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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: SILICA; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-

;; $fiHeader: db-layout.lisp,v 1.34 1993/06/04 20:46:27 cer Exp $
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(in-package :silica)

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"Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Franz, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 Portions copyright (c) 1992 Symbolics, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 Portions copyright (c) 1989, 1990 Xerox Corp.  All rights reserved."

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;;; Layout Protocol

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(defgeneric compose-space (pane &key width height)
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  (:documentation "<Pane> should calculate how much space it wants."))
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(defgeneric allocate-space (pane width height)
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  (:documentation "<Pane> should allocate given space amongst itself and children"))
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(defgeneric note-space-requirements-changed (composite child)
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  (:documentation "Tells the composite that the child's shape has changed"))
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;;; Default Methods for Layout Protocol

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;;--- This seems dubious...
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(defmethod allocate-space ((pane basic-sheet) width height)
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  (declare (ignore width height)))

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(defmethod note-space-requirements-changed ((composite composite-pane) child)
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  (declare (ignore child))
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  (note-space-requirements-changed (sheet-parent composite)

(defmethod note-space-requirements-changed ((composite top-level-sheet) child)
  (declare (ignore child))
  (layout-frame (pane-frame composite)))
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(defmethod note-space-requirements-changed ((composite null) child)
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  ;; ??? Why is this method necessary -- RR
  ;; I'm sure it is, I just don't like the looks of it, which probably means
  ;; that there's a deeper problem somewhere.
  (declare (ignore child)))

;;; Layout Mixin

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(defclass layout-mixin () ())
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(defmethod change-space-requirements ((pane layout-mixin) &key &allow-other-keys)
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(defmethod note-sheet-region-changed :after ((pane layout-mixin) &key port-did-it)
  (note-layout-mixin-region-changed pane :port port-did-it))

(defmethod note-layout-mixin-region-changed ((pane layout-mixin) &key port)  
  (declare (ignore port))
  (multiple-value-bind (width height) (bounding-rectangle-size pane)
    (allocate-space pane width height)))

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(defmacro changing-space-requirements ((&rest options &key resize-frame layout) 
				       &body body)
  (declare (ignore resize-frame layout))
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  `(flet ((changing-space-requirements-body () ,@body))
     (declare (dynamic-extent #'changing-space-requirements-body))
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       #'changing-space-requirements-body ,@options)))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements-to ((pane layout-mixin) space-requirement)
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  (multiple-value-bind (width min-width max-width
			height min-height max-height)
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      (space-requirement-components space-requirement)
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    (change-space-requirements pane
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      :width width :min-width min-width :max-width max-width 
      :height height :min-height min-height :max-height max-height)))

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;;--- Do we need this?
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(defmethod change-space-requirements-to-default ((pane basic-pane))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements-to-default ((pane layout-mixin))

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(defvar *inside-changing-space-requirements* nil)

(defun invoke-with-changing-space-requirements (continuation &key resize-frame (layout t))
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  (let ((old-inside-changing-space-requirements 
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	  (cons nil *inside-changing-space-requirements*)))
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      (funcall continuation)
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      (when (and layout (not old-inside-changing-space-requirements))
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	;; Layout that frames that need to be laid out and
	;; re-layout the minimal subtrees that need to be laid out
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	(let* ((frames (remove-duplicates
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			   #'(lambda (x) (application-frame-p x))
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	       (panes (remove-if #'(lambda (x)
				     (or (not (panep x))
					 (member (pane-frame x) frames)))
	  (mapc #'layout-frame frames)
	  (dolist (pane panes)
	    (unless (some #'(lambda (p) 
			      (and (not (eq p pane))
				   (sheet-ancestor-p pane p)))
	      ;; do this because the change has occurred somewhere in
	      ;; the tree
	      (clear-space-requirement-caches-in-tree pane) 
	      (multiple-value-call #'allocate-space 
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	        pane (bounding-rectangle-size pane)))))))))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements :around ((pane layout-mixin) 
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					      &key resize-frame &allow-other-keys)
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  (let ((frame (pane-frame pane)))
    (if *inside-changing-space-requirements*
	(push (if (and frame resize-frame) frame (sheet-parent pane))
	      (cdr *inside-changing-space-requirements*))
	(if (and frame resize-frame)
	    (layout-frame frame)
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	    (note-space-requirements-changed (sheet-parent pane) pane)))))
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(defun space-requirement-combine (function sr1 sr2)
  (multiple-value-bind (width1 min-width1 max-width1 height1 min-height1 max-height1)
      (space-requirement-components sr1)
    (multiple-value-bind (width2 min-width2 max-width2 height2 min-height2 max-height2)
	(space-requirement-components sr2)
	:width (funcall function width1 width2)
	:min-width (funcall function min-width1 min-width2)
	:max-width (funcall function max-width1 max-width2)
	:height (funcall function height1 height2)
	:min-height (funcall function min-height1 min-height2)
	:max-height (funcall function max-height1 max-height2)))))

;; Add two space requirements
(defun-inline space-requirement+ (sr1 sr2)
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  (space-requirement-combine #'+ sr1 sr2))

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;; The "spread" version of the above...
(defun space-requirement+* (sr &key (width 0) (max-width width) (min-width width)
				    (height 0) (max-height height) (min-height height))
  (multiple-value-bind (srwidth  srmin-width  srmax-width 
			srheight srmin-height srmax-height)
      (space-requirement-components sr)
      :width  (+ srwidth width)
      :min-width (+ srmin-width min-width)
      :max-width (+ srmax-width max-width)
      :height (+ srheight height)
      :min-height (+ srmin-height min-height)
      :max-height (+ srmax-height max-height))))

(define-compiler-macro space-requirement+ (&whole form sr1 sr2)
  (cond ((and (listp sr1)
	      (eq (first sr1) 'make-space-requirement))
	 (destructuring-bind (f &key (width 0) (max-width width) (min-width width)
				     (height 0) (max-height height) (min-height height))
	   (declare (ignore f))
	   `(space-requirement+* ,sr2
	      :width ,width :max-width ,max-width :min-width ,min-width
	      :height ,height :max-height ,max-height :min-height ,min-height)))
	((and (listp sr2)
	      (eq (first sr2) 'make-space-requirement))
	 (destructuring-bind (f &key (width 0) (max-width width) (min-width width)
				     (height 0) (max-height height) (min-height height))
	   (declare (ignore f))
	   `(space-requirement+* ,sr1
	      :width ,width :max-width ,max-width :min-width ,min-width
	      :height ,height :max-height ,max-height :min-height ,min-height)))
	(t form)))
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;;; Space Req Mixin

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(defclass basic-space-requirement-mixin (layout-mixin)
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    ((initial-space-requirement :reader pane-initial-space-requirements)
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     (space-requirement :reader pane-space-requirements)))
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(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((pane basic-space-requirement-mixin) 
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				       &rest args
				       &key width max-width min-width
					    height max-height min-height)
  (declare (dynamic-extent args))
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  (declare (ignore width min-width max-width
		   height min-height max-height))
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  (with-slots (space-requirement initial-space-requirement) pane
    (multiple-value-bind (width min-width max-width
			  height min-height max-height)
	(apply #'default-space-requirements pane :allow-other-keys t args)
      (let ((sr (make-space-requirement
		  :width width :min-width min-width :max-width max-width 
		  :height height :min-height min-height :max-height max-height)))
	;; Space requirements are immutable...
	(setf space-requirement sr
	      initial-space-requirement sr)))))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements-to-default ((pane basic-space-requirement-mixin))
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  (when (pane-initial-space-requirements pane)
    (change-space-requirements-to pane (pane-initial-space-requirements pane))))

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(defmethod default-space-requirements ((pane basic-space-requirement-mixin) 
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				       &key (width 0)
					    (min-width width)
					    (max-width width)
					    (height 0)
					    (min-height height)
					    (max-height height))
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  (values width  min-width  max-width
	  height min-height max-height))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements ((pane basic-space-requirement-mixin) 
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				      &key width min-width max-width
					   height min-height max-height
  (declare (ignore resize-frame))
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  (with-slots (space-requirement) pane
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    (multiple-value-bind (srwidth  srmin-width  srmax-width 
			  srheight srmin-height srmax-height)
	(space-requirement-components space-requirement)
      (setq space-requirement (make-space-requirement 
				:width (or width srwidth)
				:min-width (or min-width srmin-width)
				:max-width (or max-width srmax-width)
				:height (or height srheight)
				:min-height (or min-height srmin-height)
				:max-height (or max-height srmax-height))))))
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(defclass space-requirement-mixin (basic-space-requirement-mixin) ())
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(defmethod compose-space ((pane space-requirement-mixin) &key width height)
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  (declare (ignore width height))
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  (or (slot-value pane 'space-requirement)
      (slot-value pane 'initial-space-requirement)))
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;;; Client Overridability

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(defclass client-overridability-mixin (basic-space-requirement-mixin)

(defmethod default-space-requirements ((pane client-overridability-mixin) 
				       &key width min-width max-width height min-height max-height)
  (values width  min-width  max-width
	  height min-height max-height))
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(defmethod normalize-space-requirement ((pane client-overridability-mixin) sr)

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(defmethod compose-space :around ((pane client-overridability-mixin) &key width height)
  (declare (ignore width height))
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  (with-slots (space-requirement) pane
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    (multiple-value-bind (width1 min-width1 max-width1 height1 min-height1 max-height1) 
	(space-requirement-components (normalize-space-requirement pane space-requirement))
      (multiple-value-bind (width2 min-width2 max-width2 height2 min-height2 max-height2)
	  (space-requirement-components (call-next-method))
	(flet ((mmin (x y z)
		 (or x (and y z (min y z)) y z))
	       (mmax (x y z)
		 (or x (and y z (max y z)) y z)))
	  (let ((height (or height1 height2))
		(width (or width1 width2)))
	     :width width
	     :min-width (or (mmin min-width1 width1 min-width2) width)
	     :max-width (or (mmax max-width1 width1 max-width2) width)
	     :height height
	     :min-height (or (mmin min-height1 height1 min-height2) height)
	     :max-height (or (mmax max-height1 height1 max-height2) height))))))))
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;;; Space Req Cache

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(defclass space-requirement-cache-mixin (layout-mixin)
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    ((space-requirement-cache :initform nil)))
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(defmethod compose-space :around ((pane space-requirement-cache-mixin) &key width height)
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  (declare (ignore width height))
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  (with-slots (space-requirement-cache) pane
    (or space-requirement-cache
	(setf space-requirement-cache (call-next-method)))))
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(defmethod clear-space-requirement-cache ((pane layout-mixin))
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(defmethod clear-space-requirement-cache ((pane t))
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(defmethod clear-space-requirement-cache ((pane space-requirement-cache-mixin))
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  (with-slots (space-requirement-cache) pane
    (setf space-requirement-cache nil)))
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(defmethod change-space-requirements :before ((pane space-requirement-cache-mixin) &key)
  (clear-space-requirement-cache pane))

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(defmethod note-space-requirements-changed :before
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	   (composite (pane space-requirement-cache-mixin))
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  (declare (ignore composite))
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  (clear-space-requirement-cache pane))
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(defun clear-space-requirement-caches-in-tree (sheet)
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  (map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet) 
		       (clear-space-requirement-cache sheet))
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(defun clear-space-requirement-caching-in-ancestors (menu)
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  (do ((parent (sheet-parent menu) (sheet-parent parent)))
      ((null parent))
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    (clear-space-requirement-cache parent)))
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;;; Wrapping Space Mixin

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(defclass wrapping-space-mixin (layout-mixin)
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(defmethod allocate-space ((pane wrapping-space-mixin) width height)
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  (resize-sheet (sheet-child pane) width height))
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(defmethod compose-space ((pane wrapping-space-mixin) &key width height)
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  (let ((child (sheet-child pane)))
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    (compose-space child :width width :height height)))
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;; This new supa dupa version saves up all the fills to the end and
;; then divides up any leftover space equally amongst them and it
;; seems to work!
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(defun allocate-space-to-items (given wanted items min-size
				desired-size max-size item-size)
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  (macrolet ((desired-size (x) `(funcall desired-size ,x))
	     (min-size (x) `(funcall min-size ,x))
	     (max-size (x) `(funcall max-size ,x))
	     (item-size (x) `(funcall item-size ,x)))
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    (let ((stretch-p (>= given (desired-size wanted)))
	  (allocated 0)
	  extra give used sizes)
      (if stretch-p
	  (setq give (- (max-size wanted) (desired-size wanted))
		extra (min (- given (desired-size wanted)) give))
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	  (setq give (- (desired-size wanted) (min-size wanted))
		extra (min (- (desired-size wanted) given) give)))
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      (dolist (item items)
	(let (alloc)
	  (typecase item
	    ((member :fill)
	     (setq alloc :fill))
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	      (let ((item-size (item-size item)))
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		(cond ((eq item-size :fill)
		       (setq alloc :fill))
		      ((numberp item-size)
		       (setq alloc (fix-coordinate (* item-size given))))
		       (setq alloc (desired-size item-size))
		       (when (> give 0)
			 (if stretch-p
			       (setq used (/ (* (- (max-size item-size)
						   (desired-size item-size))
			       (incf alloc used)
			       (fix-coordinates alloc)
			       (decf give (- (max-size item-size)
					     (desired-size item-size))))
			     (setq used (/ (* (- (desired-size item-size)
						 (min-size item-size))
			     (decf alloc used)
			     (fix-coordinates alloc)
			     (decf give (- (desired-size item-size)
					   (min-size item-size)))))
			 (decf extra used)))))))
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	  (when (numberp alloc)
	    (incf allocated alloc))
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	  (push alloc sizes)))
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      (let ((fills (count :fill sizes))
	    (leftover (- given allocated)))
	(when (> fills 0)
	  (let ((x (if (> leftover 0) 
		       (fix-coordinate (/ leftover fills)) 
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	    (setf sizes (nsubstitute x :fill sizes)))))
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      (nreverse sizes))))
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;; Most of the layout panes should inherit from this
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;;--- It would be nice if this and COMPOSITE-PANE had single- and multiple-child
;;--- versions so that users could get better error diagnostics
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(defclass layout-pane (sheet-mute-input-mixin
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