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Initial implementation of an hpgl backend for CLIM 2.0.

A whole bunch of things are not fully supported right now.
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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: ANSI-Common-Lisp; Package: hpgl-clim; Base: 10; Lowercase: Yes -*-
;;; $fiHeader$
"Copyright (c) 1991 by International Lisp Associates. All rights reserved."
"Portions copyright (c) 1992 Franz Inc. All rights reserved"
(in-package :hpgl-clim)
Introduction to the HPGL plotting language
1. Plotter units are 0.025mm which converts to 1016 per inch.
The code sets up a top-left coordinate system where the device-unit is
a point. Hence we have 72dpi resolution printer.
;;; HPGL generation
;;; Syntax of the operator is:
;;; () or absent means use the name of the function.
;;; A symbol means use string-downcase on its name
;;; A list means to apply FORMAT to the list (at compile time...)
(defmacro define-hpgl-operation (name &optional operator &rest operands)
(when (null operator) (setf operator name))
(if (listp operator)
(setf operator (apply #'format nil operator))
(setf operator (string-upcase (string operator))))
(labels ((parse-operand (operand)
(if (listp operand)
(values (first operand) (second operand))
(values operand 'integer)))
(generate-operand (operand)
(multiple-value-bind (operand type) (parse-operand operand)
(ecase type
(integer `(progn (hpgl-decimal ,operand stream) (format stream ",")))
(string `(progn (hpgl-string ,operand stream) (format stream ",")))
(symbol `(progn (hpgl-symbol ,operand stream) (format stream ",")))
(vector `(progn (hpgl-vector ,operand stream) (format stream ","))))))
(generate-last (operand)
(multiple-value-bind (operand type) (parse-operand operand)
(ecase type
(integer `(hpgl-decimal ,operand stream))
(string `(hpgl-string ,operand stream))
(symbol `(hpgl-symbol ,operand stream))
(vector `(hpgl-vector ,operand stream))))))
`(define-group ,name define-hpgl-operation
(defun ,name (stream ,@(mapcar #'parse-operand operands))
(hpgl-operation ,operator stream)
,@(mapcar #'generate-operand (butlast operands))
,@(mapcar #'generate-last (last operands))
(format stream ";~%"))))))
;;; HP-GL ints must be between -2^26+1 and 2^26-1 with no more that 10 sigfig's after the decimal
(defun hpgl-decimal (value stream)
(format stream "~6,6F" value))
;;; HP-GL Labels must be terminated by an ETX (ascii 3)
(defvar *hpgl-label-terminator* "
(defun hpgl-string (string stream)
(format stream "~A~A" string *hpgl-label-terminator*))
;;; Is this really needed ?????
;;; Write out an HP-GL command
(defun hpgl-operation (op stream)
(format stream "~:@(~A~)" op))
(defun hpgl-vector (value stream &optional optimal-flonize)
(declare (ignore optimal-flonize))
(write-char #\[ stream)
(doseq (element value)
(hpgl-decimal element stream)
(format stream " "))
(write-char #\] stream)
(write-char #\space stream))
(defun hpgl-symbol (value stream)
(format stream "/~A " value))
;;; Color functions
(defvar *gray-level* 0)
(defmacro with-hpgl-color (&rest body)
`(when (not (= *gray-level* 1.0))
(defun setgray (stream value)
(declare (ignore stream))
(setf *gray-level* value))
(define-hpgl-operation setcolor setrgbcolor
(red integer)
(green integer)
(blue integer))
(define-hpgl-operation set-fill-type FT
(kind integer)
(space integer)
(angle integer))
(define-hpgl-operation set-default-fill FT)
(defun fill-cross-hatch (printer-stream space &key (on t))
(if on
(set-fill-type printer-stream 4 space 45)
(set-default-fill printer-stream)))
;;; Drawing Functions
(defun edge-rectangle (stream x y)
(edge-rectangle-1 stream (trans-x x) (trans-y y)))
(define-hpgl-operation edge-rectangle-1 EA
(x integer)
(y integer))
(defun moveto (stream x y)
(moveto-1 stream (trans-x x) (trans-y y)))
(define-hpgl-operation moveto-1 PU
(x integer)
(y integer))
(defun trans-x (x) x)
(defun trans-y (y) y)
(defun lineto (stream x y)
(lineto-1 stream (trans-x x) (trans-y y)))
(define-hpgl-operation lineto-1 PD
(x integer)
(y integer))
(define-hpgl-operation penup PU)
(define-hpgl-operation pendown PD)
(define-hpgl-operation fill-arc WG
(radius integer)
(start integer)
(end integer))
(define-hpgl-operation fill-rectangle RA
(x integer)
(y integer))
(define-hpgl-operation arc AA
(x integer)
(y integer)
(degrees integer))
;;; Util Functions
(define-hpgl-operation scale SC
(x-min integer)
(x-max integer)
(y-min integer)
(y-max integer))
(define-hpgl-operation input-window IW
(left integer)
(top integer)
(right integer)
(bottom integer))
(define-hpgl-operation input-points IP
(left integer)
(top integer)
(right integer)
(bottom integer))
;;; Rotate character drawing angle
(defun rotate-90 (stream on-off)
(case on-off
(format stream "DI0,1;~%"))
(format stream "DI1,0;~%"))))
(define-hpgl-operation set-absolute-direction-1 DI
(run integer)
(rise integer))
(defun set-absolute-direction (stream run rise)
(set-absolute-direction-1 stream (round run) (round rise)))
(defun move (printer-stream x y)
;; (format printer-stream "PR")
(moveto printer-stream x y)
;; (format printer-stream "PA;~%")
(define-hpgl-operation concat ()
(transformation-matrix vector))
(define-hpgl-operation setlinewidth ()
(define-hpgl-operation setlinejoin ()
(define-hpgl-operation setlinecap ()
(define-hpgl-operation setdash ()
(dash-pattern vector)
(define-hpgl-operation clip)
(define-hpgl-operation stroke)
(define-hpgl-operation ps-fill fill)
(define-hpgl-operation closepath)
(define-hpgl-operation newpath)
(define-hpgl-operation showpage ("showpage~%%%Page: ? ?")) ;Put %%Page: ? everywhere.
;;; Utility functions.
(defun use-line-style (medium line-style)
;;--- Need to implement
(defmethod maybe-set-color ((medium hpgl-medium) (ink t))
(warn "cannot use ink ~S" ink))
;;;-- This is copied from postscript
(defun color-equal (c1 c2)
(or (eq c1 c2)
(and (colorp c1)
(colorp c2)
(multiple-value-bind (r1 g1 b1) (color-rgb c1)
(multiple-value-bind (r2 g2 b2) (color-rgb c2)
(and (= r1 r2) (= g1 g2) (= b1 b2)))))))
(defmethod maybe-set-color
((medium hpgl-medium) (ink (eql +foreground-ink+)))
(maybe-set-color medium (or (medium-foreground medium) +black+)))
(defmethod maybe-set-color
((medium hpgl-medium) (ink (eql +background-ink+)))
(maybe-set-color medium (or (medium-background medium) +white+)))
(defmethod maybe-set-color
((medium hpgl-medium) (ink flipping-ink))
(error "Hpgl devices can't draw with flipping inks."))
(defmethod maybe-set-color ((medium hpgl-medium) (ink color))
(with-slots (current-color printer-stream) medium
(when (or (null current-color)
(not (color-equal current-color ink)))
(setf current-color ink)
(multiple-value-bind (r g b) (color-rgb ink)
(setgray printer-stream (color-luminosity r g b))
(setcolor printer-stream r g b)))))
(defmethod maybe-set-color ((medium hpgl-medium) (ink rectangular-tile))
;; Handled in the patterned fill/stroke case
(defmethod maybe-set-color
((medium hpgl-medium) (ink contrasting-ink))
(maybe-set-color medium (make-color-for-contrasting-ink ink)))
(defmethod maybe-set-font ((medium hpgl-medium) text-style)
(with-slots (current-text-style printer-stream) medium
(when (or (null current-text-style)
(not (eq current-text-style text-style)))
(setf current-text-style text-style)
(use-font medium printer-stream text-style))))
(defmethod use-font ((medium hpgl-medium) printer-stream pfd)
(let ((size (pfd-point-size pfd)))
(format printer-stream "SI~D,~D;~%"
(/ (* (* size .6) (/ 1016.0 72.0)) 600.0)
(/ (* size (/ 1016.0 72.0)) 600.0))))
(defun maybe-set-clipping-region (medium)
;;--- Not implemented
;;; Graphics functions
;;;-- Ripped off from the postscript stuff
(defmacro convert-to-hpgl-coordinates (transform &body positions)
(assert (evenp (length positions)) (positions)
"There must be an even number of elements in ~S" positions)
(let ((forms nil))
(when (null positions)
(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
(let* ((x (pop positions))
(y (pop positions)))
(push `(multiple-value-setq (,x ,y)
(transform-position ,transform ,x ,y))
(defmacro convert-to-hpgl-distances (transform &body positions)
(assert (evenp (length positions)) (positions)
"There must be an even number of elements in ~S" positions)
(let ((forms nil))
(when (null positions)
(return `(progn ,@(nreverse forms))))
(let* ((x (pop positions))
(y (pop positions)))
(push `(multiple-value-setq (,x ,y)
(transform-distance ,transform ,x ,y))
(defmacro with-hpgl-drawing-options ((medium printer-stream-var
&key ink (filled nil filled-p) line-style)
&body body)
(let ((printer-stream (or printer-stream-var (make-symbol (symbol-name 'printer-stream)))))
`(let ((,printer-stream (slot-value ,medium 'printer-stream)))
(when (and ,@(and filled-p `((not ,filled))) ,line-style)
(use-line-style ,medium ,line-style))
(maybe-set-color ,medium ,ink)
(maybe-set-clipping-region ,medium)
;;; Actual graphics code
(defmethod medium-draw-point* ((medium hpgl-medium) x y)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(lineto printer-stream x y))))
(defmethod medium-draw-line* ((medium hpgl-medium) x1 y1 x2 y2)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x1 y1 x2 y2)
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
(moveto printer-stream x1 y1)
(lineto printer-stream x2 y2))))
(defmethod medium-draw-lines* ((medium hpgl-medium) position-seq)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
#'(lambda (x1 y1 x2 y2)
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x1 y1 x2 y2)
(moveto printer-stream x1 y1)
(lineto printer-stream x2 y2))
(defmethod medium-draw-text* ((medium hpgl-medium)
string-or-char x y start end
align-x align-y
towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
(if (characterp string-or-char)
(medium-draw-character* medium string-or-char x y
align-x align-y towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
(medium-draw-string* medium string-or-char x y start end
align-x align-y towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)))
(defvar ch1buf (make-string 1))
(defmethod medium-draw-character* ((medium hpgl-medium)
character x y align-x align-y
towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
(declare (ignore transform-glyphs))
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(when towards-x
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform towards-x towards-y))
(with-slots (printer-stream stream) medium
(setf (aref ch1buf 0) character)
(let* ((fcs (text-style-mapping (port medium) text-style))
(height (text-style-height text-style medium))
(descent (text-style-descent text-style medium))
(ascent (text-style-ascent text-style medium)))
(let ((x-adjust
(compute-text-x-adjustment align-x medium character text-style 0 1))
(compute-text-y-adjustment align-y descent ascent height)))
(incf x x-adjust)
(incf y y-adjust)
(when towards-x
(incf towards-x x-adjust)
(incf towards-y y-adjust)))
(maybe-set-font medium fcs)
(if towards-x
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream :ink ink)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(set-absolute-direction printer-stream (- towards-x x) (- towards-y y))
(carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream ch1buf 0 1)
(set-absolute-direction printer-stream 1 0))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream :ink ink)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream ch1buf 0 1)))))))
(defmethod medium-draw-string* ((medium hpgl-medium)
string x y start end align-x align-y
towards-x towards-y transform-glyphs)
(declare (ignore transform-glyphs))
(unless start (setq start 0))
(unless end (setq end (length string)))
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(text-style (medium-merged-text-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(when towards-x
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform towards-x towards-y))
(let* ((fcs (text-style-mapping (port medium) text-style))
(height (text-style-height text-style medium))
(descent (text-style-descent text-style medium))
(ascent (text-style-ascent text-style medium)))
(let ((x-adjust
(compute-text-x-adjustment align-x medium string text-style start end))
(compute-text-y-adjustment align-y descent ascent height)))
(incf x x-adjust)
(incf y y-adjust)
(when towards-x
(incf towards-x x-adjust)
(incf towards-y y-adjust)))
;; do raster/ink stuff.
(maybe-set-font medium fcs)
(if towards-x
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream :ink ink)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(set-absolute-direction printer-stream (- towards-x x) (- towards-y y))
(carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream string start end)
(set-absolute-direction printer-stream 1 0))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream :ink ink)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(carefully-output-ps-showstring printer-stream string start end))))))
(defun carefully-output-ps-showstring (printer-stream string-or-char start end)
(hpgl-operation "LB" printer-stream)
(etypecase string-or-char
(do-delimited-substrings ((string-or-char :start start :end end)
(substring-start substring-end delimiter))
(write-string string-or-char printer-stream
:start substring-start :end substring-end)
((#\( #\) #\\)
(write-char #\\ printer-stream)
(write-char delimiter printer-stream))))
(character (when (or (eql string-or-char #\()
(eql string-or-char #\))
(eql string-or-char #\\))
(write-char #\\ printer-stream)
(write-char string-or-char printer-stream))))
;(write-char #\) printer-stream)
;(write-char #\space printer-stream)
;(ps-operation "show" printer-stream)
(format printer-stream "~%")
;;--- This is a direct ripoff from postscript
(defmethod medium-text-bounding-box ((medium hpgl-medium)
string x y start end align-x
align-y text-style
towards-x towards-y
transform-glyphs transformation)
(declare (ignore string start end transform-glyphs transformation
towards-x towards-y text-style align-x align-y x y))
(left top right bottom cx cy towards-x towards-y) (call-next-method)
(if (and towards-y towards-x)
(let ((transformation
(atan (- towards-y cy) (- towards-x cx))
(make-point cx cy))))
(multiple-value-setq (left top)
(transform-position transformation left top))
(multiple-value-setq (right bottom)
(transform-position transformation right bottom))
(values (min left right) (min top bottom)
(max left right) (max top bottom)))
(values left top right bottom))))
(defmethod medium-draw-rectangle* ((medium hpgl-medium)
left top right bottom filled)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform left top right bottom)
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:filled filled
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
(medium-draw-rectangle*-1 printer-stream left right top bottom filled))))
(defun medium-draw-rectangle*-1 (printer-stream left right top bottom filled)
(if filled
(fill-cross-hatch printer-stream 5 :on t)
(moveto printer-stream left top)
(fill-rectangle printer-stream right bottom)
(fill-cross-hatch printer-stream 5 :on nil)
(moveto printer-stream left top)
(edge-rectangle printer-stream right bottom))
(moveto printer-stream left top)
(lineto printer-stream right top)
(lineto printer-stream right bottom)
(lineto printer-stream left bottom)
(lineto printer-stream left top)
(edge-rectangle printer-stream right bottom))))
(defmethod medium-draw-rectangles* ((medium hpgl-medium) position-seq filled)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:ink ink :filled filled :line-style line-style)
#'(lambda (left top right bottom)
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform left top right bottom)
(medium-draw-rectangle*-1 printer-stream left right top bottom filled))
(defmethod medium-draw-polygon* ((medium hpgl-medium) position-seq closed filled)
;;--- This does not handle filled
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:filled filled
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
(if (listp position-seq)
(let* ((position-seq position-seq)
(x (pop position-seq))
(y (pop position-seq)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(moveto printer-stream x y)
(loop (when (null position-seq) (return))
(setf x (pop position-seq)
y (pop position-seq))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(lineto printer-stream x y)))
(let ((x (aref position-seq 0))
(y (aref position-seq 1)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(moveto printer-stream x y))
(do ((i 2 (+ i 2))
(length (length position-seq)))
((= i length))
(let ((x (aref position-seq i))
(y (aref position-seq (1+ i))))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(lineto printer-stream x y)))))
(when closed
(let ((x (elt position-seq 0))
(y (elt position-seq 1)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform x y)
(lineto printer-stream x y))))))
(defmethod medium-draw-ellipse* ((medium hpgl-medium)
center-x center-y
radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy
start-angle end-angle filled)
(let* ((transform (sheet-device-transformation (medium-sheet medium)))
(ink (medium-ink medium))
(line-style (medium-line-style medium)))
(convert-to-hpgl-coordinates transform center-x center-y)
(convert-to-hpgl-distances transform
radius-1-dx radius-1-dy radius-2-dx radius-2-dy)
(when (null start-angle)
(setq start-angle 0
end-angle 2pi))
(when (< end-angle start-angle)
(setq end-angle (+ end-angle 2pi)))
(multiple-value-bind (x-radius y-radius)
(cond ((and (= radius-1-dx 0) (= radius-2-dy 0))
(values (abs radius-2-dx) (abs radius-1-dy)))
((and (= radius-2-dx 0) (= radius-1-dy 0))
(values (abs radius-1-dx) (abs radius-2-dy)))
(t (nyi)))
;;--- We are cheating here because we dont know how to draw an ellipse.
;;--- Perhaps we can try the 0.9 method of establishing a
;;--- transformation but how does that work.
(let ((radius (sqrt (+ (* x-radius x-radius) (* y-radius y-radius)))))
(with-hpgl-drawing-options (medium printer-stream
:filled filled
:ink ink :line-style line-style)
(if filled
(moveto printer-stream center-x center-y)
(fill-arc printer-stream
(- (radians->degrees start-angle))
(- (radians->degrees start-angle)
(radians->degrees end-angle))))
(moveto printer-stream center-x center-y)
(moveto printer-stream (+ center-x radius) center-y)
(penup printer-stream)
(arc printer-stream center-x center-y (radians->degrees start-angle))
(pendown printer-stream)
(arc printer-stream center-x center-y (radians->degrees end-angle)))))))))
;;; Text stuff
(defmacro with-hpgl-port-glyph-for-character ((port) &body body)
`(macrolet ((port-glyph-for-character (port character style &optional our-font)
`(multiple-value-bind (character-set index)
(char-character-set-and-index ,character)
(let* (;; For now we are asserting that each string
;; passed to WRITE-STRING will have no style
;; changes within it. This is what our-font
;; is all about.
(pfd (or ,our-font
(text-style-mapping ,',port ,style character-set)))
(pface (pfd-face pfd))
(point-size (pfd-point-size pfd))
(height (* point-size (pface-height pface)))
(ascent (* (pface-ascent pface) height))
(cwt (pface-width-table pface))
(relwidth (if (numberp cwt)
(aref cwt index)))
(escapement-x (* height relwidth))
(escapement-y 0)
(origin-x 0)
(origin-y ascent)
(bb-x ;; really ought know real dope, but not avl yet.
(bb-y height))
(values index pfd escapement-x escapement-y origin-x origin-y
bb-x bb-y (numberp cwt))))))
(defmethod port-glyph-for-character ((port hpgl-port)
character appearance &optional our-font)
(declare (values index font escapement-x escapement-y origin-x origin-y bb-x bb-y))
(with-hpgl-port-glyph-for-character (port)
(port-glyph-for-character medium character appearance our-font)))
;;; --- All the other methods on this specialize the stream as being for
;;; OUTPUT-PROTOCOL. The reason we don't do this here is because:
;;; a) We don't actually use the stream argument for anything, and
;;; b) One of the important callers of this, STRING-WIDTH for Hpgl
;;; media, doesn't know what the stream should be.
;;; This generic function (and STREAM-GLYPH-FOR-CHAR) should probably be
;;; booted down into Silica and made into honest-to-goodness methods on
;;; media instead of on streams. That would remove these mixed-level
;;; methods from the code; we could get rid of all the CLIM-xxx-STUFF
;;; files that way.
(defmethod stream-scan-string-for-writing (stream
(medium hpgl-medium)
string start end
style cursor-x max-x
&optional glyph-buffer)
#+Genera (declare
(values write-char next-char-index new-cursor-x new-baseline new-height font))
(declare (ignore stream))
(let ((port (port medium)))
(with-hpgl-port-glyph-for-character (port)
stream medium string start end style cursor-x max-x glyph-buffer))))
;;; More breakage of proper protocol. I'm not sure what this is for.
;;; Who calls: initialize-graphics-state medium
;;; text-style-ascent types
;;; text-style-decent types
;;; text-style-height types
(defmethod realize-text-style ((port hpgl-port) text-style)
(let ((pfd (text-style-mapping port text-style *standard-character-set*)))
;;; Called by: draw-text clg
;;; draw-rotated-text clg
(defmethod text-style-ascent ((text-style text-style) (medium hpgl-medium))
(let* ((port (port medium))
(pfd (realize-text-style port text-style))
(pface (pfd-face pfd))
(point-size (pfd-point-size pfd))
(height (* point-size (pface-height pface)))
(ascent (* (pface-ascent pface) height)))
;;; Called by: draw-text clg
;;; draw-rotated-text clg
(defmethod text-style-descent ((text-style text-style) (medium hpgl-medium))
(let* ((port (port medium))
(pfd (realize-text-style port text-style))
(pface (pfd-face pfd))
(point-size (pfd-point-size pfd))
(height (* point-size (pface-height pface)))
(descent (* (- 1.0 (pface-ascent pface)) height)))
(defmethod text-style-height ((text-style text-style) (medium hpgl-medium))
(let* ((port (port medium))
(pfd (realize-text-style port text-style))
(pface (pfd-face pfd))
(point-size (pfd-point-size pfd))
(height (* point-size (pface-height pface))))
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