- Jun 26, 2000
layer authored
- Aug 06, 1998
layer authored
- May 19, 1998
layer authored
- Feb 05, 1997
tomj authored
- Dec 07, 1993
colin authored
- Jul 27, 1993
colin authored
- Jun 02, 1993
cer authored
- May 13, 1993
colin authored
- added a doit arg to with-input-focus clim/cursor.lisp - a whole bunch of changes to make this work properly clim/db-stream.lisp - changed (port-default-text-style port) to *default-text-style* clim/gadget-output.lisp - clim2bug484 clim/input-protocol.lisp - fixed (method repaint-sheet :after (input-protocol-mixin t)) to handle cursor correctly - removed (method queue-event :after (input-protocol-mixin pointer-enter-event)) and (method queue-event :before (input-protocol-mixin pointer-exit-event)) This is now handled in silica/event.lisp - changed stream-read-gesture to take input-focus - new methods for note-sheet-gain/lose-focus which change the text-cursor accordingly silica/classes.lisp - default port focus-selection now :click-to-select - added event-classes focus-event, focus-in-event and focus-out-event silica/event.lisp - added gfs note-sheet-gain-focus and note-sheet-lose-focus - a whole bunch of changes for correct handling of kb focus. silica/pixmaps.lisp tk-silica/xt-pixmaps.lisp - clim2bug493/494 - copy-from/to-pixmap now gfs - pixmap has a port slot - added new class xt-pixmap silica/text-style.lisp - minor fix to lookup-closest-font test/test-suite.lisp - test for open-window-stream - tests for deallocate-pixmap and copy-from-pixmap (with both stream/medium) tk/ol-funs.lisp, tk/xm-funs.lisp, tk/xt-funs.lisp - added funs for manipulating focus tk/resources.lisp - added resource-convertor for 'bool tk/xlib.lisp - added get-input-focus and set-input-focus tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp - changes for explicit focus/new style cursor. tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp - changes for explicit focus/new style cursor. tk-silica/xt-cursor.lisp - Removed tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp - make-palette takes a :colormap keyword arg (internal use only) tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp - changes for explicit focus utils/designs.lisp - changed add-color-to-palette to add-colors-to-palette - changed remove-color-from-palette to remove-colors-from-palette utils/packages.lisp - added focus-event, focus-in-event, focus-out-event note-sheet-gain-focus, note-sheet-lose-focus add-colors-to-palette, remove-colors-from-palette
- Dec 16, 1992
cer authored
- Dec 03, 1992
cer authored
- Nov 20, 1992
cer authored
Makefile autoload postscript clim/accept-values.lisp ignore decl clim/accept.lisp ignore decl clim/activities.lisp Extended activities protocol to handle exiting frames and selecting initial and next frames clim/clim-defs.lisp ignore decl clim/cursor.lisp ignore decl clim/gestures.lisp asynchronous abort clim/graphics-recording.lisp bezier-polygon code clim/input-protocol.lisp asynchronous abort clim/interactive-defs.lisp asynchronous abort ignore decl clim/output-protocol.lisp ignore decl clim/presentations.lisp putting options in input-context to fix completion problem clim/ptypes2.lisp swm goof clim/standard-types.lisp climtoys/test-demos.lisp climtoys/test-clim.lisp Added support for button press and release and presentation release demo/bitmap-editor.lisp Tidied up the user interface. demo/cad-demo.lisp added ignore decl demo/ico.lisp added ignore decl demo/listener.lisp added ignore decl demo/navfun.lisp undid swms changes demo/plot.lisp removed require climps - since it should autoload postscript/sysdcl.lisp postscript autoload silica/gadgets.lisp added text-style slot menu bars silica/graphics.lisp added bezeier curve test/test-suite.lisp added test for draw-points*, ignore decls avv align-prompts, tk/callbacks.lisp ignore decls tk/event.lisp ignore decls tk/graphics.lisp Removed dummy defns, tk/macros.lisp Removed unused type parameter tk/make-widget.lisp ignore decl tk/resources.lisp ignore decl and convertor for ol-edit-more tk/xm-font-list.lisp ignore decl tk/xm-protocols.lisp ignore decl tk/xt-defs.lisp added xarc-array tk-silica/image.lisp Tidied up code tk-silica/last.lisp special decl tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp text style in menus tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp option scrollbar support tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp text style in menus tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp ignore decl tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp ignore decl tk-silica/xt-cursor.lisp ignore decl tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp :menu bar can be a list with options such as text-style tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp made medium-draw-points* work, added bezier curve code tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp ignore decl, unused function. utils/lisp-utilities.lisp ignore decl, deleted unused code utils/packages.lisp exported bezier functions, map over frames utils/processes.lisp unused argument in macro utils/region-arithmetic.lisp renamed flet intersection to eliminate warning
- Nov 19, 1992
cer authored
- Nov 09, 1992
cer authored
clim/gadget-output.lisp clim/accept.lisp clim/accept-values.lisp : Pass active-p through to accept-present-default clim/drag-and-drop.lisp : Handle dropping on a blank area and to ignore pointer motion on sheets that are not application panes. clim/pixmap-stream.lisp : added text-style argument pixmap-from-menu-item climtoys/ib.lisp : Played with drag and drop translator tests/test-suite.lisp climtoys/test-clim.lisp : More tests tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp : handle :text-style in menu-choose tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp : nil decimal-places argument tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp : unwind-protect to destroy menu
- Nov 06, 1992
cer authored
The usual swm hack attack. Lots of random changes wherever you look.
- Oct 28, 1992
- Oct 01, 1992
cer authored
- Sep 24, 1992
cer authored
- Sep 08, 1992
cer authored
- Aug 18, 1992
cer authored
- Jul 27, 1992
cer authored
- Jul 24, 1992
cer authored
- Jul 01, 1992
cer authored
- May 07, 1992
cer authored
- Apr 15, 1992
cer authored
- Mar 10, 1992
cer authored
- Mar 04, 1992
cer authored
- Feb 24, 1992
cer authored
- Jan 31, 1992
cer authored
- Nov 25, 1991
cer authored