diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index c33d116572331d2619d959c1ec615069979160d4..8203a30c4f2df27e5734d6c8f31990498ba60b31 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -246,5 +246,19 @@ PREVIOUS-TIME when not null is the time at which the PREVIOUS system was loaded.
                     (load-asd pathname :name name)))))
             ;; Try again after having loaded from disk if needed
             (or (registered-system name)
-                (when error-p (error 'missing-component :requires name))))))))
+                (when error-p (error 'missing-component :requires name)))))))
+  ;; Resolved forward reference for asdf/system-registry.
+  (defun mark-component-preloaded (component)
+    "Mark a component as preloaded."
+    (let ((component (find-component component nil :registered t)))
+      ;; Recurse to children, so asdf/plan will hopefully be happy.
+      (map () 'mark-component-preloaded (component-children component))
+      ;; Mark the timestamps of the common lisp-action operations as 0.
+      (let ((times (component-operation-times component)))
+        (dolist (o `(,@(when (and (typep component 'system)
+                                          (equal (coerce-name component) (primary-system-name component)))
+                         '(define-op))
+                       prepare-op compile-op load-op))
+          (setf (gethash (make-operation o) times) 0))))))
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index 051afe5582919a8f077d5e13aa21b823dbdefda5..8c2a21d4b438366155b2066912dcd6e939f91a5b 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -272,17 +272,4 @@ the implementation's REQUIRE rather than by internal ASDF mechanisms."))
       ;; If we were in the middle of an operation, be sure to restore the system being defined.
       (dolist (s systems-being-defined) (find-system s nil))))
-  (register-hook-function '*post-upgrade-cleanup-hook* 'restart-upgraded-asdf)
-  ;; The following function's symbol is from asdf/find-system.
-  ;; It is defined here to resolve what would otherwise be forward package references.
-  (defun mark-component-preloaded (component)
-    "Mark a component as preloaded."
-    (let ((component (find-component component nil :registered t)))
-      ;; Recurse to children, so asdf/plan will hopefully be happy.
-      (map () 'mark-component-preloaded (component-children component))
-      ;; Mark the timestamps of the common lisp-action operations as 0.
-      (let ((times (component-operation-times component)))
-        (dolist (o '(load-op compile-op prepare-op))
-          (setf (gethash (make-operation o) times) 0))))))
+  (register-hook-function '*post-upgrade-cleanup-hook* 'restart-upgraded-asdf))
diff --git a/system-registry.lisp b/system-registry.lisp
index a6a647bd9ebc84ca57d0143715a21e46df6c20fa..c2c023d1e7f855d18cbfc7301dc460154b6838a8 100644
--- a/system-registry.lisp
+++ b/system-registry.lisp
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
    #:contrib-sysdef-search #:sysdef-find-asdf ;; backward compatibility symbols, functions removed
    #:sysdef-preloaded-system-search #:register-preloaded-system #:*preloaded-systems*
-   #:mark-component-preloaded ;; forward reference to asdf/operate
+   #:mark-component-preloaded ;; forward reference to asdf/find-system
    #:sysdef-immutable-system-search #:register-immutable-system #:*immutable-systems*
    #:*defined-systems* #:clear-defined-systems
    ;; defined in source-registry, but specially mentioned here:
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ called with an object of type asdf:system."
   (defvar *preloaded-systems* (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
     "Registration table for preloaded systems.")
-  (declaim (ftype (function (t) t) mark-component-preloaded)) ; defined in asdf/operate
+  (declaim (ftype (function (t) t) mark-component-preloaded)) ; defined in asdf/find-system
   (defun make-preloaded-system (name keys)
     "Make a preloaded system of given NAME with build information from KEYS"