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;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: ANSI-Common-lisp; Package: (GRAPHICS-EDITOR :use (CLIM-LISP CLIM)); Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;; $fiHeader$
(eval-when (compile load eval)
(defpackage graphics-editor
(:use clim-lisp clim))
) ;eval-when
(in-package :graphics-editor)
;;; Define a "mix-in" frame class that manages a selected object
;;--- This facility is not part of CLIM itself, but is part of a
;;--- graphical editing system that I have been developing privately,
;;--- which I call Zdrava.
(define-application-frame selected-object-mixin ()
((selected-object :accessor frame-selected-object
:initform nil))
(:command-definer nil))
(defmethod object-selected-p ((frame selected-object-mixin) object)
(eql object (frame-selected-object frame)))
;; Deselect the current object and select the new one. Tick the redisplay
;; tick to force the handles to be displayed.
(defmethod select-object ((frame selected-object-mixin) object)
(when (frame-selected-object frame)
(deselect-object frame (frame-selected-object frame)))
(setf (frame-selected-object frame) object)
(tick-object object))
;; Deselect the current object and tick the redisplay tick.
(defmethod deselect-object ((frame selected-object-mixin) object)
(setf (frame-selected-object frame) nil)
(tick-object object))
;;; Define the basic object handle class
;;--- This facility is part of Zdrava.
(defclass object-handle (standard-point)
((object :initarg :object :reader handle-object)
(type :initarg :type :reader handle-type)))
;; Moving a handle causes tha object it is attached to to be reshaped.
(defmethod move-handle ((handle object-handle) x y)
(setf (point-x handle) x)
(setf (point-y handle) y)
(reshape-object (handle-object handle) x y (handle-type handle)))
;;; Define the basic object classes
;;--- This facility is part of Zdrava.
(defclass basic-object (standard-bounding-rectangle)
((style :accessor object-style ;all objects have a line style
:initform (make-line-style :thickness 1 :dashes nil) :initarg :style)
(redisplay-tick :initform 0))) ;redisplay when this changes
;; Ticking the object causes it to be redisplayed
(defmethod tick-object ((object basic-object))
(incf (slot-value object 'redisplay-tick)))
;; All objects participate in redisplay...
(defmethod draw-object :around ((object basic-object) stream)
(updating-output (stream :unique-id object
:cache-value (slot-value object 'redisplay-tick))
(when (object-selected-p *application-frame* object)
(draw-object-handles object stream))))
(defmethod draw-object ((object basic-object) stream)
(declare (ignore stream ink)))
(defmethod draw-object-handles ((object basic-object) stream)
(declare (ignore stream ink)))
;; For simplicity, moving an object entails moving its bounding box.
(defmethod move-object ((object basic-object) x y)
(multiple-value-bind (width height) (bounding-rectangle-size object)
(clim-utils:bounding-rectangle-set-edges object x y (+ x width) (+ y height))))
;; Moving (or reshaping) requires redisplay
(defmethod move-object :after ((object basic-object) x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(tick-object object))
(defmethod reshape-object :after ((object basic-object) x y type)
(declare (ignore x y type))
(tick-object object))
(defclass object-with-handles-mixin ()
((handles :initform nil)))
(defmethod object-handles ((object object-with-handles-mixin))
(when (null (slot-value object 'handles))
(setf (slot-value object 'handles) (compute-object-handles object)))
(slot-value object 'handles))
(defun make-handle (object x y type)
(make-instance 'object-handle :x x :y y :object object :type type))
(defmethod draw-object-handles ((object object-with-handles-mixin) stream)
(dolist (handle (object-handles object))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (point-position handle)
;; Present the object as an OBJECT-HANDLE so that commands in the
;; application can be written using that presentation type.
(with-output-as-presentation (stream handle 'object-handle)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)
:filled t)))))
;; Moving (or reshaping) an object changes its handle locations
(defmethod move-object :after ((object object-with-handles-mixin) x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(setf (slot-value object 'handles) nil))
(defmethod reshape-object :after ((object object-with-handles-mixin) x y type)
(declare (ignore x y type))
(setf (slot-value object 'handles) nil))
;;; Define the box and arrow classes
;;--- Using Zdrava, a programmer would build these classes out of the
;;--- classes supplied by Zdrava.
(defclass box (object-with-handles-mixin basic-object)
((label :initarg :label :reader box-label)
(arrow-in :initform nil :accessor box-arrow-in)
(arrow-out :initform nil :accessor box-arrow-out)))
(defun make-box (left top right bottom label style)
(make-instance 'box :left left :top top :right right :bottom bottom
:label label :style style))
(defmethod compute-object-handles ((object box))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) object
(list (make-handle object left top :nw)
(make-handle object right top :ne)
(make-handle object left bottom :sw)
(make-handle object right bottom :se))))
(defmethod draw-object ((object box) stream)
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) object
;; Present the object as a BOX so that commands in the application
;; can be written using that presentation type.
(with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'box :single-box t)
(draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
:filled nil :line-style (object-style object))
(draw-text* stream (box-label object) (+ left (floor (- right left) 2)) (+ top 2)
:align-x :center :align-y :top))))
(defmethod move-object :after ((object box) x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(when (box-arrow-in object)
(tick-object (box-arrow-in object)))
(when (box-arrow-out object)
(tick-object (box-arrow-out object))))
(defmethod reshape-object ((object box) x y type)
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) object
(ecase type
(:nw (setq left x
top y))
(:ne (setq right x
top y))
(:sw (setq left x
bottom y))
(:se (setq right x
bottom y)))
(clim::bounding-rectangle-set-edges object left top right bottom)))
(defmethod reshape-object :after ((object box) x y type)
(declare (ignore x y type))
(when (box-arrow-in object)
(tick-object (box-arrow-in object)))
(when (box-arrow-out object)
(tick-object (box-arrow-out object))))
(defclass arrow (object-with-handles-mixin basic-object)
((box1 :initarg :box1)
(box2 :initarg :box2)))
(defun make-arrow (box1 box2 style)
(let ((arrow (make-instance 'arrow :box1 box1 :box2 box2
:style style)))
(setf (box-arrow-out box1) arrow)
(setf (box-arrow-in box2) arrow)
(defmethod draw-object ((object arrow) stream)
(with-slots (box1 box2) object
(multiple-value-bind (x1 y1) (clim-utils::bounding-rectangle-center* box1)
(multiple-value-bind (x2 y2) (clim-utils::bounding-rectangle-center* box2)
(with-output-as-presentation (stream object 'arrow)
(draw-arrow* stream x1 y1 x2 y2
:line-style (object-style object)))))))
(defmethod compute-object-handles ((object arrow))
(with-slots (box1 box2) object
(multiple-value-bind (x1 y1) (clim-utils::bounding-rectangle-center* box1)
(multiple-value-bind (x2 y2) (clim-utils::bounding-rectangle-center* box2)
(list (make-handle object x1 y1 nil)
(make-handle object x2 y2 nil))))))
;;; The application itself
(define-application-frame graphics-editor (selected-object-mixin)
((objects :initform nil)
(counter :initform 0)
(last-box :initform nil)
(style :initform (make-line-style :thickness 1 :dashes nil)))
(:command-definer define-ged-command)
(:command-table (graphics-editor :inherit-from (accept-values-pane)))
(:pointer-documentation t)
;; Three panes: a display pane, and command menu, and a modeless
;; dialog containing the line style options
(display :application
:incremental-redisplay t
:display-after-commands t
:display-function 'display-objects
:scroll-bars :both)
(options :accept-values
:display-function '(accept-values-pane-displayer
:displayer accept-ged-options)))
(vertically ()
(:fill display)
(1/5 options)))))
(define-presentation-type line-thickness ()
:inherit-from `(integer 1 4))
;;--- CLIM should provide a better way to do this one function
(define-presentation-method accept-present-default ((type line-thickness) stream
(view clim-internals::dialog-view-mixin)
default default-supplied-p
query-identifier &key)
(declare (ignore default-supplied-p present-p))
(flet ((presenter (thing stream)
(let ((y (stream-line-height stream)))
(with-room-for-graphics (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream 0 2 16 (- y 2)
:filled nil :ink +background-ink+)
(draw-line* stream 0 (floor y 2) 16 (floor y 2)
:line-thickness thing)))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'presenter))
stream '(("1" 1) ("2" 2) ("3" 3) ("4" 4))
#'second default #'eql type query-identifier
#'(lambda (choice-value query-value)
(declare (ignore query-value))
#'(lambda (continuation object stream)
(surrounding-output-with-border (stream)
(funcall continuation object stream)))
'clim-internals::accept-values-one-of #'presenter)))
(defmethod accept-ged-options ((frame graphics-editor) stream)
(with-slots (style) frame
(flet ((accept (type default prompt query-id)
(fresh-line stream)
(accept type
:stream stream :default default
:query-identifier query-id :prompt prompt)))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'accept))
(terpri stream)
(let ((thickness (line-style-thickness style))
(dashes (line-style-dashes style)))
(multiple-value-bind (thickness ignore thickness-changed)
(accept 'line-thickness thickness "Thickness" 'thickness)
(declare (ignore ignore))
(multiple-value-bind (dashes ignore dashes-changed)
(accept 'boolean dashes "Dashed" 'dashes)
(declare (ignore ignore))
(when (or thickness-changed dashes-changed)
(setq style (make-line-style :thickness thickness :dashes dashes))
(when (frame-selected-object frame)
(setf (object-style (frame-selected-object frame))
(slot-value frame 'style))
(tick-object (frame-selected-object frame))
(redisplay-frame-pane frame 'display)))))))))
(defmethod display-objects ((frame graphics-editor) stream)
(dolist (object (slot-value frame 'objects))
(draw-object object stream)))
(define-ged-command com-create-box
((left 'integer)
(top 'integer))
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display))
(right left)
(bottom top)
(rectangle-drawn nil)
(box nil)
(label (format nil "Box ~D" (slot-value *application-frame* 'counter)))
(last-box (slot-value *application-frame* 'last-box))
(style (slot-value *application-frame* 'style)))
;;--- Zdrava supplies primitives to input basic objects such as
;;--- points, lines, rectangles and polygons, circles and ellipses,
;;--- and so forth. Using Zdrava, the following code would be a
;;--- replaced by 3 or 4 lines of code.
(block track-pointer
(with-output-recording-options (stream :draw t :record nil)
(tracking-pointer (stream :multiple-window t)
(:pointer-motion (window x y)
(when rectangle-drawn
(draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
:filled nil :ink +flipping-ink+)
(setq rectangle-drawn nil))
(when (eql window stream)
(setq right x
bottom y)
(draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
:filled nil :ink +flipping-ink+)
(setq rectangle-drawn t)))
(:pointer-button-release (event)
(when (eql (event-sheet event) stream)
(when rectangle-drawn
(draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
:filled nil :ink +flipping-ink+)
(setq rectangle-drawn nil))
;; If the mouse didn't move very far, don't bother
;; creating a box. Just deselect the current object.
(when (or (> (abs (- right left)) 3)
(> (abs (- bottom top)) 3))
(multiple-value-bind (width height)
(text-size stream label)
(when (< (- right left) width)
(setq right (+ left width 8)))
(when (< (- bottom top) height)
(setq bottom (+ top height 4))))
(setq box (make-box left top right bottom label style))
(return-from track-pointer)))
(beep stream)
(return-from com-create-box)))))
(when box
(setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'objects)
(append (slot-value *application-frame* 'objects) (list box)))
(setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'last-box) box)
(incf (slot-value *application-frame* 'counter))
(when last-box
(let ((arrow (make-arrow last-box box style)))
(setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'objects)
(append (slot-value *application-frame* 'objects) (list arrow))))))))
;; A mouse click over blank area creates a new box.
(define-presentation-to-command-translator create-box
(blank-area com-create-box graphics-editor
:gesture :select :menu nil)
(x y)
(list x y))
;; Select an object by clicking "select" (Mouse-Left) on it.
(define-ged-command com-select-object
((object 'basic-object :gesture :select))
(select-object *application-frame* object)
(setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'style) (object-style object)))
;; Deselect an object by clicking the Deselect menu button, or by
;; clicking over blank area without moving the mouse.
(define-ged-command (com-deselect-object :menu "Deselect") ()
(when (frame-selected-object *application-frame*)
(deselect-object *application-frame* (frame-selected-object *application-frame*))))
;; Move an object by clicking Mouse-Middle on it and dragging the mouse.
(define-ged-command com-move-object
((object 'box :gesture :describe))
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display)))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) object
(multiple-value-bind (x y dx dy)
(dragging-output (stream t t)
;; Use a rectangle as feedback
(draw-rectangle* stream left top right bottom
:filled nil))
(move-object object (- x dx) (- y dy))))))
;; Delete an object by clicking "delete" (shift-Mouse-Middle) on it.
(define-ged-command com-delete-object
((object 'basic-object :gesture :delete))
(delete-object *application-frame* object)
(when (eql object (slot-value *application-frame* 'last-box))
(setf (slot-value *application-frame* 'last-box) nil)))
(defmethod delete-object ((frame graphics-editor) (object basic-object))
(setf (slot-value frame 'objects)
(delete object (slot-value frame 'objects))))
(defmethod delete-object :after ((frame graphics-editor) (object box))
(when (box-arrow-in object)
(delete-object frame (box-arrow-in object)))
(when (box-arrow-out object)
(delete-object frame (box-arrow-out object))))
(defmethod delete-object :after ((frame graphics-editor) (object arrow))
(with-slots (box1 box2) object
(setf (box-arrow-out box1) nil)
(setf (box-arrow-in box2) nil)))
;; Add a menu item that deletes the selected object
(add-menu-item-to-command-table 'graphics-editor "Delete"
:function 'delete-selected-object)
(defun delete-selected-object (gesture numeric-arg)
(declare (ignore gesture numeric-arg))
(and (frame-selected-object *application-frame*)
`(com-delete-object ,(frame-selected-object *application-frame*))))
;; Move a handle by clicking Mouse-Middle on it and dragging the mouse.
(define-ged-command com-move-handle
((handle 'object-handle :gesture :describe))
(let ((stream (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display)))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (point-position handle)
(multiple-value-bind (x y dx dy)
(dragging-output (stream t t)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- x 2) (- y 2) (+ x 2) (+ y 2)
:filled t))
(move-handle handle (- x dx) (- y dy))))))
;; OK, I added a menu button to clear the window.
(define-ged-command (com-clear :menu t) ()
(with-slots (objects selected-object last-box) *application-frame*
(setq objects nil
selected-object nil
last-box nil)
(window-clear (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display))))
;; OK, I added a menu button to redisplay the window, too, although
;; it's only here for debugging.
(define-ged-command (com-redisplay :menu t) ()
(redisplay-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display :force-p t))
(define-ged-command (com-quit :menu t) ()
(frame-exit *application-frame*))
(defvar *graphics-editor* nil)
(defun do-graphics-editor (&optional force)
(when (or force (null *graphics-editor*))
(setq *graphics-editor* (make-application-frame 'graphics-editor
:left 100 :top 0 :right 800 :bottom 600
#+Genera :parent
#+Genera (first clim::*sheet-roots*))))
(run-frame-top-level *graphics-editor*))
(clim-demo::define-demo "Graphics Editor" (do-graphics-editor))
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