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<title>GSLL, the GNU Scientific Library for Lisp</title>
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<h2>GNU Scientific Library for Lisp</h2>
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<p>The GNU Scientific Library for Lisp (GSLL) allows you to use
the <a href="">GNU Scientific
Library (GSL)</a> from Common Lisp. This library provides a
full range of common mathematical operations useful to
scientific and engineering applications. The design of the GSLL
interface is such that access to most of the GSL library is
possible in a Lisp-natural way; the intent is that the user not
be hampered by the restrictions of the C language in which GSL
has been written. GSLL thus provides interactive use of GSL for
getting quick answers, even for someone not intending
to program in Lisp.
<p>Topics include: roots of polynomials, special functions,
vectors and matrices, permutations, sorting, BLAS (basic
linear algebra subprograms), linear algebra, eigensystems,
fast Fourier transforms, quadrature, random numbers,
quasi-random sequences, random distributions, statistics,
histograms, N-tuples, Monte Carlo integration, simulated
annealing, differential equations, interpolation, numerical
differentiation, Chebyshev approximation, series acceleration,
discrete Hankel transforms, root-finding, minimization
least-squares fitting, IEEE floating-point, discrete wavelet
transforms. See documentation on status of some incomplete
<p>This code should be considered alpha and is still under
development, but it is largely usable
now, with some GSL capability not yet available.</p>
<p>This software is distributed under the <a
and <a href="">FDL</a>.
See COPYING. There is absolutely no warranty.</p>
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<p>The <a href="">Jacobian elliptic functions</a> <i>sn</i>, <i>cn</i>, and
<i>dn</i> are special functions (Chapter 7):</p>
(jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.2d0 0.81d0)
<p>which returns the three function values in succession, along
with the estimated errors of each. The functions are defined
only if the second argument <i>m</i> is not greater than 1,
so an error is signalled if this parameter is out of range: </p>
(jacobian-elliptic-functions 0.61802d0 1.5d0)
Input domain error |m| > 1.0 in elljac.c at line 46
[Condition of type INPUT-DOMAIN]
<h3>Requirements and Platforms</h3>
<div class="content">
<p> GSLL should work in any Common Lisp implementation and platform combination
for which the following are supported:
<li><a href="">GSL</a></li>
<li><a href="">CFFI</a>
(Version 0.10.0 or newer,
or <a href="">the
version in Debian/lenny</a>)
Only platforms and implementations which have callbacks and
foreign-funcall support will work.
<li><a href="">trivial-garbage</a>
<li><a href="">cl-utilities</a>
<li><a href="">ASDF</a></li>
In <a href="">Debian</a> Lenny (5.0) or newer,
the following should work:</p>
aptitude install <a href="">libgsl0ldbl</a> <a href="">cl-cffi</a>
and you will need to manually download and install
trivial-garbage; ASDF is automatically installed with your CL
implementation. Once your CL implementation is running, do
<code>(asdf:operate 'asdf:compile-op :gsll)</code>
or, if using Debian with the
<a href="">
common-lisp-controller</a>, install with
<code>clc-register-user-package</code> and then within Lisp
<code>(clc:clc-require :gsll)</code>.
<p>GSLL has been tested with <a
href="">SBCL</a> on Debian amd64.</p>
<div class="content">
<p>See <a href="">the official
repository</a> to browse or download. To clone:
git clone git://
To retrieve a compressed tarball, click one of the "snapshot" links on
the repository web page.
<li>A <a href="documentation.html">documentation</a> guide is
<li>The <a href="development.html">development</a> process is described
separately for those interested.
<li>There is a <a
list</a> for all aspects of this project.
<h3>Similar or related projects from others</h3>
<div class="content">
A Matlab-like array syntax and plotting is provided by
<a href="">NLISP</a> which might work well with
GSLL. Other numerical mathematics software for Lisp may be found
<a href="">on Clicki</a>.
A partial interface to GSL is provided in <a
<div class="footer">
<address><a href="">Liam Healy</a></address>
<!-- Created: Feb 25 2005 -->
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