diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index 7ea2554c68f5a2fa2d6e6f1987121d748b12e282..a9025d48b82359897ada342926672046f9bd6e76 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
 * Learn to use cl-grid-test, to make sure ASDF changes don't break stuff,
  and that breakage gets fixed quickly.
+* Test stassats's thing:
+   (asdf:enable-asdf-binary-locations-compatibility :centralize-lisp-binaries t :default-toplevel-directory *fasl-dir*)
 * Split ASDF in parts
 ** Have it pass test-lisp
 ** Have it pass test-upgrade
diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index 9ab5e5b43af3154a0983ffbf2b5ff050545f481b..750d258c8f70245ba9956318504bae5293127c8f 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "Another System Definition Facility"
   :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems."
-  :version "2.26.84" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
+  :version "2.26.85" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
   :depends-on ()
   :components ((:module "build" :components ((:file "asdf"))))
   :in-order-to (#+asdf2.27 (compile-op (monolithic-load-concatenated-source-op generate-asdf))))
diff --git a/backward-interface.lisp b/backward-interface.lisp
index e56d232f8178951caa9f40e17ec6237d2746406b..8cf828e92f13f6df3e3a86121ccbcd06c529290a 100644
--- a/backward-interface.lisp
+++ b/backward-interface.lisp
@@ -115,4 +115,4 @@ synchronously execute the result using a Bourne-compatible shell, with
 output to *VERBOSE-OUT*.  Returns the shell's exit code."
   (let ((command (apply 'format nil control-string args)))
     (asdf-message "; $ ~A~%" command)
-    (run-program/ command :force-shell t :output *verbose-out*)))
+    (run-program/ command :force-shell t :ignore-error-status t :output *verbose-out*)))
diff --git a/configuration.lisp b/configuration.lisp
index 9a859f6b22801a80943dfc12673e89021eff7454..c85e14b3f8c35c68e936fc3051727d82376d1e6d 100644
--- a/configuration.lisp
+++ b/configuration.lisp
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ values of TAG include :source-registry and :output-translations."
   (let ((files (sort (ignore-errors
-                        (directory* (make-pathname :name :wild :type "conf" :defaults directory))))
+                        (directory* (make-pathname :name *wild* :type "conf" :defaults directory))))
                      #'string< :key #'namestring)))
       ,@(loop :for file :in files :append
@@ -180,7 +180,8 @@ values of TAG include :source-registry and :output-translations."
               (coerce-pathname (hostname) :type :directory)))))
     (when (absolute-pathname-p r)
       (error (compatfmt "~@<pathname ~S is not relative~@:>") x))
-    (if (or (pathnamep x) (symbolp x) (not wilden)) r (wilden r))))
+    (if (or (pathnamep x) (member x '(:*/ :**/ :*.*.*)) (not wilden))
+        r (wilden r))))
 (defvar *here-directory* nil
   "This special variable is bound to the currect directory during calls to
@@ -231,7 +232,7 @@ directive.")
              (error "Using the :system-cache is deprecated. ~%~
 Please remove it from your ASDF configuration"))
             ((eql :default-directory) (default-directory))))
-         (s (if (and wilden (not (or (pathnamep x) (symbolp x))))
+         (s (if (and wilden (not (or (pathnamep x))))
                 (wilden r)
     (unless (absolute-pathname-p s)
diff --git a/contrib/debug.lisp b/contrib/debug.lisp
index 9df2cd5e5c46fc60222694aaa409113f1ee289fd..d9cc5ba9c79ec1823e9622f40a716257aeaaf68b 100644
--- a/contrib/debug.lisp
+++ b/contrib/debug.lisp
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ Other expressions are not evaluated if TAG returned NIL."
  d describe
  ap apropos
- ! defparameter
+ !p defparameter
  m1 macroexpand-1)
 ;;; SLIME integration
diff --git a/header.lisp b/header.lisp
index 09735bd9d78490d3c93248e722ab964b3251bf99..8dfb510651ad5d16382f7c65dae458e6812fc8c6 100644
--- a/header.lisp
+++ b/header.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; coding: utf-8 -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.26.84: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.26.85: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
index 288a86e6b8db178536ee20647669c54e1fa75c25..5f4544cdc8ad07c5d4f45c9c482a4217400a50bc 100644
--- a/interface.lisp
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
    #:implementation-identifier #:implementation-type #:hostname
    #:input-files #:output-files #:output-file #:perform
    #:operation-done-p #:explain #:component-sibling-dependencies
+   #:run-program/ ; the recommended replacement for run-shell-command
    #:component-load-dependencies #:run-shell-command ; deprecated, do not use
    #:precompiled-system #:compiled-file
    #+ecl #:make-build #+mkcl #:bundle-system
diff --git a/lisp-build.lisp b/lisp-build.lisp
index 01438f5731901b410110798c0df3c5930571cc6a..667eb0272e475b06fb1cf462210ece72e18c75a0 100644
--- a/lisp-build.lisp
+++ b/lisp-build.lisp
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ;;;; Support to build (compile and load) Lisp files
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/lisp-build
-  (:recycle :asdf/lisp-build :asdf)
+  (:recycle :asdf/interface :asdf :asdf/lisp-build)
   (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os :asdf/image)
    ;; Variables
@@ -250,16 +250,17 @@ for processing later (possibly in a different process)."
       (values output-truename warnings-p failure-p))))
 (defun* compile-file-pathname* (input-file &rest keys &key output-file &allow-other-keys)
-  (if (absolute-pathname-p output-file)
-      ;; what cfp should be doing, w/ mp* instead of mp
-      (let* ((type (pathname-type (apply 'fasl-type keys)))
-             (defaults (make-pathname
-                        :type type :defaults (merge-pathnames* input-file))))
-        (merge-pathnames* output-file defaults))
-      (funcall *output-translation-hook*
-               (apply 'compile-file-pathname input-file
-                      (remove-keys `(#+(and allegro (not (version>= 8 2))) :external-format
-                                       ,@(unless output-file '(:output-file))) keys)))))
+  (let* ((keys
+           (remove-keys `(#+(and allegro (not (version>= 8 2))) :external-format
+                            ,@(unless output-file '(:output-file))) keys)))
+    (if (absolute-pathname-p output-file)
+        ;; what cfp should be doing, w/ mp* instead of mp
+        (let* ((type (pathname-type (apply 'fasl-type keys)))
+               (defaults (make-pathname
+                          :type type :defaults (merge-pathnames* input-file))))
+          (merge-pathnames* output-file defaults))
+        (funcall *output-translation-hook*
+                 (apply 'compile-file-pathname input-file keys)))))
 (defun* load* (x &rest keys &key &allow-other-keys)
   (etypecase x
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index 9ca73eb4e8977d70cbcf66c175e6301ab0a0574d..b7e0bea3d82a2dd3295be35f13d49b10111907aa 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -67,9 +67,10 @@ The :FORCE or :FORCE-NOT argument to OPERATE can be:
     ;; Before we operate on any system, make sure ASDF is up-to-date,
     ;; for if an upgrade is attempted at any later time, there may be trouble.
     ;; If we upgraded, restart the OPERATE from scratch,
-    ;; for the function will have been redefined.
+    ;; for the function will have been redefined,
+    ;; maybe from a new symbol for it may have been uninterned.
     (if (upgrade-asdf)
-        (apply 'operate operation-class system args)
+        (apply 'symbol-call :asdf 'operate operation-class system args)
         (let ((plan (apply 'traverse op system args)))
           (perform-plan plan)
           (values op plan)))))
diff --git a/output-translations.lisp b/output-translations.lisp
index 4c085564871baead358dd5234db8c126ebfe35ca..49478e62d861d9a2744bc92494c7c11ad32ef635 100644
--- a/output-translations.lisp
+++ b/output-translations.lisp
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
     ;; Some implementations have precompiled ASDF systems,
     ;; so we must disable translations for implementation paths.
     #+(or #|clozure|# ecl mkcl sbcl)
-    ,@(let ((h (lisp-implementation-directory :truename t))) (when h `(((,h ,*wild-inferiors*) ()))))
+    ,@(let ((h (lisp-implementation-directory :truename t))) (when h `(((,h ,*wild-path*) ()))))
     #+mkcl (,(translate-logical-pathname "CONTRIB:") ())
     ;; All-import, here is where we want user stuff to be:
@@ -198,9 +198,8 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
                    (let* ((trudst (if dst
                                       (resolve-location dst :directory t :wilden t)
-                                      trusrc))
-                          (wilddst (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* trudst)))
-                     (funcall collect (list wilddst t))
+                                      trusrc)))
+                     (funcall collect (list trudst t))
                      (funcall collect (list trusrc trudst)))))))))))
 (defmethod process-output-translations ((x symbol) &key
diff --git a/package.lisp b/package.lisp
index 57b7052e693dd7e32e44141c851ae68fe5b1fe23..3653c448fe3c6f8a945167c806136a429e8bd560 100644
--- a/package.lisp
+++ b/package.lisp
@@ -63,7 +63,19 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
                             (string symbol) (package-name package))))))
         (values nil nil))))
   (defun symbol-shadowing-p (symbol package)
-    (member symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)))
+    (and (member symbol (package-shadowing-symbols package)) t))
+  (defun symbol-package-name (symbol)
+    (let ((package (symbol-package symbol)))
+      (and package (package-name package))))
+  (defun symbol-vector (symbol)
+    (vector (symbol-name symbol) (symbol-package-name symbol)))
+  (defun vector-symbol (vector)
+    (let* ((symbol-name (aref vector 0))
+           (package-name (aref vector 1)))
+      (if package-name (intern symbol-name package-name)
+          (make-symbol symbol-name)))))
+(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
   #+(or clisp clozure)
   (defun get-setf-function-symbol (symbol)
     #+clisp (let ((sym (get symbol 'system::setf-function)))
@@ -93,6 +105,33 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
   (defun create-setf-function-symbol (symbol)
     #+clisp (system::setf-symbol symbol)
     #+clozure (ccl::construct-setf-function-name symbol))
+  (defun set-dummy-symbol (symbol reason other-symbol)
+    (setf (get symbol 'dummy-symbol) (cons reason other-symbol)))
+  (defun make-dummy-symbol (symbol)
+    (let ((dummy (copy-symbol symbol)))
+      (set-dummy-symbol dummy 'replacing symbol)
+      (set-dummy-symbol symbol 'replaced-by dummy)
+      dummy))
+  (defun dummy-symbol (symbol)
+    (get symbol 'dummy-symbol))
+  (defun get-dummy-symbol (symbol)
+    (let ((existing (dummy-symbol symbol)))
+      (if existing (values (cdr existing) (car existing))
+          (make-dummy-symbol symbol))))
+  (defun nuke-symbol-in-package (symbol package-designator)
+    (let ((package (find-package* package-designator))
+          (name (symbol-name symbol)))
+      (multiple-value-bind (sym stat) (find-symbol name package)
+        (when (and (member stat '(:internal :external)) (eq symbol sym))
+          (if (symbol-shadowing-p symbol package)
+              (shadowing-import (get-dummy-symbol symbol) package)
+              (unintern symbol package))))))
+  (defun nuke-symbol (symbol &optional (packages (list-all-packages)))
+    #+(or clisp clozure)
+    (multiple-value-bind (setf-symbol kind)
+        (get-setf-function-symbol symbol)
+      (when kind (nuke-symbol setf-symbol)))
+    (loop :for p :in packages :do (nuke-symbol-in-package symbol p)))
   (defun rehome-symbol (symbol package-designator)
     "Changes the home package of a symbol, also leaving it present in its old home if any"
     (let* ((name (symbol-name symbol))
@@ -108,7 +147,7 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
             (when old-package
               (if shadowing
                   (shadowing-import shadowing old-package))
-                  (unintern symbol old-package))
+              (unintern symbol old-package))
                (shadowing-import symbol package))
@@ -140,11 +179,20 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
   (defun ensure-package-unused (package)
     (loop :for p :in (package-used-by-list package) :do
       (unuse-package package p)))
-  (defun delete-package* (package)
+  (defun delete-package* (package &optional nuke)
     (let ((p (find-package package)))
       (when p
+        (when nuke (do-symbols (s p) (when (eq p (symbol-package s)) (nuke-symbol s))))
         (ensure-package-unused p)
         (delete-package package))))
+  (defun fresh-package-name (&optional (prefix :%TO-BE-DELETED)
+                               (index (random most-positive-fixnum)))
+    (loop :for i :from index
+          :for n = (format nil "~A-~D" prefix i)
+          :thereis (and (not (find-package n)) n)))
+  (defun rename-package-away (p)
+    (rename-package
+     p (fresh-package-name (format nil "__~A__" (package-name p)) 0)))
   (defun package-names (package)
     (cons (package-name package) (package-nicknames package)))
   (defun packages-from-names (names)
@@ -210,7 +258,9 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
 ;;; ensure-package, define-package
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
+  (defvar *fishy-package-changes* '(t))
   (defun ensure-package (name &key
+                                (fishyp *fishy-package-changes*)
                                 nicknames documentation use
                                 shadow shadowing-import-from
                                 import-from export intern
@@ -224,168 +274,217 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
            (to-delete ())
            (package (or (first previous) (make-package name :nicknames nicknames)))
            (recycle (packages-from-names recycle))
+           (use (mapcar 'find-package* use))
+           (mix (mapcar 'find-package* mix))
+           (reexport (mapcar 'find-package* reexport))
+           (shadow (mapcar 'string shadow))
+           (export (mapcar 'string export))
+           (intern (mapcar 'string intern))
+           (unintern (mapcar 'string unintern))
            (shadowed (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
            (imported (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
            (exported (make-hash-table :test 'equal)) ; string to bool
-           (inherited (make-hash-table :test 'equal))) ; string to package name
-      (labels
-          ((fresh-package-name (&optional (prefix :%TO-BE-DELETED)
-                                  (index (random most-positive-fixnum)))
-             (loop :for i :from index
-                   :for n = (format nil "~A-~D" prefix i)
-                   :thereis (and (not (find-package n)) n)))
-           (rename-package-away (p)
-             (rename-package p (fresh-package-name)))
-           (ensure-shadowing-import (sym p)
-             (let* ((name (string sym))
-                    (i (find-symbol* name p)))
-               (cond
-                 ((gethash name shadowed)
-                  (unless (eq i (find-symbol* name package))
-                    (error "Conflicting shadowings for ~A" name)))
-                 (t
-                    (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
-                    (setf (gethash name imported) t)
-                    (shadowing-import i package)))))
-           (ensure-import (sym p)
-             (let* ((name (string sym))
-                    (i (find-symbol* name p)))
-               (multiple-value-bind (x xp) (find-symbol name package)
-                 (cond
-                   ((gethash name imported)
-                    (unless (eq i x)
-                      (error "Can't import ~S from both ~S and ~S"
-                             name (package-name (symbol-package x)) (package-name p))))
-                   ((gethash name shadowed)
-                    (error "Can't both shadow ~S and import it from ~S" name (package-name p)))
-                   (t
-                    (setf (gethash name imported) t)
-                    (unless (and xp (eq i x))
-                      (when xp (unintern* x p))
-                      (import i package)))))))
-           (ensure-mix (sym p)
-             (let* ((name (string sym))
-                    (sp (string p)))
-               (unless (or (gethash name shadowed) (gethash name imported))
-                 (let ((ip (gethash name inherited)))
+           ;; string to list canonical package and providing package:
+           (inherited (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
+           (fishy ())) ; fishy stuff we did
+      (macrolet ((fishy (&rest info)
+                   `(when fishyp (push (list ,@info) fishy))))
+        (labels
+            ((ensure-shadowing-import (sym p)
+               (let ((name (string sym))
+                     (import (find-symbol* name p)))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
+                   (cond
+                     ((gethash name shadowed)
+                      (unless (eq import existing)
+                        (error "Conflicting shadowings for ~A" name)))
+                     (t
+                      (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
+                      (setf (gethash name imported) t)
+                      (unless (or (null status)
+                                  (and (member status '(:internal :external))
+                                       (eq existing sym)
+                                       (symbol-shadowing-p existing package)))
+                        (fishy :shadowing-import
+                               name (package-name p) (symbol-package-name sym)
+                               (and status (symbol-package-name existing)) status))
+                      (shadowing-import import package))))))
+             (ensure-import (sym p)
+               (let* ((name (string sym))
+                      (import (find-symbol* name p)))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
+                   (cond
+                     ((gethash name imported)
+                      (unless (eq import existing)
+                        (error "Can't import ~S from both ~S and ~S"
+                               name (package-name (symbol-package existing)) (package-name p))))
+                     ((gethash name shadowed)
+                      (error "Can't both shadow ~S and import it from ~S" name (package-name p)))
+                     (t
+                      (setf (gethash name imported) t)
+                      (unless (and status (eq import existing))
+                        (when status
+                          (unintern* existing package)
+                          (fishy :import name (package-name p) (symbol-package-name import)
+                                 (and status (symbol-package-name existing)) status))
+                        (import import package)))))))
+             (ensure-mix (sym p)
+               (let* ((name (symbol-name sym))
+                      (sp (symbol-package sym)))
+                 (unless (or (gethash name shadowed) (gethash name imported))
+                   (let ((ip (gethash name inherited)))
+                     (cond
+                       ((and ip (eq sp (first ip))))
+                       (ip
+                        (remhash name inherited)
+                        (ensure-shadowing-import name (second ip)))
+                       (t
+                        (ensure-inherited name sym p)))))))
+             (ensure-inherited (name symbol p)
+               (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
+                 (let* ((sp (symbol-package symbol))
+                        (ip (gethash name inherited))
+                        (xp (and status (symbol-package existing))))
-                     ((eq sp ip))
+                     ((gethash name shadowed))
-                      (remhash name inherited)
-                      (ensure-shadowing-import name ip))
+                      (unless (equal sp (first ip))
+                        (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is inherited from ~S"
+                               name (package-name sp) (package-name (first ip)))))
+                     ((gethash name imported)
+                      (unless (eq symbol existing)
+                        (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is imported from ~S"
+                               name (package-name sp) (package-name xp))))
-                      (ensure-inherited sym sp)))))))
-           (ensure-inherited (sym p)
-             (let* ((name (string sym))
-                    (symbol (find-symbol* name p))
-                    (sp (symbol-package symbol))
-                    (spn (package-name sp))
-                    (ipn (gethash name inherited)))
-               (multiple-value-bind (x xp) (find-symbol name package)
-                 (cond
-                   ((gethash name shadowed))
-                   (ipn
-                    (unless (eq spn ipn)
-                      (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is inherited from ~S"
-                             name spn ipn)))
-                   ((gethash name imported)
-                    (unless (eq symbol x)
-                      (error "Can't inherit ~S from ~S, it is imported from ~S"
-                             name sp (package-name (symbol-package x)))))
-                   (t
-                    (setf (gethash name inherited) spn)
-                    (when xp
-                      (unintern* x package)))))))
-           (recycle-symbol (name)
-             (dolist (r recycle (values nil nil))
-               (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol name r)
-                 (when (and status (eq r (symbol-package symbol)))
-                   (return (values symbol r))))))
-           (symbol-recycled-p (sym)
-             (member (symbol-package sym) recycle))
-           (ensure-symbol (name &optional intern)
-             (unless (or (gethash name shadowed)
-                         (gethash name imported)
-                         (gethash name inherited))
-               (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name)
-                 (cond
-                   ((eq previous package))
-                   ((or (not previous) (not (member (symbol-package recycled) recycle)))
-                    (when intern (intern* name package)))
-                   (t (rehome-symbol recycled package))))))
-           (ensure-export (name p)
-             (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol* name p)
-               (assert status)
-               (unless (eq status :external)
-                 (ensure-exported name symbol p))))
-           (ensure-exported (name sym p)
-             (dolist (u (package-used-by-list p))
-               (ensure-exported-to-user name sym u))
-             (export sym p))
-           (ensure-exported-to-user (name sym u)
-             (multiple-value-bind (usym ustat) (find-symbol name u)
-               (unless (and ustat (eq sym usym))
-                 (let ((shadowed
-                         (when ustat
-                           (let ((shadowing (symbol-shadowing-p usym u))
-                                 (recycled (symbol-recycled-p usym)))
-                             (cond
-                               ((and shadowing (not recycled))
-                                t)
-                               ((or (eq ustat :inherited) shadowing)
-                                (shadowing-import sym u)
-                                nil)
-                               (t
-                                (unintern usym u)
-                                nil))))))
-                   (when (and (not shadowed) (eq ustat :external))
-                     (ensure-exported name sym u)))))))
-        #-gcl (setf (documentation package t) documentation) #+gcl documentation
-        (loop :for p :in discarded
-              :for n = (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member x names :test 'equal))
-                                  (package-names p))
-              :do (if n (rename-package p (first n) (rest n))
-                      (progn
-                        (rename-package-away p)
-                        (push p to-delete))))
-        (rename-package package name nicknames)
-        (loop :for p :in (set-difference (package-use-list package) (append mix use))
-              :do (unuse-package p package))
-        (dolist (name unintern) (unintern* name package nil))
-        (dolist (sym export) (setf (gethash (string sym) exported) t))
-        (loop :for p :in reexport :do
-          (do-external-symbols (sym p)
-            (setf (gethash (string sym) exported) t)))
-        (do-external-symbols (sym package)
-          (unless (gethash (symbol-name sym) exported) (unexport sym package)))
-        (loop :for s :in shadow :for name = (string s) :do
-          (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
-          (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name)
-            (cond
-              ((or (not previous) (not (member (symbol-package recycle) recycle)))
-               (ecase (nth-value 1 (find-symbol* name package nil))
-                 ((nil :inherited) (shadow name package))
-                 ((:internal :external) (shadowing-import (make-symbol name) package))))
-              ((eq previous package) (shadow recycled package))
-              (t (rehome-symbol recycled package)))))
-        (loop :for (p . syms) :in shadowing-import-from :do
-          (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-shadowing-import sym p)))
-        (loop :for p :in mix :do
-          (do-external-symbols (sym p) (ensure-mix sym p)))
-        (loop :for (p . syms) :in import-from :do
-          (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-import sym p)))
-        (loop :for p :in (append use mix) :for pp = (find-package* p) :do
-          (do-external-symbols (sym pp) (ensure-inherited sym pp))
-          (use-package pp package))
-        (loop :for name :being :the :hash-keys :of exported :do
-          (ensure-symbol (string name) t)
-          (ensure-export name package))
-        (dolist (name intern)
-          (ensure-symbol (string name) t))
-        (do-symbols (sym package)
-          (ensure-symbol (symbol-name sym)))
-        (map () 'delete-package* to-delete)
-        package))))
+                      (setf (gethash name inherited) (list sp p))
+                      (when status
+                        (unintern* existing package)
+                        (fishy :inherited name (package-name p) (package-name sp)
+                               (package-name xp))))))))
+             (home-package-p (symbol package)
+               (eq (symbol-package symbol) (find-package* package)))
+             (recycle-symbol (name)
+               (let (recycled foundp)
+                 (dolist (r recycle (values recycled foundp))
+                   (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol name r)
+                     (when (and status (home-package-p symbol r))
+                       (cond
+                         (foundp
+                          (fishy :recycled-duplicate name (package-name foundp) (package-name r))
+                          (nuke-symbol symbol))
+                         (t
+                          (setf recycled symbol foundp r))))))))
+             (symbol-recycled-p (sym)
+               (member (symbol-package sym) recycle))
+             (ensure-symbol (name &optional intern)
+               (unless (or (gethash name shadowed)
+                           (gethash name imported)
+                           (gethash name inherited))
+                 (multiple-value-bind (existing status)
+                     (find-symbol name package)
+                   (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name)
+                     (cond
+                       ((and status (eq existing recycled) (eq previous package)))
+                       (previous
+                        (rehome-symbol recycled package))
+                       ((and status (eq package (symbol-package existing))))
+                       (t
+                        (when status
+                          (unintern existing)
+                          (fishy :ensure-symbol name (symbol-package-name existing) status intern))
+                        (when intern
+                          (intern* name package))))))))
+             (ensure-export (name p)
+               (multiple-value-bind (symbol status) (find-symbol* name p)
+                 (unless (eq status :external)
+                   (ensure-exported name symbol p))))
+             (ensure-exported (name sym p)
+               (dolist (u (package-used-by-list p))
+                 (ensure-exported-to-user name sym u))
+               (export sym p))
+             (ensure-exported-to-user (name sym u)
+               (multiple-value-bind (usym ustat) (find-symbol name u)
+                 (unless (and ustat (eq sym usym))
+                   (let ((accessible
+                           (when ustat
+                             (let ((shadowing (symbol-shadowing-p usym u))
+                                   (recycled (symbol-recycled-p usym)))
+                               (unless (and shadowing (not recycled))
+                                 (if (or (eq ustat :inherited) shadowing)
+                                     (shadowing-import sym u)
+                                     (unintern usym u))
+                                 (fishy :ensure-export name (symbol-package-name sym)
+                                        (package-name u)
+                                        (and ustat (symbol-package-name usym)) ustat shadowing)
+                                 t)))))
+                     (when (and accessible (eq ustat :external))
+                       (ensure-exported name sym u)))))))
+          #-gcl (setf (documentation package t) documentation) #+gcl documentation
+          (loop :for p :in (set-difference (package-use-list package) (append mix use))
+                :do (unuse-package p package) (fishy :use (package-names p)))
+          (loop :for p :in discarded
+                :for n = (remove-if #'(lambda (x) (member x names :test 'equal))
+                                    (package-names p))
+                :do (fishy :nickname (package-names p))
+                    (if n (rename-package p (first n) (rest n))
+                        (progn
+                          (rename-package-away p)
+                          (push p to-delete))))
+          (rename-package package name nicknames)
+          (dolist (name unintern)
+            (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
+              (when status
+                (unless (eq status :inherited)
+                  (unintern* name package nil))
+                (fishy :unintern name (symbol-package-name existing) status))))
+          (dolist (name export)
+            (setf (gethash name exported) t))
+          (dolist (p reexport)
+            (do-external-symbols (sym p)
+              (setf (gethash (string sym) exported) t)))
+          (do-external-symbols (sym package)
+            (let ((name (symbol-name sym)))
+              (unless (gethash name exported)
+                (fishy :over-exported name (symbol-package-name sym))
+                (unexport sym package))))
+          (dolist (name shadow)
+            (setf (gethash name shadowed) t)
+            (multiple-value-bind (existing status) (find-symbol name package)
+              (multiple-value-bind (recycled previous) (recycle-symbol name)
+                (let ((shadowing (and status (symbol-shadowing-p existing package))))
+                  (cond
+                    ((eq previous package))
+                    (previous
+                     (fishy :shadow-recycled name (package-name previous)
+                            (and status (symbol-package-name existing)) status shadowing)
+                     (rehome-symbol recycled package))
+                    ((or (member status '(nil :inherited))
+                         (home-package-p existing package)))
+                    (t
+                     (let ((dummy (make-symbol name)))
+                       (fishy :shadow-imported name (symbol-package-name existing) status shadowing)
+                       (shadowing-import dummy package)
+                       (import dummy package)))))))
+            (shadow name package))
+          (loop :for (p . syms) :in shadowing-import-from :do
+            (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-shadowing-import sym p)))
+          (dolist (p mix)
+            (do-external-symbols (sym p) (ensure-mix sym p)))
+          (loop :for (p . syms) :in import-from :do
+            (dolist (sym syms) (ensure-import sym p)))
+          (dolist (p (append use mix))
+            (do-external-symbols (sym p) (ensure-inherited (string sym) sym p))
+            (use-package p package))
+          (loop :for name :being :the :hash-keys :of exported :do
+            (ensure-symbol (string name) t)
+            (ensure-export name package))
+          (dolist (name intern)
+            (ensure-symbol (string name) t))
+          (do-symbols (sym package)
+            (ensure-symbol (symbol-name sym)))
+          (map () 'delete-package* to-delete)
+          (when fishy (push (cons name fishy) *fishy-package-changes*))
+          package)))))
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
   (defun parse-define-package-form (package clauses)
@@ -394,22 +493,22 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
       :with documentation = nil
       :for (kw . args) :in clauses
       :when (eq kw :nicknames) :append args :into nicknames :else
-      :when (eq kw :documentation)
-        :do (cond
-              (documentation (error "define-package: can't define documentation twice"))
-              ((or (atom args) (cdr args)) (error "define-package: bad documentation"))
-              (t (setf documentation (car args)))) :else
+        :when (eq kw :documentation)
+          :do (cond
+                (documentation (error "define-package: can't define documentation twice"))
+                ((or (atom args) (cdr args)) (error "define-package: bad documentation"))
+                (t (setf documentation (car args)))) :else
       :when (eq kw :use) :append args :into use :and :do (setf use-p t) :else
-      :when (eq kw :shadow) :append args :into shadow :else
-      :when (eq kw :shadowing-import-from) :collect args :into shadowing-import-from :else
-      :when (eq kw :import-from) :collect args :into import-from :else
-      :when (eq kw :export) :append args :into export :else
-      :when (eq kw :intern) :append args :into intern :else
-      :when (eq kw :recycle) :append args :into recycle :and :do (setf recycle-p t) :else
-      :when (eq kw :mix) :append args :into mix :else
-      :when (eq kw :reexport) :append args :into reexport :else
-      :when (eq kw :unintern) :append args :into unintern :else
-      :do (error "unrecognized define-package keyword ~S" kw)
+        :when (eq kw :shadow) :append args :into shadow :else
+          :when (eq kw :shadowing-import-from) :collect args :into shadowing-import-from :else
+            :when (eq kw :import-from) :collect args :into import-from :else
+              :when (eq kw :export) :append args :into export :else
+                :when (eq kw :intern) :append args :into intern :else
+                  :when (eq kw :recycle) :append args :into recycle :and :do (setf recycle-p t) :else
+                    :when (eq kw :mix) :append args :into mix :else
+                      :when (eq kw :reexport) :append args :into reexport :else
+                        :when (eq kw :unintern) :append args :into unintern :else
+                          :do (error "unrecognized define-package keyword ~S" kw)
       :finally (return `(,package
                          :nicknames ,nicknames :documentation ,documentation
                          :use ,(if use-p use '(:common-lisp))
@@ -429,6 +528,7 @@ or when loading the package is optional."
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (when (and (find-package :asdf) (not (member :asdf2.27 *features*)))
-    (delete-package* :asdf)))
+  (unless (member :asdf2.27 *features*)
+    (when (find-package :asdf)
+      (delete-package* :asdf t))
+    (make-package :asdf :use ())))
diff --git a/pathname.lisp b/pathname.lisp
index 4e09ea337d57c4e1c9947ebfa62f92825f90f40f..5a7d2250d81e3192604be2114d1bb892dc69444d 100644
--- a/pathname.lisp
+++ b/pathname.lisp
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@ Defaults to T.")
   (declare (ignorable host device devicep name type version defaults))
   (apply 'make-pathname
-          #+(and allegro (version>= 9 0) unix)
-          (when (and devicep (null device)) `(:device :unspecific))
+          #+allegro (when (and devicep (null device)) `(:device :unspecific))
           (when directoryp
             `(:directory ,(denormalize-pathname-directory-component directory)))
@@ -239,17 +238,19 @@ actually-existing directory."
 ;;; Wildcard pathnames
 (defparameter *wild* (or #+cormanlisp "*" :wild))
+(defparameter *wild-directory-component* (or #+gcl<2.7 "*" :wild))
+(defparameter *wild-inferiors-component* (or #+gcl<2.7 "**" :wild-inferiors))
 (defparameter *wild-file*
   (make-pathname :directory nil :name *wild* :type *wild*
                  :version (or #-(or allegro abcl xcl) *wild*)))
 (defparameter *wild-directory*
-  (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,(or #+gcl<2.7 "*" *wild*))
+  (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-directory-component*)
                   :name nil :type nil :version nil))
 (defparameter *wild-inferiors*
-  (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,(or #+gcl<2.7 "**" :wild-inferiors))
+  (make-pathname* :directory `(:relative ,*wild-inferiors-component*)
                   :name nil :type nil :version nil))
 (defparameter *wild-path*
-  (merge-pathnames *wild-file* *wild-inferiors*))
+  (merge-pathnames* *wild-file* *wild-inferiors*))
 (defun* wilden (path)
   (merge-pathnames* *wild-path* path))
diff --git a/source-registry.lisp b/source-registry.lisp
index 41ad5ec8f5c611f43d2d75340fa2359e01d05881..a63cc3212dcc9e8f55b0ee70ed82578a0b81fa88 100644
--- a/source-registry.lisp
+++ b/source-registry.lisp
@@ -288,6 +288,7 @@ with a different configuration, so the configuration would be re-read then."
 (defvar *source-registry-parameter* nil)
 (defun* initialize-source-registry (&optional (parameter *source-registry-parameter*))
+  #-clisp ;; CLISP really hates our package munging. Don't try to load it twice.
   (setf *asdf-upgrade-already-attempted* nil) ;; in case a new ASDF appears in the registry
   (setf *source-registry-parameter* parameter)
   (setf *source-registry* (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
diff --git a/test/asdf-pathname-test.script b/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
index 8e738d9d917d1c23e6c5361614e80b71d3d0a8de..3667de57ef694841b50d2e9b22a072d70e29b2e0 100644
--- a/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
+++ b/test/asdf-pathname-test.script
@@ -306,10 +306,6 @@
       (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDFTEST") nil))
     (remhash "test-system" asdf::*defined-systems*)))
-(defun hash-table->alist (table)
-  (loop :for key :being :the :hash-keys :of table :using (:hash-value value)
-    :collect (cons key value)))
 (with-test ()
  (format t "source registry: ~S~%" (hash-table->alist asdf::*source-registry*))
diff --git a/test/run-shell-command-test.script b/test/run-shell-command-test.script
index bbc2cf60aee21825b081bdabe16d25a635915531..df0e0b902cb4ef4625665c75c0719130f76c4027 100644
--- a/test/run-shell-command-test.script
+++ b/test/run-shell-command-test.script
@@ -2,73 +2,22 @@
 (load "script-support.lisp")
+;;; TODO: write tests for run-program/ instead -- and/or
+;;; import those from the original xcvb-driver-test
 ;;; test asdf run-shell-command function
 (with-test ()
- #+asdf-unix
- (progn
-   (assert (eql 1 (asdf:run-shell-command "false")))
-   (assert (eql 0 (asdf:run-shell-command "true")))
-   (unless (= 2 (asdf:run-shell-command "./bad-shell-command"))
+  (when (asdf::os-unix-p)
+   (setf asdf::*verbose-out* nil)
+   (assert-equal 1 (asdf:run-shell-command "false"))
+   (assert-equal 0 (asdf:run-shell-command "true"))
+   (unless (< 0 (asdf:run-shell-command "./bad-shell-command"))
      (error "Failed to capture exit status indicating shell command failure."))
-   (unless (zerop (asdf:run-shell-command "./good-shell-command"))
+   (unless (equal 0 (asdf:run-shell-command "./good-shell-command"))
      (error "Failed to capture exit status indicating shell command failure."))
-   (format t "~&a~%")
-   ;; make sure we capture stderr from ASDF:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND to *VERBOSE-OUT*
-   #-(or clisp ecl)
-   (let ((string
-          (with-output-to-string (str)
-            (let ((asdf:*verbose-out* str))
-              (asdf:run-shell-command "./stderr")))))
-     (with-input-from-string (str string)
-       (loop for string = (read-line str nil nil)
-             while string
-             if (equalp "Writing to standard error." string)
-             return t
-             finally (format t "Actual content read was:~%")
-             (pprint string)
-             (error "Failed to capture output to standard error using *VERBOSE-OUT*"))))
-   ;; make sure we /don't/ capture stderr from ASDF:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND when
-   ;; *VERBOSE-OUT* is NIL
-   #-(or clisp ecl)
-   (let ((string
-          (with-output-to-string (str)
-            (let ((*error-output* str))
-              (let ((asdf:*verbose-out* nil))
-                (asdf:run-shell-command "./stderr"))))))
-     (unless (equalp string "")
-       (with-input-from-string (str string)
-         (format t "Actual content written to *error-output* was:~%")
-         (pprint string)
-         (error "Failed to capture output to standard error using *VERBOSE-OUT*"))))
-   #-ecl
-   (let* ((retval nil)
-          (string
-           (with-output-to-string (str)
-             (let ((asdf:*verbose-out* str))
-               (setf retval
-                     (asdf:run-shell-command "echo \"Writing to standard output.\""))))))
-     (unless (zerop retval)
-       (error "echo did not run successfully in the shell."))
-     (with-input-from-string (str string)
-       (loop for s = (read-line str nil nil)
-             while s
-             if (equalp "Writing to standard output." s)
-             return t
-             finally (format t "Actual content read was:~%")
-             (pprint string)
-             (error "Failed to capture output to standard output using *VERBOSE-OUT*"))))
-   #-ecl
-   (let* ((retval nil)
-          (string
-           (with-output-to-string (str)
-             (let ((*standard-output* str))
-               (let ((asdf:*verbose-out* nil))
-                 (setf retval
-                       (asdf:run-shell-command "echo \"Writing to standard output.\"")))))))
-     (unless (zerop retval)
-       (error "echo did not run successfully in the shell."))
-     (unless (equalp string "")
-       (with-input-from-string (str string)
-         (format t "Actual content written to standard output was:~%")
-         (pprint string)
-         (error "Incorrectly captured output to standard output when not using *VERBOSE-OUT*"))))))
+   ;; NB1: run-shell-command is deprecated. Use run-program/ instead.
+   ;; NB2: we do NOT support stderr capture to *verbose-out* anymore in run-shell-command.
+   ;; If you want 2>&1 redirection, you know where to find it.
+   (assert-equal '("ok 1") (asdf::run-program/ "echo ok  1" :output :lines))
+   (assert-equal '("ok  1") (asdf::run-program/ '("echo" "ok  1") :output :lines))
+   ))
diff --git a/test/run-tests.sh b/test/run-tests.sh
index 0bc6f79771c6d4f44fa6a9da6f9a0189881c55dd..1d512654798a2858517491cc6b12bef7dc6fd7a7 100755
--- a/test/run-tests.sh
+++ b/test/run-tests.sh
@@ -247,6 +247,8 @@ run_upgrade_tests () {
                     : Skip, because it is so damn slow ;;
                     : Skip, because ccl broke old asdf ;;
+                clisp:1.*|clisp:2.0[01]*)
+                    : Skip, because ccl broke old asdf ;;
                     : Skip, CMUCL has problems before 2.014.7 due to source-registry upgrade ;;
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index bcc61983e5285086751ef4d79cf9c229302ff5ad..bd37e25b6b1eb1133e91b3f551ee6d4ea7420e77 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -196,13 +196,17 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
           (catch :asdf-test-done
                 ((error (lambda (c)
-                          (format *error-output* "~&TEST ABORTED: ~A~&" c)
+                          (ignore-errors
+                           (format *error-output* "~&TEST ABORTED: ~A~&" c))
-                            (*debug-asdf* (break))
+                            (*debug-asdf*
+                             (format t "~&It's your baby, fix it!~%")
+                             (break))
-                             (acall :print-condition-backtrace
-                                    c :count 69 :stream *error-output*)
+                             (ignore-errors
+                              (acall :print-condition-backtrace
+                                     c :count 69 :stream *error-output*))
                              (leave-test "Script failed" 1))))))
               (funcall thunk)
               (leave-test "Script succeeded" 0)))))
@@ -232,31 +236,37 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
    (register-directory *asdf-directory*)
    (apply (asym :oos) (asym :load-op) :asdf keys)))
+(defun call-with-asdf-conditions (thunk &optional verbose)
+  (handler-bind (#+sbcl
+                 ((or sb-c::simple-compiler-note sb-kernel:redefinition-warning)
+                   #'muffle-warning)
+                 #+(and ecl (not ecl-bytecmp))
+                 ((or c:compiler-note c::compiler-debug-note
+                      c:compiler-warning) ;; ECL emits more serious warnings than it should.
+                   #'muffle-warning)
+                 #+mkcl
+                 ((or compiler:compiler-note) #'muffle-warning)
+                 #-(or cmu scl)
+                 ;; style warnings shouldn't abort the compilation [2010/02/03:rpg]
+                 (style-warning
+                   #'(lambda (w)
+                       ;; escalate style-warnings to warnings - we don't want them.
+                       (when verbose
+                         (warn "Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a ~S:~%~A"
+                               (type-of w) w))
+                       (muffle-warning w))))
+    (funcall thunk)))
+(defmacro with-asdf-conditions ((&optional verbose) &body body)
+  `(call-with-asdf-conditions #'(lambda () ,@body) ,verbose))
 (defun compile-asdf (&optional tag verbose)
   (let* ((alisp (asdf-lisp tag))
          (afasl (asdf-fasl tag))
          (tmp (make-pathname :name "asdf-tmp" :defaults afasl)))
     (ensure-directories-exist afasl)
     (multiple-value-bind (result warnings-p errors-p)
-        (handler-bind (#+sbcl
-                       ((or sb-c::simple-compiler-note sb-kernel:redefinition-warning)
-                         #'muffle-warning)
-                       #+(and ecl (not ecl-bytecmp))
-                       ((or c:compiler-note c::compiler-debug-note
-                            c:compiler-warning) ;; ECL emits more serious warnings than it should.
-                         #'muffle-warning)
-                       #+mkcl
-                       ((or compiler:compiler-note) #'muffle-warning)
-                       #-(or cmu scl)
-                       ;; style warnings shouldn't abort the compilation [2010/02/03:rpg]
-                       (style-warning
-                         #'(lambda (w)
-                             ;; escalate style-warnings to warnings - we don't want them.
-                             (when verbose
-                               (warn "Can you please fix ASDF to not emit style-warnings? Got a ~S:~%~A"
-                                     (type-of w) w))
-                             (muffle-warning w))))
-          (compile-file alisp :output-file tmp #-gcl :verbose #-gcl verbose :print verbose))
+        (compile-file alisp :output-file tmp #-gcl :verbose #-gcl verbose :print verbose)
       (flet ((bad (key)
                (when result (ignore-errors (delete-file result)))
@@ -271,7 +281,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
             ;; ECL 11.1.1 has spurious warnings, same with XCL
             ;; SCL has no warning but still raises the warningp flag since 2.20.15 (?)
             #+(or cmu ecl scl xcl) (good :expected-warnings)
-            (bad :unexpected-warnings)))
+          (bad :unexpected-warnings)))
           (t (good :success)))))))
 (defun maybe-compile-asdf (&optional tag)
@@ -290,7 +300,7 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
 (defun compile-asdf-script ()
   (with-test ()
-    (ecase (maybe-compile-asdf)
+    (ecase (with-asdf-conditions () (maybe-compile-asdf))
        (leave-test "Testsuite failed: unable to find ASDF source" 3))
@@ -329,15 +339,19 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
 (defmacro test-asdf (&body body) ;; used by test-upgrade
   `(testing-asdf #'(lambda () ,@body)))
+(defun close-inputs ()
+  (close *standard-input*))
 (defun configure-asdf ()
   (setf *debug-asdf* (or *debug-asdf* (acall :getenvp "DEBUG_ASDF_TEST")))
+  (unless *debug-asdf* (close-inputs))
   (eval `(trace ,@(loop :for s :in *trace-symbols* :collect (asym s))))
   (acall :initialize-source-registry
          `(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
   (acall :initialize-output-translations
-           ((,*test-directory* :**/ :*.*.*) (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "test"))
+           ((,*asdf-directory* :**/ :*.*.*) (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "asdf"))
            (t (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "root"))
   (set (asym :*central-registry*) `(,*test-directory*))
@@ -356,10 +370,9 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
   (setf *debug-asdf* t)
   (setf *package* (find-package :asdf-test)))
-(defun common-lisp-user::load-asdf ()
-  (load-asdf))
-(defun common-lisp-user::debug-asdf ()
-  (debug-asdf))
+(defun common-lisp-user::load-asdf () (load-asdf))
+(defun common-lisp-user::debug-asdf () (debug-asdf))
+(defun common-lisp-user::da () (debug-asdf))
 #| The following form is sometimes useful to insert in compute-action-stamp to find out what's happening.
 It depends on the DBG macro in contrib/debug.lisp, that you should load in your ASDF.
diff --git a/test/test-logical-pathname.script b/test/test-logical-pathname.script
index 963bfb158709b46d30d0deac65458c5b1736548c..156c06ddbf03a9a8f2ce466e864f8c284a555c48 100644
--- a/test/test-logical-pathname.script
+++ b/test/test-logical-pathname.script
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 (load "script-support.lisp")
+(trace load compile-file)
 (setf (logical-pathname-translations "ASDF")
       #+(or allegro clisp)
@@ -14,19 +17,21 @@
                       :wilden t))))
 (with-test ()
- (format t "~S~%" (translate-logical-pathname "ASDF:test;test-force.asd"))
- (format t "~S~%" (truename "ASDF:test;test-force.asd"))
+ (DBG :logical
+      (logical-pathname-translations "ASDF")
+      (translate-logical-pathname "ASDF:test;test-force.asd")
+      (truename "ASDF:test;test-force.asd"))
  #-(or xcl gcl<2.7)
-   (format t "Test logical pathnames in central registry~%")
+   (DBG "Test logical pathnames in central registry")
    (setf *central-registry* '(#p"ASDF:test;"))
    (initialize-source-registry '(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
-   (load-system :test-logical-pathname :force t))
+   (DBG "loading" (oos 'load-op :test-logical-pathname :force t)))
  #-(or xcl gcl<2.7)
-   (format t "Test logical pathnames in source-registry, non-recursive~%")
+   (DBG "Test logical pathnames in source-registry, non-recursive")
    (clear-system :test-logical-pathname)
    (setf *central-registry* '())
@@ -35,13 +40,15 @@
  #-(or xcl gcl<2.7)
-   (format t "Test logical pathnames in source-registry, recursive~%")
+   (DBG "Test logical pathnames in source-registry, recursive")
    (clear-system :test-logical-pathname)
    (setf *central-registry* '())
-    ;; Bug: Allegro Express 8.2 incorrectly reads #p"ASDF:" as relative.
-    '(:source-registry (:tree #-allegro #p"ASDF:" #+allegro #.(asdf::pathname-root #p"ASDF:"))
+    ;; Bug: Allegro Express 8.2 and 9.0 incorrectly read #p"ASDF:" as relative.
+    ;; other bug: around 2.26.xx, CLISP borks badly if this is ASDF:
+    ;; and it tries to load ASDF from a logical-pathname.
+    '(:source-registry (:tree #p"ASDF:test;")
    (load-system :test-logical-pathname :force t))
- (format t "Done~%"))
+ (DBG "Done"))
diff --git a/upgrade.lisp b/upgrade.lisp
index 790bf11d9ffeeb6cdcfd0fd3a419080fffb7b67a..1650ccde4bccd0795b22b0f21e667b10b2d9d940 100644
--- a/upgrade.lisp
+++ b/upgrade.lisp
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
          ;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
          ;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
          ;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
-         (asdf-version "2.26.84")
+         (asdf-version "2.26.85")
          (existing-asdf (find-class (find-symbol* :component :asdf nil) nil))
          (existing-version *asdf-version*)
          (already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
diff --git a/utility.lisp b/utility.lisp
index 5e6e6d88e8f9a54350815d67b0cb742446cb0058..71058f848d7b47cf28d056b44a943e58129d5d7f 100644
--- a/utility.lisp
+++ b/utility.lisp
@@ -33,7 +33,13 @@
 (eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel :execute)
   (defun undefine-function (function-spec)
-      ((symbolp function-spec) (fmakunbound function-spec))
+      ((symbolp function-spec)
+       #+clisp
+       (let ((f (and (fboundp function-spec) (fdefinition function-spec))))
+         (when (typep f 'clos:standard-generic-function)
+           (loop :for m :in (clos:generic-function-methods f)
+                 :do (remove-method f m))))
+       (fmakunbound function-spec))
       ((and (consp function-spec) (eq (car function-spec) 'setf)
             (consp (cdr function-spec)) (null (cddr function-spec)))
        #-(or gcl<2.7) (fmakunbound function-spec))