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;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: CLIM-USER; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;; $fiHeader: postscript-tests.lisp,v 1.6 91/08/05 14:37:30 cer Exp $
(in-package :clim-user)
;;; This file contains a whole bunch of useful graphics and text
;;; output tests that can be used for generating postscript also.
(define-application-frame clim-postscript-tests ()
(interactor :interactor)
(display :application))
(vertically ()
(:fill display)
(1/4 interactor)))))
(define-clim-postscript-tests-command (com-exit-clim-postscript-tests :name t)
(frame-exit *application-frame*))
(defvar clim::*1-inch=points* 72)
(defvar clim::*ps-page-width* 10)
(defvar clim::*ps-page-top* 1)
(defun get-drawing-display-window ()
(get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display))
(defmacro with-drawing-display-window ((stream) &body body)
`(let ((,stream (get-drawing-display-window)))
(window-clear ,stream)
(window-expose ,stream)
(defmacro sending-postscript-to-editor-buffer ((stream-var buffer-name &rest options)
&body body)
(let ((editor-stream-var '#:editor-stream))
`(lep:with-output-to-temp-buffer (,editor-stream-var ,buffer-name)
(clim::with-output-to-postscript-stream (,stream-var ,editor-stream-var ,@options)
(let ((editor-stream-var (make-symbol "EDITOR-STREAM")))
`(with-open-stream (,editor-stream-var
(zwei:open-interval-stream (zwei:find-buffer-named ,buffer-name t)))
(clim::with-output-to-postscript-stream (,stream-var ,editor-stream-var ,@options)
(defparameter *postscript-test-buffer-name* "postscript-test")
(defmacro with-postscript-test-output-to-buffer ((stream-var &rest options)
&body body)
`(sending-postscript-to-editor-buffer (,stream-var *postscript-test-buffer-name*
#+genera (zwei:defindentation (define-postscript-test 0 5 1 5 2 1))
(defvar *allegro-printer* "lw2")
(defvar *postscript-test-default-output* :view)
(defvar *postscript-tests* nil)
(defmacro define-postscript-test ((root-name description &optional (group nil group?))
arguments &body body)
(let* ((command-name-string (clim-internals::command-name-from-symbol root-name))
(command-body-function-name (clim-utils:fintern "~A~A" (string root-name) '-function))
(additional-key-args '((output '(member :view :buffer #+Allegro :print)
:default *postscript-test-default-output*)))
(postscript-test-name (clim-utils:fintern "~A~A" 'pcom- (string root-name)))
(args arguments)
(command-body-form `(,command-body-function-name
,@(loop for arg in args
unless (clim-internals::valid-cp-lambda-list-keyword-p arg)
collect (if (listp arg) (car arg) arg))))
(let ((hook (member '&key args)))
(if hook
(setf (cdr hook) (append additional-key-args (cdr hook)))
(setq args (append args '(&key) additional-key-args))))
`(#+Genera sys:multiple-definition #+Genera ,root-name #+Genera define-postscript-test
#-Genera progn
(defun ,command-body-function-name ,(clim-internals::deduce-body-arglist arguments)
(pushnew ',postscript-test-name *postscript-tests*)
(define-command (,postscript-test-name
:command-table clim-postscript-tests
:menu (,command-name-string :documentation ,description)
:name ,command-name-string)
(ecase output
(:view (with-drawing-display-window (*standard-output*)
(:print #+Allegro
(excl:run-shell-command (format nil "lpr -P~A" *allegro-printer*)
:input :stream :wait
(clim::with-output-to-postscript-stream (*standard-output* printer-stream-var)
(error "Sorry, don't know how to send to printer"))
(:buffer (with-postscript-test-output-to-buffer
:header-comments '(:title ,command-name-string))
;; if the CLIM test suite is loaded, define a regular CLIM test as well.
,@(when (and (fboundp 'clim-user::define-test) group?)
;; CLIM-USER::DEFINE-TEST doesn't provide for arguments to tests.
;; If there are required arguments, use their specified defaults.
;; If there is no specified default for a required argument, warn and
;; don't bother with the CLIM-USER::DEFINE-TEST.
(let ((command-body-form
(do* ((args arguments (cdr args))
(arg (car args) (car args))
(form-args nil))
((or (null args) (eq arg '&key))
(cons command-body-function-name (nreverse form-args)))
(unless (consp arg) (return nil))
(let* ((none '#:none)
(default (getf (cddr arg) ':default none)))
(when (eq default none) (return nil))
(push default form-args)))))
(if command-body-form
`((clim-user::define-test (,(clim-utils:fintern
'com (string root-name))
(prog1 nil
(warn "DEFINE-POSTSCRIPT-TESTS (~a) can't define a CLIM test with arguments unless defaults are specified"
(defmacro placing-output ((stream width height) &body body)
`(let ((output-records nil))
(macrolet ((placing-output-block (ignore &body body)
(declare (ignore ignore))
`(with-output-recording-options (,',stream :draw nil :record t)
(push (with-new-output-record (,',stream)
(place-output-records ,stream output-records ,width ,height))))
(defun place-output-records (stream output-records max-x max-y)
;; fit as many of the output records as we can in the space provided.
;; return a list of the records which didn't fit.
(let ((remaining-records (copy-list output-records)))
(labels ((record-area (record)
(multiple-value-bind (width height)
(bounding-rectangle-size record)
(* width height)))
(record-fits (record width height)
(multiple-value-bind (w h)
(bounding-rectangle-size record)
(and (< w width) (< h height))))
(maximal-record (records metric max-width max-height)
(loop with maximist
with its-measure = -1
for record in records
for measure = (funcall metric record)
do (when (and (record-fits record max-width max-height)
(> measure its-measure))
(setq maximist record
its-measure measure))
finally (return maximist)))
(put-record (record x y)
(setq remaining-records (delete record remaining-records))
(output-record-set-position record x y)
(clim-internals::recompute-extent record)
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw t :record nil)
(replay record stream nil))
(do-region (offset-x offset-y width height)
;; find the largest remaining record that will fit in the region and
;; put it.
(let ((record (maximal-record remaining-records
width height)))
;; BOUNDING-RECTANGLE-HEIGHT might be a better choice?
(when record
(put-record record offset-x offset-y)
(multiple-value-bind (w h)
(bounding-rectangle-size record)
(do-region (+ offset-x w) offset-y
(- width w) h)
(do-region offset-x (+ offset-y h)
width (- height h))))))
(do-region 0 0 max-x max-y))
;;;; Simple tests.
;;;; More tests in clim:demo;graphics-demos.
;(defmacro ps-test (&body body)
; `(flet ((doit (stream)
; (let ((*standard-output* stream))
; (progn ,@body))))
; (ps-test-doer #'doit file)))
;(defun ps-test-doer (doit file)
; (cond ((eq file t)
; (let ((w (symbol-value 'win)))
; (window-clear w)
; (window-expose w)
; (funcall doit w)))
; ((null file)
; (with-output-to-postscript-stream (s *standard-output*)
; (funcall doit s)))
; (t
; (with-open-file (file file :direction :output)
; (clim::with-output-to-postscript-stream (s file)
; (funcall doit s))))))
;(defun test-ps-ds (&optional file) ;"pierced ears"
; (ps-test
; (stream-set-cursor-position stream 300 300)
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 200 200)
; (with-text-family (:serif stream)
; (write-string "This string hopefully will be written, ")
; (write-string "As will this")
; (write-string " And also this.")
; (draw-text* stream "Quid fecit Dominus!?!" 200 200
; :text-style '(:sans-serif :italic :large)))))
;(defun pat-ps (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-rectangle* stream 100 100 200 200 :ink *hearts-stipple*)))
(define-postscript-test (pattern-test "Draws a heart patterned rectangle"
(draw-rectangle* *standard-output* 100 100 200 200 :ink clim-internals::*hearts-stipple*))
;(defun test-l-ps (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 200 200)))
(define-postscript-test (draw-line-test "Draws a line" )
(draw-line* *standard-output* 100 100 200 200))
;(defun test-spin (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (with-translation* (stream 150 150)
; (flet ((draw (stream)
; (draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 50 50 :ink +blue+)
; #+Ignore
; (draw-triangle* stream 50 50 50 75 75 50 :ink +cyan+)
; (draw-circle* stream 70 30 20 :filled t
; :end-angle 5.00
; :ink +cyan+)))
; (draw-text* stream "Spin!" 0 0)
; (do ((angle 0 (+ angle (/ pi 4))))
; ((> angle (* 2 pi)) nil)
; (with-rotation (stream angle)
; (with-translation* (stream 100 0)
; (draw stream))))))))
;(define-postscript-test (spin "???")
; ()
; (let ((stream *standard-output*))
; (with-translation* (stream 150 150)
; (flet ((draw (stream)
; (draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 50 50 :ink +blue+)
; #+Ignore
; (draw-triangle* stream 50 50 50 75 75 50 :ink +cyan+)
; (draw-circle* stream 70 30 20 :filled t
; :end-angle 5.00
; :ink +cyan+)))
; (draw-text* stream "Spin!" 0 0)
; (do ((angle 0 (+ angle (/ pi 4))))
; ((> angle (* 2 pi)) nil)
; (with-rotation (stream angle)
; (with-translation* (stream 100 0)
; (draw stream))))))))
;(defun spin-pat (file)
; (ps-test
; (flet ((draw (stream)
; (draw-rectangle* stream 0 0 50 50
; :ink *hearts-stipple*)
; #+Ignore
; (draw-triangle* stream 50 50 50 75 75 50 :ink +cyan+)
; (draw-circle* stream 70 30 20)))
; (do ((angle 0 (+ angle (/ pi 4))))
; ((> angle (* 2 pi)) nil)
; (with-rotation (stream angle)
; (with-translation* (stream 100 0)
; (draw stream)))))))
;(defun test-ellipse (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-ellipse* stream 200 200 50 0 0 100
; :start-angle (/ pi 4)
; :end-angle (* 5 (/ pi 4))
; :filled t)))
(define-postscript-test (test-ellipse "Draw an ellipse")
(draw-ellipse* *standard-output* 200 200 50 0 0 100
:start-angle (/ pi 4)
:end-angle (* 5 (/ pi 4))
:filled t))
(define-postscript-test (test-graphics "Test graphics primitives" clim-user::graphics)
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(draw-point* stream 30 30)
(draw-line* stream 35 30 50 50)
(draw-rectangle* stream 100 30 200 100 :filled nil)
(draw-rectangle* stream 120 50 180 80 :filled t)
(draw-polygon* stream '(60 150 40 170 40 190 60 210 80 210 60 180 80 150)
:filled nil)
(draw-polygon* stream '(120 150 100 170 100 190 120 210 140 210 120 180 140 150)
:filled t)
(draw-ellipse* stream 100 250 -20 0 0 10)))
;(defun ps-test-align (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 200 100)
; (draw-text* stream "'ts U, dear align!" 100 100
; :align-x :center
; :text-style '(:fix :roman :large))
; (draw-text* stream "'ts U, dear align!" 100 200
; :align-x :right
; :text-style '(:fix :roman :large))
; (draw-line* stream 100 50 100 300)))
(define-postscript-test (test-alignment "See if text falls on rules")
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(draw-line* stream 100 100 300 100)
(draw-text* stream "X Center Aligned" 200 100
:align-x :center
:text-style '(:fix :roman :large))
(draw-line* stream 50 200 250 200)
(draw-text* stream "X Right Aligned" 200 200
:align-x :right
:text-style '(:fix :roman :large))
(draw-line* stream 200 50 200 300)))
;(defun ps-test-sw (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-point* stream 100 100)
; (stream-set-cursor-position stream 100 100)
; (write-string "0123456789" stream)
; (write-string "Here is some stuff" stream)
; (write-string " .. and here is some more." stream)))
(define-postscript-test (write-multiple-strings
"Test set-cursor-position and writeing of multiple strings and characters" clim-user::graphics)
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(x 100)
(y 100))
; (draw-point* stream 100 100)
(draw-line* stream (- x 10) y (+ x 10) y)
(draw-line* stream x (- y 10) x (+ y 10))
(stream-set-cursor-position stream x y)
(write-string "0123456789" stream)
(write-string "Here is some stuff" stream)
(write-char #\space stream)
(write-char #\. stream)
(write-string ". and here is some more." stream)))
;(defun ps-test-ct2 (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 100 300)
; (draw-text* stream "0123456789" 100 100 :align-x :center)))
;(defun ps-test-dvs (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 100 300)
; (draw-line* stream 50 200 300 200)
; (dolist (x '((100 100) (100 300) (50 200) (300 200) (200 200)))
; (stream-set-cursor-position stream (car x)(cadr x))
; (format t "(~D, ~D)" (car x)(cadr x)))
; ;;;
; (clim::draw-vertical-string-internal
; stream 0 0
; "Are you on my side, too?" 200 200
; 0 nil :left :baseline '(:fix :roman :very-large) +foreground+)))
;(defun ps-test-dc (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 100 300)
; (draw-line* stream 50 200 300 200)
; (draw-character* stream #\A 100 200 :text-style '(:fix :roman :very-large))))
(define-postscript-test (test-character-positioning "Draw a big character"
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(x 100)
(y 200))
(draw-line* stream x (- y 100) y (+ y 100))
(draw-line* stream (- x 50) y (+ x 200) y)
(draw-text* stream #\A x y :text-style '(:fix :roman :very-large))))
(define-postscript-test (test-text-vertical-alignment
"Draw characters and text with fifferent vertical alignments"
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(x 50)
(y 200)
(x-incr 100))
(flet ((text-with-alignment (char string alignment)
(let ((x (+ x 5)))
(draw-text* stream char x y :align-x :right :align-y alignment)
(draw-text* stream string x y :align-x :left :align-y alignment))))
(draw-line* stream x y 500 y)
(text-with-alignment #\_ "baseline Ig" :baseline)
(incf x x-incr)
(text-with-alignment #\_ "top Ig" :top)
(incf x x-incr)
(text-with-alignment #\_ "center -Ig" :center)
(incf x x-incr)
(text-with-alignment #\_ "bottom Igy" :bottom))))
;(defun ps-test-table (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (formatting-table ()
; (dotimes (i 20)
; (formatting-row ()
; (formatting-cell () (format t "~R" i))
; (formatting-cell () (format t "~D" i)))))))
(define-postscript-test (test-table "Draw a table" clim-user::formatted-output)
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(fresh-line stream)
(formatting-table (stream)
(dotimes (i 20)
(formatting-row (stream)
(formatting-cell (stream) (format stream "~R" i))
(formatting-cell (stream) (format stream "~D" i)))))))
;(defun ps-test-text-size (&optional file)
; (ps-test
; (draw-line* stream 100 100 300 100)
; (draw-text* stream "Foobar" 100 100)
; (draw-line* stream 100 110 300 110)))
(define-postscript-test (test-text-size "Is text 10 units high?")
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(draw-line* stream 100 100 300 100)
(draw-text* stream "Foobar" 100 100 :align-y :top)
(draw-line* stream 100 110 300 110)))
(define-postscript-test (test-text-sizes "Output text in several sizes"
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(flet ((out (size)
(with-text-size (stream size)
(etypecase size
(number (format stream "~%~d points~%" size))
(symbol (format stream "~%~a~%" (symbol-name size)))))))
(terpri stream)
(with-text-style (stream *undefined-text-style*)
(write-string "undefined style" stream))
(terpri stream)
(dolist (size '(6 10 12 14 20))
(out size))
(dolist (size silica::*valid-text-style-sizes*)
(out size)))))
(define-postscript-test (test-text-baselines
"Outputs text with differing sizes and families to make sure balelines line up"
;; test for both wrtie-string and draw-string
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(sizes '(:very-small :small :normal :large :very-large))
(families '(:fix :serif :sans-serif))
(faces '(:roman :bold :italic :bold-italic))
;; for each family, vary size:
(flet ((loop-loop (outer-list inner-list style-constructor stream how before-row)
(dolist (outer outer-list)
(funcall before-row stream)
(funcall how (format nil "~s: " outer)
(dolist (inner inner-list)
(with-text-style (stream (funcall style-constructor outer inner))
(funcall how (format nil " _Ig_~s" inner)
(family-size-constructor (family size)
(make-text-style family :roman size))
(face-family-constructor (face family)
(make-text-style family face :large))
(flet ((before-row-for-write (stream)
(fresh-line stream)
(terpri stream)))
(with-text-style (stream (make-text-style nil :bold :very-large))
(write-string "write-string:" stream))
(loop-loop families sizes #'family-size-constructor
stream #'write-string #'before-row-for-write)
(before-row-for-write stream)
(loop-loop faces families #'face-family-constructor
stream #'write-string #'before-row-for-write))
(let ((x 0)
(y 300)
(x-inc 120)
(y-inc 30))
(flet ((before-row-for-draw (stream)
(declare (ignore stream))
(incf y y-inc)
(setq x 0))
(draw-string-how-function (string stream)
(draw-text* stream string x y :align-y :baseline)
(incf x x-inc))
(with-text-style (stream (make-text-style nil :bold :very-large))
(draw-string-how-function "draw-string:" stream))
(loop-loop families sizes #'family-size-constructor
stream #'draw-string-how-function #'before-row-for-draw)
(before-row-for-draw nil)
(loop-loop faces families #'face-family-constructor
stream #'draw-string-how-function #'before-row-for-draw)))
(define-postscript-test (test-text-alignment "Text drawing and alignment"
((sample-text 'string :default "Ignatz"))
(let* ((align-x-values '(:left :center :right))
(align-y-values '(:top :center :baseline :bottom))
(stream *standard-output*)
(point (make-point 0 0))
(crosshair-lines (list (make-point -10 0) (make-point 10 0)
(make-point 0 -10) (make-point 0 10))))
(formatting-table (stream :y-spacing 20 :x-spacing 20)
(formatting-row (stream)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(declare (ignore stream)))
(with-text-face (stream :bold)
(dolist (align-x align-x-values)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(princ align-x stream)))))
(dolist (align-y align-y-values)
(formatting-row (stream)
(with-text-face (stream :bold)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(princ align-y stream)))
(dolist (align-x align-x-values)
(formatting-cell (stream)
(draw-text stream sample-text point :align-x align-x :align-y align-y)
(draw-lines stream crosshair-lines))) )) )))
(define-postscript-test (test-transformations "")
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(center (make-point 20 20)))
(flet ((draw-thing (stream)
(draw-polygon* stream '(0 0 0 40 40 40 40 0) :closed t :filled nil)))
(draw-thing stream)
(with-drawing-options (stream :transformation (make-translation-transformation 60 60))
(draw-thing stream))
(with-drawing-options (stream :transformation (make-translation-transformation 60 140))
(with-drawing-options (stream :transformation
(make-rotation-transformation (/ pi 4) center))
(draw-thing stream)))
(define-postscript-test (test-record-and-replay
"Record and output record without drawing and then replay it"
(let* ((stream *standard-output*)
(output-record (with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(with-new-output-record (stream)
(draw-polygon* stream '(0 0 0 40 40 40 40 0)
:closed t :filled nil)))))
(draw-point* stream 100 100)
(replay output-record stream)))
(define-postscript-test (test-with-room-for-graphics "" clim-user::formatted-output)
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(fresh-line stream)
(with-room-for-graphics (stream)
(draw-polygon* stream '(0 0 100 0 100 100) :filled nil :closed t))
(fresh-line stream)
(with-room-for-graphics (stream)
(draw-polygon* stream '(0 0 100 0 100 100 0 100) :filled nil :closed t))))
(defun dash-pattern-name (dash-pattern)
;;Return a string describing DASH-PATTERN
(with-output-to-string (stream)
(let* ((length (length dash-pattern))
(index 0))
(write-char #\[ stream)
(when (< index length)
(format stream "~d" (elt dash-pattern index))
(incf index)
(when (>= index length) (return))
(write-char #\space stream)))
(write-char #\] stream))))
(define-postscript-test (show-dash-patterns
"Show several different dash patterns at different angles"
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(dash-patterns (make-contrasting-dash-patterns 15))
(angles '(0 5 30 45))
(output-records nil))
(labels ((simple-draw-dash-patterns (stream dash-patterns)
(do ((index 0 (1+ index))
(x 0) (length 100)
(y 0 (- y 10)))
((>= index (length dash-patterns)))
(let ((dash-pattern (elt dash-patterns index)))
(draw-line* stream x y (+ x length) y
:line-dashes dash-pattern)
(draw-text* stream (dash-pattern-name dash-pattern)
(+ x 10 length) y
:align-y :center))))
(angled-draw-dash-patterns (stream dash-patterns angle)
(let ((transformation (make-rotation-transformation angle)))
(with-drawing-options (stream :text-size :very-small
:line-unit :normal
:transformation transformation)
(simple-draw-dash-patterns stream dash-patterns)))))
(dolist (angle angles)
(let ((angle (* clim-utils:2pi (/ angle 360))))
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw nil :record t)
(push (with-new-output-record (stream)
(angled-draw-dash-patterns stream dash-patterns angle))
(place-output-records stream output-records
(* clim::*1-inch=points* clim::*ps-page-width*)
(* clim::*1-inch=points* clim::*ps-page-top*))))
(define-postscript-test (show-dash-patterns-some-more
"Bogus rainbow effect" clim-user::graphics)
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(dash-patterns (make-contrasting-dash-patterns 16))
(max-x 400)
(max-y 700)
(center-x 115)
(center-y 115)
(increment 10)
(radius 120))
(flet ((draw-it (center-x center-y dash-pattern)
(with-drawing-options (stream :line-dashes dash-pattern
:line-unit :normal
:text-size :very-small)
(draw-text* stream (dash-pattern-name dash-pattern)
(+ max-x 5) (- center-y radius)
:align-y :center)
(draw-line* stream
max-x (- center-y radius)
center-x (- center-y radius))
(draw-circle* stream center-x center-y radius
:start-angle (/ pi 2)
:end-angle pi
:filled nil)
(draw-line* stream
(- center-x radius) center-y
(- center-x radius) max-y))))
(dotimes (index (length dash-patterns))
(draw-it (incf center-x increment)
(incf center-y increment)
(elt dash-patterns index))))))
(define-postscript-test (partial-circle "circle with start angle and end angle in degrees")
((start-angle '(real 0 360) :default 0)
(end-angle '(real 0 360) :default 360))
(let ((stream *standard-output*)
(radius 200)
(center-x 250)
(center-y 250))
(draw-circle* stream center-x center-y 3)
(draw-circle* stream center-x center-y radius
:start-angle (* 2 pi (/ start-angle 360))
:end-angle (* 2 pi (/ end-angle 360))
:filled nil)
(draw-circle* stream center-x center-y (/ radius 2)
:start-angle (/ pi 2)
:end-angle pi
:filled nil)
(draw-circle* stream center-x center-y (/ radius 3)
:start-angle (- (/ pi 2))
:end-angle 0
:filled nil)))
"Combination of pattern Test, Test Text Sizes and Test Text Alignment")
(let ((stream *standard-output*))
(placing-output (stream (* clim::*1-inch=points* clim::*ps-page-width*)
(* clim::*1-inch=points* clim::*ps-page-top*))
(placing-output-block () (pattern-test-function))
(placing-output-block () (test-ellipse-function))
(placing-output-block () (test-graphics-function))
(placing-output-block () (test-text-sizes-function))
(placing-output-block () (test-text-alignment-function "Ignatzy"))
(placing-output-block () (test-table-function))
; (placing-output-block () (test-alignment-function))
; (placing-output-block () (test-text-baselines-function))
;;; test output borders and margins
;;; test line thickness
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