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;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: user -*-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA  All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1991 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA  All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc.  They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
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;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
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;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in
;; DOD FAR Supplement 52.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as applicable.
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;; $Id: compile-1.lisp,v 1.39 2000/06/26 17:42:07 layer Exp $
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(in-package :user)

;;; This should not matter
;;; (setq *ignore-package-name-case* t)
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;; Forgive them, lord, for they know not what they do.
(pushnew :ansi-90 *features*)

#+(and allegro microsoft-32)
(eval-when (compile load eval) 
  (pushnew :acl86win32 *features*))

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#-(version>= 6 0)
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(setq comp:generate-call-count-code-switch
  (named-function |(> debug 1)|
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		  (lambda (safety size speed debug)
		    (declare (ignore safety size speed))
		    (> debug 1))))
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(setq comp:declared-fixnums-remain-fixnums-switch
  (named-function |(> speed 2)|
		  (lambda (safety size speed debug)
		    (declare (ignore safety size debug))
		    (> speed 2))))

;;;; Set up translations so we can find stuff.
(setf (logical-pathname-translations "clim2")
  (list (list ";**;*.*" 
	      (format nil 
		      #+acl86win32 "~A**\\*.*" 
		      #-acl86win32 "~A**/*.*"
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			(butlast (pathname-directory 

;;;; system definitions we need

;;; Basic clim and also all the X stuff
(load "clim2:;sys;sysdcl")

;;; NT stuff (should this move to sys;sysdcl, or ?)
(load "clim2:;aclpc;sysdcl")

;;; postscript stuff
(load "clim2:;postscript;sysdcl")

;;; HPGL, only for Unix
(load "clim2:;hpgl;sysdcl")

;;; demo stuff
(load "clim2:;demo;sysdcl")

;;; testing stuff (this is really a serious mess)
(load "clim2:;test;testdcl")

;;; climtoys.  I think this is never there, but just to be compatible.
(when (probe-file "clim2:;climtoys;sysdcl.lisp")
  (load "clim2:;climtoys;sysdcl"))

;;;; System declarations for compiling, concatenating &c.
;;; This is all horrible.  There are two entangled problems here which
;;; are both basically artifacts of the fasls that were being built
;;; with the cat-based makefile.  What is built is a large `generic'
;;; fasl -- climg -- which does (or should) not have any port-specific
;;; stuff in it, and then several smaller fasls which have stuff like
;;; the motif port, the postscript port and so on.  The problems are:
;;; 1. Many of the systems used for building have modules which are
;;; complete other systems.  So if you try to concate them you get
;;; huge fasls.  This is OK for climg, but it doesn't work for the
;;; higher-layer systems.  `cattable' versions of these systems are
;;; defined below which do not have the dependencies.  It's not enough
;;; just to have a concatenate-system which does not walk into
;;; modules, as some of these are two-deep.
;;; 2. The actual fasls that were built did not correspond to systems
;;; at all.  Typically there was a x.fasl and a debugx.fasl, where
;;; x.fasl had the stuff you needed at runtime was in the x.fasl and
;;; compile-time stuff like def-x macros was in the debugx.fasl.  In
;;; order to get this to work, the systems would need to be split into
;;; two with foo being foo-compiletime and foo-runtime, and then you'd
;;; be able to cat them seperately.  Except that some of the debug
;;; fasls cut across several systems.  What I'm doing about this is to
;;; essentially not have any debugx fasls.  The debugging code goes
;;; into the x fasls, and I build empty fasls for the debug stuff.
;;; This is nasty, but it means that stuff won't break, even if the
;;; basic image is a little bigger.
;;; PROPOSAL: in a future ACL release we should stop doing all this,
;;; and just ship one large fasl with everything in for each platform.
;;; This makes things a little bit bigger, but it seems just a waste
;;; to spend all this time fiddling.  It's not like CLIM is big any
;;; more, unless you're running on a 386 or something.
;;; As well as this, the system definitions need looked at more and
;;; cleaned up.

(defsystem climg
    ;; climg is generic clim and ends up as climg.fasl.  This is
    ;; clim-standalone + the PS stubs.
   clim-standalone			;from sys;sysdcl
   postscript-clim-stubs		;from postscript;sysdcl

(defsystem climdemo
    ;; climdemo.fasl.  This is a hack becuse files used by the system
    ;; in test;sysdcl have nasties in, other than that we could
    ;; probably make this be just clim-demo + clim-tests.
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;;;   #+acl86win32
;;;   "clim2:;aclpc;sysdcl"                ;get defsys for compile.  Ick.
   "clim2:;aclpc;pkgdcl"                ;get package for compile.  Ick.
   clim-demo				;demo;sysdcl
   "clim2:;test;test-suite"             ;hack!

(defsystem hpgl-clim-cat
    ;; a cattable hpgl-clim, see clim2:;hpgl;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;hpgl;")

(defsystem empty-cat
    ;; so we can make empty fasls trivially

(defsystem aclnt-clim-cat
    ;; a cattable aclnt-clim, see clim2:;aclnt;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;aclpc;")

(defsystem xlib-cat
    ;; a cattable xlib, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;xlib;")
   ("xlib-defs" (:load-before-compile "ffi"))
   ("xlib-funs" (:load-before-compile "ffi"))
   ("x11-keysyms" (:load-before-compile "ffi"))
   ("last" (:load-before-compile "load-xlib" "xlib-funs"))

(defmacro define-xt-cat-system (name file &rest modules)
  ;; this is like define-xt-system but uses xlib-cat, not xlib.  See
  ;; clim2:;sys;sysdcl.  The `special' file comes before the xlib
  ;; system because it can do various require-type things: I'm not
  ;; sure this is right.
  `(defsystem ,name
       (:default-pathname #p"clim2:;tk;")
      ;; Xlib stuff
      ;; Toolkit stuff

(define-xt-cat-system xm-tk-cat "load-xm"
  ;; cattable xm-tk, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl

(define-xt-cat-system ol-tk-cat "load-ol"
  ;; cattable ol-tk, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl

(defsystem motif-clim-cat
    ;; cattable motif-clim, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;tk-silica;")

(defsystem openlook-clim-cat
    ;; cattable openlook-clim, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;tk-silica;")

(defsystem wnn-cat
    ;; cattable wnn, see clim2:;sys;sysdcl
    (:default-pathname "clim2:;wnn;")

;;;; Compiling a system.
;;; This is just hard-wired -- the makefile says (compile-it
;;; <something>), which determines which top-level system to build,
;;; but all the other systems are wired in here.  And currently there
;;; is only one possible top-level system per platform, unless by some
;;; miracle the openlook stuff still built!
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(defun compile-it (sys)
  (flet ((cl (s &key (include-components t)
		     (ignore-if-unknown nil)
		     (load-too nil))
	   (cond ((ignore-errors (excl:find-system s))
		  (excl:compile-system s 
				       :include-components include-components)
		  (when load-too
		     (excl:load-system s))))
		 ((not ignore-if-unknown)
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		  (error "System ~S not known" s))
		 (t nil))))
    (with-compilation-unit ()
      (cl sys)
      ;; OK, now we randomly compile some other systems in a very
      ;; hacky way.  Several of these are just because that's the way
      ;; it was done before.  As well as platform conditionalisation,
      ;; the clim-homegrown and the clim-compatibility (from
      ;; compatibility;sysdcl) systems were not being bult on any
      ;; platform.
      ;; I am not sure if this is the right test...
      #+(and allegro ics (not acl86win32))
      (cl 'wnn)
      (cl 'postscript-clim)
      (cl 'climdemo)
      ;; This currently does not build on windows but I think it
      ;; should do in future
      (cl 'testing)
      (cl 'clim-toys :ignore-if-unknown t)
      (cl 'hpgl-clim))))

;;;; Concatenating systems
;;; This is fairly hacky as well.  This code *knows* about what
;;; pathnames to dump systems under.  Again, SYS is just the top-level
;;; system (it should agree with the one we gave to COMPILE-IT above.
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(defun concatenate-it (sys)
  (ecase sys
     (concatenate-system 'aclnt-clim-cat "clim2:;climnt.fasl"))
     (concatenate-system 'motif-clim-cat "clim2:;climxm.fasl")
     (concatenate-system 'empty-cat "clim2:;clim-debugxm.fasl")))
  ;; these are the basic things that we get
  (concatenate-system 'climg "clim2:;climg.fasl")
  (concatenate-system 'climdemo "clim2:;climdemo.fasl")
  (concatenate-system 'postscript-clim "clim2:;climps.fasl")
  ;; The wnn system depends on ics.  The debug system is just there
  ;; for backwards compatibility
  #+(and allegro ics (not acl86win32))
  (concatenate-system 'wnn-cat "clim2:;climwnn.fasl")
  #+(and allegro ics (not acl86win32))
  (concatenate-system 'empty-cat "clim2:;clim-debugwnn.fasl")
  ;; hpgl only on unix
  (concatenate-system 'hpgl-clim-cat "clim2:;climhpgl.fasl")
  ;; formerly the bogusly-named system with X debugging stuff in, now
  ;; exists only for backwards compatibility.
  (concatenate-system 'empty-cat "clim2:;clim-debug.fasl"))