- Jun 21, 1993
cer authored
- Jun 04, 1993
cer authored
- May 05, 1993
cer authored
clim/accept-values.lisp Added :echo NIL to presentation events clim/activities.lisp Indentation clim/db-stream.lisp Made clim-stream-sheet point back to input-editing-stream clim/frames.lisp Made the frame-queue command echo and add to history clim/gadget-output.lisp Header changed clim/input-defs.lisp Added valid slot to pointer. clim/input-editor-commands.lisp Comment clim/input-protocol.lisp stream-pointer-position now calls sheet-pointer-position clim/interactive-protocol.lisp Make stream point to input-editor clim/menus.lisp initial default-text-margin to NIL clim/output-protocol.lisp added scrolled-pane-line-scroll-amount method clim/pixmap-streams.lisp clim/ptypes2.lisp clim/recording-protocol.lisp clim/surround-output.lisp Fixed :oval stuff clim/text-recording.lisp Checked for ink changing in recompute-contents-ok clim/tracking-pointer.lisp Call sheet-pointer-position climtoys/booch.lisp Cool new features climtoys/ib.lisp Cool new features climtoys/sysdcl.lisp Added booch.lisp to sysdcl misc/dev-load-1.lisp Added fake-load-system stuff silica/db-button.lisp removed macro with-radio-box silica/db-layout.lisp Messed with the client-overridability since the climgg.fasl did not work silica/db-scroll.lisp Fixed cpl and added horizontal-line-scroll-amount etc Added code to redraw the input-buffer silica/event.lisp Made dispatch-event methods update the pointer and pointer-exit method invalidate the pointer silica/gadgets.lisp Added with-radio-box silica/graphics.lisp silica/scroll-pane.lisp changed cpl sys/defsystem.lisp Added fake-load-system test/test-clim.lisp Added select-file test test/test-driver.lisp Fixed to handle activities tk/macros.lisp Support for signed-arrays tk/xlib.lisp x,y coordinates are signed tk/xm-funs.lisp added XmSelectionBoxGetChild tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp Line scrolling support tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp Line scrolling support tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp Line scrolling support, made sheet-transformation for top-level-sheet ask where the shell is tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp pointer manipulation
- Apr 16, 1993
cer authored
Added silica/db-label.lisp clim/accept-values.lisp changing-space-requirements fix clim/graph-formatting.lisp added find-child-output-record method that searches all of the old children clim/menus.lisp Fixed for :label to menus climtoys/coverage.lisp Sorted files by coverage climtoys/ib.lisp Reworked architecture introducing blanket-viewer class. demo/browser.lisp Display snapshots in interactor rather on graph misc/train.lisp Training to record failed tests in port specific files. Compiles test-suite.lisp silica/db-border.lisp Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp silica/db-layout.lisp invoke-with-changing-space-requirements layout argument defaults to t silica/gadgets.lisp Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp silica/mirror.lisp added always-propagate-region-changes-p so that we can force mirror resizes to change sheet. Forces the rest of the tree to be laid out sys/sysdcl.lisp Added db-label.lisp test/test-driver.lisp Added *default-input-state-timeout* test reporting to send output to file test/test-suite.lisp Minor cosmetic changes. test/test.lisp made window bigger tk/resources.lisp Fixed wrap mode tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp openlook-frame-pane now ignores bacground argument. made use of openlook-labelled-gadget. fixed orrientation problem in radio-box. tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Moved update-frame-settings and frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed to xt-frames tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp Added always-propagate-region-changes-p method tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp REmoved dialog shell change-widget-geometry method tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Moved update-frame-settings and frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed to xt-frames tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Only turn on backing store if the server is safe
- Mar 31, 1993
cer authored
Makefile.generic removed loads of climtoys since it is already loaded. clim/accept-values.lisp Support Align-prompts for own-window nil dialogs When its t added updating-outpt to identify the prompt/value pair. clim/frames.lisp Defaulted calling-frame to NIL. Alternative space-requirements work for allpanes. clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp Added some commented out diagnostics clim/menus.lisp Worked on menu-choose-from-drawer. Label is optional clim/recording-protocol.lisp In invoke-with-new-output-record find-child-output-record is called instead of find-child-output-record-1. This forces it to use output-record-old-children demo/plot.lisp Fixed dialog. replaced redisplay command now calls redisplay-frame-panes hpgl/hpgl-tests.lisp hpgl-tests now uses the postscript tests misc/dev-load-1.lisp Load in compiled version of test-driver/demos misc/olsupport.c Added support for ol_appl_delete_item postscript/laserwriter-metrics.lisp Reddid the font metrics postscript/postscript-medium.lisp Hacked the text style and pattern drawing stuff. postscript/postscript-port.lisp Hacked the text style and pattern drawing stuff. postscript/sysdcl.lisp Added read-afm.lisp silica/db-box.lisp redid the topdown fractional layout stuff. silica/db-layout.lisp Added the normalize-space-requirement stuff and hacked allocate-space-to-items to handle the fractional stuff better. silica/event.lisp distribute pointer events to grabbed sheet. silica/gadgets.lisp Hacked radio-boxes and check-boxes and added with-radio-box test/postscript-tests.lisp Now usable by the hpgl tests. test/test-clim.lisp Added some more tests test/test-driver.lisp error handling can now be completely disabled so you get into the debugger. test/test.lisp Added tests tk/ol-funs.lisp Added ol_appl_delete_item tk/resources.lisp Enhanced enumerated type to support explicit numbers tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp menu items now use the text-style tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp Added multiple row/columns for check/radio-boxes tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp menu items now use the text-style. Added frame for menu-choose-from-drawer tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp normalize-space-requirement for text-fields etc. multiple row/columns for radio/check boxes. changing set-item-gadget-items tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Disable menu-caching in motif port tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp normalize-space-requirement for text fields tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp changing foreground/background repaints sheet tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Using calling-frame shell if there is one utils/region-arithmetic.lisp fixed the ltrb-union code
- Mar 19, 1993
cer authored
Bugs fixed ---------- clim2bug448 colin 13 [spr7638] Problem with layout pane option :min-width '(50 :chara clim2bug449 colin 13 [spr7639] Problem with layout pane option :min-width "MMMMMMMMM" clim2bug440 [spr7645] Layout problem clim2bug441 box-pane ignores :width,:height, :spacing etc etc. clim2bug447 Alternative space requirements only looked at when layout change clim2bug427 Accepting-values commands are echoed in the interactor clim2bug303 bogus characters in input buffer... clim2bug437 Command activated from menu bar in activity cannot access applicationo clim/accept-values.lisp Made :align-prompts work for own-window dialogs Accept-values-command-buttons calback function now use process-command-event. clim/activities.lisp Added frame-top-level-process method for activity-frame. Added destroy-activity function. clim/basic-translators.lisp Call-presentation-menu takes a :gesture argument that it passes to menu-choose clim/command-processor.lisp clim2bug303, added (values (complete-input)) to accept-method for command name clim/command.lisp clim2bug437 clim/db-stream.lisp Method for update-region added open-window-steam changed clim/default-frame.lisp :panes clim/drag-and-drop.lisp Drag and drop now supports aborting clim2bug340 clim/frames.lisp adjust-layout-requirements is called by generate-panes after method Allow neither :panes or :pane to be specified. Renamed iconify-frame to shrink-frame Added frame-top-level-process accessor clim/graph-formatting.lisp match-output-record method checks for duplicate-key and test. clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp Redraws because of erases now generate clipping-region clim/input-defs.lisp clim/input-protocol.lisp Modified handling of asynchronus aborts. clim/menus.lisp Menu-choose now uses frame-manager of associated-window clim/noting-progress.lisp supports frame-manager-specific progress notes clim/recording-protocol.lisp compute-output-record-offsets now behaves like convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates. clim/standard-types.lisp Methods moved from textual-dialog-view to dialog-view-mixin clim/tracking-pointer.lisp Modified tracking-pointer to support timeout clause climtoys/ccc.lisp Added show-class-methods and generic functions commands climtoys/ib.lisp Made attempt to make dialog work. climtoys/sysdcl.lisp Moved files to test directory demo/browser.lisp pakage presentation-typep method works for allegro demo/peek-frame.lisp Added :gesture argument demo/plot.lisp Added more incremental redisplay support to plot-demo misc/compile-1.lisp Compile test-files misc/dev-load-1.lisp Load test files misc/train.lisp (setq *global-gc-behavior* nil) misc/undefinedsymbols Added XIconifyWindow postscript/postscript-port.lisp Added force-output to close text-output-record silica/db-box.lisp Added spacing argument silica/db-layout.lisp Removed junk and simplified silica/db-scroll.lisp Made update-region do nothing by default silica/db-table.lisp Removed fudges. silica/framem.lisp Fixed find-frame-manager silica/gadgets.lisp Fixed viewport to handle case when child is not a stream-pane silica/scroll-pane.lisp scroll-pane now inherits from client-overridability-mixin specs/*.tex swm changes test/postscript-tests.lisp Fixed stipple definition test/test.lisp Replace ncolumns,nlines by :width (30 :character) specification tk/convenience.lisp Added working dialog support tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp progress notification now sets the busy property of the frame tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp text-fields support :width (30 :character) tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp align-prompts in own-window dialog tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Progress notification to use working dialog tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp text-fields support :width (30 :character) tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Window (de)iconification and application-frame-marker tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Fix coordinates for port-move-frame utils/lisp-utilities.lisp replaced |kdjfkdf djfkdjf| symbol utils/p
- Mar 18, 1993
colin authored
misc/go.lisp, silica/pkg.lisp, silica/sysdcl.lisp, tk-silica/sysdcl.lisp, xlib/sysdcl.lisp - REMOVED all these files - they were historic. clim/accept-values.lisp, clim/db-menu-lisp, clim/default-frame.lisp, clim/menus.lisp - changed :parent to :frame-manager in calls to make-application-frame clim/db-stream.lisp - make-clim-stream-pane passes the pane-name to the outlining-pane and scroller-pane. This makes pane specific color resources affect the scroll bars and border. clim/frames.lisp - simplified initialize-instance :after method on standard-application-frame. Dropped the :parent initarg - all done with the :frame-manager initarg. - changed :command-menu panes to use tk menu-bar rather than clim1.1 style panes clim/output-protocol.lisp - output-protocol-mixin now inherits foreground, background and text-style slots from sheet-with-resources-mixin - output-protocol-mixin specific accessors on medium-foreground, medium-background and medium-default-text-style removed. - output-protcol-mixin specific engraft-medium method removed. misc/compile-1.lisp - tidied up compile-it. silica/db-border.lisp, silica/db-layout.lisp, silica/db-scroll.lisp, silica/scroll-pane.lisp, silica/gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp - changed all references to foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin to sheet-with-resources-mixin silica/gadgets.lisp - made menu-bar inherit from sheet-with-resources-mixin and removed its text-style slot silica/medium.lisp - removed foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin - added sheet-with-resources-mixin - added new gf get-sheet-resources to do resource lookup - added new note-sheet-grafted :before method on sheet-with-resources-mixin which does the resource lookup - added engraft-medium :after method on sheet-with-resources-mixin silica/sheet.lisp - replaced note-sheet-grafted :around method hack with :after methods on (setf port), this ensures the medium is engrafted after the mirror has been realized. - ditto for note-sheet-degrafted to degraft the medium tk/widget.lisp tk/xlib.lisp - changed resource name and class to be a list of strings rather than a single string with "."s as separators. tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp - removed special handling (hack) of text-style for motif menu-bars. The general sheet-with-resources-mixin mechanism deals with this now. tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp - removed hack in find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet for xm-viewport which named the widget according to the pane name of its child. This is now handled correctly in make-clim-stream-pane - made motif-scroller-pane set up the background of it's viewport correctly. (Makes displays less "flashy") tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp - changed find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet :around method from foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin to sheet-with-resources-mixin new method simply looks at the slots in the sheet (no database query) tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp - replaced decode-ink + :around method by decode-ink and decode-ink-1 (to handle recursive case and not put multiple entries in hashtable) tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp - removed all the engraft-medium :before methods which called default-from-resources. - removed default-from-resources - added get-sheet-resources methods on sheet and pixmap-stream - added function get-xt-resources utils/packages.lisp - removed export of foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin - exported get-sheet-resources from clim-silica - exported sheet-with-resources-mixin from clim-silica
- Jan 21, 1993
cer authored
clim/accept-values.lisp Implementing mechanism to turn off cursor in accepting-values pane clim/basic-translators.lisp Made history action use with-input-editor-help clim/cursor.lisp Fixed port-note-cursor method to just respond to cursor-focus changes clim/db-stream.lisp Changed argument to scroll-extent clim/excl-presentations.lisp Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations clim/frames.lisp Fixed flushing of queue in run-frame-top-level and :max-height on title clim/graph-formatting.lisp Fixed redisplayed problems in graph formatting clim/graphics-recording.lisp Fixed computation of rotated text bounding box clim/histories.lisp Made history presentation remember ie-stream clim/input-protocol.lisp Implementing mechanism to turn off cursor in accepting-values pane clim/output-protocol.lisp Changed argument to scroll-extent clim/stream-class-defs.lisp Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations clim/stream-defprotocols.lisp Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations climtoys/test-driver.lisp Removed *pane-to-avv-stream-table* demo/listener.lisp Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations misc/dev-load-1.lisp misc/undefinedsymbols.motif Added functions postscript/postscript-medium.lisp Rotated text silica/db-layout.lisp Messed with note-space-requirements-changed silica/db-scroll.lisp Changed argument to scroll-extent silica/event.lisp Fixed port test silica/gadgets.lisp Messed with note-space-requirements-changed silica/layout.lisp Added check to resize-sheet to make sure mirror is correctly sized. tk/load-xm.lisp tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Added compose-space for menubar to compute the min-width/height tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp Changed argument to scroll-extent tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Height of pointer documentation pane is now 1 line tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp Rotated text bounding rectangle computation tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp utils/packages.lisp Exported gesture-name-button-and-modifiers, and gesture-name-keysym-and-modifiers xlib/load-xlib.lisp Check that get-entry-points is passed atleast one name
- Dec 16, 1992
cer authored
- Oct 02, 1992
cer authored
- Sep 24, 1992
cer authored
- Sep 08, 1992
cer authored
- Aug 18, 1992
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- Jul 20, 1992
cer authored
- Jul 01, 1992
cer authored
- Jun 29, 1992
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- Jun 03, 1992
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- May 22, 1992
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- May 12, 1992
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- May 07, 1992
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- May 06, 1992
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- Apr 28, 1992
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- Apr 21, 1992
cer authored
- Apr 15, 1992
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- Mar 30, 1992
cer authored
- Mar 24, 1992
cer authored
- Mar 04, 1992
cer authored
- Feb 24, 1992
cer authored
- Feb 05, 1992
cer authored
- Jan 31, 1992
cer authored
- Jan 08, 1992
cer authored
- Jan 02, 1992
- Dec 13, 1991
cer authored
- Nov 25, 1991
cer authored