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;;; -*- Mode: LISP; Syntax: Common-lisp; Package: CLIM; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;;; Hacks for efficiently drawing really big scientific graphs.
;;; Needs to be clim2.0 ified.
;;; $fiHeader$
(in-package :clim)
;;; Vendors have started locking this package, so we shouldn't be using it.
;;; Utilities
(defun bsearch (number array &optional
(key #'identity)
(start 0)
(end (1- (length array))))
"Binary search to find a number in a sorted array."
;; If a number is inbetween two values, return the first of the two.
(declare (values index element))
(if (< end start)
(values nil 0)
(let ((array array) mid Nmid found)
#+genera (declare (sys:array-register array))
(if (or found (< end start)) (return))
(setq mid (truncate (+ start end) 2))
(setq Nmid (funcall key (aref array mid)))
(cond ((< number Nmid)
(if (= start mid)
(setq found (max 0 (1- mid)))
(setq end (1- mid))))
((> number Nmid)
(if (= end mid)
(setq found mid)
(setq start (1+ mid))))
(t ;; (= number Nmid)
(setq found mid)))) ; found it!
(when found (values mid (aref array found))))))
;;; A hack to provide default method, simplifies protocol
;;; that user is required to provide.
(defmethod region-contains-point*-p ((region t) x y)
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) region
(ltrb-contains-point*-p left top right bottom x y)))
;;; A hack to provide default method, simplifies protocol
;;; that user is required to provide.
(defmethod region-intersects-region-p ((region1 t) (region2 t))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left1 top1 right1 bottom1) region1
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left2 top2 right2 bottom2) region2
(ltrb-overlaps-ltrb-p left1 top1 right1 bottom1
left2 top2 right2 bottom2))))
;;; The basic unoptimized protocol
(defclass simple-datum ()
((u :initarg :u)
(v :initarg :v)
(size :initform 2)
(defmethod uv-position ((self simple-datum))
(with-slots (u v) self
(values u v)))
(defmethod draw-datum ((self simple-datum) x y stream)
(draw-point* stream x y))
(defmethod display-datum ((self simple-datum) x y stream)
(with-output-as-presentation (:stream stream
:object self
:type 'expression
:single-box t)
(draw-datum self x y stream)))
(defun make-simple-datum (u v) (make-instance 'simple-datum :u u :v v))
(defclass dataset ()
((data :initform nil :initarg :data :accessor data)
(width :initform 500 :initarg :width :accessor width)
(height :initform 60 :initarg :height :accessor height)
(ux-scale :initform 20)
(vy-scale :initform 20)))
(defmethod xy-position ((dataset dataset))
;; stream coordinates of upper left corner.
(values (slot-value dataset 'x) (slot-value dataset 'y)))
(defmethod set-xy-position ((dataset dataset) x y)
(setf (slot-value dataset 'x) x
(slot-value dataset 'y) y))
(defmethod size ((dataset dataset))
(values (width dataset) (height dataset)))
(defmethod set-size ((dataset dataset) width height)
(multiple-value-bind (w h) (size dataset)
(when (or (/= w width) (/= h height))
(setf (width dataset) width
(height dataset) height)
;; Now recompute scale.
(let (minu maxu minv maxv)
(map-data-uv dataset
#'(lambda (u v datum)
(declare (ignore datum))
(minf-or minu u)
(minf-or minv v)
(maxf-or maxu u)
(maxf-or maxv v)))
(with-slots (ux-scale vy-scale) dataset
(setq ux-scale (/ (float width) (- maxu minu)))
(setq vy-scale (/ (float height) (- maxv minv))))))))
(defmethod map-data ((dataset dataset) function &key start end)
(let ((data (data dataset)))
(or start (setq start 0))
(or end (setq end (length data)))
(dovector (element data :start start :end end)
(funcall function element))))
(defmethod map-data-uv ((dataset dataset) function &key start end)
(map-data dataset
#'(lambda (datum)
(declare (sys:downward-function))
(multiple-value-bind (u v) (uv-position datum)
(funcall function u v datum)))
:start start
:end end))
(defmethod map-data-xy ((dataset dataset) function &key start end)
;; This translates from UV to XY coordinates.
;; This simple transformation simply provides offsets.
;; In a full implementation, need scaling as well.
(with-slots (x y ux-scale vy-scale) dataset
(let ((xoff x)
(yoff (+ y (truncate (height dataset) 2))))
(map-data-uv dataset
#'(lambda (u v datum)
#+genera (declare (sys:downward-function))
(funcall function
(+ (truncate (* u ux-scale)) xoff)
(+ (truncate (* v vy-scale)) yoff)
:start start
:end end))))
(defmethod display-data ((dataset dataset) stream &key (width 500) (height 60))
(set-size dataset width height)
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position* stream)
(set-xy-position dataset x y))
(let ((record
(with-output-as-presentation (:stream stream
:object dataset
:type 'expression
:single-box t)
(map-data-xy dataset
#'(lambda (x y datum)
#+genera (declare (sys:downward-function))
(display-datum datum x y stream))))))
(move-cursor-beyond-output-record stream record)
(defun make-sample-data (number-of-samples u0 u1 function noise-level maker)
(let ((data (make-array number-of-samples))
(dx (/ (- u1 u0) number-of-samples)))
(dotimes (i number-of-samples)
(let* ((x (+ u0 (* i dx)))
(y (+ (funcall function x)
(* noise-level
(- (random 1.0) 0.5)))))
(setf (aref data i)
(funcall maker x y))))
(defvar *dataset1*
:data (make-sample-data 1000 0.0 25.0 #'sin 0.75 #'make-simple-datum)))
(defmacro elapsed-time (&body body)
(let ((.start. (get-internal-run-time)))
(progn ,@body)
(/ (float (- (get-internal-run-time) .start.)) internal-time-units-per-second)))))
(defun graph1 (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
(terpri stream)
(elapsed-time (display-data *dataset1* stream)))
;;; Heavyweight datums implemented as lightweight output records
;;; This optimization relieves the implementation from consing an output
;;; record for each datum.
(defclass datum (presentation displayed-output-record-element simple-datum)
(;; XY -- stream coordinates (relative to output-record-parent)
(x :initarg :x)
(y :initarg :y)
(parent :initform nil :accessor output-record-parent)
(type :initform 'expression :reader presentation-type)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((datum datum) &key object type single-box)
;; This just eats init keywords that records are supposed to handle.
(declare (ignore object type single-box)))
(defmethod xy-position ((datum datum))
(with-slots (x y) datum (values x y)))
(defmethod presentation-object ((datum datum))
(defmethod presentation-single-box ((datum datum)) t)
(defmethod bounding-rectangle* ((datum datum))
(with-slots (x y size) datum
(values (- x size) (- y size) (+ x size) (+ y size))))
(defmethod output-record-start-position* ((datum datum))
;; Doesn't matter what is returned unless this guy has children.
(with-slots (x y size) datum (values (- x size) (- y size))))
(defmethod output-record-set-position* ((datum datum) new-x new-y)
;; NEW-X and NEW-Y had better be fixnums
(with-slots (x y) datum (setf x new-x y new-y)))
(defmethod map-over-output-record-elements-overlapping-region
((datum datum) region continuation
&optional (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0) &rest continuation-args)
(declare (ignore region continuation x-offset y-offset continuation-args))
(declare (dynamic-extent continuation-args))
(defmethod map-over-output-record-elements-containing-point*
((datum datum) x y continuation
&optional (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0) &rest continuation-args)
(declare (ignore x y continuation x-offset y-offset continuation-args))
(declare (dynamic-extent continuation-args))
(defmethod tree-recompute-extent ((datum datum))
(defmethod replay-1 ((datum datum) stream
&optional region (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0))
(declare (ignore region))
;; Region is the region being replayed (might want to clip to it).
(with-slots (x y size) datum
(draw-datum datum (+ x x-offset) (+ y y-offset) stream)
;; We use draw-point-internal here because it bypasses all of
;; the higher level functions, which is OK during REPLAY.
;; This is what all the REPLAY methods do for standard output records.
(draw-point-internal stream x-offset y-offset x y
(medium-ink stream) (medium-line-style stream))))
(defmethod output-record-refined-sensitivity-test ((datum datum) x y)
(declare (ignore x y))
(defmethod highlight-output-record-1 ((datum datum) stream state)
(declare (ignore state))
(let ((x (slot-value datum 'x))
(y (slot-value datum 'y))
(size (slot-value datum 'size)))
(multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)
(convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates stream
(output-record-parent datum))
(incf x xoff)
(incf y yoff)
(draw-rectangle* stream (- x size 1) (- y size 1) (+ x size 1) (+ y size 1)
:filled nil
:ink +flipping-ink+))))
(defmethod display-datum ((self datum) x y stream)
(when (stream-record-p stream)
(multiple-value-bind (abs-x abs-y)
(point-position* (output-recording-stream-output-record-absolute-position stream))
(output-record-set-position* self (- x abs-x) (- y abs-y)))
(add-output-record stream self)) ; sets parent
;; We're going to call replay at a high level
(when (stream-draw-p stream)
(replay self stream)))
(defun make-heavy-datum (u v) (make-instance 'datum :u u :v v))
(defvar *dataset2*
:data (make-sample-data 1000 0.0 25.0 #'sin 0.75 #'make-heavy-datum)))
(defun graph2 (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
;; About 2.5x faster than GRAPH1
(terpri stream)
(elapsed-time (display-data *dataset2* stream)))
;;; dataset-output-record
;;; This optimization provides a new type of output record that is
;;; very similar to linear-output-record.
(defclass dataset-output-record (output-record-mixin output-record-element-mixin dataset)
(define-output-record-constructor dataset-output-record (&key x-position y-position (size 5))
:x-position x-position :y-position y-position :size size)
;;; For debugging.
(defmethod output-record-elements ((record dataset-output-record))
(with-slots (data) record
(let ((result (make-list (length data))))
(replace result data)
(defmethod output-record-element ((record dataset-output-record) index)
(with-slots (data) record
(aref data index)))
(defmethod output-record-element-count ((record dataset-output-record))
(with-slots (data) record
(length data)))
(defmethod clear-output-record ((record dataset-output-record))
(error "Can't do that"))
(defmethod add-output-record-element ((record dataset-output-record) element)
(declare (ignore element))
;; this isn't an error because DISPLAY-DATUM want's to do it.
(defmethod delete-output-record-element
((record dataset-output-record) element &optional (errorp t))
(declare (ignore element))
(when errorp (error "Can't do that")))
(defmethod map-over-output-record-elements-overlapping-region
((record dataset-output-record) region continuation
&optional (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0) &rest continuation-args)
(declare (dynamic-extent continuation continuation-args))
(declare (fixnum x-offset y-offset))
;;(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
(with-slots (data) record
(if (or (null region) (eql region +everywhere+))
(map-data record
#'(lambda (element)
(apply continuation element continuation-args)))
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left1 top1 right1 bottom1) region
(translate-fixnum-positions x-offset y-offset left1 top1 right1 bottom1)
;; Subtract out the record offset from the region, to make comparison fair
(multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)
(output-record-position* record)
(translate-fixnum-positions (- xoff) (- yoff) left1 top1 right1 bottom1))
(map-data-xy record
#'(lambda (ex ey element)
(if (> ex right1)
(when (and (>= ex left1)
#+ignore (<= top1 ey bottom1))
(apply continuation element continuation-args)))
:start (bsearch left1 (data record) #'xy-position)
(defmethod map-over-output-record-elements-containing-point*
((record dataset-output-record) x y continuation
&optional (x-offset 0) (y-offset 0) &rest continuation-args)
(declare (dynamic-extent continuation continuation-args))
(declare (fixnum x y x-offset y-offset))
(declare (optimize (safety 0)))
(translate-fixnum-positions x-offset y-offset x y)
(with-slots (data) record
(multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)
(output-record-position* record)
(translate-fixnum-positions (- xoff) (- yoff) x y))
(map-data record
#'(lambda (element)
(with-bounding-rectangle* (left top right bottom) element
(if (> x right)
(when (ltrb-contains-point*-p left top right bottom x y)
(apply continuation element continuation-args))))
:start (bsearch x (data record) #'xy-position)
(defmethod display-data ((dataset dataset-output-record) stream &key (width 500) (height 60))
(set-size dataset width height)
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position* stream)
(set-xy-position dataset x y))
(let ((record
(with-output-as-presentation (:stream stream
:object dataset
:type 'expression
:single-box t)
(multiple-value-bind (abs-x abs-y)
(output-recording-stream-output-record-absolute-position stream))
(multiple-value-bind (x y) (stream-cursor-position* stream)
(output-record-set-position* dataset (- x abs-x) (- y abs-y))))
(add-output-record stream dataset)
(replay dataset stream))))
(move-cursor-beyond-output-record stream record)
(defmethod cache-datum-positions ((dataset dataset-output-record))
;; This needs to run every time the translation from UV to XY
;; coordinates changes. It does not need to run when the position
;; of the output record is changed, because XY coordinates of datum
;; is relative to XY position of parent.
(set-xy-position dataset 0 0)
(let (left top right bottom)
(map-data-xy dataset
#'(lambda (x y datum)
(output-record-set-position* datum x y)
(with-bounding-rectangle* (ll tt rr bb) datum
(minf-or left ll)
(minf-or top tt)
(maxf-or right rr)
(maxf-or bottom bb)
(setf (output-record-parent datum) dataset))))
(bounding-rectangle-set-edges dataset left top right bottom)))
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((dataset dataset-output-record) &key)
(cache-datum-positions dataset))
(defmethod set-size :around ((dataset dataset-output-record) new-width new-height)
(multiple-value-bind (w h) (size dataset)
(call-next-method dataset new-width new-height)
(when (or (/= w new-width) (/= h new-height))
(cache-datum-positions dataset))))
(defvar *dataset3*
:data (make-sample-data 1000 0.0 25.0 #'sin 0.75 #'make-heavy-datum)))
(defun graph3 (&optional (stream *standard-output*))
;; About 2x faster than GRAPH2.
(terpri stream)
(elapsed-time (display-data *dataset3* stream)))
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