- Mar 02, 2013
Liam M. Healy authored
- Aug 19, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
- Aug 17, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
- Aug 10, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
- Oct 12, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jul 22, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jul 19, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Jul 01, 2010
Liam Healy authored
In the tests, complex arrays were initialized with reals (giving real, imaginary in sequence), but that is no longer permitted, so these were converted into complex.
Liam Healy authored
- Jun 30, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Jun 27, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Package renamed to :grid from :c-array, function renamed to 'foreign-pointer from 'c-pointer. Eliminate reference to native. Port make-marray-or-default to foreign-array.
- Jun 08, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Dependencies line for clbuild is now fixed; tests count and source.
- Apr 17, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Dec 27, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Add copyright and license information to each file, include a copy of the GPL under documentation/COPYING.
- Dec 25, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Explain in the documentation the dependence of GSLL on the GSD systems grid and c-array.
- Dec 24, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The grid subdirectory is now the c-array system within the GSD repository, as it has no GSL-dependent definitions and is potentially useful on its own for other C libraries. There is a bare minimum mention of GSD in the documentation, which needs to be enhanced as it is required for GSLL to compile/load.
- Dec 08, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Continued separation of GSLL into two packages and eventually systems, the definitions in element-types.lisp are now in the c-array package.
- Nov 26, 2009
Sumant Oemrawsingh authored
fft-frequency-vector can be used to make a vector that contains the actual sample frequencies (so you don't have to guess or write your own). fft-shift and fft-inverse-shift shift the zero frequency to the center (for easy plotting), and the inverse (for proper inverse FFT). These functions are comparable to fftfreq, fftshift and ifftshift in numpy (if anyone cares...).
- Nov 09, 2009
Liam M. Healy authored
In FFT, the default wavetable and workspace arguments to functions now all use #'make-fft-wavetable and make-fft-workspace. Removed definition of +cgsm-gauss+ because evidently GSL_CONST_CGSM_GAUSS is no longer in GSL as of 1.13. Added dependency on init for physical-consants. Trivial change to names of systems in asd files to be more standard.
- Nov 02, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The function #'forward-fourier-transform selects among the 12 GSL forward FFT functions, depending on whether the length of the vector is a power of 2, whether the :half-complex flag is set, and the type of the vector. This exported function, along with its supporting internal functions, are in the file forward.lisp. The dimension argument for fft-pulse-test is now mandatory. All mobjects have been renamed so that they end with either -single-float or -double-float, consistent with the naming scheme in the rest of GSLL. Eliminated (evidently) obsolete example file fft-example.lisp.
- Nov 01, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Added FFT to the list of features in index.html and removed from missing-features.text; also updated other things in missing-features.text.
- Jun 16, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The CFFI-grovel with the double-float constants has been released in version 0.10.5, update the documentation to reflect this.
- Jun 08, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Stelian Ionescu has modified CFFI-grovel to generate double-float constants with :type double-float in constant. GSLL has been ported to use that. This requires a version of CFFI which includes the patch of Mon Jun 8 10:29:44 EDT 2009. It works, but until this has a release number, it will stay out of the master GSLL branch.
- Jun 06, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Almost all GSL structures are now defined using CFFI-grovel, which makes the code more robust should there be changes in GSL. The exceptions are complex-float-c, complex-double-c, and simulated-annealing-parameters; because these structures are used by value, they need to be defined with fsbv:defcstruct at the present.
- Jun 05, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
Use row separator ^ in example in documentation index.html.
Liam Healy authored
The reader macro #m now evaluates its arguments, so creating a vector with e.g. #m(pi (sqrt 3) (cos (/ pi 4))) is now possible. Matrices are specified by using ^ in the list to separate rows. GSLL now requires cl-utilities once again.
- Jun 04, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The iterate extensions will be loaded if iterate and asdf-system-connections are present. The example works in SBCL but there is an error in CCL.
- May 29, 2009
Liam Healy authored
All physical constants in gsl/gsl_const_mksa.h and gsl/gsl_const_cgsm.h are defined as Lisp constants and exported. This requires a patch to CFFI grovel/grovel.lisp. Since this patch has just been sent to the CFFI mailing list and is not generally available, this will remain off the master branch until the patched CFFI is generally available.
- May 25, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Instead of hardwiring GSL's #define or enum values, define them in init/libgsl-unix.lisp and run CFFI-grovel on them. This has the advantage that if these values change in GSL, GSLL will automatically get the new values; also, there was an error in the 'integrate-method enum due to an incorrect starting value. It has the disadvantage that building GSLL now requires a C compiler and some of the header (.h) files for GSL. Also, it's not clear what the form for libgsl-*.lisp files are for non-unix OSes.
- May 20, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Simulated annealing is now loaded with the defsystem, and its presence advertised in documentation/index.html. The file simulated-annealing.lisp has been moved to solve-minimize-fit. The GSL "make check" tests have been added at the end of the file, but they are not added to GSLL's examples/tests yet because of how slow it runs.
- May 03, 2009
Liam Healy authored
More accurate description of how to use FSBV; better organization of the download/install section.
Liam Healy authored
All source code is now conditionalized so that FSBV is optional. If present, functions using complex scalars will work. If absent, GSLL will compile and load correctly, and all functions except those using complex scalars will work. The examples and tests are defined appropriately. Documentation on FSBV dependence has been added to index.html.
- Apr 04, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Integration methods integration-QAWS: adaptive integration for singular functions integration-QAWO: adaptive integration for oscillatory functions integration-QAWF: adaptive integration for Fourier integrals have been added in a file numerical-integration-with-tables.lisp. These require tables with are new mobjects. All of the tests from GSL in gsl-1.11/integration/test.c and gsl-1.11/integration/tests.c for ported functions are now in either this file or numerical-integration.lisp. SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1522 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1525 assertions passed, 2 failed, 0 execution errors.
Liam Healy authored
The defmobject argument 'class-slots-instance is no longer used, so #'callback-arg-p and the only use of with-unique-names can be eliminated, and thus the dependency on cl-utilities. Constant GSL functions in the library (such as minimizers) which were introduced in a GSL version newer than loaded now expand as symbol macros which signal the 'obsolete-gsl-version error.
- Apr 01, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Added link to "function designator" definition.
Liam Healy authored
Redefine the form of :callback-dynamic to be (dimensions (function scalarsp) ...) and usage in numerical-differentiation, numerical-integration, and monte-carlo. Parse this variable in callbacks.lisp with #'cbd-dimensions and #'cbd-functions. Fix error in wfo-declare which had gsl-function hardwired. If manually defined (defconstant +success+ 0), all tests that pass in master also pass here: SBCL TOTAL: 1451 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL TOTAL: 1454 assertions passed, 2 failed, 0 execution errors.
- Mar 20, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Both copy-to-array and copy-making-destination have been extended so that an mpointer can occur as the first or second argument. If the first argument, the second argument should be a symbol representing a subclass of marray. If the second argument is not present (copy-making-destination), 'vector-double-float is assumed. If the mpointer is the second argument, the marray contents are copied into its contents. These methods are useful for callbacks and GSL functions that send raw mpointers. For example, a callback that uses foreign arrays directly can simply copy from and to them. This has been applied in the solve-minimize-fit functions that return a raw mpointer, replacing the explicit call to make-marray. The first argument to #'marray can now be either the class name or element-type.
- Mar 11, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The unit/regression test lisp-unit has been split off into its own system. This includes the extensions made to it for GSLL, as modified by Thomas Hermann.