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    Make Pathname.init() static method · 71b6c1bc
    Mark authored
    Running under Netbeans, but failing to enumerate jar pathnames in the
    Java tests.
    Moved (most) Pathname.truename() invocations to using symbols
    Changed a lot of use of PROBE-FILE over TRUENAME.
    Running under Netbeans, but can't probe-file on jar locations:
      (probe-file "jar:file:/opt/local/share/java/abcl/abcl.jar!/org/armedbear/lisp/")
      (probe-file "jar:file:/opt/local/share/java/abcl/abcl.jar!/org/armedbear/lisp/boot.lisp")
    Loading from boot jar not working.
    Reading all the jar entries into the entry cache at once is not a good
    idea.  For abcl.jar this is ~10k entries which takes a noticable
    amount of time.
    And PathnameJar does not implement the right equals() contract, so
    looking up the entry in the cache doesn't work either.
    Running from abcl.jar!
    Not loading in contribs…
    Good progress: able to load from abcl.jar.
    Failing to bootstrap contrib due to the following errors.
    DIRECTORY partly working for jar archives
    Use to encode namestrings.
    INCOMPLETE Overhaul ZipCache to give linear access to PathnameURL keys
    TODO Failing to distinguish that org/armedbear/lisp/java *doesn't* name a directory
    TODO: comprehensive multi-level cache design that will plausibly work