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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
(in-package :clim-internals)
"Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved."
;;; Direct manipulation ("click and drag", "drag and drop") translators
(defclass drag-and-drop-translator (presentation-translator)
((destination-type :initarg :destination-type
:reader presentation-translator-destination-type)
(feedback :initform nil :initarg :feedback
:reader presentation-translator-feedback)
(highlighting :initform nil :initarg :highlighting
:reader presentation-translator-highlighting)
;; The body, tester, and documentation supplied by the programmer.
;; DEFINE-DRAG-AND-DROP-TRANSLATOR uses the other body, tester,
;; and documentaiton slots for its own purposes
(real-body :initarg :real-body
:reader presentation-translator-real-body)
(real-tester :initform nil :initarg :real-tester
:reader presentation-translator-real-tester)
(real-documentation :initform nil :initarg :real-documentation
:reader presentation-translator-real-documentation)))
(defmethod print-object ((object drag-and-drop-translator) stream)
(if *print-escape*
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
(with-slots (name from-type destination-type to-type) object
(format stream "~S (~S x ~S -> ~S)"
name from-type destination-type to-type)))
(print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
(with-slots (name from-type to-type) object
(format stream "~S" name)))))
(defmacro define-drag-and-drop-translator
(from-type to-type destination-type command-table
&key (gesture ':select) tester
documentation (menu t) priority
feedback highlighting)
&body body)
#+Genera (declare (zwei:indentation 1 3 3 1))
(with-warnings-for-definition name define-presentation-translator
(multiple-value-bind (body-function body-name)
(write-translator-function (cons arglist body) name 'real-body
'(destination-object destination-presentation))
(multiple-value-bind (tester-function tester-name)
(when tester
(write-translator-function tester name 'real-tester
'(destination-object destination-presentation)))
(multiple-value-bind (doc-function doc-name)
(if (stringp documentation)
(values nil documentation)
(when documentation
documentation name 'real-doc
'(destination-object destination-presentation stream))))
(multiple-value-bind (feedback-function feedback-name)
(if (symbolp feedback)
(values nil (or feedback 'frame-drag-and-drop-feedback))
feedback name 'feedback
'(frame presentation stream initial-x initial-y new-x new-y state)))
(multiple-value-bind (highlighting-function highlighting-name)
(if (symbolp highlighting)
(values nil (or highlighting 'frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting))
highlighting name 'highlighting
'(frame presentation stream state)))
(define-presentation-translator-1 ,name
(,from-type ,to-type ,command-table
:gesture ,gesture
:tester nil
:tester-definitive t
:documentation "Drag presentation"
:pointer-documentation "Drag presentation"
:menu ,menu
:priority ,priority
:translator-class drag-and-drop-translator
:destination-type ',destination-type
:real-body ',body-name
:feedback ',feedback-name
:highlighting ',highlighting-name
,@(when tester `(:real-tester ',tester-name))
,@(when documentation `(:real-documentation ',doc-name)))
(invoke-drag-and-drop-translator ,@*translator-function-arglist*))
(defun write-drag-and-drop-function (function translator-name clause-name args)
(let ((function-name (gensymbol translator-name clause-name))
(arglist (first function))
(body (rest function)))
(multiple-value-bind (arglist ignores)
(canonicalize-and-match-lambda-lists args arglist)
(values `(defun ,function-name ,arglist
,@(and ignores `((declare (ignore ,@ignores))))
;; All the drag-and-drop translators that satisfy the current from-type,
;; to-type, and gesture will get here. However, the translator now being
;; run is not necessarily the right one. What we do here is to track the
;; pointer until the destination presentation has been reached, choose the
;; correct translator and run it.
(defun invoke-drag-and-drop-translator (object presentation context-type
frame event window x y)
(let* ((command-table (frame-command-table frame))
(let ((all-translators
(presentation-type presentation) context-type command-table)))
;; This find all translators that could conceivably apply
(mapcan #'(lambda (translator)
(when (and (typep translator 'drag-and-drop-translator)
translator presentation context-type
frame window x y :event event))
(list translator)))
;; So we can let TRACKING-POINTER do the work of finding applicable
;; destination presentations...
(mapcar #'presentation-translator-destination-type translators))
;; Get the feedback and highlighting functions
;;--- This should really check to make sure that the feedback and
;;--- highlighting functions are the same for the set of translators
(and translators (presentation-translator-feedback (first translators))))
(and translators (presentation-translator-highlighting (first translators))))
(initial-x x)
(initial-y y)
last-x last-y
(from-presentation presentation)
;; The presentation we finally landed on, and the event used
(destination nil)
(destination-event nil)
;; Defeat the normal gesture processing stuff
(*input-wait-handler* nil)
(*input-wait-test* nil)
(*pointer-button-press-handler* nil))
(read-gesture :stream window :timeout 0) ;eat the initial mouse click
(unhighlight-highlighted-presentation window)
(when (null translators)
(return-from invoke-drag-and-drop-translator nil))
(flet ((find-translator (destination)
(let* ((translator
(find (presentation-type destination) translators
:key #'presentation-translator-destination-type
:test #'presentation-subtypep))
(and translator (presentation-translator-real-tester translator))))
(when (or (null tester)
(funcall tester
object presentation context-type
frame event window x y
(presentation-object destination) destination))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'find-translator))
(macrolet ((feedback (x y state)
`(funcall feedback frame from-presentation window
initial-x initial-y ,x ,y ,state))
(highlight (presentation state)
`(when ,presentation
(funcall highlighting frame ,presentation window
(block drag-presentation
(tracking-pointer (window :context-type `((or ,@destination-types))
:multiple-window t :highlight nil)
(:presentation-button-press (presentation event)
(highlight destination :unhighlight)
(setq destination presentation
destination-event event)
(return-from drag-presentation))
(:pointer-button-press (event)
(highlight destination :unhighlight)
(setq destination nil
destination-event event)
(return-from drag-presentation))
(:presentation (presentation window x y)
(when last-x
(feedback last-x last-y :unhighlight))
(setq last-x x
last-y y)
(feedback x y :highlight)
(when (not (eq presentation destination))
(highlight destination :unhighlight)
(setq destination presentation)
(highlight presentation :highlight)
#+++ignore ;--- documentation
(let ((translator (find-translator destination)))
(when translator
(let ((documentation
(presentation-translator-real-documentation translator)))
(if (stringp documentation)
(write-string documentation doc-stream)
(funcall documentation
(presentation-object presentation) presentation context-type
frame event window x y
(presentation-object destination) destination
(:pointer-motion (window x y)
(highlight destination :unhighlight)
(setq destination nil)
(when last-x
(feedback last-x last-y :unhighlight))
(setq last-x x
last-y y)
(feedback x y :highlight))))
(when last-x
(feedback last-x last-y :unhighlight)))
;; The user has put down the presentation, figure out what to do
;;--- What if there is more than one translator?
(let ((translator (find-translator destination)))
(when translator
(multiple-value-bind (result-object result-type options)
(funcall (presentation-translator-real-body translator)
object presentation context-type
frame event window x y
(presentation-object destination) destination)
(setq result-type (or result-type (evacuate-list context-type)))
;; Find the tag to throw to, and do so
(dolist (this-context *input-context*)
(let* ((context-type (input-context-type this-context))
(tag (input-context-tag this-context)))
(when (presentation-subtypep result-type context-type)
(throw tag
(values result-object
(or destination-event event)
;; NEW-X and NEW-Y are in stream coordinates.
(defmethod frame-drag-and-drop-feedback ((frame application-frame) presentation stream
initial-x initial-y new-x new-y state)
(declare (ignore initial-x initial-y state)) ;we'll just use XOR
(multiple-value-bind (width height) (bounding-rectangle-size presentation)
(with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil)
(with-identity-transformation (stream)
(draw-rectangle* stream new-x new-y (+ new-x width) (+ new-y height)
:filled nil :ink +flipping-ink+ :line-dashes #(4 4))))))
(defmethod frame-drag-and-drop-highlighting ((frame application-frame) presentation stream
(ecase state
(set-highlighted-presentation stream presentation))
(unhighlight-highlighted-presentation stream))))
;; Used to extract all presentations of a certain type in a "surrounded region"
(defun presentations-of-type-in-region (type stream region &optional (sort t))
(let ((collection nil))
(labels ((collect (record x-offset y-offset)
(if (presentationp record)
(when (presentation-typep (presentation-object record) type)
(pushnew record collection))
(multiple-value-bind (xoff yoff)
(output-record-start-cursor-position record)
(map-over-output-records-overlapping-region #'collect
record region (+ x-offset xoff) (+ y-offset yoff))))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'collect))
(collect (stream-output-history stream) 0 0)
(when (and collection sort)
(setq collection (sort-presentations-by-position collection)))
(defun sort-presentations-by-position (presentations)
(flet ((position-lessp (p1 p2)
(unless (eq (output-record-parent p1) (output-record-parent p2))
;;--- Convert to absolute coordinates if they don't share parents
(multiple-value-bind (x1 y1) (bounding-rectangle-position p1)
(multiple-value-bind (x2 y2) (bounding-rectangle-position p2)
(if (= y1 y2)
(< x1 x2)
(< y1 y2))))))
(declare (dynamic-extent #'position-lessp))
(sort presentations #'position-lessp)))
;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: CLIM-INTERNALS; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
(in-package :clim-internals)
"Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 Symbolics, Inc. All rights reserved."
(defvar *progress-notes* ())
(defvar *current-progress-note*)
(defclass progress-note ()
((name :accessor progress-note-name :initarg :name)
(stream :initarg :stream)
(frame :initarg :frame)
(numerator :initform 0)
(denominator :initform 1)
;; Keep the flicker down as much as possible
(name-displayed :initform nil)
(bar-length :initform 0)))
(define-constructor make-progress-note progress-note (name stream frame)
:name name :stream stream :frame frame)
(defmethod (setf progress-note-name) :after (name (note progress-note))
(declare (ignore name))
(with-slots (name-displayed bar-length frame) note
(setq name-displayed nil
bar-length 0)
(frame-manager-display-progress-note (frame-manager frame) note)))
(defun add-progress-note (name stream)
(check-type name string)
(when (or (null stream) (eq stream 't))
(setq stream (frame-pointer-documentation-output *application-frame*)))
(let ((note (make-progress-note name stream *application-frame*)))
(push note *progress-notes*))
(defun remove-progress-note (note)
(frame-manager-clear-progress-note (frame-manager (slot-value note 'frame)) note)
(setq *progress-notes* (delete note *progress-notes*))))
(defmethod progress-note-fraction-done ((note progress-note))
(with-slots (numerator denominator) note
(/ numerator denominator)))
(defmacro noting-progress ((stream name &optional (note-var '*current-progress-note*))
&body body)
(check-type note-var symbol)
`(let (,note-var)
(setq ,note-var (add-progress-note ,name ,stream))
(remove-progress-note ,note-var))))
(defun note-progress (numerator &optional (denominator 1) (note *current-progress-note*))
(when note
(when (and (= denominator 1) (rationalp numerator))
(let ((num (numerator numerator))
(denom (denominator numerator)))
(setq numerator num
denominator denom)))
(setf (slot-value note 'numerator) numerator
(slot-value note 'denominator) denominator))
(frame-manager-display-progress-note (frame-manager (slot-value note 'frame)) note)
(defun note-progress-in-phases (numerator
&optional (denominator 1)
(phase-number 1) (n-phases 1)
(note *current-progress-note*))
(note-progress (+ (* denominator (1- phase-number)) numerator)
(* denominator n-phases)
(defmacro dolist-noting-progress ((var listform name
&optional stream (note-var '*current-progress-note*))
&body body)
(let ((count-var '#:count)
(total-var '#:total)
(list-var '#:list))
`(noting-progress (,stream ,name ,note-var)
(let* ((,list-var ,listform)
(,total-var (length ,list-var))
(,count-var 0))
(dolist (,var ,list-var)
(incf ,count-var)
(note-progress ,count-var ,total-var))))))
(defmacro dotimes-noting-progress ((var countform name
&optional stream (note-var '*current-progress-note*))
&body body)
(let ((count-var '#:count))
`(let ((,count-var ,countform))
(noting-progress (,stream ,name ,note-var)
(dotimes (,var ,count-var)
;; We want the progress bar to advance after the first iteration
;; even though DOTIMES is zero-based, so add one to the numerator.
(note-progress (1+ ,var) ,count-var))))))
(defmethod frame-manager-clear-progress-note
((framem standard-frame-manager) (note progress-note))
(with-slots (stream) note
(when stream
(window-clear stream))))
(defmethod frame-manager-display-progress-note
((framem standard-frame-manager) (note progress-note))
(with-slots (name stream numerator denominator name-displayed bar-length) note
(when stream
(let* ((stream-width (bounding-rectangle-width stream))
(line-height (stream-line-height stream))
(new-bar-length (floor (* stream-width numerator) denominator)))
(unless name-displayed
(window-clear stream))
(with-output-recording-options (stream :record nil)
(with-end-of-line-action (stream :allow)
(with-end-of-page-action (stream :allow)
(unless name-displayed
(stream-set-cursor-position stream 0 0)
(write-string name stream)
(setq name-displayed t))
(when (< new-bar-length bar-length)
(draw-line* stream
0 (+ line-height 2) bar-length (+ line-height 2)
:line-thickness 2 :ink +background-ink+))
(draw-line* stream
0 (+ line-height 2) new-bar-length (+ line-height 2)
:line-thickness 2)
(setq bar-length new-bar-length)
(force-output stream))))))))
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