;; Index lookup and acceleration
;; Liam Healy, Sun Nov 4 2007 - 18:09
(in-package :gsl)
(defgo-s (acceleration) allocate-acceleration free-acceleration nil 0)
(defmfun interpolation-search (x-array x low-index high-index)
((x-array :pointer) (x :double) (low-index sizet) (high-index sizet))
:c-return sizet
:documentation ; FDL
"Find the index i of the array x-array such
that x-array[i] <= x < x-array[i+1]. The index is searched for
in the range [low-index, high-index].")
:c-return :pointer
:index (letm acceleration)
"Allocate an accelerator object, which is a
kind of iterator for interpolation lookups. It tracks the state of
lookups, thus allowing for application of various acceleration
(defmfun accelerated-interpolation-search (x-array x acceleration)
((acceleration :pointer) (x-array :pointer) (x :double))
:documentation ; FDL
"Search the data array x-array of size, using the given acceleration.
This is how lookups are performed during evaluation of an interpolation. The
function returns an index i such that x_array[i] <= x < x_array[i+1]}.")
((acceleration :pointer))
:index (letm acceleration)
:c-return :void
"Frees the accelerator object.")