- Jan 25, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Change optional arguments to defmobject to keyword arguments, and add :gsl-version argument that will create the maker function to signal an error if the installed version of GSL is too old.
Liam Healy authored
It is possible to use lambda forms as well as function names in callback definers; this is demonstrated in the Monte Carlo example. Eliminated make-mfunction and folded its functionality into make-solver-functions. Added a section to the documentation to explain how function definitions work.
- Jan 24, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Macro defcbstruct and all the macros built on it now simply return the C struct needed by GSL functions instead of binding a special whose name is then passed to the GSL functions. Specials can still be used of course in the standard way like defparameter, but the results can also be bound locally with a let or passed in directly. The name of a callback passed to defmcallback and to defcbstruct in all the macros that expand both is now gensymmed (since it is used only long enough to put in a slot of the cbstruct) instead of taken to be the name of the CL function, in order to make clear the different objects. Unfortunately, there is appears to be a bug in CFFI using defcallback with an uninterned symbol in CCL, so I have put a workaround in. However, there is still another error even with this workaround. Thus test results are: SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1248 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1229 assertions passed, 2 failed, 6 execution errors.
Liam Healy authored
Moved gsl-mfunction, def-mfunction, and gsl-mfunction-fdf from roots-multi.lisp to generic.lisp because they are common to several files in the solve-minimize-fit module. Made arguments default instead of required in #'linear-mfit, linear-mfit-svd, weighted-linear-mfit, weighted-linear-mfit-svd. Most of these do not have examples, so untested. This required new functions #'default-covariance, #'default-lls-workspace. Renamed examples to #'linear-least-squares-univariate-example and #'linear-least-squares-multivariate-example, and changed to 'print-details. Revised definitions in nonlinear least squares to streamline data flow; there is no setup function or global pre-declaration of the number of parameters or observations required anymore. The example function now called nonlinear-least-squares-example will take the number of observations and the fitter method as optional arguments.
- Jan 23, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The minimization functions may now take and return scalars or marrays. The examples take optional arguments with the solver method and whether to print the steps. They are now part of the #'examples and test suite. Use maref instead of cl-array in #'roots-multi-example-no-derivative. Add optional solver method to roots one and roots multi, and add tests for all solvers.
- Jan 22, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Add series accleration test, which succeeds in SBCL and fails in CCL. Minor cleanup.
- Jan 21, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Defined mobjects 'ode-step and 'ode-evolution; "reset" is the reinitialize-instance method. Test 'ode works.
- Jan 20, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Coverted required args to optional args defmfun weighted-linear-mfit and replaced 'parameters with 'parameters-or-size. Added print-steps options for several more examples, and put the newline at the end of the format string. Added tests; CCL 64 bit now fails one of the linear least squares (returns zeros) and the nonlinear least squares (good to 6 or so significant figures). SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1231 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1234 assertions passed, 2 failed, 0 execution errors.
- Jan 19, 2009
Liam Healy authored
More usage of callbacks using or computing multiple quantities now do so on scalars because the macros in GSLL pull out the individual elements of foreign arrays, and accept multiple values and put them into the right foreign arrays. In roots-multi, #'multiroot-slot takes a mobject and extracts the mpointer before calling the foreign slot value. Several examples in solve-minimize-fit now have optional 'print-steps argument. These examples are now the basis for additional tests.
Liam Healy authored
New definition for defmcallback will now convert C array pointers passed to the function by GSL into individual scalar arguments of the CL function, and will take multiple value returns and assign as elements of the return C arrays. Applied to def-ode-functions and the van der Pol oscillator example. Redefined #'maref-function-picker as a macro from a function, eliminating the need for an eval-when form.
- Jan 16, 2009
Liam Healy authored
GSLL is no longer dependent on cl-utilities, so remove it. Generic function #'name needs to be loaded before the obsolete-gsl-version condition is defined, otherwise CLISP complains. Conditionalize away a couple more 64 bit tests that were overlooked.
Liam Healy authored
New directory "calculus" to hold numerical-differentiation, numerical-integeration, and monte-carlo. Converted some return array arguments in BLAS to optional arguments. Define a condition 'obsolete-gsl-version to use in #'complete-definition. Try to incorporate cygwin into init.lisp; needs testing by a cygwin user.
- Jan 15, 2009
Liam Healy authored
New directory "mathematical" has complex.lisp and mathematical.lisp; fix complex function log-modulus.
Liam Healy authored
By sending the two parts of a complex as separate doubles (complex double-float), or packing the two parts into a one double-float argument (complex single-float), it is possible to pass complex numbers in GSL function calls. This is very likely to be non-portable, so a test is conducted and the results in *pass-complex-scalar-as-two-reals* determine whether defmfun does this translation or just creates a function that signals an error. The complex tests have been modified so that no longer expect an error: SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors. This also works in 32 bit SBCL.
- Jan 13, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Removed declaration of 'indexed-functions as ignorable in #'with-defmfun-key-args, which now lets SBCL compile with no warnings of any kind. Superficial attempt at modernizing simulated-annealing so that it compiles, but it still fails.
- Jan 12, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Combination #'copy-to-destination had permutation instead of combination. Only :compile-toplevel in eval-when for maref-function-picker to prevent warning messages. Non-symmetric eigenvalues-eiegenvectors-nonsymm now return both eigenvalues and eigenvectors; this function evidently doesn't support set-parameters-nonsymmetric so that has been removed.
Liam Healy authored
Redefine #'copy so that it has one required argument (source) and one optional argument (destination). For marrays, create a destination using make-marray, if one was not given, and then use the memcpy functions to fill the values. For all other mobjects, copy will copy objects by calling one of two generic functions, #'copy-to-destination and #'copy-making-destination, depending on whether a destination was supplied. The former is defined if a GSL _memcpy function exists. The latter will look for a GSL _clone function, then make a CL instance with the pointer returned as mpointer. If there is no clone function, it will attempt to make a new object using make-load-form, so will fail if that method has not been defined. Added a check to defmfun that signals an error if a variable is used in the C arguments other than top-level that is not used in the CL arglist. This should not happen and is usually an indication of a typo.
- Jan 11, 2009
Liam Healy authored
For permutations and combinations, rename #'validp from #'data-valid and return :success-failure rather than :boolean. In fact, it returns T or an error due to the design of the GSL functions; not clear if this is wanted on the GSL designers' part. Passes SBCL 64 test.
Liam Healy authored
Added some functions introduced in GSL 1.9 to solve eigenvectors and eigenvalues for non-symmetric matrices. These are untested as yet. Changed array output for special functions to be optional arguments which can take a size (integer) and create a marray of the right size.
Liam Healy authored
Add &aux to defmfuns to that e.g. array arguments can optionally take a size and make an array (bessel.lisp). Remove several unused definitions in foreign-friendly held over from ffa. SBCL 64: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL 64: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors.
- Jan 09, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Improved overview documentation index.html with hyperlinks to the text files and a better description of the status of GSLL.
Liam Healy authored
When used as the default optional/key argument values for arrays, the value symbol 'element-type is replaced with the actual element type for the method. This replaces the :make-marray form. When used as the default optional/key argument values for arrays, the form (eltcase element-type form element-type form ...) will be replaced by the appropriate form. This replaces the direct appending of the (element-type form element-type form) list. SBCL same tests pass.
- Jan 08, 2009
Liam Healy authored
LU-decomposition now returns signum as a second value. Remove unused *sizet-type*. Update index.html with clbuild installation procedure provided by Glen Henshaw and how to run the tests.
Liam Healy authored
Split out defmfun into three files because it was getting unwieldy. Small rearrangement of documentation with an update to adsf instructions. 64 bit tests results as before.
- Jan 07, 2009
Liam Healy authored
The option :gsl-version will allow specification of when the function was introduced into GSL. If the current version preceeds that version, the defmfun compiles into an error signal. The :before option allows the placement of code to execute prior to calling the foreign function.
- Jan 06, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Optional arguments may be specified easily as functions creating GSL objects, keying off the element type of the required arguments. For example, the arglist ((matrix matrix) i &optional (vector :make-marray vector (dim0 matrix))) means that if vector is not specified, it will make a vector whose element type is the same as matrix, and whose length is the number of rows of matrix. This is used to proved default arguments for a number of functions, including the workspace argument for eigenspaces. Some arguments that were required before are now optional and therefore placed after the required arguments. Renamed to matrix-transpose from matrix-transpose-copy, and the the in-place transpose renamed to matrix-transpose* from matrix-transpose. Tests on 64 bit: SBCL: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors.
- Jan 05, 2009
Liam Healy authored
By default, create the appropriate output vectors and matrices, as well as the workspace, for the eigenvalue and eigenvector functions.
- Jan 04, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Changed conditionals from #+sbcl to #+(and native sbcl) to allow for the easy recompilation under SBCL as non-native by commenting out the pushnew in init.lisp.
Liam Healy authored
GSL functions that operate from one corresponding array elements and then overwrite the first array, as well as those that operate on each element of an array with a scalar, are now named starting with "elt", as in "elt+"; formerely they started with "m". This is to reinforce the idea that they are not generally a mathematical solution to algebraic problems, just elementwise operations. The scalar operations (addition, multiplication) are methods of elt+ and elt* as well. Test results 64 bit: SBCL: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors.
Liam Healy authored
Eliminated the functions #'m+c, #'m*c, turning them into methods of #'m+ and #'m*, with the scalar permitted to appear either first or second. New functions #'e*, #'e/ renamed from #'m*, #'m/ to emphasize it is elementwise multiplication and division, leaving room for a matrix multiplication function #'m* at some point in the future. It is now possible to defmfun :definition :methods with 'both as the specified category. Test results 64 bit: SBCL: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. CCL: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors.
- Jan 03, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Introduced in generic.lisp the generic functions iterate, solution, function-value, last-step. These replace regular functions with solver-specific names.
Liam Healy authored
Instead of relying on repeated and varying checks using llkp, the new function #'optional-args-to-switch-gsl-functions provides a uniform test for determining when presence/absence of optional arguments in the defmfun form require a switch between different GSL functions. All the same test results in 64-bit CCL and SBCL.
- Jan 02, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Rewrote the documentation to reflect the current state of the software, as a single HTML file index.html, and used a new css style cribbed from iterate. There are two text files added: status.text that is a summary of test pass/fail on various implementations and platforms, and missing-features.text that documents features of GSL that aren't included.
- Jan 01, 2009
Liam Healy authored
Both CLISP and SBCL fail when making arrays of 64 bit integers, despite cffi-features:no-long-long being absent for either. Therefore, conditionalize away these types in *array-element-types* on 32 bit platforms in general, and conditionalize away all the 64 bit tests as well. Separated out integer size check into types.lisp. Restored tests vector-min and vector-max which fail in SBCL for (signed-integer 8) and (signed-integer 16) for unknown reasons. Test results: 64 bit SBCL: TOTAL: 1223 assertions passed, 5 failed, 0 execution errors. 64 bit CCL: TOTAL: 1228 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors. 32 bit SBCL: TOTAL: 1069 assertions passed, 31 failed, 0 execution errors. 32 bit CLISP: TOTAL: 1051 assertions passed, 27 failed, 5 execution errors.
- Dec 31, 2008
Liam Healy authored
After exiting the foreign call, defmfun now inserts a form to set C-invalid to nil for outputs, as well as CL-invalid to T. Conditionalize the definition of native-pointer to native, because it's only used on native implementations and its definition in CCL was causing a spurious warning. Removed defmfun expansion examples because there are plenty of examples available now. From scratch, gsll and gsll-tests compiles and runs cleanly on CCL with no warnings or errors, and all 1208 tests pass.
Liam Healy authored
The function #'polynomial-solve is now directly defined with defmfun with a single required argument and two optional arguments: the answer vector-complex-double-float and the workspace, both of which default to the right thing. The returned is now the this marray instead of a list. Simplify the definition of #'invert-matrix and return the matrix-double-float instead of the CL array. All tests pass SBCL and CCL with trace.
Liam Healy authored
More :inputs and :outputs specified. CCL now passes all 1208 tests if certain functions are traced (bug in CCL?) (trace polynomial-eval-divided-difference swap-elements permutation-reverse lu-invert permutation-next)
- Dec 30, 2008
Liam Healy authored
The duplicate example functions for solving and minimizing are defined with defun now instead of setf fdefinition in the hopes of minimizing warnings and messages from some compilers. Eliminated obsolete comments.
Liam Healy authored
Several functions had incorrect :inputs and/or :outputs, which caused them to fail on non-native implementations. BLAS2 and BLAS3 tests did not properly initialize all arrays. Now 1187 tests pass in CCL.
- Dec 29, 2008
Liam Healy authored
Testing with Clozure reveals more details on the stack overflow problem than what CLISP reveals. This is fixed by using #'slot-value instead of #'cl-array in #'copy-c-to-cl and #'copy-cl-to-c. Non-complex arrays were not handled correctly in #'copy-array-from-pointer; fixed. There is a dependency of permutation and combination on the definition of #'data-class-name through defmfun. Test results: CCL: TOTAL: 1143 assertions passed, 52 failed, 3 execution errors. CLISP: TOTAL: 996 assertions passed, 149 failed, 11 execution errors. SBCL: TOTAL: 1208 assertions passed, 0 failed, 0 execution errors. (But only the second time it's run in SLIME.) Variable *print-contents* to disable printing of marray contents in print-object; this is helpful for debugging.