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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Jul 22, 1993
  2. Jun 25, 1993
  3. Jun 23, 1993
  4. Jun 22, 1993
  5. Jun 21, 1993
  6. Jun 04, 1993
  7. Jun 02, 1993
  8. May 25, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      clim/accept-values.lisp Clearing the accept-values-query-error-p when the value changes · c2878abc
      cer authored
      				Moving the focus to a specific query either
      				when specified by
      				initially-select-query-identifier or when an
      				invalid value is entered in a text field.
      				Help pops up in avv dialogs
      				Exit boxes support documentation option
      				Protocol for handling erroneous text fields
      				accept-values-command-buttons now use push-button-view
      clim/activities.lisp		activity stores frame-actual-pointer-documentation-pane
      clim/db-stream.lisp		make-clim-stream-pane is now function
      				Fixed open-window-stream to create an
      				ordinary frame
      clim/frames.lisp		default-frame-top-level now records
      				actual-pointer-documentation-pane for use by
      				gadget help.
      				command-enabled-p now makes sure the command
      				is defined
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		dialogs now define help callback that
      				displays the accept help by default
      clim/input-defs.lisp		fixed typo in sheets-nearest-common-ancestor
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	popup help on accept-values-stream also
      clim/menus.lisp			open-window-stream frame added and open-window-stream
      clim/recording-protocol.lisp	erase-output-records now takes a list
      clim/standard-types.lisp	describe-presentation-type for completion
      				now invokes printer
      clim/view-defs.lisp		push-button-view defined
      climtoys/draw-sheets.lisp	Added graph-mirror-hierarchy
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Changed interface
      climtoys/pi.lisp		Added display mirror hierarchy command
      climtoys/record.lisp		record button-press-events
      demo/cload-demos.lisp		made package clim-user
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp	Sample documentation. Rewrote presentation
      				types to support describe methods
      misc/climgccursor.c		Removed diagnostics
      misc/compile-1.lisp		load test-suite.fasl after compiling it
      				since test-suite uses it.
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Make sure composer is loaded
      misc/undefinedsymbols.motif	Fixed typo
      misc/undefinedsymbols.xt	Added parse-table symbol
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Moved line-scroll-amount into update scrollbar
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Added help callback,
      				move-focus-to-gadget, port-move-focus-to-gadget
      silica/macros.lisp		Added make-clim-stream-pane flet and macro
      test/test-clim.lisp		Fixed up tests. Support for profiling
      test/test-driver.lisp		Added *execute-one-command-hook* to support profiling
      				with-test-success-expected macro
      test/test-suite.lisp		Added now square bitmap, erase-output-record
      				with list of records, list-pane test
      tk/event.lisp			commented out diagnostic
      tk/ol-widgets.lisp		Added some missing resources
      tk/resources.lisp		Made :ignore be -1 and 65535
      				conversion for accelerator and translation tables
      tk/xt-funs.lisp			Added parse accelerator and translation
      				tables and peek-event
      tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp	Documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Documentation callback
      				Fix listpane
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	added added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp	port-move-focus-to-gadget
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	"Ok" -> "OK"
      				added documentation callbacks
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	dummy with-medium-state-cached
      utils/packages.lisp		exported various
  9. May 13, 1993
    • colin's avatar
      misc/undefinedsymbols.motif, misc/undefinedsymbols.olit, · f9c6369d
      colin authored
      - put new foreign symbols in
    • colin's avatar
      misc/undefinedsymbols.motif, misc/undefinedsymbols.olit, · 62ce84b0
      colin authored
      - put new foreign symbols in
    • colin's avatar
      sys/sysdcl.lisp · f6005314
      colin authored
      - removed references to xt-silica/xt-cursor
    • colin's avatar
      clim/clim-defs.lisp · d4fcde0d
      colin authored
      - added a doit arg to with-input-focus
      - a whole bunch of changes to make this work properly
      - changed (port-default-text-style port) to *default-text-style*
      - clim2bug484
      - fixed (method repaint-sheet :after (input-protocol-mixin t)) to
        handle cursor correctly
      - removed (method queue-event :after (input-protocol-mixin pointer-enter-event))
        and (method queue-event :before (input-protocol-mixin pointer-exit-event))
        This is now handled in silica/event.lisp
      - changed stream-read-gesture to take input-focus
      - new methods for note-sheet-gain/lose-focus which change the
        text-cursor accordingly
      - default port focus-selection now :click-to-select
      - added event-classes focus-event, focus-in-event and focus-out-event
      - added gfs note-sheet-gain-focus and note-sheet-lose-focus
      - a whole bunch of changes for correct handling of kb focus.
      silica/pixmaps.lisp tk-silica/xt-pixmaps.lisp
      - clim2bug493/494
      - copy-from/to-pixmap now gfs
      - pixmap has a port slot
      - added new class xt-pixmap
      - minor fix to lookup-closest-font
      - test for open-window-stream
      - tests for deallocate-pixmap and copy-from-pixmap (with both stream/medium)
      tk/ol-funs.lisp, tk/xm-funs.lisp, tk/xt-funs.lisp
      - added funs for manipulating focus
      - added resource-convertor for 'bool
      - added get-input-focus and set-input-focus
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp
      - changes for explicit focus/new style cursor.
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp, tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp
      - changes for explicit focus/new style cursor.
      - Removed
      - make-palette takes a :colormap keyword arg (internal use only)
      - changes for explicit focus
      - changed add-color-to-palette to add-colors-to-palette
      - changed remove-color-from-palette to remove-colors-from-palette
      - added focus-event, focus-in-event, focus-out-event
        note-sheet-gain-focus, note-sheet-lose-focus
        add-colors-to-palette, remove-colors-from-palette
    • cer's avatar
      .cvsignore Ignore the coverage reports · 16c4300a
      cer authored
      Makefile.cobjs		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      			Dependencies for climgccursor.c
      Makefile.cobjs-svr4	Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      			Dependencies for climgccursor.c
      Makefile.dec3100	Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.defs		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.hp700		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.sun4		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      Makefile.svr4		Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences.
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Added &key :view to accepting-values
      				Aborting edit marks field as modified
      				to force it to be redisplayed
      				made accept-values-button work with :align-prompts t
      				Make calling frame default to frame of associated window
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Fixed window-inside-height
      clim/frames.lisp		Call pointer-pointer-position instead of native-position
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		gadget-includes-prompt-p :around  to allow :prompt nil in view
      				to supress prompt
      clim/gestures.lisp		marked unavailable keysyms
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	queue pointer-exit-event
      clim/interactive-defs.lisp	read-token handles :eof rather than looping
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	frame-manager-display-help will popup window
      clim/standard-types.lisp	read-recursive handles :eof when reading from string
      climtoys/booch.lisp		Minor fixes
      climtoys/ib.el			Insert newline before appending definition
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Implemented move multiple
      				Command table editing
      				More composite-view stuff
      demo/demo-activity.lisp		Deleted :width :height  constraint since it makes the
      				pane too small on OLIT
      misc/MyDrawingA.c		#include "climgccursor.c"
      misc/olsupport.c		#include "climgccursor.c"
      misc/train.lisp			Coverage goes to port specific file
      misc/xtsupport.c		Added includes
      postscript/postscript-port.lisp		Made showpage conditional on :destination
      silica/gadgets.lisp		viewport makes in non stream child as big as its wants to be
      sys/sysdcl.lisp			added gc-cursor.lisp
      test/test-clim.lisp		Test for (find-frame-manager) bug
      test/test-demos.lisp		Added test to run-all-demos for 20 seconds
      test/test-driver.lisp		Support for specifying (com-connect :unsupplied :unsupplied :style :inherits)
      				Try several times to find highlighted presentation
      				If we cannot find presentation use default
      test/test-suite.lisp		Tests for sliders
      test/test.lisp			Graphical label tests
      tk/resources.lisp		Needed an (ash value -24) for convert-resource-in
      				for char value
      tk/xlib.lisp			Support to create colors on heap
      tk/xt-funs.lisp			defforeigns for gc cursor stuff
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Improved slider: show value, label etc
      				Some support for pixmap labels
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	Change-widget-geometry does not if dimensions the same
      tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp	Dialogs to use standard-sequence-output-history
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	Slider to check for (stringp label)
      tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp	Fix (let ((width (array-dimension array 1))) ..)
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	Messed with keysyms, pass sheet to realize-cursor
      				support for pattern cursors
  10. May 05, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.generic Added silly rule to ls -s fasls · 228fe416
      cer authored
      clim/accept-values.lisp		Added :echo NIL to presentation events
      clim/activities.lisp		Indentation
      clim/db-stream.lisp		Made clim-stream-sheet point back to input-editing-stream
      clim/frames.lisp		Made the frame-queue command echo and add to history
      clim/gadget-output.lisp		Header changed
      clim/input-defs.lisp		Added valid slot to pointer.
      clim/input-editor-commands.lisp		Comment
      clim/input-protocol.lisp	stream-pointer-position now calls sheet-pointer-position
      clim/interactive-protocol.lisp	Make stream point to input-editor
      clim/menus.lisp			initial default-text-margin to NIL
      clim/output-protocol.lisp	added scrolled-pane-line-scroll-amount method
      clim/surround-output.lisp	Fixed :oval stuff
      clim/text-recording.lisp	Checked for ink changing in recompute-contents-ok
      clim/tracking-pointer.lisp	Call sheet-pointer-position
      climtoys/booch.lisp		Cool new features
      climtoys/ib.lisp		Cool new features
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp		Added booch.lisp to sysdcl
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Added fake-load-system stuff
      silica/db-button.lisp		removed macro with-radio-box
      silica/db-layout.lisp		Messed with the client-overridability
      				since the climgg.fasl did not work
      silica/db-scroll.lisp		Fixed cpl and added
      				horizontal-line-scroll-amount etc
      				Added code to redraw the input-buffer
      silica/event.lisp		Made dispatch-event methods update the
      				pointer and pointer-exit method
      				invalidate the pointer
      silica/gadgets.lisp		Added with-radio-box
      silica/scroll-pane.lisp		changed cpl
      sys/defsystem.lisp		Added fake-load-system
      test/test-clim.lisp		Added select-file test
      test/test-driver.lisp		Fixed to handle activities
      tk/macros.lisp			Support for signed-arrays
      tk/xlib.lisp			x,y coordinates are signed
      tk/xm-funs.lisp			added XmSelectionBoxGetChild
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp	Line scrolling support, made
      				sheet-transformation for
      				top-level-sheet ask where the shell is
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp	pointer manipulation
  11. Apr 29, 1993
  12. Apr 28, 1993
    • layer's avatar
      Fri Apr 23 13:51:00 1993 Kevin Layer (layer@sole) · 21768abf
      layer authored
      	* Makefile: parameterize the include of Makefile.sun4 (as
      	* Makefile.svr4: add INSTALLED_CLIMOBJS=
      	* instclimol.lisp: svr4ify
      	* instclimxm.lisp: svr4ify
      	* test/test-driver.lisp: si::*clos-preload-packages* hack
      	* tk/load-ol.lisp: don't load unless needed
      	* tk/load-xm.lisp: don't load unless needed
      	* tk/make-classes.lisp: remove debugging code
  13. Apr 27, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      clim/command.lisp Only inherit keystroke menu items that actually have a keystroke · 4cd1ee82
      cer authored
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp	Put in min-width/min-height in graphics-editor
    • cer's avatar
      .cvsignore Ignore extra files · 0038dbe7
      cer authored
      Makefile.defs		Added hpgl to directory list, Uncommented malloclib stuff
      clim/command.lisp	Implemented ensure-command-in-command-table and :after :replace
      clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp	Setf all-new slot of record to NIL after its used
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Usual hacking
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp	made command-table menu  use :divider
      tk/make-classes.lisp		Map list and scrolling-list to ol-list
      tk/xm-font-list.lisp		Motif 1.2 font list code.
      tk/xm-funs.lisp			Motif 1.2 font list code.
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	command menu updating and :divider stuff.
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	ensure widget has a window
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	command table menu :divider stuff.
      utils/packages.lisp		Export stream-redisplaying-p
    • cer's avatar
      .cvsignore Ignore extra files · 53cc1b82
      cer authored
      Makefile.defs		Added hpgl to directory list, Uncommented malloclib stuff
      clim/command.lisp	Implemented ensure-command-in-command-table and :after :replace
      clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp	Setf all-new slot of record to NIL after its used
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Usual hacking
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp	made command-table menu  use :divider
      tk/make-classes.lisp		Map list and scrolling-list to ol-list
      tk/xm-font-list.lisp		Motif 1.2 font list code.
      tk/xm-funs.lisp			Motif 1.2 font list code.
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	command menu updating and :divider stuff.
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	ensure widget has a window
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	command table menu :divider stuff.
      utils/packages.lisp		Export stream-redisplaying-p
  14. Apr 26, 1993
  15. Apr 23, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · 6f9138d8
      cer authored
      Makefile.cobjs		Missing rules for .o files
      clim/command.lisp	Filter out NIL entries except dividers
      clim/db-stream.lisp	open-window-stream now calls frame-manager-get-menu
      clim/frames.lisp	(setf frame-current-layout) disables panes before
      			adopting them  and calls note-frame-current-layout-changed
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp Arc-drawer is now only called once
      			per edge, :path argument passed. :draw-node when
      			getting bounding box of of filler-node
      clim/input-editor-commands.lisp		Bogus bucky key test replaced by
      			explicit test for known printable characters so
      			that you can define input editor commands for
      			arrow keys for example, On allegro arrow key
      			gestures mapped to input editor commands
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Made it better
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp	Added pi.lisp and draw-sheets.lisp
      demo/browser.lisp	Browser arc draw works with :path argument
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp		Changed layout
      misc/compile-1.lisp		removed compile of climtoys
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Added compile of climtoys so that it can
      			be done after composer added since stuff there
      			uses it
      misc/train.lisp		Indentation
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp		removed
      			medium-draw-character* and used
      			with-postscript-drawing-options in the rotated
      			text case
      test/test-clim.lisp		Changed tests moved stuff to test-driver
      test/test-driver.lisp		moved *clos-preload-packages* to here
      test/test-suite.lisp		Added slider test
      test/test.lisp		Added com-change-set-gadget-values test
      tk/make-classes.lisp		removed list-pane to ol-list rename
      tk/ol-callbacks.lisp		scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk/ol-defs.lisp			scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Fixed numerous bugs
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	Removed warning
      			clim-internals::note-frame-current-layout-changed hack
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	Minor cleanup
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp		Added decode-gadget-background for
      			pattern so that it returns the gcontext-stipple
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp		renamed keysyms for arrow keys
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.cobjs Missing rules for .o files · 14a56833
      cer authored
      clim/command.lisp	Filter out NIL entries except dividers
      clim/db-stream.lisp	open-window-stream now calls frame-manager-get-menu
      clim/frames.lisp	(setf frame-current-layout) disables panes before
      			adopting them  and calls note-frame-current-layout-changed
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp Arc-drawer is now only called once
      			per edge, :path argument passed. :draw-node when
      			getting bounding box of of filler-node
      clim/input-editor-commands.lisp		Bogus bucky key test replaced by
      			explicit test for known printable characters so
      			that you can define input editor commands for
      			arrow keys for example, On allegro arrow key
      			gestures mapped to input editor commands
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Made it better
      climtoys/sysdcl.lisp	Added pi.lisp and draw-sheets.lisp
      demo/browser.lisp	Browser arc draw works with :path argument
      demo/graphics-editor.lisp		Changed layout
      misc/compile-1.lisp		removed compile of climtoys
      misc/dev-load-1.lisp		Added compile of climtoys so that it can
      			be done after composer added since stuff there
      			uses it
      misc/train.lisp		Indentation
      postscript/postscript-medium.lisp		removed
      			medium-draw-character* and used
      			with-postscript-drawing-options in the rotated
      			text case
      test/test-clim.lisp		Changed tests moved stuff to test-driver
      test/test-driver.lisp		moved *clos-preload-packages* to here
      test/test-suite.lisp		Added slider test
      test/test.lisp		Added com-change-set-gadget-values test
      tk/make-classes.lisp		removed list-pane to ol-list rename
      tk/ol-callbacks.lisp		scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk/ol-defs.lisp			scrollbar callback gets new value
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp	Fixed numerous bugs
      tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp	Removed warning
      			clim-internals::note-frame-current-layout-changed hack
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp	Minor cleanup
      tk-silica/xt-gadgets.lisp		Added decode-gadget-background for
      			pattern so that it returns the gcontext-stipple
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp		renamed keysyms for arrow keys
  16. Apr 16, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      · 4da8dd00
      cer authored
      Makefile.defs		Modified training to compile test-suite first
      			Added silica/db-label.lisp 
      clim/accept-values.lisp		changing-space-requirements fix
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp	added find-child-output-record method that searches all of the old children
      clim/menus.lisp		Fixed for :label to menus
      climtoys/coverage.lisp	Sorted files by coverage
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Reworked architecture introducing blanket-viewer class.
      demo/browser.lisp	Display snapshots in interactor rather on graph
      misc/train.lisp		Training to record failed tests in port specific files. Compiles test-suite.lisp
      silica/db-border.lisp 	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/db-layout.lisp 	invoke-with-changing-space-requirements layout argument defaults to t
      silica/gadgets.lisp	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/mirror.lisp  	added always-propagate-region-changes-p so
      			that we can force mirror resizes to change
      			sheet. Forces the rest of the tree to be laid out
      sys/sysdcl.lisp		Added db-label.lisp
      test/test-driver.lisp	Added *default-input-state-timeout* test
      			reporting to send output to file
      test/test-suite.lisp	Minor cosmetic changes.
      test/test.lisp		made window bigger
      tk/resources.lisp	Fixed wrap mode
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		openlook-frame-pane now
      			ignores bacground argument. made use of
      			openlook-labelled-gadget. fixed orrientation
      			problem in radio-box. 
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp		Added
      			always-propagate-region-changes-p method
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp		REmoved dialog shell
      			change-widget-geometry method
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp		Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Only turn on backing store if the server is safe
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.defs Modified training to compile test-suite first · b422a15d
      cer authored
      			Added silica/db-label.lisp
      clim/accept-values.lisp		changing-space-requirements fix
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp	added find-child-output-record method that searches all of the old children
      clim/menus.lisp		Fixed for :label to menus
      climtoys/coverage.lisp	Sorted files by coverage
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Reworked architecture introducing blanket-viewer class.
      demo/browser.lisp	Display snapshots in interactor rather on graph
      misc/train.lisp		Training to record failed tests in port specific files. Compiles test-suite.lisp
      silica/db-border.lisp 	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/db-layout.lisp 	invoke-with-changing-space-requirements layout argument defaults to t
      silica/gadgets.lisp	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/mirror.lisp  	added always-propagate-region-changes-p so
      			that we can force mirror resizes to change
      			sheet. Forces the rest of the tree to be laid out
      sys/sysdcl.lisp		Added db-label.lisp
      test/test-driver.lisp	Added *default-input-state-timeout* test
      			reporting to send output to file
      test/test-suite.lisp	Minor cosmetic changes.
      test/test.lisp		made window bigger
      tk/resources.lisp	Fixed wrap mode
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		openlook-frame-pane now
      			ignores bacground argument. made use of
      			openlook-labelled-gadget. fixed orrientation
      			problem in radio-box.
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp		Added
      			always-propagate-region-changes-p method
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp		REmoved dialog shell
      			change-widget-geometry method
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp		Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Only turn on backing store if the server is safe
    • cer's avatar
      · bca82f79
      cer authored
      Makefile.defs		Modified training to compile test-suite first
      			Added silica/db-label.lisp 
      clim/accept-values.lisp		changing-space-requirements fix
      clim/graph-formatting.lisp	added find-child-output-record method that searches all of the old children
      clim/menus.lisp		Fixed for :label to menus
      climtoys/coverage.lisp	Sorted files by coverage
      climtoys/ib.lisp	Reworked architecture introducing blanket-viewer class.
      demo/browser.lisp	Display snapshots in interactor rather on graph
      misc/train.lisp		Training to record failed tests in port specific files. Compiles test-suite.lisp
      silica/db-border.lisp 	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/db-layout.lisp 	invoke-with-changing-space-requirements layout argument defaults to t
      silica/gadgets.lisp	Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp
      silica/mirror.lisp  	added always-propagate-region-changes-p so
      			that we can force mirror resizes to change
      			sheet. Forces the rest of the tree to be laid out
      sys/sysdcl.lisp		Added db-label.lisp
      test/test-driver.lisp	Added *default-input-state-timeout* test
      			reporting to send output to file
      test/test-suite.lisp	Minor cosmetic changes.
      test/test.lisp		made window bigger
      tk/resources.lisp	Fixed wrap mode
      tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp		openlook-frame-pane now
      			ignores bacground argument. made use of
      			openlook-labelled-gadget. fixed orrientation
      			problem in radio-box. 
      tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp	Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp		Added
      			always-propagate-region-changes-p method
      tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp		REmoved dialog shell
      			change-widget-geometry method
      tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp		Moved update-frame-settings and
      			frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed  to xt-frames
      tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Only turn on backing store if the server is safe
    • layer's avatar
      Fri Apr 16 09:21:02 1993 Kevin Layer (layer@sole) · 829e3069
      layer authored
      	* Makefile.defs: new variable C_OBJECT_MAKEFILE, so can have
      	different versions for svr4 and non-svr4; xlib/last.fasl added to
      	* Makefile.generic: move .o file generation to Makefile.cobjs
      	* sys/sysdcl.lisp: svr4isms
      	* tk/load-ol.lisp: svr4isms
      	* tk/load-xm.lisp: svr4isms
      	* tk/make-classes.lisp: hacks for new version of openlook
      	(list-pane and event-obj classes)
      	* tk/resources.lisp: make make-arglist-for-class create an
      	'(unsigned 32) array and make sure it puts the correct values into
      	* tk-silica/last.lisp: (defvar system::*devel* nil)
      	* xlib/load-xlib.lisp: svr4isms
      	* xlib/xlib-funs.lisp: remove old debugging code
  17. Apr 15, 1993
    • cer's avatar
      Makefile.generic Added echo-xm-ucl-xtras rule · 8480a9b8
      cer authored
      misc/xtsupport.c	Replaced #ifdef ultrix by #ifndef sparc
      uitils/lisp-utilities.lisp	Use excl::stack-allocated-p on lisps that provide it
    • cer's avatar
      · 2ef5c610
      cer authored
      Makefile.generic	Added echo-xm-ucl-xtras rule 
      misc/xtsupport.c	Replaced #ifdef ultrix by #ifndef sparc
      uitils/lisp-utilities.lisp	Use excl::stack-allocated-p on lisps that provide it