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;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: clim-demo -*-
;; -[]-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1992 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.
;; $fiHeader$
(in-package :clim-demo)
(define-application-frame bitmap-editor ()
((rows :initarg :rows :initform 8)
(cell-size :initarg :cell-size :initform 10)
(columns :initarg :columns :initform 8)
(array :initarg :array :initform nil)
(current-color :initarg :current-color :initform 0)
(colors :initarg :colors :initform
(list +background-ink+ +foreground-ink+)))
(palette :accept-values :scroll-bars :vertical :width :compute :height :compute
:display-function '(accept-values-pane-displayer
:displayer display-palette))
(edit-pane :application :scroll-bars :both :width :compute :height :compute)
(pattern-pane :application :scroll-bars nil :width :compute :height :compute))
(:layouts (default (horizontally () palette edit-pane pattern-pane))))
(defun display-palette (frame stream)
(with-slots (colors current-color) frame
(flet ((display-color (object stream)
(with-room-for-graphics (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 30 10 :ink object))))
(setf current-color
(accept `((completion ,colors)
:name-key ,#'identity
:printer ,#'display-color)
:view '(clim-internals::radio-box-view :orientation
:vertical :toggle-button-options (:indicator-type nil))
:stream stream
:default (nth current-color colors)
:prompt "Colors")
(terpri stream)
(accept-values-command-button (stream)
"Add Color"
(add-color-to-palette frame))
(terpri stream)
(accept-values-command-button (stream)
"Edit Color"
(replace-current-color frame))
(terpri stream)
(accept-values-command-button (stream)
"Delete Color"
(delete-current-color frame)))))
(defun replace-current-color (frame)
;;--- Exercise for the read
(defun delete-current-color (frame)
;;--- Exercise for the reader
(defun add-color-to-palette (frame)
(let ((fr (make-application-frame 'color-chooser)))
(run-frame-top-level fr)
(with-slots (colors) frame
(setq colors (append colors (list (color fr)))))))
(define-bitmap-editor-command (com-display-options :menu t)
(let* ((frame *application-frame*)
(rows (slot-value frame 'rows))
(columns (slot-value frame 'columns))
(cell-size (slot-value frame 'cell-size))
(view '(clim-internals::slider-view :show-value-p t)))
(accepting-values (*query-io* :own-window t :label "Editor options")
(setq rows (accept '(integer 1 256)
:view view
:default rows
:prompt "Rows"
:stream *query-io*))
(terpri *query-io*)
(setq columns (accept '(integer 1 256)
:view view
:default columns
:prompt "Columns"
:stream *query-io*))
(terpri *query-io*)
(setq cell-size (accept '(integer 10 100)
:view view
:default cell-size
:prompt "Cell Size"
:stream *query-io*))
(terpri *query-io*))
(setf (slot-value frame 'rows) rows
(slot-value frame 'columns) columns
(slot-value frame 'cell-size) cell-size
(slot-value frame 'array)
(adjust-array (slot-value frame 'array) (list rows columns)
:initial-element 0))
(display-everything frame)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((frame bitmap-editor) &key)
(with-slots (rows columns array) frame
(setf array (make-array (list rows columns) :initial-element 0))))
(defmethod display-grid (frame pane)
(with-slots (rows columns cell-size) frame
(let ((maxx (* rows (1+ cell-size)))
(maxy (* columns (1+ cell-size))))
(dotimes (i (1+ rows))
(draw-line* pane 0 (* i (1+ cell-size)) maxx (* i (1+ cell-size))))
(dotimes (i (1+ columns))
(draw-line* pane (* i (1+ cell-size)) 0 (* i (1+ cell-size)) maxy)))))
(defmethod display-cells (frame pane)
(with-slots (rows columns cell-size) frame
(dotimes (i rows)
(dotimes (j columns)
(display-cell frame pane i j)))))
(define-presentation-type bitmap-editor-cell ())
(define-presentation-method presentation-typep (object (type bitmap-editor-cell))
(and (listp object) (= 2 (length object))))
(defun display-cell (frame pane i j)
(with-slots (cell-size array colors) frame
(let ((x (* j (1+ cell-size)))
(y (* i (1+ cell-size))))
(with-output-as-presentation (pane (list i j) 'bitmap-editor-cell)
(draw-rectangle* pane (+ x 2)
(+ y 2)
(+ x (- cell-size 2))
(+ y (- cell-size 2))
:ink (nth (aref array i j) colors)
:filled t)))))
(defun display-pattern (frame)
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane frame 'pattern-pane)))
(with-slots (array rows columns colors) frame
(window-clear stream)
(surrounding-output-with-border (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream 10 10 (+ 10 rows) (+ 10 columns)
(make-pattern array colors))))))
(defmethod run-frame-top-level :before ((frame bitmap-editor))
(display-everything frame))
(defun display-everything (frame)
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane frame 'edit-pane)))
(window-clear stream)
(display-grid frame stream)
(display-cells frame stream)
(display-pattern frame)))
(define-presentation-to-command-translator toggle-cell
(bitmap-editor-cell com-toggle-cell bitmap-editor :gesture :select)
(presentation object)
(list presentation object))
(define-bitmap-editor-command com-toggle-cell
((presentation 'presentation)
(cell 'bitmap-editor-cell))
(let ((frame *application-frame*))
(destructuring-bind (i j) cell
(with-slots (array current-color) frame
(setf (aref array i j) current-color))
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane frame 'edit-pane)))
(erase-output-record presentation stream)
(display-cell frame stream i j)
(display-pattern frame)))))
;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: clim-demo -*-
;; -[]-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1992 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.
;; $fiHeader$
(in-package :clim-demo)
(define-application-frame process-browser ()
((timer :accessor process-browser-timer :initform nil)
(delay :initarg :delay :accessor process-browser-delay))
(processes :application
:incremental-redisplay '(t :check-overlapping nil)
:display-function 'display-processes
:width :compute :height :compute))
(default processes))
(:default-initargs :delay 5))
(defmethod read-frame-command :around ((frame process-browser) &key)
(with-accessors ((timer process-browser-timer)) frame
(install-process-browser-timer frame)
(when timer (clim-utils::delete-timer timer)))))
(defun install-process-browser-timer (frame)
(with-accessors ((timer process-browser-timer)
(delay process-browser-delay)) frame
(when timer (clim-utils::delete-timer timer))
(setq timer (clim-internals::make-command-timer frame 'com-update-process-browser nil
(define-process-browser-command (com-change-delay-browser :menu t)
(let ((frame *application-frame*))
(with-accessors ((timer process-browser-timer)
(delay process-browser-delay)) frame
(accepting-values (*query-io* :own-window t)
(setf delay (accept '(integer 1 *)
:prompt "Enter new delay"
:default delay
:stream *query-io*))
(terpri *query-io*)))))
(define-process-browser-command com-update-process-browser
;;-- We have to do this because of the asynchronous updates
(unhighlight-highlighted-presentation *standard-output*))
(define-process-browser-command (com-refresh-process-browser :menu t)
(window-clear *standard-output*))
(define-process-browser-command com-inspect-process
((process 'mp::process :gesture :select))
(wt::winspect process))
(defun display-processes (frame pane &key &allow-other-keys)
(declare (ignore frame))
(with-text-size (t :small)
(let ((*standard-output* pane))
(formatting-table ()
(with-text-face (t :bold)
(updating-output (t :unique-id 'headings)
(formatting-row ()
(formatting-cell () (write-string "P"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "Dis"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "Sec"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "dSec"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "Priority"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "State"))
(formatting-cell () (write-string "Name,Whostate,Arrest")))))
;;-- snarfed from
(let* ((processes mp:*all-processes*)
(sort (mp:without-scheduling ;assure consistent data
(mapcar #'(lambda (p)
(let* ((times (mp::process-times-resumed p))
(dtimes (- times (mp::process-times-resumed-1 p)))
(msec (mp::process-cpu-msec-used p))
(dmsec (- msec (mp::process-cpu-msec-used-1 p))))
(prog1 (list* dtimes msec dmsec p)
(setf (mp::process-times-resumed-1 p) times
(mp::process-cpu-msec-used-1 p) msec))))
#'>= :key #'caddr)))
(dolist (p processes)
(destructuring-bind (times-resumed msec-used msec-used-d . process) p
(let ((profilep
(let ((stack-group (mp::process-stack-group process)))
(and stack-group
(mp::profile-stack-group-p stack-group)))))
(updating-output (t :unique-id process
:cache-test #'equal
(list p
(mp::process-active-p process)
(mp::process-runnable-p process)
(mp::process-wait-function process)
(mp::process-name process)
(mp::process-whostate process)
(mp::process-arrest-reasons process)))
(formatting-row ()
(with-output-as-presentation (t
:single-box t)
(updating-output (t :cache-value profilep)
(formatting-cell ()
(princ profilep)))
(updating-output (t :cache-value times-resumed)
(formatting-cell ()
(princ times-resumed)))
(updating-output (t :cache-value msec-used)
(formatting-cell ()
(princ (round msec-used 1000))))
(updating-output (t :cache-value msec-used-d)
(formatting-cell ()
(princ (/ msec-used-d 1000.0))))
(updating-output (t :cache-value (mp::process-priority process))
(formatting-cell ()
(princ (mp::process-priority process))))
(let ((state
(cond ((not (mp::process-active-p process)) "inactive")
((mp::process-runnable-p process) "runnable")
((mp::process-wait-function process) "waiting ")
(t " ? "))))
(updating-output (t :cache-value state :cache-test #'equal)
(formatting-cell ()
(princ state))))
(updating-output (t :cache-value
(mp::process-name process)
:cache-test #'equal)
(formatting-cell ()
(with-text-face (t :bold)
(princ (mp::process-name process)))))
(updating-output (t :cache-value (mp::process-whostate process))
(formatting-cell ()
(princ (mp::process-whostate
(updating-output (t :cache-value (mp::process-arrest-reasons process)
:cache-test #'equal)
(formatting-cell ()
(when (mp::process-arrest-reasons process)
(princ (mp::process-arrest-reasons process))))))))))))))))
(defvar *process-browsers* nil)
(defun do-process-browser (&key (port (find-port)) (force nil))
(let* ((framem (find-frame-manager :port port))
(let* ((entry (assoc port *process-browsers*))
(frame (cdr entry)))
(when (or force (null frame))
(setq frame (make-application-frame 'process-browser
:frame-manager framem)))
(if entry
(setf (cdr entry) frame)
(push (cons port frame) *process-browsers*))
(run-frame-top-level frame)))
(define-demo "Process Browser" do-process-browser)
;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: clim-internals -*-
;; -[]-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1992 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.
;; $fiHeader$
(in-package :clim-internals)
(defmethod frame-manager-accepting-values-frame-class ((framem xm-silica::motif-frame-manager))
(define-application-frame motif-accept-values-own-window (accept-values-own-window)
(with-slots (stream own-window exit-button-stream) *application-frame*
(vertically ()
(setq stream
(make-instance 'accept-values-stream
:stream (setf own-window
(make-pane 'clim-stream-pane
:initial-cursor-visibility :off))))
(make-pane 'silica::separator :orientation :horizontal)
(setf exit-button-stream
(make-pane 'clim-stream-pane
:initial-cursor-visibility nil)))))
(:menu-bar nil)
(:top-level (accept-values-top-level))
(:command-table accept-values)
(:command-definer nil))
;;;---- The rest of what in here is dreaming right now
;;;---- It would be nice to use more
;(define-application-frame xm-silica::motif-accepting-values-frame (accept-values-own-window)
; ()
; (:panes
; (control-area :application :scroll-bars nil)
; (action-area (make-pane 'xm-silica::motif-form-pane)))
; (:menu-bar nil)
; (:top-level (accept-values-top-level))
; (:command-table accept-values)
; (:command-definer nil)
; (:layouts
; (:default
; (let ((frame *application-frame*)
; (view +gadget-dialog-view+))
; (let ((vp
; (make-pane 'xm-silica::motif-paned-pane
; :children (list control-area action-area))))
; (let ((labels (frame-manager-exit-box-labels (frame-manager frame) frame view)))
; (with-slots (exit-boxes) frame
; (dolist (exit-box exit-boxes)
; (let* ((value (if (consp exit-box) (car exit-box) exit-box))
; (label (or (if (consp exit-box) (second exit-box))
; (second (assoc value labels)))))
; (make-pane 'push-button
; :parent action-area
; :label label
; :client frame :id value
; :activate-callback
; #'handle-exit-box-callback))))
; (setf (slot-value action-area 'xm-silica::fraction-base)
; (1+ (* 2 (length labels))))
; (setf (slot-value action-area 'xm-silica::attachments)
; (let ((i 0))
; (mapcar #'(lambda (label)
; (declare (ignore label))
; (prog1
; `(,i :top-attachment :form
; :bottom-attachment :form
; :left-attachment :position
; :left-position ,(1+ (* 2 i))
; :right-attachment :position
; :right-position ,(+ 2 (* 2 i)))
; (incf i)))
; labels)))
; vp))))))
;(defmethod generate-panes :after ((framem standard-frame-manager)
; (frame xm-silica::motif-accepting-values-frame))
; (setf (slot-value frame 'stream)
; (make-instance 'accept-values-stream
; :stream (setf (slot-value frame 'own-window)
; (get-frame-pane frame 'control-area))))
; (setf (slot-value frame 'exit-button-stream) nil))
;(defmethod display-exit-boxes ((frame xm-silica::motif-accepting-values-frame)
; stream
; (view view))
; ;;-- Nothing should have changed
; nil)
;;;; Need to hook up the constraint resources and set the min-max size
;;;; of the action-pane to be just large enough to contain the buttons.
;(defmethod accept-values-top-level ((frame xm-silica::motif-accepting-values-frame) &rest args)
; (declare (ignore args))
; ;; this might want to use table-formatting or equivalent
; ;; to make sure that the rows line up properly.
; ;; This requires formatting-table and friends to return their bodies' values properly.
; (with-slots (stream continuation resynchronize-every-pass check-overlapping
; selected-item initially-select-query-identifier
; own-window own-window-x-position own-window-y-position
; own-window-width own-window-height
; own-window-right-margin own-window-bottom-margin
; exit-button-stream) frame
; (unless own-window (return-from accept-values-top-level (call-next-method)))
; (let* ((original-view (stream-default-view stream))
; (return-values nil)
; (initial-query nil)
; exit-button-record
; avv avv-record)
; (letf-globally (((stream-default-view stream)
; (frame-manager-dialog-view (frame-manager frame)))
; ((cursor-state (stream-text-cursor stream)) nil))
; (labels ((run-continuation (stream avv-record)
; (setf (slot-value stream 'avv-record) avv-record)
; (setf (slot-value stream 'avv-frame) frame)
; (with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
; (setq return-values (multiple-value-list
; (let ((*application-frame* *avv-calling-frame*))
; (funcall continuation stream))))
; (unless own-window
; (display-exit-boxes frame stream
; (stream-default-view stream)))))
; (run-avv ()
; (when (and initially-select-query-identifier
; (setq initial-query
; (find-query avv-record
; (car initially-select-query-identifier))))
; (if (cdr initially-select-query-identifier)
; (com-modify-avv-choice initial-query)
; (com-edit-avv-choice initial-query))
; (redisplay avv stream :check-overlapping check-overlapping))
; (loop
; (let ((command
; (let ((command-stream (slot-value stream 'stream)))
; ;; While we're reading commands, restore the view
; ;; to what it was before we started.
; (letf-globally (((stream-default-view command-stream)
; original-view))
; (read-frame-command frame :stream command-stream)))))
; (if (and command (not (keyboard-event-p command)))
; (execute-frame-command frame command)
; (beep stream)))
; (with-deferred-gadget-updates
; (when (or resynchronize-every-pass
; (slot-value avv-record 'resynchronize))
; ;; When the user has asked to resynchronize every pass, that
; ;; means we should run the continuation an extra time to see
; ;; that all visible stuff is up to date. That's all!
; (with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil)
; (redisplay avv stream :check-overlapping check-overlapping)))
; (setf (slot-value avv-record 'resynchronize) nil)
;; (when exit-button-record
;; (redisplay exit-button-record exit-button-stream))
; (redisplay avv stream :check-overlapping check-overlapping)
; (when (ecase (frame-resizable frame)
; ((nil) nil)
; ((t) t)
; (:grow
; (and own-window
; (multiple-value-bind (width height)
; (bounding-rectangle-size
; (stream-output-history own-window))
; (multiple-value-bind (vwidth vheight)
; (bounding-rectangle-size
; (or (pane-viewport own-window) own-window))
; (or (> width vwidth) (> height vheight)))))))
; (size-panes-appropriately)))))
; (size-panes-appropriately ()
; (changing-space-requirements ()
; ;; We really want to specify the min/max sizes of
; ;; the exit-button pane
; ;; also
;; (when exit-button-stream
;; (size-frame-from-contents exit-button-stream
;; :size-setter
;; #'(lambda (pane w h)
;; (change-space-requirements
;; pane
;; :width w :min-width w :max-width w
;; :height h :min-height h :max-height h))))
; (when own-window
; (size-frame-from-contents own-window
; :width own-window-width
; :height own-window-height
; :right-margin own-window-right-margin
; :bottom-margin own-window-bottom-margin)))))
; (declare (dynamic-extent #'run-continuation #'run-avv
; #'size-panes-appropriately))
; (with-simple-restart (frame-exit "Exit from the ACCEPT-VALUES dialog")
; (setq avv
; (updating-output (stream)
; (setq avv-record
; (with-end-of-line-action (stream :allow)
; (with-end-of-page-action (stream :allow)
; (with-new-output-record
; (stream 'accept-values-output-record avv-record)
; (run-continuation stream avv-record)))))))
; ;; In own window dialogs the buttons are displayed separately
;; (when (and own-window exit-button-stream)
;; (setq exit-button-record
;; (updating-output (exit-button-stream)
;; (with-end-of-line-action (exit-button-stream :allow)
;; (with-end-of-page-action (exit-button-stream :allow)
;; (display-exit-boxes frame exit-button-stream
;; (stream-default-view stream)))))))
; (unwind-protect
; (cond (own-window
; (size-panes-appropriately)
; (multiple-value-bind (x y)
; #+++ignore (pointer-position (port-pointer (port own-window)))
; #---ignore (values 100 100)
; (when (and own-window-x-position own-window-y-position)
; (setq x own-window-x-position
; y own-window-y-position))
; (position-sheet-carefully
; (frame-top-level-sheet (pane-frame own-window)) x y))
; (window-expose own-window)
; (with-input-focus (own-window)
; (when exit-button-record
; (replay exit-button-record exit-button-stream))
; (replay avv stream)
; (run-avv)))
; (t
; ;; Ensure that bottom of the AVV is visible. I think that
; ;; this is OK even if the AVV is bigger than the viewport.
; (move-cursor-beyond-output-record (slot-value stream 'stream) avv)
; (stream-ensure-cursor-visible stream)
; (replay avv stream)
; (run-avv)))
; (deactivate-all-gadgets avv-record)
; (unless own-window
; (move-cursor-beyond-output-record (slot-value stream 'stream) avv))))
; (values-list return-values))))))
;; -*- mode: common-lisp; package: clim-utils -*-
;; -[]-
;; copyright (c) 1985, 1986 Franz Inc, Alameda, CA All rights reserved.
;; copyright (c) 1986-1992 Franz Inc, Berkeley, CA All rights reserved.
;; The software, data and information contained herein are proprietary
;; to, and comprise valuable trade secrets of, Franz, Inc. They are
;; given in confidence by Franz, Inc. pursuant to a written license
;; agreement, and may be stored and used only in accordance with the terms
;; of such license.
;; Restricted Rights Legend
;; ------------------------
;; Use, duplication, and disclosure of the software, data and information
;; contained herein by any agency, department or entity of the U.S.
;; Government are subject to restrictions of Restricted Rights for
;; Commercial Software developed at private expense as specified in FAR
;; 52.227-19 or DOD FAR Supplement 252.227-7013 (c) (1) (ii), as
;; applicable.
;; $fiHeader$
(in-package :clim-utils)
;;;---- Perhaps this should be elsewhere
;;; Implementation of timers
;;; Its lame but its ugly.
;;; You can:
;;; make-instance 'timer
;;; queue-timer
;;; delete-time
(defclass timer ()
((delay :initarg :delay :reader timer-delay)
(repeat :initarg :repeat :initform nil :reader timer-repeat)
(function :initarg :function :reader timer-function)
(when :accessor timer-when))
(defvar *timer-input-queue* (make-queue))
(defun add-timer (timer)
(setf (timer-when timer)
(+ (get-internal-real-time)
(* internal-time-units-per-second
(timer-delay timer))))
(queue-put *timer-input-queue* timer))
(defun delete-timer (timer)
(queue-put *timer-input-queue* `(:delete ,timer)))
(defvar *timers* nil)
(defvar *timer-process* nil)
(defun queue-process-function ()
(setq *timer-process* (Current-process))
(flet ((add-timer-to-queue (timer)
(setq *timers* (merge 'list (list timer) *timers* '< :key #'timer-when))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'add-timer-to-queue))
(let ((head (car *timers*)))
(if head
(let* ((time-now (get-internal-real-time))
(time-to-wait (- (timer-when head) time-now)))
(float (/ time-to-wait internal-time-units-per-second))
#'(lambda () (not (queue-empty-p *timer-input-queue*)))))
#'(lambda () (not (queue-empty-p *timer-input-queue*)))))
(let ((head (queue-pop *timer-input-queue*)))
(etypecase head
(null (return nil))
(timer (add-timer-to-queue head))
(ecase (first head)
(:delete (setf *timers* (delete (second head) *timers*))))))))
(unless *timers* (return nil))
(let ((time-now (get-internal-real-time))
(timer (car *timers*)))
(if (< (timer-when timer) time-now)
(pop *timers*)
(funcall (timer-function timer) timer)
(when (timer-repeat timer)
(setf (timer-when timer)
(+ (get-internal-real-time)
(* internal-time-units-per-second
(timer-repeat timer))))
(add-timer-to-queue timer)))
(return nil))))))))
(setq *timer-process* nil)))
(defun ensure-timer-process ()
(unless *timer-process*
(make-process #'queue-process-function :name "Timer")))
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