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Cleanup for error test cases in CLHS

Marius Gerbershagen requested to merge format-justify-errors into master

This moves all the tests for the following specification from CLHS

To a considerable extent, the basic form of the directive ~<...~> is incompatible with the dynamic control of the arrangement of output by ~W, ~_, ~<...~:>, ~I, and ~:T. As a result, an error is signaled if any of these directives is nested within ~<...~>. Beyond this, an error is also signaled if the ~<...~:;...~> form of ~<...~> is used in the same format string with ~W, ~_, ~<...~:>, ~I, or ~:T.

to the same place and adds more tests to verify that ~T and ~@T work correctly with ~<...~> as well as ~<...~:;...~>.

Merge request reports