- May 23, 2010
Liam Healy authored
The paths to the foreign libraries have been simplified, making use of CFFI's statement "Most, if not all, Lisps supported by CFFI have a reasonable default search algorithm for foreign libraries." Therefore, the paths have been eliminated. If they need to be added, this should be done by modifying the variable cffi:*foreign-library-directories*. The header files location set with cc-flags for Darwin has been changed to use (gsl-config "--cflags").
Liam Healy authored
- May 22, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Added chi-squared (which was not loaded at all), exponential, exponential-power, fdist, gamma-randist, tdist. Introduced new macros assert-posinf and assert-neginf to check for expected infinite results. Improved the automatic test converter and noted its known failings.
Liam Healy authored
The tests for #'ugaussian-p, #'ugaussian-q, #'ugaussian-pinv, #'ugaussian-qinv are automatically converted from the GSL tests instead of converted from the examples.
Liam Healy authored
Convert the cdf/test.c GSL test file to a list of CL forms. This requires cl-ppcre and iterate, and is not normally loaded with either gsll or gsll-tests.
Liam Healy authored
Introduced a new macro #'assert-to-tolerance to be used in lisp-unit:define-test forms that takes three arguments: form expected-value tolerance. This replaces test-tol6 that was defined in tdist.lisp. Defined the tolerance constants +test-tol6+ the exact same way as GSL, but grovelling machine.h where GSL_DBL_EPSILON is defined.
- Apr 26, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
In the nonlinear least squares solver, make 'covariance an optional argument to #'ls-covariance. Make the first argument the solver object instead of a pointer, so the jacobian is computed before being passed to the foreign function.
Russell Kliese authored
Fixed nonlinear least squares fitting to allow its use outside the gsl package * Updated fit-test-delta function to take take the solver object in order to avoid passing it raw pointers * Exported the jacobian function
Liam Healy authored
- Apr 20, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Improve the message from obsolete-gsl-version, telling the user to remove fasls and recompile after a GSL upgrade.
- Apr 18, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Use GSL tests for random distributions. Port all tdist tests; some of laplace.
- Apr 17, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Apr 15, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Apr 14, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
The GSL function gsl_sf_elljac_e writes sn, cn, dn values to doubles for which the pointer has been passed in, as shown in /usr/include/gsl/gsl_sf_elljac.h, and not to sf-result as one might be led to conclude from the "_e" at the end of the name. This is now fixed in GSLL, so that the tests, which sometimes passed and sometimes didn't depending on what was run before it, now should always work. The single non-error test been replaced by the 35 GSL tests in gsl/specfunc/test_sf.c, and they all pass in SBCL Linux AMD64.
- Apr 10, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Jame Wright pointed out that the function trivial-example-step tried to apply the function #'sample to what turns out to be a foreign pointer, but it should take a CL object. This is because we are making a random number generator, passing the foreign pointer to GSL, and then it is passing that pointer back to our routines so that we can use it in the step function. This has been changed so that there is a special variable cl-generator which is bound to the CL object in #'simulated-annealing, and then used in the step function, while the foreign pointer being returned to us is ignored.
- Apr 05, 2010
James Wright authored
- Mar 28, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Extract c-pointer of interpolation arrays xa, ya before passing, instead of trying to pass the CL object directly to GSL. Fixes error http://common-lisp.net/pipermail/gsll-devel/2010q1/000437.html reported by Mirko Vukovic.
- Mar 14, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Creating marrays with grid:make-grid would fail because grid:make-grid-data incorrectly passed a NIL if :initial-element was not specified.
Liam Healy authored
Upcase string before interning in #'data-class-name, so that #m will work correctly even if *print-case* is set to :downcase. Bug reported by Leo.
- Feb 07, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Feb 05, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jan 20, 2010
Liam M. Healy authored
- Jan 19, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Correct default vector size in SV-solve for non-square matrices; patch by Evgeniy Zhemchugov.
Liam Healy authored
Define #'cholesky-invert using gsl_cholesky_invert introduced in GSL 1.12. Tests need to be generated. By Evgeniy Zhemchugov.
- Jan 17, 2010
Liam Healy authored
Russell Kliese authored
- Jan 03, 2010
ssh://repo.or.cz/srv/git/gsllLiam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
- Jan 01, 2010
Liam Healy authored
- Dec 28, 2009
Liam M. Healy authored
- Dec 27, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Add copyright and license information to each file, include a copy of the GPL under documentation/COPYING.
- Dec 26, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Removed some marrays marked as :input when their values were not used. This failed in CCL because the arrays in those cases were created with no initial values, and no values were set, so that they were marked cl-invalid. Created #'make-marray-or-default to facilitate defaulting of marrays in defmfun, and marking validity appropriately. Test results: SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1627 assertions passed, 6 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1620 assertions passed, 13 failed, 0 execution errors.
Liam Healy authored
Some symbols that were formerly in the GSLL package and now are in c-array need to imported from that package. This only affects non-native implementation and so was discovered in trying to compile in CCL. There are still too many test failures in CCL.
- Dec 25, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Explain in the documentation the dependence of GSLL on the GSD systems grid and c-array.
- Dec 24, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The grid subdirectory is now the c-array system within the GSD repository, as it has no GSL-dependent definitions and is potentially useful on its own for other C libraries. There is a bare minimum mention of GSD in the documentation, which needs to be enhanced as it is required for GSLL to compile/load.
- Dec 23, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Replace create-matrix and constant-matrix by using the grid functions grid:map-grid and grid:make-grid; eliminate create-vector because vectors can be generated with create-matrix and using nil for the second dimension argument. In the grid:make-grid-data method for make-marray, the first argument, which is the element type, needs to be extracted from the rest spec with a newly-changed grid:spec-scalar-p because compound types like (complex double-float) were not being recognized as element types.
- Dec 22, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The GSLL marrays now function correctly as instances of grid:grid; for example, (grid:transpose *m35*) works. All previous tests pass in SBCL.
Liam Healy authored
The grid definitions supply the slot 'grid:data which can be used for CL array storage for marrays. In order for a combination of zero dimension (k) to be made, there is an ignore-errors around the make-affi in initialize-instance :after for foreign-array.