- Mar 06, 1998
layer authored
- Oct 20, 1997
layer authored
- Oct 13, 1997
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- May 30, 1997
layer authored
- May 05, 1997
layer authored
- Feb 05, 1997
tomj authored
- Jul 23, 1996
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- Mar 15, 1996
colin authored
- Mar 13, 1996
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- Mar 01, 1996
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- Oct 20, 1995
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- May 17, 1995
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- May 15, 1995
duane authored
- Apr 07, 1995
georgej authored
- Dec 05, 1994
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- Nov 23, 1994
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- Dec 07, 1993
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- Nov 23, 1993
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- Nov 18, 1993
cer authored
- Oct 26, 1993
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- Oct 25, 1993
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- Sep 22, 1993
- Sep 17, 1993
- Sep 07, 1993
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- Aug 31, 1993
layer authored
- Aug 12, 1993
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- Jul 29, 1993
layer authored
- Jul 27, 1993
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- Jul 22, 1993
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- Jun 21, 1993
cer authored
- Jun 04, 1993
cer authored
- Jun 02, 1993
cer authored
- May 13, 1993
colin authored
Makefile.defs - removed references to xt-silica/xt-cursor
cer authored
Makefile.cobjs Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Dependencies for climgccursor.c Makefile.cobjs-svr4 Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Dependencies for climgccursor.c Makefile.dec3100 Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Makefile.defs Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Makefile.hp700 Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Makefile.sun4 Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. Makefile.svr4 Have OLINCLUDES and XMINCLUDES for R4/R5 differences. clim/accept-values.lisp Added &key :view to accepting-values display-view-background Aborting edit marks field as modified to force it to be redisplayed made accept-values-button work with :align-prompts t Make calling frame default to frame of associated window clim/db-stream.lisp Fixed window-inside-height clim/frames.lisp Call pointer-pointer-position instead of native-position clim/gadget-output.lisp gadget-includes-prompt-p :around to allow :prompt nil in view to supress prompt clim/gestures.lisp marked unavailable keysyms clim/input-protocol.lisp queue pointer-exit-event clim/interactive-defs.lisp read-token handles :eof rather than looping clim/interactive-protocol.lisp frame-manager-display-help will popup window clim/standard-types.lisp read-recursive handles :eof when reading from string climtoys/booch.lisp Minor fixes climtoys/ib.el Insert newline before appending definition climtoys/ib.lisp Implemented move multiple Command table editing More composite-view stuff "Wires" demo/demo-activity.lisp Deleted :width :height constraint since it makes the pane too small on OLIT misc/MyDrawingA.c #include "climgccursor.c" misc/olsupport.c #include "climgccursor.c" misc/train.lisp Coverage goes to port specific file misc/xtsupport.c Added includes postscript/postscript-port.lisp Made showpage conditional on :destination silica/gadgets.lisp viewport makes in non stream child as big as its wants to be silica/layout.lisp sys/sysdcl.lisp added gc-cursor.lisp test/test-clim.lisp Test for (find-frame-manager) bug test/test-demos.lisp Added test to run-all-demos for 20 seconds test/test-driver.lisp Support for specifying (com-connect :unsupplied :unsupplied :style :inherits) Try several times to find highlighted presentation If we cannot find presentation use default test/test-suite.lisp Tests for sliders test/test.lisp Graphical label tests tk/event.lisp tk/make-classes.lisp tk/resources.lisp Needed an (ash value -24) for convert-resource-in for char value tk/xlib.lisp Support to create colors on heap tk/xt-funs.lisp defforeigns for gc cursor stuff tk-silica/image.lisp tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp Improved slider: show value, label etc Some support for pixmap labels tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp Change-widget-geometry does not if dimensions the same tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp Dialogs to use standard-sequence-output-history tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp Slider to check for (stringp label) tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp Fix (let ((width (array-dimension array 1))) ..) tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Messed with keysyms, pass sheet to realize-cursor support for pattern cursors
- Apr 27, 1993
cer authored
Makefile.defs Added hpgl to directory list, Uncommented malloclib stuff clim/command.lisp Implemented ensure-command-in-command-table and :after :replace clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp Setf all-new slot of record to NIL after its used climtoys/ib.lisp Usual hacking demo/graphics-editor.lisp made command-table menu use :divider tk/make-classes.lisp Map list and scrolling-list to ol-list tk/xm-font-list.lisp Motif 1.2 font list code. tk/xm-funs.lisp Motif 1.2 font list code. tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp command menu updating and :divider stuff. tk-silica/ol-silica.lisp ensure widget has a window tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp command table menu :divider stuff. utils/packages.lisp Export stream-redisplaying-p
- Apr 16, 1993
cer authored
Makefile.defs Modified training to compile test-suite first Added silica/db-label.lisp clim/accept-values.lisp changing-space-requirements fix clim/graph-formatting.lisp added find-child-output-record method that searches all of the old children clim/menus.lisp Fixed for :label to menus climtoys/coverage.lisp Sorted files by coverage climtoys/ib.lisp Reworked architecture introducing blanket-viewer class. demo/browser.lisp Display snapshots in interactor rather on graph misc/train.lisp Training to record failed tests in port specific files. Compiles test-suite.lisp silica/db-border.lisp Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp silica/db-layout.lisp invoke-with-changing-space-requirements layout argument defaults to t silica/gadgets.lisp Moved code into silica/db-label.lisp silica/mirror.lisp added always-propagate-region-changes-p so that we can force mirror resizes to change sheet. Forces the rest of the tree to be laid out sys/sysdcl.lisp Added db-label.lisp test/test-driver.lisp Added *default-input-state-timeout* test reporting to send output to file test/test-suite.lisp Minor cosmetic changes. test/test.lisp made window bigger tk/resources.lisp Fixed wrap mode tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp openlook-frame-pane now ignores bacground argument. made use of openlook-labelled-gadget. fixed orrientation problem in radio-box. tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Moved update-frame-settings and frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed to xt-frames tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp Added always-propagate-region-changes-p method tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp REmoved dialog shell change-widget-geometry method tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Moved update-frame-settings and frame-manager-note-pretty-name-changed to xt-frames tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Only turn on backing store if the server is safe
layer authored
* Makefile.defs: new variable C_OBJECT_MAKEFILE, so can have different versions for svr4 and non-svr4; xlib/last.fasl added to OL-DEBUG-OBJS and XM-DEBUG-OBJS * Makefile.generic: move .o file generation to Makefile.cobjs * sys/sysdcl.lisp: svr4isms * tk/load-ol.lisp: svr4isms * tk/load-xm.lisp: svr4isms * tk/make-classes.lisp: hacks for new version of openlook (list-pane and event-obj classes) * tk/resources.lisp: make make-arglist-for-class create an '(unsigned 32) array and make sure it puts the correct values into it. * tk-silica/last.lisp: (defvar system::*devel* nil) * xlib/load-xlib.lisp: svr4isms * xlib/xlib-funs.lisp: remove old debugging code
- Apr 02, 1993
cer authored
Makefile.defs Minor mods and added support for climhpgl.fasl and tests Removed xm-menus,graphics, and ol-graphics.lisp Makefile.generic added support for climhpgl.fasl and tests clim/accept-values.lisp graphic labels in accept-values-command-buttons clim/frames.lisp Added frame-current-panes, fixed problem with command disabling. clim/pixmap-streams.lisp Changed indentation climtoys/ccc.lisp Added com-show-class-generic-functions demo/bitmap-editor.lisp Indentation hpgl/hpgl-port.lisp Made hpgl-port have palette hpgl/pkg.lisp Fixed provide misc/compile-1.lisp Compile hpgl now misc/dev-load-1.lisp load hpgl now misc/train.lisp hpgl training, reporting of test results postscript/postscript-port.lisp calls make-palette sys/sysdcl.lisp removed ol-graphics etc test/postscript-tests.lisp output file name depends on type. test/test-clim.lisp Added etsts test/test-driver.lisp Support for reporting of tests tk/xlib.lisp Added composestatus support tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp Menu bar remembers buttons for disabling tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Menu bar remembers buttons for disabling, accelerators only for pulldown menus tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp compose-space buttons with pixmap labels tk-silica/xm-silica.lisp minor mod tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp mapping from command to button to support disabling tk-silica/xt-graphics.lisp added make-medium method for xt-port tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp compose-status support