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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;; $fiHeader: frames.lisp,v 1.40 92/09/08 15:17:44 cer Exp Locker: cer $
(in-package :clim-internals)
"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Portions copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Franz, Inc. All rights reserved."
(defclass activity ()
((frames :initform nil :accessor activity-frames)
(pretty-name :accessor activity-pretty-name)
(top-level-process :initform nil)
(active-frame :initform nil :initarg :initial-frame :accessor activity-active-frame)
(input-buffer :initform (make-locking-queue) :accessor activity-input-buffer)
(auto-select :initform nil :initarg :auto-select :accessor activity-auto-select)
(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((activity activity) &key pretty-name)
(setf (activity-pretty-name activity)
(or pretty-name (title-capitalize (string (type-of activity))))))
(defmethod run-activity-top-level :around ((activity activity) &key &allow-other-keys)
(with-simple-restart (activity-exit "Exit activity ~A" (activity-pretty-name activity))
(with-simple-restart (nil "~A top level" (activity-pretty-name activity))
(return-from run-activity-top-level (call-next-method))
(let ((results (multiple-value-list (call-next-method))))
(return-from run-activity-top-level (values-list results))))))))
(defmethod activity-exit ((activity activity))
(invoke-restart 'activity-exit))
(defmethod run-activity-top-level ((activity activity) &key &allow-other-keys)
(with-slots (top-level-process) activity
(when top-level-process
(cerror "Bludgeon ahead, assuming the risk"
"The process ~S is already running the top-level function for frame ~S"
top-level-process activity))
(setq top-level-process (current-process))
(default-activity-top-level activity))
(setq top-level-process nil))))
(defvar *activity* nil)
(defmethod default-activity-top-level ((activity activity))
(unless (activity-active-frame activity)
(setf (activity-active-frame activity)
(or (car (active-frames activity))
(start-initial-application-frame activity))))
(let ((*activity* activity)
(*original-stream* nil)
(*input-wait-test* nil)
(*input-wait-handler* nil)
(*pointer-button-press-handler* nil)
(*numeric-argument* nil)
(*delimiter-gestures* nil)
(*activation-gestures* nil)
(*accelerator-gestures* nil)
(*accelerator-numeric-argument* nil)
(*input-context* nil)
(*accept-help* nil)
(*assume-all-commands-enabled* nil)
(*command-parser* 'command-line-command-parser)
(*command-unparser* 'command-line-command-unparser)
;; Start these out nowhere
;;-- Surely these are bound by the frame top level
;; (*standard-output* nil)
;; (*standard-input* nil)
;; (*query-io* nil)
(*pointer-documentation-output* nil))
(with-simple-restart (nil "~A top level" (activity-pretty-name activity))
(catch 'window-resynchronize
(unless (activity-active-frame activity)
(setf (activity-active-frame activity)
(car (activity-frames activity))))
(unless (activity-active-frame activity)
(activity-exit activity))
(let* ((frame (activity-active-frame activity))
(*application-frame* frame)
(top-level (frame-top-level frame)))
(catch 'layout-changed
(with-frame-manager ((frame-manager frame))
(setf (slot-value frame 'top-level-process)
(slot-value activity 'top-level-process))
(if (atom top-level)
(funcall top-level frame)
(apply (first top-level) frame (rest top-level))))
(break "do something")))
(setf (slot-value frame 'top-level-process) nil)))))))))
(defclass activity-frame (standard-application-frame)
((activity :initform nil :accessor frame-activity :initarg :activity)))
(defgeneric activity-quit (activity)
(:documentation "Closes all frames and exits the top-level-loop")
(:method ((activity activity))
(dolist (frame (frame-manager-frames activity))
(close-application-frame activity frame))))
(defgeneric start-initial-application-frame (activity)
"Starts the initial application, when the activity is startet up. ~
There is no default method, so subclasses MUST implement this."))
(defgeneric start-application-frame (activity &rest frame-options)
"Starts an application frame and registers it in the activity. ~
The frame is exposed, so appropriate handlers will probably make it ~
the active frame. This function must be run inside a command to ~
synchronize the command loop."))
(defgeneric close-application-frame (activity frame)
"Closes the application-frame frame and de-registers it in the activity. ~
The frame is de-exposed, so appropriate handlers will probably make another ~
frame the active frame. This function must be run inside a command to ~
synchronize the command loop."))
(defmethod start-application-frame ((activity activity) &rest frame-options)
(let* ((frame (apply #'make-application-frame
(append frame-options
(list :input-buffer (activity-input-buffer activity)
:activity activity)))))
(enable-frame frame)
(push frame (activity-frames activity))
(defmethod close-application-frame ((activity activity) (frame activity-frame))
;; do we have to take care of the input-buffer that it will not be reused by
;; some magic resource mechanism?
(disable-frame frame)
(setf (activity-frames activity) (remove frame (activity-frames activity)))
(setf (frame-activity frame) nil)
(when (eq frame (activity-active-frame activity))
(if (activity-frames activity)
(setf (activity-active-frame activity) nil)
(activity-exit activity))))
;;; callbacks from the window manager
(defgeneric activity-frame-window-select (activity-frame)
"This function is called when the window manager of the host's display server ~
selects the (a?) window of the frame activity-frame. Methods can specialize ~
on this callback to provide customized behavior -- e.g. dependent from the ~
state of the CP throw out of the command loop or not. (see example code). ~
The default method sets activity-frame as the active frame and throws to ~
the tag 'window-resynchronize to restart the command loop.")
(:method ((frame activity-frame))
;;--- We should think about exporting the cp-state and so
;;--- give the the application more of a chance.
(let ((activity (frame-activity frame)))
(when (and (frame-activity frame)
(activity-auto-select activity)
*input-buffer-empty* *reading-frame-command*)
(select-activity-active-frame activity frame)))))
(defun select-activity-active-frame (activity frame)
;;-- Mark current frame in need of throwing
(setf (activity-active-frame activity) frame)
(throw 'window-resynchronize :window-resynchronize))
(defmethod activity-frame-window-select :around ((activity-frame activity-frame))
(unless (eq activity-frame (activity-active-frame (frame-activity activity-frame)))
(defmethod receive-gesture :after ((stream top-level-sheet)
(gesture pointer-enter-event))
(unless (eq (pointer-boundary-event-kind gesture) :inferior)
(let ((frame (pane-frame stream)))
(when (typep frame 'activity-frame)
(activity-frame-window-select frame)))))
(defgeneric activity-frame-window-close (activity-frame)
"This function is called when the window manager of the host's display server ~
closes the (a?) window of the frame activity-frame. Methods can specialize ~
on this callback to provide customized behavior. ~
The default method calls close-application-frame on the frame's activity and ~
the frame as arguments.")
(:method ((frame activity-frame))
(when (frame-activity frame)
(close-application-frame (frame-activity frame) frame)
;; we dont want throw out from here, dont we?
;;-- Mark current frame in need of throwing
;(throw 'window-resynchronize :window-resynchronize)
(defmethod frame-exit ((frame activity-frame))
(activity-frame-window-close frame))
(defmethod redisplay-frame-panes ((frame activity-frame) &rest options)
;; First display all the :accept-values panes, then display the rest.
;; We do this to ensure that all side-effects from :accept-values panes
;; have taken place.
(apply #'redisplay-activity-panes (frame-activity frame) options))
(defmethod redisplay-activity-panes ((activity activity) &key force-p)
(dolist (frame (activity-frames activity))
(map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet)
(when (typep sheet 'accept-values-pane)
(redisplay-frame-pane frame sheet :force-p force-p)))
(frame-top-level-sheet frame)))
(dolist (frame (activity-frames activity))
(map-over-sheets #'(lambda (sheet)
(when (and (typep sheet 'clim-stream-pane)
(not (typep sheet 'accept-values-pane)))
(redisplay-frame-pane frame sheet :force-p force-p)))
(frame-top-level-sheet frame))))
(defmethod disable-frame :after ((frame activity-frame))
(let ((activity (frame-activity frame)))
(when (and activity (eq (activity-active-frame frame) frame))
(setf (activity-active-frame frame) nil)
;;--- Need to resynchronize at this point
;;--- We should set flag in frame so that the default top level
;;--- notices this and exits or throws
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: clim-demo; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;; $fiHeader: frames.lisp,v 1.40 92/09/08 15:17:44 cer Exp Locker: cer $
(in-package :clim-demo)
"Copyright (c) 1990, 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved.
Portions copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Franz, Inc. All rights reserved."
(defclass demo-activity (activity)
(define-application-frame demo-app (activity-frame)
(interactor :interactor)
(display :application))
(:pointer-documentation t)
(default (vertically () (1/2 interactor) (:fill display)))))
(define-demo-app-command (com-activity-exit :menu t :name "Exit")
(activity-frame-window-close *application-frame*))
(defvar *untitled-count* 1
"Counter for naming new, untitled document windows")
;;; This method must be implemented by subclasses of activity
(defmethod start-initial-application-frame ((activity demo-activity))
(start-application-frame activity
:width 200
:height 200
:pretty-name "Initial"))
(define-demo-app-command (com-new :menu t :name t)
((name 'string
:prompt "Name of Window"
:default (format nil "Untitled-~A" *untitled-count*)
:display-default t
:documentation "A Title String"))
(start-application-frame (frame-activity *application-frame*)
:width 200
:height 200
:pretty-name name)
(incf *untitled-count*))
(define-demo-app-command (com-select-frame :name t :menu t)
((frame `((member ,@(activity-frames *activity*)) :name-key ,#'frame-pretty-name)))
(select-activity-active-frame *activity* frame))
(define-demo-app-command (com-funky-add :name t :menu t)
((n 'number))
(flet ((print-random-sum (stream n)
(let ((sum (+ n (random 20) -10)))
(with-output-as-presentation (stream sum 'number)
(format stream "~%~A plus ~A gives ~A" n (- sum n) sum)))))
(print-random-sum (get-frame-pane *application-frame* 'display) n)))
;; This one gives a nicer pointer doc than the default one by the
;; :gesture option of define-command
(define-presentation-to-command-translator add-number
(number com-funky-add demo-app
:pointer-documentation ((stream object)
(format stream "Add something to ~A" object)))
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