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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jun 26, 2000
  2. May 01, 2000
  3. Jul 19, 1999
  4. May 04, 1999
  5. Feb 25, 1999
  6. Oct 08, 1998
  7. Aug 06, 1998
  8. May 19, 1998
  9. Mar 21, 1998
  10. Oct 04, 1997
  11. Sep 03, 1997
  12. May 31, 1997
  13. Feb 05, 1997
  14. Jul 23, 1996
  15. Mar 13, 1996
  16. Mar 01, 1996
  17. Oct 20, 1995
  18. Oct 17, 1995
  19. May 17, 1995
  20. Dec 05, 1994
  21. Dec 07, 1993
  22. Nov 18, 1993
  23. Sep 22, 1993
  24. Sep 17, 1993
  25. Sep 07, 1993
  26. Jul 27, 1993
  27. Jul 22, 1993
  28. Jun 21, 1993
  29. May 25, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      clim/accept-values.lisp Clearing the accept-values-query-error-p when the value changes · c2878abc
      cer authored
      				Moving the focus to a specific query either
      				when specified by
      				initially-select-query-identifier or when an
      				invalid value is entered in a text field.
      				Help pops up in avv dialogs
      				Exit boxes support documentation option
      				Protocol for handling erroneous text fields
      				accept-values-command-buttons now use push-button-view
      clim/activities.lisp		activity stores frame-actual-pointer-documentation-pane
      clim/db-stream.lisp		make-clim-stream-pane is now function
      				Fixed open-window-stream to create an
      				ordinary frame
      clim/frames.lisp		default-frame-top-level now records
      				actual-pointer-documentation-pane for use by
      				gadget help.
      				command-enabled-p now makes sure the command
      				is defined
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		dialogs now define help callback that
      				displays the accept help by default
      clim/input-defs.lisp		fixed typo in sheets-nearest-common-ancestor
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	popup help on accept-values-stream also
      clim/menus.lisp			open-window-stream frame added and open-window-stream
      clim/recording-protocol.lisp	erase-output-records now takes a list
      clim/standard-types.lisp	describe-presentation-type for completion
      				now invokes printer
      clim/view-defs.lisp		push-button-view defined
      climtoys/draw-sheets.lisp	Added graph-mirror-hierarchy
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Changed interface
      climtoys/pi.lisp		Added display mirror hierarchy command
      climtoys/record.lisp		record button-press-events
      demo/cload-demos.lisp		made package clim-user
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp	Sample documentation. Rewrote presentation
      				types to support describe methods
      misc/climgccursor.c		Removed diagnostics
      misc/compile-1.lisp		load test-suite.fasl after compiling it
      				since test-suite uses it.
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Make sure composer is loaded
      misc/undefinedsymbols.motif	Fixed typo
      misc/undefinedsymbols.xt	Added parse-table symbol
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Moved line-scroll-amount into update scrollbar
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Added help callback,
      				move-focus-to-gadget, port-move-focus-to-gadget
      silica/macros.lisp		Added make-clim-stream-pane flet and macro
      test/test-clim.lisp		Fixed up tests. Support for profiling
      test/test-driver.lisp		Added *execute-one-command-hook* to support profiling
      				with-test-success-expected macro
      test/test-suite.lisp		Added now square bitmap, erase-output-record
      				with list of records, list-pane test
      tk/event.lisp			commented out diagnostic
      tk/ol-widgets.lisp		Added some missing resources
      tk/resources.lisp		Made :ignore be -1 and 65535
      				conversion for accelerator and translation tables
      tk/xt-funs.lisp			Added parse accelerator and translation
      				tables and peek-event
      tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp	Documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Documentation callback
      				Fix listpane
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	added added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp	port-move-focus-to-gadget
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	"Ok" -> "OK"
      				added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	dummy with-medium-state-cached
      utils/packages.lisp		exported various
  30. May 13, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      .cvsignore Ignore the coverage reports · 16c4300a
      cer authored
      Makefile.cobjs		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      			Dependencies for climgccursor.c
      Makefile.cobjs-svr4	Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      			Dependencies for climgccursor.c
      Makefile.dec3100	Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.defs		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.hp700		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.sun4		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.svr4		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Added &key :view to accepting-values
      				Aborting edit marks field as modified
      				to force it to be redisplayed
      				made accept-values-button work with :align-prompts t
      				Make calling frame default to frame of associated window
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Fixed window-inside-height
      clim/frames.lisp		Call pointer-pointer-position instead of native-position
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		gadget-includes-prompt-p :around  to allow :prompt nil in view
      				to supress prompt
      clim/gestures.lisp		marked unavailable keysyms
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	queue pointer-exit-event
      clim/interactive-defs.lisp	read-token handles :eof rather than looping
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	frame-manager-display-help will popup window
      clim/standard-types.lisp	read-recursive handles :eof when reading from string
      climtoys/booch.lisp		Minor fixes
      climtoys/ib.el			Insert newline before appending definition
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Implemented move multiple
      				Command table editing
      				More composite-view stuff
      demo/demo-activity.lisp		Deleted :width :height  constraint since it makes the
      				pane too small on OLIT
      misc/MyDrawingA.c		#include "climgccursor.c"
      misc/olsupport.c		#include "climgccursor.c"
      misc/train.lisp			Coverage goes to port specific file
      misc/xtsupport.c		Added includes
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp		Made showpage conditional on :destination
      silica/gadgets.lisp		viewport makes in non stream child as big as its wants to be
      sys/sysdcl.lisp			added gc-cursor.lisp
      test/test-clim.lisp		Test for (find-frame-manager) bug
      test/test-demos.lisp		Added test to run-all-demos for 20 seconds
      test/test-driver.lisp		Support for specifying (com-connect :unsupplied :unsupplied :style :inherits)
      				Try several times to find highlighted presentation
      				If we cannot find presentation use default
      test/test-suite.lisp		Tests for sliders
      test/test.lisp			Graphical label tests
      tk/resources.lisp		Needed an (ash value -24) for convert-resource-in
      				for char value
      tk/xlib.lisp			Support to create colors on heap
      tk/xt-funs.lisp			defforeigns for gc cursor stuff
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Improved slider: show value, label etc
      				Some support for pixmap labels
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	Change-widget-geometry does not if dimensions the same
      tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp	Dialogs to use standard-sequence-output-history
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	Slider to check for (stringp label)
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	Fix (let ((width (array-dimension array 1))) ..)
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	Messed with keysyms, pass sheet to realize-cursor
      				support for pattern cursors
  31. May 05, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.generic Added silly rule to ls -s fasls · 228fe416
      cer authored
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Added :echo NIL to presentation events
      clim/activities.lisp		Indentation
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Made clim-stream-sheet point back to input-editing-stream
      clim/frames.lisp		Made the frame-queue command echo and add to history
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		Header changed
      clim/input-defs.lisp		Added valid slot to pointer.
      clim/input-editor-commands.lisp		Comment
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	stream-pointer-position now calls sheet-pointer-position
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	Make stream point to input-editor
      clim/menus.lisp			initial default-text-margin to NIL
      clim/output-protocol.lisp	added scrolled-pane-line-scroll-amount method
      clim/surround-output.lisp	Fixed :oval stuff
      clim/text-recording.lisp	Checked for ink changing in recompute-contents-ok
      clim/tracking-pointer.lisp	Call sheet-pointer-position
      climtoys/booch.lisp		Cool new features
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Cool new features
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp		Added booch.lisp to sysdcl
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Added fake-load-system stuff
      silica/db-button.lisp		removed macro with-radio-box
      silica/db-layout.lisp		Messed with the client-overridability
      				since the climgg.fasl did not work
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Fixed cpl and added
      				horizontal-line-scroll-amount etc
      				Added code to redraw the input-buffer
      silica/event.lisp		Made dispatch-event methods update the
      				pointer and pointer-exit method
      				invalidate the pointer
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Added with-radio-box
      silica/scroll-pane.lisp		changed cpl
      sys/defsystem.lisp		Added fake-load-system
      test/test-clim.lisp		Added select-file test
      test/test-driver.lisp		Fixed to handle activities
      tk/macros.lisp			Support for signed-arrays
      tk/xlib.lisp			x,y coordinates are signed
      tk/xm-funs.lisp			added XmSelectionBoxGetChild
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support, made
      				sheet-transformation for
      				top-level-sheet ask where the shell is
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	pointer manipulation
  32. Apr 23, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.cobjs Missing rules for .o files · 14a56833
      cer authored
      clim/command.lisp	Filter out NIL entries except dividers
      clim/db-stream.lisp	open-window-stream now calls frame-manager-get-menu
      clim/frames.lisp	(setf frame-current-layout) disables panes before
      			adopting them  and calls note-frame-current-layout-changed
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp Arc-drawer is now only called once
      			per edge, :path argument passed. :draw-node when
      			getting bounding box of of filler-node
      clim/input-editor-commands.lisp		Bogus bucky key test replaced by
      			explicit test for known printable characters so
      			that you can define input editor commands for
      			arrow keys for example, On allegro arrow key
      			gestures mapped to input editor commands
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Made it better
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp	Added pi.lisp and draw-sheets.lisp
      demo/browser.lisp	Browser arc draw works with :path argument
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp		Changed layout
      misc/compile-1.lisp		removed compile of climtoys
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Added compile of climtoys so that it can
      			be done after composer added since stuff there
      			uses it
      misc/train.lisp		Indentation
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp		removed
      			medium-draw-character* and used
      			with-postscript-drawing-options in the rotated
      			text case
      test/test-clim.lisp		Changed tests moved stuff to test-driver
      test/test-driver.lisp		moved *clos-preload-packages* to here
      test/test-suite.lisp		Added slider test
      test/test.lisp		Added com-change-set-gadget-values test
      tk/make-classes.lisp		removed list-pane to ol-list rename
      tk/ol-callbacks.lisp		scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk/ol-defs.lisp			scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Fixed numerous bugs
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	Removed warning
      			clim-internals::note-frame-current-layout-changed hack
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	Minor cleanup
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp		Added decode-gadget-background for
      			pattern so that it returns the gcontext-stipple
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp		renamed keysyms for arrow keys
  33. Apr 08, 1993
    • colin's avatar
      Makefile.generic · 4c1a898c
      colin authored
      - added stub-*.c files to list of files to be rm'd with make clean
      - :command-menu now back to old style clim1 pane (clim2rfe230)
      - :menu-bar produces toolkit menu bar panes (clim2rfe230)
      - fixed bug in find-applicable-translators-for-documentation
      - menu-bar now inherits from oriented-gadget-mixin (clim2rfe230)
      - added tests for clipping with rectangle-sets
      - (setf gcontext-clip-mask) can now take a list of rectangles
      - frame-manger-contruct-menu now handles row-wise, n-columns and
        n-rows (clim2bug401)
      - a bunch of changes to make rectangle sets work as clipping regions
      - pattern and tile decoding unified. transparent patterns are now
        limited to two colors (as tiles used to be).
      - fixed up minor problem with hp's scalable fonts.
      - removed bounding-rectangle from list of superclasses of
        standard-rectangle-set (list includes region-set which itself
        inherits from bounding-rectangle)
  34. Apr 02, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · f435f558
      cer authored
      Makefile.defs		Minor mods and added support for climhpgl.fasl and tests
      			Removed xm-menus,graphics, and ol-graphics.lisp
      Makefile.generic	added support for climhpgl.fasl and tests
      clim/accept-values.lisp	graphic labels in accept-values-command-buttons
      clim/frames.lisp	Added frame-current-panes, fixed problem with command disabling.
      clim/pixmap-streams.lisp	Changed indentation
      climtoys/ccc.lisp	Added com-show-class-generic-functions
      demo/bitmap-editor.lisp	Indentation
      hpgl/hpgl-port.lisp	Made hpgl-port have palette
      hpgl/pkg.lisp		Fixed provide
      misc/compile-1.lisp		Compile hpgl now
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		load hpgl now
      misc/train.lisp		hpgl training, reporting of test results
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp		calls make-palette
      sys/sysdcl.lisp		removed ol-graphics etc
      test/postscript-tests.lisp output file name depends on type.
      test/test-clim.lisp		Added etsts
      test/test-driver.lisp		Support for reporting of tests
      tk/xlib.lisp		Added composestatus support
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		Menu bar remembers buttons for disabling
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	Menu bar remembers buttons for disabling, accelerators only for pulldown menus
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	compose-space buttons with pixmap labels 
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp	minor mod
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	mapping from command to button to support disabling
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	added make-medium method for xt-port
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp 	compose-status support
  35. Mar 31, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · 3bb86c45
      cer authored
      Makefile.generic		removed loads of climtoys since
      			 	it is already loaded.
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Support Align-prompts for
      			 	own-window nil dialogs
      				When its t added updating-outpt
      			 	to identify the prompt/value pair.
      clim/frames.lisp		Defaulted calling-frame to NIL.
      			 	Alternative space-requirements
      			 	work for allpanes.
      clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp	Added some commented out diagnostics
      clim/menus.lisp			Worked on
      			 	menu-choose-from-drawer. Label
      			 	is optional
      clim/recording-protocol.lisp	In invoke-with-new-output-record
      			 	find-child-output-record is
      			 	called instead of
      			 	find-child-output-record-1. This
      			 	forces it to use output-record-old-children
      demo/plot.lisp			Fixed dialog. replaced redisplay
      			 	command now calls redisplay-frame-panes
      hpgl/hpgl-tests.lisp		hpgl-tests now uses the
      			 	postscript tests
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Load in compiled version of test-driver/demos
      misc/olsupport.c		Added support for ol_appl_delete_item
      postscript/laserwriter-metrics.lisp	Reddid the font metrics
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp	Hacked the text style
      			 	and pattern drawing stuff.
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp		Hacked the text style
      			 	and pattern drawing stuff.
      postscript/sysdcl.lisp		Added read-afm.lisp
      silica/db-box.lisp		redid the topdown fractional
      			 	layout stuff.
      silica/db-layout.lisp		Added the
      			 	stuff and hacked
      			 	allocate-space-to-items to
      			 	handle the fractional stuff better.
      silica/event.lisp		distribute pointer events to
      			 	grabbed sheet.
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Hacked radio-boxes and
      			 	check-boxes and added with-radio-box
      test/postscript-tests.lisp	Now usable by the hpgl tests.
      test/test-clim.lisp		Added some more tests
      test/test-driver.lisp		error handling can now be
      			 	completely disabled so you get
      			 	into the debugger.
      test/test.lisp		Added tests
      tk/ol-funs.lisp		Added ol_appl_delete_item
      tk/resources.lisp	Enhanced enumerated type to support
      			 	explicit numbers
      tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp	menu items now use the text-style
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		Added multiple
      			 	row/columns for check/radio-boxes
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp		menu items now use the
      			 	text-style. Added frame for menu-choose-from-drawer
      			 	normalize-space-requirement for
      			 	text-fields etc.
      				multiple row/columns for
      			 	radio/check boxes. changing set-item-gadget-items
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp  	Disable menu-caching in motif port
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp 	normalize-space-requirement for
      			 	text fields
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	changing foreground/background repaints sheet
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	Using calling-frame shell if
      			 	there is one
      utils/region-arithmetic.lisp		fixed the ltrb-union code
  36. Mar 19, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · d9884540
      cer authored
      Bugs fixed
       clim2bug448  colin 13 [spr7638] Problem with layout pane option :min-width '(50 :chara
       clim2bug449  colin 13 [spr7639] Problem with layout pane option :min-width "MMMMMMMMM"
       clim2bug440  [spr7645] Layout problem
       clim2bug441  box-pane ignores :width,:height, :spacing etc etc.
       clim2bug447  Alternative space requirements only looked at when layout change
       clim2bug427  Accepting-values commands are echoed in the interactor
       clim2bug303  bogus characters in input buffer...
       clim2bug437  Command activated from menu bar in activity cannot access applicationo
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Made :align-prompts work for own-window dialogs
      				Accept-values-command-buttons calback
      				function now use process-command-event.
      clim/activities.lisp		Added frame-top-level-process method
      				for activity-frame. Added
      				destroy-activity function.
      clim/basic-translators.lisp	Call-presentation-menu takes a
      				:gesture argument that it passes to
      clim/command-processor.lisp	clim2bug303, 
      				added (values (complete-input)) to
      				accept-method for command name
      clim/command.lisp		clim2bug437
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Method for update-region added
      				open-window-steam changed
      clim/default-frame.lisp		:panes
      clim/drag-and-drop.lisp		Drag and drop now supports aborting clim2bug340
      clim/frames.lisp		adjust-layout-requirements is called
      				by generate-panes after method
      				Allow neither :panes or :pane to be
      				Renamed iconify-frame to shrink-frame
      				Added frame-top-level-process accessor
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp 	match-output-record method checks for
      				duplicate-key and test.
      clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp Redraws because of erases now generate clipping-region
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	Modified handling of asynchronus aborts.
      clim/menus.lisp			Menu-choose now uses frame-manager of
      clim/noting-progress.lisp	supports frame-manager-specific
      				progress notes
      clim/recording-protocol.lisp	compute-output-record-offsets now
      				behaves like convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates.
      clim/standard-types.lisp	Methods moved from textual-dialog-view
      				to dialog-view-mixin
      clim/tracking-pointer.lisp	Modified tracking-pointer to support
      				timeout clause
      climtoys/ccc.lisp		Added show-class-methods and generic
      				functions commands
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Made attempt to make dialog work.
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp		Moved files to test directory
      demo/browser.lisp		pakage presentation-typep method works
      				for allegro
      demo/peek-frame.lisp		Added :gesture argument
      demo/plot.lisp			Added more incremental redisplay
      				support to plot-demo
      misc/compile-1.lisp		Compile test-files
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Load test files
      misc/train.lisp			(setq *global-gc-behavior* nil)
      misc/undefinedsymbols		Added XIconifyWindow
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp	Added force-output to close
      silica/db-box.lisp		Added spacing argument
      silica/db-layout.lisp		Removed junk and simplified
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Made update-region do nothing by default
      silica/db-table.lisp		Removed fudges.
      silica/framem.lisp		Fixed find-frame-manager
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Fixed viewport to handle case when
      				child is not a stream-pane
      silica/scroll-pane.lisp		scroll-pane now inherits from client-overridability-mixin
      specs/*.tex			swm changes
      test/postscript-tests.lisp	Fixed stipple definition
      test/test.lisp			Replace ncolumns,nlines by :width (30
      				:character) specification
      tk/convenience.lisp		Added working dialog support
      tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp	progress notification now sets the
      				busy property of the frame
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	text-fields support :width (30 :character)
      tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp	align-prompts in own-window dialog
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	Progress notification to use working dialog
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	text-fields support :width (30 :character)
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	Window (de)iconification and application-frame-marker
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	Fix coordinates for port-move-frame
      utils/lisp-utilities.lisp	replaced |kdjfkdf  djfkdjf| symbol
  37. Mar 18, 1993
    • colin's avatar
      clim/pkg.lisp, clim/sysdcl.lisp, misc/go-ol.lisp, misc/go-xm.lisp, · 32c174a7
      colin authored
      misc/go.lisp, silica/pkg.lisp, silica/sysdcl.lisp,
      tk-silica/sysdcl.lisp, xlib/sysdcl.lisp
      - REMOVED all these files - they were historic.
      clim/accept-values.lisp, clim/db-menu-lisp, clim/default-frame.lisp,
      - changed :parent to :frame-manager in calls to make-application-frame
      - make-clim-stream-pane passes the pane-name to the outlining-pane and
      scroller-pane. This makes pane specific color resources affect the
      scroll bars and border.
      - simplified initialize-instance :after method on
      standard-application-frame. Dropped the :parent initarg - all done
      with the :frame-manager initarg.
      - changed :command-menu panes to use tk menu-bar rather than clim1.1
      style panes
      - output-protocol-mixin now inherits foreground, background and
      text-style slots from sheet-with-resources-mixin 
      - output-protocol-mixin specific accessors on medium-foreground,
      medium-background and medium-default-text-style removed.
      - output-protcol-mixin specific engraft-medium method removed.
      - tidied up compile-it.
      silica/db-border.lisp, silica/db-layout.lisp, silica/db-scroll.lisp,
      silica/scroll-pane.lisp, silica/gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp
      - changed all references to foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
      to sheet-with-resources-mixin
      - made menu-bar inherit from sheet-with-resources-mixin and removed
      its text-style slot
      - removed foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
      - added sheet-with-resources-mixin
      - added new gf get-sheet-resources to do resource lookup
      - added new note-sheet-grafted :before method on
      sheet-with-resources-mixin which does the resource lookup
      - added engraft-medium :after method on sheet-with-resources-mixin
      - replaced note-sheet-grafted :around method hack with :after methods
      on (setf port), this ensures the medium is engrafted after the mirror
      has been realized.
      - ditto for note-sheet-degrafted to degraft the medium
      tk/widget.lisp tk/xlib.lisp
      - changed resource name and class to be a list of strings rather than
      a single string with "."s as separators.
      - removed special handling (hack) of text-style for motif menu-bars.
      The general sheet-with-resources-mixin mechanism deals with this now.
      - removed hack in find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet for
      xm-viewport which named the widget according to the pane name of its
      child. This is now handled correctly in make-clim-stream-pane
      - made motif-scroller-pane set up the background of it's viewport
      correctly. (Makes displays less "flashy")
      - changed find-widget-class-and-initargs-for-sheet :around method from
      foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin to sheet-with-resources-mixin 
      new method simply looks at the slots in the sheet (no database query)
      - replaced decode-ink + :around method by decode-ink and decode-ink-1
      (to handle recursive case and not put multiple entries in hashtable)
      - removed all the engraft-medium :before methods which called
      - removed default-from-resources
      - added get-sheet-resources methods on sheet and pixmap-stream
      - added function get-xt-resources
      - removed export of foreground-background-and-text-style-mixin
      - exported get-sheet-resources from clim-silica
      - exported sheet-with-resources-mixin from clim-silica
  38. Feb 08, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · 83192daf
      cer authored
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Added right-margin, bottom-margin as keywords to
      clim/command.lisp		Removed NIL test from map-over-command-table-menu-items
      clim/db-stream.lisp		make-clim-stream-pane passes background to all
      				the sheets it makes.
      clim/frames.lisp		Changed error message, added command-callback function
      clim/menus.lisp			Added gesture argument to menu-choose
      clim/noting-progress.lisp	Started fixing
      climtoys/coverage.lisp		Added generic-functions-with-no-methods function
      climtoys/test-clim.lisp		Added etst for tf107 and tf100
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp		font-map now grows when needed
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp	Removed limit on 30 fonts.
      silica/db-border.lisp		Fix pane, repaints on size change
      silica/db-box.lisp		Added bulletin board (incomplete)
      silica/framem.lisp		graft of frame-manager is not find-graft
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Added word-wrap to text editor, and
      				row-column-gadget mixin
      silica/mirror.lisp		Removed cruft
      silica/pixmaps.lisp		Check to see whether sheet can have medium
      silica/port.lisp		Removed cruft and added graft methods
      silica/sheet.lisp		Removed cruft and added sheet methods
      test/chess.lisp			Reference correct directory
      test/test.lisp			Added tests
      tk/event.lisp			Event handler tracks catches errors inside wait-function
      tk/make-classes.lisp		xt_initialize_widget_class is called when we
      				need to access class rather than at build time.
      				Means we can work with regular libraries.
      tk/xlib.lisp			Event handler tracks catches errors inside wait-function
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		Word wrap for text editor
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp		Fixed separator in menus and gesture in menus
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp		word wrap in text editor
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp		gesture inmenu
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp		Removed multiple calls to with-sheet-medium
      tk-silica/xt-pixmaps.lisp		Implemented deallocate-pixmap
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp		Destroy-port does harmless stuff
      utils/clos.lisp		Fixed name in setf* defgeneric
      utils/packages.lisp		Fixed Exports
  39. Jan 21, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · 22d6c5da
      cer authored
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Implementing mechanism to turn off cursor in
                                      accepting-values pane  
      clim/basic-translators.lisp     Made history action use with-input-editor-help
      clim/cursor.lisp		Fixed port-note-cursor method to just
                                      respond to cursor-focus changes
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Changed argument to scroll-extent
      clim/excl-presentations.lisp	Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations
      clim/frames.lisp		Fixed flushing of queue in
                                      run-frame-top-level and :max-height on title
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp	Fixed redisplayed problems in graph formatting
      clim/graphics-recording.lisp	Fixed computation of rotated text bounding box
      clim/histories.lisp		Made history presentation remember ie-stream
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	Implementing mechanism to turn off cursor in
                                      accepting-values pane  
      clim/output-protocol.lisp	Changed argument to scroll-extent
      clim/stream-class-defs.lisp	Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations
      clim/stream-defprotocols.lisp	Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations
      climtoys/test-driver.lisp	Removed *pane-to-avv-stream-table*
      demo/listener.lisp		Turn off excl presentations and added with-excl-presentations
      misc/undefinedsymbols.motif	Added functions
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp	Rotated text
      silica/db-layout.lisp		Messed with note-space-requirements-changed
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Changed argument to scroll-extent
      silica/event.lisp		Fixed port test
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Messed with note-space-requirements-changed
      silica/layout.lisp		Added check to resize-sheet to make sure
                                      mirror is correctly sized.
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp        Added compose-space for menubar to compute
                                      the min-width/height
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	Changed argument to scroll-extent
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	Height of pointer documentation pane is now
                                      1 line
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	Rotated text bounding rectangle computation
      utils/packages.lisp		Exported gesture-name-button-and-modifiers,
                                      and gesture-name-keysym-and-modifiers
      xlib/load-xlib.lisp		Check that get-entry-points is passed
                                      atleast one name
  40. Jan 18, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      .cvsignore Updated it to ignore other files · 4289712e
      cer authored
      Makefile		olsupport.o was missing from OPENLOOK_OBJS
      clim/accept-values.lisp		removed *pane-to-avv-stream-table* and made it a frame slot
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Commented out compose-space that cleared menu-pane
      clim/drag-and-drop.lisp		Highlighting only works for clim-stream-sheet
      clim/frames.lisp		Added frame-pane-to-avv-stream-table
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		Fixed clim2bug394 for member-alist ptype
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp	reinitialize parents, children in case of reused output record
      climtoys/test-driver.lisp	*catch-errors-in-tests* now controls all error catching
      demo/address-book.lisp		Fixed new address dialog
      demo/bitmap-editor.lisp		Improved editor
      demo/browser.lisp		Browser now uses incremental redisplay for arcs
      misc/undefinedsymbols.olit		Added missing functions
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Added client-overridability-mixin to scroller-pane
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Menu bar is now just plain draw-area and the layout is done in Lisp
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp 	Added max-height to pointer-documentation pane
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp	Fixed problem when slug is small