- May 15, 2003
- May 08, 2003
csr21 authored
Really get the implementation of HOLDING-LOCK right this time for #+(and sbcl sb-thread) darcs-hash:20030508101921-ed5a3-90352aed6b1c7774ff4544c371400f4785a393fc.gz
- May 06, 2003
csr21 authored
Fix TIMEOUT argument to HOLDING-LOCK (hopefully, anyway) Add IGNORE declarations elsewhere to preserve compiling with only optimization notes (about 1000 of them, sigh) darcs-hash:20030506130149-ed5a3-5de368c24b6042bc0d270e5d4cc022cc9f109883.gz
csr21 authored
dan authored
csr21 authored
- Apr 30, 2003
csr21 authored
Give the result-type argument to SEQUENCE-GET so that xvidmode actually works. (checked on my laptop) darcs-hash:20030430135830-ed5a3-552fe685683666fc6fbf8cbbea63b206a83a048f.gz
csr21 authored
Add Iban's xvidmode extension, mostly because I want to send him a diff, and putting it under version control is probably sensible. Not meant to imply that this is supported. darcs-hash:20030430074050-ed5a3-c2b2d2c9509c3624a8b5270844c6dd9dd6a3f8c9.gz
- Apr 17, 2003
csr21 authored
- Apr 03, 2003
dan authored
Experimental sbcl experimental thread support Export open-default-display darcs-hash:20030403174755-2591e-ad9ec8909b57c90731ca210ce6749feaa785b7fe.gz
csr21 authored
The great renaming, part II: Change old-style COMPILE LOAD EVAL to new-style :COMPILE-TOPLEVEL :LOAD-TOPLEVEL :EXECUTE in EVAL-WHENs. Mostly resist the temptation to reindent things. Decorate one or two places with FIXME comments. Since this brings us down to only 3 STYLE-WARNINGs, include the relevant (DECLARE IGNORABLE) statements to bring us down to zero. Now only 495 optimization notes to sort out. darcs-hash:20030403123933-ed5a3-06749f149b4bc8640110ee2b18ef8f5795baefc5.gz
csr21 authored
The great renaming, part I: For constants named by *FOO*, change the source to use +FOO+. This commit was brought to you by the function dired-do-query-replace-regexp, the letter y, and the regular expression \*\(clx-cached-types\|replysize\|buffer-text16-size\|... \)\* darcs-hash:20030403112715-ed5a3-5cb0e20a94dd81b4d3f19db3eaab72980ba80915.gz
csr21 authored
Make the qix demo work by binding FIXNUM-declared variables to NIL Make all the demos work by using OPEN-DEFAULT-DISPLAY under sbcl. darcs-hash:20030403110037-ed5a3-debd88843cbaa9d4298ee83d0413f32c4468f26e.gz
- Mar 22, 2003
dan authored
write-sequence on an unbuffered stream writes one element at a time. Use sb-impl::output-raw-bytes for something approximating performance darcs-hash:20030322215610-2591e-a47489a8eb5304989a7fb1a6ac8f26034ae78796.gz
- Mar 01, 2003
dan authored
- Feb 21, 2003
- Feb 11, 2003
dan authored
- Feb 09, 2003
dan authored
Prepare for first release (0.4, continuing the numbering from Raymond's releases) README.SBCL -> README README -> README-R5 Fixed demo/menu to open-default-display darcs-hash:20030209233610-2591e-d92738ca47de7776a71f7d0c06a78f39818fbe24.gz
dan authored
Allows the use of CLX clients over an ssh-forwarded connection. Thanks to Eric Marsden for explaining this one and writing the code in CMUCL CLX that fixes it. The X authority database is a small file typically found in $HOME/.Xauthority, each of the records in which is a binary-encoded tuple of (protocol address display-num auth-scheme-name auth-data) protocol is typically FamilyInternet or FamilyDECnet or something. The interpretation of address is protocol-specific, the display is a number, and the auth-data depends on the auth-scheme-name. With that said, I don't know of any any authorization schemes other than MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1, for which the auth data is 16 bytes of binary guck. For FamilyInternet, the address is just the IP address. That's easy. However, the authority database may be shared between multiple machines (for example, if you have NFS-mounted $HOME), so it has to do something special with local transports (unix sockets, shm, etc) so that they don't all overwrite each other. xauth invents some more Family* constants: the important one here is FamilyLocal, for which the address is the machine hostname as returned by gethostname(). If your DISPLAY is set to ":n" or "unix:n", this conventionally indicates a local connection, so these go into xauthority as FamilyLocal, wich the machine hostname to disambiguate them. Many people use SSH X connection forwarding to securely open remote X displays. If you're on host A, and you ssh to host B with X connection forwarding (ssh -X B), the daemon on host B opens a server socket bound to, port 6010 , then sets up your DISPLAY variable as localhost:10 (6011, 6012 etc as more connections are made). So, we have the same problem here as we do with local connections: is localhost _everywhere_, so xauth actually specialcases any host whose address is in the same way as it does "" and "unix" In summary, then, the necessary action to open a connection to the nth ssh-forwarded server on a machine is 1) obtain authentication data for FamilyLocal, display n+10 2) open the display at FamilyInternet host localhost port n+6010 darcs-hash:20030209190313-2591e-21921051977c5b3ba91bbd38241e666cb26a6687.gz
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
Make the default translation function work when printing 8 bit characters in a Lisp whose graphic-char-p only understands 7 Few miscellaneous other fixes (Probably all of these are from Iban) darcs-hash:20030209014451-2591e-936fb04f3d757cf71b154e9aa57332cac4d21b4e.gz
dan authored
http://www.cliki.net/eclipsedan authored
Patch from Iban Hatchondo via http://www.cliki.net/eclipse - if you want a window manager that uses CLX, presumably this is a good thing : "This bug is patched in the debian packages and in the clocc:clx version. It is a rather obscure bug, but it does result in a SIGSEGV on non-safe images, or even images with CLX compiled with a high speed and a low safety setting." darcs-hash:20030209001910-2591e-99ccfc4fada7e57f5819c2df64f983f3fde42f3e.gz
- Feb 08, 2003
dan authored
Add clx.asd for a nice clean build process Bad type declaration in input.lisp Messing about with packages in dependent.lisp so we can run without having to recreate all the old CMUCL packages as aliases for the nearly-equivalent SBCL ones dependent.lisp now uses functions in sb-bsd-sockets to open network connections, so no foreign code necessary Updated README darcs-hash:20030208233358-2591e-b98f2e262fa3470c34c4f2b50aac18b786b419d3.gz
- Jan 21, 2002
- Jan 11, 2002
dan authored
- Jan 28, 2001
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
dan authored
- Aug 30, 2000
dan authored