diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8e56422fc755b7209651567287b5928189a2413a..8a4398c031ce70299be0e509709ad0dcb8d1e13b 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ XCL ?= xcl
 header_lisp := header.lisp
 driver_lisp := uiop/package.lisp uiop/common-lisp.lisp uiop/utility.lisp uiop/version.lisp uiop/os.lisp uiop/pathname.lisp uiop/filesystem.lisp uiop/stream.lisp uiop/image.lisp uiop/lisp-build.lisp uiop/launch-program.lisp uiop/run-program.lisp uiop/configuration.lisp uiop/backward-driver.lisp uiop/driver.lisp
-defsystem_lisp := upgrade.lisp session.lisp component.lisp operation.lisp system.lisp system-registry.lisp action.lisp lisp-action.lisp find-component.lisp plan.lisp operate.lisp find-system.lisp parse-defsystem.lisp bundle.lisp concatenate-source.lisp package-inferred-system.lisp output-translations.lisp source-registry.lisp backward-internals.lisp backward-interface.lisp interface.lisp user.lisp footer.lisp
+defsystem_lisp := upgrade.lisp session.lisp component.lisp operation.lisp system.lisp system-registry.lisp action.lisp lisp-action.lisp find-component.lisp forcing.lisp plan.lisp operate.lisp find-system.lisp parse-defsystem.lisp bundle.lisp concatenate-source.lisp package-inferred-system.lisp output-translations.lisp source-registry.lisp backward-internals.lisp backward-interface.lisp interface.lisp user.lisp footer.lisp
 all_lisp := $(header_lisp) $(driver_lisp) $(defsystem_lisp)
 print-%  : ; @echo $* = $($*)
diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index 855064fad6a1f332e53f38d1d57e445e43fedf4a..3f1249e0f3eb1af06de30ff4ab87f64e59cecad1 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -52,12 +52,13 @@
    (:file "action" :depends-on ("session" "system" "operation"))
    (:file "lisp-action" :depends-on ("action"))
    (:file "find-component" :depends-on ("component"))
-   (:file "plan" :depends-on ("lisp-action" "find-component"))
+   (:file "forcing" :depends-on ("operation" "system-registry"))
+   (:file "plan" :depends-on ("lisp-action" "find-component" "forcing"))
    (:file "operate" :depends-on ("plan"))
    (:file "find-system" :depends-on ("system-registry" "operate"))
    (:file "parse-defsystem" :depends-on ("system-registry" "lisp-action" "operate"))
-   (:file "bundle" :depends-on ("lisp-action" "operate" "parse-defsystem"))
-   (:file "concatenate-source" :depends-on ("plan" "parse-defsystem" "bundle"))
+   (:file "bundle" :depends-on ("lisp-action" "parse-defsystem"))
+   (:file "concatenate-source" :depends-on ("bundle"))
    (:file "package-inferred-system" :depends-on ("parse-defsystem"))
    (:file "output-translations" :depends-on ("operate"))
    (:file "source-registry" :depends-on ("find-system"))
diff --git a/bundle.lisp b/bundle.lisp
index b9f3c5d011c2bfa2db0c0f4f2b5c6ca6db18e5ef..03d87b5ac105c7fb02cdc7e75dec46705ed93f7f 100644
--- a/bundle.lisp
+++ b/bundle.lisp
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 (uiop/package:define-package :asdf/bundle
   (:recycle :asdf/bundle :asdf)
   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade
-   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation
-   :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/defsystem)
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation
+   :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/parse-defsystem)
    #:bundle-op #:bundle-type #:program-system
    #:bundle-system #:bundle-pathname-type #:direct-dependency-files
diff --git a/concatenate-source.lisp b/concatenate-source.lisp
index 8540678cd0d43e1a59b3b31cd0dbf81c52b12429..da2322dacdfbd7122f2965df70382b30b23faaa6 100644
--- a/concatenate-source.lisp
+++ b/concatenate-source.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   (:recycle :asdf/concatenate-source :asdf)
   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade
    :asdf/component :asdf/operation
-   :asdf/system :asdf/find-system
+   :asdf/system
    :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/bundle)
diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index 22114504bd974e84a495d9b3a3aa8acd4f7ba17b..ede568c1689d8096c1c99804d3424262018df239 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -249,9 +249,7 @@ PREVIOUS-TIME when not null is the time at which the PREVIOUS system was loaded.
                      ;; TODO: check that all dependencies are up-to-date.
                      ;; This necessitates traversing them without triggering
                      ;; the adding of nodes to the plan.
-                     (loop :with plan = (or (and *asdf-session*
-                                                 (session-plan *asdf-session*))
-                                            (make-instance *plan-class*))
+                     (loop :with plan = (make-instance *plan-class*)
                        :for action :in (definition-dependency-list previous)
                        :always (handler-bind
diff --git a/forcing.lisp b/forcing.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..848bbad10779ce213cf2cf81e08674ca2d45b49e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forcing.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+;;;; -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+;;;; Forcing
+(uiop/package:define-package :asdf/forcing
+  (:recycle :asdf/forcing :asdf/plan :asdf)
+  (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade :asdf/session
+        :asdf/component :asdf/operation :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry)
+  (:export
+   #:forcing #:make-forcing #:forced #:forced-not #:performable-p
+   #:normalize-forced-systems #:normalize-forced-not-systems
+   #:action-forced-p #:action-forced-not-p))
+(in-package :asdf/forcing)
+;;;; Forcing
+(with-upgradability ()
+  (defclass forcing ()
+    (;; Can plans using this forcing be PERFORMed? A plan that has different force and force-not
+     ;; settings than the session can only be used for read-only queries that do not cause the
+     ;; status of any action to be raised.
+     (performable-p :initform nil :initarg :performable-p :reader performable-p)
+     ;; Parameters
+     (parameters :initform nil :initarg :parameters :reader parameters)
+     ;; Table of systems specified via :force arguments
+     (forced :initarg :forced :reader forced)
+     ;; Table of systems specified via :force-not argument (and/or immutable)
+     (forced-not :initarg :forced-not :reader forced-not)))
+  (defgeneric action-forced-p (forcing operation component)
+    (:documentation "Is this action forced to happen in this plan?"))
+  (defgeneric action-forced-not-p (forcing operation component)
+    (:documentation "Is this action forced to not happen in this plan?
+Takes precedence over action-forced-p."))
+  (defun normalize-forced-systems (force system)
+    "Given a SYSTEM on which operate is called and the specified FORCE argument,
+extract a hash-set of systems that are forced, or a predicate on system names,
+or NIL if none are forced, or :ALL if all are."
+    (etypecase force
+      ((or (member nil :all) hash-table function) force)
+      (cons (list-to-hash-set (mapcar #'coerce-name force)))
+      ((eql t) (when system (list-to-hash-set (list (coerce-name system)))))))
+  (defun normalize-forced-not-systems (force-not system)
+    "Given a SYSTEM on which operate is called, the specified FORCE-NOT argument,
+and the set of IMMUTABLE systems, extract a hash-set of systems that are effectively forced-not,
+or predicate on system names, or NIL if none are forced, or :ALL if all are."
+    (let ((requested
+            (etypecase force-not
+              ((or (member nil :all) hash-table function) force-not)
+              (cons (list-to-hash-set (mapcar #'coerce-name force-not)))
+              ((eql t) (if system (let ((name (coerce-name system)))
+                                    #'(lambda (x) (not (equal x name))))
+                           :all)))))
+      (if (and *immutable-systems* requested)
+          #'(lambda (x) (or (call-function requested x)
+                            (call-function *immutable-systems* x)))
+          (or *immutable-systems* requested))))
+  ;; TODO: shouldn't we be looking up the primary system name, rather than the system name?
+  (defun action-override-p (forcing operation component override-accessor)
+    "Given a plan, an action, and a function that given the plan accesses a set of overrides,
+i.e. force or force-not, see if the override applies to the current action."
+    (declare (ignore operation))
+    (call-function (funcall override-accessor forcing)
+                   (coerce-name (component-system (find-component () component)))))
+  (defmethod action-forced-p (forcing operation component)
+    (and
+     ;; Did the user ask us to re-perform the action?
+     (action-override-p forcing operation component 'forced)
+     ;; You really can't force a builtin system and :all doesn't apply to it.
+     (not (builtin-system-p (component-system component)))))
+  (defmethod action-forced-not-p (forcing operation component)
+    ;; Did the user ask us to not re-perform the action?
+    ;; NB: force-not takes precedence over force, as it should
+    (action-override-p forcing operation component 'forced-not))
+  ;; Null forcing means no forcing either way
+  (defmethod action-forced-p ((forcing null) (operation operation) (component component))
+    nil)
+  (defmethod action-forced-not-p ((forcing null) (operation operation) (component component))
+    nil)
+  (defun or-function (fun1 fun2)
+    (cond
+      ((or (null fun2) (eq fun1 :all)) fun1)
+      ((or (null fun1) (eq fun2 :all)) fun2)
+      (t #'(lambda (x) (or (call-function fun1 x) (call-function fun2 x))))))
+  (defun make-forcing (&key performable-p system
+                         (force nil force-p) (force-not nil force-not-p) &allow-other-keys)
+    (let* ((session-forcing (when *asdf-session* (forcing *asdf-session*)))
+           (system (and system (coerce-name system)))
+           (forced (normalize-forced-systems force system))
+           (forced-not (normalize-forced-not-systems force-not system))
+           (parameters `(,@(when force `(:force ,force))
+                         ,@(when force-not `(:force-not ,force-not))
+                         ,@(when (or (eq force t) (eq force-not t)) `(:system ,system))
+                         ,@(when performable-p `(:performable-p t))))
+           forcing)
+      (cond
+        ((not session-forcing)
+         (setf forcing (make-instance 'forcing
+                                      :performable-p performable-p :parameters parameters
+                                      :forced forced :forced-not forced-not))
+         (when (and performable-p *asdf-session*)
+           (setf (forcing *asdf-session*) forcing)))
+        (performable-p
+         (when (and (not (equal parameters (parameters session-forcing)))
+                    (or force-p force-not-p))
+           (parameter-error "~*~S and ~S arguments not allowed in a nested call to ~3:*~S ~
+unless identically to toplevel"
+                            (find-symbol* :operate :asdf) :force :force-not))
+         (setf forcing session-forcing))
+        (t
+         (setf forcing (make-instance 'forcing
+                           ;; Combine force and force-not with values from the toplevel-plan
+                           :parameters `(,@parameters :on-top-of ,(parameters session-forcing))
+                           :forced (or-function (forced session-forcing) forced)
+                           :forced-not (or-function (forced-not session-forcing) forced-not)))))
+      forcing))
+  (defmethod print-object ((forcing forcing) stream)
+    (print-unreadable-object (forcing stream :type t)
+      (format stream "~{~S~^ ~}" (parameters forcing))))
+  ;; During upgrade, the *asdf-session* may legitimately be NIL, so we must handle that case.
+  (defmethod forcing ((x null))
+    (if-let (session (toplevel-asdf-session))
+      (forcing session)
+      (make-forcing :performable-p t)))
+  ;; When performing a plan that is a list of actions, use the toplevel asdf sesssion forcing.
+  (defmethod forcing ((x cons)) (forcing (toplevel-asdf-session))))
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
index f8a45374e143c6be573a5a730ba220c46d505081..fe17dd7987c4d8135f7cfbcb0256106b29e0bebf 100644
--- a/interface.lisp
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
    #:loaded-systems ; makes for annoying SLIME completion
    #:output-files-for-system-and-operation) ; ASDF-BINARY-LOCATION function we use to detect ABL
   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade :asdf/session
-   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry :asdf/find-component
    :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action
    :asdf/output-translations :asdf/source-registry
-   :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/parse-defsystem :asdf/bundle :asdf/concatenate-source
+   :asdf/forcing :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/find-system :asdf/parse-defsystem
+   :asdf/bundle :asdf/concatenate-source
    :asdf/backward-internals :asdf/backward-interface :asdf/package-inferred-system)
   ;; Note: (1) we are NOT automatically reexporting everything from previous packages.
   ;; (2) we only reexport UIOP functionality when backward-compatibility requires it.
diff --git a/make-asdf.bat b/make-asdf.bat
index c40e200949f69122f093959d81725ff0b8b32e0c..523fbe71da6ecbcd067f3acc86e43e27737647a3 100644
--- a/make-asdf.bat
+++ b/make-asdf.bat
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 set here=%~dp0
 set header_lisp=header.lisp
 set driver_lisp=uiop\package.lisp + uiop\common-lisp.lisp + uiop\utility.lisp + uiop\version.lisp + uiop\os.lisp + uiop\pathname.lisp + uiop\filesystem.lisp + uiop\stream.lisp + uiop\image.lisp + uiop\lisp-build.lisp + uiop\launch-program.lisp + uiop\run-program.lisp + uiop\configuration.lisp + uiop\backward-driver.lisp + uiop\driver.lisp
-set defsystem_lisp=upgrade.lisp + session.lisp + component.lisp + operation.lisp + system.lisp + system-registry.lisp + action.lisp + lisp-action.lisp + find-component.lisp + plan.lisp + operate.lisp + find-system.lisp + parse-defsystem.lisp + bundle.lisp + concatenate-source.lisp + package-inferred-system.lisp + output-translations.lisp + source-registry.lisp + backward-internals.lisp + backward-interface.lisp + interface.lisp + user.lisp + footer.lisp
+set defsystem_lisp=upgrade.lisp + session.lisp + component.lisp + operation.lisp + system.lisp + system-registry.lisp + action.lisp + lisp-action.lisp + find-component.lisp + forcing.lisp + plan.lisp + operate.lisp + find-system.lisp + parse-defsystem.lisp + bundle.lisp + concatenate-source.lisp + package-inferred-system.lisp + output-translations.lisp + source-registry.lisp + backward-internals.lisp + backward-interface.lisp + interface.lisp + user.lisp + footer.lisp
 cd "%~p0"
diff --git a/make-asdf.sh b/make-asdf.sh
index a3cc62cef07adb459bb1bd4380022724ea57b900..ec429fd2f01ad9d9ab8dbefb4232bb90773c37ea 100755
--- a/make-asdf.sh
+++ b/make-asdf.sh
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ here="$(dirname $0)"
 driver_lisp="uiop/package.lisp uiop/common-lisp.lisp uiop/utility.lisp uiop/version.lisp uiop/os.lisp uiop/pathname.lisp uiop/filesystem.lisp uiop/stream.lisp uiop/image.lisp uiop/lisp-build.lisp uiop/launch-program.lisp uiop/run-program.lisp uiop/configuration.lisp uiop/backward-driver.lisp uiop/driver.lisp"
-defsystem_lisp="upgrade.lisp session.lisp component.lisp operation.lisp system.lisp system-registry.lisp action.lisp lisp-action.lisp find-component.lisp plan.lisp operate.lisp find-system.lisp parse-defsystem.lisp bundle.lisp concatenate-source.lisp package-inferred-system.lisp output-translations.lisp source-registry.lisp backward-internals.lisp backward-interface.lisp interface.lisp user.lisp footer.lisp"
+defsystem_lisp="upgrade.lisp session.lisp component.lisp operation.lisp system.lisp system-registry.lisp action.lisp lisp-action.lisp find-component.lisp forcing.lisp plan.lisp operate.lisp find-system.lisp parse-defsystem.lisp bundle.lisp concatenate-source.lisp package-inferred-system.lisp output-translations.lisp source-registry.lisp backward-internals.lisp backward-interface.lisp interface.lisp user.lisp footer.lisp"
 all () {
   # Default action: bootstrap asdf.lisp
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index 9a4538d2ad3eb70fdfd868154ebb69fd5daf7c19..5c81221280bb358410a895a7c188efacb1b88791 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
   (:recycle :asdf/operate :asdf)
   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade :asdf/session
         :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry :asdf/find-component
-        :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan)
+        :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/forcing :asdf/plan)
    #:operate #:oos #:build-op #:make
    #:load-system #:load-systems #:load-systems*
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 (in-package :asdf/operate)
 (with-upgradability ()
-  (defgeneric operate (operation component &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (defgeneric operate (operation component &key)
      "Operate does mainly four things for the user:
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ The entire computation is wrapped in WITH-COMPILATION-UNIT and error handling co
 If a VERSION argument is supplied, then operate also ensures that the system found satisfies it
 using the VERSION-SATISFIES method.
 If a PLAN-CLASS argument is supplied, that class is used for the plan.
+If a PLAN-OPTIONS argument is supplied, the options are passed to the plan.
 The :FORCE or :FORCE-NOT argument to OPERATE can be:
   T to force the inside of the specified system to be rebuilt (resp. not),
@@ -50,61 +51,50 @@ But do NOT depend on it, for this is deprecated behavior."))
   (defmethod operate :around (operation component &rest keys
                               &key verbose
                                 (on-warnings *compile-file-warnings-behaviour*)
-                                (on-failure *compile-file-failure-behaviour*) &allow-other-keys)
+                                (on-failure *compile-file-failure-behaviour*))
      (with-asdf-session ())
-     (let ((operation-remaker ;; how to remake the operation after ASDF was upgraded (if it was)
-            (etypecase operation
-              (operation (let ((name (type-of operation)))
-                           #'(lambda () (make-operation name))))
-              ((or symbol string) (constantly operation))))
-           (component-path (typecase component ;; to remake the component after ASDF upgrade
-                             (component (component-find-path component))
-                             (t component)))))
-     ;; Before we operate on any system, make sure ASDF is up-to-date,
-     ;; for if an upgrade is ever attempted at any later time, there may be BIG trouble.
-     (progn
+     (let* ((operation-remaker ;; how to remake the operation after ASDF was upgraded (if it was)
+             (etypecase operation
+               (operation (let ((name (type-of operation)))
+                            #'(lambda () (make-operation name))))
+               ((or symbol string) (constantly operation))))
+            (component-path (typecase component ;; to remake the component after ASDF upgrade
+                              (component (component-find-path component))
+                              (t component)))
+            (system-name (labels ((first-name (x)
+                                    (etypecase x
+                                      ((or string symbol) x) ; NB: includes the NIL case.
+                                      (cons (or (first-name (car x)) (first-name (cdr x)))))))
+                           (coerce-name (first-name component-path)))))
+       (apply 'make-forcing :performable-p t :system system-name keys)
+       ;; Before we operate on any system, make sure ASDF is up-to-date,
+       ;; for if an upgrade is ever attempted at any later time, there may be BIG trouble.
        (unless (asdf-upgraded-p (toplevel-asdf-session))
          (setf (asdf-upgraded-p (toplevel-asdf-session)) t)
          (when (upgrade-asdf)
            ;; If we were upgraded, restart OPERATE the hardest of ways, for
            ;; its function may have been redefined.
            (return-from operate
-             (with-asdf-session (:override t)
+             (with-asdf-session (:override t :override-cache t)
                (apply 'operate (funcall operation-remaker) component-path keys))))))
       ;; Setup proper bindings around any operate call.
      (let* ((*verbose-out* (and verbose *standard-output*))
             (*compile-file-warnings-behaviour* on-warnings)
-            (*compile-file-failure-behaviour* on-failure))
-       (call-next-method))))
+            (*compile-file-failure-behaviour* on-failure)))
+     (call-next-method)))
   (defmethod operate :before ((operation operation) (component component)
-                              &key version &allow-other-keys)
+                              &key version)
     (unless (version-satisfies component version)
       (error 'missing-component-of-version :requires component :version version))
     (record-dependency nil operation component))
-  ;; TODO: have plans accept parent plans and delegate force and force-not.
-  ;; Ensure that only the toplevel session plan can specify force and force-not arguments.
-  (defun ensure-plan (operation component
-                      &rest keys &key plan-class &allow-other-keys)
-    (declare (ignore operation))
-    (let ((session-plan (session-plan *asdf-session*)))
-      (cond
-        (session-plan
-         ;; TODO: ensure compatibility between force in the two plans.
-         session-plan)
-        (t
-         (let ((new (apply 'make-instance (or plan-class *plan-class*)
-                           :performable-p t
-                           :system (component-system component) keys)))
-           (setf (session-plan *asdf-session*) new)
-           new)))))
   (defmethod operate ((operation operation) (component component)
-                      &rest keys &key plan-class &allow-other-keys)
-    (let ((plan (apply 'make-plan plan-class operation component keys)))
-      (apply 'perform-plan plan keys)
+                      &key plan-class plan-options)
+    (let ((plan (apply 'make-plan plan-class operation component
+                       :forcing (forcing *asdf-session*) plan-options)))
+      (perform-plan plan)
       (values operation plan)))
   (defun oos (operation component &rest args &key &allow-other-keys)
@@ -251,7 +241,11 @@ the implementation's REQUIRE rather than by internal ASDF mechanisms."))
             (let ((*verbose-out* (make-broadcast-stream)))
               (let ((system (find-system system-name nil)))
                 (when system
-                  (require-system system-name :verbose nil)
+                  ;; Do not use require-system after all, use load-system:
+                  ;; on the one hand, REQUIRE already uses *MODULES* not to load something twice,
+                  ;; on the other hand, REQUIRE-SYSTEM uses FORCE-NOT which may conflict with
+                  ;; the toplevel session forcing settings.
+                  (load-system system :verbose nil)
diff --git a/plan.lisp b/plan.lisp
index f3c3d2b885ebb1122a97d37c0e9d009e0ed1c5d1..4400b8877292d0a6f0cffc6b5a30338dfa7efe97 100644
--- a/plan.lisp
+++ b/plan.lisp
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
   (:recycle :asdf/plan :asdf)
   (:use :uiop/common-lisp :uiop :asdf/upgrade :asdf/session
         :asdf/component :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action
-        :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry :asdf/find-component)
+        :asdf/system :asdf/system-registry :asdf/find-component :asdf/forcing)
    #:plan #:plan-traversal #:sequential-plan #:*plan-class*
@@ -16,14 +16,12 @@
    #:circular-dependency #:circular-dependency-actions
-   #:normalize-forced-systems #:action-forced-p #:action-forced-not-p
    #:map-direct-dependencies #:reduce-direct-dependencies #:direct-dependencies
    #:compute-action-stamp #:traverse-action #:action-up-to-date-p
    #:make-plan #:plan-actions #:perform-plan #:plan-operates-on-p
-   #:planned-p #:index #:forced #:forced-not
+   #:planned-p #:index
    #:required-components #:filtered-sequential-plan
-   #:plan-system
    #:plan-component-type #:plan-keep-operation #:plan-keep-component
 (in-package :asdf/plan)
@@ -33,18 +31,9 @@
   (defclass plan () ()
     (:documentation "Base class for a plan based on which ASDF can build a system"))
   (defclass plan-traversal (plan)
-    (;; Can this plan be performed? A plan that has different force and force-not settings than the
-     ;; session plan can only be used for read-only queries that do not cause the status of any
-     ;; action to be raised.
-     (performable-p :initform nil :initarg :performable-p :reader plan-performable-p)
-     ;; The parent plan from which this plan inherits forced status, etc.
-     (parent :initform nil :initarg :parent :reader plan-parent)
-     ;; The system for which the plan is computed
-     (system :initform nil :initarg :system :accessor plan-system)
-     ;; Table of systems specified via :force arguments
-     (forced :initform nil :initarg :force :accessor forced)
-     ;; Table of systems specified via :force-not argument (and/or immutable)
-     (forced-not :initform nil :initarg :force-not :accessor forced-not))
+    (;; The forcing parameters for this plan. Also indicates whether the plan is performable,
+     ;; in which case the forcing is the same as for the entire session.
+     (forcing :initform (forcing (toplevel-asdf-session)) :initarg :forcing :reader forcing))
     (:documentation "Base class for plans that simply traverse dependencies")))
@@ -108,69 +97,6 @@ the action of OPERATION on COMPONENT in the PLAN"))
-;;;; forcing
-(with-upgradability ()
-  (defgeneric action-forced-p (plan operation component)
-    (:documentation "Is this action forced to happen in this plan?"))
-  (defgeneric action-forced-not-p (plan operation component)
-    (:documentation "Is this action forced to not happen in this plan?
-Takes precedence over action-forced-p."))
-  (defun normalize-forced-systems (force system)
-    "Given a SYSTEM on which operate is called and the specified FORCE argument,
-extract a hash-set of systems that are forced, or a predicate on system names,
-or NIL if none are forced, or :ALL if all are."
-    (etypecase force
-      ((or (member nil :all) hash-table function) force)
-      (cons (list-to-hash-set (mapcar #'coerce-name force)))
-      ((eql t) (when system (list-to-hash-set (list (coerce-name system)))))))
-  (defun normalize-forced-not-systems (force-not system)
-    "Given a SYSTEM on which operate is called, the specified FORCE-NOT argument,
-and the set of IMMUTABLE systems, extract a hash-set of systems that are effectively forced-not,
-or predicate on system names, or NIL if none are forced, or :ALL if all are."
-    (let ((requested
-            (etypecase force-not
-              ((or (member nil :all) hash-table function) force-not)
-              (cons (list-to-hash-set (mapcar #'coerce-name force-not)))
-              ((eql t) (if system (let ((name (coerce-name system)))
-                                    #'(lambda (x) (not (equal x name))))
-                           :all)))))
-      (if (and *immutable-systems* requested)
-          #'(lambda (x) (or (call-function requested x)
-                            (call-function *immutable-systems* x)))
-          (or *immutable-systems* requested))))
-  ;; TODO: shouldn't we be looking up the primary system name, rather than the system name?
-  (defun action-override-p (plan operation component override-accessor)
-    "Given a plan, an action, and a function that given the plan accesses a set of overrides
-(i.e. force or force-not), see if the override applies to the current action."
-    (declare (ignore operation))
-    (call-function (funcall override-accessor plan)
-                   (coerce-name (component-system (find-component () component)))))
-  (defmethod action-forced-p (plan operation component)
-    (and
-     ;; Did the user ask us to re-perform the action?
-     (action-override-p plan operation component 'forced)
-     ;; You really can't force a builtin system and :all doesn't apply to it,
-     ;; except if it's the specifically the system currently being built.
-     (not (let ((system (component-system component)))
-            (and (builtin-system-p system)
-                 (not (eq system (plan-system plan))))))))
-  (defmethod action-forced-not-p (plan operation component)
-    ;; Did the user ask us to not re-perform the action?
-    ;; NB: force-not takes precedence over force, as it should
-    (action-override-p plan operation component 'forced-not))
-  (defmethod action-forced-p ((plan null) (operation operation) (component component))
-    nil)
-  (defmethod action-forced-not-p ((plan null) (operation operation) (component component))
-    nil))
 ;;;; Is the action needed in this image?
 (with-upgradability ()
   (defgeneric needed-in-image-p (operation component)
@@ -276,7 +202,8 @@ initialized with SEED."
      ;; Any race condition is intrinsic to the limited timestamp resolution.
      (if (or just-done ;; The done-stamp is valid: if we're just done, or
              ;; if all filesystem effects are up-to-date and there's no invalidating reason.
-             (and all-present up-to-date-p (operation-done-p o c) (not (action-forced-p plan o c))))
+             (and all-present up-to-date-p (operation-done-p o c)
+                  (not (action-forced-p (forcing (or plan *asdf-session*)) o c))))
          (values done-stamp ;; return the hard-earned timestamp
                  (or just-done
                      out-op ;; a file-creating op is done when all files are up to date
@@ -287,14 +214,10 @@ initialized with SEED."
 ;;;; Generic support for plan-traversal
-(with-upgradability ()
-  (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plan plan-traversal)
-                                         &key force force-not system
-                                         &allow-other-keys)
-    (with-slots (forced forced-not) plan
-      (setf forced (normalize-forced-systems force system))
-      (setf forced-not (normalize-forced-not-systems force-not system))))
+(when-upgrading (:version "")
+  (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plan plan-traversal) &key &allow-other-keys)))
+(with-upgradability ()
   (defgeneric plan-actions (plan)
     (:documentation "Extract from a plan a list of actions to perform in sequence"))
   (defmethod plan-actions ((plan list))
@@ -304,7 +227,7 @@ initialized with SEED."
     (setf (gethash (cons o c) (visited-actions *asdf-session*)) new-status))
   (defmethod action-status ((p plan) (o operation) (c component))
-    (if (action-forced-not-p p o c)
+    (if (action-forced-not-p (forcing p) o c)
         (action-status nil o c)
         (values (gethash (cons o c) (visited-actions *asdf-session*)))))
@@ -334,7 +257,7 @@ initialized with SEED."
   (defmethod action-status :around ((plan plan) operation component)
     ;; TODO: should we instead test something like:
     ;; (action-forced-not-p plan operation (primary-system component))
-    (if (action-forced-not-p plan operation component)
+    (if (action-forced-not-p (forcing plan) operation component)
         (let ((status (action-status nil operation component)))
           (if (and status (action-done-p status))
@@ -455,20 +378,18 @@ initialized with SEED."
   (defmethod make-plan (plan-class (o operation) (c component) &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
     (with-asdf-session ()
-      (let ((plan (apply 'make-instance (or plan-class *plan-class*)
-                         :system (component-system c) keys)))
-        (when (and (null (session-plan *asdf-session*)) (plan-performable-p plan))
-          (setf (session-plan *asdf-session*) plan))
+      (let ((plan (apply 'make-instance (or plan-class *plan-class*) keys)))
         (traverse-action plan o c t)
   (defmethod perform-plan :around ((plan t) &key)
+    (assert (performable-p (forcing plan)))
     (let ((*package* *package*)
           (*readtable* *readtable*))
       (with-compilation-unit () ;; backward-compatibility.
         (call-next-method))))   ;; Going forward, see deferred-warning support in lisp-build.
-  (defmethod perform-plan ((plan t) &key &allow-other-keys)
+  (defmethod perform-plan ((plan t) &key)
     (loop :for action :in (plan-actions plan)
       :as o = (action-operation action)
       :as c = (action-component action) :do
@@ -495,15 +416,12 @@ initialized with SEED."
     (:documentation "A variant of SEQUENTIAL-PLAN that only records a subset of actions."))
   (defmethod initialize-instance :after ((plan filtered-sequential-plan)
-                                         &key force force-not
-                                         other-systems)
-    (declare (ignore force force-not))
+                                         &key system other-systems)
     ;; Ignore force and force-not, rely on other-systems:
     ;; force traversal of what we're interested in, i.e. current system or also others;
     ;; force-not traversal of what we're not interested in, i.e. other systems unless other-systems.
-    (with-slots (forced forced-not system) plan
-      (setf forced :all)
-      (setf forced-not (normalize-forced-not-systems (if other-systems nil t) system))))
+    (setf (slot-value plan 'forcing)
+          (make-forcing :system system :force :all :force-not (if other-systems nil t))))
   (defmethod plan-actions ((plan filtered-sequential-plan))
     (with-slots (keep-operation keep-component) plan
@@ -520,7 +438,7 @@ initialized with SEED."
           (unless (gethash action (visited-actions *asdf-session*))
             (setf (gethash action (visited-actions *asdf-session*)) t)
             (when (and (typep component (plan-component-type plan))
-                       (not (action-forced-not-p plan operation component)))
+                       (not (action-forced-not-p (forcing plan) operation component)))
               (map-direct-dependencies operation component
                                        #'(lambda (o c) (collect-action-dependencies plan o c)))
               (push action (plan-actions-r plan))))))))
@@ -531,7 +449,7 @@ initialized with SEED."
   (defmethod collect-dependencies ((operation operation) (component component)
                                    &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
     (let ((plan (apply 'make-instance 'filtered-sequential-plan
-                       :system (component-system component) :force :all keys)))
+                       :system (component-system component) keys)))
       (loop :for action :in (direct-dependencies operation component)
         :do (collect-action-dependencies plan (action-operation action) (action-component action)))
       (plan-actions plan)))
diff --git a/session.lisp b/session.lisp
index 280213810a8b1ce91e1dd6fb07f774b260b339fc..ffc188ba69e6ba3f110287b16a393815f73b0b81 100644
--- a/session.lisp
+++ b/session.lisp
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
    #:do-asdf-cache #:normalize-namestring
    #:call-with-asdf-session #:with-asdf-session
    #:*asdf-session* #:*asdf-session-class* #:session #:toplevel-asdf-session
-   #:session-cache #:session-plan #:asdf-upgraded-p
+   #:session-cache #:forcing #:asdf-upgraded-p
    #:visited-actions #:visiting-action-set #:visiting-action-list
    #:total-action-count #:planned-action-count #:planned-output-action-count
    #:clear-configuration-and-retry #:retry
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@
       :initform nil :initarg :asdf-upgraded-p :accessor asdf-upgraded-p
       :documentation "Was ASDF already upgraded in this session - only valid for toplevel-asdf-session.")
-     (plan
-      :initform nil :accessor session-plan
-      :documentation "Dependency graph of actions")
+     (forcing
+      :initform nil :initarg :forcing :accessor forcing
+      :documentation "Forcing parameters for the session")
      ;; Table that to actions already visited while walking the dependencies associates status
      (visited-actions :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal) :accessor visited-actions)
      ;; Actions that depend on those being currently walked through, to detect circularities
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@
   ;; Second, if a new session was started, establish restarts for retrying the overall computation.
   ;; Finally, consult the cache if a KEY was specified with the THUNK as a fallback when the cache
   ;; entry isn't found, or just call the THUNK if no KEY was specified.
-  (defun call-with-asdf-session (thunk &key override key override-cache)
+  (defun call-with-asdf-session (thunk &key override key override-cache override-forcing)
     (let ((fun (if key #'(lambda () (consult-asdf-cache key thunk)) thunk)))
       (if (and (not override) *asdf-session*)
           (funcall fun)
@@ -113,6 +113,8 @@
                        (apply 'make-instance *asdf-session-class*
                               (when *asdf-session*
                                 `(:ancestor ,(toplevel-asdf-session)
+                                  ,@(unless override-forcing
+                                      `(:forcing ,(forcing *asdf-session*)))
                                   ,@(unless override-cache
                                       `(:session-cache ,(session-cache *asdf-session*))))))))
                   (return (funcall fun)))
@@ -126,9 +128,11 @@
   ;; Syntactic sugar for call-with-asdf-session
-  (defmacro with-asdf-session ((&key key override override-cache) &body body)
+  (defmacro with-asdf-session ((&key key override override-cache override-forcing) &body body)
-      #'(lambda () ,@body) :override ,override :key ,key :override-cache ,override-cache))
+      #'(lambda () ,@body)
+      :override ,override :key ,key
+      :override-cache ,override-cache :override-forcing ,override-forcing))
   ;;; Define specific accessor for file (date) stamp.
diff --git a/test/run-tests.sh b/test/run-tests.sh
index e3ed416185e1b20f1186aa3eee4584e31f9eb0da..e1079cc9dc2faea43ac54c3250adc45b2c6bf6c0 100755
--- a/test/run-tests.sh
+++ b/test/run-tests.sh
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ do_tests () {
         echo "or more interactively (and maybe with rlwrap or in emacs), start with:" >&2
         echo "(cd test ; $icmd )" >&2
         echo "then copy/paste:" >&2
-        echo "'(#.(load \"script-support.lisp\") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(asdf::with-asdf-session () (load \"$i\")))" >&2
+        echo "'(#.(load \"script-support.lisp\") #.(asdf-test::da) #.(load-asdf) #.(frob-packages) #.(load \"$i\"))" >&2
       echo >&2
       echo >&2
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index 30f42baf3a58c12449dc2b96964a9eee80799048..cf2de62222439c587997d4192335eba7b768feae 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
                        (acall :print-condition-backtrace
                               c :count 69 :stream *error-output*))
                      (leave-test "Script failed" 1)))))
-             (funcall (or (asym :call-with-asdf-session) 'funcall) thunk)
+             (funcall thunk)
              (leave-test "Script succeeded" 0)))))
     (when *quit-when-done*
       (exit-lisp result))))
@@ -631,24 +631,27 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
   (format t "Being a bit verbose~%")
   (when (asym :*asdf-verbose*) (setf (asymval :*asdf-verbose*) t))
   (when (asym :*verbose-out*) (setf (asymval :*verbose-out*) *standard-output*))
-  (funcall
-   ;; Old versions of ASDF don't always use with-asdf-session in locate system, but need it.
-   ;; So we do it for them for the sake of testing upgrade from these old versions.
-   ;; Yet older versions of ASDF don't even have this session cache, so then we don't.
-   (or (asym :call-with-asdf-session) (asym :call-with-asdf-cache) 'funcall)
-   (lambda ()
-     (when (and (asym :locate-system) (asym :pathname-directory-pathname) (asym :pathname-equal))
-       (format t "Comparing directories~%")
-       (let ((x (acall :pathname-directory-pathname (nth-value 2 (acall :locate-system :test-asdf)))))
-         (assert-pathname-equal-helper ;; not always EQUAL (!)
-          '*test-directory* *test-directory*
-          '(:pathname-directory-pathname (nth-value 2 (:locate-system :test-asdf))) x)
-         (unless (equal *test-directory* x)
-           (format t "Interestingly, while *test-directory* has components~% ~S~%~
-                 ASDF finds the ASDs in~% ~S~%Using the latter.~%"
-                   (pathname-components *test-directory*)
-                   (pathname-components x)))
-         (setf *test-directory* x)))))
+  (when (and (asym :locate-system) (asym :pathname-directory-pathname) (asym :pathname-equal))
+    (format t "Comparing directories~%")
+    (let ((x (acall
+              :pathname-directory-pathname
+              ;; Some old versions of ASDF want locate-system to be surrounded by with-asdf-cache
+              ;; so we do it for them for the sake of testing upgrade from these old versions.
+              ;; Yet older versions of ASDF don't even have this session cache, so then we don't.
+              ;; Newer versions of ASDF implicitly use with-asdf-session (successor of the cache)
+              ;; without our having to wrap it.
+              (funcall
+               (or (asym :call-with-asdf-cache) 'funcall)
+               (lambda () (nth-value 2 (acall :locate-system :test-asdf)))))))
+      (assert-pathname-equal-helper ;; not always EQUAL (!)
+       '*test-directory* *test-directory*
+       '(:pathname-directory-pathname (nth-value 2 (:locate-system :test-asdf))) x)
+      (unless (equal *test-directory* x)
+        (format t "Interestingly, while *test-directory* has components~% ~S~%~
+              ASDF finds the ASDs in~% ~S~%Using the latter.~%"
+                (pathname-components *test-directory*)
+                (pathname-components x)))
+      (setf *test-directory* x)))
 (defun frob-packages ()
diff --git a/test/show-progress.lisp b/test/show-progress.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a60ccdbefcbd39c38d162e6c01edf18eae54a7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/show-progress.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+(defpackage :show-progress (:use :cl))
+(in-package :show-progress)
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel) (defparameter *time* :load-toplevel))
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel) (defparameter *time* :compile-toplevel))
+(eval-when (:execute) (defparameter *time* :execute))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
+  (format t "It's ~A time!~%" *time*)
+  (defvar *times* '())
+  (push *time* *times*))
+(defun foo (x)
+  (format t "~S~%" x))
+(defmacro m1 () '(foo 1))
+(defmacro m2 () '(foo 2))
+(defmacro me () (error "Failing at compile-time"))
+(defmacro mb () '(me))
+(defmacro mc () '(m1))
diff --git a/test/test-asdf.asd b/test/test-asdf.asd
index ef2ff4aa5f5a2c44896ea698ed5ceb9c62f31fd5..a1d036a4902777672d578d54ef386c56d88e9f4b 100644
--- a/test/test-asdf.asd
+++ b/test/test-asdf.asd
@@ -87,9 +87,13 @@
 ;; These are used by test-defsystem-depends-on-change.asd, test-defsystem-depends-on-change.script
 (defvar *ta/dcc* 0)
 (defsystem "test-asdf/dep-can-change"
-  :depends-on ("test-asdf-location-change")
+  :depends-on ("test-asdf-location-change" "test-asdf/dep-forced")
+  :components ((:file "show-progress"))
   :perform (load-op (o c) (incf *ta/dcc*)))
+(defsystem "test-asdf/dep-forced"
+  :components ((:file "file1")))
 (defvar *ta/dcd* 0)
 (defsystem "test-asdf/dep-can-disappear"
   :depends-on ("test-asdf-location-change")
diff --git a/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script b/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
index 058a251050520e163fddc48f3d2652db1e457a40..5997c96a19d9bb8c3f50b766b004faa7d95cce0b 100644
--- a/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
+++ b/test/test-builtin-source-file-type.script
@@ -1,51 +1,45 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-;;(trace source-file-type)
- (format t "~D~%" (asdf:asdf-version))
- (def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-1
-   :default-component-class cl-source-file.cl
-   :serial t
-   :components ((:cl-source-file "file1") ; for the package
-                (:file "test-tmp")))
- (load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-1 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
- (assert-equal
-  (mapcar #'pathname-type
-          (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
-  '("lisp" "cl"))
- (delete-package :test-package)
- (def-test-system
-     test-builtin-source-file-type-2
-   :default-component-class cl-source-file.cl
-   :serial t
-   :components ((:file "file1" :type "lisp") ; for package
-                (:file "test-tmp")))
- (asdf:load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-2 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
- (def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-3
-   :default-component-class cl-source-file.lsp
-   :serial t
-   :components ((:cl-source-file "file1") ; for the package
-                (:file "test-tmp")))
- (asdf:load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-3 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
- (assert-equal
-  (mapcar #'pathname-type
-          (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
-  '("lisp" "cl"))
- (delete-package :test-package)
- (def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-4
-   :default-component-class cl-source-file.lsp
-   :serial t
-   :components ((:file "file1" :type "lisp") ; for package
-                (:file "test-tmp")))
- (asdf:load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-4 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*"))))
+(format t "~D~%" (asdf:asdf-version))
+(def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-1
+  :default-component-class cl-source-file.cl
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:cl-source-file "file1") ; for the package
+               (:file "test-tmp")))
+(load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-1 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
+ (mapcar #'pathname-type
+         (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
+ '("lisp" "cl"))
+(delete-package :test-package)
+(def-test-system "test-builtin-source-file-type-2"
+  :default-component-class cl-source-file.cl
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:file "file1" :type "lisp") ; for package
+               (:file "test-tmp")))
+(load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-2 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
+(def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-3
+  :default-component-class cl-source-file.lsp
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:cl-source-file "file1") ; for the package
+               (:file "test-tmp")))
+(load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-3 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
+ (mapcar #'pathname-type
+         (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
+ '("lisp" "cl"))
+(delete-package :test-package)
+(def-test-system test-builtin-source-file-type-4
+  :default-component-class cl-source-file.lsp
+  :serial t
+  :components ((:file "file1" :type "lisp") ; for package
+               (:file "test-tmp")))
+(load-system 'test-builtin-source-file-type-4 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
diff --git a/test/test-defsystem-depends-on-change.script b/test/test-defsystem-depends-on-change.script
index 923974b6deee10012721efce5f8bde2547f96d28..b9e67992963e9a4f3ef2c9dd8532945cdc8d540f 100644
--- a/test/test-defsystem-depends-on-change.script
+++ b/test/test-defsystem-depends-on-change.script
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
 (DBG "Now, change a defsystem-depends-on dependency and try again")
 (setf (first *central-registry*) (subpathname *test-directory* "xach-foo-2/"))
 (DBG :before asdf-user::*tddoc* test-asdf-system::*times-loaded* test-asdf-system::*ta/dcc* test-asdf-system::*ta/dcd* test-asdf-system::*ta/dca*)
-(load-system "test-defsystem-depends-on-change")
+(load-system "test-defsystem-depends-on-change" :force '("test-asdf/dep-forced"))
 (DBG :after asdf-user::*tddoc* test-asdf-system::*times-loaded* test-asdf-system::*ta/dcc* test-asdf-system::*ta/dcd* test-asdf-system::*ta/dca*)
 (assert-equal asdf-user::*tddoc* 2)
 (assert-equal test-asdf-system::*times-loaded* 1) ;; from test-asdf.asd
diff --git a/test/test-force.script b/test/test-force.script
index 4429d00824b88f4efcbf21363250b9037531655e..f673f025bb29b1b4567261bd33501c6cb196e24e 100644
--- a/test/test-force.script
+++ b/test/test-force.script
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (clear-system 'test-asdf/force)
 (assert (not (component-loaded-p 'test-asdf/force)))
-(require-system 'test-asdf/force)
+(defun force-plan (&rest forcing-options)
+  (asdf::plan-actions
+   (asdf::make-plan nil 'load-op 'test-asdf/force
+                    :forcing (apply 'asdf::make-forcing :system 'test-asdf/force forcing-options))))
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (load-system 'test-asdf/force))
 (assert (component-loaded-p 'test-asdf/force))
 (assert-equal (asymval :*file3* :test-package) t)
 (assert-equal (asymval :*file4* :test-package) t)
@@ -14,19 +22,18 @@
 (defparameter file1-date (file-write-date file1))
 (defparameter date1 (- file1-date 600))
 (defparameter date2 (- file1-date 300))
 (assert file1)
 (assert file1-date)
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force t)))
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force t)))
   (DBG "Check that :force t forces the current system but not its dependencies" plan)
   (assert (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force" "file4")))
   (assert (not (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("file3-only" "file3"))))
   (assert (not (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force1" "file1")))))
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force :all)))
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force :all)))
   (DBG "Check that :force :all forces the current system and its dependencies" plan)
   (assert plan)
   (assert (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force" "file4")))
@@ -34,7 +41,7 @@
   (assert (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force1" "file1"))))
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force :all :force-not t)))
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force :all :force-not t)))
   (DBG "Check that :force-not takes precedence over :force, with t means \"all but current system\"" plan)
   (assert plan)
   (assert (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force" "file4")))
@@ -42,24 +49,23 @@
   (assert (not (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force1" "file1")))))
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force-not :all)))
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force-not :all)))
   (DBG "Check that :force-not :all means \"all systems\"" plan)
   (assert (null plan)))
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force :all :force-not :all)))
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force :all :force-not :all)))
   (DBG "Check that :force-not :all takes precedence over :force" plan)
   (assert (null plan)))
-(let ((plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force :all
-		      :force-not '(:test-asdf/force :test-asdf/force1))))
-  (DBG "Check that :force-not :all takes precedence over :force" plan)
+(let ((plan (force-plan :force :all :force-not '(:test-asdf/force :test-asdf/force1))))
+  (DBG "Check that :force-not with a list takes precedence over :force" plan)
   (assert (null plan)))
 (let* ((asdf::*immutable-systems* (list-to-hash-set '("test-asdf/force1")))
-       (plan (traverse 'load-op 'test-asdf/force :force :all)))
+       (plan (force-plan :force :all)))
   (DBG "Check that immutable-systems will block forcing" plan)
   (assert plan)
   (assert (asdf::plan-operates-on-p plan '("test-asdf/force" "file4")))
@@ -77,24 +83,30 @@
 (assert-equal (get-file-stamp "file1.lisp") date1)
 (assert-equal (get-file-stamp file1) date2)
 (DBG "Check that require-system won't reload")
-(require-system 'test-asdf/force1)
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (require-system 'test-asdf/force1))
 (assert-equal (get-file-stamp file1) date2)
 (assert-equal test-package::*file1* :modified)
 (DBG "Check that load-system will reload")
 (setf test-package::*file1* nil)
 (assert (not test-package::*file1*))
-(load-system 'test-asdf/force1)
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (load-system 'test-asdf/force1))
 (assert test-package::*file1*)
 ;; forced, it should be later
 (DBG "Check that force reloading loads again")
 (setf test-package::*file3* :reset)
-(load-system 'test-asdf/force :force :all)
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (load-system 'test-asdf/force :force :all))
 (assert-compare (>= (- (get-file-stamp file1) file1-date) 0))
 (assert-equal test-package::*file3* t)
@@ -104,21 +116,21 @@
 (assert-equal (asymval :*file3-only-asd-loaded* :asdf-user) 2)
+(DBG "Check that require-system called with touched .asd won't reload the asdf.")
 (setf test-package::*file3* :reset)
-(DBG "Check that require-system called with touched .asd won't reload the asdf.")
-(unset-asdf-cache-entry '(find-system "test-asdf"))
-(unset-asdf-cache-entry '(find-system "test-asdf/force"))
-(touch-file "test-asdf.asd" :timestamp (+ 10000 (get-file-stamp file1)))
-(require-system 'test-asdf/force)
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (unset-asdf-cache-entry '(find-system "test-asdf"))
+  (unset-asdf-cache-entry '(find-system "test-asdf/force"))
+  (touch-file "test-asdf.asd" :timestamp (+ 10000 (get-file-stamp file1)))
+  (require-system 'test-asdf/force))
 (assert-equal (asymval :*times-loaded* :test-asdf-system) 3)
 (assert-equal test-package::*file3* :reset)
 (DBG "Check that require-system called with untouched .asd won't reload the asdf.")
-(require-system 'test-asdf/force)
-;;; Somehow, it loads the system...
+(with-asdf-session (:override t :override-forcing t)
+  (require-system 'test-asdf/force))
+;; Somehow, it loads the system...
 (assert-equal (asymval :*times-loaded* :test-asdf-system) 3)
 (assert-equal test-package::*file3* :reset)
diff --git a/test/test-module-depend.script b/test/test-module-depend.script
index 97623a308c1520c699f8d9217bf6258bf40cec4e..3396fdcd52180a46136cb7ec53fa062fe1dc45f9 100644
--- a/test/test-module-depend.script
+++ b/test/test-module-depend.script
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (load-system 'test-module-depend)
 ;; test that it compiled
diff --git a/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script b/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
index f3187f9a622959de7c3e86781860b4c3d7059238..807b1f08b3ec382bd92b5ed3f31f3d3ab3292852 100644
--- a/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
+++ b/test/test-module-excessive-depend.script
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
 ;;; and reloading of "file2," but /not/ of system Y.
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (def-test-system :test-module-excessive-depend
   :components ((:file "file1")
                (:module "quux"
diff --git a/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script b/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
index 228fc3b113977da038d3cd285270636738bcaac1..3f8b71a12da647fe017ee7a26282cdbb4235825c 100644
--- a/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
+++ b/test/test-mutual-redefinition.script
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 (with-asdf-session (:override t)
-  (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-1")
+  (DBG "Loading test-mutual-redefinition-1")
   (let ((warned-p nil))
     (handler-bind ((bad-system-name (lambda (c)
                                       (assert-equal (component-name c) "test-mutual-redefinition-2")
@@ -23,14 +23,36 @@
    (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2"))
-  (DBG "loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in the same cache session. It shouldn't affect asd paths")
-  (load-system 'test-mutual-redefinition-2)
+  (DBG "Loading test-mutual-redefinition-2 in the same cache session.
+Looking for its definition should trigger a DEFINE-OP and cause the asd paths to be affected.")
+  (let ((warned-p nil))
+    (handler-bind ((bad-system-name (lambda (c)
+                                      (assert-equal (component-name c) "test-mutual-redefinition-1")
+                                      (assert-equal (pathname-name (system-source-file c)) "test-mutual-redefinition-2")
+                                      (setf warned-p t))))
+      (load-system 'test-mutual-redefinition-2))
+    (assert warned-p))
-   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd")
+   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd")
+   (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2"))
+  (assert-pathname-equal
+   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd")
    (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-1"))
+  (terpri)
+  (DBG "Loading test-mutual-redefinition-1 again in the same cache session.
+It should be considered already loaded.")
+  (let ((warned-p nil))
+    (handler-bind ((bad-system-name (lambda (c)
+                                      (setf warned-p t))))
+      (load-system 'test-mutual-redefinition-2))
+    (assert (not warned-p)))
-   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-1.asd")
-   (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2")))
+   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd")
+   (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-2"))
+  (assert-pathname-equal
+   (test-source "test-mutual-redefinition-2.asd")
+   (current-system-source-file "test-mutual-redefinition-1")))
 (with-asdf-session (:override t)
diff --git a/test/test-source-file-type.script b/test/test-source-file-type.script
index 2d93ebd6e9ad78f77bf09ca2530e6ab5b7d1dc3c..5d7484037408937229e572fe7f197b9fe0c8b65d 100644
--- a/test/test-source-file-type.script
+++ b/test/test-source-file-type.script
@@ -1,16 +1,11 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-;;(trace asdf::source-file-type asdf::source-file-explicit-type)
- (asdf:load-system 'test-source-file-type-1 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
- (assert
-   (equal (mapcar #'pathname-type
-                  (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
-          '("lisp" "cl")))
- (delete-package :test-package)
- (asdf:load-system 'test-source-file-type-2 :verbose t)
- (assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*"))))
+(load-system 'test-source-file-type-1 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
+ (equal (mapcar #'pathname-type
+                (mapcar #'asdf:component-pathname (asdf:module-components (asdf:find-system :test-source-file-type-1))))
+        '("lisp" "cl")))
+(delete-package :test-package)
+(load-system 'test-source-file-type-2 :verbose t)
+(assert (symbol-value (read-from-string "test-package::*test-tmp-cl*")))
diff --git a/test/test-static-and-serial.script b/test/test-static-and-serial.script
index cfa70b105a5c32c18f732a2e6feb2d1ca8195b55..7f5e4b1c7d59f5f08d73dcf254865a8e83c292de 100644
--- a/test/test-static-and-serial.script
+++ b/test/test-static-and-serial.script
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ don't cause full rebuilds all the time...
 (in-package :asdf-test)
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (defparameter s
   '(def-test-system static-and-serial
     :version "0.1"
diff --git a/test/test-touch-system-1.script b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
index d311894f79b38c6339dc97476a8c12224971ba9f..dc2dd541ff09a27b22bc2b497393f353a1a8dd11 100644
--- a/test/test-touch-system-1.script
+++ b/test/test-touch-system-1.script
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 ;;; test system def reloading if touched
 ;;; system that can be found using *system-definition-search-functions*
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (defun system-registered-time (name)
   (car (asdf::system-registered-p name)))
 (setf (asdf-upgraded-p *asdf-session*) t)
diff --git a/test/test-touch-system-2.script b/test/test-touch-system-2.script
index 7cc05e4060d071cff31e102126435b77eab308e1..497f8e5521ffbf52078826760bef24a7850d5142 100644
--- a/test/test-touch-system-2.script
+++ b/test/test-touch-system-2.script
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
 ;;; test system definition reloading if touched
 ;;; system that canNOT be found using *system-definition-search-functions*
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 (defun system-registered-time (name)
   (car (asdf::system-registered-p name)))
diff --git a/test/test-utilities.script b/test/test-utilities.script
index bc0ffb94b00325d772ba04ff7feb0e1fc754774f..8c68119d9e84acc3c3455316c6caf3e3492c9931 100644
--- a/test/test-utilities.script
+++ b/test/test-utilities.script
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
-#+(and sbcl os-windows) (trace sb-ext:run-program)
 (proclaim '(optimize (debug 3) (speed 1) (safety 3) (compilation-speed 0)))
 (defun getcwd-from-run-program ()
diff --git a/test/test1.script b/test/test1.script
index 985592e6f9d4e2211cad5abaaa2c7c717e68f368..8add05953435543998bb5f1bfc4737e5f044497d 100644
--- a/test/test1.script
+++ b/test/test1.script
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 ;;; -*- Lisp -*-
+(setf asdf::*asdf-session* (make-instance asdf::*asdf-session-class*))
 ;; We need use the pathnames used by ASDF.
 (defparameter test1.asd (system-source-file 'test1))
 (defparameter file1.lisp (component-pathname (find-component 'test1 "file1")))
@@ -20,7 +22,6 @@
 (touch-file file2.lisp :timestamp *date* :offset 200)
 (assert-equal (get-file-stamp file1.lisp) (+ *date* 100))
 (assert-equal (get-file-stamp file2.lisp) (+ *date* 200))
 (DBG "loading test1")
 (load-system 'test1)
@@ -41,7 +42,6 @@
 (clear-system 'test1)
 (DBG "load again")
-;;(trace input-files asdf::compute-action-stamp)
 (defparameter *plan* (nth-value 1 (operate 'load-op 'test1)))
 (DBG "check that file1 is _not_ recompiled, but file2 is")
 (assert (in-plan-p *plan* '(compile-op "test1" "file2")))