;; Chebyshev Approximations
;; Liam Healy Sat Nov 17 2007 - 20:36
;; Time-stamp: <2012-01-13 12:01:09EST chebyshev.lisp>
;; Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Liam M. Healy
;; Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
Liam Healy
;;; /usr/include/gsl/gsl_chebyshev.h
;;;; Creation and calculation of Chebyshev series
(defmobject chebyshev "gsl_cheb"
"Make a Chebyshev series of specified order."
(callback (:struct fnstruct) nil (function :double (:input :double) :slug))
:initialize-suffix "init"
((callback :pointer) (lower-limit :double) (upper-limit :double))
:singular (function))
(defmfun order ((object chebyshev))
(((mpointer object) :pointer))
:definition :method
:documentation "The order of Chebyshev series."
(((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer))
:documentation "The length of the Chebyshev coefficient array."
:gsl-version (1 12))
(defmfun coefficients (chebyshev)
(((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer))
:c-return (crtn :pointer)
"The Chebyshev coefficient array as a CL array (foreign-friendly)."
:return ((grid:make-foreign-array-from-pointer
crtn (list (size chebyshev)) 'double-float t))
;;;; Chebyshev series evaluation
;;; The functions that don't return are defined, but it is recommended
;;; to use the functions that do return error (and ignore it if
;;; desired) in the form of #'evaluate.
(defmfun evaluate ((object chebyshev) x &key order)
((((mpointer object) :pointer) (x :double))
(((mpointer object) :pointer) (order :sizet) (x :double)))
:callback-object object
"Evaluate the Chebyshev series at a point x. If order is supplied,
evaluate to at most the given order.")
(defmfun evaluate-chebyshev-error (chebyshev x &optional order)
("gsl_cheb_eval_err" "gsl_cheb_eval_n_err")
((((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer) (x :double)
(result (:pointer :double)) (abserr (:pointer :double)))
(((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer) (order :sizet) (x :double)
(result (:pointer :double)) (abserr (:pointer :double))))
"Evaluate the Chebyshev series at a point x, returning result and
an estimate of its absolute error. If order is supplied,
evaluate to at most the given order.")
;;;; Derivatives and integrals
(((mpointer derivative) :pointer) ((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer))
"Compute the derivative of the Chebyshev series, storing
the derivative coefficients in the previously allocated series.
The two series must have been allocated with the same order.")
(((mpointer integral) :pointer) ((mpointer chebyshev) :pointer))
"Compute the integral of the Chebyshev series, storing
the integral coefficients in the previously allocated series.
The two series must have been allocated with the same order.
The lower limit of the integration is taken to be the left hand
end of the range lower-limit.")
;;;; Example
;;; From Chap. 28.5, except I have set steps = 100 instead of 10000
(defun chebyshev-step (x) (if (< x 0.5d0) 0.25d0 0.75d0))
(defun chebyshev-table-example ()
(let ((steps 100))
(let ((cheb (make-chebyshev 40 'chebyshev-step 0.0d0 1.0d0)))
(dotimes (i steps)
(let ((x (coerce (/ i steps) 'double-float)))
(format t "~&~a ~a ~a ~a"
(chebyshev-step x)
(evaluate cheb x :order 10)
(evaluate cheb x)))))))
(defun chebyshev-point-example (x)
(check-type x double-float)
(let ((cheb (make-chebyshev 40 'chebyshev-step 0.0d0 1.0d0))
(deriv (make-chebyshev 40))
(integ (make-chebyshev 40)))
(derivative-chebyshev deriv cheb)
(integral-chebyshev integ cheb)
(evaluate cheb x)
(evaluate deriv x)
(evaluate integ x))))