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Forked from mcclim / clim-tos
468 commits behind the upstream repository.
  • colin's avatar
    clim/pkg.lisp, clim/sysdcl.lisp, misc/go-ol.lisp, misc/go-xm.lisp, · 32c174a7
    colin authored
    misc/go.lisp, silica/pkg.lisp, silica/sysdcl.lisp,
    tk-silica/sysdcl.lisp, xlib/sysdcl.lisp
    - REMOVED all these files - they were historic.
    clim/accept-values.lisp, clim/db-menu-lisp, clim/default-frame.lisp,
    - changed :parent to :frame-manager in calls to make-application-frame
    - make-clim-stream-pane passes the pane-name to the outlining-pane and
    scroller-pane. This makes pane specific color resources affect the
    scroll bars and border.
    - simplified initialize-instance :after method on
    standard-application-frame. Dropped the :parent initarg - all done
    with the :frame-manager initarg.
    - changed :command-menu panes to use tk menu-bar rather than clim1.1
    style panes
    - output-protocol-mixin now inherits foreground, background and
    text-style slots from sheet-with-resources-mixin 
    - output-protocol-mixin specific accessors on medium-foreground,
    medium-background and medium-default-text-style removed.
    - output-protcol-mixin specific engraft-medium method removed.
    - tidied up compile-it.
    silica/db-border.lisp, silica/db-layout.lisp, silica/db-scroll.lisp,
    silica/scroll-pane.lisp, silica/gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp
    - changed all references to foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    to sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - made menu-bar inherit from sheet-with-resources-mixin and removed
    its text-style slot
    - removed foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    - added sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - added new gf get-sheet-resources to do resource lookup
    - added new note-sheet-grafted :before method on
    sheet-with-resources-mixin which does the resource lookup
    - added engraft-medium :after method on sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - replaced note-sheet-grafted :around method hack with :after methods
    on (setf port), this ensures the medium is engrafted after the mirror
    has been realized.
    - ditto for note-sheet-degrafted to degraft the medium
    tk/widget.lisp tk/xlib.lisp
    - changed resource name and class to be a list of strings rather than
    a single string with "."s as separators.
    - removed special handling (hack) of text-style for motif menu-bars.
    The general sheet-with-resources-mixin mechanism deals with this now.
    - removed hack in find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet for
    xm-viewport which named the widget according to the pane name of its
    child. This is now handled correctly in make-clim-stream-pane
    - made motif-scroller-pane set up the background of it's viewport
    correctly. (Makes displays less "flashy")
    - changed find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet :around method from
    foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin to sheet-with-resources-mixin 
    new method simply looks at the slots in the sheet (no database query)
    - replaced decode-ink + :around method by decode-ink and decode-ink-1
    (to handle recursive case and not put multiple entries in hashtable)
    - removed all the engraft-medium :before methods which called
    - removed default-from-resources
    - added get-sheet-resources methods on sheet and pixmap-stream
    - added function get-xt-resources
    - removed export of foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    - exported get-sheet-resources from clim-silica
    - exported sheet-with-resources-mixin from clim-silica
    clim/pkg.lisp, clim/sysdcl.lisp, misc/go-ol.lisp, misc/go-xm.lisp,
    colin authored
    misc/go.lisp, silica/pkg.lisp, silica/sysdcl.lisp,
    tk-silica/sysdcl.lisp, xlib/sysdcl.lisp
    - REMOVED all these files - they were historic.
    clim/accept-values.lisp, clim/db-menu-lisp, clim/default-frame.lisp,
    - changed :parent to :frame-manager in calls to make-application-frame
    - make-clim-stream-pane passes the pane-name to the outlining-pane and
    scroller-pane. This makes pane specific color resources affect the
    scroll bars and border.
    - simplified initialize-instance :after method on
    standard-application-frame. Dropped the :parent initarg - all done
    with the :frame-manager initarg.
    - changed :command-menu panes to use tk menu-bar rather than clim1.1
    style panes
    - output-protocol-mixin now inherits foreground, background and
    text-style slots from sheet-with-resources-mixin 
    - output-protocol-mixin specific accessors on medium-foreground,
    medium-background and medium-default-text-style removed.
    - output-protcol-mixin specific engraft-medium method removed.
    - tidied up compile-it.
    silica/db-border.lisp, silica/db-layout.lisp, silica/db-scroll.lisp,
    silica/scroll-pane.lisp, silica/gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp
    - changed all references to foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    to sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - made menu-bar inherit from sheet-with-resources-mixin and removed
    its text-style slot
    - removed foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    - added sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - added new gf get-sheet-resources to do resource lookup
    - added new note-sheet-grafted :before method on
    sheet-with-resources-mixin which does the resource lookup
    - added engraft-medium :after method on sheet-with-resources-mixin
    - replaced note-sheet-grafted :around method hack with :after methods
    on (setf port), this ensures the medium is engrafted after the mirror
    has been realized.
    - ditto for note-sheet-degrafted to degraft the medium
    tk/widget.lisp tk/xlib.lisp
    - changed resource name and class to be a list of strings rather than
    a single string with "."s as separators.
    - removed special handling (hack) of text-style for motif menu-bars.
    The general sheet-with-resources-mixin mechanism deals with this now.
    - removed hack in find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet for
    xm-viewport which named the widget according to the pane name of its
    child. This is now handled correctly in make-clim-stream-pane
    - made motif-scroller-pane set up the background of it's viewport
    correctly. (Makes displays less "flashy")
    - changed find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet :around method from
    foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin to sheet-with-resources-mixin 
    new method simply looks at the slots in the sheet (no database query)
    - replaced decode-ink + :around method by decode-ink and decode-ink-1
    (to handle recursive case and not put multiple entries in hashtable)
    - removed all the engraft-medium :before methods which called
    - removed default-from-resources
    - added get-sheet-resources methods on sheet and pixmap-stream
    - added function get-xt-resources
    - removed export of foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
    - exported get-sheet-resources from clim-silica
    - exported sheet-with-resources-mixin from clim-silica
compile-1.lisp 2.54 KiB
;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: user -*-
;;				-[]-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA  All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1991 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA  All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc.  They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.
;; $fiHeader: compile-1.lisp,v 1.17 92/12/07 12:15:00 cer Exp $

(in-package :user)

;;;; This should not matter
;;;; (setq *ignore-package-name-case* t)

(set-case-mode :case-insensitive-lower)

  (compile-file "~/stuff/misc/")
  (load "~/stuff/misc/new-slot-opt.fasl")

  (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :print) t)
  (setf (sys:gsgc-switch :stats) t))

(setq comp:generate-call-count-code-switch
  (named-function |(> debug 1)| 
		  (lambda (safety size speed debug)
		    (declare (ignore safety size speed))
		    (> debug 1))))
(setq comp:declared-fixnums-remain-fixnums-switch
  (named-function |(> speed 2)|
		  (lambda (safety size speed debug)
		    (declare (ignore safety size debug))
		    (> speed 2))))

(unless (find-package 'clim-defsystem)
  (compile-file-if-needed "sys/defsystem")
  (let ((*enable-package-locked-errors* nil))
    (load "sys/defsystem")))

(defun compile-it (sys)
  (unless (ignore-errors (clim-defsys::find-system sys))
    (load "sys/sysdcl"))
  (clim-defsys::compile-system sys :propagate t)
   (clim-defsys::load-system sys))

  (load "postscript/sysdcl")
  (clim-defsys::compile-system 'postscript-clim :propagate t)
  (clim-defsys::load-system 'postscript-clim)

  (compile-file-if-needed "test/test-suite")

  (load "demo/sysdcl")
  (clim-defsys::compile-system 'clim-demo :propagate t)
  (clim-defsys::load-system 'clim-demo)

  (load "climtoys/sysdcl.lisp")
  (clim-defsys::compile-system 'clim-toys)
  (clim-defsys::load-system 'clim-toys)

  #+ignore (load "compatibility/sysdcl.lisp")
  #+ignore (clim-defsys::compile-system 'clim-compatibility :propagate t))