diff --git a/action.lisp b/action.lisp
index 61eeb776063f95b911ec6a2ed0702be759bb38d4..9fb908c343d8b8317c86935857873860db175845 100644
--- a/action.lisp
+++ b/action.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/action
   (:recycle :asdf/action :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/lisp-build
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation)
   #+gcl<2.7 (:shadowing-import-from :asdf/compatibility #:type-of)
   (:intern #:stamp #:done-p)
diff --git a/asdf.asd b/asdf.asd
index 2a0e709d9a3a5a1923256de3b9f6e6565388b173..46b77b176604eaecef694d9f491a78a632e8c001 100644
--- a/asdf.asd
+++ b/asdf.asd
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
   :licence "MIT"
   :description "Another System Definition Facility"
   :long-description "ASDF builds Common Lisp software organized into defined systems."
-  :version "2.26.93" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
+  :version "2.26.94" ;; to be automatically updated by bin/bump-revision
   :depends-on ()
   :components ((:module "build" :components ((:file "asdf"))))
   :in-order-to (#+asdf2.27 (compile-op (monolithic-load-concatenated-source-op generate-asdf))))
diff --git a/backward-interface.lisp b/backward-interface.lisp
index 8cf828e92f13f6df3e3a86121ccbcd06c529290a..f77e566c6fd6e515bb6398fde4ef57ba06ba3db5 100644
--- a/backward-interface.lisp
+++ b/backward-interface.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/backward-interface
   (:recycle :asdf/backward-interface :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/run-program
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
    :asdf/lisp-build :asdf/operate :asdf/output-translations)
diff --git a/backward-internals.lisp b/backward-internals.lisp
index a46c541e67f1ab528b08cef3b92ff2e4ee2fcd31..0d4b3d8853ea47b9e146df20c22b87c797c1054b 100644
--- a/backward-internals.lisp
+++ b/backward-internals.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/backward-internals
   (:recycle :asdf/backward-internals :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/system :asdf/component :asdf/find-system :asdf/action)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/system :asdf/component :asdf/find-system :asdf/action)
   (:export ;; for internal use
diff --git a/bin/bump-version b/bin/bump-version
index c070e234c45b0752c7376139de40265776a64c53..03ac3ca5a3edf2fa6b78b2450ac2cda36c82eea8 100755
--- a/bin/bump-version
+++ b/bin/bump-version
@@ -2,17 +2,26 @@
 ":" ; exec sbcl --script "$0" "$@" ; exit # -*- Lisp -*-
 ;;; Really runs on any decent Common Lisp implementation
+(setf *load-verbose* nil *load-print* nil
+      *compile-verbose* nil *compile-print* nil)
+(format t "Loading ASDF... ~%")
 (require :asdf)
 (in-package :asdf)
+#-asdf2 (error "Not ASDF2, you lose!")
+(format t "Initializing the source registry... ~%")
+(format t "Making sure that's the latest... ~%")
+(format t "Now load some dependencies... ~%")
 (load-systems :cl-ppcre :xcvb-utils)
 (in-package :xcvb-utils)
+(format t "And the debug utilities... ~%")
+(DBG "There we are!")
 (defun afile (x)
@@ -50,17 +59,19 @@
                            &key (reader 'read-file-string)
                              (writer nil) (comparator 'equalp)
                              (external-format *utf-8-external-format*))
+  (format t "Transforming file ~A... " (file-namestring file))
   (let* ((old-contents (funcall reader file))
          (new-contents (funcall transformer old-contents)))
     (if (funcall comparator old-contents new-contents)
-        (format t "No changes for file ~A~%" file)
+        (format t "no changes needed!~%")
         (let ((written-contents
                 (if writer
                     (with-output (s ())
                       (funcall writer s new-contents))
           (check-type written-contents (or string (byte-vector)))
-          (clobber-file-with-vector file written-contents :external-format external-format)))))
+          (clobber-file-with-vector file written-contents :external-format external-format)
+          (format t "done.~%")))))
 (defun version-transform (text)
   (flet ((v1 (ver) (format nil "~S" ver))
@@ -74,7 +85,6 @@
   '("version.lisp-expr" "asdf.asd" "header.lisp" "build/asdf.lisp" "upgrade.lisp"))
 (defun transform-file (x)
-  (format t "Transforming file ~A~%" x)
   (maybe-replace-file (afile x) #'version-transform))
 (map () 'transform-file *versioned-files*)
diff --git a/bundle.lisp b/bundle.lisp
index 8e05a1c3cb0ad4f8ce69834558ee06080c8aa244..93e3f0c66e867a22467e08591c8e26d1f9d0f83e 100644
--- a/bundle.lisp
+++ b/bundle.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/bundle
   (:recycle :asdf/bundle :asdf)
-  (:intern #:build-args #:name-suffix #:prologue-code #:epilogue-code #:static-library)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/lisp-build :asdf/upgrade
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
    :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation
    :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan :asdf/operate)
@@ -19,6 +18,7 @@
    #+ecl #:make-build
    #+mkcl #:mkcl-bundle-sub-operations #+mkcl #:files-to-bundle #+mkcl #:bundle-system
    #+(or ecl mkcl) #:register-pre-built-system
+   #:build-args #:name-suffix #:prologue-code #:epilogue-code #:static-library
 (in-package :asdf/bundle)
diff --git a/component.lisp b/component.lisp
index 2dbc5b56ddb41a08b69d109e64b8268a3e3dacc9..3648e9a560e79f833a4a3dff7f29de8bc4ac645c 100644
--- a/component.lisp
+++ b/component.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/component
   (:recycle :asdf/component :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/upgrade)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade)
    #:component #:component-find-path
    #:component-name #:component-pathname #:component-relative-pathname
diff --git a/concatenate-source.lisp b/concatenate-source.lisp
index fa784368d2c8ccce095fe3c48a271f35a72e48f1..b150d5efbb8b2ce54890589c19a4e3d27302af32 100644
--- a/concatenate-source.lisp
+++ b/concatenate-source.lisp
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/concatenate-source
   (:recycle :asdf/concatenate-source :asdf)
-  (:intern #:translate-output-p #:concatenated-source-file)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/stream
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/operation
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/operation
    :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/defsystem
    :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/bundle)
@@ -19,7 +18,8 @@
-   #:system-translate-output-p))
+   #:system-translate-output-p
+   #:translate-output-p #:concatenated-source-file))   
 (in-package :asdf/concatenate-source)
diff --git a/contrib/debug.lisp b/contrib/debug.lisp
index d9cc5ba9c79ec1823e9622f40a716257aeaaf68b..e3d05d533472b9469a66256a7a7dc312c77d8905 100644
--- a/contrib/debug.lisp
+++ b/contrib/debug.lisp
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
 ;;;;; A few essential debugging utilities by Faré,
-;;;;; to be loaded in the *PACKAGE* in which you wish to debug.
-;; We want debugging utilities in the current package,
-;; so we don't have to cheat with packages,
-;; or have symbols that clash when trying use-package or import.
+;;;;; to be loaded in the *PACKAGE* that you wish to debug.
-;; The short names of symbols below are unlikely to have defined bindings
-;; in a well-designed source file to be debugged,
-;; but are quite practical in a debugging session.
+;; We want debugging utilities in the _current_ package,
+;; so we don't have to either change the package structure
+;; or use heavy package prefixes everywhere.
+;; The short names of symbols below are unlikely to clash
+;; with global bindings of any well-designed source file being debugged,
+;; yet are quite practical in a debugging session.
-;;; If ASDF is already loaded, you can load these utilities as follows:
+;;; If ASDF is already loaded,
+;;; you can load these utilities in the current package as follows:
+;; which if you left the :D nickname to asdf/driver is short for:
 ;; The above macro can be configured to load any other debugging utility
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 ;; on different machines, with your debug file in ~/lisp/debug-utils.lisp
 ;; you could in your ~/.sbclrc have the following configuration setting:
 (require :asdf)
-(setf asdf-utility:*asdf-debug-utility*
+(setf asdf/utility:*asdf-debug-utility*
       '(asdf/pathname:subpathname (asdf/os:user-homedir) "lisp/debug-utils.lisp"))
 ;;; If ASDF is not loaded (for instance, when debugging ASDF itself),
@@ -32,8 +32,7 @@
 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
   (let ((kw (read-from-string (format nil ":DBG-~A" (package-name *package*)))))
     (unless (member kw *features*)
-      (load "/home/tunes/cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp")
-      )))
+      (load "/home/tunes/cl/asdf/contrib/debug.lisp"))))
@@ -54,10 +53,12 @@
 TAG is typically a constant string or keyword,
 but in general is an expression returning a tag to be printed first;
 if the expression returns NIL, nothing is printed.
-EXPRS are expression, the source then the value of which is printed;
-The values of the last expression are returned.
-Aim for relatively low overhead in space of time.
-Other expressions are not evaluated if TAG returned NIL."
+EXPRS are expressions, which when the TAG was not NIL are evaluated in order,
+with their source code then their return values being printed each time.
+The last expresion is *always* evaluated and its values are returned,
+but its source and return values are only printed if TAG was not NIL;
+previous expressions are not evaluated at all if TAG returned NIL.
+The macro expansion has relatively low overhead in space of time."
   (let* ((last-expr (car (last exprs)))
          (other-exprs (butlast exprs))
          (tag-var (gensym "TAG"))
@@ -99,10 +100,10 @@ Other expressions are not evaluated if TAG returned NIL."
 ;;; Quick definitions for use at the REPL
-(defun w (x) (format t "~&~S~%" x)) ; Write
-(defun a (&optional x) (format t "~&~@[~A~]~%" x)) ; print Anything
-(defun e (x) (cons x (ignore-errors (list (eval x))))) ; eValuate
-(defmacro x (x) `(format t "~&~S => ~S~%" ',x ,x)) ; eXamine
+(defun w (&rest x) (format t "~&~{~S~^ ~}~%" x)) ;Write, space separated + LF
+(defun a (&rest x) (format t "~&~{~A~}~%" x)) ;print Anything, no separator, LF
+(defun e (x) (cons x (ignore-errors (list (eval x))))) ;eValuate
+(defmacro x (x) `(format t "~&~S => ~S~%" ',x ,x)) ;eXamine
 (defmacro !a (&rest foo) ; define! Alias
   `(progn ,@(loop :for (alias name) :on foo :by #'cddr
                   :collect (if (macro-function name)
diff --git a/defsystem.lisp b/defsystem.lisp
index d1a2f2f2225d425d56f12882b5136375cbf2fe4c..555e09ef0ecb697a65fc548b4d1f23421877cbae 100644
--- a/defsystem.lisp
+++ b/defsystem.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/defsystem
   (:recycle :asdf/defsystem :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system
    :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/operate
   #+gcl<2.7 (:shadowing-import-from :asdf/compatibility #:type-of)
diff --git a/find-component.lisp b/find-component.lisp
index 1d0a74101ff9924caea3b14d37f960ed7c51156f..085f7a79d6dedf0d43871266beea26e9f00adee8 100644
--- a/find-component.lisp
+++ b/find-component.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/find-component
   (:recycle :asdf/find-component :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/os
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system)
    #:resolve-dependency-name #:resolve-dependency-spec
diff --git a/find-system.lisp b/find-system.lisp
index b31875169a63dfafc93bf376d971e5df054c5cb4..80e225eb7fdf25b158eb985e6224010f87fbb212 100644
--- a/find-system.lisp
+++ b/find-system.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/find-system
   (:recycle :asdf/find-system :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os
-        :asdf/lisp-build :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system)
    #:remove-entry-from-registry #:coerce-entry-to-directory
    #:coerce-name #:find-system #:locate-system #:load-sysdef #:with-system-definitions
diff --git a/footer.lisp b/footer.lisp
index 08028cb70bae16084cb8fa5963f3e1aabfc3912f..68b116286681e0dba16279059b73fa09b3bd5357 100644
--- a/footer.lisp
+++ b/footer.lisp
@@ -3,12 +3,10 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/footer
   (:recycle :asdf/footer :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp
-   :asdf/package :asdf/compatibility
-   :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/lisp-build
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
    :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action
    :asdf/operate :asdf/bundle :asdf/concatenate-source
-   :asdf/configuration :asdf/output-translations :asdf/source-registry
+   :asdf/output-translations :asdf/source-registry
    :asdf/backward-internals :asdf/defsystem :asdf/backward-interface :asdf/interface))
 (in-package :asdf/footer)
diff --git a/header.lisp b/header.lisp
index efc53eb1519cbfa4ec8306d9993de7e9bf88ff01..239714bb3c8d1cf4ba5d43cffa25c91826f96468 100644
--- a/header.lisp
+++ b/header.lisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 ;; -*- mode: Common-Lisp; Base: 10 ; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp ; coding: utf-8 -*-
-;;; This is ASDF 2.26.93: Another System Definition Facility.
+;;; This is ASDF 2.26.94: Another System Definition Facility.
 ;;; Feedback, bug reports, and patches are all welcome:
 ;;; please mail to <asdf-devel@common-lisp.net>.
diff --git a/image.lisp b/image.lisp
index 04ecebb10ade6e8ad800e7a4a45aeefa97b07083..0658c7bce9748d38079fb75e9e3beedc03a94f16 100644
--- a/image.lisp
+++ b/image.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/image
   (:recycle :asdf/image :xcvb-driver)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/stream :asdf/os)
    #:*dumped* #:raw-command-line-arguments #:*command-line-arguments*
    #:command-line-arguments #:raw-command-line-arguments #:setup-command-line-arguments
diff --git a/interface.lisp b/interface.lisp
index 1a5e77e36e01f5e439dfdda5f4278da685593507..c4fc4dcaac81c3a72d59c9ed2b56f6a8886a72e3 100644
--- a/interface.lisp
+++ b/interface.lisp
@@ -10,16 +10,13 @@
    #:split #:make-collector
    #:loaded-systems ; makes for annoying SLIME completion
    #:output-files-for-system-and-operation) ; obsolete ASDF-BINARY-LOCATION function
-  (:use :common-lisp
-   :asdf/driver
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component
    :asdf/operation :asdf/action :asdf/lisp-action
    :asdf/output-translations :asdf/source-registry
    :asdf/plan :asdf/operate :asdf/defsystem :asdf/bundle :asdf/concatenate-source
-   :asdf/backward-interface)
-  (:shadowing-import-from :asdf/package
-   :find-symbol* #:intern*)
-  ;; TODO: automatically generate interface by merging select used packages?
+   :asdf/backward-internals :asdf/backward-interface)
+  ;; TODO: automatically generate interface with reexport?
    #:defsystem #:find-system #:locate-system #:coerce-name
    #:oos #:operate #:traverse #:perform-plan
diff --git a/lisp-action.lisp b/lisp-action.lisp
index 95835092ab82ff5713727452a82cac6c091592e3..7ae892b005f2b711e660090f4326a58a0356b0a6 100644
--- a/lisp-action.lisp
+++ b/lisp-action.lisp
@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/lisp-action
   (:recycle :asdf/lisp-action :asdf)
   (:intern #:proclamations #:flags)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility :asdf/lisp-build
-   :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation :asdf/action)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/find-component :asdf/operation :asdf/action)
    #:compile-error #:compile-failed #:compile-warned #:try-recompiling
    #:cl-source-file #:cl-source-file.cl #:cl-source-file.lsp
diff --git a/operate.lisp b/operate.lisp
index b7e0bea3d82a2dd3295be35f13d49b10111907aa..c8d8f0e21755aa3d16a38d61a8a08820de529a7f 100644
--- a/operate.lisp
+++ b/operate.lisp
@@ -3,10 +3,9 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/operate
   (:recycle :asdf/operate :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/utility :asdf/upgrade
-        :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
-        :asdf/lisp-build :asdf/lisp-action #:asdf/plan
-        :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade
+   :asdf/component :asdf/system :asdf/operation :asdf/action
+   :asdf/find-system :asdf/find-component :asdf/lisp-action :asdf/plan)
    #:operate #:oos #:*systems-being-operated* #:*asdf-upgrade-already-attempted*
    #:load-system #:load-systems #:compile-system #:test-system #:require-system
diff --git a/operation.lisp b/operation.lisp
index 4db71eff609e36b0a6e348751676352bf0de7e19..4b604304b58da29e0be9cee51c8a27b3451071c4 100644
--- a/operation.lisp
+++ b/operation.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/operation
   (:recycle :asdf/operation :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/upgrade)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade)
    #:operation-original-initargs ;; backward-compatibility only. DO NOT USE.
diff --git a/output-translations.lisp b/output-translations.lisp
index fd0d60c09c5d5301365cf932ba9532847795f4c1..7b0fc2a67f7afcd8aef45798fb1e658cf947a396 100644
--- a/output-translations.lisp
+++ b/output-translations.lisp
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/output-translations
   (:recycle :asdf/output-translations :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/lisp-build :asdf/upgrade :asdf/configuration)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade)
    #:*output-translations* #:*output-translations-parameter*
diff --git a/pathname.lisp b/pathname.lisp
index 726d1dc5d0e5e093fe8f220019165d37de433144..2f9dd94699154ecf9065bd4faf8e25cff7416270 100644
--- a/pathname.lisp
+++ b/pathname.lisp
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/pathname
   (:recycle :asdf/pathname :asdf)
   #+gcl<2.7 (:shadowing-import-from :system :*load-pathname*) ;; GCL 2.6 sucks
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/compatibility :asdf/utility)
    ;; Making and merging pathnames, portably
diff --git a/source-registry.lisp b/source-registry.lisp
index 47b08c54cb5c82aea1cb52b5a9a2444ff095fc71..49bc9b1e5a40e9c02ceb64aa614523c72123c340 100644
--- a/source-registry.lisp
+++ b/source-registry.lisp
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/source-registry
   (:recycle :asdf/source-registry :asdf)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os
-        :asdf/upgrade :asdf/find-system :asdf/configuration)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/find-system)
    #:*source-registry* #:*source-registry-parameter* #:*default-source-registries*
diff --git a/system.lisp b/system.lisp
index ef8b86a24933d58144694410133c9ff5033a955e..c483d1812ca19dfeda22618b00b861107e27ce99 100644
--- a/system.lisp
+++ b/system.lisp
@@ -3,8 +3,7 @@
 (asdf/package:define-package :asdf/system
   (:recycle :asdf :asdf/system)
-  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/utility :asdf/pathname :asdf/os :asdf/upgrade
-   :asdf/component)
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf/driver :asdf/upgrade :asdf/component)
   (:intern #:children #:children-by-name #:default-component-class
            #:author #:maintainer #:licence #:source-file #:defsystem-depends-on)
diff --git a/test/script-support.lisp b/test/script-support.lisp
index 5393fa8ec03d13d65eab956a75f763286f09b1a7..82ff0a98752e56e96c91af8cf327dbefa14834df 100644
--- a/test/script-support.lisp
+++ b/test/script-support.lisp
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ Some constraints:
         :do (finish-output s)))
 (defun redirect-outputs ()
+  #-allegro
   (setf *error-output* *standard-output*
         *trace-output* *standard-output*))
@@ -130,6 +131,8 @@ Some constraints:
 ;;; Test helper functions
+(load (debug-lisp))
 (defmacro assert-compare (expr)
   (destructuring-bind (op x y) expr
     `(assert-compare-helper ',op ',x ',y ,x ,y)))
@@ -342,43 +345,52 @@ is bound, write a message and exit on an error.  If
 (defmacro test-asdf (&body body) ;; used by test-upgrade
   `(testing-asdf #'(lambda () ,@body)))
-(defun close-inputs ()
-  #-ecl (close *standard-input*))
 (defun configure-asdf ()
-  (untrace)
+  (DBG "Debugging?" *debug-asdf*)
   (setf *debug-asdf* (or *debug-asdf* (acall :getenvp "DEBUG_ASDF_TEST")))
-  (unless *debug-asdf* (close-inputs))
+  (DBG "Tracing?" *trace-symbols*)
+  (untrace)
   (eval `(trace ,@(loop :for s :in *trace-symbols* :collect (asym s))))
+  (DBG "Initializing source registry")
   (acall :initialize-source-registry
          `(:source-registry :ignore-inherited-configuration))
+  (DBG "Initializing output-translations")
   (acall :initialize-output-translations
            ((,*asdf-directory* :**/ :*.*.*) (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "asdf"))
            (t (,*asdf-directory* "build/fasls" :implementation "root"))
   (set (asym :*central-registry*) `(,*test-directory*))
+  (DBG "Verbose output for ASDF")
   (set (asym :*verbose-out*) *standard-output*)
   (set (asym :*asdf-verbose*) t))
 (defun load-asdf (&optional tag)
-  (setf *package* (find-package :asdf-test))
-  (load (debug-lisp))
+  (DBG "loading the ASDF fasl")
   (load-asdf-fasl tag)
   (use-package :asdf :asdf-test)
+  (DBG "configuring ASDF")
+  (DBG "reading for your script")
   (setf *package* (find-package :asdf-test)))
 (defun debug-asdf ()
   (setf *debug-asdf* t)
   (setf *package* (find-package :asdf-test)))
-(defun common-lisp-user::load-asdf () (load-asdf))
-(defun common-lisp-user::debug-asdf () (debug-asdf))
-(defun common-lisp-user::da () (debug-asdf))
+;; Actual scripts rely on this function:
+(defun common-lisp-user::load-asdf () (load-asdf)) 
+;; These are shorthands for interactive debugging of test scripts:
+ common-lisp-user::debug-asdf debug-asdf
+ da debug-asdf common-lisp-user::da debug-asdf
+ la load-asdf common-lisp-user::la load-asdf)
-#| The following form is sometimes useful to insert in compute-action-stamp to find out what's happening.
-It depends on the DBG macro in contrib/debug.lisp, that you should load in your ASDF.
+#| For the record, the following form is sometimes useful to insert in
+ asdf/plan:compute-action-stamp to find out what's happening.
+ It depends on the DBG macro in contrib/debug.lisp,
+ that you should load in your asdf/plan by inserting an (asdf-debug) form in it.
 #+DBG-ASDF (DBG :cas o c just-done plan stamp-lookup out-files in-files out-op op-time dep-stamp out-stamps in-stamps missing-in missing-out all-present earliest-out latest-in up-to-date-p done-stamp (operation-done-p o c))
diff --git a/test/test1.script b/test/test1.script
index 63612b1c1a0a55b02e16bd9a94aa20efb899907a..5ad1176d285d35bdbb1afe08da4046958246fb09 100644
--- a/test/test1.script
+++ b/test/test1.script
@@ -6,8 +6,9 @@
 (touch-file "file1.lisp" :offset -3500)
 (touch-file "file2.lisp" :offset -3400)
 (with-test ()
- (DBG "loading test1" #+clisp asdf/output-translations::*output-translations*)
+ (DBG "loading test1")
  (asdf:load-system 'test1)
  (let* ((file1 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file1"))
         (file2 (asdf:compile-file-pathname* "file2"))
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@
    (asdf:load-system 'test1)
    (DBG "check that file1 is _not_ recompiled, but file2 is" (file-write-date file1))
    (assert-equal (+ date 500) (file-write-date file1))
-   (assert (<= then (file-write-date file2)))
+   (assert-compare (<= then (file-write-date file2)))
    (DBG "now touch file1 and check that file2 _is_ also recompiled")
    ;; XXX run-shell-command loses if *default-pathname-defaults* is not the
@@ -42,4 +43,4 @@
      (asdf:clear-system 'test1)
      (asdf:operate 'asdf:load-op 'test1)
      (DBG :foo (file-write-date file2) before)
-     (assert (>= (file-write-date file2) before)))))
+     (assert-compare (>= (file-write-date file2) before)))))
diff --git a/upgrade.lisp b/upgrade.lisp
index ea5b1744c77ef1df0d53b05d9fe78b1a812118e6..8f6a0aa5e74236560d7772b495618ec889057038 100644
--- a/upgrade.lisp
+++ b/upgrade.lisp
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
          ;; "2.345.6" would be a development version in the official upstream
          ;; "2.345.0.7" would be your seventh local modification of official release 2.345
          ;; "2.345.6.7" would be your seventh local modification of development version 2.345.6
-         (asdf-version "2.26.93")
+         (asdf-version "2.26.94")
          (existing-asdf (find-class (find-symbol* :component :asdf nil) nil))
          (existing-version *asdf-version*)
          (already-there (equal asdf-version existing-version)))
diff --git a/utility.lisp b/utility.lisp
index b42f24f23e89ea98f78dfd31133a2dd5d7464780..be863b4e6970bf439e9ab95d312697c6938d2e30 100644
--- a/utility.lisp
+++ b/utility.lisp
@@ -5,14 +5,11 @@
   (:recycle :asdf/utility :asdf)
   (:use :common-lisp :asdf/package :asdf/compatibility)
-   #:find-symbol* ;; reexport from asdf/package
-   #:asdf-debug #:load-asdf-debug-utility ;; magic helper to define debugging functions
-   #:strcat #:compatfmt ;; reexport from asdf/compatibility
-   #:undefine-function #:undefine-functions
-   #:defun* #:defgeneric* ;; defining macros
+   ;; magic helper to define debugging functions:
+   #:asdf-debug #:load-asdf-debug-utility #:*asdf-debug-utility*
+   #:undefine-function #:undefine-functions #:defun* #:defgeneric* ;; (un)defining functions
    #:if-bind ;; basic flow control
-   #:while-collecting #:appendf #:length=n-p ;; lists
-   #:remove-keys #:remove-keyword ;; keyword argument lists
+   #:while-collecting #:appendf #:length=n-p #:remove-keys #:remove-keyword ;; lists and plists
    #:emptyp ;; sequences
    #:first-char #:last-char #:split-string ;; strings
    #:string-prefix-p #:string-enclosed-p #:string-suffix-p
@@ -148,10 +145,10 @@ any of the characters in the sequence SEPARATOR.
 If MAX is specified, then no more than max(1,MAX) components will be returned,
 starting the separation from the end, e.g. when called with arguments
  \"a.b.c.d.e\" :max 3 :separator \".\" it will return (\"a.b.c\" \"d\" \"e\")."
-  (catch nil
+  (block ()
     (let ((list nil) (words 0) (end (length string)))
       (flet ((separatorp (char) (find char separator))
-             (done () (throw nil (cons (subseq string 0 end) list))))
+             (done () (return (cons (subseq string 0 end) list))))
           :for start = (if (and max (>= words (1- max)))
@@ -224,7 +221,7 @@ starting the separation from the end, e.g. when called with arguments
   "Evaluate a form read from a string."
   (eval (read-from-string string)))
-(defun* ensure-function (fun &key (package :asdf))
+(defun* ensure-function (fun &key (package :cl))
   (etypecase fun
     ((or boolean keyword character number pathname) (constantly fun))
     ((or function symbol) fun)
@@ -251,18 +248,17 @@ Return a (non-null) list of integers if the string is valid, NIL otherwise.
 If on-error is error, warn, or designates a function of compatible signature,
 the function is called with an explanation of what is wrong with the argument.
 NB: ignores leading zeroes, and so doesn't distinguish between 2.003 and 2.3"
-  (and
-   (or (stringp string)
-       (when on-error
-         (funcall on-error "~S: ~S is not a string"
-                  'parse-version string)) nil)
-   (or (loop :for prev = nil :then c :for c :across string
-         :always (or (digit-char-p c)
-                     (and (eql c #\.) prev (not (eql prev #\.))))
-         :finally (return (and c (digit-char-p c))))
-       (when on-error
-         (funcall on-error "~S: ~S doesn't follow asdf version numbering convention"
-                  'parse-version string)) nil)
+  (block nil
+   (unless (stringp string)
+     (call-function on-error "~S: ~S is not a string" 'parse-version string)
+     (return))
+   (unless (loop :for prev = nil :then c :for c :across string
+                 :always (or (digit-char-p c)
+                             (and (eql c #\.) prev (not (eql prev #\.))))
+                 :finally (return (and c (digit-char-p c))))
+     (call-function on-error "~S: ~S doesn't follow asdf version numbering convention"
+                    'parse-version string)
+     (return))
    (mapcar #'parse-integer (split-string string :separator "."))))
 (defun* unparse-version (version-list)
diff --git a/version.lisp-expr b/version.lisp-expr
index 91cc49c04c96e9108fc26059ca9c3942a324dddb..160cf57a58f4ffb3db81fa5aa8cc43188b70084c 100644
--- a/version.lisp-expr
+++ b/version.lisp-expr
@@ -1 +1 @@