil "alias for ~S" real) (apply ',real args)))
+(deftestcmd interactive-command (lisp)
+  (let* ((command (lisp-invocation-arglist :implementation-type lisp :debugger t)))
+    (cons "rlwrap" command)))
+(defparameter *default-test-lisps*
+  '(:ccl :clisp :sbcl :ecl :ecl_bytecodes :cmucl :abcl :scl :allegro
+    :lispworks :allegromodern :gcl :xcl :mkcl)
+  ;; :cormancl :genera :lispworks-personal-edition :mcl
+  ;; Also, grep for #+/#- features in the test/ directory
+  ;; to see plenty of disabled tests on some platforms
+  "Default Lisp implementations for tests")
+(defun get-lisps (&optional (lisps *test-lisps*))
+  (if (eq lisps :default) *default-test-lisps* (ensure-list-of-keywords lisps)))
+(defun get-lisp (&optional (lisp *test-lisps*))
+  (if (and (keywordp lisp) (not (eq lisp :default))) lisp (first (get-lisps lisp))))
+(defun date-string (&optional (date (get-universal-time)))
+  (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour date month year weekday daylight-savings-p timezone)
+      (decode-universal-time date)
+    (declare (ignore second minute hour weekday daylight-savings-p timezone))
+    (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0D" year month date)))
+(deftestcmd newlogfile ((kind "log") lisp)
+  (let ((log (pn (format nil "build/results/~(~A-~A~).text" lisp kind))))
+    (ensure-directories-exist log)
+    (if-let (date (safe-file-write-date log))
+      (rename-file-overwriting-target
+       log (add-pathname-suffix log (strcat "-" (date-string date)))))
+    (with-output-file (s log))
+    ;;(format t "Logging results to ~A" log)
+    log))
+(defun log! (log fmt &rest args)
+  (let ((msg (apply 'format nil fmt args)))
+    (format t "~&~A~&" msg)
+    (when log
+      (with-output-file (s log :if-exists :append :if-does-not-exist :create)
+        ;; re-open every time because we're interleaved with inferior process writing to the log,
+        ;; and on e.g. Windows there might be a locking conflict if we keep it open.
+        (format s "~&~A~&" msg))))
+  (values))
+;; TODO: When composing a form to evaluate in the test lisp implementation,
+;; our shell script went through great lengths to avoid a double-quote #\" in the command line,
+;; the quoting of which many Windows implementations get wrong.
+;; While we're at it, we also avoid spaces and backslashes.
+;; We haven't tested our new Lisp implementation of the test infrastructure on Windows, though.
+(defun run-test-lisp (activity forms &key (output t) log lisp debugger)
+  ;; Activity is of the form "compiling ASDF", "running this test", etc.
+  (format t "~&Now ~A...~%" activity)
+  (let* ((eval (compose-eval-string forms))
+         (command (lisp-invocation-arglist :implementation-type (get-lisp lisp)
+                                           :eval eval :debugger debugger))
+         (interactive (if (eq output :interactive) :interactive nil))
+         (output (if (eq output t) *standard-output* output))
+         (output (if (eq output *stdout*) :interactive output)))
+    (log! log "~A" (print-process-spec command nil))
+    (multiple-value-bind (out err code)
+        (run `(pipe ((>& 2 1) ,@(when interactive '(rlwrap)) ,@command)
+                    ,@(when log `((tee -a ,log))))
+             :input interactive :output output :error-output (or interactive :output) :on-error nil)
+      (unless interactive
+        (if (zerop code)
+            (log! log "SUCCEEDED at ~A." activity)
+            (log! log "FAILED at ~A.
+You can retry ~A with:
+    ~A
+or more interactively, start with:
+    ~A~%(rlwrap is optional; don't use it when in emacs; skip if not installed.)
+then copy/paste:
+    ~A"
+                  activity activity (print-process-spec command nil)
+                  (interactive-command) (compose-copy-paste-string forms))))
+    (values (zerop code) out err code))))
diff --git a/tools/test-scripts.lisp b/tools/test-scripts.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..053c07f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-scripts.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+(defparameter *default-test-scripts* '("*.script"))
+(defun get-test-scripts (&optional (test-scripts *test-scripts*))
+  (if (eq test-scripts :default) (setf test-scripts *default-test-scripts*))
+  (with-asdf-dir ("test/")
+    (sort
+     (loop :for pattern :in test-scripts
+           :append (loop :for file :in (directory* pattern)
+                         :collect (enough-pathname file (pn "test/"))))
+     'string< :key 'namestring)))
+;; Somehow we never wrote the tests that check our configuration file infrastructure...
+(defun create-config ()
+  (dolist (x '("build/results/" "build/test-source-registry-conf.d/"
+               "build/test-asdf-output-translations-conf.d/"))
+    (ensure-directories-exist (pn x))))
+(defun clean-config ()
+  (flet ((rm-rf (x)
+           (delete-directory-tree (pn x) :validate (lambda (x) (subpathp x (pn "build/"))))))
+    (rm-rf "build/test-source-registry-conf.d/")
+    (rm-rf "build/test-asdf-output-translations-conf.d/")))
+(deftestcmd test-scripts (lisp test-scripts)
+  "run test scripts with the preferred lisp implementation"
+  (nest
+   (with-asdf-dir ("test/"))
+   (let* ((log (newlogfile "test" lisp))
+          (scripts (get-test-scripts)))
+     (log! log "Running the following ~D ASDF test scripts on ~(~A~):~%~{  ~A~%~}"
+           (length scripts) lisp scripts)
+    (and
+     (run-test-lisp
+      "compiling ASDF"
+      '((load "script-support.lisp") (asdf-test::compile-asdf-script))
+      :lisp lisp :log log)
+     (loop
+       :with n-tests = (length scripts)
+       :with test-pass = 0
+       :with test-fail = 0
+       :with failed-list = ()
+       :for i :in scripts
+       :for ni = (native-namestring i)
+       :for test-count :from 0
+       :do
+          ;; TODO: do we want to delete the output file cache?
+          ;; If so, we need to do it in the inferior lisp,
+          ;; because only it knows for sure its output configuration.
+          ;; Or we could do it in a more heavy handed way.
+          (if (run-test-lisp
+               (format nil "testing ~A on ~(~A~)" i lisp)
+               `((load "script-support.lisp")
+                 (asdf-test::load-asdf)
+                 (asdf-test::frob-packages)
+                 (asdf-test::run-test-script ,ni))
+               :lisp lisp :log log)
+              (incf test-pass)
+              (progn
+                (incf test-fail)
+                (push i failed-list)))
+       :finally
+          (let ((okp (zerop test-fail)))
+            (format t "~
+Using ~A
+Ran ~D tests, ~D passed, ~D failed
+~:[All tests apparently successful.~;:~:*~{~%  ~A~}~]
+                    lisp
+                    n-tests test-pass test-fail (reverse failed-list))
+            (unless okp
+              (log! log "To view full results and failures, try the following command:
+     less -p ABORTED ~A" (enough-namestring log (pn))))
+            (return okp)))))))
+(deftestcmd %test (lisp test-scripts)
+  "run all normal tests (excluding upgrade tests) with the preferred lisp implementation"
+  (all-pass (test-scripts lisp test-scripts) (doc) (test-clean-load lisp)))
+(defalias %t %test)
diff --git a/tools/test-upgrade.lisp b/tools/test-upgrade.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51e0740d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/test-upgrade.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; Upgrade tests
+(defun get-upgrade-lisps (&optional (x *upgrade-test-lisps*))
+  (if (eq x :default) (get-lisps) x))
+(defparameter *default-upgrade-test-tags*
+  ;; We return a list of entries in reverse chronological order,
+  ;; which should also be more or less the order of decreasing relevance.
+  '("REQUIRE" ;; a magic tag meaning whatever your implementation provides, if anything
+    ;; The 3.1 series provides the asdf3.1 feature, meaning users can rely on
+    ;; all the stabilization work done in 3.0 so far, plus extra developments
+    ;; in UIOP, package-inferred-system, and more robustification.
+    "3.1.2" ;; (2014-05-06) the first ASDF 3.1 release
+    ;; The 3.0 series is a stable release of ASDF 3
+    ;; with Robert Goldman taking over maintainership at 3.0.2.
+    ;; 3.0.0 was just 2.33.10 promoted, but version-satisfies meant it was suddenly
+    ;; not compatible with ASDF2 anymore, so we immediately released 3.0.1
+    "3.0.3" ;; (2013-10-22) the last in the ASDF 3.0 series
+    "3.0.2" ;; (2013-07-02) the first ASDF 3 in SBCL
+    "3.0.1" ;; (2013-05-16) the first stable ASDF 3 release
+    ;; 2.27 to 2.33 are Faré's "stable" ASDF 3 pre-releases
+    "2.32" ;; (2013-03-05) the first really stable ASDF 3 pre-release
+    "2.27" ;; (2013-02-01) the first ASDF 3 pre-release
+    ;; The ASDF 2 series
+    ;; Note that 2.26.x is where the refactoring that begat ASDF 3 took place.
+    ;; 2.26.61 is the last single-file, single-package ASDF.
+    "2.26" ;; (2012-10-30) the last stable ASDF 2 release, long used by Quicklisp, SBCL, etc.
+    "2.22" ;; (2012-06-12) used by debian wheezy, etc.
+    "2.20" ;; (2012-01-18) in CCL 1.8, Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
+    "2.019" ;; (2011-11-29) still included in LispWorks in 2014.
+    "2.014.6" ;; (2011-04-06) first included in Quicklisp, and for some time.
+    "2.011" ;; (2010-12-09) long used by CLISP 2.49, Debian squeeze, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS.
+    "2.008" ;; (2010-09-10) somewhat stable checkpoint in the ASDF 2 series.
+    "2.000" ;; (2010-05-31) first stable ASDF 2 release.
+    ;; The original ASDF 1 series
+    "1.369" ;; (2009-10-27) the last release by Gary King
+    "1.85" ;; (2004-05-16) the last release by Daniel Barlow (not 1.37, which is the README revision!)
+    "1.97")) ;; (2006-05-14) the last release before Gary King takes over
+(defun get-upgrade-tags (&optional (x *upgrade-test-tags*))
+  (if (eq x :default) *default-upgrade-test-tags* x))
+(defun extract-tagged-asdf (tag)
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (ensure-directories-exist (pn "build/"))
+    (unless (string-equal tag "REQUIRE")
+      (let ((file (pn (strcat "build/asdf-" tag ".lisp"))))
+        (unless (probe-file file)
+          (cond
+            ((version<= tag "2.26.61")
+             (git `(show (,tag ":asdf.lisp") (> ,file))))
+            (t
+             (ensure-directories-exist (pn "build/old/build/"))
+             (run `(pipe (git archive ,tag) (tar "xfC" - (pn "build/old/"))))
+             (run `(make) :directory (pn "build/old/"))
+             (rename-file-overwriting-target (pn "build/old/build/asdf.lisp") file))))))))
+(deftestcmd extract-all-tagged-asdf (upgrade-tags)
+  (map () 'extract-tagged-asdf upgrade-tags))
+(defalias extract extract-all-tagged-asdf)
+(defparameter *upgrade-test-methods* :default)
+(defparameter *all-upgrade-test-methods*
+  '((:load-asdf-lisp :load-asdf-lisp-clean)
+    (:load-asdf-lisp :load-asdf-system)
+    (:load-asdf-lisp :compile-load-asdf-upgrade)
+    (:load-asdf-lisp :load-asdf-fasl)
+    (() :load-asdf-fasl)
+    (:load-asdf-lisp-and-test-uiop :load-asdf-fasl)))
+(defun get-upgrade-methods (&optional (x *upgrade-test-methods*))
+  (if (eq x :default) *all-upgrade-test-methods* x))
+(defun valid-upgrade-test-p (lisp tag method)
+  (declare (ignore method))
+  (or
+   (string-equal tag "REQUIRE") ;; we are hopefully always able to upgrade from REQUIRE
+   (ecase lisp
+     ;; ABCL makes it damn slow. Also, for some reason, we punt on anything earlier than 2.25,
+     ;; and only need to test it once, below for 2.24.
+     ((:abcl) (version<= "2.24" tag))
+     ;; CCL fasl numbering broke loading of old asdf 2.0
+     ((:ccl) (or (version< tag "2.0") (version<= "2.20" tag)))
+     ;; My old Ubuntu 10.04LTS clisp 2.44.1 came wired in
+     ;; with an antique ASDF 1.374 from CLC that can't be removed.
+     ;; More recent CLISPs work.
+     ;; 2.00[0-7] use UID, which fails on some old CLISPs.
+     ;; Note that for the longest time, CLISP has included 2.011 in its distribution.
+     ;; However, the was we punt or don't punt, these should all work.
+     ((:clisp) t)
+     ;; CMUCL has problems with 2.32 and earlier because of
+     ;; the redefinition of system's superclass component.
+     ((:cmucl) (version<= "2.33" tag))
+     ;; Skip many ECL tests, for various ASDF issues
+     ((:ecl) (version<= "2.21" tag))
+     ;; GCL 2.7.0 from late November 2013 is required, with ASDF 3.1.2
+     ((:gcl) (version<= "3.1.2" tag))
+     ;; MKCL is only supported starting with specific versions 2.24, 2.26.x,, so skip.
+     ((:mkcl) (version<= "3.1.2" tag))
+     ;; XCL support starts with ASDF 2.014.2
+     ;; — It also dies during upgrade trying to show the backtrace.
+     ;; We recommend you replace XCL's asdf using the install-asdf-as-module script.
+     ((:xcl) (version<= "2.15" tag))
+     ;; all clear on these implementations
+     ((:allegro :lispworks :sbcl :scl) t))))
+(deftestcmd test-upgrade (lisp upgrade-tags upgrade-methods)
+  "run upgrade tests with the preferred lisp implementation"
+  (nest
+   (with-asdf-dir ())
+   (let ((log (newlogfile "upgrade" lisp)))
+     ;; Remove stale FASLs from ASDF 1.x,
+     ;; especially since different implementations may have the same fasl type
+     (dolist (pattern '("build/*.*f*" "uiop/*.*f*" "test/*.*f*"))
+       (map () 'delete-file (directory* pattern))))
+   (loop :for tag :in upgrade-tags :do
+     (loop :for method :in upgrade-methods
+           :when (valid-upgrade-test-p lisp tag method) :do
+             (extract-tagged-asdf tag)
+             (run-test-lisp
+              (format nil "Testing ASDF upgrade on ~(~A~) from ~A to ~A using method ~(~{~A~^:~}~)"
+                      lisp tag *version* method)
+              `((load "test/script-support.lisp")
+                (asdf-test::test-upgrade ,@method ,tag))
+              :lisp lisp :log log))
+    :finally (log! log "Upgrade test succeeded for ~(~A~)" lisp))))
+(defalias u test-upgrade)
diff --git a/tools/version.lisp b/tools/version.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b65f3d2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/version.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+(in-package :asdf-tools)
+;;; Extracting version information
+(defparameter *version-tag-glob* "[0-9][.][0-9]*")
+(defun version-from-tag (&optional commit)
+  (git `(describe --tags --match ,*version-tag-glob* ,commit)
+       :output :line :directory (pn)))
+(defun version-from-file (&optional commit)
+  (if commit
+      (git `(show (,commit":version.lisp-expr")) :output :form)
+      (safe-read-file-form (pn "version.lisp-expr"))))
+(defun debian-version-from-file (&optional commit)
+  (let ((line
+          (if commit
+              (git `(show (,commit":debian/changelog")) :output :line)
+              (read-file-line (pn "debian/changelog")))))
+    (cl-ppcre:register-groups-bind (ver) ("^cl-asdf [(]([0-9.:-]+)[)] " line)
+      ver)))
+(defparameter *version* (version-from-file))
+;;; Bumping the version of ASDF
+(defparameter *versioned-files*
+  '(("version.lisp-expr" "\"" "\"")
+    ("asdf.asd" "  :version \"" "\" ;; to be automatically updated by make bump-version")
+    ("header.lisp" "This is ASDF " ": Another System Definition Facility.")
+    ("upgrade.lisp" "   (asdf-version \"" "\")")))
+(defparameter *old-version* :default)
+(defparameter *new-version* :default)
+(defun next-version (v)
+  (let ((pv (parse-version v 'error)))
+    (assert (first pv))
+    (assert (second pv))
+    (unless (third pv) (appendf pv (list 0)))
+    (unless (fourth pv) (appendf pv (list 0)))
+    (incf (car (last pv)))
+    (unparse-version pv)))
+(defun versions-from-args (&optional v1 v2)
+  (when (eq v1 :default) (setf v1 (version-from-file)))
+  (when (eq v2 :default) (setf v2 (next-version (or v1 (version-from-file)))))
+  (labels ((check (old new)
+             (parse-version old 'error)
+             (parse-version new 'error)
+             (values old new)))
+    (cond
+      ((and v1 v2) (check v1 v2))
+      (v1 (check (version-from-file) v1))
+      (t (let ((old (version-from-file)))
+           (check old (next-version old)))))))
+(deftype byte-vector () '(array (unsigned-byte 8) (*)))
+(defun maybe-replace-file (file transformer
+                           &key (reader 'read-file-string)
+                             (writer nil) (comparator 'equalp)
+                             (external-format *utf-8-external-format*))
+  (format t "Transforming file ~A... " (file-namestring file))
+  (let* ((old-contents (funcall reader file))
+         (new-contents (funcall transformer old-contents)))
+    (if (funcall comparator old-contents new-contents)
+        (format t "no changes needed!~%")
+        (let ((written-contents
+                (if writer
+                    (with-output (s ())
+                      (funcall writer s new-contents))
+                    new-contents)))
+          (check-type written-contents (or string (byte-vector)))
+          (clobber-file-with-vector file written-contents :external-format external-format)
+          (format t "done.~%")))))
+(defun version-transformer (new-version file prefix suffix &optional dont-warn)
+  (let* ((qprefix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars prefix))
+         (versionrx "([0-9]+(\\.[0-9]+)+)")
+         (qsuffix (cl-ppcre:quote-meta-chars suffix))
+         (regex (strcat "(" qprefix ")(" versionrx ")(" qsuffix ")"))
+         (replacement
+           (constantly (strcat prefix new-version suffix))))
+    (lambda (text)
+      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
+          (cl-ppcre:regex-replace regex text replacement)
+        (unless (or foundp dont-warn)
+          (warn "Missing version in ~A" (file-namestring file)))
+        (values new-text foundp)))))
+(defun transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
+  (maybe-replace-file (pn file) (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix)))
+(defun transform-files (new-version)
+  (loop :for f :in *versioned-files* :do (apply 'transform-file new-version f)))
+(defun test-transform-file (new-version file prefix suffix)
+  (let ((lines (read-file-lines (pn file))))
+    (dolist (l lines (progn (warn "Couldn't find a match in ~A" file) nil))
+      (multiple-value-bind (new-text foundp)
+          (funcall (version-transformer new-version file prefix suffix t) l)
+        (when foundp
+          (format t "Found a match:~%  ==> ~A~%Replacing with~%  ==> ~A~%~%"
+                  l new-text)
+          (return t))))))
+(defun test-transform (new-version)
+  (apply 'test-transform-file new-version (first *versioned-files*)))
+(defun bump-version (&key (from *old-version*) (to *new-version*))
+  (with-asdf-dir ()
+    (multiple-value-bind (old-version new-version)
+        (versions-from-args from to)
+      (format t "Bumping ASDF version from ~A to ~A~%" old-version new-version)
+      (transform-files new-version)
+      (println "Rebuilding ASDF with bumped version")
+      (build-asdf)
+      new-version)))
+(defun bump (&key (from *old-version*) (to *new-version*))
+  (let ((v (bump-version :from from :to to)))
+    (git `(commit -a -m ("Bump version to ",v)))
+    (git `(tag ,v))
+    v))
+(trace bump-version versions-from-args)