- Aug 22, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Darwin ports installs .h files under /opt/local/include/, so put -I option onto cffi-grovel::*cc-flags*.
Liam Healy authored
The GSL condition code defconstants are now enclosed in an eval-when so that they can be used later in the same file.
- Jun 18, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Some files in init depend on libgsl, so dependency is now given in gsll.asd.
- Jun 16, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Merge branch 'physical-constants'
Liam Healy authored
The CFFI-grovel with the double-float constants has been released in version 0.10.5, update the documentation to reflect this.
Liam Healy authored
ASDF load-op on cffi-grovel prior to defsystem so that cffi-grovel:grovel-file works.
Liam Healy authored
The constants used for GSL conditions (+EDOM+ etc.) are defined inside an eval-when so that implementations like CLISP that don't evaluate at compile time will still be able to use the constants in the following parts of the file. This now compiles in CLISP (as well as SBCL and CCL).
- Jun 15, 2009
Liam Healy authored
- Jun 10, 2009
Liam Healy authored
In the definition of multi-dimensional-minimizer-fdf, the dimensions of the :output for df and fdf have been corrected by removing an extra dim0. The parabaloid example has been implemented using scalars, and the results match that of the vector form. A test has been added for the scalar form.
- Jun 08, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Stelian Ionescu has modified CFFI-grovel to generate double-float constants with :type double-float in constant. GSLL has been ported to use that. This requires a version of CFFI which includes the patch of Mon Jun 8 10:29:44 EDT 2009. It works, but until this has a release number, it will stay out of the master GSLL branch.
- Jun 07, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Add copyright statement to COPYING.
- Jun 06, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Almost all GSL structures are now defined using CFFI-grovel, which makes the code more robust should there be changes in GSL. The exceptions are complex-float-c, complex-double-c, and simulated-annealing-parameters; because these structures are used by value, they need to be defined with fsbv:defcstruct at the present.
- Jun 05, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Liam Healy authored
Use row separator ^ in example in documentation index.html.
Liam Healy authored
The row separator symbol in #m, '^, is now exported. Since cl-utilities is now required for the macro reader, we might as well use it in iterate.lisp for the names in the defmacro-driver clauses.
Liam Healy authored
The reader macro #m now evaluates its arguments, so creating a vector with e.g. #m(pi (sqrt 3) (cos (/ pi 4))) is now possible. Matrices are specified by using ^ in the list to separate rows. GSLL now requires cl-utilities once again.
- Jun 04, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The iterate extensions will be loaded if iterate and asdf-system-connections are present. The example works in SBCL but there is an error in CCL.
Liam Healy authored
Use check-type in iterate extensions rather than a typecase; this shortens the code. Clause names shortened to matrix-element, vector-element, etc.
- May 31, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Extension to iterate (http://common-lisp.net/project/iterate/) for marrays by Norman Werner.
- May 29, 2009
Liam Healy authored
All physical constants in gsl/gsl_const_mksa.h and gsl/gsl_const_cgsm.h are defined as Lisp constants and exported. This requires a patch to CFFI grovel/grovel.lisp. Since this patch has just been sent to the CFFI mailing list and is not generally available, this will remain off the master branch until the patched CFFI is generally available.
- May 27, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Key argument :probability in #'sample for bernoulli, instead of :p.
- May 25, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Started writing definitions of constants based on GSL's physical constants, using cffi-grovel. This has not proceeded beyond the first definition because cffi-grovel at the present time casts everything to an integer.
Liam Healy authored
Instead of hardwiring GSL's #define or enum values, define them in init/libgsl-unix.lisp and run CFFI-grovel on them. This has the advantage that if these values change in GSL, GSLL will automatically get the new values; also, there was an error in the 'integrate-method enum due to an incorrect starting value. It has the disadvantage that building GSLL now requires a C compiler and some of the header (.h) files for GSL. Also, it's not clear what the form for libgsl-*.lisp files are for non-unix OSes.
Liam Healy authored
Use #'size instead of #'total-size for marrays.
Liam Healy authored
A new generic function #'size replaces the old ordinary functions #'size (for Chebyshev) and #'combination-size, #'permutation-size, #'rng-size, and #'mfminimizer-size.
Liam Healy authored
The random number distribution functions have been made methods of #'sample, with 'source being the generator.
- May 24, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The parameters for simulated annealing n-tries iterations-fixed-T step-size k t-initial mu-t t-min are now passed as individual arguments to #'simulated-annealing, which assembles them into a list for simulated-annealing-int.
- May 20, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Added type declarations for callbacks; this reduces execution time from 28 seconds to 24 seconds.
Liam Healy authored
Simulated annealing is now loaded with the defsystem, and its presence advertised in documentation/index.html. The file simulated-annealing.lisp has been moved to solve-minimize-fit. The GSL "make check" tests have been added at the end of the file, but they are not added to GSLL's examples/tests yet because of how slow it runs.
Liam Healy authored
Simulated annealing now works. The trivial example given in GSL source doc/examples/siman.c is coded up at the end of simulated-annealing.lisp. Both versions produce the same answer, 1.36313001299 #<VECTOR-DOUBLE-FLOAT #(1.3631300129927695d0)> Note that the parameters for this example are slightly different than what is given in the manual; the manual version of the parameters are commented out in #'simulated-annealing-example. The Lisp version takes about 26.5 seconds, the C version about 0.85 seconds.
- May 18, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Created #'sa-state-value, #'make-sa-states, #'make-new-sa-state, #'copy-sa-state and use them in the callbacks. Argument match between #'simulated-annealing and #'simulated-annealing-int. Trivial example ported but fails in assigning parameter values when run.
- May 17, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Remove old definitions in simulated annealing, define #'simulated-annealing and supporting functions including the defmfun #'simulated-annealing-int. Callbacks and specials are defined. Mostly compiled, still some fixes needed before testing.
- May 12, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Some 64 bit vector and matrix tests were not conditionalized; add the #+int64 conditionals.
- May 08, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Print random number generator instances with type. Don't assume that :slug is in the argument list of a defmcallback; make declare ignore form only if it's there. Update docstring for +taus2+. Continued development of the simulated annealing renovation.
- May 06, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Methods for symmetric-rank-2-update complex types added in blas3.
- May 04, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Simulated annealing uses a structure called by value; this has been ported to FSBV. Callbacks still need to be ported.
- May 03, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Additional definition of functions of complex numbers and/or returning complex numbers. Most of these duplicate functions that Lisp has already, so everything is defined with a "cx-" prefix. No effort has been made to unify the interface; this requires some thought. A fix has been made to body-expand; previously, it would not properly compile a function that returned a structure by value but didn't have structures by value as arguments.
Liam Healy authored
Merge branch 'fsbv' that had integration of FSBV system into GSLL, which permits the portable calling of functions that call functions that pass or return structures by value.
Liam Healy authored
More accurate description of how to use FSBV; better organization of the download/install section.
Liam Healy authored
For FSBV calls, define fsbv:defcfun in the defmfun expansion, then in the fsbv:foreign-funcall, refer to the symbol function name rather than string function name. This tells FSBV to use the prepared closure associated with that function by the fsbv:defcfun, meaning that the definitions in that lexical environment are reused. Fix conditionalization for #'conjugate-rank-1-update in blas2.lisp. Test results: SBCL 64 #+fsbv TOTAL: 1522 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64 #+fsbv TOTAL: 1522 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. SBCL 64 #-fsbv TOTAL: 1502 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64 #-fsbv TOTAL: 1502 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors.