- Feb 19, 2012
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jan 13, 2012
Liam M. Healy authored
- Oct 30, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Specify the foreign structures with CFFI's new syntax, (:struct foo), and fix #'creturn-st so that it will not take :struct (or any other keyword) as a return variable name. GSLL now compiles and loads without error or warning, but it has not been tested.
- Oct 29, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Fix sf-result and sf-result-e10 translation methods, and use in complex-with-error and values-with-errors. Some usage in gamma.lisp updated, but there will be a need to replace sf-result with (:struct sf-result) in all declarations for many special functions. I removed ffexpand and everything it depended on because there is no reason to make a side defcfun for call-by-value functions, and if FSBV is missing CFFI already emits an error. All usage of fsbv:object and any thing from the FSBV package is now gone.
- Oct 24, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Eliminate fsbv:object for built-in types; started conversion of special function result (sf-result*) structures but this requires a modification to CFFI. Simulated annealing structure called by value. Use cffi-fsbv's sizet definition; this imposes a dependence on that system. No compilation attempted yet.
- Oct 18, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
- Aug 20, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
CCL gets a conflict between the type antik:acceleration and the class gsll:acceleration, so remove the symbol from the shadowing list of GSLL and add it to antik::*antik-user-shadow-symbols*.
- Jan 30, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
In actual-array-class, if 'category is not one of 'vector, 'matrix or 'both, then assume it's actually a class name and just return it without trying to make a class name. This fixes a problem with e.g. elt+ where the second argument specializer is a class name of the scalar.
- Jan 13, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Define symbols to be shadowed and packages to be used for convenience and conflict resolution in the Antik user packages.
- Jan 12, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Don't import grid:element-type, grid:foreign-array, and grid:matrix, but rather refer to them with package prefix explicitly. Superficially checked but requires more careful check.
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jan 10, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Explicit package reference to grid:dimensions but there's an error because if the symbol isn't imported many more tests fail.
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jan 01, 2011
Liam M. Healy authored
Import symbols from the gsll package into the antik-user package, managing conflicts.
- Dec 19, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
Use new macros define-equivalent-type, defconvert, and defenumeration from FSBV.
- Dec 16, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
- Dec 12, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Dec 04, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Use fsbv:defconvert to define sf-result and sf-result-e10, and use #'fsbv:object instead of #'val, #'err, #'e10, which have been eliminated.
Liam Healy authored
New function values-unless-singleton will wrap the forms in 'values if there are more than one, otherwise it just returns the form. This is used in the return value(s) in the defmfun expansion (by way of body-expand) so that if the returned form returns multiple values, they all come back from the defmfunned function (note that (values (values ...)) removes only returns the first value.
- Nov 28, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Eliminate calls to grid:complex-to-cl because it has been eliminated; rely on fsbv:object to do the conversion. Use new function #'fsbv:converter-defined-p.
- Nov 27, 2010
Liam Healy authored
In cl-convert-form, use fsbv:object on foreign structs if FSBV has been loaded. Previously, the conversion of (complex single-float) was wrong because it assumed numbers were double-float; the test results for dot and cdot have been fixed.
Liam Healy authored
- Nov 25, 2010
Liam Healy authored
New macros #'maref and #'(setf maref) get and set elements of the GSL array directly from the mpointer. These are not used by users, but in the make-funcallable-form expansion of callbacks when scalarsp = T is specified. This fixes an error in the argument order in the (setf get-value) generic function that this replaces.
- Nov 14, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Define method grid:gref* for histograms; it was a definition of grid:gref, but with the compiler macro that turns that into grid:gref*, we need it to be a definition of grid:gref* instead. Removed the definition of +foreign-array-pointer+ and +foreign-array-type+ to the grid package.
- Aug 17, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Aug 13, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Put :unix at the end of load-foreign-library list so that more specific unices like :darwin get seen first.
- Aug 11, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
CLISP does not recognize that an uninterned symbol in different parts of a progn is the same; http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=836838&group_id=1355&atid=101355 Since this bug was "long-standing" the better part of a decade ago, we will assume it now has tenure and change the progn to let.
- Jul 20, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Name conditions generic-failure-1 and generic-failure-2 because CCL doesn't like the duplicate differently. Withdraw the conditionalization away of +nan+, +positive-infinity+, and +negative-infinity+ for CCL because the latest version "Version 1.6-dev-r13994M-trunk (LinuxX8664)" can handle them.
- Jul 16, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Copy with #'grid:copy methods and eliminate copy-to-destination and copy-making-destination. For non-grid objects, the presence or absence of destination selects different foreign functions.
- Jul 14, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Define get-value and (setf get-value) methods for matrices, and compute two indices when used, by making use of affi::delinearize-index. Add &rest to *defmfun-llk* so that it won't be included in the ignore list. Minor fixes to make more tests work.
Liam Healy authored
- Jul 13, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
Using the new function faify-form, pointers passed by GSL to callbacks are converted to foreign-array objects if scalarsp is nil. This has been tested on multidimensional minimization only so far, and works. Note that this is potentially inefficient, as each time the callback is called, new objects are made and in the callback itself any grefs involve a generic function dispatch. However, it is easier to write the callback than dealing with the raw pointer.
Liam Healy authored
The functions get-value and (setf get-value) are now used in #'reference-foreign-element for scalarsp. They are also used as a demonstration for vector callbacks in minimization-multi, but perhaps a better interface could be constructed.
- Jul 12, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jul 11, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
In reference-foreign-element for callbacks being passed scalars, use the new function gref-mpointer-form instead of grid:gref. This function expands to one of the gsl_*_get functions to directly get an element from the GSL mpointer, instead of using the foreign-array mechanism.
- Jul 07, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Do not use cl-array in tests because it isn't always available. The safer way is by doing a copy out to a new CL array.