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mcclim / clim-tos
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Bugs fixed ---------- clim2bug448 colin 13 [spr7638] Problem with layout pane option :min-width '(50 :chara clim2bug449 colin 13 [spr7639] Problem with layout pane option :min-width "MMMMMMMMM" clim2bug440 [spr7645] Layout problem clim2bug441 box-pane ignores :width,:height, :spacing etc etc. clim2bug447 Alternative space requirements only looked at when layout change clim2bug427 Accepting-values commands are echoed in the interactor clim2bug303 bogus characters in input buffer... clim2bug437 Command activated from menu bar in activity cannot access applicationo clim/accept-values.lisp Made :align-prompts work for own-window dialogs Accept-values-command-buttons calback function now use process-command-event. clim/activities.lisp Added frame-top-level-process method for activity-frame. Added destroy-activity function. clim/basic-translators.lisp Call-presentation-menu takes a :gesture argument that it passes to menu-choose clim/command-processor.lisp clim2bug303, added (values (complete-input)) to accept-method for command name clim/command.lisp clim2bug437 clim/db-stream.lisp Method for update-region added open-window-steam changed clim/default-frame.lisp :panes clim/drag-and-drop.lisp Drag and drop now supports aborting clim2bug340 clim/frames.lisp adjust-layout-requirements is called by generate-panes after method Allow neither :panes or :pane to be specified. Renamed iconify-frame to shrink-frame Added frame-top-level-process accessor clim/graph-formatting.lisp match-output-record method checks for duplicate-key and test. clim/incremental-redisplay.lisp Redraws because of erases now generate clipping-region clim/input-defs.lisp clim/input-protocol.lisp Modified handling of asynchronus aborts. clim/menus.lisp Menu-choose now uses frame-manager of associated-window clim/noting-progress.lisp supports frame-manager-specific progress notes clim/recording-protocol.lisp compute-output-record-offsets now behaves like convert-from-relative-to-absolute-coordinates. clim/standard-types.lisp Methods moved from textual-dialog-view to dialog-view-mixin clim/tracking-pointer.lisp Modified tracking-pointer to support timeout clause climtoys/ccc.lisp Added show-class-methods and generic functions commands climtoys/ib.lisp Made attempt to make dialog work. climtoys/sysdcl.lisp Moved files to test directory demo/browser.lisp pakage presentation-typep method works for allegro demo/peek-frame.lisp Added :gesture argument demo/plot.lisp Added more incremental redisplay support to plot-demo misc/compile-1.lisp Compile test-files misc/dev-load-1.lisp Load test files misc/train.lisp (setq *global-gc-behavior* nil) misc/undefinedsymbols Added XIconifyWindow postscript/postscript-port.lisp Added force-output to close text-output-record silica/db-box.lisp Added spacing argument silica/db-layout.lisp Removed junk and simplified silica/db-scroll.lisp Made update-region do nothing by default silica/db-table.lisp Removed fudges. silica/framem.lisp Fixed find-frame-manager silica/gadgets.lisp Fixed viewport to handle case when child is not a stream-pane silica/scroll-pane.lisp scroll-pane now inherits from client-overridability-mixin specs/*.tex swm changes test/postscript-tests.lisp Fixed stipple definition test/test.lisp Replace ncolumns,nlines by :width (30 :character) specification tk/convenience.lisp Added working dialog support tk-silica/ol-frames.lisp progress notification now sets the busy property of the frame tk-silica/ol-gadgets.lisp text-fields support :width (30 :character) tk-silica/xm-dialogs.lisp align-prompts in own-window dialog tk-silica/xm-frames.lisp Progress notification to use working dialog tk-silica/xm-gadgets.lisp text-fields support :width (30 :character) tk-silica/xt-frames.lisp Window (de)iconification and application-frame-marker tk-silica/xt-silica.lisp Fix coordinates for port-move-frame utils/lisp-utilities.lisp replaced |kdjfkdf djfkdjf| symbol utils/p
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