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  1. Apr 08, 2011
  2. Jul 01, 2010
  3. Jun 30, 2010
  4. Dec 27, 2009
  5. Mar 30, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      ODE solver functional with funcallables · 741fd237
      Liam Healy authored
      Changed the defmobject definitions to handle a 'callback-included-cl
      object.  Changed the ODE solver definitions to take separate arguments
      for the function and Jacobian, as well as scalarsp.  Not completely
      finished, but tests
      (integrate-vanderpol 1.0d0 1.d-4 +step-rk2+ nil)
      (integrate-vanderpol 1.0d0 1.d-4 +step-rkf45+ nil)
      work correctly.
  6. Mar 26, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      Start port new spec of callback arguments, make-funcallable, ODE · c125397a
      Liam Healy authored
      New specification of callback arguments
      parse-callback-argspec takes 
        io, element-type, array-type, dimensions
      Not at all implemented anywhere in the code.
      Made file funcallable.lisp out of the old defmcallback, designed to
      create a lambda for compilation that will be funcalled by the (new)
      defmcallback body.  This still uses the old specification for function
      arguments.  Started porting ODE callbacks, but this has been suspended
      while the first two changes are being completed.  None of this works
      in any way.
  7. Feb 23, 2009
  8. Feb 15, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      Consistent apply-step, apply-evolution function names and arguments · f4489bf4
      Liam Healy authored
      The arguments have been changed in apply-step, apply-evolution so that
      they match for the first three arguments.  The function name
      apply-step was changed so the two are similar.  The macro
      with-ode-integration defines a local function #'next-step instead of a
      symbol macro 'make-next-step because symbols in the body of a simple
      loop violate the CL standard.  Some documentation has been updated
      with the contribution of Mirko Vikovic.
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      Callback struct stored in ode-stepper slot · 47ce1e4a
      Liam Healy authored
      Changed the code so that the callback struct is now in ode-stepper
      instead of ode-evolution, because all solvers need stepper but only
      variable step integrators need evolution.  The ode examples/tests
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      ODE evolution ported to callbacks-included · b6561c8e
      Liam Healy authored
      Mobject 'ode-evolution is now made as a subclass of 'callbacks-included-cl, a
      new class that is a subclass of 'callbacks-included, but which stores the
      cbstruct pointer in a CL slot rather than in a foreign struct.  This example is
      (integrate-vanderpol 1.0d0 1.d-4 *step-rk4* nil)
  9. Jan 26, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      New macro with-ode-integration, new ODE tests · b6d90200
      Liam Healy authored
      The macro with-ode-integration has been significantly altered, using
      marrays and symbol macros to make integration forms easier.  There are
      now 10 ode tests, one for each of the supplied steppers.
  10. Jan 25, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      ODE control objects · 4e83fcc4
      Liam Healy authored
      ODE control is now done with GSL objects, including a superclass
  11. Jan 24, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      Define callbacks by returning the struct pointer, without setting specials · f0c7ecec
      Liam Healy authored
      Macro defcbstruct and all the macros built on it now simply return the
      C struct needed by GSL functions instead of binding a special whose
      name is then passed to the GSL functions.  Specials can still be used
      of course in the standard way like defparameter, but the results can
      also be bound locally with a let or passed in directly.  The name of a
      callback passed to defmcallback and to defcbstruct in all the macros
      that expand both is now gensymmed (since it is used only long enough
      to put in a slot of the cbstruct) instead of taken to be the name of
      the CL function, in order to make clear the different objects.
      Unfortunately, there is appears to be a bug in CFFI using defcallback
      with an uninterned symbol in CCL, so I have put a workaround in.
      However, there is still another error even with this workaround.
      Thus test results are:
      SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1248 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors.
      CCL 64: TOTAL: 1229 assertions passed, 2 failed, 6 execution errors.
  12. Jan 21, 2009
  13. Jan 19, 2009
    • Liam Healy's avatar
      Redefine defmcallback to provide and accept scalars from CL functions · c83788ed
      Liam Healy authored
      New definition for defmcallback will now convert C array pointers
      passed to the function by GSL into individual scalar arguments of the
      CL function, and will take multiple value returns and assign as
      elements of the return C arrays.  Applied to def-ode-functions and the
      van der Pol oscillator example.  Redefined #'maref-function-picker as
      a macro from a function, eliminating the need for an eval-when form.
  14. Aug 22, 2008
  15. Jul 25, 2008
  16. Feb 18, 2008
  17. Jan 29, 2008
  18. Jan 21, 2008
  19. Jan 16, 2008
  20. Jan 06, 2008
  21. Oct 01, 2007
  22. Sep 30, 2007
  23. Sep 25, 2007
  24. Sep 16, 2007