;; Gamma functions
;; Liam Healy, Thu Apr 27 2006 - 22:06
;; Time-stamp: <2011-10-29 18:19:04EDT gamma.lisp>
;; Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Liam M. Healy
;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(in-package :gsl)
;;; Need to handle incoming gsl-complex numbers correctly for log-gamma-complex.
;;; Should functions returning sf-result and something else return the
;;; error at the end?
;;; /usr/include/gsl/gsl_sf_gamma.h
;;;; Gamma functions
(defconstant +gamma-xmax+ 171.0d0)
(defmfun gamma (x)
"gsl_sf_gamma_e" ((x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The Gamma function Gamma(x), subject to x
Lanczos method. The maximum value of x such that
Gamma(x) is not considered an overflow is given by +gamma-xmax+.")
(defmfun log-gamma (x)
"gsl_sf_lngamma_e" ((x :double) (ret (:pointer (:struct sf-result))))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of the Gamma function,
log(Gamma(x)), subject to x not a being negative
integer. For x<0 the real part of log(Gamma(x)) is
returned, which is equivalent to log(|Gamma(x)|). The function
(defmfun log-gamma-sign (x)
((x :double) (ret (:pointer (:struct sf-result))) (sign (:pointer :double)))
:return ((multiple-value-bind (val err)
(cffi:convert-from-foreign ret '(:struct sf-result))
(values val (cffi:mem-ref sign :double) err )))
:documentation ; FDL
"Compute the sign of the gamma function and the logarithm of
its magnitude, subject to x not being a negative integer. The
gamma function can be reconstructed using the relation Gamma(x) =
sgn * exp(resultlg)}.")
(defmfun gamma* (x)
"gsl_sf_gammastar_e" ((x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The regulated Gamma Function Gamma^*(x)
for x > 0, given by
Gamma^*(x) = Gamma(x)/(sqrt{2\pi} x^{(x-1/2)} \exp(-x))
= (1 + {1 \over 12x} + ...)
for x to infinity.")
(defmfun 1/gamma (x)
"gsl_sf_gammainv_e" ((x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The reciprocal of the gamma function,
1/\Gamma(x) using the real Lanczos method.")
(defmfun log-gamma-complex (z)
(((realpart z) :double) ((imagpart z) :double)
(lnr sf-result) (arg sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"Compute log(Gamma(z)) for complex z=z_r+i z_i
and z not a negative integer, using the complex Lanczos
method. The returned parameters are lnr = log|\Gamma(z)| and
arg = arg(Gamma(z)) in (-pi,pi]. Note that the phase
part (arg) is not well-determined when |z| is very large,
due to inevitable roundoff in restricting to (-\pi,\pi]. This
will result in a :ELOSS error when it occurs. The absolute
value part (lnr), however, never suffers from loss of precision."
((values-with-errors lnr arg)))
(defmfun taylor-coefficient (n x)
"gsl_sf_taylorcoeff_e" ((n :int) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"Compute the Taylor coefficient x^n / n! for x >= 0, n >= 0.")
(defmfun factorial (n)
"gsl_sf_fact_e" ((n sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The factorial n!, related to the Gamma function by n! = \Gamma(n+1).")
(defmfun double-factorial (n)
"gsl_sf_doublefact_e" ((n sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The double factorial n!! = n(n-2)(n-4) \dots.")
(defmfun log-factorial (n)
"gsl_sf_lnfact_e" ((n sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of the factorial of n, log(n!).
The algorithm is faster than computing
ln(Gamma(n+1)) via #'log-gamma for n < 170, but defers for larger n.")
(defmfun log-double-factorial (n)
"gsl_sf_lndoublefact_e" ((n sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"Compute the logarithm of the double factorial of n, log(n!!).")
(defmfun choose (n m)
"gsl_sf_choose_e" ((n sizet) (m sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The combinatorial factor (n choose m) = n!/(m!(n-m)!).")
(defmfun log-choose (n m)
"gsl_sf_lnchoose_e" ((n sizet) (m sizet) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of (n choose m). This is
equivalent to the sum log(n!) - log(m!) - log((n-m)!).")
(defmfun pochammer (a x)
"gsl_sf_poch_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The Pochhammer symbol (a)_x := Gamma(a +
x)/Gamma(a), subject to a and a+x not being negative
sometimes written as (a,x).")
(defmfun log-pochammer (a x)
"gsl_sf_lnpoch_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of the Pochhammer symbol,
log((a)_x) = log(Gamma(a + x)/Gamma(a)) for a > 0, a+x > 0.")
(defmfun log-pochammer-sign (a x)
((a :double)
(x :double)
(ret (:pointer (:struct sf-result)))
(sign (:pointer :double)))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of the Pochhammer symbol and its sign.
The computed parameters are result =
log(|(a)_x|) and sgn = sgn((a)_x) where (a)_x :=
Gamma(a + x)/Gamma(a), subject to a, a+x not being negative integers."
:return ((multiple-value-bind (val err)
(cffi:convert-from-foreign ret '(:struct sf-result))
(values val (cffi:mem-ref sign :double) err ))))
(defmfun relative-pochammer (a x)
"gsl_sf_pochrel_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The relative Pochhammer symbol ((a)_x -
1)/x where (a)_x := Gamma(a + x)/Gamma(a)}.")
(defmfun incomplete-gamma (a x)
"gsl_sf_gamma_inc_Q_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The normalized incomplete Gamma Function
Q(a,x) = 1/Gamma(a) \int_x^\infty dt t^{a-1} \exp(-t) for a > 0, x >= 0.")
(defmfun complementary-incomplete-gamma (a x)
"gsl_sf_gamma_inc_P_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The complementary normalized incomplete Gamma Function
P(a,x) = 1/\Gamma(a) \int_0^x dt t^{a-1} \exp(-t)}
for a > 0, x >= 0. Note that Abramowitz & Stegun
call P(a,x) the incomplete gamma function (section 6.5).")
(defmfun nonnormalized-incomplete-gamma (a x)
"gsl_sf_gamma_inc_e" ((a :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The incomplete Gamma Function
Gamma(a,x), without the normalization factor
Gamma(a,x) = \int_x^\infty dt t^{a-1} \exp(-t)
for a real and x >= 0.")
(defmfun beta (a b)
"gsl_sf_beta_e" ((a :double) (b :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The Beta Function, B(a,b) = Gamma(a)Gamma(b)/Gamma(a+b)} for a > 0, b > 0.")
(defmfun log-beta (a b)
"gsl_sf_lnbeta_e" ((a :double) (b :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The logarithm of the Beta Function, log(B(a,b)) for a > 0, b > 0.")
(defmfun incomplete-beta (a b x)
((a :double) (b :double) (x :double) (ret sf-result))
:documentation ; FDL
"The normalized incomplete Beta function
B_x(a,b)/B(a,b) where
B_x(a,b) = \int_0^x t^{a-1} (1-t)^{b-1} dt
for a > 0, b > 0, and 0 <= x <= 1.")
;;;; Examples and unit test
(gamma -1.0d0)
(gamma 6.0d0)
(log-gamma -100.0d0)
(log-gamma 100.0d0)
(log-gamma-sign 100.0d0)
(gamma* 24.0d0)
(1/gamma 8.0d0)
(log-gamma-complex #C(10.0d0 10.0d0))
(taylor-coefficient 12 3.0d0)
(factorial 12)
(double-factorial 12)
(log-factorial 199)
(log-double-factorial 199)
(choose 8 3)
(choose 3 8)
(log-choose 67 12)
(pochammer 3.0d0 2.0d0)
(log-pochammer 2.0d0 199.0d0)
(log-pochammer-sign 2.0d0 199.0d0)
(relative-pochammer 2.0d0 9.0d0)
(incomplete-gamma 2.0d0 2.0d0)
(complementary-incomplete-gamma 2.0d0 2.0d0)
(nonnormalized-incomplete-gamma 2.0d0 2.0d0)
(beta 5.50d0 1.0d0)
(log-beta 5.5d0 1.0d0)
(incomplete-beta 1.0d0 1.50d0 0.50d0))