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;;; -*- Mode:Lisp; Package:XLIB; Syntax:COMMON-LISP; Base:10; Lowercase:T -*-

;;; CLX Image functions

;;;				  P.O. BOX 2909
;;;			       AUSTIN, TEXAS 78769
;;; Copyright (C) 1987 Texas Instruments Incorporated.
;;; Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, modify,
;;; and distribute this software, provided that this complete copyright and
;;; permission notice is maintained, intact, in all copies and supporting
;;; documentation.
;;; Texas Instruments Incorporated provides this software "as is" without
;;; express or implied warranty.

(in-package :xlib)

(defmacro with-image-data-buffer ((buffer size) &body body)
  (declare (indentation 0 4 1 1))
  `(let ((.reply-buffer. (allocate-reply-buffer ,size)))
     (declare (type reply-buffer .reply-buffer.))
	 (let ((,buffer (reply-ibuf8 .reply-buffer.)))
	   (declare (type buffer-bytes ,buffer))
	   (with-vector (,buffer buffer-bytes)
       (deallocate-reply-buffer .reply-buffer.))))

(def-clx-class (image (:constructor nil) (:copier nil) (:predicate nil))
  ;; Public structure
  (width 0 :type card16 :read-only t)
  (height 0 :type card16 :read-only t)
  (depth 1 :type card8 :read-only t)
  (plist nil :type list))

;; Image-Plist accessors:
(defmacro image-name (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :name))
(defmacro image-x-hot (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :x-hot))
(defmacro image-y-hot (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :y-hot))
(defmacro image-red-mask (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :red-mask))
(defmacro image-blue-mask (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :blue-mask))
(defmacro image-green-mask (image) `(getf (image-plist ,image) :green-mask))

(defun print-image (image stream depth)
  (declare (type image image)
	   (ignore depth))
  (print-unreadable-object (image stream :type t)
    (when (image-name image)
      (write-string (string (image-name image)) stream)
      (write-string " " stream))
    (prin1 (image-width image) stream)
    (write-string "x" stream)
    (prin1 (image-height image) stream)
    (write-string "x" stream)
    (prin1 (image-depth image) stream)))

(defconstant +empty-data-x+ '#.(make-sequence '(array card8 (*)) 0))
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(defconstant +empty-data-z+
  '#.(make-array '(0 0) :element-type 'pixarray-1-element-type))
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(def-clx-class (image-x (:include image) (:copier nil)
			(:print-function print-image))
  ;; Use this format for shoveling image data
  ;; Private structure. Accessors for these NOT exported.
  (format :z-pixmap :type (member :bitmap :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap))
  (bytes-per-line 0 :type card16)
  (bits-per-pixel 1 :type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32))
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  (bit-lsb-first-p +image-bit-lsb-first-p+ :type generalized-boolean)	; Bit order
  (byte-lsb-first-p +image-byte-lsb-first-p+ :type generalized-boolean)	; Byte order
  (data +empty-data-x+ :type (array card8 (*)))			; row-major
  (unit +image-unit+ :type (member 8 16 32))			; Bitmap unit
  (pad +image-pad+ :type (member 8 16 32))			; Scanline pad
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  (left-pad 0 :type card8))					; Left pad

(def-clx-class (image-xy (:include image) (:copier nil)
			 (:print-function print-image))
  ;; Public structure
  ;; Use this format for image processing
  (bitmap-list nil :type list)) ;; list of bitmaps

(def-clx-class (image-z (:include image) (:copier nil)
			(:print-function print-image))
  ;; Public structure
  ;; Use this format for image processing
  (bits-per-pixel 1 :type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32))
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  (pixarray +empty-data-z+ :type pixarray))
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(defun create-image (&key width height depth
		     (data (required-arg data))
		     plist name x-hot y-hot
		     red-mask blue-mask green-mask
		     bits-per-pixel format bytes-per-line
		       #+clx-little-endian t
		       #-clx-little-endian nil)
		       #+clx-little-endian t
		       #-clx-little-endian nil)
		     unit pad left-pad)
  ;; Returns an image-x image-xy or image-z structure, depending on the
  ;; type of the :DATA parameter.
    (type (or null card16) width height)	; Required
    (type (or null card8) depth)		; Defualts to 1
    (type (or buffer-bytes			; Returns image-x
	      list				; Returns image-xy
	      pixarray) data)			; Returns image-z
    (type list plist)
    (type (or null stringable) name)
    (type (or null card16) x-hot y-hot)
    (type (or null pixel) red-mask blue-mask green-mask)
    (type (or null (member 1 4 8 16 24 32)) bits-per-pixel)
    ;; The following parameters are ignored for image-xy and image-z:
    (type (or null (member :bitmap :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap))
	  format)				; defaults to :z-pixmap
    (type (or null card16) bytes-per-line)
    (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
    (type (or null (member 8 16 32)) unit pad)
    (type (or null card8) left-pad))
  (declare (clx-values image))
  (let ((image
	  (etypecase data
	    (buffer-bytes			; image-x
	      (let ((data data))
		(declare (type buffer-bytes data))
		(unless depth (setq depth (or bits-per-pixel 1)))
		(unless format
		  (setq format (if (= depth 1) :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap)))
		(unless bits-per-pixel
		  (setq bits-per-pixel
			(cond ((eq format :xy-pixmap) 1)
			      ((index> depth 24) 32)
			      ((index> depth 16) 24)
			      ((index> depth 8)  16)
			      ((index> depth 4)   8)
			      ((index> depth 1)   4)
			      (t                  1))))
		(unless width (required-arg width))
		(unless height (required-arg height))
		(unless bytes-per-line
		  (let* ((pad (or pad 8))
			 (bits-per-line (index* width bits-per-pixel))
			   (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line pad) pad)))
		    (declare (type array-index pad bits-per-line
		    (setq bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))))
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		(unless unit (setq unit +image-unit+))
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		(unless pad
		  (setq pad
			(dolist (pad '(32 16 8))
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			  (when (and (index<= pad +image-pad+)
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					 (index* bytes-per-line 8) pad)))
			    (return pad)))))
		(unless left-pad (setq left-pad 0))
		  :width width :height height :depth depth :plist plist
		  :format format :data data
		  :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel 
		  :bytes-per-line bytes-per-line
		  :byte-lsb-first-p byte-lsb-first-p
		  :bit-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
		  :unit unit :pad pad :left-pad left-pad)))
	    (list				; image-xy
	      (let ((data data))
		(declare (type list data))
		(unless depth (setq depth (length data)))
		(when data
		  (unless width (setq width (array-dimension (car data) 1)))
		  (unless height (setq height (array-dimension (car data) 0))))
		  :width width :height height :plist plist :depth depth
		  :bitmap-list data)))
	    (pixarray				; image-z
	      (let ((data data))
		(declare (type pixarray data))
		(unless width (setq width (array-dimension data 1)))
		(unless height (setq height (array-dimension data 0)))
		(unless bits-per-pixel
		  (setq bits-per-pixel
			(etypecase data
			  (pixarray-32 32)
			  (pixarray-24 24)
			  (pixarray-16 16)
			  (pixarray-8   8)
			  (pixarray-4   4)
			  (pixarray-1   1)))))
	      (unless depth (setq depth bits-per-pixel))
		:width width :height height :depth depth :plist plist
		:bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel :pixarray data)))))
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    (declare (type image image))
    (when name (setf (image-name image) name))
    (when x-hot (setf (image-x-hot image) x-hot))
    (when y-hot (setf (image-y-hot image) y-hot))
    (when red-mask (setf (image-red-mask image) red-mask))
    (when blue-mask (setf (image-blue-mask image) blue-mask))
    (when green-mask (setf (image-green-mask image) green-mask))
;;; Swapping stuff

(defun image-noswap
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p)
	   (ignore lsb-first-p))
  (if (index= srcinc destinc)
	dest src destoff
	(index+ destoff (index* srcinc (index1- height)) srclen)
    (do* ((h height (index1- h))
	  (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	  (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc))
	  (destend (index+ deststart srclen) (index+ deststart srclen)))
	 ((index-zerop h))
      (declare (type array-index srcstart deststart destend)
	       (type card16 h))
      (buffer-replace dest src deststart destend srcstart))))

(defun image-swap-two-bytes
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 2) 2))
	   (h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
	  (index-decf length 2)
	  (if lsb-first-p
	      (setf (aref dest (index1+ (index+ deststart length)))
		    (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index1+ (index+ srcstart length)))))))
	(do ((i length (index- i 2))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 2))
	     (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 2)))
	    ((index-zerop i))
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8 (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		(the card8 (aref src srcidx))))))))

(defun image-swap-three-bytes
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 3) 3))
	   (h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
	  (index-decf length 3)
	  (when (index= (index- srclen length) 2)
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 1))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 1)))))
	  (if lsb-first-p
	      (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 2))
		    (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 2))))))
	(do ((i length (index- i 3))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 3))
	     (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 3)))
	    ((index-zerop i))
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8 (aref src (index+ srcidx 2))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		(the card8 (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 2))
		(the card8 (aref src srcidx))))))))

(defun image-swap-four-bytes
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 4) 4))
	   (h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
	  (index-decf length 4)
	  (unless lsb-first-p
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 3)))))
	  (when (if lsb-first-p
		    (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
		  (not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 1))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 2)))))
	  (when (if (null lsb-first-p)
		    (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
		  (not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 2))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 1)))))
	  (when lsb-first-p
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 3))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))))
	(do ((i length (index- i 4))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 4))
	     (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 4)))
	    ((index-zerop i))
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8 (aref src (index+ srcidx 3))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		(the card8 (aref src (index+ srcidx 2))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 2))
		(the card8 (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 3))
		(the card8 (aref src srcidx))))))))

(defun image-swap-words
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 4) 4))
	   (h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
	  (index-decf length 4)
	  (unless lsb-first-p
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 1))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 3)))))
	  (when (if lsb-first-p
		    (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
		  (not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 2)))))
	  (when (if (null lsb-first-p)
		    (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
		  (not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 3))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length 1)))))
	  (when lsb-first-p
	    (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 2))
		  (the card8 (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))))
	(do ((i length (index- i 4))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 4))
	     (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 4)))
	    ((index-zerop i))
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8 (aref src (index+ srcidx 2))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		(the card8 (aref src (index+ srcidx 3))))
	  (setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 2))
		(the card8 (aref src srcidx)))
	  (setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 3))
		(the card8 (aref src (index1+ srcidx)))))))))

(defun image-swap-nibbles
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p)
	   (ignore lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(do ((i srclen (index1- i))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index1+ srcidx))
	     (destidx deststart (index1+ destidx)))
	    ((index-zerop i))
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8
		     (let ((byte (aref src srcidx)))
		       (declare (type card8 byte))
		       (dpb (the card4 (ldb (byte 4 0) byte))
			    (byte 4 4)
			    (the card4 (ldb (byte 4 4) byte)))))))))))

(defun image-swap-nibbles-left
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p)
	   (ignore lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
      (do ((h height (index1- h))
	   (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
	   (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
	  ((index-zerop h))
	(declare (type array-index srcstart deststart)
		 (type card16 h))
	(do ((i srclen (index1- i))
	     (srcidx srcstart (index1+ srcidx))
	     (destidx deststart (index1+ destidx)))
	    ((index= i 1)
	     (setf (aref dest destidx)
		   (the card8
			(let ((byte1 (aref src srcidx)))
			  (declare (type card8 byte1))
			  (dpb (the card4 (ldb (byte 4 0) byte1))
			       (byte 4 4)
	  (declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
	  (setf (aref dest destidx)
		(the card8
		     (let ((byte1 (aref src srcidx))
			   (byte2 (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
		       (declare (type card8 byte1 byte2))
		       (dpb (the card4 (ldb (byte 4 0) byte1))
			    (byte 4 4)
			    (the card4 (ldb (byte 4 4) byte2)))))))))))

(defconstant +image-byte-reverse+
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	0 128 64 192 32 160 96 224 16 144 80 208 48 176 112 240
	8 136 72 200 40 168 104 232 24 152 88 216 56 184 120 248
	4 132 68 196 36 164 100 228 20 148 84 212 52 180 116 244
	12 140 76 204 44 172 108 236 28 156 92 220 60 188 124 252
	2 130 66 194 34 162 98 226 18 146 82 210 50 178 114 242
	10 138 74 202 42 170 106 234 26 154 90 218 58 186 122 250
	6 134 70 198 38 166 102 230 22 150 86 214 54 182 118 246
	14 142 78 206 46 174 110 238 30 158 94 222 62 190 126 254
	1 129 65 193 33 161 97 225 17 145 81 209 49 177 113 241
	9 137 73 201 41 169 105 233 25 153 89 217 57 185 121 249
	5 133 69 197 37 165 101 229 21 149 85 213 53 181 117 245
	13 141 77 205 45 173 109 237 29 157 93 221 61 189 125 253
	3 131 67 195 35 163 99 227 19 147 83 211 51 179 115 243
	11 139 75 203 43 171 107 235 27 155 91 219 59 187 123 251
	7 135 71 199 39 167 103 231 23 151 87 215 55 183 119 247
	15 143 79 207 47 175 111 239 31 159 95 223 63 191 127 255)
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(defun image-swap-bits
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p)
	   (ignore lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
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      (let ((byte-reverse +image-byte-reverse+))
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	(with-vector (byte-reverse (simple-array card8 (256)))
	  (macrolet ((br (byte)
		       `(the card8 (aref byte-reverse (the card8 ,byte)))))
	    (do ((h height (index1- h))
		 (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
		 (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
		((index-zerop h))
	      (declare (type array-index srcstart deststart)
		       (type card16 h))
	      (do ((i srclen (index1- i))
		   (srcidx srcstart (index1+ srcidx))
		   (destidx deststart (index1+ destidx)))
		  ((index-zerop i))
		(declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
		(setf (aref dest destidx) (br (aref src srcidx)))))))))))

(defun image-swap-bits-and-two-bytes
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
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      (let ((byte-reverse +image-byte-reverse+))
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	(with-vector (byte-reverse (simple-array card8 (256)))
	  (macrolet ((br (byte)
		       `(the card8 (aref byte-reverse (the card8 ,byte)))))
	    (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 2) 2))
		 (h height (index1- h))
		 (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
		 (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
		((index-zerop h))
	      (declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		       (type card16 h))
	      (when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
		(index-decf length 2)
		(if lsb-first-p
		    (setf (aref dest (index1+ (index+ deststart length)))
			  (br (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
			(br (aref src (index1+ (index+ srcstart length)))))))
	      (do ((i length (index- i 2))
		   (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 2))
		   (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 2)))
		  ((index-zerop i))
		(declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
		(setf (aref dest destidx)
		      (br (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
		(setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		      (br (aref src srcidx)))))))))))

(defun image-swap-bits-and-four-bytes
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
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      (let ((byte-reverse +image-byte-reverse+))
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	(with-vector (byte-reverse (simple-array card8 (256)))
	  (macrolet ((br (byte)
		       `(the card8 (aref byte-reverse (the card8 ,byte)))))
	    (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 4) 4))
		 (h height (index1- h))
		 (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
		 (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
		((index-zerop h))
	      (declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		       (type card16 h))
	      (when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
		(index-decf length 4)
		(unless lsb-first-p
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 3)))))
		(when (if lsb-first-p
			  (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
			(not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 1))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 2)))))
		(when (if (null lsb-first-p)
			  (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
			(not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 2))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 1)))))
		(when lsb-first-p
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 3))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))))
	      (do ((i length (index- i 4))
		   (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 4))
		   (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 4)))
		  ((index-zerop i))
		(declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
		(setf (aref dest destidx)
		      (br (aref src (index+ srcidx 3))))
		(setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		      (br (aref src (index+ srcidx 2))))
		(setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 2))
		      (br (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))
		(setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 3))
		      (br (aref src srcidx)))))))))))

(defun image-swap-bits-and-words
       (src dest srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc height lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes src dest)
	   (type array-index srcoff destoff srclen srcinc destinc)
	   (type card16 height)
	   (type generalized-boolean lsb-first-p))
  (with-vector (src buffer-bytes)
    (with-vector (dest buffer-bytes)
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      (let ((byte-reverse +image-byte-reverse+))
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	(with-vector (byte-reverse (simple-array card8 (256)))
	  (macrolet ((br (byte)
		       `(the card8 (aref byte-reverse (the card8 ,byte)))))
	    (do ((length (index* (index-ceiling srclen 4) 4))
		 (h height (index1- h))
		 (srcstart srcoff (index+ srcstart srcinc))
		 (deststart destoff (index+ deststart destinc)))
		((index-zerop h))
	      (declare (type array-index length srcstart deststart)
		       (type card16 h))
	      (when (and (index= h 1) (not (index= srclen length)))
		(index-decf length 4)
		(unless lsb-first-p
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 1))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 3)))))
		(when (if lsb-first-p
			  (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
			(not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 2)))))
		(when (if (null lsb-first-p)
			  (index= (index- srclen length) 3)
			(not (index-zerop (index-logand srclen 2))))
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 3))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length 1)))))
		(when lsb-first-p
		  (setf (aref dest (index+ deststart length 2))
			(br (aref src (index+ srcstart length))))))
	      (do ((i length (index- i 4))
		   (srcidx srcstart (index+ srcidx 4))
		   (destidx deststart (index+ destidx 4)))
		  ((index-zerop i))
		(declare (type array-index i srcidx destidx))
		(setf (aref dest destidx)
		      (br (aref src (index+ srcidx 2))))
		(setf (aref dest (index1+ destidx))
		      (br (aref src (index+ srcidx 3))))
		(setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 2))
		      (br (aref src srcidx)))
		(setf (aref dest (index+ destidx 3))
		      (br (aref src (index1+ srcidx))))))))))))

;;; The following table gives the bit ordering within bytes (when accessed
;;; sequentially) for a scanline containing 32 bits, with bits numbered 0 to
;;; 31, where bit 0 should be leftmost on the display.  For a given byte
;;; labelled A-B, A is for the most significant bit of the byte, and B is
;;; for the least significant bit.
;;; legend:
;;; 	1   scanline-unit = 8
;;; 	2   scanline-unit = 16
;;; 	4   scanline-unit = 32
;;; 	M   byte-order = MostSignificant
;;; 	L   byte-order = LeastSignificant
;;; 	m   bit-order = MostSignificant
;;; 	l   bit-order = LeastSignificant
;;; format	ordering
;;; 1Mm	00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31
;;; 2Mm	00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31
;;; 4Mm	00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31
;;; 1Ml	07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24
;;; 2Ml	15-08 07-00 31-24 23-16
;;; 4Ml	31-24 23-16 15-08 07-00
;;; 1Lm	00-07 08-15 16-23 24-31
;;; 2Lm	08-15 00-07 24-31 16-23
;;; 4Lm	24-31 16-23 08-15 00-07
;;; 1Ll	07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24
;;; 2Ll	07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24
;;; 4Ll	07-00 15-08 23-16 31-24
;;; The following table gives the required conversion between any two
;;; formats.  It is based strictly on the table above.  If you believe one,
;;; you should believe the other.
;;; legend:
;;; 	n   no changes
;;; 	s   reverse 8-bit units within 16-bit units
;;; 	l   reverse 8-bit units within 32-bit units
;;; 	w   reverse 16-bit units within 32-bit units
;;; 	r   reverse bits within 8-bit units
;;; 	sr  s+R
;;; 	lr  l+R
;;; 	wr  w+R

(defconstant +image-swap-function+
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     '(12 12) :initial-contents
     (let ((n  'image-noswap)
	   (s  'image-swap-two-bytes)
	   (l  'image-swap-four-bytes)
	   (w  'image-swap-words)
	   (r  'image-swap-bits)
	   (sr 'image-swap-bits-and-two-bytes)
	   (lr 'image-swap-bits-and-four-bytes)
	   (wr 'image-swap-bits-and-words))
       (list  #|       1Mm 2Mm 4Mm 1Ml 2Ml 4Ml 1Lm 2Lm 4Lm 1Ll 2Ll 4Ll  |#
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	(list #| 1Mm |# n   n   n   r   sr  lr  n   s   l   r   r   r )
	(list #| 2Mm |# n   n   n   r   sr  lr  n   s   l   r   r   r )
	(list #| 4Mm |# n   n   n   r   sr  lr  n   s   l   r   r   r )
	(list #| 1Ml |# r   r   r   n   s   l   r   sr  lr  n   n   n )
	(list #| 2Ml |# sr  sr  sr  s   n   w   sr  r   wr  s   s   s )
	(list #| 4Ml |# lr  lr  lr  l   w   n   lr  wr  r   l   l   l )
	(list #| 1Lm |# n   n   n   r   sr  lr  n   s   l   r   r   r )
	(list #| 2Lm |# s   s   s   sr  r   wr  s   n   w   sr  sr  sr)
	(list #| 4Lm |# l   l   l   lr  wr  r   l   w   n   lr  lr  lr)
	(list #| 1Ll |# r   r   r   n   s   l   r   sr  lr  n   n   n )
	(list #| 2Ll |# r   r   r   n   s   l   r   sr  lr  n   n   n )
	(list #| 4Ll |# r   r   r   n   s   l   r   sr  lr  n   n   n )))))
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dan committed

;;; Of course, the table above is a lie.  We also need to factor in the
;;; order of the source data to cope with swapping half of a unit at the
;;; end of a scanline, since we are trying to avoid de-ref'ing off the
;;; end of the source.
;;; Defines whether the first half of a unit has the first half of the data

(defconstant +image-swap-lsb-first-p+
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dan committed
     12 :initial-contents
     (list t   #| 1mm |#
	   t   #| 2mm |#
	   t   #| 4mm |#
	   t   #| 1ml |#
	   nil #| 2ml |#
	   nil #| 4ml |#
	   t   #| 1lm |#
	   nil #| 2lm |#
	   nil #| 4lm |#
	   t   #| 1ll |#
	   t   #| 2ll |#
	   t   #| 4ll |#
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dan committed

(defun image-swap-function
	from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) from-bitmap-unit to-bitmap-unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
		 to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
	   (clx-values function lsb-first-p))
  (cond ((index= bits-per-pixel 1)
	 (let ((from-index
		   (ecase from-bitmap-unit (32 2) (16 1) (8 0))
		   (if from-bit-lsb-first-p 3 0)
		   (if from-byte-lsb-first-p 6 0))))
csr21's avatar
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	     (aref +image-swap-function+ from-index
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		     (ecase to-bitmap-unit (32 2) (16 1) (8 0))
		     (if to-bit-lsb-first-p 3 0)
		     (if to-byte-lsb-first-p 6 0)))
csr21's avatar
csr21 committed
	     (aref +image-swap-lsb-first-p+ from-index))))
dan's avatar
dan committed
774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1045 1046 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051 1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1111 1112 1113 1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135
	   (if (if (index= bits-per-pixel 4)
		   (eq from-bit-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
		 (eq from-byte-lsb-first-p to-byte-lsb-first-p))
	     (ecase bits-per-pixel
	       (4  'image-swap-nibbles)
	       (8  'image-noswap)
	       (16 'image-swap-two-bytes)
	       (24 'image-swap-three-bytes)
	       (32 'image-swap-four-bytes)))


(defun read-pixarray-1 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height  
			padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-1 array)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
			 (index-ceiling x 8))
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y))
	  (left-bits (the array-index
			  (mod (the (integer #x-FFFF 0) (- x))
	  (right-bits (index-mod (index- width left-bits) 8))
	  (middle-bits (- width left-bits right-bits))
	  (middle-bytes (floor middle-bits 8)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y left-bits right-bits))
      (declare (fixnum middle-bits middle-bytes))
      (cond ((< middle-bits 0)
	     (let ((byte (aref buffer-bbuf (index1- start)))
		   (x left-bits))
	       (declare (type card8 byte)
			(type array-index x))
	       (when (index> right-bits 6)
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 1))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 7 byte)))
	       (when (and (index> left-bits 1)
			  (index> right-bits 5))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 2))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 6 byte)))
	       (when (and (index> left-bits 2)
			  (index> right-bits 4))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 3))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 5 byte)))
	       (when (and (index> left-bits 3)
			  (index> right-bits 3))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 4))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 4 byte)))
	       (when (and (index> left-bits 4)
			  (index> right-bits 2))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 5))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 3 byte)))
	       (when (and (index> left-bits 5)
			  (index> right-bits 1))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 6))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 2 byte)))
	       (when (index> left-bits 6)
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 7))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 1 byte)))))
	     (unless (index-zerop left-bits)
	       (let ((byte (aref buffer-bbuf (index1- start)))
		     (x left-bits))
		 (declare (type card8 byte)
			  (type array-index x))
		 (setf (aref array y (index- x 1))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 7 byte))
		 (when (index> left-bits 1)
		   (setf (aref array y (index- x 2))
			 (read-image-load-byte 1 6 byte))
		   (when (index> left-bits 2)
		     (setf (aref array y (index- x 3))
			   (read-image-load-byte 1 5 byte))
		     (when (index> left-bits 3)
		       (setf (aref array y (index- x 4))
			     (read-image-load-byte 1 4 byte))
		       (when (index> left-bits 4)
			 (setf (aref array y (index- x 5))
			       (read-image-load-byte 1 3 byte))
			 (when (index> left-bits 5)
			   (setf (aref array y (index- x 6))
				 (read-image-load-byte 1 2 byte))
			   (when (index> left-bits 6)
			     (setf (aref array y (index- x 7))
				   (read-image-load-byte 1 1 byte))
	     (do* ((end (index+ start middle-bytes))
		   (i start (index1+ i))
		   (x left-bits (index+ x 8)))
		  ((index>= i end)
		   (unless (index-zerop right-bits)
		     (let ((byte (aref buffer-bbuf end))
			   (x (index+ left-bits middle-bits)))
		       (declare (type card8 byte)
				(type array-index x))
		       (setf (aref array y (index+ x 0))
			     (read-image-load-byte 1 0 byte))
		       (when (index> right-bits 1)
			 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 1))
			       (read-image-load-byte 1 1 byte))
			 (when (index> right-bits 2)
			   (setf (aref array y (index+ x 2))
				 (read-image-load-byte 1 2 byte))
			   (when (index> right-bits 3)
			     (setf (aref array y (index+ x 3))
				   (read-image-load-byte 1 3 byte))
			     (when (index> right-bits 4)
			       (setf (aref array y (index+ x 4))
				     (read-image-load-byte 1 4 byte))
			       (when (index> right-bits 5)
				 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 5))
				       (read-image-load-byte 1 5 byte))
				 (when (index> right-bits 6)
				   (setf (aref array y (index+ x 6))
					 (read-image-load-byte 1 6 byte))
	       (declare (type array-index end i x))
	       (let ((byte (aref buffer-bbuf i)))
		 (declare (type card8 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 0))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 0 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 1))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 1 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 2))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 2 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 3))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 3 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 4))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 4 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 5))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 5 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 6))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 6 byte))
		 (setf (aref array y (index+ x 7))
		       (read-image-load-byte 1 7 byte))))

(defun read-pixarray-4 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height 
			padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-4 array)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
			 (index-ceiling x 2))
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y))
	  (left-nibbles (mod (the fixnum (- x)) 2))
	  (right-nibbles (index-mod (index- width left-nibbles) 2))
	  (middle-nibbles (index- width left-nibbles right-nibbles))
	  (middle-bytes (index-floor middle-nibbles 2)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y
		     left-nibbles right-nibbles middle-nibbles middle-bytes))
      (unless (index-zerop left-nibbles)
	(setf (aref array y 0)
		4 4 (aref buffer-bbuf (index1- start)))))
      (do* ((end (index+ start middle-bytes))
	    (i start (index1+ i))
	    (x left-nibbles (index+ x 2)))
	   ((index>= i end)
	    (unless (index-zerop right-nibbles)
	      (setf (aref array y (index+ left-nibbles middle-nibbles))
		    (read-image-load-byte 4 0 (aref buffer-bbuf end)))))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(let ((byte (aref buffer-bbuf i)))
	  (declare (type card8 byte))
	  (setf (aref array y (index+ x 0))
		(read-image-load-byte 4 0 byte))
	  (setf (aref array y (index+ x 1))
		(read-image-load-byte 4 4 byte))))

(defun read-pixarray-8 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height 
			padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-8 array)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y))
      (do* ((end (index+ start width))
	    (i start (index1+ i))
	    (x 0 (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(setf (aref array y x)
	      (the card8 (aref buffer-bbuf i)))))))

(defun read-pixarray-16 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height 
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-16 array)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
			 (index* x 2))
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 2)))
	    (i start (index+ i 2))
	    (x 0 (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(setf (aref array y x)
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))))))))

(defun read-pixarray-24 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height 
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-24 array)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
			 (index* x 3))
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 3)))
	    (i start (index+ i 3))
	    (x 0 (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(setf (aref array y x)
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 2))))))))

(defun read-pixarray-32 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height 
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-32 array)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((start (index+ index
			 (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)
			 (index* x 4))
		 (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (y 0 (index1+ y)))
	 ((index>= y height))
      (declare (type array-index start y))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 4)))
	    (i start (index+ i 4))
	    (x 0 (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(setf (aref array y x)
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 2))
		(aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 3))))))))

(defun read-pixarray-internal
       (bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	bits-per-pixel read-pixarray-function
	from-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type array-index boffset padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type pixarray pixarray)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type function read-pixarray-function)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) from-unit to-unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
		 to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p))
  (multiple-value-bind (image-swap-function image-swap-lsb-first-p)
	from-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
    (if (eq image-swap-function 'image-noswap)
	  bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
      (with-image-data-buffer (buf (index* height padded-bytes-per-line))
	  (symbol-function image-swap-function) bbuf buf
	  (index+ boffset (index* y padded-bytes-per-line)) 0
	  (index-ceiling (index* (index+ x width) bits-per-pixel) 8)
	  padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line height
	  buf 0 pixarray x 0 width height padded-bytes-per-line

(defun read-pixarray
       (bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	bits-per-pixel unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type array-index boffset padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type pixarray pixarray)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
  (unless (fast-read-pixarray
	    bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	    bits-per-pixel unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
      bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
      (ecase bits-per-pixel
	( 1 #'read-pixarray-1 )
	( 4 #'read-pixarray-4 )
	( 8 #'read-pixarray-8 )
	(16 #'read-pixarray-16)
	(24 #'read-pixarray-24)
	(32 #'read-pixarray-32))
      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
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      +image-unit+ +image-byte-lsb-first-p+ +image-bit-lsb-first-p+)))
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(defun read-xy-format-image-x
       (buffer-bbuf index length data width height depth
	padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-plane
	unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p pad)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index length padded-bytes-per-line
	   (type image-depth depth)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit pad)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (assert (index<= (index* depth padded-bytes-per-plane) length))
  (let* ((bytes-per-line (index-ceiling width 8))
	 (data-length (index* padded-bytes-per-plane depth)))
    (declare (type array-index bytes-per-line data-length))
    (cond (data
	   (check-type data buffer-bytes)
	   (assert (index>= (length data) data-length)))
	   (setq data (make-array data-length :element-type 'card8))))
    (do ((plane 0 (index1+ plane)))
	((index>= plane depth))
      (declare (type image-depth plane))
	buffer-bbuf data
	(index+ index (index* plane padded-bytes-per-plane))
	(index* plane padded-bytes-per-plane)
	bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
	height byte-lsb-first-p))
      :width width :height height :depth depth :data data
      :bits-per-pixel 1 :format :xy-pixmap
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
      :unit unit :pad pad
      :byte-lsb-first-p byte-lsb-first-p :bit-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))

(defun read-z-format-image-x
       (buffer-bbuf index length data width height depth
	unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p pad bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index length padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type image-depth depth)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit pad)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (assert (index<= (index* height padded-bytes-per-line) length))
  (let ((bytes-per-line (index-ceiling (index* width bits-per-pixel) 8))
	(data-length (index* padded-bytes-per-line height)))
    (declare (type array-index bytes-per-line data-length))
    (cond (data
	   (check-type data buffer-bytes)
	   (assert (index>= (length data) data-length)))
	   (setq data (make-array data-length :element-type 'card8))))
      buffer-bbuf data index 0 bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
      padded-bytes-per-line height byte-lsb-first-p)
      :width width :height height :depth depth :data data
      :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel :format :z-pixmap
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
      :unit unit :pad pad
      :byte-lsb-first-p byte-lsb-first-p :bit-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))

(defun read-image-xy (bbuf index length data x y width height depth
		      padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-plane
		      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index length padded-bytes-per-line
	   (type image-depth depth)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	   (clx-values image-xy))
  (check-type data list)
  (multiple-value-bind (dimensions element-type)
      (if data
	  (values (array-dimensions (first data))
		  (array-element-type (first data)))
	(values (list height
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		      (index* (index-ceiling width +image-pad+) +image-pad+))
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    (do* ((arrays data)
	  (result nil)
	  (limit (index+ length index))
	  (plane 0 (1+ plane))
	  (index index (index+ index padded-bytes-per-plane)))
	 ((or (>= plane depth)
	      (index> (index+ index padded-bytes-per-plane) limit))
	  (setq data (nreverse result) depth (length data)))
      (declare (type array-index limit index)
	       (type image-depth plane)
	       (type list arrays result))
      (let ((array (or (pop arrays)
		       (make-array dimensions :element-type element-type))))
	(declare (type pixarray-1 array))
	(push array result)
	  bbuf index array x y width height padded-bytes-per-line 1
	  unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))
      :width width :height height :depth depth :data data)))

(defun read-image-z (bbuf index length data x y width height depth
		     padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel
		     unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index length padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type image-depth depth)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	   (clx-values image-z))
  (assert (index<= (index* (index+ y height) padded-bytes-per-line) length))
  (let* ((image-bits-per-line (index* width bits-per-pixel))
csr21's avatar
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	     (index* (index-ceiling image-bits-per-line +image-pad+)
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    (declare (type array-index image-bits-per-line image-pixels-per-line))
    (unless data
      (setq data
	      (list height image-pixels-per-line)
	      :element-type (ecase bits-per-pixel
			      (1  'pixarray-1-element-type)
			      (4  'pixarray-4-element-type)
			      (8  'pixarray-8-element-type)
			      (16 'pixarray-16-element-type)
			      (24 'pixarray-24-element-type)
			      (32 'pixarray-32-element-type)))))
      bbuf index data x y width height padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel
      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
      :width width :height height :depth depth :data data
      :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel)))

(defun get-image (drawable &key
		  (x (required-arg x))
		  (y (required-arg y))
		  (width (required-arg width))
		  (height (required-arg height))
		  plane-mask format result-type)
  (declare (type drawable drawable)
	   (type (or buffer-bytes list pixarray) data)
	   (type int16 x y) ;; required
	   (type card16 width height) ;; required
	   (type (or null pixel) plane-mask)
	   (type (or null (member :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap)) format)
	   (type (or null (member image-xy image-x image-z)) result-type)
	   (clx-values image visual-info))
  (unless result-type
    (setq result-type (ecase format
			(:xy-pixmap 'image-xy)
			(:z-pixmap 'image-z)
			((nil) 'image-x))))
  (unless format
    (setq format (case result-type
		   (image-xy :xy-pixmap)
		   ((image-z image-x) :z-pixmap))))
  (unless (ecase result-type
	    (image-xy (eq format :xy-pixmap))
	    (image-z (eq format :z-pixmap))
	    (image-x t))
    (error "Result-type ~s is incompatable with format ~s"
	   result-type format))
  (unless plane-mask (setq plane-mask #xffffffff))
  (let ((display (drawable-display drawable)))
csr21's avatar
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    (with-buffer-request-and-reply (display +x-getimage+ nil :sizes (8 32))
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	 (((data (member error :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap)) format)
	  (drawable drawable)
	  (int16 x y)
	  (card16 width height)
	  (card32 plane-mask))
      (let* ((depth (card8-get 1))
	     (length (index* 4 (card32-get 4)))
	     (visual-info (visual-info display (resource-id-get 8)))
	     (bitmap-format (display-bitmap-format display))
	     (unit (bitmap-format-unit bitmap-format))
	     (byte-lsb-first-p (display-image-lsb-first-p display))
	     (bit-lsb-first-p  (bitmap-format-lsb-first-p bitmap-format)))
	(declare (type image-depth depth)
		 (type array-index length)
		 (type (or null visual-info) visual-info)
		 (type bitmap-format bitmap-format)
		 (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
		 (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
	(multiple-value-bind (pad bits-per-pixel)
	    (ecase format
		(values (bitmap-format-pad bitmap-format) 1))
		(if (= depth 1)
		    (values (bitmap-format-pad bitmap-format) 1)
		  (let ((pixmap-format
			  (find depth (display-pixmap-formats display)
				:key #'pixmap-format-depth)))
		    (declare (type pixmap-format pixmap-format))
		    (values (pixmap-format-scanline-pad pixmap-format)
			    (pixmap-format-bits-per-pixel pixmap-format))))))
	  (declare (type (member 8 16 32) pad)
		   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel))
	  (let* ((bits-per-line (index* bits-per-pixel width))
		   (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line pad) pad))
		   (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
		   (index* padded-bytes-per-line height))
		   (ecase result-type
		       (ecase format
csr21's avatar
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			     buffer-bbuf +replysize+ length data
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			     width height depth
			     padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-plane
			     unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
csr21's avatar
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			     buffer-bbuf +replysize+ length data
dan's avatar
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			     width height depth
			     unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
			     pad bits-per-pixel))))
csr21's avatar
csr21 committed
			 buffer-bbuf +replysize+ length data
dan's avatar
dan committed
			 0 0 width height depth
			 padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-plane
			 unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
csr21's avatar
csr21 committed
			 buffer-bbuf +replysize+ length data
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dan committed
			 0 0 width height depth padded-bytes-per-line
			 unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))))
	    (declare (type image image)
		     (type array-index bits-per-line 
			   padded-bits-per-line padded-bytes-per-line))
	    (when visual-info
	      (unless (zerop (visual-info-red-mask visual-info))
		(setf (image-red-mask image)
		      (visual-info-red-mask visual-info)))
	      (unless (zerop (visual-info-green-mask visual-info))
		(setf (image-green-mask image)
		      (visual-info-green-mask visual-info)))
	      (unless (zerop (visual-info-blue-mask visual-info))
		(setf (image-blue-mask image)
		      (visual-info-blue-mask visual-info))))
	    (values image visual-info)))))))


(defun write-pixarray-1 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-1 array)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (right-bits (index-mod width 8))
	  (middle-bits (index- width right-bits))
	  (middle-bytes (index-ceiling middle-bits 8))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index h y right-bits middle-bits
		     middle-bytes start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start middle-bytes))
	    (i start (index1+ i))
	    (start-x x)
	    (x start-x (index+ x 8)))
	   ((index>= i end)
	    (unless (index-zerop right-bits)
	      (let ((x (index+ start-x middle-bits)))
		(declare (type array-index x))
		(setf (aref buffer-bbuf end)
			(aref array y (index+ x 0))
			(if (index> right-bits 1)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 1))
			(if (index> right-bits 2)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 2))
			(if (index> right-bits 3)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 3))
			(if (index> right-bits 4)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 4))
			(if (index> right-bits 5)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 5))
			(if (index> right-bits 6)
			    (aref array y (index+ x 6))
	(declare (type array-index end i start-x x))
	(setf (aref buffer-bbuf i)
		(aref array y (index+ x 0))
		(aref array y (index+ x 1))
		(aref array y (index+ x 2))
		(aref array y (index+ x 3))
		(aref array y (index+ x 4))
		(aref array y (index+ x 5))
		(aref array y (index+ x 6))
		(aref array y (index+ x 7))))))))

(defun write-pixarray-4 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-4 array)
	   (type int16 x y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (right-nibbles (index-mod width 2))
	  (middle-nibbles (index- width right-nibbles))
	  (middle-bytes (index-ceiling middle-nibbles 2))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index h y right-nibbles middle-nibbles
		     middle-bytes start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start middle-bytes))
	    (i start (index1+ i))
	    (start-x x)
	    (x start-x (index+ x 2)))
	   ((index>= i end)
	    (unless (index-zerop right-nibbles)
	      (setf (aref buffer-bbuf end)
		      (aref array y (index+ start-x middle-nibbles))
	(declare (type array-index end i start-x x))
	(setf (aref buffer-bbuf i)
		(aref array y (index+ x 0))
		(aref array y (index+ x 1))))))))

(defun write-pixarray-8 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			 padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-8 array)
	   (type int16 x y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index h y start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start width))
	    (i start (index1+ i))
	    (x x (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(setf (aref buffer-bbuf i) (the card8 (aref array y x)))))))

(defun write-pixarray-16 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			  padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-16 array)
	   (type int16 x y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index h y start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 2)))
	    (i start (index+ i 2))
	    (x x (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(let ((pixel (aref array y x)))
	  (declare (type pixarray-16-element-type pixel))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(write-image-load-byte 0 pixel 16))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))
		(write-image-load-byte 8 pixel 16)))))))

(defun write-pixarray-24 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			  padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-24 array)
	   (type int16 x y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index y start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 3)))
	    (i start (index+ i 3))
	    (x x (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(let ((pixel (aref array y x)))
	  (declare (type pixarray-24-element-type pixel))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(write-image-load-byte 0 pixel 24))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))
		(write-image-load-byte 8 pixel 24))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 2))
		(write-image-load-byte 16 pixel 24)))))))

(defun write-pixarray-32 (buffer-bbuf index array x y width height
			  padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes buffer-bbuf)
	   (type pixarray-32 array)
	   (type int16 x y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (ignore bits-per-pixel))
  (with-vector (buffer-bbuf buffer-bytes)
    (do* ((h 0 (index1+ h))
	  (y y (index1+ y))
	  (start index (index+ start padded-bytes-per-line)))
	 ((index>= h height))
      (declare (type array-index h y start))
      (do* ((end (index+ start (index* width 4)))
	    (i start (index+ i 4))
	    (x x (index1+ x)))
	   ((index>= i end))
	(declare (type array-index end i x))
	(let ((pixel (aref array y x)))
	  (declare (type pixarray-32-element-type pixel))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 0))
		(write-image-load-byte 0 pixel 32))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 1))
		(write-image-load-byte 8 pixel 32))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 2))
		(write-image-load-byte 16 pixel 32))
	  (setf (aref buffer-bbuf (index+ i 3))
		(write-image-load-byte 24 pixel 32)))))))

(defun write-pixarray-internal
       (bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	bits-per-pixel write-pixarray-function
	from-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type pixarray pixarray)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index boffset padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type function write-pixarray-function)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) from-unit to-unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
		 to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p))
  (multiple-value-bind (image-swap-function image-swap-lsb-first-p)
	from-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
    (declare (type symbol image-swap-function)
	     (type generalized-boolean image-swap-lsb-first-p))
    (if (eq image-swap-function 'image-noswap)
	  bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
      (with-image-data-buffer (buf (index* height padded-bytes-per-line))
	  buf 0 pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	  (symbol-function image-swap-function) buf bbuf 0 boffset
	  (index-ceiling (index* width bits-per-pixel) 8)
	  padded-bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line height

(defun write-pixarray
       (bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	bits-per-pixel unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes bbuf)
	   (type pixarray pixarray)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type array-index boffset padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
  (unless (fast-write-pixarray
	    bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
	    bits-per-pixel unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
      bbuf boffset pixarray x y width height padded-bytes-per-line
      (ecase bits-per-pixel
	( 1 #'write-pixarray-1 )
	( 4 #'write-pixarray-4 )
	( 8 #'write-pixarray-8 )
	(16 #'write-pixarray-16)
	(24 #'write-pixarray-24)
	(32 #'write-pixarray-32))
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      +image-unit+ +image-byte-lsb-first-p+ +image-bit-lsb-first-p+
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dan committed
1676 1677 1678 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1690 1691 1692 1693 1694 1695 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1705 1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1719 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1728 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1746 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756 1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 1765 1766 1767 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1775 1776 1777 1778 1779 1780 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1787 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1805 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 1818 1819 1820 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1826 1827 1828 1829 1830 1831 1832 1833 1834 1835 1836 1837 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1860 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1872 1873 1874 1875 1876 1877 1878 1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 1899 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003
      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))

(defun write-xy-format-image-x-data
       (data obuf data-start obuf-start x y width height
	from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line
	from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes data obuf)
	   (type array-index data-start obuf-start
		 from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) from-bitmap-unit to-bitmap-unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
		 to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p))
  (assert (index-zerop (index-mod x 8)))
  (multiple-value-bind (image-swap-function image-swap-lsb-first-p)
	from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
    (declare (type symbol image-swap-function)
	     (type generalized-boolean image-swap-lsb-first-p))
    (let ((x-mod-unit (index-mod x from-bitmap-unit)))
      (declare (type card16 x-mod-unit))
      (if (and (index-plusp x-mod-unit)
	       (not (eq from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p)))
	  (let* ((temp-width (index+ width x-mod-unit))
		 (temp-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling temp-width 8))
		   (index* (index-ceiling temp-width from-bitmap-unit)
		   (index-ceiling temp-padded-bits-per-line 8)))
	    (declare (type card16 temp-width temp-bytes-per-line
			   temp-padded-bits-per-line temp-padded-bytes-per-line))
		 (buf (index* height temp-padded-bytes-per-line))
		(symbol-function image-swap-function) data buf
		(index+ data-start
			(index* y from-padded-bytes-per-line)
			(index-floor (index- x x-mod-unit) 8))
		0 temp-bytes-per-line from-padded-bytes-per-line
		temp-padded-bytes-per-line height image-swap-lsb-first-p)
		buf obuf 0 obuf-start x-mod-unit 0 width height
		temp-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line
		from-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-byte-lsb-first-p
		to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)))
	  (symbol-function image-swap-function) data obuf 
	  (index+ data-start
		  (index* y from-padded-bytes-per-line)
		  (index-floor x 8))
	  obuf-start (index-ceiling width 8) from-padded-bytes-per-line
	  to-padded-bytes-per-line height image-swap-lsb-first-p)))))

(defun write-xy-format-image-x
       (display image src-x src-y width height
	unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type display display)
	   (type image-x image)
	   (type int16 src-x src-y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
  (dotimes (plane (image-depth image))
    (let ((data-start
	    (index* (index* plane (image-height image))
		    (image-x-bytes-per-line image)))
	  (src-y src-y)
	  (height height))
      (declare (type int16 src-y)
	       (type card16 height))
	(when (index-zerop height) (return))
	(let ((nlines
		(index-min (index-floor (index- (buffer-size display)
						(buffer-boffset display))
	  (declare (type array-index nlines))
	  (when (index-plusp nlines)
	      (image-x-data image) (buffer-obuf8 display)
	      data-start (buffer-boffset display)
	      src-x src-y width nlines 
	      (image-x-bytes-per-line image) padded-bytes-per-line
	      (image-x-unit image) (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image)
	      (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image)
	      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	    (index-incf (buffer-boffset display)
			(index* nlines padded-bytes-per-line))
	    (index-incf src-y nlines)
	    (when (index-zerop (index-decf height nlines)) (return))))
	(buffer-flush display)))))

(defun write-z-format-image-x-data
       (data obuf data-start obuf-start x y width height
	from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line
	from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type buffer-bytes data obuf)
	   (type array-index data-start obuf-start
		 from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) from-bitmap-unit to-bitmap-unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
		 to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p))
  (if (index= bits-per-pixel 1)
	data obuf data-start obuf-start x y width height
	from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line
	from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
    (let ((srcoff
	    (index+ data-start
		    (index* y from-padded-bytes-per-line)
		    (index-floor (index* x bits-per-pixel) 8)))
	  (srclen (index-ceiling (index* width bits-per-pixel) 8)))
      (declare (type array-index srcoff srclen))
      (if (and (index= bits-per-pixel 4) (index-oddp x))
	  (with-image-data-buffer (buf (index* height to-padded-bytes-per-line))
	      data buf srcoff 0 srclen
	      from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line height nil)
	      buf obuf 0 obuf-start 0 0 width height
	      to-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line
	      from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	      to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p))
	(multiple-value-bind (image-swap-function image-swap-lsb-first-p)
	      from-bitmap-unit from-byte-lsb-first-p from-bit-lsb-first-p
	      to-bitmap-unit to-byte-lsb-first-p to-bit-lsb-first-p)
	  (declare (type symbol image-swap-function)
		   (type generalized-boolean image-swap-lsb-first-p))
	    (symbol-function image-swap-function) data obuf srcoff obuf-start
	    srclen from-padded-bytes-per-line to-padded-bytes-per-line height

(defun write-z-format-image-x (display image src-x src-y width height
			       unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type display display)
	   (type image-x image)
	   (type int16 src-x src-y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type array-index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
    (when (index-zerop height) (return))
    (let ((nlines
	    (index-min (index-floor (index- (buffer-size display)
					    (buffer-boffset display))
      (declare (type array-index nlines))
      (when (index-plusp nlines)
	  (image-x-data image) (buffer-obuf8 display) 0 (buffer-boffset display)
	  src-x src-y width nlines
	  (image-x-bytes-per-line image) padded-bytes-per-line
	  (image-x-bits-per-pixel image)
	  (image-x-unit image) (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image)
	  (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image)
	  unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	(index-incf (buffer-boffset display)
		    (index* nlines padded-bytes-per-line))
	(index-incf src-y nlines)
	(when (index-zerop (index-decf height nlines)) (return))))
    (buffer-flush display)))

(defun write-image-xy (display image src-x src-y width height
		       unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type display display)
	   (type image-xy image)
	   (type array-index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type int16 src-x src-y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
  (dolist (bitmap (image-xy-bitmap-list image))
    (declare (type pixarray-1 bitmap))
    (let ((src-y src-y)
	  (height height))
      (declare (type int16 src-y)
	       (type card16 height))
	(let ((nlines
		(index-min (index-floor (index- (buffer-size display)
						(buffer-boffset display))
	  (declare (type array-index nlines))
	  (when (index-plusp nlines)
	      (buffer-obuf8 display) (buffer-boffset display)
	      bitmap src-x src-y width nlines
	      padded-bytes-per-line 1
	      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	    (index-incf (buffer-boffset display)
			(index* nlines padded-bytes-per-line))
	    (index-incf src-y nlines)
	    (when (index-zerop (index-decf height nlines)) (return))))
	(buffer-flush display)))))

(defun write-image-z (display image src-x src-y width height
		      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
  (declare (type display display)
	   (type image-z image)
	   (type array-index padded-bytes-per-line)
	   (type int16 src-x src-y)
	   (type card16 width height)
	   (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	   (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
    (let ((bits-per-pixel (image-z-bits-per-pixel image))
	    (index-min (index-floor (index- (buffer-size display)
					    (buffer-boffset display))
      (declare (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	       (type array-index nlines))
      (when (index-plusp nlines)
	  (buffer-obuf8 display) (buffer-boffset display)
	  (image-z-pixarray image) src-x src-y width nlines
	  padded-bytes-per-line bits-per-pixel
	  unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
	(index-incf (buffer-boffset display)
		    (index* nlines padded-bytes-per-line))
	(index-incf src-y nlines)
	(when (index-zerop (index-decf height nlines)) (return))))
    (buffer-flush display)))

;;; Note:	The only difference between a format of :bitmap and :xy-pixmap
;;;		of depth 1 is that when sending a :bitmap format the foreground 
;;;		and background in the gcontext are used.

(defun put-image (drawable gcontext image &key
		  (src-x 0) (src-y 0)		;Position within image
		  (x (required-arg x))		;Position within drawable
		  (y (required-arg y))
		  width height
  ;; Copy an image into a drawable.
  ;; WIDTH and HEIGHT default from IMAGE.
  ;; When BITMAP-P, force format to be :bitmap when depth=1.
  ;; This causes gcontext to supply foreground & background pixels.
  (declare (type drawable drawable)
	   (type gcontext gcontext)
	   (type image image)
	   (type int16 x y) ;; required
	   (type int16 src-x src-y)
	   (type (or null card16) width height)
	   (type generalized-boolean bitmap-p))
  (let* ((format
	   (etypecase image
	     (image-x (image-x-format (the image-x image)))
	     (image-xy :xy-pixmap)
	     (image-z :z-pixmap)))
	   (if (image-x-p image)
	       (index+ src-x (image-x-left-pad (the image-x image)))
	 (image-width (image-width image))
	 (image-height (image-height image))
	 (width (min (or width image-width) (index- image-width src-x)))
	 (height (min (or height image-height) (index- image-height src-y)))
	 (depth (image-depth image))
	 (display (drawable-display drawable))
	 (bitmap-format (display-bitmap-format display))
	 (unit (bitmap-format-unit bitmap-format))
	 (byte-lsb-first-p (display-image-lsb-first-p display))
	 (bit-lsb-first-p  (bitmap-format-lsb-first-p bitmap-format)))
    (declare (type (member :bitmap :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap) format)
	     (type fixnum src-x image-width image-height width height)
	     (type image-depth depth)
	     (type display display)
	     (type bitmap-format bitmap-format)
	     (type (member 8 16 32) unit)
	     (type generalized-boolean byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
    (when (and bitmap-p (not (index= depth 1)))
      (error "Bitmaps must have depth 1"))
    (unless (<= 0 src-x (index1- (image-width image)))
      (error "src-x not inside image"))
    (unless (<= 0 src-y (index1- (image-height image)))
      (error "src-y not inside image"))
    (when (and (index> width 0) (index> height 0))
      (multiple-value-bind (pad bits-per-pixel)
	  (ecase format
	    ((:bitmap :xy-pixmap)
	      (values (bitmap-format-pad bitmap-format) 1))
	      (if (= depth 1) 
		  (values (bitmap-format-pad bitmap-format) 1)
		(let ((pixmap-format
			(find depth (display-pixmap-formats display)
			      :key #'pixmap-format-depth)))
		  (declare (type (or null pixmap-format) pixmap-format))
		  (if (null pixmap-format)
		      (error "The depth of the image ~s does not match any server pixmap format." image))
		  (if (not (= (etypecase image
				(image-z (image-z-bits-per-pixel image))
				(image-x (image-x-bits-per-pixel image)))
			      (pixmap-format-bits-per-pixel pixmap-format)))
		      ;; We could try to use the "/* XXX slow, but works */"
		      ;; code in XPutImage from X11R4 here.  However, that
		      ;; would require considerable support code
		      ;; (see XImUtil.c, etc).
		      (error "The bits-per-pixel of the image ~s does not match any server pixmap format." image))
		  (values (pixmap-format-scanline-pad pixmap-format)
			  (pixmap-format-bits-per-pixel pixmap-format))))))
	(declare (type (member 8 16 32) pad)
		 (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel))
	(let* ((left-pad
		 (if (or (eq format :xy-pixmap) (= depth 1))
csr21's avatar
csr21 committed
		     (index-mod src-x (index-min pad +image-pad+))
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	       (left-padded-src-x (index- src-x left-pad))
	       (left-padded-width (index+ width left-pad))
	       (bits-per-line (index* left-padded-width bits-per-pixel))
		 (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line pad) pad))
	       (padded-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
		 (ecase format
		   ((:bitmap :xy-pixmap) (index* padded-bytes-per-line depth))
		   (:z-pixmap padded-bytes-per-line)))
		 (index* (index- (display-max-request-length display) 6) 4))
		 (floor max-bytes-per-request request-bytes-per-line)))
	  (declare (type card8 left-pad)
		   (type int16 left-padded-src-x)
		   (type card16 left-padded-width)
		   (type array-index bits-per-line padded-bits-per-line
			 padded-bytes-per-line request-bytes-per-line
			 max-bytes-per-request max-request-height))
	  ;; Be sure that a scanline can fit in a request
	  (when (index-zerop max-request-height)
	    (error "Can't even fit one image scanline in a request"))
	  ;; Be sure a scanline can fit in a buffer
	  (buffer-ensure-size display padded-bytes-per-line)
	  ;; Send the image in multiple requests to avoid exceeding the
	  ;; request limit
	  (do* ((request-src-y src-y (index+ request-src-y request-height))
		(request-y y (index+ request-y request-height))
 		  height (the fixnum (- height-remaining request-height)))
		  (index-min height-remaining max-request-height)
		  (index-min height-remaining max-request-height)))
	       ((<= height-remaining 0))
	    (declare (type array-index request-src-y request-height)
		     (fixnum height-remaining))
	    (let* ((request-bytes (index* request-bytes-per-line request-height))
		   (request-words (index-ceiling request-bytes 4))
		   (request-length (index+ request-words 6)))
	      (declare (type array-index request-bytes)
		       (type card16 request-words request-length))
csr21's avatar
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	      (with-buffer-request (display +x-putimage+ :gc-force gcontext)
dan's avatar
dan committed
		((data (member :bitmap :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap))
		 (cond ((or (eq format :bitmap) bitmap-p) :bitmap)
		       ((plusp left-pad) :xy-pixmap)
		       (t format)))
		(drawable drawable)
		(gcontext gcontext)
		(card16 width request-height)
		(int16 x request-y)
		(card8 left-pad depth)
		(pad16 nil)
		  (length-put 2 request-length)
		  (setf (buffer-boffset display) (advance-buffer-offset 24))
		  (etypecase image
		      (ecase (image-x-format (the image-x image))
			((:bitmap :xy-pixmap)
			    display image left-padded-src-x request-src-y
			    left-padded-width request-height
			    unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
			    display image left-padded-src-x request-src-y
			    left-padded-width request-height
			    unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))))
			display image left-padded-src-x request-src-y
			left-padded-width request-height
			unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p))
			display image left-padded-src-x request-src-y
			left-padded-width request-height
			unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))
		  ;; Be sure the request is padded to a multiple of 4 bytes
		  (buffer-pad-request display (index- (index* request-words 4) request-bytes))

(defun xy-format-image-x->image-x (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-x image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (let* ((padded-x (index+ x (image-x-left-pad image)))
	 (left-pad (index-mod padded-x 8))
	 (x (index- padded-x left-pad))
	 (unit (image-x-unit image))
	 (byte-lsb-first-p (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image))
	 (bit-lsb-first-p (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image))
	 (pad (image-x-pad image))
	   (index* (index-ceiling (index+ width left-pad) pad) pad))
	 (padded-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-width 8))
	 (padded-bytes-per-plane (index* padded-bytes-per-line height))
	 (length (index* padded-bytes-per-plane (image-depth image)))
	 (obuf (make-array length :element-type 'card8)))
    (declare (type card16 x)
	     (type card8 left-pad)
	     (type (member 8 16 32) unit pad)
	     (type array-index padded-width padded-bytes-per-line
		   padded-bytes-per-plane length)
	     (type buffer-bytes obuf))
    (dotimes (plane (image-depth image))
      (let ((data-start
	      (index* (image-x-bytes-per-line image)
		      (image-height image)
	      (index* padded-bytes-per-plane
	(declare (type array-index data-start obuf-start))
	  (image-x-data image) obuf data-start obuf-start
	  x y width height 
	  (image-x-bytes-per-line image) padded-bytes-per-line
	  unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
	  unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))
      :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
      :data obuf :format (image-x-format image) :bits-per-pixel 1
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
      :unit unit :pad pad :left-pad left-pad
      :byte-lsb-first-p byte-lsb-first-p :bit-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))

(defun z-format-image-x->image-x (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-x image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (let* ((padded-x (index+ x (image-x-left-pad image)))
	   (if (index= (image-depth image) 1)
	       (index-mod padded-x 8)
	 (x (index- padded-x left-pad))
	 (bits-per-pixel (image-x-bits-per-pixel image))
	 (unit (image-x-unit image))
	 (byte-lsb-first-p (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image))
	 (bit-lsb-first-p (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image))
	 (pad (image-x-pad image))
	 (bits-per-line (index* (index+ width left-pad) bits-per-pixel))
	 (padded-bits-per-line (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line pad) pad))
	 (padded-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
	 (padded-bytes-per-plane (index* padded-bytes-per-line height))
	 (length (index* padded-bytes-per-plane (image-depth image)))
	 (obuf (make-array length :element-type 'card8)))
    (declare (type card16 x)
	     (type card8 left-pad)
	     (type (member 8 16 32) unit pad)
	     (type array-index bits-per-pixel padded-bytes-per-line
		   padded-bytes-per-plane length)
	     (type buffer-bytes obuf))
      (image-x-data image) obuf 0 0
      x y width height 
      (image-x-bytes-per-line image) padded-bytes-per-line
      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p
      unit byte-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)
      :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
      :data obuf :format :z-pixmap :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
      :unit unit :pad pad :left-pad left-pad
      :byte-lsb-first-p byte-lsb-first-p :bit-lsb-first-p bit-lsb-first-p)))

(defun image-x->image-x  (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-x image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (ecase (image-x-format image)
    ((:bitmap :xy-pixmap)
      (xy-format-image-x->image-x image x y width height))
      (z-format-image-x->image-x image x y width height))))

(defun image-x->image-xy (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-x image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-xy))
  (unless (or (eq (image-x-format image) :bitmap)
	      (eq (image-x-format image) :xy-pixmap)
	      (and (eq (image-x-format image) :z-pixmap)
		   (index= (image-depth image) 1)))
    (error "Format conversion from ~S to ~S not supported"
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	   (image-x-format image) :xy-pixmap))
    (image-x-data image) 0 (length (image-x-data image)) nil
    (index+ x (image-x-left-pad image)) y width height
    (image-depth image) (image-x-bytes-per-line image)
    (index* (image-x-bytes-per-line image) (image-height image))
    (image-x-unit image) (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image)
    (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image)))

(defun image-x->image-z  (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-x image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-z))
  (unless (or (eq (image-x-format image) :z-pixmap)
	      (eq (image-x-format image) :bitmap)
	      (and (eq (image-x-format image) :xy-pixmap)
		   (index= (image-depth image) 1)))
    (error "Format conversion from ~S to ~S not supported"
	   (image-x-format image) :z-pixmap))
    (image-x-data image) 0 (length (image-x-data image)) nil
    (index+ x (image-x-left-pad image)) y width height
    (image-depth image) (image-x-bytes-per-line image)
    (image-x-bits-per-pixel image)
    (image-x-unit image) (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image)
    (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image)))

(defun copy-pixarray (array x y width height bits-per-pixel)
  (declare (type pixarray array)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel))
  (let* ((bits-per-line (index* bits-per-pixel width))
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	   (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line +image-pad+) +image-pad+))
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	 (padded-width (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line bits-per-pixel))
	 (copy (make-array (list height padded-width)
			   :element-type (array-element-type array))))
    (declare (type array-index bits-per-line padded-bits-per-line padded-width)
	     (type pixarray copy))
    (unless (fast-copy-pixarray array copy x y width height bits-per-pixel)
	((copy (array-type element-type)
	   `(let ((array array)
		  (copy copy))
	      (declare (type ,array-type array copy))
	      (do* ((dst-y 0 (index1+ dst-y))
		    (src-y y (index1+ src-y)))
		   ((index>= dst-y height))
		(declare (type card16 dst-y src-y))
		(do* ((dst-x 0 (index1+ dst-x))
		      (src-x x (index1+ src-x)))
		     ((index>= dst-x width))
		  (declare (type card16 dst-x src-x))
		  (setf (aref copy dst-y dst-x)
			(the ,element-type
			     (aref array src-y src-x))))))))
	(ecase bits-per-pixel
	  (1  (copy pixarray-1  pixarray-1-element-type))
	  (4  (copy pixarray-4  pixarray-4-element-type))
	  (8  (copy pixarray-8  pixarray-8-element-type))
	  (16 (copy pixarray-16 pixarray-16-element-type))
	  (24 (copy pixarray-24 pixarray-24-element-type))
	  (32 (copy pixarray-32 pixarray-32-element-type)))))

(defun image-xy->image-x (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-xy image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (let* ((padded-bits-per-line
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	   (index* (index-ceiling width +image-pad+) +image-pad+))
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	 (padded-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
	 (padded-bytes-per-plane (index* padded-bytes-per-line height))
	 (bytes-total (index* padded-bytes-per-plane (image-depth image)))
	 (data (make-array bytes-total :element-type 'card8)))
    (declare (type array-index padded-bits-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
		   padded-bytes-per-plane bytes-total)
	     (type buffer-bytes data))
    (let ((index 0))
      (declare (type array-index index))
      (dolist (bitmap (image-xy-bitmap-list image))
	(declare (type pixarray-1 bitmap))
	  data index bitmap x y width height padded-bytes-per-line 1
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	  +image-unit+ +image-byte-lsb-first-p+ +image-bit-lsb-first-p+)
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	(index-incf index padded-bytes-per-plane)))
      :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
      :data data :format :xy-pixmap :bits-per-pixel 1
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
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      :unit +image-unit+ :pad +image-pad+
      :byte-lsb-first-p +image-byte-lsb-first-p+
      :bit-lsb-first-p +image-bit-lsb-first-p+)))
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(defun image-xy->image-xy (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-xy image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-xy))
    :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
    :data (mapcar
	    #'(lambda (array)
		(declare (type pixarray-1 array))
		(copy-pixarray array x y width height 1))
	    (image-xy-bitmap-list image))))

(defun image-xy->image-z (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-xy image)
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	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (ignore image x y width height))
  (error "Format conversion from ~S to ~S not supported"
	 :xy-pixmap :z-pixmap))

(defun image-z->image-x (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-z image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-x))
  (let* ((bits-per-line (index* width (image-z-bits-per-pixel image)))
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	   (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line +image-pad+) +image-pad+))
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	 (padded-bytes-per-line (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
	   (index* padded-bytes-per-line height (image-depth image)))
	 (data (make-array bytes-total :element-type 'card8))
	 (bits-per-pixel (image-z-bits-per-pixel image)))
    (declare (type array-index bits-per-line padded-bits-per-line
		   padded-bytes-per-line bytes-total)
	     (type buffer-bytes data)
	     (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel))
      data 0 (image-z-pixarray image) x y width height padded-bytes-per-line 
      (image-z-bits-per-pixel image)
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      +image-unit+ +image-byte-lsb-first-p+ +image-bit-lsb-first-p+)
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      :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
      :data data :format :z-pixmap
      :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel
      :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
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      :unit +image-unit+ :pad +image-pad+
      :byte-lsb-first-p +image-byte-lsb-first-p+
      :bit-lsb-first-p +image-bit-lsb-first-p+)))
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(defun image-z->image-xy (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-z image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (ignore image x y width height))
  (error "Format conversion from ~S to ~S not supported"
	 :z-pixmap :xy-pixmap))

(defun image-z->image-z (image x y width height)
  (declare (type image-z image)
	   (type card16 x y width height)
	   (clx-values image-z))
    :width width :height height :depth (image-depth image)
    :data (copy-pixarray
	    (image-z-pixarray image) x y width height
	    (image-z-bits-per-pixel image))))

(defun copy-image (image &key (x 0) (y 0) width height result-type)
  ;; Copy with optional sub-imaging and format conversion.
  ;; result-type defaults to (type-of image)
  (declare (type image image)
	   (type card16 x y)
	   (type (or null card16) width height) ;; Default from image
	   (type (or null (member image-x image-xy image-z)) result-type))
  (declare (clx-values image))
  (let* ((image-width (image-width image))
	 (image-height (image-height image))
	 (width (or width image-width))
	 (height (or height image-height)))
    (declare (type card16 image-width image-height width height))
    (unless (<= 0 x (the fixnum (1- image-width)))
      (error "x not inside image"))
    (unless (<= 0 y (the fixnum (1- image-height)))
      (error "y not inside image"))
    (setq width (index-min width (max (the fixnum (- image-width x)) 0)))
    (setq height (index-min height (max (the fixnum (- image-height y)) 0)))
    (let ((copy
	    (etypecase image
		(ecase result-type
		  ((nil image-x) (image-x->image-x image x y width height))
		  (image-xy (image-x->image-xy image x y width height))
		  (image-z  (image-x->image-z  image x y width height))))
		(ecase result-type
		  (image-x (image-xy->image-x image x y width height))
		  ((nil image-xy) (image-xy->image-xy image x y width height))
		  (image-z  (image-xy->image-z image x y width height))))
		(ecase result-type
		  (image-x (image-z->image-x image x y width height))
		  (image-xy  (image-z->image-xy image x y width height))
		  ((nil image-z) (image-z->image-z image x y width height)))))))
      (declare (type image copy))
      (setf (image-plist copy) (copy-list (image-plist image)))
      (when (and (image-x-hot image) (not (index-zerop x)))
	(setf (image-x-hot copy) (index- (image-x-hot image) x)))
      (when (and (image-y-hot image) (not (index-zerop y)))
	(setf (image-y-hot copy) (index- (image-y-hot image) y)))

;;; Image I/O functions

(defun read-bitmap-file (pathname)
  ;; Creates an image from a C include file in standard X11 format
  (declare (type (or pathname string stream) pathname))
  (declare (clx-values image))
  (with-open-file (fstream pathname :direction :input)
    (let ((line "")
	  (properties nil)
	  (name nil)
	  (name-end nil))
      (declare (type string line)
	       (type stringable name)
	       (type list properties))
      ;; Get properties
	(setq line (read-line fstream))
	(unless (char= (aref line 0) #\#) (return))
	(flet ((read-keyword (line start end)
		     #\- #\_
		     (#-excl string-upcase
		      #+excl correct-case
		      (subseq line start end))
		     :test #'char=))))
	  (when (null name)
	    (setq name-end (position #\_ line :test #'char= :from-end t)
		  name (read-keyword line 8 name-end))
	    (unless (eq name :image)
	      (setf (getf properties :name) name)))
	  (let* ((ind-start (index1+ name-end))
		 (ind-end (position #\Space line :test #'char=
				    :start ind-start))
		 (ind (read-keyword line ind-start ind-end))
		 (val-start (index1+ ind-end))
		 (val (parse-integer line :start val-start)))
	    (setf (getf properties ind) val))))
      ;; Calculate sizes
      (multiple-value-bind (width height depth left-pad)
	  (flet ((extract-property (ind &rest default)
		   (prog1 (apply #'getf properties ind default)
			  (remf properties ind))))
	    (values (extract-property :width)
		    (extract-property :height)
		    (extract-property :depth 1)
		    (extract-property :left-pad 0)))
	(declare (type (or null card16) width height)
		 (type image-depth depth)
		 (type card8 left-pad))
	(unless (and width height) (error "Not a BITMAP file"))
	(let* ((bits-per-pixel
		 (cond ((index> depth 24) 32)
		       ((index> depth 16) 24)
		       ((index> depth 8)  16)
		       ((index> depth 4)   8)
		       ((index> depth 1)   4)
		       (t                  1)))
	       (bits-per-line (index* width bits-per-pixel))
	       (bytes-per-line (index-ceiling bits-per-line 8))
		 (index* (index-ceiling bits-per-line 32) 32))
		 (index-ceiling padded-bits-per-line 8))
	       (data (make-array (* padded-bytes-per-line height)
				 :element-type 'card8))
	       (line-base 0)
	       (byte 0))
	  (declare (type array-index bits-per-line bytes-per-line
			 padded-bits-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
			 line-base byte)
		   (type buffer-bytes data))
	  (with-vector (data buffer-bytes)
	    (flet ((parse-hex (char)
		       (assoc char
			      '((#\0  0) (#\1  1) (#\2  2) (#\3  3)
				(#\4  4) (#\5  5) (#\6  6) (#\7  7)
				(#\8  8) (#\9  9) (#\a 10) (#\b 11)
				(#\c 12) (#\d 13) (#\e 14) (#\f 15))
			      :test #'char-equal))))
	      (declare (inline parse-hex))
	      ;; Read data
	      ;; Note: using read-line instead of read-char would be 20% faster,
	      ;;       but would cons a lot of garbage...
	      (dotimes (i height)
		(dotimes (j bytes-per-line)
		  (loop (when (eql (read-char fstream) #\x) (return)))
		  (setf (aref data (index+ line-base byte))
			(index+ (index-ash (parse-hex (read-char fstream)) 4)
				(parse-hex (read-char fstream))))
		  (incf byte))
		(setq byte 0
		      line-base (index+ line-base padded-bytes-per-line)))))
	  ;; Compensate for left-pad in width and x-hot
	  (index-decf width left-pad)
	  (when (and (getf properties :x-hot) (plusp (getf properties :x-hot)))
	    (index-decf (getf properties :x-hot) left-pad))
	    :width width :height height
	    :depth depth :bits-per-pixel bits-per-pixel
	    :data data :plist properties :format :z-pixmap
	    :bytes-per-line padded-bytes-per-line
	    :unit 32 :pad 32 :left-pad left-pad
	    :byte-lsb-first-p t :bit-lsb-first-p t))))))

(defun write-bitmap-file (pathname image &optional name)
  ;; Writes an image to a C include file in standard X11 format
  ;; NAME argument used for variable prefixes.  Defaults to "image"
  (declare (type (or pathname string stream) pathname)
	   (type image image)
	   (type (or null stringable) name))
  (unless (typep image 'image-x)
    (setq image (copy-image image :result-type 'image-x)))
  (let* ((plist (image-plist image))
	 (name (or name (image-name image) 'image))
	 (left-pad (image-x-left-pad image))
	 (width (index+ (image-width image) left-pad))
	 (height (image-height image))
	   (if (eq (image-x-format image) :z-pixmap)
	       (image-depth image)
	 (bits-per-pixel (image-x-bits-per-pixel image))
	 (bits-per-line (index* width bits-per-pixel))
	 (bytes-per-line (index-ceiling bits-per-line 8))
	 (last (index* bytes-per-line height))
	 (count 0))
    (declare (type list plist)
	     (type stringable name)
	     (type card8 left-pad)
	     (type card16 width height)
	     (type (member 1 4 8 16 24 32) bits-per-pixel)
	     (type image-depth depth)
	     (type array-index bits-per-line bytes-per-line count last))
    ;; Move x-hot by left-pad, if there is an x-hot, so image readers that
    ;; don't know about left pad get the hot spot in the right place.  We have
    ;; already increased width by left-pad.
    (when (getf plist :x-hot)
      (setq plist (copy-list plist))
      (index-incf (getf plist :x-hot) left-pad))
    (with-image-data-buffer (data last)
      (multiple-value-bind (image-swap-function image-swap-lsb-first-p)
	    (image-x-unit image) (image-x-byte-lsb-first-p image)
	    (image-x-bit-lsb-first-p image) 32 t t)
	(declare (type symbol image-swap-function)
		 (type generalized-boolean image-swap-lsb-first-p))
	  (symbol-function image-swap-function) (image-x-data image)
	  data 0 0 bytes-per-line (image-x-bytes-per-line image)
	  bytes-per-line height image-swap-lsb-first-p))
      (with-vector (data buffer-bytes)
	(setq name (string-downcase (string name)))
	(with-open-file (fstream pathname :direction :output)
	  (format fstream "#define ~a_width ~d~%" name width)
	  (format fstream "#define ~a_height ~d~%" name height)
	  (unless (= depth 1)
	    (format fstream "#define ~a_depth ~d~%" name depth))
	  (unless (zerop left-pad)
	    (format fstream "#define ~a_left_pad ~d~%" name left-pad))
	  (do ((prop plist (cddr prop)))
	      ((endp prop))
	    (when (and (not (member (car prop) '(:width :height)))
		       (numberp (cadr prop)))
	      (format fstream "#define ~a_~a ~d~%"
			#\_ #\- (string-downcase (string (car prop)))
			:test #'char=)
		      (cadr prop))))
	  (format fstream "static char ~a_bits[] = {" name)
	  (dotimes (i height)
	    (dotimes (j bytes-per-line)
	      (when (zerop (index-mod count 15))
		(terpri fstream)
		(write-char #\space fstream))
	      (write-string "0x" fstream)
	      ;; Faster than (format fstream "0x~2,'0x," byte)
	      (let ((byte (aref data count))
		    (translate "0123456789abcdef"))
		(declare (type card8 byte))
		(write-char (char translate (ldb (byte 4 4) byte)) fstream)
		(write-char (char translate (ldb (byte 4 0) byte)) fstream))
	      (index-incf count)
	      (unless (index= count last)
		(write-char #\, fstream))))
	  (format fstream "};~%"))))))
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(defun bitmap-image (&optional plist &rest patterns)
  ;; Create an image containg pattern
  ;; PATTERNS are bit-vector constants (e.g. #*10101)
  ;; If the first parameter is a list, its used as the image property-list.
  (declare (type (or list bit-vector) plist)
	   (type list patterns)) ;; list of bitvector
  (declare (clx-values image))
  (unless (listp plist)
    (push plist patterns)
    (setq plist nil))
  (let* ((width (length (first patterns)))
	 (height (length patterns))
	 (bitarray (make-array (list height width) :element-type 'bit))
	 (row 0))
    (declare (type card16 width height row)
	     (type pixarray-1 bitarray))
    (dolist (pattern patterns)
      (declare (type simple-bit-vector pattern))
      (dotimes (col width)
	(declare (type card16 col))
	(setf (aref bitarray row col) (the bit (aref pattern col))))
      (incf row))
    (create-image :width width :height height :plist plist :data bitarray)))

(defun image-pixmap (drawable image &key gcontext width height depth)
  ;; Create a pixmap containing IMAGE. Size defaults from the image.
  ;; DEPTH is the pixmap depth.
  ;; GCONTEXT is used for putting the image into the pixmap.
  ;; If none is supplied, then one is created, used then freed.
  (declare (type drawable drawable)
	   (type image image)
	   (type (or null gcontext) gcontext)
	   (type (or null card16) width height)
	   (type (or null card8) depth))
  (declare (clx-values pixmap))
  (let* ((image-width (image-width image))
	 (image-height (image-height image))
	 (image-depth (image-depth image))
	 (width (or width image-width))
	 (height (or height image-height))
	 (depth (or depth image-depth))
	 (pixmap (create-pixmap :drawable drawable
			       :width width
			       :height height
			       :depth depth))
	 (gc (or gcontext (create-gcontext
			    :drawable pixmap
			    :foreground 1
			    :background 0))))
    (unless (= depth image-depth)
      (if (= image-depth 1)
	  (unless gcontext (xlib::required-arg gcontext))
	(error "Pixmap depth ~d incompatable with image depth ~d"
	       depth image-depth)))	       
    (put-image pixmap gc image :x 0 :y 0 :bitmap-p (and (= image-depth 1)
    ;; Tile when image-width is less than the pixmap width, or
    ;; the image-height is less than the pixmap height.
    ;; ??? Would it be better to create a temporary pixmap and 
    ;; ??? let the server do the tileing?
    (do ((x image-width (+ x image-width)))
	((>= x width))
      (copy-area pixmap gc 0 0 image-width image-height pixmap x 0)
      (incf image-width image-width))
    (do ((y image-height (+ y image-height)))
	((>= y height))
      (copy-area pixmap gc 0 0 image-width image-height pixmap 0 y)
      (incf image-height image-height))
    (unless gcontext (free-gcontext gc))